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The Glocester Herald


Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Volume Number: XII    Issue Number: 593
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The Glocester Herald
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 30/01/1813
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: XII    Issue Number: 593
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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EiV* I'. tr . If d PRINTED AND. PI BUSHED, FOR THE PROPRIETORS, BY G. F. HARRIS. VOL. X II >: 0- 593. . SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1813. PRICE SIX- PENCE iAi/ V. WEDNESDAY'S POST. LONDON. TUESDAY, JAN. 26. FROM SATURDAY MGHT's GAZETTE. MILITARY PROMOTIONS. War- Office, January 23. S< 1 Ceylon Regiment. — Major- Genera! Jo! , i. Hamiilon, from the hist F t, lo be Colonel, vice Lient.- Gen Ramsay, diceased. GARRISONS— General John Floyd, of die 8th Light Diagoons. to be Governor of Graveser. d and Til- bury, rice General Sir Tiios. Mnsgrave, deceased. FORF1GNOFFICE, JANUARY 23, 1813. ADISPATCH, ofwliich tin following is a copy, has lx. n received hy Vjsrount Cusllert agh, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of fettle lor Fori ign Affairs, from his Excellency General Viscount Cath- cart, K. T. his Majesty's Ambassador Extraoidinary ami Plenipotentiary to the Court of Rnssia, dated St Petersburg, Jan 2,1813. MY LORD,— I have the hoi our herewith lo trans- mit to yoifr Lordship copies ol two Proclamations, to. getht r with a nominal list of the General Officers who have bien taken prisoners by the Russian armies, which I have jnst received from Wilua, but wlijeb have nol jet been published here. No further official'intelligence of military opera- tions has been received hi re since my last. Private letters of flit 30th, from Lieban, mention, that the French troops stationed at that place, marched, on the 22d of December, for Memel; from which it appears impossible that they should not have been cut off, if they attempt Tilsit, which was occu- pied on the 11th by Count Wittgenstein, who was nearer to Kouiogsberg. I have the honour to be. See. ( Signed) CATHCART. DECLARATION*. At the moment of my ordering the armies under mv command to pass tin Prussian frontier, the Em- peror, my master, directs me to declare, thai ( bis step is to be considered in no other light than as the inevi table consequence ot tbe military operations. Faith- ful to the principles which have actuated his conduct nt all times, his Imperial Majesty is guided by no view of conquest. The sentiments of moderation which have ever characterised his policy are still Ihe same, after the decisive successes with which Divine Providence lias blessed his legitimate efforts. Peace and independ- ence shall be theii remit. These his Majesty offers, toge'ber w th his assistance, to every people, who, being at present obliged to oppose him, shall abandon the cause of Napoleon, in order to follow that of the r real interest, i invite them to lake advantage o/' tlie fortunate opening which the Russian armies have produced, and to unite themselvis with tliem in the pursuit of an enemy whose precipitate flight has dis- covered its loss of power. It is to Prussia in parti- cular to which this invitation is addresstd. It is the intention of his Imperial Majesty to put an end lo the Calamities by which she is oppressed, fo demonstrate to her King the friendship wliii li he preserves for him, and to restore to the Monarchy of Fiederiek its eclat and ils extent. He hopes that his Prussian Majesty animated by sentiments which this frank Declaration ought to produce, will, under such circumstances, take that part alone which the wishes of his people aud the interest of his states demand. Under this conviction, the Emperor, my master, has sent me the most positive orders to avoid every thing that could betray a spirit of hostility between the two powers, and to endeavour, within the Prus- sian provinces, to soften as far as a < tate of war will ( iirmit, tbe evils which tor a short time, must result from their occupation. ( Signtd) PRINCE KOUTOCSOFF S'KOLENSKO, The Marshal Commander in - hief of tbe Armies. PROCLAMATION. When the Emperor of all the Russias w as compel- led, by a war of aggression, to take arms for the de- fence of his Slates, his Imperial IM gesty, from the accuracy of his combinations, w a- enabled to form • n estimate of Ihe important results which that war ought produce with respect to the independence of Europe. The most heroic constancy, the greatest sacrifices, have led to a series of triumphs, and when the Commander in Chief, Prince Koiifottsoff Smo- lensko, led his victorious troops beyond the Niemen, tlie same principles still continued to animate the Sovereign. At no period has Russia been accustomed fo prac- tise that art ( too much resorted to in modern wars,) of exaggerating, by false statement-, the success of her amis. But, with whatever modesty her details might now be penned, they would appear incredible. Ocular witnesses are necessary to prove the facts to France, to Germany, and to Italy, before the slow progress of truth will fill those countries with mourn- ing and consternation^ Indeed it is difficult to conceive, thst, in a cam- paign of only four months duration, one hundred and thirty thousand prisoners should have been taken from the enemy, besides nine hundred pieces of cannon, forty- nine stand of colours, and all the waggon- irain and baggage of the army. A list of the names of all the Generals taken is hereunto annexed. It will be easy to form an esti- mate, from that list, of the number ol superior and subaltern officers taken. It is sufficient to say, that out of three hundred thousand men, ( exclusive of Austrians,) w ho pene- trated into Ihe heart of Russia, not thirty thousand of them, even if they should be favoured by fortune, udl ever revisit their country. The manner iu which the Emperor Napoleon re- passed the Russian frontiers can assuredly be no longer a secret to Europe. So much glory and so utauy advantages, cannot, however, change the per- sonal dispositions of his Majesty the Emperor of all the Russia*. The grand principles of tbe indepen- dence of Europe have always formed the basis of his policy, for that policy is fixed in his heart. It is beneath his character to permit any endeavours to be • wade to induce the people to resist the oppression, an I to throw off the yoke which has weighed them down for twenty years. It is their Governments, whose eyes ought to be opi ued bv the actual situ- . ation of France. Ages may elapse before an opportunity equally favourable again presents itself, and it would be an abuse of the goodness of Piovidence not to lake ad- vantage of this crisis to reconstruct the great work gf the equilibrium of Europe, and ilier. by to insure public tranquillity and individual happiness,. LIST OF GENERALS TAKEN. St Genies, Gen, of Brigade Fernere, Chief of the Nea- politan taff Bonami Gen nf Brigade A Imeiras, Gen. of Division Bnrtb, General of Brigade Menage, ditto Klingel, ditto Prettssing, ditto Camus, ditto Billiard, ditto Partono, Gen. of Division Delitre, Chief of the staff Tvzkiewiez, General of Brigade Wastlewski Angereaii. Gen. ofBrigade Kamel skl, ditto I.' F. nfantm, ditto D'Orsan, ditto Satis- n Pelletier, Gen. of Division Frene Pego, General of Brigade Matiiszewiez, General o Artillery Konopka, Gen. of Brigade E izer Riainmnnt, General of Bngade Cordelier, ditto Pou.- et, ditto Prowbask, ditto Gautlirise, ditte Dziwanowski, ditto Lefebvre, ditto Zajonezell, Gen of Division Gnillaume, ditto Vrede, ditto Scran, ditto Vivier, di'to Gustaiiif, ditto Norman, ditto Jwanowski, ditto Rooder, ditto Troiissahit, ditto Valencin, ditto Borstell, ditto [ This Gazette contains a letter from Capt. Rowley, of the Eagle, dated oft" Ancona, Sept. 23, mentioning the capture ol 15 vessels laden with oil; and announc- ing a gallant attack ou a convoy of 23 sail, and two mui- boats, of! Goro; seventeen of which were taken and six bnrnt. Captain Rowley laments the death of his First Lieutenant, Augustus Cannon, through whose good conduct the success was obtained ; lint who died of his wounds on the 22d.— Also a letter from Captain Hoste, of liie Bacchante, dated off Ruvigno, Sept. 1. The Captain states, that having received information that several vessels were loading widi ship timber, for the Venetian Government, at Pert Lenta, on the ? oast of Istria, he detached the boats, under Lieutenant O'Brien, to briug them out, which he effected, together with their protectors, a French xebeck and two gun- boats, carrying one nine- pounutr, two three- pounders, and 24 men each.— A second letter from Captain Hoste, dated the 18th September, announces the capture of 26 vessels, laden with oil and almonds, bound to Venice; this fallant affair was also performed by tlie boats, under oniinand of Lieut. O'Brien, Captain Hoste says, " I want words. Sir, * o convey to yon my admiration of the determined manner in which this service was pi rlbrmed : the boats pushing through a very heavy fire of grape and musketry, carried every thing be- fore Hum, hoarding and driving the enemy from their vessels in every direction ; the marines at tbe • ame time landing, forced them from their position in tiie wood, leaving our brave men in quiet posses- sion of this valuable convoy."] A vessel arriv./ i at Plymouth on Friday, from Morlaix, having I ecu prevented !> y contrary winds from reaching Dover. She left Morlaix on Thurs- day morning, and brought three passengers, one of whom is an Irish Catholic Priest, who has resided some time in France, and who quitted Paris about ten days since. He states that dissatisfaction pre- vailed throughout that city, and lhat the public cla- mour had become so great that Bonaparte was iu extreme alarm, and under great apprehensions for his personal safety. This terror had been much in creased in consequence of a placard which was posted about Paris, soon after his return from Russia, with these words: " Bonaparte is a murderer." The police were very active, hut had hitherto failed in discovering the parties concerned iu the circulation of this placard. For several days previous to the departure of tbe above gentlemen from Paris, Bona- parte had not ventured to appear in public. A mail was received this morning from Gotten- Imrgli, by which intelligence has been obtained that the French had evacuated Koningsberg and the whole of East Prussia, anil had fallen back ou Frankfort behind the Oder. The accounts from Vienna in the German papers agree with tbe statements iu the French papers, that great exeitions were making to recruit the army, and to provide horses for the French. By tht same channel we learn that Dantzic was immediately to be invested by a considerable Russian farce, antl that its speedy surrender was generally expected. The garrison consisted of no more than 5000 French troops, although from the great extent of" the works it required 25,000 to man them, antl full half as many more to keep the citizens in sub- jection, from their impatience to throw off the French yoke. Rapid advances are making towards the rebuild ing of Moscow, and the restoration of Ihe towns in- jured bv the French, to their former state. In Denmark as well as fhe other continental states, according to letters from Copenhagen, the cry is for peace with England ; ailtl we have no doubt that a spirited manifesto from this country would render it still more general throughout Europe. Sovereigns might find themselves under the necessity of doing that which policy demands, antl the unstable do- minion of Bonaparte over the Continent wonid be shaken fo its foundations by the efforts not only of the Courts, but of the people of Europe. Paris papers have been received to the 20th inst. The intelligence from the army, though brought down a lew days later than the last accounts, does not furnish any material addition of important in- formation. On the 3d inst. the King of Naples re- moved bis liead- qnarters from Konigsberg to Elbing. Macdonald is said lo have arrived at the former city on the 3d, with a part of the corps d'arinee under his orders.— An article from Berlin, of the 5th inst. states, that Government has given orders ' that there be formed, as speedily as possible, twenty battalions of reserve, which, after being trained and disciplined are to march towards the Oder."— A considerable recruiting is stated also to be likely to take place im- mediately in the Austrian territories; and tbe corps of reserve is, according to report, to be augmented to 120,000 men, to set lire the frontier. An attempt has been made to destroy the King of Wirtembe- g, by blowing up a small ho. ise in which be had taken his station for the purpose of shooting game. Happening to quit the house just befote tile explosion took place, his life was saved. German papers, to tiie 11th inst. have been re- ceived in town. There is ttie strongest reason to conclude from their contents, that the Russians, continuing their victorious caiter, have crossed; the Vistula, and advanced into the heart of the Prus- sian states. Tile greater part of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw is acknowledged to have been evacuated, and that the. Flench were retiring to the lortres. es on the Vistula. We suspect, however, tiitv will not make any halt before they enter Saxony, A gentleman who reaehtd town on Saturday from Sweden has travelled through a great part of Ger- many.— He was at Vieuna at the beginning of De- cember, and affirms as a fact, that when the disas- ters of tbe enemy first became known there, the people partially illuminated their houses; but, what is of more consequence, we learu from the same authority, that the Emperor Napoleon, on his retreat from Moscow, aware ot his situation, sent a courier to the Emperor of Austria, with entreaty to send him an aid of 50,000 troops.— An answer was re- turned, that the Turks still continued in strong force, antl in a warlike attitude, and iu consequence he could not dispense with the services of a single re- gime nt beyond the quota he had supplied, without rendering himself liable to lie aitacke. I'mte. We are happy to state that the brave- Capt. Wil loughby, w hose death was reported, is at Kouigsberg fiom whence letters have been received, written by his own hand, of tlic 5th instant. A letter from Sir K. Wilson, dated af Wilna, states,, that after the interment of his lamented friend, Lord Tyrconnel, he intends proceeding immediately to Grodno, and thence, iu all probability, to Warsaw. Sir Robert continued to enjoy very good health, not- withstanding the intensity of the cold, and the pesti- lential air of Wilna; and he had obtained, as a favour from flic Emperor, the release of M. Desgenettea, file celebrated French physician.— Among others WHO had lately joined tbe Russian army, were Col. O'Don- ncll, brother of the Regent, and 14 other Spanish offi- cers ; lliey were received and treated by the Emperor • ith great distinction. Sir Home Popham has been appointed to the War- rior, 74, ( in the room of • isconnt Torrington, who resigns,) for the purpose of taking out to Bengal the Earl of Moira and suite. His Lordship will sail about tlie lst of February. Various orders have been received in town from Berlin lor coffee, sugar, & c. The Continental Mer- chants no longer deemed it necessary to write in cy- phers, and ambiguous terms, but communicate their orders in the usual style of business, without any tear of the consequences of violating the " Continental System." The Prince Regent lias been pleased to command > . oleum Fast to be observed on Wednesday, the 24th of February, throughout England, Wales, and Ire- land ; and on Thursday, the 25th of the same month, throughout Scotland. The American paper, called the Democratic Press, of the 16th of December, states that a valuable prize, of 550 tons, and mounting 16 guns, with a cargo of mahogany, is in the Bay, sent in by tbe Dolphin, Capt. Stafford. She spoke an English brig from the Brazils, coming in, captured by the Uuited States brig Argus. A meeting of the inhabitants of Philadelphia has been called, for the purpose of raising a fund for the l. « il. liny of ft frigate, to lie presented as a t.. oe gift to tbe American Government. flMk An extract ot a letter from Greenock ha^^ Hipati- lisheil, very circumstantially relating the supposed capture of two French frigates, by tbe Audronmche aud Briton frigates. We are sorry to state, that there is no foundation whatever for the story ; and we can- not help observing, that it was most wanton and ma- lignant in thr original fabricator of it, thus to torture tile feelings of file friends of those saiil to have been killed on board our ships. The Briton has been above a week at Plymouth. The Naval Distribution of theWalcheresi or Scheldt Booty, which commenced on the 31 of November, will positively close on the 2d of February, for the purpose of making up the accounts 1n the succeeding month, and paving the unclaimed shares to the Trea- surer of the Royal Hospital at Greenwich, oil the 3d of March, in which intermediate time the individual payments must be suspended, and after which last- named day, all applications respecting the bt- fore- namcd booty, are to be addressed IO the Clerk of the Cheque of the said Hospital. A numerous meeting was held on Thursday in the Egyptian Hall, at the Mansion- Honse, upon thesnb- ject of the East India Trade. The Lord Mayor was in the Chair. Mr. Smith proposed a series of resolu- tions hostile to the transfer of any part of the trade to the Outports, and a petitio t to Parliament founded upon the resolutions. Mr. Waithman epposed the resolutions as premature. His opinion was, that the extension of the trade to the Ontports would benefit the country at large, without, at the same time, pro- ducing any calamitous consequences to the interests of the metropolis; hut before finally making up his mind on the subject, be would wait until the expect- ed discussion in Parliament took place. He moved, by way of amendment to Mr. Smith's first resolution, " That the meeting was deeply impressed withasense of the magnitude of the proposition for opening the trade with India; and that they deemed it necessary to have every information before they could decide upon it." This resolution, which was seconded by Mr. Waithman, jun. was negatived by a great majo- rity 011 a shew of hands. The original resolutions were then put and carried severally, Mr. - Waithman alone holding up his baud against some of them. The City Members declared their readiness to support the petition ; and the meeting broke up. The contagious distemper on board the Russian ships at Chatham still continues, but is not so violent a « it has been. Some of the pilots who conveyed the ships to their moorings in the Medway, have died, it is reported, from the effects of the disorder. Great hopes are however entertained, tbat the medical per sons who have been sent from town will succeed in the removal of the malady. A Mr. Robertson, who ha3 alteady distinguished himself as an aerial traveller, has invented a speaking automaton, which he- is now exhibiting at Paris. Ir already articulates distinctly, in French, the words " Papa," " Mainnir," and" Long live Napoleon, the Friend of Peace." Its powers of language are des* cribed as daily increasing, and the Parisians say it is even a cleverer child than the little King of Rome. After all the attacks upon the management of Lin- coln goal, we have at length before ns the report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into its ma- nagement, and the following is the concluding sen- tence of their report:—" We do therefore humbly rt port to your Majesty, that no complaint by those who are now in custody, nor any founded or vali complaint by those who Slave been in custody, has beeu laid before ns, respecting their condition aud treat- nielli in Lincoln Castle, so as to affect the character and conduct of the visiting Magistrates; and that so evidence has been produced, nor have we been able to di- cover ( with the exception of the few omissions anil irregularities already noticed) that any abuse has existed, or does now exist, so as to implicate the Goaler, or impeach the coudtict aud management of LiutWu Castles' On the 151 h Inst, the Littery finished Drawing; and it gives us great pleasure to learu part " f No. 1,070, drawn a Prize of Twenty Thousand Pounds, shared by Bish, is the property of a person .11 this County.— Bish sold same Lottery in 87 Shares as under:— 1.070 . 10,428 1,303 . 11,128 . 7,706 £ 20,000 10,000 1, > 00 ....... 1,000 300 1,413 8,003 1 ,123 11,468 f400 .. 4'.' 0 ... 300 ... 300 See. See. Tickets and Shares are selling at Risk's Offices, 4, Cornhill, and 9. Charing Cross, London ; and by his Agents in this County. - The Lottery will be Drawn tl. e 17th antl 18th of Next Mouth, ( February.) tfiiteg^-^- gj, — i JACKETS and SHAMES for the ptWiu Small S pr! ot 7,000 Tickets, are on sale at the Lottery, Office of Hazard, Burne, and Co. Stock- Brokers, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON. Every Ticket iu this Lottery will be separately drawn from the Wheel, for which purpose Gov m- ment has granted two clavs of drawing, viz. the 17th and 18tb of FEBRUARY. The Scheme contains 1 Priz- of .620 000 I . 10,000 1 5,000 « 2,000 3 1,000, Sec * c Letters ( post paid) duly answered, and orders from the country accompanied with remittance punctually attended to. Agent for the abore Office, Mr. J. V. H v l. l,, Stationer, High- street, WOHf F. STF. R. Anti- Impetigines, or Solomon's jsn>., IT is of the utmost importance to those afflieted with the Scurvy, Leprosy, the Venereal Disease, or any disorder arising from an impure slate of the blood, to their friends and relatives, as well as to the rising generation, that such hereditary complaints may be speedily removed, and the blood purified from every degree of miasma.— These Drops being perfect- ly innocent in their nature, safe in their application, aud powerfully efficacious, stand highly recommend ed in every specie of" IMPET1GINES, or DernAViD HABIT, with AFFECTIONS OF THE SKIN." In every Stage of those DISORDERS where SALIVATION has repeatedly failed, when no other means eou'd res- tore the unhappy sufferer to that health be unfortu- nately lost, tbe ANTI MPrriciNES has beeu found th- only effectual and radical remedy to re- establish healih and vigour. These drops niav be taken without sub- jecting the patient IO tbe least restraint in diet or exercise; aud in slight CASES, w here an early applica- is made, after discovery of tbe infection, they will perform a radical cure in the slioit interval of two days. They are most worthy a place in the cabinets of masters and captains of ships; the more so, for thev will keep good in all climates anv length of time. " Whatever aebilitates the body indexes disease "— No ob- servation is more stronglv applicable tban that to the scurvy; when it has once made ils oppearam'e ami actually exists, VI. U - eat of ti/ f ' rCTVOflli d cr^ is bv no means e mflued > othe pa " V olar parts Sji'tcfi hap- pen lo be affected, it is intei woven with Ihe whole mass of the blood : so that notonfv the useful and nu • tritiou* excitetions, as the semen, spittle, bile, See. are materially injured, but likewise the excremeuti- tiousdischarges, as the faices urine, and pers- piration, are rendered more acrid and offensive; hence obst no- tions take place in the. small branches of the ves els, which soon produce eruption, extravascation, and ul- cers iu various parts of tbe body. The KING'S EVIL, STRUM,* or SCROFULA, an- hard, scliirr ius, aud of en indolent tumours that affect • be glands of the neck, under the chin, arm- pits, groin, bams, arms, and wrists, and most commonly are seated iu the neck, and beneath the ears. To re- moire these obstinate symptoms, the whole Materia Medica has been tried, with very little success, and the unhappy snif- iei left to drag on a life of misery ! Many are crawling along upon crutches at this mo- ment whom tbe ANTI IMPKTIGINKS would restore to health and vigoui, if recourse were bad to it. The directions given a- ith eacn bottle are plain, aud ils appl ication is attended with little or no trouble, flail, rain, or snow can be no obstacle to any person taking this medicine, as no farther precaution is itec - ssary riian such as is usually taken to prevent common colds ; aud thev are taken with great benefit every SPRING aud AUTIJMN as a purifier of the blood, and the ad- vantage resulting from their use is equally striking during toe practice of SF. A BATHIN'I, bv those troubled with the Leprosy or Scorbutic Eruptions. It is well established as a fact, that an impure or scro- fulous taint will remain in the habit for years, nay for generations, undiscovered; and will invade the noblest organs of tbe human fiame, before tbe patient can be aware of his danger. The ANTI- IMPETIOISES strikes at the root and not at the branches ; and with this peon- liar advantage, effects a cure when other medicines fail. It is too well known that many medical mtfn ia> e treated masterly on certain complaints, ant! that Mer- cury is ttieirgrand climacteric ! which, notwithstanding all its alleged improvements and combinations, is Mer- cury nevertheless.— The Anti- Impetigines has, bow- ever, long beeu used in an extensive piactice, anil in a multiplicity of instances found to be a sovereign, a safe, a speedy, and an effectual remedy for every stage and symptom ; justly claiming a pre- eminence over all other medicines, being decidedly adapte 1 for the speedy removal of these complaints, as well as the , SCROFULA, KING'S F. vir,, and in the LEPROSY itself can- not be paralleled in the whole Materia Medica. These drops are gradual gentle, and almost imper- ceptible, in their operation— the best substitute that has ever be-' n discoveied for that dangerous mineral MERCURY, sivoetening the blood, antl stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, giving strength and tone to tbe nerves, enlivening and invigorating both body and mind. Persons entering upon the holy state of matrimony, should consider that " where the fountain is polluted ihe streams that flowfrom it cannot be pure." These admirable drops strengthen the constitution, purify the blond, and promote the circulation of the Bn) ds; to effect which is evidently tbe work of time, and steady perseverance in the use of medicines adap- ted for those salutary purposes. Sold in bottles, price lis. each, or four in one Fami- !\ Bottle for 33s. by which one lis, boitie is saved, duty inc utled,— With each bottle is given a copious bill of directions, containing select illustrations ol' the efficacy of this medicine, the Government label or stamp of which has the words " Saml. Solomon, Liver- pool," engraven on its official impression, and is uni- formly pasted on the cork of each bottle, with a view to protect those who buy from the Medicine Venders, from the intrusion of counterfeit imitations, and unless these words absolutely appear to form a real part of the stamp, the medicine cannot possibly be genuine •, but if they do so appear, it infallibly identifies its pu- rity; as the officers appointed bv Government at So- tin rset House, where those stamps are kept sac id to Dr. Solomon's use only, cannot he biassed; aud it is felony of the deepest dye to imitate It. As Dr. Solomon's extensile piactice, and con- stant engagements, occupy a consideiable poition of bis tune ami a- tendance, he expects, ivlien consulted, Ihe usual compliment, of a One found Note. Letters of advice, to be answered at his Ie'* ire, address for • afetv, thus:—" Money Letter. Dr Solomon, Gilead- House near Liverpool. Paid ( double) postage." At any Post- office an order may be obtained on the Post master at Liverpool for payment, which is a safe mode of remittance. Sold by Wood, Walker, and Ingrain, Glocestei ; ReJ del, Tewkesbury ; flincks, Cheltenham ; Tymbs and Son, Worcester; . lgg, Evesham; Rubarto, Kossj aud Wright, tierefjiA BRISTOL SHIP NEWS. . CAME IN— The Raman and Ann, from Lisbon, SAILED,— The Gulpti of Paria, Gilmore, for Cork, tilt Nra Srade Piedad. Snieter, t" r Lisbon, the John, Hoddell, and the Sarah, Baker, for Jamaica. The Mary, Jenkins, and tht Eliza, Gibson, from this port tor Jamaica, were both tdown on' ol Madeira, and captured oy American privateers. Tin male nd ten of the crew of the Mary, wne put ou oourd a Portugueze, and brought back to Madeira. The fleet that sailed trOni Cork on the 15th Nov. for the West Indies, arrived off Ma lei: a tin. 241 h ef the same month, all well, with liie t- xi < prion oi cijlit sail whoiia l parted. After laying off the i- land 43 hours, JQta* the Commodore's intention to proceed. JHarfcets. CORN EXCHANGE, LONOON, JAN. 25 « The supply of Wheat at market this morning ttom Essex and Kent is tolerably large : fine s imples of this article nearly maintain last week'- prices, but all other descriptions are from 3s. to 4*. per qmtrfer lowtr. Fine English Rye is rather more enquired after. Barleys are full 2s. per quarter lower. Malt and Oats are without alteration : the supplies of the latter are still large. Horse and Tick Beans are ra- ther dearer than this day week ; but Hog Peas are 2s. ant! Boilers 5 » . cheaper. Seeds in general remain as before, though both Rape and Mustard Seeds ar. an extreuie dull sale. Wheat 75 t<> 126 Fine ditto 76 tol34 Superfine, ditto. — to — • lye 72 to 76 iSarley 58 to 73 Malt 105 roil4 vVlute Pease.. ..— to — Boilers Grey Pease.. Beans Ticks Oats Poland ditto. Potatoe d. tto s s. 98 ton ® ... 80 to 86 • 76 to 84 . 68 to 75 .. S5 to 5S ...— tn — ...— to — Fine Seconds PRICE OF FLOUR. 105 s .. 100s. tolios. per sack, to 105s. ditto. » . I. 0 rn 14 0 to 13 0 to 24 s. 14 0 8- 1. 8d. PRICE OF SEEDS, .* c. Carravvayp. cwt. 75 to 80 Rye Grass p. q: iar35 to 56 Cona aler ditto.„ 15 lo 4!) Mustard, wli. bus. 24 to . 0 Sed Clover ditto9 tol26 D tto, brown, do. 30 to ad White ditto dittolO0' ol36 Turnip, ditto.. 18 o i* Rape, 60,. to 651. per last . Trefoil, 20s. to 56s. p. cwt. Oil- Cake. 171.17s. per thousand. AVERAGE PRICE OF SUG' Computed from the returns made in tbe week ending Jan. 20, 1813, is 56s. 0{ d. prrewt exclusive ot the duties paid or payable thereon oil im- portat on thereof into Great Britain. ~ PRICF, OF HOPS! " RAGS. t. « . I. » . POCKETS. I. Kent. 11 o to 16 0 : Kent 10 iussex loio toi3i3 ! Sussex to Essex II O to 15 0 Farnham.. 18 PRK.- AF MF. Vr A FSMU'HlTFLDj Sink. ng the offal .. per stone of fibs. Beef.. 5s. Oil. to 6s. 4d, j Veal ,. 6<. Od. to 8". Od, MuttonSs. 4- 1. f 7s. 0 1. Pork 5s. 8d. to 6-. 8d. NBWGVTE AND LEADEMI- Vl. L, Bv the Catenas, ieef.,. 4s. Od. lo 5s. 41 I Ve il .5 « od to 7s. Mutton4s. 8d. to 6s. Od. | l' rk 5s. 81. to 6s. PR'CR OF TALLOW. TownTallowpercwt.„ 99 « . ; Melting Stuff, percwt. 741. Yellow Russia 95s. ' Ditt rough 48s. White ditto — s. 1 Graves 24s. • imp ditto .. .87s, Good Dregs. ....' ? « . Yellow Soap, 100s Mottled, 110s. Curd. 114s. Candles. 13s. 6d Moulds. 15s. od. ~ PRICE OF LEATHER. Butts, 50 to 56lbs. each 22d. to 25( 1. per lb. Ditto, 56 to 6611) 9. each ... 26d. to 28il. Merchants' backs 221. t., S! 4d. Dressing hides ? 0jd. fo 22,1. " ine coach hides 22 I. to 24d. Crop hides, .55 to 40lb. to cnt . Id id. to ? 0{ d. Ditto 45 to 50lb Sid. fo ? 3ld. CalfSkins, 10 to 40ib 32d. to 38d. Ditto.. 50 to 70lb. 38d. to 46d. Ditto 70 to 801 b 38( 1. to 45d. Small S « als ( Greenland) 33d. to 34d. Large ditto, 120s. to 180s. per dozen. Tanned Horse Hides, 2Id. to 25d. perlb. Goat Skins, 31s. to 62s. PRICES OF HAY AND STRAW. ' ST. J \ M ES'S. Hay... 21. 15s. to 51. 1 as. | Straw 11. 19s. to 21. 8s. W H ITRCII \ PE I.. Hay... 41. Os. to 51. 12s. j Clover6l. 10s. to 71. 10s. New.. 01. 0 » . to 01. Os. ( Straw II. 14s. to 21. 2s. SMITHFIELR. Hay... 41. 15s. to 51. 10s. j CloverS''. 15 « - to 61. 1.5s N" iv.. o; ils. to ol. Os. I St raw. 2 Os. to 21. 5i- ColtN F. xc AIUGE, LNMMN, JAN. 27. We hail no fresh arrivals of ally Grain this day, out our market is well supplied with Wheat, by the quantity that was left unsold from what came ill on Monday, very few sales were effected) this day, but the little that was disposed of, was at the prices ot last market day. Barley is dull sale, and Is. per quarter lower, with a considerate quantity now on baud. Beans are ill brisk demand, and 2*. per quarter dearer. Having a very considerable quantity of Oats al market, and bat few buyers, the sale is exceeding- ly heavy, at a decline of 2s. per quarter. Iu other articles there is no alteration. ( Countrn IRarMsf. (" For Cllocestee market, see 3cf page.) Ross . Wheat, 18s. 6J. to 19s. Od, Burlev 9 « . fid. to 10s. 6d. .. Oats, 6s. 6d. to 6s. 9d. .. Pease, 13s. 6J. 10 lis. 6d. Rye, OOs. per busltei of ten gallnns. HEREFORD Wheat, 19s. od .. Oats, 5s. 0d_„ Peas, i 2s, od Beans, IOa. Od Bailey, 10> 3d. per bushel of ten gallons WORCESTER Wheat, 17s. Od . to 18s. 61. .. Bailey, 9s. 6d to 10s. 9tl Beans, 9s Oil. t « 13s. 01 . P.' as, Os. Oil. to Os. Od. Oats, 6s. Od, lo 6s. 81I. pe< busliet of nine gallons. BRISTOL.... Wueat, 121s. to 128s, per quarter...... Fine ditto, — s Oil .... Malting Barley, 72s. to 76s. per quarter Peas, 72s tn 106* Oats, 36 » . to 46s... Fine Flour. 105s to 110s ... Second do. 93,. to 103s.. .. Horse Beans, 79s to 108s Clover, Oils, to OOs .... Quarter Loaf; Wheaten, 17,1.; Standard, 16d.; Household, 15d Hay, 60s t « 90s Straw, 14d. to 24( 1. , READING Wheat 110s. Od. t » I4'. is. ... Beans 86s. to — S. Od Peas 86s. to 90s Oats 30 » , Od. to 50s Barb--, 46s. ml. to 72-. " d. WARMINSTER Wheal, 98s to 129s .. Barley, 60s, to 75- s .. Oats, 40s. to 55s .. ileans, 72s. t • 124s. DEVIZES Wheat, 104s to ISOs Bar ey, 58a t< r 74s. .. Oats, 42s to 50s .. Beans, 72s to 108s NEWBURY ... Wheat ll4s. 10 148s , Baney45s to 78s. .. Beaus oil. to HQs Pease & 4s. to 90 « « ... Oa* » 34*. to 5? a. thi; KM> A Vs POS. r. LONDON. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 27. CU'TAfV Hickev, rf the Atalante. sloop, sVites hi* having, on 12th Dec captured ( lie Amrrican let * rr of mat que brig Tulip from Philadelphia.— GAZ. ' Pitt Speculation cutter is arrived at Falmouth from Cornnna, e lor h site left on the 15th. The Captain says, that it was generally Iwlieveil at Cdrnnna that tin* Freuch were quitting Spain. A person who has just arrived from Gravclines, states, that an order tor a general embargo in the ports of France had reached that place, which made him leave it without delay. A Prussia. i General and an Austrian General are supposed tobe 011 the point of embarking from this country ( or the north of Germany, having received commission* as General Officers iu his Majesty's scr- vic e, but to take rank as such 011 the Continent only. The Duke of Brunswick is also desirous of immedi- ately M eeting his standard in the North of Germany ; and we are told in a paper of yesterday, that 150,000 Russian troops We forthwith to be taken into British pay, 20,000 of whom are to be sent to Canada. Paris papers to the 20th inst. have arrived in town. They are very anxious to impress an opinion that Austria will continue firm to her alliance with France. The object of this no doubt is to facilitate the raising of the new levies in France. The only intelligence from the remains of the " Grand Army," is, that Murat had removed his head quarters from Eonigsberg to Elbing on the 3d inst. and that F. tlgcoA Bcallharnoii and Marshal Victor were at MarienTCrder on the 26th nit. Gen. Baraguay D'Hilliers, who was some time a prisoner in this country, died at Berlin on tbe 6th inst. The Mohiteursays, that besides the army in Spain, which however cannot he withdrawn, there are 400,<' 00 soldiers in the interior of France. Yes, in- cltidiug the national guards, tbe gens d'arines, and all the forces necessary to keep down an exasperated people; but how mauv of these will Bonaparte date to draw foi th, with the memory of the recent con- spiracy fresh on his jealous and boding mind? The Paris papers abound with offers of active ser- vice front the several cohorts, and addresses from cities and towns 0f France, reprobating the treason of General D'York, aud his convention with tbe Russians. Letters from the French roast, of the 22d instant, were last night received in town. They state that Bonaparte has issued a proclamation forbidding every Frenchman, who served in the late campaign in Kns. iia, to return ta France under pain of death. We are also informed, through the same channel, that a diligent search is uow made at the French ( torts for English newspapers, which are immediately burnt. One of the letters from France, of the 18th inst. is rather facetious in one of its remarks; it states as follows:—" Nearly the whole of our Marshals and Generals have been accounted for, Tmt notwithstand- ing all the enquiries we have made, we learn nothing of that great officer, Joel Harlow, Esq." His lady, WHO still continues at Paris, is said lo he inconsolable on account of his supposed loss. The Russian Prince Kurakin is at Vienna, endea- vouring to bring Francis over to the general cause of Europe. The Prince of Smolensk0 has issued a proclamation to the Lithuanians, offering them ail amnesty for the past, and calling upon them to return to their alle- giance. The streets of Berlin have been placarded with wit- ticisms and burlesques on the French fugitives ; and advertisements bad been posted up, offering rewards for the discovery ofthe Grand Army ! The opinion of the superior u^ Apiry skill of tfie French Generals is shaken by a t^ wiparison wi ll the talents displayed by the Captains of Alexander. Tile hopes founded by the enemy, on the timid character of the Russian Court, and the factious dispositions of the nobles and peasantry of that empire, are all re- buked by tbe result of the experiment; and the pa- triotism displayed by all ranks lias pronounced Russia invincible to a foreign foe. The bond of connection has also been broken between the French army and its leader, by his evident want of skill in leading tlnm into the very jaws of destruction, and his base deser- tion of them in the hour of peril. The feelings which cannot but have bei n excited in the army w ill descend with still greater force upon the people of France, while two of the firmest pillars ofthe usurped throne have been taken from under it— the opinion entertain- ed of Bonaparte's matchless policy and military capa- city, and the fear of his power. A letter received from an officer of rank at Alicant, dated the tltli of December, I8t2, states our army there to consist of 20,000 men — English, Spaniards, Sicilians, and refugees, who had deserted the French standard— under the command ofGen. Campbell, who had recently joined from Sicily, bringing a reinforce- ment of 5000 men of the same mixed description. Lord W. Bentinrk was daily expected with 2000men, when it was intended to march against Sncbet, whose head quarters were about 50 miles from Alicant, and if possible, oblige him to retreat beyond the Ebro. A Goteirburgh mail arrived yesterday, by whirl] we have received advices from St. Petersburg!! to the 1st, from Konigsbtrg to the 6th, from Berlin to the 9th, and from Goitenburgh to the 20th inst. but we have no further official accounts from the Russian ar- mies. So late as the 5th inst. Ihe Russians had not entered Konigsberg, but were within a few miles of that city, and hourly expected, as the French were in no condition to oppose their occupation of that place. It is still mentioned boih in letters from Co- penhagen and Goitenburgh, that Macdonald had sur rendered with 13,000 men, but it is probable that this report originated in the defection of Gen. D'York. Some accounts from Berlin state, that the Frenehare . continuing their retreat from the Vistula to the Oder, and that their head- quarters were to tie established at Frankfort, oil the Oder. Berlin, we are assured, still rontinues in a state of great agitation. All the private letters from the Continent speak in terms of tbe highest exultation at the ruin of the " grand army," and describe the sufferings of the soldiers composing it as exceeding any calamity of the kind recorded in history. The Generals aud Dignitaries of the French Empire who had arrived at Konigsberg, were covered with rags, and some of them on foot disguised as pea- sants. It strikes us, however, as a most singular / art, that all the Marshals and principal officers should have effected their escape. The letters from St. Petersburg!) inform us, that much interest was attached to the pending negotiation wilh Austria, but nothing on the subject had trans- pired. The French prisoners were marching to the nortliern provinces ot the Empire. Letters of the 1st inst. from Copenhagen, state, that the general ciy throughout Denmark was " Peace with England !" Frederick VI. being almost the only Dane still desirous of continuing in alliauce with the tyrannic Ruler of France. Extract of a letter from Sets^ n, in Courlaud, dated December 17th:—" The day before yesterday there passed this place a Polish regiment, the last of those which infested this neighbourhood. Overcome with cold and famine, they took up their quarters for the piglit in the neighbourhood of Setzcii. A whole bat- talion of 700 men lay in a large cattle shed, and iu ( he nio- t negligent manner kindled a fire in Ihe shed. Willie they were ail asleep, the lire burnt on, coinmu- nieat itself with the building, and, according to tile report. 1 f some ofthe soldiers themselves, 400 ot their coir rades were burnt to death ; 70 of tin 111 w « . re noi r. omp. cte'y dead, but were so dreadfully burnt that they expired before cveiling. It is no longer a matter of doubt that Ihe French Charge D'Affaires left Stockholm 111 disgrace, as has been stated- The letters from Gotteiibiirgh allude to the fai l as an event generally known; and it is equally certain, that he was conducted out ofthe country by the Police. The following anecdote is extracted from the St. Petersburg)! Patriotic and Political Journal, a perio- dical work, something in the nature ol our magazines, now published in the Russian Capital: —" We hope to afford pleasure to our readers, by furnishing them with an account of the escape of Lieut.- Gen. Baron Vintzengerode, and Major Narishkin, who was taken prisoner at the same time with the Baton. On their way to Minsk they continued to cherish great hopes of being freed fiom their captivity ; but when they had advanced beyond that town all shadow of hope fled. The French also were so confident of the secu- rity of tlicir prisoners, that they guarded them care- lessly. One morning Baron Vintzengerode espied a Cossack at some distance, ami communicated this to Major Narishkin, who at first was loth to credit it: however, ou approaching nearer, they were soon con- vinced that they had in reality discovered a war- rior of the Danube. Baron Vintzengerode rose up, exhibited his orders to view, and exclaimed—" I am a Russiau General!" The Cossack vanished in an instant; but soon after 12 of bis companions appear- ed, fell upon the guards, disarmed them, took the captives from the carriages, placed them 011 Cossack horses, and gallopped off witli them to the Russian heAd- quarters." The letters from Petersburg!), by the Gottenburch mail, state that the tariff, which according to annual custiJn, would appear 011 the first day of the new year* old stile), woifld allow of a total change as to the imports of manufactured goods, and all British1 merchandize of this description is to be admitted, liable however to certain duties and regulations. Refined sugar is hereafter to be imported, subject to a duty of 15 roubles for each pood in weight. A Russian tchetvert is equal to 288lbs. English ; accordingly, tiie quantity of barley which the French left behind them at Wtiiia, amounts to 4,032,000 English pounds ; the quantity of flour and biscuit to l, 440,0001bs. The plague has raged at Odessa, and numerous other parts of the Black Sea; so that, as a measure of precaution, a quarantine has been established atBrodi, where a large quantity of goods had arrived for the supply of the interior of Russia. We this morning received papers from Boston to tbe 12th pf December, hut they contain no intelligence, of a striking character. They bring the proceedings of the House of Representatives down to tlie 2d of December, but at that period nothing onlliesubject of puace'cr war had come under discussion. Letters from New York, to tlie 21sc of December, have been received in town. We are sorry to state, that they mention in positive terms that Madison has been re- elected President. Miss Patterson, fite American wife, nf Jerome Bo- naparte, has been divorced from her husband by an Act of the Maryland Legislature. A ship of war is arrived at Plymouth from the coast of America, and brings a report that tbe. Poictiers man of war was lost, but that the crew were saved and made, prisoners. An Officer, who has been in the American soryice, states, that the crews of tlie frigates President, United States, and Constitution, have been six years in form- ing; that tbe utmost attention has been given to the selection of prime seamen, and if any man entered who did not prove to be what is termed " a thorough-, bred seaman," he was invariably sent away. The same Officer adds, that the crews, for the time men- tioned above, have been every day exercised at the guns; and that he never witnessed more quickness and accuracy of firing in the ships of any nation.— The cap- tain of tbe Vengeance schooner lately arrived at Ply- mouth, also states, that the crew of the United States was a body of the first seamen in tbe world. In that hlfcty it is also to- be considered, lhat there is a large pWfitin of desertertJfroin our navy, all prime men of course ; for it is a common saying, that a bad sailor never deserts. The Armide frigate lias arrived at Plymouth, with several feet of water in her hold, having been onshore on Point St. Jacques, Qiiibiinn Bay, on tbe evening of tbe I6lh inst. On striking, every one on board gave himself up as lost, as the ship lay within reach of t wo heavy batteries. Being questioned from thesbore as to name and nation, the Captain answered—" The President frigate, from America." It was then asked from the batteries if they wanted " a pilot," offering other assistance, and concluding with informing them that there was an English frigate on the station. The answer from the AVimde was, that they had " a pilot" oil board— that no assistance was wanted— and that they should suon float off. The frigate was at tins time in a most distressed condition, the tide eb- bing, and leaving tier nearly high and dry. On the return of the tide, however, ( having lightened her as lunch as possible) the, Armide fl- ated, and the French- men discovered too late the ruse lie guerre. A firing commenced immediately, but without effect, and the Ainude pursued her voyage to Plymouth Sound, • there she arrived ou Thursday evening. The Common Council came to a determination yes- terday to petition Parliament in favour of the preten- sions of tlie East India Company, but without one new fact, or one additional reason being stated 011 that side of the question.— It is still nothing hut a re- pitition of the same story— the injury that, it is alleged, will arise to the port of London, and also to the out- ports, by opening the. trade. This, however, is entire, iy assertion founded upon nothing but conjecture, and at all events the merchants of the ont- ports and tbe manufacturers of other towns may be, at least, allow- ed to be as competent judges of their own interests as the merchants and traders of London profess to he uf theirs. The Chamber of Commerce at Edinburgh having applied to the Board of Controtil to have Leith in- cluded among tbe ports into which East India produce may be imported, the Earl of Buckinghamshire sent a reply, intimating that their application should be at- tended to. No subject in the realm, except the Duke of New- castle, can display such a costly and unique service of plate as his Grace of Devonshire can. This splendid and invaluable appendage to other decorative orna- ments, was lately removed frotn ttie Bank of England ; it filled nine chests, and lias lain dormant for 24 years. When sent lo Chaisvvoi th, where the Duke has taken up his residence for four months, about a fortnight since, it accompanied a large collection of inestimable pictures from the Flemish and Dutch schools. The Marquis of Stafford has given Mr. Bird SOOgs. for his picture of the Death of Eli. A new Tragedy was produced on Saturday night, at Drnry- latie Theatre, called " Remorse," from the pen of Mr. Coleridge. The scene lies in Spain in the sixteenth century, at the close ofthe civil wars against the Moors It was well received by a full auditory. The language is in general rich, bold, elegant, natural; and the verse unites in the studied harmony of metri- cal composition, a variety of cadence, an ease aud flexihi ity, by which it can be adapted without effort lo tbe characteristic impression and sudden transitions of impassioned declamation. At Covent Garden Theatre, the same evening, was performed a new Comedy, entitle.! " The Students of Salamanca." It is a production far above the general run of moderii dramas; and, taken as a whole, bears the genuine impress of genius. The plot is complicate ed, but it is skilfully unravelled, and an interest is ex- cited, which is well kept up, even to the last scene. The language is sprightly and characteristic; the thoughts ate naturally interwoven with the business of the piece; and the comedy combines the essence uf legitimate drama with good taste and skilful manage ment. The author is a Mr. Jameson. Nothing shews the importance of vaccination more conspicuously than tbe Glasgow bills of mortality In that populous city only 49 died of tae small- pox, in the year 1811, and in the year 1812, only 34, A fine bed of oysters has lately been discovered off the Isfe of Pot Hand: they now sell at Weymouth at troui iSd. to 9d, per baudrrd. Mr. Parry's forgeries exceed any before heard of in this country : tie has forged one bill on the Trans- port Board for 40,0001. and another on Laforey & Co. for 22,0001. and procured the money of Ferniin de Tastet and Co. An additional teward, amounting to 3001. > is now offered for his apprehension. ' It was decided by the verdict of a Jury in the Court of King's Bench, Guildhall, on Thursday, in au action on the statute nt'usury, for penalties 10 the amount of { 3,00( 11. that^ persons procuring the discount of bills may charge commission for their trouble, over and above tbe legal interest of 51. per cent.— II may be proper, however, to remark, that Lord Ellenborough, in his charge, seemed to think the Act imperiously required a different construction, and that any one taking more than five per cent, interest, in any shape whatever, subjected himself to its penalties. O11 Sunday morning tbe 17tli iost. a fire broke out in the house of William A'Court, Esq. in Corn- street, Burlington- gardens, which was burnt to the ground. Only three minutes elapsed from the first alarm to the falling in of the bed- room floor and staircase, yet the w hole of the family escaped, except one servant, who unfortunately perished 111 the flames. Last week tbe tenters of Mr. Joseph Mellor, of Dungeon, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire, one of tbe witnesses against the murderers of Mr. Horsfall, were cut, and a piece of cloth in the shape of a heart, which had been cut from them, pricked full of holes, was hung on tlie latch ofhis door, with an inscription upon it, " Blood for blood, says General Litdd," and nil intimation that his heart would soon be in the same situation. These infatuated men seem bent 011 their own destruction.— Leeds Mercury. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, & Co. TJ Sjs| » .-(! TI.' II1 I V inform the Public, that they Ivli'i- Contracted with Government for a SMALL LOTTERY of 7000 TICKETS, to be drawn on the same principle as the, last, in which the Public were si) fortunate as to obtain all the Great Prizes. The Drawing will commence 011 the 17th of February, and finish the following Dav. SCHEME. of .£ 20.000 is <£ 20,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 5.000 2,< H) 0 , 4,000 1,000 3,0"' 0 500 .*.' 2,000 300 1.200 200 1,00( 1 it'll 1,000 50 1,000 30 900 25 2,600 15 18,300 OLD MODE OF DRAWING.— NO CLASSES. TICKETS and SH ARES are Selling at GI. OCESTER, by JAS. WOOD, Esq. Banker; CIRENCESTER, A. PEARCE & Co. Druggists; HEREFOKU, T. DAVIES, Printer; STROUD. W. S. WILSON, Ditto: and TEWKESBURY, J. BENNETT, Ditto: For RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. Contractors, London, who sold in the Lottery diawn the 14th an t ) 5th of January, 6 Capital Prizes, iu 59 Shares; and in the Lotteries drawn last year, 23 Capital Prizes, including One of £ 20,000, and Two of aft0,000. 1 . 1 . ' 1 . 2 . 3 , 4 4 5 10 20 30 104 1.220 Proposed North iVi'lts Canal. rT" 1HE next MEETING of the COMMITTEE J[ will !> e held by adjournment at the Globe Ta- vern, Fleet- S'ijerf, London, 011 Tuesday, tile 9thday of February next, at eleven o'clock in tiie forenoon. CROWDY and'BEVIR, Solicitors, \ LL I' 1 sons who are indebted to the Estate and Effects of PATIENCE GRIFFITH SYMES, of this City, Milliner, Bankinpt, are requested to pay their respective debts to me, the undersigned, Assignee who alone is legally authorized to receive the same ; and all persons with whom any part of the said Bank- rupt's Effects are deposited, are immediately requested to deliver the same to me, or they will be prosecuted according to Law. THOMAS GARDNER. VALUABLE LIVE STOCK, AND MOST EXCELLEET EODDF. lt, AT OKLE CLIFFORD, NEAR NhWENT, GLOCESTERSHIIIE. X° BR SOLD BY AUCTION, BY I EDWARD ROWLEY, Oil Wednesday, February 10,1813, 011 tbe Premises, at Okie Clifford, in the parish of Newent, in the eoimtv of Glocester, the property of Mr. Richard Lovett, who is going to leave the Farm;— Consisting of the following VERY CAPITAL STOCK, VIZ. in- law)!), y.. .. >>>'.. j jini( log and two well- bred rains j 4' eows and calves, ii-. iPs in- calf, 1 barren row, 2 six- year- old working oxen, 1 five- year- old ditto, and 1 four- year- old ditto, 5 three- year- old steers, 4 two- year- oid ditto, and 5 yearling ditto, a v » ty handsome four- year- old bull, 7 three year- old heifers in- calf, 5 two- year old heifers, and 6 yearling ditto; two very useful cart geldings, and a capital hackney mate, ( by St. Vincent,) four- year- old ; and five stacks of well- made fodder. The Sheep are of the Ryland breed, and the Cattle ' of the Glocestershire and Herefordshire; are of choice selection, and most excellent of the kind. The Fodder is to be spent On the Premises, and the use of the Folds and Stabs may be had for that purpose. The Sale to commence precisely at ten o'clock in tbe morning. Printed Catalogues will be sent in due time to the principal Inns 111 the neighbouring Market Towns, and may be had ofthe Auctioneer, at Neweut. "" . MONMOUTH. " TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY A Mr. WHITE, O i the Premises, 011 Saturday, the 13th day of Febru- ary. 1813, between the hours cf three and four in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, ( unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given);— ALL THAT WELL- ESTABLISHED PUBLIC HOUSE, Called THE QUEEN'S HEAD, Now in full Business, with the Court, Stable, Brew- house, and Appurtenances thereunto belonging, most eligibly situated for Business, at the Corner of the Street leading to Wye Bridge, in the Town of Mon- mouth. The above Premises arc Leasehold for 99 years from Michaelmas 1792, determinable 011 tbe death of the survivor of three persons, who are named in the Lease, the youngest of whmiii is now about 35 years of age, aud subject to the Annual Rent of 12 Guineas. These Premises are well worth the attention of any person wishing to carry on tbe Business ofanlnnhiilder. For further particulars, and to treat by Private ( Jon- tract, apply, if by letter post- paid, to Mr. OLIVE, So- licitor, New., ham, Gloucestershire. MoSiio Ul'HS HIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. R. WHITE, At the Beaufort Anns Inn, in the town of Monmouth, on Saturday, the 6th day of February, 1813, between the h urs of four aud six in tlie afternoon ( subject to such conditions as shall then be produced), by order ofthe Assignee of David Tanner, a Bankrupt;— The undermentioned Premises, viz. LOT t.- A desirable ES I'ATE, called the MEENE FARM, situate 111 the several parishes of Penalt and Mitchell Troy, in the county of Monmouth, contigu- ous to the Turnpike- road leading from Monmouth to Chepstow, over Trelleck Common, a large portion of which ii is expected will be allotted to this Estate, uuder .111 • iiolo. sure Act recently passed. The Estate comprises a convenient Dweliing- Honse and other suit- able Buildings, and about 128 Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, and has been for some time 111 the occupation of Abraham, who quits the same this present Christinas.— This pro- perty is Copyhold of Inheritance witnin tlie Manor of Trelleck, and the fine payable npou alienation is mode- rate and certain. It is distant about four units from Moniiioutii and ten from Chepstow. LOT 2.— Avery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called RICKL'TT'S FARM, comprising a Dwel'mg- . House, and suitable Farm Buildings, witu a Water Corn Grist Miil, and about 90 Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, ORCHARD, and WOOD LAND, si- tuate in the parish of Skentrith, in the county of Mon- niouih, and now in the occupation of Mrs. — Wil- liams, as tenant from yt- ai to year. This Estate is situate about fivs miles from Mon- mouth, mid contiguous lo the Turnpike- road leading from itience to Grosmont The respective Tenants w ill shew the Premises, aud for further, particular* apply ihe An- tioueer, at Col- ford, Gli- cestcrsii re; or to Meat*. Williams and Powies, Solicitors, Mot, mantel at wuose Office maps oftiie Estate may bsseen. LONDON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. Price of Stocks this day. 3 per Ot. Cons. 59ifi Cons, for Acct. ' 5951'. 3 per Ct, Red. 5—* per Cent. 75||. Ex. Bills. 8s. 9s. pin— Bonds 2s. 3s. dis. 5 per Cent. Navy 88}$.— Omnium 7| pin. IT gives us much pleasure to learn, that the utmost unanimity prevails between the Marquis of Wel- lington and tho Cortes at Cadiz. Fifty thousand men are to be placed under Ins immediate command, and the next campaign will be commenced upon a most exteii. sive and formidable scale. Nothing less than the ex- pulsion of- Ihe whole remaining French force is expect- ed. Bonaparte will probably, however, save the Marquis of Wellington the trouble of driving them out by force. Yesterday morning General Hope, Colonel Low, Count De Bengo, Captain Brown ( Aid de- Camp to ( lie General), Mr. Key ( King's Messenger,) aud their retinue, re- embarked at . Yarmouth on board the Daphne sloop of war, for Gottenburgh— they sailed immediately. We just learn that, there is no truth in the embargo on the Frencli ports.— Sim. The Queen, we are happv to say, is much recover- ed from her cold. On Monday and Tuesday she took aii airmg in her carriage. It is now arranged that the Princess Charlotte of Wales is not to be presented at Court by her august mother, but by the Duchess of York. Yesterday the Duke of Sussex completed his 40th year. We are happy to say his Royal Highness is re- covered from his late violent and serious attack, al- though he still feels the effects of it. \ Tlie Cossacks, in their siiccessful'captures of French booty, took to the amount of fonr millions of ducats in specie. Tiie American army assembled for the invasion of Canada seems to be doomed to all the horrors winch their worthy adies experienced in Russia; ten or, twelve men die daily, from the inclemency of the weather, and from want of proper clothing. Every requisite, in short, which can ensure, success, is wanting. The Marshal of the United States for the district of South Carolina, has it is said detained in custody twelve British subjects, as hostages for the lives of six Ameri- can seamen, who have been taken out of the p rivateer Sarah Ann, at Nassau, New Providence, and sent to Jamaica to lie tried for treason. Letters received yesterday from Salisbury mention the death of William llussey, Esq. for uiany years a Representative of that city. A duel took place at Tralee, on Tuesday se'nnipht, between Mr. John ConneU, brother to the barrister, aud Mr. Blennerhasset, in which the former- was Wounded ; the bail isiwiiis Hifumrli If. L' 1"", tore tlie jaw- bone, and lodged in the bick of liis neck, among the arteries: he is however slill alive. The dispute related to politics. SUDDEN DEATH.— Yesterday afternoon, about two o'clock, as Mr. Iuman, a gentleman from Bristol, was returning from the Bank, m company with a f riend, at the corner of Bucklersbuiy, Walbrook, he made a sudden halt, and instantly dropped down dead! His body was immediately conveyed into a neighbouring house, and afterwards removed to Walbrook church, where it now- remains. The deceased had nearly lii,( » 00(.' in his hand when be fell, which is secured. FIRE AT CAMBRIDGE.— Sidney College, Cam- bridge, was discovered lo be on fire on Sunday. It broke out in one of the upper rooms, and is suspected to have been the work of au incendiary. MASONIC DINNER. Yesterday a most superb dinner was prepared by upwards of five bundled Freemasons, at the Tavern, Great Queen- street, as a mark of respect and regard for file Earl of Moira, previous to his leaving the Bre- thren for India. The Duke of Sussex, as Deputy Grand Mason, was in the chair. Lord Moira arrived at five o'clock, and wa « received with enthusiastic bursts of approbation. After dinner his Lordship took the chair, and in the course of the evening a valuable jewel was presented to him. He delivered on tlie oc- casion a most eloquent and appropriate speech. The banquet was enlivened by a military band, performing select aud impressive music. Many ladies of distinc- tion were present in the galleries, fonr ofthe Royal Dukes, and a long list of Nobles. When all the public part of the entertainment was concluded, the ladies withdrew, and the hall being cleared of strangers, about ten o'clock the Lodge was regularly tyled aud opened. The Duke of Sussex then rose to present the jewel given by the Brethren to Lord Moira, in doing which he pronounced au enlogitim on bis Lordship, aud ou his Masonic Institutions. This brilliant Masonic badge was paraded round the Lodge, and finally appended to the breast of the Noble Earl, who returned thanks in an appropriate speech. Occasional Stanzas sung after Dinner. Thou soft- breathing Lyre! for awhile be suspended, The social delight which thy numbers impart; Whili sighs of regret with our raptures are blended. And strains of affection flow warm from tbe heart. CHORUS. Hail! hail! hail! To every bosom dear, Thou to whose honour'd name We consecrate the parting tear. Ye Realms! where the day- star first springs from the Ocean, Now welcome the dawn of Philanthropy's ray : Ye Nations! that Ireuible in abject devotion By Ganges or Indus, rejoice in her tway. Hail! bail! hail! Sic. Go on, noble Spirit! still guerdon'd witli glory, Pursue the bright track which thy fate hasassijn'd ; For thus shall thy name live ennobled in story, Of Britain tbe pride, and the friend of mankind. Hail! hail! hail! & c. Oh deem not our hearts can e'er cease to revere tliae, Or still on thy virtues with rapture to dwell, Recalling those scenes to onr sonls that endear thee, And the paiu of that lioirr when » e b# de lli » » tare well. Hail! hail! hail! See. E'en then, while between us wide oceans are roiling, Wiiene'er we assemble these rights to renew, With magic illusion our senses controlling, Shall fancy restore thee again to our view. Hail! hail! hail! sic. And when on that breast, where bright honour still beaming, Sheds lustre excelling what Kings can bestow, The pledge of fraternal affection is gleaming,* With kindred einotioi s tny bos im sliail glow. Hail! hat,! hail! Oh! think, while glad millions, their gratitude breath- ing For freedom and justice, thy name shall adore, Fond Friendship and Joy rosy chapleta arc wreathing, To greet tnv return to thy lov'd native shore. Hail! hail! hail! & c. * fn ullutun to the brilliant MasonU Jewel presented to his Lordship. WILTS, Willesley and Sherstone. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in abnit a Mo. itli, ( unless previously disposed of by Private Ccn- tract, of which due notice will be given ;)— SEVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS, And sundry detached Lands, Including a Water Grist- Mill, and also an INI or PUBLIC- HOUSE, respectively situate at Willesln and Sherstone, in the county of Wilts, adjoining or nnVr to the Turnpike- road from Bath to Tetbury, and distant about sixteen miles from tbe former and five unle&. from the latter. Particulars will shortly be published, and may be had at the principal Iuns in the neighbourhood, aiiif of Mr. Bevir, Solicitor, Cirencester. WINRUSH, GLOCESTERSHIRE. Capital Freehold and Ty the- Free Estate, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by W. LORD, At the Bull Inn, at Burford, in the county of Oxford on Wednesday, the 3d day of February next, at fout o'clock in tbe afternoon;— THE UNDERMENTIONED PREMISES, In the parish of Winrush aforesaid, In the folluwing Lots, and under such conditions as will be then produced : LOTS. A. R. p. A. R, r. 1 A substantial and convenient FARMHOUSE, Stable, Cow- sheds, Cart- house. 8- hay Barn, Garden, and Farm- Yard 1 0 J Tbe Orchard, and Dove- house well stocked P. u . l w The Dairy Ground, ( exclu- sive of a Strip Of Land on tbe ninth part, marked off to ga with Rymill's Cot. tage) I'. 5 0?? Pratt's Piece A. 18 2 l G! osterRoad, Nnft! iGrotnid. 4. 20 3 14 Ditto, SouthOroiimM. 26 2 36 Waterslade Ground A. -.' 5 0 II Barn Ground, with excellent Barn, Buildings, amlYard A 2) 3 18 Hotighhorongh Bottom A. 34 1 2 Slatter's Way Ground ( exclu- sive of Road) A. S6 0 33 Down's Middle Ground .... 4. 27 2 21 Cirencester Road Ground A. 25 1 22 The Holt Ground, detached a short distance from the Farm A. West Field, formerly part of the Cow Pasture A. 6 3 38 West Meadow, ditto, adjia iug tbe river Winrtish ~.. M. 9 3 34 247 0 4 IT 1 JE « 16 3 3* 4 A piece of Laud, calledCaive's Close P. 1 0 10 5 Another piece, called Batt's C! ose A. l 3 l 6 Tbe Little Meadow, adjoin- ing the river Winrush... W. 3 2 3 7 A Cottage and Garden, occu- pied by John Ryinill, and the strip of Land, us mark- ed off the Dairy Ground P. 0 3 0 8 A Cottage and Garden, occu- pied by Thos. Pettipher.... 0 0 11 9 A Messuage, divided into 3 Tenements, in the occupa- tion of John Large, John Wilkin*, and George Moss, with the Shops, Garden Ground, and LammasClose adjoining.,,.„...., P. g ] ft The village of Winrtish is eeutrieaHv situated be- tween Harford aud Northleacfi; the Turnpike road from Oxford to GloceMerand Cheltenham g,>; s tiiroiiali the Esjate, which is a turnip soil, in high cultivation, and lite fences are in good condition. The Estate would be a desirable situation for a Sportsman, as it abounds with game, aud is witein reach of several packs of hounds. Mr, Tuomas Mace, who occupies the whole Karate, ( except the three last Lots,) will shew the Premise*£ and for further particulars apply to Messrs. BELLAMY and HANNISTER, Solicitors, or the Auctioneer, blnp- ston- on- Stour. 7th January, 1813. COOKE'S NOVELS. COOKE's Elegant Editions of the most admired and popular Works, superbly embellished ; with numerous Engravings by Bartolorai, R. A.; Heath, A. E. { Smith, E. A.; Neagle ; Warren ; See. And sold at a Cheaper Rate than the most common and unadorned. SELECT POETS. s. d. Warton 1 6 Hammond and Spratt 0 6 Gray 0 6 Collins 0 6 Otway 0 6 Rochester...., 0 6 Walsh 0 6 Sheffield 0 6 Armstrong.... 0 6 Smollett 0 6 Johnson 1 0 Garth 1 0 Ponrfret 1 0 Dodsley 1 0 Lytteiton 1 0 Goldsmith.... I 0 Falconer I 0 Congreve 1 6 Fenton 1 6 Rowe 1 6 Mickle . 1 0 Broome I 6 Mallett I Moore I Tickell 1 Cunningham 1 Lansdowne... 1 Addison 1 0 Shakvspcare... 2 0 Waller 2 0 Langhorne.... 3 0 SELECT NOVELS, t. rf. s. i. Savage ... 2 Parnel 2 Sltenstoue 2 Akenside 2 Watts". 2 Glover 2 Somerville 2 Thomson 3 Milton 4 Prior 4 Butler 4 0 Gay 4 0 Young 4 6 Pope 4 6 Dryden 6 G Blackniorc.... I 6 Solyman and Alincns... 0 6 Nourjahad « 0 6 Almoran and Hamct.,., 1 0 Zadig 1 0 Sentimental Journey....! 0 Castle of Olrailto I 6 Rasselas I 6 TheodosiusJcConstahtia 1 6 Belisarius 16 Journ. tothenextWortdl 6 Pompey the Little 1 6 Candid 1 6 Jonathan Wild .. 3 0 Peruvian Princess.. 2 0 Louisa Milflmay 2 0 Adventuresof an Atom 1 6 Vicar of Wakefield 2 0 Chinese Tail*. 2 0 rale of • Tub 2 6 Lancelot Greases 1 6 D « » il on Tw » Sticks.... 2 6 t. d Gulliver's Travels 2 6 Sisters 3 0 Henrietta .... 3 0 Joseph Andrews 3 0 Female Quixotic 3 6 Telemachus .... 3 6 Humphrey Clinker 4 O Moral Tales 4 O Count Fathom 4 6 Tales of tbe Genii 4 6 Roderic Random 4 6 Tristram Shandy....... .. 5 tf Amelia 5 0 Robinson Crusoe 5 6 Adventures of a Guinea 6 6 Gil Bias 6 15 Peregrine Pickle 8 ( I Tom Jones ... 8 Oi Arabian Nights 9 0 DonQuixotte 10 D . Pamela 11 5 SACRED CLASSICS. KeoelonH' Pious Reflec- tions 0 6 Economy of HumastLife I 0 Death of Abel 1 6 DoddouDcatH 1 6 Dodd'i Prison Thoughts 4 6 Ro^" « ' » De » outEx » rcise « I 6 Goldsmith's Essavi, 1 6 Shcn# toiie'^ Es# ay# 1 6 The Idler..!..... 3 0 BRITISH CLASSICS. Young's Centaur 1 Blackmore on Creation 1 Addisonon theChristiau Religion ..... 1 Pilgrim's Progress..,,,. ,2 Rowe's Letters 3 Hervey's Meditations..., 3 Citi7. cn of the World,... 3 Adventurer 6 Rambler ^ MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, New Bath Guide 0 6 Stevens's Lecture on Heads 0 6 Life of Col. Gardiner I 6 Fenclon'- s Dialogues ... 1 6 Watts's Logic 2 0 Walls's Essays.. Watt.' s Improvement of the Mind Cooke's Description of Lontioti and West- minster 2 » 2 OI 2 0 The above fforks may he had bound, or in separate' ,\ um~ bers, price Sixpence each. To accommorhdt the Virtuoso in Embellishments and the Ailmircrs of beautiful I'riidfng, urn published Superior Editions on the best Vellum- Paper, and containing additional i'lates, which editions aresohi at'Uoulie the price of the above. London, piiu'ed tor C, COOKE, No. 17, Paternoster Ron.; ami . . Ill by J. j. H- anh, J Waslibourn, ar* Kohejrta, Gluccetei and ever} uUicr RuvkicUc/. ^ lacester, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30. CHELTENHAM ARRIVALS. Sir J. and Lady Newpor' Sir Jas. Saumarez, Major- Gen. D. Coninfthapi, Major Conyers, (' apt. Power, Capt. Thurston, Capt. Knight, Capt. Letreetl, Rev. J F Parsons, Lieut. Whinveates, Mr. and Mrs. Pow er. Mr.' and Mrs. Mills, Mr. ahd Miss Trusthicks, l. V. ts's. Johnston, Watson, Hammond, Parkins, Rosters, Pal- mer Wilkinson, lallard, Patry, Rolleeton, Murphy, Bolton, Mountaine, Gilbert. Newman, Mistresses Phillips, Brock. Pitt, Jones, Gregorie, Starc'. ey, Miss Henry, Miss Blaske' PlRTK.- At Tetburv. the lady of Mr. R. Capes, Member ofthe Royal College of Surgeons, of a soil MARRIED.— On Thnrsdav, at Bath, by the Rev. Mr. Gunning, Henrv Clifford, Esq. of Lincoln's Tim, second son of the late. Hon. T. Clifford, of Tixall Staffordshire, to Ann Theresa, youngest daughter of the late Edward Ferrers, Esq. of Badderley Clinton, Warwickshire.— On Monday last, Mr. James Bird, of Greenwich, near London, to Miss Elizabeth Gy de, sister to Mr. Gvde, banker, of Cheltenham. Dim,— Lately, at Cbandns- honse, her Grace Anna Eliza. Duchess nt Chamlos, re I et of James, last Duke of Chandos, and sister of Sir Richard Gamon, Bart. — On Thursday last, universally respected, after a Ion" and severe illness, which lie bote with Chris! an foititnde, Mr. w. C. Morgan, eldest son of the Roy W. Morgan, Rector of Fretherne, 111 this county. — Miss Cornwallis, daughter of the Bishop of Lu ll field- At Rod boron g-., Mrs. Griffith, wife ot Capt. Griffith, of tlic 23d Roval Fusileets, and sister of Mrs. stallar of New King- street, Bath.— At Rock Hmise, Old Sodbnrv, deeply regretted by all who knew her, Mrs. Williams, wife of Mr. Homy Williams.- AtBod- dtntt Berks, the Rev Dr. Nicoll, Chancellor of Wells' rector ol Drayton, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Ins Majest-.— On'Monday last, Mr. John Clark, one ol' the Vergers nf onrCatbedrai.— Sunday se'niusht, at ft. James's Place, Kiigsdown, Mrs. Browne, wife of Walter Browne, Esq. solicitor, of Bristol. In all the relative characters of wife, parent and friend, sue was truly amiable and exemplary.— At Morant Bay, Jamaica' of the yellow fever, on the 11th ot Novem- ber, deeply lamented by all who knew Inm, Mr. Prichard, ' aged 19 vears, only son of Mr. Win. Prichard of Usk, Monmouthshire.- On Saturday, JJlarv eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Lane, of Chase- lev- Hall near Tewkesbnrv.- In the 37 th year of hs age. Mrs John Pope, of Cbasqley.- On the 13th inst. at Gegerlhan, near Aberystwitb, nmversally lamenl- ed, Ibe Hon. Mrs. Pryse, Lady of I'ryse Piyse, Esq. Tins atfiicting event was occasionetl by the following accident. As Mrs. Prvse was preparing to go to bed between two and three o'clock on the morning of New Year's- Dav her night- dress came in contact with a rush- light that was burning in tbe room, and was in- stantly ill a blaze. Notwithstanding the a arnn * situation Mrs. Prvse had sufficient presence of minjl to ling the hell; but unfortunately, the almost imme- diate assistance of a servant iiad only the partial efteot of preventing instant death ; as, after lingering in ex- erueiatir g pain, this worthy lady expired at the period above stated.— On the Kith, al the same place, alter a lingering illness, borne with true Christian resign*, tion Mr. Win. Poole, agent to the above- mentioned Prvse Prvse, Esq. The industry, probity, and friendlv disposition of this gentleman, had procured fi r him the respect and esteem of a numerous area- of friends, as well as of the indigent objects ot his htmrifv, who will not cease through lite to cherish the memory, and regret the loss of so benevolent and worthy a character. Mr. Poole served the office, of Ma\ or i f-\ bervstwith no less than ten times : a most honourable testimony of the esteem in which he vvas held bv that truly respectable Corporation. The' Rev. John Bill, A. M. master of the Close School at Salisbnrv, is instituted, by the Lord Bis op of Worcester, to the, rectory nf Knight wick and Dod- d nliam, in that diocese, on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Worcester. t The Annual Kingscote Race Ball, at Hunt, r's Hall, last week, was numerously and fashionably at- tended. Amongst the company prtsent, vwe, his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, L-' i'd and Lady fitieie, Lady De Clifford, Captain and Lady Theoio- ja Hale, Sir B. Win. Guise, Sir H. Lippmcott, tail. Kingscote, The most sedulous attention was paid to the comfort an 1 accommodation of the eon- panv, bv the Siewaid, N. W. Peach, Esq. At on, o'clock, they sat down to an elegant supper, compris- ing every dclirac y ofthe season ; and the wines were ofsnperior flavour and quality. The full band of the Roval North Gloeester Militia attended, an t played with great judgment and spilit during the whole evening. „ Captain and Adjutmt Weller, nf the Fust Royal Carmarthenshire Local Militia, ( eommau led by Lord Dyiievor,) who was brought to a court- martial, liel l at Bristol, in November last, npon five charges, pre- ferred against him hv Lieut- Col. Williams, of Hehl- lis for disobedience of orders, neglect of duty, dis. respect, &<•. ( but the principal for disobedience of orders,) has been most honourably acquitted of every charge ; of which the Prince Regent has been graciously pleased to approve. At a Court of the Corporation, held at the Tolsey, in this city, on Wednesday last, the sum of One Hun- dred Pounds was unanimously voted for the Relief of the Russian Sufferers. On Saturday last, the workmen commenced laying the foundation- stones of the intended new bridge over the river Severn at the bottom of Westgate- street. We understand there will be but one arch ; and from the celebrity ofthe architect, we have no doubt but the structure will prove a conspicuous ornament to this ancient city. , A Society has been instituted in London, under the auspices of Granville Sharpe, Esq. and many others, called the Protestant Union, for tbe support of the Pro- testant Religion established in this kingdom, and ot the principles of the glorious Revolution. On Wednesday a very liberal subscription was en- tered into at Birmingham for the relief of the Russian sufferers -, upwards of 7001. has been subscribed. About 13001. lias been subscribed at Bristol, for a similar purpose. The University of Oxford has also subscribed 30ol. towards tbe fund from the University CThe Soriety of Friends in Bristol have contributed S00 guineas towards the funds ofthe BristolAnxiliary Bible Society. This generous contribution was ac- ' rompanied with the following laconic note;-" To the Bible Society from divers friends in Bristol, 21st of Sst month, 1813." At a meeting of the inhabitants of Salisbury, on Thursday, a petition to Parliament was agreed to against the repeal of those laws which were enacted for the security of ihe Protestant Religion. The Clergy of tbe Archdeaconry of Carmarthen last week signed a petition to Parliament against the Catholic Claims. A similar petition has been prepar- ed in each of tbe Archdeaconries in the Diocese. At a meeting of the inhabitants of Tewkesbury, on Monday the 18th inst. the expediency of erecting a new goal for that borough was unanimously agreed upon; and we understand that application is to bt made'dliring the present session of Parliament for an act to carry that most necessary object into luiuiedi- St In ou/' corn- market, on Saturday last, the sales were verv brisk, at the following prices:— Wheat, 15s. to 16s.— Old Beans, 12s.— New Beans, 8s. 6d. tu o,.— SaiSey, 7s. to 10s.—- Oats 5s. to 6s. od. per Winchester Bushel. The w eek before last Christmas three remarkably fet wether sheep, of the Leicester and Cotswold kreed, were killed, whose respective weights were as ifillOW^ • ~~ Ot. e by Mr. Jenkins, of Cirencester, weight OT*. Or. etov III. Truemau, of Corsham, Wills, SOSUM, One by Mr. ltook, of WcKton- under- Eflge, MUD,. The sheep were bred and t. i by Mr. diaries Stevens, « f Seddington, near Cirencester, ou grass, hay, and ftrnips only. MEETING OP TIIE CLERGY AT HEREFORD. A numerous meeting of the Archdeacons and Clerey of the Diocese of Hereford was held iu the Chapter House of that Cathedral, on Friday last, for the pur pose of taking into consideration the propriety of'pe- titioning Parliament on the Catholic Claims. The Very Rev. the Dean presided at the Meeting, which be opened with much animation and propriety, and as we understand, delivered his sentiments'on the sub- j ct in Ihe following or very similar terms:— We are assembled to consider the propriety of Petitioning both HouSes of Parliament concerning the Roman Catholic Claims. Wh le they supplicated re- lief from Penal Statutes, our wishes as our judgment, were with them ; and we rejoiced in their success, not only for their sake, but onr own. What they gamed we considered as a protection of that we retained — no possessions being less secure than those, over which suspicious jealously stands ceutiuel. The tolerant li- berality of the Legislature then appeared, as I trust it in fact always will be, a bulwark of our Constitution : but, it is time for us to infreat Parliament to afford us protection, when their tone and attitude are not those of humble Petition, but of bold demand— a demand of right. A term used in a mischievous sense, or with- out any sense whatever. Have they to learn that all the rights of Citizens depend upon the Constitution of their Country— which establishes iu numberless ways, limitations, restraints, and modifications of every indi- vidual Member's natural rights, for the common good of the Body Politic? The Constitution of this L^ nited . Kingdom as it now is, and we pray may continue to our latest posterity, ordains— that no man, however gifted by nature, however qualified by acquired know- ledge, has a right to command the Armaments— to as- sist in the Councils of onr Sovereign— to expound and execute Ibe Law iu the Tribunals of Justice— to he e. lev'ated to the important station of Lord High Chan, cellor— tiie keeper of his Majesty's Conscience— whose own Conscience is under the contronl of a Foreign Prelate, professing and propagating Doctrines subver- sive of tbe religions faith and Ibe civil obligations which our Princes, and ail who are in authority under them, are solemnly bound to maintain. So long has this Catholic Question engaged your attention, and so much has been written against the claim now set up, that I should here move you to enter upon the busi- ness of* our Meeting, did I not wish to call yonr atten- tion to a circumstance which some persons may think renders our Petition unnecessary, because it removes fi oni us all cause of ahum— the conclusion, if admitted, would be more dangerous than volumes of argument we could refute— because it would lull us into a false security. " Let it not be said that we fear where uo fear is— tbe Pope is not now a Sovereign Pontiff— fallen from his high E> tate— a Captain without power or will. Of his Temporal Dominion this is true; but let ns be wise in tiie wisdom of that great Statesman who de- termined fiat to prevent the Eccleriastical Power of Ihe P > pe being grasped and wielded by tiie hand of the Usurper of France, was an object of great na- tional importance.— To his foresight the dissipated rays of the Tiara appeared condensed on the Iron Crown, able ( as the newly discovered dark ray in the Suu's beam,! to kindle flames where they arc not seen. Whatever our apprehensions inav be, it is pro- bable, the sufferings of the aged Pontiff, woo ever bore Ins honours meekly, are aggravated by knowing he is reserved iu chains for deeds his heart abhors, To suffice the Tvrant's vengeful ire, " And do him inigl. uer service as his tlirawl." " This is surely a well- founded cause of alarm to ns. Although no Anathema has been published against the Patriot Bands of Spain who oppose themselves to the Invader oftbeir country, this is no proof tons that none has been issued to arrest the arms of thousands of Spani- ard*.— What less than thedread of losing Heaven can restrain tlieni from uniting with their BritishChampions, and contend manfully for all that is dear anil valuable nn earth? If they were not rendered torpid to the impulse of nature, bv Spiritual influence, how could they hear unmoved the expostulations of tiie illustrious hero who,- through tbe field of glory, would lead them to tbe enjoyment of liberty and peace Eja! " Quid statist Noiint Atijui lierl esse head.." " From such a conflict may our Roman Catholic fellow subjects throughout the United Kingdom be for ever free. • To perpetuate to them as well as ourselves, as far as in us lies, tbe happy Constitution of onr Coun- try,! move you to Petition both Houses of Parliament, iu'continue the barriers now existing against the intru- sion of Popish influence into ihe Councils and the Ad- ministration of this United Kingdom." The motion being seconded— the Rev. the Chan- cellor of the Diocese read the petition, which being unanimously approved of, was immediately signed by all persons present. In a Bath paper of la- t week, a farmer's servant asks public pardon, after giving tip his wages, for having done great injury to his master by negligently thrashing his wheat, and leaving a considerable quantity in the straw, for which a prosecution was commenced against him.— This is au offence of much greater mag- nitude, we lielieve, than may be generally imagined ; aud we hope the conviction may be a warning to others. A leg of mutton of uncommon size, was exhi- bited in Shrewsbury market on Saturday last, not tor sale, hut for the purpose of gratifying the cu- riosity of the public. It weighed upwards of, 33ibs. Two persons, one calling himself John Wakr man, otherwise Cornwallis, ofLepwell, and the other Ed- ward Rotin, of Birmingham, are committed to Wor- cester county gaol, charged on the oath of Win. Mills, a keeper to Lord Foley, wiih having in the night time feloniously broken antl entered the aviary in Witley Park, with an intention to steal the pheasants there kept for breed. These men are supposed to be part of a numerous gang of poachers wno have long infested Worcestershire, Staffordshire, and the neigh- bouring counties. When taken they had about them different nets and poaching instruments, and loaded fire- arms. James Udell, otherwise David French, who has long been detained in custody on suspicion of being an accessary in the mnrder of William Webb and Mary Gibbons, after great exertions of the Magis- trates, and different examinations, is at length fully committed for trial. A serious riot took place at Froine on Friday last, in consequence of a drunken set of colliers endeavour- ing to obstruct the peace officers from doing their duty; the Earl of Cork, Col. Horner, Col. Joliffe, and Mr. Ireland, being ift Frome at the time, and on the Bench as Justices, endeavoured to enforce their authority, but were attacked most furiously by the mob, who rescued their prisoners, and proceeded to unroof the gaol, which tiny partly effected. The Frome cavaby and infantry were Called cut, the for- mer under tbe command of Major Wickham, and the latter under Major Olive, who succeeded in securing j six ringleaders, who were strongly escorted to Ilches- ter gaol. Mr. Joliffe received a violent blow, which cut through his hut; Mr. Ireland, Loid Cork, antl Colonel Horner, received several blows. In conse- quence of this daring outrage, the Froine and East Mendtp cavalry buve been ordered out on permanent duty, as these deluded men have threatened to revisit Frome shortly. ANECDOTE.— Capt. Norton, the Mohawk Chief, whom we lately mentioned as leader of the Indians in the battles in Canatla, bad a very narrow escape about two weeks before the last battle, and saved his life by his presence of mind. He was ordered to tbe American side of the river at Niagara, to ascertain the number of boats belonging to the enemy; which he did, but on returning found a guard placed at a post lie was obliged to pass, though none was there when he went in; being challenged by tin sentinel, he replied he was a courier; ou which being ordered to give the countersign, lie advanced as if to give it, bul seized the'sentinel's musket, who struck at him with tiis bayonet, which Norton wrested from liiui, and with his pistol - hot him. The alarm was given ; but it being dark, Norton got off in his eanoc unin- jured, though several shots were tired at him. Mr. ROBINS.— The real name oi the man who is suspected of the murder of Mr. Robins is William Howe, though he has at various times assumed tin names of Wood and Hart. He was examined at^ Stourbridge on Saturday last for several hours, and finally committed to Stafford gaol for the offence. Just hefore Mr. Robins was shot, a man of Howe's description borrowed a pin of a woman at a cottage; on his examination this woman could not positively swear that the prisoner was the man who borrowed the pin; but her daughter, a child about ten years of age, being brought into the room and desired to point ont the uian who borrowed the pin. immediate- ly fixed on the prisoner; this evidence is therefore of great importance; indeed so many circumstances tend to prove the prisoner's guilt, that little doubt is entertained of his conviction. Tbe fatal ball which was extracted from the body of Mr. Robins was pro- duced, and compared with the balls found in a box belonging to the prisoner, when it appeared exactly to correspond with them, all of tlieni having a small dent on one side, and a pin mark in the centre of Un- dent. Sixteen witnesses were examined, proving the prisoner to be m ar Stourbridge ou the evening of the robbery and murder of Mr. Robins, antl within ten minutes walk o » " the spot at the time the horrid deed was perpetrated. It appears that the prisoner bears a very indifferent character. He worked for some time at Ombersley as a carpenter, aud was nicknamed by his companions Lord Howe.— A very considerable concourse of persons assembled opposite the house where tbe Magistrates held their meeting on the above occasion ; and during the examination a man drove a coal- waggon incautiously- stifong the crowd, and hurt one ofthe persons present. This so exaspe- rated the mob, that they immediately overturned the waggon, by which one of the horses was much hurt, and some persons bruised.— A numerous meeting of persons resident in Stourbridge and the neighbour liood was held at Stourbridge last week, when 501. was collet ted for Adkius and Taunton, the Bow- street officers, as a reward for their vigilance, in ap prehending Howe. If he is convicted tliey will be entitled to a still further reward. COURT . OF KING'S BENCH, J\ ti. 26. The Kins- v. If. Wyndham,— Tbe defendant, Capt. Wyndham, of the 10 th Hussar Regiment of Dromons, appeared in Cotirl lo receive judgmeut, fir having assaulted and horsewhipped Fliat, printer of the Brighton Herald. The defendant, in his affidavit, set ont the provocation, which was, that a paragraph had appeared in the paper, which accused him of hav- ing seduced the daughter id' a nobleman, to whom he was then paying honourable addresses, and whom he had since married. For this libel, the prosecutor in the present case had received sentence last term Upon Mr. Flint's refusing to give np his author, the defendant strnck him several violent blows with bis horsewhip, one of which gave him a severe cut across the cheek. After Counsel was heard in mitigation, tbe Judj; e pronounced the sentence of the Court, in which he severely reprobated the conduct ofthe prosecutor, but told the defendant litt ought to have appealed for redress to the laws ofhis country. He wassentenced to pay a fine of 501. PATIENTS IN GLOCESTER INFIRMARY, Men, 56, Beds, 72. Women, 29, Beds, 45, TIMES OF HIGH WATER In the River Severn, Bristol Channel, & c. Days. THIS DAY... SUN DAY MONDAY TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY... FRIDAY. Morning. h. 9 10 11 ll 0 0 1 47 29 7 46 6 45 26 Evening. h. m. 10 8 10 48 11 26 Height. fee., inches. 14 3 15 16 18 19 19 • 18 4 10 2 1 2 8 0 25 1 5 1 47 Note.— The times of high water at the Old and New Passages are neai'i V tbe same as at Uiistol; and the hours of passage at both places are, ifthe wind be northerly, . ny iimc mi five hourswtr^ i- e,' ntid if soot hi 11 v oi westerly, seven hours aft.- a- Jcngt, water. ' I " MIK Ar. nivetiurv of the ELECTION of Sir 1 BERKELEY WILLIAM GUISE, Bart, fall- ing this Year cm a Sunday, the DINNER in commemo- ration of tiiat glorious event will be hidden at the King's Head, Glocester, on Saturday, the 6th of Fe- bruary next. Dinner on the Table at Three o'Clock. STEWARDS : Sir SAMUEL WATHEN, JOHN PAUL PAUL, Esq. ROYNON JONES, Jim. Esq. JAMES l> E VISME, Esq. WILLIAM CAPEL, Esq. JAMES MARTIN, Esq. *,* Those Gentlemen who intend to dine, are re- quested to give their names to Mr. Dowling as early as convenient. jBlace. Stxr. The Anniversary of the CONSTITUTIONAL'TRUE BLUES, WILL EE HELD AT the BF. LL INN, on THURSDAY, the 4th of February, 1813. Ordinary 3s. 6d. WM. MON I'AGUE, ESQ. PRESIDENT. Those Gentlemen who wish to dine, are requested to signify the same at the Bar of tbe above Inn as soon as possible. Dinner on the table at four o'clock. ~~ GLOCESTE1L AMEETING of the MERCHANTS and Prin- cipal INHABITANTS of this City, is desired at the TOLSEY, on Monday, the 1st day of February, 1813, at Noon, on the subject of the A pplicaiioii made by the East India Company, for a Renewal of their Charter; and to take into Consideration the Propriety of Petitioning both Houses of Parliament, against their exclusive Commercial Privileges. J. P. WILTON, Mayor. CITY OF GLOCESTER. AMEETING of the Inhabitants of this City, is requested to be held at the TOLSEY, on Mon- day, the 1st day of February next, at eleven o'clock ui the forenoon, for the pnrpose of considering of a subscription to lie raised for the Relief of the Inhabi- tants of the Russian Provinces, suffering from the Inva- sion of their country. Signed by Order of the Mayor, R. P. WILTON, Deputy Town Clerk. WHEREAS some Person or Persons did, on Wednesday night or early on Thursday morn- ing, unroof and damage the building belonging to the Weighing Machine, on Over's Causeway, near Maise- tnore Pike, and stole thereout the scales aud weigi. ts: Whoever will discover the Offender or Offenders, so that either of them may be brought to justice and con- victed, shall receive over and above what is allowed by Act of Parliament, a Reward of FORTY POUNDS. Bv Older of the Trustees, Jan 15,1312. R. P. WILTON, Clerk. HEREAS JOHN REES, ( a naftve of Malpas, near Newport, in Monmouthshire, late of Ru- Tj.- t- street, near the Haymarket, London, deceased, vol formerly residing iu Russell- street, Blooinsbury, where he followed the business of a Harness aud Col- lar- Maker,) by Ins Will dated the 18th of May, 1811, and who died on the 6th day of February, 1812, gave ami bequeathed all the Residue of his personal Es- tate and Effects to be equally divided amongst all liit> next of kiu who should be living at the time of his de- cease, provided such next of kin should make out and deliver their respective pedigrees, proptrlv authenti- cated, to Mr. William Rosser, of liarllett's Build- ings, Holborn, Solicitor, tbe Executor, ivithin twelve months after the decease of the said JuhnRees. Any Person or Persons claiming to be tiie mat of kin of the said John Rees, is or ore, on or before the 6th day of February, 1813, to deliver to the said Win. Rosscr their respec- tve pedigrees, properly autlentic. ted, to the satisfaction of the said Wm. Rosser, < r tbe respec- tive share of such next of kiu who shall nil or neglect so to do will be void, pursuant to the direction^ of tbe said Will, Twenty Guineas Reward. STOLEN or STRAYED, from a Meadow called tbe Nine Acres, King-' anley, Glocester- hire, a D t RK BVY MARE, light mane and tail, much white iu : ier fare, over- bung in the upper jaw, and about 14 hands 3 inches high, rising six years old.— Mso a BLACK MARE, rising three year's old, about 13 bands hi h, Willi a little white on the oft'foot be- hind, sotne hair rubbed off the lower jaw on the near side, and some more off ner forehead, lias a cut tail, & c. Whoever will give information of the. said mares, shall, if strayed, be handsomely rewarded ; and if sto- len, shall on conviction of the Offender or Offenders receive TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD, o » appli- cation to RICHARD BOULTON or ANTHONY PEGLER TO BE SOLD, APERPETUAL ANNUITY OR RF. NT CHARGE, of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS per Annum, most amply secured upon valuable Estates in Herefordshire and Wiltshire. For Particulars apply to Mr. TYNOALE, Solicitor, Montagne- place, Russell- square, Lund > n. FARMS TO LET. TO be LET and entered upon at Lady- Day next, — The following compact and very desirable FARMS, situate at Stoke Orchard, in the county of Glocester viz. The Messuage, Tenement, or Farm- house, Barns, Stables, Lands, and Premises, now in the occupatinn of Richard Staite, by admeasurement 228A, 2R, 16P. And the Messuage, Tenement, or Farin- honse, Barus, Stables, Lands, and Premises, now in the occupation of Thos. Long, by admeasurement 141 A. 1R. 5P. N. B. Stoke Orchard is about eight miles from Glo- cester, three miles from Tewkesbury, and within four miles from Cheltenham, for further particulars apply to Wm. Mortis, Esq. or Messrs. Wilton, Glocester. DOWN END, NEAR HORSLEY, GLOCESTERSIIIRE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, or LET, villi / inmediate Possession ; all that very substantial and - well- built MESSUUiE OR DWELLING HOUSE, comprising a Kitchen, two Parlours, Bed- rooms, and Garrets over the same, and suitable Offices attached : tocet'ier with the Garden, Stable, and Close of MEADOW LAND adjoining thereto, containing by estimation Three Acres, ( be tiie same, more or less,) situated at DOWNFND aforesaid, and now in the Pos- session of Mr Harvey. Tiie whole, of the Premises are Tithe- free, and the Land- tax redeemed. For a view, and to treat for the Purchase, applica- tion may be made lo Mr. Tuscott, the Proprietor, at the Honse ; or at the Office of Mr. NEWMAN, Soli- citor, in Stroud. VALUABLE ELM TIMBER. FOR SALE, NEAR TEWKESBURY, About 300 ELM TREES, TWO hundred of which are of large Dimensions, fit for NAVAL PURPOSES ; the greater part are now fallen, and King in Grounds adjoining the RIVER SEVERN, ii the parish of BUS it LEY The whole wi i be balled to convenient places for sawing aud converting, and further Particulars will appear iu the ensuing Papers. The above Timber will be found worthy the atten- tion of the Trade in general; being of such large Di- mensions and very superior Quality, as well as being so well situated for Water Carriage. Samuel Bruertnn attends at Pull Court, Bushley, to shew the said Timber. To Corn- Dealers, Maltsters, k'e. BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bt JL Mr. CREED, Ou Tuesday and Wednesday, tbe 2d and 3d days of February, 1813, ( by Older of tbe Assignees) on the Premiseslateiy occupied by Mr, Co . rt, Cuachuiaker, situate in Quay s'reet, iu the City of Glocester;— All the remaining part ofthe Stuck in Trade, Household Furniture, and Effects, Of ROBERT TOSLEY, a Bankrupt; Consisting of about 36 Bushels of Oats, 30 Bushels of Barley, quantity of Beam, Bran, Oatmeal, 3 Sacks of Flour, 4 Pockets of Hops, 3 Dozen Sack Bags, New Loading Pulley, Set of New Corn Measures, Flour Beam and Scales, and sundry useful Articles to persons in the Corn Line. The Household Furniture coin- prises chairs, tables, set of elegant four- post chintz bed. furniture and window- curtains to match, 2 pair of new chintz window- curtains, piece of new green glazed calico, 4 elegant targe damask table- cloths, 2 break- fast ditto, 14 ditto napkins, sundry new blankets, sheets, and quilts; a dresser and shelves, iron furnace, fenders and fire irons, hogsheads and other casks, piece of new coat cloth, roll of new knotted friuge, and a small quantity of PLATE and BOOKS, among which are the History of England, Franklin's Works, Elegant Extracts, Sterne's Works, English Dispensary, Dic- tionary, Family Billies, & c. & c. Tbe Sale to begin each morning at eleven o'clock. GLOCESTFR ro BE SOLL) BY AUCTION, bv Mr. CREED, By Order of the Assignees of ROBERT TOSLEY, a Bankrupt, at the Bootbhall Inn, in the City of Glo- cester, on Wednesday, the 10th day of February, 1813, between the hours of five and seven in tbe evening, IU one or more Lots, as may be agreed on at the lime of Sale, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced-— All those truly desirable FREEHOLD DWELLl NG- HOUSES, Extensive Warehouses, Stables, Sheds, large Yard, with a Pump of excellent Water, and every other Convenience ; many years in the possession of Mr. COURT, Coachmaker, but were lately in the occupa. tion of the Bankrupt. These Premises are well situated in Quay- Street, and admirably adapted for the Corn Trade, a Coal Yard, or auy Manufactory requiring room ; are couti- gnous to the River Severn, and may be viewed on ap- plication to the Auctioneer. Possession may be bad immediately; and further particulars known, by applying to the Auctioneer, or Mr. W. C. Ward, Solicitor, Glocester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. EVANS, At the Lower George Inn, in Gloeester, by Order of the Assignees of Mr, GEORGF YATES, a Bankrupt, on Tuesday, the 16tb of February, 1813, precisely at five o'clock in the afternoon ;— two very excellent WELL BUILT TROWS, with their STORES, and small Boat, now lying at the Quay, in Gloi ester, and mav be viewed any time previous to the Sale, on ap- plication to Mr. Thomas WOODWARD, Cabinet- maker, Gloeester. nro BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by 1 Mr. EVANS, On the Premises, at the Star, on the Quay, in Glo- cester, on Monday and Tuesday, the 15th and 16th of February, 1813, — by Order of the Assignees of Mr. GEORGE YATES, a Bankrupt;— all the neat aud modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Plate, Linen, China, Glass, and i thg** Effects, late the property of tbe said Bankrupt; comprising hand- some tour- post bedsteads, with dimity and cotton furniture ; bureau and stump beckwads; excellent feather and flock beds; mattresses, blankets, quilts, aud counterpanes; handsome mahogany chests of drawers; mahogany dressing tables, bason- stands, and dressing glasses; mahogany,' walnut, and painted chairs; mahogany, oak, and deal dining- tables; oak bureau ; exceeding good eight- day clock and case; three large store casks, several welKSeasoued casks of smaller dimensions; very capital> ijbrewing utensils and furnace , variety of kitchen requisites, & c. To be viewed the Saturday preceding and mornings of sale, till eleven, at which time precisely the Anc- . tion wdl commence., i To Builders, Cabinet- Makers, .< V Upholsterers. " po BE SOLD BY AUC- ON, BY t. W. MOORF, ant! SON, ( Under au Assignment for the Renefii, of Creditors,> on Monday, tiie 8th day of l ebruary, 1813, and fol- lowing'days;— All the valuable STOCK IV TRADE And neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, On the Premises of Mr. WILLIAM WEARE. of TEWKESBURY, in the county of Glocester, Build- er, Cabinet- Maker, ai d Upholsterer; consisting of a valuable and well- selected assortment cf requisite arti- cles fur carrying on the said business in au extensive way. Further particulars whereof will appear in the next Herald. All P - isons indebted to the said Mr. Wm. Weare, are requested to pay the amount of their respective debts to Mr. Prosser, Fimber- Merebaut, Glocester; Mr. . limes, Dumbleton; or Messrs. Phelps antl Sjvage, Solicitors, Evesham, where the Deed now remains for the Signature of Ilia Creditors. Singular/!/ Valuable Stock of Prime Dairy Coirs, Hei- fers, Oxen, and Bulls uf the Herefordshire Breed; excellent Flock of ' sheep, of the mixed I. eisester and Cotswold Breeds; very capital and usefutDraft Horsesr Breeding and Store Pigs, Implements, Dairy Uten- sils, Casks, and Furniture. PENDOCK, WORCESTERSHIRE. PBE SOLD BY AUCTION, Br IV. M'.' ORE and SON, On Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, the 22d, 23dr and 56th of February, 1813, beginning precisely at ten o'clock each morning, on the Premises of Mr, Toos. CLARK, who is about to decline the Farming Business, al PFA DOCK FVRM. about a mile from tiie Turnpike road ieadaig from Gloeesfer lo Uoton- upon- Severn, and adjoining the Bridle- road from Tewkesbury to Ledbury;— All the VALUABLE LIVE STO- K, Implements of Husbandry, Depry Utensils, Casks, and FURNI1UKE, on the si. i - Farm ; Comprising— Si? prime young dairy cows and calves, or to calve ; 12 three- year- old heifers, 12 two- year- old ditto, 4 two- year- aid steers antl to yearling heifer* and steers, 8 remarkably fine working oxen four years old, a well- bred thiee year- old bull, aud a two- year- old ditto; 58 ewes in yean, antl 25 two- shear wclhets, 5 capital full- tailed cart geldings, , i mares in foal, one hackney mare, 3 two- year- old cart cotts, 3 yearling colts, 3 sows and pigs, and 2 other piss. Three strong waggons, 5 liioati- whee ed carts, ] 0 sets of long geeriug, 3" sets of tbillets' ditto, 8 yokes with bows and chains, 16 long and hammock ploughs, harrows, drags, barley- roller, dray, stadilles, iiordie , ladders, cow cribs, sheep tacks winnowing talis, and other implements - f husbandry. Cheese presses, barrel churns, milk leads, skeels, vats, and dairy utensils. Three store casks, 5" emptv hogsheads, 5 half hog- sheads, aud manv other suidih r casks, ail well seasoned and iu excelb -. t condition. Prime seasoned goose feather and fl ick beds, bed- steads with a id without hangings, Witney blankets, cotton counterpanes and bed- qiults, mahogany di. tig, card, dressing and tea tallies, chest of drawers, bason stands, mahogany and fancy chairs, pier and swing glasses, fl air and bedside carpets, and a ge- eral as- sorlmeni of parlour, chamber, and kitchen furniture, brewing Utei.- Ils, and iiiauv other useful articles. The Sire of the three- year- old Bull above described- teas Jtot by a bull bred by I Jr. fully, now in the possession of Mr. Prince, » / Hulhnihain. fwho shewed H mat He- reford in 1811, and mist . then pronounced to 1 c the best ever exhibited at that place) and out of a cow bred by Mr. Tomkyns, of Wellington ; his dam was bred by Mr. Grace, of Wacton, and got llli Mr Walker's old. Bull, which was so'd this year fur 150 guineas. The Cow Stuck above mentioned, m point of symmetry and ilispo- HHon to milk and fatten, is equal if not sum rior to any that luirp h- L H ,. ff.>-< d ' rr nixie In this port of the kinsdom for, some time pus'. This h so ice/ t known in t.' ie neigh- botirhood, that no fart nf? commnt ' is necessary, ,' f/ i etn that had Ur. Clarke continued the Ea- ' rr.' g tiuiivess, no inducement could Have prevailed upon him to part with so valuable a Stock. ' Cjp Catalogues may he had, seven days preceding the sale, at the Guildhall Coffee H > use, Worcester- King's Head, Upton; Feathers, Ledbury; Green Dragon, Corse Lawn; Mai leuhead, Glocester; at the Piace of Saie, and-. f the Auctioneers, Tewkesbury. T70II SALE BY AUCTION, BY L HARRY Rl'SS, Ou the Premises, on Thursday, February 18, and following day;— All the LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, and other Effects, of Mr. Julm Walker, of Colley- Faini, m ar Tetb iry; consisting of tweutv seven useful d, ury COWS, either in- eatt or with calves; foui three- year- old Heifers in- calf, thirteen two- year- old H item in- calf, five yearling Heifers, one two- year- old Bob, four working Oxen, eight two- year- old Steers, four year- ling ditto; ten wether Sheep, eleven Ewes n.- lamb, one Sow m- farrow, six store Pigs; eleven Horses; six Horses'- Harness, five Ox- ditto, two narrow wheel Waggons, fuurCarts, with Drags, Harrows. andPloughs, Field- roller, don bleCheese- pre- sa. id Leai Is, tw, Cheese- tubs, one Mills- lead, whey and butter Overs, Uarrel- cliurn, a quantity of Vats; several Stacks of HAY; and the Feed of about One Hundred Acres of Pasture Land until Old Lady- Day. An excellent Brewing Copper, Mash- tubs and Coolers, large iron- bound Casks, with other useful articles. The Fanning Stock will be sold the First Day, and begin with the Dairy Cows. Sale to begin ea h Day at Ten o'Clock. GLOCESTERSHIRE FOR SALE by AUCTION, at the Port Cullis Inn, at Chipping Sodbury, on Fri lay, the 26th day of February, 1813, at four o'clock in the after- noon, ( subject to sucli Conditions of Sale as shall he then aud there produced,) or in the mean time t. y Private Contract, of which public notice shall be given ;— A most desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE. Very pleasantly situated in toe Parish of YATE, in the following Lots: — LOT 1. A convenient and substantial FA RM HOUSE, with necessary Outhouses, and the Garden and Orchard adjoining, containing to gether about i Aud the following Closes of MEADOW or PASTURE GROUND adjoining thereto, viz. The Paddock, about The Close, about The Great Knowl, about 7 The Brierly, about 3{ And the Far Knowl, about 3$. 9* It is supposed this Lot abounds with Lead Mines. LOT 2. A Close, called Little Dingles, about... 3 Ditto Great Dingles, about... 7$ Ditto Withy Lease, about..... 5£ Ditto Great Sages, about . . b\ Ditto............. Little Northfield, about if 24 LOT S. A Close, called Upfield, about T Lor 4. A CI- se, cailed tiie Park, about 1J LOT 5. A Close ofArabie Laud, called Riding } Leaze, about. ... ^ ® All the above Premises, and particularly Lot I, are pleasantly situated in tiie Parish of Yate, and com- mand very picturesque and extensive Mows, and are within about 10 utiles from Bristol, and 12 from Bath, and about a mile from Chip, log Sudbury, 3 from Wick- war, and 8 from Ws » tton- uuder Edge aud Tliornburv, Market Towns, aud Willi. n about a nu t antl a half from Coal.— The Tenant has had notice to quit at Ltd) ( lay next. For a view of the Premises, apply to the Tenant- James Matthews; and tor further Particulars, ur to treat by Private C ntract, to M. ssrr,. Rolpti anil Mor- ris, . VltonueSj iu Tnoin urv. WILLIAM FORD, Aectioneer. A^ ISCCNANCOUS, ACCOUNT OF MOSCOW TN 1800. The following account of Moscow is from the Travels in Europe, Asia, ami Africa, by Dr.- Clark,- ami the late tremendous catastrophe of the conflagration of that city must render every one anxious to know something of t. WF. arrived at Moscow attliat season of the year ( April) in which this city is nicn- t interesting to strangers. Moscow is in every thing extraordinary, well in disappointing expectation, as in surpassing it; in causing wonder and derision, pleasure and re- gret. Numerous spires, glittering with gold amidst burnished domes and painted palaces, appear, in the midst of an open plain, for several miles before you reach Ihe gate, as you approach it from Petersburg!!. Having passed the gate, you look about vou and won- der what is become of the city, or where yon are, and are ready lo a- k, once more, how far it is to Moscow ? They will tell you, " This is Moscow," and you be- hold nothihg but a wild and scattered suburb, gardens, brick- walls, churches, cottages, palaces, timber- yards, and warehouses. One might imagine all the states of Europe and Asia had sent a building by way of repre- sentative, to Moscow ; timber huts from regions be- yond the Arctic, palaces from Sweden and Denmark, painted walls from the Tirol, mosques from Constan- tinople, Tartar temples from Bneharia, pagodas, pa- vilions, virandas from China, cabarets from Spain, dungeons, prisons, and public offices from Fiance, architectural mills fiom Home, r- traces and trellises from Naples, and warehouses from AVapping. Nor is the costmne less various than the aspect of the Imiic- ings. Greeks, Turks, Tartars, Cossacks, Chinese, Muscovites, English, French, Italians, Poles, aud Gennaus, all parade in the habits of ttieir respective nations. We were at Moscow at the time of the Easter fes- tival ; and as this is celebrated at Moscow with a de- gree of pomp and festivity unknown to the rest of En- rope, we shall procee d to give an account of it. The mo- t splendid pageants of Rome do not equal thr costliness and splendour of ttie Russian Church. Nor did the carnival at Venice exceed that of Moscow, in debauchery and superstition, licentiousness anil pa rade. The first ceremony to which we were witness, was that of Palm Sunday. On Ihe eve of this day, the in habitants of Moscow, in carriages, on hor « ibick, 01 foot, resort to the Kremlin for the purchase of palm branches, with which thev decorated their saints, both at home and in the streets. It is one of the gay- est promenades of the year. The governor, attended by alt the magistrates and nobility, go in procession, mounted on fine horses. The streets are lined with spectators, aud cavalry are station; d on each side to preser ve order. They proceed in this manner to tbe Kremlin, w hifth presents tiie gay spectacle of a ttiovimr forest. Every one makes it a point of religion to purchase one or more of these palm branches iu the Kremlin, and then to retain and pai a le the streets with tliem. Nothing can be more gay, lively, and beautiful. The second grand ceremony of this season takes place on the Thursday before Easier, at noon, when the archbishop washes tiie feet of the apostles. This we al- o w itnessed.— The priests appeared in the most gorgeous apparel. Twelve monks, designed to re present the twelve aposties, are placed in a semicircle before the archbishop ; upon which, he takes off his robes, girds up his loins with a towel, and then pro coeds to wash the feet of them all, until be conies to the representative of Si. Peter, who rises, and ad diesses hint in the dialogue which is recorded to have taken place between 0lU| Saviour and that <;|>/>- » )<-. AH this is performed iu tlie cathedral, and in tiie pre- sence of all Moscow, crow ded thither as spectators. The third, and most magnificent ceremony of all is celebrated tw o hours after midnight, in tiie mcrnini; of Easter Sunday, and exceeded every thing of the kind that I had ever seen. It is called the ceremony of the resurrection. At midnight, the great bed of the cathedral tolled ; its vibrations seemed the rolling of distant thunder, and they were instantly accompa- nied hy the noise of all the bells in Moscow. Ev<* y inhabitant was stirring; and the rattling of carriages in the streets was greater than at noonday. The whole city was in a blaze ; lights were seen in all tl; e windows, ami innumerable torches in the streets. Thr tower of the cathedral was illuminated front its foun- dation to its cross. The same ceremony takes place in all the other churches, and they are ail equally crowded. We hastened to the cathedral, which was filled with a prodigious assembly of all ranks and sexes, bearing lighted wax tapers, to be afterwards heaped as vows on the different shrines. The walls, ceilin and every part of the building, were covered by tiie pictures of saints and martyrs. In the moment of our arrival the doors were shut ; and, on the outside, appeared Plato the archbishop, preceded by ban ners and torches, and followed by all iiis trains of priests, with crucifixes aud sceptres, who were m » k ing three times, in procession, the tour of the ea thcdr. il: chauuting with loud voices, and glittering in sumptuous vestments covered with gold, silver, and precious- stoues. The snow had not melted so ra- pidly in the Kremlin, as in the streets of tile city this magnificent procession, therefore, was con strained to move upon planks, over the deep mud which surrounded the ratliedral. After completing the thud circuit, they all halted before the great doors, which were shut; the archbishop, with a censor, scattering incense against tbe doors, and over the priests. Suddenly the doors were opened, and the effect was beyond description great. The im- mense throng of spectators within, bearing innit movable taper*, formed two long lines, up which the archbishop passed, and advanced with his train to a throne item- the centre. The profusion ot lights in all parts of the cathedral, and amongst others, of ati enormous chandelier, whit h hung from the roof the richness of the dresses, and the vastness of the assembly, filled us with astonishment. Having joined the suite of the archbishop, we ac- companied the procession, and passed even to tbe throne, on which as strangers we were permitted to stand amongst tbe priests, and near an embroidered stool of satin placed for the archbishop. The loud chorus which burst forth as the procession entered the church, continued as it moved towards the throne, and after the archbishop had taker, his seat; when my attention was called off for a moment, by seeing a Russian crossing himself with one hand, and pit king his neighbour's pocket with the other! The archbishop soon after descended, anil went all round the cathedral; first offering incense to tlte ptiests, and then to the people as he passed along. When he returned to his seat the priests, two by two, performed the ceremony to tiie archbishop, who rose and bowed, holding a lighted taper in his baud. The people the wiioie time were bowing and cross- ing themselves. I had now leisure to examine the dresses and figures of the priests, which were certainly the most striking 1 ever sew. Their long dark hair, without powder, fell down in ringlets over llieir rich robes aud shoulders, tin ir dark thick beards likewise co vering their brea- ls. On the heads of the archbishop and - bishops were high caps covered w ith gems, sii( i adorned with miniature paintings set iu jewels, ofthe virgin, the crucifixion, and the saints! The robes of party- roluiired satin were ol the most costij embroidery, and even on liiese were miniature paint- ings set w ith precious stones. After about two hours had been spent in various Ceremonies, the archbishop, holding a cross, ad- vauced in the body ot tile church, which all the people crowded round liipi to embrace. He then entered the sacristy, whence, having put on a pur- ple robe, he again advanced, exclaiming three times w ith a loud voi e—" Christ is risen." The most remarkable part of tbe ceremony now commenced. The archbishop, descending into the body of the church, crawled round the pavement on his hands and kuees, kissing the consecrated pictures, whether oiv the pillars, Ihe wails, the altars, & c. The priests and all the people imitated his example. Thus waS Easter proclaimed, and riot aud debau- chery instantly broke loose. Drinking, dancing, singing, fitled the streets from night to day, and from day till night. But in the midst of all these excesses, quarrels hardly ever took place. The wild rude riot of a Russian populace is full of humanity. Few dis- putes are beard, 110 blows are given, aud 110 lives are udangered. On Easter Monday begins the procession of the pascal egg; lovers to their mistresses, relatives to each other, servants to their masters, all bring orna- mented eggs. Every present and offering at this sea- son is called a pascal egg.— The meanest pauper ill the street, presenting an egg, may demand a salute even of an Empress. All business is laid aside; the ipper ranks are engaged in visiting, balls, dinneis, suppers, masquerades ; whilst boors fill the air with their songs, or roll drunk about the streets, servants appear 111 new and tawdry liveries, anil carriages in tbe most pompous parade. I attended one of the public balls of the citizens given in onr inn. It was held in a suite composed of several apartments ; and a numerous band of music, coiisis'ing of violins, wind instruments, and kettle drums was provided for the occasion. A company of g psies was invited bv the master of the inn to enter- tain the company. A single ruble was the price of admission. Upon my entrance I found the assembly as various as a masquerade. On the benches were squatted Turks, with their usual gravity and indiffer- ence, looking on with a vacant state, unmoved by shouts of joy or tumultuous songs, or the noise oftlie dancing, or by a pair of kettle drums thundering close to their ears. In another purt were a party of Bncha- rtnsVith flat noses, high cheek boues, and little eyes; " ttieir heads shaven, and a small conical embroidered cap on the crown of their sculls; in red morocco boots, long trowsers of blue clodi. with a giulle and poniar » '. Besides these were Chinese merchants, Cossacks, and even Kalmucs. In the middle of the room the Russian boors and tradesmen were dancing with prostitutes, whilst their own wives and daugh- ters were walking about. A party of gipsies were dancing the national dance, called the Banna.. It resembled onr English hornpipe, but was scan ' alons- Sy licentious in its movements and expression. The male dancer expressed his joy by contortions, squeaks, convulsive spasms— sometimes standing still, then trembling iu all his limbs, to the music, which was very animating. The Russians acknowledge that they owe this dance to the gipsies, and we certa illy , owe our hornpipe to tiie same. Other gin- its, ac- cording to their universal practice, were toiling for- tunes, and begging, in return, for oranges, ices, & c, This extraordinary people, found in al! parts of En- rope, were originally one of tiie casts i f India, driven out ( f their own territory, and distinguished amongst the Indians by a name which signifies thieves. They preserve every where the same features, manners, rnsroms, and even dress. The extraordinary resem- blance of the female gipsies to the women of India was remarked by our officers and men in Egypt, ' Alien Geutral Sir David Baird arrived with bis army to join Eord Hutchinson. The seapoys had many of ttieir women with them, who were exactly like our fipsies. In other parts of the room were vocal performers, parties of ten or twelve each, sinning voluntaries. They performed with the most perfect concert and harmonjf. Though the fe uah dancers at the bail were for the greater part prostitutes, tile other women seemed to have no scruple whatever iu mixing w ith them. The ball of the nobles is of a vciy different kind; it takes place evi rv Tuesday, and it amy be truly said that Europe has not its equal. I v . is .: tea y struck with it. The coup d'cel on entering the grand saloon, was inconceivable. During ten years that I have been accustomed to see spectacles of a similar nature, in different parts of the continent, I have never seen any thing with which it might compare. The dresses were the most sumptuous that can be imagined ; and what is most remarkable, they were conceived in tile purest taste, and were iu a high degree becoming. The favourite ornaments of the ladies were cameos, which they wore upon their arms, 111 girdles round their waist's, or upon their bosoms. The women of France and England may go 10 Mos- cow in order to see their own fashions set off to ad- vantage.— Their drapery was disposed chiefly after the Grecian costume, and they wore their hair bound rOHml the head. It must be confessed, moreover, that no country in the world can boasi superior beau- ty; and when we add to this the utmost elegance in dress, and, wherever they get it, in taste, it may be imagined what, a scene » n< h splendour must exhibit. The dances were quadrilles, Polonese and English; but whatever name they gave them, they were dull and heavy, antl consisted merely in a sort of prome nade. Every person wore full dress; the men ap- pearing either in uniform, or in coats of very rich embroidery. One of the most surprising features, in the Russian national character is, their talent for imitation. This is the principle of all their operations. They have nothing of their own, bnt it is not their fault, if they have not everything others invent. Their surprising talents for imitation exceed all that has been hitherto known. The meanest Russian slave is sometimes able to accomplish the most intricate, and most delicate piece of machinery, an] to copy with his single hand what has demanded the joint labours of the bei- t workmen in England and France. If they were in- structed in the art of painting, they would become tile finest portrait painters in the world. In prool of this we saw one example, it was a miniature portrait of the Emperor, executed by a poor slave who had never seen him but once. In all that concerned re- semblance aud minuteness it was a most surprising work ; in Moscow , imitations of Maltese and Vene tian chains were offered for sale, capable of deceiving any one bnt a goldsmith. Our Birmingham manrgac- tory of jewellery and trinket work is infinitely sur- passed by them : the difference is, tbat what in Bir- mingham is done by fifty hands, is done in Moscow by one. They imitate our patents, Branian's locks for example, with a most surprising facility, equiiiiy good and infinitely cheaper. Even to the fine arts they carry this imitation. A picture by one of the greatest masters, was borrowed by one of the Russian nobility for his friend. The nobleman who owned the picture, had impressed his seal upon the back of if, and had inscribed verses aud niottos of his own composition. With so many marks, be thought his picture safe any where; but a copy so perfect was finished, Mill as to th « painting, and to all the cir- ciinistau'- os^ atVolour iu the canvass, tbe seal, and the inscription?; " that when put into the frame of the ori- ginal, and K tarried to its owner, the fraud was not discovered. 1, ' JTtiis circumstance was afterwards known only by the confession ot the artist employed. Signor Ciimporesi, au eti'(' in( iit artist now living at Mo'cow. assured me that, he que day entered a miserable cob- ' lei's hut in the snbqfbs, and observed a ragged pea- sant^ work. , It was a painter in enamel, copying very beautituhpictures. Tbe same person, he added, might have been found next day dead drunk in a cel- lar, or howling beneath the cudgel of his task- master. The fine arts indeed cannot flourish under the present Russian Government. Every Russian is either a slave or has received his freedom, lu the former case, he only works under the cudgel of his master, antl is called off whilst he is working at a picture, lo mend a chair, or drive nails into a wainscot. In the latter, where he is his own master, his national habits will lead him to get dead drunk instead of la- bouring. The booksellers' shops are much better furnished at Moscow ihaiiatPetersburgh. A catalogue of Russian authors, in some of the- shops, fills an octavo volume of two hundred pages. French, Italian, German, and English hooks are also to be bad. In aud near the city of Moscow reside a vast number of Russian nobi- lity, a foreigner might live many years tiiere without even knowing their names. Many of these having travelled, have magnificent libraries; and as the os- tentation and amusement of collecting, rather than the pleasure of reading books, has been the reason of their forming these sumptuous collections, the book- sellers receive orders to a large amount. When a Russian nobleman reads, it is commonly a novel— either some licentious trash in French, or some English romance translated into that language. Books of real worth are not to be obtained eitht r at the shops of Petersburg!! or Moscow. Costly Me. l frivolous vo- lumes, sumptuously bound, and gorgeously decorat- ed, constitute the precious pait of their libraries. Gaudy French editions of Fontenelle, of Mannontel, of Italian sounetteers, with English folios of butter- flies, shells, and flowers; editions by Baskerville, Benslev, Buhner, with hot- pressed and wire- wove paper; these are the composition of their shelves , classic authors," historians, lawgivers, aud poets-, will be looked fVc m vain. Alter London antl Constantinople, Moscow is, doubtless, the most remarkable city in Europe. The number and splendour of its equipages, and the num- ber of horses attached to each, surpass those of all the cities on the globe. There is hardly an individual above the rank of a plebeian, who would be seen without four horses to his carriage. The generality have six. Bnt the manner in which this pomp is displayed, presents a perfect burlesque upon slateli- ness. A couple of ragged boys are placed as posti- lions before a coachman, in such sheep skins, as aie worn by the peasants in the woods. Behind tbe car- riage are placed two lackies, more tawdry, but not Ics- s.' fiiJierous than the drivers. The harness more- over is so long, as to require the utmost care not to ba » e it entangled. The wives of the tradesmen, during tbe period of their festivals, are seen driving about, in draperies, with riches upon their persons sufficient to purchase a peerage. Caps made of matted work of peails, with Turkish and Persian shawls, aud diamond ear- rings, are often exhibited. (" To be continued.) Copy of a letter written by a British Officer of distinc- tion in the army of Admiral Tschichagoff, dated II Una, Dec. 10, " l812. " WILNA, Dec. 10, 1812.— Since my last, we have been incessantly engaged in close pursuit of the enemy; and although possessing 110 superfluity of provisions, still, with the assistance of a good cause and good hearts, we have been enabled lo continue reaping the fruits of our successful career. " The enemy did not accomplish tbe passage ofthe Beresina wi vbont seiious obstruction and considerable toss: and the eagerness he evinced to push forward towards Wilna was demonstrated by the precipitancy of his retieat, the route of which was marked all tile way by the abandonment of every thing that could impede in the slightest decree In* movements. The consequence has been, that in addition to those who fell in the repeated attacks and skirmishes which were daily occurring, the loads presented numberless victims of fatigue, famine, sickness, and want of I'll; tl( j being til* rnf the Ce. saek" to divest th4' U' pi ' >' of cloaths) lying dead or dying, like do;,-, by the sides of the roads through which we tnarehe ; nor were the different villages exempt; for those who possessed snffi ient strength to crawl to a place of shelter, exerted themselves to reach it, arid tiierr expired; so that the eye was continually occu- pied, and the attention arrested during the whole line of our advance, by spectacles at the idea cf wbii. fl human nature shudders; and the effect can never be erased from my mind. To add to the scene of horror, I observed a number of women, and evtn children, who had fallen sacrifices, and were promis- cuously scattered among other bodies in the road. " Although far flora rreduions, in placing implicit beliel in every idie tale that I hear in the course of our routes, yt t I cannot help noticing one relation which I hnve had the means of ascertaining with some degree of accuracy, and which is, that tbe enemy have absolutely fed upon racli other, so dieadful have been their wants 1— From the time thev left Moscow, they bad nothing permanent to tlepend upon but horse- flesh. All tiieir supplies were therefore casual. The inclemency of the weather rendered it difficult to have conveyed the necessary supplies. In one in- stance, when the enemy was quitting a town, the road, ' or about a verst, was so choaked with dead, that it was nearly impossible to step without putting Ihe foot upon one of them. During our pursuit, it frequently happened that we took up the identical apartments quitted by the F. mperor Napoleon tbe night before, sometimes breakfasting, at other times dining iu- the same reom. Ou one occasion, however, he played 11s a scurvy trick, by destroying the bridges, whic h we should otherwise have crossed, to repose under slnlter for the night. We were therefore com- pelled to bivouac in au adjoining wood until morning, which, at this season, in such a climate, is very far from being either healthy or agreeable.— In one in- stall e I had nearly lost my ears, from the intense coid ; and I have no desire for a repetition of it. The position taken hy the Admiral, when the French crossed the Beresiini, was by many among us consi- dered an error; but I must do tiim the justice lo say, if it were so, lie lias since mailt ample retribution ; for so rapid has been his pursuit, so incessant his at- tacks, so galling his hostile continuity to them, that he has never permitted them to eat, drink, sleep, or march, in quiet. During our pursuit, I have been fitqtiently led to compare the scenes that I have wit- nessed with what occurred when I served uuder Sir John Moore, in his memorable though fatal retreat to Corutina. I then thought our privations, hardships, and distresses, could never he equalled ; but I now know they can, and have been surpassed, and far sur- passed, in the present retreat, by the French; and what I then experienced may be termed a luxury, compared with what they have undergone. Latterly, the stragglers we pick up, and the pi isoners we take, are so emaciated and reduced, that tliey wear the appearance and carry the aspect of spectres rather than of men." behig taken In the house where tie had alighted, by some Cossacks, who suddenly rushed in. He was protected, however, by nineteen of his attendants or guards, interposing themselves between him and his assailants. During tbe scuffle in his rootn, tiie Em- peror escaped through a window into the yard, and hastened on foot, through many windings and bye- wavs, to . the troops of Bonrsier, who ultimately suc- ceeded in conveying him to Wilna. But Napoleon staid only two hours at Wilna— declared Murat Ge- neralissimo of all tiie tioops— and, under the name of the Duke of Vicenza, proceeded, according to one account, by the way of Kowno, Wilkowii kze, Wir- balten, See, to Warsaw direct; but, according to another, by the way of Thorn to Glogau. Thus much is certain, however, tbat by abandoning his army he has saved his own person ; and that the fugi- tives arriving here, receive orders to repair toGlogau. All the particulars which I have stated of Napoleon's personal danger are matters of fact, and have been declared by eye witnesses, who stood around him at Sizemsk. If is likewise universally believed, that the army which returned from Moscow, & e. is en- tirely dispersed into small bodies, which are still scuffling with the numerous Cossacks who pursue them. It is indeed asserted, that jAInrat has received orders to make another stand at Wilna, Kownn, & c. and 10 cause Maciiouald with bis corps, and Loison with his division to join him, together with Schwar- zenburgh and Revolt r, if possible ; but such a stand is evilli ntiy impracticable, for Wilna is already occu- pied by the Russians; and the army from Moscow, which does not number 30.000 nieu, is entirely with- out cannon and cavalry : while the junction of the different corps before- mentioned would be attended with many difficulties!— It is confirmed, that Bassano and several French Dignitaries, with the Foreign Ministers, all set off between the 5th and 8th inst. for Warsaw. The descriptions of tbe- misery at Wilna, and of the arrival ot fugitives, would exceed nil be- lief. Marshals, Generals of Brigade, and of Division, arrived there in disguise, 011 toot, horseback without a .- addle, in sledges, where five or six of tliein were huddled together, dragged by a single wretched horse, and covered with all manner of ill- assorted dresses and cloaks. Ridiculous as was their various and pie- bald appearance, it was calculated to excite compas- sion, as their distress was extreme. The men died by tliou- iiiids through the cold, which on the 7th was here at 20 degrees, and to this day continues from 14 fo 15 degrees of Reaumur, with a great fall of snow. The roads are choaked up with the dead, and conta- gious di.- tempers are frequent at Wilun, Kowno, and other places on our frontier," REWARDS OF THE RUSSIAN GENERAI. S.— The Prince of Sinoieusko has been invested with the high Older of St. George. The brave and per- severing Platoff has been raised to the very raic and eminent dignity of a Prince of the Empire; and Count Wittgenstein, whose sword was his only pa- trimony, has been presented with a valuable estate. The only marked exception from favourable notice was the Admiral Tchichagoff. It had been confi- dently anticipated that. bis troops would have taken the person of Bonaparte; and it is still contended that they might have done so, if the Admiral had not unnecessarily detained them at a certain village til the course of tile pursuit. We trust that upon investigation this officer will be able fo acquit him- self of any gross neglect of duly ; but when the triumph of the Russian arms wanted only this inci- dent to its completion, and was so near attaining it, we cannot much wonder that the supposed cause ot the failure should be judged with some severity. The Cossacks, who have contributed so greatly to the recent triumphs, are to be recompensed by the grant of additional privileges to their whole body; an. l, in utmii, they have offered, to bring 40,1) 00 fresh troops into the field, under their beloved leader, Prince Platoff. Extract of a private I , tei from Konigsbergti, dated Dee. 14 :—" The battle of the Berezina, 011 the 28th ult. was not a general engagement; Napoleon only opened himself a passage to get to Wilna. To effect tliii, he employed tbe lime from tbat day to the 7lii inst. and he owed his owi| safety to his guards; plough from the Berezyns to Wilna, th. i far greater pa t of them were either taken or destroyed, and he oov got through with a small proportion of them. H: personal safety, however, principally le pende'd 111011 the following circumstance:— Ba. ssauo had not rreived any intelligence, c ither from Napo- leon or torn the Grand Aimy, for three weeks, as none of hi messt ngers ever returned. A jew engag- ed, for twi hundred Napoleons d'or, to carry a letter to ttie Fnperor, and succeeded. The jew returned on tin 4tl iust. wi'ii an answer; wliei, upon Bassano ordered tie General of Cavalry, Bonrsi r, to move forward vit. the disposable troops from Wilua. to meet Nsnoleon. Boursier found h'. si atSizmisk, at ibe veiyuQiutwl when he was iu imminent danger af When Gen. Lefebvre was taken prisoner at the skirmish of Benevente, in Spain, he requested Sir John Moore would adow him tu to to Cnlais bv land, as a passage by sea always injured his health: and that on his honour as an officer, he would proceed to Do- ver, and give himself no as a prisoner of war. Sir Jiihn Moore replied, he might meet with some dan- ger in crossing the Channel; but he would allow him an English frigate which he knew would go safe to any part of the globe without difficulty, and would soon wait him over the bay. His subsequent conduct is a proof bow inticb his honour could have been relied on ; and it is to be hoped, should he be given up to Lord Ciithcart, tl. at his Lordship would be as atten- tive to liis conveyance as Sir John Moore was. It is said, that the General supposed by Flatoff to be Ney, killed in the battle of lit* no, on the 14th nit. was Gen. Lai'iboissiere, the Commandant. of the Artillery. Murat is said to have lost two of bis fin- gers by the frost. An odd incident in literary history happened to the late Mr. Column : when he was attacked for imputed plagiarism of a thought, from a play in manuscript, submitted to him as the magancr, he closed the alter- cation by paying, aud taking a receipt for— " Twenty Guineas, from G. Colraan, for a thought. " H. HIFFCRMAN." On Monday the 4th inst. the Enniskillen nmil coach going to Dublin, was attempted to be robbed within two miles of Dumshanghlin, but owing to she spirited conduct of Ihe guards, the villains were disappointed of their booty. Tiie two recently discovered forgeries of Parry and a tradesman iu the neighbourhood of Covent Garden, have made a serious impreS'ion in the mercantile world. The latter defrauoer has derived large sums from his speculations on the bank. He had a warrant of attorney to receive the dividends of Mrs. Linlev; and it is found that by means of a warrant which the lady never gave, ihe stock itself ban been sold out. At tiie City of Oxford sessions, a person calling liiinsi If John Davison, of gentlemanly appearance and manners, was tried and convicted before D. E. Taunton, Esq, Recorder of Oxford, for having in his custody one 101. two 51. and two ll. forged Bank of England notes, without being able to assign or prove any lawful cause or excuse. The prisoner was charged with the offence at Birmingham, but escap- ed from Ihe officers of justice. He was pursued by the constables fronl thence to Oxford, where they traced him to the Cross Inn, and took hint into cus- tody, antl on searching him they found the above forged notes wrapped up 111 a brown paper parcel, with two blank forged Leicester bank notes for ll. each, not filled up or signed, and also several coun- terfeit 3s. tokens. The charges being satisfactorily proved, the Court sentenced liim to he transported tor fourteen years. The prisoner proved to be Capt. Davidson, who was convicted in the year 1809 for stealing a quantity of muslin at Taunton, in Somer- setshire, and who was sentenced to be transported for seven years, bnt he had obtained pardon on con- dition of transporting himself for the remainder of that term. FIRE.— A most alarming and destructive fire broke out on Saturday night about eight o'clock, in the premises occupied by Mr, Lewis, known as the St. James's Coffee- house, Tavern, and Hotel, in St. Janies's- street, Piccadilly, which burnt with great rapidity, ami - threatened destruction to the whole range of buildings 011 lliat side of the street. The flames communicated to Hie premises ot Messrs. Kob- ier and Perceval, musical instrument manufacturers, the 1 oilier of Cleveland- row, which it soon consumed, tog, tiler with part of tin valuable stock in trade. Tue furniture in ihe adjoining homes was brought out by the firemen, aud placed in the yard of St James's Palace. The ffi e caught the Subscription House be- longing to Mr. Giaham, but by t^ e exertions of tiie firemen walking at twelve eugines, tU'j flaiusa were at length got under by two o'dooy the nfIt ^ o^ tng— III about an hour afterwards, a fresh eo.. dura- tion broke out, which commenced 111 the roof of another house; but by the activity of the firemen, the house was saved from complete destruction, mid the whole was got out by six o'clock. Several volun- teer corps, together with a detachment ofthe ? t i Light Dragoon), attended, to protect tbe property of the suffering inhabitants. During the time thtf goods were removing from one ofthe houses, a fellow, under pretence of helping the unfortunate inhabi- tants, was detected carrying off'some plate, and se- cured. Street Robberies and Pickpockets.— This daring des. cription of depredators have lately become so ajarni- iug again, that the officers and patrile have received instructions to apprehend all thieves of that descrip- tion wherever they meet with them. Ten persons were apprehended by the police officers as reputed thieves— two in Leicester- square, ou Friday morn- ing ; three in Oxford- street on the same evening, and five in St. James's- park on Saturday. Five were con. vieted under the Police Act as rogues and vagabonds, one was committed for further examination, and the rest for want of sureties. EXECUTION.— Monday morning Joseph Simmon* Winter, Benjamin Allen, aad Willuyi, Taylor, tor robbing tlie Sisters hoy of a quantity of raw silk and ostrich feathers, whilst she lay- in tlie River Thames; aud John Lemare, for forgery, were, pursitint to their sentence, executed before the debtors'-, k> c 1, Newgate, in presence of a vast concourse of spec- tators, who, at an early hour, filled every street and avenue contiguous to the scene of execution. Tin - e four unfortunate men were brought upon the scaffold at a quarter past eight o'clock, attended by tbe Rev. Dr. Ford, with whom they remained a few minutes in prayer, and appeared perfectly resigned to the fate they were doomed to suffer, wuich with becoming fortitude they met, and seemingly died w ilhout tiie least emotion; when their bodies, after lieitm sus- pended the nsiial time, were cut down, and taken back into Newgate, from whence they were taken by their relatives for interment. Ingram, who conveyed the silk stolen from Hie Sisters hoy, for which the above three men suffered, was 011 Friday secured by the patrole in a house at Ilford, and is since committed for trial. BANKRUPTS FROM SATURDAY'S GAZETTE. Henry Smith, Croydon, shopkeeper, Jan. 2fi, F b. 6, March6, at Quiidhalf. Att. Halbday, Sijohn's- sqiime. D. Sthtsm, Lower Fast Smitbfield, lavlor, jau 30, Feb. 6, March at Guildhall. Att. Isaacs, Bury, street, St. Mary Axe F>. Simms, Ashborne. Derby- shire, music- dealer, Jan. 29, 30, March 6, at the Green Man, Ashborne. A « ts. Gieaie-, Ashborne; or Kinderley and Co. Holbn. n. court, Gray's Inn J. Potter . jun. Sioke bv Navland, Suffolk, maltster, Feb. 1, 2, Match d, at the Angel, Colchester. Att=. Spar- ling, Colchester; or Cutting, Bartlett's buildings J. and . V. Baird. Watmslow, Cheshire, check- manu- facturers, Feb. 3, 4. March 6, at the Castle, Stockport. Atts. Baddeley, Stockport; or Milne ami Party, Tea], pie...,.. M . Parr, Strand, silveistuith, Jan. 26, Fob. 6, March 6, at Guildhall. Atis. Wybourn and Bmttc, Craig's,- court, Charing Cross Jus. Shoole't and Jo'.} 1 Sawyer, Lothbury, lilackwetl ha! l- factor » , Jan. 90, Feb. 6, March 6, at Guildhall. Att. Da> ie, Lothbury ... IV. Morgan, jun. Llanelty, Carmarthenshire, " F b. 5, 2- 2, March 6, at the White Lion Inn, Carmarthen, Atts. Clarke and Richards, Chancery- lalie ; or Da> ids and Joues, Carmarthen H'. Mas, liridgwater s.„ uiersetshire, linen- draper, Feb. 4, 5, March 6, at the Commercial Rooms, Bristol. Alls. Smith, lirislol; or Tarrant and Co. Chancery- lane......,/. Si< neoek. St- Alban's, linen- draper, Feb. 2, 13, March 6. at Gueil- hall. Atts. Pigott, St. Alban's; or Joues and Roche, Covent- Gaiden Church- yaid J. Noblelt, Hullco- lane- ends, Lancashire, manufacturer, Feb. 8,9, Mar. 6. at the Star, Manchester. Atts. Walker, M inches. ter ; or Ellis, Chancery- lane J. Tiylor, M isley, Lancashire, cotton- spinner, Feb. 33, 24. March 6, at tbe Dog. Manchester. AUs. Eflis, Chonceiy- ane; or Knight, Manchester S. Ctrkbarn, High- street. Ma- ry- le- Bone, meiohant, Jan. 30, F b. 6, March G, at Guildhall. Att. Druce, Billii# r- aqeaie, Fenchiir'ch- street S. Fdz^ erald, Tottnll sneet, Westminster, oil antl cnlourman, Jan. 30. Feb. 6, March, 6, ot Guildhall. Att. Veal, Abingdon. street, Westminster. J- Head, Liverpool, cabinet- maker, Feb. 15, 16, March 6, at the Globe, Liverpool. Atts. Bird, Casile Ditch; or Wilidle, John- street, Bedford- row lien, Dunster, Bride- court. Fleet street, scrivener, Jan. 26, Feb. 6, March 6, at Guildhall. Alt. Charsiey, Maik- lane T. Hughes, Cioss, Coinpton Bishop, and . Vow. Outtey, Shipham, Somersetshire, dealers in lead ore, Jan. 25, Feb. 8, March 6, at tiie Commercial Rooms, Bristol. Attf. liieasdale and Co. New Inn ; or Fry and Parker, Axbridga 1/. Neighbour. South street, Berkeley- square, stable- keeper, Jan. 27, Feb. 6, Mar. 6, at Guildhall. Att. Parton, Walbrook M. Porters, Point- street, Poitsmooth, silversmith, F- b. 2, 13, March 6, at Guildhall. Att. Isaacs, Boris Marks .' T. D. LaUiarn aud J. Parru, Devonshire- square, mer- chants, Jan. 26, Feb. 6, March 6, at Guildhall. Att. Mr. Dawes, A11 get- court, Thro.,' inorton stieet .. .. IV. Famett, Crimscott- street, Bermondsev, bmldet, Jan. 26, Feb, 6, Mar. 6, at Guildhall. Atts. Drew and Sons, Bermondsey-- treetiSouthivark... JF. / fns/ in. E'lis street, Chelsea, builder, Feb. 2, 4, March 6, at Guildhall. Att. Harvey and Warne, St. Helen's- plaee, Bishop- gate- street L Coek, LowerShadwell, biscuit- baker, Feb. 2, 16, March 6, at Guildhall. Att. West, lied Lion- street, Wapping J. Jetlif, Fishbone, ie, Sus- sex, meatman, Feb. 4, 5, Mar. 6, at the White Hart, Chichester. Atts. Tew aud Co. Covent Garden ; or Blagden, Chichester Che/ s. Jones, Wortben, Salop mercer, Feb. 9, 10, March 6, at the Royal Oak, Pool, Montgomeryshire. Atts. Steventon, Lincoln's Inn: or Griffiths, Pool S Alpress, St. Ives, Huntingdon- shire, dealer, Feb. 1, 2, March 6, at the Unicorn, St. Ives. Atts. Needman, Goodmanc'. ieMer; 01 Egau and Waterman, Gray's Inn- square. DIVIDEND.- Feb. 16. W. hrice, Bristol, merchant, at the Rummer, Bristol. CERTIFICATE, Feb. 13— T. Cassedy, Mangotsfield, Glocestershire, linen- draper. BANKRUPTS FROM TUESDAY'S GAZETTR. John Baker, Worthing, Sussex, carpenter and build- er, Feb. 2, 3, March 9, at the Steyne Hotel, Wor- thing. Atts. Watts, Worthing; or Nettlefold, Nor- folk- street, Strand T. Fassonv Whitscross stn et, Cripplegate, pewterer, Jan. 30, Feb. 6, March 9, at Guildhall. Att. Thomas, Feu- court, Fenchurch- street. G. IVardley, Blakeley, Lancashire, corn dealer, Feb. 22, 23, March 9, at S. Searle's, Middleton. Alts. Ellis, Chancery. lane; or Elliott, Rochdale Hrnj. Harrison, Bucklersbury, and T. Chamnion, Greal Win- chester- street, merchants, Jan. 30, Feb. 13, March 9, at Guildhall. Atts. Bell and Brodrick, Bow- lane R. Thresher., Cheapside, hosier, d. c. Jau. 3il, Feb. 6, March 9, at Guildhall. Att. Pearse, Salisbury- square. R. Thompson, Manchester, dealer in cotton goods, Feb. 15, 17, March 9, at the Mosley Arms, Manches- ter. Alts. Hewitt and Kirk, Manchester; or Hurd, Temple T. B. Pim, Ecvvick, Devonshire, paper- maker, Feb. 2, 23, March 9, at the Globe, Exeter.. Atts. Lamb and Co- Princes- street; or Surcombe- Exetet J. Allan, Gainsford- street, . Surrey, lighter. man, Jau. 30, Feb. 6, March 9, at Guildhall. Att. Dalton, Union- street J. IV. Foster, Everett- street, Brunswick- square, an'tioneer, Feb. 2, 13, Maieh 9- at Guildhall. AU. Greenhill, Rernard- street, Russel- " Jtmre Burge, Newport, Isle of Wight, and P. Gray, Whippingham, Isle of Wight, army. contrac- tors, graainrs, butchers, d. c. Feb. 15, 16, March 9, at tbe Bugle, Newport. Atts. Clarkes and Sewel). Newport B. Ctidland, Leicester, hosier, Feb 8 » March 9, at the White Hart, Leicester. Atts. Eil- amuds, Lincoln's Inn; or Dalbv, Leicester Wtrk- Fricker, Brighthelmston, Sossex, p umber, glazier, and painter, Feb. 3. 9, March 9, at the Oid Ship, Bright- helmston. Att. Palmer, Dongnty- street \ latthem Martin, Great Rvburgh, Nuifolk, grocer and draper. Jan. 28, Feb. 6, March 9, at the White " Lion, Nor- wich. Atts. Grand aud Staff, Norwich; or Pre. land and Proctor, Brunswick- square 7'. Park, Finch- lane, London, merchant, Jan. 30, Feb.' 6 March 9, at Guildhall.. Alt. Hindman, Ba- tnghall- si. eet ' J. Bteakiey, High- siieet, Whitectlapel, bu.' der a,. « undertaker, Jan. 30, F<- b 9, Mtucli 9 al Gu ' dealt. , AUs. Ware aod / unrig, B'ackman- street, Simthwai'fc. M. Harnett, High- street, Shddwell, slopseil'- r, iVi, 2., 9, Match 9 at Guildhall. Aft. Abrahams, J wrv « street Plant, Crown- street, Fiushurv sqo. n- a,, porter me. cuant and victualler Jan. 30, F.- o. 6, Mat. 9, at Gui. ioall. Att. Mariiudale, Edivard- street, Ca- vendish- square. BiNantirrciKS stirr. itsr. DED,-. 7". Tartan, Cnch Der. bysh ie, cotton- spiuner J. fx/ tan, Cricti, Ptiae- SKI REJ CQITPU- IJJ. IUNER.
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