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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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* So' ( Ireland.)— Eighth REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ App£ No. So. A RETURN of the feveral Fees paid by the Solicitor for the Cafual Revenue, to the Attorney and Solicitor General, and to the Counfel to the Commiffioners of Cuftoms and Excife, in the year ended 5th Jan. 1808. Fees to the Attorney General - - - Board's Counfel - November 22d 1808. £. s. d. 7i9 3 12 TO 3 Total - - 20 9 6 Richd Martin, Solr Casl Revenue. No, 81. The Examination of ROBERT REEVES, Esq.; taken upon Oath the 2d and 4th days of January 1809. This Examinant faith, That he is Solicitor for the Forfeited Estates ; he receives a falary of ico. paid on the Excife Eftabliftunent j that for all professional businefs done by him in his official capacity, he furnifhes regular Bills of Costs as an Attorney, thefe Bills of Cofts are taxed by the proper Officer of that Court in which the bufinefs is done; the amount of thefe Bills of Cofts is generally so small, that he fometimes delays to fiirnifh them for two or three years; for the last two years they amounted to about £. 187. Robt Reeves. Fredk Geale. Robert Alexander. Cba! Stewart Hawthorne. Jcbn Hamilton. No. 82. The Examination of RICHARD MARTIN, Esq.; taken upon Oath the 17th and 22d days of November 1808. This Examinant faith, That he is Solicitor for the Cafual Revenue of Ireland, and was originally appointed in June 1787. Heat prefent holds the appointment jointly with Mr. William F. Berry, who however has never done duty, or received any part of the emoluments of the Office. The Cafual Revenue is principally colle& ed, accounted fcr, and paid into the Treafury by the Sheriffs of the feveral Counties. It is the duty of Exami- nant, once a year, to call on the Sheriffs to account for this Revenue according to the courfe of proceeding in the Exchequer, to enforce their attendance in cafes of de- fault, to be prefent at the time of their accounting, and to fue for the tots of fuch Sheriffs as do not pay their amount, to compel the feveral Clerks of the Crown.; and Peace to return the eftreats of fines impofed at Affizes and Seffions, and to attend the Commiffioners of Reducements on the hearing of petitions to reduce any fines. Examinant has a falary of too. per annum, payable out of Excife Incident-, in return for which he performs no particular fervice, but is paid his Bill of Cofts as an Attorney for all bufinefs done by him as Solicitor for the Cafual Revenue. When he conceives it neceffary, he employs the Counfel to the Commiffioners, and in fome inftances, the Attorney and Solicitor General; their refpeftive fees form items in his Bills of Cofts. Thefe Bills of Cofts are not taxed by any Officer, but are fent to the . Examinator of Incident Bills, who certifies the amount thereof, and upon that Certifi- cate the Commiffioners make an order of payment. Richd Martin, J. S. Rochfort. Fredk Geale. Robert Alexander. Chas S. Hawthorne. John Hamilton. Sol' Cas1 Reve„
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