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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser


Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Volume Number: LVIII    Issue Number: 2953
No Pages: 4
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser
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Leicester Journal and Midland Counties General Advertiser

Date of Article: 25/08/1809
Printer / Publisher: John Price 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number: LVIII    Issue Number: 2953
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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ktmal " TV: $.] ^• i'l- iX^ ilKi AND MIDLAND COUNTIES GENERAL ADVERTISER o • A Vol. LVIII. Printed ancl Published by John Price* Market- place Leicester. ( No, - 033 Fill DAY, August ' 2 b. 1809. s Circulated through the principal Towns; it populous Villages, in the Counties of Leicester, Rutland, j Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, Warwick, Northampton, Cambridge, J e, and Yorlj. £ Starflp Duty - . 34d. J PRICE C'd— ox Paper and, Print 3d J £ Kj 9 , SUNDAY'sS TUESDAY'S POSTS LONDON, MONDAY, Aug. 21. TH E ordinary Gazette of Saturday night is oi considerable length. It contains dispatches from Sir Rich. St- achan, from en board the Kan- eerou, in the West Scheldt, giving an account of his proceedings and prepara'ions for ihat which is considered the ulterior operations of the armament in that part. He announces the laadiiig of the di- visions of the army under Farl of KossJyn and Mar- quis of Iluntley on South Beveland the 9th instant, lie savs, in his first dispatch, " I am sorry to add, that tne enemy has cut the dyke to the right of the town, and the island is likely* to be inundated."— His second dispatch gives an account of the spirited and successful manner in which Lord William Stuart, with the Irigates under his Command, forced a passage up the Scneld, between the batteries of Flushing and Cadsand. CAPTURE OF FLUSHING. On Saturday eveninu, about seven o'clock, Major llradlo d, Aide- de- Camp to the Commander of the Expedition, and Lieutenant Mayne, of the Navy, arrived with dispatches from the Earl of Chatham and Sir Kichard Strachan, announcing the important ta t, which was communicated to the Lord M ayor at nine o'clock : and about 11 the Park md I ower guns announced the glorious tid- ings. ' I he following Lxttaordmary Gazette was published in the evening, detailing the particulars : LON DON GAZE IT E EXT H AO R D IN AR Y. Sunday, August 20. Donning street, August 19. A Dispatch, of which the following is a Copy, was this D> y riceived at the Office of lord Viscount Castltreagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secre- taries of State, from Lieutenant- General the Earl of Chatham, K. G. dated Head- Quarters, Middle- . burg, August 16, 1809, MY LORD. I have the honour of acquainting your I. ordship, that on the 13th instant, the batteries before Flush ing being completed, ( and the frigates, bombs, and gun vessels, having at the same tune taken their Station'.) a lire was opened at about half- past one P M. from bl p eees of heavy ordnance, which was iigo: ously returned by the enemy. An addi- tional battery of six 24- pounders was completed the same ni^ ht, and the whole continded to play • upon the town > vitlt little or no in eraiissiun till on the following day.'' On the morn ng of the Uth instant, about fen o'clock, the line of battle snips at anchor in the J. iurloo Passage, Vdiby- Rear Admiral Sir Hichard Strachan got under weigh, and ranging tip along the sea line of defence, kepi up as they passed a tremendous . annoHade on ihe town tor several hours with the greatest gailamry and effect. About fcur in the atternoon, perceiving that the fire of the enemy had entirely ceased, and the town pre- stnting a most awful scene of destruction, being on lire in almost every quarter, 1 directed Lieutenant General Sir Eyre Coote to send in to summons the ptace ; General Monnet returned for answer, that he would itply to the summons as soon as he had consulted a counsel of War, an hour had been Allowed htm for ihe purpose, but a considerable vrfie be) ond it hiving elapsed without any 3nswer being iectived, hostilities were ordered to recom- mence wiih the utmost vgour, and about 11 o'clock at mght, one of the enemy's batteries, advanced upon the Sea Dyke in front of Lieuienact General Fraser's position was most gallantly carried at the point of the bayonet, by detachments from the « V h, 71st, and light battalions of the K ng's Ger- man Legion, unuer Lieutenant Colonel Pack, op posed to great superiority of numbers s they took prisoners, kilted and wounded a great many of the enemy 1 must noi omit to mention, that on the preceding evening, an intn nclmient in front of Klajai Genetai Graham's position, was also forced in a manner equally undaunted, by tl. « 14th regi ineni, and deiacnmems of the King's German Le- gion, unoer L eutenant Colonel Nicholls, who drove the enemy liom it, and made a lodgment AM thin musket shot of the wiUtof the town, taking one^ unand 30 prisoners. About two in the morn ing, the enemy demanded a suspension of arms ( or 48 hours which was refused, and only two hours granted, when he agreed to surrender accord ng to the summons sent in, on the basis of the garrison becoming prisoners of war. I have now the satis faction ol aiquainting your Lordship, that these preliminaries being acceded lo: as soon as the Ad ir. iral landeo in the morning, Coionel Long, Ad jutant General, and Captain Cockburn of the Hoyal Naval, were appointed to negociate the further Ait. clts ol Capitulation, which 1 have now the honour to enclose. 1 hey were ratified about three this morning, when detactimentsot the Royals on the right, and his Majesty's 7 lst regiment on the left, took possession ol ti e gates of the town. ' 1 he garrisun will march out to- morrow, - an- i will be embatked as speedily as possible. imay now congtatulate your Lordship on the fall oi a place to indispensibly necessary to our fu- v ture operations, as to large a pioportion ol our foice bemg required to cany on the siege with that degree of vigour and dispatch, which the means of defence ihe enemy possessed, and particularly his powersof inundation ( which was rapidly spread- ing IU an alarming extent) rendered absolutely ne- cessary. Having hoped, had circumstances permitted, to have pioceedtd up the river at an earlier period, 1 liad committed to I icuterant General Sir Eyre Coo. e, the direction ol the details of the siege, and ol the operations before Flushing, and I cannot sufficiently express my sense ot the unremitting zeal and exertion with which he has conducted the arduous service entrusted to him, in which he was abiy assisted by Lieutenant Colonels Walsh and Offerey at ached 10 him, as assistants in the Ad much skill and judgment by Colonel Eyres, aided by Lieutenant-" olonel D'Arcey, and it is tmpos siblefor me to do sufficient justice to the distin guished conduct of the officers and men of the ' loyal Artillery, under the able direction and ani- mating example of Brigadier General M'Leod. The seamen, whose labours had already been so useful to the army, sought their reward in a fur- ther opportunity ol distinguishing themselves, and one of the batteries was accord. ngly entrusted to them, and which they served with admirable vigour and effect — 1 must here beg to express my strong sense of the constant and cordial co- operation of the navy on all occasions, ahd my warmest acknow- ledgements are most particularly due to Captain Cockburn, of the Belleisle, commanding the ft > tilla and to Captain Uichartison of the Catsar,. Com- manding the brigade of seamen landed with the army. , I have the honour to enclose a return of ( he gar- rison of Flushing, in add tion to which I have learned that, besides the number killed, which was considerable, upwards of 1000 wounded rren were transported to Cadsand, previous to the complete investment of the town. forenoon of the 14, h, proceeded with the ships al- ready named towards Flushing, meaning in pass to a tnore convenient anchorage for placing the squa- dron against it, when such a measure should appear to be necessary. , ,, . .,. U I t is squadron was led in by the St. Domingo, bearing my flag, and 1 was followed by the Blake, with the fLg of Rear Admiral Lord Gardner ; the other ships advanced in success on, boon alter we had opened, our fire, tne w fid came more south- erly, and the St. Domingo grounded inside of the Dog ' sand. Lord Gardner not knowing our situa- tion passed inside of us, by which the BLke alio grounded. The other ships were immediately di rected to. hauloff, and anchor as prev. ously intend- ed. After being some time in this situation, during V/ nich the enemy's lire slackened, by the aotive and zealous exertions of Captain Owen of the Cyde, who came to our assistance, and anchored close to ' he Sj. Dumingo. she was, got off, and soon nf. er. I had the satisfaction of seeing , the Blake also afloat, and come to anchor With the! rest o' the sqpdron. . , . ,. r . i was much pleased with the conduct and. exer-< __ . ... 1 alia subjoin a state.- tionsofCapt. Gill, of the St. Domingo, and his ment of deserters and prisoners, exclusive of the officer*, and with the steadiness, energy, and gooc* K rrison Flushing.— This dispatch will be deli- order ol the ships* company. Lord Ga dner bears the Marlborough ; Lieutenant? Russell and Burnside, of the St. Josef, slightly wounded,- A letter from Rear- Admiral Sir Richard John Strachan to the Hon. Win. W Pole, dated od board the St. Dom ngo, Flushing, 17t. h August, T. 8(;> 9, transmits one from Sir Richard Goodwin Keats, in- closingthe Terms of Capitulation, for the Surrender of the Towns of Zeirik Zee arid Browershaven, with the whole of the Islands ofSeh nven and Duivelaud. g irrison of Flushing. - vered to your Lordship by my First Aid- de- C. nnp, Major Bradford, Who is fully qualified to give your Lotidship every further information, and whom i beg leave earnestly to recommend to his Majesty's protection. I have- the honour to be, & r. ( Signed) CHATHAM. { The articles of capitulation, which follow, arc characterised by that liberality whic( j ever distin- guish British Commanders The whole of the garrison are to be prisoners of war, and sent to Eng- land as such , among whom is included, every per- son not being an inhabitant of Flushing previously to 1807.] Auwuut of the garrison which surrendered at Flush, l'ilg, n the 15tb of August, 18' 9, under the com- mand of Monnet, General of division. 16 officers of the staff, 101 officers, 3773 non- commissioned officers and soldiers, 489 sick and wounded.— Total 4379. Return of prisoners and deserters from the 30tb July to August 15th, 1809, taken ill the island of Wal- cheren. 1 Colonel, 1 Lieutenant- Colonel, 15 Captains, 27 Lieutenants, 1 Staff, 58 Serjeants, 13 drummers, 1700 rank and file. Return of the rank and names of officers, and of the number of non- commissioned officers, and rank and file killed, wounded and missing, from the 8ih instant to the surrender of Flashing, on the morning of the 15th inclusive. Head quarters, Middlebmg, Aug. 16, 1809. Total— 3 officers, 1 serjeant, 1 drummer, 26 rank andlile, killed; 15 officers, 5 seijeants, 2 drum- mers, SO rank and tile, wounded ; 1 rank aud tile missing. Names of officers hilled and wounded. equal testimony to the behaviour o'f the officers, stamen, ann n arines, ol the Blake, and liis Lord- sh p mentions the assistance he received from Captain Codrington in the highest terms of praise. The fire of the enemy towards the evening had considerably abated, the towrt was burning in many places, and much damage was done to t he houses. Ai seven o'ctock 1 received a message from Lieut. Gen. Nr Eyre Coote, requesting I would cease Hostilities : as a summons had been sent into Flush- ing: but at night the fire again commenced, and was. kept up without intermission until two o'clock of the morning of the 15. h, when die French com- mandant General M nnel offered to surrender.— This was communicated to me by the Lieutenant General, and in consequence 1 directed the flag of truCe to be hoisted at day light on board his Majes ty's ships, and that hostilities should cease. The Lieutenant General having also intimated nis wish that two commissioners should be sent on the pait of. henavy, to assist in the proposed capitulation, 1 according nominated Lord Gardner to mett Sir Eyre Coote, at East Zouburg, and to take w th i him Crp'ain Cockburn, toactin conjunction with the officers on the part of the army, shortly after 1 received a message from the Earl of Chatham, requesting to see me at Zjuburg. On my arrival there, 1 found his Lordship had select. d Colonel Long, Adjutant General ofilie army, and Captain Cockburn, to be the commissioners tor setti ng the te. ms of capitulation, which were fi- , nally concluded late in the evening of tne 15 th. I In the extensive and various branches o the service conimitted to my care, their Lordships We understand that, though accord ng fo tiie Gazette, I'nursday was the dry fixed for the eva- cua ion of Flushing, Gen. Monuet requested that it might be delayed until the next day, for thfe ptir- jxise of completing sortie arrangements. The for- tifications have comparat vely not been mucti da- maged by the fire of the besiegers, but the town We understand, is reduced to the most deplorable state It is confirmed that previous to the com- men cment of the bombardment, a fiai; of truce \ vas sent in with a summons, and an offer, in case the Governor was determined to defend the place, to allow the women and children to come out.— The answer was, " That he felt himself able to protect them." ( In 1 hursday afternoon the frigates and gufi- boats had proceeded up the Scheldt tow ards Fort Lillo. The men of war were to follow them'he next tide. All th'\ French ships of the line, it ap- pears, had left Fort Lillo, and ascended the river as high as possible. Dutch papers to the date of Monday last* in- clusive, which have, been received, contain Paris r. tw5 to the9th instant, as also the 30th bul'etin, and accounts of the late battles in Spain.— The Bulletin is dated Vienna, July 30 —- It says n , t ofie word abput the state of tne negotiation ; but is principally filled with calculations to prove that ihe Austrian army is rciuced from 600,000 men ( the force with which it is stated to have taken the field) to one fourth of that number. The French army, on the contrary, is stated to be double * hat it was at the commencement of hostilities ir. Bava ria I These misrepresentations, we think, ar/ e, strongly indicative ot renewed hostilities, as is also, a fact stated, namely, that the Duke of Abrant- s, ( Junot)) occupies Bayrcu. h, and has pushed his advanced [ Jos s to the frontiers of Botiemia. I he accounts from Spain bring the military ope- rations down no lower than the 27th ult. at which time King Joseph made sure of t tally rout n); the combined army. They Contain no intelligence of wha' took place on the following day, and termi- nated so gloriously in favour of tiie British army. A Gottenburgh Mail arrived on ivturday, from which we can only collect, that the Court of Swe- den nas lelustd an application of the King of Den mark for pfiimisaion to the Prince of Hesse to pass through that country, to lake the command in Norway, and that Lord Walpole is on his way to England with important dispatches fi3m the head- TO BE SOLD. < Some Time in September nexf, ' TH1E entire Stock of Norm Devon Catt'e^ JL about one hundred New Leicester Ewes; and Implements of Husbandry, the Property of . Sir Ro- bert Lawley, Bart. atCamwell. Particulars of which will be given in a future Paper. . • J> A igust SO, igO?. r - ' n Auction cjf Rams. + 0 BE Lfir feY AtJCflON, FOR THE SF. AsOV, At Mr. Knowle's, Nailstone, n Mondfiy the' 1.1 th of September next, to bigin at Half- past Two o'Clock ; ABOUT Twenty five Rams of different Age's, T he Hams have be >, n regularly bred ffrom some of the first rate Stierp tied at Dishlev, frctn the Year 1783. ' , ,,.• . ;,. Mr. ftnvwles has alsij been a Member of the Distil- ls? '' iam Society since its commencement, until Mid- summer 1807. Th. Rams may b « view'd oil auv Day excepting Sunday's. i i, n - ,. Mr Xnovvlts flattftrS birSself hip prfesent Shew at Rams will do credit to the Sort, and his principal Sheep have net been Disposed of in June. TO BE SOLD BY h'iiVA. k CONTIiACT, ALL that wfcil. accustomed P'jbhc Heu- e, now irt full Business, • itie Antelcpe, in the . Niv « r Street, Leicester, consisting of excellent Celleragc, f iouse, Parlour, - Dining Room, & c. on the Giound Floor; 9 lied Rooms and i large t losets, ': rewhonse, and stabling for I - llorsfS ; Malt Chamber, and a small Tenements in the T- ard. i For further Pa; rticiilarS and to tfeat for Purchase, apply to Mr. FINDLKY", on the . Pri- mises; iptoMw THOMAS COOK, Builder, < i « 4r Saint Margarets Church, who. Hss- S Plan of the above. . N. 11 If agreeable Part- of the Purchase Money may remain on Security of the Premises. Leicester, August 3, 18 9. Killed" 5th foot, <• aptain Talbot. 71st foot, En- j must be aware, mat it Would be impossible that all sign D. Sinclair. 2d light batt. King's German Legion, Lieut. Spreckcr. Hounded— Royal Artillery, Lieut. Col. Brown, slightly. Royal Engineers, Colonel Fyers, slightly; Captain Pasley, dangerously. 3d batt. lst foot, Lieut. A. \ V. M'Kcuzie, dangerously. 68th foot, Captain Spottiswoode, slightly; Lieut. D. M'Do- nald, dangerously. 77th foot, Capt A. V. Grown, dangerously. 81st foot, Captain Taylor, slightly; Assistant Surgeon Chizlet, dangerously. 95th foot, Lieutenaut Manners, slightly; wounded 3d Angus:, not reported in time to be included in the preceding returus. ROBERT LONG, Col. Adj. Gen. [ Eere follows a return of ordnance, ammunition, and stores found in Flushing, at the surrender of the garrison, containing 224 pieces of artillery, mounted oil travelling carriages or beds, complete, with an immense quantity of shot and shells ; as a so a large quantity of ordnance stores of every description, of which a survey has not yet been made.] Adntiralty office, Aug. 20. Dispatches of w hich the following are copies, svere received last night at this office, from Sir Richard John Strachan, Bart. K. B. Rsar- Admiral of the White, See. addressed to the Hon. VV. W. Pole. St. Domingo, Flushing Roads, Aug. 17, 1809, SIR, I have much satisfaction in acquainting you, for the information of their Lotdstiips, tliaf the town and garrison of Hushing have capitulated up- on itie terms, a copy of which I send herewith. Their Lordships have already been apprised that it was my intention to have proceeded up the Scheldt, with the division of frigates under Lord William Stuart, and that the greater part of our flotilla had advanced to BaihZ, in the charge of Sir Home Popham, by whom the enemy were driven above Lillo, where their ships and gun- brigs had taken up a strong posit on. The command in the impor- tant service of the Scheldt, I have given to Sir Richard Keates, and he has my directions to co- opera'e w th Lieutenant- General the Earl of Rossiyn, as well as to use every means in his power for capturing or destroying the fleet and flotilla of the enemy. Rear- Admiral Lord Gardner rcmain- eu with the ships named in the margin* off Dykes- book, and his Lordship had received my direction to hold that squadron in teadiness to go against ihe garrison of Flushing. On the 12th instant, I was informed by Lord Chatham, that the advanced baiteries were suffi- ciently prepared to open on ihe enemy the day fol- lowing at one o'clock in the afternoon ; and as it appeared to me of consequence that the line- of battle ships should pass the town at the same mo- ment, 1 therefore abandoned rr. y intention of going up to the advanced flotilla, and proceeding to Dykeshook hoisted my flag in the St. Domingo. The batteries opened on the garrison as ii was pre- viously settled, at tine m the atternoon of the l3th instant, and the fire was reiurned with greai vi- gour by the enemy. The bombs and gun vessels under the direction of Capt. Cockburn, of ihe ' jutant and Quartcr- Master- Gtnerals Department, j Belleisle, were most judiciously placed at thesouth- 1 have every reason to be satisfied with the judi- """ , v"> """" ' • cious manner in which the General Officers have directed the several operations as well as with the spirit and intelligence manifested by the ccfnmand- i » ig officers of corps, and the zeal and ardour of all tanks ol officers It is with great pleasure, lean leport ihe uniform good conduct of the troops, who have not only on all o< casions shewn the greatest jntiepidity in pretence ol the enemy, but have sus- tained with great pleasure » nd chearfulness the la- borious duties they have had to perfoim. '] he active and persevering exertions of the corp HojaJ Ei^ inttrj h » Ye been conducitd wit the flag- office> t ceuld be employed in the effective ships under my command, but I am no less in- debted for the active exeitions of Bear Admiral Otway, with whom I left the difficult task of ar- ranging all the service conneced witn the operati- ons against Flushing, and I am happy in this oppor- tunity of making him my acknowledgements for the ability with which those arrangements were made, and thai service conducted. Ta Hear- Ao- miralSir Hichard Keates my thanks are particulaTy due, for his zealous exertions in deleaung the inten- t ons of the enemy at Bathz, and his active co- ope- ration with Lieut.- Gen. bu John Hope on South Beveland, and itie upper part of the East Scheldt. Their Lordships have already been informed thai Bear Admiral Lord Gardner accompanied me on the service off Flushing, w ere his Lordship con- ducted himself with his accu- tomed gallantry. 1 have much pleasure in bearing the most ample tes- timony to the exertions ot Sir Home Popliatn. with the advanced fl itilla, in the upper pari ol the West Scheldt, winch has been of the mo t essential service.— I have received the most satislactory ac- counts from Lieutenant G neral Sir Eyre Coote, of tne conduct of Captain Charles Richardson, of the Cassar, with whose activity and zeal 1 have been longacquanted. Captain Richardson speaks in high terms of the assistance he received from Capt. Blarney, ofthe Harbv, as well as his gallantry throughout the whole of the serv. ee, in the bat- tery worked by the seamen. I cannot conclude this letter without assuring their Lordships that every Captain, officer, reaman, and marine, have most zealously done their duty, nor will it 1 hope be thought taking away fiom the merits of others, in drawing their Lordships particular notice to the energetic exertions of the Captains, officers, and men, employed in the gun boais; they have been Constantly under fire, and gone through all the hardships ot their situation, with the utmost cheer- fulness. Herewith I enclose the reports of the officets who have had ooinmands in thi present service, including the returns of kilted and wound- ed. Lieutenant Wm, Mayne, first Lieutenant of my flag ship, is the bearer of this dispatch, and 1 re- j commend him to iheir Lordships as an officer of merit. I have the honor to be, & c. & c. ( Signed) R. J. STRACHAN. Camilla, in the West Scheldt, Aug, 15, 1809. SIR, I have the honour to inform you, that in pur- suance of your instructions, 1 yesterday hoisted my flag in the Camilla, and am at present with 18 stoops and gun brigs afid four divisions of gun boats, lying between the Saefttngen Shoals, a po- sition judiciously chosen by Captain Sir Home I'op- ham, as it effectually cuts off the communication between the East and West Scheldt.-- The enemy's flotilla, considerably increased in number, has re- tired above or under the protection Of Lillo, and the men of war with top- gallant yards crossed, are anchored off ahd below Aniwerp, as far down as I'hillippe. Six ol our frigates are anchored off Waerden, waiting an opportunity to Come up. K. G. KEA'I S, Rear- Adiniral Sir R. }. Stracban, Bart. andK. B. [ Here follows a letter from Captain Cockburn, of quarters of the Archduke Charles. No Medicine is so Well calculated, or has better succeeded in giving rel et" n numerous bad cases of Scrophtila, than bPiLSfiuav's PATENT ANTI- sCORBUflc DROPS. A trial will prove this, and convince even the tender anxiety of parents, when the glahds become first swelled and diseased, or he usual syrr ptornsof schrophulous enlargement ofthe stomach in children takes place. In eruptive cases of Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, and Nerrous Iri ita tion of the Stomach from bilious affections, its supe- riority has long been acknowledged. The genuine Medictnehasthe words, " BY TIIK KING'S PATENT," expressed on the BOI> ie, bdl of direction, and outside wrapper, and the King's duty printed in black ink. Soldat the Dispehsaiy, 15, Soho Square, l. ondon, in small boulfcs of 5s. 6d.; double bottles 10s.; and lirger 1/. 2s Compound essence, to allay unpleasant irritation 8s Sold by I Giegory, Leicester. Leicestershire. ; TO BF. SOLD BY AUCTION, Soma Time in the Month of October or November next, ( by Order of the Trustees appointen bv the Will of the late Thomas Charlton, Eiquhe, of Cbilwell, in the County ol Nottingham); AV'eiy valuable Freehold Estate, tompiisirt'g 2 good Farm Houses and Cottages, w th con- venient Stab'es and Outbuildings, and alout -' 50 Acr- s of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Laud at Hoby, Rotherby'. Jkaisby, Gaddesby, fiarsby, and South t ronton iiiakCounty of Leicester. 1' lie Estate jjiJpKje about 8 Miles from Melton ahd about 10 font', fLeicester, , u a line Sporting Country, in the Centre of ihe Qqpm Hunt, ami wnh- iu a ve- v conveijic^ nt Distance also ofthe Dyi, e "? Rutlands ; an( fVjtfj « ; Sold in Lots for th conveni ence of intended J » irchaseli, and the Wfiule being in a very high State, ( Sgultiv- ition, ( and the greater'Part theicuf Tythe- free) comprising s . ine of the most va- luable. Land iiV the ounty of Leicester, is particu- larly worthy the Attention of all Persons who wish to purchase Farms for then; own Occupation. The Estate at Ho'by. coiiiprists a very good House, with convenient ataalej and Outbuildings, afid about 76 Acr* s of valuable Land, is very^ ftear tlie,' j'urfc- pike Road tending from Me- ton IKowbrav to. Leices- ter, wholly Tvth'e free, and within a Ring Fieuce, and is particularly worthy the Attention of any Nobleman or Gentleman as a Hunting seat. Further 1' articul rs will appear in due Time, and will be ready for deliVefy at the principal Inns at Melton, Leicester, Loughborough, am: Nottingham, one Month prior to the Sale ; due No: ice nil also be given of the Tilfi'e aud Place of Saic, and Plans of the. Estate, with Abstracts of the Pities wiil be readyfo'- the Inspection of intended Purchasers, or their Solicito s, at the Office of Mr. Al. LSOPP, - so- licitor, in Nottingham, one Month previously to the sale, and where all further Particulars may be had. Mr. Simkin of Hoby, one of the Tenants wid shew the Premises. RIVER TRENT NAVIGATION. NOTICE is hereby given, That a General Meeting ofthe Company of Proprietors of the River I rent Navigation, will be holden at the Black mors' lletd Inn, in Nottingham, on lues- day the 5th Day of September next, at Eleven o'Clock in theTbfrnjoon. T he Committee will meet at the same Place on the preceding Day. EDW. SMITH GODFREY, Cleik to the said Company. Newark, 16th August, 1809. SARAH MAYNE. JOHN MAYNE, of Appleby, in the County ol Leicester, Miller, do hereby give Notice, tti. u 1 and Sarah my Wife have mutuallv agreed 10 live separate and apart from each other, and that I have giver, up to her for her own use, and to en- able her to maintain and provide for herself One- half of my Property, and that I - m in and by a certain Bond or Obligation, in Writing bearing Date the 22nd Day of July last, bound ( air. on^ si otherThings) noi to interrupt her in so doing, and that I will not at any ' l ime claim the Property so given up or any Part ihereof: And I also hereby give Notice, that I will not be answerable or accountable for or pay any Debts my said Wife may Contract; and 1 here- by Discharge all Persons from trusting or givifig her Credit on my account. Witness my Hand the 12th Day of August, { 809. JOHN MAYNE. A1 I, PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. east end of the town ; and lo the south- west, Capt Owen ofthe Clyde, had with equal skill and judg- ment, placed ihe bomb and other vessels under Ins orders. I had much satisfaction in witnessing the fire that was kept up by the squadrons under ihe the Bellisle, dated Aug. 1 6, giving an account of his command of these two officers, and the precision co- operation, in the Plover sloop, with ilh which the shells were thrown from the bombs. Unfortunately the wind was too scant to allow me to weigh when the baiteries opened, but t proving more favourable the following day, I immediately put thai intention into execution, and at ten in the # St. Domingo, Blake, Repulse, Victorious' Ik'iiJItaik, Audacious, and Venerable. the flotilla under his command, in the attack upon the fortress of Flushing, as likewise, a letter from Captain Ri- chardson, of the Caesar, who commanded the brigade of seamen that landed with the army under Lieute nant- General Sir Eyre Coote, on the 30tb ult. with an account of his subsequent proceedings in the at- tack on Flnshiug, & c. The only officer killed of Captain Cuclibura's division, was Lieut. Retiliie, Of NOTICE is hereby given, that the Paitnership lately sub isting' between SAMUEL KIR- TON, the Elder, and SAM UEL K- H I ON' the, Younger, late of Ashby- de- la- Zouch, in the Coun- I r i • \ , ii-. - t - II e iie- v ty of Leicester, Mercers and Drapers, carried on ! oxcept- at ftshby- de- la- Zouch aforesaid, unoer the Fum of " Kirton and Son," was on the 14th Day of April last past Dissolved by mutuaPt onsent. All Persons indebted to the Firm are required to pay tntir respective Debts to Samuel Kiiton, the Younger, at No. 3, Bridgewater place, Munches ter, on or before the first Day of Oc obernext. who is duly authorised to receive the same : Arid all Persons who have Claims on the said Firm are de- sired to deliver their Accounts to him, that the same may lie d scharged. Dated the 15th Day of August, 18C9. SAMUEL KIRTON, Sen. SAMUEL KIRTON, Jun. mtnet^ SAHV Fi, WEBSTER STAFFORDSHIRE— ontkii Border of Jberbyshi e. A capital Estate, at I lam, consisting of a kesidence, Manor, Adiowsod, t. hdiiindry f • aims, and Lands, u. tk an early J ossession. IO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Messrs. SKINNER, Df ICR. TCJCHIN. and FOR- RE T, In many Lots, on Saturday the 26th of August, punctually at 4 o'Clock in the - ifteriioou, at the Blackinoor's Head, at Asiibourn ; Capital and very v* iifab! e e'LTEEHOLD ES- "' A I E, eleltghtllillV situate- in ihf Parish of Ilam, a beautiful and romantic Part of the jCuunty of Stafford, divided from Derbyshire by the River Dove, which with the River . vfaiiifold, nearly encircles the Property; 5 Miles from ihe Market Town of Ashbourif; 12 from Cbeat. 16; U fiOin Leek;. and easy Distances from the Watering Maces of liuxton and Matlock, consisting of the MANOR of I 111, with the Royalties and Appurtenances. The much admired Seat called ILAM HALL with the . Offices, Gardens, Pleasure Grounds, Plantations, Hanging Woods, and rich Palcfocks, pleash'iglv Timbered and intersected by the River, presenting tii'ie of the most charming and interesting scenes of Picturesque Beauty.- The Demesne Lands contain altogethernear ONI! THOUSAND ACKBS, chiefly Meadow aud Pasture, lying within a Ring Fine*, , vi h I arm Houses and Outbtfilelings; a gentee Residence on a small Scale; n Public House; aud sundry Cottages, now in the Possess en of Mts> r « j Ti n linsoii, ilcdg- kinson, Phillips, Smith, Oakdeh, ft . at Old Rents, and ill Tenants at Will, exc pt for one fa in, the . Lease of which is, nearly expired. The Estate abounus with Lime Stone, and both Leail and Copper hav < ueen discovered on the Pre-' mises. The River Dove is famous loi fine Trout, I antl that scarce Fish the Greyhn;;. | Also, the p rpetual Advows-. n ami next presenta- tion 10 the. Vicarage of 11am, winch has been endowed with the Great Tithes. Immediate Possession may bt had of the. Mapsiol House, Pleasure Gfofinds, and about 10 Acres which are new hi Hand, and possession of the whole l- state, £-. 222 Acres, may be had at Ladv- dav litxt, Oil this Estate is a considerable Paitot the ccle" brated Valley of Dove Dale, with the Crajgy and Ronsant'C Rock'j, the Admiration ana Woiider of all Travellers. fo be viewed one Monih preceding the Sale, by applying to Mr. Anthony Oakden, at flam, of whotn Printed Particulars may b- had ' articular* n ay also be had of John Beresfoid, . sq Attorney, n U- bourn ; o: the Printers of the D. rby, Slnflo'd, Not- tingham, an I LeicesterNe. » spj; ers; of Ah H. rop, Printer, Manchester; Mr. Ititl. nge, Printer, I. \ er- pool ; at the Hotels at Buxton aud Mnthic. i ; : oval : Oak .. nd Wheat Sheaf lnus, ' heai. lw'f" Geoig. and Swan. with- 2- Necks, Lee* ; Place of Salt'; ; nd. of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tucbin, and Forres", A. gate- Street, London, wberea. Pl. nmay D « » « .*- tr. I cicesfer Journal, and Midland Couln'ties General Advert wet VVediiesdaj's and I'hursday's Post. LOS DO V, WEDNESDAY August 23. From the LONDON GAZETTE, Aug 22. Dowiung- sirect, August 21 • A Dispatch of which the following is a espy, was this morning received by Viscount Castleteagh, fiom ihe Earl of Chatham,- dafeti' Middleburgh, Augu. t 18. T MY LORD, I have the. honour to transmit, for your Lord- ship's inf. rhiar oh, a copy of the. Articles of Capi- tulation*, lor the surrender ot th6 lownsof Zeinck- ^ ie and Bruwershaven, and the i » lands of Scliawen and Duivelahd, concluded on the 15th instant, by Lieut. Gen. the Earl of KossVyn, and Hear- Admi- ral Sir Uichard Keates, with the Deputies ol those towns and islands; and I have much satisfaction in acquainting your Lordship, that 1 have every rea- son to believe we shall be enabled to draw very ample supplies of cattle, spirits, and biscuit, from \ hat quarter. i nc inclosed Return of the late garrison of Flush- ing, received from Genetal Moniiet last night, so inaiefially dill'ers from that which accompanied my ' dispatch of the 16th instant, that 1 think'it expe- dient to transmit it for your I. ordship's information. • 1 am also informed that the enemy, during this Jetviee, has suffered a very heavy loss in killed and wounded, which, together with the prisoners of Xvar who have fallen into our iiands, the enemy's force opposed to us in this island, Itiay very fairly lie stated at 9000 men. 11 '* I have the honour to be, ftc. ( Signed CHATHAM. * Inserted in the Extraordinary Gazette of the 80th. £ Amount of Troops in the Garrison of Flushing, August 17. 2o<* Oifietffs, 4985 Rank anil File, 618 Sick and Wounded— Total 5803. . The following Eilata appeared in last night's Ga- zette.— In the Gazette of Sunday last, page 1324, among the names of Officers wouiided, for Lieut. Gen Brown, and Lieut. Col. Brown, read Lieut. George Broun.—- Also for Capt, Soder, of the 68th Regiment, read Capt. Sodcu.— Aiso for 78th Fsot, read 71st Foot. A Supplement to the Gazct e of Saturday, was published with ihat of yesterday, giving a leiter from Lord Chatham to Lord Castlereagh, dated las far back as August 11, wivcli states as lollows: " I must entreat of your Lordship, t'ooffermy most dutiful acknowledgements to Ms Majesty, for the gra- eious approbation he has been pleased to express Of my humble endeavours in hisserVice; and I shall ieel the greatest satisfaction in communicating to Lieut Gen. Sir. Eyre Coote, and the General and ether Officers, ami tbe troops . employed here under liiy cpmmand, the sense which bis Majesty enter- tains of their meritorious conduct in tbe services in which they have been engaged, as well as the confi- dence his Majesty feels in their future good conduct, and which, 1 trust, they will not disappoint. " The enemy" has continued to give what interrup- tion he could on the progress of our works; but since the date of my last letter, he has attempted no sortie 51 any force, lie has endeavoured to cau> e us some tmharrassnient by opeuing the sluices at Flushing, ftud letting in the saltwater { but this has been at- tended as yet with little inconvenience, as the ne- cessary precautions for letting oil' the water through the sluices in. our j osscssion at this place, and at Veer, I have no doubt will be found effectual." The letter then proceeds to speak of the prcpar- st ons making for the s ege of Flushing, and of some movements n South l'eveland, and towards Batz, respecting winch the Public have been ah tad y fullyjnformed. 1 O B b SOLIJ, Manor Farm— Tithe Free. rT" TIE Manor Farm of Newhouse Grange, in JL the Parish ol Merivale, ih ttie County of Warwick, about three Miles from Atherstone, and four from Tamworth : the Roads and Neighbourhood good ; and the Situation healthy and pleasaut. It consists of a large Substantial Dwelling House, Garden, Orchard, and sufficient Barns, Stables, and Out houses of evefy description ; and three hun- dred and. fifty Acres ( more or ijss) of excellent Mea- dow, Pasture, and Arable Laud, ( in about thirty luclostires reniarksbly wt. 11. hedged) Tithe Free, in a Ring Fence, and the Land Tax Redeemed.— Parti- culars may be known of Mr. Richard Faux, the Tenant, who will shew the Estate ; of Messrs. Fors- ter, Cooke, and Frere, Solicitors, Lincoln's Inn, London, where a Map of the Estate may be seen ; or by Letter, addressed to Mr. It. Thomas, Post Office, Lymington, Hants. Faiuable Stocking Frames. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Monday, August 28th, 1809, at tbe House of Mr. Cox, Fish, and Quart, Church Gate, Lei- cester ; HE following valuable FRAMES, of Mr. HANDING, who has declined Business. Sale to begin in the Afternoon at Two O'clock. lXO. G. H\ 1 24 Government have receivedianifiicial account of the reduction of the French settlement of Senegal, on the coast of Africa, on the- fSiliof July. It appears that Major Ma& we}?, commandant of the island of Goree, having' riwved intelligence that the garrison was extremely weak, attacked it with 168 men, accompanied by Capt. Columbine, in the Soiebay frigate. They passed the bar with the loss of a schooner; and the enemy retuing to a batttiy about 12 miles up the river, Major Max-, well made preparations to storm it; but it was evacuated in the night, and next day the fort and island capitulated, i he garrison are prisoners ol war: they are to be seal to France, btot are n it to serve till exchanged, I hey consist ot 160 Euro- pean*, besides wh ch there we're 250 native militia in the island. We lost not a siHgle man in the at- tack, and had only one slightly wounded. The Soiebay frigate, however, ran aground in silencing a ba. tcry near the bar, and could not be. got off. The crew and stores of the frigate were saved. Lord Walpole arrived in town on Sunday, and as we understand has brought accounts both to govttnment and the lm,, erial ambassador, stating that'. he Austrinns have been driven by the. exorbi- tant demands of Bonaparte, to put an end to the armistice, and to renew the war. It is said that the ultimatum of the Emperor of Austria, in which he makeian appeal to arms, was sent to the French head- quarters on the 1st instant, by Count Urban, and ir. which notice was given, conformable to the 7th article of the armistice, that hostilities would re- commence in 15 days from that date. Paris papers to the 10th instant, were received yesterdav. They contain an article, dated " I alave- ra. July 2s), in which the French claim the victory on the preceding day. - The barefaced falsities of the statement need no other refutation than a re- perusal of the late dispatches of Sir Arthur Welles- Sey, whose head- quarters, as our readers know, weie at Talavera on the 1st inst. when even the rear- guard of the enemy, which had occupied, for some days, a station in sight of the British army, had been entirely withdrawn, instead of the latter having retreated, as stated in the French account. Bankrupts and Dividends ity our next. TO BE SOLD BY AUC'UON, By Mr. BURTON, ( By the Order of the Assignees of James Douglasi a Bankrupt;) at the Ileuse ef Mr. Hensbaw, the Red Lion Inn, in Loughborough, in the County of Leicester, at the Hour of 4o'L'kck jn the Afternoon of Thursday the 5th Day of October next, subject to such Conditions as shall he then and there produced ; ITT 1 A W° r" ed Mill substantially erectsd ' Sx and Built, with new Water Wheel and Cast Metal Segments, together With a Steam Engine, by Bolton and Watts, equal to 8 Horses Power, 4 Drums of Spinning, Koving, and Draw- ing Machines, Doubling Frames, Reels, a large Lathe Spindles, and heavy Gearing in excellent Cordition, containing in length within the Walls 62 Feet, and in breath 22 Feet ; and two Ware- houses underneath < he Mill. Also adjoining thereto, a neat Cottage and Gar- den, in, the Possession of William Ruihworth, with Comb Shops, Planking House, and convenient Outbuildings, v These Premises which were late in the Possession of Jarret Douglass, are held under a Lease from the Earl of Motra lor Twenty- one Years, twelve of wh: ch are unexpired at Lady day last, and are most eligibly situated upon'Wood Brook, in the Town of Loughborough, and are well calculated carry on a. cun> iderable, and extensive Trade " as aCctton and Worsted Mill, For Particulars apply at tl^ e Offiwcf Mr, BOND, Solicitor, Leicester. T 15 at Robert Miller's, Church gate, Lei- cester 2 23 15 at Mr. VeaseJ ' s, Frainesmith, Bc- lgrave Gito 3 23 22 at lliffe's, Framesmith, Bond- Street 4 26 16 at Win. Wilson's, Framework- knitter, Oadby 5 18 15 at Thomas Ward's, Ditto, Shipley's Court) Leicester 6 20 16 at Wm. 1' oH els, Ditto, Archdeacon Lane 7 24 - 12 at. Daniel Plumule ' s, Ditto, Oadbv. S 24 2.2 at W. Higltam's, Ditto, Sanvv Gate 9 22 15 at Hide's Shop, Framesmith, Bond Street 10 23 15 at Mono's Shop, Ditto, Cank Street 11 24 15 at. W. Powel's, Frame work knitter, Arch- deaeoti Lane 12 24 15 at Iliffe's, Framesmith, Boi. d Street 13 24 15 at Veasey's, Framestaith, Belgave Gate ii 20 16 at Daviu Memory's, Framework- knitter, Abbey Gate 15 24 15 - at Scott's Framesmith, Church Gate 16 18 16 at llandford's, Framewoik- knitter, Arch- deacon Lane 17 18 15 at Thomas Ward's, Shipley's Court ! 8 24 15 at Veasy's, Framesmith 19 - IS 15 at Stone's, Framesurtth 20 24 16 at Scott's, Framesinith 21 £ 4 13. at Scott's, Framesmith 22 .26 15 at Utile's, Frame- smith 23 22 15 at Bland's, Framework- knitter, Jury Wall Street 24 18 16 at Scott's, Fiamesmith 25 20 16 at Soott's, Framesmith 26 23 15 at W. North's, Davr^' Vard, Ghnrch- gate . The above Fr ames are all in excellent Condition for Work, and will lie Sold without Reserve. Under an Assignment for the Benefit cf Credi- tors.— Valuable Brewing Vessels, Coppers, La> rels, t) C. T O BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DaVIS, Oh Tuesday August .9, 1809, and following Days, ALL the useful Household Furniture, Linen, I large and valuable Assortment ot Brewing' Vessels, Coppers, large and small Barrels, several I Quarters of capital Malt, Hops, & c. & c. of Mr. JOHN JUDD, On the Premises, at the Black Lion, Belgrave Gate, 1 Leicester.' : Consisting of 4- Post, lull headed, and other Bed- steads, c'othed with various Furniture, Feather and; Mock Seng, large Assortment of Hlmikets and Co- it verlets, Bed and Table Linen, handsome Oak cheat; of Drawers, Pier and Swing Glasses, several OaK Square, Dining, Snap, Dressing, and other Tables, sever a I Sets of very useful Chairs, capital 30 Hour Clock, 3 very good Dale Buffets, China and Glass, good Bench Screens, Counters, Petition Slats, large . Assor. ment of plated Tankards aud Cups, Pertier I and Tin Flagguns and Measures, several 4 Gallon ! Liquor Casks with Dischargers, ( lettered rieaily new ) j large uselul Ironing Boards, 2 Sets of Dale Dining Boards with Tassels, Brass Pots and Pans, Fish Kettles, capital Patent Tin Roasting Jack, with a Variety of other Kitchen Requisites ; also Two 200 Gallons, Three. 120 Ditto, Three 90 Ditto, Sixteen 36 and. 50 Ditto, several 18 Ditto, and small Battels in high Preservation ; Working Vat, 2 large Coolers, capital 18 Strike Mash Vat, Gathering Tubs, good i Copper, Sieve, with every other Description of Brew- | ing Vessels, & c. suitable to the Trade, capital 150 ; Gallon Copper, 50 Gallon and smaller Duto, 30 round Ladder, good Malt Mill, Corn Tubs, t ockle and Pipes, Wheelbarrow, with a great Variety of other Articles* Also, about 10 Quarters of capital Malt, nearly a Pocket of jfuod East Kent Hops, Sec, Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock. ^ The Whole must be Sold without Reserve, and this ' is a good Opportunity to any Per, son going iiito the I Public Line of Business, as the Whole of the brewing Vessels and Casks are iu excellent Condition. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION,' ~ Without Heterce, for the Benefit cf Creditors. Bv Mr DAVls, On Tuesday, Aug, 29, I8n9, at theSign of the Hlack Lion, in the Belgrave Gate, Leicester, at the Hour j of Six in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions j as will be then produced j j LLtirai Messuage, Tenement, or Dwelling- j house, with the Shocking Maker's Shop, J which will hold 13 Frames, and a large Garden, ? i- j tuate at the Back of the House, containing 600 Square Yards or thereabout, bounded by a new laid out Street, calied Short Street, now in the Occupation of Robert Miller, who will shew the Premises. Possession may be had on the 29th Sept. next. For further Particulars apply to the Auctioneer j or Mr. BURNAIiV, Solicitor, in Leicester, with whom all Persons iiidebted. to the said Estate, are desired immediately tovscttls their Accounts. Leicester, 18t » Aag.. I S-> 9. •* Valuable Freehold I remises. Advuwsmi, Leicestershire. TO BE SOLD BY Al; Cl ION, By M r. FARM EH, At the Three Crowns Inn, in Leicester, onTlmrsdaj the- 7thDay of Sept. next, at 3 o'CI" Ck, subjec to such Conditions as will be then produced, un less previously Disposed of by private Contract, ol which timely Notice will be given ; '" ITIE Perpetual Advowson of ttie Rectory of X Asfordby, in the County of Leicester, ' 2 Milestrom Melton Mowbray, ahd'l3from Leicester ; consisting of upwards of 260 Acrfcs of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, divided into conveni- ent Closes in high Cultivation; there is a capital Parsonage Houser'and Offices, with Sitabling for 12 Horses, Coach House, Dovecot, Fold Yard, Barns & c. & c. all erected within the last 30 Years, aud in good Repair, with Kitchen and Pleasure Gardens, Shrubberies, Stew Ponds, & c. & c. The River VVreake runs iu front of the House, which is quite retired from the Village. The present Incumbent is in the 67lli Year of his Age. Further Particulars may be had at the principal Inns at Northampton, Nottingham, Derby, Stamford, Ashby- de- ia- Zouch, Lougliboivngh, Mellon Mow- bray, and Hinckley; of Mr. N1CHOLLS, 16, Gray's Inn'Square, London; the Auctioneer; and Mr. BURN A 1> Y, Solicitor, Leicester: Shelfo' d House Farm, Burton Hastings, Warwickshire. TO BE PEKEMP1OR1LY SOLD BY AUCTION, By THOMAS GRIMES, On Wednesday and Thursday, the 4tii and 5th Days of October rrext, up > n the' Premises occupied by Mr. JOHN LA WREN CP ( who leaves the said Farm orr the 6th Day of April next) ; r"** HE entire valuable L've ano Dead Farming J Stock, implements in Karrasng, Dairy and BipewingUtensils, & art of the Household Furniture. The Farming Si Ock cons; tk of 100 neat Ewes and Theaves, 70 Ewe anu iVether ' f'egs, aud 35 Shear- Hogs; 14 useful Dairy Cows, aud I four- Ye ir olo stiong i. u'l, 6 Ket. ii-. g i a Ives, 3 Fat Pigsaud7 Store Ditto, 4 very ustfu; Waggon M ires, a handsome Bay Filly, t- Yeais old,. 15 Hands high, full of Bone; a Blood Tay tit' IDJJ, ••- Vearsold', very hanusouie, and a la t Got i j . ' lav Blood Mare, 6- Years olu, 15 Hands high, steady in Harness. The Crop ( wolct, mny be taken off the Premises) consist <> f'Vheat, Barley, Oats, Peas, Clover, Hay, and sourfc Str.'. w The Grass and Clover Af ermaths, Herbage, and Stubhle R-. •> s, with Hi Acres of Turnips ( a good Crop on sot , I. id), will be bet- in siiitaou Lo.- s, until the fiti; ;:'..' of April, 1 8.0.— A careful Man will be kep: .• iooa after tire Stock. I'he Fain < r Implements comprises I stout fl- inch Wl: e - VAGIION, ' HARROW AVlie 1 Ditto, Carls, Ploughs, uarrows, . and l{ olr.'! with numerous ot( iei Implements, Dairy and Brewing Utensils ; togethei with fait oi l ' Uselul and clean Household Furni- ture; theVV. - 1 of which will be. expressed iu suit- abie Lots in • atalogues, and d s^ rbuteti indueTime from Hie AVI LKUI ei's. High Street, Coventry. Purchasers ;, av have, on approved Security, a limited Time . . i pay their Purchase Money. Sale to coiiioieuce '. villi the Stieep Stock, precisely at tOiiiihe i enoou. The Who!' of the Live-> tock will be So! J .. first Day , the Ricks and Herbage on the Moi u„ of the second,; Implement* iu Hus- bandly and one r EU'e< ts in he Afternoon. Prince.. <*'; ii'col'. rs will be Sent to the Inns at Nuneaton, ' ITR^ totie, Hinckley, Leicester, Lutter- worth, TEUJII. Y. t/ iuicbni'CH, Daventry, Southam, Warwick, Coie. ntii, and Meiiden. This & J/. E will fos: lake f'ioce us under, and not on any oiher Day, us before mentioned. Yaluab - i lk andCo'tuu Framei, the Pro- peri \ i ore I iuu e, n full Work; rIO BE St, 1 D BY AUC'UON, hy G \> ivlLI., On Tuesday tilt 29 h ol '\ ugus: Instant, 1809, at huS Public hale Koom, in the I own of Notting- ham, at one o'Clock on that Day, in the follow- ing Lots: Lot No. ( juage H Ih. Where at 1 90 20 lti Woodhouse and Manlove's Shop, Barker- Gate 16 Jon. Mart, Mount Street 16 Charles Best, Fisher Gate 10 Briggs, Sherwin's Court, Ctiailoite- street 5 84 41 16 Thus, knight, Stoke, near Nottingham Thomas Hallarn, Newton, near Bingham 7 144 34 Silk 17 TO- M. Burtm. Milk Street no 6 13 39 10 A' A1 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Monday, September 4, lSOSi, at theSign of the Black Bull, iii the ApplegateStreet, Leicester, at o'Clock in the Afternoon ; LL that new- erected Messuage or Tenement, pleasantly situated in the Malbot Lane, leading to the Bath Lane, Leicester, consist- ing of a very good House and Parlour on the Front, Back Kitcken, 2 excellent Cellars, a Yard and Garden adjoining the same, with a good Pump; 2 very good lofty Chambers, a Side Room, and 2 Attics over the Same ; the Whole are well Closeted. The House has been recently buiit, is in excellent Repair, and now iu the Occupation of Mrs. Weight- man, who will shew the Premises. Freehold Estate, Leicester. B 19 31 16 Wm. Swann, Mount East 9 162 30 16 At the Warehouse 10 63 V. 17 Mr. Burton's Shop, Bar- ker Gate 11 53 37 16 William Hudson, Dutch AUey., 12 156 35 16 Joseph Cox, Mansfield, Woodhouse 13 32 34 16 Knowles, Halam 14 41 33 16 Johti'Saxby, Uuddington 15 72 32 15 Kosamoad Brown, Mans- field 16 71 31 IC Joseph Kirkland, Dale Abbey 17 55 31 16 George llind, Bear Court 18 101 30 16 James Masland, Arnold 19 138 25 16 Thomas Rickards, Belvi- clere- str. eet, Mansfield 20 3 24 16 James Mall, Southwell . 21 39 50 17 William Godfrey, Gedling 22 36 41 16 John Dean, Arnold 23 146 33 16 John Hopwtll, ChiKvell 24 26 36 16 Thomas Rickards, Belvi- dere- street, Mansfield 25 40 35 Silk 17 At the Warehouse 26 S6 31 16 J. Varney, Newark- lane 27 103 30 16 Charle » llest, Fisher Gate 28 46 34 15 John Morley, Bramcote 29 133 34 15 John Hall, ' Westhorpe 30 8 Sii 16 Joseph> Cox, Mansfield, Woo'dhdiise 31 39 32 15 Joseph Turner, Chilwell 32 30 16 Joseph Cox, Mansfield, Woodhouse 33 87 31 Rib. 34 54 30 TO BF. SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, At tbe House of Mr. Moore, at the Lion and Dolphin Ir. n, Leicester, on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 1809, at 6 o'clock in the Afternoon, ALL those 5 Houses or Premises, situated- in Red Cross- street and Bakehouse- lane adjoin- ing, in the several Occupations of John Brooks, N. Farmer, Jesse Jackson, Daniel Smith, and Richard Pendleton. , " For View of the same apply to tbe Tenants, or for further Particulars to Wt. Josh& a Harrison, Oranby- treet, Leicester. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 83 13 4 6 106 16 11 82 21 44 74 32 45 46 47 43 100 .37 5 31 49 142 50 15U 51 L63 5.2 S5 15 Thoriias Bailard, Attenbo- rougli 15 Thotr. as Ballard, At ten- borough 16 John Wylde, Castle Alley 16 S. Redgate, Ten Bell Yard 16 John Wylde, Castle Alley 17 Robert Godfrey, Gedlmg 16 William Street, Gunthorp 16 Win, Smedley, Southwell 16 William Wright, Halam 16 JohnJowut, Sawley 16 Samuel Hartshorn, Red Hill 16 Richard Brown, Attenbo- rough 15 John Bell, Southwell 34 Silk 17 Samuel Redgate,' l eu Bell Yard „ — 16 • At the Warehouse . — 17 Rich. Guest, Coal Court, Parliamentary Street — 17 § John Taylor," ( loibrook —. 16 — Chollerton, Derby •— 16 Wm. Upton, Back- lane 27 Silk 24 24 45 41 39 36 35 34 32 2S 27 .25 31 5? Ill 58 35 59 168 60 17 61 ,14 < 32 119 ITlhoma^ Howu^' TSCKNA? 16 Edward Hartshorir, Arnold 1' 6 James Masland, Arnold 36 ' 16 George Blatherwicfe, Ox- ton 34 16 Uo. bert Kirk, Caythorp 34 16 Edward Hartshorn, Ar- nold 63 115 S4 Silk 19 John Stanesby, near Lea- ther Boitle f> 4 2 31 — 16 At the Warehouse 65 123 31 • - • 16 Chas. Guest, Coal Court,. Pari. Street > 66 129 28 16 John Taylor, Holbrock 67 34 25 Thos. Gibson, New Rad- ford 68 .127 .24 " John Green, Crosshnd- stteet 69 57 33 16 Jarvis Bradley Hahm 70 10 32 16 John Bee, Southwell 71 116 32 16 James Woodward, Bleasby 72 128 31 16 Charles Birkiu, Bullwell 73 148 SO 15J- Ana Adiington. Halatii 74 35 30 with 1 and 1 Rib, Silk Machine, at the Warehouse 75 11 28 16 John Dean, Arnold 76 31 24 16 John Dean, Arnold 77 58 41 16 Joseph ' Turner, ChiKveil 78 1 38 ... 16 John T^ y. ior, Gxlorl 79 9 36 16 William Jailing*, South- wc- Jl 80 61 35 16 — Knowles, Haiim 81 120' 34 18 At the V\. arehuuse 82 5 32 • 16 Charles Birfe n, B « IftveU 83 48 32 . • 15 — Chapman, SoU'to- well . cgi- A 84 53 24 . 1 — Ralph iiands, Mansfield lioad 85 73 Si S. Ik 16| ' N- aih; Whitchurch,^ Cros- ianti- Gourt 86 64 30 16 William Barnett, torn- S7 12- 1 27 80 25 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 131 1 33 30 30 30 12 28 11 24 3 42 96 12 y7 172 69 loo 141 60 38 39 30 20 101 6 32 102 103 45 2 32 30 104 4 30 105 106 107 52 1 137 24 24 2ti 108 21 24 109 69 lit) 106 82 - 27 53 54 55> £ 6 .95- 88 8 93 15 John Walters, Attenbo- rough 30 . . 16 John Bee, Southwell 32 15 J. ohn I'- oster, AVesthorp 26 16 John Jowiti, Sawley j. j- 16 Stubbs, Sion Hill mer. cerRo'w' 16 Chas. Guts't, Coal Conn, Pari Street 16 John Green, CroslaiKl- street 16 Janus Mall, Southwell 16 John Hall, Souihwell 16 S. imuel Hartshorn, Red Hill - 16 Samuel Hawksley, South- well 13 Rustin's Shop, W oolpack Lane 16 John 1 uiton, Arnold 16 Wnliam Hopewell, New- thorp 16 William Allen, Bulbve. il ]( j Chollerion, Derby 16J i homas Page, NtWark Lane- 16 John Stuart, M'iik Sqtlare loi Nath Wintchu. c: l; Oto » - lanu Court ' 1 " lJ 16 Ihon tas Bailard, Attenbo- rough 15 Wm. Bctham, . Southwell 16 Phos. Reynolds, .\ twton, near Bingham 16 William Hopwell, New- tnorp 16 John Turton, Arnold 16 John Bed, Wesihorp, li John Austen, New Bas- ford , lfi Edward Hartshorn; Red llili - 16 J s- ph Houseley, Arnold 17 J . hu Wylde, Castle Alleys Fun Pafticulars in Catalogues may be had of the Printer ol ttiis Paper, and at ttie principal Inns in iiiuckley Sheepshead, and i^ ougbborough. Nottingham, August 17, 1809. "" T"* HE Library of Books, Prints, Framed and JL Giazed, loose Prints in Portfolio, and other valuable Property, removeel bv Order of the Execu- tors, to Mr. Gaskill's Sale Rooms, Pelliam Street, Nottingham, \ ULL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. GAaKILL, On Thurs.' ay and Friday August 31, and September I, 1809, at 11 o'clock each Fo'r& ouii. Ill the Sale are the following, and many others equally valuable •.—-. FOLIO. . Hall's Dictionary of the Arrsand Sciences,. 3. Ypls. Bound in 2, Calf, ingood Couditym Bankes'sGeo- graphy, Calf, elegant— Penning'* Geography., 2 Vols. Calf,, elegaiit— Temple's Works, 2 Ypls. Calf, neat— Voyages ai. d Travels otihe Ambassadors sji'tt by Frederick, Duke oltlolsteiu, to Mijscovy, Tar- tary, and Persia, 1669— Gr. niestone's Netherlands, Bound, and iu good Condition— Jacob's Peerage, 2 Vols. Bound, and in good Condition— Hills Flower Gardeu, Bound, and in good Condition— Du Ilalde's, lLstory. of China, 2 Vols, in rough Calf- iBeaumont, and Fletcher's Plays— Johnston's Herbal, good Con-: dition, Half- bound— Harris's Voyages," 2 Vols: good. Condition— Hotiinshead's ClirortiC-. e, in good Preser- vation, very scarce— Trials of the Rebel PeetS- r Trials of Robert Karl of Ferrers, and others, Godfry Boulogne,— Caryl on Job, rough Calf, good Preser- vation— Illustrations ol the. New Testament, well Bound in rough Calf— Calodu on. Job,.. good Condi- tion— Owen's Saint's Perseverance, good Condition — Esop's tables, elegant, in C'a. t, perfect— RaJjiu's History of England, 2 Vols.— History of Writers aud Bishops educated at Oxford— Sdcrate's Scholastici, 3 Vols. * " ' H? '- ••• - ••' QUARTO,'• . - Lyttleton's Life of Henry II. rough Calf, neat, in 4 Vols.— I'he Life of Lorenzo de Aledici. 2 Vols, in Boards— AinswOrth'^ Dictionary, rough Calf, 2 Vols. — Voyages to tfce S'oii. h Sea, Half- bound— Paradise Regained, Boards— Le lleanaVle de Voltaire,' - Calf, lient— Kei'iuedy's Wilton Housefe; elegintly Bound — siifiejd's Natural Philosophy, Boards— Da'rym- ple's MciDoirs bt. Greit Britain, 2 Vols. Bound; and in very good Condition— IJucanie'rsof America. OC'l'AV . Guthries History of the World, Elegant,' 13 Vols. — Newgate Calendar, 5 Vols, elegant— Beaumont and Fletcher's Plays, bound— Qulvtdo's Works, 3 Vols, elegant— Gay's Fabl. s, 3 Vols, elegant— Gay's Fables, 2 Vols, bound, neat— Neal's History of the Puritans— Nettie's History of England— Ferval's His- tory ofthe Heavens— Guyse Practical Exposition of the New Testament, 6. Vols, elegant— Cowpers Po- ems, boards— William's Practical Discourses;— New- ton's Milton— Naiure . Displayed— History of the Nonconformists— rtrooke's Plays, . 4 Vol*.— Gold- suuth's Earth, 8 Vols.— Huttou's History of Derby— Studies of Nature, 3 Vols, elegant— Trial of Thomas Hardy, 4 Vols,— Darwin's Botanic Garden, 2 Vols!" Quarto— Diurisl's Uurai Sports, 3 Vols. Royal Oc- tavo— Gibbon's Roman Empire. 12 Vols, Octavo— Rolliu's Ancient History, 8 Vols.—- Niciiokon's i. ucy, 6 Vul « .' Octavo.— ISiJub, 2 Vols.— Royal Pope's Works, It) Vols. O. ciayo— English Encyclopedia, 1.0 Vols.— Ferguson's History ofthe Roman Republic— Gilford's France, VTols.— liobertsou's Charles V. 3 Vols.—' louke's P'urley, 2 Vols — Smith's Wealth of Nations, 3 Vuls.-— Laughorne's PluUfeb, 6. Vols. To begin each Day at Eleveu in the Morning and Three in the Afternoon. To be Viewed the Day before tlie Sale, and Cata- logues had of Pfitclrard and Marriott, Derby ; Ro- binson, Mansfield; Combe, ai,' d Gregory, Leicester; Adams, . Loughborough ; Knott arid Lloyd, Birming- ham ; and ot Mr. Gaskill, Noit ngham. As this Library will lie. Sold without Reserve, Mr, Gaskill will faithfully execute ComrnissJons for any Person residing at a Distance who cannot at- tend^ Vuluaote Sheep and Neat Cattle. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION], o • By MnBoorr,,, On the Premises, at Shugborough, in the Cpimty of Stafford,' on Tuesday and Wednesday j the 5th aulf 6th, September, 1809, at 10' o'Cloek,' ABOUT 600 valuable Sheep, of the New Leicestershire Breed, and about < ji|) Head « f Neat Cattle, the Property of LORD ViaC'OUNJANSON, Particulars will appear ir* next Week's Paper. Valuable Breeding Ewes unrf Tfteaves of thf . - Nxui . Leicestershire tr^ ed. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOO I T, ', . Ont. be Premises, at EastI. eke, ( near Ldiighborough) iu the County of Notting ham,, on . Monday the, 11( 1* Day of September, ' 18l< 9> • EIGHTY valuable Breeding Fwes, and Firty valuable Theaves; aiso about Filtv mtstti. Sheep, the Property of - The UEV, DR'HOLCGMB, Particulars will appear in next Week's Paper. Sutton Bonington, Nottinghamshire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOO 11, At. the House of Mr. Newliam,. the Taylor's'Arins. vit* Sutton Boniiigton, in the County of Nottingham, ( in 14 Lots) On Monday the 18th Day of ' Septem- ber, 1809, at 3 o'clock, if not sboner Disposed of .. by. private Contract, of which Public Notieii w'itt ' he'given in this Paper; . rl;\ yo Farm Houses, and upwair's of 100 " X Acres of rich'Arirble;' Meadow,' and Pasture Land, situate in . tlje Parish or StV Ann, ifi'Suttdn lioh'ui'gton, in the County of Nottingham, aud in the Occupation of Me^ rs-. G. aud : » . Dougltfy, aiii » Air. J. Hyewatcf, who will sli'ew the same; N. 15. A Description of the several Lots will b£ inserted in this Paper, so soon as ail accurate Survey can be prepared, in the fliean Tiihe Particular* may be known on Application to Mr. BOO'lT, or t< J Mr. BURBIDGE, Solic. tor, Leicester. L EIC ESTERSHI RE. ' " Valuable Colliery, Manors, Cottages, and Lurid, beiwien Loughborough and Ashby- de « la- Souclu lO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mi-. ROBINS, At Garraway's Colf- e Hdiise, - hange Alley, Corn* hill, in the Al^ ntiVof November, unless an accept- able offer by private Contract, should be previously made; . ONE Filth Share op an undivided Freehold Estate, comprising the Manors of Tliriny- s tone Sind Peggs Green, situSrte near the High Rojid from Lougliborongh to Ashbyide- la Zoucb, on whi'cli there is ninety three ' Go'tages,. with Gardens an'tl sundry Closes of Land,, containing upw- ards of- 26 Acres. The Coal under One Hundred and Forty t> o » ert Aerts of Land, witirniitlie above Minors ; the- Country is populous,, and Coal much wanted. Particulars of MiwRobins, Warwick Street, Golde* Square, LoudOr.. Capital Sheep and Rattle, Implements of Has « ba/ idiy, und other Infects, FOR* SALE BY AU. CTKJtN, By MASON and- SON. On tbe Premises of Nathalie! Peaice', Esq. of Chapel- Bramptori, in the County of Northampton, OH Wednesday the 13th of Septeipbe.): ajiityllovvipg Days, 1' HAT well- bred S TOCK of. prime SHEEE » andCA l l LE, as Inilows, viz. 110 New Leicester Ewes; Att'i'beaves; 35 Shear- hogs ; 20 Ram Shearhogsj 30- Ram Lambs; 11 I'. wo, rbret , and tour year- old Ram Shearlrogs ; 30 Oxen; 20 Cows and Heifeva, and 13 I1I> KS* S. R The Sheep Stock have beehibred with peculiar C^ ra and Attention ; ' the youngW' 4' AH are from Sheep of Mr. Bliss, of Adsiorre ( wliieb Shet- p will be^ hewn at the Time of Sale), and , lie Wfcilfe Will be solo w tliouft Kcseiye, except the Ewe Lambs, whiclt- aru kept lop the ensuing Season.. , To be viewed previous to the Sale, and in a . few Day's Catalogues may be had at the Auctioneers',. N . rtlramptoir; and at the Jbufnat Office. Copyhold Estate, Filteepsheud. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By - Mr. HEW PIT, " AT the Pied Bu. ll. lnii, in Sh^ epshead, on Wednesday tile 6th D'ay of September, t'Su?, it' 5 o'Clock hi the Afternoon, suiiject'- fb Such Conditions as will ' be then pVoduced ;. . X Captal • Malt Office in very- good Repair, vvitir a large Barn, Stable, large Fold Yard, ah- 1 goftd Garden, situate iu the Centre of the Town of Siiei pshead, a inostdesiraWgjjiVmitiott to. Jje (^ n- verted' into' a" Dwelling or Dwellings for either Dna- p « r. Hosier, Groeer7 or- any other Business that re- quires a Public Situation and deal of Room. . N. B. If theabove Office is not Sold, it will b « Let the same Evening. V / TO BE' SOLD BY AUCTION, ; ( The lajter End of September) By Mr. ROBINSON, Upon the Premises at Dingley, in the Courtly of Northampton, by Order of the Executors of tint late John Peach HungSrfnrd, I5s<). D< ceased; rT*' lJ E Live and D ad Stocky with Farming Uter. » si Is, & c. a large Quantity of fine Old and New Hay, also several Ricks of Oats, Barley,'.& e. . Further Particulars and, Catalogues will be given intlue Time. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, . By; Mr. N. WARD, At the House of. Mr. Edward Short, the George Inn, Hinckley, on Tbut. sday the 3lst of August, 1S09, ",. , . -- 4S Stocking Frames, . In good Condition, and 40 of them are n- iw at Work. Most of them " are Course Cages'. The- Sale to begin at 2 o'Clock in the Afternoon. Brockhea Farm,' Bui licit, Leicestershire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ,- iiy Mr- N. WARD, On Wednesday rhe . fitli September next, at Mr; Gunns, the Wbi'e Hart, Kirkhy Mallory, ADesirable Freehold Estate, Land ' l'ax re- deemed, situate in the Parish of Harwell, lO Miles from Leicester, 10 from - Athers'one, 4 from Hinckley, 3 from Sutton Wharf on the, Ashby Canal, and l from the Leicester T. » rnpike,- Karytel1, F, arl Slid ton, and Kirkby Mallory, the Seat of I. or « A Visculmt Weiitworth ; comprising a s. nlista. ijt. ial Farm. House newly erected, caBtaiujng % gvtiik'?^ 19VS, 5 " Chambers and 4 Attics, sashed Front commau< Un.£ extensive Views, a'good l^ itehen, Wash Uoils ® , Dairy, and Cellar; The Farm Yard is surrounded with a Bam containing, 4' Bays, Stables for 9 Horses, and Sheds for 12 Cows, all substantially bnijt witk Brigk, and covered with Slates and' files within the last 7 Years; tl. e. Orchard arrfGarden '. comprising 3 Roods of Ground,. are \ veII stocked with a Variety of useful . Fruit Tiees'iii a thriving Condition, together with upw: ai « s,, of 170 Acre's of improveable Arable, Pasture, Aud Meadow Laud, Compactly surrounding the Farm House, and divided into CoKvenient'Iticlo- sute& j ivifti a'- coiisideiable Qiiantity- of thriving Titfi • b'Cr ^ g'fcfe'ing" tlie- r'eonv tbe lMeadows c. on. tainir. g ' aboilft 30' Acrcs can be'coiiv'enielitly ajrd- plentifully watered. The Sale to begiil precisely at 6 Inlhe Kveuing For ftirtb'er Porti'ctrlars, 1 and to View the £> tat< nppl'y " to Ml-: WOOg at. tfte'Earm, if by. Lettei. I'ost- paid. Fcsa^ rn. lt-. id, » t acxtg » Leicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. N< TURNPIKE ROAD Ft o: n Market Harborough in the County of Lei- neater, to the City of Coventry. , y ' OTIC E is nereby given, 1 hat ihe Tolls arm- ing a! the Toll Gates upon this Road, called by the respective Names of the Cioss- iu- Mand Toll Gate, and the Brincklow Toll Gate, with Ell Lane Side Bar, will be Let by Auction to the best Bidder, at the House of William Mash, the Denbigh Anns Inn, in Lutterworth, in the said County of Leicester, on Friday the 25th Day of August next between the Hours of 12 and 5 o'Clock in the Afternoon, in Manner directed by the Act " passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of his present Majesty " for regulating Turnpike Roads," which Toils were let the last Year for the Sums following; ( viz.) the Tolls at the Cross- in- Hand Toll Gate for .£ 114 aud at the Brinklow Toil Gate, with EH Lane Side Bar, at .£ 90 and will be put up at such Sums respectively as the Trustees then present shall direct. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder for the above Tolls, must give Security for the Payment of the Rent, with such sufficient Sureties to be produc- ed on the Day the Tolls are Let, us the Trustees then present shall approve of. At the above Meeting, the Trustees will pioceed to the Appointment of a Working Surveyor or Sur- veyors, for that Part of the above Road which leads from the Cross in- Hand Toll Gate, to the End of a certain Causeway called Gosford Green Causeway near to the City of Coventry, which Surveyor or Surveyors upon his or their Appointment, will be required to cater into immediate Security with sufficient Sureties for Fidelity. By Order of the Trustees of the said Road, RICHARD VVORTHINGTON, their Clerk. 25th July, 1809. A Notice is hereby given, w , rT, H AT the Tolls arising at the 1 oil Gates upon | the Turnpike Road leading from Ashby- de- la- Zouch, in the County of Leicester, to the Cock lull, at Tutbury, in the County ofStaffoid, called or known by the Names of the Ashby Lane Gate, Geary Laue Gate, Bearwood Hill Gate, and Horninglow Gate, will be Let by Auction, to the best bidder, at the House of Mr. Joliu Scoit, known by the Sign of the Three Queen's Inn, in Burton- upon - Trent, in the said County of Stafford, on AVeduesday the 3 nil Day of August Instant, between the llouts of 11 and 2 o'clock, iu the Manner directed by an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of l is pre- sent Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Turnpike Roads, subject to such Conditions as will be then and there produced. And whoever happens to be the best Bidder must at the .- auie Time give Security, with sufficient Sure- tics, to the Satisiuctiou of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road then present, for Payment of the Kent agreed for, at such Times as tliey shall direct. JOHN D. FOWLER, Clerk und Treasurer to the Trustees. • Ruiton- upon Trent, Augustl, 1809. K O'l'ICE is hereby g vtn, ' 1 hat the Tolls aris- XN ing at the liumberstone " I oil Gste, and the Side Gate, on the Turnpike Road leading from the Borough of Leicester to Uppingham, and to Wyjiis- foro in ti. e County of Northampton, will be put up to be LEI' by AUCTION to the best Bidder, at the House of Mr. Jonathan Neal, the Horse awl Groom Inn, iu Bishup's Fee, Leicester, on Tuesday the 22d Day of August Instant, butween the Hours of 11 and I o'clock, in thfl Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of his Ma- jesty King George the Third, for Regulating the ' Turnpike Roads, which Tolls were Let the last Year for the Sum of £ 432 and will be put at that Sum fur one Year, from 29th Day of September next. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder, must at the same Timegive Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike Road fur Payment of the Reat agreed for, aud at such Timvsas they shall dirt ct. SAMUEL DOUGAL, Clerk to the Trustees. Leicester, August 1, 1809. 1th August, 1809. "' JVTOTICE is hereby giver., That Application is -' ~ JLN intended to be made to Parliament in the next Session, for leave to bring iu a Bill and to ob- taiu an Act for making aud maintaining a Navigable Canal from and out of the Luicestershire aud Nui- thamptooshirc UIMOU Canal, in the Parish of Foxton, in the Couuty'of Leicester, into or through the seve- ral Pari. bes, Townships, Hamlets, Liberties, or Places of Foxtou, Lulieiiham, Thedingwortb, Hus- band's boswortli, and North Kilwortll, in the said Cuuiuy of Leicester: aud Wei ford, Stanford, Elkitig- < tun, otherwise Eltington, Yefvertott, Winwick, Cl ick, Watford, Wclton, aud Norton, ill the County of Northampton, to join the Grand Junctjon Canal, near Long Buckby ; and also fur mak. ng and main- taining a collateral Cut from ihe said intended Canal, i< i the said Parish of Husband's Bosworth, into or through the said Parishes of Husband's Bosworth and Weiford, to the Turnpike Road leadiug to Leicester, « t the Towu of Weiford. LlilCEa'lERSH1RE MILtTIA. AGeneral Meeiingof the Lieutenancy wifl* je held by Adjournment, at the Hotel, in Lei- cester, on Tuesday the 29th Day of August Inst, at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon, far the Purpose of finally Settling the Store Rooms for the Arms, Ammunition, and Accoutrements of the 4 Battalion of Local Mi- litia ; and also for the Completion of the Old Militia, agreeable to the 6th Sec. of the 49th Geo. 3d. Chap. 53. - y By Order, l) 7. DECIMUS COOKE, ' Clerk of the General Meetings, Leicester, 3d August, 18( 5. Kettering, August 11, 1809. MISS JONES begs Leave to. inform her Friends ar. d the Public, that she has taken the House at Great Wigstohe, late in the Occupation of Mrs. Tanner, which she Proposes opening at Mi- chaelmas next for the Reception of Young Ladies : and earnestly solicits a continuance of that Patronage Mrs. 1". so liberally experienced ; which it will ever be her endeavour to merit by ' Constant and, unremit- ting Attention to the Health aud improvement of her Pupils. Wigstone is a pleasant healthy Village on the Widford Road, 4 Milesfrom I. eifcester. ji. TERMS. Board, the English Language, and all Kinds of Plain and Ornamental Needle- wotk, 20 Guineas per Annum; Entrance 1 Guinea; Dancing, Drawing On Sunday, September 3, 1809. U$' A SERMON WILL BE PREACHED In the Parish Church of Lutterworth, By the liev. JOHN KEMPT HO RNE, B. D. Curate of Claybrook, For the Benefit of the SUNDAY SCHOOLS, esta- blished in that Place. Divine Service will brgin at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, Appropriate Psalms and a llymn * ill be Sung by the Children! lit- Wanted, AJourneyman and Apprentice to a Silver- smiih, ironmonger, Seedsman, & c. Enquire of WM. IIOYVCUT I , Cheapside, Leicester. Situation wanteds oung man wishes to engage as TraVeliet With i House of Respectability.— A satisfactory Reference, with Security, if required, will be given. , Apply to the JOURNAL OFFICE, if by Let- ter, Post pa d. ^ jypURSUANT to the J X * Court of Chancery, * KINS v. LAMBE* I' aud AY° Harvest Men wanted. Crops of Oats in the East, West, arid Idmore Fens, near Boston, in the County 7 . of Lincoln, being abundant, and the Population of Music, French, Writing and Geography by approved that Neighbourhood not being equal to its Produce, npHE C A W ild I 3! Masters, on the usual Terms. Entrance will not be required of those Ladifc, who have already paid it to Mrs. Tanner, provided tliey apply for Admission the first Quarter. Cheap Boot und Shoe Warehouse} / BOTTOM OF S1LVEK STREET, LEICESTER ) WHOKTON, w th much Respect returns • sincere ' 1 hanks to his Friends and the Public, for the distinguished Preference they have shewn for the Goods of his Manufactory, at the same Time assures them thcstriCteSt Attention wiflcontiuue to be paid to neatness and firmness of Workman- ship, and that he now has an Opportunity of Offering to their Notice a very large ami tnos- fashionable As- sortment cf Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress Shoes, of the best Quality, the Superiority of which will beevi- dent/ rom a slight Inspection. N. B. Good Allowance to Wholesale Customers. Leicester, July 13, 1809. Q, Lutterworth Circulating Library. JBOTTRILL respectfully informs tys Frierids," . that he has lately added . lie tollowing Publi- cations to his Library, viz. Santo Sebastiano, or the Young Protector ; Ned Beutley ; Thaddcus of War saw ; CcElebs in search of a Wife ; Celia in search of a Husband; Ccelebs suited, Miss Edgworths Tales of fashionable Life ; John Duke of Lancaster; Private History of the Court of England. The Library con- sists of upwards of 3000 Volumes. Catalogues may be had at J. Bottrill's High Street, where subscrip- tions will be thankfully received. Writing and every other Kind of Piper of the best Quality, and on the lowest Terms; Camp Desks great Variety ; large and fashionable Assortment of Jeweilery; Hanging Papers and Borders from the first London Houses; Umbrellas and Parasols from 3s. each to 30s. ; Palmer aud Harris Portable Pens; Rice Paper; Sea Shells for Chimney Ornaments ; & Ci & c. Magazines, Reviews, & c. soon as published, aud any new Publications procured in a few Days ; Music and Musical Instruments of every Description; Second- hand Books, and Music, bought, sold, or exchanged ; Instruments let to Hire J5 great fears art entertained that Hands will scarcely be procured to gather it, aud particularly as its likely from its present Appearance to be all ready together. Irish Labourers and Harvest Blen from the Interior Counties . will meet with great Encourage- ment, and are sure to make much of their Time by going to Work in these Fens. Reaping will begin about the 14th or 20th instant. Boston, August 4. 18 9. To Journeymen Millers. Wanted, At Michaelmas next, SOME Journeymen Millers ; no Objection to married Men with small Families, as coinf'oM- al'le Houses near the Mills wjll be found them. Good Workmen may have Constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to Mr. J. RICKITT, Cot- terstock Mill*, near Oundle; or Mr. J. BRAD- SHAW, Baker, Leicester. None need apply but who can product good Characters from their last Places. ' t)\ VRE\ K and EYE HUMANE SOCIETY. HE Annual Meeting of this Society will be held at the Swan Inn, Melton Mowbray, on Monday the 28th Instant, at 3 o'Cloek. H. BROWNE, Treasurer. Hoby, Aug. 13, 1809. • ff. RIVER TKENT KAVIGATKJNT NO I ICE is hereby given, That a General Meeting e. f the Company of Proprietors of the River Trent Navigation, will be holden a: the Blackmoors' Head Inn, in Nottingham, on Tues- day the 5th Day of September next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. The Commitjfee » will meet at the same Place on ( J3e preceding Day. ? EDW. SMITH GODFREY, Clerk to the said Company. Newark, idth August, 1809. T' others, the Creditors of GEORGE MEDD, formerly of Leicester, but I New Malton, in the County of York, are Personally or by their Solicitors to come in and prove their Debts before Ed ward Morris, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Chambers in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, oil or before tha 30th of October, 1809, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the Benefit ofthe said Decree. ,, Decree of the High On Thursday, Nathaniel Jones, G. nt was chosen made in a Cause HOW- Mayor of Northampton lot, the ye ,. r ensuing. " :> rs of. i^ ritt our Inst we • not ced the melancholy accident ate tli't occurred to Ji. hn Bruce ihairmaker, of this town, who fell a martvr to his philan hropy, in the laudable endeavour to rescue his servant Ed- ward Sprig from a wa cry grave on the 9 h inst. a widow snd three small children, the eldest only 5 years, and ti e youngest but 9 itnsmhs old, are left to deplore the joss of an affectionate fat' . er, on whose industry they were dependent for ther daily bread. Some gep kmen corn m, ss? ra ling the for- lorn and deplorable situation of the family, have begun a subscription for their, temporary relief, and it is hoped the Lberalit. y of. the public, will enable the widow to provide a Journeyman to conduct the •"*% usinessj . and keep herself and family from paro- chial assistance. Any donation left = it ihe Journal Off C, will be dujy tran> rhirted to ' he parties. T he Rutland Milit'a removed on Thursday from the Heading- street Barracks to" Volkstone. The troop of Leicestershire Yeomanry Cavalry, under the command of Capt. ROIKTI . Havmes, of preat Glenn, : in this county, ( denominated the HARBdRptocSH T( ti3dp,) have presented him with a sword of the value of One Hund ed Guineas, as a testimony; of their high respect for his, character and conduct as a Gertti. emm and a soldier. At a meet ing of . the members ol the Lincoln corps of Volunteer Infantry on Monday the 31st ult. it was unanimously agreed to, Continue tjieir, services as a Corps, notwithstanding, a. recent intimation from Government that th allowances for cloathing were to be discontinued. At the Worcester Assises, R. fiayli- i, a Church- warden, was indicted lor ivy ™ libels against the Rev.; Q. Waldron; Rector. The libels were so far orthodox as to have bten bouroWed from- Scrip- ture, and ware posted up near L; e pulpit : ". Thou hast let thy. mou h speak wickedness, and wth thy tongue thou hast let forih dtvfcu"—" My house is the house of prayer, but ye have inside it a den of thieves."— The defendant, when called on f r his LONDON, THURSDAY August \ 1. Government have received dispatches from Walcheren, brought by the Defender guu - brig, arrived at Margate. , She left Campveer on Monday morning, abotlt seven o'clock.— Our forces began to bombard Flushing about 3 o'clock the same morning in such a furious manner, that the town itself seemed to be in a general blaze. About the time of the Defen der getting under weigh, some flags of truce were in motion : a very heavy cannonade, however, began again about nine o'c'ock in the evening, . Admiral Keats was proceeding up the West Srheldt. The peasantry about Rotterdam had risen to support us, and it was hoped that city, with three French sail of the line lying there, would soon be in our possession. It should appear from the above statemeut that something like a negociation had com- menced, the object of which is probably the capitulation of Flushing, some ofthe terms of which could not be settled, perhaps those relating to the Irish officers in the French ser- vice, one of whom, it has been stated is Ar- thur O'Connor.— An account of the surrender of Flushing may, however, be hourly ex- pected. ^ St PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. VJOTtCE is hereby giVfert, that the Partnership . . . . . . . I i.\ lately sub isting between SAMUEL KIR- J. B. has just feceued an elegant Assortment ot tom . i s.- i i j n.,,,,,,, ,..„•, ,, v, . Tea Cuddies made of curious Wood from New South ' ON' , h<; El^/ and SAMUEL KIR I OV the Wales; aud a neat Assortment of Stands for Wine Younger, late of Asttby- de- la- Zouch, m the Coun- Decanters. hi WM. SAUNDERS, . Sadler and Coach Harness Maker MARKET HARBOROUCH. BEGS Leave to inform his Friends and the Pub- lic in general, that he has taken and entered upon the Stock ih Trade and Premises lately occu- pied by Mr. Gird; and hopes by a strict Attention to Businessto merit their Patronage and Support. Market Harborough, August 17, 1809. / TgENERAL" REGISTER OFFICE, /'/• Market- place, Leicester. . respectfully informs the Public that at his General Register Office, Fam liesmcy be supplied with Servants of good Character of PEpi 31* 3S- GENERAL POST- OFFICE, LONDON, July 22,18- 9. A Caution. ENALriES t.. the Amount of Two Hundred bounds, w th full Costs, have lately been re- covered and paid, in Actions brought by the Directi- on ot the Postmaster General, against a very CO: si- icrahle Mercantile House iu London, having also an Establishment in a large manufacturing Town in the Country, lor offending against the htatutes of the 9th of Queen Anne, c. 10. s. 17. and 42d Geo. 3d. c. 81. s. 5 by sending LETTERS in PARCELS and other Packages, by Coaches, to and froui Loudon, and eir Country Establishment. It is hoped that this Prosecution, in Addition to the many others that have been brought, by the Orders of the Board, will stop sUch illlsgal Practices. By Command of his Majesty's Postmaster Ge- neral, FRANCIS FREELING, Secretary. ALL Persons to whom JOHN COLLlNa, late of Loughborough, in the County of Lei- tester, Gentleman, deceased, stood indebted at the 1 ime of his Decease, are requested to send ail Ac- count of their Claims to Mr. Stavuley, or Mr. Lacey, of Loughbuiough aforesaid, the Trustees and Exe- cutors uppoiutcd by his Will : and all Persons wild Stood indebted to the said Mr. Collins are required forthwith to pay what they stood indebted to the suiu Mr. Staveley or Mr. Lacey. Loughborough, August 8, 1809. Judd's Insolvency. OIIN JUDD, ol the Borough of Leicester, J Victualler and Frame- work- knitter, having conveyed and assigned his real and personal Estates to Mr. Burnaby, Solicitor, aud Mr. Wui. Bassford, of Leicester, Fraroe- work- knitter, in Trust, for the Benefit of ihuusdves aud his other Creditors; such Creditors as are willing to take the Benefit of such Assignment, are requested to call at Mr. fcuruaby's Office, iu Leicester, to execute the same, within one Month from the Dale hereof, or, in failure, they will h- excluded all Benefit arising therefrom' f Leicester, Aug. 10, 180W. ^ KIRK_ respectfully or y every Description ; and Servants desirous of Placy! JIXJ may have References to several Families id want of ,„„„ Servants, now or at Michaelmas. N. B. No Servant need apply whose Character will not bear Investigation , and the strictest At- tention will be paid to the Wants of Applicants of each Description. CHARI TY SCHOOL—- SY. Margaret. August 14, 1809, AT a General Meeting of the Subscribers for the Purpose of| Auditmg the Second Year's Accounts. SAMU&- CLARK E, Esq. Mayot, in the Chair. 0 UELCt i\ lr. T| jter, Mr. l^ tes Mr. Miller; Mr. Reid, Mr. B. Cort, Mr. Webster, Mr. Ludlam, Mr. Ala. Gregory, Resolved.— After examining the Proficiency, which the Children of this School have made during the last Year, that their Progress has been such as to give the highest Satisfaction to this Meeting. Resolved— That the particular Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Rev. R. Davies for the Perse- verance and Ability with which he has brought this Charitable Institution to its present State of Useful- ness : and that this Meeting is also desirous ofbearing Testimony to the Zeal and Fidelity, which he has al- ways shewn, as Minister of this P. r> ih, and lear^ With much Regret that they are so soon to be de- prived of Services, which have been so beneficial to the Parishioners iu general. ThisMeeting request that he will preach a Charity Sermon in Support of this Institution. SAMUEL CLARKE, Mayor, Chairman. Statement of Accounts, & c. CHARITY SCHOOL. Dk By Balance from last Audit By Second Years Expenditure - By Donations and Subscriptions Unpaid \ Mr. J. Bankart, Mr. Aid. Stevenson, Mr. Pilkinton, Mr. Miles, Mr. C. Hextall, Mr. Bracebridge, Rev. Mr. Davies, 3l- John Sea grave, Dece'ttitd. LL Persons having any Claim or Demand on ; late JOHN H'EAGRAVE, Deceased, of Kirbv Relinks, in the County of Leicester, are A ty of Leicester, MerCerS and Drapers, carried oh at Ashby- de- la- ZouCh aforesaid, under the Firm of " Kirton and Son," was on the 14th Day of April last pa t Dissolved by mutual t onsent. All Persons indebted tn the Firm ate required to pay their respective Debts to Saihuel Kiiton, the Younger, at No, 3, BridgeWater place, Manches ter, on or before the first Day of October next, who is duly authorised to receive the same : And all Persons who have Claims on the said Firm are de- sired to deliver their Accounts to him, that the same may be discharged. Dated the 15th Day of Augustj 1800. SAMUEL KlRtON, Sen. SAMUEL KIRTON, Jun. Witness.- SAMUEL WEBSTER. OTICE is hereby given, That the Partner- ship between Messrs. Parsons and Howcutt, Ironmongers, & c. having been dissilvfed more than Twelve Months, it is requested that all Debts due to the said Partnership be immediately discharged ; and all Persons having any Demands upon t| jc said Firm, are desired to send in their Accounts that they may be paid. Leicester, August 18, 1S09. i2d AUGUST IS. * •: ' ml u We stop the press to announce that a Edition of the Times Paper has just been re- ceived, giving an account of the Surrender of Flushing on Tuesday morning. The garrison offered terms early in the rtlorning of that day, but they were rejected in the most pe emptory m inner, the French Governor wishing to stipulate for more favou- rable terms for the Irishmen in the garrison, and consequently the bombardment was re- sumed with great vigour, and the firing did not cease till half past two o'clock oil Tuesday morning, when terms of nearly unconditional surrender were proposed by the garrison, and agreed to. The whole of our loss does not exj ceed 8 or 900 men in killed, wounded, and miss tog. si I. SARAH MAYNE. JOHN MAYNE, of Appleby, in the County of Leicester, Miller, do hereby give Notice, ths' 1 and Sarah my Wife have mutually agreed to live separate and apart from each other, and that I have giver, up to her for her own use, and to en- able her to maintain and provide for herself One- half of my Property, and that I am in and by a certain L s. 163 U 102 19 17 6 d. i Si 6 343 17 Cr. it t. d. By Charity Sermon and additional DOna- tions and Collections • 70 8 10 By Sundries 237 S 7 Due to Balance .- 3( 5 2 8* 843 17 22nd Day of July last, bound ( amongst other Things} not to interrupt her in so doing, and that I will no< at any Time claim the Property so given up or any Part thereof: And I also hereby give Notice, that I will not be answerable or " acSJantable for qr pay any Debts my said Wife may Contract; and I here- by Discharge all Persons from trusting or giving her Credit on my account. Witness my Hand the 12th Day of August, 1809. JOHIfMAYNE. OBE SOLD BY PKIVA1E CONTRACT, A LL that well- accustomed Public House, now / V in full Business, the Antelope, in the Silver j Street, Leicester, consisting of excellent Celjerage, ] House, Parlour, Dining Room, & c. on the Giound ; Floor; 9 Bed Rooms and 2 large Closets, Brewhonse, and Stabling for 10 Horses; Malt Chamber, and 2 small Tenements in the Yard. For further Particulars and to treat for Purchase, apply to Mr. FINDLEY, on the Premises; or to Mr. THOMAS COOK, Builder, uear Saint Margaret's Church, who has a Plan ofthe above. N. B If agreeable Part of the Purchase Money may remain on Security of the Premises. Leicester, August 3, 18' 9. BIRTH. On Thursday last, at Blythfield, in Staffordshire, the Right Hon-. Lady Bagot, of a daughter MARRIED. Oil Tuesday the 8th iustarrt at Barkby, Mr. T. Adcock. Dealer, of Syston, to Miss S. Sharpies, of Barkby Thorp* both in this county. On Thursday last, at Welton, the Rev. Thomas StiiitH, rector of Clay Co ton, aud vicar of Lilbour n, Northamptonshire, to Miss Helen Amelia, theyoung- est daughter of the late John Clarke, Esq. of Welton Place. DIED. On Tuesday last, Mrs. Whittingham in the Friar Lane, relict of the late Rev. Mr. Whittingham, of Billesdon in this county. Od Thursday last, in the 86th year of his age, Mr. Joseph Bottrilj of Kenilworth, formerly a resident of Coventry. On Thursday last at Ulverseroft in this county, without any previous indisposition, W. R. Burgeti, Esq. of ShaidioW, Derbyshire. A conge d'elire has passed the great seal, for the election of a Bishop of Bangor, and recommending the Bishop of Chester to be Chosen. The Executors of the laie William Brown, Esq. have this week paid to the Treasurer of the Infir- mary a legacy of Five Hundred Pounds bequeathed to the institution by that Gentleman. We have this week ihe high gratification of pre- senting our readers with OFFICIAL INFORMA- TION of the greatest importance ( See 2d page). We feel the more gratified because the fatal AR Bond or Obligation, in Writing bearing Date tlsieS MISTICK, and some other unexpected events, had ""- J "— ft-. i- i— i - j/ - i tu:—- f K - forded the Apostles a mo- etff^ ry thanks to the gallantry ' iTBiJtish arms, their chuckling is now at an • St" Btoughton Asllty Association. J? equested V> y the Executor to send in the Account iff their Demands, that they may be discharged, within OI1I1 Month from the Date hereof;— And all persons wko stand indebted to the above Deceased John Seagrave, of Kirby Bellars, in the Cohnty of 1. sir ester, are requested by the Executor to discharge the same within the abovementioned Time. JOHN SEAGRAVE, Esccutor. Kirby Etllars, July 29. 13U9. STOLEN OR STRAYED, On Sunday Night the 6th of August, or on Monday Morning, out of a Close by the RoadSide leading from Keg worth to Derby, AN aged GREY MARE, 14 Hands and a Half high, ofthe Blood Kind, with a Twit- ter on the Far Hind Heel, and cut Tail, the Property Of Mr. T. OSBORNE, of Kcgworth ; if Strayed, w hoever will bring her to Mr. Osborne shall receive a handsome Reward, and huve all reasonable Expences paid; but if! Stolen, whoever will give Information of the Offender or O( tenders, shall on Conviction, receive a RCwafd of JTYE . GUINEAS, .. TEN GUINEAS REWARD. WHEREAS several Young Thriving Elms, growing in the Church Yard at Sapcote in this County, have been lately at different Times I maliciously cut down, and destroyed ; any Person j giving Information so that the Offender or Offenders j may- be Prosecuted to Conviction, shall receive the i Reward ofTEN GUINEAS, from the Rev. James ! Knight Moor, Rector of Sapcoate aforesaid ; and I a further Reward. from theTreasurerof the Brough- ; ton Astlev Association ; any Offender ( if more than | one) giving Information so that his Accomplice or i Accomplices, may be Prosecuted to Conviction, shall receive the like Reward, and Endeavours will he used to obtain for him a free Pardon. JOHN L. GREAVES, Solicitor to the above Association, Leicester, August If, 1809. afforded to the Apostles of Gallic- supremacy a mo- metifSry exultation ! but •• end, and the brilliant achievments with which our columns abound, will, we doubt not, be instrumen- tal in extending the cadaverous phizes of these whitt liver'd Fungi to their accustomed length.— We rejoice that their exultation has be'en ol so short a duration. A victory more glorious to the British arms than that of TALAVERA, is not to be found in the annals of British history, since the days of Cressy and Agincourt. What wreaths of never fading laurels does it twine round the brows of Great Britain 1 What lustre does it reflect upon our army I Even amidst the throbs of victory, the mind pauses with terror to contemplate the dreadful dis- parity ofthe day ! At the very lowest computation the I renc'n army ( composed entirely of veteran and hitherto invincible legions, led by King Joey in person, and the most celebrated Paladins o( France) amounting to full 45,000 men, Were successfully opposed and beaten by the gallant Sir Arthur and his brave army, whose British force did not exceed 20,000 men. The perusal of this mo3t gratifying document carries the mind back to the times of our EDWARDS and cur HENRYFC, when the supe- riority of British strength and valour made each Engl shman a match for three Frenchmen; and never, unquestionably, was this proud superiority more eminently displayed than on this most brilli- ant occasion ; no? was ever the bravery of British troops more skilfully or happily directed t « the great end of glorious and important achieve- ments. Although our loss is tibt more than half ot that sustained by the enemy, yet we feel it to be severe, buf the cause to which it is ascribed contributes i. ot a little to mitigate our regret. The memorable appeal of the immortal Nelson, ", Eng- liod expects every man to do his duty," must have animated thebOsoin of eves y individual, andpronlpt-' ed thetn to deeds of the highest heroism ; ami there is n< t one who may not exclaim w'th ftur Fifth HfcN'KY, on the day of the battle of Agincoart, And TM- EVERA'S day shall ne'er go by. From this day to the ending of the world, But- w » ir it, shftli b « rfsuembertd. defence, justified, his, conduct My saying, that churchwarden had a right to put. any. thing up in a church so that it was taken from Holy W r t —* The Court, however, thought otherwise, and sen- tenced him to be fined and imprisoned. Corn Maiket. - A c- iuse of very great importance to the community was tried at the last Norwich as- sizes. The Defendants, who are opulent corn- merchan's, were indicted, at the suit of ihe Ring, for a conspiracy, to enhance tjhfe price of corn by en- tering into a resolution not to purchase for ready money ill future, but at a months credit, and dur- ing only two hours of the day, instead of abiding by the former custom of purchasing lor ready money, during the whole day ; by which new regulation they would be enabled to inonoplize the market, and charge their, new prices to the customers. A'- ter Mr. Serjeant Best had proceeded some length in his opening speech, the Judge . advised the De- fendants publicly to rescind their resolutions, » t't- iog, at the same time; ' that ' if ihey should be con- vicied, a most Severe sentence should follow. Trie D fendan. ts agreed to comply with his Lordships suggesi'rji. Dur ng the awful storm of lightning, thunder, and ra n, which visited this neighbourhood, .' in Thutsdav iiight. and Friday morning lasi, a sheep belonging to Mr. H. Bray, bu cher,. of Coventry, was killed by the 1 ghining, wndst i . king re'uge under a tree; a cow was also killed at Ftilongley, the propeitv of a poor industrious man. — Mr. John- stone, of I d c te. had five sheep killed, while standing under a tree. One of tlie coaches called the Mercury, be- tween Salisbury and BUndford, during the. thun- der storm ori Thursday night, had three of ts horses struck with the lightning ; they instantly fell, and two expired— A sailor in ihe boot, we regret to add, was st uck dead ; the I ghtn nfa also entered the coach, burning a handkerci lef a gen- leman held to his eyes without injuring his person, and setting fire to the straw at ihe bottom of the coach. A tree in the close of Sarum, in tlie field adjacent to the Bishop's garden, Was struck by the lightning, tiie bark peeled off n a remarkable way< and scattered to the distance of 70 feet, and four fat sheep at the foot of the tree vitefe struck dead by the lightning. Pedestrians. — A wager of 2t) 0 gUiiieas has beeri made betwixt Mr. Dovvnes, the pedestrian, and a Mr. White, each to start and go 60 miles a- day until one resigns. The parties started from Aud- over on Wednesday. Mr. Dowries is considerably the favourite, and it is suppesed he can maintain the match for a fortnight NOTTINGHAM RACES - concluded. Wednesday, a gold cup value l'iOgs. by subscribers of lOgs. each, the surplus to be paid to the wiuner in specie. Sir S. Sitwell's Clinker, 4 yrS old - - 1 Sir S Sitwell's Goosuander, < i yrs old - - 2 Mr. Bettison's br c by Sir Peter, dam by Alfred, . 3 yrs old - - - S Mr. T. Dunconibe'S gr c Now or Never, by Delpiul, 3 yrs old - - . - .4 The noblemen arid gentlemen's plate of _' 50l. tor 3 and 4 yr olds. Sir S. Sitwell's Gooseandei; 4 yrs Old - 2 11 Mrj T. C. Browne's Marquis, 4 yrs did 1 2 i Mr. T. B. Johnson's Spaniard, 3 yrs. old, Mr. Tati- ton's Fair Star, and Mr. Skeltou's gr f by Delpiui, 3 yr s old, also started. Thursday, a Maiden Plate of Fifty Podiids, given !>\< the Town of Nottingham, for horses, tie of all ages. Four- mile heats, Mr. T. B. Johnson's b. c Spaniard, by Waxy, 3 yrs old - - , - - - 11 Mr. Shepherd's ch m by Shuttle, 4 yrs old 3 2 Mr. Bettison's lire by Beeizebuh, 3 yrs old 2 dis, 5 to 4 agst Shuttle ; 6 to 4 agst Spaniard ; 3 to i agst Beelzebub.— Won easy. For the Hunter's Stakes of 5gs.' each,, for horses, & c.- of all ages ( 6 Subscribers,) there was no race, Mr', Terrett's b h Ferguson, by Overton, being the only horse named. August 21.- • 22.- - 24.- • 25.- 26.- FAIRS. - Rugby, Cheadle,' Ludlow, Lechlade, Stroud, Deddington, Melton Movtbtaj , Oundle - Cannock — Fazeley — Ellesmcre - Brampton, Hinckley, Northampton PRICE OF CORN In LEICESTER MARKET, Aug. 12, 1805. PELL QUARTER CustomaryM. | Average j ' tt'in. P • 4 19 4 13 3 Wheat from £\ 10 9 to' 5 D 0 Rye 0 0 0 Barley from 2 6 0 t<* 3 0 i) Oatsfrom 1 14 0 to ii 2 6 0 Beans 2 16 0 to 5 3 8 0 Blue Pease 0 0 0 Hog PetU'e 0 0 0 Oatmeal 0 O 0 JOSEPH SMITH, Corn Inspect, TO CORRESPONDENTS. " Lochiels Winning" would occupy too large a • portion of onr paper. Sei'tersil poetiual Cor: esy- dent » ; « nd others,- shall ' i> n attwtisd sLr tiv » - t Vwurttniflueov « ' ?'')<•. • HWI'Mdlisgc IV. 1 H L--- * E> aeriwv , ,, BANKRUPTS. S. Beck, Ttury- street, St. Mary Axe, jeweller S. U nv! n, Dislev, Chester, shopkeeper J Klsd. u, Newmarket, carpenter J. Shaw, Wapping- wall, provision- merchant L. i.- viek, High- street, Sliadwell, straw- hat manu- facturer J Allsop, Hants, silk- weaver T. Howard, Houthwark, cornfaCtor J. Dunielow, Hinckley, Leicester, grocer E' Powell, Birmingham, japanmr G. Packer, North'each, Glou ester, corn- dealer S. Jamison, Heading, dealer W. M. Lolly, i. iverpool, rect. fier li. F. dliti, Aldgate, jeweller G. Ma'idoek and \ V. Delamoie, Liverpool, coin- E. aealers • orslev, Elder- street, Spitalfields, silk- weaver jl nwn, Bradford, clothier E. Simmons, Slra. id, shoemaker DIVIDENDS. Aug 26. J, Dodd, Pall mall, hatter Sept ' I. J. Andrews, Grosvenor square, banker i. J. Wuffiugton, Brightlieltiistonc, grocer " » . K. iiowiree, Drypool, Yorkshire, mill r 6. J. Luffman, Alfred- buildings, Mooifields, printer p, W. Dann, P. Bentham, B Bentham, and J. I'. akie, Chatham and Sh erness, bankers 12. G. Pi. Id, Bath, hatter 6 H. Jeffreys, . Melcombe Regis, Dorsetshire 1inen- di apcr > 6. J. Ho'land < harside, haVrdasher 16. W. Darby, Hexton, Herefordshire, butcher 16 W Ham and \ V. Aust, Cow Cross street brass- f. und- rs 2. H. tlilliar, Hav mraket, umbrella maker 26. J. Crossley, Halifax, Yoikshire, and King- streer, London, merchant Oct. i|. J. Kwbank, Bncklersbury, warehouseman • 26, L. J. i. rffman, New- street, Bishop's gate- stiver, merchant r. Wright, Cowper's- row, Crutcbed- friars broker —- ! J. Crofts. Axmi nster, Devonshire, borse- dealtr .4. J. Askew and W. Wright, Bridge street B ackfriars. hat- manuf cturers 28. H. Butcher, Hvthe, Kert, sadler 17. J Morgan, Enfleld- Highway, farmer Nov. 7. A. Anderson and D. Robinson, Coleman- street, merchants Sept. Hi. G. Fall and J Hutchinson, Tooley street. • Souihwark. brewers, at Guildhall » 6 T. Rands, Hampcread, at Guildhall • 2. W. Cuff, Upper East Smithfield, cheese- monger, at Guildhall —— 20. R. Fojtif the younger, New Bond- street chinaman, at Guildhall 23 J. F. liott, and J. T Datmall, Upper East Smithfield, flax - dressers, at Guildhall — 6. R. Brwce, Bartholomew- lane, insurance broker, at Guildhall 9. J. O. Parr ant) T. C Patrick, Suffola- lane, London, insurance broker, at Guildhall • 2. T. Humphreys, Cheltenham- place, Saint Georjre's- fields, horse dealer, at Guildhall 9. R. Heslop, Chisw. ll- street, Finsbury- square painter aud glazier, at Guildhall 5. John Birchall, Liverpool, butcher, Globe Tavern. John street • 5. C. Jones, . iverpool, merchant, York Hotel, Williamson square 5. \ V Binni, Wakefield, Yorkshire, brick Li ver New ' ourt House 2. J. Parker, ( lithero, Lancashire, Cotton - spinner, Browniow's Arms Oct 17, H Smyth, T. and J. Lnscet es. Mill lane, Toolev- strcet, coopers, at Guildhall • ' 7, J. Wavbrmi and J. Gerrard, Swan- street, Min iries, cort. fictors, at Guildhall N v. | 6. F. O. Fisher, Brightbelmstone, booksel ler, at Guildhall • 7. T. White, Southwark, haberdasher, at Guildh .11 • ! 4 R. Grover, Town Mat ing, Kent, grocer at Guildhall • 1 Joiui Greenwood, and W. Grima di, Old bond - fleet auctioneers, at Guildhall i . W. W Deschamps, B. S. Moigan, and P. M'Taggirt, Suffolk- lane, merchants, at Guild ha'l — 7. J. German, Aldermanbury, hosier at Guild- ball — 11 W. Morley, Drury- lane, warehouseman, at Guildhall 6. S. Moses, Brighthelmstone, linen- draper, at Guildhall Aug. " ft. D Moore, Leriham, Kent, dealer, at Guildhall — 29. B. Shiles, Dilford, Devonshire, miller, Bush Tavern, Bristol ! 0 T. Hui', Bath, Somersetshire, carrier, Elephant and Castle Inn Westwardly Direction hy the North Side of ancient . [• Inclosures in Woodhouse Eaves, ov? r the Little llills, I on Ihe North Side of Broombrigs, over Beacon Plain, to the Sheepshead and Newtown Road, No. 2, over | » tlie said Koad and Little Baldwin Castle Hill, to the Loughborough and Bosworth Road, No. 1, near the South West Cornerof Charley. HOLGATE ROAD. No. 5.— One other public Carriage Road and High- way, branching out of the Sheepshead and Newtown * Road, No. Sf, on Benscliff Plain, in a outb- east- wardly Direction to the North- west Corner of Map- plewell Old Inclosures, in a Southwardly Direction " over Mapplewell Longdale, to the Swithland Road, No. 8, ovi r the said Road, to the Nor h- west Corner of Helgate's Wood, and by the West S; de cf llol- gate's lnclosnres to tile Gate in Holgate's Nook. WOODHOUSE EAVES KOAI). No. 6.— One other public Carriage Road and High- way, ( beginning at Wood bouse Eaves,) in » South- wardly Direction by the ancient Inclosures of Wood- house, to ihe South- west Corner of Huugar HillWood, over the West- side of Woodhouse Brand, and be- tween the Slate Pits to the Village ofSwi'hland, BRAND ROAD. No. 7.— One other public Carriage Road and High- way, ( beginning at Woodliuiise Brand Gate,) in a Soutli- wesiwardly Direction over the East Side of the Brand, to the YVoodhouse Eaves Road, No. 6, near the Slate Pits. SWITHLAND ROAD. No. E— One other public Carnage Raod and High way, branching out of the Woodhouse Eaves Road, No 6, in a Westwardly Direction near Swithland Forest Gate, to the East Corner of Swithland Wood, by the North Side of tile said Wood, to the West Cor- ner there f, over Rowcliff Hill to the Holgates Koad No 5, over the said Fvoad, and on the North Side of Blore's Hill, to the Sheepshead and Newtowu Road, No. 2, on Newtown Nook. BLEAK HAYE's ROAD. No. 9 — One other public Carriage Road and High- way, ( beginning at a Gate in ancient JncloKireS in Ulv. rscrofr,) near the Shtepwash, in a Southwardly Direction under Blockercliff, by the East Side of ancient Inci surcs in Ulverscroft and Newtown Lin- f. jrd, to tlieSheepsnead and Newtowu Road, No. 2, near the Village of Vevtown Liuford. M UtKFIELD ROAD. No. 10.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, ( beginning at the South End ot Stoney. Lane,) in a Southwardly Direction, over the West S ale of Markfieid Knowl to the Village of Mark- fieid. * SHAW LANE ROAD. No. 11.— One oi her public Carriage Road and Highway, ( beginning at the No# h End of Stoney- Laue,) ill an Eastwardly Direction by the North Side of ancient Inclosures in Markfieid, on the South Side , / I. eicester Journal, and Midland Counties General Advertiser. Charnvjood Forest and Rothley Plain INCLOSURE. • TT7" E the Commissioners appointed in and by VV an Act of Parliament', made ind passed in the 4Pth Year of his presmt Majesty's Reign, inti- • tied " An Act for allotting and infh. sing the Forest or Chace o' Charnwo fl, otherw ise Charley Forest " or Chace and Rothley Plain, in the County of Lei- • • center," in pursuance of the said Ac , and con- • rinably to the Statute of 4lst Geo. 3d. i Do hereby give Notice, * Thatwe have set out and appointed the following pub! c Carriaee Roads and Highways of the Width of Forty Feet, h rough and over lite La ds and Grounds » int. nded to be divided, allotted, and inclosed, fviz). On Charmsood Forest. . LOUGHBOROUGH aid BOSWORTH ROAD. No. ..— One public Car. iage Road audi- Highway, ( begiiinhigat Loughborough Forest Gate,) in a South- , westwardly Direction to near the Harrow, at (.' bar- ley Corner, over Bi cliwuod Plain, to the Turnpike Road f om Whitwick to Ma. kfield, over the said » Turnpike Road to Hobbv Hall Corner, by the North Side of ancient Inclosures called Marktield Sliaws, to . he Turnpike Road leading from Ashby de- la- • Zonch to Leicester, over the said Turnpike Road, and liv the North Side of ancient tuclosu. es to the North- west Corner thereof, to the South Cornerofan • ancient twInsure belonging to Mr John Hood, in St. nton- iiiid. i- Bardon, and by the South Side of onc. ent Inclosures to the Village of Stanton- under- • HarJon. SHEEPSHEADand NEWTOWN ROAD. No. 2.— One oi her public Carriage Road and High* • way. ( beginning at Sheepshead Forest Gate,) in a Southwardly Direction over Sheepsbead Nook and the Accommodation Bridge, to the Turnpike Koad • from Loughborough to Ashl. y- de- la Zouch, over the said Turnpike Rond, by the We; st End ofBroadhurst Hill, on the West Mde of Five Tree Hill, to the • Loughborough and Bosworth Road, No I, ovei the said Koad by the West Side of the Goat House, the East Side of Alderman Hall, over Beacon Plain to • tk' Woodhouse Road, No 4, over the said Road, Uenschff Plain, and Newtown Nook to the Village of Newtown Linford. CHARLEY and tf VERSCROFT ROAD. No. •—< tneother pub ic Carriage Road and High- way, ( becinning at Tiekow I ane Gate,) in a South- wardly Di ectiou to the Turnpike Road from Lough- borough to Asliby - de- la- Zouch, over the said Turo- jiike Roa. l to ancient Inclosures in the Occupation of • Daniel Jones, on the East Side of * Mack Brook, over Charley 1 ey- to the Loughborough and Bosworth ' oad, No 1, over the said Road, over Sweet Hills n, on the West Side of Alderman Hall to Wood- Road, No. 4, near L. ttle Baldwin Castle Hill. WOODHOUSE ROAD t-— Qae pther pub ic Carriage Road and High- . ginjing at BcauptMivr L* ac Gate,) ia a Stgd Majesty, enquired into the Boundaries of the several Parishes, Manors, Hamlets, or Districts within the said Forest and Plain ; and it appearing to us, that the said Boundaries are uot sufficiently ascertained aud distinguished, Do hereby give Notice, that uie intend to hear Evidence, On Tuesday the 5th of September next, at tlie Bull's Head Inn, in Loughborough, at 10 o'Clock in the Forenoon, on the Boundaries of the Manors or reputed Manors of Shecpshead, Kuigbt Thorp, Thorp- Acre, and Garcudou. On Wednesday the lith of September, at the saute. Hour and Place, on the Boundaries of the Manors or reputed Manors eif Gracedieu and Beltou, or one of them ; the Manor of Thriugstone, the Manor of Beauinitnor, and the Manor of Loughborough. On . hursday the 7th of September, at the same Hourand Place, on the Boundaries of the Manor " of | Whiiwick with its Members, and the Manor or re- puted Manor of Charley. ® n Friday the 8th of September, at the same Hour and Place, on the Boundaries of the Manor of Bar- row with its Members, the Manor or reputed Manor of Mapplewell and M epplewell Longdate, the Manor or reputed Manor of Rowcliff, aud the Manor or re- puted Manor of Swithland. ', Ik On Saturday the 9th of September, at the same Hour and Place, on the Boundaries of the Manor of Grooby, with its Members, and the Manor or Pre- cinct of Ulverscroft. On Monday the J 1th of September, at the same Hour aud Place, on the Boundaries of the several Manors on Rothley Plain. And wedo require all Parties interested to produce Evidence in Support of the respective Boundaries by them claiiried. Given under our Hands this first Dav of August, 18V9. ROBT. H. WYATT. JOSEPH OUTRAM. JOHN BURCH^ M. THOMAS EAGLE. JAMES GREEN". Charntuood Forest and Rothley Plain INCLOSURE. Melton Mowbray, 3d August, 1809. NOTICE is hertby given, That the Tolls aris- ing at ihe several Toll Gates situated at Melton and Burton Lane, together with a Machine at t. angham, all situated upon the Turnpike Road leading from Nottingham to Kettering And a. so the Toll Gate situated at the East End of the Town of Melton Mowbray, and also the Turnpike Gate situated upou Brauuston Lings upon the Turn pike Road leading to Grantbaui, will be Let by Auti tiou to the best Bidder, at the White Swan Inn, in Melton, on Thursday the 7th Day of September next, between the Hours of E even and Two, in the Manner directed by the Act of parliament passed in the Thirteenth Year of his present Majesty, for re gulating Turnpike Roads. The above Gates were Let last Year for ihe several Sums undermentioned, viz.: /.. 227 161 137 217 118 Melton Gate Burton Lane Gate, Laugham Gate Melton Gate, ( East End) Braunston Lings Gate, N. B. Whoever happens to be the best Bidder or Bidders, must at the same Time give Security with proper Sureties, to the Satisfaction of tile Trustees of the said Roads, for the Payment of the Kefit agreed for, at such Times as they shall direct. JOHN HENSHAW, Clerk. loS TO BREEDERS AND GRAZIERS. This Day is Published, In 8vo. Price 5s FACTS and Experiments on the Use of Sugar in Feeding Stock; With Hints for the Cultivation of Waste Lands j and an account of the two Sugar Fed Oxen which obtained the Pr le at Lord Somervide's Cattle Show. Loudon; Printed for J. Harding, 36, St. James's Street; and Sold by Combe, Leicester, Where may be had, 1st. Loul Somervilit's Essays on Merino Sheep and Wool, and on Oxen, Ploughs, aud other Implements of Husbandry, on Farming Accounts, & c. & c. w ith 10 Plates os. 2d. Bakewell's Observations on the Effect of Soil Wr . (-. I D. hCHUI 5 \ a nous Oil me l. ll. lV oi OUII . tne C. ommnsionerj named and appointed I and Climate upon Wool, and the Management of in and by an Act passed in tiie 48t . Year j Sheep after Shearing & c. & c. wittn. ord Somerville's of the Reign of his present Majesty, intitled " An ; Notes 8vu. 6s. 6d. Act for allotting and inclosing the Forest or Clia. e of I id Luccock's General Essay on Wool, addressed Charnwood, otherwise Charley Forest or Chace, and Itolhley Plain, in the County of Leicester," Do hereby g< w AW tie, That we shall hoid a Meeting i » investigate the Claims of the several and respective Propriet rs claiming Right of Common, and other Riglvs upon to the Grower, Dealer, aud Manufacturer, . l^ tw Edition, Price 7s. 4th. i he Farmer's Account Book, which by means of Printed ' Tables, en tbles the Farmer with the great- est Ease to kee- p an accurate Account, each Week throughout the Year, of every 1 hiug done on the of the Cliff Hills, b, ancient lnclosu. es called Mark- '^"' Inlit'^ n'> n'" m^ leGrounds alld W: lste Land* ' i Writing Paper, Price for a Year field Shaws, to the Turnpike Road from Ashby- de- ' 0n-! he followms Da> 5' v, z i la- Zouch to Leicester, over the said Turnpike Road, , and by thu North Side of ancient Inclosures belong- ' ing to John Jackson, near to the Turnpike Road from Whitwick to Murkfield Toll Gate, near an Iu- take in the Occupation of Robert VVootton. CLIFF HILL ROAD. No. 12.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, branching out of the Loughborough and Bosworth Road, No. 1, in a Southwardly Diiection near the East Corner of an ancient Inclosure in Man ion nnder- Bardon, belonging to Mr John Hood, on the West Sitle of Cliff Hills and to the North Eud of Stoney Lane GRANGE ROAD. No. 15.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, branching out ot the Cliff Hid I toad, No. 12, near the North End of Stouey- Lane, in a West- wardly Direction, by ancient luclosures in Mark- field, and to Horse Pool Gate IBSTOI. K ROAD. No. 14.— One other public Carriage Road and II ghway, branching outof the Turnpike Road from Ashby de- la Zouch to Leicestei, near Bardon Meet iug House, in a Westwaroly Direction to the South End of Lung Lan « . BATTLF. FLAT ROAD. No. 15,— One other public Cariiage Road and Highway, branching out of the Ibstock Road, No. 14, atl- oug- Lai e, in a South- westwardly Direction to Battle fiat G- te. THE OAKS ROAD. No. 16.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, ( beginning at Dumps Lane,) in the Parish of Whitwick, in a South- eastwardly Direction over Cademan Plain, on the North Side of Kite Hill, over Moult Hill Plains, on the North Side of Smiths of the Oak « , and over Black Brook to the Charley and Ul- ler crof Road No 1. near the Red Hill. WHITWICK ROAD. No 17.— Or. e other public ( arriage Road and Highway, ( beginning at the Town of Whitwick,) near Win. Howell's House, in an Eastwardly Direction between Parson Wood Hills into the Oaks Koad, No. lb, ouCaUeman Plain. SWANNYMOTE ROAD. No. 18.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, branching out of the Oaks Road, No. 16, on Cademan Plains, in an Eastwardly Direction, on the South Side of the Swannymote Hills to the Turn- pikr Road from Loughborough to Asbby- de- la- Zouch, near a Farm- House in Sheepshead, in the Occupation of Wm. Thompson. BELTON ROAD. No. 19.— One other public Carriage Koad and Highway, ( beginningat Belton Low Woods Gate,) in a Westwardly Direction over the Canal Biidge and Belton Low Woods, by Brotherhood's House to the Turnpike Road from l^ ughborougb to Ashby- de- la- Zoucli, over the said Turnpike Road to the Swanny- mote Koad, No. 18, near Crophurst Hill. CHARLEY WAY ROAD. No. 20.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, ( beginning at Charley Gate.) in the Parish of Sheepshead, in a Westwaidly Direction over the Canal Bridge, to ttie Turnpike Road from Loughbo- rough to Ashby- de la- Zouch, neai Gelders Ilall. On R. thley Plain. THURCASTON ROAD. No. 21, One other public Carriage Road and High- wav,( beginning at Mountsorrel Hill Gate,) in aSouth Direction by ancient Inclosures in Mountsorrel and Rotliley, and in a South- westwardly Direction to Thurcastoii Gate. ROTHLEY ROAD. NO. 22.— One other public Carriage Road and Highway, ( b. ginning at Swithland Gate,) in a South- eastwardly Direction to the Thurcaston Road, No. 21, over the said Road, iu a Southwardly Direction and to Rot hit y Gate. Aud we do further give Notice, that we have caus- ed a. Map to be prepared iu which the said Roads are accurately laid down and described, and that such Map is deposited at the Office of Mr. Cradock, one of our Clerks at Lcughborough, for the Inspection of all Persons concerned And u e do also give Notice, That we have not changed or altered any Turnpike Road leading over the Lands, to be allotted and inclosed, but have lelt the same 60 Feet wide. And we do also appoint a Meeting to be held at the Bull's Head, in Loughborough, on Tuesday the 5th Day of September next, wlen any Person or Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of such Roads, may and they are hereby required to attend. Given under our Hands this first Day of August, 1109. ROBT. H. WYATT. JOHN BURCHAM. THOMAS EAGLE. JAMES GREEN. For the several Parishes, Constableries, Town ships, Hamlets, or Placets of Louabhoroiigb. Wood- thorp, Sheepsliead. Garendoii, Dishley, Kninl. t thorp, Thorp- Acre, and Geacedieu, on Tuesday the i4thof October next, at the Bull's Head Inn, ill Loughbo rough, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. For Beiton, Thringstone, Whitwick, Markfieid, Ilugglescote, D iniugtou- on tbe- Heath, Ibstock, Swannington, Bardon, Ashby de- la Zouch, C^ stle- Doiiingtuii, Diseworth, Istey- Walton, and Langtey, on Wednesday the 25th of October next, at the same Place and ilour. For Grooby, Newtown Linford, Bra'gate, Ratby, Newtown Unthank Newtown Botchestoii, Gleiifield, Ansty, Ansty Pastures, Standon under- Bardon, Bag- worth, Desford, Thornton, and Snibson, on Thurs- day the 26th of October next, at the same Place and Hour. For Beaumanor, Woodhouse, Woodhouse F. aves, Earlsthorpe, Barrow, Quorndon, Mountsoirel, Ha- / f iD O • SCRIPTURE MOORAPHY. TWO NEW EDITIONS. This Day is Published, Two Editions, one printed in Ociavo, iD a large and clear Type for Families, Price 12s. Bound and Leiteied, and another in Duodecimo, ffuii 1' iau tor the Use of Schools, Price 6s. Bound. SCltlPI UUE lhography, or Lives of the prin cipal sacred C harai ters itcoided in tne O aud New Testament, interspersed with Moral am Religious Observations and Reflections, By ttie Key. JOHN WAT KINS, L. L. D. Author of the Biographical Dictionary, & c. & c 1 he rapid Sale of a very large Edition ot this Work, the general Approbation with which it has been honoured, and its Introduction into many con- siderable Schools, have induced the Author to print the New Edition in two Sizes, to enlarge and im them, Long- WbattoH, Kegworth, Osgathorpe, Wor- i prove it throughout, and to add the additional Cha- thington, Newbold, Breedon, and Great Wigston, on Friday the 27th of October, at the same Place and Hour. Fur Rothley, Rothley Temple, Switbland, Tlmr caston, Cropston, U verscroft, Charley, and Mapple- well, on Saturday tbc 28th of October, at the same Place and Hour. Printed Alphabetical Lists of Claims may be had after Monday tile 18th of September, instead of Monday the 28th of August, 1839, of Messrs. Cradock, Blunt, and Piddocke, the Clerks to the Commissioners, at their respective Offices in Lough- borough, and Ashby- de- la Zouch, for the Use of the Proprietors claiming Right of. Common, or other In- terests ill, over, or upon the sa d Forest and Plain. Givcu under our Hands this 5th Day of August, 1809. ROBT II WYATT. JOSEPH OUTRAM. JOHN RURCIUM. THOMAS F. AGLI » JAMES GREEN. b. Knew / r ROYAL EXCHANGE MESSRS. HAZthD, IUKNE, and Co. Stock Brokers, have on Si'e, at their State Lottery Office. No. 93, Royal Etchsuge, Tickets and Shares for the State Lottery, . vluch is on a new" and improved Plan, consisting of only 5,000 Num- bers, to be diawn in one Day, 20th October, 1809. The Scheme contain; 4 Prizes of ./ 2°, 000, 4 of •£ 5,000, 4 of £' 2.1) 00, 8 of 1,00.>, and 12 of £-.() 0, with others in Proportion, and not Throe Blanks to a Prize. Letters Post- paid, duly answered, and Schemes ' gratis. ' All Kind of Government Securities bought and sold by Commission. Country Orders, accompanied with short- dated Bills on London, Post Office Orders, or Cash in Par- cel by Coach or Carrier, punctually attended to, and Correspondents may depend on being treated exactly I on the same Terms as if '' er. onallv present j UNIFORM AND CHEAP DICTION A Es. b % ' m.. n... r> If) tharniiood Forest and Rothley Plain ^ INCLOSURE. WE the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act passed in the 48th Year of the Reign of his resent Majesty, intiiled " An Act for allotting and inclosing the Forest or Chace of Charnwood, otherwise Charley Forest or Chace, and Kothley Plain, in the County of Leicester" having, conformably to llic Act passed in the i ist Year vf ilis This Day is Published, Printed uniformly in Brevier Type, consisting each of from 55 to 70 Sheets, closely printed, and con- taining an unparalleled Quantity of Information on the respective Subjects. ABiographical, Historical, and Chronological Dictionary; containing accurate Accounts of the Lives, Characters, and Actions, of the most eminent Persons of all Ages and all Countries ; in- cluding the Revolutions of States, and the Succes- sion of Sovereign Princ. s. By John Watkins, L. L. D. Price 18s. Boards, or 2us. Bound and Lettered. A Topographical Dictionary of the United King- dom ; Compiled from Parliamentary and other au- thentic Documents and Authorities ; containing Geo- graphical, Topographical, and Statistical Accounts of every District, Object, and Place in England Wales, Scotland, Ireland, and the various small Islands dependant on tbe British Empire. Accom- panied by Forty- six Maps, drawn purposely, on an original Plan. By Benjamin Pitts t aper, Esq. Price 25s. Boards, with the Maps Plain, or 30s. with Coloured Maps. A Dict. onary of Practical and Theoretical Chemis- try, with its Application to the Arts and Manufac- tures, and to the Explanation of the Phseuomena of Niiture; including throughout the latest Discove- ries, and the present State of Knowledge on those Subjects. With Plates and Tables, by William Ni- cholson, Trice 12s. Boards. Printed for Richard Phillips, No G, Bridge Street, Blackfriars ; and to be had of Bryce and Co. Edin- burgh; Archer and Keeue, Dublin; and of all Booksellers. In the Press, to correspond, a Dictionary of Com. meree, Trade, and Manufactures. Price 21s. in Boards. And a Dictionary of Law and Equity, by T. W. Williams, Author of thf " Justice of the Peace," Price Hi, ia liuards, racters of the Apustles Peter and Paul. Printed for Richard Phillips, No. 6, Bridge Street; sold by W. Berry, and Bryce and Co. Edinburgh, by M. Keene, Dublin ; and by all otlier Booksellers. Of whom may be had, by the same Author, tbe Universal, Biographical, and Historical Dictionary. VALUABLE SCHOOL BOOK. This Day is Published, new Edition, embellished with One Hundred beau- tiful Engravings on Wood, Price 2s. 6d. Bound; with a full Allowance to Schools. READING Exeic ses lor the Junior Classes in Schools, being a sequel of Mavors and other Spelling Books ; aud an introduction to the Class Book » ud Speaker. By the Kev. DAVID BI. AIR, | Author of the Class Book, Grammar of Philosophy, first Catectiism, & c. & c. This Work recommends itself to general Adoption in all Seui. iiaiies, by the following peculiar Features: !. It is printed in a large clear Type. 2. It is rendered interesting by numerous Em- bellishments. 3. The subject Matter is adapted to the capacity of Children, aud is at once Entertaining, Moral, and Instructive. All the difficult and Ionu Words are selected, di- vided, and printed at the Head of cacli Lesson, in the Manner of Brown's Testament. Printed for Richard Phillips, No. 6, Bridge Street, and to be had of all Booksellers and Stationers. / % County of Leicester. HUNDUED of FRAMLAND. THE ASSIZE of BREAD— Set the 15th Day ol August, 18U9, ( ocontmuc 14 Days. lb. iiz. dr The Penny Loaf Wheaten to weight. 0 4 4 Ditto Houfliold, - 0 5 11 Twopenny Loaf Wheaten to weigh 0 8 8 Ditto Houlhold, - - 011 6 Sixpenny Loal Wheaten to weigh 19 8 Ditto Houlhold, - 2 2 2 Twelvepenny Loal Wheatento weigh 3 3 0 Ditto Honlhold, • 4 4 4 Etgliteenpenny Loaf Wheatento weigh 4 12 8 Ditto Houthold, - 6 6 6 J. S. BROWN. T. B. BUKNABY. TpT. Taylor, Surge on, A~ o 0, New liridge- str^ t, London. fcdinburgh, May 2, > B10. the Spring of 1794, 1 was afflicted wttb Venereal Complaint, which I treated will) in- difference for five Months; but was then obliged to apply to a regular Pliyfician, who put a temporary Stop to the Virulence of the Dtfeate ( hy Meicffial Applications) for fume Time ; butgiow ing. in Spite ol all Medicine and the Advue ol Hit fit It Gentle- men oi the Faculty here, ttorfe ami woilt toi two Years, 1 was reduced to a State alinolt unparallcTi d and beyonu Dctciiplion. ben g an emue i. cpci, and ulcerated from Hiad to Foot.— My he. ao, ' Jhioat, Mouth, Note, Legs, Arms, Ui. havebem alternate- ly in Danger of becoming ufelth ; . n Iliott, 1 have had from twenty to thirty eating Ulcers on n. y Body, and nearly totally deprived ui bight.— It would be voluminous to parncularizealI m> Calt— lufliec it tofav, there never was, or ever will be, one ol a more dangerous or ol a more complicatr d Nature. I was long looked upon by my Friends, :. nd imagined myfclf, beyond all Hopes ol Ri covei); and indeed, in my then Condition, Death was prcitrable to my more than mifcrable State 1 n this ilteadtul Situa- tion did 1 drag a molt milerable Hxiltencc, till Di- vine Piovidence threw in my Way a Ncwtpaper containing tbe Cafe ol a Mr B. ol Plymouth— my Friends read it, 1 could not.— 1 lent anil proiuict] ome ol your I. EAKE's PATENT PILLS, wliitli, by ufing from Time to Time, am now, and have long been, ( after more than lour Years mdifcribable dif- trtfs), in as good a Stale ol Health a » ever I enjoy- ed; as a Proof ol this, 1 had a fine, thriving, healthy Child, horn to me a lew Monthsugo. In Gratitude to God, and in Hopes of render ing my Fellow- crea- ture fcrvice, I requelt you to publitb this; and you- may at any Time refer Perfons who wilh to be satisfied ot the Truth of this, or further Particulars*, oi me or my Friends, by Letter or Perfon. As lew Cafes for Badnefs w ill ever equal mine, and none exceed it, 1 have from Experience every Keafon to allure Mankind, that in youi LEAKE'* PILLS they willfind a lure, fpcedy, fafe, anoradicat Cure, for that molt dreadful Stage ol the Venereal Difeafc, which is called acoNfiKMitoLVEs. I. T. * I nfurmountaMeFamilyReafons pre vent making my Name and Addrefs Public; hut creditable Per- ions really wanting In format! on may alio be referred to ine and my Friends by Mrs. S. Clark, Ramlajr gardens, Edinburgh. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOS. TAYLOR, Member ofthe Corporation of Surgeons, London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- street; wherehewil give Advice, without a Fee, to Persons taking these Pills and will answer i atients Letters, if Post paid, on the same Terms, observing in all Cases the most inviolable Secresj , no Patient's Name or e ase hating been mentioned but at their own par- I iculao request, by the Proprietor, during tbe Course of more than 45 Yea is, that be has hao the conducting of an extensive Sale of the abov « Medicine, and the Practice arising therefrom. They are sold by his Appointment for the conve- nience of those living at a Distance, by Mr. Watson Sottth- Br dge, Edinburgh ; Mr. Mentions, l'rintei Glasgow ; Gregory, Swinfen, Matthews, Leiceite. j . Caldwell, Dublin ; and by one Pi rson in every con- siderable Town in Griat Britain and Ireland, in Boxe< g at only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Peisons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease and Secrecy. Mark- Lnne, Aug. 14, 1309 Our market this day afforded a large supply of Wheat, which being in considerable demand, tine samples fetched early in the day nearly the pr. ces quoted last Monday ; towards noon, how- ever a heaviness prevai ed, and the article scarcely obiamed the early prices ofthe day. Barley and Malt have, since our last, acquired better prices, and the supplies not being larj; e, tney keep up lully to the currency annexed. Some samples of New White Peas have been shewn. That article continues on the decline. Grey Pea9e, and the i wo sorts of Beans, were rather dearer, but with no want of cither. Good Iresh Oats were on the advance; not many an ivals. Hour 80s. and 85s. per sack. American 48s. to 51s. per sack. I'll ICE UE GKAIN. HUNDRED of GAR I REE. Tbe Affile ot Bread lor the Hundred ol Gartreei inthe County ol Leiceiler. lb ez. 4,. The Sixpenny Leal Wheateu is to weigh . . 3 2 2 The Sixpenny Loal Houfhold 2 5 8 The Twelvepenuy Loal Wfieate i 3 8 4 Ttie Twelvepenny Loal Houlhold 4 11 0 Setby uitwoofhis Majelly'sJ ultices oltbe Peace in and for the laid rtundri- u, me 18th Day ol Julv 1809 and tocontinue in iorce lor 14Day « from Saturday next. C, J. BKWK.' KE. E. GRIFFIN. HUNDRED of GUTHLAXTON. Affile of Bread loitlie Hundred of Guthlaxton to take place on Mondav me 21st of August, to be iu Force untilanother Allize is fet lor the laid Huu- Wheat- 7Us to 90 Fine - 94s to 98 Rye 44. lo 5" n Barley - - - 36s lo 43 » Fine- ... - — s to 44s Malt - - -. . 70s to 78. « White i'ease 60s to Grey Pease 42s to 5t- s Fine ------ to b0< New Beans New Ticks Oats Fine - - - - Polands - • £ 0s to ot) » 40s to 48* 26s lo 29s — s to 32s 36s to PRICE OF HOPS Bags. Kent 4< 0* to 6/ 5s Kent Sussex 31 I0i to 4/ Or Sussex Essex 41 Vt to 6. Or | Fain. Pookets 4/ 8s io 61 SI Us to 4I 71 0s to 8t S » 4s 0* SMI niFIELD— Monday August 14. la sink the offal, perstoneor 81b. Beef 4s Od to 5 » 0i i Veal is l) d to 6s Mutton4s 4d to 5s 4d | Pork 6s Od to 6s HEAD OF CAT' 1' i. E THIS D* Y. Beasts, about 2136— Sheep and Lambs 22,2k0 4 d 8d PRICE 01< TALLOW. St. James's Market - ..... is 84 Clare Market - -- -- -- -- -- --. » ... 5s 84 WbitechapelMarket-.-.. ~ ....... . 5s 8d ( Per Stone of 81b.) - 17. Average Price - -.-..... 5s Town Tallow - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 82s Russia ( Can.) . -- 90s to — 4 Russiaditto ( So.) - - -_ 88s to — s Melting Stulf ------- -"" 70s to — a Dittorough - -- -- - ........ 45s to 47 « Graves - -- -- - .-...-..— S to 14a Good Dregs - - -.-. — » to 14 » Yellow Soap 98s— Mottled 108s— Curds. IISs Price of Candles, pei doz. 14s. Od— Moulds l& s Od. Ired it. V 0 5 0 8 0 ! 1 1 U) 9 3 3 4 4 7 The Penny Loal Wheaten to weigh Ditto Houlhold Ditto The Fwo- penny Loal Wheaten Ditto Ditto Houfhold Ditto 1 he Six- penny Loal Wheaten Ditto Ditto Houlhold Ditto be Twelvepenny Loal Wheaten Ditto Ditto Houlhold Ditto The Eigbteenpcnny Loal Wheaten Ditto 4 15 Ditto Houthold Ditto 6 10 T. BURNABY. C. CHAMBERS. Every Wheaten Lojtli « to ben arked with a large Roman W. aud every Houlhold Loaf with a largi Uoman H. on Ptin ol ( orfeitin notir. orsunn Stii • nd not less Uian 5s. for every Loaf. » t. ar. 4 « • 15 13 1J 7 B 14 0 s 8 PRICE OF LEATHER. In Leadenhall Market, Butts - Ditto - -- -- -- -- -.-... Merchants'Backs ----- - - Dressing Hides------ ... Fine Coach Hides - - - - - - - CropHides orcutt. - - - - - Call Skins - - - Ditto --.---. Ditto - -- -- - - - SniallSeals ------ Large ditto ------ •(' aimed Horse Ilidet - - - QOatSkins - -- -- - - - * 9d to 2Id - - - iod to ejd - - 1 yd to 21d - - - Iii to ib^ - - - 19d to 2, a - - - lSd to 22d - - 26d to 32tl •> - - 34d to S? d -. - -. 33d to 3 » . ql - - - 38d to 394 - - tOUs to l. ( i « . - - - 20d te 22 § - - 30s to 33 Printed and Published by John Piict, IViar ket- place, I. eicester. ' I bis Taper is regularly filed IU London ; attheLondon, Chapter, and Ptel'a Cuffee Heuses; and by W. Taylor and T. Km ton. Printers Agents, No. 5, Warwick- square, New- gate- street ; where Advertisements tire received.— Tbe Paper may also be seen at Mr. Hilliiigr « ' Crown, Vinegar- yard, Drury- lane; at tlie t'ied Horse, Chiswell- strcet, Finsbury- square; at fh « Bull's- Head, Vere- street; Advertisements are re* ceived, and the P:. per distributed by Mr. Tupmao and Mr. Dunn, Nottingham ; Mr. Ridgard, Shef- field ; Mr. Marriott . Derby; Miss Wilson, Fotlu*. ham; Mr. Barrow , Kegworth; Mr. Smith, Bake, well; Mt, Warin and Mr. Parkts, Ashbourne; Mr. Hollerinshaw, Tideswell; Mr. Dodsworth, Burton; Mr. Adatr. s, Druggist, Loughborough j Mr. 1 ester, Sheepshcad ; Messrs. G. and A. Ward) Hinckley; Ctemcutson, Melton; Kr Laseby, Billesdon, Oakham, & c. ; Mr. Rol crt Young, Ashby and Villages jdjaccotj & cf Mr, GlOVtl frisby & Grantham,
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