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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Volume Number: LVIII    Issue Number: 2958
No Pages: 4
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser

Date of Article: 29/09/1809
Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number: LVIII    Issue Number: 2958
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Printed and Published by John Price ket- place Leicester Vol. LVIII, Circulated through the principal Towns, & popullltis Villages, in the Counties of Leicester, Rutland, ) Lincoln. Nottingham, Deriiy, Stafford, Warwick, Northampton, Cambridge, and York. ( Stamp Duty - - 3^< J Paper and Print 3d FRIDAY, September 29, 1809 Ularket- place, Leicester. TO BE SOLD, .. ( Subject to a Lease f - r a Term of Years, whereof are Unexpired); ALarge and commodious Dwellinghouse, with extens ve Warehouses adjoining, eli bly situated in the Market- place Leicester, and compris- ing a Front of about 21 Yards. For further Particulars apply to Mr. EURBIDGE, Solicitor, New Street. N U. The greatest Part of the Purchase Money inay remain secured upon the Premises. This w ill Be Advertised no mote. Leicestershire. Soap Manufactory, Nottingham, J. Cheap Boot and Shoe Warehouse, BOTTOM OF SILVER STREET, LEICESTER ; \\ T HOUTON, w tli much Respect returns VV - sincere Thinks to h. s Friends and the Public, for the distinguished Preference they have shewn for the Goods of his Manufactory, at the same Tirue assures them the strictest Attention wjll continue to be paid to iteatiiess and firmuess of Workman- ship, and that he now lias 311 Opportunity of Offering to their Notice a very lar^ e and mosr fashionable As- sortment cf Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress Shoes, of the best Quality, tile Superiority of which wi. l beevi. dent from a slight Inspection. N. B. Good Allowance to Wholesale Customers. Leicester, July 13, 1809. ~ 2f. " NOTTINGHAM " Grand Musical Festival, For tiie Benefit of the Genet ul Hospital. , . TO BE DISPOSED OF, , AN old and well established Manufactory for S ilt Soap, whicn has been carried 011, at Nottingham for a great Number of Years, aud is capable of being much extended', Letters [ Post- paid) addressed to Messrs. MIDDLE MORE and PERCY, Solictors, Nottingham, will, be immediately attended to; Jmt an Interview with any Person desirous of Treating fof the above would be preferred. Ins; Mateiials, TO BE SOLD BY PlUVAtE CONTRACT, ALarge Quint ty, consisting of Bricks, Slates, Timber, Flo - rs, Doors, Sashes, Chimney Pieces, two Water Closes, a Force Puuip. Reservoir, Stable, Fixtures, & c & c all in the highest State of Preservation, having bt? en bltilt within eight Yufirs, late the Property aud Residence of Hugo Meytisll, Esq. of Quorndon, near Lougborough. For further Particulars and to treat for the same, apply to 1 HOS. WARNER, or WILLIAM HEN SON, of Loughboro'- Attendance 011 the . Pnmises every,, Wednes- day from Ten o'Clock to Four till the Whole is Dis- posed of, , Loughborough, 22ud September. 18' 19. Valuable New Leicester Sheep & nd Neat Catch-. // 10 Be. SOL). BY AUCTION, / 0 By J. R. MEDLEY, ) n the Premises of the lace Mr. JOSEPH ROGER. ~ ON, at Wao'dingworth, near itorncastle, iii the ounty of Lincoln, on Wednesday the 4th Day of October, 181) 9, jPHE entire Flock of Breeding Ewes, Ewe, 1 and Wether Hogs, Neat Cattle, and llorses, of hesaid Mr. Rogerson, consisting of 4 iO Ewes, 230 Ions 100 Beast of different Ages, and 15 HorSeS , l'he Sheep are descended from the principal Breeders in Leicestershire, for upwards of 30 Years; the Calves and young Beast, from 1 to 3 Years old, • re descended from a Bull purchased ol Mr. Coates, t Driffield, ( which will be Disponed of at the same ijne,) half Brother to the Driffield Heifer, BIRD full Jrother to the Bull Mr. Coates sold last Year for Five luudred Guineas. The Sale to begili at 10 o'Clock in the Morning. From the Quantity of Stock t, o be Disposed of iu one Day, the Auctioneer numbly requests the Gen- • letnen's Attendance precisely atthe T: in, e appointed. Credit will be gii'en 011 approved Security, till the 21st Day of August, 1810, or a proper Discouiit al- owed for Money. Catalogues may be had a Week before the Sale, a't : iie following Places, bull Inn, Loughborough; White Lion, Nottingham; Hotel, Newark; Bever- cy Arms, Beverley; Red Lion, Doncaster; Sara- " li's Head, Lincoln; George, Castor; New King's ' ead, Louth; Bull, Horncastle; Vine, Wisbeach; .' bite Hurt, Spilsbv; George Inn, Barton; ihe ditorof the Birmingham Newspaper, Birmingham ; i , ud the Auctioneer, Snltfleet, near Louth. To the Magistrates. The Magistrates are request! d to take Notice, that it is the Int. ntiori ofthe Justices who shall be assenii bled on the 1st Day of the Session, ( 10 o'Clock being the Hour appointed for Meeting of the Magistrates) to take into Considera'ion, and finally to determine the best Mode to be adopted for obtaining a House for the Reception of Lunatics for the County of Lei- cester, under the Powers of the late Act of ihe 48th Geo. 3d. ch. 96. " for the b-. ter Care and Mainte- nance of Lunatias, being Paupers or Criminals iu England," either by erecting a new Buildinf, or Renting a House for the Purpose. The Justices are requested to send their Recogni- zances and all Informations taken before them iu Cases of felony, to the Clerk of the Peace's Office, 011 the Saturday preceding the Session. THOMAS FREER, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Leicester, Sept. 14, 1809. JOHN MANNERS SUTTON, Esq. President, ?/). TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr, li. till VW, Upon the Premises, at Whitmck, iu the Con ty of Leicester, on Tuesday the 3d Day of October, 1809, X" N IE Farming Live and Dead ^ ick,. In ple- meius in Husbandry, See. the Property oi Mr WILSON, ' Of Ashby- de- la- Zoucli, ( who intends Letting bis Farm at Whitwick); Comprising about too F. wes and I heaves; GO Limb Ho-. 1 s-, 30 Shear Ditto, ,) Fat Cotfs, several Heifers In calf, 2 Waggon Horses, I Ditto Mare„ md F al, 1 Ditto, 1 Ditto, 2- years old Filly, t a- Years old Nag Filly, I 4- yearsold \' a, i; Horse, aud 2 Yearling Colts, l Stack of Baric,, i Ditto of O- ts, I v Acre of Turnips, ,1 Waggon, 1 Narrow wheel Cart, I Double Pioogh, i siii_ Te Ditto, 2 fair ot Hair- aijd a Quantity of Ffeaks. Six Mont ' ' r ' it will be allowed to Purchasers upuii approved Security: The Sale to begin at 10 o'clock, nj. TO HE SuLlJ I'. Y Al. CliO. s, ** By Sir. Ti l l I. RT ON, AttheNew Inn, on Ashby Wonfl'ls, in the Cjunty rjf Leicester, oii Tuesday the 1 Ot. h Day ol OctOber next, at 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will tiien be produced ; Vi. L, that ne said newly ere< ted i '- N, with th ® . Stables and - iher Outbuildings belonging to the same, and the Yard, Garden and Crolt ad- joining thereto, Containing together one Acre and an Half or thereabouts. The above Premises are Freehold, and ar sitti itcd t. y the Side of the Turnpike Road leading tiour ssh- by- de- la- Zoueh to Bufton- iipon-' lvent; also by 1 lie Side of another Turnpike Roai. l leading to uuu from the Colleriesat Moasham and Donisthorpe , and the l. ime Works, at Tickuall; and close to several con- siderable! Pot Works; Hie Purchaser may be lit into immediate Pos- ses ion, For a View of the Premises apply to the present Occupier ; and for further Particulars to Mr WLU- ST K t, Solicitor, 111 Ashby- de- la- Zouch. I 8th'Sept. 1808. BOROUGH OF LEICESTER ""*' ill E titxt general Session of the Peace for the J Borough of Leicester, will be holden i-. t the ( Jilildlitill Oil Monday the 23d of October next, at 10 o'clock iu the Forenoon. W. HEYRICK, Clerk of the Pcace. Leicester, September 23, 1809. Sir William VoWeii'i Fee Farm Rents, NOTICE is hereby given, That the Audit for the Hece- pt of the Fee Farm Rents, pavable •'. o Sir Willkni fxilbeu; Baronet, out of divers '-" states in the several Parishes'f Barrow, Husbands Bosworth, Bucheston, Dnnnington, Diseworth, ucklescot, Lannd, Markfield, Newtown, Quohi- dou, Ratby, Rowlston, Slanton- utider- Banlon, and -.' hitwick, iu the Cdunty of Leicester, wi'l beheld 1 the Throe Crowns, in Leicester, 011 Saturday the 1 4ttl Day of October 1809, and the several Persons . hose Estates are charged sSdth those Rents, are de- sired to pay them on lint Day. And Notice is here- by further given, that all Arrears which shall not be paid at that Time, w .11 be distrained for immediately afterwards. JOHN HUDSON, Receiver. Wellingborough, September 29, lbl' 9. I N Oi TINGHAMSHIRE, LEICESTER NAVIGATION. It' the Parishes of Cui'Mon, Flinthain, Sneaton, and Nottingham. TO BE SO 1 D BY AUCTION, By Mr. GA5KILL, On Thursday the ', 9th Day of October, 1S09, at the Blackmoor's Head luu, in Nottingham, at 12 o^ Clock, QLNDRY valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES; consisting of Houses, in the Town of Nottmg- am ; a Piece of Meadow Land, called Pease Hill, in Nottingham : and sundry Parcels of valuable Laud, in the Parishes of Sneaton, Flintham, and Caiinton. For further Particulars apply to Messrs. STRONG, HILL, and STRONG, Lincoln's Inn ; ROBERT PAULEY, Esq Burton Joice ; or the AUCTIONEER WHEREAS' the Parapet Walls and Haling Paths of several of the Bridges belonging to the Leicester Navigation, have been lately thrown down, the Timber Guards of other Bridges set on Fire, aud other wilful and malicious Damages done lo the Work ofthe said Navigation, as well on the Forest Line, as 011 ttiat between Loughborough an I Leicester, by Boatmen and others, Ndticb is hei'elij/ given; That whosoever will give Information so that any Person doing wilful and malicious Damage on the said Navigation, or acting contrary to the Regula- tions of the Act of Parliament relative to passii- g Locks or otherwise, may be convicted and brought to Justice for the same, shall receive a Reward of TF. N GUINEAS, to be paid on Conviction by the Com- pany of Propiietors ofthe said Navigation. J. E. CARTER, ? Clerks to the J. S. CARD ALE, J Company. Leicester, September s, 1809. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Bv Mr BURTON, ( By the Order of the Ass'Lness of Jamis Douglass a B nkrupt ; 7 at the IKust « f Mr. Henshaw, the Red Lion Inn, 111 Loughborough, in the County of Leicester, at the Hour of 4o'CI" Ck in the Afiernoon of Thursday t ie 5th Day of October nexi, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and tKere produced • I ( VT I A ^' ors'ecl Mill substantially erected ' FX and Built, with new Wafer Wheel and Cast Metal Segments, together with a Stfc< rn Engine, by Bolton and Watts equal to 8 Horses Power, 4 Dre'ms ol Spinning, Roving, and Draw- ing Machines, Doubling Frames, Reels, a la, ye I at he Spindles, and heavy Gear" iig in ' Xielicflt (.'-•" ditiofr; cunt- uning in bngthwith n the \\ ;. il$ ( 52 Fee 1, and in breath 2' J Fc^ t ; and two Ware- houses underneath the Mill. Also adjoining thereto, a neat Cottage and Gar- den, in the Possess Oil of V\ ill- am Rushworth, v. th Comb Shops, Plmking House, and conven Cn't Outbuilding?! These Premises which were late in the Possession of lames Douglass, are held under a Lease bom the Earl of Motra for I wenty- ofte Year » , twelve! of wh ell arc unexpired at Lad, day last, and a'rfe most eligibly situated upon Wood Bro k, 111 the Town of Loughbrrougli. and are wel calculated to carry ot. a considerable and extensive Trade as a Cotton and Worsted Mill. For Particulars apply ai the OffiCeolMr. BOND, I . olicitor. in Leicester. Shelfo>- d House Farm, Burton Hastings; Warwickshire i TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD BY- AUCTION, By THOMAS GRIMES; On Wednesday and Thursday, the 4tii and 5th Days of Octoner next, upon the Premises occupied by Mr. JOHN LAWRENCE ( who ieaves the said Farm on the 6th Day of April itext) ; T^ HE entire valuable Live and Dead Farming Stock, Implements in Farming, Dairy and Brewing Utensils, St. Part of the Household Furniture. The Fanning Stock consists « f Hit) neat Ewes and Theaves, 10 Eire and Wether Tegs, and 35 Shear- Hogs ; 14 useful Dairy Cows, and 1 four- Year old 1 Strong I. ull, 0 Rearing Calves, 3 Fat Pigs and7 SttiVe Ditto, 4 very useful Waggo'ii Mares, a handsome Bay Filly, 4- Tears old, 15 Hands high, full of Bone, a Blood Ray Gelding, 1- Yearsold, very handsoi- ue, and a ia- t Goer; a Kay Blood Mare, G- Years old, 15 Hands high, steady i! i Harness. The Crops ( which may be taken off the Premises)" consist of Wheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Cloref, Hay, and some Straw. The Grass and Clover Aftermaths, Herbage, and Stubble Kunings, with 10 Acres of Turnips ( a good Crop on sound Land), will be Let in suitable Lots, until the 6th Day of April, 18; 0.— A careful Man I will be kept to look after tin: Stock, i The Farming Implements comprises I stout 6- Inch Wheel Waggon, 1 Narrow- wheel Ditto, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Land Boll, svith numerous other Implements; Dairy and Brewing Utensils ; together I with Part of the Useful and clean Household Fuini- I ture ; the Whole of which will be exprtss> il iu - mi- l- able Lots in Catalogues, and distributed in due Tune from the Auctioneer's, High Street, Coventry. Purchasers may have, on approved Security, a limited Time to pay their Purchase Money. Side to commence with the Sheep Stock, precisely at 10 in the Forenoon. The Whole oi the. Live Stock will be Sold the first Day ; the Ricks and Herbage on the Morning of the second, Implements ir. Hus- bandry and other Effects in the Afternoon. Printed pnrticifbrts wni t..: sent to the Inns at 5 Nuneaton, Atherstone, Hinckley, Lt icc- stcr, Luttcr j worth, Rugby, Dimchtirch, Davcntrv, gv, rJjja!> ] Waryifr. WAIII& IUI a. RAN AWAY, / Oil September 2d Instant, " J7 DWARD GAMBLE, by Trade a Frame- ,) Pi work- knitter, having left bis Wife and Fa- mily chargeable to the Parish of Kevbam, in the County of Leicester, a R<:-,(• ard of TWO GLTN EAS is hereby offered to any Person who will apprehend him and lodge him 111 any of his Majesty's Gaols, or bring him to the Overseers of the said Parish. The above Edward Gamble is about 23 Years of Age, 5 Feet 4 Inches high, dark Hair, round Face, fresh Compaction, and had on a dark Coat, Velve- ict Waistcoat, and Corduroy Breeches. IA ' Royal Exchaiige Assurance Office, London, AUgust 9, 1809. * r* H E Corporation of the Royal Exchange As- sUrance Office have constituted and appointed Mr. William Dnitlby, of Loughborough, Grocer, their Ageut and Receiver for the said I'lace antl Parts adjacent, for the Assurance of Buildings, Goods, Merchandize, and Farming Stock, from Loss or Damage by Fire, and also foi the Assurance of Lives, r. y Order of the Court Of Directors, SAM. FENNING, Junr. Secretary. Organ— Mr. GREATOREX, Conductor of bis Majesty's Concert of Ancient Music. Among the jirindput Instrumental Performers are Messrs. Lindlcy, Moralt, Holmes, C. and R. Ashley, Erskiue, the Petrides, Mahou, Boyce, Smart, M. Sharp, F. Sharp, Oliver, Elliott, Alcock, Stc. Trumpets— Messrs, Hyde and Son. Trombone-— signur Mariotti, Iroui the Opera House; And Double Drums— Mr. Jtukinsou. The Whole under the Direction of Messrs Harrison and Greatorex. Subscriptions are rece. ved at Stretton's, Silt- ton's, aud Tupman's, Printers, Nottingham ; and by their Agents through the County. Tickets ure now ready for Delivery. Books of the Performances, both at the Church and the Theatre, with the Names of the Performers to their respective Songs, will be printed singly, at Sixpeuce each Book The Morning Performances vyill begin at Eleycs o'Ujvk j the iiTS » i » | J at Ua'f- fast Seven, Coulstbii Basselt, hotting* amslure „ 4 Leicestershire. // TO BE LET, And entered upon on the 10th Day of October next, AHouse, Gardtn, and Butcher's Shop, with a Siable and other Appurtenances, situaie at Knawston in the County of Leicester." For further Particulars and to treat for the same , apply to Mr G. GILSON, of Knawston aforesaid TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, IL v . BUR i ON, At the Black Snaii luu, in Melt u Mowbray, 6n Tuesday the ' Tenth' Day of October, al ' 1 tree o'clock ifr the Afternoon ; ONE Half- part of Five Closes in Conlstgn Basset, c ' ta uing logftocr For y- four \ cie-, ill the Occupation of Messrs. Marnutt and Shi cOek, Also, One Half- part, nitb Oi . hard and Homestiad, and a Close near adj. 1 ing, cou . lining about Furic Acres, in Haiti;", i? i tf. Hciipafiou o, Mi. ntii. ui/. For furflw^ Particulars apply t » Mr. t ATf'AM, of Melton Mowbray V->'. USept. ! 8f.--, il. TO BE LEI', AFarm at Wood Walton in ihe County of Hun- tingdon, and entered upon at Lady- day next, consisting of 437 Acres, 140 Acres of which is Fen Laud, about 60 Acres ofthe High Land iu Til- lage, and the Remainder ofthe Farm Pasture. For a Partien'- M- of tb « Lands and a View of the Premises, apply to Win. Lenton of Wood . and further Particulars of Mr C; Kimbolton, in the said County. Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser; We ~ esda. ' s ana i hursday's Post. /, S'u ' v. WEDNESDAY September 27. The intended change in Administration is, we find, to be more cotnpt, lienstve tnan wasexpec'ed. At a Council that was held on Saturday, and which was attended by all the Members of ( lie Cabinet, except ihe Duke of Portland, Lard Castlereagh, and Mr. Canning, Ministers resolv d to submit to Ins Majesty their opinion, ttiat a Message from ins Majesty should ; x- sent to Lord Grenville and Earl Grey, ' i'ui* opinion, communicated to his Ma- jesty by Lord Liverpool and Mr. Petceval, on Sa turday afternoon, and his pleasure having been tak- en. two Messengers were' sent off from Windsor in the evening. Lord Grenvil'e is in Cornwall— l, ord Grey in Northumberland. Meanwhile, the J. oil'iwmg resignations are said to hav.. been deterinineH'- ijpon, in addition to ' he resignati as of the Duke 6R Portland, Lord Cas- ilereagh, and Mr. Canning, viz. Lord Levison Gower, Earl Camden, and the Earl of Westmor- land.— There will then be six vacant seats n the Cabinet I he Members who remain are, Lord Eldon, Earl ofChatham, Earl Bat. iurst, Mr. Per- ceval, Lord Muigrave, and the Ea 1 of Liverpool. i- is now said to be determined that only a Court of Enquiry of General Officers shall investigate tbe Expedition to the Scheldt, and that there will be no General Court Martial. The Hall at Chelsea Hospi al is, however, fit ing up. D^ pa. ches were rece ved yesterday from Mar- qe i, Wellesley, which are stated to be of a very sa'isfac ory nature. He has, it is said, prevailed on the Junta to assemble the Cortes, or represen- tativesof the people, and to resign into their hands, the provisional authority with which they are vest- ed. Ii is sup jo » td that one of the first acts of the Ce> res will lie to appo jit a Regency in the person c tnc Arch Bishop ol I oledo. Dispatches weie- aUo received from Lord Wel- lington, dated the 15th inst. from Badajos.' The army we are nappy to find was fast recovering from sickness, and the effects ef the great distress to which thev had been exposed, from an almost total want o supplies of every kind. I he troops were thus cantoned :—_ One division is at Montys - ano- ther at Keai the third al C'ampo Mayor— and the 4th at Badajoz. 1 he heavy cavalry and hor> e art'He^ y are at Alerida— the bghi cava Iryat Elvas. At the mome . of clos ng iiis dispatches, Lord Wellington was informed that the French army under Souit > vas . dvancing torough Cuidad llode- rig", agatusi toe nor'h ol Portugal, llis Lord- ship, therefore, expressed his intention, should this intelligence be corre ct, of fe- crossinij the ' J a- g simmto ately, and resuming offensive cperati- ens. I he whole of the Spanish ships ihat were at Eerrol have been fitted ou by a squadron of our sh. ps fro" the l agus, and the last of them sailed on tne j6t'i mst- lor Cadiz. Baron Hatdenberg, the loyal Ministerof tlie un- fortunate King of Prussia, whom we announced as having be- n restored IO the confidence of his Sove- reisn. has retired, broken hearted from the ardu- ous func ions which tic had accepted. A letter re- ceive. d in town fioin Koningsberg gives an account of the death of this virtuous statesman. The ship Invention arrived from the River Plate, after a very quick passage. She left it on the 9th ult and brings intelligence of the arrival out of the new Vice lioy ol Buenos Ayres. His Excellency firs' visited Eleo, the Governor of Monte Video, by wtiom he was informed that it was unsafe to pro- ceed to Buenos Ayres until further information, as it was highly pr liable that Liniers would res st his autnoiity. i he new Vice Boy, in consequence of th s intelligence, enteied into a correspondence with Liniers, who, after some tune, was prevailed upon to quit Buenos Ayres for Mendoza iaciamento. ri he Gov. t nment ol Spain entertained strong sus- picion* ot me sincerity ot Liniers. It appeat s he had removed all the soldiers of Spam from the aimy, and established creatures of his own. Every office of trust was filled with ihoseo'the French party. The new Vice Boy arrived ai Buenos Ayres on the 30th July, and was received by the people wi n ' ceiaiuatioiis of joy. Five thousand troops lineo toe road to ihe catnedral, whither he repair- ed immediately on his arrival, to return ttianks for his safe voyage. W th respect to commerce, ihe Vice Roy had intimated that ihe old laws of Spatr. woutd be maintained regarding commerce, and that no s rangers would be permuted to tr; de Bruisii shipping, in con- equence, were expected to be ordered aw? y Some lettets mention 14 davsnotice would be given. IVvaie Le te- rs lrom Walcheren state the sick- ness amongst tin.' ti ops as ^ rauual'. y decreasing, and no douti- is entertained but the place is tena- ble at all seasons, should it be determined to keep possesion thereof ; for which purpose, however, a iarge uoval force will be nescessary. Ihe only troops Souin Ueveland are Dutch, which are continually nnoyed and prevented browing up battene- by the Br. tish gun boats laying at the side o' Walcheren, ivlne the frigates, & c. at the Flushing s; de are sufficient to cheek the enemy al CaUsand. The riaronets of Ireland amount to about 100 on- ly, while those ® f England exceed four times that number. An augmentat ion is shortly to take place, by raising to thai Order the following families, viz. lilchaiason, of Arm- tghshire ; Browrtlow, of ihe same countv ; Latouche, of Carlow ; Bagenell, of Harwell; savage, of the County Down; Ford, of the same county ; Laurenson, of Kilkenny ; But er, of the same place ; Gratun and Cassan, of Qu- en' County ; Yereker, & c. & c 1 lie Couu of Common Council finally decid yesierd « y, ttiat tiie ensuing Anniversary of his Mrf-' jesty's Accession IO the Ihrone should be celebrat- ed by a solemn Thanksgiving, an illumination of the front of Guildhall, anu that a c. ngraiulatory ad- dress should e presented to his Majesty on the happy occas on o! his entering tue 50ih year of his reign. Besides which, it was agreed, after some debate, that there should be a grand entertainment in honor of the event. ClKaUT, EctttStEV. This present FRIDAY, September ' 29, will be pre- sented Slieri tan's celebrated Comedy of THE RIVALS, Or, A Tiip to Bath. End of the Play, Singing by Mr. Jones and Mr. Atkiusou. To which will beadded, tiie admired Farce of RAISING THE UJKD. On MONDAY Evening, Oct 2, will be performed ( for the first lime in this theatre), a celebrated and affecting new PlaV, called THE FOUNDLING OF THE FOREST. This excellent Piece was produced last Season at the. ^ Theatre Royal, Haymarket, and performed up- wards of 40 Nights to the Admiration of crowded and brilliant Audiences. To which will be added the favourite Farce of 7HE ,1 EA VtlERCO. Cli. Days of performing this Week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. BOXES 3s PIT 2s. GALLERY Is. Tickets and Places for the Boxes to be taken at Mr. Johnson's Fruit Shop, Upper End of the Market- Place.— Pit and Gallery Tickets to be had at the Printers. The Doors to be opened at Six, and the Perform- ance to begin at Seven o'clock. 1! Y PERMISSION. By Desire of Lady Hudson. u- STATE LOiTERY, Will be Drawn in One Day, ', 0th NEXT MONTH. ' TTIE Scheme contains the following Capitals, I besides the inferior Prices of « £ 100, 501, be. as usual. 4 : Prizes of : <£ 20,000 4 ; j .- 5,000 4 : : : ! 2,000 8 : ! 1,000 12 ! : i 500 The Lottery contains only 5,0!'*) Numbers, Four Tickets of every Number, which will entitle the Holder to Four Times the Amount of whatever Prize is drawn against the Number, therefore the Pur- chaser of Four Tickets of One Number may gain Eighty Thousand Pounds, or in the same Proportion by Two or Three Tickets of One Number. Orders for Tickets and Shares, accompanied by Remittances in Bank Notes, or good Bilis at Short Dates, addressed to either of SWIFT and Co/ s OFFICES, No 11, Poultry, No. 12, Clip ing Cross, and No. 31, AUgate High Street, London. will be immediately executed on the same Terms as if the Parties were present. Tickets and Shares may also be had at the London Prices, of J. WALLIS, Market- place, Leicester. L 200,000 i'RIZii MOAEY, TO BE HAD AT iV « . 26, Cornkitl, ( London), and St. Margant's Hill, Borough. HORNSBY & Co. State Lottery Office Keep- ers, and Stock- Brokers, advise their Coun- try Correspondents not to delay their Purchases of Tickets and Shares, as 110 Chance can be obtained after the 19th of October by Post, the Drawing be- ginning on the 2iitli of October, and finishing on the same Day. This new Regulation meets with uni versal Approbation. All Orders executed with the same Punctually, and at the same Price as if present. Iu 1807 aud 18u8 Capital Prizes shared by HORNSBY and Co. 18.544 : : .£ 20,000 1 8,831 : : .£ 5 000 10,294 : : 20,000 8,716 : : 5, o0o' 19,544 : : 20,000 19.570 : : 5 000 17,127 2,279 1S3 10 000 10,000 3 536 Several of .£ 1,000, .£ 500, .£ 100, ,£ 50, & c 4,000 2,000 Besides ONE Lotteries. MILLION STERLING in former S'lOKE GOLDING. ' r'HE Partnership in Butchering between Tho 1 mas Wood and R ichard Rily, of Stoke Golding, in the County of Leicester, is dissolved by mutual Consent, and all Accounts relative to tne Concern will be settled by Thomas Wood.— As Witness our Hands this 16th September, 1809. T WOOD, RICH. Rli. Y. } f N" Nottingham, Sept. 4, 18() 9 OTICE is hereby given, that the Partner hip between us the undersigned THUS. READ, JOHN ROBINSON, THOMAS HALL, and WILLIAM NORTHAGE, in the Business of Lace Manufacturers, and carried on at Nottingham under the Finn of *• Read, Robinson, rud Co." is by mu- tual Consent this Day Dissolved ; and that all Debts due to the said Partnership front Persons resident at Nottingham or in its Vicinity, are to be finid to the said Thouias Hall, aud all Concerns of the Part- nership there will be settled by the said Thomas Hall, and all Debts dne to the Partnership in rcspect of Sales through the said William North age., or Iiis Firm > 11 London, are to be paid to him, and all Con- cerns of tne Partnership there will be settled by the said William Noithage.— As Witness our Hands. THOMAS READ. JOHN ROBINSON. THOMAS HALL. WM. NORTHAGE, Witness— WM. SCOTT. ( It \\ J HERE AS the Game upon the Manor \ f Coston, near Melton Mowbray, has been jfol] Destroyed by Persons continually Shooting upon it : This is to give Notice, that the Tenants li ive directi- ons to Discharge all Persons Sporting without leave; every exertion will be made to discover unqualified Persons and Poachers, who will certainly be dealt with according to Law. Coston, Sept. 25. TlJURSUANI to the Decree ot the High Court ' JL of Chancery, made in a Cause HOWK1NS v. LAMBERT and others, the Creditors of GEORGE MEDD, formerly of Leicester, but late of New Mal- toti, in the County of York, are Personally or by their Solicitors to come in and prove their Debts be- fore Edward Morris, Esq. one of the Masters of tne said Court, at his Chambers iu Southampton Build- ings, Chancery Lane, London, 011 or before the 30th of October, 1809, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded tbe Bent fit ofthe said Decree. / 1 jC Capital French Mill Stone Burrs, r JUST RECEIVED, AQuantity of capital French Mill Stone Burrs, of a superior Quality. Any Person in want of Burrs or Mill Stones ot any Size, mav be supplied by an early Application to JOHN PINCHBACK, Millwright, Atherstone, Warwickshire. llE Creditors of JOHN MILES, Carpen- ter and Joiner, are desired to meet at the House of Mr. Jonathan Nf/ al, the Horse and Groom Inn, Huinberstone Gate, Leicester, 011 Saturday October 7th, 1809, at 3 o'Clock in the Afte rnoon, to consider of a Dividend of tbe Estate and Effects of the said John Miles, to be then propos d, if agreed to, the Dividend w ill be immediately paid. 13ft' Cluik and Halt's Bankruptcy. iJurton, Sept. 19th, 1809. BURTON UPON- TRENT Annuitant ^ octetjv Under the Patronage 6f Mr. CLAY, Banker. THIS Society will hold tsTteiir Quarterly Meet-* ing ai the Bear Inn, Burton, 011 Tuesday 3d Day of October, at 6 o'Clock in the Evening, for the Admission of Members; aud every Person at the Time he isrproposed to become a Member of this useful Society, must in Writing deliver in his Name, Age, Residence, aud Profession or Trade ;. such Age to be verified by a Certificate from the Parish Regis- ter, or other satisfactory Evidence, aud shall Perso- nally appear on the Day of ^ allotting, and previous ttiereto shall declare the then true Stale of his Health and whether he then or recently hath or had any Disorder or Infirmity which may be likely to prove dangerous or fatal. The Proposers of this laudable Society, well knowing that many Widows and Or- phans are subject to numerous Inconveniences and Hardships lor Wantofa proper Provision being made for them during the'Lives of their Husband; and the aged Parents too. often by the irregular Conduct of the junior Branches of their Family, experience many Privations which may be obviated by only a few Year's Subscription to this Society, and the Evil as far as possible removed from this afflicted Order of the Community. Printed Articles may be bad at One Shilling cach by Application or Letter ( Post- paid) to Mr. Thomp- son, at the Bear Inn, or the Secretary WM. CLARK, Juur. Entrance £\ .1 0— Quarterly 15s. After being a Member 4 Yeais, the Widow will receive 251. per Year. At 611 Years of Age, to receive 201. 16s per Year. / if./' TO BE LET, And may be entered upon at Old Michaelmas next, ACompact INN, with Stabling for 30 Horses, and every convenient Out- cffice attached, situate and known by the Sign of the Old Hope and Anchor, 111 Belgrave- gate, Leicester. For Particulars apply to WM. SMITH, Brewer, Little Biwden, Northamptonshire. 3L PHOJN1X FIRE OFFICE, LO to 0 A KD- VL'KLLT. THE Directors of the PIKEN1X FIRE- INSURANCE COMPANY return their Acknowledgments for the Patronage they continue to experience, anil they refer with confidence to the Sys- tem which has been pursued in the Management of the Concerns ofthe Office for a Period of upwards of Twenty- five Years, aud by which, every possible Ac- commodation and Advantage has been afforded to the. Public, as well in the Arrangement of Rates as in the prompt and liberal Adjustmentof Losses. Stock on a Farm may he intured in one Sum with- out the Average Claule, at 2s perCent per Ann Tbe UcceiptslorPoliciestalling due at Michael- mas are now in the Hands of the feveral Agents. Ky* The important Sums annually paid by this Office toSufferei shy Fiie, Wrongly prove the Benefits retaking from Infurance, as well to Nobtemen and Gentlemen to i'ecure the valeft of their Manfionsand Effedts, as to Fanners Manufattureis, and all the CommeicialOrders. *** Perfons tnfuring for Three Hundred Pounds or upwards, will not be charged for tli: Policy. By Order o' the Directors, H. A. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. rHE Public are informed that the several very valuable Estates of ROGE" POCKL1NG- TON, lale of Newark- npon- Trent, Banker, situa'e at Winth rpe anil Balderton, in the County of Not- tingham, and at Saxelbve in the County gf Lincoln, wilt shoiitly be offiped for Sale by Auction; Also that theva iu. de Estates of WILLIAM DICK- INSON , late of the same Place, Banker, situate at Sutton - lipon- Trent, will be offered for Sale in like Manner.-— As soon as the Lots can be arranged and the Particulars prepared ( of w hich due Notice w ill be given) they may be had by applying to Mr. ALL- SOPP, Solicitor, Nottingham, and Messrs. SHAWES and LE I5LANC, New Bridge Street, London Freehold Estate in the County of Leicester. Si A1 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. RICHARD FOX, On Tuesday the 3d of October, 18( 9, at 4 o'Clock, at the Lamb Inn at Market Harborough. Convenient Freehold Dwelling House and Premises, comprising 5 Sleeping Rooms, Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, excellent large Cellar, Washtiouse, Stable and Chamber over it; Yard and Out office's, with good Garden planted with choice Fruit Trees and most excellent Water upon the Pre- mises, situate in the Parish of Great Bowden, and adjoining the Turnpike Road nearly opposite to the Termination of the Union Canal to Market Har- borough. The above pays no Tax but Windcw ar. d House Tax. The Premises commands extensive and pleasant Prospects, and the Situation is very dry and healthful. For further Particulars apply to Mr. RICHARD FOX, Market Harboiough. A' STOLEN OR STRAYED, On Sunday Night, or early 011 Monday Morning the 18th September, AChesnu' MARE PONEY, with a Star in her Face, long I ail, and stands 12 Hands high. | rupts, when and where the Creditors who have not TH E Commissioners in a Commission of Bank- rupt ( bearing Date the 25th Day of April, 1807), awarded and issued forth against JOHN CLARK and HENRY HALL, both now or late of Market Harboiough, iu the County of Leicester, Wo; steel and Carpet Manufactures, and Co- partners, ( Trading tinder the Firm ot Clark and Hall) intend to meet on Monday the 9th Day of October next, at the Angel Inn, in Market/ Harhorotigh aforesaid, at Eleven in the Forenoon, in order to make a further Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bank Whoever has found the said 1' oney, and will bring lnr- to JO-' EPH ABEL, Coal Carrier, Hunts Lane, 11. ar New bo'd Vet- don, shall receive a Reward of UALF- A- GUIM. A, and all reasonable f'. xpinces. The above Policy was swopt away by some Gypsies for a Watch, at the Red Cow on the Hinckley • Road, previous to which they cut llie'J^ il, already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will he excluded the Bene- fit of the said Dividend, and all Claims not then proved will be disallowed. By Order of the Commissioners, GEORGE WARINABY, Solicitor. Jt{ arUcUIa0jiiW| b. S- nt^ Ky- ibcJ, Implements qf' Husbandry, Household Furniture, 10- jn LILBURN, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. / TO BE SOLD BY AUG'l ION, By EDW. NEALEand SON.', On Friday the 12th Day of October, 1809, and fol- lowing Day, on the Premises of Mr. John Treson, of Lilburn, Deceased; LI. the genteel and useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Brewing and Dairy Uten- sils, Implements of Husbandry, and other Effects; Comprising 4- Post Bedsteads, clothed with Yellow Morine ami other Furniture, Feather and Flock Beds, Blankets and Bed Quilts, Pier and Swing Glasses, Oak Bureau, Chest of Drawers, Ditto Book Case, Mahogany Pembroke, Oak Dining, and other Tables, Oak Frame Chairs ( Horse Hair Seats) 30 Hour Clock, ( in Oak Case) Brass Pots and Kettles, 2 Barrel Churns, MiMc Leads, Brass Milk Pans, Brewing and Washing Coppers, Masli Tub, with smaller Ditto to corres- pond, well seasoned Hogsheads and Half- hogsheads, aud smaller Casks, several Lots ol' Pewter and Brass, Kitchen Requisites ill general, and numerous Ar- ticles, & c. & c. Implements of Husbandry, & c. consist of I Nar- row- wheel Waggon, Ditlo Cart, a ( i- inch Wheel Cart, Ploughs, Hair . ws, Horse Tackle, Horse Trough ( liDed with Lead), Barn Ta'kle in general, with numerous other Effects; also 2Store Pigs. The sale to commence at ten o'Clock each morning. The Implements of Husbandry ami Dairy Utensils, and Part of the Household Furniture, will be Sold on Friday the First Sale Day. Sale of New Leicester shite Sheep, Horses, Ufa. tfc. - valuable TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. OWS'lON, O11 Wednesday tbe 4th Day of October 1809, at 10 o'clock, ALL the very valuable LtveStock, Carriages, Implements of Husbandry, and other Ef- fects, now upon a Farm in the Lordship of Castle Doningtou, 111 the County of Leicester, late in tbe Occupation of Mr. STOKES, Deceased, Removed to his late Residence at Kingston, i » the County of Nottingham, for Convenience 01 bale; Consisting of 70 Ewes, 30 Theaves, 80 Wethers, and 20 Ewe Lambs, 8 Draught Mares and Geldings; 4 of the Mares in Foal to capital Horses, 2 Bay Geldings, oneli, and the other 4 Years old, Draught Colt, Ditto Filly, 2 Blood Filleys, an Adament Mare lu- foal, and a Mule, 15 Steers, 5 In- calved Cows and Heifers, and 5 Fat Cows, Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Horse Tackle, &. c. & c. Every Part of the above Stuck will, be found ex- tremely useful, the Sheep have been bred with great Care, from the Flocks of Meisrs. Buckleys, for up- wards of 20 Years. The Steers are clnetly out of llalf Devon Cows, by a capital Short- homed Bull. Kingston the Place of Sale, is ' 1 Ali. e from Keg'- worth, and 6 from Loughborough. Catalogues may be had 8 Days previous to Sale, at Ihe Inns in Loughborough and Kegvyoitn, on the Premises, and of Mr OW. STON, Leicester. U7% TO BE 1. E Ty \ Comfortable small HOUSE, with a detarh'd I sundry, which has formerly been used as a Hosier's Warehouse; and with br without a small Stable, situate in the New Street, 1 Leicester, arid fronting St. Martin's Church. Apply to Mr. W. HEYRICK. Desirable Freehold Property iii Loughborough. Ai TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOT'I, At the Crown aud Thistle Inn, in Loughborough, in the County of Leicester, on Monday the 16th of October, 1809, at six o'Clock, agreeably t6* such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced ; I^ OUR Freehold Dwelling Houses, with a Yard „ and capacious Malt Office, desirably si uated 011 both . Sides of the Baxter Gate, in Loughborough afo- esaid, in the following or such other Lots as may be fixed at the Time of Sale —( viz.) LOT I.— A roomy Dwelling House, with a detach- ed Bakehouse, in tbe Occupation of the Miss Brewiust and a Dwelling House and Grocer's S hop ( adjoining, with a detached Caudle House, in the Occupation of Mrs. Toon, Grocer and Tallow Chandler; and a large Malt Office in the Yardj ( which is used in common by the Tenant) in the Occupation of Mr. W. Mansfield. LOT 2.— A newly efretcd Sashed Dwelling House, lately in the Occupation of Mr. Bodeu, Hosier, and Messuage or Tenement adjoining, in the Occupation of Abraham Pembciton arid Ann Richards, or one of them ... Each ot these Lots have extensive Fronts.—- Lot one is of considerable Depth, aud may be adapted to any Business that requires Room ; they are situated nearly in the Centre of tbe Town, at a very iliStt Dis. tane- e frt m tl. e . Market Cross. <- The Lots' may be view Sd with leave of the Tenants j and for Particulars apply to Mr. bOO'l'T, in Lough- borough. . hiluabie Modem and useful Household Funw , 4 ture. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr, OWSTON, On the Premises. Welford Road, Leicester, 011 Thursday and Friday the 5th aud 6th Days of Oe toher, 18o9, beginning at ' len o'Clock each Morning; AL.. tue M odern, rich and elegant Household Furniture, China, Glass, Coppers, Brewing Vessels, seasoned Casks, a valuable Piano Forte, with additional Keys, and other Effects of Mr. 1 HOMPbON, ( Who is removing to another Residence); Consisting of Modern and Lofty 4- Post, Field, Press, Half tester, and other Bedsteads, with Maho- gany Pillars ; Chintz Pattern, white Dimity, Orange, Moreen, aud other Furnitures ; prime seasoned Goose Coat Beds* Blankets, Quills, and Counter- panes; Mahogany Double and Sincle Chests of Drawers, Mahogany and Oak Bureau; Mahogany Fancy, and other Cha rs ; Mahogany Dining, Card, Pembroke, and other ' Tables ; a capital 8 1) ay- Clock, Pier and Swing Glasses, in burnished Gold and other Frames ; Floor aud Bedside Carpets, a Quantity of fashionable China and Glass ; a 40 anu 12 Gallon Coppers, . Sjath and other Tubs, an As- soitment ol high seasoned Casks, excellent Kitchen Requisites, Glass Bottles, aud numerous other valu- able Effects. Catalogues may be had on Saturday preceding the Sale on die Premises, and of Mr. OWSTON. Valuable Live and Dead Stock, Household • y * Furniture, S>; c. / TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY, Mr. DAVIS, On Monday and Tuesday, October 2 and 3, 1801 j rpHE valuable Live and Dead Stock, House-" A hold Furmiture, & c. & c. of Mr. BOTTIULL, Deceased, On the Premises nt Braun. ton, Leicestershire f C onsisting of 10, valuable Ewes, 20 Shearlings, 50l Wether and Ewe Lambs, 4 Rearing Calves, 2 Yearl- ing Calves, 6 useful Dairy Cows, 3 Store I'ius, very good Draught Horse, a very good Horse Foal,' Nar- row wheel Waggon, 2 Six- Inch Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Horse Tackle, Winnowing Fan, Bags) Cribs, Milk Leads and Siate, Buckets, Pails, Bar- rel Churn, Cheese T< jbs, & c. & c. The Houseiwid Furniture, & c. consists of '< ery good Bedsteads and Hangings, Feather arid Wool Beds, Blankets, Coverlets, Glass, China, Pi, r alnl Swing Glasses, Tables, Chairs, Brass Pots anef Pans, and other useful Kitchen Kequisiles.— Also; good Brewing Tubs, 50 and 36- Gallon Barrels, & c." iSflic. Saleto begin cach Morning at^ frn o'Cloes. VALUABLE LIBRARY At Measham, near Ashby- de- a- Zouch, in the County of Dei by, lute the Property of Win. Hill, Esij. ( Deceased. J WHiCU WILL iii; oOLD BY AUCTION, by Mt. OWSI ON, On the Premises, on Monday the 9th Day of Oc tober, 18U9, beg 1 mug at ten o'clock; /""^ lONSlS i ING ot upwards ot lour hundred Volumes; amongst other equally scarce and valuable are Dugdale's Warwickshire; Nieholls's Leicestershire; Camden's Britannia; Patrick, Lowtli, and Whitby's Commentaries; Cooke's Voyages; Theobold's Shakespeare, 6ce. the principal Pait neatly Bound, Gilt, and Lettered; aud in a good State of Preservation. Catalogues may be had, ten Day's preceding the Sale, 011 tiie Premises, and of Mr. OWSTON, Lei- cester. Valuable Horses, Ladders, bun els,'' JT~ 0 • ( ja^ 07i VoppCj < tc. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Tuesday October 3, £ e> 9, on the Premises of' Ml. ANDREWS, Miller, Deceased, a Arifsby. Leicestershire; , COIs SIS 1 ING of one 30 Gallon, antf thie » 20 Ditto Barrels, 30 Gallon Copper, 5 capi- tal Horses, 4 Porkit Pigs, Light Cart, Uidders, Troughs, Horse Tackle, Saddles and Bridles,' Qitan - tity of Manure, Saeb Rags, Scales and Weights, Weighing Machine, very good Lull'H Mill S< oue, 2 Dozan ot Mill Pecks, Flour Bintv, c beese Press and Churns; also a. Stack and Cure , if food'Hay to be taken off the Premises by next Lady- day, ' Sale to begin in the . Morning at TO o'Clock. All Persons indebted to the late Mr. W. Andrews, are desired to pay the same to Mr. OLDACRES or Mr. STEVENS, the Trustees, both of Amsby, 011 or before the 1st of November next, otherwise Pro- ceedings will be taken immediately to enforce the Payment of the same. /. if. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, fy By Mr. OWSTON, At the House of Mr. Benjamin Pollard, the Sign of the Bull Head Inn, in Markficld, in the County of Leicester, 011 Friday the 13th Day of October next, at 3 o'Cloek in Ihe Afternoon, subject to such Con- ditions as shall be then and there produced ; HTlli Inheritance in Fee Simple in Possession of X a Messuage or Dwelling House, and about 7 Acres of valuable Land adjoining thereto, convenient- ly divided into 3 Inclusions, aud s. luate in tho Parish of Markfield, together with a Right of Common upon Charuwood Forest, for which an adequate Allotment will be made by the Commi sioners in Lieu thereof, late in the Possession of ' Thomas Hayes, Gardiner, but now of Mr. Jarvis, ot Markticld, Butcher, and his Undertenants. For Particulars enquire of Messrs. WEBSTER and DEXTER, of Stanton uuiier- Bardon j or at the Office of Mr. BOND, Solicitor, Leicester Burton Overy. jlQ ' TO BE SOLD BY AUC1ION, W By Mr. OWSTON, On the Premises, CauSeway Lane, Leicester, on Monday and Tuesday the 2d and 3il Days of October, 1809, at 10 o'Clock, i'llE very useful HOUSEHOLD FURNI- 1U11E, & c. of Mr. ROE, ( Who is decliniug Housekeeping); Consisting of Full- and Half- tester Bedsteads, with Dimity and Chtcqoe Hangings, good Feather Beds and Bedding, Picrt- and Swing Glasses, Mahogany Tea and Dining. Tables, Mahogany and painted Chairs, double and single Chests of Drawers, Bu- reau, Carpets, 30 Hour Clock, 3 Coppers from 14 to 40 Gallons, Brewing. Vessels and Barrels, with a good Assortment of Kitchen Furniture. Catalogues may be had 4 Days previous to Sale, on tiju t'rqpstsj $ 1 S&, OyV'W'Wj, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr, OW'STQN, At Mrs. Harrald's, the While Lion, in the Village ol Burton Overy, iu the County of Leicester, ou Monday the 23d Day of October, 1809, at 3 o'Cloek in the Afternoon, under such Conditions as will be then produced; AFreehold Tenement or Dwelling House, in tiie said Village of Burton Overy, and several Freehold C! » - u* of Grazing Land, of excellentquality and well watered, lying in the Parish of Burton Overy aforesaid, and between the said Village and the Lon- don Turnpike Road, in the Lots following ( viz ) LOT 1. The said Tenement or Dwelling House with its Ap- purtenances, now occupied by John Bryan, as Tenant by the Year, . LOT 2. A Close, called Home ( luse, containing 2 Acres or thereabouts, now occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth Ash by. LOT 3. A Close, called Hut Close, containing by Ad- measurement 3A. 2R. 331'. now occupied by John Franks. LOT 4. A Close, celled Davenport's Close, containing3A. 2R. OP, or thereabouts, now occupied by the said Elizabeth Ashby. LOT 5. A Close, called Far Close, containing by Admeasure ment 7A. 3R. S3P. now occupied by the said John Franks. LOT 6. Two Closes, called respectively Gravel Pit Close and Clay Tit Lane Close, containing together by Ad- measurement 14A. 3R. 10P. and now occupied by the said John Franks. Possession of the Land may be had at Lady- day next, and the Purchasers may be accommodated with reasonable Proportions ofthe Purchase Monies oil . Security of the Premises, to which they respectively relate. For further Particulars apply to MOORE and SHEl'PARD, Solicitors, in Leicester; and for a View of the Premises to Mr. Richard Dunkley, of , Ew- w- s Otury aftjresaid, I'atmv r and vr.^ i- f, Valuable Live Stock, Grass Keep, and Hay, ^ pf. until ' 25th March, IS 10. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr DAVIS, O11 Wednesday arid Thursday, October 4 and S 1809, on the Premises of Mr. W. WARD, of Que- bec, near Sileby, Leicestershire, who is leaving that Farm, II ednesday Ociobcr 4, 18' 9, Fint Day's Sale, CXlNolSl S of !) 0 cap tal B. eeding Ewes, CO S valuable Theaves 80 Shear - hogs," 70 Wither and Ewe Lambs-, 3 veiy us,- ftil Draught Mares and Horses, capital 2 Year old Draught Colt, 2 Fat Figs, & c. & c. Thursday October 5, Second Day's Sale Consists of 10 prime Dairy Cows, 9 capital Heifers, 3 f,. ur Year old Bullocks, 4 Fat Cows, 5 three Year eld * teers, 5 Stirks, 2 useful Yearling Bulls, 2 Steer Calves, 4 Cow Di, to; also seven, Lots of valuable Grass Keep, with Hay to each, containing Bear 140 Acres, to be eaten on the Premises, and cleared by the 25th March, 1810. Sale to begin each Morning at Tei). o?' Clock. The aouve Flock of Sheep have been regularly bred for upwards of 20 Years, from Rams, hired of Mr. Stone of Quorndon, ( whose Stock is too well known to require any comment) therefore it is- pre- sumed the Public will consider the Sheep worth'par- ticular Observation; the Beast aud Horses Willi be found well worth Attention. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, c/ ^ By Mr, DAVIS, At the Three Crowns- Inn, in. Leicester, on Thursday the 5th Day of October next, at 5 o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced ; AValuable Piece of Ground, in the Parish of I St. Margaret, in Leicester, containing 1A OR. 6P. or thereabouts, situate between Arch- di .- aeon Lane and the Church Yard, and having a • Front of 192 Feet or thereabouts towards Archdeacon I Lane aforesaid; together with 9 Tenements or. l Dwellinghouses, and 2 Stockiugmaker's Shops erected I thereon. ' The Whole now or late in the Occupation of Mr. I Joseph Ainswoith and his Undertenants For further Particulars apply toMr. WATKINSON. I Builder, High Chiss Street. C'seful Household Furniture, t; c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr DAVIS, On Friday, October 6, 1809, ALL tbe truly useful HOUSEHOLD FUR- I N ITU RE, & e-. & c. of Mr. WM. LAMPARD, ' Of Thurlastou, Leicestershire 3 Consisting of very good Tentaud other Bedsteads, I clothed with rich Cotion Furniture; Feather licilsj 111 nkets and Coverlets, 2 Sets of very good stain'dl Chairs, capital Oak Bureau, Ditto Chests of Drawers,! ( new), 2 Oak Dining Tables, Oak Stands, Cornell Cupboard, Deal Dressing, and other ' Tables, iron- l ing Board, polished Fire Irons and Stands, Maaoga- f ny Tea Tables and Chests, China and Glasg Swing! Glass, capital Oven and Range complct.-; Winf Fender, very good Bra « s Pots and Pans, l- i - liillonf Barrels, Tubs, with a Variety of other Articles Sale to begin in the Morning at Ten o'Clock, The abovs Goods have been recently boiijh; i. SV5 we. Kel'. vviiii Uto fit; cheers, f. eicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. To the Editor of the Leicester Journal. His saltern accumulem donis, et fungar ; nani tiunere. - ns. Sherrard- street, jeweller, at MR EDITOR, ' Through the medium ofvour impartial Journal I beg leave to seek redress for a Nuisanee, which cannot bu be very offensive , o every ma't who has the - malleit regai d fot departed friends, or tne least sense of decorum and proprietv The ^{ u sance I complain of r, the indecency and abuse vvhioh is daily preval nt in ihe Church Yard of St Martin's. — As there ate ' evv who raverse this hallowed spot, who have not consigned some dear relative or fi tend to ' iiese solemn regions of the dead, so there are few, il they l. ave a spark of humanity, who will ! iir< i feei the bitt'- rness of woe, when they behold j the melancholy memorials cf mortal ty dishonoured snn disgi- ced —' 1 Ins holy and consecrated place is th. constant resort of all the idle and imper inent boys in the parih, who deface the " registers of ex ste. ice," ar. d add an irtsuit to frail mortality by emulating each other in juifiping over their kin- dr d du< t; and so lar are they front linen. ng to the acini n t ms of passengers that they spurn their words, and what is st II more disgraceful, instead of scoin and threats they oft receive the applause and approbation of men w'no themselves aie tottering on he verge of he grave, and some, indeed, who are aim . st daily - pectators of the uncertainty of hum in id. .-- Need 1 tell them that even the Hea- then, who little knew that the dry bones would rise to life again, ven'he Heathen paid the most scru- pulous i- i- rard to the ashes ot the. dead ! Quid iijiserum. Ouea, laeera- ? jam parce sepuito : Parce pias sceierare muuus.— vti. a. Shall we then, to whom t e gates of life and Immorally are opened, shal1 we d sturb the peace and repose of ttie entotn:> ed corpse f Shame ! Shame; These itisgracesul deeds call aloud for the i rerferenceof the llevi- rend Vicar and the Church- wardens. I hope, they will be apprised of them ' ert long, and Itniute he ex. mple ofother parishes in tnis town. The remedy is easy and simple, let a partit on be made ftom the West Corner of the Church to ihe Peacotk . Lane, and also from the Ea> t Corner to the same point, and let the wall lying parallel with the South Side be somewhat heightened. Thus will the complained of griev- ance be redressed, and the relics of our dear and be! ived relatives rest unm lested, till the lasttrump cull sound ana the dead be raised. By insersion ofthe above you will oblige one who has the happiness of being A Member ofthe Established Chuich. Leicester, Sept 10, 1809. Nov. 4. J. Spencer, Guildhall 4. W. Capper, Holbourn- hill, linen- draper, at Guildhall Nov. ' 28. W. and R. Easton, Buckle rsbury, ware- houseman, at Guildhall — IS. J Willes audC. Hobb, Whitechapel- road distillers, at Guildhall — 9. T. Tindall, Weymouth, grocer, at the King's Arms, Dorchester — 10. G. Eyler, Portsea, miller, at the Parade Coffee- house, Portsmouth — 12. H. and J. Kiuch, Fareham, timber- mer- chants, at the Red Lion, Fareuani 10. S. Beswick and J. Grime, Bulme, brewers, at the Palace Inn, Manchester 17. T. Williams, Caerphilly, wool- manufactu- rer, atthe Angel, Cardiff — 17. H. Silverlock, Havant, draper, at the Bear, Havant 19. T. Filcock, Macclesfield, grocer, at the Mosley's Arms, Manchester 11. J. Dow, Newcastle- upon- Tyne, haber- dasher, at Guildhall 13. T. Neale, St. Martiu's- lane, dealer, at Guildhall 11. W; and J. Fly, Croydon, bricklayers, at Guildhall 2. J. Carter, Bisliop's- gate- street, merchant, at Guildhall 7. L. Lane, Kingsclerc, shopkeeper, at Guild- '"' A) No Medicine is so well calculated, or has better succeeded in giving rel ef in numerous bad cases of Scrophula, than SPILSBURY'S PATENT ANTI KING'S PATENT," expressed on the l> o'tie, bill of direction, and outside wrapper, and the King's duty printed in black ink. Soliiat the Dispensary^ 15, Soho Square, London, in small bottles of 5s. 6d. j double bottles 10s.; and lirger ll. 2s. Copipound essence, to allay unpleasant irritation, 8?. Sold by T Gregory, Leicester. DALBY'S CARMINATIVE. SCORBUTIC DROPS. A trial will prove this, and convince even the tender anxiety of parents, when the glands become first swelled and diseased, or ihe usual symptoms of schrophulous enlargement of the st macti in children takes place. In eruptive ccses ofScurvv, Gout, Rheumatism, and Nerrous irrita- tion of the Stomach from bilious affections, its supe- riority has long been acknowledged. The genuine Medicine has the words. " By THE or the Wind, Convulsions, watery and dry Gripes, and Other fatal Disorders in the Bowels of Children ; , al afor fluxes, Chotics, and I'ains ofthe Intestines in grown Persons ; scarcely ever fulling to relieve when given according to the printed Directions. r~ j~, lIE Superiority and Celebrity of this Medt- J- cine having occasioned a number of Counter- feits some even pretending to be prepared from the original Receipt, in the Family of tbe late Mr. Joseph Dalby, Apothecary, of Welbeck- street, Cavendish- square, the following Extractfrom his Will will siievv to wh un he bequeathed this Property ; and from whom only the genuine Medicine can be procured. " Whereas, I did many Years since instruct my " Daughter Frances, now the Wife of Anthony Gell, " ofNorth- street, Westminster, Gentleman, in the " Art of compounding a certain Medicine, of which I am the sole Inventor, called Dalby's Carminative, " I do hereby appoint my said Daughter the sole " Preparer of this useful Medicine; I likewise give " to her my sole Property iu the said Carminative, " aud all Prolits arising from the Sale thereof, to " her, and ber Heirs for ever." This invaluable cordial Medicine continues solely ( o be prepared by the said Frances Gell, and Sold mlv by F Newberv and Sons, No. 35, St. Paul's Church yard, a few Doors from Cheapside, London; price Is. 9d. a Bottle, Duty included, but observe that the Words, " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's" are en- graved on the Stamps ; and by their Appointment by Gregory, Swinfeu, Coombe, and Matthews, Leices- er ; Watts, Hinckley; Corrall, Lutterworth; Cle- mentson, Melton; Adams, Loughborough; and Higgs, Harborough. WARREN's Original Japan Liquid Blacking. TTIIS Composition with half the usual Labour produces a Brilliant Jet Black, preserves the Leather Soft, and prevents its Cracking, ia perfectly free from any unpleasant Smell, will not Soil the Linen, and will retain its Virtues in any Climate.— Sold Wholesale by R. Warren, 14, St. Martin's Lane, London ; and Pvetail by Gregory, Swinfen, Matthews, King, and Cowdall, Leicester; Adams, Loughbo- rough, Wardand Hulse, Hinckley; Bingham, Ather- stone; Harrodand Dawson, Harborough; Beadsmore, Ashby; Dodsworth and Wayte, Burton; Pritchard, Derby; Else and Tupman, Nottingam; and in every Town in the Kingdom, in Stone Bottles 2s. 9d aQuart. — Is. 6d a Pint, and lOd. Haifa Pint. Caution.— The superior Quality of this Blacking has induced several Persons to sell spurious Compo- sitions under the above Name, to prevent which Observe, none are Genuine unless Robert Warreto, » 1 « II. o. . .:..]. t - S ToT. Taylor, Surgeon, No 9, Ncxv Bridge- sirai, / 2/ i . London. SIR, Edinburgh, May 2, 1800. N the Spring of 1794, 1 was afflidted with I igned on the Label, and 14. Stainp'd in the Bottle. St. Martin's Lane, j a Venereal Complaint, which 1 treated witn In- difference for five Months; but was then obliged lo apply to a regular Phyfician, who put a temporary Stop to the Virulence of the Difeafe ( by Meico'ial Applications) for fome Time ; but growing,! n Spite of all Medicine and the Advue of the firlf Gi^ Hfe- men of the Faculty here, worfe and woifefor two Years, I was reduccd to a State alnioit unparalleled and beyond Defeription, being an entile Leper, and ulcerated from Head to Foot.— My Head, Throat, Mouth, Nofe, Legs, Arms, & c. havebetn alternate- ly in Danger of becoming ufelefs; in ihoit. lhuve had from twenty to thirty eating Ulcers on mysBody, and nearly totally deprived ot Sight.— 11 w ould be voluminous to particularizealj my Calc— tuffive it to fay, there never was, or ever will be, one ol a more dangerous or of a more complicated Natme. I 0 The Barber's Song. PACXWOOD'S Paste, Sir, anil Strop, I adopt in my Shop i Hunting Razors come pat as they can. Mark well the Cutler's fears, When Tailors whet their Sheers, On Packwood's Razor Strop— he's your man. was long looked upon by my Friends, and imagined .1 niyfelf, beyond all Hopes of Recovery l and . indeed, j in my then Condition, Death waspreierahle to mv more than mifcrable State In this areadlulSitua- tion did I drag a molt miferablc hxiltence, till Di- vine Ptovidence threw in my Way a Netyfpapct containing the Cafe oi a Mr B. of Plymouth— my Friends read it, I could not.— I lent and procured tome ui your LEAKE' » PATENT PILLS, which, by uiing Irom Time to Time, ana now, and have Ion % ( after more than four Years indifcribable dil- iu as good a State ol Health ai ever 1 enjoy- their supeiior Excel- 1 ed; as a Proof of this, I bad a fine, thriving, healthy -- - Child, born to me a few Monthsago. In Gratitude to God, and in Hopes ofrendering my Fcllow- ciea » tare firvice, I requell you to publifli this; and you. itiay at any Time refer Perfotis who with to be satisfied ot tht Truth of this, or further Particulars* ot me or my Friends, by Letter or Perfon. As few Cafes for Badnefs will evcrequal mine, and none exceed it, I have from Experience e very lteafon to allure Mankind, that iu your LEAKE's, PILLS they willfind a ture, fpeedy, fate, and radical Cure, for that mott dreadtuI Stage ol the VeTiertal Difeafe, which is called acoNriKtutoLuss. ( Ttfl E. Count ng- house Penknife wheited on one j been, | 1 of PACKWOOD's STROPS, will exper- i trefs), etice a positive Proof of their supeiior Excel- lence ; and they give a keen Edge to a Razor to Shave to Admiration The Strops are suld for 3s. Cd. 5s. and 10s. Od. each; Boxes of Paste Red and Black, 2s. 6d. each, to repair and keep the Strops in Order for Years, if not approved on Trial, to return tbe Money within one Week after Pur. chase. Sold by Mr. Swinfen, at his genuine and general Medicine, Drug, and Perfume Warehouse, opposite the Conduit, Leicester; Mr. Hcnshall, Newcastle ; Mr. Drewry, Printer, Stafford ; Mr. Fenton, Lich- field ; and Mr. Packwood, No. 16, Gracecfiurch Street, London. LEICESTERSHIRE AList of Persons acting as Gamekeepers to whom Certificates of the Payment of the Duty of £ 3 3 0 have been granted, pursuant to Schedule ( L) ofthe Act of 48th G. S. cap. 55, by the several Clerks to the Commissioners of Assessed 1 axes for the said County, from 1st July to 16th September, 1809, jndusive. Gamekeeper's Names. Baoon William, Dit'o Benskiu Thomas, Bdiings John, If Brown John Suffeild, Esq. Pick well, Names of Manor or Royalty. Newbold Verdon, Barlestont » , Stanton- undtr- Bardon, and Whetstone, Burton Lazars, i S lllston, From the LONDON GAZETTE, Sept. 16. Admiralty- office, Sept 16, 1809. Copy of a letter from Vice Admiral Whitshed, Com- mander in Chief on the coast of Ireland, to the Hon. W. W. Pole, dated at Cork, the 8th inst. SIR 1 transmit herewith, for the information of the Lords Commissioners of ihe Admiralty, the copy cf a : etier that 1 received from Capt. Worth, ofhis . Majesty's sloop Helena, stating his having captured on the 1st ins'. in lat tude 45 O. N. and longitude S. 10. VV . Le Jason, French lugger privateer ; and I have to acquaint you, tt. at Le Jason arrived at this port last evening. I have, & c. ( Signed) J. H. WHITSHED, Vice- Admiral. Helena, at Sea, Sept. 1, 1809. SIR, I have the honour to acquaint you, that his Ma- jesty's sloop under my command, captu. ed this afternoon I e Jason, Ftench lugger privateer ( pierced for 10 guns, and 44 men, from Bayonne 21 days, not made a capiuie), after a chase of 70 miles; sue thiew her guns overboard, except two. Il. r capture was fortunate, as she would have in- teriepted ti e packet, which I cr s « ed during the chace, and aiswered her private signals: suppose her to have been from L'sbon. liiave, & c. J. A. WORTH. Clark John, Crow John, Chapman David, Eai I J dm, Ellis John, Faux Luke, Freeman Joseph, Green Wiiliain, Gadsby John, Gilliver John, Heap William, I'Hames John, Jackson John, Miller John, Martin Thomas, Morley Richard, Norman Richard, Esq. Perkins S. S. Pr. ce Richard, Pole Charles, Robinson Daniel, Richards Charles, Sansome William, Sharpies- John, Skemiei William, Thurman Thomas, ' Tuck wood Benjamin Wildbore George, VVeigtnman I'horaai, Ward William, Ditto, Ditto, VVormleighton Joseph t Scraptoft, \\ ithcott, : > : Swithland, Mountsorrel, and Tharcaston, » : : Quorndon and VVoodhouse, : s s Beaumont Leys, : s : : Sibston, : : " ! Foston, : : S ! Stonton Wyvill, Glooston, Cranhoe, and Slawston, : : Shenton and Upt n, : : t Sheepy Magna, J : ! Burrough : s : Aston hlarnvdle and Sharnford, : : N rborough Cosbv, Cotes deVal, and Leicester, and Prescot, in Oxfordshire, Borbage, Sketchley, and Lane, S Market Boswoith, Cadeby, Carlton, and Coton, : Stonesby : : : Bientonby, Wyverbv and Freeby, : Orton, Moor Barn, Bean Hills, and Weston, : West Langton, East Langton, ihorp Langton, and Tur Langton South End ot Thurmaston, : '• Launde, : : : Hinckley, s : i Dcsiord, : : Peathng Parva and Bruntingthorpe, s Bagworth and ThorAton, S : Potters Marstone, : t « Dalby Wolds, t : ! Cold Newton, s i ! Wv^ en, : : t Carlton Curlieu : !• ; Burton Overy, and Slwnkton Hardvvickes, J Shantton, it • Kimcote and Walton BANKRUPTS. SirM. Bloxam, Knt T. Wilkinson, and W. Bloxam, Gracechurch- street) bankers T. Smith, s n. and T. Smith, jtin. Wakefield, linen- drapei s E. Hil'ycr, Mark lane, pork- butcher J. South, Cardiff, ironmonger J. Gregory, Leeds, inaugan » se dealer G. Edwards, Louth. Lincoln, spirit merchant G. Simouds Coppice row, Clerkenwell, baker J. Towne, Oxford- market, carcass- butcher W. Williams, Rathbone- place, Oxford- street, car- penter R. H Twycross, Brook- street, Holborn, jeweller W. Hinds and J. Jones, Old Ford, dyers J. Lee, Lewes, linen draper J. Holoway, Frome Selwood, dealer DIVIDENDS. Sept. 23. J andJ Parsons, Ludgate- hili, booksellers, at Guildhall 23. H. G. Beetson, Gray's Inn- square, mo- ney- scrivener, at Guildhall 26. J. O Parr and T. C. Patrick, Suffolk- lane, insurance brokers, at Guildhall — 26 R. Palke, Little Henipston, Devonshire, coal- merchant, at the Oxford Arms Inn, Tot- ness. Oct. 21. S. Field, Plymouth- dock, wine- merchant, at Guildhall 7. T. H Wills, Lamb's Conduit- street, linen- draper, at Guildhall It). J. Wild, J. Watts and J. Boddy', JUpper Thames street, wholesale grocers, at Guildhall —— 10. OetiJ. Junes, Rotherhithe Wall, tobacconist, at Guildhall —— 9. J Mallatrat, Wansford, Huntingdonshire, inutiolder, at tbe Littleton Arms inn, Penkridge ii' 19. T. B ivviii, Rhddiad, Pembrokeshire, shop- keeper, at the Bush Tavern, Bristol — 6. W. Balding, Holt, Norfolk, grocer, at the Bull Inn, Norwich . • 7, H. Mercer and J. Forshaw, Liverpool mer- chants at the Golden Lion, Liverpool — 4. W. Dempey and J. Acraman, Bristol, tai- lors at the bush Tavern, Bristol — 5: G. Wheatley, South Shieldr, draper, at tbe Queen's Head Inn, Newcistle- up'- ti Tyne —— 6. J. Davis, Oxford, dealer, at the King's Arms Inn, Oxford —— 10. M. Taylor, J. Latham, and E. Bele- her, Liverpool, merchants, at the Crown and Anchor, Liverpool Oct. 24. C. Davies, St. Johu- street, carpenter, at Guildhall •— 7 J. Croton, Drury lane, linen- draper, at Guildhall — 24. J. Johnson and J. Stathain, Twickett's- mills, Northampton, and T. Johnson, llyde- street, Bloomsbury, miliars, atGnildhall .. 24. N. Humphreys, Shoreditch, linen- draper, at Guildhall — 10. T. Wether'oy, St. Thomas Apostle, iron- monger, at Guildhall Oct. 21. B. Flesher, Liverpool, druggist, at the George, Liverpool —— 9. P Eobson, Claugbton, cotton- spinner, at the Red Lion, Preston — 9. J. Clark and H. Hall, Market Harborough, worsted manufacturers, at the Angel lun, Market Harborough —- ; 4. W. Hohson, Horncastle, malster, at the Bull, Horncastle _— 13, J. N. Watred, Birmingham, draper, atthe Swan, Birmingham — 7. J. and M. Tnnnicliff, Macclesfield, button- ufacturcrs, at the Old APgel, Naccksflelq Published by Order of his Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Faxes. By whom appointed Sir E. C. Hattopp, Bart, and John Pares, Esq. Earl of Stamford and Warrington Mrs, Horn John King, Esq.' Gtrard Noel Noel, Esq. F^ dward Hartopp, Esq. Sir John Palmer, Bart. The Hon. A B. Danvers EarlofMoira Miss Lawrence Pendoek Barry Neale, Esq. Thomas Henry Lamb, Esq. Eai 1 of Cardigan F. W. Woollaston, Esq. Thomas Levmgs Holden, Esq. John Stiffedd Brown, Esq. Sir E. C. Hartopp, Bart, Thomas Pares, Esq. E F. Pochin Richard Norman, Esq. Sir E. C. Hartopp, Bart. S. I'. S. Perkins, Esq. Rev. James Ord Mr. Henry Richards John Finch Simpson, Esq. Thomas Sansome, Esq. Lord Viscount Wentworth John Clarke, Esq. Lord Viscount Wentworth Edward Hartopp, Esq. Lady Bowater James and VV I iam Clifford, Gentlemen ' Thomas Arnold Thomas Paitner, Esq. Sir John Palmer, Bart. Ditto Lord Willougbby de Broke. I. T. * InfnrmountablcFamily Reafonsprcventmafcmu my Name and Addrefs Public) but creditable Per- fons really wanting In lorinati or- may alto be referred to mc and my Friends by Mrs. S. Clark, ltamlajr Gardens, Edinburgh. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOS- TAYLOR, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons, London, at his House, No. y, New Bridge- stieet j where he wil give Advice, without a Fee, to Persons taking these Pills and will answer . atients Lett- rs, if Post- paid, on the same Terms, obsciving in a'I Cases the most inviolable Secresy. no Patient's Na% e or Case having been mentioned but at their own par- ticulao request, by the Pioprietor, dui ing the Course, of more than 45 Years, that he has hail the conducting of an extensive Sale ofthe above Medicine, and the Practice arising therefrom. They are sold by his Appointment for tbe conve- nience of those living at a Distance, by Mr. Watso ® South- Brdge, Edinburgh ; Mr. Mentions, Printer i Glasgow; Gregory, Swiufen, Matthews, Le. eeatei ; Caldwell, Dublin ; and by one Person in every con- siderable Town in Great Britainand Ireland, in Boxes at only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Direction's, whereby Peisonsof eithei Sex uiay cure themselves w ith Ease and Secrecy. MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. LEICESTERSHIRE. A List of Persons ai'^ n^ as Gamekeepers, to whom Certificates of the Payment of the Duty of <£ l 1 0 have been granted, pursuant to Schedule ( L.) of J\ the Act of 48tn G. 3. cap. 55, by the several Clerks to trie Commissioners of Assessed Taxes for the said County, from 1st July to 16th of September, 1809, inclusive. Gamekeeper's Names. Adams Henry, Ditto, Budd John, Ditto, Bennett Stephen, Ditto, Ditto, Buxton John, Boubbee Robert, Budworth James, Bellamy Ihomas, Ditto, Buckby Thomas, Church ' Thomas, Clifton John, Dodge John, Ensor George, Farmer Richard, Ford John, • Gaudern William, Hodson Joseph, Ditto, Ditto, Hasledine Andrew, Hoyte John, Senr. Hoyte John, Juiir. Hoyte Samuel, Hoyte Mordin, Jones Saney, Jarvis Thomas, Ditio, Knowles Charles, Limt house Andrew,, Ditto, Man sell William, May William, Mitchell Thomas, Melling Thoma » , Marshall John, Musson William, Needham Richard, Ditto, Oakden Simon, Penn Thomas, Pickering Philip, Ditto, Read Thomas, Shelton William, Steel William, Trinnery William, Wright George, Wheeldon William, Ditto, Wylds Thomas, Yates John, Names of Manor or Royalty. Grooby, Broadgate, and Ratby, : : Markfieid, : : : : Ktrkby Mallory, Peckleton, Welsborough, and Elmsthorpe, : Barweli, : : : : : Braunstone, Braunstone Frith, Kerby Muxloe, Lubbesthorpe, and Ayleitone, Lubbesthorpe and Ajlestone, . : s Glenfield, : West Cotes, : : : ; Coleorton, : t ; : : Donisihorpe and Netherseal, : t : Stoughton, Thurnby, and Oadby, ' : t ft. Evington, : • „ : By whom appointed. Earl of Stamford and Warrington Earl of Moira, Lord Viscount Wentworth Mrs. Ailway Clement VVitistanley, Esq. Duke of Rutland, Earl of Stamford and Warrington Walter Ruding, Esq. Sir G. H. Beaumont, Bart. Rev. Wm. Greasley George A J. egh Keck, Esq. Ditto and Rev. Dr. Burnaby, and others Wistow, Newton Ilarcourt, Kilby, Fleckney, Great Wigston, aud Nether Kibworth, Sarah, Countess of Denbigh Lowesby and Billesdon, Holt, Vledbourn, Bradley, and Drayton, : : • Stauntun and VV orthmeton, : s : Long Whatton and Belton, : : : Normanton Turville and Bassett House, ; : Garendon, Dishley, Thorpe Acre, and Knight 1 horpe, : : Swinford, South Kiiworih, Westill, and Stanroore, and Stanford cum Membris, Gopsal, Norton, Twycrojs, and Bilstone : : Con^ erstcne, : s t Shackerstone, Li: tie Dalby, Musson, Bottesford, jfrn manton, Harstone, Knipton, and Redmile. Frederick GustavusFowke, Esq. Cosmas Nevill, Esq. Lord Tamworth Edward Dawson, Esq. Richard Arkwright, Esq. T. M. Phillippt, Esq. Henry Otway, Esq. Baroness Howe Ditto, and Lord Viscount Wentworth Edward Hall, Esq. Earl of Moira Duke of Rutland Wsltham, Croxton Kerrial, Thorpe Arnold) Saltby, Sproxtou, Beskerby, and r, Eastwell : : : : Ultt0 Barkstone, Plungar, Stathern, Eaton, and Branstone, : Granby and Sutton, in the County of Nottingham. : : Quenby, : : : : Odstone and Ibstock, S } ; Barton and Nailston, : : ; Ashby- de- la- Zouch, : : : Goacby Marwood, : : : • Harby, Hose, Lang Claxton, and Scalfo- d, : : Belvoir, in the County of Leicester, and VVoolsthorpe, in the County of Lincoln, Cold Overton and Knossington, : : ; Prestwold and Cotes, : : : ' Barkby, Barkby Thorpe, Rearsby, Hamilton, Humbentone, North End of Thur- r „ ,. 1 maston, Quenby, andSyston, : : ; W. W. rochin, tsq Ditto Ditto Mrs. Ashliy F. D. Astley, Esq. i. D. Astley, Esq. Earl of Moira Edward Manners, Esq. Duke of Rutland Ditto John Frewin Turner, Esq. C. J. Packe, Esq. Wimeswold, Beaumanor and Woodthorpe, Galby, Houghton, and Little Stretton, Notton- by- Galby, : Sheepshead, Hathern, and Gracedtcu, W'anlip, : : Castle Donington, : Donington Park, J Cot'esbach and Shawell, : Wartnaby, Wycomb, and Chadwell, James Ella, Esq. • William Herrick, Esq, George A. Legh Keck, F. sq. Rev. W. S. Lee, T. Pares, Esq. & J. Moore, Gent, as 1 rustees T. M. Phillipps, Esq. Sir Charles Grave Hudson, Bart. Earl of Moira Ditto Rev. Robert Marriott Thomas Babington, E q. if Stapleford Saxbv, and VVymondham, in the County of Leicester, Teieh and Whis-^ , r tI , , „ sendine, m the County of Rutland, 6 Earl of Harborough Exors : S : C. L Smith, Esq. : - g Trustees of Bosworth School : s Rev. Philip Story : • Ditto : : Earl of Stamford and Warrington Leicester Abbey Lordship and Leicester, r _ „ _ . County of Leicester, Grantham, Borough and Soke, Great Ponton, Manthorpe, Little Gunnerby, Sp ttlegate, Walton, SirWm. Manners, Bart. Somerby, Silk Willoughby, Ilanby, Keashy, Bassiugthorpe, VVestby, Twyford, » nd North VVitham, and South William, in the County of Lincoln. 1' ublished by Order of his Majesty's Commiuionffi for the Affairs of Taxes. MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. Enderby, Great Appleby, : t Kegworth and Lockington, Hemmington, ! Breedon, 1' onge, and Wilson, Buckminster, Sewestern, Garthorpe, Bishop's Fee and Knighton, in the Mark- Lane, Sept. 18, ldo9 The supply of Wheat to- day was a tolerable on ® , for'he t nie of year, and our buyers being nume « rou » , a further advance of 4s per quarter took, place generally, and even rather more in the sale of a few select samples early in the morning. New Rye is clearer. Barley, ol which we have a short • upply, has suffered no reduction in price; and more money was required for Fine Malt. White Pease sold nearly uprn last week's terms; but Beans of each sort were dearer. We had nut in. my fresh arrivals of Oats, but sufficient on hand to an- swer the demands of the day. Fine Flour ha » again risen, and 95i. per sack named as the Price j w. th intimat on that a further advance may be de- manded before next market day. PISIC E OF GRAIN. Wheat 86s to 99s Fine - 104s to 108s Itye - - - - 50s to 5bs Barley 38s to 46- Fine- - - - - — s to 48s Malt 78s to 84s Fine - s to 86- White Pease 65s lo 76 » Grey Pease 46s to 52 » New Beans New Tick » Oats Fine - - - - Polands - - 56s to ti2 » 46s to 52s 30s to 34* — s to 38s to 42| Kent Sussex Essex PRICE OF HOPS Bags. 3i lOi to 4/ 14s 31 Of to 4/ 2J 31 lOi to 4. 10* Kent Sussex Farn. Pockets' 4.' Oi to 51 15 » 31 3s to 41 4s 61 0t to 8( 0s SMITHFIELD.- Monday Sept. 18. Til sink the offal, perstoneof 81b. Beef 4s 4d to 5 » 4d J Veal 5s 0d to 6s Mutton4s 8d to 5s 6d | Pork 5s Od 10 6s HEAD OF CATTLE THIS DAY. Beasts, about 2670— Sheep and Lambs 17,510 Od 8( t PRICE O* TALLOW. St. James's Market --- - - - - - 5, Clare Market o » WliitechapelMarket .......... a.... 6S ( Per Stone of 81b.) S 17 Average Price - -.-..... 5s Town Tallow - -- -- -- -- — - -- - 92j Russia ( Can.) - 90s t v Russiaditto ( So.) - - --------- - 88s to — s Melting Stuff - - 7u lo — s Ditto rough - -- -- - -- ........ 45s ( o 47 ® Graves - -.--- jr » ...... ..... — s to 14s Good Dregs - - — s 10 14 » Yellow Soap 98s— Mottled 108s— Curds. 112s Price of Candles, per doz. 14s. bu— Moulds 1 it Od, M PD 9d 2d H OJ - s PRICE OF LEATHER. In LeadenfialtMarket. Butts - - .-- KEI Ditto -....-.-.-.-.. 1 Merchants' Backs - . - - . - - Dressing Hides - -- -- - - - - Fine Coach Hides - - - - . . . Crop Hides orcutt, Call Skins Ditto ...... Ditto SinallSeals - - . . Large ditto - - - - Tanned Horse Hides QoatSkius - - - . 22d to < 23d • 23d to Sid 1' Jd to 2Jd 17J to 19ei tw « d - 19d to 2fid • 26d to 32d • 34d to Old • 33d to 3' d SSd to 3' Ji 10(! s to !.'() » - 20d tt> 22J - 30s to 33 Printed and Published by John Tnce, I\, ar ket- place, Leicester. -— This Paper is regularly filed in London ; attheLondon, C hapter, and Peel's Coffee Houses; and by W Taylor and T. Newtou, Piinters Agents, No. 5 Warwick- square, New- gate- street ; where Advertisements are received.— Tht Paper may also be seen at Mr. Billing* ' Crown, Vinegar- yard, Drury- lane; at the Pied Horse, Chiswell- street, Finsbury- square; at the Bull's- Head, Vere- street; Advertisements are re- ceived, and the Paper distributed by Mr. Tupman and Mr. Dunn, Nottingham ; Mr. Ridgard, Shef field'; Mr. Marriott, Derby; Miss Wilson, Bother- ham; M,\ Bar row, Kegworth; Mr. Sroith, Iskjf- well ; Mr. Warin and Mr. Parkts, Ashbourne; Mr, Hollennsfiaw, Tideswell; Mr. Dodswoitli, Burton; Mr. Adams, Druggist, Loughborough ; Mr. I ester, Shaepsliead ; Messrs. G. ar. d A. Vi aid Hinckley; Clementson, Meiton; IV'r Losebv, Billesdon, Oakham, & c.; Mr. Rolert Yoting, Ashby and Villages adjacent, 4tc, Mr. Glover Fust y fc Graiithaas, / I • i ' , . f ' . .. • - ',•',' Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. ^ ^ Horned and Curiously Spotted Sheep. TO BE SOLD, AFew Ewes, Lambs, Wethers, and Bams, the Annual Selection from a Nobleman's Park, in the County of Derby. Further Particulars may he know n by application to Sir. Bishop, Crowns Inn, Leicester. All Letters, tn'usibe Post- paid. At FOR READY MONEY. until the 5th Valuable Grass Keep and Hay, of April next. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr DAVIS, On Saturday, September 23, 1809, ait two o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the Peacock Inn, TWENTY ONE Acres of capital EDDISH, With a Rick of ILiy, tving by the side of the Turnpike Road lending to Bolgrav'e, uud adjoining St. Margarets Parish Piece, and near to Mr. Steven- son's, the Peacock Inn, Belgrave Gate, Leicester. For View of tbe same apply to the Aoctionaer. Useful Genteel Household Funitiurs. ; SOLD BY AUCTiOr* Bv Mr. DAVIS, At the Three Crowns Inn, in Leicester, in ThurMay the 5th Day of October next, at 5 o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and then produced ; \ Valuable Piece of Ground, in the Parish of St Margaret, in Leicester, containing 1A. 0R. 6P. or thereabouts, situate between Arch- deacon Lane and the Church Yard, and having a Front of 192 Feet or thereabouts towards Archdeacon Lane aforesaid; together with 9 Tenements or Diyellinghouses, and 2 Stockingmaker's Shops erected thereon. The Whole now or late in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Ainsworth and his Undertenants. For further Particulars apply to Mr. WATKINSON, Builder High Cross Stree*. Valuable Live Stock, Implements in Husbandry. ^ yTO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, V In Mot Mr the c; TO BE SOU) BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Monday and Toesdav, September 26 and 26, 1809; ALL ihe genteel Household Furniture, and otjier Effects, & e & c. of LIEUT. EDMONDS, Deceased, On the Premises, in the Granby- Streat, Leicester; Consisting of good 4- Post, Tent, aud Half- tester Bedsteads, clothed with various Furniture; very good Feather aud Flock Beds, Blai kets, Coverlets, hanlsome Mahogany Double Chest of Drawers, capi- tal i% rge solid Mahogany Linen Chest, with Drawers complete; Mahogany Kneehole Chest of Drawers, good Oik Hanging Press, Pier and Swing Glasses ' China and Glass, good Scotch and other Carpets very, good Mahogany Square, Dining, Card, Snap and .^ ther Tables ; .2 Sets of handsome Mahogany Chairs, capital 8- Day Clock, usefdl Sofa, Mahogany Frame and Rollers, useful Kitchen Chairs and Ta- bles, ilrass Pets and Pans, 30- Gallort Copper, very good Fire Fringe, with Dogs and Trivets complete, Side Oven, capital Patent Tin Roast Meat Jack, small1 Barrels, Tubs, Glass Bottles, with a Variety of other." Kitchen Requisites, & c. - See. Sale to begin each Morning at 10 o'clock. The above Goods are very useful and will be foUnd • worth At ention. By Mr. DAVIS, On'Mondav October 9, 1809, on the Premises of Mr. J. HUSKISSON, ofHaistead, near Til ton- on - the- Hill, Leicestershire, ONSiS'llNG of 40 valuable Breeding Ewes, 60 Theaves, 40 Shear hogs, SO Wether and Ewe Lambs, capital Draught Horse, 2 Draught Mares In- foal, I Foul, capital 6 Inch Waggon, 3 Narrow- wheel Ditto, two six- Inch Carts, I Narrow- wheel Ditto, capital Scuffler, Double and Single Ploughs, Harrows, very good Oak Land Roll, Lad- ders, Tackle for 6 Horses, upwards of 60 Fence Fleaks, Corn Try, Forks, Rakes, Sieves, & r.. On Account of the Number of Lots, W. D. re- spectfully requests the early Attendance of those Gentlemen who may wish to become PUtcha- sers, as Leicester Fair being the following Day, the first Lot of Sheep is intended to be put up in the Morning ( with their Permission) precisely at Half- past 9 o'clock, as the Whole must be concluded in one Day. The above Sheep are well worth Attention, and the Implements in Husbandry are in good Condi- tion. Cfjratre, 3ltimnx. S* BY PERMISSION. By Desire ofthe Ste&^ rd of the Races. This present Evening, .". ID. W* c" ptember 22, will be presented the celeU. Hafl. Comedy of THE POOR GENTLl<: r » ' AN, End of the Play a Comic Song by Mr. Atkinson. To which will be added die Farce of The Irishman in London. On SATURDAY Evening will be performed, ( for the first Time in this Theatre), a new Comedy, , called, . MAN AND WIFE, Or, more Secrets than One. - • To Which will be added ( for the second Time), the Grand Pantomime of The Death of Captain Cook. On MONDAY Evening, the Tragedy of VENICE PRESERVED, . Or, A Plot Discovered. After which will be performed the Interlude of The Ghost, or, the Affrighted Farmer. With other Entertainments, fays of performing, Monday's, Tuesday's, Wed- nesday's, and Friday's. BOXES 3s. PIT 2s. GALLERY Is. Tickets and Places for the Boxes to be taken at Mr. Johnson's Fruit Sliop, Upper F, lid of the Market- place.— Pit and Gallery Tickets to be bad at the Printers. . ,.,„•!• The Doors to be opened at Six, and the Perform- ance to begin at Seven o'Clock. { gy The following hiuch admired and popular New Pieces are iti preparation, The Foundling of tbe Forest, wriiten by J Dimoad, Esq. as performed at theTHeatre Royal, Hiymarket, with universal Ap- plause. The Africans or H ar, Lure and .\ lercy by G. Colmah, Esq. / he Eti% by F. Reynelds, Esq. and Killing no Murder, by E. 11 tlbok, Estj. with other Novelties which will be produced very speedily. n Stou t\ Gr Lougl; 0 1 O B fci S O L D. EXCHANGE, LEICESTER, 14th September, 1809. To Master Millers. . Wants a Situation, Immediately or at Michaelmas next, •< ASingle Man as Grinder, either in a Wind of Water Mill ; can Write or keep Books oc- casionallj'. Address Letters, Post- paid, W. T. Jour- jxl Office. Wanted, Stout active YOUTH, as an Apprentice rocer. — Enquire of PALMER and SON, Loughborough. " th Sept. 1809. To Noblemen or Gentlemen. AYoung Man of good Connexions wishes for a Situation, as Agent or Sieward to any Noble- man's or Gentleman'^ Estate;— Reference will be given of Respectabilty, & c. < S Addies!!, Post- paid to 2. A. to be left at the Anclidr Inn, Loughborough, till cail'd for, will be immediate- attended to. ...... . SEPTEMBER 22. The Sale of the Keeping, on the Piem- se) of Mr. North, ai ' Burton Lazars, is POSTPONED UNTIL FUtlTUElt NOTICE. T. BUHT& N, Auctioneer, -— North, sty. UNTl to & Wanteds <•. Servant who understands the Care of Horses, can drive a Carriage; and wait at Table. A good Character will be required.-— Apply to the Rev. JOHN OLIVER, Swepston. " 7$ ~ INTIMATION., , vi . . ,- / \ Person resident in Edinburgh, who has already f \ occasion to vis t the principal Towns in Scotland twice a Year, could with great convenient cy take Commission in any, or each of the following Lines, viz. for a Cloth House; 3 Flannel House; and a Nottingham or Leicester House; and as he can procure, undoubted Recommendation, and obtain sufficient. Security, none need apply, hut such as do Business on liberal and extensive Principles; espe- cially as he means to do every Tiling in his Power for their Interest. I. ettfers, addressed to A. B. at Mr. Purve's, IS, Princes Street, Edinburgh, will be attended to. 11th Sept. 1309. By Order of the Trustees of Thomas Chapman, , / V P a Meeting of Hosiers Convened by public by Virtue of a Deed of Assignment, duly exe- \ l\ cutedby htm for that Purpose, I" HE PATENT of MILLS for GRINDING BARK, several of which are erected in Hull Valuable Live and Dead Stock, Implements in Husbandry, c. U*' —- 7 0 BE SOLD BY AUC1ION, By rfr. DAVIS, Oh Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept 27, 28, and 29, 1S09, ALL the truly valuable Live and Dead Stock, and Keep until Hie 10th ai October next, on the Premises of Mr. LAKIN; Of Broughton Astley, Leicestershire, ( Who is going to leai e his Farm); First Day's Sale, /) ednesday Sept 27, 1S1' 9, Consisting of 120 valuable Ewes and Th- aves, 45 Capital Shearhogs, 10 fat Sheep, 90 Wether and Ewe Lambs, 5 capital Ram Lambs, and 1 Shear- ling Ditto, very useftil Draught Mare, 2 Dit'o with Foals, 2 2 Year old Draught . Colts, 2 Yearling fcrauj bt Filleys, c- pital Useful Road Horse, remark- able safe to go, 6 Year old; 2 Porkct Pigs, 8 Lots of very good Horse Tackle. Second Day, • hursday Sept. 2 i. Consists of 10 fat Cows, Barren Ditto and Heifer, 6 3- Year- old Heifers, 4 capital Dairy Cows, 4 Yearl- ing valves, useful 3 Year old Bull, 3 useful Narrow wheel Waggons, 1 Cart and Wster Ditto, 2 capital ti- lnch Carts, very good Double and Single- Wheel • i'luughs, 2 Pair of Gale Harrows, Sheet Ditto, capi- tal Oak Land Roll, near 100 Fence FltaKs, Sheep Trough, Waggon Ropes, Winnowing Fan, Cow Cribbs, with a Variety ofother Articles; with 8- i Acres of Grass Keep uuti 1 the 10th of October next. Friday, 1 hrrd Day's Sale, Sept. 29 Consists of a Quantity of Bags, Fotks, Rakes, Sieves, Trys, Malt Mills; also, several Lots of Household Furniture, consisting of 4- Post anil other Bedsteads, Wool Beds, Blankets, Tables, 6 hand- some Mahogany Chairs', 3 50- Gallon, I 40, and smaller well- seasoned Barrels, good 8- Strike Mash Vats, Coolers, and other Tubs to correspond; Lead Salting Troughs, 20- Galloti Copper, 12 Dozen of I, lass Wine Bottles, very good Beam and Scales, Iron Weights, capital 2o Gallon Cheese Pan, Milk Tans, Pails, Yokes and Buckets; Quantity of good Cheese and Bacon, frith a Variety of other Articles. Sale to begin each Morning at Terr o'Clock. Particular Attention has been paid to the Breed of the Sheep and Beast, the Horses are remarkable use- ful, and the Whole will be found Well tforth Atten- tion. Catalogues to be had at the Place of Sale, Snd of the Auctioneer, Leicester, on Saturday preceding the Sale. and the Neighbourhood, and are found to answer the most sanguine Expectation ; executing the Work in ihe most complete Manner, far superior to any Mill or Method yet known to the Public* Those Mills can be a laptecl to the Power of Horse, Steam, Water, or Wind, The Trustees will dispose of the Patent in one Lot, or Licence any Person, or Peisons, to erect one or more Mill or Mills. For Particulars apply at the Office of Mr. J DAY, Conveyancer, Waterworks street. Any Person infringing on the above- mentioned Patent, will be prosecuted. This wiil be no more Advertised. Hull, Sept. 6, 1809. Soap Manufactory, Nottingham. ' TO BE DISPOSED OF, AN old and we. H established Manufactory for Soft Soap, which has lieen Carried on at Nottingham for a great Number of Years, and capable of being much extended, Lett' rsf Post- paid) add, • ssed to Messrs, MIDDLE- MORE anil PER Y, Sri citors. Nottingham, will be immediately attendee lo ; but an Interview with any Person desirous of Treating for- the above would be preferred. Adveruzemen , to consider the. Expediency of opposing the intended Application to Parliament for a Renewal or Extension of Mr. Barber's Patent. Mr. HENRY WOOD, ia the Chair. RESOLVED,— That from the Evidence which has been laid before tin's Meeting, the Members of it are well S3tified that it is the Object of Mr Barber to engross to himself the exclusive Right to make all Kinds of Double Looped Manufacture. RESOLVED,— That the Application of Mr. Barber for an Act of Parliament as announced in his Advertize- ment he opposed. RasoLVLO,— That a Subscription be entered into to defray the Expence of such Opposition, and of the othei' Objects of ihis Association. RESOLVED,— That the Members of this Association will Support each other in the Right of making Double Looped Manufacture, by any Machines or Inventions whatever, except those which are secured to any In- dividuals by existing legal Patents. RESOLVED,— That Mr. Thomas iirrbidge of Leices- ter be the Solicitor of tin's Association, and conduct such Business as shall arise out of it. ( Signed) H. WOOD, Chairman N. B. The Subscription Paper lies at the Office of Mr. Burbidge, in New Street, for Signatures. 7* J^ Q- Building Materials. TO BE SOLD B^ PRlVAT fc CONTRACT, ALarge Quantity; consisting o! Br'cks. Slates, Timber, Floors, Doors, Sashes, Chimney Pieces, two Water Closes, a Force Pump, Reservoir, Stable, Fixtures, See See. al| in the highest State, of Preservation, having been built within eight Years, late the Property and Residence of ftiigo Meynell, Esq. of Quorndon, near I. otigborougln For further Particulars and to treat fHt the same, apply to I HOS. WARNER, or WILLIAM HENSON, of tioirghboro'i Attendance oil the Premises every day from Ten o'Cluck to Four till the Wllol posed of, Loughborough, 22nd September, 1809 37 PARDON ASK. LD. 7HEKEAS I JAMES BOWLES, of the / Par'sh of All Saints, in Leicester. Victualler did assault John Hester, Serjeant at Mace of the Borough of Leicester, in the Execution of his Duty, aslla liff, md be having agreed to withdraw his Pro- secution against me, upon the Terms of paying T\ VO GUINEAS to the Public Infirmary of this Town, and asking Pardon m the provincial Paper of this Coiinty : Now I do hevebv thus publicly Acknow ledge my Fault, and do declare that 1 have thi s Day paid Two Guineas to the Treasurer of the Leicester Infirmary, and admit that 1 have been very lenient- ly dealt with by my Prosecutor, and humbly hope tliat this may be considered as a Lesson to those who shall hereafter obstruct Persons intrusted in the Execution of their Duty, as Officers ofthe Borough and County of Leicester. JAMES BOWLES. Witness— J. SMITH, Weditej- If) I" le isDis- tXX7HERG I VV during lO BE LET. A Valuable Live and Dead Stock, Household Furniture, IfC. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Monday and Tuesday, October 2 and 3, 1809 ; HpHE valuable Live and De id Stock, House- JL hold Furrniture, & c. & c. of i Mr. BO IT KILL, Deceased, On the Premises at Biaimston, Leicestershire j Consisting of 10 valuable Ewes, 20 Shearliogs, 50 Wether and Ewt Lambs, 4 Rearing Calves, 2 Yearl- ing Calves, 6 useful Dairy Cows, 3 Store. Pigs, very j; ood Draught Horse, a very good Horse Foal, Nar- rcnv- ivheel Waggou, 2 Six- Iocll Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Horse Tackle, Winnowing Fail, Bags, Cribs, Milk Leads and Siate, Buckets, Pails; Bar- rel Churn, Cheese Tubs, & c. jce< The Household Furniture, Sec. consists of very good Bedsteads and Hangings, Feather and Wool Heds. Blankets, Coverlets, Glass, China, Pier and Suing Glasses, Tables, Chairs,' Brass Pots and Pans, and other useful Kitchen Requisites.- y- Also, gooi Brewing Tubs, 50 and 36- Gallon Barrels, & c. & C. Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock. Farm at Wood Walton in the County of Hun- tingdon, and entered upon at I^ ady- day next, consisting of 437 Acres, 140 Acres of which is Fen Land, abdut 60 Acres of the High Land in Til- lage, and the Remainder of the Farm Pasture. For a Particular ofithe Lands and a View of the Premises, apply to Wm. Lenton of Wood Walton ; aud further Particulars of Mr Kinibolton, in the said Countv, MALT STOLEN, . IAS about 1G Str ke of Malt was stolen ing the last Week, from the Siore Room of Mr. Staples, at the Roe Buck Inn, High Street; any Person giving Information, so that the Parties may b « brougli to justice, shall, on Conviction, re ceive a Ren aid of TEN GUINEAS; and if more than one Person was concerned, and will impeach his or her Accomplice or Accomplices, he or she shall receive tbe same Reward, and every endeavour used to obtain for the Person so impeaching, his Majesties Paldou. High Street, Sept 21, 1809. 7' Royal Exchange Assurance Oflice, London, August 9, .1809. « rHE Corporation of the Royal Exchange As- surance Office have constituted and appointed Mr. William Daulby, of Loughborough, GrOcsrj ibeit: Agent. and Receiver for the said I'lace and Parts adjacent* for the Assurance of Buildings, Goods, Merchandize, and Farming Stock, from Loss or Damage by Fire, and also for tlie Assurance of Li/ ves. ' By Order of the Court of Direfitora, SAM. PENNING, Junr. Secretary. ASH BY - DE- LA- ZO UC H C ANA L. ["" HE next General Assembly of Proprietors to th. s Undertaking, wiljbe ht'ld at theQueen's lead Inn, in Ashby- de- la Zouch, iij the County of Leicester, on Monday the 2d of October next, at II o'clock in, the Forenoon, when and where the seve- ral Proprietors are requested to attend by them- selves or Proxies. JOHN CROS^ I. EY, • , Clerk to the Company of Proprietors. Ashby- de- la- Zouch, Sept. 16, " lS09. / On Si ' J^ VVl LOST, SatUrd . y Morning, last, Sept. 16th, 1809, WO CASH CHECKS, drawn by Messrs. M. and W, Gregory, upon Messrs. Mans- field aud Co. Bankers, payable to Messrs. Worthing- tonandSon, or Bearer, one for 14/. 18s. dated Lei- cester, September 14, and tbe other. No. 380, for 23 i. 12s. 6d. dated Sept, 15. Whoever will bring the same to Mr. W. GILL, Vpple- gate- street, Leicester, shall ree'dve HALF- A- GUINEA Reward. N. B. Payment being stop'd they are of no use to ;< nv Person but Mr. Gill. If £*) T O B E L E T, * \ Complete Hosier's Warehouse, eligibly situ - ated.— For further Particulars enquire at the STAMP OFFICE. CHEESE FAIR. NOTICE is hereby given. That the Annual Meeting for the Sale of Cheese at I. ough- boroitgh, will beheldon Saturday the 30th Instant. Loughborough, September20, 18 9. Notice lo Creditors. Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of JOIlN MID- DLETON, late of Long Whatton, in the County of Leicester, deceased, are desired to send an Account of tfieirsaid Debts to Thomas Upton and Charles Har- ris, Executorsof the last Will of the said Testator, that they mav be discharged :— And also all Persons who stand indebted to the said John Middleton, are requested to pay the same immediately to the said Executors, and without further Notice. Long Whatton, September 4, 1809. C. BLiboDWORTH, f %/ . Broughton Astley Association. * THREE GUINEAS AND A HALF • „ REWARD. WHEREAS iri the Night of Wednesday the 13th or early on Thursday Morning the 14tli Septeinber Inst., Fourteen Fowls, the Property of Mr. George Merrick Allen, of Cosby, were feloni Onsly stolen. Whoever will give Information, so thaK L the Offender or Offenders may be prosecuted to Conviction, shall receive the Reward of ONE GU4 NEA AND A HALF from the Treasurer of the above Association ; and the further Reward of TWO GUI- NEAS from the said George Merrick Allen. JOllN L. GREAVES, Solicitor to the above Association. Leicester, Sept. 20, 1809. fTEN < HEltE A Mr. Ch < I f f ' Tl E Executors and Devisees, iii trust, under . fiil the. Will ofiWCHARD HOW, ^ Valuable Live Stock, Grass Kc » pi uud Hay, until 25th March, IS 10. r TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Bv Mr DAVIS, On Wednesday and Thursday, October 4 and 5, 1809, 011 the Premises of Mr. W. WARD, of Que- bec, near Sileby, Leicestershire, who is leaving that Farm, Wednesday October4, 1809, First Day's Sale, ( CONSISTS of 90 capital Breeding Ewes, 60 S valuable Theaves. 80 Shear- hogs, TO Wether ami Ewe Lambs, 3 veiy useful Draught Mares and Horses, capital 2 Year old Draught Colt, 2 Fat I'igs, & c. & c. Thursday October 5, Second Day's Sale Consists of 111 prime Dairy Cows, 9 capital Heifers, 0 fmtr Year old Bullocks, 4 Fat Cows, 5 three Year eld Heers, 5 Stirks. 2 useful Yearling Bulls, 2 Steer Calves, 4 Cow Ditto; also seven Lots of valuable Grass Keep, with Hay to each, containing near 140 Acres, to be eaten on the Premises, aud cleared by the 25th March, 1810. Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock. The auove Flock of Sheep have been regularly bred for upwards of 20 Years, from Rams hired of Mr. Stone of Quorndori, ( whose Stock is too well known to require any comment) therefore it is pre- sumed the Public will consider the Sheep worth par- ticular Observation; the Beast and Hojses will be found well worth Attention. , Ipteof Mar- ket Harborough, in the County of Leicester, Tammy Merchant, deceased, lequest the Creditors of his Es- tate to meet them at the Angel lull; ii( Market Har- boroUgli, 011 Wednesday the twenty- seventh Day of this curr< 4it Month, at Eleven o'Clock in tbf. Fore- noon, to confer upon the State of his Affairs, and the best Mode to be adopted to bring them to a Coii-, clusign. . Market Harboroirgh, 5th Sept.. 1809. GUINEAS REWARD. AS the Windows of the House of Charles Coleman, facing the New Walk, have of late been several Times broken in the Night, by the Throwing of Stones or otherwise, and 011 Monday Night last, about the Hours of Ten or Eleven o'Clofck, some evil disposed Person or Per- sons did ftantculy or maliciously break the said Win- dows : Any Person who can give Information of the said Offender or Offenders, so that they may be brought to Justice and Convicted, shall receive TEN GUINEAS Reward ; if more than one were concern- ed and will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, shall, on Conviction, receive the saftie Reward and ^ ve^ y endeavour Used to obtain bis5Majesty's Pardon. Cheap Boot and Shoe Warehouse, OTTOM OF SILVER STREET, LEICESTER}. HORTON, w th much Respect returns sincere - Thanks to his P'riends and the ^ ublic, for tlie distinguished Preference they have shewn for the Goods ot his Manufactory, at the same Time assures thenr thestrictest Attention will continue to be paid to neatness and firmness of Workman- ship, anil that lie riow has an Opportunity of Offering to their Notice a vety large and most fashionable As- sortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dregs Slides, of the best Quality, the Superiority ol'which wid beevi dent from a slight Inspection.-.. , N. B. Gjod illlowance to Wholesale Customers. Leicester, July 13, t1809. •- H ' •' MARRIED. • Yesterday) at Melton Mowbray, Mr. Ciementsori, stationer, toMissJUdd, daughter of Mr. Thos. Judd, of the samfe place; it >, 1 - a.< . On Sundav last, at Saprc'te-, Mr. Thomas Wapples, of Sutton, in tlie parish of Brouzhton Astley, to MisS Ann Whitmore, of tlie former place. I DIED. -. I On Tuesday morning, Mrs. Stevens, wife of R. ' Stevens, Esq. of this town, .', • ; s A few days ago, Mr. Prone, of the North- gate- j treet. , V • Lately, Mr. Johnson, at the Joseph Inn, Belgrave- 1 gate, in this town;— lie was a relative of the late Dr. Saniuel JohnJon, a part of whose property hein- j herited. • 1 :•, O11 Saturday last, Mrs- Smit- Ii, cf Peckleion, in this county, relict of the late Mr.. Thomas Smith, of that place; she was a truly benevolent - and pious christian, and by her death her neighbours have lost a valuable friend, and the pfior a constant benefac- tress.. . • 1 •>.: , . t . On Thursday . last, ifter a'd& ii. Ulrieb, Str. Sad- jer, grocer, In Middlegate, jewark. The Rev.' Geoj- ge. Smith,- of Bridlington, ha? been licensed by his Grace the Archbishop of fork, to the perpetual- Curacy - of- Bridlington afore- said on the nomination of Sir Frances LindleV Wood, Bart. Lady Wood, and Miss Buck; . and also instituted to the vicarage cf Brighton,-. in Yorkshire, on the presentaiion of Sit W. Strick- land, of Boynton, Bdrt. Mr. \ ld. Firmadge is elected Mayor ofjhis Bo- roiigh for the ertsulng year. Phe Corporation of Stamford hsVc taken up tH suggestion of improving the town bv a new n . vi- gation ; and have convened a meet ng to consider of a communication with the Grand Junction Canal, by means of a cdt to Market Harborough. Our races although very respectably at'ended, were net so numerous in: company as last year, the Musical Festival in an adjoinirig county a tr- icted several families 6f consequence who usnallv attend. fcd.-- Among the most diminished personages pre « sent Were IPs Gracte tlte Duke ol Rutland ; i,, d Robert Manners ; Lord and Lady lianc lfe; tue Hon. Forbes j the Hon. i* Forbes, Junr. Sir iViU. iam and Lady Rumboid . J. C. Twisleton Esq. ahd Mrs, Tvvisjeton ; J. F. Simpson Esq. Colonel Crump, Colonel Wollasron, John Mans- field, J. B. Story, T. A. Smith, J. Lloyd, Geoi- gp PyweH, A. T. RttwlinSon, T, C. Browne, Esq » . and Major Wilson. Lord Tamwbrth is elected steward for the ensuing year. , , Such is the popularity ofthe County Fire• Office, / find the eagerness to, become partners in that thriving concetti, that double and tnble the origi- nal price is frequently offered to procure shares; but in vairi It is o'heiWis'e with those who desire to iristire,. they are admitted at the Common . rat . S and without any encreas? of exDinse on removal from other offices, although at the same time ttiejr are equally entitled to snare ihe profits with the subscribers to the Capital of 4< X>, o00i. Liclljield tiaces— On Tuesday, the King's pl., tc of one hundred guineas w s won by Poulton, beat- ing Teazle EvitCli arid Litthfleld. A sweepstakes of sixty guineas was won by Mr. Dyott's horse Litchfield; beating Victoria.— On Wednesday, 1 MESSRS POLLARD and SHFNTON, EsPECTFULI. Y inform their Friends and the Public, that they, are now carrying on, at their New Factory, Graiiby Street, the Stone and Marble Masonry, Carving, Engraving, & c.— Also, that they haye receiveJ, and are getting up; an As- sortment of Marble Mortars, and Chimney Orna- ments, & e. of the Alabaster aud Derbyshire Spar, which they trust will meet with the Approbation of those Ladies and Cjfentlemen who may Honour them with their Commands. N. B. Every Order in the above Branches, will be exeputed with Neatness, and Dispatch, ou the most reasonable Terms. Leicestet, Sept. 14, 1809. 1 Leii b TWO SER- , N Sunday October 1, 1803, MONS will b? preached, By the Rov. W. PICKERING!, of llkis on, At the Baptist . Chapel, Hugglescote, for tbe Benefit of the Sunday School belonging to that Congre- gation. Service to begin at 2 o'Clock. in the Afternoon, and 6 in the Evening. CHARITY SERMON. Hinckley. • , ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of JOHN DUMELOW, Grocer; & c. a Bankrupt, are hereby requested to pay their respective Ac- counts to Mr. THEOPIIILUS GOODWIN, on the Premises, on or before Monday next the 25th Inst. or they will be sued for the same. September 20, 18( 19. Leicester, Septi 21, 1809. I1EREAS on Monday Night last, between the Hours of Ten and Eleven o'Clock, some evil disposed Person or Persons did wantonly o'r maliciously', ' ipitlj Fire Arrris, Shoot at tire VVin- dow of Miss Bafcess*( iji the Horse Fair Street, who were^ t the same 10e sitting in the Room, and also j imnrSRitcly after me Explosion, did throw with yio- j lenpe a Brick Bat through tfcrsaid Window, by ^ 1 which means several Panes . of Glass \? ere brokfen, and b ther Damage donfei Whoever can give Information of the Offender or Offenders, so as they may be brought to Justice, Shall, on Conviction, receive TEN GUINEAS Reward ; if Turbervilte's Superior Liquid Blacking. more thaijhpue were Concerned, and vvill impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, shall, 011 Conviction, i enter any of her fortified harbours, receive the same Reward, and every endeavour used to obtain his Majesty's Pardon. ' JI IS invaluable Composition is so prepared that it will improve the Quality of ihe Leather, at the same Time producing the most beautiful Jet black, will not soil the linest Linen, or ferment in the hottest Climate, thus uniting the good Properties of the various other Preparations offered to the Public, at 3d per Pint lower than any of them, Pint Bottles are sold at 15d and \ Pints Win. Parsons, Ironmonger, & c. being aurf^ iTed by the Inventor, his - Agent art. Leicester,^^ nabled to make a liberal Allowance to the TiatUaiid to retail Venders, Margaret Street, Cavendish Squaie; September 19, 1809. ADVERTISEMENT. J. SCHWEPFE and Co's Sida, Rochelle and Artificial Mineral Waters. JSCIIWEPPE and Co. again to swtire , the Public in general, that Dotwrthit- muing any Advertisement to the Contrary, thr'. t'bove Waters can only be had genuine of Mr. E. S VF'sFfit, where a constant and regular Snpply will always ensure the Article in the greatest State of Perfection, at tis. per Dozen, Half Pints j and 10s. Cit. per Dozen, Pints; Sunday next, September 24, a SER- MON will be Preached at the independent Meeting, Bond Street, Leicester By the Rev. J. JERRARD, of Coventry, For the Benefit of the Sunday Schools belonging to that Congregation. Appropriate Hymns wilt he Sung oh the Occasion, Service to begin at 3 o'Clock. I •••• II !•! I II ' ' a LONDON, THUkSDA- X September 21. We learn that a Gentleman who reached Leith last Thursday from - Gottenburgji, has brought an account that the * ternis of Peace between Rhssia and Sweden 4ere finally ar- ranged. The latter had continued firm in re- sisting the demand that her Ports should be shut against British commerce; but she had consented that no British ships of war shonkl It was understood that Finland was positively to be ceded to Russia. This lias b^ en positively stated once before, a'nd contradicted. We are happy to state that nearly 30 sail of the homeward- bound LeevVard Island and Ja- ma ica fleets wete entered on the books at Lloyd's yesterday morning, as having arrived at different ports in the Channel. Cabinet Councils have been held for the last three days. Their deliberations have been long, and it is rumoured, principally upon the new . Ministerial arrangements. phte of fifty pounds was Won bv Calico, beating Marquis and Teazle P> itth. Mr. Dyott's brown mare by Telescope walkfed otfer the course fort- sweepstakes of one hundred guineas.. On Thurs- day, a purse of fifty guineas was won bv_ Mr. Dyott's horse Litchfield; beating Lady Earn and twootheis. LEICESTER RACES, is09. Wednesday, September 20, thr Belvoir Stakes of 5 Guineas each, with 20 Guineas added by His Grace the D'. ike of Rutland, for Hunters.— Eleverf Subscribers. Mr. F: Needham's bt-.- g. s > | Mr. Vevei's ch. g. Warwick : : 2 Col. Wollaston's g. g. Abel" i ! br. d. A Gold Cup of 100 Guineas value, the Surplus iu Specie, by Subscribers of logs, each.— Nineteen Subscribers,. Mr. Goulburii's gr. h. Grimaldi : : i Lord Lowther's br. h. Hylas : ; 2 Lord Grey's b, h. Gustavus • • : 3 The Gentlemen's Purse of 50 Pounds, for Horses, , & c. of all Ages. Mr. T. C. Broyvn's b. h. Marquis : 3 1 J Mr. William'sch. m. Gift , .... t : 12 2 Diike of Rutland's br. c Ned : 2 3 dr T. Boultbee's Esq. br, f. Amulet { Jockey felt) dis. On I huisday September , the Pallio Stakes of 2t< Guineas each—^ mile heat— Five Subscribers! Mr. Goulburn's Romeo : : • 1 General Grosvenor's Rifleman : j % Mr. Tomes's br. b. Sir Guy : • 3 Air. Arinesley names Mr. Rush's ch, g. Harry Behind : : : i dr A Sweepstakes of 20 Guineas each, fdr 3- Year olds. one 2 mile heat.— Five Subscribers Lord Rancliffe's c. c. Sandy : ; 1 Mr. Boultbee's c.. c. by Waxy s : 2 A Subscription Purse of 10 Guineas each for all Ages. one 4- mile heat— Eight Subscribers. Mr, Goulburn's gr. h. Grimaldi walked over The Burgesses' purse of 50 Pounds, for Horses & c, that never won a King's Plate. Lord Lowther's br. h. Hylas : 0 2 0 1 1 Sir T. M. Stanley's br g. Viper 1 3 0 2 dr Duke of Rutland's br. c. Ned 0 1 3 3 dr The races were generally well contested, and the last afforded excellent diversion. Additional Benefactions for the relief of Widow Bruce and Family :— Amount in our last,' • Rev. Mr Robinson, » Col, Crump - » Mr. Aid. Gregory; Mr. Jee, I'eckleton Mn Wallis, Market- place, J'T. 1—: £ 63 13 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 JO a Roc*- FAIRS Stpt. 25. Rugby, Stratford- upon- Avon, and ' iugham 26. Loughborough and Tenby — 28. Upton 29. West Haddon and Southani —— 30. Kenilworth and Feckeuliahi PRICITOFCORN In LEICESTER MARKET, Sept. 16, I30&. PER QUARTER Wliea ( from 4- 5 5 0 to 5 " 16 0 Rye 0 0 0. Barley from 2 14 0 to 3 2 0 Oats from 1 16 0 to 2 3 0 Beans 3 0 0 to 3 15 0 Blue Pease 0 0 0 Hog Pea'se 0 0 b Oatmeal 0 0 0 JO SF. Pll sMa It, Com l< upc
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