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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Eighth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 21/02/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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256 .^ Ireland.')— EIGHTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. . quarterly to the Offices Supplied by him his Accounts, which arc- examined by the chief Clerk in each Office, and certified by him, as to the delivery of the Articles, to be correft ; the Accounts are then laid before the Lords of the Treafury, and Examinant makes oath that the prices charged therein are not more than thofe . charged in his ordinary Sales. Fredk Geale, Abm Bradley King. Robert Alexander, John Hamilton. No. 63. The Examination of Mr. JAMES ROE; taken upon Oath, the 3d of June and 26th of July 1808. This Examinant faith, That for feveral years before the feparation of the Board of Excife from that of Cuftoms, he was a Cleric in the Office of the Gerk of the Stationary Stores; fince that time Examinant has been attached ( as firft Clerk) to the Office of Stationary Stores for the Excife department. The prefent Clerk of the Excife Stationary Stores received his appointment within the laft three months. It is the duty of that Officer to take charge of all Books, Paper, and official Forms, which are to be delivered to the different Excife Colle& ors, and by them diftributed to the feveral officers in their refpe& ive DiftriAs ; previous to his being furnifhed with fuch Paper, Books, and official Forms, he receives from each Colle& or a return of the number of each fpecies, computed to be requifite for the fupply of his Diftricl for the en- fuingyear; upon the receipt of thefe returns, an eftimate of the quantity required is made and laid before the Board, who make an order for their Stationer to furnifh the requitite fupply, and to the Clerk of Stationary Stores to receiv; it. Examinant has known instances when the Stationer has not been able to fupply at once the whole quantity ordered, in which cafe it is ufual for the Clerk of the Stationary Stores to take an acknowledgment for fuch par: as remains to be de livered, and thereupon to make out a Certificate of Deliveiy as for the whole, under the authority of which the Stationer receives payment of his bill, previous to the delivery of the Articles. The Certificate of the Clerk of the Stationary Stores attefts the receipt of the whole quantity exprefled in the Board's Order, except fuch Paper as has been retained by the Stationer to be fent to the Printer; but he has never known any examination made to afcertain, whether the Paper thus re- tained has been fo fent, or after printing has been received into the Stationary Stores ; nor is any account whatfoever kepr, from which thefe facls can be learned. The fame perfon has for feveral years paft been employed both as Stationer and Printer. Examinant does not believe that any entry is made of the Stationary from time to time received into ftore, nor has any account been hitherto kept, by which the ftock on hand could at any time be afcertair. ed. The confufed ftate of the bufinefs of this Office, he attributes to the want of proper arrangement, purfuant to the Eftimate for the year 1809. Sationary to the value of £. 6,18 2. is. 6 d. was ordered by the Board, part only of which ( in value 2,061. 14s. 3d.) was de- livered into the Stationary Stores, and the remainder was ftated by the Stationer in his account, to be fent to the Printer; but whether fuch portion thereof was or was not actually delivered to the Printer, or how much thereof was afterwards received into ftore, this Examinant is unable to afcertain from any book or docu- ment in the Office of the Clerk of the Stationary Stores. Such of the printed papers as are chargeable with a Stamp Duty, are fent to the Stamp Office together with the Warrant for the payment, and when ftamped, received again into ftore, and iffued from thence as required. The amount of the whole Stamp Duty being calculated, and laid before the Board, they iflue a Warrant to the Colleftor of Dublin Excife payable to the Receiver General of Stamp Duties. Two accounts are kept for each Colleftor, in which all Stamps fent to them are charged ; one for Permit Stamps by the Examiner of Permit Vouchers, another for Stamps on Bonds, by the Clerk of the Stationary Stores. A return of the number of Permit and Certificate Stamps fent to each Colleftor, is made by the Clerk of the Stationary Stores to the Examiner of Permit Vouchers, who dedu& s the value of Permits and Certificates that are returned unufed, and certifies the Balance
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