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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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N" 88.] OK FEES, GRATUITIES, & c.-( E ™ ; fe Duties.) No. 83. AN ACCOUNT of the Particulars of the Sum of £. 3,222. OX. ) O% J. ft'ated in the Account of all Incidental, Contingent and Extraordinary Expences, incurred in the Department of the Excife, for the year endin, 5th January 180S, under the Head of Conipenfations and Gratuities, and alfo the Dates of the Board's Orders, being the Authority under which the feveral following Sums were granted. To Alexander Worthington, Esq. amount of what his Fees fell short of £. 75. in January quarter 1807 • Geo. Waller, Esq. First Clerk in Secretary's Office; what his Fees fell short of £. 3.7. 10' i in January quarter 1807 Hugh Henderson and Robert Roberts, Gaugers; being in addi- tion for extra Services ------- S. H. Lovett, of Secretary's Office; as a remuneration for Services rendered the Revenue - Alexander Worthington Esq: Secretary to the Excife Depart- ment; amount of what his Fees fell ftiort of £. 75. in April - quarter- i8O7 - -- -- -- - Geo. Waller, First Clerk in Secretary's Office ; the like for fame quarter - P. H. Fitz Gerald ; as a reward for his labour and exertion when in charge of the Dodder diftillery Messrs Wilmot and Talbot, Clerks in Secretary's Office ; for. their extraordinary attention and labour in their refpeftive Offices Andrew Holton ; for his attention ana ferviees - - - James Murphy ; compensation for suppreffing private diftillery Geo. Hatton, Esq. Examinator of Excise, compenfation for loss of Fees and Malt Drawbacks, for July quarter 1807 Charles O'Binne ; for doing a Clerk's duty, abfent by ficknefs Serjeant Southwicke of the Tipperary Regiment; for affifting Major Swan- - - Alex. Wcrthington, Esq,; amount of what his Fees fell fhort of 75^ for October quarter 1807 - Geo. Waller, Esq. First clerk in the Secretary's Office ; amount of what his Fees fell short for/. 37. 10. in Odober quarter L 1807 - y.- f £ , - \ - ' - - James M'Cormick, Constable; for his exertions in arresting a person at the Suit of the Wm Bower, of the Quit Rent Office; compensation for disco- vering Lands subject to Quit Rent, in the District of Ath- lone -------- Geo. Hatton, Examiner of Excise ; half a year's compensation for loss of: Fees,, on Malt Drawbacks, to the 5th Jan. 1808 - Widow Elsmere her proportion of the compensation for Ser- vices rendered by her husband Mr. Elsemere, Surveyor of Excise - - - - John Croker, Esq., Surveyor Genera!; compensation for extra official duty - - . r-. - Sundry Clerks; compensation for their extraordinary dabour and trouble - - - - - - - Nicholas Clements, Messenger to the Board ; compensation for his additional labour ------- Sundry Messengers to the Board; compensation for extra trouble - - '- - - - ' - C. Coote, Clerk in Secretary's Office ; D0 for his extraordinary trouble _-- w S. H. Lovett, in Secretary's Office - - - D° - Mich. Dearing, extra Messenger - - - D° - Geo. Waller, Esq. Clerk in Secretary's Office ; amount of what his Fees fell short jn January quarter 1808 - Alex. Worthington, Esq Secretary ; the like, - James Maclin, Hearthmoney Collector, to reimburse him, he having been robbed of Duties received by him in Athlone District. ----- Collector of Athlone's Clerk ; to reimburse him for lofles he sustained in consequence of his not being suffered to diftrain for King's Rents ------- Ellis Dudley, Constable; compensation for Services done to the Revenue - - - - - - John Clerk, lately employed in collefting the Excise Duties m Dublin ; compensation for attending said Business
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