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The Glocester Herald


Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 17/08/1811
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 516
No Pages: 4
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PRINTED AND PUBLISHED, FOR THE PROPRIETORS, BY G. F. HARRIS. VOL. X. No. 516. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, ! 8ii. v PRICE SIX- PENCE MALI J ENNY. BERKELEY PEERAGE. MINUTES OF EVIDENCE. ( Continued from our last.) TUrn WIT. I. IAM FKNDM. I., Esq. was called in, end tutt- ing been sworn, teas examined as follows: Arif yes not a barrister by profession ? Yes, I am.— Allen- is your principal place ot residence? In tbe neighbourhood of Glocester.— Hon long has it been So? Aiiout two years. I lived before, till that time, uithitl two miles of Glocester; I now live in the su- burbs., - For how long before yon lived iu yot- r present place M' residence, had yon lived in the comity of Glqeejter, ill or near Gloccster? I was constantly re- silient there from the year 1786. I married and set- tied in Glocester in the year 1786.— What part of the year r786 do you recollect that you were married ? In SeptiHrtir was.-- Are you quite sure of the year in which you were married ? Perfectly sure.— Prior to the yti ' r i? 86, had you in the course of your profes- sion attended the Quarter Sessions at Glocester? I had!--- How long had yon been a barrister, practising at tin; Quarter Sessions at Gloccster? I think from tiie V t ir 1733 — Did you at the same time go the Ox- ford circuit, or any part of it ? Put of it.— What part ot'it flid'- yoti go ? I went regularly to Glocester, occa- sionally to Monmouth, Hereford, and Worcester.— Froj i tiie year 178.) r \ cs; I believe in the year 1783, ami •| iart of 1784, I went the whole circuit, with the e. vt '.. lion ofStafford.— Can yon recollect particularly wli.' fher yon attended the Quarter Sessions at Gloces- teiyiu the early part of the year 1785? Yes; I cer- tainly did.- - On what day was if, and in what month, that, yon attended the Quarter Sessions at Glocester, iu tic early part of that year? I cannot recollect the particular days nil which the Epiphany or Easter Keisions fell; 1 recollect particularly well that the Trinity Session ended ou the commission day of the a- iizes in July 1785.— Did you attend those Quarter Sessions, ihe July Sessions, at the city of Gloces- 1.1? I did.— Do you recollect whether at that time the assizes and the sessions were about tiie same time ? The sessions ended on the Wednesday which was the commission day of the assizes • When had the sessions begun? On the day before; tlje Tuesday.— The Quarter Sessions were on the Tues- day and the Wednesday, and the commission day when the Judges arrived w as on the Wednesday ? Yes. — Can you distinctly recollect more particularly what 4ay of' the month it was that the Tuesday and the Wednesday were. 1 I cannot; I have not referred to my memorandums, which wouid enable me to state the day of the. month.— You are perfectly sure of the month? Yes; it was July. If I was to venture to fix on any day I should say the 12th or 13th Do you recollect ou the day on which the sessions ended, or on any day during the sessions, your walking out alter dinner into a part ot' the town called Bell- lane? I do— Which day was that? On the Wednesday. Did you there observe any person looking out of a window in a house there? I did.— Who was it? The present Lady Berkeley.— What house was it that you saw that person looking out ofthe window of? It was a corner house, the front of which was in Southgate- strret, and part of it in Bell- lane.— Was there any. other persou in her rompany, or looking ont ef the window at the same time? I think not; not looking ont at the window.— Were you at that time acquainted with that Lady? I was not.— Had you ever spoken to her before? Never.— Had yon ever been in her com- pany before? Never.— Upon seeing that person look- ing out of winddw what did you do ? I kissed my hand to her, I believe; I saluted iu some way or other, either hy pulling off my hat or shaking my hand, or in some way or other - State every particular that you can recollect ? Either by taking my hat off, or kissing my baud, I showed an intention of w aiting upon her if. she would allow tne. I, in consequence, went up stairs into the room.— After you had made these sig- nals, how were they received by the Lady ? They were neither assented to, nor dissented from, that I recollect, and the door was open, aud I went up.— After yon had made tiie. se signals did the Lady w ith- draw froai the window? I do not recollect that she did. Was there anything discouraging from the window to prevent your going up stairs ? Certainly not.— Proceed in your statement ? I went upstairs; I entered into that common conversation that a man would enter into.— Upon going up stairs, did you find anybody in the company of that Lady, and what room did you go into? I went into a room up one pair of stairs, and I am pretty confident that the sister of of that Lady, Mrs. Fan- en, was with her in the room when I went in.— Had you been previously acquainted with that sister? No, 1 had not.— Had you ever spoken to her before? Not that I recollect.— Had you ever been in her company before ? I think not.— Do you know what her husband at that time was? I believe he was in some situation with an attorney of the name of Pember; I had known him for many years before; he was originally I believe iu the shop of his father, who was a butcher; and afterwards, by some means or other, was in the office of an attorney, atGlocester, ot the name of Pember.— Was Mr. Farren himself iu the room, or only Ihe two females? I think only tin two females.— Have the goodness lo proceed in giving an account of what passed with these two females? I .- at with them, and I rather believe, hilt I am nol confi- dent whether I drank tea w ith them that afternoon or not; I sat with them from half an hour to an hour ; I should suppose I might stay probably the greater part of an hour.— During that hour you think you drank tea with them? I rather think 1 did, but I am not confident.— Do you recollect by whose invitation, whether your ow- i or the ladies, you drank tea there that afternoon ? Not being perfectly satisfied that I did drink tea there, I cannot answer the question.— But you staid a considerable time there that after- noon? Yes.— Do you recollect any part of the conver- sation, or the turn of the subjects of conversation during the time yon were therewith those ladies? Not particularly, certainly.— How did you introduce yourself or begin the conversation with these ladies, you being a stranger? It is impossible at this distance ef time to say how I did it; I certainly paid that attention to a very handsome woman whom I found there which a man might he very naturally expected to pay.-- By that person youhaveso described, which of the sisters do you mean so to describe ? Lady Ber- keley.— You knew tiie other to be Mrs. Farren, the wife of the Mr. Farren you knew? I cannot say that T knew it at the time; but when I repeated my visit I knew it certainly; 1 cannot take upon mc to say 1 knew it that day.— Was it to Lady Berkeley your attentions were particularly directed ? Certainly.— How were they received? Not particularly objected to, and with no particular degree of forwardness. I do tint recollect that there was any tiling particu- larly forward in Lady Berkeley's conduct; nor did she appear afl'ciided with my conduct.— She convened i familiarly with you? Yes.- During the time you were endeavouring to make yourself acceptable, was there any thing to discourage you iu the prosecution of that object? I do not take upon me to say that there was any thing either particularly encouraging ordiscourag- iug; there was a conversation passed between os, but I should suppose that conversation which is like- ly to take place between a young man and a young woman so circumstanced.— Was there any thing passed during that visit which led you in the smallest degree to suppose that that Lady was a married woman ? Certainly nothing.— Did you then consider. her to be a young unmarried woman ? Mr. Serjeant Best objected to the question.— The witness was directed to withdraw.-— The witness was again called iu. Can you now recollect any thing more particular that passed at this first visit? I cannot.— Upon your going away, was any thing said on either side of an intention to renew your vidts? I do not recollect that there was; there might he.— About what time in the day was it that the first visit was paid ? It might be seven or eight o'clock; seven, I think; it was after dinner I recollect perfectly.— Was any otiiei pcison with yon during this first visit ? Whether any person was with me while I was walking: I rather think there was.— Did you at any time afterwards renew your visit? Yes.— How soon after this, which was on the Wednesday, did you renew your visit? Either the next, or the following day; I think not till the Friday.— State the time of day, and the circumstances of that second visit? It was in the afternoon I re- collect perfectly well.— About what time? I should think about' seven o'clock; it was after dinner.— When you went into the lane, did you then see any person at the w indow ? No, I did not.— Did you then go into the house ? I did.— Was the door open or shut? The door was, as it generally was, open; it was not the door of the house, lint a private door in the lane.— You had not occasion to knock at the door previously, or to see whether there w as any ser- vant attending ? No, I had not.— Into whatroom did yon go on going in ? Into a room up one pair of stairs, looking out to Southgate- strcct.— Was that the same room you had been in before? Yes, it was.— Who was in the room when you went in? I think only Lady Berkeley.— What passed on your going in— how did you introduce your- self? I do not know exactly how- to state that; but that I intimated that having visited her before, I wished to visit her again, and was come in consequence. It is impossible for me to state at this distance of time the particular language that I used.— Had you any business with the Lady? No.— Howlongdid yon stay with the Lady the second time? I should suppose about the same time as the first.— Upon this second visit did you driuk tea there? I think I did ; I am pretty confident I did the second time.- Who was in her company ? 1 do not believe any- body but ourselves.— Was any surpi ise intimated, or any objection intimated from Lady Berkeley when yon tirst came the second time? Not that I can re- coiled; I think certainly not— You have stated that you think yon drank tea" there, and that you drank tea with Lady Berkey alone? I am pretty confident I did ; the impression on my mind that she was alone at that time.— Do yon recollect from whom the invitation to drink tea came, whether it proceeded from yourself or tlie Lady? I do not recollect that she gave ine any invitation; I am confident that she did not.— How came you to stay to think tea there? It was my intention; and I professed an intention that I came to drink tea with her.— Upon your saying that, vyhat did Lady Berkeley say? She acquiesced in it.— You were alone during this visit, as you think ? Certainly part of the time, if not the whole.— State what was the subject of conversation between you during this second visit? It is impossible for me, at this distance of time, precisely to state the whole ofthe conversa- tion; I certainly professed myself an admirer of Iter's. — In what way were those professions received ? Not with any surprise certainly ; but at that time certainly no particular marks of encouragement were given mc. — During this second visit did anything pass from Lady Berkeley, or was anything said by her, intimat- ing that she was a married woman ? No, certainly not. — Did yoit repeat your visits after that again? Yes, I did.— When? I should suppose the very next day. I think on the Saturday, and I think once afterwards.— It was then four times lu the whole? I think, as near- ly as I can recollect, it was four times in the whole. I joined the circuit either the Tuesday or Wednesday following, at Hereford.— Having visited four times at this house ? I think four times. I think I may venture confidently to say that.— As to the visit the third time; in what part of the day was that paid ? It was always in the afternoon.— Did you stay tea the third time? I do not recollect that I did.— During the third visit did you see Lady Berkeley ? Yes.— In company with anybody or alone ? Whether the sister might bo pre- sent part of the time or not, I cannot pretend to say. — Can you recollect whether, any part of the visit, you anil Lady Berkeley were left alone together? Yes, certainly we were part ofthe time.— During this third visit, was any objcctiou intimated by Lady Berkeley to those visits that yon paid? Not any that I recollect.— Was the subject that passed at the third visit, the/ same that had occupied your attention the two preceding ones? Yes; I have no doubt it was. — The fourth time of your visiting did you drink tea there? I think I drank tea twice there, bnt on which particular days I cannot particularly state.— Do you ! recollcctwhethcr thesecond time you drank tea there, you drank tea with Lady Bcrkcly alone, or with any other person ? I will not take upon me to say; I can- not recollect.— How long did von stay the fourth time? The particular time I cannot state-; but I should suppose I staid about the same time each visit.— Do you recollect any thing that enables you to state at whose house this was where this Lady was ? I did know whose house it was in the course of my visiting, but on what particular day I cannot recollect. Mr. Farren, the husband of Mrs. Farren, came into the room, whom I had known some years before, and I immediately recognized him ; whether it was his house or not, I cannot particularly say.— At the time when Mr. Farren came into the room, was there any female in the room except Lady Berkeley? No; I remember perfectly well there was not. - State what was passing between you and Lady Berkeley at the time Mr. Farren came into the room? Premising, that nothing criminal, I solemly declare, ever did pass between Lady Berkeley and myself, I must submit to their Lordships that circumstances might occur which it might he very unpleasant to state. Occasional liber- ties might be taken, and perhaps at the time that Mr. Farmi canto in, something of that sort might be pass- ing; but I most solemnly declare, that nothing crimi- nal ever passed between Lady Berkeley and myself. — What was the nature of the liberties, if any, that were passing when Mr. Farren came into the room? I certainly was taking liberties with Lady Berkeley at that time, unquestionably.— Was it with or against her consent? Certainly with a degree of reluctance on her part.— What was tbe nature of the liberties you were then taking? I was saluting her.— Were you upon the ground with her? I rather think not; but I will not tako upon me particularly to say. There was a moment, I believe, when by accident she had slipped off her chair, and whether it was at that mo- ment Mr. Farrcn came in, I will not take upon me to say.— During any part of that time was any the least intimation given to you by Lady Berkeley, that she was a married woman? Certainly not.— Did you re- ceive from Lady Berkeley during this time, or at any- time during the visits, any reprimand or condemna- tion of what had passed ? Lady Berkeley certainly did occasionally express reluctance at liberties that I attempted to take.— Was that during the period those liberties were taking, or before or after them ? She expressed a reluctance every time-. 1 attcHq* ed to take any liberties of lhat kind, certainly.— After that passed, had you any communication with Lady Ber- keley after you went to Hereford? When I was at Hereford I wrote to Lady Berkeley.— Did you re- ceive any letter from Lady Berkeley ? I ilid.— Is that letter in existence, or is it destroyed? It is lost. I believe I may say destroyed.— State, as nearly as you can, Ihe contents of that letter? ( Ihj l\ lr. Serjeant Best.) Was not the letter you received ill answer to the one that you had written? Certainly—( By Mr. Solicitor General.) Have the goodness then to state the contents of that letter written by Lady Berkeley? Mr. Serjeant Best objected to the evidencV. The witness was directed to withdraw. Mr. Solicitor General aud Mr. Attorney General were heard in support of the evidence. Mr. Serjeant Best was heard iu reply. The witness was again called in, and the question directed to he read. It was iti answer to letter written by me; I do not know whether I am at liberty to state to your Lordships what the contents of my letter were.— State only the contents of Lady- Berkeley's letter? The contents jf Lady Berkeley's letter were rather of a favourable expression toward-, me. It begins with a complaint of my making a request to her to meet me alone, unaccompanied by any female friend ; that if my intentions were honour- able towards her, 1 should have rather desired her to bring some female friend with her whose presence would have prevented any improper circumstances taking place at the meeting; which was pretty near the whole, at least that was the substance of the letter I received from her Ladyship.— Can you at all re- collect in what way the letter began? I certainly do recollect the peculiar expression; I certainly do re- collect the first expression, and I think I can venture with confidence to say that it began in these words, " Maria with equal heart sits down to answer the letter she has received." I beg leave to state that it was the peculiarity of the expression that made that impression upon me, that I am confident I can state it correctly. — During any part ofthe time of your visits to Lady Berkeley, did you observe her to labour under any ill health? I think she stated to me that she had been in an ill state of health, but that she was recover- ing from it. — Did she appear at' that, time to be in health or otherwise? She appeared rather delicate, certainly.— Did you, after receiving this letter from Lady Berkeley, continue any iitercourse with her Ladyship ? I certainly nnderstool from her Ladyship's letter, that she would not adnit my visits on any other than honourable terms; my situation was such as to render it absolutely ruin to form an honourable connexion with her, and I relinquished the connexion altogether, and never had any communication with her Ladyship afterwards.— As yon stated that you had been a considerable time resident in the county of Glocester, during the time of your residence there did Lord Berkeley and this Ladyevetpass as man and wife? I never understood that theydid.— During all that time what name did lierLadystip go by ? Tudor, I believe ; the letter that she wrote to me was signed merely Maria ; there was uo surname added to it.— During the time she lived with Loid Berkeley did she pass as his wife ? Certainly not, tomy knowledge. Cross- examined. When did you first mention this, and to whom? The particular time that I first mentioned it I cannot recollect; but I certainly recolle*: that many years ago, several years ago, it was a tope of conversation; it was known as these tilings are known in a provin- cial town, that I had visited her; and I have been asked by a great many people whether I did not visit her, and I have been asked the terms upon which I was with her, audi have constantly and invariably asserted that tbe terms upon whichl was with her had nothing criminal in them.— Did you visit Lord Berke- ley ? No, I never did.— Have you tot always been in opposition to Lord Berkeley iu the county, and at variance with him ? Certainly not.— Have not you and the late Lord Berkeley had several quarrels ? None ever.— Were not yon a candidate for the situ- ation of chairman ofthe session? Certainly not; that many of my friends wished to place mc iu that credit- able situation is true; thev applied tome, and offered nie the situation, but I declined it in consequence of not being able from other avocations to fill it; I had taken a place in Yorkshire, and passed one- third of the year there, and it would have Oeen inconvenient to me to have taken it.— IIav$ you uot expressed great displeasure at the conduct of Lord Berkeley in preventing your being chairman? Never.— Have you never expressed displeasure against Lord Berkeley on any other occasion? I have expressed surprize af- ter having quitted the profession, that Lord Berkeley did not think proper to put me into the commission of the peace; but that any thing like displeasure escaped me I do most positively deny. Lord Berke- ley was applied to, without my knowledge, by a very respectable friend of mine, and he did in consequence put me into the commission. Whenever Lord Berke- ley and I met on the business of the county we have always behaved with respect to each other, and I al- ways treated him with the respect due to his high situation.—( By a Lord.) Was it the first, thesecond, or the third visit in which yon were interrupted by Mr. Farren coining into the room? I really caunot state particularly. I can state so far that it was not the first; I cannot state iu which ofthe other visits it took place; I know it was not the first, aud I believe it was uot the second.— Are you prepared to say it was not the last ? I cannot take upon inc to say that it was; if I was to state what 1 believe, I should ra- ther believe it was the last.— Do you recollect what passed with Mr. Farren after he came into the room ? Mr. Farreh came into the room, and on seeing lis to- gether retired instantly.— Did you remain with Lady Berkeley for auy considerable time after Mr. Farren retired? Certainly some time; how long precisely I cannot state.— Were you at any time desired to dis- continue your visits? Never.— You have stated, that immediately on Mr. Farren's coming into the room, and in the course of your visits to Lady Berkeley, you recognized him as an old acquaintance; could it have oi'c urred in conversation in any of the former visits to inform Lady Berkeley that you were known to Mr. Farren, or was it only on Mr. Farren's coming into the room at lhat time that she became acquainted with that circumstance ? I certainly did understand before that circumstance who the parties were ; that Mrs. Farren was the wife of a man I had known some years before, and that Lady Berkeley was her sister. — Did you make that known to Lady Berkeley ? I do not know that I did.— You say that you wrote to La- dy Berkeley? Yes.— By what name did you direct that letter? I think it was to Miss Cole; but I Will not take npon me to say whether to Miss Cole or Miss Tudor; but I am pretty confident she had not assum- ed the name of Tudor at that time; bnt I beg to be understood not to state that positively.— In what month did you write that letter to Lady Berkeley? July , it was a very f v day > fter my first interview. — Did you ever see, or are you acquainted with Lady Berkeley's brother? No. — How lately have you seen that letter of Lady Berkeley's ? 1 should suppose I have. not seen it for these ten or eleven years— Was there any particular occasion for destroying that let- ter? What I am going to state I ant reminded of by others. I had put that letter in a travelling writing case that I had, and that writing case was thrown aside; there were other papers in it that I wished should not be made public. I think about tile year 1302 or 1803, on my boys going to school, oneof them asked inc for an old writing case ; that was brought to me by my wife; of this I was reminded by her in the course of the last summer. I think I was enquir- ing in the course of the last summer for this letter case, I wished to know whether I could find it for the pur- pose of seeing whether there was such a letter there; she reminded me I had given the case to one of my boys when he went to school; and that I took out a number of papers in it and burnt them. I cannot state from my own recollection that this passed, bnt she reminded me of it that I had then destroyed the papers in that writing case.— Then you are to be un- derstood that that letter was not destroyed with any view oue way or other to this business ? Certainly not. — Have you ever been applied to for the letter on the part of Lady Berkeley? In October last I received a letter from a friend of mine when I was in the north, stating that lie had been ill correspondence with Lady Berkeley.— Have you been applied to by any person for tlmt letter which you received from Lady Berke- ley? I have.— Who applied for that letter? A Mr. Westfaling.— Was there any reason assigned for ask- ing for that letter? He stated to me that he had re- ceived a letter from Lady Berkeley.— What answer was given to the application? The answer that I gave to the application Was, that as there was a probability of n; y being called before this Honourable House I should wish to have no communication with tbe par- ties on the subject.— Are you a native of Glocestcr? No, I am not.— Had you resided for any considerable time in Glocestcr previously to seeing Lady Berkeley? The early part of my education I received at Glo'Ces- ter, and, during my vacations, I spent a certain part of them at Glocester.— Was the person of Mrs Farren known to you previously to your first visit which yon have- spoken of? No ; I think not.— Nor the person of Lady Berkeley ? No.— Did Mr. Westfaling offer or communicate to yon any letter of Lady Berkeley's? He did.— You read that letter? I did.— Have you got it ? I received a letter from Mr. Westfaling I thiuk about a fortnight ago, desiring that if I had that letter which had been sent to me in the north, I would return it to Lady Berkeley. I immediately enclosed it to hint, saying, I thought it would he a much more correct way that it should be returned through him than from me. Then, at the request of Mr. Serjeant Best, the fol- lowing questions and answers in the examination of Lady Berkeley, were read; viz.—" Your Ladyship recollects having written one letter to him ? " Yes; I did; and if it could be produced, lhat would at once clear up the whole thing, without my producing the letter to which I have now alluded— Your Lady- ship never sent, through the medium of any person, to desire to have your letter delivered up to you ? No; but I heard Mr. Fendall had talked on the subject by insinuation, and not speaking out, that lie knew a great deal of Lady Berkeley ; and I w rote a letter to Mr. Westfaling, stating the transaction, which letter was put into Mr. Fentlall's hands, and he sent his compliments back to me, and that he knew no more of the circumstances of the marriage than what I stated in the letter." The witness was asked,— Did yon accompany that letter with the message to Lady Berkeley, stating that you wished your compliments to be presented to her Ladyship, and that you knew nothing more of the marriage than was contained in that letter? I did state to Mr. Westfaliug in a letter to the effect your Lord- ship has stated, but not when I enclosed the letter, but when I was in the north in October last. The witness was directed to withdraw. Then the Reverend JOHN CHAPEAU was called in, and having been sworn, was examined as follows : Were you an acquaintance of the late Lord Berke- ley? Yes; for thirty- five years.— From what time to what time? From the year 1772 to 1796.— Do you recollect baptizing any one of his children? I do.— Which of them was it? William Fitzliardinge.— In what year was that? That was in the year 1787.— At what place was it ? At St. George's, Hanover- square. — Who applied to you to christen that child? My Lord Berkeley.— Have you seen the registry of his baptism? I have.— Was the registry of the baptism, when you last saw it, in the same form as when you first registered that child ? No, a very different thing. — State in what respect the registry was different from what it was at first? The certificate I gave to Lord Berkeley was, " William Filzhardiuge, the natu- ral son of Frederick Augustus Earl of Berkeley, by- Mary Tudor."— Did you at that time know that lady that you described as Mary Tudor? No, not at all but at the christening.— You were at that time well ac- quainted with Lord Berkeley? Very well.— As you were an intimate acquaintance of Lord Berkeley's, did yon know whether any and what lady was living to be baptized; and that the lady lived in Park street, near Park- lane.'— Was that lady present at the christening? She was.— Was the child christened iu the manner you have described? Certainly.— Did you receive any directions from anybody as to the manner in which you were to give the certificate, or was it of your own accord you wrote it so? As soon as the thing was over I w rote it ill that way.— How did you know whose child it wasbefore christening the j child did ynu see Lord B- rkeley or this . Miss Tudor * No, Lord Berkeley applied to me to christen this child.— What application did his Lordship make lo you, an I in what w ay ? He Said lie had a natural son, and should be very much obliged to me to if I would Christen- him ; and I told him I could not do it, as it was a natural child; and therefore begged that lie would excuse me, for I must apply to the rector of St. GeorgnS parish if I did, and I did not think, it w as a post of honour to apply for any man's natural child, — What. passed upon that? I told Lord Berkeley I thought his best plan would he to send the nurse and the child alter morning prayers to the vestry at St. George's, and there he would find an officiating cler- gyman that would christen the child and register it at the same time, for I conid not register iu another man's parish without his leave; then to my astonish- ment. my Lord Berkeley called upon ihe in Piccadil- ly and produced a written leave for me to I. Mptiz. this child in his parish; signed by Dr. Henry Conrleimj - The day was then fixed, and the parties- consisted ofthe child, the motb'cf-, M!. ss Tndor's mother or aunt, I sup- posed, Admiral Prescott, myself, and the clerk of St. George's parisli.- At what date was this? It was January thclPth 1787 .- At the christening, when I waspullingcff illy surplice, I found Admiral Presco'tt Writing do. vn what I must have asked him if he had not; I do not mean that it was any thing improper," William FitzhardingC, natural son of the Earl of Berkeley, by Mary Tudor!"— Was Lord Berkeley present then? Lord Berkeley was not present.— How soon aftervtardS did you see I. ord Berkeley ? Lord Berkeley dined with Sir Sidney Meadowes that day.— How- soon afterwards did you see Lord Berkeley ? Lord Berkeley pfiOf to the chris- tening, desired that when I had done I would bring the certificate to his house iu Graftou- street, I took the certificate and went up stairs, and found Lord Berkeley without his coat. He said lie was in tiie niidst of dressing, took the certificate and said; " All is well, and I will be with you; go anil read the paper in my room, and I will be with yon iu a moment." I waited more than half an hour; I thought him a long time in dressing, aud about a quarter of an hour after lie came in with his hat on. Says he, " Well I have been with Dr. Conftcnay, and wehave both register- ed the child." I- said. t'tf him, " And what do you think brought me here?" Says he " My old friend, I really was so taken lip with the desire cf registering the child that I forgot you." rcdncluded it was all properly done, as Dr. Conrtenay and lie had been to- gether. I did not like the contcmpt of being left alone in that manner and I told his Lordship so.— Did you afterwards See the entry made in the register ? No, I did hot; that will come in its course; It wai a good while after that; I thiuk it Was about two years after that. Lord Berkeley applied to me again, and Said, " I know you have a great dislike to chris- tening natural children ; hut if you will be so good as to stand godfather with Admiral Prescdtt to my set cond son, I shall take it very kind, and give to oaf . nurse a g- iinea, and Admiral Prescott will give a gui- nea to tliei other muse." So the christening went on ; tint tliii- e was one thing that struck Bit: a « very extra- ordinary, Viifii the ceremony was ovci Lady Berke- ley gave a . sealed letter to Mr. Pitt, the officiating clergyman.- Did she thill go by thoonme^ of Lady Berkeley ? Oh no. I never heard that She Wfut by the name of Lady Berkeley till she was publicly married. — About what time do you mean that she was pub1ic; ly married ? When she was married ' by'the Bishop qf Glocester, I ( kink.— At. Lambeth? Yes.— How was that second child to wliieh yon were desired to stand godfather entered; What was its name? I do lint know ; Frederick, I believe.— Was that child repre- sented by Lord or Lady Berkeley to be a legitimate child; Or the contrary ? On the contrary; I never heard of any legitimacy.— Have y'ou ever seen the re- gister of the first son. the Claimant, whom you have spoken of? I have;— Is it ill the form in which you first had given this certificate td Lord Berkeley ? No not at all.- What is the difference? " William Fitz- hardinge, son of Lord Berkeley and Mary Tudor," I think.— The question is as to the name Ofthe person, not of the certificate Which you delivered to Lord Berkeley; but in the register is the name there enter- ed Tudor? No, not Tudor; Cole.— Had tlnit name Cole beeu eVer suggested or put into llic certificate you delivered to Lord Berkeley? Oh no, never; I never knew that her name was Cole sill she had several children.— Upon what occasion was It that you did know her name to be Cole? I think it was upon Lord Berkeley's going to the House of Lords to claim a for- mer marriage.— Was that the first time you heard of that former matriagc ? Yes, the first time.— Did you continue intimate with Lord Berkeley for sbni » years after the first christeningr I was v'ery intimate with Lord Berkeley till my going to Spring Gardens, w hen lie had been in the House of Lords, and from that time I never spoke to Lord Berkeley,— Up to that time hail yon continued an intimacy with Lord Berke- ley ? Yes.— Did Lord Berkeley break off the acquain- tance with yon, or you with Lord Berkeley? I broke off the acquaintance with Lord Berkeley.— Prior to that time did you ever hear from Lord Berkeley of a first marriage? No, never.— Dining all the time of the intimacy subsisting between you and Lord Berke- ley, did Lord Berkeley pass as a married or a single man? As a single man. J recollect a circumstance that passed on coming from shooting one day; it was Lord Berkeley's custom to ask where Miss Tudor was, and the servant that answered his question said, " My Lady Berkeley is in the pleasure grounds;" to which Lord Berkeley answ ered; " You fool whom do you mean by Lady Berkeley, I have no Lady Berkeley belonging to mc bnt my mother." That servant re- peated that Once after that, but never afterwards.— At what time did that pass which yon have now des- cribed, as nearly as you can recollect; perhaps you may be able to remember how long it was after the christening ofthe first sou, if it was after? Icaunot make out, it was in the month of October I think; I think it was in October, because that was one of the months I used to go down and shoot with Lord Berkeley at Cranford, for it happened there.— Can you recollect about what year it was? No, I cannot at all tell what year it was; I should think tw o years after the chris- tenihg o'f the first boy, but I cannot tell at all.-- Did you use to dine at Lord Berkeley's house frequently? I had. a house in. the neighbourhood and a family, therefore I sometimes have; but very seldom.—- Did this lady preside at. the table when you have been there ? She did.— What name did she go by ? Tudor, — Did she ever go by any other name than that? N • ver.- Did any of the children ever go by any oth r name than that by which the one had been christened? Berkeley and their christian names, Fitz and Frede- rick.— Do you know whether any ladies ofthe neigh- bourhood were in the habit of visiting that person Miss Tudor? No, I do not know.— You represented that you had seen Lord Berkeley at Spring Gardens ( Continued in the fourth fagtij •) Mi'Ks DAY's, POS'i:. LONDON. W EllNKSllAY. Al'G. It. FROM SATURDAY'S IMNDON GAZETTE. DO WM NO - STREET, Alio. 10,; 1911. ' HE following dispatch has been received from Governor Farqnhnr, dated Port Louis, Isle of France, April 2, 1811 : — I have the honour to inform your Lordship, that his Majesty's ship of war Eclipse, jgaptain Lyiihe, re- turned'to this port ou the 5Ui'ultimo, after having taken possession of- the Flench port of Tamelavi, at Madagascar, on the 18th February, and landed Ihe de- tachments from his Majesty's 22d regiment and Bour- bon rifle corps, for the garrison of that island. The French commandant accepted,' without opposition, t he term* upon which the Isle of France capitulated.— ' Hie result of this service has freed these seas from the last French flag, and secured to tis'an unmolested traf- fic vi ith the fruitful and abundant Island of Mada- - pranr. v-: • — ic- v-.—- —- ~ f . ' [ Toe Gazette likcwjs" contains accounts of the fol- lnwiiig naval exploitsa « d Captures, vns.-- The destruc- tion lit'a large Krencli brig'of war, of Ut' gnus, bound to Ea. usn, with naval stores, by detachments from the Belle P - ule and Alceste frigates, in the, Adriatic, in w hich ( t ie enemy having taken shelter under a but- . tery,) the British had fnurnitn killed, aiid four wound, cd. - An enemy's convoy of nine vessels, attacked near the Peniitarks; by the Amazon frigate, Capt. Parker, and four captured and five destroyed. A small French ptivaieer, of Granville, captured bv the. Derwent sloop, Capt. Sutton; and two small enemy's privateers sent into Guernsey, by the Violet lugger.— Three small pi ivuteets. nine B'. itaviaiigun- boats, five piratical prow s, and 35 Dutch trading vessels, captured or destroyed in tire Indian Seas, by the Sir Francis Drake sloop, Capt. Harris, three of them in conjunction w. th the boats ofthe Uelliqiieiix.] Tuesday's Gazette states that the boats of the • Euryalus frigate and the Swallow sloop, on 7th June last captured after a long chute, off the Island of Cor.- ica, LTutrepide French privateer, of two 8- p- lindens aud 58 men.- The bnatsof the Herald sloop, wt'h those of the Pilot sloop, cut out 4 vessels from • under the town of Monastarrachi, on the 9th May. Joseph Bonaparte has arrived at Valladolid. Hostilities have re- commenced between the Turks Slid Russians, the latter of whom claim a signal victory. The Court of Inquiry at Hal fax has decided that the Little Belt did not fire thefirst shot. It appears by all private letters brought hv the ves- sels recently arrived from America, that Hie President has adopted the resolution of supporting Captain Rod- gets in Ins outrage upon the Little Belt. Monday the Prince Regent, andhisRoyal Brothers, dined with the Queen and the princesses in Windsor Castie, to celebrate the Prince Regent's birth day in a private manner. It is understood that her R. H. the Princess Char- lotte of Wales, having completed her education, for the purpose uf which her residence in town was necessary, is to have an enlarged establishment in Hampton- Coiirt Palace, under the same roof* with her ruyai father. The Irish Government have begun to act in con- formity with the proclamation recently issued, and the following gentlemen, vis. Dr. Joliu Joseph Burke, of Graiiby- row; Dr. Rreen, of Abbey- Street; Henry Edmund ' faaffe, Esq. banker, of Lord F'french's Bank, ill Dommick- street; Gregory Scurlog, Esq. merchant, of Domiuick- street; and Thos. Kirwau, Esq. merchant, of Abbey- street, were on Friday last arrested; and on the charge of being elected delegates, or being present at the election, and aiding and assist- ing therein, were held to hail Upon informations taken before the Lord Chief Justice of theKuig's Bench. We understand, that a body of Dutch fishermen, to the amoijt of ( JOO, have recently made application to the British Government to he taken under its protec- tion; and have solicited to be allowed to settle ou some part of the east roast of Scotland, A most destructive fire has taken place at Arch- angel, which had consumed a number of warehouses, containing Russian produce. This calamitous event, as well as a similar oue at Koningsberg, is attributed to French emissaries. We have tne pleasure to announce the site arrival of the East India fleet in the Downs, miderjconvoy of his ilajestv's ships gelliqueux and Menela » ls; viz.— Arm. tui, Wexford, Elphiustone, Cuff ells., Woodford Allied, and Wiachclsea, from China the i4th of Fe- bruary; Thouias Grcnville ami Earl St. Vincent, from Bei gal; Exeter, from Bombay; and Ceylon and Windham, from the Mauritius. Thefleetlias brought fconie twomillionssterling, in dollars, from the Chinese Governnient, to purchase naval stores; a measure never known to have been adopted before by the Cluuese Government. Lieut. Browne has been appointed to the rank of commander, for his valuable invention ofiron cables. The Nabob of Oude lately gave a grand hunt, to which a number of European officers were invited, and ill the course of which not fewer than twenty large tigers, which had long infested the country, and committed great depredations, were destroyed. Some elephants were, however, wounded in this diversion, and two or three ofthe hunters lulled. An Europe m gentleman ( Mr. Collet), was dangerously wounded. A peasant, of the name of J. Angely, was convicted at Mentz, on the 10th lilt, along with a woman with whom lie cohabited, of having murdered ten persons during the last eighteen months. It appeared, bv the evidence, that the criminal was a wood- cntter, and resided six miles from that cits ; being idle, and de- sirous of subsisting without labour, he determined to rob all single travellers who passed throngh a tieigli- iKiiiriug wood; for this purpose lie used to conceal him- self ill a high tree, and take deliberate aim at li s vic- tim: if he fell, he descended to finish his work, and after plundering, buried the body; if, on the contrary, he missed his aim, or the person, though wounded, at- tempted to escape, he gave the signal to a dog which be had trained, and which effectually prevented that design. The number of persons who had suddenly dis- appeared while passing through the wood, gave rise to suspicion, and led to the apprehension of Angely and the woman, both of whom, struck with rem rse, made a full confession of their guilt. Angely and the woman were executed on the 12th, and the dog was shot by order of the magistrates, A butcher, named Bosson, was lately condemned to death, at Perignnix, Frauce, for having poisoned bis father and mother. ' ihe pending battle between Crib and Molineux, will not take place at Doncaster, as suggested ; some of the magistrates have publicly expressed their deter- mination to resist an attempt of the sort. The battle will most likely be fought about 101) miles from town, on the skirts of several counties. A true bill was found at the Cambridge Assizes last week against Dan. Dawson, a well- known character on the tnrf, charging him with poisoning the race- horses at Newmarket. Suspicion first attached to him from llis having backed against Perriwhit and Dandy, the two favourites, which were poisoned, and impressing on others the necessity of doing so also. Mr. Sadler, the Aeronaut, on Monday ascended in bis balloon from the green at the Mermaid, Hackney, He was accompanied by Lieut. Paget, an officer in the navy, who had solicited and obtained a place in the ear for iOOgs. At a quarter before three Mr. Sadler aud his companion stepped into the car, and rose into tin.- air immediately with great rapidity: they were in tight about a quarter of an hour. An immense crowd of people were assembled in every quarter, where there was any chance of catching a view of the balloon. It wus seen distinctly towards the east from several parts of London a few minutes before three, but was $ oon out of sight Though the weather w as fair, yet the day was not remarkably clear, or they would have been visible considerably longer. They took with them, besides life- preservers, grappling- irons, clothing, and ballast, two purple flags, which they continued to wave as they pursued their trackless path, ill grate- fid testimony to the reiterated shouts and pludits of tiie innumerable spectators. The aerial travellers de- scended ill safety within a quarter of a mile of Tilbury Fort, at four in the afternoon; having during their vovage kept near y the course of the Thames. Jlank Token*.— Counterfeiters are liable to seven years transportation ; utterers, first time, six months imprisonment; second time, two years imprisonment; third lime, fourteen years transportation. RAN ERUPTS from, SATURDAYS GAZETTE. \ Peter Mather, Manchester, roller and machine- maker, cf. c. Aug. 31, . Sept. 3, 21, : il the Do? Tavern, Manchester. Alts- Eige, Man- chester; or Hard, Temple Thomas B, mitt, Wheedon Beck, Nhrthimiplbn. btltc'her, < i. c. August lis, 30, Sept. 21, at the Wheat Sheaf, Daventry Alts- lur- ton, Daventrv ; in Kinderlev and Cil. Cray's Inn. William Ar'ro- wsrmth, Stoke Stafford. and Jthn Arrtmsihith, Pen- nington, Lancashire, comta- an- brewers, ri. e. a- I cuparlneis, ' August 20. 21, Sept. 21, at the- Katie and Child, Wigan. Atts. Win- lie, tohii streel; or-. GasV.- II, Winan Thomas fatter, & igin% ge Wells, ' Middlesex, Victualler, August 13, 17, sept. 21, at Guikfhatl. ' Atts. Peanion and Co. JstapIe Inn Andrew ftegg, Tahswcrth, Lancashire, innkeeper, machine-- maker, d c. August .- 3. . V, Sept. 21, at die Unicorn, Man hester. Aits. V. dgr, Manchester; or tills, Chancery- lane. fettr tfattkmstCoaOalUfi^ an, merchant, d c. August 13, 17, Sent 21, at Guildhall. Au. Allan, Old Jewry. John H'ibbtrley, Manchester, diaper, d. c. August 23, 24, Sept. 21, at the Due Tavern, ^ Manchester. ' Atts. Foulkec and Co Man- chester ; or Longdill and Co. GVav's ten. 3tmaWilm. Manchester, grocer, ( I. e. August29, 30, Sept. 21, at the Globe, Liverpool. Atts. Wood.-, Liverpool; or Blackstoclc, Temple. Edward Ttmmr Herbert and . hichstrd Crouch Petifold, West Smithlield, blacking- mamif icturers, d. c. August IS, 24. Sept. 21, at Guildhall. Aits. Syddall, Aldersgate- street'; or Lvans, IlaUon- Girden. John Scott, Belvedere- place, George's- fields, wharfmeer, coal- merchant, . i. e. August 17, 30, Sept. 2' l, at Guildhall. Alt. Lys, Took's- coui t. Chancery- lane. Thomas Iiarhcr, Batheastou, Somerset, d c. August If, 26, Sept. 21, at the I-' ull Moon, Bath. Atts. Higlimoor and Cu. Bush- lane; or H'ingate, Hath Charles Turner, Millbank- street, Westminster, cnlour- maker, d c. August 13, 17, Sept 21, at Guildhall. Atls. Tims, Upper Chariot e- sirect. Thomas Nieholls, plvmouth, merchant, master mariner, d. c. August 13, 24, Sept 21, at Guildhall. Att. Lamb, Princes- street. Ninean Gay, George- street, Portman- square, baker, August 17, 24, Sept. 21, at Guildhall AU. Upstoue, Charles- street, Caven- dish- square. Samuel Shaw, Brunswick- square, Middlesex, insurance- broker, utuier- writer, d. c tu ; ust 17,24, sept, 21, at Guildhall. Atts. Ache- Sim and, Co. Great Winchester- street. Robert Kendall, Cht- apside, warehouseman, d. c. August 13. 24, Sept. 2!, at Guildhall Atts. Tobte and Co. Crane- court, Kieet- street. Richard Carter. Stephen- street, Pancras, carpenter, builder, d- r. August 17. 21, Sept 21, at Guildhall. Att. Benton, Union- Street, Southwark. HANK It i I'TS ream TUESDAY' j GAZFT'E. John Percv Clarkt, Stratford- upon- Avon, Warwickshire, linen- diap'cr, d. c. Sept. 11, 12. 24. at the Shaktspear Inn, Stratford- upon- Avon. Aits. Sltephard and Adl-. iigton, BeOford- iowj or Wyatt, Stratford- upon- Avon. John Lloyd, Woootwi- h, Kent, cheesemonger, d. c. August 17, 24, Sepi 24, at Guildhall. Atl. CluttoflTSt. Thoroas's- streel, South- ward. JohnDando. Langport, Somersetshire, corn-' actor, d c August • 9 30, Sept 24, at the Mermaid Inn, Yeovil. Atts. Watts, Yeovil; or WaUmgtoa. Aldcrsgaie- street. Charles Dufrene and John Penny, Nottingham, haberdashers, it r. August 28, 23. ept. 23, at the Puncn Bowl, Nottingham. Alts. Kmderleyand Co Gray's Inn ; or Peicy, Nottingham. John Sistey, Beckley, Sussex, shopkeeper, d. c. August 17,31, Sept 24, at Guildhall." Atts. Reardon and Davis, Corbet- courl, G. acecliurch- stieet. James Robinson, Maiden- lane, Covent Garden, coffee house- keeper, vn- lner, d c August 17, 20, Sept. 24, at Guildhall. Atts. Swain and Co. Old Jewry. BAVKRUPTCr SUPERSEDED.— Thomas Dunstan, Falmouth, Cornwall, linen draper, d 0. DIVIDENDS.-- Sept. 7. William Ch, tries Stevens, Westbury- upun- Trym, Gloeestershire, jobber, d. c. at the IVhiie Hart Inn, Bristol Sept. 13 Joseph Morris, Chepstow, Monmouthshire, grocer, shopkeeper, d at the George lun, Chepsiow. CERTIFICATE.- Sept. 8. Richard ford, Bristol, rope- manufac- turer, d. c. 181 1. Tack for Cattle and Horses, IN TEWKESBURY SEVERN HAM. THE TRUSTEES for the Burgesses or Freemen, and principal Householders of tlie Borough of Tewkesbury, in the county of Glocester, no HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That they will take to TACK. 111 the above Meadow, from the 19th day of August, to the Kith day of September next, both inclusive, on the following terms : ( With liberty to exchange 011 appli- cation to tbe Hay ward, paying One Shilling per head.) PER WEEK. HORSES, Four Shillings TWO YEAR OLD COLTS, Three Shillings. YEARLING COLTS, Two Shillings. OXEN and MILKING COWS, Three Shillings and Sixpence. NEAT CATTLE, Three Shillings. TWO YEAR OLD HFIFERS, Two Shillings. YEARLING HEIFERS, One Shilling and Six- pence. The money to be paitl at the time of marking, and Two- pence per Head to the Hayward; and as the NeatCatlle will be. marked when turned into the Ham, all found unmarked will be considered as tresspassing, a. id impounded, . Neither Hulls, Stallions, or Diseased Cattle, will he admitted. N. B It is particularly desired that all persons turn- ing in Horses, Cattle, Sec. as above, will briug them 011 the dav of letting. Apply to Mr. R. Smith, Baker; Mr. J. Rich- ardson, Auctioneer; or to Mr. Samuel Mew, the Hay- ward, ail of Tewkesbury, who w ill attend at the Star Inn, ou the Quay, ou the 19th of August instant. General Couch Office, BOOTHALL INN, GLOCESTER. THE Public are most respectfully informed, that the following COACHES sets out from the above Inn. SWANSEA LIGHT POST COACH, ( THE PRINCE OF WALES,) through Newnham, Lyd- ney, Chepstow, Newport, Cardiff, Cowbridge, and Neath, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, at half- past Six. and returns the same Day. Tins is the only COACH that avoids the disagreeables of crossing the Severn Passage BIRMINGHAM TELEGRAPH COACH, THE LORD WELLINGTON, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, at half- past Seven. Guarded throughout. LEICESTER LIGHT POST COACH, to carry Four nisides only, Monday. Wednesday, and Friday Mornings, at half- past One. Guarded throughout. BRISTOL TELEGRAPH COACH, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Afternoons, at Three o'clock. BIRMINGHAM LIGHT POST COACH, the JUPITER, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sun- day Mornings, at half- past Seven. Guarded through- out BRISTOL LIGHT POST COACH, to carry Four nisides only, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Afternoons, at half- past Four o'clock. BRISTOL LIGHT POST COACH, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday Afternoons, at Three o'clock. CHELTENHAM TELEGRAPH COACH, every Afternoon, ( Suiidav exeepted,) at Three o'clock. BRISTOL TELEGRAPH COACH, every Morn- ing, ( Sundays excepted,) at Nine o'clock. ict" In addition to these Coaches, the Public are most respectfully informed, that the arrangements are nearly completed for the LONDON DAY COACH, Performed by the Public's most obedient Servant. SPENCER and Co. SWEDISH SOAP. MILFORD- HAVEN, SOUTH WALES. THIS NEW SOAP willbe found be\ ond all comparison the best preparation known for the MILLING, & c. of WOOLLEN CLOTH, and to be a most important improvement. Made only as ordered, and sold in CHESTS, Price Fifteen Pounds sterling each, containing in general about Three Hundred Weight but regulated always by the current value of Loudon Cttrd Soap, it bearing the same price. Orders for any quantity not less tnan a Chest in post- paid Letters ( enclosingRemittances 111 Bankers' Paper, or they will not be attended to,) addressed to the sole Manufacturers, " THE MILFORD- HAVISN SOAP AND ALKALI COMPANY," Pembroke, will lie executed within three weeks' notice, and delivered free of expence at any of the principal ports in the united kingdom. V* NO CREDIT WHATEVER. BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. '" K'HE greatest blemish to Beauty is supcr- X tluous Hairs on the Face, Neck, and Arms. HU- BERT's ROSEATE POWDER immediately removes them ; is an elegant article, perfectly innocent, and plea- sant to use. Price 4- s.; or two iu one parcel 7s. Sold by the Proprietor, No. 23, Russell street, Co- vent Garden, London ; also by D. Walker, at his New Medicine Warehouse, Westgatc- streel, and bv Whutirk, Glocester; Seidell, Henney, ItufT, and Wbittick, Chel tentiam; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; Wilson, an; Jenner, Stroud; Heath, Moniiioulh; Roberts, Rossd Red dell, Tewkesbury; Agg, Evesham; Tymbi, Wor- cester ; Prosier, Bristol; and by oae person ia every town. TEWKESBURY, iStQCESTERSHIfiE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCI ION, by IV. MOORF and SON, At the SWAN INN, in Tewkesbury, on Monday, the jpth day of August, at four o'clock in the after- noon, ( subject to the conditions of sale to be then produced;) — A capital and most desirable Freehold, Messuage or Tenement AND DWELLING- HOUSE, Now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Vernon, with convenient Offices, three- stalled Stable, Out- buildings, and Garden, situate in the High- street, iu Tewkes- bury. , The House and Offices are in excellent repair, and comprise, on thp basement floor, two spacious cellars; 011 the ground floor, two good parlours ; and excellent kitchen and back kitchen detached from the dwelling house, with furnaces and every other convenience complete ; on the first floor, two excellent bedcham- bers, and one smaller one, and two convenient bed- chambers over the kitchen aud back kitchen, with two other good sized bedchambers on the attic floor. The Garden, which is very extensive, iswell stocked with the choicest fruit trees, now in their prime; and the premises are abundantly supplied with both sorts of water, the whole forming a most complete and desirable residence for a Gentleman's family. ( f^ For a view of the Premises, and for further particulars, application may be made to Mr. HARRIS, Solicitor, Tewkesbury. GLOCESTERSHIRE. X0 BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by JL IV. MO ORE and SON, At the HOP POLE INN, in Tewkesbury, precise- ly at four o'clock in the afternoon of Wednesday, the 2Lit day of August, 1811, ( and not an the 14this before advertised, an account of Worcester Races happen- ing on that dap.) in Lots, and according to conditions of sale to be- then and there produced;— About Seventy Acres of Common Field ARABLE LAND, and a Homestead, and several Inclosurcs of MEADOW ami PASTURE LAND, situate in the liamlets of Asfein- tipon- Carraut, ill the parish of Asli- church, iu the county of Glocester, and Kiiisham, in the parish of Breedon, in the county of Worcester, now in the occupation of Mr. William Haynes, Ihe Proprietor, and who, 011 application to him for that purpose, will cause the same to be shewn. The Premises are in part Freehold, and other part Leasehold, fur a term of 1000 years and upwards; and the Lands are of the most fertile description, and the situation extremely convenient, particularly as an In- closure of the hamlet of Aston is about to take place, by means of which the property cannot but be greatly benefited. Descriptive particulars of tlie several Lots will be ready for delivery within one week from this time, at the several principal Inns in Tewkesbury, Chelten- ham, Evesham, and Winchcomb; or the Auctioneer's house also iu Tewkesbury; and the like particulars or any other information relative to the Premises, may be" bad on app! i? 5ti„ ii to T. Williams, Solicitor, in Winchcomb, ' HEREFORDSHIRE. Bordering on Worcestershire, and within nine miles of the city of Worcester. AVERY desirable and highiy- improvoable FREE- HOLD ESTATE, ( except a small part, which is Copyhold of Inheritance) with early possession, WILL HE SOI. D BY AUCTION, BY W. HANDY; Comprising upwards of .100 Acres of extreme rich Meadow, Pasture, Arable, Coppice and Hop Ground, with one of the best Plantations of Fruit Trees in the tw. i counties; known by the name of the HALES END, situate in the parish of Craitlev, now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Ruscter, the Proprietor. Time and Place of Sale will be inserted in a future Paper; in the mean time particulars may he known by applying to the Proprietor, on the Premises; Messrs Long and Beale, Solicitors, Upton- npon- Sevcrn; or the Auctioneer, Worcester, who has a Map of the said Estate. Capital Freehold Estate for Sale. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by 1 11'. fI ANDY, At the White Liai Inn, Stratford- upon- Avan, on Friday, the 6th day jf September, 1811, ( and not on the 4th as before advertised,) at four o'clock in tiie after- noon, ( subject to conditions then to be produced);— A Capital Freehold Tythe Free Estate, Called BROUGHTON, situate in the parish of Whit- church, in the connti of Warwick, comprising a good House, part newly erected, with all necessary Offices, and Outbuildings, and 2. S2 Acres of Grazing, Meadow, Arable LAND, and ORCHARDING, part of the latter improving young Trees, and the rest now in full bearing, the whole lying within a ring fence, and divided into suitable inclosures by thriving quick hedges, with an abundant quantity of excellent Elm Timber growing ihereon. Broughlon is a manor of itself, in a fine sporting counlry, Lord Middleton's ( late John Cor- belt's, F. sq.) jtistlj celebrated fox hounds and several packs of harriers, being kept in the immediate neigh- bourhood; is distant only five miles from Stratford aforesaid, Shipstos- npon- Stour, and Campdeii, thir teen from Warwick, and ten from Evesham. Tbe stage coacbes from Birmingham to London, passing w itliiu a mile of the house. Possession may be had a Michaelmas next, and half or more of the purchase- money, if required, may remain on mortgage of the premises for ten years certain. The Purchaser or his Tenant may be accomodated by taking to the Crops and Fodder at a fair valuation. F'or a view, apply to Mr. Robert Evans, on the premises ; and for further information and particulars, to Mr. Thomas Evans, Priory, Deerhurst, near Tewkesbury; Mr. Thomas Evans, Tnomas Price, Attorney, or tlie Auctioneer, all of Worcester; with either of whom a Slap of the Estate may be seen. N. B. Parochial Rates remarkably low. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv 1 J. ROBINS, At the Hop Pole Inn, 111 the city of Worcester, upon Wednesday, tiie 28th of August, 1811, at twelve o'clock, 111 Lots, unless previously disposed of ( entire) by Private Contract;— The much- admired and TRULY DESIRABLE ESTATE, Called S. ANSOME FIELDS, adjoining to and partly within the limits of the city ofWorCeste r; consisting of a comfortable MANSION- HOUSE with requisite Offices, fit for the residence of a genteel family, double Coach- house, Stables, Barn, walled Gardens, and several Iieclosures of the most luxuriant Pasture and Meadow GROUND, divided into Paddocks, containing in the whole 60 Acres or thereabouts, let to Samuel Wall, Esq. and other most respectable Tenants; And two very rich Meadows, called D'EG- LISE MEADOWS, situate upon the. banks of the river Severn, in the pari- li ot St, Peter the Great, iu the comity and near to the city of Worcester, in the occupation of Anthony Leclunere, Esq. This Estate possesses superior advantages, and will equally suit the active merchant and the man of re- tirement, being situate within a few minutes' walk of that elegant city, which is the resort of fashion, and the admiration of travellers, and yet affording every comfort of a rural retreat; or it will exercise the minds of men of taste, having many beautiful spots for tne erecting of Villas. The whole is held under the Lord Bishop of Wor- cester, for Three Lives absolutev The Mansion- House, and Offiecs, and the Land oc- cupied by Mr. Palfrey aud Mr. Knapp, may be enter- ed upon at Michaelmas next, and the residue of the Land at the Candlemas following. To view the Estate apply to Mr. John Recce, at the House; and printed particulars inav be had in due time at the Place of Sale; the King's Head Inn, Giocesier; Royal Hotel, Birmingham; Plough Hotel, Cheltenham; of Mr. Blayney, Evesham, Worcester- shire; and Mr. P. obius, Warwick- street, Goldeu- ' square, London, who Uave piaus of the Estate. GOTHIC VILLA, near CHELTENHAM. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, that rural and delightfhl RESIDENCE, called SANDFORD VILLA, with the Coach- house, Stables, Barn, Granary, Mill- house, Cider- mill, Garden, Plea- sure Ground, capital Orcharding, and excellent Mea- dow Land adjoining; containing in the whole abont Ten Aries, situated near the Chalybeate Spa, and within five minutes' walk of the town of Cheltenham. The House has been lately improved, and fitted up, ata great expence, and contains a dining- room and drawing room, with a bow window to each; a break- fast- parlour, nine bed- rooms, a water- closet, f. ud china- closet; a servants'- hall, kitchen, scullery, dairy, laundry, brewhotise, fy various other convenient offices. Also, a small detached Gothic COTTAGE and Garden, lately erected at the extremity ofthe Orchard. The purchaser may be accommodated with early possession, and with a greater quantity of Land, if required. For further particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Gwinnett, Sandford, or Mr. Smith, Bank. Cheltenham. BROWNSHILI,, near CtlALFORD. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by . SAMUEL DAVlES, At the Bell Inn, Chalford, on Thursday, the lid iiist. between the hours of three and five, o'clock in the af- ternoon, by order of the. Assignees of Joseph Gill, late of Brownsliill aforesaid, a Bankrupt, deceased, subject to conditions;- All that lately erected roomy and strong- built WORK- SHOP, either with or with- out a new 23 feet HORSEVYHEEL standing therein, with requisites complete. This Building may be easily converted into Tene ments, and being situated near the clothing manufac- tories, may be let at good rents. Possession of the premises may be immediately ta- ken by the Purchaser. By order of the Assignees, M. LAMI5URN, Solicitor, Stroud. Eligible Freehold Premises, Key- Head, CITY OF WORCESTER. 1tO be Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, at the Exchange Coffee- House, Bristol, 011 Tues- day, the .' Id day of September, 1811, at one o'clock in the afternoon, in one lot, and subject to such con- ditions of sale, and abstract of title, as shall be then and there produced;— The following verv eligible FREEHOLD PREMISES, Viz. All that ( not many years since) newly built Messuage or Tenement, with the Warehouses thereunto belong- ing, heretofore ia the possession of Alderman Edward Jackson, deceased; situate in Woodstaff- street, other- wise the Keyn- street, in the parish of Saint Andrew, in tiie city of Worcester, and stretching in length from Woodstaff- street aforesaid, unto the Key- Head there. Also, all that other Messuage or Tenement, and Ware- houses, witli the Appurtenances Ring near or adjoining to the said first- mentioned Premises, in the said parish of St. Andrew, and city of Worcester, and having ihe Key- Head thereon the west pait thereof. These Premises have f'or years been held by Mer- chants and Owners in Worcester, are considered very valuable and improveable, and are subject to the pay- ment of Five Shillings yearly to the. King's Majesty, his Heirs, aud Successors, and to deliver yearly One Ton of Coals for the Use of the poor of the parish of All ^ aints, and one other Ton ot Coals for the use of the poor ofthe parish of Saint Andrew, in the city of Worcester aforesaid. For fin ther particulars, please to apply to James Wt ckes, Attorney- at- Law, John- street, Bristol. C. LOCESTF. RSHIRET TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A CAPITAL AND MOST DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, With the Messuage, Garden, Barns, Stables, and otiier requisite Farm- buildings, several rich and highly valuable Pieces or Parcels of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture GROUND thereto belonging, which together contain 164A. 28. 36P. or thereabout, 77 acres of which are in Pasture or Meadow. Tlds Estate Is situate near a good turnpike- road leading from Glocester to Hereford, in a most deiiglit. ful and healthy part of Giocestershire, distan t about seven miles from Giocester. il from Ledbury, 16 from Cheltenham, and three from Newent, at which placc there is a Spa equal to the best Cheltenham water. This Farm is capable of great improvement, is well planted with fruit trees, and is now let at a low rent to a tenant who will quit on Candlemas day 1813. Also to be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, a most valuable and compact FREEHOLD RYELAND FARM, Comprising!! substantial Messuage, with a Garden, and good and well- built Barns, Slables and other neces- sary Farm- buildings, and abont 218A. 1R. 32P. or thereabouts, of fine rich, healthy, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, together with about 14. A. 1R. 3P. of Coppice, well stored and now fit to cut. The soil of ibis Estate is equal to the best Ryeland of Herefordshire or Giocestershire, sound and good for Sheep and Turnip Husbandry, is in good cultiva- tion, but still capable of great improvement, is well planted with fruit trees, and the present tenant, WHO now holds ata low rent, will quitoriCandlemas day, 3 813, This Farm is situated about nine miles from Led- billy, eight from Gloccster, 17 from Cheltenham, and two from Newent. Forfurther particulars, and to treat for the purchase, ap- ply to Mr. Hartkmd, Solicitor, Newent. ( One concern.) TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS? WHEREAS RICHARD EDGECUMBE, late of Tewkesbury, in this County, Joiner and Cabinet- maker, deceased, did, by Deed of Assign- ment, hearing date tbe 8th of June last, make over to William Price and Ceoige Hale, of this City, Timber Meichants, his Estate and Effects, in trust, for the Benefit of his Creditors: All Persons who have any claim or demand on the aforesaid Estate, are request- ed to transmit statements thereof to William Price or George Hale, before the 1st day of September next, in order that the same may be adjusted, or they vvill be excluded from all benefit under the said Deed: and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the same, before the said 1st day of September, to William Price or George Hale, who, by virtue of the said Deed, are duly authorised to receive tbe same, otherwise thev vvill he sued without further notice. August 9, 1811. SALE POSI HONED. To Cabinet- makers, Upholsterers, Joiners, Ironmongers, Painters, and Dealers in general, TEWKESBURY, GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr. CREED, Under a deed of assignment, on Monday, the 26th day of A ugust, 1811, ( instead of the 5th, as before advertised,) and following days, until the whole is disposed of;— All the large and valuable STOCK OF TIMBER, Cabinet and Upholstery Goods, Cabinet Brass- work, Ironmongery, Paints, fyc. Of Mr. RICHAED F. IJGECUMSE, deceased; consisting of a large assortment of mahogany ; English and Riga oak; beech plank; sundry blocks of oak ; English pine and elm ; 40 sets of bedstead stuff; 350 deals ; 3000 feet of prime veneer; 260 yards of stair carpeting, JO!) yards of floor carpeting, 3 new- floor carpets, Brussels and Scotch bedside carpets, 10 hearth rugs, 50 yards of painted floorcloth, 100 yards of hair seating, 7 pieces of bed furniture, 6 pieces of moreen, bed lace, fringe, lines and tassels; 470 pieces of paper hangings, and about 100 pieces of bordering; pointer's colours, oils, varnish, and turpentine; new mahogany and stained four- post bedsteads; tent arid stump ditto, with cot- ton and moreen hangings; 6 new feather and flock beds, 4 mattrasses, 15 pair of capital new blankets, h'id rugs, and counterpanes; 87 swing and dressing- box glasses, 12 pier dilto, and 60 shaving ditto; seve- ral se s of mahogany, and other chairs; dining, tea, and dressing tables; 9 portable desks; 15 handsome tea chests; 2 complete cellarets; 30 mahogany oval tea trays; 4 pair ef mahogany carved bed posts; 40 pair of gilt picture frames ; bed sackings, and bed rods; with many articles too tedious to insett. The sale to commence each morning at ten o'clock. N. B. The whole must be sold without the least re- serve. Catalogues to be had at the White Lion Inn, Upton ; Crown, Evesham; flop Pole, Worcester; Angel, Per- shore ; King's Head, Ross ; Ciecrge, Cheltenham ; Marlborough Head, Stroud ; at the Place of Sale; and of tbe Auctioneer, Glocaster. ( One Ccneern. J ONLY 13,500 TICKET^, AND All to be Drawn 22d of OCTOBER. SCHEME, 3 Prises of.... i 15,000 ..., are.... i' 45,000 3 S, 0 iO 15, two 3 2,000 6,000 6 1,000 6,00') 500 6,000 18 100 1,800 30 1,200 60 25 1,500 2,625 20 52,500 I ICKETS and SHARES are selling coNstDtft- 1. ABLY CHEAPER than for many J cars, at every Lottery Agent's in this County. PRESENT PRICE. Half jfio 5 0 I Eighth .....£ 2 13 0 Quarter.. 5 4 0 I Sixteenth .1 7,0 _*** Those who find any'difficulty in being sup- plied by the Agents; may send their Order.-, ( pujt or carriage paid), accompanied with good Bills, or Post Office Orders, to any Lottery Office in London VI7TIEREA3 a Commission of hanknspt is VV awarded and isstted forth against BENJA MIN BUTLER, now or late of Pains wick, in the county of Glocester, Clothier, Dealer and Chjpman, and, he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, 011 the I9th day of August instant, at five o'clock in the afternoon, and on the 2" tli day of the same mont'i of August, and bn the 28th day of September next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of each of the said l: « u- nien- tioned days, at the king's Arms Inn, in Stroud, 111 the said county of Glocester, aud make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove tfieif- Debts, and at the second silting to clmse As* gnteS, and at the last sitting tie- said Bankrupt , s required to finish bis examination, and the Creditors are tu ass- nt to or dissent from the allowance of his Certificate. All Persoi s indebted to the said Bankrupt, orlhtt have any of his Effects, are not 10 pay or deliver thesame but to whom theComniissionersshall appoint, butcivenotire to Messrs. Wiiitcombe and King, Sergeant's Inn, Fleet- street, Loudon; or Mr. Newumi, Solici' r, S'rmd Giocestershire. JOHN SNOWDftN ' GEO. WATHEN ' - THOS. CROOMEJ WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against HENRY GOD- SALL, ofSndbrook, in the county ot'Glocester, ikm- ner, dealer and chapman, and he being declined - a Bankrupt is hereby required to suriender himself to the Commissioners in the sai l Commission named, or the major part of them, on the 18th and iDtli days of July instant, at seven o'cloel, in ihe afternoon, and on the24th of August next, at eleven of ihe clock in the fore- noon, at the White Hart Inn, in the city ot'Glo ester, and make a full discovery and disclosure 1 if firs Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at thesiccnd sitting to choose Assignees, and at the last sifting the said Bankrupt h> required to finish his clamination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from tlie allowance . f his Certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of uis fcfferis, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Com- missioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. James, No. 12, Gray's In - square, London; or Mr. Thomas Okey, Solicitor, Glocestd WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against WALTER LEWIS, now or late of Cheltenham, in the county cf Glocester, Grocer, Dealer and Chapma , and tie being declined a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners 111 the sa d Commission nam d, or the major part of them, on Friday and Sa urday, the twenty- sixth and twenty- seventh days of Jim in- stant, and on Saturday, the thirty- first day of August next, at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon of each of the said days, at the Ram Inn, in the city of Glocestcr, and make a full a; d true discovery and disclosure of his estateanil effects: when ai. d where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, ai. d at Ihe se- cond sitting to choose Assignees, and at tbe. last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examina- tion, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissei.' from the allowance of his Certificate All persons indebt- ed to Ihe said Bankrupt, or that have any of Ins ef- fects, aic not to pay or deliver the same but to whoin the. Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. John Meakings, Hare- court, Temple. Lon- don; or to Mr. Gardner, Solicitor, in Glocester RICH. DONOVAN. S. RlCKHTTs. G. W. COUNSEL. OVERBURY INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, that all Persons and Bodies Corporate or Politic who have or claim any Common or other Rights to or in any of the Lands or Grounds directed to be divided and inclosed by vir- tue of an Act of Parliament, intituled " An Actfor In. " closing Lands in the parish of Overbnry, in the. conn- " ty of Worcester," are required tu deliver, cr cause to be delivered to the Commissioners ( appointed by Virtue of the said Act) crone oftlieiri, upon Monday, the 19th day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Swan Inn, in Tewkesbury, in the county of Gl icestei, au Account or Schedule in writ- ing, signed by them, or their respective Husbands, Guardians, Trustees, Com nittees, or Agents, of such their respective rights or claims, and therein describe the Lands and Grounds, and the respective Messuages Land;, Tenements, and Hereditaments in ri spect whereof they shall respectively claim to be entitled to any, and which of such . rights'in and upon the same or any part thereof, with ihe name ur names of the Per- son or Persons then in the actual possession thereof, and the particular computed quantities of the same respectively, and of what nature and extent such right is; and also in what rights, and for what E- tates and Interests they claim the same respectively, distinguish- ing the Freehold from the Copyhold or Leasehold, and describing such parts thereof as aie held under Settle- ment ; or 011 non- compliance therewith, every one of them making default therein will, as far only as res- pects any claim so neglected to be delivered, be total, ly barred and excluded of and from all right and title iu and upon such l ands so to be divided respectively, and of and from all benefit and advantage in or to any share or allotment thereof. Dated this l7thduyor" July, 1811, THOS. BLAYNEY AND WM. LAW PHELPS, Clerks to the Commissioners. A WONDERFUL DIS(. OVhRyT" ~ Patronised by their Royal Highnesses the PRINCESS OF WALES and D UKE OP SUSSEX, and most of the Nobility. MACASSAR OIL, FOR THE HAIR. THC. Virtues of this OIL, extracted from a Tree in ihe Island of MACASSAR, in ihe Eas: In- dies, are far beyond eutogium for increasing IIU- GROWTH OF HAIR, even on BALD PLACES, to a beautiful length and thickness, preventing it falling off m- changing colour, strengthening Ihe curl, bestowing an inestimable GLOSS and SCENT, rendering the hair inexpressibly a'. iiacimg, nourishing it after sea- bathing, travelling in hoi climates, viol nt exercises, & c. promotes the gmjvih of whiskers, eyebrows, & c. In fine, it is the first production in the world for restoringitnd beautifying ( he hair of Ladles, GEN- tlemru, and Children. Such celebrity has 11 attained that it is daily honoured with the sanction of Royalty, Nobili- ty, Gentlemen of the Navy and Army, ihe Faculty, and Public at large. It is innoxious and suited to all climates. Sold, at 3s. ( id. per bottle, < ir large bottles. Containing eight small, with a Treatise r. n the Hair, at oae guinea each, by ihe proprietors, ROWLAND Sc SON, Kirby- street, Hatton Garden, London; and by appointment by Mr. Wood, Hriaid- Office, and Ingram, Giocesier; by Henney, Selden, and Ruff, Cheltenham; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; and by all perfumers and medicine venders in every market town throughout the United Kingdom. Beware of servile imitators, as die Genuine Macassar Oil lias '- he signatures — A. Rowland ant! Son. SATURDAY'S i OST. LONDON, THURSDAY, AUG. 15. " PRICE OF STOCKS THIS DAY. 3 per Cent. Cons, for mon. 62 § § ~ Do. foracc. 62i. Rednced 62 § 63— 4 per Cent. 79|. Navy *> per Cent. 94j|.— Omnium dis. Bonds 16s. to 18s. pre. • Ex. Billi( 3d.) Is. di?. to Is. par— Do.< 3Id.) 5s. pre. THE KING. HIS Majesty ever since Thursday last has been irf a comparative state of quiet. He had so long niiewii a disinclination to food, that his calling for a jelly on that day was hailed as an auspicious sign, and he IMS ever since continued to take sustenance volun- tarily. Though the deep- rooted symptoms ol the ilia- lad v remain unchanged, the bodilx strength is improv- ed; and it Is reasonably to he cxpeeted, that his Ma- jesty's life may now be long preserved. Tiie bulletins issued since our last are as follow : — August 9. His Majesty is much the same as yester- day.— August, 10. His Majesty has passed the last 24 hours in a more composed manner, but ill other re- jects his Majesty remains the same.— August W. His Majestv bas had several hours sleep in the night, and is this morning much as lie was yesterday.— August 12, T. iere is no alteration in iiis Majesty's symptoms. - Au- gust 13. His Majesty is not better to- day.— August 14. Tnere is no improvement in his Majesty's symptoms to- day.— August 15. There i » no alteration in bis Ma- jesty's symptoms since yesterday. Letters from Prussia continue to speak of the pro. bubiiitv of war between lii- sia and France, and one ot them- expressly says, " The die is east: war is in- evitable." Iu corroboration of this account, it is as- serted in numerous letters, that preparations are mak- ing at Eylau for the reception of tbe French Emperor; and that au army is forming in that neighbourhood, to consist of French, Poles, and Germans." In the neigh- bourhood of Konigsbnrgb is a force of 25.000 Prus- sians, wholly devoted to the purposes of Honaparte. On the 26til and 27th ultimo, 15,000 men marched through Stettin, on their way to Dantzic, which had within its walls 10,000 French, and in the country adjacent 30,000 more. At Warsaw a military depot had been established aud an army of 20,000 men col- lected, which was daily augmenting. Intelligence from St. Petersburg!! states that Rus- sia no longer acts upon the policy of the " Continental System, hut lias, tins season, admitted into her ports nearly ail the ships that presented themselves. A list « f 134 vessels which had gained admission was yester- day banded about among the merchants. We trust, therefore, that our Baltic commerce, which was at- teuiled with so many iosses last year, will turnout very differently in the present. Letters were yesterday received from Gibraltar to the 26th ultimo. 1' lie Belle Poule frigate had arrived at tiiat port with a convov of 64 vessels from Malta. The specie received at Cadiz from South America amounted to eight millions of dollars, and liadprovcd a most seasonable relief to the Spanish Regency, for whom fi. e millions were destined. The remaining three were consigned to individual merchants. OMacrster, SA1URO • V. AUG. 17. CHELTEN H V A KRIVALS. Dowager Lady sorners, Lord and Lady Manners. Lord Saye and Seie. Lord Clonbr* ck, L. idv Callender, Sir Thomas, Lady, and Miss Whi;, ha te. Lady Collier. Hon. Mr. Kennedy, fir lames Rid- deli, sir ' oltn Wyldbore smith, Ma ot- General lliilop. t. ieutrfiant- Ut. ner. ii Vatisitiart Lieutenant Colonel Ellis; Majors Sullivm, Cane, and Builer; CaptaihsSpeecer, Woods, Matson. Scott. Kel- iy, Collier, IVil una*, sVerrl , and Arrond ; ttc- J Messrs. Bandinell, gurton, ana Matcuck; Mr and Mrs Leforest, Slighe, Driver, K- ld, 1 hr. iVia ' Tten, and Leader; Mrs. and Miss SlddOns and 1' tr. berr; Messrs. trvinn, Pope, Vine , Tallon, Maiisell, French, Redmond, sounders, Cometford, Dyett, wiilmott, Tritton, Mit- ctiell, Goodhart, Hnwtliorne, James, Bell, Hunter, Isheiwood, JJO'd, Gordon, HrooVs, Burke, Mac. tu . y, Nelson, Law, Peel, Cus. : aiu, o'Ccnnor Daurd, Muspratt, Plaskett, Davis, Kilkelly, D'Uis- fof£ t Driver, Auriot, Mestaer, Hope, Lea, " carl, Rolleston, Orlisle Woodgjie, Smith, Hedge, Dailies. Hunt, Stuart, Gaskell, Melealf. Macdonald, Hose, Siu ' der , carutheis, Roleston, Morell, llirlop, Hurdle., Mc Arthur, an 1 Mithers; Mistresses Hodge, Xlum, Ball, Kicliar's, Downcs, Cuthben, Kcnnet, Melvin, Sauu- oSi Thackeiy. Pope, t'razcr, wlihfielrl, Brown, French, Driver. f. WoAhart Weeks. Erlg. r, Mv.- rwood, Woodliouje, Maquay, 1- ouke, rewai, Sprv,' Fitzhugli, Arnold, Brongluon, Mestaei, Getting, laojm. wh'iiiker. Wakeman, and Siddons; Misses Thackeray, Files, Hawthorne, Jimes, llill, Hunter, Kelly, Beak, Brooke, W « kemai, Har ing, Coletoft, . Vs. itc Last week tiie Rev. Thomas Apperley was insti- tuted by tiie Lord Bishop of Hereford, to tbe rec- tcrv of stoke I. acy, void by the cession of tbe Rev. J. Liliv BIRTH.— At Kingscote- honsc, in this county, the lailv of the late Thos. Kingscote, Esq. a sou. r") Thursday last was married, at Bisley, Mr. Henry Morse," of Guershill, in this county, to Miss Jane Amanda Bath, eldest daughter of Mr. Bath, of Clifford. Oil Saturday night died, Mrs. Pace, of King- ittreei, widow " of Mr. Pace, surgeon and apothecary, late of this citv. Lateiv died at Newent. T. B. Richards, Esq. F. S. A. and M. r. A. rue of the Sub- Commissioners for in- specting tne records of this kingdom, and one of the Clerks of the Ciapter House. On Tuesday died. Miss Brown, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas Brown, draper, of Tewkesbury. At a Court of Aldermen, held 011 Wednesday last, Thomas Conimeline, Esq. was nominated Mayor of this ciiv for the ensuing year. Lord Fitzroy Somerset, brother to the Duke of Beaufort, and " who brought home the accounts of the battle of I'alavera, is appointed military secretary to Lord Wei uigton. The Lord Chancellor of Ireland has arrived 011 Ins annual visit to Cheltenham. It was reported, that the object ofhis Lords. iip's journey was to afford informa- tion to the Prince Regent respecting the state of the Irish Catholics ; but tiie rumour has been contradict- ed. Dining his absence the Great Seal has becu put intr. Commission. Oil Wednesday, the 28th inst. a grand Masquerade will he given at Cheltenham, in honour of his Royal Holiness the Prince Regent, which is expected to be attend id by a most numerous assemblage of fashion- ab'es. Cinva ' sing is going 011 with great activity in various parts of the kingdom. The provincial papers contain addresses from tiie sitting members as well as new can- didates. We find, with infinite pleasure, from an advertise, jnent in our paper of this dav, that the public will be treated with an interior view of the Conservatory at Carlton House, la place which has of late excited so much curiosity in the fashionable world,) iu Acker- inann's Repository of Arts, Sec. From the highly creditable assiduity of the publisher to procure for tiiat worn au uniuterropted supply of novelties, we perfectIv coincide with him in opinion, that in half a eenturv it will be worth any price. He has our sin- cere wishes, that his industry, exertions, and ingenuity, as well in this publication as 111 his Illustrations of Westminster Abbey and its Monuments, a work unrivalled for fidelity, spirit, and elegance, may ob- tain ilieir due reward. We understand it is ptoposed to raise a subscription for the relief of those fishermen who shall stilctly ad- here to the regulations proposed by the Severn As- sociation, duri . g tbe season they are prohibited from taking salmon, & c. We hear that a meeti gof the inhabitants of Tewkes. bury was held yesterday, for die purpose of forming an association to protect tiie fishing or the river Severn. Similar associations have been entered into at Shrews- bury and Bewdley. On Monday last Francis, Evans, of Upton- upon- Severn, and James Smith, of Ripple, were convicted at Ripple, by Martin Lucas, Esq. and the Rev. Dr. Lucas, Justices for tbe county of Worcester, each in 61. penalty, for fishing with unlawful nets in the river Severn, 111 July last, on the information and oaths ol John Townsend, and John Long, of Tewkesbury. Both the offenders having a short time since been con- victed of a similar offence, the Magistrates refused any mitigation of the penalty. It were to be wished that men who get then bread by fishing, might not be tempted by persons in superior stations, to violate the laws in these cases, for tbe purpose of supplying the tables of the rich with luxuries ui an illegal manner. The total population of Bristol, Cliflon, ind Bed- minster, as enumerated in the late survey, amounts to 71,279 persons, exclu ive of sailors. Nearlv 200lbs of butter were Ia3t week seized in Bristol market, as being under weight; one woman had her whole stock taken 011 two succeeding days! Isaac Murgcts lias been committed to ourconnty goal bv the Rev. Benj Grisdale, charged 011 the oath of Richard Stallard, with having stolen a quantity of wearing apparel at Frogmill. INQUESTS.— Tbe following inquests have been taken by Daniel Willey, Esq Coroner, in the course of this week:— On Monday, at Cirencester, on the body of a new- born male child, found in tbe canal, with a hand- kerchief and a stone tied abont its neck. Verdict wilful murder against some person unknown.— Aud 011 Tuesday, in this city, ou the body of a young woman named Ann Eldridge, who, on the preceding Sunday put a period to her existence by taking au euncc aud a lialf'of laudanum. Verdict lunacy. MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT.— On Monday se'nnight a co- ronet's inquest was held on the hotly of Charles Skin- ner Matthews, Esq. A. M. second surviving son of Col. Matthews, of Belmont, Herefordshire, and Felioiv of Downing College, Cambridge ; who, whilst bathing in the Cam on the Saturday preceding, became entangled in the weeds, aud though an excellent swimmer, of great strength and intrepidity, was most unfortunately drowned ; the extreme difficulty and peril ofthe place rendering immediate succour impossible. ; and the length of time vv hich bad unavoidably elapsed baffling the utmost efforts of the friendly zeal and professional skill which weie exerted to restore him. The collected energy ofhis mind was strikingly displayed to the oi. lv gentleman whd. se hard lot it was to witness, without the possibility of instant aid, the last trying moments of his existence. After a few ineffectual efloits to ex- tricate himself from tbe mass of weeds into which he bad incautiously ventured, he was seen to submit with a calm smile of resignation, to that fate which he pei- ceired to be inevitable. The superior talentsof which this much- lamented gentleman made soearlya display in lii. s youthful career at Eton, carried him success- fully through tbe usual course of academical compe tition at Cambridge, where be was much distinguished at Trinity College by bis excellent abilities and great attainments ill classical literature. T'heexteut and va- riety of those attainments became subsequently still moie conspicuous by his successful competiou with many rival candidates from both Universities for a Fel- lowship at tbe new College of Downing, to which be was unanimously elected. He had enjoyed this well- contested distinction for three years only, when the above fatal accident abruptly terminat ed his short but honourable career, at tbe early age ot 2t3, in all the pride of intellectual and bodliy stiengtb, to the irrepa- rable loss of his family, and to the unspeakable afflic- tion of those dear and well cboscn friends, who lovted him viitb that enthusiasm and tenderness of attach- ment. which tbe striking originality of his genius, the unassuming though commanding superiority of his un- derstanding, tbe en gaging playfulness of his wit, and the generous and endearing qualities of his heart, were so well. calculated to inspire. The Society of Downing beiii£ desirous that bis remains should be interred within the precincts of tbe College, arrangements are making for the consecration of the ground; in the mean time they were on Saturday last temporarily deposited in the church of St. Herinet, attended to the grave by his immediate relatives, aud the resident members of both Societies of I rinity and Downing. SJ- ORTING INTELLIGENCE. Worcester Races commenced on Tuesday morning, when the sweepstakes of ltO guinea, was won by Lord Oxford's Poulion, beatingSirT. Wilmington's fourth of June, Mr. Gordon's b. f. Mor- gia- it. and Hon w il. LvtteltOn's br h Allegro, who bolted. In the afternoon the maiden plate of 50/ given by the Members for the citv, was won bv Mr Tinkler's r. c. lignum Vita:, beaiing Colonel Williams's br. e. Worcester, Sir \ V. W. Wynn'sb e. bv Dia- mond, Mr. Drew's gr. g. by Regent, Mr. Canning's b f. by Vermin, and Mr. l-' alkner's b. g. Starlight The afternoon proving extreme- ly wet, the sport wa> not so good as the morning, though lite last heat was well run Starlight felt, and threw his rider in the se- ond beat, but the man was not much hurt, and tbe horse followed the others, and cauic in along with them. Wednesday morning a gold cup of lOOg, value, and iWgs. in spc- cic, was won by Lord Oxford's Poulton, beating sit T Wilmington's fourth of June, Canta n Chambers's Morgiana, Lord D erhurst's r. c. Mr. Giffard's Allegro, and Mr Kobaris'. Hopeless. The Ladies' plate of 501 was won by Lord Stamford's Planet, beating Mr. Ben- son's S- u'Cetlips, and Mr. Ambrose's Tomboy. Neither of tlic abuve races affoided tnucti sport. In the evening the hunter's purse of 50?. with additional private subscriptions, was won by Mr. Wakenun'sbrown colt, beating Mr. Pounce's Hoptnn and Mr. Y in niton's Rattter. Tiie tuwn was excessively full or companv, and the light fingered tribe numerous and active — Further particulars in our next. OI. OCKSTEIl INFIltMAliY. Number of Patients in the House. Men, - 60 Beds, - 72 Women. - 43 • . - 4* NO material alteration in the Markets this week. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That another GENERAL MEETING ofthe TRUSTEES, appointed by virtue ofthe Statute passed in the 9th year ofhis present Majesty's Reign, " for Repairing and Widening the Road from Glocester towards Hereford," will be held ( by adjournment) at the Dog, at Over, on Tuesday, the 27th August, 1811, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to take into further consideration the Bill prepared aud intended to be brought into Parlia- ment in the next Session, for obtaining an Act to en- large the Term aud Powers of the fisrt- mentioned Act, & c. R. P. WILTON, Clerk. Glocestcr and Cheltenham New Road. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees for this District of Road will be hol- den, by adjournment, at the Town Hall, in Chelten- ham, on Friday, the 23d day of August instant, at eleven o'clock iu the forenoon. CHAS. NEWMARCH, Clerk to the Trustees. August 16th, 1811. Glocester and Cheltenham Railway. I" 1 HE Public are respectfully informed, that this _ Work is now open for the conveyance of Coal, Iron, Timber, Corn, Groceries, & c. and that a Wharf at Cheltenham, with spacious Lofts ai. d Warehouses, is now nearly completed. Such Corn- dealers, Coal- dealers, Timber- merchants, and others, therefore, as wish to Rent am part of the same, are desired to ap- ply to Mr. CHAS. NEWMARCH, Cletk to the Com- pany. Cheltenham, Aug. 1, 1811. GLOCESTER MUSIC- MEETING, 1811. STEWARDS': Right Hon. LORD REDESDALE, JOHN PAUL PAUL, Esq. THOMAS SMITH, Esq. The Very Rev. the DEAN of GLOCESTER, Rev. Mr. LYSONS, Rev. Mr. CLUTTERBUCK. THE MEETING ofthe THREE CHOIRS of OLOCESTER, WORCESTER, ami HERE- FORD, for the Benefit of the Widows and Orphans of the Poor Clergy of the Three Dioceses, will be held at GLOCESTER, 011 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, SEPTteMBER 10, I I, and 12, 1011. At the CATHEDRAL, on Tuesday Morning, a SERMON will be preached by tbe Rev. Mr. LYSONS, Rector of Rodinartoii. In the course of the Service will be performed— Overture, Esther— Dettingen Te Deum— Anthem, " Lord thou hast been our Refuge," with the Duet, " Here shall soft Charity," audHandel's Coronation Anthem. In the Evening, at the BOOTITALL, A Grand Miscellaneous Concert. On Wednesday Morning, at the CATHEDRAL, A Grand Selection of Sacred Music. From the Works of Handel, Haydn, SEE. In tbe Evening, at the BOOTH ALL, A Grand Miscellaneous Concert. On Thursday Morning, at the CATHEDRAL, THE MESSIAH. In the Evening, at the BOOTHALL, A Grand Miscellaneous Concert. Principal Vocal Performers: Madame CATALANI, Mrs. VAUGIIAN, Miss FANNV ROSS MELVILLE, Master HOWES, Mr. BIIAHAM, Mr. VAUGHAN, Mr. GOSS, Mr. BELLAMY, And Mr. BARTLEMAN. Principal Instrumental Performers: Leader of the Baud, Mr. F CRAMER. Messrs. Marshall, G. R. Ashley, Griesbaeli, Million, Nicks, Holmes, Loder, Jackson, R. Lindley, C. Lindlev, G. Percival, Boyce, Pliilpots, Petrides, Mariottt, Hvdes, Jenkinson, See. See. & c. Harpisichord, Mr. KENGE.— Organ, Mr. DARE. And the oilier parts of the Band ( which will be full aud complete,) consist of upwards of One Hun- dred Performers. For the Cliorusses, the Lancashire Women are en- gaged ; and 111 this department they will be assisted by the best performers from the Choirs of Worcester, Hereford, London, Lichfield, Oxford, Bath, Bris- tol, & e. See. The whole to be Conducted by1 Mr. MUTLOIV. ' tjp The Perfoi mances to begin each Morning at Eleven, and each Evening at Seven.— Books and Tickets to be had at the Booksellers, Gloeester. STROUD DISPENSARY. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE SUBSCRI- BERS to this Institution will beholden at the GEORGE INN, in Stroud, ou Tuesday, the 20th of Aug. instant. Business will begin at one o'clock, and Dinner will be 011 table at three o'clock. Aug. 7, 1811. G. O. PAUL, President. Grand Masquerade ut Cheltenham. THERE WIN BE A GRAND MASQUERADE at the REGENT GARDENS, VAUXHALL, CHELTENHAM, 011 WEDNESDAY, August 28th, 1811. Admission, One Guinea, Supper included. Those Nobility and Gentry who intend honouring the Proprietor with their patronage, may be accom- modated, by early application to H. Ruff, Chelten- ham Library, with Character Dresses of every de- scription, Dominos, Dress Hats, Masks, Ac. on mo- derate terms. , Every possible arrangement" will lie made for their comfort and convenience, should the weather prove unfavourable. KINGSCOTE RACES, 18U~ WILL lie on the 17th, 18th, and 19th D ys of September. FIRST DAY.— The Kingscote Stakes, divided into two classes of eleven horses each, and a Plate of Eighty Pounds. SECOND DAY.— A Handicap Plate as usual;— tbe Five Guinea Stakes, with 100 added, for which eleven horses are named; and the Ten Guinea Stakes, with 50 added, for which ten horses are named. THIRD DAY.— A Handicap Plate, as usual, and several Matches. THOMAS WHITMORE, Esq. STEWARD. M. KIIIKBY, Clerk of the Course. POWELL, COACH AND HARNESS MAKER, TAKES the earliest opportunity of returning his grateful thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, Inn- keepers, & c" who have honoured him with their fa- vours during his residence at Glocester; and solicits a continuance of tbe same at Cheltenham, where he now resides, ( having wholly given up his Manufacto- ry in Glocester.) He most respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, Visitors, and Inhabitants of Chel- tenham, and the Public at large, that everv branch in the COACH aud HARNESS LINE will be car- ried on at his Manufactory, Winchcomb- street, where he hopes, by constant assiduity and di- patch, and keeping the best workmen, to merit a continuance of their favours.— Cheltenham, July 24, 1811. Cheltenham and Glocester New Road. CHELTENHAM, JULY 24, 1811 THE TRUSTEES of this DISTRICT having this day engaged with a CONTRACTOR for forming and making the above Road, hereby request those persons who have already subscribed, to pay in 20 percent. 011 the amount of their Subscriptions to the Bank of Messrs. Turner and Co. the Treasurers, before the 23d of August next. The Trustees, strongly impressed with the necessity of opening this communication between the two Towns, without further delay, inform the Public, that it will be proceeded in with all possible dispatch, and earnestly solicit the aid of all persons interested in the prosperity of Cheltenham, to so desirable a measure. Subscriptions will be received at the Bank of Messrs. Turner and Co. and all sums so subscribed will he secured by Mortgage on the Tolls, bearing an in- terest of 5 per cent, without any deduction on account of property duty or otherwise. RESOLVED,— That no monies be advanced to the Contractor or otherwise expended, but under the sig- nature of three or more Commissioners. Cirencester and iVootton- Bassett Turitpilce- Road. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees named iu or by virtue of the Act of Parliament for making and maintaining a Turnpike- Road from Cirencester, in tbe County of Glocester, to Wotton- Bassett, 111 the County of Wilts, will be held at the house of Thomas Leiliard, called the Fleece Inn, iu Cirencester, on Wednesday, the * th day of September iiext, at twelve at noon, for the purpose of electing new Trustees pursuant to the directions of the said Act, and for other purposes. At which meeting the TOLLS arising from the Gates erected and to be elected on the said road, iu Ashton Kevnes, and between that place and Cirencester, will be ' LET BY AUCTION for one year, to the best Bidder, in manner directed by the said Act. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, GEO. BEV1R, CLERK. Cirencester, August 14, 1811, COLEFORD, Jurv 30, 1811. NOTICE is hereby given, That a TOLL- FREE MARKET will be held at COLEFORD, and continued Annually, on the FRIDAY before the SOtlt of August, for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs, but particularly for SHEEP. As Coleford is situate near the Forest of Dean, and the Gentlemen, Farmers, and Breeders of Sheep, in the Forest and neighbourhood, ljave pledged them- selves to bri g the disposable part of their stock to this Market, it will be well worthy the attention of pur- chasers. • npo be SOLD by AUCTION, ( in Lots,) some A time in the mouth of August, 1811, ( unless dis- posed of in the mean time bv Private Contract;)— A substantial FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, with Barn, Stables, and other convenient Out- buildings, and se- veral inclosed pieces of rich P VSTURE LAND, well planted with Fruit Trees, situate at Westbliry- upon- Severn, in the comity of Glocester. For particulars, apply to Thomas Okey, Attor- ney, Glocester. GLOCESTER. ~ qno be LET or SOLD by PRIVATE CON- 1 TRACT, in one or more Lots, the CHAPEL- HOUSE, GARDEN, and PREMISES, being about two Acres of very rich and convenient FREEHOLD LAND, See. wal ed 111, and abounding wilh the choicest sorts of Fruit Trees. The above was lately iu the occupation of a gardener. The house is divided into three tenements, but it may readily be made suitable for any family, or a Lodging- house, or any bnsine- s requiring 100111. Possession may be had immediately, orat Michaelmas next. Also, to be SOLD, several large, substantial, and cen- tricajly situated D WELL1 NG- HOUSES, SHOPS, and PREMISES in this City. Apply, post- paid, to Mr. Cliadborn, Solicitor. ( One Concern.) MAISEMORE near GLOCESTER. SEVERAL valuable and highly improveable PAR- CELS of LAND, containing betwixt Forty and Fifty Acres, with Twenty- one COMMONS or PAS- TURES, in Maisemore Ham, with immediate pos- session, WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In the month of Sept. next. The Premises are held for three good lives tinder the Bishop of Glocester, and the whole are tythe- free. The day and place of sale will be inserted in a future paper: in the mean time particulars may be known, and a map of the premises seen, by applying to J' bii Merrott Stephens, Esq. Maisem re Lodge; or to Mr. Fnlljames, Hasfield. NOTICE is hereby given, That application will be made to Parliament in the next Session, for leave to bring iu a Bill for dividing, allotting, and in closing the Open and Common Fields, Common Mea- dows, Common Pastures, and other Commonable and Waste Lands, in the Parish of WITIIINGTON, in the County of Glocester. Dated this 10th day of Au. gust, 1811. NOTICE is hereby given, That application will be made to Parliament iu the next Session, for leave to bring in a Bill for dividing, allotting, and in- closing the Open and Common Fields, Common Mea- dows, Common Pastures, and other Commonable and Waste Lands, in the Parish of MISEUDINE, in the county of Glocester. Dated this 10th day of Au- gust, 1811. " A BLACK POINTER DOG. TO be SOLD, a BLACK POINTER DOG, warranted staunch, both to set and back. For price and particulars, apply to Mr. Agg, Printer, Evesham, Worcestershire. rT", AKEN UP, on Saturday, tbe 27th of July, 1811, X near the Fleece Inn, Wotton, near Glocester, — A Bay HORSE, with a star in the forehead, four black legs, and a short docked tail.— The Owner may- may have liiin again, by appl ing to Samuel Barnard, Fleece Inn, and paying all cxpences. August 10, 1811 COUNTY OF GLOCESTER. Act for the Relief of certain Insolvent Debtors. y OTICE is hereby given, that a Gtmersl Session of lN the Peace will be holden in arid for the County of Glocester, at the Booth- Had, in Glocester, being the Common Snire Hail 111 and ( or the said County, ou Saturday, the 31st day of August instant, at the hour of eleven 111 tiie forenoon precisely, for the purpose uf administering the oaths to prisoners entitled to tneir discharge, and other the matters required by all Act of Parliament passed iu the fifty- first year of the reign of bis present Majesty, iutitlcd " An Act for the Relief of insovent Debtors 111 England." Dated tins 14th dav of August, 1811. EDWD. BLOXSOME, Deputy Clerk of the Peace for the said County of Glocester, UPTON- ST.- LEONARDS, near GLOCESTER. " jpo 15E SOLD RY AUCTION, by JL Mr. HEAD, On Tuesday, and Wednesday, August 20 and 21, 1811, at the White Hart, Glocester, 111 Lots;— Several very desirable Parcels of FREEHOLD PASTURE and AR ABLE LAND, partly inclosed, and iu commoq field, with a Farm rlonse, Barn, and three other Messuages, situate 111 the parish of Uptou- St.- Leonards, and adjoining the parishes of Brockworth and Matson. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. Wilton, lit Glocester, at whose Office a Map of the whole may be seen. Printed particulars of the different lots may be bad at the principal Inns ill Glocester, and at tiie Place of Sale. The sale will commence precisely at two o'clock, on account ofthe nuniber of lots. SALE POSITOjNED. GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by I M-. prriLLPorrs, At tbe Bell Inn, Glocester, 011 Tuesday, the 27th of August, 1811, ( instead of Tuesday the 6th, as before advertised,) at five o'clock 111 the aft moon, in lots, unless disposed of 111 tiie mean time by Private Con- tract;— The valuable impropriate RECTORY ofthe cxteusivePansh of U PTO \- S T.- LEONARD' » , witlin about three miles of the city ofGlocester, consisting of the Great aud " mall TYTHES, issuing and arising ont of the several Tytheable Farms a. id Lands within that Parish, containing in tbe whole about 2500 acres- Part of tbe Premises are holden by lease under the Bishop of Gloccster, for three good i ves, and the re- mainder under the Bishop and Dean and Chapter of Glocester, by two several leases for 21 years. Particulars of the different Lots may be had, by applying to Mr. Win. Fraukis, at the Parsonage, Upton- St.- Leonard's; or to Messrs. Whitcoinbe, Griffiths, and Phillpotts, Glocester. ~ TEWKESBURY. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, All that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, 01 DWEL- LING- HOUSE, situate in the Glocester Row, in Tewkesbury aforesaid, late in the occupation of Ed- ward Pilley, Taylor, deceased; comprising an excel- lent Shop, good Kitchen, and several roomy Bed- chambers. For a view of the premises, for terms, and tor fur- ther particulars, application may be made to the Rev. Mr. Spilsbnry, or Mr. Harris, Solicitor, both of Tewkesbury aforesaid. All persons having any demand on the estate of the said Edward Pilley, deceased, and who have not yet sent in their claims, are requested to send in the same on Or before the 30th day of September next, to the siitl Rev. Thomas Spilsbury, or H. W. Harris, or tbe same will be disallowed; and all persons indebted to the said estate, are required to pay their respective debts to the said Rev. Thomas Spilsbnry aud H. W- Harris, on or before that day, or proceedings will be taken for recovery of the same without further notice. ( One Concern.) GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be LET, or SOLD by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, a MESSUAGE 01 DWELL NG- IIOUSE, comprising two parlours, a kitchen) and hack kitciien on the ground floor, four bed- rooms, and two attics, withabout three quarters of an acreof GARDEN GROUND, ( well laid out and planted with choice fruit trees, shrubs, evergreens, tic. and a beauti- ful alcove therein) adjoining thereto, and necessary outbuildings, of the annual value of 20 guineas. Also a new- built DWELLING HOUSE and Gar- den, adjoining to the above, of the yearly value of 6 guineas. The above Premises are most delightfully situated on the side of a lull, commanding a prospect along the. Thames and Severn Canal, to the town of Stroud, distant about three miles, and are within ten minutes walk of Brtmsconib Port, and Miuchinlianipton. A Gentleman fond of a country residence, and of the amusements of htintingand fishing, cannot find a more desirable situation : and possession of the first men- tioned premises may be had at Michaelmas. The occupiers are entitled to a right of Pasturage over the extensive Commons of Mincliinhampton and Rod borough. l'ui titer particulars may be known upon application ( if by letter post- paid,) to Mr. Joseph Mountain, Soli- citor, Miiirhinhampton, or at bis Office in Fleece Court, Glocester. OLD coughs, asthmas, aud consumptive habits, are under the immediate influence ofthe COR- DIAL B ALM OF Gli EAD, which it soon relieves, and speedily cures. Poverty of blood, and emaciated limbs, will, ere long, uieei the happiest change; the chill watery fluid will become rich and balsamic, and the limbs b" i. overed with flesh, firm and healthful. I11 affirmation of iis truly happy, healing, balsamic, and renovating efficacy, such testimonies of the first authority are now extant, as must convince the most incredulous of its amazing restorative powers. This medicine is sold 111 bottles, price 10s. 6d. each; 01 four in one family Bottle, for 33s. by which the pur- chaser saves 9s. including the duty. Sold by Wa ker, Washbourn, and Ingram, ( succes- sor to C. Junes,) Glocester; Henney, Ruff, and Sclden, Cheltenham; Reddell, and Bennett, Tewkes- bury; Wilson, Stroud; Stevens and Waikins, Ciren- cester; Rickards, Dnrsley; and by every vender of Medicine in the kingdom. CARLTON HOUSE. RACK'ERMANN, 101, Strand, has the plettsnfe . to inform the numerous Subscribers to the RE- POSITORY OF ARTS, & C. that ill No. XXX HI. of that work, to be published 011 the 1st of September, will be given, by the sptcial permission of his Royal High- ness the Print? Regent, a beautiful perspective View, taken bv Mr. Piudn, of that enchanting place the CONSERVATORY at CARLTON HOUSE. Tins print alone will be worth the whole price of each Number of tbe Repository, Containing five coloured plates, besides the patterns of British manufactures, and a large quantity of letter- press; so that this work may with truth be pronounced, without exception, the most interesting, the most ivstructite, and cheapest pub- lication of the present day, and must infallibly become a most valuable acquisition to any library, as a com- plete record of the times in which we live. It is im- possible to conjecture yvliat a volume of this work will be worth forty or fifty years hence. N. B. Such purchasers as wish to complete their sets are requested to make early application for defi- cient Numbers, as some of the first begin to be very scarce. A few complete sets of the REPOSITORY, as well as of tbe POETICAL M AGAZINE, may be procured, half- bound, or iti boards, at tbe original price, of the publisher, lot, St rand;- of whom ~ m\ f also be had, A STRIKING LIKENESS of HIS MAJESTY, en- graved as a companion print to Ihe late PRINCESS AMELIA, by A. CARBON, from a miniature in the possession of H. R. II. the Duke of SUSSEX, after the- celebrated bust by Mr. GAHAGAN, price 5s. proofs 10s. 6d. Sold also by all print and booksellers in the united kingdom. Ackermunn's unrivalled SuPEtiKtNE WATER CO- LOURS, from 4s. to 10 guineas per box: Rudiments, Instructive Drawing- Books, and all Requisites for Drawing, wholesale aud retail.— Drawings aud Prints let ont to copy, at four guineas a year, two guineas the half year, and one guinea the quarter. *„* New Publications every week. lo the Oxtiiiers und Occupiers of Ltutds or. the Cotswold Hills-. ' IT appearing that the Gniting Stone Company have entered into an agreement with the Glocester an 1 Cheltenham Railway Companv for conveying their Stone to Glocester upon the Railway, which will occa- sion great injury to the Turnpike- Road leading from Gniting through Dowdeswell to Cheltenham, from the immense heavy carriage which will be daily passing thereon, and greath increase the expence of keeping it ill repair; and it appearing also, that to obviate 3 > great a public injury, the Gniting Stone Company have made a proposition to continue the Railway from t e sidu of Leckhampton- Hill to their Quarry, an I nave liberally agreed to subscribe a considerable sum towards carrying the same into execution, represent- ing at the same time that it would be a measure of great public utility, inasmuch as the Cotswold Hills would, by the back- carriage of the stone- carts, b; supplied with coal at a considerably reduced pticu, and a cheap and expeditious mode of conveyance for Coin and all articles of merchandize would be af- forded between the Cotswold Hills aud Glocester and Cheltenham ;— We, the undersigned Landowners on the CotswolJ Hills, having taken into consideration tbe foregoing circumstances, have thought it right to convene 11 MEETING ofthe rest of the LANDOWNERS and oilier persons interested therein, on Tuesday, the 27th day of this inst. August, at Frogmill Inn, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of considering of the propriety of the measure; aud to come to such Resolutions as may then be deemed adviseable; when the attendance of all persons who may be interested is requested. JOHK DUTTO. N, GEORGE I ALBOT, THOMAS IHEUND, JOHN DOLPHIN, JOHN BROWNE. RIVER THAMES. A MEETING of the Proprietors and Occupiers 1~\. of Land on the River Thames, between Crick- i.'-' le and the place where it forms a junction with the Thames and Severn Canal, near Lech. ade, is parti- cularly requested on Thursday, the29' li day of Au- gust instant, at the White Hart Inn, at Ciicklade, at eleven o'clock, to take into consideration the present state of the River between those limits, and tbe pro- priety of adopting some effectual measures for cleans- ing and draining the same, and for preventing a recur- rence of similar injuries to the adjoining meadows, from the waters being obstructed and not having a sufficient discharge through tiie channel of the River. Signed at the request of several of the Landowners and Occupiers. WARD and MERRIMAN. Marlbro', August 10,1011. HEATH'S GENERAL COACH OFFICES, LowerNoiihgate- street, if Bell Inn, Southgate- strect, GLOCESTER. ' I ' HE Public arc respectfully informed, the follow- JL ing MAIL, POST, and other COACHES, set out from the above Offices as usual. Mail Coach to LONDON, every day, from the Bell Inn, at Three o'clock in the afternoon. Mail Coach to CARMARTHEN, every day, from the Bell Inn, and Coach Office, aflertlie arrival of the London Mail, through Ross, Moninouth, Abergaven- ny, Brecon, and Llandoverv, at One o'clock. Mail Coach to MILFORD, Sundays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from the Bell Inn, and Coach Office, through Brecon, Carmarthen, and Haverfordwest, at One o'clock. Mail Coach to HEREFORD, Sundays, Wednes- days, and Fridays, from the Coach Office, Northgate- street, through Ledbury, at One o'clock. Mail Coach to BIRMINGHAM, through Gloces- ter, from Bristol, every night at Twelve o'clock. Mail Coach to BRISTOL, through Glocester from Birmingham, every night at One o'clock. LONDON COACH every day, from the Coach Office, Northgate street, through Cheltenham, Ox- ford, and High Wyconib, at One o'clock. LONDON ACCOMMODATION TELEGRAPH COACH, from Hereford, ( from the Bell Inn,) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, ntTwelve o'clock. HEREFORD COACH, through FOSS, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. LONDON COACH from Hereford, Sundays. Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at One o'clock. BIRMINGHAM COACH, through Glocester from Bristol, every morning ( Sunday excepted), at Nine o'clock, from tbe Bell Inn. BIRMINGHAM POST COACH, through Glo- cester from Bath, every morning ( Sunday excepted), at Eleven o'clock, from the Bell Inn. WORCESTER COACH, through Glocester from Bath, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday?,, at Three o'clock in tbe afternoon, from the Bell Inn. BRISTOL COACH from Birmingham, everyday, ( Sunday excepted), at One o'clock, from the Bell Inn. BATH POST COACH from Birmingham, every day ( Sunday excepted), at One o'clock, from the Bell Inn. BATH COACH from Worcester, Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Saturdays, at Twelve o'clock, from the Bell Inn. LEICESTER POST COACH, from Bristol, Tues- day . Thursday, and Saturday Mornings, atTwo o'clock, throug i Evesham, Stratford, Warwick, and Coven- try ; returns tiie next Evening by Five o'clock, 011 its wav to Bristol, from the Bell Inn. Performed by the Public's most obedient humble Servant, JOHN HEATH, Glocester. *** ' 1'° prevent mistakes, 110 P. accs in any of the Mails, or other Coaches, ( which pass through this Cily, to or from London.) can be promised or taken, till such Coaches actually arrive at the above Offices; nor can theProprieti rs be accountableforvaluablesabove Five Pounds, if lost or damaged, unless booked < u such . and 1 paid for accordingly. [ MINUTES OF KVIDEKCE CONTINUED.] on his return from the House of Lords ? I did.— Did you see Lady Berkeley there? Both at Spring Gardens. -- Did you hear Lady Berkeley say any thing npon that occasion? I sat in the dining parlour with Admi- ral Preseott, about half an hour before the carriage drove up ; when the carriage drove up, Lady Berke- ley got out of the carriage first, my Lord Berkeley was detained with his porter in the hall, Lady Berke- ley being first, bad flounced down in a chair, and looked heated and disappointed, saying " No more ini- quity for me. My children shall go to their church and shall read their bible, and shall tread the path of truth and virtue ;" and I do not know, there was ano- ther expression; and then Lord Berkeley came in, and tuat stopped her mouth— Had any subject been mentioned, to which the reference was of " No more iniquity for me," to which that expression referred ? Not any one; the moment she came out of" the coach, she flounced down in the chair, and this was a kind of exclamation to herself. When Lord Berkeley Came in, I never saw any countenance in my life so dejected, so chop- fallen, and so miserable. I dined there. Admiral Preseott I believe dined there; Lord Berkeley did notspeak a word I believe, and Miss Tudor did talk", but not so cheerfully as at another time.— At any time did Lady Berkeley relate to you any cir- cumstances respecting her history? She did.— Have the goodness to repeat them? About October, I can- not recollect to say in what year exactly, I think it roust be about 1787— Have the goodness to relate, as well as you can rccolleet, all that Lady Berkeley related to you about herself? Mr. Moore, counsel for the Petitioner, requested to know if this evidence was intended to discredit Lady Berkeley? Mr. SolieitorGeneral answered that it was. The witness said, When I came into the parlour fo Shelter myself, I believe it was from rain, Miss Tudor • was discharging a servant she had had out of the coun- try, and persuading this girl fo return to her friends in tne country, telling her she would pay her stage coach il she would. She refused, saying, she liked to stay in Loudon better. Upon which Miss Tudor a- ked me, if 1 did not think the girl extremely obsti- nate; and that a girl with a goad countenance, and dismissed from service without money, would he sure to fall a prey to some manor other. In this situation, said she, I was once myself; but having a friend of my mother's, whose name I recollected, and whose house I found out, very luckily was received with kindness ; but that kindness did not last long, for he came to me, and said, '' Mary, you must not stay longer under my roof; I have lived in good esteem among my neighbours, and the young people will laugh at nie if you continue, and the old will despise me; therefore, child, you must go down to your friends af Glocester." I said to her," I hope that he did not turn you out without some money." " No," ihe said, " he did not; he gave me a very handsome pre- sent, and with that present I quitted his house and went to my sister Ann Farren, whom I found with a sore breast, two or three children extremely diseased and dirty, and one Mrs. Sheffield, an old servant in the family, who came, upon her necessitous situation, to assist them. The first thing I did was to send for a surgeon to my sister; the next was to have the chil- dren cleaned aud cloathed, and that dipped very deep- ly into my present. I remunerated Mrs. Sheffield for lier kindness, and, then disliking my situation miner my sister, took up my little bundle and march. d to my sister Susan's. I took up the knocker; but recol- lecting that my mother had given mc strict orders never to speak to my sister Susan any move, I laid it " down again quietly, and took a turn to reflect upon my disobedience; but when I thought of returning to all that misery at my sister's, my sister screaming with pain, and the children almost famished with hunger, I faced about, went to my sister Susan's once again ; tookup the knocker aud gave a loud rap. Who should come to the door, but ( as if it had been on pu. pose) luy sister Susan herself, dressed out in all Die para- phernalia of a fine lady going to the Opera. She took roe into her arms, carried me into the parlour and gave me refreshment; began to tear a great many va- luable laces of sixteen shillings a yard, to equip me for the Opera, and when I was so dressed I looked like a devil. I went to the Opera aud was entertained with it, and at night returned again to my sister's, and there I found a table well spread, not knowing that my sister ever had any fortune. At that table w" ire Lord Berkeley, Sir Thomas Ripworth, I think a Mr. Marriot, and a Mr. Howarth; the evening went off very dull and they soon left the place. The next night vie went to the play in the same manner, and re- turned in the same manner, and with no other diffe- rence than a young barrister, whom I thought agree- able ; and if Iliad been frequently with him should have liked him very much. When they went away I requested my sister to give me a cheerful evening, that we might recount over our youthful stories ; the day was fixed, and our supper consisted ot a roast fowl, sausages, and a bowl of punch. In the midst of our mirth a violent noise was heard in the passage, aud in rushed two ruffians, one seizing my sister by the right hand, and the other by the left, trying to drag her out of the house in order to carry her to a ipunging- house. She told me the men declared they would not quit Susan her sister unless they received a ljundred guineas. She fainted away; then, when she came to herself, she found Lord Berkeley standing by lier sister Susan, who was not there before. Miss Tudor fell upon her knees, aud desired my Lord Berkeley to liberate her sister; that she had no money herself to doit, and if he would do it, he might do whatever he would with her own person; he paid down one hundred guineas; the ruffians quitted their hold, and my Lord carried off the Lady.— In the con- clusion, did her Ladyship say any thing? Yes; she said, " Mr. Cbapeati, I have been as much sold as any lamb that goes to the shambles."— Recoiled whether the name of the person at whose house Lady Berke- ley stated herself to have been received, was a gen- tleman ofthe name of Aubert? I do not know as to the time ; but Lord Berkeley told me one day some- thing about a Mr. Aubert.—- Did you collect from Lady Berkeley the name ofthe person at whose house she was kindly received after quitting her service? I dined at Lord Berkeley's with Sir. Aubert; I thought liini a very agreeable elderly man, and mentioned that at the table: upon which Miss Tudor said, " This is a Tory old friend of my mother's."— A few months after the birth of the Claimant, do yon remember seeing a drawing of Berkeley Castle ? After Miss Tudor went down to Cranford; the boy was a good big boy ; Doc- tor Poiguaud sent me two or, three manuscripts of Berkeley Castle, descriptions of Berkeley Castle, that he received, from a Frenchman, whose name I have forgotten; Tremblay, I think.— Did you see a small thawing of Berkeley Castle? I did see a draw- ing of Berkeley Castle; a very miserable drawing it was; and I asked whether it was like the original; and she said, " Upon my word I do not know, for I ncvir was there."— Was it a drawing of the external part of Berkeley Castle? It was a little thing, a little bigger than my hand.- It was a drawing of the outside of the Castle? Y'es, it was.— Who was it that made that speech, " I cannot tell for I never was there"? Miss Tudor.— Do yon remember having any conver- sation with Lord Berkeley respecting his children, or hearing him say any thing of them long prior to the mar- riageof 1796? I do not understand what is meant— DO yon recollect hearing Lord Berkeley say any thing respecting his brother Admiral Berkeley? I certainly did ; but 11 annot take upon me now to say any thing upon that subject.— Why not ? Because I do not re- collect the circumstances.— Can you state any part of what he said ? I would state five thousand things if I otild recollect them; but I am seventy- six years of - e, and my memory does not serve me as it did. Cross- examined. Yon state that you are seventy- six years of age, and that your memory has failed you a good deal, is that so? It is so.— With regard to this drawing of Berkeley Castle which you say was shewn to you when the eldest son of Lord Berkeley Was a big boy, how ma- ny years old was he ? At the breast I mean.— You said that this story which Lady Berkeley told you about her life, was some time in the latter part of 178T? I think it was At Cranford? Yes.— Have you ever been nt Berkeley Castle ? Once.— Was that long ago or lately ? I do not exactly know what time, but if was not above ten or twelve years ago; I never kept in mind what time it was.— You stated that the person who supplied you first with the entry of the baptism of the eldest soil was Admiral Preseott? Yes.— And that when you saw the registry afterwards, the entry iu the register was different from the description of him given to you in that memorandum for the certificate? Yes.-— The alteration was that of the name of Cole being substituted for that of the name of Tudor? Yes, and being without the word " natural," natural son. — When was it that you first saw that alteration had taken place? When Lady Berkeley came home from the House of Lords, when she came and flounced down in the chair; I said to Admiral Prescott, " I. will cut them now entirely, for I am satisfied that Lady Berkeley has a great deal of truth in her? and that it arises from Iter own conviction."— How long before that had yon seen the register iu the state in which you have described it to be? Not before; I went from that house to St. George's to look at that register; it was too late, and I went again next day.— When had you seen the register with the word " na- tural". in it, an ' the name of Tudor instead of the name of Cole? I never saw the register with the word " natural" in it; Lord Berkeley took the certificate to the Doctor to enter it with him,' and lie had never entered it, but written down something of bis own.— Then it is not that there had been any alteration iu tbe registry by omitting " natural" and inserting the name of " Tudor" instead of that of" Cole," hot that the entry in the register was di tie rent from that iu point of tenor, which was contained in Admiral Prcs- eott's memorandum ? Upon my word the registry of my Lord's was so different, that it seemed to be quite another thing.— You do not mean to say that the regis- try in the book had ever undergone any alteration? I do not know that it ever has, for I saw the registry only in 1799; there was " William Fitzhardinge, son of Frederick Augustus Earl of Berkeley, by Mary Cole;" I think that was the expression, " December 26th, 1786," I think.— Then you only meant to say that Admiral Prescott's memorandum differed from the registry you saw in 1799 ? No; I gave you a par- ticnlar account how the thing was, that Admiral Pres- cott wrote down on a sheet of paper " Frederick Au- gustus," but I must have asked him to have doue that, for I did not know my Lord's name.— If you are un- derstood, the only difference which you mean to des- cribe is the difference between the tenor of Admiral Prescott's memorandum, aud the registry when you examined it? The difference that I allude to is that one had " the natural son" in it, and the other had " Tudor" instead of " Cole;" those wyre the two dif- ferences I recollect.— And yon never saw the registry but upon that occasion ? No.- As you visited frequently at Cranford, you can tell perhaps whether you ever saw the Dowager Lady Berkeley there? Yes I did. I have played at cards with her there.— Did Miss Tudor form one of the party on those occasions? She did.— It is meant by the Dowager Lady Berkeley, the late Lord Berkeley's mother ? Yes,— Did that fre- quently happen? 1 think that I was invited down twice but not more.— Was the Dow ager Lady Berke- ley there at one of those times, or each of those times? Each of those times.— Do you mean to say that you never were but twice at Cranford? Lord Berkeley and I shot every day together, and I suppose I was every day at Cranford; but I was invited to play a game at whist in the evening; I did not dine there those days that I played a game at cards; I was at Cranford very often.— Were those the only two occa- sions on which you remember having seen the Dowager Lady Berkeley there ? I think tliey were.— Can you remember in what year either of those visits were? No ; I cannot at all; dates are dreadful things to me. — Can you say, with any sort of accuracy, how m. my years after you first knew Miss Tudor? No, it is all lost; they were things that did not occupy my mind at all, I thought her a disagreeable woman, and she made so many " child," and " child," and " child," till I was quite sick of it.— Whom did she address by the ne. aie of child ? Miss Tudor, a thousand times in a minute.— In what way did the Dowager Lady Berke- ley conduct herself towards Miss Tudor ; in an affec- tionate manner, or the contrary? Oh! very affection- ate.— Did you know a lady of Ihe name of Mrs. Bell? Yes, I did; a very agree able lady .— Did you fi equent- ly see Mrs. Bell at Cranford? Yes, indeed, I did; the cause of her coming there was, Lord Berkeley chose fo have some old paintings ( Hampton- court beauties) cleaned, and I believe, they were to be new framed, and Mrs. Bell undertook to do them; I do not know that she was there after that, but that took up a great deal of time, I dare say a month backwards and forwards, that she was doing those pictures.— Do yon mean to say that this Mrs. Bell was only there oil that occasion? Ob no, no, she was frequently there on other occasions, but that seemed to be most of her employ.— Doyouknow what Mrs. Bell's family were ? what her husband was? I believe he dealt in anything that he could get any tiling by; I remember at the break ing out of the war at tbe Heldcr, he had an immense quantity of old saddles, that I would not have given him two- pence for.— Do you not know that this Mr. Bell was a considerable merchant ? Upon my word I do not know it; I have seen him at Cranford fishing ; that was all that I ever saw of him. I have seen him walking" to the bank like other merchants. He was a very good sort of a man, and I believe he was in some degree of trade, I really think that. I do not mean to depreciale Mr. Bell; I did not see anything more of him than when he was down at Cranford; be was a good sort of a man.— Did not Mrs. Bell always call the lady whom you call Miss Tudor, by the name of Lady Berkeley in your presence? Never, not in my hearing, fori should have taken notice if she had, and thought her a very fulsome woman.— Did y6u ever hear Mrs. Bell call Lady Berkeley by the name of Miss Tudor? I do not know indeed ; they had a quar- rel and were parted, and did not see one another for a great while; I really know very little about their connections, but I really do not think I ever did. I think myself, now I recollect, that Lady Berkeley took little or no notice of Mrs. Bell after she became Lady Berkeley, and that that gave great otfenee there.— The question is, of the time before Lady Berkeley became Lady Berkeley; before that you never heard Mrs. Bell caliber Miss Tudor? Oh dear! she could call her nothing else but Miss Tudor.— Will you venture to swear that you have heard Mrs. Bell call Lady Berkeley, by the name of Miss Tudor ? No, I will not. venture to swear anything about it; I am not at all concerned in it.— You will not now venture to swear, that you did ever hear Mrs, Bell call Lady Berkeley by the name of Miss Tudor? I do not know that I ever heard her call her by the name of Miss Tudor, and I am sure i never heard her call her by the name of Lady Berkeley; I never cared a farthing whether she did or did not.— You must have been very frequently in the company of the present Lady Berkeley and this Mrs. Bell? I never was; I was in company with them twice or thrice, but I ne- ver was more thun that.— How did you know then, that . this Mrs. Bell had been frequently at Cranford ? Because I saw the remains of her liandyworks upon the pictures. Examined by the Ixirds. When you were present at the christening of Lady Berkeley's second child, you say that a circumstance ftccarred which occasioned you great jiwprize, name- ly,' that Lady Berkeley put a sealed paper into Ihe hands of Mr. Pitt the officiating clergyman, what were the circumstances which occasioned such sur- prize? The first was, that I conceived that Lady Berkeley had pnt the guinc- a which I gave to the nurse, and Admiral Prescott's guinea which he gave to the nurse, and conveyed them in that, letter; that was tbe first: then the next was, I concluded when I knew the name of Cole, that it was to hide the name of Cole from me, who had never been acquainted with that name,— You state you had been more or less iu habits of intimacy with Lord Berkeley, and lived a great deal ill his society; did Lord Berkeley ever make any communication to you of any matter of confidence on any subject whatever; any secret confi- dential . communication relative to his affairs, or other • matters? A thousand, if I had memory to retain them. If you please, I do not think I can go on, but I will try. Lord Berkeley and I used to ride out when we were alone five days in the week together. Once he said, " Oh, dear Chapcau, I am very low- spirited and very unhappy , I knew an old friend of miue, by the name of Smith, whs was a son ofthe Duke of Dorset- born out of wedlock, and that man was my schoolfellow, and a man I loved exceedingly, and whenever I think of him I am always unhappy. I attended him all through his illness ; he drank him- self to death because he was disappointed iu the title." And he said, " Believe me, my children shall never experience such cursed villainy through my means." — Can you state the date of that conversation on the subject of Mr. Smith? I should think No, I can- not. Five hundred things of that kind. Lord Berke- ley has said to me.— Can yon state what was the age of any of the children at that time? No- I cannot.— , Can you state whether Lord Berkeley had any chil- dren boru at that time ? O yes;' two or three, I think. — Have yon any recollection how many children Lord Berkeley might have born at that time? No, I do not remember; the children were playing about in the pleasure g'/ nmd with their little barrows and things.— You have stated that the conversation in which Lady Berkeley gave you a narrative of her life began in consequence of her discharging a mahl; can you say whether the maid w as- present at this conver- sation ? No, I should think not; to be sure she was not. At her telling me this nobody was present.— Then the narrative was after the maid retired out of the room ? Yes.— You have stated that you saw a print of Berkeley Castle at Cranford at the time Lord Berkeley's son was at the breast. How did you know that it was Berkeley Castle.— I brought the three lit- tle volumes I mentioned from Dr. Poignaud, who re- ceived them from Mr. Tremplay ; whether that draw- ing was in that book and fell out of that book, I do not know ; but that drawing I exhibited to Miss Tu- dor, not having seen Berkeley Castle, to know whe- ther it was really like or not.— How did you know that that was a drawing of Berkeley Castle? Because it was a book describing Berkeley Castle.— Then you bad no other reason for knowing this was Berkeley Castle, but because it was a drawing which you sup- pose to have fallen out of that book ? No, most likely it bad the name of Berkeley Castle ; that trifling cir- cumstance might lead me to it.— Do you recollect that it had the name of Berkeley Castle ? Yes I d#, the book was all about Berkeley Castle.— Do you recol- lect that the drawing had the mime of Berkeley Castle under it? No, I cannot say that it had; I cannot swear that it had.— Cali you recollect whether the drawing contained a representation of Berkeley church along with the Castle? No, I do not know that it did ; I do not recollect that. I know there are two or three diawings in the house; there is a small drawing at Cranford, and a large drawing at Spring Gardens, both exceedingly bad, and done by the Dowager Lady Berkeley.—- Then the following ex- tract from the evidence given by the witness this day was read : " The men declared they would not quit Susan her sister, unless they received a hundred gui- neas ; she fainted away; then when she came to her- self she found Lord Berkeley standing by her sister Susan, who was not thtVc before :"— And the witness was asked, Yon meant to say that Lady Berkeley fainted away ? Miss Tudor; I saw so much of her be- fore and after, that now and then I may substitute by forgetfulness the one for tbe other.— You have re- lated with great particularity a conversation which took place between you and Lady Berkeley on that occasion; did you at the time make any memoran- dum? No, but I have mentioned it to more people than one. 1 always pitied Lady Berkeley's situation, and thought she would have been a very good excel- lent woman, if Lord Berkeley had taken as much pains with her as lie ought to have done.— You have mentioned in great detail a conversation which took place between you and Miss Tudor in the year 1787, at Cranford, were you informed at that time, or could you recollect from that conversation, whether the event of that fainting, and that hundred pounds, was at an early period before that, or some years before that? Just before; and then I look upon that to have been the origin of their starting together.— How long was it before that conversation, that this event took place as you collected? This conversation was in the month of October, I lliirik. 1737, which is now twenty- five years ago, which is a great while for a man of my years to retain ; I wonder I have retained so much.— . How long was it before that conversation, that this event took place as you collected? The event of Lord Berkeley taking possession of the lady? To be sure, as Lady Berkeley generally bred once a year, aud I concluded she would do so again; therefore I con- jectured it was near a year before that boy was brought into the world, cr thereabouts, that is only my conjecture; I do not know that was the case, hut • it was a natural way of judging.— Did Lady Berkeley say anything from whirh you could affix a date to the period of time when the ruffians seized lier sister? No, not at all, I was so occupied by a sense of her danger, that I do not recollect anything about the time.— Did she say anything that could lead you to judge what was the year in which this happened ? No, she was telling a tale of a tiling which had happened some time before; but I could not judge whether it was twelve months or a year and a half, or what time; if si i'med to be a recent tiling that she related.— In any confidential communication with Lord Berkeley, did you ever learn from his Lordship whom he con- sidered as the heir to his title or estate ? Yes, I have several times, twenty times ; his brother George Ber- keley.— Were you understood rightly, that you broke off all communication with Lord Berkeley from the year 1799? Yes, all; I never spoke to Lord Berke- ley afterwards, nor pulled off my hat to him, though I was in a shop with him, and had known him thirty- five years.— Were yon in the habit of freqnentijig Lord Berkeley's house in the year 1798? I was in the habit of frequenting that house for ever; I cannot particu- larize any time.— Recollect whether ever in the course of 1798 yon happened to be in Lord Berkeley's hoiise at dinner? I cannot at all tell. In the year 1798 was when 1 went shooting with him; I took a house with- in a mile cf Lord Berkeley's, to attend him and go shooting with him; and therefore it is most. likely that I w as that year more than once, twice, or thrice. — At dinner? I should think so, at dinuer.— Did the present Lady Berkeley ever dine at that time at table with him ? Yes, to be sure she did.— Will you declare that you never heard the present Lady Berkeley called Lady Berkeley in the year 1798? I never heard her called so but by that footman.— Never- by Lord Berkeley ? Oh no.— In the year 1798, the last year that you used to frequent the house ? Oh, I cannot at all tell, for I do not suppose I was there ; I was very shy of going there latterly.— Had you any quarrel at that time with Lord Berkeley ? No, I had not.— Do you ever recollect hearing anybody call her Lady Berkeley before the year 1799? I never heard anybody but that footman; be called bur so twice. •— Did not, 5" ou state that you dined at Lord Berkeley's house the year that there had been a bearing in the House of Lords respecting his claim? Yes.— Did yon not know that the present Lady Berkelev was Lady Berkeley at that time ? To be sure I did-— Then do you mean to say that you never heard Lord Berkeley call her Lady Berkeley during the time yon were at dinner there in the year 1798? I do not know; I do not recollect it; but I knew then by report that she was.— Is not that a circumstance that would have struck your ears? Upon my word I pnt so little con- fidence in what Lord Berkeley said, that I did not give much credit to any thing latterly.— You have said that you have frequently repeated the narrative that Lady Berkeley gave concerning what passed at her sister's; can yon state the names of any persons to whom you have repeated that, narrative? Yes; Colo- nel Roscawen, Mr. Scroggs, Mr. Evelyn Meadowes, and Lord Dunmore, but he is dead.— Have you recently had any conversation with any of those persons or any other persons for the purpose of re- freshing your memory ? No, I have done it. more than once, and talked it over lately with these very persons I have mentioned. Mr. Scroggs is gone into Hamp- shire ; but with Colonel Boscawen and Mr. Evelyn Meadowes I have lately.— Did you mention it to any one recently after having the narrative from Lady Berkeley? No, not to anybody at all. Can you state how soon afterwards you first men- tioned it?. No, I cannot at all; I never menti- oned it to anybody before, but only giving it as an evidence that I did not think she was married the first time, and I gave that as a proof; I thought that was a reason.— Had you upon any other occasion any conversation with Lady Berkeley about her circum- stances and situation in life ? No.— Did you ever in any of the confidential conversations you had with Lord Berkeley mention this circumstance to him? No, I never should have thought of such a thing; I could not tell whether it might not be a great injury to both parties ; I might have made my Lord unhappy, and might have separated them when they were together, and I did not like to be the author of that; they were to follow their own plan.— Recollect, and if possible state to the House, whether the conversations you had with Lord Berkeley about Mr. Smith, the Duke of Dorset's brother, was previous to or subsequent to this conversation with Lady Berkeley? I cannot connect them together myself, to bring it to my own mind to know when it was.— Have you no means of recollecting which took place first ill point of date ? No, I do not know, because Lord Berkeley has more than once mentioned that of tbe Duke of Dorset to me.— Did Lord Berkeley never mention this circum- stance of Mr. Smith to you subsequent to the conver- sation you had with Lady Berkeley about the circum- stances of her life? I do not know what the question alludes to; Lord Berkeley never mentioned any thing to me about the circumstances of her life.— Do you recollect that you said this conversation took place with Lord Berkeley at the time a number of children were playing about in the lawn? Yes; I thought so; I could not fix the time, but by such a circumstance.. — Endeavour to. recollect whether you have not giveu as the date of the conversation w ith Lady Berkeley, in w hich she related the circumstances of her life, that you supposed it was about a'year an a half sub- sequent to their connection? I told you before of dates, that at my time of life they were very distressing to tne, and in consequence of your desire I was obliged to fix some date as yon seemed to require it, at a time of twenty- five years distance I could not possibly ascer- tain any date that was exactly suited to the time. I made no remarks that would lead me to that; I ouly concluded that it was about1 that time by the cir- cumstance of Miss Tudor being down there, and my being down there hiyMf with rnv family.— When Lord Berkeley told you concerning his regret about the circumstances of Mr. Smith's death, did it nor bring to your recollection the narrative which Lady Berkeley had given you? Not the least in the world; I did not think tin re was any thing similar in the case. — Did yon not think there was something similar be- tween the Duke of Dorset's having an elder brother, who, from being a natural son, was not entitled to the title, and Lord Berkeley's having natural children, who, you knew would not be entitled to the title of Berkeley? I do not see any thing that could bring it to ray mind at that time, I really do not recollect that it struck me there was any similarity ; there was a similitude, because Lord Berkeley made the re- mark that he would not commit the same offence.— Did you understand Lord Berkeley to sta'e to you at that time, that he would not inarry Lady Berkeley after having had children antecedently by her ? Never that he would not marry. I do not recollect Lord Btrkeley talking any thing about marriage to anyone in the world; but once he spoke of Miss Caroline Otiry that he was very fond of, and most people thought he would marry her, and I asked him why he would not, and he said " Oh dear no, you shall never get the marriage chain round my neck."— Can you state when you left your house at Cranford ? I have half a dozen houses. I do not know which you allude to.— Can yon state when you last left off living at Cranford? No; there is something perhaps may lead to it; I do not know. Lord Berkeley had run the matter of game so hard with respect to the people, that I foresaw there would be a kick- up of the whole, and I told him I wished he would take carc; there were many ways by which he might prevent it, and if he would he might enjoy his game for years; and if he would not, there would be an end of it very soon, which was, to give the farmers and the men, within the range of his* manor, a good dinner of venison, ale, and wine; that that was the best way ofkeeping game.— Did Lord Berkerlev agree with you on the subject? No, hedidnot, and lost his game entirely; aud now I will tell you how he lost it. Lord Berke- ley, aud the son of one Harris, a schoolmaster of Ux- bridge, had been at variance a great while about shooting ; he had killed a great deal of game, aud paid a great deal of money for it, and be went one October, to Oxfordshire, and collected about a dozen farmer's sons that were just qualified, and when my Lord Berkeley and I were shooting under D'Oyley's wall together, I saw a quantity of people coming each with a dog under his arm, that he had picked up at Uxbridge. Lord Berkeley's covers are intersected with roads, and they put down those dogs that they had picked up ; they did not belong to them, but they bad picked them up iu the town ; the dogs ran about and disturbed the game, and the farmers shot; aud under D'Oyley's wall we first heard this uproar. Lord Berkeley seemed to be very much distressed, and violently angry, and rode up to the spot where they were firing, I thought by platoons. I followed Lord Berkeley close to liis heels; and when I came within a half a mile of the insurgents, I jumped off my horse, took Lord Berkeley's bridle, and told him that he should hear me before he stirred. I asked Lord Berkeley, " there is a poor w oman yotihave se- duced at home, there are two or three children, or four I believe that you have, who are holding lip their little hands to you for protection, yon must give in and not set their lives, their. coinfort, their happiness, against a parcel of foolish pheasants and hares." My Lord Berkeley sunk his bridle, suffered me to lead him through Bull's Bridge gate ; I locked the gate and threw the key into the hedge and went away, and never shot afterwards.— Can you state the time that Lord Berkeley mentioned to yon, he would have wished to have married Miss ( jury ? No; his sister, the Margravine, was there for a month, and I believe he would have married her, if she had not intreated him not.— When was that? I do not know.— Can you state how long you were acquainted with Miss Tudor, or Lady Berkeley as . she was called, before she en- trusted you with the history of her life? I cannot tell that; for I was as much surprized at bet relating it, as you were at hearing it.— How often had yon setai her before that time? Lady Berkeley is a very genetans sort of woman that relates a great many tMrigs w irtiout thinking much about them. Slje has a great maty good qualities belonging toiler; she really" is very ar- less in what she relates to anybody, and very prompt, and therefore not very guarded; by no means guaided in what she says. I am sure I was as much surprised as any body in the world.— Was this the first confi- dential conversation you ever had with Lady Berki - ley.— I think it was the first and the last I ever hat}. I will give you a proof of Lady- Berkeley's artlessness. slie is n very artless w oman, and a woman who I think has been very ill used through life, for I think she Ins a great many good qualities. I saw her in'Spring Gardens • now I shall surprise yon more. I went to call on Lord Berkeley iu Spring Gardens, not long i believe after the death ofthe mother; the eldest boy had been shut up!, by her, a good big boy, because he had been very insolent to his mother; wiieu I came in- to the room I asked Miss Tudor where master Berke- ley vvas, she said he w^ is shut up in the room within the drawing room, which was a bed- chamber, a fid had been shut up for several bom s without anv victn- als. I said " Mu'iinv, I think you do wrong," for the child will be ill, do- liberate him," ( being confined for* so many hours) ; she went into the room, fetched the boy out, with a stick in one hand and her other hand upon his collar ; she said, " go and thank Mr. Clia- pcau for your liberation," imd she then added, keep- ing hold of him the while, " Now you little doe, though I am not your father's wife, I " will make y< u know through life I am your mother."--- Do you stale " upon your oath that she said she was not the wife of Lord Berkeley? I do say so: I r< 1 , tp this as a cir- cumstance said to the child.— Do you upon your oalli state to the House, that she stated hen- elf not to be the wjfe of Lord Berkeley? I aln really convinnd that this is what I heard her say.— Can you swear posi- tively to the words, that her Ladyship declared her- self not to be the wife of Lord Berkeley? She made nse of those words that I have related. Do you recollect whether any person was present besides yourself and Lady Berkeley at the time? I do not recollect that: there was a laity went out of the room with some of the children, either into the nur- sery, or to bed, or somewhere.— Jfclore this conver- sation passed ? Yes, before this conversation passed. — At what time did this conversation pass? I slib'tdd think about tea- time.— You have said, that vou un- derstood from Lord Berkeley that Admiral Berkeley was heir to liis titles and estate; did Lord Berkch v represent him as_ heir to both his titles and estates'? Lord Beikelty represented him as having the earl- dim, and all t . at vvas connected with it, and giving the other to his own children, to whom he said he hi d the power to give all ; but I told him he was veiy much mistaken ; that Berkeley- square he had i o power over ar all, but that went w ith the title; and therefore he did not understand his own situation,-— You represent Lord Berkeley as representing that over the title he had no power, and that Lord Berke- ley had power' over the whole of the estate ; lipon which you observed to him that he, Lord Berkeley,, had not power over the Berkeley- square es'tatc ? Yes. — Can you in any way recollect about what time this conversation passed? I cannot exactly doit; but I think that Admiral Berkeley was in London at the time. No I cannot fix it.— Can you tell at all how many children Lord Berkeley bad at the time, or where he lived at the time? Lord Berkeley was st Cranford then.— Yon cannot tell when ne lived in London; was he in Grafton- street or Spring Gardens at the time he made this declaration to jou ? I do not know.— How many children had he at that time ? They we're good big boys.— What do you call big boys? That could run about.— How many conld run about ? I cannot tell the number; but I know that my Lord Berkeley and George Berkeley had a great deal or conversation on the subject, lhat made me con- elnde he was in town.— You have said, that talking of Mr. Smith, Lord Berkeley said he never would be guilty of the like offence ; tile like offence as what? The like offence was to marry his woman after he had some children; so I understood ; I do not know what his meaning was, but I should think that.— That was the idea that the like offence gave you? Yes; it was. The w itness was directed to withdraw. 77ien WILI. HM FENDALL, Esq. was again called in, at his own desire, to ex/ dain his evidence, and said, I am desired to state my opinion with respect to Ihe character of Lady Berkeley at the time I was ac- quainted with her. I can only say, in addition to what I have already stated, that whatever my opinion was when first introduced to her, subsequent circum- stances have materially changed that opinion, and that I have no reason to believe she was otherwise than virtuous. The witness was directed to with- draw. The Counsel were directed to withdraw-. Pro- posed to adjourn this Committee to Tuesday next at two of the clock. Accordingly, adjourned to Tues- day next, two ofthe clock. ( TO BE CONTINUED ) JUaitets* CoitN- ExcHANGE, LONDOR, Aur,. 12. A rise in the price of wheat has prtigreisively taken place since nisi Monday; and this morning, with a tolerable supplv for the season, tiie sales were made .. i 6i and 7s. per quarier advance. N H A lew samples disposed of earlv even upon' i-• r terms -- Other gram has not- n like manner fluctuated in pric, --. Kye and barley were both in demand and ra'her dearer.— Bea. ; of Ike wo kinds, and ca. s, a irifle cheaper.— Flour, in consequence of iho rise in wheat, is na. T. ed at SOs per sack. Wheat 70 to 88 Fine ditto 92 to too Superfine ditto. 102 tin 10 Rye So to 45 Barley 28 to S9 Malt." 70 to 74 Boilers 50 to 56 Grey Pease 42 til 52 Beans 40 t » 45 Ticks 34 to Oats 20 to 26 Poland ditto 28 tn 32 White Pease 40 to 48 ! Pofatoe ditto ... 00 to S3 PRICE OF FLOUR. Fme 85s. to 90s. per sack. Seconds 80s. to 85s. ditto. Bran lis. te 13s. Od. per quar. Fine Pollard 22s. to 25s. Oil. ditto. PRICE OF SEEDS, & c. Carrawayp. cwt. 36 to 40 j Rye Grass p. qnar30 to 42 Coriander ilitto., 40 to 50 ; Mustard, wh. bus. 8 to 10 Red Clover ditt. 990 tolOa ' 1) tto, brown, do. 12 to 16 . White ditto ditto lQ0tol20 ^ Turnip, ditto 10 to trt per - ' - --- - .]., I, Rape, 38l. to 4,21. per last... Trefoil, 2Qs. to 6, js. p. cwt Oil- Cake; 161.16s. per thousand. PRICE OF MEAT AT SMITHFIELD, Sinking th" oflal... per stone of albs. Beef.... 5s. Oil. to 6s. Oil. j Veal ... 5s. od. to 7s. Mutton5s. 4d, t. n 6s. 4d. | Pork... 6s, Od. to 6s. 8d. Lamb, 5s. 4d. to 6s. 8d. NEWGATE AND LEA DEN HALL, By the Carcass. Beef... 4s. Od. to 5s. gd. j Veal.., 4s. 8d. to 6s. 8d, Mnttou4s. fid. to 5s. 6( 1. ' Pork...( is. ( td. to 6s. 3d. Lamb..... - Is. 4d. to 6s. 8d. PRICE OF HOPS: HAGS. I. » . I. *, I POCKETS, I. s. I. s, Kent 5 10 to 6 6 j Kent 5 18 to 7 0 Sussex 5 5 to 6 0 Sussex 5 1 y to 6 6 Essex 5 5 to 6 0 1 Faruham... 10 0 tol2 0 Old Hup Duty, laid at i l. WOO. : :— _______ Co UN EXCHANGE, LONDON, JOI. Y 31. Few arrivals of wheat, and not much remaining of t' e supplis: coastwise; but a few thousand quarters of foreign have come to hand— the trade heavy, sale Hardly at last prices"; harUy : , shnrt supplv, and nut much in request; malt aiid white peas at little variation; beans of each surlnea, ly at last currency, the fresh arri- vals of eats are- someu- hat cona'der. ih! and second, wi h inferior named rattler lower; flour at M nilay's advance ol' 5s. per > aek. Wiieat 68 tnlOO Beans. . 4.'? to 50 Fine ditto 104 to 108 Tick Beans....... 34 to 42 Kye 40 10 45 Oats 20 to 2i Barley.. 32 to 38 Polands 30 to 3[ Mall 66 to 73 Potatoe ditto....— to 3f White Peas — to — 1 Fine Flour 85 to 91 Grey Peas 44 to 50 j Seconds .30 to 85
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