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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Volume Number: LXVII    Issue Number: 3453
No Pages: 4
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser

Date of Article: 09/10/1818
Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number: LXVII    Issue Number: 3453
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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AND MIDLAND COUNTIES wm, GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOL. LXVII. Printed and Published by John Price, Market- place, Leicester. No. 34# gs ¥ 111 DAY, OCTOBER 9, 1818. f Circulated through the principal Towns ami populous Villages in the Counties of Leicester, Rutland, ) Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, Win- wick, Northampton, Cambridge, and York: j i STAJSP L) ctv..,. M. } PRICE SEVEN PP. Nfcg- aa PAPOI & PRINT.. 3d. \ EIGAT siill. l. lsos per Qve'rtKr Sunday ami Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, MONDA Y, Oct. 5, THE KING. On Saturday, at 12 o'clock, the Queen's Council assembled at Windsor, agreeable to the directions of tlie Kegency Act. The Council was attended by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the. Earl of Winchelsea, the Earl of Alacclesfi Id, and Lord Arden.— Their Lordships received the quarterly re- port respecting the King, which wajs exhi- bited at St. James's Palace, aud is- as fol- lows :— " Windsor Castle, October 3. '* His Majesty continues iu a very tranquil state of mind, and iu good bodily health, but - without any diminution of his disorder." PROROGATION OE PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OP LORDS, FRIDAY , OCT. 2. Soon after three o'clock, Earl Bathurst and Lord Si-. iniouth entered the House. Tlie Commons being summoned, they were re- presented by the Reading Clerk and some other Officers of the House. Earl [ Jathurst th n observed, that it was the wish of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to have tlie. meeting of Parliament further prorogued; he therefore moved, that tke- yuit to that effect should be read. The writ being read, stated, tha t the meet- ing of Parliament was prorogued. until the 12th of November. Their Lordships thou withdrew. The Pai in papers of- Thursday last have been- recciv eiL The Moniteur contains a Royal Ordinance appointi: g tiie President and Vice- Presidents, oi' iue Electoral College ofthe: Department, ot I he Seine ( Paris!, which is to meet in its respective sections, ( as on the former occasion,), on ttue 26th instant, foi the purpose of ptocee iug to t. ae election oi Deputies. The King had not quitted t e Palace, but he is still stated to be perfectly recovered. His Majesty held a Council ot Ministers on Wednesday, which sat from 1 o'clock till half payt 4. * There are some furt er accounts from Ma- drid ill these Journals, respecting the recent sudden ch:; nge in the Ministry; but not dif- fering in substance from those already be- fore tfiq public. One of them has a rumour that ( iaray, fearing the termination of the intrigue set on foot for the dismissal of tlie War Minister and another would be unfa- • Vou/ » ble< to himself, tendered his resigna- tion a fortnight previous to the cay of dismissal-, ft appears, however, from all U( Madrid articles in f : ese Journals, that the three Ministers di smissed were at last com- pletely taken by surprise they - had been transacting business with the King as usual, on the 14th ult. without the slightest indica- tion, of any diminution of royal favour, and in. the night they were taken out of their beds, and sent off in diff- rent directions. I t is as- serted in some of the articles, that Ferdinand has expressed 1MS determination not in the slightest degree to alter the financial system established hy Garav. The accounts from Constantinople present a dismal'picture of the excesses and disojdei s to which that capital was a prey. The peo- ple were in continual agitation. Another tire, the offspring of these discontents, broke out on the 13t. h August, by which many hun- dred houses, several mosques, and Christian churches ivo; e destroyed. Posting bills had been discovered, demanding the dismissal of the Grand Vizier and ofthe prim i pal Minis- ters. The Government, however, had de- termined to make no change, and it had is- sued a firman, exhorting the people to remain tranquil. A Russian ship of the line and 3 frigates anchored in Copenhagen Roads oil the 17 th ultimo. - The Emperor of Rut, da arrived at Frank tort on the eveuing of tie: 23th ult. aud took up his abode at the residence of the King and Queen of Wurtemberg. The Emperor of Austria, after stay ing two days at Mayence, embarked on the 25th tilt, in the Duke of Nassau's yatchtoii the Rhine, intending, after paying some visits, to pro- ceed to Joiir. nuisberg,— and afterwards to Bonne.—- His Imperial Majosty was to heat Ai\- la- Ch:> p. elle on the 28tii. The 11 a i. burgh mail which arrived lai night, states the arrival of the- two Emperors at- Aix- la- Cbapelle. Ambassador is going to London, to strength- en the bands of friendship with Great Bri- tain, aud probably to secure the neutrality of England, when the corsairs renew their piracies, as it may be expected they soon will, not being used to remain long quiet ih port. Mean time, not to be idle, the Alge- l ioes are endeavouring to overthrow the Go- vernment of Tunis, by supporting a Preten- der to the Throne. The Norwegian storthing was closed on the 16t| i ult. Of the Norwegian peasants who are dissatisfied with the storthing, - and intended to request the king to assuiile the same unlimited power which the Danish Kings exercised, about 200 w ere arrested by th « troops, without resistance, they being unarmed. It is supposed they will be all released, excejjit about ten, who will remain in prison; the rest will be sent to their homes, and be put under the surceillance of the Magistrates and Clergy. Utrecht, Oct. 1,—- The troops in the camps of Zeist, amoulitkg to 22,000 men, were re- viewed by his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange. The review lasted front seven o'clock in the morning to four p. m. A Letter from Spa says, 4i when Lord Castlereagh arrived, the English who are here paid him a similar attention as they would do the Minister of a. Foreign Court they were visiting. The most of them, whe- ther acquainted with his Lordship or not, called and leit their cards at his apartment. Preparing litmselffor business by recreation, his Lordship laid aside the politician, and entere.' l with relish into ail the amusements of the place, lie was in every brilliant cir- cle; he attended every ball, and generally remained to the last. The plav here this season has not been very deep; the greatest winner among the English is a young No- bleman, who has carried off about £ 1,400 sterling." Th latest accounts from Iadia state, that the Marquis of Hustings has appointed Mr. ierald Wellesley to be British Resident at the ourtof ilolkar. The Car ran of 111 guns, Captain Furneaux, s s, iled for the East India station, taking out Major- General Darling, Governor of tlie Mauritius, and 100,000 dollars for Calcutta, on account, of the East India Company.-— The three Russian frigates for Cadiz sailed at the same time. German Papers to the 23d ult. have been received ; but they contain nothing new.— They are chiefly occupied with'a long detail ofthe proceedings during, and after the late dreadfit! fire and insurrection at Constanti- nople, as mentioned briefly in th © French pap rs. It- seems, the Snitfin came in per. son, and animated the people to the utmost exertion in extinguishing the fire; and a day or two after he again shewed himself in pub- lic,, at a splendid eiiterttimucnt given by one of hi- Oilteers of state. Mails from Holland and Hamburgh have been received, of which the following ar, e extracts :— Hamburg!-, Sept. 29.— Letters from Al gins of iiio 10th of August, state, that our BOXING. V battle, which excited much interest in town and country, was fought on Tuesday se'hulght, on the Downs uear Marshfield, between Cnh- bige, of Bristol, and Abraham Newton, the Scroggins and Randal of the provincial hoxc/ s, for 100 guineas a side ; the former being backed by an Amateur Clergyman, and the latter by subscription. The combat took place in a 24 feet ring, and the spectators may be fairly com- puted at 30,000. so much waa the anxiety on the occasion. Cabbage had conquered all before im, and he is considered a better man of his weight than any tile London ring can produce. Newton had beat Ford, Bristol Hall, and others of note, and he too was considered a nonpareil, but he had trained off the last- two or threejeais by serving- too much at bis bar. Cribband Young Pearce, brother of the Game Chicken, seconded ilibnge; ami Bob Watson and another se oorided Newton. Betting even. Round 1— A smart rally, decidedly hi favor of Cabbage, v. ho went up to his adversary's < « r- nip, and never left it till lie floored him. 2— Newton placeiba hit upon the side of Cab- bilge's head, but it was returned with both hands, and some manly fighting took place Cabbage, however, would trot be denied, and he so exciiequered Newton's head, that bis features were levelled. 3— Newton shewed weakness, and went down with a light hit; be had also theworst of the 4th Sth, and Oth rounds, 7— A smart rally was commenced by New ton, and some sharp hitting took place, but the strength and determined manner of Cabbage's lunges were apparent iu every round, and be received a heavy fall. 8— This round reduced winning to a cer- tainty on die part of Cabbage, who hit his man senseless, and he let him go down, seemingly afraid to repeat his stunning blows. In the Oth round . Newton'fell from weakness, and he w * a beat; hut he stood up four other rounds without a chance, as ihe claret f. om his head bad deluged the ring, aud be was taken olf the ground. Cabbage won without a butt, and a correspondent describes liiin as better than any of the London ring, of weight and inches. " Like a Chicken be keeps bis hands well before him, am! floors alike with both hands. He is a steady fighter and a temperate man. Cviius DAVIS and MARTIN, the baker, are matched to light for 100 guineas, in the same ring as Eales aud Isle of Wight Hall, ou the 29th iOf October. Challenge toSeroggips— The amateurs of Bris- tol, it seetns, have, scut a challenge almost ex- press to Seroggius, to fight the successful Cab- bage, who conquered New ton so quickly on Kyn- ton Down, on Tuesday sennight. A subscrip- tion purseof £ A0 isolieicd to be raised, if Scrog- gins will light Cabbage at Bristol ; the winner to have all iiie money. CuUiage is- designated as the siedg: haittmee boxer! BANKRUPTS. FROM SATURDAY'S GAZETTE. T llarfells, Aldergate street, . wine merchant Davie Graves Davie and S A Snowdeu, Plymouth Dock, drapers Charles Raven and Daniel ChMtlKvorth, Norwich, wine merchants M Glass, late of I'otterne, Wiltshire, victualler J ltebbeck, Bradford, Wilts, clothier DIVIDENDS. From Tuesday's Gazette, September 20. AT 01' ii. bflALl: October St, R Pellowe and T Top, Falmouth, mercers S Moradd, Dean street, Pins- bury swpiare, merchant 17, A LPfeil and K A Van Voorst, Bishopsgate street, merchants — 31. J Nelson. East India Chambers, mer- chant - 24, N Scholefield and T W Kershaw, Greenwich, haberdashers 30, E Kelly, T'ad- ditigfon, builder- 30, W Boiling aud J Sell- wood, High Holborn, linen drapCis IN Til F. COUNTRY. October 27, W Elliott, Westgate, near New- castle upon Tyne, nurseryman, at the George Inn, Newcastle 29, J Eccles; Phnkridge, grocer, at Hie George Inn, Stafford—-— 30, S M Solomon, Birmingham, pencil maker, at the Wool pack Inn. Birmingham 21, R Brough- all, Shrewsbury, grocer, at the Talbot,, Shrews- bury 21.. I Davies, Shrewsbury, flax spin- ner, nt the Talbot Inn, Shrewsbury 22, W Love, Huddersfield, shopkeeper, at the Wel- lington, Huddersfield 2ft, J Trevor and Jas Richards. Whitchurch, Staffordshire, bankers, at the Lord Hill, Whitchurch 20, It Adam. East Ilsley, brewer, at the King's Arms Inn, Thntcham— 20, J Bush. Thatchani, innkeep- er, at the King's Head Inn, Tliaichanv—— 20, R Aitnam, jnnr. Leckha. mpstead, farmer, at the King's Head Ian, Tbateliam 20, W Adnata, Harwell, Berks, farmer, at the King's Head Inn, Thatcham 24, J Hobson, Manchester, brazier, at the White Bear Inn, Manchester — 24. L Pitts, Thorpe Abbotts, merchant, at the While Hart Inn, Scolc—— 24, W Roden, Birmingham, currier, at the White Horse Inn, Friday street, Birmingham 27, J nirtl R Bradshaw , Lancaster, tallow chandlers, at the King's Arms, Lancaster From Saturday's Gazette, October 3. AT GU1I. DI1ALI.. October 24, AV Grisenthwaite, Lynn, drug- gist 30, J and II Herbert, Tokenhouse yard, brokers—— 24, W and T Binglcy, Tavistock st. linen drapers November 3, P Bcrthon, G Koster, and T Harrison, Cross street, Finsbury square, mer- chants- 7, J Younger, Crescent, Minories, merchant — 7, S Wilkes. FHasbury- square, merchant 7, W J Monkhouse, Liverpool, iron merchant'—— 7, G Lyne and A Donaldson, Cecil street, tailors IN THF, coimTltY. October 24, J Fearn, Sculcoates, merclinnt> at the George Inn, Hull—— 24, .1 Jackson, Mid- dleton, Norfolk, merchant, at tile Guildhall, Lynn 27. E Thompson, Ferry hill, farmer, at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Durham 27, J Mont- ford, Worcester, linen draper, at the Star and Garter I'un, Foregotestreet, Worcester- 27, C Corthorn, March, chymistr at tlie Griflin Inn, March 28, T Eld, Haughfon, tanner, at the George Inn, Stafford-—•— 26, C l. unii. Tam- wortli, butcher, at ( be Woolpack Inn, Moor st. Birmingham 30, J H Wilson, Manchester, silk manufactnier, nt the Warren Bulkeley Arms Inn, Stockport - 26, S Richards, Liver- pool, merchant, at the George Inn, Dale street, Liverpool Nov. 27,, I Haycock, Wells, merchant, at the Angel Inn, Norwich mm m -/- Q GAME. 1 Vt. i. M^. ! UALIFIED Persons are rcqnesteil not ! NOTICE IS HF. ITEBY OIVF. N, S^ H AT the partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned THOM AS SI IN- SON and JOHN SI'INSON, of Whitwick, in the county of Leicester, as ' fallow Cliainllers and Soap Be iters, was this day dissolved by mutual consent'. As wit- ness our hands this fifth day of October, 1818. Thomas Stinsou. John Stiuson. tt'Unem— WM. PAR AMORE. to Sport upon the manor of Aylestone; and all unqualified Persons found trespassing, will be proceeded against according to lafv. Aylestone; 28th Sept. 1818. Mont desirable Freehold Property. To be Sold by Auction; By Mr. flOLI. lER, On, Wednesday the Mtli day af October, ISIS, at the Ram Inn, in Hinckley, in the county of Lei- cester, at seven o'clock, ALL those valuable freehold premises situ- ate in the Castle street, in Hinckley afore- said, in ( lie occupation of Mrs. Mewis, the proprie- tor, and Mr. Fryer. The house consists of a hall at the entraneo, two good parlours, house plrffie sihd kitchen, with excel- lent warehouses and. Out buildings, six good cham- bers and ft diutaK room, exclusive of attics, excel- lent cellaring, private yard, garden, & c. The above premises arc situated near the market, in tile best centrical situation in the tbwn of I linek- levA such another de'sirablfc property cannot he of- fered to the public, the rooms lofty,& ib every respect replete either for trade or a genteel residence, the whole of the: premises arc private and in excellent repair throughout, and containing in the whole nearly COO square yard' of ground Possession may be had either immediately or at Lady day next; any part of the purchase money may remain secured on Ihe premises. To view the same and further particulars apply to Mrs. MEWIS, or the Auctioneer; TO RE SOLD BY ACCTlblc Bp Mr. HOLLIER, On Friday the idlh day of October inst. at the George Inn, In Hinckley, in the county of Lei- cester, precisely at six o'clock in the even- ing; unless previously disposed of by Pri- vate contract, of which due notice will be given, in the follow ing or such other lot or lots as may be agreed on at the tihie of sale, subject to such conditions of sale as will he then and there produced, LOT 1, ALL that substantial piece of building, si- tuate in the cenlre ot the town of Hinck- ley, and opposite the Post. Oflice there, hereto- fore used as a Theatre, and lately occupied by Mr J'ob Smitll, CphaHorer, and lying behind a mes- suage late in his tenure or occupation, containing in length forty five; feet, Of thereabouts, and in breadth seventeen feet, or thereabouts, niOre or less. The above is an excellent situation for a Wool- stapler, or any other business requiring room, is in good repair, and capable Of being con- verted into two Swelling houses at a small ex- pence. LOT 2 All that other piece of building, nearly adjoining Lot I. and now ami for several years past used as a candle house, Willi the. stable, pigsties; and apptir- tenaices adjoining thereto, heretofore jn the occu- pation of Mr. John Nutt, Tallow Chandler, but no w of Mr. Timothy Payne, at the annnanl rent of £. 10. LOT 3. All that newly erected and substantial piece of Bt li. iilXO, situate nearly opposite Lot 1, lately occupied as a warehouse by Mr. John Thompson, hosier, and since then by the Redworth Mill Con - pan-, , as a w orsted warehouse, at the yearly Rent ot'tis. For a view of ti c respective lots, and to treat for the Same, and for further information apply to Air. JAAIKS SODEH, Solicitor, Hinckley, who has several sums of money now ready til advance upon approved Freehold Laud Securities. Hinckley, Sept. 30, 1818. N LEICESTERSHIRE Fee i arm Rents. TOTICE is hereby given, That an Audit will beheld at the Three Crowns, in Lei- cester, on Wednesday ue. st, the fourteenth day of October instant, for the receipt of Pee Farm and other Rents, due at Michaelmas 18tS, and payable to Charles Scott Murray, Esquire, tiie heirs of Arthur Barnardiston-, Esiprire, and others At which lone and place a i persons concerned, are requested lo pay the rents from them respectively due, or at my house No t>, Gough Square, near Meet ' Street, Lon- don, any Wednesday or Friday in Michaelmas Term following; which will prevent further trouble. JOSEPH PELL, Receiver. GonghSquare, London, 3d October, 1818. N. B. The rents in the collection of Mr. REEVES. will be received at Leicester, on the above day. ~ T HE Al> SOLE TOR IUM RAZOR STROP. PELICAN OFFICE, For Insurance of Lives and granting Amhitfo TIJTS OFFICE Was established inLoMluttli STREET, LONDON, in the year 1797, by a tiimii roes and irspri- t^ hir Proprietary : aNtf the Board o) liirectors. vviih confidence arising tron » the im r « ' a « ed proSp& i iiy and {• eim.- inrr. cypftlir es- tablishment, a- we'l ai from the i . perieilee ofi'H iisefiilnos" and In ni- ht to the public, ihink it due to those, who may lie slill unacquainted with the im » porrance and advantages OI'LIFE IXSLIRAJCCFC, briei- 1> lo " Iiggcsi some of its leading and prei. tli'arreeoib- rm- odat. ions to almost o ery'ih gl- ee afld ruSfc in » ' o- fifty. LiTf Insniiinee is ofmaniie i consequence iij all wiio hold e. fairs for life; si- Miatiotis ami offim-, civil, efole- ifistrcal, or professional; to officers in t he. army ahd navv,& c. as In payment of the annu- al premium the pai tv itisiocil is enabled to provide fur wife, children, or othei. s, w hose fntiirr w elfare lie may Wish ill vam, by oilier means, th promote. It affords a permanent nitimtite security to those who advance money ii| » ori anmniiw or otherwijp. It rc ndersleases, determinable on one or more lives, m arly equal ih value tH'freehold estates, as an ift- sinam e lo ihe Amount of the fine, payable on IIHI tlemii" of a party nominated in snrb, leases, win pio nee l lie sum required for a renewal. Itisat iictritig I'efiige. to parties engaged in exunsiveaiui, spccnlative nailritakings : it affords to persons in trade the certain means of indemnification against bad or donlulnl debt : in short, life insurance.! rahlished in policy, sanefioiicd by Guvernmi'OC and confirmed by the test of experience, is become, in almost every situation of lilimah lile, a measure equally important, useful, and beneficial. Annuities aie grained nndrr llicmost cqniialile temis, oTi^ ef a special Act of Pailianu nt, graut^ il to this offii e. THOMAS PARKE, See. PELICANS COMPANY'S AGEfcfs AT Leicester— ii. B, Hodges. Lunghborough— C I acey, Nottingham— John I'avktr. Newarlc— j. Stan< all> Wtmoick— M r. Tedmas; Birmingham— J. Farror, Northampton— George Osborn. GLOBE INSURANCE, * PA 1.1. M A r. I., AND CORN HILL. Fire, ljfe, cnd Annuities. \ LL persons whose Insurances with this Com- pany become due at Michaelmas next, are requested to take notice, that receipts for the re- newal thereof are now reach for delivery at the Company's Offices, No. 80, Pall Mall, and No. j, Corsliill; anil in the hands of tlieir respective agents in tin- country.— Insurances due at filichatl- mat, must lie paid on or before the 14th day of October, when ti e fifteen days allowed for tfi/ j renewal thereof will expire. By order of the board, JOHN CH ARIER DENH A. M, Secreta^ j. Condor., 24th September, 1818. LEICESTER. Leicester— f. lr. Wm. ParsorS Loughborough Mr. M m. Palmer NoRTHAMPThf . Nothompton— Mr. Henrv Harday Uarentrp— Mr. B. W. Palmer Wellingborough— Mr. J. B. Tuck Tme center— illr. D. D. Eavics Improvement in Medii ins. A Newgate street baiter advertising bis stock tells bis customers lie has among his selection of shapes, the following—" The Bang- up, the Petersham, the Tilbury, the Noble Lord, the Marquis, the Wellington, the Rent, the Joliffe, the Regent, the Tdly- ho, the Shallow, and the Dandy \" INVENTED and manufactured by PALMER, Melton Mowbray, now used by the Prince Regent, and patronized and sanctioned by His Grace the Duke of Wellington, and the Noblemen and Gen- tlemen of the Melton Mowbray Hunt, and other dis- tinguished characters. ' 11. is Strop is ( as itsnameimpl es) a perfect reme- dy for < 1 nil razors ; by the irse of which razors and other delicate tools may be kept in the finest possible order, without the use of any hone. The strop may be kept in a perfect state by the occasional rise of his in- comparable Renovating Composition, which maybe had with the strops, at the Manufactory, Melton Mow! rav ; Messrs. Corf, Cort, and BarstOn, Derby- shire, and Whitniore,! . cicester ; Grant, Coventry ; Barnett, cutler, Warwick ; and at most of the. prin- cipal 1 ' erfniiiers in town and country. J. P. Begs leave, to retai n thanks to the very nu- merous friends who have used and recommended his strop, and informs them he is lately returned from London ( where he finds his strops are in great esti- mation) with a new and fashionable assortment of Perfumery. N. B. Ladies Ornamental IJair of every colour and pattern. Freehold Estate— Leicestershire. TO BE SOLD HY AUCTION, ( IN ONE LOT) By Mr. UOUAER, On Tuesday the 10th day of November next, ( unless disposed of in the mean time by pri vote contract, of which due notice will be given,) at; the Bull's Head, in Hinckley, at three o clock in the afternoon, subject to con- ditions: Lf. those Two undivided Ninth Parts or Shares ( the. whole iiifo nine equal parts considered as divided) of and. iii ail those several Messuages or Tenements, Farms and Lands, situate al Pickering Grange, Stnpietoit, and Peckleton ' lie county of Leicester, containing together Five Hundred and Ninety Eight Acres, or there# be, tits, in the several occupations of George Thirlby, Thomas Pratt', Williani Dow ell, Joseph Richard, son, Sarah Toon, and Henry, Bit Uey ; subjcct to Land Tax and'Tithes The above Estate is situate in a fine country, with good roads, three miles distant from Market Bos worth and Hinckley, and' at easy distances from Other market towns. The Premises may be viewed by application to the Tenants ; and for further particulars, and an iu spectjon of maps of Ihe Estate, as also to treat for Ihe purchase of the same, apply to John Lyues, p'sq. ot Kirkby Mallory, Leicestershire; or to Messrs. Coupland, Dukes, and Salt, Attornies, Shrewsbury. Land and Turnips. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Bi) Mr. HICKLING, On Wednesday the 11th dayof October, 1818, at Mr. Francis- Gar- man's, the sign of the Plough, in Disc, worth, in the county bf Leicester, at o o'clock in . lie afternoon, subject to such conditions as w ill be then produced, r | " Ml REE Closes of good Freehold Land; in I excellent condition, lying in the lordship Ot Castle Donington, in the possession of Mr. Thomas Baker, of Disetvorth, with the crops of Turnips growing' thereon, in ilie following Lots, vis:— LOT 1. A A v A Close adjoining the Cocklhorn lajie, } containing more or less ) LOT 2- Two closes adjoining the Donington lane. " 1 ( or. e above the oilier,) containing > more or less ••••....) LOT 3. A CAPITAL CROP of Swedish Turnips, i on lot the first $ LOT 4. A GOOU Cxop of Swedish Turnips?, on i the first close of lot the 2d ( LOT 5. A CROP of Stubble Turnips, on the other $ part of lot the 2d £ N. II.— The Crops trill be sold first. Mr. BARER iti shew the Premises ; and further particulars may be bad of him, or of Mr. DALBY, At- torney., iu Castle Doniugtoa. 2 2 3 2 0 f| X) renovate the human frame w ben v. ortt X down with disease, and debilitated, re- quires a degree of medical science wliich is seldom met with. The late DC. SH- LV, who directed HIS studies exclusively to this subject, by his Re- auimdt* ing Solar Tincture, restored multitudes who were oil the verge of the grave to health and strength. Amidst innumerable cases, Mr. Thomas, No, C8, Cheapside, was cured of a consumption; and his mother- in law, Mrs Wills, who was, at the critical age of fifty, dreadfully afflicted, was also restored to health. This pleasant, safe, and efficacious Medicine is Prepared and sold by the Proprietor, J. R. Sar- FEt. r,, No. II, Holborn, opposite Grav's Inn Lane. Sold wholesale by Barclay and Sons, Fleet Marketf London. PriceCs. 7s. ( id and lis. Family bottles 2Ss ; bv which there is a saving of 7s; may be had at the journal Office, and of all respectable venders in the kingdom. N. 15. None are genuine hilt those signed " J. R. SAFKKi. r." on the outside wrapper. for preserving and beautifying the Teeth. rnHE Vegetable Tootli- Powdcr has so long S been the appendage of every toilet of rank and fashion that it is unnecessary to otter any fur- ther recommendation of it. Being composed of ve- getables. and without the assistance of any mineral o'r pernicious ingredient whatever, it is free from the usual objection against the nse of other dentifrices. Its detersive power is just sufficient to annihilate those destructive and corroding particles which ge- neral!', adhere to the gums and in the interstices of the teeth ; healing soreness in the former, aud pro- moting a new enamel of pearly whiteness, ( where, it has been iuji red or corroded) on the latter. It likewise imparts a firmness ai d beautiful redness to the glims ; to the breath the most delectable sweet ness; and if used constantly, as directed, will pre- serve the teeth in a sound state even to old age. Sold in In, Acs at 2s. 9d. by R. Butler and Sons, Chemists, No. 1, Cheapside, London ; and 34, Sack- v'llle- strect, Dublin ; and, for them, by the principal perfumers and booksellers throughout the united kingdom A7. B. Pnrchatirs are requested to obsirre tlmt the name and address of " Butler, 4, Cheapsiile," a re engraved in the stamp and labiluttached to each box of this esteemed Dentifrice, as IMITATIONS of it urevois sold under the same title of Vegetable Truth Powder. Dr. Wilson's Tincture for Gout and Rheumatism. npHE superior efficacy of Dr. Wilson's Tine- | tine to nil other remedies, in ihe cure of the Gout, the fihee. niatie Gout, and the Acute Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Fever, has been proved by the n. ost extensive expcricnee, during upwards of seven years. A single dOse of ibis rrmcdy will in a few hours relieve ihe most agonizing pain of gout or rheutmi tism, and a few rcpititions will effectually subdue tiie severest attacks ; whilst its composition,( which Dr. Wilson pledges himself was unknow n as a medi- cine till his discovery of it) is so innocent tliata child mav take it with safety. Sold wholesale, by Sutton and Co. 10, BQwCfitircB Yard, London; and retail at the Journal Office,. Moore, Svvinfeu and Co. Leicester ; Higgs, andHai-- rod, Harborengh ; Clark, Melton Mowbray ; Snodin, Oakham; Freeman, Uppingham ,- and by the most: respectable booksellers, druggists, and venders iff medicine throughout the united kingdom ; at t-?.- 1 • . per botfle, or five in one, at 20s. OlVkout niav al - o be had, Dr. WILSON's TREATISE on ( out ,; u-\ Rheumatism, thcircaUi. es, prevention,- a « jd curs , price 4s. K Leicester Johrnfil, and Midland Counties Genferd Advertiser. " T W? Giiesi. iay and Thursday ' s Posts L ONDON, WEDNESDA Y Oct. 7. * THE QOEEN'. ' 1. T5ic fojlowiag is the Bulletin of Wed- « 9K1H>' Ir—'. * . • ; , • > ™ Kew Palace, Oct. 7; ".• JfThe. Qiieen " has had. another good riigbt< and W\ Majesfy appears this morning to be refresh- ed bv'her sleep.. ''...'"• " FR- VNCIS MILMAN. v.. ,-. « ' HENRY HALFORD. • BANKRUPTS From Tuesday* Geadts. - Simpicl Scliales atiirt William Anderson Docker, Man- eiiBster, calico spinners JolmJaeksan, Ea « mawaJd, Yovktiu. re, merchant V.'. iuauv Burton, Hinckley. Leicestershire,, hosier WihniarlfaUet,- Spaffelds, cattle dealer Thomas Mai sons, Duke- street, St. James's, breeches maker , l) rca<! jtd Calamity hi) the Explmou of , ( iimjunct'tr. Extract from ihe Nottingham Journal. A calamity of the most " dreadful description oeetiifw'l ai the warehous e of the Jjouir. gham Canal Company. « , j Mod- day se'mnght, about three- o'clock1 in tUo afternoon, by the accrdeii- tal explosion of. a quantity - Of gunpowder. con- * taincd in ' twenty'one. J. atreis, each weighing about lOOlbs weijlit. The powder had been received thcit morning, by about from Gaitis- • burgh, and had. jtist been deposited in theware- house. previous t.> its bcifig forwarded by ano- therVbo& t to Cfomford, when she heedless con- duct of one man. in applying a hot cinder to some' looie powder, which had fallen Irotn one of the casks during ' the removal, caused ihe whole to blow uo. ' The report was so tremeu-. dou* us to be d'istiiintty. heard at Bingham, a distance of tea miles Castle Douington, Kisley, and Other places even still more distant. Every house hi the'town was shaken, as if by an earlh- ' oiiakc, aivrl the inhabitants were thrown ^ into 1tie- u « n » st. consternation- and dismay TheCom- jMiiiy.' s - varehouse, - a very spacious huildmg, v huiii at the time Contained- about 4,000 quar- ters of c, i; « n,.- besides cheese, groceries, paper. ho. was completely blown <!.:> wn, and in one in- stant. Converte » l into a heap of ruins, not one stoae ' hem » • left standing on another, b rag- TOeiils of tiie building were scattered in every direction, a:- id'slates, timber, bricks, & c. vteie carried iu to- tiie air, and thrown to an immense' distance. The explosion was followed by a cloud jiCsmoke, which completely darkened the: atmosphere ; and on its clearing away,, such a scene of devastation presented itselt os it is scarcely possible to describe, ' i'he. roofs of most of the hii^ dog- sja the immediate- neighbourhood appeared* tf> be torn oil', or rent asunder, and windows iiiiiiitiftrable sKattered and broken, or Wholly forced out vVifh the iyant. es, while the • vvrd and wharf we're strewed with tbe vviecks ofthe building, and of merchandize of various d'- scMjjifons, mixed in one promiscuous heap.— Dreadful, however, as was this calamity, yet the most lamentable pari of the story remains to lie told— no less than tea human beings lost their lives bv the effects of the explosion, vfz. eight men,< a lad, and a boy, ar. d several others are reported to be missing; Most of ihe bodies were bruisc- d and mangled in a must shocking man- ner; one man had 1iis" 1iV- ad" entirely blown off— others were found with their limbs' severed from ih- rr bodies'— others with, the tops of their skulls carried off, and otherwise- torn and dis- figured'— and the unfortunate author pi ihe mis* oVtief was' thrown a great distance into the mea- dows, where his remains were found rent asun- der aud " scattered in- several parts. Two were conveyed alive to the Iiifiiimvi'y, but one ofUiem died tbe same'evening. The ( It;*..! bodies were tfinovcd on boards to the Navigation Inn; to be owned.' '. One of tbe suti'c'rers( V\ m. Parker) was engaged in hailin a boat, on the opposite side ofVh'? canal, at the time the accident happened and bis' body was blown into the meadows. , Thomas' Baker, another of the sufferers, was ar. iadiiig by the shafiboise of Mr. Hootan's team kl the yard, when pari of the building fell upon him, which kilb- d him and one ofthe horses upon the spot, and crushed ihe waggon to pieces.— . The boy was son- to Mr. Howell; he was stand- ing lj « hing in the canal, at the time of the ex- plosion, o'niy a few yards from the, building.— Mr. Wilkes," the Agent to the Company, hap- pened to be out of town at the time, or he would p'- obably have shared the saute fate as tiie rest of the sufferers; and Mr. Fawbert, the principal book- keeper, had gone out about some business oaly a ' few minutes before ( Jic explosion took • pkicfsi We have heard of mailt instances of hair bieadlh. escapes, but We lind. it.. impossible tb particularise them, for want of room. No estimate Vail as yet be formed of the damage, but it is very extensive, and will we feai , amcuiit to tna. ny thousand pounds. The disaster will prove'extremely detrimental to many trading persons, as a considerable proportion of the goods destroyed belonged to persons who were expecting them l'or the fair, Amongst other property destroyed, was several bundled quar- ters of cot u, which had been received in the warehouse that day. In respect to the injury dene to the neighbouring buildings, we can only briefly state, that the greatest damage was done to the premises of Mr, Fothergill, Mr. Atherstone, Mr. Pyatt, MissfBamsdatl, & e.— The roofs, however, of most of the. warehouses On the canal a- e more or less injured. In Mr. Wilkes's house, besides the root bif- ig much in- jured, and every pane of glass broken, alhtost every article of furniture iu the house was bro- ken. Scarcely a house on that side the town escaped without having some of the windows broken. St. N ifholas'e church, the Castle, kc. and who* rows of dwellings near the Lccn side, Chesterfield street, fee,- had their windows de- molished. Great damage, has also, we under- stanJ, been done to many twist lace and other frames, by the violence of the shook. ' immediately after the accident, Ihe sohlieis ofhis Majesty's 3.3,1 regiment, - with several o8i- ccrs," proceeded to the spot, and bv their acti- vity ri'. id great exertions i;; the removal Of the • rubbish", & c. rendered very, great service. A person who was comit. gacross the meadows i4Vom- WiU'ord. saw ihevxp- tnsiun very tiistinclly. The waiv'- ioiisa of the Company seemed to be Cleaved up from the foundation, and'thrown down with aturmendous crash. The blast instama- • naously knocked him dow n to the groom!.. Itis mentioned as a circumstaneo somewhat . sonsarkable, that some fish, and in particular an t- c- l, were throw n out of the basirrof the canal by Che violence of ihe explosion. On Tuesday, an inquisition was taken at the ' Navigation ion, before Henry Enfield and Jo- nathau D. unn,. Gentlemen. Coroners, on view, ofthe bodies-- of the unfortunate sufferer*, then twirl there lyillg dead; via. Joseph Musson, Wil- liam. Norman,- John Seales.' iteiiyimin Wheatley, Kcirje Hayes, William Parker-, 1 bos iRiker, John Howell, ' William Stevenson, and Job; Barnes, when the following- particulars trans- i pi red :— f Richard AHeo'ck, - of Gonthorpe, boatman, | stated; that he w atfacquainted with thepersoifs of two of the men lying dead, arid knew theft to be Joseph Musson, of the Meadow Piatts, in the town Of Nottingham, bcatiuan, ( aniarried man, aged about32, having a wife, but no chil- dren,), and Benjamin Whcatlcy, of Stoke. 15ar- dolph, in the county of Nottingham, beatman. a single man, aged SS. Musson belonged to the boat of Mr Richry'd Barrows, lying in tbe basin under the crane < if the Canal Company's wharf, and at three o'clock on Monday afternoon, be- ing in a boat belonging ! o Mr. Simpson, ubout- tliiity- yardsdistant, he ( thed* pnnent^ « a. w$ ltrs- sou come into Uie boat v. here witness was, and in which were two other boatmen, named Win. Bisti and Joseph Champion. Musson said— •' You've got a fire in your boat, I want a coke.'' Champion spoke lo htm, but what " was said the informant does pat recollect, Musson w cut down into the boat, took a live Coke from oil' the ( iic, and carried it between two sticks otit ofthe boat, to the end of the Canal Company's warehouse ; the deponent then lo t sjght- of frim* and immediately after the w bole . building of tte. canal Cotiipaiiy's w archoiise was blown up, and the deponent and the other two men in bis. boat were knocked dovyn. lie ( life deponent) had not seen Musson since, until: Monday night* w hen he. observed him lying dead i the deceased, at the time he fetched the coke was. tvot at all,, in liquor, nor. did 1> « appear angry or disturbed by . pats'sion, but his maimer of behaviour Wtas as usual. Allcoek further staled, that he saw Benjamin W heatley upon the boat of Mr. Har- rows, urn'er the Company's wharf, nbotrt an - hour and a half "' before the explosion took place. Joseph Cliamptofi and VVtfiiam t « ! vh, both of Burton Joyce, boatmen, deposed" to the same effect as the preceding vvTtneVs.- Johii Pyaft. of Nottingham, coal dealer, said, that he had seen the bodies of the several men lying dead, mid lit- knew two of them. One was • fuliii Scutes, rrf the barracks. Broad I a tie Pad- dock, labourer, aged about 80 j tbe other - was William Nornian, of tbe samC place; labourer, aged about GO, a widower, lr'ut bad no family dependant ftpoi; him. They were both servants employed upon the Canal Company's wharf, at the lime the accident occurred, which - caused ilieir riestsnotion. The deponent saw theui both lying dead upon the « half, a few tciuutes' aftet the expii. sjo'. i. Hezekjab Riley, of- Burton Jfiycc. boatman, in the employ ( if the Nottingham Boaf " Compa- ny , was captain of the boat belonging to Mr. R. Barrows, which lay in tbe baain. under th'e ware- house of the Nottingham Canjil Company, on Monday afternoon, lie had brought the boat iii' the morning from Burton, having previously come with the same from Gains IK rough. The boat's cargo was entirety taken. in at Gainsbo- rough, on Thursday the the,, 24th cf . September, and consisted ot a quantity oi' flag stones, cotton wool, some melnsses, soap, and twenty one bar- rels of gunpowderf .< cigliiug about I0t'/ fe each ) lie had received ihe gunp>, wder. on board, in barrels', from Messrs.- Flower, of Gainsborough, to convey to Nottingham, fioin whence it w as to be forwarded to the persons to w hom it be- longed,' but whose names he did not know. It was to go into the aver covrjrti (. meaning Derby- shire.) That on Monday .. afternoon, . Mr. Bar rows ( the deponent's master) came to the'wharf w here the boat lay, w hen the deponent, asked liitn w bat they. were to'do w i'. h that povvder..— To whiehMr. B. replied, thai the. y'nlirvt put ii into the warehouse. The depoheiit thereupon, vv> ill I is throe men, Benjamin Wheattey and Joseph Musson ( twoof the men lying dead,) and Jrrstrph Pass, got the powderiuio thewarela- use. The barrels were ail carried into the warehouse Ivy deponent and bis rn- en, and were placed on the light hand of the ground floor, five yards, of thereabouts, from tire door; they were laid1 eh, se. to one another, over end, and one on- the- top of another,. twofcp. The distance from the bar- rels to the boat might Le about ten yards. The end of-- « • i f the barrels was out, End bad been matted n; - All the ban els wer e malted round ; but the wnod ecddf one of ihoin had broken, and let oufihe powder, as the deponent was carrying the barrel from the boat into the ware- house. The dowels, or peg fastenings, which bound the pieces of- the end together, had brok- en, and so loosened the end, and let Cut tbe gunpowder. Tic ( the deponent) never perceived the end of the barrel to be defective till he re- moved it fsoni the boat to the ' warehouse. On first selling dow n tbe barrel from tbe boat orr the wharf, a considerable quantity of powder ( as much, peihirps, as three or four pounds,') fell upon the wharf side, between the boat and the warebo se door. Deponent; did mofknow whe- ther or not any of the pop del fell from the bar- rel into the boat. ' The barrels lay sideways in the beat, and the barrel in question was deliver- ed from the boat to him on the wharf by the de- ceased Benjamin Whedtley. Deponent- never savv any powder that had fallen frwn ihe buitri. except upon the landing place Ofthe wliarf. aiid he put back irrto the barrel frs much of it. as be could ; there might Le a cgnpte of eimces left amongst the dirt, but wiiellier any had fallen into the hoat or not he ecujd not tell.- Deponent was within about, ten yards of Thomas Baker, one of the men lying dead, at the moment the warehouse fell down, and s<\ vt^ him Sioidiog' the shaft horse of a waggon, w hich was standing in the yard. The horse atid he were killsd. De- ponent did not see Joseph Musron go to the boat from which he fetched ( as deponent hgd been informed) a coke, having tsrned away aiid gone towards the counting house at. that time. I Henry How ell, Of the . Nottingham Canal! Company's Watehou. se, stated, that, be believed two ofthe men lying dead were George Hayes, of Ttowell, in the county of Nottingham, labour cr to the Company, aged about 26, married, and had one child living, and Job Barnes, of ihe Company's stone quarry, hull'a mile on this side of Trowel, aged. about 30; aud married. He had lelta aife and live child'mi totally destitute; the eldest boy lives with Mr. Aid. Wilson. Peter Baker, of Stanton on the Woulds, in. tile county of Nottingham, 1; bower,- said, that he knew one of the1 bodies lying dead, was Tho- mas Bakct, of the 3 Salmons' yard, maltster, aged about 42.' He was a marriefl man, and had a wife living, and live children, tire eldpst a gir! about 16. years of age, ahd four l. oys, the young- est about, two years did i all the fiv e we're whol- ly dependant upon the dce'css'ed for support.— fhe'deecased's circumstances were tolerably ocnifortable. from his labour and ' industry.— I'e was maltster to Mr. Richard Rooton. and his employ was not upon the. wharf; but he was employed there on Monday in consequence of the sickness of Mr.' Hooton's waggoner? Mr. Robert Thompson, ofthe Infirmary, sur- geon, stated, that William Stevenson was brought into the Hospital, on Monday, bruised and injured. He languished until about six o'clock ( be some evening, when Ire died in the Hospital- ot' the braises anu injuries hs had ijcccivtd. Hezekiah Riley, on being called again, said; that he was not sure whether Pars was helping or present at the removal of the pow der. He saw, however, ihe deceased John Howell, at the wharf, just before the accident ha'p'jreuexl; * he was standing 5 or < J; yards from the warehouse' when it fell, and he was killed. John Pyatt again cjime forward, and stated, that Win. Stevenson had been three days in his . - setviire asa boatman. He fas 23 yeais . old, or thereabouts, andsaid- be'eame from Leicester,— tin Slonilay he Was employed near the ware- house when it fell, and was hurt so much that he died in a few hours afterwards, at the In- firmary. th, Coroner's- Jury returned a verdict— that the- seyerai- persous cmne by- iheir deaths by the aciititptal explosion of a quantity of gunpowder. We ere'hap'p'y'W- state, that a subscription has been opened for the relief of the larnilies of the unfortunate auffeiers. Samuel Hall; stone- mason;' arid George Val- la nee, a boy about 12 years old. who were taken to the Hospital, wounded arid burnt by the ex- plosion, vyc are happy to hear, are, in a fair way of recovery. , Timber, nf Lowcsly Hall. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, !'.•:>!,. < » lt . S'; cV. V. On Tlmf- sdai the l' 5 » h darv < f October, ISIS, f;| ' HE TIM B ER j CO tti jiVisi ng the Acqenimo- " f dafion Robrts, lijfofy erected lit Lowesby Hall aforesaid ;. AI. SO-, A la% E AND iiscfdl QUANTIFY of strong ' 1 arprnviiirgs, grc en 15- aize, Chnva% Sit. ' Ihe whi le is taken do\ vn » and arranged ifi up- wards of 100 lots, and Will be fofciid suitable to In- dividuals as well as. t he Trade, " l he sale « iii cefinaeBce, with the Timber, at ten o'clock. Modern end Genteel Household Furniture. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ' ihj- Mr. OirSTON, Ou the premises. High Street; Leicester, on Mon- day and Tuesday; the 2iiill and 27 lU days Of Octo- ber,. ISiH, " li li modern, genteel, and very useful house- hold furniture, linen, and oilier effects, of the late Mr TOMPSON. ( deceased) . Comprising lofty full tester and tent bedsteads, with handsome blue and orange moreen, dimitv arid other hanging*,- excellent - feather - beds, hair and wool mattresses, Full size blankets arid counterpanes, . iiessingt- ahfes aud passes, floor, stair, and bedside carpets, parlour and Chamber chairs, mahogany diiiing, tea, and other tables, handsome mahogany book case glass folding doors, an eight day spring time piece, inriHogar. y and oak chests- of drawers and wash itiin-:'! siauds, han some mahogany side byard vvitli drawevs and cupboards, mahogany trays and waiters, sheets, table cloths and ether linen, and an excellent assortment i f kitchen furniture,' Catatoi ues may tie had six days previous to sale, of Mr. OasHw. MODERN BOOKS. Anhivahtcdfle opportunity to Gentlemen forming or making Additions to their JJbretries. A choice and elegant Selection of MODERN HOOKS', MAN V SFL. FNOTOLY RTJCNB. Comprising tha Works of they most esteemed Au- thors,. iu ererv department of Literature. WALL BE. SOLD BY AUCTION, tiy EDWAJiD BARRETT, On Monday Defober D. th, ISIS, and twelve follow- ing day*, ( Sunday excepted), in the SHOP lately occiij- ied by Mr. THOMPSON, - Linen Draper, High. Street, Leicester. Amoirg thi m are G A LERIE'Mi WCIEN BONAPA RTE, 142 Giav i. rcs, sple& elitHy bonnet in Siwoeco, gilt leurex, l> ei, ou s Voyage. dans. la Basse- et la . Haute Eg. vpt,- A- vol. t. plates, Imperial. folio— Merigot's views iii Rome,. large paper, beaiiiifnlly coloured—' iiritish Eiu yelopa- dia, ( i Vols— Hmne- anid Smode. t's l- i lii vols— Law mice's history and ' deliAea* tionof. tiie Ilirrse, lioyaj - tie, plates, by Scott. proofs — VVntts's Works, ciaiiplete, 0 vols. 4to— Bibles, Vi- sion, in elegant bindings- the Works of Rebertson; . Gibbon, Shakespeare, Sterre, i'ope, POiliai. f, Gold- » nritb, 5 ak* y. Gill, Cow per. Are. arc. - ' I lie Books wiil- he open far public inspection cach ( lay fron teu ' till fftfrr. ... . Catalogues gratis. Pale to rorT. niei. ee St six o'clock in ( tie evening. TO*' TiivS'bLD TuOITON", ' - p, y Nr. m/ hOESS, At ' he house of Thomas Neale, theSaracens Head Ion, in Leicester, ' oh Saturday, tiie 17til (} uy of October ' iirstant, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to- sheh r conditions ot sale as will be then produced.;. \ Freehold Estate, consisting of 112 acres of useful grass laird, com eniently divided for occupation into closes, sitfiate at llalsfead, in the parish- of ' i'Hton- oii- lhe- Hill, in the county of Lei- cester. • •• Particulars urav he had by applying to Mr. Admit, Kals! cad,. or Mr. IKKER, Solicitor, Leicester. Tol'i; SO ID i> Y AUCTION, ~~ At tire bouse . cf'Mrs Harrison, the Blue Boar Inn,, . in Leicester, on Monday the 12th day of Octo- ber inst. at tbfef o'clock in the afternoon, A Freehold . Estate in> Leicestcr Forest, near lo the Oaks, consisting of a new erected messuage, or te'neaie'nt, v, ith a garden, nrehaid, and suitable outbuildings, and four closes of land con- taining together eleven acres or thereabouts, now in the occupation ot Mr. Thomas Smith, Jun. The above premises are extrapaiochial, and may be entered upon en the 5th April next. Mr, SMITH the tenant, will shew the premises, and for other part i< « ilars apply to Mr. PILKINTON, Attorney, Leicester miding, NotibigkuiKsfirc, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ISCUTi . At the Red Lion Inn',' in NVther Brolighfon, on Mon- day, lire 12th day of Oeteber Inst, at three o'clock in the afternoon. iVnlpss previously disposed of bv private coiTi- ritct, of ivliieh due notii- e wil^ ' be giv- en) in sueb lots as. will lie determined upon at the time of sate; \ Freehold Estate ntniirkling, tithe free, nnd ' the land tax redeemed, consisting- of a well [ built convenient house, outbuildings, anil several cleses of good land, containing about one hundred and twentv- five acres,>- late the property, c- f' Mr. Robert Barlow, deceased. Tlie premise* may be viewed on application nt the house, and further information may Ire had at the office of Mr. l . vnr. v. M, of Melton Mowbray, where, at tbe place of sale, and at the Auctioneers, plans of the F. state may he seen, and printed particulars ob- tained. Melton Mowbray, September 23,1818. • long Clawson. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, . By Mr. BURTON, At the White Lion Inn, in Melton Mowbray, on Tuesday, the ' 27th day " of October instant, at 3 p'cioek in the afternoon ; Freehold Estate, tithe free and land tax re- dr enied, situate in ( he lordship of Long Clawson. consisting of two closes of pasture, land, containing together forty acres or thereabouts, iu the occupations of Messrs. Black, Marriott, and Hart. For a view of tire premises apply to Mr. Hart, of J/ rng Clavvsoji s- « nd. for. farther particulars apply to Mi'. LmiAN, of Mellon Mowbray. i Valnsi'lc Tl'erd float; in good repmfi. TO BE SOLD UY AUCTION, By DA CIS and SON, , This present SATCF.|! AY, October 10th, at two, o'clock in the, afternoon, at tire ' bouse of Mr„ JEAYS, the White. Lie* Inn, Kfarket- place, Leices » ter. rpHj| above Boat may be seen on application, X at'Mr. FOSTERS' Wharf, on the morningof the sale, apdfor further particulars apply to the Auctioneers. i try nsrfr. l Pen nting Stuck, — Husbands Boswbrth, Leicestershire. TO Br. SOLD BY AUCTION, By DA I IS and SON, On Wednesday next, October .14, 1818, ALLth. eyaluy. bIe live stock., upwards of TOO acres of grass keeping, with stacks of ex- cellent hay,& c. iXc. on the. premises,, of Mr. JOHN WHHI- MAN, Of Husbands Bosworth, Le icestershire. - ( Who is leaving that fi, rm) Consisting of 17 useful tuppiiig ewes,. 22 ditto theaves, to wether and ewe lambs, 9 shear hogs, 18 prime fat wethers, 4 fat and nieated. cow- si- I fat bullock, 6 rii- calved cows, T iu- calvcd heifers, one 2- year old steer, well bj; ed shoiT- h « iti 2 year old bull, S'store pigs, capital vcalling colt, ditto: fillov, and a very useful brown hackney mare, SL'yeais oiil.. Also, . upvvjirds of 100- acres of grass kcepiiig' in. lots, with stacks of excellent old. and t. cvv hay, to be eaten on the premises, and eonsmiied by tire - 5th of April uexf/ 1818. Sale ' » ' » begin in tbcmorpirg precisely at ten n'vi ck. Catalogues may now he fiad of the Auctioneers,. Leicester j pl, tse ofsaie, BoMvpiib, Crown fan, ljar- boroiighj und I'vnhiirlt Arms. Lult; rvvmih. To Dyers eutd others. tO BE= SOLD BY A UCTION, BV DAVIS and Sos, On Thursday " next October lath, 1818, at ten o'clock precisely, -,- A N assortment of very useful. H ousehohl Fur-. J \ niture, Dye Vessels, Coppers, Brass, & c. & c. of • MR. SISFFFX C. IR/ RWUIGHT, Dyer, tfc. On the premises'in tire Htnnberstone gsitc, Leicester, (^ vvho has- changed his residence). Consisting of bedsteads with furniture", sot ( f good cotton haogbigs for a 4 post bedstead, window cur- tains, good, mahogany ( lining, car r, and other tables, oak dining and card tables,, handsome painted beau- t'et, oven and range, 2 good dining boards, very use- ful easy chair and cnriMou on mahogany frame, cap- ital mahogany bidet, 2 good SO hour clocks, chairs, 4 excellent? handled plated cups and one tankard, tubs aud barrels, 0 dozen bf glass bottles, set of very good block, tin table covers, kitchen requisites,. , VC. . S. C. Also at half past 3 o'clock in the afternoon will commence selling, An excellent 300 gallon, cast iron dying vessel, .200 gallon ditto, ( both in. good preservation), 70 and 50 gallon coppeis, vCr. y good dyers press, with iron screw, & e. complete, two sets- of good stove racks ( new)/ one set of Brimstone poles, cockle and pipe, Willow boards, leging counters, benches, slatli and partitions, pot ash and other tubs, 20 dozen of good legs ( part new ), jacket frames, singing grate, with a variety of other articles. ' I he above vessels, copper's, press, & C, will be found w orthy the attention of the trade. FA It- V rN(, STOCK. Pool House— Leicester Forest. "'- VALUA rat CANAX '^ HAREsfapd Ti'isiiPHcfe S E. c tr R i rf ." TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, * ll'v Mr. B. VA\\ F ' ' AtJhe^ Thre " ' * " ' ' tlhe^' hrre.' Ci » ivviis lirn, in Leireslei-,' on Wednes," day,' tl, e14- rli dby ' ot October hist. ;, t 4 o'clock in. ' ,- fV. ... .. /;. i. A.. .. x* ... i i \ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By DAVIS and SON, Some tfnie in this t resent iriontbe- ALL the useful live Stock, Grass Keeping-, and Hay. Implements in Husbandry, Turnips, !'- rewiiig Vessels; Coppeis, Dairy Cteasils, and other ITi'eets. of Mr. WILLIAM HARRISON", On the premises, at I'ool House,' Leicester Forest," • ... Hinckley road, near Leicester, ( Who is leal ing his. Farm.) Consisting of 21 useful cwts and tbeaves, 25 we- ther and ewe lambs, 7 moated cows and heifers, 3 dairy cow s, heifer and calf, 3 calves, capital hack- Itey biare 7 years old, drargbt male; ail the imple- ments in husbandry, dairy utensils, brewing vessels, coppers, part of the house! old furniture, < S, c. . Xe. AX. so,' Fifty acres of Grass Kceprrg, with hay to be oaten on the premises— quantity of straw., and 3 acres of Turnips, an excellent crop. Further particulars in next v„ eek's paper, and ca- talogues in due time. New Trent Lottl. TO I'. F. SOLD BY AUCTION, f-' ou e time in this month, of which f'ni fl cr notice will" - be given ; A Capital new Trent Boat, built of excellent sePEened wood, has a 2- im; h Hoar inside, and in all other respects very strongly built. For a view of'thesame apply to'ROEEIITK EIGHT- LEY, Bclgrave. gale, Leicester, ~ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ' By Mr. CHAPMAN, On the premises, on Wednesday, Ocfolier 14, 1818, beginning exactly at 10 O'clock; ri'IIE handsome and useful household furni- ture, of Mr. C. PlLKINGTON, Of Ashby- de- la- Zoiich, ( who is changing his residence). Consisting of. 4- post and other bedsteads, with moreen and printed furnitures, prime foether beds and blankets, excellent piei aud dres.^ ng glasses, dining, Card, Pembroke, and screen tables, sundry double and single, oak chests iif drawers, two capital oak bureaus, an excellent 8 day clock in japa'n'd ease, mahogany and other chairs, wardrobe, book' ease, a good mangle, barge sofa, two capital register stove giates. pots, kettles, pans, and most other kitchen retpdsites, all of w hich are expressed in ca- talogues, that iirav be bad ofthe Auctioneer, in Ashby. TO BE SO I D BY AUCTION, By Mr. IIOLLTER, On Friday, the 16th ( lay of October instant, at the George Inn, ill Hinckley, in the county of Lek'es-- ter, ( in the • following of such other lot or lots' as may he agreed upon at the place of sale,' unless previously disposer! pf by private contract, ol which notice will be given,) subject to conditions ot Sale to be then and there produced, LOT 1. A IX that, irey. lv erected Messuage, Tene- jl\ ment, or Public House, situate in Hinck- ley, in a certain street or place there called Bond street, now or lately used asa public house, com- monly called or known by the name or sign of the Lord Nolsou, with the Butcher's shop, slaughter house, cistern, and other apptrrtenairj- es, now in the. tenure or occupation of Mr, William Leedham, or his assigns. The above is an excellent situation for a Butcher, pr any other occupation requiring room. LOT 2 Also' all those three other Messuages or Tene- ments, situate, lying behind the first mentioned Messuage or Tenement, ai, d now or late in tfresp- vera! tenures or occupations of William Thompson, and others their Assigns or Undertenants. Possession of tlie first mentioned Promises may be bad immediately, and the other tenants are tec- ants at will. For a view of th'e respective Premises, apply to the Tenants; and for information, or to treat for the same, to tiie said IFiOiam LeedhaK, ( the pro- prietor,) pr to Mr. ' JAMES SOFTI;, Solicitor, of Hincklev aforesaid. • • limekity, OUoberl, 1813. s the aft* moots, fin lots of mo share. each) SEVERAL shaies- in the " Leicester. Melton, Croniford and Ellesmere Canals, namely:- Eleven ban v IN ti. o I 11( i - • I LI X vv IG. VUON Five Shares in the MELTON N- A> IGAHON. Fo. tfi- s/ nrrisin jlie JieoiMFORP f'AMAt. Two Skaro+ m'$ 200- stock 1 « the I X, I, I; A « ENFI CANAL, Alto, . . ( Ill two lots), a sum of £ 510 sec tired upon . the HINCKLEY and NAKJUOHOLGH Turnpike Roads, and a sum of rfc': 20 secured upon the WELFORD Turnpike Road. > ... v- - l-' oi- fartlifr parti- culars apply, at, the oSice. of • Meters' CAI'IDAIJE. and' AECOCK; Solicitors, t'efcester. TO BE SOLD BY ' AUCTION, By Mr. B. PA) Ai.', On Wednesday, Jhc.- 21. st of <) ctober instant, at . Mr, Coltmiiii's, fhe sign of the Cr'ewn,. in Great Wig- . stoil, inlbe eoilirty of Leicester, tit4, b'clock" n! the.- ai'tcriiiron, subject to. sncil conditions as will be. • then and there produced ; , ; » .','.' *". Hen re and. Garden pleasantly situated ilil Great W'igstrii alore- sftitL iu the occl- pa- ticn oflJenjaiti'sir jiaum. ...'',' For- funbt •• parfieulais apply to Messrs.. PrySfSE and SON, Solicitors, Leicester." i.' ' " Wymendfiam, Leicestershire. '. '!. ' TO BE SOLI) BY A UCTION, vi' . ' -. By Mr. JIBB, At tlie Angel tun, in Wyrtiolidbjiiii, on Wednesday, the 28th day vi October, at two- o'clock in the a'f- ~ noon., ( ill, Jots)., ,, . , • AFreehold Estate in Wymonnham, consrst- . ing of a pleasant and convenient house, fit for the reside: ceefa genteel family, in the ocetf- pation of M r. William Maiin, A bake- botise, with a dwelling house, and build-* ings adjoining, and a very excellent newly erected smock wind mill, in the occupation of Mv. Spatibrd. And one hundred and twelve acres of capital ara- bte- aud pasture eiomid, in the occupation- of Mr. rVtaiin, Mr. Spaford, and y. essrs. Jolniand Robert Day, Mr. spafford will shew tbe premises, ar. d printed particufars ot the lots may be had, and further in- formation obtained at ihe office of Air. 0. LATHAM of Melton Mowbray. f elton Mo- vvtairay, October 5, 1818. TO cTT sciLrT ] jy 4ucti0N, . By Mr. P. KING, "' V. In tbe'month of Nov( mber hext, iWO messuages or . tenements with home- steads and other cotneniences thereto be- longing, situate In Houghton oii- thc- Bill, in- the " county of" Leicester, one lately occupied by Mr. 1homas Bom her, deceased. End Hie oilier l ow ia the tenure of Thomas Wakefield. AI see, A close ( f exceeding good laud near the village of Houghton, containing « bout 5. acres, late in the Oc- cupation of tire said Thomas Bouelier. RI lie premises will beaold in ints, a'r. d farther par-' denials appear in a future, paper. '" Leicestershire, Freehold and Lcas\ i,< Aa Estates. To he ^ okl by A action, ? . Either together or in > ats » in tl> berlnnias el F « '- veniher next, ( unless sooner disposed ot - by Private Contract, of wb'eh tinielv notice wiil be given,) ... .,- •.. » Freehold Estate, situate i; i tbe Kantfet of ; Wykin, in the parish of'Hinekfey, in Ihe said comity of Leicester, consisting Of 3 tene- ments, ^ r farm horses, with burns, stables. eov sheds, and heeessiiiv entbaildir. es and 2SIA. tB. EOr. ot' arable, meadow, and pasture land. Aad vlso, A leasehold Estate, e'rr. sisfirs ef 85*. lh. lSp. to- gether with ti e leas? o!'. the liei toiial Tythes' over the whole hamlet of Wykin. cei taiaiog 036A 3R3fte . which are held by lease under the Dean and Chap- ter, of Westminster, for 21 years,- at a small annual rent, renewable » ver> 1 years. For particulars or to treat for the same bv Private Contract, apply to Mr ' 1 HOMAS CHAPMAN,' of Dray- ton, Hear Atberstone; or to Mr. HOLL3ER, ot Hisektey. - • . . " • Sept. SOtlr, 1818. Lincirfnshire* • The Wineetey Estate. To be sold by Private Contract, rSMLVT valuable and most desirable Frcelidlif JL l'lstate, cortjptisiiig Ihe whole village and: parish of M ir. eeby, ( exceptii.- g the Parsonage home and 29A. OK. S3P. of Glebe laud), containing up- wards o! 800 acres of excellent pasture, riieadow, and arable land, including abeiit'EO acres of beau- tilul and very valuable plantations, with farm. b'ous » ,' cottages, and suitable buildings. , ' i his Estate possesses gre^ it advantages, the land being of'a very superior quality, either for pasturage or tillage, the arable land is peculiarly adapted ta the grow tlf of turnips," Lai Icy, aud seeds, and con- tains in ineiise qeantilies of the richest marl, vvhi( hr makes the soil inexhtiustibly productive at, a trifling ex pence. ' 1 he Estate is well watered and divided, into convenient pieces, bv good white * l. oni edges, - The preserves abot'lid in came, and the llrockelsby and mti n Hunts i.' re within an etsy ( list, nee.' Wineeby is Situated on a- fii e eminence, command- ing ( It light ' VIi views of the surroundluc cvnitilry and German Ocean, it is, re « nv eqtiidisiatif '" between Horncastleend Spilsby, bctii of tlreili capifiil mar- kets for F HI mint | rr< ideee cf every degerip'tten.—• Hoi tiCEstle is . noted tor" having the largest fairs in England, and is orty -) rinles froiii' V. i/ u- eby, fropi whence corn can be quickly delivered, and from thence conveyed- by water to the best merle* i » Yorkshire, Lancashire, or London, at a moderate, exj enee. - ' I o the Gentleman w ho wishes to realize his pro- perty bv purchasing an F. state that w ill pay ample, interest, tho Spoilsman who would secure all unin- terrupted ranee of field sports, or the Fanner who wishes to establish himself both j eruianenfly aiid advaritaeeoiisly, this will he fiiund an opportunity that lately presents itself, the neighbourhood islngli- ly res) cetahlo, and the tnrrounding villages are so pleasingly situated, that the vicinity of Winceby is truly beautiful. Further particulars and price may be known by applying to OCTAVL'S AI. LENEY, of Wineeby, Esq. SAJILEL AIXENKY, of Maidenw'etl, Esq. pr to Mr. WILSON, Solicitor, Lecth, aU in the county ofiia.* coin. . • Oct. 7tb, 1818. Willoitghby Waterless, Leicestershire. TO BE LET. From year to year, or for 5 years certain, andrnay te entered upon immediately, . - • A Messuage or Tenement. very- pleasantly- si- ' i\ tuated at Willoughby Waterless ofore- said, consisting of two giiosl parlnpts, aiid two kitcli- ens. ou the ground floor, fijegood bed rooms,. with a kitchen and flower garden, and every convenient outbuilding, suitable for tlie residence of a large fa- • m. lv, or for a school, late in the occupation of J)) r J. C. Gamble. Any quantity of excellent glazing sad meadow land adjoining the house not excelling. J8. acres may he bad therewith immediately, and 11 acre-, more at Lady day next, if required '. : For further particulars apply tar- Mr. WDI. EY, Susgeoii, Walton, near Lutterwoitb.. '. >' ' - Kr> WiUmgkhy Waterhst is about eightiwiit- Kfit^ 1 T; r, i< ;. ster, « rd live from Liitterwoftb. • ' September, 1618.' Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. •- « — i. i t H^/ UIC US JLiimy- U'iy fMV. VVf A " K- excellent and convenient House, tit jf\ tlie_ residence of a genteel family, wit gariferT walleT round, a coaeli house, stable, : gar. ether 2.0 fr onniorgtrrs. • " TO BE LET, ON a Lease, an old established situation in tbe Ironmongery Business, in a large ma- nufacturing town,." with the stock in trade at a Valuation. For particulars apply at the Journal TIHiee. " ' . - • . Central Situation. TO BE LET. - And may b> ext° red upon immediately, \ Roomy house situate at the upper end of Church- gate, with good enclosed yard, end a pump of capital water, and other c. bnvfifti- ces. Enqnire of Mr.- NEALE, grocer, East Gates. LEICESTER. October 8, IS18. TO HE LLX ' Atid may be entered upon immediately, . rpHli Parsonage House delighlf illy situated, JL at SaddingUm in the county of Leicester; cans. sfmg of a dining and drawing room, butlers pantry, large kitchen and brew house, with good cellars, ami five lodging rooms. A stable and small barn,, with a pump in the yard, which is enclosed by a wall, and a good garden. For paitienlars apply to Mr. JOHN KNIGHT, of Saddingtou aforesaid, who will siiew the premises. Sjtddmgtnu, October f>, 1818. > TO TK LET, A n/ l entered upon at Lady- day Hext, " N- excellent and convenient House, fit for with a and requisite outbuildings, situate in Ashby- de- ia- Zoijeh, tii1 Die Odcnpatipn. qf Mr- John T'imms. Immediate possession may be had If required. A ' trnarif' 1 may be ' jiccoinO » edated'wiBi " two pasture closes; Containing together about6 acres. Ash; b> de- ia- Zouch is within three miles ot the Moira Baths., For further particulars apply at the office of Mr. SMifw, in Ashiiy- dc4a-?. oiu h; and for a view of tbe premises to Mr! John Timtns, the tenant. A- shhy ile- la- Zuucli. tithoOctober, 1818.' ~ r ~ TO~ LSE LET, And entered upon immediately, ACommodious dwelling- house, situate at. ^ aiiatoiii in the county of Leicester, with a spacious garden well stocked with fruit trees, stabling for 8 or more horses, convenient oiitbuikl- and shrubbery adjoin, ng, together with or without 15 actes of excellent tand. , - Tire premises are in good repair, well adapted for a Hunting Bux. boing in therentre » f the Qnoritand Cottesmore Hunts, and may be taken from year to year, or upon a short lease. Application for vievuitig the same to » e made to iir. Johnl'ocklington on the premises ; m'l further particulars may be Known on applying to Mrs. VOWE, Stoney Street, Nottingham. Pleasant Hunting Cottage., or neat Residence for a small Genteel Family. TO liE LET, AGenteel ail comfortable Hunting Cottage, { with or without a Homestead close) n. osi pleasantly situated at Hoton, two miles ami a half from Lougii borough, on Ihe turnpike roAd from thence to Nottingham," aud three mi. es from the Qjiorndon kennel. , The- premise comprise two parlours five bed chambers, kitchens, brew house,. and other e « - veiiiences, stables, yard, garden, orchard, and fore court. The stabling will be encreased if desired • by ah- eligible tenant, l'or A vd- W aud particulars, apply to Mr. PARKIN- SON, the Proprietor. W1rtles. tti. ld, October 8, 1S18. To Wails toilers, Worsted Makers, Hosiers. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. A Substantial newly erected Building, 40ft. i 7ias. by 29ft. dins, two stories high, toge- ther wilh Sinker- mokeis shop and garden, eon- t- iinitjg altogether by ^ measurement, 531 square yards, situate in the Bond Street, in, Leicester, ami fannerly- occupied as a hosiers w arehom- e. Enquire of Mr. COOK,- Architect ami Survey- or, Horse Fair Street. tFICESTERSHlRE. Valuable Frecltold and. tythe- free Estates, TO BESitLD SJY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A N Estate at Q, uenel, enough, comprising the Manor or Queiifboiough, will) fisliery and other appurtenances, mairor house, with suitable offices, dove- cut, spacious li'tai'he i barn, ( adapted to- couvcrt into a malting office, or stables,; together with 2,10 acres ot arable', meadow, And pastureLand, 200 of wiiith. are- Contiguous to tlie house, the whole of good quality, and in a high state of cultivation Queneborongh isfl miles from i. eiees- ter, 7 froisi Loughborough, 9 from Melton. A from Quo'u, the roads are excellent, and tbe situation highly desii- able to a FOXHONIEB « R Agriculturist. This Estate will lie sold together, or nr any allot- ments, suitable to the wishes of persons desirous to purchase. . AT TWYFORD, An Estate, core r. s ng o Vara, House, and suita- ble Offices, standing upon 50 acres of good arable and pasture Land, in a ring fence, oo the road from Oakham to Leicester, 10 miles from Leicester, six from Melton Mowbiav. At SOMERBY, An Estate, comprises a Firm House and Offices, standing upon 50 acres of grazing Land, o£ ihe first BtttdUy, adjoining the village, is iu the centre ot the Leicestershire Hunts, 5 miles from Melton, 5 from Oakham, 14 from Leicester Apply to Mr. HKALY, LAUGH- ION, near Falk- inghain, Lincolnshire ; post paid letters only v.. . be attended to. CaUNTY OF LR1CKSTKR- • Lo ivit. d. 2 1 0* 10 11 11 » THE ASSIZE OF BREAD, FOR THE HUNDRED OF GARTREF. in the COIJSTY of LEICESTER. THE WEIGHT AND. PRICE OF lb. oz. dr £. The Peck Loaf Wheatei) ... .17 0 0 ) 0 Half Peck Loaf ditto .... 8 11 0 ( 0 Quartern Loaf ditto .... - 4 a 8 10 " - Half Quartern Loaf ditto 2 2 12 JO Peck Loaf Household 17 G 0\ Q Half Peck Loaf ditto .... 8 11 0( 0 Quartern Loaf ditti 4 5 8( 0 Half Quartern Loaf ditto 2 2 12 1 9 Set by us, Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Poace, in and for the said Hundred, the Otli Day of October, 1818, and to continue in force for seven Days,- from Monday next. (; nlFFIS> F. 4PTHURP. . Town Hall, Market Harborough. COUNTY OF LEICESTER To ' oil. THE ASSIZE OF BREAD, FOR THE HONORED OF GUTHL\ XTON. .. - lbs. oz. dr. s. el. Quartern Loaf Wheaten to weigh 4 5 8 1 < i Ditto Standard Wbeatcn, 4 5 8 0 11} Ditto Household 4 5 8.... 0 111 Half Quartern Loaf, Wheafeii.. 2 2 12 0 C4 Ditto Standard Wheaten 2 2 12.... 0 5| Ditto Hous- ehold * 2 212 0 5S Two- peniiv Loaf, W heaten 0 11 5 Ditto Standard Wheaten 0 II 13 Ditto Household 01! 13 Penny Loaf Wheaten to * eigh.. 0 5 10 Ditto Standard Whtatcn 0 5 12 Ditto Household 0 5 11 Set by ns,. Two ol his Majesty s Justices of tbe Pence ill and for the said H11 nil ted, this third day of ( Vtobrr 1818, and to continue in force for • wre* from- fttttwrday next. . J, COIITIFJ, TWOS'. BELGRAVE \ X7" HEREAS a Commission of- Bankruptis W awarded and issued forth against WM. BURTON, now or late of Hinckley, in the county » f, Leicester, Hosier, and he being declared a Bank- rupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the - Commissioners, in the said Commission named, Or the major part of them, 01) tire fifteenth day of Oc- tober instant, at six of the clock in the evening, on the sixteenth day of October, and the seventeenth day of November next following,- at eleven o'clock in the forenoon Of each of those days, atthe house of David Briggs, thVGeorge Inn, in Hinckley afore- said, and make a full discovery and disclosure ofhis estate and effects, when and whole the Creditors are to come prepared to prove Iheir Debts, nnd at the second sitting to choose Assignees, and at t^ e last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish liis examination ; a ltd the Creditors are to assent to, or. dissent, f> om the allowance ofhis certificate. All Persons indebted to tire'said Bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are net to pay or deliver the some, but to whom the CommissioiiB'r'sshall appoint, but git* notice. to> Mr. Charles Beckett, of No. f, No- ble street, Falcon square, London j or JUn James !~ oden, of Hinckley af'oiesaid, Solicitor to the said Commission. " FEE I- \ RM RENTS. Notice is hereby yiven, rj^ HATthe next Audit for the ieceipt of Tee 8 Farm Rents payable to Ann Julia Dolbh, Ellen Dolbcn, and Francis Dolbenftut of divers estates in the county ef Leicester, will be held at the Three Crowns Inn, in Leicester, oil Saturday, the 17th day of October instant; and the several persons wlibse estates are charged with those'tents are required to pay them 011 that day; and as many of the rents are in arrear, and the parties concerned have neg- lected to send tlie Same on tbe day appointed for the receipt thereof, ... Notice is hereby further given, > . That immediately after the next Audit, all persons remaining in arrear will be distrained upon for the recovery of such arrear without further notice. CHAS. B. HODSON, Receiver. Wellingborough, Slh October, 181' S. * " Aon est ilti culpa 1 e qui non tentuvit." MESSRS. ANDEN and Co. AN assure the public their 1' ivcittra Perma- j > 1 ens, will change Grey or Red Hair to a perfect brown 01 Mack; to prove the simplicity of the process, the diiections wh chare usually sealed are left open at the places of sale for inspection,— The universal patronage it has experienced is fhe best proof of its infallibility. The envelope Contains an apparatus for applying tbeliqliid to the hair, price 10s Od and 21s per bottle. Also inay be had Im Poydre sans Pureille, for re- moving- superfluous hair and beautifying the Com- plexion, a consignment from the Continent, at 7s Od per box. For Wholesale onleis direct 51, New Bond street, or 22, Hattou Garden; and may be had Retail of Mr. Jahies Derbyshire, Leicester; B FOx, Derby ; J. Corbett, Nottingham ; Mr. Flanders, Atherstone; S. Bottritl, Lnfterworth, and every place adjacent. BOROUGH SESSIONS? N' OTICE is hereby given, that tbe next General Quarter St. ssniN of the Peace, for the BORBLGII OF I- EICE8TER, will be buldeii at. the Guildhall, in the said Bornngh, on IHURSDAV the IWENTV SECOND day oif OCTOBER next, AF KISE o'clock in the fore oon . of which all prosecutors, witnesses, a. d pther persons bound by re. cgnizance to. appearat the said Session, are required to take notice. , - All pel- sons intending to prefer bills, of ( ndie. twetif, exhibit articles of the Peace,. dtc. at the said fcs- sion, must leave iusti net ions at my office.( « - w- SI KEET, onor befoie twelve o'clock ii. the day . re- ceding the Session, and the Prosecutors i. nd V it. 1. esses in 11st be ready to go before the Grand Jury immediately after the Court is opened.— Dated this 24th, day of September, 1818. THOMAS BUKBIDGF., • Clerk of th- Peace. LEICESTER COUNTY SESSIONS. T ( AHK next General Quarter Sessions of the 1 Peace fcr the County of Leicester, will be holden at the Castle of Leicester, 011 Monday, the 19th day of October next. But notice is hereby given, that the Magistrates meet at 12 o'clock on the Monday, for the pur; ose only of transacting all matters of County Business under their Cognizance at'Sessions, and that eft the Tuesday morning, nine o'clock, the Court will com- mence with tiie Appeals. The Grand jury are required to attend by rine o'clock in tlie mor: irig ofTuesday, to proceed upon the Bills of Indictment, and every juryman not at- tending at the time, w ill be fined. 4II pei- soivs- iiwlcr recognisance to prosecute or give evidence upon any Biiis of Indictment, are de- sired to attend at the Clerk of the Peace's " O. tee with instructions, 011 the Saturday preceding the Sessions,* or 1* 1 the forenoon of Monday, and to be readv to go before th- Grand jury at the sitting of tbe Court on the Tuesday morning. Those persons w ho are under Recognizance to ap- ear at the Sessions, aud may have previously com- promised the matter, are requested to take notice, that they must appear either personally or by their 1 ttornies, in order 10 have their Recognizances w ith- drawn, otherwise tiie same will be Estreated. ' 1 he Surveyors of the Highways of those r urislieg under ludictmrtit will take, notice, that the Court will in future require an Affidavit of the Progless of the Repair uf tbe Road indicted, and- wb : l has been expended thereon,- before they grant upon Motion any Respite of ihe Indictment, < ic. Bv the Court, THOS. FREER, Clerk of the Peace. Leicester, 30th September, 1818. N B The Justices ; ire requested to send their Pecogrneances and Informations in Felony, to the Clerk of the Peace's Office 011 the Saturday previ- ous f » the Session. And all persons having any demand on tbe Coun- ty, arc requested to deliver their Bills to Mr. COOKE, Deputy Treasurer, 011 Saturday, the 17th ofOctobel, that they may be examined, or they will not be al- lowed at the next Session. SUN FIRE OFFICE, Bank Buildings, and Craigs Court, Ch: ring Cross, LONDON ;• For Insuring Houses aud other Buildings, Goods, Merchandize. Ships in Harbour, in Duck, or Building, and Craft, from Loss and Damage by Fire. WE, whose names are underwritten being Agents for tbe SUN FIRE OFFICE, ac- quaint tbe public that printed receipts, under our bauds, are ready for delivery ; for the yremium and duty - oil policies, as they become due; and that printed proposals of the terms of Insurance maybe bad of us, which w ,11 be found as moderate, in every respect as those of other offices. UST- Farming stock may be insured, generally, in ail barns, and outhouses, or 011 a farm, without the average clause, which may be seen by applying to us, who will give any further information Which may- be required foi explaining thismode- of insurance, which is now reduced to 2s. pel- cent per annum. Leicester— J. PRICE, Junr. Nottingham— W. KTRETTON. Dcrbn— MAI. Y UASSAHO. N B. All payments for losses by firs, arc made by this Office without deduction. Vs The Sun Fire Office has always paid losses, or damage by fire from lightning. ASSUH'ANCES 011 single or joint LIVES and the endowment of children, may- be affected at the above Offices, on the most advantageous terms to the public. For tables of rates and other particulars, applica- tion may be made to any of tbe Agents ofthe Sun Tire Office. » • WANTED. AJi Apprentice to a Veterinary Surgeon.—. A Youth of liberal education and respect- able connexions. . Enquire of Mr, DRAPER, Derby. . , . Wanted, ABespeetable Youth as an Apprentice to an Ironmonger. Apply to S-. MASON, Lei- cester. ' > CheapSide, lst October, tot8. Commissions, lye. in A merica. V • A Person who w ill shortly sail to the United J~\ States. and who will probably reside there during the ensuing Winter anil Spring, will un- dertake to collect Debts, execute aiiy Commer- cial Business by Commission, or act as Super- cargo to any consignment of Goodsi — Rospffct- able referfiices will be given."" . , Letters ( post- paid) addressed: to A. 7.. at the Journal Office, Leicester, will meet with imme- diate attention. Leicester, 8th October, 1818, LEICESTERSHfBE MH. ITIA, AND LOCAL MILITIA. - NOTICE IS HEREBY"' GtVEN, ' P" J1B AT the. several Subdivision Meetings, in and - iL for Hie County of Leicester, will be held, for the respective Hundreds, on the several days mid times, and at the Several places, undermentioned, for the purpose of receiving fresh lists of all per- sons, between thit. ages of IB; and45,. in * aek parish; and ulso for the hearing of appeals. - BOROUGH OF LKIC. ESTER. O11 Monday, the 2d day of November next, at the Gnildhall, in the said Borough,- nt ten o'clock in the forenoon. GUI'HLAXTON HUNDRED. On Tuesday, the 3d day of November next, at the Bull's Head Inn, in Blaby, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. " - WEST GpSCOTE HUNDRED. Oil Wednesday , the itb day of November next, atthe Plough Inn, ill Loughborough; at tec o'clock in the forenoon. SPARKENHOIv HUNDRED. On Thursday, the 5th day of Noveiulici. next, at Ihe Bull's Head | nn, in Market Bosworth, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. GARTREE HUNDRED. On Thursday, the 51b day of November next, at die Rose and Crown Inn, in Kibwcrth Harcourt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. EAST GOSCOTE HUNDRED. On Friday, tbe ( ith fifty of November next, at tbe Unicorn and Star Inn, ill Tliuimuston, al ten o'clock tn the forenoon. v ERAMLAND HUNDRED. On Tuesday, the 10th day0/ November next, at the George and Talbot Inn, in ? tleUon Mowbray, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. By orelei ofthe Lieutenancy, DECIiiUS COOKE, < filer, k , of the General Meetings. Leicester, 6th October, IglS. Constables making False Returns will be fined the full Per. tiiiy of £' 20 imposed by Act of Parliament. To Manufacturers. BRANCH and SON, of Liverpool, P It 0 K K H S. jf TA. V1NG niade arrangements for estabiish- J[ \ ing regular Public- Sales of ' itll descrip- tions Of Hosiery, Lace, arid other manufactured goods ill Woollens, Stuffs, Carpets, & e. upon utr'ex- leritive scale, offer their services to the Manufac- ti rel'S for the disposal of ( heir vai ioiis inanaliictures to the Merchants anil dealers of Liverpool, eithei by P- L'DLtc or PRIVATE- SAWS, upon the most advantage- ous terms and str. ic. iest principles of integrity aud hotlor j and where required, blanu'aetltrers may be aceommodaied wirb suitable ud varices upon t . c de- posit of the goods ill the Brokers warehouses. i From the very great export of'ihe. se articles from the Voi't. of-' Liverpool, it is presumed this establish- ment will greatly facilitate the sales; and be a mu- tual and great accommodation not only to the Mann- facturer but the Merchants, who would through this medium have the advantages of immed. ately executing their orders, and of selecting their goods upon the spot. Liverpool. 1st October, Hid. IUST Published, Sermons on various occa- sions', by the Rev. JAMI^ S KMGHT, of Hali- fax. Sr.- ld by Combe, Leicester, . . Cfetre, Scfre^ tit. BY PERMISSION. FIRST NIGHT OF A NEW OFERA. Mr. Brahams Benefit; AM) POSITIVELY HIS LAST APPEARANCE, ft is Mr. ELLISTON's intention not to prolong the Season more than THREE WEEKS, and as every exertion will be used to produce every Novelty both as to Performers and Pieces, lie most res- pectfully solicits ( OURINO THAT SHORT PERIOO) the active Patronage ol his Friends aud the Pub- lic in general. On FRIDAY Ev, nii\ g, October 9, 1813, Will be produced for the FIRST TIME at this Theatre, the celebrated Opera, entitled THE DEVIL's BBIDGE. Count Belino Ma. BRAHAM. The Countess Bosahiua MRS. HUMBV, In the character of Belino, and in ihe course of the Evening, M ft. BRAHAM Will Sing tbe following SONGS and DUETTS, Behold in his soft expressive Face, Though Love is Worm awhile. SAID A SMILE TO A TEAR. Accompanied by himself on the Grand Piano Forte. Is there a Heart that never locd. A CELEBRATED PICTURE SONO. The lust Words of Marmion. A DUETT, with Mr. M'KEO'N. « Rest Weary Travellers." AND ISY PARTICULAR DESIRE, BRUCE s ADDRESS TO HIS ARMY, Scots Wha Hue wi' Wallace Hied. And the far- famed Sacred Scene, from the ( Jritorio of Jeptha, entitled " Jeptha's Reflections on Iris rash Vows." Consisting of accom - anied Recitative of ' DEEPER and DEEPER. And ; Air waft her Angels, "' fhe Entertainments w ill conclude with the Farce of T U R N O - U T. Marian Itarnsai/.— Mrs. HUM BY. BOXES St PIT 2s— GALLERY 1*. TICKETS or Places to be procured of Mr. BRA- HAM, at Mr. Smith's Upholsterer, Market place; or at Mr ELLA, Confectioner. Pit and Gall'- ry Tickets may be had at Chtimberluin's Printing Of- fice, East Gates. O11 MONDAY next. Golilsmifli'scelebratedComedy She stoops to Compter.— Toney Lumpkin, MR. TOKELY— - who, by permission of the Pro- prietors of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, will perform 011 these Boards for FIVE NIGHTS Afier w hich will be produced a Comic Pantomime, entitled JEWEL'S NEWLY SET; Or, Harlequin's Olio — Harlequin, Mr. Elliott.— Pantaloon Mr. Henderson.— lover, Mr. Kceley- Chun, by Sig- nior PAUI O, from the Theatre Royal Drnry Lane. Columbine,, by Miss Phillips. TUESDAY, ( CHEESE FAIR NIGHT) Coleman's Play Of Jolin Bull; or, an Englishman s Fireside. Job Thornberry, Mr, EI. LISTON— Dennis Bub gruddery, Mr. TOKELY— Mary, Mrs. HcSiby. Fashionable Muffs aud Fnr TrimminyS} LAWTON AND BRYAN, RESPECTFULLY inform their t'rietids that their sale of Furs has this day commenced for the season. Vfclvets, Metino Cloths. Poplins, Bombsseens, plain and printed Stuffs, elegant Scarfs, W hittles, ami every other fashionable article in the greatest variety-, nud JII tbe usual low terms. St. James's Square, October 9th, 18- 18. Melton Mowbray, October 8, 1818. E. BROWN, BEGS to return sincere thanks to tbe friends . and customers of her late husband, and the public in general for the favors conferred upon him, airfl fo inform them of- lict- intention of continuing tiie SADDLERY business in all its branches as usual, assuring, them that every possible exertion shall be made to iticiitTheir future ordeis, which will l. etbairkfuily receiveil, and gratefully acknowledged. N. B. All debts fo or from tbe Estate Will be settled as above. Original Warehouse for cheap Liti. n Jfrahery, Haberdashery, ami Silk Mercery of every de- sci iption, at G. IT. HAlNES's, POULTRY MARXET PLACE, LE1CESTF. IV.. : ( i II II, begs to iufcrm the public and lys J.' friends, that 110 advance will be made in. the price of goods at bis warehouse, having just ar- rived- from the principal markets, and purchased every article af tbe old prices, he is enabled to serve tliose. w bo may honor him with their favors; 011 very advantageous terms. ' G.' H. 1- L is particularly desireus his friends should notice the undermentioned article?, as lie has pur- chased them Considerably under the regular traile prices, viz : London printed furnitures of the most elegant patterns anil rolors, ftii witiire dimities all qualities, beautiful i- oniitejrpanexand Marseilles quilts, 7- 8th and 4- 4th Irish liiiens- ol' ( be best fabric, warranted grass bleached,' Suffolk hemps remarkably stout, lawns imi- af. ng French cambrics, for, pocket hand- kerchiefs, a great assortment of checked and fi- gured stuffs of this winters ' patterns, lustres, pop- lins, bmibazeens of the most prevailing colours, square and long whittles all colours. Beautiful print- ed ditto, silk shawls and scarfs in great variety, anil- other articles too numerous- to insert. A great choice of black sarsnets, bombazeen's, poplins, princettas, plain and twilled stubs, and every other article for family mourning. ' F. " DEACON.'- ' ~ Wholesale and Retail Ironmonger, Watch and Clot k Manufacturer, Jeweller, fyc. MARKET- PEACE, LEICESTFR ACKNOWLEDGES WITH GRATITUDE THE libernl encouiagementhehas experienced from bis Friends and the Piiblicsmce- he entered into business, and in returning his thanks for their fa- vors, respectfully solicits a continuance of their support. He begs leave to assure them that every - exertion w ill be made by him t(> merit their kind- ness; and as lie has formed connections with the most respectable- houses iiV every department of bis business, he is able 10 oiler tl.- e" best of articles 011 the most reasonable, tertrts Warranted Clocks and Watches'of superior work- manship, aiid Jewellery of the best quality, at C011- silferablv reduce.' prices. LINSEED or OIL C. VK l S ~ r" For Cattle. ANumber of the above new fresh made Cakes to be sold in any quantity above 5cw* t. on reasonable terms.— Apjrfy to Mr. ,1. FOSTER, at the Leicester Wharf. LF. TCESTJER MICHAELMAS FAIR. ~ J\ 7~ OTICE is hereby given, that the Fair for tie < V '"' saleo/' Hotifed" Cuttle. HorscK r. nel SI ( j « sp, u: ill be postponed unfit Monday, the 12tli of Octo- ber, and for the stile ef Cheese until the following day. Phys Regulation has been found necessary in consequence of ihe lOt/ i of Octoberfalling this year on a Saturday, it having become quite impractica- ble to provide room for the requisite number of sheep pins at this large Fair, if held on the market day. No Cheese will be allowed to be deposited in fhe Exchange or Market Place, until the morning of Tuesday, the ISfA. By order of the Mayor and Magistrates," THO : BURBIDGE, Town Clerk. lAcestfr. SipterHlier 16, 1818. A SERMON Will be preached in the PARISH CHURCH OF S W I T II L A N D, On Sunday next, in the Afternoon,, TOLL TILL BENEFIT OF THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, . BY THE Rev. EDWARD T. VAUGHAN, Vicar of Suint Martins, Leicester, ^ c. On SUNDAY, October 1!, 1818, « TWO SERMONS " V. ILL BE PREACHED Methodist Chapel, Mountsor el, By tbe Rev. J. BROW NW ELL, FROM NOTTINGHAM. For the benefit of the Sunday School. Service to begin at two o'clock in the Afiernoon, and six- iu the Evening. On LORi.' s DAY, October 11, 18IB, THE ANNUAL ERMON, F' R TLLE BENEFIT ofthe SABBATH SCHOOL, BELONGING TO THE INDEPENDENT MEETING, BOND STREET, LEICESTER, 1 Will be preached by The Rev. EDWARD \ VEBB. Service to commence at Three o'clock. As the School has been considerably enlarged, and now consists of 200 Children, ( 100 of which have been added since the last year,) the increased Benevolence of tbe Public is earnestly solicited. CHAPEL RE- OPENED. THE BAPTIST CHAPEL, IN FRIAR LANE, I. E1CESTEI1, Having been considerably enlarged,- it is proposed to Re- open it for itbHc Worship, On WEDNESDAY the 14th instailt, The Morning Service to commence at Eleven, A SERMON BY The Rev. Mr., BUTT, of Birmingham. The Evening Service at half- past Six, A Sl'. IJ VtoN BY The Rev. J. A. J AMES, of Birmingham. 8- 3"- A Collection will be made at the Door, at the close of each Service, toward defraying the Expenses of Enlargement. Wanted, \ TUnii and a Woman wilhout a family to re- side in Essex. Tbe man to be a good Ploughman, find the woman ( who is the object of this advertisement) must be thoroughly ac- quainted with the management of a dairy. ALSO, A single middle aged experienced dairy woman, to reside in Kent. Letters ( post pniil) addressed to Mr. W. F. NEF. DHAM, Waterloo Fort, Fletching, Sussex* will beattenred to. Leicester. Or. toberbih, JM' 8, PARTNERSHIP EXf IRED. ' DR. PARKINSON, l\/ f respectfully tenders bis acknojy-* IVS lodgments to the Inhabitants of Lelces- tei aiiil its Vicinity, for their distingtiisbed confi- dence and attachmcr. t during maifv years extensive Medical Practice. It is. even nOw. witii regret, that he retires, in meet a highly responsible and impcit/ ant Trust in l- Oiidon ; being prohibifMl from enter, ing into any Piot'esfienal Lbgagemenis, ((- xceptln^ as a Physician,) cither in Leicester, or within « ce>-' tain ilistaiice, limited by a Deed sf Partnership, t*- tween himself aiid Mr. Stallard, the ttfiu of wbitil will expire on the 10th hist. Dr. I'AHKINFON has much satisfaction in rKoin- mending, as his Successor, a professional Geciletamr hi whom are combined so much sound judgment, zeal, piotuptitude, and practical Ability as. in Aire* • SiAl. i. Ar.-. ii. , ONIONS. '"''"•• • Quantity bf Foreign and English Ociop » j~\ on sale at JOHN PEARSON'S Warehouse, High Cross Street. Leicester, 8th October; 1818. A Frefich Lady, residing at Hificitley, as an 1 \ Instructress in the French and Italian Languages, lieing disengaged fwo days in tb « fe'eek, w ould be happy to attend any private Fa- mily, or Lhilics' SCIK. OI, in or near Leicester. T E R M S. In private Families, eight I erscut for a Guinea* '•' Entrance Iialf- et Gninta. ScheolTerms. it Gurnen- rmd- v- hatf a Quarter, hntraiice Hatf- ei- Guihca. . Letters to be nddrcs'sed to Mademoiselle DEIEN, Castle street; Hinckley, ( post paid.) M B . H U M B Y, ~ ( FR6M LONHON), .. Surgeon Dentist and An list to His Royal Highness, th^ br. keof Kent, " .. Has taken Apcrtpients at IVr. Riley's, Grocer, M. Dfarhet place, Leicester. P. H. gives advice in all diseases of tha Teeth anil Cnitis, Teeth scaled, irregu- larities rectified, and the decay ( if recent) entirely removed: Af tificiiil Teeth Upon tbe most approved principles, to answer every purpose of mastiratloii and articulation. Mr. H. also gives advice in nil cases Of deafiiess, and other diseases Incidental tfr the organ of Hfeariug. Mr. H. may be consulted I rem 10 to 4, daily An early consultation is requested, as Mr. H's i- ro& ssional engagement prevents 1ii| re- maining in Leicester more than a fortnight. Lvtteru orth Concert and Ball. rtTHE First Subscription Concert, wiflbe at J the Denbigh Arms Inn, on Friday, Lbc 16th day of October instant. Rev T. 11FI. GRAVE, Rev. T. LVIENABY, JStewaids. Mr. MORPO'IT, 3 The Concert will begin at half- past seven o'clock* FRIDAY, OCTOI. FR 9, ISIJG. MARRIED On the 30th nit. at Cold Overtoil, by the Rev « Samuel Hartupp, Hnth Price, Esq. of Castle Ma- Hoc, Brecknockshire, to Sophia, youngest daughter of the late Francis Brodie, Esq, DIED. Lately, at Newton Lenford, in tbe S8th vearofhis age, Mr. T. Hintl; many years a partner with bis brother in the Swithlaml slate quarry. LEICESTFR INFIRMARY, October 6, LS18. PATIENTS ADMITTED AND ITSCHAROID Admitted i Biscliurged. Jn 13 In. 10 Out....,,.. .18 Out. 12 HOUSE VISITORS, Mr. Rawor. th, and Mr J. B. Robinson. We have authoriiy to state Mr. CHESSBER, of Hinckley, isactiiely engaged in the Profession Which has occupied his atlentio'i, for the last thirty years, which lie intends to persevere in. It is a well- know ri fact arid worthy observa- tion, that many valuable obi Paintings are lost' by tieglcct, or fear nf tbe flwner on acenwnt of their decayed, state— witness. a valuable Port- rait of Charles tbe Ist. iii - aimour, by Vandyke, restored by Mr. BRYDONF, of this to*, n, tbe property. of a Gentleman in I. i- icestersbire.— The Waterloo Landscape, mentii ned in last w eek's paper, exhibiting as al ove, is allowed to be equal, if not superior, to any specimen of that master, in ibis country. It is wiili pleasure vve announce that tl cBank for Savings, which lias been established at Loughborough six months, is in a very fhuirish-- ing coni'itii. n. The anieuint already made by 76 depositors is C 12i2 ? s ( id. The advantages resulting from such on Institution, need only to be more generally understood to insane increas- ing success. The Pedestrian Mutch between Eaton ar, d Jones, at half past U last night, stood as follows ; boll: ot ( htm apparently in full spirits and high condition:— JONES. EATON. Wednesday ( first day) .... 58 58 Thursday 52 48 Friday,.'......... 46 47 Saturday .. 39 43 Monday ".... 65 71 ' Tuesday 64 : 60 Wednesday, ..!,.. G4 CO Thursday',....:.... 43 36 . Total..- !. 431 423; To finish on Saturday night- at six o'clock. BY order of the Court for the relief of Insolvent Debtors. T he Petition of H ilHam Btirgin, late of Somerby, in the connty of Leicester liiillcr, now a prisoner for debt in the Kings Bench Prison, in the Couhty of Surrey, will be heard at the Guildhall, in the city of Westminster, on- the thirtieth day of'Oc- tober, 1818, at the hour of nine in the morning ; and that a schedule ( containinga list of all tb'e Credit? ors ofthe said prisoner) annexed to the said petition, - is filed in the. Office of Ihe said Court, No. 9, Essex Street, Strand, in the County of Middlesex, towhich any Creditor may refer : aiid in case any Cri- ditcr in- tends to oppose the discharge of the said prisoner, it is fnfthei ordered, that " such Creditor shall give notice in writing of such his iiiter. tioii, to be left at the Office bf Ihe said Court, two ila'ys at least before tbi! siiii thirtieth day of< Oetober, together Willi'the grounds oi objeettobs to such discliargejand in de- fal'. lt thereof, such Creditor slmll be precluded from opposiugihe said prisoner; and lie hereby declines that he is ready and willing fo submit to lie- fully ex* amined as to the justice of his conduct to his cred- itors. ... Wjlliam Bnrgin. J. RCGERSIN, 6, Gate Street, Lmcoins Inn Fields. FAIRS.. ; Oct. 12— LEICESTER, Solibhll, Stratford upon- Avon, Warwick, Belbronghton, Burslem, Eaec- lev, Stonebodse, Thame', Cretch, Ouiidte 13— Sbi|) st « n- oii- Stour, Madeley, WUisUif 15— Ross, Banbury, Ashover 16— Bicester -— 17— Aleestyr, Wonlwck Leicester Journal, and Midland CftfttttM. A< U'. erU-<*<*. Or, SENSIBILITY MIC it. 4 ItLMAS MUSINGS. The morning was lovely, ' twas dcstin'd to brine Tiie brightness of Slimmer, the freshness of Spring, To ' cheer of September the close ; Allured bv its beauty, I ventured to stray Front mv chamber, while yet ( but an infant the " ' day}). All around me still courted repose. And sweet was the silence! delicious the breeze! Which swept o'er hiv garden— and there at my ease I hailed if with grateful surprise; For rarely such charms can his senses delight, W. hase cares and whose labours extend through the night. Till dawn mocks his feverish eyes. The Winter's green store lifted boldly its head, But Summer's'gay progeny withering, had tied, ' All that lately embellished the scene; Here and there, sown by chance, I might happen to see, A Tittle neglecte- I and fugitive pea, Or poor illegitimate bean. These their parents had carelessly dropped on the earth, To brave all the ills of a premature birth; I sigh'tl for the stragglers' hard doom, Sent where fostering sunshine but seldom shall warm, To brave, but in vain. Winter's pitiless storm, An I perish before they can bloom. PonioYi. i's rich stores now had vanished from view, The mulberries even— excepting a few, The mddetc had bessed of theroiu ; • Ati- I only the well- guarded grape secm'il to shine, 6U bile it clung to i. ts brothers. aud mother, tlie vine) As if time had attack'd it iu vain. My gaze miaVfrte I was still, when just by A ppidcr feloniously captured a Fly, " Who '' murder" hiuz'il opt ill despair; Not unheard nor uiihrnled the pitifnl. souiid, 1 Saved him. fhe tyrant 1 dashed tt » tlic'ground, And crushed him to atom's when there. His feet from the eluttiuons web clearing som, The t'lv seemed to fancy important the boon of existence. Poor tool! Hisescapc , Made hiin guv, and completely relieved fr mi af- fright, He rase like a lark, but lie . soon chcck'd his fl'ght. To feast oil the Wpom of the grape. Bat the microscope's powers to mc had disclosed That that blown was of myriads of insects Composed, And the wretch I had snatched from his foe, ( fcn the orii that lie honoured with favouring look, K* w spread ruin and death; every stop that lie ' took, Might till a w hole nation with woe. And with- fierce indignation I own my blood boiled, When I . found lie the grape that sustained thuin had spoiled. What heart but for millions must feel! "" How, wretch!— Foul disgrace to the blue bottle name!', I exclaimed, Dar'st thou thus without pity or shame Demolish a world at a meal I" • Sensibility's tear at the thought fill'd my eye_, That inst nit to banishment s uenced the Fly, And c Trefully gathered tiie biiiich : One globe destroyed thus, was enough to deplore, 80 determined the moiistfr should ravage 111 inore, 1 ' iiicei/ all the rest—' tor jnv Uncli. CONVF. HliNCES AT. AIX- LA- CH APELLE. The approaching conferences at Aix- Ia- Cha- jielle have been the objects of the factious tit-' tacks of Ihe Bonapartisfs of this country, who, of course, know beforehand all that is tobedone, and all that the Allied Sovereigns intend to do Without pretending to all this prescience, we may agree with them in supposing that one of the objects of that nfecting will be, to provide for the security of Europe upon the. withdrawing cX the army of occupliihin from France. The stations which these troops are to occupy re- spectively, and file attdiliriiial engage*! en s which this new state of things may suggest, wi'l, doubtless, be among the moist prominent sub- jects of discussion; and, so far from this being matter of surprise or animadversion, it arises out of the nature of circumstances, and could not he neglected, without a gross direlictiou of the duty which these Sovereigns owe to them selves and to each other. France is about to stand up in a new position. She is about to be restored to independence under a Government which the military and jacobin part of the 11a- thin, no inconsiderable part of it, hate ; she has lueeu allowed ( with what policy we do not triw question) to rectuit'bor army, aud will, i. i a few months, be again a formidable military pow er. Are the allies, then, to refuse to contemplate future probable events T Are they to be lulled into security by the affectation of the moderate an ! justvieus of the French nation? Are they to leave its ambition, not yet corrected by any of its sufferings, but fed by the ceaseless ( low of its arrogance and vanity, to plot for aggrandize- ment, ami lay its measures for aggression with- out check and control? This, it seems, would secure for them the praise, as far as Kings can be praised, of those who are now pouring out their . daily ami weekly libels upon them; bul, assuredly, though they have had, in our view, much too great a consideration for the Bona- partists cf France," they will not sO far please those of JEnglatKj, as to take no measures lo re- repress thpse boa villus and swellings'. of the ja- cobin faction, which would again inundate the fields of every Etifpp. ean country, and. under pretence o'fwariuy against Kings, spread mise- ry and desolation over all classes of . people. - There canui'l, be a strppger. propf pf the des- potic " and tyrannous nature ol our modern liher- t|. of its hollow and " hypocritical character, than tiie manner Tn. which all its partisans identify themselves with the cause of Bonaparte atiil. pf. Lis faction in Fi ance. At limpe, itulpcd, we ore not without sufficient indications < ifits, violent and . sanguinary character. To effcct its. objects, it excites uioba, and beats up for re'ohitions. The riot, the massacres, the robberies, which they, as well as others, know would be the cou- ssquences of their successful plots, are things lidt lo be thought of tlielcast consequence iii comparison of overthrowing their political op- ponents, and bringing into action their political theories. Their opposition to the scntimen's of Ot.' iers his 1' uigdcgeiieiated. iiito a dark and set-, tied malignity, aud. hjpt familiarized them, in idea, to every description of violence, ' fhe hab- itudes of their sentiments and feelings on French affairs is, however, still more strikingly indica- tive ofthe hypocrisy of those pretences to liber- ality- and • humanity with which, on every occa- sion, they plum. c themselves. Liberty iu the train of Bonaparte, shouting bis triumphs, mourning his downfall, and. complaining end lessly of that honest maimer in which lie is held in safe custody, too fullj' detects herself to be mistaken. Liberty anticipating the renewal of a war which shall, nfoiice, overturn thecld throne < lf France, and, give. to. the dominant faction UK- re. whoso sentiments, as to liberty, have been long stilled, with every virtuous sentiment, by tUi- military spirit, by a quenchless thirst of ra- jihioand dominion, a control over Europe, is too fmp « dcn? a pretensionta obtain respcct by any but very foolish or very designing men. We kuow this kind of liberty, as we know men by their associates. All that is meant by it is, the liberation of faction against order; the liberation of men of desperate fortuues against the opu- lent: of every petty political theorist against all that has been established by the wisdom of tigcs, and confirmed by experience ; the libera- tion of mobs at home to riot and plunder; and, abroad, of armies of military revolutionists to overthrow every state and. throne which w ill not succumb to the tyranny of their leaders. The meeting of the Allied Sovereigns is hated be- cause it is feared ; and the fear is, lest tliey should keep down the military jacobinism ot France, and again spoil the game of universal anarchy. To us, the meeting of the Sovereigns affords many hopeful anticipations, been Use nothing, as far as we can see, can be its results hutwhat is favourable to the growing liberties ai. M im- provement of mankind, From violent changes nothing but the perpetuation of old evils, under new forms, but greatly heightened in virulence aiid power, enn be expected; from the'steady march of principfes every thing must be hoped ; and whatever, tends to thf repose of the world, in its present circumstances, must be favour- able to the progress of principle.' This repose will be effected by the adoption of strong pre- cautionary measures at AiS- la- Chape le: ltis folly to think, that there is any immediate dan- ger to the pence of Europe except from France, '^ hose chiefly whobaye wished lo blind the eyrs of the public, and secretly to favour the resusci- tation ofthfi military jacobinism of France, have sounded the alarm as to the grow ing power of Russia. Tim time may come, w hen the rapidly rising powe » . of Kussia may need a balance. It is a power; however, which can he no more pre- vented than the rise of the United States, and w hich no w ise or good mail would w ish to pre- vent, because it is, in both cases, power created by the progress of national jpiproveiiieiit. In that future time, and it is yet considerably future, when Russia needs a check, that check may. be found in France, or in intermediate powers. But the incieaseof power in France can only be now wished for by men who look up to her as the military head of the great revolutionary confe- deracy throughouttheworld. If a nation have public principles, the greater its power the bet- ter it will be used for the good of the world : if no efficient principles ofpnblic virtue exist, the more hpr power is guurdfcd anil limited, the bet- ter lor herself and for suriouiidiiig slates. This is precisely the case with France at present. She must lie kept within her limits ; she must be bound' to keep the peace, by arraiigeinciits which w ill diminish the hopefulness of War. If such arrangements be adopted and are success- ful, next to the gratitude the* » orid owes l « the Allied Powers for humbling France, will'be ils graiitude to diem for ensuring the peace ofthe world. TIIIU liberty and good morals will then make their way. In tjbc present active state of the human intellect, with the intercourse which subsists an. o. ig nations the improvements in science, the general progress of mankind in ii.- rl lis try and enjoyments ; these must be the re- sults. Int imal violence and external hostilities are the on jr - Buses vyliich can ititerTdpt" l5ie pro- gress oftiuui, debilitate principle, and deterio- rate 111011 hs- in the nations of Fiurope. OLD IIAlLIST SESSIONS, SEP IT'. MBPK 20. O. o the FRV. Dr. Lawrcace Halloran, alias Ilynes, alias W. C. Gregory, al as Holland, wli' 11 was etjmicied. tif forging a frank ii. t the uarri^ of Sir ff. Harrow, then a > ember of Parliament,, being asked by the Clerk ol Arraigns what he had to spy ' Shy he should not be adjudged to, sidier for die felony, he addressed the Court as follows : - " 1 beg leave most respectfully to suggest to the Court, that the present prosecution against me is the first that has taken place under the Statute ; and although 1 profess not todevelope the motives by which this prosecution may have been influenced, yet I hope I may be permitted to ml vert for a moment to the cruel aiid unjust sufferings I have exptrieiieed. and which, I humbly subipit, have been more than were equi- tably proportioned to. the oifeuce committed.— They hate, indeed, been to me. more distressing and dreadfully appalling than eveii death itself. Und r tlic supposition of having counteifeited a frank, by which ' he Post, Office has been de- frauded. I lun e been torn from my home, from the bi sqiji of my family, anji liayt; been incar- cerated lor more than illiee months in a dun- geon, aim ng the refuse of mankind : and, al- though tin warrant of the Magistrate only ex- tended to the apprehension of my person, my lodgings were searched, my trunks were rilled, and my tippers, were seized and carried. awoy by an officer: although,, indeed, sotne. of them have been returned, others have been still with held, which have 110 reference to the charge i i question, I humbly - hope that the Court will be pleased lo restore these documents. For the violent matirerin which the Ofilter, with live or six attendants, burst into my aptirtiiieuts, an ample justification has been afforded hy the false and malicious stalen.- nts placed in his mouth by the. promoter of this iufoijiotjs prose- cution, rcpie euting me as a dangerous char- acter. always carrying loaded pistols aljqtjtmy person; whereas 011 the contrary, I lt; i\ e not liad a pair of pistols in my possession for twelve months prior tolny arrest. These ma'i. cj^ us mo lives couhl not, however, be concealed, and the subsequent conduct of the Officer did. honour to his feelings and character as an Officer of Justice. " 1 stand here greatly injured in health, in reputation, and in circumstance?, and the so} s charge against me is. that of having defrauded- the Post cilice of lOd. This is the accusation against me, after having gone through an ac- tive and useful life of morethan 5ti y eats, during which 1 have given very eousiderablq sums lo. private and public charities, ' 1 he, greater part of my existence has been devoted to lcligipus and classical instruction— with what credit . and success it does hot become inc to declare; but I hold in my hand testimonials of my mora,] cha- racter for more than 20 years., which 1 am ex- tremely desirous of submitting . to your Lord- ship's consideiation. The authenticity of these testimonials cannot for a nir aieut be disabled, und I hope they will have some iiifitietice on the Court, in mitigiuioi: of the punishment to be intiicted. " I hope I may also be allowed to stale, that many gentlemen educated by me, now fi'j tlje most respectable situations in the army, in the law, and other professions. The present Soli- citor General, Sir Robert Gilford, was for nine years my pupil, and received f: 01111110 the whole of his school education. I have also wholly formed the minds of many gentlemen who are now an ornament to the various stations which they JiU. The frank, wliich it has been pHedged was forged by me, is dated January 0, 1817, and I beg lelive to ttate, that it wotiid b. ivelain dor mant, and not a syllable would have been kuown of the transaction, liad not an unfortu- nate quarrel with hiy Rector introduced it to tbe notice of the public. The death of the only person who could have proved inv innocence, t'oe total ruin of my circumstances, my long confinement, and the unjust detention of a considerable portion of my stipend by the promoter of this prosecution, having deprived meof hn opportunity ( if engag- ing a legal adviser, I fell that I had no other al- native than to allow judgntent to be recorded against me. But I eatrcat most humbly the attention of his Lordship to this single coiisider- ation— the improbability that a mail, not in a stale of actual infatuation, would voluntarily commit such ail offence as that which is now laid to my charge, for the sake of lOd, and that lOd not to pass into his own pocket, but into that of the promoter of this prosecution. Hav- ing said'thus tiiui h, I feel the fullest confidence that the judgment which awaits me will lie regulated by the most strict aud impartial justice. r— —— Adsit Regula. peccatis qute^ ioenasirroget spqtias; Ncseuticadignuiu horribili seetara llngello. " It now only remains respectfully to bow to thtjudgment oi'the Court, which I hope I shall be enabled to meet with the fo: titude ofa man, and the resignation of a christian. Tbe Recorder— The address which you have now made to the Court would have been ex- tremely proper ut the time of your trial; but at this stttgc I can only pass that sentence upon you w hich I uni bound to pass under the autho- rity of the law. It is not in my power to idler it. The Legislature giies the sentence, and it is sojely my duty to pass it. The sentence of 7- years' transportation was then passed upon liini. Dr. Htdloraii again addressed the Court.— I most earnestly implore his Lordship to recom- mend my case lo the humane clemency of the Prince Regent, in order if possible to prevent the dreadful necessity of a parent being tQrn from a numerous family wbj'cfy has no other friend on earth to which" it can look for support. It will lie a separation which 1 feel too sensibly I cannot survive. The Recorder.— Whatever application you have to make to his Royal Highness, it must be done thiough the medium of his Majesty's Ministers. Th « Prisoner bowed, and left the Court im- mediately. liUST /. V WHEAT. An important paper has been published by that celebrated Agriculturist, Sir JohnSinelair, in'which lie earnestly presses Farmers in this ami ensuing scasuns, to use Salt it! preparing thejr faHpws for wheat; aud he establishes, by a number of ftu-^!, the certainty of preventing disease in the wheat crops, by means of saline applications. There is one fact extracted from the laie Rpport ofthe Salt Committee, ordered to be printed in June last, from which it appears that.' the produce of part of a field sown with, sa. it was nearly treble iu proportion to the rest of the field. The grain was of excellent quality; and the succeeding crop of clover was of a superior description. The quantity necessary lo insure success, is from 30 to 40 bushels! of foul salt, the statute acre, Those iising- it, are recommended to try 3j5, avd 10 b), i!\ l\ cls, on, different paits, \ in order to, a. see| tain the best quantity.— The nppjiciitionslieuld be n. ade in SepUmbei: and October.— After it has remained for a few days on the surface, it should be ploughed in. with a shallow furioW, before winter, and afterwards thoroughly incorporated with the soil, before the wheat is sown! in the course of the ensuing sea- son, Farmers iidopting this system are particu- larly requested, to, pay close nftentton to the fol- lowing poiiits, anu to publish the results in. their respective neighbourhoods,: — 1st— Whether the Salt destroys weeds and insects, 2itd : Whether it makes the soil more pliable, aud less tough or adhesive. 3< T— W hether it produces an abundant crop cf Wlieiit, free from rust or Wight. 4th— What are, the effects on tlie succeeding crop of clover, ami the crops that follow it. It would also be important to compare. The land thus treated with. an equal quantity of* the same field, or fields, maimreil with lime, stating the ex pence of each, and their relative produce, and w hat would have been the expence, if the siih bail been totally free from duty. Any Far- mer, w ho wishes to try this, or any other experi- ment with salt, for agricultural purposes, has only to send a certificate, from any Ollicdr of Excise in his neighbourhood, specifying the quantity w anted, to any denier in. salt. ' in. Ches- hire or at Liverpool*, i> y whom it will be for- warded for about £ 6 per ton, free, on board. any vessel or canal boat, Tbe fright, ot course. must depend on the distance from the place of em- barkation to the farm where the salt is to be used. From Liverpool to Leeds, by canal, it is 35s per. ton,. The following is a copy of the certificate which the Farmer must procure from a neigh- bouring Excise Off, ce: r. in order to enable him to obtain the rock salt:— No. I. " A Certificate, to be given by an Officer, to enable a Farmer to procure Rock Salt for feeding or mixing with the food of Sheep, Cattle, &, c. Thisis to certify, that is a farmer re- siding at in the county of near my residence, and that he now occupies about acres of land, situated at and has pot any vertificuie, depending for the Hock Salt already re- reived. H itness mil hand, this day of 181 Officer of Division or Hide District Cot'e< tor." The Farmer may transfer ony part of the Salt received in consequence of this document, to any other Fanner, for which purpose the near- est Excise Ofiiccr will furnish him with a per- mit. He will also furnish him with another cer- tificate, to be, filled up when the Salt lias been used, and in which is to be specified in what manner and proportions the salt has been used; what description or number of sheep and cattle have been Ted therewith i in what way the same has been used as a manure; ou what lands; and what benefits have resulted therefrom. The permission to use the salt is not clogged with bonds or affidavits. When it is considered bow fatal Rust is to our Wheat crops, and that it is a malady which lias perhaps occasioned, more distress to this country than any one other circumstance that can be mentioned, i;. is earnestly hoped that nu- merous Fanners, in all parts of tlie. coutitry, will * Sir John saps, Mr. Horne. a 1 expectable aud puh- lic- spi. rited me, reliant. in Liverpool, is particularly anxious to promote such . experiments; and, if ap-' plied to, will, probably, uadeifake. to e. seV^ te, the commission. nwcii'iwiiiinwi" 4, mn winimnm: m. immediately adopt this mode of treatment pn some partof their lands, in order that their con- current testimony may fully establish its effi- cacy, nnd prepare, the " way for its universal ap- plication, — Le* iIs Intelligencer. A J. J'OUL. FIUE OFFICES. The fallowing calculations have been lately made and published by Jfr. Bigiiohl, $ ecrC! ary to the Norwich Opion Association, who has been a Secretary to different Fire Offices up- wards of thirty years The Sun Fire Office Duty, he states at £ 116,000 per annum, and its Premiums at £. 150,000. If the losses were in any year to amount to £ 200,000, the Proprietors ( I0<) in number,) would lose £ 500 each, to make up thp £ 50,000 deficient"; but if the loss were divided aniorigihe insured, supposing them to be 200,000 in number, upon thi} plan ofthe Norwich Uni- on, then the loss would be only 5s each. There are, however, Mr. Bignold states, upwards of WW), OOOInsurers at the Sun Fjre Offce, divided amongst whom the loss of £ 50.001) would be but Is 3d[ each.— Mr. Bignold thinks that there are not less than 50 FireOff. ees in the kingdom, and that upon an average of 30 years the loss is £ 200,000 annually, for which 00,000 is paid for insurance, being £ 500,000 beyond the loss. — The loss of the Sun £ ire Ol| ice. he states, at £ 50,000, its annual receipt at £ 150,0Q0, so that it receives £ 100,000 Lejopd ils lpss.- r^ hie ex- pellees of conducting the 50 OftV. es is £ 150,000 which leaves a surplus of 350.000, or 50 per cent, for the Proprietors of shares in tbe Offices but which ought to be divided among ( he In- surers.— The Norwich Union Association com- menced in 1797, with 28 members only, sub- scribing £ 1 each, and guaranteeing to each other in case of loss £ 1000 only"; the loss in the first 7 years was £ 27 only ; the surplus capital has every 7 years since been resinned by the Subscribers, the Subscribers reserving 7 years nionej as a standing capital- for pa) nient of losses.— Mr. Bignold states, that there are now 80,000 members ill the Norwich Union. The so- ciety, be says, for 21 years have withdrawn £ 50 per cent, every 7 years, paying nil losses and cliarges, and, if dissolved, would, now divide a surplus of upw ards of £ 100,000. DJA FY OF A MODERN IiANDY. ( Picked up in Bond street, London.) SATO it ti AY— Rose at twelve with ad d head ache— M, cm. Not to drink the Regent's Punch after supper.—- The green tea keeps one awpke Breakfast at one— read the Morning Post— the best paper after all— always full of wit, fine writing, and gOodncics. Sent for the'taildr and stay- maker— ordered a morniug dtrni surtout of the last Parisian cnt, with the collar a la Guillotoine, to shew the neck behind— a pair of dress Peter shorn pantaloons. With striped flounces at bottom— and a puis ol Cumberland corsets, with the whalebone, buck.— A caution to tlfe unwary. Tiie last pair gave way- ill stooping to pick upLady B's glove— theThike of. C—^- E, vulgar, enough to laugh, and asked me in the sea slang if 1 hnd not missed staves h1 tacking.— Find ibis lo be an old joke stolen from the Fudge Familv.— QURIIY.— Who is old Tom Brown?—- Not known at Long's, or the Cla- rendon. THREE o'ci. ocs— Drove out in. the Dennett- took a few turns in Pall mall, St. James's street, and Piccadilly— got out at Giange's— was told the thermometer in the ice cellar was at 80— pra- di- gi- ous ! Had three glasses of pine and one, of Curacoa— the Prince's Fancy, as P-* calls it— P. is a wag in his way. FIVE TO SEVEN.— Dressed for the evening dined at half pest eight, " nobody with me but myself," as the old Duke of Cumberland said — a neat dinner in long's lest stj/ le, u'z, a tu- reen of turtle, a small tui bot. a dish of Carlton- cullets. Remove— A turkey poult and an apri- cot tart. Desert— Pine apple and brandy cher- ries. Drank two tumbler's ofthe Regent's Punch, iced, and a pint of Madeira— went to ihe Opera in high spirits— just over— forgot the curtiii 11 drops on Saturdays before 12:— Mem. To dine at 7 011 Saturdays. Supped nt the Clarendon with tbe Dandy Club — cold collation— played a fe> v rounds ol'Chick- en Hazard, and went to bed quite cool. SUNDAY,— Breakfasted at three— ordered the Tilbury— took, a round of Rotten- row and the Squeeze, in Hyde Pa; k— cursedly annoyed with the. dust in ail directions— dined soberly with P—— m, and wect to the Marchioness of S— j's Cmiversetione in the evening— dull, but genteel. P calls it the StJttlay School. N. B. P ni, who is cutious in his snuffas well as in his snuff- boxes, has invented a new mixture, Wellington's. and Blucher's, w hich he lias named in honour of the mi cling of the two heroes affcr the battle of Waterloo — La Utile Alliance— a good hit— net to be sneezed at. MONDAY — Dined iu the city with Sir Wm. C , all the fashion since the Prince went — A d it good dinner and ccpitnl wines. The Baronet an hospitable fel'ow, hut vulgar— sent his plnte twice for turtle, ai d drinks beer after his cheese! P m was ofthe party— the Al- derman holding out his linger u/ id thumb, beg- ged a cool ' pinch. P said he should liaveit, aiid put the box 011 ihe ice pail— a lonrl laugh — w hich the Baronet sai l reminded him of the House of ComlBonE— don't like practical jokes — hate quizzing and tjjiizxers. N. B.— None admitted at our club.— Cpetera delimit. MARKET HERALD. AGRICULTURE. MONTHLY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER. The Wheat Harvest in the Northern counties at length ended, and has proved one oi' the most productive ever remembered. The sea- sonable weather- which lias been afforded in housing the grain insures its continuance in good condition, and thereby holds out the most plqasitig prospect of ah und a 11 ; and it is hoped that the surplus wiil be found of the greaiest utility in keeping. down the prices in the South- ern counties where Providence has not been so bountiful, and v. here the consumption is great- er.— Larlcy and Ontshave been productive, and ofthe very best quality, but the straw in gen- eral has been short and scanty. Beans a good crop.— The showers of rain which have fallen through the month, accompanied by mild grov.- i « g wpather, have refreshed the whole face . of the country ; and great hopes arc entertained of abutidnuceof lattermath grass. The pastures are full of keep.— Turnips are better that are more lo the Southward, but not plenty.— Po- tatoes are very line, and uncommon great crops. Wheat sowing goes on rapidly, and the fallows | are in the most clean and husband like state.—• Apples unusually plenty. The pigment Duty 011 Haps is estimated at £ 165,00.0. Marlt- I. ane, Monday, Oct. 5. 1818. Our market WHS well supplied this morning with all kinds of Grain, find the sales, both Wheat and Oats, were on much the same terms as this day w eek. The supply. of Barley beiiM- very large, inferior was very dull, and tine saif£ pies from 3s to 4s per quarter lower. I11 Pease and Beans there is up alteration. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, ( PE, R QUARTER) IN ENGLAND AM) WALES, For the W eek, ending Sept. 21! th, 1818. T O T A L. Wheat Rye Barley Oats Beans Pea/ t s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S2 0 j .62 1 | CO 10 | 25 5 | 76 5 | 71 2 Oatmeal, per boll, of 1401b 35s 7d RETURN PRJCL OF GRA IN. ON r. OARIl Ship AS I'MJtR. Foreign Wheat Fine ( iitto • • • Engli sh Wheat Fine ditto ... Old ditto Rye Fine ditto Barley Fine New ditto Malt Fine Old White Pease Fine Grey ditto Fine ditto Tick Beuns.( ricw)... Fir. e.. Small Tick Beans . Old Feed Oats ( new) ... Fine Poland ditto ( new) . Finp Potatoe Oats 60s. . to. 64s.. to. 6f; s.. to. 70s. . to. — s.. to. — s.. to. — s.. to. ' jas.. to. —- 8 . . tO . eos.. to. 60s.. to. 70s.. to. — s. . to. 70s. . to. — s. . to. 52s.. to. — s.. to. 66s.. to. — s, . to. 6l'svto. — s. . to. 26s.. to. 32s.. to, 32s.. to. 34s.. to. 34s: . to. ,70s 82s 60s His. — % - r- a f. U 68s 63s. 80s 84s 74s 96s 60s ( i£ s.. 70s 72s 70s 84s. 3t's 37" s 36s. ,3'? S PRICE OF FLOUR. Town made Flour, 70s.. to.. 75* ) per Ditto Seccnds. J 60s-. to. .50s S Such. Bran-'. • • 15s-- to-- 18 » } ptm Fine Pollnr. d . F8s- - to - -£ 6> 5 Quartern Kape Seed ( new) . .£ 46- - to - -£ 48 per Last PRICE OF MEAT7. SAUTHEIKLD, MONDAY Oct. 3. To sink the offal— per stone of Mb. Beef. .4s 4d to < 5& 6d 1 Veal.. 4s 4d to 7s f » Mutton4s 4d to 6s 4d | Pork. .4s 8d to 6s ( id 11EA 11 0E CAT I LK THIS DA Y » Beasts, about... .2568 ] Calves 200 Sheep. 14580 I Pigs SOI? PRICE OF lEATHEJt. " ' per lb. Butt*, 50to-£ G// « each 23d Ditto, 56 to 6filbs each .— d Dressing Hides .20( 1 Fine Coach Hides 22d Crop Hides, 35 to 40/ is for cutting2<: d Ditto. 45 to 5t'ibs 2 Id- Calf Skins 30 to 40lbs 24d Ditto 50 to 70/ 6s 33d Ditto 70 to 80/ 6* 3<) d Small Seals ( Gi eenland 26d Large ditto per dozen... .70s.. PAW HIDES. per lb. to 25tl to, — d, lo 92d to 23d to 2 Id to 23d- to 28d to 4,0d% to 3( Jd to 30d to.. lOC8 PER STOKE. Heifers, ,2s 8d to 3s Od Steers,. ,2sSd to8sId Middlings2sCd to 2sSd SHE CP Polled.. 5d to 6s Od Downs, ,3s Od to4stld PER STOKBV Ordinary, 2s Od to 2s 4d Calf. . lis I'd English Horse.. 10s t d Six JAS. \ Sbcailings 3s Cd Lambs. S3(. . to. .5sC'< PRICE OF HOPS. NEW EAOS. Kent..- £ 6 10s . to..£ 8 Os Sussex. .. 6 Os- to*. 7 Us Foreign Hops . .0 Os. . to.. 8 Os. NEW POCKETS. Kent £ 7 • a--£- r- se to-* £ 9 Cs Sussex •• 7 Os •• Q Os- to-• 8 0* Essex.. 7 Os-- to-- !) Os Farnham. 10 Os-- to-- 14 Os. PRICE OF FAT, PER STONF, OP EtOHt ROCNDS. Stated bu Tallow Metiers. | Stvtiitby the Butchers. St: JMII « ' « F' » I C, > St; James's... ,5s 9d WhitechapeF. ,5s 9d Average.. 5s 9d St. James's ... 5s Pd Wlfitechapel . ,5s Sit Average..^ 9d 1 N VTRRNFRK. . OS U( 1 PRICE OF TALLOW, SOAP, per 112/ A. Tow n Tallmv... — s Od.. to.. 97s Od Yellow Russia-• — s Od• • to• • C5s Od White ditto — s Od-- to- Soap ditto — s Od-- Melting Stuff... 1< Js Od • Ditto Rough - - - 54s. Od -.•._. Yellow Soap 112s j Mottled i 24s , _ ._„. Palml" 28s | Giates 24s Od | C- cod Dregs 10 » A- Price of Candhs, per doz. 14s 6d— Moulds 16s Od 6d per doz. allowed for ready ivoriey. 93s Cd 93s Cd 80s Od to.. 56s Od Curd 128a • to • to HOME MARKET. PRICE OF CORN AND FLOUR. IN LEICESTER MARKET, On Saturday, OCTOBER 3rd, 1818. WINCHESTEn MEAStRE. per Qtiarter. Wheat old 80s to 96s Ditto new — s to Rye — s to Barley 60s to Oats 34s to Fine Flour • • Seconds ditto .. 6Gs. . to.. Thirds. ditto 63i. . to.. J. SMITH, Receiver of Assize Returnr — s 55s 76s 44s per Quarts* Besns.... 70s to b Is Ilog' Pease — s to liltiePease— s to Oatmeal.. — s to Pale Malt 888 to 7Q » — » 90s C8s. . to . 71s ^ 68s Jf- 65s J4"* PITISTEN and J'L 31.1SKK11 by JOHN PRICE, MARKET Place, Leicester. 1 his Paper is regularly filed in LONDON, at the London, Chapter, and Peel's Co/ fee Houses; and by Messrs. NKWTON and Co. No. 5, Warwirk- sqiiafc, Newgate- street; antl by J. W uriE, No. iS, Fleet- street; where AdvertiM mentsare received. 1— Adrertisennnts nrt ui- tr received, and the PaperdistriMvd, by Mr. Adsun, Druggist, Loaghborovgh ; Mr. Harrow, Kegw Optl: - Mr. Beadsmore, Asbby de- la- Zoiich; Hr. brti •• Sheepshead; Miss Ward, Hincklty ; lie - is. I. audio. Vl el ton ; ?' r. llcttriH, I utter on. . Mr, ( Ho
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