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The Glocester Herald


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Volume Number: XIII    Issue Number: 660
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 14/05/1814
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: XIII    Issue Number: 660
No Pages: 4
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K? AI> ITI8. P YP t PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR THE PROPR'ET^' P. S, BY G. F. HARRIS. VOL. XIII. No. 660. SATURDAY, MAY IF, iS- K. PRICE SIX- PENCE HALFPENNY. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON, TUESDAY, MAY 10. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, SATURDAY, MAY 7. AT tiie Court at Carlton- Honse, tlie 6th of } lay 1814, present, his Royal Highness the Prine, Regent in Connril. This day the Right flotionrahle Warren Hastings was, by rotnrnand of his Royae Highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on thel behalf of his Majesty, sworn of his Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and took bis place at the Board accordingly. LOUIS the XVIIl.' s important Declaration.— Grand Entrance into Paris.— Massacre at Mi- lan, IfC. Yesterday Paris Papers of the 4th were received, containing the account of the entrance ot his Majesty into his capital; a most important Declaration pub- lished by his Majesty the evening before relative to the Constitution; disturbances at Milan, and massacre of the Minister of Finances; ferment at Turin, fee. DECLARATION OF THE KING. " Louis, by the Grace of God, King of France and Navarre. " Recalled by the love of onr people to the throne of onr fathers, enlightened by the misfortunes of the nation which we are destined to govern, our first thought is to invoke that mutual confidence so neces- sary to onr repose and their happiness. " After having read with attention the plan of the Constitution proposed by the Senate in the sitting of the 6th of April last, we have recognized that the bases were good, lint that a great number of articles bearing the marks of the precipitation with which they have been drawn tip, cannot, in their present form, become fundamental laws ^ ihe State. Resolved to adopt a libera! Constitution, we wish that it should be wisely combined, and not being able to accept one which it is indispensably necessary to correct, we convoke for the 10th June, ofthe present year, the Senate and Legislative Body, engaging to lay before them the re- sult of our labours, with a Commission chosen from those two Bodies, and to give that Constitution the follow ing guarantees :— " The Representative Government shall be main- tained such as it exists at present, divided into two corps, viz. " The Senate, and a House, composed of Deputies of Departments. " The taxes shall be freely imposed. " Public ami private liberty ensured. " The liberty of the press respected, with the pre- caution necessary to the public tranquillity. " The freedom of worship guaranteed. " Property shall be sacred and inviolable. The sale of national domains shall remain irrevocable. — " The Ministers, responsible, may be prosecuted by one of the Legislative Houses, and tried hy ( he other. The Judges are irremovable, and the Judicial Power independent. " The Public Debt shall he guaranteed. Pension", Ranks, Military Honours, preserved, as well as the ancient and new NotiYity. " The Legion of Honour, the decorations of which We will determine, shall be maintained. " livery Frenchman shall be admitted to Civil and Military employments. " In fine, no individual shall be disturbed for his opinions and votes, ( Signed) " LOUIS." Dine at St. Oucn, May 2, 1814. ENTRANCE OP THE KING INTO PARIS. This day his Majesty left St. Onen, accompanied by the Members of the Provisional Council of State, the Commissaries of the Ministerial Departments, the Marshals of France, the Generals who had gone thi- ther to pay their homage, and the persons composing bis household. Au immense number of the inhabitants of Paris, of the neighbouring country and surround- ing departments, had assembled on the road, and made a prelude to ihe concert of acclamation and homage, which was heard to arise from all points of the capital. The procession was formed in the order of the ce- remonial decreed by the Grand Master. A detach- ment of the cavaliy of the National Guard, and ano- ther of the cavalry of the Line came first. Two carriages for the Provisional Ministers follow ed. The Archbishop of Kheims, Grand Almoner of France; The Due de Drtras, First Gentleman of the King's Chamber; the Compte de Blaras, Grand Master of the Wardrobe, and the Grand Master si the Ceremo- nies, were in one coach. The King's carriage, in which were his Majesty, Ihe Duchess of Angouleine, the Prince ofConde, aud ' lie Dnede Bourbon. Mon- sieur on horseback, at the right door of the King's carriage, was accompanied by a part of the Marshals of France and Colonels General. The Due de Berri was also ou horseback on the left of the carriage, ac- companied in like manner by a part of the Marshals aud Colonels General. All the other parts of the pro- cession conformed exactly wilh the prescribed cere- monial. Marshal Berthier preceded the royal car- riage, and Marshal Moncey, as First Inspector- Gene- ral of the Gendarmerie, was behind it. A long file of carriages followed, In which weic Ihe Ladies of Ma- dame la Duehesse, tbe Officers of the Household of tile King and the Princes. Detachments of tbe Na- tional Guards aud Gendarmerie closed the procession. The Prefect of the Seine at tlie bead of the Muni- cipal Body, and the Prefect of the Police, were sta- tioned at the barrier; aud the keys were carried by the Senior Mayor ol Paris. Baron de Chabrol, Pre- fect of the Seine, addressed his Mijesty in a speech, and presented to him Ihe keys of the city. His Ma- jesty was pleased to reply iu the mosl gracious man- ner:— " I am at last in my good city of Paris. 1 experience a lively emotion from the proofs of affection which are at lltii moment given me. Nothing cottlit be more agreeable to 11. y heart than to see erected the statue of him, the re- collection of whom, among all my noire ancestors, is most dear to me. / touch the keys and restore them to you; they could not be in belter bunds, nor entrusted to Magis- trates more worthy of guarding them." The procession then proceeded to the Cathedral, on entering which the King was received with the usual ceremonies. The Domine salvutn fae Regcm w as pei- formed, and supported by tiie vast crowd of specta- tors, who filled every part of'tlie church. Te Deum was afterwards chaunted: lhat of Neuckonun was chosen for this occasion, and il was executed by a uu- nteious band of musicians. After this religions cere- n » ot y, the procession continued in the regular order to I Palace ol the Thuillerics. t It is impossible lo dtfciibe the effect of this en- trance of the King into his capital. The immense multitude of spectators of all ranks. Magistrates, Ci- tizens, and General Officers and soldiers of the Allies, shewed by their conduct that they were all animated by one sentiment, one wish, one hope, the happiness of the King aud the people of France. The acclama- tion of Five le Roil Vivent le Bourbons.' was unani- mously and unceasingly repeated. When the proces- sion approarhed the spot on which the statue of Henry IV. is raised, the enthusiasm was carried to an indescribable degree. The Conservatory assem- bled round the statue, played the air sacred to the me- mory of that good King: the people and the soldiers repeated it in chorus. The King's carriage stopped for some time opposite the statue, and his Majesty ap- peared to read with emotion this beautiful aud simple inscription:—- Luuovico REDUCE HENRICUS REDIVIVUS'; And also the inscriptions on the two tehiples erected near the statue, viz.:— A la Concorde des Francais. A la Pair des Nations. PARIS, MAY 3. During the whole day the weather was delightful and ; tnelonded ; never was there a finer day. In the vast inferior of Paris and in the adjacent towns, all business was suspended. The immense population of Paris had but one interest, one subject of conversa- tion, one object of attention, curiosity, and love. Tlie hope of seeing again a beloved Monarch had uniteJ all hearts ant,' banished all revolutionary recol- lection. in traversing this crowd, all eyes beaming with joy, the King luighj almost have thought that he had no tears to wipe away, and that lie returned among the people who had sufR red no miseries. From the dawn of day garlands of lii'ies, precious tapestry with ingenious inscription", floated from the window of every house. The camfon tired, the bells rung, tbe priests assembled in the churches and raised their hands to Heaven in prayer and praise. History >? nd poetry will describe the events of this memorable day. All now can be but sketches of a scene of such joy, tri- umph, and happiness. It was indeed the fete of the great European Family. The triumphal aieh, called Porte St. Denis, had on each side the arms of France. A crown of flowers de- scended from the roof, which was surmounted by the spotless standard ornamrnted w ith lilies. As fire King passed under the arch, he seemed much agitated— whilst the countenance of the daughter of Louis XVI. wore au expression of soft melancholy. In the Cathedral of Notre D ime, Monsieur, the Duke of Berri, anil the Duke of Bourbon, were on the right of tlie King; the Prince of Conde, and the Duchess of Angouleine 011 the left. She knelt wilh the most affecting devotion, weeping as she knelt, and appearing like an angel placed between heaven autl earth lo reconcile lo the Divinity that wretched France which had seen so many virtues given up to persecution, and which beheld them now restored to our wishes and our love. The orchestra could not play the Domine talvum fac llegcm, for the Clergy and all the people sung it of their own accord.' The Senate, Legislative Body, University, Courts of Justice, mixed with the niililaty and the clergy.— There were many of the old Bishops bent double with age, but still hav ing ill their faces 11 ray, a parting ray, of vigour and of joy. After quitting Notre Dame, the King proceeded by the Marche Neuf and the Quai des Orfecres. When he reached the Pont Nenf, Madame Blanchard ascended in a balloon, to the sound of bomhsjand can- non. The'balloon descended a moment upon the sta- tue of Henry IV. and then took the direction of the Palace des Quatre Nations. When it reached a certain height, several white pigeons were let fly from it, and like the dove from the ark, seemed to take their flight to the provinces to announce that the storms of France were over. From distance to distance in all the streets, garlands of flowers were hung from window to window, aud from them were suspended crow ns of roses and lilies, which touched the royal carriage. One of them had this device— At length the year has its spring. The cortige arrived at the Thuilleries at twenty minutes past four. The Duchess of Angouleme was received by one hundred and forty- four ladies of the first dis- tinction. The King and all the Royal Family appeared at the windows. Monsieur stood next the King. The King embraced him amidst the loudest acclamations of the people. His Majesty, stretching forth his arms, seemed to say— You are my children; I bear you in my heart; I embrace you all. At night there was a general illumination. At nine o'clock fireworks were let off on Pont Louis XVI. Afterwards the Musicians ofthe Conservatory played several airs under the windows of the Thuilleries. At halfpast ten the King appealed again at the windows, placed his hand upon his heart, and sainted the assem- bled thousands with infinite grace and affection. Not an accidentdisturbed the happy day. Sw iss Guards mounted guard to- day at the Tluiil- Icries. The following is part of M. Talleyrand's speech to the King in the name ofthe Senate: — < l The more diflicult circumstances, the more ought the Royal Authority to be poweifnl and revered— in speaking to the imagination w ith all the eclat of an- cient recollections, it will know how to conciliate all the wishes of modem reason hy borrowing the wisest political theories. You know better than we, Sire, that ihe iuststntions of a neighbouring people so well proved, give support and not barriers, to Mouarchs who are friends of the laws and fathers of the people. Yes, Sire, the nation anil the Senate, full of confidence iu the great talents of your Majesty, desires that France may be free, in order lhat the King may be powerful." MILAN, APRIL 22.— The news of the great events at Paris caused in this city a sudden revolution which had most fatal consequences. It broke out on the 20th. The populace proceeding to ihe house ofthe Minister of France, M. tie Prena, a Piedmontese by birth, be was dragged into the public square, and tor- mented in the most cruel manner before he was put lo death. They sacked the Senate House, insulted the Senators, and demanded the heads of the Ministers. They called ont pal similarly for the Minister of the Conscription, M. Amori, who being informed of it, made his escape. What rendered the populace furious against the first body of the State, was, that M. Pagadise and Damlojo, ex- ifpotheearies, were at tin* head of a cabal, which, in an extraordinary sitting ofthe 17th, had demanded Prince Eugene as King. The register in which' the demand was written was torn, and the Municipality, united to the majority of the Senate, sent a Deputation to the Allied Sovereigns to reject the viceroy. From that moment calm ap- pears to te Kstoyni) d p'ovisonal government lias been formed, and the Electoral Bodies convoked. Prince Eugene is at Mantua, with a few faithful followers. From Turin we learn, that Prince Borghese has been obliged to hide himself. The fermentation ofthe capital was at its height: he escaped from their fury. The Courier savs, " We learn from private letters that the accounts ofthe great rejoicings upon the en- trance of the King into Paris are exaggerated ; that there was not that universal demonstration of joy : that in fact the welcome and satisfaction which his Majesty received in the British far exceeded in hear- tiness that with which he was greeted in the French capital. They say that the army is not thoroughly reconciled to the change. One party is attarhed to the Senate, another wishes it to be removed. Madame de Genlis is writing in favour of the Senate and Re- presentative Government— A. M. de Bciirgasse, against it. Some think that the King has thrown him- self too niurh into the power of Bonap. arttlfs Marshals. Though he has pledged himself to many of ti,. princi- pal points of the Constitution, it is easy to sec that the Senate will be. very differently composed from what it now is." There was considerable cabal and intrigue in the settlement of the crown of France 011 the ancient family. A party of the Marshals had actually an in- terview with the Emperor of Russia, and proposed to his Imperial Majesty that the crown should be settled on the King of Rome, and lhat Ihe Empress Louisa should be appointed Regent. To this the magnani- mous Alexander replied in the spirit which has uni- formly marked his conduct, that lie was only desirous of seeing the French decide for themselves, and to see their wish emanate from the most legitimate existing organ, which he took the Senate and Legislative Body to be ; if then this proposition should come from that body, it would be perfectly agreeable to the Allied Powers. M. Talleyrand heard of this conference, and of the answer of the Emperor. He instantly convened the leading men of the Senate and Legis- lative Body, and represented to them the imperious necessity of preserving the nation frpm a_ mijitary government, and that the way to do this was to de- clare for Louis XVIII. and call him and his family on the offer of a free representative constitution to the country. He was thus beforehand with the Marshals, and iu this manner the new settlement of the Crown was determined. The Duke of '" ellington was present last week at a grand ball given by Sir C. Stewart. Nothing could exceed tin- enthusiasm with which his Grace was re- ceived. The Emperors of Russia and Austria, the Kings of Prussia and Francc, were present, and about 700 persons of the first distinction. Every one else, however, seemed an object of inferior curiosity. The dancing ceased as if by common consent when his Grace entered. All the company squeezed after him into every room. Marshal Blucher and Platow laid hold of Iiis arms, and walked with him for tw o hours. All the French Marshals pressed about him wilh marks of the highest admiration aud respect. ! she was the most respectable Nation on earth. He said, that he intended to make France as important a Nation as Great Britain, but that the people were unfit for such an elevation, and unworthy of it. He persevered in not uttering a syllable to anybody hilt Colonel Campbell. Bonaparte was often in the habit of using menaces even to the principal officers of his army. One of them, well known for iiis intrepidity, replied to him, one day—" I fear you as little as I do a cannon- ball I" The statement which appeared in the papers, that the Duke of Clarcuce was appointed General of Ma- rines is not correct. Lord St. Vincent is. appointed to that situation, and Sir II. Onslow to lie Lieutcnant- General. The Duke of Clarence is expected to leave town in a few days, to make preparations for bringing over from France the illustrious Monarchs who are about to visit this country. It was yesterday said, that it was supposed to be the latter end of next week before they could be here : the 20th instant was mentioned as the likely « day. The cxyectcd visit of his Majesty the King of Prussia to this country, will, t is said, not take place. His Majesty did feel a tiong inclination to accompany his Royal Allies, aud declared his inten- tion to that effect; but his anxious cares for his family and his people have prevailed over every other wish of Ilis heart; and Ihe moment the great cause wliii It brought him to Paris will allow his departure, his Majesty will return to Berlin, to heal the wounds of bis long bleeding country. MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUCTIVE WORKS. Just published by 11. and R. CROSBY and Co. Sta- tioners' Court, Puternoster Row, London; and Sold by all Booksellers. ist. CROSBY'S LONDON UNIVERSAL LETTER WHITER, consisting of a great variety ot fami- liar Letters on the various occurrences in Life ; forms of Petitions, and of addressing Persons of all Ranks ; Instructions for Writing, & c. Is. sewed. 2d. CROSBY'S ELEGANT PRECEPTOR, being an Introduction to the Knowledge of the World, and Useful Accomplishments. Is. 6( 1/ 3d. THE EXPEDITIOUS INSTRUCTOR ; or the Art of Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic rendered completely easy. A new Edition improved. By Mr. Levctt. 2s. sewed. 4th. ADVICE TO YOUTH; or a Compendium of the Duties of Human Life in Youth aud Manhood. By Hugh Blair, with his Life, neatly printed 2s. 5th. GAY's FABLES, iu two Parts, Complete, with the Life of the Author, embellished with One Hundred beautiful Wood Cuts, bv Branslon. 3s. lid. 6th. THE ACCOMPLISHED YOUTH; or a Familiar View ofthe True Principles of Morality and Politeness. 2s. fid, 7. BLAIR's ESSAYS on Rhetoric and Belles Let- tres, 12mo. 5s. bound, or on fine paper, 7s. fid. boards, 8th. THE BOOK OF TRADES, OK LIBRARY OF THE USEFUL ARTS; in which every Trade is illustrated with separate Engravings, and its History, Utility, present State, Advantages, and Disadvan- tages, are fully and accurately described. In three Volumes, price'~ T( Js. od. handsomely half bound, or 15s, colour** it. 9th. ORIGINAL F'ABLES, by a Ladv, dedicated to the PRINCESS of WALES, wilh 51 fine wood cuts, on wove foolscap paper, 7s. 61I. boards. BRI. I. ETIN OF TKS KING'S "'• •'/ J'-'- Y'-- Castle, May 7. — His Majesty's bodi'^ SSiitt, ', 3 good, but Ins disorder continues undiminished." Friday a Mail from Gottenbnrgti arrivejf. Jt brings intelligence, that Prince Christian has set himself up as " King of Norway," and that lie ii making prepa- rations to defend himself. The King jf Denmark has sent orders into Norway to the Piiice to quit that country, on pain of being declared a taitor. Accounts received from the lines before Bayonne , inform us, that in consequence of ; notification to i General Thouveuot, the French Commandant, ac quainting him with the events that had taken plac^ j „ at Paris, he sent out a flag of true?, with a requcS1 Rested into T welve Articles. Second, Upon a Christ- RELIGIOUS AND MORAL WORKS. Just published, By B. and R. CROSBY and Co. Stationers'- Court, Ludgate- Street, aud sold by all Booksellers. 1st. ¥ 3EVERIDGE's PRIVATE THOUGHTS, com- 13 plete, in Two Parts. First, upon Religion, di- to see the public journals and otherdocmnents, Con taining evidence of the connter- re'olution. These documents were sent to him, and npin reading them Gen. Thouvenot expressed his willingness to conform to the acts of the Senate, and of the Provisional Go- vernment, by recognizing the Bouibons, as soon as lie should be called upon to do so officially. In the mean time, he was willing to agree t » a suspension of hostilities, but on the express comlifion that the be- sfegers should discontinue their works, otherwise he would not cease firing on them; for " his first duty," he said, " was the defence of the fortress, with the preservation of which he was charged." The infor* mation received in the British lines being considered ample authority for the discontinuance of the works, an armistice had in consequence taken place. Part of the Allied troops, hear Paris, have com- menced their inarch for the Rhine.— Tilt French ar- mies are disbanding. The definitive Treaty of Peace with France is to be followed by a Congress at Vienna to arrange the interests of Germany. It is said that with respect to the commercial intercourse between France and this country, an arrangement is nearly concluded, on the bases of restoring it, as nearly as the circumstances will permit, to the exact footing on which it stood before the fatal deposition of Louis XVI. . It is at length ollicially notified in the Vienna Ga- zette, that by the extraordinary Convention concluded with Bonaparte ten days after his dethronement, and eight after his abdication, be is to '• sti^ iU.' e I- le of Elba in Sovereignty for life, with a pension ( doubt- less ofthe enormous amount already stated), for him- self and his family. This may be termed liberality or magnanimity; but be it railed what it may, it is an act which w ill demand much circumspection, anil not a little precaution 011 the part of Ihe Allies; and we pray Heaven that cause may not hereafter arise to question the prudence and policy ofthe measure. By the same Convention the Duchies of Parma, Placen- tia, and Gnastella, are ceded in full Sovereignty for life to Ihe Archduchess Maria Louisa ( still styled Empress in the document), which are to descend to her Son, who is henceforth to he styled Prince of Parma and Placentia. This was the Conventional- billed to by Mr. Whitbread iu the House of Commons on'Wediiesday night. Dispatches were yesterday received by Govern- ment, announcing tbe arrival of Bonaparte til the Island ot Elba. Heembarkj I on board the Undaunted frigate to he conveyed to that place. Throughout the whole of the South of France, wherever he passed, he was hooted hy the populace, and in some places stoned. Sometimes he was obliged to mix with his attendants, and conceal himself from Ihe fury of th"' people, and to join in the cry of " Vivent les Bourbons ;." at other times, to mount the White Cockade ; and, iu short, his whole journey was one of peril, and had in several places nearly been fatal to him.-— O11 his journey he would not speak to any- body lint Colonel Campbell, He expressed the ut- most contempt of all Nations bnt Great Britain, of which he uttered the warmest praises, and said, that mn Life, being necessary directions for its beginning; and progress upon Earth, in order to its final perfec- tion in the Beatific Vision. A New Edition, with Life and Portrait, 4s. boards, 4s. 6d. bound. 2d. B A XTE R's S AIN TS E VE RE A ST IN G REST, or a Treatise ofthe blessed State ofthe Saints, in their enjoyment of God in Heaven, abridged by FAWCKTT, 4s. 6d. bound. 3d. The WORKS of the late Rev. WILLIAM ROM A INE, A. M. Rector of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, and St Ann, Blackfriars, and Lecturer of St. Dunstan's in the West, London ; to which is now added, the whole of his Letters, and Essay ou Psalmo- dy, or Singing Psalms. A New and complete Edi- tion, in six vols. 8vo. 31. 3s. boards. 4th. REFLECTIONS on the WORKS of GOD. A New Translation from the German of C. C. STURM, by the Author of the " Adviser," embellished with fine Frontispieces, two vols. 121110. price 7s.; 8voi 13s, boards. 5th. SELF KNOWLEDGE. A Treatise 011 the Nature and Benefit of that important Science, with Reflections and Observations 011 Human Natnre. Bv JOHN M ASON, A. M. to which is prefixed a Life of the Author, and Index, 24mo. uniform wilh Crosby and Suttaby's fine Editions. 2s. fid. boards. 6th. The DEATH of CAIN, in Five Books, after the manner of the DEATH of ABEL, the 4th Edition, to which is prefixed the principal Events in the HIS- TORY OF MAN before that period. Embellished with a beautiful Frontispiece and Vignette, price 2s. boards, or 011 fine large paper, 3s. 7th. STRICTURES 011 RE ADINGtheCHURCH SERVICE; arranged from Sheridan's Art of Reading, and chiefly designed for Candidates for Orders. The Second Edition, corrected and materially improved.— By the Rev. W. FAOLKNER, A. M. Rector of St. An- drew's, Worcester. Demy, 3s. 6d.; Royal, with margin for notes, 5s. boards. 8th. EVANb's SKETCH of the CHRISTIAN WORLD; 12th Edition, with several new Articles, fine Paper, with Portraits, 5s.; small lis. fid. boards. In the press, nearly ready, BURKITT'sEXPOSITORY NOTES, with Prac- tical Observations upon the NEW TESTAMENT. A fine Edition, in one vol. 4to. w Every Man his own Doctor. r the Efficacy of BOERHAAVE's Infallible RED PILL, ( 4s. 6: 1. per box,) assisted by the 1 uvaluable Copious Directions therewith given, per- sons of eit her sex are enabled to eradicate effectually a certain Insidious Disease, and facilit ate the recovery ol' health, with ease ami safety, certainty and secrecy, in a FEW doy. s. ' FOB. bilious complaints, scurvy, impu- rity of blood, indigestion, habitual costiveness, and disorders of the stomach and bowels, this medt- cine is particularly adapted ; it. promotes digestion, prevents an accumulation of bile, and will remove a train of disorders that result from a confined state of the bow- els. Sickness and head ache produced fiom bile on the stomach, :>. re removed by its use; and it is pant- culariy recommended r. o those who live freely, to per- sons going abroad, and should never be omitted afier any excess. Another supply is just received from London, and is sold by Wood, Walker, Morgan, and Ingram, Glo- cester; Reddell, Tewkesbury ; Hincks, Cheltenham j Agg, Evesham ; Tyrnbs and Sous, Worcester; Rw- bert>, Koss - y and Wright, Hereford. BRISTOr. SHIP NLWS. CAME IN,— The John and William, Jarrett, from Malta. SAILED,— The Oscar, Efford, find the Traveller, Brand, for Newfoundland, the Edward, Davis, for Bourdeaux, the Good Intent, Batiste, for Guernsey and Jersey, the N. S. Piedad y Almas, Spieter, for Lisbon, the Betsey, Stvphing3, for Waterford, and the Fame, Parfitt, for Dublin. ARRIVED,— At Jamaica, the Occan, Clhfsam, the Albion, Buckhorn, the Sarah. Baker, the Jamaica, Clements, the Jane, Andrew, the Charlotte, Williams, the Eoius, Harvey, the Union, Blake, and the Philip, Atkinson ; at Bilboa, the Mary Alicia, Waggett, and at Milford, the Swift, M'Mullen, from Belfast. jlarltets. CORN EXCIIANGF, LONDON, MAY 9. Our market was but sparingly supplied with WIN it this day, and fine Mealing Samples met a lively sale at an advance of about $ 9. per qr. bnt there was little demand for inferior sorts.— Malt of prime qnallity is brisk in sale, at onr last quotation ; and fine llarleys are full as dear, but the inferior qualities are cheaper. — Peas and Beans remain pretty steady at the prices of this day se'niiight; higher prices are asked for the latter, hut not generally obtained.— Fine heavy Oals were in brisk demand this morning, and readily found buyers at an advance of about 4s. per qr. hilt ordinary kinds hang 011 hand. Wheat 55 to 70 Fine ditto — ro Superfine ditto. 76 to 78 Rye 34 to 38 Barley 30 to 36 Malt fig ro 76 White Pease... 54 tu 58 s. s. Boilers 65 tn _ Grey Pease .43 to 43 Beans 40 to - is Ticks 33 m 40 Cats 18 f„ gB Poland ditto l> j to 28 Potatoe ditto to — PRICE OF FLOUR. Fme 60s. to 60s. per sack. AVERAGE PRICE Of SUGAR, Computed from tlie returns made m the week ending May 4, till 4, is 89s. 1 id. per ewt. Exclusive ot the duties paid or payable thereon on im. porta turn thereof into Great Britain. PRICE OF SEEDS, ir. Carrawayp. cvvt. 70 to 84 j Rye Grass p. qnai 25 to 40 Coriander ditto.. 20 to 2a Red Clover dittoiO tn 92 Mustard, wli. bus. 12 to IS Ditto, brown, do. 14 to 20 White ditto do.. 70 tol20 I Turnip, ditto ie to 20 Rape, 3^ 1. to 40k peklast... Trefoil, tOs. to 36s. pr. cwt Oil- Cake. 181. 18s. per thousand. PRICE OF HOPS. BAGS. I. « . I. S. I POCKETS. I. S. / g, Kent.... 6 12 to p 0 Kent 7 7 to nig 6 0 to 8 0 Sussex 7 0 to 10 ft 8 0 to 9 0 | Farnham.. 11 0 to 16 0 PRICE OF MEAT AT SMITH FIELD, Sinking the offal... per stone of Bibs. Beef....." is. I'ld. to os. 4ti. | Vent ...( is. trd. to 7 » . Od. Mutton6s. Od. to tis. 4d. | Pork... 6s. Od. to 7s. 8d. Lamb, 7s. 6d. to 9s. 61I. NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL, By the Carcass. Reef... 4s. Od. to 5s. 4it, l Veal... 5s. f'. l, to 6s. 8d. Mutlonas. Od. to 6s. Oil. | Pork... 6s. Od. to 7s. 8d. Lamb, 6s. Od. to 9s. Od. Hay... 31. Hay... 41. Ne- iv.. 0l, Hay.. .31. New.. 01. PRICES OF HAY AND STRAW. ST. JAMES'S. 3s. to 51. 8s. | Straw II. 19s. to 21. WHITECHAPEL. 4s. to 51. 6s. '• Clover61. 6s. tn 71. Os. to Ol. Os. I Straw II. 16s. to 21. SMITHFIELO. Os. to 41. 10s. | Clover5l. Os. to 61. 10 « . . Os. 1 ~ 53. 7s. 4s. Os. to 01. I Stravv. 1l. 10s. to 21. Os, PRICE OF LEATHER. Butts, 50 to 56ibs. each 22d. Ditto, 56 to661bs. each..... 2yd, Merchants' backs....* Dressing hides 21d. Fine coach bides ,... 22d. Crop hides, 35 to 401b. to cut... 20d. Ditto 45 to 5011) 22d. Calf Skius, 30 to 40ib 34d. Ditto 50 to 7011) 38d. Ditto 70 to 80lb 38d. Small Seals ( Greenland) 4() d. Lame ditto, 130s. to 190s. per dozen. Tanned Horse Hides, 25d. to 27d. perlb Goal Skins, lis. to 50s. to 25d. perlb, to 26d. to 22id. to » 2d. to 23( 1. to Slid, to 23d. to S8d. to 41d. to 41d. : o 42d. PRICE OF TALLOW. TownTallowpercwt. 99s. Yellow Russia — s. White ditto — s. Soap ditto — s. McltingS tuir, per cwt. SSs. Ditto rough 503. Graves Gopd Dregs 12s. Yejlow Soap, 108s... Mottled, 120s.... Curd, 124s. Candles. 16s. Od Moulds. 17s. fid. CORN EXCHANGE, LONDON, MAY 11. We Iiad a large supply bf Oats this morning from Lpscolushiie, which caused a very doll sale; line sam- ples supported their price, bnt ordinary were Is. lower; the same may he said of Barley. The sale of Wheat was dull, except far fine samples, which sup. ported their price. I11 other kinds of Grain there was no alteration. tdoimtn; . mai'lift^. HEREFORD Wheat, 9s. fid Oats, 4s. 6'!.... Peas, 6s. 6d Beans, 6s. 6d Barley, 4s. 101. per bushel of ten gallons. WORCESTER Wheat, Os. Oti. to 8s. I JtT. .. Bailey, 4s. lO^ d. to 5s. 4d Pease, 5s. id. to 6s. 2| d. ... Beans. 5s. 74( 1. to 6s. 2jd Oats, 3s. Old. to 4s. 9d. per IVincliester bushel of eight gallons. BRISTOL... Wheat, 65s. fid. to — s. — d. per quarter. ... Fine Flour, 56s. 10 65s...- Second do. 50s. to 55s. per sack.... Barley, 31) s. to 3t's. per quarter.... Oats, lfis. to 22s. Od. per quarter Beans 42s. to — s. per qr.,.. Pease, 42s. to 6 Hi. per quartet Quartern Loaf: Wheaten, lid.; Standard, 9^ d.; Household, — d Hay, 50s. 10 85s. Oil.... Straw, is. 6d. to 2s. Od. READING.... Wheat, 54s. od. to 84s. Od Beans, 43s. to 46s. Od Pease, 53s. to— s. od Oats, 24s, to 28s. 6d Barley, 3fis. ' id. to 10s. Od. NEVVITLRY Wheat, 45s. to 79s Barley, 30s. to 37s Beans, 4 is. to oOs.. Pease, — s. to 523. Oats, 21s. to 2& s. WARMINSTER Wheat, 56s. to 72s Barley 30s. to 36s... Oals, 26s. to 29s.... Beans, 46s. to 52s. DUVIZFS ' Wheat, 50s. to 72s Barley, 32s. to 36s... Oats. 26s. to 30s.... Beans, 26s. to 5P « . THURSDAY'S POST. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, MAYIL FROM TUESDAY S LONDON GAZETTE. ^ ! IS Gazette contains a dispatch from General JL Lord Lyliedoek, ( late Sir Thomas Graham) Slati . » thai agreeably to the terms ofthe Convention 0flJ i- of" ' 23 : tilt, the fortress of Antwerp, with the ili'' e i nt forts depending on it, was on the 5th inst. final'v evacuated by the Fiench, and immediately Occupied by the British troops. All the marine esta- blis'/ nent. remain in tbe bauds of the French. Toe Prince Regent has granted to Peter Patten F. s'i of Bold, and of Bank- hall, Lancashire, his royal lie nee lo use the surname, and bear the arms of Bold, in addition to those of Fatten. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, MAY 7.— The Prince Re- gc .1 has appointed Admirals Earl of St. Vincent, to be General, and Sir Rich. Onslow, hart. Litnl- Gen. ofthe marine forces. WAR OFFICE, MAY 10.— Brevet. Capt. W. H. Millies, lst. reg. foot guards, to be major iu the army. Paris patiers arrived this morning to Sunday. It is supposed tbat many days will not elapse ere tbe treaty of general peace is signed; ami it is saitl, upon a basis giving Poland to Russia; great pail of Saxony to Prussia; Iliyria, Venice, and the Milanese lo Aus- tiia; Tuscany to its fotiuer Grand Duke; Wiirtzbnrgh to Eugene Beauharuois; Morleno to the Arcluluke Francis of E.- te ; Piedmont and Savoy to the King of Sardinia ; and the Netherlands between France and Holland. — The mother of Bonaparte is to lejde at Rome, upon a pension of 20,0001. a year : Jose) h, Louis ami Jerome, to have each the same sum ; and Bon iparte himself about 80,0001. a year. Josephine is appointed Duchess of Evreux, with the estate ap- pertaining lo it. The Senate and Legislative Body are to meet ear- lier than was at first intended— the 31 < t of May in- stead ofthe 10th of June. A Council of War has been framed by the King, consisting entirely of Bonaparte'sGeiierals.— Berthier and Marmont are not among them. These papers are filled with accounts of the treat- ment Bonaparte received on his journey to St. Ra- plieati, where he embaiked. He was dressed ill an Austrian uniform, over which he had a Russian pe- lisse; anil he wore a Prussian cap with an immense white cockade.— In Elba he is' not likely to enjoy quiet or repose. The inhabitants are iu a ferment at the new s of his coming. The Pope reached Rome on 21st ult. and the do- minions ot the church were surrendered toTiitn forth- with. The change in the decoration of the legion of ho- nour has been settled.— Tho portrait of Henry IV. is to replace that of Bonaparte; the eagle is to give way lo the lilly; but the inscription, lloneur et Patris, is lo remain. • An official copy of the new French Constitution lias been received; it contains a variety of articles not given in the sketch of the Code published a short time since; the most important of which is that the ques- tions of Peace and War are invested in the Legislative Bo lies, by whose decree alone war can be declared, upon the formal proposition of the King, and sanc- tioned by his Majesty; and uo treaties call have effect, until ratified by these Bodies. The forts of the Holder, and tile fleet, were surren- dered to the Duti li Government on the 5th. There is milch talk at Paris of dissolving the Senate, bnt il is said that the Ailied Sovereigns will oppose tliis. having given some kind of guarantee to the Se- nate upon their passing the decree against Bonaparte. An Austtjan General has taken possession of the kingdom of Italy iu the name of the Allied Powers. Tiie Alistrians and British have entered Venice. The report of the intended renunciation of the suc- cession to the Crown of Sweden by the Crown Prince, is contradicted. Prince Christian of Norway per- ists in a letter to the King of Denmark, in his icsolutiou to defend Norway. The Duke of Wellington was at the Opera at Paris on Friday last, aud was received with acclamations by the audience. The Coronation of the King of France, which is to take place at Rlieims, will probably be deferred till the return ot the Allied Sovereigns from England: and it is expected that our own Prince Regent aud Royal Family will accompany the Monarchs thither. The marriage of the Princess Charlotte will perhaps follow; upon which occasion, Ihe festival be transferred again from France to England, so that'the w hole of the coining summer will form but a continued holiday ; and never surely had tile whole civilized world more just occasion to rejoice, and to be grateful to the Giver of All Blessings. Tbe remains of the late Queen of Fiance, \ yife of Louis XVIII. which were interred some time since ill Henry tbe Seventh's Chapel, in Westminster Abbey, are fo be removed immediately, to be re- interred at St. Denis, in France. It is said that many of the Marshals of France have expressed their willingness to give op their foreign titles, the King on his part being inclined to bestow ou them other dignities. The Emperor of Austria has ordered 100,000 medals of honour to be struck, out of the metal of the cannon taken in the present war, to be distributed among those who, either in a civil or military capacity, have contributed to tiling hostilities to an end. There will be 110, ooi; small medals, (>, 000 a little larger, aud 4,000 larger than any of the others. It is stated, upon unquestionable authority, that the Ex- Empress was most desirous of following the fortunes of her husband ; and that she resisted all ihe attempts that were made to persuade her to abandon liini. At length, however, she was told, decisively, that she could not be permitted to accompany him; and she was forced to yield to the stale policy which separated her and liei son from Bonaparte forever. There is a curious document in the Dutch papers, purporting to be the last General Order of Bonaparte, aud containing his reply to the accusation made by ihe Senate. He there makes counter accusation against them for their former ( latteries of him, and " their never letting a sj liable escape their lips about the abuse of power, as long as fortune remained faithful to him." He adds, " if the Emperor had despised mankind, as he is upbraided with having done, ihe world must now acknowledge that he had some reason to despise them." Bonaparte's native island, Corsica, has declared for Louis XVIII. and sent Deputies to Lord W. Ben- tinck, to solicit the protection of England. After the massacre of Milan, u Provisional Govern- ment was established, and the Electoral Colleges hav- ing been convoked, resolutions were passed, to entreat of the Allies the establishment of the entire independ- ence oftlie. kingdom of Italy, an extension of bound- aries, a repieseutative government, and an hereditary monarchy.' The following letter from Bonrdeaux, dated May 2, appears in the Paris papers:—" Two English soldiers who bad been found guilty of a very serious offence, were sentenced to death. Yesterday morning the English and Portuguese troops were formed in the Public Garden. The criminals were conducted there to undergo their punishment. When the sentence was on the point of being carried into effect, a crowd of people rushed forward, and placing themselves around these two soldiers, solicited their pardon from Lord Dalhousie. It was at the feet of that magnanimous warrior that the Inhabitants of Bourdeanx entreated liini to spare them the affliction of seeing one drop of Riiglish bloodshed iu their city.— It was impossible for Lord Dalhousie to resist the entreaties and the tears with which lie was assailed, ' It is to the city of Bonr- deuux,' said lie, ' that I giant, the life of these guilty men.' The two soldiers were then liberated, and re- stored to the ranks, amidst tbe loudest acclamations.* SixBrilishves- e1slate! ycaptnre< Jantl taken intoKnvre by an American privateer, have been condemned and ordered for tale, together w ith their cargoes. This in- telligence is posted at Lloyd's, and is not easily to be accounted for by the merchants. It appears, that an attempt is about to be made by the American General Jackson to take possession both of West and Flast Florida. We understand that Lord Lynedock ( late Sir Thos, Graham) is not coming home. The army is appointed to garrison Brabant > and his head- quarters is to be at Brussels. How many British troops are to be kept on the Continent, we have not learnt. A vessel from Bayonne, which she teftvon the 1st, states, that Lord Nii. dry ( Sir John Hope) is neaily re- covered of bis wounds. Lieut.- Col. Campbell, who accompa ied Bonaparte from Paris, is promoted to the Brevet rank of Colonel iu the army " on the Continent of Europe aud in ( lie Island of Elba only." F'rom this expression, it would appear, that Colonel Campbell, and the other Allied Officers, plated in superintendance over Napoleon, are to continue with him in Elba for some time. It has been ordered, that the seamen and marines re- turning from France, shall receive their pay, and be discharged from the service. ' The prison ships, we understand, are to be paid off in succession, as the French take their departure; after which they are to be moored as high up the ' l'amar as possible, in order- to give room for the great number of shipping intended to be laid up in ordinary. The Court Martial upon Admiral Stirling is termi- nated. The charges were for taking money for afford- ing Ihe protection of King's ships to merchantmen. The Comt decided, that Ihe charges were in part proved; and the sentence was, that Admiral Stilling should remain in ihe half- pay list, and that he should receive no further promotion in the Navy. Dr. Miluer, celebrated for recommending the Veto, and afterwards abusing it, has set off for Rome, where he will have an interview with the Pope and Mons. Quaracitotti, upon the subject of the late Circular Letter. Falmouth, May 8.— Arrived the Francis Freeling packet from Lisbon, with a mail in seven days : she liad an actibn otf the Rock of Lisbon ou the 2' d with an American schooner. privateer. The following is an extract of the packet's journal : — " May 1, sailed from Lisbon ; 2d, at day- light, the Rock of Lisbon insight, discovered a schooner; we stood on under easy sail ; the schooner made sail and shortly brought us to action ; after one hour and a half hard fighting, broadside for broadside, she sheered off to repair damages, and afterwards again attacked us in different positions; she was again beaten off after one hour : she again renewed the attack, but unsuc- cessfully : slie afterwards directed her course to a brig, apparently a merchant vessel, which she fired at and brought to ; we made sail and lost sight of her: the action was about four liuiirs in the whole. She ap- peared to have eight guns on a side, and full of men, • with yellow sitles, and ports." The passengers have made Captain Bell, of the packet, a present ofa very handsome swor , and given hint 100!. to'he divided among Ins crew. The packet had on board 130,000 dollars. THE PITT CLUB — The Anniversary of the birth- day of Mr. Pitt will be celebrated at Newcastle- upon- Tyne this year with great splendour, C. J. Brandling, Esq. iu the chair. JOSEPH LANCASTER.— At a meeting of the Com- mittee of the Institution for promoting the British System of Education, lieid at Kensington Palace on Saturday, the Duke of Kent in the chair, it was re- solved, " That Joseph Lancaster, who, at the general meeting held on lfifh Nov. accepted the office of 5u- perintendant, at a salary of 11, per diem, has now re- signed that office, expressing great dissatisfaction with the Committee and Trustees; by which measure all connection between himself and the Institution for promoting the British System is dissolved." OLD BOOKS.— Of the prevailing fashion of purchas- ing old Books at very high prices, a striking instance occurred some time ago, when a collection of The Old Bailey Sessions Paper was sold for 3001. A person having expressed a desire to know who could have given so high a price for such a work, was told by a wag, that it was purchased by " Ihe American Govern- ment for the use of their ( rl'neutn^ isi * ^ IRON.— The last advices from Stockholm, state that upwards of seventy thousand tons of Swedish iron had been laying for some months top exportation; which it was now expected would be sent to India by ( lie first ships from that country or Denmark. NEW, S FOR ALDERMEN.— A Medical Gentleman ( says the Courier), has discovered a method to prevent corpulency, which is this.— dive the patient the in- come of a Welsh curacy, and there will be little fear of his dying ofaifapnplexy 1 FEMALE SWINDLER. - A female, seemingly about thirty years of age, of a genteel i ppearanco, lias been eom/ nitting a variety of fiandsin different parts ofthe cr/ untry. In the town of Bedford she pre- tended to be a lady of fortune, and kept a carri- age. Monday se'nnight she called ou a lady who re- sided at a village near Bedford, and stated herself to be a distant relation of the lady's husband, who lately died abroad, and pretended to know such circumstan- ces respecting him and his death as to induce the lady to credit her statement, and to shew her every atten- tion ; but the imposture was detected by the lady's sister. She has pretended, iu the same county, to be the neice of Mr. Hope, of Mausfield- stre* t, Portland- place. On Monday se'nnight, she got iuto Ihe com- pany of a servant girl, who had formerly lived with a farmer near Bedford, from whom she gained a thorough knowledge of the farmer's family, who was gone from home to be married, and then went to his house, and assumed the character of his bride, borrowing a gig from a neighbour, and 21. 7s. of the farmer's house- keeper. She then ordered one of the farmer's men servants to drive her to Anipthill, a town about seven miles from Bedford, in the gig which she had borrow- ed. From Amptlnll she sent letters by the post di- rected to her pretended husband: before she had time to commit any depredations al Anipthill, the tanner returned home, and the whole fraud and deception was discovered, and in consequence an express was sent: off to Anipthill, and she was brought bark to Bed- ford in custody, examined before, a Magistrate, and committed for farther examination, ori a charge of obtaining money under false pretences. The account she gave of herself is, that she was lust settled at Tewkesbury, iu Glocestershire, ami she assumed the names of Harriet Hope, Harriet Brown, and Harriet Clark. PARLIAMENT. In tlit HOUSE OF COMMONS, on Thursday, after some discussion, the House resolved itself iuto a Com- mittee to take into consideration the Report on the Corn Laws. Messrs. ROSE, F. LEWIS, and Lord A. HAMILTON strenuously opposed the Report as incor- rect. They observed that the exportation of corn from this country had been forbidden by laws for five centuries, and that to repeal those laws would be to prevent corn fiom ever becoming cheap.— The first Resolution was then put and carried, " that the ex- portation of corn, grain, meal, & c. from any part of the United Kingdom should be permitted at all times without the payment of any duty, and without re- ceiving any bounty whatever." The second Reso- lution tor the repeal ofthe present duties and impos- ing higher upon all foreign corn imported, was, on the motion of Mr Huskisson, amended by allowing corn imported for our North American Colonies, to pay but half the average duty ; aho that 63s. per qr. should he the pricc at which corn should be allowed to be imported, on paying the duty of 2- ls. 3.1. ; and that as the corn rose iu price, the duty should dimi- nish in exact proportion ; the resolutions were agreed to.— Adjourned. FRIDAY.— Mr. RosEadverting to liieackuov, ledged utility of Capt. Matibj's invention for preserving the crews of ships stranded, by means of a rope fired from a mortar, and also his new invented ladder, pro- posed that as he had received only 10001. and an ap- pointment of 4501. per annum, lie should receive some further reward, and that the papers lie referred to a select committee.— Messrs. WHITEHEAD, WIT. BEB- FOIICE, and W. WYNNE, bore testimony to the - h merits of Capt. 5' s invention in having saved the lives of a great lumber of seamen.— Sir F. BURDETT recommended thatsonie lemtineration should be made to Mr. Mallison fir his invention of cork jackets : a committee was Xgiointed.— The second reading of the Colonial Offices Bill was carried hy 48 to 8. The conduct of Governor Gore aud Mr. Le Mar chant was also during the discussion severely commented on. MONDAY.— A « ew writ was ordered to be issued for a member for the borough of Newark, in the room of Sir Stapleloif Cotton ; and another for Shrewsbury in the room of/ Jtii. Hill, both lo be called up to the oiise AffrPt eg* SIR * vnii, SCOIT obtained leave to bring iu a Bill to explain ainl amend Ihe Clergy Penalties Bill. The Hon. se In a Committee of Supply, 3,000,0001. were vtfted for the army extraordinaire* of the present year not already provided for. Tile House having resolved into a Committee, the CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER moved resolu- tions that all the Excise duties voted in support of the war, ami which were to be continued until six months alter Ihe ratification of peace, should be continued lo be paid until the 5th of July, 1815, except the dniies upon British manufactures exported to foreign couii- tiies or coastways, which were to expire at the time already appointed.— Ordered to report to- morrow. PROPERTY- TAX.— In answer to a question from Mr. ¥/ IIITUREAD, she CHANCELLOR OF THE EX- CHEQUER stated that it was not his intention to pro- pose any thing to Parliament on the subject of this tax during the present session : it would be for Parlia- ment in the next session, us circumstances should llien exist, to consider the expediency of continuing the w hole or any part of this tax. Last night Earl Grey brought forward his motion on the subject of Norway. The Noble Lord made a very long and a very learned speech on the occasion ; tint was most satisfactorily answered by the Earl of Har- rowby ;.. i. i) 1ni alio Lord Grei. vilte by tbe Earl of Liverpool; and the motion for an Address lo the Prince Regent to take off the blockade of the Norwe- gian ports was lost hy ail immense majority; there being against it 115, and only 34 for it; leaving a proud and triumphant majority of 81 m favour of Ministers. Last night Messages from the Prince Regent were communicated to both Houses of Parliament, stating the hnnotirs his Royal Highness had been graciously pleased to confer on the Duke of Wellington, and tbe distinguished Commanders who served under him in the memorable campaigns of the Peninsula, and re- commending suitable provisions to be made for the support of their diguities. The provision for an appendage for the Dnke of Wellington, corresponding with bis new dignity, and worthy of Ins services, and of the gratitude and esteem of the nation, is, we understand, proposed to consist in a grant of 500,0001.' to be laid out in building a man- sion, and in the purchase of lands, according to the pre- cedent of Blenheim, in the case of the great Duke of Marlborough. Our readers will be deligked to Irarh that the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer, last night, iu the House of Commons, gave strong ground* to hope that the In- come TaSw& ufil not be continued beyond the present year. The only contingency which was alluded to as likely to occasion a continuance of this " obnoxious tax," as the Chancellor of the Exchequer justly term- ed it, was the protraction of an expensive warfare in America. Of this we apprehend there can be no chance. We may now calculate fairly upon the down- t'al of the Madison faction in the con rf*- of the summer. GLOCESTERSHTRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the month of Jttne next, at the Bear Inn, in Newnham, iii this County, ou a day and in the Lots Which will be stated in a subsequent Paper;— All that capital MESSUAGE if FARM, Called the COURT FARM, and several other MES- SUAGES, LANDS, and PREMISES, in Little Dean and Flaxiey, both in the County of Giocesler, part of which is tythe free, are now in the possessions of Wilre, George Drew, Mark Jones, William Wood, Alice Hale, antl others, all yearly tenants, and are seated on the side of the turupike- road leading from Newnham to Colfnrd. Descriptive particulars enumerating the Lots, may be had after the lst day of June next, at the King's Head, Glocester; Hop- Pole, Worcester; Place of Sale; and at the Office of Samuel Beale, Solicitor, Uptoti- npon- Severn, Worcestershire. WORCESTERSHIRE. Valuable Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold Estates. rFO BE SOLD BV AUCTION, by JL J. A00 ami SOS, At the White Hart Inn, Evesham, on Monday, the. ifilli day of May, 1814, between the hours of four and six o'clock in the afternoon, in Lots, by the di- rection of the Assiguess of JOHN LEONARD, a Bank- rupt, under Conditions of Saie to he then produced ; ALL THOSE FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD E S T A T E S, Lately tlif Property of the said JOHN LEON ARD, si- tuate in lite Parishes of All Saint's and Saint Lawrence, ii V' I ' napiMMf : '' ot Great and Little Hump- Ion, IU th'- On t^^ of Worcester; consisting of a Sub- stantial Messuage, Yard, and Garden, situate in the Centre « r iliuHigh- street, iu Evesham, with a Close of most excellent Garden Land behind it. Two Closes of rich Arable Land, called the Leasows, in the Paiish of S:. Sawrence, in Eve- sham : and also Two Close.) of Auble Land, with Barn, and Cow- shed thereon, situate in the Parish of Great aim Little Hampton; the viiole Tylile- free, and immediate Pos- session may be lad. Antl on TurvJny, the 17111 day of May, 1814, at the Crown lui", Evesham, will be SOLD BY AUCTION, by AGG and SON, by order of the Assignees of Join LEONARD, a Bankrupt, between the hours of four and six o'clock in the af ternoon, in Lots; all that sulstantial and newly erected DWELL- ING HOUSE, vitli every convenience necessary for the residence of a Gentleman's family, together with Brewhousr, Dary, Drink- house, large Granary, Coach- house, Stable, Milking Shed, Pigsties, Collage, Barn, and other Dill- buildings ; and about 127 Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND ; and also a small Farm House, and Orchard, Black- smith's Shop, Barn, Cyder Mill, Stable, Pigeon House, and other Conveniences, aud about 65 Acres of AR ABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND. These valuable Estates are Tythe- free, and situated in the Parish of Sedgeberrow, in the County of Wor- cester, about four miles from Evesham, adjoining the Road from thence lo Tewkesburv, and forma most desirable property for a Gentleman, ihe whole being within a Ring Fence, and immediate Possession may be had. DcscriptiveParticnliirs, and Conditions of Sale, may be had a week previous to the day of Sale, by applv- ing to Messrs ANSBY, Box, and WRIGHT. Temple, London, Solicitors to the said Assignees; at the Office of Mr. PHILLIPS, Evesham, oue of the Assignees; and of the Auctioneers. " LITTLE HAitlP I ON and SEDGEBERROiV, NEAR EVESHAM. CAPITAL FARMING STOCK, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, Household Furniture, Sfc. TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, by t J. AUG tf SON, On Wii. iyritfcy and Thursday, May 18th and 19th, 1814, by order of the Assignees, on the Premises j lately in the possession of JOHN LEONARD, a Batik- ] rnpt, at LITTLE HAMPTON, wirl. ina mile and half of Evesham, and adjoining tile Turnpike- Road leading from thence to Tewkesbury. On the First Day will be Sold the Lire Stock, Corn, and Implements of Husbandry: Comprising several very useful cart mares and geld- ings, cows, sheep, store pigs, sow and pigs, 1 wheat lick, 1 bean rick, waggons, carts, 5 sets of horses' gears, harrows, ladders, hurdles, sheep- racks, and the usual assortment of Farming Implements. On tiie Second Day will be Sold all the neat Household I nrniture, Dairy and Brewing Utensils: Consisting of four- post and other bedsteads, feather and flock beds, blankets, counterpanes, mahogany dining and other fah'es, pier, swing, aud other glas- ses, plaie, & c. aud a general assortment of the neces- sary antl iisetul furniture. Also, on Friday and Saftfrday, the 20th and 21st of May, 1814, on the Premises lately occupied by the said Bankrupt, at SEDGEtfEftnovv, about four miies from Evesham, on the said Tewkesburv Road ; all the LIVE STOCK," Implements in Husbandry, together with all the neat aud useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; compris- ing leather and other beds, bedsteads, blankets, coun- terpanes, mahogany and oilier tables, chairs, eight- day clock, barrel and other churns, copper furnace, iron- bound and other casks, mash tub, skeels and brewing necessaries, with many other useful articles ; Catalogues of which may be had four , lav » previous to the sale, at the Angel, Pershore; Hop- Pole, Worces- ter; Swan, Tewkesbury; Angel, Alcesier; at the principal Inns, aud ol the Auctioneers, Evesham. ( One Concern.) LONDON, THURSDAY, MAY 12. Price of Stocks. S per Cent. Consols, C7.; j 67 3 per Cent. Red. 65£ f 4 per Cents. IIS^ J 5 per Cent. 95j^ Exchequer Bills, 3s. to 5s. pm. Omnium, — prem. Consols for Acc. 67 £ THE PrinceRegeiit's Message relative tp the further provision necessary for the support ofthe rank of onrillustrious Hero tbe Duke of Wellington, was last right taken into consideration by tbe Honse of Lords The additional grant consists of an annuity of 10,00ul. upon the Consolidated Fund ; in reference, to which the Lords of the Treasury are authorised to advance a sum not exceeding 300,0001. to be laid out, as in the case oftlie Duke of Marlborough, in the purchase of estates; and proportionality to the extent of such pur- chase ihe amount of the annuity to be cancelled. Ti'. fe whole to attach to the Dukedom of Wellington j to descend to the heirs succeeding lineally to the title; and in failure of such heirs the property to levert to the Crown. The whole of the grants no', v conferred on the IllustriousDtike are estimated at y.' nont 17,0001. a year. Well and gloriously has the He'ro earned all his rewards. Long and happy may lie ', ive to enjoy them. — The Lieutenant- Generajs, bis valiant companions in arms, who have for their distinguished merits been promoted to the Peerage, afe to have grants of 2,0001. per annum each. V Message from the Prince Regent is daily ex- pected by both Houses of Parliament, notifying the intended nuptials of the Princess Charlotte with the Prince of Orange, The Five Tdillions sterling voted in aid of the Allies was thus disposed of:— To Austria 600,0001.— Hol- land 200,000k— Prussia 650,0391. 16s. 8d.— Russia 657,6001.— Sweden 320,0001.— Spain 428,4871. ! 9s. 1d. -- Supplies for arms, cloathing,< Jcc. 2,243, 973I. Os. lid. Bavaria is expected to restore the Tyrol to Austria, to recover Wurrzburgh, and receive Menlz and As- chaffenbnrgb. An Austrian General lias taken possession of llie kingdom of Italy in the name, of the Allied Powers. The Austrian? and British have entered Venice. The last letters from Toulouse came via Paris, dated 30th April. Marshal Snchet was at Toulouse. Soult was ordered to Paris. Major- General Pack, who was wounded, was preparing to return to England. It is said that there are at present in the neighbour- hood of Paris upwards of 20,000 French Officers des- titute of employment. The Biitish Officers in France experience great dif- ficulty in disposing of their horses and mules, for which they are unable lo obtain any pecuniary consideration. Sunday evening last, a very serjous dispute took place at Belleville, near Paris, between some of the allied troops and a party of Bonaparte'* old guards. Between 20 and 30 lives were lost on the occasion. The names ot the Senators who have resigned, are Prince Corsini, Count Buonacorsi, and Count Spada — ail of them, we believe, are Italians. The French papers contain a long Convention con- cluded at Turin, for a suspension of hostilities be- tween the Allied troops and the French and Italian army beyond the Alps. The Monitenr is as usual filled with Addresses from various towns in France, and the answers of his Majesty Lonis XVIII. A Tariff has been established at Bourdeanx, under the authority of the Dnke of Angouleme. In all arti- cles op which the ad valorem duty is not collected according to the invoice amount, it is regulated by a fixed piice. and is not to be varied either by the difference of quality or the fluctuations ofthe market. ANECDOTES OF BONAPARTE. Montlemarl, April 26.— Bonaparte arrived on Sun- day last in lius town, at six o'clock in Ihe evening, and set off again at nine, after supper. As his arrival was expected, a number of the inhabitants went to the Post- house to view this extraordinary man, who so atelv made his name resound throughout Europe; but he, in a great measure, disappointed them by the quick- ness with which he rushed from lus carriage to his apartment. It was obvious that Bonaparte was far from tranquil.— The conversation which he had with several persons, particularly with M. Chabanes, tlie Master of the Hotel, shewed that lie entertained Hie most serious apprehensions respecting the lemainder of liis journey. The following is the substance ofthe conversation: — " Are yon the Master of this Hotel?"—" Yes, Sire." —" At what o'clock do you think I shall arrive at Avignon?"— To- morrow, between six and seven iu the morning."—" The Devil! then 1 shall arrive there by day- light; the roads then must be very bad?"—" They are not good, Sire?" Bonaparte then put Ins hand npon his forehead, and continued to miitler the follow- ing broken sentences : — " Six or seven iu ( he morning— why, it will he day- light— broad day- light— The inhabitants are madly fond of romance— The inhabitants of Avignon are a , hot- headed people, like all Provincials— The famous Giaciere is in that country — I will not enter Avignon. — The horses for the relays siiail be brought outside of the ramparts." Ar that moment some persons employed in the ad- min stration of the Forests, demanded to see him; lie. ordered tliem in, and having spoken to them for five minutes, dismissed them with the following philosophi- cal and consoling expression :—" Gentlemen, follow my example— resign." Bonaparte at length quitted his apartment t. i return to his carriage; the crowd, which was very numerous was perfectly tranquil; but one of Ins attendants having given money to some so - diets to cry out " Vive i'Empereur 1" their voices were drowned in exclamations of " Vivent lt- s Bourbons!" " Vive I ouis XVIII." At the late peace the reduction went down to 60 regiments: we understand it is intended at present to retain 80 regiments, as our possessions abroad now re- quire a larger scale of defence than formerly.— In te- gard to the Navy, tho question appears to be, what allowance is'to be made in regard to tiie half pay, and to what Admirals it is to extend? During the late part of onr contest wilh France, peihaps there never has been an instance where so little has been made by prize money; for though the blockading system might be necessary for the country, certainly it was not a profitable one for those concerned. Government intend to convert the depot at Perth into military barracks. In a case of a pauper's parish settlement yesterday, the Court of King's Bench decided, after hearing ar- guments of Counsel at considerable length, that a bind- ing by indenture and a residence of forty days in the parish of the master, thereby gamed a settlement in the master's parish for the apprentice, who afterwards became a pauper seeking parochial relief. The great battle betwe- n' Painter nntl Oliver will be on Tuesday next, within '. wenty uii! es of London. MINCHIN HAMPTON. TO be SOLD iiy PRIVATE CONTRACT,— Three MESSUAGES or TENE, MEN IS, situ- ate near Bownhams, and adjoining Minchinhanipton Common, m the occupation of Robert Latham, James Franklin, and Thomas Paul, as yearly Tenants; also a Close of ARABLE LAND, with a COPPICE well timbered adjoining, situate near the above Tenements, containing upwards of 3 Acres, aud in Ihe occupation of Robert Latham, as a yearly Tenant. There is a valuable Right of Common over Minchin- hampton Common belonging to the above Premises. Fill- a view apply lo Mr. Thomas Howell, Minehin- hampton, and for further particulars and lo treat for the pnichase, apply to Mr. Bevir, Solicitor, Ciren- cester. MANOirK l^ rATE of LANDAFF, GLAMORGANSHIRE. r po be SOLD by AUCTION, iu Lots, at Ihe Cardiff Arms inn, Cardiff, on Wednesday, ihe lst of June, 1814;— The verv valuable and extensive MANOR OF LANDAFF, With Fisheries in- the RiversTaff and Ely, Tolls ofthe Flirs, ami valuable Commons thereto belonging; near 700 Acres of very fertile .- Viable, Meadow, aud l'as. tore Land, situated at Landaff, Canton, F* iirwater, Ely, and Whitchurch, oil tbe Banks of tbe Rivers ' faff and Elv, aud great part adjoining'the turnpike road fom Cardiff to Cowhiidgo; together with IheSeiteof the ancient Castle, and several vciy valuable Mes- suages and Gardens, delightfully situated in and near the town of Landaff. The whole of tins Estate is Freehold, anil from its situation possesses peculiar advantages, being in a re- markably fertile and beautiful country, within a mile' antl a half of the port of Cardiff, and having coal and lime at a very easy distance.— It is part Let on Leasts for Lives, part on abort Terms of Years, and pait at Will. Particulars may be hai at the principal Inns at Car- diff,, Cow bridge, Newport, and Neafti; of Mi". Win. Matthews, of Canton, who w ill shew the Estate; of John Evans, Esq. St. Mildred's Court, Poultry, Lou- don; of James Richardson, Esq. New Inn, Lon- don ; and of Messrs. Claridge and Iveson, Pall- mall, London; where plans of tiie Estate may be seen. DEW FOREST, ( ILOCESTEKSH IRE * TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, RY ORDER OF The Right Hon. Lord Glenbervie, William Lucres Adams, and Ilenry Hawkins, Esijrs. Commissioners of his Majesty's Forests, and Land Revenues, By Mr. WHITE, At tlso Bear Inn, Mewnliain, on Tuesday, the 17th day of May, 1814, between the hours of twelve and two;— THE FOLLOWING LOTS OF BARK, TIMBER, & CORDWOOD, Now lying in Dean Forest, the property of the Crown, viz. LOT 1.— The B ARK of One Hundred and Twelve Oak Trees, for the Navy, on Barnedge and the Berry, in Ruardean Walk, from No. 1 to 112. LOT 2.— Ditto of One Hundred- 4wd Twelve Oak Trees, oa the Berry, ill ditto, from 113 to 224. LOT 3.— Ditto of Two Hundred und Six Oak Trees, ou Briarly, in ditto, from 225 to 430. LOT 4— Ditto of Two Hundred and Sixty- two Oak Trees, on High Beach, in ditto, from 431 to 702—( 660 to 669 on Ihe Perch excepted). LOT 5 — Ditto of One Hundred and Twenty- seven Oak Trees, ou tlie Delves, & cc. in ditto, from 703 to 780, and from 801 to 930. LOT 6.— Ditto ot One Hundred antl Ten Oak Trees, ou the Delves, in do. from 781 to 890. LOT 7.— Ditto of One Hundred and Seventy One Oak Trees, on the Bonrts, from 940 to K' 95. Of Eight ditto, on Coycrliam, from li> 9 « to lloi. And of Ten ditto, on the Perch,... from 660 to 669, in Worcester Walk. LOT 8.— Ditto of One Hundred and Forty- seven Oak Trees, from 1104 to 1250, in Russell's Inclosure, Speech House Walk. LOT 9.— Ditto of fine Hundred and Fifty Oak Trees, from 1251 to 1400, in do. LOT I<).— Ditto of One Hundred and Fifty- five Oak Trees, in do. from 1401 to 1555, LOT 11.— Ditto of One Hundred and Fifty- six Oak Trees, in do. from 1556 to 1711. LOT 12.— Ditto of Ninety- eight Oak Tiees, rut for sale, on Briarly, Barnedge, <£ c. Huurdeaii Walk, from No. 1 to 98. LOT 13.— Ditto ofTwo Hundred and Thirty- six Oak Trees, do. on High Beac. it, in Riurde. au Walk, from 99 to 334 LOT 14— Ditto of Sixty Oak Trees, ditto on the Delves, from 335 to 394. LOT 15.— Ditto of l- ifty Oak Trees, on the Bourts and Coverham, iu Worcester Walk. LOT 16.— Ditto of Twenty Oak Trees, on Ivy Moor Head, Parkend Walk. Each rail of Bark is marked, in red paint, with the number ofthe Lot to ivliicli it belongs. LOT 17.— Twenty- eight Pieces of OAK TIMBER, cut for the Navy, but rejected by the Purveyor, after being squared, Nos. 2, 45, 145, 157, 153, 171, 177, 221, 224, 236, 249,254, 255, 273,317,332, 260, 383, 388, 397, 410, 413, 421, 452, 481, 489, 492, and 503, together with one short Butt, twenty- six Tops from No. 1 to 26, anil two Limb Knees, oil Ihe Bailey Hill, near Mitcheldean LOT 18.— Seventy- seven pieces of OAK TIMBER, cut for Ihe Navy, but rejected bv the Purveyor, after being squared, Nos. 707, 709, 721, 728, 730,735, 7- 19 771, 803, 806, 821, 831, 845, 846, 852, 872, 873, 894, 897, 930, 933, 945, 949, 950, 9b0,981, 995, 999, 1( 100, 1004, 1009, 1013, 1015,1019, 1023,1024, 1025,1026, 10* 8, 1035, 1041, 1043, 1044,1045, 1051, 1052,1060, 1064, 1071', 1072, 1075, 1082,1088, 1093,1095, 1132, 1142, 1144, Ilia, 1146 1148,11- 50, 1151, 1154, 1161, 1164, 1185, 12I4,1232, 1236,1256, I2O8, 1264, 1321, 1345, 1349, and 1377 ; with Twenty- eight short Butts, from No. 2 to 29; Twenty Tops, from No. 27 to ; and Six Limb Knees, from No. 3 lo 8, oil Blakeney Lodge Hill.— N. B. Nos. 70.', 1015, 1072, and 1258, of the above, are in Purton Yard. LOT 19.— Seven Pieces of BEECH TIMBER, rut for ihe Navy, but rejected in Ihe round, Nos. 48, 56, 7z, 84, 145, 148, and 151, with Oue Short Butt, on New Year's Hill, in Blakeney Walk. LOT 20.— Thirteen Pieces of BEECH TIMBER, cut tor the Navy, but rejected, alter being squared, Nos. 18, 23,40,53, 58,75,78, 90, 112, 114, 117, 118, and 139, with Three Short Butts, and Two Tops, ou New Year's Hill. LOT 21.—' Two Hundred Cords of BEECH WOOD, on New Year's Hill. CONDITIONS OF SALE, The Sale will lie by Public Auction, in the presence of the Officers of the Forest. The Bark, Timber, and Cnrdwood will be sold to the highest bidder,— the Officer conducting the Sate " reserving to himself the Right of once bidding," if he shall be of opinion, that the offers made for the same are below the real value ; — and if any disputes arise on the bidding, the lot to be put up again for sale. The buyer to pay for the same immediately, in Cash or Bank of England Notes, or accepted Bills on Lon- don, not exceeding one month after date.— The Tim- ber and Cordwood, after the sale, to be at the risk of the purchaser, and nut of the Crown. No Deputy, Assistant Deputy, or other Officer, concerned in the management of the sale, will be al. lowed to become a purchaser, either by himself, or any other person in trust for him; and if any collusion is practised or permitted, iii tins respect, ou proof there- of, the persons offending: will be punished. No poundage, fee, perquisite, or emolument what- ever, shall be demanded or taken by any Officer or person concerned in conducting the sale, or in any re- spect in the execution of tl. is service i and every per- son who shall demaiitl, take, or receive, any pound- age, fee, perquisite, or eiiioltimc t whatever, on proof thereof, will be punished. As the Bark will be sold by weight, a deposit of two pounds per ton must be paid at the sale, on the esti- mated quantity of each lot, and the remainder as soon as the Bark is taken in. The whole ofthe Bark to be removed within one month after the stripping shall be completed,—. antl tlia whole of the Timber and Cordwood, before the 3' ut of December, 1814, or to be forfeited, and re- sold for liis Majesty's bunefk. * r T SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1814. THE Anniversary of the flirth of the late Right Hon. IVILLfAM PITT happening on a Marlcet Day, a VEE1 ING of those GENTLEMEN who are of opinion that his Political Measures were instrumental in bringing about the late glorious Changes in tlie Affairs of Europe, and that a continuance in those Measures trill preserve to this Country the Blessings it may now reasonably expect, will be held at the BELL, IN'N, in this City, on ihe following Monday, the 30th inst. to appoint a Committee for the formation of a CLUB, to be denominated tlie GLOCESTEllsUHlE PITT CLUB. Gentlemen are requested to signify their intention of dining to Mr. Marsh, on or before Saturday, the mil instant. Dinner on the table at four o'clock. PREFERMENTS. The Lord Chancellor has appointed Ihe Rev. Henry John Ridley one of his Domestic Chaplains. The Rev. Chailes Shipley, son to the Dean of St. Asaph, has been presented by Earl Spencer lo the va- lnable living of May ponder, in Ihe county of Dorset. The Rev. Thomas Hopson is inducted to the Rec- tones of Over and Nether Comptori, Dorset, on the presentation of Wvndhani Goodden, Esq. of Ball). On Wednesday last the parishioners of Bromyard unanimously elected the Rev. Robert Peaice, M. A. one of the Vicars Choral of Hereford Cathedral, to be one of the Six Prselectors in Divinity, founded at an early period in that church. The Rev. Reginald Heber, A. M. and late fellow of All Soul's college, is elected to preach the Bampton Leclute Sermons before the University of Oxford in the ensuing year. MARRIED.— On Thursday, at Nibley, Mr. Thomas Biggs, of Leonard Stanley, to Ann, daughter of the late Rev. George Havward, of Frorester, in tins county.— Tiie Rev. R. Pearce, Vicar of Allensmore and Cle- liongei, to Mary, third daughter of the Rev. Lewis Maxey, Rector of Bvford, Herefordshire.— Tuesday, at St. Paul's, Covent- Garden, London, by the Rev. E. Enibrv, Mr. James Whitaker, of Kinnersley, Worces- tershire, to Emma, eldest daughter of John Robins, Esq. Piazza, London.— Thuis'day, William Bruges, Esq. of Setniiigton, Wilts, to Mrs. Cope, relict of Jacob Cope, Esq. of London.— The Rev. Edward Etlgell, of West Alvington, Devon, to Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Wilson, Esq. of Purton, Wilts.— At Bristol, Mr. W. M. Witchell, of Sopworth, to Miss Ody, of Malmesbury.— Mr. W. Pliipps, of Margaret's- build- ings, Hath, " to Miss Sarah Downes, of Dodington, in this county.— Monday, Mr. Ward, of'Bristol, to Anne, daughter of the Rev. T. Turner, of She » r,! on, Wilts — On the 4th inst. at Aswai by- House, Lincolnshire, Francis Willes, Esq. sen oi' the Archdeacon of Wells, to Caroline, third daughter of Sir Thomas Whichcote, Bart. UIST).— On Monday evening, in the 81st year of his age, Peter Suell, Esq, of Whitley- court, in this county. — Same day, after a lingering illness, which she bore with christian fortitude and resignation, Maria, only daughter of Mr. J. Cooper, of Westgate- street, in this city: the strength of mind anil amiable qualities of this young lady, rendered her highly respected by a nume- rous circle of friends and relati us, to whom iier death will long be a subject of unfeigned regret— A few- days since, at Longford, Miss Mary Crowdy, of that place. — On , Sunday evening, Mrs. Fawcett, wife of Mr. Fawcetl, of Westgate- street, and one ot the people called Quakers.— Same day, Mr. Thomas Butt, eldest sou of Mr. Butt, of Matson, near tills city, — Mr. Stephen Stroud, wire- worker, of Sonthgate- strceU— Aged 85, Mr. Edward Trirkey. basket- maker, North- gale- street.— On Thursday, at Didcote, in this coun- tv, Mr. Stock, aged 86 years. — On the 27tii ult. Mrs. Junes, wife of the Rev. Mr. Junes, of Hill House, near Wiekwar, iu this county.- r- A t Rodborongb, in, this county, Mr. John MalJam, eldest son of Mr. Richard Mallam, auctioneer, of Oxford.— At Twyning, on Tuesday, Ihe 3d inst. Mary, the wife of Mr. G. Rick- artls, of Uptoii- upon- Severn, maltster.— May 4, at an advanced age, Mrs. Ann Lacy, of Frome, whose pure Christian pietv was exemplary. Actively beneficent in life, she was equally benevolent at her death, having bequeathed the dividends of 20001. stockfor the better provision of some poor women in the alms- house in that tow n, and also the dividends of 2001. stock to other poor of the parish, payable on St. Thomas's day, for ever. An Extraordinary Gazette will be found in our last page, containing the details of the capture of Genoa by the army under Lord W. Bentinek, which event had previously been announced in the French Papers. Thus in every quarter of Europe has the war termina- ted with a victory gained by British valour.— The present exploit, which would have been most impor- tant, if Providence had not previously blest Europe with a general peace, was most gallantly performed, and with a lo « sso small, as not to add materially to the regrets already occasioned by useless bloodshed, after the war had been virtually terminated, and peace and harmony restored between the nations. At the Prince Regent's Court, on Wednesday last, the following Gentlemen had the honour of being pre- sented toliis Royal Highness, viz:— Sir B. W. Guise, Bart.— SirSaninel Whitcomb.— Dr. Jenner, by Lord Ducie, on his being appointed one of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent's Physi- cians Extraordinary Sir Henry Prothero, accom- panied by the Members aud Mayor of Bristol, with an Address from that place.— Mr. Lygon, with au Address from Kidderminster.— The Hon. James So- me rs Cocks, Captain in the Worcestershire Yeomanry- Cavalry, on his appointment; and Mr. James Cocks, JL P. for Ryegate, by Lord Somers. Perhaps there was never an ncrasicin wherein those words of the Scripture— fVhilst we have time let lis do good unto all men," vueie wore deseiving of atten- tion than the present; for if the noble example set us by the Royal Diikes. atnl the Archbishops be not spee- dily followed, it will be too late. Disease and famine are making awful ravages throughout Saxony and the adjacent countries; and nothing tot timely assistance can keep thousands of our fellow cieatures from pe- rishing. What has been already done by the genero- sity oi our countrymen has been of infinite service ; but much, very much remains to be ( tone, in order lo make the benefits we have already conferred, ef- fectual to the permanent welfare of the distressed Germans: au immediate exertion in their behalf is necessary, to enable them to sow their lands and to provide for their own wants iu future. We appre- hend the extreme urgency of the case is not suffi- ciently considered amongst us:— did we but reflect that iu litis view, one guinea now will go as lar as thirty, or sixty, or a hundred, some little time hence, we arc persuaded, that multitudes of those who have already subscribed, would doable their subscriptions; and that all who have not yd givtn, would press for- ward with their donations without ihiay. We would take the liberty, tin refore, of suggesting to every be- nevolent tiiitnl—" What thou doest, do quickly-" Tile Society of Friends ill Bristol have subscribed 6331- tor the relief of the German suffeiers. On Sunday se'nnight M. Lucieo Bonaparte ' eft Thorngreve with the intention of proceeding to Rome without delay. The family still remain at Thorn- glOve, and il is understood that M. Lucieo will return to England itr September, after which all his family will leave this country with him for Italy- We under- stand from undoubted authority that M. Lnttien lias already tmlwiked ; he leaves England with the tniire approbation of Government, who have furnisiieij every facility upon Ihe occasion. The whole of tht ijK. ily are now considered at perfect liberty. A vacancy in the represjntation of Shrewsbury has taken place, iu consequence of ( he elevation of Sir Rowland Hill to the Peerage.— Richard Lyster, Esq. of Ronton Castle, and B. Benyon, Esq. are the pre- sent candidates, and a warm contest is expected. Efforts have been, and still arc making to establish annual races iu the immediate vicinity of Chelleiihntn. The subscription for the purpose already amounts to upwards of 3501. amino doubt is entertained of Ihe sum daily enereasing. The situation, we understand, is most excellent, and from the judgment of those who will conduct the sporr, every improvement will be made to render it truly eligible. On'the last morning of Worcester Races, a Hun- ters' Sweepstakes is to be run for, instead of the Foley Hunt Stakes, which are to be run for in No- vember. Mr. James Blundell, coachman of the Old Taunton, Barnstable, and Tiverton coach, a few days ago sent, as presents to the Prince of Srhwai tzenberg and Mar- shal Blucher, two fine old Cheshire cheeses, weighing 10011M. each ; aud Mr, Banks, of the Latpb Inn, in Bath, liberally franked their carriage to Dover. Exeter was a scene of festivity during the whole of last w eek, to celebrate the cessation of hostilities. An entire new street is immediately to be built in the flourishing town of Tewkesbury, to be named after our immortal Wellington, audio lead from the centre the High- street into the Ohihury Field— a most important improvement, and which has long beeii a subject of pleasing anticipation to the inhabi- tants and neighbourhood. Sunday morning a lady who lodges in the Colonnade, Cheltenham, going too near the fire, her clothes caught the flame, and she was dreadfully burnt before her servant could come to her assistance ; we are hap- py to hear, however, that no danger is now appre- hended. On Monday last an inquisition was held at Hinton- en- the- Green, in this county, before D, Willey, Esq. Coroner, on view of the body of George Barnard, an infant, drowned in Hinton Brook the preceding Fri- day. Verdict— Accidental Death. The premiums for ploughing, offered by the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, were con- tended lor on the 4th inst. on the farm of Mr. Pocoek, near Warminster; when eight ploughs ot' different con- structions appeared in competition. Tbefirst premium was awarded to Mr. Rennet's swing plough, drawn by 2 oxen ; and the second premium to Mr. Whitaker's Brattpn plough, drawn by 2 horses. We understand, a considerable reduction in the price of oak bark is expected this season, in conse- quence of several arrivals of foreign bai\ iu London, and more being hourly expected. Good veal is now selling at Harwich at 5d. per lb. fresh butter Is. per lb. and eggs 30 for a shilling, w hich articles are imported from Holland regularly twice a week. Tuesday were landed at Harwich, from Holsteln, 7 steers and 12 heifers: they w ere examined by a number of agricultural gentlemen, who declared that the heifers exceeded any they ever saw before, much resembling the Devon breed of cattle, but possessing less bone, with a greater weight of carcase, A lemai kably fat three shear sheep was killed aud shewn at Burford fair, which weighed 12 score, 91bs. deemed by judges to be the greatest weight on the smallest bone ever exhibited. A letter from au officer in Sir W. W. Wynne's bat- talion. of provisional militia stales, that the regiment is cantoned iu different villages on the batiks of tiie Gironde, about 20 miles from Bonrdentix, and that the quarters were iu every respect excellent ; the kind- ness and civility of the French people to the soldiers are most gratifying; the men get plenty of beef, white bieatl, and claret, and the cottagers wash, cook, and shew every attention to their wants. The battalion has been reviewed by S* irS. Cotton, who warmly com- mended their appearance and discipline. Monday, Job Gibball, a labouring man, was acci- dentally killed wlsih* tailing .- in-'., It! « .- y li.,' i.,•;.',- the parish of Bushley, near Tewkesbury. On the 29th ult. whilst a young man at Newbury was in the act of firing a cannon, it burst, and so dreadfully shuttered his skull, as to cause his death. We are sorry lo say that during tbe night of the 2( 1 insl. some- vile incendiary set fire to some premises in Bengw orth, and made an attempt to set fire to other premises at the same place; 1001. rewaid has been of- fered for the apprehension of the villain. Thursday, Stephen Rawlins, a lad about 16 years of age, was committed to Ilchester Gaol, by the Rev, John Bowen, for a burglary in Bathwick. Two millers in Cornwall were last week fined 101. each for grinding porcelain clay among flour 11— No wonder the price of corn should fall to the great grief of the landholders, when materials for bread can thus be dug from the bowels of the earth ! At Chelmsford quarter- sessions Win. Collett, ostler at the Lion and Lamb Inn, Brentwood, was convicted ou the clearest evidence of stealing from the manger part of half a peck of oats, and three penny worth of beans, tbe property of Mr. George Hinde, a commer- cial traveller, aud was sentenced to 3 months' hard labour. ARMY.- The suspension of recruiting in tS'. s dis- trict, which lately took place was only temporary, till the ni; W' regulations for this service were prepared; and these having been obtained, it was resumed here on Saturday last, for all corps except the marines and militia.— The Secretary at War has signified by a circular to the commanding officers of Yeomanry Cavalry, that their permanent services for duty for the present year will not be required.— Lord Sidmouth has notified to the commanding officers, that it is not intended to assemble the Local Militia for training and exercise during the present year.— An order has been issued by the Secretary of War, that all militia serjeants who have served 20 years, and had retired upon 5d. per day, are ill future to receive Is. and those after a service offive years, to receive 6d.; of lo years, 8d.; 15 years, lOil.— The bounty to recruits for tbe infantry for men from 18 to 25 years old, and 5 feet 6 incites iu height, is fixed at 51. instead of 16 guineas ; lads under 18 are taken at 5 feet 5 : for the cavalry, men 5 feet 7, aud lads 5 feet 6, at a bounty of 31.3s. COMMITMENTS TO OUR COUNTY GAOL — John Margetts, by the Hon. John Dntton, charged with stealing two sow pigs, the property of Rd. Wash- bourn, of Wilson.— Jonathan White, by Geo. Austin, Esq. charged with stealing a silver table- spoon, value 12s. the property of Eliz. Wickham, of Wick war.— Ben). Evans, by H. Burgh, H. Cooke, and E. Aldrige, Esqrs. charged with exercising the craft of divination, under pretence of discovering in what manner, and by whom, a theft was committed of some money, goods; and chattels.— And James Purnell, by Samuel Webb, Esq. on suspicion of having stolen a black mare, the property of Richard Matthews, of the pa- rish of St. Philip and Jacob. OXFORD, MAY 7.— The following gentlemen are admitted Bachelors in Divinity.— Rev. J. Gould, Rev. R. W. Hutchins, of Magdalen Cull. Rev. 1). W. Garrow, of Christ- church. Bachelor in Medicine.— Joseph Hurlock, M. A. of Wadhain College, with a licence to practice in me- dicine. Masters of Arts.— Mr. R. G. Hall, of Queen's; Rev. G. A. Maddock, of Beast nose ; Mr. S. W. Roberts, of Pembroke; Rev. C. Wetherell, of St. Edmund ball. Buchclors of Arts — John Haliday, Esq. of Univer- sity College, ( gland compounder;) Messrs. R. W. Blencovve, H. Bishop, of Oriel; M. Hanks, of Wad, ham; John Salter, of Chi ist- church; Francis Benson of Queen's; Dan. Brammall, of University; Win. Borradaile, G. Baldiniu, of Brasenose ; John Andios, of Pembroke; Rich. Brooke, of Balhol. THE DUCHESS OF OI. DENBURGH'S TOUR. Tne- day, the Duchess of Oldenbiirgh visited the University of Oxford; and oil Wednesday, the hono- rary ilegiee of LL. D. was conferred on Prince Gaga- tine and Lieut.- Gen. Turner, her Imperial Higfmess's principal attendants. Her Highness viewed most parts of the University, and about one o'clock, set out on a visit lo the seat of Ihe Marquis, of Bucking- ham. Every mark of respect was paid to the sister of the great Emperor Alexander. Her arrival was announced by the ringing of bells and other demon- strations of joy. Her Imperial Highness passed through Banbury on Wednesday evening on her route from Slow to Warwick, where she arrived between one and two o'clock on Thursday morning. About ten her Highness proceeded lo the Castle, And after spending upwards of two hours in view iug the inte- rior, Ihe gardens, and oilier principal Objects attach- ed to this magnificent pile, she returned to the War- wick Arms highly delighted with her visit. After partaking of some refreshment there, the Royal Stran- ger visited the worsted manufactory of Mcssrs. Fatkes and Brookhouse, where she continued nearly an hour. The Royal Visitor was repeatedly cheered bv the po- pulace, and St. Mary's bells were rung iu honour of the occasion. Her Imperial Highness and suite arrived at the Royal Hotel, Birmingham, in Ihe afternoon of the same day, where twenty beds and seven sitting- rooms were engaged for the illustrious visitants, atid an en- tire new service of plate was produced on Ihe occa- sion. The Duchess and her trienils proceeded to in- spect the different manufactories, and the next day visited the Soho. Her Serene Highness expressed great satisfaction at the ingenuity displayed, making various enquiries ami remarks, which shewed an ac- curate observer, and a mind anxious x& receive infor- mation. She left Birmiiiglnim forWorcester, much pleased with the attention aud ' i - oof'! - ft;— n to her. On Friday evening at half past eight, her Imperial Highness arrived al the Hop Pole tun, Worcester, amidst the hearty cheers of its loym i. ' laoitants. As early as half past six on Saiur lay morning, her Roys! Highness and attendants visited the Gtthedral; and afterwards proceeded to the e\ t< n- ive and long- estab- lished Roy al Porcelain Manufactory ofMes: rs. Flight, Barr, and Barr. The Duchess was conducted through the various departments of these interestim: works by Mr. M. Barr, and her Imperial Highlit- s ' epeatedly expressed herself highly delighted with tie- different processes and the exact order that every Wot re pre- vailed ; and when view ing the tiniskvsd productions in the warehouses, her surprise was strongly excited by the rapid improvements made in tliis branch of the arts, and graciously complimented the Proprietors on having rivalled the best Porcelains of the Continent. Her Highness returned to the Hop Pole Inn, and Ro- bert Brown, Esq. the Mayor of Worcester, had the honour of an interview; time would not permit the Duchess lo leceive the congratulations of the Corpo- ration in form. The Royal Visitor Oo- n left rile city for Blenheim, on her return to llie^ Wfop. tlis, where she is expected to remain till the airivaldf fheEinperor of Russia, soon after which she will take a lotlgei journey, proceeding as far north as York, and visiting several of the great t owns near the load. HEIGHT OK THE TIDES Calculated for the River Severn, Bristol'Channel, & c. t'eeu tnrtie,. THIS DAY.... 10 FT SUNDAY 11 9 MONDAY 13 7 TUESDAY 15 5 WEDNESDAY. 17 3 THURSDAY... 18 9 FRIDAY 19 11 SOUTHGA l'E- STRFACT, GLOCESTEK. S. VIC Fx, S 1DDLER, COLLAR If H IRNESS- MdKPft, RESPECTFULLY BEGS to announce to his F„ i IEMIS and the Public, that having^^^^^^^ en- I'jtiin ltic Premises oi' > 1, Corner of Bell- Lane, hepi'fjioscs carry ™ > n the above Business in all its benches; aiid hopes, Vyi unremitting assiduity, and by vending Articles of Ih,- be I Quality ami Workmanship, lo merit their palronatp and support. REMOVAL. JOHN INGRAM, respectfully infofcs his Friends and Ihe Public, that he lias REMOVED from the Corner of Bell- Lane to a House lower down in th, e SOUTHGATE- STREET, near the TALBOT INN, whete they may he supplied with GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES, Of all kinds, on the most reasoiLble Terms. j. T. also announces that the MALTING TRADE, ( heretofore carried on by the late Mr. WJTCOMH,) will be continued by him ; and respectfully iilicits the Fa- vours of his Friends iu that Line. ' lo the Inhabitants of Coleford, and lite adjacent Parishes in the Forest District, in he County of Glocester. AT the request of the Magistrates nutj'"} fur that District, and of several of the molt respectable Landholders there, I HEREBY CALL A MEET- ING, to be liolden at the ANGEL INN, COLEFOUD, on TUESDAY, the 21st of June, 1814, at twelve o'clock at 110011, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FORMING AN ASSOCIATION FOR THE, PROSECUTION OF FELONS. JAMES SUTTON OLIVE, May 12,1814.. Clerk to the Magistrates. ~~ RAMS! ^ ~ MR. PARKER'S RAMS will be shewn for LET- TING, at S1DDINGTON, near Cirencester, on FRIDAY, May the 20th, 1814, when he wili be happy to see any Gentleman v> .10 will favour him with his company. N. B.— The Fleece belonging to each Sheep will be shewn on the Day of Letting. H OR WOOD'S ~ OXFORD WATER CLOSETS, Price £ 3. 3s. Including Trap and ( operators, warranted to answer every purpose inquired. THEIR Plan being wonilnlully simple, the Trade is supplied with clear instructions O jTtising — Any kind of Closet not answering altered.— No cure, no pay. FORCE PUMPS, complete, / 3.3s. The Closets easily take apart and re- fix with little or no trouble.— Letters ( post paid) duly answered.— The Inventor pledges himself to return the mouev for such as don't answer, or replace a food one.— They sre so constructed as to be sent bv coach. JOS. HORWOOD, Engineer. Oxford, May 11, 1814. Most Desirable Residence, with immediate Possession, at Malvern, IVorcesterslure. THE WHOLE FREEHOLD. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, and entered upon immediately, all that modem New- built DWELLING- HOUSE, Elegantly fitted up; either with or without the House- hold Furniture, which has been recently laid in, and is 111 complete preservation; together with the Gar- dens, Out- offices, and other necessary Buildings, wilh about twelve Acres of valuable Laud surrounding the Mansion. J This desirable residence is Ihe property jtyl in Ihe occupation of Jiimes Laird, Esq, situauvd onx pleas- ing eminence above tbe delightful and healthful > '- Ifg'' of Great Malvern, commanding as grand a laud pros- poet as any in the kingdom, and yet finely sheltered by luxuriant shrubberies, forming together, without exception, by far the most picturesque scenery in tbe county of Worcester.— Tiie house is 011 a good scale, with stabling, coach- houses, and offices. To treat for the same, and for further particulars, apply to Mr. Wall, or W. Haudyand Co, Anctio. ueeis, all of Worcester, the latter of whom will grant Tickets to view the sauie. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the George Inn, Chepstow, 011 Monday, the 23d day of May, 1814, between the hours of four and six in the after- noon, subject to such Conditions as will be then pro- duced;— A neatlv finished DWELLING- HOUSE, Pleasantly situate al Tulahill, iu the parish of Tiden- Iiain, in ihe county of Glocester, within half- a- mile of the sea- port of Chepstow, and two miles of flit: Old Passage across the Severn; comprising 2 parlours, and 5 bed- chambers with convenient closets, offices, and servants' lodging- rooms; a good kitchen, pantry, brew- house, and cellar ; a stable, garden, and - Piece of MEADOW LAND Thereto adjoining, the whole encompassed with a wall, commanding a beautiful prospect of the town of Chep- stow, the. rivers Severn and Wye, the much admired w oods of Piorcefield, and an extensive view of the ad- jacent country. These Premises are held under a Lease granted for the term of 999 years, of which upwards of 8.50 are now unexpired, and are now in the occupation of Mrs. Bowen, as tenant at will. Also, A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, GARDEN, and ORCHARD, called CROSS HILL, si- tuate at Fernhill, in Ihe said parish of Tidenbam, now in the occupation of Mary Jones, as tenant at will. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Evans, Soli- citor, Chepstow. TO BE LET, AGood Substantial BRICK HOUSE, two miles and a half from Giooe- ter, near a Turnpike, road. The House consists of four good sitting- rooms, Oil the ground floor, three bed- rooms over, and two good attics, all with light'dressing- rooms; offices, convenient kitchen, back kitchen, pautry, three ser- vant's- rooins over, brewhonse, laundry, and larder. A large Garden well planted, Green House and Hot House, four- stalled Stable and Coach- house, and oilier Outbuildings. Any quantity of LAND from 20 to 615 Acres may be had with the House, with Barn, Stable, and other Buildings belonging lo t/ ie Farm, For further Particulars apply to Mr. Melsom, Auc- tioned, Glocester. The whole may be seen anv day after the 20th of May. CHOSEN HOUSE. HPO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by J- Mr. MELSOM, On Tuesday, the l? th day of May, 1814, and two following days;— All tbe Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, Implements in Husbandly, Dairy Utensils, Cask-, and part of Hie neat HO USE HO LD FURNI- TURE, China, Glass, and other Effects, at Cnosen House ami Farm, in the Hamlet of Hucclecote, two miles and a half from Glocester; The Live and Deadstock consists of one four- year- old cow, one yearling steer, one yearling lieiter, one weaning calf, six ewes and nine lambs, one hog- sheep, and four black cart horses; one narrow- wheel waggon, two broad- wheel parts, ploughs, drags, harrows, har- iey roll, corn seives, winnowing tan, three sets of har- ness, thiller's geeiiug, ox geers and head- stall; also one wheat rick, one beau rick, staddles, dairy uten- sils, & c. The Furniture consists of mahogany dining, pillar, and c;>: Ti tables, tw o sofas, one sofa couch, mahogany and bamboo chairs, two mahogany sideboards, maho- gany and walnut bureaus, chest of drawers, night ta- ble, four- post, press, and tester bedsteads, feather and flock beds, blankets, window- curtains, brass aud wire fenders, tire irons, chiina and glass ornaments, and a variety of other articles. On the second Dav of Sale will he sold an Elegant TRAVELLING CARRIAGE, with two Imperials, Harness, ic.; a Bath Chair, Sedan Chair, a handsome five- barrelled Chamber Organ, and a Pleasure Cart 111 good condition. The sale to commence with the Farming Stock at eleven o'clock in the morning. nro BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by 1 Mr. CREED, On r':•:;!:.-_/, May 27, at iho'rlvvait, Mlnnnton, in the county of Worcester, between the hours of 3 and 5 in the afternoon, unless before disposed of by Pnvatn Con ti act, in which case timely notice will be given;— All that, capital Messuage, Tenement, & Farm House, CALLED T H K H I L L, Situate at Eldersfield, in the county of Worcester, with the Barns, Stables, Mill- House, and other useful and necessary Offices thereto belonging, ail in excel, lent and substantial repair, together with about 100 statute Acres, little more or less, of very productive ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE GROUN D, on part whereof is growing a very considerable quan- tity of thrifty and valuable voting Oak and Ash Trees, and a Plantation of prime Fruit Trees in full bearing, and capable of producing in a tolerably fruitful year a hundred hogsheads of very good Cyder and perry.— The whole of the Premises is Freehold of Inheritance all the Land lies compact round the House, being nearlyiu a ring fence, and except about 15 Acres, is in- closed ; and possession may be had at Candlemas next. Part of the Purchase- Money may remain on Mortgage. Mr. John Sims, the present Tenant, will upon ap- plication shew the Premises ; aud further Particulars may be bad of Mr Long, Solicitor, Upton- upun- Se- vern, Worcestershire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by f, ,1/ r. PEACH, On Monday, the 30th day of May, 1814, at the King's Head Iuu, iu ihe City of Glpcester, at four o'clock in the afternoon, ( subject to such Conditions as » hall be then and there produced);— THAT VERY RICH AND VALUABLE Freehold MEADOW, called PORTHAM, Adjoining to the Westgate Bridge, and containing, by admeasurement, about 70 Acres ( more or less), Laud Tax redeemed, & c. & c. Also, at the same time, in Three separate Lots,— Three very fertile Pieces of Freehold PASTURE LAND, desirably situa ed on vhe lefi- hand side of Ihe Road leading from Glocester to Robin- Hood's Hill, and divided hy it from the Regiium- Stile Grounds, being in the Oulhamlets ot Saint Michael, and Saint Mary- de- Lode, and containing about Eight Acres( more or less). Laud Tax redeemed. For any further Particulars, apply to the Auetioneer. GLOCESTER. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, EirtlER TOGETHER OR IN LOTS, ALL thatCapital, New- built, Substantial, Spacious MANSION, Willi large Garden and Green House, excellent Offices and Cellarage, late the residence of WM. FENOALL, Esq. deceased, pleasantly situated in Barton- street; comprising a handsome oval vestibule, 15 feet bv 10 feet 4 inches; Dining- room, 26 feet by 16 feet 3 inches; Drawing- room, 22 feet by 16 ieet 6 inches; Billiard- room, 23 feet 4inches by 15 feet 6 inches; Library, 16 feet 6 inches by 16 feet; Dressing- room adjoining, and a Water- Closet on ihe Ground Floor: a Lady's Dressing- room and four good Bcd- chambeis on the First Floor: four Attics, and two Servant's Rooms, all in good repair— foimiuga truly desirable Residence for a Genteel Family. Also four MESSUAGES, in the occupation of Re- becca Hicks, William Critchlev, John Kear, and Coleman, and a large Garden behind ; and a Close of MEADOW GROUND, with a new- erected Hovel thereon, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Gtitin. The Premises adjoin each other, and contain up- wards of two Acres and a Half, are Freehold, and the Land- Tax, except of the Meadow Ground, redeemed. Immediate Possession may be had of the Mansion. Further Particulars may be known on application to John Feudal!, ICsq. (" lie of the Executors) at Hay Hill, near Newuhani; or to Messrs. VV'intcotnbe, Gi it'- ll th, and Phillpotts, Glocester. t TOLLS TO LET. • XTOT is hejeby given, Th it the TOLLS ariiu IN ing li file. TOLL GATE md WEIGHING- ENGINE, at Wotton, near G ocester, • called tho Northgaie- P/' ke, will be LET by AUCTION, at ins White Hart in u, f? the Southgale street, * in this city, on Thursday, tl.' e )( 9, tlj day of May rust, between tli9 hours of twelve a; Hi one in the afternoon; The highest Bidt.' ef will be required to enterinto an immediate Agreement with sufficient sureties, for pay- ment of the rent, aud performing the Conditions of Letting. H. WILTON, Clerk. Glocester, May 7, 181*. THE Commissioners in 0 Cotiunis-' ion of Bank-, nipt, bearing date the 27th day of February, 1812, awarded and issued forth. against WILLIAM JOHNSON, of Hucclecote, in the connty of Gloces. ter, Wheelwright, intend to meet on the 25th of May next, at eleven iu tiie forenoon, at the Rain Inn, in the city ofGlocester, to make a further and final Dividend tlie Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and vt here the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded tiie benefit of tne said Divi. detid. And all claims not then proved will be disal- lowed. W. C. WARD, Solicitor. Glocester, April 30,1814 STOLEN, ibis Morning, from a field belonging to Mr. Thomas Tolley, of Twyning, neur Tewkes- bury, a very handsome BLACK GELDING, Fifteen hands and a half high, aged, with a cut tail, a blaze of while in tbe tiice, and Ihe near heel behind white up to Hie fetlock, rather contracted in his fore hoofs, and a little tender, has been used to run iu a gig, lately turned up, aud rather rough and brown in lus coat. The said Gelding passed through Tewkesbury, and proceeded on the Glocester Road, about four o'clock this morning — in the possession ot a middle sized man, apparently a waggoner, with asmock frock and slouch- ed hat. Whoever will giye such information as may lead to the recovery of" the said Gelding, shall, on conviction of tlie Offender or Offenders, receive TEN GUINEAS REWARD, on application to Mr. Thomas Tolley aforesaid. Twyning, May 10, 1B14. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately,— A Comfortable RESIDENCE for a Small Family, in the parish ofChmrham, wilh Eight Acres of PAS- TURE LAND, and about three- quarters of an Acre of PLOUGHED LAND, now planted with Wheat. A good Ganlen, partly planted. Excellent Water.— Together wilh a three- stall Stable, good Sheds, & c. Distant from Glocester five miles, and about a quar- ter of a mile from the river Severn. For further particulars applv ( if by letter post paid) to Mr. Wm. Nichoils, Dog Inn, Over. E egaiit FURNITURE, few Lots of Plate, China, Glass, valuable Paintings, Milch Cow, ueal Gig and Harness, and other Effects, & c. See. EELEY HOUSE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by C. If A I. LID AY, On the Premises, on Wednesday, the 18th of May, 1814, and following days;— All the neat and elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE IN I'BLEY HOUSE, The property of a Gentleman leasing the Coi n'ry, Comprising four- post bedsteads, with mahogany pillars, and cotton furniture; field and other bedsteads, w tli dimity furniture ; prime feather and ( lock beds, ncli assoi tnieut of cabinet furniture ; very fine wood and curious workmanship in sideboad, mahogany mid rose wood sofa tables; dining, Pembroke, a d oilier tables, on pillars, with bivss castors; chest of drawers, com- mode and other dressing tables, liandsome chimney glass, pier and swing glasses; complete suit f hand- some drawing- room furniture, consisting of lofty win- dow- curtains lined and fringed, with best burnished gilt cornices; pair of fancy grey harewood ^ card- tables,, full suit of chairs, ornamented with ivory, cane seats; full- size sofa oil castors, cane back and seat, cu- b| ons aud bolsters covered witli chintz to correspond; Brus- sels and Kidderminster floorand bed- round carpets and hearth- rugs; neat green wire fenders, brass- mounted and best polished fire- irons, very neat gig and harness, one milch row, casks aud tubs, together Willi all tbe useful furniture in the kitchen and other domestic of- fices, in excellent condition.— Catalogues of wlucb may he obtained at ihe principal Inns in the neighbourhood, and at ihe Auctioneer's, Stroud, in due lime. Furniture may be viewed one day preceding, and morning of sale, commencing precisely at 11 o'clock. N. B. The Milch Cow, Gig and Harness, to be of- fered for sale at two o'clock the liist day. Dedicated to the Magnanimous ALEXANDER THE FIRST, EMPEROR OF ALL THE RUSSIAS. This day is published, jn- ice only sixpence, ( embellished with an elegant Portrait of General Blucher, and con~ taining twenty- four pages of letter-: ress. No. I , of T" HE HISTORY of Hie Rise, Piogress, and Overthrow of J^ APOLEON " BONAPARTE, ( LATE EMPEROR OK ' IHE FRENCH,) Together with a History of the WARS which have been carried on siucehis exaltation, to the Entrance of the Allies into Paris, and the consequent restoration of Louis XVIII.— By THEOPHILUS CAMDEN, Esq. Author of the Imperial History of England, and Hie History of the War in Spain and Portugal, with ihe Life of Lord Wellington. Embellished with a most superb series of Engravings. Among the Portraits now in the bands of the Artists are those of the Emperor of Russia, Hie Emperor of Austria, the King of Prussia, General Blucher, Na- poleon Bonaparte, the Crown Prince of Sweden, and Louis XVIII.— A grand View of the Entrance ot ihe Allies into Paris is likewise in the hands of the En- graver, aud a Representation of tbe Meeting of the Alhed Sovereigns, in the great Square at Leipsic. Londom published by J, STRATFORD, 112, Holborn Hill, and sold by all Dealers in Books. £ 15,000 in Shares. In the Lottery which finished Drawing on TUESDAY, the 10th instant, / No. 5,532, a Prize of Fifteen Thousand Pounds, WAS SOLD IN One Ila[ f and Eight Sixteenths, at SWIFT and Co.' s LONDON OFFICES, No. tl, Poultry, I N0.31, AldgateHigb No. l2, Charing Cross, | Slicet, And by their Agents iu ihe Country, NEW STATE LOTTERY BLGTNS DRAWING ON THE KING's BIRTHDAY, The 4th of June, SCHEME, 1 ... of ... oi' 20,00) .... is .... £ 111,000 2 10,000 20,000 2 3,000 6,000 2 2,0.00 4,000 4 1,000 4,000 ft 500 2,500 6 200 1,200 15 100 1,500 52 ...'. 30 1,560 1,720 17 89,240 9,00o Tickers .£ 90,00 © TICKETS anil SHARES are Selling BV SWIFT and, Co. Contractors, at their London Offices as abote, AND BY THEIRT AGENTS, J. WASH BOURN, Bookseller, Glocestur, W. STEVENS, jnu. Cirencester, E. REDDELL, Printer, Tewkesbury. t iff London Gazette Extraordinary. WAR DEPARTMENT* DOWNING* STREET. MAY 8, 1814. c Ali IPTAIN Milnes. Aide- de- Camp to Lient.- Gen. Lord William Behtinck, K. B. has arrived at tin- (. dice, bringing a dispatch, addressed by his Lord- ship to E„ rl Bathnrstj of which the following is a copy: — Genw, April 20, 1814. MY Loir!).— My dispatch of the 6' h inst. will have made your Lordship acquainted with the occupation of s-. ezia, and with the movement of Ihe troops down to that period. Upon my arrival at Leghorn, I learnt that there • were only 2000 men at Genoa. The possessiun ol that harbour and fortress was of such very great im- portance, that I determined to move on as speedily as possible, and to take advantage of its defenceless state ; not succeeding, T had a safe retreat upon Spe- zia, from whence I might advance the infantry by Pontremoli towards the Po. Upon my arrival at Sestri, I found that the enemy had been reinforced at Genoa. The garrison consisted of betw een 5 and 6000 men. The roads iu the mountains being very bad, and the iiitausof transport as well by land as by sea, being limited, I was not able to coucentrate tlie army . ' till tlie'l4th. On the 8th the enemy wasdislodged from thestrong country near Sestri. On the 12th, Major- General Montresor's division drove the enemy from Mount Fascia and Nervi; and on the 13th established himself in the advanced posi- tion of Sturla. The country was extremely moun- tainous and difficult, and the troops met with consi- der;, hie opposition. On the 16th, dispositions were made for attacking the enemy, who had taken a very strong position in front of Genoa ; his left upon the Forts Richelieu and Tecla, his centre occupying the village of St. Martino, and from thence extending to the sea, through a coun- try the most impassable I ever saw, thickly covered with country houses, only communicating with each other by narrow lanes between high walls. Oil the 17th at dav- lireak the attack began. The 3( 1 Italians under Lieut.- Colotiel Ceravlgnac, attacked with great spirit a height in front of Fort Tecla, drove away the enemy, ami took three moun- tain guns. A part ofthe 3d Italians moved np the liill towards Fort Richelieu : while Lient.- CoU Tra- vel's descending from Mount Fascia, with the Cala- biese and Greeks, got possession oftlie highest part of the hill above the fort, and some of his men pushed forward actually under the wall, when the garrison, afraid of being taken by escalade, surrendered. I^ oi t Tecla was hastily evacuated, and the greater part of the enemy's force made prisoners. Jf ' The fortunate possession of these strong forts, toge- /. t tlier with the heights, completely exposed the enemy's * left, which in consequence retired. / pC?^ " ty^ tlf/ The attacks upon the enemy's right Were made in ^ , zT three columns by Major- General Montresor's division, Jfly{^ W^ Vf i^ J supported by that ol Lientenant- Oeneral Macfarlane. } V tf Tiie Hoops advanced with great vigour, and although .^/ OcSWf*} J V tlic ' ofe'sected s, ate ot " ie country enabled the cne- y my to inaiiitain himself for a considerable period, his tT/ 3 J(./ being turned, he was obliged at last to retire pre- • j - I* is S ' tA eipitatelv into the town. The impossibility of mak- ' r ing use of artillery, and the rover every where afford- ' ~ f \/ t ed both to the attackers and defenders, prevented any * ^ serious loss on either side. At noon, the enemy, nnder cover of the houses, took a position within 600 yards of the narrowest and most assailable front of the town, from whence the very bottom of the wall was discovered, and the defences Coi'. ld be easily destroyed. Preparations were immediately and with great ac- tivity made by Lieutenant- Col. Lemotne, command- ing the artillery, and Capt. Tyldeu, the principal en- gineer officer, for the construction of the necessary batteries; and it was hoped that an assault might have beea given on the following day. On the same day Sir E. Pcltew's squadron came in sight and anchored in front of Nervi. Iu the evening a deputation of the inhabitants, accompanied by a French Officer, came to beg that I would not bom- bard the town ; they urged me to agree to a suspension of arms for a few days; during which, from the ac- counts from France, it would appear, that peace must be made. I answered, that these were arguments lo Use lo the French Commandant, but not to me. It was for the French General to abandon a town he could not defend, but lor me to push an advantage Which fortune had put within my reach. Tie next morning several communications passed between, myself and the French General, whose object was to gain time, i. i the hope that some arrangement elsewhere might avert the necessity of its surrender; but a3 I would not listen to his propositions, it was at last agreed, that Commissioners should be appointed on either side ; by whom the inclosed, convention was made, and the French garrison will march out to- mor- row morning. [ Lord W. Bentinck here bestows the highest praise upon Lieut.- Gen. Macfarlane, Major- Gen. Montresor, all the officers and troops, both British and Sicilian; to Captains Rowley, Duudasy aud Hamilton, ofthe Royal Navy.] There have been found in Genoa, a very conside- rable amount of naval and military stores, of which exact returns will be transmitted as soon as they can be prepared. I have the honour to be, fee.. W. C. BENTINCK, Lieut- General. [ Here follow the Articles of the Convention be- tween the British General and the French Comman- dant, by which it was agreed that the fortress of Ge- noa should he given np to the combined English and Sicilian troops, and that ail hostilities should cease. The combined troops to take possession of the city of Genoa next morning at five o'clock. Three ships of w ar to enter at the same hour into the port of Genoa. The French troops to remain iu the town until Thurs- day the 21st, when they should set out for Frauce hy 1he shortest way, pursue the military route fixed by the regulations, and on no account to be molested on their march. The French troops to march out with drums beating, matches lighted, with their arms and Iiaggage, and with all the honours of war ; to take • with them six pieces of cannon, and the powder con- taining the necessary quantity of ammunition for the said camion, and likewife 120 cartridges per man. All persons forming part'of the French troops to take with them all the effects and baggage that belong to them. Every thing belonging to the French marine to he delivered over to the British navy. The sick and wounded of the French army to remain iu the hos- pitals of the place until they be cured.] Return of the killed, wounded, and missing ofthe Allied British and Sicilian armies before Genoa, between ihe VMh and 17th April, 1814. Total loss from the 13th to the 17th April inclusive— 1 ensign, 36 rank and file, killed; 1 major, 3captains, 1 lieutenant, 2 stuff, 7 seijeants, 1 drummer, 159 rank aud flie, wounded. NAMES OF OFFICERS KILLED AND WOUNDED. KILLED— 17th April. 3d Estero— Ensign Eicei. WOUNDED— 13th April. 3 Ist regiment— Capt. Stewart, severely; Copt. Cruice, slightly. & 17th April. General Staff— Brigade- Major Roquefuile, severely. » • 21st reg.— I. ieut. Sabine, severely. 8th batt. King's German Leg.— Lieut, and Adj. Brinck- tnan, slightly. 3d Italian leg.— Major Sourdeau, Cadet Mora. Estero res.— Capt. I'. ue. * ( Signed) THOS. KENAH, Major Act. Dep. Adj, Gen. Ordnance- Office, Genoa, April ti. Return of Ordnance and Stores captured at Genoa and its dependencies. Total brass guns, 269 ; total iron, 23 ; grand total 292. — 46,000 shot, 12,000 shells, 300 000 musket- ball car- tridges, 60 caissons, with a considerable quantity of spare carriages, timber, and other stores of the ord- nance department. J. LEMOINE, I. ieut.- Colonel Royal Artillery Comp. Lieut. Gen. Lord IV. C. Bentinck, K. B. ADMIRALTV- O. FLCE, MAY 8. A dispatch was this day received fromVice- Adiniral Sir E. Pcllew, Bart, addressed to J. W. Croker, Esq. Sir Edward encloses the following letter from Captain Rowley, adding, " lhat the manner in which the whole service has been conducted by Sir Josias Row- Icy, claims my sincere acknowledgment, and their Lordships will, I am sensible, receive it with a just consideration ofhis zeal and merits. H. M. S. A merica, off Genoa, April 18. SIR— I have the honour to inform you, that in pur- suance of my communication of the 31st ultimo, from Leghorn Roads, I sailed from thence on the 7th of April, with his Excellency Licut.- Gen. Lord W. Ben- tinck on board. After various communications with the troops at Spezia and other parts of the coast, we anchored off Recce, in the Gnlpli of Genoa, on the 11th. The Hon. Captain Dnndas had, with the Edin- burgh, Rainbow, and some of the flotilla, during my absence, co- operated with the advance of the army with his usual activity and zeal. On the 13th, the transpoits having arrived from Si- cily, the troops were immediately lauded, and the ships and gun- boats moved on in advance of the army. On the 17th, e.- ery preparation being made for the attack, at daylight, the army moved forwards to drive Ihe enemy from their positions, without the town of Genoa. The gun and mortar vessels, with the ship's boats, armed with carronades, were advanced along the sea line to attack the batteries; the greater part of Ihe marines, under the command of Captain Rea, royal marines, were also rinliai ked in the transport boats, ready to land as occasion might require. As soon as the troops advanced, the whole of the gun- vessels and boats opened their fire with such effect, that on the landing of the seamen aud marines, and preparing to storm, the enemy deserted their batte- ries, and tile whole of the sea line without the walls, which were instantly taken possession of, and soon turned on the place ; by this means drawing off a con- siderable portion of the enemy's fire. The arrival of the Caledonia afforded yon, Sir, an opportunity of witnessing the remaining operations, and the spirited fire which was kept up at the battery, under the di- rections of Limits. Bazalgette and White, against a very superior one of the enemy, by which, I regret to state, that Lieut. Bewirk, of tbe Pyladcs, an officer of much promise, » vas killed. My warmest thanks are due to the whole of the Captains, Officers, seamen, and marines, which I had the honour to have placed nnder my orders, for their zealous and active co- operatiou while under my com- mand. I was particularly indebted to Captain Brace for his able assistance; he was so good as to direct the advance of the boats aud gnn vessels. Captains Dm:< das and Hamilton had, as usual, been most assiduous in forwarding the operations of the troops: and my thanks are due to Captains Power and Wemyss, for their ready assistance. Captain Flin had volunteered to head a party of seamen, which were landed with scaling- ladders, to storm one of the hill- forts, had it been necessary. Captain Thompson, in the Abotikir, who, assisted by the ships and vessels as per margin," blockaded the fort, conducted with much effect a false attack to the w estward of the town, which drew off a considerable mimber of the enemy's troops. I have again on#- ion to notice the good conduct - if the Sicilian flotilla, which were well led by Lieutenant Pengally. I beg that I may be permitted to bring to your notice Lieutenant Bazalgette. senior of this ship, whose services 1 have long had reason to appreciate. The active Officer, Lieut. Mapleton, of the Edin- burgh,! am sorry to say, has been wounded while on service with the army. I am indebted to Lieutenant Bailey, principal agent of the transports, for the zeal ami ability with which he has conducted the service of that department. I beg leave to enrlose a return of killed and wound- ed Of the ships and vessels ol the squadron. 1 have the honour to be, & c. ( Signer!) Jos. ROWLEY. To Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, Bart. Commander in Chief, Sec. Return of Killed, Wounded, and Missing, of Seamen and Marines, employed in an attack on Genoa, 17th April, 1814. Amtiica— Wounded: Edward M'Dermott, ordinary seaman, dangerously ; Jan Vanseacum, able seaman, badly; John C'artledge, private marine, slightly. Berwick— Killed : Wm. Mills, able seaman.— Missing : John Campbell, landman, supposed to have fallen from the rocks.— Wounded: John Cook ( I), private marine, severely. I'ylades— Killed : Mr. John Bewick, Lieutenant. Edinburgh— Wounded: Mr. David Mapleton, Lieute- nant, and Gilbert Collyer, able seaman. Curacoa— Wounded : Patrick Doyle, able seaman. Rainbow— Wounded: John Quail, captain of the fore- top, severely. Total— 2 killed, 8 wounded, 1 missing. ( Signed) JOS. ROWLEY, Captain. N. B. Two wounded in Sicilian gun- boats, not in- eluded. List of the Enemy's Ships and Vessels of War captured at Genoa, on the surrender of that fortress, the 18th of April, 1814. Brilliant, of 74 guns, ready for launching. Coureur brig, of sixteen 24- pounders and two long 9- pounders. Renard brig, of fourteen 24- pounders and two long 9- poudeers. - * Endymion brig, of fourteen 24- pounders and tiro long 8- pounders. Spbynx brig, of 18 guns, new, equipping. Unknown, of 74 guns, ill frame. EDW. PELLF. W. * Aboukir, Iphigenia, Furieuse, Swallow, Cephalus. one frrick less in a year for yonr children, may procure you a rich reward; for the Kingdom of Heaven, through JesUs Christ, belongs to little children. The grain of corn, w hicli is committed this day to the ground, aud produces next harvest but a single ear, will in a few years yield sufficient to sow whole fields. The child which shall be brought up through your aid, to the honour of God, resembles this grain of corn; posterity will inherit its virtues, and incalculable are Ihe benefits which they may pro- duce. Of what avail are the hopes of better times, unless wc educate our Children for them? Are we not there- fore bound . conscientiously to fulfil the only part, which the Almighty iiatli so expressly allotted tons in tiie bringing tip of children? O ye mothers, wives, maidens,— pursue your most important calling, that when the Saviour of the world shall appear, ye may be able to meet him with joy, and say : " Lord here are wc and the children whom thou hast given us," or entrusted to our care! Act individually, or form associations, that yotir pious intentions may be completely carried into exe- cution. All your exertions, your sacrifices, your con- tributions, of whatever kind they may be, will be acceptable. We will return speedy and explicit answers to your letters; we will advise you in what manner your benevolence may be most beneficially exercised, and spare no pains to lighten your cares: only consider, that " the cheerful giver, whom Golf lovtth," gives two- fold by giving without delay. Two institutions, one for boys, another for girls, in which they are to be educated till they have attained their 16th or 17, th year, are already forming, and a specific monthly contribution would at present be most acceptal^;, affording the best and most prompt means of relieving the necessities of the poor orphans. Finally, we request your full confidence, that we and our worthy co- adjutors iu this great undertaking, shall justify ourselves bya conscientious management of what may i « entrusted to our care, by a faithful account of its. expenditure, and by the education e the children themselves, to the glory of the A . J mighty. The Central Committee and Association for the Support of the Orphan Children in the Upper Dis- trict of the Ciicle of Meissen, VON ZEZSCHWITZ I ZAHN VON ROMER | GRAHL. D. WEBER Dresden, March 21,1814. The representation here made, and the necessity of speedy assistance ill prosecuting the benevolent plan proposed, is strongly corroborated by the following extract of a letter from Leipsic-. Leipsic, April 2, 1814. Amidst all our difficulties, the greatest is indispu- tably, how, undlMrsupport about 2000 children of the poor in the country, who have lost their parents by the war, or the diseases attendant upon it. The Association at Leipsic does all that lies iu its power in this district; but as these poor children must be maintained hi several years, we are serionsly con- cerned about tlieir future subsidence. You will see from the above, how matters stand in this particular in one part of the Circle of Meissen only. Would to God we could olitain some assistance. ( Signed) FREGE & Co. * The above jatlietic address to the Ladies of Germany cannot fail mist powerfully to interest the feelings ofthe Ladies of Grt. 1t Britain: and as the present unexampled miseries on tin Continent, hare called forth unusual ener- gies among the female part of the Community, who have equalled if nd exceeded the promptitude and diligence, with which men of influence and charitable dispositions ftitC? p'evled the cause of the distressed, we earnestly hope, lhat tlu Ladies of our highly favoured Country wit^^ xctta^^ secmd these generous and amiable perhaps hy forming similar AimirVif ianWmougliinir Great Britain, for llie purpose of making Collections to aid this work * f Charity. DISTRESSES IN GERMANY. The following is translated from the Dresden and Leipsic Newspapers, GENEROUS WOMEN OF GERMANY ! In the course of a few months more than 500 child- ren have been deprived of their parents, and become forlorn and helpless orphans, ill the Upper District of the Circle of Meissen alone, by war, and by diseases, those insidious and murderous attendants on war. We are sensible how deeply this information must affect every humane heart, how in particular it must harrow up the feelings of such of you as are mothers. We behold those mothers who had raised their hands to Heaven, as if to implore the restoration of their own infants snatched from their embraces, now stretching them forth to press to their bosoms fatherless and motherless innocents, to replace those sainted infants, who have now found a Father ill Heaven. To yon, dear coiintryvfomen, on whom God has preferably bestowed the gift of children, and to whom He has delegated the task of bringing them up, to you we first address ourselves. O withdraw not your ' compassionate attention without either receiving one/ of those poor, forsaken infants under your maternal care, or resolving to contribute to their relief, l. el^ the sun of your affection and charity expand nit germs of virtue in their little hearts,, bring them imp flower, and foster them to maturity. They shall call you by the endearing name of mother, and you may share with ns the care over them, ia a word, they shall be your own. And you kind hearted but less opulent females, whose circumstances forbid yon to appropriate to yourselves one of these orphans— recede not bashfully from the honourable mark set before you— By small means much may be accomplished! - v- Notie is so poor as not to be able to spare something. The value of KINAPARTE IN HIS COUNCIL. We were prevented by want of room from giving place in onr list to the following extraordinary speech made hy Bowparte to the Council of State in Novem- ber last. It vill be deemed by future historians a most curious lornment— it is difficult to believe that so much violence, presumption, and infamy, could have been altogether unattended by madness. And yet such was the base servility and adulation ofhis slaves, that ol some of these occasions they were heard to exchim, " it was a God and not a man who spoke!"— Oi man, man— what art thou ! JFROM THE JOURNAL DSS DEBATS.] Nothing can be more curious than the accounts wc daily hear of what passed at the sittings of the Council of State ove- which Bonaparte presided. Sometimes he affected i kind of good uature ( bon hommie) giving ample liberty to their discussions, and even provoking the i! tti:'^ a; e of sentiments directly the reverse ofhis own ; but it was only in trifling matters that he autho- rised so much boldness, if measures connected arith the religion, the conscription, or the haute- police were under discussion, his physiognomy became sombre and ferocious: his voice emitted hoarse and cavernous sounds, terrifying every person— and the profound si- lence which ensued was only interrupted by short nnd hasty sentences, always of a singular and extraordi- nary nature, and which fell from him at broken inter- vals. He was like the Pythenissa dictating the Oracles from the tripod.— When the meeting broke up, tho base and servile flatterers, of w hom he alvvays nomi- nated abundance to fill bis various Councils, exclaimed —" Surely this is not a man, but. a god who has ad- dressed usl" The few men of integrity and wisdom whom he employed were of course silent. After the dreadful reverses in Saxony, in 1813, he returned to Paiis on the 9th of November, and on the 11th he held a Council of State. One of those present ( Baron df T ) who took minutes of the proceed- ings, has transmitted to us the following details, for the accuracy of which we pledge ourselves: — " Impatient to see what kind of a face the Fmperor wore after his disasters, the Members of the Council crowded into the saloon adjoining the council- chamber. To avoid in some measore i he embarrassment of a first iiii. erw. t-"', the Emperor abiuptly sent for the Qover- nor olkil. e Bank to come to him first: he bittet'ly^ ex- claimed against the wise measures which, at a critical moment, had saved this national establishment, aud secured the public credit: he spoke half an hour, with- out giving the Governor time to put iu a single word : he ran round the same circle of ideas three or four times, without even changing the language, employing ridiculous images, and very often the most galling ex- pressions of scorn and contempt. " When Bonaparte had done spdaking, the doors of the council- chamber weie thrown open, and the sit- tings commenced by the reading of adecree of finance, under the imperial authority, setting aside the sanc- tion of the Legislative Body, which was nevertheless convoked for the 2d December. He required, by this decree, nothing less than an augmentation of one- half on the contributions. The decree passed without any direct opposition to its principle, and merely after a desultory discussion, in the course of which the Empe- ror uttered various contradictory and absurd opinions : " The contribution ( he said, among other things) has no bounds; it presents, generally, the idea of one- fifth but it may, according to the urgency of circumstances, be raised to one- fourth, one- third, one- half, & c. No 1 the contribution has no limits ! If there are any laws w iiicli declare the contrary, they are bad laws." ' 1 After this decree the projet of the Senatus Cnnsul- tcili u as read, for placing at Ihe disposal of the Minis- t- ^> f War 300,000 men, to be taken from the old con- ,- sc?; j) tions, already solemnly liberated and exhausted. The most profound silence reigned. Even the hired sycophants lemained mute. A member, nevertheless, was . heard to say, " Sire— the safety of the empire must be consulted." Another blamed the expression df <( invading frontiers" as too alarming.—" What! ( said the Emperor in a rage) is it not best to speak the truth ? Has not Wellington entered theSouth of France, and the Russians the North ?— Do not the Austrians and Bavarians threaten the East?— Wellington in France I What a disgrace 1 And there has been no ris- ing en masse, to drive him out! The English laugh at the good nature of our peasantry. But tbe English have no ships ivith them I Naval m& uceuvres will be of no avail to them where they are.—- They are upon our teriitory— they must be beaten and driven back. (< All my Allies have abandoned me— the Bavarians are traitors— the scoundrels I ( let laches) they planied themselves in my rear, and attempted to cut off my retreat! And how were they treated ? Ah, how finely they were massacred! I killed Wrede, and all his re- lations with him I No, no, no peace until I have burnt Munich. A Triumvirate is formed in the North— it is thesamc which partitioned Poland— no peace until it is broken ! Let the next vear come and we shall see. 1 demand 300,000 men. I shall form an army of 100,000 at Bourdeaux, another at Lyons, and another at Metz, With this levy, and what I have already, I shall have a million of men under arms, ihat will be sufficient for the moment ! I demand 300,000men, but I must have MEN ( homines faits.) Of what use are young conscripts, but. to encumber the hospitals, and die upon the high- ways ? " The French are always brave— so are the Piednion- tese and the [ talians, and they fight well— as for all the men of the North ( the Germans) they are good for nothing !— It is not blood— it is water that flows in their veins : 1 can depend truly upon none but upon the in- habitants of Old France!" " Sire—( said a Member) tbe Belgians"—" Aye, aye, the Belgians! ( answered the Empeior)— perhaps they do love me ; but what signify all those addresses which they have been made to send me? It is the height of ridicule!" " Sire—( said another Member) OUl France must be kept entire by us"—" Aud Holland too ! ( replied the Emperor abruptly)— rather than abandon Holland I will throw it into the sea again 1 As for Italy, if it is not subject to France, it must be declared indepen- dent 1 " Gentlemen, there must be a general rising I — Every person must march— MonsieurCambaceres, you also shall march, and you, and you ( to various mem- bers.)— You shall be made Chiefs of Legions. " Councillors of State I you are fathers of families— you are the heads of the nation— it is for you to give the spring ( elan.)—( No symptoms of applause.)— I know it, you are soft— you are pusillauimous— you talk of peace ! peace ! peace!— I do not understand the word while the air ought to resound with the cry of War!" " After this harangue the Senatus Consultum was adopted, the F. mperor broke up the meeting, and the members retired, secretly agitated with various senti- ments, For my part, penetrated with au indignation which I could scarcely repress, I hastened to put to paper what 1 had witnessed, beingeonvinced that some day or other the communication which I now make to the public would be highly interesting," Should the Prince Regent persist in his desire of being present at the Coronation of Louis XVIII, a Message must be sent to Parliament upon the sub- ject, and the Sovereign Power will, during the ab- sence of the Regent, be exercised by Commission. It is expected that an extensive brevet promotiou in the army will take place in a few days. The gallant Generals who have had the honour of the Peerage conferred on them, are to have suitable pensions bestowed on them, to enable them to support their dignities. It is reported in the foreign papers that the Allied Monarchs mean to give Marshal Blucher the village of Johannsberg, in the Rhingau, seven leagues from Mentz, and famous for its wines. It is the same estate which Bonaparte had given to Marshal Kellermann. The Ex- Empress Josephine lias been treated with particular kindness and attention by the august visi- torsat Paris. The Emperor Alexander has dined with her, and the other Allied Sovereigns have paid their respects to her at her palace. The Ex- Queen ot Etrnria, it seems, is at Rome, where she has been confined in a convent for thirty months, by order of Bonaparte, that he might avoid paying her 400,000 francs, which he had agreed to give her as a compensation for her dominions, Loni* Bonaparte, the Ex- King of Holland, arrived at Lausanne, ill Switzerland, on the 15th ult. He has hired the country seat of La Rosiere, in the vici- nity: became last from Blois, in France, where he had lived in great privacy for many months, waiting the orders of his brother, who had taught him to ex- pect some indemnification for the loss ofhis crown. The Spaniards are sending numerous bodies of troops tp Montevideo and other parts of New Spain, and are now seriously setting about quelling the in- sfirrection against the mother rountry i HwU com- manders shoot without mercy such of the rebel offi- cers as fall into their power. A letter from Plymouth, received on Monday, says: " The Royal Oak, Vengeur, and eight other 74 gun ships, are ordered lo take out their lower- deck guns, and to proceed to ilonrdeaux to convey troops to America : the two former are now here, and are pre- paring, with dispatch, for the voyage. The Nisns fri- gate and Ferret sloop of War were paid off during the last week.— The ships forming tbe channel fleet are ordered to proceed to Basque Roads to bring home British prisoners.— Lord Keith, in the Queen Char- lotte, 120 guas, is now at Bourdeaux.— The ship Leon, 64 guns, put in here by foul wind on Wednes- day, with a fleet of homeward- bound East- Indiameu and Soatb- sea- whalers, under convoy. Sir George Barlow, with his lady and family, landed here from them, and went off for London.— Thursday, a deputa- tion from the French prisoners at Dartmoor, accom- panied by a band of music, waited on Capt. Shortland, the agent, with an address to Louis XVIII. which he engaged to forward to Paris." Capt. Codrington has hoisted his flag ou board the Newcastle, of 50 guns, at Portsmouth, and will sail , i a few days for Halifax. The Newcastle is to be accompanied by the Hebrus frigate, Erebus sloop of war, fitted with Congreve rockets, Devastation bomb vessel, and some store- ships, with supplies. Mr. Gallatin and his coadjutor are about to depart for Gottenburgh; but it is not true that Lord Gain- bierand Mr. Hamilton have been appoiuted to treat with them. A grand naval review is to take place at Ports- month, on the arrival of the Emperors of Russia and Austria, the King of Prussia, and Marshal Blucher. The Duke of Clarence will command. The Life Guards are coming home. It is said, in order to save the expence of transports, aud to ^ preserve the horses, they are to march through France, and embark ^ tfolMogiie: they have not beeu enga- ged in any action since they went from England. The telegraphs and signal stations have ceased their functions, and the coasting convoys are abolished, Government works on the Chatham lines are also dis- continued. We understand that the Chancellor of the Exche- quer means to agitate the question of the half- pay of the army a « d navy in the course of the present ses sion, and to propose an increase of the retired allow ances; also to regulate the distribution < H, them, and to put General Officers upon the footing of Admirals and Vice- Admirals. The clothing of regiments is in future to be taken out of the hands of Colonels, who are tcfreceive a consolidated sum. • Q The amount of the British army in Dec. was, regu lars 239,431, militia 63,059: of the former, 31,082 were cavalry. Extract of a letter, dated Cape of Good Hope, Feb 10:—" I am sorry to acquaint you, that the William Pitt, extra Indiaman, was wrecked about the 16th of Dec. to the eastward of Algoa Bay. A box of let ters, some passengers trunks, with " per William Pitt" marked upon them, part of her hen- coops and some dead stock, have been washed on shore; but as no dead bodies have been found, it is supposed the ship drove on a rock, and afterwards washed into deep watf r and sunk. A sloop of w ar has been sent hence, by or- der of the Governor, in search of the ship, but has re turned w ithout bringing any tidings of her." One of the Gentlemen belonging to Stonyhnrst, in Lancashire, has taken possession of tbe Jesuit's Co! lege at Liege, together with its niral appurtenances at Chevremont, near Spa, in the name of their ori ginal o'wners; this property never being confiscated during the Revolution. A favourite toast at present, among the Gentlemen of the Tnrf, is, " May the Field- sports of TyrauU end like the Racing Calemtur of Bonaparte!" Mr. fcean ventured on two characters on the boards of Drury last week, and these from the same play, Othello and Iago, in both of which he was eminently successful. The indictment found against those charged wifh the Stock- Exchange hoax has been removed, to be tried in the Court of King's Bench, and at the instance of tlie piosecutors: De Berenger is detained as an alien. A gentleman, named Fox, going to France, pur- chased 30 guineas last week of a Jew at 27s. each, w hich, oil getting home, he div: ov* red to. he all coun- terfeits. Slkouchy lias escaped. A poor fellow picked up a pocket- book in Ihe street at Hylhe, containing notes to the amount of near 801. and restored it to Ihe ow ner, who rewarded his honesty with a shilling 1 Mr. Gnrney, jnn. was on Thursday sentenced to be confined for six months in the King's Bench prison, and to find security for five years, for his good beha- viour, himself in 5001. and two sureties in 2501. each. Mr. Gurney's offence w as, the gently laying his horse- whip across the shoulders of Robert Gilford, Esq. bar- rister- at- law, near Lincoln's Inn gateway, while that gentleman was walking with his two learned friend?, Mr. Beanclerc and Mr. Williams. — Mr. Gurney, it seems, had demanded an apology from Mr. Gifford, for something he had uttered respecting Mr. Gurncy's father, on an election case; which the barrister re- fused to make. Frame- breaking is continued at Nottingham and its suburbs, accompanied with all its ill consequences. And at Leicester, these men are so audacious as to demand lo fix their priccs. On this being refused, they repeat their demand, doubling on every occasion the deputation, until it amounts to several hundred men. A meeting ofthe lace trade,& c. in London look place on Monday, and a deputation proceeded fo Government to represent to Ministers the situation of affairs. The Hon. Frederick Cavendish, lately arrested in Dublin on a charge of forgery, is brother to Lord Waterpark. Saturday a well dressed man went into thehonseof Mr. Furniss, of Holborn, for the purpose of pnrchas- ing some trifling article, for which lie tendered in payment a one pound Bank note, and received his change in good silver, lie had not departed long when, on examination, the note was found to bear the name of the Bank of Finland, and not of England. In every other respect it was well executed. Several other tradesmen in Holborn have been duped by simi- lar fabrications. On Monday sc-' nnight, as the Keeper of Ihe Cocker. monthCorrection- Hoiisewas bringing two Irish women in a cart to Carlisle, on a charge of passing had silver at Workington, one of them requested permission to step in the plantation for two minutes; which waa granted. After waiting a little time for her return, he proceeded in search, but without avail, for his charge had made too good use of her heels to be easily over- taken. On coming back from his chase his mortifica- tion was not a little increased, by finding that the other had imitated Ihe example of her companion; leaving asleep in the cart an infant, as a pledge of her feturn; aud which was all that Cerberus had to produce at the gaol along with his warrant. NATIONAL DEBT.— The Stork redeemed in the last quarter amounted to 4,917,6381. HORSES.— The quantity of this stork that is pour- ing into the market is incredible, some from Gentle- men who " are going abroad," and from others who " are abroad at present :" prires ale fallen 30 per cent. To these may be added the number lhat must be disposed ol from the reduced Dragoon Regiments, the Artillery, and the Waggon Train. Pit ECEDENCE.— A Lady in America disputing with another about PRECEDENCE, addressed In r rival as follows :—" I wonder yon should give yourself so many airs, Madam, asyonr family only came into this country one Session before mine." BANKRUPTS FROM SATURDAY'S GAZETTE. James Earl, sen. Westmoreland- place, Cify- ross1, and James Earl, jun. Preston, Hertford, beast . sales- men, May 14,21, June 18, at Guildhall. Atts. Cien- nell, Staple Inn; or Wells, Huntingdon Gilbert Fox, New Crane, Wapping, maul- maker, Mav 10,24, June 18, at Guildhall. Alt. Pearson, Temple Joseph Samuel Friedlierg, Falcon- square, A Idersgatel street, merchant, May 17, 24, June 18, at Ouildlnll. Att. Langhoru, Gray's Inn lames Windsor, jun. Birmingham, contractor for army gun chests, Mav 31, June 1, IS, at the Rein Deer, Worcester. Atts. IIiird, Temple; or Dineley, Pershore William Morris, Doncaster, Yorkshire, weld- dealer, Mav 26, 27, June 18, at the Woolpack, Doncaster. Alts. Pearson, Don- caster ; or Bleasdale and Co. New Inn... John Thomas, Bristol, wine- merchant, Tune 2, 3, 18, at the Com- mercial Rooms, Bristol. Atts. Jarman, Bristol; or Tarrant and Co. Chancery- lane Samuel S. Srtuggs, Lizard- street, Bartholomew- square, builder, May 10, 17, June 18, at Guildhall. Alt. Courteen, Wnlhrook. Matthew Stocks, Bow- lane, merchant, May 10, 17, June 18. at Guildhall. Att. Brumell, Aldersgate- 8lreet William Wills, York- row, Kenniugton- row, corn- factor, May 10,24, June. 18, at Guildhall. Atts. Beubovv and Albans, Stoue bnildings, Lincoln's Inn. Gauntlet! Clurke, Basinghall- sti eet, Blackwell- hall- factor, May 14, 21, June 18, al Guildhall. Atts. Tonilinson and Co. Copthall- court. Tlirogmortoii- street. John Hughes, Brighthelmstone, Sussex, poulterer, May 14, 24, June 18, at Guildhall. Att. Hill, Rood. lane, Fenchurch- street Edward White, Portclies- ter, Southampton, victualler, May 20, 21, June 18, at the Blue Posts, Portsmouth. Att. Wooldrdge, Winchester; Chapel, Portsmouth: orTilburv, Falcon- square, Aldersgate- street George Tully, jun. Bris- tol, cutler, May 9, 23, June 18, at the Rummer, Bris- tol. Atts. Poole and Greenfield, Gray's Inu; or Martin, Bristol.... John Ash, Plumtree- street, Blooms, burv, sword cutler, May 14, 21, June 18, at Guild. hall. Att. Tucker, Bartlett's- buildings, Holboru W m. Armitage, Upperthorpe, Yorkshire, cloth- mer- chant, May 25, 26, June 18, at the New Sessions- House, Wakefield. Atts. Scholefield, Hoibnry • or Sykes and Knowles, New Inn Samuel Jurd, Port- sea, victualler, May 19, 20, June 18, at the George, Poitsmonth. Alt Poulden, Portsea; or Skelton, Ses- sions House John Gittins, Ludlow, miller, May 16, 17, June 18, at the Sun, Ludlow. Att. Higlmvoor, Scot's- yard, Bnsh- laiie ; or Russel and Jones, Lndloiv. * amuel H indi, Halesowen, Salop, linen- draper, May 30, 31, June 18, at the Shakespeare Tavern, Bir- mingham. Atts. Knight and Jones, Temple ; or Bed- ford, Birmingham.... IVm. Henry Blackmore, Crovdon, Surrey, corn- dealer, Mav 17, 21, June 18, at Guild- hall. Att. Lee, Three Crown- court, Souihwark .. Joseph Barker, Baldock, Hertfordshire, innkeeper, May 14, 21, June 18. at Guildhall, Att. Clenuell, Staples Inn; or Roe, Baldock, BANKRUPTS FROM TUESDAY'S GAZETTB. Samuel Henry Faudcl and Levy Nathan Licbmav Pavement, Moorfields, merchants, May 14, M June 21, at Guildhall. Att. Isaacs, Bevis Marks, St.' Mary Axe Christopher Rotter, Shepherd's Market May Fair, Middlesex, victualler, May 17, 84, June al, at Guildhall. Atts. Vandercom and Comyn, Bush lane Cannon- street Joseph Slater, Bolton- le- Moors, Lan- cashire, bleacher, May 27, 28, Jnne 21, at th « Star Manchester. Atts. Milne and Co. Manchester; or Milne and Parry, Temple Pic/ mrdaud Geo. Smith Lutterworth, Leicestershire, wine and braiidy. n. er. chants, May 23,24, June 21, at the Hind, Lutterworth. Atts, Watson, Lutterworth; or Kinderley and Co! Gray's Inn Richard C. Dowses, Liverpool, hatti r" June I, 2, 21, at the George, Liverpool. Atts. Blark- stock and ISunee, Temple; or Morrow and Kewlev Liverpool Thos. Wills, Banbury. Oxfordshire car- penter, May 26, 27, June £ 1, at the Flying Horse Banbury. Atts. Pearson, Temple; or Dury, Ban* bury Daniel Duck, Whitby, Yorkshire, chemist and druggist, May 3ti, 31, June 21, at tin- Bull ami Punch Bowl, Liverpool. Atts. Tarrant mid Cu. Chan, eery- lane; or Rosser, Liverpool. DIVIDEND.— June 21. F. Oakley, Hereford, wool- stapler, at Guildhall lune 10. B. Joseph, bwauiea jeweller, at the Cambrian Hotel, Swansea, *
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