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The Aberdeen Chronicle


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The Aberdeen Chronicle
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The Aberdeen Chronicle

Date of Article: 16/12/1815
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Address: Chronicle Street, Aberdeen
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 480
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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— 1—— 3L— r f \ h ? I ? i / ' ! s 3 > r? vr* a ? r? ff* t ^ 0 . if N u KKVE. il- 4 8 0 . ] SATURDAY, DECEMBER S6, 1815. [ P r i c e SrxPENd;<; H a l f p e n n y* • ' " i • 111in •••'• nm » SViuteu for J O H N B O O T H Junr. C H R O N I C L E S T R E E T ; where, or at/ the Shop o f / U E X A X D E R S T R V E S S O N - , Bookseller, Castiestreet, Orders, Advertisements, & c. will he received. Price of a single Paper, 6id.—.€ 1 8s. 6d. per Annum, delivered in T o w n — a i u l ^ l . SO?, per Annum, when sent bv Post i v i iW SiUSLC. ' If AMES T>. AYIE, w'-. H grsHuJ ? b?. nlfi numerous J? frier. ds foiythrir vi-. rvi^ hcd ^ afronane, both during T. he cf » p3rtr-'.- r- hnv " f ' OAVJE and MORRIS, and p a r t i r u - Wy sit » cc '*><? di"-( j! nrion of that concern, he£ « le'^ ve m iufartn them th. it he'ha* just received a latere quantity of r. fw Songs, Qtees, Rondo*, Aita with Vnriarioris, " Wa'. rzes, a- d l> mce « . arfiong which are the Hebrew, Irish, and I dian Mfloiies, G- linrV* Airs, Baffle of Bwiafart-' i Dovrfa. ll, all Moore's and SreyemonV Son'?*. a of Songs, by various compofrc. m Stotfs I. ord of the I « » e « » ; the Marchioness of . Jlfe'pi'tly's Strat hap* v and Re « » >, all Gow's Dance Boole?. & c. > ' I. D, Has aiwHvs o'n hmd hevt London Piano Forces, i. ftibe mo- ir: ap^. ri'tr'- d kinds; Flutes,' Flagf lets, TarniiOtirires Drums, Violoncellos, Tenors, and a few very fnc ? ' M s y MKU a « are'seldom. to be met with. i'l . oo Fortes r dccn in exchange, repaired, tuned, - and fent on hire ; ht- sr Ron-.?. n, and other String ; Mu « ic tte& tfy copitd, end b u'. rG ; vU iVlusical appendages, with t* ery accomrnodaiion required in the line. 21 ' a rtskeClfitUy rc'. jit/? sttd0 that those htrroirm accounts ivlih • fbg' '. ait frm of Y> Ay IF PRRJS ivill have the goochteis to \ i: ti! e thcra, fp * r: hr to ib& j} iml " binding up of ' phut concern : a J II n? iiaiKu as clii- ve ert t: eu; j*< d to se- Tfi them in, • Virion Street, 12,. I FOR SALF, * HOUSES A T UNION P L A C E . Te be sold « t, h!; e rrup, witliin the Exihanje Newi V. uf> » « , XTi- inn K: rfft.,' AW< i » n, on FtiJay the 22d Ivc. n- hfr <"•'• st 6 o'dutk afternoon, r j ' Hf. SE THREE FAMILY MOUSES and OFS'ICES, 1 situated on rt>> Worth SM « nf UNtON PLACE, and Carrier ol> CHAPEl. STR EET. fat p r e w t occupied by juiin M' 5 « - iit>, !•><); Major M't'herson, and others) Willi the vacant GROUND on the West Side ; also, the CARI.' KK on the . pposite side of Chnpel Street, front* int£ Unicii PI tee, which is well stocked with l'ruit ' Trees ami Bu< he » . " lit hou « 6 have been huilt within these few years, and arc r. tatly fitted up. Feu duty reasonable. For iartlier particulars, apply to Alexander Allan, Advocate, or Charles Fyle, Merchant, Aberdeen. " A HOUSE ANT) GARDEN TO LET. a SMAIX con. modious HOUSE and the GARDEN j f \ at. Rose Hill, near Skene Square, to rent, or let • on a lease, together or separately. F. oth are in good orrier, and the Garden is well stocked with excellent Berry Bur, he* and Fruit Tree, some of which are trained upon a bt'. rk wall. Entry to the Garden immediately— and, particulars Inovn, by applying to Mr. Glenr. ie, at May Bank. THE A FARM TO BE LET. FARM of CRAIGEND of CARF. STON btlonfiptr to GEORGE SKENE, Esq; consisting o upwards of 2.^ 1 acres, which will be let lor a nineteen vcars lease, either in ot'o or two farms, as offerers appear. Emrv may he hail immediately, or at Whitsunday ;. ext; and the tenant may have the whole of last crop and turnips hy valuation. For further p.- irticu! ar « , application may be made to tbe Proprietor, or to Mr. Hillocks, at Finhaven. T FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. SALE OF GOODS BT JlUGFIOS7, F O R T H E B E H O O F OF C R E D I T O R S, f TE Public are respectfully informed that the SALE ny AUCTION, in that large shop, north side of TJrinn Strett. of the Stock of Mr. JAMSS BROW*, will continue only for a few days ; and in addition to the exensive assortment already exhibited, the remainder of th* stork is this day unpacked consisting of elegant StLK PLAIDS and SHAWLS of various colours and sizes"; PELISSE CI OTHS of the most fashionable colours ; 20 Pairs of Swanskin ENGLISH BLANKETS of the finest wool and largest sire; 60 Qtiilted Marseille BED COVERS, of the finest quality and richest pattern*— ihove common siz.- s; West of England SUPERFINE CLOTHS, and CASS1MERF. S, MUSLTNS of all descriptions. PRINTED COTTONS, & c. & c. The hove goods are of the best quality and are warranted free of every damage,, although under the necessity of being immediately sold off j therefore the attention of the inhabitants of Aberdeen, toward! thir. sale is particularly requested by the Subscriber, as he has no prospect of having it in his power to solicit their presence on stich an occasion for many years. At t h e cloao of. the sale of S o f t Goods, which i l expected in W to cfctltse of next wirit, there is also to be sold, hy auction, a collection of etegfcnt PAINTINGS and PRINTS, part of which are " ow exhihitsd in the shop ; also an elegant PATENT OIL LAMP with cut chrystal plate, riclilv hung with chrystal drops, well adapted for using in a Ball Room or Drawing Room ; a largf number of Silver Plated Spirit Frames, with depart cutchrystal Bottles ; also several sets of Silver Plated Castors ; atid 24 sets of excellent Knives and Forks; with Dcseits and Carvers, & c. & c. As the whole must be converted into cash, OS soon as possible, and as the sacrificing of part of the property is not to be regarded, the Public has every chance r, f furnishing themselves with goods of the first- rate quality, at uncommon low prices. The whole must be sold off without reserve. Purchasers above Twenty Pounds will be allowed three months Credit, on gitiog Bitl with security, or discount for Cash. Sale to commence each day at II o'clock, and at C in the evenings. Ladies pleasing to attend, will be accommodated with Seats. DAVID LOW, Auctioneer. Aberdeen, T) eeembcr 16, 18IS. N O T I C E TO DfitiTORS AND CREDITORS. IT is requested that all those' indebted tathe Tate Mr. ALF. X. DUGUID. Merchant in Aberdeen, will please order payment of their accounts, as early as possible, to Mr. James Johnston, Manufacturer, Gallowgate, who is impowered to receive the sanio; and all those having claims against the deceased are requested to lodge the same with Mr. Johnston, with::. Three Weeks from this date. Aberdeen, Dec. 15, 1815. HOUSE T O L E T. ACONVENIENT FAMILY HOUSE in the Ship, row, consisting ofThree Floors, with the use of Washing Green. The House is well aired and lighted, and will be very low rented. Apply to Alexander Allan, Advocate, or to John Strachan, Stocket. SUPERFINE CLOTHS, tsc by AUCTION. BROWN AND SON HAVE ' his day received, in addition to their former Stock, a quantity of SUPERFINE BROAD and NARROW CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, & c. which will be sold without reserve in the course of the ensuing week. To begin at 6 o'clock each evening. Union Street, Dee. 16, 1815. G E M E B - A L N E W S P A P E R S A L O ON >" T" irf; FP iHTJTrt of the above Institution ( where is to A to be = een the most extensive collection of PAPERS in Great Britain) are respectfully informed, that not withstanding the la'c advance on Newspapers, the Sub scription ccrtir. tics still on the same terms as formerly One Pound ' IV:. Shillings per annum. The central situation, and very moderate terms of ad nr. ssion to these elegant Ror. ms, recommend them to tl r. ttertior. ar. d support of the Public in general; the Sub. scribera to which have the use of every convenience that is necessary to such an estaMiahment. Several Daily Papns to lie dispos- d of at Half Pricc The Great Room continue* to he used for PUBLIC ^ MEETINGS ; and every accommodation, as u- ual, afforded for the Sale of Landed Property, Meetings of Creditors, & c. T O G E N T l E M F N OF T H E LAW. The Subscribers resptxtiully acquaint the Gentlemen r> f the Law, and others, who may have occasion to ad vertise in the LONDON GAZETTE, that they receive every description of advertising for that and the follow ING N E W S P A P E R S :— LONDON PAPERS. Dirily — Times, Morning Po- t, British_ Pres » , Morning Herald,, Morning Chronicle, Morning Advertiser, Public Ledger, and Djy ; Globe, Star, Sun, Courier, Traveller, Statesman, and Pilot. ' Thrift Met — London Packet, Evening Mail, and . London Chtonicle, Monday, Wedtiesdsy, and Friday; iSr, James's Chronicle, General Evening Post, English Chronicle, and V.', iithall Commercial Chronicle, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Timet a— j- ett,— London Gazette j Courier d'Anglcterre ; Gazette dt la Grand Btetagne, Observer, Englishman, Messenger, Ari'igallicar, Monitor, a ,1 every other weekly paper in England. SCOTS frtPJiRS. Thr.- t Hmet a ivaei— Edinburgh Mercury, Couranr, f'- frrrPsj- rrHeur, Glasgow Courier, and Chronicle. ,/--:-..£,'-— Edinburgh Advertiser, and Star, Glasgow Herald, Kelso Mail, Greenock Advertiser, and Courier. r/ eeliy— Edinburgh Journal, and Chronicle, Inverness Journal, Aberdeen Journal, and Chronicle, Montrose Review, and Courier, Dundee Advertiser, Perth Courier, Glasgow journal, Ayr Advertiser, Dumfries Journal, and Courier, and Kelso Journal. IRISH PAPERS. DuM'm Patriot, Dublin Evening Post, Ditblin Evening HetJd, Bellas News Letter, Belfast Commercial Chronicle, Drogheda News Letter, Londonderry Jourj} al, Athlone Herald, Limerick Advertiser. PARIS PAPERS. Mo'nitetir Universe!, Journal de Paris, Gazette de Priinct', Journal des Debats. L'Arittatque Ftancais, La Qtiotidienne, Journal General d* Franc-, Journal du Commerce, 1.' Independent, jtJiin. JaHnc, al. d Le Merrure, in French ; and Galigtlani's Messenger, and Smith's Journal, in English. L U I CH PAPERS, f. eydcn G. Zette, l. eyden Ceurar. t, Netherland States Courar. t, Amstetdant Courant, Hague Caurant, Rotterdam Courant. GERMAN PAPERS. Hamburgh Correspondent, Altona Mercury, Frank- Tent Gazette, Bremen G zctte. { J- Orders for any ot the above Papers punctually atterd'd to, and for" ardtd ni: ii dispatch, to any part ol fhe Units d Kingdom. • * This Institution hasbten fentid exceedin; Iy adto the Signet, tit. who have landed tt.: tel-, to advertise in any « t Newspapers, as it not only but a( l". » r< i « the mlvantagy of tin v• f'eien1 papers in which ! .. r « , ulaily file;', for tbe in- FOR TilS ABERDEEN CHRONICLE. TO SLEEP. WHEN care bangs heavyon tbe mind, And torturing thoughts corrode the heart; When in abstracted charms we find, No cheering smile to sooth the smart^ O say where can you find relief, And dry the trickling streams of grief ' Tis in thine arms, Q gentk S:'-* cp ! The mind cva hilt i> » ... t woe, The tear- wet eye Cisrget f - veep, And mem'ry's painful pathi W » g< s , Yes, peaceful Nymph, upon thy breast. Misfortune finds a couch of rest. The day- worn trav'ller in thine arms, Receives a health- restoring balm ; The soul inur'd to dire alarms, Enjoys a trouble soothing calm ; Yes, oo thy lap, 0 Sleep, is found, P. cfreshing sweets for evtry wound.. Then come end close these eyes of mine, Repress this heart- distending sigh, From mental roams thy thoughts conjinf, Save where contentment's tteasutes lie ; But there is visionary play, O let mv fancy fondly stray. R. W. G j S~ i. a^ Bui i NOTICE to CREDITORS and DEBTORS 5 SALE OF PROPERTY IN WALES STREET, AND SHARE OF A SLOOP. IOHN REID, Fle* her in Aberdeen, haviwg execu'ed a Trmt Disposkion in favour of Mr. C i t i e s Walkiir, Merchant in Aberdeen, for the general behoof of " his Credirors, it is requested, that those having claims against him will lodge the eame with Alex. Websier, Advocate in Aberdeen, against the lst day of January next: and that such as are any ways indebted to the bankrupt will pay the amount to Mr. Webster, immediately, to prevent expences. Upon Friday the 29th day of December current, there will be exposed to sale by pubile roup, within the New Inn of Aberdeen, betwixt the hours of six and sfcven afternoon, THE GROUND and HOUSES in Wales Street, presently occupied by the said John Reid, and others: also, ONE- SIXTEENTH SHARE of the Sloop PEGGY of Aberdeen, For further particular*, application may be made to the said Alex. Webster, in tvhose hands are the title deeds of the premises. A FARM TO BE LET. r P H E FARM of MUIRTON, lying in the parish of I Tannadice, and shire of Forfar, belonging to George Skene, Esq. This Farm is situated near and has good access to the turnpike road leading from Forfar to Brechin, and consists of about 190 acres, of which there are upwards of ISO under the plough, aud the remainder imptoveable Muir and Pasture. Those inclining to offer for the Farm may make application to tbe Proprietor, or Mr. Hillocks, Finhaven. Cnreston, Nov. 22, 1815. FOR S A L E, ' PRIVATE CONTRACT, A NEW VESSEL Of about the following dimensions: Length of Keel, 70 Feet. 3i^ a3^* s » Extrenie Breadth £ 3 Feet, 10 Inches. Depth under Deck Beam, 15 Feet, 3 Inches. Will admeasure about 205 tons, and can be launched by the end of January. Further particulars may he known, by applying to James Adamson, Ship builder. Aberdeen, December lit, IS15, SALF. OF CLOTH I FRY GOODS, CORN, CATTLE, HORSES, See. AT BARRELDYKES tvamageousto r. property, notice to tret, the Scots, English, or 1 saves tiouble at d t'KpelU . icing the ftdvt I ( Ibttl'l II' they ate inserted, v : tnectior. ot kdveilisii. g cu tomet„ 1A MIS TAYLOR SMITH & CO. General Ness . paper Aelv. timing Ofiice,^ lit,. 8, ami 4, Hnuttl's Sjunre, Etltabor^ h j NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CJlEDITORS. There will he sold, hy public roup, at Barreldykes, near Old Raynp, unon Friday the 29.1 , and Saturday the SOth days of December curt, in virtue of a warrant from the Sheriff of Aberdeen, r l " Ti E wbol" STOCK of GOODS belonging to Patrick JL and Elspet Philip, at Bai reldykes, consisting of an extensive assortment of CLOTHIERY and GROCERY GOODS, HARDWARE, & c. & c. And on Saturday the ? 0tli, after the Shop Goods are disposed of, the whole HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, belonging to the said Patrick and Elspet Philip, will b sold, together with the whole FARMING UTENSILS CORN, CATTLE, HORSES, and other Farm Stock belonging ro them. The R. oup will begin each day precisely at ten o'clock before noon, on account ol the shortness of the day; credit will be given of suml above £ 5, on granting bill with security. BROWN & SON, Auctioneers. It. is again requested, that those who have n0[ given in tlieir cl- imsagainst tile sail1. Patrick and E'spet Philip, will immediately lodge tbe same with Mr. Leslie Cruitksh. tuk, Merchant, Aberdeen ; or James Horn, in Mill ol Bonr. ytown ; to either ot vebom those indebted to the lLiiikrupts are nquestedto t » , ake immediate payment of what . hey are due, to pteveflt prosecution. N B. The Farm of Barreldykes is to be exposed soon to let, by w. ay o( subtack, of which due notice will be fciv. 1t r. To the E D J TO A of the ABSRHEEU CHRONICLE. Slit, T persuade, myself, that tl very great proportion of your numerous readers will agree with me, when I assert, that much valuable information is weekly communicated through the channel of your tespcctab'ie Paper. " 1 cannot, however, help obsetvinj, that yon sometimes appear to be a little partial, 1 and, at, other times, suffer yourself to be misled, hy incorrect information— « fthi>, at least, a palpable instance appeared ill your last publication, in which, under the head of Domestic Information, it was stated, that " The keenly contested plea between the Magistrates and the Kirk Session, respecting the keeping of the Birth Register, ( by mistake generally called the Register of Baptisms) has been decided by the Sheriff in favour of the former, who have shewn right to it for some centuries. Tbe Session seemed to consider it as an Ecclesiastical Institution and concern; but it may, with much more reason, be looked on as a civil one, since it is, de facto, only a Record of Births, not of Baptisms. It is indeed of no great importance which of them do the thing, provided it be well done, and hitherto there have been no complaints." Being no Lawyer, that is to say, neither Advocate nor Solicitor, I shall only observe, in regard to the Sheriff's decision, that, if his Lordship maintains the Magistrates of Aberdeen in the tight of keeping the Record referred to, on the ground of itsbeln^ a civil and not an ecclesiastical concern, as your informant seeius w hint, then every Kick Session in Scot!- « M, thst t. f St. Nicholas or Aberdeen excepted, lias d.- facto usurped the right of the civil authorities, and is maintained therein by the Supreme Court of the land. Whether the Record ought to he denominated Register of Births or of Baptisms is, in my opinion, a point that does not deserve to be discussed. But surely your informant must not have been serious when he asserted, that hitherto there have been no complaints in regard to the keeping of the Register in question. What were the motives which induced the Kirk Session to agitate the question at present I know not, as I have not the honour to belong to that Court.— But I do assure your informant, that I have heard serious complaint', an hundred times, made on the following grounds, viz.— That the Record does not contain above one- third of the Births or Baptisms in the parish ; that the children of the poor are neither registered gratis nor for low fees; that the children of soldiers bom in the parish. have not been registesed, as their parents were unable to pay the fees claimed by the Keeper ; and that a late worthy Clergyman of this city made several unsuccessful eftorts to get them entered. Who has not frequently heard complaints made, with regard to the number of those who take upon them to give out Extracts, or Certificates from the Birth or Baptism Register, and the Fees charged for such Certificates— one charging a Shilling, a second Half- a- Crown, a third his pleasure. I lately saw two Certificates in a family, both given out on the same day, that of the younger child, age under six years, was charged at One Shilling; that of the elder, whoseage did not exceed eight years, was charged at Half- a- Ci- own. Is this regular? Ought it to be tolerated? In answer to the Query, started hy your Informant, I assert, on the best possible authority— that of Acts of Parliament still in force, and of Decisions of the Supreme Court, that Fees are recoverable from Parents for the Births of their Children, in all cases, whether they apply for Registration or not, only by Session Clerks; for the Court of Session recogr. izcs no other Keepers of Baptism Registers. AVUS. To the EDITOR of the ABERUE EN CHRONICLE. SIR, I have all along, been one of those who hated the Tyranny and Usurpation of Bonaparte, and consequently rejoiced at the Deliverance of Europe, and the Restoration of Ferdinand and Louis to their respective thrones ; From alt which, I anticipated the happiest consequences—- but the result is just the reverse cf what L had expected, and I srn constrained, however reluctantly, to acknowledge, that your views of the Deliverance of Europe were, from the beginning, much more correct than mine : for 1 am woefully disappointed, when I observe that, in regard to what is most distressing to mankind, and hurtful to tlieir dearest and most important rights and privileges, ranee of the great bulk of the Roman Catholic people. I sm acquainted with Roman Cathi'ics who are as much ashamed of, and detest in as great a degree, the bigotry and intolerance of persecuting priest?, as any Protestant can do ; and tr. y opinion is, that Roman Catholics of themselves would never persecute those who differ from them in religious matters, if they were not instigated anc5 encouraged thereto by an interested^ cruel, profligate, and bigoted priesthood, supported Dy. a weak, ignorant, and priestridden Government ; and this sentiment I ground upon the following authorities. Cardinal Mazarine, when counselling the Queen Regent concerning the Frenth Clergy, says— " The sacred order for these many years had but been a thin harvest of excellent persons. Men follow after nice questions, live idly, do net embrace serious studies. All is done with pomp, my, if any sermons be to be made, and the very venerable sacrifice offered of their office, th-. y lay claim t i nothing but their rrvits: the dcry of preaching, bieh is : iie --. rincipaf citgtvity of a Bi- hop, they quit to anyone, though nevirsq insttffki.- nt. They think themselves Bishop er. oy^ b if tltey can but ride in fine coaches, with their arms set on, oatvy one another in rich liveries and lacqwais; and punish with rigour those that transgress in the least matters.— Perpetual hunters of Ladies Couches, not without undervaluing the Pastoral Staff, & c— Priolo, Bock 1, f , 20. And Priolo, although himself a staunch Roman Catholic, and one who very much lamented the Reformation, was far from being of a persecuting spirit. To shew you h'ts candour and impartiality, I beg leave to quote the following extract from his Book, which wr. s dedicated To the most Serene DuTee and August Senate of the Republic of Venice, dated at Paris, on New Tsar's Day, 1665. " John Calvin, at first called Chauvin of Mr, yon, was the Author of the Innovation, that having quitted France, retired to Geneva, whether such persons flock and arc in high credit. Charles was King and Katheritie Queen Mother, who yet made no ecruplr to prosecute the Innovators with fire and aword, as criminals and deserving mo t exquisite torments. Such tortures hath foolish- man invented against himself upon easiness eifpers. wasion. At Sr. BartholomewY- diy it was resolved at one stroke to cut off tbe springing Hydras head, by an action unworthy of the French name, and such as the Seyn with all its waters can never wash out. The religion at present theck'd, burst out again not only in France, but over the Swisse, German, and English— Calvin set up ritus contrary to the divine institutions: and as a principle doctrine instilled into his followers, that the sanctifying wafer, the sacred bread is nottu'ned into Christ by the muttering cf the priest, which I tremble to mention. They vilifiothe sacrifice of the Mass, and prayers far the Dead. - That there is a Heaven and Hell they are persvvaded, but not stall that there is a Purgatory. That the Pope cannot make saints ; they give the Virgin bat little honour, prayer, they say, is not to be made to her. Reliques and dead bones of saints they make a jest of. Indulgences foe buying of sins, they confidently aifirm, men might employ their'fnoue^ better. The Pope they despise, as a mere phantosi, do noftdread his Bulls, nor the Vatican thunder bolts t affirm to be a sword whose edge consists in bare imagination. To empty the sitri; of sin into the ears of the Priest, > bey take • fe' a pjjftcipfe « rgtin. ei: j of a Bn4b. 1* inW » TrjE. T'le load of confession they call a pack of human corntittstionsv In other things always pretend the Eible, quote Scriptures; in disputes tire our strongest, dissatisfie those of middle parts, catch not a few. Their Teacheisthey call Ministers, not distinguished from the laity ; and because they have like passions as other men, thsy allow them to marry wives of their own, counting that better than lor them to corrupt other mens; which they malignantly charge upon the unmarried and chast order. They have their Communions with a Crust of Bread, and sip of Wine on certain days in memory of the Lord's Supper. That God being a pute Spirit, is to be worshiped with a pure spirit: not with beads, which they call in derision, the serpents eggs. Geneva the head of the religion.— In that place men and women are alike obstinate, and if so be they were forced to receive the Catholicks, they would stand more in fear of life than death." P. ' 22. likely to increase his popularity ar. Tingtha ho aten after place-. " 1' here was some discussion in ths Chamber of Deputies in Secret Committee- on the 21 inst, touching Emigrants and E ni- rant property, A proposition for, continuing the laiv of the 5. it L" fember, 181- i, in thr- sr favour, two years longer, was adopted with only four dissentient voices. This law restores unsold Emigrant property to tbe original proprietors, and by one of its article? protects itit'm from beiag iusd by their creditors until the end of the year 181S,— » By the proposition sow adopted, this respite is extended until the year 1818. Iri the accounts from Niiwies to, the 2Gtb of November, the Dtike of Angoitletne nukes a prominent figure, but we do not find from them that his Royal Highness has made any extraordinary exertions for the protection of the Pcatest-- snt9, or that their wrongs have been avenged b\- the puokSiracfti fef a single actor in those atroeif Oil; CXCCWl- S. Messrs. d" BktonviUfi aid RtfrntwiHe, natural J1/-- S fit the Prince Je Cooti, ( father of the last} have been authorised by bis Majesty to assur. e the name and arms of. Bjurbtm Conti; The imprisonments and prosecutions for seai « tious cries and writings still continue. O F F I C A L N O TE TO THE DUKE DE RlClf- Ei. IEU. The Allied Sovereigns having confided to. Marshal the Duke of Wellington the command in chief of those troops, which, according to the 5th article of tbe treaty, concluded this day witf^ France, are to remain in this country during a certain number of years, the undersigned Mini.- stcrs, & c. Sec. & c . think it their duty to give; some explanation to his Excellency the Duke de Richelieu as to the nature and extent of the powers attached to this command. Although chiefly guided with respect to this, measure, by motives tending to the safety and welfare of their subjects, and being very far from having any intention of employing their troops in. aid of the Police, or of the internal Administration of France, nr in any manner that miglit compromise or interfere with the free cxercise of the Royal authority in this country, the Allied Sovereigns have, however, in consideration of the high interest which they take in supporting the power of legitimate Sovereigns, promised to hia most Christian Majesty to support him with their' arms against every revolutionary convulsion,' which might tend to overthrow, by force, ths order of things at present established, and to menace, also, again the general tranquillity of Europe. They do not, however, dissemble that in the variety of forms under whic: the revolutionary spirit might again manifest itself ia France, doubts might arise as to the nature of the case which might call for the titters ntion of. foreigtt f » Me| suiti, f& pj^ f. sstfe*' AffituHy o5 framing ai. Jf instructions pret iaely applicable to each particular case, the Allied Sovereign's have thought it bi tter to leave il to'the tried prudence and discretion of the Duke of Wellington, to decide when and how far it may be advisable to eaj. ploy the troops under his orders, always suppas, ing that he would not in any case so determine without having concerted his measures tyUti tog- King of France, or without giving information as soon as possible to the Allied Sovereigns, of the motives which may have induced him to coma to such a determination. And, as in order to guide the. Duke of Wellington in ths choice o£ arrangements, it will be important that lis And of the Popes, in another place, he says—• " It is an usual thing with Popes to hate their predessors kinsmen, as having pillaged all. None of them take warning, but are still ail dissolute, nor contented to enjoy what they can get. They mind not strictly the public concern ; for why should they, a matter that continues net long, and afterwards comes to none of theirs. They are greedy of sudden casualties, and making haste amidst things uncertain, gape after the present. Catch at money upon all occasions ; aud offences they connive at; for favour and fees granting indulgences."— Book 2, p. GO.* I will now conclude, by giving you one extract more on this subject, from a well known Book, which Piiests and Ministers of al! denominations profess to approve of, and are bound to obey ; which clearly proves by analogy, tbe absurdity and iniquity of persecuting any individual ^ for the sake of Religion. " A servant went to his Master, and told hitn, that there were tares growing up among the wheat, and he wished for an order to root them up; hut his Master commanded him to let both grow to2e'hcr, until the harvest." But ala6 ! the history of Christendom abundantly testifies, that this tolerating command, as well a3 others contained in the same Book, have been entirely lost sight of bv ambitious, seliinterpsted, and persecuting Priests, and th^- ir adherents, who have acted in direct opposition to the authority of Him, who " came not to destroy men's lives but to save them." P H I L A N I HROPOS. Aberdeen, December 1, 1 SI 5. * The oithographv of the extracts is the same as the original. the " little fingers of the Bourbons are " thicker" than Bonapaite's " loins" It is with feelings of the deepest regret, that I have read in your and other Pavers, the at counts of the persecutions which have been, and still are, going on in France, 3cc. Being an enemy to all persecution, it would fill me with still deeper regret, to hear that the Protestants were persecuting tiie Roman Catholics. From the details of the massacres which are just now perpetrating in France and Spain, for, political or religious opinions, tnany are led to think, that all Roman Catholics approve of these horrid an. I barbarous transactions; but. Sir, to foim a correct judgment of this important subject, it is highly pro- ' per, that a line of distinction be drawn between ( the iutolerauee of the priesthood, aui) the igno- FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. FROM THE TRENCH PAPERS. MARSH AL NEY. ( Advertisement.) PARIS, Dec. 2.- » - The Sittings will begin at ten precisely. The gates of the Palace wiil be opened at eight and shut at half- pasr niue j a'ter this hour tickets will not be admitted. This is tbe only mention made of Marshal Ne- y. The proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies are still enveloped in mystery. The MinisUr > t Justice, Barbe Marbois, against whom a clamour has been raised by the more desperate royalists, is still in the full exercise of the powers of his office. He proposed in the Sitting of the 1st, the suppression of the places of Substitutes of j the Enid's Procureur- Oeneral, a measure nui his arrangements, it will be should he correctly informed of the events which may occur in France, the Ministers o! the four Allied Courts, accredited to his most Christian Majesty, have received orders to maintain a regular correspondence with the Duke of Wellington, and to provide at the same ti ne far an intermediate one between the French Government and the Commander- in- Chief of the . Allied troops, for the putpuse of transmitting to the French Government the communications which the Duke of Wellington may have occasion to address to it, and of communicating to the Marshal tbe suggestions or requXitions which the Court of France may wish in future to make to him. Th-> undersigned flatter themselves that the Duke de Richelieu will readily recognise in these arrangements the same character and the same principles, which have been manifested in concerting and adopting the measures of the military occupations of a part of Fiance. They carry with them also, on quitting this country, the consoling persuasion, that notwithstanding the elems- nts of disorder, which France may still contain, the effecfe of Revolutionary events, a wise and paternal Government proceeding in a proper manner to tranquillize and conciliate the minds of the people, and abstaining from every act, contrary to such a system, may not only succeed in maintaining the public tranquillity, but also in reestablishing universal union and confidence, relieving likewise as much as the proceedings ot tha Government can eftect it, the Allied Powers, from the pa. tifut necessity of having recourse to these measures, which, in case of any new convulsions, would be imperiously prescribed to them by the duty of providing for the safety of their own subjects, and the general tranquillity of Europe. The undersigned have the honour, See. MB T T E R S I C H , CA S T L E R E A G H, HA R D E N B S R G , CA P O D ' I S R R I A. Paris, Jtfov. ao, 1815. VIENNA, NOV. 20.—' They speak still of very curious papers found at the Chateau of Ham » burgh, but the details are not Certain. A grc t qu unity of flue silver plate has been seized, but, as it seems, only to be stamped and pay the duty, it is believed that the latnily ot Mtcat will be sent further from Vienna. They pretend, that in the papers of the English Pnystcun we spoB » of yestt rday, a correspondence has been fouwi between Madame Murat and the Princess of Wuies, Madame Moral had iutrusud this sat. • » --. I. • P . ' V , rr spoiicVrce, and a considerable sum of money, to tl'. r PhysiViav, who was considered as an agent i- f the 0(> P<' S>" » N V *> « • went to Naples while the Princess ot Wales was there, aad returned hither a little tefrire the breakinp < lit of hostilities between Austria and Naples. Since the arrival of fyladartie Murat at Haimbur^ h, he went there frequently, and kept up an intimate intercourse with the* Chateau. They say he has been sent to the frontiers of Saxony. A certain Countess, the friend cf the Doctor, is still under the sur- V! ilia nee of the Police. Madame Murat has aefcrd ! e:- ve to reside at P- ague. NISMLS. NCV. 2 5 — O i l Saturday, the 18th, af: rr tiie organization ot the National Guard, the Officers had the honour to be presented to the who gave them most gracious recepwhich he Priu tion. A nrnrff the flattering things said to them, his Royal Highness said he was glad to see- them, and liiat he knew the love and eievoli- diiess of the inhabitants ot Nismes to his family. « • Gentleitit n,' added his Royal Highness, - alw. ys maintain the authority ot the King, order, and the respect due to the Royal aut i o r i t i e s ." The next day his Roy^ l Highness received the National Guard on the esplanade. He departed on th 20th for Grenoble ; we hope to have the happiness of shortly String him again. ORDER OF T H E DAY. '< Brave National Guards of Nisines.— The Prince is reconciled with you, because he could not belli ve that you had changed. It has not been difficult. tor the Marquis d'Aibaud and mys e l f , - t o ptisuede him that concealed agitators have paid evr- rnipded persons to induce them to all the excesses of which they have been guilty for these three mouths past. You have a good Major. Your Colonel is absent. Your Prefect atio 1 judge proper to replace him, provisionally, by a mail worthy ot you, M. tie Surville ; 1 •.- specially charge him with the execution ot the Arrete of the Pielect of the 17th of this month, for your re- organization, duected by him. You will, in future, reject from among you, people whose conduct would only tend to your dishonour.- Your prosperity will wholly revive with your tranquillity, and your obedience to the laws r. t the kingdom, and the orders of his Majesty. Vive le Roi! " Niiwts, Nov. 19. EARON DE BKICHE." General Lagarde is getting better daily ; Professor Depech, Ordinary Councillor of the King, who has been sent for from Montpellier to attend him, has extracted several splinters of the collar bone which was fractured, as well as the bail, which was found at the lower part of the back of the neck, behind the cariated artery. PARIS, Dec. 1 The Duke d'Angouleme left Grenoble, where he had passed three days, on the 24- h. The Prince was so satisfied with the reception of the inhabitants of that city, that he said to the Duke de Guichc—" Well, d'Agoust gains his cause completely, his opinion of the inhabitants of Grenoble is fully justified." At the moment of his departure, when just ready to mount into his carriage, the Duke dsA » gOuleme said to the persons about him, « ' I am very glad t o have seen with my own eyes ; 1 know that the inhabitants of Grenoble took no part in the events of the month of March. They were slide ring and faithful. I shall hasten to inform the K: g of it. In fact, he knows it already." This speech has filled all the inhabitants of Grenoble with joy. The Duke d'Angouleme has had the goodness to scud to the King, with his recommendation, a Memorial, the object of which is, lo keep a Royal Court ot Justice" at Grenoble. The Prince has even deigned to add, that he hoped to bbtain this favour. H i s Royal Highness was expected on the 28th at Thouiouse, whence he would go to Bayonoe. Tbe Rihg has established a Board tor the managt merit of the British and Irish Catholic Establishments in France. I march away the Britilh. troops, they will begin to recover their senses." Some hint of these conversation got wind in Paris, and reached the circle of the Thuil'eries. A courtier was dispatched to soften his Grace, who was not. to be easily mtjslfed, but repeated nearly the same sentiments, in nearly the same terms, He was then sent for bv th? King himself, who tried to talk liitn over. The Duke was courteous and respectful— but perfectly unmoved. This interview was thus reported to the intimates of the Palace : Eh lien! Le Due de IE. a ete ice. II ma'a fait Vamend honorable, et je lui a f\ ardonnc% tout !"—•' Well 1 the Duke of Wellington has been here. He has mude an ample apology, and 1 have forgiven him every thing !" The propriety of recalling Fouche from Dresden, and putting him upon his trial, is said in private letters to be under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies. It is added, that the Chamber of Deputies is disposed not only to attack Fouche, but all the other members of the fate Administration, in consequence of a paper signed by them, accusing the majority of the Chamber of being a Royalist faction, whose violence would ruin both the King and the Country. It appears by private letters, that the evacuation of the French capital by foreign troops is merely nominal. There are several battalions of British troops ( Guards) in Paris, Lord Hill retains his military command in the capital, and the heights and villages surrounding the city continue to be Occupied by the army under the Duke of Wellington. The Parisians are clamorous, ard cot without reason, at the continuance ol Bntish troops ill the Capital beyond the time specified in the treaty. THE DUKE OF W E L L I N G T O N — T h e following statement has been published, in consequence of an assertion in the French papers, that the D " k e had received a blue ribbon, and the estate of Gfoisboia:—" It ha « long been thoroughly understood, that the Duke is no favourite at the French Court ; England, indeed, seems to be the object of hatred there, in proportion to the benefits she and she alone— has conferred v.' on the Royal party. Ever since the Duke proved himfelf an advocate for constitutional liberty in Fiance, by recommending to his Majesty Fouche and Talleyrand, for his Ministers ; and a protector of public justice, by restoring to foreign countries the treasures of which they had been robbed, every opportunity has been taken, by certain grand personages, of evincing to his Grace just so much of their dislike as would hurt his teelings, without provoking his serious resentment. When tlie Order of the Golden Fleece was sent by Fe rdinand to the Duke de Berri, the Duke of Wellington, amongst the other Knights of the Order, w i asked to attend his investiture. On the Duke's entrance, bis Majesty merely Haiti, " Bon jour, Milor ; voui n'avez pas vos decorations j" atid'fcrthwith turned away from him. T h e courtiers, we need not acid, were in the same spirit, rind his Grace was treated universally with the most pointed neglect. The Duke had tao much dignity of mind to complain of this rudeness ; but alter it had become the talk oi Paris, whose wise gossips began ' to chuckle 9t the supposed mortification of the Englishman, a gentleman connected with the British Govern, ment askerl the Duke of Wellington, whether report said true ? " Why, how did y • come to hear this," replied his Grace : " I am sure I never spoke of it " — N o , " said the other ' « but it is all about the t o w n . " — " W e l l , " answered his Grace, " since you put the question to me, I tell you, it is true enough j they have every thing but' « pt't> fy " iustiltfd me ; I want no favour from them, nor tt> he treated with more than common civility due to an- English gentleman ; but an I do not rfiiich covet streU a nieide of ree* j) tio! i, 1 shall list jjo near them again. When TROM THE GERMAN PAPERS. HAGUE, Nov. 28 It is said that his Royal Highness the Prince of Orange will depart tomorrow morning early, for St. Petersburg!], accompanied by the Russian General Czernischeff. MIDDLEBURG, NOV. 24 His Majesty's squadron, which was forred to put back on the 22- 1, sailed again with an East wind on the 23J, and i3 to day quite out of sight. LUYDEN, NCV. 2 9 - — T h e troubles which since the return of Louis X V I I I . have not ceased to agitate the South of France, have assumed a more serious character than ever, and the event has proved that the accounts we gave from time to time were exact, though the Paris journals were angry, and have censured » our articles with an indecent severity. We knew that the journey of the Duke D'Angouleme to the South, had for its object to calm people's minds and preach tolerance. If this was his object, it has completely failed. ( Here follows the mention of the assassination of General Lagarde, and the King's Ordinance.) But none of the Paris Journals have made mention of what passed as Nismes during the stay » f the Duke D'Angouleme in that city. Impartiallv making it our duty to shew facts in their true light, we shall supply the silence, and add here some details coming from good authority, and extracted from several letters, received from Languedoc, stating in substance what follows: " The Duke D'Angouleme, who went in tlie beginning of November to Nismes, received, during his stay there, two members of the Protestant Consistory, who were the only ones that had not taken flight, one of whom was the President and Minister Oliver Desir. ont. The Duke expressed to the Deputation his regret and the chagrin that the persecutions to which the Protestants in the South had been exposed had caused him, and assured them that they should be in future prevented, and even kept down by force of arms, and that the King's Government would afford the Protestants all protection ; that therefore all their temples should be immediately opened again, and that they might fretly exercise their worship. The D u k e D ' A n - gouleme at the same time represented to this Deputation, that the inhabitants of the comt. jties had dohfc very iil in not giving up their arms when they were callejj upon so to do. One of the Deputation observed, that the inhabitants, though armed, had already experienced so much persecution from the soi disant royalists, that they thought themselves obliged, for the sake of their own safety, not to suffer themselves to be disarmed. He even went further, and requested the Prince to publish a Proclamation at Nismes, to make known bis opinions and favourable sentiments towards the Protestants, and exhort the people no longer to persecute them, under the pretext of Royalism ; but the Prince refused this just demand, alleging that his powers diu not authorise him to make such Proclamation. " This confession of the Duke's confounded the Protestants, and inflamed the audacity of their persecutors. It is even said that the Deputation of the Protestants, in order to avoid the insults of the populace, was conducted to the Duke by a military escort, and entered by a back door the house where the Prince put up. " According to some accounts, the Protestant Deputies secretly. left the town to pay their respects to the D u k e , and to recommend their interests to him before he entered the city. Idowever it be, on the Sunday after the Duke's departure, Divine Service was again performed in a Protestant Church, the entrance of which was guarded by a considerable armed force ; but thi precaution was in vain. The people being informed that the church was open, collected together and went thither, uttering imprecations ana menaces, forced the guard, and entered the church, those who were in it with difficulty saving themselves by immediate flight. General Legarde being informed of this, strengthened the guard and repaired in person lo the spot.—[[ Here foMows an account of his being shot, j " Some people attribute these last troubles at Nismes to the refusal of the D u k e of Angouleme, by some ecclesiastics, to set at liberty the famous Tasaellon ( or, as others spell it, Trestaillon), chief of a band of assassins, telling them their de mand was more than unreasonable, and that this man was to be judged by the competent tribunal, to which he had been delivered, as the Duke, who was at Toulouse when this passed, hastened to return to Nismes, as suou as be was informed of it. " But one is astonished that the police, so active under Bonaparte, and which has so long kept down those monsters, when confided to the same hands under Louis X V I I I . should have been unable to restrain them any longer, should let them commit their crimes with impunity." HAMBURGH, NOV. 28 Some public prints speak of a fermentation which they say prevails in Sweden, and of a conspiracy that has been formed again6t the Crown Prince. One of the Senators, say they, mixed poison in a cup of tea intended for the Prince, but which was drank by somebody else in tbe company, who soon after died. Farther, an officer had, by brilliant promises, induced a soldier to shoot the Prince, at a review, but the soldier, in his contusion, shot, instead of the Priace, the horse cu which he rode. A pamphh- t fins also been published at parti'-, the subject of which is to", recommend theexpui sion of the present King of Sweden, with his adopted son the Crown Prince, and the restoration of the Ex- King Gustavus Adolphus, now on a visit to the Holy Land, under the title o f. Count Gottorp. The division of the spoil of France is still excitino a more than speculative interest among the expectant Slates. An article from the Maine gives the following account of the territorial acquisitions and exchanges already made and resolved upon : The kingdom of the Netherlands obtains of the territory ceded by France, all that formerly made a part of the departments of the Saare and the Moselle ; Austria takes part, separated from the department of the Lnwer Rhine, with Landau, which will, however, be exchanged with Bavaria, for the Inn- viertel, the Hansruck- viertel, a part of Salzburg, the Bailiage of Vils in the Tyrol, and some other inconsiderable districts ; Bavaria obtains Deux Ponts, Kaiserslautern, Spire, Landau, ( viz, the town, the citadel is a fortress of the Confederation, which Bavaria has the right to garrison) and some other districts. It loses 2 8 7 ) 0 0 0 subjects, but obtains 4- 69,608 in their stead ; besides this the Palatinate is to fall to Bavaria, when the direct line of the present Grand Duke is extinct. Darmstadt cedes to Prussia , the Duchy of Westphalia; to Bavaria four Bailiages, among which is Mellenberg j to Hesse Cassel ore Bailiage, in all 185,000, but it obtains 2 0 1 , 7 0 4 instead, with the citie3 of Mentz and Worms, and the Principality of Isenburg. Relative to the partition of the 7 0 0 millions of francs to be paid by France to the Allied Powers, the Hamburgh papers contain a very long article entitled a Protocol, which disposes of this money in the following manner. The reasons for allow- — - W i t h regard to the lOg Spain, Portugal, Denmark, and Switzerland, to share in the spoil are curious : The first Article relates to the erection of fortresses, for which purpose the fourth part of 7 50 millions, 5 0 millions being added on account of the cession of the fortress of Sarre- Louis, which makes it unnecessary to erect a fortress on that side. Thus the sum of 1S7 § millions is appointed for fortresses, viz. 1374 ' n money and Saare Louis, which is valued at 5 0 millions. Of this sum the Netherlands obtain 6 0 millions ; Bavaria 15 millions; Spain, 7 § millions; Sardinia, 10 millions ; five millions for the fortifications of Mentz ; and 2 0 millions to build a new fortress on the Upper Rhine: together 137£ millions. There remains, therefore, 5671 millions to be divided ; though all the Allied Courts have shown equal zeal, yet some, as Sweden, have been dispensed from active cooperation; and others, as Spain, Portugal, and Denmark, have been hindered from effectually contributing to the result. Switzerland has not acceded to the treaty - f the 2 5 t h of March on the same footing as the other Powers. However, to give them a just indemnity it is agreed to divide 12£ millions among them, so that Spain obtains five millions, Portugal two, Denmark two and a half, and Switzerland three millions. The burthen of the war having fallen on the Armies of the Duke of Wellington and Prince Blucher, and thes* Armies having also taken Paris, it if agreed to give twenty- five millions of the Freach contribution to Great Britain, and twenty five to Prussia, reserving to Great Britain to arrange with the other Powers, whose troops formed a part of the Arjny of the Duke of Wellington. Of the other five hundred millions Prussia, Austria, Russia, and England obtain each one- fifth between them. Sardinia and the Netherlands to be excluded, because they have received such an accession of territory, and their share to be divided between Austria and Prussia. BRUSSELS, Dec. 1.— It is to- day that the allied troops are to occupy Valenciennes, Conde, Bouchain, and Chariemorit. Among the persons whom the present state cf affairs in France has brought to seek an asylum in this city, are Madame Hamelin and Mr. Benjamin Constant. Dee. 2 The 4th and last column of the l » t corps of the Russian army arrived to- day, and will depart the day after to- morow, to proceed to the Prussian Provinces on the Rhine, The 6th corps, commanded by Genera! Tauetizien, has broken tip from Picardy, and is proceeding to pass through Hainault and Brabant, to cross the Meuse at Liege. The Austrian Observer contains the following article :— 5 1 T h e peace happily re- established between the English factory at Canton and the Chinese Government, was not of long duration. The Empero,' of China has issued au edict, in. which he has expressed his extreme displeasure at the conduct of Sir G . Staunton, and describes the English as an ungrateful people, who were undeserving of the favours with which his Majesty had loaded them. They are not worthy, says he, to inhabit the celestial hemisphere ( China.) In exchange for goods for exportation, they introduced into this country nothing but articles of luxury, which corrupt the faithful subjects of his Majesty. In short, he add3, if the supercargoes will not be content with the mild aud paternal protection of the Chinese government, the best tiling they can do is to leave the country. The supercargoes heteupon deliberated, whether il would not be advisable to ^ suspend all ulterior operations : one commercial house at Canton has deemed it right to suspend them for a year." AMERICA. WAR WITH THE CREEK INDIANS. We have been favoured with the perusal of a letter from Colonel Clinch, dated Fort Johnson, Charleston, Oct. 22, 1815, which says—" From the last accounts frun the Creek Indians, war with them is certain. Their force is estimated at 5 0 0 0 , including all parties." AUGUSTA ( GEORGIA), Oct 2 3 . — W e under, staud by information late from the Cteek nation, that in consequence of the ill health of Colonel Hawkins, one of the Commissioners, the running of the boundary line will be suspended for a few days, and that the troops in advance will tall back as fa a as Fort Mitchell, on the Chatatsbochy. The Indians are decidedly opposed to running the line, and are determined to make every exertion to oppose it. Their movement indicates the most determined hostility, but as yet they fiave committed no act of open outrage. It is repotted from a source that we believe entitled to credit, that the Big Warri.-. r h~ s made application to the Chotaws for assistance in a war against the Whites, to prevent them from taking away, as he says, a part of his country S T . S T E P H E N S , Oct. 6. Treaty with the Creek Indiana at Fort Jackson, we have the following information : — " By a Gentleman of uiHoubted veracity immediately thioiigh the nation, and who arrived here last evening, we learn that the conference had certainly broken up without effecting its object. The Big Warrior and his party, together witii the several tribes, have determined tn oppose, to the extent of their pieans, the running o f t h e line. The Big Warrior stated, that in either case, entire destruction to their nation was inevitable, and that it they suffered the line to be run, their territories would be too limited to subsist by hunting. " The. Indians were moving off from the road, and showed evident signs of dissatisfaction." NEW YORK, Oct. 3 1 . — T h e P e a c o c k has arrived below from a cruize in the Straits of Sunda. She captured before hearing of the Peace four Indiamen, two of which were burnt, one. given up for the transportation of prisoners, and the other a cru: zer to the East Lidia C- mpar. y, was restored, inconsequence of her furnishing information of the Peace. The Peacock touched at Bourbon and St. Helena for fresh supplies, and left the latter place 20th September. She has on b' ard a quantity of opium, and a few thousand dollars in wrought gold, captured iu the Union, a rich country ship. The Union was captured on the 14th June.— A f t e r her crew was taken out, together with a part of her cargo, she was burnt. Another of the vessels mentioned above, the ship Venus, from the Isle of France, wascaptur. ed 30th June, and given up as a cartel to the prisoners. The third, the ship Brio, also from the Ise of France, was captured on 30th June, and burnt. The last, the Nautilus, of 14 guns, aud 130 men, was captured off Nauguit Point, on the 1st of July, after an exchange of a single broadside. The Nautilus commenced the firing, and, we understand, she had seven men kified and fourteen wounded ; and that none were either killed or wounded on board the Peacock. On her homeward voyage the Peacock spoke ( in lat. 3 7 . long. 18. 30.) the ship Caledonia, Roberts, seventy- three days from Philadelphia, bound to Canton. The schooner Cintra, Phelps, from N e w York, touched at St. Helena on the 18th of Sept. on her way to the Isle of France. The Peacock has been absent from the port more than nine months, during five of which she has been at sea, and has not lost a man cither by sickness or in battle. One cf her crew, however, lost his life by a fall from the forctop gallant yard. Our readers will probably be surprised to barn the number of cotton manufactories, the quantity of cotton used, and the value of the cloth annually made in Rhode Island. The following paragraph on the subject is extracted from a memorial, drawn up by the cotton manufacturers of Providence and its vicinity ; — " It has been satisfactorily ascertained, that in the small district alone comprised within a circle of 30 miles trom Providence, there are not less than 140 manufactories, containing in actual operation more than 130,000 spindles, capable of holding a much larger number, few of them having yet received their full compliment of machinery.— The quantify of cotton which, in . their present state, they spin a year, may he computed at 2 9 , 0 0 0 bales, which when manufactured into clotn of the descriptions commonly made, will produce 2 7 , 8 1 0 , 0 0 0 yards, the weaving of which, at an average price of eight cents, amounts to 2 , 2 2 7 , 2 0 0 dollars, and the total value of the cloth will exceed 6 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 of dollars, To complete the manufacture from the raw material, until the goods are fit for mci ket, it is estimated would aftord steady and constant employment to 2 6 , 0 0 0 persons." TB_ salt witter that Captain Carder, to prevent tl* being used in a raw state, frequently threatened to throw it overboard.) they made weak grog, which was sparingly sewed out to them in the heel of an old shoe, the best substitute they could find for a glass. The ship had been much'infested with, rats ; and after these vermin were driven from their lurking places below by the water, they took refuge on those parts whictl were left dry, and openly run about Rmrfng'the people on the forecastle. Fro n this s'iitionr Villi Captain would not permit them to be driven, lest^ in the extremity of their distress, should trt) friendly sail appear in view, they might ' ultimate!";' be compelled to have recourse to th'eSei troublesome guests, as a temporary respite tovi{ 4 piring nature ! But the rats Were a terrible annoyance to the almost exhausted sufferers: as the vermin fell a prey to want, they devoured each other; nay, they even attacked the naked feet of the seamen whilst asleep, and when brushed away by their hands, fastened on their fi. igers ! With a view of keeping hope alive among his almost dying companions, the captain offered two dollars, which he found iu his pocket, as a premium to the m m who should first descry relief; but faith and vigilance at last centered in himself;* alone; and, oil the evening of the sixth day, ( 4 t h October, in lat. 5 0 . 30. long. 14 ) Ire pro. videntia'ly espied a sail, which he' did not, however, announce for ten minutes, lest the stranger should not steer in their course. When ail doubt on so momentous a point was removed, he ordered the friendly bed- qailt, ( which had before been so serviceable, and was the only signal they c o u ld then muster,) to be hoisted ; and the harbinger of their joy proved to be the Sachem, of Boston, Captain Howland, frotii Liverpool to America, who immediately on perceiving the wre? k, bore down, and rescued the sufferers, at a moment when despair had apparently reduced nearly the whole of them to the last stage of existence. A f t e r being all safely removed from the wreck, Captain Howland, with genuine Christian. benevolence, treated them with the tenderne s of a parent— administering to them simple food iu limited quantities; and, by similar judicious means, their dormant'faculties were soon reanimated, and they were ail speedily restored to the use of their limbs. T w o days afterwards, tt! h e y MIRACULOUS PRESENTATION. The following are the interesting particulars of a late shipwreck, wherein the sufferings and privations of the survivors are almost without a parallel in the chequered details of the dangers to which seamen are exposed On the 4 t h of Sept. the brig Friendship, Captain N. F, Carder, sailed from Mii'tttnichi, New Brunswick, with a cargo of timber, for Bideford. On the morning of the 18th, she sprunfc a l e a k ; and, on the 22.1, ( the unremitting efforts of the crew at the pumps proving unavailing to keep her free,) she was full of water. In this deplorable condition, without the possibility of getting below, and distant, by their calculation, about 347 leagues from the coast of Ireland, they kept the vessel before the wind, under easy sail, in the forlorn hope of being able to make the land : but unhappily on the 2Sth, ( when, by supposition, they were about 7 0 leagues from Cape Clear,) a sudden squall coming on, she broached- to, and overset ! By this tnelanchiily disaster, two poor souls were washed overboard and drowned, and the whole of the provisions and water they had collected on deck, with both boats, and every moveable article, were swept away ! The rest of the crew, consisting of the captain, mate, three men, and four boys, with difficulty supported themselves oil the sid.- of the ship ; when, after remaining in this awful situation about 40 minutes, having i, n the meantime carried away her foremost, bowsprit, and main- topmast, she righted. From the condition the vessel was in, however, she had gradually settled abait, and from midships forward was the only part left above water, upon which the miserable survivors could obtain an insecure footing, every succeeding wave threatening to hurl them into the dreadful abyss 1" For stx tedious days and nights did these devoted sufferers remain in this wretched and hopeless state, without a morsel of bread to sustain the cravings of nature ! all of them very thinly clothed, several without shoes, stockings, or hats, and the few garments they wore constantly wet, owing to the rain that fell, and the sea that broke over them. From the former, however, they fortunately derived some sustenance ; for, ( luting rait;, they suspended a bed fell ill with the John, Capt. Brassey, from Africa to Liverpool ; to which vessel they were transferred, and, after again experiencing the humane and feeling regard due to their pitiable state, were safely landed at Liverpool on the 15th October. Their deliverance was most providential, as a gale of wind and heavy sea came on the following day, which must have swept every soul off the wreck. On the 11th, seven days after they were picked up, the vessel was fallen in with, in lat. 50. 57. long. 12. 30. linking at the mercy of the waves, by the Willinm, arrived at Liverpool from New Y. irk. We have been careful to detail the particulars of this singular escape, having obtained the inform a; ion from one ol the survivors; and were at the sama titne anxious to record so striking a: i example of the benefit to be derived, in similar circumstance* from that pious resignation, coolness, and intrepidity, by which the conduct of Capt. Carder was so eminently distinguished throughout tne whole of this very trying and appalling scene. From the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E , Dec. 5. At the Court at Carlton House, D e c . 4, 18L5, Present— H. R. PI. the Prince Regent in Courici'. This day the Right Hon. C W 1 » B ^ - r by tile command of his Roy i t Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of his Maj- sty, sworn of his Maj- sty's Mo;!: H i -, riourab. e Privy Council, and took his place ai the Board accordingly. From the L O N D O N G A Z E T T E , Dec 9. Downing Street, Dec 6. His Royal Highuess the Prince Regent , has been pleased, in the name and on the beh. df of his Majesty, to appoint Charles McCarthy, E q; to be Governor and Commander in Chief in and ov., r the settlement of Sierra Leone and its dependencies. A V E R A G E P R I C E S OF COltN, By the quarter of Right Winchester Bushels,- and of Oatmeal' per boll of i-) 0 lbs. Avoirdupois, from the R e - turns in the week ended Dec. a. AVERAGB ov Wheat, 57*. 3d J Beans, - Rye, - - - - - 35s 2ll j pr l s e , - quilt in the remnant of the tigging, and, when completely saturated, by carefully squeezing it, they obtained three pints of water at cacti trial : with this, anil a small quantity of rum, ( the- only necisaai Y Sived, but much impiegnatej wit , E N G L A N D AND W A L E S. - - - - 143- & i - - 4- 1 Barley, 28s. 3d I Oatmeal, - - - - u; s. 84 Oats, - - - - - s i s . 6d j Bear 01- B i g , - - — 5. c4 The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, computed from the Returns made in the weeis ending Dec. 6, is 58s. 5- Jil per cwt. duties exclusive. LONDON, Dec.'.). BONAPARTE'S ARRIVAL AT ST. HELENA. Further particulars of Bonaparte's arriv? l at St. Helena have reached us in letters from that Island, to the 22d October. On the 10th . of that month, his Majesty's ship Icarus arrived I there wilh the first tidings of Bonaparte's downfal, cf his being iu the power of the British, and of hii destination to that island as a place of confine ment. The inhabitants naturally, were struck with no small degree of surprise. It was of course learnt. at the same time, that a verv corisi. derable addition would be shade to the population of the Island by the new garrison, as well- as t hs attendants, of the Ex- Etnperor, tiie Commissioners to watch him, their suits, See. Accordingly nil was immediately hutry and bustle. Provisions experienced a sudden and enormous riie in price, figgs, which were before about 3 i . a doz.- n, noar advanced to Is. a- piece. Almost every other article of produce rose in the same proportion, and even land itself assumed au increased vjiue of 50 per cent, which is not much to be wondered at considering the small extent of the island, and the still smaller portion that is fit for cultivation, to feed the increased number of mouths, U: iT wards ( if 9 0 0 troops arrived out ill the squadron under charge of t b e ' N irthnmber'a- jdj A great b 11 - tie took place on the 1 U h in making preparations for the Ex- Emperor's reception ; SO of the Company's soldiers were stationed to guaiel the gates,, and orders were_ immediately issued by the Governor, that no fiihmg boats were to . n, out of the harbour after four o'clock Oil the 1.5th, the fi- et arrived ; sons from the town We re alllm cd to go on board the squadron to dine. It was s-.' tr.- o j a v 3 before all was ready for convey ing the iliu trions Prisoner to the house allotted for his reception. When he landed, lie v- ss eliesied in a green coat, white tn tile wheu i t ' . r n o o II. some [ ierw a i j i c u a t , light cot- ill clothes, white etockitij- s. ai il crcVtS 1 The < oat w .!•• tnn tut d will. g< ii1, end a plain po'd epaulette wa placed on rneh shoulder He held in Lis ban an' tlep. ant tele Scope, and fPit liis t yes jm. iin. him with great eagerr. e. scto s^ rv'- v tlie'nfrw object. 1 T he C" rr. psuy'n troop* on t!..- le-' and were imine diatel. y TO fin '-• flit t « the Cap- to do duty there. S t . fStfcfNA. 0( 1. 19,— The Rrdpo'e is jus tinder weigh f i r England, and 1 send yon bv he the fol lowing particulars ;— « We arrived hereon tlie 16th, after a very iopfc and tedious passage, and landed. Napoleon on th" 18th, He is now living in the country at a Gentleman'., house of the name of . Bilonine,. uptil Longwood is ready [ or him. His followers are ail tired, and heartily r e g r e t , J believe, their having accompanied him. Madi me Bertram!, v. ho talks pretty pood English, cvclainied to me to- day, that the island was a compu te, desert, 4 ti e birth- place of the demon Er. mii.' She was wants to go back to Europe • dieady to, educate their children. I dined four times with Bonaparte, who talked very little at table, and generally addressed himself to the Admiral, lie took very little exercise, about two, ho- i' 5 (' tiring the day, after dinner. He dispatche • his dinner in half an hour. General Bert rand and Las Casus are his greatest favourites ; the others he seldom held anv conversation with. He played at cards every night, either at loo or whii-' t: it; the forenoon at chess. He retired early t<? bed, and rose very late. His spirits were generally bad, and they are not mended » ince he came ire re. The island is very closely watched ; signals f etween all the ports in the and PJ'. OTESTAXlS IX FRAKCfT island and the ships ; guard- boats arid brigs cru: ze round ; so that unless he can fly it will be impossible for him to escape. No one i3 allowed to be out of the slijp after tutl- set, and every ship is ready to Slip at the first notice." I t is said, that it is determined, in order to p a k e the'custody of Bonaparte doubly sure, to thke military possession of the Island of Ascension, which is situated 200 leagues north- west of St. Helena. This measure probably arises from its having been recently ascertained, that a few years ago, . some deserters made their escapein a fishing- boat, from St. Helena to Ascension, and from thence to India on board a ship, which touched at that island, to refresh the crew with the turtle that abound on its shores. Fourteen " transports, laden with timber, bricks, and every other description of building materials, will shortly sail for the Island of St. Helena. The Duke of Norfolk, we are sorry to learn, is in a dangerous state. His Grace is so very weak, that he can sit up but for a short time ; his physicians entertain but very little hopes of his recovery. The' estate of Grosbois, which the King of France is said to have given to the D u k e of Wellington, with the Cor.: on Bleu, was formerly the property of Monsieur. It was sold as national property, bought by Barras, and sold by him to General Moreau— upon whose exile it was given to Beniadotte by Bonaparte, who was to pay tlie value of it to Moreau, but this, we understand, was never done. The Dukes of Richmond have been, since thir creation in 1675, Dukes of Richmond in England, of Lenox in Scotland, and since 1777, of Au- bigny in France. The last title was derived by Charles Lenox, the first D u k e of Richmond, natural son of Charles II. from his mo. ther, Louisa t! i Querotielie, a French lady, who was created by ttie King Baronets Petersfield, Countess of Fareham, and Duchess of PortStaocrti ; and by Louis XIV. Duchess of Aubigny in France, Of this last title the Duke of Richmond was deprived by the Revolutionary Government of Fiance; and we understand it has been recently restored to his Grace by the King of France, ALARMING FIRE— Early on Tuesday evening an alarming fir? broke out Mr. Cox's, timber- merchant, in Shepherd's market, near Curzon- street, May- fair. The flames were first perceived to issue from the workshop, and in a few minutes the whole neighbourhood was in a state of the utmost alarm. From the confined situation of the premises, it was impossible to stop the ravages o- f the devouring element, and in less than an hour the work- shop, with the whole of the timber, became a prey to the flames. T h e houses in Half- Moon street were considered in eminent danger, the rear of them being close t o where the fire broke out. They were fortunatcly but little damaged. The inhabitants, notwithstanding,. suffered much, by . the mob insisting on removing their furniture, which they threw into tlie street. The houses which sufferi d in this way were those of Mr, Cox, No. 29, Mr. Mallard, No, 30, and Mrs. Naylor, No. 32, Half Moon. street. Fortunately for the lady some police officers arrived, who insisted on rearching the persons who were removing the articles, when several silver spoons were found in their possession, which they declared they intended to give to the lady of the house. The officers, however, took possession of them. A detachment of the guards arrived, v. dm were placed as sentinels over the furniture which wa3 piled in the streef. Great feats were entertain, c- d at one time for the safety of the Market- house —- the whole of which building i « of timber, but the arrival of several engines, and a plentiful supply of water, we are happy to say, prevented the damage- extending' further. We could not learn how the lite originated. No lives were lost. A letter dated Madrid, 15th ult. mentions that King Ferdinand was then engaged in course of spiritual exercises in the Jeiomite Convent of the Escurial, where he enjoyed no com munieatit n but with the Holy Friars of that magnificent retreat. According to the letter, t'tie most happy consequences may be thence expected to the intion at large, since such august piety cannot fail to draw down abundaut benedictions fiom Heaven The King of Naples has just proved himself a worthy scion of the Bomhou stock— for he has given a diamond necklace and some of Murat's jewels to the Virgin Mary. These crowned imbeciles neither feel nor si ow any gratitude to those who have given them their kingdoms. Tin y believe ihe heretics have been impelled to do what t h e y have done by the nlai ceuvies of some Saint f> r other, and tbtretoie to Mm alone they return ihsiikn. The very first public act thr P" pe did sftqr the Protestants had restored bun his tiara, was to exp< lithe piofi psora of that religion liom his dumhiioiiu, and » l: ui up their plates </{ worfchiji. TO Till' EDITOR. William's TSrnry, Red Cross street, Silt, DectinW 9, 18( 5. hde the correspondent e of each, day ac. cHimi- Litis the proofs of a desolating persecution in the southern provinces of France, it is a d u t y as grateful as iodispensible, to preveotall unnecessary agitation and distress. 1 embrace, therefore, the earliest moment, through your Journal, to allay public apprehensions as to the fate of the Rev. Oliver Desmont, President of the Consistory of Nismes. From a Letter this day received, the following paragraph is extracted " 1 render a sad homage to tbe truth, by confirming tiie frightful accounts of the massacres in the South—- how many vvidowsinconsolable— how many orphans wanting bread !" Notwithstanding the number of Protes'ants who have been assassinated is great, we cannot count among the victims the venerable Oliver Desmont. Having been informed by another Correspondent, that the Reformed Churches have sustained a great loss by the death of the Rev. M. Armand, one of the Pastors of Nismes, it appears probable, in the distracted state of the country, that this event has occasioned an erroneous report to obtain considerable circulation. By order of the Committee, T . MORGAN, S e c r e t a r y. It is stated, that a general promotion in the navy will be announced at the latter end of the present month, which will include all officers who have any claims to advancement, upon the ground of the length or merit of their services, during the late war ; after which, it is considered, the door of promotion will be closed. Among the intended arrangements are mentioned— 12 Post Captains, who are to be promoted to the rank of Rear- Admiral, including Capt. Gifford, the? present Governor of the Royal Naval College in Portsmouth dock- yard. This appointment, it is said, will be given to Captain HiHyar, a clever and distinguished officer. Admiral Giorge Campbell is to take the command at Newfoundland ; Rear Admiral Sir Thomas Byarn Martin to be Deputy Comptroller of the Navy, in the room of Captain Shield, who takes the permanent resident Corrimissionership of the naval dock- yard at Plymouth, vice Commissioner Fanshawe, who will superannuate. M j o r Meadows, at Lyndhurst, was agree- ( ably surprised on Thursday rioos, by the arrival of an express, assuring him of his being the fortunate holder of th( e 50,0001. Lottery prize.— He dined at the George Inn, and afterwards set off for London in a post chaise and four.— Portsmouth Telegraph. A mail from Jamaica arrived on S a t u r d a y— There is no internal intelligence brought by it of any importance. The Jamaica Chronicle of the 7th October, contains two bulletins issued by Moriatio Mootilla, dated the 25th and 26th August, in the name of the army defending Carthagena. The Spanish General Morilio had arrived at St. Martha cn the 21st J u l y ; on the 18' th August, 14 sail anchored at Corralitos, A war of exter. mination appears to have commenced ; 19th and 20th, the inhabitants burning their houses and retreating to the woods. The bulletin states, " we cannot be less than horror- struck at having to announce to our citizens and the world at large, that the sanguinary Morales, that ignoratit and ferocious. monster, who has dyed the fiefda of Ventzuca with American biood, confounding in one general and indiscriminate missacre, old men and infants, females and principal citizens, commands the vanguard of the army which styles itself the Kiog'a." An account is given of a great victory obtained on the banks of the Polo, the patriots defeating a detachment of 1200 infantry, of which 300 were killed and 500 made prisoners. " Kingston, ( Jamaica), Oct. 7. " By the schooner Wave we have at length received advices from Carthagena, where they seem to have no fear of the invading army under General Morillo, who was merely endeavouring to starve it out by blockade, which, it would ap* pear, will be altogether a hopeless attempt. His expedition arrived off that port the day after the sailing of the Jution frigate frpm thence, consisting of 3 9 sail, amongst which there were 25 square- rigged, and auchored in sight of the town under Point Canoe. The next morning he was evidently landing his troops in the bay behind the Popa, and omthe 2d ult. we hear his advanced post was at Tornevo, within two leagues of the Popa, « ' On the 1st, a frigate, a transport, two brigs, and four feluccas, lett the anchorage, and now remain under the lee of the Salmaudiua. People there are at a loss to account for the motives of that General, lying 15 days without any other movement, so contrary to what they were led to believe. Either he finds the place stronger than he fancied, or that he has not troops sufficient, or the wet weather impedes his progress, and very possibly has visited his men with disorders incidental and fatal to Europeans." I of Tipperary, ws? Kptarntng home froti a special I session of t'- e pe. ice held at Cashel, he w is fired j upon a « He passed the gate of Tiionaa « town, by J two persons. Both shots took effect and he j was killed on the spot. Mr. Baker lately appear j e. i a3 a witness against a man who was convicted j under the insui reetioii act. He thereby incurred the resentment of the party, and was marked fur assassination. The Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland, have offered five thousartd pounds reward for the discovery of the murderers of William Baker, Esq; a Magistrate of the county of Tipperai y, wiio was shot by some miscreants on the 27th ultimo. Lord Whitwortb, it is said, applied more than three months ago to be recalled from his situation as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The Vice- Royalty has been since twice offered to the Duke of Wellington, who declined accepting it.— Within a very few days, we understand two other Noblemen, the D u k e of Rutland, and Earl of Powis, have been offered, but both have de. clined this office. The present Viceroy's objections to retain his exalted station, probably arise from a repugnance to persevere in a system of Government in Ireland whichexperiertce has prov. ed wholly inadequate t o remove the unhappy grievances which distract that country. Privateaccounts state, that at the meeting of Magistrates convened for the 11th inst. at Cashel, in consequence of the murder of Mr. Baker, it is intended to propose the application of Martial Law, to meet the disturbances wdiich so unhappily prevail in parts of the South of Ireland.— We trust that the result of; t h e meeting of the 11th will not confirm this intelligence. We rather hope aud expect that the humane and enlightened interposition of the Biarl of Donoughmore will lead to some conciliatory measure for ensuring the peace and tranquillity of the country. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. j'Sty's ship Afiiean, from the Fist Indies; bis Majesty's ships Muros and the Goldfinch, from thc Brazils. Two valuable ships for St. Petersburg!! have been lost, tbe Young Wi'liam, Stephenson, from the Bay of Finland, on Nargen, and the Leeds, Fox, master, outward bound. The last foundered within 2 0 leagues of St. Petersburg!], and the ship and cargo are estimated at between 4 0 , 0 0 0 '. and 50,000! . She was the best vessel of the fleet, and to her the valuable commodities were principally entrusted. The Newry, Forest, bound from St. Peters, burgh to Liverpool, has been run away with by the Captain, and is arrived at New York. MARKETS, GV. • CORN EXCHANGE, Dec. 8. The Wheat trade continu s as on last market day, and few buyers— Barley rather dearer— in Oats and other articles 110 alteration. CURRENT PRICES. Wheat,-- 46s to 56s od BoilingPease,. j3s to 56s Fine ditto, 45s to 65s od Fine Suffolk,— s to 60s Superfine,- — s to 72s od Small Beans, 42s to 463 Rye, - - - - 30s to 34s od Tick ditto, 375 to 41s Fine ditto, - 37s to 42s od SuffolkBarley26s to 30s od Malt, - - 37s to 65s od Hog Pease, - 40s to 45s od Oats, - 273 to 29s Polands do. 31s to 35s Potatoe, - — s to 33 ..... ... ui.^ tiidLcii uy an inmate 01 ujilily, in bad health, who, far some vearo Das'-, be en in the habit of ushig a rushlight, which, Fine Flour, 55s to 6cs od Seconds,- 50s to 55s od PRICES OF FLOOR. Rape Seed, p. last, 32l. to361 Pollard, - Bran, 12s to 20s od 8s to 10s od Quartern Loaf, wheaten, cod— ditto Household, ood. ! Rarley, 1 1 Oats. 1 Pease. I |, Beans. ! 19s 6d 1 17s od I 17s od | 18s od | 17s od 16s 6d 1 14 s od II 16' s Otl 1 IB, od 1' 15" od [ 12s od I l is od LLOYD'S LIST, Dec. 5, The Spanish brig Jupiter, from Porto Bello to Santa Martha, was taken in September by the General Castello Carthagenian schooner privateer, and carried to Carthagena. The Nao Sey, from Kingston, Jamaica, to Havannah, was captured in September, by the Cavello Blanco Carthagenian privateer, and given up after taking out her valuable cargo of dry goods. The Prospero, Barnett, from Nassau, arrived at Jamaica 29th September. She was plundered 3 days before, off Cape Maze, by a schooner under Carthagenian colours. The Comet, arrived at Portsmouth, left the following ships on the coast of Peru : viz. the Asp, Kenney, with 6S0 barrels of oil, the Perseverance, King, with 800; and the Thames, Stavers, with 1500; al' belonging to London ; aud left the Indefatigable frigate at Lima on 11th July, about to proceed to the Galipagos Island. The ships from the Baltic, which put into Gottenburgh by contrary winds, sailed from thence on the 19th ult. The Traveller, Brown, from Liverpool to Peter- burgh, is put into the Oldsound, Norway, in distress. Cargo damaged. The Bering Transport, which sunk at Beerhaven in October 1S14, has been raised, and apparently with little injury. , The Mary Ann, Le Grand, bound to Martinique, which put back to Lisbon on 2d nit. with damage, has been condemned there. The St. Patrick, Kelly, from Waterford to Barcelona, foundered in lat. 54. 30. long. 11 3.— The master and three men drowned. DEC. 8— The Commerce, Campbell, from Scotland to R. iuen, was lost 20th ult. elf LaHogue. Yarmouth, Dec. 7 — It blew a very hard gale last night from the E. N. E. and Considerable damage has been done to the shipping on this coast. The Leeds, Fox, from London to Petersburg!), is lost about 20 leagues irom Crotistajir. The Yolmg William, Stephenson, from Petersbiirgh to Loudon, wai lost 6th ult. on Nargon Island— Crew saved. HALDINGTON CORN MARKET, Dec. 8. A good supply of Wheat in matket, which sold at last prices— Barley and Oats 6d. higher. Wheat, Pint-— 31s 6d 25s od Third— 23s od This day the price of Oatmeal fell in Edinburgh market— there were 409 bolls, which sold at is. od. to l t d. per peck. DALKEITH, Dec. 4.— The quantity of Oatmeat is larger than the former market. Quantity 630 bolls, which sold heavily and cheaper ; best 14b. 6d. current 14s. inferior 13s. 3d. per boll, retail lid. per peck. MORPETH, Dec. 6.—- At our market this day, ave had but a middling supply of Cattle and Sheep, which sold nearly at last week's prices, but rather a quicker market.— Beef, for 5s. 6d to Ss. 6d. per stone, sinking offals.— Mutton, from 6s. to 8s. NEWCASTLE, Dec. 2.—- The supply of Oountrv Wheat at this morning's marlcc- t was considerable ; fine dry samples were soon taken off at last Saturday's prices, where inferior runs declined a tittle. In ship Wheat there is nothing doing.— Rye without alteration.— Barley has been selling siowly at 28s. per quarter.— Fine country Oats sell freely 10s. to 23s.— Boiling Pease are yet inquired after. — Flour is very saleable at 42s. to 46s. NORWICH— Saturday, there was a tolerable supply of Scots and other lean Stock 011 the Hill, and some fat beasts; the former rather reduced in price ; and the latter not high enough to pay for keeping ; the sheep pens well filled, and at reasonable prices. The sale of the Lean Stock in the Cattle Market, Dumfries, last Wednesday, was still better than the day before, which is accounted for by the markets brisker in the South. Thon frem London to erness, but got beiing SMITHFIELD, Dec. 9. Exclusive of the Offal, consisting ol Head, Entrals, and Hide. | Veal, Pork, od to 6s od to 6s Beef, - 4s od to 5s od Mutton, 4s od to 5s 4d . Beasts, 64o— Sheep & Lambs, 3470— Calves, 210 Pigs, 349 NEWGATE AND I. EADENHALL, Dec. 9. ( By the Carcass.) Beef, 39 4d to 4s od j Veal, 4s 8d to 5s Mutton, 3s 4d to 4s od PRICE OF HOP NEW BAGS. Pork, 4s 8d to 6s Dec. 9. ItitiLAJiB — Extract of a letter from a gentleman in the county of Wesmeath, to his friend in Kendal, dated November 2 2 :— " By the bye, the disaffected never were in earnest until the present period, for what you experienced when in command of a detachment of your regiment is mere bagatelle to our present truly alarming situation. The loyalists, who reside in countiy places, are actually after nightfall in a state of siege, and the general idea amongst us is, that we are on the point of having more troublesome times than even those of I79S ; for the disaffected are much more complete in organisation, and arms now, than at that memorable period!— You will therefore be well able to imagine our situation— ill short, scarcely a wee k goes by wifliout st. vme one being shot or tortured, or a Hagart burnt, or house sacked for arms by The Marquis of Htintly, , nomson, 1 Trieste, was on shore yesterday, near She off by assistance from the shore with loss of rudder. The Isabella of' London, Thompson, from Liverpool to North Carolina, put into Coik ist Dec. to repair damages. DREADFUL GALES. T h e gale of Thursday and tbe preceding night has been most 6eserely felt by the shipping on the English coast ; and it has extended to a very considerable distance. Several vessels are on shore in the Downs, at Ramsgate, at Margate, & c. On the Kentish coast, between Lowestoffe and Yarmouth, 26 vessels are on shore ; and a* Yarmouth several are on shore 011 the beach. To the northward of Yarmouth several vessels are also on shore ; particulars not known. At Harwich upwards of 2 0 sail have put in with loss of anchors and cables, and other damage. When the last accounts left Margate the Woodhridge East Indiman had parted her cables 111 the Roads and was driving fast on shore. It is already ascertained that upwards of 100 vessels have suf fered, more or less, during this severe gale, which was from the N . E. M A R G A T E , Dec. 7 T h e w h o l e of y c B t e r d ay it blew a gale of wind from the N. W . Several vessels parted from their cables and ran for the Downs. Four put into this harbour. Early this morning the wind blew from the E. N . E . with a tremendous sea running. At day- break, the Woodbridge Indiaman, was discovered with a signal of distress flying in her fore rigging, her main and mizen- masts being gone. A large b r ig from Dublin to London, with hutter, beef, and pork, is on shore in Westgate • Bay, and her cargo has been almost entirely washed on shore by the blowing up of her hatchways. A large ehip is ou the Sand off the Reculvers, from which the crew, consisting of seven men, have, perished in endeavouring to reach the shore in their boat. A boy remained lashed to the shrouds, and has been saved by a Margate boat. The deck of a large ship, and a vast quantity of plank and lumber has been washed on shore this afternoon. The Itidiaman has just cut her cable and is running before the wind. Dec 8.— The Iiidiaman ran on shore li. st night off St. Nicholas; if the weather should moderate, tbe cargo will be saved. How dreadful the gale has been is too fatally shewn by the long list of ships that have snfferd ; indeed almost the whole line of our eastern Kent, 71 OS to 9I os Sussex, 61 tosfo 81 ps Eslcx, 71 os\ o 9I cs .. PR4CE Of T Town Tallow, 69s to Yellow Russia, 70. to White ditto, 73s to Snap ditto, oos to Melting Stuff, oos to Ditto rough, oos to NEW POCKETS. Kent, 7I 7s to iol Sussex, fil 15s to 81 Farnham t2l o s t o i 3l ALLOW, Dec. 9. oos 1 Graves, oos to oos I Good Dregs, oos to " oos J Curd Soap, oos to loos Mottled, oos to 9As 58: Yellow, oos to 86s 44s Price ol Candles, 12s od— Moulds, 13s 6d per doz. PRICE « F LEATHER AT LEADENHALL, D - c. 9 Butts, 50 to 36II1S. each, Ditto, 5 6 to 6 6 i b s . eat!", Merchants' Backs, Dressing Hides, - - Fine. Coach Hides, Crop Hides, 3 5 to 4 o l h s . for cutting Ditto, 45 to 5 0 t b s . - Calf Skins, 3 0 to 4 0 l b s. Ditto, 5 0 to 70I0S. Ditto, 70 to Bolbs. Small Seals ( Greenland) Large ditto, 130s to t8os per dozen. Goat Skins, ocs to oos ditto. Oi Wednesday t ' v D-. f'rtm tr. i'itji, com mint. " 1 bv Li ' iitenant C done! Ciliaghan. arrive-! in Edinburgh from Darlington ; and hive since proceeded on t h e i r route. to Giastgow.. Upon Monday the l'Sth of N ivem'oer, z cea. tury haying elapsn l since the battle of Sheriff, muir, nearly 600 people assembled upon the spot, when two graves or rather trenches, were opened, and, to ? h? astonishment of the beholders, the boneS appeared almost entire. Mr. Ciiarlesot Alloa, who is- publishing a history of the transactions, in Scotland during the years 1715- 16, 45 and 46, brought away, and has in his possession a left thigh bone, I8 § inches long, in a state cf remarkable preservation. FIRE.— On Friday morning, about oneo'clock, the house of Mr. John Kirk wood, Cabinet Maker, Dunbar, vvas discovered to be on fire, and for sometime presented a vary alarming appearance ; but by the great exertions of the family, we are happy to say, was got under, without doing very material injury. The fire is supposed to have originated by an inmate of the family, has by some accident or other had caught hold at t he bed curtains ; and by her providentially awaking at tiie time, and alarming the family, the house was preserved, and she, with difficulty, rescued from the consuming element. The Presbytery of Perth met on Wednesday the 29th alt. The chief busiiiesa before them relared to the designation of a manse and glebe to the Minister of the East Church parish of that city. On the 30th of August last, Mr. F. sdaile, the'minister'of the parish, presented a petition, requesting tha: the Presbytery would design him a manse and glebe, being entitled to these, from his having a landward parish. The court, before giving any deliverance, appointed a commutes of their number to enquiry into the circumstances of the case, and to report. At their next meeting, 27th September, the ' Presbytery received the committee's report, which being favourable to the said petition, they proposed to appoint another committee to meet on the 19ch of October next, to design a manse and glebe to Mr. F. sdaile, and enjoined him in the mean time, to give from the pulpit, and by letter, due notice to the heritors. Mr. Thomson observed, that being- a minister of Perth, and one of Mr. Esdaile's colleagues, lie felt himself placed in a delicate situation, in objecting to this deliverance 011 the petition before them, but that he considered it his duty to do so, because the Presbytery were barred from such a proceeding by the terms of the decreet io 1807, which expre « - Jy provides and declares that the establishment of stipend to all the ministers shall be preclusive of all future claim? to manses and glebes, because this decreet was acquiesced . in by all the parties, the Magistrates of Perth, the heritors and the Presbytery, none of whom can be entitled, brevi manu, to depart from a decreet so solemnly pronoun; - ed, and because the Presbytery, who have recorded ' he account in their books, and whose atteiuion was specially directed to it by Dr. Dow, who protested against it, are now liable to be charged with an inattention to good laith, when they attempt in the place of it to discern a manse and glebe to Mr. F. sdaile. Mr. Thomson disclaimed his having the slightest intention ro throw any obstacle in ths way of his colleague's obtaining what is his legal right, but conceived that Mr. Esdaile should fiist bring an action before the proper court, to reduce ihe decreet, and then produce to ihe Presbytery, a sentence of reduction in the regular form, when only ic would be competent to proceed agreeably to the terms of the petition. But tbe presbytery, without a vote, made the appointment, prop and instructed the committee accordingly. Upon which Mr. Thomson craved liberty to enter his dissent, because he conceived the Presbytery's deliverance to be irregular, and, ultra vires, for other reasons to be given in due time. Some of the heritors, in consequence of the iilli- 0 j j mation they had received of the intention of the Presby- ' 1 tery, held a meeting, and resolved to apply to'the Court ot Session for an interdict, and suspension of the Presbytery's proceeding in the matter, as they conceived it to be a violation cf tile decreet T807. An interdict was accordingly obtained. Wednesday the committee's report was given in, bearing that it had met, as directed, on the 19th of October, and was proceeding to ob; emperate . thc appointment iaiii up- » ii it, out - jms proveute 1 hy the authority of an inte- rdicr obtained at the instance of certain heritors. The Clerk then produced Mr. Thomson's reasons of dissent, which being read, Mr. Thomson stated to the Presbytery, that he wished to withdraw them, on the ground, that a copy of thent had got into the possession of the heritors, through his inadvertency, and had been used by them in their bill of suspension, before Miey could have procured them regularly, through the od i id to 2 id nerib- ! h a i u J s of the Clerk of the Presbytery. With tint wish t24d, to 2, fd I ,1,- U.... U... I- , 1 . . . I9ti to 19 | d 18-^ d to I9d l 9d to 2c^ d I 7 | d to 20d 22d to 23d to 39< 1 to 39d to 38d t" 33< i 34d 361I 34d 3cd COURSE OF EXCHANGE, LONDON, Dec. Amsterdam.... 37 0 B. 2Us ' Ditto, at sight 36 4 Amsterdam.... 11 6 C. F. Ditto, at sight 11 2 Rotterdam,... II 6 2 Us the Presbytery complied, and they were accordingly withdrawn. SCOTS BANKRUPTS. December 4. John Myers, Merchant in Montrose— Creditors to meet in the house of Andrew Hunter, vintner in Montrose, 15th and 19th December, at 12. John Scott, merchant in Stonehaven— examination in the Sheriff- court room at Stonehaven, 16th December, and 2d January, at 12 Creditors to meet io the Mill Inn, Stonehaven, 3d January at 12. Claims to be lodged before the 3th August. Antwerp H lOEx. M Hamburgh 34 O 2-| Us Bremen......., 34 7 2£ - Alton3 32 ) Paris 24 O these miscreants. In some instances they have been j c o a s t js a melancholy scene of wreck and distress, successfully resisted, but generally people have | A fleet of vessels arrived at Hull on Friday given lip without resistance-, by which, however, j a n ( l Saturday from the Baltic, several of them 20 they fared no better than those who fought it out. j days from St. Petersburgh, and 10 days from My house is full of off'iisive weapons. You 1 t>, e Sound. The weather was very mild on the know my si- titimeiits on this subject— better die i 15th ult. at Petersburgh. with afms in one's hands, than coolly see a whole S The Partridge, Capt.. Anderson, which arfamily butchered before one's f a c t . " j r , v e ( J j,, the Downs on Tuesday, sailed Irom the We are extremely concerned to state, that on Isle of Fr anc e an the 19. h Au g u s t , and from Monday evening last, a3 Mr. Baker, of Lisma cue, a mott, respectable Magistrate of the comity St. Helena on the 1st ot October. P o r t s m o u t h , Dec. 6,-—- Arrived bis M « t- EDINBUIIGH, Dec. 12. N E W J U R Y C O U R T . — O n S a t u r d a y l a s t , t he Court of Session passed an act of sederunt for regulating the fotm of procedure before the Jury Court, which is to meet for t h e dispatch of business on Saturday the 9th January next. In moving the Court to pass this act of sederunt, the Lord President observed, that, at the end of last Summer Session, an interim act of sederunt had been passed for the purpose of regulating the procedure in such cases as might, during the vacation, be in a state of readiness to be remitted to a Jury ; but the Court declared, that they would, at the meeting of the Winter Session, revise the same, with such alterations as might be suggested by the different Law Bodies. During the vacation, his Lordship had transmitted copies of the act to these bodies, by whom various amendments had been snggested, most of whom had been adopted by the C o u i t ; and he now moved the Court to pass the act, in order that the cases . now in readiness to be sent to a Jury, might be* forthwith remitted to the Jury Court for trial. yesterday the Price of Bread fell a Half penny the Quartern Loaf at Edinburgh. The price is now Eightpence halfpenny. Their Imperial Highnesses the Archdukes John and Lewis arrived at the King's Head Inn, Berwick, or, Thursday evening, about 8 o'clock. At 10 o'clock the next morning they set off tor the South. Joseph Marshall, Esq. Commanding Officer of the Berwickshire Volunteer Yeomanry Cavalry ( then on duty at that place], offered their Royal Highnesses a Guard of Honour, which they declined. Upon Sunday the 19th ol November, the precentor in the established church at Alloa, a married man, and father of a numerous family, had the uncommon own grandfather. fort tine of proclaiming' his BIRTHS. At Madras, in March last, the Lady of Captain Geo. Cadell, of the Adjutant- General's Department, of a son. The Lady of the Rev. Dr. Starky, daughter of Sir Andrew Bayntun, Bart, and niece ot the Earl of Coventry, of a son, her thirteenth child, eleven of whom are living. In North Castle Street, Edinburgh, the Lady of Captain Nolan, 70th regiment, of - a son. In Baker- street, London, the Lady of David Scott, Esq; of a daughter. The Lady of the Hon. Major- General Aunesley of a son. At Edinburgh, Mrs. William Dunlop, Merchant Street, of a daughter. At Holmiton, Mrs. Reid, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. The Hon. Captain King, Royal Navy, to Caroline, second daughter of the Archbishop of Dublin. At Ellesmere, Colonel Henry A. Procter, of the 82d Regiment, to Louisa, eldest daughter of Edward Wilson, Esq; of Hackney Road. At Greenock, Mr. James Wallace, Merchant, Gl « - gow, to Janet, only daughter of John Kelly, Esq; Merchant, Greenock. At Middletpn, Mr. Henry Robertson, Corn- Merc'nant, Edinburgh, to Agnes, second daughter of Mr. John Rule, Novar. On the 3th curt, at Muirburn, Mr. William Morrison, of Berwick, to Helen, eldest daughter ot James Alston, E< q; of Muirhurn. At Kinloch, Fifeshire, on the 8th December, Charles Hunter, Esq; younger of Seaside, to Miss Agnes Thomson, only daughter of Mr. Andrew Thomson, of Kinloch. At Maxu- elton, George G. Young, E- q; of the Dumfries tid Galloway Iron foundry, to Miss Wight, ot Edinburgh. DEATHS. At Edinburgh, on the l » t. Dec. Mrs. Weir, Relict of tbe Rev. Gavin Weir, and daughter of the iate Sir Hendry Wardlaw, Bart. At Edinburgh, on the 4th inst. Miss Elizabeth Thomson, only daughter of the deceased Mr. Richard Thomson, Architect. At Auchterblair, William Grant, E q; of Fariigin. At his seat at Thurslord, ill Norioik, Sir Geo. Chad, Bart. At London, Sir William Rule, Knc, late senior Surveyor of his Majesty's Navy. At Kingston, Jamaica, Mr. John M'Gregor, late of the Sir William Pultney, East Indiamen. — Mr. Geoige? M'Gregor, second Olfieer ot tbe Glory, East I" diamati, his brother, was lost with that ship when she separated from h. r couvoy. James Simpson, Esq; in thc 74th year'ef his agf, formerly his Majesty's Attorney- General in South C..: ul na. Ac f- oadoi, W. . Mo. rls, ii a; M. ' u. t'r sr. d an nrt » miiv(- cal Admirer for a very rood rea- ein, nanv'- mtructi n and amusement in it ; ne f r it the Inflowing e. r your T » . r » r, ly. h- ts « » ' I fi and 1 tbitilt you " iifht "> tla « ; C't motto, which i ) » v f o t e H prefit, d to <„, ier *,„ iv r men.—" 6 » ix M l J W W 7'" mhe*> l " t ',"! : ', c ' " I ,„ » , „ l, d ... und- wand w « » '• « chtom- le of last week that nor had „ b « » im- d an exclusive n, ht, h, „ w , | derision, thr BIPTH Register for . he city „ « 1 liberties. Ao. l a, this is eonlvs- edty a evil cone, rn, ird of wry :, t important<•, » certainly ought to be • life, short shouid he measured .. t- llVrt. O be^ infull l e n o t h , M, l, therefore, dated tr. vm it. very Ml, eh indeed, depends on being accurate a. to W* all know, that a nun mU » t attain to a fore he can act for him » '- lf in sours of the i of life, or beloiitjd qualified to r. init thin pe-> int errt ntr age bet most important concern'. . . . - hold , situation under Government, and that the lots of VI foin AS upon inquiry, I do not nmcii lew the Beadles, t. re, witnesses, de facta, of the hatcver, 1 think there is a si] y to be accounted for ALEXANDER MO WAT, HAT MAKER, W'l 1H grateful thanks to his Friends and the Public fnr past favours, bey* l( Jave to inform them, that be h. ngot tc hand his WINTER STOCK of Ladles and C,, nil. mens fashionable BEAVER and WOOL HATS, of the hpsr q" a!: ties and Itfwest prices, London aodEdinbnr- h m -. nulact n eed. Commissions from the country carefully attended ro. *.* The highest PRICE fir HARE, RABBIT, arid, OTTER SKINS. 0 - AN APPRENTICE WANTED. Aberdeen, Nellie,- lirbgaia, ? Dee. 16, 1R15. 5 ? sitipi.' nay mav fi. d that our Mimff.- r < 1,1 ex officio vol ex firiv, _ bierhs of children n -. uy Case w ef irct . ifruity i furnish per of B IRTH iits rak-: ti by them before or immediand in entering the witnesses oWf thhoe the Calling upoi; ih Tv- frister v. i'h the L. atelv after B » prism-, - -,- , _ B. arrisM, wit. esses de facto, of the B. RTU. . i. es not know, that the BiRTH always preced in most rase- by. at a whole week, in r. nnv V- v the . pace Of . several weeks and in st, me by the space of , ewr, l m< n. tis » ' hen, the - date ci rhe Baptism is as- unu- d as the date of the Birih, iron, what was above stated, it must be evident to every body, tl. ae we .. re thereby exposed not only to great inconvenience, but even to no - mall hazard and loss- lustei. I. t>.', reform, of tpviving to the Minister, and Beadl.- s !• r their I,. St., which bear rn. evidence as to the time of ihe birth, I V iaiige it to 6e more judicious in the Keepers of Birth K^ W-. r, t.-. apply to our Minleroce > . i-; - i- iot^ wivM, - v'. o are nec « f » « ly witressc in thos- but, as some of the. e may not oc rt out ht altogftl.- r trust- worthy, and » » the truth, the etsct truth, is of the utmost moment, 1 would beg leave to recommend it to the emi- ideraimn of every deeper of a Birth Re- oet'- r, v- h- ti. er he o « -!) i >•< » . without de- J-. y, to qualify himself for being a witness, de facto, m « '. is case, v,•.•;;„ audita, vol « ! « . t*. t » . And I would 1- fe- r it to ihe good sense of nil Ke'ptrs of Biti- iu Reei- tern, and especially of those in Cities and Burghs, to consider t. f the propriety of concurring in an application tor an Act of Parliament, of Sederunt, cr ol Council, ts nn. yaop- ar most expedient, for vesting them in the crclusive" right of exercising the Art Obsletricaadi. I am, Sir, & c December M, 1815. P . Q. A B E R D E E N A S S E M B L I E S. X-' HB ABERDEEN ASSEMBLIES are to he held during the Season, alternately at DEMPSTKR'S and HUMPHREY'S HOTELS, on the following D a y s: DANCING 10 BEGIN AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. lst. On Friday, 22d December, at Dempster's. 3d. On Thursday, 4oth January, at Humphrey's.' Sd. On Thursday, ( Queen's) 18th Jan. at Dem/ ister's. 4th. On Thursday, 1 st February, at Humphrey's. 5th. On Thursdatj, 15th February, at Dempster's. 6th. On Thursday. 8th March , at Humphrey s. 1 Aberdeen, Dec. 15, 1815. W A N T E D , ^ SHOPMAN who writes a tolerably> ood hand, A A and can be well recommended. Apply to the Publisher. TO LET, THAT FI. OOR. in Union Street, Corner of Broad Street, lately possessed by Miss B. Duncan. Apply to PHILIP & TAYLOR. WANTED, AN APPRENTICE to the BAKING BUSINESS. Apply to • JOHN MATTHEW, Baler, Queen Street. THE C f i R O N l C L V. In the Press, and speedily will le published, A T R 1 P T O A C E 5 1 B E E N ; COts'TAlMlNU J Topographical Description of the Coast, With an account of T H E CITY OF ABERDEEN, And comprising a View of the Manners < Sj Customs of the Inkdi! Mils. To which will be annexed, a £) imtc| g of abcrOeeri For 1816, W I T H COMPLETE SHIPPING I. ISTS. A Directory for Aberdeen has for many years been irurb win. ted. As the town has greatfy increased in size, within few years, a Directory has necessarily be- < omt an object of imparlance, not only to strangers but to the inhabitants themselves. The publishers will spare r, o p3ji » to render it in all respects worthy of the attentinn flf iheTu! lie. Any Communications on the subject will be thankfully received at the Shops of George Clark, or William Jlobertson, Broad Street, the publishers, where Subscriptions are leceived, and by the oilier Booksellers ia Aberdeen; A. Ci- rk & Co. Peterhead; J and G. Jmlach, Banff; I. Forsyth and W. Young, Elgin; A. Milne, Forres ; L. Grant & Co. W. Ettfes, and J. Smith, Inverness ; J. Beaitie, Stone haven ; and T. Smith, Montrose. ' EXTENSIVE SALE OF NURSERY PLANTS. JAMES WALKER & CO. NVT. SEb" AND SEEDSMEN, ABERDEEN, HAVING about 7 acres of their Nursery Ground nearly out of Lease, will put it. up for sale by pu' - lie roup, upon Thursday and Friday the 21nt and 2' Jd i. St. at ten o'clock forenoon, in such lots as purcbas. r » may incline. It wil! be well worth the attention of those Noblemen arid Gentlemen who int. nd planting this sea„ tun. The stock is healthy and extensive, and abounds with great vt. riefy of all the different soits of FOREST TREES planted in this country, such as I. arcb ; Scots, Spruce, B. lm of Gilead, and Silver Firs ; Ash ; Beech ; I, In. ; plane ; Oak ; Spanish and Horse Chesnuts; Poplar, in great variety j^ l. aburiium ; Mountain Ash; Alders and Hollies, & c. with a very ertensive stock of SEEDLING and TRANSPLAN l'ED THORNS, « i- h » variety ol FRUIT ' I Rl. l. S and FLOWERING SHRUBS, J. ROSS, Auctioneer. J. W. 8c C'o. trust that Gentlemen will embrace this opportunity, as the lots will be made such as will suit those that want small quantities, as well as those that want larger J. W. & Co. will at same time put up for sale several lots of large ELM and GEEN TREES lately cut down, well worth the notice of Cabinet Makers and Can Wrights. N. B.— Wanted Immediately Two Gardeners of good experience ; the one ma- tied aud the other ail unmarried man ; none r: etd apply but those who Jiave good knowledge of Kitcher. Gardening, and Planting, and lucking after Forest Trees. December 12, 1815, HOUSE AND GARDENS TO BE LET. r"| ' HAT DWELLING HOUSE, in James'Street, to- I getber with Mangle House, Dry House, and t'ffices attached to the same, as at present possessed by Mr. George Mair. These Premises affo. cl excellent acrfimmodation t- r a genteel family, and will '.* let either fun i. ht'd, « r unfurnished, as may be mast desirable to an intendirg tenant. ALSO, These TWO GARDENS on bill the Cap, belonging to, ar. d al present occupied by, Mr. Mair. These Girdtus yosstss many advartares; are tastefully laid out, abundantly s'ocked with excellent Fruit Trees and Beiry llushes, and supplied with vegetables of all descriptions. In the Garden lyinc next ihe cohal, there ia a commodi- BUS Washing H- ese, with boiler, and one of the finest Bleaching Greens to be found any where: both properties are ioclosid with bij; h and substantial wills. The Gardens may he let separately, or either of them can go it long .. viii, toe Hoti- e, aud both, if req- iired. The whole will be. let on lease, ( or such number ef years as can be agreed on, or until such time as the G^ re: - fis m y be feued n- r sold. For particulars, apply to George Mair, tlic Proprietor, • r limes Mair, ai Mr, Crombie's, Advocate.. SEA INSURANCE COMPANY OF SCOTLAND. AS the time app| ito* cbet when a GENERAL MEET- ' ING ot lhe PKOPRIETORS will be called forilie • appointinet. t uf DIRF. C fOKS, and other importaitt matu- r*, wi'b a vie w to the culnmetieemet. t of litis ness, genrleirien ar a distance from Edinburgh who have signified their aire;.::;>!. ol beceimrng subscribers to this institution, are'r. q. ie- sted ttj send mausUtes, on of before the first day ot ie- hrn. iy ,616, to the Manager, or any partner residing at Lditiburgii, giving authority to sign fhe contract of copjrtnery, Appi: c. Mion tor shares may be made to the Manager^ at I.'. e I ompany's Office, No. 7, Hunter's Square, WILLIAM BRAID WGOP, jun, Mar.- ger. A B E R D E E N : SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1G, 1SI5. @ « n « r. ari) of ^ olitkiJ. IN a former number it was mentioned, that the Duke of Wellington was to remain in France, with the command of tl. e occupying army, intended to repress any effort that may be made to overlhrow the Bourbon Dynasty, and the restor- e! order of things. It is now announced, that not only is bis Grace to have the chief command, but his power in France is to be discretionary. The high contracting parties think it better not to specify the cases that may call for the interference of the occupyi- g army, but to leave the necessity of such interference lo the knowu prudence ai d discretion of the Duke, who is to say when aud how far it may be advisable to employ the troops under his orders, always supposing that he will not in any case so determine, without having concerted bis measures with the King of Prance. His Grace is thus constituted Dictator of the Freijch, without the slightest mention of any kind of responsibility fot his actions, provided he keeps the Bourbon Family on the Throne. Such an arrangement is unquestionablynew iu modern timet, but without having recourse to extraordinary measures, the Allies cannot hold France in subjection even for a week; and even with every exertion, it is not believed that they flatter themselves with the hopes of avoiding another contest. The very unusual detention of the French papers for more than eight days, owing to the violent gales that have prevailed in the. Chai. nei, leaves the public pill in suspense at to the fate of Ney ; but, by the lasc accounts received, it appeared to be the general opinion, that the Allies would think it expedient to put him to death, and, that ihe Peers would scarcely venture to disoblige them. M. ssen. i, anciher of the best French officers, was supposed to be in no small danger, the police having been for some time in quest of him, as well as Count Grouchy, and other distinguished charactcrs. At the same time that these state pi o- ecutions are going on, the Allies in theii public declarations recommend measures of concilia io. i to Louis, and that he shall by all means endeavour to gain the affections of his people. How far l e may succeed it is difficult to say, nor will it be evident that he is really popular in Fiance, till the foreign iurce is removed, which- at present overawes the Capital and a great part uf the country. The persecution of the Protestants Etill goes on in some parts of France, and it is not denied that the Court has not exerted itself ro put a stop to scenes so disgraceful to the age in wbivh we live. It is not a little singular, that while some of the Scotch Clergy, and the Dissenters in England, enter warmly into the cause of the suffering Protestants, and contribute to their relief, the English Hierarchy takes no concern in the matter, but seems to wait for some opinion on the part of our Rulers, as to whether the cause of the French Protestants may be espoused, without a very severe implied censure upon the restored Government of France. Napoleon was the fr. endand protector of the Protestants, and they in return were attached to his Person and Government; a political sin ol no small moment, in the estimation of those who profess High Church Doctrine. No doubt there are individuals high in the Church ol England, whosekuown liberal sentiments exempt them from the suspicion of servility upon the present occasion, as we have in thiscountry Pietbyterian Clergymen, who profess doctrines just as servile as those of Kmg James's Bishops; but it is honourable for the Dissenters from th Church of England to be the first to protest against the atrocities now comniittedin Fsance, and to call for the interposition of the Allies, that a stop may be put to the farther effusion of innocent blood. Upon the supposition that Europe ia to be at rest for many years to come, a supposition which the present aspect ot affairs will scarcely warranr, the war having been attended with the must unlooked lor success, the attention of the public is now directed to the results of victory. Many ostensible causes for commencing and continuing the war against France have been held out to the public, but it is now publicly acknowledged, that the war was undertaken and earned on against Revolutionary or Re. publican Principles, and for the support ot the old Governnifnts, supposed to be in danger. It was continually repeated to the people, thatsuccessin this war would ensure our prosperity ; that Agriculture and Commerce would flourish ; and that the situation of the country would be nearly what it was at the commencement of the present reign, when the counsels of the great Pitt had placed the country at the head of European powers. On the other hand, the success of the French arms was represented as the greatest calamity that could befai Europe; and the greatest misfortunes it was . aid would 5 come upon this countty, should France retain her ascendancy under the Emperor uf her choice. Whatever differences of opinion may ex. st concerning events yet to come, the arrival ol these events ascertains at once what judgment was the most correct; and with regard to the French war, the question is now decided between those who promised every blessing from the suceess of the war, and those who contended chat ic never ou>' ht to hive been undertaken— that we ought to have lived on terms of good agreement with the French people, without pretending to interfere in their internal Government. At no period uf our history have the affairs of this country Wore a more gloomy appearance than now, that the objects of the war are fully accomplished, for not one of tlie hopes held out to the peopie lias been realised; and ill consequence of what it was asserttd would ensure prospe. it), the country is immediately threatened with evils wnun must nave the n. ost disastrous effects, and altogether uiihinger. ocie- t). Every member ol snciety is uuw bcuuglit tu umkrst^ aa how a iiii: iqn nuy he r « iu- Finarcs may p'oducc want and e- otiseq- ifnt anarchy— ind how unprofitable the tr3de of war really is. The first class of society : o feel the effects of tho war system has been that composed of Agriculturist", especially Farmers, who, in consequence of the restriction of paper credit, rendered unavoidable by the state of the funds, find that the value of their produce no l. m; er hears any fair proportion to their rents. Some Landlords have endeavoured to alleviate their di. ttess by reducing the rents, but rhe example cannot be genera'ly followed, if it could, it would prove bur a partial and ineffectual remedy ; for, according to the prese. nt prices, grain and meal could not be raised were the tenants altogether rentfree. Ill many parts of England as well as . Scotl ind, it is generally understood, and freely spnktn of, that rents cannot be piid for anotker year in the present stare cf things; and how the present state of tilings is co be altered for the better is the great deiidtrvlum. That all classes- i '. the community must be affected sooner or brer, by thi distress of the Farmers, is sufficiently evident; the Landl . rds, ihe Shopkeepers, the Manufacturers, andai last the whole body of the people. Already remedies have been proposed Ibrfhis alarming state of affairs, but no remedy can lie effectual without an increase of Revenue or diminution of Expenditure; but although our Expenditure is very considerably reduced since the late successes in Fiance, it is doubted whether the reduction is not fully balanced by the deficiency of many of the taxes. I: appears to have been in contemplation to relieve the Farmers from a very considerable pirt of the Pioperry Tax ; but such relief, if afforded to Farmers, oughr to be extended to all who suffer in the same manner with them, and from the same causes— and as in the one case it would be ineffectual, in the other it is, upon the present system, impracticable. We may, however, believe that great ingenuity will be exerted upon tile occasion, and great efforts made to avoid the shock attending the dissolution of what has become the great bond ot Society, and chief instrument by which our Ministers conciliate support; but no country,. situat- d as ours now is, ever recovered a flourishing state ol finance, without having first, in one way or oilier, broken engagements with the national creditor, la France, the disorder of the? Finances was found completely incurable, although great efforts were ma. le; all- f the consequences we have seen.— The fol! ow; ng semarfcs we give Irom Cobbett, as regarding the state of !' ng! aud, and which there is reason to believe is not much exaggerated. " In the country, it Is thought pretty generally, that the taxes wiit be paid this year ; but, that this year will be the last. This is a wrong notion. The taxes will fail by degrees. Pretty fast, 1 allow ; but, all branches will tall off in nearly the same degree, except the pedlar's tax; for that will increase, as it arises from licences, vmich enable people to* av « ii themselves of the privilege of slewing under hedg? « . The trades- people feel the effect of the want of money even more than the farmers. 1 he inn- keepers feel it in a very striking way. Where 20 farmers used to dine at market, at the expence of ten fifteen shillings a head, five do not now dine, and they not at mote than eight shillings a head. Winc was their dt'nk; they cracked their bottle, while they sang ' God save the King' andcurscd the Jacubin3. Now they rise no higher than a glass of grog, and that made, perhaps, of smuggled brandy. The market- day wzs, in all parts of the country, a day of gaiety and bustle in the towns. The shops were filled with customers. T he villages and farm- houses sent iu their money. Now, they have no money to t? r. d in. All is poverty. Nsibody can either make purchases, or pay debt .'' t ; s'ttch, however*, as were sold, h.- ough: good prices. Highland butter sold at 24s. to 2C*. and Highland cheese- at 7-. to 8.. p-- r stone, Dutch weight. Mrs. General Mitcdoti':!! of l. ochgarry, widow of D. A. Micdoncll of I ochgarry, late Lieu:.- General in - ne Pnl- i- ugtiese st- rvice, is J is! arrived at London from Lisbon, or; her w-' y to Scotland, to superintend the ennctrns of her s in, L>. Antonio . Macdonri! ol L. nchg. riy, nosv serving with the Il- iti- h army in France, on wnom vi e underarm i his Rrtyai H'ghress the P. ir. ee Regent of Portugal has conferred the honour of knight commander of the military oreier of S. Beaio i'dv'z, which his father possessed. m en. at- d I will die flla*: he- had not rece li. ee Mot' an, it le- ni European.! to posterity. Marshal Davoust was one :, •,, iin.. ij » , "• I am , ,, r,;. i. Frenchman : ' He complain^.' d a fair trial, arid added, that, ed for hi . il: only lo appe- al to 01 his witnesses. M.: rs!; e!; ong the Peers who dfd PRICE OF PROVISIONS, eXC. IS THE iSiKDEH. N MARKET, YESTERDAY. Pork, - - - - - 4d to 6 ! Butter, - - - iSd to tS. I Eggs, per doz. - t l d t o t4> l Cheese, p. stone 6s od to ; s. fallow, - - - u s to lis. Hay, - - . - 6d. to 7d Raw Hides, p. lb. 1- 5,4 to 3d Coals, p. b. - 59. od to od N E W 0. N. E. was experienced 011 BIF. TH.— On the s J current, at the Manse of I. onmajr, Mrs. C. GIBISON, of a d a u g h t e r. Married at Newington Church, Surry, Mr. DUNCAN SHAW, to Mrs. ANN BIKUAM, of W a l w o r t h. Married at thejiVIanse ol Mains and Strarlmiartin, on 8th December, GEORGE SKC- LION, Esq; of Iiivernetcie Ledge, Aberdeenshire, to JANE, daughter of Mr. JAs. SKELTON, ship- owner, Peterhead. Died at Kilravock Castle, in Nairnshire, on the 21st ul:. Mrs. Rose, of Kilravock, representative of one of tho most ancient and respectable families in the north. She supported that situatiou with talents ot no ordinary sort. Her friends will long remember the virtues with which those talents were accompanied. Died, at Hull, on t h u o t h of November, Mr. DAVID SMITH, mason, of Montrose, He only arrived there a few days before, on his way home from tile West Riding ot Yoikshire. Died, at Forres," upon the ; j t h ult. Mrs. TULLOH, wife of William ' i'ulbih, Esq; whose life was highly useful to her family, and w c ' « death is deeply fomented by her husband and numerous connections. Also, at the house of Mr. Tulloh, upoa the 30th ult. Mrs. MACKENzitofOlrick, wife of the Rev. George Mackenzie, who bad come upon a visit to her sister, and whom she survived only but to hear of her interment, leaving a kind husband to mourn for her loss. Died, on the ist December, at the Croft of Rothiemurchus, Captain JAMES CAMERON, aged nearly 80, a man much esteereed and flow justly regretted. Died at Kincardine, on the 9th Decembsr, Mr. JOSETH LAURIE, Student ef Divinity, a young man of promising abilities. Died at Kincardine, Ross- shire, on the 19th November, WILIUM Ross, Esq; late of lnvercarrou— the lasc male descendant cf the Thanes of Ross, aged 76. Died on 24th November, at the Hots Wells, near Bristol, ANOUS MACKINTOSH, Esq; younger uf Farr, Inverness- shire. x Very early on Tuesday morning last, an alarming firs was discovered in a Steading of Offices at Kinnitlndy of Skene, which had then gained such strength as to baffle all attempts to extinguish it, the flames spreading with that rapidity, as soon to envelope the yvhole range of building in which the firs commenced, consisting of a Barn, Byte, and Stable, which were totally consumed with thencontents. The loss, we regret to state, will be very considerable, as besides that uf some grain in the barn, five Oxen, and a fine Horse, fell victims to the destructive element, servants clothes, bedding, & c. being also consumed. Notwithstanding the greatest exertions of all belonging to the Farm Town, one horse was alune saved, by a servant at the risk of his own life, there being none of the neighbours aware of the disaster before ii was too late to render any effectt: il assistance. The Treasurer of the Sic* Alan's Friend received, on Monday laat, One Pound Five Shillings, part of the Wages forfeited by a female servant ( after paying exprnce-) for leaving her place — a most seasonable supply, at the funds are at present exhausted; and for which he expresses hit thanks in the nam- of the Society. Tuesday, a female servant in this place, a middle- aged woman, suddenly dropped down iu the street, and almost instantly expired. It is with much coyrern we have to state, that the Small Pox has recently made its appearance iu this city ; several very malignant cases having occurred within the last few days. The benetits< of Vaccination are now so thoroughly established, that \ ve are surprised any persons shouid be ( Ound, to inattentive to the welfare of their families, as to delay submitting their children to its salutary operation— panicularly wneu they know, that there is an institution in the place for the purpose of administering it gratis to all classes; and where the utmost attention is paid by a Medical Gentleman of experience, to the ' progtess and cure uf every case. The law imposes a heavy penalty upon parents, whose children have the ordinary small pox, exposing them on the streets, or not taking due precautions to keep rhe contagion confined to their own houses; aud ss e trust th- ac those concerned will carefully comply with its enactments, as they tender the livesand safety ot their telluw creatures. MELAKCHOIY ACCIUENT.— On Mondsy the 27th ult. George Pirie, farm seivantat Oldtown of Cu. ter, parish of Peterculter, was unfortunately kdled while attending a Threshiug Mill, by one of the ievers of the horse course catching him, and compressing his head between it and tne wail. The many accidents ol this description, which it is our painful duty to record, ought to operate as a warning to all persons employed about machinery, whocanuot be toocautioua in approa. iiing it when in motion. At the Martinmas fair held at Inverness lest week, there was a gteat concourse ol people. 1 i. ere was a goo show of cattle.. Such as were tit lor the hutciier Quartern I. oaf, od and od O a t m e a l , p . p e c k 9d. tr. Ti Bearmeai, - d to 8d Potatoes, I2el to i4d Malt, - - - 2 s ' 6d to s od Beef, per lb. - - 4d. to 8d Mutton', - - - 4d. to 8< 1 Veal, - - - 5d to 8d ~ S H I P A tremendous gale from the ; th and 8th ilist, along a grets- part of the English coast, which, we regret to state, has been attended with loss and damage of shipping to an extent unknown for a number of years. The melancholy particulars of this disastrous storm will be found in our preceding columns. Among the many losses enumerated, is that of a brig seen to founder with ail on boaid in i t fathoms water, within half a mile of the Pier Head of Sunderland, The vessel was mt. king more sail to get to the bar, a man being seen in the act of casting loose the maintop sail immediately before she disappeared. From part of the wreck cast ashore, she proves to be the Miner » a- of Shields, a itrig of about se ven keels. The following Aberdeen vessels have suffered loss or damage in the gale ;— . « ThsSrurick Lord Huntly, Turner, from ibis place to London, lost an airchpi and cable, and was carried into Colchester leaky, l. y the assistance of some boats, after be rg'oie the Gunfl-. e SaDd. The Brig Marchioness r. f flun t ' y , Thomson, from London to Trieste, was driven 0: 1 shore ne ar Sheerness, but got off 17 asciitiiue from the shore, v. ith loss of rudder. The Brig Hero, Kei h, from Riga to London, is arlived with the loss ot three anchors and cables in the Swin. The Brig Ni;> t! liss, Se- llar, from Sunderland to London, also lost an anchor atid'cahle in the Swin. It is stated, that the S-. vm was full of buoys or., anchors, cut from by vessels exposed to the fury of this vi . lent gale, few or none of which, fron tiie system of plunder prevalent oil that eastern part of the coast, an be recovered by the proper owners ; a grievance which loud calls for the interposition of the Legislature, by some effectual regulations for prevention of so great an aggravation to the losses sustained on unfortunate occasions. Extract of a letter from Capt. William Duncan, of the Britannia of this Fort, date. t Spitbsad, December 8, 1815. " You will be surprised a receiving this from Spithead, instead of Sunderland, but wo are very hippy that we ; t. £!. have got to this p'tic?. Wc left the Nore on Tuesday morning, aud at I o o'clock at night, when we had reach ed as far as Yarmouth, v/ e were taken with a very heavy g . le of wind from the N. W. with snow, which continued till 4 next afternoon, whi n it shifted to N. N. E. b owing very hard ; at that time we were over on the coast of Holland, and expected to go no shore, but by carrying a press i f sail we reached the North Foreland ; owing to the shifting of rhe wind we could nbt'bring up in the Dawns, we therefore run lor Spithead. I saw two Brigs and a G - lliot on shore in the Downs, there are upwards of 30 sail here, who cut from their anchors in that road stead. fhere were- twelve sail put off tile land with us, and I am much afraid that tome of them have been lost; wc patted company when the wind shifted." The Sloop Malvina, Begg, from Cadiz for Aberdeen, after, encountering very boisterous weather in the English Channel, was last week put into St. Ives, with loss of her main- boom. The Schooner Barbara, Thomson, of and for this place, with wine aud fruit from Oporto, was driven into St. Ives in distress, with the lost of htr saila, and other damage, in a hard gale 011 the 6th inst. The Brig Nicholas, Gibboo, pirsiei tb- J Sound for X. o( vlon, 011 the 28th ult. The Brig Glentannef, Leslie, was loaded at Quebec on the 3d uls. and expected to sail in a tew days afterwarels. The Brigs Anne, Cormack ; and Havvke, Gibbon, are arrived at Cadiz trom London. The Eliza and Anne of Montrose, John Meirns, master, from Munlochy, with a cargo of wood, bouud for Blyth, was upon the 6th inst. while endeavouring to take the harbour of Peterhead carried by the violence of the tea upon the rocksat the back of the West Quay, where she still remains ; and where, if it do not continue moderate weather, the will become a total wreck. ARRIVED AT ABERDEEN. December 9. Regent, Brown, Londun— 10. Pe^ gy, Stewart, Inverness; Forth Packet, Galloway, Leitli ; Dcvanha, Fraser, Inverness ; Freemason, Stephen, Peterhead, goods; Marquis Wellington, White, Eymouth, grain— II. Ceres, Law, Glasgow, goods; Gardener, Masson, Hamburgh, apples and rags— n. Forth, Mitchell, Dundee, goods; Margaret, l'etrie, Montrose, grain; Biothers, Milne, Esdale,- slatet— 13. Dolphin, Robertson, Newcastle; Guthrie's, Kennedy, Dundee, goods; Pearl, Biiiuerman, Montrose, staves. Eleven with coals, 1 in ballast, and 2 put back, W. B. SAILED December 8. Nelson, Brown , and Aberdeen racket, Crutchley, London— 9. Peggy, Hutcheon, Moutroee ; Tyue, Leslie, Newcastle; Glasgow packet, Hossack, Glasgow ; London Packet, Crane, Leith ; Juno, Blues, Dundee— 11. Isabella, Mitchell, Kirkcaldy— 13. Apollo, Turreff, Inverness; Eliza, Cravie, Newcastle; Commerce, Morrison, London, g. ioils; Pallas, Innes, aud Ann Elizabeth, Sinclair, Sunderland, timber. Ten iu ballast and 1 with stones. chet au. l Oudii. ot wcie an 1 not attend the trial. ] The Commistiorier of the King: h a v i n g prayed the I judgment ol ihe Court, tin; Chancellor a^ ke. l the accused whether he had any tiling » u say Marshal Ntd>- answered, " Nothing at all." 1 i.- vi a s t h a n o r d e r e d tft w i t h d r a w , and the sentence of death . v . proRomlced in bis absence. When the titles of N(- y r r r c e n u m e r a t e d in h- s tenc", he observed, * What is the' ti- ie- of a l l t h i s ? N Mi. hoi Key ; presently* handful o f d o - r — ti at.*. .- II! ' On r e t u r n i n g to l is Chamber, whiie the C o n n . vai lie l i b e r a t i n g np. en his fate, be m - t one ot his defend, rt, who appeared ill de- p di- trew. tie e m b r a c e d him afl e c t i n n a t e l y , saying, " W.. y ii3. Lt yop.- seif! It it r. oc your f a u l t , il is all over— We- shall meet again in a n o t h er w o r l d . " He called for dinner, and ate with a jjood a p p e t i t e . Fancying be perceived that a small 1< » ife, w nh a round blade, excited the attention and solicitude of t h e persons charged to watch him, TbinR v o u , " sa d be, looking back at them, that I fear death V" and at t h e same time t h r ew away t h r k t i . f c far f r om him. After dinner he smoked j ir witiv- romposurr, t h e n laid b i n - self upon bis lied, and slept, or appeared to s.' eep, for. t w o hours. He hcaul his sentence svitli firmness. At t h e place of execution he displayed r. i « c h a r a c t e r i s t i c I r - t i t u d e . He was silof, and , t-; i pr.- ic ! by t w e l v e balls. T h e body wat put ii-. toan oak cofSo, e n t i c e d in one of L- ad, and at h a l f - p u t six o'clock < u Saturday it was conveyed for i n t e r m e n t , its a hearse, w i t h f u r . e t a ! porr. to the burial ground of Pere La- liaise,' followed !>;•' 1 m o u r n i n g coach, and the carriages oS several cit-. Zr- r. s. Dec HIGH WAFER AT ABERDEEN. Full Moon, 16th iust. at 45'. past Oh. Noon. Morning Tide. Even. Tide. 16. Saturday 41 past 12 1 59 past 12 17. Sunday 11 1 30 1 18. Moadav . 52 I 14 2 It). Tuesday , 3,5 2 57 2 £ 0. Wednesday j ' 23 3 47 S 21. Thursday j 15 4 42 4 22. Friday ,14 5 l! i G P O S T S C R I P T . LONDON, Dec. 12. CONDEMNATION AND EXECUTION OF MARSHAL NET. St* tlsys Paris papers, from the 3d to the 10th inst. arrived this forenoon. We have only time briefly to mention t^ e following particulars : — On vSunday night Marshal N^ y was t r a n s f e r r e d from the Concicrgerie to the P a l a t e ot ti e Chamber of P e e r s .— At six: o'clock, on Monday morning, a numerous guard of Royal Grenad. eTt and National G u a r d s horse and foo'. occupied fhe avenues. His trial recommenced on Monday, and ended on Wednesday, when the Marshal was found g u i l t y , condemned to d e a t h , ami, AS no appeal lay to the sentence, it was carried into execution die next day, at the Pidce ol the O b s e r v a t o r y , at 20 minutes past 9 o'clock. During t h e trial the Court met e. ich day at haif- past IO o'clock. The Marshal took an active part ill his defence, of which the Con vention of the 3d July \ formed the grand f e a t u r e , lc was, however, arrong- iy 1 objected to on the p a r t ot the prosecution as not admu- | sshie evidence, and the Chancellor having giv~ n his dc- FROM THE GEKIJJAr PAPERS. A f X- L A- CM APE LL Ey Npv. 21— C^ Dt S n ^ m n , who is gone to Paris, left if, as we hear, t> » the GS i, and will come here the day after co- Voprrow, to spej'k to Prince Blucber, who i.^ mdisposed, and afterwards to --><*' to Coblentz. If Prince . Biuciu- r, becomes be. tcr, / jer will continue his journey 00 the 2Sib' tfr' 25th. K*. r.. v. v mafeps » . « fSt Bariapafcts-' s equipage, .'. tafcra the barely oz La Belle Alliance, 011 which the French Lv. periai arm* are still conspicuous. It is drawn k> T six fine, grey horses TROUBLES AT X1SMES. LAUSANNE, Nov. 2$ —. A private letter from Nisroes, of'Nov. 22, contains the iollmyjn^ particular* " The greatest fermentation continue* 10 prcv- tU in this city. However, no new excesses have fceen committed iince rhe return of the Due d'Angouleme. The severest, measures are taken to keep down the malcontents. This Prince has shewn in our unbapuy situation, thr finest; character, and has obtained a title ro the gratitude of all honesr p- ople. Fresh scenes are, however, dreaded. tc The National Gu. i^ d, vtrhich has been ordered to b<* disbanded, refuses to lay down their arm*. A new legioji is organising', and give* hope;) 9 the Colonel is an h on esc man. N..- twit'hv « c- iidiug the ordtra of his Rojal Highness, the P - ant Churche3 were not opened aga'in on tii.- j 19 th. v.,: a .- count c| f. the. fresh crowds vvj « ch" TBrea- tei3ed to' insult 1 . : t w o r s h i p ' i Prince to Valence^ hut ive h - .- e that'he will return by f'ri^ ay the ' r< v nimseli / shews, much . e^ yra^ e and loyalty • vnsg is the Proclamation which he iias published upon th? late scenes. < l The King the father ef all Frenchmen faithful hnd obedient to the laws of the $ utt\ Whatever worship Qiey profess. " The free exercise of ihe different f- rms of worahir, and liberty of conscience, « re insured by the chart r ; which he has given to his people. The King pardot. p errors, bat his sovereign justice will strike crmies and revolt, wherever they shall appear. '* His Royal Highness has learnt, with grief and indjov nation, the violation of the King's orders, and > f thr laws of the kingdom; hy the insult and violence dona to the worship ar. d churches of the Protestants, and the odious assassination committed by a villain upon the per-, son of the General commanding the department. Hi** punishment aione, an I have already told you, can ourify this city, and atone for the fermentation. He has disgraced the ranks of the National Guard, and it ought to have come forward, and expressed its horror of the crime * t4 The conduct of this guard, whicii 1 praised a lew days ago, has been dubioa- j anjd vacillating cii this occasion. st A new or^ amzr. tion will secure to the Department^ to the Cityy aad t< fth.: Magistrates, the -<•.•?• vices' of this branch of th « pufch'c force, - wst'tte- y « r# TiT£ Ti is the maintenance ot order and oi: obedience to the Magistrates " NI3ME8, Nov. 15.— While'the Prefect o£ Nkme* was giving the people severe ieasoo.% the Kiug, in aa Ordinance of the 2i> t, expressed fcim » eU' witfc eou. u indignation and force. t j - ff- » •— • - - ' - dA Cou rt of Common Council will be hoMenon Tl. nr aay ticjtt, in conteqtieuce ol a reqtiiaiti. ai rsceived by the Rijtht Hon. the Lord M. yor to take ii toeoo- nicfatiou the languinary persecution ol tile Protest; r. ts in the Sou: It ot France, and to 3dopt aucb me^ urca, ..- itlier by voting ail addreas to his Royal Highness the Prince Reuesr, or by other meant, which may be judged expedient, t.- v secure the religout liberty of theinhabitatrtf, - ccording to the Constitutional Charter. According to thtraccoutit of those who affect to b » well- informed ol the treaty utiuer which tj-.- j I.. man islands are surrendered to the protection ol Great Britain, secret articles are introduced, by which this Governni; i'". is forbidden, as the allies heretofore with regard to America, to interfere in any war which may be conducted by the courts of Vienna and St. Petersburg against the Sublime Porte. It it asaeriedth. it the Ionian tslatuls the price of tiie compliance of England With this coi,.;.- tion. FURTHER PARTICULARS OF THE LATE SEVERE GALES. PORTSMOUTH, Dec. 10— Arrived yesterday the, Upton Castle Etat iiidiaman, from the Downs, lott- aU anchor and cable; Bayard, Wat bins, Waiter, from tl « Downs, with ditto and ditto; England, Ray, matte:, from the Downs, with loss of ditto and unto ; Variable, Holins, from Plymouth. MARGATE, Dec. 9— The Voodbridge Eas; Indiaman is still ashore in Pope't Bay, but lay* tojc- ibly » .. iy, and as yet has not made much water; her hea.- t. has been got towards the sea, and her cargo will be taken out as soon as the craft can go alongside. RAMSGATE, Dec. 9.— i'ne weather has been niora moderate, and most of the trade have sailed. HARWICH, Dcc. 10.— The biig Alerr, of Sunderland, Saunders, is on shore at Woodbridge, and likely to be a wreck. ' J R u b y , of Yarmouth, Meats,, i « on shote on Bandsey Beach, and hkely to be a wreck. Tr. » Polemon, Blytii, is on shore or. thcAnirews; oris mar. isi- xtwd,- a^ id the Captain's lay nroK,-. ' flm irwrrsnr, Hiilery, is lost on the Gunlicet, crew saved. The •- swift, Croat; Hope, IlasvveTth; Diiua, White; In. verncss packer, have got in hers, v. iih loss of anchors and cables; the Hope also dismasted. The Hi'. nab, Henderson, with the loss oi bowspr. t; the Sq-. irre- I, List, with loss of bowsprit and boats. COLCHESTER, llec. K),— The Indefatigable, Leighton, is onshore on the h. a* t iinrrov. s, and tutt oi water ; tile l o r d Huiitiy, ot At- cnieeil, is a- nor^ on the Guiifieet; five other snips arc asliore on the t> u rieet, natnei not known; a lar^ e ship w. s lost on the Sunk, and a'; hands perished. There has not bsc- n so much damage done on tins coast lor many year.— wc tear > vo k a sc. but little uf it yet. ld « cided opinion co that e!!'.- ct, his Council acquiesced in readily at improved prices—. higher ti. au any $;' veii at ; this decision, hut added, that his client was utnie- r ihe tne late sou ii country markeLs. Gooel wmtc. ers were j protection ol the La-. i ,. f I.' a. iont, in couseque- nce ot the also in lequest, and sold with little variation oi price.— * Treaty ol the ao. ti Ise. veiiioer, hy wlnci. Ciaar- Louis, For lean cattle the demand wa.-, very li. rtned, and iew ! the place of nis inuv. tj, is no ionget with. a the urtuoiy sales weie effected. A nuoiber ol noises were exhibited, i ot France. tut which bigiur pricvj were deiiianu. d titau at late j This cieited murmera. Here Marshal Ney iutertjos- 13. of tiie KtlinburgK * ictter, oodresstii; y to the l i z a r d oi union, coiwanim * at an titr « . ord:- » expecting the EDINBURGH, Dec On Tuesday tji^ ministers and elder* Associate Presbytery met to consider to one of their number, hy rhe Secret:!, the ProtestuiU dissenting ' ministers in I. certHjri resoiuiionh passed by that i><> uy n^ ry general meeting, on ti. e 28th UtUmo, perofsiifion taiseu against- tiie Prote^ runis m tiu- ^. outft ot" France, when the Associate Pietnyttry unannn , u- jy ap*- proved ot the principles expressed is, 1 c- ei. ii} / its ; concurring witn the* e ministers in d^ cp ai d tender nir-. jtlfy with the prr » ecutevi Protestiots in France ; ar. d ear- » - nestly rcCointuendi. a it to all the cony 1 e'<; atKT; j ui. iicv tlic. r luspi. ctioit to make com. rihuti. n. s in am oi u. e ^ euefal iu. ud, which » •-, collecting in LoiiUoc , and other oi the Unred Knigdoni, tov. j. rds- u-.-. i^. purt-.;.
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