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The Salopian Journal


Printer / Publisher: William Eddowes 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 996
No Pages: 4
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The Salopian Journal
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The Salopian Journal

Date of Article: 24/02/1813
Printer / Publisher: William Eddowes 
Address: Corn-Market, Shrewsbury
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 996
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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^ p PRINTED BY WILLIAM EDDOWES, Vol. 20.] N° 996. Wednesday, CORN- MARKET, SHREWSBURY. February 24, 1813. Price Sixpence Halfpenny, This Paper is circulated in the most expeditious Manner through the adjoinini Z= - Counties of ENGLAND WALES.— not exceeding ten Lines, inserted at Five Shillings and Sixpence each. WJLLIAM LEiGHTON respectfully acquaints Lis Friends nnd llie Public, that tbe undermentioned Conveyances go from Ihe TALBOT INN, Shrewsbury. Thai well known aud very fast Post Coach, the OLD PRINCE OF WALES, to Birmingham, Oxford, and George and Blue Boar, Holborn, London, every Morning at half- past Nine; returns every Evening: carries four Iusides. LIVERPOOL Light Coach, every Morning at Six, to Ihe Ilock Ferry, uud Saracen's Head, Dale- street, at FOUR same Evening. CHELTENHAM favourite Light Coach, ( called the Hi- EERNIA), every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Morn- ings, at Six, through Wcnlock, Bridgnorth, Kiddermin- ster, and Worcester, lo Dine; and to the Plough Hotel, Cheltenham, 7o'Clock: carries but fuur Insides. BATH Coaciies, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, at Six; and Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, ut Seven, through Coalbrook Dale. CHESTER, Riesolute Coach, every Morning, at Six, through Ellrsmerc and Wrexham, lo Ihe Golden Lion Inn, Chester, at Twelve : carries but four IN ; and returns to Shrewsbury every Evening: meets at Chester Light Coaches to Nantwich, Warrington, uud all ihe North of England. Coaches, to Shiffnal, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Oxford, & c daily; and Ihe only Conveyance hv which riaces can lie secured to the above Towns at all Times— certain. fcS* Not accountable for Parcel's or Passengers' Luggage above Ibe Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. WANTED, in a Gent lemau'sFamily, near Shrewsbury, a t'OOTMAN, who perfectly understands his Busi- ness-— None need apply unless they can be well recom- mended — Enrpiire of THE PRINTER." fllO the Honourable the COMMONS of the United . A Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parlia- ment assembled. The humble Petition of the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the County of MERIONETH, SHEWETH, That your Petitioners, deeply impressed with a Sense of the invaluable Blessings which they enjoy under the present Constitution of their Country, view with Disqiue- tude and Alarm every Measure which ran lend in auy Degree to alter its Form or impair its Energy. That your Petitioners consider ( he Established Churcli an essential Part of lhat Constitution, and have always deemed the La. s enacted for its Preservation and Support lo be founded no less in sound Policy than in pure Religion. That your Petitioners conceive the whole Constitution of this Country lo be grounded on Principles exclusively far at ihe least as relates lo Ihe Possession and Protesiant, . of Power, a Protestant Monarchy, a Protestant Legisla lure and a Protestant Church, having been established al , and Principles on which our present Constitution Ihe Revolution as the decisive Characteristics of tbe British ' — -,- J —' •'--••-> " " Constitution. That your Petitioners consider the proposed Removal ot the Disabilities by which llie Roman Catholics are al pre- Influence over Ihe Opinions of tier People, logelher wi sent excluded from certain sit nations of lufluenccandPower, her renewed Connection wilh our inveterate Foe; they have fg^ O the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual A Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled. The Petition of the FREEHOLDERS of the County of MONTGOMEKY, HUMBLY SHEWETH, Thai no ordinary Emergence would have induced your Petitioners to obtrude tin : r Sentiments 011 your Right Hon. House, or to incur tbe Imputation of agitating the public Mind; but they conceive it would be a Dereliction of their Duty, were they any longer to listen wilh Indifference, to those Claims for a radical and hazardous Alteration of the Constitution which Ihe Catholics so perseveringly and peremptorily demand. Tbat your Petitioners are Friends to ReligiousTolcration, and rejoice thai 011 ibis Ground Iheir Catholic Brethren 1 r. re satisfied tliey have lio longer Reason lo coniplain : But ; viewing Admissibility to Office purely as a matter of Con- stitutional Expediency, they cannot concur ill the Wisdom Or | ihe Safety of that Policy, which would expose n i Government, whose civil aud religious Institutions are so intimately blended, aud so essentially Protestant, to the Administration of Catholic Legislators or Catholic Ad- visers of the Crown. That when your Petitioners refer to the Circumstances was founded, and their direct Opposition to those professed by the Church of Rome; w hen they contemplate the imperious and ascendant Character of that Church— her nnhuuuded ith it incumbent 011 111c, 11s I had the Honour to preside at that Meeting, to say that the Petition was not founded on the Statements contained in tbe anonymous Publication alluded lo, and thai although 1 commented al some Length on that Publication towards the tnil of mv Address to the Meeting, it wus not taken as the Ground of the Argu- ments advanced by me on that Occasion. 1 am therefore completely at Issue with the Hon. Baronet on both his Assertions. In asserting that the Petition wits founded 011 Ttie Third Part of the Statement of the Penal Laws which ag- grieve the Catholics of Ireland, the Hon. Baronet appears to have been hasty ; for, having both before him, he should have compared them, and if be had done so, he could not have asserted, as he has done, on anonymous Informal ion, that the Anglesey Petition was founded on The Third Part of the Statement. But on this, his first Assertion, it is un- necessary to enlarge, as both the Documents are open to public Inspection. Willi regard to the Hon. Baronet's second Assertion, that the Third Part of the Statement was taken as Ihe Ground of all my Arguments at the Anglesey County Meeting, to j ascertain its Accuracy, I must appeal lo Ihe Recollection | of eveiy Gentleman present, except the Hon Baronet's j Reporter, whether the latter has made a fair Represenla- ! lion. This is Ihe only Test I can apply, as my Address to | tbe Meeting, being extempore, I could not comply with i the Wishes expressed for its Publication, nor cau l now produce it to contradict the Report of it made to the Hon. Haronet. I have, however, such a Recollection of the French journals so studiously conceal from us where the actual positions of the 15 us.", ian armies are. We believe tbey have never yet ventured lo acknowledge their entrance into Wihia. The meeting of t| ie Legis- lative Body, it appears, was actually to take place otv Sunday last. Bonaparte was lo go in grand procession to open the Session. I Some private letters have been received from Paris, of the same dale as the Papers. . They speak in positive terms of tbe, Emperor of Austria having refused to comply with the demands of Bonaparte, and that Ihe discontents of the people were daily increasing, and their disapprobation of the threatened continuance of the war, more loudly and unequivocally expressed.— The walls of the capital were placarded with tlisir complaints, and many caricatures upon the subject of Bonaparte's late dastardly flight were publicly exhibited. It was rumoured that Murat, who lias quitted tiie French service, has beeu arrested, and wis ou his way to Paris, as a prisoner. A Lisbon Mail arrived yesterday, bringing advice* from thence to the recent cia'. e of the 9th inst. It does not appear that any thing material has occurred. The allied troops remain in their winter cantonments, aud T./, nl tWIinffl. iTi r* » -.,. at'-> Hi,.', j » / I l, ia l,.„ il n,, n. l » ... l t'..., Statements which I made, and of the general course of Lord Wellington re- estalilis'led his head- quarters at Frey- TOLLS TO BE LET. rOTICE is hereby given, that tlie Tolls arising and lo j.- J be collected at the several Tollgates hereinafter mentioned, namclv, 1 lanymynech and Newbridge Gales, Ceunant Gate, ( jroes Ptuan Gate, Pool upper Gates, Trefnsnt Gate, and Ihe Gate near tbe ToWn of l. laufair, called Llanfair upper Gate, wilt he LET BY AUCTION to the best Bidder, in the Town Hall, in the Town of Pool aforesaid, on theTWENTY- FOURTH DayofFEBRUARY next, precisely at the Hour of Eleven 111 the Forenoon, pursuant to Ihe Directions of the sevet'al Acts of Parliament made and passed relating to the Said seveial Turnpike Roads, and in flic Manner directed hy an Act of Parliament made and passed iu the 13th Year of the RSign of his present Majesty, " for regulating llie Turnpike Roads." Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at tlii same Time give Security, wilh sufficient Sureties to tbe Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads for Payment ofthe Rents agreed for, al such Times arid In such Proportions as the said Trustees shall appoint. R1CHAR DGRIFFITH F. 5, Clerk to the said Trustees. Welshpool Mth January, 1813. a Measure tending directly to alter uud iibpairlhe Con- stitution iu Church and State. That your Petitioners regard the Acknowledgment of a Foreign Supremacy by Roman Catholics, as a Tenet in- compatible with the Existence of any I'roteslant Govern- ment, as it renders those who make il incapable of giving adequate Security for Iheir Allegiance. Tliat your Petitioners can discern 110 Alteration, either in the Circumstances of the Times, or in Ihc Sentiments and Conduct of ihe Roman Catholics, which can make their Admission into Power less dangerous now tliau il was at tbe Time of Ihe Revolution That your Petitioners dcprccatc lie Manner 111 which the Roman Catholic Demands have < 0 frequently been ob- truded 011 llir Attention of Parliament, because the Dis- cussion of Ihis momentous Subject must always cause great Ferment in Ihe Minds of his Majesty's Subjects, by just cause toapprehend Ibe most serio 11 sConsequences from 1 he admission of those into ihe most commanding Places of Trust and Authority in this Protestant State, who pay a sarred Allegiance to so formidable a Combination of Ca- tholic and hostile Power Your Petitioners, therefore, hombly entreat your Right Honourable House not 10 concede such it Degree of Power to the Catholics, as might enable them, by means " of foreign or domeslic Influence, to subvert or endanger lhat mild, wise; and liberal Constitution, which tolerates and protects every Description ot Christians, and under which our Country hath attained that enviable and commanding Pre- eminence, w hich renders it at once Ihe Asylum and the Bulwark of the Liberties of the World. Aud your Petitioners shall ever pray. At a Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy and Freeholders Argument which I pursued, as will enable rue to state that I began witb deprecating all Intolerance, and declaring mv Wish to attend, as Chairman, impartially to alt Parties. 1 professed a Love of Civil and Religious Liberty, aud ex- horted Ihe Meeting to keep both in View in I beir Deliber- ations on the dvlicale, extensive, and important Question which they were assembled to consider. 1 next stated the Doctrines held relative lo Toleration, limited, and univer- sal, and particularly adverted to the Medium adopted ill this Country, and to the Line here draw n uelweeu Tolera- tion nnd Establishment. Then 1 submitted to the Meet- ing the Principles upon which any legislative Interference with peculiar religious Opinions had heen justified; ob- serving, t hat from Ihe Liberality of • lie Times, and a just Sense of human Infirmity, such Interference was rarely calculated to make nada on the 27th ult. A dispatch from his Lordship to the Portuguese Government states, thAt the enemy had not made any essential alteration of the positions of their armies during his Lordship's absence. It is woithy of remark, that his Lordship's dispatch docs not afford any countenance to the reports derived Some time bick from the Spanish and Portuguese Papers; of the enemy bein^ about to evacuate the Peninsula, and we must, therefore, conclude, tbat they were without foundation, though an article from Alicant repeats a former rumour of Soult having been recalled, with SO. OOCI men. Tile dispatches received by Government from Lord Welling- ton, are of the same date as those mentioned in the exercised unless those Opinions were wmuim.. w T . . . . .. . . the Persons professing them had Subjects. To enable the Lisbon pdpers, but coutaiu, we understand, nothing of Meetin" to iudsre how far the Legislature had been go- any importance beyond what is stated iu the Lisbon . F ., J . • • ,. :.. .1... R.-: 1> I creating most awful Anxiety among the Protestants, bv | of the County of Montgomery, appointed by tlie Sheriff, and exciting on the Part uf the Roman Catholics Hopes which j held al. I tie OountyHall, in Pool, 011 tl. e 171' TURNPIKE TOLLS. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Tolls arising at the several Toll Gates upon the Turnpike Roads leading from Ellesmere, in the County of Salop, to Wrex- ham, in the County of Denbigh, and from Overton, in the County of Flint, to Ruabon, in ( lie said County of Denbigh, called or known by the several Names of Overtoil and Wynustay Gates, will be LET BY AUCTION to the best Bidder, at the House of Mr. JoriN BECKETT, known by the Name of the BOWLING GR EEN Inn, in Overton, in Ihc said County of Flint, 011 FRIDAY, Ihe TWENTY- SIXTH Day of FEBRUARY next, between the Hours of twelve and two in the Afternoon, in the Mitiiiier directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his Majesty King George the ' I'HTLTD, " For regulating the Turnpike Roads;" which Tolls produced the last Year the following Sums, above the Expence of collecting theih: viz. Overton Gates £ 4QG 0 0 Wynnstay Gates 103 1 0 and will be put up at those respective Sums. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at Hie same Time give Security, wilh snfficicut Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Ro^ rls, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as thev shall direct. P. PRITCHARD, Clerk to the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads. Ellesmere, 2Jth January, 1813. A MONTGOMERYSHIRE. CAPITAL" FARM, INN, & c. TO BE LET, Anil entered upon at the Times hereinafter mentioned, and for such Period as shall be agreed upon: LL that CAPITAL FARM, with the Appurtenances, called GLYN HIRIETH, situate in the Parish of Llanfair, 111 the said County, containing about 150 Acres of Land, and now in Ihc Occupation of Richard Michael Chadwtck, Esq. Tlic Dwelling House has been lately erected at a con- siderable Expenc^, and consists of two good Parlours, a Kitchen, aud back Kitchen, Bed Rooms, and other suit- able Couveniencies. Il is pleasantly situated within one Mill: and a Half of the Market Town of Llanfair, and the surrounding Country abounds in Fish and Game. The Farm is in excellent Condition, and the Stables and Outbuildings are extensive and in good Repair— Posses- sion of the Lands will be given at Lady- day, and of the House and Buildings at May next. 1 Also, Alt that old established and well accustomed INN, called the CROSS FOXES, situate in tlit Town of Llan- fair, inthe said County, with abonl 90 Acres of Arable, ! Meadow, and Pasture Land, closely adjoining the said Town, and now ill the Occupation of Mr. William Owen. ! This Inn is conveniently and desirably situated 111 tl. e Town of Llanfair, both as to its local and other Advan- tages. In particular the Posting Business may be esta- blished to a considerable Extent, in consequence of good Turnpike Roads branching from the Town in every Direc- tion.— The great Road from Shiewsburyto Aberystwyth und other Parts of Wales also goes through Ibis" Town, mid Upon which Road Coaches are daily passing and your Petitioners trust cannot be well founded, aiid by be- coming, in Consequence of the Disappoiujment of ihosc Hopes, a Source ot Irritation and Acrimony. Your Petitioners therefore Inimblv piay, that tbeLawk by which the Romau Catholics are excluded from cer- tain Places of Trust nnd Power, in Church and Slate, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, may uol be altered, and lhat Serenity may be resloied to the Public Mind by as speedy a I ermina- tion of the present Suspence in Regard to the Prepon- derance of tlie Protestant Religion within Ihis Realm, as lo the Wisdom of your Honourable House may seem meet. And your Petitioners will ever pray. AT a Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of M ERIONETH, appointed by the Sheriff, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration the Propriety of Petitioning Ihe Houses of Parliament relative to the Claims of His Majesty's Roman Catholic Subjects, WILLIAM WYNNE, Esq SbErtlFF, in the Chair: The following Resolutions having been proposed by Sir WILLIAM WYNN, and seconded by RICHARD HUGHES LLOYD, Esq were unanimously agreed to : That the above Petition be adopted, and that n Copy of it, addressed lo each ofthe Houses of Parliament, he signed by tbe Gentlemen, Clergy, aud Freeholders who arc present at this Meeting, and that it he Ihen left for Signatures at Ihe Office of Messrs. . loNF. sand WILLIAMS, in Dolgelley, until the loth ; at Ihe RAVEN INN, Towyn, 011 Ihe llth; III THE IN ti, at Tanybwlch, on the 12th ; at the BULL INN, Bala, ou the 13th; and on the 15th and Itith Instant, at the NEW INN, Corwen. That the Right Honourable Lord KEN VON be requested lo present Ihe Petition tot tie House of Lords. That Sir ROBERT WILLIAMKS VAUGHAN, Bart, the Member for the County of Merioneth, be requested to pre- sent Ihe Petition lo the House ofCommons. That the Gratitude of his Countrymen is due to Sir ROBERT WI LLI A MES VAUGHAN, for bis general Conduct as a Member of Parliament, and particularly for his uniform and energetic Support of tbe Protestant Religion. WILLIAM WYNNE, Sheriff. Tbe High Sheriff having quitted the Chair, aud having been succeeded in it by G. H. VAUGIIAN, Esq. It was unanimously resolved, That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to Sir W. WYNN, for his Exertions in regard to Ihe Object of it, and to RICHARD ItUCHES LLOYD, Esq. for seconding the above Resolutions ; and Thai the Thanks of Ihe Meeting be presented to the Sheriff, for his Alacrity iu appointing it, and for his Con- duct iu the Chair. It was likcwit- resolved. Thai the t'orfgoiug Petition and Resolutions should be inserted twice in the North Wales Giselle aud the Chester and Shrewsbury Papers. G. H VAUGHAN. h February, 1813, for the Purpose of taking into Consideration ihe Propriety of Petitioning Parliament on the important Subject of the Admission of Papists into Offices of Authority and Trust; Resolved unanimously, That ' tlie Petition now moved and read by ARTHUR DAVIES OWEN, Esq. of Glansev'ern, aud seconded by RICHARD M YTTON, F. sq. of Garth, Ire signed by the Sheriff on Behalf of the Meeting, and presented to tbe House of Lords; and a similar one to t lie House of Commons. Resolved, Thai the E. ARLofPowis, Lord Lieutenant ofthe County, be requested to present the said Petition to llie House of Lords. Resolved, That CHARLES WATRIN WILLIAMS WYNN, Esq. Member for the County, be requested toprcscut it tu the House ofCorniuous. Resolved, Upon tbe Motion of the Rev. MAURICE ED- WARD LLOYD, seconded by DAVID PUGH, Esq. tbat the Thanks of ihis Meeting tie given to ARTBLP. DAVIES OWEN, and RICHARD MYTTON, Esquires, for the tem- perate, judicious, and very able Manner in w bieh they have respectively moved and seconded this Petition. ' The Sheriff having quitted Ihe Chair, Resolved unanimously. That the Thanks ofthis Meeting be given to GEORGE MEARES, Esq tlur. worthy High Sheriff, for Ins ready Compliance with ttieWishes of the Freeholders in convening this Meeting, mid for bis judicious aud independent Couduc. l in t he Chair. Resolved, That these Resolutions and the Petition be inserted in the two next Shrewsbury Papers, aud. iu the Courier. verned by those Principles in the Enactment of Penal Sta- tutes in Matters of Religion, aud to make a just Estimate uf the Policy of those Laws as affecting Non- conformists, and particularly as relating lo the Roman Catholics, I re- viewed the History of this Counlry so far as was necessary to show at what Time, and for what Reason, those Laws which they uow claim lo have repealed were enacted against the Roman Cal holies. I adverted to the Distinction made Journals. The private letters by llie Lisbon Mail, which arrived yeiterday, were delivered this morning. They do not supply any tiling very material in addition to the intelli- gence brought by the Portuguese papers. Some of the letters mention that General Sir R. Hill, with a di- vision of the allied army, had advanced to Placentia.- b'v the Act of Toleration between them and the Protestant The Life- Guards left Lisbon otl the Sth, to join the Dissenters; and after a full Review of the Grounds as- ^^ t> m tbc atrocities committed by the t rench, it is supposed that they are about to quit Spain ; but this is too vague a speculation to be entitled lo much weight. The Lisbon tetters inform us that the Pique frigate had captured a large American privateer, ol 22 guns, and also that another privateei, of 14 guns, had come into Cascaes Bay, where she watered. The Ze- nobia was dispatched in pursuit of her, but the Ameri- can escaped by superior sailing. The report of the signed by the Roman Catholic, fir a Repeal of all Disabi- lities respecting them, 1 submitted to the Consideration of tbe Meeting, whether the Period was uow arrived when the Roman Catholics might wilh Safety be admitted to n full Participation of Political Power." In Reference to iheQuesiiou of their Right to such Participation, I dis- tinguished between natural aud conventional Rights, and observed that every State must necessarily possess a Power of excluding those whose Participation inXWfices of Trust rrnassin"— Possession of the Lands may be had inline- ' Society. ..' . . ^ , . 1 I 11.., I 11 TI SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE. Machynllelh District Committee, AT a second Meeting held in ibe Town of Machynlleth, 011 Monday, Ihe 25th of January, 1813, for the For- mation of a District Committee subordinate 10 the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, in Compliance with a Recommendation to lhal Effect from the Lord Bishop of St. Asaph ; PRESENT, The Rev John Davies, Rev Jenkin Lloyd Jones, The Rev. Robert Davies, j dev. Thomas' Richards, John Davies, Esq. Rev. William Pughe, Hugh Davies, Esq. Rev James Hauler: Rev. Hugh Thomas, Resolved I Thai a District Committee be established for ttie Purpose of forwarding the Objects aiid Interest of tlie Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, which Committee shall be open to all the Members of lhat r glO the Lords Spiritual aud Temporal, in Pailian\ eut JL assembled. The humble Petition of the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and other INHABITANTS of the County of ANGLESEY, SHEWETH, That your Petitioners, deeply as they are impressed with a just Abhorre. pce of all Persecution for Difference of Opi- nion, iu Faith or Practice, and justly as they exult ii| being Members of a National Church, which tins ever shewn Tenderness toscrupulousConscienCes in the Exercise of Re- ligion; do, nevertheless, humbly conceive'tbe Preservation of that Church, as by Law established, lo be their primary aud bounden Duty.— Your Petitioners rejoiced in the Re- lief granted by the 31st of liis Majesty to the Roman Ca- tholics of Ireland; but lament, lhat instead of ihe Grati- tude and . Contentment which that Measure w as calculated to produce, it has encouraged itiem to advance Claims ma- nifestly subversive of the Protestant Establishment. It,; therefore, becomes the Duly uf your Petitioners, and they do most humbly pray, lhat your Lordships, in any Measures which in your Wisdom you may adopt, for Ilie further Relief of Ihe Roman Catholics of Ireland, will lake espe- cial Care that those Measure*, be so framed as to preserve that Constitution, Civil and Religious, which your Peti- tioners have received from their Ancestors, and which it is their anxious \\ ish to transmit unimpaired 10 their Pos- terity. Aud your Petitioners, as bound, shall ever pray. diately, Mild of the Inn at May next Mr. WILLIAM OWI N will shew Ihe Premises; and for further Particulars apply lo Ihe Reverend Mr. Lewis, at Llanfair; or at the Office of Mr. GRIFFITIIES, Solicitor, in Welshpool. 12th February, 1813. To the Afflicted Kith Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and Consumptions, BENNETT'S COUGH DKOHS are recommended as a most sovereign Remedy. The Proprietor having proved the unparalleled efficacy of I BENNETT'S COLGH DROPS in his extensive private p" iac- 1 tice, can with confidence recommend them to those who suffer i under obstinate Coughs, Hon'rsencsse's, Catarrhs, Difficulty of ; Breathing, Wherz'ing, Soreness of the Breast and Stomach, Obstructions of the Glands, Acrimony ol the Fluids, uud Congealed Phlegm, in all which ONE TRIAL ON'LY will speedily evince their unparalleled Utility. These Drops are peifectly mild and innocent iu ttieir operation, and are sold Wholesale only, by appointment of the Proprietor, by BASCIAY and Soa, No. 95, Fleet- Mmket, London, whose Names are engraved on the S'auip affixed lo each Bottle ; and retail, price Gs. Pd. Duty included, by W. EODOWRS, Morris, Palin, and Newling, Shrewsbury; Miller, Madeley Market place ; Houlstons, Wellington ; smith, Ironbridge. and M uch Wenlock ; Silvester, Newport; Parker, F. vanson, Whitchurch; Baugh, Cross, Ellesinere; Profctor, Drayton; Weaver, Montgomery; Jones and Co. Evans, Roberts, and Povrfelt, Welsh Pool; Moi'ra'H, Price, Edward*, arid Minshall Oswestry ; Griffiths. Bishop's Castle ; Griffiths, Ludlow ; Gitton, Bridgnorth; Scarrott, Shjtfnal; Painter, Wrexnam ; Jortfcs; Chirk; Morris, Ruabbnj Evans, Llangemiew; Evans, Newtown ; and by every Medicine Vender in the Kingdom. II. That JOHN EDWARDS, Esquire, be appointed Pre- sident; The Rev. George Veuables, Secretary; and Hugh Davies, Esquire, Treasurer. III. That the Committee do consist of John Edwards, Esq. 1 Rev. Hugh Thomas, Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones, Rev. Thomas Richards, Iiev. William Pughe, Rev. James Hamer. Rev George Venabies, Rev John Davies,! Rev Robert Davies, John Davies, Esq. Hugh Davies, Esq. IV. That the Committee do conform to all the Regula- tions of tbe Society for promoting Christian Kuowledge, us far as they may be applicable to the Object of this Meeting. V. That an abridged Catalogue of the Society's Publica- tions be printed arid distributed. VI That the Committee do aid as far as in them lies the Increase « f Subscriptions aud tbe Distribution of Books. VII That an nctive Enquiry: be made in all Paris of the District, what Bibles, New Testaments, and Prayer Books may be wanted, and lhat the same be reported at any Quarterly Meeting VIII. That the Committee do meet Quarterly, and that Ihe Days of Meeting lie the fast Wednesday in March, June, September, and December IX. That before any Person is proposed as a Member, the Secretary shall read the Regulations respecting the Con- tributions lobe paid by eacli 011 his Admission, and that when the S rrctary writes lo announce bis Election,' he shall make known this Rule to him X. That these Regulations be printed tw ice in each of tlie Shrewsbury Newspapers XI And that this Meeting do ADJOURN to the last Wednesday in March. By Order of the Meeting. GEORGE VENABLES, Secretary. At a Meeting of the Gentlemen, Clergy, nndothur In- ! habitants of tbe County of Anglesey, held 011 the i 19th Day of January, 1813, in Ihe Shire Hall, at , Beaumaris, to consider of Ihe Claims of the Roman j Catholics ; PAUL PANTON, Esq. having been appointed Chairman : O11 the Motion of JOHN B. SPARROW, Esq. secouded by the Rev THOMAS ELLIS OWEN, RESOLVED, I. That Petitions be presented from this County, to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, aud to the Commons of ihc United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, iu Parlia- ment assembled. II. That the Petitions proposed hy the said PAUL PAN- TON, Esq. and seconded try HOLLAND GRIFFITH, Esq. are unanimously approved by Ibis Meeting. Ill That the Chairman do request the Right Hon. the T^ ARL OF UXBRIDGE, Lord Lieutenant of ihe said County, to present tbe Petition to the House of Lords: and the Hon. BERKELEY PAGET to preseut the Petition to the House of Commons IV. That these Resolutions he inserted once in Ihe Courier, the North Wales Gazette, aud once iu each of tbe Chester and Salop Papers. V. That the Thanks of this Meeting be giveu to the High Sheriff, for convening this Meeting. PAUL PANTON, Chairman. Mr. PANTON having quilted the Chair, it was 011 the Motion of J. B. SPARROW, Esq. RESOLVED, That I lie Thanks ofthis Meeting are justly due, and are hereby respectfully offered to PAUL. PANTON, Esq for Ibe 11 illv patriotic, moderate, and constitutional Speech made by him on this Occasion; and for his able, upright, and impartial Conduct in the Chair. might prove incompatible with itsSufcly. In the Discus sion of I hose various Topics, and many others which I cannot now recall, I must have been singularly nufor if nil my Arguments were taken from ' The Third Part of the Statement, to which 1 had not yet made Ihe most remote Allusion, nor had in any Degree iu my Thoughts. After having thus discussed the Romau Catholic Claims on Principle, 011 Authority, 011 Expediency, nnd on the Ground of Right, 1 must admit that 1 did advert to The Third Part of the Statement, by saying that, among other Reasons assigned by the Roman Catholics for the Admis- sion of their Claims, 1 hey told us that ' I'empora mutantur. This 1 said was irue, but asked whether they could add et nos mutamur in illis. At this Stage of the Business I pro- duced ' Ihe Third Part of the Statement. Their Features, as here represented, though not new, I said 1 did not expect, and lamented lo ace so depicted in the Nineteenth Century. If it were a true Portrait, which, for Ihc Credit of the Christian Character, 1 tioped it was not, could the Roman Catholic Claims be admitted against all the Principles and Authorities which I had mentioned, Ibis Statement alotle was sufficient to excite Distrust in Persons ibe most friendly to the Admission of those Claims. 1 appeal for Ihe Correctness of this Summary to those whom 1 had tbe honour to address; and must observe tbat, after rlie free Discussion which, as Chairman, 1 invited, it would better have become the Hon. Baronet's Reporter to have answered me, if t was wrong, than, thro' Ignorance or Dt'sign, lo make to him a Representation, erroneous in itself, calculated to create Odium against me, and lo cast Discredit 011 a respectable Assembly, unprejudiced, not actuated by sectarian Bigotry, or religious Intolerance, but deeply impressed with the Value of lhat Constitution iu Church and Slate which they enjoy, sud with Ihe Obligation of transmitting it unimpaired io their Posterity. That 1 received the Thanks of such an Assembly is some Consolation 10 nie under the Imputations cast upon me iu t he House of Commons, and in tlie public Papers; but, it being necessary lhat 1 should repei those Imputations, I trust that you will allow' me to make this Letter public, and to annex lo it Copies of the Petition aud Resolutions of the Anglesey County Meeting. The Publication ofthe Petition and Resolutions is, 011 another Account, necessary, the Sheriff's Deputy not having inserted them, as he undertook to do, in Ihe Sews- papers in which it was resolved they should appear. 1 remain, My Dear Sir, With true Regard, Your most obedient Servant, PAULPANTON * THIS Meeting was held 19th January, 1813. The Meeting of the GENERAL BOARD of the Catholics of Ireland, at which The Third Part of the Statement, & c. was disavowed, did not take Place until filli February, 1813, nearly lliree Months- after The Third Part of the Statement, & c. had been iu general Circulation. It is observable, that one of the most revolting Passages in The ' Third Part of the State- ment, & LC appears verbatim in the preceding Parts, whic'h are admitted to have the Sanction of the General Board of the Catholics of Ireland. • lunate P° lc'' el" s having captured an Americau ingate, To the Right Hon. BIIRKKLER PAGET, Repre- sentative ff. the County of Anglesey. Pla. sgwyn, Anglesey, \ ith February, 1813. DEAR SIR, I liuve this Instant bad the Honour to receive your Letter of the llth, stating tiiat you had presented the Petition from the County of Anglesey against tbe Claims of the Catholics to Ihe House of Commons, and that, much to your Surprise, it had occasioned a Debate, as an Hon Baronet, named, ' 00k Occasion lo inform Ihe House tbat lie understood the Petition was fouuded upon most erro- neous Staleuients contained iu an anonymous Publication, and thai the Person presiding at the Meeting, naming me. tiad taken lhat as the Ground of all his Arguments against Ih Catholics From what Source the Hon Baronet had derived his Information I know nut; but, as it is incorrect, and as its remaining uncontradicted, would apparently give some Sanction to the erroneous Statement made to and by hint oi what passed at the Anglesey Couuty Meeting,* 1 think LONDON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17. Paris Papers to the 1 Ith inst, were last night received in town. They bring accounts from Posen to the 4th instant. Berthler and Davoust bad left that station, but we are not informed what lias been their destination — All the French Marshals now appear lo have followed the example of their Master, and to have shifted for themselves. Eugene Beauliarnois, who has at present the command, was, we believ e, the youngest Officer of high rank in Ihe " Grand Army," with the exception of Jerome Bonaparte, wiio had the prudence to with- draw early iu liie campaign. The entire dependence of Eugene on Napoleon may have been the reason why the lattei has entrusted him with tbe command of the wreck ot his army, for certainly there was nothing in the previous military exploits of Eugene to justify such an appointment. The French Journals continue to speak of reinforcements marching to Posen, and contra- dict the reports that the communications with Danlzic have been interrupted. We suspect, however, it will be found, when the Gottenburgh Mails arrive, that ihe communications with Dantzic have not merely been in- terrupted, but that a regular investment of that fortress had taken place. The Austrian Ambassador had fol- lowed tiie King of Prussia to Breslaw. The preseu state of affairs is such as to render it unsafe for Bona- parte to shew any disrespect to the Court cf Vienna, itherwise it would probably have better suited his views ,' iad the Austrian Minister remained at Berlin. The Vustrian corps under tbe Prince of Schwartzenberg is again said to be in advance on Warsaw, and Regnier in cantonments 011 the Bug, where ne lias repulsed all the itUcks of the Russian advanced guards. These state- ments, . however, are entitled to little respect, while the driveu the Constellation on shore, is repeated in these letters ; but no further circumstances are mentioned lo stamp it witb additional credibility. The Lisbon papers contain the following extracts of an official dispatch from Marshal General the Marquis of Wellington, to his Excellency Senor Miguel Pere. ra Forjaz, dated head- quarters, Frenada, Jan. 28. " I returned here on ihe 21tn instant. Ii appears that tbe enemy has not made any essential alieration in the position of Ins armies during my absence. The three annies of Portugal, the centre and south, are unitejl in Castile, under King Joseph, whose head quarters are now in Madrid. " The army of Portugal is under the command of Gen. Reille, who lately came from Ihe army of the north, and has h'S head- quaiters in Valladolid. The aimy of thecentieis under the orders of Coude n1 Erlon, wtro was formerly employed m the army of ttie south, and commanded for a short litnelhs army of Portugal after the allies retired from the Tonnes • head- quarters are in the vicinity of Madrid; and t( ie aitnyof the south is under Marshal Soult's orders, whose hea I- quarters are in Tuledo. The army of the south was late y drawn towards the mi ibbombood of Ihe ' fag, is, having moved towaids tbe place of Toledo the divisions of that driny which were in the Province of Avila, and having ttiem re- placed iu Avila by the first division of the army of Poittigal. 1 have not received any recent accounts by which I can form an idea of the state of affairs in the north of Spain. General Mina appears to be actively employed against the en " my in Navarre, and lie, 3s wet! as General Longa, have caused hitn great loss. The latter destroyed 6<> 0 men, and took two pieces of artillery, in an action with the enemy on the3" ih of Nivemtrer. My last accounts from Aiicant are dated the latter end of Decemb r, ai which epoch part of the reinforce. ments which were expected from Sicily, had arrived, and Lieutenant.- General Lord Wiiliaui Beiitinck was expected. The ahied English anil Portuguese armies occupy the same cantonments in which they were in the beginning of Decern, ber. The Spanish troops aie likewise all in cantonments." The Mentor, Spanish ship, arrived from Corunna, brings au accouut that information bad been received there, that the French had committed great excesses iu Madrid, and other parts of Spain s and il was generally believed, from their movements, that they intended to quit that country immediately. Tlu- y had already left Lenda and Tarragona ; which places are now occupied by the Spaniards. Generals bad been appointed to all the provinces, for. the better carrying into effect the appointment and organization ofthe new army of 50,000 Spanish troops, to be at tile disposal of Marq. Welling toil. A long list of Officers, with Ue'i. Castauos at tiie head, had been appointed to command the uew army. lt is strongly reported tins morning, thai a certain French Count, residing near Mancbestor- squa e, set ( iff vesterday for St. Petersburg!), charged 011 a special mission from Louis XV111. lo Ihe Emperor of Russia. It is stated, that a copy of the Concordat agreed upo. i between Bonaparte and the Pope, has been received in this country. The principal stipulations of it are said to relate to the restoration to liie Pope, by Bonaparte, ofthe States of tlie Church, with fuil temporal power therein; and the agreement by the former lo give Ins sanction to the la « t mariiage of Bonaparte* and thus formally to legitimate the King of Rome ; as a testi- mony of which the Pontiff will assist at tbe Coronation. The fleet to be employed in the Jfaluc during tho ensuing seas, 11, will not be on the same extensive scale as that of last year. The number of ships of the line, it is said, will not exceed six or eight at niost, with some frigates and small vessels— the whole under the orders of Admiral Morris. The Vigo, Zealous, and Orion, of 74 guns, and the Hamadryad frigate, are tilting out at Portsmouth, and will proceed tp the Baltic. A singular variance appears in the name subscribed to the Letter of the Princess of Wales, as published, and the name given to her Royal Highness in the Peerage and the Court Calendar. The name s- giied to the Letter is Caroline Louisa, whilst the name her iioyal Highness is stated in tbe Peerage and Calendiw to bear, is Caroline Amelia Elisabeth. How is this strange difference to be accounted for J It is stated by a Moiuiitg Paper," lhat the P. coh, or Report cf the Delicate Investigation, has been printed in America, from a copy sen! over for the purpose, a, ul 80OO co, ies of this Tra is- Atbnltc edition are now'on their way to this Count y for sale." Lieutenant General Harris, it is reported, V: ll be created au English Peer, and Mr. Puleston, a li ironel ot the United Kingdom. LONDON. ' FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19. The last1 Paris'Papers con- lain an ordinance of the police-, from whieh it appears thai considerable apprehensions were entertalu& H> y Bonaparte, that his progress to open '- theSession of the\ Legi « lalive B< interruption. ' Various precaution.., • joined, 111 order to insure, as far as possible, ti is personal safety. Nothing indeed, can more strongly prove the fer- ment that prevailed at Paris tKat theSe minute injunctions of the Police, which do not at all belong to the regulation of a procession, bul could only have for their object to repress ihe manifestation of popular di'scoiltent, aud guard against the danger of. assassination. The financial distresses of the French Government are great beyond precedent. Asa last resource, Bonaparte is ' said to have directed circulars to be sent to all Ihe depart- I tnents, craving a voluntary contribution from every peisou in the State, and fixing 100 livres as the smallest sain w hich I will be received. ! American papers to the 24th ult. were yesterday'received j in town. They bring information that the port of New j York is: at length closely blockaded by a squadron, under j Sir J. B. Wal- reu, consisting of tlie'Sl. Doninigo ( flag- ship), j • Dragon, and P © ic tiers, five frigates, and three smaller | vessel.-*. They hacaptured several American vessels,' amongtheni the schooner Syreile, and ship Silenits, of Charleston, aud had obliged others lo return to port. As no mention is made of the" Poic^ iers having captured or destroyed any A merican frigates, we may conclude that the ' the reports which have been in circulation On that Subject' are devoid of foundation. Information had been received at toslon, that five or six French frigates had effected their escape from Bourdeaux and Nantz, aud were supposed to be on theh vvay to ihe United States j but as we have now a res pectifble force in the American seas, wle do not think much is to be apprehended from the naval efforts of Mr. M adison's gieat ally. I11 the House of Representatives, on the 13th' ult. the ' Com Wit tee of Cdnlmerce and Manufactures reported on a bill to Irfy an tiddilionalduty on iron iuiie imported. A re- solution was also carried, for instructing the Committee of VVaysand Means to report, with all convenient speed, such ' bills as shall he considered necessary to provide means for the war, by taxation, and to secure public credit. The Temporary Army hill, for raising 20 regiments for one year, ' bad been read a third " lime aud parsed. The prevailing opinion in America at present seems to be, that there is no prospect of a peace between this country and the United States; and the New York papers, on what authority we know not, states Ihe opinion of Sir J. B. Wrrren to be nn- • fiivourable to an accommodation. If we are to listen to the harangues of some of the American Legislators, peace is not to be thought of, till every iueh of ground in Canada ' lias been taken from the British. Before the warcommeu ce. d, th'v were lo have over- run Canada. in a single cam- paign ! The new Secretary at War, Men, Armstrong, had received his commission al New York on tl. e 19th ult. Mr Gallatin was to be Secretary of State. Gen. Smith had written a lengthy apology to Congress, for his conduct while General of the forces ou tbe frontiers, and Gen. Porter had posted him as a coward Congress sat ou the ] 4th inst. with closed doors, for two hours. A message was received from the Senate, with a bill which they had passed, for organizing the militia, that they may be called out, repel invasion, assist the Executive, and suppress insurrection. We are happy to learn, by a gentleman lately arrived from Denmark, that the British name is becoming popular in that kingdom, and the English Newspapers and Russian bull tins are read wilh avidity. It appears that the influence ofthe French had been so great as to prevent Ihe appear- ance of the Russian account* in the Danish publications, while those of France were regularly admitted. The Rus- sian Ambassador remonstrated with the King in person, who declared bis inability to grant him the privilege; but lie ohserv d, at the same time, that he could not object to the Ambassador's shewing them in his own house. The latter, in consequence, t brew- open au elegant apartment, furnished regularly with the Russian bulletins, aud ac counts of the French disasters, and all the English news papers. The crowds who daily attended were so gi c^ at, that to regu ate their admission, officers were necessary at the doors, and the public joy was manifested at every arrival of news. It- is said an alteration is to be made in the payment of the income and property tax, jwhicb, instead of being paid to the customary tax- gatherers, is to be paid into an olfice Appointed hy Government for that purpose. In the last year, the bankrupts amounted to eighteen hundred The average fees of the Lord Chancellor on each Commission is Jiftcen pounds, producing from this branch only, no less a sum, in that short space, than Twenty- seven ' thousand Pounds. We understand that a very large quantity of guineas has lately beeu received iu this country from France, lo pur- chase colonial produce, and other articles PARI ! AM ENT— THURSDAY. In Ihc HOUSE OF LORDS, ou Thursday, Earl Bathurst moved an Address to the Prince Regent, 44 That fully convinced of the justice of the war iu which we are engaged, his Royal Highness may rely 011 our most zealous and cordial support, in every measure necessary for prosecuting ihe war with vigour, and bringing it lo a speedy and pros- perous conclusion." Af< er some observations l » y the- Mar- 1 ody* w'ouhl'uol'be without i ? nif, es Lanwlowne and Wellesley and Lord F. rskine, who | n « i v, inrutiii't- tt v .. » •#. r> » . 1 bigtily ccusured the tucompetenl maimer>- 411 wInch the war ji. jiv minxiifs , r|[ nt' 1 11 . , . .. . - . ; 1,1,, n,, rtntlu| hud been carried on, aud who were answered hy Ihe Lord Chancellor and Lord Melville, Ihe Address was carried without a division. A similar Address was the same evening moved, and carried without a division, in the HOUSE OF COMMONS.— On this occasion Mr. Foster ( late Ambassador to the United Slates) observed, that the Government of the United States were not masters of their own conduct, which was totally influenced by the violence ofthe ruling war party ; and he was glad of that opportuity of paying to the Chief of that Government ( Mr. Madison) and to Mr. Monroe, with whom he had been so long ill Ihe habits of communicating, the just praise they deserved for the moderation they constantly evinced in conducting the negotiations. But that Govern- ment could do nothing without Ihe Congress, and the Congress was divided into parties. Hecould not agree to the assertion, that there waB no French parly in it; it was, 011 the contrary, very well known, thai many ofthe leading I characters now in America had early adopted alt the prin- | ciplcsof French revolutionists, and they still continued to | cherish them, even since Ihe overthrow of the republic, j Another party in Congress nun Ihc Anti- Anglican— which, from secret and inveterate antipathy, sought, by all the means in their power, to embitter every cause of misunder- standing between the two countiies, and to prevent all reconciliation. Sunday, al half- past three o'clock, the body of H. J. Batho, infant son of Mr. S. liatlui, painter, in Silver- street, Wood- street, was brought to St, Alban's Church, in Wood- street, for interment. Mr. Batho requested to have it put in a vault lately made at the expence of the parish : hut the Rector refusing to perform the Burial Service, the corpse was left in the middle aisle of the church. An account of the transaction was drawn up by the Vestry Clerk, signed by the two Churchwardens aud three Overseers, and dispatched to Ihc Bishop of London. Honour among Thieves.— Saturday se'nnight a Portsmouth packet sailed from Plymouth for that place, with convicts, sentenced lor seven years transportation. On Sunday, off the Bolt, she got upou the rocks, and soon went to pieces; fortunately the Captain, crew, and convicts were ail saved-; the latter, by tbe hum mity of the Master, had all their irons knocked oil', and when they got 011 shore, nol one of them attempted to make a bad use ol their liberty or effect au escape. SHREWSBURY, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 181S. MARRIED. Thursday last, at Whitchurch, Mr R. Sandland, of Cotton, to Maria, only daughter of Mr. J. Clusters, of Alkinglon. Marper, of Liverpool, to Miss Snelson, Same day, Mr of Nautwieh. DIF. D. . David Rowlands, of the White Hart Inn, Yesterday, M Mardol. On the 5th instant, at Bridgnorth, far advanced in years, Mrs. Sal ah I'ardoe, sister of the late Thomas Pardoe, list], of l'aintree, who, in the year 1791, served the office of High Sheriff of this county. Eminently distinguished for Christian resignation, and a charitable disposition, she cheerfully supported the last £ 0 year* of her life in total darkness, pondering on llie most efficient means of adding comfort to the poor. Lately, Mrs. Gadd, w ife of Mr Gadd, tailor, of this town. Mrs. Roberts, relict of Mr Roberts, maltster, Oswestry. O11 the loth inst. at Cemnies, in the county of Mont- gomery, Mrs. Hughes, relict of Rice Hughes, Esq. attorney at law. At Bronlarth, near Guilsfield, Mr. T Davies, an eccentric character. Lately, at his house in the College of Physicians, War- wick- lane, Loudon, Mr. Ramsdeu, a very eminent and skilful surgeon. FRO if THF. LONDON GAZETTE. FOREIGN- OFFICE, FEB. 20 His Royal Highness lite Prince Regent has been pleased ill the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to appoini William Laird, Esq. lo be his Majesty's Consul ai Malaga Ilis Uoyal Highness the Prince Regent has also been pleased, in the name and Oil the behalf of his Majesty, lo appoint Bernard Athy, Esq. to be bis Majesty's Consul at Alicant. idostscrtpt. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20. No intelligence from Russia has yet arrived. Five • Gottcuburgh Mails are now due ; and the painful privation of u ws fioni that interesting quarter, still continues. It is said to be the intention of her Royal Highness the Priucess of Wales, in consequence of the silence of llie Prince, and that of his Cabinet, to make another appeal lo him iu the same epistolary form— Her Royal Highness paid two visits to the Countess of Oxford in the last week. —-' Fhe Princess of Wales has not seen her daughter since the date ol Ihe publication of her letter. The latter is perfectly recovered from her lale indisposition. The follow ing information w as I his evening received at Lloyd's-.—" The damage done Ivy Ihc late gales does not appear to have beeu great, consisting only of the loss of anchors and cables— The South Carolina, Gall, was sent intu Philadelphia by the Constitution frigate aud Hornet sloop, for having a British licence. She was returning from Lisbon." New Yoik papers lo tbe 17th. of lasl month, contain intelligence from Washington to tbe utb. No doubt remains of Mr. Madison and Mr. Gerry's Election. General LONDON, Jlonday Night, February 22 « ', 1813. By the arrival of Paris Papers to tbe llth instant, we ave at length teeeived Bonaparte's Address to h- s Legis- lative Body. As was expected, England, Ihe object of the Tyrant's deadly hatred, uccupies the prominent ground in ibis Document — We are stated lo have made, in conse- quence of ihe war in tbe North, great efforts in the Penin- sula, but our army was wrecked before Burgos, and obliged to evacuate the Spanish territory, after having sustained greal losses The failure of Bonaparte iu Russia is attri- buted lo the excessive and premature severity of the winter. The losses sustained by him, he very pathetically obseives, would have broken his heart, could it have been accessible lo any other sentiments than those of the interest, the glory, and Ibe future prosperity of his people; which lie look such honourable means to consult, by deserting his army in the midst of its distresses. The accusation is bro gilt agaiust tbe Cossacks, of having burnt ilie Russian villages, frotn molives of ancient haired; but we know, from ihe official documents published by the Russian Government, t li at the Russian peasantry were Ibe first lo set fire to their own villages, rather than permit them to fall into the hands of the enemy. The animosity of Bonaparte towards Ibe Cossacks is tire inosl satisfactoiy testimony that can be borne to Ibe merits of these brave soldiers. The reverses sustained by France in the North is said to have inspired England wuh hopes that bad no b. iunds: and a vague accusation is thiown out, 0/ our having offered the li nest provinces of France as the reward of treason. We know not whether this bus any relation to Mulct's conspiracy, but as for any project for the actual disniembermenl of France itself, il could never have been entertained. The only reason for the mention of such a scheme is, to alarm the self- love of the people of France, and to make them consent with greater willingness to those sacrifices, which the necessities of the Tyrant oblige him to impose upon theiu. The agents of England are next accused of propaga- ting ihe spirit of revolt against Sovereigns ; that is, against siicii wretches as this Emperor himself, who, having risen to power by Ihe perpetration of every crime, can only preserve their authority by persevering in their atrocities. To seek the dow nfall of tyrauuical usurpations is au accu- sation of which this counti y ueed never be ashamed. With respect to Bouapartc's future plans, we are told, that the French dynasty reigns, and will reign in Spain ; he is satis- lied with all Ins allies ;— the Russians shall return lo their " frightful climate " He wishes peace, and he has slated ai! the sacrifices he could make. After some passing compli- ments to Mr. Madison for his war, the Speech concludes with an intimation of the prosperous condition of the interior of France, and that uu new burthens will be laid upon the people. Il appears, from ll. e Concordat, that considerable con- cessions have been made to the Pope. He is to exercise his functions in the same manner as bis predecessors, wilh all the privileges of a sovertign independent prince, to de- pute anil receive ambassadors, & c. H is domains are lo be ex- empt fiom ull kinds of imposts, and the investiture to the vacant Sees ill France and Italy is settled by compromise. Pardon is granted to ait tlie Cardinals, & c who had fallen under tbe displeasure of Bonaparte for their adherence to the Pope. 1 he Spanish Papers arrived from Cadiz to the 4th inst. communicate no intelligence whatever of Ihe smallest interest. The private letters of the same date however iiilorm us that hy advices from Alicaut of the 21st ult it ap- peared that the Expedition from Sicily was still there, aud that orders had been recently received from British Head quarters that it might be iu readiness to act the moment Ihe Visiting Clergyman this week at the Infirmary, the Rev. Owen Williams: — House- Visitors. William Smith and Richard Scott, Esquires. We believe the suciesafnl treatment of that dirndfii! disease Hydrophobia, related iu a coiMuuuicntion to the editor of this paper, is the only one on record in the medical annals of this country. Committed to our County Gaol, Thomas Growcott, charged with stealing divers articles front the servants of [ William Briscoe, Esq. of Caynlou House, near Newport; . and John Bedrloe, charged with stealing a quantity of lath, the property of Skey and Co. Ib- wilU v Wednesday last was mug oil the musical peal often bells | of St. Mary's in this town, an excellent peal of Oxford 1 Treble Bob Royal, containing 3120 changes, in 3 hours and I 40 minutes. Lord Vise. Clive, has presented the inhabitants of Welsh- pool with a handsome Organ for their Church. Two hawkers were latelvcommitted lo Montgomery gaol, 1 for uttering counterfeit silver at Pool. Wednesday morning last, between 3 and 4 o'clock, this town was visited bv a violent storm of Ihundcr and lightning accompanied by heavy rain : its duration was but short. During the whole of that uight, and a great part of ibe following day, it blew a perfect hurricane, which threw down some chimnies, and occasioned other damage, but noiieof a very serious nature — It appears by the provincial papers, that ibis tempest extended very generally, over the island.— The following account evinces how awfully it has raged :— Monmouth— The" war of elements," which the storm of Wednesday ivght last may justly be termed, will be long remembered here, from the n. vful sensations which it pro- duced in llie minds of those who witnessed it. Tbe eldest inhabitant cannot recollect its equal in terror, being a com- bination of thunder, lightning, wind, and rain! The guard, who accompanied the Welsh mail the whole vvay from Carmarthen to Monmouth, ( a ( Usance of 90 miles,) slates, that Ihe lightning, attended by wind and rain, raged for some time before the thunder was heard ; and so extremely vivid were the Cashes, that twice Ihe leaders came short round, and, but for the evenness ofthe road, the roach must each time have been overturned. The united violence of the htorui began ahont half- past eleven. At the village of Llanspyddid, three miles Iriim Brecon, and when tlicy came upon the bridge over Ihe Usk al that town, there were such tremendous peals of thunder, that tbe leadeis again became unruly, and were only prevented by the instant exertions of tiie guard from overturning tbe coach, lie compares Ihe falling of the rain to the discharge of a water- spout, and the effect ofthe lightning was such as io sus- pend his sight for some moments, lt will scarcely be cre- dited, that the storm accelerated the arrival of the coach at M011111011 111 almost two hours before its usual time ; for the horses were so terrified nearly Ihe whole way, that they could hardly be restrained from going at full speed, Tbe waters, though much swofn, have not yet occusioncd floods of any consequent e in this neigl houi hood. A correspondent hat, sent us the following, what he calls, wonderful prodigy of human nature —" There is HOW living in the tow n of Lhinfyllin, Montgomeryshire, a self- taught mechanic, whose age exceeds ihat of Methuselah; who follows his trade as alertly as he did ( 10 Vears ago; audio w hose family there are now living 11 widows aud widowers : his name is Evan Pryce, watchmaker, horu 7U1 March, 1715." On Wednesday the 17lh Instant, the Drawing of Ihe Lottery commenced al Coopers' Hall. The Ticket N o. 1,191, drawn a Prize of Twenty Thousand Pounds, was sold at HAZARD, BURNE, & Co.' s Office, Royal Exchange, iu One Half, One Eighth, and Six Sixteenth Shares.— The above was the only Prize of j£ 90,000 in the Lottery. No. 6738 a Prize of £ 500, was also sold at tlie above Office. ASSIZE OF BREAD, Set the 2Sd day of February, 1813, for the Town and Liberties uf Shrewsbury, to take place on Saturday next. lb. o » . d-. 0 3 S r ~ the man who was bitten. I therefoie hope the following \ statement will for the present be deejned satisfactory. Abraham Cooke, who resides at Atchani, about four miles distant from Shrewsbury, was, upou the 22d January ' last, bitten iu the hand by a pointer hitch, bearing evident signs of being mad. By the persuasion of his friends, lie . almost immediately set out and walked to Shrewsbury. ; On his arrival, the bitten part was excised by Mr Thomas j Sutton, Surgeon. The wound soon healed, and he con- ! tinned 111 good health and spirits, always making light of the accident, until Friday, the 5th of February, when, in ! the morning, he first began to feel and complain ot an I uneasiness and soreness in that part of his hand where he 1 had received the injury. On Saturday and Sunday il be- | came gradually worse; and 011 Monday morning, after a j restless night, lie arose with increased pain and soreness in | his hand, attended with head- ache, sickness, and oppression 1 at the pit of his stomach: his breathing was difficult.— Notwithstanding, he went to his work, but very soon became much worse. He was prevailed upon to drink some warmed beer, and was immediately seized with violent vomitings. He with difficulty reached his home, and on his way was much distressed, as he believed the people who were passing were determined to ride over him. His wife, seeing him so ill, pressed him to take some water; he shewed a great d; ead of it, and could not be prevailed upon to drink any, assigning as the reason of his objection, the pain and vomiting occasioned by swallowing the beer. She then procured some surfeit- water, to which he made the same objection ; she put it to his mouth, but could not say j whether any was swallowed; if any, it must have been a ' very small quantity ; she was terribly frightened at his looks. All the Symptoms rapidly increased : his eyes were inflamed aud staring; his face was likewise inflamed, and his features were contorted, and indicated the greatest dread and anxiety. It was with difficulty he was detained in his bed, aud he appeared to be watching, and anxious to escape some object that occasioned his distress. At this time ( about one o'clock p. m.) i was passing through the village, and was desired to visit him ; I found him iu the situation related. In a very short time afterwards, his left hand, arm, and head were convulsed. I waited to hear the history ofthe accident from his wife, and then pressed him to drink some water; I could not prevail, and alt hough I did not observe any additional horror at. the moment I offered it, slill it was evident he was too much agitated to be able to th ink. I was truly anxion assistance of my much- esteemed friend i at the same time I was aware that the delay of an hour might I hazard the life of our patient. 1 therefore had recourse to j the abstraction « f a large quantity of blood, and allowed it j to flow until be faulted. He remained for near an hour I with scarcely a perceptible pulse; and il was evident the j whole time his disease was abating. His countenance j became composed* aud much paler; his eyes were less inflamed; the convulsions ceased; and, to my complete SHREWSBURY COMMERCIAL DANCING A Mi CARD ASSEMBLY. rrUlE last, for the Season, will be on Thursday, the 1 4th March. To COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS, und FAMILIES. OLD It'AFEN I \ N AND HOTEL, It WEN STREET, SHREWSBURY. 171ERD1NAN D WH EELER returns his most respectful . Thanks to his Frieuds, for Ihc Support they have so liberally given him while al the COACH ANI> HORSES aud respectfully informs them, that he has succeeded his late Brother- in law JOHN JON * CS, in the above Irwi, and having completely titled it up as aTR WELLERs! IN N and HOTEL, he. humbly solicits the Support of Travellers, Families, and the Public in general. The Centrical tho' retired Situation of the House, upon the highest Ground in Shrewsbury, wilh an unobstructed picturesque View of a large Portion of Shropshire, Cheshire, aud North Wales, will recommend it to those .- FAMILIES who wish to spend a few Days 111 SHREWSBURY.; aud t he same Advantages, particularly as it is UNCONNECTED > V1TII COACHES, will render it. a desirable Situation for TRAVELLERS ; and F VVIIKELER begs Leave to assure ihe Public, Ihat 110 Pains nor Attention ahull be wanting on liis Part to render ths House as comfortable as any House of the Kind in the United Kingdom. WINES, SPIRITS, - See. of tl. e best Quality* . Excellent Stabling. Februtiry 1, Ibl.' i. RICHARD COPE, ) un and Co. IMPORTERS of FOREIGN WINES and SPIRITS, MOST respectfully return their sincere Thanks to their Friends aud the Public, for the very flattering En* couragement they have received since their Commence- ment iii Business, and beg Leave to inform them, that in Consequence of the great Advance in Sugars, a very con- siderable Ivise has taken Place in the Price of GIN, and all Kinds of British Spirits: also an Advouce of one Shilling and Sixpence per Gallon upon JAMAICA RUM.— R. C. and Co. having purchased largely in t hose Articles before the Ltise took Place, have it in their Power to supply t'h en- Friends at ihc OLD PRICES; thev therefore shall- fed tuy IIM. V. I oniiatcu IU I I, API, Y , n executing their Commands immediately — R 0. a', a(, v'ce aua and Co. being considerable Holders of particularly fine Mr i homasSutton; j HOLLAN DS, are enabled to otter that Article genuine at lelav of an hour in.- lit ! ^ Gallon— Old crusted PORT; Cotrnac BRANDY : pale aud brown SH ERR I ES ; real Rota T& NT, MADEI- RA, & c & c — MILK PUNCH in Bollles. A Lot of fresh emptied WINE PIPES to be sold Cheap.— Mardol, Shrewsbury> $ th Fibruary, 1813. J EVANSON, satisfaction, he enquired if he might drink some water? ' CHEMIST, DRUGGIST, and Dealer in genuine PATENT aud when it was brought to him he seemed to enjoy it. I now left him, desiring that, if any return of his disease took MEDICINFS, WHITCHURCH, RATEFUL for the numerous Favours conferred u Tl li to MPPHPHPP ipn^ i pop place, 1 might be immediately acquainted with- it. 1 sent | him since his Commencement in Business', begs Le^ ve him large doses of opium, with calomel, and James's I tu inform his Friends and the Public, that he still continues Powder, adhering, as closely as possible, to the successful j to vend Drugs, & c. of the most genuine Quality. The me- dian adopted by DivShoolhred, and communicated in the | lancholy Details we daily bear of the pernicious Effect Medical and Physical Journal for January, 1' 813. On Tuesday morning, at seven o'clock, 1 again visited him. He hud slept the early part of the night, but had beeu disturbed with horrid dreams; at the same time he told uic, " he had not beeu half so much alarmed by his dreams, as with the appearance of the dog in his room the day before, and which did not leave the room until he fainted from tlie bleeding "— He seemed agitated, and said he w as dreadfully ill, and should never sleep again. There were convulsive starlings in his hand, wrist, and shoulders. He told me he thought there was something alive in his wrist;— he refused to take either cofl'ee or w ater. His countenance was composed, but thoughtful; he said his neighbours had been making a noise on purpose all night, and every thing went through his brains. He started at the slightest sound or motion ; and so quick was his sense of hearing, that he knew, by thesound, to whom a waggon that was passing by belonged. I considered it necessary to repeat the bleeding, aud the result was exactly ihe same as before described— he fainted; and from that time was perfectly composed, aud free from convulsion, until about three o'clock p m. when his wife thought for a moment she observed a twitching in his shoulder. On Wednesday, 1 saw him comfortable— On Thursday, the llth, after sitting up for sotne time, he was much fatigued, and faiuled i— I was sent for, and upon my arrival, his wife said, u she was sorry I had been troubled to come, as the fit was nothing like what I had st'en before, and was not more than such as he had been accustomed to when he had heen drinking hard, or was much tired, and that it was agaiust her consent that the messenger came." 1 was satisfied, from appearances, she was right; audi left him without any apprehension— Since that time, 1 have re- gularly visited him, and there has not been one untoward symptom. He is now apparently well, excepting that his mouth is sore from the ellect ofthe mercury. 1 liere wish to mention, that immediately on my return from Atcham on Monday, the 8th, the first afternoon I saw the patient, I called upon Mr. Thomas Sutton, and re- quested him to take the earliest opportunity ofobseiving tbe ca> « , and begged that he would have the kindness to suggest anything that he thought likely to be of service. He and Mr. Sutton, as well us others of the profession, have beeu present. 1 remain, Dear Sir, Shrewsbury, Your obedient Servant, 22dFeb 1813. RICE WYNNE Penny loaf, or t* o? ToWei h halfpenny loav- es k Twopenny loaf Threepenny loaf .. Sixpenny loaf. 4 8 4 1 I 0 2 8 4 0 8 0 Armstrong has been appointed Secretary at War, aod his I a lied army was prepared to take the field, which vvould be appointment has been confirmed hy the Senate by ai the case at a very early period of the Season.— Various of peddling politicians. Mr. 11. conjured the | he was on his way to Russia with dispatches, they required inse before they gave their further support to ] of him his pledge of honour lo the truth ot his assertion.— wed French war— he conjured them bv their This, it is said, ihe Oenllenian refused to comply with, and majority of 3. Captain Jones has been appointed Secretary ofthe Navy— A Hill has been for sonic time before the House of Representatives, for raising 20 regiments for one year. Ii has occasioned violent debates. Mr. Randulpb aud Mr. Quincv charged Mr. Madison dirck- lty with making war on purpose to secure his election ; declared that ( iieat Britain had always evinced a sinceie desiie for peace; hut that her frankness had always beeu met wilh Ihe shuffling evasive acts House to panse this unhallowed French war— be conj respect ^ for the common ancestry of both nations— hy the respect they owed to the parent stock, lo pause. " Shall the only two nations on earth," he said m conclusion, u who worship the only audttucGod in purity— the two 1 nations who are conjoined iu their exertions to send the I wol- d of life— the word of the only aud Irue God, to the J Heathen of ( he F. ast—. hall these two nations drench them- ! • elves in each other's blood, and sacrifice themselves as j victims upon the altar of Moloch?— No doubt remained . thai tbe hill would he passed.— A loan of So millions moie ' dollais is to he raised for the expenses of the year. Six American prizes have been sent into our ports this week. shipments of flour and rice were making for England. A French Gentleman attached to the Bourbon Dynasty, we learn, lias recently paid avisil to Monsieur at his resi- dence in the country previous lo liis departure for Russia.— lie is also the bearer of dispatches from Ihe Russian Am- bassador in Loudon to his Court Having arrived at Harwich on his way lo Sweden, he was questioned by some of the Officers al that port as to his business; and on being told The vacant Blue Ribbon has been bestowed upon tbe ; Ti, e Ciirtc immediately relumed to Loudon to lay Ibe treatment he had met wilh before bis friends. He has now been in town some days, and every facility being now arranged, the Gentleman is about to proceed on his passage. Letters of the loth February, from Heligoland, holdout the hope of a speedy intercourse being opened with the Continent. The ice was thawing fast, which hitherto has been the principal obstacle to the accomplishment of that obji ct. A letter received to- day from Earbadoes, of ihe 9th of January, states that the Victorious, of 74 guns, had arrived on the 7th, w ilh the Nelly and others in company. Thirty- one sail left England at the same tune under convoy, three of | which parted to the windward of Baib. tdoes for Surinam.— 0 0 2 0 1 t Wheaten 0 6 ) Household 0 9 S Wheaten 0 10 ) Household 0 13 j Wheaten I / Household 1 „, , . , <, Wbeaten 2 Twelvcpeony loaf j Household 3 All Wbeaten and Household Bread must be made of Wn. at only.— Wheaten to be marked with a large W Household with a lame II. MARKET HERALD. Average price of wheat in our market on Saturday last— 18s. pet bushel of 38 quarts. Mark- Lane, Feb. 19. The late boisterous weather having prevented any ar- rivals since Monday, our Market is thinly supplied witli alt Grain this morning, and occasioucd ready sale for Wheal aud Barley, Rt uu advance of Is. per quarter— Oats are also Is per quarter dearer, in consequence of the small quantity at Market— Peas, Beans, and olher articles sell freely al Monday's prices. Current Trice of Grain per Quarter as under •— Wheat 8Ss. to 108s. | White Peas 90s. to l! 0s. Barlev 5l) s. to 74s. I Oats 30< toSSs. M » lt 108 « . to 112s. | Beans 80s. to 84s. Fine Flour 10' s. to not.— Seconds 100a. to 105s. FEB. 22 — We have 110 fresh arrivals of any article. Fine Wheat fully supports Friday's advance; and superior Oals are in demand, and is. per quarter higher; for ordinary sorts there is scarcely anv demand. Flour is at late prices. SMITHFLEL D MARKET, This day's market had not a good supply of the different kinds of cattle: Beef is dearer; Veal is cheaper; Million and Pork sold at last prices; and the trade iu general was somewhat Hat. The following prices aud numbers arc au accurate statement: To sink theofl'al, perstone of Bib. COACHES REMOVED. WELSHPOOL, LLANFAIR, MALLWYD, MACH- YNLLETH, AND ABERYSTWYTH. pernicious Effects of adulterated Drugs, which al Ibe present Time arc so much in Use, ought to render tin Public cautious, lo what, and whose Shops they resort for these great Preservatives of the Human Health and Constitution— Under these Consider- ations J. E. assures his Frieuds that they may at all Time, depend upon the Ellicacy and genuine Quality of his Articles; and that he liilherto has, aud still does contiuue to sell Drugs, ( icc. of the rami pure and unadulterated Qualities, he could produce many respeclable and sa'. is- fat tory Testimonials ; but he deems the following oue to be sufficient, copied from a valuable Work hy Mr VV ILLIAM SUINGLEB, of Whixall, entitled " The Cattle Keeper'* Complete Guide," & c. &. c. " 1 think it right iu this Publication lo inform my Friends and the Public, that almost all Drugs now sold, not ouly admit of, but are adulterated to a Degree, so as 111 some Instances not to contain oue teuth Part ofthe Ingredient intending to give Relief:— this abominable Piactice is. iow daily incieasing; and iu some measure, may be owing to the greal Price Drugs now bear, to what thev would 111 Time ot Peace; which advancement is cause sunicieiil to stir 11^ unconscionable Men, lo Ihe cruel Meanness of preferring ill gotten Treasure, to tbe Preservation ofthe Lives of their Fellow Creatures or Brute Animals, lu my long Experi- ence, I have had Occasion to use Drugs, aud have not fouml any to equal those sold by Mr. Evanson, Druggi, t, H'hit- church: I have invariably used them for Years, and Ihey have never failed answering my utmost Expectations. Therefore with the greatest Propriety 1 recommend them as genuine, and well worth the Attention of my Friends aud Subscribers. " WILLIAM SHINGLER." All Sorts of Horse Medicines and Cow Drinks. Whitchurch, Jan. Hth, 1S13. TO BE LET, THEFN. 4NNLi HALL; AMOST commodious Building: FIR r FLOOR, Dining Room, Drawing Room, Study, Greenhouse, Kitchen, Servants' Hall, Pantry, Brcwhouse, Dairy, and Cellars; SECOXD FLOOR, eight Bed Rooms, with Dressing Room, and ltoonis for Servants :— Walled Garden, Orchard, ami every Outbuilding that is necessary for ihe AccommoUatii u of any Family; all 111 good Repair.— ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ACRES of Meadow, Arable, and pasture LAND may be had with the liuibi, and a Lease of live, ten, or fifteen Years w ill be granted 011 fair anil reasonable Terms. The Laud is in a good Stale of Cultivation. TREFNANNEY is situated in the beautiful aud fertile ValeofMyvod, 011 the Banks ofthe River Viruiew, Mont- gomeryshire, and 011 Itie Borders of Shropshire. Possession may be had 011 the 2Slh March, 1813. Further Particulars may be had 011 Application to CHARLES DALLAS, Esq Trcfuatincy Hail, near Welsh- Pool. MARQUIS WELLINGTON LIGHT POST COACH. THF. Public are respectfully informed, that the Propri- etors of Ihe above Coach having purchased the WHOLE of the bite Mr JON ES's COACH CONCERNS, the above is the ONLY' COACH which runs from Shrews- bury to Aberystwyth. It sets out from the LION and BRITANNIA Inns to Welshpool every Monday Morning at six o'Clock, and throughout lo Aberystwyth every WEDNESDAY and FRI- DAY Mornings ut four o'Clock : returns early the same Evenings. Pei formed hy the Public's obedieutScrvauts, LAWRENCE, and ) c, , CARTWRIOHT, £ Shrewsbury, It. EVANS, Bear Inn, Welshpool, D. LLOYD, Foxes lun, Mallwyd, T. EVANS, Eagles Inn, , „ E. PUGH, Unicorn Inn, \ ^ lachynlleth, J. JONES, Royal Hotel, 1 , .,, .1 DAVIES, Gog, . than Arms, $ Aberjstwith. 1f>' Not accountable for Parcels or Luggage above the I Value of £.~>, unless entered as such, and paid for accoiding- ly f it At Shrewsbury tlie MARQUIS WFI. I. INCTON meets Coaches to AIL PARTS ofthe KINGDOM : and Places may be secured throughout from Aberystwyth to London or Holyhead. Marquis of Wellington Letters from Lisbon state, that the Marquis of Wclling- tou is making the most active preparations for another campaign, which will he very early— he will go into Ihe field the moment the artillery aud cavalry are in any kind • it order. Our allies, the Portuguese and Spanish, are said likewise to be making the ino:. t active preparations, and Spaniards seem now to be in earnest. Marshal Beresford has added considerably to the strength of the Portuguese army: levies are going 011 in every quarter. In the menu time our troops have got new rloathing, and having been some time iu comfortable quarters, are only anxious lo be- again in contract with Ihe enemy.— Marshal Beresford has gi- eatlv increased his popularity with Ihe Portuguese, by a l- eceul kind measure towards the soldiers.- he allows soo men from each Portuguese regiment al a time to go on fur- lough to see their relations nnd friends—- The regret it general throughout the kingdom of Portugal, that the a ate of Marshal Beresfard health slronld require his leaving them, even for a lime Their confidence ill him as a leader unbounded; 110 other man could effect so much with them aud their Government. Tbe latest accounts from Spain ' state, that the French troops are still committing horrible depredations in most places, indicative of liieii retiring; they have almoat dilapidated the once beautiful as well as Valladolid, L<- on, and couvov was laying at Barbadoes. Head of Cattle, this day: Beasts, - - - - 010 Sheep and Lambs, - 3,100 retiring; they citv of Salamanca, Penaianda. A verdict of onefart'avg damages was given in a case of Crimean in the Common Pleas, 011 Tuesday. The plaintill » ,, s a Mr Green, Paymaster of the 81st regiment; " defendant, Mr. Maiden, a clerk in the Auditor a office. the A Heligoland Mail arrived this morning, bringing advices to the lllli inst. A report was prevalent on the opposite coast, that Duntzic had fallen into the hands ofthe Russians. We shall be very happy lolitid this confirmed ; but it is merely staled as a rumour. House OF LORDS— The House was occupied until five o'clock 011 appeal business. Pe itious were presented from several parts of the country, boih for and agaiust Ihe Catholic claims— ordered to lie 011 the table; one petition was nresenteii iu favour of the Catholns, from the county ol menlh— Earl of Radnor presented a petition from the Borough of Wallingford against the Catholics. Lord Holland objected to lliis petition as being ouly signed by tbe Mayor and Recorder of tbe Bo oagli, it was lioiv ver contended by Lord Raduor, Lord Sidmouth, anil the Lord Chancellor, that the seal of the Borough was affixed to the petition which was suflieieiit HOUSE OF COMMONS,— Anew writ was ordered for the Borough of Buckingham, ill the room of Earl Temple, called up to the House of Peers as Marquis of Buckingham. I— The Chairman of the Committee on tho merits of the Great Grimsby election, reported Ihat tbe sitting 111 e III tie I s were duly elected, but the petition not frivolous or vexa tious. The House was occupied till past six o'clock 111 private and ' routine business, and iu calling over 1 lie dt- fauIters upon the last ballot ; several members were ordered to he taken into custody by the Sergeant ut Arms for non attendance. II was generally expected that a motion would be made for papers, aud notice given of a qui slum respecting I he Princess of Wales by Mr Cochrane Johnston. Nothing hud transpired up to half'past seven o'clock. Three per Cent, Consols. & 8j. Beef, 5S. Od. I0t) s. 2d . Mutton, 5s. 4d. 107s ltd l. anib, os. od. loos. od. Veal, os. 6d. to 88. od. 1 Calves, Pork, ss. od. to 8s od. 1 Pigs, I'RICE OF LEATHER. Butts, 50 to r. 6lhs each - 22d to Ditto, 56 to txiibs. each - 26d to Merchants' Backs - » S2d to Diessiug Hides - - 20I to Fine Coach Hides . » s! 2< l to Crop Hides 35 to 40lbs for cutting ls| to Dilto 45 to Solbs - - 21 d lo Calfskins 30 to 4olbs - . 3- id to Ditlo 50 lo 70II1S - - 3sd 10 Ditto 70 to 80ibs - - 38d to Small Seals ( Greenland) - • 33d to l. atgu Ditto 12os to 1809 pevdozen Goal Skins ... 34^ to Tanned HorseH'tdcs - - 21il to 120 210 <! 3il per lb 23d 24d 22( 1 24 tl 201.1 2 « | d 38 d 4fid 45 d 34d 69* 25d A HERO OF SALAMANCA This Dai is published, in 3 Fols. 12mo. Price 15*. AHERO OF SALAMANCA; or THE NOVICE ISABEL. A Novel By H. M. MORI ARTY. Author | of ' BRIGHTON IN AN LPROAH,' ' CRIM. CON.' & c. ( SIC. Published for tbe Author, by JOHN SOUTF. R, NO. 1. Paternoster Row, London; and sold by all Booksellers in the United Kingdom. For the SALOPIAN JOVltNAL. HYDROPHOBIA. MR. EDITOR— There are not, I believe, any means established try w hich we are enabled even to mitigate the horrid and truly pitiable sufferings consequent lu the bite of a rabid animal. Happily, however, two cases of Hydro- phobia successful!, treated, by Mr. T. ymon and Dr. Shool- iireil, have lately been transmitted 10 us from the East Indie;, I likewise feel the utmost satisfaction in relating the successful issue of the case ot'a man in oui' own neigh- bourhood, who was liil'eu hy a rabid d g, 11110 which bears tbe strongest resernli aoce to tne recorih- d symptoms of Hydrophi hta. i do not her* mean to enter into; 1 detailed account, as- f intend soon to publish every oartn utar con- nected Willi the appi aranct ol hen •<, the lujm v he coin- mitlhl, as well as the subsequent illness, and treatment, of A LAUNDRY MALL). WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family near Shrews- bury, a steady Woman as LAC N DRY MAID, who is perfectly acquainted with her Business; one who likewise understands Housemaid's Work will be preferred, as she will be required to assist the Housemaid occasionally. For Particulars enquire from THE PRINTER of THU PAPER ' DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Jn the Parish qf Aston, ADJOINING THE TOWN OF NEWPORT, SALOP, TO BE LET, OR SOLD, AND ENTERED UPON AT LADY- DAY NEXT: ALL that large, substantial, and newly erected MES- SUAGE, Brick and slated, comprising Hall, two good Parlours, large Kitchen, two Cellars, Pantry, Dairy nnd Rrewhouse ; tour excellent Lodging Rooms 011 the first Floor, four Atticks; with the Outbuildings thereunto belonging, consisting ot'a Bum, Stable, Cowhouses, Graiu- erv, Sheds, and other Conveniences, with a laige GARDEN, well planted wilh young Fi nit Trees. Tog: t her with FOUR ACRES, or thereabouts, of excellent GRAZING LAN D adjoining thereto. Any Person renting ihe above mav be accommodated w ith 2o Acres, or thereabouts, of good Grazing and Mr a low Land. The Parochial Rates in the Parish of Aston are very reasonable I'he above Premise? are in the Occupation of Airs. JUSTICE— For further Particulars apply to Mr. BAGNOLD, Auctioneer, iu New port aforesaid. AT a numerous Meeting of the Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitants of Ibe Peculiar Jurisdiction of St. Mary's, Salop, hotden, pursuant lo Publick Notice, iu the Board- Room of the Salop Infirmary, on Tuesday, the 23d of February, 1813; The Rev. J. B. BLAKEWAY, Official, IN THE CHAIR: The following Petition to the two Housesof Parliament, with the necessary respective Alteiulions, wa-, aller a Division, carried in the Affirmative. Tothe Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland 111 Pailia- meiil assembled: the humble Petition of the Peculiar Jurisdiction of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, iu tbe Couuty ofSalop. We, the Ordinary aud Official Principal, Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitants of the Peculiar and Exempt Juris- diction of the Royal Free Chapel of St. Mary, Shrews- bury, iu ibe Couuty of Salop, tieg Leave lo approach your Lordships wilh our humble Petition against the Measnie of granting any farther Concessions to the Demands of our Fellow Subjects of the Uuuiau Calho- liek Persuasion. We view w ith the most entire and unfeigned Satisfaction ihe complete and unlimited Toleration which Dissenl ersof all Denominations tuning us now enjoy, in the Exercise of religious Worship, according to ihe Mode prescribed by their own Couaci< nces: we pray for the Continuance uf this Toleration 111 its fullest Extent: and if any thing were wanting, as we conceive nothing is wanting, lo ^ ive further Security to the same, » K should contemplate such additional Security with Sentiments of cordial Approbation anil Goud- Will. Bul we cannot witness the Attempts now making to invest our Roman Catholic Brethren with that political Power, of which it was, for the best Reasons, found necessary, by the Wisdom of1 the Legislature, to deprive Ihem, w ithout serious ApprehensiouB for the Safety of the Kcforuied Religion happily established in tins Kingdom, and therewith for tbe Prosperity, Repose, auu Liberties of the United Empire. VVcdiuclaiui all Intention lo interfere wilh that Decision, which 11 is the sole Province of the Three Braiichr& of the Legislature, 111 Parliament assembled, to foron upon ibis momentous To put: but, as an Argument, in Favour of llie Measure w hich we deprecate, 111 iglu- be founded 011 the Acquiescence, and implied Assent of the I'eople of these Realms to 1 he farlher Concessions; now urged, we feet it a sacred Du, y to ourselves, aud our Posterity, to come forward at this momentous Crisis, Willi a solemn Declarulioii of our earnest Desire that the Constitution, both 111 Church and Slate, which we have inherited from our Forefathers, by whose Ex- perience, whose Sufferings, and whose SI niggles it was obtained, may he trauamilted without Change 0|- luno- vatiou to our Descendants. Such is the Object of our present Kepsesentation; And your Petitioners, as duly bound, shall ever pray. RESOLVED, That the Right Hon. Loid KENYON be requested to present the same to the Lords, and J. KYNAS- Toy Pow ELL, Esq. M. P. to ihe House of Commons. RESOLVED, That llieTbauks of this Met ling he given to JOSEPH SUTTON, Esq. audilie Rev JOHN WILDE, for I moving and seconding ihe Petitions, and for tbe very able ' auil impressive Speeches 111 which they performed Ihat Duty RESOLVED, Thai the said Petition aud these Resolutions he inserted m the Cuuuer, and iu the two Shrewsbury P"" J. B BLAftEWAY, Chairman. And the Chairman having quitleo Ihe Chair, UESOLVEO, That the Thanks ol ihis Meeting be given to the Rev J. B ULAKEW AY, for having convened thesame, uud for his candid Conduct iu the Chair. TALBOT INN, SHREWSBURY. THE Public are respectfully informed, the original COACHES that did run from the Raven Inn to Welsh- fool, Machynlleth, and Aberystwith, will commence running from the TALBOT INN, SHREWSBURY, on WEDNESDAY, the 3Dof FEBRUARY. Performed by WILLIAM LEIGHTON, and the same Proprietors. Coaches to Ellesinere, Wrexham, Chester, Liverpool, and Manchester, every Morning, at Six; to Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Oxford, and London, every Morning, at half- past Nine; to Bridgnorth, Kiduermiuster, and Worcester, every Morning, at Six ( except Sunday); to Cheltenham and Bath, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at Six. ALB10N~ El B EAN D LIFE INSUtANCE COMPANY' NEW BRIDGE STREET, LONDON. EMPOWERED BY ACT OP PARLIAMENT. rx^ HE Company has occasion for an Agent in each of .1. the undermentioned Places; viz. TO BTi SOLD, Oil tEf, AND MAY BE ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, ALL that largo, substantial, modern- built BRICK HOUSE, with Yard, Warehouse, & c. adjoining, situate in the must Trading Part of MARDOL, late, in the Occupation of Messrs. ROBERTS and QUICK, Liquor Merchants. The above Premises are large, commodious, and well adapted for an excellent Dwelling House, or carrying on an extensive Trade. For fuither Particulars apply to Mr. BRAYNE, Mardol Head. Salop. Bridgnorth Ludlow Uswestry Shiffnal Shrewsbury Whitchurch Stafford. Cheadle Leek Lichfield Stafford Stone Wolverhampton Persons well situated, and respectably connected, may, by proper Exertion, render such Agencies worthy their Attention. Any Individual of this Description, desirous of bee, lining an Agent, wilt , be pleased lo address his Appli- cation, in Writing, t" tltie Company's Secretary, in Lon- don : stating his Qualifications, and referring lo Persons of Character, by whom he is known, aud can be recom- mended. By Order of the Board of Directors, WARNER PH1PPS, Secretary TURNPIKE TOLLS. • VJOTICE is hereby given, that the Tolls arising at the . . Toll Gate oil the Turnpike Road near the Town of Weni, leading lo Shawbury, called or known by Ihe Name of tbe Shawbury Gate, will be LET BY AUCTION to tiic best Bidder, at the House of Mr. William Stockall, known by the Sign of tbe BLACK LION, in Wem aforesaid, on THURSDAY, the TWENTY- FIFTH Day of FEBRUARY next, between the Hours of one and four o'Clock iu the Afternoon of the same Day, ( for one Year from Ladv- Day next) in the Manner directed by au Act passed in the thirteenth Year i; f the Reign of his present Majesty, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads;" which Tolls will he put up at the Sum they now are let at— Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, aud at such Times as ihey shall direct EDWARD HANMER, Clerk lo the Trustees of ihe saidTurupike Road. Stanton, 21 st January, 1813 bp auction; MONTGOM ERYSH1RE. bARTICULAl'S of a Pi „ . FREEHOLD ESTA'T TO SADDLERS. TO BR DISPOSED OF, ( THE PRESENT OOCUPIiri RETIRING FROM TRADE), An old established Concern iu the SADDLERY and TRUNK MAKING Business, which bus been success- fully carried on tor a great number of Years The Slock aud Fixtures to be taken at a fair Valuation. - The Situation is good, aud iu one of the first commercial Towns in Lancashire For further Particulars address ( Post paid), lo Messrs. WHITEHEAD, FISHER, and Co. Princess Street, Man- chester. WHEREAS a Recantation has been inserted in the Shrewsbury Papers against DAVID VAUGHAN, of the Parish of Myfod, in llie County of Montgomery, for the Prejudice of THOMAS JONES, of i'refuauncy, in the Parish of Myfod, and Couuty aforesaid :— THE PUBLICK are hereby n quired to take NOTICE, that the aforesaid David Vaugban is ail Inhabitant uf the Township ofTretnauney, in Ihe Parish of Myf id, and County of Montgomery, and uot Da. irt Vuughan of the Village of Myfod, as generally supposed. Witness, DAVID VAUGHAN, THJHAS DANIEL, Carpenter and Joiner Joiix JEHU. Myfad, i. d February, 1813. Denbighshire" Valuable Estate, Mansion, and Coal Mines, TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. riMIE PI. AS- KYN ASTON ESTATEandCOAL MINES, 1 not having been sold hy Auction oil the 8lh Instant, aud it being represented to the Proprietor, that it was, previous to the Day of Sale, reported lhat he didnot intend to si II; He takes this Public Method ofannouncing lhat he is ready lo treat hy Private Contract for it, either iu one or more Lots. For Particulars and Price of « hich, apply to Mr. GEORGE GI ARY, IVestbury, near Shrewsbury; or to Mr. THOMAS EDMUN DS, of Rcdiril near Oswestry. Fe ruaru i'> lh, 1813 ' DESIRABLE FAMILY RESIDENCE. TO BE LET FOR PTF. RM OF YEARS, AND ENTERED UPON IMMEDIATELY, rpHAT CAPl'l AL MANSION called WOOD HILL; JL situate within two Miles of the Maket Town of OSWESTRY, in the County of Salop. A Tenant may be accommodated wilh any Quantity of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, surrounding the House, uot. exceeding one Hundred Acres, now on Hand, and in a high State of Cultivation, and lia. e the Option of taking the Growing Crops at a fair Valuation. The House consists ofa large anil handsome Vestibule, Dining Room, 23 ft. by 18 ft. Breakfast Parlour, 19 hy 13 ft. 11 smaller Breakfast Parlour and Study, excellent Kitchen, Servants' Hall, Brewhouse, & c. handsome Staircase with a spacious Lauding, an< i Buck Stair Case, Drawing Room, 23 ft. hy 18 ft. with eight good Lodging Rooms, and Servants' Rooms. The Cellars are vaulted aud spacious 1 the Out- Ollices consist of a Laundry, Granary, Dairy, Cheese Room, Ike. a double Coach House, and Saddle Room, one six- stalled Stable, and another three- stalled Stable ; the Bam, Cow- Houses, Cavt Stables, Farm Buildings, aud Farm Yards, are parti- cularly large and commodious The Woods and Walks surrounding the House are beautiful. There is a walled Garden well stocked wilh Ihe choicest Fruit Trees. WOOD HILL is situated in an excellent Neighbourhood, in a niosi fertile Country, abounding with Game; is near to L'ine and Coal, and lo good Markets; and is in every Way calculated foi the Residence of a large and genteel Family. The Farming Man wili shew the Premises, For further Particulars apply to T. L. JONES, Esq Oswestry; or Messrs. G'ov FR and SON, Auctioneers, Ruytou Eleven Tow ns, in the County of Salop. luable and very Improvable E, desirably situated iu the beautiful aud fertile Vale of Severn, in the Parishes of WELSHPOOL, BFRRIEW, and BUTTINGTON, TO BE LET, In the following Lots, by Public Survey, for such Term 11s will be explained at the Time, al the House of IVi rs. Culley, Oak Inn, Welshpool, 011 Thursday, the 4th Day of March, 1813. LOT I. A MESSUAGE, called GUNGROC, F. 4WR, with sub- stantial Outbuildings iu good Repair, Garden, Orchard, and several Parcels ot excellent Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Lands, in a good Stale of Cultivation, tying con- tiguous to I he Canal and the Turnpike Road, and within a Mile, of the Town of Pool, containing in the whole 75A. lR. be tbe same more or less. LOT II. TWO rich and fertile PIECES of LAND, adjoining the River Severn on both Sides, called MILL MEADOW and DOLE FAWR, containing by Admeasuie- ineut 9A. 1 R. 17P. be the same more or less. LOT III. THREE Fields or PIECES of fertile LANDS, called the NEW PIECE, LLYGAD YR ucit, and Pail of MAES Y DERWEN, near Ihe Turnpike Road leading from Pool to Shrewsbury, two of which adjoin the Canal, containing by Admeasurement 13A. alt. 23P. ( be the same more or less), which will be put up in separate Lots if mine agreeable. LOT IV. The GREAT MEADOW, consisting of ISA. lR. 5P in 3 Lots. I. OTV. TRTO PIECES of good LAND, iu WEIR- GI. AVVDD YR EGLWYS, on the Banks ofthe Severn, in the Parish of BUTTINGTON, containing by Admeasurement 7 A 2ll 21 P. be the same more, or less. BY S TUDOR, In the Great Room at the ... Lion Inn, Shrewsbury, on Thursday and Friday, the 4th and Sth D, ays of March, JSI3; A LARGE, and valuable Collection of BOOKS, consist- Y jL ing chiefly of the Libraries of two Clergymen, deceas- ed, which comprise Sermons aiid Works of Theological Criti- cism by eminent Divines Of the last and present Centuries ; a small Library of Medical Books, and a few in the learned Profession ; together with an extensive Assortment in History, Philosophy, Poetry, and on miscellaneous Sub- jects ; also some French and Italian Works. — Among them, in For, JO, are Locke's Works, Henry on the Bible, Cham- bers's Dictionary of Aits, Middleton's System of Geography, Kitchen's General Atlas; Chaucer's YVorks, Statutes at Large, Langley's Anc. ient Masonry, Stackhonse's History of the Bible, Scapulae Lexicon, & c.— QUARTO: Blackstone's Commentaries on the English Laws; CrudenVs Con- cordance, Brown's. Bible, Glaase's Bui- kit, Mack night's Harmony, Poole's Annotations; Nicholson's Philosophical Journal, Walker's Familiar Systeui of Philosophy, Long's Astronomy; Bower's History of the Popes, Warrington's Wales, Hume and Macaulay's England; English Diction- aries by Johnson and Sheridan ; Greek Lexicons; Latin, French, and Welsh Dictionaries.-— OCTAVO : Sermons by Saurin, Abernethy, Haggitt, W. Adams, Blair, Gilpin, Walker, Seed, Whitakeiy Foster, Seeker, Home, Sherlock, Pyle, & c. See. Johnson's Shakespeare, Johnson's . W01 ks, BoswelPs Johnson, Russei's Modern Europe, Burn's eccle- siastical Law, Burn's Justice, Goldsmith's England,. Hume's England, AnquetiPs Universal History, Doddridge'.- VVorks, Warbnrton's Divine Legation, Col. Beatsdn's Works, Gold smith's Animated Nature, Public Characters, Anacharsis' Voyage ; Bell's British Theatre, 22 vbls. &' e. & ' c. Containing IS THE WHOLE. Upwards of 2000 Volumes. Catalogues maybe had of Air. TTLIIOR, the Auctioneer, or of W. EDDOWES, Printer; Shrewsbury ; aud of ihe differ- ent Booksellers in the County Of Salop — Sale to commence each Day precisely ut Eleven. CAPITA L CORN MILLS AND LAND. BY S. TUDOR, At tlie Lion Inn, in the Town of Shrewsbury, in the County of Salop, on Friday, the 5th Day of March, 1813, at four o Clock in the Afternoon, in the follow- ing Lots and subject to such Conditions as will then be produced; LOT I. A t. L that capital WATERCORN MILL, containing X3i. three Pair of Stones, together with a Dressing Mill and Machine, Sack Tackle, and every olher Convenience for carrying on an extensive Business, situate at MEO'LE BRACE, close to tbe Turnpike Road leading from Shreus bury to Ludlow: Together with a DWELLING HOUSE, Garden, and Stable thereto adjoining.— And also Two PIECES of excellent MEADOW LAND, adjoining each other and the said Mills, ( with the Tithes of Corn and Grain thereof); containing together OA, lR. 35P. or there- abouts. LOT II. All that PIECE of LAND, containing 2A. lR. 2! iP. situate near the said Mill, on the opposite Side of the Turnpike Road leading from Meole Bridge through I IheVillage to Nobold, and bounded on the North by a Road by memtti FREEHOLD ™ PREMISES, IN EARKER- STREF. T, SHREWSBURY, FOR POSITIVE AND PEREMPTORY SALE. BY JONATHAN PERRY, On Saturday,! he 97th February, 1813, at tbe Old Post Office, Shrewsbury, at. six o'clock in the Afternoon, the following Property, situate as above, 111 Lois : LOT I ALL those two most substantial and convenient MES- SUAGES or DWELLING MOUSES, with Yards thereto adjoining, in the several Occupations of Mr. E, Oakley, Maltster, and Mr. E. Alcock : the former contain ing a Hall, clieurful Parlour and Kitchen with . sashed Windows, Brewhouss, Pantry, and good Cellarin; under ; two good Lodging Rooms, Dressing Room, two Closets and two Attics: the latter, a Parlour, Kitchen, Cellar, two Bed Rooms and Attics. LOT II. All those three MESSUAGES or DWELLING BOUSES in the several Occupations of Mrs. A. Jones, J oh 11 Evaus, and Richard Langford. LOT LIT Ali those two MESSUAGES or DWELLING HOUSES Willi large GARDEN, ( adjoining last Lot) in the several Occupations of John Davies and Joseph Morgan.— The Garden Fart of Lot 3 is well adapted for the Erection ofa H al Manufactory, Nail Work, or any oilier Business requiring au Extent of Building Room. The respective Occupiers will shew the Premises ; and for further Particulars apply to Mr. VV. C00PER, Solieiloi', or THE AUCTIONEER. ^ aics bp mmum TIMBER. BY W. SMITH, Oil Friday, the 20th February, ! 8l3, at the House ofThotiias \\ ood, in Condover, 111 the County of Salop, between the Hours of four and five o'Clock in the Afternoon, subn et Conditions then lo be produced • LOT 1. to ASH and 4 OAK TREES, growing at Domiigton. Lot 11. 13 ASH, 4 ALDER" :•••>•'• : ' at the Row, tiearCoudover. IE ASH,^ ALDERS, and I OAK, growing GWILLIAM, of For further Paiticnlitin apply to Mr, Dorriiigtoii, CAPITAL HAY, WITHOUT RESERVE. BY W," SMITH, At the Dun Cow, 111 tbe Ahby- I'oregate, Shrewsbury, oil Monday, the ! st Day of iVJaich, Iril3, between the Hour, ol live and six o'clock in the Afternoon • LOT 1. ASTACK of HAY, abonl 0,5 Tons, of the growth ofl8l « . LOT II. PART ofa STACK, about y Tons, of 1811. LOT III. 1 > Good OAK HURDLES. * The Huy without exception was as well harvested and is tis good as any this Day in the Comity ; is standing in a Field leading lo i'rcstilli Routs, late iu the Occupation of Mr. E. 1 isedale For further Particulars apply to THF AUCTIONEER. CAPITAL TIMBER, AND COPPICE POLES*, Nov growing in fVhcatley Coppices, near Sundorn. BY JONATHAN PERRY, At the Bowling Green, Uffingtou, on Monday, the 1st Day of March, 1813, precisely at live o'Ch. ck in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced : LOT I. INE ACRES, 01 thereabouts, of COPPICE WOOD, con- sisliug of Oak, Ash, Alder, and Birch Poles, & c. &. C. being 1 iremy- five Years' Growth. Lor II. TWELVE and a HALF ACRES, or I hereabouts, of like COPPICE WOOD.— The Poles tinged . villi Paint are not intended to be sold LOT III. 100 MAIDEN OAK TIMBER TREES, num- bered with Red Paint. LOT iV. 70 ASH TIMBER TREES, numbered with Paint. The ahov Timber is capital Cleft, straight and lengthy, worth the Attention of Timber Merchants, & c. Distance from Shrewsbury about four Miles, from the Shrewsbury Canal abuut Iwo Miles. Mr ELSMERE, of Wheatlcv Farm, will shew the Timber; or Mr. W. WOOLRICH, of Sundorn; and for further Particulars apply to Messrs. MADDOCK and JACKSON, Attoruies, Shrewsbury. STACK OF HAY, C/ TLVING COWS, FLANNELS, LEATHER, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AND EFFECTS. VALUABLE LIVE STOCK. BY \ V7" SM1TH, On Monday, Tuesday, mid Wednesday, the istli, 16th. and 171I1 Dajs of Match, 1813, on the Piemises at WHITLEY, near Shrewsbuiv, 111 the Couhtvof Salop t A LL the truly valuable aud w'ell selected 1.1 VE STOCK, JJL IMPLEMENTS iu HUSBANDRY, with Part of the HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Dairy and Brewing Utensils, belougiug to the late Mr. JOHN JONES. Particulars in our next. LOT VI. THREE PIECES of LAND, capable of great Improvement, in the said Parish of Buttington, adjoining j , c. uli t, 0. u flle( l, e Turnpike Gale to the Church', and on Hie Road leading from Pool Quay lo Shrewsbury, called „,,. West by Linds of Mr. . Million and Mr. Hughes, and 011 CAE coctl, containing by Admeasurement, 11 A. alt. 25P. I T[ LT. JJAST JJJ " ' ' file above Lots are in the Occupation of Mr. be the same more or less. LOT VI1. RHYD Y GROES, in the Parish of Berriew, ISA. BP. LOTVIII. Au inclosed PIECE of LAND, being 1111 Allotment of Common, containing by Admeasurement, 9A. 2R. 23P. be the same more or less. l6( A February, 1813. or auction. CAPITAL TIMBER. TO EE SOI. D TO THF. HIGHEST BIDDFP., At the Cross Keys, in Oswestry, on Wednesday, the 17th Day uf March, 1813, al live o'Clock in Ihc Afternoon ; Oak, I CYPHER, 27 ASH, 33 ALDER, anil 1 ( J^) SYCAMORE, growing upon Pen y bellau Farm, in the Township of Hen lie, near W HITTINGTON, in the Occupation of Sarah and Richard Hurdley, who will shew the same upon Application. The above are worthy Public Attention, being of large Dimensions, and well adapted for Beams, Planks, and other valuable Uses— The Situation is eligible, between tbe Turnpike Road from Oswestry to Ellesuicrc, and from both those Towns to Chirk and Llangollen ; and distant from Ihe Canal about a Quarter ofa Mile. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. WILLIAM LLOYD, Nanlglyn, near Denbigh. MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, & c. SUFFOLK PUNCH. BOXER WILL cover Fifty Mares only, at ROWTON : Two Guineas each Mare, andllalf a- Crowti the Groom.— Money 10 be paid at Ihe Time of covering.— Good Grass for Mares at the Windmill Inn— Not one Mare more than 50 will be covered ; and those who wish their Mares covered, are requested to apply directly to Mr. JOHN LLOYD, Itowton. TERN HILL ASS0C1ATION, IN THE COUNTY OF SALOP, FOR TEE PROSECUTION OF FELONS, FEBRUARY STH, 1813. WE whose Names are hereunto subscribed, having formed ourselves into a Society to pursue and pro- secute any Person or Persons who shall commit'or attempt to commit any Felony or Robbery against, or upon, our Persons or Property, particularly Honse- Bi eakers, Horse- stealers, or Stealers of Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Conls, llay, Straw, Iron, Hedgewooil, Fish, & c. oi for burning or attempting to burn any of our Buildings, or Iticks uf Corn, or Hay, do offer the following REWARDS. To any Person, hy whose Information anv Offender shall be convicted of any capital ••£• s. d. Offence, Ihe Sum of to 10 0 For the Conviction of uny Servaut who shall sell Coal, Lime, Hay, or Straw, from liis Mas ter's- Waggous, or Carts, to the Informer 2 2 0 For any Person convicted of purchasing the same knowing them to be stolen, the Sum of.. .. 2 2 0 For the Conviction of any Person stealing Posts and Rails, Hooks and Thimbles, to the fnformer the Sum of, 0 10 6 For any Person convicted of a less Crime, any Sinn not exceeding THUEE GUINEAS nor less than Ten Shillings and Sixpence, nt the Direction of the Societv at Iheir next Annual Meeting;— an. l to every Toll- gate Keeper by whose Information any Highway Robber, or the Stealer of any llorses, Cattle, or Sheep, shall be apprehended, the Sum of ONE GUINEA : to be paid by the Treasurer. BY E. FASSEY, On Saturday, the 27th of February Instant, and Monday, the ist of March following, at the Guildhall, in Ludlow, ( removed t here for Convenience of Sale); AQUANTITY of genuine and recently laid- in HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, & c comprising Four post aud other Bedsteads, with Dimity and other Furniture, Straw and other Mattresses; Mahogany aud Painted Chests of Drawers, Wash Hand Stands and Dressing Tables, a hand- some large Mahogany Dining Table with round Ends, a small Mahogany Dining Table, Drawing Room Chairs and Card Tables, with Green Cloths, Parlour and Drawing Room Carpets and Hearth Rugs, a large modern Sofa and Dimity Cover, with Mahogany Feet ( on Casters) and Cushions stuffed with Hair, neat Parlour and Bed Room Chairs, a Mahogany Butler's Tray, a Mahogany Wrine 1 Cooper, a plain Mahogany Sideboard without Drawers; ' Japanned and other Tea Boards and Waiters, Painted Wire | Fenders with polished Iron and Brass Tops, four Pair of | Plated Candlesticks ; a Clock and Case, and some Kitchen \ Furniture, Casks, Bottles, and various other Articles : the Whole of which will be found in excellent Order, well wortk the Attention of the Public, and will be sold without the least Reserve. N. B. The Ssle to begin each Day precisely at Eleven o'Clock. Ludlow. 22d February, 1813. VALUABLE TIMBER. John Sayer, and Possession m; fy be iiad at Lady Day next, if required. LOT 111. All that other PIECE of LAND, bounded by the said Roads, and adjoining Lot 2, Part of which is now- occupied as a BalCK YARD, and contains a deep and valu- able Bed of Clay, together with a Shed and Oven for dry- ing and burning Brick, and containing together 2A SR. OP. LOT IV. All that other PiECE or Parcel of LAM) ad- joining Lo13; and likewise situate between the said Road leading from Meole Turnpike Gate to Meole Bridge, aiul the said other Road from the said Gate to IVIeole Village, and containing oA. 3R. 30P. or thereabouts.— in this Lot there is an excellent Spring. The above Lots 2, 3, and 4, are admirably calculated for building upon, being elevated considerably above the Level of tiie Ludlow and other Turnpike Roads adjoining them, and command a very beautiful and ex- tensive Prospect, aud the Soil is remarkably dry aud fertile, with an excellent Brick |£ arth uuderneath. LOT V. A substantial well- built COTTAGE and STA- BLE, adjoining Lot 4, with a . good Garden, containing OA. 1R.? P. Lots 3, 4, and 5, are occupied by Samuel Darlington, and Posseession thereof may be had at Michaelmas next. LOT VI. A PIECE or Parcel of LAND, called MONEY BRIDGE MEADOW ( with the'Tithes of Corn and Grain thereof), bounded on the North by Lot 1, on the Fast by Lands of Lord Berwick, and on the other Side by Lot 7, hereinafter described, and containing lA. 2R, 14P. or thereabouts. LOT VII. AH that excellent PIECE of dry LAND, well adapted for building upon, with a capital PIECE of MEA DOW LAND adjoining to it, containing9A. t$ P. or there- abouts, together with the Tithes of Corn and Grain thereof) and bounded upon one Side by the said Turnpike Road leading from Shrewsbury to Ludlow, upon another Side by Meole Brook, aud 011 the other Sides by Lots 1 and fj, and Lands belonging to the Rev Edward Bather and Mr. Axon. The two last Lots are also iu the Occupation of the said Mr. Sayer, and Possession may be had at Lady- Day next, if required. The above Property is situated in one of the most plea- sant Villages around Shrewsbury, and lies about a Mile from the Town. The Mills are in comph te Repair, upon a good Stream of Water, and are weil situated for a Manu- factory. The whole is FREEHOLD, and lies within the Parish of Brace Meole aforesaid. — Samuel Darlington, and— Davies, at the Mill, will BY JONATHAN PERRY, On the Premises, 011 TU ES DAY N EXT, the ad of March, fjpHE HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, 1 STOCK ill TRADE, Machinery, Out- Stock, and all other the Ettecls of Messrs. THOMAS and WILLIAM WEAVER, Skiuners and Flannel Manufacturers, at VVOK- THEN, iu the County of Salup: comprising a Slack of excellent Upland Hay; t* o capital Calving Cows, one Calf; two Draught Horses; light Market Cart, Cait and Ripples; Quantity of Straw; six excellent Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows, Bed and Table Linen, various Bed- steads and Hangings, Chests of Drawers, Tables, C'nuirs, Clock; Bacon; Brewing Vessels; Tubs and Utensils used in t be Trade, and numerous ot ber Articles. l lie Stock in Trade and Machinery, may he dealt for by private Treaty, and consists of several Pieces of fine Flannels, 400 white and wash Leather Skins ; large Quan- tity of ( ine Fleece and picked Wool; Ditto of Oil ; Iwo valuable Machines ; four Jennies ; ten Looms ; two Jacks, and other Effects. The Auction will commence precisely at eleven o'Clock, aud the Out Stock will be sold first At Ihe Lion Inn, in Shrewsbury, 011 Thursday, Hie . lib Day of Marc h, 1813, at four o'Clock, subject lo such Conditions as shall be then produced; ALL that Messuage or DWELLING HOUSE and SHOP, with the Appurtenances, siluate in MAR- DOL, iu Shrewsbury; and now in the Occupation cf Mr. James Webster. ' 1 he Tenant will shew ( lie Premises ; and further Parti- culars may he known by applying lo Ml. PANTING, Attorney, in Shrewsbury." BV J. On the Premises, on Monday and Tuesday, the 1st and 2d Days of March, 1813 ; ALL the truly Valuable and well selected LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, wit:. Partof the HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, Brewing and Dairy Utensils and Casks, belonging to Mr. GOUGH, of the COURT HOUSE, near Chnrchstolie, in tlie County of Montgomery, deceased, consisting of nine excellent young T At the Cross Keys, in Llanymyueeh, in the County of Salop, on Monday, the sth Day of March, 1813, at five o'Cloek in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions : fy 1\ OAK, 12 SYC'AMORE, aud 43 ALDERTREES, y / I I and 7 Oak Pollards, sciibe- marked, and growing * upon a Farm called GARTH UCHA, 111 Ihe Parish of Llanyblodwell, in the County of Salop, in the Holding of William Jones, adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from t| lswestry lo Llangedwin, six Miles from the former Place, and within four Miles of the Canal. Several of the Oaks are of large Size, aud litfor Navy Purposes. The Tenant will shew the Timber; and further Particu- laismaybe hadofMr. T. L JONES, Oswestry. shew the respective Lots; and further Particulars u; ay be had by applying at the Office of Mr. WM. EGERTON JEFFREYS, Solicitor, Shrewsbury. tityche. William Clive, Esq. Samuel Bales Mareton Sen. Samuel Minor Thomas Peplow Bletchley. Richard Nickson Charles Hayward Edward Baker Ternh'U. John Brayne Robert Davies Joliu Swiuch^ tt Longford. William Miuur John Leigh Loisfori. John Venahlcs Old Fields. Robert Bright Woollerlon. William Massey Northwood. William Ford Longslovi. William Ratclitf George Andrews John Harries Roods. Charles Gregory New Street Lane. John Hampton lames Money Prees Heath. William Baugh Stoke Grange. William Hodgkin Lawn. Thomas Morris TIMBER. At the Bull's Head, in Wellington, 011 Thursday, the 4th Day of March, 1813, at 5 o'clock, subject to Conditions tn be produced, aud in the following Lots: LOT 1. ASH TREES, Scribe- marked, on Lands in the Parish of Wellington, adjoining the Spa Biook. LOT II 17 ASH TREES, 1 Sycamore Tree, 1 Elm Tree, and 1 Wich Hazle, marked with red Paint, ou the said Lands. LOT III. 29 ASH TREES and 1 With Hazle, Sciibe- mai ked, 011 the Limekiln Farm, in the said Parish of Wellington. The above Trees are butted and topped.— Mr. JAMES VVRBR, of Wellington, wilt shew the Timber; and for further Particulars apply lo Mr, CLAYTON, Lawley, near Wellington. BY JOSEPH RHODEN, Atthe White Hart Inn, in Much Wenlock, in the County ofSalop, on Monday, the 1st Day of March, 1813, at four o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and tliere produced : ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the GARDEN and YARD therenuto belonging, contain- ing by Estimation a Acres or thereabouts, situate, lying, and being in the Parish of STANTON LONO, in the County of Salop, adjoining Ihe Road leading from Brookhampton to Weston, and now in the Holding of Francis Watkiss, or his Undertenants. For further Particulars apply to Messrs COLLINS and HINTON, Solicitors, Much Wedlock. FREEHOLD ESTATE. BY WRIGHT AND SON, At the House of William Clegg, Talbot Inn, Drayton in- Hales, in Ihc County of Salop, oil Wednesday, the 3d Day of March, 1813, between thcHoursofthieeand six o'Clock in the Afternoon, either together or in such Lots as shall be agreed upon at the Time of Sale, and subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced : ASubstantial Brick and Tiled FARM- HOUSE, wilh suitable Outbuildings, and about 53 Acres of excellent Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, situate and being in Cheswardine, in the County ofSalop, now in the Occupation of Mr. Francis Spender. The above Estate is Tithe- free, the Land- Tax in part re deemed, aad Possession may he had at Lady- Day next. A reasonable Proportion of the Purchase Money may re in a in upon Security of the Premises, whether sold toge- ther or in Lots. There is a Quantity of fine young growing Timber upon the Estate. For further Pariictilarsapply toMr. J L. WAKREN, Soli- citor, Drayton- in- Halcs aforesaid. bY GLOVER AND SON, On the Premises, on Monday, the tst of March, 1813, ALL the valuable LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS 111 HUSBANDRY, Grain, Hay, &. c. belonging to the l, te LAZARUS VENABLES, Esq. of WOOD HILL, in the Parish of Oswestry, and County of Salop. Catalogues will be prepared in due Time, and uiay he had at the following Places, viz. Cross Keys, Cross Foxes, Bell and George Inns, Oswestry ; Bridgewater Arms, and Red and Black Lion Inns, Ellesmcre; Cross Keys Inn, Llanymynecb ; Root Inn, Whitington ; Hand Inn, Chirk; Craven Arms, Ruyton; New Inn, Nesscliff; 1111 the Pre- mises; and of THE AUCTIONEERS, at Ruytun of the Eleven Towns. BY GLOVER AND SON, Oil the Premises, without Reserve, 011 Thursday and Friday, Ihe 1 lib and 12th Days of March, 1813, A LL the valuable FARMING STOCK. IMPLE- /\ MENTS in HUSBANDRY, HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, Brewing and Dairy Utensils, of the late Rev. JOHN LEA, of ACTON BURNELL, in the County of Salop Catalogues may be had at the Raven and Bell, Unicorn, Spread Eagles, and Lion aud Pheasant lnus, Shrewsbury ; Talbot, Atcham ; Cound Lanelnn; Cressage ; Pitchford'; Acton Burncll; and Condover; and ofTHF. AUCTIONEERS. — The Sale to begin each Dayat Ten o'Clock. StlROPSHIKE TIMBEU7 BY GLOVI R AND SON, At the House of William Millington, in Acton Burnell, in the Couuty ofSalop, on Friday, the 12th of March, 1813, between the Honrs of three and six o'clock in the After noon, and subject lo Conditions then In be produced : SEVERAL Lots of capital OAK, ASH, ELM, FIR, and other TI VI BER, growing ou ACTON BURNFLI,, FRODEVLEY, RUCKLEY, I ANCLEY, ACTON PIGGOT, and BERRINGTON ESTATES, in the County of Salop.— Parti- culars of which will appear in our nexl Paper. VALUABLE STOCK OF HEREFORDSHIRE CATTLE, HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, See. BY JONATHAN PERRY, On the Premises, at WINSBURY, in the Parish ofChirbury, and County of Salop, 011 Wednesday, Thursday, aiid Friday, the 3d, 41h, and 5th of March, 1813: 1HF, Whole of the truly valuable Stock of DAIRY COWS, YOUNG CATTLE, WAGGON HORSES, COLTS, BROOD MARES, PIGS, SHEEP, broad Wheel- ed Waggon with double and single Shafts, two Road Waggons with Liners, Tumbrels, Ploughs, and other Im plements, Dairy aud Brewing Requisites, and Part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, belonging to Mr. THOMAS BAILEY, quitting his Farm — The Stock com- prises lti capital Milking Cows, calved and in- calf, two Barrens, two Calving Heifers, one 2- years old Bull, 12 3 years old aud seven 2- years oUl Bullocks, six 2- years old Heifers, nine yearling Btihocks, four yearling Heifers ; 31 Ewes ill- lamb, 33 Wethers, one Kyland Raiu; 11 strong store Pigs, 13 smaller Ditto, two Sows and Pigs; one valuable black Drai. ghi Stallion, five years old, five capital 5- year old Draught Horse*,( with i: ew Gearing), two draught Mares ni- foal, a capital brown Galloway, one 4- years old Bay Colt, by ATLAS out of an excellent Mare, one 4- years old Ditto by ABATHULE, oue 3- years old broyvn Filly by GLAUCUS, two 2- years old Draught Colts, one 2- years old Bay Colt by GENERAL, one yearling Colt by Ditto too Yearling Fillies, a Bay Male hy BLACK TOM, iu- fual to GENERAL, (• in excellent Roadster), & c. & c. Catalogues to be had at the Dragon and Cross Foxes Inn, Montgomery ; Oak inn, Pool; Bear's Head, Newtown; Castle Inn, Bishop's Castle; Cross Keys, Oswestry; and at the different Public Houses of Churchstoke, Chirbury, Marlon, Wortheu, Westbury, Ponteshury, Minsterley, & c The Live Stock will comprise the first Day's Sale! aud the Implement^ Dairy Vessels, and Furniture the t to Days subsequent.— l- . ch Day's Sale will commence puncti ally at eleven, by which Time the Public Attendance is car liestly requested. HOUSES IN HIGH STREET AND SECURITIES. BY JONATHTN PI RRY, At the Talbot I1111, in Shrewsbury, on Saturday, Ihe Gth Day of March, 1813, at six o'clock in ihe Afternoon, either together, or iu such Lots as shall be agreed upon at Ibe Time of Sale : ALL those TWO capital Messuages or DWELLING HOUSES and SHOPS, wilh llie Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereuuto belonging, situate in the HIGH STREET, iu Shrewsbury aforesaid, iu the Occupations of Mr. John Weeks and Mr Thomas Hanley, together wilh Ihe extensive Workshops and Premises behind the same, in the Occupation of Mr. Donaldson.— Possession to be had at Midsummer. ALSO Till" FOLLOWING SECURITIES: ONE SHARE in iliat well established Concern the SALOP FIRE OFFICE TWO and a HALF SHARES in the ELLESMERF. CANAL. ONE SHAREintlie I RON BRIDGE; and TWO SHARES in CRESSAGE BRIDGE. For further Particulars apply to Mr. WOOD, Solicitor, St John's Hill, or to THE AUCTION EF. R. Hack Kind, two Yearling Ditto; twenty- three yearling Sheep; six Store Pigs; one Waggon, one Harvest Ditto, two Tumbrels, one Wheel Plough, otic Hand Ditto, tifo Pair of Harrows; with a number of small Implements. N. 15. The Live Stock and Implements will be sold Ihe FIRST DAY ; Sale to begin al ten o'Clock each Morning. BY X BROOME, ™ On the Premises, on Tuesday and Wednesday, tlie 9U1 ai d 10th Days of March, tsi. 3, ALL Ihe LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS ill HUS- BANDRY, HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNL ' lURE, Brewing and Dairy Utensils and Casks, belonging • o the late Mr HOGGINS, of CRESSACE, ia ibe County of Salop: consisting of eleven Cows, calved and in- calf, seven capital calving Heifers, eight 2 year old Heifers, seven Yearlings; four Waggon Horses, one useful 6- year old Marc, will draw and carry double well; five Sets of good Gearing; one 2- year old Horse Coll of Ibe Draught Kind, two Ditto Yearlings; thirty- one Ewes and Lambs; two Rams; live strong Store Pigs, three small Ditto, one Sow and Pigs, two Ditlo in- pig, one tat Pig •, three Waggons, two broad Wheel Tumbrels, one small'Market Carl, one double Plough ( nearly new), two single Wheel t'loughs, Iwo Pair of large Harrows, three Pair cf small Ditto, one Roller, one Car, eight Dozen of Hurdles, Winnowing Machine ( nearly new), Ditlo Fan, Sieves and Riddles", twenty Bags, two Ladders, two Stone Cisterns, Diito Pig- troughs, with Stone Spouls, four Fodder Cribs, Scales and VI eights, with a Number of small Implements, & c. ii. c The HOUSEHOLD GOODS and 1 URNITURE consist of Fourpost and other Bedsteads, with Hangings, Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows, Blankets and Covers; Oak and other Dining Tables and Chairs, Ditto Dresser with Drawers; a Number of Oak Linen Chests, Ditto Cup- boards, oue good Clock ; with all the Brewing and Dairy Utensils and Casks, & c. all of which will he found in good Order, and well worth the Attention of the Public. The Live Stock and Implements yvill be sold Ihe first Day.— The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock each Morning. WEST LEY ESTATE. B\ J BROOMF, On Thursday, the llth of March, 1813, between ( he Honrs of four and six in the Afternoon, at the Seven Stars, iu Pontesburv, in the County of Sal p i AFARM, HOUSE, OUTBUILDINGS, & c situate at WEST LEY, in the Parish of Westbury, and late in the Occupation of Mr. JOHN INIONS.— Particulars in our next. FREEHOLD LAND— OAK TIMBER. COUNTY OF HEREFORD. BY THOMAS DAVIES, Atthe Augcl Inn, Ludlow, on Saturday, the 6tli March 1813, between the Hours of four aud seven o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions to be then produced, unless disposed of in Hie mean Time by private Contract, of which due Notice w ill be given; ARICH Piece of ARABLE I. AND, called WHYSON CROFT, containing 3A. NR 2P. situate in the Parish of BRIMFIELD, close to the Village of Whyson aforesaid, in two Lots, divided by a Foot- path which passes ill a straight Line thro'the same, as delineated on Plan: Lot 1 containing lA. oR. 30P. more or less; Lot 2, lA. 3R. I2P. more ov less. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLACE; 250 OAK TREES, fit for capital Navy Timber, now growing 011 ASHWOOD PARK FARMS, in the Parish of Eye, in the Couuty of Hereford, blazed and numbered wilh while Paint, from No. 1 to No. 250 inclusive, which will he put up in one Lot. The above valuable Timber is of considerable Length, of large Dimensions, and all of it excellent in Quality, is perfectly fit for Navy, Ordnance, Planking, and oilier useful Purposes, and is Well worthy the AttentionofTim ber Merchants iu general. The Whole is situate at lit tie more than a Mile from the Leominster Canal, bv which it can be conveyed to a Turnpike Road about 7 Miles from Stourport. ASIIWOOD PARK is five Miles from the Town of Lttd loyv, six from Tenbury, five from Leominster, and close to the Turnpike Road leading from Ludlow lo Leominster. F" oraViewof the Land or Timber, apply to Mr. HALL, of Cockslioot Lydiale, near Briinfield; and for furl her Parti lilies, or to treat for the same, lo Mr. TF. NCH, of Brumfield, near Ludlow. ( One Concern. J BY J BROOME, Oil Tuesday, llie 16th Day of March, 1813: MNHE LIVE STOCK and IMPLEMENTS iu HUS- J. BANDRY, with Part ofthe HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, Brewing and Daily Utensils and Casks, belonging to Mrs. AMBLER, of WILDERLEY, ueur Church Pulvcrbatch, in the County ot Salop. Particulars in our next. N. B. A large Quantity of excellent OAT STRAW fur Cattle; great Care yvill be taken of the Cattle. BY XTS.:,( X)\ 1E, On the Premises, on Monday, the2Bd Day ofMareh, 1813 ; ALL the LIVESTOCK and IMPLEMENTS in HUS- BANURY, belonging to Ihc lale Mrs. LLOYD, of THE ABBEY, near Alberbufy, in the County of Salop. Particulars in our next. BY J B HOO ME, Oil the Premises, ou Monday, the 19th Day of March 1813, .4 LL the Valuable J. I V E S TOCK and IM P LEM ENTS iri in HUSBANDRY, with Part of Ibe HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE, ike belonging toMr. EVERAL, of THE I. EASOWS, near Church Piilverbalcb, in the County ofSalop. Particulars in our next. BY J. BKOOME. On the Premises, 011 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 6; h, 71b, and 8th Days of April, 1313, ALL the truly valuable LIVE STOCK aud IMPLE- MENTS m HUSBANDRY, with all the HOUSE- HOLD GOODS and FURNl lURE, Brewing and Dairy Uiensils and Casks, ( without Reserve) belonging lo the late Mr. BEDDOES, of the NEW HOUSE, near Coifion, in the County ofSalop. ( Particulars in our next) HEREFORDSHIRE. MOST DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE. At tlie Horse and Jockey Inn, at Wofferton, in the Parish of Brimfield, ou Tuesday, Ihe itjlh of March, 1813, between the Hours of four and seven in ihe Afternoon, subject to such Cunditions as shall be then produced : ALL that most desirable and compact FfiF'EHOLD ESTATE, called the WOODHOUSE, situate in the Parish of Richard's Caslle; consisting of a Farm House, wilh suitable Outbuildings, and seveial Pieces of capital Arable, Meado. v, Pasture LAND, aud most excellent ORCHARDING, adjoining to and ' surrounding the same containing hy Estimation go Acres, more or less, and noyv in the Possession of Mr. John Slepple, as Tenant thereof. The above is within a Ring Fence, nnd forms as compact nnd desirable an Estate as any iu Ihe County. The Or- chards arc planted will, choice Fruit Trees, noiv iu full Bearing, and the Estate lias a Valuable Right of Common 011 the Hanway and adjoining llill, which are sonnd and excellent Sheepwalks. The Estate is conveniently situated ns to Markets, being only four Miles from Ludlow and aix from Leominster, both very good Market Toyvns, nnd w ittiin a short Distance of l ime and Coal, and also the Leominster Canal. Possession to be had at the Expiration of the present Tenant's Lease. The Proprietor, Mr RICHARD OSELAND, of Wofferlou , or the Tenant, yvill shew Ihe Piemises; and for flirtbe ' Particulars apply at the Office of ML'. EDVIKD WtJ, LINGS, Juu. Solicitor, Ludlo , Salop. wxsaxsszfi" FOR THE SALOPIAN JOURNAL. On Moduses, as to the Tithes of M'M, Calves, and Tools. ( No. V ) In most parts of this county, I believe that there are tltcduses similar to these in the parish of Oswestry, namely ; tkrfe half- pence for a cow nnd calf, in lien, of Ihe tithes of milk ami t'llf, payable at the time of the cow's caking, but usually paid al the annual settling of accounts for small tithes; and a modus of four- pence for a mare and foal, in lieu of the tithes of Ihe metre and foal, payable'also al the time Of the mare's foaling, but vsiially paid at the annual settling of accounts. The remarks which I shall make on these fncidihes, will apply • equally well to similar'tBiWt/ JM in any other parish, although the small payments, whereby fbeyate respectively supported, , ' tnay he a little more or a little less. In order fairly to estimate the value of these Mduses'to a Shropshire estate, I will draw a comparison between the pay- ment under a modus and the demand which might posfclbly be made, as a composition for the tithes of milk'and calves. Suppose the relit of a dairy farm to be .£ 300 a year, on • which m » v bekejiton an average, 25 milch cows; the modus for milk and calves Vould be 3s. f\ ei.: but a temporary compo- sition, according to Mr.' Beaiblock's estimate, would be 10J. Od. for the milk of each cow ; and take the calvCs, when thev might be sold to the butcher, or weaned, to be of tbe average value of <£ 3 each, of f ™ , each for the tithe; the whole < composition for the tithe of milk and calves only, would amount to .£ 45 18J. 9rA!* A proprietor of land might just as Well endow a vicarage or a rectorv * wijh the reversion of a seventh or a sixth part ol Vis Shropshire estate, as allow bis tenants to suffer any continued innovations uponthese mo'dusit, the perfect security til which ought to be scrupulously guarded by the regularity of the payments, and the certainty 6f the sums paid : therefore, the payment of one penny, or iwo- p'nce, instead of three half- penc. should be peremptorily objected to by landlords as well - m tenants*; and if the acceptance of the money due under a modus, be refused altogether, in such ease - written evidence ou, lit'to be preserved of its having been tendeier) sufficiently often to'- keep in view the security of so valuable a'privilege, j These mtsdusfs, if preserved with due care, must rttnain perfectly good, the payments being small, or not - too'" rank," and such as will a'ways be presumed to have been the value of the tithes above. 600 years ago ; the reign of Richard 1. having been frxt hv 3 Edward I. c. 39, as the period of legal memory': hut anv modus or custom commencing since that tittle, cannot he good iu law, unless established by an act of parliatheut.' § I hone that tbe earnestness of my endeavours to expose the fallacies of Mr. Bateman's and Mr. Bearblock's publications, and to arrest the progress of the vexatious prosecutions, anil miseries which bave proceeded from tbem, will not be mis- construed into disrespect towards the Clergy. I have diligently sought out the truth, and particularly as to the law of agistment tithe, reducing it toajfew plain maxims, wherein the rights of the tithe- owner antl the privileges of the farmer are, as I believe, correctly defined. I presume that no clergymen would intentionally demand more tithes than the law assigned to them, and they'cannot • be displeased with me for bringing thus plainly to their view, tbe nature and extent of a tithe which bas hitherto been in- volved in on extrnordinaiy degree of obscurity : for although it is to be lamented, that any ecclesiastical benefices are so small, as to he inadequate to the support of that lank in society, to which the important services of clergymen so pro- perly entitle them ; it is also to be hoped, that no increase of income would be acceptable, iqion teims which must be injurious ond oppressive toward their parishioners, as far as they exceed their just and lawful claims : aud much less Would they think of retaining anv over- paymeuts, which may have been incautiously insisted upon pendente lite, and complied with, not from any proof of their justness, but from n dtearl of the ecclesiastical court, reluctantly submitting to the pmltdatums of books of no authority whatever. T. N. PARKER. Sweer. ey, 1<) tli February, 1813. * Speaking rif cows and calves, it naturally pulsjme in mind of bull" ; antl 1 should be much obligerl to any one who could inform sue under what modus, prescription, act of parliament, or princi- ple. a hull can be accounted an animal unprofitable to the tithe- owner n a oairy country, and liable to a tithe of 12s. a year for Iiis agistment ? * Probably the distinction which Shropshire has obtained as a dairy country, ha- arisen as much from the circumstance of these medusa in lieu ol the tithes of milk and ealvcs, as from the quality ofthe land ; and consequently, any considerable check given to the dairv system, would increase the growth of corn. t" 1 beg to be understood as not applying these remarks to any particular parish: such innovations have happened in different parr, lies wil'min uiy knowledge, and perhaps from inadvertency. Ij An instance ot sut h a modus may be observed in the articles ol hemp and flax, the tithes of which have been fixt lor limited periods, antl renewed by several acts of parliament, and lastly made perpetual by 1 Geo. I. " ta. 2. c. 26. sec. 2. with reference to 11 and 13 Will. III. c. 16. - ec. 1. the amount of this modus is to be paid , t vea- ly and every year, the sum of 5s antl no more, for each " acre of hemp and flax so sown before the same be carried off the 44 ground, and so propoilionablv for ntoreor less ground so sown ;" and therefore, ihe tithes of hemp and flax are not to be charged ac- cording lo the quantity of seed sown, but in the way prescribed by the act ot parliament. the family had not long retired to rest, when they were awakened by groans and cries of distress, and on repairing to the servants' room, who were unable to attend tbe call, a scene presented itself truly shocking to contemplate. One tif the girls had expired under the effects of the poison, and the other two were iu the most dreadful agonies. Fortunately however medical assistance was speedily obtained, and the lives ot these two deluded females preserved, who own thai ihey have once been cuiedof their love fancies; but the tliiid, who had partaken more, largely than the rest, bad almost in- stantly and'beyond remedy oi resistance acknowledged the. power of the baneful infusion, anil paid the forfeit of her folly with her life, as already observed, the victim of a silly and superstitious notion too prevaleiit. amoog females. The Army.— A Circular has been issued from the War- Office, under date of the lOlh inst. directing that noidicrs of the Foot Guards and Infantry of the Line desirous of re- enlisting, after completing the period ol limited service for which they may have been engaged, in conformity lo the provisions of thc Mutiny Act, shall, if found lit to continue in the army, be allowed to receive the same amount of bounty as is granted at the'same time to men entering into the service ; which sum is to be issued to them upon being re- attested.— The rates at present allowed are £ 11. lis. for the further limited period of seven years, and £ 16,16s, for an unlimited period ; and are, of course, to cover every charge attending the re- enlistment. Men of 35 years of age or upwards are not to be permitted to re- engage for a longer period than seven years. Another Circular, of the same date, notifies that regiments of infantry of the line will be permitted lo enlist annually, in part of their establishment, fifty boys of five feet in height, if not exceeding sixteen years of age. The Levy Money for each Recruit of this description to be j£ 6. l is. 6d. if engaged for limit- ed service; and j£ 8. 16s. 6d. if for unlimited service. Boys of fifteen years of age and upwards receive the same pay as men. Those under fifteen years of age, are allowed only ten- pence per diem. Thc boys, in the first instance, to be trained lo the management of the firelock, with fusils, furnished for their use. In the case of these recruits belonging to regiments which liave a battalion at the Cape of Good Hope, or to the Eastward of that settlement; in North America, the Mediterranean, or Gibraltar, they are to be forwarded to their battalions whenever opportunities occur.— But they are in no case to be sent to the West Indies, or to join a ballalion employed on active service, until they are fully equal, in every respect, to the performance of their duty as soldiers, 1 he Commander in Chief re- commends, in general terms, the utmost mildness and lenity, as the best means of establishing discipline and attaching ' the boys to bis Majesty's service ; and directs that these boys may constantly attend the Regimental School, with a view to their being qualified for the situations of non- commissioned Officers. The Americans, if we will take their word for it, are the only people upon earth who entertain proper ideas of Liberty. That their claim is well founded will be rendered apparent by tl. e following advertisement, copied from the last New York papers received in this country : " A stout, hearty, negro wench, with a male child, to be sold cheap— Apply," & e. 1' utal Effects of Superstition.— The following circumstance, wiueh ought to operate as a caution to the ignoiant ond su- perstitious, occurred about a month ago in the mansion of Charles Wood, Esq. at Thereby, near Louth.— Three fc- inalesin the st i vice of that gentleman, enteitabling ihe pie- valent notion ihai by partaking of a cake called a dumb cake, which, among the other ingredients composing it, was to contain a portion of the juice tir leaves of a certain tree, not limned to us, but perhaps the 44 rnagic loiseltue," they should enjoy the pleasure of dreaming of their sweethearts, Wed- ding days, went in search uf this love and joy inspiring plant; but not being sufficiently skilled iu the occult sci- ences, anil not chousing to consult the gardener or his heibal they mistook either the hellebore or the lauiel ( tree of m- murtul glory 1 lor the still moie pleasing and charm- fraught tree ot earthly love, and gathered a potent quantity of tile deadly ingredient, wilh which they imbued their cake. Ot this thev all thiee partook, and tu make the spell woik, placed, also a potlioii under their pillow.- The effect was mote sudden than they supposed it would be, for HOUSE OF LORDS, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15. The Bishop of GLOCESTRR presented petitions from the dioceses of Glocesler and St. David's, from theClergv of Brecon and Cardigan, against granting the privileges claimed by the Catholics.— Several other petitions were also presented, tending to the same object.— Lord MiLViLtE presented peti- tions against the East India Monopoly, from Edinburgh, Montrose, and Stirling; and the Duke of NORFOIIK one on the same subject from Birmingham, which having been signed by the { High Bailiff only, - and not with individual signatures, could be received only as his petition. HOUSE * OF COMMONS. Several petitions were presented against the Catholic Claims ; among them One from '- Lancaster'' county, signed by 14 or 15,1) 00 nauies,— Daniel Lee was committe. a lo Newgate for gross prevarication On his examination before the Wey- mouth Election Committee. The House in a Committee on the Assistant Chancellor's bill, Lord CASTI. EREACS proposed that the salary of this officer should be £ 5000 a year, one half to be paid by the Lord Chancellor, the. other 25001. to be provided for out of the dead fund arising froin suitors'money. This occasioned a discussion ; when it was agreed tiiat tbe report should be received, and Ihe Bill taken into further consideration on Monday next. TUESDAY'— FEBRUARY 16. Several petitions were presented lor opening the Trade to India, and against the Catholic Claims.— Sir J. SHAW gave notice, tliist on Monday he would move lor leave to bring in a Bill,- enacting that all Manufacturers should affix th'ir names and places of abode to their Manufactures, and tint no Ma- nufacturer should put to hi » fabric any name but his own. Mr. ADDINC. TON brought iu a Bill to amend the Local Mi- litia Act, which was read a first, anil ordered to be read a second time this day se'nnight, aud to be printed. The Local Tokens Bills was read a third time, and passed. WEDNESDAY— FEBRUARY 17. The'Call of the House, which stood for this day, was post- poned to Wednesday next.— Petitions were presented against the Catholic Claims.— The House in a Committee on the Copper Exportation Prohibition Bill, two amendments were adopted, the one confining the prohibition to manufactured Copper ; the other stipulated that it should contiune only so long as hostilities existed with tbe United States. The CHANCEMOR of the EXCHEQUER brought up a Bill to repeal the Act for prohibiting the Manufacture of Staieh, Powder- blue, See. from Corn or Grain, & c. Read a first time. The Hon. Mr, BENNETT, seeing a noble Lord ( Palmerston) in his place, said, that in looking over the papers which had been presented to the House, respecting the casualties of tbe army, be observed, on a comparison of the last accounts with those oflormer years, that there appeared to be a defi- ciency of 6,000 men, not. accounted for either by death or otherwise ; he wished to know to what this apparent inaccu- racy was attributable '— Lord PAI. MERSTON answered, that the ' returns of the casualties had been made out from the re- turns which had been made to the Adjutant General's office He believed the real casualties were always under the number reported.— Mr. BENNETT having pressed for a more definite answer, Lord PALMERSTON said, that the documents which had been furnished to the House were the best which could be obtained from the Adjutant- General's Office. If the Hon. Gentleman wanted any further information lie was at liberty to move for such papers as be might think proper. Sir S. ROMILLY, after a speech of considerable length and great ability, obtained leave lo bring in a Bill to alter so much of the statute of King William III. as made it a capital felony to steal in a dwelling- house to the amount of 5s.— The honourable and learned gentleman, in the coorse of his speech, remarked upon others of our laws, which, from tbeir extreme cruelty, were not in modern times carried into execution, and yet which still remained a disgrace upon our statute books. He particularly alluded to that which affected persons attainted of high treason. By this law the sent- ence pronounced npon the offender when convicted was of the most horrid description : it was, that he should be taken from the place of trial to the place of execution ou a hurdle, where he was to be hanged by the neck, but not till he was dead, and while yet living, that he should be cut down, his bowels taken out and burnt in his presence; and, finally, that bis body should be quartered, and those quarters be at the disposal of Iris Majesty: and so religiously was this law adhered to, that in one particular iusiance, tbe life of an individual was saved from the omission of the ivoids 44 ill bis presence" ( in allusion to the act of embowelling) by the Judge, in the sentence. The person to whom he alluded was Colonel Walker, who vvas connected with the Rye House Plot, on whose case a writ of error w- as taken to the Court ol King's Bench, and afterwards to the Couit of Chancery, and his sentence, in consequence of the omission alluded to, was reversed.— From the aiguments adduced iu the discussion of that ease, it was contended that it was utterly impossible to carrv the words of the Act into effect, inasmuch as it was not possible that a human being could exist to w. tness Ihe spectacle contemplated. This, however, was distinctly dis- proved, by the adduction of the case of Harrison, one of the regicides of Charles- 1. who actually suffered the punishment, and while his bowels were tearing from his body, rose up and struck the executioner; but even ilthis bad not been the case, it was held, that the Judge had no discretion, and was bound toexecute the law as it existed. He was ready to admit, that at latter periods no such horrible executions were exhibited, except by accident, and such instances had occulted ; but surely it could never be endured, with any degree of patience, that the unfortunate wretch, who was doomed to suffer death, should be exposed to the most horrid tortures by Ibe mere inattention or carelessness of an executioner, while the Judge had no discretion whatever. Il was true, that from the increasing humanity of the present times, the dreadful sentence of the law was seldom put into execution ; but what other effect could it produce, he would ask, but that of 1' rightell- ing the wretched culprit, when all those barbarities were denounced against him by the Judge ? Nor was this the only evil; the Judges, it seems, could use no discretion in those cases; they were bound to pronounce the dieadlul sentence of the law, while the mitigation of punishment was left to the care, and the aggravation to ihe negligence, of the executioner. Nor were the additional cruelties, sometimes exercised on those occasions, always lo be attributed to negligence. Loid Bacon had recorded, that in the time of Queen Elizabeth, they weie generally exceeded by the barbarities practised in oilier countries; nnd Camden related, that in Babington's con- spiracy, when fourteen individuals, found guilty of high tieasiin in that reign, wete left for execution, Ihe seven first who suffered were so cruelly tormented, that the Queen was obliged to interfere, and to forbid the repetition of similar atrocities on, tbe remaining convicts. The Hon. and Learned Gentleman theu quoted a similar instance of barbarity in the re hellion of 1146, when a Gentleman of ihe name of Tow iisey, who tvas executed foi- high treason, aud whose head was after- wards hung at Temple bar— was cut duwn after hanging only- six minutes— was brought alive to tne. block, when the executioner slabbed him several times in the bieast, and at last dispatched him by cutting his throat. Tire Hon. and Learned Gentleman then proceeded to trace the origin of that barbarous law; and he tound it in tbeieien. of Edward III. who, to the eternal disgrace of his memory, first inflicted it on Henry Prince of Wales, at Slnewsbury, and afterwards in London, on William Wallace, the gallant hut unfortunate defender of his country; anil ever since tfiat proof of the barbarity ofa Sovereign in those daik ages, had continued to sully our national Statutes. He then adverted to tbe cases ot petty- treason, in which the punishment was foimeily the same, although it had gone into disuse by ihe glowing in- dulgence tif the limes, but it was not formally abolished nil the year 1709. The next useless barbarity in the punishment of high treason was, that which rela'ed to forfeiture of property, the corruption of blood, so that neither the innocent, children of the offending man, nor arry ot his col- lateral relatives, could derive any right ol inheritance from him. He was, in fact, according to tile technical expression oi law - writers, to be considered as a man lo w hom no pedigree Could be traced. Tbe Hon ami Learned Gentleman, afiei having dwelt some tune on that subject, said he would be ashamed lo take up any moie of Ihe time of the House, although he could quo'. e several passages from Mr. Justice Blaeksit. ne, m favour of bis opinion Sir Samuel also obtained leave lo bring in a Bill to alter the laws respecting high' tieason; and another to take away corruption ot blood in such cases. Bonaparte, it is said, has been very much incenscd against Austria, for appointing Count de Sladion the Military Commissary. It may be recollected, that in 1809, Bonaparte termed M. de Stadionin the . Moniteur, The Thomas Paine of Germany, because he had caused a number of Anli- Corsican pamphlets to be circulated in that country. The report of the Swedish Minister concludes in the following terms:— 44 The Independence of the Swedish dominions is the constant object of your Majesty's cares ; and no sacrifice must be reckoned too costly bv the Swedes, to attain that great and important result. Your Majesty bas rejected the degrading treaty which it was wished to make you subscribe; you have placed yourself above a subservient and versatile policy ; and you bave not feared to make your appeal on the question to the courage, tbe loyalty, the patriotism, and the honour of the nation. Your Majesty has formed a just opinion ofthe Swedes, and your reward is in the unbounded confidence which they have placed in your wisdom. The vessel of tbe Slate, navigating a stormy sea, and assailed hy the tempest, was long in danger of shipwreck ; your Mnjesty took Ibe helm, and, seconded hy your sou, you have had the happiness, in spite of the shoals, with which her route was interspersed, to bring her into pori. I present this sketch, iu order to enlighten those persons, who, always uneasy with regard to their future fate, feel alarmed at tbe slightest adverse occurrence, and imagine that they have reached land only to enjoy in peace aH the conveniences of life. Your Majesty has promised liberty to the Swedes ; you will keep your word. The cottaee of the poor, as well as the palace of the rich, shall enjoy that inestimable blessing Arbitrary authority can never pene- trate thither ; and by night, as well as by day, the law shall guard all its approaches. Proud of all their rights, united to their Sovereign, the Swedes will march to meet their enemies. The recollection nf their illustrious ancestors, and the justice of their cause, shall he the pledges tif their success." A philanthropist, who is a gentleman of the'name of Webb, appeared during last week in N orwich, and distributed a ' considerable sum of money in various amounts to fhe lower Classes, almost indiscriminately. On Tuesday the yard of the Angel Inn was so ttironged by the poor, that ft- became necessary to place two peace officers al the hack and front entrances. 11 ring the principal part of the day, Mr. W. gave to all ap plicants donations of 5s. and 7s. 6d. On Wednesday he committed various sums to individuals for private distribution, and on that eveiiiiflg his charities, divided in ten pounds, five pouuds, and onC pound notes, ex- ceeded one hundred pounds. He left Norwich, for Yarmouth, on Thursday, placing a considerable sum in a banking- house at the former place. Many rumours and conjectures are afloat respecting the motives of this singular course of charity, and it is current that 12,000f. is thus annually distributed solely from motives of benevoleuce. Petitions from the counties of Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, and Brecknock, are preparing to be presented to both Houses, praying for atl Act of General Inclosure, as the surest means of procuring bread corn for the necessary subsistnnce of the people. The Board of Agriculture, we understand, are likewise preparing a similar petition . Trench Alliance.— The Swedish Minister, M. En- gerstrom, in his recent Report to his Sovereign, says, 44 The alliance of France, exacting as it does the forfeiture of independence, gradually leads to all those sacrifices which annihilate the prosperity- of States. In order to become her ally, it is necessary to have no connection with England, to substitute for thc revenue arising from Custom- houses and the profits of commerce, taxes in constant progression imposed for the purpose of enabling her to support the wars ill which her capricious policy has involved her for the last eight years. If Sweden had submitted to her will, we should now find Swedes in Spain, as we find there Germans, Italians, and Poles. We should find them even in Turkey, if the Emperor Napoleon had overcome the Emperor Alexander." %. RANKRUPTS, FEBRUARY 13. William Allen, ol' the parish of Great Hormead, Herts, grocer, Feb. 15, 22, March 27, at Guildhall, London.— George Astor, the younger, la- col Cornhill, London, merchant, Feb. 16, March 27. at Guildhall— William Brightly, of Great Yarmouth, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, AND WINTER COUGH. T P is an extraordinary fact, that although these Diseases * are deemed incurable by the Faculty, not oire single in- stance can be adduced in which the Stiauioiiirrm, as prepared • bv the direction of Surgeon Fisher, lias riot either effected n cure, or afforded tire most essential benefit. T. i'o fume 6f the dried Herb thus- corrected, effectually prevents the Asthmatic fit; anil the Oxvniel, by. allaying irritation in the lungs, sriengtheniug and correcting Ihe habit, has completely sue. ceeded in eases of .. Consumption lhat appeared entirely tmpe- less. The prapaied Heib for smoaking, and the Oxymel for internal use, aie , sulci in London by Harris, 21, Ludga'e. Hill, ( corner of St. Paul's Church Yard); and in Shrewsbury by W. EDDOWES, Bookseller ; of whom may be had Surgeon Fisher's Familiar Treatise oil Asthma, Consumption, & c. 6th edition, price 2s. 6d. 1 ANN MOORE, THE FASTING WOMAN OP TUTBITRV. Dr. Henderson, of Golden- square, London, having paid a visit to this woman, in company with Mr. Lawrence and ariothei gentleman, has published a narrative, in which he states her to be a complete impostor. As we have frequently had occasion to copy accounts of her apparently miraculous case, we are induced to give an abstract of Dr. H's Observations, and leave our readers to form their own opinions.— The Doctor founds his reasons for thinking she has been acting deceptively, upon the following grounds:— 1 From the natural and healthy appeaiance of her fac^. 2.— The strength of her pulse ( 94 firm and regular) mus- cles and voice. 3.— The moisture of her mouth, nostrils, eyes, and whole surface of skin, excretions which in a healthy person have been found to amount to sixty five ounces in a day. Allowing by disease Ihey were reduced lo half this quantity, they would still be sufficient to consume tbe person of Ann Moore ul a few weeks. 4.— The eutireness of her intellectual faculties : — w hereas long continued fasting has always been found among the pre- disposing causes of Insanity. 5.— Her 44 notorious immoral character," in the former pait of her life; and her own confession that she once, through imposition, passed for a religious person, merely for Ihe sake of worldly gain. From wnieh confession he pre- sumes she would not scruple to act that or any other part agaiu from ihe same motive. 6— The obvious interest which she and her attendants have in supporting the deception. From 44 labouring under ihe greatest distresses" she was enabled last year to place the sum of ,£ 400 in the Stocks, from the exhibition of her person. f.— The imperfect manner in which she was watched. The watching is the circumstance w hich has produced Ihe most implicit belief in her story among the common people in the neighbourhood ; but Dr. H. found lhat almost every one who cairn- to offer Ins services, on this occasion, was permitted to undertake the tasK, and that, during the 16 days that the watch was continued, not few er i ban 80 or 90 different pe rsons : officiated; so lhat among this number it is highly probable that tnere we. e some of Ann Moore's private friends who connived at her eatingand drinking'. 8 - Herd ead of a repetition of the watching— Her atten- dant calls toe first winching 14 the trial of her lile." 9 _!! ei dread of all experiments whatever. On one occasion she refused to allow a mirror to he held to her face to examine her respiration. At another time she broke a thermometer, exclaiming •' no more experiments Pit me ! I have suffered enough from experiments already." She now also refuses to all - iv any one to examine her mouth 10 — Her saying 44 that she believes the lime may come when God will permit h'ei to eat."— She is thus prepared for a discovery that may take place. 11.—' I he acknowledged fact that she is now in the- same, or nearly the same, condition of body as when she commenced tiei alleged last. Her countenance was not fa; removed from the appearance of health, nor was ber abdomen 44 so remui k- ably sunk in" as was declared by a Mr Giainger. 12 phe variations and contradictions in her statements This she did in several instances to Dr. H. and his companions, but our limit » will not allow us lo give them. 13. The inconsistency of her actions w ith her statements. She moved a finger, in their presence, which sue declared to have been in a per eel state of contraction. When a Mi- Thompson threatened her with a repetition of tiie watching, she completely lorgot, her situation, and raised herself upright in bed, griping her fists, and ttirew her arms and head about with as inu'cb ease and strength as a healthy woman. The Doctor finishes with saying other racts and arguments might be adduced, and that it is his firm opinion, that the order of nature is not subvened in tbe person of Ann Moure; but on the contrary, that he believes her abstinence is feigneo, and that her suffeiings are, in a groat measn e, simulated. Norfolk, wine, spirit and porter- merchant, March 1, 2, 27, at the Black Lion, Great Yarmouth — George Charnley, tale of Carlisle, Cumberland, common carrier, March S, 9, 27, at the Commercial Inn, K nidal.— James Cockaine, of Tottenham- court, Netv- road, Middlesex, plaster- manufacturer, Feb. 20, 27, March 23, at Guildhall, London.— Joseph Emanuel, of Ordnance- row. Portsea, Hants, glass- dealer and slopseller. Feb. 20,- March 2, 27, at Guildhall, London.— George French and George Har- rison Eades. of Gieat Eastcheap, London, lirokers, Feb It",, 23, March 27, at Guildhall, London — John Leigh Frost ami John William Barton, of Bristol, woollen- drapers, Feb. 15, 27, March 27, at the Fountain Inn, Portsmouth.— Benjamin George, of Liuie Easleheap. London, needle and fi- hlio, k and fishing ta.- kle- makcr, Feb. 20, 27, March 27, ai Guildhall.— Peter Graham, of Wimborne- Minster, Dorsetshire, paper, maki- r, March 1, 6, 27, at llie New Inn, in Wimbo'rne Min- sier.— John Sandbaeh Grcenway, of Watford, Herts, coach- master, Feb. 20, 27, March 27,' at Guildhall, London.—. tones tlewison, of Skipton, Yorkshire, victualler, Feb. 26, 27. March 27, al the Ship lan. Skipton.— William Hollingsheael antl Edward Thomas Hollingshead, of Derby, raff- merchant*, Feb. 26, 27, March 27, at the King's Head Inn, in Derbr,— Chetwood Jones, of Cannon- street, London, merchant, Feb. 16, 23, March 27, at Guildhall.— Benjamin Love, of Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire, dealer and chapman, Feb. 23, 24, March 27, al the Globe Tavern.— John MacpherSon and Bees Rees of Holborn. Middlesex, and of Chatham, Kent, linen- drapers, Feb. 16, 23, March 27, at Guild- hall. London.— William Malthy the younger, and William Thorpe the younger, of Bath, liiien- drapeis, Feb. 16, March 9, 27, at the White Lion, Bristol — William Miles, late of Lewes, Sussex, seedsman aed green- grocer, March 1,2, 27, at the Star Inn, Lewes •— James Nicholson, of North Shields, Northumber- land, coal- merchant, Feb. 20, 27, March 27, at Guildhall, London. Richard Russel, of Netv- roatl, Sloane- street, parish of St. Luke, Chelsea, Middlesex, carpenter, Feb. 20, 27, March 27, at Guild- hall, London.— Richard Sheppard, of Holy well- slreei, Shoreditch, Middlesex, collar and harness- maker, Feb. 23, 27, March 27, at Guildhall, London— Henry Smith, of Totlrilsireet, Westrtiih ster, linen- draper, Feb. 20,' 27, March 27, at Guildhall, Lbn- i <,, q r , don. - John Smith, of Wakefieid, Yorkshire, linen- draper, March per oox" 3, 4, 27, at the New Court- house, Wakefield.— John Sykes, of ' Nottingham, mercer antl draper, Feb. - 22, 23. March 27, at the Flying Horse Inn, Nottingham.— Richard Russell Tatton, of Newington, Surrey, and of the Ha\- market, Middlesex, grocer and cheesemonger, Feb. 16, 27, M. reh 27, al Guildhall, London .— Jeremiah Wllitehouse, of Oxford, dealer in Coals, Feb. 24, 25, March 27, at the Swan and Hotel lun, Birmingham — Thomas Wills, of Portsmouth, Hants, grocer and ship chandler, March 13, 17,' 27, » t the Fountain Ii n, Portsmouth. FEBRUARY 16. J— Isaac Beckford, of Plymouth, liatler and hosier, March 5, 6, 30, at the Pope's Head Inn, Pl\ mouth.— Samuel Bird, ot Norwich, jeweller, Feb. 20, March 6, 30, at Guildhall, London.— John Clarke, ot Tottenham- court- road, Middlesex, Staffordshire warehouseman, Feb. 23, 27, March 30, at Guildhall, London.— Owen Fncham, of High- street, Shad- well, Middlesex, slopseller, Feb. 33, March 2, 30, al Guildhall, London — Eelmund Gurney, of Hampstead road, Middlesex, lorn- dealer, Feb. 23, 27, March 30, at Guildhall, London.— William Moulding, of Handford, Staffordshire, Feb. 26, 27, March 30, ai Trentham Inn, Tenlham.— Bartholomew Bareham Last, of Lowestoft, Suffolk, merchant, March 4, 5, 30, at the King's Head Inn, B.- ccies, Suffolk.— Thomas Lockwood, of Leeds, linen drape.) and haberdasher, March 3, 6, 30, at the tlolel Inn, heeds.— Ralph Dodsworth Middteton, " t Bishopsgate- streei. Lon- don, merchant, Feb. 22, 27, Mareh 30, at Guildhall William Naylor, of Mill- sands, Sheffield, felhnong r, Feb. 25,26, March 30, at the Commercial Inn, Sheffield.— Thomas Neiuconibe, o' Bowbridge, Gloucestershire, clothier, Feii. - 22, Marcti 23, 30, at the George Inn, Stroud, Gloucestershire.— Joseph Reynolds, oi Idle- lane, Tower- street London, wine- merchant, Feb. 20, 27, March 30, at Guildhall— Henry Smith, of Burnley, Lancashire, grocer and tea- dealer, Mareh 18' 19, 30, at the Tho" u Inn, Burn- ley. Lane, shire.— Samuel South, or Fulham, Middlesex, broker, Feb 20, 27, March 30, at Guildhall, London.— Themtds Stranger, of Portsmouth, ship chandler, March 11, 12^ 30, at ihe Star full, Gosporl, Southampton.— Francis ThohipSon, of New- court, Bow- lane, London, warehouseman, Feb. 20, 27, March 30; at Guild- hall.—• Robert Thompson, of Upper Thame, street, l- ooduii, and of ihe Maze, Southwatk, Surrey, siationer, Fell. 20, 27, March 30, at Guildhall — John Ward Turner and William Turner, of Liverpool, cab; net- makers, March 11,12. 30, at the GlobeT- rvern, Liverpool.— Ann Webb of Wmrborne Minsler, Dorsetshire, cur- rier and maltster, Mar, h 1 2 30 at the King's Head lnii, Wim- borne Minsler— William Whinney, of South Shi'eklv, Durham, merchant, Feb. 16, M . tell 11, 30, a the Commercial Hotel. North Shields— William Williams, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, ; lie. eh draper, Pel-. 23 March 2, SO, at Guildhall, London,— Thomas Wright, of Boston, Lincolnshire, druggist, March 15, 16, 30, ai [ he White Hart Inn, Boston. UTILITY AND ELEGANCE COMBINED. Under the Illustrious Patronage of their Royal Highnesses the Princess of WALES and Duke of SUSSEX, the Spanish Ambassador, " antl most of the Nobility. MACASSAR OIL for the HAIR. This Oil is proudly recommended on the basis of TRUTH and fiXPKRl- ENCE, and the most respectable testimonials— Its virtues are composed of vegetable ingredients fiom a tree in tbe Island of Macassar, in the East. Indies. It possesses pro- pel ties of the most salubrious nature for restoring the Hair, where it has- been B A LD for yeirs, preserves' it from falling off or turning grey, to the InieSt period of life ; produces on' Ihe tresses a most beautiful G LOSS, SCENT,' and CURL; also is pre- eminent for Children's flair, instead of Soaps,. & c. it clean- es the Hair much easier, is, extremely pleasant to the infant, and brings the Hair to at. beautiful slate;- promotes the GROWTH of Whiskers and f'. ye- brows; in . fine, renders the hair of Ladies, Gentlemeii, and Children, inexpres- sibly attracting. i View Rowland's Treatise on tbe Improvement of the human hair, illustrative, of the virtues of the Macassar Oil, with a number of testimonials from Poisons of, uirstingujshed Con- sideration, highly worthy the attention of Parents, Proprie- tor of Boarding Schools, & c. & c. included with each bottle , in the wrapper, which is signed on the outside, A. Rowland and Son, in red ink, without which nolle are genuifle. Sold at 3s. 6d. 10s. Gd. and One Guinea per bottle, by the Proprietors, ROWLAND and SON, Kirby. street, Hattou- gartleu; and by llieir appointment, by W. EDDOWES, Printer, and Messrs Wood and Watton, Shrewsbury; Hirlilre, Hair- dresser, Welshpool; and by all H. iir- dressers, Perfumtirs anil Medicine Venders in every Town throughout the Empire. But betvare of Impostors— the genuine has the Siguuture A. ROWLAND and SON. Of whom may be had, Patronised by ber Itoyal Highness the Duchess of York, and his Excellency the Duke del lnfamado, and many families of high distinction, ALSANA EXTRACT; Or, ABYSSINIA N BOTSNICAL SPECIFIC for the TEETH aud GUMS. A Preparation that surpasses all others for eradicating all Disorders of the Tbeth and Gums, and rendering tbem ex- tremely beautiful. Sold at 10s. fid. per bottle, or small bottle6 at 4s 6d.' each. Also the Alsaiiu Powdbr, for cleansing the Teeth, at f J IHE CORDIAL B. iLM OF GILEAD is highly esteemed - « - in Uie East and West Indies, for nourishing and invigor- o nig tin- Ni minis System, and acting as a general lit storative in debilitated Constitutions, arising from Bilious Complaints eon'racietl in hot. climates. The eold and tremulous nerves ire warmed aid steadied : the relaxed fibres, or solt flabby flesh remiered fi'in ; tbe muscles invigorated ; ihe emaciated limbs covered with firm flesh; and the exhausted ves.- els re- plenished. Such as have the care ami education of females, the studious as well as tbe sedentary part of ihe community, should never be without the Cordial Balm of Gilead, which removes diseases in ihe head, invigorates the mind, improves the memory arrtl enlivens the imagination; revives and , jxhila'- ate's the languid drooping spirits, promotes- digestion, a nit braces the. nerves. Sold ill bottles, price lis. each; or four in one Family Bottle, tor 33 shillings, by which the purchaser saves one 1 Is. bottle, by W. Fntiowios. Printer, Shiewsbiiry; T. Poole, Chester; P. Maddux, Northwich; A. ' Fox, Nantwich-; W Smith, ironbridge aud Wenlock; Robert Paikei. Whit- church ; anil all Medicine Venders in the United K'i^ iom. TO THE AFFLICTED WITH the RHEUMATISM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, PAINS of tbe BACK and K1DNIES, NUMBNESS, PALSY, Sue. is particularly re- commended The Cumberland Bituminous Fluid, This most extraordinary fossil production, . since, its liapiy discovery, has excited the astonishment of many eminent medical characters, w ho have witnessed its unr ivalled elheaCy in the above complaints, and determined the discoverer tti render it, if possible, as useful as it is pre eihineutly excel- lent; for which purpose litf takes this Uieihod to give publicity to its merit. Upon application to any of the medicine venders, may be had gratis, an account of a number of surprising Cures effected by this extraordinary medicine, in the most liopeiess antl de-. plorable cases, witb the most unquestionable reference lo people of the first respectability, from amongst which tlie following is selected. Copy of a Letter from J Makepeace, Esq. of Hexham, Northum-. be'land, lo Mr. Ramsay, Apothecary, Penrith. Sit, Hexham, J une 22, 1811. I was most grievously afflicted with the Rheumatism for seveial years, particularly across my Loins aud niy Hip, and Knee Joints, which at times completely deprived me of thfe power of walking. 1 had the advice of seveial eminent Physi- cians, find by their recommendations tfent to BatB and tried the effects of the Waters, without ginning itty relief. After making useof various Medicines to no puipose, 1 by the advice ot a Friend, was induced to try your Medicine, from the use of which I ain happy lo say 1 have receiver! the greatest relief, as I can now walk without pain or lameness, and enjoy as good health as can heex| iected at my advanced period ol life, being in my 87th year, which 1 al tribute solely to tbe useof your invaluable Medicine. You have cuy full liberty to make what ( fee yon think proper of this Letter. 1 am, your obedient Servant, JOHN MAKEPEACE. The above medicine is put up in bottles wiih full instructions/ al only 2s. 9d. each. Invented rfud prepared only by G. Ramsay, Apotheearj, Penrith, ( many years of Apothecaries' Hall, London); Sold Whoeslale by Barclay and Sons, No. 95, Fleet Market. rilHB ODONTALGIC, X HORSERADISH, a ^ 2. o = S 3. Q, O W { a S •< X , = 3 2 3 = 2;= = c.= a = 2 - a. « r • CL fr! a, < a. rt y c. ^ <<•. a. in as ^ X VS 2 - a * u 3 K I Ch - ; — wCr-(?> CjT4 » fLi3i- : 3: : o- x & 5" . . — 1. O. X V ' * 3 * 3 C. P2* a : • a. • 3c, O . ' JjS p. 3 • s It C • £ — • I • • ^ < • 1 » OS = r S* c : : 3 : : 3 : : : c 3 0 n. . fc. i- r ip te . 3• » : : 3 S : 0. SSr • . X. rTa c • 0 ; s 3 3 : 1 f f" 5 1? 1 5 . s= . o-. . - t : : a. 3 c * * i?. . • t' O rp si CO • ~ I 33'-. LIGNUM'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. Sin, Nanlwich, 1th November, 1812. IN justice to your highly esteemed Antiscorbutic Drops, I am induced to make known to the public, the wonderful effec's I have received fiom that valuable medicine. For ten years I was most severely afflicted with large ulcers and coibuic eruptions, which at times nearly covered my w bole body. I hatl tritd Ihe prescriptions of the faculty in this neighhburhood, and also numerous highly boasted of public medicines, to 110 purpose; at this time I appealed sficli a melancholy spectacle that my life was despaired of; as the last resoince, or remaining hope of lecovery, a friend advised me to make ti ml of your Drops; and, wonderful to relate, and far beyond all human expectation, after taking only four small bottles, I was restored to a good state of health, — It is now two yeais since my cure ; and, thank God, I remain as well as ever I was iu my life, though in the 73th ytar of my age. My grandson, son of Mr James fVillett, grocer, Nanlwich, was also grievously afflicted with laige blotches and scorbutic eruptions; he is now taking ihe second small bottle of your Drops, and thinks, by the time it is finished, a perfect cure will beeffeeted. You Itavemv permission tomake these cases as public as you please, and any person wishing further in- i'. titration, may receive it by a peisonal application, or ad- dressing; a letter, ( post- paid) to my son- in- law, Mr. James Wiltett, Giocer, Pillory- Street, Nantwich'; or SIR, Your most obedient bumble Servant, JOHN PLATT, Faddeley, near Nanlwich. Attested by Mr THOMAS CRAIG ; and Mr. A. Fox, Book- seller, Nantwich* To Mr, John Lignum, Surgeon, Manchester. These Drops a e sold in moulded square bottles at lis. and 4-. 6d. ( one 1 Is. bottle is equal to three 4s 6d. ones,) wholesale and retail by Mr. Lignum Manchester; also re tail by W. KDDOWES, Wood and Watton, Shrewsbury; Houlstons, Wellington; Smith, Ironbridge and Wenloek ; Gitton, Bridgnorth ; Gower and Co Kidderminster; Den- man, Wolverham - item; Scarrott, Shiffnal ; Silvester, New oort; Par ker, Wnitchuich; Baugh, Ellesmere; Owen, Welshpool; Griffiths, Lndloiv; Burlton, Leominster; Ed- wards, Oswestry ; Davies, Hereford ; and the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. or CHEMICAL ESSENCE of Cure tor the TOOTH ACH ; aud CAKBONATED DENTIFRICE, au elegant and efficacious Tooth Ponder, resulting Iroui the recent Discovenes in Chemistry. The Essence possesses the property of safely and im- mediately stopping the Tooth- Ach, and has the peculiar effect, if it come in contact wiih' the exposed nerve, 10 prevent the recurrence ol that torturing malady, its operation being llie same as a styptic on a bleeding vein; in colds and iheumattc affections of the jaws it will be found particularly beneficial ; also in the painful Dentition of Chiltlien. The Carbonated Dentifrice restores to the enamel dll its native whilenesS, gives A florid colour to the gums, and by its' peculiar antiseptic quality, removes every unpleasant colour from the mouth, and imparts lo the breath a most delicate iiagrariee. Observe the Names of Barclay aiid Son are engraved 011 tue Stamp affixed to each, price 2s. 9d. Piepared by AJr- King, Apothecary, liroek stieet, Bath ; and sold wholesale and letail by his Agents, Messrs. Barclay & Son, Fleet market, ' London. Aiso by W. t.' ODOWS-, Morris, Palin, and New- ling, Shrewsbury ; Miller, Madeley Maiket- plaee'; Houlstons, Wellington; Smith, Iron Bridge, aud Much Weplock j - Silvester, Newport; Paiker, Evanson, Whitchurch ; Baugb, Cross, Ellesureie ; Procter, Drayton; Weaver, Montgomery ; Junes and Co, Evaus, Roberts, and Powell, Welsii Pool , . Morrall, Price, Edwards, and Minshall, Oswestry; GriffiUm, Bishop's Castle; Griffiths, Ludlow; Gitton, Bridgnorth ; Searrott,- Sbitfuiit ; Painter, Wrexham; Jones, Chirk ; Morris, Ruaboii; Evans, Llangernieiv; Evans, Newtown; aiid by every Medicine Vender 111 the Kingdom, J> HEUMATtSMS, PALSIES, and GOUTY AFFEC- i TIONS, wiih their usual concomitants, Spasm, br Hying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general Debility, ( originating in whatever soorce), are relieved aud frequently cured by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard Pills, after every other means had failed. The Fluid Essence of Mustard ( used with the Pills, in those complaints where necessary,) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual remedy in tbe world, generally curing C1111 BLAINS by one Application ; and the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES in less than half Ihe liine usually taken by any other Lini- ment or Embrocation; aud if used immediately after any accident, it prevents ibe part turning black. WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE is particularly efficacious for all broken Chilblains, and illJ conditioned Soresi. Sore Legs, Scorbutic Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Ringwor ns, Shingles, Breakings out on the Face, Nose, Ears and Eyelids, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, S6re Heads, and Scorbutic lluinouisof every Description, Prepared only, and sold by R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek street, Sobo, London. ' Ihe Essence and Pills at 2s. 9d. each ; ihe Cerate at Is. lib and 2s 9d. Sold by W. EDDOWSS, Newl. ng. antl Puliii, Shrewsbury ; Painter^ Wrexham; Baugh, Eilesmere; Houi- tous, Wellington ; Silvester, Newport; Prodgers, Ludlow; Partridge, and Gilton, Bridgnorth; Edwards, Price, and iVTin- hali, Os- westry ; and every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The Genuine hus a Black Ink Stamp, with the name of R JOHNSTON inserted on it. \ \ i H A
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