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The Salopian Journal


Printer / Publisher: William Eddowes 
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The Salopian Journal

Date of Article: 08/09/1813
Printer / Publisher: William Eddowes 
Address: Corn-Market, Shrewsbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1024
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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- it- PRINTED BY WILLIAM EDDOWES, Vol. 20.] N°- 1024. Wednesday, ifhft;.' O CORN MARKET, SHREWSBURY. September 8, 1813. tiiiT1! 77m Paper » circulated in the most expeditious Manner through the adjoining Counties of ENGLAND and WALES .— Advertisements not exceeding ten Lines, inserted at Five Shillings and Sixpence each. Price Sixpence Hal/ penny. Fox Inn, Shrewsbury. ETRF. HF. ARN respectfully begs < o inform lier Friends Llanfyllin and Mechen- Uchcocd Inclosure. " and Ibe Public, thai tbe " Report of ber giving up the rT,* j1E Commissioner appointed to carry into Execution Jb^' e Inn is inaccuratc.- She returns her grateful Thinks - I U, c A';- 1 " f Parliament " f" r Lands ... the to the Nobility, Gentry, commercial Gentlemen, and the Public, forthe Patronage and Support site has experienced since her lale Husband's Decease, and begs a Continuance of Iheir Favours; trusting that by a strict Attention to Business, she shall merit their Approbation and Support. OSWESTRY SEPTEMBER F Al IL THE Public are respectfully informed, that Ihe SEP- TEMBER FAIR will in future beheld annually on the FRIDAY NEXT BEFORE MICHAELMAS. LEWIS JONES, Oswestry, 9Sth August, 1813. Town Clerk. GENERAL POST OFFICE. London, August 25, 1813. CAUTION Against sending Letters otherwise than by the Post. PENALTIES to the Amount of EIGHTY- FIVE POUNDS, with Costs, have been recovered in un Aeliou brought by Order of the Postmaster- General against a respcctnblc Mercantile House in Ibe Country, for sending Seventeen Printed Circular Letters hy a Stage Coach. By Command of tire Postmasier- Gencral, FRANCIS [- REELING, Secretary. TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. THE Creditors of GEORGE CA1NK, lale of WHIT- CHURCH, Shropshire, Druggist, who have not ex. ecuted the Deed of Trust, are hereby informed that the same is lodged Hiid will remain nt Ihe Office of Mr. GREGORY, Solicitor, in Whitchurch, until the TH1R- . .. TIFTH Dav of NOVEMBER next, for Ihe Inspection and of Common or other Rights, iu, lo, orovernuy ofthe said 1I1. II1U. J . tj„,,„ K, 1 I.„ ;„ R. I.. u../ l OD i ...; « ,.:.. . 1.. —:., Manors of Llanfyllin and Mecbcn- Uchcoed, in ihe Co'tintv of Montgomery," hath left at Ihe Dwelling- House of THOMAS JONES, Innkeeper, iu Ihe Town of Llanfyllin, in the said Manor uf l. lanfyllin, a Copy ol all Claims of Right of Common or other Rights, iu, to, or over auy of I the said Lands so lo be inclosed, as are situated within Ihe I Parish of Llanfihangel, in the said Manor of Mcchen- Uchcoed, which have been delivered lo him nt any of his ' former Attendances, and Ihe original Claims at my Office iu ihe sairl Town of Llanfyllin, which Copies and original Claims will remain at the Places where ihey are respectively left for Ihe Space of Twenty one Days from the Twentieth Day ofthis Instant August, for the Inspection and Perusal of all Parties interested therein. And tbe sairl Commissioner will, at his Attendance, lo beheld at the said Dwelling- House of the said Thomas Jones, on WF. DNF. BDAY, llie FIFTEENTH Day of SEP- TEMBER next, receive such Objections as any Person or Persons, or Bodies Politic or Corporate, may otter to ihe said Claims, or any of them. JOHN THOMAS, Commisaioner's Clerk. Llan fi/ llin, August 19, 1813. Ltanf yllin and Mechen. Uchcoed Inclosure. THE Commissioner appointed to carry inlo Execution the Act of Parliament for inclosing Lands in. the Manors of Llanfyllin and Mechen- Uchcoed, in the Couuly of Montgomery," hath left atthe Dweiling- Huuse of THO- MAS JONES, Innkeeper, iu the Town of l. lanfyllin, in Ihe said Manor of Llanfvllin, a Cupy of all the Claims of Right U. V. w X. Execution of such of litem as may wish lo lake Ihe Benefit of I he Trust: And such of tliem as shall neglect to execute the same before thai Day will be excluded Ihe Dividend. All Persons indebted to the Trust Estate, aie requested to pay their respective Debts immediately to either of Ihe Trustees, ( Mr. ROBERT DUTTON, or Mr. BENJAMIN DAVYS, of Whitchurch aforesaid) or Actions will be com- menced against them for Recovery thereof. XJOTlCEis hereby given, tbat JOHN LEWIS, of the I> l To » nof MACHYNLLETH, in iheCounty of Mont- gomery, CARRIER, halh by Indenture dated the aoth Day of Angost Instant, assigned over Ihe whole ofhis personal E- late to Mr MAURICE LEWIS audMr. ROWI. AND I. FWIS, of Machynlleth aforesaid, IN TRUST for Ihc equal Benefit of such of his Creditors as shall execute the same within one Monlli from the Dale thereof; and lhat snch Deed will remain during that Period al Ihe Office of Messrs. JONES and OWEN, for the Signature of the several Creditors who shall be inclined to execute the snme and lake the Benefit thereof. Datedtheioth August, 1813 STOLEN, From a Field near St. George's Church, MANCHESTER, on the Night of the 10th or Morning of Ihe llth August, ABLACK HORSE of the CART KIND, ( but not heavily made) eight Years old, and about 15 Hands high, has a Star on the Forehead, a little white on each bind Leg, a small Saddle- mark un Ihe near Side, a long awiichT all, rather handsome, and in good working Con ditioa. A Reward of TEN GUINEAS is hereby offered to the Person or Persons who shall bring to Conviction the Of. fender or Offenders, hv Jons CAMPUN, Brick- maker, St. George's Road, Manchester. N. B. It is strongly suspected lhat the above Horse was Sold at the late SHREWSBURY Fair; anv PciBon there- fore detaining him after this Notice will be prosecuted according lo Law. LlanfyUin and Mechen- Uehcoed Inclosure. Ithe Undersigned, being Ihc Commissioner appointed to S carry inlo Execution Ihe Art of Parliament " Fur ' f inclosing Lands in Ihe Manors of Llanfylliu aud Meclieu- " Uchcoed, in the County of Montgomery," DO HKRA. HY GIVE jVOIICE, That I . hall, upon WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the EIGHTH and NINTH Days of SEl'TEM BER next, proceed to perambulate, inquire into, ascertain, set out, determine, and fix, the Boundary of Ihe said Manor of Llanfyllin; And that I will begin my said Perambulation aud Inquiry, nt the Hour ofTen in the Forenoon of the first- mentioned Dav, nt the Junction of the Rill ( ruuuing from Lower Allt y Gsder Common) witb Nanl y t aduant Brook, at orneara Place called Penlre Llumry, being about one Mile distant from tbe Town of Llanfyllin, 011 the Turnpike Road leading from thence lo the Town of Pool; and proceed, from the Junction ofthe said Rill with Ihc said Brook, 011 the Eastern Side of a Parcel of Land railed Ihe Mill Patch, down the said Brook, and along Ihe South and Southeastern Side of the Towu. hip of Grecnhall, ( leaving Ihe Manor of Nanfy- meichied 011 Ihe right) until it joins Ihe Township of Llysfechen nearOrecnhall Park; thence along or within the • aid Township, of Greenball and Llysfechen, or one of them, to a Stile at Ihe Top of a Field ( Part of Greenhall Farm) called the Far Pasture, where the Townships of Garlhgell, GreenhaH, Brynelllyn, and Llysfechen unite; from thence along Ihc Southeastern End and Northeastern Side of Hit said Township 0$ Garlhgell ( lenving Ihe said Township of Llysfeclien on Ibe right) Inn Hollow in an Incroachnieiit formerly occupied by John Abraham ( the Penre of which is now duwn) near Cerrig yr Ewig, where it joins Ihe I ownship ofTrehry. r, Iheuceturning Westwardly along the Northern Side of ihc said Township of Garlbgell to a cut in the Sod on Collnielin Common, where it meets Ihe Township of Bodfiich ; thence along the Northeastern Side of Ihe said Township of Bodfach ( leaving the Town- ship of Trebryse on Ihe right) lo an Inclosure made by Morris Hughes on L'ollnieliu aforesaid, where it meets the Township of Brithtftr ; from thence along Fownng rhyil Tyr to a Halt on theTurnpike Road between Llanfylliu and Llanrhaiadr uenr Brvn cocli, uliereit joins the Township of Bodyddon ( leaving the Township of Brithdir 011 the right); thence from tbe said Piatt, a ong the Northwestern, • nd Part of the Northeastern Side of the said Township of Bodyddon, until it joins the Township of Cornorion ; lhat I shall pruceed from thence 011 Ihe Northern Side of Ihe Township of Bodyddon Heaving the Townships of Corno- rion and Nantfyllon on the right) until it joins the Town- • hip of Caminen; thence along the Northern Side ofthe said Township of Cammen ( still leaving tbe Township of Nantfyllon on tbe right), until it joins the Parish of Llanw'ddyn on Cammcn Hilt; thence turning Southwardly nlong the Western End of Ihc said Township of Cammen ( leaving Ihe said Parish of l. lansddyn on ttie right) until it joins the Parish of Llanfihangel; thence along the Wesi and Southern Side, ofthe Township of Cammen, until il joins the Township of Rhiwmichor near Ihe Road leading from Melin Wnfa to the Waen Common ; from thence along Ibe West and Southern Sides of the said Township of Rhiwnachor, until it joins Hie Township of Nanthalau in Ibe Brook near Blaen y Cwm Farm; thence ( leaving the Parish of Llanfihanget on the right) from Ibe said last mentioned Brook, thro* Frydd Pant y Cae ilii. aud along tbe Southern Side of Naulhalan Towns'hip, until it joins tlie Township of Glob* II ou Rhiwfawr Common, and along Ihe top of tynuon newydd Common to a # cut iu the Sod which divides the P. rish of Lbinfiliangcl from Ihe Manor of Nantymeichied; And from tile Inst mentioned^ Eastwardly lo a Rill called Nant y Ffynnon Newydd, where it meets Ibe Township of Bachie; and from the said Rill along the Southern Side ofthe said Township ofBachie ( leaving the Manor of Nantymeiehied on the right) lo the said Rill where I began nay said Perambulation. And I do further GIVE NOTICE, that I shall continue my first Day's Perambulation until Ihe Hour of Three iu Ihe Afternoon; and un Ihe following Morning continue lo pecambuhiie, inquire inlo, ascertain, set out, determine, and fix the said Boundaries; and lor that Purpose reassume my Perambulation, at Ten o'Clock 111 the Foreuoon, at the Place where 1 lefl off' the preceding Day, and proceed from ilience in the Direction above described, lo the said Rill where I first began. And I do likewise GIVE NOTICE, that 1 will afterwards proceed to per ambulate, ascertain, set out, determine, and fix, tbe iulernal Boundaries or Divisions of ihe several Town. hips within Ihe said Manor nf Llanfyllin, where any Doubt or Dispute ia likely to arise respecting the Boun- daries of Ihc said Townships, or either of them. Bated the sat h Dayof August, 1818. HENRY BOWMAN. Lauds so to be inclosed, as are situated within the said Manorof Llanfyllin, which have been delivered 10 him at any of his former Attendances, aud hath also left the original Claims at my Office in the said Towai of Llanfyllin ; which Copies and original Claims will remain at the Places where they are respectively led for the Space of Twenty- one Days from the Twentieth Day ofthis Instant August, for the Perusal and Inspection uf all Parlies interested therein. And ( he said Commissioner will, at his Attendance, lo be held al the said Dwelling- House of Ihe said Thomas Junes, upon WEDNESDAY, Ihc FIFTEENTH Day of SEPTEMBER next, receive such Objections as any Person or Persons, or Bodies Politic or Corporate, may offer to the said Claims, or auy uf them. JOHN THOMAS, Commissioner's Clerk. LlanfyUin, August 19,1613. Llunfytlin and Mcchtn Uchcoed Inclosure. CAMMEN TOWNSHIP. Public Carriage Itnads, 30 Feet wide. R. From the southwest End of Road N. southwestwardly over Bryn Llwyd, and Cam men Hill, to the Road between Ltanfihaugcl and Llanwdrlvn. S. From Road R. southeastwardly, castwardly, and south- eastwardly over Cammen Common, and Esgair- y- Pant, towards Lhinliliaugel. RHIWNACHOR TOWNSHIP Public Carriage Road, 30 Feet wide. From the southern End of Road S. southwardly over Rhiwnachor Hill towards l. lanfihaugel. Private Carriage Road. s, 21 Feet wide. From Melin Wnfa eastwardly and southeustwardly over Rhiwnachor Hill, anil the Waen Cummou, towards Tyn- y- Mynydd. From Braich- y- Waen northwardly, northeastwardly and northwardly over the VVaen Common, to Lloran Tenement, belonging to the said Sir Walkin Williams Wynn. Fiom Ty coch northwestwardly over Bonkin y Penlre lo a Tenement belonging to the said Sir Walkiu Williams Wyun. N ANTH A LAN TOWNSHIP. Public Carriage Pond, 30 Feet icide. From Cefu Llwyufi northeastwardly over Nanthalan Hill, and Lane near Cefu- y- Gribin- ucha towards Llan- fyllin. Carriage Road, 21 Feet wiile From Cefn Llwynu aforesaid northwardly over the western End of Nanthalan Hill lo Ibe Graig Tene- ment. GLOBW1. L TOWNSHIP. Puh'ic Carriage P. aad, 311 Feet wide. prom l. laiitihangel and Cefn Llwynu northeastwardly overCef. - Gribin Common Inwards Llanfylliu. Private Carriage Road, 21 Feet wide Ab. From Cefu Grlhiu Tenement northeastwardly over Cefn- Gribin Common towards Ltaiifvlliu. BACHIE TOWNSHIP Pabl c Carriage Roads, 30 Feet wide. Ac. From Llautihangri mirtheinttwardly and northwardly over All) Goch Cqmipon, and eastwardly and north eastwardiv over ( iaitii Common towards Llanfyllin. Ad. From Mvfod northeastwardly over the Garth Common to Road Ar Ae From l. laufyllin eastwardly over Allt- y- Gader towards Welsh Pool Af. From LlanfyUin eastwardlv nnd southwardly over Allt y- Gader Common towards Naulymeichied Road 21 Feet wide Ag. From Road Ac. soullieaslwai'dly over Allt Goch Com- mon towards Cefn Bygelin. Uavfyllm. JOHN THOMAS, 19,' A August, 1813. Commissioner's Clerk. Llanfyllin and Mechen- Uchcocd Inclosure. § > aie0 By auctton. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATES BY GLOVER ANI) SON, ™ vrDSA" imetl,,, e September or October next. K '- hA L very valuable and improvable FARMS, situate n ' f^'" 1!. 1^ " f Denbigh ami Montgomery', calfed V' ™ '" ™ mav be obtained at the Office of Mr EGIRTON JEFFREYS, Solicitor, Shrewsbury. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. In Lots, sometime in September or October next, ( unless wh l l? ° fr,"',."' e T?" , bJ Contract, of winch due Notice will be given): Z. Aa. l. lanfyllin., and called PLAS- N A NTYMEICHIF. D, AT. LT. GOCti, GL. ANPWLL, CEFV- BOGEI. LtU, COED- ILL, L'FNY- coED, BWI. CH- Y- DDERWIN, and CRAIGN ANT- v* cti, and now let from Year to Year. The Buildings are in good Repair on each of the Farms, and there is a considerable Quantity of Timber tipun the Estate, FqrtherParticulars will nppear in a future Paper, apd may iu Ihe mean Time be bad of Messrs. WALEOKD apd IIASSAI L, Solicitors, in Wem; Or Mf. W. EGERTON INSPECTION OF MAPS. mHE Commissioner appointed lo carry inlo Execution X tbe Act of Parliament " For Inclosing Lands 111 the Manors of Llanfyllin and Mechen- Uchcoed, in the County of Montgomery," bath left at my Office, in Ihe Town of Llanfytlin, in the said Manor of Llanfyllin, a Map aud Admeasurement of all the Inclosed and Waste Lands within the said Manor of Llanfyllin, for the luspectionof all Par- ties interested, and their respective Agents, there to remain for tbe space of- 21 Days, from the 91st Day of this Instant ,„ August: And he desires, incase any Errors or Inaccuracies TUESDAY, Ihe uth Day of SFPTEWBF*,' 1813, in the foi shall be discovered io Ihe said Map or Admeasurement, |„ wing Lots, and subject lo such Couditions as shall be that they may be pointed out in Writing, and lefl for him t)) en produced ; the Sale to begin at two o'Clock iu the wilh me, at my said Office, before the Expiration of the said ; Afternoon. TTHE undersigned, being the Commissioner appointed 1 to carry into Execution the Act of Parliament " for inclosing Lands in the Manors of Llaufyllin and Mechen- Uchcoed, 111 Ihe County of Montgomery," do hereby give i*" 1'"' ' hat the undermentioned Pieces or Parcel, of LAND Will be SOLD by AUCTI IN, for the Purpose of defraying the Expenses of the said Act, at the House of JOSEPH JOSKS, known by the Sign of THE GOAT, in Hie Hlwnof LLANFYLLIN, iu tiie said County, InnhoUer, on 21 Days, lhat they may be examined and corrected ROADS. The Commissioner halh also set out and appointed Public and PrivaleCarriage Roads, and Bridleways, through and over the Lands aud Grounds intended to be Inclosed, in the several Townships, within ihc said Manor of Llati- fylliii, nnd ascertained Ihe same by Mark. orTriggs col in the Sod, and accurately laid down, and also described Ihc said Roads in the said Map, and signed the same; and he will attend at the Dwelling house of Thomas Joue., known by the Sigu of tbe Boar in the Toil, in Ihe Town of Llanfylliu aforesaid, 011 Wednesday, the 15th Day of Sep- tember next coming, at ten iu the Forenoon, iu order lo receive tbe Objections lhat may be made ( if any) to the Line of Direction of the said Roads so set out, or auy or either of them, and to bear, determiue, aud finally settle such Objections at Ihe . aid Attendance. The General Lines uf Ihe said Roads su set out, are as follows, viz : BRYNELLTYN TOWNSHIP. Private Occupation Roads, 12 Feet wide. A. FramGreenhall Park, northwardly and uortheiistwprdly over the Park Common to the Far Pasture, belonging to the Devisees of the late Earl of Powi., for the use of the said Devisees, John Humft'reys, Esq. David Jones, Robert Price, John Thomas, Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd, Bart, and Sir Walkin Williams Wynn, Bart. From Road A. northwestwardly, over Park Common lo Bwlchycocksydd Tenement, for Ihe use of the said John Humft'reys and Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd. From Road A. northwardly over Park Common, to Upper Bwtcbycoeksvdd Tenement, and from thence norlheaslward'ly to the Southern End of Road I-', in Gsrlhgell Township, for the use of the said John Humff'reys. From Road A. northwestwardly over Park Common to a Piece of Land belonging to Ihe said Sir Welkin William. Wynn, for his use. GARTHGELI. TOWNSHIP. Public Carriage Road, 30 Feet wide. From Llanfyllin, northeastwardly, northwardly, again northeastwardly, aud northwardly over Cerrig- yr- ewig Common, towards Oswestry, being theTurnpike Road iu its present Direction. Private Carriage itoads, 18 Feet wide. From Road E. eastwardly, northeastwardly, and again eastwardly and northeastwardly over Cerrig- yr- ewig Common, toTy- ucha, belonging 10 Thomas Jones, Esq snd from thence southwardly lo Ihe norlheastcrnEudof RondC. in Brynelltvn, fur Ihe use of the said Devisees of Ihe said late Earl of Powis, Mary Williams, the . aidThomas Jones, and John Humft'reys. B. C. D. E. F. G. WELL- ACCUSTOMED PUBLIC HOUSE, TRENCH LANE, NEAR WELLINGTON, SALOP. BY MR. BAGNOLI), At the Dwelling House of Mr. Richard Bolus, ( the King's Arms), at the Trench Lane, near Wellington, in the County of Salop, 011 Friday, the 17th Day of September, 1813 ( unless sooner disposed of hy private Contract), between thcHonrsof four and six o'Clock in the Aflernobn ( subject to such Conditions as will be then produced): ALL that tie aforesaid capital well- arciistoined Public House, called the KING'S ARMS, now in Ihe Occupa- tion of the said Richard Boluss, and tlie Outbuildings belonging thereto, with a Yard; and a large Garden unjoin- ing, well jilanted with choice Fruit Trees nf From Road E. northeastwardly, southeastwardly and castwardly over Cerrig- yr- ewig Common to the Road F. for the use of the said Devisees of the said late Earl of Powis, Mary Williams, the said Thomas Jones, aud John HuuiftVevs. BODYDDON TOWNSHIP. Public Carriage Rouds, 30 Feet wide. H. From Llaufyllin northeastwardly aud northwardly over Ihe western End of Coll Melin Common towards Llanrhaiadr, being the Turnpike Road ill its present Direction I. From Llanfyllin westwardly and southwestwardly over Cefu- y. Brain Common by the starting Chair lo Ihe Junction of Roads N and P. towards Cammen. J. From Llenfyllin southwestwardly aud westwardly over Brian, aud Frydd- goch Commons towards Peitv- gurnedd. K. From Bodydden issa westwardly and southwestwardly over Streel- fawr aud Frydd- goch Commons lo Road J. Carriage Road, 21 Feet wide. L. From Llidiart y Sais weslwardly and southwestwardly over b'rydd- goch aud Cefu Bruin tu Road N. towards Cammen aforesaid. Private Occupation Road, 12 Feet wide. M. From Road J. near Belan Tenement, soul hwestwardly over llelan and Cefn- lliiiiii Commons to Road N. for tlie use of Ihe said Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd, John Palmer Chichester, Esq and the Owners and Occupiers of Allotments hereafter to be made. ItODItAN TOWNSHIP. Public Carrurge Road, 00 Feet wide, N. From Llanfylliu at lire western End of Road I. sonth weslwardly, northwestwardly, westwardly, and again southwest w ardtv toward. Cnminen, Private Carriage Roads, 21 Feet It'i I'. O. From Road I. southwcslwardly over Cefn Brain Com- mon lo Cefu Brain Tenement, belonging to ttnUrl Jones, for tbe use of the said Robert Jones and the Owners and Occupiers of Allotments hereafter to be made. P. From the western End of Road I near Ibe Starting Chair, southwestwarrlly, westwurdly, again souihwc. l- wurdly ami westwardly 10 Nant- y- Godor Blook, on Ihe Boundary of Cammen Township. Occupation Hood, 12 Feet wide. Q. From near the eastern End of Road I. southwardly and southeastwardly to a Tenement upon Gwastad- issu. occupied by F. dward Jones, for the use of the said Psvisees of the said late Earl ef Powis. IN DYFFRYN TOWNSHIP. LOT I. On Allt yr Anchor Common, bounded on the Northwest by an Allotment made to Thomas Owen, 011 the Northeast hy the Road leading from Coed Courid towards Myfod, and on the Southeast hy an Allotment made to Wm. Hopkins, containing by Admeasurement 1 A. 2R oP. LOT II. An open Waste, in the Village of Myfod, bound- ed on the Sonih by Laud of Thomas Robert., and on the North aud West by Ihe Road leading from Lhmfair to- wards Llaussinltfraid, coutaining by Admeasurement cA. OR. 25P. LOT 111. Auopen Waste, in ( he said Village of Myforl, bounded 011 Ihe South by Laud of Thomas Roberts, on tbe North by ( be Road lending from Llanfair towards Llan- sainlffraid, and 011 the West by a Tenement of the Devisees ofthe lale Earl of Pow- is, coutaining by Admeasurement OA. oR. 12P. IN TEIRTREF TOWNSHIP. LOT IV. On Gwailod y Rhos Pen v Bwa Common, bounded 011 the Nurlbrpeiil by an Allotment made lo John Allen, on the Noitlieasl by an Allotment made to the said Devisees of the late Earl of Powis, and on ( lie Southwest by I he Road leading from Halfen towards Myfod, contain- ing by Admeasurement 3A. 0R. 0P. I. 11T V. On Gwailod y Rhus Pen y Bwa Common, bound- ed 011 the North by an Allotment made to the . aid Devisees ofthe late Earl of Powis, 011 tbe Northeast aud Southeast by the Roarl leading from Pont Robert ap Oliver towards Lluufylliu, containing bv Admeasurement sA. IR. 4P. IN PENNiARTH TOWNSHIP. LOT VI. On RI10. Alwin Common, bounded on ( be Northeast by the Parish of Llanfechen, 011 the Southeast hy Lands oilthe said Devisees of the late Earl ofPowis and Lot 7, and ou ( he West by Lands of Sir Robert Williames Vaughan, Bart, containing by Admeasurement 5A tR. 36P. LOT VII O11 Bryn Borolio Common, bounded on Hie Northeast by Ihe Parish uf Llanfechen aforesaid, on llie Southeast by l. audsof ihe said Devisees of the lale Earl of Powis, and ou the Southwest by tbe Road leading from Tyn yr Wttra, towards Bwlch y Cibe, containing by Ad- measurement 2A. 2R. 32P. The above Townships are situate in the Manor of Mecheii* Uchcoed ; aud the following ill the Manor of Llanfylliu. IN BRYNELLTYN TOWNSHIP. LOT VIII. On llie Park Common, bounded 011 Ihe North- east by the Township of Garlligell, on ihe Southwest by open Waste, and on the East by Ihe Township of Green- hall, containing by Admeasurement 4A. oR. t) P. IN OARTHGELL TOWNSHIP. I. OT IX. On GarthgeR Common, bounded on Ihe North- east by the Parish of Llanfechen aforesaid, on Hie North- west by Lands uf Thomas Jones, Esq and on ihe West and Southeast by open Waste, containing by Admeasurement 28A. oR. IP. LOTX. 0" Garthgell Common, bounded on the North- east hy Lands of the said Thomas Jones, on the Southeast by open Waste and a Tenement of Ihe said Devisees of Ihe late Earl of Powis, and 011 the West by the Turnpike Road leading from Oswestry to Llanfyllin, cuntaiuing by Ad- measurement lA. L> R. itiP LOT XI. On Garlhgell Common, hounded on the North- west hy Lot 12, 011 the Southwest by open Waste, and on the Southeast and Northeast hy Ihe Turnpike Road lead- ing fruin Oswestry to Llaufylliu, containing hy Admeasure- ment 2A- 3R. 32P. I. oT XII. Ou Garlhgell Common, bounded on the North- west and Southwest try open Waste, 011 tlie Southeast by Lot 11, and on tbe Northeast by the Turnpike Road lead- ing from Oswestry lo Lliiufylliu, coutaining by Admeasure- ment 2.4. 3R. 33P. IN BODYDDON TOWNSHIP. LOTXIU. On Frydd Guch Common, bounded on Ihe Northeast by Lauds of the said Devisers of Ibe late Eail of Powis, 011 Ihe Sotith by the Road from Llaufylliu by Llidi- art v Sais lo Penygarnedd, 011 tbe Northwest by the Road from Bodyddon issa tp Llidiart y Sais, and ou the West by open Waste, coutaining by Admeasurement 2A 3R. 16P. LOT XIV. On Belan Common, bounded 011 the North- west by Lands of the said Devisees of ihe late Earl of Powis, on the Northeast by Lot 15, and on the South and Southwest by the Road from Llanf'yliin by Llidiart y Sais towards Penygarnedd, coutaining by Admeasurement 5A 1R. 27P. LOTXV. OnBelnn Common, bounded 011 the Northwest hy Lands of Ihesaid Devisees of Ihe lale Earl of Powis, on the Northeast by open Waste, and on the Southeast by the Road liom Llanfylilii by Llidiart y Sais lowarcts Fetijgarn- edd, containing by Admeasurement / A. oR. iGP. LoT XVI. On Cefn Brain Common, bounded on the North aud Norlheasl by open Waste, on Ihe West by Lol 17, and 011 Ihe Soulh hy Ihe Road from Cammeu to Llan- fy 11 ill, containing bv Admeasurement 5A. 0R. t) P. LOT XVII On Cefn Biam Common, bounded bll the North and VVe3l hy open Waste, on the East by Lot 16, and on the Soulh by Ihe Road from Cam men lo Llaufyllin, con- taining by Admeasurement 5A. 0R. 0P. IN BODRAN TOWNSHIP LOT XVIII. O11 ( efn Brain Common, bounded on the Nor b by ti e Rosi from Cummcnaforesaid te Llanfylliu on the Southeast hv tbe Road from Robert Jones's Tene- ment on Cefn Brain to. Llanfylliu, ami tin the West bj open Waste, containing by Admeasurement 2A. lR. 19P. LOT XIX O11 Pen Llwyu Common, bounded ou Ihe South and West by Lands of John Palmer Chichester, Esq. on Ibe North and Northeast by Lands of Thomas Thomas, Esq. and Sir Edward Pryce Lloyd, Baronet, containing by Admeasurement sA III 34P. IN CAMMEN TOWNSHIP. LOT XX. On Cammen Hill, bounded 011 tbe North hy a Road and open Waste wliich is in Ihe Parish of Llanrhaiadr, ou llie West by open Waste, and 011 the Southeast by Lauds of Sir Walkin Williams Wynn, Baronet, containing by Admeasurement pA. 2R. 3< tP LOT XXI. On Esgairn y Pant Cnmmon, hounded 011 llie Noilhwesl by the Road from Llanfihangel towards Cam- men, on Ihe South by a Turbary, and on the Northeast by open Waste, containing by Admeasurement 3. V lit. Ill' LOT XXII. O11 Bryn Llw yd Common, hounded on the North by open Waste, on the East by Lands of Ihe said Devisees of the late Earl of Powis, 011 the West by Lands of the said John Palmer Chichester, and 011 the South by a Road in Rhiwnaclior Tuwnship, containing by Admeasure- ment 20 A. t) R. 32P. IN RHIWNACHOR TOWNSHIP. LOT XXIII. On Rhiwnachor Hill, bounded on the North bv open Waste, on Ihe Soulh by Ihe Road from Melin Wnfa lo the Waen, 011 the West by the Road from Llan- fihangel towards Cammen, and on Ihe East by Lot 24, contain'mir bv Admeasurement 5A. lR 6P. LOT XXIV. On Rhiwnachor Hill, hounded 011 the North hv open Wnste, on the Sooth by the Road from Meliu Wnfa to the Waen, 011 tbe West bv Lol 23, and 011 Ihe East by open Waste and Lands of Henry Foul| ies, Esq. containing bv Admeasurement sA. - 2R 8P. LOT XXV. On the Waen Common, bounded on the Northwest and Northeast bv open Waste, 011 llie Southeast , • —• •-. • — j by the Road from Braich y Waen 10 Lloran Tenement, and j Solicitor, Shrewsbury on the Southwest by the Road leading from Melin Wnfa towards l. lorau Tenement, containing by Admeasurement 8A lR. 15P IN NANTHALAN TOWNSHIP LOT XXVI. On Rhiwfawr Common, hounded on the Southeast by Ihe Rood from Cefn l. lwynulo Cefu Gribbin, and on all other Sides by open Wa. tc, containing hy Ad- measurement 3A tR. l.' lP I OTXXVIL On Rhiwfawr Common, bounded 011 tbe j North aiul Northwest hv the Road from Cefu Llwynfi t tnwnrdaCefn Gribbin, ou Ihe South by Part of Llanfihangel Parish, and on the East by Lot 28, coutaining by Admea- surement 3A. 1 R. 22P. LOT XXVIII. On Rhiwfawr Common, bounded on Ihe North by open Waste and Part of Glohwll Township, on Ihe South hy Part of Llanfihangel Pai ish, ou Itie West hy Lot 97, and on Ihe East by open Waste, coutaining by Ad- measurement fiA. iH. tlP. IN GLOBWI. I. TOWNSHIP. LOT XXIX O11 Cefn Gribbin Common, hounded on the Northwest by Ihe Road from Ci fu l. lwvuti towards. Llan- fyllin, on Ihe Southwest by Lands nf John Jones, ami ou Ihe Northeast by open Waste, containing by Admeasure- ment 3A. QR. iqiP. LOT XXX. On Cefn Gribbin Common, bounded on the Northwest by the Road from Cefn Llwynu towards Llan- fvllin, snd on all other Sides by open Waste, containing by Admeasurement 4 A 1R. 34P. LOT XXXI. On Cefn Gribbin Common, bounded on Ihe Southeast by the Road from Cefn Llwynft towards Lhni- fyllin, and 011 all other Sides by open Waste, containing by Admeasurement ti. 4. 2LL 4P IN BACHIE TOWNSHIP. LOTXXXIL On Lower Allt y Gadair Common, bounded ou the Northwest by the Turnpike Road between Llan- fyllin and Welshpool, on the Southwest by Lot 33 and the Road leading from Llanfvliiu towards Nantymeichied, and ou ( lie Ea. t by open Waste and a Tenement belonging to the Poor of the Parish of Ltaofytlin, containing by Ad- measurement lA. sR. 2gP. LOT XXXIII. On Lower Allt y Gadair Common, hound erlon Ihe Northwest by the Turnnike Road between Llan- fyllin and Welshpool, on the South by the Road between Llanfyllin aud Nantymeichied, and on ( he West bv open Waste and Land of the said Devisees of Ihe late Earl ot Powis, containing bv Admeasurement 1A oR. 38P LOT XXXIV. On Lower A III v Gatlair Common, bounded on tbe North by the Road between Llanfvllin and Naulv- meicbied, on the East by open Waste and Cottage Lands, and on the West hy Lands of John Humffreys, Esq. con laitlingby Admeasurement aA 2R. 6P. LOT XXXV. On All! Goch Common, hounded on thr North by Lands of the said Sir Watkin Williams Wynn and Ann Jones, on the Southeast by open Waste, and on the Southwest by tbe Road from l. lanfyllin towards Cefn Bogelin, containing by Admeasurement 1A. 0R 11P. LOT XXXVI. On Allt Goch Common, bounded 011 the North by Lands of tbesnid Sir Welkin William. Wynn. 011 the Southwest by Ihe Road leading from Llanfyltui to Ccfi Bogelin, and on the Southeast by Lot 35, containing In Admeasurement 3R. 20P. LOT XXXVII ( In All! Goch Common, bounded on ( lie South by opeu Wnste, 011 Ihe Northeast and liast bytlo Rond from Lltoifihaiigel towards Llanfvllin, and on ' lie Northwest and West hy the Township ofGlobwll, contain ing hy Admeasurement 9A. 2R. 5P Richard Pugli will attend at the House of Thomas Jones Innkeeper, iu Ihc said Town of Lbinfyllin, ev, rv Monday and Tuesday, until the Time of Sale, to shew the Allot nients; and printed Particulars may, in a few Days, he had ut ( he said Joseph Jones's, the Goat Inn. in Llanfyllin; John Jehu's, and John Williams's, both in Vlyfod: Oak Inn, Pool; Goat Inn, Llanfair; Lion Inn, Llansaintffraid ; nud at the Office of Mr THOMAS, in Llanfyllin, where Maps descriptive of each of ihe said Lota may tie seen. HENRY BOWMAN, Commissioner. Dated 19M August, 1813. ees spacious aiid convenient 14 FRIDAY, Wh of THIS MONTH. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. the CON- TRACTORS for the Lottery, respectfully remind Ihe Public that the STATE LOTTERY begins drawing 011 the 17th of Ihis Month, September, 011 w hich Dny an additional Prize of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS will be given lo ( he FiRST TICKET DRAWN a Prize above £ 90— The first 1,000 Blanks drawn on tbi" Day, will also receive £' 20 each.— The Lottery consists i. f only I2,0j0 Tickets, and Ihe Scheme contains The House consists _ . Kitchen and Bar, a Club Room 29 Feet 6 Inches by Feet 6 Indies, wilh two Fire Places and sliding Partitions for ihe Purpose of dividing Ihe same inio two, 0( 1 the first Floor; a Dining Room, aud four excellent Lodging Rooms with convenient Closets, on Ihc- second Floor ; an excellent vaulted Cellar, 29 Feet 6 Inches hy i4 Feel 6 Inches, with a convenient Liquor Cellar at the End. The Outbuildings consist uf an excellent spacious Brew- house, Stable, Granary, Pigsties, aud other Convcnieucies. The Premises are recently and substantially built with Brick and Tile, and well situated for Business, in the Centre of Ihe Donington and Wrockwardine Wood Works, in ihe Parish uf Wrockwardine, where Ihe Rales are extremely low. The Stock of Ale, Liquors, and Casks, with the Fixtures on thePremises, to be taken by the Por< baser at a Valuation. Any Part of the Purchase Money nut exceeding i'Joo may remain 1111 Security of tbe Premises; and further Particulars may be known on Application at ( he Office of Mr. BROOKES, Solicitor, iu Newport, Salop. ~ HEREFORDSHIRE] At the Red Lion Inn, Leominster, on Friday, the first Day of October next, between the Houts of four and six in the Afternoon, in three Lots, subject to Condilious of Sale to be then piodueedt LOT I. AMOST desirable FARM, called I. AWTON, situateiu the Parish of Kiogsland, in tbe County of Hereford, iu the Possession of Mr. Thomas Vaugh. au ; consisting of 11 good Farm House, Barus, Stables, and other convenient Outbuildings, and t6o Aires ( he the same more or less) of very excellent Arable, Meadow, Pasture Land, aud Or- charding, all in a l. igh State of Cultivation The House and Buildings belonging to this Lot have been lately repaired aud improved at a Con « tdt rable Expense. LOT II. A DWELLING HOUSE. Garden, and O. chard, situate al Shurle Heath, iu llie said Parish of Kingsland, containing together try Estimation three Parts ofan Acre, lie the same more or less, aud iu tlie Occupation of James Davies. LOT III. A Messuage or DWELLING HOt.' SE, called ihe CROWN INN, wilh the Outbuildings, Garden, and Orchard thereto belonging, containing tiy Estimation one Acre and an Half, be tbe same more or less, situate at Shurle Heath aforesaid, and adjoining Ihe Turnpike Road leading from Eardisland lo Leominster, aud now in Ihe Occupation of Mrs. Basset. Possession of Ihe Premises may be hud al Cnndlemas next; may be viewed by Application to Mr T lomas Vaughan, Ibe Tenant, at Lawlon ; and finther Particulars may he had of the Rev. Mr PARIICE, Hoplou Castle, aud of Messrs. LLOYDS, Solicitors, Ludlow. ISFA August, 1813. S , 2 . 5 6 7 50 2,330 I u Prizes of Prizes of , Prizes of Prizes of Piizes of Prizes of Prizes of £ 20,000 10,000 1,000 5no 200 £ 100 and £ 50 £ 25 and £ 20 Ibis LoMery ( here is no Prize under £ 20. TICKETS and SHARES are selling at Shrewsbury, by VV. EDDOWES, Printer, Jilarket Drayton, R. GRANT, Post- Master, Wrexham, J. PAINTER, Bookseller, Osirestri/, W. PRICE, Bookseller, Eor RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. CONTRACTORS, LONDON. HAZARD BURISE, and Co. Stock- Brokers, respect, fully inform the Public, that TICKETS aud SHARES for tbe present STATE LOTTERY, are on Sale al llieir Office, No. 93, ROYAL EXCHANGE, London This Lottery, consisting of only 12,000 Tickets, will commence drawing on the 17th SEPTEMBER Nt « i, unci will be Drawn in Two Days. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 2 Prizes of — — — ASO. OOO 2 of — — — 10,000 With olher Capitals, and has iu it no Prize of less value than £ 90— The First Thousand Blanks will be entitled to f - 2o each ; the First Prize above £ 20 to £ 10 000 ; aud Ihe First nbove £ 20, 011 lheSecoud Day, to £ 20,010- Persons residing in ihe Country may be supplied with Tickets or Shares at the Londun Prices, by addressing ILcir Orders, accompanied with Remittance, tu the above Office, or by Application to their Agent, Mr. T. NEWLING, Bookusller, Shrewsbury SHROPSHIRE. At the Angel Inn, Ludlow, on Thursday, the 30th Dav of Seplember next, between the Hours of four snd - • in ( he Afternoou, iu four, or such olher Lots as shall be agreed upon at ttie Time of Sale, subject to Conditions to be ( hen produced : LOT I. A CAPITAL and spacious DWELLING HOUSE, i\- called the BROA D GATE, suitable lo the Accommo- dation of a genteel Family, most desirably and pleasunlly situated in Broad Stieel, Ludlow, late Ihe Residence of Mrs. Kinnersley, ( of which early Possession may he had); containing ou the first Floor six large Bed Rooms aud a Laundry, wilh Aliu s over; 011 the Ground Floor, a hand- some Entrance Hall, Drawing Room, Breakfast and liming Parlours, Kitchen, Pantries, with excellent Offices there- under, Cellars, aud Stabling; a Hothou< e, with a large Garden, enclosed with a lofty Brick Wall, fating ihe South, well slocked witb choice Fruit Trees, and < oii- niuudiug a most delightful View of Whilcliffe Hill ami llie River Ti me. Also, attached to ihis Lot, Part of Iwo Gardens in Ihe Possession of Mr Thomas Bowen am) Samuel Haves, situate below Ihe Town Wall, running parallel with Itie first mentioned Garden, aud communicating tvitli the House, as the same are now marked mid siaki d out: toge- ther also wilh a neat DWELLING HOUSE, adjoining tlie Stable, and fronting the Street called Merry Vale, and in ( tic Possession of . vlr Samuel Powell, Plumber ami Glazier. LOT 11. A DWELLING HOUSE, situate in Lower Broad Street, in the Possession uf Mr Richaid Carhss, with the Outbuildings and Yard adjoining, und ihe Re- mainder of the Garden iu the Possession of the suid Tho- mas Boweu LOT 111. A small DWELLING HOUSE, situate nt the Bottom uf Mill Street, with the Gaiden thereto belonging, uow iu the Possession of Jane Has ward. LOT IV. All those FIVE I REEH I D DWELLING HOUSES, wilh tbe Outbuildings, Gardens, and A ppurten- anccs thereto belonging, called the VINE YARD, siiuate iu Lower Broad Street, in the several Samuel Hayes, Sarah Woutlall, David Clatke, and Thomas ilaih* a. Occupations of RobeiIs, John Ah-.;,* very excellent PIECE of GARDEN GROUND, adjoining to and communicating with the lasLmenlioiitd Premises on Ihe East, being the Remainder ot tin Garden iu lit** Possession of ihe Saul Samuel Haves. The Broad Gate House aud Part of the Garden, also Ih it Part of the Garden situate below llie Tow 11 Wall and com- prised in Lol 1 ; ihe Helise in Possession of Mr. Ri hard I arless, and Loi toe held by Lease under the fVipora- tion of Ludlow, for the Rcinaindei of two several Terms of 31 Years, al small annual Reins, aud renewable 011 Pavmeut of sin ill Fines, as w ill lie expressed in future Particulars. The Remainder of tbe Premises are Freehold The Whole may be viewed ; and further Particulars may be hail of 111. Ill v. Mr 1' ARDOK, Hoptou Castle, aud a( Messrs. LLOYD^ Solicitors, Ludlow. U.'/. Avj- nt, jtjij. msmmissLELi ..• 111 LONDON. FT? IP AY, T'nris prvcrs to th trnrr ire. '' hev cent's i; rr• « * t• bo* n to ' b Mil'i-' er Hi Wil ve « w:> l of : » r « ive < FPTFMHRR 3. J3Jvt n't wpip ! « ? ce, vd in town ' fin- 1 jm, ftd!.'. nr Rf- nort twun Bohana. be * » •! f •• r.; « > v » t the Se^ taf'pof St.- rtf , Wii", dated Oof.) jf7, » he? 4th nit. announces <'. v> MIM'TALIOIIS.— H< NANATYE, IT • TS-^ AFCT, WA* too n i ch • i- rnt- icH in nri'c The allie^ jvn} v in Silesia i- « tated n> 5- VP h' en beaten awl repiiUed to a distance, a-;' ' hp W^*-? • f P br ••: : r> tr. hn\ c been <- r? cupi^ d'{ iud fortified; ' ho' no meini n i- nwrdf of a genera! a'ction having taken • caivln JitMe. donht that a '/ reut'^ attle eqne'rjt 10 ' ihc ° 4fh I) s' « ' vot) st was ad- anei of JVrHn. wh < h errpilal he ivas • th' had be ubsi p'Xt< ectcd to wpvcr I'ha: the bf place, fr- Ufeh* ( he rt; f a/ 1, ( in the 95d or 24 h. H is kt own, h C> oun Ptvt re of Sweden* with an army of 90,^ 00 men, had ardvnmVd to the'' defence of Berlin; and that Davonst must have ' ffp^ tri! that armv b< fine he could make his entrance into the P » « i< via » ' catntai. That Bonaparte would endeavour to strike » hjtiw in that quarter is highly probable. Tbe fate ftiOi'es^ ps which be h" lds upon the find that , of Dar'zic. d^ p^ nds upon his being able to relieve them, and he wH vteden'T eflor' fur this purpose ; but. even should the f » ow « > Pnnce be compelled to retreat, Bonaparte will inerea> e bis danger the further her< moves from bis roo" orces4 The Austrian army, bv a movement on hi-' rear, may compel b in » « H b « . k in > nite csf anv advantages which be may have gained at tbe re » et moiencemetit ofthe campaign. Pievtt u- tothe r< moval of the Crown Pifnce of Sweden from Sfralsmid to Berlin, he, in company with General jMorVan. reviewed the British regiments sent to garrison Stra'sood with whose appeal a nee and discipline thev ex- pre- sett themselves tiighlv satisfied. After the review, the Crown Prince'gave n grand dinner to tbe principal officers, a! , which the health of f. oid Wellington, and ihe continuance of the glorious tro*> j bs of tbe British aim* in the Peninsula, wa- dtattfc vitb the most enthusiastic applause, the Ciown Prince ai d Gmeral Moreno expressing their confidence, that the British betowonV yet achieve glories beyond those already wort by h; m, ai d lendei sen ices still more important to the cause of nations. A le'tet bas been received this morning from D* al, stating tb< arr » *' » ? ot the Active cuHei in '. he Downs, from the squa- dron « fi F i st. ing. She is said to bring accounts, that previous to h » T ruling, some Dutch fishing boats had been alongside tbe Impreguah'c, Admira' Young'- flagship, a d communi- cated th' itrtelligenee that a engagement had taken place | bet^ ef r! tbe allied armies and the F. t n< h, in which the latter ! bad sustaired a of 10,000 men. Nn date or place weie I mentioned ; but ir is added, that, duriny the engagement the F. mpem<- of Russia and Austria, and the King of Prussia, were i resent. It is - aid, that the Prince of Stahrembereh has been ap- pointed Aiubas- ador'from the Court of Vienna to this country, and thni he bas actually set out on his journey. A report was yesterday prevalent on'( bange. that a private . letter had been received in to « n from Prris, stating, that one of tb< objects for which tiie Senate had been assembled, was the . ct. eatji. t » of a paj ei curt - ney in Frame, and that an issue of 50 millions of franks immediately to take place. It is considered bv no means improbable that Bonaparte mav have recourse to this expedient in the present crisis of bis fortunes, but w « eonsider Fia< ce as the very last country in which a er- curreocy js. likely To. succeed. The Fiench had too dr » adful an experience of tbe asfignat system, to be induced again ti> » .' uh'mir to a paper- currency. The despotic character of the French Government, and the embarrassments uudei wh ch it at present labours, are most, unfavourable to such a scheme. A paper- money, to be reahy serviceable to a state, can onlv be isstn- d bv a Government whose credit well establi- hed, where no forced circulate n is attempted, and wh' » re the e is so rapid an interchange of the circula'ing medium, whatever i' ivay be, that public confidence and genera' utility stamp its value These circumstances do not meet in France '' be d t adfnl lessons of the Revolution h « ve not been lost upon the people of that unhappy country There is f- veiy reason to, believe that more gold and silver is hoarded in France than in any other country in Europe. A regular decree passed the Cortes on the Q2d of July, for conferring on Lord Wellington, in conformity to the itcom- mendatiorj of tbe Regency, tbeestate in the valley of Granada, known by the natneot Soto de Homa, with the t< rritdry of las Chtiuchinas annexed to it. Another deciee bas also passed the Cortes lor electing, in the situation best calculated for that pot pope, in the fields of Vittoria, and in that manner which Government sh." I consider most pirtper, a monument, wh c ' shall record to the latest generations this memorable battle. The important Swedish Bulletins noticed in our last page, may be regarded as the most important documents which for some years have been laid before the Pubiic. The Address of » he Crown Prince to bis armv will be found of the highest] interest. I ike all the papers which have ptoceeded from the pen of that eminent Personage, it is distinguished for its d morality, its perfect simplicity, and disregard of was carried with scarcely any opposition, contained " a most earnest recommendation from the Court, of Proprietors to th » Coint^ of Dire. gti. r*, th. r the latter . should* again app'v to hi-. Majesty's Mlni>- ters,- and to rlie - Board ^' Commissioners f . the Affafrs of India, to- giver- theiF s. ancjt.' on to such m<- asuif s as should be eompeten to authorise the Property Tax ou ihe dividends of tbF? Capital Stock to be - barged on those Terr t. orial Revenue wnich the said Capital Stock had exClusivelv acquired,, and to defray, live amount as an ordinary out- goi'hff of the Cdmpauv,'' The second was a Resolution for enlarging the salary of the Members ofthe Court of Direc- tors ; fTie'Chairman and Deputy Ob'ni man, « ho ut present have .5001. pei ann. f « r their allendance; to he allowed ! 5t; 0l. and tbe other Directors, « bo itow ' ri'eei%; ed 5001, per ami. have 10001. — Thi" proposition was laid <> n the table, and will he discussed on Wednesday, the 6: h of- October. A few days since the' Hon. Col. Hanger left town, ori a shooting excursion, in Norfolk. The Colonel was equipped with pistols and s tb e suspended to a belt. He rode a mule, and wan preceded bv his spaniel, wearing si bell, to give the game notice of his approach, and hostilities. the commencement of FROM THE LONDON GAZFTTE. oowNiNC- si RtET SEPTEMBER 4 A Dispatch, ot which tbe follow infc i' » an extiact, has been ' his day received at Lord Bathowt's office, addressed to his lordship by pipld Maisbal the Marquis of Wel. ington, da ed Lczaca, Augjst 25. 181' J. , , , No movement of importance has been made by the enemy orby the allies nnce 1 t ans'm ' ted my laat report. I have received reports ( rem Lieut. Gen. Lord William Bentinck tothe 19 h instant, copies and extract* of winch I have the honour at Rambour^ nnd Gabel, ' and having led bis troops to w'thin H' leagues of Pratrne. O - the 21st he was in Silesia, beating th^ Russian an ' Prussian Armies of th' Generals Sacken, Langeron. V » rek, and Blocher. am /' oreing the Hne po « itioqs* of the Bo. ber, whilst ' he enerm Relieved his Maie* tv ti » ' he in the Vowe « * parts of Silesia. He ' eft there a powerful, army under the, orders ofthe Duke e. i Tarentnm, m^ kovi h « c guards m^ rch 10 1' eg. ffueS a dav, an- arrived at Dresden, which bad been already menaced f.: r some davs with an immediate attack. " His IVla. ieo'tv entered th" city at 9 inthe morning, and im- mediately made his" dispositions At three in the af'ernoon, ? h; Russian, PrecjHiatt and Austrian Annies, e. f> » omanded bv the Generals Wittgenstein, Kliest, nnd Srhw- aft^ nbergr, dep! Vcd 150.000 men, marching against the city ; all the attack have been repnlsWfd- » v tbe Obi and Yottng Guards onlv, vtlv have covered themselves w^ li glory. The p. n » ms left 4o0(> dead at the for> t of on « " redon. b's. We have taken 2000 men, a colour and many pieces ofcannop. This morning, at 4 o'clock, tbe Fmneior was in the field ; the rain fell i: torrents. The Marshals D- ike « of Rncnsa and Be'lluno passed the bridges with their corps; at ei » ht o'clock hr aMack commenced bv a very brisk cannonade. Tbe. extreme left of the enemy wa « commanded by fhe Austrian Generals Isnoce, Ginlay, and K'enait and separated from the rest ofthe armv by the valley of Phauen. The Kmr- eror ordered them to he attacked hv the Marshal Duke of Belluno, and bv the cavabv of General Lato'ur Maubourff, under the orders of the King of Nap'es, " We already reckon amonsr the trophies of this day 15,000 men, tncfiid" ing Field Marshal Lieutenant Me'^ ko-, two Generals of Brigade, many superior offieers, 20 pieces'of on the > cnclose; frcm wh eh it appear- that Marshal Suchet collected ' cannon, and 10 « tand rf colon Ortiann nt aud its powerful appeal to the common sense of the wh< le community of Europe. The grounds of the present conftdeiooy against Fiance, or rather against Bonaparte, aie s ated in terms which no one can mistake, nnd tbe oondrions on ^ hich peace mav be restored to F. uiepe aie stated with equal clearness. To those who feel and a: knowledge the interposition ol Frovidence in the morai Government of the world, it must be refreshing to find a Chieftain arse, who does not feel his military eharactet Con. piom'ised by a devout appeal to the Divine protection for a blessing on bis arms; and who relies for that protection on the iust'ire o his cause. The genuine principles of liberty are! outraged andbb lied when ihey are connect* d wiih irreligiou. It'is Ihe atheist crew of Bonaparte and his associates, who: have sh wn themselves the sternest opponents of tlie piin- ciples ot rational liberty thai the worbl has ever seen. We trust, however, tha-. under Divine Providence, their impious reign is fast approaching to its termination. Let tf i\ s received by the last Gottenbnrgh -' Mail state, that a British traifi of nalt'ering cannon, consisting of 130 pieces, had been forwaided in- tbe Baltic, for the purpose of being mounted on the batteries against Dantzic. A detachment of tbeT? oval Artillery corps, under the command of Majot Macdonald, sufficiently numerous to do the gunners duty, • eded fa' ' he same destination. A British ti e iroops under his command at Villa Franca on the 10th con sisting of fn- ir 25 to 30,( XX) men, and Lord William Bentintk : those he had with n his reachm positii n on the river Gaya, having i suspended all the c. ptration- of the siege of Tarragona. His ford- ship, however, w as not satisfies Vitlr trie posit'o'n, Which he could ! not occupy in sufficient strength, h'^ had not been jo tied by all the I 11oops w h e h he expected and w hich was liable to be turned on both flanks. He therefoie retired d^ pon Cainbrills without loss, inp o i portion as Marshal Suchet advanced, lea\ ng Tarragona open, j which place the Frmch have blown'Up and e'vaeua ed ; and Mar- j bhal Suc het has again retired tow ard Barcelona 1 beg to draw v > ur | lordship's a'tention par. icularly to the enclosed report of Col. rLcrd Frederick Bentinck, of the conduct'of a detachment'oY the Bonis* w ick hussar-, in an affair with the enemy on ihe 15th. 1 en'fir ly approve of Lieut.- Gen. Lord William fientinek's haVing retired-, i as he had not been able lo collect his w hole force, and did not t'on- | sider h'mself sufficiently strong to fight a general action \ vith ' tiie enemy. Extract nf a Report from Lord William Bentinck to the Marquis of Wellington, dated Camtnitls, August 16, IBJ3. i Ou the 3d, ' he Duquedel Parcjue's corps came up to Tanagona; ' as did the division ot Get ua' Sarsfield on the llih. Gen. Klio cou'd not spare the three regiments of the division of Migare j ! w hich I had eque.- ted him to send me. On the 10th I heard that Marshal Suchet had return- ( i to Villa Fianca from B ucelona, ard had brought # ith h m 5000 men. The reports of die suc- ceeding, da\ s lel't no doubt of its being his intention to move forward; and on the 14th I learned from the Baton d'Eroles aud Col. Ma> zo, tfiat besides collecting all he could from he garrison, he had been joined by Decaen with 6000 men. In- consequence of tbis intelligence, I suspended all operations for the siege of Tarra gona, except the making of facines, and landed ne ther artillery nor stores. There was no posit on on the Gaya, as I had in my former le'ter supposed. Tltcre are only two carriageable roads across it, but the\ aie at a d » » iance of ten miles from each other. The river having no water in It, and being only impassable from the steepness of its banks, is passable for ihlautr\ ever\ w here A corps placed in the centre could not reach either flank in time to prevent t e passage ol the enemy. Gen Whittingham, whom C had sent with his corps to the Cols of San Christina and Lleura-, reported them not tp be defensible w ith so small a force as we could allot to this object. 1 had ntended to have pushed on to the Llo • bre^ at. Suehet'- arm\ was a one time divided between Barcelona and V lla Franca, and its environs. A rapid movement ni ght ptn- sil> y have enabled ir e to tall separately upon his advanced corps, and to ob'ain possession ot tlie ridge or mountains on th Lfc. nregat before he could have time to bring up hi Barcelona. I could not execute this movement beforfe tn ' hg join, d j by Sarsfield, and previoU 1> Suchet had concentrated his force at Villa Franca and us neighbouiho d. Such- t's foice has been variously reported, irom 20 to 25j000 men The immecuare ' vicinity et Tarragona o'ffe ed a very good poSitu h in itsfcii. but ii may be completelv turned bv an enenix who cro sing the CoU, should approach Tarragona by Vails a d R. us. On th 14' h Suchet moved a large corps upon Aha Fulla, but ihe road tremg cloie to tie beach, the gun boats prevented h m t orn passing, it such were his ntentum. On the 15 h he drove back the posts on lie Cols of San Christina and Llebraj and afterwards tore d the corps at Brisia, b which they were supported to retire. His whole army marched by this route. Upou Sue bet's continuing to advance tow ard Tarragona, 1 resolved upon retiring in the night ; and the arnn arrived here this morning without any loss, and without r - ceiving any molestation from the enemy. If there had been an> lair chance of success 1 would have given them ba tie.. MY LORD, Camp, near Cambrils, Aug ] 6. In obedicnce to vour directions, I marched yesterday arterm. uo, with the brigade of cavalry under my command, beyond Nulles and Vdlabella, and reconnoitied the enemy's column, winch was advancing u on Vails. As soon a> we began to ret. re, the enemy followed us both with cavalry aud infantry, nd a squadron ol the 4? h hus ar « pressed clo- e upon our rear- euaid, lonned n. Captain Wulflen's troops of til' B. uu^ wick hussars, and aft mpsed to charge and overpower it. The enemy w as opposed each time wilh deter- mined spirit and resolution; « -- nd Captain Er. ch on, wilh his troops, being sent to the support of Captain Wulfl'en. the enemy were driven back, with the loss of one o. Hiter kil/ ed, ano'. her Officer w ounded and l etwecn 20 aud 30 men left sained on ihe field. Sixteen prisoners ai d 1 1 horses'' fell m o our hands. I had . sincere pleasure in observing the spirit d spla\ cd by the officers and men of the Brunswick hussars. L eut. Col, Sclirad.- r, at all times zealous, w as particularly useful on this occasion n r; . st am ng the impetuosity or his men. Cncunislan< ed as we were, w in a strong column ot ihe enemy fat advanced upon our right ( l ink, and two battalions of infantry ( as I was informed by the prisoners) upon our left and rear, auu in an inc oscd country, I did nol deem it prudent to pursue the advantage we had gained. I regret to say lhat Corne iJadanl, of the Brunswick huss<. r>, was wounded and taken, and I subjoin a return of ihe remainder ol the wounded and missing. I have the honour to oe, icc. FREDERICK. BENTINCK, Colcnel. Lieut - General Lord William Bentinck. The Gazette, also contains di patches from Captain Sir G. Collier, dated from Passages, the 27th and 28th ult announcing that a suc- cessful at'ack was macteon the island of Uara, at the mouth of the harbour ol' St. Sebastian, on the morning or he 27th, by theboat^ ot the squadron under ihe command ot Lieut, the hon. J. Arbuthnot, " During this time General Vandamme, who hn^ debouched bv Kcenigstien possessed bim- elf ofthe plain or Peina. threw bis cavalry on tbe road to Peterswalder, nnrl became master of the debouches of Bohemia, beating 15,000 men thnt hud opPOs° ed him, and tnakinp many prisoners A* this moment the roads to T'eterswalde'n and Frevberg are cut off The Russians and Ptn- sinns advanced hv fhe road of Pet'ers'walden, and the Austrians by that of Freyberg, Tf the enemy's army, whirh tiumetous, since it i- composed of Russian and Prr'iKsiaVi corps, and of the whole Au trian armv, decides to retreat-, it w- 11 nececsarilv experience coi- si'lerab'e loss. If it remains, there wilt be to- monvw decisive events. M Since the affair pf Ulm, the French armv was never ob. srVn'cted by worse weather or more excessive rains The Fmperor has been exposed to them he wh de day- The Em- peror is this moment returned. The numerous columns of prisoners, pieces nf cannon, and colours, which have been taken are traversing thecitv.— The inhahitanss express their jov in the most lively manner at the sight of those trophies. The Dolce of Reggio must have been since the 23: 1 or 24th at Berlin; the Duke of Tarentum pursues the remains of the Silvan armv npon Breslaw. 4< It is not a Bulle, in I address to your Serene Highness, I thought it uiv duty to give you this important news his Majestv not having time to write. He is as we!! as possible. A ei'cumstance will excite universal indignation, the Fx• General Moieau is wi'h the enemy's armv, in the suite of the Emperor of Russia, as his Privy Councillor. He has thus thrown off the mask which he could not conceal from cb ar sighted persons for many years. " I have not b; en able, my Lo « d. to send to your Serene Highness tlie Pat ers relatiye to » be Austrian Declaration of War — hi the mjdst. of the events wlvch occur, 1 have not yet found a moment to submit them tothe Emperor." " lam. wi » h respect. & c. LE DUC D BA^ SANO " " P. S. Our loases are not considerable. The r. ff" li- s ve « - tferdflV and this day have not cost us any per- on of rank '' Private letters from Paris, of the 2d, state that intelligence had been received from head quarters, to the 29th. There had been nni h fi^ htitig on the ; r inssidethe i » troops from ! previous days, but tbe result was not known. Geueral Morp* ui beino- with the Allies was a circumstance that fi led the Emperor Napoleon not only with regret, but with dismay. It is also said, that the 15,000 men, mentioned in the French official report to have been taken prisoners, were the corps which was cut oft', and not taken fairly iu the field of battle. A vessel has arrived at Portsmouth, bringing the gratifying intelligence of the RKCAPTURE OF THE MACEDONIA!* frigate, bv tfie Tenedos, Capt. Hyde Parker. She brings the further important intelligence, that the Northern States of America have signified to Congress their intention to withdraw from the Union, unless Peace sho ild be made with England. Yesterday the following Bulletin was shewn at St. James's Palace: — Windsor Castle, vcpt. 4 — His Majesty has for some months past appeared generally trauqoil and comfortable, although bis disorder remains undiminished. Three per Cer » . Consols 57. Pill, It appeared that tbe deceased was found dead, ie preceding Sunday, in a field on the north side of parish of Wraxall, and that w hen he died, be was in the act of killing a sheep which he had just Stolen. In his right hand was a biOody knife, and bis clothes and body were every where soiled with gore and dirt Near him lay bis gun, discharged : and at a short distance a wounded sheep, hich had evidently been shot at, and had a slight wound under tbe ear. Poole was perfectly lifeless, very black in the face, and altogether a horrible spectacle. In a ditch was concealed a sack, which being searched, was found to contain tbe carcase of another sheep, pannehed, skinned, andeut up; whilst a patch of newly turned earth marked the spot where tbe skin and offals were buried. Verdict— u Died by the Visitation of God, in the Act of Felony /" At the late Bristol Assizt. s/ ah action was brought by Mr. Web!) against Hunt, Esq. the late Candidate for Bristol, for expenses inclined bv the plaintiff, as an agent for the defendant, at the late election. Mr. Hunt pleaded bi> own cause, and proved that he had repeatedly declared tfiat he would he at no expense on account of the election.— The plaintiff was nonsuited. A few days ago the jack, or chimney belonging to a very- extensive iron- work, which was erecting by Messis Bradley and Co. at Stourbridge, gave way, and fell, into the. Stour. It was intended to have been erected to the height of about 200 feet, and no less than 166 feet had beed already rai- ed, when it was discovered tfrat the foundation had given way.— Many ineffectual attempts had been made to restore the pile of building to ils perpendicular, in the hopes of being able to fix ft there; but some gentlemen, foreseeing that it would fall gave notice to the workmen near the spot, who happily e eaped unhurt. THB ! » EIT OF KIN TO Abraham Higginbottom% or auy olher person who may be fortunate enough to obtain a £ 20,000 Prize in the Lottery which begips drawing ou Friday, the 17th, will probably hear of something to their advantage, by applying at any of the lucky Lotterv Offices in Town or Country. FEMALE FASHIONS FOR SEPTEMBER. I veiling Costum — A round robe of white Venetian crape, worn over a white gossamer satin slip, nppliqued with lace in front of the bosom ; full slashed sleeve and demibodice, of amber, or other coloured satin, con- fined at regular distances and at the bottom of the waist w ith bows of correspondent ribband. The bottom of the dress finished with treble rows of lace, put on very full. Head dress* a la Parisieriwe, composed of a small bandeau of diamonds, white roses, and folds of silk the colour of the bodice ; over which is disposed fancifully a large transparent Mechlin veil. Ear- rings, necklace, cross, and studs of brilliants or pearl. Slip- pers of amber satin, with silver rosettes and trimming. Gloves of French kid, and fan Of carved ivory.. Promenade ( oilume.— A while jaconet muslin high dress, with long sleeves and collar of needle- work; treble flounces of plaited muslin round t e bottom; wrist and collar confined with a silk cord and tassel. The hair disposed in the Eastern style* with a fancy flower in front or on one side. A Vittoria cloak, or Pyrenean mantle, of poruona green sarsnet, trimmed fringe ofa correspondent shade, and confined iu grace- ful folds on the left shoulder. A white lace veil thrown oyer the head- dress. A large Eastern parasol, the colour of the mantle, with deep Chinese awning — Koman shoe, or Spanish slipper, of pomona green kid, or jean. Gloves of primrose or amber- coloured kid. ASSIZE OF BREAD, Set the 7th day of September, 1813, for the Town and Liberties of Shrewsbury, to take place on Saturday next. lu, oz dr. A( TVehhJ'ool Cheese & Baiter Fair, ILL be held Oil MONDAY, the 27th Instant, being I he FIRST MONDAY after the TWENTIETH, 011 which Day it is annually held. Welshpool, September fi, 1813. This Dai/ is published, Piice Is isd. CATALOGUE of ROOKS in various Languages and Classes of Litcrntuic, now selling hv WM. SMITH, IRONBKIDGE. Cat'ilo£* ues may be h: « l at the Place of Sale ; of EDDOWES and Watton, Shrewsbury; HoulMon, Wellington; Long- man, Hurst, and Co. London; and all other Booksellers. CAMBRIDGE CLUB. rj- MIE NEXT MEETING of the Cambridge Club will 8 be held al Ihe I'ox INN, 011 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20tll, 1813. THOMAS EYTON, jun. Esq. President Sir COltBET CORSET, Bait. Vice- President. ROBERT Wit DING EEGS Leave to inform bis Friends and the Public, that he has commenced Business in Ihe TEA and . GRO- CERY Line, at the House lately occupied by tie Miss LANFS, opposite the MARKET HOUSE, Shrewsbury, where every Attention will be paid to those Orders with which lie may be favoured. ~ JOSKPH COLLIER,~ TAILOR ANl) HAPJT MAKER, SHREWSBURY, RESPECTFULLY begs Leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he intends carrying on the above Business, NEAR THE TOWN HALL, and humbly solicits their Patronage and Support, hoping,,* by strict Attention to their Orders, to merit tbe same. To bis numerous Friends in WELLINGTON and its Vicinity, he begs to return his sincere Thanks for tbe many Favours conferred upon him during his Residence there, and Io. assure those who may please to favour him w ith their Support, that their Orders, shall be punctually attended tu. September 2, 1813. " Time" JOSEPH BIRCH and GFORGE YOUNG respectfully inform tbe Public, that Kilns are now erecting in tbe Canal Wharf to burn LIME from the STEER A WAY STONE; and that, at present, Lime is brought bv them daily in covered Boats from that Work in 24 Hours, and delivered as fresh as from the Kilns. Tbe superior Quality of the STEFRAWAY LIME < TONE is well known ; and such Arrangements are made as vvill prevent any Team bein? detained longer thau the Time required to load tbe Carriage. All Orders are requested to be given to G. YOUNG, Canal Wharf. Shrewsbury, lit September, 1813. Penny loaf, or two ? ,, halfpenny loaves { Twopenny loaf Threepenny loaf ..... Sixpenny loaf .,. Twelvepenny loaf ,, f Wheaten } Household To weigh < White . f^ d. ditto ^ Wheaten j Household 0 11 i Wbeaten 0 12 ) Household 1 \ Wheaten 1 ) Household 2 ^ Wheaten 3 11 3 H 8 t » 12 1 8 2 0 SHRKW HURT, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1815, BIRTH. Saturday, the 4th inst al Caynton House, in this county, tbe Lady of Thomas Leeke, Esq. ofa son. MARRIED. Monday last, at Llauyhlodwell, by the Rev. S. Steele, H. P Tozer, Esq of Broadbempslon, in the county of Devon, to Mrs. Griffiths Aubrey, of Broom Hall, in this county, widow of the late Rev. Daniel Griffiths, Vicar of Oswestry, and youngest sister of tbe late Richard Aubrey, Esq. of Clehonger, in the county of Hereford. . At Whilch reh, on Sunday last, Mr S. Parker, to Ann, J ; second daughter of thH'ite Mr. Robert Harper. Ou the i6th ult the Rev. Archibald Montgomery Camp- belt, to Elisabeth Jul'ia, second daughter of J. Ciiysbyre, Esq. of Bcuuington, Herts DIED. Monday se'nnight, aged 67, Mrs. Smart, wjfe of Mr. . had . also pioct of fhe Surveillante. Officer of rank is, we understand, to be established at the j The Gazette lurthcr contains the appointment of the Earl of f the nesieging army, to give Government au j Aoerdeen to be his Majesty's Plenipotentiary at the Couit of The garrison of Vienna; and a long list ot the promotion of officers who have head- quar' account of the progress ot the operations, Damzie is numerous, and may now he considered effective, the disabled soldiers of the campaign of last winter left there in hospital having had'time to recover from their fatigues. The Governot and Commander. Count ftapp', is considered an able. Officer, and who will' protract the defence to the last. It is stated lo have been ascertained, iu the clearest and most satisfactory manner, from the. regular returns, and fiom actual pjaiades and inspections, at wtiich the Members of tbe Biiti- h Missions have been present, that Prussia has on foot a force of lti0,0(! 0 regular disciplined soldiers, of which upwards ot 100,000 were actually in line> iu front of the enemy, equally in point of appearance and training to any • troops in the worlds and of a character not inferior to'the best, times c f the military celebrity of Prussia> as was fully oved in th. battles of 1 . ulzVii and Bautzen. The lemain- c f> 0,000 of the Puissian regulars were in depots or garrisons the rear, consisting of newer troops, not yel s » :> perfect a pro the o'liei. s, but possessing the beat qualities aud dispositions, and furn? shin0 of battle* In addition to these, there is the landstrum, or levy en mtasn, ubico n. is now advanced the whole tnifitaiy population o) the Prussian Stales 10 a respectable • state' of discipline, by a training of several mouths duration. I^ be Court oi Vienna seems to have been particularly eager to lose no time io communicating to Bouaparte its Declaration of War j for, on the * eiv next morning after the Ari, u. i> tice was denounced, as early as one in the morning of. the i lth, the Austrian Minister irehve'ied to the Count de- Naibonne Jthe Fieoch Plenipotentiary, the impoiiant Document. It has been supposed, that Bonapatte keeps back this iu elligence from fhe ' people of France, hoping to be able to gain some great victory, fhe account of the victory and the Austi iun Declaration ivotdd then be made known al too same time- A letifcr from M. Schul z, the Agent at Heligoland, slated that some travellers had ai rived 011 that island, w ith the account thai Lutieck, tlfuzuxs:^, arid Lauenburgh, had been retaken by the Ciown Pi: nCe « > f Sweden's anny, ai. d that uot less than 100 waggons of wounded Frenchmen had arrived at Hamtiurgh. The total amount of the, force undei thecoiiiuiand of the, Crown Piince was 1 i0,000 cfieciiye men. It was in coulemplat ion that, the Archduke Cliaries should head tbe Austrian, Russian, and Prussian united anny in Bohemia. By the last letters from Spain, we are concerned to hear, that Lieut.- Gen.. Sir Thomas> Picton had been compelled, from bad health, to rditiqnibh his command, and was coming home ; aud lhat Dysentery bad begun to prevail among tiie troops. A ^ pt cial General Court of Propiietors of East India Slock w.- is held yestt rday, in consequence of a Iieqmsitiou presented ' O ' he Court ot Directors for that purpose. NJr. Peter M001 e Mhpi; tt< d two juopositmns to the'Court. The first, which distinguished ihemseivcs in Spam. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. A morning paper gives an extract of a letter from Malta, whi h states, that the plague had greatly subsided 111 that island, aud it \\ as confidently expected that the warm season, during the two first weeks of the following month, would occasion it wholly to disappear. Private letters from the neighbourhood of St, Sebastian are to the 27ih ult. and state that the bombardment of the place had been resumed with extraordinary spirit, and that it was expected that the town, if not the citadel, would in a very few days surrender. Tbe loraier, it is said, U reduced to a boap of ruins. There is touch talk iu Paiis of the absence of the E » r*, jfess from ihe Councils of State a' this critical juncture, consider- ing the dignity of her station as Queen Regent, which entitles her to preside . ov\\ r them ; some say, a quaere! has actually taken place between the Empress and Napoleon, in couse- ' 1 *' * 1 -*•-* — I ^^^^ ! 1-. ee o, t„ e former having e^ sed herself ^ free, j M iimnBiu « « » » » « . I the polities of Earojie ! otliers again state, fliaf ihe has been ] rem n ed from the bead of aff. rii s, ou account, of ilie delicate situation in w bich sue would be placed, in c. H^ eqiieuce of Uie respective inteie^ l. ot her tiu^ baud and ner father. jdostficrtpt. LONDON, Monday Niglit, September 6, 1813. Importanl Paris papers have this'moment reached us to the 3d inst. 1 licy communicate oiheiat details of'a general bailie, in wuich the Kus/ uuis, Ausinans, and Prussians, were engaged with the euemj. The French claim a victory, but there are many cirtuni- slaiices connected wita tiie action from winch satis- faction may fairly be ilcrivcd. " Pari « , September Is/. " Military evenis, which have succccdod » ith rapid- ity, not permiuioj* « « give a delailcd reiatiuu of them, we are authorised, m the mean time, io pub- lish the following letter, ad. ire- feed by His Excellency the Duke of liassano, Minister of Foreign Affairs, lo His Serene Highness tlie Fruice Arch- Chancellor -> f the Empire. Dresden, 27th August, si. r in the even ng. My Loid— I had ttie ftonOur to write yesterday ( the Jotli) and to announce to your Serene I ft.- It lif, liiat the Rusian, f-' rttasian, and Austnan Aanies hiid marched to atta. k Dreiden, under tiie e'ves'(< it tlieir Sr. ettigus, and that ih.- y have been repulsed at nil'noinis.. " Hostilities caniieoced on ( lie 17th Wis " Majesty entered Bohemia the liir i" tti ' ceopMnic tlie principal debouches Smart, bookseller, Worcester, formerly of this town. At bis seat near Tunbritlge Wells, ihe Baron de Rolle He was of Switzerland, aiid at the early a| jc of 15 was in ihe Swiss Guards. Al the commencement of the Revolution he was a Captain hi that corps aud Aide- dc- Camp to Couul D'Arlois Before llie campaign of 179- 2 he resided at llie Court of Berlin as the accredited agent of the Bourbon family. At l^- icesler, Dr Vaujjhan, an eminent physician of lliat place, and f . l her of , M r. Sergeant Vaughan. lu his 101st year, Mr. llichardsou, srlioolmaster, of! Chesler. A few days ago, al her residence af Islington, a woman, named Parker, well know n as a washerwoman, in tlie load year of her age. In St. Martin's in Ihe Fields, London, the celebrated Thomas Laugliler, betlei known by theuaineof Old Tommy, iu bis 114th ) ear. Vis iting Clergyman this week at the Infirmary, the Rev. j Mr. Sieduian: — House- Visitors, Mr. Crump and Mr. 1 Cddowe3 Friday last, William Coupland, Esi| waselccfed Mayor of this I own and liberties for the yearensuiug. T « oSermoni A- ere preached on Sunday last, at St. Chad's, for the ^ hropshtri Auxiliary Bible Society, by the Rev. Regi- nald Ilebet, A M Keelor of Hodiiel. aud the Rev. John Eylon, A. M . Vjciir uf Wellinstbn ; afler which collections were made to the amount of £' a4.0s. 3d. So extraordinary a storm of wind and rain as took place 011 Monday last, can scarcely he recolle. led at this season of fhe year. In the country some frees have been blown down, houses lint hat died, and a great quantity of Ibe growing fruit dislodged from the frees. Ou Sunday, flic 22.1 nil. a piece of Sacred Music, com- posed for four voices, the words taken from the 133d Psalm, was performed iu the parish church of Linlou, Hereford- shire ; when thedisiiuct parts both vocal aud instrumental, weie supported by a father and seven sons! The Pi iuce Regent arrived at Ragley, Warwickshire, the delightful seat of Hie Marquis of Hertford, on Monday se'nnight. His Royal Highness was accompanied by the Duke of Clarence, and his usual attendants. The Hereford Journal states that the graiu in that county Household 4 All Wheaten and Household Bread must be made of Wh al only.— Wheaten to be marked with a large W.— Hon-, hold wi< h a lart; e H. Prices of Grain iii our Market 011 Saturday last:— Wheat 14s. to 15s. 4d. per bushel of 38 quarts-} Oats 8s. 6d. per customary measui e of 57 quarts. !\ lark- T. ane, Sept. 3 The Wheal trade continues exceedingly lie ivy having 110 demand ; and tbe arrival of a large quantity from the Balt ic has caused a fin ther depression in our prices— but although less money is asked than on Wednesday, no sales can be effected ; Oats, being iu short supply, support Iheir pricas ; Barley is rather lower ; in Peas, Beans, ahd other articles, there is no alteration. Current f'r/ re of Grain per Quarter as under : Wheat 8( K to 100s. White Peas 65, to 70s. Rarlev 3S » . to 40s. I Oats 40s. to 44s. Malt 84s. to 90s. j i5ean » 6? s. to 64s. Fine Flour 85s. to 90s — Seconds 80s. to. 85s. SEPT. 6.]— Having a short supply of English Wheat this morning, tine white from Essex sold readily at last Mon- day's prices, but all other descriptions are about 3s. per quarter cheaper I bail 011 that day The arrival of upwards of20,000 quarters of foreign wtieat lias caused dull sale for red w heal at the above decline. Barley suports last week's prices; Beans are 5s. per quarter dearei, aud weie taken off very fieely at ttial advance ; White Peas are 2s. per quarter liitber. The supply of Oats being rather small, fine fresh corn obtained rather more money than on Friday. In Grey Peas, Rye, and other articles, there is no alteration. SALOP IM'IKMARY. NOTICF. is hereby given, tbat the AN NIVERSARf MEETING of. tlie Contributors to this Infirmary, will be held on FRI DA V, the 24th of SEPTEMBER lusr, All Contributors and Friends to this Charity are desired f( i a'ten I Cecit. WKI. II FORESTKR, Esq. the Treasurer, at ten o'CIock in ihe Morning, from the Infirmary to St. Chad's Church; where there will be a Sermon on the Occasion, and afterwards to dine with him al the TALBOT IN The Accounts aud Proceedings of ibe Infirmary will be then rea. lv to be delivered tothe Contributors. September 4, 1813. JOHN JONES, Secretary. AS KTEPEK. WANTS a Situation as Keeper, or Bailiff' and Keeper, a Person, 30 Years of Age, w ho is well qualified to fill the Situation, and can produce a most unexceptionable Character. Apply ( if by Letter, Post- paid) to THE PRINTER. CROC ER^ B USIYESP. WANTED a steady active Youth, of respectable Connections, as 011 APPRENTICE to tlie above Business.— A Premium will be expected. Apply fo THE PllINTEU. TO IRONMONGERS, BRAZIERS, AND TIN- PLATE WORKERS. TO BF. DISPOSED OF, AWELL ESTABLISHED TRADE Branches, Where tbe Returns a: e t b, e ahqva ery handsome — The Purchaser to ta ; e to the Stork and Fixiures, and may have a Lease of the Premises for a Term of Yeais. Apply at THE PRINTER'S. SHROrSHIRE CANAL! rpHE next GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Company A of Proprietors of Ibe said Canal, will be held at TIIK HOTKI., in Madeley- wood, in the County of Salop, on FRIDAY, the FIRST Day of October next, at Ihe Hour of Eleven; when and where tbe several Proprietors of the said Canal are requested to attend, either in Person, or by Proxy. Madeley, DAVID DAVIES, 5th Sept. l& 13. Clerk to 1 lie Company SCANDAL. WHEREAS a ' N EAS" has been advertised, Clapelry o/ liadnail, September 1,1813. Reward of ON E HUNDRED GUI- been advertised, by Mr THOMAS GROOME, of SMKTHCOTT, for Hie " Apprehension and Conviction of some Person or Peisons that have beaten, and other- wise ill- treated several of Ids Sheep : We, the undersigned, have Cause to believe, and ar « unanimously of Opinion, lhat the above Charge of beating and ill- treating ihc Sheep is entirely WITHOUT FpUX DA- TION, and fabricated solely for the Purposes of Scandal anil Aspersion: [ John Walmsley TO THE CLERGY. AMARRIED Clergyman wishes to undertake, for the next Six Months, the Care ofa Church from which the Incumbent is desirous of being absent for that Period. The Use of the Huuse will he required. There are 110 Children. Letters ( Post- paid), explaining Particulars, addressed to " Mr DOUGLAS, Post Office, Chester," will be immediately answered. for ANY Persons desirous of contracting small STONE BRIDGE over SOUL. TON TO BUILDERS. building a BROOK, oil the Road leading from Wem to Hawkstone ; and also for'building a small BRICK ARCH at B LACK HUBS'!' s FORD, ou the lload leading from Ellesmere to Weill; are requested to send iu Proposals, for both or ei I her of them, sealed up, and directed for the Clerk of Ihe Peace, at ibe Shire Hall, Shrewsbury, 011 or before SATURDAY, the. lSlh Instant. Plans nnd Specifications may be seen by applying at the Clerk of the Peace's OfKce, or to the County Surveyor, Canal Office, Ellesmere John Matthews Seth Pickstock Thomas Rogers William Stringier Robert Scutt G. Hildilch John Kilvert John Wood William Merrington Edward Acton Edward Bioughall. " 1 CORNELIUS MADDOX., of Brougbton, Cattle Doctor to the Sheep in question, do hereby declare, that Mr. THOMAS GROOME'S Advertisement is a scandalous Falsehood; that the apparently r/ ianglcd State of his Sheep is the result of, a Malady toichich those Animals are liable; and I can, if called upon, make Affidavit of the same " ( SignedJ ' I' CORNELIUS MADDOX." " Witness, JOHN STIIKF. T," BRTTON'S GENUINE BRITISH OIL; AMEDICINE which stands unequalled for the Cure of internal or external IJiuises, I. rmienes « , Swellings, Ir.^ flauimations, St. Anthony's Fire, Sore Legs, Contusions, Green and other Woultds, Burns, Scalds, Contracting. of the Nerves, Scorbutic, RlieunAtie,' and Leprou? Disorders ; and taken internally Numbers'nfilioted with Coughs, InflaiH-' mations on the l. ungs, and Consumptions, have been snatched fiom the Brink of ibe Grave, by the timely U- e ' of it. ( j^ p Purchasers ore requested to observe, that the Words, DICKY and Co." ara p mtiid in itnrSiauip affixed over the The Contractor must be provided with proper Sureties 1 Cork „ f each Buttle and signed in the Margin of each Bill for the line Performance of his Contract, and for upholding j of oireotitins All others me COBVI- ERPEIT. the same for seven Years after the lime of its Completion. ! . ,, ..... • — | Sold, u holesalr, at the original Warehouse fur Du'ev and FARMING STOCK, and HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ) Co.'. s Medicines, No. 10, Bow Churehry » nl, London, ' Pii. c To he told by Auction, Iu- ,9d. a BjU,' » « V- • e'ftned « s. _ 9, i. j>.. ty included; ami BY li. POOLE, On Monday and Tuesday, the 2oth and. 21st Days of September, lsi3 : AIL the valuable FA ii M ING STOCK, 1MPLE MENTSiu HUSBANDRY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, of Mr. CHAMBERLAIN,- of the RUDGES FARM, at Lighlmoor, who is declining. the Farm- ing Business ; consisting of two valuable Draught Mares, one of which is in- foal, and one capital two- year old Filley ; five prime Dairy Cows ; one Sow in- pig, aud four Store Pigs; three Sets of Gearing, one Waggon aud Gearing, two Tumbrils, one Plough* two Pair of Harrows, V\ ianow- lbarrow, Half- strike, Straw Engine, two retail by. one or more throughout the Kingdo. iexpectable Vender in every Town nevtr bore a finer appearance, or promised to he more pro- ing Machine, Wlue ductive, than m ibe present year. The hops in many situ- Corn Colters, two Doze it ot Bags, Grindstone, two Saddles ations are Very good, aud a considerable quantity ol cider expected to be made. If is riot irrelevant to this season of the year to, remark, tbat theh aves of the herb plantain, plant ago major, have been found to relieve Ihe swelling ami pain occasioned by the siing of the bee. w , juid hon- et. Bristol Fair commenced on Wednesday. The following were the prices of leather: Heavy crops, 23d. to 2s. id. ; light and middling ditto, 2i> d to 2.') d. ; shoe aud coach hides, 2s. Id. tofis l| d. j best sadhVs ditto, 2s to 2s. id.; common and inferior dilto, 22d t023d ; bolls igd. to 2od ; buffaloes, 17< i. to 2ld; rounded ditto, 22d- to 2s.; close rounded ditto, 2*. 2d. to is. tkl } horse hides, 2od. to 23d.; Spanish ditto, 2^ d to2s. 2d ^ best palles n skins, 3s. lod. tr> 3s. I id. j common ditto, 3s. to 3s grl: 5 heavy ditto, 10d. to 3s yd. ; Welch dillo, 23 od to 3s. rcl ; Irish ditto, 2s. Qd to 2s Ud ; kips, 2s 3U. to2M. Qd.; li^ ht seals, i> s. 7; d. it) 2s lod. j raw B. tienos A'yr? s hides,;. sd' to . i< o< l. j sailed . Irish Calf, 8d An awful and remarkable circumstanci,— On Tuesday last a coroner's inquest was taken on the btdy of Darnel Poole, of and Bridle, Side Saddle, six Harvest Bottles, with Fig Troughs, Spades, Shovels, Sieves, Riddles, and oilier Im- plements.—. The HOUSEHOLD Goons comprise handsome Fourpost, Tent, and other Bedsteads, and Hangings, Goose Feather Beds, bolsiers, and Fiilows-, Blankets and Bed quilts, Mahogany Dining, Pembroke, Tea, and Dressing t ables, six Mahogany Chairs and one Elbow, handsome Mahogany Chest of Drawers, Mahogany Wash- band Stands, Chamber and Kitchen Chairs, Oak double Chest of Drawers Pier and String Glasses, Bedside Carpets Clock- faced Baro- meter, large Housekeeper's Press, handsome Eight Day Clock and Case, Fowling Pie^ e, Wire and Kitchen Fenders, aud Fne Irons, several Sets of Enamel China, Copper ami Tin Ware, with other Kitchen Requisites : also lai ge und small Mash Tub-, Coolers, Washing Tubs, Pails and Gawns, sever"! . capital Iron- bound Ale and Beer Casks, Barrel Churn, and complete Assortment of Dairy Utensils, & c • s -•;,••.•' The Sale to begin each Day precisely, at 11 o'CIock.— The Farming Stock, Brewing und Dairy Utensils to be sold the first Day. } t 4 THE FOLLOWING ARE CASES OF THE EFFICACY OF DlXON's JNTIBILIQVS PILLS\ SIR, From tbe Hon. J. MASSEY. IHAVE found great benefit from Dixon's Antib'ilioos PifIyA. vvnibh I got at Oxford. I shdulii lhauk you lb send me two or three large boxes as soon as you can, to take yv i'h me into the country, being the only. Family, Me lieiue I am now in the habit of using. 1 am, . Sir, your's, J. SIR,— I have been in the habit of taking your Dixon'? Antibdious Pills with the greatest s\ icee* s, for tlw^ last three \ ears, paiticularly when pregnant; I'have also recomniended them toseveral of my female acquaintances ; n a sr. ndar state^ also to several gentlemen who are in tbe batiit ol frequenting our bouse. Being qui'e out of the pills, 1 should ihank v> » u to send me two '' of your Family Boxes, as 1 am IHIW' within six weeks of my confinement. Mr. Bepnett is Postmaster, and as soon as t receive tbe PilU, I will remit you a Post Ottoce Order to the amount. Please to direci tlieai lo me at the Hotel, . tiereioid. I am. sir, your obedient ^'. vaut. Hotel, Hereford, Jan. 14, h'. LIZ . BENNETT. Sold wholesale and retail, at Mr. Bu ier s, 4. Chert, pside, Corpei of. St. Paul's Cbnrch Yard, L n tion ; Eonowus, Wat?- lun, Palin, and M « ) rris, Slirew « buiy- t Bu- p- ess, HUM Hool- tonSi, Wellington j Smith, ! r. ou bridge, aud vV en lock . GiUou and Ban^ trait^ j Bri^ gnottb j Edwards and Morrall, Oswestry;: BauIh/ fcUesmere . i> n- nter, Wrexham; Poole, Chester, and Wiobt Medicine VenUuis, in B > xes at 2s. 9d. and Os, etch. [ I IK or Saasuge Seasbn. cbmmnccd. ELI Z A BF. tH Tru IMF, PORK SAUSAGE MAKER 0$ LY, OFFERS her most ' grateful Thanks to the Nolnlity, Gentry, and Public in general, iff Shropshire ant) s'Ur- roundihg Counties, for their almost utianimous Support for so many Years past, for the very increased Demand of last Season, and tbe numerous Tealimonies she has received from vast Numbers of Ihe lirst Epicures, allowing bet- Sausages to be VERY FAR SUPERIOR, ill Delicacy and Flavour, to any itvtlie United Kingdom; assuring Ihem that every Attention shall lie paid to their future Com mauds. She likewise assures her Friends she purchases the best Pork that is killed, in general three times per Week, so that ber Sausages arc made fresh several Times each Day, with a tMaclinic, which for Dispatch and Cleanliness has not an Erf mil. Sausages and Sausage Meat IN POTS, from one to six lbs. carefully packed, antl sent lo tiny Distance { Cf* None are tier's lhat are not iueloserl in a Paper stamped with Ihe Plume of Feathers, and these Words, E llulmes Park Sausages " Hif( h Street, Shrewsbury, 7th September, 1813. MO.\ 1' GOMEKYsHlHK LA. NAL. AT a GENERAL ASSEMBLY ofthe Company of Proprietors of the Montgomeryshire Canal, holden by Adjournment at the Caual Office 111 Pool, I he 24th Day of August, 1813 Sir W. W. WYNN, Bart. (' hairuian : Ordered, That the Engineer do make a Survey, Plan, and Estimate of EXTENDING this CANAL from Garthmil lo Briurlerwin Brulge, following neatly the Line of the present Feeder, aud of a KAIL ROAD from theuce to Newtorvn: Antl that he lay the Survey, Plan, aud Estimate, before Ibis Assembly at its next Adjournment. Resolvd, that this Assembly be, and it is accordingly, further adjourned 10 Wednesday, the 131I1 Day of October next, at twelve o'Cloek at Noon, at ibis Office, in order to take the saidSurvey, Plan, and Estimate into Consideration. .1. HILL, Clerk. NOTICE TO CI! ED) TORS. mBE Creditors of CHARLES GLOVI R, ihe Younger, of JL RL YT- ON, in the County of Salop, Farmer, who have not already signed their Names lo the Deed of Assignment, made in Trust for their Benefit, are hereby informed that the Deed is left wilb Mr. RICHARD JOY, of Coekshutl, one ofthe Assignees, to receive the signatures of Creditors; and such of them as do not sign the same, on or before the seventeenth llay of September next, will be excluded the Benefit of the Trust.— August 31, 1813 " T^ TOTICE is hereby given, that Application is intended to be matle to Parliament in ihe next Session for C. HULBE BEGS leave most respectfully to inform his FrieneU and Customers, that having REMOVED from Ihe WYLE COP, he bas opened a commodious Warehouse, next door to the R A VN 1 \ N; R v VEN- STREFT, where a new Selection of MERCERY, DRAPERY anrl other GOODS aWaits their Inspection. C H. having long witnessed the anxious Desire of the 1 nbabifaiils of Ibis truly polite and highly respeclableTowu, for something like a REPI RTOIIY of the ARTS, is filling op a large Room for Ihe Sale of PA I NTINCS, TRI NTS, Sic He also com eives that the Business of a Bookseller ami Stationer will be ail eligible antl useful Appendage, for which Purpose lie has laid iu a choice Collection of NEW and SECON D- HA N N BOOKS (£ 5" Particulars in a future Advertisement. GAME. ' ~~ WHEREAS the Game on the Estate of THOMAS ROYDS, Esq. situate at BRONCROl-' T, t' e WINE LETS, ( Lower Paths) and the LODGE, in the Parishes of Diddleburv, and Tngford, have of late been entirely destroyed by Poachers and unqualified Persons; and there having been several Brace of Pheasants lately turned out in the Winelets Wood 011 Ihe said Estate, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that all unqualified Per- sons detected in destroying the Game, will be prosecuted; and all qualified Persons are requested lo forbear Sporting thereon. Rraufield, August 26th, 181: 1 To the CREDITORS of RICHARD DAXSF. Y, Esq. raill E Creditors of RICHARD DANSEY, late of EAS- 9 TON, in t he Couuty of Hereford, Esq. tier. eased, are requested lo stool an Account of their respective Demands to his Sou, DANSKY RICHARD DANSEY, Esq. at Easlon, near Tenhury. Easton, 26th August, 1813. t^ f Several eligible ESTATES, in the Parishes of I IT- TLE HEREFORD and ASHFORD CARDONELL, will speedily be advertised for Sale, in Lots. hv. £ ucttoit. by Suction. HORSES, WAGGlLNs, TUMBJtlLS, & c. At two o'Clock o•:• Saturday Aftei; ,1111, September 18th, I8i3; at the M irkrtt I'l re; FIVE WAGGON HORSES, ill I ,- .; THREE WAG- GONS, Ditto; T » U TUMBRILS, Ditto; GEARS for fiye Horses, Ditto. The Horses are voting, steo. lv, and good Workers; Ihe , Waggons, Tumbrils,' ant! Gears iu good Condition, aud well' A Ll- those TWO PIECES of LAND, silin worth the At t> htiort of Purchasers. ; J * TO* LANE, in the Parish of St. Julian, Shrewsbury, September 8; 1813. A' HAWARDISM GRAMMAR SCHOOL, FLINTSHIRE. fBTH F. FEOFFEES having latelv erected a commdiotis B SCHOOL- HOUSE, adjoining this School, together with a Dormitory over the old School Room, 48 Feet in length, hy 18 Feet iu breadth, aud haying nearly completed Ibe Whole in a manner suitable to a genteel Establishment, do now offer the same to the Notice of Schooi- masters, under the hope, thai an Appointment mn\ be made to the I interest both of the Master and the Parish, as well as lo j thai of the Public at large. I Tbe Feoffees, wilh the most liberal Sentiments of E11- I couragement towards a deserving Master, flatter them- j selves that they shall be so fbilunate as to meet with a 1 Person v.- hose reciprocity of Sentiment will ensure a steady, impartial, and uniform Discharge of his School Duties; ,„ ,„.,, „ ... „ Hill IIKI ohl- riu 101 At I for dividing 1 ' , X """""" ' " LOT VII. A DWELLING HOUSE, on I be VI yle Cop, Will Leave. 10 h, ing in a Bill, atitl obtain an At l, lot dividing, ,„ d sllch Circumstances, tbey cannot help expressing aSuopin Front well situated tor Business now 11 the allotting, aurl inclosing tbe Coiumollllble Lat. dsand Vtasle il,,.:.. Confidence. that the Establishment u-. mld L hoi 1> 1 f.:" . 1 . - a, ea "" Busme" s> " ow uie SHREW. SBUHY // tO. V. V'IVOR/!'. SHOP, DWELLING HOUSES, WAREHOUSES, A VD STABLING. bV JO • \ I'H \ N PKRRY, At tlie Unicorn I1111, in the Town ofiSluewsburv, 011 Satur- day, the 18th Day ot Ibis Instant September, at three o'Clock in lite Afternoon, unless disposed of in the mean Time by private Contract, of which due Notice will be j given; MOST excellent IRONMONGER'S SHOP, with tbe I several WAREHOUSES, STABLES, and DUEL- LI NG HOUSES hereafter described, situate st the Boi torn j of ihe WYLE COP, in Back Lane, and Friar's Lane, in Shrewsbury afoiesuid, in the follow ing Lots: LOT I. A large and cointnhdiu. is Stiop, and VYAK; HOUSE , adjoining, 011 lite Giourtd Floor, witb twrr Flotiis ove the same, and excellent Cellaring under the Whole, together with a small convenient Yam behind the Premises, now IU tile Occupation of - Mr. Edward Hayes, antl Messrs. John Hughes and Sous. LOT 11. All lhat COUNTING HOUSE, DRIVING WAY, and WAREHOUSE, Willi two Floors over, together with A Shed and Yard adjoining, and a good Cellar and Vault un- der this Lot, which is situated in. Back Lane, and adjoining Lot I, and is now iu the Occupation of ' the said Mtssrs. J. Hught s and Sons. LOT III. A large WAREHOUSE, now used ns a Bacon House, with two Floors over the '* iuo> , ami a small Yoid behind, also adjoining l. ol I, und siluate in Friar's Lane aforesaid, now occupied by Messrs J. Hnghesatnl Sons. This Lot is capable of being ( Converted, at a small Expense, into Iw o Dwellings LOT IV. A STAHI- E, calculated to hold seven Horses, with Hay Bin on Ihe Ground Flour, and a small Yard attached, with two Floors above Ibe same, situate .. in iron's 1 . ane, and adjoining Lot 3, aud now also occupied by Messrs. Hughes's. LOT V. Four DWELLING HOUSES, situate in Back Lane, three of which are occupied by Thomas Bratlon, Ann Williams, Hugh Moiris, and thc other void LOT VI. A Pieceof void LAND in Back Lane aforesaid, we'd situated for building small Houses upon, with a small Gig House 1 hereon. LOT VII. A DWELLING HOUSE, 011 the Wyle Cop, with FREEHOLD LAND— SHREWSBURY. RY S TUDOR, At Ihe Fox Inn, in Shrewsbury aforesaid, onSitlnrdav, Ibe 18ih Day of September 1813, at four o'Clock in Hie A fternoon ; situate iu Si;, T- . , - .. lioii, containing try Admeasurement, ! SA. JR. | P. be the same more rir less, in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Enoch. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises; oml for further Particulars apply to Messrs. PEMREP. TON, Col P- LAN o, and Du x ES, Solicitors, at whose Office a Map of the; Lands may be seen > t7> Tl. e Piece of Landln Briek- lti! ri Lane, advertised in our last, is disposed of by private Contract. NORTH DEVOX, AND ALDERNET CATTLEs AND SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. The Property of the Right Hon. LORD BRADFORD. In Toils, ai WESTON, OU Friday, the 24th September, 1813, T T PW ARDS of 20 Head of Cattle of the purest North V. Devon Breed, consisting of in calf Cows attd Heifers, and six Pan- of Bullocks well adapted to work or feed. 1 lie above have heen bred with Care and Attention from ti e most valuable Storks. Likewise several high bred Aliiernev I Cows; and 40 South Down F. wes, bred from the Stork of I his Grace the UUKE of BEDFORD flafe hp 8Mw% f SALE POSTPONED TO THE SEVENTEENTH OF SEPTEMBER. SOUTHDOWN SHEF. P. TWO HUNDRED SOUTHDOWN EWES, in Lots of ten each, at WOl VF. lt I EY, near Kidderminster, on Ihe Moriiingtof the ! ffh of September next : Also EIGHT RAMS, to be I EI for the Season. These Sheep arc the Property of Mr John K igbt, and | have been bred ft001 Mr. Ellman's and Sir John Sebright'* ' Flocks. i 11 the Month of September or early ill October, 1813 : rfWO MESSUAGES and FARMS in llie Towns! ips of S Kinnerley. Argued, and PoVnstoh, in the County of Salop, in the Oecupatmi of Messrs. Davies, as Tenants lo the late Rev. Mr Ingram Particulars in a future Paper.. Enquire of Messrs. HoftiNSON and W 111 ELER, Teubury^ or Mr. LOSDALE, Salop. KE H It Y— M0\ TO 0" MEKYSHIRE. BY J BROOMF., fin the Premises 111 BLACK HALL, bear Kerry, in the County of Moutgonieiy, on Friday, the 10th Day of September, I813. A I. ARGF Assorimeiit of HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, tititl Esq of Holkham" ' a! lJ'' no5, AS i Cask « ; consisting of Fonrnl. st, Tent, and Bureau Bed - I he . lb, re Stock will be found well worth Ihe Attention V ™ 1*' M"' B.,, lfcU: r? » ?}>* Vm"* " S ™ 1 M » " of the Public - The Sale to begin precisely nt 12 ..' Clock U0ga">' « • « * « « « . Drawers, one Mahogany ! i Bureau, Ditto Dressing 1 allies and " ash- bond Stands; At the Talbot Inn, in the Town of Abervstwvlh, 01: ' Pier and Swing Glasses, Mahogany aud Oak Dining and Monday, Ibe 27th Day of September, 1813,' between the j other Tables rihrl Chairs, excellent Mahogany Sideboard, Hours of three aud six in Ihe Afternoon, subject to such Linen aud Clothes Presses and Chests, one Clink in a good " " ' Oak Casio two Stove Grates, with a Number of other Articles, & c. & e. The Sale io begin precisely at eleven o'Clock in the Morn, ing, as I he Whole is intended lo he sold in one Dav. N. B. Also, one Waggon, one Carl, one Pair of Harrows, one Garden Roller, and a Lot of Ash aud ElmTlMBER iu the Roiiud. ' t- is er- ne tug ia- ind itllt Mr. if a. Ulei re of iiir> Willi, ts. of Jer>'; BStn ICTLBL'' Fonli !( the I Bui I ami xi Ve j and | Taiu I PilK jrd me ( ih uie 111 now L Axon's I three pendetl . r state, Setitiiig ink v- tu f within inasier, [ a Post p tne at LETT.' M| isnle, is, VVatf. nil- tons, son . and fwestry ; ter, and etch. closing Grounds in Ihe Parishes trl Llanerfyl, Llaugadfan ami Garlbbeibio, and in the Town. hip of Caereiuiou- fcchan otherwise Llaudyho, 111 ihe Parish of Mal. lwyd, within thai Bart of llie Manor or Lordship uf Cae'- eiuion, which is commonly distinguished or known by tbe Name of Caerein- ion Uchcoed, in ihe Couuty of Montgomery JONES and OWEN Machynlleth, Gth Sept 1813. So icilors. ^ ty OL ICE . is It ere by given, lliat in tbe next S. ssurn of Parliament 11 Petition will lie presented to the llouour- jibie the House of Commons, tor Leave to bt nig 111 a Bill: foi cputinunig Ihe Term, antl altering and enlarging the Powers, of au Act of ihe twelfth Year of ihe Kelgn of tils preseut Majesty King George tin t hird, inlitleil" An Aci " for repairing, widening, aud keeping in Repair thc Road " from Butiton in tlie Couutyof'Safop; through Kulfckiu 10 t. laiiymynecli, in the same Couuty, and from Knot km " to tbe Lasl End oi the Llanria. ler Road, and from Place " Carrtck Lane to the Turnpike Road from Llauymyuecb " to Oswestry, near Coir! Issa Mouulain, and from OSA'CS- " try Turnpike Road on Knockin Heath lo the East End of 41 Knockiu Lane:" Aitrl also ot anolhet Act of the thirly- secouil Yearof his said Majesty, intiiled, " An Act for con- " tiniiutg ibc Term, and alteriug and eiiliugiug tlie Powers of. au Act of the twelltb Year of bis present Majesty, for " repairing, widening, anil keeping in Repair, lire Road " from Borlion, 111 1 be Connly of Salop, through Knockin « to Llauvmyiieeh, 111 the same County, and froin Kuockin < l lo ijie East End of Llauriader Road; and from Place " Can 1. k Lane to ihe Turnpike^ Road from Llunyinynech tl 1., Osoeslry, near Cold Issa Mountain, and fioin ( iswes- " try Turnpike Roatl ou Knoekm Heath, to tlic East Eud •' of Knock 1 ti Lane:" Aud which said Roads pa- s through the several Parishes uf Loppiuglon, Middle, Bastbureh, Royloii, Knock, u, Kiuuerley, uud Llanymyuech, in tiie County ot Salop. And 11 is intended 10 apply for Power I o alter and increase the Tolls taken under nnd by Virtue of the said recited Acls of Hie twelfth and thirty- second Years of the present King, or either of them. FRANCIS BRADDOCK, September";, 1813. Clerk to the Trustees OTICE is hereby given, Tliat Application is intended J3l tu be made to Parliament the next Session, for Leave to bring 111 a Bill lo continue anil enlarge the Term ant! alter aud amend lite Powers of an Act passed iu tbe 33d Year of ihe Reign of Ills present Majesty, entitled " An Act for repairing," widening diverting, and improving I he Road 44 from Slaflitt it to Church Bridge, and also Ihe- Roatl from " Stafford 10 Uitoxeier, all in the County ol Stafford ; aud " also Ibe Road trom Stafford 10 New port, in tlie County " of Salop," and to increase and alter Ibe existing Toll-.,, Rates, aud Dulles upon the said Roads; and to discharge the Arrears of Interest upon the Money borrowed; and which Roads pa- s thro' the several P. 11 ishes, Townships, or Places, of Ulloxeter, Brauishali, Loxley, Gratwicb, Chart- ley, Chariley Holme, Fradswcll, Stowe, Colwk- h, Gaylon, YVeslon, Hopton, Ingeslrie Tixall, Saint Thomas, l. itlle- worlh, Saint Mary aud Si Chad in Stafford, Forchridge, Berkswich, Acton Trussell, Brocton, Betlnall, Tedtlcsley, Haiberloii, Hnutingion, Cannock, Church Bridge, Caslle Chnreii, Bratlley, Billiuglon, Haughton, Gnosall, Plarrli- wick, Colon, VYilhriglilon, Coley, Aqualatc, and Forton, iu Stallordsbire ; and Newport, in Shropshire. Stafford, - 2d Septer, 1813. COLLINS and KEENS nth mis MONTH. W. 1FT and Co. tbe Contractors, respectfully remind llie ibeir Confidence, that tbe Establishment would be both permanent and productive, the School having heen iu Re pute, with its complement of Boarders, for almost 4b Years, under the same Master. The Feoffees, can, have 110 Objections to a Person in O. tiers, but their Statutes, for obvious Reasons, preclude an officiating Clt r^ ynian. TiieSituation of Hawarden is most delightful; its Air most salubrious ; not more tnan two Boys have died at I he School during Ihe above long Period— distant from Chester seven Miles, ou the great Mail Road to Holyhead. N. B. Letters addressed, Post- paid, to ihe Feoffees, at Hawarden, will meet with due Attention, as soon as they, tbe said Feoffees, have hatl tin Opportunity of copsitleiing the . Applications of the several Candidates. The School to be entered upon at Christmas next. Hawirden, August 26M,' 1813. Oecttp if ion of Mrs. Carpenter LOT VI I. Anothei DWELLING HOUSE, adjoiuing LUT7, now Unoccupied LOT IX Another DWELLING HOUSE, situate. near lo Lot 8, in the Occupation ut William Biarntner. LOT X Four DWELLING HOUSES, with good Gardens adjoining, situate at tire Hooka- Gale, near Welbatch, in I lie several Occupations of George Buffion, William Mansell, John Tipton, ami Mans, li . - . LOTXI A BUIL'IING and LAND, adjoining Lot 10, now used as au Ash Manufactory, aud occupied.. by Messrs J. Hughes and Sous LOT XII A DWELLING HOUSK, occupied as a Carpen- ter's Shop, near Lot 11, and adjoining the Roatl thereto, now 111 the Possession of Messrs Hughes and Simpson. Conditions of Sole os will be then and there produced : A MOST desirfable M AR1N F. Vl Ll A, most beautifully iTS " waled 011 the Coast of South Wales, adjoining the Town of ABERYSTWYTH, commanding extensive | ^ UiiV'A'i ' l" 1' V1EWS of the BAY of CARDIGAN, i SINUVVLON, and Ihe other Hills of Carnarvonshire ; 1 possessing . every requisite antl convenient Cflires, with a Hastore Field antl an excellent walled Garden adjoining, i I be House consists of ; r large Drawing Room, a' Dining Room, and Breakfast Room, with ocovered Balcony open- ing to the Sea, six best Bed Rooms, anil two Dressing Rooms. The Furniture may he taken at a Valuation. Iut titer Particulars may be bad bv applying to Mr. HUGH HUGHES, Aberystwyth, if bv Letter, Post- paid. FREEHOLD LANDS, etc. Near Kington and Eardisleit, Hel- efordshlre. BY HKNRY KNOWLES, At the Bells Inn, in the Village of Almelev, in the County, of Hereford, on Thursday, the gth Da'y of September, 1HI3, between the Hours of three ond six o'Cloek in the Afternoon of that Day, subject to Conditions to he then and there produced, in the following, or such olher Lot, as shall be agreed upon at theTime of Sale, viz— LOT I. ALL that COTTAGE and GARDEN, in Ihe Occupa- tion of Thomas Oweu, together villi a Piece of rich MEADOW LAND adjoining, in Ihe Possession of Mr William Wookes, called OWEN'S MEADOW, containing ill s Public, that ttie STATE LOTTERY begin drawing on ihe 17th of thw Month, Septexnber, on which Dav an additional Prize of T HO Us A. N 0 POUNDS will be uiven to the FIRST TICKET DRAWN a Prize above £' 20.— The hist 1,000 Blanks drawn on this Day will also receive £ i? 0 each— The Lottery consists of ouly 12,000 Tickets, and the Scheme contains TlLSTOCK ASSOCIATION. \! r.. T0HN TKEVt) R, President. Mr. VV. H WATSON, Treasurer. HEREAS divers Thefts, Robberies, Larce » ies, and pptty Crimes are frequently committed, whereby the injured Person is put to a great Expense in seeking after Ins Property, and prosecuting the Offenders, many of whom, for want of speedy Assistance, esf ape from or elude Justice, lo the Encouragement of such Crimes, ar. d to rhe great injury and vexation of the Country : in Order to prevent the like Offences for the future, and for the more effectual and expedition* Pursui*, Apprehension, and certain Prosecution of all such Offenders; We whose Names are hereunto subscribed, have formed ourselves into a Society for the better Detection and Prosecution of all such Persons as shaH commit any Injury or Depredation upon any of our Persons or Properties, and have agreed to allow the follow, ing Rewards on Conviction, for the Apprehension of any Offender or Offenders: For auy Person breaking open and entering any E. s d. Dwelling House in the Niyrht, on Conviction of that or any olher capital Offence 5 5 0 For any Person that shall lie found guilty of stealing, maiming, wounding, or otherwise injuring any Horse, Mare, Gelding, Bull, Ox, Cow, Steer, Heifer, Calf, Sheep, Lamb, or Hog; or stealing any Timber sawn or unsawn, or any Cordwood, ranked or unranked. J 3 3 0 For any Person stealing auy Corn or Grain, thrashed or unthrashed, out of any Barn or other Building 2 2 0 For any Person ste ling;, cutting- down, breaking, destroying or damaging any Trees, Saplings, Poles, or Underwoods, Shrubs, & c 110 For anyPerson fishing, netting, trowling, angling, or otherwise fishing, or stealing Fish out of any ofthe Ponds, Pools, Brooks, or Pits belonging to any of the Members 0 10 6 For stealing any Goose, or other Poultry, Corn or Grain out of any Field or Stack Yard, or robbing any Orchards, or Gardens, or stealing, or maliciously pulling up, or destroying any Turnips, or other Vegetables, or in anywise destroying Vegetation 0 10 6 For any Person found or detected stealing any Gales, Stiles, Posts and J » ails, or any other Iron- work or olher Things thereunto belonging, or breaking, cutting, or pu. ling down the same, or hy any Means destroying any Rails, Poles, Hedge Mound or other Fence..., 0 10 6 For any Person stealing any implements of Husbandry, or selling any Coals, or other Goods, from any Cart, Waggon, or other, Carriage, or for auy Felony, or Grand or Petty Larceny, not before noticed 0 10 6 For any Person convicted of receiving or conceal- ing any Stolen Goods, know ing the same to be stolen llo For any Tollgate Keeper, who shall give In- formation of any Horse, Cattle, or Sheep- sle'aler, Highway Robber, or Housebreaker, so as such Information shall lead to a Discovery.. 110 the ji'hole about 4A l R. f P LOT II TWO HOUSES and Gardens at Woonton, one in the Occupation of John Preece, and i he other void. LOT XIII A Quantity ot FJ A Y, > n a Field in t lie Sparrow I p T 11J' of very f* Hiie Meadow and in the Occupation of John ^\ y ^^ ° UARRY 1 adjoining, contain) ( j . 7 • 5u 2,331) , Prizes of ... . I'rizes of .... . Prizes of ... . Prizes of .... , Prizes' of . £ 20,000 10,000 1,000 500 200 Prizes of i'luu and £ 50 Prizes of i'i! 5 and £ m lu litis Lottery there is no Prize under £ 20. " Persons in the Country may be supplied vvilh Tickets and Shares, by sending llieir Orders, wilh Remittances, to tiller of SWIFT and Cu's Offices, iu Loudon, viz.— No. II, Poultry; [ So. 12, Charing Cross; or No. 31, Aldgute High- Street:— oi by Application to their Agents, J WATTON, Printer, SHREWSBURY, 11 P. SILVESTER, Bookseller, NEWPORT. W. FELTON. LUDLOW. D. PROCTOR, MARKET DRAYTON. NOR. THVVAl. Ls. rtlO be peremptorily SOLD, pursuant to an Order of llie JL High Court of Chancery, Ueuiiug Date tbe 14th Day of August, 1813, madein a, Cause wherein JOHN SPARROW, Esq. antl others are Plaintiffs, aud JOHN DAVIES, antl others ure Defendants, the eligible FREEHOLD ES- TATES, late Ihe Property of William Chambers, Esq deceased; consisting, of DOLYCORSLWYN HOUSE, aud several FARMS ( possessing very extensive Sheep Walks for upwards of 2000 Sheep, and valuable Right of Common), with nil necessary Outbuildings, and about l, loo Acies of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, capable of considerable Improvement, anil delightfully situated in the Parishes of Mallwyd antl Cemmes, in the Couuties of Montgomery aud Merioneth, Commanding ex- tensive picturesque View's, and the Rivers Dovey and Angel, which " srini through thc Estate, abound with Fish; Ihe Gamp has been well preserved, and Ihe neighbouring Mountains produce Grouse The said Estates will- be sold by EDMUND ALDER- SON, Gentleman, » tie Person appointed bv John . Simeon, Esq one of the Masters of the said Court, tit the Unicorn 1111 in Macbv nllelh,' in the said County of Montgomery, OII'TBURSDAY, the 7th Day uf OCTOBER next, ut 12 o'clock at Noon, 111 2' i Lots. The said Estates may be seen on Application to John Spanow, E « q at Dolyeorslwyn ; and Particulars had of him ( gratis) ; and tit llie said Master's Chambers, iiiKoulb- aniltloii Buildings, Chancery lane, London ; also of Messrs JON ES and OWEN, Machynlleth; of Messrs. JON. KS ami WILLIAMS, Dolgelly ; of Messns. VV. anil B. WHITTON, Great James- sire t, Bedford Row; and of Messrs CoL- LP. TT, VVlMBURN and COLLETT, Chancery- lnllf, J. ontlon, where. a Map of Ibe Estat maybeseen; and » t Syrnond's lua Coffee- house, Cliiiucery lane ^ foresaid. John Trevor Jos. Hrercton Richard Jones W. ft. Watson Joshua Webb John Brown William Kempsler Robert Edwards John Bromhall Samuel Hurley . lolin Griffiths N Ii Any Member having tiny Horse, Mare, Gelding, Corv, Sheep, Hog, or other Property stolen, is desired immediately to inform tbe following Members, who, to prevent delay, are appointed to inform Ihe remaining Part of the Society, viz. Messrs. WILLIAM KEMPSTER, JOHN BROWN, andSAMUEL HUXLEY. The ANNUAL . MEETING of the said Associa- tion will be held al the BLACK LIOV Inn, in Tilstocl:, on SATURDAY, the 11//; Day of SEPTEMBER, when any Person that is inclined to join the said Asso- ciation, may. inform some one of the Members, anil, if approved by u Majority, will he immediately accepted, so as such new Member is conformable io the Rules and Regulations r stahtished. BRITISH PAINT MANUFACTORY, 6a, ClUEFN STREET, CIIEAPSIDF., LONDON CI HEAP, Durable, and Impenetrable PAINTS, ground in j Linseed Oil, for Park Palings, Fences, Tiles, Slates, Plaster aud Stuccoed Fronts, Ship- painting, Oul- builrlings, antl Weather- boarding of every Description Lane, near Abbey Foregate H tight s and Sous LOT XIV. A Quantity of HAY, in a Field in Sutton Lane, near tlie Hermitage, also in the Occupation, of Ihe said Juhu Hughes antl Sons. Possession of Lots 3, 4,(), anrl 8, may be had immediately, anilot Lot 11 on the Ist of January, 1814. The other Lots roe let to Tenants from Year to Year, except Lot 1, 111 lhe Occupation of Mr Hayes. A Map ofthe Premises may be seen al theCorinting bouse of Messrs J HUGHES and SONS ; autl for further Pariicu lars apply to Mr. VV. EGERTON JEFFREYS, Solicitor, Shrewsbury OLD ESTABLISHLD i.\ N, DWELLING HOUSES, SI'ABLES, G UDE5. S,& 01HE. R PREMISES, WYLE COP, SHREWSBURY. BY JON A I HAN PKliivY, Al the Unicorn Inn, Shiervsbury, 011 Monday, the 20th September, 1813, at four o'clock in the Afternoon, in the fo lowing, or 011 er Lots, as may be then preferred, ( unless an acceptable Otier for tire VI hole or Part is made iu the Interim): LOT I ' IAHE UNICORN INN as above, containing sixteen B double ami single Bed R utnis, suitable for respectable Guests, file pleasant Parlours and Sitting Rooms; Bar, Kilcb< n, Brew house, Plrnlry, " cullery, and Cellaring underneath; also, sundry good Stables, with Hay Lolls, of Extent to receive forty Horses ; Carnage Sheds, Yard, wilh Pump thereon, Office's, and Carriage Road tu the Whole, together with the excellent Garden attached, tlie whole Premises extending from ttie Street to the River Severn oh the Easl Side of said Carriage Road, and now in the Occu- pation of Mr Edward VV illintits. LOT 11. That con modious DWELLING HOUSE, with cheerful Parlour and Tea Room m Front, suitable Bed Chambers, Kitchen, Pantry, and Cellaring, now occupied hy Mr. Edward Hayes, and adjoining Lot I Lot 111 All that genteel DWELLING HOUSE, with suitable Parlours, Silting Rooms, and Bed Chambers, cheerful Kite ben, convenient Brewhouse, Cellaring, ant! Offices, with a small. Garden attached, in Hie Occupation of Mr. Slndley ; also a two- stalled Slable adjoining, in the Occupation of Mr. Edward VV illiams, LOTIV. One six stalled Stable, one four- stalled Ditto, with Lofts over, and a Dwelling House nearly adjoining Lot 3, in the Occupation of Mr. Edward Williams, aiid a Spare for keeping Coal, iu the O'cciijraTibh of Mr. Edward Hayes . e . LOT V. All that exteusive and pleasantly situated GAR- DEN, with Erections thereon, well situated for Building; in. the Occupation of Mr Edward Hayes ; also a small Dwel- ling House aud Gaiden adjoining, in the Occupation of Mis. Harris. LOT VI. A Space of Yard, or Building Land, adjoining Lots4 and 5, as inaiked 011 the Premises, with Stable Erection thereon. LOT Vll. That very excellent an'd productive GAR DEN, well stocked with Fruit Trees", extending to the Public Wa k near the RiverSeveril, with pleasant Summer House oud a Privy thereon, and Coal Yard adjoining, in Ihe Occupation of Mr Siudley ; also a four- stalled Stable, wilb Gruinery over, occupied hy Mr. Edward Williams, and a Brew bouse occupied hy Mr. Edward Hayes. N B. Every Lot will be sold subject io each Purchaser having a driving Road, in ihe Day Time, to the several Lots along Ihe Carriage Road attached lo Lot 1. These Premises are eligibly situated, being up to tbe Severn, and have Space enough for the Establishment of a Manufactory, Biiewery, or other Concern requiring Extent of Room an, d Convenience of Site. For further Particulars apply to Messrs. ASTERLEY aud JEFFREYS, Solicitors; Mr. STUDLFY, Grocer, WyleCop ; or of THE AUCTIONEER, Shrewsbury. FIELD, and Meadow together about eight Acres, and now in lire Occupation of the suit! Mi Wuakes LOT IV. A remarkably rich and productive MEADOW, called Home's Meadow, in the possession of Mr Joseph Smith, containing about four Acres LOT V. A productive PI ECE of LAND, called JONFS'S LEYS, late in tin Occupation of Elisabeth Powell, but now of the said W. Woakes, Containing about loniAties, more 01 less LOT VI. A PIECE erf Pasture and CoppiceWood LAND, c alled QUARRY COPPICE, containing about one Acre, and now tn the Possession of tire said Mr. Woakes. N B The whole of tire above Lands, & c. are Freehold of Inheritance, excellent in Quality-, situated in the Parish of Almeley, about four Miles from Kington anrl one from Eardisley, 111 a very fertile Part of the County of Hereford ; Possession of each Lot n. uy be had 011 lire 2tl of February, 1814. Mr. WILLIAM W'OAKES, of Almeley aforesaid, will appoint 0 Person to shew all the I. tils except Lot 4, which tnay be seen on Application lo Mr. Joseph Smith, ti e Tenant; and further Particulars may he known at lite OlSeeof Messrs. ROSSSL and JONFS, Solicitors, Ludlow. HEREFORDSHIRE CATTLE, SOUTHDOWN SHEEP, CART AND HACKNEY HORSES. BY .1. BROOM F, On Wednesday, the 15th September, 1813, on Ihe Premises nt BROMFI F. L. D. near Ludlow, in Ihe County of Salop, the following Slock, the Property ot Mr. TENCH: Q/- W TIJORIirGH bred Hereford Cows, in- calf by excellent Bulls, winch may be seen at tbe Time of Sale. 5 well seasoned black Carl Geldings, Willi long Tails, and their Gears. 1 Ditto Ditto Mare. A clever bay Gelding, hy Cheshire Cheese, C Years oldj 15 Hands 2 Inches high, a goodGoer in all bis Pact s. A Ditto Ditto Mare, bv Alot-. io, 4 Yeais old, 15 Hands 1 Inch high; an excellent Hackney A strong, useful bay Gelding, by Jack Bull, 4 Years old, 14 Hands high, a good Roadster. The above Horses ami Marcs are perfectly temperate, tractable, anrl quiet. 171 thorough bred Southdown Ewes, from one to four Years old. 30 half bred Merino Ditto, two Years old, The above Ewes o ill be put up in Lots of lo each. ALSO to be LET BY At C'l ION tor the ensuing Season^ 20 Rents of tbe pure Southdown Breed. The Auctioneer re quests P « emission to state lo bis1 Friends ami the Public, that the Cn « have been chosen and bred wiflt niueb Care, from tbe most prime Stocks iu the County ofHerefoid; Ihc Southdown I'. wes ar. d Rams from the tno* t approved Flocks in the County of Sure- ex, ri'iol are u ell worth t lie Attention of Amateurs in Breeding *, the Cart Horses and Mare are excellent Workers; autl the Whole will he Sold without any Reserve HY J. BUOOMK" ~ At GARTH, Montgomeryshire, 011 Saturday, the 18th of September, 1813 ; " pART ofthe FARMIIVG STOCK of RICHARD MYT- 8 TON, Esq. consisting of 14 fat Bullocks, three, four, and five Years old; 60 capital South Down and Anglo Merino Ewes; 14 capital South Down and At g'o Merino Rams am! Ram Lambs; 7 Waggon Horses; with a Num- ber of Brood M ares, very highly bred, anil Colls and Fillies, mostly got by Pavilion. Catalogues mav be had at theOAK INN, iu Pool, and of THE AUCTIONEER. The Sale to commence at ten o'Clock. LVMJ. & c. TO BE SOLD, ON DELAMERE FOREST, TYTHE FREE. Stone Colour .. per Czof. 56s, Lead or Slate Colour.. 56s YT I low 5bs Chocolate 56s Red 4t) s Pale Seal Oil 59. Od Chamber Oil 6s. fid. Pale Whale Oil .... 4s. tjd. Pilch ... per Qivt. 22s. od. " Use. Invisible Green.... per Cwt Dark Green 70s. Bright Olive Green 112s. Black Paint 6t) s. White Paint 5bs Prepand Oil, lo thin theaboi efor Use, r, s. 6d per Gallon. Getiuin White Turpentine... per Gal. 13s. Or! Linseed Oil bs. oil Boiled Oil .6s 6,1 Tar per Bar 41s. lid Fine Colours of every Kind, dry, or prepared for Painters' Brushes, , Ve 0. e The Impenetrable Paints are very oruonienlol. possess 1 great fVurabflity, are a Cuie for theVVortii ami Dry Rot, ant! will stand in but Climates. They are peculiarly adapted for Work exposed to the Effects uf " Weather, and may also he applied with Advantage tu the general Purposes of useful inside Painting, as they dry quick, and are very handsome in Appearance Tbey are used in the Manner of oilier Paiuls, antl require ouly to be thinned with the prepared Oil, the W bite Paint excepted, which requires tbe Addition of Turpentine. Tlie Impenetrable Paints are Sold in Quantities not less than os lbs and can only be purchase tl of Geo. UPTON und Co. Oilmen and Colour Manufacturers, 62, Qneen Street, 41, London Wall, and Kennel Wharf. N. B. These Paiul3 are. not prepared from Coal Tar or Fish Oil. ELLESMERE— FREEHOLD LAND. BY VV. J \ M l\ S, At tbe Red Lion I1111, in Ellesmere, in the County ofSalop, ou Tuesday, the 28th Day of September, 18 3, between the Hours nf four and six o'Cloek in the Afternoon, either together, or iu such Lots as may be agreed upon ol the Time of Sale, and subject lo such Conditions as will then be produced : ALL Ihose THREE several Closes, PIECES, or Parrels of LAND, called or known by the Name of the BIRCHEN POOLS, containing 13 Acres, or thereabouts, be tbe same more or less, situate within Half a Mile of the Town of Eilesmere aforesaid, now in the Holding of Mrs. Sarah Byollin. Foi further Particulars apply to the said Mrs. BYOLLIN, or lo Mr. FRANCIS LEE, Solicitor, Ellesmere. MONTGOMERYSHIRE. CAPITAL LEAD MINES. At the While Lion, in the Town of Machynlleth, in Ihe said County, 011 Tuesday, the 21st Day of September, 1813, between the Hours of four and six 111 tbe Afternoon. Subject to Conditions to be Ilren pit tint ed : ONE SEVENTH PARTor SHARE of thc LEASE for au unexpired Term of 8 Years from I lie 5th of NoVein 1 her next, of and in the Mines and Minerals in and under | the Farms ant! Lands called DYFNGWM- UCHA and DYFNGWM- ISSA, situate in the Par ish of Penegoes, iu ttbe salt!- Couulv. A Iso, O ss E S EV E NT 11 P A RT or SH A R E of the L E ASK for an unexpiredTcrui of 17 Years from the nlh uf August last, of and in the Mines and Minerals in and under the Farm and Lands called ESKIRGALED, situate ill the saul Parish of Penegoes. Also, ONE SEVENTH PART of the WATER W H EEL, T< IOLS, and olher Machinery used in carrying 011 tbe above Works. These Mines have been for many Years worked to great Advantages and are capable of considerable Improvement, being distant aixiut- 10 Miles from a navigable Part of tlie River Dovey at Derwen lis. For Particulars apply at the Office of Messrs. JONES and OWEN, Solicitors, Machynlleth. XyF, the undersigned ROHFRT HERVEY, ond JOSEPH V V FEN N A, Gentlemen, the Commissioners appointed by an Act of Parliament, passed in the 32d Year of tbe Reign of his Majesty King George Ihe Third, entitled, " Au Ael for inclosing the Forest of Delamere, in tbe County of Chester," DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, tliat forthe Purpose of defraying the Charges and Expenses of carrying the Provisions of ihe said Act into Execution, the undermentioned Allotments of the said Forest will be SOLD UY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Sunn lun, ie Tar porley in 1 he County of Chester, 011 MON N AY. Ihe 13th D ay of SF. PTF. MBER, 1813, at the. Hour of five o'Clock iu the Afternoon, subject to Conditions of Sale to be then pro duced:— LOT I. A Portion of the said Forest, surrounding and including a certain Plaee thereon, called the TKAINTNG GROUND, containing by Admeasurement .300 Acres of Land, of Statute Measure, or thereabouts.; bounded on the North by the Road leading from Chester to Middlewirh. HINDVSVFLL IJUTTER, and tl e FISH POOL, on THESOVTL by a new Road now set out, leading from Stable- lane t « r Tyrly Gate, on the East by a new Road now set out, leading from Stable- lane towards Frodsham, and on the West by another Portion of the said Forest,. as now staked out. LOT ll Another Portion of the said Forest, surrounding and including the Race- Course of Crabtvee Green, contain- ingbv Admeasurement 200, Acres of Land, of Statute Mea- sure, or thereabouts ; bounded on the North Side thereof bv a certain other Portion of the said Forest, adjoining to the Township of Cuddiiigton, on tl^ e South bv the Turn- pike Road leading from Chester < 0 Northwirh; on the East by certain other Portions of the said Forest, railed LOBS SLACK, ai d on the West Side thereof by another . Portion of the said Forest, as now marked and set out. LOT III. Another Portion ofthe said Forest, near a Pub lie House, called the Fox and Barrel, in the said County, containing by Admeasurement 84 Acres of Land, ol Statute Measure, or thereabouts ; bounded on the Soulh and West Sides by certain Lands at Utkinton, late the Property of the late Dr. Ackers and others, on the North Side by an open Part of the said Forest, as now marked and staked out, and on the I ast by the Turnpike Road leading from Tarporley to Acton Bridge. LOT IV. A11 inclosed Piece or Parcel of the said Forest, containing by Admeasurement isA. 2R oP. of Land, of Statute Measure, or thereabouts; hounded on the North side thereof by the Lands of John Arden, Esq. and James Smith Bany, Esq. on the East by the Road leading from Crabtree Green through the Township of Cuddington ; on the South by Hornby's Lodge, and on the West Side there- of by nn open Part ofthe Forest, near to the New Pool. LOTV. Two inclosed Pieces or Parcels of Land, adjoin- ing Lands in the Township of Tarvin, in the Occupation of Joseph Ast bury, and containing together lA. lR. 32P. of Lytnd, of Statute M easure. LOT VI. Six oilier inclosed Pieces or Parcels of Land, adjoining Lands in the Townships of Tarvin and Kelsall, in the Occupation of Thomas Rathbone, sen containing together 5 A. oR. 10P. of Land, of Statute Measure. Lpr VII. Three other inclosed Pieces or Parcels of Land, together with a newly erected Dwelling- House, ad- joining Lands in ; he Township of Keisall, in the several Occupations ofThomas Rathhone, sen. Thomas Rathbone, jun. and Robert Watson, and containing together 2A. 3il. 2iP. of Land, of Statute Measure. LOT VIU Three other inclosed Pieces or Parcels of Laud, adjoining Lands in the Township of Kelsall, in the Occupation of Robert Watson, containing together 4A. 3ll. 3/ P. of Land, of Statute Measure. LOT IX. Three other inclosed Pieces or Parcels of Land, in the Occupation of John Wmpinney, adjoining ancient inclosed Lands on the Forest of Deiamere, containing to- gether sA. oR. 10P. of Land, of Statute Measure LOT X. A Cottage and two Pieces or Parcels of inclosed Land, in the Occupation of Joseph Haspey, and Thomas Hignett, and one Piece or Parcel of nninclosed Land ad- joining thereto, and containing in the Whole ] A. sR loP. of Land, of Statute Measure. LOTXI. A Pi « ee or Parcel' of inclosed Land, adjoining the Township of Kelsali, in the Occupation of . Joseph Goiiiery; and one other Piece or Parcel of uninclosed Land adjoining thereto, containing together 1.4. oR. 10P. of Land, of Statute Measure, and which adjoins the Road leading from Chester to Worthwich. A Map of ihe before- mentioned I. ots is deposited at the Ooiee'of" Messrs. LKKKE and POTTS, in Chester ;, and at the House of William Brock, al Eddisbury, on the saitl Forest ; anil Mr. James CaWley, of Kelsall, will sliew, or direct a proper Person to shew, the different Allotments. ROBERT HF. RVfcY, JOSEPH FENJNA, ELIGIBLE PROPERTY— IN WEM. BY J. BROOMS At the White Horse Inn. in Wem, on Tuesday, the 28! h of September, 1813, between the Hours of three and five o'Clock in the Afternoon, iu the following; or such other Lots as shall be agreed upon at t l e Time of Sale : Ol- N DRY F R E E H O L D ti O US ES, M A LT H OtlS E, u STABLES, and other Buildings, with excellent Gar- dens, situate in WEM, and three Pieces of rich Meadow and Pas'ure LAN D, contiguous to the Town of HVm, in the County of Salop, late the Property of WILLI AM GRINSFLL, Esq deceased I OT I A DW I LLING HOUSE, with a ( Mrrfen at the Back, situate in Cripple- street, in the holding of Mr Da- vies; the House consists of a good Cellar, large Ki chen and Parlour oii the Ground Floor ; two B* d Rooms on ihc: next,' and two over them. Also a Dwelling House, situate in Noble street, with a large substaatia! Maltkilu and Gar- den at the Back of the House; the, HoU'- e Consists of two good Cellars, large Kitchen, Parlour, Back- kitchen, house, and large Pantry, on toe tfrsi Floor; three Lodgine Rooms 011 the next, and four on the upper Floor; ,' lhaj W'hole of which was lately in the holding of Mr Jroks. A Driftway and Room over Ditto, a Stable, Bay, and Baru Floor, lutein the holding of t he said Mr . lenks. LOT II two DWELLING HOlTSF. S. situate in the Bar. lshouse L. ane, with Gardens adjoining, as shall be ap- pointed at t he Time of Sale LOT III. A large Piece of GARDEN GROUND, adjoin- ing tO I ot 2 LOT IV A Piece of old GRASS LAND* on the Files* mere Road, close to the Town of VVem, iu the Holding of* the Rev. Mr. Salt. LOTV A Pieee of LAN D, adjoining the above Lot, now in Grass, in the Holding of I he said Mr. Salt. LOTV! A Liece of LAND, near the Town of Wem* on t he Road lo Low Hill, now in Grass, in the holding of Ah\ Charles Kynaston For Particulars apply to Mr. KYNASTON, Wem, tvho will appoint a Person to shew tbe Premises.— Half of the Pur- chase Money may remain on tlie Property, if required. CARNARVONSHIRE— NORTH WALES. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE. At the Sportsman Inn, in the Town of Carnarvon, in the said County, on Thursday, the 7th Dav of October, 1813, between the Hours ot three and five oYh. ck in the Aftei* noon of the same Day, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and theie produced, unless disposed ot in ti; e mean Time by private Contract, of which due Notice will be given : F LUIE capital MANSION HOUSE of BRYNHIR, con; 1 sistiiig of three Parlours and excellent Lodging Rooms, with suitable Outbuildings, toaeli- House, Stables^ Lodge, Orchard, and Garden, together with the L> emesne Lands, containing by Admeasurement 56 Acres* or theie- abouts. BRYNHIR is sititated within seven Miles o? the Market Town ot Pwllheli, and three of Tie Madoc, and stands on H delightful Eminence comm . nding one of ( he most charm- ing and extensive Prospects in Point ofVarietv of any in Wales. That much admired ancient St ucture the CASTLE of CRICKIF. TH presents itself in Front, with Cardigan Bay, and all Vessels trading to the Ports of Crickieth, Pwllheli, Barmouth, Traethmawr, &. c. The Picturesque Mountains ofthe County of Merioneth, skirting Cardigan Bay, are a striking Feature iu the Scenery commanded from this justly admired Situation. This Property, whith is very productive, and well sup- plied with Water, calculated to be turned to Ihe greatest Advantage in irrigating* is close to the Sea, which affords ail e^ sy Access to Lime aud Manure, as well as ( he Enjoyment ofBathing The Neighbourhood has most excellent Trout Si reams, and is very well supplied with fresh and salt Water Fish, and an abundance of Game. Tiie Purchaser may at a Month's Not ice have Possession, and he accommodated in a considerable Portion of the Money. Also divers Messuages, Farms, Dwelling Mouses, antl Ganlens, situate in and nt ar the Town ofCrickieth. This last Property, which is of the best Quality, is render- ed peculiarly Valuable in various Respects, from possessing Situations commanding extensive Views of the adjacent Country, antl its Contiguity to the Sea and good Roads. A Herring Fishery is carried on to a great Extent under tliis Estate. The Essate may be viewed On applying to Mr William Jones, of Com t, in Crickieth ; and further Particulars I, ad of Mr GLYNKF GRIFFITH, at Bodegroes, near Pwllheli, or at his OJ& ce iu Carnarvon, LONDON. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. DOWNIVG- STRF. RT, AUGUST 99, 1BI3. A dispatch, of wbiehihe following is an ex'ract, has- been re- ceived this day at Earl Bathmst's office, addressed to his lordship tiy Field Marshal i he Martpiis of Wellington, dated Lexarn, August 18, 1813. The enemy's detachment under General Paris, which had remained at Jaca since it retired, from the Ehro, retired again from that plare into Fiance on ihe night of the llth. A garrison of 800 men has been left in Jaca. No ftiovemetit has been made by the allied trortps, nor any of < ousequence hy tbe enemy, since my last retiort. I have no recent ac- counts from Lieut.- Gen. Lord William " Benlinck. 1 learn from Gen. Miua, thatDnrnca surrendered on the 11th instint. DUFCLIN CASTI. S. ATLGU- T 26. 1813. Lord Viscount Whilworth, wlut embarked at Holvhead yesterday evening, on board his Majesty's yacht the William and Mary, arrived in this harbour at noon this day. His lordship, on his airival in Dublin, was received by tbe Lord Mavor, Aldermen, ai d Sheriffs, and Commons of the city of Dublin ; his lordship, attended bv a squadron of dragoons, proceeded to the Castle, and the Council having assembled at five o'clock, was introduced in form to bis Grace the Duke of Richmond, who received hiin, sitting under the Canopy of State, in the Presence Chamber, from v- hence a proces- sion was mode, in the usual state, to the Council Chamber TbeCounc. il sitting, his- lordship's commission was read, and the oaths being administered to him, Ins lordship was invested with the Collar of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, and received tbe Sword of State from ibe Duke of Richmond His Excellency afterwards repaiied to tbe Presence Chamber, anil received ihe compliments of the nobility, and other persons of distinction, upon his safe arrival, and taking Upon him the Government of Ireland WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. Dispatches were yesterday received by Government from the head- quarters of the allied army iu Germany, dated Landeek, Ihe 16th tilt. Up to that period 110 battle had taken place, but great events were moment- arily expected. The dispatches were brought by Mr. W '!--. the messenger, who is said also to be the bearer of the Austrian Declara ion of War, and of a Treaty of : Alliance between Austria, Russia, Prussia, Sweden and th. s country. The Austrian force about to take the field against the enemy is understood to be in Ihe high- est state of discipline and equipment, and the most perfect cordiality prevails among the Allies. A Gottenburgh Mail arrived last night, bringing ac- counts to the 25th ult. They state, that some trifling affairs of out- posts had taken place, in which tbe Allies had been successful, and 500 Bavarians had been made prisoners, and carried into Berlin. They also advert to tiie rumour brought by a former mail, that an attempt had been made bv Bonaparte to take Breslaw, before the expiration of the Armistice, but that he had been THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Amongst other articles received from the Continent, are two very interesting Swedish Bulletins. The first of these is one of the most cheering compositions vve have read for a long time, and tho' it does not enumerate all the causes of war on the part of the allies'; a volume would be insufficient to that; yet it concentrates the merits, it condenses the spirit of those causes, and it calls upon the plain motives of the soldier by plain reasons, such as must tell upon the heart and understanding of every man, not corrupted by revolutionary substitutes for truth, ft may be considered as a sort of Salute of the Crown Prince to Europe-, upon his taking the command of the combined armies in the North. The Prince Royal Generalissimo to the Army. " SOLDIERS !— Called by the confidence >' f my King, and of the Sovereigns his allies, to lend you in the caieer which is , about to open, 1 rely foY the success'of our arms on the Divine Protection, the justice of our c& use, and on y'rtur valour and pet severance — Had it not been for the extraordinary occur- rence Of events which have given to the last 12 years a dreadful celebrity, you would not have been assembled on Ibe soil of tSeimany ; but your Sovereigns have felt that Europe is a great family, and that none of the StAtes of wh ch it is composed can remain indifferent to the evils imposed upon any oue of its members by a conquering power. They are also convinced that when such a power threatens to attack and subjugate every olher, there ought to exist only one will among thOse nations that are determined to escape from shame and slavery. - Prom that moment yOu were called from the banks of the Wolga and the Don, from the shores of Britain and the mountains of the North, to unite with the German warriors who defend the cause of fclrope.— This then is ihe moment when rivalty, national prejudices, and antipathies, ought to disappear before the grand object of the independ- ence of nations.— The Emperor Napoleon cannot live iu peace With Europe unless Europe be bis slave. His presumption carried 400,000 brave men " 100 irtiles Ironi theit country ; misfortunes against which he did uot deign t'O provide fell upon their heads, and 300,000 Frenchmen perished On the territory of a great empire, the Sovereign of which had made every effort to preseive peace with France. — It was to be expected tnat this terrible disaster, the effect of Divine vengeance, would have inclined tbe Em| ieror of France to a less minder- ous system, and that, instiucted at last by the example of the North of Spain, he would have ienounced the idea of subjugating the Continent, and have consented to let the world be at peace ; but this hope has been disappointed, and lhat peace, which all Governments had desired, and which every Government proposed, has been rejected by the Em- peror Napoleon.— Soldiers ! It is to arms then we must have recourse to conquer repose and independence. The same sentiment which guided the French in 1792, and which prompted them to assemble and to combat the armies which enteied their territory, ought to animate your valour against those who, after having invaded Ihe land which gave you biith, still holds in chains your brethren, your wives, and your children.— Soldiers I What a noble prospect is presented While King Joe is himself in France, his Crown is in Spain, and his Sword is in England— a striking picture of a disjointed Monarch I The state of IfiiriZ* On the Continent, and the present abundant harvest, lead us lo hope that the year 1813 will he distinguished by two falls of almost equal mo- ment— the fall of Bonaparte, and the fall of Bread. Out of 49 Capitals in the last Lottery BISH shared and sold TWENTY- ONE, including Prizes of ^ 20,000, £ 10,000, & c. This unparalleled Success has caused him to have an unprecedented demand for Tickets and Shares in the Lottery which will be drawn in Two Days, commencing the 1Tth September, the Scheme of which contains Two Prizes of £ 20,000, Two of £ 10,000, & c. & e. and uo Prize lower than £ 20.— Tickets and Shares are selling at Bisa's fortunate Offices, 4, Cornlitll, and 9, Charing- Cross, London, and by his Agertts in this County; who sold several Shares of the 21 Capitals. *** £ 10,000 for the first Prize drawn above £ 20. NOTICE is hereby eiven, that Application is intend- ed to be- made to Parliament in the next Session, for an Alt to confirm and establish the AWARD of VA- I ENT1N E V1CKERS, Ger tlentau, for inclosing a certain Common, called the Common W od, nnd other Waste Lands in the Township of Noot ley, iu the Parish of Lop- pington, in the County of Salop. luth August, isia. TO ABERYSTWITH AND SHREWSBURY* defeated w itll a considerable loss in killed and wounded, i to you ! the liberty cf Europe, the re- establishment of its and that 500 prisoners were made by the Allies, and j equilibrium, the end of that convulsive state which had 20 gome cannon taken. It is not improbable that the 500 Bavarians alluded to above, were the prisoners taken Upon that occasion. It is stated, that Lord Walpole, who lately sailed from Lreith for tile Baltic, is gone upon a most import- ant mission, namely, lo open a negociation w ith Messrs. Gallatin and Bayard, for the re- establishment of Peace with Ihe Unied States of America. The American Plenipotentiaries were at the Russian head- quarters when the last accounts came from thence, and it was known there that Lord Walpole had reached St. Pe teisburgh. A private letter states that Messrs. Gallatin and Bayard had had no intercourse whatever eilher with the Emperor or his Ministers, or with any human being in a political capacity. file account of Ihe Austrian rupture will produce a terrible sensation among those who have now the lead- ing part in France. They will tremble for their pro- perty and their honours ; and as those men are swayed by no affections, they would desert their present mas- ter with the utmost indifference— if Ihey hoped, by such desertion, to avert the effects of impending danger. At hast Ihe tyrant will be suspicious ot their conduct { and this suspicion will augment his anxiety, and partly divei t his attention from objects of external interest. A man of his character cannot repose implicit confi- dence in any human being ; and, as he knows the past conduct of his associates, lie cannot expect much at- tachment from them, should his fortunes take an un- favourable turn. He can still less rely upon the ad- herence of his partizans in Germany. Terror, perhaps, ns much as interest, suggested the infamous policy • which has been, for some years, pursued by Bavaria, M irleniberg, and other German States. They yielded, in some measure, to the pressure of circumstances, ami will become inert in a cause, lo which no honourable principle attaches litem. However, their subjects ab- hor the French connexion— the cause of all their pub- lic and private evils. To il they owe the sweeping rffecis of the conscription, the destruction of trade, and the extinction of Iheir national character. They will receive the Allies as Deliverers, and not as Enemies. There's not a single province iu Germany, in which an explosion hostile to the enemy, may not be antici- pated. The enemy is also conscious that this is the popular feeling j and he is already fortify ing the line of thts Rhine, in anticipation of a retreat to lhat point! Suc: i au occurrence is not improbable The formid- able armies put in motion by Austria, combined with the vast armaments formed by the other members of the league, justify a hope, that the period is by uo means remote when the war will be transferred lo Ihe bulks of the K hine. In that case, France would be obliged to maintain the contest exclusively with her own means. All Germany would be added to her pre- sent opponents. Switzerland and Hoiland would also fo low the general example; and even Italy must be impatient to shake off the odious connexion. The enemy will ninke a desperate effort to retard the great explosion. He will deluge the plains of Germany wilh blood ; aud let every alroctly loose upon a country whicn lie probably despairs of maintaining. But this violence, whilst it gratifies his niadetied feelings, will tend, at the same time, to promote and accelerate the views of his opponen s. A letter from ' feligoland, hy the last Mail, slates, that " Ihe provisions at Dantzic, instead of being sup- plied as stipulated in the armistice, were withheld by llie Prince of Wiriemberg, who commands the besieg- ing ant. y, whic. li consists of Russians and Prussians to the number of 42,000 men. It was the intention to » lorm Dantzic as soon as Ihe armistice should termin- ate. Geo. Riippe was so much incensed at the refusal of the supplies, that he ordered the garrison to fire ou the officers who brought the tidings of this determina- tion. Under ihese circumstances hostilities recom- menced on the 17th, and oit the 20th the besiegers seriously renewed the attack. Stettin had also not beeu j rovisioued for a considerable time before the expira- liott oi the armistice. After the cessation of arms the corps of Lulznw was treacherously made prisoners by the enemy, aud tlieu it was that General Tauenzein avo - .. ii tits tiesi- n of not supplying the garrison of t>, ciiui, and he rigidly adhered to this resolution, b'liti 1- ranlzic and Stettin were expected to fail before long, unless they should be relieved by the rapid ad- vance of the French armies. It was also known, lhat at t itstriii the gairmon suffered under a great scarcity of provisions. On the frontiers of Prussia and Saxony the aiiivistice was broken hv a French corps which was engaged in foraging. On the- Prussian boundary it ca ne IU contact with the Cossacks quartered there, and the skirmishing continued for several days." The Herrmg- fisltery on the south coast of Caithness has commenced this season with uncommon success; not fewer than 800 boats are employed ; and in the co rse ol three nights last week they caught upwards of 20,000 barrels of herrings. The number of fisher- men engaged average five men to each boat; and the hands employed on shore, in the operations of guttiug, curing, and coopering, cannot be computed at less than three to each boat; so that 6,400 penons are at pre- *; iii occupied at the different fishing stations, compre- hending a distance of only S2 miles. years duiation ; finally, the peace of the world will be the result of your efforts. Render yourselves worthy, bv your union, your discipline, and your courage, of the high destiny which awaits you CHARLF. JEAN.'" " From my head- quarters at Oranienburg, Aug. 15, 1813." The other Bulletin announces one of those conse- quences, which might have been hoped from the accession of Morcau to the Allies. A Freucli General has already deserted the cause of the Usurper. This is General Joniini, not the Commander of a separate corps, but one much higher in service than a mere General of Division, being Chief of the Staff to Ney, the person, whom Bonaparte has authorized to call himself Prince of Moskwa. General de Jomini brought information of a plan, formed by the French for making a sudden inroad upon Berlin, in consequence of which the Crown Prince drew together a force of 90,000 men, with such speed, that some of the troops marched ten German miles ( fifty English), in 36 hours. This General, we hope, is but the precursor of more important defections; aud, in the mean time, his couduct may have this good effect, that it must make Bonaparte distrust his own instruments, and incline to watch his officers, almost as much as his meinies, It may also be considered as a pretty clear symptom that Bonaparte's footing is held to be unsteady, and his fall expected even in his own army. Haply, before the 6 or 700,000 human beings, who compose the several armies in Germany, have struck many blows at each other, a change may take place, that shall sheathe every sword, and lift up all hands in thankfulness for real tranquillity. It is now ascertained that Moreau would not take any actual command against the Freuch, but merel) accompanies Ihe Crown Prince as a private friend, and assists him with his counsel. The British troops now serving under the Crown Priuce of Sweden, it is stated, will be employed in garrisoning Stralsund, and will not quit that fortress. This measure is said to have been proposed by the Crown Prince as a pledge of his sincerity. The Regent is gone oil a tour into Warwickshire, and with him the Duke of Clarence and their attendants. The following is given as a list of the officers serving iu Germany and Italy :— Al Head- quarters, Gorliti— Bonaparte; Beribier; Gen. Count Eble, commanding the Artillery •; Leiv, Engineers; Walthier, Cavalry of the Imperial Guard aud Ihe General Staff. L ne of the Lower Elbe— Davoust, and under him Van- damme. Lusatia— Marshal Oudinct. Si/ ena— Commanding Corps— Marshals Mortier, Victor, Matmout, Macdonald, aud Gouvion St. Cyr; Gens. Arrighi, Bertram), Rcgnier, and Lauriiton. Bare'ith and Bamberg— Marshal Augereau, Army of Reserve. Munich— General Wrede, Bavarians. Frankfort— Marshal Kellerman, second Army of Reserve. Italy— Eugene Beauhuruois, Marshal Masseua, and Count G renter. The olher officers commanding divisions in Ger- many are— Cavalry — Gens. Counts Latonr Maubourg, Grouchy, Nan- souty, Valence, and St. Geruiaiu. Lfvitry— Gens. Counts La Borde, Loison, Bonnet, Moli. tor, Friaut, and Legrand. The Pules, reduced to 15,000, are at Pirna, commanded by Prince Poniatowski; the Cavalry by Gen. Dombrowski. Fire in the Royal Arsenal at / Woolwich.— On Monday afternoon, about five o'clock, a very alarming fire broke out iu the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, ow- ing to the folly of one of the workmen employed in the building called the dipping- square. A female ex- pressing a wish to see a rocket- s ar, the man, to gratify her curiosity, let off one iu his hand, which unfortu- nately communicated to some combustible materials manufactured on the premises. The drums soon sounded an alarm, and the artillery and marines, with their engines, were immediately on the spot, and for- tiiuately'subdued the flames, which were then raging with great fury. Great auxiety was for some lime felt for the safely of the adjoining buildings, which conr tained loose shells and rockets. Happily no lives were lost, and the fire was subdued in about an hour. A new Cock- lane, or rather Dovoning- street Ghost. — Our readers will scarcely believe that any story so ridiculous as the re appearance of the Right Hon. W. Pitt in this subl. nary world should have gained credit; yet so il is. A person named Francis Murray, formerly employed as a constable in taking up French emigrants, had a demand of 301. on the Treasury for expenses. He asserts that about II month* after the pubic funeral of Mr. Pitt, he met him on horseback, m tile Loudon Road, and determined tu have his money from him. He was quite sure of the person being Mr. Pitt; and, afler much watching, threatening, aud abuse, he actually obtained paj ment of 321. from this identical Mr. Pitt, altho'he called himself Mr. Chapmaut and Mr. Murray went on persecuting the dead- and- alive Minister, because he had also promised him a place, until, on Monday, the 9th ult. he was ordered, by a summons from Slarlborough- street Office, to find bail to keep the peace to the said Mr. Chapman. But he persisted that the said Mr. C. was the actual VV. Pitt, late Prime Minister of England. He was considered as a madman, and suffered to depart.— Mom. Chron. MXaV DOLAND V. TIMOTHY DEASY. Esq.— This caitse bame tin for trial at Bristol assizes. It had previously excited the most lively interest among the residents of that city and the neighbomhood of Rath, as well as the county of Cork ; the former having been the scene of actbn, and the. latter the vicinity of an estate, value between two and d> 3000 per annum, the inheritance of which was collaterally involved in the question now decided. Alton! 2.3 years since, upon occasion of the marrtage of thedefendaot with A. M. Barry, the estate alluded to was settled upon the defendant by bis father, giving him a life interest, with remainder to his issue male, or in default of such issue, then to his younger brother, Mr. R, Deasy. Nineteen years had elapsed without the birth of an heir lo the defendant, when, about four years since, the brothers having had an altercation, the defendant and bis wife quitted Ireland, and came to reside in Bristol. At this period tbe conspiracy appears first to have been con- ceived ; the earliest public intimation of which ivas thus given London print, in September, 1809: — This, as vvas doubtless intended, reached the observation of Mr. R Deasy; bnthe was with difficulty induced to believe lhat a brother's prejudice could prevail so far as to give any foundation in fact to the nuwieions doubts expressed bv mutual friends, whether Mrs. T. Deasy had been previously pregnant or not. A Considerable period anpears to have elapsed before any clue could be obtained for the removal or establishment of these doubts, and Mr. R. D. was on the point of suspending all further inquiry, when, ss a dernier resort, he was induced to call upon Mr. D of Park- stieet, in Bristol, the medical at- tendant of his brother's family, about June 1812, with the desire of obtaining a categorical ansner, as a man of honour, if Mr D. had ever assisted Mrs. T. Deasy in the delivery of a child ; but Ihe anxiety evinced by Mr. D to get the inquiier out of the house, and his peremptory refusal to communicate with him upon that or any other subject, confirmed the sus. pieion that all was not right, and whetted Mr. R. Deasy's almost blunted purpose. In the course of inquiries else- where, the house where Mrs. T. Deasy was said to have lain in ( No. 2, Clarence- place, Kingsdown), was ascertained, and this led to a further disclosure, through nurses and other servants, of the following facts:— The unfortunate plaintiff ( as truly denominated by her Counsel, Mr. Serjeant Pell) was compelled to quit » respectable state of seivittide in con- sequence of having been seduced hy a fellow servant; which being followed by pregnancy, she tool! lodgings in Lower Berkeley- place ; where it appears she was first discovered by the medical gentleman alluded to, and by him introduced to the wife of the defendant. Here the plaintiff was prevailed upon to agree to part from her expected offspring; with the proviso that it should prove a male child. On the 9tb of September 1800, this part of the compact vvas favoured by her delivery of a boy, with the professional assistance of a gentleman resident at Clifton, then a partner with the gentle- man of Paik- street; who in person within a few hours after- wards visited Ihe plaintiff and reminded ber of her agreement with Mrs. Deasy. On tile following morning this agent again visited the plaintiff, and within a few minutes her child was taken to his house in Park- street; from whence it was further removed, by a nurse, lo a retired spot about three miles on the Gloucestershire side of Bristol, where it was permitted to remainabout a fortnight. From the care of this nurse the child was transferred, atthe Swan Inn, St. Maryport- stveet, lo tint of another nurse, who, without seeing tbe former nurse, received it in a hackney- coach. TO relieve the reader from a most intricate labyrinth through which this devoted infant was conveyed, ( not a single link of I he clue to which has been left undiscovered) it may suffice that he was finally delivered into the hands of Mrs. IVasy. at the door of bet then residence in Clarence- place. Within a few days afterwards the force of baptizing tbe said child, bv the name of Edward Garieit Deasy, was performed in the same house, as proved by a certificate in the latin language, exhibited iu the hand- writing of the Apostolic Minister of the Catholic church in Bristol. During the space of time embraced by these transactions, the plaintiff vvas left in total Ignorance nf the fate of her child, until November following; when by unwearied exertions sbe found him iu possessioti of Mrs. Deasy, then living at No. 26, King's- square ; whn, after the plaintiff's lepeated importunities, permitted her to enjoy the object of hei solicitude, as an inmate of tbe family, for about two months, until the defendant and his wife pretended an urgent visit to Herefordshire, when the plaintiff returned fo her former lodgings iu Denmark- street, Alter many doub lings and turnings of this couple, with their heir, in Glouces- tershire, Herefordshire, Bath, and other places too numerous to record, they returned to Bristol in the spring of 1810. O the 6th of December the defendant called upon the plaintiff and urged her to the absolute disposal ofthe child, offermg hr an arinunity of .£ 50 per annum, upon condition that she would abandon the sight or knowledge of that, her first child forever. This agreement, after much hesitation by the plain tiff, was at length agreed upon, and an annuity to tbe before natned amount was secured upon the bond of tbe defend- ant lo the plaintiff; for the non- payment of the instal- ments stipulated therein, due since Midsummer, 1812, this action was brought. Oil the following day ihe plaintiff was requited to execute an agreement, never to divulge or make known any of the ciicumstaneies respecting her said child, nor tu approach near the residence of the defendant O' his family; upon an alleged violation of which agreement, the defendant tested his opposition to the obligation of the bond. The Jury without leaving their Box, in aboil' five minutes returned a verdict for ihe plaintiff of the amount sued tor, with all the anears to the present time. This Day was published, Price 6s. rpHE EDINBURGH REVIEW, No. 42, CONTAINING 1 Correspondence Lileraire et Philosophique de Grimm — Lord Byron's Giaour— Measurement of an Arch ofthe Meridian in the peninsula of India Photii Lexicon Her- manni— Whitelavv, Tighe, nnd others, on the state of Ireland— Bija Gannita, or the Algelna of Ihe Hindus— Elistace's Classical Tour in ltalv— Malcolm's Sketch of the Sikhs— Clarkson's Life ot William Peuu— Seventh Report of the African Institution— Quarterly List of new Books, and Index lo Vol 22 Edinburgh: printed for Archibald Constable and Co. Edinburgh ; White, Cochrane, and Co London ; and to be had of VV. EODOWES, Shrewsbury; Minsliall, Oswestry;' Painter, Wrexham ; Parker, Whit'chuich ; Smith, Iron- bridge ; and of all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. Of whom may be had, The EDINBURGH REVIEW, from the Commence, ment, twenty two Volumes, in Boards; or any Volume or Number separately. HORNSBY and Co. Stock- Brokers, respectfully ac- quaint Ihcir Country Coriespondents, that Ihey are celling Tickets and Shares in great Variety, and at Ihe lowest Prices, at their old established Office, 26, CORN- HILL, LONDON, where all Prizes are paid on Demand. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 3 Prizes of £ 20,000 2 of • » — 10,000 Besides many olher Capita I Prizes Only 12,000 Tickets, and uo Prize less llian ,£ 20. The First 1,009 Blanks will be entitled lo £ 20 each. The First Prize above £ 20 011 the ist Day will be entitled to £ 10,000. The First Priie above £ 20 011 thead Day will be entitled to £ 20,000. Letters by Post or Parcels by Carrier, will be executed with Fidelity and Dispatch. Drawing begins on the 17 th ( September) NEXT MONTH. ARMY CONTRACTS. Commissary in Chiefs Office, Great George Street, London,' vath August, 1913. NOTICE is hereby given to all Persons desirous of contracting to supply the following Articles for the Use of the Army, viz. BREAD, To His Majesty's Land Forces in Cantonments, Quarters, and Barracks, in Ihe under- mentioned Counties and Islands: Anglesea, Bedford, Berks ( including the Town of Hun OATS, To His Majesty's Cavalry iu Can- tonments and Quarters, in the under- mentioned Counties and Islands: Anglesea, Bedford, Berwick, Brecon, Bucks, Cambridge, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, Chester, Cumberland, Denbigh, Derby, Durham, Flint, FORAGE, viz OATS, HAV, and STKAW. to His Majesty'sCavalry in Barracks, aud Oats in Canton- ments and Quar- ters, in the under mentioned Coun- ties in South Britaiu: Berks, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Essex, Hants, ( including the Isle of Wight), Kent, Lancaster, Middlesex, Norfolk, Northampton, . Nottingham, Somerset, Suffolk, Surry, Sussex, Warwick- Wilts, York, And in the several Counties ill North Britain. PRINCESS OF WALES POST- COACH, FROM THE TALBOT INN, SHREWSBURY, rpHROUGH Welshpool, Newtown, Llanidloes, nnd . L over the celebrated Devil's Bridge, lo the BRIDGE- STREET BLACK LION, ABERYSTWITH, continues to run from each Place every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATUR DAY Mornings, punctually al four, and com- pletes the Journey early the . nine Evenings. More and more do the Proprietors of this Concern feel sensible of the Obligations I hey are under for the increased and increasing Business in Passengers and Luggage, w hich already has established this Coach; and here Ihey must not omit their particular Thanks lo the Gentlemen whose Mansions have vicinity to the Road, and the Inhabitants of Pool, Newtown and Llanidloes. llis impossible to give an adequate Description of the Grandeur of Ihc Country through which this Coach travels, it must he seen to he admired. Coaches proceed from the TALBOT INN. SHREWS- BURY, every Morning, for London, Birmingham, Oxford, Worcester, Cheltenham, Barb, Bristol, Chester, Liverpool, and Manchester, by which Passeugers from Aberyslwith will have certain Conveyance N. B. Comfortable Beds ami other Accommodations ore always reserved at Aberystwith for Passengers by this Coach, and a List of Lodgings ready for immediate Oc cupation. ijjTAlNS of RED PORT WINE, Te^,^ 7uit, MildI7, O and every Vegetable Matter, are entirely removed from TABLE LINEN, LEATHER BREECHES, Cuttou?, 51 uslins, Laces, and other Ar ticles of Dress, by HUDSON'S CHEMICAL BLEACHING LIQUID: it al so removes the above Stains from Ladies' BUFF Dresses, without iu. luring the Buff Colour, and restores all Kinds of Linen to their original Whiteness, when discoloured bv bad washing disuse, or long Sea- voyages, WITHOUT AN Y INJURY to Ihe Texture of Ihe Cloth.— Prepared and Sold by HUDSON and Co. Chj mists, 27, Hnymarket, London; sold also by EDDOWES, and Watton, Shrewsbury ; Edwards, Oswestrv ; Painter, Wrexham; Houlstons, Wellington; aud others throughout the United Kingdom, iu Bottles at 5s. 3s. and 2s. each. BANKRUPTS. AUGUST 28. William Ashbey, of Alhury, Hertfordshire, butcher, September 4, 11, October 9 at Guildhall, London—. lohn Humphries Ril- ling, the elder, IVUliam Brooks, and John Humphries Billing, the voanger, of Paddingron, cor 11. dealers. Arigu- t ill, September 20, Ociolicr 9, st Guildhall, London.— Martin Brumby, of Gam » - hrough, Lincolnshire, sail- cloth- manufacturer, Septeni- » er 28,29, October9, atthe White Hart Inn, Ea- t Rel ord, Noll nghan. Joseph Cook, of Liverpool, linen- draper, Septrtnoer 22, 23. 11. - tober 9, at the Moselev Arms Inu, Mauelies er— Samuel Cooke. of Liverpool, linen . draper, Septemh ' r 22 ' 23, October 9. ot the Moselev Arms Inn. Manciresler,— Jacob Davies, of Manchester, hatter,' September20, 21, Or- obcr 9 at ihe Dog Tavern, Mail- Chester.— William Lee and Edmund Lee ol Lambeth Marsi a <. Chester- street, Kenningluii, Surrey, stone- masons. August 3, September 18, October 9, at Guildhall, l.' t]< n, n.— \ i( irg: iret Maskery aud Dorothy Maskery, ot Handlev, Staffordshire, ni li - ners, September 3, 13, October 9, at Guildhall, Loud .11.— John More- ton, of Manchester, shopkeeper, Sepn mber 24 25 Oetuu 1 9, at die Sl » r lun, Msnclie- re .— Charles A'ewton. ol Qaeeu's Buildings, Bronipton, scrivener, August 31, Septembei 11, Oe tuber 9, at Guildhall, London .— James Nowles. of Omits. ik, Lancashire, woollen- draper, Sept. 17, 18, Octnb- r 9. at th « -( ilnbe Tavern, I.- vrrpor, .— ller. ry Proctor and Thomas Cantrill, or Tipton, Staffordshire, grocer, September 17. 18, October 9, a, the White Hart Inn, Birmingham — Tudor Pugh, of Br ck lane, Stjitallields, tallow- chandler, Septcmlier 7, 8, Oclober9, at Gu ld- liall, Lindon.— Abraham Sexton, of Ossett. Yorkshire, earthier, September 24, 25 October- 9, at the White Horse Hotel, Leeds. — John Thomas, Edivatd Tyler, and Seth Tyler, of Brrs'ol, tiurld- er-, S.- pleinber 9. 10, OciotK- r9, st tire Rummer Tavern, Bristol — Richard Toby, of Luca » - itieet, Gray's- inn- lane- road, carpet warehouseman, September 18, 25, October 9. at Guildhall London.— James Warburton, of Suugh Bridge, Lancashire, calico- printer, September 20, 21, October 9, ft ibe Dog Tavern, Mauclteslei.-— William Woodward, of K rtg's Arm, Yard, Whrte- ero- s- strect, carpenter, August 31, September 18, October 9, at Guildhall, London. AUGUST 31. j— Benjamin Bennett, of Lawrence- Hdl, Out- par sh ol St. Phlhp. auu Jaeots, Glourestersliire, Irak r, September 2, 14, October 12, at ihe Commercial Rooms, Bia. tol.— John Beterley, of Darlington, Durham, nnlteeper, Seotemiier 21, 22 October 12, at the Black Linn lun, Stockton, Durham.- s- Thomas Genge, of Friday- street, Cheapside. London, glover. Sepiemoer 4, 11, October 12, at Guildhall.— Benjamin Hewer, 1- v ier, linen- draper, September 7, 14, Uc. olHa- 12 st the Hotel, Exeter. — James Knowtes, of Orm- sirk, Lanca lure, woollen- diaper, September 17, 18. October 12, at the G'io » e Tavern, l.' verpool. — John Weslover, ot Nurw- o. rd, Surrey, builder, Seplemoer 4, 18, October 12. at Guildhall, Loudon.— George Wood, of Wake- 6eld, Yorkshire, bookseller, S.- pteiuber 23, H, OUober 12, at tlis New Sessions House, Wakefield. Berwick, Brecon, Bucks, Cambridge, ( in eluding the Town of Newmarket), Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, Chester, Cornwall, ( includ- Glamorgan, ingScilly), Gloster, Cumberland, Hereford, Denbigh, Hertford, Derby, Hunts, Devon, Leicester, Dorset, Lincoln, Durham, Merioneth, Essex, Monmouth, F'lint, Montgomery. Glamorgan, Northumberland, Gloster, ( including Oxford, the City of Bristol, Pembroke, Hants, Raduor, Hereford, Rutland, Hertford, Salop, Hunts, Stafford, Isle of Man, Westmoreland, Isle of Wight, Worcester, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Lincoln, Merioneth, Middlesex, Monmouth, Montgomery, Norfolk, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottingham, Oxford, Pembroke, Raduor, Rutland, Salop, Somerset, Stafford, Suffolk, Surry, Sussex, Warwick, Westmoreland, Wilts, Worcester, York, And in the several Counties m North Britain. Thai the Deliveries are to commence on and for tbe Twenty fifth Day of October next; lhat Proposals in Wriling, sealed up and marked, Tender for Army Supplies, will be received al tins Office on or before Friday Ihe Twenty fourth Day of September ( but none will be received after Twelve o'Cloi k on that Day), and, if sent hy Post, I lie Postage must be paid. Proposals must lie made separately for each County and Island, except for the Counties enmp- ising North and South Wales, all of which must be included in oue Tender, us also must Ihe several Comities iu North Britain; and each Proposal must have the Letter wl icli is annexed lo the Tender properly filled up, by Two Persons of known Property er.- gaging lo become bound with tire Party tendering in Hit Amount staled iu the printed Particulars for the due Performance of the Contract; and 110 Proposal will be noticed unless made on a printed Tender, and Ihe Prices expressed in Words at Length; and should it so happen that during ihe Continunnce of Ihe Contract, 110 Troops should he stationed r. i- supplied in the County, Ihe Expense t ihe Contract and Bone, p ijd I11 the fir- t Instance bv t ir. Coutractoi, 10 be refunded lo him by ihe Commissary iri Chief. Particulars of Ihe Contracts may he had upon Apptica. tiou at this Office between the H airs of Eleven and Five ; and at Ihe Office of Deputy Commissary General Grieve. Edinburgh. Shrewsbury Races, 1813. ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, will be run foi- on Bicton Heath, a PURSE uf STXTY POUNDS, the Gift of the Hon HENRY GREY BENNETT and Lieutenant Geueral Sir ROWLAND HILL, K. B for Horses, &. c. that never won that Value, Matches and Sweepstakes except- ed; 3- yeais old to carry Ost. 4- years old 7st. 7th. 5- years old 8st. 3lb 6- years old Hst. loth and aged Sst. 12II1. The Winner uf one Sweepstakes 1: 1 Ihe present Year to carry 3lb of two 5lb aud of three 7lb extra Mares and Geldings allowed jib— The best ot three two- mile Heats. The Slakes to the second best Horse. Same Day, a SWEEPSTAKES of I gs. each, with a clear PURSE of 3ogs. given by Ihe Town j Ihree yearolda to cany 6st. 7lb four jst. wlb- five Bst t> lb six sst. l2ib. and aged, yst. alb. Mares aud Geldings Io be allowed 9lb. To start at the VV iuni. ig Chair, aud ruu twice round the Course. The Stakes to be paid on the Day of Entrance, and the Horses named to pay los. fid. to the Clerk of the Course. Mr. Egerlon's br. h. Hit or Miss, by Haphazard, 5- yrs old Lord Clive's Master Harry, 4 yrs old Mr W W. W hit more's br. f. Nosegay, by Warrior, out pf Cecilia, 3- yrs. old Mi. I'elhum's br b. Tinker Barnes, 4- yrs. old Sir E. Sinythe'sb. m. Slaug, by Vermin, S- yrs. old Mr. F. R. Price's b h Ambo, 4- yrs. old Lord Stamford's b. m. Siella, by Sir Oliver, 5- yrs. old Sir T Stanley's br. f. Boadicea, by Warrior, dam by Lur- cher, 4- yrs. old. WEDNESDAY, the Gentlemen's Subscription for a GOLD CUP of lOu GUINEAS Value, the Surplus to be paid iu Specie; ten Subscribers al logs. each, for all ages; twice round Ibe Course aud a Distance; three- year olds lo carry fist. 61b. four, 7st. I2lb. five, » st 7II1 six » i) d aged, Sst. It lb. Mares a d Geldings to be allowed alb. Mr. Benson's Uncle Toby, 4- yrs. old Mr. Heher's Hit or Miss, by Haphazard, 5 yrs. old Sir E. Smytbe's b. m by Meteor, 5- yrs. gld Mr. J. K. Powell'* b. c. Corporal Trim, by Warrior, 3- yr « . old Mr. Cotes's g. f Olivetta, by Sir Oliver, 4- yrs old Mr T C Heber's br. f. by Diamond, Dam by Sir Peter, 4 yrs. old Ml J O. Crewe's b. f. Sister to Beresl'ord, by Mr. Teazle, Dam by Volunteer, out of Storace, 3- yrs. old Lord Grey's b. IU. Stella, by Sir Oliver, 5 yrs old Mr Price's b c Ambo, 4 yrs old M r. Charlton's b. c. Thyrza, hy Haphazard, out of Brain- worm's Dam, 3- yrs. old Same Day, the Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Subscription of FIFTY POUNDS, for 3 and 4- year olds; 3- vears old to carry 7st. 4 vears old 8st. 5lb. A Winner of one Plate t" carry 3lb. of two 5lb. and of Ibiee 7lb extra.— Mares and Geldings allowed 2lb. each. The best of three Heats ; twice round the Course to a Heat. The Slakes to the second best Horse. THURSDAY, a SWEEPSTAKES of logs, each, with a clear PURSE of. Togs given by the Town ; three- year olds to carry ( jst 7III four ; st. 12lb five Sst. 61b. six Sst. I2lh. and aged gst gib. Mares and Geldings to be allowed sib. Ihe best of three two- mile Heats To start at the VViunin" Chair, anil ruu Iwice round the Course to a Heat. The Slakes to be paid 011 the Day of Entrance, and the Horses named to pay los fid. to Ihe Clerk of Ihe Course. Mr. J. t- gertou's Hit or Miss, by Haphazard, 5- yrs. ol4 Mr Benson's h It. British Bayonet, 5- yrs. old Sir E Sinythe'sb m. Slaug, iiy Vermin, 5- yrs old Mr R. Heber's b. f. by Diamond, Dam by Sir Peter, 4- yrs. old Mr Keen's b. c by Sanclio, Dam by Teddy, 3- yrs old Sir W Wynne's Cambrian Lass, 5 yis. old Mr. W. W Wh Union's b. f Nosegay, by Warrior, out of Cecilia, 3- yis. old > TO THE VALETUDINARIAN. S! JjrVLOMON's CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD is recom* mended to the with nervous disn- dtif, to tho- e suffering from heat- or change of climate ; ami to those * ho iabwur under weakness aud re' w, it ions, originating in a variety of other causes, aruj to thousands of people, grpwn old betoi e their time-, by having unguardedly plunged themselves . nfothe ommission of a solitary and deluding vice, it iias happily been the means <> f recovery of the mind as well as ' he bodv, ijid exalted them from a state of melancholy and despair, to hat of health, peace and happiness. The delusive habit here - tllu led to, is not confuied ID the gny, the giddy, and the vain — for, alas I the rich, the poor, the young, and those of riper years, even thos> eof a s » riou<- an l religious deposition, ; ife often drawn by an unaccountable infatuation to 1 he com- mission ot the melancholy crime. All such should have- re couvs- e to this noble medicine, and seriously attend to the observations and the cases describe , in " Dr, Solomon's Guide to Health,: ric 5 . In that mirror th* y will be- hold the dreadful consequences they are ptocuring to tnem- velve. s, and may tin n, perhaps, be persuaded to retire f. om that road, which, though strewed vv. th flowers, is sure to lead them onl\ to destitu tion. Sold by W. EDDOWES. Printer, Shrewsbury. Price lis. each. 0 tour in one Family Bottle for 3! 3s. by which one 11 -. bottle is saved, with the words " Sciml. Solomon, Liverpool engravt d in the Stamp g^ j3 Di >' lomou expects, when consulted by Letter, the usual compliment uf a one pouud note to be in el sed, ad-* dre^ eu " Monev Letter. Dr. Solomoo, Qilead- House, # efif Liverpool. Paid « loubl « postage." The Horses, ike. intended lo run for these Plates and Sweepstakes, are to enter at I he TALBOT INN, Shrewsbury, j on MON DAY, the joth 0/ September, between the Hours of four and Kix o Clock iu the Afternoon • paying two Guineas Entrance for the Plates, and Half a- Guinea to the Clerk of the Couise, or double at the Post, which must be paid before twelve o'Clock; on the Day of running. The winning Horse of a Match, Plate, or Sweepstakes, to pay one Guinea to the Clerk eut h Day for Weights and Scales. The Horses to start each Day precisely at twelve o'Clock, and only half au Hour will be allowed between each Heat No less than three reputed running Horses, & c, to start for either of the above Plates; if only one en- ters, the Owner to be allowed ten Guineas; if two, fire Guineas each. The Stewards permitting two Horses to run, and either of thchi afterwards refusing, such Horse will not he allowed the five Guineas, hut ten Guineas will he given to the Horse that is ready to start All Disputes to b determined hy the Stewards, or whom they shall ajv- point. Each Rider is required to declare at the Time of entering the ('. lour he will ride in, that they may be inserted io the pfiuUd Lists; and any Jockey riding in any other Colour than hat he has so meutioned, shail forfeit Jos. 6d. to the Clerk of the Course. The Slakes to be paid to the Clerk of the Course at the Time of Entrance. Sn- EDWARD SMYTHE, Bait.> c, RICHARD HEBER, Esq. $ Stewards. Mr. W. SMITH, Veterinary Surgeon to the Shrewsbury Yeomanry Cavalry, Clerk of the Course, No Person will be permitted to erect a Booth or Stand for the Sale of any Kind of Liquors, without first paying into the Hands of the Clerk ofthe Course Half- a- Guiueaon the Day of Entrance, which will be added totheTowtt Sub- scription. No Horse to stand at the House of any Peitsoa who do* c- not subscribe one Guinea towards the Plale: nor nay Smith to plate a Horse, unless he be a Subscriber of te « Shillings and Sixpence. Part of the Course being corded out for the better Ac commodation of Foot IVople, il is hoped thai no Person- viill attempt lo be on the running Ground during the Time the Horses are running. Constables wiM be employed to clear the Course; and the Stewards particularly request that no Person will ride on any Part of Ihe » mining Ground during the Races Any Persons obstructing or id- suiting the Persons so employed, will he prosecuted by Order of the Stewards. All Pogs found on the Course will be destroyed. Print f 4 and published by W* Eddowea, Corn* M4rJcet3Skr< nv* Duj$.
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