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The Sussex Weekly Advertiser; Or, Lewes and Brighthelmston Journal


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The Sussex Weekly Advertiser; Or, Lewes and Brighthelmston Journal

Date of Article: 07/06/1813
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Volume Number: LXV    Issue Number: 3476
No Pages: 4
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Or, Lewes and Brighthelmston Journal. Printed and published by and for William and Arthur Lee. ! AV. No. 3476 J ' MONDAY, JUNE 7, 1813. .[ PRICK SIX PENCE " This Paper winch' has been regularly published every Monday Morning, for upwards of SIXTY YEARS, is delivered with the utmost Dispatch and Regularity, in every Town and Village of SUSSEX in Farts of KENT SURREY and HAMPSHIRE; and is forwarded by the POST, to. Persons of the first Distinction, in London, and to every considerable Town " in the United Kingdom . ' The SUSSEX WEEKLY ADVERTISER is regularly filed by Messrs. TAYLER and NEWTON, WARWICK- SQUARE, near ST. PAUL'S, and Mr. WHITE, FLEET STREET, by whom ADVERTISEMENTS, & c. will be received and punctually forwarded to the Publishers It may also be seen at all the principal. COFFEE- HOUSES in the Metropolis. ' AIUIA Twenty- Fire Guineas Reward. , . ' WHEREAS, SOME Person or Persons, at present unknown, between the 21st and 22d day of this that May. broke in in Hie Dewlling house Mr. John Turner, in 5I1 parish of Lynch, in the county of Sussex ; and stole therefrom, One dozen silver handled Knives and Forks, Siv silver Tea Spoons, marked ' B H. Fonr silver Ten Spoons, marked M B. Two silver Table Spoons. marked I B M Two silver Salt., each standing on three feet, and marked. with the letters I. M B. one on each foot. One Silver Proper box. not marked. Two par of Boots, one very good, the other wanting Soling Two pair of Shoes, i One light- coloured Great Coat,,[- - One . dark coloured ditto, anil other Articles And also stole from Stable of the said John Tomer, near has and Dwelling House, Two Saddles, and Two Bridles-. For the discover, therefore, of the Offender or Of fenders, a Reward of TEN GUINEAS is- hereby offer- ed to he paid, on his or their Conviction. JOHN TURNER. And. a fnrtlier Reward of FIFTEEN GUINEAS, is offered bv the Chichester Society, for prosecuting There., Felons.& c to lie paid on Conviction, as aforesaid. ' And if more than one Person was concern, • ed in the above Robbery. the same Rewards are here by offered to the Person who shall discover his Accom plice or Accomplices there in. to be paid as aforesaid. By Order of the Society, T. ROADES, Solicitor. Chichester, 24th May, 1813. Farnhurst, Midhurst, Chichester, and Dell Quay Turnpike Road. NOTICE is here by given, that the TOLLS arising at the several Turnpike Gates upon this road, will be LETT BY AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the Swan Inn, in the City of Chi- chester, on Saturday, the 12th of June, 1813, between the hour of eleven til the morning, and one in the after- noon. for Such term as may he then agreed upon, to commence from the 16th day of June, then next, in the manner directed by the act passed in the 13th year of • he reign.. of l. i » present Majesty King George the Third for repairing the said road; which Tolls pro- duced the last year, the several yearly sums following, viz.— Stockbridge Gate and Dell Quay Bar - £ sai Lava I Gate and summers' Dale Bar 289 Cocking • Gate - - S2- J4 Farnburst Gate - • 201 clear of ah deductions, and will he put up at such sums, Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time, give security, with suftierent sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, fur pavment of the rent agreed ( or, and at such times as they shall direct. By order of the Trustees, Chichester, May 11, 181). T. RHOADES, Clerk. Chichester and Cosham Turnpike Road. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the several Turnpike Gates upon this road. » ill he LETT BY AUCTION, To the best bidder, at the Swan Inn, in the City of Chichester, on Saturday, the I2ih of June. I813, be tween the hours of eleven o'clock in the morning, and one o'clock in the afternoon, for such term as may be then agreed upon, to commence from the 1st day of July. then next, in the manner directed by the act passed in the 46th year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, King George the Third, for repairing the said road ; which Tolls produced the last year, the several yearly sums following, viz. Bedhampton Gate - £ 7"- 2 Nutbourn - - 533 Fishbourn - - t> 31 clear of all deductions, and will be put up at such Sunn. - Whoever happens to he ( lie best bidder, must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties, . to the satisfaction of the Trustees, far payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shut! direct. By order of the Trustees, Chichester, May 1l, 1813. T. RHOADES, Clerk. TO BE. SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD MESSUAGE, buildings, and large garden, exonerated from the land tax, situ- ate in the parish of Saint Thomas in the Cliffe, near Lewes, late the property, and in the occupation of the Rev. Dr. Delap, deceased. For particulars enquire of Mr. SMITH, Solicitor, at Lewes. TO BE" SOLO BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. THAT long- established and gnod- accus! omed INN, known by the sign of the KING's HEAD, at Horsebridge, in the county of Sussex, com- prising a good House, with a detached TAP, requisite outbuildings, and gardens. Any quantity, not exceed- ing 15 acres, of rich Meadow Land, lying contiguous, may he either purr has- d or hired. The situation of this Ion is peculiarly eligible, being 18 miles from Lewes, to from East- Bourne, II from Uckfield, 13 from Mayfield, 14 from Battle, 14 from Bexhill, and So from Hastings, to all of which places it commands the Posting Business, which is very const titrable. Particulars, and terms of Sale, may be had either of Air. Chapman, of Horsebridge ; or Mr. Martin, Bat- tle, SHOREHAM, SUSSEX. Freehold Messuages, Garden, & Warehouses. TO BE SOLD, In Two Lots, to the best Bidders, before Abel Moysey, esq. Deputy Remembrancer of his Majesty's Court of Exchequer, on Tuesdays the 8th June next, at five o'clock in the afternoon, at the Star Inn, in the town of Shorecham, in the county of Sussex ; pursuant to an Order of the said Court, made in a Cause, intitu- led Tin KING against HENRY PARTINGTON, de- ceased ; AFREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of a sub- stantial built and commodious Messuage or Te- nement, with a stable adjoining, and garden behind the same ; situate in East street, in Shoreham aforesaid, late in the possession of the said Henry Partington— And also, FOUR. WAREHOUSES, with three several Dwellings or Tenements built over the same, and a shop adjoining or near adjoining to the said Warehouses, lately used as a Block maker's shop, late in the posses- sion of Charles Haiming! on, deceased, or his Tenants. The purchasers will be entitled to vote at all elections for the borough of Shoreham and county of Sussex, Particulars may be had, gratis, in London, at the Solicitor's Office, Custom House ; at the Chambers of the s « id Deputy Remembrancer, at the Exchequer- Of- fice, Temple ; and at the Custom Houses, Shoreham, Brighton, and Arundel. SUSSEX NATIONAL SCHOOLS. THE next MEETING, for the Eastern Divi- sion, will be holden at the Star Inn, Lewes, on Thursday, the 10th of June, at twelve o'clock. ,1. LUPTON, Secretary. 1813. Sussex Agricultural Society. THE GENERAL MEETING of this Society, advertised to be holden this Day, to receive and consider the Report of the Committee ap- pointed by the last General Meeting, to arrange the business for the ensuing Cattle Shew, is AD JOURNED to the Star Inn, in Lewes, on Tues day, the Eighth Day of June next, ( being Lewes Fair Day), at Twelve o'clock at Noon. F. H. CELL, Sec Lewes, 29th May, 1813". Ouse Lower Navigation and Drainage. A GENERAL MEETING of the Trustees will be held at the White Hart Inn, in Lewes, on Wednesday, the 91b day of June next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, precisely, to ascertain the amount of the Scots which it will he necessary to request the Com- missioners of Sewers for Lewes and Laugh ton Levels to raise, by assessments, upon the Lands lying in the said Levels, for the ensuing year'; to inspect the Bills due; to pass the Treasurer's accounts ; and for other pur- poses. EDWARD VERRAL, Lewes, 24th May, 1813. Clerk to the Trustees. LEWES WATER COURT. IHEREBY give Notice, That a SESSION of SEWERS, or WATER COURT, will be holden for Lewes Laughton Levels, 011 Wednesday, the 9th day of June next, by Twelve o'clock at noon, precisely, at the White Hart Inn, in Lewes, at which time and place all persons concerned, are desired to attend. And, I further GIVE NOTICE, that at such Water Court, the Precedents of Coses, in which any Sewers, or other Works in the Levels, have been extended, en- larged, or increased beyond their original state, at the expence of other parties than those who were before liable to the charges of maintaining the same, will be taken into consideration, with a view to orders being made relative to the mode in which the charges of the future maintenance of such Sewers and Works shall be defrayed. GEORGE HOPER. Lewes, 24th'May, 1813. THE next MEETING of the TRUSTEES of the Turnpike- road, leading from the Broil- park Gate, to the town of Battle, will be holden at the Woolpack Inn, in Gardners- street, on Thursday, the Tenth Day of June next, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. JOHN SINNOCK, Clerk. 31st. May, 1813. IMPORTANT TO THE ARMY'. Band W. RIDGE, of CHICHESTER, having • established extensive Warehouses in that City, heg leave to offer their services in furnishing the Army in general, but more particularly Regiments passing through the Sussex District, with Necessaries, Clothing, and Accoutrements, of every description Their Stores are so extensive, and such arrangements have been made to merit patronage and approbation, that a Regiment may be supplied, at an hour's notice, with every article required for the complete equipment of the Soldier. N. B. Regiments going to, or returning from ( he Peninsula, would find great advantages in the contiguity of the above warehouses to Portsmouth. Warming hurst, Ashington, and Chankton In- closnre. WE, CALEB RICKMAN and JAMES PEN- FOLD. the COMMISSIONERS named and ap- pointed in a certain Act of Parliament passed in the 53d year of the reign of his present Majesty, intuled » An Act for inclosing Lands within the several Mayors of Warm nghurst, Ashingtoo, and Chankton- in the County of Sussex," do hereby GIVE NOTICE, that a GENEREL MEETING, under the said Act, will be holden at the Red Lion Inn, on Ashington Common, in the said county, on Monday the 14th day of June next, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon. And nil per- sons who have or claim any common or other right to, or in such Lands, are required to deliver to us, at such Meeting, an account or schedule in writing, of their respective rights or claims, in the manner directed or referred to by the said Act. And at the same Meeting, such person or persons will he appointed Banker or Bankers for receiving the monies so be raised under, and for, the purposes of the said Act, as shall he approved by a majority in value, of the Proprietors then present. And we give FURTHER NOTICE, that on Thurs- day the 24th day of June next' at Ten o'clock in the forenoon, we shall proceed from the Red Lion Inn, 011 Ashington Common aforesaid, to ascertain, set out, determine, and fix the BOUNDARIES of the said se- veral Manors, of which all persons interested therein, are hereby required to take Notice.— Dated this 17th day of May, 1813. 3 CALEB RICKMAN, JAMES PENFOLD. TURNPIKE from BEACH DOWN in BATTLE to HEATH El ELD, and from ROBERTSBRIDGE to HOODS CORNER, in the County of Sussex. NOTICE is herby given, that the Trustees of the said Turnpike- road will MEET on Thursday the lotli day of June next, at the House of Sarah Bartlett, known by the Sign of the Swan, at Hoods Corner, aforesaid, at Eleven o'clock ill tie forenoon of the said day, for the purpose of taking into considera- tion the propriety of erecting Toll Houses and Toll Gates, at, or near, the following places 011 the said Turn- pike road, viz. one at or near Neitherfield Gun Inn, in Battle, aforesaid'; another at or near Hoods Corner, in Dallington, aforesaid, with three Gates or Bars; and another at or near a certain place called Cade Street, in Heathfield, aforesaid; and also another at or near a certain place called Cold Harbour, in the parish of Sale hurst, in the said County, and also erecting and putting up aside Gate, at or near the last mentioned place, at the entrance of a certain road leading 10 Etchingham ; NOTICE is also further given, that the said Trustees, at the same Meeting, will be ready to receive Tenders in writing ( scaled) from any person or persons who may be desirous of contracting with them, for the erecting and building ( he said Toll Houses and Toll Gates, as aforesaid, or any or either of them, according to the plans and specifications of the said Toll Houses and Gates, deposited at my Office, in Battle, aforesaid, where the same will continue for the innped on of any person or persons, until the 9th of June next. P. W1LLARD, Clerk to the Trustees of the laid Road. Battle, 29th May, 1813. WHEREAS ANN, the Wife of me JAMES WORSELL, of the parish of Worth, in the county of Sussex, eloped from me 011 Wednesday, the 5th day of this instant May, without any provocation at all from me, and carried away a great many articles, and has not since returned. This is to caution all per. sons from trusting her on my account, as I shall not he accountable for any debts she may contract from the date hereof. Witness my hand this 21st day of May, 1813, The mark of ' JAMES X. WORSELL. Witness, JOHN ALCORN FIVE POUNDS REWARD. IHEREBY offer a Reward of FIVE POUNDS, for the apprehension of WILLIAM HOLDEN. ( alias Scamper Molden a native of Ferring, in this county,- but late of Bedhampton park Farm, in the county of Hants, who stands charged on suspicion of Felony. Any person giving information of the said William Holden, so that he may be apprehended, may receive the above Reward, on application to me,,' JOHN DAY, Pulborough, Sussex. May 25, 1813. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors of JAMES HOOK, Carpenter, of Hailsham, are hereby informed, that the Trust Deed of the said James Hook, is lying for signature with Mr. Thomas Woi( dhanis, of Hailsham aforesaid, and will remain there one mouth from the dote hereof, immediately after which will he made a final dividend of bis estate and effects, the benefit of which all who may not then have signed, will be excluded. Hailsham, May 24, 1813. Stores for Ordnance Barracks. THE Right Hon. and Hon. the principal Offi- cers of His Majesty's Ordnance, do hereby give Notice, that they are ready to receive TENDERS from any person or persons who may be willing to agree to supply the ORDNANCE BARRACKS, at EAST- BOURNE, Sussex, with Coals, Mould Candles, Dipped. Candles, Stores ( for Bedding) Birch Brooms, and, Heath Brooms, for ONE YEAR, from the 1st July, 1813, to the 30th June, 1814. Particulars may be lie known on Application to T. METZNER, Esquire, Ordnance Barrack- Master, East- Bourne. To whom separate Tenders for the provision of each description of Article are to be sent ( free of expence.) sealed and marked, on the Covers, " Tenders for Coals, or Candles, & c. & e." as the case may require. *** No Tender will be received after the loth June, 1813. Stores for Ordnance Barracks. THE Right Hon, and Hon. the principal Offi- cers of His Majesty's Ordnance do hereby give " e- *' that they are ready to receive TENDERS from any person or persons who may lie willing to agree to supply the ORDNANCE BARRACKS, at RINGMER, with Coals, Mould Candles, Dipped Candles, Straw ( for Bedding) Birch Brooms, and, Heath Brooms, for ONE YEAR, from the 1st July, 1313, to the 30th June, 1814. Particulars may he known on application to Mr. BIGGS, Ordnance Barrack Master, Southover, Lewes, To whom separate Tenders for the provision of each description of Article are to be sent ( free of expence) sealed and marked, 011 the covers, " Tender for Coals, or Caudles, & c. as the case may require. *#* No Tender will be received after the loth June, 1813. AT FILCHIN PIT AND LIME KILNS, ANY quantity of C ALK or LIME may be had on the usual Terms, by application at the above place. CAPITAL FREEHOLD ESTATE, HUNDRED, MANORS, and RESIDENCE, Near the Sea, in Sussex. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AN elegant and capital MANSION HOUSE, called HERSTMONCEUX- PLACE, with all re- quisite offices for a great Establishment, and an ancient Park, a Lawn, Plantations, and Gardens, command- ing extensive and beautiful prospects of Land and Sea. And several adjoining FARMS, containing, in the whole, 1I54A. 1R. 0P. of rich Meadow, Pasture, Ara- ble, and Wood Laud, lying very compactly, with suit- able Farm Houses, Cottages, and Outbuildings, and situate in the parishes of Herstmonceux and Warthng, in Sussex. Also, a HUNDRED, and three valuable MANORS, extending over a large tract of country, abounding with GAME.— The Quit- rents, Fines, ami Heriots belong- ing to which Manors are very considerable. The MANSION HOUSE ( which is in complete re- pair) the MANORS, and 51SA. 0R. 23P. of LAND, are now in hand ; ( lie residue is Let to respectable le- 11 nants. In the Park are the Rains of an ancient, noble, and spacious CASTLE. Distances :— from London, 59 miles; from Battle 9 ; from Eistbourne, 10; from Hastings, 14; from Hail- sham, 4 ; and from the Sea, 5. Applications to be made to Mr. E. Ellis, 49, Hatton- Garden, London ; or to Messrs. Hoper and Son, at Lewes; with whom Plans of the Estate are left, and from whom orders may be obtained to view it. KENT. Freehold Estate, Mansion- House, Lawn, Farm, § ' c. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THAT valuable ESTATE, called Swift's- Place, consisting of a spacious Mansion House, with rooms of best size and proportion ;. viz. an handsome entrance hall, dining- room, 30 feet by 20, drawing- room the same, comfortable breakfast room, and study, with airy bed- rooms, and dressing- rooms adjoining.— stables, coach houses, and domestic offices of every description, suited to the residence of a Gentleman's Family, seated 011 a beautiful lawn, in the centre of the Estate, which contains nearly Two Hundred Acres of most excellent Laud, in a high stale of cultivation, with a convenient Farm House, and suitable buildings attached, and possessing some peculiar advantages. The Estate is situated in the parish of Cranbrook, about 48 miles from London, and about 20 from the Sea. Land Tax redeemed, and a Modus for the Vicarial Tillies. For further particulars, enquire of Mr. Joy, of the Bedford Hotel, Covent- Gardea ; or of Messrs. Claridge and Austen, Sevenoaks. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ONE Hundred and Twenty Acres, more or less, of excellent FREEHOLD WOODLAND, well known by the name of the PARK WOOD, in the parish of Burwash, in the county of Sussex, well stock ed with game, and all the woods around it. For further particulars enquire of Mr. EDWARD ADES, of Sedlescomb, near Robertsbridge, Sussex. HASTINGS, SUSSEX. To Grocers, Linen- Drapers, & c. To BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. AValuable Freehold DWELLING- HOUSE, most eligibly situate in the High- street, Hastings, ex- tremely well calculated for either of the above businesses, par- ticularly for that of a Grocer; the shop having been fitted up for that purpose. The premises comprise an excellent spacious Shop, with bow windows, parlour and lobby, a large dining- room, seven best bed rooms, with sundry closets, and light roomy stair- case. On the basement story " are a good dry kit- chen, cellar and pantry, with large garden, and paved back court, together 100 feet in depth. The biddings are in excel- lent repair, being nearly new; and the house bavin* two pri- vate entrances, is remarkably well calculated fur letting apart- ments, during the bathing season, To be viewed by applying to Mr. Henry Eaton, near the premises. For further particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Lovegrove, No. 1- 1, Adam Place, Borough; or to Messrs. DRIVER, Surveyors and Land Agents, Kent Road; or at their Offices, in the Auction Mart, London. FRANKLANDS AND CLEVEWATER. FREEHOLD FARMS, near Cuckfield, in the County of Sussex. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. DRIVER, At the Auction Mart, London, 011 Tuesday, June 15, at twelve o'clock, in One Lot, TWO very valuable FREEHOLD FARMS, exonerated from the Land Tax, situate at Wivelsfield and Birch- Green, in the parish of Wivelsfidd, about three miles from Cuckfield, in the county of Sussex, called Frank- lands and Clevewater Farms; containing together above ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY ACRES, in tt^ e occupation of Mr. Joseph Jeffery, upon an oid lease, which vv. il! expire at Lady- day next, at " the very low old an- nual rent of • ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE POUNDS. Printed particulars, with engraved plans annexed, may he had at the King's Head, Cuckfield; George, Crawley; White " art, Reigate and Godstone ; Kind's Arms, Croydon ; Castle, and Libraries Brighton: Star, Lewes: Dorset Arms, East Grinstead ; Dolphin, Chichester; of T. C. Medwin, esq. Horsham ; of Messrs. Smallpeice, Stoke, near Guildford : and of Messrs. Driver, Surveyors and Land Agents, Kent- road; or at their Offices, in the Auction Mart, London. CAPITAL INN, COACH CONCERN, & c. TO EE SOLD BY AUCTION, ( By Order of the Assignees of William Clarke, a Bankrupt,) on Friday, the 11th day of June, 1813, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, at the Wool pack Inn, in the Town of Tenterden,— subject to such Terms and Condi- tions of Sale as shall be then and there produced : LOT 1. ALL that F'eehold Messuage or Tenement A called the WOOLPACK INN, in complete re- pair, most desirably situated in ! bo centre of the town of Tenter- den, in the county of KENT , With the Tap- Room", extensive stables, lofts, coach- houses, granary, yard, garden, and appur- tenances thereto belonging, together with the Assignees' Right and Interest in the Assembly- Rooms. LOT II — The Assigness Interest in a lucrative COACH- CONCERN ( without the least opposition) from Tenterden, to Cranbrook, Maidstone, and London, with convenient stabling, sheds for carriages, & c. upon Lot l. The furniture, s'ock- in- trade, fixtures, and efl* ccts? and coaches, hearse, post- chaises, and horses, to be taken by the purchasers of Lots l and 2, at a fair valuation. LOT III.— A piece, of Freehold Pasture Land, called the Beacon Oak Field, lying near to the town of Tenterden, con- taining by admeasurement, 4A. OR. 5P. more or less. Lots 1 and 3, are exonerated from the Land Tax. LOT IV.— A Messuage or Tenement, with the coach- house, stable, garden, and 17 acres of good Pasture Land, about half a mile from the town of Tenterden, for the residue of. a term of 3 years, commencing from the 6th of January, 1811, under a lease, at the yearly rent of 60l LOT V.— A Messuage, Outbuildings, and about 18 acres of arable, meadow, • and pasture Land, in High Halden, in Kent, for the residue of a term of 21 years, commencing from the 10th day of October, 1801, under a lease, at the yearly 1 rent of 12/. LOT VI.— A Piece of Land, called the Taylor Field, con- taining by estimation, 3 acres, more or less, near the town of" Tenterden aforesaid, for the residue of a term of 21 years, ( of which 10 years were unexpired at Michaelmas last) held under an assignment of lease, at the yearly rent of 5l. For further particulars inquire of Mr. Stephen Prentis, Maidstone, Mr. Cloak and Mr. Clout, Tenterden, the assignees ; of Mr. Follett, solicitor, 2, Paper- buildings, Temple, London ; or of Mr. Waterman, solicitor, Tenterden, of whom printed particulars may he had 10 days prior to the sale ; and at the principal Inns within 30 miles of Tenterden. FURNACE FARM, neat CRAWLEY, in the County of Sussex. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs DRIVER, At the Auction Mart, on Tuesday, June 15, at twelve o'clock, in One Lot, ACapital and very compact FREEHOLD ESTATE, most desirably situate in the parish of Worth, in the county of Sussex, and near - the turnpike- road to Brigh- ton, two miles from Crawley, 22 from Brighton, and only about 32 from London; comprising all that extensive Farm, called Furnace Farm, containing above THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY- FIVE ACRES, lying within a ring fence, and abounding with game, in the oc- cupation of Mr. John Knight, yearly tenant, at the low annual rent of only TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY POUNDS, with a convenient farm- house, barn, stable, and other requisite outbuildings. Printed particulars, with engraved plans annexed, may be had at the King's Head, Cuckfield ; George, Crawley ; White Hart, Reigate and Godstone; King's Arms, Croydon 3 Castle and Libraries, Brighton; Star, Lewes; Dorset Arms, East Grinstead; Dolphin, Chichester; T. C. Medwin, esq. Hors- ham; Messrs. Smallpeice, Stoke;', near Guildford; and of Messrs. Driver, Surveyors and Land Agents, Kent- read; or at their Offices, in the Auction Mart, London. COPYHOLD ESTATES, CAPEL, SURRY. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By PLUMER and SON, At the King's Head Inn, Capel, on Tuesday, the 15th June, 1813, between, the hours of three and five o'clock in the afternoon, in Two Lots, LOT 1. Copyhold Messuage or Tenement, barn, flable, and other outbuildings, with 125 acres ( more or less, of arable, meadow, pasture, and woodland, called Misbrooks nearly adjoining the turnpike- road. leading from Dorking to Horsham, held of the Manor of Dorking, and subject to a quit rent of 10s. per annum, heriot the best beast. LOT 2. A Copyhold Messuage or Tenement, barn, stable, and outbuildings, with 45 acres ( more or less) of arable, mea- dow, pasture, and wood land, adjoining Lot 1, called Broom- hams, also held of the Manor . of Dorking, and subject to a quit rent of 11s. per annum. Both estates are in the occupa- tion of Mrs. Knight. N. B. The Timber, which is in a thriving state, is free, and will be sold with the estate. Immediate possession may be had, by the purchasers taking the growing crops, at a valua- tion in the usual way. Both Lots are intiled to a right of Commonage on Mis- brooks., Green, and the Holmwood, which is shortly expected to be inclosed, in which case will be intitled to allotments. Further particulars may be had, by applying to Mr. Dendy Napper, Warnham ; or the Auctioneer, Horsham. KENT AND SUSSEX. Valuable Freehold Residence, Farms, Water Corn Mil!, and Lands, with immediate possession of the Resi- dence, and of the Remainder at Michaelmas. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. SKINNER. TUCH1N, and FORREST, On Tuesday, the 8th of June, at twelve o'clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, Change- Alley, Cornhill, London in 16 lots, by order of the Trustees and Executors of Sanderforth Streat- . field, Esq. deceased, VALUABLE and very improveable Freehold Estates, situate in the parishes of Tunbridge, Seale, Leigh Chiddingstone, Penshurst, Edenbridge, Cowden, Hever, and Wadhurst, in the counties of Kent, and Sussex easy distance* from Sevenoaks, Tunbridge, Westerham, and East Grinsted and about 35 miles from London ; comprising a substantia - brick Residence, called HOLDEN, with Offices on . very description pleasure ground, gardens, and farm adjoining' in hand. ' ' Several very eligible Farms, called Kelt Lands, New : House Greys, Weavers, Little W„ rren, Bewes, Claydon, Eastland Cold Harbour, Edells Windmill Hill, Little Chested, and Crouches. _ Also Chiddingstone Water Corn Mill and Farm, with a ca- pital head of water, and two spacious water wheel-. The Whole Containing near. Seven Hundred Acre; of fertle and productive meadow, pasture, hop garden, arable and wood Land, in the occupations of Messrs. Keys, Children, Harris, Mercer, Burfoot, Langlcy, Cheeseman| Wallis, and Blackman, who have bail notice to quit at Michaelmas next. To be viewed, and printed particulars may had on the premises; also at the Crown Inns Sevenoaks and East- Grin- tead ; Kentish Tavern, Tunbridge Wells ; Rose an Crown Tunbridge ; of Mr. Blake, Printer, Maidstone ; Messrs. Lee' Printers, Lewes; Mr. Flee-, Printer, Brighton : , Messrs Pal. mer, Tomlinson, and Thompson, Solicitors? Copthall- court Throgmo ton Street ; i't Garraway's ; and of Messrs. Skinner, Tuchin, and Forest, Aldergate- street, London, where plans may be seen. ROTTING DEAN, BRIGHTON, & LEWES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY VERRALL AND SON, At the Star Inn, in Lewes, on Saturday, the26th day of June, 1813, at Four o'clock in the afternoon, SEVERAL truly valuable FREEHOLD, CO- PYHOLD, and LEASEHOLD ESTATES, late the property of Mr. Joseph Molineux, of Lewes, in the county of Sussex, deceased ; in seventeen Lots, LOT 1. Two unfinished Freehold LODGING- HOUSES fronting the sea, built with the nest materials, and covered with slate, situate in the pleasant village of Rottingden, within lour miles of Brighton. LOT II. A recently- built Copyhold ODGING- HOUSE, situate in Rottingdean aforesaid, comprising an excellent kit- chen , parlour, pantry, capital cellar, six good sleeping- rooms, convenient closet, and a good wash- house, together with a small piece of Land adjoining, situate in the High- street of Rottingdean aforesaid, new unoccupied. LOT III. Anew flint- built SLAUGHTERHOUSE, with a two- stall stable, and loft over the same, ami a large yard walled in, together with about an acre of exceedingly rich ara- ble fend, situate in Rottingdean aforesaid, in the occupation of Mr. John Wright, a yearly tenant. LOT IV. A Copyhold MESSUAGE* in two Tenements^ - with air c . ' ' a wj'- diu nj: adov^, 01 .. y one acrc, Witn uu... wred-- hoemaker's- shop, sitoat in the High- street of Rottingdean aforesaid, in the occupation of Stephen Welfare, a yearly tenant. LOT V. A COPYHOLD MESSUAGE or Tenement. si uate in the viiiage of Rottingdean aforesaid, comprising a kitchen and parlour, two Cellars, a wash- house, three comfort- able sleeping rooms, a wailed garden, an o! d- e, t. af. li- hed But- chers shop and slaughter- house., two . four- stall stables, with lofts over the same the whole about 83 feet in front, and' now in the occupation of Mr. William Dunk, on' lease, which ex- pires at Lady- day 181.8, ' at the yearly rent of twenty pounds. LOT VI. A most excellent Copyhold LODGING- HOUSE delightfully situate at Rottingdean aforesaid, and commanding an extensive view o£ the sea, called the Upper Hill House, now let to the Right Hon. Lord Sheffield, comprising a good parlour, drawing- room 20ft. by 15u. five excellent sleeping rooms, and offices of every description. LOT VII. Another Copyhold LODGING HOUSE, ad- joining to and of the same dimensions with Lot 6, and now unoccupied LOT VIII. A convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in the High- street, of Rottingdean aforesaid, comprising two par « lours, a kitchen, several sleeping rooms,, cellar, and other offices with a small garden in front there of, formerly used a-, a lodging- house, but now let to Benj. Newnham as a yearly tenant. LOT IX. A very desirably situated Freehold LODGING HOUSE, being No. 4, in Prince's- street, Brighton; opposite to the Pavilion, comprising a front and back partour, four sleeping rooms, and very convenient servants' apartments. Lor x; A very substantial- built LEASEHOLD LODG- ING HOUSE, comprising two parlours, a drawing- room, four bed looms, and sundry other neccesary apartments^ together with a Carpenter's shop, and a large yard 39fr. , n iiont, si Unite in High- street, Brighton, in the occupation of John Pratt, a yearly tenant. This lot is held under a lease for 98 years, from Christmas 1801,- at the yearly rent of eiy. it pounds. LOT XI. A very desirable piece of COPYHOLD BUILD- ING GROUND, situate in the North Eutts, Brighton, adjoining to Glower Place, containing 37ft. in front, and' 14oi't. in depth, now in the occupation of the Proprietors. 1 LOT XII. An extraordinary well built HOUSE compris- ing a front parlour 24ft. by 14ft. two hack pariours, a drawing- room 28it. by 14ft. five excellent charmers, . two garrets, and very- convenient servants' apar m.: nts, situate in the parish of St. Michael, being No. 92, in the High- street of the Borough of Lewes, now unoccupied. Immediate possession may be had. LOT XIII. An undivided Moiety of a capital Freehold WARE- ! HOUSE, with vault under the same, situate, in Watergate- 1 Lane, in the Borough of Lewes, late in' the occupation of Messrs. Moliceux, Johnston, and Cater, and now of A Harvey, wine- merchant, under a lease for 14 years commenc- ing from the 21st January, 1811. LOT XIV. A roomy Freehold WAREHOUSE, with an ex- cellent Vault under the same, situate in the pa; is. of Saint Michael, in Lewes aforesaid, behind the dwelling- hou& e of Mr. Davey, oruggist. LOT XV. A strong stone- built Freehold COACH HOUSE, and a three- stall Stable, with loft ever the same, in complete repair, situate in the parish of St. Michael, in Lewes, afore- said, now in the occupation of the proprietors. LOT XVI. A strong store- built Freehold WAREHOUSE, or Coach House, with a good Stable and Loft over the same, adjoining Lot 15, now in the occupation of the proprietors. ° LOT XVII. One Fourth part of the good SHIP DILI- GENCE, trading from the Port of Newhaven, — Smith, Master. The several Lots may be seen on application to Mr. John Sutton, Builder, of Rollingdean ; Mr. John Pratt, Builder, High- street, Brighton ; and of the Auctioneers, Lewes- Printed Particulars and Conditions of Sale may enow had of Mr. GEORGE MOLINEUX, of Lewes ; Mr. I. Beard, Rottingdean; M-. W. Verrall, Brighton; Messrs. G. and J. Smallpeice, surveyors, Guildford, Surrey - Messrs. Dri- ver, at their office in the . Auction Mart, London of the Auc- tioneers, Lewes and of Mr. E. Verral, solicitor, of Lewes, in Sussex. . TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURS- DAY's POSTS. BATTLES OF BAUTZEN. WURCHEN, AND RE1TENBACH — FRENCH AND PRUSSIAN ACCOUNTS— MARSHAL DUROC KIL- LED. , PTfiHF, aiiSiotislv e^ pecfed details of the battle 1 nf Bautzen, on the SOlii last, have at length filriteti Paris papers to the Slst last, have been feteiveH,- with an acronnt of the action of tint day Slid another more sanguinary on the 21st at Wort Zen, besides two minor affairs on the Ifjtb and 23d -.. tlie wtiole constituting a series of four days. — The position chosen bv the Allies, in which they Swaiied the advance oTthe enemy, was upon the Spree, fi « which their whole front \ fas covered fur fnaffv miles Their fust line rested its left on the heights overhanging that river ; its centre wai be- liind Bautzen, and its right on the village of Niem- chutz. Bonaparte, in person, joined his main ar- my,- about 80,000 men, before Bautzen, on the morning of the 19- th, and spent the day '^ l recon noitring. With this force he meant to attack the Allies in front, while another force, between^ fifty and sixty thousand men, under Ney, Lanriston, and Regnier, were to turn iberr right. In this plan, however, he failed. A division detached to reinforce Ney's corps, was int^ icepted, and beaten • with the loss of a General of brigade, two cannon, three caissons, and 600 men taken, a result which Bonaparte attributes to the bad dispositions made by his general. Ney, Lanriston, and Regnier, were Opposed bv about half their numbers, under Von Yorck, and Barclay fie Tolly, with so much spiiit and resolution, tba- t after three hours hard fighting tfi6y could flo no. tupre. than make themselves mas- ters of the village of Weissig, a flace too distant from the proposed scene of action to enable them to follow out effectually the original plan. Thus ended ( he VQih. The grand attack com- menced on the 20th. The French on this dav forced the passage of ihe Spree, and the Allies af ter seven hours hard fighting, found themselves obliged to fall hack upon tiheir second position at Wurtchen. The possession of Bautzen was the Only fruit which the French deiived from this al- leged victory. They did not obtain a single tro- phy The battle of' the next day, the 21st, at Wurtchen, was still more bloody and obstinate That of Bautzen is represented as only a prelude to St. Ney . vas driven out of the village of Prielnitz. To restore tlie battle, the . whole of Bonaparte's re- serves were '> o. ugbt up; the French army, it is admitted, was at this time in the greatest fury until Seven o'clock in the evening, when the Allies be- gin to retieat. Tins retreat, the French account Says, soon became a flight; but we cannot discover in it the abandonment of cannon or colours, or of any other characteristic of a flight. The Al- lies took the route of Weissenbach, and on ( he 22d Marshal Duroc, Duke of Friull, celebrated in the campaigns of Bonaparte, wa . killed by a cannon ball. . On the 23d, the French came up with ihe Allies at Reitenbach, where a partial af- fair took place, ' be result of which was not mate- finl The loss of the French in the battles of the 2oth, and 21st, is slated at It or 12,000 killed and • Whunded. That of the Allies at 18,000 wounded, and 10,000 prisoners hut the number of killed is not mentioned. In the whole four days fighting, the French boast to have taken only 19 cannon. and not one standard. The fighting hitherto lias been on Saxon ground From Reitenbach, the Allies retired by the road of Brunzlan and Lanban, into Silesia. The French w- re to enter that ter- rit'irv on the C- 4tb — After the lass battle, it. is said, that a Flag of Truce iiad been sent bv the Allies, with letters, and ii w^ s believed they wished to negociate for an armistice. It is most singular, however, if such was the fact, that Bonaparte should not have known it. CRICKET. Broad Oak Plain, Dicker, Chiddingly, ON Wednesday the l6tb June, ELEVEN CRICKET BATS wit! be played for, ( tie pro portion or « luillengt- ( winch litis been accepted! is NINE Gentlemen of WALDRON with Two of WAD- HURST. agHitrsi THE COUNTY. Presuming surli MI arrangment of parlies, wiil excite an interest highly gratifying lo the lovers - of the game* The Wickers In be pitcher! at, 10 o'clock, and llie game t « i tie phiyed ollt. PONEY RACING as usual, and oilier Diversions, corresponding . with the pleasures of the day. *** 4 good ordiiuiry oil the Plain, bv the Public's niMsi obedient servant, HENRY HOAD. Bat and Ball, June 5, 1813. CRICKET, ON THURSDAY June 10, 1813, wHl be played ai- ihe Upper Dicker, in Arlington, a GAME of CRICKET, b\ two Elevens to be chosen on the PI tin, i. f old men, all above 6n years of age. The Wickets to be piu- hfd at ten o'clock, A good Ordinary will be provided on the Plain, and tniv gen- tleman's company will be thankfully acknowledged by their obedient Servant, JOHN CROWHURST. STORES FOR ORDNANCE BARRACKS. nPHE Rt. Hon. and Hon. the principal Offi- * cers of his Majesty's Ordnance do hereby give Notice, that ihey are ready to receive TENDERS froiu any person or persons who may be willing to agree to snppivthe Ordnance Barracks, tit or near Bexhill with COALS, MOULD CANDLES, DIPPED CANDLES, BROOMS, and HEATH BROOMS, J'cr one Year, from 1st July, 1813, to the 3 » th June, 1814. Particulars may be known on application 1o Mr. GRIFFITHS, Ordnance Barrack Master, Bexhill. To whom separate Tenders for ihe provision of each description of Article are to be sent ( free of ex peine) scnled and niarked, on the cover*, " Tenders for Coals, or Candles, & ; c." as I lie case may No tender will be received after lire Intli June, 1813. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in the Cause of Nayler against Blundell, the Cresitors of JOHN BLUNDELL, late of Tonbridge, in the County of Kent, Hat Manufac- turer, ( who died in April, 1811,) are, on or before lire 2sth dav of June instant, lo come in and prove their debts, In fore John Springett Harvey, Esquire, one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, or in default thereof, they will peremptorily be excluded I be benefit of the Decree. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Canse Durant against Gawne, tire Creditors of JOHN ELMES, late of the parish of Hurting, in the county of Sussex, yeoman, deceased, are to conic in and prove their debts before Francis Paul Stratford, esquire, ojie of the Masters of the said Court, at bin Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery- lane, London, on or before the seventh day of July next ; or, iu default thereof, they will be pe- remptorily excluded the benefit ol tile said Decree. C. SMART, Solicitor. To Wheelwrights, Coach Makers, Carpenters, Cabinet Makers, and Upholsterers, & c. & c. HARVEY. and NAPIER, English Timber- mer- chants, ai tin Grand Junction Wharf, White Fri- ars, London, beg leare to inform their customers and the public iu general, ti. at they have got in a large as- sort nfcnI o FRESH BEECH, which they can sell, on moderate terms, for ready money, or good Bills, pay- able in London. WORTHING TO BE LETT, • unfurnished, wifti immediate possession,- a liands. ime well built HOUSE, No. 5, on the Steyne, Worthing; wliielt, never having been intended for a Lodging House; is papered in the hand- somest manner, fitted up with elegant marble chimney pieces, and has every convenience proper for the occu- pation of a genteel family,—- The price £ 50 a year. The taxes moderate The fixtures to be taken at a valu- ation,- or in any way whre'h may be agreed on. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Spooner, Library, Worthing. TO BE DISPOSED OF By Private Contract, or Let on TWO LODGING HOUSES, most desirably 1 situ- ted on the East Cliff, Brighton, with a HOUSE at the back, in Middle- street Lane, and extensive vaults under the same ; late in the pos- session of Mr. W. Proctor, Wine Merchant.— For particulars apply to Mr. T. ATTREE, Solicitor, Brighton. TO HE LETT OR SOLD, With immediate Possession, AVRRY desirable Freehold, brick- built MES- SUAGE or TENEMENT, Outbuildings, and Premises, situate near the Sea, at the bottom of A11 Saints Street, Hastings, late in the occupation of Mr. Stephen Duke, the proprietor. The premises are in good repair, and < vel! calculated for any kind of business, or for a lodging house, wiJh residence by the proprietor; comprising, on the ground floor, two parlours, a kitchen, wash- house, convenient pantries, & c.— oft the first floor, two good rooms ( one of which has, for some time past, been used as a sit ting room)- wm] thc second lloor, two good bed rooins, and two comfortable attics. For particulars and treaty, apply to Mr. Wm. Cloke, Miller, Guestling; or at the Office of Messrs Lucas Shadwell, Bishop, and Thorpe, Solicitors, Hastings. TO LETT, And entered upon immediately, for the Term of Seven Years, ACAPITAL Mansion, called CLAPHAM- HOUSE, the late residence of J. Bean, Esq. tit for the immediate reception of a gent'eel family, with capital walled in gardens, well stocked with choice fruit trees, shrubberies, lawn, coach- houses, . stabling for nine horses, with every suitable out office, and two pieces of meadow land adjoining thereto, situated on the South Downs, in the parish of Litlington, in a fine part of the county of Sussex, in the midst of capita! packs of harriers ; within one mile of Alfriston, five of Eastbourne, three of Seaford, six of Newhaven, ten of Lewes, fifteen of Brighton, arid sixty of London. For particulars, enquire of Mr. John Hitchins, Lit- lington ; Mr. John Hard wick, Hangleton, near Brigh- ton ; Mr. John Fuller, Coulsden, near Croydon ; or, of Thomas Penfold, esq: solicitor, Croydon. CONEYBOROUGH PARK. TO BE LETT, For a Term of Seven or Ten Years, From May 10, 1813 npilE above Residence, cleli' « htfully situated JL within three miles of Lewes, uine of Brighthelm- ston. and 40 of London. The { Mansion comprises ti go » d entrance hull, a drawing room gijr't. ( Sin. by rpft. dinrng rooni 20 by la feer, two small parlours, billiard room, library^ breakfast room, convenient nursery, eight l> e% t bed chambers, dressing room, and good attics, with suitable offices, attached and detached ; good kitchen gardens, coach house, and stabling for ifi horses. The Park contains 56 acres of lite best- conditioned land for deer, and excellent fish ponds. Tlie tenant will have the privilege of shooting and hunting over an extensive manor. t or further particulars apply to Messrs. Forster, Cook, and Freere. New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London ; or to Mr. Stephen Grantham, Stoneham, near Lewes. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, THE remaining part of the valuable BARN- HURST ESTATE, at- Hurst Green, in the comity of Sussex, consisting of about Forty- six Acres of ex- cellent Land, divided into small inclosures, and which will be sold for tlie convenience of purchasers, in Lots. For Funiculars enquire of Messrs. Swatland and Kin- caid, Solicitors, Cranbrook ; or of Mr. Coleman, Angley House, Cranbrook. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. HpHE valuable FARM and ESTATE, at What- lington, in the County of Sussex, consisting of a plea- sant Residence, and about Eighty Acres of rich fertile Land, with stables and other out buildings, in the oc- cupation of Mr. John Elliot, who quits at Michaelmas next. The Estate is but a short distance from Battle, and is surrounded by good roads. For Particular enquire of Messrs, Swatland and Ken- caid, Solicitors, Cranbrook ; or of Mr. Coleman, Angley Mouse, Cranbrook. SURRY. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AMOST DESIRABLE ESTATE, consisting of 279 Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, part of which, is a Manor, and the rest Freehold, situate in the most beautiful part of the county of Surry, on which is an excellent modern built Mansion- House, in complete repair, together with every kind of Office for comfort and convenience. The place is well sup- plied with water, abounding in Game, and the House stands on an eminence betwixt the pleasant towns of Guildford and Godalming a most dry and healthy si- tuation, that need only be viewed to meet universal admiration. It may be seen by Tickcts only, on application to B. C, Williams, Esq. No. 58, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and particulars to be had of Mr. Richard Eagar, at Graffam Farm, near Guildford, who will shew the same. BR1GHTHELMSTON. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACAPITAL PUBLIC- HOUSE, in full trade, A Freehold LODGING- HOUSE, in a good situation. Also, Stables and Coach- Houses. N. B. A considerable part of ihe purchase money may remain 011 mortgage, if required. Two substantial, well built Lodging Houses, plea- sant iy situated fronting the Sea, to be Lett on Lease, unfurnished. Alio, several Lodging- Houses, in the best situations, either with or without Furniture. For particulars, apply at the Office of Mr. Hil1, at Brighton. Most desirable Property on the Sea- Coast, sixty- four Miles from London. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AMOST VALUABLE ESTATE, part Free- hold and the remainder Copyhold, situate at Bexhill, in the county of Sussex; comprising a sub stantial modern Dwelling house, fit for . tlje reception of a family of res pert ability, wivhall necessary attach- ed and detached Offices, walled garden fully cropped, plantations and pleasure grounds, the whole perfectly secluded from the village, and commanding a most beautiful view over Pevensey Bay, East Bourn, and the adjacent country. A newly- erected DWELLING HOUSE, garden, and pleasure ground, and every requisite office, together with about 16 acres of meadow land, extremely fertile, and, having been for many years in the occupation of the proprietory in a high- state of cultivation. Bexhill is one of the most healthy and pleasant si- tuations on the coast of Sussex, and well atlapted for sea- bathing, for which purpose it is occasionally resort- ed to: it is six miles from Hastings, 14 from East- Bourn, and 64 from London. This estate holds out' an opportunity for investing ca pital seldom to be met with : as, from the increasing population of the place, every species of landed pro- perty is rapidly advancing ill value. Several lots of ibis property, have been sold for great prices as building ground, for which purpose there is every prospect of the remainder being appropriated. ' For a view of the Estate, apply to Mr. Mate, Post- Office, Bexhill ; and to 11eat for- purehust- to Messrs. Shadwell, Bishop, and Co. solicitors, Hastings ; and to Mr. James, New Boswell Court, Lincoln's Inn, London. N. B. The Houses are both furnished ; and ; « pur cha er may be admitted i mined lately us Tenant till the completion of the purchase. WORTHING. CAMDEN HOUSES TO BE LETT, Unfurnished. . THE situation of these Houses are evidently the best in Worthing. Ftirilier particulars may be known by application to Mr. PARSONS, at tlie Sea House Hotel ; or of Mr. BARTLETT, Chichester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Under a deed of Assignment, BY J. WATERS, On Wednesday, the 9th day of June, 1813, be- tween the hours of six and eight in the evening, at the King's Head, Easthoathly, Aneat bu'iltt DWELLING HOUSE and Car- penters Shop thereto adjoining, situate in the pleasant village of Easthoathly, in the occupation of Thomas Rich.— The premises aie copyUo! d. of the Manor of Laughton. For particulars enquire of Mr. Edward Elphick, or Mr. William Lashmar. both of Chiddingly; or the Auctioneer, Waldron- street. Valuable Freehold Estates, ( sound stock Land) Near Andover, Hants. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. HAWKES, On Saturday, June 19, 1813, at three o'clock, at the White Hart Inn, Andover, in tl'. rre Lots, ( unless an acceptable ofter is previously made), LOT I. \ N extremely eligible FREEHOLD and small part Lifehold Estate, called BOURNE FARM, containing- 20- J Acres of very fertile Arable itud rich Meadow Land, with Farm House, Tenements and Gar- dens, Barns, and proper Out- buildings. LOT II. An exceeding compact Freehold ESTATE, near the above j conipi- isiiif; . a Barn, and about 4o Acres" of ex- cellent arable, old meadow, and productive wood land, LOT III. A capital FREEH0LD and small part Lifehold Es- tate, called Wadwick Farm, containing- about 3- 29 Acres of extremely productive- arable and wood laud, wish ex- ceeding good Dwelling House, Barns, and requisite out buildings,. The whole on lease to Messrs. Longman and Poor for five years, situate in the parish of Bourne, five miles from Andover and the Canal, two from Whitchurch and the Great Western Road. The land- tax is redeemed. Half the purchase- money may remain secured 011 the property. To be viewed 20 days previous to the sale; when par- ticulars may be bad at the neighbouring Inns ; at the Auction Mart, London, and of Hawkes and Co. land- surveyors, Reading. Very valuable Freehold, Copyhold, and Lease- hold Estate, for long terms, with extensive Manors; a capital Mansion- house, gardens, and pleasure grounds, in the county of Sus- sex, on the borders of Hants. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. WELLER, Early in the ensuing summer, ' jnilE truly valuable FREEHOLD, COPY- HOLD, and LEASEHOLD ESTATES, with the extensive Manorial rights over several parishes, with a plenitude of game and fish, of the late John Utterson, Esq. and will be divided in various lots. These estates are situate, about 48 miles from London, in a most beautiful and picturesque part of the county ; two miles from Liphook, i> 4 from Portsmouth, six from the Market Towns of Midhurst and Petersfield. The high road from the Metropolis to Portsmouth, runs th. iough the centre of the property. Descriptive particulars will shortly he given, and further information may be obtained, by applying to Mr. WELLER, Chichester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By BOYS and SALMON, At the Bull Inn, Brenchley, on Friday, I8th June, at Two o'clock,? in Eight Lots, by order of the Assig- nees of Messrs.. Collens, SUNDAY valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, with early possession, situate in the parishes of Brenchley, Yalding, and Lamberhurst. Lot I. — A desirable Freehold Wharf, at Yalding, con- taining nearly two acnes, with dwelling house, ware- houses, stable, Coke oven, crane, and coal pen, all in substantial repair, and admirably, situated for carrying on an extensive business in tlie timber, deal, coal, and lime trade. May he viewed by application to Henry Smith, on the premies. Lot 2.~ A commodious Freehold Residence, situate in the town of Brenchley, with spacious gardens, suit- able offices, coach house, stabling for twelve horses, large granaries, & c. The house contains eight good bed rooms, three attics, drawing room, dining and break- fast parlour, kitchen, counting house, brewhouse de- tached, - and other convenient domestic offices for eve- ry purpose, with excellent cellaring, & c. The gardens are very productive, walled, and clothed with choice fruit trees. The whole containing two acres, more or less. May he viewed by application on the premises. Lot 3.— Mile Oak Farm, in the. parish of Brenchley, consisting of abo'Ut 23 acres - of very rich meadow, ara- ble, orchard, and bop plantation, in a hijj'u stale of cul- tivation, with one single, and three double cottages, barn, stable, hay barn, and other buildings, all in good repair. Iu the occupation of Mr. W. Collens, who will shew the premises. Lot 4.— Blower's Farm and Brick- kiln, situate, near Matfield Green, in the parish of Brenchley, consisting of about 12 acres of arable and planted wood land, new- ly erected sheds, and an excellent stock of brick earth. May be viewed by application to Mr. Collens, at Brenchley. Lot 5.— Balding's Farm, containing about 27 acres of meadow, arable, and wood land, with farm house and barn, situated in the parish of Lamberhurst, and adjoin- ing the turnpike- road leading from London to Hastings. Lot 6, — Root's Farm, containing about 47 acres of meadow, arable, pasture, and wood land, with farm house and out- buildings, situated on the north side of the aforesaid turnpike- road in the parishes of Lamberhurst and Brenchley. Lot 7— A part of Wimshurst's Farm, called Blunden Field, containing about eight acres of arable Land, with two new built cottages thereon, adjoining the aforesaid turnpike road in the parish of Lamberhurst. Lot Si— A further part of Wimshurst's Farm, called Pingley Mead, containing aliout - 25 acres of arable, mea- dow, pasture, a- u. d wood land, situated on the north side of the aforesaid turnpike road, in the parishes of Lam- berhurst and Brenchley. Lots 5, 6. 7, and are contiguous, and in the occu- pation of Mr. James Wiles, who will shew the premises. Further particular.^. and conditions of sale may be had at Messrs. Baker and Son's, Solicitors, Nicholas- Lane; at the Bedford Hotel, Covent Garden, and Auc- tion Mart, London ; the Crown, Tunbridge; Kent and Sussex Tavern, Tunbridge- Wells ; Bell, Maidstone ; Crown, Sevenoaks; Bell, Brombey ; Swan, Malling; Bull, Wrotham ; Bull, Cranbrook ; George, Battle ; Swan, Hastings ; George, Robertsbridge ; Camden- arms, Pem- bury ; Chequers, Lamberhurst ; Queen's- Head, Hawk-, hurst ; at the Place of Sale ; and of the auctioneers, Teston, near Maidtone. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By EATON and SON, On Tuesday 6th July, 1813, at six o'clock in the eve- ning, at the house of William Kennard, bearing the sign of the Two Sawyers, in the part-. li of Fairlight, in the county of Sussex, AVERY compact, aild substantially briek- built, FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, situate iu the parish of Pett, in the said county, about thirty four feet in front, with a piece of rich meadow land in, front, containing about half an acre, more or less, and a good garden well stocked with fruit trees, and calculated for the residence ot a genteel family. ' The House consists of a parlour, about 84 feet square, kitchen ot tlu; same dimensions, large cellar, scullery, & c, and other convenient offices, i lie situation is re - markably healths, commanding extensive views of the sea and adjoining country. Distance from Rye, six miles, three from Winchelsea, five from Hastings, and about two miles from the sea. ^ Particular* may be known by applying to William Kennard, the proprietor, on the premises - Henry Eaton, Auctioneer; ur John Tomsett, Attorney, Hastings, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. LAMBE, On Saturday, June 19, 1813, at the Thatched House, Malling- Street, Cliff,. Lewes, THREE BARGES, nearly hew, one 18, ' one t( i. and one 14 tons burthen ; well adapted ei- ther for the Lower or Upper Navigation of the River Ouse. • The Sale to begin at Six o'clock iri the evening. CHICHESTER. A truly valuable Brewery, Plant, Malt House, and two Dwelling Houses. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In One Lot, By Mr. BARTLETT; On Monday the 21st of June, 1813, on the premises, precisely at Twelve o'clock, liy order of the Assignees of Mr. William Cobden, a Bankrupt. THE BREWERY is 27 feet by 76 feet.— Malt- House, 84ft. by 19ft. with a grinding room, 26ft. by 22ft. kiln room, malt cistern, and coal store— The malt house has two working floors to wet 22 quarters per week, barley granary to take ion quarters, and dry ing room over the whole, paved yard, two stalled stable and piggeries, with a particular entrance adapted to the premises. A comfortable DWELLING HOUSE, 34 feet by 27 feet in depth, comprising a parlour, kitchen, and pan try, 3 principal and 2 servants sleeping rooms, wash- house and ample cellar room. A HOUSE 13^ feet by 46 feet in depth, comprising a kitchen, bed chamber, and room at the back, con- vertable into two others, garret, wash- house and cellar. The Brewery was rebuilt about three years ago, and the whole of the premises which are adjoining general- ly, are in substantial repair, forming altogether, a de- sirable plant and dwelling houses, with every conveni- ence and accommodation for the concern. There are several free houses in the city, and ready sale for beer. — The fixtures are to be taken at a valuation* N. B. The Cupper boils off ten barrels. - The whole erf- these extensive premises are situate in Tower Street, and are freehold, except the brewery, which is held by lease of the Vicar's Coral of the Cathe- dral Church of Chichester, for 40 years, from Christ- mas, 1801, renewable every 14 years, subject to a quit, rent of 13s. 4d. and 2 capons payable annually. Immediately after, will follow the Sale by Auction, of all the BREWING UTENSILS, and STOCK in TRADE, & c. unless taken by the purchaser of the Estate at a valuation, and will consist of one 70 barrel, one 45 barrel, one 28 barrel, two 15 barrel, one 14 bar- rel, two 6 barrel, and one 5 barrel casks—< 2J pipes, three 3 hogshead casks, 65 hogsheads, 8 half hogsheads, 25 small casks, one cooler 20 by 14 ft. one ditto isft. by 1.03ft, hop strainer on wheels, with a false bottom of cast iron, two liquor squares, for 3 hogsheads each, truck, pullies, stillions, stands, copper pipe, bungs, sack carts, scoops, bushel measures, 3 malt screens, ladders, rope, a'- iut 120 gallons of strong and some table beer, & c.— The two largest casks were made about 3 years ago, consequently are only arrived to a sea~ soiled state, and many of the others are in good preser- vasion. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Dal- ly and Blagden, solicitors ; or of Mr. Bartlett, at his Upholstery Warehouse, and Agency Office, Chichester, and the Estate viewed till the sale, by applying on the premises. HANTS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BARTLETT, Without reserve, on Monday and Tuesday, the 28th and 29th days of June, 1813, THE genuine and entise HOUSHOLD FUR- NITURE, belonging to a Gentleman, who is permitted to sell it on the psemises, now occupied by Mr. Hellyer, King's Street, Emsworth, consisting of about 300 lots, new within the last three years ; cata- logues of which may. be had in due time, at 6d. each, on the premises : and of Mr. Bartlett, at his Upholste- ry and General Agency Office, Chichester. I he Furniture may be viewed 011 the Saturday pre- cedisj^ Uie Sale, which will begin each day at 12 o'clock. CUTLERY, HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, & c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY VERRALL AND SON, On the Premises, on Friday and Saturday, the ] 1th and 12 th June, bv Order of the Assignees, THE whole of the STOCK in TRADE, Working Implements, and Household Furniture, of Mr. W. ENGLISH, of Lewes, Cutler, a bankrupt; Consisting of several sets of table and desert knives, and forks, a Targe assortment of highly- finished pocket and other knives, scissars, razors, buckles, spoons, snuf- fers, snuff and tobacco boxes, gentlemens' shaving- boxes, spectacles, spurs, handsome tea- trays, wai- ters, bottle - stands, bread trays, umbrellas, fish- ing rods, and tackle, pocket- books, purses, watch chains, seals, keys, and. trinkets, silver pencil cases, and thimbles, perfumery, wa king sticks, blacking, & e. & ic. forge bellows, anvil, large wheel, stones, buffs, and other grinding machinery, working implements, excellent glass cases, shew glasses, counters, and shop fixtures. The furniture comprises neat four post field and press bedsteads and hanging, live good feather beds and bed ding, mahogany, dining, Pembroke, and claw tables, ditto bureau and chests of drawees, pier and dressing glasses, chairs, carpets, table and bed linen, kitchen, and washing requisites, and Houshold Furni- ture in general. » Thr Sale to begin each morning at 11 o'clock. N. B. The Houshold Furniture will be sold on the first day, and the Stock in Trade. Fixtures, and Work- ing Implements on the second. The House will be Sold by Auction, on a future day, of which due notice will be given. On the 1st of June was published, Price 9d. Number V. of THE GOSPEL MAGAZINE, and THE- OLOGICAL REV1EW; containing Religious Essays, Review of Books, Poetry, & c. & c. hypocrisy." Sold by W. DAY, 13, Goswell- street, London ; W. LEE, Lewes ; the Newscarriers ; and by all Booksellers. Just published, price Two Shillings. HINTS to the NERVOUS and DEBILITATED of both Sexes, particularly to those whose infir- mities are an insuimountable bar to Connubial Happi- ness. and to the misguided proselytes of that destruc- tive habit, which undermines the i* ivost vigorous con- stitutions, and often precipitates young persons, in the prime of life, into all the infirmities of old age, a complication of diseases, and the very brink of the grave, before they are const ious of its moral turpitude, or destructive tendency. With observations on the best mode of treatment, founded on long and ample experience. By M. VENEL, M. D. Late Professor of Botany at the University of Leyden ; Physician to the Royal Houshold at Berlin, & c. Non est vivere, sed valrre vita. MARTIAL. London: Published by the Author, and sold by Messrs. Parsons, 156, Fleet- street; Mr. LEE, Lewes; Mr. CHOAT, Brighton ; and by the principal booksel- lers in Town and Country. THE CORDIAL CEPHALIC SNUFF is a - 1. most grateful and effectual remedy for- disorders of the Head, especially the common Head Ach. It re- moves drowsiness and giddiness , relieves dimness of the eyes j", is excellent in curing recent deafness ; and is of great service in hysteric and paralytic complaints, and in restoring the memory when impaired by disorders of the head. It is also a pVfc « ewaiiveagainst infectious air. Sold by the Proprietors. F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, four doors from the Corner of Cheapside, London - and Brodie and Co. on the New Canal, Salisbury ; in Canisters price is. each, duty ii. ciu; uod: but observe^, that the words, F. Newbery, 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the stamp pasted rouoil each canister j also by their agents iu most coun- try towns.. ALDWICK, NEAR BOGNO, SUSSEX. Elegant Marine Villa, Cottages, Arable and Pasture Land, and valuable building Scites at the Verge of the Sea. TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. WHITE and SON, On FRIDAY, the 23d day of July, 1813 '( UIIEJSS . previously disposed of by Private Contract, of \\ hid) DIE notice WIJL be given) precisely at Twelve o'clock, at the Eotel, Bognor, LOT 1. " D ; A Desirable Freehold Estate, called BARN ROCKS ; comprising an elegant Marine Villa with attached and detached Offices, Walled Garden, Melon- Ground; Hot and Green Houses, Lawn, Pleasure Grounds, Plantations, Shady Walks, Carriage and Farm Yards, and Out buildings, also, WEST COTTAGE, Freehold, AN elegant retreat for a small Family, encircling he above' proper- ty, is about Thirty Acres of parUcularly rich arable nnd': pas- ture Land, - IN an excellent state of cuhivatiou, including a tx- au- . tiful Wood at the verge of the sea. Liitle romraefit is required ; o he made on this property—• the house, OFFICES and buildings are jtldlcioudy arranged for the comfort and convenience of a family of the first. di- tinctiou— the walks are shady and retired, comi^ osed of the ' various sorts. of forest trees- R- together with, the coppice, intersected likewise-' with Walks, occupying a space of- four acres, more or; les.- W^- from almost every part of this Estate,' there are Inland nd Sea views the long range of South Downs, Goodwood, Bognbr, Pag- ham Harbour, Brighton- Hills, the Isle of Wight, besides the numerous Fleets 4' hich pass up and down the Channel—- The sands are VEI Y excellent. The whole of the buildings ha . e with a very small exception, been . erected at a very great expence, within the space of A few. years, and in the HIGHEST state of repair. The furniture and fixtures to be taken a* a fair valuation,, an inventory, ofwhiclr, ANDN plan of he Estates may be seen at the Office of Messrs. White and Son. LOT II. A VALUABLE FREEHOLD FIELD, in Grass, eituated to the Eastward of the Wood, bounded by the Earl of Newburgh's property to the South, to the North, 2 Acres, 2 Roods, 15 Poles ( more or less). LOT III. A valuable rich ARABLE FIELD, now ,' N Peas and Clover, b- ing pa it of Old Manor Farm, in A good s'ate icultivation, bounded by Mr. Heather and Mr. Par- ham's Land, 10' Acres ( more or less , LOT IV. A valuable piece of FREEHOLD ARABLE LAND, most admirably calculated for the erection of a Villa, the situation is bold, whh. uninterrupted views of the Ocean, ALIO of Selsea Bill, and Hills in tl- e^ ETER, 5 Acres— bounded by the Earl of Newburgh's Land to the West, Mr. Heather to the North, Sir T. B. Pechell, Bart, to the East— the Sea to the south. LOT V. A comfortable FREEHOLD COTTAGE, called Bell- barn- cottage, together with a compact Garden and piece of Land in cultivation, One Acre, ( more or less) with til > thriving Timber and other Trees. This Property is situ- ated on Aldwick Green, and near the Sea. LOT VI. A compact Freehold ornamental gothic Cottage in good repair, in the occupation of Mr. W. Twine, a pump of excellent Water, a garden in good cultivation, Chaise- house 3 stalled stable with Loft over, Yard, Cart- House and sheds, together with 3 Acres, 2 Roods, 9 Poles ( more or less) of very excellent Land, now N seeds, prepared for ii Meadow, • and the thriving Elm Timber growing thereon. The greater part of this Lot would form eligible budding sites. LOT VII. Three recently erected Freehold ornamental Cottages, with ex e! lent Gardens and Green Plats to each, laid out, situated on Aldwick Green, in tin-- occupation of Capt. Wright, Mrs. Bridger, and Mackerell, tog^ tf. er with a rich ARABLE FIELD, in the rear of ih above, now n Wheat, 2 AC res, 1 Rood, 4 Poles [ more or less] These are Tenants from year to year. LOT VIII. A rich ARABLE FIELD, of One Acre and a Half [ more or le. ss] being near the Western Entrance Gate originally Stocker's', a DE'sirable spot for the erection of a Cot- tage. The Timber and Tellows on each Lot to be included in the purchase. ^ THE VILLA may be viewed by PERMISSION of Sir James Sibbald, bart, the present occupier.-* West Cottage B-- R: SI on of George Tattersall, Esq. d. e occupier aso ; the otlier Es- tates may plication to Mr. W. Richards, at Earn Rocks, of whom Tickets-- for View and particulars may be L ad, also at T'hc- Li- braries, Brighton, Worthing and Bognor ; Messrs. Mottley and Co. Portsmouth ; Mr. Lee, Lewes; and all the principal Inns, in the neighbouring Towns, Auction Mart, London ; Messrs. Willmot, Solicitors , Chichester; and of Messrs. White and Son. at their General Agency and Eagle Insurance Offi ces, North Street, Chichester, or Tarrant Street, Arundel. AMICABLE SOCIETY, FOR INSURANCE OF LIVES, SRRJEANTS' INN, FLEET- STREET, LONDON,. INCORPORATED BY QUEEN ANNE, 1706. HP HE DIRECTORS have now to offer to the JL attention of the Public, Tables of Rates, which bave been lately completed, for t E INSURANCE of LIVES, at the various ages from 8 to 67;. either for the whole of Life; any specific number of YEARS; the contingency of one pers n surviving another ; or F- r the Y int coniiniiance of the Lives of two Persons J the insurance payable on the Death of ei'h : r. The^ e calculations have been made with the advantage of Tables of Mortality, formed from the actual continuance of Life,- which has " been ascertained by the experience of m > re than a Century, the Society having been incorporated by Queen Anne, in 1706. Insurances in this Office are effected in certain cases at a re- duct. N of nearly 20 per Cent, and on the whole, on terms greatly favourable to th-.- insured'. Insurances may he effected from 200/. to 3000/. and every kind UF Insurance , however short the period of continuance, is entitled to a participation in F lie pecuniary advantages accruing o the Corporation. IT may be proper to add, that these ad-, vantages are wholly aop;- o:> riuted to the Benefit of ^ HE Insured M proportion to the amount C^ each Insurance, as ciicuvnstan- ces arj. se in li e year in which the death happens: AN I that the amount paid by the Society, frequently exceeds the sum insured. Tables MAIY be had at the Office, where attendance is given from Nine ti I Three o'Clock. By Order of the Court of Directors. J. PENSAM, Registrar. *** Tables Of the Rates of Insurance to Le had at the OFFICE of this Paper. PITT'S G1NGER BEER. CHARLES PITT, Chymistard Druggist, Lewes, Sussex, Manufacturer Of GINGER BEER*, White ard Brown Spruce, Purveyor of Schwoppe's Soda and other Mine- ral Waters.- The demand I'. r PITT's GINGER BEER, du- ring the lasf ' HRCE\ ears, having mateiia! y inert as- d, it • as been an - object wit-. H ; tl. C. Propreiter the public convenience and bit- ter security from, spurious' imitation^ to estabhsh a Manufactory upon an extensive scale, and having done th he- avails himself of tliis method- Y^^ INIBRMING his Friends and the Public of his arrangement-, a'so; of soliciting th. eir favours FOR the support of it. — During the summer * EAS" N, C. P. has judged it expedient to place a pers N at BRIGHTON,, for the purpose of supply- ing all the above- mentioned articles, and this he lias done " at the Shop lately occupied by T. B. Pitt,, Chymist to H. R, H. the Prince Regent, Castle- square, who is removed to 39, Great East- street, opposi'. E ihe Blue Coach- office. All Wholesale Orders are requ sled to L> e addressed to the Proprietor, at his. Warehouse, 31 , High- street, Lewes. The Proprietor has sedulously sought for the opinion of the Faculty, generally, respecting ( he w ho lexeme proper I ies If his GINGER BEER, and he i s gratified in adding, that the Question has picl zvilk their unanimous concurrence and ap- proval. CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. IT is notorious thai vaiious disorders of the hu- MAN Frame are brought on by dissipation in youth., and a gross violation ( f hose rule which prudence diotates for the presetva: ion of health, and laying a foundation for alo gand happy life, with a firm and strong con titution ; the blessin. s of health are no sooner lost,, than painful experience teaches • the inestimable value of it, nd the unhappy patient looks around, to aften in vain, for the means of its REC' very. Dr. Solomon REC; mmends hi Cordial Balm of Gilead to those wt. use constitutions have . been impaired,- and who- E NEIV a- e affectep by too intense s udy, ore long residence in L. O or unhealthy climates ; in which cases it will brace the relaxed ne'R\ E « ,. strengthen and HNI.^ orate the constitution. Sold by W. Lee, Lewes, rice 1 IS. eaeh, or four in one fa- mily bottle, tor : 33s. by wh CH < ne lis. bottle i.< saved, with the words " Samuel Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp. *** Dr. Solomon expecs V hen consulted ty letter, THE usual compliment ot an one pound note, to be evclosed, a.-: dre ved " pool. Paid, double postage." Postscript From Saturday's London Gazette. Whitehall, June !, 1813. HIS Royal Highness the Prince Regent lias ,1A been graciously pleased, in the name and on fhe behalf of His Majesty, to grant the dignity of a Viscount of the United Kingdom of Great Bri- tain and Ireland-, unto the Right Honourable Charles Baron Whitworth, of that part of the United kingdom called Ireland, Knight of the Uni- ted Kingdom called Ireland, Knight of the Most ^ Honourable Order of the Bath, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, by the name, stile and title of Viscount Whitworth, of Adbaston, in the County of Stafford. Carlton House, June 3, iS13. PRESENT, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent in Council. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent in Coun- cil, as this day pleased to declare, in the name and on be- half of His Majesty, - the Right Hon. Charles Viscount Whitworth, Lieutenant- General and General- Governor of that part of the United Kingdom called Ireland. Whitehall, May 18, 1813. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent hath been pleased, in the name_ and on the behalf of His Majesty, to give and grant unto Rhoda Carle- ton Groome, Spinster', only child of I lie . Reverend William Groome, Clerk, Rector of Thakeham, in the county of Sussex, by Mary his' wife, sole surviving sister of Edward Carleton, late of Arundel, in the s , ul county. Esq deceased, Mis Majesty's royal licence and authority, that, in compliance with a direction contained in the last will and testament of bet maternal uncle the said Edward Carleton, she may lake and use the sur- name and bear th ; arms of Carleton; such arms - being first duly exemplified according to ihe laws of arms, and recorded in the • Heralds' Office, otherwise His .. Majesty's said licence and permis- sion to be void and of none effect: And also to command, that ( he said royal con- cession and declaration be registered in His Ma- jesty's College of Arms. BANKRUPTS. / C. Green. Liskard, Cornwall shopkeeper. J. Stevens and J. Fitzgerrard, New Sarum, upholders B. Hayton Pentonville, coal- merchant. T. Williams, Carmarthen, cattle- denier. T. Brown, Dissington, Cumberland, miller. J. Edney, High Holborn, broker. P. Williams, Fenchurch street, London, merchant. J. Robinson, Piccadilly, scrivener. L. Perceval, Fenchurch Street, merchant. C. Wickham, Old street, virtualler. J Hutchings, Battle, victualler. LONDON: HAMBURGH IN POSSESSION OF THE DANES. The assurance of the safety of Hamburgh, given in the papers tc- ceived yesterday, has proved falla- ci. iv> That ill- fated city is now in possession of the French and Danes, and our only hope is that the latter, for their own sake, have obtained a res- pite in its favour from the sentence of destruction lately pronounced upon it by the French General It is said, indeed, that prior to the entrance of the enemy, negotiations had been entered into between the Citizens and the Military Comman- dant of Altona, and that among the conditions agieed to it was stipulated the Hamburghers weie to deliver up their arms. This event took place On Sunday last. General Tettenborn left Ham- burgh in the morning saying he was no longer able to defend it. In about an hour after 4,000 Danes entered it with a French and Danish Gen- ial at their head. A French force from Wil- helmsburgh entered it in the evening. The Danish Government has declared tin. terms on which England- wished to negotiate, was inconsistent with the unity of the State. Tlris confirms the account of the plan- to divide Norway fiom Denmark and annex it to Sweden. This in telligence was- brought by a Mail from Heligoland arrived this morning. with intelligence to the 1st. instant. The discussion oil the East India question was again resumed on Wednesday night in the House of Commons. The proceedings of the greater part of the evening gave nothing new of import- ance, and the House adjourned to Wednesday next, after having passed the third, and all the remaining Resolutions without a division. * There is a report in the city, that the crews of thfe Scheldt fleet have- mutined, and brought the ships out, and joined the English squadron off Flashing ! ' On Friday, his. Majesty completed his 75th year; his truly lamentable and afflicted state did not prevent ti e public establishments und characters, as well as his loving and loyal sub- jects, froth celebrating the day with every de- monstration of joy, as if he was blessed with good health, except - public Court being held at St. James's Palace. The Ministers and Officers of State gave dinners on the occasion. MR. AND MRS. BONAR's MURDERER. This monster has recovered'the use of speech, but neither the Catholic Ministers, nor his medi- cal attendants have induced him to open his lips , except to own " that he had been a great sinner." He lies on a truckle- bed in tile butler's room, ad- joining the pantry wherein two men and a Police- officer are in constant attendance. He pissed the night of Thursday in a very tranquil state, and frequently' dozed, but it was observed that, lie opened his eyes at all times when any mention was made I) v those about him of the murderous weapon used or any allusion to the badness of his " temper. He eyed attentively every stranger, and particularly noticed one of the coachmen, who went into his room after the funeral with a silk hat- band Mr. Eylett, the surgeon, who sewed up the wound, remarked paiticulailv his determined conduct at the moment; he never winced, nor made an inclination to retract from the operation, lje lies constantly on his back, with his head raised bv pillows, and so fixed is it, that he cannot move « o as to give the arteries any play, or, in other words, to prevent their motion connecting them again together. MR. CON ANT, the Magistrate, arrived about ten o'clock on Friday, at the house, and'investi- gated the proceedings as far as they went ; but nothing arose to give any further clue to this horrible transaction. LEWES, JUNE 7, 1313. The French armies having, about this time j last year crossed the Vistula, we were induced to offer some observations on BONAPARTE'S pro- jected invasion of the frightful Regions of Russia ; fend had the Usurper consulted our Journal of the 8th of June last, on the subject, he would have i'ouud, truly foretold, the fate that Awaited him under the prosecution of that des- perate enterprise, as appears by the following paragraph, which concludes the observations referred to ;— " The Emperor of Russia must fight, but let him beware of open battle ; by art excursio- nary and protracted war, BONAPARTE, must re- treat, his provisions will shortly fail, as every resource from the North Sea will be cut off, and the event of his all- subduing spirit must ter- minate in DISGRACE !"—- And that the fate of war may again speedily humble his ambition, is, we believe, the ardent wish of every friend to humanity and justice,— except the Emperor of Austria, whose feelings on the subject do not appear to be well understood. Brevet- Major Henry D'Oyly is gazetted to be Captain of a Company and Lieut.- Colonel in the First Regiment Foot Guards, vice Clin- ton, appointed to the command of a Battalion' of the 60th Foot. The following Commissions in the Pevensey Regiment of Local Militia, signed by the Lord Lieutenant, appear in Tuesday's Gazette ;—. The Earl tif Chichester to he Lieut. Coionel Commandant. Edward Cranston; esq. to be Lieutenant- Colonel. • The Hon. David Montague Erskine, to be Major. To be Captains— John Henry Bates, esq]. Henry Hill, esq. Fredrick Adair Roe, esq. Stephen Haslar Challen, esq. Henry Hopkins, esq-. Robert Chester Cooper, esq. Arthur Cuthbert Marsh, esq. To be Lieutenants - W. Ridge, gent. T. T. Moon, gent. R. Hurley, gent. J. A. Whichelo, gent, and J. Weir, gent. To be Ensigns — N. P. Kell; gent. Stephen- Low- dell; gent. Jacob Boys, gent. Edmund Bourke, gent, to be Adjutant. Lieutenant George Grantham, to be Quarter- Master. Thomas Hodson, gent to be Surgeon. Ensign Francis Bellingham, to be Surgeou's- Mate, .. ' The Sussex militia, who inarched, on the ? 4th and 25th ultimo, from Oxford to Farn- ham and Odhiam, are again under marching orders, and this day proceed on their route from the above places, to Sandhurst Common, near Bagshot, to be encamped. Oil Wednesday, the Pevensey Battalion of our Local Militia were inspected and reviewed, on the Downs, near this town, bv General Houston, who expressed himself highly satis- fied with, and complimented Colonel Cranston on, the general appearance and military disci- pline of the men. The 1 day was remarkably fine, and the scene attracted a great many spec- tators. The mess- dinner on that day, was dis-. tinguished by the number of its visitants. The inspecting General could not be present, as he was obliged to leave Lewes, immediately af- ter the review, for the metropolis, to be present at a levee of the Commander- in- Chief. , On Friday morning, the above regiment was drawn up and fired three vollies in honour of his Majesty's birth- day. On Saturday morning the men, after deli- vering up their arms and accoutrements, and having conducted themselves with great pro- priety, were dismissed to return to their re- spective abodes, from which the temptations of a recruiting party from the i8th Light Hussars, headed by their regimental band, could not es- trange them, as it paraded the town great part of the day, we believe, without picking up a single recruit. . Last Friday being the anniversary of his Ma- jesty's birth- day, the artillery in Ringmer bar- racks, took their guns to the East and West of the town, and at one o'clock fired a Royal Salute in honour of the day. Th • troops in our' barracks fired a feu- de- joie on th.: same occasion. Tin- Rev. Charles Philpot, M. A. rector of Ripple, in Kent, has been collated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, to the vicarage of St. Margaret at Cliffe, void by the death of the Rev. Alexander James. James Moory, one of the Chatham and Dartmouth Local Militia was, on Monday last, sentenced to three months imprisonment - in Maidstone jail, for disobedience of Orders, and insolence " to his officers. As Mr. John Sawyer, of Leigh- green, Ten- terden, was returning home from Cranbrook Fair, on Tuesday last, he fell from his horse and was so seriously injured about the head, that but faint hopes were entertained of his re- covery. BRIGHTON, JUNE 7, 1813. Last Friday being the anniversary of his Majesty's Birth- day, who entered into the 76 year of his age, the - morning was ushered in by a merry peal 011 the church bells. At one o'clock the Volunteer Artillery, fired a" royal salute at the Battery, which was followed by vollies from the military, in honour of the day. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has obtained a grant from a Court Baron, for the manor of Brighton, to extend the fence that surrounds . Marlborough House to the Royal Mews, which will, in appearance, improve tiiat part of the town. On Saturday last, William Haselden, was committed to our House of Correction, charged with stealing sheep, in the- parish of Fletching, the property of Messrs. Gilbert and Hobbs, yeomen, in that neighbourhood. And, a few days since, James Funnell, of Fletching,' was committed to the above House of Correction,. for three months, having been convicted of se- veral acts of poaching. Oil Thursday was played a grand Match of Cricket 011 Littlehampton Cricketing- ground, Littlehampton - Club, against Lancing- Club, for fifty guineas:— LITTLE HAMPTON. First Innings. Second Inning). White 12 c. Marten. 0 b. Weller. T. White 1 b. Weller. • 0 c. Ditto. Grevat 1 st. Stepney. 0 st . Stepney. Grant 4 c. T. Busby. 10 not out. Herrington 1 b. Weller 12 b. Weller. W. Jutten 2 b. G. Busby. 5 c. Tayler. Stenning 2 b. Ditto. 2 b. Weller. Swansey 3 b. Weller. 4 b. Ditto. T. Jutton 10 c. Blaker. 2 st. Stepney. Faulkner 1 not out. 0 c. G. Bushby. J. Jutten 0 c. Marten. 0 b. Weller. BYES 1 0 BYES . 38 35 Runs. LANCING. Weller 14 b. Faulkner. 4 run out. Blaker 3 I). Ditto 3 c. J. Jutton. G. Bushby 6 c. Ditto Marten 1 b. Ditto 3 not out. Stepney 0 I). Ditto 3 b. Faulkner. Tayler 8 run out. 6 not out. T. Bushby 17 c. Grant. 1 b. Faulkner. Ford 1 b. Herrington. Carver 0 b. Ditto Simmonds 0 c. Faulkner, Sharp 1. not out. BYES 3 0 BYES. 54 20 Runs. Lancing won by six runs. Littlehampton the favourite at starting. The Centre Battalien of Local' Miiitia,. sta- tioned here, were disembodied on Tuesday last, when they took a very pesceable departure. The Mayor of Chichester, in his endeavours to Iveep holy the. Sabbath- Day, by restraining the butkhers, bakers, & c. from vending the ar- ticles they respectively deal, in, on- a Sunday; lias met with a degree of opposition and resis- tance. which, we understand, Is likely to fur- nish business for the Gentlemen of the Long Robe. In this part of the country most families pro- mise themselves a gooseberry- pudding on Whit- Sunday. Yesterday their tables were amply furnished, the forwardness of the Spring, hav- ing given full. size and flavour to the fruit in ma- ny situations. A Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and Jail Delivery, for the trial of offences committed on the High Seas, within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England, will be held at Justice Hall, in the Old Bailey, London, on Monday, the 5th of next month. Last Saturday se'nnight between three and four o'clock in the morning, two of the Felp- ham fishermen, named Brook and Martin, after spending t';-; night together, with others, quar- relled and went out to fight, when after a sharp contest of about twenty minutes, Martin received a blow On the temple that unhappily killed him upon the spot. Brook was much bruised, and taken home in a senseless state. On Wednesday night several hams' itif bacon and other articles, were stolen in the house of Mrs. Howell, of the East Cliffe. COURT OF EXCHEQUER, JUNE 1. Before the LORD CHIEF BARON au'd Special- Juries. TIIF. ATTORNEY- GENEHAL V SARAH NELLER. This was an information filed by his Majesty's Attorney- General against the defendant, for hav- ing in her possession ten remnants of French silk, measuring 173 ells; three French silk shawls, and 489 pairs of French leather gloves. Mrs Neller lives in a Court in Holborn, is a laundress, and lets lodgings. When the goods were found in her house, in a box, she said she knew nothing about the contents of it, as it had been brought there by a shopman of Mr. Holbrook a linen- draper, a few doors off; and one of the officers who made the seizure- was satisfied these goods were the property of Mr Holbrook. The value of these goods were ,£ 78 5s. and th penalties given by the Jury to the Crown agains the defendant, weie three times the amount of the goods, to wit, ,£ 234 15s. THE ATTORNEY- GENERAL. BORGZIO AND HIS WIFE. This was an information filed by the Attorney- General against the defendants, to recover penal- ties to the amount of „£ l9S0 10s. It appeared that the defendant, Ferdinando Borgzio, was an Italian, and formeily valet to his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex. He after- wards married his present wife, who is a French dress- maker, and lives in Charles- street, Grosvenor- square. The Revenue Officers having information, searched the house, and found a quantity of French silk handkerchiefs, a number of lace veils,. & c. amounting in the whole to <£ 643 10s. These goods had been condemned, and the information sought to recover against the defendants penalties to three times the amount of the goods The defendant, M. Borgzio offered the officers a bribe of one hundred pounds to leave this house and the silks The Jury found a verdict for the Crown, against '. lie defendants, for three times the value of these contraband goods, to wit, for £ l{) 30 10s. Lewes, June 2d, ISI3. NOTICE. THAT all ihe PARTIES, who had PRE- A PARED, ARRANGED, and undertaken to perform, a well- known Contract, in this Neighbourhood, No NOTICE OF THE DAY on which it was to TAKE PLACE having been previously given, have entered into a fresh arrangement for a Contract of a similar nature, and, as soon as it is READY FOR EX- ECUTION, Notice of the Day and Place shall be duly given. BALL AND CARD ASSEMBLY. THE last SUBSCRIPTION BALL for the il season, at the George I1111, Battle, ivill be 011 Fri- day the 1 1th June, 1813 E. J. CURTIES, Esq. Steward. WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family, a Man who can be well recommended for honesty, so- briety, and cleanliness, that understands the business of a COACHMAN well For Particulars, enquire of John Luxford, esq. East Bourne, Sussex. WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family, a good PLAIN COOK, who can make light bread and understands a Dairy. Wanted also, a LAUNDRY- MAID, who can milk three Cows. No persons need apply, who cannot be well recommended by the family they last served.— Apply, for reference, to the Printers of this paper. . NOTICE. THERE is now a FAMILY not far from Broadwater, near Worthing, that always did, and now do me, all the injury they can, by their false tongues; they will say any thing to hide their own faults, j will defy them, or any that keep them company, to come before any Bench of Justices, and prove any thing against me, without taking a false oath, or hiring others so to do. JOHN DENNETT, Late of Rustington, Sussex, To Tailors, Drapers, and Grocer's. TO BE DISPOSED OF, AN established Shop, in the ahovE?' branches, consisting of a general Country Trade, situated about - M miles from London, in tlic county of Kent.— Any person desirous of business, will find this an ad- ' vantageous concern, For particulars, enquire of Mr. Burrell, Post- Office, Sevenoaks, Kent. If bv letter, post- paid. " LEVELS. NOTICE is hereby given, That a general SESSIONS of SEWERS for the Levels within the Rapes of Pevensey nnd Hastings, will be holden at the Lamb> Inn, in East Bourne, 011 Thursday, the 17th day of June instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when, and where, the several Expenditors, aud others having business, are desired to altHild. Dated the First day of June, 1813. LUCAS SHADWELL and BISHOP, Clerks of Hooe Level. T. BARTON, Clerk of Pevensey Level. Notice is hereby Given, THAT the Sale of Cutlery Goods and Hous- hold Furniture, late the properly of Mr. English, advertised in the second page of this Paper for Friday and Saturday next, is POST- PONED until further Notice. " STRAYED, INTO the grounds of Sir Thomas Carr, of Beddingham, on the morning of the 2d of June inst. Two GELDING PONEYS The Owner, by applying to the Bailiff at Cobb Place, Beddingham, describing their marks and paying for keep and advertising may have them again. LINGFIELD, SURREY -.- Freehold Land and Tithes, Lingfield, hi the • County of Surry, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MESSRS. DRIVER, At the Evelyn Anns, New Chapel, near Eastgrinstead, Sussex, on Wednesday, aoth June, at two o'clock, in ten lots, ( unless previously disposed of by private contract,) AVERY improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, mo « t delightfully situate in the parish of Ling- field, iii the county of Surry, two miles from East- grinstead, seven from Godstone, and about 28( from Lon- don, consisting: of about 200 acres of newly enclosed land, remarkably eligible for building upon, command- ing the richest and most extensive views. Also the great and small TITHES, of a large and compact Farm, together with sundry small Farms, Cottages, and Parcels of Land, also situate within the same parish. Printed Particulars may he had at the Evely Arms, New Chapel; White Hart, Godstone; King's Arms, Croydon ; of H. Barrow, esq. Eastgrinsted ; and of Messrs. Driver, Surveyors, and Land Agents, Kent Road; or at their Offices, 111 the Auction Mart. _______ _ TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the Premises, By Mr. WELLER, By order of the Assignees of Mr. John Bartlett, on Monday the 21st day of June, at 12 o'clock, and two following days, HE genuine and entire modern HOUSHOLD T FURNITURE, of Nos. ], 2, and 3, Portland Place, consisting of 40 blankets and counterpanes, four- post, field, and bureau bedsteads, with" elegant calico furnitures, with rich draperies," and others of an inferior order of dimity - and check, prime bedding, excellent hair and flock mattresses, three drawing*- room - suites, with French window curtains, sofas, card ta- bles, pier and chimney glasses and mirrors, Kidder- minster carpets, mahogany sets of dining tables, tea, Pembroke, and dressing, handsome side boards, with cellarets, drawers and cabinets, china, glass, and stone ware, aud the usual culinary articles. Catalogues, in due time, may be had at the Hotels, Worthing; at the principal Inns, in the neighbouring market towns ; apd of Mr. WELLER, Chichester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. WELLERr On the Premises, on Wedneday, 30th June and the fol - lowing day, ADelightful FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, gar- den, five acres of excellent Meadow Land, coach- house, four stalled stable, wood- houseT and other of- fices, called LYMINSTER COURT PLACE, be tween Arundel and Littlehampton, the property of the late Rev. Robert Sayer and immediately after the foregoing, the genuine and entire Houshold Furniture, Plate, Linen, China, and other usual domestic arti cles ; a very valuable Library on Theology, Philosophy, and the Belles Letters ; also, a very curious carriage, for nine persons, which one horse will draw with facili- ty, being constructed 011 such true mathematical prin- ciples to render the draught so easy. Two store pigs, dung cart, a rick and stump of mea- dow Hay. Printed particulars, and catalogues will be timely prepared, and may be had at the adjacent Market Towns, and Of Mr. WELLER, Chichester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. WELLER, On the Premises, on Tuesday, the 6th July, at twelve o'clock, THE genuine and entire HOUSHOLD FUR- JL NITURE of the late Rev. Robert Sayer, at Rudge- wick, consisting of four- post, field, and other bed- steads, with dimity and check furnitures, good beds, blankets, and counterpanes, mahogany chest of draw ers, tables, . dining and parlour chairs, lounging sofa ; kitchen and brewing articles ; a handsome milch cow, pigs, a clever harness mare, a light cart, a rick, and a stump of meadow hay. Catalogues, in due time, may be had at the adjacent Market Towns, and of Mr. WELLER, Chichester. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, Sometime next Month, Unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, ADesirable ESTATE, caHed STOCKS, ( late the property of " Mr. Thomas Weston, de- ceased,) comprising a new built Hovel, Yard, and se. veral pieces of excellent meadow and pasture Land, well watered, containing together by admeasurement, 32^ 4. 3R. 8P. or thereabouts, situated in the parish' of Ditchelling, in the county of Sussex, within half a mile " f the town, and near the new turnpike- road leading from Lewes to Ditchelling, together with two Bullock Leazes ( full stock), and eight Sheep Leazes upon. the hill, or Ditchelling Common, the whole being now in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Page, as - yearly tenant, who has had notice to quit on the 29th September, next. About one acre and a quarter of the Estate is copy- hold, holden of the manor of Ditchelling Garden, un- der the yearly quit- rent of 6d. and subject to a fine and heriot of 6d. each, certain, 011 death and surrender, and the remainder is freehold, subject to ihe payment of a yearly quit- rent of 5a. to the manor of Ditchelling, aud to a relief a year's quit- rent, on death and alien- ation. Part of the purchase money may remain 011 mortgage, if desired. The estate may be viewed, by applying to the looker, Mr. Hollamby, at Ditchelling, and for further particu- lars, enquire at the Office of Messrs. King aud Gell, Solicitors, Lewes, where a plan of the estate may be seen. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. JOHN BAKER, of Northiam, in Sussex, Tan- ner, having by Deed, dated the luth of February last, conveyed and assigned his estate and effects to Mr. Francis Tress, of Northiam, Mr. Samuel Selmes, of Beckly, Mr. Stephen Wybourn, of Beckly, Mr. Henry Freeland, of Robertsbridge, and Mr. Samuel Baker, of Heathfield, all in Sussex, in TRUST, for the benefit of themselves and the rest of his Creditors, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Trust Deed is now lying nf the Office of Messrs. Woollett and Dawes, Rye, Sussex, where such of the Creditors as have not already executed the Deed, are requested to call and execute the same. The Creditors of the said John Baker, are particu- larly requested, by the Trustees, to $ end an account of their respective Debts to Messrs. Woollet and Dawes. And all persons indebted to the said John Baker, are desired to pay their respective Debts to Messrs, Wool- lett and Dawes, for the use of the Trustees, who are authorised to receive, the same, INTENDED SALE. And NOTICE is hereby also given, that the Trustees intend, in the month of July next, to put up for Sale by Public Auction, all the valuable Freehold, Copy- hold, and Leasehold Estates of ihe said John Baker, situate iii the parishes of Northiam and Ewhurst, in Sussex, of which due notice, with the particulars, will be given. The Estates consist of a good House, and extensive Tan- yard, with every requisite for carrying on the Tanning Business, aud several parcels of exceeding good Land, containing upwards of 130 Acres, which will be sold in Lots. By Order of the Trustees, WOOLLETT and DAWES. Rye, 31st May, 1813. TO BE. SOLD BY AUCTION^ " By MR. ATT REE, On Saturday, the 12th day of June, 1813, at the Star Inn, Lewes, at five o'clock in the afternoon, ACOPYHOLD ESTATE of Inheritance, comprising a four- stall stable, with coachhouse adjoining, hayloft and sleeping room over the same, to- gether with a yard, in which is a well of excellent wa- ter, and a piggery ; also a garden and summer- house adjoing the same, with capital walls for fruit. Situate near the Castle Walls, in Lewes. The above premises are subject to a quit- rent and fine of ( id. certain. Immediate possession may be had of toe same. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Crosweller, so- licitor j or . Mr. Attree, at liU General Estate and Agen- ^ cy Office, St, James's- street Brighton. Houshold Furniture. — Elegant Pier - Glasses. — Foreign China, & c. & c. BROAD STREET, BRIGHTON. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. ATTREE, Oil the Premises, No. 29, Broad Street, On Wednesday, * thegth June, 1313, AL L the neat and genuine " HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, china, glass, & c. & c. of a Lady deceased, consisting of capital seasoned goose fea- ther beds, hair, wool, and straw mattresses, blankets, and counterpanes; four post and field bedsteads- and furnitures'; mahogany chairs, dining, card, dressing, Pembroke, work, pier, and night tables; chests of draw- ers, wardrobes, bookcases, secretary, bason stands, so- fas chimney, pier, and dressing glasses, drawing room chairs, silk curtains, carpets, china, glass, fixtures, and kitchen furniture. The Sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the forenoon , Land in Henfield. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. H. R. ATTREE, At the George Inn, in Henfield, 011 Thursday, the 24ih June, 1813, at four o'clock in the " after- noon ; LOT I. APIECE of Brookland, in Henfield, called the POKERLEE BROOK, containing 5a. 2K. 2P more or less. LOT II. A Lot in the Southwish, in Henfield, contain- ing 2ii. ISP. and lying adjoining the road near Woodsmill. The premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, and holden of ihe manor of Streatham ; are in the hands of the proprietor ; riisv he seen on applica- tion to Mr Robert Legg, of Henfield; and im- mediate possession witi be given. Further particulars mav he had on application to Messrs. Marshall and Verrall, Solicitors, Stey- ning. WORTHING,' SUSSEX.' TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. STUBBS, Under three several Commissions of Bankruptcy, i\ t ihe Steyne Hotel, Worthing, 011 Monday the >> jtii day of July, 1813, at Twelve o'clock at noon, in three Lots, entitling, the owners to vote at all Elections for the Rape of Bramber, and also for the County of Sussex. LOT I. ACommodious, FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, No. 4, Bedford- Row, 111 for the resi- dence of a Family, or a Lodging House, late the pro- perty of William Cook, a bankrupt. LOT II. A Freehold DWELLING HOUSE, in Chapel Field, late the property of Henry Knight, a bankrupt, in the possession of . LOT III. A valuable plot of Freehold BUILDING GROUND, opposite ihe Steyne, late the property of William Weeks, a bankrupt. Particulars may he had at Ihe Hotel, Worthing; the Old Ship Tavern, Brighton; Norfolk Arms, . Arundel 3 Dolphin, Chichester: Star, Lewes; King's Head, Hors- ham; of the Printers of the County Papers; of Mr. Withy, Solicitor, Buckingham street. Strand; of Mr. Watts, Solicitor; and Mr, Stubbs the Auctioneer, at Worthing. THE GRAND SOUTHERN TOUR OF ENGLAND, and Map of Sussex. Surrey, Kent, Hants. & c. Under the Patronage of H. R. H. the Prince Regent, and many hundred Noblemen and Gentlemen. This arduous undertaking will he completed in a short time. — A few respectable young - persons, by attending the survey now in band on ( lie Coast for only ten days, may obtain a thorough know- ledge of surveying, allotting, dividing,- and enclos- ing lands of any extent agreeably to the system followed by [ he most eminent surveyors, commis- sioners, & c. < JII unerring principles, attainable by ihe meanest capacity. Premium Fifteen Guineas, including Board anil Lodging. 1 Letters post paid) addressed to MR. PHILLIPS. Richmond Place, Brighton, will be duly attend- ed to. The present party will be in Brighton till Mon-, day, and at Worthing till Wednesday. Id* Estates accurately surveyed ind mapped. Mann's Approved Medicine. Recommended by Physicians, and patronized by La- dies and Gentlemen of the first distinction. SOLD in bottles at 2s. G'd. and 4s. 6c!. each, du- ty included, engraved on th. stamp, V* Titos. MANN, HORSHAM, SUSSEX," the Inventor aud sole Proprietor, without which it cannot be genuine. No medicine has been so much blessed 111 restoring such multitudes, when all hopes of recovery have been given over in Consumptions, Coughs, Colds, Convulsion Fits, long standing Asthmas, Hooping Cough. Influenza, Dropsy, Relaxed Habits, or in a low Nervous debilitated state. Also Ladies in a pregnant state may take doses of 10 or 15 drops, with perfect safety; aud the infant from the first week, to the aged, in any state. Ample directions accompany each bottle, with many authentic cures; amongst which is one from an eminent Physician, together with 15 affidavits, sworn before different Jus- tices of the Peace for the county of Sussex, and many other respectable characters, who have witnessed th » ir name to many astonishing cures effected by this cele- brated Remedy. It strengthens the coat of the. sto- mach, helps digestion, creates an appetite, aud reani- mates the whole frame. Mr. PETER LEONARD, aged 52 years, of the 1st Battalion of the 44th Regiment, had been afflicjted with an asthma for fourteen years ; on his return from Malta to England, he could not lay down to rest for two months, owing to the shortness of breath and violent cough, being obliged to be bolstered up in his bed ; on his coining to Horsham Barracks application w as made to Mr. Mann, of Horsham, by taking his APPROVED MEDICINE, great benefit was soon experienced ; that lie could take his rest with comfort, and by the testi- mony of his own hand, he hpjie^' s bv the blessing of 0 d, it has been the means' of siiviti| g his life. Witness my hand, at Horsham, this ijtli day of January, 181 A.-.-. PETER^ LEONARD- LEWES, ^ ~ JUNE 5, 1813. Red Wheat - CI. 0s. to ol. os. per qr. White Wheat - CI." 63. to 01. " 8s. — Oats, - 48s. to os. - per quarter No Barley at Market. UXBRIDGE: THURSDAY, MAY .' 7. Wheat, per load . - - 2CI: 10s. — d. to ,' ltjl. 111s. Barley, per quarter - - 57s. — d. to ( 33s. — d- Oats -------- 4. js. —< 1. to 5( is — d. Beans ------- 6( js. — d. to 77s. — d. New ditto- - — s. — d. to — s. — d. Rye - - - — s. — d to — s. — d. Peas - - .... 84s, — d. to » 0s. — d. . ^ TALLOW. " St James's Market 4 lo Town Tallow 83 o Clare Market 4 11 Yellow Russia 82 0 Whitechapel ditto 4 94 White ditto 0 0 Soap ditto 76 0 Average 4 lo Stuff 70 ,, Rough ditto , 58 o PRICE OF HOPS. BAGS. Kent - - 101 Os. to 121. os Sussex - - 81. os. to lol. os Essex - - 101. 0s. to 121. os POCKETS. Farnham - - 161. 0s. to 251. Os. Sussex - lol. OS. lo 191, |; s. I Kent - - iOi. 0s. to 101. FROM TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. Foreign- Office, June I, 1814. ADISPATCH, of which the following is a copy has been received by Viscount Castlereagh, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign, Af- fairs, from Major- General the Honourable Sir Charles William Stewart, K. B. his Majesty's Envoy Extraor- dinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of Prussia, dated Head Quarters, WurZen, May 15, 1813. MY LORD— The Affired Army passed the Elbe on the 6th instant. The lead quarters of the Emperor were established at Bishofswerder. General Wittgenstein, with the main body of the army, marching on the great roads leading towards Bauiz>' n. The corps of General Bluker passed the Elbe at Meissen, Lieut- Gen. Kleist's corps having put itself in communication with him General Bulow's corps still remained on the left bank of the Elbe at Dessau, to watch the enemy's move- ments. It was not accurately ascertained upon what points of the river the enemy' was directing his principal Corps, and as he possessed the Appui of Writtenburg, and u seemed uncertain what line the Saxons would take at Torgan, your Lordship will easily imagine it would have been difficult, if not impossible, with the aid of these places in his favour, for the allies to have prevented his forcing the passage of the river under a heavy lire of commanding artillery. It redounds infinitely to the credit of the allied army, that during the passage of so formidable a river, with the enemy advancing to their fortresses upon it, that the operation was conducted with perfect order, and not even a carriage or attirall left behind. Some works that had been thrown up on the left bank to cover the bridges, it was thought proper to abandon when the army had passed. The enemy made attempts on the night of the sth to re- establish flic arches of the main bridge at Dresden, hot the Russian artillery was so well directed, that they failed here, hut succeeded in passing between Kadiz and Pilnitz, on the 9th.— The ground being very com- manding the left hank, and favouring their establish- ing batteries of heavy guns, they passed in boats and Covered themselves advantageously; the passage was very bravely resisted by General Milaradovitch's rear guard, and the Russian artillery, after displaying the greatest coolness and courage, was only withdrawn from the impossibility of contending against the superior po- sition and lire of the enemy. From the best authenticated accounts, Bonaparte had entered Dresden in person. The viceroy's corps and Marshal M'Donald's were stated to be now imme- diately opposed to us. On the 10th the allied army continued its march to Lautzen, and as it was deemed advisable to concentrate the forces, General Bluker was ordered to Cameas, and General Kleist's corps, to fall back upon him to Muhl- berg, while General Bulow's retreat, if necessary, was directed on Roshtz. General Kleist's corps was attacked by an advance guard of a corps of the enemy, which had crossed at Meissen, and moved by Moritzberg to Konigsbrnick, and a sharp affair took place, in which the enemy made no impression. A very brilliant rear- guard affair at Weissig, also took place on this day, with General Milaradovith's corps, in which the enemy suffered con- siderably from the charges of the Russian cavalry. It was now unfortunately ascertained that the King of Saxony had declared for the enemy. General Thiel- man Was deposed from his command, and the fortress of Targan delivered up to Generals Regnier and Ney. Tills I fear will place the Saxon force at the enemy's disposal. The head quarters of the allied army moved on the iat* i to Wurzen, on the road to Gorlitz, and the army took up a position near Hoch- Kirch, which has before been so celebrated a field in the seven years war. Ge- neral Milaradovitch's corps was again engaged the whole of this day with the enemy, who entered Bishofswerder, having sustained a most severe loss. The whole army were in position on the 13th at night, except General Bulow's corps, which still remains on the right to form the Appui to the Landwehr and levies of the Prussian States, amounting to above forty thou- sand men at the present moment, and is daily increasing. . General Milaradovitch is still in advance of Bautzen. General Barclay de Tolly's reinforcements are ex- pected to arrive in a day or two. The Prussians have got several new corps come up, and the Russians several thousand convalescents. The allied army remained in position on the 14th, and made no apparent movement. General Sebastiani and Marshal Davoust are reported to he moving 011 Magdeburg. I have only to add, having just returned from the outposts, that General Milaradovitch having been press- ed by the enemy in force, this day has passed the Spree River, - mid the enemy have taken up a position within cannon shot of our advance. CHAS. STEWART, Lieut.- Gen. Of Mr. and Mrs. Thomson Bonar, OF CHISLEHURST, KENT These murders, of winch we have learned the following particulars, equal in mystery and horror any of the most atrocious which have of late years disgraced the Criminal annals of this country : — It appears that, on Sunday evening, Mr. Thomas Bonar went to bed at his usual hour: Mrs. Bonar did not follow him till about two o'clock, at which time she ordered her female servant to call her at seven o'clock in the morning. The servant, as she had been directed, at the appointed time went into the bed- room of her master and mistress, and found Mr Bonar mangled and dead upon the floor, and her lady wounded, dying, and insensible in her bed. A bent poker which was lying on the ground, as well as the fractured condition of the heads of the devoted arid unfortunate victims, plainly denoted with what instalment the act had been committed. As there were some remains of life in Mrs. Bonar, servants were sent express to town for surgical assistance. Mr. Astley Cooper arrived with all possible dispatch, but it was too late : the wound was mortal, and she expired at 11 minutes past one o'clock, having been, during the whole previous time, insensible, and only once uttering the exclamation of " Oh ! dear!" We never witnessed such a scene of horror as the bed- room presented. Almost the first object which met the eye on entering was the dead body of Mr. Bonar, with the head and hands steeped in blood ; the scull was literally broken into frag- ments, in two or three places; and there was a dreadful laceration across the nose as if effected by the edge of a poker. His bands were mangled in several places, apparently by the same instru- ment : there was also a severe wound on the right knee. From the numerous wounds on the body of Mr. Bonar, from the swollen state of bis mouth and the convulsive adhesion of his hands and knees, it is clear that he had struggled with all his force against his horrid murderer. The night cap lay a few paces from the bead, drenched in blood, with a lock of grey hair sticking to it, which seemed to have been struck from the scull by the violence of the blow of the poker. The pillow of his bed lay at his feet completely dyed in blood The manly athletic person - of Mr. Bonar— for though advanced in life, he seems to have been a powerful man— gave an increase of horror to his afflicting sight. The view of Mrs. Bonar, though equally distressing, excited more pity than terror: though her head had been fractured in a dreadful manner, vet there was a calm softness in her countenance, resembling mote as if she lav asleep than a violent death : it might have been sup- posed that her life bad parted from her without one painful effort. The linen and pillow of the bed in which she lay were covered with blood, as was also the bed of Mr. Bonar. They slept in small seperate: beds, but placed so close together that there was scarce room to pass between them. The interval of floor between the beds was almost a stream of blood. No slight additional horror arose from the contrast of the spacious handsome apartment in which this scene of death was exhibited. About seven o'clock in the even- ing, Mr. Bonar junr. arrived from Faversham, where he was on duty as Colonel of the Kent Local Militia. In spite of the efforts of Mr Angerstein, junr. and some other gentlemen, be rushed up stairs, exclaiming, " Let me see my Father: indeed I must see him." It was impos- sible to detain him; be burst into the bed- chamber and immediately locked the door after him. Ap- prehension's were entertained for his safety, and the door was broken open, when he was seen kneeling with clasped bands over the body of his father. " His friends tore him away, and inn tied him, tottering and fainting, into an adjoining chamber. FURTHER PARTICULARS. The whole of Tuesday, and part of the day pre- ceding was occupied in inquiring into the mur- der of Mr. and Mrs. Bonar A footman, who had been in the family five weeks, of the name of Phi- lip Nicholson, formerly a private in a dragoon re- giment, and since servant to the City Remem- brancer, was taken into custody on Monday morn- ing, on suspicion of having been the perpetrator of the horrid murders, after a scuffle with Forres- ter, the city officer, who fori d htm on horseback, drinking at the door of the Three Nuns Inn, Whitechapel, with an old acquaintance. Me was conveyed to Giltspur- street Counter, in a state of drunkenness approaching to insanity, and nothing like a rational answer or confession of guilt could he obtained from him. Tuesday, be was examined at the Mansion- house He said, that the night preceding the murder he went to bed about twelve o'clock, and knew no- thing of what had happened until called up by the housemaid, about eight o'clock next morning He was the only male servant that slept in the house. Some of the windows he had fastened inside at the usual hour, and the rest were attended to by the housemaid On the murder being discovered, and the ser- vants assembled, he, with others, went to the room where lav his master and mistress. The for- mer was found quite dead in a mangled state, and the latter just discovered signs of life; he was able to ascertain the fact, by placing the ear to the mouth of his mistress. The floor was covered with blood and other matter which had come from his master. He conceived he was doing right in- tak- ing the sheets off bis master's bed and with them to clear away the nuisance; having done so, he took the soiled linen to the room where he slept. The groom was present, and assisted him to pull the upper sheet from his own bed to wrap those of his master's in. The sheets altogether he put under his own bed.— Being asked why he did this, when he ought to have known that in such cases nothing should he disturbed about the persons of ( he deceased? He answered he was ignorant of that ; what he bad done was with the best intent, conceiving as he did, that so horrid and unplea- sant ' a sight would have been offensive to any per- son having occasion to enter the room. His night shit the said, he left in his bed when he got up, and might be found. He was then asked as to a foot- mark in blood, which appeared on the stairs leading from his apartment to that in which the murders were committed. He said, if there were any, it might have been done when he went back- ward and forward with the soiled sheets; but he was told, that the mark had been seen before he left his room in the first instance. He was strip- ped and examined in a private room, in order to see if had any bruises about him, which he might have received in the conflict with Mr. Bonar. Trifling bruises were found on his person, parti- cularly one on his forehead : but those were ex- plained to have been received in the scuffle with Forester. On being questioned as to his conduct on the way to town, the prisoner admitted that he left Chislehurst a little after eight o'clock, and that he refreshed himself and his horse three times on the road, himself with three glasses of rum, and the horse with three pints of porter; and notwith- standing this he performed the whole of his jour- ney in about forty minutes. m • We have great pleasure in the publication of the fol- lowing intelligence, so truly indicative of the Christian spirit of lite Scottish Clergy:—" The Catholic Question came on in the General Assembly of Scotland, on Thurs- day last, when a Petition to Parliament was proposed by the Rev. Dr. Ritchie, and seconded, against the Ca-. tholic Claims, This was at once opposed by the Soli- citor General, who argued in a very luminous and ener- getic speech in favour of concession 10 the Catholics, subject to reasonable provisions of security against fo- reign influence; and lie proposed another Petition to tins effect, which was ably supported by Drs. Lockart, Macdougal. and Irvine, as well as Principal Hill. The sense of the Assembly being decidedly in favour of con- cession of further privileges to the Catholics, Dr. Ritchie withdrew his motion, and that of the Solicitor General was agreed to, and a Committee was appointed to pre- pare and bring it up next day.— On the meeting nest day ( the 28th) Dr. Nicholl mentioned the arrival of in- telligence, that the Catholic Bill bad been lost in the House of Commons, and suggested . the propriety of laying by the Petition as unnecessary. This was however objected to on the ground that it was a declaration of the sense of the Assembly, and ought not to be with- drawn. The whole House appearing of this opinion, the Petition, after a slight alteration in the first sen- tence. was unanimously adopted.— The General Assem- bly, being a representation of the Clergy and Laity of Scotland, this may be deemed a NATIONAL PROCEED- ING. COLDS, COUGHS, ASTHMAS, CONSUMPTIONS MADDEN'S VEGETABLE ESSENCE. THE following well- attested case of a most se- vere, and perhaps, unexampled complication of Human Maladies effectually cured by Madden's Veget- able Essence,- must convince the most incredulous of its superior and sovereign powers. TO MR. MADDEN. Honoured Sir— After the great benefit which I, have received from your excellent Medicine, the Vegetable Essence, and your unbounded generosity in bestowing it gratuitously, I should, indeed, be wanting in grati- tude if I did not return you my must sincere and hearty thanks. This is the only acknowledgement it is in my power to make ; but I earnestly wish that, for the good of my afflicted fellow- creatures, my case should be made public. About twenty- two years ago, I got very wet, and, consequently, caught a very revere cold ; which settled on my lungs. I have had the assistance of many Gen- tlemen of the faculty, and have tried various other means ; but all to no purpose. The Asthma, as, they called it, grew so inveterate, that, frequently, for three or four, and, sometimes, six or seven months, I was unable to speak ; from the shortness of my breath. At last, about tbr. ee years ago, I was taken so ill that I could not lie down in my bed either night or day; and many, very many times, did I think in the morning, that I could not live till the evening, and in the even- ing, that I could not live till the morning. Beside; this. I was so afflicted with the scurvy, that I was con- tinually breaking out in sores and biols as big as eggs, one healing up, and another breaking out, successively ; my cough was extremely violent ; and my feet and legs swelled to stub a degree that those who saw them feared they would burst, In this dreadful slate I was confined two years and ten months. Hut now, blessed be the Lord for his goodness and mercy to me, through the assistance of your valuable Medicine, all my complaints are removed, to the astonishment of all who knew me s many of whom call me " A Walking Miracle." I will only add that I shall always retain the most grateful sense of your kindness, that I am, Honoured Sir, Your most obliged and most humble servant, Rye, June 6, IS18. JOHN SOUDEN. I believe the above statement to be perfectly correct, and can safely vouch for its authenticity. J. MYERS, Vicar of Rye. The Vegetable Essence is sold in bottles, price 79. each, stamp duty included, at Mr. Madden's House, No. 14, Gloucester- street, Queen square, Bloomsbury, London ; and by bis appointment at Mr. Coleman's Library, Rye, Sussex; where a pamphlet containing a particular account of its virtues, and a large selection of cases, & c. may he had gratis. Mr. Madden will send any quantity ( not less than three bottles) to any part of the United Kingdom, car- riage free, en receiving an inclosure of One Pound for three bottles. SUSSEX. To Brewers, & c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BARTLETT, At the Angel Inn, Midhurst, precisely at twelve o'clock, on Tuesday, the 2Stl June, ISJ3, THE following Freehold and Leasehold Estates, situate in, and near the town of Midhurst, late the property of Mr. James Cobden, Brewer, & c. a Bankrupt, LOT I. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in Midhurst, comprising a very substantial and well built Malthouse, 71 feet in length, and 23 feet in width, with a barley- granary and loft over the whole, together with a slip of ground behind the same, four feet, six inches wide. LOT II, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoining Lot I, com- prising a compact Brewery, Mill House, Spirit Cellar, Stable, Gate room, Pig pounds, Yard, and other Build- ings, on the south side of such yard, together with the brewing copper, pump, engine, & c. Also, a Piece of Ground, on the south side of the cellar, 15 feet, 6 inches in width. LOT III. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoining Lot 2, com prising two cottages, 57 feet in front, and --' 5 feet in depth, together with a garden behind, 73 feet from east to west, and 52 feet from north to south, at the west end. LOT IV. A LEASEHOLD ESTATE, comprising 271 acres of good arable land, customary measure, together with a barn belonging thereto, situate at Cocking, within two miles of Midhurst. LOT V. A LEASEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Cocking, comprising a valuable public house, garden, orchard, and buildings attached ( except the barn) and is known by the sign of the BELL, in which a very considerable trade is carried on. LOT VI. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Heyshot, with- in two miles of Midhurst, comprising a duelling house, garden, & c. lately called the BLACK- HORSE. LOT VII. A LEASEHOLD ESTATE, for 1000 years, com- prising that capital and well known I1111, called the ANGEL, with stabling for 23 horses, and other ln;:. J- ings, two extensive gardens, bowling green, yard, & c This Inn is placed in the most eligible part of Mid- hurst, and is unquestionably one of the best on the London road from Chichester,— At this house the mar- kets are held, and public business transacted ; it is also very liberally supported by the inhabitants of the town. LOT VIII. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a mast ex- cellent and well- accustomed public house, with out- buildings, gardens, & c. and acres, more or less, of highly cultivated arable laud adjoining. These pre- mises are known by the name of the HALF- MOON, and are very pleasantly situate within one mile of Midhurst, on the Petersfield road. Conditions will be produced at the Sale. Further particulars may be obtained by application to Messrs. Johnson, Price, and Freeland, Solicitors ; or of Mr. Bartlett, at bis Cabinet and Upholstery Ware- house and Agency Office, Chichester. The respective estates may be viewed, by leave of the tenants, till the sale. Valuable Freehold ESTATES, in Kent, in the several parishes or places of Horsmonden, Mar- den, Yarding, and Bookingfold. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, - By J. AUSTEN, On Wednesday, June Hi, is 13, at the Gun I1111, Hors- monden, Kent, between the hours of Three and Six o'clock, in Six Lots. LOT I. SEVERAL pieces or parcels of Land, situated in the several parishes or places of Yalding, Hors- monden, and Bockingfold, in Kent, containing about 3SA. 3R. part of August pits and Bockingfold Farm, now in the possession or occupation of Mr. John Fore- man ; with a new barn, framed, ready to put up. LOT II. Three pieces of Meadow and Pasture Land, contain- ing, by estimation, 8 Acres, ( more or less) situated in the parish of Marden, and called or known by the name of " Garford's Bridge Meads." LOT 111. A FARM HOUSE with barn, oasthouse, and other buildings, and several pieces of land of different de- scriptions; containing, together, about loA. ljR. 12P. situated in the parish of Horsmonden, in Kent, called by the general name of Bramble's Farm," now in the occupation of Mr. John Burr, under a lease, of which 5 years were unexpired at new Michaelmas last. LOT IV. Another FARM HOUSE, barn, buildings, and seve- ral pieces of land, containing, by estimation, 27 A. OR. 2/ P. ( more or less) situated iu the parish of Horsmon- den, aforesaid, and commonly called or known by the name of Basset's Farm," now in the occupation of Mr. Richard Foreman. LOT V. A House in three dwellings, with buildings, garden, and appurtenances, situated in parish of Yalding, aforesaid, now in the occupation of Richard Foreman and others. LOT VI. A moiety of the Manor or Lordship of Shephurst, with its rights, members, and appurtenances; and also a Farm House, with necessary barns, stables, and out- buildings, and several pieces or parcels of rich and valuable land, consisting of arable, meadow, pasture, hop ground, and woodland, with the appurtenances, containing, by admeasurement, 6- 2A. 2R. 11 P. ( more or less) commonly called or known by the name of " Shepaurst Farm," situated in the parish of Marden, aforesaid, and now in the possession or occupation of Mr. John Foreman. Several of the aforesaid Lots and Estates are subject to Quit rents. They will be sold under such conditions as will be produced and tend at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Pope and While, Solicitors, Goudhurst; Mr. John Foreman, Mar den; or the Auctioneer, Lamberhurst. MONDAY, MAY 31. We the many fresh arrivals of Grain, and - he favour-, able state of the weather.— There was a plentiful supply of Wheat, although not generally of the finest quality. The best dry and super fine samples reached our last quotation, but he ordinary of Essex, and other samples were about 2s. per quar- ter lower, and hang heavily on hand— There has been a good supply of Bailey since out last, and with a very limited demand hence the sales were dull, at a reduction of about 2s. per quarter;. The puce of Malt is merely nominal at present. Grey Pease are reduced in, value about Is per quarter, but White Boilers meet better prices, as per currency.— Beans were in great abundance from Essex this morning, and had but few buyers at a reduction of full 4s. per quarter — A liberal supply of Oats for this day's Market has also oc- casioned a decline in the price of from Is. to 2s. per quarter, and but few sales can be made at this rate.— Ship Flour is in plenty, and lower. CURRENT PRICE OF GRAIN: Wheat 80s. 102s. | Beans 84s. 85s. Fine ditto l Us. Old ditto — s. — s, Rye 60s. GSs. Oats 32, 403 Barley SSs 4Ss I Poland ditto 32s, 4rj Malt 84s SSs. Potatoe ditto 43s 50s White Pease > ^ I'e ^ d .391.431. ( boilers) ) J l ine Hour 105s. !!< » « _ Grey Pease 63s. CSs. Seconds 95s 100s] PRICE OF SEEDS. R. Clover( n.) 7. is. od. to loos. Od. per cwt. Old ditto OS. od. to —- s. Od. ditto White ditto 80s. od. to 126s. od. ditto Trefoil fis. Od. to 6ns Od. ditto Rye Grass SOs. Od to 56s Od. per qnartei Turnip | os Od. to 21s. Od. per bushel Red & Green 10s. od. to 21s. od. ditto W. Must. S. : 2s Od. to I Is. Od. per bushel Brown ditto 15s Od. to 24s Ocf. ditto Carraway Seeds - - 90s ' 00s. ditto Coriander Seeds - - 40s. 4r> s ditto Cinque Foin - 60s. to 84s. per quarter. Canary- - g, 5s. 100s. ditto. Oil Cake, at the Mill, „£ lS ISs. per thousand. PRICE OF BREAD. His Lordship ordered the price of Bread to be sold at 18.| d. the quartern loaf, wheaten, CALCULATION S D. Sack of Flour - . 109 4 Baker's allowance and Salt, 14 1 133 5 Eighty Quartern T, oaves at 1 Sid. 123 4 Against the Baker 1 SMITH FIELD - MARKET, MAY 31. To sink the offal, per stone of 811). s- < 1- s. d. | Head of Cattle, this day Beef 5 6 to 6 8 I Beasts - - 1M17 Mutton 6 0 to 7 0 I Sheep & Lambs 14040 Lamb 6 8 to 7 8 Calves - - 140 Veal 6 0 to 7 4 Pigs - - 280 Pork 5 8 to 6 8 NEWGATE AND LEADENHALL MARKETS s- d- s- d. s. d. s. d. Beef 4 8 to 6 0 I Veal 5 0 to 6 s Mutton 5 ' O to 6 4 I Pork •> 8 to 6 3 Lamb 5 8 to 7 4 PRICE OF LEATHER, d. d. Butts, 50lb. a 561b. . o2 a 05 Ditto, 561b a 6olb. - 26 a 27 Merchants' Backs - 23 a 23f Dressing Hides - 20| a 21 § Fine Coach Hides - 2| i a 231 Crop Hides for Cutting 20 a 2| i Ordinary - . a Tanned Horse - 21 a 24 Calfskins, Solb." to 40lb. 33 a 39 , 5' lb. to7<> lb. 38 a 45 - , 70lb. toSOlb. 40 a 44 Seals, small, ( Greenland) pr lb.' 33d. S6d. . large, per doz. 120s, 180s a od. PRICES OF HAY AND STRAW. ST. JAMES'S. £ s. d. £ s. d. Average. Hay 2 10 o to 5 10 0— 4 0 0 Straw - I 17 6 to 2 8 0— 2 2 < j WHITECHAPEL. Hay 440 to 5 5 0— 4 14 6 Straw 1 16 0 to 2 2 0— 1 19 o Clover 660 to 7 7 0— 6 10 O SMITH FIELD Clover 5 15 o to 6 10 0- 6 3 o 2d Crop 0 0 0 to 0 0 0— 0 () o Old Hay 4 0 0 to 5 5 0— 4 ft Inferior 2 10 O to 3 10 0— 3 0 Straw 1 16 0 to 2 2 0— 1 19 PRICE OF TALLOW, s. d St. James's Market 5 I Town Tallow so Clare Market 0 0 Yellow Russia 87 ? Whitecbapc- 1 ditto 5 4 White ditto 86 Soap ditto • S3 ',! 10 5 Melting Stuff 78 o Average price 5 Ditto rough 52 „ Graves 24 0 Yellow Soap, 100?.— Mottled, HOs Curd, 104 Candles, perdoz. 13s. 6d. — Moulds, J5s. <\ d, PRICE OF HOPS. NEW BAGS. NEW POCKETS. £ s. £ s. £ s £ a Kent S 0 to 12 0 Kent 10 0 to 15 « Sussex 8 0 to 10 0 Sussex 9 0 to 13 o Essex 8 0 to 12 0 Farnham 16 0 to 25 O YiSl° O to 0 p •££!•} « Oto 0 o S Jo 0 to 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 Old Hop Duty, laid at ^' 30,56ll. igs. S! d RAW HIDES. Best Heifers and Steers, per st. 3s 2d to 3S Middlings os sd < 0 2s iod Ordinary c> 3 od to « s 4d Market Calf each 17s od to os od English Horse i4s od to 16s od Shearling ,.<) d— Lamb sk. Os 21dto0s 33d Printed and publish'd by WILLIAM and ARTHUR LEE, by whom ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, & C. are received at their Offices, at BRIGHTON and LEWES. ADVERTISEMENTS will also be received, and carefully forwarded to the Printers, by Mr. HUMPHERY, Mr. SEAGRAVE, and Mr. SHIPHAM, Chichester; Mr. ROE, Midhurst; Mr. GOLDRING, Petworth; Mr. WHITE, Arundel. Mr. CHAMPION, HORSHAM PALMER, East- Grinsted; Mr. BARRY, Hastings; and by the Newsmen BANKRUPTS. John Tyerman, Brompton, York, linen- manufacturer. John Geeves, Droitwich, Worcester, maltster. David Jackson, Houndsditch, London, chymist and druggist. John Bolton, Norwich, Corn- merchant. William Westley Webster, Bristol, potter, Samuel Collen, Nicholas Lane, Lombard- street, merchant. John Walsby, Battersea, Surrey, Common- brewer. John Shoel, Houndsditch, and James Heald, Cateaton- street, London, merchants. John Godbold, Halton- garden, Middlesex, upholder. HOUSE OF LORDS. Monday, MAY 31, 18i3. The Duke of Gloucester presented a petition from the Members of the University of Cam. bridge, praying that their Lordships would extend their wisdom and consideration towards establish- ing the tenets of Christianity, according to the tenets of the church of England, in India. Se- veral other petitions on the same subject were presented, and ordered to lie on the table. The Duke of Norfolk presented a Bill in favour of the Catholics of Ireland, which was read a first time, and ordered to be printed. The Smithfield Market Bill was rejected.— Adj. TUESDAY, JUNE I. The Irish loan bill was read a third time and passed, and the House adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, MAY 31 Mr. Grattan gave notice that he would, early in the next Session of Parliament, move for leave to bring in a bill for the the relief his Majesty's Ro- man Catholic subjects in Ireland. The House then went into a committee on the East India Question, when the first Resolution— That the present privileges of the East India Com- pany, be continued for a time to be limited, and under such restrictions as should be afterwards adopted by the House, was carried without a di- vision.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, JUNE 1. The House went into a Committee on East In- dia Affairs, several Resolutions passed, and the de- bate was adjourned. On Monday Mr. Harrison who stands convicted of having sent certain threatening letters to the Hon. Basil Cochrane, with the view of extorting from him the sum of 10,0001. attended to receive the judgment of the Court of King's Bench. He was sentenced to be committed to the custody of the Marshal of the Marshalsea of that Court for one month, and at the end of that tune to be dis- charged. After his examination at the Mansion- house, on Tuesday morning, he was conveyed to the house of his late master, at Chislehurst. A coroner's Ju- ry sat at one o'clock, at the house, before —— Martyr, esq. coroner for Kent ; Messrs. Smith, Sanders and Williams, having previously privately examined the whole of the servants. Mr. Bonar's lady's maid, the housemaid, and the groom then gave evidence before the Coroner. The poker was then produced ; it is bent in the upper part; it has been new bitted, and seems ne- ver to have been in the fire ; the other part is old, and a new top has been rivetted on; it is a com- mon kitchen poker, about two feet four inches long, and the bit is about nine inches long. Be- tween twelve and one o'clock, just when the Co- roner was about to finish the evidence, Nichol- son asked the officers who had him in care, to permit him to go into the yard, which they re- fused; but suffered him to go into a water- clo- set ; and although one of the Bow- street, and one of the City- officers went with him, lie, with a razor, which he bad contrived to conceal, in an instant cut his throat; but every assistance being afforded him by the medical gentlemen present, the wound was sowed tip, and lie is in a fair way of recovery. The Jury, after a long and patient investigation, found a Verdict against Philip Nicholson, for the Wilful Murder of Mi and Mrs. Bonar. Arms and accoutrements have been daily embark- ing at the Tower for a fortnight past ; ' 255 pieces of heavy ordnance, in divisions, have also been embarked at Woolwich ; as also a great supply of entrenching tools. These materials of war, are understood to be all intended for the North. John Home Tooke's library sold last Week for 1,2511. 14s. Od. A new romantic melo drama, intitled, The Bra- zen Bust, was produced at Covent Garden Thea- tre on Saturday night. It is one of those epheme- ral productions, which with the aid of pleasing music and tasteful scenery, ate tolerated for a few nights, and then thrown aside for ever. The Princess of Wales honoured the Opera with her presence on Saturday evening. She was greet- ed by the audience with nine rounds of prolonged applause and cheering. Mr. Fitzgerald, the Irish Chancellor of the. Ex- chequer, we understand on Monday, commenced a criminal prosecution against the celebrated Mrs. Clarke, for a libel in a letter to that gentleman, which she lately published. A new coinage of guineas has recently been made at the mint, and delivered to the Banks ; the dye varies considerably from the impression on those hitherto issued. The present grand total of the British Navy consists of 1071 ships, of which 25S are of the line 37 from 50 to 44 guns, 240 frigates, 164 sloops of war, 13 bombs and fire ships, 191 brigs, 42 cutters and 65 schooners and luggets. The Blenheim, a new 74, was launched on Monday, from the dock- yard, at Deptford. Truleigh Manor Farm In Sussex, Freehold. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By HOGGART and PHILLIPS, At the Auction Mart, London, on Friday, June 11, at Twelve o'clock, ASingularly desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising TRCLE1GH FARM, in the parish of Edburton, a beautiful part of the county of Sussex, abounding with game, on the north side of the South Down Hills, six miles and an half from Brighton, five from Shoreham, four from Steyning, and fifty from Lon- don, containing FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE ACRES of uncommonly rich arable, meadow, and pasture land, lying remarkably convenient, hounded in part by a mill- stream, and intersected by excellent roads. The farm has been for several years under the most judicious ma- nagement, completely drained, at a considerable ex pence, and is in the highest state of cultivation, with a very substantial farm- house, convertible at a moderate expence into a Gentleman's residence ; and all requisite outbuildings, and particularly extensive covered sheen- folds'; the whole of the buildings supplied with fine water, thrown into iron troughs, by forcing pumps; there is plenty of chalk, flint, and marl, for every pur- pose. The land lax is redeemed, and the estate is en- titled to VOTES for Shoreham and the county. To be viewed by applying to Mr. John Penny, the Proprietor's Bailiff upon the farm; and particulars may he had in a short time at the Libraries, Brighton and Worthing; Fountain, Shoreham; King's Head, Hors- ham; Norfolk Arms, Arundel; of Messrs. Marshall and Verrall, Steyning ; Messrs. Kaye, Fresh field, and Kaye, New Bank buildings; at the Mart, and of Messrs. Hoggart and Phillips, 6->, Old Broad street, London.
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