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The Glocester Herald


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Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 504
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The Glocester Herald
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The Glocester Herald

Date of Article: 25/05/1811
Printer / Publisher: G.F. Harris 
Address: Herald Office, St John's Lane
Volume Number: X    Issue Number: 504
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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NT / A/ 0CV ^ IH VOL. X. NO. SOi. ' mi& iy. D AND PLTJLlSHl'D, FOR THE PROPRIETORS, • Iu> AY% ' Mill' 25, 1811. PRICE StX- PENCE HALFPENNY. „.-,.—^ WEDNESDAY'S POST TOMDON. TUESDAY, MAY, 21. ar;" j kerl BY a vessel from New York, which Sailed the litli April, we leaw that hopes were entertained of the adjustment ofthe diflevenees with this country. A New York paper of the 5th ult. ( The Columbian') States, that . the collector of that, port had, on'the preceding morning, received a lcUtir from Mr. Galla- tin, Secretary of the Treasury, authorising him to admit to enttiiuee all vessels front British ports which . Had completed their lading, and. cleared before the 211 Febntarv ; but which were prevented from going to Sea. until afW that day. l » y adverse " winds, or etl. ee Providential c'atisc's. The Magdalen,, from J.. t- VctpO. o and several other vessels, had availed them- selves of this order to make entry.— Mr. • Smith ha* ftsigned, and Mr. Munro is appointed Secratary of • siuie. Or. Ustice is nominated Fleuipotqutiary at the Court o » London. The last Lisbon mail hfought a private letter from Lard Wellington of the s. » me date it- bis dispatch to Government, viz. May 1, in which ilis Lordship states that Masseint had h. cti\ eil: instructions to defend Al- ttieida as long as h, e possibly cduh. l doit With' safety.' Ill consequence ofthese iustruetioushisLnrdsJiip con- Ccives it possible that the garrisonmayhold out, a fort- night. His Lordship to this adds, that jt is possible and very probubjc, that a general engagement with the enemy may take pfcwe in three days tVoni the date of his letter. " Miisseha's army had Keen reinforced, and at the latter end of April, amounted to about 32,000 men, im- luding 8000 ( favalrv. at A letter from Lisbon to the 7th inst. says, tllat. Mr. Welfesley lias been formally refused permission for Ijdrd Wellington to hold the riink ofcaptain- gctieral ill the several provinces of Spain Into which the fate of arms may carry him ; that the Cortes are going to revive the inquisition* and abolish the liberty of the press. One printer has beeti recently imprisoned. It was Strongly fepdrted at Cadi*, at the date ofthe last accounts, that Sebastian;, with all the French froops at Grenada, had marched and joined Mot tier lit Seville, and made three several attacks upon Mar- shal Beresford; in each of which they were repulsed with great slaughter. By letters received from Spain, we learn that Bonaparte takes all the means in his- powcr to pro- pagate the breed of Merinos; tp this effect he has given orders in the south of France, that every Attention should be paid to the keeping of the breed pure and unmixed, and his emissaries are also or- dered to drive in Id France all the flocks of Merinos " ' licit can belaid hold of, particularly the LedWese. flic piles o Oodov, Negretc, Pantt'r, and Escurial, which reckoned upwar Is of 300.000 Merinos, exist fio more; others of less magnitude are aho dete- riorated, and finally, the Government of Madrid . has Seized on alt the flocks of the Duke of Intantado, to Send them, to France; so that ihis pile is also extinct. The Times states, on the authority of a vessel from France, that a set of Bonaparte's emissaries have fail- ed in a plot to entrap the King of Prussia;—* th; it a r,;-\ '- ii loan til a great amount, is now- in agipitiim in France, trom the levying of which serious discontents ivere appfi bended -.— that live French frigates have Sailed for Rifuvii, aud that forty more will speedily be frttdy for sea I A letter from the city of St. Domingo, dated Fe- bruary 13, states, that Petion has obtained posses- sion of that place, and w ould s. oou he master of the whole island. By the schooner Female, Vcazcy, arrived at Balti- more ill sixteen days, from Kingston, Jamaica, we ltarn, that an E'ugiishsqiiaiiron of five sail ofthe line, Ciii been ordered to proceed lo the island of St. Do- fhihgo, for the purpose of capturing Christophe's Squadron.—( New York Piijlcr, March 29.) Capt. Stevens, arrived at Boston, says it is report- ed at St. Domingo, that the whole island of Cora- Ma, with Little Curacoa, and part of Bonair, were ( link by an earthquake on the 9th of February, with all the " vessels in the harbour, amongst which was a vessel from London with a cargo worth 2QO, 000 dol- lars. The contractors for the new loaii waited on the Chancellor of the Exchequer ou Monday, to declare their biddings, which were as follows :— iitssrs. Robarts, Curtis, and Co 6s. 1.1 d. Barnes, Steers, and Ricardo Cs. lid. Baring, J. J. Angerstein, Battye, Ay- ton, and Ellis 7s. 4< 3. Beid, living, Jackson, and Co 7s. id. Tlie two first on the list having agreed fo take the Smallest quantity oflong annuities, were declared the eentnirtors. it appears from official papers presented to the House of Commons, that the total amount of wheat imported into Great Britain, in the year 18to, is i .387,020 quarters; of which 180,160 were from Hoi- laud, 331,080 from France and Flanders, and only i?- l; 82 § from America. With respect to flour it ap- pears, that we did hot import more of that article from the united States than wy did from tlie countries With which we arc at war. Lord Courtney was at NOW, York on the 6th ult. tut his tvhipany wassliunned bv ril classes. Mr, C. ih'n it, in his Register of Wednesday last, Speaking of the Westminster Address, says, " This Address has been published by the order of his Hoyal Ilighiiess the Prince Regent. This is what I most iilghlv esteem : for it is to me, and so il is 1 believe to the people of Westminster, a proof that his Royal Highness is, as we have always believed- him to be, hn the side of Parliamentary Iteform. That this pub- lication took place in consequence of his special order, there can be no doubt at all; for until now, not a single address iu favour of Reform has ever been pub- lished in, the London Gazette, under any Ministry. Nav; as I am informed bv those who have searched ihe' file of the Loiidou Gazette's for the purpose of ascertaining ihe fact, there hits hot been anv Address br Petition published through that vehicle, which callcd for a redress of grieiiinces of any Sort. To the Prince, fiicfcfore, we must diiettt our thanks for what has now beeli done; and'certainly hot to the Ministers, under xvlii- til or whhse piedecc'ssois, for the last 30 years, mihtvir tlAtteai M cotnplimcnlnhj to men in pitetr has found ils vvav to the world through this authentic chan- nel, flic London Gazette." . Vl'NCd PAJiiv.— Tlie J*. reed, which arrived a ' f,., v days ago' lit Plymouth, has brought accounts faint Urica; which coinple'j iy put mi end to all hopes of ihe cxi tciice of Mr. Jjiingo Bark, the cn- trfpii- iHg Uasciter. The research that had IK en ih. ule c. f r hlnlj tended IViUjrto cohGim the accounts Couidf, .- t wved W'^ iN di « * oUitii » n. ft serins the ins- . . r '.'•; .- We of his dWtli- waia d.- ver, brought on I: ill - ':.; ri! » llips pmutiflii* he i iidtired. Hi ,' Sn* his i. ist itnMit in the lwvri- « f an oh! negro wnnas,'--- sl'v+ stlgc ( Stis j<' i) K « Bit iEeraB tVfilWi. - a v " o t.' 3 . r , tt • The Court of" Ring's Bench oirFfidiiy. hear- ing the Attorney General ou the part ofthe Speak of the House of Commons, gave judgment ou the poi. it. of law, respecting the legality of breaking open Sir Frautfis Burnett's door in execution of the Speaker's Warrant. Three of the judges. ( Mr. Justice Le Blauc beiuflj absent from indisposition) gave, their ' unanimous opinions for the justification pleaded by the Speaker. Locd Glleiiharough concludcd his speech with laying ilowr. the follow iug principles^ 1. That tile House of CoiilmouS has a power to com- mit its Members, as well ast* fll « ri, for contempt, and tojiidlie of its owtt privilegea'in every possible case.. V. That when the ' Hoiise of- Cmnniiiftis has gi* en a final judgment, and cftiva- ted A f. Jember, or private person, iqxiiiany' presn'ftied breaehoi" privilege, which is immediately before tlul'ui, there is no Atmtontnr in the CoNSTiTtiTtoN to question their judicature, or impeach their acts. Si"-, ;!. That their warrants o'f commitment require no • tecliifienrformali. ty; that contempts against the House of Ci timions are" public • wromrs; and that OOVER noon, ipay be broken'Opou to txeeute their proems. 4. That no person can bo relieved against their commitments by HIBESS Cdr. vVs brought in the : KfTljrs fc'rmTts, a fortiori, iie^ mntot- snirfmrt an tirtwm [ of trespass, against the Speaker and Officers ofthe [ House. ' n H.' iZ That though the Courts of Law may incidentally, and collaterally, ' take cognizance of tlie privileges If . the House of Commons, when involved in points and cases litigates before'the Courts, they must riot, , nevertheless, presume to discuss them ofiglliallyV or tftgijfjsJuni them when ocfec.' jyvpp by tli? House, . On Saturday twelve staiidiuxh and colo. urs, taken from the enemy on i^ ffurcnt occasions, including tlic French eagle taken by the fi7th i; cgiiiunt, at the bat- tle of Barrosa, were carried, with military ceremonies from the parade in St. James's Park, to Whitehalt ; Chiipcl, and deposited on each side of the altar. The spectacle, which was one of the finest ever witnessed, was attended by the Dukes of York, Cambridge, arid Glocester, Sir D. Dund'as; Generals Hope, Doyle,' & c. tlie Spanisli^ and Portuguese Ministers, besides a number of Ladips of distinction. The eagles we're nji't of large size. The flags attached to them bore honourable maiics— tllcy were shot, and torn to tatters bxjwlletv in lytlve MT. vie'e jn the field of battle. | One of the eagles appeared without any portion of a flag whatever. A chain was affixed to it, and it was described, to be that which fell into the hands - of GeneAl Graham, at Barr. osa. Another of them appeared, by the inscription to have been the gift of Bonapai'te to the 8th regiment, as a reward for dis- cipline anil bravery. After the procession arrived in the chapel, the Dukes of- York and . Cambridge being seated'iu the ptvv. of state, and the Bishop of Loiulijli, and the Nobility in their several stations, and the Guards, not on duty, in their respective galleries, the morning service commenced, when " Vcnite ex- nU « nns, « slut the'Psnlms were chiiuitVpd by the gentlemen and choristers pf- the King's Clfapel. After the first lesson, Dr. Nares's " Te Dcum" was sung; but a patise taking ^ lhicc immediately after" We praise thee O God," the military trophies were at that Uiompiit silently introduced at the right and left doors under eseoris of' grenadiers with lixed bayonets, and bonlc hy tftely* grcuSjit^ er Serjeants of the i lUiiios, ( selected for their finy manly figures), who grounded them in front qf the altar. The iirtpressipn of this spectacle at this moment may more readily be con- ceived than described. But it was peculiarly in- teresting Jo contemplate its inspiring effect on the surrounding soldiery, as ' principals in this national triumph. Te Dcum was then sung through by the whole choir, to which the breast pf ty/' ry spectator seemed to heave in pious unison. This ended, thesix eagle standards w ere elevated against . the two semi- circular divisions of the altar piece, three on each sicfe the butts about six feet from . tlie fl « tir? - and. the upper parts sustained by double gilt chains; of a sutScient length to give them an uniform declension for their display. Tlie - six ordinary French colours were then ranged horizontally over the upper gallery, five in one row, ami the sixth surmounting them. Dr. Croft's anthem in C. " Sing mito the Lord," was admirably performed in the course ofthe church service, at the close of which, the martial bauds stationed in the gallery oyer the altar played " God save tiie King!" which appropriately clewed this animating ^: id weh- arratiged cc renionial. The following is the eulogium delivered by the Dean of Westminster at the funeral pf the late Richard Cumberland, Esq:—" Good People,— The person voti see now deposited is Richard Cumberland, an author of no small merit; his writings were chiefly for the stage, but of strict mnral tendency ; they were not without faults, but they were not gross; abounding with oaths and libidinous expressions, as 1 am shocked to observe is the ease of many of the present day. He wrote as much as any; few wrote better; aud his w orks will be held in the highest esti- mation as long as the English language will be under- stood. He considered the Theatre a school for moral improvement, and his remains are truly wprthy oi' mingling with the illustrious dead which surround us. Read his prose subjects on divinity I there you will find the true Christian spirit of the man who trusted in our Lord and Saviour Jestts Christ; may God forgive him his sins, and at Ihe resurrection of the ju t t- t . rive him into everlasting glory I" The French General Rufiu expired on board the Gorgon ship of war, on Wednesday evening, off St. Helen's: he had spent the day in good spirits, and expressed his satisfaction at arriving in England, and his escape from the Spaniards. He was buried oil. Saturday at Portsmouth, with the most distinguished funeral honours. This General bore a conspicuous part in the hard- fought battle of Barrosa. He re- ceived a wound in his neck, which paralysed his arms. He continued very cheerful, and seemed to suffer but little from his wound till about tell minutes before his death. After, having eat a lieai ty dinner, he was suddenly seized with pain, which terminated iu his death: it proved the wound had affected the spinal marrow. The deceased was a great favourite with Bonaparte; he possessed upwards'of4,0001. per annum, landed property, in tiie neighbourhood of Havre de Grace. He was a Member of the Legion of Honour, of a Saxon Order, and a Count of Eona- p « ' tc's Empire. He was a stout man, aiifl 39 years of o" e. A lief he was taken prisoner, he considered tlic treatment he received front our GfiWets so kind and geherous, that he represented it to Marshal Vic- tor, who, in consequence, smT.- red a number of oiir wounded men to be taken oil) which it was in his power to prevent, YesUrilay morning the Rev. Rowland Hill lai£ the fast syjtn for a new range of almshouses, in Gravel- hhr, in the Borough, for poor aged females ut' good Stiol. il There is also to- be erected at the same place a school of inilpstry. The whole will cast upwards el'; i. i/ jo g'jineas; hy suhsetiptiob- ••' DEERHURST AND LYE INCLOSURE. rHE Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament, entitled " An Act for Inclosing Lands in the Parishes of Deerltnrst and Lye, Otherwise Leigh, in the County of Gloucester," DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That in addition to the Roads and Ways by them already set out and ' appoint- ed, of which Notice lijtli been before given," they l'. ave set out and appointed the undermentioned Car- riage Roads and Highways, through and over the ( Lands and Grounds iqte'fttled to be ' diytded, allotted, and inclosed, by virtue of the said Act, which they judge necessary, and which are iu such d rections as appear to them most commodious to the public ; and they have also set out a. id appointed the nndermen- ttioned public Footways and private Carriage and other Roa 3, ill, over, upon, and through, or. hy the sides of the Allotments made and set out in pursuance ofthe ( Said Apt, which they think requisite FUPLIC CARRIAGE ROAnS. No.' 1.— Ore- public Carriage Road and Highway, of jtlre'bre ulth o'f forty feet, leadi gfrom the west end of ; Oabb Lane, near the- Cutta . e H - gait. ? r, te a house called tbe Coal House otherwise the House in the Tree, ns the said Road i- now made and fenced out. 2.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, ofthe breadth of forty feet, leadnigfrom the west end of au ancient lane . near; the homestead of Ricard Hill, ovtet- « smalh part of. tiip l . ye Common, tp another au- ci^ iit. Ijine near to Hannah Bishop's homestead. I •„. 1' L'BLIC FOOTWAYS. 1.— One public Footway, of the breadth of four feet, reiding'frbm an otd inclositre catied Hoefield j Meadow, at live usual, stile tlie? e, to the turnpike road from' Gloucester to Tewkesbury, over an allotment ' set out to the successors of the late John Hill. 2.-- One public, footway, of the breadth offonr feet, leading from the Lve'Churrh, in its usual direc- tion over Dsfdworth Field, aud from the. ce in the t common track into and over the Lye Common, and j coiitinuing theiicd to Deerhurst Walton. , I d-— One public Footway,.. of tlie breadth of four j feet, leading from Deerhurst Walton at or near the south- east, corner of an allotment to Joseph Lane, over the Redfield, in its usual direction to the Hoo Lane. 4.— One public Footvyay, of the breadth of four feet, leading from an old inclosure - called Everland Pasture, at the south- Westward corner thereof, ; over Evcrlaud Field and the Lye Common, to the waggon bridge across the Combhill Canal. .*),.— One public Footway, of the " breadth of tour feet, loading from Deerhurst Walton in its nsnal track over old Enclosures, part of the Redfield, and in con- tinuation to Decrhuist. fi.— One public Footway, of the breadth of four feet, leading from Wlnteli'i ld Green, in its usual di- rectum by White- field* and over part ofthe Redfield, to lir near the southwest corner of an mclosure called Gabneli's. 7.— One public' Footpath, of tbe breadth of four feet, leading from a brhok iu Elmstone Hard wick, over Morris Meadow and Lowland's Field, in its usual direction to the turnpike ipad leading fruin Tewkes- bury to Cheltenham. à.- One public Footway, leading from Cock's Green in its usual direction, passing in its course ( be- sides Intermediate old inclosures) over Apperley Field and part of the Lye Common; to a new bridge be- tween l. eazciiham and a ground called Setter's. PRIVATE !.'<\ OS, v 1 1. ... ,..;>. t- v.:.„. i. O i Mrrway,! of the breadth ol'l. r> feet, leading fit in n./ inolosiire cal- led the Grove, belonging to Tnonias Cox, to the C° al House, over au allotment set out to Thomas Dowle and John Dipper, 2. One private Carriage Rc- ad anil Driftway, of the breadth of twenty feet, leading ont of an ancient lane at the south- east corner of an inclosure called Pulley's, m its usual linection over allotments set out to Wiltiam Barnard, as Lessee ofthe Dean and Chapter of West- minster, to tbe Baptist Society, and to Charles Fluck, and continuing from the other end ofthe Coal House- Road to the Haw Passage Roftd, over allotments set out to the said John Dipper and Thomas, Dowle. 3.— One Private- Carriage Road and Driftway, of the. breadth of twenty feet, leading from the Greyhill Homestead belonging to Jeremiah Hawkins, towards a place called Cepk's Green, over the Apperlgy Field allotment, set out to the said Thpma* Dowle. 4.— One private Carriage Road ana Driftway, pf the breadth of fifteen feet, le ding froni an ancient lane at or near tlie south- cast corner of an old inclosure be- longing to John Clark, to au allotment set out tu Ireland, Over ail allotinenfsef oiit to John Newman. 5.— One Miiv- ate Carriage Road' and Driftway, lead- nig from the ancient lane aforesaid to an allotment set out to John Freeman, over an allotment to Troughtou. á.— One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of ten feet, leading from a cottage and premises of James Wintie, to the Coal House Road, over an allotment set out to the said John Dipper. 7. - One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of ten feet, leading from a cottage and premises of William Maggot, to the Coal House Road, ovsr the aforesaid allotment to the said John Dipper. 8 — One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of fifteen feet, leading from the Coal House Road, to an iticlosnre belonging to Susan Margaret, ovo^ allotments set out to Charles Fluck and John Lane. 9— One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of ten feet, leading from the Coal House Road near the homestead of Susan Margaret, to the persh tied of John Freeman, and an allotment to Wil- liam Barnard, over the allotments set out to Charles Fluck, to thg Trustees ofthe Baptist Society, and to the Devisees of William Davis, deceased. 10.— One private Carriage Read and Driftway, of the brei| dtli of fifteen feet, leading from the public r ad from Deeijpirst through the Red Field, to an an- cient lane at the south comer of an inclosure called Hazlegrove, over an allotment set. out to William Bar- nard, as Lessee of the Dean and Chapter of West- minster. 11.'— One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of 20 leading from the south side of tiie Hoo lane, over an allotment to Samuel Healing, to an ancient lane between old inclost'. res called Gav- neil'Sand the Redhouse Orchard, aud commencing anain at the other end of those mciostires, and continuing thence first iu a southward direction, and then ill a westward direction, to the ancient lane near the home- stead of Isaac Purser, over allotments to the Earl of Coventry and Isaac Purser. 12— One private Carriage Road and Driftway, pf the breadth pf twenty feet, leading ont of the east- ward side ofthe public road towards Whitfield, over allotments to William Bridge and Nathaniel Hartland, to au orchard called Notchif Orchard, and then pas- sing through that orchard in the usual track to the other side thereof, and continuing tliencealong WaltonTlillin Ihe usual direction, till it meets the ancient lane leading towards the Qlocestei and Tewkesbury turnpike road. 13.— One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of fifteen tret, leading out of the las't de- scribed road, over an allotment to John Lane, in Wal- ton Hill Field,.' and continuing thc- v » over Wiekham Meadow and another allotment to the saidjohn Lane, till it meets aii allotment set out tp Joseph Lane, in the Lye Common. 14.— One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of fifteen teet, leading out ofthe road at the bottom of Combinll, near the Canal Bason, to the allotment set out to William Fiuck, oyer part of the Lye Common intended for sale, 15, - One private Carriage Road and. Driftway, of the breadth of thirty feet, leading from the west end of Pancake Laiie hetween an allotment to Thomas Becket and an inclosure called Saplings, over an al- lotment set out to Corptis Cliristi College, to an allot- ment set out to William Hill. 1$.— One private Carriage- Road, of the breadth of ten feet, leading out of the last described mad, over an allotment to Thomas Recket, to ail allotment set out to Robert Gibbs. 17.— One private Carriage Road, of the breadth of twenty feet, leading from the public road near ta Hannah . Bishop's homestead, to the rr. aneiial allot- ment, over allotments set cut to Richard Hill, to the successors of the late Johi Hid, and a sale allotment sold to William Hill. 18.— One private Carriage Road aad Driftway, of the breadth of fifteen feet, leading out of the road last h « rpei: ibefof-*. described, in art- eastward direction, to an old iuclosure called Adey's, over an allotment set out to. the successors of the late John Hill. 19.—. One private Carriage Road and Driftway, of the breadth of ten foet, leading from the north euil of an ancient lane near the homestead of Thomas Chadd, to the public Carriage Road NO. ii, at or near the homesttad of Richard H llv over allotments set out tp Aipphlet and Richard ffill. ?> l.— One private Carriage Roafd and Driftway f the breadth often feet, leading from the south end of an ancient lane at or near the south- west Corner ef Deiithurst piece, to the public road callcd tbe Lye End Road, over an allotment set out to Thomas Peusain. 21.— One private Carriage Road.( but not a Dull; way,) of the breadth of thirty feet, leading from the south end of the Squire's Lane next the Lye Common, to tlie Combhill Canal, at or near press Bridge, oyer an allotment set out to the Devisees of the late Benjamin Hyett, Esquir^. 22.— One private Carriage Road r, nd Driflvyay, of the breadth of twenty feet, leading frpm the allotment of Thomas Cox in tlie Hjny Meadow, at the north- east corner thereof, in a northward dirertion over the al- lotment to the Earl of Coventry, in Leazentiam, till it communicates with the Haw Passage Road. 23.— One private Carriage Road and Driftway; of the breadth of fifteen feet, leading from the allotment set out to Richard Barnes, in tiie Leigh Field, to an iiiclssnre over the allctnientset out to jaueLea, in the said Leigh Field, 24.— One Driftway, of the breadth of thirty feet, from the south end of the Squire's Lane aforesaid, over the said allotment to the sakl Devisees of Benjamin Hyett, to Press Bridge, atnj from thence along the bridle road of the breadth thereof, by the side of ihe Combhill Canal, in a soilth- vvestward direction, to the swing- bridge over the said canal,' into the allotment set out to the. said William Barnard. aV'- Oiie private Footpath^ of the breadth of four feet, leading from the north- west corner ot'a pasture inclosure called'the Greyh. ill ta the river Severn, in its usual direction over allotments to Jeremiah Hawkins, the Earl of Coventry', aud Thomas Cox, to an allot- ment in the Haw Meadow, set out to ( Tie ssid Jere- miah Hawkins. 26,— One Pack and Sack Road, leading out of the turnpike road tiom Glocester to Tewkesbury, over flrttf^ : YrT..--^* » ti » mTi 4* e.- Jll, 1 10 MA ll'SM-! « » » t. 3*- corner of a meadow caded Great Small Meadow, and continuing thence over that meadow to a mill* called Arle Mill, in the occupation of Chambers. And the said Commissioners DO AI. SO GIVE VOTICE, that they have prepared and signed a Map, ill which tiie Roads herein befjre. nientioiied are accurately bud down and described, aud that such Map js deposited with Mr. John phillpotts, and Mr. Thomas Davis, So- licitors, in Gloccster, the Clerks to the said Commis- sioners, for the inspection of all persons concerned; And the said Commissioners du hereby appoint and give notice of a Meeting of them the said Commission- ers, to be held at the SIVAN INN, in TEWKESBURY, in the eounty of Glocester, ou WEDNESDAY', the tenth day pf JULY next, at ten p'clpck in thefor'euopn, at which Meeting any person who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of such Roads, may at- tend and make any objectipn thereto, to be heard and determined as it is directed by an Act of Parliament, commonly called *' The General Iuclosure Act." Dat- ed this fifteenth day of May, one thousand eight hun- dred and eleven. THOS. FULLJAMES. FRED. PHELPS. TT1E following Medicines are prepared only by the sole Brpprietprs, HUMBERT and CP. 53, Long- acre, Lcndon: — THE ROYAL BRITISH ARCANUM; the only hair- wash in England for cleansing, beautifying, and preventing the hair frum falling off, promoting its growth, aud rendering it beautifully glossy, giving it a natural airy flowing appealanpe. Its ijffects will be found pleasant and beneficial after violent exercise, in cleansing away perspirable matter, such as arises from dancing, hunting, & c. and it has alsu been highly re- commended by the Faculty for hot cliniatcs. Patro- nised by several branches Of the E- oyai Family, tic.— Bullies 6s. anil 3s. fid. GOWLAND'S LOTIOIJ, improved by Mactlohald ( from Dickenson's,) attested by some of the first cha- racters in the Kingdom, as being superior to any other in the cure of cuticular and scorbutic complaints Reduced by them in price.— Quarts, pints, and halt- pints, ris. 3s. 9d. and 2s. 3d. each. EMOLLIENT PREVENTIVE LOTION; the most sate and elegant yyasb i" tiie univeise, for clear- ing and softening the complexion, removing sun- tan, freckles, morpbew, & c. and if used after Gowland's Lotion has cured the eruption, it will infallibly prevent the return; is safe for slight eruptions in children, and will be found to give certain ease and comfort to the face after shaving.— Bottles 3s. 9d each. ANGELICAL, or FAMILY PILLS OF GRIT- LINGIUS; the best Spring and Autumn Medicine in the whole Materia Medica, sanctioned by the practice of St. Thomas's and Bartholomew's Hospitals.— Boxes • Js. 6d. and lis. each Dn. CLARES OPTHALMIA OINTMENT; an infallible remedy tor inflammations in the eyes, dry or humid; generally in less than forty- eight hours appli- cation has effected a cure. Satisfactory reference can be given of persons having violent inflammations thus relieved.— Pots is. 9d. MACDONALD'S SPECIFIC for flic DRQPSY; every stage of which has given way tOthis Medicine, except the Hydrocephalus, or Dropsy of th'e Head References can be given fo persons 80 years Of age, who have been perfectly cured by the use of one packet cacb.— lis. ITALIAN DENTIFRICE, and HUMBERT and Co's CHEMICALLY PREPARED CHARCOAL; the best Antjsceptic, Antiscorbutic, and Medicine Tooth Poyrder in the world. Boxes2s. 9d. and Is. 6d. DB, DARWIN'S STOMATIC, or DINNER PILLS, for tlie loss of appetite, indigestion, and debi- lities of the stomach in general,— Boxes 5s. fid. The above ai tides are sold by Ingram, successor to C. Jones, and Whittick, Olocester ; Watkms, Ciren- cester; Watkins, and Boslev, Hereford ; Guise and Co.' and M'Doul, Worcester; Gitto'n, Bridgnorth; Evanson, Whitchurch'. R « ff, Cheltenham; and Mr. IMlh Dublin, ' - GLOCESTERSHIRE. Winchcomb District of Turnpike Roads. NOTICE is hereby given, That at a Meeting of the Trustees ofthe abpve Turnpike Roads, to be holdeii at the House pf- Marv-- Cbrnhdl, known by tlie name of the White Hart Ii.' n, in Winci. qomb, oil Friday, the 7th day of June, 1811, the TOLLS aris- ing and payable at the several Toll- gates calledSudeK, Duckstreet, Northstreei, and Footbridge- Gates, aiid the'Side- Gate at Farm Orchard, will he put up TO . BE LET BY AUCTION, either together; or sepa- rately, as sha) l be agreed on at. the Said " Meeting, to the best Bidder or Bidders, between the liours of ele- ven in the Forenoon and two in tiie Afternoon, for dpe year, to Commence on the fourth day of July next, at twelve o'clock at noon. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder or Bidders, must at tiie same'time pay ddwn one month's rent iii advance, and give Security, \ vit-' i sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees," fur payment of the re- mainder. at such times and in su.. h n. inner as tiny shall direct. Bv Order of the Trustees. JOH:; CKADBOXN, CTERK. Dated May 15, 1811. mvEivisH, so VP. • " MILFOKD- HAVEN. SOUTH WALKS1. THIS NEW SOAP U. II be be, oM all comparison the best preparation kmrWhtov the MILLING, tic, of WOOLLEN CLOTH, and to be a most important improvement. Made mi* as ordered, and sold in Cnfesx5, ' Price F/ fieeit' Pound.* ' ztetling each,- containing in general about Three Hundred Weight, Imt regnlctja alv% s'' by M' cuireiit vahusof. iiot. dci Curd Soap, it- bearing the same price, Kit* OroCis for : uiy quantity not h^ rnai| a C, ie' 1 in post- paid Letters ( end* snieKemittaiicesin Banhers' Paper, or they wiU. nftt be attended to,) a- « ? tWd to the. sole Manufacturer* " THE Mi;. i.' o;< ii- IUu- fi' SOAP AND . HKAU. COJJPAN*;,"' Pembroke will be executed within three " weeks' notice, a d ItcHv'e'r'ed free of expL'nce'nt any of the. principal ' ports ia the united kingdom. " ' ••'". *,* NO CREDIT WHATEVER. I'KAUIIFUL WOMEN. THE greatest, blemish to B'e^ ity is . siipcr- flu'pus Hairs on. Ihe Face, Neck,' ami Arms. " "" BERT's ROSEATE POWDER TO; imn. ediale'ty renioves them'; is aa elegant article,' per'fe? tly'innocMt, aud plea- sail' tj use. pi- ice 4s.; or two in one parcel'is. Sold by the HropricioV, No.' 23, Russell- StWlt, Co-, vent Garden, London ; also bv D. Walker, m Iris Neir Medicine Warehouse, \ Vesteaie- streei] and In \ Vhi tick, Glocester; Selilen, Htnjihy, ItuS", and Whiiiirk, Cl. vl- lenham; Stevens and Waikins, Cirencester; Wilson, an; Jenner, Slrifudj Healh, Monmouth; Roberls, Kossj Reddeli, Teu- keslury ; Agt, Eyvshain ; Ti mlis, Wur- cester ; Prosser, Biisiol; ami by mvq p - rson in, every town. Solomon's iiu. de I f Health, 3s. TT7HICH points out the most simple and efficaci- V V ' oils remedies fcriisfhma, coiBuniptian, nci vous diseases, female complaints, foWneSs" of sfiiritS, rheu- matism, scurvy, and ' scrofula ; together wifll a Disser. tati. n pn the properties and effects of not. and fold bathing; also an Essay oil secret venery; and a Dis- course ou impute , ey. in the male, and sterility and barrenness incident to femaloi-— Likewise advice to '^ U'T^-.- f fu « il » t .. t .- i. s-.' vi..- i. . . :...:. tl for tin;,.* A' ; i,.' ;.£.'.', bvMa;. thews and Leigh, No, 18, Strand; Shenyood, Neelyj and Jones; and Longman and Co. Puternosler- row • by Washbourn, anif Ingrain, Gloces^ r ; Seidell, and' He'uney, Chejl'euham; Stevens' and Watkius, Ciren- cester; Pearce,' Hartlebliry; Reddell, Tewkesbury ; Wilson, Stroiid ; Goodwyii, Tetbtftv; Rickard.-, Donley; Meacham, Ledbr. rv; and all bookselleis. N. B. Purchasers arc particularly requested to ask for <' Solomon's Guide to Deulth," as the great cele- brity of this work has induced unprincipled persons to publish books, under similar titles, with a view to midead the public. A WONDERFUL DlSCOVl-. t< Y. : Patronised liy their Hoi) id Jtig'mixses the P{ f IXC/ SS OF IVAI. ES and DUKE OF SUSSEX, and mod of ll. ie Nobilitn. MACASSAR OIL, FOR THE HAIR. THE Virtues of this OIL, extracted from a Tree in the Lland of MACASSAR, in ' h East In- dies. are far beyond eulogium for increasing lh" ' JRuwxH OF HAIK, even- ou bald jilaces, pre'veoting ' it falling oft or ihanging colour, strengthening ihe curl, bestowing an inesiitnable glosa or scout, rendering the hair Hiexprpsn'- bly aitractlivj, liourishihg children? s hair, enidieating all its impurities, and restoring it to a most fc - a. ilifu! state] It also promotes ihe grewh of whiskers, eyebrows & c. Sold, at 3s. fid. and <£ l. Is. per bottle, hy ihe propne- • tors, ROWLAND & SON, Kirby- sireet, HaUon Garden, London ; and by their appointment al ihe Heiald OHlie, andbi Mr. Ingtain, Glocester; Henney, and Sharp, C^ el* leiiham ; Stevens and Watkins, Cirencester; Eddowes, Sh e-. v- b'iry ; and all perfumers and medicine veudeia ihrouiihout the Uniii'd Kingtioui. Observe.— The ( genuine Macassar Oil has the signsiure of the proprietors on the label. A Rowland anil Son. VVALsirs' MEDICINE'S] ' CGAMAGE, NO. 32, BUYKGES- STREET, o. Strand, Proprietor of Walsh's Antipertnssis, for the'Hooping Couch, Asthmas, and Complaints of ilie Lungs, and Walsh's Coltsfoot Lozenges, for Coughs and Colds, respectfully informs the Public, dial in future, WaUli's Medicines tobe genuine, will be signed C. Ca- rnage, on Ihe Stamp. TRICES OF HIS MEDICIHES. 1 1 11 d. f. It 9" 0 fi a 9 9 9 R. Walsh's Anlipertossis,, 11 and Ditto Colsfoot Lozenges F. C. Walsh's Ginger Seeds. 11 Ditto Powdered Ginger 8 Ditlo Aperient Pills Ditto Digestive Dinner ditto. Pjtio Aromatic Vinegar..... Diiio Improved Huxliam's ) . Tincture of Bark j, f Dilto Improved Paregoric ? ., ' Elixir \ ' 1 A liberal allowance to Merchant;. Sic. for Exportation. The above are sold, Wholesale and Retail," by C. Ca- rnage, Chymist, No. 32, Brydges-' sireei,, Sirand ; and also by Ingram and Washhourn, Gloces'. er; Sehhin, Hennev, and IC. ff, Cheiienliani ;"' Redcie. i, aiid Bennet, Tewkesbury';' Pearee, Hartelbury; Wilson, Stroud; Goodwin, '{ etbury ; Meacham, l. edhury ; Harding, and Rickards, ' Dursley; Harris and Richardson) Jiiistol; Wright, Bath ; and Jenkins, Swansea. ' SIR, tfatli, June 4th, 1806. The cause of my ti- oubliug you w ith this,' is, that I thought it a duty which 1 owed to yourself and Society, that f should mention the salu'arv efrccts that the Anti- pertussis had upon my child, who was afflicted with the Hooping Cough, in a : l| Ost di ad fill degree; he was at- lendfiil. bv some of the nio- t eminent of the faculty ilii- rq, who for ihree days gave Mm over. At this time a Friend of mine mentioned ihe wonderful cures Out linil been ef- fected by your Medicine, und tliongl, we I. ad no expecta- tion that my child c uhl possible recover, vet I tilled to try it; 1 did, an> lat this lime Inive ihe happiness to say til a t he is quite well, and e. ot the least symptom of lis complaint remaining. I remain, Sir, v « ur huuiule Sci- « vant, JAS. ELLIS TOMKINS. ' 2 S ' I ti t U> 1 A'' s i < i. tonnoN W8N » WN » -. MAT 22. YESTERDAY letters were n reived from Oporto, communicating the very gratifying intelligence of the complete failure of Masscna to relieve the for- tress of Almeida. It appears that be made three at- tempts, vis. on the 3d, 4th, and 5th inst. was foiled in teach, and in the end retired towards Salamanca, with the loss of more than 4000 in killed and wounded, ami 700 prisoners. The regiments said to have most distinguished themselves are the 71' t, 72d, 79th, 52d, foot; 1st, 2d, 3d, and Oth Cacadores; and Chasseurs Biitatioiques.— This intelligence is communicated by Capt. Heath', of the Sarah, arrived at Bristol from Oporto; and is also given in the Portuguese papers received this morning to the 14th. Captain Heatlcy is a man of a very- respectable character, and well known in the City. He states, that lie was on board of his vessel at Oporto, on the lltli inst. when the news arrived. He immediately went on shore, and heard the Deputy Governor read the dispatch he had received on ihc Exchange. The Governor afterwards mounted his horse, and rode through the streets, announcing the intelligence. He farther states, that, according toother accounts, this memorable triumph was, in a great measure, owing to the Generalship of Lord Wellington, who, by a manoeuvre, induced Massena to make a desperate attempt to relieve Almeida, and then nearly surrounded him. It was reported last night, that during the retreat of the French towards Salamanca, Massena had been made prisoner. Wc understand that a dispatch has been intercepted from Soult to his Government, stating the perilous nature of hi., situation. By a singular coincidence the two principal evening papers commence their leading article with announc- ing lit a similar form three subjects of triumph. The. signaLXwonph of our Arms; The signal Triumph of our Finances; And the Re- appearance of his Majesty in Public. To which we are happy to be enabled to add a fourth— The Flight, of King Joseph from Madrid. This event. is announced in the following letter. COR LINN A, MAY 16.— The Usurper is at last gone. He left Madrid on the 27th, and arrived at Valladolid on the 28th ult. from whence he. proceeded the next day . tor France. He left Nagrete Regent ill the in- terval until the Prince ofNeufchatel should arrive.. A' letter has been received from France, which has been five days on the road from Paris, and announces the arrival of the fugitive Monarch in that capital. It is also stated that Eonaparte has been so much irritated at the late news from the Peninsula, as to demoiisli. several valuable articles of furniture in his own apartments; and that two women who were , accidental witnesses to this piece of extravagance, were shortly afterwards visited by his Imperial com- mand. , Alexander liaS listened to the petitions of his in- jured merchants, and has signified it to be his inten- tion to grant licences, in consideration to the prayer they have presented to him. The following extract of a letter has been received from an officer serving in the fleet under Sir James Saumarez, ilatedGottenburgh, May 4th:—" The Con- sul at Gottenburgh is come off: he says the Russians will certainly soon be at war with France; the Em- peror means to let English colonial produce be brought into his ports in exchange for Russian. Swe- den wishes to be neutral. Tiie Danes in that case must come to, and either be neutral or at war with France." New York papers to the 15th ult. have arrived in town; oiie of these, of the date of the 12th, mentions the arrival at Washington of the new Secretary of State, Jas. Munro, Esq.: he is said to possess more talents, as much integrity, aud more candour, than It is predecessor; and as it is presumed that one of his first aetj will be the conducting the negoeiation with the new Rriti. di Minister, Mr. Foster, the Most favour- able hopes are entertained of their discussions being brought to a satisfactory result.— The Birmingham Gazette says, " So confident are the Liverpool mer- chants of a favourable and speedy termination of the negociation between this country aud America, that a number of vessels are now taking in cargoes for American ports." Bulletin of his Majesty's health issued on Sunday. " His Majesty is quite as well as he was last week." — H s Majesty, we are happy to say, is now so com- pletely restored to health, that he has again appeared iiipunlic : yesterday, for the first time since his indis- position, he rotle out on horseback in Windsor Great Pirk, accompanied by the Princesses Augusta and Sophia. The castle- yard was crowded with visitors ; and as soon as his Majesty mounted bis borse, the bells of Windsor struck up to announce the happy news, and the Stafford regiment fired a feu dejoye; the towns of Windsor. Eton, and vicinity, exhibited one general scene of rejoicing. The Danish cntter Alban, ( tatehis Majesty's cntter of that name,) of 12 guns and 53 men, was on the 37th inst. captured by the Rifleman sloop, Captain Pearce.— GAZ. By the returns sent to the Medical Board at Lisbon, it appears that upwards of 50,000 persons have died during the campaign, of want and disease. The Anniversary of the Sons of the Clergy was on Thursday celebrated at St. Paul's Cathedral. The anthem, composed for this charity by Dr. Boyee, was performed in the most perfect manner; and the Cathedral was better attended than ever remembered on a similar occasion. The sermon was preached by the Rev. C. Douglas, prebend of Westminster. His R. H. the Duke of Cumberland, with several noble- men, attended as Stewards; from the Cathedral they went in procession to Merchant Taylors' Hall, where an elegant dinner was provided. The donations re- ceived amounted to 9041.18s. Many spirited and patriotic landholders in Ireland receive their, rents from their tenants in bank- notes, without discount. Others, among whom is Lord Ttmpletown, have directed tbat they shall be receiv- ed with a discount of gil. in the pound; and a third class, among whom is the Marquis of Douglas, have ordered that they shall be paid one half in gold and the oilier in bank- notes. This last regulation appears to have been adopted with the double view of keep- ing gold in fee country, and reducing the premium ou it to the farmer one- half. Accounts from Bengal state, that a dreadful fire broke out at Unmerapoora, king lom of Ava, on 10th March, 1810, which entirely destroyed the town and fort, including the palace, temples, and 20,000 houses. The Governor, in order to compel the inha- bitants to assist in preserving the place, ordered the gates to 01 shut aud thus reduced them to the dread- ful alternative of leaping from the walls, or being burnt to death in the streets. About 1200 preferred the latter, and SW were dashed to pieces in attempt- ing the former. A man was lately put to death at Ragoon for using a eilt chattra ( parasol), which in the common people is considered as a treasonable offence. Two friends who attempted to screen him, shared his fate. Lord Louth was trie I at fhe last assizes of Dnndalk for subornation of perjury and for rnal- pi aetice as a magistrate. There were two counts in the indict- jnent. His Lordship was acquitted ofone, and found guilty of tiie other, namely, for mal- practice as a nia- gist. ate, and on Friday last he was bi ought up to the Court of King's Bench, in Dublin, fm judgment.— His Lordship having made an affidavit iu mitigation of punishment, and the prosecutor having made one in answer, but introducing new and extraneous ni itter, bis Lot iship obtained leave to in . ke a. i affi favi, iu ri- ply, ami was ordered i © i » e brought up ouTutidny, to receive judgment, Tvtft or three extraordintfty political letters, writ- ten by Mr. Fox, not long before his death, arc said to have fallen into the hands of a Right Honourable Irish Civilian, through the executor ot a gentleman who died lately in Dublin, and to whom, they were addressed; the curious contents of which, it is said, will be disclosed in Parliament on the next discussion of the Catholic question. There is a Bill before Parliament for amending the 38th of the King, which allowed prosecutors to pre- fer bills of indictment in the county adjoining that in which the offence was committed. No power was, however, given by that Act, in cases of conviction, to order the punishment in the county or town where > the offence was committed, and it is the object ofthe ' present Bill to give that power. A Ladies'Subscription for the Portuguese women aud children has been opened by the Marchioness of Lansdown, and other females of quality : no sum to be received above 51. Our army in Portugal, including Portuguese, stands us in above twenty- four millions per anniim. The Countess of Aldborough died suddenly, a few days since, immediately after the operation of bleed- ing in the arm. A man has undergone two examinations at Marl- borongb- street, on the charge of being concerned in poisoning the horses at Newmarket, aud he has been remanded till next week. This is the earliest season known for many years.— In Covcnt- garden market, green pease were sold at 8s* per quart on Saturday last; and moss roses, which had blown in the open air, at Is. each. This morning, between 3 and 4 o'clock, the public house known by the sign of King Henry the Eighth's Head, the corner of Great St. Audrew's- street, Seven Dials, fell down with a most tremendous crash; Mr. Hastings, the landlord, his wife, liis ueice, and a servant eirl, escaped unhurt. The ueice ajad servant^ fortunately hearing some of the timbers falling, got out of the garret window, and crawling along the parapet, escaped the danger by taking refuge in the adjoining house; but one man and a child were found dead in the ruins, and another pian died while convey- ing to the Hospital. Four persons, lodgers, were taken to the Hospital in a bruised state. BoxtNG.— The match between Molineux and Rim- mer, for 100 guineas, took place yesterday, at Moul- scy Hurst. Molineux is well known by his late bat- tle with Crib. Rimmer, his antagonist, made his dtSbut 011 this occasion, having fought about two bat- tles in Lancashire. He is is nearly six feet in height, not 22 years of age, and much resembling the senior Belcher in his day'. He was pitted against the Black, as being a fresh young novice, full of courage and abi- lity; but the general opinion ( if him may be estimated by the betting, which was 3 to 1 on the Black. At One o'clock Rimmer appeared in the ring, with his seconds Jones and Powers, having previously thrown in his hat as a token of defiance. The inner ring, which was roped, was - 25feet diameter, fiftcenyards from which was formed, with vehicles, about eight deep, a spacious outer ring. Molineux appeared soon after his adversary, attended by his seconds, Richman and Gibbons, and after some difficulty in beating out the ring, they set to, when, after 21 rounds, in which the superiority of the Black was eminently conspicuous, Rimmcr resigned the contest, being, unable to stand. It is supposed that at least 15,000 persons were present. A grand pitched battle, for a subscription purse, and who should produce the better man of the pari- hes of Swindon and Highworth, Wiltshire, took place at the village of Stratton, between the two places, the latter end of last week, in the presence of the amateurs of boxing, amounting to some hundreds, from the neighbouring counties. The champions were Reeves, a very stout man from Swindon, and Simpson from Highworth. Betting ran high on the Swindon man at odds, he being the heaviest. The contest, was extremely obstinate. Reeves had the best of it for some time, his blows being of a kind -.. tftefj ft* [ v... -<-/ j, y• on . could " ot stand against^ but'although the latter was frequently hit off his legs, his game led him on again, and by quickness of hit- ting, he got the best of the battle. After half an hour's hard fighting, without time, Simpson was declared the winner, although the worst beaten, and. Reeves was accused by tile Swindon people of having given in upon his legs. Another battle of an inferior kind lasted two hours in the same ring. HOUSE OF LORDS— TUESDAY. DISSENTERS, EARL STANHOPE said, he held in his hand a Pe- tition against the Bill relative to Dissenters, signed by upwards of two thousand persons, and he bad no doubt that if the Bill was persisted in the petitioners against it, instead of thousands must be counted by millions. The petition was read, aud ordered to lie on the table. An immense number of petitions against the Bill, from congregations of Dissenters in different parts of the country and in London, were presented, signed by many thousand persons. Earl Stanhope presented several; Earl Grey seventy- eight; the Earl of Moira eighty ; Lord Holland upwards of one hundred ; the Earl of Rosslyn several; the Earl of Lauderdale a considerable number; Lord Erskine upwards of two hundred; and the Marquis of Lansdown one hundred. A few of the petitions were read at length, stating a serious apprehension that the Bill would materially affect the privileges enjoyed by the Dissenters under tiie Acts of the 1st of William and Mary and 19 George III. and praying to be heard by counsel against it. The rest, which were stated to be of the same tenor, we e read short, merely stating the names of the places from whence they came, and in several instances, the numbers who signed tbem. After the petitions had been presented, and ordered to lie on the table, which, from the vast number of them, took lip a considerable time, the order of the day was read for the second reading of the Bill, when LORD VISCOUNT SIBMOUTH rose, and expressed his regret at the misinterpretation and misconception of the objects and provisions of the Bill, which had gone abroad. His Lordship went over several ofthe topics whiclihe had urged wheu he presented the Bill, for the purpose of shewing that the provisions of the Bill had been misrepresented. The chief object of it, he contended, was merely to give an uniformity to the Toleration Acts, to prevent them from being differently construed in different counties, aud thus the law from being different in one county to what it was in an adjoining county. One of its principal onjects at the same time, was to prevent persons without any moral or intellectual qualification from electing themselves to the exercise of the most im- portant duties tbat eoul l be exercised by man, and the proper exercise of which was of incalculable im- portance, and still further to prevent persons from obtaining licences as preachers aud teachers, merely for the purpose of exempting themselves from those civil duties to which their fellow subjects were liable. With these objects in view, lie conjured their Lord- ships to allow the Bill lo go into a Committee, an I concluded by moving, that the Bill be now read a second time. The ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY rose, and briefly delivered liissentinientsonthe occasion. After declaring his high respect for the principles of Tole- ration, he observed the Bible was a largess to the Christian Community, upon which iu lividuals were at liberty to put their own interpretations. With re- spect to the Act so much adverted to, bis Grace was of opinion, that as long as the establishment of the Church of England shouldj- n lure, so long would the basis of that toleration remain undisturbed. If that establishment were no lon., er to endure, it might pos- j sibly be otherwise as to a system of toleration. With ' jespectto pai t of wuat bail taiieu fisia the Noek Viscount, be thought it would be highly desirable that a uniformity as to the interpretation of the law in those respects, and of ttie practice under it, should prevail throughout the kingdom. The conduct of the persons to be affected by the Bill, shewed they considered that the law remaining a. s it is, was of more value to them than the regulations proposed by the Noble Viscount would be: and if tlicy were to be regarded as the best judges of w hat was beneficial to themselves, it would be unwise and impolitic to press the Bill against the conscnt of all the Dissenters. LORD ERSKINE moved that the second reading should be postponed to that day six months. LORD HOLLAND supported the motion of his Noble Friend, Lord Erskine'. LORD STANHOPS ntfver felt miorc pleasure in ljis whole parliamentary life than he had done on this very day; and if any one asked him the reason, be would tell them,, it was at the immense heap of peti- tions that was then strewed upon their floor, and pilrd upon their table, and all against this wretched Bill. He liked this, because a kiud of silly talk hail been going abroad, that there was no public. He had always thought otherwise; and he saw to- day that there was a public, and a public spirit. He saw it in the multitude of, petitions sent up at so short a notice ; and he was rejoiced to find it alive, active, and energetic. He would not talk of the Bill, that was dead and gone; and it would be beneath a man of sense to quarrel with the carcase.—( A laugh). After a few w ords from the Earl of Buckingham- shire, Lord Holland, and Earl Grey, the question for the second reading was put, and negatived with- out a division. The Bill is therefore thrown out. HOUSE OF COMMONS.— MONDAY. THE CHANCELLOR OP THE EXCHEQUER opened his budget, and happy arc wc to say, that no NEW TAX ISSUED FROM IT. There are already before the House bills for laying duties upon foreign timber, upon wash used in elistillation ; on foreign wool, ex- cept from the British and Portuguese colonies; on pearl and pot ashes, except from the British colonics; and on foreign linen ; and Mr. Perceval stated that these would not only provide for the interest of the loan, ( 12,000,0001.) and enable him to TAKE OFF THE HAT TAX : but would be sufficient to afford relief to Ireland by paying the interest of 4-', millions raised here for that couutry, and would still probably leave some surplus. The Irish Budget was also produced by Mr. FOS- TER ; who proposed to pay the interest of the loan for that country, amounting to 2,500,0001. by equalizing the duties on tobacco with the British; and laying a tax on hemp, and also on American timber aud cot- ton wool, imported in foreign ships. Mr. GRATTAN presented the Petittion from the Roman Catholics of Ireland; and said that on the 31st he should make a motion on the subject. TUESDAY.— Mr. PALMER'S long- contested claim was carried by a majority of 107 to 42. This decision entitles Mr. P. to a premium of 2} per cent, upon the profits of the Post Office, and arrears amounting to 54,7021. FARMING STOCK, « Sc. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by T. ACOCK, On Friday, the 31st of May, 1811, on the Premises, at COLD ASTON, near Northleach, Gioccster- shire;— AU the Live nnd Head Farming Stxk, Implements in Husbandry, the property of Mrs. COOK, who is leaving the farm; comprising 54 ewes and 75 lambs, 33 wether tees, 19 ewe tegs, two barrren ewes and oue ram, three useful cart mares, one ditto gelding, sow and nine pigs, two waggons, two carts, ploughs, drags, harrows, roll, winnowing- fan, seives, corn- screen, six sets of horse harness, hurdles, sheep- raeks, corn- staddles, sack bags, & c. Catalogues may be forthwith had at the ujuai places. Sale to commence at eieven o'clock. Beautiful Cottage, near Menmoutft. TO be SOLD, ( or LET on a repairing Lease, for a term ofi J^ en fears,) and cntcrc- J upon im- mediately- ;— A neat ' COTTAGE AND GARDEN, Called GIBRALTAR, consisting on the ground- floor of a parlour, good kitchen, and back kitchen; on the first fl mi a dining- room and bed- room, and servant's room in the attic.— An ORCH\ RD adj ining may be had on the 25th of March next, if required. The above premises are delightfully situate about a quarter of a mile from Monmouth, near the turnpike- road leading fr. m thence to Chepstow, and command a most beautiful prospect of the town and river Wye, and the picturesque country with which it is sur- rounded. For a view ofthe premises, apply to Mr. Pittman, Wye Side, Monmouth; and for other particulars, to him, or to Mr. Baron, Solicitor, Colford, Glocester- slure, if bv letter, post paid. O be ftOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT^! I those TWO CLOSES of PASTURE and OR- CHARDING, situate at a pl. ee called PUCK- SI'OOL, iu the County of Glocester, on the road leading from Glocester to Cheltenham, and containing upwards of six acres. Also, a triangular Piece or Parcel of ARABLE LAND, situate in the Windmill Feld, near the city of Glocester, containing upwards oftwo acres. The whole of ihe above Land is bounded by the line ofthe Glocester and Cheltenham Railway, and is well worthy tbo attention of persons desirous oftradi g between the flotirii i ig T wn of Cheltenham and the Ci'y of Glocester : and the latter piece, which com- mands a very extensive view of the surronn ; ing coun. try, is also eligibly situated for Building Ground, For further particulars, apply at ti. e Office of Messrs, Welles, Gwinnett, and Newmarch, Clielte> ham. HORSMAN' 3 BANKRUPTCY. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts un- der a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and Issued forth against EDWARD HORSMAN and JOHN HORSMAN, late of Cliippin. Campden, in the County of Gloceater, Bankers anil Copartners, may receive a FURTHER DIVXDEN A of four Shillings in the Pound, on t-. eir respective Debts, on Monday and Friday, the 3d and 7th davsof June next, and on every succeeding Monday and Friday, till the whole are paid, at v e Office of Messrs, Lavender andByrcb, Solicitors, Evesham, between the hours of ten lii the forenoon, and two in the afternoon of the said days respectively. LAVENDER and BYRCH, Solicitors to the Assignees. Evesham, May 10, IBM. N. B. It is expected that every Creditor applying for payment of a Dividend will produce the Rills, Notes, or ot er Securities n der which lie claims, otherwise the D vidend will not be paitl. ROY A l7 EXCHANGE. HAZVRD, BURNE, and Co. Stockbrokers, respectfully inform the Public, that TICKETS and SHIRES for the present LOTTERY, to be drawn on the 4:|| of JUNE, his Majesty's Birth- dav, are on (- ale at their Office, 93, ROYAL EX- CHANGE. T ie f 11, wing the Scheme, which they earne'tly recommend to public n • tie-;-- 4 Pr ies of 20.( 100 are ,£ 80,000 9* 1,000 24,000 32 5 0 16,000 60 50 3,000 l. OoO S > IS, 000 1/ 00 so 20,000 2,000 1C 32,' 00 IRON WORKS AND FISHERY. TO be LET, andeutered upon at Michaelmas next, a capital IRON FORGE, with two hammers, three fineries, a chafery, an excellent ROLLING MILL, a commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, divers Cottages, stables, outhouses, and all other necessary conveniences; and about 22 statute acres of very fer- tile MEADOW LAND, situate at New Wear, on the banks of the navigable river Wye; about three miles from Monmouth. Together with a valuable ami ex- tensive Fishery in the river Wye, now and for many years past in the occupation of William Partridge, Esq, These works, from their situation on the banks of the Wye, and their contiguity to the ports of Chepstow and Bristol, possess great advantages, and they may easily be enlarged or converted to any purpose to which a tcnantinight think proper to appljv them. H An eligiblewenftnt w| ll meet with eiicoilragenient. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Williams, At- torney- at- Law, Monmouth. FREEHOLD ESTATE, AT W0ODMANCOT, NORTH CFRNEY, GLOCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Ram Inn, Cirencester, on Thursday, the 13th day of June next, at 12 o'clock at noon, ( subject to such cuudi lions as shall be then produced;)— A capital FREEHOLD FARM, Late the Estate of Robert Saunders, Esq, deceased, situate at W . odinancot, iu the par. sh of North Cerney, Olocestershire, and cenpied hy toe representative of Mr. John Turner, consisting of a Farm- house, Malt- house, Barn, Stable, and other outbuildings; and about 163 Acres of excellent Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, in divers small Fields, besides twenty acres of Common Downs, and several Cow and Sheep Commons, altogether reputed to be a Messuage or Tenement, aud ten yard- lands, with the appurtenances. This is a most desirable Farm, in a high state of cultivation, exonerated from Land- tax, and situated only lour miles from Cirencester. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. Crondy and Son, Solicitors, Higbworthi Wilt*. Freehold Manors and Estates, GLOCESTERSHIRE. ro BE SOLD BY AUCTION, bv A Mr, PH/ PPS, At the Auction Mart, London, on the 24th of June, 1811, in Lots ;— Ttie several valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, Belonging to the late LORD CHEDWORTH, compris- ing the Manors, or reputed Manors of towell, Hamp- nett, Yanmrth, and Compton Abdale, and several Freehold Estates within the said Manors, and in the parish of Wellington, containing in the whole ' EVEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED and SEVENTY. TWO Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Wood LAND; also the Parsonage of Compton Abdale, with the Per- petual Adrowson of Hampnett, all in the county of Glocester, and adjoining the high road from North, leach to Cirencester. Particulars are preparing, and will be ready forth- with, of which, and the time of viewing, due mtice will be given in this paper, by Mr, Phipps, Coptliall. court, London. Capital Freehold Manor Estate, WORCESTERSHIRE. TO BE t, OLD bv AUCTION, bv MR, IVltllAMS, At the Auction Mart, London, on Thursday, May 3', at 12 o'clock, in one lot, unless previously disposed of by private contract ;— ' A VERY TAI. CABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, called SHERIFFS LENCH, With the MANOR, extending over the parish of Church Leneh, comprsmg 533 acres of ARABLE, MEA& OW, PASTURE, and WOOD LAND, iu a rinn fence; with a very excellent FARM HOUSE, Offices, and all suitable Outbuildings, deljg tfully situate in the Vale, within halt a mile of the river Avon, three miles trom the borough town ofEvesham, and 14 from the city of Worcester; part let on an agreement for 14 years, and the remai. der in hand, and of the value of ONE TnoLSANDand SEVENTH POUNDS per annum. N. B. The Land IS excellent for every Parun-. g pur. pose, bnt remarkable for being good Wheat Land,— Tiie whole is Tythe- free for 19 veau, and renewable for every 7 years, and there is " ahuiii& uce of Lime- stone, and well watered. May be viewed by applying on the Estate, where Particulars may be had; of Mr, Thos. Williams, Col- lege- gates, Worcester; IJop Pole | nri, Worcva er ; Lion, Upton; Fleece, Cheltenham; Swan, Tewkes- bury; Star, Oxford; Bell, Pershore ; Farrier's Arms, Evesham; Lion, Kidderminster; Union, Birmingham ; of Messrs. Hands and Gwin, Bridgnorth; of Mr. oxtey, Solicit ir, Evesham ; Mr, Bousfield, Solicitor, Bouverie- stieet, Fleet- street, London; aud of Mr. Williams, No. T, in tke Auction Mart, where a plan of tneEstate may be seen. 21,000 Tickets. ,/ i() 0,(> 00 In t te last October Lottery, No. 27, a Prize of f 20,000, and, 2,388, a P ize. f £ 2,000, werebothsolii in shares at t e above Office. Letters, post paid, duly answered. Schemes gratis. TICKETS and SHARES ti r the above Office, are al- so on Sale by Mr. J. V. H\ LL, High- street, Worcester, AatiS, GROVE, Pout- master, Swansea, GLOCESTERSHIRE, Capital Freehold Mansion House, AND COTTAGE ORNEE, With valuable and rich Arable and Pasture LAND, near STROUD, on the side of the Turnpike- road leading from Bath to ( heltenham. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on Friday, the 31st day of May, 1811, at the King's Arms Inn, ip Stroud, Glocestci shire, between the hours of four and six in the evening, sub. ect to the Conditions of Sale which will be then and " there pro- duced, iu the following lots:— LOT 1. A Close of extremely rich AR ABLE LAND, called Middle Piece, about five acres. LOT 2. Ditto, called Creeds, about five acres. LOT 3. A complete COTTAGE ORNEE. with the GARDEN and ORCHARD adjoining, situate on the side of a road leading to and from Stroud, con. taming about two acres, now in the possession of Mr. Mason, for a term of yean, about six of which are un- expired. LOT 4. A Piece of WOOD GROUND, with the TIMBER and other TREES growing thereon, and a Close of VRABLE LAND adjoining, containing to- gether about 17 acres, and caded Beggar Rush. LOT 5. A Close of most excellent ARABLE LAND, called Lower Beggar Bush, adjoining the road, antl containing about five acres, LOT 6. A capital MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, called the StAD- Houne, replete with all conveniences, and fit for the immediate reception of a Gentleman's Family; with a Farm House, and all domestic and fare iug offices, Folds, and Gardens adjoining, about one acreanda Halt; with the following pieces of laud: - Orchard adjoining the House, about three acres. Ditto adjoining the last Orchar. l, about one acre. Wainhouse Close, about four acres and a half. Barn Close, about four a .- res and a half. Little Reddings, about three acres, Red dings, aoout seven acres and a half, Tiie Moors, about four acres and a half. Th Meadow, about si « acres and a half. LOT. 7 A very convenient MESSU AGE or TE- NEMENT and DWELLING- HOUSE, with Out- buildings, Gardens, Orchaid, and five very r. a ital pieces of ARABLE and PASTURE LANDadjoin- nig, containing together about 25 acres, called Wades. About half of lot 4 is Leasehold f r a very long term of years. Lot 7 is Copyhold of Inheritance, hultjen under the Manor of Painswick; and all the other lots are Free . old of Inheritance, Toe first 6 lotscoi stitnte an Estate called the SLADD, which is beautifully situated on a picturesque emi- nence, about half a mile from the town ofStroud, ami commands most extensive aud luxuriant yiews of the surrou . ding country. Lot 7 adjoins the other lots, and possess's equal ad- vantages. Earlv possession of all the lots, ( except lot 3,) may be obtained. For a view of tiie premises, apply to Mr. Baylis, New- Mills, near Stroud aforesaid ; and for further particulars, at the offices of Mr. Watts, 10, Symoiu.' s Inn, C aiicery lane, L ndou; or of Long and Beae. ' in ' Uptoa- upun- Smrii, Worcejiersljire, Notice to Debtort and Creditors. ALL Perseus wiio are indebted to the Estate of Mr. WILLIAM DAVIS, late ofTedditigton, in the County of Worcester, deceased, are requested to pay the same immediately to THOMAS DAVIS, of the parish of Hanley Castle, in the same . county, the acting Executor under the w II of the said William Davis;— Aud all persons who have any demands on the same Estate, are desired to send particulars there- of to the said Thomas Davis, that they may be forth- with discharged, Hanley Castle, May 11, 1811. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- ed and issued forth against WILLIAM COOKE WARD, of the City of Glocester, money scrivener, and he bt ing declare I a Bankrupt, is here- by r quired to surrender himself to the Commissi ', e, i » , in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the 28th and 29tls days of Mav inst. ut eleven m the morning, and on Ihe 2d nay of Joly next, at eleven in the morning, at the Ram T-.' n, in tiie City of Glocester, and make a full discovery aud disclosure of his Estate and Effects, when and wuere the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their n b; s, and at the second aiding to chnse Assign- es, andat o last sitting the said Bankrupt is'teqtnied to finish ins examination, and the Creditors' are to assent to, or dissent from the ' allowance of his certificate, - Al1 Per- sons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or. t. at have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to w . oiu the Comm ssi . ners shall a. point, but give notice to Mr. Charles Jaines, Solicitor, No. 12, Gray's Inn- square, London ; or to Mr.' Tiiomaj Davis, Sofci. tor, GLcester. RICH OONOVtN. G. W COUW'L. May 18, 1811. J. PIIIL. 1' OTI'S, Jun, TT WHEREAS a Commission of Bank ; i j. i i. award- VV ed and issued against JAMES ORAM, of Cricklade, in tho county of Willi, oheese'iictor, ai d he be ng dtrlared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the majpr part t f their, on ti. e 30tli day of May instant, at tour iu the afternoon; on the 3lst of the same month, and <, n t> e 29th of June . cut, at ten in the forenoon j at the house of Tliomaa Lediard, the Fleece Inn, in Cirencester, ii » the county of Glocester, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate aud Effects; when a d where the Creditors are to come prepared- lo j. ro\ e their Debts, and at the s' Cond sitting to c . Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Rankr. it t u required to finish his exam nation, a. d too Creditors are to absent to or dissent from the allowance • f hi* Certificate:— All Persons indebted to the sr. id Bank- rupt, or that have any of his Fff cts, are not to pay or deliver the same but to w : m Me Commissioners shall appoint, but in give notlru to Missis Meredith, Robins, andTomkins, Lincoln's Inn, London, or to Mr, Wm, Thompson, ^ o. irit r, iu Cirencester. WHEREAS- WILLIAM ROBKRTS„' qfCtaep* stow, in the County qf Monition i, carpenter, bath assigned ver ail is Estate and Effects tu Warren Jane, Joh Penn, Wi ham Pnchard, ai d i'l onfas Briggs, of Chepstow, aforesaid, M'- rcoa . ts, in Trust for themselves and all others ' He Creth. ors of'the said Wi. liam Roberts, who should exerme the some; No- tice is hereby given, That the MI J Deed . f Assign, ment now remai sai the Offipe of Mr. Evans, Attof. neyat i. a •, C. spstoiv, for tne sig aturi of such Cro. ditoriasha e not already executed tne same, antl who are herein requested to execute the satne before the 20th day of Jiu. 8 next, on default t. ereof, they will be excluded the benefit arising from the said Estate; All Persons Wiio have any c aim oil the Est- to- are i e* quest! to send in an account thereof fo the said Mr, Evans; and all Persons wiio are indebted to the said Estate, are desired forthwith to pay their r spective Debts to tin said Mr, Evans, < fherwise legal mea- sures wid be tali en to recover the same, Chepstow, May 17, tail. Rtf Authority of the Prince Regent. TTIE GRANDEST STATE LOTTERY ever known 1 in this Country, will be drawn ou the 4tit of Next Month, the KING'S BIUTH D\ Y, SCHEME. 4 Prizes of 120,000 arc 24 1,000 38 ,... 5OO IC IV10 00 50 3 ,1( 10 1.000 25 25,000 1,000 20 2ii, 000 2,0 0 ......„, 16 32,000 20,000 Tickets -£ 2t> 0,000 TICKETS and SHARES are selling by HOKNSBY and Co, i i great variety, and on the win st TcrdU; at whose Offices all Prizes ate Paid on Demand, I. i the course of a few M ii is HORN. KRY and Co. have i ared aud so. d 5 of 20.0' iuf. 3 . f ltyio<>|. J of5,000<, besides 23 Prices of 2, oO ' i. I000{. 5001. No. 26, CO.( N H[ LL, and « t. M ARG U< ET - HILL, Botou.' li. Letters, post paid, duly answered Schemes sratis. TICKETS and SHARES for the above Office, are also on sale by J. ROBERTS, Bookseller, ( 11 cester. l. YlTIETON'S NEW. 2 AR'IO tCDU. UN " OF THE History of h ngland, Completed in 120 numbers and illustrated with np » war Is of 130 Engravings, descri' tiye of the most promi ent circumstances in the various reigns, ant} Portraits of ad the Sovereigns who ave swased the Sceptre of Britain, from William the Conqueror. A large whole sheet Cliart of the opposite Coasts of England and France, and whole sheet Maps of England, Scotland, and Ireland This day is published, ( Price only EIG1T PENCE,) ( Containing sixteen pages of lett. r. press, elegantly printed on superfine demy paper; embellished wit| » a superb Frontispiece, from a drawing bv Thurston, engraved in t.. e first stile by C. Wane):,) Number I. the succeeding numbers to be published weekly, of NEW and COMPLETE HISTORY of A ENGLAND. Including a faithful and a< curate narration of all the events in the political, civi, and religious history of Britain, ft- om ttie landing of Ju ins Ca'sai to the com- mencement of hostilities w. th France i 1803, By GEORGE COURTNEY LYTTL, ETQN, Esq. Notwit standing the continued increase of the price of paper and printing, every number of this work con- tains sixteen pages of letter press, with pne elegant Engraving, and many of the numbers are embellished with two Engiavi gs, which is mori in quantity than is given in any other publication soul at tiie low price of Eight- pence per number. A Fl1 E EDITION is printed on wove ve. luui paper, hot- pressed, with proof impressions of the plate-, colour d map.-, ami elegant vignette title pages te each volume, Price One Shilling each NunibiT. t+ t This history may be had i 120 numbers, by one or more weekly, or in three y - mines, handsomely bound in calf and lettered. To render tins work as complete as possible, the Author . S now pursuing, embellished with elegant en- gravings, maps, Sc. A CONTINUATION t0 ,|„ HIS rOKV of ENGL \ ND, from the commencement Of i. ostilnios with Bonaparte in lfi03, to the close of the year 1$ 10, Price One Shilling each Numher. Thjrty numbt rs are already puhljsned; and the r*> mainder will be bi ought forward ou the first day of each month tjll complete, A superior edition is printed, pric° 2s. each number, P lined in a handsome uniform manner, to corre- spond with the above work, which will continue it through the progress of the r sent war, a d ' mm a complete Journal oi'tlie Eve, ts of Modern Times Pin,. , ui„! Published by J. S TRATFORD, No. 211, Holborn- Hil, and sold bj a- other BookSel^ M and fiewscarmwwe y « it « a Kingdom, i" 80,000 SA'I ( JKDAY'S POS'l I. OM10M, IfrttlhstoAY, MAV 23. PRtCS OF STOCKS THIS DAY. 3 per Cent. Cons, money, 64- j - tor account,—. Kavy 5 per Cent. Omnium 1 pre. Reduced 4 perCent. 00. Ex. Biils par l » 4s. preni.— Bonds 2' ls. prein. Nt) latef accounts hare been received from Porto- l » al> than those published on Tuesday evening; V. t this circumstance does not in the least diminish » !!• confidence in the important intelligence of that A private ( Senfleirtan has been at the Secretary of State's o! fice this morning, who left Oporto on the iltb, ami who Confirms the accounts given in our ad- joining page. « - Those were so fully believed by Go- vernment, though not addressed to thefti, that the Xirl of Li vctpool instantly wrote a note to Lady Wel- itogtAti, Informing her of their arrival. S Copy of the Official dispatch of Colonel Traut, ad- dressed to the acting Governor of Oporto, is in town, iirtd We Can state, from authority, that it is in sub- i Manet to- the following effect;—" Masscnahad passed I the Aeneda^ ith from twenty to 25,000 men, intend- ! "' ftg to fclie> e Almeida.— Some affairs took place on thcdil, the Jesuit of which was, that 70 of the enemy I Wntt made prisoners and 20( 5 killed on tile field. On the j » glorious and deceive action was fought, in which . Hie er.- fi. y were defeated with the loss of - 1000 on the • klti and 700 taken. All the regiments engaged co- Vnt- f> d themselves with glory, but the 7ist British ( Which lost 169 men, including twelve officers) and t- iifiit Portfigftcse regiments, particularly distinguish- ed tfieniclve*." A clerk in a most respectable house in Oporto has transmitted till' following to his employer in London: OfficialMXi?:$ niiatwit from Governor Trunt to the act- \ ti£ TTitcTnif ef Opbrto, dated May 11. " Ou the 6th instant, between Almeida and Citidad Rdclfijo, ft tremendous action took place, the result tif which vraf, that 4000 of the enemy killed and Woilhduil ft nnlintd On tilt field, atid 700 prisoners fakett. The regiments that most distinguished them- fdves Otl this gtftrioliS day were, tiie 7} st British, though they, lost 169, including f2 officers ; tho- Por- filgttese regiments were. No. 7, 19, 9, aud2i, and CaCadofes 1, 2, 3, and 5; in short, all the troops that wete In this glofioits action covered themselves With glofy. We are anxiously expecting further par- ticulars of this great event, artd which you will proba- bly get before W'e do. This has been a day of public rejoicing, See." The Intelligence fronl Oporto stated, that Almeida " WaS expected to fall soon after tin; battle of the 5th, for want of provisions.— A deserter from the garrison, has given the following account of the stores he left be- hind, viz, 28 bullocks, 150 sheep-, and pigs. We are not without hopes of being soon enabled to announce another naval victory in the Mediterra- nean, where the French appear to have been particu- larly active of late. By accounts received yesterday iYntil Malta to the 2d instant, it appears, that on the 1sf, the Redwing sloop of war, Captain Dabn, ap- pealed off that port, and made signal of an enemy's BqUadfoh, Consisting of fotir frigates, which were at the time standing to the eastward : upon which the Victorious, of 74 guns, the Pomonc frigate, anil another Vessel, slipped their cables, joined the Red- vrittg, and Went iu quest of them. The Redwing, which had been out on a cruise, farther communi- cated, that she had perceived the enemy four days before, and had continued to watch him up to the period of her making the signal for assistance. Amidst the disgrace of his afms ami the defeat of Ids best army and his best GeUerals, Bonaparte takes his accustomed amusements as if nothing had happen- ed. The Journals inform us of his hunting, and his h vces, and his Visits to the nursery. How the King Of Rome sucks and sleeps seem to him of more im- portance than the fate of armies and of kingdoms. Private letters frOm the coast of France state, as a matter of public fact, that all the French troops had bctli withdrawn not only from the coasts, but even frOin the internal towus of Holland, and had been marched towards Poland. Paris papefs to the 18th inst. have been received. They state the arrival of Marshal Ney in that city, but da not assign any motive for his return. The last Malta mail has brought an account ofthe fiiassacre of all the Mamelukes in Grand Cairo. That force, Once so powerful in Egypt, is, perhaps, now completely extinguished. The following letter con- tains some particulars of this event:— CAIRO, MARCM 2, I write ta inform yoti of the total destruc- tion of fhe Mamelukes, which took place yesterday mottling, at nine o'clock. They Were suddenly at- tacked in the citadel by the troops of tlanani feashaw And Salik Aga, and were all murdered w ithout excep- tion. The troops of the Bashaw and Aga then pil- laged the town, and penetrated the bat- ems, killing every one that came in their way, A proclamation Was afterwards issued, declaring that every person Who sheltered a Mameluke should be punished with death. Nothing has been heard of Achmet Bey, who, it Was thought, had left the town, and, it is supposed, he experienced the same fate as his brethren. The Whole family of Aciimet Bey have beeii cut off." The Grand Vizier, Jussuf Pacha, w ho is 80 years old, has been deposed, and banished to Demotica, near Adrianople: the same place where Charles 3CH King of Sweden, was so long detained. TlK Grand Seig- nior has appointed, as his successor, Abmed Aga, a Inan of genius and courage, celebrated for his gallant defence of trail, Yesterday the Prince Regent was prevented from taking his usual cxcrcise, by a slight attack of the gout. Yesterday a Court of Common Council was held at Guildhall, which was numerously attended.— Mr. • Qtiin presented a petition signed by Sir John Throck- morton, Major Cartwright, Sir Francis Burdett, Mr. - Jones Burdett, Mr. Byng, Mr. Brand, Lord Coch- rane, and above two hundred others, stating that the Committee ofthe Friends Of Parliamentary Reform having given notice of a public meeting to be held in Loudon, on MOndav, the 3d of June, for the purpose of discussing the subject, and preparing a petition thereon ; aud conceiving that the number and respec- tability of the meeting, the dignity of its character, and the' effect of fhe proceedings, would be greatly promoted by its being held in the Guildhall of the city • of London, it therefore prayed for the permission of the Corporation for the Committee to have tlie use of Guildhall for the purpose on that day. - Mr. Quin expatiated shortly on the importance and necessity of a moderate Parliamentary Reform, as indispensable to restore the rights aud privileges of the people, and to maintain independent the just prerogatives of the Crown, and moved that the prayer of the petition be granted; which wa3 carried by a majority of 35. A most numerous and highly respectable meeting of the Constitutional Livery of the City of London, dined yesterday at the Loudon Tavern. Mr. Alderman ClH- jstophcr Smith in the chair. The preparations in the interior of Carltou- house, Commenced yesterday. Upwards of 100 men will be daily employed in the famishing and arranging the different ornamental decorations intended to be intro- duced at tire Prince Regent's grand fete. . Every apartment will be thrown dpert On tiie night of fhe 5th of June, even tlio'e in which never v( t lias 3 vestige of furniture been seen; the'latter Mortis will be hung with crimson silk dauiatk ; all flic ChinCMy, Etruscan, ilri oian, and Hindustan cabinets, in ebony atid ivory, will be flxiMbifed for the first time. Not Ofily file Pa- . lapc wit( be appropriated fdr fhe reception of com- pany, but likewise the Gardeft » will Be'cWcfcd id,- and « ne immense tfljt, reMtoMingsrittfjWfi Oilocester, SA TURT) AY, MA F S5. CHELTENHAM. ARRIVALS DURING VJFE VTKEK. Count Le Pelletier, Sir C. Ross, Kir J. Merry aith, Sir R. Willams, Lady PaxtOii. lady MOnson, Rear Admiral and Mis. Hoigood, Rear Admiral Smith, Major- General R. Stewart, tieuteOaiit- Col. Cuthbtrt, Lieut.- Col. Ramsay, Major MoWisdn, Major Thomp- son, Major Williams, Capt. and Mrs. TretfienWere, Captain Jones, Captain Smith, Captain Nicholson, Captain Fluter, Captain li- wirt. Captain ISaynes, Cap- tain Whorwood, R. N. Captain Wilson, " R. N. Dr. Christie, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Birt. Rev. Dr. Lucas, Rev. C. Present, Mr. and Mrs. Gilleoraud, Mr. and Mrs. Ireland, Mr and Mrs. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Bed- ford, Mr. and Mrs. JuL- rat'teu, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Mr. ind Mrs. Acratjsian, Mr. and Mrs. Lord, Mv. and Mrs. Cave, Mr. and Mrs. Pawlctt, Mr. and Mrs. F„ liuscb, Mr, and Mrs, Whitehead, Mr. and Miss Hel- sham, Mr. Huddlestone, Mr. Smith, Mr. Show, Mr. Featberstone, Mr. Borriugton, Mr. M'Neal, Mr. T. Harris, Mr. Scott, Mr. C. Bleadeti, Mr. Jones, Mr. Hart, Mr. Bevferidge, Mr. Wood, Mr. Ryers, Mr. Butler Claxton, Mr. Green, Mi. Sparkcs, Mr. Nichol- son, Mr. R. H. Lucas, Mr. F. W. Miller. Mr. G. Cooper, Mr. New, Mr. Stephens, Mr. I„ Blair, Mr. F. I. Brisco, Mr. Seabrooke, Mr. R. Blheaves, Mr. Wilson, Mr. W. 11. Dernsford, Mr. Benu ell, Mr. Lord, Mr. Crahb, Mr. Phiphant, Mr. T. P. Butt, Mr. Gibson, Mr. Cross, Mr. Blarkall, Mr. Pickfotd, Mr. Liddell, Mr. P. Jung, sen. Mr. P. Jung, jun. Mr. R. T. Monhoy, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Davies, Mr. Thorpe, Mr. Barrisley, Mr. Kingdom, Mr. G. Kilgoin, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Shatter, Mr. Bailie, Mrs. Glaiiville, Mrs. Willi- ams, Mrs. Berridge. Mrs. Redford, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. llill, Mrs, Vavasour, Mrs. Greeor, Mrs. Wlieeldou, Mrs. Seabroke, Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Prescot, Mrs. Ramsay, Mrs. Parker, Airs. Wintle, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Reiley, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. H. Kenlp, Mrs. M. Turner, Mrs. T. Hall, Mrs. B. Claxtoii, Mrs. Betty, Mrs. ftlackj Mrs; G. II. Gibbs, Mrs. A. Gibbs, Mrs. G. Higginson, Mrs. Sparkes, Miss Present, Mis, « Bowen, Miss Bell, Miss l. awson. Miss Morgan, Miss Oliver, Miss Kay, Miss Paxtou, & e. & c. __ The Rev. Mr. Seatt is collated, by the Lord Bishop of Bath aud Wells, to the rectory of Weston Super- marfe, in Somerset, void by the cession of the Rev. Fred. Beadoi|, M. A, BIHTH.- I- At Craike Rectoty, the Lady of the Rev. Powell Colehfester Guise, of a son. Thursday, was married, the Rev. Wilbraham Ford, rector of South Cernev, a. nd Fissington Parva, in this county, to Miss Jemima Rooke, third daughter of the late George llooke, fisq. On Tuesday was married, Mr. John Oldland, of Woodford,, in ar Beikeley, to Miss Ann Limbrick, youngest daughter ofthe late Mr. Lunbrick, of Wick- war. Lately was married, Mr. George Ponting, of Wood- foid, to Miss Heather Cullimore, ofCharfield. On Thursday was married, in Cheltenham, Captain Wm. C'onolly, to Anna Maria, third daughter of the late Charles Dohiville, Esq. of Santry- lbuise, Dublin. On Tuesday se'nnight uas married, at Addlestrop, in this eouniy, bv the Rev. Mr. I. eigb, Mr. John Radford, of Buckland, to Miss M. Freeman, of Addle- strop. On Thursday was married, Sir. John Fox- Wcll, clo- t'litt, of Wottou- nnder- Edge, to Miss B. Jones, youngest daughter of John Jones, Esq. of Hill, near Berkeley. On Tuesday was married, at Newent, by the Rev. Wrii. Beale, Mr. Wm. Taylor, late of Malswick, in that parish,, aged 82, to Mrs. Mary Hayward, ofthe same place, aged 19. The happy pair were attended to the altar by Mr. Thomas Gatlev, batchelor, aged 86, and Mrs. M. Morgan, aged 74; making in the whole 321 years. After the ceremony, the bells rang a merry peal ; atid the party were entertained with a good dinner, at the George Inn, which was provided for them by the Rev. Mr. Onslow, Vicar. On Wednesday morning died, at Malvern, Airs. Nash, relict of the Rev. Dr. Nash, late of Bevere. On Friday last died, at Cirencester, in the 9th year of his age, George Edmund Clarke, eldest son of the late Rev. George Clarke, B. D. Rector of Meysey Hampton and of Wick Rissington, in this county. On Tuesday last died, at Cirencester, Mr. John Pieice, Printer and Druggist. On the 17th inst. died, at Prestbury, Sarah Pugh, aged 20, only child of B. Pugh, Esq. of Ilernard- street, London. Lately died, suddenly, in the 16th year of her age. Miss Dawson, daughter of Mr. Dawson,. Supervisor ot' Excise, Tew kesltury. On Monday se'unight died, aged 58, Susannah Ricketts, a pauper in the House of Industry, Tewkes- bury; having existed ten weeks without eating any kind of food, thd only nutriment she received during that period being a few spoonfuls of beer each day.— Her disease was of an apoplectic nature ; and although it so long deprived her of the power of eating, aud the use uf speech, she was perfectly sensible till the day previous to her dissolution. Arrangements are making in London, Bristol, Hull, Doneaster, Sheffield, Liverpool, & c. to cele- brate the birth- day of that much lamented Statesman, Mr. Pitt, on the 23th of the present month, 1 in the same distinguished manner in which it was comme- morated last year. Captain Gordon, of the Active, one of the frigates engaged in the late glorious battle in the Adriatic, is the Son of Capt. Gordon, Paymaster of the Recruit- ing Staff stationed in this city. The official details of that brilliant affair, together with the French account, will be found in our fourth page. On Tuesday last, at a meeting of the Subscribers to the fund for greeting an organ, in Cheltenham church, Mr. Thomas Woodward, of this* city, was unanimously appointed organist for the ensuing year. We understand there were seven competitors for the situation. Mr. Woodward was one of the pupils of Mr. Mutiow, organist of our cathedral. Cheltenham Theatre opened ou Tuesday last, with the play cf the Honey Moon, and the after- piece of Blue Devils. On Wednesday last, a party of volunteers from the Hereford Militia, marched into this city ou their route to join the 24th regiment of foot. On Tuesday last, the First Royal East Glocester Local Militia, uuder the command of Sir B. W. Guise, Bart. M. P. completed their service for the present year. It would be an act of injustice were we to withhold our testimony to their good conduct during the time they were embodied; and wc are hap- py to add, that their improvement ih military duty is no less honourable than their peaceable demeanour ill quarters. They are succeeded by the South Wor- cester, commanded by the Hon. Col. LygOn, who marched in ou: Thursday, consisting of upwards of 700 men. Last week tlie Archeufield regiment of Local Mili- tia, commanded by Col. Sir H. Hoskyns, Bart, were iuspecteil on their ground on the banks of the Wye, near Hereford, by Major- General the Earl of Cork, who begged Sir H. Iloskynsto signify to the regiment his entire approbation of their whole conduct in the field. In the evening the officers gave a ball and sup- per to a sclect paity of ladies and gentlemen, com- prising about 150, at the Hotel. On Sunday last the corps separated, having during their period of duty conducted themselves with the utmost order and pro- priety. Monday se'nnight, being the last day of their as- sembling on permanent duty for the present year, the East Monmouth Local Militia, commanded by Col. Moly'nenx, were inspected by General Cosbie, in the field at Wye- bridge, adjoining that town. The whole of the manoeuvres were performed with such steadi- ness as would have done Credit to a regiment ofthe line, antl drew from the lhSpCCfihg Officer the most unqualified marks of approbation, declaring, in public orders, that he should " report the Cofpi as fit I'of- ser- vice."- After the review, the Gentfal and Officers dined fdgqtfier at the King's ifeadj Af Ross fair on Thursday, thefe was a tolerable supply of cattle, w hifch sOld well. The shew of horses was but indifferent, and they were not tonch in re- qnerfv But few store pigs, and the demand for them rather brisk. ThO quantity of cheese was rather small, Slid sold as follows :- » Best making, 75s. t6 30s ; two- meal, 63*< fc atlrdS&, to Sft, per c'wi In the FIooM of Lordl, cn Tuesday, the Commit- tee of Privileges was numerously attended. Soon after two o'clock, Counsel was called in, when the Solicitor- General proceeded to call other witnesses on the Berkeley claim; amongst the rest were, the ' Rev. Caleb Carrington, who had bien examined on a former occasion; Mrs. Matiniag, housekeeper to Mrs. Foot, of Kent; and Mrs. bavis, who lived as ser- vant to William Cole, Lady ijtrkeley's father, about five years before his death.— On Wednesday several other witnesses wete examined; and the further consi- deration of the case was deferred till one o'clock yes- terday. We arc truly happy to find that a publication of such magnitude as the HISTORY of WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANII ITS MONUMENTS, which may justly be denominated a national work, meets witli the support which it deserves. From the splendid artd fneritoriotis specimen exhibited in the first number, now before the public, wc are only astonished how it could be afforded at so low a price as 10s. 6d. to tbe original subscribers; and we know that tbe first connoisseurs in the arts consider it remarkably cheap at 15s. each number. There cannot be the least doubt that this work will be every way worthy of the venerable and interesting fabric which it is intended to illustrate.— See Advertisement. A very numerous and respectable meeting of inha- bitants of Bristol, as friends of religions liberty, was held in the Guvldhall, on Monday last, pursuant to public advertisement; the object of which was to sign a petition to the House of Lords, praying that the Bill introduced by Lord Viscount Sidmouth might not pass into a law, it being apprehended that such Bill has a tendency to infringe on that religious liber- ty which has beeu so long and so happily enjoyed un- der the Toleration Act. The several resolutions were unanimously carried; and the petition was signed, in the short space of five hours, by 1953 persons! Simi- . lar meetings have taken place in London and ether parts of the connfrv. ' s Petitions, addressed to flic House of Lords, pray- ing that Lord Sidmouth's Bill might not be enacted, w ere signed oil Su day last, in all the dissenting con- gregations in Bristol. The first intimation of petition- ing was not given till Saturday afternoon; and - on Monday at five o'clock the petitions were sent off ex press for London, signed by an incredible number cf persons, amounting, as it is believed, to seven orelght thousand, the greater part of which signatures were affixed on Sunday, at the close ofthe several services, A Bill has received the Royai Assent, for repairing the roads in the Newpoii District, under which, we learn, a road will be completed to avoid those steep and difficult hills between Newport, Chepstow, and fhe Passage. A boat on a novel construction, to sail, * hen com- plete, against w ind and lide, 48 feet long by 8 wide, was launched on Thursday last, at Mr. Mansell's'yard, Cannon's Marsh, Bristol. By a circular letter just received from the Secretary ofState's Office, by the Commandants of Local Mi- litia regiments, it appears that they w ill be permitted to recommend officers for ensigucies in the line, on the regiment furnishing in the proportion of 50 men to one ofneer, for general service, and in case the re- quisite number should not be obtained in one- year, the commissions will be still allowed, if the qnotais completed in the following year. On Tuesday John Loveridge was committed to Our county prison, by the Rev. Richard Slade, charged on suspicion of stealing the but end of an oak timber free, the property of Thomas Hardwick, of Tyther- iugton. The man at Bcngivortli who made the desperate at- tempt on his wife's and his own life, as stated in our last, is, we hear, dead ; the woman still survives. On Wednesday an inquest Was taken at the Boar's Head, Severn Stoke, on view of the body of Mr. Dent, sen. ofSidbury, in Worcester, which was found float- ing in the Severn on the preceding day, in the pa- rish ofSevernStoke, and who has been missingsince the night of the 2ist of February last.— It appearing ill evidence that the valuables which the deceased had w ith him when last seen were found in his clothes, the idea that he came to his death by violence was satis- factorily removed, and the jury returned a verdict— accidental death. Worcester and its neighbourhood experienced a se- vere tempest in the course of Thursday— the lightning was incessant and vivid, the heat unusually op- pressive, and the rain heavy and lasting. At Wick, a very valuable horse was struck dead in the field in which he was grazing; and six sheep shared the same fate, at Pcrdiswcll. Richard Harris, of Lindridgc, and another mail, took shelter in the pari- h of Eardis- ton, at a short distance from each other, where they had not long remained, when a flash of lightning struck the former lifeless, but the latter providentially escapcd with a slight shot k on his arm.— On Saturday- last, an inquest was taken by the coronet, on view of the body of Harris, when it appeared, by the evidence of Rii hard Stokes, that he and the deceased were working in the field at tiie time the storm came on, and that they returned to their clothes near some apple trees. Stokes was standing about eight- yards from the deceased, when his left arm was struck, and so much benumbed, that he thought it was broken. On turning to his companion lie perceived smoke passing through his hat, the electric fluid having perforated his head, and caused instant death.— Verdict, " died by the visitation of God— to wit, from lightning." This stortn appears to have been very general: at Hagley, the hailstones which fell were of an enormous size, and greatly damaged the fruit and other trees; at Shrewsbury, upwards of300 paues were broken iu the hot- house, & c. of Miss Windsoi, and skylights of numerous bouses damaged. After a hearing on Monday and Tuesday in the Court of Chancery, the Lord Chancellor decreed that under the wlllbfthe Rev. Dr. Russel Nash, late of Be- vere, in the'county of Worcester, the whole of his property, real and personal, subject to a few legacies and his wife's jointure, descends ( nearly equally di- vided) the one part to Lord Somers for life, with re- mainder to his eldest son, atid the other part to Lady Somers for lite, with remainder to their second son, on bis taking the name and assuming the arms of Nash In the Court of King's Bench on Thursday, Walter Williams, Esq. was brought up to receive judgment, for endeavouring to provoke a gentleman of the name of Stark to fight a duel. It appeared that both par- ties \ vere officers in a regiment of volunteer cavalry on the borders of Wales, and that the trial took place at the last assizes for the county of Hereford, where the defendaut was foiiftd guilty. After hearing a variety of affidavits on both sides, it was at length arranged that the apology which the defendant originally pro- posed should be accepted, and each pay their several costs. Saturday as a man was clearing away the earth on the edge of a road in the parish of Sproston, Leices- tershire, he discovered, about three feet from the sur- face, a small pot of earthenware, the size of a com- mon gallipot, which contained exactly' 100 Roman silver coins. They are ill high preservation. Charles Holyoake,' a private in fhe North Worces- ter local militia, has been committed to Worcester county gaol for six months, by William Hicks, Esq. for having deserted from his regiment! Miss Beckfofd, sister of the Marchioness of Doug- las, eloped a few days since with a military officer. Hi r father is said inexorably to declare, that he will cut her off w ithout a shilling. On Thursday night last some daring villains forced the pannel Of a window shutter belonging to Mr. Isaac, silversmith, of Abergavenny, and carried away about forty silver watches', and gold and silver trinkets to a considerable amount. Every means has been used to disetjvw tfie crfffadirs, but without effect, . Fxtract of d letter from Brighton, May 21. ; . The first division of the South Glocester Militia left us for Shoreham, on their route for Honiton, in Devonshire, early yesterday, and the second and last division followed the former this morning. Tbelowei- order of the townspeople, a possc of them, on each occasion, insulted the veterans with huzzas and revil- ings as they passed the western extremity of the place; bnf to which the military rcturcd the only notice. tbat such conduct deserved, that of silent Contempt.— In What kind of estimation tbe South Gioccster Militia is held by the respectable part of the inhabitants of this town, the following Address, signed by tbe prin- cipal. residents, will exemplify:— " We Whose names are hereunto subscribed, inha- bitants of Brighton, fully satisfied with the general de- meanour of the Roval South Glocester Militia, during their very long residence in this town, feel it Would be an act of injustice to the regiment not to offer them an unequivocal testimonial of our approbation of their conduct, at the moment whe. n their duty commands tbeir departure, and their services to be transferred to another town and county; " We do therefore most readily declare, that the general behaviour of the subordinates has been mild and orderly; that they have been peaceable in their quarters, and attentive to their Superiors; and which, combined with the gentlemanly conduct and exempla- ry proceedings of their Officers, render the departure of the regiment a subject of our most unftigrted re- gret." GLOCESTER INFIRMARY. Number of Patients in the House. Men, - £ 1 Beds, - 72 Women, - 36 , - 4* GLOCESTER MUSIC- MEETING, 1811. STEWARDS: Right Hon. LORD REDESDALE, JOHN P AUL PAUL, Esq. THOMAS SMITH, Esq. The Very Ret. the DE AN of GLOCESTER; Rev. Mr. I. YSONS, Rev. Mr. CLUTTERBUCK. THE MEETING of the THREE CHCILRS of GLOCESTER, WORCESTER, and HERE- FORD, will be held at GI. OCESTER, on ,, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, SEPtEMSER 10,11, and 13, 1811, Principal Vocal Performers; Madame CATALAN!, Mrs. VAUG'HAN, Miss FANNY ROSS MELVILLE, Mr. BRAHAM, Mr. VAUOHAN, Mr. GOSS, . And Mr. BARTLEMAN. WESTMINSTER ABBEY AFID IT* MONUMENTS. RACKERMAJSN begs leave to return his most « grateful acknowledgments to the Subscribers ofthe above Work, who already amount to upwards of si. T hundred; and is proud to" assure them, that he now feels himself enabled to satisfy his own wishes, as he trusts that lie shall fulfil their utmost expecta- tions, iu the progress and accomplishment of this splendid undertaking. With the assistance of such artists and literary characters as he employs in it, he confidently hopes to render it worthy of the distin- guished patronage with which it is honoured; nor does he hesitate to prom. se, that as the Work proceeds, its beauties will be found to increase, as may he evinced by an inspection of the drawings made for the Work, which may be seen at The Exhibition of Paintings in Water Colours, No 16, Old JPoml- street. The first subsripition at ten shillings dfiiI sixpeitcc per number being closed, there is now an . advance, pursuant to public notice, to fifteen shillings the number: and as not quite four hundred copies at present remain for sub- scription, the second hat will probably be fiiil in a very short time, when it is presumed the Work will be worth double, or even treble, the original Cost, as it Is posttively limited to a thousand copies, .... The Second Number will be published on the first of June next; and tne Work will continue to appear on the first of each succeeding month, till the sixteen numbers, of which it is to consist, are completed, GLOCESTER, May 18, 1811. NOTICE ishereby given, That the PARTNER- SHIP now subsisting between THOMAS MARTIN, and THOMAS HERBERT, PIN- MA- NUFACTtlRERS, being about to be DISSOLVED, we hereby request all Persons having any Demand upon us, willimmediately send in their Accounts, that the same may be adjusted and dischargfed; and also, all those who stand Indebted to us, are requested to pav the same. Witness our hands, tnis litli day of May, 1811, THOMAS MARTIN." . ,. , THOMAS- HERBERT, r WANTS a Situation, as BAILIFF, or MANA- GER of a FARM, a Man something above the m'ddle age, with no family incumbrance, accus- tomed to Buying and Selling, aud all Business in the Fanning lane in general, and can keep Accounts. Sa- lary or Wages no object. Employment being the Ad- vertiser's principal aim. Has no objection to take an active part of the work on a Farm. Good Reference can be given. , Letters directed F. G. to be left at Mr. John Baker's, Cabinet- maker, Momiow- street, Monmouth, will meet due attention This will not, be repeated _ . . RAMS. HROBBINS'S annual SHEW of RAMS for . LETTING, at BARFORD, near Warwick, commences on TUESDAY, the FOURTH of JUNE, when he will be glad to see any gentlemen that will favour him w ith their company. Ba ford, May 17, 1811. , ... . ., . . .., I RAMS. WUMRERS'S SHEW of RAMS for LET- . TING, at WAPPENBURY, in the conn- ; v of Warwick, commences on WEDNESDAY, the FIFTH of JUN E, when lie will be glad to see any gen- tlemen who will favour him with their company. Wappenbnry, May 9, .1811. ., . ^ ^ „. GLOCESIERSHIRE. SALE OF RAMS. MR. KIMBER'S( of North Ccruev) annual SALE of R VMS, bv W. HANDY, will be held at PERROTT'S BROOK, near Cirencester, on TUES- DAY, the ELEVENTH of JUNE next. Worcester, May 22, lull, 4th JUNE. SWIFT and Co. remind their Friends and tlie Public, that the present , GRAND STATE LOTTERY, CONTA1NIN 0 SIXTY CAPITAL PRIZES, will begin and finish , Orawing .. ,, ON THE KING s BIRTH- DAY. SCHEME. 4 Prizes of .£ 20,000 are <£ 80.000 24 1," 00 24,000 32 500 16,000 6U 50 3,000 1,000 25 25,000 1,000 20 go. OOO 2,000 16 32,000 20,000 Tickets. .£ 200,000 Persons m the Country may be Supplied with Tickets and Shares, by sending their Orders, with Remit- tances, to either of .. SWIF T and Co.' s London Offices, Viz. No. 11, POULTRY, No. 12, CHARING- CROSS, and , • , No. 31, ALDGATE, HIGH- STREET, Or by application to their Agent, JR. WASHBOURN, BOO& EI,££ FTJ KwctmKi TO be LET by Tender, and enlercd ttpon lfSms- diateiy, two eligible FARMS, an I some de- tached MEADOW and ARABLE LAND, sitnate- in the parish of Sandhurst in the county of Glocester. Sandhurst is near the Turnpike- road leading from Glo- . cester to Tewkesbury, withi. three miles of Glocester, ? of Cheltenham, and 7 of Tewkesbury. . Proposals in writing, sealed up, and' pOst- paid, ad- dressed to Mr. Rithard Lumbert, Wick Rissington, tiear Stow, Glocestershire; or Mr. Thomas Hastings, H rse and Groom Inn, Glocester, on or before the 8tu dav of J me next, will be duly attendeto. ; One Far. 11 consists of about 220 acres, 114 of tVliicH are Meadow and Pasture, and the reniaindt r is Arable. The bther Fami is about 75 acres, 50 of wh eh are Meadow and Pasture, and the remainder is Araole. About 10 Acres of the detached Meadow Land is tua ted within a mile of Glocester. The other detached pieces are neat the village of Sandhurst. , For further particulars and to view the estate, apply tto Mr. Lambert, or Mr. Hastings. ...... ,.„.„,. —— •....... — Sisuait. CITY OF GLOCESTEit. Desirable Residence TO BE SOLD BY AlCTIOM, bV 1 Mr. READ, , At the George Coffee House, in G'ocester, ai five o'clock in the aftertibm.. On Friday, the 7th day of June, fall, unleis disposed of in the mean time bv Private Cor' act ;- jA11 that tniljt Desirable MESSUAGE or UWELLtNG- HOUSE and PREMISES, pleasantly iiutated at this uppet part of the College Green, in the city of Glocester } consisting of two pdrloui j, first Slid second kitcliefil and suitable offices of evely description ou the ground floor, with two excellent cellars underneath] a dravfa ing- room, arid tin fee bed- chambers on the tSrst floor; and three good bed rooms iu tile attics, and a large court in . front. The Premises are held by a lease fo? . dO ^ eSrSJ renewable every 1 o years, under the Dean and Chapter bfGlocester; the first 10 years of which are just novl expired. For further particulars, and a view of tt. te Premise*; enquire of Mr. Stock, Solicitor, GlabeStef, of of the Auctioneer. .„.. Glid CESTERSHIR E. • , TO BE SOU) BY AUCTION; fcrf . . Mrl CREF. t), ,, q » Monday, the 27th day of May, 181 i, oil. tlife Premises of Mr. TIIOMAS SLTYSE, sitiiate at Hard* witk Green, foiir mile* from Glotiester; on ttife bri. ttoi road;— All his useful .- , , - HOUSEHOLD FtlRNlTME, AMbthet Etfttts: ... Consisting of four- post and stump bedsteads, tiith plaid hanging!; foitr very § odd millipnff fl< ck beds j Sheets, quilts; and blankets) an exbdlent 30' hbur clock, in oak tasfe; nearly liewj diumg, tea, and dressing tibles • chairs; pier rfttd stfatig p asses, settle., with a general assortment of kitchen requisites, brew! ing utensils, several htJgjIheailS, barrels, and 5ma,. e! Sized casks, ti- ayis,& C. id* the Houtti which 1eas adrertficd to ic Sold it/ Auction, on the ibth instant, at the Herkeleu Affns In hi Glocesttr, is DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CON- TRACT. ,, ; feoCfSTElt TO B£ SOi. L) BY AUCTION, bv Mr. '. REF. hy On Tuesday, the ggtii day of May, ) 8l1, oil tilij Premises of Mrs. Jane ORPIN, 111 ColIege » Coutt,' Westgate- streeti— A Select assortment of OIL, PAINTINGS, , toy various approved ARTISTS. . . tlKEWliB . A COLLECTION OF VALUA1? 1E PRTNTS, By the First Masters. The above have I feen collected by Mr. Cooking, Miniature Painter, at the above Premises. .... GLOCESTERSHlREi ' nro BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by j - Mr. CREEP, , On Thursday, the Eth dav of June, 1811, 011 the Premises of Mr. JAMES WKITE, deceased, in the parish of CoMe, SJ miles from O oiiester, nearly ad » joining the Turupike- foad leading to Ledbury j— Thti following valuable LIVE AND CEAD $ TOct, . Implements of Husbandly, Sx\ ; Consistingof four yearling tart fcolts, one four- ycat- old mare, one three- year- old gelding, one five- year- old ditto, one seven- year- old cHttoj capital sevfemvear- old hackney, and one twoiyear- old fiileyj four yearling heifers, and four two-^ eiii- olil heifers • one sow liiid seven pigs; and one score ef sheep, Two broad and one narrow- wheeled carts, one strait and tweftbh e- quarter bedded Waggons, two pair of liairows, four ladders, two hammock ai d two long ploughs) six sets of long geers, two sets of thillei-' s ditto; winnowing fan, one two- fttrrow, and one three- fm 1- uW drill, with many other useful articles used in the Fanning Line; The sale to begin at ten o'clock 111 the forenOOn. GLAMORG VN S HiKE. rT, 0 BE SOLD Bt AUCTION, BY A . W. PEACH, At the Ship and Castle Inn, in tlifc toH- n of Neath, in' the county of Glamorgan, 011 Tuesday, the 28th of Mttv, 1811, and the following divs, ( hy order of the! Assignees of John Suns, a Bankrupt,) subject to cticll Conditions as shall then be produced :- THE BENEFICIAL INTEREST Of the said Bankrupt of and in that capital JNN find Premises, called the SHIP AND CASTLE, in the said town of Neath; together witH the valuab. e Stock and Effects now standing thereon, Consisting of an ex- cellent assortment of Old . Wines and Spirits, of every description; Bottle and other Beer and Cyder; Platej Linen, : hhia, Glass, lleds, Bedsteads^ and Hangings, and every other requisite for the convenience . f a large Inn. Also five Chaises, a Gig, Horses, Harness, stc. tie. The above Inn and Premises comm . nd delightful views of the adjacent country; the situation is beai. tu ml beyond description, and for convenience of every kitid scarcely to be equalled. The Possession may be" immediately had. Neath is about nine miles from Swansea, and eleven from Pyle. Further particulars may be kuOwn by applying to Mr. Gardner, Solicitor to the AsS gliees, Glocester. Glocestcr, May 7, 1811. GLOCESTERS1URE. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, BY « L . Mr. MF. LSVM, For One Year, at the Lower George Inn, in Gloces- ter, 011 Friday, the 7th of Jtine, 1811, between thti hours of five and six in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced;— The several fol- lowing pieces or parcels of tllch Mtddcnv and Pastufc Land, Lev . LOTI. All t at Piece or Parcel of PASTURE LAND, with the appurtenances, containing by esti- mation 9 acres and a half, being the south part of a certain piece of land, part of Hasfield Ham. LOT 2. All that Piece or Parrel of PASTURES LAND adjoining, with the appurtenances, cn . tam- ing by estimation 9 acres and a half, being the south- west part ofthe said piece of land, part of Hasfield Ham. , LOT All that other Piece orParce!| ofPASTURE LAND, with the appurtenances, containing by esti- mation 19A. 20p. being the north part of the said piece of land, part JMsfield Ham. LOT 4. All that P. of MEADOW LAND, wnh the appurtenances, caned Hay Meadow, Containing by estimation 10 acres a.. d a half. LOT 5. All that Piece of MEAD W LAND, w ith the appurtenances, part of Winnali's, Containing by estimation 10 acres. . , The above- mentioned Premises are exonerated frorfj the payment of tytbes, Church- rates, and all taxes, and are situated in the parish of Ashelwortli, 111 the county of Glocester. The lst, 2d, and 3d lots were lately ill the posse- , o « l of Mr. Gibbs; toe 4tb, of Mrs. tu. ng; and t th, of Mr Joseph Wadley. For pirtifulfr^ appljf to tilt SucticMr, m GloceSur, ttiOiu ! HE LONDON GAZETTE. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, MAY 13. It KTR" CT ot" a letter from Capt. Hostc, of the j Snip: ton Frigate, to Capt. Eyre, Senior Offi- cer of his Majesty's Ships and Vessels ill the Adriatic, dated off tjie Island ot'Lissa, March 14, 1811. Jr is with much pleasure I have to acquaint you, that after an action of six hours, w e have completely defeated the combined French and Italian squadrons, consisting of five frigates, one corvette, one brig, two schooners, one gun- boat, and one xebec: the force opposed to them was his Majesty's ships AinpUton, Cerberus, Active, aud Village. On the morning of the 13th, the A,- the made the signal for a strange licet to windward , and daylight discovered to us the. enemy's squadron lyiug- to," off the North Point of the Island ot'Lissa; tiie wind at that time was from the N. W. a tine breezy. The enemy having formed iu two divisions, instantly bore down to attack us under all possible sail. The British line, led hV the Am- phion, was formed by signal in the closest order on the starboard tack to receive them. At! nine A. M. the action commenced by our tiring on the headmost ship's as they came v. ithiu range ; Ihe intention of the enemy appeared to be to break our line in two places, the Starboard division, led by the French Commo- dore, bearing upon the Amphion and Active, and the larboard division 011 the Cerberus and Volagc,; in this attemnt be failed, ( though almost aboard of us,") by the well directed fire, and compact order gf our line. He then endeavoured to round the van ship, to ensfagc to " leeward, and thereby place 11s between two fires; but was so warmly received iu the attempt, and rendered so totally unmanageable, that in the art of wearing he went on shore on the rock's ofLissa, in the greatest possible confusion. Toe line was then wore to renew the action, the Aiiipiiidn not half a cable- length from the shore ; the remainder of the enemy's starboard division passing tmilev our stern, and engaging us to leeward, whilst tiie larboard division tacked and remained to. w ind- ward, engaging the . Cerberus, Votage, and- Active. In this situation. the'action commenced with great fui y.- bis Mnjestv's ships frequently 111 positions which inivpidably exposed, them to a raking- fire of the} cnemv," who, with his superiority of- numbers, had ability, to lake advantage of it. But nothing. Sir, ootii'T w ithstand the brave stpia'drOn I had the honotjr to coininaud. At twenty mmijtts past tleveiV, ATM. the Flora still k her' colour-, and at twrlvtf the IJil- I01111 followed iier exjunptij. The enemy to wiiidwafd now endeavoured to make off, but were followed up ' as'- eiose as the disabled state of his Majesty's ; liips would admit of; and the Active and Ccrbei- Jiwere enabled, at three P. M. to. compel the steniniost of. them tii surrender"; w hen the action ceased, leaving lis'iti the possession of the- Cflroua, of- .44 gans, and the Belloun, of 32, ( the Freiiclf Corpm^ ihti oA the- Favourite, of- 11, on .- bore, who shortly after blew up with a ' dreinfiit expto- ioij; the corvette of the enemy iniikltig'all possible sail to' the V. W. aud two frigates crowding- sail for the. port ot' Eessina, the'brig making off to the S. E. < n'd' rhe sm'all craft thing in every direction-, nor was it in m\ power to' prevent tln m, having no ship in a state to follow them. I must now account tor. the Flora's getting itvray, after having struck tier .( ilours, At the time 1 vl'a's enea ed with that ship, " tW Bt'llAia K^ HJktng lis';' and when she struck, I had 110 boat that could possi- • lily take possession' of her. I therefore- preferred closing- w ith the Bellona, and takiug her, to losing time alongside the Flora, which I already YnVfiSidtl'ctt' belonging to us. I call 0,11 the officers of my own squadron, as well as those of tin encijiy, to vqlpcss inv assertion. "" The .- correspenidctice I have bad- on this . subject with ' tnt .1' renehOptrfin' of the Danne ( now their Oontmodorc,) is. eonviuiiintrf'and even their own officers ( prisoners here") acknowledge $ e fact.' Indeed I might h.^ vc suiik her, nnd'so mighi the Active; but as the colours vvcrc down, and all firing flam her had long ceased, both Captain Gor- don and mysi If'con'- idcred her as our own : the delay of getting a bout oh board th<- nyiiuna, and the anxi- ous pursuit of . Capta. n Gi i'ilmi after the beaten ene- my, enabled him to steal off,, till too late for oui: shat- t< red ships tf> come up with hint, hi.- rigging atid sails apparently not much injured; but by the lawsofyyaf I shall ever maintain he belongs to us. Tilt enpnij- s squadron, as per inclosed return, was commanded by Monsieur DwbAur - ion, a Captain tie Vaasseau, and a- Mernhef of the Legion of Honour, who is killed. In justice to a brave man I must say, he set a noble ex- ample of intrepidity to those under him. Tlrcy sailed from Anemia tlie lltb inst. wjth 500 troops on board, and every thing necessary for fortifying and garrison- ing the island of l. issa. Thanks tp Providence we have this time prevt- ulr- d thsni. I have to lament the loss of many valuable officers and men ; but in a contest of this kind if was to be expected. It i. now my duty . tp fndtayppr to do jus- tice io the brave officers- and men J had the honour to command. I feel myself unequal to the task ; nothing fiom my pen can add to tin ir merit. From your own knowledge of Captains Gordon, Whitby, apd Horn- by, and the discipline of their ships, every thing you know. Sir, might be expected; and if an officer so near in the same rank as themselves may be permitted to give an opiuoti, I should say, they exceeded my most - anguine- expectation ; and it is a duly I owe all, to express in the most public manner my grateful fcnse of the brave and gallant conduct of every Cap- tain, officer, seaman, and royal marine, employed on this occasion. ' WM. HOSTE. or. urn or O » TTT, P, Of THE CONTEIDINC; SQUADRONS. F. ts'C. T- isH SOUAIH'. ON. — Ampb'TOII, Wm. Hoste, fc'sq. Captain, of 32 irons, and men ; Active, J. A. tjoi- dun, E- q. of 33 guns, and 300 men ; Vo'age, p. Horn- lu, F.- q nf 22 7,1ns, and 1* 15 men ; Ceiberus, FT. Wbit- bv. Esq of 32 guns, and 25t men. ' I'otal, 124 guns, 983m 11. Deduct ships short of complement 104. To- tal, 12V guns ; 879 men. 1' RF. NCH SQUADRON— la Favourite, M. Duhordieu, Commandant de Division, Capt. Dellarnaflier, of44 guns, and 350 men, burnt; Flore, M. Peridiei, Cap- tain, of 44 guns, and 3> 0 men, struck, but escaped ; Panac, of 44 gnus, and - 356 men, escaped ; Corona, TvT. Pasqui'ago, of 4424- poiindeis, and 350 men, lateen ; ilelloua Do Jon, of 32 gun-, anij 22i men. taken ; Ca- roline. M. ttanvavick, of 48 gilns, aud 224 men, es- caped ; Pi in ipe de Augusta biig, Bologoe, of 16 gnus, anil H) 5 men, e- cape. l; schooner, of 10 gnus, and 60 m n, escaped; soli oner, of 2 guns, and 31 men, £-<•;> ped ; xebec, of 6 guns, awl 70 men, escaped ; £ 11 n - b ' a:, of 2 cons aud 35 men, escaped ; troops cmbaiked 500. fntal 274 gniis', 265.5 men. ( Signed) \\ ILU'AM HOSTE, Captain. T ota: return ofKi ted and It ourided. Amohion, 15 killed, 47 wounded ; C- rberos, 13 kil- led, 44 wounded; Active, 9 kiilt- d, 26 wounded ; Vo- lasr-, 13 killed, 33 wounded. Total, 50 killed, 150 w ouuded. . Vomer of the 0( lire's killed. AMF u- ON— John . Shearman, Midshipman, and Wil- liam Slaves, Boatswain. VOTAR. F.,— Mr. Geoiff.', Midshipman, CERUERU-.— Mr; Da> ir, Midshipman; Mr. J- ffery, act:., g puiser; and Lieut. Compstun, died of liis wounds. Oarers rodicnded. Messrs. Farwell and Hone, Midshipmen ; Mr. Levis, Clerk; and Mi. Knapuiau, Lieutenant. Royal Marines [ A letter from Captain Hoste here follows, addres- sed to Monsieur Perieiier, Commandant of La Flore fiigjtr, calling upon him to make restitution of that ship, - he having struck to Captain Hoste, who might h ive sunk tier, had ite not considered Iter as haVitig surrendered. Tile answer pmpoi+ s to be written from on board the Dunne frigate, Itoatfs'of Li- stna, denying the above fai t, ' Ifut haviiig tteithei'a daleHor signature. Captain Ho te. iiertjijioi, leturiis the let, tcr, ( til l appeals to Mou>. Ptii-' n- r ami the En^ ljsii Olfict rs for the luitli o'f his ii, st- r| Joii.-. J , j A'oilier letter titmi CVptaiu II<. » t<, ( fofed Lissa, March 18. states the s'uirendi r of tin ^ ejnaiip cc of tie French Commodore's crew sad troop.-, to tke summons of Messrs. Lew and Kingston, two midship-^ men of the Active, who h » d been left in charge of prizes at that port, and who afterwards recaptured a Sicilian privateer, of 14 guns, which had struck to a one- gun Venetian schooner,— Captain Hostc also mentions, that the Corona caught fire ill the main- top, shortly after her capture, but that the fire was, with great exertion, extinguished.] [ The details of this brilliant action furnish another memorable instance of the superior bravery and skill of British officers aud seamen. The French Com- mander attempted to break the British line, but tiiis manaiuvre, so irresistible and decisive when executed under the direction of a St. Vincent, or a Nelson, com- pletely failed in the hands of the French, and the de- feat of the enemy followed almost as a matter of course.] [ The Gazette likewise contains a dispatch from Lord ' Wellington, the contentsof which are accurately given in the official bulletin in our last Herald ; and dispatches from Admiral Sir Clias. Cotton, dated off' Toulon, April 21, announcing the surrender of i'igjje- ras on the 10th. The place w as given up. tp the Spa- niards by 400 Italians, and every Frenchman, ( 200 iu number) was put to- tliu sword, - jjlip. Spaniards have also taken Gcromi, and several gthci; place's; and Ro- sas was hourly expected to fall. The French General D'Hltliers had made a vain attcjept to recover Figue- ras, iu which he lost 7Q0 meij. The Fancy gumbrig, Lietit. A. Sinclair, has enp- tiireil, on the coast ^ Scotland, two small- Danish pri- vateers, and retaken two prizes'' they had in charge ; and the EiHrcp'renaiTtc nftU'r, Lieut. P. Williams, flas dfiven on sliOV&, near Malaga, a French privateer, rrf- 6 guns, and 45 men, and retaken lief prise, a Spanish brig.} FRENCH ACCOUNT. 7' Ae/ u/ W/ ig is the French Account of the Action in the Adriatic. ' ' It is udfrcsscil to the Ficeroil of Ttflly, olid • appears to hasc been written bti: a mT. tarii officer'on ard one of the enemy's frigates, and dutedl. esir. a, March 14. . MO>; SMC. NCUR,— lu consequence of tiie command of ynur Itiglmess, [ enibark'etl un board the frigate Fa- vourite, at Aucona, on the llth'iii the. es en: ng. The division under the couitnand" of iCaptain nubourdieo, consisted K'f four frigates ; a « < 1: two small corvettes, forming in all six ships, two of which • belonged to the French, and four to the Italian navy. . We got Under sail With a light breeze, about. Sftonkin the evening. At s « n set, on the I'Mi, . we pVceif yd tile, ca^ i'm psjiilt < f t.' i— a. I proposed'' to " Captain Dnlfourdieo, thai I should land at l. issa ivit'h 3f> 0 men, w hicli I had on board, in order tn'ake. a position. This, however,, Ifc refused, and the divisiou leuiaincd the w Imlii night in sight ot' land; in order to keep bofoi ft the w ind. At dav- bi-.' ak we perceived the Knglish alwision, which consisted of a rnt dmrii sliip of the line, carrv- ing oulv'hor lower deck puns, and t4i're<- ( i'igates. The Commodore immediately tua'de the signal to prepare fin- bjitlle. As the 1' aiourite sailed better tiion the other ships, she was considerably a- lieait df'tliti ie- t of tiie drvision ,. boweiec^- id- a quarter pas; t^ ticn. t. lx « Order was given for tlif action to commence. Captain Meilleiie said to mo—". Coiui^ el. » > uAl it not fee bet- ter, wore wejy wait'awl'ute'longer and ii> rw « » r, lineJ," I ciMumunicaied' this observafioli to the t cminander, whA, however, onlv replied, " This is the hap i St dav of ouj lives— tvvo of these ships laiist tie ours. We lilive the advantage of tw. o frigates over the enemy, and ive areas well tnanned as he is.". Your Roy a1 Iliglioess must be aware that on beard this ship 1 was nothing, apd that I was now for the tiist time in an action'at' sea, jl could, therefore, only concur with this brave Officer, and it is impossible to'describe the courage which Simulated tlif ^ rew'ofthe Favourite. A few piiuufes after eight, the frigate got within gun- shot of two of the ctiemy'g ships, received theii tire, and returned it w ith astonishing antivitv from both sides. The wind, however, which had been vol v brisk, fell off, and it, became r, t last quite calm— We had been ah hour and .1 quar. tf. f Ig aciiou, and no ship of odt division had joined, us. At a quarter past nine, Capt. Uuliqotdien said to me, " This is a glorious. day, thQi'ign 1 haie been koroewbat wo rash— cooragtj, howtver,' our division will vet support us.". Scarce had he spoken these words, when a ball struck liitri, aud severed him in t » 0.— About the same time thefrignle f lora came into the line, and a* out half past ten the Uuurouiie; and . half an hour later the, Dnnae also joined, - From this pkpij statement, your Highness will easily perceive lipiv inconsiderate our manoeuvres were. As the t; uptaio of the frigate aud- the Lieutenant were killed, the command, . accurdise to the ptaenn. iiiiSiicti cases, devofied on me; vhe M d- hipm'an, Vil • ifp'ewve, directed . the mautsut About half pa-- t teu o'clock the masts of the Favourite fell by the hoard, and Mr. Viileuwive intimated. to me ti. at he copld no longer steer the vessel. We were standing, • at the same time, before ihe wind, close By the island ot'LiUa; I ga\ e orders to make for the. land took pos- session of several vessels, on board of » hich 1 put mv sailois, and the frigate was allowed to escape without interrpption, - The OiH- ourie having lost all their ma- is, was, aft< 1 the most obstina'- e resistance, obliged to strike aboir half past fuur o'c'o'pk. The Daiiae. the Flora, and a corvett e, ran during the, uigllt into J. eSsiira. The Eug lisli, in the utmost distress, took refuge in the island of St. Gvtocgq, after they had set fire to the Couronne, and one of 1 heir own frigates. Tlie cut flown vessc'., after being wholly dismasted, inn against the rocks ot the island, and in all probability must have been dashed in pieces.— The result of this action, is nr. our part the loss of hi 10 frigates. ' The loss on the part of the English is one frigate, and a c. nt- do:' jn ship of thg line. — It is ce,- tain, that if Captain Dubouplimi bad wished to uat longer, aud concentrate his division, this day won 0 have been very glorious for the Italian navy. The extraordinary zeal and abilities of this Officer would have achieved a twofold victory. At all events, the Italian marines have covered themselves with glory, and acquired a fame that will be transmitted to pos tei^ ty, by engaging and baffling the English with a tqua , Yf u « f interior force, in ' spite of the skill an . maniepi res uf their Commanders. This merit will neither |> e overlooked nor unrewarded bv his Maiest. v Having qnpe engaged us, they found no difference be ttrcfu the French and Italians. Che Italian marine has nicntid the same praise, and it must be to Eng- land a source of much anxiety and disappointpi. nt, thai the saiUrs of the Adriatic are not inferior to the French seamen. The division will set sail to morrow, from Lessina, for ItagoSa, in order to refit. It is the opinion of all seafaring people, that if Cap tain Itubourdieu had kept his division together, we should have got possession of two of I he cli fmy's ships, though the enemy had two cut- down ships of the HIK ( nqissctux rases.) However, without reckoning the two . corvettes which we had mors? { hso the enemy, and the ' a'dva'otage* resuKing frets' ' heii having these two reduced ships of the line,' our frigates had each the advaii'pge of eighty men, which enabled them to fire fro in both sides. The rashness and impetuosity of Captain Dubourdieu, however, lo- i evcrv thing. Your Highness will, without doubt, receive the highest pleasure from the good conduct of the seamen on ibis day, though a positive victory was not Obtain- ed; and their conduct is the more to be wondered at, as this is the first action in vvhich the Italian Marine has been engaged, and which must gain them tbe fa- vour and approbation of his . Ylajesly. 1 have no doubt tiiat tbe French Naval Offi. ers will n present to the Minister of Marine ihe distinguifrin d'courage' i- he Talia'n' -( atiten displayed on this occasion. Great as the error is v hich Captain llnbourdieu comtnitt. ed, Ids loss is mrich to be regretied. Nt- ie, was officer more brave, 01 seaman more ski fnl. Hut the sigltt of the enemy hurried him into an imprudent temerity. The loss of the English is immense. Half their offi- cers, and a great part of their ci .' W s- nic killed. Finally, the good disposition of the inhabitants of the coast of Daimaiia ought to be made kn w o to voui Highness. Vessels came froui all the island- to 0111 assistance, and the National Guards hasten, if to the coast, aud offered us their support. A. GI FSI. KNG A, Colonel- Adjutant. MURDER.— , A few days since a reaman, belonging to a ship ot'w. ir, w, otc to his wife ill the neighbour- hood of Nightingale- lane, Eiist- Sniiihfiel. i, th. it he was on his return home, and would see her in about a fortnight. He accordingly reached hpme on Sunday evening about five 0VI01 k, and on opening the door of the room where Ids w ife lodged, He. discovered her aud . a mall drinking tea J0p< tiler, w hen be itiijnt iiiates Iv drew H large ctasp k\ iitt out of, bis. pot ki t, anil in- fiieti d « 4noltal Wound 1U llu* abddn. et)'< if the woman, of which she iu* tai » My' dli'd. The man uiaut his eacajM!. The qtfetider was a, iprel » en( kJ. HOUSE OF LORDS— FRIDAY. The House was occupied for several hours in hear- ing evidence 011 the Berkeley Peerage. LORD SIDMOUTII, on the suggestion of Lord Stan- hope, consented to put off the second reading of the Bill for amending tiie Toleration Act until Tuesday. His Lordship took thai opportunity of declaring that hUobjcct was, to render religion respected through its Ministers, and not to put restraints upon the religious worship of any sect. ' KARL GKEY gave bis testimony in favour of the lovitlty and general good, conduct of the Dissenters in that part of the kingdom w ith which he was beat ac- quainted. Adjourned to Monday. HOUSE OF COMMONS.- FRIDAY. Mr. THOMPSON gave notice that he would, curly in the next Session, move for leave to bring in a Bill to vacate the seats of such Members of that House as should become bankrupts; ami who should not pay tlieir debts, ill full, within six monlbs from tile date of the commission.— Adjourned to Monday. THE EARL OF BERKELEY'S WILL. . Pending the important discussions at present pre- vaifins in the Cppu llouse of Parliament, respecting this- IVerirr- e, which has engrossed so emiiientiyrthe notice of the public, it may be some gratification to.. tlietn, lis it must be to curiosity itself, to know the teuour and items of the last will and toslummt of the dei'cnse l Earl. This will is dated the 31st August, iSMj and was proved by Mary, Countess of lierkc- Ify. It comprises nearly eighty sheet-;, and appears fo have been drawn with roiisidera'tde cantiofi. and circum- pfection. To his eldest son,' described at the time as Lord Dursley, he gives personal property of the value of from 30,0001. to 40,0001. To Augustus, Francis, Thomas, George, and Crilvf- n, 7001. per annum each, besides50001; each at their respectively attaining the agf of si years. To Mary, Caroline, and Emily, dauehtcrs, 4001. pi. r annum tach, till mar- ried, and it' ti'/. ivicd w ith tlieeonsent of their mother, then 106,0001. each. Agitinnpon their attaining the ago of * 21, 2001, pi r aiiiium more til) married ; and upon tire ir mother** death 5001. per annum til) married. All the foregoing to be charged on the Berkeley estates in the County of Glorester. To Lord Dursley, ( the eldest son) Berkeley Castle, in tlie comity of Glocester, for life; with'remainder to li. s heirs male lor ever; iu failure Of heirs, to the other sons in succession'; and tailing thetri. to the daughters and their issire; aud failing them, to his brother ( Admiral I'crkeley) and his heirs. His estates in tiie county of Sussex arc bequeathed td bis son Maurice and his is- uc male, which failing, he gives tactile third, and other sons down t, o Craven; and failing them, tlteh to Lord Dursley; and failing him, then to bis daughters and" their issue for eWt, It is provided, that if the Sussex estate slionld devolve to the pos-' sessor of the Gloeestershire estate, that then the Interest to such possessor shall terminate as to the Said Sussex- estate, which is'made a remainder over. The paintings, plate, china, and household furniture of Berk, lev Castli-,- together with tfiose of Cranbrook, in Middlesex, to descend as heir looms; but aU the other personal property therein to rest tor ever in the Countess Berkeley. • There are powers given to children possessing real estates to make settlements. A like power to the Coijntess to devise annuities not exceeding a sum limited; and also a devise to her of 10001. immediately, and 20001. per annum for life, charged on the Gfpeestershirc estates; together With the estates in Middlesex for life, Lngges Farm for lite, and leasehold house in Spring Gardens for life, and she is made residuary legatee to all the rest, residue, and remainder of ' His property for ever,— It: concludes with a solemn declaration of the legiti- macy " 0< Lord Diirsley, and finally disinherits all suit) every of the children who prtisumy to dispute his title and legitimacy. • . gi" 1 •"' •,,; '--' n— i^ r Letters fi out Cadiz by the last mail state, that all . the cannon had been removed from Fort Napol^ oii, iu consequence of w hich tie city ofCadig had go. 5 i; id of ,111 annoyance, which id though ineffectual, was, i;. e- verfheless,' very trotiblesome. A Spanish General, of the name of Abailia, has been appointed to the comrnaud of the army of Gallir cia. He is understood to be an intrepid, ' officer, strongly devoted to the cause of his couni » ;, and has received his appointment on the recommendation, and with the full approbation, of the British Commanders. Five French frigates arc stated- to have . sailid for Batavi 1, with a new Governor, and some specie.— It was likewise supposed, that from 40 to 50 French • iigatcs lYOtiltl put to sea this season. A vessel arrived from Touuuigen, which left so late as Friday week. The Captain, who appears to be au intelligent man, declares, gud is ready to make oath to til? fact, that he was present in the vicinity of tlarqb','. r; h when a number of waggons arrived, with siek and wounded Frenchmen. This informant happening to know one of the subordinate officers composing the cscort, enquired of him touching tbe battle in which so many men had suffered ; when he received ff r answer that it was as much as his life was worth to. jjive l^ iii the necessary information, or to converse iipop it. The inference was, however, that it was at Colberg where the men had been so roughly handled- Great mystery was observed relative to this affair, und the German papers published every Jay regularly fur a week afterwards never once alluded to the circumstance. The Captain also states that the French rule Hamburgh with the Utmost rigour. No political article is suffered to appear in the Corrcspondenten, except such as has previously been inserted in the French Monitcur. The King of Prussia it was understood had fled into Russia. Friday about two O'clock, the Lord Mayor, accom- panied by the Recorder, the Sheriffs, and City Remembrancer, went to Carlton House, asadt pu- ti. t ou from the City of London. Soon aft. r their arrival they were introduced into the pf? sence of the Prince Regent, w hen the Recorder read to his Royal Highness the Address of the Corporation, voting to llis Royal Highness the Freedom of the City, and praying to know when he would be pleased to receive the same. His Royal Highness made a most eloquent answer, acknowledging his sense of the honour in- tended to be confi ned upon him, and his attachment to the Corporation; ut the same time expressing his regret that the spirit of the constitution prevented mm from receiving it, owing to til" office he held as Prince Regent. The deputation was most graciously received, and intiftd by his Royal Highness to par- rake of a cold coliation. On the 12th, about five in the afternoon, a destructive phenomenon appeared at Bonsall, in the Peak of Derbyshire. A singular motion was observed iu a 1 loud of a serpentine lorm, . which moved in a circular liiectiou, from S. by W. to N. extending itself to the ground, It began its operations near Hopton, ar. il continued its course about five or six miles in length, and about 4 or 500 yeards in breadth, tearing up plantations, levelling barns, walls, and miners cots, it lore up large ush trees, carrying thtm frcru 20 to 30 yards; and twisted the tops from the trunks, con- veying them from 50 to lOOnyards distance. Cows w ere lifted from one fi, Id to another, antl injured by the fail; miners'buddie- tubs, wash vats, and other mate- rial.-, carried lo a considerable distance, and force ii. to the givirti. l. This was attended with a most trernendon. bail i- tortn ; stones and lumps of ice were measured from 9 to 3 2 inches in circumference, break- ing windows, t-. juriiig cattle, & e. & c. The fii- t stout of a spacious building to be erected. iu Swansea, as a school for the instruction of poon telltale children 011 the Laneasterian system, was laid in Wednesday last. A school tor the etHi'a- iioij^ oJ iocs has long since been erected, antl when tile n(| W .• ' ice is completed, there will be sufficient room la accommodate about tiW children of both aexes. A considerable saving is made in the salary of the Prompter of one of the London theatres, as one half of the duties of that office are now performed by a pair of spurs. COURT OF KING'S BENCH.— Mr.. Taunton applied for a rule to shew cause why a debtor confined in the gaiil of Qlocesttr, shoub) not be discharged out of custody, on the ground that his plaintiff, in paying { tint the weekly allowance under the Lords'Act, bad given him a bad shilling, which vyas hot the current coin of the realm. It appeared from the affidavit of the debtor himself, and of two other persons, pri- soners ii) the same goal, that on Monday, the.' 22d of last month, a person came to him to pg'y him the six- pences; that, he paid 34. 6d. and went away, before an opportunity was afforded of examining whether they were gootl or brid; but that An investigation one piece-, which pill ported to be a shilling, w^ s bud, and never had been the current coin of the kingdom. Lord Ellenborough asked, whether tbe defendant hiid deposited the piece with the turnkey, 01" any other officer of that gaol, . and likewise whether it was in CourlJ To all these questions no affirmative answer could . be given; and his Lerd » hjp said, tout under these ^ circumstances it would only be doing an injury to the pprty to grant a rule; to put lijm'fp expenef, and exci. lc hopes which riiu- t fee'l^ alReil. Rule refused. R « X V. ivKjii;.— At the quarter sessions lor . the cpimly of Berks, held at Kvaditig in January ) ast, Mr. W. Kent, pfChildrey, in that cqui. ty, who had bt'i'ti convicted in the penalty' of 20l'. for teaching and praying, appealed against such conviction, and had lis trial by Jji'ryl who found Itiin giiilty, although he, with others of the congregation, only engaged in ex- tfmppre prayer ou their knees, and in singing of hynms oji the Sunday evening. Mr. Kent, in the last Term, applied for and obtained a Certiorari to remove the proceedings into the Kings's lit null, ; uid on Wednes- day Igst the. conviction, with the judgment of the ses- sions, was quashed by the Judges in Westminster Hall.' Inconsequence of which Mr. Kenth entitled to bp repaid the 2Qi. yyhich bad been leyipd by distress and sale of his horse. P. lNh'PI/ P !' S from S t ' fTfl IDT's GAZETTE. Henry Rugrjev, St. Ives, Ilnntinprton, draper M'ry 30, 31, lllnr as), : u ihe Ciou- Ii, Si. ini Att. Lvon, Sr, fi lAa'. i^ ttSre. Alexander taj?, Croydon,. May 20, June ill, at Guild tell. Ats. Guv, ClO' dun Tames Flits. Svviriinli- stre'pt, 9nrt Inn- Sqifare, t,- iivei? er, May 21, June], 29, at OlMiltell,' An CoK- man, FUimvU's Inn Ilcury Paste*, st M,, rtin's- courx. St. Mariiu'i lane, Middle- sex. iciveller, May 25, Jiiae 1, ' A at Cuildlall. ' Atii J ura.- r a, id Pike, Oray's Inn. Uim$ Withers, " Bath, tube, dasher. May ? 8, SO,- J- i-. e 20, y the Full Moon, B it'll Atts. itigluooor and YounjV fcjsh- lane, Cannon- siioet; or winsate, Bath I James William Driniize. it, r Gurst, Kingston upon- T hames, Surrey, May .0, 25, J » ne. SIS, ai Guildhall'.' Att Chiopeodill, Ifrcat Qiilen sneet, LinroB!'- Inn- flclds • • •• " " IHenry Charlton, Oytunl, dealer in com, Man 31, June 1, 29, ai thebrftuCrmsInu, Oxfor- I. Aits At. wood, in; , am, uxon; < li" Slicrwin, (. rcat Jainfi,- street, Bi- dfoid- row. ' Ittltiam Mjrris, Cfrae'chur- Iwireet. vie, nailer, May 28, June 8,' atftiiMhall Ajt. Cocker, Nassau street, SOlio. r'., be- t Hockey, mtv. South Cfieri, an, Somersetshire, ctucse- deaier, May 27', | une' 6, i) t at the White Horse'tan, - Wiac » i » tOa. A'ls- kin. K, Vv: irieai) t,, ri ;. er Pearsoa Sen, T; xaple ' ' Gabriel Lilr. ltekn, Mar^ a'. e, Kent, wine ' and fepiril- mer'. ehant, Miy2n, 22: June 29. at ih,- nine Hart, Msiait. Atts. Chapman, Margate i or Baroc., Cliff,> r, IVIi » r..- , henry Cnatei, New S. irum, Wiluhire, appthecarV, Mav 27, 2J. 1., ,.;* ftt til., Ant.' lnn. ' .1 . U/ a. l.. i. _ . ... V .. en, Clint, 1.; or Warrv, Mew Inn. James Oram, Cricktade, VI lit, lure, chee- c- factor, " May 30, 31, June 29, at ihe Fleece, Chen ' ejier. Atss ^ erediiti: R'olibUis, and toinvins, UncOtn's- ti'in ; ot ' fhompson, i,' irtu Vster George Gilst. riit, ' Livcrpu i, mer li'. nt, j me , ti, .7, 29, at theejrjbe Tairri, Livcrpuq). Alts l. laeksioek," apir- Luil, lines, t emnle j or Murrow, Li expool John rniheri'tghtim. L erpool, merchant, ine 6, 7, 29, at the Globe, uverpuofi Aus B. a k to. k, T mole: or Plitt, Li- v, rpool. ' 1 _ James Rowhntison Ifodgion. Suuth America, meic'iant, Jii'ie fi, & •'" UK Qeorge, Liverjwol Am Atki, sou, Wikies. and Mackarell, Chiiljeerv iane; or Uc-, Uvfrpdnl. ' i Charles' Qumclet, l. iverpo,,!,' broker, June 1 i, 1"-, '.">, at • the R ll Inn. Stone, Staffordshire A is. W illis, laiithor'ne, alio Clarke W:: nif,, r. l- eourt; or y.- rii,, n, stone. Christopher Iteckwith, I in m , n y, jrk; l,: re, iiri- kecper, M. iy 29, 30, ai the - w :, Inn, Iliiddei- iiiH, Jur. r ' u the Angel Inn. Acts. Beetfcam, Boaverie- slr,^;, or li ackhurn, till ider, fioid, ' - Abraham Haley, Horton, Vork, cotton- inanu a, Hirer, Jnnc 5, ei, at the V. in, c . Swan, Hania* Alls. NenkM. i. Norlolk- sncet, strand; or Alexander, llal tax. William llmlhan, Moulnsn," Lincoln, j ocer, May :' I0, 31, June 29, at the \ Vmti- Hart, spilding Att Harvcv, Lamb's Con. duit-- plaee; or Foster and Boi. mir, s.- aMing Itiruamir. Coif, Liverpool, tiuchei, June 6, 7, 29 at the lilooe Tavern, Liverpool. Alls. Stahlsuee: tnd Co. Livevoool; or • '. indie, B - dlord- row. H'iitiei'r. ilaiif. How Common- lane, merchant, May 21, J'Jlie 1, 29, ai IrUilUhliit. All. VilJsCllt, Bedlord- snee , Brtil'urd- square " • y. amuel Seear, st. James's- strect,' Westminster, cTinctioner. May p, 29, nine 23, at ( Alildhall. Ait. © alsloii, TodkVeouil, Ctnsttor. street. - Thcrnas A/ nsinci, Turnham- grtffn, merchant, Mav 25, 2B _-'"•>, at OUiluti. ill. Att. Walton, Cud. er'riia; i, liaslnjliah- John P. rern;, and John Bror. vn, Kinl- ton- npon- Hu!!, mer- chant , May 21, Jane 1, 19, , t GnddrialL Alt. Kdwlmls, Srinorul's Inn. •. : 1 William Wignmt, Narrow- street, I. imehouse, hiscuit- hak-- cr, lylai 21, June I, 29, at Guildhall Att. ' rain. Warnl'ora- eouit, 1 hrogmortun- street. James Twig, Sirand, apothecary, May 21, tune 1, 29', at Gu Id all. Att. Biiws, IN, ex- street, Strand ' John Lttton and John HilUex, I'oote, Dorsetshire, linen- il. apers, May 28, June 1,29,' it Guildhall. Att. Oakley, Mar- tin's- lane, Canftun- stfeer. " • William Cooker, Minoties, silk mercer, Mav 25", tune 1, 29, at Guildhall. Att. Thomas', ten- court, Fenchurch- streei'' , Richard Punt, B. istoi, rope- niant'iiurfr,' May 2a, June 1, - S^ at Guildhall. Alts Ko ser and Son, " liaitlett's- biiildiugs, Hul-. DlrlDy. XnS.— Junt 10 I. Hume, Bath, bookseller, at the An- gelina th. f Webb, Hereford, flax- dresser, at the City Arms, Hereford. IIAXERI PTS from TUESDAY'S GAZETTE. William storir. VVarwick-^ treeet, Charing- cras, Middlesex, tav- lor, d. c. May 2d, June 11, July 2, at Guildhall. Ati: T. nlor, 1 ore- street, Cnpplegate " George Halt, Holywell street, Shoreditch, victualler, d. c. Mar ditch^'""' y " GuildtaU- Atli, Stratton and Altport, shori '- John Wright, Drury- Iane, Middlesex, eoach- sDring- maker, d. c. May2j. Jimei, July 2, at GuMhail. Ait. Taylor, Fo. c- strcet, Cimplejate. " ' , ' ' John Bouch and Samuel To/ son. Mjryport, Cumberland, check- manufacturer, d c. and copartner, Mav 29,30, July 2. at Thomas Jackson's, Innkeeper, Maryport Atts. Pearson, Staple- hut; orsiin, Milrypor . i Thomas Brlruin. Steel). Smiihamntnn. fellmonger, d. c June 11. Atts. Cannon, I'etcrsfield ; . , rJ, Clerkenvveil. . , rr v&' tmuli, Liverpool, merchant, June' 10, 11, July 2, at the Globe Tavern, I. iverpool. Atts. tftack- toek, Temple," or bardwelj and Steiihenson, Liverpool. John I'oung, w hite Coppice, near Chorlev, Larca- hi. c, bleach, cr, d c. June 15, 50, July 2, at the Red Lion, Pieston. Alts. Devv- nurst, Preston ; or Caton and Brummel, Aluers„' aie- street. lhomas torching, Sotlthecl, Bu, ks, CoW- dCale'r, May 23. June 1, Jiiiyi, atGuadhali. Att. Howell, SartlettVtmildims.• Uolborn Blchard Rainier, Bedford, Lancashire, cotton- manufarlu'er, d June 12, US,' July 2, at the Swan, Boltoa. Aits. Wmdle, Bedford- rnv/ ; or C oss and Ktlshton, Bolton . Jl'revitt, Utile Bolton, Lancashire, colton- mnnufacturer, a. e. June 12, 13, July 2, St ihe Swan, Bolton- Atts. Wi. i lie, John- street; or Cross and kit. hton. Bolton Tnomai lloss, John Richard', and Richard J. uies, Liverpool, tav lors, vvuul, en- drapers and copartners. Jllne 11, 12, Julv2, ai ihe Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Ails. Blaekstuc'k, Temiile; ' or James, Li, erpool. ' Peter Sech, Salford, Lancashire, common brewer, d. c. June 13, 15; July 2, at the Mosley Arms, Manchester. Atts. Ileiviu and hi, k, Manchester i or tills, Chain ery- Janci. William Summers, Froihe Sfilvvnod, Somersetshire, currier and leather seller, d c June 7, 8, July 2, at'ihe Bu llTavern, Brttiot. Atts. James, Red Lion- square ; or Jacobs, Bristol Alexander Carson, jun. late of Malta, merchant, June 12. 13, July 2, at the George,' Liverpool. ' Atts Barrow, Tlwvacfneedle- btreel; or Lace, Liverpool. John SchoUidtt, Ro',. h& A\ e. Lancashire, shopkeeper, d c May 31, June I, Jul, 2, at the Roebuck, Rochdale; Alls. VV'eldlbn, 1 oken- nouse- yard; or Ferrand, Rochdale. John Biwsoh, Cilard, somei- setshire, jobber, d. c. May 2S, 29, July 2, at ihc Three Cups, Lvme- Regis, Dorsetshire A us'. 1' isher, Lyme- Kegts; or Heelis, Siapie- lnn, Abel Crumack, Caslleton Moor, Rochdale, Lancashire, corn- deal- er, May 30, 31, Julv 2, at the While Lion, Halifax, York,!, ire. 4tts. Nettiefotil, . Norfolk- sire t, - tr.. nn, or Aiexandei, Halifax. Thomas CUtve, L ncoln, mercer and draper, Ju,. e21, 22, July 2, atn. e Reiii^ I.)-- ei, Lincoln. A'tts. Terrewest and Hay ward, Lincoln; or MJCJ. AJO ill and Ittrnttr, Lincoln's Inn. John Hardir. au, Biack^ eaib, Kent, victualler, d c, May 28, June 8, Julv -, itGitiiillim Alt. HM, Roo'd- lane,' Fen- burch- sta- e,. Stephen Ctl. ey, l- laistow, Essex, gardeutir- and fruiterer, May 28, • 111 ue. p, Jalv. ' ii at Guildhall Atu Claie and Virgy, St. Cat ; i- rine'- cloiiiers, , ,, he I'o- yer. Piede ics • liicst. richtn, - Beanett- Strett, Biackfriars, and of Hath- bo,, pi, e, mcwer, nap i, d. c May 21, Ju., e S. July 2, at i. u lu al:. Atli r. « « rto » an. l Cross, St. Mildred's cdtt:; P'oultrv. Ji. n Gray , hrrard. Basing . ail- street, d. c. M iy. vs. June e, Ju y2, ai Guiidhall Ati. i'. tC[ ie, i and S^ iupsOn, Se. Svvjt;, HiViane, Cannon- sneet v ' John Morris, Gj- acechurch-. l- eet, London, ciieesemonffttf, May 25, June8. Joly - i. a, Qa^ nsJ. Au tick,. ell, Southninpton- bunjiiigs, lioltiorn. t; • • DITWfKDS~ '? tute 11' « t. Ang'e Simeon, " fr.':-. tteet, Bri--- tol, ace merchant, umbrella- maker, d. c. nt 5,' e L. u::, Brisi. il,. ,. ... . . i . •' | June 12 William StMhrmbr, BrUto!',' okbine^ iiiiiBer, d'c at tb„ Rinomar Tatetn. B. istol. - . CBRr: F( qixF...~ fUM U x* nnn Miaf , Siii'J, syai, kiag c « IJ BRISTOL SHIP NEWS. CAME iff,— Mary, Truman, from Waterford; Diligence, Simpson, from Guernsey ; Bristol Packi t, Gilmorc, IK'tsy, Juno, from Cork ; Pelrus, Nelson, from Christiana; . Kostfa SifnorTdel Monti.', Mi- jjez, fioui the Brazils; " Saraii, IKiit'y. from Oporto; Charles and Sarah, —, from Lisbon; Swift, , from Belfast. - ARRIVED',— At Nevv Vork, Two Brothers, IVri- nihgton, fiom Bristol. im> COT; n- LxcitANR; K, LONDON, MAY 20. We had a moderate supply of wheat tc- i} av, chie fly " from Essex and Kent, and some from StiffSlk, A.' fmiV these there were not many sump e of first qualfiv but what there wt'rc of that d s ri ' on, obtained foii as much money as last Monday: tin ordinary, hotv- ever, sold heavily, ttud was not taken off wiihouj sortie abatement. — Barley h. s I'm tuated since our list report, the price of which, wit'i malt, rath. er im- proved this morning,— In tlie articles pf peas an4 beans we have little to notice, cx- i pt that there were, not many pew ticks here ; the price somctuing'higher. - The fresh arrivals of oats were ini'onsiderqblc, bpj we had 11 tolerable quantity on hand ro nicet the lit mantis' of the bttfers at nearly last week's prjeis." ' s, Wheat !, h ' to 70 Fine ditto no to at Superfine ditto. 90, to 96 Rye. 30 to 33 Barley .... 28 to 3il Mult." .62 to 73 White l'eiisp 30 to 3J Boilers ; 40 In 415 Grfy [ Vase ;; H to 4.1 Ri'ans 3B to Aft 1 Ticks to 3i|, OSlts 20 To ' iij Ri'lftnti ditto ui to 311 Polatoe d. tto ... 34 to i) Q PRICE OK SEEDS, 4,: r, Garrawayp. ewt. S/ i to dQ ! Rye^ tmp. wi'j to ' iff, Coriander ditto,. 40 to 50 , Mustard, wh. bus. H to 10 Red Clover ditto' 40 tqlOO 1 I) tto, biov\ ii, do. t^ jo ?< j White ditto dittoCO tol26, Ttlriup, i\ itto.,.,. 30. to . ft) Rilpe, 4CI. t<* 521, per last... TrefVi^ Us. to'. yC- s. prf w t. () U- Cake. If1. 16s. perjiifitisjmd-. v ' i " ttr PRICE OF FLOVfi- ' Fme, 80s. to — 5. pfirsark. Seconds ,70s. to 7oj. ditto. '% UI 34s. .. to i'Os. 6d. per qiiT\ r. Fine Pollard.... 2fis. to 30:-. Oil. ditto. • AVERAGE PRICE OF SUG Vk, Com[> ut$' tl from the returns made in- the « t ecK P . ding May 15,18jfl, is - il. s. ad. perr. wt. F. xcllisive ot ti. e duth- 5 p; pd or pavatde Uiereon pn itp. portnt on thereof into (. feat Britain. PRICE OF HfU'S, H. VGS. I. S. l. I porKErs. I. s. I. Kent. 6 10 ft! 7 Kent-. .. . 7 0 to o Sussex'.-.-.....' 6 - 6 to 7 lff'St « 9 § * | 15 to [? Essex . a 10 to 7 0 ! Fariihain.. 10 lo to;. j Old Hop Duty laid at st lio ooo. PRICK OF TALLOW. TownTallovv'percwt...£ ris. I. McUmgStnSr. pci cwt. o. ls, Vellovv Russia 6- Js- I Pitt, rough ... S.- is. White ditto ...... jis. ' Craves. jes, Soap ditto 59s. Good Dregs 1 Is, Yellow Soap, 80s... Mottled, 90s. . Curd, Pis, Caudles, lis. 6d Moulds. 12s. 6d. PRICK OF MEAT AT SMn'Hl'Il- LD, " Sinkiriglthe offal. .. per stone of nibs. Beef. ... t. s. 0,1. to § *. 4/ i. j Veal 0,1. to 7s. -} l. Mnttonbs. - nl. t. fis. 4d. I l « ork.., 5s. 01. to ( is. 8, d. Laiiib, 7s. 0.1. lo » s.. Sil. NEW'GAT I'- AM) LEADCNU U. L, Ry the Carcass. Beef... 4s. o,'„ to hs. 4d. j Veal ... 5s. Od, to 7s. OiJ. Mnttpn- fs. % l. to o. i. 0,1. 1 Pork . V. ad. tp 0,. HA. Lamb. ... . lis. Od. to 8s. 4d. RAW HIDES. Best, heifers A steers, ptirs. tone ' is. M{ d, flings Ss. Ordinary js. Market Calf t eaclri, ...... 15s. Englrsll Morse Lamb Skins 4,1, to 2s. S I. Oil. to 2s. 2il. ad. to Js-. IOd. od. to OS. Otl. ... I2S. 0,1. tot3s. Oil ,... 2' s. ( Id. to 2s. 31. PRIOR ' Of Ll'iATIil'. K. Butts, 50 to .') 6lhs. eneli. ........ iSI: i, d. to i vl. perij,. Ditto, 06 toripiiis, f: i( l'J( ..,,..... Vltyi. . to V4tl. Meiciiiinls' backs.......' In il, to itl^ l. Itfessiiig. hides...^....... 1( 1,1. io, . igd. Fine cqaich hides.. ' ' •'•'•' Cr Ditto. CalfSkins, :. 0 to 40lb...;..'. .. chd. to 7M] Ditto, ".'. SO to 70Jb. .:- 3ld. lo 40d. Ditto 70 to anlli. ; :.. i. 36d. to'StW. Small Seals ( Greenland) ... i;.'..". 8fid. to 37d. Large ditto, 120S. to 1 © Is', per dbzeu. Tanned Horse Hides, J8dl to 20d. peril). urewnig luilrs 1( 1,1. « » ) Sd. Fine coach hides ,... j . .'... lihl. ' to ool. l, Crop hides, 35 to lOlb: " to lqtd, Ditto .4.', to 501b,.... tffjd.' fSifj." ' CALF* FIT IN « SFL FA 1( 111, ,' O. I .' .1.1 PRICIJS VF HAY AND STRAW. ST; JAMES'S. Hay... 51. 5s. to 81. 15S. ) Straw.. 31. 3s. tp 31. fit, Wri iTRcrr APRr.. Hay... 61. to 81. 13s. j Clover? 1. 0s. to 91. 0s. New.. Ql. 0s. to 01. 00s. | Straw31. 0s. to 31. 12i, SirrTttriKi. n. Hay..' 61. 10s. fo 71. lt : i. ) Clover?!. Os. to 71. 10s. New.. 01. 0s. to 01 0s; i., Straw. 21. los. to 31, C01131 EXCHANGE, LONDON, MA\ 22. To- day there are some further arrivals of wheat coastwise, and having several cargoes of foreign, tends to cause extreme heavy sale at rather reduced prices; barley and inalt at Jjttle fluctuation; white peas somewhat dealer, 34s. to 40s.; old as under; oats are in middling supply, and this trade quoted neaiIv at Monday's prices,— Flour without variation. Wheat 60 to 83 Fine ditto 90 to 94 Rye 33 to 38 Barley 3 ) to 37 Mall 67 to 73 White Peas 00 to 00 Grey Peas 38 to 44 Beans 00 to t, Q Tick Beans 01) to rft Oats 20 to if Po lauds i.' 8 to f^ i Potatoe ditto.... 31 to 3a Fine Flour 75 to Sft Seconds " 0 to ,€ ouutrii . JBnrfieti?. GI. OCESTEJI Wheat, i3s. 6d to 15s. Od 1? if. ley, C* I'd. to 6s QJ .. New Beans, Cs. Od. to Gs. 8d... Old Beans, 7s. to 7s. 4d Oats, 3s 6,1. to 4s. Oqu per custowai'y bushel of nine gallons and u half. Ross .... Wheat, I6s, 9d. to 17s. 61. . Barley os. ft, to 6s. Od. .. Oats, 4, s. 9tl. to 5s. 3d.... Pease, $ s. 6d. tfii 7s. Od. Rye, 00s. per bushel. HEREFORD Wheat, 13s. lod .. Oats, 4s. IQd... Peas. 6s. 9.1 Beans, 6s. lid Barley, 6s. O. d. WORCESTER,... Wheat, 13s. Od to 14s. Od Bar- lev, 5s Oil to ( 3s tid Beaus, 6s ud. to Cs. 8d.",. Pease, 5s. 6.1 to 6s Od Oats, 4s., Od. to 5s. Od. per bushel.... HOPS: 24O pockets weighed ou Saturday, current prices, from 01. ps. to ol. Os . per ctet. BRISTOL ... Wheat, 84s. lo 9- ts. per quarter Fine ditto, — s , 0 !...., Malti g Barley, 34s. to 41s. per quarter Grinding ditto, 00s to 00s Oats 2ls-, t,> 28s... Fine Flour. 73s to 80s Second d^! 68s. to 72s Home Beans. 40s. to- lis ..... Clover, 0(! s. fo 00s Quartern Loaf: Wheaten, 1yd.; Standard, lid.; Household, ml Hay, 6Us to' 132s Straw, 33d. t; o 46d. I^ ERI?, ES VJOirat. 82s to * 04s... iBarlev, 34s, t^ 38s:... Oat!, 24s tb Sis.... Beans, 44s. to 50s" N'ft'VifURy Wheat 84s. to 103s... RArtev 58s. tp. 37s.... beans 44s. to 4' Js.... Pease42s. t0 46 » .~'^ at » l' 6s. to 32s. .>•.!-..: W 1 R: mVtisTKtr,.^" Ii'rat,' 8Ds. to 102s... BatL « . v 38$, tu' 41s — thits, - JIU. I. o. lD, ... ilenn-, 4 >> t. ' REVDIN6 Wheat' 8 ts to1105s.... B. ean3 4? s. to Pease O0s. , t< r4jsJ.. 1Qats UCs. to 32s. ,„ B4rie. « 48 33s, to 35e ifU.' t
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