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Belfast Commercial Chronicle


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Belfast Commercial Chronicle
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Belfast Commercial Chronicle

Date of Article: 27/05/1812
Printer / Publisher: Drummond Anderson 
Address: Belfast
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 1138
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Commercial NUMBER 1,138] WEDNESDAY, MAY < 27, 1812. [ PRIOR 5D. GROCERY & FOREIGN FRUITS, 127> HIGH- STREET, ( Opposite fa where the Old Market- House stood. J JO SI AS MONTGOMERY re. pe< ftfuliv informs his Friends, that ( having relinquished his former Business) he has commenced the above, in the situation which he for- merly occupied, and is supplied with articles of the best quality, viz. Hyson. Green, Congou, and Souchong TEAS, Very Fine, Fine, and Inferior Scale SUGARS, Best Brown, Fine, and House hump Ditto, Which, with a variety of FOREIGN FRUITS, and a gene, ral assortment of GROCERIES, he will sell cheap for im- mediate Payments J. M returns his sincere Thinks for the favours he re- ceived ill his late Business, and should such Friends continue their kindness, he shall endeavour to merit it by moderate prices, and a stri<£ l attention to their orders. 243) Belfast, May 20. _____ ____ . — A ——— — GROCERY & FRUIT SHOP, WILLIAM CLOSE 10 ESPECTFULLY acquaints his Friends and the Pub- JlV> lie, that he has commenced the above Business, At No, 3, High- street, two doors from Corn- Marlet, and hnpes, from an unremitting attention to Businees, to merit a share of public patronage. He is at present well supplied with the following Goods, viz Very Fine, Fine, and Second Scale Sugars, Doubles, Singles, and Housekeepers' Lumps, Hyson, Souchong, and Congou Teas, Muskatell, Bloom, and Sun Raisins, Figs in Frails and Casks, Shell Almonds, Ltmons and Oranges, & e. The above are of the best quality, and being purchased for Ready Money, he is determined to s « ll cheap for the same. 190) Belfast, May IS, 1812. UNFURNISHED LODGINGS TO LET. FRENCH/ EVENING SCHOOL ON THE Laticasterian System. MR. DEMPSEY having always had a wish to promote the instruaions of his Pupils, so as te reflefl credit 011 himself, and satisfaaion to his benefaaors, has, with study • nd attention ( for the great improvement of his Scholars), formed a Class, which is to be conduaed on the LANCAS- TRIAN System. . Young Gentlemen whom nature has deprived o> a clear Utterance, will, by this method, be able to write and Under- stand the Language, though not able to converse, which is so necessary for commerce. Mr, D. returns his sincere Thanks to all Ills Friends, for their very liberal encouragement since his residence in Bel- fast, and hopes for a continuance of it. For the better accom- modation of his Pupils, he, as well as his Mother, has re- moved to No. 23, Donegall- street. Belfast, May 4. The Class will open on the 1st of June next. N. B. For further information, please apply as above. ( IIS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of T * TpHE Commissioners in thii JOSEPH HEWITT, (. « - Matter intend to meet at a Bankrupt. \ the Royal Exchange, Dublin, on j FRIDAY the 29th of May inst. at TWO o'Clock in the Afternoon, in order to recelre the proof of Debts from the Creditors of said Bankrupt— Dated this 18th day of May, 1812. JAMES TREWMA. N BELL, Agent to the Commission and Assignee, 2 Jfl) .. 20, Brunswick- street, Dublin. ' COUNTY OF ARMAGH. .. JOHN WOODS IDE # CO. Chemists and I Wholesale Druggists, BEG leave to inform the Gentlemen of this Town and the North of Ireland, in their X. ine, that they have commenced business AT NO. 15, NORTH- STREET, Where they are ' and shall continue to be) supplied with « very Article it) the Trade, of such quality as they hope will prove satisfactory to those who may favour them with their Commando. Their Drugs we purchased at the first Markets by one of the Partners, on the most advantageous ter. m$, and which they are enabled to dispose of at tlie lowest prices.— They flatter themselves, from their connections with, the first Houses in London and other parts, the attention and. punctuality with which they shall execute- any orders they may be favoured with to merit a share of business. They have prepared in their Laboratory, Distilled Vinegar, Aqua Portia, Muriatit Acid, Nitric Acid, - Ether, Butter of Antimony, Spirits of Hal. Ammoniac, DIACULU. M, AND A LI. LIT TILE LOTTERY, To be Drawn Kings Birth Dan, June 4. ONLY EIGHT THOUSAND TICKETS, YET Contains Prizes of £ 20,000, £ 15,000, £ 5000, • SS000, ,£ 2000, £ 1000, ire. & c. SCHEMES GRATIS. As this Little Lottery will be prinelp nty disposed of as j part payment of Prizes drawn in the late one, Adventurers, to prevent disappointment, will please apply immediately to T II 0 M A S W A II D, 15, High- street, Belfast. May 20, 1812. Sweet Spirits of Nitre, Sweet Spirits of Vitriol, Hoffman's Anodyne Li- j: quQr, Salvolatile Spirits of Hartshorn, Recti fed Spit its of Wine OTHElt FLAISTERS, Tartar Emetic, Jalap and Rhubarb, Manna, Magnesia, Snake Root, Valerian, Oil of Almonds, *) il of Olives, $) C. Quick Silver and its va- rious preparations, Sasafrtis Sasaparilla, Sugar of Lead, White Vitrnil, Peruvian Bark of a supe. rior quality, Castor Oil, Epsont Salts, Best British Vinegar, SfC. Sfc. return, grateful thanks for the eti- WITB VARIOUS CHEMICAL Pit F. P. INATIONS. The following are a few articles among their latest im- portations : — Aloes, Annrttto, Antimony, Balsam Capivi, Burgundy Pitch, Borax and Sal. Ammo niac, Camphor, Coculus Indicus, Calomel, Opium, Cochineal, Saffron, Gum Arabic, Gum Myrrh, Assqfixtida, Guiacum, Mastic, Ipecacuanha, X W. & Co. couwgement they have experienced sinc<; their commence- J mcnt in Business. Belfast, May 9. BANKRUPT'S In tie Matter JOSEPH HEW a Bankrupt. SALE. SOLD BY AUC- HURSDAY TWO o'Clock the ROYAL R. DOBSOPf HAVING commenced the Business of AUCTIONEER, begs leave mo* respeafully, to solicit a share of pub- lic patronage, which he shall endeavefar to merit, by stria attention, and an adherence to the interests if all who may favour him with their commands. | OH) No. 98, Hercules street. SINCLARE KAMSKY, LICENSED GENERAL AUCTIONEER, BEGS leave to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced in the above Line, and from his knowledge of the business, and stria attention to the interest of his employers, he hopes to be able to execute any busi- ness entrusted to him, to their satisfaaion. Any Orders left for him at Messrs. THOS. MANN & Co's Office, No. 74, Donegall- street; or at his House, No. 5, Lancaster- street, rear of the Lancasterian School, will be carefully attended to. ( 248) Belfast, May 23. TIMBER & PLANKS. " TJIOR Sale, at SLATE and TIMBER YARD, DONE- JT GALL- STREET, 100 Tons Red and White PINE TIMBER, running to 60feet in length, by < 2 feet square, American andDronthon PLANK, from 14 t « 20feet, A few nice Swedish SPARS, and 100,000 WELSH SLATES. Also for Sale, SCOTCH BLANKETING, Plain and Twilled, of which Samples may be seen as above; would ' engage to deliver a Quantity by Contrad, per Motlth or Quarterly. JOHN WILSON, JUV. April 20. ( 1 ® T A: THE HTCH LITTLE LOTTERY Will be Drawn the 4th if June. IT consists of but, it000 Tickets, and the Scheme is form- ed upon the same plan as the last, wh'ch dispersed more CAPITAL PRIZES amongst the Public, than any Lottery ever known. 1 Prize of £ 20,000 I .... .. 5,000 1 ... .. 2,000 4 500 » ... .. 1,000 4 400 20 80 ,10 50 40 60 30 1 Prize of <£ 10,000 And 1310 Prizes of £ 15 each. TICKETS AND SHARES Are now on Sale, at ARCHJi. R & W1RLING'S, PETER M'GOURAN'S, J. LOUGH'S, and J. BOHERTY'S, Bel- fast, and at J. HALLIDAY'&, Newry. AMERICAN PRODUCE. BAILY expeaed to the SUBSCRIBER, per the Minerva, Captain D. SICKELLS, from NEW- YORK, 230 Hogsheads Flaxseed, P 62 bales Cotton- Wool, .50 Barrels Tar, 10,000 Barrel Staves • Which, on arrival, will be sold on moderate Te'fms. THE MINERVA Is a fine Vessel, and will sail for the above Port in Three Weeks after her arrival, with whatever Passengers may offer, of which due j notice will be given. NEWRY, May 18. WILLIAM HANCOCK. ( 221 PARLIAMENT, EDWARD POSTER, CUTLER § IRONMONGER A CQUAINTS his Friends and the Public, that, for the / A purpose of carrying on his Business more extensively, he has removed from Corn- Market, to No. 38, HIQH- STRIET, formerly oceapiad by Mr. ALEX. BLACKWELL, where he will continue to make and repair all sorts of CUT- LERY, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES, & C. & c. on the shortest notice. In addition to Goods of his own Manufaaure, he has, by the last Vessels from LIVERPOOL, received a Large Assort- ment ol English Mwiufaaured Goods, chosen by himself, in . the different Towns, consisting of all kinds of CUTLERY, JOINERS' TOOLS, FTLES, LOCKS, and HINGES, JAPANNED WARE, in great Variety, See. & c. forming altogether a Ge- neral Assortment of Hardware and Ironmongery Goods, which being purchased on the best Terms, h. e is enabled and determined to Sell Wholesale and Retail, at Reduced Prices, for Ready Money only, Belfast, May 20, 1812. N. B. By the next arrivals, he expeas a large Parcel of SCYTHES and SICKLES, of a superior Manufaaure, An APPRENTICE Wanted immediately. 230 EXCHANGE, DUBLIN, by Order of, and before the Commis. sioners in this Matter, the following LANDS, TENE- MENTS, and PREMISES, the Property of said Bankrupt: No. l— The Bankrupt's Interest in the Lands ofKilmore, In the County of Armagh, containing 15 A. English mea- sure, held by Lease for Years renewable, Mies qrnties. There is a large I. imxstone Quarry, with two Kilns on those Lands, and are subject only to the small yearly Rent of £ 4, 18,. No. 2 The Bankrupt's Interest in Part of the Lands of Prumorgan, in said County, containing 15 A. English mea- sure, held by Lease for Lives renewable for ever, under ROBERT M'CULLOGH.— Note, those two Denominations* re subjea to a Mortgage Debt of £ 200, on which there are six yeai's Interest due, to and for the liih March last. No. S The Bankrupt's Interest in one other Part of the Lands of Drumorgan, in said County, containing 14 A. and 16 P. English measure, held by Lease under Robt. M'Cul- logh, for three Lives, all in being, at £ 1, Si. per Acre. No. 4 The Bankrupt's Interest in the Tan- Yard and Tenement, situate at Drumorgan aforesaid, in his Possession, hald by Lease for two Lives, from the Heirs of Robert Ro- binson, . subjea to =£ 13 per Annum. No. 5— The Bankrupt's Interest in a Plot of Ground at Drumorgan aforesaid, containing 6 A. 1 R. and 20 P. with the Tenement in Hamilton's Bawn, held by Lease from William Lock, for two Lives, subjea to £ S, Is. 10d. per Annum. No. 6 The Bankrupt's Interest in fonr Acres, with the Garden, in the Demesne of Hamilton's Bawn, held under Lord Gosrord, at will, producing a profit Rent of £ 6, 16J. Od. per Yaar. No. 7— The Bankrupt's Interest in the Lands of Bally- uewry and Curry, containing 30 A. English measure, with Dwelling- house, Corn Mills, Kilns, & c. & c. held by Lease under Robt. Jackson, for three Lives or 31 Years, from Nov, 1809, subjed to the yearly Rent of £ 122, 17j. The foregoing Denominations ( except No. 1), are all in et near the Town of Hamilton's Bawn, the best manufac- turing County in Ireland, For Particulars as to Title, Advantages, & c apply to JAMES TREWMAN BELL, Agent to the Commission and Assignae, 20, Bruuswick- street, Dublin, or Armagh. m EGAN, Auctioneer The above Sale is Adjourned to the Town of Hamilton s- bawn, County Ar- _ . . , ' , , rr, u » 7M i. n j y-[ I fices are large and m excellent repair, and the Land is in magh, to take place on 1 flUIlOUSi I || the very best cotlaltion, the greatest fart of which was nut, the 28th instant, at TWELVE HOUSES TO LET. rWO NEAT NEW HOUSES, in Patrick- street, to be Let. Leasts will be given.— Apply to WILLIAM PHELPS, No. 29, Waring- street. Belfast, April £ 2. ( 22 TO BE LET, npHE HOUSE and LAND, near Malone T » rnpike, late- JL ly occupied by Mr. FAISHINI, and immediate pos- session given.— Apply to JOHN THOMSON. Jenny- Mount, March 30. ( 859 ADVERTISEMENT. I To be Let, Jor a Term 6f Tears, and Immediate Pos- session given, NEAT Comfortable HOUSE and GARDEN, in the town of MAGHERAFELT, with a small FARM, s » in- venient. The above would answer a genteel family. For particulars, apply to Mr. HAMILTON, oil the Pre- [ mises- C33) MAOHE* A » » IT, April 24. HOMRA- GLEN HOUSE SC FARM. To be Let, or tie Interest in tie Lease Sold. THE above FARM, situated in the County Down, with- in one mde and a half of Hillsborough, and two of Lisburn; is held at a low Rent, under the MARQ » IS of DOWNSHIRE, for one young life and 12 years: it contains 55 A. 2R. and 7 P. English Measure— The House and Of- Just Published, and Ready for Delivery, THE REV. WILLIAM STEEL DICK- SON'S NARRATIVE. HpHOSE who were so kind as to take charge of Subscrip- ! L tion Lists for the above Work in Belfast and its Vi- cinity, are requested to return them to MICHAEL F. CORR, Tablot- street, who is authorised to recieve them, and all Subscriptions collc& ed, so that the Work may be immediately distributed. Those who have not already Sub- scribed, and wish to have it, are requested to send in their | names early, that DO disappointmetj^ miay take place. Belfast, May 18, 1812. N. B. Any orders respeAing the above, left at Mr. ROBERT TRAIL'S, No. 8, Bridge- straet, will be attend- ed to. ( 289 BLEACH- MILL MACHINERY, SEE. TO IIS SOLI) sr AUCTION, at the Hour of ONE c'Cloel, on MONDAY the lit of June, at the Bleach- Green of the late JAHIS Posstlir., Esq. Derransore, ALL the MACHINERY of said Bleach Green, capable of finishing Eight Thousand Pieces of Fine Linen in the Season, with an extensive range of LAPPING- ROOM PRESSES, and a good SCREW PRESS, & c— The whole in complete repair, having been ereaed within these few years.— Terms, Ready Money. ( 237) May 22. SEA BATHING. \ NEAT BATHING LODGE, within Half- a- Mile of the GIAN I S'- CAUSEWAY, to be Let, from the 1st of j May, ready furnished; OiHce- houses, and a Grazing Field I attached. If takeH for any number of years, a Walled Garden and a small Meadow, would also he Let. Application ta be made to HENRY WRAY, Esq. Bent- i field, Bushmills. ( 662 TO BE SET OR SOLD, FRANKVILLE LODGE, near Downpatrick— Apply to RICHARD KKOWN, NO. 1, Dominick- street, ip Term, and at Downpatrick, in Vacation. ( 72 ' ipO Cover this Season, at NEW- GROVE, near Ballymena, fL at c'Clock. G. MOSSON, Auctioneer. ITtbe Matter of ") ' ( I^ HE COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM HANNA, ( JL named and authorized a Bankrupt. i in and by a Commission of | J Bankrupt, awarded and issued against WILLIAM HANNA, of Newry, in the County of | Down, Merchant, will meet ( pursuant to adjournment) at the Royal Exchange, Dublin, on the 19th day of June next, at TWO o'Clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of re- ceiving the Proof of Debts, and of making a final Dividend cf aaid Bankrupt's Estate and Effeas.— Dated thia 14th day of May, 1912. GEORGE OGLE, . « j<) J Agent to the Assignees. manured and soiled last season. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, STOCK, and FARMING UTENSILS, may be had at a valuation, and immediate pos- session gven.— Apply to Major GAYER, the Proprietor) or at the Office of thia Paper. 319) Homra- Glen Home, Jan. 4. COUNTY OF DOWN. FEE SIMPLE ESTATE TO BE SOLD, FREE from all Incumbrances, the Title under an AS of Parliament, The Townlands of LOUGHORN, SHIN, and LISNA- REE, containing above 760 Irish Acres, within a Ring Fence, and situated within four miles of Newry, Proposals may be made for these Townlands together, oi for any of them separately, to THOMAS G » EER, Newry; ot to Gxo* o< CRSZIRR, Dominick- street, Dublin. ( 444 STALLIONS, ason, NSW- GRO One Guineas oach Mare, and Five Shillings to the Groom •.— RUMBO, By Whiskey, out of Spinetta— for his pedigree at Ihrge, and performance on the Tuff, see the General Stud Book, and Racing Calendars. Also, at same place, at One Guinea each Mare, and Haif- a- Crown to the Groom, HERCULES, A well- bred Suffolk Punch, imported from the best stock In that Country Grass, & c. for Mares, at 7/. Id. per Weak.— All demands for Covering and Keep, to be paid before the Mares are taken away, as the Groom it accountable. ( 694 w\ YOUNG SWINDLER P~ ILL Cover Mares this Season, at the MARQUIS of DowNsitiRt'sStables, HILLSBOROUGH: Bred Mares, Four Guineas, all others, Two Guineas; Half- a- Guinea to the Groom. He was got by Swindler, dam by Tugg, grand- dam Harmony, by JEelipse, g? eat- grand- dani Miss Spindle- shafiks, by Omar, Stefling, Godolphin, Arabian, Stannion Arabian, Pelham Bath, Spot, Wbite- legged, Lowther Barb Old Vintner Mate, & c.—- He was a famous true Rater; for his performances, vide HookCalendar, of 1808,9,10, and 11 Good Grass for Mares, at 1/. lrf. per night, and all ex- pences t. be paid before the Mares are removed. ( 921 HOUSE OF COMMONS— THURSDAY, MAY ii. TIIE ADMINISTRATION". Mr. S. WORTLEY brought forward his pro- mised motion on this suhjefl. He rtid, his objea was, to prevent the continuance in office of men Who were wholly inadequate to the situations which they filled ; and who, so far from being able to rescue the country from the dangers by which it was surrounded, were likely * o plunge it still deeper in difficulties. As all the vacant offices were n^ t yet filled up, it aopeared to him, that there was still time far the House of Commons to interfere, and offer such advice to the Sovereign as mi^ ht prveent the formation of the intended Ministry; t being, in his opinion, more manlv to do so, than to oppose the same after it should be completed. By such a manifestation of public feeling the mea- sure might be prevented. In making this motion, he did not mean to pledge himself to support any particular set of men •—( Hear, hear, hear! J— He would not even pledge himself to oppose the pre- sent Government, should it still be continued ; nor did he wish to interfere with the prerogative of the Crown. He merely wished to c.' l on the House of Commons to come to a declaration, that the present Ministers did not possess the confidence of the Public. Every njan who should vote on the present occasion, must put three questions to him- self:— 1st, Was it not necessary to have an Ad- ministratiou that possessed the confidence of the People ?— 2J, Did the present Administration pos* sess such confidence ?—- and 3d, Had all been done that could be done, to form such an Administra- tion ?— On the first of these questions it was use. less to waste a moment's time, because it was self- evident, that to get through the struggle irt which the country was engaged, there must be a Govern- ment which the people might look up to as com- petent to carry them through all their difficulties. In the next place, it was his firm persuasion and belief that the present Government was not of such a description. It was iar from his wish to use any language that might irritate the feelings ofindividuals, but this he would say, that although he had been a warm supporter of the late Mr. Perceval, he always thought his Administration not strong enough. But when he considered the great abilities, the eloquence, the attention to bu siness, and the admirable temper of that Right Hon. Gent, he thought him deserving the confi. dence of his country. But that was not the case with the persons who now had the Government in their hands, inasmuch as they were now deprived of the great support they lately enjoyed. With respedl to the third proposition, he must say, that every thing had not been done, which could be done, towards the formation of a new Govern- ment. An unsuccessful attempt had been made to engage a Noble Marquis, and a Right Hon. Gent, near him, to come into the Administration ; but from the terms proposed to them, it was quite impossible they could do so; and he must do the Right Hon. G « nt. the credit to say, that he had a£ led in a fair and manly manner, as appeared from his letter to Lord Liverpool. It was idle, then, to attempt to form such an Administration as the country wished for, unless something was done to conciliate all parties. It was the bounden duty of the men now in office to make great con* cessions; and it was fit that Gentlemen on the op- posite side of the House should abstain from the language formerly used by them ; « s tending only to create irritation in a certain quarter, and to ex- pose themselves to the abuse of the vulgar. In the line of conduQ he now adopted, he had taken care not to involve any party. He had consulted no- body ; and he was even now ignorant whether his motion would be seconded. He hoped he should appear to have taken a line agreeable to every body. He had the highest respe£ t and regard for the Noble Lord near him ( Castlereagh) ; but he must stand on the broad grounds of public duty, to justify him to the Noble Lord and the House, for the step he felt himself called upon to take. He concluded with moving an humble Addre s to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, praying that he would take such measures as should lead to the forming of a strong and efficient Admini- stration. The motion was seconded by Lord MILTON. Mr. EYRE said, there never was an instance of the House of Commons interfering with the prerogative of the Crown, at the very time when an Administration was forming. Besides, steps had been taken to form as good an Administra- tion as could be had. The present Administra- tion, after the severe loss they experienced, ap- plied to certain persons to give their assistance } and these would not comply, unless certain ques- tions were conceded to them. He had seen men brought into office, of whom the greatest expec tations had been formed, and in them the Public were grieviously disappointed. As he did not think the House ought now to interfere, he shotild move that the other Orders of the Day should be read. Lord MILTON contended, that it was not only the right, but the bounden ditty, of the House to interfera when it saw mea » ures about to be adopted that were not likely to meet the confidence of the People. After the present Ministers failed in enlisting certain persons under their banners to assist them, they proved by that act that they felt themselves incompetent to car- ry on the Government. The persons who refus- ed to join them acted right in not corning into of- fice, unless they could accomplish the great poli- tical object they had in view. Had they consent- ed to come into office, the House would then see an AdministTation composed of the most discord- ant materials; and, therefore, it Would have been a Government not founded on public princi- ple. He hoped to see an Administration formed of persons, who, hi all great political que- tiqnj agreed together. But a mere change of persons would not satisfy the country. Th Te must be a change of measures—( Hear. t>: ar D~ otherwise the Public would consider that nothing had been done but a mere struople for place. Sir FRANCIS BURDETT agreed that no change of individuals could give satisfaction to the country. Those ought to be now in office who would pledge themselves to apply the na » tional resources to national objects alone— to cat- tall all Unnecessary expences, and to givp the benefits of the Constitution to all persons of all religious persuasions ; and if all this was not fol- lowed up by a reform in Parliament, he was con- vinced that no Administration, however able its members, could be Useful to the country. Within the last 14 or 1,5 years, various Administrations had been formed. One of them was composed of All the Talents. Another had at its head a man of the most unrivalled abilities ( Mr. Pitt) j and under him the heaviest calamities fell on the coun- try—( Hear, hear!) There had been. In short, Administrations of every denomination, some with the reputation of great wisdom, and others considered as possessing no wisdom at- all; and yet the cotlntry experienced no alleviation of its burthens. After the country had had this ei-, perience of men, an Hon. Gen leman now came down With a Specific for the cure of all its evils- The great biisin6ss8a » f Parliament cer'ainly was, to apprize the Sovereign of the feelings and sense of the country, whicli it was not likely he should know from the persons who usually surrounded him. But he shotild think that Something more was necessary than such a motion as this ; and as he was persuaded, that while the House of Com. mons continued as it then was, it would be impos- sible for any Minister, however enlightened or vir- tuous he might be, to carry into effect the great views he might entertain ;—- he felt disposed, otl this ground alone, n< » t to support the motion. The persons about to be appointed might fairly state, " You know not whether we are incompetent give us a little time ; try us ; and parhaps you will find that the person who has been last, was not such as had been described." This was a language which the present Ministers might fairly use; and indeed he did think that the Noble Lord opposite ( Castlereagh), was fully as competent to fill a high office in the State a< any other man; and perhaps it might be fair in the House to let the Princs Regent exercise a judgment of his OWR on this occasion, and give him credit for some common sense. Let it not be concluded that the Administration Was inefficient, because it was de- prived of one Gentleman. Viewing, however, the subject in the light he now did, and considering the difficulties and distresses of the country j and that it was necessary to hold out some hopes to the people; he conceived that the House might with propriety give advice to the Sovereign ; but it should be in a different manner frorri the mo- tion, to which he should move an Ameridment, for, if the present system went on, he saw no reason why tha present Ministers might not as well continua in ofiice as any others. He Would therefore move an Amendment. The SPEAKER said, there Was an Amend- ment already before the House, which must be first disposed of. Sir F. BURDETT said, the Amendment ho wished to move was, to leave out all the Address, except a few words at the beginning, and to pray "• That an Administration might be formed, un- der whom the Grievances of the People might be redressed J the public Resources converted to Na- tional Objefts ; and a fair and equal Representa- tion of the People in Parliament be obtained." Mr. WILBERFORCE asked, What inconve- nience could result from waiting until an Admi- nistration should be formed ? He said, the true principle was, to let the Administration be first formed, and then judge, whether the individuals chosen weri fit to fill their officeSi The Hon. Mr. R. WARD supported the motion, Lord WALJOLE and Mr. HERBERT opposed it. Mr. RYDER gave the Hon. Mover every cre- dit for his motion, but he must be permitted to say, that in bringing it forward at this time, he was violating One of the oldest prerogatives of the Crown. The Administration was not yet formed ; it was impossible to say what that Administration might be. He knew of no instance at all resem- blinsj the present, except in the case of Mri Pitt, in 1784, when Mr. For brought forward a mo- tion for an address; but Mr. For then guarded himself, by saying he did not bring forward that motion to interfere with one of the best preroga- tives of the Crown, but to prevent a dissolution of Parliament at that particular period; At that time the Administration was composed Of persons who had opposed a majority of the House j now, on the contrary, the persons who were in Admi- nistration, and particularly the Noble Lord ( Li- verpool), who was now at the head of his Majes- ty's Councils, were those whose measures for four years past, had received the san£ lion of the Hou< e and the Country. One thing he would now take an opportunity of stating, and that was, that he no longer formed a part of Administration ; that office which he had held, for reasons whic'h he would ftot notfr tiouble the House with, he ha< 4 resigned. With respett to the cowmunications made to the Right Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Car- ol ig), he was certain they were made wikh ail sincerity, and he had no reason to doubt the sir* cerity which guided that Right Hon. Gentleman's condudt, in lefuslng to accept of office. He un- derstood his objedtions were founded on the Ca- tholic Question. The oveitdres he ( Mr. R det) knew were made in perfefl sincerity of he„ rt, atui he had only to lament that Government had not been strengthened by obtaining the support of the Right Hon. Gerf'leman's talents. With respe$ to the Noble L « rd ( Liverpool) now at the heal of his Majesty's Government, he was the man who Mr. Pitt, eleven years ago, pointed out in the Huktse of Commons as a perso* no way icferiar ( For continuation set stand page.) BELFAST' COMMERCIAL CHRONICLE. * !. J. • FTIUB'LMB MILS • OLFMMOM PARLIAMENTARY INTELLIGENCE. ( Continuedfrom First Page.) fn talents, integrity, or honour, to any of the Gen t'emen who sat opposite, with the exception of Mr. Fox, who was now no more ; and he knew of nothing which his Noble Friend had done since that period to forfeit that character, for talent and integrity. Mr. CANNING said, had no transaflion taken place in the course of the last two days respecting himself, he should have wished to decline voting or speaking on this question : and much rather would he h " e done so now, as tyhat he should say might probablv be imputed to disappointment; no such motives, however, he assured the House, actuated him, and but for what had fallen from his Right Horn. Friend ( Mr. Ryder), he should now have remained sileiir, He was, however, by the observations of his Right Hon. Friend, fore^ d, in self- defence, to state the motives which had in- duced him to decline afling with the presem Ad- ministration. With respeCt to the call which had Ijeen made on him by a Noble Friend ( Lord Liverpool), he could not but consider that call, under all the circumstances, as having been made very unfaiily ; and in justification'of himself, he must allude to certain documents which, though not technically before the House, as they had ap- peared in a certain public print, must in reality be known to most, if not all who heard him. He meant the written communications which had pissed between him and Lord Liverpool. His Hon. Friend, the Member for Yorkshire, had ra- ther unfairly, he thought, said, those docum nts could not be adverted to; nothing relating to those communication being before the House.— ( Hear, hear )— He wished his Right Hon. Friend ( Mr. Ryder) had then beW candid enough not to have adverted to th ir contents; had he not done so, he ( Mr. C.) would have remained silent, and neither have given a vote, or expressed his ooinion on the present motion. That he had been offered a place was most true ; he might, indeed, if he would have accepted an office, have served Under the banners of the Noble Lord ( Castlereagh) against his own principles; and have enjoyed the privilege of a single vote, and a single voice in the Cabinet— f Hear, hear.)— He would not, how. ever, accept Office with& nt possessing that power which < tight to be its companion—( Hear, hear ! ) This was forced from him against his own opi. nion ; and he begged the House to consider he was placed in a situation to which it was no fault of his, if to justify himself, he was obliged in ap. pearance to impute blame to other?.—( Hear, hear !)— He was ready to admit the case must be strong which could justify Parliament in inteifer- ing in the appointment of the servants of the Crown ; but the House had two charters— it was a Council of Cnntroul, and it was also a Council of Advxe ; and that man mint be ill read indeed in the Constitution who would not allow that the House h d the power of giving adv'ict to the Crown when such advice should appear ; o be wanting—( Hear, hear!)— Hi « righyHon. Friend had been rather Unfortunate in selecting the in- stances of Mr. Pitt's administration in 1784, and the illustration which he had drawn from it. Oh! laid bis Noble Friend, that triumphant majority, with Mr. Fox at its head, had nevfr presumed to take so high a flight as to interfere with the ap- pointment of the servants of the Crown. They had only addressed the Crown to prolong their own existence—( Hear, hear !)— I should have thought ( observed Mr. C.) my Kight Honourable Friend would rather have said that majority did go so far as to advise the Crown in the choice of its Ministers; but did not dare to assume hi itself the power of attempting to remove the legiti. ma'e landmark of the Constitution, and thus ertCf itself into a tyrant.—( Hear, hear, hear!) — With rc- spect to the amendment which had been n. oved, he must say a few words— was it by such an amendment as this that a motion which went to shake the prerogative of the Crown, and to overturn the Constitution, was to be met, instead of being got rid of by a decided negative. —( Hear, hear!) — Instead of the question being debated with close doors, and a'vote of censure being passed on the Member who had the pre- sumption to bring forward such a motion, was it to be met by moving the other Orders* of the Day ? —( Hear, hear !}— and this by an Administration represented as being strong enough to uphold tha Government, and save the Country—( Lrud cries of hear, hear !)— He regretted to be obliged to en- ter into this discussion ; but he h d been forced to do it. Wh n his Noble Friend ( Lord Liver- jiool) made an application to. him, he asked if any change, as respected the Catholic Question, had taken place in the Cabinet ? His Noble Friend with that candour which had ever marked his charactcr, replied, none had taken place in his mind ; nor was he aware that there were any alteration in the opinions of his coleagues on that subject. Under these circumstances, and Consis- rent with the professions he had made, and the motion of which he had given notice, and which stood for discussion, how was it possible he cculd act with his Noble Friend. His Right Honour- able Friend ( Mr. Ryder) had said, with respect fo his motion, he might have got rid of it by com- municating with his colleagues in the Cabinet, that was, instead of moving it in the House of Commons, he might move it in the Cabinet, and be beat there. He thanked his Right Honour- able Friend, but he would rather move it in the House of Commons, and be beaten there. He should then, at least, hav ® redeemed his pledge in the sight of the country.—( Hear, hear!)— His Right Hon. Friend had also accused him of hav- icg taken r. p his opinion on the Catholic Question recently. That was not so— it was known that his opinions had always been the same On that question as they were now ; but whilst he knew the King's private and conscientious opinion was contrary, he conceived he better served the cause — he better served his country— and did more for the tranquillity of Ireland, by interpc sfjig his weak shield between his Sovereign and the peo. pie. He took God to witness, that he would have borne the obloquy of such an interposition to the end ef his life, had it pleaSed Heaven to have prolonged the. reign of his Sovereign to that period, rather than have strewed his pillow with thorns, by withdrawing that shield from him But it was rather too much to expeCt, now, that that c- bjeCtion was icmoved, that he should be equally ready to sacrifice his conscience to every set of Ministers who might start up and demand his services—( Hear, h- ar !) — He had no objeftinn to aft with his Noble Friend, or under him, on any other subjeCl : bat in this he could not give way. He did not, however, demand any concession to his opinion ; all he asked was, that the subject should be taken up and fairly considered where alone it could be eoolly discussed, namely, the Ca- binet; and where, he was convinced, whoever were Ministers, it must ere long be received. The Ca- binet m'ght afterwards submit their determination to Parliament, stating how far it would be pos- sible to go on the subject. He did no| ask for a full or immediate concession, but that Govern- ment should go as far as it could with safety ; and this, he was convinced, they would be obliged to do soon. His Right Hon. Fiiend had alluded to a paper drawn up by the Cabinet, and asked if he had seen it. He had seen that paper. It had been said, the subjeCl was left open in the Cabi- net. It was so, indeed ; for every individual had a different opinion; and if he had entered, another shade of difference would have beei adced to those already existing. This was poor encourage- ment for him to enter. The paper had been read by him, and he returned it, with a note to his Noble Friend, in which he stay) 4 tha$ jfae had read it through, and, as far as he cou} 4' ma£ e it out, it apeared to him to be of a controversy nature.— ( A laugh.)— In the Cabinet, it appeared, there was no opinion, colleClively; individually many ; and had he joined them, he might also have had an opinion, had there been room for it. But, amongst this variety of opinions which would have predominated ? Most certainly the opinion of the person at the head of the Cabinet, who would be supposed to have the sanction of the Crown with him. He must again repeat, however, that he ne- ver bad expected immediate concession tor the Catholics ; what he wanted was that the pub'ic mind should be set at rest, by this question being absoibed into a Cabinet question, and there to have a fair and full consideration. He thought, before Parliament separated for the recess, this should be done, the question should be placed in the hands of Government, and Ireland thus set at rest. He did not know whether any alteration of opinion had taken place on this subject in the Cabinet within the last 48 hours, whether the va- rious shades and opinions had concentrated ; if they had, no man would rejoice at it more than he should, though he was not in office. Lord CASTLE RE AG H observed, he was far from contending that Parliament had not a right to advise the Crown, and even to control the pre- rogative, and to arrest the arm of the Crown, when acting under ill- advised and ill- direCted Councils. But Parliament wbuld not abuse that right, but look ro the call there might be for their interference, and compare it with the occasions on which they had before interfered. He defended the amendment which had been moved by his Hon. Fiiend, and insisted that such a motion was the fair way of meeting tb « question at the pre- ent momen', when the House could not be called on to declare an opinion of Administration, none having as yet been formed, and no man in the House being yet able to say by whom the vacant offices were to be filled up. He would not now enter into the subjeft of the tiials which had been made by his Royal Highness, ever since he had been at the head of the Government, but more especially sine* the expiration of the restrictions, to form a broad and extended Adminis ration; all the endeavours, however, of his Royal High- ness and his advisers had been, to draw all the talents the country afforded into the service of the public ( Hear, hear.)*- He wished, however, Gentlemen would come forward and state fairly, whether, because Government had not been able to form an Administration fully answering the expeftation of the publjc in every respeCl, that they should therefore retire and leave the country at this junfture altogether without a Government— ( Hear, hear.) This he would state, that never had he or any of his colleagues stood between his Royal Highness and the country to prevent his foi tiling an Administration which might meet the wishes of the public ; although they hid assured his Royal Highness they never would shrink from their duty; and base and cowardly indeed would they have been, had they shrunk from supporting his Royal Highness, at a time when he was de- prived of a servant by a most horrid assassination, who was an ornafnent to his country, and would, in his opinion, have carried it through all its diffi culties. With respect to himself, he declared he did not ccme to the Government from any im- proper thirst of power ; but he came to the aid or his late Right Hon. Friend, because he thought his measures were the best adapted for the interests of the country. He should indeed have despised himself if he had, on the late melancholy occasion, deserted his Prinoe; but'hoping that he tnigh', by ret ring, afford an opportunity to his Royal Highness to form a more- extended Administra- tion, he had, therefore, tendered his resignation. ( Hear, hear)— If his Royal Highness, or his col- leagues, would not hear of that resignation, he was not to blame—( Hear, hear.) With respeCt to the overtures which had been made to a Right Honourable Gentleman ( Mr. Canning), he had no knowledge of them. He had not attended any of the discussions in the Cabinet on that sub- ject. He saw none of the documents to which the Hon. Gentleman had alluded till yesterday morning, though this morning, by what means he knew not, they appeared in a public Newspaper. The Right Hon. Gentleman had talked of con- structing an Administration of consideration for the Catholics. What was the doctrine of con- sideration i . Did the Right Hon. Gentleman think that at this timtf, when our external opera- tions in the Peninsula, and the state of the coun- try internally, were such as to require an unre- mitting attention, the aim of Government might be suspended whilst the Right Hon. Gentleman was forming this Cabinet of consideration with- out injuring the public service ?—( Hear, hear!) Did the Right Hon. Gentleman mean to say, that at thi^ period the situation of the country was such as \* ould allow of the Government go- ing into a Committee for no other purpose but to consider the CatholicfclaimS. The Catholic claims he had never made an instrument either for keep- ing in power when in, or towards overturning a Government when out; he had always acted on principle o » that tjuts'. ion, and always, would do so.— At the time of the Union such had been his conduct. In his last visit to England, previous to the Union, he stated to the Cab- net that he saw the Catholic mind was inclined ' o look to. wards the Union as an event which would prove beneficial to their cause ; and had stated, that however desirable it might be to carry the object of the Union, it ought not to be carried by the Catholic interest under such an erroneous idea.— He however felt distinctly, that, if the Catholics came forward and offered something, there would be an object for consideration, but before Parlia- ment pledged itself to consideration by going into a Committee, they ought to khow what the Ca- tholics intended to do. As the question at pre- sent stood, there was nothing which should in- duce the Crown to pull down one Government and set up another, in order to receive the ques- tion; nor did he feel himse'f bound to retire from the present Cabinet on this question— a question which he did not at this moment consider as the most important. The most important question was, the vigorous and extended prosecution of the war on. the Continent. With respect to the quesiic. t before the House, lie considered it as prematurely brought forward. Without inquir- ing into the constitutional principle of interference on the part of the House, he would ask, was there case enough before the House to induce the Crown to act upon an Address, He thought the Admini- stration should be fully formed, and time given to judge of its conduct, before such a measure as that proposed were adopted. After some observations from Sir J. NFWPORT, and Mr. MARTIN, of Galway, and from Mr. S. WORTLEV, in reply, the House divided— For the previous question, 170; against it, 17k— Majori- ty against Ministers, 4, During our exclusion from the gallery, we un- derstand the House again divided on the motion of Mr. S. WORTHY, that the Address be carried up to the Prince Regent, by those Members ot the House who were Privy Couusellors. ^ fFhe motion was opposed by Lord CASTLE- REAGH ; and, when the House divided, the num- bers were, for the motion, 174; against it, 176. — Majority in favour of Ministers, 2. On our re- admission, we found Mr. S. WORT- LEV on his legs, giving up to the House entirely the settling of the manner in which the Address was to be presented. He, at the same time, hoped that he should hear nothing of the House being taken by surprise by his motion, when there w* re 350 Members present . — Mr. WFIITBREAD wished to know from the Speaker what were the usual modes of presenting such addresses ? The SPEAKER said, that the usual modes were either to approach the Throne by the whole House, or else by those Merr> hers who were Privy Counsellors. It, however, rested with the House to say whether it: would adopt a mode by seleCt deputation, as in Queen Anne's reign. Mr. W. WYNNE then moved that the Address should be carried Up by Mr. S. Wonley ( the Mover) and by Lord Milton ( the Seconder) only. The Gallery was cleared- for a division on this motion, but it was agreed to without that resort. ._*_... ——-.— i' BELFAST COURSE OF EXCHANGE, & c. MAT 25.— Belfast on Londnn ( 2Ids.) 9 3- J per cent. Belfast on Dublin ( 61 ( is.) I per cent! Belfast en Glasgow 8 per cent. fm » N, MAT 25— per cent. Gov. Deb. 73 • 5 per cent. Ditto 101- jf EKOUSH, MAT 23.— 3 per cent. Consols 59* J J( FM 23-— Dub. on Lou. 0 1 MM 23.— l. on. ooPub. 9\ AKKIVKD. MAILS SINCE OUR LAHT. not 2 Br DONAGBABSE 0 2 BT DI> » !. IN 0 BELFAST, - Wednesday May 27, 1812. RESIGNATION OF MINISTERS. This very important circumstance, which arose from the result of the Debate on Mr. STUART WORTLEY'S Motion, as given in our preceding cMumns, it thus announced in two of the London Papers of Friday : SECOND EDITION. Courier- Office, Half- past Six. " We have just learnt that bis Majesty's Mini- M sters have all sent in their resignations this af- " ternoon." SECOND EDITION OF THE GLOBE. " Ministers resigned. this day.— The whole Ca- " binet is out.— This is certain." PACKET JBLY EXPRESS. ' The London JoarnsSi of Saturday have ar- rived by express from Donaghadee, bringing the j following'additional particulars respecting Mini- ! sterial arrangements, besides other articles of in- teresting intelligence :— London, Saturday, May 25. We stated in 3 Second Edition last night, that the Prince Regent* in answer to the Address of the House of Commons, requesting that he would be pleased to form an efficient Ministry, stated that he would taks- the same into his seilous and immediate consideration. In the course of the evening, i, ord Castlereagh communicated to. the prinoipal Members of Opposition, that Ministers were allr in fad, out* and that they only continu- * d to hold the Seals until the formation of a new Ministry. His Royal Highness, we understand, last night sent a message to Marquis Wellesley, inviting his Lordship's attendance at © arlton- House this day to consult him upon a fpr ar, rangement.— Globe* . -—— The following list of a new Ministry, and of tome of the intended arrangements, » handed about in the higher political circles this day r— Globe. j NEW CABINET. Lord Holland— First I. ord of the Treasury. I. ord Grenville— President of the Cofcucil, Lord Moira— Pri+ y Seal Mr. Cannir^;— Home Secretary. Mr. Ponsoi. by— War Seetetary, Lord Grey— Foreign Secretary. Murquis Wellesley—" irst Lord of rhe Adwalty. Mr. Tierney— Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Er « kine— Lord Chancellor. 1 ori I . atiderdale— President of the Board of Control. Duke of Norfolk— Master of the Horse. Marquis of Lansdown— Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Mr. Horner— Secretary Sir A. Piggott— Chancellor of t. eland. Sir S, Romilly— Attorney- General. _ - Mr. Serjeant Lens— Solicitor- General. Mr. Sheridni— Treasurer of the Navy. Mr. Huskiss. in and Mr. Sturges Bourne— loint Pay- master!. Mr. Creevey and Mr. Wrottesley— Joint Secretaries of the Treasury. Lord CVysfort and Lord St. John— PostmaHer- Oene- ralj, & c. & c. SECOND EDITION. SoN- OryicF, Two o'ClocI^ We have just heard that the Members of the present Cabinet have declined taking any part in any new arrangement that may be made. The new Cabinet, it is said, will consist of theMarauis Wellesley, Mr. Canning, the Marquis of Lans- downerLord Holland, Lord Moira, and Mr. Hus- kisson. The Marquis of Wellesley to be First Lort! of the Treasury, Mr. Canning, Lord Holland, and the Marquis of Lansdowne, the three Secretaries of State, Mr. Huskisson, Chancellor of Exche- quer, and Lord Moira, Lord Lieutenant of Ire- land. The Flemish fishermen report a great battle between the Russians and French, which lasted two days; the place is not stated, nor the result distinctly, but it is said that the French had three particular regiments cut to pieces. The event is of itself not improbable, though the authenticity is very doubtful — Courier. ' New- York and Philadelphia Papers to the 29th ultimo, with private letters to the same date, ar- rived this morning. The elections seem to go on favourably to the Federalists. In 431 towns in Massachussets, they had a majority of 2,260, where the Democrats last yepr had a majority of 4,742. Thej Mercantile Advertiser of 18th April, men- tions the receipt of letters from Mr. Barlow, in which he says, " there is no hope of a commer cial or any other advantageous arrangement with France." The same Paper Say?—" The Embargo, No. 2, prohibits the exportation of specie." A private letter of the 20th April says—" An Embargo has been laid on all specie, both by land and water. No bill has yet passed respecting the admission of goods."-^-( Star.) We stated yesterday, that a formal notification of the repeal of the Berlin and Milan Decrees had been made to our Government, and we' this day lay before our readers the extraordinary docu- ment by which the French Emperor has thought fit to make his determination public. It is dated on the 28th April, 1811, that'is to say, two months after the Americans had enforced their Non- Intercourse Law against us exclusively.—. Although there is an evident juggle in this affair, we cannot see how the British Government can refuse to rescind the Orders in Council, to whic' » they stand most solemnly pledged. The- French will, no doubt, continue to burn, sink, and des- troy American vessels as often as they meet with them, notwithstanding the revocation of the Ber- lin and Milan Decrees ; and the Americans must seek redress in the best way they can :—( Star). FRENCH DECREE. " Palace of Sc. Cloud, April 28th, l& l 1. " Napoleon, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Protec- tor of the Confederation of the Rhine, Mediator of the Swedish Confederacy. " On the report of our Minister for Foreign Affairs. " Being informed of the law of the 2d of March, 1811, by which the'Congress of the United States has decreed the exemption of the provisions of the Ail of Non- intercourse, which interdi& s the entry into American ports, of the ships and the merchandize of Great Britain, her colonies and de- pendencies : " Considering that the said law is an a6k of resistance to the arbitrary pretentions advanced by the British Orders in Council, and a formal refusal to sanCfion a system, hostile to the independence of Neutral Powers, and of their flags; " We have decreed, and do decree as follows: " The Decrees of Berlin and Milan are definitely ( frem ihe first of . November last) considered as no longer in force, is far as regards American vessels—( Signed, & c.)" On Friday the 15th inst. the Senate of the University of Glasgow, conferred the degree of Doctor in Medicine on WILLIAM HARDY, Jun. Loughgall, County of Armagh. The Duke of Richmond is busily employed in preparing to leave this country.— Correspondent. We observe that the New Inn, at Banbtidge, is at length completed, and fitted up for the re- ception of company. It has been built at a great expence, and in point of situation, accommoda- tions, and all the appointments for a respectable Inn, of which that part of the country was much in wanr, is said to be infinitely superior to any thing of this kind in the North. At a Meeting of the principal Inhabitants of the Town of Belfast, held at the Exchange Rooms, on Thursday the 21st day of May, 1812, for the puipose of finally arranging the Nightly Watch ; Tbe SOVERKIOV being called to the Chair, ir was Resolved, i hat all the names now obtained of ( lie Inha- bitants who are willing to act an Constat. les for one year from this day,, for the preservation and safety of the Town at, nijjht, be put into a box and drawn, the first four to serve t! ie first night after tfre baitot, and so- on until the whole aie drawn. liesutieJ, Tint! one of tiie four person* who serve each right be appointed Chief Constable of the p& trule for that Wight, aiui that the other three, together with the Serjeant, corporals, and so diers, shall be under his controul,[ direction mnl command, from the time the patrule meets at night, un- til dismissed by liirn in the morning. lUsolved, Tint the power ot'appointing the Chief Con- stable shall be vested in the four persons when met, to ele « t one of tlieir number to that situation, and that v. ich appoint- ment shall be made at or before eleven o'c ock at night. Hesolvcd, That no persan can- be admitted to serve as a tutofiiufc for another, who lias not given- in liis own name i. to serve. * ij Hfsolvnd, That as the time lias been short for obtaining (! names, there are many Genttemen who were abroad or ab i* ent when called for, who would be willing' to serve with ! their fellow- townsmen. The names, therefore, of suclv • p- . soiia may and ( droll We rectivedj and wbeu a number is obtained, they shall be drawn itj the same maiinar as those now returned, • Ii" snhed, That the Gentlemen ivho have been appointed to receive n& mes be requested to continue tn do so, ami that they wiil also apply to all persons in tlieir respective districts for subscriptions to enable this plan to be carried into execution, to reward and encourage private informa- tion, and to carrv on any prosecutions that mav be found necessary, and that 10 per cent, on the sums subscribed be immediately collected and paid into the bands of the Trca-> surer! and that these Gentlemen be requested to return a report of the same it a General Meeting of the Inhafu- bitnnts to be held at the Exchange Rooms, on Saturday the 30th day of May, inst lirsnlved. That Mr. Jairus Munfoad be requested to ait as Treasurer, imil Mr. Francis Taggart as Secretary, to tln » Establishment. Resolved, That the following Gentlemen be appointed a Committee for arranging- tho ballot, and transacting the other business of this Establishment. Mr. Robert (. ald-. vi- lt, I Mr. George Ash, Dr. Tennent, | Mr. John Ward, Mr. William Tucker. JJpWiwf, That Mr. Adam M'Clean, I> r. Tennent, aritt Mr Tfobert M'DtjWeH. be requested to make inquiries re- specting a temporary place of Confinement, court leet mumy levied for that purpose, & C- The Sovereign having left the Chair, and Hujrh Craw- ford, Esq. being called to it, it was resolved that the thanks ot' the Meeting be given to die Sovereign, for his proper conduct in the Chair. MOXD. VY, MAY 25. A Meeting of the Committee took pucu Ibis day, when they proceeded in the ballot, pursuant to' the above lutions.— Any Inhabitant may see the names of the Ge'rv. tlemen nominated to act for the ensuing t « o months, in a boot kept for that purpose at the High Constable's Office- TO TBS Gentlemen, Ckrgi/, and Freeholds v, OF THE COUNTY OF DOWN. GENTLEMEN— The very flattering offers of sup- port which I have received, induce me to thir,) t that in declaring myself candidate for your County, it will not be considered as an intrusion or dis- turbance of its peace, a matter very far from my thoughts.— Having made use of the shott time in which the present vacancy has been talked of, f( i. ascertain the wishes of some very respeflable indt* viduals, I have found them unanimously favour- able to the making an offer of my humble service* at present, which I now do ; at the same time de- claring, that I come forward not to serve the viewi of any Man, or set of Men in particular, but to maintain and support the prosperity and dignity of this great County as fur as is in my purer, to- gether with the true interests of the United King- dom— I am to lament, that the short interval be- tween this and the day of election, together with my present state of health, will be the means jf preventing my waiting on, or even writing tj many thousand Eleflors, amongst whom, I have reason to believe, are some of my best and warm- est friends— I trust they will escuse me, hoping that I shall have the pleasure and satisfaaion af meeting them on the day of election. I have the honour to be, ... . Gentlemen, Your very faithful t) nd obedient humble servant, ROBELIVR WARD. Bangor- Castle, 14// J May, 1812. Married. At Eden yale, on the 19th in*, by the Rev . William Sampson-, DAVID BAKU, E- q of the India Company's ser- vice, to MAdaughter- of the late John Myers, Esq. Died. In Lurgan, JOHN BBLI, one of the Society of Friends: an. affectionate husband, a tender parent, and an honest man. At his farm, near Saintfield, on the 21st inst. Mr. SAMU M'BUHNEY, aged 78 years. TO CORRESPONDENTS. " The Review," by Mentor, is a subject not quite adapt- ed to the natuie of our Newspaper. It would, we appr- A hi- nd, better suit some of the monthly publications. The Enigma of Labyrintbui is declined for two reasons:, because we are inundated with the same species of writing, and because this one really has not sufficient poetic merit to- entitle it to publication. ERRATUM. In our Paper ef the 13th, the quotation to the Poem of Augustus, " To the Lyre of the lonely Bard," was from " LAW'S LYRA," not " Lane's Lyra" BELFAST. SHIP NE Ws. The armed brig Lagan, Honrine, is loading for London. The Cunningham Boyle, Bell, is loading for Liverpool, to sail first fair wind. The armed brig Donegal!, Courtenay, is load ng at Lon- don for this port. The Kelly, M Iiwain, for Liverpool, sailed on Friday last The Britannia, Aberdeen, for Liverpool, sails first wind. The Neptune, Davidson, for Liverpool, i » loading, to saif in a few days. The coppered and armed brig Levant, M'Kibbin, for London, sails first fair wind. The armed brig Venus, Pendleton, is lo^ clitig at London, for this Po- t, to sail first fair wind The Margaret & Nancy, Galbraith, fqr Glasgow ; ant the Dispatch, Jameson, for Dublin, are loading, to sail in a few days. The Hawk, M'Cormick, at Glasgow; and the Be^, Ran- kin, at Dublin, are loading for Belfast. THK. VT11E, BELFA8T. il Mrs. C. Ktmble * Sixth, and Last Night of her Engagement. npHfi EVENING ( WEDNESDAY), will be presented the favourite Comedy of THE INCONSTANT. Bizarre... Mrs. C. Kstustt, To which, by particular desire, will be added, tke Interlude called PERSONATION, Lady Julia... -.... Mrs. C. KIM » I. S. To conclude with the Farce of MATRIMONY. Clara Mrs. C. KIMBLE. ( 284 '/ he Belfast and Dublin Cart Company [ NFORM the Public, that Mr. WIIHAM Bavc* is not, n « r has not, for some time back, been in thsir Eu » - ploymen:; and that Mr. JOHN MOORE ia the Pier* ® , accredited to give Receipts for them. C28* ' iPHE Public are respectfully informed, that I have given : L up all Charge ot the Business of the BiLFAST and \ DUBLIN CAR'l" COMPANY, up to the first of May, and requests Mr. THOMPSON will settle hit Accounts with me as soon as possible. I also request that no one wiil pay any Accounts to any Person ( intervening between the ltitiv March and the 1st May) oniy me, until I obtain a Settle- ment with Mr. THOMPSON. WILLIAM BOYCE, Belfast, May 27,1812. V-'^ f BELFAST COMMERCIAL CHRONICLE • .> ij vi- MARTINS, HARRISON, & CO. ARE Iiuding, per the Ann, from LONDON, and Betseys, from GLASGOW, 135 Chests Teds, assarted, 20 Hogsheads Lump Sugar, 50 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 3 Hogsheads Scotch Wool Cards. AND HAVE OK SALE, 300 Bales Meant Barilla, 100 Ditto Lisbon Miserable, 30 Puncheons Whiskey, SO Barrels New- Yori Pot Ashes, SO Kegs New Mustard, SO Boxes Button Blue, 40 Barrels White Ginger, With PIMENTO, TNDtGO, NUTMEGS, STARCH, AMERICAN ROSIN, Ac. & c. & c. will be told cheap. 27t) Church- lane— May 2S. ALICANTE BARILLA. HENRY JOY TOMB W ROBT. HOLMES A RE landing out of the Lavinia, direft from AM c A NT *, II a Quantity of NF. W BARILLA, which, with the fol- lowing Goods, they will dispose of on reasonable Terms:— Claret, Red Port, , Muscatel!, Sherry, Teneriffe, Lisbon, ^ 5 "| and Madeira, j ® ^ Sheet Lead, Quebec, and Memel St avis, Sicily Barilla, 283) Pwe, Norway, Oak, Ash, Black Birch, Maple, & Beech Timber, Deals and Plank, Laths, Treenails, Masts, Spars, Poles, and Hand- spokes. Belfast, May 2fi, 1812. TO FARMERS, & e. ARRIVED to E. LINDSAY, per. the FACTOR, from LONDON, a few Sacks of Peacy's Perennial Rye- Grass. From, one to two Bushels of this Seed is allewed to sow an Acre. A few Hundred Weight of Red and Yellow CLOVER on Sale, with TURNIP, CABBAGE SEED, & c. 276) Belfast, May 56. 278) NEW TEAS, & c. JAMES GARDNER [ AS this day received, per the FACTOR, from LON- DON, 27 Chests Pine & Common Congou Tea, I Bale Pluck Pepper ; AKD HAS ON SALE, I7F f'ogsleads Scale Sugar, SO Barrels British Refined Rosiu, ' 20 Cash Cod Oil, Scotch Molasses in Puncheons, Jamaica Green Coffee in Barrels, Spnn'sh Indigo— Cheshire Cheese, © V. tac. V! ich, with an Extensive Assortment of Ground DYE. WOODS, fresh from his Mill, will be sold chtap- 272) 174, North- street— May 27. ripHE SUBSCRIBERS have for Sale at their Stores, No jL 6, Custom- House- Quay, Richmond Leaf Tobacco, . Cotton- Yarn, Jamaica Rum, Archangel Matte, 2 ISF 3, stained, Montrtal Pet Ashes, Honduras Mahogany, m) GILLIES & STOCKDALE. Amber Rosin, Scale Sugars, in Hhds. and Tierces, & c. < Sf c. ARCHIBALD & DANIEL M'DONNELL ARE landing, from on board the Fattor, from LONDON and have on sale. Chests Swichosg, Fine and Common Congou Teas ; And, by the Diana, from GLASGOW, Candy, of very nice quality ; which, with Refined and Scale Sugars— Alicante Barilla— Pimento Spanish Flora Indigo— White Ginger in Bags and Barrels— Black Pepper— Cassia Lignea— Cloves- Nutmegs, And a general assortment of GROCERIES, Suets, and DVE- y.' OODS, they will dispose of on reasonable terms May 25. 263) . ALICANT BARILLA BY AUCTION. JOHN MARTIN fc? CO. TILL Sell by Au& ion, on FRIDAY 5> h June, at the TV Stores of Messrs. M" CLU « E, BAILIE, & WMTLAS, Donegall- quay, at TWELVE o'clock, 500 BALES ALICANT BARILLA, Of prime Quality, and in fine order— Terms at Sale. MACFARLAN, Auftioneer. Bel^ st, May 26. ( 2 « 6 SUGARS BY AUCTION. JAMES CUNNINGHAM cd CO. " WtVTILL commence Selling by Auflion, at their Stores, 7 - 7 95, High- street, on TUESDAY the 2d June, at TWELVE o'Ciock, 300 Hhds. and Tierces of Muscovado SUGAR, of nice Qualities, just landed from ANTIGCA — The Tierces are convenient Packages for the Country.— Terms at Sale. 252) - Belfast, May 25. ALICANT BARILLA BY AUCTION. GREG tf BLACKER " TJ HJTLL SELL BY" AUCTION, at their Stores, in Anrt- 1 y street, on MONDAY the 1st of June, at the hour of ONE o'Clock, 14$ Bales, first Quality, Just Landed out of the BRITANIA, from LONDON. 2t2) Belfast, 25th May, 1812. CRAWFORDS, WALLACE, St CO. W ' ILL Sell by Auflion, at their Stores, at the Hour » f TWO o'Ciock, on FRIDAY next, 100 Puncheons Jamaica RUM, GOOD FLAVOR AND STRENGTH. It will be set up in Lets agreeable to the Purchasers.— liberal Credit for good Bills. 3; g) Belfast, May JUST ARRIVED TO CRAWFORDS, WALLACE, V CO. THE CARGO of the Ship Elizabeth, GEORGE HANNA, Master, from JAMAICA, consisting of Scale Sugars, in Hhds. Tierces, and Barrels, Rum, in Puncheons and Hogsheads, St. Domingo Cotton- Woo!, Do. Mahogany, in Legs of large dimensions, Pimento, in Bags, St. Domingo Logwood { WHICH, WLTTF Alicant Barilla, Teneriffe Wine, Jamaica Coffee, American Pot and Pearl Asies, Dublin Seasoned Melted Tallow, Norway Deals, Prime Mess Pork, Do- Beef, in Tierces and Barrels, and * St. Ule's Salt, Castor Oil, White Ginger, W Corkwood, They will dispose of on reasonable Terms. Belfast, May 15, 1812. • A L EX A N D F. II 1J AS L ETT IS LANDING, per the ANN, from LON- DON, 53 Chests Congou and Green TEAS. < 9, Waring- street— May 96. DOWNSHIRE ARMS, BA. NBRIDGE. O BOYLE, RETURNS grateful Thanks to the NOBILITV, GENTRV, and PUBLIC in general, for their kind support since his commencement in Business, and now takes the liberty of announcing to th » se liberal Patrons^ that he has removed to THE NEW INN, in which, from the elegance of its Apartments, he will have it in hi. s power to accommodate those who may honour him with their company, in a style, which, he flatters himself, will give satisfiiCHon. His STABLES are finished in a superior manner; and Hay and Oars af prime Quality— Larder well supplied; and will always be particulir in having choice Wines— Good Beds— Post Horses and stout Chaises, with steady Drivers, on rhe shortest Notice. 267) BANBRIDGE, May 24, 1812. 4" 1 AUCTION AT NEWRY. T ONE o'clock, on THURSDAY 4th June next, at the Stores of LAWFORD, TRQNSON & CO. Mer- chants'- Qu » y. in order to close Sales, 37 Bales of ALICANT BARILLA, Very first quality, and in nice order; and 15 Hogsheads Prime Wrtippery TOBACCO. As this Sale will be without reserve, it will be found worthy of notice. ROBERT MOLL AN, Bolter. May 26. ( 268 COTTON- WOOL, BY" AUCTION, A T the Stores of Mr. C. I. UPPER, Mustird- street. on r\ FRIDAY next, the 21th inst. at TWELVE o'Ciock, 8- 1 Bags Bowed Georgia Cotton, Of prime Quality.— Terms at Sale, JAMES IiYNDMAN, Auctioneer. Belfast, May 26. ( 27 « AUCTION OF DAMAGED SUGARS. ON FRIDAY the 29th instant, at ONEo'Clock, aft the Stores of JOHN BELL & CO. Donegail- quay, wil[ he Sold by Auction, for account of whom it miy concern Eight Hogsheads Muscovad > Sugar. co — Terms at Sale. 261) Belfast, May 46. CHEAP MANCHESTER FUSTIANS- r! PHOMAS WALLACE, 15, Bridge- street, respeSfully I informs the WOOLLEN TRADE, that he has just land - d a large Q'lintity of Drab and Olive Cords and Velveteens Pillow Fustians. <$ c &; c. Which he will sell for Cash, much lower than any Goods of equal quality have been offered in this Market. N. B. THREE STOCKING FRAMES for Sale, of 14, 16, and 24 Gages, all in good order, on which a liberal cred it will be given. ( 281 MASONRY. ' IflUE Brethren of Ulster are informed, that the next JL MSeting . of the GRAND LODGE OF ULSTER will he held at the Donegal! Arms, Belfast, on Wednesday, 3d June next, at Mgh meridian— A full Meeting is expell- ed, as busness of the first importance is to be transarfted, namely, the election of Grand Officers, the Reports of the Committee of Finance, and the Building Committee for the Masonic Hall and Orphan School, to be received, and other matters which require mature deliberation— Signed by Order, G. D. IRWIN, May 25- GRAND SRCRITARV, ULSTER. ( 280 BUILDING GROUND. To le Let, in Great Edward- Street, in Front of the New Shambles, AFEW LOTS of GROUND— one of the best Situa- tions in BeKast for Building, with Vaults complete. Along I. ease will be given. Eor particulars, inquire of Major FOX. ( 261 FURNITURE AUCTION, On TUESDAY next, thi 2i June, at No. 1, South- Parade, apposite Arthur- street, at the Hour « / ELEVEN o'Ciock, AVARIETY of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE will be Sold by AuiSion, consisting of Mahsgany Dining, Sidebov 1, Card and other Tables ; Chairs ;^ rawers; Ward- robe, Pier, and Dressing Glasses; Sofa^ ati Eight Day Clock; Window Curtains; Four- Post and Fields Bedsteads and Bedding; an excellent toned grand Piano- Forte; Kitchen Furniture, & c. & c. Terms, Cash down. MACFARLAN, Auctioneer. May 25. - ( 273 TO BE SOLD, AWELL- SECURED PROFIT RENT of =£ 100 Yearly, issuing out ef Premises in the Town of Bel- fast, for a Term of forty years. Apply at the Office of RAMSEY & GARRETT, At- tornies. ( 274) Belfast, May 26. SEA- BATHING HOTEL, NEWTOWNGLENS. DAVID STEP HE V BEGS leave to inform the Public, that in consequence of the great difficulty he has experienced in procuring Hay for his Stables, he proposes accommodating BATUERS, in his HOTEL, for the ensuing Summer;— bat, again No- vember next, he shall b « fully provided to meet the accom- modation of Travellers, when he hopes for the honor of their countenance and support. 2 « 9) NEWTOWNGLENS, May 25. H EWAHD. WHEREAS, of late several felonious entries haVe been made into the Yarn- Houses and Green of BRICE SMITH, of Drumnagonell, near Banbridge, and thereout taken property in LINEN- YARN to a considerable amount. Now we whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being de- termined to support the Laws made for the protection of our Staple ManufaiSture, do hereby offer a REWARD of FIFTY GUINEAS, To the Person who will, within Six Months from the date hereof, discover on, and prosecute to convi& iOn, the Person or Persons who committed such felonies. And we will give TWENTY GUINEAS, To the Person who will give such Private Information, as will lead to a discovery and conviflion. A List of the Subscribers in the hands of Baice SMITH 270) May 2S. VALUABLE BOOKS, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, in the Exchange- Rooms, Belfast, THIS DAY ( Wednesday the 25th,) and two following Days, BY MR. WM. STiDCKDAL'JS, OF LONDON, AVERY Rich Collection of BOOKS, many of which are Superbly Bound.— Among numerous other Works of equal celcbrity are the following— RISES'S ENCYCLOP EDIA, Parts I to 38. AIKIN'S If1OGHAPHY, 7 vols. 4to. ACERBIS' TRAVELS through SWEDEN, 2 Vols. 4to. BOISGELIN'S TRAVELS through DENMARK, 2 vols. 4to. J? ALLAS'S TRAVELS through RUSSIA, 2 vols. - Ito. CORDINER'S CEYLON, 2 vols. 4to. M ACDONALD'S GARDENING, 2 vols. 4to. Coloured Plates. MURl'IIY'S TACITUS, 8 vols. LAVATER'S PHYSIOGNOMY, .5 vol,. 4to. CAMDEN'S BRITANNIA, 4 vols, folio. ENGLISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA, 10 vols.^ to. ' NEW ANNUAL REGISTER, 30 vols. HOGARTH'S WORKS, 111 llatea, compk- to. GROSE S ANTIQUITIES of ENGLAND, WALES, IRELAND, and SCOTLAND, 12 vols. 4to hand- somely bound in Russia ; a large paper copy. SIR WILLIAM JONES'S WORKS, 1.3 vols. HEATH'S SHAKESPEARE, 6 vols— imneml 4to. EDINBURGH MEDICAL DICTIONARY, 2 vols. 4to. COSTUME OF RUSSIA; fine colored Plates. BOA ROMAN'S FARRIERY, 4to. LORD ORFORD'S WORKS, 5 vols. 4to. The Sale will commence each Day precisely at f2 o'Ciock. May he viewed two days preceding the Sile, and Catalo- gs, Ten- pence each, had at the Room. TO " LIGHT THE TOWN OF BELFAST FOR THE ENSUING SEASON. ir'HE POLICE COMMITTEE do hereby give Notice, I that they will receive Proposals from any person who Is willing to enter into a Contrail, with sufficient security, to Light 700 Lamps, or more if required, froul the first August ne*' t until the 12th May ensuing. The Contractor will be furnished with 12 Tons prime Burning Oil, at the rate of £ 9.5 per Ton. Proposals to be made in Writing, Sealed, and indorsed " Proposals for f. igljting," and free of Posrage The C< in- trai&' ir will be declared on the 4th July next. All particulars relative to this business may be known, on application to , JAMES HYNDMAN, CI. EBK. No. 17, Donegall- street— May 25, 1812. Wanted also, a person to furnish I. amp Heads, Burners, & c. by Contrail, and to Paint the entire Heads. £ 65) CIDER, PERRY, See. SAM. & ANDREW M- CLE AN LATELY received, and have now ready for Sale, ( in Hampers of different sizes,) Best Oldfield Perry, and Fine Hereford Cider, IN STARKLINO ORDER. They ire st present receiving from on board the Lively, from BRISTOL, an additional Supply of the above, in Casks, which, with the following, will be sold reasonably. Old Antigua Rum, Strong Jamaica Ditto, Cork mid Dublin Whiskey, Geneva, Brandy, 141) BURTON ALE. Port, Teneriffe, S^ err,, Lisbon, CplcaveHa, May 9. NEW ALICANT BARILLA, & SPANISH RED WINE. ROBERT BATT & CO. ARE now Landing, the Entire CARGOES of the Shi(! s Princess Ktyal and S- wallo- w, from ALICANT, consist- ing of 666 Bales Alicant Barilla, 91 Pipes Spanish Port, A Parcel of Cane Reeds § Corkwood, Which » hey have for Sale, at their Stores, Calendar- street, together with the following G « ods: Pernambucco and\ Cotton- New Orleans J Wool, Smalts, of different qualities, Pot Ashes, 236) Old Alicant Barilla, Pipe Staves, Mess Beef, Jamaica Rum. Belfast, May 22. IVholesalt English and Irish IVoollen Warehouse. JOHN WHITTLE & CO. ITT AVE received, per late Vessels from LIVERPOOL, their ll- jL Summer Assortment of Superfine, Refine, Broad and Narrow Cloths, and Cas- simeres— Bedford and other Cords— Newest Waist- coating— GAth Stout White Serges— A General As- sortment of Cotton hosiery — ALSO, Stocking web Pieces, and a large supply of Fustians and Cotton Tickens, & c & V. 251) Belfast, May 23, 1812. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the Premise,, at ONE o Clock, on SATURDAY the 30tb . of May, if not previously ditpostd of, THAT well- known and generally admired Residence of FOUNTAIN VALE. This Concern, situate on the Lisburn Road, and only ten minutes walk from the Belfast Exchange, possesses in reality all the advantages of Town and Country : it consists of a very substantial Family House, in complete repair, two small detached Cottages, a Stable, a convenient Shade, a very extensive Orchard in full bear- ing, with other suitable portions of Meadow and Arable Grounds, all in the best state of cultivation, and well ma- nured; held under a long Lease, and capable of great im- provement. For particulars apply to JOHN M'CULLOCII, North- street, Belfast, who is authorized to treat for the Sale thereof. 20) May 3. The Public are respeftfully inform- ed, that it is intended the following ™ N. E. TRADERS ^ ^ figr- Skail tail at tbt under ment ' tontdperiods: FOR LONDON, The armed brig LEVANT, M'KIBBIN.. First fair wind. The armed brig VINE 30th instant. These Vessels being armed and completely well found, Insurance by them will consequently be effected on the most reasonable terms. FOR LIVERPOOL, The BRITANNIA, ABERDEEN. 2? th instant. The NEPTUNE, DAVIDSON Seven days after. FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, [ The KELLY, M'ILWAIN..... 6th June FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, The armed brig VENUS, PENDLETON..,. First fair wind. For Freight, m London, apply to Messrs. WM. & JOHN WHARTOK, Nicholas' Lane; or, in Belfast, to R. GREENLAW, Agent, Who will receive and forward LINEN CLOTH and other MERCHANDIZE with care and dispatch. jy A few Stout Lads wanted as APPRENTICES to the Sea, to whom liberal Encouragement wiTl be given. MILLED TON SLATES. rinHfi Galliot BETTIES is now discharging her Cargo .' 1 on Cus TOM- HOUSE QBAV, near the Long Bridge— which will be Sold on reasonable Terms, by the Subscriber, deliverable a: the Quay, before removal to his Yard. JAMES M'CLEAN; Poultry- square, May 25. ( 253 BLEACHERS' SMALTS. GEORGE LANGTRT & G0. AVE for Sale, a Parcel of Real DUTCH BLEACH- ERS' SMALTS, of Very fine Quality; ALSO* American Pit and Pearl Ashet\ Alicant Bavfla, Refined Saltpetre, American Rosin, Fine and Common Congq/ Teas. Belfast, April 1812. S94) ALICANTE BARILLA BY AUCTION. HOLMES & BARKLIE WILL SELL BY AUCTION, at their STORES in ANN- STREET, on FRIDAY the' 29th instant, at ONE o'Ciock, 69 Bales ALICANTE BARILLA, Now Landing from on board the BRITANNIA. 290) Belfast, May 23, 1812, WILLIAM PHELPS Jf AS just received, a Parcel DUTCH SMALTS, fine Quality, which he will dispose of on reasonable : erms. ( 211) May 18. DAVISON, MOORE, & CO. . 1 TAVE receiv.- d by the Margaret TS* Nancy, from GLAS- JA- JL GOLV, and Cunningham Boyle, from LIVERPOOL, 29 Puncheons Jamaica Rum, 100 Barrels Refitted Rosin, WHICH, WITH Mess Beef and Pork, Dried Hams, Hhd. and Barrel Staves, and Wood Hoops, They offer for sale on reasonable Terms.— Also a few Boxes MUSCATEL and BLOOM RAISINS, which will be sold cheap in order to close sales. 218) Belfast, May 18 1 DEALS. ACARGO of remarkably good Nine and Six Feet DRONTHON DEALS on Sale. Apply to LYLE & RIDDEL j or JOHN LYLE, Belfast, May 13. No 4, Chichester- quay. 13* J. LYLE continues to be well- supplied with Southern and other FLOUR. ( 177 Wei. SK. EY, JOHN MARTIN & CO, HAVE FOR SALE, One Hundred Puncheons Cork and Dublin Whiskey, Which they will sell on moderate Terms. 226) Ann- street, May 20. TENERIFFE WINES & ASHES. IPHE Subscribers are now landing, from TENERIPJI, JL a CARGO, consisting of 171 Pipes London Particular I Vines, In Pipes, Hogsheads, and Quarter- Casks. Also, a few Tons Choice BARILLA ASHES » JAMES T. KENNED? & CO. CAMPBELL SWEENY. Belfast, May 19. ( 24l OATMEAL. • AC\ T' 0NS of OATMEAL to be Sold. ' Apply to 4U A STEWART BELL, BANGOR. May 22,1812. ( 247 COMPLETE SUMMER ASSORTMENT. S^ I'I Ki BURNS, WM. Merchant Tailor, NO. 125, HIGH STREET, AS just received, an ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of H London Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, Stocking Webs, Waistcoatings, and Cordsj Which, with every Article in the Trade, he will sell cheap for good Payments. A Suit of Clothes at Six hours notice. Habits, Pelisses, and Children's'Dresses, Nine hours do. All kinds of FASHIONABLE CLOTHES ready made. A Neat HOUSE, at No. 3, Wine- Cellar- Entry, to Let. May 25. KING'S ARMS HOTEL, LONDONDERRY. JOHN DOBIE most reaped fully informs th6 Nobility and Gentry, that the HOTEL is now finished and fitted up, equal, if not superior, to any other Inn in Ireland, for accommodation. A Variety of the best WINES and LIQUORS have been laid in. His Larder shall be well and constantly supplied, according to the Season Rooms and Beds well aired, so that every comfort may he expe& ed. Chaises are always ready, with good Horses and careful Drivers. ( 277) , May 26, 18! 2. Witt eail for their reipeBive / forts, tcith the fret fair Wind after the dates mentioned : FOR LONDON, the armed brig LAGAN, HoNRI N a......... 30th May. The atmed brig FACTOR, M'NieCt 14 days after. FOR- LIVERPOOL, » The CUNNINGHAM BOYLE, BELL... In a ( ew days The FANNY, MARTIN Eight days after, FOR BRISTOL, The new bfig DRAPER, M'MULLIN......... 16th June., FROM LIVERPOOL FOR BELFAST, The MINERVA, 25th May. l'he CERES, SAVAGE Eight dajs alter. • FROM LONDON FOR BELFAST, Thearmedhrig DONEGALL, COURTENAT, SOth May, The atmed brig GEORGE, CAbauEi 14 ikys after. For Freight, in London, apply to Messrs. ALEX ANDER add WILLIAM 0GII. BY, Abehurch- Yafd. Gentlemen who have Linens to forward, will please send them to GEORGE LANGTRY A few stout Lads wanted as Apprentices to the Sea- A. W2LSON " jn> EGS leave to apprize the Nobility and Gentry, he has lO jriit received fr. i fajNihin, an F. le? ant Assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's, and Childi n's STRAW a: iij BEA- VER BONNETS, SILK and STUFF HATS, of the first style of Fishion, viz. Superfine Straw, White, Bluet, arid Drab Beaver Bonnets, Hick, Keats, Co.' s Superfine London Stuff Hals, Dunnage & Larkin's Improved Elastic Patent Water- Proof Silk Hats, A quantity of Willow, Black Chip Hats, Chip Bonnets, and Willow Hats; Feathers, Leather Caps, Which be offers for sale on ' ae most reasonable terms. N. B. The Very lowest price first asked for ev ry article, and no abatement. 2l3) 104, High- street, May 19, 1812. GEORGIA COTTON- WOOJI ORLEANS Do. Do; POT ASHES, SICILT BARILLA, LEAF TOBACCO, tor Sale, on Reasonable Terms, by JAMES KENNEDY, Belfast, May 19. tf^ egall- Quay. ( il « JAMES LENNON HAS on Sale, at the Storm of Mr. M'C\ PIN, TonifcV Quay, a5 per Agnte, direit from Stir. o : 5.57 Barrels Kiln- dried Oats, c ' 3."& Tons Oatmeal, and 100 Bags First Ftnur, Which he will dispose of on moderate Terms. WM. PARK & WM. TELFAIIt " tri> EG leave to acquaint their Friends, that they ,* INAI MC y { UVTJ J taken into Partership, Mr. THOMAS Cf. AKK who has lived with them this considerable time past, ai. d that the busiriesi will be csndiidted under the lirm of William Park, William Teljair, # Co. Wine- cellar- Entry, May 22. ' ipttE PARTNERSHIP carried on for some time bv the ' « - Subscribers, under the Firth of Wm. Dot glass and Alex. Orr, Is Dissolved this day by mutuil consent. Those whit are indebted to . them, will please pay their Accounts ioiniedive- ly ' to- ALEXANDER OivR, who will liquidate ail debt, due by said Fiuti. WILLIAM DOUGLASS ALEXANDER ORR. Belfast, May. 22. JAMES DUNLOP <$\ ALEXToRIl INFORMS the Public, thit they have commenced Busi- ness in the Provision $ General Commission Linn, At tke Stores lately decupled by Mr. J. HN FIERON, id William- street, urider the the Finn of ALEXANDER ORR & CO, Belfast, May 28. FOR GLASGOW. The MAKGAkEt £ o" NANCt, P. OALBRAITH, MASTER, ( A constant Trader), Now loading, to sail in a few days. FOR DUBLIN. The DISPATCH, JAMMON....^...; 2bth instant. For Freight, apply to GEO. MONTGOMERY. The HAWK, M'CoftMitA, at Glasgow; and the BEE, RA KtKiN, at Dublin, are loading for Belfast. 803J '• Belfast, May 13. For Passage, apply to Belfast, May 12. FOR NEW- YORK, The American Ship BELISJRItlS, M. MORGAN, MASTER* ( Burthen 350 Tons.) HOLMES & BARKLIE, ( ict FOR NEWCASTLE & PHILA- DELPHIA, The Ship ONTARIO, CAPTAIN CAMPBELL, A capital Vessel, of about 450 Tons burthen— high and roomy between Decks, daily eipeile^ at Warrenpoint, and Will sail far the above Port in three weeks after arrival. For Passage apply to ANDREW AIKEN. WE WRY, April 25. SHIP NORTrt- STAR FOR NEW- YORK. NOTICE. " TpHR PASSENGERS that h- ive con- -- tfafled to go by the above Ship, are requested to be on board oh MONDAY, first June, as the Ship will proceed on her Voyage first fa- vourable opportunity after. WM. MACKY. DERRY, May 18. ( 227 SHIP FOR . SALE, BY AUCTION, - TUESi) A7' tie Sid Jtne, at the Hour of ONE o'clock, at the' Office of T. t3*. J , » LiTiLROiin, Lherpetl, The Danish Ship IRENE, With all her Materials, as she now lies in this Port. This Vessel was built at Koningsburgh, of the very best materials, has Three Decks, hai only performed four Voy- ages, is well found, and admeasures per Register, about 1SO0 Ton^ For Inventory, & c. apply to Mi. GEORGE NORMON, London, MessR HUGHES & DUNCAN, Liverpool, Messrs RICHARD CONNER* & SONS, Dtiblin, or Mr. W. J. WHITLA, Belfast. 250) . Belfast, May 20. A REMARKABLY FAST- SAILING a^ PLEASURE CUTTER, gx- v FOR SALE, M 1P r! PHERE will ba exposed to Sale, by PUB- FFIJPCIJSP ' 1 LIE AUCTION, within the Tontine Inn fiffittfitn- here, upon WEDNESDAY, the 3d d- y of Jnni nefcr, between the hours of ONE and TWO o'clock afternoon,' , The ROEBUCK Cutter, Presently lying at Mtssrs. JOHN SEOTT & SONS Bu'Idinp* Yard, well known as a remarkably safe se^ boat, and an un- common quick sai er. She adtneasure6 44 j Tons per Regis- ter, waf built at Greenock in 1803, of rhe best material?, was originally copper- fastenad, and the bottom Coppered Only three years ago; she is at preent e'egartly fi ted up as a Pleasure Yacht; and to any Geutlem n who has the pro » pe, ft of making aquatic expeditions, the ROfiBUC'K would prove a valuable aCquisitkm. She could als > very easily he convened into a Drogger for the West Ind) s j' • t froni. her sup1 riority in sailing, would make a choice Packtt for tlie conveyance of Passengers. For p irticulars, apply WM. KE^ R, Writer, in Greenock-. JOHN PATON, AurSLneer. GREENOCK, 15; h May, 1812. / BELFAST COMMERCIAL CHRONICLE MINISTERAL NEGOCIATIONS. PAPERS RELATIVE TO LORD LIVERPOOL'S PROPOSAL TO MARQUIS WELLESLEY, MAY 17, 1812. No. 1. N » te from Mr Canning to Lord Wellesley, inclosing the Minute taken in Lord Liverpool's presence, May 17. Glnucetter T. ndge, May 17. Mr t> » A* WruesLrr— I inclose the minute which T have taken in Lord Liverpool's presence of the proposal uliirii hp was charged to convey to me. Ever, my dear Wellesley, sincerely and affectionately yours, GHOKOE CANNING. t. S. I shall return a written answer to Lord Liverpool to- morrow. flinutc of Conversation between Mr. Canning and Lord Li- verpool, dated 17th May, 1812. Glmcctter* Lodge, Sunday, Mai) 17, 1812. Lord Liverpool stated to me, that he was com- manded by his Royal Highness the Prince Regent to make me the following cemrnutoieatton :— That upon f'- e melancholy event of Mr Perceval's death, his R. Highness being desirous of continuing Iris Adminis- tration upon its present basis, Was desirous also of strengthening it as much as possible, by associating to it such persons in public life as agreed most nearly and generally in the principles upon which public af- fairs had been conducted : That with this view his Royal Highness naturally looked to Lord Wellesley » nd to me: That he ( Lord Liverpool) was autho- rized to express the disposition of all his colleagues to act with Lord Wellesley and me, under an arrange- ment which mieht be at once consistent with their | own honour and duty, and honourable and satisfactory to us: That with respect to Lord Castlereaagh, it was fair that it should be distinctly understood, that the situation in which he stands both in this Govern- ment, and in the House, of Commons, was to be pre- served to him : That with respect to official arrange- ments, he ( Lord L.) would not have been the bearer of any proposition to me, but one which was under- stood as comprising my friends. In answer to a ques- tion put by me, Lord L. stated, that his colleagues were desirous, that he should be appointed to the of- fice of First Lord of the Treasury; and that this de- sire was known to the Prince Regent, when his Royal Highness commanded Lord Liverpool to undertake this communication. Lord Liverpool added, that he was ready to answer any other enquiry that I might wish to make ; or clear up anv thing that he might have imperfectly explained. I said, that I thought it better to receive his communication just as he gave it me, and defer making any remark, or giving any afltwer whatever, until I should have convnunicated it to my friends: Lord Liverpool himself undertaking to see Lord Welle. sley. I would only, therefore, ask—• Whether I was to consider the opinion and policy of the Government as remaking altogether unchanged upon the question relating to the laws affecting the Roman Catholics. Lord Liverpool answered, that his own opinions upon this subject remained unchang- ed ; and that lie was not aware that those of his col- leagues had undergone any change. I then wrote this minute in Lord Liverpool's presence; which he ro. id over, and suggested such corrections as appeared to him necessary for m iking it perfectly accurate. May 17. (,% nod) OEOIIGE CANNING. No. II. Minute of conversation between lord Wellesley and Lord Liverpool, 17th May, 1812. Apsky- Housr, lllk May, 1812, f prist S p. m. _ Lord Liverpool came to nie immediately after his visit to Mr Canning, and remained with me for about half an hour. Soon after Lord Liverpool's departure, I received the annexed paper from Mr Canning. Lord Liverpool's conversation with me was substan- tially the same as that which is described to have pass- ed with Mr Canning. Any difference which appear- ed, arose necessarily from my questions and observa- tions, which were made without knowledge of what passed between Lord Liverpool and Mr Canning.— After receiving Lord Liverpool's verbal communica- tion, nearlv in the terms stated by Mr Canning, I in- quired, ( 1st.) whnt was to be the policy of the Go- vernment with relation to the Roman Catholics ? To this question Lord Liverpool returned the same an- swer stated in Mr Canning's paper to have been re- timed to a similar question. 2dly, I observed to Lord Liverpool, that he was j apprised of my opinion, that our efforts in the Penin- sula had been conducted oh an inadequate and inipcr- feet scale, which could not be expected to accomplish j the ultimate objects of the war in that quart- r: that j I had for a long time considered art extension ot our ( system in the Peninsula to be indispensibiy fiucessary, 1 and easily practicable: that I was aware of the ittipro- , priety ( in mv present situation) of urging any detail- ed questions'to Lord Liverpool on this point', but, that I mentioned it now, because it must form a prin- cipal consideration in my answer to the proposition which lie had brought to me. Lord Liverpool said, that he did not agree in my opinion respecting the Scale of the efforts which we had hitherto made in the Peninsula, which lie thought as great as it ha< l been possible to make ; that ther e never had been any limit to our exertions in that quarter, but what arose cut of the question of practicability ( that is, the means of increasing and supplying our armies) ; and that he had never heard any specific plan by which those means might be carried further, though the subject had been often most anxiously considered in my pre- sence; that circumstances had occurred since my resignation, which did not then exist, and into the particulars of which it would not be proper for him to ester at this time, which might enable Govern- ment to extend to a certain degree, the military ope- rations in the Peninsula: and the system of himself and his colleagues would be, as he contended they al- ways had been, to make the greatest efforts in the cause of the Peninsula which the resources of the country rendered possible. Sdly, I inquired whether all the genera! constitu- ent parts of the present Cabinet were to remain ? He informed me that they were in general to remain. He believed it was known to me, that some of the Mem- bers of the Cabinet had been long desirous of retiring, and would be ready, therefore, now to afford facilities to any new arrangement. In answer to a question put by me respecting Lord Sidmouth and his friends, he said they were to remain. 4th! y, 1 stated to Lord Liverpool, that I made no enquiry respecting the proposed distribution and allo- cation of offices; because that circumstance would not constitute the basis of my decision upon the pro- position which he had brought to me. Lord Liver- pool observed, that the distribution of offices was a matter open to future adjustment, to be regulated for the honour of all parties. Sthly, When Lord Liverpool infor med me, that the leading in the House of Commons was to bejpre. served to Lord Castlereagh, I remarked, that in any aituation which 1 might ever hold in any Administra. tion, I should feel great obligation to any Member of the Government who would undertake that charge which was called the lending in the House of Parlia- ment in which I sat; although I was fully aware of the great importance which that charge necessarily conveyed to the person who exercised it, and of the great influence which it must give to him in the gene- ral Administration and patronage of the Government. 6thly, I desired to know, whether all those persons now designated by the name of the " Opposition," were to be excluded from the proposed scheme of Ad- ministration ? Lord Liverpool answered, that no prin- ciple of exclusion was intended ; but that he was not authorized to make any proposal to any persons of the description which I had mentioned. 7thly Considering the course which Lord Liver- pool had observed in making his communieation, I asked him, whether he applied to me by command of i the Prince Regent, as a part of Mr. Canning's suite ? I reminded Lord Liverpool of the constant and una- bated exertions which I had made to open every ave- nue for the return of Mr. Canning to the public ser- vice j remarking at the same time, that I never had attempted to press that point beyond the honour and feelings of Mr. Perceval's Administration. I stated, that I could not consider any Administration to be constituted on a foundation of justice towards indivi- dual talents and services, or towards the interest of the country, in which Mr Canning should not hold a high efficient station. But I added, that Mr. Can- ning was under no engtgement to me which could preclude his acceptance of any office which might be offered to him ; that, on the other hand, Mr. Can- ning would certainly make the same declaration with regard to my perfect freedom. Lord Liverpool said, that he had pursued this course of communication, being convinced, that under the present circutnstane s, I would not except office, unless a fair proposal was made to Mr. Canning. I declared to Lord Liver- pool, that he was correct in this view of my senti- ments towards Mr C. ; repeating, however, that Mr Canning and I were perfectly free to act as each might think fit, and that our agreement in many great public principles could not affect questions of mere official arrangement. Sthly, I expressed my wish to receive this commu- nication in writing ; to answer it in writing; and also to submit mv sentiments upon the whole transaction in an audience of the Prince Regent- Lord Liver- pool informed me, that Mr. Canning would transmit to me a copy of the Minuttj ot Lord Liverpool's con- versation taken in his presence, and Lord Liverpool desired me to consider that paper* as the written communication which I wished to receive. I agreed to Lord Liverpool's proposal on this point. I then informed Lord Liverpool, that 1 would return my answer in writing to that Paper. Whatever might be the tenour of my answer, with regard to the great public considerations on which it must be founded, I expressed my hope, that Lord Liverpool would be assur ed of my sincere personal respect and esteem. I now transmit this Minute to Lord Liverpool, request- ing him to insert any correction which he may think requisite. May 18, 1812. WELLESLEY. Corrected by Lord Liverpool, and returned to me. WEI. LKSLEY. No. 5. Lord Liverpool to Mr Canning. FiJ'e- IIouse, May 11, 1812. MY DEAR CANNING— I think, upon reflection, it is due to Lord Castlereagh to state, in writing, what I mentioned to you, verbally, that from motives of de- licacy, he absented himself from the Cabinet, on the occasions on which the subject in your Memorandum was determined. I did not, however, make the com- munication to you, without having reason to know that he would be no obstacle in the way of an arrange- ment, founded on the principles stated in the Mimo- r indum. I will beg of you to communicate this let- ter to any persons to whom you may communicate the Memorandum. ( Signed) LIVERPOOL. ( No. 4, is a note from Marquis Wellesley to Lord Liver- pool, inclosing the following— Ldrd WeUes'ey's reply to Lord Liverpool's proposition. Apsley- llouse, May 18. From the communication received through Lord Liverpool, I understand, that his Royal Highness the Prince Regent has been most graciously pleased to signify his desire of strengthening his Administra- tion upon its present basis, by associating me with it, as one of those peisons who agree most nearly and rent- rally in the principles upon which public affairs iave been conducted. Fiorn the same communica- tion I also derive the gratifying intelligence, that all Lord Liverpool's colleagues have authorised him to xpress a disposition to act with me, under an arrange- ment, consistent with their own duty, and honourable and satisfactoiy to me. I receive this notification of the Prince Regent's comman- ls with every sentiment ttf duty and affection, while it affords me matter of ust satisfaction, that, to the distinguished honour of uch Condescending notice from his Royal Highness, is added so high a testimony of the confidence and es- teem of all the respectable persons composing his present Administration! With all humility towards the exalted authority from which this proposition proceeds, and with the mos » sincere regard for those through whom it is con- veyed, I must, however, declare, that I should have declined it at the first instant of its approach, if mo- tives of deference and submissive attachment had not imposed upon me the obligation of receiving it with respectful consideration. The proposition necessarily rests upon a supposition, that I entertain no such dif- ference of public sentiment with the present Admini- stration, as should preclude me from acting with them, under an arrangement compatible with our mutual and respective honour and duty. But it appears from Lord Liverpool's candid and explicit statement, that, upon the important question, which regards the Jaws affecting the Roman Catholics, Lord Liverpool's opinions remain unchanged; nor is he aware, that the sentiments of his colleagues, on that subject, have undergone any change; I must therefore conclude, that the policy which has been pur- sued inspecting the Roman Catholics, during the pre- sent Session of Parliament, is to be continued with- out abatement j the general constituent parts of the present Cabinet are to remain unchanged the highest and most efficient offices in the State, therefore, are to be filled by persons who still conceive themselves to be bound by duty, honour' and conscience, not only to resist any mitigation of the present condition of the Roman Catholics, but even to prevent the considera- tion of the laws which affect that large portion of the population of the empire. I cannot condor in the principle on which the present Administration has conducted this important bianch of public affairs;— on this point, t have recently expressed the strongest difference of opinion with the present Administra- tions The declaration of Lord Liverpool precludes the hope of any such change in the policy of the Ad- ministration towards the Roman Catholics as could satisfy my judgment. This difference is of the ut- most importance : without any other obstacle, there- fore, this alone compels me to decline the proposi- tion which Lord Liverpool has conveyed to me. I entertain a confident expectation, thnt when the Prince Regent shall have considered the nature of this difficulty, he will extend his indulgence to my hum- ble representation, and will relieve me from the pres- sure of commands, which I coultl not obey without sacrificing a public principle of the highest obligation. These observations comprise a sufficient reply to the communication reeeived through Lord Liverpool.— But I deem it to bea duty towards, the Prince Regent to declare, that the considerations which induced me, on the 19th February, to resign the station which I had the honour to hold in his Royal Highness's stir- vice have acquired additional force since that time, and would constitute an insuperable obstacle my accept- ance of any station in the present Administration. I originally expressed my desire to withdraw from Mr. Perceval's administration because my general opini- ons, for a long time past, on various important ques- tions, had not sufficient weight in the Cabinet, to jus- tify me towards the public, or towards my own cha- racter, in continuing in office. My objections to re- maining in that Cabinet arose, in a great degree, from the imperfect scale on which the efforts in the Penin- sula were conducted. It was always stated to me, that it was impracticable to enlarge that system. I thought that it was perfectly practicable to extend the plan in the Peninsula, and that it was neither safe nor honest towards this country or the allies, to continue the p- esent inadequate scheme. From Lord Liver- pool's statement upon this point, it is evident, that since my resignation, it has been found practicable to make some extension of the system in the Peninsula; but it is still intimated, that my views are more exten- sive than the resources of the country can enable the Government to reduce to practice. I however still entertain the same views and opinions, without dimi- nution or alteration ; and I am convinced, that a con- siderable extension of the scale of our operations in the Peninsula, and also an effectual correction of many branches of our system in that quarter, are objects of indispensable necessity, and of easy attainment. With such a decided difference of opinion in relation to the conduct and management of the war, my return into a Cabinet composed as the present is, would offer to me no better prospect than the renewal of discussions which have hitherto proved unavailing. I learn from Lord Liverpool, that he lias received no authority, in forming the intended Administration, to make any proposal to any of those persons now de- signated by the name of " The Opposition." My enquiry on this point originated in a sincere convic- tion, ( founded upon an attentive observation of the general state of public opinion, and of the condition of the empire), that no Administration, which shall not comprise some of those persons, can prove advantage- ous to the Prince Regent, conciliatory towards Ire- land, and equal to the conduct of the war on a scale of sufficient extent. It has been stated erron ously that the first act of the Prince Regent upon his ap- proach to unrestricted authority, was to establish Mr. Perceval's Administration : but the fact is, that his Royal Highness's first act at that crisis was to dissolve Mr. Perceval's Administl ation ; and to endearour to form a Cabinet upon a m > re extended and libelal ba- sis. This endeavour was/ frustrated at that moment ; and the formation of such a Cabinet was represented to his Royal Highness to be impracticable. It has, however, since appeared evident to me, from the dis- cussions and declarations which I have witnessed in Parliament, that his Royal Highness's benevolent in- tentions on that subject are now perfectly practicable ; and that their accomplishment would tend to promote internal peace and tranquillity, and to invigorate the whole system of our external operations. Impressed with this sentiment, I should be untrue to his Royal Highness's interests and honour, as well as to the prosperity of the Empire, if I concurred in any arrange- ment of an Administration which did not include a fair and full consideration of this most important point. After such a dispassionate consideration, my opinion is, that a Cabinet might be formed, on an interme- diary principle respecting the Roman Catholic claims, equally exempt from the dangers of instant, unquali- fied concession, and from those of inconsiderate, per- emptory exclusion ; the entire resources of the em- pire might be applied to the great objects of the war with general consent, upon a full understanding of the real exigency of the present crisis ; and concord and union at home might secure ultimate and permameut success abroad. ( Signed) WELLESLEY. tion of adding, that the manner of your communica- j tion with me has entirely corresponded with the habits and sentiment of a friendship of so many years ; a friendship which our general concurrence on many great political principles has strengthened, and which our occasional differences have in no degree impaired. On the public grounds which I have stated, I must entreat you to lay at the feet of the Prince Regent, together with the warmest expressions of my dutiful attachment to his Royal Highness, and of my ac- knowledgement for the favourable opinion which his Royal Highness has been graciously pleased to enter- tain of me, my humble but earnest prayer to be excus- ed from accepting office on terms which, by a sacr ifice of public character, must render me inefficient for the service of his Royal Highness's Government. I pre- sume, at the same time, humbly to solicit an audience of the Prince Recent, for the purpose of explaining in person to his Royal Highness the grounds of my conduct, on an occasion on which 1 should be griev- ed to- think, that his- Royal Highness could, for a moment, consider me as wanting either in duty to his Royal Highness, or in zeal for the public Service ; and of assuring his Royal Highness that my inability to assist in forwarding his Royal Highness's purpose of procuring strength to hi* Administration, on the plan which has been suggested by his Royal Highness's confidential servants, does not arise from any disposi- tion, on my part, to shrink from the encounter of those difficulties which press, at this time, upon the country and upon the crown 1 am, & c. GEORGE CANNING. MR CANNING TO LOUD LIVERPOOL. Gloucester lodge, May 18, 1812. Mr DEAR LIVERPOOL— I communicated to such of my friends as I had an immediate opportunity of con- sulting, the minute, taken in your presence, of the proposition which you conveyed to me yesterday.— In .1 case in which I felt that my decision either way might be liable to misapprehension, I was desirous rather to collect the opinions of persons whose judg- ment I esteem, than to act on the impulse of my own first feelings. The result of their opinion is, that, by entering into the Administration upon the terms pro- posed to me, I should incur such a loss of personal arid public character as would disappoint the object which his Royal Highness the Prince Regent has at heart; and must render my accession to his Govern- ment a new source of weakness, rather than an addi- ion of strength. To become a part of your Administration with the previous knowledge of your unaltered opinions as to policy of resisting all consideration of the state of the aws affecting his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects, would, it is felt, be to lend myself to the defeating of my own declared opinions on that most important question : opinions which are as far as those of aoy man from being favourable to precipitate and uncjua- fied concession ; but which rest on - the conviction that it is the duty of the advisers of the Crown, with a view to the peace, tranquillity, and strength of the empire, to take that whole question into their early and serious consideration j and earnestly to eBdeavour to bring it to a final and satisfactery settlement.— With this result of the opinion of those whom I have consulted my own entirely concurs > and such being the ground of my decision, it is wholly unnecessary to advert to any topics of inferior importance. After the expressions, however, with which you were char- ged on the part of all your colleagues, I should not be warranted in omitting to declare, that no objection of a personal sort should have prevented me from uni- ting with any or all of them, in the public service, if I could have done so with honour ; and if, in my judgment, a Cabinet, so constituted in all its parts, could have afforded to the country under its ]. reseat great and various difficulties, an adequately efficient Administration. I cannot deny myself the satisfac- EXPLANATORY LETTER. Copy of I. ord WELLESLEY'S Reply to Lord LIVERPOOL'S Explanatory Letter of the 19th May, 1812, which ap- peared in our last. Aptlet- Hause, Mai 21, 1812. Mt DEAR LORD— Although you have had the goodness to dispense with my returning any answer to your letter of the 19th instant, some farther observation" on my part may, perhaps, contribute to promote the professed objeCl of that letter, by explaining and correcting whatever may appear doubtful or erroneous in the course of our recent correspond- ence. When you informed me, that your opinion upon the claims of the Roman Catholics remained unchanged, and that you were not aware of any change in the opinion of your Colleagues on that subjeCl, I certainly concluded, that the policy, which has been pursued, during the present Ses- sion of Parliament, would be continued by the new Cabinet. Subsequent reflection satisfies me, that such z conclusion was just and reasonable; nor can I admit that I have fallen into any misapprehension of that system of policy, when I have ^ escribed it as consisting, rot only in the denial of any pre- sent relief to the Roman Catholics, bat even a peremptory refusal to consider the state of rhe law which affeCts their their civil condition. Whatever may be the different cha- racter or complexion of the opinions of the several Mem- bers of the present Cabinet, the pradical result has been to pursue the course which I have describtd, during the pre- sent Session of Parliament; and your explanation on this point closes with an admission, that you are all agreed to continue the same policy in the present moment. No sug- gestion is made of the time or circumstances, in which any alteration of this system of policy can be expeCted; no pros • pe3 is afforded of any conciliatory proceeding, which might tend to open the way to ai^ amicable settlement, and, while a desire of hearing specific propositions of security is profess, ed, the very consideration of the question is denied to Par- liament, and is net pur » ued by any ether authority. This statement is no misapprehension of the tenor of your Explanatory Letter; and in such a state of the present Ca- binet, it may be deemed superfluous to analyze individual sentiments. This task ( however useless with regard to pre- sent praClice), is required from me, by the strong protest which you have made against any inference to be drawn from any declaration of your's, " that it is, or ever has been, your opinion, that, vnder no circumstances, it would be possible to make any alteration in the laws respecting the Roman Catholics " To this protest you have added an assurance, " That upon the last occasion, on which the subjeCl was discussed in Parliament, you expressly stated that eircum- : lanets might arise, in which, in your judgment, some altera- tion in those laws would be advisable." 1 confess freely to you, that I had always understood your recorded opinion on this subjeCt in a very different sense; I had supposed, that you considered the disabilities imposed by statute upon the Roman Catholics, not as temporary and occasional securities, against a temporary and occasional danger, but as an in- tegral and permanent part of the Constitution in Church and State, established at the Revolution. In this opinion, 1 had always understood, that several of the principal Mem- bers of the present Cabinet concurred with you ; and that you felt, in common, an apprehension, that the removal of any important part of this system of re traint would endan- ger the foundation of the Establishment of our Laws, Liber- ties, and Religion. Viewing in this light your sentiments, and those of the respeftable persons to whom I refer, I am persuaded that I shall not be suspected of intending to cast any reflection upon the honour or honesty of those princi- ples, or of the persons who maintain them. I have ever considered those principles to be pure and honest in the minds in which I supposed them to reside ; and while I give full credit to their sincerity, I lamented their erroneous foundation and dangerons tendency. I must further declare, that from some accident, I did not hear the statement in Parliament to which you refer, as hav- ing been made by you on the las: occasion, in the House of Lords; I now, however, understand your opinion to be, that circumitamss may arise, in which, in your judgment, some al- teration would be advisable in the laws affeCting the Roman Catholics. 1 should be desirous of urging the same inquiry respeCling circumstances, which you have made receding securities i and 1 should be anxious to hear the specific state- ment of ALT, OR ANT, OT THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES, Under which you would advise any alteration in the laws respect- ing the Roman Catholics. The explanation, which you re- quire respecting securities, is attainable only by a full con- sideration and discussion of the whole subject; and I there- fore view the declared intention of resisting the first step to- wards such a discussion, as an effectual barrier against that explanation, which you consider to be the necessary pre- liminary to any alteration of the existing statutes. The de- tails of your reasoning on this part of the question, render the prospeCt uf any sentiment utterly hopeless. You require a change in the state of the opinions, feelings, conduCt, and temper of the Roman Catholics, as a preliminary, even to the consideration of the cause* of their complaints. But is it possible to expeCt effectual change in Che temper of the Roman Catholic Body, while you refuse even to inquire into the nature of their grievances ? The repeated rejefiion of their claim, without any other deliberation than that which hat arisen on the mere question of taking the Petition into consideration, is not a course of proceeding calculated to mitigate the severity of disappointment. Reason and mo- deration must appear in our consideration of their prayer, if we hope to infuse those qualities into their proceedings. You require, also, a change in the circumstances of Eu- rope. Ignorant of the events which may have furnished any hope of such a change, since I had the honotir of a share in his Royal Highuess's %> uncit » , I must consider the deter- mination to delay this interesting question, until Europe shail have assumed a new aspeCt, as a virtual negative upon the substance of the claim; and I feel this point with a greater degree of pain, because I am convinced that the continuance ol Ireland in her present condition, must protraCt, if not per- petuate, the present unhappy condition of Europe. But, until these preliminaries shall have been established; you de- clare, that it will be v.. ur duty to resist Parliamentary in- quiry, which, in your judgment, could be productive of no other effeCt, than " to alarm the Protestants, and to delude the Roman Catholics ' At the same time, you offer no hope, that the means of relief will be opened by any other anthority. I cannot understand through what channel of r; ason or passion, the Protestants should be alarmed, or trie Cutholics deluded, by a full and fair consideration of the { state of the laws affeCling rhe latter body. Indeed., I cannot conceive any proceeding so likely to remove alarm, and pre- j vent delusion, its that which appears to yoB lively to sreate both. On the other hand, I apprehend much rfrofe danger, both of alarm and of delusi on, from, any svstem of measures to be founded on the general and indistinCl terms, fu which you state, that circumstances may arise, in whicfc some altera- tion in the laws would be advisable " You refer to consi- derations of a " VERY HIGH IMPORTANCE," which, Until a very late period of time, have precluded the Executive Go', vernment and Parliament from entertaining this measure- and you. suggest, that in the opinion of some persons, these considerations have not lost their weight. I presume that you refer to the known sentiments of the most exalted and venerable authority in these realms, on the claims of his Majesty's Roman Catholic suhje& s. As your letter seems to bear some reference to the cin-. e of my conduCl in Parliament, and in his Majesty's Oounci's on this subject, I avail myself of this opportunity to explain ' • motives, both of my former silence, and of the recent de- claration of my sentiments. At the ren- ote period of the year 1797, upon the eve of my departure for India, I s » : itea to the late Mr. Pitt my solicitude, that h- should direCt his attention to the settlement of Ireland ; and I expressed to him my conviCfion, th3t Ireland could neither he happily settled, nor firmly united, to Great Britain, without a concurrent settlement of the claims « . f his Majesty's Roman Catholic subjeCls. The opinions which I declared to Mr. Pitt, at that time, respecting the substance of those claims, were pre- cisely similar to those which I have stated in the House of I. ords during the present Session of Parliament.— It is not necessary to enter U|- on any review of the transactions which passed during my absence in India, with relation to Ireland, or to the claims of rhe Roman Catholics. I arrived from India in the month of January. 1806; and after a short interview with Mr. Pitt, I assisted in perform- ing the last sad office of following his remains to the grave. You are aware, that long before that period of time, the " high consideration" to which you refer, had been fixed in full force ; that no attempt to change those sentiments could have been made with anv pro3pe& of success; and that the. resnlt, even of a successful proceeding in Parliament, woi^ ki have tended only to produce the most dreadful extremity of confusion You must remember, that f have always lamented ( as serious national calamities, menacing the constitution of the Monarchy) the reference, which has necessarily beer, made to the existence of those personal sentiments, and tilt satises which have occasioned that necessity. With the warrhest sentiments of personal veneration, at- tachment, and gratitude, my opinion has always bean, that the duty of loyalty and affection towards a British Sovereign does not consist in submissive obedience, even to the honest prejudices or errors of the royal mind, but rather, in respect. ful endeavours to remove those prejudices and errors, free advice in Coencil, and by temperate remonstrances iii Parliament. But the time for such endeavours had passe ; and I submitted relu& antly, not to my sense of tbe . duty of a faithful Counsellor towards his Sovereign, but o theJjainful, and, by me, irreversible necessity of the cas Thi6 is a subjeCt of the utmost, of the most perilous delica- cy— your letter has opened it; I will pursue it no farther than to assure you, that when, on the 31st of January, I de- clared, in the House of I. ords, my sentiments respecting the Roman Catholic Claims, the necessity which had occasioned my silence appeared to me to have entirely ceased. The second point of your Explanatory Letter refers to die man- agement of the war in the Peninsula. Your suggestions are necessarily indistirtfl, with regard to the additional means ( which have occurred since my re- signation), of extending our military effurts in that quarter ; 1 think I can colleCt even from your hints, that although tjiose means are extraneous, the probability of rheir existenc; might have been foreseen, as the natural result of instruc- tions which were in progress of execution previously to my resignation. But my objeClion to the system pursued in- the peninsula, at the time of my resignation, was applied to the whole frame and fabric of our permanent arrangements, both in Portugal and Spain, which, in my judgment, must be corrected and extended, not only with a view to the ad- vantageous use of such means as we new possess in th* Pen- insula, but even of such adventitious and extraneous mean* as events in other quarters may place at our disposal. Be- lieve me, my dear Lord, always your'c, most sincerely, ( Signed) WELLKSLEV. The Earl of I. iverpool, & c. We have seen letters from the East Indies which state, that whilst the Bucephalus frigate was cruizing in the Straits of Sunda, the ship's company were infefled with a contagious disorder, which carried off the whole of the principal Offi. cers and the greatest part of the crew. The let- ters add, that the frigate in question arrived in port under the command of a Midshipman, every Officer of a superior rank having been seized by the malady. We learn by a private letter from Chester, that two King's Messengers arrived in that city on Tuesday the 12th instant, and took into custody M. Boniol and M. Brango, two professors of the French language, whom, together with all their papers, they conducted to London. M. Boniol is by birth a Parisian, and had received a m > st liberal education. He fled from France ; b > ut the time the unfortunate Louis' was murdered, and, on his arrival in England, settled in Chester, where he had risen to eminence in his profession. Mr. Brango had not been so long in Chester. If those two men, who might have been considered as nationalized Englishmen, have been guilty of plotting against the State, how cautious ought the English Government, as well as that of this country, to be in guarding against the great in- flux of foreigners, who come as Emigrants ! We understand from the same authority, that Mr. Dallas and Mr. Burton, the Judges who go that Circuit, are to hold a Commission in Chester, on Monday next, for the trial of rioters, forty- 6ve in number, now confined in the Castle. As riots were apprehended from the mob, a troop of the Oxford Blues arrived in that city on Friday last, to do duty along with four companies of the Roy. al North Lincoln Regiment, the remainder of that fine regiment being detached to Stockport, Macclesfield, and Warrington. At Wampoo, in China, Capt. Macintosh, wh » commanded theBalcarras ( his own ship) recently bnilt at Bombay, was lately killed in consequence of the bursting of a carronade in giving a signal to the fleet. It is somewhat remarkable that the gun which the Captain diredted to be fired, wa » placed in the waste, while he stood upon the poop, a considerable distance in so large a ship, and that he should be the only person on board who re, ceived injury. The splinter of the gun struck the Captain in the head, and produced instant death. The carronade had been purchased as part of the wreck of the Camden Indiaman, which was burnt last year at Bombay, and is supposed had receiv- ed in the conflagration, some injury which occa- sioned the accident. The Balcarras was built after Capt. M.' s own model, and was about to proceed to Europe to offer the ship to the Com- pany as a perfedt pattern for the construction of Indiamen— combining all the advantages of'the present mode of building, with the superadded advantage of greater security, quicker sailing, superior accommodation, and durability. BELFAST: Printed and Published by DRUMMOKD ANDERSON, foj Self and the other Proprietors, every Monday, Wtdnuday, an '. Saturday. - Price of the Paper, when sent to any part of the United Kingdom, ^ S, 8/. 3d. yearly, paid in advance. AOENTS— Messrs. Tayler and Newton, Warwiek- sq. I don— Mr. Bernard Murray, 166, Old Church street, Dub- lin— Mr Jas. Anderson, bookseller, Edinbuigh,
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