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The Glocester Herald


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Volume Number: XIII    Issue Number: 663
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 04/06/1814
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: XIII    Issue Number: 663
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR THE PROPRIETORS BY G. F. HARRIS. VOL. XIII. No. 663. SATURDAY', JI " ) I' 4. PRICE SIX- PENCE HALFPENNY. WEDNESDAY's POST. LONDON, TUESDAY, MAY 31. TROM SATURDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. Lord Chamberlain's Office, May 28,1814. NOTICE is herebygiven, tiiat her 51 ajesty will hold a Drawing- room at the Queen's house, on Thurs- day, the second ot" June, at two o'clock, and another ® n Thursday the lfilh of Jane, at the same hour. Admiralty- Office, May 28,18,14. " Vice- Admiral Lord Exinouth has transmitted to John Wilson Croker, Esq. a letter from Captain Bris- bane, ofhis Majesty's ship Pembroke, dated in Port Maurizio, in the Gulph of Genoa, the 12th of April, stating, that on the preceding day, in company with the Aigle nnd Alcmene, he had driven on shore, under the guns of that place, a convoy of twenty vessels ; and that, having silenced the fire of the town by that ofhis Majesty's ships, four vessels of the convoy were brought off, with the cargoes of fifteen others, which, having been scuttled by the crews, were destroyed. Mr. Henry Nicholas, mirfsliipnnin of the Pembroke, and one seaman, were killed, and four wounded, on this occasion. PROMOTIONS.— U'ar- Office, May 28, 1814. 45til Regiment of'Foot, Brevet Lieut. Colonel L. Greenwell to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Forbes, billed in action j aud Captain J. O'FIaherty to be Major, vice Greenwell. 61st Dilto, Major J. Cheltham to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Coghlan, killed in action. Captain E. P. Sparrow, vice Clieltham; and Capt. J. Horton, by purchase, vice Godfrey, who retires, to be Majors. The King'- German Legion.— 2d Batt. of the Line, Brevet Major G. Timoeus to be Major, vice Cliuden, killed in action. [ This Gazette notices that the Earl of Abergaven- ny was on Monday invested at Carlton- house with the insignia of the Noble Order of the Thistle; that Mr- John Leard was appointed his Majesty's Consul at the port of Finme and its dependencies ; that Mr. E. Pool had been appointed Consul at Harwich for the Sovereign Prince of the Netherlands; and that Col. C. W. Filthorp bad been returned M. P. for Lin- coln city, vice Sir H. Sullivan, deceased.] German Papers have reached town to the 20th inst. If implicit credit may be given to their con- tents, the happy ter. nination of tbe war in one part of the Continent is likely to be followed by tbe re- sumption of hostilities in another. The Russians are assembling troops in Moldavia and Wallacbia, strengthening their fortresses, and securing the passes. ( Such measures would iudicate rather defensive than an offensive war. They appear, however, to have excited the uneasiness aud jealousy of tiie Ottoman Porte which bad ordered corps of observation to be assembled to watch the first movements ot its formi- dable neighbour. While labouring thus under appre- hension of attack from Russia the Grand Seienor seems to feel some inquietude least Austria might, tinder one pretence or another, likewise take np arms against him. Iu au address to the Pachas and Gover- nors. he disclaims entertaining any hostile designs tigainst his powerful neighbours. He fweTTs in the strongest manner upon the necessity of maintaining a good understanding with the Cabinet of Vienna, and parti' iilarly enjoins al! officers who have commands lit the frontier provinces, not merely to refrain from any aggressions upon the Austrian territory, but to repress any attempts that might be made by others, and avert as nint h as possible the ill consequences that might result from the knowledge that such enterpri- ses bad been undertaken. We should imagine that the Tuikish Sovereign need entertain little apprehen- sion of Austria. That power must at the present moment be too much engaged in securing the terri- tories she has acquired in Italy, Dalmetia, the Tyrol, Flanders, aud tbe Netherlands, and in arranging her frontiers, to bend her attention towards raising sup- plies necessary for defray ing the expences of a fresh War. Besides which, we perceive from the foreign papers, that her army was about to he reduced to a peace establishment, abd that orders had been recei- ved at Vienna to stop the recruiting, and disbaud the landwcbr. M. Italinskv, Ambassador from Russia at the Ottoman Porte, had a formal audience of the Grand Seignor, on the 29th March. He was received with the highest marks of honour and respect. M. Emanuel Streckeseu, of Basle, one of the heads 6f the commercial house of Braunsberg and Co. at Amsterdam, has been appointed Minister Plenipoten tiary from the Sovereign Priuce of the Netherlands to the Swiss Confederation. The Empress of Russia continued on the 12th inst. at Carisrhne; her Imperial Majesty, it was supposed, - would remain there with her noble relatives, until the return of the Emperor from his projected jour- ney to this country. Lord Walpole is mentioued in tbe foreign papers to be about to return to Petersburg as Ambassador from Great Britain. Upon tbe subject of the Treaty of Peace the dour iial lie Paris of the 26th contains the following article; , " The Newspapers are as impatient as the Public to be acquainted with the conditions of the Treaty which is to give peace to France. Several writers have even gone so far as to publish the principal arti- cles. If these leally are such as they are stated to he, they are as favourable as could have been expec- ted, under the circumstances in which Fiance is placed. " They are, the integrality of onr ancient territory, and the acquisition of a population of from five to six hundred thousand inhabitants on its frontiers: " The restoration of nearly all our Colonies, and particularly those which are the principal and tbe richest, as St. Domingo, Martinique, Guadaloupe, & c. being those only which were really useful to our commerce, and which were no expense to us: " The retention of the monuments and subjects of the arts, which had become an acquisition of the most precious nature tor France, and which were a real subject of envy to foreigners: " The giving up of all demands of tribute to be paid to the Allied Powers, as well as of tile refunding of tbe euormous contributions levied on them during a war of ten years continuance. This article, the most delicate in the negot iation, was also the most difficult and serious, in as much as on it depended the restitution of sums amounting to more than the whole revenue of France lor four years ; and for this advantage we are indebted to the firmness and sen- sibility of the King, who conld not submit to the imposition of such au enormous burthen upon Ins peo- ple ; but wemtisl nt tiie same time aduuie tbe mag- nanimity of the Allied Sovereigns, who coincided with the just represent liions ofthe King, aud yielded to bis pressing remonstrances. " In short, we are certain that the Treaty does not contain any clause humiliating to the nation ; none of those stipulations consented to by Bonaparte, such as putting into the possession of the Allies seve- ral of our strong places, as a guarantee for our good faith in the execution of the Treaty, & c- " Tbe principal outlines of tbe Treaty which has been concluded, assuredly form the basis of a Peace the most advantageous, honourable, antl glorious for France that she could possibly have hoped for in her present situation. Nevertheless this Treaty lias be- come already the subject of long commentaries." In the event of a futnre war with France, our naval men calculate that the retention of ttie Mauritius would be equal to a saving of ten sail of the line. On no other station can the French shelter and fit out cruizers to auuoy our oriental trade on its passage. In 1810, when the island was taken, the number of prize- vessels, there found, exceeded all expectation. On restoring this important settlement, if restore it we must, why may not an article be inserted in the treaty, of a nature similar to that which, in preceding trea- ties, accomp inied the surrender of the islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon ; vTz. that no fortifications siiajjf be kept up, and no gariison retained beyond what is necessary for civil purposes; with even astipulation on our part, not to molest the island in the event of war, provided it be not made a naval station? The Duke d'Angoulenie arrived in Paris from the South on Friday, and was received with tbe usual de- monstrations ofjoy. By a Royal decree all Officers of the French Navy who had quitted it to serve under the flags of other nations from political considerations, are reinstated in their rank and pay, and invited to return home. A private letter from Paris, dated May 26, stys :— " At length the diplomatic corps are beginning to move. Lord Burghe'rsh takes the lead ; he sets off on Sunday. The Emperor of Austria certainly does not go to England; he leaves on Monday for Vienna. Lord Aberdeen returns to London as soon as the Emperor is gone. The Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia are expected to leave about Wednesday. General Sir Chafles Stewart accompanies the latter, and Lord Cathcart the formel. Lord Clancarty ar- rived a few days since from tlic Hague. Lord Cas- tlcreagh will immediately follow the Emperors, & c." On the 14th inst. a party of British at Paris gave an entertainment to Count Platow, the celebrated Hetman of the Cossacks : lie is reported to have said, he always spoke his mind to the Emperor of Russia, and always would whether it agreed with his stomach or not. Two Bremen Mails arrived yesterday. The destiny of Poland is at length decided. Erected into a king- dom she is to have for her sovereign'the Emperor Alexander, with the title of King of Poland. This is a kind ot homage paid to the spirit of national inde- pendanee, at least in a nominal way. The Court of Copenhagen has declared all communi- cation between Norway and the Danish dominions at an end, except through Sweden. The exportation of corn and provisions to that country is interdicted under heavy penalties. The Norwegian Diet, convoked by Prince Chris- S m,, Mtsings. Th; Swedish party in it hr. s entirely simk ; Bishop . Sltim and tbe Pastor i Wesgeland have been arrested as its beads. The re- publicans, who wanted no king; but an Executive Directory of nine members, were also put down. Prince Christian had a great majority of votes ill his favour. The Constitution definitively adopted con- sists of only nine articles : it confers oil the Prince the Crown of Norway, transmissible to his descendants; and confides the Legislative power to an assembly solely composed oflanded proprietors. The Diet was dissolved on the 19th of April, after a speech from the new King. The latest letters from St. Bartholomew's mention, that possession would, iu April, be taken of the island of Guadaloupe, in the name of the King ofSweden; that Charles F. Covellc, Esq. had been appointed Go- vernor, and M. Baroaster, Grand Judge. General Girard, the successor of Davonsf, in the command at Hamburgh, has issued a proclamation on the state of public affairs, a. id adopted every possible means to alleviate the miseries and redress tbe wrong* of the inhabitants. Tbe French were to commence the evacuation of that city on the 26tb, and the Rus- sians were to enter on tbe 28th inst. All is once more commercial activity at Hamburgh. The Exchange was re- opened on the 18th, and a con siderable deal of business was transacted. Davoust, we are happy to find, is under arrest, principally at the instance of the proprietors of the Bank ofHambnrgb, to compel that nupriucipled ruffian to disgorge his plunder. A letter from Hamburg, dated the 10th inst. speaks thus of their sufferings under Davoust's tyranny :— " To give even an imperfect description of what we have suffered, mid of the studied cruelty with which we have been treated, would require more tranquillity of mind than can be possessed with snch a scene of waste and desolation before us. During the siege, the price of provisions and of fuel was excessively high; and towards its close, neither wine, milk, or fresh meat, was to be procured on any terms. Horse- flesh not only constituted the food of the tioops, but also of the inhabitants. Dysentery raged among us and cutoff many victims, including the greater part of our physicians, surgeons, and apothecaries. The military bnrying- ground, formerly in front of the Dam Gate, but afterwards removed to St George's Fields, near the City Canal, certainly received more than 10,000 corpes, both of soldiers and citizens, most of which were thrust into the gionnd naked, or mere- ly wrapped in sacks. The greater part of onr sub- urbs w ere demolished without the least compunction ; and in the interior ofthe city many of our best houses are rendered utterly uninhabitable by being converted into barracks and hospitals." The Duke of Wellington left Toulouse on the 17th for Madrid. Ferdinand the IVth. King of the Two Sicilies, has published a Proclamation, protesting,, in tbe strong- est manner, against the occupation of the Throne of Naples by Marat A rumour from Frankfort mentions that Murat will be made an Island King like his relation, and will haveSardinia— tbe King of Sardinia to be indemnified in the Milanese with the title of King of Italy, which it is said he will transfer lo tile Archduke Francis of • Austria. We know not oil what these speculations rest. Priva'e information, which we have some reason to think accurate, assures us, that the recent proceed- ings at Valencia ( see our last page) were not ai ranged wilh persons of an unworthy description, but with some of tbe most popular characters in Spain, who have procured the King's solemn promise to establish a well- balanced Constitution, ou principles which the nations of the present day have adopted from Eng- land. A corps of 1400 lancers is to be raised in the Hanoverian territories. Letters and papers were received Ibis morning from America ( via Lisbon.) Mr. Madison had published a long and angry account ill the Intelligencer against tbe opposition of the minority to the Bill authorizing a loan of 25,000,000 dollars; by which it would ap- pear, he considered it a species of high treason for the Legislature to attempt to exert the only constitu- tional means of checking the executive in their career of war, viz. by withholding supplies. — Congress ( cqu tinues the correspondent,) according to the doctrine of tilt Intelligencer, is much iip- m a footing with Bo naparte'a Conservative Senate : they have, nothing to do but register the edicts of Mr. Madison without ftu tiler inquiry. There is no foundation for tliereport ofthe missin;. of Lord Gauibier and others to tbe Hague, to trev for a peace with the American Coniuiisiouers. On the first arrival of Admiral t> . inane, be de- manded of the American Govtfeg^ Hfce release o all . the v! i£ U? fi >:.. - ^^^^ jjj^^ Hgiu ,>''< d> prefeiioss. Colonel .< ' VHHR^ M' into tbe interior, notwitli « tsnSX... » . < ..!•> n- im- ustiaNf> o,. the subject. The Colonel in vain pointed ont the in justice of tbe act, while Mr. lleazley, the American Agent, was permitted to reside in tbe British capital He consequently resigned bis situation, and laid hi « complaints before the British Government. Mr. Robinson, we understand, Ims been nominated to suc- ceed Col. Berkley, All American prisoners are ex- pected to be sent to England. Letters from SierraLeone down to the 2d ult. . state, that the Adams American frigate was then on tl coast, that his Majesty's ship Plover, Capiat > Collin Campbell, had postponed his departjfe from Africa, to go in quest of tbe Adams, and from the state ofthe Plover, and experience of her Commander, great hopes were enlertained ofhis meeting the enemy, not withstanding the superiority of lorce on the side of the Yankcy. . . Extract of a letter from- Lima, Feb. 12.—" The American frigate Essex has done much mischief among the British whalers on the roasK^^ J^ jJwte frigate and Cherub arrived soon after rather too late. They have proceeded from Chili." The Quebec paper says " We begiu to perceive here that the American embargo is in operation. Large quantities of goods of every description are proceeding daily for Montreal, and the discount on Government Bills of Exchange has already fallen 2^ per cent. It is not improbable that in the next campaign the Ame- rican army will have to act on the defensive, guarding in their turn a frontier of 900 miles, against an inva- sion of bales of merchandize ; and if the war and em- bargo are of long continuance, we do not despair of seeing a stout traffic carried on by the army itself." In the House of Commons, on Thursday, Mr. Foster gave notice, that when the Corn Importation Bill should come again before the Honse, he should mov. e a clause, prohibiting the importation of foreign corn under the price of 84s. a quarter, and allowing a free importation of all corn above that price.— j On Friday, Mr. Grattan presented a petition f'roli; t. h-' Roman Ca- tholics of Cork, in"? Sir J. C. Hippisley said tfnfceXsfcSosi • in- vestigation was necessary before the question was de cided. He severely reprobated the conduct of the Catholic. Board, the members of which had erected themselves into a permanent Parliament, legislating for the Catholics; but he hoped that all the energies of Government would be employed to suppress it.— The sum of 3,350,0001. was voted for the Extraordi- nary Army Expencesof 1813.— Theextraordinaries of tbe present year, Mr. C. Long observed, would a- moiint to 19 millions.— The sum offive millions was also voted to pay Exchequer Bills lor Great Britain ; 209,0001. for Ireland, antl one million for Exchequer Bills in 1813. An account was received in town on Saturday that his Majesty was very much indisposed in bodily health. It was a severe bowel complaint; but we have the happiness to say he has greatly recovered. The ensuing six weeks will witnels the most splen- did movements that perhaps. cygf t> ok place iu the British Court. The Russian Ambassador, Ihe Earl of Cliohnondeley, as Master of the Household, autl the Duke of Montrose, have had frequent conferences with the Prince Regent within these few days, to make the final arrangements for the reception of the Royal Strangers w ho are expected. The Duke of Cumber- land's apartments have been fitted np in a princely style, and are to be offered to the Emperor of Russia. Should he prefer, however, residing with his sister at the Pulteney Hotel, it is supposed the King of Prussia will reside in the Duke of Cumberland's apartments. Two of the Royal carriages left town for Dover, to be in readiness to bring their Majesties to London ; their suites will be so numerous as to require 70 horses, which are ordered to be in readiness at the different stages. They are expected on Wednesday, provided nothing happens to prevent them.— Tbe Duke of Clarence left town on Saturday, and orders were sent from the Admiralty to the Port Admiral to have every thing prepared. The Princess Charlotte, it is said, will not be pre- sented at the Queen's Drawing- roots, on Thursday, unless it is by her mother: tITat she will not be mar- ried unless her mother is present at the ceremony; antl that she will not leave the kingdom, though mar- ried to the Hereditary Prince of Orange.— COUNTY CHRONICLE. It is with regret we announce the death of Lord Aicklaud. His Lordship was seized with a fit while at breakfast on Saturday morning, at Eden farm, near Bromley, Kent, and expired almost imme. diately. His Lordship was the third son of Sir Ro- bert Eden, Bart, was educated at Eton, entered at Christ Church, Oxford, iu 1763, called to tbe bar at the Middle Temple, 1769, created a Baron 1793, and is succeeded by his eldest g> n, George. The following remarkable advertisement appeared in the Observer Paper of Sunday fortnight:—*' The Chancellor of the Exchequer hereby acknowledges as desired, through the Observer, the receipt of 3221, sent to him by a person unknown, on the 10th of May, 1814. on account of the property tax." The Royal Veteran Battalions are to be reduced the 24th of June next. The addition that is intended to be made to the halt- pay is about one- third : a- Jsientenant of Infantry will have 9d. per day— the rest in proportion. To obviate the inconvenienceexperienned by Offi- cers arriving from foreign service sick or wounded, in consequence of their being unable to obtain imme- diate - upplies of money ; General Officers command- ing districts have been authorized to procure such ad- vances of pay for them on landing, as shall appear to be requisite for their situations. BRISTOL SHIP NEWS. CAME IN— TheMartha, Palmer, thvNeptnne, Bower, and the Betsy, Copplystone, fromWatcrford, the A vou- more, Myles, fronii Yoilghall, the William and Mary, Hucker, the Mercury, Vanghan, the Turtle Dove, Meyrick, the Henry and Mary, Day, aud the Mary, Jones, from Cork, the Lund, Bell, tbe Priscilla, Veal, and the Helena, Adey, from Lisbon, tbe Wilberforre, . Thorn, from Bilbao, aud the Regent, May, from • Wexford. SAILED.— The Palmyra, Hughes, the Hercules, Harris, and tbe Swift, Hughes, for Dublin, the Santa, Isabel Ozeda, for Vigo, the l li'oerriia, Davis, for Cork, tiu Sally, Crewse, and the Louisa Anna, Rogers, for Naples, ilia lit ets. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, MAY 30. We had this morning a plentiful supply of Wheat hirfly from Essex antl Kent. The demand for this • i- iicle was very small this day; hence it declined rein 5s. t 6s. per qr. and most of the samples remain m sin.- ii!. — liarley i- ti. l! ;}' t. pc qr. lo ver, an » l the ( lis tii'ers having left oft' purchasing, Malt is quite a dull • rtjile, and about 2s. per. qr. cheaper for inferioi oris, be I samples about Is. per quarter lower. \ lute Boilers arc rather scarce aud dearer, but Hog Pease, and Beans of each kind, remain as last quoted. — Fine Samples of Oats are selling on much the same terms as last Monday, but an oiler van hardly be ob- tained t'dr inferior qualities.— Flour as last week— There is a repott of a Bill to alio * the importation of Irish Spirits to be introduced in Parliament. / neat Pine ditto Superfine ditto, Kye Barley Malt : White Pease., s. s. 50 to 68 — to — 70 10 75 . 32 to 36 .. 28 to 32 65 ro 74 50 to 60 Boilers 65 to 68 Grey Pease 40 ro 43 Beans 38 to 42 Ticks 34 ro 41 Oats 18 to 27 Poland ditto IS to 27 Potatoe ditto ...— to — PRICE OF FLOUR. Fine 60s. to 65s. per sack. AVERAGE PRICE OF SUGAR, Computed from the returns made in the week ending May 25, i814, is 63s. 4id. per cwt. Exclusive ot the duties paid or payable thereon onim portation thereof into Great Britain. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, JUNE 1. We had a good supply of fresh Wheat from Suffolk this morning, which iq addition to a large quantity left over from Monday, made together a considerable appearance, and having but little demand the sales were heavy, and Monday's prices only attainable for that of fine quality ; all other descriptions are 2s. per quarter cheaper. Barley goes off slowly, and is full is. per quarter lower, having a large arrival ibis day from Norfolk and Suffolk. In Peas, Beans, autl other articles there is no alteration. Coiintrn ,) KarTi£ ts?. WORCESTER Wheat, Os. Od. to 8s. 8| iT. ., Bailey, 4s. lofd. to 5s. 4d Pease, 5s. 4d. to .<••- Lid. ,..!>..-, us, 4:!. to 6s. old. ... pals, 3i, 6. Jd- Lu ( I. per IViiicheslir\ bushel of eight' gallon*. BRISTOL... Wheat, 65s, 4d. to70s. 8d. per quarter ... Fine Flour, 60s. to 66s.... Second do. 52s. to 58s. pet- sack.... Barley, 26s. to 34s. per quarter.... Oats, 17s. tn 24s. Od. per quarter Beans 42s. to — s. per qr.... Pease, 42s. to 64d. per quarter Quartern Loaf: Wheaten, ltd.; Standard, 9| d.; Household, - d Hay, 60s. to 85s. Od.... Straw, Is. 4d. to Is. ltd. READING.... Wheat, 53s. Od. to 88s. Od Beans; 47s. to 48s. Od Pease, 53s. to— s. od Oats, 24s! to 32s. 6d Barley, 35s. Od. to 37s. Od. WARMINSTER Wheat, 60s. to 77s. Barley, 30s. to 35s,.. Oats, 26s. to 32s.... Beans, 46s. to 54s. DEVIZES Wheat, 60s. to 80s Barley, 30s. to 36s..,. Oats, 26s. to 29s.... Beans, 24s. to 28s. £ 15,000 in Shares. In the Lottery which finished Drawing on TUESDAY, tbe 10th instant, No. 5,532, a Prize of Fifteen Thousand Pounds, WAS SOLD IN , One Half and Eight Sixteenths, at SWIFT and Co.' s LONDON OFFICES, No. lt, Poultry, No. l2, Charing- Cross, No. 31, AldgateHigh Street, Aud by their Agents in the Country, NEW STATE LOTTERY DEGtNS DRAWING ON THE KING'S BIRTH- DAY, THIS DAY. 20,000 4,000 2,500 1,200 1,500 1,560 29,240 SCHEME. 1 ., ,. of .. .. £ 20,000 .. 10,000 2 .. 2 .. 15 .. ........ 100 52 .. 30 1,720 .. 17 9,000 Tickers .£ 90,000 TICKK. TS and SHARES are Selling bv SWIFT and Co. Contractors, at their London Offices as above, AND BY THEIR AGENTS, J. WASH BOURN, Bookseller, Glocester, W. STEVENS, jun. Cirencester, E. RED DELL, Printer, Tewkesbury. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against ISAAC COOKE, of Cheltenham, in the County of Glocester, Uphol- sterer and Cabinet- maker, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required lo surrender himself to the Commissioners ill the said Commission named, or the major part of tlieni, on the 6th, 7th, and 28th days of June next, at twelve o'clock at noon on each day, at the house of Beijamin Fieldhouse, known by the name or sign of the Ilop- POLE INN, in the parish of Saint Nicholas, iu the City of Worcester, and make a full discovery- antl disclo- sure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last silting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from the allowance of his Certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs, C'ARDALES and YOUNG, Hol- born Court, Gray's Inn, or to Mr. WILLIAM PARKES, Solicitor, Worcester. CIRENCESTER. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO LET. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS ofthe TURNPIK15 GATES and WEIGHING EN- GINES hereunder mentioned, will be LET BY \ UC- TION, to the be t tiidder, al the FLEECE INN, iu Cirencester, in ilia County of Gloeester, on Friday, the I7lh day of June next,' atTeno'Clock ill the Fore- noon of that Day, for One Year, lo commence from the Days after- mentioned, agreeable to Ihe Directions ofthe Act of Parliament of the 13lli Year ofthe Reign ol his present Majesty, " For regulating the Turnpike Roads :" the Tolls of which Gales were let for the last Year, as follows, antl will be put up at tbe ame Sum for the next yean, viz.— The Gate and Weighing Engine at the end of £ Dyer- street, Cirencester, - nr, 0 The Gate at Clay- Hill, near Lcchlade, ..-.'.'. The Gate at the bottom of Cricklade- street, Ci- rencester, The Gate and Weighing Engine at Latton, near Cricklade,. To Conmi€ hc6 the Ist August next. The Gate at the Salutation near Cirencester,.... 214 The Gate and Weighing Engine at Comb End Beeches, The Gate iu Speringate- Liine, Cirencester, ey To commence the lath July next. The Gate and Weighing Engine at the Round Tower and Park- Corner, near Cirencester, 244 The Gate at Burnt Ash, near Mincliii. hampton, 124 The Gate at Rodborough and Bowie- Hill, near Stroud, j7g To commence the lltli October next. Each Person, at his fir t Bidding, will be required to produce or name his Security, which if not satisfac- tory to the Trustees, his Bidding will not be taken : and whoever happens to he the best Bidder, must, at the same time, make a Deposit of Twenty Pounds, which will be forfeited, unless the Person named as the Security do, at tbe time affixed bv the Trustees, enter into a Bond for Payment of the Rent, and by such Instalments us thev sha I direct. May 14, 1814. SAM. B. LEDIARD, Clerk. 345 170 168 If a Ham's Antibilious Pills. r I^ HIs safe and elegant preparation is justly esfeem- ... ed for its agreeable and certain operation, by which it effectually removes all inaction or ohstruc Hon of the stomach and bowels, whether arising from bile, indigestion, flatulency, or cold; sickness at sto. m a eh, head ache, & c. It operates by dislodging acrid bile or other crudities retained in tiie intestinal canal, and acts as an alterative to tiie system gene- rally. Free from any antimonial or mercurial prepa- rations, it is at all times safe ; and has been given with singular good effect during Pregnancy. Its action is particularly adapted to persons of bilious habits, and those of sedentary lives, where a sufficient action. of the bowels is riot kept up, and crudities retained in those. organs are frequently producing pains aud dis- tensions, head aches, languor, and giddiness. The worst cases of bilious or sick head aches arc cer. tamly removed by a single dose, anil in a much shorter f tune than could be credited, but from experience. The Proprietor thinks it proper to remark, they will be found jjot only to act without pain or uneasiness, but to I . lie. the body after their iinnieduiVe ucti- ui t peases, - tnlr froiu tinrt eo.- tive untie wiiichj- entiaity succeeds <,|. eiitiiu„ laxative medicinej." Sold wholesale and retail by E. Ei, WARDS, do St. Paul's Church Yard, London. Price 2 « . 9d. & 4s- 6d! per box. Retail also by Ingram, Southgate- street; Walker, and Washbouin, Glocester; Wilson, Brisleyj aud Mills, Stroud ; Hincks, and Freeman, Chelten- ham ; aud all Medicine Venders in Great Britain. ' PO those who are so UNFORTUNATE as to X suffer by that disagreeable Disorder, the ITCH, to which, as daily experience proves, the most respec table persons are from its infectious nature liable; it will be of advantage to know, that they may relv'on being effectually cured, by ONE HOUR'S APPLICATION OF BARCLAY'S ORIGINAL OINTMENT. ThisOintmenthas been in general use for upwards of 80 years, w ithout a single instance of its having failed to cure the most inveterate cases. It does not ooa'aiu tbe smallest particle ef mercury, or any other dangerous in- gredient, and may be safely used by persons of the most delicate constitution. The Public arc requested to observe, that none can possibly be genuine, unless the Names of the Proprietors, BARCLAY and SONS, are engraved ou the stamp affixed to each Box ; aud' great danger may arise from tbe neglect of this'Cau- tion. — Sold wholesale aud retail by BARCLAY and SONS, ( the only successors lo JACKSON ifnd Co.) No. 95, Fleet Market, London, price Is. 91. duty indu- ed ; and by their appointment by Ingram, Walker, and Morgan, Glocester; Hincks, and Henn? v, Chel- tenham ; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester - Pearee Hartelbury ; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Wil- n^ Stroud; Goodwyn, Tetbury ; Rickards, Dursley ; Meacham', Ledbury ; and ever* Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The Celebrated CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD, IS a preserver and restorer of health to tbe weak, tbe sickly, and infirm. Its warm ami renovating qua- lity, indisputably renders it the best medicine for re- taxations, debility, lassitude, tremors, sinking of the spirits, and all those net vons affections which harass and oppress the weak, the sedentary, and the delicate; it warms1 and steadies the cold and tremulous nerves, invigorates the muscular system, animates tbe spirits, aud renovates the whole man, whereby the chill watery fluids become rich and balsamic, aud the circulation resumes its healthful stale. Sold by Wood, Walker, Morgan, and Ingram, Gloces- ter; Reddell, Tewkesbury; Hinc1 s, Cheltenham; Agg, Evesham ; Tj'inbs and Sons, Worcester;, Roberts, Ross; and Wright, Hereford; price lis. each, or four in one family bottle fur 38s. by which oue lis. bettle is saved, with the words " Sam!. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp. Of ivhom may also be had. The celebrated ANTI- 1MPETIGLXE.% or .101.0- MOXs DROPS, ( without mercury or any deleterious pre/ at- ration jtthich stand in the highest estimation for the race of the Scurvy, Scrofula, Leprosy, and all disorders or urinating in an impure slate of the blood; bentt; grudtia', gentle, arid almost impercepti/ e in their operation— the best substitute, that has ever been discovered for that dangerous mineral Mer- cury, sweetening the blood, and stimulating it lo erpel a'l noxious and impure juices, giving strength " nil lone to the nerves, enlivening and invigorating both botht and mind. Price Its. per bottle, or four in one family bottle for 33s. on which one small bottle is saved. The words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," aie engraved on ihu stamp of each bottle, without which none are genuine, U^ Dr Solomon expects, when consulted by letter, the usual compliment ofa one pound note to he in- closed, addressed," Money Letter. Dr Solomon, Gi- lead House, near Liverpool. Paid double postage." I' THTUSDA. Y's POST. LONDON, WEDNLSBAY, iVNF. I. rpHE Gazette of last nil; lit contains a notification J^ final flit Foreign- Office of the blockade of the poitsofthe United States of America, ordered by. Sir A\ Cochrane; and also, one of the withdrawing the hTbekiule of tlie Elbe.— An Order in; Council takes off the iHOhihitioti against the exportation of sheet eopper. The Gazette also contains a dispatch from Sir Geo. Prcvost, informing Government, that between the lath and 16th of February, the American army under Wilkinson; who had- continued to occupy a position on the frontier of Lower Canada, on the Salmon river, abandoned their position and retreated lo Sackett's harbour, Btiflington, and Pittsburgh. The enemy's lt- ar- guard was imteli harrassed by a detachment under Cohmel 2e « rt, a considerable quantity of their provi- sions and stores tell into our possession, and the des- truction of their bloek- honses, barracks, and boats \ Vas completed. But the papers by the Halifax mail Have brought later intelligence than that contained in flie Gazette. Wilkinson re- advanced on tiie 30th of Match from Burlington and Pittsburgh in great force ami attacked onr post of La Cole Mill, defended by Major Hancock, of the 13th foot. Onr picqnets being driven in, the enemy established a battery which opened on the Mill block- house. With an inferior force, however, Major Hancock attacked the enemy's guns, but could not succeed in consequence of the ivurronndhig wood being filled w ith infantry for. their support. Another attempt was made by a company of Canadian grenadiers, and another of voltigeur. s. They succeeded in gaining the enemy's block- house. The enemy, after persevering in their attack till night fall, withdrew their guns and retreated with severe loss; and thus Sir George Prcvost adds," the enemy's fourth attempt to invade Canada has, like his former efforts, recoiled on his own haad with disgrace and defeat." By the American Journals it appears that great con- sternation prevailed at Baltimore, where an immediate attack was expected : part of om; fleet was. only, one day's sail from Baltimore., At Sackett's harbour the enemy are in equal alarm. But the apprehensions they, have hitherto felt, and the chastisement they have hitherto received will be tri fling when compared'with that we are now preparing to inflict upon them. They attacked lis when we wire contending against the whole power of France. We are now about to attack them with France con verted into a friend, and no enemy remaining in Eu- rope to divert oil! attention or divide our force. The dreadfully unwelcome intelligence, unwelcome only to the Americans, of the destruction of Bona- parte's power, ha ! not readied America at the date of tlie last accounts from thence. They had 110 Intel news than the 7th of March, when Bonaparte was at Troves, The expedition destined for America will, we. un- derstand, amount to 18,000 men. Paris papers of Saturday last have arrived : they afford ns no additional information relative to the Peace, contenting themselves with still boasting of its being highly advantageous to France. The Em- peror of Russia and the King of Prussia were ex pccted to leave Pari. » either yesterday or to- day. All their troops are on their march homewards.— The King of France was to open the Sitting of the Legislature this day. At Paris, however, they seem not to be very anxious for a new Consitution. Some of the papers say that the very name of Con- stitution makes them shudder, as containing in it the seeds not of order and repose, bnt of faction and con- vulsion They incline to the order of things as it slood before the Revolution. Monsieur is rather better than he was. His illness seems to have been of an alarming nature. A private letter from Paris states that Belgium is to be attached to the Netherlands, and present- ed by the Allied Powers to the Princess Charlotte of Wales, as her dowry and in consideration ofthe colonies soiled to France. A new was between Prance aid Austria is already a topic of sfeculatio^ among tin* Diplomatics at Paris. * We understand it is in contemplation to continue a strong British force in the Netherlands, and iu Portugal for the present. Geneva is to become one of the Swiss Cantons. The following extract of a letter from Paris, dated May 26' h, elucidates the subject which occasioned the delay ill the signature of the Treaty of Peace : —" Of all the rumours on the subject of Peace, the only one which has hitherto appeared founded en fact is, that France, iu addition to her ancient teiritory, is alfowed to retain three departments of the Belgic provinces; but she pays pretty dear for that concessioo. The Allies have taken in tiie dif- ferent arsenals, fortresses, & c. 12,000 cannon, tiie greatest part of which have been already sent away, with the tumbrils, & e. France also furnished the horses to draw them. Nor is this all— the Allied troops have been newly clad, their cavalry remount- ed, and the whole to be maintained as long as they remain in France, at an enormous expence. The Allied Sovereigns besides demanded a contribution of 1800 millions of francs; the Emperor Alexander, however, declared at the same time that he was rea- dy to give a receipt for his own share, if it was grant- ed. But Lonis XVIII. peremptorily refused to. listen to any proposition of the kind, and made an appeal to the generosity of the Prince Regent against this claim ofthe Allies." Tiie King of Sardinia made his solemn entry into Turin on the 20th.— Mnrat, King of Naples, has also arrived in his capital. In his address to his Council of State and Court of Appeal, he announces that the independence of his kingdom is guaranteed to him by the Allies, and promises his subjects a new constitu- tion. He finishes this business with going, accom- panied by all bis family, to the Cathedral, and kissing the reliques ot the clorious St. Januarius !— The Aus- trian Minister, appointed to the Court of Naples, and also a Russian officer of distinction, arrived the same day. The restoration of King Ferdinand IV. to his continental dominions, his right to which he has der clared he would never abandon, is thus become hope- less, A deputation from Corsica has waited on Lord W. Bcntinek, desiring the union of that island to the British Empire : and his Lordship has appointed Gen. Montresor to take upon him the Provisional Govern- ment of the island. By the French Mail, letters from Madrid of so late a date as the 17th, have been received. After stating the arrival in his capital of the " beloved Ferdinand," they inform us, that previous to his entrance, the city was surrounded by the troops of Coiint de la Bisbal, Elio, and General Whittingham. The letters add, that" the Duke of Wellington had arrived, empow- ered to mediate on the part of England and her Allies in order to place Spain on that footing which the present State of Europe required ; and that he had a conference witii the leading men in the confidence of the young King, the result of which was an agree- ment signed by the latter that a legal meeting of the National Cortes should immediately take place, the principal object of which should be to regulate and mature a Constitution for Spain, agreeable to t| ie v i.- lies of ttie people, and consonant to she present slate of Europe." It is reported with much appearance of truth that the overthrow of the Spanish Cortes will tend to pro- mote the interests of England, a majority of that body tiaving an unfriendly feeling towards this country ; the people likewise highly approve of the measure. The Prim e of Wirtetnberg reached Dover yester- day from Calois, and has since arrived in London, It is now certain, we belie* that the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia will arrive in the British capital before tbe end of the week, probably ou Fri- day. In consequence of notification to this effect, the Royifl Yachts sailed on Sunday. from the Downs for Boulogne, accompanied by the Duke of Clarence in the Impregnable, Bedford, and Chatham, ships of the line, Jason frigate and several smaller vessel", with, the Svveborg Russian frigate; and it is also fi- nally arranged that the illustrious visitors are to be .. disembarked at Dover, to which place the troops from Deal and its vicinity marched on Monday. The Nymphen frigate arrived yesterdiy in Dover roads from Boulogne, having about a dozen chosen Cossacks, with their horses. This troup is composed of men uearsfjven feet high, and is intended to afford to the Londoners a brilliant specimen of the appear- ance and performances of this celebrated irregular ca- valry. At a Ptivy Council, held yesterday, Lord Middle- ton was sworn in lord- lieutenant of Surrey.— The Prince Regent afterwards held a Chapter of the Order of the Thistle, at which the Earl of Galloway was invested with the insignia of that anrient order. The gallant Lord Hill reached town on. Saturday, and waited upon Ministers to receive instructions, for his command in America. The pay. to be given to General Officers who are without regiments, and the increase of the half- pay of Officers, is at length determined upon. Full Ge- nerals are ' o get2i.; Lieut.- Generals 11. 12s. el.; and Major- Generals II. 5s. a day. Officers on half- pay are lo hav. e sqch an addition to it as will make it, ou the whole, abcat two tliii Is of the full pay of. their rank. The Eton Montem yesterday went off with great eclat, by the fineness of Ihe day, and the immense concourse of the. Nobility arid Gentry assembled. — Her Majesty was prevented attending by the indispo- sition of the Princess Elizabeth. Tbe Prince Regent and the Duke of Cambridge were present, and gave their salt. The Captain, Mr. Barnard, had a very handsome harvest. A Committer ofihe House of Commons is. now sif- ting, to inquire into the most useful and practicable mode of equidiziiig the weights aud measures ofthe kingdom by one regulating standard. Mr. D. Giddy, Mr, Woolaston, and Mr. Playfair, are principally consulted on this important measure. Parliament, we understand, from tliq great extent of public business yet to be done, is uot likely to rise before the latter end of July. Letters from Genoa mention, that at a public en- tertainment, on tlie arrival of Bonaparte in the Isle of Elba, the ci- devant Emperor, mice the terror, new the derision of the Continent, seemed to be in high spirits, and perfectly reconciled to his new destiny. He spoke of giving orders for the erection of a new palace, and a splendid theatre, of opening a spacious road from one extremity of the islet to the other; and lie has actually given directions to prepare stables for fifty horses, and places for a number of carriages. It is reported that his family will shortly arrive at Elba, and prove a desirable accession to tlie courtly so- ciety of the island. The Catholic Bishops met in Synod, at Maynooth, on the 25th. instant. They continued in conference until the 27th, when they entered into a variety of resolutions, by which it appears that they consider the late rescript not mandatory, and that they will immediately depute two Bishops to convey their sen- timents on the document to the Pope. An Aggregate Meeting is to. be convened, and, on the formal Refusal of Mr. Grattan to move upon the Catholic Petition, it will be proposed to. confide that document to another Gentleman — Dublin Even. Post Soci'i'ry OF ARTS.— Yesterday an Assembly was. held for the presentation of the Prizes allotted by the Society. It was most brilliant. The Duke of Nor- folk, the President, delivered the Prizes to the suc- cessful Candidates, with appropriate speeches. The great room was ciowded with Ladies. In the evening the Society dined together at tiie Crown and Anchor Tavern. W\ R- OFFICE, May 3,1. 3d r eg. foot, Major James Ferguson, from 8.5th foot, to be iient. colonel by pur- chase, vice F? anbury, who retires ; Lieut W-. Joxon, to tie captaid-— SSd ditto, Capt. T. E. Drake to be ma. ior. BREVET. Col. W. Guard, of 45th foot, to be Ma- jor- General in the army.— To be Colonels, Lieut.- Col. T. N. Wyndham, 1st dragoons, and George Hill, 3d reg. foot guards.— To be Majors, Cap is. M. S. Wal- roud, an assistant quarter- master- general, and James Allen, 23d light drag. AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR MAY. The late dry weather has had the best effect upon the corn crop, the whole of which, upon ail those soils that were properly cultivated, is 111 the most promis- ing state. The young wheats have tillowed abundant- ly, and shot up into a spindle with a strong dark green pendant flag, an appearance that always precedes a full crop. The barley crop is most promising, being a regularly grown plant, in consequence of the genial showers that fell at the beginning of last month : the late sown is finely upon the cnrl. Rye hassprung into ear and promises an early ripe crop. Oats have also tiliowed well, and appear a full crop. Pease are strong on the bind, free from the fly, aud look well on those soils under the row eultiii e. Beans have, a large leaf and a regular plant. FURTHER COR. RESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE DRAWING- ROOM. THE QUEEN TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES. " Windsor Castle, May 25, 1814. " The Queen has received this afternoon, the Prin- cess of Wales's letter of yesterday, in reply to the communication which she was desired by the Prince Regent to make to her ; and she is sensible of the disposition expressed by her Royal Highness not to discuss with her, topics which must be painful to both. " The Queen considers it inenmbeqt upon her to send a copy of the Princess of Wales's letter to the Princp Regent; and her Majesty could have felt no hesitation in communicating to the Illustrious Stran- gers tylio may possibly be present at her Caurt, the circumstances . which will prevent the Princess of Wales from appearing there, ifhef Royal Highness had not rendered a compliance with her wish to this effect unnecessary, by intimating her intention of making pnbl| c the cause of her absence. " CHARLOTTE, R." THE ANSWER OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES TO THE QUEEN. " The Princess of Wales has the honour to acknow- ledge the receipt of a note from the Queen, dated yesterday ; and begs permission to return her best thanks to her Majesty, for her gracious condescension, in the willingness expressed by her Majesty, to have communicated to the Illustrious Strangers, who will in all probability be present at her Majesty's Court, the reasons which have induced her Royal Highness not to be present. Such communication, as it appears to her Royal H| ghness, cannot be the less necessary on account of any publicity which it may be in the power of her Royal Highness to give to her motives: anq tlie Princess of Wales therefore entreats the aptiye good offices of her Majesty, npon an occacion wherein the Princess of Wales feels it so essential to her that she should not be misunderstood. " CAROLINE, B." Cpnnaught- place, May 26, J814. THE QUEEN TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES. " Windsor- Castle, May 27, 1814. " TheQueen cannot omit to acknowledge the re- ceipt of the Princess of Wales's note, of yesterday, al- though it does not appear to her Majesty to require any other reply than that conveyed to her Royal Highness's preceding letter. " CHARLOTTE, It." the chair, a reflation was passed, that " in the event ofhis R. H. tbe Prince Regent being graciously pleased to namethe Members of the Royal Family, and also the Row! and Illustrious Foreigners, whom he would wish tdheinvited to the Ball, the tickets of ihe subscribers stellin no case be admission tickets to any branch of tie Royal Family, or to any of the Royal and IHiistlous Foreigners."— This Resolution drew from the Lads Sefton, Foley, and Essex, the following formal Jrotest: " We protest; iihhe first place, against the right. as- snmed by theSlc^ rds of exercising a conlroul over th « subscribers in ' he distribution of their tickets. We protestalsoagaii. lt the foregoing resolution, as being completely withott precedent ; as involving the Club in the disputes sujnosed to exist in certain branches of the Royiijlpaiiii'-.,' with which it ought not to presume to inte- leR; s| « t as perverting* the purpose for which the BaWl was intended to be given, into the means cf offence to M< ; IriTs ofthe Royal Family, for whom we may entertain the highest possible respect, and the ho, our of whose presence we might most anxiously desire," , CARLTON HOUSE FETE. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent is determin- ed to give. the most public and splendid testimonies of the high estfee. n he entertains for the Illustrious Visi- tors who are now daily expected. Every accommo- dation which tarte and munificence like his can suggest will be providi d. His Royal Highness personally and with an ardent zeal, takes the trouble of sttpeiintend- ing the regulation of the buildings now erecting for Ihe projected fete. On Saturday the grand outline of the immense pile, denominated the Chinese Temple, ap- peared iu a forward state; the skeleton frame alone consumes ten, waggon loads of timber. Numberless workmen coniu.. i jed their operations on the same day, on the lawn oft'silton House Gardens; they were oc- cupied in building several new rooms, the architecture of which A'ill be after the purest specimens of the florid Gothic, each having a, groined roof. These apartments will be at the eastern end of Carl ton House, coinmHtreating with a new Gothic conservatory, filled with all kinds of exotics and other flowering shrubs, placed in Shreja^ rv jase. s constructed bv Mr. Bubb, the celebrat{^^ Hh& jnicre. will be five rooms in all; eactyiji(| HH|^ HHk0r~ 8 wide, and 1!? higii, The. Yvl^ IewSW^ fHBHIIfliT with very large French winoows, to enable iiie company to see the various devices in illuminations around, the gardens. Mirrors will fill up tlie pics; and chandeliers of the purest cut glass illumjne the . viiole ofthe interior. The range of rooms will nearly resemble the letter H: they are in- tended to communicate with the grand Gothic saloon, Henry the Eighth's room, See. in the house; aud the Chinese temple with jut. Ail will be decorated with banners; also garlands, wreaths, and festoons of natu- ral and artificial flowers. All the temporary erections will be elevated, above the lawn, to a height parallel with the rooms of state in the house, with which tha whplp will form . : ie connected chain ; when finished and furnished tlmy will exhibit a most superb and inte- resting spectacle. These rooms are to be appropriat- ed to the Royal F'n- y only; in one of them they will sup. Next fo the stabling there will be a curiously contrived avenue, leading to a flight of steps, com- municating with t) ie basement story; the first room will resemble a kind of sub- hall, of an octagon shape, aud fitted up to r. semble an arbour, with oak ar. d lau- rel leaves in the I nek ground, aud a profusion of red and COLON. L T. ONGRCYE' 3 TEMPLE. This building id he after the Eastern style; it is expressly allotted f. •:• the exhibition of fireworks. The beighth is to be .0 feet; the diameter we could not learn; it is intended ta run round upon its own axis, which may be easily accomplished by wheels placed three feet apart. It will he support! d by iron columns, and, in the cent!-, ''.' ill arise a magnificent temple, from which will be suspended a vast number of chan- deliers, formfi-~- cne mass of light. There is to be a promenade walk around this temple. It is said there will bp several triumphal arches of the Tuscan Order; a : d one opposite to the spot whereon the Emperor of Hnssia will be eat- d. The latter to be magnificently illuminated, and i':::) ie, surmounting the pediment, will blow from the I'onipet, iu letters of light, " Thy lifurels shall nemr j^ dc.' Vs On another will appear Mars and fei'h'fiu. e personified by Wellington and Nelson ; oil wings will be placed plumes of ostrich feathers, anil mi i'& ry trophies appearing to ascend to Jd 7' i^ ie, il) Ins robes of ofthe Emperor of Russia, he. fcv* tlie sound of trumpet, a salute of music, a waving of white handkerchiefs, a. id three cheers. These tokens of heartfelt gratnlation will grace the commencement of this, august aud, unex- ampled festival Such are, we believe, the principal arrangements: it will certainly excceed, in display of fireworks, the Celebrated one at the peace of Aix- la- Chaiielle. WHITE'S FETB.— At a Meeting of the Stewards of White's Club Fete, his Grace the Duke of Beaufort in GLOCESTER. TO RE SOUi 11Y PRIVATE CONTRACT, BITOT? TOGETHER OR IN LOTS, ALL that Capital, New- built, Substantial, Spacious MANSION, With large Garden and Green House, excellent Offices and Cellarage, late the residence of WM. FENDALL, Esq. deceased, pleasantly situated in Barton- street; comprising a handsome oval vestibule, la, feet by 10 feet 4 inches; Dining- room, 2f> feet by 16 feet 3 inches ; Drawing- room. '. 2 feet by 16 feet § inches; Billiard- room, 23 feet 4fiches By 15 feet 6. inches; Library, 16, feet 6 inches by 16 feet; Dressing- room adjoining, and a Water- Closet on the Ground Floor: a Lady's Dressing- room and four good Bed- chambers on tbe First Floor: four Attics, and two Servant's Rooms, ail in good repair— forminga truly desirable Residence for a Genteel Family. Also four MESSUAGES, in the occupation of Re- becca Hicks, William Critchley, John Ivear, and Coleman, and a large Garden behind ; and a Close of MEADOW GROUND, with a new- erected Hovel thereon, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Gtinn. The Premises adjoin each other, and contain up- wards of two Acres and a Half, are Freehold, and the Land- Tax, except of the Meadow Ground, redeemed. Immediate Possession may be had of the Mansion. Further Particulars may be known on application to John Fendall, Esq. ( one of the Executors) at Hay Hill, near Newnham ; or to Messrs. Whitcombe, Grif- fith, and Philipotfs, Glocester. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, all that well known and truly valuable - ESTATE, CALLED ftlE H4LESEND, situated at CRAOLEY, ill the County of Hereford, within three miles of the much admired Village of Great Malvern, Worcestershire, ten of the City of Worcester, and about seven i f the Market Town pf Bromyard, Herefordshire, ( the Turnpike Road be- tween the two last mentioned places running within a hundred yards of it,") consisting of a Farm House, part of which has been built within a few years, anil of very substantial Barns, Stables, Mill House, Hop- Kilns, Sheds, and other necessary Offices of every de- scription, surrounding tiie Fold- yard, in complete re- pair, and perfectly adapted to all the purposes of the comfortable and convenient occupation of the Estate; with about 335 Acres, | i proper proportions, of as productive inclosed Aratile, Meadow, and Pasture LANDS, Orchards, Hop- Gronnd, and Coppices as any ill the County ill which it is situated, the whole lying within, or very nearly within, a Ring Fence, well Timbered and Watered, with plenty of Lime Stone thereon, and the Fruit Trees capable of pro- ducing, in a bearing year, upwards of 300 Hogsheads of Cyder and Perry, great part of which is of prime quality. About three parts in four of the Estate are Free- hold of Inheritance,* Snd tlie residue is Copyhold of Inheritance liofdeii of tiie Manor of Cradley. There are several comfortable Cottages on the Es- tate for the accommodation of ' abourers, aud the pro- portion of ths Meadow Land is about 100 Acres. Mrs. Raester, of the Park, iu Mathon, Worcester- shire, within about three miles ot the Estate, will, upon application, seuda person tosliew it, and further Particulars may be had of Mr. LONG, Solicitor, Uptonupon- Severn, xy- % LONDON, THURSDAY, JLNE 2. Price of Stocks. 3 per Cent. Red. 66i| J 3 per Cent. Consols, 67J| J| 4 per Cent. Consols, 82| Consols for July, ( jSj Bank Long Aim. 16j 3- 16 Omnium, 21prem. Exchcq. Biils, 4s. 5s. 6s. pr. <£ A? ETIC ^ TI- AORDINAR^ THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1814. \ EOUEIGN- OFFlCf;, junt 2, 1814. Mr. PLANT A arrived at this Office late last- night, from Paris, with the Definitive Treaty of Peace and Amity between his Britannic Majesty and his Most Christian Majesty, signed at Paris on the 30th ultimo by Vis- count Castlereagh, the Earl of Aber- deen, K T. General Viscount Cath- cart, K. T. and Lieutenant- General Sir Charles William Stewart, K. B. Plenipotentiaries of his Majesty ; and by the Prince de Benevent, Ple- nipotentiary of his Mpst Christian Among the Articles it is, we understand, a condition, that Antwerp is no longer to be a Naval Arsenal; that two- thirds of the ships which arein that Port aie to be given to France, and the remaining third to Holland. — The ships in Genoa, and all the other ports that were under the contronl of France, are tohn restored to the States to which they tespectively belong.— Sun. We pray to God this Treaty may realize tiie hopes ofthe world, and establish the Peace and Happiness of Mankind on a foundation too solid to be shaken for generations to come. This is the Peace cf the Pitt Principles— the result of Lord Hawkesbnry'slong ridi- culed march to Paris- how different from a Truce with an Usurper? The gnus of the Park and Tower have fired, to an- nounce the happy tidings. The French papers contain numerous disquisitions . on the terms ofpeaqe:— In one of these articles CJoar. tnnl des IJelmts, 30th nit.) the following, in speaking of the solid basis on which the approaching Treaty would be concluded, is worthy of attention : — " On the one side, it is the interest of Europe that France, whose power had become entirely Continen- tal, and menaced the safety of the Continent, should be re possessed of a little of her former maritime poieer. On the other hand, it is equally the interest of Europe that England, whose preponderance had become en- tirely maritime, and threatened the maritime interests of other States, should resume its Continental Con- nexions. " We may expect, then, that in the new Treaty of Peace the interests of Europe, of France, and Eng- land, will be equitably balanced, and rest on these tyyo bases." The Sun offers the following remarks on this para- graph:— " Now, notwithstanding the modest way in which this writer insinuates that the Maritime Rights of England aro to be circumscribed, or, as he chooses to sav, " England is to resume its Continental Connexions," we have strong reason to believe, that not an iota has been, or will be, abated on that vital point, in aiiy Treaty that has been, or may be, concluded. Neither can we suffer the language of this paragraph to pass without censure and contradiction. Our mariiime preppnderancy was the sheet anchor which saved Eu- rope in the storm ; and it respected and maintained, bnt never threatened, the maritime interests of any other nation. We, however, perfectly accord with the opinion expressed on the Continental preponderan- cy of France. It bas often deluged the world in blood; and we trust that no bastard generosity, as inconside- rate liberality, on the part of the Allies, has sown the seeds of future wars to be waged in the resurrection of this policy— the policy of Louis XIV. and of Bona- parte— the ruling passion ofthe French People. We need not profess that we would treat France far beyond her deserts, and leave her great and happy. Were onr wishes competent to the achievement, there should not be a cloud in Europe." Another well- informed Contemporary says—" What appears the most extraordinary circumstance in the history- of these celebrated Negociafions is, that the French Diplomatists have actually hesitated to receive many of their valuable Colonies, on the condition of abolishing the Slave Trade— a condition which neither humanity nor prudence can permit us to relax." These are ho more zealous advocates for the total abolition of Slavery than we are, but we confess we do not think it extraordinary that the French Nego- tiators should be of another way of thinking, since there is every reason to believe that many of their Co- lonies, and especially St. Domingo, the gteatest of them all, must remain without cultivation, for the want ofthe old mode of supplying labour. The Emperor of Russia was to review his guards last Tuesday, and it was supposed that the signature of the Treaty of Peace would be officially announced to the troops after the review. All the allied troops remaining at Paris would then begin their march homeward, Josephine, Buonaparte's first wife, died rather sud- denly on Sunday last, at her house at Maluiaison. Arrests continue at Madrid, and that odious tri- bunal, the Inquisition, has been re- established. " It had long ceased to be a formidable weapon," says a Madrid articfe.— Why then re- establish it? The Civil Code, called " The Code Napoleon,' has ben abolished by the Pope in the Papal terii- toiies. The King made a promotion of Knights of the Holy Ghost, according to custom, on Whitsuu Eve. " Our readers will be happy to hear that Monsieur is getting better. France cannot afford to lose such a man at the present moment. The sitting of the Legislative Body was to be opened with greatcercmuny on Tuesday last, when Ihe new Constitution was to he presented. The Parish ns seem to caie little about it— the high price of coffee and sugar appears to agitata them much more. The amiable Princess Elizabeth was taken seriously unwell on Tuesday, but is now out of danger. The recent Royal Correspondence was touched upon in the House of Commons last, night, and Mr. Metlmep put to the Prince Regent's Ministers the question who hail advised his Royal Highness to adopt those measnres which tended to prevent the appear- ance of the Princess of Wales at her Majesty's Draw- ing- room?— Mr. Bat hurst ( in the absence of'the Chan- cellor of tbe Exchequer from indisposition) replied,' that the circjinistai ees aud « haracter of the transaction did not warrant him in giving any answer to tiie ques- tion. Upon which Mr. Metliuen cave notice of a mo- tion to- morrow for an Address to his Royal Highness to, enquire who was the person that had given him sucli advice. A Message will go down to both Houses of Parlia- ment in the course of a few days, to announce the in- tended nuptials between the Hereditary Prince of- OTange and the Princess Charlotte of Wales. ' ' Next Monday is the day fixed for resuming the con? sidcratjon of the Corn Bill. F r^ OR SALE by AUCTION, at G. arraway's Coffee L House, Cornhill, London, on Thursday, the 9th day of June, 1814, at one o'clock precisely The" following Goods, viz.— 469 Bags of GERMAN WOOL, tlari); igetl, For Account of the Underwriters, and whomsoever it may concern. Catalogues, and further Particulars, will be given, by THOMAS MARTIN ami Co. BROKLRS, NO! 63,' Coleniaii- street, London. VALUABLE FARMING STOCK. TO BE SOLD BY AUC TION, at Duntisborn- Rons, Gloeeatcrshire, on Thursday, tlie 16th day of June, 1814, commencing precisely at lOo'clack in tlie morning; all the valuable LIVE STOCK, and Implement-, of Husbandry, late the property of. Mrs. ANN HAINES, deceased. The Live Stock consists of 122 ewes and, lambs, 90 chilver and wether tegs, 38 shear- bogs, 7 dairy cows and calves, tw. o- year- ol. l heifer, 4 year/ n ,3 \-. eaniufT calves, 7 cart horses, ai ti a yearling cart colt. ' The Implements of Husbandry comprise waggons, carts, ploughs, drags, harrows, harness, and ailoiher useful articles " ' GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Stroud and Chalford new Road. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Trustees appointed by an A^ t of Parliament passed in the present Session of Parliament, intituledj " An Act for making, maintaining, and keeping in re- pair a Tnrnpike- R'oad from or near the Town of. Stroud, through Bowbridge, Brimsqpmb. Tlie Bourne,' and Chalford, to or near the Seventh Mile Stone in" the Parish of Sapperton, in ( he County- of Gloucester,' there to unite with the present Turnpike- Road leading from Cirencester to Stroud; and for making, main- taining, and keeping in repair several other Roads therein. mentioned," will bold their First Meeting for" putting tiie said Act in execution at the George Inn, in Stroud, in the County of Gloucester, on Thursday,' the 9th day of June instant, precitely at one o'clock' in the afternoon, in pursuance o^ the directions con- tained in the said Act- Dated 2d June, 1814. WITHINGTON INCLOSURE. WE, the undersigned, being three of the Com- missioners named in am! Appointed by an Act of Parliament made a. nd passed in the fil'ty tlhrd year of his present Majesty's Reign, for inclosing Lands iii the Parish of Witliinsiton, in tile County of Glocester,' Do hereby give Notice, That we have set out the fpi.' lowing Public Carriage Roads and Highways, in, through, and over the Lands to be divided, allotted," aud inclosed, in pursuance o^' the said Act, that is to say ; One Public Carriage Road and Highway, of the, breadth ofj forty feet and No. 1 on the map or plan, hereinafter mentioned, commencing at the homesteadj of Henry Iinapp, Esq. in the village of Withington, in its usual track, till it enters the North Field, aiid from thence in a northward direction across the' said field audFoxcote Field, fo the village of Foxcote, and, afterwards in, its usual track fil| it communicates with' the Tufnpik& i oad leading from Glocester to North- leach, at or near Kilkenny, and which said Road ii called the Kilkenny Road. One other Public Carriage Road and Highway, of the like breadth of forty tect, and No. 2 on the sard map or plan, branching out of the last described Roai^' at or near the Foxcote Bridle Gate, in its usual track, till it enlers the Turnpike- road leading from Chelten- ham to Frog- Mill, and which said Road is called the Frog- Mill Road. One other Public Carnage Road and Highway, of the like breath of forty feet, and No. 3 on the said map or plan, commencing at or near Frog- Mill Gate, and passing from thence in its usual track, till it enters' the Turnpike- road from Cheltenham to Stow, at or near Andover'a Ford, and which said road is callei^ the Audover's Ford. Road. One other Public Carriage, Road and Highway, of the Ii, ke breadth of forty feel, and No. 4 ou the said map or plan, commencing at an orchard belonging ta Mr. Thomas Day, called Late Young's, and passing from thence iu ornear its usual track over Wood Field and Withington Wood, till it enters the parish o£ Chedwor^ h, and which said Road is called the Ciren- cester Road. One oilier Public Carriage Road and Highway, of- the ' breadth of thirty feet, and No. 5 on the said map or plan, commencing at the Cherry Orchard, belong- ing fo Mr. Gregory Dancer, and passing front thence in its usual track, till it communicates with the Public. Carriage Road No.' 3, anil wlucli said Road is callji^ the Lower End Cireiicester Road. One other public Carriage Road and Highway, of tli£ like breadth of thirty feet, and No. 6' on the said Map • or Plan, commencing at a Honiestead'in the occupa- tion of Thomas Church, and passing from'tlience ^ i its usual track till it enters an old iiidfisure belonging. to the Right Honourable Sir William Scott, called Inn- field, and which said Road is called Ihe Casey Cotop- fon Road. " One other public Carriage Road and Highway, o£ the like breadth of thirty feet, aud No. 7 on the said Map or Plan, commencing at a Cottase Homestead in the occopation of Jane Slade, aud passing from thincd in or near its usual track till it enters the parish o£ Compton Abdale, and which said road is called llii Cimipton Abdale Road. One other Public Carriage Road and Highway, of the breadth of thirty- five feet, and No. 8' on the said map or plan, commencing at old iiiclosures of Williaid Burrows, andMr. Thomas Day, called the Horn Closes, aiid passing froirt thence iu its usual track* till it enters an old inclosure of the said Henry Jvrfapp,' Esq} called Gawlick Hill, and from the said ihilosurfcs acta Butt's Field to another old inclosure'ofthe Said Henry Knapp, called Chetterly Piece, and which saitf roa^ is called the Colesbourne Road. •••' 1 () ne other PnhlicCarriage Road and Highway, of the breadth of thirty feet, ami' ' No 9 < Ai tlid said majif or plan, branching out of Hie last described {{ had, at or near the said Inclostifje cawljfcd Gawlick Hill, and passing from thence in its usual'track acris' Bfitts'Fielu and Bradley Green, till it liters an bid ilicloture rtf Ihe said Henry Knapp called Plain field, and which said Road is called I'r. eiHillcott Road.' « " And we the said Commissioners Vfii hereby also give Notice, That we liave caused the said Roads to be sta- ked out, and a map or plan thereof to be prepared, ill which the general lines of the said Roads are. accurately laid down and described; and that the said map or plan, being signed by Us, is left at the Office bf MK George Bevir, iu Cirencester, oVir Clerk, for the tin spectioii ot all persons concerned : imri we do ' Mrtij give this further Notice, That a Meeting' will be lield • byns the said Commiss ioners, at the Plough tun, Td Cheltenham, on the 11th day of July ' next, at five hi the afternoon, at which'Meeting all Persons whn'sU^ be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of stttii Roads, Or ihe omission of'ahvRoads not so set ont, maj attend. FRED. PHELPS. • "• » KOBT. WRIGHT HALL. ' JOS. LARGE. % < Dlocesm\ SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1814. BIRTH.— Thursday, in Pultenev. street, Bath, the lady of Edw. Kendall, Esq. of Dony Park, Mon- mouthshire, a daughter. MARRIED.— Robert Matthews, Esq. of Shaw Honse, to Miss Mary Henley, of Middle- Hill, Lyne- ham, Wilts.— Monday, Mr. l av, of Cheltenham, to Miss Rarnett, of prestbiirv Park.— At Stanton St. John, Oxfordshire, Mr. J. Powell, of Stafford Farm, to Miss Perkins, of Bonrton- on- the- Hill, iii this county. — Tuesday, Mr. Linton, to Jits. Heanes, of the Sara- cen's Head, both of this city. DIED.— On Sunday, the 22d nit. aged 68, the Rev. Joseph White, D. D. canon of Christ- church, regins professor of Hebrew, and Laudian professor of Arabic, in Oxford University, and rector of Melton, Suffolk. The Rev. Dr. Lanrance is to be the new canon ; and the Rev. Dr. Wiustanley, principal of Alban Hall, Laudiau professor of Arabic.— On the 20th itlt. at North End, Fnlharti, Middlesex, aged 71, Isaac Hew- lings, Esq. formerly of Ampney- Crncis, in this county. — A few days since, at her lodgings in Berkeley- street, in this city, Mrs. Waltord, of London.— — On Thursday, at Pershore, in the 24th year of her age, Miss Einlin Ann Burne, eldest daughter of Mr. Btirne, Surgeon.— At Upton- Bishop Vicarage, Mary, the wife of ihe Rev. George Gritton, eldest son of the Dean of Hereford.— On loth May, 1813, in his 22d year, on his voyage from Madras to Calcutta, for the recovery of bis health, Harry Rooke, Esq. of the East India Company's service, third son of the late Hon. Sir. Justice Rooke.— At Stonehouse, in this county, aged 70, Mr. Thomas Stephens, father of Mrs. Hodges, Clare- street, Bristol.— After a few hours' illness, aged 46, Mr. Jeremiah Stanley, a respectable clothier of Pitchcomb, iu this county.— Thursday, at Devizes, Sir Geo. William Farmer, Bart, of Mount Pleasant, Sussex. This gentleman was thrown from a one- horse chaise, the dreadful bruises from which accident have proved fatal to him.— On Monday last, Mrs. Sad- ler, wife of Mr. Sadler, a respectable farmer of Sluir- dmgtoii.— A few days since, in consequence of a fall jfrom the top of Slimbridge Church, Mr. Driver, builder, of Dursley, in this county. The Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Upton, is presented to the living oflmber, Wilts, by tbe Marquis of Bath. Dr. Jenner has been introduced to tiie Duchess ofOldenbnrgh, and had the honour of a long audience. Gloucester Bible Society.— The Secretaries of this Society have received tlie gratifying information, that the Rev. Mr. Hushes, anil the Rev. Mr. Steinkopff, two of the Secretaries of the British and Foreign Bi- ble Society, will attend at the ensuing Anniversary, to be held in this city. On Whit- Monday the inhabitants of Strond and its vicinity witnessed one of the most gratifying specta- cles thev bad ever beheld. No less than 2,460 chil- dren of Sunday Schools in and near that town, belong- ing to various denominations of Christians, were col- lected in the morning of that day at theParish- Clthrch, accompanied by their respective teachers, ministers, and friends, and a vast concourse of people. The Uev. John William.;, M. A. read the prayers of the church, and addressed tbe youthful part of the assem- bly in a familiar and affectionate discourse, intelligible to the young, and deeply interesting to persons of mature years. After service, the greater part of the children, to the number of 2,340, w ere conducted to a large oi chard, near the King's Arms Inn, belonging to Sir. Keitriek, who kindly granted ihe use of it for the occasion, to partake of a refreshment, consisting of void meat, bread, and beer. The children were seated ou the green turf in parallel rauks, placed at regulai distances; a wide avenue being left through the- eentre of the ranks for tbe accommodation of the ladies and gentlemen who were desious of viewing the same. ! A considerable number of tbe neighbouring gentry were observed in this avenue, and on the sides of the orchard some thousands of spectators were assem- bled. Several respectable tradesmen acted as con- stables, and succeeded in preserving a degree of or- der and decorum, which in so large a conconrse of people ii rarely witnessed.— The Weather was ex- tremely favourable, and tbe effect of tbe whole was beyond description pleasing, and indeed to persons of keen sensibility, almost overpowering. The sight of so great a multitude of the children of the poor, decent in their apparel, orderly in their behaviour, and blessed with the privilege of instruction, excited in the mind of the Christian, and Philanthropist mingled emotions of compassion, admiration, and gratitude. Several strata have been discovered in sinking Mr. Thompson's well at Cheltenham, similar to those which precede coals in the adjoining counties. To acquire a knowledge of the existence of this valuable article, arrangements are now making, and we doubt not, as the discovery would prove of such intrinsic. conse- qticnce to the promoters, corresponding efforts will lie made to effect the undertaking. Cheltenham Theatre opened for the season on Tues- day. Numerous petitions still continue to be presented to tilt House of Commons from various parts of the Empire, against any alteration in the Corn Laws. Tiie election of a member to serve in parliament for Shrewsbury terminated on Friday last, by the Tettirn of Richard Lyster, Esq. who at the close of the poll had a majority over his opponent, Mr. Ben- yon, of' 265 votes. On Thursday morning, fully aware that his moil strenuous endeavours for success would he unavailing, M r. Benyon informed the Returning Officer tli^ t he should give up the contest, and neither himself, orj his council, or attorney, afterwards ap- peared at the hustings. Some of his warm partizans, however, ( published a hand- bill on that morning, an- nouncing their determination to keep the poll open, that every elector might have an opportunity of re- cording his suffrage; and by this means the business » vas protracted till about six o'clock ou Friday. On Friu'iy, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tues- day, detachments of French prisoners, to the number of 300 each day, marched from Stapleton prison, on their route to Portsmouth for immediate embarkation to their native lain. 1; .'< nd the beginning of the last Week, a party of forty officers on parole, engaged two barges at Bridgnorth, which landed them here, after a pleasant excursion of two days down the Se- vern, having slept at Wo. rcesifer. The majority of these meu . admit with great ( Vesication any drawback from the tin nier frame of Bonaparte, but unanimously concur in demonstrating feelings ot" gratitude to tbe people of I England. A bill ii> iiow before the House of Commons, which lias been r ead a second time and passei. 1 a Committee, intituled, " a Bill for the better Relief and Settlement of the Poor," which will most materially affect all pro- perty situate iu manufacturing towns and districts, as well as large towns anil cities; as it enacts, that every person who has been, or shall be resident in any parish for seven years, without having been . chargeable, shall become a parishioner in such parish. • We understand, petitions are forwarding to both Rouses against its being passed into a law. Two young men of Cheltenham whose situation in life ongfit to have induced better conduct, have been fined iu the full penalty for wantonly destroying two lamps, during a tit of inebriatiou. At Marshfitlil fair on Tuesday, there was a larger shew of cattle than has been remembered since its es- tablishirent; the prices of whicti were on ibe decline, and few sold even at very low rates. At most of the late fairs there has been a dull sale for everything; and the drovers, rather than submit to a considerable reduction, are hiring marshes for their stock, in ex- pectation that the graziers must comply : but perhaps the foiiner may find that tbe old proverb of " down com, down bein," will grove superior to their second sight. GLOCESTERSHIRE PITT CLUB. The Anniversary of the Birth of the late Right Hon. Win. Pitt happening on a Market Day, a numerous Meeting of Gentlemen, admirers of bis political mea- sures, was held at the Bell Inn, in this City, on Mon- day last, for the formation of a Club, to be denomi- nated tiie Glocestei shire Pitt Club. The business, of the day was most ably conducted by R, B. Cooper, Esq. who, in a very appropriate address returned thanks for the unexpected honour of being called to the Chair on so memorable an occa- sion. He shortly enumerated the great benefits re- sulting to this country from a steady perseverance in the principles and policy of Mr. Pitt, and from the firmness aud wisdom ofthe present Administration, who had brought to a glorious termination the great work of which that immortal Statesman had been the founder.— He concluded bv proposing as a toast, " The* Memory uf ihe late Right Hon. Wm. Pitt," which was drank in respectful silence. Several resolutions, ( for which see a subsequent co- lumn ) were then read and unanimously agreed to, and a committee of Gentlemen appointed to carry the same into effect. After dinner the following toasts were given : The King. The Prince Regent. Tiie Queen, and the other branches of the Royal Family. The Navy and Army. The Protestant Ascendancy. The Ministers of the Prince Regent. May the Principles of Mr. Pitt ever animate the Councils of Great Britain. The Duke of Wellington. The Duke of Beaufort, Lord Lieutenant of the County, Lord Edward Somerset, and the other Members of tbe House of Beaufort. Lieut. Co!. Cother, of the 7lst regiment. Robert Morris, Esq. M., P. for the city. Nathaniel Atchesou, Esq. the founder of the Pitt Club,—& c. & c. Many convivial toasts were drank, and the day was spent in the greatest harmony. . The dinner and wines were excellent, and reflect the highest crcdit on Mr. Marsh. The celebration of Mr. Pitt's birth- day on Satur- day, at Merchant Taylors' Hall, was attended, by be- tween 5 and COO persons, among whom were the Ca- binet Ministers, and many Ofthe leading Members of both Houses of Parliament, the Duke of Richmond iu the chair; the Marquis of Hiintly and Mr. Lascel- les acted as vice presidents at the cross- table. On Saturday last a number of Gentlemen, who venerate the memory of the late Rt. Hon. W. Pitt, dined together at the Merchants' Hall, Bristol. Rich. Hart Davis, Esq. was in the Chair, and drew a flat- tering picture of the state of Emope, which he attri- buted, tinder Providence, to the coiinciis^ of that great Statesman and those of his successors. The party was respectable and numerous, nearly 200 having sat down to dinner. A number of toasts, congenial to the sentiments of the company, and several excellent songs, with a band of music, gave zest to the enter- tainment, and tbe evening passed off with the highest hilarity and good humour. The bells of several churches rang half muffled through the day, being the anniversary both ofhis birth aud death. On Saturday last a party of Gentlemen dined toge- ther at the Union Inn, Slourport, to commemorate tbe birth- day ofthe Right Hon Wm. Pitt; Mr. jukes in the chair. A number ofloyal, patriotic, and ap- propriate songs aud toasts were given, and the evening was concluded with the greatest conviviality and decorum. Liberal as have been tile CoutnbuiioiM for the re- lief of the distressed Germans, we confess we wonder that they have not been far more liberal. We are persuaded that, if one tenth part of the misery were seen by us in our own land, the subscriptions would be abundantly greater. But, because we do not see it with our eyes, we do not feel that degree ef sym- pathy that might be wished. The Repoits of the two Committees, though enough to chill the blood in our veins, do not produce such a sensation as might be expected..— Segnins irritant aiiiifriim demissa per " mires, quain qui ® sunt ocnlis subjecta fidelibus." If we could but transport, ourselves for a few days to those scenes of wretchedness upon the. Continent, instead of feeling a cold indifference upon the sub- ject, we should almost grudge ourselves tile very food we ate ; so anxious should we be to administer to the relief of others. Let us hope that yet some- what more of this spirit will be manifested amongst ns; and the rather, as the termination of tbe war gives us reason to hope that this call for our exer- tions will be the last. The Secretary at War has just issued a circular letter informing the commandants of local militia re- giments, that from the 25th of June, inclusive, full pay will be issued to no greater a number of Serjeants in tbe different regiments, battalions, and corps of lo- cal militia, than shall be equal to the rate of one for every two companies, exclusive ofthe seijcant major. On Monday last, a most distressing and melan- choly accident occurred at Tewkesbury. As John Gregory, Esq. of that place, was fishing in his boat on the Staunchard Pit, in the river Avon, the boat upset, and he was unfortunately drowned. Every method was incessantly adopted during three hours and a half, by the medical gentlemen present, for his resuscitation, but without effect. This calamitous circumstance has involved his widow in the deepest af- fliction for the loss of the best of husbands, leaving two infant children. Last week an inquest was taken before Wm. Trigg, Gent. Coroner, on view of the body of Edwin Stone, a child about three years of age, whose death was oc- casioned by a horse going over him. The animal was frightened ill the street, by an empty sugar- cask rol- ling near him, when, in turning quickly, he struck the child down with his fore- foot, and, passing over his body, pressed upon his chest so severely as to cause his death in two hours. A very respectable jury found a verdict of Accidental Death; and set lip a right to value the deodand at 10s. ( the horse being always known to be docile) which the Lord of the Franchise refuses to aceept, claiming the animal. Yesterday an inquest was held at Dymock, before D. Willey, Esq. Coroner, on view of the body ofRd. Petermap, who died at the George Inn, ou Wednesday. The Jury, after a minute investigation, returned their verdict, Died suddenly by the Visitation of God. On Tuesday, Henry Price was committed to our county prison, by Josias Verelst, Esq. charged with having maliciously and feloniously set fire to it quantity of coppice wood, the property of his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, on the morning of the 22d ult. situate in the parish of Tidenbam, in this county. At the Old Baily Sessions, on Friday, John Hiekey, ( who lately carried on business in this city as a car- ver and gilder,) was found guilty of altering a one pound Bank of England note to a five pound, and then uttering it at a shop in Holborn. Sentence, 14 years transportation. We caution the public against receiving in pay- ment notes purporting to be of the Swansea Bank, and payable at Whitehall Place, in London. They are fictitious; Several individuals of Bristol have unwarily taken them, to their loss. They are chiefly for 101. and 201. Search is making for the utterers. r a MEETING held on Monday, the 30th inst. pursuant to advertisement, at the Bell Inn, in the City of Glocester, RD. BRANS BY COOPER, ESQ., in the Chair; RESOLVED, That a Club be established for ( he County and City of Glocester, upon the principles aud model of the Pitt Club iu London. That a Committee be appointed to draw up Rules and Regulations for the arrangement and future government ofthe Club, and to determine on the amount of the annual subscription, to consist of the following Gentlemen, and such others as they may hereafter think proper to add, five of whom ; shall. IIB competent to act. Lord ROBERT EDWARD HENRY SOMERSET, M. P. Lord ARTHUR JOHN HENRY SOMERSET, M. P. Robert Morris, Esq. M. P. . George Talbot, Esq. John Browne, Esq. j Rd. Bransby Cooper, Esq, Wm. Goodrich, Esq. Win. Griffith, Esq. ; Wm. Montague,' Esq. Win. Cother, Esq. Thos. Davis, Esq. John Mountain, Esq. Charles Church, Esq. The Rev. Archdeacon Rtidge, ' • * George Turbeville. A. B. Evans. ' Charles Crawley. J. Neale. That the Chairman he requested to write to his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, soliciting his accept- ance of the. Presidency ofthe Club. That Merrott Stephens, Esq. be appointed Trea- surer, and John Merrott Stephens, Esq. Hono- rary Secretary of the Club. That Gentlemen signifying to the Secretary their wishes to become Members of the Club, will be liable to such Rules and Regulations respecting their admission as the Committee may think pro- per to adopt. , , That the first Meeting of tU^ omfHttee will be hoiden at the Bell Inn, irT^^^ PIpiptGlo cester, on Monday, the 11 th of July, at twelve o'clock. JOHN MERROTT STEPHENS, Honorary Secretary. Glocester Auxiliary Bible Society, FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY. PRESIDENTS. His Grace the DUKE of NORFOLK. H. S Grace the DUKE of BEAUFORT. VICE- PRESIDENTS. The Right Hon. EAKL BATHURST. The Right Hon. LORD DUCIE. The Right Hon. LORDR. H. E. SOMEESET, M. P. The Right Hon. CHARLES, BATHURST, M. P. Sir GEORGE ONESIPHORUS PAUL, Bart. Sir BERKELEY WILLIAM GUISE, Bart. M. P. Sir CHARLES COCKERELL, Bart. Sir SAMUEL WATHEN, Knt. Sir PAUL BAGHOTT, Knt. CHRISTOPHER CODRINGTON, Esq. CHARLES HANBURY Tracey,,"^,^, MICHAEL HICKS BEACH, HENRY HOWARD Moi, YNC3ir ® | HSP.- ROBERT MORRIS, Esq. M. P. npiIK SECOND ANNIVERSARY of this Society JL will be held by permission of the Right Wor- shipful the Mayor, in the BOOTH- HALL of this City, on Wednesday, the 8th of June, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving the Re- port of the Proceedings of the Committee, and of the state ofthe Society, together with an audited account; and also for the purpose of electing a Committee, Treasurers, and Secretaries for tbe year ensuing. N. B. The Chair to be taken at half past eleven precisely. An Ordinary will be provided at the King's Head, Dinner on the table at three o'clock. Tickets, at 4s, each, may be had on the day, at the Bar of the Inn, and at any time previous to the Meeting, of the Secre- taries; aud the greater ( the iiuirifoer of ' rfkets which are taken before the Meeting,' the mors will those who conduct the Ordinary be obliged. Although Subscriptions to the Society are i^^ ctu- • rilly d « " at Ma-!.:..'' la. k y-'- f e ob- jects of the Institution to reccive them ai ihe Annual Meeting; or they may be afterwards paid at the Banks of the respective Treasurers, and to the Secre- taries. Clergymen and Dissenting Ministers, and oilier Friends of the Institution, wiil essentially advance its interest, by receiving Donations and Subscriptions from those Ladies and Gentlemen who may not be able to attend, but wish to make their remittances. The Officers ofthe Society will be in waiting in the Grand Jury Room from ten o'clock until the hour of meetiifg, to receive those Friends of the Institution who may honour them with their company and assis- tance to make final arrangements of the business of the jYIeeting. R. RAIKES, W, " W 1. ) V. BISHOP, VSecretaries. V, MONTAGUE, ) PATIENTS IN GLOCESTER INFIRMARY. Men, 62, Beds, 72.— Women, 41, Beds, 45. HEIGHT OF THE TIDES Calculated for the River Severn, Bristol Channel, & c. feer. inches. • * THIS DAY.... 16 1 SUNDAY 15 9 MONDAY 15 3 TUESDAY 14 6 WEDNESDAY. 13 8 THURSDAY... 12 9 FRIDAY...!... 11 10 MITCHELDEAN, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. CREED, „ , On Monday, the 6th day of Jnne, 1814, at the George Inn, Mitcheldean, or on the Premises, between the hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon ;— A small compact DWELLING- HOUSE, being Freehold of Inheritance, consisting of a Parlour, Kit- chen, Brewhonse, Pantry, three Bed- chambers, and large Attic, with a space of vacant Ground on the side of tiie Dwelling, a Fore Court, Garden, and large space of Ground behind and adjoining: situate in the Back- lane, Mitcheldean, and late the residence and property ot Mrs. Eliz. Aldridge, deceased. For further particulars apply to Messrs. H. and A. Rosser, Solicitors, or to the Auctioneer, Gloeester. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the month of June next, at the Bear Inn, in Newnham, in this County, on a day and in tbe Lots which will be stated in a subsequent Paper;— All that capital MESSUAGE & C FARM, Called the COURT FARM, and several other MES- SUAGES, LANDS, and PREMISES, in Little Dean and Flaxley,. both in ( he County of Gloceater, part of which is tythe free,. are now in the t^ a* x5Sius of Wiice, George Drew, Maik Jones, William Wood, Alice Hale, and others, all yearly tenants, and are seated on the side of the turnpike- road leading from Newnham to Colford. Descriptive particulars enumerating the Lots, may be bad after the 1st day of June next, at tbe King's Head, Glocester; Hop- Pole, Worcester; Place of Sale; and at the Office of Samuel Beale, Solicitor, Uptou- upon- Severn, Worcestershire. — To Timber Merchants, and Lime- Stone Dealers. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by IV. BRISCOE, On Friday, the 10th day of June, 1814, at tile Ram Inn, in the city of Glocester, between the hours oi' five and seven in the evening, subject to Conditions then and there to be produced ; all that capita! and well built MESSUAGE OR DWELLING- HOUSE AND PREMISES, Called the ROCK'HOUSE, Delightfully situated on the Bank of the river Wye, called Hardwick Cliff, within half a mile, and below the flourishing sea port town of Chepstow, in the county of Monmouth, together with a very extensive Wharf and Docks, for shipping Timber, Lime Stone, Sec. in front of the said House, and on the Banks of that River, well calculated for carrying oil an extensive Timber or any other Trade. The above Premises contain a most valuable and beneficial Lime Stone Quarry, now iu full work, and capable of every ex- tension. Particulars may be known by applving to Mr. A. Edmunds, Timber Merchant, or the Auctioneer, both of Worcester. Mr. John Penn, of Chepstow, will appoint a person to shew the Premises. TO EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS- 1.1. Persons acting in these several Capacities' are hereby informed that they may be supplied ot this Office with BLANK FORMS of RECEIPTS for Legacies and Executors' Accounts, and Where also such Forms may be correctly and properly filled up agree- ably to the latest Regulation of the Commissioners of the Stump Duties. Stamp Office, Glocester, BLENHEIM GARDENS. JAMES KIMBER returns his most grateful Thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in gene- ral, for the liberal support he. has experienced, and in- forms them, that on THIS EVENING, the 4th of JUNE, HE WILL GIVE A GRAND GALA and FIRE- WORKS AT HIS GARDENS, IN HONOUR OF HIS MAJESTY'S BIRTH- DAY. Oil this occasion the. Gardens will be brilliantly Illu- minated with VARIEGATED LAMPS. The Gardens will be opened at Eight, and the Fire- Works exhibited at. Nine. ' . Tiie commencement of the Firs- Works will be an- nounced bv the ascent of a large Skyrocket; and their conclusion by a brilliant Bengal Light. Peace- Officers will be stationed in different parts of the Garden, to prevent persons throwing squibs, crack- ers, & c. and offenders of lhat description, and those who break through the hedges, will be prosecuted. ADMITTANCE— ONE SHILLING. N. B.- J. K. begs leave to inform bis Friends and the Public, that he has laid in THREE THOUSAND ADDITIONAL LAMPS on this occasion. MRS. JEW, Milliner, IMPRESSED with the liveliest Gratitude for tbe many Favours received from Ihe Ladies of Gioces- ter and its vicinity, returns her most grateful Thanks; and at the same lime inform!* trierfi, she is REMOVED to the top of the NORTHGATE- STREET, where she has just received a Fashionable Assortment of MILLI- NERY, & c.; and hopes, by strict attention to Busi- ness, to merit their patronage and support. May 28, 1814. To the Inhabitants of Coleford, and the adjacent Parishes in the Forest District, in the County of Glocester. AT tbe request of the Magistrates acting for that District, aud of several of the most respectable Landholders there, I HEREBY CALL A MEET- ING, to be holden at the ANGEL INN, COLEFOUD, on TUESDAY, the 21st of June, 1814, at twelve o'clock at noon, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FORMING AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROSECUTION OF FELONS. JAMES SUTTON OLIVE, May 12,1814. Cietk to the Magistrates. To Farmers, Graziers, and Breeders of Sheep. MORGAN'S? SHEEP POWDER, A certain and safe Remedy to prevent the Fly from striking Sheep or Lambs in the Hot Months. THE PROPRIETOR of the above is induced from the Testimony of several very respectable Farmers in this Neighbourboad, ( who have proved its efficacy during the last two years,) to again offer it to the Public, assuring tliein, that there is no poisonous quality in its Composition, nor does it in the least damage the Wool. One dressing is sufficient for a year; the proper time to dress Lambs isabout shearing time, and Sheep a month afterwards. Sold Wholesale and Retail bv T. Morgan, Druggist, Northgate- street, Glocester; in packets, Is. 2s. and 4s. each.— Sold also by Watkins, Cirencester; Rick- ards, Dnrsley; Thaekway, Ledbury; Roberts, Ross; Brisley, Stroud; Reddell, ana Bennett, Tewkesbury; Blew and Co. Worcester; and by most respectable Medicine Venders in the United Kingdom. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at tlie Ship Inn, iu the Parish of Maisemore, some time in the pre- sent month, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract; Several Enclosures of LAND lying detach- ed in the said Parish. Apply ( tor Particulars to Wm. Middle ion, at the Ship, which will be more fully given next week. GLOCESTER. HTO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by i Mr. HEWLETT, On tiie 15th of June instant— All that new- built Brick DWELLING- HOUSE, Workshops, and Garden, late in the occupation of Mr. William Tanner, Joiner and Cabinet- Blaker, situate on the south side ofthe Infir- mary, and adjoining the Cheltenham Rail- road. Also all the neat and useful HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, Stock in Trade, dfcc. comprising a quanti- ty of Cabinet and Upholstery Goods, Brass Work, Ironmongery; Mahogany, in Planks, Boards, aud Veneers; Deals, Oak. Elm, Ash, & e. Sale to commence precisely at ten o'clock in the morning with the Household Furniture, & c. and the Premises precisely at four o'clock in the afternoon. CHELTENHAM. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, BY Mr. B. NEWBURY, On| Tuesday, the 7th day of June, 1814, at the Town Hail, in Cheltenham, at 12 o'clock iu the forenoon, for one year;— THE TOLLS arising from the TOWN and M AR- KET of CHELTENHAM, together with the VAULTS under the Market- House there; in such Lots as shall then be agreed upon. The highest Bidder must be prepared With sufficient Sureties to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, for the payment of tbe Rent, and one quarter's Rent must be. paid in advance. By Order of the Commissioners, THEODORE GWINNETT, Clerk. Cheltenham, May 26, 1814. CHELTENHAM TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. MECEY, At the George Hotel, in Cheltenham, on Thursday, the 16th day of June instant, at G o'clock in the after- noon;— A modern built MESSUAGE or DWEL- LING- HOUSE, eligibly situate at the upper end of the south side of the principal street of Cheltenham, No. 378, late in the occupation of George Brisac, Esq. with the Garden and smaller Dwelling- House at the end ofthe Garden, facing towards Cambray. The Property i3 Freehold of Inheritance, with undeniable Title, and immediate possession may be given. Particulars may be known at the Office of Mr, HUGHES, Solicitor, Cheltenham. Cheltenham, Jnne 2,1814. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AT BROADWELL, Between Stow- on- the- Wold and Mortion, in the County of Glocester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, in July next, if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, a most desirable RESIDENCE, situated in the plea- sant Village of Broadwell, consisting on the Ground Floor of an Entrance Hall, 17 by 15 feet; Drawing- room, 18 by 14 feet; Breakfast- room, 12feet square; excellent Kitchen, Housekeepei's- Room, See. On the First Floor are five good Bed- rooms, and above five large Garrets, Detached are double Coach- house, Stabling for six Horses, Saddle- room, Brew- house, Laundry, Sc. TWO GARDENS well cropped, and Three Acres of rich PASTURE, me adjoining to the House, which is well supplied with excellent Water, and near the Church, in which is a good Pew belong- ing to it. The Neighbourhood and Roads are unexceptionable, and it is within reach of three Packs of Fox Hounds. For further particularss, apply ( post paid) to Mr, KNIGHT, Solicitor, Stow- on- the- Wold ; and for a view of the Premises to Thomas liles, at Broadwell. Possession to be given immediately on completion ef the Purchase. Valuable LANDS, near the Town of Painstskit TO BE/ SOLD BY AUCTION, by C. HALLWAY, At the Falcon Inn, Painswick, on Tuesday, the l4t! i day of June, 1814, at four o'clock in the afternoon, ( subject to conditions,) the following very valuable ; Lots of LAND ; ' Lot I. A Close. of Arable Land, Called A. R. P. Sandpits, containing by estimation, more or less, 3 i go Lot 2. A Close of Meadow or Pasture Land, called Sandfield, containing by esti- , • nation, more or less, .. .. 2 3 0 These Lot's adjoin the road leading from Painsivick to the Edge," and are. in the occupation o( Mr. Thomas Holder. Lot 3. Two Closes of Meadow or Pas- ture Land, called If old, and Great If old, in the occupation of Mr. John Holder and Mr. Wm. Sims, containing by estimation, more or less, ,- 7 2 18 Lot 4. A Close of Meadow or Pasture Land, called Benhall, iu the occupation of Mr. John Holder, containing by estimation, more or less,'. 2 0 0 These Lots lie contiguous to each other on the road leading to- Dory's Mill. ' Lot 5. A Close of Meadow or Pasture Land, called Long Meadow, containing by estimation, more or less, 9 0 23 Lot 6, Aii Orchard, with a Cottage and Garden adjoining, containing by estimation, more or less 13 0 These Lots are situated at the Edge.— The Land is in the occupation of Mr, Samuel Mills, and the Cottage and Garden of Sarah Woodfield.' Lot 7. A Close of Arable Land, called Plnpps's Piece, with a large well- built Baru and Sheds standing thereon, lying near Wasliwell, in the occupation of Mr. Charles Hanks, containing by estimation, more or less, 6 0 0 Lot 8. A Close of Arable Land, called The Park, containing by estimation, more or less,...,. 8 2 0 Lot 9 A Piece of Arable Land, called Broad Wushwell, containing by estimation, more or less, 8 2 18 : Lot 10. Two Pieces of Arable Land, called The Triangular Piece, and The Upper Two Acre Puce, containing together by es- timation, more or less, . i... 3 0 IS These Lots are situa'ted near Washwell, and iu the occupation of Mr. Thomas Holder. Lot 11. A Close of Meadow or Pasture Land, called Harding's Ground, situated at Lower Washwelt, in the occupation of Mr. William Baylis, and containing by estima- tion, more or less, 6 1 1$ Lot 12. A Close of Arable Land, called The Lower Two Acres, in Lower Wasltwell, iu the occupation of Thomas Holder, con- taining by estimation, more or less, 2 1 10 The Land- Tax of all the Premises is redeemed.— Lots 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, are free from Rectorial Tythes; and a contract is entered into for the Socio, rial Tythes of all the other Lots.— These Lands at • ail well situated in the vicinity of Painswick, and pecu- liarly adapted for the accommodation of persons re- siding in tliat place.— The whole are copyludd of in- heritance, held under the Lord of i;-., Man < ,<;'!' . iiis- wick, and are subject to certain small Chief Rents which will be specified in printed particular*, or at the time of 8ale,— The sever.! Tenants will shew the Premises, and further information may be obtained of Messrs. P. H. and S. Fisher, Solicitors, Stroud, Printed Particulars may be had at the Falcon Inn, Paiuswick; George and King's Arm-' Inns, Stiotid} Ram Inn, Glocester; at the Office of Messrs. P. IL and S. Fisher, Solicitors; and at the Auctioneers, Stroud; ten days before the. Sale. D ESI RA/ JLE FA R M, At IIILL END, in the Parish of Chaceley, WORCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET by TENDER, for Twelve Years, de- terminable at Six,- A CAPITAL FARM, at CHNCEFEY, I.' I. TI « 3EOIHITY ef Worcester, NEART •' . , called HILL END; consisting of a very capital Farm- House, with Barns, Stables, ali requisite Oatbnildings, and 164 Acres of rich fertile Arable, Meadow, Pas- ture, and Orcharding, lying very compact, within a ring fence, and now in a high state of cultivation. Possession may be had at Midsummer next, and the coming- in Tenant may have the opportunity of taking to the growing crops at a fair valuation. Mr. Thomas Perkins, of Chaceiey, will on applica- tion cause the Premise's to be shewn. NoTeuders wiil be received after the loth day of June ; and all Ten- ders are requested to be sent ( post paid) lo Mr. Thos. Perkins, of Chucely. Hill- End House is situated two miles from Tewkes- bury, eight from Glocester and Cheltenham, and V2 from Ledbury, all good market Towns. TO CREDITORS. Whereas RICHARD WHITE, of the Parish of Chacely, in the county of Worcester, Farmer, hath, by indenture bearing date tbe 20th of May, 1814, as- signed all his Effects to T. iOn as Perkins, of the same place, Farmer, and John Thomas, of Tewkesbury, in the county of Glocester, Auctioneer, in trust, for the Creditors of the said Richard White: Notice is hereby given, that the Deed is- left in the hands of the _ dd Thomas Perkins, for the signature of the Creditors; and all Persons indebted to the said Richard White, are requested to pay their respective Debts forthwith to the said Thomas Perkins or John Thomas, or they will be proceeded against for the same. ( One Concern.) Under an Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by JOHN THOMAS, On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the. 9th, 10th, aud 11th days of Jnne, 1814, ( und not on the . id and 3d, as before advertised, being Ledbury Fair,) on the premises of Mr. RICHARD WHITE, of Cbacelev- Ktll End, in the parish of Chacely, in ihe county ot'Wor- cester ;— All the Capital LIVE STOCK', Com, Hay, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, TOGETHER WITH THE NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, China, Glass, Earthenware, aud other Ef- fects; comprising three stmt cart geldings, two cart mares, mare in foal, capital hackney mare and gelding, seven prime dairy cows, four cows and calves, two cowseaily iu calf, six two- year- old heifers, five year- ling heifers, and a capital yearling bull, three very good working oxen and a bull, nine weaning calves ; 11 fat wether sheep, and a ram, 30 ewes and Jambs, ten tegs; sow in farrow, two hilts in farrow, three sows and pigs, one store pig ; rick of wheat, two ditto of beans, two ricks of hav, about 40 bushels of barley ; two nine- stone rick staddles, three stout waggons, two broad and one narrow- wheel carts, drill plough, double plough, long plough, hammock plough, two pair of large harrows, pair of small harrows, thrashing machine, barley roll, 6 sets of long aud 2 of thiller'sgeers, 2 bows and traces, ladders, working tools, withy poles, plough and waggon timber, quantity of potatoes, hogshead of rider, six flitches of excellent bacon, upwards of 60 seasoned hogsheads and other casks, dairy utensils, brewing and other tubs, & c. The Household Furniture consists of four- post, tent, and stump bedsteads, with cotton aud other hangings, seasoned goose feather beds, blankets, quills, sheets, table, and other linen; mahogany card, dining, anil other tables; chairs, pier and swing glasses, floor aud other carpets, 30- hour and 8- day clock and case, bu- reau, chest of drawers, dresser and shelves, together with a general assortment of chamber and kitchen re- quisites, & c. the particulars of which will appear in Catalogues, and may be had three days preceding the Sale, at the Place of Sale; Green Dragon, Corse Lawn; White Lion, Upton- upou- Severn; 3tran lun, Combe Hill; and of the Auctioneer, Tewkesbury, The Farming Stock will be sold the first day, and 1 coimucuee with the Ilarses. poetry, - A NEW SONG Sung al the Triennial ( nnrmemn- ation- of the Anniversa- ry of the Birth Day of the la'e Itight Honourable iVilllnm Pitt, at Merchant Taylors' Hall, on Satur- day last. " n> y poor country!" was thy cry, ( if Gaeat Pitt,. when smote by Azrael'sdart: For, soaring to thy native sky, Tlty land beloved vvas near tliy lieart. Twas ones mitsruely to deplore, Lost the ftfrtt guardian ofour realm ; High rased the storm, and we no more Beheld oisr pilot at tiie helm. But hid from mortal eye, still here Thy soul gave Britain's Counsels life, Superior raised her sons to fear, Till triumph clos'd the unequal strife. Thus yon bright Sun, pure source of light, Torn from our eager gaze with day, Fondly vouchsafes to cheer our night, And give through other orbs Ins ray. Illustrious Shade! come share of joy fhe rapturous clow in every breast, Which doubt nor fear can inoie alloy, Look down and see thy country blest f Saved by thy principles, we owli, Of Pate, of God the high decree, Thv England is not sav'd alone, A bleeding world revives through thee. CORRESPONDENCE RESPECTING THE DRAWING ROOM. The following letters have passed between the il- lustrious personages whose signatures tht- y respective- ly bear, on the subject of the approaching Drawing- room. This correspondence will doubtless excite a very painful interest in every English breast, occur- ring as it does at the present auspicious era— au era which we had been confidently led to expect would have been eminently distinguished by the allaying of all discord— private as well as public. LETTER OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES TO THE PKINCE REGENT. « SIR— I am once more reluctantly compelled to address your Royal Highness, and to inclose for your inspection, copies of a note which X have had the ho- nour to receive from the Queen, and ot the answers which X have thought it my duty to return to her Ma- jesty. It would be iu vain for me lo inquire into tbe reasons of the alarming declaration made by your Royal Highness, that yon have taken the fixed and unalterable determination never to meet me, upon any occasion, either in public, or private. Of these your Royal Highness has been pleased to state your-, self to be the only judge. You will perceive by my answer to her Majesty, that I have only been restrain- ed by motives of personal consideration towards her M - ijcsty, from exercising my right of appearing before her Majesty, at the public Drawiug- roouis, to be held in the ensuing month. " But, Sir, lest it should be by possibility supposed that the words of your Royal Highness can convey any insinuation from which I shrink, I am bound to demand of yonr Royal Highness—- what circumstances can justify tlie proceedings you have thus thought fit to adopt? " I owe it to myself, to my daughter, and to the nation, to which I am deeply indebted for the vindi- cation of my honour, to remind your Royti! Highness of what you know ; that after open persecution and mysterious inquiries upon undefined charges, the ma- lice of my enemies fell entirely, upou themselves; and that I was restored by the King, with the advice of liis Ministers, to the fall enjoyment of my rank in his ronrt, upon iny complete acquittal. Since his Ma- jesty's lamented illness, I have demanded, in tbe face of Parliament aud the country, to be proved guilty, or to be treated as innocent. I have been declared innocent— I will not submit to be treated as guilty. " Sir, your Royal Highness may possrbl. v refuse lo read this letter; but the wojld most know lhat I have written it; and they will see my real motives fer fore- going, in this instance,' the rights of my rank. Occa- sions, however, may arise, ( one I trust is far distant) w hen I must appear iu public, and your Royal High- ness must be present also. Can yonr Roy » l Highness have contemplated the full extent of your declaration? Has your Royal Highness forgotten the approaching marriage ofour daughter, and the possibility of our coronation? " I waive my rights, in a case where I am not ab- solutely bound to assert them, in order to relieve the Queen, as far as I can, from the painful situation in which she is placed by yonr Royal Highness; not from any consciousness of blame, not from any doubt ofthe existence ot those rights, or of my own worthi- ness lo enjoy them. " Sir, the time you have selected for this proceed- ing is calculated to make it pecaliarly galling. Many illustrious strangers are already arrived in England; ainong't others, as I am informed, the illustrious heir of the House of Orange, who has announced himself to me as my future son- in- law. From their society I am unjustly excluded. Others are expected, of rank equal to your own, to rejoice with your Royal High- ness in the peace of Europe. My daughter will, tor the first time, appear in the splendour and publicity becoming the approaching nuptials of the presump- tive heiress of this Empire. This season your Royal Highness has chosen for treating me with fresh and unprovoked indignity: and of ail his Majesty's sub- jects, I alone am prevented by your Royal Highness from appearing in my place, to partake ofthe general joy. and am deprived of the indulgence of those feel- ings of pride and affection, permitted to every mo- ther but me.— I am, Sir, " Your Royal Highness faithful wife, " CAROLINE P." " Ctnnaught House, May 26, 1311," ( INCLOSURES.) THE QUEEN TO THE PRINCESS OF WALES. Windsor Caslle, May 23,1814. " The Queen considers it to be her duty to lose no time in acquainting the Princess of Wales, that she has received a communication from her son the Prince Regent, in which he states, that her Majesty's intention of holding two Drawing- rooms in ti e ensu- ing month, have beeu notified to the Public, he must declare, that lie considers that bis own presence at her Court cannot be dispensed with; and that he desires it may be distinctly understood, for reasons of which he alone can be the judge, to be his fixed and unalterable determination not to meet the Princess of Wales upon any occasion, either in public or private. " The Queen is thus placed under the painful ne- cessity of intimating to the Princess of Wales the impossibility of her Majesty's receiving her Royal Highness at her Drawing- rooms. " CHARLOTTE, R." ANSWER OF THE PRINCESS OF WALES TO THE QUEEN. " Madam— I have received the letter which your Majesiy has done me the honour lo address to me, prohibiting my appearance at the Public Drawing* Rooms which will be held by your Majesty in the ensuing month, with great surprise aud regret. " I will not presume to discuss with your Majesty, topics which must be as paiolul to your Majesty as to myself. " Your Majesty is well acquainted with the affec- tionate regard with which the King was so kind as to honour me. up to the period of his Majesty's indispo- sition, v. M' h uo one of his Majesty's subjects has so much cause to lament as myself: and that his Ma- jesty was graciously pleased to bestow upon me the most unequivocal and gratifying proof of his attach- ment aud appiobatiou, by his public reception of me at bis Court, at a season of severe and unmerited af- fliction, when his protection was most necessary to me. There I have since uninterruptedly paid my respects to your Majesty. I atn now without . appeal or protector. But I cannot so far forget my duty to the King and to myself, as to surrender my right lo appear at any Public Drawuig- Room to be held by yonr Majesty. " That I may not, however, add to the difficulty and uneasiness of your Majesty's situation, I yield iu the present instance to the will ofhis Royal Highness the Prince Regent, announced to me by your Ma- jesty, and shall not present myself at the Drawing- rooms of thenext mouth. " It would be piesuuipluotisin me to attempt to inquire of your Majesty tbe reasons of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent for this harsh proceed- ing, of w hich his Royal Highness can alone be the judge. I am unconscious of offence ; and in that re- flection I must enileavottr to find consolation for all the mortifications I experience;. even for this, the last, the most unexpected, and the most severe; the prohibition given to me alone to appear before your Majesty, to offer my congratulations upon the happy termination of those calamities with which Europe has been so long afflicted, iu the presence of the Il- lustrious Personages who will, in all probability, be assembled at your Majesty's Court, with whom I am so closely conuected by birth and marriage. " I beseech your Majesty to do me an act of jus- tice, to which, in the present circumstances, your Ma- jesty is the only person competent, by acquainting those Illustrious Strangers with the motives of per- sonal consideration towards your Majesty which alone induce me to abstain from the exercise of my right to appear before yonr Majesty ; and that I do now, as I have done at alt times, defy the malice of my enemies to fix upon me the shadow of any one impu- tation which could render me unworthy of their so- ciety or regard. " Your Majesty will, I am sure, not be displeased that I should relieve myself from a suspicion of dis- respect towards yonr Majesty, by making public the cause of my absence from Court at a time when the duties of my station would otherwise peculiarly de- mand my attendance. " I have the honour to be, your Majesty's Most obedient daughter- iu- law and servant, " CAROLINE, P." Connaught- House, May 24, 1814. STATE PAPER. Ferdinand's Refusal of the Constitution made by the Spanish Cortes. This proclamation of the Spanish Monarch is dated on the 4th of May, at Valencia, and is of great length; we can, therefore, ouly lay an outliue of it before our readers. It commences by taking a view of the perfidious measurss of Bonaparte, which led to the captivity of the Royal Family, and the prostration of Spain. Fer- dinand then accuses tbe Cortes of domoeracy, and of being unconstitutionally and irregularly elected.— The following language is very strong: " But these Cortes, assembled in a manner nerer used in Spain, even in the most arduous cases, arid in the most turbulent tiroes of the minorities of Kings, in which the Assembly of Procurators were wont to be more numerous than in the common and ordinary Cortes, were not called the States of the liability aud Clergy, although the Central Junta had so ordered, this Decree having been artfully concealed from the Coun- cil of Regency, and also the fact that the Junta bad assigned to it the Presidency of the Cortes, a preroga- tive of tbe Crown which the Regency would not have left to the decision of the Congress, if it had been ae quainted therewith. In consequence of this, every thing remained at the disposal ofthe Cortes; who, on the very day of their installation, and. by way of coin, mencemeut to their acts, despoiled me of my sovereign- ty, which the same Deputies had only a little before acknowledged, ascribing it nominally to the natipn, in older to appropriate it to themselves, and then, upon such usurpation, to dictate to the nation sueb laws as they pleased, imposing upon it the yoke by which it should receive them eumpulsorilv in a new Constitution, which the Deputies established without authority of the provinces, people, or juntas, and with- out the knowledge of those provinces, which were said to be represented by substitutes from Spain and the Indies. This Constitution they'sanctioned aud pub. lished in 1812. This first attack upon the prerogatives of the Throne, abusing the name of the Nation, be- came, as itVivere, the basis of many other attacks tvhicb followed- it; aud, in spite of the repugnance of many deputies, perhaps of the majority, tbev were adopted, and raised to the rank of laws, which they called fundamental, by means of tbe shouts, threats, and violence of those who attended in the galleries ot' the Cortes, which they alarmed and terrified; antl that which was in truth the ATOI k of a faction, was clothed with the specious mask ofthe general will, and for such will, that of a few seditious persons, who in Cadiz, and afterwards in Madrid, occasioned affliction to all good citizens, made their ow n to pass. These facts are so notorious, that there is scarcely any one who is ignorant of them ; aud the very Diaries qf the Cortes furnish ample proof of them." Having denounced the Government which he found on his return, the King communicates the form aud spirit of that which be promises to substitute in its stead:— " Thelibeity and security of personsaml property shall be firmly secured by means of laws, which, guaiantee- ing public liberty and order, sha'l leave to all that sa- lutary liberty whose undisturbed enjoyment distin- guishes a moderate from au arbitrary and despotic Go- vernment, and in which the citizens subject to the foimer ought to live. This just liberty all likewise shall enjoy, in order to communicate through the press their ideas and thoughts, within those limits, however, which sound reason imperiously/ prescribes to all, that it may not degenerate into liceiftiousness : for tbe res. peet which is due to Religion and tlwi Government, and that which men mutually owe to each other, can, under no civilized Government, be reasonably per- mitted to be violated aud trampled upon with impu- nity." Towards the conclusion he dissolves the Cortes, orders them to surrender their books and archives, and declares all those guilty of high treason who shall obstruct this decree. The instrument further says— " I declare,, that my royal intention is, not only not to swear nor accede to the said Constitution, nor to any decree of the General arid Extraordinary Cortes, and of the Ordinary at present sitting, those, to wit, which derogate from the rights and prerogatives of my sove- reignty, established by the constitution and the laws under which tbe nation lias lived in times past, but to pronounce that constitution and such decrees null and of no effect, now, or at any other time, as if such acts bad never passed, and that they are entirely ab- rogated, and without any obligation on my people and subjects, of whatever class and condition, to fulfil or observe them. And as he who should attempt to sup- port them, ai( d shall thus contradict my royal procla- mation, adopted w ith the above agreement and assent, will attack the prerogatives of my sovereignty, aud the happiness of the nation, and will cause discontent and disturbance in my kingdom, 1 declare, whoever shall dare lo attempt the same will be guilty of high treason, and as sueb subject to capital pnnishment, whether he perform the same by deed, by writing, or by words, moving and exciting, or m any other way exhortmgand persuading that the said Constitution aud Decrees be kept and observed." Such is the character of Ihe first great measure re- sorted to by " our beloved MouarchTerdinand VII." in whose name, at least, the Spanish struggle has been conducted. We are sorry to add, that this difference has already been the source of commotions throughout Spain,— A private letter from Madrid, May 21, says:-— " The King's Proclamation was read ot the Puerta del Sol amidst the loudest acclamations. The people broke into the Sala de las Cot tes, aud w ithout injuring the buildings erased the word Constitution, and re- moved the statue of liberty. That figure was of wood and painted like bronze, an emblem, say the i nemies of the Liberales, of tbe w ork they had erected— bold and impudent in appeaianre, really worthless in its material. It was conveyed by tiie mob to the Piazi Mayer, beheaded and burnt. Rejoicings, acclamati- ons, triumphal arches, and illuminations followed. The King was drawn into the streets hy the peo- ple, aud the members of the Cortes were carried to prison without the slightest appearance of concern or alarm iu the metropolis.— On the fi. th of May, before the revolution at Madrid, the people of Seville bad risen against , tlie Constitution, aiitl proclaimed FER- DINAND hereditary Sovereign of Spain and the Indies." Persons arrested at Madrid on the night of the 10th of May, and iu the following days: — The two Regents, Ciscar and Agar. Munos Torrero, Arguelles, Oliveros, Villanueva, Ca- latiava, and Zumalacarregui, Ex- Meuibets of the late Extraordinary Cortes. Cepero, Garcia Page, Cnpas, Martinez de la Rosa, and Canga ArgueHas, Members of the present Cortes. Terati, Karoos tie Arispe, Larrazaba. 1, and Felui, Members of both. - Garcia Herreros, Alvares Guerra, Odonoju, Cano Manuel, employed iu tbe offices of tbe Secretary of Slate. The Count of Noblexas and and bis brother, Quinta- na, Domenech, the Pereiras, The players, Gil and Maiquez. Manrique, Editor of the Redactor- General. Ramajo, Editorof the Couciso.— Gazette de France. BONAPARTE AT ELSA. Portst- Ferrajo ( Isle of Elba), May 8— On tbe Sd instant, at six in the evening, there appeared in our roads ati English frigate : it hoisted out a boat, which lauded several Officers of the Russian, English, and Austrian Staffs, with tw o French Generals accompa- nying the Ex- Emperor Napoleon, who was on hoard the frigate. These Officers having officially commu- nicated to the Commandant of the port the events which had taken place in France, the abdication of Bonaparte, aud bis arrival at Elba, all the necessary preparations were made during the night for the re- ception of this famous Personage- All the Autho- rities were required to attend the ceremony of his entrance. Next mOfiiin-' a sent by the dethroned Em- peror, wa'^^ MNj^ Jinto the town with some sort of solemnity,^ W^ RnffedTately hoisted on the Castle, amidst a salute of artillery. This flag has a white ground, interspersed with bees, and in the centre appear the arms of Bonaparte, and those of the Isle, united by a rose- coloured stripe. Some time after the flag was hoisted, Bonaparte landed with all his suite, and was saluted with 101 rounds of cannon. The English frigate replied to the salute with 2- 1 guns. Bonaparte was dressed in a blue great coat, under which appeared a suit richly embroidered with silver, with a peculiar decoration: he had a small round hat, with a white cockade; three ( idlers and two fifers preceded hi Si, amidst a multitude of peo- ple rather curious than eager to see him. He was conducted to the house of the Mayor, where be re- ceived the visits ot all the superior Civil Officers; he spoke to each of them, affecting an air of confidence, aud even of gaiety, putting a numbar of questions re- lative to the I » le. After reposing some moments, Bonaparte got on horst liaek^ ni^ ith his suite visited the forts of Mar* cinna^ PHH& apo, Liviri, and Rio. On the rooming of the 3' li, the Ex- Emperor, ac- companied By the Commissaries of the Allied Powers, mounted his horse, and rode to Porto Longone, five miles from this town. He also visited the irou mines, which constituted the wealth ofthe Isle of Elba. He asked those around him what might be the revenue of these mines?—" 500,000 hvres."—" These .-> 00,000 livres will then be mine."—" But, Sirp, you know, that by a Decree yon appropriated them to the Legion of Honour."—" Where was my head when I gave this order ? I have issued so many foolish Decrees in my life- time I" Hitherto we have not remarked that Bonaparte w ould have a viry numerous suite, Yesterday some fine horses, carriages, & e. were lauded ; we expert moie equipages, atlvi a corpii of troops belonging to the Allied Powers. 1 General Dalesme has posted up a Proclamation, ill which he recommends Bonaparte tc^ g^ njbshitants cf Elba. LONDON FASHIONS. From La Belle Assemblee of the present month, June. BALL DRESS for the Fetes in honour of the Emperor of Russia anl Allies.— White lace drapery over a pale pink satin slip ; tbe drapery is trimmed round with scollops, which are edged with narrow blond lace, put on very full, and is rather shorter than the slip, which is also edged with blond. A pink satin body is worn over Ihe drapery; the back is made tight to the shape, and is finished behind in a point to correspond with the front; the back is the same breadth as last mouth, but unusually high. Fancy sleeve. Scollops of laee edged with bloud falls over the neck, and is edged to correspond with the train. The points of the botlv are ornamented with pearl fleurs de lys, which have a mo, it tasteful effect. Pearl necklace, bracelets, earrings, and armlets ; locket, intermingled pearls and colour, a stones. Head- dress the Welling- ton wreath of laurel in white or green foil, inter- spersed triiij rpgal crowns and other applicable attri- butes : it is a most elegant, novel, anil tasteful orna- ment for any full head- dress whatever, and at this pe- riod should be universally worn. White kid slippers and gloves, BLI CHER BONNET AND SPENCER.— High- dress of jaconet muslin, with a triple lace ruff, and a profu- sion of lace let in round the neek. The bottom of this dress is trimmed in a most elegant style ; a broad pointed laee flounce is sewed on to a piece of niuslin of the same breadth, which is full, and gauged in a byas form at irregular distances; over this piece of mnsliu is placed a second flounce of scolloped lace, which is put on to the dress by a heading; this trim- ming ha? an extremely rich aud elegant effect. The spenser is composed of an emerald green satin, with a trimming of a darker shade, aud is appropriate to lite season, made low in the neck, so as to display Ihe profusion of lace round the neck and throat; the triple row of points which adorn it are iu the shape of au olive, admirably appropriate to the piesent time. The sleeves are singularly novel and tasteful, and are fastened iu regular distances cbla- Russe.— The caiTsTITtr ornamented in a manner similar to the neek. The bonnet is composed of emerald green, of a shape perfectly new, most becoming, and very dif- ferent to any thing yet worn ; a feather of a dark shade is placed a little to the side, and falls oyer to the point of the bonnet behind. The Blucher Bonnet, though expressly invented for the carriage costume, is yet in high estimation with our most tonisli pedestrians, the elegant mate- rials, of^ which it is composed, the originality of its • form, and, above all, its being at once ] aunt fa and becoming, render it a favourite. Gloves and slippers to correspond. Mis. Bell, the inventress of the Ladies' Chapeau Bras, of No. 26, Charlotte- street, Bedford- square, two doors frotu Great Runnel- street, ( removed from No. ? 2, Upper King- street,) is the inventress of the above dresses, at whose Magazin des Modes alone they may he had. The ship Liverpool, of that port, Captain Hill, on her voyage to the West Indies in March last, beat off, iu a most gallant manner, tbe American priva- teer Snap Dragon, of seven guns and 112 men,— The Americans attempted to carry the Liverpool by boarding, but were completely repulsed, and lost a great number of men. The brave ami meritorious conduct ot Captain Hill and his gallant crew has been rewarded by Captain Muddle, of his Majesty's ship Columbine, preseuting them with a Pendant, to be carried by tbe Liverpool, which put into Demerara to repair her damages. Mr. Williams, the first officer, and three seamen oftln- Liverpool, were wounded.— The number of Americans killed and wounded was considerable, and several ot their boarders were left ou the Liverpool's deck. General Officers not having regiments are to be al- lowed half- pay as such, and not according to their re- gimental rank, as was formerly the case. Itlias, we believe, been resolved by government, not to disband the Local Militia, but hy some further legislative regulation lo make it a still mote effective constitutional force. tifying intelligence of the safe arrival at Portsmouth of a large homeward- bound East- India fleet, under Our port letters of Mouday announce the gra- convoy of the Stirling Castle, Sir Home Popltam. The Russian fleet, now at Blackstakes, will sail for Russia in two divisions; the first, under the com- mand of Vice- Admiral Crown, will sail in a few days; ihe second, under AamiralTate, will sail in about a month. A Calcutta paper contains tbe following extract of a letter from Kedgeree, dated June 8 :— A boat be- longing to the luglis came up here this morning for water, and anchored in about one and a half fathom; a poor fellow belonging to her attempted to swim ou shore; but horrid to relate, scarcely had he plunged into the water, when he was attacked by two large voracious sharks, who stripped the flesh from his legs and thighs.— We hastened ta his relief, and dragged the unhappy man to the shore, where he instantly ex- pired, I never beheld such a spectacle,'* At a meeting of the Livery of London, held on Fri- day, several resolutions were agreed to ou the subject of the Corn Trade, and upon those resolutions a peti- tion was ordered, praying that nothing further might be done in the business by Parliament, till full infor- mation should be obtained, demonstrating tbe neces- sity of the measure, Several resolutions wtre also entered into respecting Norway, in substance as fol- lows:—" We cannot but feel the greatest concern at observing the attempts now making to subjugate the Norwegians, a brave and inoffensive people, to a fo- reigu yoke, against which they have loudly declared their abhorrence ; and we most deeply regret, lhat the British navy should be employed in a blockade, the obyions tendency of which is to starve theni into sub- mission." Sydney Gazettes have been received to the 14th of August. Apprehensions of a famine prevailed through Sou th Wales at that date. Governor Macquarrie had been thence induced to issue a proclamation, recom- mending very strict regulations to be adopted in the different settlement, to husband the stock that re- ( mained on hand. Mr. Kean's benefit at Drury- lane Theatre, on Wed- nesday night, produced upwards of 20001. which is more than double the capacity of the house can yield at the ordinary price, A great Spanish house has failed for 300,0001. The great rise of prices which took place iu every article of colonial produce has had its day, aud a fall almost equal to it is now commencing. France is found to be glutted with sugar and coffee. Some of our speculators have, returned without selling au ounce. Great quantities of baeon and Westphalia hams have been sold at Harwich at reduced prices within the last week; the former at yd. the latter at lOd. per lb. The Corn Bill has been printed. The principal tiling in it is the schedule of prices, according to which the import duty on foreign grain is regulated, That duty begins at 24s. the quarter, on wheat, while the price is at or under 63s. and falling in exact proportion as the price rises, till 86s. and upwards, when a duty of Is. only is payable. Ou rye and beans a duty 22s. is laid, when the price is 42s. diminishing gradually to Is, dmy at 63s. price. Ou barley or bigg the duty is 13s. when the price is 32s. diminishing to is. duly at 44s, price. On oats 12s. duty at 21s. price, declin- ing to Is. duty at 32s. price, and upwards. On im- ports from Canada, and other British American colo- nies, half these duties are required. Flour to pay per Cwt. one- third of the duty on each quarter of wheat; and meal to pay per boll ta same as each quarter of oats. , THE APPRENTICE BILL.— The following are the enactments, as amended by the Committee.—" And be it enacted, That it shall and may be lawful for any person to take or retain or become an Apprentice, though not according to the provisions of the Act 5 Eliz.; and that all indentures, deeds, and agree- ments in writing, entered iuto for that purpose, shall be valid and good in law; provided that nothing in this Act contained shall extend to alter or affect any bye- law or regulation of any Corporation or Com- pany lawfully constituted ;—- that any Justice or Jus- tices ofPeacc may hear and determine any complaints that arise in any future Apprenticeships made under this Act or otherwise, in like manner as if they had been made under tbe Act hereby in part repealed; — that this Act shall not extern! to defeat, alter or prejudice the custom and order of the City of Lon- don, concerning Apprentices; and that this Act shall be judicially taken notice of by all Judges, Justices, and others, without being specially pleaded. An engraver at Somer'sTown, named Wilkius, died last Sunday, in consequence of having fractured his skull, in the following manner. He was drinking tea, and according to his usual practice when seated, was balancing himself upon the hinder feet of the chair, when he lost his equilibrium, fell backward, and struck his head against a marble slab; lie was taken tip in a state of insensibility, and survived only four days. The following remarkable circumstance in the an- nals of the poor, occurred a few days since in the pa- rish of Stoke St. Mary, near Taunton. A pauper, who had been receiving parochial relief for some time past, came to the overseer of the poor, saying that he had saved money during the time that he had been burdensome to the parish, antl that he knew some others who had also received relief had done the same; that in consequence he wished lo decline receiving any more pay, and accordingly then voluntarily resign- ed the allowance which had been previously paid to him weekly. A small vessel, named the Advice, coal laden, sailed from Sunderland for Chatham, on Tuesday se'nnight, and being obliged to make the Humber, arrived at Hull on Friday. She bad, on her passage, sprung a leak of so alarming a nature, that the master and crew w ere on the point of taking to their boat, and aban doning the sinking vessel. On examination, however, they found to their great joy and surprise, that the pump had gained upon the water iu the hold, and by persevering in their exertions, the vessel was brought to Hull. Being takeu into Mr. Gleadow's dry dock for repair, it was discovered lhat a fish had made its way so completely into the crevice, as to stop the pro- gress of the leak ; and when found iu that situation was so c losely wedged, that it was necessary to cut away several inches of the wood before it could bp taken away. The length of the fish formed a seam of about six inches, Tbe two French prisoners, who have solong remain- ed under sentence in Huntingdon goal, Jean Nicholas Deshamps and Jean Roubillard, ( having been con- victed of forgery at the Summer Assizes in 1005, and respited during his Majesty's pleasure) received a free pardon from the Prince Regent last week, anil vyere conducted to Norman Cross, to be conveyed to prance with the prisoners of war. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS.— Dean v. SivW. Clayton. — The Court advised Couusel to bring tl} is caseon for argument in the shape of a special verdict. It w as an action tried before Mr. Justice Dallas, at Oxford. Tbe declaration slated that the Plaintiff, accompa nied by a Mr. Turner, on the 20th of November last, was passing along Sockner Mipod, belonging to Mr. Tovyqshend, from whom they had the liberty of shoot- ing, This wood was separated by a mound of earth from a wood belonging to Sir W. Clayton, While they were walking a hare started, and Dean's dog ( a staunch greyhound, worth 201.) followed her over va- rious turnings, arid finally oyer the mound into Sir W. Clayton's ground. The plaintiff audi his. cowp* endeavoured to prevent the dog from going ov « ; i;, bolt, could not, A few minutes after they heard a noise like the howling of a dog iu pain. The plaintiff fol- lowed him into Sir W, Clayton's ground, and came hick iu a rage with an iron, spike bloody, which he. said he bad wrenched from a tree, where the dog had been killed by running on it. They went into, the wood, and found eight other spikes fixed in trees, a< a height that would impede a 4-> g in pursuit of hares; while tin- hares might Hill under tile spikes Unhurt. The plaintiff brought, bis action. lor the value of tbe dog— One of the witnesses slated, that hoards ba, it been put up by Sir W. Clayton, to. give notice of stakes and steel traps being se t iu I tie ground.— Th£ Jury found a verdict for the plaintiff w ith lol. datnages, subject to the question, whether, ip point ot law, the plaintiff is entitled to recover? The case, which, in- volves a question of great interest to spoilsmen, will; be ably argued by Serjeants Best ami Shepherd, a* soon as certain irregularities pointed out hy the Cyiu(, iu the declaration, can be reconciled, EXECUTION.—- Monday II itliam Henry Bolter, ebK for forgery, was, pursuant to his sentence,! xecuted be-! fore the Debtor's Door, Old Bailey, He inn eon-, ducted to the scaffold at eight o'clock, on which h< t was attended by a Catholic Priest, with wlipm he continued a short period iu prayer; after which ha was launched into, eternity, and his body, after bavins been suspended the usual time, was taksn down, ant| carried into the inner yard of Newgate, lo be given tq his friends for burial. The fate of thin unfortunate young man is an awful lesson to the indiscretion of youth, and of the consequences of improper company, Unsuspicious and unguarded lie became a prey to the; allurements of Ibf designing, and lie has fallen a vip- tim ill the daw il of manhood. His condui t before his, death was the reverse of that delusion under wlurh lie was led astray, and he happily verified his own ex-, pressions to a friend, lhat his errors had sprung from thoughtlessness, not from depravity of heart. By per niten. ee and resignation lie was enabled to sustain hi^ last conflict with becoming firmness. On his vyay to » the scaffold he calmly said, " I have prayed to Uiy God for fortitude, and you see He has gi. yeu it nip."- He was 23 years ot age, eight ot which lie had served in the Navy. His disposition was generous and aSfec- tiouate. May his awful dissolution be a lasting em ample ! CHESTER, May 28.— This day William Wilgop, fai: setting fire to. a barn, belonging to Mr. Butler, wa* executed on the drop behind the city goal, iu this city. He asserted Ids innocence to the last, and cmiliiiuocj iu the same incoherent stpfy be had told at the trial, of- two women, whom he named, having set lire to the premises. Butler, it seems, was overseer of the parisjj ofTiveton, in this county, where the barn was situ- ated; aud Wilson having become chargeable to the parish, ( being unable to work at his business, aclpck- maker, through age, being 70) and not receiving set much as he thought Butler ought to have given him, is supposed to have been the instigitiou ofhis commit- ting ( hecrime lor which he suffered. He, however" denied his guilt to the last; aud asserted oil the scal- fobl, that bad parish officers had first endeavoured ttj starvehim, aud then swore away his life.— He eat very heartily all the time of his confinement, took a hearty breakfast this morning, a hinch after that, and conti; lined eating all the way from tbe county goal to ili « city prison. He smiled when brought out; and sai^ it was to see so much fuss made to hang an old man— a stioug military guard and numerous p^ sse ol consta- bles being in attendance.— He preserved his fortitude to Ihe last moment; aud, on the who. le, there is strong grounds to believe him to be insane! He had served a number of years both in the iifiny and n^ vy; was ii) many engagements under Rodniy and Other distill-, guished Commanders, including down to Nelson, am] carried the scars of many honourable wounds w ill) him io tjie gallows. Previous to his being launched into eternity, he delivered a paper to one of the spec; tators, in which he imprecated curses on liis prpsecu; tors, witnesses, and the Judge who condemned him j averting tbat his life had been falsely sworn away. BANKRUPTS fwm SATURDA ) ' s GAZETTE. George William Downing, Tower- street, wine-. iujer- chant, June4,11, July 2, at Guildhall. Att. Dru'ce! Billiter- square, Fenchureh- slreet...., Anthony - Ami Tho- mas Lewis, St. Jaines's- street, Westminster, tavern V coffee- house keepers, May 31, June 4, Jtilv 9, at Guildhall. Atts. Oakley and Birch, Mailin's- lane, Cannon- street R. Hellyer, Tottenham court- road, Middlesex, baker. May 31, June 14, July 9, at Guild* hall. Att. Davison, Warreu- street, Fitzroy- squaie...' John Robinson, Union- place, B'nckheath, meal- man, May 31, June 14, July 9, at Guildhall. Att. Birkett, Cloak- Jane... . John William Archer, Barring, Essex, linen- draper, June 7, 21, July 9, at Guildhall; Atts. Rowland and Robinson, Gray's" liin- pljicp........ I Elizabeth Jones, Appletree- yard, iil. James's, whole sale perfumer, June 4, 14, July 9, at Guildhall. Att$= Evitt and Rixcu, Haydon- square Anthony Hand. ley, Sheffield, Yorkshire, merchant, June 3,4, July 9- at the Toptme Inn, Sheffield, Atts. Rimington and" Wilson, Sheffield; or Wilson, Greville- street, Hattoij Garden John Wade, liurntwood, Staffordshire. tanner, June 16, 17, July 9, at the Wolseley Ann/. Woiseley Bridge. Atts. Austice and Wright, Temple- or Dent, Stone Benjamin Turner, WeBtBromwich! Staffordshire, bayonet- maker, June 17,18, July 9, a I the Royal Hotel, Birmingham. Atts, Baxter aiu{ Martin, Furniyal's Inu; or Bird, Birmingham William Salliss, Cambridge- heath, Hacliney- road, ba- ker, June 7, 11, July 9, at Guildhall. Att. Veal" Abiqgdonrstreet, Westminster George West, Sail. coates, Yorkshire, coal- merchant, June J, 1Q, July at Sam's Coffee- house, Kingstoii- upoif- Hull. Atts' Rosser and Son, Baftlett's- bujldings: or Dickinsons and Thompson, Hull James Tenfold, Goring, SUS. sex, farmer, June IQ, U, Jmy 9, at the ty'lule Iforse' Starring ton. Atts. Mailt, Storringtoii; or Rainier' Doughty- street David E » « « » , Wai| iiK-? treet, SabpJ innkeeper, June 6, 7, July 9, at the Tttrfj Shrewsbury! Atts. Presland and Proctor, Brunswick- square; of Cooper, Shrewsbury Robert panics, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, common carrier, Ji; ne 16, 17, July's, at Guildhall. Atts. Anstice and Wright, Temple; cr Dent, Stone Rich. Walker, Bridge- hall, Lanes- shire, cotton- spinner, June 7, at the Griffin, 11, July 9, at the White Horse, Manchester. Atts. Par'kef. Bury; or Shaw, Cursitor- street, Chancery- lane......... William Tudball, Taunton, Somersetshire, grocer, Jung 22, 23, at the White Hart, Wiyehscombe, July 9, at the Castle, Taunton. Att's. Shepherd and Co- Bed- fordrrow; or Hancock, Ford, near Wive) iscombe.... i7 John Fowler, Birchin laue, London, broker, June 7* II, Inly 9, at Guildhall. Att. Lane, Lawience'Ponnt: ney lull Wm. Burridge, sen. Wm- Burridgf, jun. and John Burrifige, Portsmouth, Hants, bankers, Jiiii'fi 4, 18, July 9, at Guildhall. Atts. Alllslpn and ' Co; Freeiiiau's- coui t, Cornltill Wm. Coc, Caniipn- streefj cork- cutter, June 4, 9, July 9, at Gujldball. 4' tj? Wright, Dowgate- liill Edw. Barcharj, Fenchurch- street- chainbers, ship and insuraiice^ bro'kerp,' June17j 18, July 9, at Guildhall. Atts. Sw^ in and Co. Fred^ l rick's- placc, Old Jew ry. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDES}.— G. Scott and E. FIUR « cliurd, Fencbureh- street- chanibers, merchants. BANKRUPTS from TUESDAY'S GAZETTE. Robert Heller, Tctienhani- court- road, ' Middlesex, baker, June 4, 14, July 12, at Guildhall. Att. DAVS son, Warren- Street, Fitzroy square...... J^/ m Borni'dri' Tonbridge, Kent, upholsterer, June 4, sti, July i'j} at Guildhall. Att. Carter, Staple's? on.. Thorhat Lancefield, Maidstone, Kent, grocer and'tallow- chand? ier, June 4, 9, July 12, at Guildhall. Att. Rarbiirj Clmncery- lane John Willis, Rood- lane, London' broker, June 7, 25, July 12, at Guildhall. Att. Lox> ley and Son, Cheapsidc... l.. Jt> An Adkins] WarkwdrtfiJ Northamptonshire, tanner, June 7, 8, July 12, at tl. e Flying Horse, Banbury. Atts. Lowes and Cow bun?; Temple; or Tims, Banbury John IFdjthdgijGii& f burgh, Lincolnshire, grocer and tailow ciiandler, JtVriiS 22, K3, July 12, at the Wlute Hart, Gatgbbprglf. AtfJ', Exley and Co. Furnival's Inu; or Barftard atid'Co; Gainsburgh. " 1 - -<•-',
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