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Belfast Commercial Chronicle


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Belfast Commercial Chronicle

Date of Article: 12/08/1812
Printer / Publisher: Drummond Anderson 
Address: Belfast
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1171
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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NUMB EH 1,171 ] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1812. [ PRICE 5D. NEW TEAS. TOHN IRWIN Sc CO. have received, per the DONEGALL, from LONDON, A Parcel of TEA, from last Sales, IK ADDITION TO THEIR FORMER STOCK, Which, with every Amide in their Line, will he diipo » « d • f oo moderate Terms. 71S) < 5, Rosemary- street— August S. M'ADAM & MC LEERY HAVE just received, per the Aurora, from LONBON, and have on hand, Fine and Common Congou, Souchong, tttd Green TEAS, Very Fmt, Fine, and Second SCALE SUGARS, Refined SUGAR, and CANDY, Miserable— Indigo— Refined SaltpetreRoxin, Aln'iiit: ElMla— Mustard'— Pimenta Peart Athc*~~- W1A:<. Ginger, £ zV. Arid an Assortment of SPICES and DYE- WOODS, Which they will dispose of on moderate terms. They have likewise ( or sale, NINE THOUSAND AMERICAN CANE REEDS, of an excellent Quality. 492) Belfast, June 2S JV E W R y. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Jn tit Comnsncur. Cbtrnn- RoOM, Waring'Stroet. on FRIDAY the 14th instant, at the Hour of TWELVE o'Clocl, FOUR SHARPS in the BELFAST INSURANCE COMPANY, and THREE SHARES in the LA- CAN NAVIGATION Approved Bills at Three Months will be taken in Payment. ( 733) Augu t 7. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, tit SATURDAY tie 15th int. on the fremiti!, at the hour of ONE Clock, THE ' LEASE of a large commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with suitable OFFICES, and two Acres of MEADOW, at the low Rent of £ 3 per Annum. Alio, if required, S£ Acres of MEADOW, the Rent .£ 10— The • W hole adjoining Mr. JOHN WATSON'S concern, on the road leading to Holywood, and only two minutes walk from Bel- f<: lt.— The Meadow extending from the rear of the House to the Shore, renders the situation very convenient for Sea Bathing— The whole h* ld under LORD Sfescen CHICBES- TES for a long term of years.— Terms at Sale. MACFARLAN, Auctioneer. AUGUST 3. ( 719 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the Premises, on the 1Stb August next, if not previously dis- posed of by Private Sale, of which due notice - will be given, TWO SMALL FARMS OF LAND, con. ne& ed together, situated in the Townland of Fullycar- nett, on the great road from Comber to Belfast, County i Down, and only about two and a half miles from Belfast, and Jour from Comber. No. 1, contains 9 A. 1 R. subjecft to the • mall Yearly Rent of £\, 2s. 3d per Ac e; and No 2, con- tains 9 A. 2 R. 30 P.— Rent £ 3, 8J. 3d. per Acre, held under JOHN M'CANCE, Esq, for two lives. There is on No. 1, a Good DWELL I NO- HOUSE, arid sufficiency of OFFICE- HOUSES for both Farms, all in thorough repair', fit to ac- commodate a genteel Family; and in No. 9, a good FARM- HOUSE, in thorough repair. The Lands are . ill in a high atate of improvement, well fenced, and mostly all finely ma- nured with dung ai. d Hme, and upwards of ten acres now under Wheat, and th » remainder under Oats and Grazing. The L » nds are naturally good, and fit to produce abundant Crops of any kind, and well worth the attention of any Far- mer; or would answer well, from the situation, to accom- modate a genteel Family. Fifty Pounds deposit required at Sale, and the remainder on perfecting the Deed. There will be sold on same day, a quantity of Oats on foot. Any person inclined to purthase, may apply to the Proprietor, ROBT. TOMEN, on the Premises; or CHAS. JEFFERS, Auctioneer. An experienced LAliOURER wanted, who tan be well recommended. Tuilycarnett, July 2. SALE to commence at TEN J Clad. ( 664 TO BE SOLD BY.. PUBLIC AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY, the 19fA day of August next, rjPHF. LEASE of 23 A. 0 R. 23 P. <> f the - I*- Lands of MONHREA, held under Lord DITNOAN- KON, during One Life, at a moderate Rent.— Upon said Lands there is sufficiency of HOUSING, and are laid down with Grase- seed, with " a considerable proportion of Meadow. At xme time will be Sold, several Acres of PoTATaE OATS, with some HAY — Terms of Sale, Fifty Pounds to be paid upon the Purchaser being declared, the remainder may lie some time, upon giving approved security. ( 704 AUCTION Of a most desirable CONGER N, fair the Mercan- tile or Provision Business, THAT large, commodious CONCERN, No. 26, JAMES- STREET, containing in front 65 Feet, and extending backward 135 Feet; on which has been Built wi'hin t'r. e last eight years, an excellent DWELLING- HOUSE, with a large STORE in the rear The whoie is enclosed by a 1.4 inch wall; the yard completely Paved, and on the front there is Budding Ground for Two Houses.— Thie Concern will be Set up to AUCTION at Mr. JAMES HYND- MAN'S Office, Donegall- street, on MONDAY the 31st i » st. precisely at ONE o'clock. For further particulars etiqu're at the Premises, or at No, 1, Calendar- street. ( 735) Belfast, Aug. S TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE SALE, AFARM of LAND, within a few minutes walk of SA1NTFIELD, containing Thirty- two Acrei, and half an Acre of Turbary. Cunningham Measure, at the Yearly Rent of £ 1 per Acre, during the being of two young Lives, at the fall of which ^ t will come into the hands of Viscount NORTHLAND. A liberal Credit will be given. For particulars, apply to HUGH CLARKE, Ballyma- fcarrett.— Mr. THOMAS CLARKE, of Saintfield, will shew the Premises. Augu « t 7, 1812. N. B. If the above Farm be net disposed of by private Sale prior to the 7th September, it will be SOLD by Public AUCTION on that Day, at the House of Mr. THOMAS CLARKE, in Saintfield. ( 732 N. B. Sale to commence at ONE o'clock TO BE SOLD, HP HE HOUSE, OFFICES, and FARM of -* HENRY- HILL, within a Mile and a Ha'f of BAN- BRIDGE. The House auJ Offices are in good repair: the Farm contains Thirty- four and a half Acres, Cunningham Measure, ot excellent Land, in hi^ Ii order, with several thousand Forest Trees, in full growing ;— there is also half an Acre of TURF BOGi'thf whole held for 1700 years from November, 1759, at the Yearly Rent of - SIS, 16/. Also, the HOUSE and FARM of SOLITUDE, adjoin- ing the above, containing Twenty nine Acres, like Measure, at the Yearly Rent of ^ 10, 4i held tor an unexpired term of Six Years Twenty- four Acres, ihree Roods,- and HI Perches of said Land, with the House and Offices, ate Lit to a good Tenant, for £ 59, 10< per Annum. Written Proposals for said Lands, will be received by ANDREW M'CLELLAND, Banbridge, until the 31st August insSUiit, who will give every information respiting the Title. ( 72}) BANBRIDGE, August 4v REAL SPANISH RED WINE. BENNIS CAULFIELD hourly expefti the arrival of the Newry, Capt. LutK. direi*. from ALIIANT, with 200 Pipes, 50 Hogsheads, and 100 Quarter- Casks, Which he counts on to be Old Rich High- flavoured WINE, and on arrival, ho will sell SAME by AuSion, without re- serve, of which due Notice will b • given, with long credits 149) NEWRY. June 16. 181J- WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ACLOTH- LAPPER, who p- rfeflly understands his Business, and can give satisfactory references for eh& ra& er and abilities.— Apply to JOSEPH CAMP3ELL, MOOR EVA LX. NEWRY, July IS. ( 625 TO BE LET, And Possession given the first d. ty of October stent, HI " HAT new! Y- erei? ed MII- L and XILN, in ( he Town- I land of Dromgooland and Parish of Loughinisland, and County of Down, by the late M* r « TW FOR « , E » Q— The Mill is well- supplied with Wa- er, and a second pair of Stones for grinding Flour, with Dressing Machinery, SLC, & C. There are Ten Townlands will be bound to said Mill, and about Ten Acres of good Land. For further particulars, apply to Mr ROBERT EROWM, Agent, who will receive Proposal, until 1st SeptemVr next 535) SsAFORD, JuneS9, 1812. I5EECH VALLEY, iDjetXIXC THE TOWN OF nUKGAVSOK. TO BE SOLD irr AUCTION, on the Prtmuet, at tht Hour tf ONE o'CUei, OH immSDAY, the S6ti day of August ne* t, LL ' HREE Excellent DWELLING- HOUSES, situated on - L Four Acres of good Land suitable for Genteel Families. 7' wo of them have wailed in Gardens, with Coach and OF- fice- Houses, and are at present Let to Tenant! at will, for Sixty Pounds per Anncm. The otfler i « in an unfinished State, but tan be completely finished at a small expense. The above ARE heW in Peipetuify under the Right Hon Lord Viscount NOR T ELAND, sttbjtcf to the small yearly Rent of Twenty Pounds per Annum, and will be sold sepa- rate or together, TE accommodate the Purchaser. Any information RESPECTING the same, may be had by ap- plying to Mr. DAVID COULTER, Ballygawley; Mr. WMJ. IAM SPROULL, Belfast ; or Mr. DAVID COUL- TER, Dungarmcn, who will THEV; the Premises. « 92) . July 29, 1812. COUNTY OF DOWN. TEE SIMPLE ESTATE TO BS SOL- D, FRF. E from all Incumbrances, the Title under an A& ol Parliament. The Townhnds of LOUGHORN, SHIN, SNLISNA- REE, containing above 760 Irish Acres, within a R. ng Fence, and situated wit- in four miles of Newry. Proposils may be made for these Townlands together, OI for any of them separate y, to TUOMAJ GREER, Newry; or to GKOROE CUEZITR, Dominick- street, Dubltn. ( 444 .•.... IT 1. • • • — R— YIR I * r ' r^- trr— IVESTMINSTER MEETING. On Wednesday a meeting of the Trends of Par- liamentary Reform took place in P il. iee- yat'd, West- minster. The business being opened with the usual forms-— Major CXSTWRIGIRR came forward to propose cer- tain Resolutions, and a Petition to Parliament on the subject, for fhe consideration of which the meeting was called. He prefaced his motion with a speech, in which he recommended to them two patriotic soci- eties which had lately sprung up with a view to pro- cure a veforrn in Parliament; namely, the Hampden and Union Clubs Having described the nature of these societies, and their proceedings at some length, he adverted to a pamphlet which' he had'published 13 years ago, in answer to a publication by Sir Jas. Stew- art, and contended that a fax upon capital, which the Chancellor of the Exchequer had given them reason to' exbeet, from a hint which he had thrown out at the'close'of the last session of Parliament, was simi- j lar to the plan recommended by Sir Jas. Stewart, and which he ( Major C.) had combated. [ Ii; re he read copious extracts ft. om the arguments he had used on that occasion.] He then went on to complain of the exertions made by those in power to stifle the voice of the people' when raised to assert their right to a re- form in Parliament; and observed, that no fewer than 37 ] i" rsons were now confined in Lancaster jail for no other offence, than that they had met to cons - d.~ r of yiefitionintr Parliament for a teform. After a variety of other observations, he concluded by moving a string of resolutions, the spirit of which is contain- ed in the petition- The resolutions were carried by acclamation. ^ Major CARTWIUGHT then submitted the following petition, which lie moved should be " adopted as the petition of the meeting :"— To the It> i1. the Cnnimnns of Great Uritaih and Ireland, in Pf rUitnufnt aswrnf> kd,-— The Petition of th* Inhabitants, Sjusetto'iers of the city of H^ eatmii'iter. 1. National calamity and discontent now wear an aspect so terrifically threatening, we should be degenerate English men, and as thoughtless as degenerate, did we not call on your Hon. House to remove without delay, the horrid, the hateful cause. 2. That cause all men know. In your Hon. House the People are not represented. 3. ' fhcre, where they ought to find protection, they have found a fearful something, not of legal birth, a factious us surpntion, a many- headed oligarchy, that tramples alike on prince and people. 4. So cireumstaaced, their contributions to the treasury are not the free gifts and grants, the grateful incense of con. fidetice aivl affection, to their lawful Sovereign ; but arbi- trary enactions axtorted from them by the arm of pbwer. 5 And we feel t| iat these exactions are inquisitorial, op- pressive, Vexatious in the extreme, and, to say all in a word, a dugradirjg badge of slavery; for " taxation without repre- sentation" defines tyranny. 6. This is the true character of the system, even while Artofined to taxation on income ; but the Chancellor of the Exchequer has now taught us tp expect 3n early taxation on capital; that is, not A m'ere taking of a proportion of rents anil profits, but a taking away of a part of the estate itielf. 7. The dullest understanding must perceive, that a tax on capital, annually repeated, must shortly take away the whole of every man's estate. 8. I5 « fween the effect of such tout ion and the effeet of } confiscation, jour petitioocrs » re nc* « i>! c to distinguish. 9. But it is most manifest, THAT as. neither land nor goods arc by taxation really annihilated,* so the true effect of the system is, that all property is transferred from the right own- ers to the Oligarchy in your Hon. Mouse; who, by posses- sing a power of arbitrary taxation, do at their will and plea- sure, either for thai: own proat, or ia support of their usur- pation, dispose of that. property. 10. It is equally manifest, that a » the Crown must have rvHance for its revenue on THOSE who are masters of all NI- tional property, so the said Oligarchy; in having usurped . the legisl, tive rights of the people, whereby they have become masters of the entire property of the nation ; and in having, by the same means, brought the Crown into a shameful de- pendence on their faction,— have grossly violated, nay, wholly subverted the constitution. 11. Until, therefore, that Oligarchy shall by A radical re- form be put down, our country can have no hope of seeing an end put to its calamities. 12. We coma not to vour Hon. T, Ious « ( AS we trust it 1 will believe) to utter the idle words of passion, of intemper- ' ance, or disrespect; but, according to our right and our ! duty, to COMPLAIN. of a wrong which we hope the nation will ; no IDNJFER endure ; but incessantly demand justice until it be obtained. 15. We moreover complain, and with A poignmt sense J) f the contemptuousness of the treatment, that, of the numbcr- Uss petitions for redress of this greatest of all national grievances, which, for thirty years past, have been laid on your table, not one has obtained for the people a panicle of their violated rights. 14. Prolific wrong hath teemed with its disasters, its crimes, and its calamities., until at length the countless array \ portends, if the proper remedy be not without further pro- crastination applied, to sweep before it the last remnant of ' our freedom, exposing, at the same time, our much injured country to dire convulsion, bloodshed, and anarchy. IS% While the Peers enjoy all the hereditary privileges and legislative authority uninterrupted and undisturbed, the people, for whose benefit it is eaid those privileges and that authority are only held in trust— the people have no- i thing of political liberty or legislative authority left; for instead « f those " Undoubted rights and liberties" which in the bill of rights their icestors declared, but did not esta- [ hlish, they find in their place the dire seourge of " taxation without representation," instead of a free Commons House of Parliament, an assembly in whieh they scarcely know where to find an independent Member truly identified with them and their constitutional liberties. 16. When it is publicly known THAT a seat in your Hon. House for Wotton Basset made an item in the accounts of A bankrupt ( Mr Beniamin Walsh) as a commodity saleable for the benefit of his creditors; when it has been openly avowed in your Hon. House itself, that a sale of its seats ought not to be punished because it was becorr..-; as notorious as the sun at noon day ; when we know that several in triguing agents of the Nabob T> f Arcot. once by means of Asiatic gold, became Members of your Hon. House; when we have grounds for believing that, on another occasion, a French King's concubine ( Madame Pompadour) purchased for her English agent A seat in your Hon. House in a time of war with France; and WHEN from such a state of things it of course follows, that at a general election the Emperor Napolerm may, by means of Frer. ' h gold, place in your Hon. House " under the mask and character of representa- tives of English boroughs," t numerous band of his pen sioner! in the French interest— when such tilings have been, and may again be, it is, as your petition- is humbly think, high time for a radical reform. 17. Although 19 years ac; o, in • Petition entered on your Journals on 6th ! May, 17 9- 3, it was averred that your Honourable House did not represent the nation; thereby agreeing with Sir George Saville, who, in his place in Parliament eleven years before, on 7th May 1782, had so- lemnly delivered it as his well- weighed opinion, thai your Honourable House " might as well call itself the Repre- sentative of France as of the people of England " yet, from that day to this, now full 30 years, your Hon. House has | been content rather to acquiesce in the reproach, than to attempt a denial of the fact. 18. Here your Petitioners trust they cannot offend by adverting to the claim of your Hon. House to be, in respect of the elective aud legislative rights of the people, a Court of Judicature; nor can be thought deficient in respect, by endeavouring to shew the utter inconsistency in the practice of your Hon. House with the principle of that claim, and the obligation it imposes. 19. In the invariable postponements, or rather denials of justice, which, on all applications for a substantial reform in the legislative representation of the people, has been the invariable practice, your Petitioners with deference contend, that your Hon. House therein uniformly disregarded N dis- tinction which it could not legally, or morally, overlook ; and departed from a straight course of juridical proceeding, from which, as a Court of Judicature, it was not at liberty to depart- 20. Your Petitioners know that your Hon. House, in its functions of legislation, although limited by the Consti- tution and the liberties of the nation, must necessarily be free, within those bounds, to exercise on all occasions a sound discretion ; but when your Hon. House, as a Court of Judicature, is appealed to for justice, it hath not, in the humble judgment of your Petitioners, any discretion at all ; but, by a duty as sibvious as it is sacred— A duty owing both to God and to our country, it is bsitud promptly to inquire, and forthwith to decide. , 21. On the principle of law, « That there is no wrong without a remedy,' we believe we may without fear of con- tradiction affirm, that if, touching the elective and legisla- tive rights of the people, your Hon. House be indeed a Court of Judicature with exclusive jurisdiction, and as such be petitioned for redress ot' the greatest of all wrongs, it cannot in such case BECOME A question, whether it shall or shall not, try the issue and r'cnd.- r justice; for, to the ap- prehension of your petitioners it is manifest, that its such case there can be no alternative; that the judicial functions of your Hon. House must be performed ; that it must both hear and determine, and without delay, according to law and to the sacred rights of the nation, recognized and declar- ed in Magna Charta. 22. The argument of your petitioners has the powerful support of Lord Chief Justice Ellenborougli, the late Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and the present Chancellor of Eng- land having, on 24th June last, stated in Parliament, that the interference of the business in Chancery With the judicial business of the Lords having caused a vast arrear in the dis- patch of appeal causes, to tile extreme inconvenience and vexation of the suitor!, whence it was obviously necessary the Chancellor should have assistance in his own Court, ' Lord E lenborougii concurred in opinion that some prompt arrangement was absolutely necessary, with a view to the more expeditiously hearing of appeals ; otherwise there would be a denial of justice to the public, and the character of the House would be disgraced.' 23. For a pretension So monstrous, as that of denying jus- tice, or of indefinitely postponing it according to will and pleasure, your petitioners doubt if any example could be found on this side of Algiers or Morocco. 24. The claim of your Hon. House to an exclusive juris- diction over the elective and Legislative Rights of the na- tion, wholly rests on a presume d danger to public liberty, should cause's touching those rights be decidable in the courts of law; because those causes might then, it is argued, be removable by appeal into tile House of Lords, and so that House might acquire over the independence of your Hon. House an improper influence. 2£ After noticing how easily a statute might cut off that danger by barring the appeal, it only remains to calculate the danger itself, should the law continue as it now stands, and a radical reform in the representation take place. Un- der such circumstances, it may through the aid of history be believed, that an election APPEAL to the House of Lords roust be S prodigy not likely to HA' seen in seven centuries; and, therefore, in respect, of danger, a must extraordinary p'. ea in the months of men who have a certain knowledge tljat usurping Peers are at this moment, absolute masters of swats in your Hon. Hoilsfe by hundreds; and that iu their h^ nds those seats are a source of nought but rank, faction, jobbing, barter, sale for so much hard money, and all that is politically corrupt or profligate. 2FI. On a point so supremelyimportant, as that of the na- tion having been by intruders disinherited of its Constitution, and, forcibly kept out of possession, despoiled of those sa- cred. iijhta, liberties, and properties, which distinguish free- men from shivos, it is not- possible, agreeably to law or rea- son, that any Court of Judicature can in EaglanilJie allow-, ed a " discretion, either to render, or not- to reader justice, at its mere will and pleasure : 27. Wherefore the undersigned, not soliciting a favour, ' » lt'claiming justice, now confidently trust, that an issue in* the case common to their; selves, to the whole nation, and to their posterity, will at length be tried without' further denial or postponement. 28. Your Hon. House is entreated to reflect on the na- tural consequences that must follow, if a court, of judicature were openly to, break down the ifignr'Sful wroirg', ill a case wherein IF* O^ TF'eicn- intereHt could neither be hidden nor disguised ; if, against the universal sense of mankind, and in defiance of shame ; if, in the face- of day, in a maticr • VIL- EL * n., « vt> ry. i » Jcre » t^•, o£ tije.. comniunity, it should fragrantly deal out injustice instead of justice, tyran- ny instead of protection ; and if in the same persons the peo- ple should see their oppressors and their judges. 29. Your Hon. House is therefore exhorted to consider how, in its present unreformed state,' it- can be a competent guardian of the people's share in, the constitution; seeinj' that in breach of that Constitution, if does not reprcs-. it the nation, and that moreover, a certain part of its members are iu the visible receipt of m/ en- y from the Oro" Tv, certainly not given them to protect the rights of that nation, and to ail amount of nearly ttvo hundred thousand pounds a year. ' 30. If, with Mr Burke,, we look on a House of Com- mons as " in the higher part of Government, what ft. Jury is . in the lower ;" anil' if we consider how . traneeend » iitly. more important it is, that no suspicion shoijld fall on a vote affecting a whole kingdom, than on a verdict merely affect- ing an individual, it certainly cannot be reconciled to jus- tice, to common sense, or to decency," that any Member . of your Hon House, who is a servant. , iu the pay of tile Cl'own, or the dependent of a elosc- borougli patron,' should be al- lowed to vote on any question touching the property or the legislative rights of the people St. In the composing of a Jury for a cause between man and man, no servant in the pay of one of the parties could be put on the pannel; but should he surreptitio usly get there, and theu give a verdict for his paymaster, an indelible infamy would attend him to his grave. • S'I. When a charge is exhibited against any particular Mem- ber of your Hon. House, usage requires that - he refrain from voting in bis own cause, as self- interested. On be- half of ourselves and fellow countrymen, the people of Eng- land, we your petitioners, claim the benefit of this whole- some usage. In trying tile issue which this petition'brings before your Hon. House, we, therefore, prav that neither placemen, ' nor pensioners, nor sinecurists, in the pay of the croWn, nor the nominee, nor any person in the pay of any close- borough patron, be allowed to vote. 34 Other causas of disqualification bfcirig likewise noto riously known to the nation, we also pray that it may lie re- quired of overv remaining Member, to declare upon his ho- nour as a gentleman, that to the best ' of " his know edge and belief, he owed his election wholly to the free choice Of men uucorrupted by reward, given either before or after his" re- turn, as well as uninfluenced by threats or unconstitutional influence oi'any kind. 35. And your petitioners, for averting convulsion or blood- shed, anarchy, or the hateful despotism of military govern- ment; and claiming on behalf of themselves and the com munity of England, as well as their posterity, a fairlv- pro- portioned representation, co- extensivc, with direct taxation, in Parliam- nts of a duration not exceeding one year, also pray that these undoubted rights may be secured to them ; that so, what by Magna Charta and the bill of rights, was left imperfect and unfinished, by now putting the nation act- ually in possession of the undoubted ri ; hts and liberties on these occasions only declared, may be at length fully com- pleted and established, and the English constitution once more rise from its own ashes, with renewed life and impro- ved energy, for the benefit, the tranquillity, the happinesi, and the glory of our country, to the end of time. Mr. HARKIS seconded the Petition. Colonel MARTIN, ( VI. P. f- r co. G. ilway), s lid he was a friend to the cause of R form, altliou li he did not altogether approve the means by which it was intended to be brought forward. In. one thing, how- ever, he perfectly agreed, and that was, in the censure passed on those pu'ilic men, who in times of danger had refused to rally round the King and the Consti- tution. But supposing the Petition was adopted, what would be the consequence ? There had been a gene- ral and too tiue complaint of the want of public vir- tue in public men, but it had not been shewn th t the radical Reform proposed would make public men more virtuous. As to the mode of annual elections, he. thought tint it would only mike them lose more of the time which on those occasions they took from their usual avocations, and increase the anarchy too prevalent at general elections.— f Some m> u mnrs)— He had voted for Parliamentary Reform in Ireland— but in that country grievances had come to a height, to which nothing existing in England could surely be compared— for it was calculated, that the right of re- turning more than two- thirds of the Members of the Irish Parliament was the patrimony of a few families. Notwithstanding the annual elections, - still men of opulence would be returned.—( A voice front, the crowd, " Aye, but honest ones." J— The Hon Gent, approved the sentiments of the persons who had spo- ken from the crowd ; but such were the constant and arduous duties of a Member of Parliament, that no man could undertake to fulfil them, unless lie had an independent fortune.—(" W^ ll^ iifclhemsopiething.'' said a voice from the crowd.)— The Hon. Gent, again approved sentiments like this, an.} men capable of uttering them were worthy of that liberty which is the object of the raeetingto obtain.—( Bravo! bravo! J This was certainly the best mode of rendering \ Members of Parliament independent of Government— but, in the present circumstances, he was afraid it would prove rather biirthensome to the country.— He would recommend to petit * i Parliament, first to inquire into the state of general representation.— ( Murmurs.)— Differing, as he did, from them, in maay instances, he would not, however, give his vote against the proposition. Sit FRANCIS BURDETT stepped forward, he said, to make a few observations on the remarks made by an Hon. Gent, from the sister country. The meeting had heard him with becoming silence ; bat they ought also to feel obliged to him for thus avowing his honest sentiments on the important subjects which had brought them together. What a difference between s.: ch a conduct and that of English Gentlemen, who avoided as much as possible to appear at public meet*, ings. A gentleman belonging to a coun: iy so iutei est- ing to England, had, in the present circujn'Sf. ift. ce, submitted to the meeting his opinion on a Subji ct i f the highest importance ; an4 a'tiiC' 4£ h he d i as agree with him, yet he thought that his candour and lils manliness deserved the thanks of the' meeting.— '( Uravo. J— Not so with the gentlemen of this . coun- try— they were so dead to all feelings <> f liberty, that rather than attend to the voice of the, people, they " were wiflitig to surrender their own'situation in life, aiid the influence it gave them. They forgot that formerly English gentlemen constantly united with the people in that Sacrefdcause— that they were a I ways foremost in it, and willingly sacrificed their for- tune, arrdshed thtir blood, to contribute to its success The Hon. Gent( had stated as his opinion, that the proposed radiqal . reform would not be productive « f nior. e -. vittue anir/ itg . public men ; that might be, and he was afraid that for some time it would be so ; but it would. make it more dangerous for them to be knaves, . and in the present state of public morality, that was the bttSt. StK- i-' tity th" pilblic'cfuld have of their liberties.— ( t.' ivd applauses.)— The Honourable . Gentleman had next st'Sted, that even after a radical reform, men of property would still be returned as Members — This was mfgnt, he supposed, < o convey the idea that the present Meiiibeis of the House Iwere all men of property. This he denied ; they made their property in that House, and afterwards in^. tlted the public with their'urfhallowed wealth.—( BravoJ.— If tliey were returned by annual elections, they wrfjuul ianientary not have time to make their fortune by P, traffic.—( Bravo).— They would have to ieitle every year with their constituents, and it waS a h- tfiv lv, but a true sayfn made long a liofn that short reckoning friends."—-( Bravo).— A. nn', i:; l elections would pre- ment that corrupt, that infamous intercourse between Members of Parliament and the Ticastry Benches- - He did not say Ministers, for succeeding Ministers were like straw floating on the stream, tlvey follow'ed its course without being able to direct it. By that system, the King himself was tied doWn in the exei - - eise of his prerogative.— He could- not appoint those Ministers, which,' in his opinion, were best calculated to direct the affairs of the State, but he was compelled to study the feelings of a taction, whieh crushed both the King, and the people. This set ot cut- purses, far so lie would call them, by exercising that undue in- fluenc.', had full opportunities of fattening on the vi- tals of the country. It was true that the Members of the House of Commons were styled the . guardians of die public purse; but when they kept it so open that every thief " might put his fingers in it, he thought that it was better to have no guardians£ t all.—( Bra- vo, and a laugh.)— He knew that there was a great talk of the dangers which threatened the State, from the inveterate hostility of Bonaparte, but the Hon. Bart, thought the danger was more imminent at home. , Why should we look exclusively at a disease affecting the extremities, to pass unnoticed the rank corruption which preys, on the vitals of the State! Liberty was the blessing for which Englishmen most valued their " native land : bnt if that liberty was to be destroyed, if the people were only to bj allowed to traivl on the f. ice of the country, neglected, despised, a'n': l trodden under foot, what could a conqueror do wo- se ? If England was conquered, the internal face of the coun- try would still remain the same. The buildings and the plantations would be left untouched; even this city might continue as flourishing, or become m5re so; but liberty, the absence of which mikes all other goods ttsteless, would be for ever gone.—( Bravo)— But that liberty was in less danger from the attacks of an open enemy, than from the in-' dious attempts of cor- rupt and factious men, of Oligarchs, insulting equally the king and the people. He thought that every Minister, at the opening of each Parliament, might address the people of England in the Same wouis which Joseph addressed to the Egyptians :—" Be-' hoi. I, I have bought you this day, and your land, for Pharaoh." There was only one slight difference in the case: Joseph, in purchasing the land and the per- sons of the Egyptians for the King, had at least given them bread, but the Government of this country took the bread fiom the mouths of the people, and their lands and liberty besides.—( Bravos and laughter !) — The Honourable Baronet would here observe, that his Honourable Colleague, Lord Cochrane, would have seconded his motion in the House of Commons at the end of the Session, for an address to state the grievances of the people to the Prince Regent, and would also have come forward to- day, had he not been, to his certain knowledge, detained in bed by sickness. The Hon. Gent. ( Mr. Martin) had stated, that annual flections, would only produce more frequent recurrences of those scenes of confusion and anarchy which usually took place on such occa- sions ; but those disturbances he attributed not to elec- tion, but to no election. It was the contest occasioned by the eager desire of candidates to represent places in which there was still some freedom of election ; and the wishes of the borough- iiiongering faction io usurp even those seats which created the contests.-— But when once the nomination should be vested, as it pught to be, in the people at large, there could be no contest, for the majority against the faction was so great, that they would have nolhing left Worth con- tending for. Besides, what could prevent the votes from being received at the respective parishes, instead of dragging the voters to a great distance from home ; and this would obviate every apprehended incon- veniency from the disturbances attending elections.— The Hon. Gent, stated that he had voted for Parlia. nv ntarv reform in Ireland, because things in that coun- try were much worse than here. It was that corrupt Irish Parliament, such as he had represented it, which had driven Ireland to such extremities—^ which had sanctioned arbitrary imprisonments, tortures, and other excesses, at which humanity shuddered ; and which, at last, had no resource left but to sell them* selves. He would beg of the Meeting to take w trn- in- r from the fate of Ireland. l. t was to the Hous; of Commons that the peoyie ef England were taught to look for a red'ess of their grievances— and how could that be effected, when they were a grievance in tliem- Selves ?—( Bravo)— When a complaint of a griev- ance was brought befoie them, the sole relief obtain- ed was, that tbey made it legal- by an Act ot Parlia- ment.—( Shouts of bravo a) id laughter.)— A0 » r some ottft- r observation ® , the Hon. Bait, concluded his speech by apologizing foi detaining the meeting so long. The petition was then agreed to with loud huzzas. The thanks of tiie meeting were moved to Sir F i! Ihrdett, Lord Cochrane, and Major Cartwriglif, if which were rece- red with rapturous applauses. The u business enJci ik- ie, and tfw meeting auietly dij J < t'JB BELFAST COMMERCIAL CIIRONICLF. FRENCH PAPERS. RESTORATION OF POLAND. The Gazette of France, of July 2ft, cf* n* a? n « a long article on the suhiect of what is called the " Restoration of Poland," written to excite the Poles against Russia. To it is oreRxed, as a mot- to, thi « - assage from Bossuet's Discourse on Uni- versal History:— " T! e fall of Ternsslem ought to be a lesson to all the world ; but God did not leave her with- out hope. Isaiah, who had predicted her des'rur. tion, had also foreseen her glorious re- establish, rnent, and even named ( Cyrus) her deliverer." The article begins as fo'lows :— Poland, long happy and flourishing, governed by a generous nobility, equally adapted to war and to the employments of civil life— Poland, from the valour of her armies, from the fertility of her soil, and from Ver geographical position, had become at once ' he nurse of Europe, the counterpoise of the North and the bSrrrr of the South. So many admirable advantages, and several ape « of glorious existence, must ncessnrily as it seemed, preserve her for ever fr « m totnl de- struction ; but being the neighbour of ambitious Russia, tint vv; t d° n of barbsVians, she was at first secretly undermined, then restrained and contracted within narrower limits, and finally abandoned to herself, without allies, and without support. After twenty years of oppre sion an4languor, we have seen her, in our time, sunk beneath the weight of the Russian Colossus, without her fall awakening the rest of the nations, or the Kings 1 who were the guarantees of her existence, appear- ing ro feel the injury done, by the partition, to their power, and the blow given to their autho. rit'y, in the affairs of Europe. Thus a nation of j 14 millions of souls, and possessing a territory of 3^, 000 square leagues, was on a sudden swallow, ed up, without provocation, and without offenee. Some generous efforts did honour to its expiring groans, ami were denominated rebellious. The annals of the world, the revolutions of empires, present nothing similar. Every thing m this ca. tastrophe was beyond human calculations and or.' dinary observation : the historian and the politi- cian remain confounded— their peris drop from their hands. Russia having ex'errr. inved Poland, the inter- mediate Power pressed mire heavily on the Sou'h of Europe. In faft, the subversion of the eqnili. " brium of Europe followed close on the annihila- tion of Poland. The Russians, from that time, aspired to u liversal empire. Their Vtewrof poli. tical plundering were turned towards the Ottoman Empire, towards Sw- den, and towards Germany ; she began to interfere in all th « -' wars of the Conti. nent, and Frartre felt the consequence of that pusillanimous poiirv which h<- r Government had adop'ed to the prejudice of all Europe. To de- prive Russia of that degree of power and wealth, • which she had unjusr'y acquired by the invasion of Poland, to wrest from her nearly six millions of inhabitants, and more than 25,000 square leagues of teriitory, will be to restrain her power, equally collossal and dangerous, and to deprive her of the means of arriving at that domination, which is the objeft of her earnest wishes. The Restoration of Poland, under the auspices of a creative genius and protecting nation, will render her an invincible barrier to Europe, against the invasion of the hordes of the North. The writer then aeminds the Poles of the great afliens of their ancestors, who rendered Poland formidable both to Rus- ia and the Porte ; who saved Vienna,- when besieged by the Turks j vrho menaced the whole of Christendom s who made Constantinople tremble ; secured Copenhagen ; tven placed a Czar on the throne of Moscow— end thus concludes: Brave pVes ! may you restore Poland to her ancient splendour ; may you, after having expe.. rienced all the horrors which are the dreadful con- sequences of anarchy and slavery, see arise, like the great nation which protects you, a regular mo. Tiarchy, spcure from storms ; may you at length enjoy ihe happy fruits produced by union, order, and discipline! AM EMC A. MR. - RANDOLPH'S ADDRESS. The Washington Papers contain an interesting Address of Mr. Randolph to his constituents. He begins with complaining, that the House of Re- presentatives had refused to hear him on the sub- ject of averting the calamities of war, and then proceeds as follows " Having learned from various sources, that a declaration of war would be attemp'ed on Mon- day last with closed doors, I deemed it my duty to endeavour, by any exercise of my constitutional functions, to arrest this heaviest of all possible ca- lamities, and avert it from our unhappy country. I accordingly made the effort of which I now give you the result, and of the success of which you will already have been informed before these pages reach you. I pretend only to give you the sub. stance of my unfinished arguments. The glowing words— the language of the heart— have passed away with the occasion that called them forth : they are no longer under my controul. My de- sign is simply to submit to you the views which j have induced me to consider a war with England, tinder existing circumstances, as comporting neither with ihe interests nor the honour of the American people; bat as an idolatrous sacrifice! of both, on the altar of French rapacity, perfidy, and ambition. France has for years past offered vis terms of undefined commercial arrangement, at the price of a war with England, which hiiberto wc have not wanted firmness and virtue to rejeCI. The price is now to be paid. " We are lired pf holding out 5 and following • the example of the nations of continental Europe, entangled in the artifices, or awed by the power of the destroyer of mankind, we are prepared to become instrumental to his projects of universal dominion. Before these pages'meet your eye, the last republic of the earth will have enlisted undes the banners of the tyrant, and become a party of his cause. The blood of American Freemen must Jjow to cement. hi « power— to aid in stifling the a » » of afflifted ar, w persccu'. ed nui?— to deliver uninto his hands the Patriots of Spain and Portugal— to establish his enlpire over the ocean, and over the land that gave our forefathers birth, to forge our own chains ; and yet, my friends we are told, as we were always told in thedavs of thr » mad ambition of Mr. Adams, " that the fi > per of He? iw? n points to war." Yes, the finger of He » - ven Joes point to war. It points to war, as it p- ints to the mansion of eternal misery and torture— as to a flaming beacon, warning us of that vor'ex which we may not approach but with certain destruction. It points out to desolated Europe, and warns us of the chastisement of those nations who have offended against the justice and almost beyond the mercy of Heaven. It announces the wrath to come upon those who, ungrateful for the bounty of Providence,— not satisfied with p? ac » , liberty, security, plenty at home,— fly. as it were, into the face of the Most High, and tempt his forbearance. " To you I can speak with freedom, and it b?. comes me to d > so: nor shall I be deterred bv rl e cavils and the sneers of those who hold as " foolish- ness" all that savnurs not of worldly wisdom, from expressing fully and freely those sentiments which it has pleased God, in his merry, to engrave upon my hea « - t. These are no ordinary times.—. The state of the world fs unexampled. The war of the present day is not like th-" t of our revotu. tion, or any which preceded it, at least, in modern times. It is a war against the liberty and happi- ness of mankind. It is a war of whirh the whole human race are the victims, to cralify the pride and Inst of power of a single individual. " Ib seech you, put it to vour own bosoms, how far it becomes yptj as freemeo, as christians, to give your aid and sanction to this impious and bloody warfare ag^ nst your bre'hren of fo. man family-. To <. nch among- you, if anv such there be, who are insensible to motives not more digni- fied and manly than they are intrinsically wise, I would make a different appeal, I adjure you,- by the regard which yon have for your own security and property, for the liberties and inheritance of your children, by all that y> u hold dear and sa- cred, to interpose your constitutional powers to save your coun'ry and yourselves from a calamity, the issue of which it is not given to human fore- sight to divins-. " Ask yourselves, if you are willing to become the virtual allies of Bonaparte ? Are you willing, for tl-. e sake of annexing Canada to the Northern States, to submit to that ' ver. growing system of taxation, which sends the European labourer sup. perless to bed ?— to maintain, by the sweat of your brow, armies at whose hands you are to receive a future master ? Suppose Canada our's, is there any one among you who would ever be in any re- speCt the better for it ?— the richer— the freer— the happier-— the more secure J— And is it for a boon iike this th^ t you join in the warfare against the liberties of man in ihe other hsmisphere, and put your own in jeopardy ?" Friday, August 7. Lord Wellington was possessed of intelligence tl « t Marmont had repaired the bridge of TorO in order to turn his left, and that, he intended to cross the Douro to attack himhis Lordship had also receded ad- vices, tint Joseph was coming from Madrid to turn his right. So early as the Ist of July, he had made arrangements to concenter on Avaliegoz, ifMarmpnt should piss the Douro. He had called over the Duo. ro D'Urban and Don Julian, who had a tew days before advanced within a league of Valladolid.— What day Marmont passed does n* t appear ; but it seems from the Asturian Gazette, that Don Car- los Espana and Don Julian were engaged on the left of our line on the 18th. Lord Wellington's letter dated 5 n. m. on the 23d, bears every mark of origi- nality. It is written in haste— it is short— it is mo- dest— it is full of business. The Salamanca Notice or Bulletin is also written in haste, and its want of exact form and regular detail is the natural result of making < in early publication, before it was possible to collect and compose into a regular account the details of an action, tvhicb had taken place the evening be- fore, whilst the army wis in pursuit and the operation not terminated. The precise facts on which we re- ly, are those stated by Lord Wellington to Santo- cilties, viz. that he had beaten Marment and that his army was in pursuit. It is known, ihowever, by Government, that a re- inforcement of 4,000 men were on their march to Lord Wellington ; that 8.000 men pnssed Benevente on the 22d, to join Lord Wellington, from Astorga ; and that 8,000 men, who were left to finish the siege, would follow as soon as that town w is taken. It is also certain that Mnnnont had been reduced to great distress by concentrating himself— otherwise he neveT would have abandoned a fine defensive position from Toro to the Pisn/ erga, and risked his fate upon a bat- tle, giving Lord Wellington tire choice of ground.— He seems to have . seized with avidity the circum- stance of Being joined by 12,000 men under Joseph, from Madrid, to extricate Iiimselt from his embarrass- ments, by an action with possibly superior numbers. — What will be the consequence of his failure is a speculation at present, but certainly not a speculation in his favour. If he has lost, as the accounts state, most of his cannon and baggage, his retreat may be drsasti CJS. He must either move on the Douro or on Madrid. If on the latter, he is cut off from the main road to France, and all hi! supplies and communications If he passes the* Douro, with his whole corps, Madrid and the centre of Spain is ieft « pen to the Spaniards, and Soult roust retire by Valencia. If M. irmont's own corps p iss the Douro, and Joseph's corps return to Madrid, Marmont can never suppo- t himself, when Lord Wellington ; s joined by the Gallician army. The. Grampus lias arrived at Portsmouth, from Cadiz, with Commodore Cockburn, and the other Commissioners, for mediating between Spain and her South- American colonies. The reason of their re- turn is the obstinate refusal of the Cortes to give them the powers, which were necesssry to success ; for they would not consent to ipclude Mexico in the Commission, or permit them to go thither at all. It has been considered to be in vain to proceed, to the execution of the trust under these circumstances'; " and the measure is abandoned. Such is still the conduct of t ie C' ites ; and we lament to say they have come to this decision since the airivnl of the Duke Del L'- Infantado at Cadiz. Quebec Gazettes have been received to 27th June. The American declaration of war was communicated at Quebec on the 24th. It had not created the least » la; in in the minds of the people of Canada. - - • Mr. Wm. ri! « gerald, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer for Tr » ' an I, is one of the Lords of the Treasury; and Mr. Peel, the n<* w Chief Secretary ] to the Lord lieutenant, of Ireland, is Under- Se- ; cre'arv for the Colonial Department. The IJake j of Richmond is urgent for his recal, and will, if he possiblv can, return to England before the end of September. The difficulty of finding a suc- cessor, is caused by the weakness of the present Ministers, and the opinion thence generally enter- tained of the precarfoiisness of their power. An English Nobleman must be very reluctant to un- se tle himself, and carry his family to Ireland, with a serious apprehension that he. may be re-, moved in a few'weeks. Even the Earl of Liver- pool himself is said to be heartily tired of his high office, and not o*/ er anxious to retain it. The report of Dawson having been reprieved, it appears, frjirn the following was unfounded: CAMBRIPOV, THURSPAY EVENING, AUG. 6.— The death- wavrjtnt is just arrived from the Secre- tary of Stare's Office, for the execution of Dawson, and the Sheriff has directed that he should suffer at the New Drop in front of the Gaol, at eleven o'clock on Saturday ijwrning. He conducts him- s- lf now with gre- at propriety, and pays a very decorous attention to the pious exhortations of the Ordinary, who risi's htm twice a day. He says, that he entrains no farther hope of a reprieve; but still doclinf, answering any interrogatory re. spe*) leg his siiyrnosed instigators to ' he inhuman deed for which he is to die. He « i'entlv sbik^ t his head whenever a question is put to him on this point, from which it is naturally conjuCtured ' hat he had accomplices in a higher sphere of life to himself, and that he will make a full diicavery before his exit. _ _ BRF. ACFUL ACCIDENT. Yesterday morning, at six o'clock, two houses in Great UusseH- streer, in the Covent Garden, formerly : jie Blue P. wts Tavern, which was under reoair, fe'l to the ground with a tremendous crash. Un^ i rtu^ ately, at the time, several workmen who were ljne- l p repairing the building were in- side, in drfeept parts of the premises. ' The greater part of the crazy edifice fell inwards, and buried nearly the whole in the ruins. Every effort was immediately made to extricate the unfortunate sufferers, and palings were etefled across the street to Drury- lane Theatre, to pievent their exertions from being impeded, and the wo< k men- con tinned at their labours until night. Se'eral were taken out of ihe cellar and ground fl or, but as the materials of the building were light and unsub- stantial, the lives of many were, saved. There were siiteen persons in the interior of' tfie mi- serable b'jilding when it fdl, those in the cellar escaped, but many of the others dug out of the ruins presented very miserable objeCts, and were conveyed to Middlesex Hospital, two of whom died, and three soon re urned, and exerted them- selves to recover others from the ruins. A po'or woman, who was passing when the houses fell, is supposed to have beew k lied, as her basket was found in the street, and she has not since been heard of. Tfie workmen continued digging on the ruins ' he v> l; ole of last night, and the neigh- bourhood wa'j'thrown into genera! alarm by the accident. AN UNEXPECTED VOYAOE— A Gentleman in the neighbourhood of Dowriing- street, being at Deal, became acquainted with some of the officers belonging to a frigate lying off that station, who invited him to dine on board, and their invitation being accepted, he, unknown to his fri- nds, went, on the_ day appointed, in the ship's boat, when af- ter partaking of an excellent dinner, and a copious fill of wine, was determined to enjoy one bottle more, and stick to the juice of the grape till the last moment for leaving the vessel; when behold a signal was made for her to sail immediately- to Gibraltar, and no boat being near to bring him ashore, was obliged, instead of leturning to Deal that evening, to extend his visit to his new acquain- tances to their destination ; and, from thJit quarter of the globe, was put on board the fitst ship for England, after an absence of fifteen weeks, and landed at Portsmouth ; and a few days ago safely arrived in town, to the no small joy and surprise of his family, who had given him up for lost. DEMBEHATIOK.— Mr. Faulknor, a respectable farmer at Baghurst, lately put an end to his exist, ence. He arose earlier than usual, and was seen to carry a quantity of straw into his house, jv'h.! ch, it appears, he set MI fire, and hiving placed the but- end of a gun in the middle of it, and the muz- zle in his month, he sat down iri a chair till the explosion took place, which killed him on the spot. HoRRt* LE AcciDENT.- rr- Four fine children, be- longing IO Richaid Builrh, a day- labourer, of Ab- beydore, were consumed by fire in their father's cottage, on Thursday se'enight. Their mother had hired herseif at a neighbour's house to bake bread, and left het- ehi- idre- n i n the . cottage,.. desiring the oldest, who was only five years of age, to take care of the others,- the'youngest of whom was a sticking child. It Mil Id not be known how the house caught fire, for the whole was in a confla- gration btfore it was discovered. In a case of such accumulated misery, the parish have liberally subscribed to relieve the unfortunate parents, now pareuts no more. DOMESTIC LOSS It is a singular and unfor- tunate circumstance, that the family of the Foords, in Yorkshire, are said to have lost the following persons in the present contest with the Emperor of France:— Captain Trollop, who married Miss Forrrd, was killed at ihe . head of his grenadier company in Eygpt; Captain Foord in the West Indies; Captain Johnson { brother to Mrs. Bowes, and Aid- de Camp to Major General BoWes), by a cannon- ball at the - torming of Badajoz; and Ge- neral Foord Bowes himself, as he was leading his brigade at the late escalade near Salamanca.— Af- ter this detail, it may fairly be acknowledged, no one family have suffered'so'much in the service of their country. THE HARVEST The uncommon abundance of the approaching harvest may now be considered a matter of incontestible certainly. The accounts from all parts of the kingdom concur in justifying this opinion ; and we have particular pleasure in observing, that the heavy luxuriance » f the crops throughout the Western Counties has seldom been equalled within the recollection of the oldest person. Neither blight, smut, mildew, nor any . other injurious visitation, has yet been witness- ed. The business of reaping h^ s already par- tt& l'y c rnnieriCrdr.— Taimlcn Causer. We have h - arj tha' an" eminent English So- licitor has at this moment a" his d'spo. al, no less than eight Seats in a certain. Assembly ; the price, under certain conditions, is eight thousand ponnds. BKLMST COURSE Of F. XrHANOE, & c. Ave. 7— Re'Casf on Lnrt-' on fsMO •} percent. Belfast on Dublin ffil < t » .) 1 pe- rent. Belfast; on Ok.*?--*.- per cent. ftIJ"; Aug. 10— per eenr Gov. Deh. 71- J - 5 per cent. Ditto 100- J Rtirjin* A e.' S — 3 per cent. Consols for Acc. 56f Am 10 — Dub. sn [. on. 9 8| j Aua. 8 — Lon. onDuh 9J ARRivRD. " MAtI,"? SINCE OUR X. A8T. not 2 . BY Oosaohabec 0 S ....... J... BT DUBLIN..... 0 BELFAST, Wednesday, August 12, 1819. PACKET BY EXPRESS. A. t an early hour last. night we received, by ex- press from Donaghadee, the London Papers of Sa- turday the 9th ; the following are the most impor- tant of their contents :- « - DEFEAT OF THE FRENCH BY THE RUSSIANS AT DUNABURG. The Lord Nelson packet, Captain Deane, has a-' ived at Harwich, from Gottenburgh direCf, with a Miil and Passengers. Before this vessel left Go* tenbt) rgh. n vessel had arrived at Stockholm' which left Riga be'^ Oth July, with the important intelligence, that the main b"> dy of the French army had at length advanced from Wilna upon Diinaburg, where the Russians were en'renched, arid ' hat the latter had gallantly repulse 1 three- successive attacks upon their entrenchments. The French had thrown several bridges over the Dwina with their usual dexterity, and amid a tre. mendtious fire from the opposite shores, but they were finally defeated, with immense loss. We have no doubt that we shall speedily have it our power to confirm the above glorious intel. ligence,. u- pon official authority; for the French Papers inform us, that Bonaparte set out from Wilna on the 17th, and if he travelled with his u « ual rapidity, he must have reached the army on the Dwina so as to d; reCt its operations next day. The distance between Wilna and Dunaburg does not exceed 80 miles. The battle, in all probabi- lity, was fought upon the 19th, and the intelli- gence would riach Riga, wliic^ is at the mouth of the Dwina, in eight or ten hours. The following are such additional particulars of this important event, as we have been able to collect from the letters and papers brought by the above Mrfil f— " GOTTENBURGH, JULY 28. " Letters from Stockholm, received this morning, nun- lion that a vessel had arrived there without convoy, which 1- ft Riga on the 20th, and reporfd that a great hustle pre- vailed there, on account of a battle which had been fought at a place called Dunaburg, about 20 German miles from thence; and it wat confidently « atd that the French had attacked that place w th the greateit fury three times," arid were thrice repulsed with very great loi-. « • No man was alWed to depart from Riga„ hut were all most actively employed in adding to the fortifications ard defences of the place. The women and children had been sent at to St. Petersfcurgh, Stockholm, and the island of Oteel, " Admiral Bentinck arrived at Revel on the 25th ultimo, and immediately proceeded to head- quarters." " VIENNA, JULY 11. " We no longer doubt that hostilities have recommenced between the Russians and Turks; the preliminaries of peace not having been ratified by the Grand Seignior: " The' Rusaian troops, whu- have received another destina- tion are returning towards the Banks of the Danube." ' » BRESLAW, JULY IS. " On the 6th, the Russian Minister at. Berlin had arrived tt Koningiburgh; on his return to St, Feternhurgh. " Lithuania is provisionally divi Jed into three departments, Minsk, Bizeic, and Grodno. " The King of Westphalia is near Minsk, as well as the Polish army." ' The Swedish Papers contain an animated Pro- clamation from . General Barclay de Tolli to the German troops now serving under Bonaparte, in which he calls upon them to leave the banners of the Tyrant, and fight for the common cause of mankind, while Russia and Sweden are now in the field. Star- Ofite, Three o'Clock. We stop the Press to state, th, at although Go- vernment have received no regular official report* of the Battle of the Dwina, between the Russians and the French, all the letters from Mr. Thornton and the British residents in the Baltic to Ministers, concur in the intelligence above communicated, and state that it was confidently believed in Swe- den. The following letter from St. Petersburgh, is j the latest which has been received from that quar- ter t— Extract of a letter from St. Petersburgh, dated 28 h June ( 8th July). " Nothi- fj decisive has taken place any where— the rear of nur army beat off a few attacks, in which we made seve- ral prisoners of diitinAion. If we ire victorious in the battle expe& ed, we hope that business will revive here, ill some measure at least. " Our army is in good condition, and full of spirits at to success, and there is not the le » st doubt ot thair being vi4to- rioiis when opportunity offers. Our Cossacks are very suc- cessful in the attacks and skirmishes. " It cannot be long before the blow is struck, and I hope to God our arms may prove successful. You see Bonaparte has not done what he erpe& ed, and tru; t he rrnj not be i bit to jccao'. pluft his fa si detigs," ATTACK ON SANTANDER. The Insolent gun- brig, C » pt. F< iz'er, is arrived at Plymouth from the North roa^ t < f - Jpaiti. She landed dispatches from Sir Home Popbam on Tuesday, at Torbay, which were immedidtely fr> r » warded to town, but the contents of whi h Minis- ters did not suffer to transfer. Perhaps they will appear in this night's Ga- zetfe.— Sir Home Po- pham, we are concerned to say, has encountered some further loss and difficulty. The following letter received from our Pivmooth Correspondent this morning, contains the following account of this new enterprize, and contains, we believe, the substance of the dispatches brought by the Inso, lent S— " PLYMOUTH, ATJO 6. " Accounts broupht by the Insolent state, thai Sir Horn* Popham's squadron has, after some difficulty, succeeded in an expedition at Santander, July SO, 1812. " On the 22d and 24th they got some ( funs upon a rock, without mutket- shot of a four gun battery. The ships then went against it. The Rhine got one man killed, one severe, ly- wounded, and two slightly. The Insolent had tv » i. killed and two wounded The Venerable had her maintop- mast shut through. A party of men frome the Rhin succeeded in planting two twenty- fowr pouoders upon the rock; and play- ed upon rhie batteries. By the 2Tth, two tifthe enemy's guns were disabled; and General Porlier having tent forward hi* advanced guard, it w'ai joined by eighty men irortt the Me- dusa and Vene- ahle. Wiitf this fmce the Geir?- ai was to at. tack the town in the riar, while ihe RJiine in the ifonr, with two other frigates aud three brigs, passed the battery) and kept up a heavy fire, wirhoat a 3uigle shot teinj; received on nur part. The enemy ran, and Sir G^ or . e Collier, thinking that General Pclier wnsattacking the town, led intoirs ( roof, but was beat back The French had received reinforce- ment!; they were stated at S00,' but they proved to . be in fa> 9 4 000. We are scary to state, that S. r George Collier, Captains Lake and Matcolm, w « re wounded in thit affi'r: but we are likely tn succeed to our. wis'sesj fo| the report of Weliirigton's victory insnres sur success,— He ha* is tvso day* taken tile principle part of Msnnout's army." ' ' Hats, Shoes, '" Mdinerv, Cloathing— reidy made. AMERICA. • - >••'; • PEACE WITH AMERICA RESTORED" [ PHO. M THE STAR.] Letters from Halifax, of the 9th ult. which bring down inteligenre from Washington to the 30th of June, inform us, the account of the death of Mr. Perceval had been received at the seat of American Government, and that Mr, Madisoa had in consequence determined to suspend the issuing of letters of marque and reprisals against British shipping, until farther accounts were re- ceived from England. But this is not all— strange as it may appear we learn, upon the most unquestionable authority' that a Bill was immediately li ought into' Cors gress, which had been read twice, to repeal the Non- Intercourse law, prohibiting, however, the importation of the following articles :— Woollen Cloths, which COM more thsn 6,- s- erliiig, per yard. Cott « n Cloths ot which the prime cost it lea then i 5J or ' more than 31. Silk, ") Hemp, / Article* nrtiich printtpally consist of thorn - Leather, or f materials— excepting Irish iineut. • Flax. J The duties on importation are, by rhesame a< 3 doubled. The above intelligence fully coincides with thu doflrines which we have again and again promul- gated, on the subje.' t of American politics, and a few hours will probably put us in possession of still more agreeable information, for ihe Gleaner, which left England on the 19th of Juno, carried out to America the first intimation of the inden- tions of the British Governmrnt to repeal the Or- ders in Council, was met in lat. St. long. 56. about the 7; h of July, by a ship which arrited yester. day ; being within four or five dayi s « il of the American coast. " LLOYD'S, AUGUST 8. " The Diana, M'George, arrived in the Clyde, 4th inst. from Demerara* was boarded 12th ult. in lat. 4- 5. 1. long. 44. by his Majesty's ketch Gleaner, bound to America; she was short i f water, which the Diana supplied. The wind f< r five days after was from the eastward, blowing strong." 1 [ FROM THE SO!*.] There are reports in town, stating, that whea the melancholy event of the death of Mr. Perce- val arrived in America, the declaration of war had been suspended, and that a Bill for repealing the Non- importation Act h id been twice read.—. We, however, are disposed to place little confi- dence in these reports. EARL WELLINGTON'S GRAND VIC. TORY. Still we are without the official communication from the Hero himself, on the subjefl of his late glorious achievement in tiie Peninsula; but our spirits are not depressed by any diminution of our confidence in the truth of the original and subse- quent statements. We now find by our Plymou- h letter of this morning, that Sir Home Popham's accounts of the battle were brought to Torbjy by ihe Insolent gun- brig, Captain Brazier ( n- at Bi i- quiere, as stated by mistake), who instantly set. ( f for London with the account. The Insolent, alter landing Captain Brazier, made sail for Plymouth, where she has arrived : she bad several men killed and wounded In one of Sit Home Popham's late enjfrprizes. While on the subjectiof the confirmation of Lord Wellington's victory, we ought to remind our Readers, that the wind has been adverse dur- ing the whole week to the arrival of - any vessel from Lisbon; besides the long series of op- ra- tions, which the interesting period be twee-, tl. e B ELFAST COMMERCIAL CHROtfICLF. 14th of July ( the date of the gallant General's last dispatches) and the 24th, when his Lordship is said, to have completed his victory must have required, much labour and attention on the part of his Lordship and Staff, to collect the various details necessary for his dispatches to Govern- ment. T Some of the Evening Papers last n'jfht annouc- ed that a . Telegraphic Dispatch had been receiv- ed at the Admiralty, with the intelligence of the atrfv il'of the Despatches from Lord Wellington. No. such telegraphic notice was received, and no dispatches are yet arrived.— Courier. Jerome Bonaparte has been under the necessity of publishing a Decree, acknowledging his in- ability to pay the interest of the public debt of Westphalia. The Decree is dated the 12th June, at Warsaw, and directs, that the interest in future t to be aided to the Capital ! ! ! On Saturday morning about one o'clock, an attack *. vas m ide on the house of Mr. John Murtaugh, in Corn- market, by one man, who attempted to force a window with a chisel— Mr. Mu't'ufh hearing a Dos1, linked nut of a window, on which the f llow made off. About two o'clock on Sunday morninp- a second attempt was made on same house by foui fellows, who broke the pinnvl of the shop- door, Mrs. Murtaufrh gave the alarm, and thev rn. id off.-— We hope the town guard and oth- rs will be vi- gilant, so that these villains tnay either be detected 01 foiled in their attempts. Mr Talbot, manager of the Belfast theatre, made Ms first appearance at the Haymarket theatre, London, nn Wednesday night 1' St, in the character of Ranger, in rhe comedy of the Suspicious Husband, and his performance received great applaU3e fioni a crowded and fashionable adierice. A remarkable instance of the efficacy of the me- thods recommended by the Humane Society, for the restoration of suspended animation, occurred a few da'vs since at Muckamore, ( near Antrim J wher •, by the very assiduous, persevering and judicious applica- tion of them, by W. Chaine, Esq. a child, who had been nearly 20 minutes under water, and was, • when taken out, cold, stiff, and to all appearance dead, • was restored to the distressed parents.— A medicni gentleman ww present, but he did not arrive till signs of l fe appeared in the child. We are happv to learn, that the murderer of the onfortunate fern lie, whoso decipitated body was lately found hid len in a bog near T » ry Hill, is likely soon to be discovered. A viriety of circum- stances tend to fi< suspicion on a young man who has abscon led. The particulars have been com- municated to us— but, for ohvi ms reaons, we can. not m ike them public. The high charafter and tmwarjed assiduity of the gentlemen wn-> have encaged in the investigation of this mysterious af- fair, tfford a fair promise thit the sanguinary wretch, who imbrued hi « hands in the blood " of this hdpless female, shall not long escape offended justice. The murder was pen- eirated by a siane; ar. d, as the girl was known to have a pound note and some change in her possession on the evening befirve she met her untimely fate, it is supposed thit the barbarian was prompted by avarice to destroy the hapless and unsuspicious possessor.— The murder was committed on the 24 h of June, 27 days before the body was discovered, and five weeks before the suspe& ed person absconded.— U'aterftrd Mirror. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, & Freeholders, of the City &; County of Londonderry. GENTLEMEN— His Royal Highness the PRINCE REOENT' has b « en graciously pleased ro appoint ine tri be Comptroller of his Royal HighnessV Household ; and by this distinguished mark of " bis. Royal Highness's favour, my Seat in Parlia- ment, as your Representative, has become vacant. Duty and respect towards his Royal Highness demand my immediate attendance in London, which, I fear, will preclude the possibility of my returning to this Country in time to solicit from vou, individually, the honour of your support at the Election which must now take plac*. Permit me, however, unfeignedly to express to you, my gratitude for the confidence you have heretofore reposed in me, and to assure you, that it is, and ever shall be, my highest ambition to des. rve it. Governed by the sincerest feelings i'or the prosperity of the City and County of London- derry, I presume to request, and hope for, a con- 4 linuance of your support on the present occasion. I remain, Gentlemen, faithfully, Your obedient and very humble S fvant, GEORGE BERESFORD. August 1812. FORT OF BELFAST. Quantity of Goorf,* on Komi, on Saturday the 1st day of August, 1812. 1461 Puncheons, 170 hogsheads Hum. 1 Prpe Utandv. 155 !>' p « , 44 hogsheads Portu< al Wine. 96 Pipes,' 13 hhds 3 quarter casks Spanish Red Wine. ? < S « uarv oanka Spanish W h >. Win- t3K I'iprs, 1i « h gsheads, 36 qr. casks Tenenffe Wme. 6 Pipes, 1 hogshead Madyim Wme. 5 HogaUads Kiench Wme Ui6 Hogsheads, S84 tieices, « 6 » bwre's Biown Ot Mm- covado Sujar. SOS Tons, 37 bushels Rock Salt. 15,554 rtusbels White or Hay Salt. B5( i Ho sheads Tobacco. 179 Jlaes, S& 9 tieros, S5<) barrels Coffee. I Pi| ie Oldinaiy Olive Oil. 100 Bags Pimento, Quantity of Goods on Bond, on Saturday the Sth day of August, 1812. 1448 Puncheons, 167 hogsheads Hum. 1 Pipe Brandy. 145 Pipes, 44 hogsheads Po'tural « me. 17t; Pipes. 3S hh'ls. 3 quarter casks Spanish Red Wme C tal. iaiter casks Span- sh W'- t, ' An* i.) R i'ipes, 112 hogsheads, 36 qi casks 4 eueriftcWme. 6 Pipes, 1 hf. tshcarl Vadeiia Wine. £ Hojisfieails French Wine. 1139 Hotheads, S59 tierces, 538 barrel* 3i » wn 01 Mm- covaiiw ui- ai. 493 ' t ons, 33 Bushels Rock Salt. 15,254 bushels White 01 flay Salt. 837 Hogsheads Tobacco. 17' s Hir « , g53' ne, ccs, asgbiurtli Coffee 1 Pipe O lii » ry Olive Oil. JDQ iiags l aiKiito, TO TUB Gentlemen, Clrg'/, and Freeholders, OF THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY, GENTLEMEN, His Royal Highness the PHINCE REGENT having been graciously pleased, during my absence from F. ng- and, to offer me a situation in his Royal Hisjhness's family, I could not hesitate, on my arrival from the army in the Peninsul 1, in accepting this flattering mark of his royal favour; nnd when I considei, with equ. il pride and pleasure, that it is only one act of a long se- ries of unbounded condescension and kindness, that h is mtrked the conduct of that Illustrious Person ige towards me, for many years, I trust I shall stand ac- quitted with the County for vacating my seat at an unusual period, and submitting myself a^ ain to the criterion of their verdict. I can yield to none in es- timation of the value, dignity, and impoitance of being one of their Representatives— To none in the deepest grat'tude for the repeated honours conferred upon me — To none in the anxious Uope and honest ambition to retain them; and, above all— To none in never Sensing efforts to deserve them. After so long, and, 1 trust, so intimate an acqtt linrarsce with the Countys further professions would be idle and superfluous ; hut 1 f el I have strongly to appeal to an indulgence and consideration which, I hope, niy peculiar predicament may render pardonable. The state of my health, add- ed to the severest domestic calamity, obliged me Jo leave the army in Spain, artd I am not sufficiently re established to undertake the active duties of a pfts" rt ' I canvass ; if therefore, I might fla'tei myself to st nd excused with the County, for not being on the spot at the pr- sent juncture, I would Seize the first moments of returning health to visit a country which contains ev ry tiling I hold most dear, and value highest. I shall only add, that, whatever may be the event, on the present occasion, I look forward, with an humble and honest Confidence, that, in the discharge of my professional duti ' S these last five years ( altho* una- voidably absent from attending to the immediate in- terests of the County,) I nave not acted in any mm. ner to alienate its affections or forfeit the good opinion manifested towards me heretofore, in so distinguished and honourable a manner. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your faithful and obedient Seatvnt, CHARLES STEWART. Cheltenham, July 30, 1812. EKNISKILLEN, Ava. S— An alarming fire bmk • otit in the mess kitchen of the barrack in ' his town on Saturday night last, occasioned, we understand, by a spark commrnica'ing to a heap of turf in 3 corner near the Gre place. Whe n discovered, the torf was entirely on fire, and the fijmes approach- ing the upper fir-. or. The greatest alarm prevail, ed for some time; but so strenuous were the ex. eni'ms of the sotdie- s of the Wexford Regiment, and so prompt the attendance of the artillery wish the Ordnance engine, that the fire was shortly subdued without any serious injury to the place, or any accident vyha ever.— Erne Packet. Married. At St. George's, Hanover-. quare, Lnndnn, I7 the Lord Bishop of Limerick, ROBERT WIQSAM, Esq M. P. eldest son of Sfr Robert Wtgram, Bart. M. P. to SELIUA, the youngs" sister of Sir t'homas Pelham Haves, Bart of Sey monr- srreet, Portmart- « quare. and niece to bis Lordship On Saturday, at St. Gles's in tn » Fields London, by the Rev. Mr. M'Carthy, Mr Jn » \- n « « tn 1, of Leadenha!'. stiett, to Miss GOOD, of Great Russel- street, Bloomsbury. Bv special licence, on Sunday the 19th ult WILLIAM Ltwis, F'q. eldest son of Michael Lewis Esq. of Domii'ick- • treet. DA'din, to DORO rutA CASSIOV, eldest dyigbter of John Cassily, of Monaster even, in th « county of Kildire ' Died. At Ballyeopliod, rear Denagbidee, en Tuesday last, AGN< S wife of lames Gibson She was early initiated into the paths of virtue and t ue piety ; she rem t mhered her Crea- tor in the days of her youth, ai d as th « advanced in years, she advanced in t^ e pra& ice of piety, and disinterested bene- volence: in her were happily combined, the pure and undis- sembltd affedfions of the wife, the genuine parental feeimgs of the fond m ther, and the lib trality and cheerfulness of ihe ho'pitable friend. S e might well be said, to possess the pure spirit of original Christian charity. The naked loins of the widow and fatherless, bl- str- d her; and by her were the keen and pir thing e avings of hunger, sari fied — For several weeks she labnjired un. ler a pamful and grievous d'seaee with- out murmuring, submitting herrelf with christian fortitude iyid resignation to the w 11 of heaven. On Sunday the 2d inst. aged 84 years, JAMES COWAN Esq of Ballylimogfc, near Hiilsboreugh, v » ' io bore a very long illness W'th christian fortitude; this, and rainy traits of benevolence, endear d him to a numerous body of recpe<! t. ibie conne& iuns, whom he always received with kindness and hospitality. Hi< funeral, which took place on the 4th at the ihurch of Anahilt ( in which parish this family have been re- sident for more than a eeniury,) was most respectably at- tended. BKIJ'AS r SHIP NE n S, The Ceres, Savage, i « loading for Liverpool, to clear on Saturday first. The armed hrig Donegal! Courtenay, is loading for Lon- don, to sad fi st f; ir wind aft. r 15th inst. The Draper, M. Mullan, s » i s for Bristol first fair wind afti- r '-' Oib in » t: The Kelly, M'llwain, from Liverpool, arx/ ved safe on . Sunday I st. The coppered and armed brig Britannia, tads this even- ing, wind permitting. I he armed hrig Verus, Pendleton, is loading' don, to sol in a few d3ys The Nrp. une, Davidson, it loading for Liverpool first fair wind after Saturday. The arme I b'ig Vine, Montgomery, is loading at1 don ! or this port, to sail first fa'r wind after 13th inst. The Diana, M'Callum, is loading for Glasgow, to a few days. The Dispatch, Jimi'on, for Dublin, siils to- morrow. The Bee, Rankin, from Dublin, arrived bete 10th in « t and loads for . that port The Hawk, M'Cormick, is loading at Glasgow for^ BelfJ DANCING. tMTR. HULL respectfully informs the young . A.* IT Gentlemen of Belfast, that he intends opening hit EVENING SCHOOL, on THURSDAY the 13th inst. Hours of attendance fr om 9 to 11 o'clock. 751 j - Belfast, August 10. TIMBER CARGO. THOMAS CORHtrr Sc CO. ARE at present Landing the CARGO of the Ship FALMOUTH, from PlCfOU, direct, con- sisting of Red and Yellow Pine,") BM Birch and J- TIMBER, Maple J OF VERY FIUME QUALITY. Also, SP RS, of every description for Ships' use, PINE PLANK and BOAR^ V,' LATHIV00D, HAND SPOKES, Which will be sold reasonably, at their YARD, J\ nttt't J'ltiT. (" 56) BelUst, . August 12. AUCTION OF BARILLA, WILLIAM WACKY ILL SF. LI. BY MICTION ar his Sronrs, in Shit Y QUAY- STREET, on WEDNESDAY, I9th August instant, 100 Bales H. 1RILL, 4, Of Second Quality, fit for Bleaching or Soap Bpilinf, now Landing, per the INDUSTRY, from LONDObf. Terms at Sale. 753) LON » » HDER* V, August 10,1812. CotKvrr ar Pwk, To rvrt. } ^ _' fn r rVit NOT1CF.. nsS'ONS will be ho'den on the Days and at the- P^ c- s following, for the pu nrne of Certifying ' or su- h Persons as are to he Licensed for the Sale, Retail, of Spirituous Liqn ' r. for the Year commencing 29 li Day o September, 181 « :— PORT AFF. RHY— For the Parishes of Ballvpbilip, Artlkeen Wur- r, and I. itrle Ards... Monday, 7th Sept. at 10 o'Clotl KIR KCUBRIN— Fur the P.; r: sbes ot Greyabbey and St An Irews...&> » >* Day, at S *' C/ ici. NEW rnWNARDS— For the Parishes o' Newtown, Com- ber, Kilmud, Tullyn.. kill and Holly wood... Tuttday, Ulb. BANGOR— For the Parishes of Bangor and Donaghadee,.. Wedncsda y MEWl'OWNBREDA—" or the Parishes of Koockbreda, Drumbo, Drumheg, and Kirk. lonald... Tbur. dty loti. KK. LILEAOH— For the Parishes of Killilea^ h and Kil- l l! chy . Friday 11 tb, BALI. YN CHINCH— For the Par'sh- s of Magheradroll and Kdmore... Monday 14/ A. BAN BRIDGE— For rhe Parishes or S » < patriclt, Ma- alin Tu'lvlish, Anaghcl one, Aghaderg. and i^ iagherally.,, 7' « w- day I 5tb. HILLSBOROUGH— For the pjiishes of Hill- boroouh Driimce, Drom^ ra, Annahilt, Biar. s and Moira... V/ eJ- netdjv 1 ft/ A SAIN I FIELD— For the Parish of Saintfield ... Thursday 17 tb DC^ fc^ P ATRICK— F ir the B. roisy o' L c ile except Kit- and the Parish of Loughinislarid...^ rrV « y 18/ A. CAS n. EWFLL. AN— For the P rishes of Kilmegan, Kil- coo, Maghera and l. oughinisland... Monday 21 st. R A I'HFRILAND — F « r the P, rish>. s of Dru nijath, Clan- duff, D umbrouey, and Drumg ooland... Tuesday ^ Zd NEWRY— For tt~ e Lordship of N' wry, and P. rish of Do- naghino e, in Upper Iveagh.., Wedne, da, J8d. WARRENPOfNT— For vhe I> ari « hes ol Clonallin and K Whroncy... Thursday 2itb, at \ Q t'Cloci. KILKEEL— For the Barony of Mourrie..., f.; wt Jay, at 3 JOHN CRAIG, C Peace. N. B. The Distributor of Sramps will attend on the days and ar the Places above- merit .- red with Licences, w' en it is ex periled the Persons who w II ht c r lived for will take ont tbsir Licences, as the Distributor cannot afterward . attend. ( 754 DWELLIMG- HOUSE BY" AUCTION. TO SB SO/. T) nr AUCTION, om, the Prrm!,„, on WED- ( NESDaY the 19t/> in< t at ONE o'Ctoct, qriHE I^ SEofa Meat DWELLING- HOUSE, No. 23, Jo" '^ WBto. consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, and Bed- Room r^^ BPfir ' und F oor; also Four Rooms on the Second, w th a gf<* od G iragybneld for 45 years from May last, at a£ 10, 5.< per An-' J^; CUMING &'' TANNV, Audioneers, 84, HIGH STREET. Be'fast, August 12, 1312. ( 755 CARD. MRS. MAYWOOD returns sincere and grateful Thanks to her Friends and the Public, for the very flattering encouragement she has hitherto experienced, and hopes, by constant attention to the duties of her Profession, to merit a continuance of their favour— She begs to inform them, that her SCHOOL b open, as usual, at her House, No. 12, Cantle- Court. 7Sa) " ' Belfast, August 10, 10 BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ! On the Premises, on the 2 Id tnst. ( if not previously disposed of by Privutf SakJ, THAT FARM of LAND formerly occupied by JOHN K RKPATRl' K. lying on the great ro. d b. iween Magherafelr and Castiedawon The Farm contains fifteen Acres < nd a half, Irish Planta- tion Measure hel under tl;. Fa HI of LONDOHOEKKT and THOMAS BATESSN Esq. for a tern, of years unexpir d— ; On the Pr- mis s there is Mt< t- t mfortable Cabin, with suitable Offiis- s; also, a Tani^ Bd. ' ipable of rannmg 600 ' Hides in the Season, with a fMfctyouse, >- 1 « » « le Mill, and Drying Lolt; a large coflfmnjhous Cbandling House, with every nec » | « ry Fixtuie r ct, fying an the Chandling Business. The Crops, af Potatnv » , Oats, and M- adow, the Purchaser of the Premises m^ y have at a valuation, otherwise they will be Sold in Lots ^ reeable to the Binders. A deposit of £ 50 wilf be requ red on the Sale of the Lease, the remainder may lie in the hands of the Purchaser on Interest Si* months Credit wi 1 be given on the Crop giving sufficient security. For further particulars, apply to DAVID GAUSSPN * SONS, Ballyronan; or ALEXANDER KIRKPATRiCK, m the Premises. 742) August 1. Wholesale London Hat JVarehouse. WM. WARD & CO. NO. 56, LOUD- STREET, LIVERPOOL, ~[ D EG leave to announce to the HATTERS, Da arte 9, and iJj> Mr they have Cottfm- Tfkne, Donegall- street, Belfast, Where a Lar^ j^ fclegant, and Fashionable Assortment of every ArticleTf the above Line, will be constantly for Sale, viz. Ladies' White, Black, and Drab Hats and Bonnets, Children's Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Gentkmen's London Beaver Hats, Ditm^ aterproof Beaver Ditto, DitMhitto, Silk Ditto, Ditt^^^ ghorn and Willow Ditto, A La^^ Assortment of Men's and Boy's HATS, of every Eat of Be fast, and neighbouring T6wn « , that da WHOLESALE HAT WAREHOUSE Quality. - FEATHERS and TRIWtMINOS, of every description. ( 656 7b all whom it mat/ concern. TVTOTICE is hereby given, that the Penalties prescribed by Law, will be generally and striBly enforced throughout th$ County of Antrim, against all Persons who keep or u- e Dogs or Guns for destruction of Game, Whole- sale Dealers in Spirits. Grocers, Chandlers, Retailers of Spi- rits, and all Persons whatsoever exercising any Trade, Pro- fession, or Calling. suhje& to any of the I. icence Duties, who shall not have obtained their respe&' tve Licences on or be/ or* the 15th day of this Month.— Dated at Belfast, the Sth day of August, 1812. D'ARCY MA HON, lnspeflor- Genera! of Stamp Duties throughout Ireland. The Stamp AS, which will bear Upon all Defaulters of the above Duties, and of every other branch of the Stamp Revenue, will comincuce itt operation T » - morrow. ( 74 J \ - VF ) RW & WALLACE OFFER FO! t SALS, OM REASONABLE T1SRMS, St Domingo .<; Jamaica Qottoh- fVool., St: Domingo Mahogany, ') it/ r>, Logz » 0'>&, Jammva Coffee, Pimento, in Bags, Oil ot Castor, • V. F- W Salt, I licahie Barilla, Cane flreds. '/ cue iffc { fine. Hum. in Puncheons c?: d IIfids, and ( ork U hi\ key. 1\\) Aug'ist 10, 1812. BLACK LACE SHAWLS & VEILS. H HE T MARSHALL" just received, an ASSORTMKNT of the NP. WFST I PATTERNS, which he will sell Cheap. 746) TOBACCO, August 10. DRONTHON DEALS. HENRY JOT TOMB £ s* ROB P. HOLMES' Af i andiiv out o1 rhe lu/'- rn Rente, Captain HOLME, from DRONTHON, a CAP. GO of best Mcrcha . table Deals, I'/ It. and i fan / spokes, which wrh PINF. ami O \ K TIMBER, Quabecand Mem [ PIt> K STAVES, they v.- ill ditpxe of reasonably. • ( 730 WHISKEY; ROSIN, & c. & c. FOR SALE BY < WILLIAM SEED b' ROBERT BAILIE. 221 Punchers Cork and Dublin Whislej, 100 Barrels Smerit ah Rosin, 100 Bundles Iron Hoops, 1200 Double Pieces Grey Calicoes, 80 Boxes Tin Plates, 3 Pipes Madeira Wine; And daily expeil, per the Pee, from Dublin, 30 ' IONS OATMEAL, Which will be sold out of the Vessel, 738) Belfast, August 7. ON SALE. . Vgrf Orleans Cotton IVo I, Co'k Ifhiskey, Me. r- Fork Pot Ashe's, . ,1 jezv ( ash Has, inn Candle Tallow. Apply to- ROBT. GETTY & JAS. LUKE. Aug. ust 6 ( 729 ' hups. ' GEORGE LANGTRY & CO. TIT AVE received, per the DONEGALI, from J LONDON, 26 Pockets, of Prime Quality, GROWTH OF 1811, Which wdl be sold on moderate rrrm*. ? 1 » ) ' - Belfast, 30th July, 1812. WHISKEY. ' Q. EORGE LANGTRY & CO, have for ONE HUNDRED PUNCHEONS Strong well- fl. voured WHISKEY. 618) . Belfast. July 14. ALE PORTER STORES, NO. 10, DON EGALL- STREET. THOMAS M. COATES HAS on hands a Quantity of BELLINGHAM'S PALE , BUTT ALE and PORTER, in Wood and Bottle ; ! also, CIDER, PERRY, SPRU E BEER, SOD VWA- TFR, & c. & C. which he will sell on reasonable terms 734) Belfast, August 7. SCARLET, WHITE, & BLACK CLOTHS JOHNSON & FISHER have received, by the CLTN- I NINOMAM BSTLE, A fresh Supply o) Scarlet. White, and nt'ick Cloths, Which have been carefully chosen, and will be sold cheap. 582) ' Belfast, June29 GEORG11 l. OrrON- WOOL, " QRLEANS Do. Do. POT ASHES, SICILY B iRILLA, LEAF TOBACCO, For Sale, on ReasonaOle Terms, by JAMES KENNEDY, Belfast, May 19 Donegall- Qujy. ( 212 JafefciSn- Wi^ sat', for their retpcBive forts, xuith the for st fair Wind after the dates mentioned : . FOR LONDON, The armed brig DONEGALL, CO » » TIKAY, I5tb August The armed brig AURORA, STARKI 14daya alter. FOR LIVERPOOL, The CERES, SAVACE 15th August. The FANNY, MAETINJ Eight days after. FOR BRISTOL, The DRAPER, M'MOLLIN...,. 20th August. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The CUNNINGHAM BOYLE, BEI. L 15th August. The MINERVA, COO* TENAT Eight days after. FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The armed brig LAOAN, HONRINS 15ih August. The armed brig FACTOR, M< NIRC 14 days after For Freight, in London, apply to Messis. ALEXANDER and WILLIAM OGII. BY, Abchurch- Yard. Gentlemen who have Linens to forward, will please send them to GEORGE LANGTRY A few stout Lads wanted as Apprentices to the Sea. FOR GLASGOW, The DIANA, JOHN M'CALLUM, MA » TE « , ( A constant Trader), Now loading, te sail in a few day*. FOR DUBLIN. The DISPATCH, JAMMON First fair wind. The BEE, RANKIN Eight days eSter. For Freight, apply to GEO. MONTGOMERY. The HAWK, M'COSMICK, IS losding at Glasgow for I! BeLfwt- ( 73f) Belfast, August 7. uoftf' JgEGS to iut Common Cans, Pigtail, and Superfine, Da. EngmfrCut Grass- Cni Tobecco, Of > v?. Jriou's descriptions, Succards, High l\> aktr Stalk, and Common ' S b'FF, RAPEK, Plain and'Seated; Which, with every other Article in the TOBACCO TRADE, he will dispose of reasonably, at his: Mauu'a3ory, No. IS, L'ELFAJ « ' S- ENTRT. HE HAS ALSO FPU SALE, ' PRIME VIRGINIA LEAF TOBACCO. TR. Wanted, TWO 1 OBACCO'SPINNBRS, who can produce satisfaSory Certificate, of ability and society. R. TELFAIR, J on. having reigned . the G! RO- CERY BUSINESS, cannot omit this occisio'n of retVtliiW n>* sincere acknowledgments to his Fr. en.' A, for the p. ti. ility he has experienced," and requests fhost inden d to him, . v. ll be . pleased to settle their Accounts as soon as conv-.- o ejit. ... lptb / u^ ust, lSJ 2. BLEACHERS' SMALTS. R O B E R /. D K L A P FIT AS' for Sale, a P. rcel of REAL DUTCH; of First I - L Qua. ity, which I\ e will Sell on very moderate Terms. 630 . Belfast, Ju'y 18. IRIS. TO be i. E r, ~ Fr im he ht o) September- rHE SMITHHELD x Apply to ROB August 7. sLAuuti i Eft - HOUSES, : RT FFRGUSON. 14, Mill- street. ( 731 TO BE SOLD, • t FARM of LAND, containing Ten Ac es or ( here- abouts, Oil the Road from B ifast to - CarrrckferRB i, with or Witllutif the Ctop, wh ch consists of PotATOt*) PI; AX, OAtra, and H. vr. There is a convenient Cabin," Officj- houses, and Garden, on the Premises Proposals will be receive^ by jhe p. opntor. WILLIAM CRAIQ, of Waiting- street, No. 4.', until the first day uf September, 1212, when the Purchaser will be declared.' •" , ir''.. ( « « « • TO BE LET, ' 1 ^ A C^ PITAI. STORE in Corn Market, confainine a '\\ GROUND FLOOR and two expensive LOFTS, with OFFICE comple; e.— Ap ly to WILLIAM PHELPS, No. 3 Lime Kiln Doct. August 10, 4 1S. BUILDING GROUND. To le Let, in Great Edward- Street, in Front of the. New Shaml ' es, \ FEW I. OTS of GROUND— one of the he. t Siria- A tions in Bel'ast for Building, vath Vaults coaipiete. A Ion/. Lease will be . riven. Eor particular, inquire of Majot FOX. ( 261 AN APPRENTICE WANTED ro a RESPECTABLE MERCANTILE HOUSF, in Town— A Y uttr'from the Country of' goou Con- nexions, would prohab'y be. preferred. Apply to Mli ANDERiOW, Ck. onicle- Office —- Lettera Pnsr- paid. 747) August la WANTED IMMEDIATE LY, AN APOTHECARY to the BtLfAST HosnrAi. and DisrEN » A » v — I he pa iicu ars m, v b- lea nt hy application to Dr. STEPHEMSON, Dr DRENKAM, Dr. M DONNELL, or Dr. TBOMSON. Physicians to the Hos- piral; or to Mr. M'CIUNET, or M '. MAESHAXI., Surgeons, 749) August 10. , ,£ 300, 06400, ,£ 500. \^ TANT ED, the Loan of either of the abode Sums, up- 7 7 « n a Mortgage of a valuable Property in the I owa « f Belfast. ' _,,..•• Apply to Paui » MAGUIRE, at the Office of Messrs. Cuming & TANN , AutStioneers, 84, Hig-.- itreet. ( 671 NO I'ICE IS he1 eby given, that any Person fotind Trespassing nn my ESTATE in the County of Ai- MAOH, with Dogs, Gnns, or Nets, & c. without niy permission in Writing, will be punished as the Law in such ca- ea. diretSs. JOHN WHALEY. DUBLIN, August 5,1812. ( 73.7 The Public are respedifully nform- ed, that it is intended the following N. E.. TRADERS ^ ggg& Sfc •• '' ha,, , ai! at tie mdermehtitmedperiods: FOR LONDON, The armed br g BRITANNIA", A'BER nr EN. First fair wind The armed br g VENUS, PENDLE 1 ON 14 dais Jrer. These Vessels being armed and completely well loutitf, Insurance by them will consequently be eiftCted on th* most reasonable terms FOR LIVERPOOL, The NEPTUNE, DAVIDSU*... In a few diya. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The KELLY M'II. WAIN.. F rr lair wind; The ST. PATRIC K, CAMPBELL S VEN days alter. FROM " I'ONl) f'N FOR BRLF'XS'', The armed bri^ VINE-, Mo* TOOMERV...... 15th Au^ ust^ For Freight, in London, apply* to Messrs. WM & JOHN WHARTON, Nicholas' LaraS; or, n Belfast, to R. GREENLAW, Agent, Who will receive an ' forward LINFN C'LOTH and othe* MERCHANDIZE witfc cart- and dispatch {" » . A lew Stout Lads wanted as APPRFNTICES to the Se. ro whom Is—. ' '' e ,'"- e THE PROVIDENCE, 109 Tons Burthen, HDWARD PHILIPS. VTasTEa, FOR DUBI. R-; To sail first fair wind after Sktjttfuy, Srh'mst. Will take a few Tona Freight, at IBs. per Pon — Apply to WILLI \ M PHELPS, Aujrust 3. ( 727) No 3, Linie- K I - Dock. FOR BUENOS AYR. ES, DIRECT, THE FA3I- 3ML1NO AKMS1 BKiO - LORD NELSON, J I'HOMS > N, MMI I « , Will clear to s-,: i> first fair xind after tl. e 15th Au- ust.— For Fieight or Passage ap^. y to MONLGOMI'. RYS. ST. TPLEO, & CO. WHO HAVE FOR SALE, Rich, If na tx ) t oOacco, ( oitoti- H'otrl, J'lfcant barilla , and & actios Jurts • at. "<"- ' C » J » nd. ir-, treat, Jely SS, 18f* BELFAST CO\ 1M KKC1AL CHB. ON ICLE. | gSSBSt8gWBM8B Worths Belfast Ca ? IMPROMPTU, ON HEARING OF THE BIRTH OF THE EARL OF HILLSBOROUGH, AT HILLSBOROUGH, ON THURSDAY, THE 6TH AUGUST, 1812. 11 Tu Mi& a najsenti fiuer$ " Casta fave Lurna " Stfett Babe— on this, thv natal hour. May Heaven in choicest M « t » in<? « pour; May all our Slints in concord join; The Spin'r » of thv honered Line, The Genius of our Tele : May ill togeth r hail thy birth, And welcome thy advent on earth With kind propitious imile. Thy tharming Mother, too, our greeting claims; Fairest and best of all • Uum\' s Dames— Erin's adopted Daughter— eentle, bland- Resolving, nohly, over here to tome, Quitting', in Atfkn's Tih— n ra native home, T » male tih Emerald lite— THT native 1 and. Yes, " ehaste T uetwA," shall the Poet's lays In grateful numbers, yield thee every praise- That on this birth- time you henipnnt smil'd : And still invoke thy pre3cnc » , for, that thou To gratify » s all— ha » t given now— " A living Mother, and a living Child." Whilst to mv ear th » undulating gale Bears fom yen sacred + Fane the swelling peal, Floating along with choral notes of joy, To hail the birth dav of this lovelv Boy; AH chaunting our—" Another gift of Heaven— " Another DOWNIHIIE to our I » le is given !" Had Poeiv, divire— l ite Msnni'i b » en mine, I, too. lilte him, on this behest should shine; Such is it is. and inch my bumble meed, I donb'inc dire to tone mr " rustic reed," Th< least and simpVst of TTlMian Swaint, Who fling at random their Parnassian strains. Sweet Pabe, while pawing thy infantine hours, In fUrumnetan'v's roseate breathing bowers. May no mishap thv rhil ' hood come athwart: May sm ll- poi, measles, booning emigh, and all The epidemics wh'A oti children fill, The surface skim— but never reach thy heart. And from thy Cradle, noble youth, Thv polar star and enide be Truth, Nor be like . . in sooth A Lord— for shnffl'nsr famed ! Who mourning on Corruptionwtnga ( Aloft— on either side he swings!) Still having to his bow— two string,, Should not with ' hee be named. And now uphrrne on wings of time. Arrived thou hast at Manhood's prime ; Thv mind full- rraupht with everv store, Which Sc'- on' « can yield of College lore. Thy virile race begun, Xememb- r then IEHNE'S Cause; Uphold her Rank— her Peace— her Laws; Mind not of giddy crondi the applause, The course of honer run : But, nobly stem Corruption's tide; By Frin's sacred Rights abide; Her Ch . mpion still— be that thy pride, Jn Sena'e or in Field. ( As bath thy Noble Sire) maintain That Government to Irishmen, Should equal ' vintage yield. Fel'giou d fference should not be The can e of strife and enmity. Both Protestant and Catholic Should by their King and Country stick— Hav ir^ uAi. Rank and Laws. All discord then and c: nt feud, Absorbed in peac wou'd he subdues, And with all Ven the Public good Would be— a Public Cause. From Senatorial toils relaxed ; At seasons— when, no longer vexed With Statesmen's noisy brawl- Say. at this season of the year, Von. to your native bowers repair; And $ Drumnetantv's shades again Hold up to view tbe pleasing scent, And youthful joys recal. Add to the fragrance of those shades, Improve still more those whispering glades, Adorn— TBist LOUT HILLS. Be, like that towering Oak in bloom ; Cive shelter to the Plough and Loom, As did thy Grandsire | WILLS. And, in this sweet retirement leara Wher Erin calls— upright and stern Like ^ HTBUB, the revered— To spurn at honors— bribes— and wealth, ( And sacrificing even health) When ERIN'I Rights were filched by stealth, And means, before unheard. EDMTRCOLIO, Augmt 8, 1812. * The ancient name of the County of Down. c. 1st Regiment of Foot Guards— M ijor- Genera! Henry Warde to he Second Major, vite Thornton, who retires; Major- General William Henrv Clinton to be Third Major, vice Major General Warde; Brevet Maior Samuel Coote Martin to be CaptVn of a Companv, bv purchase, vice Major G neral Clinton; Fnsign Thomas B. Barrett, to be Lieutenant by purchase, vire Martin. 1st Regiment of Foot— Lieutenant R bert Dudgeon to b » Captain of a Companv, vice Duncan. deceased; Ensign William Campbell to be Lieutenant, vice Dudgeon. 4th Dit'o— Lieutenant Oeorjre Keating, from the lflrh Lipht Dragoons, to be Lieutenant, srire Arnold, who exchanges. 39 h Ditto— Captain Samuel T'V, rpe. from tbe Royal York Rangers, to b » Captain of a Company, vice Fry, who ex- changes. 54th D'tto— Lieutenant Richard " eales. from the East Nor- folk Miliria. to be Ensign, without purchase 58th Ditto— James Goldsmid,, G « it. to be Ensign, by pur- chase, vie" Rogers promoted. 531 Dit'o— Captain Lewis Mackenzie, from tK » 9' h Li? ht Dragoons, t > be Captain of a Company, vice Gurwood, who exchanges. 65th Ditto— Henrv Francis Sharp. Oent. to he Ensign, with- out purchase, vice Place promoted. SStb Ditto— F. nsicjn Thomas Chattertfln to be Lieutenant, vi e !> nvd, who resits. 69th Ditto— Ass s ant- Sn- geon Alexander M'Kerhnie, from the 89th Font, to be Suryeon, vice Maguire deceased 81st Ditto— F. nsitrn William Edyvean to b » Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Pear- on, promoted; Hospiral- Mate Wm. R Gihh to be Assistant- Surgeon, vice Duncan « on, who resigns. 91st Ditto— F. nsij^ i John Taylor, from the Kirkcudbright Mil tia, to be Ensign, witbont purchase. 94rh Ditto— Captain William P de Bathe, from the Sd West India Regimenr, to be Captain of a Company, vice Ha- milton, who exchanges. 95th Ditto— Samuel Curry, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant, vice Knight, who resigns. 3d West India Regimenr— Captain Jam's Hamilton, from the 94th Foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice de Bathe, who exchanges 6th Ditto — L'eutenan Richard Walsh to be Captain at a Company, vie Richardson, placed upon ba'f- pay ; Fnsign Robert Htirton to he Lieutenant, vice Walsh; John Church Gent, to be Ensign vce Hntton Royal York Rangers— Captain John. Fry, frotp the S9; h Foot, to be Captain of a Company, vice Thorpe, who ex- changes. rd Garrson Battalion— Quarter- Master George Guy, to be Adjxt mt ( with the rank of Fnsign) vice Kelly, who re- signs the Adjutancy only ; Quart r Master Serjeant Ed- ward Loggan to b" Quarter- Master, vc, e Guy. Cth Ditto— George Bertles, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Earle, appointed to the 5th Royal Veteran Battalion. Sd Royal Veteran Battalion— Serjeant John M'Kay to be Ensign, vice Garrett, who return to bis former half- pay. The K ng's German Legion. Sd Battalion of the Line— To be Ensigns— Alexander Pat- terson, Gent vice Schmidt, promoter ; James Hamilton, G- nt vice Bilch. promoted; and Patrick Gairdner, Gent, vice Qu ade, promoted. 6rh Ditto— Edward Martin M » ller, Gent to be Ensign, vice Benne, promoted. Wattevi] e's Regiment— J iseph Pelican, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Delapierre, promoted. Southern Manx Volunteers— Robert Stewart, Esq. to be Lieutenant- Colonel- Commandant, viceTaubman. deceassd. STAFF. Assistant. Commissary Augustus Sehmidchen to be a Deputy Commissary- General to the Forces. FRENCH PAPERS. l | The fiae Gothic Church of Hillsborough. J The ancient name of the little Park at Hillsborough, j The first Marquis of Downshire. 1 The second Marquis of Downshire, who sacrificed all these— and his life too— to prevent the accomplishment of tie Union. MILITARY PROMOTIONS. WAR- OFFICE, AUGUST 4. • 1th Regiment I) f Dragoon Guard*—- Captain George Brad- shaw, I rem the 22d 1 ight Dragoons, tone Captain of * Troop, vice Warren who exchanges. Sth Regiment of Light Dragoons— Clptain 1 hn Gurweod, from the 6 » d Foot, ta he Captain 6f a Troop, vice Mat- ke(. « e, who exchange* Xth Ditto— Lieutenant Robert Arnold, from the 4th Foot, t » he Lieutenant, vice Keating, who exchanges. Ditto— Cape in Robert Warren, from the 4th Dragosn Guards, to l> « Ca; itjic if a Troojs, - rice Bradsfcsw, who 1 clthanjn, - * j paisim? the Borvsthincs. Thus the two armies are completely divided and separated, there being; between them a dis* anr » of 100 learues. " Prince Eckmuhl has seized upon the strong place of Boressu, upon tbe Beresina ; 60,000! hs. of powder, 16 pieces of besieging artillery, and some hospitals, have fallen into his power. Considerable magazines were set on fire ; a part was, however, saved. On the 16th, Gen. Latour Mrtibourg s » nt tbe division of li'aht cavalry, commanded by Gen. Rosnieki, towards Mer. It met the enemy's rear- guard at a short dis- tance from that town. A very brisk engagement took place; notwithstanding the inferiority of the Polish division in number, it remained master of the field.— The General of Cossacks, Gtigoriew, was killed, and 1,500 Russians were killed and wounded. Our loss was not more than 500. The Polish light , cavalry fou rht with the greatest intrepidity, and its courage supplied the want of number. The same day we en- tered Mer. On the 13th J: he K'ng of Westphalia had his head- quarters at Aisvy. The Viceroy has ar- rived at Dockchelsoui. The Bavarians, commanded by Count St. Cyr, were reviewed on the 14rh at Wil- na, bv the Emperor. Deroy and Wrede's division are very fine; these troops have marched on S'oubo- kie. " The Diet at Warsaw being constituted into a General Confederation of Poland, has named Prince Adam Czartorenski for its president. This Prince, arred RO vears, has for 50 years been Marshal of the Diet of Poland. The first act of the Diet was to de clare the kingdom of Poland re- established, A De- putation from tbe Confederation was presented to his Majesty at Wilna, and submitted to his approbation and protection the Act of Conft deration." CUR! OlT> CASE. If SEVENTH BULLETIN OF TKE GRAND ARMY. " WILKA, JULY 16-— Hii Majesty has erected upon the right bank of the Vilia an entrenched camp, surrounded by redoubts, and constructed a citadel up- en the mountain, on which was the accient palace of Jagellons ; two bridges upon piles are being con- structed ; three bridges upon rafts are already es- tablished. On the 8th, his Majesty reviewed a part of his guard, commanded bythe Duke of Treviso, and the old guard, under the Duke of Dantzic, in front of the entrenched camp. The fine appearance of these troops excited general admiration. On the 4- th, Mar- shal the Duke of Tart nto set out from his head quar- ters ip Rossien, the capital of Simogitie, one of the handsomest and most fertile provinces in Poland ;— Baron Ricard, with a part of the 7th division, to march upon Poncewiez ; the Prussian Gen. Kiiest was only able to reach a single Russian hussar, the ene- my having hastily evacuated Chawle, after setting the magazines on fire. Gen. Ricard arrived early on the Sth, at Poncewiez. He had the good fortune of sav- | ing the magazines, which contained 30,000 quintals of meal. He took J 60 prisoners, among which if ere four officers. This expedition does the greatest ho- nour to the detachment of tbe Prussian death hussars, who were charged with the execution of it. His Ma- jesty has bestowed the Legion of Honour to the com- mandant of it, to Lieut. De Raven, to sub- officers Werner and Pomrnerwit, and Brigadier Grahonski.— The inhabitants of the province ofSamogitte aic distin- guished for their patiiotism ; they weie free, their country was rich, but their destinies changed with the fell of Poland. The better and finest parts of the country were given by Catherine to Soubow ; tbe peasants, free as they were, were completely to be- come slaves. The flank movement made by the army upon Wilna having turned this fine province, it will We of the utmost utility to the army. " Two thousand horses are on their march to re- pair the loss of the artillery. Considerable magazines have been preserved. Tire march of the army from Kowno upon Wilna, and from Wiina upon Duna- boutg and Minsk, has obliged the enemy to abandon the banks of the Niemen, and rendered this river free, by which numerous convoys arrive at Krowno. We have at this moment more than 150,000 quintals of meal, 2,000,000 rations of buscuit, 600,000 quintals of rice, & c. & c. The convoys succeed each other with rapidity ; the Niernen is covered with boats.— The passage of the Niemen took place on the 24th, and tiie Emperor entered Wilna on the 28th. The first army of the west, commanded by the Emperor Alexander, is composed of nine divisions of infantry, and four of cavahy, driven from post to post, and now occupies the entrenched camp at Drissa, in which the King of Naples, with the corps of Marshals the Dukes of EJchingen and Reggio, several divisions of the first corps, and the cavalry of Counts Nansouty and Montbnin, keep it.— The Second army, command- ed by Prince Bagrntion, was, on 1st July, at Kobrin, where it h,! d Collected. The 9th and 1 Sth divisions, under Gen. Tormazow, were st: ll further off. On the first intelligence of the passage of the Niemen, Bagration put himself in motion to march upon Wilna ; he effected his junction with PlatofT's Cossacks, who were opposite Grodno. Arrived upon the top of the Ivie, he learned that the road to Wilna was shut against him. He discovered that the orders he had received, would be rash and cause his ruin. Soubot. nicki, Trobocci, Witchnew, and Volojinck, being oc- cupied by Gen. Grouchy, Baron Pajol. and the Prince of Eckmuhl's corps, he retrogaded, and took the di- rection of Minsk ; but, arrived midway towards that town, he learned the Prince of Eckmuhl had entered it; he again retrOgad'ed ; from Newy, he marched upon Slonsk, and from thence upon Bobruisk, from i whi iice he will iuve no other resource than that of COURT OF SESSION, SCOTLAND. EDINBURGH, MAY 22. HOGG a. aow This was an aflion of damages for breach of promise of marriage. The pursuer is a voung ladv who carried on business as a mantua- maker, and the defend r is a w « ll known teacher of music In Edinbureh. In Summer 1R09. the defender, who had been for some time on terms of intimacv in the'family of the pursuer, made proposals of marriage to her, after a course of most assiduous and unremitting attention, at length obtained her consent. At that period the defender was a wi. dower, and had a family of grown- up ch^ ^- n, and it w as alleged by the pursuer, that V e scruples to which both she and her sister repea edly expressed, as to how they might stand aff fled to the step he meant to * ke, Mr. Gow uniformly replied that his circumstances were such as to em. ble him to provide for his family if they sh u'd disapprove of the match, hut that he was per- suaded they never would " hjeft to any arrangement which was essential to his happine s ; and for the period of a year and a half the intim icy was con- tinued while both paities visited, and were invited out together, by their mutual friends, and the pursuer had not the slightest reason to suppose that any of Mr. Gow's family would be displeased at the prospefl of a nearer alliance. During all this time a correspond nee by letters was occasionally kept tip, of that free and unre- served nature which was warranted by the pro. speft of the speedy union of the parties. In the course of November, 181( L however, the pursuer observed an alteration io^ fl^ S* ondufl of the defender ; and at last, upon'trie 25: h day of that month, she received a tener from him, setting forth, that he found his children were displeased with the idea of his marrying again, and that upon this account he must renour. ee all pretensions to her hand. On receiving this letter, in which, as stated, the defender made the opposition of his family a pre- text for violating engagements which had proceed, ed so great a length, a farther correspondence en- sued, in which the pursuer's father took a share, the issue of which confirmed the parties of the re. solution of the defender r. ot to celebrate the mar riage; the pursuer then, in conseqnence, resolved to appeal to a court ofjustice for the only redress which remained for « hat she considered so wan- ton and unprovoked'an outrage on her feelings and happiness, and an aftion was, accordingly, raised against Mr. Gow, concluding for damages. In defence against this atflion it was stated by the counsel for Mr. Gow, that he makes his bread by playing and teaching the violin. About three years ai » o, his wife died, leaving him, though not much advanced in years, the father of a family, grown and growing tip to the age of men and women. As his time is occupied in teaching dor. ing the day, and his business requires him during the evenings of winter, generally foi many days in the week, to be absent from his own house, and sometimes at a considerable distance, he resolved to marry as soon as was consistent with a due re- speit for the memory of his deceased wife. He had previously been acquainted with Miss Mary Hogg, the pursuer, who having received as good an education as her father's circumsijteces would admit, had been established as a miritis i- maker in Edinburgh for some years; and hfj^ jPamed leave to pay his addresses to her. Durfjjfthe friendly intercourse which followed, one of the principal objefls on the part of the pursuer was to conc Mate the esteem of the defender's children ; and the defender solemnly avers, that he neither promised her marriage, nor gave her reas > n to suppose that he was about to ask her in m riiage, upon any other teims, or with any other should pruve a useful mother She Herself seemed equally aware point of indispensible importance; and accord- ingly the attention of both was direiled to that objeft for some time. In the course of their correspondence, however, an accident happened, which, if it did not altogether put an end to any hopes of that kind, at least rendered them ex- tremely distant and uncertain The pursuer's brother, John Hogg, had paid his addresses to the defender's daughter; and, after a very slight ac- quaintance, he abruptly proposed that they should solemnize marriage, without ever informing the defender, or any of her relations. Indeed he went so far as to attempt to carry her out of the de- fender's house. Th^ s necessarily put an end to all friendly com- munication between the two families; but the de- fender, who was quite aware that the pursuer cou'd not approve of any such measure, did not despair for some time, of reconciling his children • o her. This, however, he at last found altogether impossible, and he thought it his duty to mention the matter to the pursuer, in order that she might be fully aware of the turn which matters had takrn; and if she thought it unwise to keep up the corres- pondence anv longer with the defender, that she might break it off. The defender did not make his address to any other lady, nor did upon his part altogether despair of acc molisbing an union wi h the pursuer ; but he thought it right to inform her how he stood, in order that she might judge for herself, and either break off or continue the cor- respondence with him. In answer shs" gave him to understand, she never considered the consent of his family as indispensably necessary for their union ; that slip and the defender might make tbem- s lves extremely happy without any communica. tion with his children : and she insisted that he should proceed to solemnize the marriage irame. dia'ely ; and it appearing to the defender that this would be abandoning his du y to his family, and ihat be could not help entertaining great doubts whether anv union formed in such circumstances could be happy, he declined further correspon- dence. The defences, therefore, were— 1st, It is not true that the defender ever gained the affec- tions of the pursuer coder promise of marriage, and afterwards causelessly refused to fulfil his engage- ment ; 2dlv. fhe defender never interchanged pro- mise of marriage wi'h the pursuer ; and Sdly, the libel is altogether irrelevant. It is not even libell- ed that anv consequence followed upon the legal promise of marriage; and therefore it was perfeff- ly competent for either party to resile therefrom, rehut tntegris. In answering these defences, and narrative of the defender, the pursuer referred to the corres- pondence which had tak n place between the par- ties, and which gould at once show how far the defence was well- founded, that the defender never gained the putsu? r's affeflions nnder promise of marriage. The words of the defender's first let'er are conclusive of this part of the question. The words are, " entrusted Mrs. A with p. mes- sage to you, which, if delivered, you may think indecorous ; first, as being too so'in after my loss; and secondly, in trusting it to any person." Now, what other construftion can be put upon this letter than that it was an offer of marriage? and the faft is abundantly plain, that Mr. Gow had pre- viously secured free access to the family and house of the pursuer, and was at liberty to begin his courtship to her whenever he pleased. The cor- respondence which followed this first letter afford the most distirift and unequivocal proof of an offer of marriage ; and an offer which, if it was once accepted, the defender could not retrafl from without subjefting himself to all the damage he might occasion by his inconstancy. The proof is, • n the whole tenor of the evidence, and in all the circumstance? of the case— in the style and tenor of the whole letters produced, wherein Mr. Gow a Idresses the pursuer in the tenderesl style of af- feflion ; and the fafls which these letters establish, as to the defender's visits to the parents and rela- tions of the pursuer ; their constant solitary walks and appointments; his engaging her, without her knowledge to dine and visit at his intimate friends ; and, in shrrt, the strain, tone, and chara& er of heir intercourse, from the time that the first letter was dispatched and answered. B; it the defender, although he admits an en. gigement, says it was qualified and conditional— that he was engaged to marry the pursuer, in so far as h: s own will and powers went ; but that he was not to fulfil the engagement, unless he got the consent of hi? children. Many instances have oc- curred of marriages being prevented for want of consent of parents, but this is supposed to be the very first time that such a proceeding on the part of a father too. who had made his own fortune, and on whom his family were entirely dependent, was suspended on the consent of his children. It is not presumable that the pursuer could ever have admittt « J Mr. Gow's addresses upon such an understanding. That she was to receive him as her lover, and permit the whole world to be spe « 3ators of their growing intimacy, in the mere hope and contingent expectation, that if she could contrive to make herself agreeable to his children, she might at last be promoted to the honour of being his wife, is too absurd to be listened to for a moment. No such arrangement erev could be proposed by any man of common sense to a weman whom he thought of marrying ; and theie is no woman, and no father of a woman, who would ever look upon the author of such a proposal but with that resent- ment and disdain which the bare mention of it must excite in the minds of all to whom it is stated. Such, however, the proposition, Mr. Gow say5, was deliberately made by him to a person of whom he still continues to speak in terms of , the utmost respetS and esteem, and was eagerly acceded to by her and all the members of her family ! and of this he offers not a shadow of proof, direft or in- direft. But the defender attributes the failure of the n;- gocialjj> n betwixt him and the pursuer to another circ^ Btance, viz. that the pursuer's brother had s addresses to one of- his daughters, " but e young lady was not disposed to make him the • which he desired, and that he thought fit to e an ou rageous attempt to carry her out of tl| e defenders house by force." In jus ice to her own cause, as well as to the character of her bro- ther, so grossly, wantonly, and unjustly attacked in a pleading relative to a case in >\ hich he is not a party, an explanation of this is necessary. It is true, that in the course of j rpetual inter- course which the defender encouraged, and even in- vited, between the pursuer's brother and his family, an attachment took place between him and his daught ' t— his addresses were favourably received, and in July, 1810, he obtained her permission to apply to her father for his consent to their union. A letter, bearing date 6ih July, 1810, written by the young lady to the pursuer's brother, dem n stiates pretty clearly the terms on which they wtre at this period. On the 29 h of July, the pursuer's brother spoke t"> the defender on the subjeif, and alter some difficulties stated by him as to the awk- wardness of the double connexion between the fa- milies, th y were at iast got over, and Mr. Gow declared himself satisfied. On the following clay, however, proposals in writing were sent tlie de- fender from another gentleman, and the young lady having been left to her own choice, after writ- ing two very angry letters to the pursuer's hrother, accepted the latter offer. But this affair was r. ot, as the defender states, the cause of the rupture be- twixt him and the pursuer. This affair took place in Jiily, and the letter from the defender to the pur. suer, in which, for the first tine, he communicate* his intentions to withdraw from his engagements, is not written till the month of November, that is, four months afterwards. After the case had been argued before Lords Newton and Woodhouselee, it came before the' whole Court. Upon advising the case, their Lordship's were nearly unanimous in opinion that the aflion was competent. A person was liable to damages, if he trespassed on the property of another— if he in- flifled a blow in tbe heat < f passion, or if, by a few hasty expressions, he injured, iu a'ny manner, the charafler and good fame of another— and shall a person not equally be liable in darn ages, where, by a train of assidious attentions, he gains the heart and affeflions of a young unsuspeifting fe- male, and then, by whim or capiice. or any ur, « founded motive, desert her, leaving her a prey to the inlensenessof mental languish, and borne down by the weight of shame, regret, and mortification, which must follow the sudden ivestrutf ion of hopes so long cherished, and so artfully excited ! Not- withstanding, a female in such circumstances may be the most innocent of persons, yet the very no- toriety of the adventure must be regarded as . t misfortune to her, both in a moral and patrimonial point of view ; and there is a certain degree of ludibrium inseparable from the idea of a young woman having been jilted or deserted by a mat — and with the careless, the rash, the ignorant, and uncharitable, ( that is the great majority of the world,) it never fails to afford a pretcnce for suspi* ci > ns of impropriety Upon her part, and surmises, which it is as difficult to bear as it is impossible to obviate. The public contempt, however, with which the charafler of a male jilt has at all ti > es been received by civilized society, at once shows ihe extent of crime w hich has been attached to a trmsaAii. n of a similar nature to the piesent. The Court found the defender liable to the pur- suer in £ 700 of damages, and in the expentes of process. MR. FULLER. The astronomical world, we are assured, wdl read, with great pleasure, the following paragraph, which we copy - verbatim from the Lewe. Pamper, as inducing a hope that the scientific esertions of Mr. Fuller, during the rece s, may be produflive of discoveries, calculated to raise h s name adastrat " lohn Fuller, Esq one of our County Mem! ier « , is erei3- ing an Observatory, on that delightful an 1 comtnan ' ing emi nence, whereon a windmill lately stood on Brightiing Down;; and to give better effeS to his astronon. icil pursuits, Mr. Fuller has purchased that famous telescope, vshlch the lnt « Sir Geo. Shuckburgh so much prized for its t- Xcelknca, being the best ever manufafiured in England" Cincinnatus, released from the service of his country, retired to the cultivation of his paternal farm. In Mi% Fuller we have, an instance of. the same modest simplicity. His Parliamentary du- ties being performed, he hastes not, it is true, to the cultivation of his fields, fortune having rf i- dered that unnecessary, but to the cultivation of science. We think we behold him, wearied with witnessing the diminished splendour and ui .- eas. ing aberration of the little ministerial luminaries, surveying every part of BnL. btling D > wn, and ' where once the windmill sto « d,' directing the stately observatory to raise its head— there, to use the words which the inimitable author of Hudtirat has applied to the abode of Sidrophle : " In mansion prndently contriv'd, Whether neither tree nor hoilse tan bar The free det. Ction'of a star" This gentleman the thunder* of whose eloquence has frequently shaken the walls of St. Stephen's Chapel, and called forth more sh us of heart hear ! than ever followed the financial demontra- tions of Pitt— the impassioned el quence of Fox — the florid oratory of Burke— or the keen and polished wit of Sheridan— " may sit, and nightly spell, Of ev'ry star the sky dot . shew," and, perhaps, with the aid of his favourite tele, scope, he may detect s ime hitherto unobserved luminary. Should he be so fortunate, we would advise him, in honour of the new em, of which we have heard so mucn, and by which we have bene- fited so little, to d.- signateit, subddum sidus, or the deceitful star. The writer of the paragraph which we have just quoted has not informed us whether a well stored cellar, and a plentiful larder, are at- tached to the observatory. We sincerely hope that they, are ; as, in that case, Mr. Fuller will be enabled to see double,— and his discoveries will, of course, increase in the same ra io. Possessing these substantial comforts, his vesper hyma may very properly commence— •" Vos O clarssima nv. tfidi " Lumina, Lbentem . < E! O QUAJ ducitis annum, Liber et alma Cer. s." Blush ! Blush I ye depraved senators, who are at this moment either sunk in ignobie ease or, if employed, employed in the mean sports of the country— turn your eyes to Rrightling Down* and let the example of " honest Jack Fuller" re claim ye from folly. * Mr. fuller's voice is of the Stentorean order. CURIOUS MARRIAGE ! — In the Parish Register of Leather head, in Surrey, is the following entry of a Mai tiage sob mnized in that Church : — " Richard Drake, of the parish of Ashtead, and D borah Duck, of this parish, were married Ja- nuary lb", 1709" A Gentleman, on being shewn if, wrote the fol- lowing with a pencil, and left it on that page „ f the Register, a^ a poetic tribute of regara to sj> whimsical an union :— When good Mr. Drake married Doborah Duih, The Bride- maids and bride- men all ivish'd them geod luci.; While al. th- t the Curate could do, was to pray That their children might tread in the very tame way. BELFAST; Printed and Published by DRUMMOFD A'AFESFAR Sell and the other Propr etprs, every Mmdai, Vofc an Saturday, — Price of the Paper, whin sen' " Any of the United Kingdom. * 3.8j. 3< tlea » lv. p^ id to ,>. r. AOINTS— Messrs. Taylei and Newtun, Warwick--^ Let . don— Mr. Bernard Murray, 188, OlJ Cfcarch' « , r~-:. ' ho—, Vti Jas. Airferson, bcoks « '' « r, KdioL- ij
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