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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 27/06/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3723
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THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF MhTSi HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. [ NUMBER 372: 5. . VOLUME LXXIII ] MONDAY, JUNE 1808. hllCE SIXPENCE. I^ tamP D" VV•• •' \ Paper and Print Monday's and Tuesday's Post o four U. FOREIGN N t W S; GOTTENBBRGtt, JuilC 7 J UR little army in Finland does wonder- The Russians have been defeated ill engagements. We have taken a great many picces, of cannon, colours, and all their provisions, anil they arc in full retreat. Our army in Norway lie's inactive ut present; and it is thought they will undertake- nothing till the English force, tinder Gen. Mocflre, go there to co- operate with them. HOUSE OF LORDS. SATURDAY, June ! 3.] The Royal Assent was given bv commission to the Ten . Millions I . nan Bill, the Malt Duty Regulation Bill, the Copper Duty Bill, and several other public and private Bills. Earl Stanhope presented a petition from Major Cart- wright against the Local Militia Bill, which, alter some objections by the Lord Chancellor to the form of describing Parliament, was received as correct, and laid on the table. The Jjord Chancellor, with a view to hasten the pro- ceedings ir> the Roxburgh Peerage and Estate Claims pro- posed that the. Committee of Privileges should sit on addi- tional days, which was aigeed to.— His Lordship then at it did not appear possible to bring the Ban- tlie pro- observed, that i burv Peerage Claim to a conclusion this Session; the feeding therein was therefore deferred till next Session. Several bills were brought up from the Commons, and read a tirst time; and the Pauper Lunatics Bill was re- turned, with an intimation that the Common < had agreed to the amendment made by the Lords.— Adjourned to Monday. HOUSE OF COMMONS. SATURDAY, June 13.] The America* Goods Bill, the South Sea Whale Fishery Bill, and the Silk Duties Bill, Svere severally read a second time. Irhe Sub^ divisiuli Clerks' Bill was read a third time and • passed. , In a Committee on the Madeira Postage Bill, the postage of a single letter from Great Britain or Ireland to Madeira was fixej at Is. di.; of a double letter, 3s.; of a treble Setter, 4s. lid.; of an ounce weight, 6s.-, and so in pro- portion. A great maty public and private bills were forwarded in khchr respective -. tages; after which the House adjourned to Monday-. MARK- LANE, Monday, June 10. We had to, day but a small supply of corn from Essex and Kent, and no great arrival' from Suffolk or the more distant ports.— Fine . dry Wheat, perfectly fresh from the flail, White especially, was purchased with some avidity at an advance of about 4s. per qr. from last Monday's currency, but Red Wheat and the inferior qualities of White had no " proportionate briskness, and any material deficiency as to the consumption was precluded by the • ppearante of large bulks from the granary, laid up for a future market sometime ago. Peas of both sorts are cheaper; Beaqs, Barley, and Oafs rather heavy in sale', the first is. per qr. chcancr.— The particulars as beneath :— English Wheat 81s. to 90. .-*- Rye + 0S- to bis White Peas 9- is. to 12fis.— Grey ditto 6i>. « . to li » .— Horse Beans b'Oj. to rt8s.— Tick Beans Wis. fifjs.— Barley Ms. to 48.*.— Malt 69s. to SO.*.— Oats 84s. to 494. per quarter."— English Household Flour 68s. per sack. . S\ Ji riiEiEti) \ UR1U-. T, June 20. We had this dav- 2100 head of Neat Cattle, iy,' 500 Sheep and Lambs, 200 Calves, and 300 Piers. The pikes were Beef 4s. ( id. to ( is. Mutton 4s. to ,5s. 4</. Veal Ss. ( Sd. t6 7*. Lamb 5.*. f. id. to 7s. Pork 4s. 10( 2. to Gs. per stone of 8lb. to sink the offal. „ SANDY- HILL SCHOOL, BfiCKlNGTON. MRS. COLLINS'S SCHOOL opens again On Monday the 18th of July, 1808. , [ 1993 MISS TARVERS respectfully inform theirfriends and the public, that their SCHOOL will re- open, after the present recess, on Monday, July 25, 1808. ROMSEV, June 2.3, 18D8. ' [ 2058 Ladies' Hoarding School, Lymington, Hants. MISS FRY having resigned business to her Nieces, the Miss GROVES, 4nd Miss BEATON', her teacher, begs leave to offer, with her Sister, her grateful acknowledg- ments to their FriendS and the Public, particularly to the In- habitantsof Lymingtofi, for the flattering encouragement they have ever experienced ; they also solicit a continuance of their favors to their Successors, whom they can with confidence recommend. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, June 22, 1808. ON Thursday the 30ill inst. J shall le ready to receive Tenders in writ- lie; f& ttitd xpj, and treat for 1,000 Quarters of ENGLISH WHEAT, In fiitigh. Mils, per bushel, oud in case it should weigh above stilts, per blishcl, the overweight will be paid for, to le delivered at this Port in which will be paid for ' l- y bills, payable with, one m'ohth ; interest, ninety days after date. No regard wilt be had to any Tender, in which the pYice shall, not. he inserted in words at length, or that, shall not " be delivered before twelve o'clock- on the said 30th instant j nor unless the persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto tvhen called for. WM. REEKS. A". h.— The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at. my Office. [ 1 » 90 M" 1SS BEATON and the Miss GROVES, Suc- cessors to. the MISS FRYS, respectfully inform tljeir Friends and the Public, that their School will open after the present recess on Monday, ' July the 18th, at the same house, with the addition of two large School- rooms, which are open to the sea- breezes ; t^ iey beg leave likewise to assure them, thftt the greatest attention will ever be exerted to merit the fa- vors conferred on them. ., N. B. Young Ladies received as Pupils by the Week or month, during the bathing season. [ 1844 WANTED to PURCHASE, in either of the southern or Western counties,— An eligible FREE- HOLD ESTATE, with a hamk^ tae commodious Mansion, an extensive Manor, and Land, from two to three thousand pounds a year value.— The whole of the purchase money is in the hands of a bankei, and ready to be paid in a round sum the moment the title is approved and possession given. Proposals maybe sent ( by letter or otherwise) to Messrs. Kent, Pearee, and Kent, land agents, Craig's- court, Charing- cross, London, [ 1.072 TO THE CLERGY. A Respectable CLERGYMAN is ivanl'ed, to take l\ the CARE of TWO CHURCHES, for a few Weeks: the Churches are contiguous to each other, situated about Id rhiles from Salisbury.— A liberal remuneration will be given ; and a line addressed to A. 25., Y. at the Post Office, Salisbury, will be immediately answered. None need apply Under a feigned, name, as no such letters will be answered. [ 1<> 28 hi. Aviiroiin, June 24, 1808. HIS Majesty having signified his gracious intention of translating the Bishop of Bristol to the See of Here- ford, I have it in command from his Lordship to notify to the Clergy and Churchwardens of his Lordship's Diocese, that the intended Visitation will not now be held, pursuant to the Citation issued for that purpose. EDM. COOTH, Dep. Reg. The Inhibition of the Archdeacon of Dorset will continue" till the Archdeacon has fixed his Plan of Visitation. [ 2038 ANDOVER, June 24, 1808. THE next Annual GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Company of Proprietors of the ANDOVER CANAL NAVIGATION, will h » at the Star and Garter Inn, in n lover, on Monday the 4th day of July next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon. 2057] RA. ETW A LL, Clerk to the said Company. LONDON, MONDAY, JUNE- Sir. JL. : Nfo furthet intelligence Ms readied town tforri iC ad i 2 1 but an opinion seems to . prevail, that, in consequence tif the failure « f the ncgociAtib'rt with the Spanish Governor, General Spencer had tlitfftght proper t) o Ve- turn with the troops to Gibraltar. Boston paperi to the 10th, and Halifax papers to the 2 » ih Olt. were received this mornirtg. Tin former state that the Americans were generally reconciled to the r. inh'. rgo, and Were fitting out gun- boats to prevent its Icing violated. The latter Complain of the effects which tbe embargo has on tilt trade of that pert. Oiktsh America. The Sceptre, of 74 gtJns, has Arrived in the Downs from the East Indies, and has brotfght with her three valuable Danish East Indiattten, two of which she captured, and the third was taken hy the Cormorant, " the Sce* ptre sailed from Madras in December last: • when site arrived off the Cape t » f Good IIopC she fell in with a privateer, from which she received informa- tion of the war between Great Britain and Denmark, and the. very next day she had the good fortune to fall in with the two Danish IndiaiMen. Tbe following letter from Cork Was received this morning; it is dated the 1.5th inst. " A number of transports arrived at Cove VestordaV, to Vcfteive the troops fumSngthe expedition, and their em- barkation will commence immediately. The id battalion « f the Yih Foot, or Royal Irish Fuzilects-, arrived in the transports, and marched in here yesterday.— This day the Sth battalion of the < iOlh Regiment and the 71st, were to i'lnbark. To- morrow the 5th and 38th Regiments will i- mbark; the latter arrived this day. The embarkation of the whole will be completed on the l< tb instant." The Leeward Islands Fleet, under convoy of his Majesty's ship Defence, of 74 guns, and the Melville, of IS guns, is safe arrived in the Channel. The Defence has taken charge of the vessels bound for the River, and the Melville of those bound fox Liverpool, Greenock, and St. George's Channel. Three hundred . thousand pounds, in dollars,, were sent from the Bank on Friday last, to be shipped off to Spain, for the use of the provinces in revolt against the French. Mr. I. um. AM, the lunatic, 5s again in custody, Mi". Holmes, the projH'ietov of the Asylum where he was con- « rw » d, having* with the assistance of some Bow- street officers, discovered that he bad ordered a coach at . Mr. Marks's, in the New Road, paddington, and seized him when he wont to give further directions about it, but not rill Mr. L. had knocked one of the Officers down with his trutch; and as they were hurrying him oft, he assured tire people who were passing that lie was not Mad, but unjustly detained; an assurance which would have had great effect with the populace, if he had not accompanied it with the information that ha was William Ludlam, TlHiF. fi for the NAVY.— It must prove highly " Satisfactory lo the Public to be informed, that 11,000 acres of waste land are inclosing and planting with Oak for his Majesty's use, in the Forest of Dean, arid ( JOOO acres in New Forest, for the same purpose, the whole to be under the manage merit of Commissioners specially appointed for that purpose These extensive national plantations are to be kept strictly inclosed from the brow- e of deer and cattle, until the trees are grown out of danger, and then to be laid open for feeding, vyheust;) additional quantity of other waste land s to be inclosed and planted, in proportion to that which may be thus laid open. PIKE AT TriSIUAO.— Hie following aeeont of the dreadful « nd extensive conflagration of the town of Port D'Espttgne, Sn the ill- fated Island of Trinidad, is given as strictly correct, from the most respectable authority;— The fire began in a Chemist's shop in Frederick- street, about ten o'clock in tbe evening, of the 24ti> of March ; by eleven o'clock that, street was consumed, and before twelve the Viiule fi- otrt of the town was burnt, extending from tbe corner of the old Ordnance- yand in tbe East, down to UuwinVcorner in the West, excepting tire Commissary ( ieneral's house and stores. Mackintosh's and Ciprian' brick- buildings, winch are opposite on the * a shore, and which were saved by knocking down the wooden buildings at each end. From Umrin's corner, tho ftre extended up to the new buildings owned by Dr. Williams and others, to the North of Brunswick- square, from whence it r » n up obliquely to the end of St. Ann- street, ami at tlte market- place in the East, v » hei'e it Was stopped. This describes the circumference of th s dreadful conflagration; withi which there is not a house standing. Such was the rapidity of the flames, that many of the inhabitants with difficulty escaped with their lives. The consequences that mtist ensue from the dreadful havoclc made by this fire are, at this time ( April 3d;, almost incalculable. Jt i « said that 1500 bouses are consumed, together with their furniture and Stores of merchandize, supposed to the Milu- AOt one Inillkm and a half sterling; and that 10,000 people ate without » » • « •, bud-, - clothes, and food. EVERLEY TURNPIKE ROAD. rpilE next Meeting of the Trustees of the said X Road Will be at the Crown Inn, in Everley, on Friday the 15th day ofJuly next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. 2058J RA. ETWALL, Clerk to the said Trustees. Hants, Sussex, and . Dorset Insurance Company. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Half- yearly Meeting of the above Company will be holden at the Crown lun, Gosport, on Tuesday the 28th i day of June instant, at pen o'clock in the forenoon. DAVID COMPIGNE, Secretary. Gosi> o* T, June 11, 1808. N. B.— The Meeting will proceed to business precisely at quarter before eleven o'clock, and dinner will be on table at four. Those Members who intend dining with the Di- rectors are requested to send information thereof to the Secre- tary previously to the above day, that due provision may be made. TICKETS 12, « . [ 1881 MISS S. PITT most respectfully informs her friends and the public, that her SCHOOL, foV the reception of YOUNG LADIES, will open, after the present recess, on Monday July the 18th, When she hopes that the liberal scale on which she wishes and intends to conduct it will induce them to favour her with their support. Miss S-. Pitt begs to assure her friends that every effort in her power shall be exerted for the improvement and comfort of those entrusted to her care. TV. II MS i Board, Tuition, Needle and Fancy Work, 20 Guineas per Ann. ENTRANCE ON. E OUINlfA. Writing and Arithmetic Two Guineas per Annum.' Geography and History Two Guineas per Annum. Washing Two Guineas per Annum. Approved Masters of every description on the usual terms. N. B. It is requested that each Ladv will lie provided with a Silver Spoon, a Knife and Fork, and half a dozen Towels. The situation of the School is contiguous to the Sea Baths. [ 2026 BOARDING- SCHOOL, LYNEHAM. WILLIAM HINTON respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his SCHOOL will open after the Midsummer Vacation on Monday the 18th of July. Terms, is guineas per annum, i guinea entrance. [ 19S4 TO THE. FACULTY. AVery eligible Situation how offers itself to the no- tice of any Gentleman of abilities in the Profession,— A well- situated and comfortable DWELLING- HOUSE, with every desirable conveniency attached to it; complete Shop, with Fixtures ; some surgical Instruments, & c.; which have for many years been occupied by a Surgeon and Apothecary, deceased. The premises are situated in a populous neighbourhood, where there is every reison to expect success. Terms will be found moderate. Apply by letter ( postpaid) addressed to A. B. to be" lcft at the Post- Office, Southampton. June 30th, 1808. [ 20- 28 VITANTKD, after the ensuing Vacation, An * V ASSISTANT properly* qualified to teach Writing and Accounts. Apply at the Printing- Office, Salisbury; if by letter, post paid. [ iG3! l 1" I7ANTED immediately letter the present Vacation, Tv in a respectable ACADEMY in Hampshire,—— An ASSISTANT, qualified to teach writing and accounts. Pro- per references as to character and aoilities will be ejected. For particulars apply l it by letter, post paid) to A. B. Messrs. Baker and Fletcher , booksellers, Southampton. June ii. 180X. { 2045 WILTS. WrANTED,—- Two YOCNG LADIES, as AP- PRENTICES to a Miu. iNr. il. For particulars ap- ply, ( if by letter, post paid) addressed to Mrs. Crocker, High- street, Calne, will be duly attended to. [ 2056 PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in a cause, POOKE t. COLLINS, the Creditors of EDWARD POORE, late of North Tidworth, in the county of Wilts, Esq. ( who died in the year 1787), are forthwith to come and prove their Debts before ALEXANDER POPHAM, - Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Office in Southampton- buildings, Chancery- lane, London; or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said Decree. [ 2018 PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a caitsc FANSTONE V. WEBB, the Creditors and Legatees of RALPH FANSTONE, late of Week, in the parish of Downton, in the county of Wilts, Yeoman, deceased, are to come in and prove their several debts and claim their respective legacies, before FXAKCIS PAUL STRATFORD, Esq. one of the Masters of the said CVi-. it, at his Chambers in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane, London, on or before the 20th day ofJuly next, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said decree. [ 2026 JOHN FOX, Solicitor for the Plaintiffs, June 22, 1805. Parliament- street, Westminster. POTTERNE, WILTS. THE. Creditors of Mr. ROBERT GLASS, lately deceased, of Pottern, Wilts, are requested to deliver an account of their respective demands to Mr. John Glass, of Five- Lanes, in the said parish ; to whom also all debts doe to the Estate of the said Robert Glass must be immediately paid. WHITAKF. Rs CREDITORS. THE Creditors of WALTER WIIITAKER, late of Shaston, in tbe cotiniv of Dorset, Gentleman, de « ' SHEEP FAIR ON WOODBURY- HILL, Near Here- Regis, Dorset. NOtlCE is hereby given,— That SHEEP PENS will be provided, free from Ted!, on Thursdav the 2Sd day of September n< Set, where a SHOW Of DORSET EWES and WETHERS will be seen on that day. QC2" Good Grass near the Spot. June 4l, 1S0S-. , '[ tf> 95 CHJUlTYjhr the R'Aief of distressed Families of'Clergy- men in the County of Southampton. \ GENERAL MEETING of the Vice- Presidents, 1 V Delegates, Treasurer, and other Contributors, will be holden on Tuesda^ the 28th day of June inst. at the Guildhall, in Winchester, ( by leave of the Mayor), between the hours of eleven and twelve in the forenoon, to receive the account Of Money already paid to the use of this Charity ; to receive applications from' distressed persons who may be relieved by it; and to make any further regulations for the conduct of k which may appear necessary-. . The persons who arc disposed to cncoiirage this Charity, are requested to pay their Benefactions or Subscriptions to those who are empowered to receive them, before tbe Meet- ing, in order that some estimate may be formed of the ability of this Charity to relieve any distressed Cases which may be recommended to it. [ 1910 Winchester, June\ ft, 1803. JOHN RIDDING, Secretary. r LADIES* BOARDING- SCHOOL* L- ong- Street, tterfces, MPRESSED with gratitude, Mrs. FEIST hegs leave to offer her thanks to the Public for the encoumge- ment she has already met With, and hopes to Vuerit their continued favors, by her unremitting attention to the Edu- cation, health, and'morals- of the Young Laidies entrusted to her tuition. TEAMS— Sixteen Guineas under ten years of age. Eighteen ditto above that age. FRENCH, MUSIC, & e. on their usual terms. No Entrance Mottetj. Mr. fRlst has opened a Preparatory School, for a limited number of Young Gentlemen under twelve years of age, on the above tends. The situation is unquestionably the First in Devises for a School. » ,• The School will re » open, after tbe present recess, on Monday the 18th of July. [ 1838 DEVIZES, MISS ANSTlE's HOARDING- SCHOOL re- opens on Monday July 13, 1808.— Board and Educa- tion twenty Guineas per annum.— French, MusiC; Dancing, and Drawing, on the Usual ternds. { 1.97- 8 DEVIZES, June 2a, isos. Mils. ELLIOTT hegs leave lo inform lief friends and the p « lilic, that her SCHOOL, for the instruction . of twelve. Young Ladies," will re- open on Monday July 18. Terms—- Twenty- five Guineas per annum. WARMINSTER, Juni2H, 1808. THE Miss PAWSEYJJ lieg leave to inform tliei friends and the public, that their SCHOOL will re- commence on Monday July 13.— Terms, Eighteen . Guine - per annum, An. APPRENTICE wanted. fsmas SALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and..- FALCON, ALDERSGATE- STREET, London, and their Waae- house, Milford- street, Salisbury, These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN, \ ~.„„ V „,„„ 1 » 84] JAMES BRICE, ' { Proprietors, A CONSIDERABLE STOCK OF CALICOS, DIMITIES, CAMBRIC MVSLINS, £*<. AT BECKINGSALE's WAREHOUSE, SIT. VT. R- STREET, SALISBURY. FIVE hundred pieces Cambric Muslin 1Sd. and 14d. a yard;— 300 pieces Vard- and- half wide ditta 19rf. very fine 20r/.;— 400 pieces stout Calico 5rf. ayanij— 250 pieces Shirting Calico » d. a yard; 200 dozen Coloured Shaw's as low > 9 Hd. each ;— 100 pieces best Nankin 12rf. a yard;— 50 dozen good Muslin Handkerchiefs 5d. each ; 250 pieces stout Dimities flrf. 1 nd. very fine 1 id. a yard ;— a large quan- tity of Cotton Stockings; an extra allowance by the half doitenv The above Stock is deseiving the atteniion'of shopkeepers, persons furnishing houses, and the public in general, as the whole will immediately be sold for ready money. rsotil BROWN- STREET, SALISBURY. JAMES DOUGLAS, FARRIER, & c. ( many years Farrier- Major in the First or Royal Dragoons), respect- fully begs leave to return his giateful thanks for the favours he has received during his residence in Salisbury; and humbly presumes to hope that his knowledge of the several branches he professes, particularly F. ARRIERY^ and his strict attention to the most approved rules of practice for the relief and cure of all Horses committed to his fiare, ' Will ensute him a con- tinuance of those favours. J. D. from his long service In the Royals as Farrier- Major, having had Considerable experience in the COLLEGE Mi'. mqn of SHOEING, Gentlemen entrusting him with their Hunters, < ir favourite tlorsess may depend on his paying particular attention to them. SHOEING in general. [ 1951 CATHERINE- STREET, SALISBURY. JPOCOCK, BREECHES- MAKER., GLOVER^ & C. • begs leaVe to inform his friends and the public that he is removed from his residence in Queen-" street to a house in Catherine- street, next door to Mr. Fishlake's, Grocer, where he humbly solicits a continuance of those favours already conferred on him, which shall ever be his constant studj to metit, by a strict attention to their commands. [ 1957 VERY GREAT BARGAINS In Linen and Woollen Drapery, Haberdasher!), and Hosiery, at WOODCOCK'S Warehouse, High- Street, Shaftesbury. CWOODCOCK respectfully informs his friends • and the public he is just returned from London, Where he has made large purchases of goods in the aboUe branches, of peculiar quality, and capital patterns, for the summer, particularly tambonr satin- work and japanned muslins, fancy stripetl cambricks, and coloured muslins, prints, ginghams, & c. v, elegant printed furnitures, corded dimity, table liiieri, Sheetings* & c. 1 broad and harrow cloths, Bennett's cords, cassimeres, and velveteens, printed quiltings, & C. all'of the newest patterns, which will be found on comparison to be full as Cheap, if not Cheaper, than any other house west ' of London. A general assortment of men and women's silk, Cotfon, and worsted hose, beaver hats, isc. from the brst makers. Every description of mourning, and funerals fur- nished on the most reasonable terms. N. B.— As all sorts of cotton goods must inevitably ex- perience a great advance, from the disturbance amongst the weavers, mikes it a duty every country shopkeeper and pri- vate family owes to themselves to lay in a large stock at the present unparalleled low prices. [ 1,023 SWAN INN, ALRESFORD. JBELL, from the White Hart, Winchester, begs • to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has taken possession of the above Inn, where he has- made vety considerable improvement? in the Posting department, and flatters himself the quality of Hofses and Carriages he has added to the former Stock may be equalled, but cannot be excelled. J. B. bees also to inform his friends, he has laid WANTED,— An APPREN TICE to a LINEN- DRAPER, MERCER^ and HABERDASHER: an activ Lad, « f respectable connections. The situation will afford peculiar advantages, arrd insure an immediate acquaintance with the business of the Counting- house.— As he will be treated as one of the family, a moderate Premium is expected. \ Youth of 15 or 16, as an Apprentice for a shorter term than common, will be as acceptable. Maquireof Mrs. Eliz. Sharp, Poole. [ 193 ( WAN TED, as an APPRENTICE in the LINLN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY,— A Steady, active YOUTH. of good connections. He will be treated in all respects as one of the family. A premium is ciipected, Apply ( if by letter, post paidj to Messrs. New and Bevis, Southampton. [ 2043 BAILIFF. WANTED, to 1 iik," the general Management of an extensive arable Farm in Hampshire,-— A single middle- aged. MAN, he most be a good practical Farmer, and noon, to invistieate the proceedings in the Cause, and to g:- e d r. ctions on some 0 cial matters connected with it, which will be submitted to their consideration. [ 1938 The Creditors are requested to bring theirsecurities and bills for their debts; and those who cla m as representatives, should bring the probates ot letters of administration, to shew theit right, that the debts may be proved before the Master. QCJ" The above Meeting is u ava' / ae/ y postponed titJ. Thursday Ihe 14) A ofJuly nt. it, at ten o'clock in the formuon. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, betving date the 6th day of April, ,1796, awarded and issued forth against CHRISTOPHER SHAW and THOMAS SHAW, formerly of the town and county of Southampton, Bankers, Dealers and Chapmen, intend to meet on Thursday the 30th day of June inst. at one of the clock in the afternoon, at the Coach and Horses Inn, in the said town and county, in order to make a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupts; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their debts are to come ptcpared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend; and all claims not then proved will be disallowed,. J. T. NORTH, Soiicitor unde » the said Commission* N. B.— Payment of the Dividend will commence, on Thurs- day the 2ist of July, at the Bank of Messrs. Harrison, Mftd- dis'on, and Co. Southampton. [ 1777 Southampton, June I, 1808. IN consequence of my Wife MARY MACiL- WAIN's having absconded from my house on the llth inst. I deem it necessary to give this public Notice, that 1 wiil not be accountable for any Debts she may contract witU any person ot persons after this Caution. G. MACILWAIN, Surgeon. Ringwood, June 14, 1S0S. [ 1913 undeistana lrve stock and markets, must have served gentle- men In the above'capacity, and have an undeniable character for sobriety, honesty, and experience in all ( arming business. Particulars, stating qualifications, and where the party has lived, addressed by tetter, pos4t paid, to Mr. Marline, White Hart Inn, Bagsho't, will be attended to. No one nced applv who has been in business for him- self, or who has not lived" three ye'irs in his last place.— Good Wa.; es will be riven. [ 1983 TO " STONE- MASONS. WANTED immediately,— Three good WORK- MEN ; to s" ueh liberal wages will be civen,— Apply to William llr- cock, stone and marble- mason, Christchurch, HaatS. [ 1805 VSTANTED immediately,— A PAINTER and TV GLAZIER. A good workman Will meet with constant employ,' by applying to William Beave, painter and glazier, Andover, Hants. Reasonable ' travelling expences paid. WANTED,—- Journeymen OA 11PENTERS and JOINERS.- A'pply ( pcrsonnllyj to Street, Lvnd- hurst. [ 1992 WANTED immediately,— Two JOCRJJEYMEN COOPERS.— s— Men Who understand their business will meet With constant employ, and good wages will be given ; and, if married, houses " will be provided if required. Apply to John Reeves, Downton.— June< lh, 1888. [ 1999 WANTED,- A COOK who perfectly under- stands her business, and can have an undeniable cha- racter from her last place. A person who has lived in a large family, or some time, under a man cook, would be preferred. Enquire of the PrinteT. [ 3037 Ladies* Hoarding School, Peuwy, Wilts. MISS C RE ACE respectfully informs the Public, that she intends opening a BOARDING- SCHOOL at Pewscy alter the present vacation, for the reception of Young Ladies". They will be carefully instructed in English Gram*' mar, Geography, and all kinds of NeedJe- work. at sixteen guineas per annum, under 12 years of age ; and abose that age, at eighteen ditto. Writing, Arithmetic, F'rench, Draw- ing, Music, and Dancing, on the usual terms. Entrance- fee otie guinea. The. School opens on the ISth of July. [ 2047 Ladies' Hoarding School, Market Lavington, Wilts. HUE MISSES SAUNDERS, by the kindness of T „ „ . JL their friends, and the support of the public, ( which they gratefully acknowledge\ continue to board and educate Young LADIES, orf the following Terms:- Under ten years of age HI, and exceeding ten, 18 Guineas per annum, including English Grammar, Geography, and every kind of useful and ornamental Needle- Work.— The Misses S. deem it necessary to instruct in making the articles which compose the Ladies' Dress, but wish the mind to he the principal object Of atten- tion.-.— Writing and- Arithmetic, 2 Guineas; Washing, 2 Guineas; the Use of thd Globes, French, Music, and Draw- ing, on the accustomed terms.— Parlour Boarders genteelly accommodated at 30 Guineas per annum. ri' 102 The School re- opens on the f* th of July. 1 • in a fresh supply of Wines and Spirits of the primest quality which he is determined to vend at the very lowest prices, and assures all those Who arc pleased to farour him with their commands, the strictest attention shall be paid to merit their support. [ 2050 J. B. returns his grateful thanks for the many favours con- f - rred on him at the White Hart, anil humbly solicits a con- tin urnce of the sanne to his Successor, Mr. ASHCOMB. N. B. Wines and Spirits by retail 011 the very lowest terms. WHITE HART; WINCHESTER WASHCOMBE ( from the Castle, Speen Hill), , having taken the above Inn, begs to solicit the pa- tronage of the Nobility and Gentry, Hssuringthcm that as the Premises are peculiarly constructed for the comfort and ac commodation of Families, so shall no exertion on his part be wanting to give universal satisfaction. [ 2001 B O T A N Y. MR. ANDREWS begs leave to acquaint his Sub- scribers, and the Public in general, that the 103th Number of the BOTANIST'S REPOSITORY wiU be pub- lished on the 1st of July; and at the same erne another Fase cuius of the Genus GERANIUM, containing Nos. 18, 1.9,20; and on the 1st of August a Fasciculus of his Mono- graph on ROSES, containing Nos. 17, 18, 19, all drawn, en- graved, described, and coloured from the living plants; and may be had of the Author, No. 5, Knijhtsbirdge, London, ( opposite the Cannon Brewhouse); H. Lindself, Wimpole- . street; Messrs. Longman, Rees, and Co. P. itejnoster- ruw; at J the Printing> Office, Salisbury; and of 41 other Booksellers " 11/" ANTED, as GARDENER,— A single man, " capable of managing a garden, nurScry, green and hot houses, with pleasure grounds ; prune tree's, and work with the men. He. is to live in the house, ami must have an excellent character in every respect as a servant, as well as for his capacity in his business, from the last place he lived m. - He Will be expected to take pride and pleasure in his employment, and- in the care of all out ot door concerns entrusted ' to him. Apply ( if by letter post- paid) to Mr. Galpine, Post- office, Lvmington. [ 204t TO TANNERS. ATAN- YARD to LETT; the STOCK to be taken a't a fair valuation. Also, wanted a Partner in the Tanning Trade; oric who can advance from 150Cn!. to 3000/. Apply ( letters post paid) to Mr. Hoskins, Cranbourn. [ 19U7 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Exchange Coffee Room, oil Thursday tlx 30th of June 1808, at one o'clock in the afternoon, 40 Casks OLIVE Oil,, in small Lots. Also 210 Bales BARBARY WOOL, in Lots. Lately landed from the. Severn, from Malta, fct" Samples nuy be seen, and further particulars known on application to WM.- ARIEL, Broker. _ Jii" eZ2,1303. ( OneP. yperly. J IFOR. SALE, — About 20 Pieces of SOUARI AMERICAN PINE TIMBER, at 3s. Gd. per Foot; also about 5060 Feet of four, five, and six- ireh PINE SCANT- LING, by J. BRISTOWE and CO. POOLE, June 52, 1808, / [ 2024 rpo be SOLD,— A Town- built GIG, with HAR .1 NESS.— Enquire of Mr Ayton, coachiriaker, South- ampton. OBSERVING an Advertisement in the last week's Salisbury Journal, CAUTIONING the PUBLIC against TRUSTING Mrs. MACILWAIN, as Mr. MACU. W. WN would be answerable for no Debts contracted bit her after such, a date. Mrs. M. begs to say, he might s ! - ly have spared himself the expence and trouble 01 taking such an ungentle- man- like step.— She begs to assuiti the Public, that she did not abscond fron Mr. M.' s house, but she left it by his Desire, which Desire has been for several years so frequently repeated, and accompanied with such Abuse and 111 Treatment, that at length compelled her to seek Shelter under her FATHER'S ROOF, where, to Mr. M.' s knowledge, she has since her quit- ting him been supported.—' The abuses and ill treatment she has to complain of are of that nature she would be extremely sorry indeed to insert it in a public paper. SWAY, JIM 24, 1808. MARY MAC1LWAIN. WHEREAS I JOSEPH HOLBROOK, of Pewsey, in the county of Wilts, on the 30th dav of January, 1803, did enter into the preserve covert of the Rev. JOHN AshfordBY TRENCHAKD, at Stanton, in the said county, and, notwithstanding the interference of th" game- keepers and others, did continue to shoot asd'trespass therein t I hereby publicly apologize to him for the unprovoked aggression, promise not to be guiky of the same conduct again, and acknowledge his lenity in dropping a pros. cuti. m he had began against me, for refusing to make known m* name anil place of abode. [ 114 7 Witness, JOSEPH HOLBROOK. JAMES BRADFORD. June 15, 1808. [ 2030 rpo be, SOLD,— A Foil,- year- old MARE, got bv A EVERGREEN out of a very'fine half- bred Mare ; broke- in last fall by Mr. Snow, of Handler, has been turned out ever since, but marked to be very gentle and a good goer. Fin a sight of the Mare apply at Woodlands- house, near Cranborn, Dorset. [ 2002 r p> be SOLD,—' Two light PHAETONS, one of . JL them a round " French head, and lined with a good blue cloth, and lace to ditto; C springs, dashing leather and knee boot, a dickey box, to draw with one horse or two ; pole, shafts, and bars, complete:— the other, a half- panne- led body, and caned, to hold four or six persons, with double seats, knee boot and dashing leather, C springs, pcle, and shafts to same, and exceeding light. " [ 1934 Enquire of Mr. Ayton, coach- maker, Southampton. TO BLACKSMITHS. X) be DISPOSED OF,— The STOCK and IMPLEMENTS ef a good- accustomed BLACKSMITH's SHQP, to be tilker. at a fair valuation. Immediate possession may be had. The situation and business is worth the attention of any one. who is handy at jobbing. Particulars may be known by applving to Mr. John Tyler, Whitchurch, Hants.; letters to be post paid, [ 2001 WHEREAS the BROWN MARE, with grey ha its, striped down her face, appears to be with foal, past age, advertised on the 9th of May last bv Mr. JOHN DOWMNG, of Leckford, Hants, is not yet owned:— This is to give notice, that she will be sold, to pay all expences, by the 10th of Julv next Dated June 24, 180" 30ftM JOHN DOWliNG. TWO HUNDRED GUINEAS REWAklX~~ WHITEHALL, May 07th, 1808, WHEREAS it has been humbly represented to the King, that between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock on the night of Thursday the 14th of April, some wicked Person or Persons did feloniously snd maliciously s, t on fire the Wood of his Majesty in the inclosure called Ork'nel), ill ti. e New Forest, in tile county of Southampton ; and se- veral of the oth - r ineiosores in the saitl Forest having of late been set on fire in like manner, whereby damage has been done to the young timber growing thereon. And whereas it is enacted by the Act oi the 1 Geo. I. stat. 2. cap. 48. " That if any Person shall maliciously set oh fire, 01 burn, or cause to boliurned, any Wood, Underwood, Coppice, or arv unit thereof, he shall be guilty of Felony." ^ ' ,< uJ>" lrt His Majesty, for the better apprehand'ng arid bringing to justice the Person or Persons cone, med in the said felonies is hereby pleased to promise his most gracious Pardon to any Person or Persons ( except the Person or Persons who actually set the said inclosures on fire) who shall rover his or their Accomplice or Accomplices therein, so that he,- she, or they may be apprehended and convicted thereof HAWKESBURY. And as a further encouragement, a Reward of TWO HUN- DRED GUINEAS is hereby offered to any Person making such discovery as aforesaid ( except as is before excepted), the same to be paid at the office of Lord Glenbervic, Surveyor- General of his Majesty's Woods, Forests, itc. No. 18, George- street, WestmiRbtir; 01 by Joseph Mortimer, Eii. his lordship's Deputy in the said Forest, on the comirtion of any one or inure of the offenders, [ Kil l GLOBE INSURANCE COMPA. W. ~~ Fire, Life, and Annuities. " ftJOTICE is hereby given,— That the GLOBE i % INSURANCE . COMPANY has reduced the Hates of Insurance from Fire 011 all common, havtrdats and duttblv hazardous Insurances out of London. Receipts for the renewal of Policies at Midsummer- day next are ready for delivery at the reduced rates ; and all per- sons ate requested to take their Policies with them, that the reduction may be made thereon. THOMAS H. WILKINSON, Secretary. London, Jwne 20, 1808. THE FOLLOWING ARE AGENTS TO THE COMPANY mils:— Salisbury, C. M. Keele; Melksham G. Moule- Warminster r. Lampard; Calne, N. Atherton; Chippeni ham, W. Williams; Trowbridge, W. New; Malmsbury B C. thomas; Ramsbury, B. Williams; holt Spa, D. Arnott Hants:— Portsmouth, J. Atkins; Southampton. J. Alii- cocke; Ringwood, W. Lucas; Fareham, J. Clarke; Newport, F Pittis; Havant. T M Mason; Lymington, R. Galpine. Dorset .- Poole-, S. Walker; Wimborne, h. Rowden ; Sher- borne, l. Foote, Esq ; Shaftesbury, C. Hanncn; Dorchester, J. Haynes Bridport. V Selwood; Weymouth, J. M. Foc- ks • Cerne Abbas, Mr. Coombs. , r20' 7 Somerset.'- Frome, W. Chislett; Wells, H. Brookes; Bath, C. H. Marshall; shepton Mallet, J. Higgins ; Taunton, Pin' Chard and Trenchard ; Ilminster, J. Jesse ; Yeovil I Bu bv • Bridgwater, J. R. Poole; Somerton, J. Parsons; (' astleCnjv' C. C. clutterbuck; Wmcanton. J. Olding; chard j. tanner THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF JUNE 21. ADMIUAI. TV- OFFICE, June 21. - Comi of a better from Lieut. John Leach, commanding his • un- lriCra- k- t, to ' Vice- Admiral Campbell, Ommimler in QueJ of his Majesty's Ships and. Vessels in tile Don- > s, datcft itu Mb i » * t and transmittal the tost- mentioned Officer to the Hon. IV. IV. Pole. SIR, ~ T HAVE the ho.-. our to. acquaint you, that in « : islanding towards the Galloper, 1 yesterday discovered •" -•* » "- ah immense Jong big- ail Jioilt, which I immediately ;% jjnle fail after, when, after, four houri' chace, 1 came up ' • Vn'n and captured. She proved to be the French privateer ' L'Ktii, Capt. Louis IVquai » diere, belonging to St. \ a'. lciy • fln'Caux, last from Calais, constructed to row sixteen oars, . - Irmed with small arms, and bad on board 22 men. I feel happy in the capture of this vessel, as she was, when I first perceived her, hovering near five English mer- chant ve- sels, which she must lave captured. The priva- teer had been oul two days, but had not taken any thing. I have the honour to bo, JOHN LEACH, Lieutenant and Commander. BANKRUPTS. Jr. hn Bell, of Hkhgate, underwriter. Richard CeckiiurT of Kfrel, liaticr. John I. oinas, sen. John Luinns, jun. and Joseph Holdsworth I. omas, Leicester, woolstaplers. Richard Wicksteed, of Cnrey- lane, I. ondon, scrivener. ' John Bucknall, of Newcastte- under- I. yme, HqUor- merehcmt. William Hal', i, of Hereford, cordwaiiler. Robett Bulleri, of Wevuioulh and Melcombe- Regis, butcher. .1. Falconer, of Bernard- street, Iiussell- square, dealer and chapman. V. Siiirzenich, ol Kentish- town, and of New Bond- street, priutseller. Henry Iteynell, of Bristol, linen- draper. Joseph Hirst, of Suffolk- lane, London, broker. HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, June 20.] The Cape of Good Hope Trade Rill, jind the Subdivision Clerks' Hill, were brought up from tnc Commons, and read a first time. ' 1 he Paddington Canal Coal Bill was read a third time, and pitsjed,— Adjourned. Tt'Eftfiil', June 21] The Scotch Local Militia Bill, Herring ifiyiexy Bill, and Stipendiary Curates' Bill, were received feoirklhe \ Jotnmohs, and relid a first time. The Anieriean. Trade Regulation Bill, British Fishery Bill, West India Accounts Bill, Haekney- eo& ch Bill, Smuggling Prevention Bill, and Barrack Accounts Bill, were l ead a third time, and passed. "'" The proceedings on the third reading of the Local Militia Bill being resumed, Lord'Selkirk, proposed an amendment, byway of rider, to the effect of constituting the intended fine of alf such as should in a ' certain day on July have reached the age of 18 years, iustoad of balloting for it between the ages of 18 and 30. Lord Stanhope highly approved of the proposition, as being an approximation to the old constitutional force of the country," the pvste comitutus. Lord Hawhesburi/ disapproved of the amendment, and Lord Siilmouth, in a long speech, supported it. The amendment was negatived ; as was another, moved by- the Earl of Radnor, on the subject of exemptions. The bill was then read a third time, and passed. On the question for the. second reading of Mr. palmer's Annuity Bill, Lord Eliot took a brief view of the leading points of the ease, from which lie argued that the arrange- ment, by which 3000/. a year was settled on Mr. Palmer i- '"" 4. was final; and on this ground he moved that the Bi . l be rejected. lue, motion was supported by Lords Ilarrowby, Wal- eingham, Redesdale, and the Lord Chancellor, and op- posed bv Lords Moira, Krskine, Radnor, and Stanhope.— A division then taking place, the Bill was thrown out by 35 to 10.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, June 20.] Mr. Rose brought in a bill for continuing the Act of last Session, suspending the penal- ties on the use of certain machinery in the Woollen Ma- nufactory, which was road a first time. I . ire. C Wynne moVed an humble Address to his Majesty, entreating the Sovereign to give directions for the con- struction of a separate Prison for the confinement of Pau- per Criminal Lunatics, instead of imprisoning those . un- happy men in the common gaols in the country. The mo- tion was supported by Mr. Ro. e, and passed unanimously. The Bill for encouraging the White Herring Fishery was read a third time, and passed. The third reading of the Scotch Local Militia Bill being moved, Mr. C. Yorlte expressed his apprehensions that the people of Great Britain were lulled into a fatal state of apithy, amusing themselves with the idea that Bonaparte is t ie> deeply engaged in Spain and by his other usurpations o the Co itinent, to attempt the long threatened invasion o this c untry. They would bo miserably deceived by Hiis speculation; and he wished warmly to impress on the H rose the strong necessity that existed for rousing the peo lie from this lethargy. The present measure was one li ; ssarv stop in our defence, but it left much to bo done. A general system of fortification should be immediately c'einiiencud, and other important measures adopted. He d . elt, with much animation, on the feelings thai would. ne- cessarily be excited by an attempt at invasion, of which there was no doubt; and called upon Ministers to enliven tho. people, to stimulate their native and in- born energies In the great and glorious cause of England, its Constitu- tion, its Liberties, and its Laws. Lord Castlercagh expressed his satisfaction at the speech of the Right Hoe. Gentleman, and assured him that Mi- * ulsters would endeavour to profit by his ideas, particularly t nt of a general system of fortification. After n few words from Mr. Windham and Mr. Herbert, the Bill was read a third time, and passed. Mr. Windham gave, notice, that he intended, early next session, to submit a motion, to prevent soldiers who had enlisted for a limited time, from entering ( during the period of their service) into any new engagement. The third reading of the Curates' Bill being moved, Mr. Bat- ham, Lord Milton, Mr. Tierney, Mr. Windham, and other Gentlemen, recapitulated their former arguments against the Bill, which was supported by Mr. J. II. Brown, Mr. Slovens, and Mr, Sutton. Oil a division, the Ayes were 75, the Noes 20. The Bill was then read a third time, and passed.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, June 21.] The Warehoused Goods Export Bill, till- Paymasters Regulation Amendment Bill, and the Lottery Bill", Were each read a third time, and passed. Sir " W. Scott brought up a bill for extending the Provi- sions of an Aot of the 45th of the King, for encouraging seamen to enter the Royal Navy,, which was read a first time. Mr. jE'fere * ke< l whether any farther- measure was in contemplation for relieving the distresses. of the West India Trade ; and, whether any farther measures were to be taken towards renewing our intercourse with America ? Tiie Chancellor of the Exchequer replied, that the lower- ing of the duties ou coffee would increase the consumption of that article ; it was meant to impose such high duties on French brandies, and other foreign spirits, as would amount nearly to a prohibition. Th » Hou- e then went into a Committee on the Assessed Taxes Regulation Bill. On a clause enacting a penalty of 100/. for ever;- un- founded surcharge, the Committee divided, Ayes ( 13, Noes ' 21.. Ou a proposition of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to appoint Special Commissioners to superintend the deci- sion of appeals, with a salary of 6' 00/. a- vear beyond their travelling expellees and allowances for clerks, a discussion arose, and on a division, the numbers were— Ayes 58— Noes 15. The. Bill being then gone through, the Report was or- dered to be received to- morrow. Adjourned at THREE o'clock. : LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22. At a late hour last night a Gotteuburgh Mail reached the Post- office. The advices from Gottenburgh by this conveyance are of the 11th instant, oil which day Col. Murray arrived there with the answer of the British Government to the dispatches of General Sir ,1. Moore, and both these Officers were expected to set out for Stockholm on the following day, to arrange with his Swedish Majesty a plan of operations for the English army. It was reported at Gottenburgh, in the beginning of the present month, that the Danes were endeavouring to negociate a peace with Sweden ; and that the Swedish army had been with- drawn from Norway. The latter part of this report is, however, contradicted by accounts of a subsequent date, which state that some further attains of posts had taken place as well in Norway as in Finland ; but none of them appear to have been of any importance. M. Alopeus, the Russian Minister, has been permitted to embark on his return to Russia ; but the Imperial Consul is still kept ill close custody at Stockholm. The Funds experienced a considerable depression yesterday; Omnium fell one half percent, and Consols in tho same proportion. No sufficient cause was a . signed for this unfavourable change ; some attributed it to large sales which had been made in the course of the morning, others to the failure of the negociation at Cadiz. In addition to the supplies of arms sent off from Dover, Portsmouth, and Plymouth, for the patriotic Spaniards, there have also been shipped 2,000,000 car- tridges, filled at the rate of 15 to the lb. and 2,000,000 at the rate of 1.0 to the lb. The latter have been prepared to suit, tho Spanish muskets, which are of a smaller calibre than ours. The former are for the English muskets which have been forwarded, and which posse', s this advantage, that they may be used either with English or French car- tridges. Congress concluded its Session on the 25th of April, and will meet again on the 7th of November. Among the Bills Which passed shortly before it rose, was the Supple- mentary Embargo Bill, containing a clause " expatriating all citizens of the United States, commanding ships or vessels of the United States, who shall be convicted of voluntarily accepting any licences or paving any tax in con- formity to tjie British Orders of Council of the 11th of November." Mr. Sheridan has made over the property and manage- ment of Drury- lane Theatre to his son, Mi'. Thomas She- ridan, and Mr. Jones, Proprietor and Manager of tin Dublin Theatre. BFTEAB.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered that the price of Bread should be lowered one penny- per [ Hick, making the quartern loaf wheateii, Is. household lojr/. Royal Privileges.-^ Yesterday, > » n the Court of King's Bench, Mr. Marryatt moved to set a^ ido the verdict, by which it had been decided that the Sheriff could not enter Kensington Palace, with a writ of fieriJ'acias, to distrain the goods of tho Duke of Sussex, ou account of its being his Majesty's Palace. The learned Counsel argued, that tile ademption was intended to protect his Majesty's person; and rescue him from alarm, but it was never intended to protect the habitation of housekeepers and other attend- ants, residing in a building which his Majesty had not en- tered since he came to the Throne, and which therefore could not be called a Royal resilience. The Court granted a rule to shew cause. COTTON MANUFACTURERS.— The unfortunate disputes at Manchester an* not yet fully settled. Although great num- bers of the workmen have quietly returned to their labour, a spirit of disorder was last week manifest among others of them. On Monday some straggling parties of the refrac- tory threatened the men whom they found at work with dreadful punishment, if they did not immediately desist; and on Tuesday- a numerous body met on Cheadle Moss, for the avowed purpose of deliberating on the means of stopping all the looms, until the whole of their demands shall be complied with ; but on the arrival of a troop of cavalry, they dispersed, and seven of them were taken into custody.— Qn Thursday 24 prisoners were sent from Stock- port. to Chester Castle, and on l'ridrfy six prisoners were sent from Manchester to Lancaster Castle; all oil charges of rioting. EFFECT of PASSION.— An Officer of the 50th regiment, who had a dispute with a waiter belonging to the Rich- mond Tavern, Dublin, went to St. Anne's watch- house on Sunday se'nnight, for the purpose of charging the latter with some supposed offence. In a paroxysm of passion, the gentleman unfortunately got into a violent tit, which, by the bursting of a blood vessel, terminated his life. DISAPPOINTED LOVF,.— There are some very singular circumstances connected with the fate of a young female w ho some days ago threw herself over Blackfriars bridge, and was drowned in the Thames. She was tlie daughter of a respectable tradesman ; a young man, who was a jour- neyman letter- founder, lodged in the father's house. The young couple conceived a mutual affection, but the girl's father forbad them to marry, on the supposed ground of inequality of circumstances. They attempted to make a runaway match, but were detected, and the father got the young man pressed. His friends procured his discharge, but in the mean while the poor girl had destroyed herself. Her body was picked up olf Pickle Herring Stairs, about a mile from where she full ill. He desired to see the body, but was refused that trifling consolation : he then went to his lodgings, and blew his brains out with a pistol. WILTSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General On arter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts will be holdcn at Warminster, in and for the said county, on Tuesday the 12th day of July next at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into- at a former Sessions, for the special purposes of examining and auditing all bills and demands on the county ; and of attend- ing' to all business relative to the County Gaol and Bridewells, Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Baggage, County Bridges, and such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns of the said county ; and no bills will be allowed, unless delivered in at the sitting of the Court oh that day. The Court will open on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which will begin with '. he Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening- of the Court on Wednesday, and' on failure thereof, the adverse paity shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatier. The Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of which the Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions.; and to remain in such place or places in the Court as shall be then appointed, to jassist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace of the said' county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace", on or before the first morning of the. Sessions, all Re. cognizances, informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before such Justices of the Peace respectively. I< © 8] JAMES SVVAY'NE, Wn, TON-, June 22, 1808. Clerk of the Peace. N J According to, accounts received yesterday from Hol- land, above 40,000 French and Dutch troops have Rhine. These accounts aisostate ~ 1 " ° " been made to the King'of fall the French force front liis ' merit of a certain contribution. HANTS SESSIONS. O TI C E is hereby given,— That the General JJM ' Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, will be holden at the Castle of Winchester, on, Monday the 11 til day of July next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time tin Court will'be opened, and immediately adjourned to Monday the 25th of tho. same July, precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to be then holden at tho* Castle of Winchester aforesaid,' when all. Con- stables, Bailiffs, Jurors, and others concerned, are. hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give all possible dispatch to the biisiness, the Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any'Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of the Court on Monday the 25th day of July r « oresaid, and during the whole of the Sessions, " that the Court may call on the Causes in such order and at such times as they shall see convenient. Appeals must be entered wi'th the Cleric ofthe Peace, pre- viously to the opening of the Court on Monday morning, or the parties will not be'permitted to ' try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions are to lie returned t ® the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, on or before the day preceding the Adjourn- ment. A Committee of Magistrates will attend at the White Hart Inn, in the city, of Winchester, on Wednesday the 27th day of July, at eight o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of examining the Treasurer's Accounts ; anil also all Bills and other Demands on the county. Dated this i'od day of June, 1803. T. WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. - . C^ jf* All persons who. have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assaults, ere. are required '" to take nptice, that they must, in pursuance of their recogni- zances, appear at this ' Sessions, either personally or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although they may previously have compromised the nutter. ( 2020 DORSETSHIRE. " VrOTICE is Kareby " given,—- That the next General ' QuartetSes^ ion of tho Peace far the- county of Dorset will be holden at Shaston, in and for the said county, ou Tuesday, the 12th day of July next, on which day the Court will be opened precisely at twelve o'clock, and immediately adjourn to the Red Lion Inn, in the said town of Shaston, for the special purpose of examining all bills and demands on the county, and taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session, And, on Wednesday morning, the Court will meet precisely at ten o'clock, when all Constables, Bailiffs, and jurors sum- moned, are required to give their attendance. The business of the Session will begin with trying Ap- peals, next Traverses, and lastly the Prisoners. All Appeals except those to be entered for the purpose ot adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatur. Ami on the first day of the Session, all Recognizances, In- formations, arid Records of Convictions, are to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' clerks. Also all persons having business to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. And that on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, the Justices will proceed to the Appointment of a GOVERNOR or KEEPER of the HOUSE of CORRECTION of this county, vacant by the death of Mr. George Andrews. WM. BURNET, ' Clerk of the Peace of the County of Dorset. Sherborne, June 22, 1' SOS. THE GRAND STATE LOTTERY, which begins drawing June 2ft, is the only Lottery that ever contained SIX PRIZES of £ . 20,000. SCHEME. 6 Prices of £. 20,000 are .£'. 120,000 2 .... 10,00( 1 .... 20,000 2 .... 5,000 .... 113.000 3 .... 2,000 C, 000 5 1,000 6,000 7 500 .... 500 . 20 100 2,000 30 .... 50 1,500 1,080 22 22,000 4,000 15 .... 60,000 25,000 Tickets. £. 250,000 NO FIXED PRIZE. Tickets and Shares are selling at all the Licensed Offices in London, and by their Agents in thc- Country. Present Price.— Ticket ,£'. 20- 19s. Half £. 10 15 0 | Eighth £. 2 15 6 Quarter....... 5 so | Sixteenth 1 8 0 STATE - LOTTERY To begin Drawing the 28/ A of TILLS MONTH. Six Prizes of £ 20,000, besides others as usual of X 10,000, .£' 5.000, £ 2,000, & c. & c.' SWIFT and CO. No. 11, Poultry, and No. 12, Charing- Cross, are selling the Tickets and Shares of the above Lottery, to be^ in drawing on the 2 « th of June. The Scheme contains the saihe number of Tickets as the last Lot- tery, with double the number of TWIINTY TIIOIISAXIJS, a circumstance never before known in so small a Lottery. The followi'ng. Prizes were sold in shares at Swirx and Co's Offices in the last Lottery, viz.. No. 8,824 a Prize of £ 20,000 No. S, 855 a Prize of .£' 1,000 I No. 11,387 a Prize of £ 1,000 8,417 1,000 13,6' ij5 J, | 1) 0 10,231 1,000] 24,884 500 also in the preceding six months, No. 11,070, Prize of - 20,000?,; No. 184, Prize of 10,000/.; No. 6# 9f)> No. 1.5,078. and No. 17,824, Prizes of 1,000/.; with others of 500/. ire. & c. Tickets and Shares may also be purchased of Swift's and Co.' s Agents in all the principal Towns. [ 1797 BEGINS DRAWING the mh of THIS MONTH. SUPERB LOTTERY ! I. SIX Prizes of £' 20,000, besides a numerous train of Grand Prizes,— Tickets, Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, arc selling at the very lowest prices, and the prizes paid on demand, by HORNS BY and CO! Stock- Bro- kers, at their old- established Licensed State' Lottery Offices, London, 2S, Cornhill; 53, Charing- cross; and St. Margaret's- hill Borough. *** Orders by post or carrier executed on the same terms as if present. [ 1780 St,: red and Sold by JIOKXSBY and CO. UsfYenr in. s. i 2 279 sjsji 8,710 ...... 19,570 17,127 2 Prizes of .. 10 2- 17 . - .£ 20,000 10,873 . .. 10,000 12,244 . . .. 5,000 1,350 , ... 5,000 44 . . . 5,000 10,337 . ... 4,000 And in former Lotteries : • £ 30,000 . .. 20,000 ... 15, WO . .. 10,000 24 Prizes of... 30 5f> 84 . . £ 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 .£ 5,000 ... 2,000 .. 1,000 500 THE First- drawn Ticket, entitled to the GRAND HOTKL, in the late City Lottery, wassold, shared, and paid in full by B1SH, 4, Cornhill, and .9, Charing- cross, London, who shared and sold the following Capital Prizes in the last Lotteries just finished ; 17, till aPrize of.... £ 25,000 18,445. . a Prize of. .£ 10,000 14,013 0,000 10,772 3,000 0* 8 - 500 17,966 500 18,443 .. a Prize of. 24,889 ..' 4,182 24,557 5,614 £ 5,000 . 5,000 . 1,000 500 500 Making 49 Capital Prizes sold and shared at the abov Offices in the last Lottery and late year, including the two last Prizes of 30,000i. ever drawn. TICKETS and SHARES are selling in great variety afBISH's Offices, for the Lottery that begins the 28th of this month, the scheme of which contains Six Prizes of 20,000/. besides the usual number of other Capital and Small Prizes. *** Persons in the country, sending their orders ( post or carriage paid) accompanied with good bills, bank notes, or post- office orders, nlay receive Tickets or Shares the same as if present. [ 1669 Manors and Estates in the County of Devon, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. RO- BINS, at Garraway's Coffee- house, ' Change- alley, Corn- hill, London, on Thursday the 2lst of July, at twelve o'clock, in two or more lots ( unless previously dispcsed of by private contract), The verv valuable and extensive MANOR and ESTATE of ASIIWAT'ER, otherwise ESSEWATER, in the se- veral parishes of Ashwater, Virginstow, Broadwoodwielger, Lifton, and Werrington, in the county of Devon ; consisting of 4200 acres of good arable, meadow, pasture, and wood Land, in several farms and tenements, of the aiinual- value of £ 2000 and upwards, now held by tenants dnder leases res- pectively determinable on the deaths of one, two, or three lives, iii conventional? rents, amounting to the annual sum of £' 57. .12., 6, with " the timber growing on the said several farms and estates, and which is reserved to the Lord in the above- mentioned leases. A'so, The verv valuable and compact MANOR anil ES- TATE of BRADFORD, in the several parishes of Bradford grid Pvewor'h, in the county of Devon; consisting of 581 acres of capital arable, meadow, pasture, and wood Land, in several farms and tenements, ofthe annual- value of £ 630 and upward, now held by tenants under leases respectively determinable on the death's- of lone, two, and three lives, at conventionary rents, amounting to the annual sum of £ 13.. 1?.. 4.—— Both Estates are subject to certain capons and heriots ; also the timber growing on the saiil several last- men- tioned, farms and estates, reserved to the. Lord in the last- men- tioned leases. Printed particulars may be had thirty days prior to the sale, of, Messrs, Desse and Dendy, solicitors, Bream's- buildings, Chancerv- iane ; of Messrs. Gullett and Cosserat, Circus, Exeter ; Mr. George Gould, jun. Crust, near Oakhampirin, Devon ; of Messrs. Robins, Covent- garelen ; and at all the principal inns in the neighbourhood of the manors. [ 198- 2 ' Applications for viewing the estates may be made to Mr. Gouid ; and maps of the property may be seen at Messrs. Desse and Dendy's office, and in Covent Garden, London.. MERINO WOOL. ANNUAL SALE by AUCTION, at Sadler's Repository, Gosweil- street, London, on Thursdav the 28th of July, 1808, at twelve o'clock,-— ft QUANTITY of MERINO WOOL, and its admixture on English Breeds. The great uncertainty of any supply of Merino Wool, and the distracted state'of Spain, must render this measure just - now an object of peculiar importance. It is designed to con- fine this sale to Merino Wools and their, admixtures only, because there are established Dealers, Called Wool'- Stapl'ers, who have long been in the practice of purchasing British Wools of inferior growth, but, with certain exceptions, have rendered no support to those who have incurred the heavy expences attendant on such crosses with the Merino blood. ' Those who may desire to take the benefit of this sale are requested to send their wools, classed in the most correct manner as to the admixtures with the Merino blood, and the degrees of affinity to it. They must be delivered as above on or before the 25th of July next. Commission forvale, ware- house room, ( exclusive of auction duty,) will not exceed £ 3 percent. [ 2015 Letters ( post- paid) may be addressed to Messrs. T. and R. Martin, Wool Brokers, No. 63, Coleman- street, London. SOMERSETSHIRE. Capital Freehold, t ' uthe- free farm, ' and the griiat ftlid small Tythes of about J00 Acres, and a Donatine. npO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mes RSKIM- JL HER, DYKE, TUCHIN, and FORREST, on Thursday the 7th July, at twelve o'clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House; ' Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, in one lot,— A capital - and very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, most advantageously situate at Durston, five miles from Taunton ; comprising BUCKLAND PRIORY FARM; consisting of a dwelling- house, offices, walled garden, orcharding, bams, stabling, ox-, pens, useful out- buildings, capitkl malting, and the surrounding' iijclosures of rich grazing meadow and arable lands; contain- ing three hundred and eighty- six statute acres, tyfhe- free, and in a high state of cultivation, in the occupation of Mr. John Abrahams, for an unexpired term of six years. Also the GREAT and SMALL TYTHKS of the remaining part of the parish of. Durston fexcept- a fevv acres) containing about seven hundred acres of fertile, productive land, on lease for an unexpired term of six years'; the whole forming'one of the most desirable estates in the vale of Taunton Dean: the present rents amounting to onlv NINE HUNDRED AM) FIFTY POUNDS PER ANNUM, capable of considerable increas'e. ...-.- '-[ loSS And the perpetual Donative to the Church Of Durston. To he viewed by applying to Buckland Priory, where printed particulars may be. had; also of Mr. Yollan'd, Mora- field, Plympton ; at the Pope's Head, Plymouth ; Castle Inn, Tauntoh; Messrs. Trewmans, Printers, Exeter; Mr.' Crutt- wdl, Bath; Mr. Glitch, Bristol; Mr. Langdoii, Sherborne; at the'Printing- Office, Salisbury; at the place of sale ; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Alder- gatc- street, London, where a plan of Buckland may be seen. CAPITAL ESTATES AND MANORS. Pit! mouth, Devonshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. Ski?-, xr. R. DYKE, " FCCHI. V, and FORREST, on Thursday the 7th of July, at twelve o'clock, at Garraway's Coffee- house, ' Change- alley, Corntrfll, London, in two lots,— i'he capital and valuable I'RERI 10LD ESTATES, advantageously situate, within one, two', and throe miies of Plymouth end. Plymouth Dock; composing the MANOR of COMPTON Gnioiu>, and several eligible Farms and Lands in demesne, containing about 266 Seres, lett to Messrs. Gilbert, Di- tin, Giles, Eddy, Cokon, ant! Helison, on leases expiring at Ladv- dav 1809, 1113, 1814, and 1818, at rents amounting td only 81* 7?. lO. s.' per annum. Also about 70 Acres of LAND, and sundry HOUSES, lett on two and three lives, at reserved rents amounting to 10/. 1 - 2s. 8d. perantnim, and heriots. And also the MANOR of BOWDEN, and five eligible FARMS and LANDS, containing about 155 acres, on'one, two, and three lives, at reserved rents amounting to 7/. 18s. 10</. per annum, and lienors. The whole of the Estate contains about 197 Acres, of'tht! Estimated value of about TWO THOUSAND POUNDS per annum; and in point of situation is presumed to bo equal to any in the vicinity of Plymouth ant! Plymouth Dock for building upon; as the neighbourhood is Inalilv respectable, and the marine and surrounding rich codntry views, ex- tremely beautiful. ' t M 753 To be viewed,- and printed particulars may be had of Mr. Yolland, Merafic- K!, Plympton; also tit, the Pope's. lieadk . Plymouth; Castle Inn, Taunton ; Messrs. Trewman's, Exe- ter; Mr. t. ahgdoB, Sherborne"; at the Printing- Office, ria- lisburv ; Mr. Cfuttwell, Bath; Mr. Gutch, Bristol; at the place of side; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke,. Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldrsgate- strc'et, London,. where plans may be seen. N Thursday the 7th of July, 1808, will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Star and CarM' TaVern, Portsmouth, at noon, if hot previously disposed of by private contract,—— The - HULL of tile Frtnch privateer BRIG . LA REKNOIS, pierced for eighteen guns, and h| u sixteen mounted; captured, on. her first cruize by, and con- demned as prize to, his Majesty's ship Dryad, A. Drurnmoud, Esq. captain. This' vessel is well worth'. tile attention of owners of packets, persons ensraggd in the fruit, or any other trade" where dispatch is required,> s she is a remarkable fast Sailer; is coppered, and. would have been bought into Jaik Majesty's service, had her tonhagu been a little more ; she is spoken of in the highest tettns by syerv shipwright who. has seen her, both as to the materials of tw'iiich she is built, and workmanship. Her dimensions t,' oV— length on deck, 75 feet; keel for tonnage, 60 feet < i TocOes; Wgdthot- beam, 23 feet 1 inch; depth of hord, it feU 2; and'admeasuius 171 tons 43- 9 fths. After which will be sold,— the Remainder of her STORES, consisting of one new cable, six small coils of new rope, a set of new sails which have never been bent, the lower- and top- mast figging and stays, the foremast, and a quantity of iron ballast; all which is well wor. th the attention of the public, being quite new. [ 2048 For further particulars, cataloguis, See. apply, three days before the sale, to W. A. Standart, Esq. Clifford's Inn, Lon- don, agent, or to JOHN MOYLE, Broker. PORTSMOUTH. FOR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter Tavern, on Thursday the 7th of July 1808,- at noon, The following GOODS, for Exportation : 117 C.: sks Knives 5 Casks Cutlasses 4t Scabbards 2 Cases Tape I ditto Paper 1 ditto Books 1 ditto Fish 1 ditto Glass 2 Cags Butter 1 Bale Blankets 2 Tin Boxes, with Bread Gute Hoffnunir, detained on 3 ditto Hard Ware 26 ditto Nails 1 ditto Iron Wire C ditto Brass Pins 320 Bundles' Rod Iron 4 Cases Muskets 5 Packages Scabbards 7 Cases Cutlasses & Scabbards Being part of the Cargo of t her voyage from Lisbon to. the Brazils, by his Majesty's gild- brig Speedwell, W. Robertson, Esq. Commander, and con- demned as Prize in the High Court of Admiralty of England. For viewing the above, catalogues, and further particulars, apply three- days before the sale, to N. P. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or 1986] JOHN MOYLE, Broker. PORTSMOUTH. IpOR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter .'. Tavern, on Thursday the 7th of July 1808, at noori, The following GOODS, for Exportation : 2 Casks Sanders Wood 1 ditto Knives 1 ditto Sugar 14 Bales Russia Leathe 3 Casks Tobacco in Carrats 15 Cases ditto ditto • 1 ditto Paper fl Casks Madder Being part of the Cargo of the Venurnus Aventure, detained by and condemned as Prize to his Majesty's gun- brig Daring, Ci C. Ormsby, Esq. Commander. For viewing the above, catalogues, and further particulars, apply three days before the sale, to N. P. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or JOHN MOYLE, Broker. • 1987] PORTSMOUTH. FOR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter. Tavern, on Thursday the- 7th of July 1808, at nfton, The following GOODS, for Exportation: 75 Bundle's Irdu Hoops I Box Fencing Foils 19 Casks Steel 1 ditto Match 2 ditto Hardware' 17 Casks White Lead Beingfpartof the Cargo of the Africa, detained by ar. il con-- demned as Prize to his Majesty's gun- brig Locust, John Lake, Esq. Commander. For viewing the above, catalogues, and further particulars, apply three days before the sale, to N: P. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or* JOHN MOYLE, Broker, . 1988] • . . . PORTSMOUTH. | 70R PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter! JL Tavern, on Thursday the 7th of July' 180Vat tloon, - The following GOODS, for Exportation j 220,. Boxes White Havanriah Sugar' 17.9 ditto Brown ditto " , * ! Being part of the Cargo of the American brigVerius, detained" by and condemned as Prize to his Majesty's ship Meteor, James Collins, Esq. Commander. For viewing the above, catalogues, and'further particulars, apply three davs before the sale, to . N. 1'. ROT. HERY, Esa. Agfnt, 01; > 989] JOHN MOYLE, Broker. • ISLE OF WIGHT. T"> be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and PITTIS, at the Bugle Inn, in Newport,, on Saturday the 2d day of July, 1808, at five o'clock in ths afternoon,— The under- mentioned very valuable ESTATES, in two Lots : Lot 1.— A Cottage or Tenement, Barn and Stable, and about 35 ' acres of Arable and three acres of Meadow! Land, called New- Park, - ( with a right of common upon Alvington Common for 20 beasts and 100 sheep) ; situated in the parish of Carisbrook, in the Isle of Wight, adjoining Parkhurst, Forest, about two miles from the town of Newport, and now in the occupation of Elizabeth Chiverton, as tenant from year to year. This Estate is Leasehold, for a term of 999 yeais, at the yearly rent of 1/. 8s. Lot 2.— Three'closes of Arable Land, containing together about 19 acres, situate near Gunville, in the said parish of Carisbrook, in the occupation of Joseph Starke, as tenant from year to year. This Estate is Leasehold, for a term of 1000 years, at the yearly rent of 51. [ l8' 0.9 For further particulars apply to Mr. Redpath, solicitor, Bath; or to Messrs. Clarkes and Sewell," Newpptt, Isle of Wight 5 and lot view of the Estates to the respective tenants. OAK - TIM BE'R. * 1X> be SOLD by AUCTION, by CCBWTSHA*!.. S at the Roe Buck Inn, near ROMSEY, On Wednesday the 13 th of'July, at four o'clock, subject to such conditions as will then be/ produced,— Seven LOTS of OAK. TIMBER, of good. Mectines, fallen, and lying in the parish of East Wcllow, being marked and numbered as follows •— LOT 1 20" T R R. K S, marked w 1th Red. • 2.... 48 .. .. Blue, . 3-(... 3? ... ....... .. Red. 4.... 51 Bine. 8..../ U Whiter 6...-. 49 White. "' . 7..;.. 9 .. Rased. For a View of tht Timber; applv to Mr. Jamss Aldr'ilgrf, of Vvellow. - „, . [ 19: 10 FREEHOLD PROPERTY; IN ROMSEY. rTX> be SOLD by AUCTION, without . reVcrve, . L^ BY CLEMENT SUARP, on Thursday the 14th of . I-. tv, 1808,' at five o'clock in the afternoon, et the Falcon In- - All those valuable FREEHOLD " PREMISES now in the- occupation of Mr. Richard Farr-. d'iv, in Church--.- cu, Romsey. The premises are extensive; and possess th i ad- vantage of a running stream of water. The situation ,' de- sirable,. and well calculated for almost any business reqr. ring room.- Immediate possession may be had. f:! o- i5 ROMSEY, HANTS. Valuable Stock 0)' Drape- ry, Mercery, Haberdashery, Hosiery, ' fats, Sfc. M> R SALE L » y AUCTION, by .1. YOUNG, oh JL Wednesday the 29th rlay of June inst. and M< o* h » days,— All the modern SHOP GOODS, recently laid io the property, of Mr. II. Gould, deceased,' iu the Market- place; comprising broad and narrow, cloths, bcaveis, thicksets, svvansdowns, Coatings, kerseymeres, bonnet's cord, velveteens, large assortment * t printed calicoes, muslins, cabman cots, hats; cotton, silk, and, worsted . stockings; modes, P. i- ans satin, '& c.; Sheetings of ali sorts, table- c. oihs, il apirs, & c! Scotch and Kidderminster carpets ; readv- niade clothes and a variety of other articles', to the amount of sev ai i undred lots. The properly will be sold so- as to accommodate t- imi- lies, shop- keepers, & c. [ 1817 . Catalogues, in due time, at the principal Inns, Saturn, Stockbridge, Winchester, Southampton, l. vodhuist, Ly- - mington, and Ringwood.—— Side rack dn'i/ afehven o'clock. House and Hop Land, iu Alton, Hantt. rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, in two Lots, by J. JOSEPH JOHHAN, at the Sevan Inn, at Alton, on Snfit- day the 80tb day of July, I no,-,. ;, i sis O'clock in the afternoon, under conditions to be then and there produced ( unlessMionet disposed of by Private Contract, of which timeiy notice will be given),— Lot).— AH that very desirable TKEEHOLD HOUSF, si- tuate iii the High- street, near, the centre of tile town of A, ton, Hants, late in, the occupation of Mr. Henry Harrow, de- ceased ; together with the Stable, WonJhousc, Offices, and large wailed- i. 1 Garden thereunto adjoining. The House consists'Of- two good sized front part ulrs. a breakfast parlour backward, a large anil oonvenieiil- kitehe. i, ffood wash- house ahd brew- house, " milk- bouse, pantry, and six bed- ch; rubers, and has two underground cellars.—' Immediate possession can be given of this lot,— The house is well adapted for tie recep- tion of a small genteel tiimilv^ and the garden is v- Il stocked with fruittrees. Lot 2.— All that,. HOP- GARD. FN,. now in f- iil. bcating and in excellent condition, situate at the we, t. ei* i- of the town of Alton, and containing by estimation nearly two acres, late in the occupation of the said Henrv Harrow.— Possession of this lot' will be given at Michaelmas nrxf: » N. B. The Household Furniture of .. the said Henry Harrow wiU- sbortly , be sold, particulars of ifhicli will'appear in a future advertisement. , For further particulars and a view of the premises apply to Mr. Robert Ha'r/ p'w, baker, in'Alton, or to Messrs. Clement and Son, . solicitors, at Alton aforesaid. [ 1918 * A very eligibly situate' HOUSE, and rich Meadow LAND, in n beautiful pari of thx county ' of Hants, near the borders of Surry. • •••"• HpO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Swan Inn, J. at Alton,' on. Saturday the 80th day ot July, I801 at four o'clock in the afternoon.-(. unless an acceptable one" be previously mudC, of which notice will be iri. ve,* ,— A i'!•'.' f - IIOLD ESTATE, situate about midway lyttvet it: e towns of Alton and Farnham, and about 43 milts from Lonil , n ; consisting of" a » 6bstartiaUy- bniit family- bouse, in goe. o re- pair, Im- rln- t\ Vb ^-- ofid parlours, four rO'Ol cil. ailibeM - with closets, four garrets,, kitchen ; withbreW- bou. se, detached barn, stabliiig for seven houses, chaise- house, and all Od er oo- venicnt offices: with Gardens will stocked with '- uit trees, •' n 1 14 acres ( more or'less) of very rich c'd meadow L ui-. l adjoining, including e. n- orchard ofauout an acre, vith ail exclusive right of . fishery in a fine trout stream, bound ng the meadow " land, within ion varWof the house . lmd an tx- tensive right of common W pasture in the Holt Forest. Tile house,' standing on a ' hfalthv, e e, ant, . and cheerful eminence, overlooking a beutiful pa'rt. of the river Wey, in a very fertile and rich vale, faroqiis for its various pictuie'sque views about a quarter of a mile from the tiirnpike road, where several cOuches are daily passing to and fr'- m South- ampton and London; in acountrv favourable lor all kinds of field sports,- and in a neighbAtirhooilTiigblv rcspectaMe. Immediate possession can be given, and the purchaser mr. y have more land, if required. - For further particulars apply to'Messrs. Clement and Soft, solicitors, Alton, Hants.,. • [ 1919 ANDOVER; HANTS. TO be SOLD hy AUCTION, by H, CRJSWIC*. on the. premises in the High- street, Andover, on Wed- nesday and Thursdav the 29th ami noth'of June w Valuable HOUSEHOLD GOODS, lite the proper^ oi'> Lady deceased ; comprising the usual articles- necessary to furnish a drawing- room, , lining and breakfast parlour,' si* bed- rooms, kitchen, brewhouse, cellars, & c. Catalogues may be had at, the Auctioneer's, Andovcr, and the goods viewed on the day preceding the sale, which will begin at twelve o'clock. [ 1910 WOOI. DING FARM, In the Parish of Whitchurch, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by . Mr. MANT, on Monday the i 1th day of July 1808,' precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the White itort Inn, Whitchurch, .— All that valuable and highly cultivated FARM, called WOOLDIN'G FARM, situate in the parish of Whitchurch 111 the county of" Hantj?; consisting of a good Farm- House, and all convenient offices and outbuildings, together with about 460 acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Coppice Lands, lying very compact.— Held by lease from the Dean and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral for tioentij- one years, renewable every tevetl years, and was renewed in June 1801, to hold from Lady- day then last past. Yearly quit- rent ' 31. < 8s. 4</. pityable'half yearly. This desirable estate is abounding with game, and about 1 ® miles from Newbury, s from Andover, 12 fiotn Winchester and 9 from Basingstoke, all good market towns. Further particulars will be giveii out prior to sale, and in the mean time, may be. had of Mr. Faithfull, or Mr. VYoodham, Solicitors, Winchester. [ 1715 Apply at the Farm for a view of the premises. The Growing Crop to be taken to by the purchaser of the Farm, at the valuation of indifferent persons to be named by the parties, and immediate possession to be given. N. fi. The Farming'Stbck will be sold by Auction on the following days, of which further, particulars will be given. JSLE OF WIGHT. Superior Freehold Residence, near the Town of Newport Hnobe SOLD by AUCTION, on- Saturday, the J. -! « th day of July next, at the liugle Inn, " in Newport ( unless an acceptable, offer be rattle in the mean time by Private Contract;,— An excellent Family DWELLING- HOUSE,.- of handsome elevation, newly. and substantially built, and beautifully situated on an eminence adjoining the town of Newport; consisting of good dining and drawing rooms, library, breakfast room, eight good bed rooms, kitchen, wash- house, brewhouse, scullerv, with a plentiful supply of excellent water, and every description of convenient out- offices, ill the most complete state at'repair, with an hot- house, . green- house, and handsome flower and large walled diitcheii gardeneadjoining. For particulars,, apply to Messrs.. Clarkes and Sewcll, New- port, Isie of Wight. . [ 2009 „ The Sale . to begin at fiveo'flock in the afternoon. npO be. SOLD bv AUCTION, in September next, I unless previously disposed of by Private Contract '. The unexpired term of nine veals of a- LEASE in a pleasant ^ COTTAGE, situate at East'Choldeiton. in llattipshire, five miles from Andover, M. i'iom Salisbury, and 2", from South- ampton,, replete with every domestic convenience, peach- house, and grapery,- in full bearing; excellent and highly cultivated gardens, surrounded " by walls, cloathod with fruit trees, double, coach- house, stabling for eight horses, granary straw- house, and other requisite'. out- buildings, with about 10 acres of rich inclosed arable and- pasture land adjoining. The cottage, which is in complete repair, consists of a dining- room, drawing- room, bregktest- parlour, si< e bed- rooms', attics, serv. mls'- bali,' Imtlti's pantry, kitchen, bre -. v- hoti- e, and cellar.- underneath. For futther particulars, and to treat lor the same, apply to Mr.' Criswe. k, An, non- en, Ando. vr, • ,'\ 4: AT. D GENERAL ADVERTISER 01f WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. I Fridays and Saturday's Posts. FOREIGN NEW S. BELGRADE, May 17- ETTERS from Constantinople, of the 27th ult. announce th. it in that place ncgoch> lH5tis J arc canvingon with great activity for lhe con- clusion of peace . between Russia and the Poric, and that it is verv probable the last Power will by this peace cede Moldavia, Wallachia,- and bessarabia. FRANKFORT., June S. In several daily papers the following article has appeared under the date of the Necl; cr,': jav 30 :— " WE have'just received particular intelligence, accoFil- ' in" til which, ' it is verv probable that the SenMtyv Lncien Bon. parte, will soon . lie rni- sed id the rar. k « f Rtinceof I'm, Iin which case it appears to be not less probable that, the Crown of Spain will be conferred upon him. The Spanish nation would, mdi- pr. tablv, have to estimate this o, » '..[• at felicity, as this gr,. at . man is especially calculated tn Tsi'iv the Spanish nation to the highest point of cukivn- HOUSE 01? LORD'S. WEDNESDAYj June 25.] The I, ttery Bill, the P. jy- • jnaei- r- Ceneiai' ; Account bill, the American Goods Bill, 4c. were brought up from the Commons, and read a first tins'. Th- Oi'der of the Day being moved', for the House to Te.: Jve itself into a Committee on the Kill for renewing the Charter of the bank of Ireland, Lord Grenville jnoved that it be an instruction to the Committee upon th • bilf, thr*. they do make- distinct provision for admitting the • ae'holic; to hold and exercise the otikes of Directors t. .1 Governor of the Bank of Ireland. Lord Hawkesbury; oppo- ed the motion ; and after a long bat!, in which several Noble Peers delivered their senti- • It, for and ygain't the Catholic claims, a division took .....— Contents o3, Non- Contents 101. ].- then -.'•-. it into a Conhnittee, and the bill ir- iuth, and ordered to be reported.-- Adjourned. i.'. V, J-. me 2d.] The Royal Assent wa" given siou to the Post- Hor- e Duty Bill,' Iri- h Annuity ek->.! ast.: r-( Vasraj Accounts Aill, and abo. ct. 30 Foteign papers to the 16th inst. arrived yesterday. From the official documents which they contain, it appears that Bonaparte: if endeavouring to Secure bis perfidious acquisitions in Spain, by that fraudulent colour of right, which he lu. ver foils to throw over his iniquitous proceed- WII ERE AS a Commission of Bankrupt is . awarded and issued forth against' ROB. BUEllEN, of Weymouth and Melcome Regis, in the county of Dorset, Butcher, Dealer and Chapman ; an- i he, being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major oei. - r public a- ed niy; v; - i'oll . st- iino K'tii, P- ivate Stealing Bill, aud Mili- tia 1 • .'• uralTi'ti, were'Teceive'd from the Commons, and r- e- ! e. : hst,' ilho. Tile Co: u Di- tiBcrv Prevention Bill being' read a second tin- -, Lord HkOm.- rt moved that it la- committed. He said, that til lenoet on the table entei'ed sea fully into the ci'ee'i'. msE'a'iees which gave rise to the Bill, that it was not .. . - - f. to ei: ' a'",! e upon it. It v- a- amneetcil, of eourfe, " with a measure now in progress ill the other Hdufk f » f sulMtitutiiljf^ ttSnS a limited period, the u- e of siisr. e, instead 0: grain,' in the process of distillation. Tbi: would enable us to economise - an article which could JSC now he imported from th North of Europe as before, aud at the same time would take off a part of that, produce villi which the market was at present overstocked. l. eris Selkirk, Sidmouth, Albermarle, and Lauderdale, toppqsed f ile; Bill. Lords Holland, De Dunstanville, and Hawkesbury, and the Duke of Montrose, argued in support of it. The motion was- carried withefnt a division, and the bill las ordered to a Committee.— Adjourned. " HOUSE OF COMMONS-. WEDNESDAY, ,> « • « <• - 2.] The Southern Whale Fish- rv'liill, anil the painted and Stained Silk Duties Bill, were vad. a'thirel ti/. i. e, and pa- sed. The Bill fur amending an Act for vncduragihg searaen to ;; rve 1: 1 the Royal Navy was'fead a s- eCond time. ri1i-. Vote of Credit Bill for Great- Britain was read a third timff, and passed. Mr. Fillxts moved the Order of the Day for the House re- o) Vuig into a " Cuimriittee on the Bill for the better ad- Vance meqt of Education, and for the Piese'ne. uou bfCopy- light..-. Mr. Charles wynne stated several objections against the ' " the first of which was, its being brought iu at so late a pef. od iu the eey- hun, tiiat it w mid be iinpo- nible to en- quire' into the rights of the parties interested', should it go on; fee therefore proposal its delay. Mr. villiers contended that tile F/ ill would materially tend te the advancement of learning, by enacting that 11 copies of every new ' work should be furbished to the uni- versities; a:. d public S'Jcictie.- and libraries. Sir Sir romilly thought that the bill would lay. a very heavy and Unfair tax, on the proprietors of expensive pub- lie rtioin : for instance, Macklin's Bible , eleven eppies pf which wo: . d come to e- > n ivniuua-. Several other Members a. cu ' d to the same c'-. Ve- t-, and that the extension of . the, term of copy- riglkt won! i not bean adequate compensation. The bill wa- j however, referred toa COinirtitt: e ; winch we^ t tbror" h the saihe, and the report was ordered to be revived on IVidoy. Sir S. romilly postponed, till next sessions, the further consideration of the Acquitted Persons' Compensatioii Bill. —- Adiotnrie'd. nijJItSDAy, June JB.] . On the motion of Sir S. Romilly the Bill, repeal ng the Act of the 8th of Elizabeth, rendering privately stealing from the person a capital offence, wa- read a third time. and passed. . Sir J. nicholl moved the order of the day for the House resolving into a Committee on the Bill for. holding out encouragement to seamcn to entcr'thc Royal Navy, Sir C. Pole moved, that it be au instruction to the said Committee, that they do make provision therein for pre- venting prize agent, from paying sum- to officer; on ac- count, unfcd a final payment should take place. This in- struction was, upon a fyw words from Mr. Rose and the Advocate General; rejected. The Bill then went through the Committee, and was reported without any amendment. On the third readi g of the bill for repealing the Cus- toms DutWis on Coffee, Mr. hibbert objected, to the bill, a; the period of its operation was so rem tt% it not being to take effect until tile 10th of October next. He moved therefore an amendment, leaving; out those words, and inserting, " the 15th of Augu- t." His reason he said f'ir abridging the time, was, to allow the cotEei; retail rl,-. tiers to lay in tin ir stock of coffee previous, to the sales of the East India tea-, indeed elie coffee trade was at a Stnnd, and a fleet had arived- with much more of that. ei'ticie than eould po ablj be consumed or even wai'ehou-; d. The amendment was negatived without a division, and tlie bill v as read a third time, and pas- ad. Mr. Wardell stated, that the present system of clothing the army was extravagantly expensive, lie moved a resolution to that effect, intending to follow it with others, advi ing that. the busi-. e - s should lie done by open contract. The Secretary at War stated that great ineuiivi- nience would arise from depriving the Colonels of tlie- eloathing of their re- giments ; and after some conversation on this point, jMr. Wardell withdrew his lllolion. The Resolution of the 14th of June, respecting Mr. Palmer, having been read, The Chancellor nf the £; cche'j « er rose to move for a separate Bill on that resolution, instead of allowing it to form a part of the general Apprup; iation Bill. He stated various precedents lor proceeding in this way, and avowed that his motive was to avoid-" the inconvenience: which might result fi'ejn th-' Lords atuending- the Appropriation Bill, in- consequence of their ili appi'oValof the giant'tb Mr. l'ahncr. Should they make such amendment, the Commons, in defence of their privileges, must reject the Bill, however distressing it might be, at this late period of I he' Se-- ion. : Major Palmer made some observations on the injustice done to » his fatheV, and the expellee that would attend this inefficient measure. Mr. wyndham supported Mr. Palmer's efcntti to re- muneration; and Sir F. Burdett and Mr. Windham de- clared it \ ya; incumbent 911 the House to maintain its for- mer decisions on this'point, by sending up the Appro- priation Bill with the sum voted to Mr. Palmer included therein, O11 a division , the numbers were, for t- h • - motion lftG, against ittiS.— The rc- olution for granting the per centage to Mr, Palmer will therefore 1m in a separate bill, and ( it i, expected : be rejected by the Lord-.— Adjourned. ings.— A kind of popular election is to conlii 111 the transfer of. the Spanish Crown, which has been yielded by the contemptible pusillanimity- of its former miserable posses- sors, who, it is now clearly to be . seen, might have so directed the enthusiasm of a brave and generous nation, as to have maintained the independence of the country against any attempts, even against those of France. The Notifies of Spain are to make a shew of alienation at Bayonne, at which. nlace the meeting was to be held. As to the person of the nominal Sovereign of Spain, the foreign papers are full of statements, concerning tbc journey of Joseph Bo- naparte from Naples to Bayonne ; and the frequent men- tion of tiiis journey seems to imply, tiiat importance is attached to it in tbc minds of the writers, though no one ventures any intimati:>: i of its object. On the other band, both the German and Dutch papers do not scruple to insert in ticlcs which suggest that Lueien Bonaparte is to be the successor of Charles IV. A Peace between Russia, Denmark, and Sweden, is said to be negociating, and indeed this report is in some degree corroborated by letters lately recelvecl from f. otten- burgb. Ap: * tion had been made bv the Hutch Mer- chants for the repeal of the French Decree against any X'avlkatiJn, under the flags of Hamburgh-, Bremen, Meck- leuburgli, & c.- but the prohibition still Continues iu force. A number of papers and letters from Holland arrived this ivioi ling; tor come dewn to the 1.9 th int. The lii.'- t rigorous measures against all commerce ivith Erg- land; continued to be adopted, and it v, as considered that any fni- ihcr communication betwee 1 the two countries wool. I, by the- e means, be rendered- impos ible/ Major Roche, wjio signalized1 himself not only bv his mjiitai--- abilities, but by his conciliating manner* towprJs the Spaniards at Monte Video, lias heen selected by Government for an important mission to Spain. He set out on Sunday last for. Plymouth, from whence he proceeds in a fast- sailing frigate, with Sir Thomas Dyer and another Gentleman, employed on the same interesting occasion. The funds Again experienced considerable fluctuation yesterday. Om was at one time down at 1 per C'ertt. and the Reduced at'Gl r, but the forjner left off at H and the latter at ( i7 7- 8ths. The report of Sweden having made a p; at! e was assigned as the cause of the depression. On Wednesday a General Court was held at the East India House,' when the Dividend for the half- year, commencing the 5th of January last, and ending, the 5th of July next, was declared to be 5| per cent. PRIZE - MONEY.— The following is a correct statement of tlie new regulation for the distribution of Prize Money : Instead of the three eighth parts of the net produce if prizes which have hitherto been granted to the Captains and Flag- officers serving in the Fleet, two eighth parts only are to be allotted to them, and the remaining ei » hth part di- tri billed amongst the petty officers, seamen, and mar ties, in addition to their present shares; that i: to say, the whole of the net produce being first divided info eight equal parts — the'tiaplain qr- captains'* or commanding officer, who shall he actually on board at the taking of any prize, shall have two eighth parts, but in case of a flag officer or officers being actually on brtard, and assisting in the captute, they shall have iiue- tli'rd of the two- ei-.'. htii parts. The sea lieutenants, captains of marines and land forces, and master,' on board, and physician to the fleet, shill have one- eighrh part, to be equally divided amongst them. The lieutenants and rnrt- i - nii- ters ot marines, and fiefateuants, ensigns, and quarter- masters of land forces, secretaries of admiral or of commodores ( with captains tinder them,) second masters o. f line of battle'nips, ., ui'- geon-, chaplains pursers, gunners, boatswain--, carpenters, ma- teis- tnates, and pi! on board, shali have one- eighth part, to be equally . divided amongst them. • The other four t'i ; btb- parts of the prize to be divided into shares, - and di. tributed to the persons composing the l' miming part'of the crew, in the following pw. v.- uons : viz. To tin'- f'.' st. class of ofii. eiTs namely, t. ie mid.- hipmpn, surgeou's- assisiniits, secretaries- clerks, sdwotmasters, mas- ters at arms, captain's- coxwains, gunner's- mnte..', yeomen of til-: powder- room, boatswain's- mites, yeomen of the sheets, carpenter'— mates, quarter- masters, quarter- mas- ter's- uiates, ship's corporals, captain of tile forecastle, master sailmakers, master caulker-', maHer ' Cope- maker-, armourer, serjeants of marines and of land forces, four and a. halt'shares each. To the second class of petty officers, viz. midshipmen, ordinary, captain- of the fin- top, captains of the maintop, Captains of the after guard, captain: of the mast, sail- ' maker's males, armourer's mates,.. caulker's mates, ship's cook, corporals of marine ; and of land fortes, three shares each. . The quarter gunner'--, carpenter's crew, sailmakcrs crew, eoxwaiu's mates, yeomen of the boiit -.> aiil. . tore- room, gunsmiths, coopers, trumpeter's, able seamen, ordinary seamen, drummers, private marines-, and other soldi rs, if doing duty on board in lieu of marines, one and a half share each. The landsmen, admiral's domestics, and all other ratings, not above enumerated, together with all passengers and other persons borne as supernumeraries, doimj duty and assisting on hoard, one share each, excepting officers acting by orth- r, who are to receive' the share of that lank in which they shall be acting. And young gentlemen volunteers. by order, and the boys of every description, half a Share each. COURT of KING'S BENCH.—' Yesterday Ball and Smith, who hail been convicted of a conspiracy iu aiding the escape of Boyd M'Cullock ft • 11m tin- King's Bench Prison, thercby defr. iutlinjf his plaintiff, Mr. Montague, of Bristol, of :,' 000/. wei- e sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment in Newgate, and during that period to be pilloried in Palace Yard. Murder.— O11 Monday the 1,1th inst. James Gilchrist, stoeking- maker, at Slatefield, near Glasgow, was tried bi- foie the High Court of Justiciary, for the murder of hi wife, by strangling her, and then setting fne to her clothes, with- the view of having it believed that, she bad been accidentally burnt to death. After a trial, which lasted ten bouts, he was found. guilty, ai d ordered to be executed at Glasgow on the 27th of July. part of them, on the 27th aud :>! lth of June ihstant, and on the ad of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon on each day,- at the Crown Inn, Weymouth, and make a full disclosure of - his estate and efticts; when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to chuse- Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is- required to finish his examination, anil the creditors are nt assent t' or dis- oe. i from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to payor deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. Edward Bigg, Solicitor, Hatton- Garden, or Mr. Edward Bayley, of Weymouth. EXPeDITIOnS to HOLLAND & EGYPT in mm & 1800. No. 16 north Audley- street, London, May 20', 1808. T a General fleeting of the Sitbscribers to the Fund for the Rtflief of the Widows, Wives, and Children of the IviUed and Wobnded Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines in the EXPEDITIOnS to HOLLAND and EGYPT in the years 17.00 and 1800, summoned by Public Advertisement, and held here this Day. General Sir THOMAS TRIGGE, K. B. in the* Chair; Tite Meeting having taken into. consMeratk 11 the Resolutions of the General Meeting held the. 18th of Feb. nary last, those of the Committee on tiic 28th of April, amj th. General Siate- m - tit of Receipts and Payments to the isist of Dec/ mber last, wht'reby it appears that the Sum of : ' ].-:, has been distributed to thi Widows, Wives, and Children of the Sufferers in Holland ar. r. Eiryppt.— That th. Interest ot the Monev employed in Government Securities, till required, has proved more than sufficient to defray all Expene. s of the Secretary, Committee Rooms, Advertisements, & c.— That no just Claims remain unsatisfied, and that there still exists a Balance at the disposal of the Committee. llesoived.—- That the Committee be authorised to allow to' the P.. rents ol those who teli in Holland ami Kaypt, and wh were unmarried, such Relief as to them may se.- m fit, and as the Remainder of the Fund is able to afford, upon proper application being made to the Secretary, throueh the channel of the Clergym ,11 of the Parish wh » re the Claimants happen to resiiie, With Certificates that they re tin- Parents ot the Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, who fell in those Expeditions, to be compared by the Committee with Vie Regimental Returns. {{( solve;!,— That this Subscript; on, w'nereof the Distribution has continued eieht ve-, r. s, owme; ceietiv to the distaiiee r, t which many o' the Regiments continue to be station,; d, shall be wound up 011 the IJ st of December n- xt, end no Claim dlowcd th-' t « hall b mi'. le ift.- r that period, when a G n. ral | Meeting will be c'Jied to- and the Accounts. f-: o JuSEPH DOUGLAS, Secret n S A LISBURY. nno he SOLD by AUCTION, by J. VIDLER; on i Wednesday the 2.0th of June 1808, and following dav,— Tiie HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of a Gentleman quitting his residence in Endless- str < f, Salisbury ; comprising several handsome register stove and- kitchen grates, smoak jack, set pf dinner tables, decant sideboard, card arid dre . ing tables, Wilton and Kidderminster carpets, pier and swui. t glasses, mahogany and other chairs, four- post bedsteads and furni- ture, f i .- ner beds and betiding, chests of drawers, copper, casks, kitchen utensils, & c. Sv.—— Catalogues to be had on Monday preceding the sale at Vidler's Upholstery Warehouse, High- street, Salisbury. . [ i'Stia- Sale to begin at eleven o'clock each morning. URCHFONT, WILTS, f-. tr Miles South of devizes.. rpc> be. SOLD bv AUCTION, bv R. KNIGHT, A , <> H Tuestfav the 28th of June 1808,— AH the CASKS, BREWING UT'ENSiLS, BEER, and various Household Furniture of Mr. butcher, leaving the Nn. g's Head at Urcii- f. nt; consisting of- eighteen very stout iron bound casks, from t'vo to ten hogsheads each, mash tub for Iff bushels, copper turnaee, coolers, lead pump, several cord of cleft wood, dry elm board, cyder pre-,-:, bedsteads, beii- i and bedding, eight- day clock; chairs, tables, fowling piece, & c. & c.; also a handsome grey mare and foal, a desirable hackney bay mare, four yeats eld ; sow and pigs, narrow wheel waggon, a neat gig with plated harness, and about • Hi hogsheans of good strong beer. N. B.— By permission will be soi. n,— A variety of LINEN and WoOoLoLEN- DRAPErY, Cottons, Waistcoat- pieoes, Cloth, & c. being the Stock in Trade of Mr. Piles, deceased. . Sale to begin at ten o'clock in the morning. [ 195- 3 PUBLIC- HOUSE AND LAND, At Shrewton, wilts-, 10 miles North- H - of Salisbury, ami 14 Soldi;- Jius! if Devizes. | 7< OR hy SALE by AUCTION, by R. KnIGHT, H_ on Friday the 1st of July, 1808, on the Premises, the George Inn, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in the foi- l iw'ing lots. * Lot 1.— A lor. g- accustotned PUBLIC- HOUSE, known as af'ires. iid as the sign of the GEORGE, having convenient do- mestic apartments, brewhouse, celiers, roomy stables, and other out- huiUilngs, with a large inclosed garden, newly plan( ed promising orchard, and'paddock, the whole, about two acres, all adjoining;; ids t" a piece of Arable Land, situate verv near the , ib . ve, am! coii'i- ining al l - t thfet: acres. Lot 9.-.- A very desirable Piece of ARABLE LAND, of about 13 e :••:.'-: ,' more or ie- ei , adjoining the above. Lot. =!.— A TENEMENT, with stable, stavel- barn, and small inclosed orchard, called JuDD'S ; now in the occupation of' Thomas Franklin. The above premises ale all Freehold, free of Great Tythes, suiiiect to two smaii out- goings of tj. ( id. and S, s. id. For viewing aoplv to. Mrs. Petty, at the George Inn Bf'o- e- s- n 1; and for further infortnati- m to Mr. Wm. Long, Salis- bury; nr the Auctioneer,' Devizes. [ ij't'o SOUTH HAXTS VlimnSTUllAL SOCIETY. A T the Anriiv. o Meeting of this Society holden j\. at South wick, > 1 T < ay the-' : i ' nst'tnt, RICHARD EYLES, Esq. was, • ,-. . nt, anu VV . GAUHKIT, Esq. Vice- Preside e. for. 1 - " ear. The jbUoAir. g • iuMS were. adjudged i— Four Guineas' > 0 - • . - .. niarri ' wonv. n, of. the parish of Itchen Stoke, . > • 1 ip-.- d, during the last harv s " . eres anil . : i. ' " pre:.:- f Wheat. Thr- C Guineas to Ann - - •!. • i-. irried woman, with- six'smTi children, of I'. i- :. i o rton, for having reap'd 6- acres 3 roods and '. 5 fWh--:. t, Two Guineas to Rfiz. 01 1: - pois': of Farlington, also a married woman,' for ha-. - ,,. :: i 5 acres and an half of Wheat. 1' Three. Guineas. to Winifred M . • .-' g:, of the parish of Itchen Stoke, also a mained worn n. for ba-.'- ng h en, during the 1 st su: o'er, in a husbandry l. ke tnanner*, 10 teres and an ' alf or Turnips >•• Mr. I'em. Eari. i's farm. T.'- t- e Goineas t&' JohnGriffin, toi navin^- with snap shears sh Sired two Sh ep 11 the i) - st maim :'. Two Guineas to R'fcnard Marsh, to.- next best Shearer. One Gun ea to Wm. II - 11 re 11 xt best Sh a' - r. FourGuineas to Robert Lirtieli- id. oi' the parish of Hamble- . dre'r, with Veiy little rPO be SO FOVANT MILL. :. D bv AUCTION, CORN EXCHANGE, Thursday, J. ine 33. Althoush but an i. iconsi ierabl- - upply of Wheat to- day,, it execds the demand, and sales are- h< - ivy, nearly, at la t prices ; Barley likewi ':, a very few buyers; there, is scarcely any Malt, and .''; :.: e. 01 the two description;; White Peas, the price nominal; there are large upplies of Oafs, and this trade ie named at a ti- elci.- ii « i in prire of aboit D. and i-;. per quarter •" the tei'ins of Floiij continue without aluration, i-' virrilFJF. LD M\:>.; :;?, Jue 14. This day's market. - had a n. iddiing supply of dniV- rant kiwis' o » " Cattl-; ; Beef, Mutton, Veal, Pork, aqd tjaii.':, a'l . oidat la- t price:. LONDON, FRIDAY, JUNE S3KS . 2- 1. The Brest fleet made an attempt," last week, fo' put to sea, but our fleet off' Ushant iieitii; apprised of live movement bv signals, same dashing down, cleared for action, and upon their appearance the enemy returned to lieii-. i^ chor ge. iii:.'"!: pnTU » r" I: tythe I : \-. i- t. at. Clifton, Lady Charlotte Gould of a .-. on.— 1On - S.' ecav, in Dover : ;:'• - 1, the Countess e- i' Abingdon of a son.--!; n Wednesday, the Hon. Mrs. Henry Ryder of a daeighter. MArried.] On Monday, at' St. James's Church, Brigadiet- General the Hon. robert Mead; to Miss Dalling, daughtei' (>( the late- general Sir John dalling,; Bart'.—' Yes- terday, at St. james's Church, by dm Dean 01 Exeter, Lord Arthur somerset : fourth brother of the Duke of Somerset, to the Hon. e. Boscawen, eldest daughter of the tat. e Viscount falmouth. Die. D.] O11 the S8th u't. in Scotland, Lieut. Col. A. Stewart, late oi' tile 4iid regiment. of foot, w inch he. com- manded on the '.-.',- 1 ot ' March 1 ail, at - the memorable battle of Alexandria.— On the 17til in t: Mrs. Baker, late of charring- cross i h was one of the unfortunate passen- gers by the portsmouth coach, which was overturned on the loth oi May; and i: i consequence qf the severe injury she received, :-:;.• suffered an amputation of the thigh the same night, since: which she has SUFFEred excruciating pain till a mortification took place, and caused her death. A JACK- ASS. fourteen Hands high. •" TV) COVEr, at Molshanger,, half win-. between - JL basingstoke and Overton, at ONE G-' INEA", and flalf- a- Crown the groom,— ilihat tam-.- i . JACk- ASS, TIPpOO SULTAN, recently brought- over from Malta. Tippoo Sultan if. only lour ye: 1.- oid; 1; J'e. nds hiih, daik brown, large in the bone, remarkably well made, verv gentle, and is well adapted to get Meus upward « ot' IS hands high, fit for ll'i/ n oe''( antl c- ifrel pu:; oses. M. l.' es not proving in Foal will 1 e ce'.'.- rea i. v x. t season at I. e. it price. " [ 2006 don, - - r li e .; supp. rted o small Ch ass star. c. -> oin the. ji. ir. sh. 1 , vo Guir. S t.. Will- am Palmer, ' 1 par': ': -' \ V-.-.- Thorn, y. lor h iving m'ai- itained i> -*•:... f.'. i: '. r^ n -,.' :'.. vei litt'e o - easion 1 r-.- l t.- l fr.-. m the parisii. Two Gu: n- s to Win. Cooper, of the parish of Wiekham, for having brought up a large Family of 10 Children- with very trifling ;->" rrnchial relie'". Three Guineas oTh is. Westbro k, of tbc parish of 1' rown Candover, for having worked on tbe same farm 61 years as a Laboiu r. Two Guineas to George Parkes, o( the ':::': ' i ' and of West Thorn. y, for having t ithfuily served Mr. Craswcller, as a Labourer, for the space of 11 years. One Guinea to J din Welch, oi the parish of Eastmeon, for having faithfully s rved Mr. Eyles and his father, as a La- bour. 1", 29 ye-' rs. ' t Three Gu neas to Wm. Sm- th, of Eastmeon, shepherd to Mr. Eyles, for having reared s. 1- 2 Linn s from 700 Ew Two Gum.' as- to William Sims, of the parish of Droxford, shepherd t> Mr. Robert Stares, for having reareddOO Lambs from 2-} o Ewes. On • Guinea to Daniel Kivght, of tb : parish of Bisbop's- W it- ianj. shepiierd to Mr. Rich: nl ProWting, of Bin'nop Down Farm for : aving rcare : 1 1 Lambs from too 1 b- n> s'tnr I' '•" s. Tvv i Gu- n as 10 Ja- n ' S Sutton, r. f Pedbnry, Glouccstcishirc, for having - 1 lut ed a new- invented fiougii for the p'-. t- po e of turnlnr l urro. es tbe sime way and ( htended to supply the place of - Turn- wrist Plough. One Guinea and an halt toTiios. Fitzherbert, Esq. as the ow er i f ine best Boar. Thr e Gui. eas to Mr. Sharpley, of Southwick, f t having shewn the best S w. T n Gu- neasto Mr. Woods, of ChiUr- we, for having pro- duced the b - st Lot of half- bred M' rir. o fhe p. N. B. Tb • Competitors for this PremiB. 11 were Mr. Eyb's, Mr. Ess n of Extpn, and Mr. Woids, Mr. E--: es produced lOtwo- tee'h Rams, which were shorn, and th fieeCes e- Jghed 54 poan Is and an h- lf.— The Sheep produC- ii n • ^ r. Ess: : i were, 5 Kams and 5 Tag s, and the fleeces w .: .-* f\: '. 1 pounds. Those protluced bv Mr. Woods were, 10 foil--: Wethers, and bred from South Down Ewes by the Kiiig'sSpaolsh Ram. The fl eces vv ghed. - l- l* pounds atrUone quarter ; tile wool , was of a very superior quality ; and the sheep were deemed remarkably handsome. The thanks of the Society were unanimously voted to Mr. Woods,— for his liberal donation of Five Guineas, for the trouble taken bv him in producing several Lots of full- bred and Iralf- bred Merino Sheep, and for the useful information communicated by him to the Society, from which they have •• very reason to entertain an opinion, that the adoption of the - halt- bred Merino Sheep mav eveetuallv prove cf great public utility. By order of the Society, W. W. MAID MAN, Secretary. Farehaw, June 8-!, 1808. [ 20- 19 Freehold Manor mid Estate, Wilts. TO be SOLO by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— a :; very desirable and improveable ESTATE : consisting of a Manor, extending over about 700 acres of land; a K . rm- housc, with barns, stables, and other necessary out- bui'dings, about 18 a r- s of meadow and pi .. ire, ancle' ; J acres of arable. . Land, lying together; also a rie. ht of Common < •! !'•• « acres of sheep down, and .06 acres of cq-. v down, .'-. i'. oiuing the es- tate. and within the manor.-—— The above farm is Iv t to Mr. Joseph eiir- ell, under a lease, wheteof six'years w'!': be un- expired at Michaelmas next. Also a rinhery adiom'n " ' he es- tate, and two Cottages and Gardens, n:> w also lett to the ; s'- iiil J Sepil- f-' urneli, from year to year ; . end see. : :,. i: ' i otn r- Cot- tages end G. artlens, and twelve acres of 1 . slid, lett on' liases and copies cf court roll for lives to several . persons. The above . state is situate at Saitertori and Newtown, in' the • perish of Durnfoi'tl, in Wilts, a", out three trn . s from Sahs- t, ury, and may be viewed by applying to Mr. Funiell, the tenant. Further particulars may r- • known on application thy letters, post paid; to IM V- lz- ird, solicit rs, Durslcy, Gloucester- shire ; or Mr, Vizard, No. 8, New- sqhare, Lincoln's- inc, London. ft954 RINGWOOD, HANTS. TO be SOLI) by AUCTION, by JOHJI CRAS.-- JL stojt, on Wrednesdd\ ithe- ifith day of June, 1803, at five o'clock, at the Red, Lion Inn, ' Ringwaod, ( unless pre- viously disposed of- by orivate contract, of which due notice will be giver.;,— The following FREEHOLD PROPERTY, in three Lots : ... I. ot 1. — A good brick and tiled Dwelling- house, - situate in R: eewood, ci. ritlining- a good front- shop, 21 feet by 11 ; a parlour, hail) underser iur. d ccllar, and fivq. bed ropms ; ( adjoining. the same are four large store- rooms, of good height and cf nearly those dimensions, viz. one Sift, by 11, one 30 It. by fl ft. 6 in., one 45 ft. by 13, and one 39 ft. by ? ; a. wash house, two good workshops, and a stable underneath the store- rooms. i^ j The above is pleasantly and most advantageously situated in the centre of the Market- place, in Ringwoo'd, and from the extent of store- room is well calculated for . carrying .011 a manufactory. Lot 2.— A. small Cottage and Fuel- house, situate near the above. Lot 3.— A piece of inclosed Me tdovy Ground, situate near and within th. Turnpike Gate", Rlngwocd. Also'three Pews, m" Ringwood Church, lined with baize and cusHions, in three lots, For further particulars apply ( by lett, r, post paid) to the A ictione.- r, Rmgwood ; and for a view of the Premises to Mr, i'hbtne, driig/ ist, the present tenant. Uaai( , Pembroke 4 Arms Inn, in. Fovant, on Wednesday' the 1.1 th de. v of July 1803, between. the hour; of four and six o'clock in the a: tcrn..- on. unies% p'revious'ly disposed of by private conlract, Of wl- nch notice wiil he given,— All the ESTATE and IN- TEREST of Messrs. Weeks and Gauntlett, of and in all that desirable WATER, CORN, 01 gRIST MILL, with the How, Shop, Bak - house, and Oven, and also one Piece of excellent wuer- me-. d- iv - I. ar. d, containing about - 2V acres, and an Or- chard well stock .' with'fruit trees, containing ai Knit one acre, to the same adjoining arid belonging; situate and b. cins in Fo- vant af rrt said, ni l now in the Occupation of the s lid Mes r.;. Weeks and Gauntlett. The premises are held by lease under th .- Earl of pembroke: tor the remainder of a term of i'B years, determinable on three lives. The Mill is centrically situated b tveeun, at-.- i at a . uivcnient .'..< t- nic" e from, the three great Corn- mark: is, Sdeiuiy, Shaftesbury, and Warminster, to win : h tn : roads . ne go. .1. It contains every conveinen : e r - e:-. ..:,-: r e : rrv; ng 011 the tre le of a Miller and Baker, and P • » ••" '- s the rare and superior a- vantage -..:' being sufficiently .-:.; ;,. 1 with vva* - r in the driest seasons. The purchaser may It. k- possession at Mie'. ia li ::>-. next, and he w- ii have a '• i- 1 iv e.- tclus. ve of fishing in the fine trout streran by which the -,!: il iriv a.. '•- » t> '•' ' he premises, apply to Messrs. Weeks and Gaut.- 1 '• : and f ' i'urtite. p . riic . lars, or to treat for the purcuase, t 1 Mr. Lewes, Alvediston, or to Mr. Nicholson, solicitor, iiarford, near Salisbury- letter, must be post paid. ' WILTS. Freehold Estate on the borders of the New Forest. T" 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, at the King's Arms Inn, at Downton, in tine county of Wilts, on Monday the. lSih day of July next, between' the hours of three anil six. o'clock in the afternoon, subiect to. the con. titior. s v. n ieh will b, i then produced,— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTA t'si; comprising a conimodiOUs, v.-. sl- hu'l! brick and tiled Dwel- ling- house ; containing, on the ground ' floor, an entrance hall 17 ft. by H t't. one parlour iu ft. by 14 ft. another IS ft. by 17 ft. and of proportionable heights'; with brew- he-. se, milk- hous , pump- house, pantries, ehc.; four good cham- bers over, and garrets ; with ;-. shrubbery, garden, and or- chard,,' well stocked with a variety of fruit trees ; barn, fuel- bou. es, ar. il yard, aitacued toihe house. Also a Capital Stable for six horses ; chaise- bouse, garden- houeeg walled garden, and orchard well stocked" tyith fruit trees ; a barn with straw- tqoms, granary on stone;., cow - pens, and yard ; one other barn on - as pair of stones ; one siied- hopse on ::'; pair ditto) with jiri. excellentsubsfe. mial cart- house for four waggons : all lying detached, hut separated only by a road from thc^ iouse, and over- l aokcd by the same. Also 7!' A. a Or. 35P. of arable land.; 13 A.' l 6. r. j 1 » . of pasture land; ami 5 A. o il. a P. of coppice, making, with the orchard, yards, \- c. Upwards jrf' 100 acres df land by ad- measurement ; the whole lying in 17 parcels, well connected, and contiguous to the house; most pleasantly situated at Red- lynch, within the parish of Downton, in the county of Wilts, iate the est , te of Mr, John Korville, d. ceased. This Estate, will. befoundtohe particularly desirable to any gentleman who, to the enjoyment of field sports in" a country - peculiarly inter sting, would wish to unite the advantages of a snug compact farm ; its immediate vicinity to tile New Vorest, and possessing rights of common and turbary therein, a; c cir- cumstances of advantage to the Estate.— There is a good pew in Downton church belong: lig to the Estate, The premises are in a dry, healthy situation, with plenty of good water, and are 12 miles from lyndhurst, 17, mileV from Southampton, and 8 miles front Salisbury ; tile roads very good. Printed particulars may be had at any lime after the : 30th instant, at the White- Hart Inn, Salisbury ; .. t the Dolphins inn Southampton ; of Mr. Street, at Lyndhurst; of easts-. George Pearson and Son, attorney-:. Pump- court, Temple, London; and of Mr. Woodyear, solicitor, Downton ; and for any further inquiry, or tc view the estate, application may be made on any Monday or Thursday in the forenoon to Mr. Woodyear, at whose office a plan of the estate may be seen, Defe. >"! ON', .- e. ee - T.'/;, 1803'. ' f50l27 DORSETSHIKE. THO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. PERCY, at A. Whatcombe Farm., four milts froni Blandford, rrd 12 from Dorchester, op Tuesday the Oth of Jul-.-, l- Ki':,— A1 out 401 WETHER SHEEP, of different nttcs; 10 be put rp in lots for the conveuiency of purchaser- : also three Waggons, three Dung Pots, two Rollers, Drie s, Harrows, PiougNs, & c. & c. N. B. The -'-':- to commence at twelve o'clock. [ 200: 1 SHEEP FOR SALE. DORSET. ISLE ' OF PURBECK. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, by .1. HOYLE, A without reserve, on Monday July tbe 4th, ntxt at North Egglestone Farm, kite the property of Mr. WM. Ve-, decenieii, about five miles from wareham,— All the valuable STOCK, cif SHEEP, of the real Dorsetshire breed, v. air.- - .. 1 sound and free from the goggles ; consisting of abciit ISO ewe . so cililver Iambs, SO pur ditto, eight hi '-.-, two rams, one • two- year- old cart colt, one hog ditto, and one famous p my six years old. For further particulars apply to J. Hoyle, auctioneer, Sec. Blandford, (£ 3? The. sale -.-.- ill begin precisely at eleven o'clock. [ 101,7 BRADFORD, NEAR DOrChESTER. ' I'^ O be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, 1 by M. BAKER, on Thursday the 30th d: v of June, li- o'i, at Bradford, about two miles v. est of Dorchester,— The fol- lowing STOCK of SHEEP, togetVier with the young COW STOCK, eV. c.; consisting of abr ut IS4 good • v. . - of dlflerer. t ages, 41 chilver hojps, 7- i chilvet lambs, 77 pur ditto, 117 pur hogs, three good rams, six gonrl tvyo- vear- pid heifi rs, three ditto in calf, one ditto with a calf, e ight yearling ditto; tegc- ti-.'. r with dung pats, sails, dregs, harrows, s'n - ep rucks, corn roll, ant! other ariiclcs in husbandly, k. teel Mr. II. kellaway, deceased.— The above Sheep arc " warranted soui. d and free from goggles. Tiie sate fo begin at one o'clock in tbe afternoon. 1.07 ? EAST CHICKERELL, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by M.. B.- 1.:-. r, on Monday the - ith day of Juiv, 1 « 08, at East Chickerell Farm, about three mik'. s West of Wty- montb, a pel - even South of Dorchester.—- The follOwin:- FlOCk of SHEEP'; con. isting cf about Ono good - IVK, ot" different aires ; 1Q0 chilvcr hogs; SO pur iiors"; Cod chil-. cr and pur imnbs ; 12 wethers ; arid si:; rams,- • property of Mr. read, quitting the said farm.— The above Sheep are n. n- raoted sum,.: and free fro;--; goggles. ri:> 77 Dinner at twelve o'clock, and the Sale to begin at one. - r| X) be SOLD hy AUCTION, by .1. Guy and Co. at the Swan Inn , in Sturminster- Newton Castle, in tho county of Dorset, On Thursday the -" list nay ot July, lsos, at fee o'clock in the afternoon, scl- bcrto thc- comiit- jsns then to be prodcced,—— All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGe, or DWELLlNG- HOUieE; contesting of two go:/, parlours, kitchen,- shop, cellar, snd pa strv, < n the er'. uni! door; ' five gorid bed- Chambers, with c. iinfr- rt'ille att: c: i; offices; yard, and wall garden with choice frttlt trees; new occupied bjf Miss Harrison, and stamlii- g in the Market- place in Sturmin- ster- Newton Castle si> e business in the tea, grocery, and arua fine, have been ca tie i on t: r a number or' vears, n- 1 a. re. very .. :.-. ele pre- m cs for-'. he grocery or any t titer : rene . For a view of the pn ni: s s aopiy, two d % s before the : ':'.?, to Miss Harrison ; and for further ] articu'- ' r. i io Mr. r. Moore, solicitor, Sturminster Newton: or to J. ejn-.. auctioneer, Shaftesbury, Dorset. * f.' onn BLANDFORD, DORSet tO be SOLD bv AUCTION, by JOHN HOYLE,' without reserve, < « t Wednesday the e'Hth d. v < t June, 1808, and following ( lavs.—- All the neat and valu; ble HOUSE- HOLD GOODS and'FURNITURE, late, the pr< peitv of Messrs. Kirby and Turner, deceased ; which said goods wijl be removed to the Assembly- room, for the convenience of sale; consisting of four fine seasoned goose * at'ner beds ; ft ur- post, field, and other bedsteads, with Manchester stripe-' cot- ton and other furniture ; superfine large counterpanes, mat- tress, & c.-; six pair of large blankets ; linen, ,\ c.; four- square m ihogany dining, pillar, claw, dressing, and other tables ; a number of arm and other chairs ; pier and swiVig glasses; two copper coal- scuttles almost new, ditto warming- pan ; ma- h. gnny, Japan, tea, and dinner trays ; bureau and chesr of drawers ; sets of fire- irons, steel and other fenders; bra-- and copper hoilers, tea- kettle, i\ tc.; China and glass, queen's ware plates and dishes ; Wilton and other carpets ; two capi- tal tubs almost new, with a variety of kitchen requisites. The e h.: will begin each day precisely at eleven o'clt ck. For further particulars apply to John Hoyle, auctioneer, & c. Blandford. ' [ 10, of; MANOR OF TOLPUDDLE, DORSET, tO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ANTELOPF, .1 in DORCHESTER, oh Saturday the 00th of Jqly, isos, at four o'clock in the afternoon,— The desirable MANOR of TOLpUDDLE, Snd several valuable and compact FARMS ; Containing together about 1139' acres of rich water meadow, pe- t'ire, jnd arable land, with convenient farm- houses and bail lings; now in the possession of Mr. h. Davis, Mr. J- Northover, Mr. Geo. Riggs, Mr. Wm. Brine, and Mr. Robert Standfield.— Also the- GREAT and SMALL TITHES ot' the parish of Tolpuddle, antl the SMALL TITHES of Tincleton, neld for terms of yeais, under Christ Church College, in ( Jxford ; and about 50 acres of Coppice Ground in Milbornc Wood.— A fine trout stream, stocked with fish, runs through the manor. Fox hounds and harriers are kept in the neigh- bourhood ; and, the- came in this part of the country is much pre-,; n ved.—- Tolpuddle is one mile from Milbourne, eight i'rotu Dorchester, and nine from Blandford; - in a dry healthy situa- tion? and may be a pe asant central residence for a sportsman. The tenants wiil shew the farms; and piinted p: ii ioulars may be had of Messrs. Farrer antl Co. Lincoln's- inn- fields . - of Mr. Salisbury, and at the Antelope, in Dorchester ; tiie. Crown, Blandford; the Buli, Bridport; and the Ante'e pe, Sherborne. ' [ 200- t WHITEPARISH, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the White Hart JL Inn, Whitepari. sh, 011 Mqj-. ilay the ISth day of July. 1808, at two . o'clock in the afternoon, unless before disposed of bv private contract'),— Sundrv FREEHOLD and LEASE- HOLD MESSUAGES, DWELLING- HOUSES, LANDS*, and PREMISES, situate in Whiteparish, in the county ot Wilts; in eight lots, as undermentioned, viz. Lot 1.— A Freehold Dwelling- house, Offices, and large Garden, in the renting of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the p. ior cf the parish of White- parish, and used as'a Poor house'.— Also a good Malt- house, which will make twelve quarters of malt per week, and a Granary thereto, botn 111 the renting of mr. Robert Gambling, whose term expires at Michaelmas nexf. • Lot 2.— Three new- built Freehold Dwelling- houses; near lot 1, with a garden to each of them, now in the possessions Of James Bridle, Elizabeth Brown, and Thomas Stone, tenants at will. Lot 3.— A convenient Freehold Dwelling- house, with a Shop, Garden, and Premises thereto belonging, and in the. renting of Mrs. Frances Sawkins, as tenant :, t will. Lot4.— A good ami substantial Dwelling- house, Offices, and large. Garden, in Whiteparish- street, now in tiie renting of Mr. james Field, rfstenant- at wilLi-.— These premises are held for tbe remainder of a term of 1000 years, commencing the 17th of January, 1723.' I. ot' 5.— A'Freehold Messuage, Garden, and Shop, late Gregory's, in the renting of the said Robert Gambling, as tenant at will. Lot 0.— Two Freehold Messuages' ant! Gardens, wqh car- penters Woik- siiop-;, in the possession of George Gardiner, as tenant at will.— Arid also a dlos.-* of Land adjoining, about an acre,- in the possession qf the said Robert Gambling,- whose term expires at Michaelmas next. Lot 7.— Two pieces of Land, containing about an acre and a quarter, in- the renting of John Maurice Eyre, Esq. as te- nant at will. This Lease is held for the remainder of a term of 1000 years. Commencing the 17th of Jannarv, 1720. Lot —- Two Leasehold Houses and Gardens, in the pos- sessions of Richard Chalk and William ' Stone,' as tenants at will. - Th. se premises are held under tile representatives of G. Y. Fort, ESQ, for oni life only. Quit- tent 4 s. The whole ot tbc above premises are desirably'and plea- santly . situated in Whiteparish, 7 miles from Salisbury, 8 from Romsey,- and- 1.5 from- Sonchainpton. To he viewed by appiy-' ig to . Mr. R. Gambling, attheWhite Hart Inn, atWhiiep trfch; and fui. Ter particulars may be known by applying at the. Offi. ee of ?, Ie- vs. Tanner and Cooper, bulls', ury, where applications for purchasing the or : n- sei'bv eriv^ ic c# VI-'. re els to be made: all letters :-!-.,. .'^ j. ' L- e.'- i KilMINGTON, near STOuRTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the Month of July next, at the Weymouth Arms Inn, in W- arrn'ester, —— A. truly desirabl..- ; md very eligible anil valuable compact FREEHOLD ESTATE, pleasavly situate at Kilmington, in the county of Somerset, in the occupation of Mr. John Cross, whose term therein will shortly expire, lett at a very low rent, and containing nearly - 2S0 acres cf rich arable, meadow, and pasture land ( being pert of the property of the Lie Charles Webb, Esq. deceased;! This Estate and its n - Ighbourhood abound in game ; and the buildings are in excel' . nt repair. The time of *. ile, and other particulars, v. ill he gi\ n in. tfic next'week's Journal, and any further information may, in tilt: mean time, be obtained on application to Mr. LampanV, solicitor, Warminster. f- 2011 SOMERSET. TO. be SOLD by AUCTION, without reserve, by W. BENNETT, on, the Premises atRedivncb- P irk- Farm, near Bruton, On Monday the 4th of July, tubs, and following days,— The capital LIVE and DEAD STOCK. Implements in Husbandry, and other Effects, of Mr. Joseph Buck, retiring from business ; comprising 300 ewes, 140. chdver lambs, 120 pur lambs, 110 chilvcr hogs, prams, and ditto lambs, the whole warranted sound, " anil tree from goggles; <; burr. : i beasts, 1 gale, 1 gO'jd two- vcar. old bull of tie- Devon breed, 8 famous two- year- old heifers, : i yearlings; 1 hackney mare in foal, 1 two- year- old filly got bv ProfH- g le out of a famous hunting marc, a one- year- old filly by Mr. Dyke's trotting horse from an excellent road mare, 1 exceeding good ci. rt colt rising- four years old; 1 waggon nearly equal to new, 1 dung put, 8 sheep racks, a quantity of slices eribs, together with sundry other useful articles. The sale to begin precisely at eleven each day, and continue till the whole is sold. , N. B. The sheep will be sold ten or twenty in a lot, as may be agreed on at the time of sale. [ W05 Manor, Adrowson, and Estates, in Somersetshire. NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the MERMAID 4 INN, in YEOVIL., irt the said county, on Monday the 85th day of July, next, between the hours of loirr and six o'clock 111 the afternoon, subject to such conditic ns as will be then produced,-— Very valuable a n! improvrablc FREEHOLD ESTATES, MANOR, and ADVOWSON, situate three miles from Yeovil, . six from Beaminster, seven from Crcwk. me, and eight fir- om Sherborne; comprising the manor and Ad- vowson of SUTTON BINGHAM, t\ Vo Corn, Sheep, and Dairy. Farms, . Water Grist- mill, & e. and containing in the whole 551 A. 1 R. 11 P. statute measure,.—- The leases of both farms will expire oil the Q5th tlay of March next. FOr viewing the premises apply to Mr. Anthony Gerravd and Mr. Wm. Sansom, the tenants;' and'for further particu- lars to Mr. harbin, attorney, Sherborne; Where a plan of the Manor may be seen. [ 2010 nnilOSli Cases thatvielded last vear lo the beneficial J. effects r.- f SPILSBUrY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, a remedy of thirty years and upwards m repute for . the Cure of Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, Scrophula, N'- rvous Irritations, and obstructed Circulation of Bile, fee. will find it necessary at this period of th : ve. t to recuraga'nvto the use - of this medicine, in order to prei - nt the, system again being visaed by a return of the old c-.. rr. pli ints. Tins medicine is now sold in bottles of 5s. C> d. \ double bottles 10s.; and larger 11. 2s. duty included, having the words By the King'?" Pa tent— expressed oti the bottle, bill of directions, and outside wrapper. - Tlv Kin- ' s duly also in urinted in black ink. An adowanpe ot 6J. in each bottle- on takins iialf a do?- et : office [ 1- 149 T H E SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER. JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, Pt! BLl » :: k5ttOX SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 25. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, June 25, 1808. EAR- Admiral the Hon. Sir A. Cochrane, K. B. Commander in Chief of his Majesty's _ < 5 Ships and Vessels at the Leetvard Islands, has transmitted the copy of a latter from Capt. Sheriff, ot bis Majesty's" sloop Lily, giving an account of the capture of a French brig letter of marque, pierced for 18 i; uus, from Bourdcaux bound to Guadaloape; also an English brig her prize, both, of which were taken by not knowing that the island of Deseada was in our possession, where the armed brig ran for protection. Commission signed by the Lori JJeutenant of Hants.— Jan, in White, F q. to'be Deoutv- Lieutenant. Winchester Battalion. of Volunteer Infantry.— Thomas pi- ke and John Young, L. qr,. to be Laptains ; Francis Rinhm I. ul Silver and William Matthew-, Gents, to he Lieu- tenants : George Erie and Rupert Knight, Gents, to be Etui ,. s. BANKRUPTS. Wm. Gilbert, of Poctvn, ra dce'.- mker. .' cnn Cns>, r> f Scarborough, cabim; t- raaK-- r. Ji. ni imin Urver, nf Kxeter. fjooi'- clotli vianufactiirer. Jo. 1- 1 Will anis, of At'a- SK- I e- street, London, victualler. Heniv lone.-, of Norrnv; K: ii. draper. Jvnei'a W itkiiis, <. t' f'. lupuuw, drap- r. Clie - les Dttaliftyde, of Eslu- r, reetoyjog distiUller. TIK. C- itten, of the ( irove. Hackney, insurance- broker. Eobi rt l'arr, of Watiing- street, London,, wlioleiale- iiat- erdasher.. fe. M . '. a. - » f drear Swafi. JIev, le nan- street, London, carpenter. P.. A. Ilullali, of Mnnrfi. ids, auctioneer. Jot. . Liaise, of Brightlielmsrone, carpenter. , Jan;,:, May, st' DeOiinm. Maltster. C. ' i oat - ol Runcorn. ale and porter- clealer. Wn d'Clellan, of Preston, linen- draper. Sam Davis, jun. of Ilford, shopkeeper. John Jtnvev, ot Cnrtuin- rnad, Shoitdiicli, carpenter. Win. lioodenough, of Hampstead- road, coacli- iTlaker. Pert jaetosf. HOUSE OF LORDS. FRIDAY, Jane 24.] The Irish Treasury Bills Rill, and Coffee Custom an.' Excise Duty Abatement Kills, were received from the Commons, and read a first time. The other bills before the House were forwarded one stage.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRIDAY, Jane 24.] The Reprisal Bill was read a third time, and passed. The report of the Appropriation Bill having been brought up by Mr. Wharton, Mr. Whitbread put a few questions to a Right Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Canning) on vat ions recent public mea- sures. He commenced with observations on the state of the We it India trade; the application of the East India Company for the assistance of Parliament, and the grant of money thereon ; and he dwelt with particular emphasis ou the declaration sf the Hon. Chairman of the Finance Committee ( Mr. Bankes; that no report was to be expected from that Committee this Session, a circumstance over which there was a veil of great mystery. The state of Ireland he considered to have been benefited by the dis- cussion of the Catholic question, the support it received proving to the Irish that prejudice on this point was gra- dually dying away. Having alluded to the riots in Lanca- ehiiej the negociafion with America, Sic, he next observed that our expedition to Sweden bad continued in a most extraordinay state of inactivity, oil which subject many Gentlemen besides himself were particularly anxious for information. Mr. (" aiming, in reply, stated that the expedition alluded to was sent in order to co- operate with our Ally ; but after its arrival it became necessary to suspend its operation, oil account of a material change that had taken place in the military arrangements of the King of Sweden. Heuee ensued the delay, hut no blame could be attributed to this country, for the Expedition had been sent to the aid of Sweden with the utmost promptitude. The report of the Committee on the Appropriation Bill was then considered, and tbe amendments were agreed to, The As- essed Taxes Bill was read a third time and passed. Mr H/ tskisson brought in Mr. Palmer's Remuneration Bill, which was read a first time. The Scotch Judicature Bill was read a tliird time, and passed.— Adjourned, LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 25. Papers and Letters from Holland to the 20th lOst. have been received. The papei- s contain a most curious Article, in the form of a Proclamation issued by Bonaparte to the people of Spain, which certainly equals in point of extravagant bombast, any thing that has appeared since the Revolution. After informing the people of Spain that their " nation had sunk into decay," he says—'* I have seen your sufferings ; 1 will relieve them. Your greatness makes a part of mine;" He then proceeds to inform them, that" be will not reign over them himself," but fur their consolation he as- nee them, lhat " he will place tber illustrious Crown upon the liead of one who resembles him".—- He concludes this mix- ture of cruel insult and mockery, with this expression—" It i -, my will that my memory shall be blessed by your latest posterity I" The grounds of the Senates Consoltum, by which Tt'S- CANYY HAS BERN UNITED TO FRANCE, were laid before the Senate on the 24th of May. Another very remarkable article is a Decree for INCOR- PORATING ROME WITH THE KINGDOM OF ITALY. It is offi- cially stated, that the Pope refused to'declare war against this country ; and oil that ground Bonaparte seizes oil the Papal territories ; observing, that his illustrious predeces- sor Charlemagne did not give lands to the Church, to be employed for the advantage of Heretics. Bonaparte has commenced his favourite career of murder and assassination in Spain. Wv leafti, by private letters, that the Marquis de Hijar, a determined enemy of French influence, 1 has, with the whole of his family and faithful domestics, been put t. death by a party of French soldiers, who, in compliance with the orders they had re- ' eeiv. d, forced their way into the house of the Marquis, in tthe dead of the night, and, horrible to. relate, murdered in cold blood every person they discovered, amounting to upwards of thirty. The expedition under the command of Sir Arthyr Wellesley, was expccted lo sail from Cork on Mon- day last; previous to which time the yvhole of the troops bad bean embarked, consisting of the 5th, gth, 38th, 40th, 60th ( rifle battalion), 7jst, and gist regiments. CIRCUITS. The Judges have chosen their Circuits as follow :— HOME— Lord Tlllenborougli and the Chief Baron. MIDLAND— Sir J. Mansfield and Mr. Justice Heath. NORTHERN— Mr. Justice Chambre and Mr. Baron Wood, OXFORD— Mr. Justice Lawrence and Mr, Justice Le lilanc. WESTERN— Mr. Bu'on Graham and Mr. Justice Bailey. Although the late Sir Roger Kerrison died possessed of • ery large estates, great inconvenience and distress are felt by many of the inhabitants of Norwich atd its neighbour- hood, ill consequence of the shutting up of his B. inkuigr house. An extent from the Crown, for a large debt in his oflice of Receiver- General of the county of Norfolk, has swept off all the pi o)> erty that w as immediately tangible j and immense sums being placed out in mortgages, it is feared many tradesmen who had lodged money in - the house, with the expectancy that it couid be bad at a mo- ment's notice, wijl he ruined for want of the necessary supplies, though it is thought there will, bn the winding- up of Sir Roger's affairs, be a surplus of 200,000/. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three oC). ocf. Bank Stock, — India Stock, shut South Sea Stock, shut 3 Cent. Red. OT 3 Cent. Cons. 6' pjj 4 IP- Cents. — 6 • ji Cent. Navy, 100J 5 y. Cent. 1797, — Long Ann. 48 11- lfithf. 3 per Cent. Consols sgll ss above, with the dividends fo. ' opening. Omnium, 2 p. Irish ditto, — India Bond's, par 1 d. Exchequer Bills, tf a 4 p. Irish 5 Cents. — ' Imperial : i ^ Cents. — English Lott. Tickers, 2tl. 2s. Ditto Jrijtes, fud Money. FAT. MOUTM, June 23. The Princess Amelia packet ar- rived this mcrn ug from Jamaica. Her Captain ( Stevens) died there of the yellow fever. The Princess Mary packet arrived yesterday from New York and Halifax. Prior to her lc ving Halifax accounts had reached Sir J. B. Warren of a French squadron having landed near 5000 men in the Floridas. This was not con- sidered as certain, but Fir John had, it is said, dispatched intelligence to the West Indies, ftc. The embargo still continues in the American ports ; it has contributed to render Jefferson universally unpopular, and to produce a gfcner. il revolution of sentiment in favour of this country. The fleets for the Mediterranean, 4tc. under convoy of the Belle Poule frigate and Termagant sloop of war, ar- rived yesterday, owing to contrary winds. Tlvv will be joined on their departure by the Statira and several ve- sels from this port. Eight o'Clock P. M.— The wind is now fair, and the fleets ere expected to sail in tbe morning. PLYMOUTH, June 24. Yesterday sailed the Scor- pion, of 18 gun;, with Spanish prisoners, for the coast of Spain. Came in the Fordone, of 40 gum, from a cruize off Spain. To- morrow evening the Caledonia, of 120 guns, is to be launched from the dock- yard at this place. The concourse of people to vjew this grand sight is expected to be very great, should tbe weather be propituous, as they are com- ing from all parts of the cou . try, and so thronged is the ' neighbourhood, that not a lodging is to be obtained. She is a very fine ship, and the lai gest that was ever launched at this port, or we believe in Englar. d: she is eleven feet longer than the Hibtr. iia, of 120 guns, that was launched here near three years since, and is pierced for 132 guns. This morn- rig passed the Sound to tlje Eastward, the St. Albans, of 64 guns, from the East Indies, with the fol- lowing East Indiamen under convoy, viz. Nottingham, True Briton, Cumberland, Henry Addington, B. t. annia, Cuffuells, and Scale. bv Castle; and the Retreat extra ship, and a South Sea whaler : also the Arrogant Danish East Indisman, prize to th Otter sloop of war. They sailed from St. Helena seven weeks since, and parted from tbe P. in cess Charlotte extra ship off the Western Islands. As they passed the Straits of Malacca, they fell in with the Ptedmonte^ French frigate, of 50 guns, with which they exchanged a few broadsides, but she soon sheered off. This frigate, with her consort, have annoyed the trade very much ill tbe Indian Seas, having eaptured, in about three weeks, 30 sail of country Slips. It is reported that Admiral Sir Edward Pellew has de- stroyed two Dutch 74- gun ships and a store- ship, at one of tile Dutch settlements in the East Indies. Came in the Raven, of 18 guns, from off Lisbon, with dispatches for Government. Admiral Harvey has hoi. ted his flagon board tbe Po- inone, of 40 guns, to join the Channel Fleet, but what ship we have not heard. The Pursers of the Nottingham, and Scalesby Castle, landed this morning, and are gone off with their dispatches to London. PORTSMOUTH, June 25. The Polyphemus will remain for ihe West India ships till the 20th instant. The Crocodile takes tJie remainder of the transports to Cork to join Sir A. Wellesley's expedition. Captain Craven is appointed Governor of the. Royal Hospital at Haslar, in the room of Capt. Yco, deceased. Monday.— Arrived the Achates sloop, Capt. Cameron, from the Downs. Tuesday.— XnivoA the Lille Bell sloop, Capf. Crispo, from the Downs. Sailed the Fleche sloop, Capt. Buchanan, with transports for Cork, to join Sir A. Wellesley's expe- dition. Wednesday.— Sailed the Cadmus sloop, and Gloire, of 38 guns, Captain Carthew, with Rear- Admiral Tyler, to hoist his flag on board the Barflcur, of ,98 guns, off Lisbon. Thursday.— Arrived the Crocodile, of 28 guns, Captain Cadogan, from Guernsey ; and Goshawk sloop, Captain Innes, from a cruize. Friday.— Arrived the Stork sloop, Capt. Le Geyt, from Guernsey; and Royalist sloop, Capt. Maxwell, from the Downs. Saturday.— Sailed the Alert sloop, Capt. Tillard. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, JUNE 25. On Monday last the Ringwood Volunteers com- pleted their fourteen days duty, and marched the same morning to their respective homes. On Sunday last was married, in London, bv the Rev. J. Sumner, James jVloncriefi', Esq. second son of Sir II. Moticrieff, Bart, to Miss Robertson, daughter of the late Captain G. Robertson, of the Royal Navy. . On Monday was married, at Newport, in the Isle of Wight, Lieut. Edward Guest, of the New South Wales corps, to Miss Louisa V right, daughter of Edward Wright, Esq. of Guernsey. Thursday the 23d inst. was married, by the Rev. John Peddle, Mr. A. Prankard, linen- manufacttircr, of Bavfofd, to Miss Eliza Abott, of Charlton Hore- thorn, in Somersetshire. On Thursday was married, Mr. Gaiger, school, master, ofthe'Soke, to Mis; Sarah Hall, of this citv- A few days ago died, Mrs. Colson, the mother of Mr. Joh'ri Colson, merchant; also Mrs. Marshal, aged 2g, the wife of Mi Marshal. On Saturday the 18t'ii inst. died, in tile 66th year of his age, after a long illness, Joseph Sherer, Esq of Southampton. On Sunday last died, at Margate, at the advanced, age of 8g, Laetitiu Pocock, widow of the late Charles Pocock, Esq. of Reading, Berks. She possessed a humane and benevolent heart, and was a tender mo- ther, a sincere friend, and a pious christian. On Monday last twelve French Prisoners of War were lodged in our Gaol, on their route from Bri tol, to a prison ship at Portsmouth ; their disorderly conduct having rendered their longer stay at the form T place impossible: they were escorted by adetachtnent from the first Somerset Militia, doing duty oyer them at Stapleton Prison. On Tuesday John Forder, a lad about 11 years of age, went into the Wares River, frith intent to catch some craw- fish, but the current being too strong for hiui, hurried him away, and he H as uiifortunately drowned. Verdict— Accidental . Death. SALISBURY. MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1S08. The rout of the Wiltshire Mililia, which marched from Newcastle for Woodbridge, was altered on the march; they are gone to Norman- Cross Barracks, near Stilton. On Thursday last, in the afternoon, arrived off the Start, his Majesty's ship St. Alban's, of 64 guns, with the following East India Company's ships tinder convoy:-— True Briton, Britannnia, Scaleby Castle, Retreat, Nottingham, Cumberland, GuffneUa, and Henry Addington. This fleet left China the 1 fill of January, and St. Helena the 39th of April last. On " the 0th ot February, the Indiamen, while under convoy of his Majesty's frigate Sir Thomas Drake, fell in with and had a short engagement with the French national frigate La Piedmontese, mounting S^ guns, and having on board 451 men. The frigate u- as chitted for some hours, but escaped through her great superiority of sailing. Sir George Staunton, Bart, was a passenger on bawl one of the ships just arrived from China. He landed at Plymouth, and arrived at this city 011 Satur- day evening, on his way to London. Sir George left England in ,1804, and has conducted sony: negotia- tions. at jCa. at. on, highly advantageous to the India Company, and to the general interests of this country. On Thursday the Qth Inst, was married, ai. West Lulworth, Mr. James Richards, of Tynehain, to Miss E. Parmiter, daughter of Mr. Parmifer, of Burngate- farm, near Lulworth Ca. stle :— And on Thursday last was married Mr. Joseph Caines, an opulent and re- spectable farmer of Chaldon Herring, to Miss Parmi- ter, another daughter of Mr. Parmiter, Lately jdied, in London, at awerv adzanced age, Mr. Samuel Goadby, of Spitai- squore, brother to the late Mr. Robert Goadby, printer, of Sherborne. On Thursday the 16' th inst. died, in the prime of life, deeply regretted, Mrs. Powell, wife of Mr. Powell, Clothier, Wilton. On Friday the 17th inst. died, at his lodgings, in Bath, Edmund Lambert, Esq. of West Lavingtou, in this county, late a Colonel in the Hon. East India Company's service. On Tuesday the. 2 Ist inst. died, at Dorchester, Mr. John C. Manfield, eminent in the high profes- iou of a ie- spectable attorney, anil a most faithful steward to the many noble families who patronized his worth.—- If the debt of nature could be paid without the sacrifice of life, this good man's friends would very long have saved him from the summons which lias now called him— we trust., to a blessed eternity. Died, on the 21st inst. at Nctheravon honse, Miss Hicks Beach, eldest daughter of M. H. Beach, Esq. M. P. On Friday died, in the 65th year of his age, Mr. Morris, builder, of this city, and Clerk of the Works at the Cathedral. HOME MARKETS. Pricefc of Corn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. Wheat I Barley. 1 —- u — June Salisbury, 21 1! . smgstoke, £ 2 iJevizes, 2i Newbury, 2- 3 Andover, 25, . ..„ ... ,. Warminster, 2511> 3 to 79,39 to 41 1 40 to 46 Weight of the Gallon Loaf, M. lloz.— Half Gall. 4 « •', 5 ftor. GOLDEN HARVESTS. MORROW, TUESDAY, JULY 28, the JL Grand MONEY LOTFKRY will BEGIN DRAWING. THE SCHEME CONTAINS 6 Prizes of £. 20,000/// ALL FLOATING, AND 1.1A BI. E TO BF. DRAWN THE FIRST DAY. 2 of jC. 10,000 I 3 of.. ..£. 3,000 2 of 5,000 I 5 of.. .. 1,000 7 of jf. 500— 20 of £. 100—& C. & C. Those w- ho me v now adventure have double tbe chance of getting a TWENTY THOUSAND POUND PRIZE1, ever before known in the annals of Lotteries. A Sixteenth, £.\ a 6 ( registered) may get £. 1,250 An Eighth, 2 IS 0 .'.. 2.400 A Quarter, 5 9 ( I 5,000 A Half, 10 15 tf 10,000 A Ticket, 21 2 fi 20,000 1 *** TICKETS and SHAR r. s are now selling by Sir JAMES BRANSCOMB and Co. London, and wilfbe on Sale t is Day, and To- morrow till five o'clock, at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY,— where the following CAPITAL PRIZES were sold in the last Lottery Oats. Beans. Bread. s. s. s. s. d. • 33 to 43 71 In 78 1 9 as to 42 59 to 62 I R ao to 34 54 to 60 1 " § 10 to 41 68 to 74 1 9- 3 39 to 42 65 to 71 1 8 40 to 46 63 to 72 No. 14,2- 2.!.... £.- 20,000 lu, 27(! 1,000 12,197 1,000 Several of iMcn, & c. No. 18,900 £. t> f0 3744..,. 500 .79- 1 3QJ THEATRE, RUMSEY. ON MOSDAY EVENING, June 27, 1808, will be presented, The EARL OF WARWICK, and RONTON. WEDNESDAY,— By desire of the K F. GAaoi: Es of the NEW FOREST, TOWN AND COUNTRY, And LOVE lAUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS. FRIDAY,— By desire of the GENTLEMEN of the QUEEN'S HEAD CLUB, JOHN BULL, and WEATHERCOCK. SATURDAY,— JANE SHORE, end FORTY THIEVES. • VOCAL CONCERT. ]* ytR. LACY ( from Bath) respectfully informs the i - J Ladies and Gentlemen of DEVIZES and its vicinity, that there will be A VOCAL CONCERT at the OLD. TOWN HALL, on Mondav evening, June- 27, which will c ns: s: 01 the most admired Songs, Duets, and Glees, as performed at the Vocal Concerts in London this season. Principal Performers, Mr. HARRINOT* N, Mr. C. LACY, Mr. CIIIPEENCE, and Mr. LACY. Tickets 4s. each, to be had at Mr. Smith's Printing Office, and Mr. Coulton's Library. The Concert . to begin at half past seven. p952 HPHE Annual PINK FEAST wilt beheld at the ROSE and CROWN, at HART HAM, 00 Friday the 1st of July 1308. Dinner on table at two o'clock. [ 2055 PO S T I N G, At ONE SHILLING a id THREE- PENCE per Mile. CROWN INN, BASINGSTOKE, JUNE 14, 1808. EN NY's respects to the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, returns his sincere thanks for the many favours conferred on him since his taking to the above Inn, begs leave to inform them HE CONTINUES POSTING AT THE OLD PRICE, where they may depend on having good horses, and every attention paid to their accommodation. P " MIE Biriness of GROCER, WINE MERCHANT, & c. hitherto carried 011 by THOMAS FISHER, wdl, from this date be conducted, under the Firm of THOMAS FISHER and SONS — DORCHESTER, Jitne 24, 1808. [ 1.074 MCOMPTON, Middlc- Brjdge- strcet, Ronisev, . respectfully acknowledges the favours of her friends, and begs leave to return them her sincere thanks for the favours they have conferred. As she is about to retire from business, she requests those who arc indebted to her to make immediate payment. N. B. The Trade and Stock to be disposed of at a fair valu- ation.— Letters ( post paid) duly attended to.' [ 20U4 OATMEAL ROW, MARKET PLACE, SARUM. JUNE 25, 180S. MRS, ELDERTON begs her Friends to accept her grateful acknowledgments for their very liberal support, and informs them she has this day received a choice Assortm- nt of the most fashionable LACE. RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, & c. which she is enabled to sell unusually cheap, and humbly solicits a continuance of their favors. N. B. All sorts of Millinery, Haberdashery, and Hosiery, on the lowest Terms. CHEWTON- HOUSE, HANTS. TO be LETT for three years,— A good FAMILY HOUSE, completely furnished, with Coach- house and Stabling tor six hows, an.! about 46 acres of grass land, or more if desired ; distant from Mudiford two miles and a half, where there are excellent bathing machintS; from Christ- church four, and from Lymingtbu eight miles. [ 1885. For particulars, and tickets for viewing, apply to Robert Budden, Esq. Downton Cottage, Lymington, Hants. ' To the Commissioners of the IVeymouth and Dorchester Turnpike. GENTLEMF. V, AS the Death of Mr. J. C. Monsfield has occasi- oned a vacancy in the Situation of Clerk of the abme Turnpike, 1 beg leave to offer myself to you as a Candidate to succeed him, and in soliciting your votes and interest 011 this occasion, I beg to slate, that from my being at present unacquainted with the names of many Gentlemen who are appointed Commissioners, 1 am consequently unable to make a personal application, which circumstance, I hope, will plead a sufficient apology for what might otherwise appear neglect. The very liberal support 1 have already experienced from these Commissioners to whom I have been enabled to pav my respects, is highly flattering, and leaves me little doubt of success; and should my hopes be. realised, my con- stant attend'n to the necessary duties of the Office, " will best prove my gratitude, and, I trust, ensure your appio- bation. * I have the honour to subscribe myself, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble Servant, WEYMOUTH, June 11, 1808. T. W. UAOVVNE.' Due notice will be given of the- flay of election.' P R I N T I N G - O F F I C E, CANAL, SALISBURY. 7TLLIAM BIRD BRODIE, Nenhew of tbe late. Mr. B. C. COLLINS, JOHN DOWDING, and JOHN LUXFORD, who tot manv years past hue con- ducted the different departments of Mr. COLLINS'S business, respectfully inform the public, that they have succeeded, in equal partnership, to the whole of- that extensive concern, the Stock and Goodwill having been this Jay assigned over to them byTow. NI. KY WARD, Esq. the acting Executor under Mr. COLLINS'S Will. They will endeavour to continue the conduct of this JOURNAL, with the general PRINTING, BOOKSELLING, STATIONARY, and other annexed Business, on the sam.' liberal plan which invariably secured to their predecessor an equally liberal support throughout the exten- sive district iu which the Journal is circulated, and on this ground they earnestly solicit a continuance of the public lavour to the firm of BRODIE, DOWDING, AND LUXFGRD. June 93, 1808. RPHE CREDITORS of BENJAMIN CHARLES L COLLINS, Esq. late of SALISBURY, and of MORTIMER- STREET, CAvENDISii- S, U'UARE, irl;, o reside in LONDON, are requested to send an ' account of their respective demands to TOWNLEY WARD, of Covem- Garden, Esq. the acting Executor: And those Creditors who lioe in the COUNTRY are desir at to send the account of their demands 10 Mr. JOHN DOWDING, on the New Canal, Salisbury, who is autho- rised by Mr. WARD to receive all debts due to the est te of the deceased. '[ 149! SALISBURY. TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, on the premises, by Mr. B. LEWIS, on Tuesday the nth of July, 1808, precisely at twelve o'clock,— All those FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate in St. Ann's- street, Sarum, lately oc- cupied by BENJAMIN CHARI. ES COLLINS, Esq. in the fol- lowing lots; Lot'!.— A comfortable and compact DWELLING and GARDEN, adapted for the residence of a- gen tec} family; comprizing entrance- hall, two parlours, dining- room, dravv- ing- rooin, four bed chambers, and closets, servants' ditto, housekeeper's room, kitchen, brew- house, & c. together with a Part of the GREENHOUSE, as will be marked out at the time of sale. Lot 2.— The Remainder of the aforesaid GREENHOUSE. Lota.— A LARGE and EXTENSIVE HOT- HOUSli, as it stands. SALISBURY, rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, _ I by Mr. B. LEWIS, on Wednesday the lath of July, 1803, and four following days ( Sunday excepted),— All h • neat and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, I in r. China, valuable Prints, curious Grecn- hoKse Plants, Cham- ber and Hand Organs, & C. of tile late B. C. COLLINS, F, sq. St. Ann's- street.— The furniture comprizing four- post, tcrit, and sofa bedsteads, with dimity, cotton, and needle- work furniture; window curtains to correspond; excellent goose feather- beds, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes; hair, flock, and straw mattresses; pier and dressing glasses; Wilton, Scofch, and Brussels carpeting ; mahogany sideboard ; din- ner, Pembroke, n; ght, and dressing tables; mahogitijband stained chairs ; sofas; mahogany robewards, double and single chests, of drawers, and bureaus ; several mahogany liquor chests, medicine ditto, eight- day clocks, kitchen fur- niture, brewing utensils, & c. & c. The sale to begin precisely ae eleven o'clock each morning. Catalogues delivered three days preceding tire sale, at tlie Auctioneer's, and place of sate on sale days only. Foil SALE by AUCTION, by Mr. HART, on the. premises at Frankley- house, near Bradford, on Mondav the 11th of July, a- id following days,— The genuine and neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects, late the property of John Jones, sea. Esq. deceased. [ 1991 The whole to be viewed two days pn vans to the sale, which is to begin at ten o'clock each day. Catalogues may be had in due time of the Printer; of the Auctioneer; and at the p, ace of sale. No, person to be admitted without a catalogue. TO MILLERS, npo he SOLD, at Brambridge Mill, near Winches- _ a ter,— A WATER WHEEL, 1- 2 feet diameter, and Cog Waeel, with main Shafts, Gudgeons, and Braces, nearly new. Apply to t'rie Bailiff at Brambridge Farm. [- 2060 SOUTHAM l'TON. • O be SOLD,— A substantial Brick- built Freehold DWELLING- HOUSE, fit for the immediate reception of a genteel Family ; dining- room - 2tJ by 20 ft. and 12 ft. high; drawing- room 30 by 20 ft. and 13 ft. high; with suitable sitting and bed- brooms, replete v\ ith offices ; a Garden with Grape and Green Houses; detached Stable for four Horses, and room for two Carriage's.— Most advantageously situated, Ner 11. above the Bar, commanding an extensive and picture-' 0 ' a view of tha- New Forest, Southampton River; It i - . fear Tree Green, and the surrounding country. The • : may be tak n by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Ware , .',', abc , e th.- ,:: r, L. tiers postpaid will have due attention. [ 2022 PERPETUAL ADVOVYSON. HpO be SOLD,— A Perpetual ADVOVYSON, of 1 considerable annual value, likely soon to became vacant, s cuate in the Counties of Wills and Hants, distant from i . ndoivabout 75 miles ; comprising the GREAT and SMALL TYTHES of above 4,000 Acres of Land, including 125 Acres of Glebe, on which there is a good quantity of Timber.— The House and Offices are of a superior description, and in excel- lent repair.— There is every convenience for taking thcTythes i- i kind, and some peculiar advantages arc attached to the Living. Further particulars may be known by applying to Messrs. Strong, Still, and Strong", Lincoln's Inn, London. [ 1921 rpO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A j[ desirable FREEHOLD, situate at Fyfield, in the county of Hants; aonsjiting of a good family house, with appropriate conveniencies, detached brew- house, wash- house, and other offices ; four- stall stable and barn, arid a very productive kite- hen garden, plentifully stocked with fruit trees, in full bearing. Tbe premises arc well supplied with excellent s4T'ng water. The grounds which surround the house are beautifully- int rspersed with shrubs, evergreens, and tor^ st trees ; th : whole comprising about four acres and a half. Fyfield is a dry pleasant village, in a fine sporting country and good ncighbourh od ; distant from Andover four mil s, one from Wevhill, 15 from Salisbury, - 25 from Southampton, and 63 from London. For a view of the premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Criswick, Auctioneer, Andover. [ 1917 SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A most capital well- built CUTTER, called the VENUS, of 46 tons burthen ami upwards, copper fastened, and the deck copper nailed, with accommodations and every thing ' complete.— She was built for a Gentleman's Yacht, and is in every respect a most desirable vessel, and now lying off" Wesj Quay.-— To be viewed by application to Mr. James Linden, Auctioneer, Above Bar, who s authorized to treat with pur- chasers, and is furnished with inventories of. her stores, & c. VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with two coach, houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, well timbered, and neatly laid out w'- lh shrubberies ' and walks. The house has been recently and expensively fitted up; the rooms are numerous", large, and lofty, and re id- y for the immediate reception of a gentleman's family. The elegant Household Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Letters ( post- paid) wili meet due attention. " [' 813 • VOODLANDS, NEW FOREST, rpo be LETT or SOLD,- A comfortable FAMILY X HOUSE, in the cottag* stile, with Furniture, and about twelve acres of Pasture Land ( with or without a gcod Cottage adjoining), coach house, stabling, offices, and unlimited light Of Forest; situate near the Forest hounds, three miles from Lyndburst, and seven from Southampton ; lately occupied'by General Nic'olls. [ 2023 For particulars, enquire of Mrs, Brimvard, at Hill, near Southampton; on. th'e premises, or of Mr. Cowcher, Bath. Ensbiiry, Jice miles from Christchurch. TO be LETT, und entered on immediately, with or without a few acres of Land,— A good FAMILY- HOUSE ; consisting of breakfast and dining parlours, drawing roo'm, servants' half, ( laity, 1 irder, & c. foul gocd bedrooms and attics, a large • arden, dog kennel, stabling for si x horses, with .- mat's bed loc- n: ovef. The tenant \ villhave the Right of an cxters: ee Fishery irt the river Stour, and. ochir advsnL tages to' make it a desirable residence for a sportsman. [ 20:> S i'or further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Recks, the gardener, at, the house.'— L died June is>, 1808. * NO I ICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the Toll Gate called Bar End Gate, upon the turn- pike- road from the city of Winchester through Bellmour- lane m the top of Stephen's- castle- down, near the town of B sh: p's. Waltnarn, in the county ol South jnpton, w ll be LE IT I f AUCTION, to the bt. et bidder, at the Guildhall of the same city, on Tuesday the Sfith day of July next, betweJn the hours of eleven of the clock in the forenoon and one of the clock in the aftjrnoon, in the manner directed by ihe A* t passed in the thirteenth year ot the reign of bis Majesty KLirif Geort- C the Third, " For regulating the Turnpike Roads;* which Tolls were Lett the last year at tiro hundred and el-. vea pounds, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to t> e the best bidder, must, a- the same tit. ie, eive security, with sufficient sureties, to tbe satisfactiejt of the Trustees of the said turnpike- road, for pavment of '. he rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. J. MEARE, Clerk to the said Trustees. WINCHESTER, June 20, 1808. 1979j TROWBRIDGE, WILTS, 1808. Hpo be SOLD by AUCTION, by I>. HIKITAGS. it on Wednesday and Thursday, theSSth and 80th of. Vi;. -, . on the premises, in Trowbridge,'— All the CLO THING ; ritl DRESSING UTENSILS, the property of James Selie, Esq. having declined the clothing business. The first day's sale consists of or. e large wham, ore twist'ng miil, $> passing boards, stools, baskets, quantity of oil, aod oil. kettles; large beam apd scaU*, iron, brass, and le.. 1 weights, five surplusses. wool rrofiks, four small beam-, a: d series, two large oil cask,, with a quantity of logwood, bar- wood, copperas, & c. ftc. Second day's sale consists of One very capital cloth pres.-, with iron screw, and brass box ; cne iron kilr. with 11 plates, about fifty dozen of press papers in good condition, tinny • fence papers, sixty pair of very good shears, : ix pair of . hem boards, twelve sets of leads, or; e hundred and tv. fr. i v ceui. r of handles, with manv ether articles in the ciuthhi^ liusinc--,, & c. Sic.-— The whole to be viewed each morning of sale, which is to begin at eleven o'clock. ' jijcft SALE OF SHEEP. R| X> be SOLD by AUCTION, by TH « MAS I. AM- i BERT, Ea.- t Whitewav, in the Isle of Purhcitc, Dorse;, on Wednesday the' 29th ot June, I80H,— atf six- teeth li « - s', 40 four- teeth ditto, 59 two- teeth ditto ; 6si Hosts ; Wethers) different ages ; 3 Rams; 5<> Chilvcr Lambs ; 64 Pnf Lambs. The above Sheep will be washed previous to tile Sale. At the same time will be sold,— Sundiy Farming Utensils, and a quantity of Household Goods. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 1897 CORNWALL.—— FREEHOLD ESTATES. TX> be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the King's Arms, I. eskeard, on Thursday - the nth dav of August, 1808,— Sundry valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, comprising the MANSION and BARTON of CAHTUTtlER, siiuate in the parish of Mer. hcniot, containing together Ml A. a R. 39P. statute; several other F. stals, situate in this same parish, eontairiing upwards of 930 statute acres ; also arv Estate, called BRENDOK, toecther with sundry Ili uses and Lauds situate in the town and parish of Leskeaid, containing upwards of 120 statute acres. And several Estates in Duloo parish, containing together aliout - 280 statute acres. And an Estate, called HI. NI> it A GULLI NO, in Tall and parish, about 25 statute acres. Likewise an Estate called TRLCAV, situate in the parish of Lanreath, containing 77.7. Oft. HP. statute. And several Tenements in the towns of East and West f. ooe. ' Some of the before- mentioned Estates are upon leases for years, and others are IWld upon lives. Descriptive Particulars will he ready for delivery in about eight days, which may be had at the King's Arms, Plymouth , the Fountain, Plymouth Dock ; the King's Arms, liodmin • the Wh- te Hart, Launceston ; the Talbot. Lostwithiel ; iho New Inn, CaUingron ; tile King's Head, Truro; at the placj of sale ; of Messrs. Strong, Still, and Strong, Lincoln's inn t of Mr. Childs, Leskeard ; and of Mr. Wright, Surveyor. 10, Charles- street, St. James's Square, Londmri. [-^ 010 A capital ESTATE in Somersetshire. rPO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the George fnn, X in Castle Cary, in the said county, on Monday tl c lst day of August next, between the hours of thr. e and five in the afternoon,— The FEE- SIMPLE and INHERITANCE of all that truly desirable, compact, and valuable Es ... 11..^ mVCAMIIU L'ADM I..:.,... _ r n^ i^ i uv .. n. muni.,* uiiiuin, on a. least i. ir a icrm tit rnric years, from Lady- day, 1806; consisting of k Fami- h^ Sy Barn, and other necessary btnlilimoi, with one hundred and eighty- four acres, two roods, and seven peichts [ statute mea- sure) of very rich arable, meadow, pasture, and orchard Ground. And also of all that piece or parcel of mep. dow Land, con- taining two acres, two roods, and four perehes ( statute mea- sure . lying in Cary Moor, within the parish of' Castle Csiy atorssair'., : uui held by the said Mr. Gilford on a lease as afOie- said. The last mentioned piece will be sold separately, C3P Tac Farm lies at e; sy distances between the& vcra^ good market towns of Shepton Mallet, Yeovil. . Sherborne, and Wincanton, and about half way frcni Bristol and Bath to Weymouth. For a view of the Premises apply to the Tenant; and for further particulars to Mr. Harbin, attorney, Shefborur » Dor- set, where a plan of the estate may he seen. [ 18- 1* Dell's Auction Room, 15fj, High- Street, Southampton. npO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. DELL, on Jo. Tuesday June 2S, ) 80S, and following flay,— A thoic « ami valuable Collection of BOOKS, by ihe most Approved Authors, in various Bindings; consisting of Encyclopedia, 2i! vols, quarto; Johnson's Works, 12 vols. ; ' fielding'.* Works, 14 vols.; Rollin's Anciem History, 12 vols,; Ander- son's History of Commerce, 4 vols. 4to. elegant; Blair's S. r* mons; Blair's Lectures, and a variety of others tonally vala- abK— Also some capital PRINTS and PAINTINGS. ' May De viewed the. morning of tliq sale davs until eleven o'clock, when the Auction will comm. ncc, and CaialOguoj had in due time at the Place of Sale. j 2 ,44 RPO be, SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NEWII. I., J at the Nag's Head Inn, in Lvmingfon, in the county 0/ Southampton, 011 Tuesday the 23ih day of this inst. Jim-', at six O'clock in the evening, under such conditions as will th m and there produced,— A FREEHOLD CLOSE of LAND, commonly called or known by the name of BLACK MAN. STON 1 , with a Stable thereon standing, near adjoining to the town of Lymington aforesaid, containing by estimation two acre-, - K? the same more or l ss), and now in ihe occupatiop of Mi. John Mitchell, as tenant at wilt, at tile rent of 10/. per anr. uii'i but under- lctt. It is well worth the attention of brick- tr. e. kei , as clay of a very superior quality for making brck has been found," and within three feet of the surface; and it is a most desirable spot to build on, being very pleasantly situated, anil at an easy distance from the town of' I. ymingto'n. - For further particulars apply personally, or by letter ' post paid), to Mr. Brown, attorney at law, Lymington. [ 200:> TO be SOLD by AUCTFON, by Messrs.' TUCKER and I'ITTIS, ( by order of the Assignees of James Bull, a bankrupt), on Saturday the id day of July, 18U8, at the Bugle Inn, in, Newport, at six o'clock in the afternoon, under the conditions to be then and there produced,— A FREE! IOLD FARM, called UPPER KINOSTON, situate In the pari. sh of K ngston, in the Isle of Wight, and now in the occupation nf the said Jamts Bull; consisting of 55 acres of arable land, or thereabouts, lying together, and in two inclosures, and an acre of willow adjoining.— The purchaser may have possession of this Estate at Michaelmas next. The Lease and Residue of Farm of 21 years, of which is years will be unexpired at Michaelmas next, ot and in the MfciSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called UPPEK KING- STON, or BUCKS; cons'sting of about 240 acres of arable, meadow, pasture, and coppice lands, situate in the parish, s of Kingston and Shorwcll, in the said Isle of Wight, anil now in the occupation of the said James Bull, at the ytarlv rent of " 917/. and of which the purchaser may have possession at Michaelmas ntxt. All th « Riicbt, Title, and I - terest of the said Jattfss Bull in ami to a SIlKEi's COMMON, on Cheverton Down, in the parish of . Shorwell, now lett by the said James Bui! at ao » , a year. The Lease and Residue of. a term of 1C yea s, of which ill years will be unexpired at Old Michaelmas next, at about a I Acres of rich ARABLE and MEADOW LANDS, to- ethe? with a Cottiec and Barn', and a double Cottage, with an Orchard and Willow- Bed adjoining: about 14 Herts of this land are arahle, T6 meadow, - and one vvillnw, in s x conve- nient inclosures. These lands, with the cottage and bmti, are occupied by Mr. John Edwards, as tenant to the said James Bull, from year to year, at tbe yearly rent of SO guineas. The d ouble " cottage is lett to other tenents at five guineas a year, and the orchard and w Uow- t'ed are in hand. f » » These Lands, 4sc. are held for seven years, from M'cfiaclmas next, at the yearly rent of a pepper corn only, and for the remaining six years at 751, a year A double COTTAGE and GARDEN, situate near the blacksmith's shop in Gatcomb, in the occupation of fl- ory Bak- r, unant at will, at the yearly rent of six guineas, held for a'healthy I if? of about 40 years old. For other particulars apply at the office of Mr. Gilbert, attor'ncy'atlaw, Newport. [ 2010 tFJF Also bv the Pf! NTE' PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND J- I. UXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE," CANAL, SALISBURY ; Jfliere Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid.) ^ he W » jt of England; by the respective NEWSMhW ; antl in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Wsrwick- Sauare, Wajftrkk Lan< y Newgate- Street, and Mr. AYILKJE, BooJt-. eV. er, Paterfi ® Jter- row, St. Paul's.
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