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Belfast Commercial Chronicle


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Belfast Commercial Chronicle

Date of Article: 08/08/1812
Printer / Publisher: Drummond Anderson 
Address: Belfast
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1169
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1819 ACTS Relative to the organization of Lithuania. -—_ ORDER OF THE DAV. ARTICLE I. There shall be a Provisional Gov. mment of Lithuania; composed of seVen Members aud a Secretary- General , • 2. The Commission of the Provisional Govrnm » nt of Lithuania shall be charged with the administration of the finances, with , the care of th' means of subsis- ence with the organization of the troops of the coikitry, with thejforrnation of the national guards, and of the gendarmerie, S. There shall be an Imperial Commissioner with the Commissioner of the Provisional G ivernme it of Lithuania. 4 Each of the Governments of Wilna, Grodno. Minsk an I Bialistock, shall be administered by a Commission of three Members with an Intendant presiding. 5. These Administrative Commissions shall be under the orders of the Provisional Commission of the Government of I. ithu • a. 6. The Administration of each district shall be confided to a Sub- Perfeit. 7. There shall he in the city of Wilna a Mayor, four As » sistalits, and a Municipal Council, composed of twelve Mem- ben) This administration shall be charged with the ma- nagement of the property of the city, with the superintend- ance of the Charitable Establishments, and with the Muni- cipal Police. 8. A national guard. Confuting of two ba'talions, shall be formed at \ ytUnU Each battalion shall have s: x companies, each company lit) men. The strength of the two batta- lion' 14S » . 9 There sha'l be in each of the Governments of Wilna, Grodno, Mi.' sk, and Bi, alis; ock, a corps of gendarmerie, com- manded by a Colonel, having under his ord » rs— tho- e of the Gi. vernments of Wilna, ind Minsk, two Chiefs of squadron — those of the Governments of Gr. dno, and liialisrock, one chief of a squadron. There shall be a company of gendar- nierie in each district, 10 The Colonel of gendarmerie shall reside at the chief seat of the Government. The residence of : he officers, and the stationing of the brigades, shall be determined by the provisional Commission of rLe Government of Lithuania. 21 The ohicers, sub- ofiicers, and volunteers of the gend- armerie shall be taken from the gentlemen pro/ i it- tors of the district: no one - an be exempted. They shall be appointed, viz the otl; cers by the Provisional Commission of tile Go- vernment of Lithuania; the sub otacers and volunteers by the Administrative Commission of the Governments of Wil- na, Grodno, Minsk, anil Bialiato'k. 12. The i'olish r. uiform shall be that of the gendarmerie. ly. The gendarmerie shall perform the service of the po- lice: it shall support the public authority : and shall arre » t traitors, marauders, at d deserrers of whatever army. 1 i. Our Order of the Diy of the —— of last June iball be published in each Gove.- naitjrjr, and there shall constituent- ly be established ill each a Military Commiv'ou. » 5. The Miijor- GcneraUhall appoint a General or superior officer, eitliLr French or Polish, of the troops of the lii. e, ts the -- ommand in each Government. Keshaiihave under hi » orders the natioaal guards, thj geuiarnier.' e, and the troops of the country. ) NA. OLtCli, Imperial Head- quart a-, Wiln » , July 1, li. 12. TAVERN TO LET. THE ESTABLISHED TWERN, in Sugar- Hoine- Entry, formerly kept by Mrs. BARCLAY, ani at pre- sent occupied by Mr. HATLOCK, to be Let from November next. The House has lately had a thnroilgh repair, and is parti- cularly adapted to the Business— Apply to SAM. & ANDREW M'CLEAN. August S. ( 720 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP, AND SALE OF TENEMENTS. " HHE PART NKRS H IF subsisting between SAMUEL GIB- I SON, JOHN BENN, & ROBERT GAMBLE, of Belfast, and the late THOMAS M'KIBBIN, of Portaferry, in the MALTING and BREWING TRADE, under the firm of SAMUEL GIBSON & CO. Will be dissolved on the first day of October next. SIXTH BULT- KI'IN1 > I> r' 1' 5 G IANT9 AllXV, WILN'A, JULY 11, 1S12.— The King of Niples con- inues to follow the enemy's rear- guard. On the j • 5th, lie met the enemy's cavalry in a position upon i the Dziana." He caiis d it to be charged by the bri- gade oflight cav dry comnnndei by Baron Su tier- vie. The Prussian regiments, the Wit'tembergers and Poles, which firm a part of the brigade, charged with great intrepidity.— They overturned a line of , Russian dragoons an I hussar?, ami took 200 pri- soners, with their horses. When they arrived on the Other tide of the Dzianna, they brolce down the bridges, and shewed a disposition to defend the passage of the river. Gen. M mtbrun then brought up his live battalions of light infantry, which durin ; several hours carried 1 - struction into the ranks tif the enemy. The loss of the Russians was considerable. Count Sebastiani arrived on the same day at Vid- z » ni, whence the Emperor of Russia had deputed on the preceding evening. Our advanced guard is upon the Dwir. a. Count Nansouty was, sn 5th July, at Postavoili. In order to pass the Dziaria, he pro- ceeded miles farther on the right of the King of Naples, Gen. of Erig. Rousse!, with the 9th Po- lish light cavalry, and the 2d Piussian hussars, passed the riser, overthrew six Russian squadrons, sabred a great number, and took 4.5 prisoners,' with several officers. Gen. Nansouty took 130 Russian mounted hussars and dragoons prisoners. On the Sd July the communication was opened between Grodno and Wil- na, by Lida. The Hetman Platoff, with 6000 Cos- sacks, when driven out of Grodno, moved towards Lida, and found there the French posts. lie de- scended to Ivie on the 5th. Count Giouchy occu- pied Witch new, Traboni, and Soubotnicki. Baron Pajol was at Perchia; Baron Borde Soult was at Blakchtcni; the Prince of Eckmuhl was in advance of Bobrowitski, puohhg heads of columns in every directian. PJatofF retreated precipitately on 6th, to Nikolpew. Piince Bagration having set out the beginning of July from Wolkowisk on his route for Wilna, was intercepted in his march. He turned back with a view to reach Minsk: anticipated there by the Prince of Eckmuhl, he gave up his intention of proceeding towards the Dwina, ar. d moved towards the Bqris- thenes, by Bobruisk, across the marshes of Beresina. The FN nee of Eckmuhl entered Minsk on the *> th. Ij He found there magazines of ilour, hay, clothing, See. Bagration had already arrived at Novoi- Swor- gtew: perceiving that he was anticipated, he sent or- ders to burn the magazines; but the Prince of Eck- muhl did not give time for effecting these orders.— The King of Westphalia was on the Cth at Nouo- grodesk; Gen. Regnier at Xonina : magazines, bag- gage waggons, quantities of medicines, and straggling parties, fall into our hands every instant. The Rus- sian divisions are straying ir, these countries without any previously arranged route, pursued on every'side, losing their baggage, burning their magr. r. ioes, de- ! s.- royir. g their artillery, and leaving their places with- | out defence. Ba ron Colbert took at Vileika, a magazine of 500 J quintals of flour; 100,000 rations of bread, See- He found also at Vileika a chest containing 200,000 francs, in copper money. All these advansages have scarcely cost the French army a man. Since the opening of ^ he campaign there have been about 30 killed in all the corps, about 100 wounded, and 10 ' pri soners: whilst \ ic hats taken from 2000 to 2500 Russians prisoners. The Prince of Scwartzenberg passed the, Bug at Droghitschin, pursued the enemy, and has taken many baggage carts. The Prince of Scwartzenberg praises the reception he has met with from the inhabitants, and the patriotism which animates these countries. Thus, ten days after opening the campaign, our ad- vanced posts are upon the Dwina. Almost the whole of Lithuania, contaisiir, g four millions of inhabitants, has been conquered. The operations of the war com menced at the passage of the Vistula. The projects of the Emperor v/ ere from that time plainly unfolded, and he had no time to lose in carrying them into exe- > cution. Thus, the army has been making forced 1 marches from the period of passing that river, in or- der to advance by means of manomvres upon the Dwina ; for the distance between the Vistula and the Dwioa is greater than that between the Dwina and Mosiere or Peteisburgh. The Russians appear to be concentrating them- selves on Dunaburgh : they give out itis their in- tention to wait for us, and to give us battle before we enter their ancient provinces, after having abandoned Poland without a contest, as if they were- constrained by justice, ar. d had wished to restore a country badly acquired, in as much as it had not been gained by trea- ties, or by the right of conquest. The hea; continues to be very violent. The peep'e in Poland are in motion on all sides.— The white eagle is hoisted evei y where. Priests, no- bles, peasants, women, all call for the independence of their nation. The peasants are extremely jealous of ; the happiness of the peasants of the Grand Duchy, who are free; for whatever . nay be said to the con- trary, liberty is considered by the Lithuanians ao the greatest blessing. The peasants e:: press themselves v- ith a variety of elocution, which would not seem to belong to the climates of the north and all embrace with transport, the hope that the result of the strug- gle will be the re- establishment of their liberty.— ; The peasants of the Grand Duchy have gained by | their liberty, not that they are richer, but that ths ! proprietor;, are obliged to be moderate, just, and hu- mane 5 because otherwise the peasants would quit heir lands in order to seek better proprietors. Thus, the noble loses nothing; he is only obliged to be just, and the peasant gains much. It must be * an agreeable gra tification to the heart of the Emperor, to witners, in crossing the Grand Duchy, the transports 1 of joy and gratitude which the blessings of liberty 1 J granted to four millions of men, has elicited. Six regiments of infiritry ait just ordered to be raised by a new levy in Lithuania, and four regiments : of Ci- vuhy have been olfered by the nobility. POSEN, JULY 11. Different .- orps of troops are continually passing th-' eugh our city ou their way to : he Grand Army. Within the last three months, from the Ut of April to the 30th of June, i our city ha. had quartered upon it, t> even Marshals, 73 Ge- nerals, 41ri Officers on the Sufi", 3(| 42 Officers, 8fc, 61S ' tft. tn and privuet^ acj 1C Sc. 1 borate. IV TH* LORD LIEUTENANT k COUNCIL OF IRELAND A PROCLAMATION. XICHM0NI>, fc. , WHEREAS the time limited by our Pro- clamatinn of the Twenty- first day of Ja- ' nuary last, prohibiting the transoorring into ^ ny 1 parts out of Ire'and, of any Pig- Iron, B. ir. fron, Hemp, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Turpentine, Aachors, Cables, Cordage, M;:; ts, Yards, Bowspiirs, Oars, j Oakum, Sbeet- Coppu-, or other Naval Stares, has expired j And whereas it ' s judged expedient that the said prohibition should be renewed and continued some time longer: Now we the Lord Lieutenant General and Ge- neral Governor of Ireland, by and with the ad- vice of his Majesty's Privy Council, do hereby or. der, require, prohibit, and command, that no per- son or persons whosoever do at any time for the space of six months from the date hereof, presume to transport into any parts out of Ireland, any Pig- iron, Bar- iron, Hemp, I'itch, Tar, Rosin, Turpentine, Anchors, Cables, Cordage, Masts, Ya- ds, Bowsprits, Oars, Oakum, Sheet- Copper, Sail- Cloth or Canvas, or other Naval Stores, or do ship or lade any Pig- Iron, Bar- Iron, Hemp, Pitch, Tar, Rosin, Turpentine, Anchors, Cables, Cordage, Masts, Yards, bowsprits, Oars, Oakum, Sheet- Copper, Sail. Cloth or Canvas, or other Na- val Stores, on board any ship or vessel, in order to ! transporting the same into any part beyor. d the |. seas, without leave or permission first being had ! or obtained from the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors and Privy Council ; of Ireland, upon pain of incurring the forfeitures ' inflifted by an Aft passed in Great Britain, in the Thirty- third year of his Majesty's Reign, entitled, I " An Aa to enable his Majesty to restrain the ' exportation of Naval S'ores, and more efFsflually i to prevent the exportation of Sak- Petre, Arms, and Ammunition, when prohibited by Proclama- tion or Order in Council ;" but it is nevertheless our pie isure, that nothing herein contained siiall extend, or be construed to extend, to any of his i Majesty's ships o," war, or any other ships or ves- sels or boats in the service of his M. aj . sty, or em- ployed or freighted by his Majesty's Board of Ordnance, or by the Commissioners of his Ma- jesty's Navy ; r. or to prevent any ship or vessel | from taking or having on bourd such quantities of ! Naval Jtores as way be necessa y for the vise of such siiip or vessel during the course of her in- tended voyage, or by Licence from the Lord High Admiral of Great Britain, or the Commissioners i of the Admiralty for the time being; nor to the i exportation c; the said several articles- to Great j Britain, or to his Majesty's Yards or Garrisons, j or to his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in j America or the West indies, or to Newfoundland, or to his Majesty's Forts and Settlements on the Coast of Africa, or to the Island of St. Helena, or to the British Settlements or Fa& ories in the East indies: provided that upon the exportation of any of the said articles for the purpose of trade to Great Britain, or to his Majesty's Yards and I Garrisons, or io his Majesty's Colonies and Planta- tions in America or the West Indies, cr to the Island of Newfoundland, or to his Majesty's Forts ! and Settlements on the Coast of Africa, or to the i Island of St. fielena-, or to the British Settlements or Fadlories in the East Indies, the exporters of such articles do first make oath of the true desti- nation of the same to thu placcs for which they shall be entered outwards, before the entry of the same shall be made, and do give full and sufficient security by Bond, ( except as hereinafter excepted) j to the satisfaflion of the Commissioners of his Ma- jesty's Customs, to carry the said Articles to the j places for which they are so entered outwards, and \ for the purposes specified, and none other ; and such Bond shall not be cancelled or delivered up until proof be made to the satisfaflion of the said Commissioners, by the produflion, within a time to be fixed by the said Commissioners and speci- i1 lied in the Bond, of a certificate or certificates, in such form and majiner as shall be c'irefted by the said Commissioners, shewing that the said articles shall h ave been all duly landed at the places for f! which they were entered outwards: Br. t it is our pleasure, nevertheless, that the following articles, viz. Bar- Iron, White and Tarred Rops, Tallow or Mill Grease, Tarpaulins for Waggon Covers, Pitch, Tar, and Turpentine, shall be permitted to be expoaed upon payment of the proper duties, without Bond being enterec". in; o by the Merchant Exporter, to any of the British Plantations in the West Indies, or to any of hi?; Majesty's Settlements in South America ; provided the Merchant Ex- porter shall first veiify upon oath that the articles so exported arc intended ior the use of a particular Plantation or Cettletnent, to be named in the entry outwards, and not for sale, and that the said Plan- tation or Settlement has not before been furnished with !. ny supply oj the said articles during the sama season ; and provided also, that the exporta- tion of the said articles shall in no case exceed the value of Fifty Pounds sterling for any given Plan- tation or Settlement, whether by one cr more shipments within the same season. And the Commissioners of his Majesty's Cus- toms are to give the necessary direflions herein as to them may respefiively appertain. Given at ths Council Chamber in Dublin, the 2- th day of July, 1812. Erne. Tyrawly. De Blaquieie. Frankfort. VVm. Saurin. S. Hamilton. « OI> SAVS TH3 LANDS FOR SALE, IN THE COUNTY OF DOWN. FipHE ESTATE of BLEARY and BALLYNAGAR- il RICK, the Property of WM. MACNAMAHA, Esq. as formerly advertisei in this Paper. Application to be made to Mr. R. MACNAMARA, of Oilford, who will furnish Rentals, and give any necessary information to Persons inclinable lo Purchase— Also, to GEORGE'CRO'ZIER, Esq Domiuick- street, Dubhn. ( 880 J\ R PI VY N F. REAL SPANISH RED WINE. BENNIS CAULFIELD hourly expeSs the arrival of ( he Nrwry, Capr. l. ueK, direfl from AMCANT, with 200 Pipes, 50 Hogsheads, and 100 Quarter- Casks, Which he counts on to he Ol 1 Rich High- fijvonred WINE , and on arrival, he wdl sell same by Auil; on, without re- nerve. of which due Notice w il be givn. with long credits 449) NEWRY, June 16, 1S12. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A CLOTH- LAPPFR, who p' rrei2! y Unde stands his ./ A Business, and can give sat sfafl ry references for '•^ larafter and abilities.— Apply tn JOSEPH CAMPBELL,! MOOR EVA LE NEWRY, Julv 16. ( 625 L<\ NNS TO BE LET. TO- rF. LFT, seve- al SNUG F> RMS in the Tow* land of Carrickeeoe. ' djomiug C'arn'ough, ne; n N- wry; en such Leases as nvsv be agieed on Immediate Possession - may he had, ar. d enc" iira r » mcnt will be given to industrious Tenants of good chara& er.' Application to be made to PATRICK O'HANI. ON, ERQ. NEWRY. ( 12A BPTT. TMNG GROUND. To be Let, in Great ^ ilwtrd- Street, in Front of the New Sham/ r'fj, A FEW IOTS of GROUND— one ef the best Sirua- Jr*. lions in Bel ast for Building, w" h Vaults complete. A lone Lease will be niven. Eor particulars, inquire of Majnr FOX ( 2S1 TO BE LET OR . SOLD, AF'. RM if LAND in Ballydavey, Parish of Holy wood, c nt hrne 55 Acres. 3 Roods, and 10 Perches. Cun- ningham Veasure. h d bv the Heirs of rhe la. e JAMES WOOD o » ,. inder r'uou KENNEDY Fsq for Two Lives er Tf- rtv- one va- s from Nov 1807, it the Yeirly Rent of One Gn- ne- a ner " t" T' e above p npe- tv wonM be divided into two Farms having " uit hie accommo^ vions for tw- Families. PrmnsaU will he rec- ived bv R v J. C WIGHTMAN, B llrd vev. or J . MFS M'Clt I'CHEOM, Craieavad, un- til t'-' rh Augosr, when be Tenant ^ Purchaser will be de- clared. Perm s ion hs » been obtained from Mr KEVSIEDV, for letting or Selli" g this Farm. June 26. 1812. NBA man who lives upon the Farm will shew the Premises. I ( 43S TO BE SOLD, fij^ F PPUSE, OFFICES, and FARM of JI HFNBY- HIL' , whin a Mile and a Ha f o' BAN- SR1DGE ' I he House anJ Offices are is good repair: the Farm contain" Thir v- four and a half Acres. Cunningham Mea u e. el elU- nr Land, in high order, with several thousand Poresr T- es in full glowing;— there is a'so half sn Arr- '.( TURF BOG: the tvh„ le held for 1700 years from November, 1759, at the Yearly Rent of £ 1$, lfii. Also, the HOUSE and FARM of SOLITUDE, adjoin- in"- ' he above, containing Twenty- nine Acres, like Measure, at° the Yearly Rent of >£ 10, 4r. held for an nnexpired term of Six Years Twenty- four Acres, throe ivoods, and six Perche* of said Land, wit', the House - DO Offices, ate Let to a good Tenant, for £ 3C>, 10/ per Annum. Written Proposals for said Lar. ds, will be received by ANDREW M'CLELLAND, Banbfidge, until rhe 31st August instant, who will give every information respecting the Title. ( 724) BANBRIDGE, August 4. TO BE SOLD, rjnHE LANDS of UPPER COOLKERIN, containing by jl. Survey, 99A. 1R. 28P. Cunningham Measure, Arable and Pasture, wth SO Acres of BOG, be the same more or Jess, situate in the Parish of Loughgeel, and Barony of Dun luce, held under H3GU MOVTGOUKV, Es^. Throe Lives renewable for ever; 5t at each renewal; yearly Rent 3, 10/. Sixty two Acres set to Four Tenants, part 11 years to come from November next, and part 12 years to come, at £ 53, St. 4rl yearly Rent. The remainder, on which there is lately built a good Dwelling and OGico- Houses, is now occupied by the Proprietor, of which immediate pos- tession will be given. Proposals in writing, for one- third, one- half, or the whole, v/ ill be received until the 10th of Sept mber next, by JOHN KERR, the Proprietor, who will shew the Premises, aud satisfy as to Tide. 661) COOLKERIN, July 23, 184- 2. UKLCH VALLEY, ADJOINING THE TOWN Of DUNGANNON. TO BF. SOI 1) BT AUCTION, on tie Promises, at the Hour , f ONE o'clock, on THURSDAY, tie 20tts day of August Kt » t, r « HREE Excellent DWELI ING- HOUSES, situated on JL Four Acres of good Land. suitable for Genteel Families. Two of them have walled in Gardens, with Coach and Of- fice- Houses, and are at present Let to Tenants at will, for Sixty Pounds per Annum The other is in an unfinished state, but can be completely finished at a small expense. The above are helJ in Perpetuity under the Right Hon. I. ord Viscount NOR I BLA^ D, aubjedl to the small yearly P ent of Twenty Pounds per Annum, and will be sold sepa- » - te or together, lo accommodate the Purchaser Any information respeiSing the same, may be had by ap- plying to Mr DAViD COULTER, BalUgawIey; Mr. WILLIAM SPROU1. L, Belfast; or Mr DAVID COUL- TER., Dungannon, who will shew the Premises. 692) July 25, JS13- COUNTY ARMAGH. TO BE LET, from the first day of Novimler next, toties quoties, with a Fine, qpHF. FARM of VERMONT, formerly occupied by LI Hu KIDS, containing about BO Irish Acres, of ex- cellent LAND, well Fenced, Quicked and Drained; the greatest part of which has been Limed within these few years. Oil the above Farm there is an excellent Dwelling- House, completely finished, with Offices complete, consist- ing of Barn, Stable, Byre, Potatae and Turl- House, all in complete repair, and will not require one shilling to be 1 x- pended on the Premises. Application to be made to Ho. ICIDD, the Proprietor, Armagh; JAMES KIDC, Keady ; or GEORGE KIUU, l'ully- glush, either of whom v/ ill shew the Premises. N. B. VERMONT is situated within one mile of Keudy ; • il of Armagh; ten of Monaghan and Ballybay; seven of Castleblaay, and twelve of Newry, all Market and Post Towns. - ( Si* TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. On SATURDAY tie 15th day of August next, on the Premises, at ONE o'Ciock, The MALT HOUSE and BREWERY, situate ift North- street, now in the occupation of SAMUEL GIBSON & CO. The Concern may be vie ^ e- 1, and particulars known, by ap- plving to ROBFR T M'CLEERY, ( F. xecutor of the late THOM AS M'KIB" IN,) Portaferry; SAMUEL GIBSON, or ROBERT G XMULE, Belf « st.— Terms at Sale. Belfast, July 27. ( 698 THE SUBSCRIBER Will ' ell hy PMic AuSi- m, at Newh- wnards, tn MONDAY the lGfh day of August neyt, at ONE o'Cloci in tie After- neon, hit Interest in the following Tenements and Lands : ' if'HE INTF. RFST in the LE ASE of that Eaten- No ' sive DWELLING- HOUSE and CONCERNS in Newtownards aforesaid, now occupied by him as an Inn; to wh ch there is a large Back Yard. & c. and, Stabling for Twenty Horses, attached. Over the Stable there is a large Room, now ased as a Store, which might be converted into a G in TV. & c. The Dwelling- House is in excellent re- pair, and fit lor the immediate reception of a Tenant, and well worth the attention of any Person wishing to commence the business of an Inn keeper. There is another great ad- vantage to be derived from this Concern, namely, that it is one of t! ose Houses in Newtownards, to which the Spirit Licence is attach » d, under the approbation of I. OKU LON- DONDERRY These Premises are held for three yaung lives, or 31 years, which ever last longest, and a.' e o. i'- y s* bje& to the small yearly Rent of £ 20. No. 2 The IN VERES T in the LEASE of Eight Acres of Choice MEADOW LAND, adjoining the said Town, held for the Term of one good Ule, at Two Guineas pel- Acre ; as also, the 1NTFRF. ST in the LEASE of" 3 Acres of Excellent I. AND, also adjoining the said Town, and held lor one uood Life, at the yearly Rent of £ 2, 16/. 1 O^ i — These Lands are partly set with Potatoes and Oats, and the remainder l. id down in Meadow, and have every appear- ance of an abundant Crop. Terms ut Sale. WM. M'DOWELL. Ntwrowuitu, July " Jl, 1812 ( 714 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On th' Prentices, on the I S'i August next, if not previously Jit- fesod of by Private Sale, - J • which due notice - aitl be given, nrnvo SMALL FARMS OF LAND, con. ' neeted together, situated in the Townland of Tullvcar- nett on the great road fiom Comber to Beb'ast,' Couatv Down, and only about two aud a half miles from Meifaat, and f., ur from Comber. No. I, contains 3 A. i R. s^ bjeiSI to the small Yearly Rent of £ i 2/ t'd per Xcre; and No con- tains a A. 2 R. 30 P.— Rent Jii, Si. :'. d per Acre, held under JOKN M'OANCE, Esq, for two lives. There is on No. 1, A Good DV. ELLING- HOUSE, and sufficiency of Ol FICE- HOGSES for both Varius, all in thorough repair, fit to ac- commodate a gjnteei iamiiy; and ill No, L a good t'Ai* M- HOUSE, ill thorough repair. - The Lands are all in w high state of improvement, well { tneed, and mostly rdl iiiiely ma- nured with dung r. r: d Ihae, and upwards of ten acres now under V^ heat, ai. d the remainder under O-. n and Gracing. The Lands are naturally good, and lit to produce abundant Crop- of any kind, and well worth the attention of any Far- mer; or would answer well, from the situation, to accom- modate a genteel Family. Fifty Pounds depot. it required at Sale, and tlii remainder » n parfe< 5iimr the Deed* There will be sold Oil same day, a quantity of Oats ou foot. Any person inclined to purchase, may apply to the Proprietor, ROBT. TO MEN, on tiie Premises; or. CKAS. JEFFERS, Auctioned'. Ail esperienced LABOURER wanted, who cau be well recommended. Tullycaruett, July 2. SALE to commence at TEN o'Clo. i. ( C" A TO BE SOLD, On the Premises, on SATURDAY the lid day of August next, if noi previously disposed of ( of which due twtice will le given,) npHAT EXTENSIVE and COMMODIOUS INN, for- ' 1 nierly occupied by the lite Mr. WILLJAM M'CAJ,- Li'T, Newtownards, together with f A. 1R. 4P. of MEA- DOW GROUND, in the highest condition, hold under Miss DARLEV, ail subje& to the small yearly Rent of Si:. ty-; hrea Pounds Sterling; 26 years of the Lease une.. pired, and one young Life in being, jrom November last— It is useless to comment oil the situation or convenience of this Concern, it being well known to be most eligibly situated lor au luni and lately the House and Otices have undergone a the rough repair, makes it complete for any person wishing to purchase. Also, a BUILDING TENEMENT in High- street, newly walled- in, held under the Ear! of LONDONr EI-. RI-, by Lease of Sixty- one years aud Three tiv- s, renewable, sLbjedt to a small yearlr Rent. Also, a HOUSE arid TENEMENT aid BUILDING- GROUND, known by the name of DUGGAN GAIOHN, sub- ect to a small yearly Rent, heid uiider the Earl of LON-, » ONDIRR » -, tor ;} young Lives and . 1 yuars, renewable} from November, ,1801. Also, all the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of the Inn, consisting of Bens, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Desk., Draw ers, Carpetu, & c. Also, a Variety of Kitchen Furniture, Farming Utensils, Horses, Cows, Chaises, Carts, & c I. e. Also, a Ouantity of OATS on the Foot, and a large Quan- tity of HAY. TERMS at Sale. The above to continue from day to day until all are sold. Any Person wishing to treat for any of the above Con- cerns, will please apply to Mr. GEO. PATTON, N- w- to'vnards. Such Persons as stood indebted to thelate Mr. WILLIAM M'CALLEY, by Bonu, Note, or Book Account, are d^ sired forthwith to pay the same immediately to Mr. GEO. PATTON, of Newtownards, who is duly authori-' ad to re- ceive the same; and any Person having any demands again..; the Estate of the said VVILL. AM M'CALLE", at tlli time of Ins decease, are requested to Furnish their Account? without delay, to the said Mr. CEORCE V ATTON, that the same miy be examined aid discharged GEORGE FATTCN, *) E:: sctior. DOCTOR M'CULLOGH, { of the late ALEX. PATTERSON, f Wun.. « WILLIAM STREAN, JM'GAUEV, Nev.- TSWNASUI,, JJ V, IM-. ( 52.; YOUNG SWINDLER WILL Cover Males this Season, at the MAHTUS of DOWNSBIIIR'sSubles, HILLSEOROUOII: Bred Mavss, Four Guinea;, all others, Two Guineas; Kalf- a- Guinea to the Groom He was got by Swindler, dam by Tugg, grand. * i- m Harmony, by Eclipse, g;- eat- graiid- dan. i Miss Spindle- shanks, by Omar, Sterling, Gsdolphm, Arabian, Stannion, Arabian, Pelham B.. b, Spot, Wbite- legged, Lowther Barb, Old Vintner Mare, &. C.— lie was a famous true Racer; for his performances, vide, Hook Calendar, of 1808,9,10, and 1 1 Good Grass for Mares, at !/. Id. per night, and all ex- per. ces to be paid befwe the Marts are removed ( 92! DUCHY OF WARSAW. WARSAW, jol's 7. His Highness Prince Poniatowsfci, General Chief of the Grand Army, has addressed to the Poles, who are under his oiilmand, the i'dlawlng Order of the Dav:— I Iead- que. rter<, Caygroda, Ju'y 6'. Soldiers!— In communicating to you til.- Proclamat. on his Majesty the Emperor of the French, I ata convinced of the sentiments with which you wiil reply to his appeal, and that you will r< adily perceive chat a new Cel I is opening to you in t/ hic'i you will cover yourselves wtlt glory. Ah eady in tv^ o wan you have had ar. opportunity ul recognising the restorer of your country, and of la> ing the foundation of rhe glory of th? i'olisb army. 1 have no d. uilv that, forming aa you do in the present war, in the Gr.. nd :\ rmy. a co > s, which this powerful Protector has himself denominated the Array of Poland, and which is to deci ie the late of many millions of Poles, your countrymen, you wdl prove your- selves worthy of tiie French, in eonjunSian with whom we fight, as well as of those proje& s wh ch h ive, during so long a period, firmed the ohje^ l of onr wishes, and whi. li now Jegin to he put in execution for Us. We ought, then, to re- double our efforts l. pc n* lat gUes, no privations, enfeeble the warlike spirit whi; h we ha- » e mher ted We shall once more prove ro the whole world that the sacred name of country renders ics real children invincible. WILNA, JULY 11. [ Exfa- S from the Lithuanian Courier ] PROCLAMATION 01 THE PROVISIONAL COMMITTEE, T# TUE LITHUANIANS. " Citia - ns— For the tpace of twenty years, a rorei* n Qo- verment has communicated its orders to us in language with which we are unacquainted, Listen now to the voice of your Brothers; listen to the voice of Poles, addressing y in the Polish language. Return thanks ' o Pro -' i len e, Which evidently manifests its beneficent designs towards you, through Napoleon the Great. His coming, like that of the Sun, before which the ice dissoltes, has dissipated every ob- stacle; and his benign acients, while they awake the joy of hope in our bosoms, fills us with sectiments of the most ar- dent gratitude; " By the Order of the. Day of the 4th of July, by which a Provisional Government has been constituted, we are en- abled to call upon yon to partake our sentiments. Can there be any more reasonable ground for exultation, than the hop ® of seeing oar country oi. ee more take her rank amongst the nations ? " You shall be wimeises of our solicitudes to assuage your evils, and lessen ao niuch a3 possible the calamities uf war. The sacrifices wo shall csll on you to make wiil be but slight, When put in comparison with the benefits we shall procure you. Having promised thus much, we declare that we hav « been ir.-. talled as a Provisional Government, and we Invite all our felloe- citizens to enter upon the necessary relations with us. — Signed by ths Members of the Commission." I HE ril0VtS10Ny. L tOMMIiSIONEtS Of THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DUSU7 Of LITHUANIA, TO THE CLERGY 0* THE OlOCCSO O* WILNA. The principles of the religion of the Lithuanian people are will known. They have been well inculcated by a wiss and enlightened Clergy. The Provisional Government cannot better announce t « the people the benignity of rhe Great Napoleon, who ha4 been lad by Providence into Lithuania, nor choose a better channel to make them acquainted with the amelioration of Cheir lot, thai, by confiding this great interest to the C.' ergy, We, therefore, order the pe pie to assemble for the pur- pose of returning thanks to Gad, who has b'ren graciuu- iy pleased to send us this Saviour of Poland j and io pray, thai he will further the successes of his arm3 The Clergy will afterwards endeavour to cherish proper sentiments in f he peopi-, so that, supported by their religion, they ntay cont'. nue their agricultural labours. The peasantry must r. ot be remiss in . the performaive ot thru' duty. Their safety and happiness depei. d thereon. They may discover in the abundant harvest b « ! ore them, fhe evident assistance afforded by Providence to HapoleiA the Great. Let tilem peaceably gather in their c;- op » , as in ordinary times. Circunuta ces even reqaire an inn ease ol zeal; and it cannot bfc doubted, th I with the feelings by which ^ hty appear to be row actuated, they will be Kiijer to sluEW tb » utmost. iJanc the 7: h of July, 1813. BELFAST CJMAgWCIAL CHRONICLE. FRENCH PAPERS. ( In continuation from first page.) POSENT, . TUT. Y ] 1 — Different corps of out troops are continually passing- throuph our city on their • way to the Grand Army. Yesterday, the Saxon regimpnt of " low" infantry arrived here; one part cf it was quartered Tn the citv, and the rest in the villages in the environs. Within the last three months, from the ] st of April to the 30th of June, our citv has had quartered u on it, seven Marshals, 73 Generals, 416 Officers on the Staff. 364- 2 Officers, 89,613 Sub- officers and Privates, and 10.902 horses. WILNM, JULY 15.— We still enjoy the presence of his Majesty, who rides out every dav, attended bv a very few persons. The day before yester- day his Majesty gave audience to the Polish De- puties. the Senators Warvedon, Wibiski, Wladis- Jaus, Count . Tarousky, & c. They had fven com- missioned bv the General Confederation of Poland to bear their homage to his Majestv. They were prpsented bv his Excellency the Duke of B issanO, Mincer of Foreign Affairs. . The President « f the Deputation, tbe Senator Warvedon Wybiski, was spokesman. The answer of his Majesty was couched in the most gracious terms. The same dav, the 11th, some inhabitants of the Duchy of Samogitia, M. M. Bilwuz, Bralosewo, . Tellemsky, a" d other Officers, having at their head, the old Marshal of the Court of Z'etgna. had the honour of being admitted to his Majesty's presence ; they assu. red h'ro how much the Samogitians wish to partake in tbe honour enjoyed bv their brethren at Wilna. His Majestv conversed with them on all matters relating to the interests of their coun- try. Our city has nevrjieen so brilliant as it has been for the last 15 days. Tbe. greatest of all Sovereigns- is resident within its walls, within which are also assembled the principal citizens of our country. A youthful, and impetuous race have arranged themselves under the Polish Eagles ; it is here pro. per to mention the names of those zealous children of Lithuania who were the first to take arms and ennip themselves at their own expence. In the guard of honour we find Prince Op- inski, its chief; Count Plater, M. M. Pils- udski, Briot Bemco. Ro. mer, Cklewiski, ( here follow several other Polish names.) In the Lithuanian Guard, commanded by the Brip- adier Konophill, we find. M. M. Ma- gelonski, Nat- but, and Micbalowisk, completely equipped. A great number of young persons are busily employed equiopips- themselves. We have r. o donhr but that the Lithuanians will > eek op- portunities to distinguish themselves as the gallanl fellows of the regirpent, commanded by Count Knadiii'ki, did at Som, Sierra, and Benevente. The Bishop of Korakowski hsw- tlad the honour of • being twice- brought to Court, to say iM'- s ir> the Imperial Chapel. He received'a diamond ring a1; a present. The Priests who accompanied him bad also presents. • • ' The grand, national festival was celebrated Iiere yesterday with universal'enthusiasm. At 1 I o'clock all tbe Clergy were assembled in" the potteries' of the Church,'- to receive the Con- stituted Authorities." " Bishop . Korakowski offi ciated ; when Te Dei/ m was sung, the President of the provisional Commission delivered a very elo- quent discourse, ami published the of Confe- deration of Poland. When the reading of the. Aft was ove- » cries of " Long live the Emperor Napoleon the Great," a thousand times repeated, '.. filled ibe- s'paiciohs - arched of the Church. " Salvum fac imprratoriim Napoleonem," was then sung ; after' this ceremony, all the Authorities proceeded to the residence of bis Excellency the Duke of Bas- sano, to present to him the AS of Confederation, and beg that he- would submit it to bis Majesty. It. was announced the. same day that the Provi- sional Government of Lithuania, in order to con- secrate this great re- union, had resolved to give a portion of 1000 franks to a Lithuanian girl who should marry a man born in the Greater Poland,, and a second gift of 1000 franks to a Pi le who should marry a Lithuanian girl. By chance it occurred that the first couple immediately present- ed themselves and received the nuptial benedic- tion. In the evening the city was magnificently illuminated. The National Theatre was thrown open gratis. The Piece, entitled The C'ratoviant was pi- tyed.— The festival closed with a ball, of which Count Pac, a Lithuanian, did the honours. The trans, parencies were beautiful, and, the inscriptions very ingenious. Several French and Polish Generals were pr.- senr at the ball, which was also honoured hv the presence of his Majesty the Emperor and King. This same Gazette ( The Lithuanian Courier J nun' unces, this day, the refusal of the Grand Seignior to ratify the Treaty of Peace concluded at Bucharest, between tke Russian and Turkish Plenipotentiaries. His Majesty the Emperor Na- poleon, was still at Wilna, on the 15th. He en- joys the best possible health. BERLIN, JULY 14.— On the 11th, his Highness the Prince of Orange set out for Vogelsdorf, on his way to Breslau. According to the most recent intelligence from the army, the few Swiss regi- ments were stationed in the environs of Marien- v erder, a short distance from Dantzic. In the place where the Duna and the Niemen approach nearest to each other, that is to say, from Duna- burg to Kowno, the - distance of these two rivers asunder is 20 German miles. UONBQJV Monday, August 3. Yesterday the following bulletin of his Majesty's health was shewn at St- James's:— " Windsor Castle, August 1, 18) 3. " Soon after the last monthly report, his Majesty had a severe accession of his disorder, which < juickly subsided ; and his Majesty has since continued as well as before that attack." Advices were received on Saturday from France and Holland, which excite the strongest expefla- lion, that we shall soon have the satisfaliiion of laying before our readers the particulars of afi im.' portant viflory obtained by the Russians. A letter, I dated the 26th ult. from Paiis, states, that an en-! gagement had taken pl<( ee near Riga, in which ; the Prussians and the troops of the Confedera- tion of the Rhine had been defeated with con- siderable loss. Their defeat is attributed to their want of artillery, the badness of the roads having prevented them from bringing up a single field- piece to the scene of action. A letter from the French coast, dated the 29th ult. intimates the receipt of un- pleasant tidings from the Grand Army in more cau- tious terms. If says, " our affairs in the North do not go on so favourably as we expected " The accounts from Holland concur with chat from Paris, in stating, that a battle hal been fought in the virility of Riga and mentions the amount of the enemy's I iss at 15,000 men. The French force in the engagement, is said to have ennsisted of 60,000 men, under the Command of Marshal Macdomld. The numbers of the en? my and the extent of their loss, may be overrated, but we trust that the intelligence will prove correct as to the main fact. The subjoined extract of a letter from Riga, dated the 7th ult. amidst other interesting particulars, shews that Macdonald's army was then at a short, distance, and that formidable preparations were making to oppose him :— " General Essen having requ » sted the advice and assistance of Admiral Martin, the Admiral, in con- sequence, in the Aboukir, accompanied by the Ariel sloop of war, and Reynard gun- brig, arrived yesterday in Riga Bay. I have just been at the Castie. An Aid- de- Camp of the Emperor arrived in twenty- eight hours from headquarters, which were, on Sunday night and e: irly yesterday morning', at Widzt?, about sixty wersts from Dunaburg, but were to be removed j1 backward's yesterday to Dunaburg, and Droja, a very strong and fortified position. The Russians there hoped to be attacked. The army, certainly, never was before in such excellent condition and high spi- rits; well fed, ( for each m m gets four pounds of meat per week) well and lightly clothed and accout- red, and well paid. In short, every account agrees in these particulars : and the enthusiasm of the army is so great, as has never before been witnessed. " M irshal Macdonald, with about 20,000 French, « r rath" r Prussians, commanded by F- ench officers) was yesterday morning only about 45 wersts from Mittua, oil his way to Riga ; but no apprehensions are entertained here, as he lias no artillery, and could I not get up any in less than a month. The inhabitants r are ordered to lay in four months provisions, and the r works are to be manned with 30,000 men, about 18,000 of which are not , yet come, but are on the road from the interior, and near at hand. The ut most cordiality subsists between the General and the Admiral, and every thing will be done that is pos- sible. The Admiral has undertaken to ( it out a num- ber of gun and mortar boats, and they are selecting from the lighters. Captain Acklani has nearly finish- ed the telegraph between the Drinamurdo and the Dome Church. The- Commander and Officers of the five. British ships of War, nowhere, as well as their crews, are making great intercession with the Admiral to get employed in the gun- boats. Our brave sailors are in high spirits." On Thursday an express was sent off by Goverr. meiit to Brighton, to Mr Huskisson, requesting his • immediate return to London. On his arrival he was cloiett. ed with Lord Castlereagh, and had, on Friday and Saturday, interviews with his Lordship and the Earl of Liverpool. It is supposed that they relate to his proceeding to Ireland as Chief Secretary, in the room of Mr Wellesley Pole. Mr Huskisson is at- tached to Mr. Canning and his party, but the latter has no objection to his taking the place ; and Minis- ters are of opinion, that the appointment will be po- pular, as Mr Huskisson voted for the removal of the Catholic disabilities, is a gentleman of conailiating manners, no bigot, and one of the most able financiers in. the country ; consequently he will be competent to fill the situation of Chief Secretary and Chancellor of t. he Exchequer for Ireland. The business is not yet finally adjusted, but if he accepts of the place, it is said, it wdl be the prelude to Mr. Canning's taking the lead in Administration. The Beaver sloop of war is arrived from Wingo Sound with dispatches from Sir J. Saumarez. The Titmost exertion is using in the Swedish ports to equip all their transports and small vessels in order to em- bark- a hrge force to act against the French. Moreau is daily expected in Sweden. An immense quantity of com is on its way from the Russian ports for Eng- land. The Swedes are all alive, and very hearty m the cause. Saturday's Gazette contains an Order in Council, for detaining or capturing all American vessels, with the exception of such as are furnished with British Keener!. The first American vessel sent in, in consequence of the order to bring in American vessels, is the Mars, of Wilmington. She has been sent into Dover. It is supposed the three French frigates which fell in with the Niobe, 44, on her passage from the West Indies, were French frigates outward bound to the coast of America. A man was on Monday taken into custody, in an attempt to break open the linen- draper's shop at the corner of Bridge- street, Parliament- street, and lodged at St. Margaret's watch- house.—- Early yesterday morning a fellow depredator made a hole in the wall ot the watch- house, and effected his escape. While the fellow was mak- ing the hole, snme masons, who were at work near the spot, asked him what we was aboat; he. told them that ho was breaking space for a win- dow. This answer satisfied them, arid both ruf- fians got clear eff. For several nights past, the premises of Mr. Hedges, market- gardener, of Hampstead, had been robbed ; in consequence of which he was determined to watch on Sunday night, when he detected a man in his garden, of the name of Cutting. In attempting to secure him, the fel- low drew his knife and stabbed Mr. Hedges in several places, one of which entered near the jugular vein. The culprit is in custody, and Mr. Hedges lies dangerously ill. A Welch seaman of the name of —— Jones, was found on board La Ville de Caen privateer. This man was easily recognised on the eaptnre of the privateer, having sailed in several privateers from the port of Plymouth, and being generally known as a man of the most determined courage and of profligate habits. He has also been in the Royal Navy, has occasionally been a Master's Mate, and has deseried from several ships. While he sailed in the Plymouth privateers he was fre quently engaged in contests with the police, and has been known to strike terror even amongst the members of a press- gang. He will be tried at the nest Admiralty Sessions. His connexions aie respeflable. Since the introduflion of African negroes int6 the West India colonies, under indentuies for ser- vice, } he pi ice of slaves has experienced a depre- ciation of full SO per cent.!!! AN ILLUSTRIOUS FKMM. E. • j, The following paragraph w hich we have ex- traced fom the Timet of Saturday, will be read i wtth much interest and surprise : | ' A report of a vei- v singular nature has been com- municated to us, which we in like manner communi- ; cate to the public, but without in any degree pledg. > inir ourselves for its truth. The statement is this :—- 1 That very recently, a Minister of State waited on an illustrious female, and, after stating how much he felt i at being the hearer of the message he , was about to communicate to her, proceeded to inform her, that he. i Came, by command of her husband, to state to her, that 111" thought her_ visits to the issue of their mar- riage were too. frequent, and to request that they might he l-' ss so in future, and not too long at one time. The illustrious mother then called one of her attendants into th » room, who, at her request, wrote, down the substance of the messasrf, which was read to the beare, thereof, and acknowledged by him to be correct. The attendant then, by his mistress's de- sire, signed the paper; after which, the Minister of State, on the same request, also signed it.— Times. RUSSIAN BULLETINS. REPORT OP TBI OPERATIONS OF THI WAR. Head- quarters, June 19, ( July 1.), The French Army appears to have- divided it- self into two corps, the one following our move- ments, and the other endeavouring- to out- flank, us on the right. The first corps of our army pro- ceeds on its march according., to the plan adopted, and has already effefled its junflion with various . divisions. The enemy, in reconnoitring, us, Jr^ s made attacks several points, but has always been repulsed with loss. In. one of th'; se sk'rrrushes, Count Delow Denizen General Adjutant to- his Imperial Majesty, took several prisoners, among whom is Count Octavius Segur. On the 18th the corps of Count Wittgenstein was between Wilkomie and Holtmeny. The corps of Lieutenant- General Tutsckrow and Count Scherwalotf are approaching Swenzenny. Tbe corps of Gen. Doderow is on the march from Ochmany to Swerzenny. General Platow has left Bralostock, and is drawing towards Wilecka, Prince B igration continues to approach the first corps. roSTCRIPT TO THE PETR^ SBURGH GAZETTE OF ' THE 25TH JUNE ( JULY 7-) Dated Head- rjuarters, June 21 ( July .3.) During these two days no important events have taken place in the army relative to its further con- centration ^ but it has established its& lf at Swen-. zenny, near Vidoy. By this movement the com- munication with the corps of General DofWotF are completely secured. The General has b ; en just joined on his side by the Count Polen, who at the beginning of hostili ies was at Giodno.— Thus the several corps « . f the armies have remain- ed entire until now, and " have not left- a tingle de- tachment. * Seven squadrons of French cavalry, - with cannon, have been vigorously repulsed b? | the rear guard of the first army coips. SUPPLEMENT Tp THE FF. TE^ WRGH COURT OA- ZETTB JUNE 22, O'U- V 10.) From the Head- quarters in J. oniux, June ? 3, IS] 2. The different divisions of the army continues, to form a jnnaion. It is clear from every cfr- cumstance, that the French Emperor, has been for- ced, in consequence of our mode of conducing the campaign, to change his original, plan . of oper- ations, which only terminated in useless marches, as we had abandoned the spot which would, have been most advantageous for hjni in the event of a battle. By such a procedure we have in part at- tained our object, andexpefl also, in future a simi- lar result. - ." To day our army is stationed in the following places:— The Corps of Count Witgen. stein, in Kimshary. The Corps of the Generals Baggreiriwad', Titt- schkow, Johnwallow, have encamped befoje Wid- zir, ' ---:• --- The Corps of General Dochterow, in Budea. The Reserve in Kamoz. On the 18 h of June, the Colonel of the regi-' ment cf Polish Henlaw Galewa, was dispatched, together with the corps under his command, by Major- Gen. Korpin order to reconnoitre the enemy. In the evening of the 20th, he received ordeVs to direfl his march across the distrift of Lantnpa to the town of Swedzianes, for which place he set out early on the next day, after having assembled his ordettes, in the hope of finding his regiment there; but the places through which he had to pass, were already occupied by three regiments of the enemy's cavalry. When Colonel Galewa perceived himself to be. thus completely hemmed ift, he formed his troop into' a column, and proceeded to cut his way through the enemy's cavalry. After having ac- complished his object, and gained a. w. pqd, he charged the horn f* g£ fs, wao- attetnpted a second time to intercept him, and put them to flight. His loss consisted of one Officer and i.% ty- six privates; that of the enemy amounted to two Commanders of squadrons and a considerable number of heulans, grenadiers, and yagers killed. From the Head- quarters near Aksna. June 25, ( July 6, N. S.) This day the army occupies the following posi- tions :— The corps of Count Winchinstein, at Breslau. The 2d and 3d corps at Dediti. The 4th at Nawloky. The 5th at Melaschi. The 6th corps at Noragrodi. The movements ot the enemy have been more frequent, which has caused some skirmishes. Ge-_ neral- Major Gorf, commanding the rear squadron of the 2d and 3d corps, has repulsed all the at- tacks of the enemy in the road to Dosna. By his skilful disposition she has succeeded in keeping the enemy in check, although they had a great supe- riority of cavalry The horse artillery, under the command of General Count Kutusow, forced them to retreat with loss. We have made prison- ers Colonel Potuzen, in the service of Wirtem- berg, and thirty privates. The Commander in Chief praises the conduct of Count Huraisoff, and likewise the bravery of thjt Imperial Cossacks and Polish Httlans. BELFAST COURSE OF EXCHANGE, & c. Ave. 7.- . TVrast on I^ ih-' nn riIds.) 9J per rent. Belfast ori Dublin.( 5! 4',.) 1 cent- Belfast on CJlasgnw 7j per cent, tmtP, Ave, 3— Ri- per cent, Oov D'eh ' 71^ 5 per tent. Ditto lOOj . F. rrnr. rsa, A G. 1 — per cent. Consols for Acc. Sfif Ana. S.— Duh. on Lou. 9 8| | Ana. 1.— Lon. onUu" 9$ A HR1VED. 2 2 MAILS SINCE OUR LAST. m> Bv PoKaRSABtt 1 ...... L? R DOP. IIS,,. ,..........' O BELFAST, Saturday, August B, 1812. The arrival of the mail from London brought to us yesterday a variety of Journals of Monday the $ d. « In another part of this day's Paper our Readers will find some interesting extrafts from French Journals, among which is the Sixth Bulletin of the French Army, and several articles relating to the establishment of tVe Polish Government, & c. From the Russian Bulletin, the precise situation of the Army of our new Ally will be clearly ascertained. The report of a great battle - be- tween the French and Russians is discredited. We have no intelligence of a recent date from America. BY ExVilESS. IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE. By an Express arrived in Dublin we have ac- counts from London of Tuesday the_\ th inst. which anticipates the Mail due this morning byDonagha- dee. afid Contains the following highly interesting intelligence from Spsin Lomden, Tuesday, '/. lugust 4. G R " A T VI- C T. OKY OVER *• • • MA '" M'^ NT, We . communicate to the, public the translation o£ a Supplement to'the Courier of Co unna", of the 28 h c- f last month, announcing * splendid Vi'& ory gained by > he Earl of Wellington over Marmont, on the 22 I of last month. So complete does rhe Ccrunna Gazette represent the defeat to have been, that, the enemy lost from 10 in 12,000 men in k lied, wounded, and pri- soners,, nearly all their artillery, several eagles, and a great quantity of arms, ammunition, and baggage. We hasten to lay before our readers the Gazette SUPPLEMENT TO THE COURTER OF TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1812, RECEIVED AT HALF- PAST SEVEN, P. M. OF THE PRECEDING DAY. The General, Chief of the Staff of. the 5; h and 6fh Armies, by letter of this day, communicates to me the following agreeable intelligence :— " The. Captain General in Chief has just re- ceived the agreeable news, that on th? 22d inst. the enemy'^ . army, under Marshal Marmont, was completely defeated in the neighbourhood of Sa- lamanca by the a'lied army under the command of Marshal General Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo, with which is united the third division of the Sih Spanish. -' " The enemy has lost several eagles, nearly all his artillery, and a considerable quantity of arms, baggage, and. ammunition, His loss in killed " and wounded is from 10 to 12,000 men, of whom about 4000 are taken, including General Bonnet, who is wolinded. - „" The enemy was retreating to Alba de Tormes, and the tfiflorious army was in pursuit. " I communicate it to you for your satisfac- tion arid that'of the troops. You will observe, that it is his Excellency's pleasure that, in the first instance, Thanksgiving shall be offered to the Al- mighty Proteftor of our cause for sb great a suc cess; and that afterwards, public demonstration* of joy shall take place, consistently, with so forty* nate anevejft. "';* —*- v>-..-• -— « « You will be pleased to make the same known to the Commander of any British naval forces at Ferrol or Corunna. « ' I communicate it to you, that you may im- mediately announce the intelligence to the public in an Extraordinary Gazette. - ". PEDRO P. yfAtos." Corunna, 27th July, ha! f- past 7, P. M. The doubt thrown on the first report of a battle was, because the date of it was fixed on the 18( h and 19th, arid there were dispatches from Sir H, Douglas, dated near Tord, on- the 22d, mention ing nothing- of it. haying taj^ en' place on the 22d, there is of course nothing irre. cohcileable in The intelligence with. Sir Howard's silence. And we learri further, that fie hid1 on that day no news from our aimy later, that! the 18th. ' : " , The scene of the Twttje, tieaf" 9alam* nca wflj surprise our readers, who proh'ibly expefled Ft to be fought near Vallad^ lid. . But it is sai. l that Lord Wellington purposely retreated from the Southern- Bank of the Douro, Marmont being so strongly posted on the other side with a consi- derable quantity of cannon, on the heights which command the plain, in which the troops- must have formed after crossing the Dtfuro. Mai flionf; upon Lord Wellington's retreat, conceived, it is said, that, it, was his Lordship's real intention: to proceed towards M » « ii< J,' and that he Was m iy reiriatir. g , o deceive hifn with- respeifl to his real vi » wj.—, Marmopt accordingly passed the Douro, apd fo]. ow ed his Lordship to the neighbourhood of Sala- marica, where our army brought him to aflion, with what splendid success the Corunna Gazette has shew n. . A private letter from Corunna adds, that the Spanish troops who had joined our army behaved - wi, th the greatest steadiness and courage. The advices from Gottenhurp- h are to th- 3 26th of lastvmonth ; and by those we learn, that bv a schooner sent north about, exoress from the Unit- ed States, the intelligence of the war between the Republie- and Great Britain, reached Sweden about the same time that it arrived in England. Whether letters of marque and reprisal from ths American Government were sent out by that vessel, to be placed at the disposal of the agents of the United States in the B dtir, we are not in- formed ; but if it should be so. it will produce a very serious situation of matters in that sea. We understand that Government have received information of a disposition expressed by the Court of Copenhagen, to unite with its neighbours in the North, in a system of mutual defence'against French encroachment and hostility, and that 5( 7- nadotte has been principally instrumental in pro. ducing this change in t; hp Councils of that King- dom.— Our advices by the Mail do not favour this account. We are told that a Russian Pr'- ee had paid a visit to Copenhagen, to negotiate an alliance, and had returned to St. Petersburg!), disappointed in his purpose. It is amazing how ready we are to see a quan- tity of convenient virtue in Bl. rnadotte, without waiting for the slightest demonstration of any. Oil Monday morning the situation of American ships was somewhat singular in England. An or- der from the English Treasury permitted the de- parture for the United States, of those which hid cleared out with Licenses; but, another order from the Admiralty had placed the broad R i: pr, ti them, and had direfled their deter. tfcn'as Droiu of Admiralty,- in. consequence of . the coqotliepce. ment of the war. Three.^ hjps which had atfiial. ly left the English ports, were e it after by son>. e fast- sailing schooners, and have been forced, v. c hear, to return into harbour. Letters from New Brunswick, of the 1st of last month, state, that by a Courier, after four days journey from Quebec, information had been ob- tained, that two English ships in the lakes had been taken possession of by the Americans. Bonaparte has lately issued a great number of new licences, to which he has been induced, in the- hope of obtaining some revenue. — J » Mary Kelly, well known as a noted offender in this neighbourhood for years pnst, was appre. hended' yesterday for having on Thursday night the 6th inst. stolen the cloth.. covering of a Gen- tleman's carriage and the cushions of his jaunt- r i tig- car, which- she gave to a female associate to dis- j pose of. The covering of the carriage was found, cut into different pieces, and tbe clodl cushions made into a cloak, which she had on when taken into custody.— We understand she has been com- mitted to Carrickfergus Jail, by Cortland Skin- ner, Esq. On Thursday last, a sailor belonging to the brig Ceres, now under repair at the Dry- dock, . fell from the forie- top down on a platform hang, ing over the side of the vessel, and from thence into the dock : he was immediately carried to the hopital, where medical aid was promptly obtain- ed. Besides a wound on the head, and being se- verely bruised in many partsy he has received a compound fracture of his left leg, which it is feared may yet lead to the loss ot die limb. OATMEAL.— Last week, a vessel with 643 bags of Oatmeal arrived at this port from Liverpool ; also, two vessels from Scotland, with 108 tons— a supply which has tended materially to keep down the Markets. The Marquis of Downshire has given thirty gui- neas to be distributed among the poor of the parish of Drurribo, and M jor Rainey has given ten guineas for the same benevolent purpose.— These humane do,, nations have been highly serviceable at the present pe- riod, when the poor have been suffering so severely under the pressure of the times, and we hope the men- tion of these deeds of charity will stimulate others to imitate so laudable examples. BRITISH NAVY.— The following is the amount of the British Naval Force up to the fir^ t of Au- gust. At sea, 94 ships of the line, 10 from 50 to 44 guns, 119 frigates, 109 sloops and yachts, 8 bombs and fire ships, 132 brigs, 82 cutters, 53 schooners, gun- vessels, luggers, & c. ; total 557— In port and fitting, 23 of tiie lire, 9 from 50 to cutters, 13 schooners, Sc.; total, 132- Guard ships, 44 guns, 82 frig. tes, 28 sloops, Sic. 17 brigs, 10 5 of the line, 4 frigates, 4 sloops, & c.; total, 13. — Hospital ships, Prison ships, & c. 32 of the line, 2 of 50 guns, 2 frigates; total 36.— Ordinary anti repairing for service, 71 of the line, 9 from 50 to ' 44 gun's, 64 frigates, 37 sloops, & c. 6 bombs, & c. 13 brigs, 1 cutter, 5 schooners, & c. ; total, 206.— Building, 33 ot the line, 5 r f 44 gu. i , 16 fri- gatesj 7 sloopss,' 8 brigs; total, 89— Grand total, 1,013- " "' * Mr. Piere Heil, a Bavarian Artist, has invented a new instrument of music, which renders the notes visible by means of colours, and which he has named " Harmmieon a tons fiisibles" ( the vii'blp, sounds Hurmonitfon.) A trial was made f U>.' instrument at the Court of Munich, in presorc* < f" the piincipal Musicians of the Chapel, who luve expressed their approbation of the invention. CORK, AUGUST 3.— Another American Captured. — H. M. Ship. Lconidas, Capt. Griffiths, scut in yesterday morn; ng a fine new American ship, last from Gibraltar.— She is moored alongside the Perseverance of New York, sent in by the Sybeile. Charitable Donation.— Capfain Upton, of th: » Syb'elle frigate, has sent in diievtions to distribu. e the entire of the Provisions of bis Prize, the Ai ; ie French privateer ( valued at nearly aC^' O), amo g ' the digressed Poor ot this place, whose eufifrin . M are very great, owing to the extreme pressure uf the'times. * » '. J. 1 BELFAST COMMERCIAL CHRO^ ICLF. The SALE of ROBERT FIN'LAV'J HOUSE, FACTORY, csV as Advert sed to be Sold this day, is put off till further Notice. Mr. THOMPSON, Portrait Painter, purposes tpendinj this and the following Month Professionally in this Torvn and its Neighbourhood.— He may be seen at the Exchange Card- Room* from 10 till 4 o'Cloci each • day; or'any Commands left at No. 3, Nelson- street, tha'. l be attended to* Belfast, August 8. On Wednesday last, John Hamill, a porfr on the quay, was committed to Carrickfergus jail by the Sov^ rfipfn. for stealine a lump of ashes off" a car be- tw- pn the quay and the merchant's store ; a practice wh'ch we are sorry to hear is very common on the qu ivs. TV P-' nee Repent has promoted Lord . Tocelyn t0 tv, » , Of5ce of Chamherlain to his Royal Hiy, h- p^ ss, in the room of Lord Yarmouth, who has been Watden of the Stannaries of the Duchy of Cornwall. Birth. '! At Hillsborough, on Thursday last, aHntit four o'clock io the afternoon, the MARCHIONESS of DOWNSHIRE L was safely delivered of a Son and Heir. Married. On Thursday last, in Kevin's Church, Dublin, hy the Rev. N. Garsrn, Chaplain ro the Hibernian In- tirurion, the R v JOHN WM. KEATINOE, D. D. Dean of St P . trick's, ro M » ir ANNE, only daughter of Meade Hobson. Esq. of Holies- Street, late of Mtickridge House, county of Cork. To tie tiDT TOR of lie BELT AST CHnONTCLS. SIR— I wish through your P. per to inquire of ' Farmers and C i'' t< Mf"> rt eoocc ning ft kind of! brick- l" sr eolo'ired r> > wd » r, whxh appeared some tiwi- in Jalv, firs' on the blule of wheat, it lately » pread from the hlade to the new shot head, and seems to cSerk the growth and distorts the form of th • new w he if. It ap; i* M » s a new dis'emp » r, ar least it has not before appeared on th- grounds in my vicinity. ir common on o h- r grounds ? Is it of milign tende cv ? and to wlwr even' i Is it ar. imated, or onlv a cirrosive dost?— Every apnearan e is a'arrri" enow wlrich seems detrimental to the p; e- i « ' nt crops. A SMAH. FAIMER. TO THE Gentlemen. Clergy, and Freeholders, OW THE COUNTY OF LONDONDERRY. GF. STI. eMErN, His Royal' Highness the PRINCE REGBVT having been grarmu Kiy pleased, durmg my absence from Eng- und, to ofF'i' nie a situation in his Royal Hitfhness's family, I could not hesitate, on my arrival from the army in the P. ninsula, in accepting this fluttering mark of his royal favour; and when I considt'i, with equal pride and pleasure, that it is only one act of a long se- ries of unbounded condescension and kindness, that has maiked the conduct of that Illustrious Personage towards me, for many years, I trust I shall stand ac. qu'tted with the County for vacating- my 3eat at an unusual period, and submitting myself again to the criterion of their verdict. 1 can yield to none in es- timation of the value, dignity, and importance of being one of their Representatives— To none in the deepest gratitude for the repeated honours conferred upon me — To none in the anxious Uope and honest ambition to retain them ; and, above all— To none in never ceasin:/ efFo ts to deserve them. Alter so long, and, I trust, so intimate an acquaintance with i • Countys fuoi. rr professions would be idle and superfluous ) but 1 feel I have stiongly to appeal to an indulgence and consideration which, I hope, my peculiav predicament niay render pardonahle. The state ofiny health, add- rd to the severest domestic calamity, obliged me to leave the army in Spain, and I am not sufficie ntly re- established to undertake the active duties of a personal canvass; if theietore, I might flatter myself to stand excused with the County, for not being on the spot at the present junctu'e, I would seize the first moments of returning health to visit a country which contains every thing I hold most dear, and value highest. I shall only add, that, whateyer may be the event, on the present occasion, I look forward, with an humble and honest confidence, that, in the discharge of my professional duties these last five years ( altho' una- voidably absent from attending to the immediate in- terests of the Countv,) I nave not acted in any man- ner to alienate its affections or forfeit the good opinion manifested towards me heretofore, in so distinguished and honourable a manner. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Yoiir faithful and obedient Seivant, CHARLES STEWART. Cheltenham, July 30, 1812. BAELYMONEY RACES WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, 24- TH AUGUST, 1812. MONDAY—£ 10 for Hacks that never won more than ^ 10 at any one time, o' a given prize, plate, or sweep- stak- s, carrying Bst. each— three mile heats. TUESDAY— Sweerstakes, five guineas each, p. p. provided three start, second hur- e saves his stake; =£ 50 added by the Town of Ballymoney, for any horse, weight for age, two ye > rs old, a feather ; three years old, 6st. 7lb ; four year. old. 7< t 10' b ; five years d l, 8st. 6lh ; sir yean, old, St. 12' b.; aged, Sst two and a hi If mile heats. WEDNESDAY Swetpstakes, live guineas each, p. p. to which the Steward w II add £ 30; second horse saves his stake, provided three s art, for Horses belonging to Free- bo ders » f the Counties » f Ant im or Derry, bona JJe their property one month before running ; two years old, a feather; tltee years old, 6st. 7lb ; fonr years old, 7st. lolb : five years old. 8st. 8lb ; sis years old, Sst. 71b.; aged. S t. 101b.— two mile heats. THURSDAY—£ 50 given by the Heiri of the Antrim Family, for five, six, and aged weigh s, same as Tuesday: the winner of that pUte to carry 6lb. extra— 1 mile heats. FRIDAY—£ 40 ' or two, three, and fsur years' old ; two years old a feather; three years old, 6 » t. 71b"; four years old, Hst.: the winner of Tuesday's plate to carry 51b. extra —' wo mile heats. SATURDAY— A Collection for the feea'en horses ef the week, we ghts and distances fixed on Friday evening by the Steward, or these he may appoint- KING'S PLATE ARTICLES. Three lb. allowed to Mares and Geldings. All Horses to enter with the Clerk ol the Cour* three clear days previous to their respeflive « ays of running, paying one shilling in the pound eutrance, or ( with leave of the Steward) double at the post. E » ch winner to pay -, 3t shilling a pound to the Clerk of the Course — I wo horses, not the property of one person, to start for each plate, or but half given lor a walk over. Horses to b' qualified, if required, on the oath of the owner To Start each I ' ay & i One o'Ciock ; and all disput- s respecting tl e Running, Set vo be settled by Judges, nomin- ate' I by the Steward. Good ORDINARIES at the principal INNS in Town— BAJ. LS onWEDNESDAV and FRIDAV Nights. JOHN GAGE LECKY, EM* Steward. BELFAST SUSP NEWS. The armed brig Britannia, Aberdeen, for London, clears this day, and sails first fair wind. The Venus, Pendleton, Is loading for London. The Vine, Montgomery, is lo> ling at London for this port, to sail first fair wind after the 15th in « t. The Neptune, Davidson, loads for Liverpool, to sa; l in a few davs. The Mi nerva, Courtenay, for Liverpeol, clears this day and sails to- morrow, wind permitting. The armed brig Donegall. Courtenay, loading for Lon- don, sails fitst fair wind after 15th inst. The Ann, Sheals, from Liverpool, arrived here on Thurs- day last. The armed brig Lagan, Honrine, is loading at London for this port. The Betseys, Neilson, for Glasgow, clears to- day and sails tQ- morrow. Th" Dispatch, Jamison, is loading for Dublin, to sail i! st fair wind. The Hawk, M'Corm'clc, is loading at Glasgow for Belfa t. ARRIVED. Catharine. Knndtfon, from Dronthisn, 873 do* en Dea i and Deal Ends. 17 barrels Tar Volun'ario Caidini. from Viana, in Portugal, S40 pieces Po tugal Oak. 2' J5 Plank, J b* les Shenp '. WooI- Atirnr, Starks, Neptune, Davison, ( 643 hags Oatmeal,) and Friend- hip, Scott, fom L verpo 1. Isabella, Scotland, tons Oatmeal,) and Mbrgaret, Tay- lor, ( 93S bolls Oatmeal.) from Glasgow. Ann M'Larfy, from G- eenock. Ann Jones, from Beaumaris. J8 Vessels with Cods. BELFAST EXPORTS, For the Week• ending the 6th instant. Dro* tio*~— K boxes, 10 firkins Soap— I hoi Calico— t hhds Sugar— 2 puncheons V um— 4 tiercel, 7 bags Coffee-^ 7 parcels Haberdashery. harre s Pork— 1 hhd. 28 tierces, 110 barrels B e*— 21 bales Bacon— SI cask-, Hamsw40 casks Tongues— 519 botes Soap— I hot Linen Cloth. 2WM— » 9JH, 52S yar< j » l inen— 82 « $ firkins butter— 18 tierces Be f— 49 barrels Askej. Liverpool-* 175,843 yards Limn— 689 firkins Butter— 123 Hides— 1S6 bundled Calf I'kins Maryfort— 10,000 yards Linen - 50 doien Calf Skins. Irvine— S3 bundles Calf Skins— 7 bale. Feathers. DvHin— 32 tons Logwood. Dundatl— I SO barrels Rosin— 63 bales Barilla— 6 hhds. 4 tierces Scale Sugara. Derry— 6 hlids. Scale Sugars— 1 cask Coffee— IT bags Bay Salt— 10,000 Wood Hoops, & e. IVeekly Shipping unj Comvureial List BELFAST .. J. Oatmeal S8 Wheaten- meal O Wheat. Barley Oats.! First Flour Second ditto.. .... Fourth ditto Bran Firkin Butter.... . Ruts an Tallow .. Buenos Ayres do. Brazil do Rough Tallow.... Rough Lard B- ef( Ne\ i- Shamhles) 53 Salt SUins 52 Cow Hides. 40 Ox ditto O Horse ditto 6 Cilf Skins ( Slinks). O Veal ditto..... 0 Fresh Butter 1 Scale ditto 1 Beef O Mutton O Veal Potatoes Liverpool Coals... Cumberland ditto. Scotch ditto — Scotch malting ditto MA KKIBTS. e. J. per cwt. of 119lb " dank. Notes. . per cwt. of 1! , Bank Notes. Sib ^ pe. Kent « f 15lk p « r cwt. of IJOtb per lb. of 16 es. ^ per stone. per toil. . White Weight of Bread this Week at the Public Bakery. Loaf, ( is. 1 J.) Jib. Coz— Brown ditto, ( U Irf.) » lb. 4oi. ~ ON SALE. New Orleans Cotton H'u I, Cot It Whiskey. New- York lJot Ashes, A few Casks Russian Candle Tallow. . Apply to ROBT. GETTY & JA » . LUKE. Auguet K. ( T? 9 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In the Cou\' i C< x: 22- Roan, It'aring rtreet, oa t RID AY t!> e W. b initnnt, at tor tl'air of TWELVE, VtVc. i, FOUR WHARFS IN THE BELFAST INSURANCE COMPANY, rnd THREE SHARES ir. the LA- GAN NAVIGATION. Approved Bills at Three Months will be Cat ™ in faytii. r. t. < 7S3) Augu t 7. TO LE LET, From ill hi of November neat, HPHAT DWELLNG- HOUSE > d SHOP, No. 17, Jl High- street, farmody or*, - X by th » lata Wltr. lAM M'KEE, Wuolleti- Dray, L- r, » R, C • .' Jiertt by Mr. GEOEOE M'CLUBKIM Its situstiou no ,- oinmeiit ( being long established), and ORJ ol the » i: uations for busii< e » in the Town of Belfast. Apply to Mrs. JANE M'KEE, King- street, Belfast, Aagust g. TO BE LET, Frotn tie \ tiaf September, / rr'. HE SMM'HFiELD SLAUGHTER - HOUSES. 11 Apply to ROBERT FERGUSON. August 7. H, Mill- street. ( T31 BE SOLD BY PRIVATE SALE, - ' A FARM of LAND, within a lew minut « s walk of" SAINTF1F. LD, containing Thirty- two Acres, and hjf an Acre of Turbary, Cunningham Measure, it the Yeai ly Rvtit of £ V per Aire, during the beiug of two yotmg Li\ es, at the fall of vjbieh it will come into'the hands ot Viscount NLSETUXANIJ. A liberal Credit will be given. For particulars, apply to HUGH CLARKE, Ballyma- carrett— Mr. THOMAS CLARKE, oi Sainrlield, will sllew the Premises. August 7, 1812. N. B. If th* above Farm be not disposed of by private Sale prior to the 7th Oftober, it will be SOLD by Public AUCTION on that Day, at the House of ME. THOMAS CLARKE, ia IteinsfcW. . t' 32 • DRONTHON DF. AT. S. HENRY JOY TOMB W ROBT. HOLMES ARE Landing out of the Fteglem ftetle Cap am HOLME, from DKONT. HON, a CARGO of best Merchantable Ideals, Plank, and ' Ian / spokes', which, w th PINE and OAK TIMBER. Quebceand vienie] PIPE STAVES, thay will disp . se of reasonably. ^ ( 739 ALE & PORTER STORES, HO. 10, DONECALL- STREBT. THOMAS M. CO ATE S AS oi, hands, a QnJnrit'' of BF1. I t ^ GH \ M'S P ' LE BUTT ALF and POR TFR, in Wood and Bottle; al « a. CIDER, PERRY, SPRU' E BEF. R, SOr> A- W TFR, & c. & C. which he will sell on reasonable terms Belfast, August 7. AUCTION Of a mott desirable CONCF. R N, for the Mercan- tile or Pr vision Business, HpHATUrae, commodious CONCFR^ i. No 86, J A MRS STREET, containing in fran* 65 Peer.. an Tt-.- n ting backward 135 Feet; on which has >>. en Built wi bin tlie last l ight ye rs, an excellent D VK1. I. IVG H ) USE, wnh a large S I'ORE in the re r Th< whol is enc osefi by a 14 inch wall; the yard c mpl'" ely Pave,! and on the front there is Budding Ground tor (" wo Houses i his Concern will be Set up to AUCn > N at M JAMES i- IYNi). MAN'S office, Dune/ ill 8- rect, on MONDAY the 31st iwst. precisely at ') NE o'. ' I ick. For further particulars * rqu at the P mis » s, or at No. 1, Calendar- street. ( 85) Betiast, \ ug SALE THIS DAY. HTy. r, ptHE Present C. ap of we'l save 1 HAY, in Cocks, will 1 be sold BY AUCTION, at Pa. kmou it, on . SATUR- DAY the 8th of Augu at ONE o'Ciock; or previously disposed b'. private Sale. i'erms— Approve i B lis at Four Mjuths will be tikrn Apply to Mr. CAIRNS. ( 701 SALE THIS DAY. T6 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Our OtfUe, 84. W^ b- street, tn SATURD If t!, e M, Au fruit intt, at ONE 0 Clock, if not previously dliftoied of, • pHE LEASE of a Neat COUNTRY HOUSE, O > R- f DEN, an! MEADO V, in Bsutm SCA « * e r, n- a BaIIyn: ifeigh Bridge, adjoining the Road lea i'tig to New townbreda, formerty occupied by Lieut. FELLOWS, fit for the reception of a Genteel Family; years of the Lease uni'ipired at M iy last, at the yearly Rent of 24 Guineas, GEO. LEATH AM will shew the Premises. For Particulars apply to CUMING * TANNY, AUCTIONEERS, & C. Belfast, August 1, 1811. ( 716 NEW TEAS. TAMES M'MASTER has just Received, by the Dnigil, from London. 187 Chests of T'as Arrived- 20 Hhds. of Refined Lump Sugar, SO Barrels New York Pnt- As^ es, first brands / WHICH. TV IT H Very Fine and Fine Scale Sugarsf, And a General Assortment of G > ols In the GRQ'^ F. RY LINE, wHl be aold on reasonable Terms. < 19) North- street, Belfast, Ju v 30, 1812. NEW TEAS. TOHN TRWIN & CO. hare received, per the * JJ DONEG ALL from LONDON, A Parcel of TR /, from last Sales, IK ADDITIO* TO TH EIR rotllll STOCK, Which, with every Article iu their Line, will be dispo- ed of on moderate Terms, T13) « , Rosemary- street— August S. OATMEAL. npHOMAS BATTERSBY & SON h* ve re. e* ived, per the Sue, of Strar. gforU, A Quantity of OA I'ME IL Which will be sold on reasonable Tetnts, from on board the Ves « el, at the Line- kdn- dock. 684) Belfast, July 26 BLEACHERS' SMALTS. R O n E R T 1) E L A P AS for Sa'e, a Parcel of REAL DUTCH, of Pint Quality, which he will Sell on vert moderate Terms. 8S1) Belfast, luiy 18 1812. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On SATURDAY tie IStb inel on the Premim, mt the kour of ONE ,' Cto. i, " PHE LEASE of a large commodious DWELLING- 1 HOUSE, with suitable OFFICES, and t vo Acies of MEADOW, at the low R< nt of per Annum " Alsa, if required, Acres of MEADOW, the Rene £ 10 — The whale adjoiDing Mr. WATSOK'S concern, on the road leading to Holywood; and only two minures wa'k from Bel- f St.— The Meadow extending Irrm the r it of the House to the Shore, renders the situation verv c mvenient tor Sea Bathing— The whole held under LORD SPENCER CHICHES- TER for a long term of years.— Terms at Sale. MACFARLAN, Auctioneer. August S. ( 7i » TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, On WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of August next, ' IPHE LEASE of 23 A. 0 R. 23 P. of the - I Linda of MONEREA, held a der l, ord DUNOAN- NOK, during One Life, at a moderate Rent.— Upon sad Laiids thure is sufficiency of Housiso, and are I id down with Graf j- seed, with a considerable proportion of Meadow. At same time will be Sold, several. Acres of POTATO* OATS, with soma H. vy—. Terms of Sale, Fifty Pounds ts tie paid upon the Purchaser being declared, the remaiud r tiiay lij sotlie time, upon giving approved security. ( 704 WE appoint the nsit October SESSIONS to be held in BALLYMONEY, as the S. ssions at which OVER SEERS shall Account, pursuaut'to the Statute, for Mi Ac- counts bent in at thi* Assises, and Killed iu Courc, but r* * o'tbcre. ? 17) Grand ju. y- R. oa, July 27, 181 J, M > PS. - GEORGE LA'VGTRY & CO. TTAVE received, per DON EG ALL, from ' » "' the of Aurvit I). ME o'Cloct. IF JL LONDON, 2o Pockets, » f Pr me Quality, GROWTH OF 1, Which will be sold on moderate t t- ms. T'O) ^ Belfast. 30:. i July, ISTI I STREET M \ Nil HE. if To be Sold by Auction, oo i TjfR I) AT ne* init prawly • it tit. Hour of ( JJ ] © EV^ R \ L !> rc-' ls ol • xc flont STREET. s> •' MANURE to commenc at the rear of the Fountiic- j Ya- d n I proceed by Vork— t'eet. { To be p » id foi imm : iat ly w en sold, and removed < m j or bii'ore the rime, which will b particiilirly expressed at j tiiue of ii . iC, otkerwise to 1 etom. forieited and re sold ( 7I » j STOCKING f { \ M< iS, Sc. FOR S V LE. ' lj-]\/ lj- RSiCtTNN[ NGri\ M wishihg > o contradl he- Bu* jl • * ' Hos- rv Matrof " u e l. me, will disnos- if Of NINE STOCKING FRAMES, of the ' ollowing Ouagts, h V z o e o SO, oi e 1,1 US. o e oi 26. io if :.' 0 two of I ft] • one ot ! 6, an 1 or, e ol 14 all in good e J r \ I tr Metal • BOILER, a $' OCKING P i ESS, and a great Q , a,, t, tv of | jj LEG- KOARiiS * ' it. Mis. C. is weil siinplied at present with'WORSTED I and COTTON HOSIERY, and WORSTED and COT- iTON H > SI !< Y YAKN, wlidh she will dispose of at • first Cosr; f r Rea. lv M » fa y. AH those whd stood itiuebtell to the Lte JOHN CUN- ' NUH A si at the time of h s Uecease, are requ - sted to t ,,„.,-,,. , , 1 • ' h- ir recounts immediaiely discharged t And all ro « , o' B(; lf, s', and neighbouring lowris. tnat whot- he s'ood udebtel, „| pi ai, to fu- nish their Ac. d a WHOLESALE HAT WAREHOUSE, . counts, - H. a- ', e, may be WeJSKF. Y. HEG- RGE LANGTRY & CO. have for U Sale, ONE HUNDRED PUNCHEONS Strong weil- fLvoured AVHISK. EY. 613) Belfast, Julv IA. Wholesale London Hat i'/ ar" house, W M. WART » , CO. HO. 59 LOHD- S rttstr, LivtsKtoot, Tp) KO leave to announce to the HA r r EKS, DK AP » RS, and ' V ' ItLlllt the\ have opened : at ton- i. a he. Dohi gall- street, Belfast, Where a I. arg^, F. legant. and Fa hionable Assortnier, t of ev ry Article in the above Line, will constantly for Sale v t — Ladies' White, Black, and Drab Hats and B nnets, Children's Ditto. Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Gentlemen's London Beaver Hals, D'< tto, IVn'erproof Heaver Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Silk Ditto, Ditto Leghorn arid Willow Ditti \ I irge Assortment of Men's and Boy's H ATS, ( if every Quality FEATHERS and TRIMMINGS, of every description. ( 656 M'ADAM Sc MCLEERY f TAVE just received, per the Aurora, from LONDON , 1 « and have on hand, Fine and C. mmon Congou, Souchong, and Green TEAS Very Fine. Fine, and Second SCALE SUGARS, Refined SUGAR and CANDY, Misrrabl — Indigo— Refined Saltpetre— Rozin, Alicante Barilla Mustard-— Pimento Pearl Ashes— White Ginger, Qfc. And an Assortment of . SPICKS an 1 DYE- WOODS, which tliey will dispose of on moderate terms. T! i- y have likewise or sale, NINE. THOUSAND AMEklCAN CANE REEDS, of an excellent Quality. 492) Bt Ifast, Jun 25 FOR GLASGOW, The DIANA, JOHN M'CALLUM, MASTEH, ( A constant Trader), Now loading, to sail ic a law oa7*. POR DUBLIN. The DISPATCH, JAMI « « N First FAIR wind. The BEE, RANCIN Eight days after. For Freight, apply to GEO. MONTGOMERY. The HAWK, M'COEMICI, is loading at Glasgow for BsUast. ( IS*} fcei. W., Acg- o. t 7. SCARLET, WHITE, & BLACK CLOTHS. JOHNSON & FISHER have received, by the CUN- NINGHAM BOTLE, ./ fresh Supply of Scarlet, White, and n lack Cloths, Which have been carefully chosen, and will be sold cheap. 52-') . Belfast, June29 GEORGIA COTTON- WOOL, ORLEANS Do. Do. POT ASHES, SICILY B " RILLA, LEAF TOBACCO, For Sale, on Reasonable I erms, by JAMES KENNEDY, B » Ifast, May 19. Donegali- Qu ly. ( 212 TOBACCO, COTTON WOOL, & ASHFS 84 Hhds. Vi ginia Leaf Tobacco, 40 of which art of prime quality, 120 Bales Up/ and Cotton Wool, 46 Barrels first sort Montreal Pot Ashes, 42 Ditto Ditto, New York Ditto, , S > Ditto- D tto. Ditto Pear! Ditto, 70 Bales Alicant Bari la, of superior quality, On Sale on moderate Terms lor good pay uents, by THOMAS BELL, May 20. ( 223) - S4. North- street. HOPS, & LONDON DOUBLE BROWN STOUT. rHE SUBSCRIBER has received per theVENtis, from LONDON, Sixty Pockets HOPS, Growth 1811, of very fine Qu dry, and Sixty Hhds. of high flavoured Double Brown Stout, Two years old, engaged to stand any climate, and . re now selling at his Store in Byrt's- entiy, High- street. PAT. DONOHOO. Belfast, June 23- S498 BARGAINS. HARDWARE, TOYS, hfc. & e. ' IPHE SUBSCRIBER intending to relinquish the S HARDWARE and TOY TRADE, will se. l ofF his STOCK at First Cost. Persons wanting Goods of this description in the Whole- sale Line, will fino tllem worth their notice GEORGE M ADAM. No. 1 » , High- s're^ r, July 10.' ( 601 : The Puolicare ri:., ut,'. t.' j. iv lino. tn ed, r. har the fo. iU) w. ing REGULAR TRADERS JS^^ Mht* Witt tain for their retftMwe. / orp,, ^ iiM^ IWwit % vitb its f> r ft fair Wind after the dates mentioned t FOR LONDON, The arm. erl brig DONEOALL, COOR ISHAT, 15th August The armed brig AURORA. STARK, 14 days after. FOR LIVERPOOL, The MINERVA, COURTENA7 8th Au - ust. The CERES, SAVAGE. Eight days after. FOR BRLITOL, The DRAPER, M'MUI. LIM 20th August. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The FANNY, MARTIN..*. ...;.. 8th August, The CUNNINGHAM BOYI. E, BSLL, Ei^ ht d. ys after. FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The armed brig LAGAN, HoNttiiE... IS h August The armed brfg FACTOR, M'NIEC 14 days after For Freight, in London, apply to Messrs. ALEXANDER and WILLIAM OGIJ. BY, Abchurch- Yard. Gentlemen w ho have. Linens to forvzard, will please send them to. GEORGE LANGTRY ffj- Afe » \ stout Lad' wanted as Appi entices to the Sea. may he put into a train of payment. 721) No, 13, Donegall- street — Belf. ist, Au » . 4. TO BE SOLD, 4 FARM of LANb, containinu Tin Aces, or slere- { A. abours. on the Road Irom Belfast to Carrickfergus, with or withotit the Crop, which consists of Po r A. rohs,' FLAX, OA • s, and HAT. There is a convenient Cabin' OfRc.- houses, and Girden, on the Premises Proposals will he r ceived hy the Proprietor, WILLIAM CxAio.' of Waring- Street, No. 42, until the tirot t'. ay of September, 1213, wheh thfc Purchaser will be declared. • ' { ess TO BE LET, And Possesion given the first day of tciober next, J HAT newly- erefled MILL and KILN, in the Town- 1 land of Drumgooland and Parish of Loitghinisland, and County of Do* n, by the late MAI HEW KO* E, Esq—- The Mill IS well- supplied with Water, and a second pair of Stones fof grinding Flour, with Dressing Machinery, & c. See. I here are Ten Townlands will be bound to said Mill, and about Ten Acres of good Land. For farther particulars, appry to Mr RO3ERT BROWH, Agent, who will receive Proposals uiril 1st September net'.. S36) SsA » 0Rb, June39, 1812. AUCTION SALE. In the Matter of R0HE:: T E'NLAY a Bankrupt. jl ' ro be Sold by AUIS: 0D, on I S aturday the sth . Ly Aug'U' neit, at the House said Banktup-. in Millfi 11, pre- cisely at ONE o'clock the emir* BUILDINGS, VIA C'HINERY, and other U TEN 1L3, necessary lor carrying on the Spinning of Cotton hy Steam & c. as formerly act- verti- ed The whole will be soil without reserve, and the Teims will be declared at the S le JAMES MILLER, July 13. ( 630) AUCI10NEER AND VALUATOR. « £ 30(), £ 400, ^ oo. \ a\ TANI ED, the 1 . oan of either of the above Sums, up- ' 7 * n a Mortgage of a valuable Property iu tiie Town of Belfast. Apply to Pan IF MAGBIHE, at ' he Office of Messrs. CUMING & TANNV, Aiiitioneers, 84, Hig',- street. ( G71 WANTED, ' pwo MEN SFRV \ NT$, one as BUTLER, arid li„ ot 1 SKS VAN T ; the Ilther, to take care of a P ir of Hor< es, and wait or, a si , gl Gentleman. None need ; pp y but such as can produ. e unrxcrritioOdble D sc^ arg 9 App. J R. R^ ILULIJ to 3. TVCISEK, Jl R*) e OfJic- of this Paper. " 23) Belfast, 5th August, 1812. WANTED. AWRITING- MASTFR, hav'ng 3 ' cw Leisure Hour,, wishes ro tmpl y'baf lime in the Tuition of a Pki. VATE FAMILT.— Would have no obje^ ion to goa mile in o the CoUn'rv. Apply at the Office of this' Paper. ( 699 Jo be laid out in the Purcha e of Annuities, ITliVF. THOUSAND POUNDS for the Life of the ! Purchaser TAt O THOUSAND POUNDS for the Life of such P, r* c: i as may t* e agieed on. App y bv 1 ettei. post pai. L, to W11 ts HILL MI C tnr, Attorney, Rathfrdansl t. No 12, Great Den oark strut, Dublin. ( 702) Jul) 29, 181 J. " IMSL r The Public are respectfully tllorm- _ eel, that it is intended the following Jj/ xftv ^ StrV N. L. TRADERS Jsgsslsat Stat:, ail at tbe undermentioned period): FOR LONOOM.' The armed brig BR1T. ANNI A, ABE » DEE N. First ' air wind The armed brig VENUS, PsNDLE : ON...... 14 da » s alter These Vessels being armed and completely we'! found, Insurance by them wilt consequently be etlecied oil th « most reasonable terms FOR LIVERPOOL, The NEPTUNE, DAVIDSON In a few days. . FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The KELLY, M'ILWAIS FT* lair wi d. ' The sr. PAlRKK, Campbell S m , t ys . i£ er. FROM LONDON FOR BELF. XS The artn. d brig VINE, MoNTOoiir « » 15th Au-. Ust. For F eight, in London, app y to Messis. WM & JOHN WHARTON, Nicholas' tan* ; or, in Beliast, to R. GREENLA W, Agent, Who will receive an ! fot- » * r ! LINEN CLOTH and other MERCHANDIZE care and disi » trh gy- A few Stoot 1 ad » wanted as APPRENTICES to the S « K, ' O whom ' i' ers F, « '< » tirt,. ement Will he 1 Ten FOR BUENOS AYRES, DIRECT THE RAST- SSILINO ABMRB aaiu LORD NELSON, J. ' THOMSON, MASTER, Will clear to sril fust fair wind after th « 15ih August.—' For Freight or Passage, apply to MONTGOMERYS, STAPLE'S, Si CO. WHO IfAVE FOR SALE, Richmond Leaf i'obaaot Cotton- Wool, Alicant barilla, and Buenos Ayes • alo w. 7gg) Calend iN- treet,. July 38, 1813. FOR ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND,' THE REMARKABLE flNE t AS r- 8 AI LI NO SCHOONER FRIENDS, EDWARD CONWAY, MASTER, - THE PROVIDENCE, , 109 Tons. Buttheti, EDWARD PHILIPS, MASTER, FOR DUBLIN, . : j Has ihe principal part o » h r Cargo engaged, an.' wil' po. l- sail first fair wind after Saturday, 8th fast. ! tiv. L sail lor the above port 111 111) days— For Freight or Wiil take a few Tons Freight, at 15/. per Ton— Apply to J Pa.- s. {; « , apply^ to^ . WILLIAM PHELPS, August S. ( 7g7) Ko. 8, Lin. t- Kiii.- DocL THOS. & WM DAVENPORT. LoKjjoKDinim 4:£ Avirt, lBi » BELFAST COMMERCIAL CIIRONICLF. DDWN RECORD COURT. BOWNPATRICK, TUESDAY, JULY ' 29, 1312. Before the Hon. Mr. JUSTICS FOX, and th following special Jury: Hrzh Kennedy, FIQ. Daniel De'acherois, Esq. Hugh Moore, Esq. 1 James M'K^ y, Esq. James Blackwood, Fiq. John Rose Cleland, Esq. HOHT HOS. LORD BARON TIFF; JOHN AND ROBERT MARTIN This was an aflinn brought by John M'Birnie, Esq. James Wats » n, Esq. Robert Turner, Esq. Cortland Skinner, Esq. William Moore, Esq. James Gardner, Esq. CLIFFORD, PLAIN' DEFENDANTS, the plaintiff DS The Learned Judge recapitulated the evidence, j commenting on each as he went alnng, with his j usual ability. The Jury retired, and in less than* I half an hour, returned a verdi$ for plaintiff— £ 100 damages, 0J. costs. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. Before Hon. Mr. Justice Fox, and the follow. ! ing Special Jury :— ICortland Skinner, Esq. James Watson, Esq. f John Newell, Esq. I William Boyd, Efi. Daniel Delaeherois, Esq. Roger Maginnes, Esq. . FRANCIS SAVAGE, against the defendants, to recover damages, in consequence" of the defendants' preventing plain, tiff fencin? about RO acres of marshes, obtained Ivy plaintiff from Mts. Maxwell at last Assizes.— Damages laid at j£ 200. The defendants' pleaded the general issue. "•- Andrew Stevenson, sworn— Isaland- surveyor; Vnows the marshes in dispute; was employed in 1800, by the late Mr. Maxwell to mate a map of the dry lands in ihis estate ; did so ; ( did not mea- sure the marsh in dispute on that occasion ; was employed in 1806, by Doctor Kennedy, ( Mrs. Maxwell's agent) to make a survey and map of the dry land and marshes; when the sur\ ey was made in 1800, the marshes were partly covered ; at that time the embankment and flood- gates erefl- ed by Lord De Clifford at the Quoile were broke down ; on both the surveys was attended by Sam. Robinson, as mearsman for Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell; in 1810 was employed by Lord De Clifford to mark the boundaries at high- water mark ; was at- tended by James M'G'enon and William M'Kee ; Mr. Millar, Lord De Clifford's agent, attended, and desired witness to keep inside rather than out. side of the high- water mark ; did so ; has seen the fences made by the plaintiff; doe not know whether thev were made ex. iflly as he marked them or not. James M'Glenon— Remembers the trial be- twixt present plaintiff and Mrs. Maxwell in 1810; assisted in pointing out fhe water- mark to Mr. Stevenson ; attended the Juty yesterday ; pointed nut the same boundaries to them as he did to Stevenson. William M'Kee's evidence was the same as last witness. Alexander Miller, Esq— Is agent to Lord De Clifford; attended Mr. Stevenson while making the survey previous to the ejeflm? nt ; Mr. John Martin was there; Samuel Robi- son and Hugh Cochran attended as mearsmen for Mrs. Maxwell; no dispute about the mearings on that occasion ; pot- possession of marshes in dispute from the She- riff in March, 1811 ; defendants were present; made no ohjeflion ; Mr. John Martin afterwards was in treaty about them, and wished ihe mearings to be made, that there might not be any further disputes; witness sent Stevenson, M'Glenon, and M'Kee, with some labourers to mark out fences, and if any objeflion should be made, to make them by Mrs. Maxwell's own mpn's marks ; Mr. J. Mar. tin saw the labourers cutting the marks, and made no objeftion ; fences made according to mearings marked by Stevenson, on 2d July; Mr. Martin desired the labourer's to stop ; 23d Ju'y, Mr. Mar. tin ag. rn prevented the labourers making fences; Upwards of 100 men attended on Mr. Martin's part ; 29h July, another obslruflion"; at all those times the workmen were inside of Stevenson's marks; wi. ness was at the marshes 8th August; all the work dr, previous had been thrown down ; what was ooi i cost jfS3; witness thinks the marches would h been cheap at £] an acre; the water-'*" tks at the Quoile, which prevented those marshes from being covered, were renaired in 1c03, by Lord i) e Clifford ; cost about £$ 000. W'lliam P- iterson— Was se" nt as overseer by Mr. M> ller to make up fsnces ; was desired by Mr. Martin not to do so ; a great many people attended on Mr. Martin's part to prevent Mr. Miller's men- from workirg. Grant from Charles I. dated 13fh August, 1638, to Thomas Lord Cromwell, of all the wa- ters of Lough Cone, and the rivers running into it.— Admitted. Lease from Thomas Lord Cromwell, the Earl of Ardglas, to the Rev. Henry Maxwell, dated 10th August, 1680, for 1000 years Admitted. Hugh Cochran, sworn— Knows the Townland of Tuch, and the marshes in question ; they wbre always made use of by Mrs. Maxwell's tenants; the fences made by Mr. Millar in some places, were far abrtve high- wa'er mark ; are all above low- wa- ter- mark ; for thirty- two years he lived adjoining ; he never seen the tide as high as the fences made by Mr. Miilar. J" hn Beatty— Knows the marshes 70 years; in 174. S, water- works were erefted ; has seen the place-, where the three obstructions were given by Mi. Martin ; is positive they are all above high- wstet- mark ; never seen the tide so high as where M: Miller wanted to make the fences ; at low water one or two acres were covered by salt water; pcintid out yesterday to the Jury what he was convinced was the Mgh- water- mark; in many places lower than uhen Mr. Miller wanted to make the fences ; is 82 years of age. John B^ ssett— Knows the marshes in question near 80 years; is 87 years of age ; knew them be- foie the waterworks were ereifted in 1748 j they vere mostly covered at high. water before that time; are not now ; were covered when the works br'ki down in 1790 and 1800; gave the same testim ny now as on last trial; the fences in some places are above high- water- mark. James Hamilton— knows the marshes in ques- tion ; ihe ' hree places ai which Lord De Clifford's men were obstructed ; are all above high- water mark. Rev. Doflor Kennedy Bailie— Is Agent to Mrs. Maxwell ; in 1806 sent Stevenson to make a sur- vey of ihe marshes in question; sent Sam. Robin- son to point out the boundaries; Robinson is the person who usually does so. S im Robinson— Was sent by Doflor Kennedy Bailie to assist Sievenson in surveying ihe marshes; d d not point out the mearings ; does not know them ; no person but witness attended on the part of Mrs. M. ixwell. Rent Books of the Estate produced— It appear- ed that on the 17th Odlober, 1754, Mr. Maxwell paid LordDe Cliffoid [£ 5, for the May rent of ibat year, for the marches in question. Iihn MHer, to have been in his uncle's possession, were, in 1776, in the hands of a Mr. Sayers, who paH £ 36 a- year for them. The Learned Judge retapitnhted the evidence, when the Jury retired, and brought in a verdift for Defendant— 6,/. damages, costs. NATURAL HISTQRY. Hu Kennedy, E> q. James M'Key, Esq. Andrew Cowan, Esq. James Blackwood, Esq. Cunningham Gregg, Esq. Joseph Gardner, Esq. WILLIAM MACKAY, PLAINTIFF ; ESQ. DEFENDANT. This was an action of trespass on replevin, brought by plaintiff, as tenant to Lord De Clif- ford, and was, as the foregoing, tried, and a ver- dift for his Lordship had, which, however, was set aside in the Courts above. ^ DEFENDANTS' PROOFS. John Neill, sworn— Is 68 years of age ; lives in Ho'lymount ; knows the marshes in dispute; Peter Breen held them at one time; knows the drain betwixt the Hog- island marsh and one in dispute ; it was the mearing always; knows it to be so these 50 years ; Mr. Price held it after Peter Breen ; Breen paid rent to Mr. Pfice for it and a farm adjoining-, 13 or 14 years; never knew any person but Mr. Price, or his tenants, graze on it; witness recollefts his father cutting ru- hes on the marsh in dispute, but was prevented by Mr. Sutherell's Agent from cutting on his side of drain ; the new cut made by Mr. Savage is three feet inside of old mearing. George Breen, aged 72— Lives in countv Ar- magh ; is son to Peter Breen, who held a farm, and marsh in dispute, from Mr. Price ; has seen the new cut ; it is three feet inside the old one, which was the mearing as long as he rccollefls; more th in 50 years; affer his father gave it up Mr. Price took it into his own hands. James Jarvis— Has lived in Hollymonnt since he was born; knows the marsh in dispute 50 years; knew Peter Breen holding it, afterwards two Mr. Prices, and now Mr. Savage holds it; they grazed it; never heard of any person claim it till within these four years ; old cut has always been the mearing betwixt Mr. Savage and Lord De Clif- ford ; new cut made by Mr. Savage is three feet inside of it; after Pet^ r Breen gave it up, Mr. Price made a bridge into it, and put a gate on it; does wot know why or by whom the arbitration was broke off; new cut ra^ de a few days after by Mr. Savage. Thimas Tomey, 81 years of age— Knows the marshes in dispute; was Steward for old Mr. Price, and then for the last Mr. Pace ; the diain alluded to by other witnesses was the mearing be- twixt Lord De Clifford and Mr. Price; never heard of any person make use of marsh in dispute except Mr. Price, or snch people as he allowed. Lord De Clifford cleared a number of drains while witness lived in Hollymount, but never came so far as Peter Breen's marsh. James Harvey— Is 70 years of age; knows marsh in dispute more than 50 years; never knew any person but the Mr. Prices and Mr. Savage make use of it ; the drain mentioned has always, so long as witness recollefls, been the mearing ; new cut made inside of it. Arthur Bigham— Is 64- vearsof age; his father lived in Downpatrick, and held the marshes next to those in dispu'e from Lord De Clifford ; old drain was the mearing; never trespassed on marsh in dispute ; was cautioned against doing so by his father, who was not on good terms with Mr. Price; Mr. Price's cattle graze on marsh in dispute. I James Cnmmine, Esq Knew the late Mr. Trotter as agent to Mri Sutherell; paid him rent as such in 1763. An affidavit of Mr. Trotter was read, stating, that he had been agent 40 years for Mr. Sutherell; it was dated 24 h Mav, 176S; stated that he had met obstruflion from Mr. Price while cleaning the drains, Sic. 3cc.• FOR PLAINTIFF. Joseph Peirry— Is 76 years old ; was born in the Inch, opposite Hollymount; before the water- works were erefled in 1748, the tide flowed far above Hollymount, over marsh in dispute; after they were erected the marches were drained, one in dispute among the rest; the drain close round by Hollymount wood, as long as witness recol- lefls, was the mearing betwixt Lord De Clifford and Mr. Price, and not the drain, as sworn to by other witnesses. Cross- examined— Is well acquainted with all the marshes around ; witness left the Inch at the age of 6,7, or 8 ; at that time mearings not ascer- tained ; never heard of Peter Breen till last trial; was over maish in dispute very often, sometimes four or five times a week ; never observed any thing like a drain betwixt Hog- island marsh and one talked of; all was flat; never seen any of Mr. Price's cattle on Peter's marsh ; never heard that Peter Breen had i', on bis honour ; no grass on march 20 or 22 years ago. John Miller— Knows marsh in dispute; herded tfattle there ; they went over all the marshes ; in the center there was a soft place not unlike a drain; never was prevented grazing on marsh in dispute; on the contrary, always drove Mr. Price's cattle off, ar. d would have impounded them, but they could not get across the drain; does not think the new cut is near the old drain; first knew the marshes in 1768 ; his uncle held it for 14 years from that time; repeatedly cut grass off Peter's march where the cows could not get it; during that lime has t 1 i J.- mes Jarvis to keep Mr. Price's cattle aff Peter's m^ rsh repeatedly; he on one side of the drain, and Mr. Jatvis on the other.— Here Mr. Jarvis was recalled, and swore positively that he ne » ei" had any communication witli witness or any person else on the subjefl.— Witness, how- ever, put it to him, whether he had not on one occasion taken him, with other boys, prisoner, for having been in Mr. Price's wood cutting fishing rods. Rent Leger of Lord De Clifford's produced— mar. hes round Hog- island held by him in 1761, 62, and 63 Arthur Bigham re- produced— is positive that in 1763 they were held by his father. The late Mr. Trotter's Day- Book was pro. duceU— where it appeared the marshes sworn by To it, r. n tto v of Hi BF. r. fa s r r. rj ro nicl k. SIR— T' ere is. perhaps, no subject in the whole range of Natural History, which has occasioned a greater divers'ty ot opinion than the manner in which the Cuckoo rears her young. Some Natu- ralists asserting, that she lays her eggs in the nests of o'her little birds, and takes no further care of her offspring ; others, on the contrarv, main- taining, that she builds her own nest, and hatches her young in the same manner as other birds.— The anomaly which the former opinion exhibits, may well be supposed to create in the mind of the cautious Naturalist no small degree of uncer- tainty, when he is told of so great a deviation from the common course of nature ; and nothing but the most authentic and clearly attested facts should ever induce him to adopt an opinion, ap- parently, so contrary to the general laws which govern the animal kingdom. I have been led into these reflections, from hav- ing lately perused an ingenious and well- written article in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, on the Migra- tion of Birds, a work which does honour to the na- tion in which it is produced, and to every gentle- man concerned in the publication. As it has a very extensive circulation, not only in Great Bri- tain and Ireland, but also in America ( a new edi- tion being now commenced in Philadelphia), every opinion which the writers advance, must at- tract the attention of the reader, who will, proba- bly, be inclined to attach a certain importance to that opinion, in proportion to the celebi > y of the publication. It is, therefore, of the utmost con- sequence, that nothing be stated in the work con- trary to matters of fact. The writer of the Article ( Birds Migratory, vol. III. page 515.) after a few preliminary observa'ions oil the first appearance of the cuckoo, proceeds thus : " The prevailing opinion is, that it neither hatches nor rears its own young. But as we are in general unbelievers in most of the supposed anomalies of nature, we shall offer our doubts respecting the truth of this assertion. The opinion respecting this unnatural act of indifference of the cuckoo- towards its own offspring, may be traced so far back as the days of Aristotle, who has written on the subject, and who was afterwards followed by Pliny. These Naturalists differ a little in their accounts; the first averring, that the cuckoo destroys all the eggs in the hedge- sparrow's nest, and then de- posits her own single one ; while the last author says, that the hedge- sparrow, notwithstanding the desparity of size, hatches the additional egg, with the whole of her own, which remains unT touched. The general stud; ot Natural History has enabled us to judge of the degree of credit that should be given to the many idle stories which formerly disgraced her volumes; such as the ostrich laying her eggs in the hot sands of Africa, and the sun hatching them without any regard on the part of the parent— of the fretful porcupine shooting his quills against those who assailed or annoyed him, and with many others of the same kind. But late travellers have con- vinced us of the falsity, of these, and such reports. We are also apt to think that this popular story respecting the cuckoo, will soon, like these, pass away as a mere vulgar error. We never yet, af- ter much pains and search, could find a cuckoo's egg, either in the nests of wood- pigeons, hedge- sparrows, larks, wagtails, or yellow- hammers.— To make all these birds stand as the foster- dames to the cuckoo, is surely a most glaring absurdity. Some of them are not insecliverous, which all cuckoos ara ; and we can hardly imagine, that they would change their food and habits of life, and become contrary to nature, the affectionate guardians of such unaccountable orphans. Wood- pigeons and yellow- hammers feed upon grains and seeds; cuckoos upon catterpillars, meal- worms, maggots, dragon- flies, & c. Birds, too, that arc not domesticated, would hardly submit to have their own eggs thrown out, and to have such a huge one placed in their stead, without for. saking their nest. Mr. John Hunter, whom we have formerly mentioned, dissected many cuc- koos, and found them as well fitted and formed for incubation as any of the birds that are said to hatch them. Indeed we have frequently made inquiries about this popular belief, of the cuckoo not hatching her own eggs, nor of rearing her own young, but we never were able to get any well authenticated accounts of such an unnatural abandonment of parental care. We, therefore, are inclined to be of opinion, that, upon a close investigation, the cuckoo will be found to build its own nest, to lay more eggs than one, and to bring them into life from its own incubation." In the above statement, the author, with becom- ing caution, only gives his opinion, leaving it to future observation and experiehce, either to estab- lish or contradict it. Darwin, in his Zoonomia, states, that the Rev. Mr. Stafford found the nest of a cuckoo in the Peak of Derbyshire. Aristotle, ( L. 6, H. c. 1.) asserts, that she sometimes builds her own nest; and again adds, ( L. 6, H. c. 7.) that she generally possesses the nest of another bird. Niphus affirms, that cuckoos rarely build for themselves, most frequently laying their eggs in some other bird's nest. ( See Gesner, L. 3. de Cuculo.) I cannot say how the cuckoo may dispose of her eggs in other countries, but I can affirm, with incontrovertible assurance, that, in this part of the country, she deposits her eggs in the Moss- cheepers' nests. In the summer of 1802, I was askeJ by some young boys to see a Moss- cheeper's nest, which they said, contained a very large bird ; I went with them, and found three or four Moss- cheepers flying about it, they appeared all to be alt'tiding it: I took it out of the nest and brought it to Mr. Kerr's of Aghaboy, the Moss- cheepeis followed us with all the anxiety of a parent, till I came near the house, which w, is at a short di- tance.— On examining the bird, I found it had the round prominent nostrils, and all the chara& eiistic marks of the cuculus canorut of Linnaeus. I placed it carefully in the nest, with instruflions to ihe buys to watch it frequently; but ia a day or t » o they told me it was away. My ingenious friend, Mr. William Graham, of ^ Andread. near RandaWtown, informs me, that one vear he found a Moss. cheeper's nest, containing three or four eggs, one of which was a great deal larger than the others ; he watched it daily, saw the Moss- c'ieeoer frequently sitting, and when t he birds carne out, one of them was three times as large as the others, and soon filling ihe nest, thrust the rest over the side, where they all perished.— It continued to increase daily in bulk, and at last went away. This yef, also, a nest w- ts found containing a young cuckoo; I had it in my hand ; • it had all the marks of the other which I examin- ed in 1802 : the little boy who got it could not be prevailed upon to part with it; he kept it a few we" ks, and it died. From what has been just stated, it is, I think, evident, that, in this country, either the cuckoo, or some other large bird deposits its eggs in the Moss- cheeper's nest, and that these little birds hatch and feed the young as their own— that it is the click > o which deposits her eggs is evident, because the nest of a cuckoo has not, so far as the writer of this has been able to discover, been found in any part of this country ; nor did he ever hear of young cuckoos being found in the nest of any other bird save ihat of a Moss- cheeper ; and, per- ha s, the ingenious writer of the above quotation from the Encyclopaedia, whuld have come better to his purpose, if, instead of searching the nests of wood- pigeons, hed^ e- sparrows, wjgtails, or yel- low hammers, he had directed his attention alone to the nest of the Moss- cheeper. It must be con- fessed, that this deviation from the ordinary course of nature is no less difficult to explain than won- derful to contemplate ; but, perhaps, when Natu- ral History shall have acquired, from accurate ob- servation and fafls, a more enlarged sphere, this phenomenon in ornithology will be clearly uftfold- ed. As anonymous statements, however true, can- not be implicitly depended on, and, therefore are of little use in promoting the advancement of science, I beg leave, Sir, to subscribe myself your obedient servant, JOHN GETTY. Ballytre « na, near Randalstown, 7 August 4th, 1812., J Jmrtes Gnrct, n soldi<* r of the North Hints niiliti., ohatged with anunmiiur. il crime, was acquitted f- ir | want of prosecution. It appealed that the- prosecutor* had been made drunk oil the morning of the trial, which called forth some very severe but just animad- versions from the learned Judge. John M'Keans found guilty of passing a counter- feit 2s. 6d. token, to l> e imprisoned six months. IMPRESSMENT OF PASSENGERS. ( From the Derry Journal.) With the most heartfelt pleasure do we record every heroic aft of our fleets and armies; and with the greatest avidity do we seize on every op. portunity of publishing the just and honourable proceedings of our Government, whidlv. with all its defefts, we maintain to be the best on'Vanh ; bur it has lately been our painful duty to notice a line of conduft, which, if persisted in, by our Na- val Commanders, or sanftioned by the Lords of the Admiralty, must inevitably bring disgrace upon our Government in the eyes'bf all nations, and be produftive of discontent, disorder, and ruin at home— in vain do we talk of the liberty of the subjefi, if every petty fellow commanding a Schooner or Cutter, such as Morgan and Carroll, can, with impunity, seize upon whom they please and . carry them on board the fleet— in vain do we conform to the laws of the Country, if our o^ e. dience, and the License of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, cannot proteft us against the meanest of his Majesty's Servants. *' v - Upwards of eighty men, having the authority of the L° rd Lieutenant and Privy Council of Ire- land for leaving the Country, with a view to bet- ter their conditions in life, having been minutely inspefted by the Colleftor and Chief Magistrate of Derry, and declared by them to. be of that descrip- tion of his Majesty's subjefts as were authorized by law to emigrate— yet Morgan seizes upon, and treats them most inhumanly— they are carried on board various ships of the fleet, torn, from their property and friends, and when sought out by the remonstrance of the Merchants of Derry, not one of ihem is found liable to impressment, nor to differ in the slightest degree from what they had been represented, and the only atonement which offended justice has yet received is, that these un- fortunate men have been set on the Irish shore, destitute of every means of proceeding to their homes, till aided by the humanity of the Secre- tary to the Lord Lieutenant, and Mr. Ogilby. With all this fresh on the memory of our readers, it " grieves uV,-. grieves us to the heart, to make known another outrage of a similar nature, committed by his Majesty's ship Morgiana, on the 4 It of June last, in lat. 41. 40.' lung. 57. 25. on the sh p Alexander^ bound from this^ Port to New. Yofk, with passengers, thirty of'whom were im- pressed by the commander of the Morgiana. Thai'following are the nameS of the sufferers: and we trust the Merchants of this Ci'. y will not only take immediate steps for procuring their re- lease, but use their best endeavours to have a total stop put to so wanton and illegal proceedings:— Hugh O'Brien, John Drummond, Pat. Curry, John Wil- son, Pat. Maguire, Co. Fermanagh; Teague M'Fadden, 5 im. Corb'tt, Manus M'Fadden, John Brisland, Peter Kelly, David Williams, Martin Bell, Con. Finn, Edward Doherty, P'ter Hone, Mich. M'Cormick, Hugh Dogherty, John Quigley, Co. Donegall; John Chishiilm, Manus Connor, Wm. Sfcvenson, Robert Ste'venson, Wm. Ward, John W3rd, Joljn Begley, Co. Tyrone; Sam. M'Intyre, Pat. M'Collum, Bryan Hassoa, Co. Derry j Robert Fletcher, David Rourkj Co. Leitriiu. DONEGALL ASSIZES Commenced at Lifford on Wednesday last, before the Hon. Baron M'Clelbnd/ in the Crown Court, and the Hon. Justice Mayne,. in the Civil, when the following Grand Jury were sworn :— Sir James Stewart, Bart. Foreman. Right Hon. Wm. Forward. Sir Samuel Hayes. Alex. Stewart, Esq. Edward Packenhain, Esq. John Ilart, Esq. Thomas Brooke, Esq. James Galhraitb, Esq. Wybrants Olphert, Esq. Wm. Todd, Esq. Hon. James Hewitt, llobt. Harvey, Esq. Andrew Ferguson, Esq. Francis Mansfield, Esq. Wm. Stewart, Esq. Sir John Burgoyne, Kt. Joseph Johnston, Esq. Thomas Young, Esq. Samuel Delap, Esq. John Johnston, Esq. John Cochran, Murray Babington, Esq. John Chambers, Esq. The following trials took place :— Margaret Allen, indicted for the murder of her bastard child— acquitted of the murder, there not be- ing sufficient evidence of the child's being born alive, but found guilty of concealing the birth.— To be im- prisoned 12 months. Dauitl M'Sxvir. e, indicted for stealing two linen webs.— Guilty— to be burned in the hand, and trans- ported seven yeais. EN'fiLlSII LAW INTELLIGENCE. ' LI B ~ EL. .. KVF. TT - versus SMITH. SHREWSBURY.— This was a prosecution for T Libel. The defendant',' a respectably farmer and the proprietor of a patent medicine, called—. " Ploughman's Drops," had published a hand, bill in which insinuations wer - thrown out against the medical treatment pursued by the plaintiff ( who is a practitioner of Medicine at Wellington V towards one of his parents. Mr. Evtort opatied the proceedings, and was followed by Mr. Pear- son, who begged the Jury to consiJer the nature of the libel, and the motives of the. writer. Dr. Smith had been in the habit of attacking the whole body of the Faculty,, as ignorant, protend-, ers, in comparison with his erudition. The hand- bill was entitled—" A Challenge to the Welling- . ton Doctor ;" and it evidently had a tendency to disturb the peace. Mr. Evett was a reputable, but young manconsequently to attack his pro- fessional character, and hold it up to ridicule, might be of serious injury to him : he thtyefore trusted the Jury would not hesitate to find the defendant guilty." The printing of the paper was proved to have been done by the directionMr. Smith ; and Mr. Dauncey then rose in favour of the defendant; Hs commented on the hand- Kill in a happy strain of ridicule, which convulsed the Court with laughter. The case, he said, had no- thing in it which constituted a libel— it was. a mere empty physic- bqttle : he had never seen a wore modest puff in his life. tjian that of his client. With respect to the print of the horse with four great boobies . on his back, it meant anything, or nothing : tbey may fancy that the horse'had taken the drops and was galloping off; while the man, who Was represented as riding backward, held up the tail and watched the operation of the metli- ' cine. But it was said his client had challenged the Faculty— the whole body of the Faculty : he had so— and they in jeturn called liim " Quack ; n they all came upon him like pies following an owl, merely because. he did not kill in a regular way. He ( Mr. Dauncey) and his brethren at the bar, challenged' each . other every day— the whole fac- totum " of the Faculty challenge each other ;— iri short every cock strutted upon his own walk: Why, then, should not his client crow among them ? He believed his client's drops liVtd done more good than all the mercury and medicine in an apothecary's shop. He remem- bered a story of a gentleman who having been plentifully dosed with medicines from au apothe- caryt., 3t last resolved to empty all the bottles in future ihto a pail. When the pail was full, he sent for his ' doctor and told him he was quite cured, as he had got rid of yonder pailful of sttiff ( pointing to the pail). The Doctor replied, shak- ing his head, " Aye, aye, if you had not taken my rnr ,' cines, and got rid of all that—- you would have been a dead man !"— Mr. D. concluded by- saying that the intention of Dr. Smith was not to injure Mr. Evett, but merely to extol his own medicine, over that of every other person. The Jury, after a short conversation, found the defendant— Guilty. His Lordship then pasned the sentence of the Court, which was, that he b ® fined 6/. Sd. ^ About a fortnight ago, as a colt belonging to Mr. James Morison, Birdstone, was looking over a hedge which bounded the enclosure where it< » dam was grazing, something or other alarmed it, and induced it to make a spring to gain the op- posite. side. The hedge being old, and newly cut down, the sterns presented their upward dressed points, like a. thick- wedged barrier of bayonets—. on these the chest of tiie poor creature rested. Alarmed by its cries and groans, a number of people soon came to its assistance ; when relieved from its situation, shocking to relate, its intestines did not only obtrude themselves on the view frorn a large orifice in its belly, but were actually dis- charged on the ground in a very large quantity. The people assembled, forcibly laid the poor ani- mal on its back, replaced the intestines with all possible care, sewed up and bandaged the wound, and, to the admiration of the whole neighbour- hood, the little sufferer is able to go about, suck, its dam, and is likely to recover. Monsieur Petite, who lately made his escape from confinement at Montrose, by unscrewing the locks of three doors, was caught, a few days ago, at Ruthven print- field, after a hard run over hedge and ditch, by some gentlemen who were viewing the field. Monsieur was brought in by the neck, and safely lodged in his old qturters in Perth gaol ( he was there about a year ago. )— The little gentleman having been ordered over to the depot at Pennycuick, a serjeant and seven or eight men were sent to escort him. On their ar- rival at Kirkaldy, where they were to hslt foj the day, he was deposited for the time in the pri- son there ; but Monsieur Petite did r. ot like the house, and left it quietly during the night. He has not since been heard of. Last week, as one of the Lancashire Militia wis bathing in Mill- bay, near Plymouth, and was re- turning from a lugger to which he had swam, the speftatqrs became alarmed by his repeated shrieks, A boat having been sent immediately to ascertain the cause of his cries, he informed the rowers that he had been followed and repeatedly bitten by « fish of enormous size, and on examining hi,- legs, they were found to have been bitten severely in various places. It is probable that a shark may have followed the mackarel into Plymouth, as tii « approach of this kind of fish to the western shores is generally marked by the appearance of fish < f enormous size, wlio prey upon them. BELFAST: Printed AND Published by DRUMMUNO / VNDERSON fog Self and the other Proprietor*., every Monday, W. dnuJa-* an.: Sa'urda). - I'nce of the J'aper, when tent to any pan of the United Kingdom. S.,. ! W. vear! v. pa. d in advance. AGENTS— Mts. rs. Tayli- r and Newton, Warwick- sq Lon- don— Mr. Bernard Murray, 166, Old Church street, D*,>. iiti— Mr Ai.- kfWik,... .• W. « r, E& abujgh.
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