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Essex Union Or, Chelmsford and Colchester Communicator


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Essex Union Or, Chelmsford and Colchester Communicator
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Essex Union Or, Chelmsford and Colchester Communicator

Date of Article: 11/07/1809
Printer / Publisher: Marshall, Robinson, and Kelham, Jun 
Address: County Press and Phoenix Circulating Library, Chelmsford
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 19
No Pages: 3
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( TNAX1M1TV IS THE BOND OF SOCIETY.) No. 19. TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1809. PRICE ( 3d. London. FRIDAY'S POST. two Lisbon mails arrived this morning, and the intelligence brought by them is of a very favourable nature... though implicit credit is not perhaps to be given to all the statements in these papers. The following is the intelli. gence:— Lisbon, June 20. " Letters from Badajoz, of the 14th inst. re. ferring to accounts received from the head- quar- ters, which are established in Fuente del Moestri, under date of the 15th, give the following intel- ligence . " Letters from Seville of the 14th instant, and from Carolina of the 12fh, written by a person of great respectability, state, that the intrepid King Joseph left Madrid for La Granga, taking " with him all the artillery, ammunition, fee., to. gether with tho sick and convalescent, several waggons with tapestry, and the plate of Don Bellares. l( An express which arrived this afternoon from Monlijon ( in Aragon) has brought letters from General Venfgar, which state that General Blake has entered Saragossa. Although this pleasing news if' not yet confirmed by any official account, yet it is highly probable. " The Seville Gazette of th « i 10th June, con. tains the particulars of the victory gained by General Blake in Alcantz. The French lost 200 men. lt On the 12th inst. Joseph issued a decree against the numorous deserters of the French army, according to which the severest punish- ment is to be indirted on all those who do not, rejoin their respective corps—( Lisbon Gazette, 20/ A June). i( Intelligence has been received, that Alcan- tara is again occupied by four battalions of Por- tuguese troops under the orders of his excellency Marshal Beresford, and that Victor has aban- doned all his positions, and is retreating with the utmost precipitation." Letters have been received in town from Co- runna, of so late a date as yesterday week; and this circumstance of course evinces, in the clear- est manner, the liberation of that place and of Ferrol, from Ihe presence of the enemy. Ac- counts are indeed said to have reached the ad- miralty, announcing the arrival of several Bri- tish ships into both these ports, and the jov with which they were received by the inhabi- tants. Bui Information, which is of a nature to convey additional pleasure, has likewise been brought by the same conveyance, announcing the absolute evacuation of the whole of Gallicia by the French under Marshal Ney and Soult. These generals, after their united force was reduc- ed by war, and disease to 12,000 men, are said to have retired into Leon, and the adjacent parts of Asturia, carrying with them no less than 6000 sick and wounded; and, it is asserted, that not one single French corps was in Gallicia on the 26th . Letters from Heligoland of the 2d inst. were yesterday received in town. Accounts from Hamburgh of the 29th nlL are said to state, that the Austrians were on the point of entering the territory comprised under the general denomination of Hcssia. The place is not specified. The foreign papers, however, represent the Austrians as retreating from Sax. ony and Franconia. It is also said that 126 British troops had taken possession of Cuxhaven. When the last letters were written at Heligo. land, it appears to have been generally credited there, that a further battle had taken place be- tween the two grand armies near the Danube, ia which the French were defeated. A Gottenburgh mail arrived at a late hour this morning The following article mentions a rumour of a revolution having taken place at Petersburgh :— EXTRACT OF A LETTER dATED CaRlshAM, Juneii " We have received information hereby way of Dantzick and Colberg, that a revolution had taken place at St. Petersburgh. that the Emperor was dethroned, and his mother had taken the reins of government for the present, and that Woronzow and his party had been massacred ; you must not place too much confidence in this information, though it is a thing likely to hap. pen." Sir Arthur Wellesley is said to be raising a Portugnese army, which, when united with the English, will produce in the whole a force not less than 70.000 men. With this, it was ex pected that he would proceed towards Madrid _ from whence, according to some accounts, Joseph Bonaparte has already retired; according to others, he was fortifying himself in the capital, in the expectation of being attacked. The Spanish ship of the line, of 74 guns. St. Francisco de Paula, was to sail from Vera Cruz • bout the middle of May, with seven millions and on half of dollars. Four millions and an half were for the Spanish Government. The British frigate La Franchise. Capt. Dashwood, has proceeded from Jamaica to Vera Cruz3 to taka four millions wore to Cadi » . MARSHAL NEY'S DEFEAT. EXTRACT or A LETTER FROW A BRITISH OEftCER OF RANK. IN GALLIClA. " I have the pleasure to inform you of the division of the Minho, the left of the Marquis of Romana's army, un- der thr command of Count Norona, having obtained a decisive victory over the enemy on the 8th inst. at the bridge of St. Payo. " The division of the Minho, under the command of Gen Carrera, having defeated the enemy on the 2d ull. at St. Jago, obliging them to retreat precipitately to Co- runna, taking from them 4 < ambus of church- plale, and a great quantity of other plunder, proceeded to Ponte Vedra, for the purpose of arming his peasant- soldiers, and was returning in pursuit of the enemy. On his arrival at Pa- dron, his advanced guard met that of the enemy, who hav- ing received reinforcements at Corunna, was advancing towards Ponte Vedra. " The great want of arms and stores under which the Spanish army laboured, and the very heavy rains which had for some days fallen, by which 4o, oon cartridges were destroyed, from the peasants being without cartridge- boxes, induced the Count of Norona ( who had just joined Gen. Carrara) to fall back towards Vigo, for the two- fold object of receiving the supplies he 60 much wanted, und securing a position where he might oppose the enemy With advantage. ". upon the, 6th inst the sPanish army passed the river at St. Payo in launches, the bridge having been previously destroyed, and occupied a strong military position oil the left bank. The passage was not impeded by the enemy, who might, from the very superior number of their ca- valry, and at that time of artillery, have cut off at least, their rear guard. " On the morning of the 7th, the enemy, in force 8ooo, including i! x> lavetes, and six pieces of artillery, headed by Marshal Ney, and General Loison, commenced a vigo- rous attack, and seemed determined to force the passage of the river ; the patriots evinced equal determination 10 resist. After an incessant fire of cannon and musketry both sides for ten hours, the enemy ceased at seven in the evening. " At day- light in the Morning of the < ith, the enemy wed his attack, and Seemed determined at all risks cross the river, but those who had passed the bridge of Lodi could not pass the bridge of St. Payo; those who had repeatedly crossed the Adda and the Po were not only checked, but obliged precipilately to retreat before the brave patriots, 0n the banks of the Soto Mayor. The enemy again opened a heavy fire of shot and shells on the 7th, with the object of concealing another meditated at- tack against the bridge of Caldeues, a league and a half higher up the river. This position, its wellans eVery other where the river was fordabec, had been previously occu- pied by the vigilance of the . Spanish generals: After n fire of " five hours the enemy; being unable to gain a foot of ground, relinquished the attempt of firing the bridge of Caldenos, defended by an inferior force; '' On the evening of the eighth, the enemy proceeded reconnoitre und sound the river close to the sea- shore, attempt they were soon obliged to abandon from the well- directed fire of the regiment of Marago, which par- ticularly distinguished itself on this aud several other oc- casions. TS e night of the 8th the enemy deVoted to his accustomed occupation previous to a retreat, burning of houses, destroying provisions, and killing the defenceless ; the flight of the peasantry however on the enemy's ap- proach, prevented the perpetration of cruellies, to the ex- tent of which this barbarous army had an opportunity other parts, of gratifying their " inhuman disposition. The few, however, who were unable to escape, became vic- tims of their cruelty. One instance is worthy of remark : an old infirm woman, unable to join her family in their flight, was inhumanly butchered in bed. " At one o'clock in the morning of the nth, the enemy commenced a precipitate retreat, leaving So unburied dead close to the bridge, 40 muskets, a great quantity of cloaths, and other plundered articles, and some provisions. Their retreat was towards St. Jago. The Spanish army consisted of 13,000, including iSo cavalry, soon however of the peasants were without muskets ; the number of can- non as equal on both sides, each had pieces. Four gun- boats were fitted out with tlic greatest promptness, by the orders of the Spanish Commodore. This force contributed most materially to the repulse of the enemy, having kept up a heavy and well- directed fire upon tiie enemy s flank, whenever the tide permitted their approach to the beach. One two gun battery was completely rased, and the guns dismounted by the well- directed fire of one of the gun- boats. FRENCH & DUTCH PAPERS. PARIS, JUNE SO BULLETINS OF THE ARMY OF SPAIN. " The necessity of investing Gerona. and afterwards covering the operations of the siege ot that place, had obliged the seventh corps to draw near to it. At the same time the third corps had detached one of its divisions for the purpose of co- operating ia the enterprise against the Astorias, and General Suchet, who commands it, thought groper to concentrate the remainder of his troops in the vicinity of Saragossa, along the Huerba, and on the Gallego. " The Spanish General Blake thought it a favourable moment to make a movement on tlie side of Aragon, and having united his troops with a great number of armed peasants, he began his march on the 13th of June towards the Huerba, and the same day made several attempts against several points without success. On tbc ISth he advanced in considerable force on the side of Santa Fe, where General Suchet had collected about lxjx> men, and expected that the enemy, emboldened by his apparent in- activity, nould push forward into the plain, and afford an opportunity of attack. After several movements on both sides, Gen. Suchet was enabled to make a decisive attack about five o'clock in the evening. It was attended with the desired success ; and the enemy's line, broken in all points, w as com- pletely routed. The pursuit of the cavalry was rapid, and those who escaped were indebted to the rocky moun- tains, to which they fled for refuge. " The results of the action were, at the departure of the Courier, < 0 pieces of cannon, with their caissous, three standards, aud upwards of 100 horses ; a General of Cavalry, three Colonels, five Lieutenant- Colonels;, two Captains, and more than 4oo men were taken prisoners. " The enemy left 3o00 dead 011 the field of battle, and fled iu the greatest disorder. The most complete tran- quillity prevailed in Saragossa during the battle ; and General Suchet speaks in high terms of Ihe conduct of the inhabitants of that city." BOHEMIA, June 14. The Austrian account of the battle of the SWt and '-'• Jd auadrons, or 75,000 men The Austrlan artillery amount- to 2.0 pieces- The Archduke Charles took his position at the head of the column The relation then proceed* to detail the great strength of the village* of Asp^ n, and Ellingbrn, and the obstinacy with which the contest TJ, carried ou to obtain possession of the former, which was of the greatest lalportaucc The contest was carried ou in every street, in every house, and in eVery barn. Wag gons, ploughs, and harrows, were to be removed out ot the way, under an incessant firr, in order to enable us to eW with the enemy. It was necessary to dislodge the enemy froia th* church steeple, the high trees, tbe ground floors, and cellars, before we could call ourselves master of the place, and then this was of short duration. Scarce- when the enemy stormed another, and forced us to aban- don ' lie former. In this manner the murderous fight continued for several hours on the 21st; the German bat. lalions were supported by the Hungarians, and by the Vienna volunteers. On the 22d of May more than wo cannon were In play on both sides, aud the oldest soldiers never recollected such a fire— Above All, the Austrian Generals were at the head of their troops. The Arch- duke ChArles himself seized the colours of the battalion Von Zach, which began to give way. Must of those around him were wounded; his Adjatant- General, Count Colloredo, had his head grazed by a ball, which : it first appearvd dangerous, but the pressure of the hand of his humane Commander restored him to feeling The Austrian army lament the death of 87 superior officers, and 4199 subalterns and privates. Field- Marshals the Prince of de Rohen, Ded, Weber, and Fruel, wilh several Generals, 0>> I Officers and 13,651 privates were wounded, of whom field- Marshal Weber, a officers, and ajo privates, were made prisoners By the enemy. Munich, JunE 10. The Gazette of this town has officially published the following article- " The Wirtemberg Lieut.- General de Phull arrived on the evening of the l-.' th Inst, at Lindan. On the morn- ing of the i. ith, Major de Scheller undertook to explore the Country towards Layback, aud drove the insurgents to the other side of the Pielle. The Black Wirtemberg hussars and the French grenadiers were marching against Horbrang, when suddenly they were fired upon from u house near the spot. They instantly forced their way into that house, killed seven rebels, and after taking the children and cattle out of it, set fire to it This event proved a signal for a general rising of the people at Bre- • , nd in the neighbourhood.— The ' y side, the ii " " * : id threatened the . hergers, who had bee n joined by the Baden troops, and w ho retreated to LindaU. The rebels entered the Country houses, from whencee they fired on the town, the artillery of which, until five in the evening, answered their fire At that time they fell back, and at night their fires were descried in their former positions. They left many killed behind thedt, nnd carried away a still greater number of tided. The rebels plundered seVeral houses at AscbaCh, and committed all sorts of enormities at Horgausweller, Run- kin, and Richenbach. The latter were chiefly laid to the charge of the Salzburg chasseurs, und some Austrian pri- o have found means to escape. In general this war assumes, on both sides, the atrocious characteris- of civil war. " On the lltli, 1.130 men of the Imperial foot guard arriVed at RaVensburgh, which they left ou the 13th fo. Wangen. The conduct of this tine corps is highly praised. The principal places which it now occupies are: Tette- nany, RaVensburgh Lindau, Wangen, and Bucchorn. It will soon be followed by other French, Wirtemberg, and Baden troops. The reinforcements which » re expected e- stimati d at OOo'i infantry itnd 900 eavalry. The fortress ol Kufstein having been surrounded by the Tyrolese insurgents, and all communication with it, was interrupted. The want of the most common ne- cessarieS began to be felt, when on the 18th, Lieut Ge- neral Deloi, who commands the third Bavarian division, undertook and sUcCeeded in supplying that place with provisions. - " At seven o clocR In the evening of the 17th, the troups destined to that expedition were collected ia the wood lie- liiud Degermdorf. At two the next morning they began their march, hnd before eight readied Kufstein. The Austrians and the insurgents retired without making any resistance. " General Demi Instantly caused the provisions, am- munition, remedies, and every necessary article w hich he had brought, to he carried with the greatest rapidity into the- citadel. He took away the sick m bouts, which con- veyed them to Masseburg, and supplied their place with fresh troops. Suth a quantity of provisions, & e\ had been prepared, that the commaudant of the fortress could not admit the whole * itbiu its walls. Kufstein is thus provided with every thing neceSsary to battle a besieging " ' llii* useful expedition has cost us nothing: we haVe not even bad a single man wounded.- About five in the evening the corps of Gen. Deroi retreated, anil, at ten, took up its former position near Degendorf. FRAnKFORT, JCM: a6. OFFICIAL ARTICLE. " In his temporary absence from his kingdom, his Ma- jesty the King of Saxony left the superlnteuduiice- of hi* internal a flairs to the Privy Coiuicll. The Privy Council, uiiacquaiuti'd with political affairs, hus, however, been guilty of an error ill sending one of his secre taries to the Emperor of Austrin aud the Archduke Charles, for the purpose of making representations 011 the exactions of the eueiuy In Saxony. His Majesty cannot help declaring hi* marked disapprobation of a measure so very Imprope- r, ond has determined to make public, with all possible promptitude, his decided disavowal of it. In order to guard against the abuses which might result from it." The Austrian* certainly eulcre- d l. eipsic on thesvd. According to the Erlang Gazette, an action was fought on the 20th between the French and Austrian troops on the road of Bayreuth, between Wolfold and wurgen. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. 4 VALUABLE FREEHOLD FARM, sitnatfrd in the . lY. parishes of Rayne and Saling, about two miles from Braintree, in the county of Essex, in divers enclo- sures of rich arable. Meadow, ami Pasture Land, con- taining, by recent admeasurement, 1- iSA nil. atiP. more or less, with a Messuage or Dwelling House, Barns, Stables, end other out Buildings a Possession may be had at Michaelmas next, and a part of the purchase money may lay on mortgage of the Estate if required. For further particulars enquire personally, or by letter, post- paid, to Mr Andrew Solicitor, Coggeshall, at whose Office a plan of the Estate may be seen ESSEX. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, TUCHIN, & FORREST, On Thursday the 2oth instant, at iJo'clocki at Garra- way's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, ( hy order of the Executors of John Scratton, Esq. de- ceased,) VVery valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate Con- tiguous to the turupike- road, in the parish of Prit- tlewell, one mile from South End, two from Leigh, foUr from Rochford, and six from Rayleigh. Comprising a most desirable Farm caliled BARLINGS, with Clode Mead Lands, Containing about two hundred and forty acres of fertile Meadow, Pasture, and Arable land, lyiug nearly within a ring fence, and capable of the greatest improvement, with a Farm- House, Barns, Sta- bling, and other suitable Outbuildings, on lease to Daniel Scratton, Esq. which expires at Michaelmas, 1811. . The laud- tax is redceiiled. One- thira of the purchase- money may remain on murt- gage. To be • irwed and printed particulars may he had 011 the premises: also of Mr. Venderzee, Solicitor, Rochford: at the Ship Tavern, South End ; Bell, Chelmsford, Golden Lion, Rayleigh: Kings Head, Rochford; Three Cups Colchester; White Hart, Romford: place of sale ; ami of Messra. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest Aldersgate, RUTLAND PlaCE ACADEMY, CHELMSFORD MR FULLER returns his most sincere thanks to his friends and the public, for the liberal encourage ment he has received . and trusts, thait by his continued assiduity, he shall merit their future pAtronage The terms may he knuvu. by applying to Mr Fuller' at the Academy — 1 he present recess will terminate 01. the 17th but ant. BRAINTREE, CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL ACADEMY. AT Examination held at this Academy on Monday . the i-. th uli., tlie undermentioned yOung gentlemen distinguished themselves. by their answering in their res- pective classes, viz- J- and G. Nottidge, Scale, Brougton, Polley, Tweed. Gosling, J and C. Tabor, Knowles, Clift, J. Hale, sen., Philbrick, T Beddal, Barklamb, C. Green, Hart, Alston, Mackey, and J. Roberts— School will re- commence the t; th inrt — An examination for the distri- bution of premiums will take place previously to the Christmas vacation.— Terms of the Academy, Twenty Five Guineas. INDICATION. WRITTLE ACADEMY, NEAR CHELMSFORD. " Delightful task to rear the tender thought, To teach the young idea how to shoot, To pour the freSh instruction o'er the mind~- To breathe the enliv'ning spirit, and to fix The gen'rous purpose in the glowing breast.'* MR BALLS, impressed with sentiments of gratitude, 1* § returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal encouragement he has received, aud trusts, that by his continued attention, he shall merit their patronag. e - Terms . for young genllfmen under nine years of age, Twenty Guineas; aboVe that age, Twenty One..— Washing and Mending Half a Guinea per Quarter— The present recess will terminate on the twenty- fourth inst. VALUABLE LINEN DRAPERY, HOSIERY, SALE BV AUCTION', BY LINTON AND LAVALLIN, At the Three Cups inn Harwich, on Monday, July tlic 1/ th, trt'iO, aud following days, of an extremely valuable STOCK " of LINEN DRAPF. RY, .& c. the property of a person in London, going into another line of business: COMPRISING THIRTY WHOLe pieceS of ] and 4 - lths of real Coleraine Irish linens ; aoo^ yinMs of Lancashire home made and Irish Sheetings i : l'm yards of fine brown Holland ; ' 2< m ytfrds of { . t I cheeks ; 1. V1 yards of 5- 4ths striped Cottons ; 5co yards of printed nd- tonS and cambrics, fashionable patterns; so dozen super- fine cotton shawls and handkerchiefs ; 200 yards of plain and figured muslin; 200 yards of plain and striped cali mancoes, hucaback, and diaper table- cloths and napkinS , superfine- dimity ; plain white calicoes, and cotton twist; fine Welch flannel; 4 » doieA of worsted and cotton hose, k. C. Jke — Catalogues to be had as usual, at the different Inns in the neighboUrhood. Sale to begin Ut tcu o'clock in tbe morning. CHELMSFORD RACES. ON TUESDAY, the 1st of August, will be run for, On Galleywood Common Her Majesty's Plate of one hun- dred guineas, by fillies ; three- year-. Ids, cnrrving7> t. ^ Ib, four- year- olds, ; tst -— the best of three » « o- mile heati, 1'. be shown and entered at the Black Boy Inn, Chelmsford, bctween the hours of eleven aud two, on the Saturday be- fore the races. On Wednesday, the 2d of August, the town plate of fifty pounds, for three and four- year old horses -. which never won fifty pounds, ( matches aud sweepstakes except- ed :) three- year- olds to carry 7st. f. iltr ycar- oltl-, rst. sib. — the best of three two- mile heats. Mares and geldings allowed 3lb. Ou Thursday, the 3d of August, the stewards' plate of fifty pounds, for horses, of different qualifications, weight for age-, three- year- olds to carry bst lolb. four years olds, 8st, 2lb five- year olds, t- st. ndb ri\ year- olds, 9st. and aged, 9st. 2lb the best of three bi lUS, two miles aud a half eaCh, starting at the bottom of the course N. ll. The winner of a fifty pound date, at any time, to carry 3lt'. extra; of two, or more. 5lb cxlrli: the win- ner of a King's plate, at any time, 7II1 extiS, Horses, fcc. that have started for two fifty pound plates, and have never won, to be allowed i| ll>- mares and geldings to be allowed 2lb To run according to tbe King's plate articles for each, and the stakes to go to the second horse that wins a clear heat. Every horse that runs for either of the shove plates Ex- cept his Majesty's} must be shown and entered off the Thursday before the races at the Black Boy, Chelmsford, between the hours of eleven and two, and must there pro- duce proper certificates of age and qualifications, and at the same time must pay two guineas entrance, one guinea to the clerk of the course, and one guinea to the re- fund. Horses entered after the above hours, or at the post, must pay double entrance, two guinens to the clerk of the course, and two guineas to the r. u- e fund. TL" owner of the winning horse is expected to pay one guinea for rop. c- « tr* itrf*. N. B. To prevent any possibility of mistakes which might, arise from the unauthorized statement of the articles which have appeared m o- Ar. ij times in the Chelmsford Chronicle. the pub- lic are hereby informed that the ten makes which have for some years past been added to the two 30l. plates, are dicontinued till further notice. No less than three reputed running horses to start for either of the above fifty pound plates, unless by consent of the Stewards. If only one horse enters, the owner to receive twenty pounds; If two, and not permitted to start, ten pounds each, and their entrance money returned. All disputes to be decided by the majority of subscribers present, and their- decision to be final. Every horse to BE plated by a subscriber of one guinea: and the winning horse of each day's plate is expecled lo pay ten shilling* and sixpence for plating ; all other horses to pay fiVe shillings for plating ; and no horse will be al- lowed lo stand at any house but that of a subscriber of one No person will be allowed to keep a booth but a sub- scriber of ten shillings and sixpence. To start each day at fiVe o'clock. JOHN ARCHER HOUBLON, Esq ( THOMAS HARDING NEWMAN. Esq. Public breakfasts, dinners, balls, and plays, as usual' Gentlemen are desired to ask for their tickets at the BIack Boy Ladies tickets for the ball, each night, 7s. bd. Ceiitlemcn'N ditto...... :'.'.„ od- Dinner >'•*. Od Breakfast fi. + 4- t The public are particularly requested not to go oVer the Course ground with either carriage or hOrse R. sMITH, Clerk of the Course WANTED, an APPRENTICE to an IRONMON- GER and WORKING BRAZIER. A dissenter's family of respectable connections will be preferred, apply to E. WOOD, Chelmsford; or T JoscelYne and son Braintree. Upwards of 100,00 of. in Capital Prizes, in THe THIRD AND LAST GRAND CITY LOTTERY, or FREEHOLD HOUSES, Consisting of 4o, 000 Tickcts, to be drawn in GuilDHall. in four days. NO FIXED PRIZE. This much approved Lottery COntains EXCELLENT freEhOLD HOUSES, IN SKINNER STREET, PICKETT STREET, WHICH were proved upon oath by five eminent surveyors, before a Committee of the House of Commons in the year 1806. to be worth upwards of i'l( i0,0oo ; but as it is desirable the public should know the pasent improved Value of this property, a new Survey and estimate is preparing, which will be published as soou as it can be obtained. TICKETS AND SHARES on sale at the Licenced Lottery Offices la London, and by their agents in the country PRESENT PRICE. Ticket.. Ad 8 0 Half. A4 b o I Eighth: ii 3 0 Quarter 3 3 0 | Sixteenth Oil 0 TnPrkt viM advance oH MnrtMy, tht ijthintt. WORKS, RECENTLY PUBLISHED by ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. EDlNBURGH , And CONSTABLE, HUNTER, PARK, & HUNTER, 1O LUDGATE STREET, LONDON. And may be had of H. KELHAM, at tbe. Phoenix CirCU- lating Library, Chelmsford. I. A SERIES of DlSCOURSES on the Principles of i\. RELIGIOUS BELIEF, as connected with HU- MAN HAPPINESS aud IMPROVEMENT; By the Reverend R. MohEheAd, A. M. of Baliol ColIege, Ox- ford, Junior Minister of Use Episcopal Chapel, Cowgate Edinburgh. Handsomely printed in octaco, in. boards. II. MEMOIRS of ROBERT CARY, Earl of Mon- Mouth, written by himself. Published from AN original MS in the custody of the Earl of Cork Bui which is added. " Fragmenta Regalia," being a History of Queen Elizabeth's favourites, by Sir RoberT NAUN- TON, with explanatory Annotations, bvo. Price Ion. od. A few copies on to nl paper, price lb 5s. Ijoitrds. III. The BATTLE of FLODDONFIELD, a poem of the sixteenth century ; with the Various readings of the different Copies, Historical Notes, a Glossary. and an Appendix, containing AnCient Poems, and Historical . Matter relatiVe to the Event. By HenrY WEBER, Esq; one Volume, svo. 15k. boards. A very few on royal paper, with proof impressions of the plates, price 11.7s. On boards. MV. The HISTORY of the UNIVERSITY of EDIN- BURGH, fr » m JSS I to IG4( I By THOMAS CRAWFORD, A Mi Professor of Mathematics in the College of Edin burgh, in the year 1646i To which is prefixed) the Cl. ar- jter gianted to the College by King James, anno I J8- J, BVO- 7s. ( id. sewed. V The PASTORAL, of LYRlC MUSE of SCOT- LAND; a Poem, descriptive of the united iniluiuceuf our national Poetry ami Music, in Softeniiqj the I'aKsiunS aud civilizing the Manners of our Feudal Antestors on the Borders. By HECTOR MACNEILL, Esq. Hand somely printed iu 4to. price 7s. 6d. boards. VI The PLOUGH WRIGHT'S ASSISTANT being a new Practical Treatise on the Plough, and on various other important Implements made use of in Agriculture, By ANDREW GRAY Author of " Tlk Experienced Mill- W right." Royal octavo, price ilia, boards. VII. The EXPERIENCED MILL- WRIGHT; or a Treatise on the Construction of Some of the most useful Machines, with the latest Improvements ; to which e* prefixed, u short account of the general Principles of Me- chanics, and of the Mtchatiifal Powers. By ANDREW GRAY, Mill Wright Second Edition, 4to. with 44 Ei>- graving*, price ill. £ 3. half- bound- YU1. A TREATISE on SCROFULA Bv James RUSSELL, Fellow of the Royal CoIlege of Surgeons. Pro fessor of Clinical Surgery i: i the UniVersity of Edinburgh, bvo. 5s. W- wcd IX. ELEMENTS of MECHANICAL PHIL0SO- PHY, hciug the substance of a Course of Lectures on that Science. By JOHN ROBISON , L. L. Ij Professor of Natu- nal Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh Volume first, large avo' with 22 copper- plates, tl. is. b./ urds. X. The WHOLE WORKS ol' HeNry MACKENZIE, Esq revised and conccted by the Author ; with tl. e nddi' ( ion of Various Pieces never before publiihed. Most betttt- tifully printed ill Eight Volumes, noi- t t « vo with u Por- trait ol the Author, pricC3l. Ji, iti boards. XI. ACCOUNT of the LIFE and WRlTlNGS of JAMES BRUCE, of Kinnaird, Esq. F. R. S Author of ' Travels to discover the Source of the Nile, IjOi, I7t> » , 1770, 1771, 1773. and 1773. By ALEXANDER MURRAY, F. A. S. E. and Secretary for Foreign Corres- pondence. Handsomely printed in Royal Quarto with beautiful Engravings, by HEATH, price il. Od. boards. XIl. ESSAYS on tbe MORBID ANATOMY of tl. « HUMAN EYEi By JAMES WardroP, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Societies end one of tl. e Surgeons to the Public Dispensary of Edinburgh. Handsomely printed in Royal Octavo price ll. in. boards XIII The ADVENTURES of ROBERT DRURY, daring Fifteen Years Captivity In the Island of Madagas- car, c0ntaining a Description of that Island , ani AccoUnt 0f its Produce, ManufactureS, and Cuthui. rt. , with llu Account 0/ the Manners and Customs, Wars, Religion, , and CiVil Policy of tbe Inhabitants; to Which i « added, a Vocabulary of tbe Madagascar Language written by himself and no » carefully reviewed and corrreted from the original copy With two Engravings, on noards. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY'S POST. WE have the pleasure to communicate to V T oar readers the following bulletin from the Austrian ahny, by u'Jeh it will be seen that the French had nt> great cause to boast of their victory* on the! Raab. and that after the battle the> retreated behind the Raab— that Dalmatia is again in possession of the Austrians, together with Fiume, and, it is supposed Trieste and all the islands on the Dalmatian coast: finally that the Austrian troops are again ou the banks of the Adige, and have extended themselves as far as Bassano and Verona. BULLETIN < e On the 13th" instant the corps under the command of his imperial and royal highness the Archduke John, composed of about 20,000 troops of the line, and 16,000 of the Hungarian insurrection, was, on the environs of Raab, vigorously attacked by the French army, esti- mated at 50,000 men. " The troops of the line fought the whole day with the greatest success, and the enemy suffered a loss of' 2,000 men in killed and wounded. But as the right wing, consisting for the most part of the insurrection, that could not be expected to possess ( he experience of veteran troops, was no ma'ch for the enemy, his imperial and royal highness thought it most proper for the attainment of his object to fall back to a position near Co. mom, and thereby to secure und facilitate his junction, with- the main army. " But this has caused no material change in the positfoos of the imperial and royal army ; and the Archduke John praises highly the excel- lent disposition and patriotic alacrity of the trdops of the Hungarian insurrection. " The imperial and ro)' al troops suffered in this engagement a loss of 1300 men in killed, wounded, and some few prisoners. About 400 Frenchmen were made prisoners by the Aus- trians. The enemy, so far from pursuing the Austrian troops, has again retreated behind the Raab - Dalmatia is again in the possession of the Imperial and Royal troops. The enemy has been obliged to abandon Zeng and Fiume, as well as the Islands along the Dalmatian coasL General Marmont retreated in such haste, that the Austrians made a number of prisoners. In the* hospitals, too, the enemy left a number of wounded, among whom are three French gene- rals, and one of them Launay.— Trieste must bv ( his time be delivered from enemies. The English on the one hand and the Turks 011 the oilier, make common cause with the Austrian troops. " The enemy's corps under General Marmont is reduced to six thousand, and is posted at pre- sent between Laybach and Klagenfurth. But General Count Giulay is again master of the county of Cilley, and immediately communicates with General Chastelar. The Austrian troops have extended themselves from the Southern Tyrol as far as Verona and Bassano." The Austrians who have entered Saxony and Franconia, are, it is said, marching towards the Rhine-— they mean to pass through Hesse, where the people are ready to receive them with open arms, and where they expect to obtain a very large augmentation of their force. The Elector of Hesse, WO believe, is with the Austrians, and his presence will produce a great effect in Hesse. The Duke of Brunswick will, perhaps, enter the Dutchy of Brunswick, where his father's memory is adored. A Gentleman who left Bonrdeaux about a fortnight since, states, that great efforts are making ( o send reinforcements ( o the Grand French Army. Tbe public have before been informed that the Conscription for 1810 has already been called out. Since that time Na- poleon has issued a decree ordering all the youths who escaped the ballot for 1806, to be imme- diately embodied. The Gentleman does not recollect whether those who escaped the ballots for 1807 and 1808 are also ordered to be em- bodied; but the decree had excited an inde. gcribable degree of distress among the people, who see no end to their miseries. Government are determined to keep possessii of the island of Anhalt, and a strong detachment of the royal marines is now embarked on board his Majesty's ship Defence, and will proceed for their destination immediately. Sir G. Beckwith and Gen. Prevost have ge. nerously resigned their share of the prize- money made at tin- capture of Martinique. Sir A. Wellesley has found it necessary to publish a general order, threatening such of the corps of his army with garrison duty, as shall be found guilty of plundering the natives. Lieutenant- Colonel Dalzell, of the 1st guards. goes out deputy judge advocate with the expe. dition. The first division of the. expedition is com- pletely ready at Portsmouth, and it is understood will sail by the 10th or 11th instant; but it is impossible for the whole to sail before the 15th, Not fewer than 500 sail, including transports, are ( o bo employed on this important enterprize which is conceived lo be of much more conse- quence thao any expedition that has ever been di- patched from this country. There is a speculation for the purchase of the canal in the Isle of Dogs from government, to convert it into a dock for the eastern shipping, on the plan of a joint- stock company. These officers shall establish as many military com- missions as there will be moveable columns. " The first of these commissions shall establish their jurisdiction over the circle of Vienna; the 2d over that of St. Polten, the 3d over that of Steyer ; the 4th over that of Lurtz , the. 5th over hamt of Untermarchantsberg. " Then- shall be attached to these commissions, and under the orders of the Adjutant Commandant, three brigades of Gendarmerie. no, horsemen, and yo men, iu- . Each detachment of cavalry shall he commanded by a Chief of a squadron, and each detachment of infantry by a Captain. All these detachments shall have the number of officers prescribed by the military regulations in proportion to their force. " All the stragglers who shall abandon their corps un- der pretence of fatigue in order to plunder, shall be ar- rested, and tried by a military commission, and the sen- tence shall be executed on the spot. " The Adjutant- Commandant of each moveable column shall every day make a report to the Major- General, con- cerning the spot where lie is, and the operations of his " The columns which may consist of more than ISO III. u shall be divided into small patroles, as the Adjuluill- Commandant may think proper, and will repair w herc- ever it may be thought nerrssary. " The present nrdershnll be affixed to all the towns and villages on the road from Strasburg to Vienna, and read to the difFerent regiments and detachments on their pas- sage. A copy shall be delivered to all the Commandants of troops in march. " The Prince of Neufchatel, ALEXANDRE. " Schoeubrunn, June 14." LEYDEN, JUNE 30. According to letters from Turkey, by way of Zara, the Turks and English had sent an expedition to the Black Sea, for the purpose of invading the Crimea. At Traw niCk, in Bosnia, two Turkish Officers had asserted that 1 he Sultan had opinly declared his desire of being friendly terms with Franco, of which that power should soon receive the most demonstrative proofs. MUNICH, JUNE 16. A Major Pahler, styling himself Commander of the Ty- lorese sharp- shooters of Scharuitz, sent in a requisition iu writing, to the Magistrates of Murnau, demanding 15 head ot cattle and 6a quarters of wheat and rye, to be de- livered by the Syndic Reischer before lu o'clock at night If this requisition was not complied with, he threatened to permit his soldiers to supply themselves by forcible means. " I feel no want of force," he writes " nor are my sharp- shooters deficient in courage. If you do not comply with the above requisition iu the strictest manner, I shall grant permission to 6000 of my bravest aud most skilful sharp- shooters, to pillage your town and its en- virons, to drive off all the cattle in the plains or ou the mountains, and to carry with them hostages from every place they visit, whom I shall retain as pledges-, until, be- sides the amount levied by pillage, you pay me six times the value of my present requisition. with Gen. Mahi and 30,000 men. Marshal Soult's posi- tion 011 the loth was suid to have been at Moufarte and Quiraga. Capt. Goate, of his Majesty's sloop Mosquito, has trans- mitted to the Hon. Will. am Wellesley Pole letters from Lieuts. Bauks and Rowe, commanding the Blazer and Censor gun- brigs, slating the capture of live of the ene- my s privateers oud armed vessels iu the rivers Jahde and Rear- Adm. Sir R. Strachan has transmitted to the Hon. W . W Pole a letter from Lieut. Banks, commanding the • Blazer guu- brig, giving au account of au attack made by a small party of seamen aud marines under the direction of Lieuts. Mausell and M'Dougall, of the Patriot gun- vessel and Alert hired cutter, upon a body of French Douaniers aud soldiers stationed at Ekwarden, iu the river Jahde. The enemy being driven from their posts, two Douanier boats, one Danish and five galliots were taken possession of and brought out, tog", thcr with a quantity of merchandize which had been seized bv the French and Danes This service, which was per- formed without any loss on our part, was executed with great judgment and resolution, [ This Gazette also coutains 11 letter from Capt. M'Kin- ley, detailing the particulars of the capture of Santiago, ou the 23d May, which appeared nearly a mouth ago] LAW REPORT. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, JCLT 3 PROCLAMATION. " FRANKFORT, JUNE 15. " Although by public Advertisements every inhabitant of this city has been expressly prohibited from talking of political subjects in the luns, aud other public places, as well us from manifesting any opinion whatever, or from spreading false reports relative to the war; and although attempts have been made to shew tlie fatal consequence that must result from such imprudence, not only to the person of him who is guilty of it, but to the public in general; yet we have learnt, with the greatest displea- sure, tlint iu the taverus and oilier public places, different pcrsous, far from couforniing to these salutary aud ener- getic remonstrances, have dared, as before, to choose po- litical matters as tin- subject of their conversation, aud to circulate uews as false as it is absurd aud imprudent. " In co isequcr. ce, the general direction of the Police is forced to renew the prohibition which it lias frequently made, to discuss political aud military events, particu- larly in public place?— Innkeepers aud others who have public as semblies iu their houses, shall be responsible ou this head, and shall make known, by bills stuck up, to their guests, to abstain from such discourse, and to w atch carefully that it docs not take plaer— i'u default of which, the taver. i- kceper shall incur a fine of 100 crowus, and even, arc irding to circumstances, a more rigorous puuish- ment— And lie who shall contravene this repeated pro- hibition, by spreading political intelligence, and boldiug inconsiderate conversation, shall be taken up aud pu- nished ve/ y severely. " Bv the general direction of the Police of liis High- ness the Prince Primate. and knew of Wright's debt, bccausc lie advised Mr. Wright 1 :.. " against the person who, he thought, Wright if he would • avail the costs. He fright's, aud 1 look 011 who was to he re- us that day in the o not know I did by FROM The LONDON GAZETTE, SATURDAY, JULY 8. Admiralty Office, July 8, 1809- The following particulars relative to the evacuation of Corunua and Ferrol by the French, are contained iu a sc- ries of letters from Capt. Hotham, of his Majestv's ship the Defiance, to Admiral Lord Gambier, dated from the iSd to the : K'tli of last month. In consequence of the defeat sustained by the enemy's army under . Marshal Ney in the acliou against the Spa- nish forces, at the bridge of the Payo, that General fell back on Coruuua on the J. itli of June, and immediately began to take measures for relinquishing the possession of that place and Ferrol, removing his forces by divisions to an encampment three leagues in advance from Betan- zos towards Lugo. The last divisious of the French left Ferrol on the 81st, aud Corunna on the 22d, after having iu both places spiked the guns and destroyed the defences ou the laud side, together with the magazines and stores of every kind, aud completely disarmed the places aud their inhabitants. — The proximity of the enemy's position continuing to hold the authorities established by tin- French at Corunna iu subjection, through fear of his return, no communi- cation being suffered with the British ships but by flag of truce, aud the state of defence in which the batteries aud lines on the sea were left, rendered it daugerous for the English to land or approach the coast in the event of the re- appearance of any of the enemy. Capt. Hotham, ou the 24th, ordered a detachment of seamen and marines to land aud disable the guns on the different batteries bear- ing on the anchorage, offering at the same time to the Governor the Services of the detachment, in rendering any assistance that might he in its power to the cause of the Spanish Patriots. The cannons and mortars 011 the sea lines at Corunna, and in the forts commanding the bay, ' accordingly all dismounted on the same day, leaving untouched those on the lines towards the land v. hich had been spiked by the enemy. Ou the 2. tli Capt. Hotham sent Capt. Parker, of his Majesty's ship Amazon, to Ferrol, where he was received by the people with the loudest acclamations of joy, uud received from the higher orders of the inhabitants the strongest marks of attachment to the English, and happi- uess at seeing once more among them au officer of that nation. The castle of San Felipe, however, was still un- der the command of a person appointed by Marshal Ney, and attached to the French interest, with a garrison com posed of a detachment of a legion raised by the enemy duriug their possession of Ferrol and Corunna; aud on the 2/ tb, Capt. Hotham received information, that the above Commandant had given orders to fire on any Euglish ships or boats that might attempt to pass the castle. lu consequence, Capt. Hotham Repaired to Ferrol iu the De- fiance, aud landed the marines of that ship and the Ama- zon, with a party of armed seamen, under the direction of Capt. Parker, who entered the castle without opposition, preceded by a flag bearing the name of King Ferdinand the Seventh and the Spanish colours. The detachment then proceeded to the town of Ferrol, where it was re- ceived in the must affectionate manner by the inhabitants, and having arrested the Commandant of the Castle iu the name of King Ferdinand, sent him onboard the Defiance. The Governor of Ferrol not having any means of garri- soniug the castle, the guns in it were spiked, and the powder removed to the arsenal, and the place left tinder the commaud of the former governor, who had been su- perseded by the. enemy. Ou the Ubtli, Capt. Hotham eutered the port of Corun- na, where he was informed by the governor that he lmd received instructions from the Marquis de la Romana, dated let Oreuse; on the 27th, to proclaim his Catholic Ma- jesty Ferdinand VII. with advice that he had dispatched a regiment from his army to attend the ceremony, ami garrison I ho place: the governor at the same time gave Capt. Ilutham assurances that the port was from that hour to be considered under the coiitroul and authority of the lawful King of Spain ; and tile Capt. placed him- self, aud every assistance that the ships under his orders might be able to afford, at the governor'* disposal. On the SQth, Major- Gen. the Conde dc Norona, Cap- tain- Gen. of Gallicia, arrived at Corunna from St. Jago, nud was followed ou the next day by Gen. Carrera with about 11,000 inch, forming the Conde's division of the Marquis of Itoinaua's artny. The French army uuder Miirchal Ney moved from its camp near Bctuuzos 011 the 22d, taking the road to I. ugo and Astorga. It was re- ported that previously to its breaking up the camp, it de- stroyed its baggage and heavy artillery. On the 27th, the Marquis de la Romana was stated to be at Orense FROM TIIE GERMAN PAPERS. VIENNA, JUNE Ja. ORDER OF Tilt DAY. . " The Emperor sees with grief the disorders which " WVe place iu the rear of the army, and which multiply so fust that they occupy the whole of his. attcution. Had iuen do all iliejr can to dishonour the army. Instead of being with their colours iu the presence of the enemy, they remain behind, committing every kind of cxcess, even t » the perpetration o£, erimes. " His Imperial Majesty Orders the Generals, being Go- uors, the Couimandauth of Provinces, to form on the spot moveable columns, each of which is to be composed 01 an Adjutant Commandant or u Colonel, a Chief of a tquadrejn, a Captain of Infantry, on Officer of the Gen- darmerie ( who it. to inxke a report of the legal proceed- ings), aud of a Magistrate of the country. WRIGHT V. WARDLE. Mr. Attorney- General stated, that this was an action brought by au upholsterer, for gjods furnished bv order of the defendant for Mrs. Clarke, a lady for whom', iuthc latter end of last year, the defe- idant had had, p, prefer- ence, and to whom lie was then the very good frieud. The Attorney- General then stotcd the case, which his witnes- ses afterwards proved; arid observed that, looking at the connection that had subsrstcd between the defendant and Mrs. Clarke, it was the height n.' probability that the de- fendant should pay for what it would be proved lie had promised, and that the plaintiff would uot have trusted Mrs. Clarke, she being b. . ore £ 50o or £ 600 iu his debt. Mrs. Mary Anne Clarke stated, that she first became acquainted with Colonel Wardle, iu consequeuce of u le tcr from the Exchequer Coffee- housc. I took my Iioui in Westbourne- place, from September, but I did not enter til! the Qf/ i of AW ember. I communicatcd to Mr Wardle that 1 had tukeu it, nud had several Conversations ; furnishing it, before 1 applied to Mr. Wright. I wi debled to Mr. Wright i. 500 or £ 1) 00. 1 did not propose to him to furnish toy house. on credit, because 1 kuew it would be iu vain. I'told him 1 had a friend iu view, w ho I believed would furnish it. 1 did uot mention his name. Mr. Wardle was that friend. In consequence of some promises that be was holding out to me, I was to give hiin every information iu my power, and to assist him in the investigationt in return for which he was to furnish the house. This was a part of the requital to me for giving that assistance. I informed Colonel Wardle of Wright's requiring some other person's credit. He asked some one as a friend first for his advice, and then told me lie ap- proved of it. I had no other means then ofpayiug. 1 ms very much distressed at that time. He knew that, and knew of Wright's debt, because lie advised Mr. Wright to bring an action llu- nrrtmi who. lie llimiiriit ought to pay. bring such aii afterwards acc him there to say that lie was the person who was to h sponsible. Daniel Wright attended us that day in the shop. I introduced Colonel W. I do uot know I did by that uanie. What I said was, this is the gentleman who to furnish my house. He went for that purpose— lie is- Mleiit. We'walked iu the ware- room. Colonel W. mauling with the things. Colonel W. kucw the stale of • ny house, aud had sccu the tliiugs previously se'iit iu ou by Mr. Wright- I hud gone up stairs to Mr Wright, was ill iu beil. When 1 came, he said he thought the side- board in the ware- room a very haudsomc one, aud ordered it, iuste- ad of the one at my liouse. He said no- thing more— there was, indeed, very little more for liiui to say, aud I gave orders for the things. He had goqc to Wright's afterwards a great muuy times, in a backncy- coach. He went anulher time to look out other thiug's. 1 had chosen a pattern of a carpet, iu Westbourne- placc, aud a piece of carpeting was scut iu. Mr. Wardle prefer- red one at Mr. Wright's. Major Dodd was with him, who had not bccnllicre before » ith uie, but I believe lie called once before with Colonel W. They wished to have a scar- let and bronze pattern. I objected to it. Major Dodd said it was very Turkish ; he thought it w ould suit me. I did not care much about it:- sod aj they were goiug to pay for it, ( I mean Colonel Wardle) 1 would not object. Several things were ordered that morning, iu the presence of Ma- jor dodd. They were ordered by him and M r. Wardle. I'. be things were sent iu iu November, December, aud January, as tliev could get them finished. Thev were sent 011 Mr. Wardle's account. He was coi-. tiunally iu every room in the house without being asked into it, looking at the furniture from the kitchen to the garret. The maid- servants complained that tlity had not looking- glasses iu their licd- chambcrs. Sunn times he has sent buck expen- sive furniture that Wright has sent in, wlieu he thought there was no occasiou for it. I recollect a very large mir- ror coming in. He flew in a passion, and the man that brought it almost dropped the mirror. They talked apart ubout it, aud then Colonel W ordered it back. I thought myself it was too much, as there was a large chandelier iu the middle of the room. Mr. Wright callcd, and, it being wet, begged 1 would give it house- room for that day, mid perhaps he would think better of it. It'was returned — Wright sent ouce a writing- desk, which was very expen- sive. Col. Wardle said there were writing- desks enough iu the house, and it was not wanted. I told the man to put it down to me. . Mr. Garrow— Did be afterwards change his mind ? Mrs. Clarke— Oh, yes; be was ashamed of himself, r. Garrow.— After this business going on for some time, did Mr. Wright express a wish for more money ? Ilw. C— Yes ; he comiuunicated it to me; and I com- municated his wish to Colonel W. I had not a guinea on earth to pay it with. I told Colonel W. money was was wanted, 5 or 600I. was mentioned. He said he had not the money immediately, he would consult a friend, and let me kuow. The application for money was made Lord Ellenborough here thought that Mrs. Clarke should have a release, which was assented to. Mrs. C. in coutinuatior— Coldnel W. said, it would be some time before he would be prepared, and then not with money, but a bill. He said that he had scut a friend there about it. He told me be sent a Mr. Glenuv— he called him Col. Glenny.— The bill was given. He told uie that he would speak to a friend, a Mr. Illinglvortb, a wiiic- inercliant, in l'all Mall, as at that tiine it would be improper for Ins ( Colonel W.' s) name to appear. Air. Gairow— Did he express in tovms, or leavo yj conjecture, from your own knowledge of business, the reason of that? Mrs C.— In consequence of the investigation tlintwn about to lie commenced^ lie thought it not right that hi uuine should appear iu any transaction of mine, belie ve it was the lid of January, and 1 do not recollect the date of the inotiou in the House of Commons, against the Huke of York. This was about three weeks or a fortuiglit ulter. He oa* l lie would send lllingwortli to me. He wits to talk over the date of the bill. 1 Was to make my communication with Mr. Wright, to know w hal w as the longest time to be allowe- d. This w as for Colonel XV. uot to interfere. I never knew lllingwoith befoi IMingworth waited on him. My name might have be introduced before to llliugworth, however, though 1 did not know- him, becauseuiy attorney had paid him i2or 14I. for wine sent in by him. I communicated to Colonel Wardle, that Wright wauted the bill for two months ; but lie said it must Ire for three mouths. Ho said he had Wright since 1 had. I was informed hy Coloiiel W. tliut this bill was elraw n 011 a friend, to prevent any suspicion, or any thing getting round 10 the public, llliugworth was to take a bill ou me for the likeuiuount, which he told me was not worth any thing. Mr. Garruw— That was ucw information. Mrs. C— No; it was done, he said, lest Wright might be tempted to make more; charges than. he should like to — ainl then ho would be able to keep the transaction entirely to Colonel W. Before I could go out of town I was obliged to have sol. of Colonel Wardlc to pay the butcher, the fishmonger, aud other things. He always told me that he would lend me Sol. at u time. Hi » ex- pression was, Isiid ; but 1 did not uuderstjind thai 1 was to repay it. The reason of my going out of town was, be- cause I haiLfnuuy friends about me, and it was feared ibey would persuade me nut to accept of Colonel W.' s propo- sals. There were no goods sent iu till alter the November. Cros- examination by Mr. Serjeant Best. The house was first taken in November. Mr. Serj. Best— It was in const- queilcc of acorrcspopd- encc with M'Callum that you became " acquainted with1 Colonel W. Mrs. Clarke— Yes. If you call one letter a corres- pondence. ~ M r. Serjeant Best having put servcral questions as to the ime when she first became acquainted with Colonel W. she said it was in live end of autumn, aud added, it was quite ridiculous to examine her as to that. She did not recollect exactly when the first order was given, but sh believed it was lifter Major Dodd's letter on the Qist c November. It might be the ajd ; it was a few days before she went to the Martcllo Toweis. Being asked whether1 Colonel W. had ordered coals, she said he gave a general order to Mr. Wright to let me be indulged in any thing He would have let me had uioucy through Mr. Wright. He said one day when 1 wautcd money, canuot you Dor- row money of Mr. Wright ? He often coinplaincd that he had no money, but still he found me some whenever 1 wanted it. Being asked, w hether she had uot sent hiin a threatening letter, saying, that if he did not let her have money she would do for him ; and w hether she had uol quarrelled Willi hiin ? She said she had not quarrelled ; but she had sent a letter, written by her, but dictated by a Dr. Metcalfe, which she was sorry she had scut. She had not seeu him for two mouths. As to receiving money of hiin, she said that he was averse to letting her have any thing after their ncgocialiou was settled. She once went to his house. He asked her iu with a friend who was there. She sent for him into the carriage, and told hiin she wanted some mouey, aud ilid uot care how sniull a sum. He said it would be asked of her if she was giviug her information with a view to any future advantage, but if every thing was previously settled, that might he fairly answered to the contrary. He afterwards scut her a draft on Marsh, Sibbald and Co. for 20I. signed by Scott, an army tuilor, who assisted in the investigation. She tliem begged leave to say something; to correct her evidence as to quarrelling with Colonel W. She then stated, thai Corfield, his attorney, had callcd 011 her with a subjiepiia last Saturday, and said he wished to shew her every respect. He desired VERY much that the case should go to the arbitration, to keep'it from being public. That if it came before the Court, Mr. Serjeant Best would cut her up by a severe cross- examination, and Colonel Wardle would give it out to the public that she w as bribed by Ministers. Mr. Garrow— Are you in fact bribed by any one ? Mrs. Clarke— Certainly not. . Mr. I) Wright ( the plaintiffs brother) confirmed Mrs. C. iu every particular as to the credit given to Colouel W. and said, he called in a gig, when he was told that Wright wanted money, and asked whethera bill would not do as well. Being told lie wanted 5ool. or tjuol. he said he would attend to it immediately*. He also stated that llie defendant looked out the sideboard, aud that Dodd and he chose the carpet, and Mrs. Clarke yielded, because she said they were to pay for it. The amount of the bill was origiuslly 1914I.; nudsool. beingpaide. fi, there were I4t4l. li ft due. No goods were sent in 011 credit till after Colouel W . had called. His name was uot mentioned, hut he knew him by sight. The gooelsseut in to fit up the house at first to the amount of2t> ol. were afterwards charged lt> Colonel W. Mrs. Clarke was uol in the house till after the furniture was in. On his cross- examination by Mr. Parke, he said the bill w hich contained a charge of 2ul. for carpenter's work done, was uot ordered bv Colonel W. There was a charge also for 9I. JSs. for coals ; plasterer's work 241.; painter's work 131: Mr. Serjeant Best then addressed the jury, and the to- pics he urged were, that no credit was due to Mrs. Clarke, and none to the other witness, because it was clear that mauy articles were furnished before her acquaintance with Colouel W. consequently could not be done on his credit. He pressed these topics with his usual ability and ingenu- ity, but did not call any witnesses. Lord Ellenborough recapitulated and commented npou the evidence wilh great clearness; and said, that I he pre- sent case did not come within the statute of frauds; for here, if the two witnesses were to be believed, the defend- ant was the only person who ordered the goods. The charges for work which the defendant did not oreler, and which was performed before his orders were issued, the defendant could not be liable for. The noble and learned judge also pointed out the only variation between the tes- timony of Mrs. Clarke ond Mr." Dauiel Wright, the former of whom stated, that the goods sent on hire were return- ed, aud the latter, that they were made goods sold, as the furt was.— The jurv, nftcr. coiisnlting for a considerable time, fouud a verdict for the plaintiff, damages to the amount of his hill, deducting the charges for work done before the defendant's orders, aud 2001- for the goods sent onhiie. CORN EXCHANGE. MONDAY, JitY 10. acquainted with Colonel W. hefore 1 knew Major 1 suw Colonel W. about the, end of August. I liud wilh 11 Dndd! - BBB| jPiPPPj[| iPH a letter fiom the Exchequer cottec- liouse, without a sig- nature. In consequence of that letter I saw Colonel W. The note was written by Mr. M'Callum. Colouel W came, to my mother's, in Bedford- place, about one o'clock, and staid till dinner, about six o'clock, when he told 1111 that Major Dodd had been waiting for biin all that time. I was rather fearful of doiug w liat he wanted me with hiin alone, because he was not much known in parliament. Major Dodd was introduced us n gentleman, a friend of his. I had not heard of Major Dodd before. His person was unknown to me. About the end of November we went a tour for three days, to view the Muvtcllo Towers. Colouel W. Mr. Glenny, the engineer, and Major Dodd. They would not let me off the journey; I was in very distressed circumstaiices; I never went out of town hut with Colonel W.— I first heard of nil objection to pay from Mr. Wright- ahout a fortnight or three weeks since, about the lime Parliament was prorogued. Sir. Wright trusted MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Assosiations for indicting bad roads are forming in several parts of the Kingdom, anil promise to be of great public ailvantage.-^- A number of gentlemen in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire have entered into a Society for that purpose; and in three of the wapentakes in the North of Lincolnshire a similar association has been formed. Mr. Cereve, of Wisbaden, has discovered a me. thod of recovering wine that has turned sour. For this purpose he employs powdered charcoal. The inhabitants of the banks of the Rhine have bestowed on him a medal, as a reward for this discovery. Mr. H. Wellesley obtained on Friday, in the Arches Court, Doctors' Commons, a dirorce from Lady C. Wellesley, for adultery. The driver of a coach was lately convicted at Norwich, under the new Stage Coach Act, and sentenced to four months' imprisonment, for being intoxicated, and overturning a coach he was driving, by which one passenger had his leg broken, and others were bruised. A man of the name of Simpson, has been committed to the house of correction at Wake- field, for a criminal assault on the person of a female, under eight years of age. The Leeds waggon was letely overturned at Clayton Heights, owing to the road giving way, and the waggon with its contents, rolled down the frightful precipice at that place. There were 110 passengers, and the horses escaped by the shafts breakingat the moment the accident occur- red. O11 Wednesday last Serjeant Welch, of the 77th regiment, in barracks, at Winchester, im- mediately after paying his company in the mess- room, fastened the door, and pointing a loaded musket, with a string fixed to the trigger, under the side of his chin, he pulled the string with his foot, and by the explosion his brains were blown up to the ceiling. The door being burst open, he was found stretched out, a shocking spectacle. The coroner's jury gave a verdict of Lunacy. Ten men and four boys, colliers, were 011 Fri- day se'nnight drowned in two pits belonging to Messers Lee and Co. situate at East Ardley near Wakefield, by the bursting, it is supposed, of the tunnel of some old pits lying near, and not now in use. Three lads who were at the mouth of the pits, On hearing the rushing of the water, climbed up the rope, and alarming by their cries the men at the top, were fortunately extricated from the'r perilous situation. The house of Mr. Golden, of Wakefield, butcher, was lately robbed of a pocket- book, containing near 3001. in bills and promissory notes. The perpetrators have not been disco- vered. Yellow Soap, 107s to. Price of Candles, per dozen, TO THE BRITISH CHANNEL. BY R. BLooMFieLd. Roll roll thy white waves, and cavcloped in foam, Pour thy tides round the echoing shore; Thou guard of Old England— my country, my home! And my soul shall rejoice in the roar! Though high- fronted valour may scowl at the foe, And with eyes of defiance advancc, ' Tis thou hast repelled desolation and woe, And the conquering legions of France. ' Tis good to exult in the strength of the land, That the flow'r of the youth arc in arms •, That her lightening is pointed, her jav'lin in hand, And arous'd the rough spirit that warms ; But never may that day of horror he known, When these hills and these valleys shall feel The rush of the phalanx hy phalanx overthrown, And the bound of the thundering wheel. The dread chance of battle, its blood and its roar, Who ran wish in his senses to prove; To plant the foul fiend on Britannia's own shore All sacred to peace and to love ? Hail, glory of Albion! ye fleets and ye hosts, I breathe not the tones of dismay: In valour unquestioned, still cover your coasts, But may Heav'n keep the slaughter away. Thou gem of the ocean, that smil'st in thy pow'r, May thy sons prove too strong to he slaves! Yet let them not scorn in the dark- fated hour To emit in their rampart of waves. The nations have trembled— have cower'd in the dust, Even the Alps heard the conqueror's song. When the genius of Gaul, with unquenchable thirst, Push'd her eagles resistless along! And still they advance, and the nations must bleed, Then sing, O my country for joy; The girdle of ocean, by Heav'n was decreed To protect what the sword would destroy. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE LATE WILLIAM HOGARTH. The celebrated object of this memoir was born in the parish of St. Bartholomew, London, the son of a low tradesman, who bound him to a mean engraver of arms on plate ; bat before his time was expired he felt the impulse of genius and felt it direct him to painting, though little apprized at that time of the mode nature had in- tended he should pursue. His apprenticeship was no sooner expired than he entered into th « - academy in St. Martin's- lane, and studied draw- ing from the life, in which he never attained to great excellence. It was character, the passions, the soul, that his geni'is was given bim to copy. In colouring he proved no great master; force lay in expression, not in tints and cl scuro. At first he worked for bookselle designed and engraved plates for several bi and, which is extraordinary, no symptoms of genius dawned in those plates. His Hudibras was the first of his works that marked him as above the common ; yet what made him then , noticed, now surprizes us to find so little hu- mour in an- undertaking so congenial to his talents. On the snccess however of those plates he commenced painter, a painter of portraits - the most ill- suited employment imaginable to a man whose turn certainly was not flattery, nor his talent adapted_ to look on vanity without a sneer; yet his fatmty in catching a likeness, aud the method he choose of painting families and conversations in small, then a novelty, drew him prodigious business for some time. It did not last- either from his applying to the rc al bent of his disposition, or from his customers apprehen- ding that a satirist was too formidable a confes- sor for the devotees of self- love. He had al. ready dropped a few of his smaller prints on some reigning follies, but as the dates are want- ing on most of them we cannot ascertain which, though those on the South- sea and Rabbit wo. man prove that he had early discovered his talent for ridicule, though he did not then think ol" building his reputation or fortune ou its power:-. His Midnight Modern Conversation was the first work that showed his command of character: but it was the Harlot's Progress, published in 1729 or 1730 that established his fame. The pictures were scarce finish. d, and no sooner ex- hibited to the public and the subscription opened, than above twelve hundred names were entered on his book. The familiarity of the subject, and the propriety of the execution, made it tasted by all ranks of people. Every engraver set him- self to copy it, and thousands of imitations were dispersed all over the kingdom. It was made into a pantomime, and performed on the stage. The Rake's Progress, perhaps superior, had not so much success from want of novelty; nor in- deed is the print of the Arrest equal iu merit to the others. The curtain was now drawn aside, and his genius stood displayed in its fullest lustre. from firm- to time he continued to give those works that should be immortal if the nature of his art will allow it. Even the receipts for his sub- scription had wit in them. Many of his plates he engraved himself, and often expunged faces etched by his assistants when they had not done justice to his ideas. Not content with shining in a path untrodden before, he was ambitious of distinguishing him- self as a painter of history; but not only his colouring and drawing rendered him uneqnal to the task, the genius that had entered so feelingly iuto the calamities and crimes of familiar life, deserted " him in a walk that called for dignity and grace. The burlesque turn of his mind mixed itself with the most serious subjects. Tn his Danne the old nurse tries a coin of the gol- den shower with her teeth, to see if it is true gold; in the Pool of Bethesda a servant of a rich ulcerated lady beats back a poor man that sought the same celestial remedy. Both circum- stances justly thought, but rather too ludicrous. It is a much more capital fault that Danae herself is a mere nymph of Drury. He seems to have conceived no higher idea of beauty. So little had he eves to his own deficiencies, that he believed he had discovered the principle of grace. With the enthusiasm of a discoverer he cried, Eureka! This was his famous line of beauty, the ground- work of his Analysis, a book that has many sensible hints and obser- vations, but that did not carry the conviction nor meet the universal acquiescence he expected. As he treated his contemporaries with scorn, they triumphed over his publication, and imitated him to expose him. Many wretched burlesque prints came out to ridicule his system. There was a better answer to it in one of the two prints that he gave to illustrate his hypothesis. In the Ball had he confined himself to such outlines as compose awkwardness and deformity, he would have proved half his assertion—- but he has added two samples of grace in a young lord and lady, that are strikingly still and affected;- they are a Bath beau and a country beauty. But this was the failing of a visionary ; he fell afterwards into a grosser mistake. From a con- tempt of the ignorant virtuosi of the ago, and from indignation at the impudent tricks of pic- ture dealers, whom he saw continually recom- mending and vending vile copies to bubble col- lectors, and from having never studied, indeed having seen, few good pictures of the great Italian masters, he persuaded himself that the praises bestowed on those glorious works were nothing but the effects of prejudice. He talked this language till he believed it; and having heard it often asserted, as is true, that time gives a mel- lowness to colours and improves them, he not only denied the proposition, but maintained that pictures only grew black and worse by age. not distinguished between the degrees in which the proposition might be true or false. He went farther; he determined to rival the ancients— and unfortunately cho » e one of the finest pictnrcs in England as the object of his competition. This was the celebrated Sigismonda of Sir Luke Schaub, now in the possession of the Duke of Newcastle, said to be painted by Corregio, probably by Furino, but no matter by whom. It is impossible to see the picture or read Dry- den's inimitable tale, and not feel that the same soul animated both. After many essavs Ho- garth at last produced his - Sigismonda But not to mention the wretchedness of the colouring, it was the representation- of a maudlin strumpet just turned out of keeping, aud with eyes red with rage and usquebaugh, tearing off the orna- ments her keeper had given her. To add to the disgust raised by such vulgar expression, her fingers were bloodied by her lover's heart that lay before her like that of a sheep's for her diu- ner. None of the sober grief, no dignify of sup- pressed anguish, no involuntary tear, no settled meditation on the fate she meant to meet, no amorous warmth turned holy by despair; in short all was wanting that should lisve been there, all was there that such a story would have ba- nished from a mind capable of conceiving such complicated woe; woe so sternly felt and jet so tenderly. Hogarth's performance wns more ridiculous than any thing he had ever ridiculed. He 6et the price of four hundred pounds on it, aud had it returned OK his hands by the person for whom it was painted. He took subscrip- tions for a plate of it, but had the sense at last to suppress it. We make no more apology for this account than for the encomiums we have bestow- ed on him. Both are dictated by truth, and are the history of a great man's excellencies and er- rors. Milton, it is said, preferred his Paradise Regained to his immortal poem. The last memorable event of our artist's life was his quarrel with Mr. Wilkes, in which if Mr. Hogarth did not commence direct hostilities nn the latter, he at least obliquely gave the first offence by an attack on the friends and party of that gentleman. This conduct was the more sur- prizing, as he had all his life avoided dipping his pencil in political contests, and had early refused d very lucrative offer that was made to engage him in a set of prints against the head of a court- party. Without entering into the meri's of the cause, we shall only state the fact. In Septem- ber 1762, Mr. Hogarth published his print of the Times. It was answered by Mr. Wilkes in a severe North- Briton. On this the painter exhibited the caricutura of the writer. Mr. Churchill, the poet, then engaged in the war, and wrote his epistle to Hogarth, not the bright- est of his works, and in which the severest strokes fell on a defect that the painter had neither caused nor could amend— his age; and which however was neither remarkable nor de- crepid; much less had it impaired his talents, as appeared by his having composed but six months before one of his most capital works, the satire on the Methodists. In revenge for this • fistic, Hogarth caricatured Churchill under the form of a canonical bear, with a club and a pot of por- ter— et vitula tu dignus et hic; never did two angry men of their abilities throw mud with less dexterity. Hogarth, in the year 1730, married the only daughter of Sir James Thornhill, by whom la- had no children. He died of a dropsy in his breast, at his house in Leicester fields, October 1764. He Sold about twenty- four of hi* principal pictures by auction in 17- 15. Mr. Vincent Bourne addressed a copy of Latin hendeca- syllables to him on his chief pictures; and Bo- quelti., the enameller. published a French expla- nation, though a superficial one, of many of his prints, which, it was said, he had drawn up for the use of Marshal Belleisle, then a prisoner in England. EXTRAORDINARY FEMALE DUEL. Notwithstanding the great number of duels which are continually occurring, the history of late years does not present us with such a sin- gular rencontre as look place in France in the earlier part of the last century. We extract the following account of it from Meiners' inte- resting History of the Female Sex. The Duke de Richelieu was the cause of an unprecedented duel between two women, Madame de Polignac, and Madame de Nesle, who disputed the possession of him. The Duke had repeatedly refused to see the for- mer, but this was of no avail. Madame de Pol ignac still loved her inconstant gallant with as much ardour as ever, and was therefore jealous of all the ladies who had succeeded her, not singly but in troops. Tortured by jealousy, she one day met Madame de Nesle, and chal- lenged her to fight with pistols in the Bois de Boulogne. Madame de Nesle eagerly accepted the challenge, being animated by the same spirit as her fair antagonist, and hoping either to kill her rival, and tints remain in undisturbed pos- session of her lover, or to evince the strength ol' her attachment, and the ardour of her passion, by an honourable death. The ladies met, and fired at each other. Madame de Nesle fell, and her fair bosom was covered with blood. Come on," exclaimed her antagonist," I will teach you the consequences of robbing a woman like me of her lover; if I had the perfidious creature in my power I would tear out her heart as I have blown out her brains." A young man who hoard these cruel words, begged her to moderate herself and not to exult over her unfortunate opponent, whose courage, I at least, could not but command her respect. Silence, young coxcomb," cried Madame de Polignac," it does not become you to presume to give me instruction." Madame de Nesle was not wounded in the j breast, as had at first been feared, but slightly , in the shoulder. On coming to herself, some per- son asked her if the lover, for whose sake she had fought, was worth her exposing herself to such a risk for him? " O yes," replied she, " he de- serves much better blood than what circulates in j my veins to be shed for him. He is the most amiable man of the whole court ; all the ladies lay- snares for him ; but I hope, after this proof of love which I have given to obtain the exclusive possession of his heart. I am under too great ob- ligations to you," continued she," to conceal his name :— it is the Duke de Richelieu ; yes, the Duke de Richelieu; the first- born of the God of War and the Goddess of Love." ANECDOTE. FROM HALL'S TRAVELS IS SCOTLAND. A petty practitioner of the law in Stirling, bein^ proprietor of an estate in a neighbouring parish, sent his proportion of the stipend to the clergyman by the bauds of the common hangman. When the hangman, who there, as well as most other places, is neither a respectable nor a popular character, and who is seldom without the walls of the town where he resides, was approaching the minister's house, the servants and all in the bouse were much alarmed, except the clergyman ; and when the hangman knocked at the door, it was likethe sentenceof death. A1 every body had run with fear and trembling to hide themselves, no one could be found to let him in. However, he was at last admitted. Upon being desired by the clergyman, ( Mr. Frame, Alloa), to come in he informed him he had been sent by Mr. C—. 1 with his proportion of the stipend. Finding the money good, and the sum due, being asked a receipt, Mr. Frame wrote, " Received from Mr. C , through the bauds of his agent and factor, the hangman of Stirling, the sum of 301. sterling, & c." But it seems that, the year after, th< gentleman judged it unne. cessary to remit his money by his former agent. MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE. Early in the morning of Friday, the 23d ult. as some fishermen of Wareham were fulling in the Wareham Channel, they observed an old and a young poipoise ; the former of an enor- mous size, in pursuit of some shoals of mullet. The fishermen, observing that these enormous animals, by over. eagorness in pursuit of their prey, were approaching the mouth of the Ware- hain South River, immediately dropped their nets across the channel, below them, and con. structed a sort of bridge " with their boats, to obstruct their return to the sea. Several times successively the porpoises, with surprising strength and activity, as- ailed the nets and boats, and were as repeatedly repulsed by the fish- ermen ; who, with their oars and some pikes, drove them by degrees before them up the river, into shallow, water, near the town, where they surrounded them with several large nets, and at length succeeded in getting them both on shore. The largest porpoise was 800 weight and up- wards, aud was killed in taking: it produced a considerable qua . tiiy of oil. The young one lived upwards o; twenty- four hours out of water. On Sunday last, Mr. Green, of Guildford- street, near the Foundling Hospital, going to his rountry residence at Laytonstone, in a gig, the I horse, taking fright on the road, became quite unmanageable^ when Mr. G. in jumping from the vehicle, pitched with his head upon a stone, by which his skull was fractured in so shocking a manner, as to cause his immediate death. Monday morning, three Frenchmen, who have ' been usually employed as nurses on board the Hospital prison- ship at Chatham, effected their escape from on board, after they had been on deck. An accident of the most horrid description occurred at the Cape of Good Hope. Three British officers from the garrison, having gone out on a party of pleasure to the Table Moun- tain, were overtaken by the night, before they could regain the plain, they lost their track, wandered and separated. One of them, with much difficulty, and at length found his way in- to the town ; but no intelligence having been received of his companions, a party went outin search of them. They were both found at the foot of a prodigious precipice, crushed aud mangled in a most dreadful manner. One of them, an Aide- de- Camp of Lord Caledon, had already expired, and the other was just at the point of death. Both of these unfortunate suf- ferers were men in the prime of life, and most promising officers. Another accident has lately happened on Dud- don Sands, near Ulverston— a gentleman hav- ing lost his life in attempting to cross the sands when the sea was out. The body was found on the sands on Saturdav sen'night. From a paper found in his watch case, he is supposed to be Captain Fisher, lately from Dublin, where his watch had been repaired. During the violent thunder- storm on Tuesday, the house of Capt. Smith, of East- hill, Herts, took fire, in consequence of the lightning com- municating to the bell wires of the first floor 1 he room was in a blaze before the accident was discovered, and the house was burnt to the ground. The following accident occurred on Monday night, about a mile from Brighton: Mr. Mac Clary, of Bond- street, who had in the morning left his residence for Brighton, accompanied by another gentleman, iu a tandem, had reached Preston Hedges, when thp wheel- horse unex- pectedly fell. Mr. M'Clary was dashed with great violence to the ground, and had both his legs broken. His friend escaped with little in- jury. It is said that Sandon has commenced proceed- ings against Mrs. Clarke, for obtaining inoney from him upon " false pretence," in the caso of French's levy. Duel Thursday a duel was fought on Ealing Common, between Mr. C n, a mate in the East India Company's service, and Mr. R— a merchant residing in the city. The meeting took place in consequence of a dispute which arose at the Lyceum the evening before; both gentlemen fired, and Mr. R was slightly wounded in the arm ; the seconds then interfered, and the parties returned to town amicably toge- ther in the same chaise. Somersetshire Local Militia On the 2Gth ult. the West Somerset Local Militia had a grand fiehl- dav at Sand Hill Park, the seat of John Lethbridge, on which occasion the Taunton Vo- lunteer Rifle Corps attended, when the colours were presented by Mrs. Lethbridge. Lieut.- Colonel Lethbridge, in delivering them to the Ensign, expressed himself in an apposite and energetic speech. This address, made within hearing of the w hole regiment, and a considera. ble number of the most respectable gentry of the western part of the county, was received with the most marked approbation, and excited the most exhilarating emotions in every bosom. The day was uncommonly fine, and after mauceuver- ing in a style which would have done honor even j to veteran proficiency, several hogsheads of beer, and 700 rations of bread and cheese, were served out to the men. They left tlie park at 5 o'clock, and the regiment proceeded to Taunton. The satisfaction which attended this occasion was, ' however, soon interrupted. One of the men, on his march home, expressed himself very contu. melionsly to his officer, who had remonstrated with him on the impropriety of quitting the com- pany to which he belonged, and embodying him. self with another part of the regimeut. The insolence of the man at length compelled the officer to order him, with inverted arms, to march in the rear of the regiment; on the arri. val of which at Taunton, the man was ordered to be taken into custody to the barracks. Upon this a corporal stepped forward, and avowed his determination to resist this order, calling to his comrades to support him in such resolution— Lieut— Col. Houlton immediately seized the fel- low, who drew his bayonet, and made a plunge at the Lieut.- Col. ( who is one of the mildest and most amiable of men,) which in all probability would have terminated fatally, had not Major Elton, with an intrepidity which no praise can adequately represent, suddenly interposed, and made a thrust at the breast of the mutineer with his sword, which broke without inflicting a wound. The Lieut.- Col. is wounded in the wrist, but we are very happy to say by no means seriously. The ruffian who made the above atrocious attack was secured. The aid of a troop of dragoons was solicited from a neighbouring quarter, and early in the morning the regiment was disarmed ; the ringleader was sentonced to receive 500 lashes, of which only 175 were inflicted, and mercy was extended to i The less experienced and less guilty, and tran- ! quillity by this prudent determination and sys- tematic vigour effectually restored. McfthKn.—- A young woman, nj of Honeyborne, neaT Evesham, W< on Thursday night, the 22d ult. w^ her usual time, but was soon after < r some person, who, immediately on hk the door, knocked her down with a dun lacerated her head dreadfully, and forceu one of her eyes; her body was then dragged some distance^ and thrown into a horse- pond, where it was found next morning. Suspicion fell on a young man by whom she was preguant, but no proof of guilt appearing, the Coroner gave a verdict of wilful murder against some person unknown. Wednesday, the Sessions at the Old Bailey ended, when the Recorder passed Sentence of Death on the following :— James Browne, for horse- stealing ; Thomas Bones, for burglary ; William Higgens, for stealing in a dwelling* house ; William Lowe, Matthew Powell, and . fames Marsden, for similar offences; Hunton White and James Smith, for burglary; William Lowe, for returning from transportation before tbe expiration of his former sentence; John Warner, for burglary ; Henry Ravenscroft, for forgery ; William Jones, alias Sinclair, alias Sell, for a like offence.— Henry Ravenscroft moat solemnly protested his innocence of any in- tention to defraud his prosecutor, and Sell ad- dressed the Court at considerable length. He said that the greater part of his life had been de- voted in the service of his country, and solemnly disclaimed any dishonest intention towards his prosecutor, Wilson, a publican, of Stretton- ground, Westminster, and that he was utterly ignorant that the draft was a forgery, or he ne- ver should have uttered it: he merely deposited it as a security for 135. which he borrowed.— William Smith to be transported for life; and twelve women and ten men for seven years. John Hulham, one of the prisoners sentenced for seven years transportation, addressed the* court. He said hp had served 21 years in New South Wales, where he was master of four pros, perous plantations. He only came home to see his friends, and hoped the court would send him there agaia. The recorder told him he was about to be sent there. He bowed most thank- fully to the c6urt, and retired from the dock in high spirits. law reports. COURT OF KING'S BENCH, THURSDAY, JI tY S. London sittings after Trinity Term. MEESON V. CHIVERS. This was an action brought by a mahogany chair- maker, against the First- mate of an Indiaman, for seduction of the Plaintiff's daughter. The Plaintiff's premises are at the bottom of Salisbury- street, Strand, aud command a view of the Thames. From hence on the day of Lord Nelson's funeral procession, a number of persons were indulged indulged with a view of it, » fondant. He attached himself to the Plaintifl's daughter, Q. danced with her that night. He afterwards visited the family, and in fine she eloped with him, and has lived with him ever since. Verdict for the Plaintiff.— Da- mages 701. . WATERS R. FULLER. Tbis was an action for the recovery of fifty guineas, being the price of a horse, and the sum of 25L. in monev, which tbe Plaintifl had giveu the Defendant, iu exchange for auotber horse, warrauted souud, but which did not turn out to be so. The warranty was proved by the cir- cumstance of the Defendant not denying it to the attor- ney for the PlaintifF, who had written to him for payment of the Plaintiff's demand, but contending that the horse was sound; and the fact of the horses unsoundness was proved by the evidence of Mr. Coleman and Mr. Field, Veterinary Surgeons. who stated the horse to have a contraction ol' the hoof, which occasioned a lameness, and likewise to have a bloody corn, and a thrush. Ou the part of Defendant, Mr. Hobsom, the livery. stable- keeper,- who had always the care of the horse, and who recommended it to the Plaintiff, and his ostler, Page, swore that the horse had a full- sized hoof, that they had never seen a corn on it, aud that the horse was sound at the present moment. Lord ELLENBOROUGH permitted all these witnesses, during tbe examination of some gentleman who had rode the horse, or seen it go, without finding out its unsound- ness, to go to the stable where the horse was ; and, upon their return, they produced a piece of its corn, and Page allowed the horse to be a little lame. Verdict for the Plaintiff.— Damages 77. lof. COURT OF KINGS BENCH, FRIDAY, JULY 7. BOTHAM V. DIXON. This was au action brought by the keeper of the Wind- mill Inn, Salt- hill, against the proprietor of the City Re- pository, for the sum of 38 guineas paid by the Plaintiff's Agent, for a horse warranted souud, and quiet to ride or drive, which he had bought at one of the Defendant's public auctions. Joseph Swift, the Plaintiffs foreman and agent,. proved the purchase of the horse on a Friday. He took it to Salt- hill the same day, and on the next it was put to a post- chaise as one of the leaders ; but it kicked and bit one of the other horses, and would not go at all. Mr GARROW, " Oh, my Lord! there is a very good reason for that; they made it a leader the first day they called it."* It was accordingly on the Monday following returned to the defendant's stables. The defence was, that all horses sold at the defendant's auctions were sold under conditions, which were painted on a board at the head of the ride, and stuck up at the door of every stable; they were also read at the beginning of every sale, and lying on the table, printed in great quantities One of these conditions was, that no horse which had been warranted sound, could be taken back as not so, Unless it were brought back before six o'clock in the afternoon of the duy succeeding that of its sale. The defendant, at his sales which were twice a week, sold by commission many horses of which he knew nothing; and it would be abso- lutely impossible for him to carry on his business, unless an early time were fixed for the return nf such horses as were to be returned. It was proved that the plaintiff's agent knew ot the defendant's conditions, by hu having been Several times at the sales, arid by his having once brought the defendant a horse for sale. Loan ELLENBOROUGH observed, that with the means— the defendant took to make known his conditions, no ignorance of them could be pleaded ; otherwise, a man would have nothing to do to evade them, but to send to the sale a person who was deaf and blind.— Verdict for the defendant. , COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FRIDAY, JULY 7. FROWETT V. DE CrEplgNY. Tbis was an action to recover the sum of Ml. for gro- ceries due by the defendant to the plaintiff, in this bill a sum of mouey due by a Miss Roberts, who had been recommendcd by tbe defendant to the plaintiff, was in- cluded. It appeared, that the son of the plaintiff had applied to Colonel de Crepigny for the amount of the entire bill which In- decliued paying; but said at ihe snine time, that be would be reipoi. sibk- foi ivliat was got on his own account. It having been decided, however, that sailing he icould pay w as not a legal tender, a venlict to tli « of his own debt was giVcu ngaiust the defeudant. Orders and Advertisements forwarded by the Newsmen or through the following Agents, will be duly attended to. ARDFIELD, Mr. Willis, Schoolmaster BISHOP STORTFORD, Mr. Summers, Ironmonger BOCKING, BRAINTREE, and RAYNE, Messrs New- man and Joscelyn, Auctioneer* BOREHAM, Mr. Worsley, Cock Inn BARKING, Mr. Nichols BILLERICAY, Mr. J. Walter, Auctioneer BURNTWOOD, WARLEY, St c. Mr. Tylor, Bookseller BURY ST. EDMUNDS, Mr. Rackham, Bookseller BURNHAM, 6tc. Mr. Clarke, Auctioneer COLCHESTER, Linton and Lavallin, Auctioneers CLARE, SUFFOLK, Mr. Gunton, Grocer COGGESHALL, Mr. Evans, Draper DAGENMAM, Mr. Chase DEDHAM, Mr. Pickens, Grocer and Draper DUNMOW, Mr. Shave, Auctioneer. EPPING, Mr. Dorrington, Auctioneer EARLS COLNE, Mr. Wing, Grocer FELSTEAD, Mr. Rutland, Swan Inn FINCHINFIELD, Mr. Darby, Postmaster GRAYS, Mr. Smithson HALSTEAD, Mr. J. Hudson, Printer, ice. HORNDON ON THE HILL, Mr. Jeffries. Auctioneer HARWICH, Mr. Hast, Auctioneer HATFIELD BROAD OAK, Mr. P. Sullins, Cock Inn HADLEIGH, SuffoLK, Mr Hardacre, Stationer HEDINGHAM, CASTLE Mr. James King, Perfumer HEDINGHAM SIBLE, . Mr. Osborn, Grocer ILFORD, Mr. Ford, Grocer, & c. INGATESTONE, Mr. J. Dawson, jun. Draper IPSWICH, Mr. Bush, Bookseller KELVEDON, Mr. Ward, Perfumer LONG MELFORD, Mr. J Lorking, Shoemaker, fcc. MALDON, Mr. Pettit, Perfumer MEHSEA, Mr. B. Haw.*, Auctioneer MANNINGTREE and MlSTLEY, Mr. Goodwin, Auc- NORWICH, Mr. Bird, Jeweller NEWMARKET, Cambridgeshire, Mr. Rogers, Book- seller and Printer NAYLAND and STOKE, Mr. Hardy, Schoolmaster ONGAR, Mr. Scruby, Jun. OCKENDON, S. and N. Mr. Clarke, Red Lion PRITTLEWELL, Mr. Wade, Auctioneer ROMFORD, Marshall and Robinson, Printers, ROCHFORD, Mr. J. Richardson RAYLEIGH, Mr. Noone, junr. Perfumer SOUTH END, Mr. Collis, Coufectiouer STRATFORD, Mr. J. Carter, Bull Inn SUDBURY and BALLINUDON, Mr. Hill, Book- seller, iC. SAFFRON WALDEN, Mr. Slade, Auctioneer TBBUNG, Mr. Baker, Schoolmaster / TOLLESHUNT DARCEY, Mr. Ardlie, Shopkeeper THORPE- LE- SOKEN and WEELEY, Mr. Ketcher THAXTED, Mr. Philpot, Sen. Wheelwright . WALTHAM GREAT &. LITTLE, Mr. Holder, Saddle WITHAM, Mr. Cottis, Perfumer WOODFORD, Mr. J Nichols, Postmaster WOODBRIDGE, Mr. Simpson, Bookseller WEATHERSFIELD, Mrs. Gowers, Dog Inn YARMOUTH, Keymer and Slomam Printers and Book.
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