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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Volume Number: LXVII    Issue Number: 3449
No Pages: 4
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser

Date of Article: 11/09/1818
Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number: LXVII    Issue Number: 3449
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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> L< AND COUNTIES, VOL. LXVII. Printed and Published by John Price, Market- place, Leicester. No. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1818. $ Circulated through the principal Towns and populous Villages in the Counties ot' Leiecr^ i- r, Rutland, \ \ Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, Warwick, Northampton, Cambridge, anu York. J , STAMP DUTY I</. > PRICE SEVEN PENCB- IO « : PAPER . SI PRINT,, 3d. \ EIGHT SHILLINGS per Warier Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, MONDA Y, Sept. 7. HIS MAJESTY'S. HE VLTH. On Sunday tire following Bulletin was ex- hibited at St. James's Palace, . of the state of the King's health :— Windsor Castle, Sept. 5,1818. " His Majesty has been exceedingly quiet and comfortable through the last month, but without any alteration iu the state of his Majes- ty's health. A Mail from Flanders has arrived. Hu- mours of the death of the illustrious Prince Iiiucher at Carlsbad, are given on the autho- rity of a letter from Aix-! a- CUapelie ot tlic 2Bth ; but as letters from tlu't city of a date two days later make no mention of the re- portedmelancholy event, we are led to hope that this great and '' lotions man has not yet closed his earthly career, lilt that to invalu- able a character wi'l for many years longer he spared to admiring Europe. More American Papers have been receiv- ed.— The Charlestoivn Papers say, that let- ters from Jamaica by the schooner ~ Friend- ship, state, that t'. e Admiralty 1 a, 1 directed that no British ships of war should in future be allowed to touch at American potts w ith specie. It is confirmed by the last advices from St. I ominyo, that Ciiristophe- was left in full march against Port- au- Pl ince. The Revenue.— We are rejoiced to And, that such is the progressive improvement in the state of our Ivevriiue, that the excess in the present Quarter, bey ond that iu the cor- responding Quarter of last year, w ill be near one million aud a half.— Upon this most cheering fact we cordially congratulate the . British public. Oobourg; died Nov. 5— 2. Frederick, Duke of York, born Aug. 16, 1763; elected Bishop of Osnabnrgh,' Feb. 27, 1764; K. G. mar, Sept, 29, 1791, to the Princess Fredeiioa Charlotte Ulrica, Princess Royal of Prussia, b. May 7, 1707.— 3. W illiam Henry Duke of Clarence, b. Aug. 21, 1705, K. G. and K. T.— 4. Charlotte Augusta Matilda. Princess Royal Of England, Lady of the Imperial Russian Order ofSt. Catherine, b. Sept. 29, 1766, ni. May 18, to the Duke, late King of Wiiteniberg.— 5. Edward. Duke of Kent, K. G. It. Nov.' 2, 1767.;— 6. Princess Au- gusta Sophia, born Nov. 8,' 1768.— 7. Princess Elizabeth b. May 22,1770.- 8. Ernest Duke of Cumberland, K. G. li. June 5,1771 : married May 29, 1816, to Fred. Soph. Carol, daughter of the Duke of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, b. March 2, 1778.-— 9. Augustus Frederick, Dukeof Sussex, K. G. bom Jan. 37, 1773— 10. Adolpbus , Fre- derick, Duke of Cambridge, K.' G. b. Fob. 24, 17/ 4.— 11. Princess Mary, born April 25, 1776. — 12. Princess Sophia, born Nov. 3, 1777. MEMO IH OF HER MAJESTY. Her Majesty, whose maiden name is Sophia Charlotte or Caroline of Meeklenburgh Strelitz, was bora May 16, 1744. She was the youngest daughter'^ Charles Lewis, brother to Freder- ick, the third Duke of Mecklenburgb. Her fa- Cier hiiwever, though in the immediate lire of inheritance, as bis brother the reigning Duke had no issue, nnd was unmarried, did not suc- ceed ta the principality: ln: died before his bro- ther, and thus, upon the death Q. f Frederick, the succession devolved upoh bis nephew, Adolphris Frederick the Fimrth, brother to her pre. en! Majesty. In respect to her Majesty's Union with our beloved and afilictecl Sovereign, itseems ne- cessary to observe, that this event was, not a matter of mere state policy , but of preference aud election. His Majesty had not long filled the throne before be acquainted his Coun- cil, in a meeting convened for the express purpose, " that having nothing so much at heart astlie w elfare and happiness of his people, and tiiat to render the same stable and permanent to posterity being the lirst object of his reign, ho had, ever since his accession to the throne, turn- ed his thoughts to tbe choice of a Princess, with whom he might find the solace of matrimony, and the comforts of domestic lile: He; had to an- nounce to them, therefore, with great satisfac- tion, that. after the most mature reflection and fullest information, he had come to a resolution to demand in marriage the Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburgh Strelit;, a Princess distinguish- ed by every amiable virtue and elegant endow- ment, whose' illustrious line had constantly shewn tiie firmest zeal in the Protestant religion, and a particular attachment to his Majesty's family." tsuch were the terms in which his Majesty an- nounced his Royal intention to his Council on the 8th July, l? 01. Titjiaegoeinlion commenced at Strelitz, and the Earl of llafcourt, his Ma- jesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary, concluded the treaty of marriage on the 15th of August following. Preparations were immediately made for the recepti m of the Royal Bride in England. She left Meck- leuburghon the 22d of Uigust, and arrived af- ter a tedious voyage of ten days, at Harwich, on the 6i. ii of the follow iug month, lief Majes- ty rested one night, that of her arrival; upon her journey at tbe bouse of the Ear! of Abercorn. at Witham, in Essex, from whence she set out j early the next morning, aid arrived at ihe Pa- j lace of St. James's, where she was received by his Majesty aud the rest of the Royai Family. At nine upon the saute evening the marriage Ceremony was solemnized by the Arehbishopof Canterbury, in the RoyalChopel, under circum- stances of appropriate splendor and respect.— The usual congratulatory addresses w ere pre- sented to their Majesties from botii Houses of Parliament, the two Universities, and- all coun- ties, cities, am! corporations in. the kingdom.— The grand assembly of Ihe nation prepared like- wise a. testimony of their duty and muuilioeuee On being form of the King her Majesty . agreeub! a jointure of £ 100, Out) per annum, which was settled upon her by an Act of the Legislature, together with the Palace of Richmond uud So- merset House In t he following year the joy of the nation was increased by tbe birth of an heir to llie throne. The hope of continuing the Protestant succes- sion in his Majesty's family was now change-.! to a kind of certainty, and the bwth of an heir was of itself sufficient to have established the popularity of a Queen of England, even had she wanted those many virtues which her Majesty is so well kuow'n to possess. The following are the issue ofthe Royal Pair: 1. George Prince of Wales, bom August 12, 1762, K. G.; appointed Regent Feb. 6, 1814; married April H, 1735, to the Princess Caroline of Brunswick, born May 17, 1768, by whom he had isstji*. Charlotte Augusta, born Jan. 7,1796; m, UTTF<} itay 2, lb Hi, to Prince Leopold of Saxe linortv or men ouiy iiiumth ru^. ormally acquainted with the marriage ig, they provided for the support of v Agreeably to the Sovereign's wishes The Archbishops, at the earnest desire of the Commissioners appointed for carrying into exe- cution an Act " for building, and promotingthe building, of additional churches and chapels in populous parishes," have addressed'a circular letter to the Bishops in their respective provinces, for tbe purpose of requesting, through them, the Incumbents of each diocese to furnish the said Commissioners with the fullest information upon tire four following points, namely: A correct account of the population of the parish, aud of any adjoining extra. parochial place : the num- ber of persons which the parochial church is, on admeasurement, found capable of accommoda- ting : the distance from the parish church at which any considerable part ofthe parishioners reside: and, in case of its being deemed expe- dient to remove all or any of these impediments to the people's attendance on Divine worship, what sum or sums tbe inhabitants ol'such parish or extra- parochial place are able and willing to contribute towards erecting an additional church or chapel. Mr. Incledon is arrived in Liverpool from America. He has realized, it is said, by his trans- Atlantic expedition upwards of Jive thou- sand pounds. Miiacvluus Escape.—- A few nights since, a man win) was sleeping in a garret at the Wool- packs. in Trow bridge, dreamt that he w as about to be seized by the Devil, when, getting out of bed, he climbed to a high window, at which lie got out, and was immediately precipitated upon the pavement ill the street, and, wonderful de- liv erance for hint, escaped with only a few slight bruises.— Hath Herald. On Friday last, the cottage ofa labourer, in the parish of Writtle, was broken- open in the daytime, ond a sum of money, amounting to upwards of fifty guineas in gold, taken from it. We are happy to learn, that a man has been ap- prehended under strong suspicion of beiugguil- ty of tho burglary, and committed for further examination; but jt excites ct. ually our sur- prise and regret to find, that so many persons in the lower stations of life still persevere in keeping large suras of money in their cottages, in this unsafe ami unproductive state. If ibis money had been invested iu the Savings Bank, the owner would have been probably, for some time in the receipt ofa regular interest arising from it, the capital would have been as safe as the Government of the. country can make it, and a fellow Christian would not have been tempted to commit this atrcreious crime. It has always stiu- k ng as'o ieof the principal advantages which distinguish these excellent institutions, that in proportion to their success, they will diminish ihe temptation to the crime v, hieh has become so frequent, of breaking i to the cot- tages ofthe poor; a. id we siiil hope to see the time when every man, whose industry and in- dependent spirit prompt him to lay by a part of liia holiest earnings, will have the wisdom to carry it regularly, as it accrues, to thfe Sayings Bank nearest to him.— Chelmsford Chronicle. Duel Extraordinary.— On Friday last a dis- pute respecting n lady'slove took place between two gentlemen who occupied apartments in the same bouse, in Lambeth road. One of them was a son of. Vulcan, the other a descendant of the renowned Saint Crispin, The dispute ran high, and it was determined to settle it instant- ly in an honorable way. Accorditigl. il, attended by two frietiils, they repaired to a field in the neighbourhood of Vau. thali, Crispin tcaawghot in proportion as he, drew near Ihe lata! ct. and dec- larin ; lie w - mid lose Jr..- r:::/ rather t!: t t not end bis adversary. When arrived at tha place of combat, ho .- ever, the. son of Fa/ ran, appeared better prepared to stand fire than his adversa- ry, for fiie po. tr c.. bier no sooner saw tin pis- tids loaded than his heart began to beat like a htmmer. r. n- 1-. cve'ry m >: > ent proved that he was not prepared to risk his * ou- f « r bis Jove. Be- fore the seconds had time to measure the ground Crispin discharged it> s pistol at his adversary, n<: d then retreated behind a wall for safety, and was witli diliieulty brought back to the ground again. On die second lire be took to his heels in good earnest, leaving the man of metal in possession ofthe field and the lady, declaring be bud no w ish at present to have his career closed by a leaden pill.— Sunday paper. An Incorrigible Rogue.— A noted thief, named Jones, was charged with robbing a gentleman of his pocket- book, in the neighbourhood of St. Paul's, a tew days since. ' I he prisoner, it tinned out, was one of a party charged with felony, who effected an escape about two years ago. On Unit occasion, he no sooner h id freed himself from his irons, than he forwarded them back to the keeper; aud, in a polite note, assur- ed him that lie had no desire whatever again to wear" the galling chain!" He is however, once move imprisoned. Illegal fishing, for the furtherance ofa curi- ous purpose, litis lately been disovered on the Thames. Regutar fishermen, ant! large bodies of poachers, sweep the Thames, nig lit nnd day, of all tbe white frsh, for the sake of their scales merely : these are sold to Jews, for manufactur- ing beads in, imitation of pearls ; . oach scales are sold at 21s. per quart, dace 258; whilst for bleak four guineas a quart is the present market price in Duke's- place ! The scales are torn off them as fast as they ar^ caught, aud thus, often dreadfully mangled, they are tossed back into the water to linger arid die in torture. Inquest.— An Inquest was taken on Saturday night in Newgate, on the body of VV. Day, alias Oliver, who put an end to his existancc on Sa- turday morning, by catting his throat with a ra- zor. W. Harvey, a prisoner confined in New- gate for trial, said. tlie deceased seemed very- low in spirits. lie furjl been committed on a charge of forgery on Tuesday. They fried to raise his spirits, but he complained of his Soli- citor not attending bim'as be onglit. Witness succeeded in raising'bis spirits alittl- e, by telling him he was in a similar situation," and with him to liopy." At night it was proposed to watch him, as from his saying, '*' f will not he long in this world,'' they feared he meant something not right. Witness went to bed at half- past ten, and got up at two to relieve theothers. About half- past three, witness heard a. noise, as if the de- ceased was struggling in his bed, but upon go- ing up and feeling, all appeared quiet. In a few moments after the noise was repeated as though itdrooeeded from the throat. Witness totxk his candle to examine, ami perceived the blood upon the wa'I lie roused his companion, and on their turning tbe body, they found his throat cur. He was not quite dead, but he be- came soon after completely extinct. A razor was picked up in the bed close to the body. From the time of his commitment, the deceased had been much depressed ; he u'ept continually, and seldom cat or drank. This evidence was cor- roborated, and proof given as to the apparent alienation of mind, under which the deceased was supposed to labour.— Verdict— Insanity. . WARWICK RACES, Wednesday, Sept. 1. The King's Plate of lOOgs. Four mile beats. Mr. Clifton's b h Cainelion, 1 1 Mr. Tonic's gr g Algeritie, •••• 2 2 Colonel Greave's b g Sir Christopher .... 3 3 Captain Mevneil's g c Sympathy 4 dr Match fin 200gs. One mile course. Mr. V. Corbet's br f Merviua 1 Mr. I'rvse's irr f Meg J! urdocli,...... 2 Hunters Sweepstakes of lOgs each. Two mile Heats. Mr. Steven's br in by Ditto, 1 I Lord Ayiestord's ch c Young Ditto 2 2 Mr. Platel'seh t'Virgff, .' 2 dr Sweepstakes for three year olds, lOgs. each. - One mile course. I. ord Grey's life Tempest, by Thunderbolt, 1 Sir ' I'. Stat. ley's ch f tfic Grand Duke, 2. •.- West's I r fbv Dick Andrew's, ....;.- 3 \ Ir. Massey's br c Tigon, by Miloj ..... 4 Sir tV. Wynne's bl f Banshee, by Young Sorcerer, 5 Mr. Pigou's ch c Mimtrel, - 0 Sweepstakes r ' Sgs. each, with £ 50 added. Two mile heats. SirT. Stanley's be by M indie, 1 1 Mr. Taylor's b'g Single Peeper; 2 2 Col. Greave's b ! r Bush, ....'.... 3 3 Mr. Pbtnfpps'S b f by S- rcerer, .....:.. - dr THURSDAY* Plate of ^ 50 given by tiie Members for the Borough. Two mile heats. Mr. Tay lor's b g Single- peeper, 2 1 1 Mr. Massey's br c / Egon, 1 2 2' Mr. Shirley's b c by Evidence 4 3 3 Capt. MeyneH's b nt Maid of the Mill, dr Sweepstakes of logs, each for 2 year edits. Half mile course. Mr. Sadler's f bv Fyldenesr, 1 Mr. J - nes's Mis^ Fudge, by Poulton, .. 2 Mr. West's ch f by Junipiu-, 3 Mr. Andrew's clr c by Selim 4 Mr. Painter'sch c by Fit/, James, a Mr. Chandler's he Yankee, by GolumpusO Gold Cnp of lOOgs. and 170. in specie ; 27 Sub- scribers ; lOgs. each. Four mile course. Lord Grosvenor's b e. Tagus t Mr. L. Charlton's i- i b Indus, 2 Mr. Denbaui's Advance, 3 Six started; 4 to 1 against the winner— C io 5 against Indus. A good race. BANK. R CPTS" rt', 051 sAruiiDtv's GAZETTE. ,1 Oswald Head, Liverpool, - merchant William Cooper, Belt court, Watoiook, paper- incrchant J Dawson, Buruhani Mestgate, Norfolk, book- seller Win. Morton, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, paper- mcrchant Rob; Felton, Lawrence Peuntncy lane, bop mer- chant DIVIDENDS. From Tuesday's Gazette, September .1. AT GUILDHALL. September 22, C Bishop, High street, South- wark, linen draper 26, W Lowe, Maccles- field, druggist—— 17, A Keating, Strand, sil- versmith October 31, G Penny, Warnford court, Throg- morton street, merchant IN THE COUNTRY. September 25, W Hewens, Hinckley. Leices- tershire, mercer, at the King's Head Inn, Cov- entry 25, J Saint, Lytnihgton, iron founder, at the Anchor and Hope Inn, Lymingtoti 25, J Kitkpatrick, Liverpool, dealer, at th George Inn, Dale street. Liverpool 24', W in Stanley, Warwick, liquor merchant, at th King's Anns Lin, Warwick 22, A Barnes, Cirencester, linen draper, at the Rani Inn, Cirencester October2, J Simpson, Mtton, Hull, oil mer- chant, at the Dog and Duck Inn, Hull 19 J Richardson, kirkby Kendal, bowse carpenter, at- the King's Arms, Kfrkby Kendal From Saturday's Gazette, Sept. 5. AT GUILDHALL. Sepfcmlicr 26, W May, Crispin street, Spital fields, bombazeen v. eaver October 31, B Sarger. nt, Kingston upon Thames, carpenter 31, W Grieves, Holborn bridge, cheesemonger IN THE COUNTRY. September 28, E W Dickenson, J- Dickenson, and J U Hodgson, Liverpool, merchants.' at the George Inn, Dale street, Liverpool — SO, li and W Parry, Caerleoii, Monn'iouthsliiie, tin-' plate- manufacturers, at the King's Head Inn, Newport 28, E Webb. Birusinghi- rn, linen draper, at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham 30, N Ablitt, Great Yarmouth, corn merchant, at the Black Lion'Inn, Great Yarmouth—— 29, C M, orbol » e and M Brown. Hull, meichants, at the George Inp, Huil 29, D Caruthers, Li vcrpool, merchant, at the George Inn, Dale st. Liverpool— 28, S Trent, Yeovil, miller, nt the olfice of Mr. W bite, ?# icitor, Yeovil 30, W Rowntree. Newcastle upou Tyne, miller, at the George Inn. New c;-, stle upon Ty ne 28, J and 3 Mulletf, Ilininster, flax- spinners, at the Mer- maid Inn, Yeovil- 28, W Hollnway, Bed war- dine, saddler, at the Star and Garter Inn, Worcester October 14, O Roberts. \| mvrich, Anglesea, shopkeeper, at the George Inn, Dale street, Li verpool - 10, T Smith, Adington, dealer,- at the White I [ act Inn, Broad way, Worcestershire 2, J Grant. Seulcoates, beast, jobber, at the George Inn, Hull 7, \ V Matthews, Liver- pool mc- rehant, at the Gcotge Inn, Dale street, Liverpool Med tea I Profession. Wanted Immediately, A N Apprentids by Messrs. MARKIOTT and i \ Co. Surgeons, Kibworth. Apply to Dr. ARNOLD, Leicestci'. None need apply but who havev been liberally- educated. Kibworth, August " 0, 1818. lo l(,,- Creditors O/' S. TMUIU, TURNER, late of the town of Nottingham, Ghntlirt> ave decrased. itml ofM rs. SARAH TURNER, late also of the same ptaee, his Widow, deceased. I" HIE Executors of the above- named Mrs. . XURNER, do hereby give notice, that all Persons having any Claims or Demands against the Estate and Effects ot llie above- named Mr Turner, or of tbe said Mrs. Turner, his late Widow, deceas- ed, are to send the particulars of their respective' Claims to Messrs. Tallents and Bcenr, Solicitors. Newark- npon- Trent, on or befoie the first day of November next, in order that, if correct, tliev may be discharged. Bv order ef the Esectitofj, TA LLENTS and'BEEVOR, SOLICITORS. , Kewark, Sept. 18 1818. HUNTING SEAT,' Or Residence for a Genteel Family, TO' BE LET, Andcbterered upon iiiiineilicftely, or at Michaelmas next, TH UK M ASTON HOUSE, 7" ITH. 40 acres of fine land, ( br & nypart thereof) snrroundingit, delightfully si- tuate a quarter of a mile from the tnrnpikejoarl from Leicester to Melton, and 3 miles from tbe for- mer place. The - bouse consists of a I » ihome entrance liall, dining room, 27 feet by 1!-, and 13 ft- efhigb, break- fast room and study, each 10 feet by - 15, kitchens, and other suitable domestic offices on the grennd floor; drawing room over, aud tl. e same- size as the dining romi, water closet, and 6 bed rooms, besides accommodation tbrservai. ts. The yard contains n coach house, stabling far five horses, ( which may be enlarged for 8) granarv, sad- dle and harness room, latiruiiy, an'd other conveni- ent outofiices. The greunds around the house are tastefully laid out unci planted. The contiguity of the premises to tire Qnorndon and Melton Hunts,- anel the surrounding covers, ren dels them highly w orthy tbe attention of the sports- man, who on inspection will find tlifcm replete with every convenience. For further particulars apply to Messrs. PAYNE, Solicitors, Leicester. Dr. James's Fever Powder, and Analeptic Pills. BI G respectfully, as proprietor of these i n- viiluable medicines, to inform the public, that I have ceased to supply Messrs. Nevvbery and Sous therewith, and that I have appointed as mv how sale II fiolesale Agents for the sale of them, Messrs BCTLF. K and SONS, Chemist and Druggists, No. 1, Cheapside, corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, London, and No 34, Sack ville- street, Dublin. Messrs Newberry having, however since f thought proper to withdraw from them the sale of my medicines, announced their intention of vending compositions of their own, under ihe above titles, the public are, in cousequei ce. further requested to observe, ihat toe liable them to discriminate between my Medicines and those of Messrs. Nevv bery, I shall sign my name or. tbe label cf each packet of the powder, and box of pills, that is'sent in future out of nn Elaborately : aiul that Messrs. Newberv and Sons have no longer any interest or concern whatever in the genuine me- dicines prepared by me. li. G. G. JAMES. Bruton- stre pt, Berkeley- square. The geauir, ie Dr. James's Powder and Analeptic Pills may also be obtained at the Journal Qffice, and of the. inost. i l spectahle booksellers, druggists, and medicine venders throughout, the United King dpm. Dicev and Co's True Daffy's Elixir. rl ^ H fS most excellent medicine has been fttith- L fully prepared for nearly a century, from the purest drugs and spirits that can be procured, at the Original Warehouse, No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London; and lias been attended with the fullest sYtccess in tire cure of tbe gravel, stone, flu\ es, spastiis, pains in the breast, tiie most excruciating fits ofthe cholic, and ill all complaints Oftliisto- inach and bowels. The i'n. prietors bave been recgaested to pubfish the following recent case for the benefit erf tbe af- flicted:— " Mr. Thomas Rhoads, Ebony Ink- stand Maker, 69, Oltl Street. Road, who had been for many- vears afflicted with the Gravel aud Stone, for which he bad taken the best medical advice in Tendon, with- out effect, wasatlvised to try Uieev's Datty's Elixir, from tl'. e use of which he lias voided not less than 50 stones, many of them as large as peas; and the last which came away from him was of an oblong form, three quarters of an inch in length, and three- eighths of an inch in diameter, and w hich lie is ready to submit to the inspection of anv person who n, ay be doubtful of the fact.' 1— July, 1S! 7 Sold 111 bottles at 2s. and larger ditto 2s. S) d. each, at the Original Warehouse, 10, Bow Church Yaid ; •— arid retail at tfic Journal Office, Swinfen and Co. and Moore, Leicester ; Adams, Loughborough; Clark, e- j lton; Htggs, Harrod, Dawson, and villi Harborough; Ward, Hinckley; Corrail, Lutter- worth ; and by all respectable medicine venders' Counterfeits are offered for sale in almost every town and street; it is therefore necessary to ask particularly for " Dieey's Daffy's Elixir," and to observe that the Words Dicey and Co. are ill the Stamp Label, which U pastedovor the cork. Barntpton, Kill August, 1818. Mr. ROBERT COLLING's Stile of Short- homed Cattle, and Blieep. TO ftK SOLD BY AUCTION, At Barmpton, near Darlington, in the county oj Durham, oh Tuesday and^ WeelnCsday, the sj'Jtfc and 30tb September next, r | E stock of Mr. Robert Colling, consisting J of Bulls, Cows, and Heifers, of the iriiprov*- ed short homer! breed ; also, Rams, Ewes, and dim- mers. of tiie Leicestershire breed. l ire cattle will be sold on Tuesday, and the sheep on the day following, Payment to be made by tlie purchasers in money,- Crttpj- roved ' bills at 0 months dale Catalogues will be distributed previous to, and aj the sale. LEICESTER RACES- 1818/ ( The week after'Liehfieid andfcorthampttri.) On WEDNESDAY the loth of SEPTEMBER, The GOLD CUP, of 100 Guineas value. Surplus in Specie, a Subscription of I0 « * eae: h j riMIREE year olds, ftst vilr; b ur, 8' st; fi/ e, i 8st 81b; six, 8st 121b; and aged, 9st.— The winner ofa Cup, Sib extra.— Marcs arid field- itigs alow eel 21 b. Three times rohid, about three inilrs and a quarter. Duke of Rutland natnesch f by Walton, 3 years old :— ' names ch f bv I) ickr Andrews, 3- jri Lord Warwick » « m<* gf. g Algerine74 yeaH Sir A. G Haileriggttamil ch fi Battledore',' 5 years Sir H. Ha I ford's c Wistow, by Haphazard, 3 years Major Wilson names elf f by Popinjay,- S vears Mr Tomes's b c Duplicate, 4 yeais Mr. Cnrzon names be Edwin, 4 years M r. O tway Cave n vwi eh f by Zodiac, 4 years General Grosvenor's ft c The Flyer, 4 years Mr. Tibbitts's I) c Motley, 4 years Mi. Turner's b cAnaereon, by Walton,' 4 years THE BLLVOJR STAKES, A Subscription of 5gs each, with 20gs added ly his Grace the Duke oj Rutland, l. ord Lieu- tenant of the ( ounty. For Hunters not thorough bred, which have been hunted tbe preceding Season : ami which have never started, paid or received forfeit, cr' been put in training before the lst of March ;— to be bona fide the property ofthe Subscriber ut the time of naming, resident in tbe Counties of Leicester, Lincoln, Derby Nottingham, North- ampton, Rutland, Stafford, or Warwick. Colonel Weilaston's ch h Levant, bv L'Oricnt, 5 j ti Mr. C. Leraice Smith's bg P! uin";, er, by Jack'- a- l . antcin, aged Mr. Perkins's m U hichior; at'ed • Mr. Wilders's b « Yoiing Giles, by Youfig Sir Peter, 6 years old Mr. Bradsltavy's c by Julius Casar, 4 years Mr. Ra> ell's br h by Brutus, 5 yi- iirs Mr. Stokes's gr h li. O. by Lig'niim Vita-; ( 5 vears Mr. Crabtree's cli b Mar;, i, is, bv Norton, 5 years Mr. Spencel ' s b f by Cesario, 4 vears Sir H. Halfoid, Mr. Keck, Mr. OsbaMeston, and Mr. Otway Cave, are Subscribers, but did not name. The GENTLEMEN'S PURSE of £ 70. IiEATS TWICE itOUNIt. Three War eUis, list 1216— Four, Bst itb— Five, Sst 91b— Six, Sst I - lH— and Aged Ust. H inner* this year of the value of £' 50 ( mutches exceptedJonce, ' Sib; twice'' 5f-; thrice, or U Eoijal I'late, Tib extra. Mures or. Geldings allowed ' lib. a On THURSDAY, the 17T'N SEVTEMBER, FIFTY POUNDS, Green by Gcorr/ s Gsl. aldel. tin, Esq. For Horses,-& c. not thorough bred, Bona fide the property of FARMERS, or Soss of FARMERS, Owners or Occupiers of not less than Fifty A<; res of. Land, within the district ofthe 1 like of Rutland's, Lord Lonsdale's, or the. Ur. cin Hunt. To be ROUE BY FAI. JIEKS' residing in that district— I2st eaeb— Heats— about one mile and a half. . To be named to Mr. JACKSON, at or before seven o'clock of Monday evening prior to the Races. A SWEEPSTAKES of 20ys. each- For three year olijs.— To close tin tbe Ist of Septem- ber, aud to lie hauled to Mr. It cMherby, or Mr. Jackson, on or before tl. at day.— Or. ce lotind.— Colts, Sst 41b— Fiihes, Sst. ilb— those which have l. ever won, allowed 2lf>. j'P. tiliNT StfiSCRLBl'RS. Duke of Rutland's b f Quadrille Sir H. Halford's c Wis- ow Mr. Astley'sf Vesper, 4ty Dick Andrews Mr. Pig- oil's oh c Minstrel, by Marmioit Mr. Bodenham's c. Spectre The BURGESS's PURSE of £^ 0. HEATS— THREE TIKIS ROUND. Three year olds. Cst 21b— four, 7st 121b— five, Sri sib— six, Sst 131b— and aged, 9st.— Extraweigfrtsto Winners the sarrte as the first day's Plate; Marcs and Geldings allowed Sib. The Horses for the f'lates to be shewn and enter- ed on Motif), FV the 14th of SEPTEMBER, betw een four aud seven o'clock in tiie Afternoon, at the ' I HKEE CROWNS INN, Leicester, and to run according tn articles then to be produced. ' To pay igs I ntraqce, and H) i fid lo ( beClerk; the EntranVe Money to he paid to the Owner of tlie second Horse. Lost En- trance double, to be made to the Clerk at or before 10 O'clock of flic Evening prior to Ihe Race, r If only one Horse enter fur either of lite flutes, to le aliowci idgs: iJ" tifo, iigs euth ; lut no ioit- cr, trance to be entitled to such alloway. ee. The Colours of tin- Rulers to lid declared at the* time of Entrance1, or fr rt'eit 10s lid. Horses to stand n't the bouses of Subscribers' of 10s fit/, and to be plated only by Smiths subscribing' that sum. The Sub ecriytmns to the Cup, fyc. to be j uid before starting, 6r not entitled to II in. All Disputes to be settled by the Steward* ai whom Ire shall appoint. To start each Day at One o'clock. ORDINARIES » S L'SL'lL. There will not be a CONCERT or- V. eilr » gday ? ball ASSS- MLLIES on Wednesday and ' S hhrtlay Evi'niiigs. 4 . SIR HENRY HALFORD, Bait. STEWARD. A LI i 1. will be none for ttie Horses to saddle, when all Persons ate to QUIT the Course; Constables- will attend to enforce this Regulation; any Person insulting them upon their Duty, will be immediately taken into Cfistody. No DOGS will be SUFFERED on the COUR- SE. A ^ LeicesterJourria^ aEEd Midland Gourities Gcncral Advertiser. -^• di- mirn mm. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts LONDON, WEDNESDAY Sept.'- X . • THE QUEEN! The following is the bulletin of Wednes- day .:— • u Kew Palace:, Sept.. 9. " Her Majesty a good night, and is a • little batter this; morning.* ,. . . . « , J< ® ANGTS MIEMAN. , •••-.- ' • .• • JH& uukd. , . CORONERS'..— The following is a copy of the Atfor- iiev General's opinion relative to the allowance to • Coronets, for their twiveljiug Expenses, as obtained, by Mr.; rWjHS, « f Hastings,. coroner for Susse,\. ' « I think the true constitution of the Act is, that the Coroner shall lie^ aid tjine. pence per mile for '• etfcrtf mile lie is 6& Tigi: d'.' to travel. If the clause had " s. tO|> pt*. l h'-. re " it most'necessarily have included nine ; jwhee pev itiitc forlhv niilev back/ coin, as well as to '." tiie." pl « tc'etb" Wfiich his duty calls him; lor he is obliged to travel ttui'iltiniber of mil's home as well as • out," aVitl I do not think the word " froin" the. usual plafeCof- his abode confines the construction to a- pay- itCttt'Of riitie. pence per mile to the number of miles • travels" o « t."'' lie- place of aliotle and the place he goes te arc the two points of distance between which • ( the utiles are to be computed ; but the mi nber of unites lie tiilvels out and koine are the numtjer for - jvhit- h be should be paid nine pence each; at least, • this is iny view of tbe- incaoiiig of the statute. - The • - object was to indemnify hint for his travelling - expenses." * WESTMINSTER EI. EI TION.— Speakine of the merits .- of the ditici cut Candidates at this Eieotto-. i, " The Slo/ jfitkl Iris,".{ i\ publication of real Whig princi- ples,')' contains the following oliservat- ions respecting Mr. Hunt:— ' *.. lint . Mr. Hunt— wliv HE . had eighty- four votes out of bine or ten thousand ! an I, if those were not sufficient, iu ail conscience, to, reconcile him to the ' loss of Westminster, and of clsiiaetor too, it lie had any to lose, he is mure unreasonable than we have - thought him. We allude to his public character; • of his private lite we know nothing ; and, wh never it may be, its intuits cannot redeem, nor its faults deteriorate-, bis cause;.. that, cause has perished, and perished for ever; he destroyed if himself, des- perately, deliberately destroyed it, day after day, < HI the hustings ; and nothing is so remarkable, as ' that it took so much time and labour to ruin it.— Twenty years ago, or more, BIr. Burke calculated that there were ' eighty thousand incorrigible jaco, bins in the country,' The breed must have been exceedingly diminished, if, in the City of Westmin- ster, tire cradle, school, and theatre of democracy, Hilly 81 votes could'heobtained for Mr. Hunt!— He, too", has been cheating aod^ heatcd; but lie is at length so well known,( tharfUs to his own'ingenuous effrontery,) to every body except himself, that he. re- afiei- he must lie imnteiit- to be his owu dupe. He has made his former dtipes. so much w iser thaif lit found them, that they can he sucb. no longer," CL. E.% NEINI. SS.— Cobbett has just published an intelligent work, under the title of A Youths IthsidsHce in the United Slates of America. It. is fok- en'tiom the Author's daily notes, and gives it description of the face " of . the country, the cli- mate, the season, aud the soil. Speaking of Philadelphia, Mr, . Cdbbett Jakes occasion to praise the cleanliness of the inhabitants of his native country, in particular those of Surrey and Hampshire ; but more especially ofthe town of Guihiford: The Philadelphia^ are cleanly, a . quality which they owe chiefly to the quukeis. Hub, after being long and recently familiar with the towns in Surrey aud Hampshire, aud especially with Guildford, Alton, and Southampton, no i. tiier towns appear " clean and neat, not even Bath or Salisbury, which. 1 ast is much about on a j> ar. in point of cleanliness, with Philadelphia; and Salisbury is deemed a very cleanly place. — Bland lord and Dorchester are clean; but, I have never yet seen any thing like the towns in Surrey and Hampsltiie. If a Frenchman, burn " and Bred," ' could be takehup and carried blind- fold to Guildford, I wonder what his sensations - would be, when lie came to have the use of his sight 1— Every thing near Guildford seems to • have received an iiiHuetide from tire town.— Hedge*, gates, sliles, gardens, houses inside and out, and the dresses of the people. Tiie market day at Guildfcird is ai perfect shew of cleanliness : not even a carter w ithout a clean s-. ntick- frock, and closely shaven and eleati- waslied l& ee, Well may Mr. Birk beck, w ho came from this very spot, think the people dirty i. i the,. western county! I'll engage he finds mare dirt upon the. necks and faces ofone fami- ly of his present neighbours, than he left behind ltim upon the skins of ail tiie people in the three parishes of Guildford. However, lie would not have found this to be the case in Pennsylvania, and especially in those parts where the Quakers abound ; and. I am told, that- Jo the New Eng- latirl states, the people are as cleanly and as neat as they „ are in Eugiaild. ' The sweetest lloivefs, whtJU they become putrid,, stink the . most;" and a nastj woman is the" nastiest thing in nature.'' had seized him with such violence !> y the nose, as'to make him roar but. The animal was growing more & more averse ot the controul of the keeper, held hispawsout to the sailor, « c moaned pi- teo- us- ly. The Lord Mayor said, the only vvay lor him to decide upon a Case in w hich there was posi- tive Assertions on. both sides, was to leave the matter to the monkey himself. His Lordship then directed that the monkey should be placed upon the table, and Unit each. party cluiming hiiu should use his powers of fascination-, in or- der to ascertain to whom the monkey ivas most attacMhi. The monkey was put upon the table; but narrowly escaped death from an attack made upon him by a dog, who It * icon a. constant visitor tit the Ma- nsioiishouse. The Lord Mayor marked the effect of this vei'y important adven- ture upon, the plaintiff and defendant, and was of opinion, tjiat as the greater concern was ma- nifested upon the part of the sailor, he was the tight owner. The desired experiment was now made: the showman put a pte- ee of stick into the monkey's paw, ' and ordered him to slu « ilder . arms. Instead of obeying this order, tiie mon- key struck the keeper ou The hesiit. ' atlil then threw it in his fuue. The sailor then called to him, " Jack, . make' 4 sahnnh lo Kis- Lordship."— flic monkey instantly stood erect on his hind legs, raised his paws to the top of his head, and made a low bow to the Lord Mayor in the Turk- ish style.; he then hugged the sailor has before. " If any thing else is necessary ( said the sailor,) there is a hole inane of his ears, which 1 bored in St. Kilts, for it is fashionable for the bucks to wear an ear- ring there; his left paw is marked by a lishing hook, and part of his tail is bitten by a parrot that Used lo quarrel with him." These marks were observed. The Lord Mayor advised the show man to give tip ull elaimto the monkey. The showman refused; the sailor refused to part with the monkey, a'nd the monkey refused to part with IIKU. The two disputants then left tho office, the monkey hanging about the rufSk ofthe sailor iathe most affectionate manner. Com Exchange, W- titnesdhy, Sept. 9 We had a few arrivals from the Suffolk coast this morning-, chiefly with Wheat; Vvhi li met heavy sale, aod Monday ' s- prices w ere w ith diffi- culty obtained even for tlielinest qualities, and all other descriptions were oH'eted on - lower terms. New Barley supports Monday's prices, having but few samples at market.— Old Beans coitinne unsaleable, and are of nominal value. Oats are Is. per quarter dearer, thesupply being small. In other articles there was no alteration. BANKRUPTS. FROM TUESDAY'S GAZETTE. H. D. Cooper, Back- street, Hiy sleydown, and Mark lane, bop merchant W. Rhodes, East Smithfiehl, baker R. Boyle, Upper Thames- street, merchant J. WoikiiiUji, Ousby, Cumberland, cattle dealer J. Howarth, Warminster, clothier R. Worthington, Preston, Lancashire, grocer PRICE QF STOCKS. 4 per Cents, shut 5 per Cents 106 3 per Cent. Red. shut 3 per Cent. Cons. 7ii TO BE SOLO HY AUCTION, :•-.-:• By Mr. MA RKIS,. At his SALE ROOM, White Hart. Ilin; Leicester, in the mouth of- October, 181S, of which timely no. lice wid be givin, C* DNDRY Lots < f Household Fur iture, O Plate, Linen, Cnina, Glass, Del ph. Books, and divers other Articles; particulars of which will appear in a future Ailvertisem'eiit.- SOU) TO A1''- i \ . ii A MANSION HOUSE. 1 " TheLord Mayor w as interrupted in the course of his business, by a Sailor, a Showman, and a Monkey, who arrived at tne Justice- room with a multitude, behind them. The Monkey Was making a hideous noise, and the Sailor and Sliowniiiii, who had been arguing on their way to tho Mansion- house, were so w holly absorbed in the subject, of the dispute, as not to take notice foi some time of the authority presiding. The Monkey, however, was more respectful in bis manners, and seemed to have a due impression of the dignity of the Magistrate before whom he was . brought. His Lordship haying noticed the respectful demeanor of, the Monkey, called upon the Sailor and Showman to ftrHrrn' the example uf the animal, who at that moment began to ex- hibit some of his must amusing trif-. ks ; such as pulling tin: Showman's nose, untying his ctavat. dragging opeti his waiscoat. and iu fast proceed- ing to ttie bu. siill'ss of stripping him. The Lord Mayor having de.- ured that the complaint, if there was any, should be stated, the Sailor said, Ire and the Monkey were the injured parties, and the Showman the aggressor." llis Lordship seemed to think, that the Monkey would be as wrflable to explain the mutter as either of his companions -„ and this conclusion seemed to be jast, for while the feutuws ofthe met), were ( agi- tated by passion, the Monkey's were as grave as a Philosopher, though lie now and then bldw Ids' nose in iiis jiaw , aad wiped it. on the Show- man's wiskers. The Monkey kept his sye fixed upSii the Lord Mayor, while his Lordship was speakiug, and at the conclusion of. every sen- tence uttered a piercing cry. The Sailor then jsaid, that he went into Oilman's and Atkins's Exhibition of Wild' Beatfts, iti Bartholomew Fair, and while he was looking at the curiosi- ties, he rocognised the Monkey to be his proper- ty. He had purchased him at St. kitt's- for four dollars, and lost him at Portsmouth some time ago. He immediately told the Keeper that lie was d—— d if that w as not his Monkey, . and have it he would. The Keeper refused to give it. up. and declared that his master had bought . .. it fahly. fur Lt. Tiie Showman » - as by flijs ,- ti . ins in a Uijh p. iasiun vtith.'. the Monkey, who BI-. SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, eehold Estate, consisting: of II2 a ores of _ useful Grass Land", conveniently divided S9 occupation into three closes, situate at Halstead, n the parish of T. ltoii Mi- the- Hill, in this county. Further ' particulars may be had by applying to MX. A- HNUTT, Halstead; or Mr, FIIEBK, . jolicitor. ! e cestui-; R y, W'a rwick th ire. TO BE SOLD BY' PRIVATE CONTRACT, Newly built House, Stablvf;- w'Mt a paddock, orchard, and extensive walled garden, well planted, close to the school- premises, most advantageously situated for . ul litional build- ing, containing three acres a-. id a quarter or there- abouts, tythe free, in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Buck nlll. Possession may. he had at Li ly d iv nest, and for further particulars apply to Mr. Harris, Sol citnr, Rugby. • • Grusing Farms, Tithe Jrcc, Hear Market Ilalborongh. TO BE SOLT) BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, By Messrs. DRIVER. AVery capital and valuable Freehold Estate, tithe free, conveniently- situate for good Markets, being only 10 miles from Leicester, 5 from Hiirborcugli, and 7 from Uppingham, iu the parishes of Slawston and Welliam, in the county of Leicester, containing above 100 acres of remarkably rich graz- ing land, in the occupation of Messrs Slieffin^ ion and Premh, yearly tenants, at the low annual rent of £ 4- 15. The respective tenants will shew the Estate. This property will be sold either together or in lots, and for further particulars apply to W. LEAKE, Esq. Solicitor, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, am! Messrs. DRIVER, Surveyors and Land Agents, atth? ir Offices, No. 13, New Bridge Street, lilaekfi iars, London, where a plan of' the estate may be seeii. Tireeiltm- oii- thc- Hill. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, H, j Mr. BRE. lREY, On Saturday, the 2Gtli il. iy of Sei'te. niber, 1818, at 3 o'clock ill the afternoon, at the Horse Shoe Inn, in Brcedoii- on- tbe. Hill, in the county of Leices- ter, either together or in lots, as may be agreed upon at Hie time of sale; r| MiE uuJei- metitioiied Buildings and Land. 1 beuig of leasehold tenure, and situate in Breeiloti.- on- tbe- Hill, aforesaid, vi/. : — All those two new erected and substantial mes- suages or tenements, with the barn, anil large gar- den adjoining, c intaining about half an acre, now or late in the several occupations of Ash, aud Ca- thar. ue Becston. A ho, Two other messuages or tenements, in the several h61dlUg « of Sarail Hall, widow, and the Overseers of Breedon. And nisi, A close or picce of arable land, containing about an acre, called Sparrow Head Land Close, in the oc- cupation ofSIr. J nines Tarratt, adjoining land be- longing to the Riaht Honorable William Harry Earl of Stamford'and Warringtea, and to Wigstou's Hos pital. :... :. Mr James Tarratt on application will shew the Estate : and further information may be received at the office of Messrs. LOCKETT, 11 ALGCY, aud PORTER, ill Derby. TO BE LET. ~ And may he entered upon immediately, A" Large house in Barrow- upon- Soar, in the county of Leicester, with stables, garden, orchard, Arc. late in the occupation of John Burgess, Es;|. The above mav be had either witi or without land. I-' or further particulars enquire of Mr- P> RAnsnAW, of Barrow- iipon Soar aforesaid, er Mr. 7uiLC0CJt, Kcl'llOse/ iM- itt& cOuntyof Lukester. I Genteel and useful Hovsehold Furniture. • TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. F. BURGERS, On Tuesday September twenty- second, and following day. ALL the ifeiit and genteel Household Fur- niture, China, Glass, & c. OF THE LATE \ M,( it. lhcn: Raid, Esq. deceased, On the premises, situate oji the Welford Road, Leiecstdy; , ComprisiugTofty mahogaay 4 post and tent bed- steads dialled with chintz and other furniture, prime seasoned goose and other feather beds, useltfl blaf.'. cts and coverlets, cliinn,- linen and books, ifra- liogaiiy card and Penibrokc tables, .. oak ditto, two excellent mahogany framed sofas, with covers, two mahoganvj. ulcljoiii'Is," handsome . mahogany draw, ers;, ditto bureau and boOkcase, waliiiit'ffee ditto, iiiliiid mahogany wardrobe, timnt- eitl beautWt, neat pier and di'cssingglaKses, " good floor, stair, and bed carpets, sets of ponshed" fire irot. s, useful assort- l'm. itt itf ctiliuai- y . utensil's, with various other arti- cle's ; sonic excellent old Port and Yidonia wine, and a quantity of wine" hollies, . Vc. Sale to roimueficc each iiiorning at 10 o'clock. Catalogues ma v he, had of the Auctioneer, tour davs preceding the sale, and at- the place oTsult"., SOt'lfi KTt. WORTH. Fit HI- DO /. D ESTA TE. I TO BE SOLO BY AUCTION, By Ml IIOLLOI! AY, OIL Wednesday the 23d day of § epteif! lier, 18i" 8, at + Vie Bell Inn, in Husband's Boswortb, in the co'iiWy of Leicester, at 3 o'l'Ric. k in.- H> e affdrnoon, subject to such Conditions of sale'a%"' will be then and thci'e prodiicedy ,-: tt Yaffiiililt? Freehold Estate, consisting of i \ ffiiir Closes of very superior arable and , pasture Land, prin't ipully gooil titrnip 1 . and, situate' in the fcrdshiiik^ f SootK Ixitwortli, in the county of i Leicester, adfoiinng- the turnpike road, leading from thencefo Soi th Kilwortb, cnutaitting about thirty acres, lion in the iccupatioii of Mr. J; Hifl, who is i inkier iurfiee to iinit at St. Thomas next. Part of the Purc'h'use Money may renifiin on secu- rity of the Premises; anil the Purchaser maybe* accommodated with the occupa tion of another Close a'djoiniuu the above, upon reasonable terms. Ftirfhej- particulars mav be known on application to Mr. Heygate, or the Auctioneer, both" of Mai ket Hal- borough.. Furniture, ifc. TO BF. SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHAPMAN, Oil the premises ou Wednesday and two following days, Sept 23el, 24th, and 25th, 1818, beginning at 10 o'clock, each morning ; -..",•• " Ml F, ImiifJaptncand . valuableHousehold Fur- niture,, plate and linen, also some fine old Eoreign \ V ilies, and an excellent piano forte, by CY- menti, late tiie propertv of WM. SALTE, Esq. Of Newton Netlicrcoat, in the county of Leicester, deceased. ' I ll*- Eiirnitnre consists of eight 4 post and tent licdsteads, covered with broad striped dimity and • super- printed calicoes, a prime feather bed, mat- tress; Marseilles or white, cotton counterpane to e. ich, two capital wardrobes, seven lobby and- rlife'ss- ing chests of drawers, tvvo sets of mahogany dining tables, sofa, eard, Poirfbrbke, and si- i'een tables, riia- hogany and limey chairs, basin aud night stands, capital 8 day clock, in beautiful mahotrany cav , • Turkey and other carpets, a very excel'ent square Sofii, foiinihg also inn, a complete bedstead, vvifi super bi'oail striped dimity to each, pier and dress- iug glasses, haiidsome'bookcase, and a variety of other articles, which arc specified in Cataiogucs that may be" hail at the Red * ion, Afherstoue; Bulls • Head, in Biiswofth, and of ttie Auctioneer, in Ash- bv de la Zoucb. Freehold Property ut Appleby. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Sir. CHE A ' IT. E, At the Red Lion lnn, ill Appleby Field, iu the county ofDerbj, on Friday, the 25th of September, 1818, at t o'clock ilr tile afleriiOoii; ".'*'. ff AH E following Freehold Propeiiy . sitiiatein % Appleby, in the counties of . Derby and Leicester, in the following or such other lots as shall be agreed upon at the tune of sale, mid subject- to sircli coil litions as wilt be then produced. ' . . L( n, A substantial brick messuage in complete repair, now and for many years past used as a public house,' anil " called by the nanic ofthe Red lion, together • witlfthc Kil- ns, stables, sheds, and other outbuild- ings thereto adjoining, with the rick yard, fold yard, garden, orchard, and piece of meadow ground call- ed Dnnnoeks Meadow, which with the scile ofthe uicMjliagc and ouiidings, contain 5A. 2K. ' Je. LOT 2. flf ^ vfece of land called the Cottage Piece, contain- ing 1A._ 1R HP. ' Jt^ K* iimise. adjoins the turnpike road leading from Taniwortji to Asbbv- dc- la- Zoueb, and other turnpike Vijads much frequented, and is now in . good business. Pa'itof the purchase money may remain on secu- rity of the premises. Mr. I lea Ley the L'roprietor will shew the property, and for further particulars apply at Mr. PinuocKES Office, in Ashby- de la Zoucii. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr! HOIJAER, Some tin e in the, month of October n » xt, at the George lim, in Hin- kley, in the. county of Lei- cester. iiiiLs^ previously disposed of by pri- vate contract, of Which due notice will be given, in Hie following or such other lot or lots as mav be atrreetl on at the time of sale, subject to such conditions of sale as w ill be then and there produced. Lor l. \ T. L that substantial piece of building, si- J~\ tuate in the centre ot the town of Hinck- ley, and opposite the Post. Office there, hereto- fore used as a Theatre, aud lately occupied by Mr, Job Smith, Uphdlsteier, and lying behind a mes- suage lute'in bis tenure or occupation, containing in leiigtb forty five feet, or thereabouts, and iu breadth seventeen feet, or thereabout*, more or less. The above iv an excellent situation for a Wool- stapler, or acy other business requiring room, is in goOil repair, and capable of being con- verted into two dwelling houses at a small ex- pence. LOT 2. . All that other piece of building, nearly adjoining Lot I, and now and for several years past used as a candle house, with the pigstye and appurtenances adjoining thereto, heretofore in the occupation of Mr. John Nutt, tallow (' handler, but now of Mi. Timothy P. ivne, at the amiuanl rent of £ 10. N.. B. The stable ndjoi.- iitig this lot, in the occu- pation of Mr. Payne, is not intended to be sold therewith. TO BE LET, And may he entered upon on the eleventh day of October nett, cither from year to year,, or f or a term of years, as may be agreed upon. ALL that newly erected and substantial piece ofbuilding, situate nehrly opposite Lot I, lately occupied as a warehouse by Mr. John Thompson, hosier, aud since then by Henry lane, Esquire, as a worsted warehouse, at the- ycarly rent of £ 15. , For a view of the respective lots, and to treat for the sale of Lots one anil tvvo, and for fur- ther particulars apply to Mr. JAMES SODEN, Solici- tor, Hinckley, ( the Proprietor,) who has several sums ot money now ready to. adyance upon approv- ed Freehold Land Securities. [ One concern. Hinckley, Sept. y,. Jsls, Vuhtable Neic Leicestershire JEW*<$• Theaves, Fat Wefhen, aiid Store Pigs. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, , By. Mr. OWS FON, WITHOUT RESERVE, On the premises of Mr. THOMAS MOORE, Lnl- lington, in the county of Derby, oil Friday the 18th day of September, 1818, at'i 1 o'clock. " I S<| Valuable Ewes and Tbea'te& jWInch will found to be particiriarly tiseliil. they are descended from the Hock ofthe lute Mr: Moore, of Thorpe, who was for upwards of 50 years one of the foremost lakers of Rams of the late Stubbins's, at Holni- piei- epofnt, and has to the present- time had strict attention paid to purity of blood, tfcc. 40 fa" t shearling Wethers, and 0 useful store Pigs. Mr. Thomas Moore's Ram Show will commence at Lullington on the Lit September. Lullingtim is seven miles from Tamworth, Burto'n- LIpoll- Trent, and Ashby- de- la ZO'IK II, and ten from Lichfield. Catalogues'mlty tic had at the Inns in the above towns, and of Mr. Ow'sros. ^ Leicester. Gei'deel Household Furiiititre, ilegeht Plate, China andfilass'. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. OWSTON, The last week in tins moiith, or eaili- in October rfcxt, on tile'premises. Ashby- de la- 2duch, in the county of Leicester; A Part trf the genteel Household Furniture, iljV modern Plate. China, Glass, S. c. { sc. of H. PERKS, Esq. ( Who is going to reside elsewhere). Time of sale and particulars in % J future paper. Horses. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BURTON, On Friday, the t8th instant September, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon precisely, on the Coin Hill, in Melton Mowbray, ( the. property ofa GiSm. i:- MAN). iu the following lots ; • LOT 1. AHackney mare, 9 years old, l. Miands 1 inch high, by Shevnigtoh, extraordinary fust in all her. pares, with a filly at her foot bv Viruldi, and iu- foal by the same horse. LOT 2. Black draught mare, 9 years old, 16 hands high, colt foal at Iter foot hy Vivaldi, and tn- foal bv the same horse; this marc will walks mfles'hi the hour, and is frge from vice. •. LOT 3. Ditto S years old, in- foal by Vincent's Brown Draught Horse. LOT " 4. Hackney mare, aged, 15 bauds 1 inch high, • " LOT 5. Ray colt, 3 years old, 1* hands I inch high, by. Cluslier, out ol' the lit st hunting mare. LOT 6." Bay filly, 15 hands hieh, 4 years old, by Clasher. LOT 7. Brown draught filly, 3 years old; by GooducrYs Brown Horse,' a kind drawer. LOT 8.- . - . Black dit to, 3y" ears old by King Tour '. ' Tire above lots may be view ed on tile morning of the day ofsale, at the BLUE BELL INN, in Melton Mow bray aforesaid. SI ELTON MOW BRA V. Valuable Household Furniture, Lately in use and On the premises at the New Club' House, at Me| to| i Mowbray aforesaid. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BURTON, Oil Wednesday the 23d, and ' iliiirsday the 2ltli of this instant September, 1818, COMPRISING Tour handsome 4- post- bed- steads, of a new and fashionable shape, with mahogany pillars and fine printed cotton liang- inits, 4 handsome ' teat ditto. With cotton . furniture and window ci rt. iirfs in suit to both, 7 capital good seasoned goose fe: thvr beds w itll bolsters and p||- lowx, Mcz^ la and co, ton connterpai. es, Brussels co- verlets, large fine W itney lilankcts, good bordered crank hair mattresses, pallet ditto, 4 Brussels floor carpets all of one handsome pattern, one Scotch ditto, a quantity of Venetian stair carpeting, brass rods, . XC. 4 Gentlemen's mahogany writing tables, mahogany Pembroke tables, painted and Ornament- ed dressing tables with bason stands to match, large handsome dressing box- glasses with drawers, swing glasses, 3 excellent sweep front mahogany single . sets', of drawers, ( tine wood,) one straight front ditto, bamboo and black chandler chairs, several sets of fire irons, painted gretu guard wire fenders, maho- gany airing.' horses, mahogany biddies, a ti- feet fl- inch sofa, nichogany frame on brass rollers, plain s- tin hair- cover and brass nails, a large mahogany sideboard table, w. th drawers and cupboards for plate, Jtc.{ fine wood,) a ti- feet G- iHcli mangle, a com- plete set of kitchen, utensils in brass and copper, well . adapted for a Gentleman's kitchen, a useful box> k- ease with glared doolsand drawers, a capital ' large marble mortar with pestle, piesorving jars, IkefSte. & c. ' . ,< « 8 The sale to bogin on the promises cachinorniug at ten o'clock. , - ' l he whole of the above Furniture, See. is in excellent preservation, anil w ill he fcuad little in- ferior to new. Catalogues may be had on Tuesday next, of the Auctioneer, and at DAY'S Library'. N, B.— The Goods may be. viewed on Tuesday- preceding the sale. ' TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Oil Wednesday afiil Thursday, lClh and 17th days of September, 1818, ABOUT GOO New Leicestershire Ewes and Theaves, 25 Ranis of different ages, 16 Cows and Heifers in calf, 6 yearling ditto, 8 two- • year old Bullocks, 2 yearlings ditto, eleven rearing Calves, all of the North Down bleed; one bull, eleven Cows and Heifers, one 2- year old Bullock. 8 rearing Calves, of the French breed; six' 3- year old Heifers, half French, half Scotch ; three Boars, about 20 Sews and Gilts, one Horse 0 years old, by Sir David, ten C- years old by Stum/ ord, oue Mare 4 years old by Amadis, one Eilloy 3 veals old by Broun ftIWIIOII, and one Hackney Horse, late the property of GEORGE MOODY, Esq. Of Beckingbani, ( near Gainsborough,) iii the county of Lincoln, deceased. The late Mr. M's. celebrity has been solongCstab- lished as a Breeder, as to render modi comment quite unnecessary. The Sheep it is well known are descended from Rams ofthe late Mr. Bakewell, and other Members ofthe Dishley Society,, mid tor the last nineteen years from the Flock of Mr. Bueklsy. The North Devon and French Cattle are each well bred of their kind; tiie ivhole Vvill'he sold with- out reserve, and credit given oil approved security until the first of June, 1819. TO- BE SOLD BY AUCTION,' By Mr. THOMAS LEA, At the house, of William Ladkin, known by the name or sign ot the White Horse Inn, in Leire, in the comity of Leicester, on Tuesday, the loth day of September instant, about four o'clock in the afternoon, in one or more lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, and subject to spell con- ditions as w ill lie then and there pi od'Uced : ALL those live messuages, cottages dr tene- ments, together with the yards, gardens, outbuildings, and appurtenances thereunto adjoin, ing and belonging, orchard, and small close contain, ing altogether one seie ' or thereabouts, more or less, and now in the several tenures or occupations of John Tew, and Others. For a view, of the premises apply to the respect- ive tenants; and further particulars may lie know n on application at the office of JAM^ S iHofirtn r, At- torney, Lutterworth, : ..' FOUND, • , Between Billesdou and Llppingham, APOCKET BOOK.— Whoever has lost it, may by giving a description of the book and its contents, and paying expenses, have it re- stored on application to Mr. W. RAW SON, Hiimber- stone Gate, Leicester. % order of the Assignees of William Smith, a Bankrupt. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By- DAVIS ml SON, On Tuesday September 22d, 1818, at G o'clock in the evening, at the bouse of Mr. Neale, the Sa- racens' Head Inn, Leicester, either, together or in lots, as may be agreed upon at the time of sale:— AN excellent newly erected House, situate in the Newark street, Leicester, late in the occupation of Mr. Win, Smith, containing two handsome parlours on the front, 3 goo£ chambers, 2 att. es, kitchen, cellars, roomy yaVdv rain water cistern, with a new built 2 stall stable and chamber over the same, good garden well stored with fruit trees; the whole is in most excellent condition and well fitted Up with fixtures, which inay. be taken at a valuation. All those new built wool w arehouses, opposite the house, well fitted up with partitions and sorting- boards, 20 yai ds long ami 8 wide. For view of ihe house anil warehouses apply on. the premises, and for further particulais to Messrs, LOWOHAM and GREAVES, Solicitors, Leicester. By order of the Assignees of William Smith, A BANKRUPT. TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, , By DA ITS and' SON, " On Wednesday September 23d, 1818, and two fol- lowing days, ALL the excellent and ti; tiiy valuable House- hold Furniture, China and Glass., Linen, Warehouse Fixtures, and Implements ju Trade Wool, ami other Effects, of Mr. WM. SMITH, Woohtapler, On the premises, in the Newark street, Leicester. Comprising lofty 4 post, tent and other bedsteads* clothe.) With rich cotton furniture, prime seasoned feather beds, excellent wool and straw mattresses large blankets, coverlet-, bed aud table linen, sevel ral sets of valuable mahogany drawers, excellent floor, stair, and bed carpels and hearth rugs, rich moreen window enrtains,- modern fenders, high po- lished fire irons, valuable mahogany dining, tea Pembroke, and other tables, mahogany- side slab and' cupboard, set of modern niahogabv' chairs, set ot oak ditto, oak dining and other tables, capital 8- day clock oak case, panned fables;, fciubo stands and re. cesses,. handsome pier and swing glasses, blue and white table service, handsome painted buffet, large dresser with 12 dtawers, handsome' brass mounted portable, writing desk, excellent new side saddle, pillion, implements iu trade, partitions, quantity of wool, skeps, scales and weight's, desks, quantity of old outs aiid IK- ans, with a uttmerous assortment of other articles. Sale to begin each. morning at ten o'clock. Catalogues may be I/ ad of tiie Auctioneers, and place ofsale, 5 ' lays'pievious to the sale N. B.— The above Furniture is all nearly new perfectly modern, and will be found iu excellent preservation, artd well worthy the attention Of the Public. . Freehold— Sileby, Leicestershire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By DAVIS and SON, " Oil Friday, the 2tf day of October next, at the house of Mr. Petti tor, the Horse and Trumpet, in Sile- by, either together or in lots, and subject to such conditions as shall be then produced ; Sale to commence at two o'clock in the afternoon.. AMessuage or Tenement with the outbuild- ings, in East Lane, Sileby, in the occupa- tion of Joliu Lee. Also, two closes'of'laud uspd as garden . ground,, called the Rank Closes, ne„ r to the town of Silcby, containing upwards of 3 acres, planted with choice fruit trees, and iu the highest state of cultivation, occupied by the sairt Johj, Lee. For a view of the Same apply- to John ' Lee; and also for farther particulars, to Mr. DECIMLS COOKE, Solicitor, Leicester, Freehold Estates, atASisty, near Leilester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By DAVIS mid SON, f. At the Coach and Horses, in Ansty, on Wednesday the 7th October, at two o'clock, by Older of the Trustees of the late Mr. John aiortmier, dec LOT 1. AMessuage, with garden, & c. in ' Grooby - lane, iii the occupation of Wm. Low e. LOT 2. " Eight Messuages, with a large Garden behind the same, in the middle ofthe Village, in the occupation of William Henson, and seven other respectable Tenants. LOT 3. A Messuage, late, in the occupation of Mr. Morti- mer, ami now- ofhis Widow, with a barn, and other out- buildings, and six Tenements adjoining, and also a large Garden, extensive Orchard, Croft, and three Closes of very rich Land, containing altogether IGA IK £ 2P... N. B.— May be viewed on applying to Mrs. Mor- timer; and further information laid of Mr. SPENCER. of Ansty ; or Mr. ASTILL, of Crops ton ; or at ( he Of- fice of MILES, ALSTON, and MILES, where a plan of lot 3 may be secu. ' I aluable Rams. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. NEALE and SON, On Tuesday, the 15th day of September, 1818, on the premises of Mr JAMES WALKER, in the Hani- let fit' Wibtoft, in the parish of Claybrooke, in the county of Warwick, who is declining the lam bu- siness ; Shear hogs and two shear Rams, which i are bred with great care and attention from rams of Mr. Rennet and Mr Buckley. Mr. Walker has annually let Rams for consider- able prices,. and ' are well worth attention. ' Ihe sale to continence at. ten o'clock in the morning. Catalogues may be had at the principal Iuns, aud the Auctioneers, Lutterworth. NEAT and elegant Household Furniture,, vuluabft Library consisting of nearly 1000 volumes of choice Books, in Hebrew, Greek,. Italian, and other languages, Oak Mangle well seasoned Beer Casks, Brewing Vessels, two MilkiAg Cows, tw o Ricks of Hay, anil other Effects, at Stanford, mar Welford, in the County of Northampton. TO BE SOLD BY A UCTION, By Messrs. NEALE and SON, ' On Monday, tho 2fst day of September, 1818, aud two following days, on the premises of the late Rev. R. T. SMITH, Of Stanford. aforesaid* deceased. Comprising! of « . y four- post bedsteads, clothed witlr printed cotton and otlier furniture fringed, excellent goose coat and oilier feather beds, mat tresses, extra size blankets and counterpanes, mahogany chest upon chest of draw ers, oak ditto, neat painted ward robe, dressing tables, bason stands, iieat painted fancy chairs, mahogany dining, Pembroke, claw, and other tables, elegant piei and dressing glasses, ma- hogany bureau, neat mahogany chairs, Windsor ditto, an elegant time piece in mahogany ease, neat 8- day clock in Chinese case, kitchen furniture in genetal, five 40 gallon beer casks„ 5 halfhogshead& ditto, brewing and dairy utensils, bottle rack, glass bottles, with numerous oth^ r articles which will be- particularized in catalogues. The Library will be sold on Wednesday,- the last sale day.- * The sale to commence atTO o'clock eaeh- mormi g. May be- viewed on Saturday, the 19th of Septem- ber, ami catalogues to be had at the Spread Eagle lim, Rugby; the Talbot, Welford ;- Dfhigh Arm* nd Hiiid'Iiiiis, and the Auctioneers, Lutterwoi jii. i Leicester Journal, and M i d l a n d Counties General Advertiser. •- « — i. iA. APPRAISER AND AUCTIONEER, B. PAYNE, ( LATE ASSISTANT TO MR. JOSEPH DALBY, DECEASED;) ACKNOWLEDGES with gratitude the very V* liberal indulgence he experienced from his late much respected employer MR. JOSEPH DALEY, • who spared no expence in obtaining every necessary iip'ermittion to qualify him for the duties of his profession, as an Appraiser and Auctioneer ; and lite valuable aud extensive sales in which he was engaged having enabled B. PAYNE to acquire a eou. ttftent knowledge in each department of the business,— B. P. no. il respectfully solicits the patrtm- age of his Friends and the Public, assur ing them, that the conference reposed in him, sliall m- et, a strict and vigilant attention to the interest of his employers— it mo lerate charge— and a prompt awl imtneiliule settlement of every account entrusted to hie care. Rich aud elegant Dining, Drawing, ami Bed Room Furniture, Iron- stone Dinner Service, Etruscan Lamps, i'c. Sic. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By B. PAYNE, ( Late Assistant lo Mr. JOSEPH DALEY, deceased.) On Tuesday; Wednesday, and Thursday, the22d. 23d. and 2 till of September inst.- at THE SALE ROOMS, Silver Street, Leicester MODERN and fashionable furniture, four post, field, and tent bedsteads, clothed with uioreen, chiutz. and dimity furniture, 8 prime goose feather beds, paillasses, mattrasse. s & Marseil- les quilts, comini le cho'sts of drawers, ward robe, secretaire, bureau, bidets, ' bed steps, toilette and wash baud tables, 5 sets ot'moreen w ndow curtains, mahogany dining, tea, card. Pembroke, and library tables, rose wood loo . in 1 occasional tables, chiffon, mer work tables, music stools, chaise loiigue and Grecian sofas, mahogany Trafalgar and elegant drawing room chairs, Etruscan painted lamps, vases, caudalabras, toilette siia les, fine tolled Piano Forte, ( hy Broadwood ) 7 Brussels ami Kidderminster car- pets, Venetian stair carpeting, mirror, clock, valu- able time piece, dinner service of patent japan iron stone china, beautiful patterns, dinner, desert ser- vices, ( Wedgwood) eh. iua Breakfast tea aird coffee services, Port, Claret, anl Hock glasses, with an as- soi tnient of elegant nit glass shower' oat i, gun ( hy Clark, Loudon ) barrets, copper, and numerous kitch- en requisites. The Rooms will be open for Inspection oil Satur- day and Moadav preceding the sale. Catalogues will be ready on the Ifitli instant. To be put out Apprentice, Fr .111 the Parish of Great WigstonC, BVB. RA. TJ stoat healthy Boys and Girls.— Enquire of the Overseer s TO BE LET. And may he entered upon at Old Michnelmis next, at a moderate rent, AReady furnished House, fit for the resi- dence of a small faintly, with very conve- nient out offices, consisting of a wash and brew- house, with » w « rooms attached, which might make a lauudry and gig house, an excellent four stall sta- ble and hay loft over, coal house, cow houses, new- ly erected, and large kitchen garden. The pleasure ground around the house, is orna- mented with trees, choice shrubs, and gravel watt s, with a small fir. li pond, and ruaiii& nds a pleasing view of the Grand. Union Canal and Laugh ton Hills. The above is situate at Husbands Bosworth, in this CO nty, through which place the Northampton jfud Coventry turnpike roads pass; and the Liver- 4> ool coach to anil from Loudon travels within a mile of the village every day. The occupier may be accommodated with a few- acres » f grazing land if desirable. For further particulars and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. FREER, Solicitor, New street, Lei- cester. TURNPIKE ROAD From Market Harboraitgh, in the county of Loi foster, to the city of Coventry. " XTOTIGE is hereby given, that the Tolls arising at the Toll ( rate's on this road, called b. v the respective names of the Spittle Toll Gate, and tha- stretratioii Toll Gate mgether with the weighing machine belonging lo Ihe latter, will be Let bv Auction to the oest bidder, at the house of AVILLIAM MASH, the Denbigh Arais Inn, iu Lutterworth, in the said county of Leicester, on MOMMY fie ICOITEENTH day of SEPTEMD R iust. between the boms of twelve and fiveVclock in the afternoon of the same day, in manner directed by the act passed in lie 13th year of 111- reign of his present Majesty," f. ir. iegnlat. iigTiiinpike Roads," which Toll's were let the last year for thv following sums, viz. £. The Tolls at the Spittle Toll gate for 4' 20 And the Streitutfon Toll gate, with the Machine, for 121 And will be put up at Mich sums respectively as the Trustees then present shall direct. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, for the above Tolls, must give security finr the ptyiiient of tiie rent, with such sufficient sureties, to be pro- duced on the day the Tolls are let, as the Trustees tbeupresent shall approve of. By order of the Trustees of • p ' the said Road, James Morpott, THEIR CL. ERK. Lutterworth, Sept. ) 1st, 1818. S • To Kit, COUNTY OF LEICUSTKR- TIIE ASSIZE OF BREAD, FOR THE TFUNDRED OF ( iAUTREE in the COUNTY of LEICESTER. T « E WEIGHT AND PR1CF. OF The lb. 02. dr £. s. d. Peck Loaf Wheaten .... 17 6 0 A 2 Half Peck Lfiaf ditto.... 8 11 » ft 2 1 Quartern Loaf ditto .... 4 • S a [" t Half Quartern Loaf ditto 2 2 12 10 0 l'eck IjOaf Household 17 « 0 )" 3 10 Half Peck Loafditto 8 It 6 fa 1 11 Quartern Loaf ditto .... 4 5 8 CO • 0 lit Half Quartern Loaf ditto 2 it 12 lo 0 5f COUNTY OF LI', re ESTF. R TO wit. THE 4SSF/ JS OF HIIEAO, Ditto Standard Wheat en, Ditto Household Half Quartern loaf, Wheateu Ditto Standard Wheaten .... Ditto Household Two- penny Loaf, Wbeaten... Ditto Standard U beaten Ditto Household... lbs. ox. dr. s. d. igli 4 5 8.. .1 of ... 4 S 8{. .. I 0 .. 4 5 8.. .. 0 11} !.. 2 2 12.. . .0 .. 2 2 12... . .0 6 .. a 2 12.. 61 .. 0 10 14 .. 0 11 !) ... 0 11 13 1.. 0 5 7 ... e r> 12 ... 0 5 14 THE Subscribers to the- Fund for the relief ot Clergymens Widows and Orphans with- in the Hundred of Sparkenhoe, are requested to meet their President SIR RALPH NOEL, at the George Inn, in Market Bosworth, on Tuesday, the 22d ot September, to transact the business of the Society. Dinner at Two o'clock. THOS. WRIGHT, Treasurer. Wanted, AYoting man as an Assistant in a Hosiers " Warehouse. The most respectable refer- ences will be required. Enquire at the Journal Office, if bv letter, post paid. Set bv ns, Two of His Majesty's Justices of the Notice, iii and for the said Hundred, the 8th Day of September, 1818, and to continue iu force for seven Days, from Monday next. " JAMES OHO. E. GR1FFIS. Whereas William King Did leave his Master on the sixth day of June last. HE bad oil, wlrtin he left, a light fustian Coat, and corduroy Breeches,' stands about five feet high, and is slender made. If any one will bring him to his master, JOHN TURNER,- shall receive Two Shillings und Six- pence . for their trouble. Rnrb'ago, September 8, ISIS. ANORS and Fisheries of Staunton Har- rohl, Worthiugton anil New bold, and of RekcIT. rh', Willofighes, Ratclitfe, aad Sileby iu the cdintty of Leicester, belonging to the Earl Ferers. Notice is hereby given. That whoever; tresspasses upon any of the said nia- norsaud fisheries will be prosecuted according to liffr.: N. B. Persons are placed, upon flic manors to give information of tresspassers. STTT^ IY~ STA N. TC> ft" STATITKS,, By order of the Chief Constable. Notice is hereby given, riMLVT there will be a Statutes for fhe hiring I of Servants, hold at the house of WILLIAM DIMMOCS, the Franks'.* Arms Inn, in Stouey Stant- on, on WEDNESDAY, September SO, 1818. TO BE L! l'P~ Commodious Lodgings, Furnished, in the Market place, irearly opposite the Exchange ,-- ( CONSISTING of excellent dining , room, drawing room, and four good bed groins, with the use of a kitchen if required. Either the whole oi- a part. For further particulars " enquire at the Journal Office. Leicester, Sept. 9th. " STOLEN VYR~ STRAYED. Out of the Abbey Meadow, some time last Ifech, A Black Nag Mare, flTHREEyears old, switch tail, and full marie; H no white except a saddle spot; branded with letjter. F. oirthe near shoulder, and has a ble- mish n<; ir .. the fetlock or. the uiside ofthe off bind leg. , - % " * If sttave l, anv person returning her to Mr. F. ROSS, Hiimbeistorie road, Leicester, shall havcall reasonable expences paid. If stolenj any person or persons giving information so that the offender or offenders may be brought to justice, shall on cou- viction receive TEN POUNDS reward. Leicester-, Sept. 5 th, 1818. Debtors and < Creditors Of HENUY SYKI- S WILDBORE. of Rillesdon, in the county of Leicester, Butcher. " jVTOTlCE is hereby given, that the said 1^ 1 HENRY SYKES WILDBOHE, by Indent- ure, dated the25th day of August instant, hath as- signed over all his personal Estate and Eff ects unto Charles Frisky and . hours Clifford, both of Cold New- ton, irt the said county of Leicester, Graziers, for the equal benefit of his Creditors; and such Deed is lodged at the Office pf Wr. Decimus Cooke, Sol. ci- tor, in Leicester, for the sign: tore of such of the Creditors as are willing to accept of the Composition arising from the said Insolvent's" Eijocts. And those Creditors who shall refuse to sign the said Deed at the expiration of one month from the date of this noticeywill be excluded the beiiefit arising ilieie- from. All Persons to - whom the said H. S. Wildb'b. e stands indebted, are requested to sait- an account thereof to Mr. Qecimus Coone, and ail Persons in-, debted to the said - H. S. Wddbo're, are dfsiijed im- mediately to pay the Amoun- t to ilessvs. Fr'nhy and Clifford, or they will be proceeded agaiiist without further notice. Leicester, 25tb August, .181$, In. Bnfto is Bankruptcy. f i" MIE Holders of Kills of Exchange, notes. | or oilier securities incident to this Commis- sion, are. requested to tra. nsmil the nature and par- ticulars thereof to Jay office. situate ill Hinckley, forthwith, iu order to their depositions being pre- pared previous tothe mei tings ofthe Commissioners on the 18th and 19th of September inst. . JAMES SODE" N, • . i- Solicitor to the Commission. Hiiiek'ev, Septeihi. er Utli, 1818. . . ividends Postponed. RT, HB Divideads intended to be declared un- JL tier THE joint and separate Estates of JOHN DRAKELY and KDWARB CLEMENT « ON, npw or late of Market Bosworth, ill the county of Leicester, ho- siers, dealers, chapmen, a. iflcooartners, advertised in this paper and the London Gazette of Saturday the 29tli of August last, to take place at the George Inn, in Hinckley, on Tuesday the 22< 1 day of Sep- tember instant, are for the present unavoidably postpdited, on account of the absence of Commis- sioners. JAMES SODEN, ' Solicitor to tlic said Commission. HinckleV, September 10th, 1818. J; ." VTOTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of Lairds &' Estate « iti the parish of Coston. in the comity of Le1roster,.' v to all Persons whom it may coi. ccrfi; that application will be made to Par- liament ifi the next Session, for leave to bring in a Hill tor dividing, allotting, and inclosing all the Open ami Common l ields. Meadows, Pastures, Common- able Lands, a^ id Waste- Ground* in the parish of Cos- ton aforesiid, and: for dischargiug aud exonerating the same and all other lauds and titheable grounds in ihe said parish. Dated the twenty- second day of August, ill the year of our Lord 1818. H. Litchjord, Soli i' r Ditto Household - - - -. Set by os, Two ot his Majesty s Justices of the Plj. ue in aud for the said Hundred, this 5th day or September 1H1S, anil to continue in force for tcvcu ilays, from M^ luriiay next. * ; J. IWKU.. HARBOROUGH Grand Musical Festival, SEPTEMBER - 2it. il, 26th, and 26th. STEWARDS. Right Honorable Lord Sondes, Right Honorable Lord Robert Manners, Sir John Palmer, Bart. Sir Richard Brooke de Cupel Brooke, Bart. OS G. A. L, Keck, Esq tV. Ilanbury, Esq P. Maunsell, E q. W. F. Maior, Esq E. Maim-, Esq Jl. Green, Esq R. Ituymcs, Esq 11. Coleman, Esq J. ( Ird, Esq N Sliuttleworth, Esq T. Davenport, Esq J. Humphrey, Esq ~ Htimphrsq, Esq 1J. O. Aitums, Esq Rec. J, Ord. Rev. /"'. Apthorpe II. Palmer —- Li. Farrer —— V. 1 shunt S Heqrick T. HoUiich T. Reynolds G Boulton J. L Hetherull — G. Huniury —— T. Clayton Ii. Finch R. Walker E. Griffin T. Viurpe Sec. & c. ON FRIDAY Morning, September ' 25, "( by permission of the Rev. E. YAKDY ond the Churchwardens) will be performed iu St. D. oiissi- ns' Church, THE SACRED Oratorio of tht Messiah. Composed by G. F. Handell, Esq. to particular Airs and Chorusses, of which will be introduced the ad- ditional accompaniment of Yt\ A. Mo* ai%. And oil SATURDAY Morning the 26th, A GRAND SELECTION From the compositions of the most favorite Authors, ancient and modem. And on THURSDAY and FRIDAY Evenings, SEPTEMBER ' 21th ami 2- otlv, Grand Miscellaneous' Concerts, IN THE TOWN HALL; Consisting of favorite Overtures, Song", Diietts, (' oiteeetos, and some of the newest and most Popular Glees. PRINCIPAL PFBFORMERS. MISS WILLIAMS, ( From the Ancient. and Vocal Concerts) MASTER DONALDSON, AND MISS GEORGE; Mr. KEN WARD, Mr. G Ali BET, Mr. MILLAR, Mr. YAKDLEY, AND Mr; THORNE. Leader of the Band, Mr. Willis'— 2d Violin, Mr. SMith— Viola, Sir. Marvin— Violoncello, Mr. AiQg y — Double Bass, Mr. Fletcher— Double Drums, . l.- r. Jeukiimm— tirand Pianoforte, Mr. Marvin, Junr.— aii 1 Organ, Mr. Hart. ' I he remainder of the Band and Chorusses, which wiij be numerous and complete, by the liiOst ap- pi oved Performeri. The whole lindel- tile dfrectioif of Mr. ASHLEY, Manager of the Oratorios, at the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Tickets to be had of Sir AIS& OTT, Printer, and Mr. DAviofSuitiiKiT, Post Office, HarborOtlgh, Five Shilling* for each performance. N. B. TheOROAN which is erected for the pur- pose of" the Festival, to Be disposed of. MONEY. ( llEYERA- f. sums ready to be advanced upon l. > Fi eehold Sicurity. Apply at the Journal Offife.. . None but Principals will be treated With. Monies to Advance. . £ 1000, t'f) 40, i'fjUO, and £ 500 f"> EAt> Y to be adya- ticed oh approved Free- \ hold Securities, at £ 5 per c'eiit per An- num. Alsy, jEIliOt) ijt Christmas nejtt. vpply at the Office of Messrs. DALBY and DCWKS S « . l citors, Asliby- de- la- Zouch. , | OTICEis hereby given, that the partner- ship between i'HB^ AS PEACH a| pj THO- M'. ti< « ", of Leicester, Malsters and Brewers, was this dtiy dissolved by mutual consent, and thai the business iu Suture w ill be continued on the Same premises, in Silver Street, under the firm of Thomas Miller, Son, pnd Co. \ V itnens our hands this id of September, 181S, Thomas Peach, jChonms Miller. N Dr. Wilsons Tincture for Gout and Rheumatism. r| AHE superior efficacy of Dr. Wilson's Tinc- § tnre to all other. remedies, in the cure of the Gout, the Rheumatic Gout,' and fhe Acute Rheumatism, or Rheumatic Fever, has been proved fiv the most Extensive experience, during upwards of seven vears. A single dose of this remedy will in a few hours relieve the most agonizing pain of gont or rhenma tism, mid a few repititions w ill effectually subdue the severest attacks ; whilst its Composition,( which Dr. Wilson pledges himself was unknown as. a medi- cine till his discovery of it) is so innocent, that a child may take it with safety. Sold wholesale, by Sutton and Co. 10, Bow Church Yard, London; anil retail at the Journal Office, Moore, Swinfen and Co. Leicester ; Hisgs, andHar- MILIIQA. \ General Meeting of fhe Lieutenancy will X » be held at the Three Crown's Inn, Leices- ter, on Thursday, Hie 17thday ofSeptembeiiustaut, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. By'order of Tke most Soble the DuKe of Rutland, I\. G. I Lord Lieutenant of'the < ' aunty of Leicester. DEC1MUS COOKE, Clerk of the General Meetings. Leicester; lst September, 1618. Hnrbidye's Brush Manufactory. MRS. MARY CLARKE, of the Swine's market, ( sister of the lute Mr. James Bnt- Iridge,) having taken and entered upon the stock iu trade and premises of her late, brother, respectful-, ly acquaints her friends and tlie public, that she in- tends to carry on the B. rnslioi. iking business at the premises in Belgrave gate, under Ihe firm of" Bur- bidge, Clarke, and Co." As she will have the means of conducting her. bu- siiiess to the best advantage, she hopes to secure the patronage of the public by articles of superior manufacture, sold upon flip nibst reasonable terms. All orders will be thankfully received and executed with dispatch. Leicester, September 8th, 1818. . J. and W. S. 1ENTON, Carri i'i, RESPECTFULLY trm their friends and rife public, that fu: g better accotnmoda- dation of the trade, they have commenced working their boats regulariv between •>-• DEB BY AND LEICESTER. . And assure tiieiu that all goods intrusted to their care, shall meet with the best attention at reduced ialt% Goods intended for thi- conveyance must be - con- signed to theii WHARE, I . ester; and to GEORGE it ten Aims ON, Derby rt- Dealers in Salt,- Ht/ ch, Westmoreland and Swithland Slates, Leicester, 1st September, felt*. rod, Harborough ; Clark, Melton Mowbray ; Snodin, Oakham; Freeman, Uppingham ; and by the most respectable booksellers, druggists, and venders of medicine throughout the united kingdom ; at 4s. Gd. 1 per bottle, or five in one, at 20 s. Of whom may also be had, Dr. WILSON's TREATISE on Gout and j Rheumatism, their eauses, . prevention, aud cure; TVOt\ c'tLdlUVlfi. ' pit « « 4s. ALL Persons who base any claim utiori the Estate and Ell'e* tr of Mr: JOSEPH DALBY, late of Leicester, A^- tioneer, deceased, aie requested forthwith to sei » ' the pa'tticuiars of their demands to Mr. Ill, NitY O VLBY, of Lei- cester, Solicitor, ill order that t> ie same may be dis- charged. And all Persops indebted to " tha said Estate are required to settle their Accounts with the said Henry Daiby. Le. cester, September 0th, 1818. Ashbu- de.- la- Zou. ch and Tut bury Turnpike Road. LEICESTER INFIRMARY. FRIDAY, the IATH OF SKTrEMBER, ISTS? being the ANNIVERSARY " MEETINO, • of the- Governors of the LKICESTER, IN FIRM Aft Y- their attendance on that lav is earnestly requested at the NEW ASSEMBLY ROOM, « t the HOTEL, at TE* O'CLOCK in the FOBENOOS, in order to proceed from thence to Saint Martin's Church, where A SERMON will be preached tm the occasion, BY THE Rev. PETER VAUGHAN, D. D. Warden of Mer ton College, Oxford. Persons eoncerned'io the following Commodities, are solicited to send Proposals ( sealed) to the Se- cretary before eleven o'clock on the day preceding the above Meeting, specifying at What rates ( for rea- dy money) tliev are willing to supply the Infirmary for tire ensuing Quarter, with flour, soap, caudles, sugar, hops, and malt.— The most reasonable propo- sals will be accepted, regard being. had lo the qua- lity of the Articles offered f ifrtait' twgor more Per- sons should offer to supply equally good Articles, at the same prices. it will be determined by ballot wiib shall have the preference, that the utihost impartia- lity may be Observed, and nolutetest be made irr favor of any particular Partem Suiuples of the several articles are to bo sent to the Secretary, with the P> opps-. iU; such Samples to be marked with the name ort'he Person'riiakiiig the tender, and of tlie article offered. By order, of tlfe ComiUjttee, S. FLINT, Secretary, Board- Room, Sept. 8,- 1^ 18. The Governors have great pleasure in announcing the following new Subscriptions and Donations. Thomas 1' aies, junr. Jfijtp M. e. Temple, London ,....-: V. £ s 5 0 IJev. Dr. Vanghan, Warden of Merton College. Oxford ..:,' 3 3 0 Rev. Dr. Pearson, Sourti kilwortli. 2 2 0 Ditto Ditto a Donation 8 8 0 Mr. Thomas fteedham, jnnr. Hinckley".. 2 2 0 Mr. Francis Ball, Leicester '... 1 1 0 The Clerk of Assist- a JSbuafhm. 5 0 0 Rev. Hugh Mouckton, » i. A. Seaton, near Uppingham; ditto 4 10 10 0 LIJNA'PtC ASYLUM. Honble. Mrs. Cockayne, Medlycote,,.. 2 2 0 ' lltoiiVas Pares, junr.- Esq. M. p. Teniple, London...;...; 2 2 0 Mr. Fort- ester, Leicester t; 2 2 0 Draiciiii/ Olid Painlifig. Mr, 1 ILI. ENBU M. J ) EGS leave to announce bis intention to give 5 Lessons in ihe art of Drawing, in its vari- ous branches, Figui'es, Landscape, & c. iu Water Colours, Chalks, Crayons, and Oil. Six Lessons for 1 Guinea- if one Pupil. Five ditto ditto if. two Fourifftlo ditto— ' J.— ifthree Pupils atteudedin the Country on the same'tenns excepting the expense of conveyance, Apply to Mr. F ai Mr, MOORE'S; Genfsctioher, near the Three CroWn*. . • " Mr. P. KING, A U C T I O N E E R, & c. REGS to acquaint bis friends and the public in general, that lie is about to remove to 0! ceater, where be intends in future to carry 011 business as an Auetiom er < uid Appraiser, and also > as a General Agent for the Sale Sa l Purchase by Private Contract qf Estates,. Canal Shares, & c. Ac. Mr. King flatters tiimself lie shall be found de- serving of a liberal share of patronage and encou- ragement, and he begs to assure those Gentlemen who nriiy favoi luni with their support, that they may rely upon prompt aud unremitting attention, and the strictest ii'tegrity., It is replies ted for the' present all commands may be addressed to Mr. P. KiNO. atMr. CflAMBERLAi. v's, Pointer", Et) st Gates, Leicester. Kiliwortll Beanchauq), ) Si- pt. 8th. 1818, ' < AH Ilia cry and Dress Roofits, At Mr. GRIHLEY'S. Gsilov. tree- gate;-•- BIMLEY ; and BROOKS, . respectfully jf inform their Friends and the Public, they have com" enced showing a f. ishioiiable Assortment of Millinery, Fancy D resses, Ac. adapted- for the Season, a. d wifl continue for Inspection during the ensuing Week. N. B. - An Assistant and three Apprentices wattted, Leicester, Sept. 10th. Shortly will be published, prife 2s. 6d. A LET T E R AODRF. SSED TO. Mr. STOCKDAIyE HARDY. Occasioned by his recent Public l etter to Tiie Right Honorable Lord Kenyon', Upon the subject of the ROMAN ~ CATHOLIC- CLAIMS, '; * . '. ;. v , ', S ' Sir HENRY CTtOMPTON, I,. L. D. " I chuse, Sir, to address yon, not only because I " consider yen as the most candid of your I'ar- ty. but as having taken an able aud unbiassed " view ofyotiV subject." Introductory Preface to the Letter. Printed by Davison, l.' lackfriars, London, and sold by ail Bookselleis. MOUNTSO- RREI. DISSENTING SUNDAY SCHOOL. On Sunday, September 13th, 1818', A SEHMON Will be preached at the Unitarian Chapel, Mouiitsorrel, IIY THE Rev. E. HIGGINSON, « f DERBY, For the Benefit of the above Institution. Service to begin at three o'clock in the Afternoon. THREE BY MISS By the Congregation and < hildrcn. N. B.— By the CHOIR--" Although the Fig Tree." Habakkuk. A SERMON WILL HE PREACHED On SUNDA Y next, September 13, in the Parish Church of MELTON MOWBRAY, In aid if the Church'Missionary Society, By the Rev. Mr. JOWETT, Rector of Silk Willonghby, Likcoliishirel t . On Monday lnst, Mr. William Keen,' liomej, oft. town, to Dorothy, sister of John Ro » e, Esq. Bar. ov. i- ash. Jl tpUse, near Derby. - Augus/ SI, by the Rev. Mr.' Nntt, Riib rt Skeri- rift, Qeht. ofSom^ rby, to Mary, only daughter ait' Mr. ( iaioduiun, of tfle. same, place. .. k On Monday morning last, James Mveli, Gi^ « iU Sulby'Abbey, N orthrim p 1011 shj re / aged ii LEICESTER IN FIR SI Aft Y, September 8, f818. r PATIENTS ADMITTED ano DISCMAROEI^ Adtoitifd. , lfitchargeil. In........., ' i Jn....... , V\ & Otit......... 16 Out ;. J4 ,' HOtlf F. VISITORS', fr. 1l. Mitchell, ami Nr. B. Warif. - kr — . INI " • .' , We have the pleasure to announce tha> Iff.--, CHESSH'ER, of Hinckley, is reeovered from Hak late severe illness, and thai at the « olieilatino c(' his friends, he is " persoiiBlIy attending to hit* profession as foiYuerly. Our races commence on MVdueaday next'-; ral lifirses aie( already arrived, and nianv move W peefed ; and efs the harvest may be eoii* ide » « : d as in, should the weather jifove fine, a greater of fasliioniibles ainfojher conipijny njay be expected than has appeared for some. years past. The djiiti pline ofthecoiirse will, we are informed, be strietl^- ehforcedj On Friday last, Thomas Potief, of Lnnghbrojx Leicestersbite, frailiesmitb, was eonunitted b/> the Mayor for trial to Lancaster Castle, for being about to goto America with machinery fortim— king bobbin or twist lace or liet; and six box.* ofmachinery., ordiflferentiorfS ond tisesi, wer ® Seized by the police officers « t the Tun wlrfrrr Putter resided in this town. Nine or ten otb^ r persons froin- Equghbro'and the nejg'hbourbood, sonic of them artificers, yvere about to embarf>. but upon ' Potter's being taken ipto custody, they all fled. It ip hoped this example will deU; ' Others, from wickedly injuring their country, and particularly its manufactures, who are jn peed of encouragement and support instead ( if rival- ship. — MondaHS Liverpool Advertiser. The Rev. C. lc. Gi e Villa, in the countv of Nottinghairi. Caution— On the 4th instant, Siimuel Bestwick, Si- private soldier ill the Derby sbireRegimentof Milrtia. was convicted b. v'Jobu Crompfon, Esq, Mavor ct Derby, and sentenced to six weeks confinement iii the house cf etfrrection, for having enlisted into the 45lh regiment of toot, and denied to the Recruiting Officer » t the tibie of his enlistment that he was i Militiaman. At Uttoxetcr fafr otVtbe 3d instant, there was at large supply of exi . eding good clieese. The Farm- ers asked 90s. to fOli's. which being above a fair price, the Factors ciiuld not purchase-, and the Farm- ers by agreement began very early to take their cheese home : igain./ l he few who were niore reason- able totfnd a ready sale from 82s to 8< s. and a dairy or two t'etrhedjifis " 6d. perewt. On Friday, fhe 28th nif. Henry Hall was fully committed to the goal of Nottingham, to take bji trial at the next assizes, on ^ charge of Having, ob the 20th day of August last, forged a certain bill of exchange, dated Sheepshead, 8fh August, 181K, purporting to be drawn by one James I'arsons, up> 011, and accepted by Messrs. Scorer and Ascomb. of Nottingham, hosiers, tor £ 03 IKs. payable two months after date, and with having forged life ac- ceptance, and tittered and published the same as true, with intent to defend Sanitiel Smith, Esq. and Co. bankers, ofthe purported value thereof. CRfcKF. T MATCH.- T'OU Wednesday last I- nmtch at Cricket was played in Bosworth Park, between eleven Gentlemen of fhe Leicester new Club, and the like number of Bosworth Club.— Tlie Col lowing is the state Ofthe game:— MARKET BOSWORTH'—— 1 st Innims, John Morris '.. 3 —- bqwl'd bv W. Slfento^ i Sand. Wright .,.. 12^— b by G. Poehin, Esq. W. Sidgway. V 16— caught bv ditto W. Gretmway, Esq. 11 stump'd bvW. StentOtt- J. Bailey. V. C. Wright ... W. Jaques... John Fisher, Esq, J. Priestnal... T. Wright C. Bailey Byes'...., S— e bv J. Earl 0— b by G. Pocliin, E.* q. 3- ditto ditto 0 c by W Davis 2 b by G. Pocliin, Esc. 1-—- riot out 1—— c by W. Shenton 0 total........ 52 LEICESTER-— John Earl. W Davis. . , Wpi ShentonV G Owston. V, T Graham. George Davis,,'.'. MGrahanv..;... ' 1 ho# Shenturt . i... J B Robinson M Bahington, Esq. G Pocliin, Esq .,',. 17- 5- 0- 13— 13- 4- . 7- ,0- 3- 5- Byes.'...'.. 14 - 1 st Innings. — b by Ririgway — b by W. Green way, Esij — c by J Bailey — c by C Wright — b by WGreenway, FstJ — b bv W Ridgway — C by G Ba0ey -, b by W Ridgway — b. by dit. o — c by W Greenway, Es$ • BOt Ollt Total......... . MARKET liosw John Morris. S'aniuel Wright W Ridgway., " W Greennay, Esq. " 3 Bailey* C Wright W Jaques........ John Fisher, Esq.. J Vriestnal T \ l 1 igfif C Bailey......... Byes.,...'.. 89. ORTII— t— 2nd Innings. .2— c bv G Owston 0-— b by G Poehin, Esq 2—;— s by W Sbentou, 23—-- inn ont 4-—, b by J Far! 0~— ditto ditto 4 c by M Graham' 1 s by W Shentou 8*.—- b by G Pochin; Esq1 0-- b liv J Earl- 0 not o0t 0 Grand total.. - 2nd Innings. —.- not out - not out £ 6 NOTICE IS HKRt BY GIVEN, r 1 AH AT the I'rustees ot the above turnpike 1/ road will meet at the Three Queens Inn, Burton. lipoM- Trent, 011 Tuesday, the 22d day ot September instant, at 11 0' cluck'in the forenoon, in oiderto let bv public bidding, theToiis SYismgtrom. the sev eral Gates and Bars on " the said road, for any- period not exceeding three veafs, from sncli time, and in,$ nch lots and under such conditions as shall then be at^ eed upon, and also for other purposes re- lating to thtfaffairs of the said road. John 1). Fowler,. Clerk and Treasurer. Burton- upon- Trent, 7 th. September j.\ § 18, LOrGHBOROt'OH Church Sunday Schools. Oil San day Morning, September 13, 181.8, A SLR M O N WILL HE Preached in the Parish Church of LOUGHBOROUGH, Rev richard'HARDY, D. D. FOR THE BEltEFIT OF THE CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOLS, Belonging to that parish. Divine Servite will begin ut a quaitir before 11 o'clock precisely. In tiie above Schools the re are at present 557 Children. fRIDAi", SEPTEMBER If, 1818. MARRIED. OaTuesday last at Rothley, Mr. Thurlby, grocer,, of this tawn^ to Mus, Leak « , of thw& rmer place. Total. 44 LEICESTER— W Davis.......... 4- WiuSlitmtun t- G Pccbin, Esq 1 |> by WGreenway,!^ Byes...... 0 Total.. 10 Grand total.. 09 Won by Lacester-- 3 notches and [) wickets to go tloww. COLLECTIONS MADE AT PLACES OF PIELIC WORSHIP, For the benefit of tire LEIC ESTER INFIRMARY, and paid to toe Treasurer. AshfiyT'arya— Rev. Mr. Males- fone, £ 5 4 10 Bowden Magna— Rev. V r. Griffin, .. 9 2 3 Braunstoiie— R? v MriHuosby 5 2 3 I rowlesworlh— Rev. it'r. Btrinaby,.. 5 2 3J Rothley— Ren. Mit. Macaiilay, .... s Ci 8J- I aughton— Rev. Mr. Humphrey, 2 11 0 Sarldington— Ditto, 5 3 0 ' Whetstone— Rev. Mr. Peake, ...... 1 1* » 1 Theddingwoitli— Rev. A 1-. Collins, 7 7 6 Lubber, ham— Rev. Mr. BulHvant, 4 7 0 Foxtftir, Ditto, 2 T8 O Ab- KettlebV— Rev. Mr. Bingham, .. 2 10 Oadtiy— Rev. Mr, Valen'tine, .....'. 10 2 ' Prestwold'— Iiev Mr. Maiidnck, .. 10 10 0 A Donatio! vt"*'' Lev. ir. Faithful, of Eastoi' 1 0 tt-- - nii" 1 ~ 11 FAIRS. ' Sept. W— Stoui i'ort, Fuzeley,. Newcastle — 1C— Stafford' -— 19— Atlieistone, Worcester, Brewood, UttQjti- . ter. Market Drayton; Painswicl^. Jgiaj- t » n, Waltli « pi- oii- tlie- W « l( t Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. •- « — i. CAPITAL PUNISHMENTS. [ Extract from tlie TIMES.] The case of West, who- suffered at Horsemon- ger lane, has excited" considerable interest; and hopes were at one time entertained that liis lile wouid hive been spared. This unfortunate per- son Was tlird at the last Assizes at Guildford, for having utteicd four £ I Bank Of England notes, knowing tbcm, to bcTorgcd. It. is custom- ary for the Bank to sclect from their prisoners ehses fur capital indictnient. aud to. allow others ta plead guilty to the' mtnor eburge, ' ' 1 hich is th^ tof lia " iiig in their possession forged notes. The punishment for the lesser offence is tvans- 1 - Tl.:„ l.„.,„ lil urns hOW" [• his real name ami actual iiuui^ i'e- 1 was some years since in the service ot a icctable maltster at l> eplfoid, who hps given porta won for 14 years. This benefit was, ever, denied to Wcsl. nlihough there was reason to believe, that the peculiar circumstances nfhis case would have entitled him to the indulgence. He was but in his 21th year; his character, which jvas irreproachable, has been attested by several persmis of respectability. Even admitt- ing that he knew of the notes being forged, it . a:< evident that he wus unpractised: in this fa tal traffic ; and be parted with tlienl in liis own neighbourhood, and to those who could at any time have apprehended him. On passing them, lie attempted no concealment or deception; he gave and address,- W respect...,.., .... lii 111 an excellent character. It, wan at ibis period that he coutraeted an intimacy with a fellow-' workman named Lausdown. w lmyfuitted his em- ployment, and went to sea. This person short- ly returned; and. being in djiitipss, applied to West, who. generously relieved him. Uiouttwo. years ago, West left Deptford, and entered into the employment of Mr. Barker, a utalstec. re- siding at Brentford, with whom lie tontinncd tsntil May last, w hen the malting season being over; he v.- as discharged. Mr. barker fullv in- fended lo employ him again. IlCsays that West always proved himself a steady and trustworthy servant; and thai ho is certain, Ihat the man was quite innocent of any tiansactions relative lo foijgbd notes, w hile engaged in, and on quit- ting, his service. Mr. lSarker has also Stated, that West vv. as a young man of a very weak mind, and ol a disposition liable to. be. leo astray ; and he has expressed his full conviction; that tins unfortunate individual has been Ihe instrument of designing villainy, and that (. if guilty) the present was his lirst oflenee. It also appears, tlist ( lie poor fellow had buoy- ed himself up. under the apprehension that !; e should have been allowed to p'odri guilly to the minor offence; 011. which account, he w as not prepared upon his trial to bung forward wit- nesses in his favor, who otherwise vvouhl liuve boen called. The reader is requested to recollect, that it was i: i the month of May last that West quitted Mr. Barker's service. I11 June, he accidentally met Lansdown at Barnes. Lansdown appeared to have several Bank notes in his possession.— He requested West to procure him some silver, as he was going to Ireland, and delivered two notes for Ibis purpose. West obtained the change, after which he went to the Couch and Horses public- house, at Bai ues,- and- speiil tome time there w ith several of his fellow workmen. At this time a woman, whom West had seen in the company of Lansdow n, entered llie publir- liotisc, and iiittmatlog to West fife danger of his situation, advised him to quit ihe place instant- ly; he did so, but had scarcely left it. When a constable followed and apprehended him. On his examination before tlie Magistrate, West admitted that be had passed the notes in ques- tion, but denied, any knowledge of theie being forged , they were, in fact, the notes which he had received from Lansdowa. During his ex- amination a pel- son belonging to the neighbour- hood produced a packet of o her forged notes, which he stated to have found under ( he gate-, way df the public- liouse where West had been apprehended. West declared that he knew no- thing whatever of the notes. It is supposed that they had been dropped by the woiilan, who was evidently the colleague of Lansdown This cir- cumstance powerfully operated against West, rmd was probably the reason of his not being allowed to plead, guilty to the minor count. Ih reviewing the circumstances which have led to the conviction of W- eSt, it is far from being our wish to reflect on the Jury who tried him, or on tbe Judge who proiiouiiccd the aw ful sentence of the law. It is a fact beyond all doubt, ihat West did pass the notes in question: but it is clear ( o those who have investigated the case, that he was the dupe of others who were exten sively engaged in this practice, and who have 011 this occasion eluded justice. , Ai to the guilt or innocence of this young man.' fittle need now be said. Iiis fate is decided ; he is sent to tlie tribunal of his Maker; and we trust lie has found the judgment scat of the Most High co- vered with mercy. We are not aw arc of the rule which regulates the Bauk in selecting cases for capital indict- ment ; and We confess that we have yet to leaijn upon what principle- of tbe B- itish constitution the Bank of England assumes, at its discretion the power of dispensing mercy. Any selection thus made cannot fail to inspire offenders at large with the hope of impunity, and to excile among the sufferers strong feelings of anxiety aud indignation. I11 the evidence contained in the Police Report, recently published, the Kev. Mr. Cotton, the ordinary of Newgate observes —>' In cases of forgery I find a good deal of anger in tbe people against the punishment which is annexed In law ; and iu cases offorg- edBank notes they are always discontented with the selection which they conceive the Bank'has made of them as individuals. The m. 111 now about to be executed, told me Ibat it was com plete murder! and when I reasoned with him, saying that others had suffered for it, and in a late instance, mentioning the case of VVaid, for whom so much intercession was made, he said, that was murder also." Mr. Baker, a gentle man who, from motives ofbenevolence* has, dur ing the last three years, visited tbe condemned convicts iu Newgate, says, in his examination before the same committee,—" There is a ma- terial difference of feeling existing among ( he piisoneis with regard to forging Bank notes'; and uttering them. Those who utter forged notes think themselves offendeis iu a lesser de- gree, and in general, ! lind that they have been characters who have been drawn into the com- mission of crime by the. craft and suhtilty of others, principally youth." He adds, " One of the young men under orders for execution told lire, that the person who seduced him was in the habit of passing at least - 100 notes in a week and that of his certain knowledge ; and that he was the person who supplied Finney,. Spicer, and Kelly, with notes to a considerable ii mount, ' and that Ibis was known to Mr. Westwood, the - Lank' Solirifir-!, and,' notwithstanding Ihat, lie iv as suffered l- i plead'to the minor charge." It is worthy of remark, that a considerable number ot those selected as objects of vengeance, ap pear to h » v « - been youngpersons, while the in- stam ps are comparatively rare in which priiicr- t als have suffered. The nutnberof prosecutions at the lateAssTzes throughout the country foruttering forged Bank of England notes Iras been very striking, and exceeds, vve believe, all precedent. The facili- ties with which this offence may be committed, and the temptations which it offfets. paiticular- ly to the young and " unwary,- are too obvious to require comment. The public may judge ofthe extent of tile evil in the metropolis alone, when it is known Ihat there are iu Newgate only", nearly forty persohi ton charges of tbir. nature, awaiting their trials at the approaching Ses- sions. Is'there a reflecting mind that can con- template tbe present condition;- and possible fate, of these unhappy persons, sVithoUl feelings of painful solicitude; without fearfully antici- pating tlieiecurrence of those scene* hen fresh victims shall be sneriliced to the mistaken poli- cy of man; and without astonishment that, in a christian country, human life should be esti- mated so cheaply, and its destruction regarded with sutTi disgraceful insensibility ?* That the pu.' ijshr. ent of death lia- s completely failed in restraining ihe crime of fbrgerv was re- • • • '---'• " u-— The the bar. He is a fine atl-. lctic man, extremely well dressed and powdered. He. was placed at tho bar, and upou seeing Mr. Elvves, appear- ed rather affected by liis presence; lie immedi- ately leaned his bead upon his hand, and con- linued in that posture during the greater part ofthe examination. He answered to tbe name of " Mr. Adams ;" and it appears '. hat his name is Balthazar Adams, lesidingat Btauleti. near . Southampton: he. has been an eminent ship- f builder, " ami is stated to have built — tin ships 1 1 —"•> 1,1 ^ and has, jt would seem. several 7- 4 heretofore ecntly admitted even from tbe Bench, learned Judge who lately presided on the crown side at the Assizes at Lancaster, in addressing seven prisoners who had been guilly of this crime, after stating- Ihat, on a former occasion, he had the same painful duty loperl'ornt on other prisoners convicted of the same offence, and who bad since atoned with their blood, for the injury which they hud done 10 society, added, " but 1 do not perceive that this example has been attended with any advantage. Or that it has pro- duced any diminution in the number of offenders of this description, the offences committed by the piesent prisoners being all subsequent lo the last assize." A strong and decided febllng is now rapidly advancing throughout the kingdom, on tbe injus- tice, cruelly, aud^ infelliciency of continuing to visit the ciime. of foi gery with the punishment of death. Of many ofthe evils which affect society the remedies ate uncertain, partial, und distaht. Happily, this is not Ike case with the subject to which our attention is now directed;. Remedial measures are within our- reach, and itw ful w ill be the responsibility of tbe Legislature if those measures are neglected; Ex|>£ riehCe has clearly demonstrated in other cou 11 trifcs tlie beneficial effect of substituting a salutary systchi of prison discipline for the deprivation of human life. The criminal may be altogether secluded from society, if his crimes requires it, and his life yet be spared ; and the testimony of those w ho ai e most competent to judge iipon tbe subject ihcon- testibly proves, that imprisonment for a length- ened term of years, conibinedwith habitual hard labour, is dreaded infinitely mors by every de- scription of olieiidcis, than either transportation or the punishment of death " A ch:- iige has, iu fact, become absolutely nect ssary, and mnst soon take place. The public voice earnestly demands it. - It is impossible to reconcile our feelings to Javvs which inflict with indiscriminate vengeance the same penalties on critnes w idcly differing in magnitude. The unfor- tunate individual V\ est.' whose character until the present occasion stood unimpeacbed, shares the same punishment w ith" the murderer 11MS- sey' In noother country ih Europe, we believe, do such incongruous enactments exist; and iiis a seve- c reflection on her national . superiority • that England should hesitate to. follow the ex ample, of those sh> tes that have preceded her in the improvement of criminal jurisprudence. A revival of the penal . code would be as beneficial to iler interests as it- would contribute to her . ami. The laws would no longer be at variance w ith the kind feelings of those who seek, and of : bose who administer justice; but mitigated by he and tern pereu by Christina princi- ples, they would be cherished by every i liowwi'il character- and means, which have en- titled him to the best, consideration of soilie of the t- ist people iu ihe metropolis. Indeed Mr. Snow, of the banking house of- Snovv and Paul, upon whom he is supposed to have forged to the amount of i'lilGtb slated that lie had been upon intimate terms with them for these last twenty years. . . . Mr. George Johnson, of the fun) of Hurd and Johnson, solicitors, of the Inner Temple, stated, thai he knew the prisoner. Oti Friday he came to w itness and asked him to discount the bill produced for - f' 200. Witness accordingly gave iiim a chcqne for £ 197 10s. upon the banking- house of Messrs. Gosling and Sharpe, deduct- ing llie difference (£ 2 10s) for the discount,— I'lm cheque produced was the one lie gave the prisoner. The bill w as nearly as follow s: Beaulru, Sept. 1.—£ 2( X » : Two months af- terdate pay > 4 my order I1.1 London; two hun- dred pounds, for value received. " B. ADAMS." To Mesirs. Charles Brook and Cl>: South- ampton. Accepted at Messrs. Williams and Co. bankei*., ;, ondon.— Charles Brooks and Co; accepted for Sell'and Co. ROBERT SNOW. The above whs proved to be a forger^. ' Wmi Bond; belonging to this office; " jithted, that Ito tobfc the prisonerinto custody oil Friday afternoon, and he found upon lii'm the pocket- book produced, wilii its contents; and in his pocket lie found a five pound and a ft 15/ other notes. The five pound note was proved to be on » of those given in payment pf the cheque ; find the conte nts oftbe pocket bootwere cliieSy other bills of exchange, ready for itegeciation, which amounted to bejw ecu S and £ 4000 amoug w hich were two upon " George Elwes. Esq. High street, Mary le Bonne," which . were Shewn to that gentleman, anil who protiouticed them forger. ' I'Sfe're werfc two others upon Messrs. Snow autl Company, o.: e for £ 1000 and another for £ 700. Mr. Snow— Mr. Adams will you'tell us what you have done with the Other monies. Prisoner— No ; I do not choose to tell you. Mr. Biinie— Mr. Adams, if you haveany thing to say 1 slioiiid he happy to bear i| ? I do not at the same time w ish 3 ou to say a word if you. are not iticlincd— perhaps it would be more hu- mane iu me to recommend you not to say any tiling.' Mr, Adams— 1 thank you Sir; I do not w ish to say any thing. Mr. liitnielhen s- tateil to him that he felt it his duty to apprize him, as he tli. l all pcr* e « ; s piiiceu in a similar situation, that tire Sessions were vcrv neat at band, arid if be w as anxious to procure legal assistance, he ought to loss 110 time in obtaining it. llewas then fully'committed to Newgate for trial. -:••.• the same array, but the cavalry, ( of which we have now a very seasonable complement,) at- tended by a detachment of the civil power, overtook them, and nthwarted their enterprise. The colliers employed in numerous mines in this immediate neighbourhood have also refused to continue their services without an augmenta- tion of salary. Processions with them have like- wise been much the order oftlie day. We are happy, in closing this statement, to announce, that on Saturday the hands v> f Mr. David Holf, of Ghorlton New Mills, tendered a resumption of their services to him, and were yesterday received into full employ. A great many other spinners yesterday also returned to their woik, and tin" disposition to go on is gene- rally manifested. Troops are stationed in tempo- rary barracks, in such Situations as to afford prompt and efficient protection lo ( lie people, and to give them confidence in going to raid coming from the factories. Extra watchmen are also appointed, forthe districts in which the spinners live, to prevent llieir being molested in the night. MARKET HERALD. Murk- Ijtne, Mm/ lay, Sept. 7. 1818. - The supply of Wheat from Kent, Essex, and Suffolk being large, arid having- further arrivals from abroad, sales were at a reduction of 3s. per quarter from Monday's prices. New Barley' is full 3s. per quarter, tmi! Foreign 2s. per quar- ter higher. Old Beans are from ( is. to 8s. per quarter lower than this day week. Oatsare from Is. to 2s. per quarter higher. White Peas are considerably dearer. A VEHAGE 1' Is ICE OF CO UN, ( PER QUARTER) IN ENGLAND AM) WALTS, For the W eek, ending Ang. Wtli T O T A L. Wheat Jlye Hurley Oats d. s. el. s. < i. s. el. 80 1 j 52 5 | 53 3 ; 34 3 Oatmeal, per boll, of 1401b, Peans Pease s. el. s. el. 70 5 | (- 2 8 .... 35s 7d THE COTTON SPINNERS. ic suggestions of enlightened policy, au sreu iiy the benevolence of Christian good subject with veneration, attachment, and sup- port. We can add nothing to this case to make it either stronger or plainer, but we deem it i, ur itidispeusable duty to give publicity to all the ' iicts of tbis naturefo enlarge the sphere- of know ledge to the unwary uf the practices of the designing ; to liold up to public reprobation the power and proceedings which are thought neces- sary to cover and to uphold our present system of circulation; and lo enforce ou every mind that is capable of thinking, proofs of the inex- pediency. the injustice, and tile inhumanity of our criminal la**. MOST EXTENSIVE FORGERIES. On Saturday afternoon,- amost important in vestigation took place before Richard Biinic Esq at Bow street, respecting forgeries to an enoijnous aty. uui, supposed to IK* committed by a gent'entan of fcisl » consideration in tiie trading and mercantile- World. On Friday in- formation vv- ts roeeiv ed by the worthy magistrate above mentioned, of sovernl forgeries, but of one definitively, and he accordingly directed W. Bond to go ( armed with proper authority) in pursuit ofthe gentleman who was suspected to have committed the offe-"" T,"' « nv » „ Y!„„ ii!, i ( for w e iin lerstand his for suits entitle him to that appellation) was found by Bond seated in n Kentish Town stage, near Staples Inn, he having made an appointment to dine with a friend at Kentish Town. The officer, wilh^ evciy feeling of kindness towards the unfortunate gentleman, communicated his errand with all possible delicacy to him, and conveyed hiin to the office, wheie he underwent a cursory examination- before Mr. Biruio, dur- ing which time be kept one of his bands in his coat near his breast, and the worlhy magistrate conceiving that he eilher was meditating self- destructiyn, or was. anxious to destroy instru- ments which he knew would appear in a crimi- nal shape against hini, orderei( the officer to take him out and search his person diligently ; this was done, and in one of bis pockels was found a khil'e fully calculated to effect that which Mr. Birnie bad contemplated. Uponthis occasion tiie charges against the prisoner were only of a suspicions nature; there being no po- sitive or tangible proof against him; he was accoii'ingly remanded for- examination on Sat- urday. 1 Mr. Birnie, however, with that precau- tion v, hioh always guides him, made it impera- tive upon the ofliccr ( o cause the prisoner to he watched most narrowly during the whole ofthe night; this order was strictly complied with by Bond, who stated that his captive had experi- enced a most restless night, and '.. e had felt it his duty to take from him, his neckerchiefs, and every garment likely to assist him in the horrid act of suicide. Tliedocuments found uponhim had, in the interim, undergone an investigation and the result was, that long before the prison er's examination, John Elwes, Esq. son of the late eccentric and paisimonious gentleman of "• thatname, appeared, and • being a> kedfty; Mr'. Biinie if he had been in the habit of'acceptin. hills for laige amounts, said, to the beet cf his recollection he had not, in the whole course of his life, accepted more than two. Shortly after three o'clock the acSusing parties bad arrived, auJ the prifionei was brought in and placed at [ Extract from the Manchester Mercury of Tuesday, September 8.] The conduct of the work- people in this dis- trict., who have forsaken their employment for increase cf wages, has assumed an attitude fraught with ihe uiosj serious consequences :— the spinners in particular, htive now called forth the anxious at. il . unit 111 " tting vigilance of the magistracy and the other, constituted authori- ties. II appears that the great bulk of these in- dividuals, who have fumed themselves inloone established system o# confederacy against their masters, not coiiienf Willi the resistance, they furnish in their own persons; have resolved, by the fyrde, of instill And intimidation, to prevent those w eM disposed persons who arc w eary of indolence, from earning a comfortable and li- beral maintenance, J> y ' their own application and industry; and we regret to add, that this despotic principle has at length led to a fatal result. • One favorite course of proceeding, and cer- tainly novel feature in these transactions, has been to- parade the Streets in marching- order, two, three, and four abreast; and this has been tbe frequent practice'diiring what we will de- signate their vacation. O11 Wednesday, between eleven and . twelve in , tlie forenoon, a party, amounting to about a thousand men, w< men, and children, walked in procession to. Messis. B. Gray and Co.' s factory, in Pollard street, ( whither they had repaired upon previous occa- sions),' to annoy the hands who were willing 111 WHO was suspected K » « cab, y to d;> il> " vocations - cnce. This gentleman hey. proineiiadwl seventl times round thebmld- rmei habits and pur- " lss, n-- "" J1 " icU"'" ' ie , work P^ P1<? to , u„,:„„\,. „„ I-,,.,.,,! tnni- oiit: m a short lime a discharge ot slopes was exchanged from both within and oytsidc the factory ; and at length the men in charge of the premises deenied it necessary, we are told, for their own safetyW wrllas that of the pio- peitv" entrusted to them, to fire - upon' the be- sieging multitude, vyhen ajoung man of the name of Thus. iJrobkes was mortally wounded. He was com eyed almost immediately to the ' Infirmary where, after Ihe most assiduous at- tention from the faculty of that establishment his unhappy case w ouldadmit of, be expited at six o'clock 011 Thursday morning.— This melan- choly example did not. deter these rash people from assembling the same evening, and attack- ing the premir. es again with stones; they could not be induced to desist until the military, vt hkh consisted of a Serjeant's guard, stationed there for the protection of the property, were obliged to fire. and. another young man was. so s ever^ y ounded that serious apprehensions - we're en- tertained, in the first instance, for his life ; but he is now in fi state which augurs well for his recovery. Three others have been hurt in these much to be regretted rencontres, but we rejoice to learn they arc outof. all danger. An inquest w as held on Friday, at Mr. Whit- low's, the Gmrgeand Dragon,' Fountain Street, - before John Milne, Esq. Coroner, and a very respectable and intelligent Jury, when, after an investigation of nearly eight hours' duration, conducted with particular nicety, to, elicit . from the respective witnesses the actual facta of the case, a verdict was returned of" Jutifiable Hom- icide." The Weavers, who have likewise struck for an advance of wages, have had their processions carrying banners along with them, bearing the inscription . of '" An advance of seven shillings in the pound or nothing!" On Thursday, they went in an immense body tp Stockport, regulated in their excursion by the. same precision which they had exhibited in out own stieets. On Fri- day^ they set oat to vi3it Ashton under Line, in At the Cheshire assize, s, Mr. Serjeant Best, in his address lo ihe Grand Jury, made tbe follow- ing allusion to the conduct of the refractory cot- ton spinners at Manchester:— " And herCj Gentlemen, ( said his Lordship,) I cannot but advert to those seenes- which have recently been acted in this country. Looking upon . the guilt of those misguided men, in its jnost - serious light, w e cannot but consider it as infinitely inferior to that of those, who, lying in t! ark- concealment, excite and stimulate their victims to riot, ruin, and desolation. Such. Gen- tlemen, are merely the bubbles on the surface ; life Ob use of the tempest must be sought for he- neatli. It is a fact too clear lo admit of a mo- ment's doubt, lliat the whole of those movements which have agitated the peace and tranquillity bf ( be county, are ( he result of a foul and wick- ed conspiracy to destroy the manufactures of ihfi ta nil; " and pregiessfvely moving from crime ta ciilne, to annihilate every thing worth pre- serving in Hie country; This view is by no means exaggerated : ' we all know by the experience of history, that successful orime makes its authors its first victims. Wc all know that during the period of distress which this country lately ex- perienced, and which no human power could p- -> veiit— I Say, Centlcmen, at that period we ail know with what readiness the wealthy portion ofthe crTniniunity contributed the assistance asked— that period happily is gone by ; and now we see those very men whose misery ex- cited our sympathy . and ensured onr assistance, possessed of funds w hicli enable them to stand against their masters, in order to compel them to accede to their demands." " And I think it my duty to stale, that those persons who are guilty of collecting money in any way, with the objeci of strengthening such funds for the support of discontented and refrac- tory workmen; are guilty of a most dangerous conspiracy against the best interests of the country, and if the case of such an offence be brought before you, I have 110 doubt it will be treated as such. " Gentlemen, the law as it at present stands with respect to Ihe appropriation ofthe funds of Friendly Societies, lam apprehensive, has been much abused. By the Act passed, I believe about the S5th of the King, for the encourage- ment Of Friendly Societies, ihe funds collected by them are expressly stated to Le appropriated " for the maintenanee of poor eiud indigent Mem- bers," hot for the use of those who render them- selves poor by their own imprudence and con- tumacy to their employers, but to the really poor and iiilinn. I air. induced here to notice this subject, in order if it appears to you that the - funds of any such Societies are appropriat- ed'to ihe use of any such persons, you will con- sider it us a proof of their malversation, and of the danger which may accrue from it. But these observations are almost needless to such an en- lightened Jury as I am r. ow addressing, and to Gentlemen pf such high respectability. " No Government, how ever, can be safe— no country can enjoy the " real blessing of liberty, if the idle and dissolute, the wicked and seditious,' are supplied with tlie- means ol ' resistance to the laws of tbe land : burin tbe aetto which I have before alluded. there arc certain w holesome pro- visions tending iu a great measure to prevent the progress of such abuses. " Gentlemen-, at litis time, I have to entreat your most serious attention lo the state of the country— at this time, when the eyes ofthe poor as well as the rich look with anxiety on the pro- ceedings to which 1 have adverted. In your high ' and important tViisIs, as Magistrates and as Grand Jurors, you call for the assistance of the welt- disposed, to enlighten ( he ignorant and de- luded offenders, and bring to justice the bald- ened guilty. Would to Cod, Gentlemen, that the deluded would learn how ready and smooth is tbe course which leads from folly to destruc- tion. As Montesquieu observes ofthe savages of Louisiana, like theni*-" to get at fhe fruit they cut dow 11 the tree." For how could our trade be preserved if the sources of it be stopped?— Wlie/ e are ihe workmen to find emplojnient and wages, if the manufactures be destroyed ?- When. f ask, if such copibination's and conspi- racies are to be permitted, is ihe landed propri- etor to recover bis relit, the tradesman his cus- tomers, or the workman his wages? The pe- riod is of high importance to the country at large. " Let the manufacturers be firm in their de- termination, and perform fcavlessly the duty lliey owe to iheir country. Compromise must not he heard. If they concede one tittle, or deli- berate one moment, they are destioyed for ever! and llieir lives and property will be at the mercy of a riotous, wanton, aud lawless mob." Dr. James s Powder and Analeptic Pills. ETVEN PR H E OF GRA IN. ON 110,11111 SHIP it's UNDER, 54s., to.. COs Foreign \\ heat. Fine ditti lli. glish W heat Fine ditto Old ditto '• Rye Fine ditto Barley Fine New ditto ... Malt Fine Old W like Pease Fine • Grey ditto Fine dilto Tick Beans ( new) Fine Small Tick Beans ... Old . Feed Oats ( new) Fine Poland ditto ( new) Fine Potatoe Oats ( His. . to, ,74s Otis . . to.. 8() s VOs. . to.. b2s — s.. to.. 84* 44s. . to. .48s — s.. to.. 52s 32s.. to.. 44s — s. . to. . ees 54s.. to.. COs 60s. . to..(: 3s 00s.. to.. 70s — s 40s -— s 42s -— s • to. .84s • to. .45s . to • . (, 8 s . to.. 46s • to. .005 C8s. . to. .72s — s. . to.. — » 80s.. to.. 90s — s. . to..— s 2Gs.. to.- 30s 24s. . to. . PC's 32s. . to. .36' s 34s.. to.. S8s- 36s. . to. .40s PRICE OF lLOUR Town made Flour Ditto Seconds ' Bran Fine Pollard 70s.. to.. 75s ) per .. 65s.. to.. 70s S Sack. 10s- to-• 15s^ per 15s-- to-- 28s J Quarter Rape Seed ( new) ..£ 46- - to- -£ 52 per Last 1' ltICE OF MEAT. SMITH FIELD", MONDAY Sept. 7. lo Sink the offal— per stone of Sib. Beef, ,3s 4d fo 4s 6d I Veal, ,4s 4d to 5s < 5d Muttonds 4.1 to 5s Od | Pork. 4s 8d to 6s Od HEAD OF CATTLE THIS DAY. Beasts, about... .2336 i Calves .220 & beeP 17690 Pigs 200 PRICE OF LEATHER. Butts, 50 to mils each ... Ditto, 56 fo ( ifilbs each ... Dressing Hides Fine Coach Hides Crop Hides, 35 to 40lbs for Ditto 45 to 5VlLs Calf Skins 30 to 40/ 4 « Ditto 50 to 70lbs Ditto 70 to mlbs ...... SniallSeals ( Greenland) Large ditto per dozen.. RAW HIDES. PER STONE. Heifers. ,2sCdto3s0d Steers... 2s Od to 3s Od Middlings2s 4d to 2s 8d SHEET Polled.. — d lo — d Downs.. Os Od to Os Od per lb. per lb. 23d to 24d - — d to — d I9d to 21d 21d to 23( 1 cutting 19d to 21 d ... 21( 1 to 23( 1 .. 23d to 30d • - 32d to 38( 1 . .30d to 36( t . - 24d to 27( 1 60s.. to.. 90s PEIl STpNE. Ordinary 2s Od to 2s 4d Calf. ,.. .: . 10s Od English Horse. .10s fid SKINS. Shearlings Ss 3d Lambs . , s3. . to. .5s ( Hi PRICE OE HOPS'. Kent.- Sussex... • - Foreign Hops NEW Kent • • • • £ 8 - a - Sussex • • 7 Os Essex Farnham. NEW BAGS. £ 9 0s . to. .8 0s•• to• • 5 0s.. to. POCKETS. •£- s - - 1 • 0 0s- t • 7 OK-- t • 10 0s- t .£ 12 • II . 8 • £ 10 • 9 - 9 • 14 0s 0s Cs 0 s PRICE OF FAT, PER STONE OF EIGHT FOUNDS. St., ted by Tallinq Melters. | Stated by the Butchers. St. James's... ,5s 4d Whitechapel . ,5s 3d . Average. . 5s 3d PRICE OF TALTOW, SOAP, per 112/ 4. St. James's ... 5s ,' W hitechapel ,. 5s A vernge.. 5s 3d 4 c. 4( 1 3( 1 Town Tallow Yellow Russia- White ditto Soap ditto Melting Stuff.. Ditto Rough • • Yellow Soap'l 08s Od ... to. ,89s 6( 1 — s Od • • to•• 89s Od — s Od • - to•• 86s Od — s Od • • to • • 86s Od COs Od - to - - 72s Od 40s Od- to.. 47s Od Mttiled 120s | Curd 124s Palm 110s | Graves 20s ( id | Good Dregs 10s d Price of Candles, per doz. 13s Od—- Mould's 15s Od 6d pei xloz. allowed for ready money. HOME MARKET. CONTINUE to be prepared by Messrs. y NEWBERY from the only Recipes existing uniler Dr. James's hand, delivered by him to their Father andGrandfather, wlien they became, by pur- chase, joint Trvjirietvrs in these celebrated medi- cinvs. Messrs." Newbery have been misrepresented as Agents billy, atid not. Proprietors iu this concern; but their right in the property is as legally vested in them, as in any of ( lie Descendants of Dr. James: and the genuineness of their preparations is iucou- testildv proved, as well by the clicmical analysis of ! Air. Professor Brande and Mr. Acciun, as by the continued supply required by the first medical esta- blishments in the kingdom. These medicines are sold by Messrs. Newbery, at the original warehouse, No. 45 in Paul's Church- yard, 1 . ondon; and 29, Dame Street, Dublin ;• and by their Agents, Mr Sanger, 150, Oxford Street, and Messrs. Iluyley and Blew, eocl. spur Street, London. Sold also at the Journal Office, Swintcn and Co. Aioor, and ( Combe, Leicester; Watts, Hulse, and Smith, Hinckley ; C'orialt, Lutterworth ; Iliggs, Harborongh-; and Adams,. Loughborough. Purchaser* will carefully observ e that the words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," are en- graved in the Stamp affixed to every Bottle, Packet, j or Box. PRICE OF CORN AND FLOUR, IN LEICESTER MARKET', On Saturday, SEPTEMBER bh, 1818. WINCHESTER MEASUliE. per Quarter. Wheat old Ditto new Rye Barley.... Oats 37s to Fine Flour • 84s to — s to — s to 56s to 97i — s -— s 75s 47s per Quarter Beans 68 s t o 84s Hog Pease — s to — a KlucPease — s to — s Oatmeal.. — s to 80s Pale Malt 88s to 02s • — s.. to Seconds ditto . . — s . . to. Thirds ditto.... 63s. . to.. 67 J. SMITH,, Receiver of Atsiee Returns 2s-) Os ' r* V> ^ Sack PRINTED and PUBLISH,- N by JOHN PKI( CP, Murkil Place, Leicester. This Paper is regularly filed in LONDON, at the London, Chapter, Hud Peet\ fleffee Houses; and by - Messrs, Newton -^ nd ( 0. • No. 5, Warwick- square,, Newgate- street; and by J. WHITE, NO. 33., Fleet- street-; Y< he » e Advertise- ments are. received.— Advertisements are also retired, and the Papir distributed, by Dir. Adams, Druggist, Loughborough; Mr. Barrcw, Kegwoi( h; Mr. Bcadsmore, Aslibv- de- la- Zouch; Mr. Lester, Sheepshead ; Miss Ward, Hinckley ; Messrs. Day and Co. Meltou ; Mr. llottrill, Lutter erih ;. Mr. Glover, Hoby and Granlbani.
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