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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 08/02/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3704
No Pages: 4
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THE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. f>' td" 9T.< lV; T< T I • - 1- [ NUMBER 3704.—- VOLUME LXXIIL] MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1808. RICE SIXPi NCE. /* amp Dmv sjrf. ( Paper and print A Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN N E W S. FLUSHING, Jan. 17. T one o'clock on the mariiing of tile ! 5tli, the tide rose over the quays, and being driven by a vio- lent wind, poured in torrents through all the streets of the lower town— the inundation was so rapid, as to have attained great height belore it was perceived, and many. had scarcely time to remove their children out of bed to a place of greater safety. In less than half an hour, the water in many places was nine feet deep, and, in the lower ' streets, more than fourteen, so that in some low house;, the inhabitants could only save themselves 011 the roofs. With liow much rapidity the water advanced wilt appear from the following instance : in the Paling- straat, a wo- man was found drowned, lying half out of bed, witli her youngest child in her arms: her eldest child wa likewise out of bed, hut in consequence, no duubt, of the rapid rise of the water, they were al! three found lifeless. At the break of day the v/ ir. d abated, and the water de- ceasing with the ebb, the water left the houses 011 the town i; uay, but it still continued in the lower parts of the town, anil was of a very considerable, depth till the fol- lowing day. Many person1-, in. boats and other small vessel's, • then conveyed some scanty supplies of provisions and water to the inhabitants in the Upper stories, and on the top" of the houses. The water on the vineyard quay, at the magazine ot provisions of the French empire, made a great breach, through which beams of ship timber were driven with so much violence, that tliey greatly damaged and endangered several houses, and entirely threw down other's, - causing the death of soveral persons. A great number of horses', aud cattle standing in the stalls id' the deal. r=, were drowned. This calamity was still more aggravated by a frost setting in, which rendered it necessary, as long as the frost lasted, arid no lain fell, to fetch rain water from Middlebourgh, what fresh water they before had having been spoiled by the salt water. Twenty- nine persons, who lost their lives on this occa- sion, have been buried at the exp nice of the town ; and subscriptions have been Opened for the relief of the sufferers. MARK- LANE, Monday, M. I. Wc hail a considerable airival of Wheat to- day from Essex and Kent, with some quantity fresh up from Suffolk, but not much from any greater distance. The mealing demand at the opening proved ex- tremely slack, but a decline of about 2a. per quarter being complied with in the terms, there was some clearance made towards noon. Spring Corn is here m sufficient plenty, of most sorts-; White red- seH. more heavily again ; Grey Pkos arc cheaper; Tick Beans, v& ich, under the firat- imprtssion rnide. by the American embargo the latter end of last Week, advanced a little in value, found no eager, sale, this . rooming, even at the prices of this day se'nnight: Oats also'are stither dull than otherwise. Barter continues in good request, ar. d full as dear ; Rye, Rape Seed, and Red Clover Seed are worth more money; in other respect:; there is verv little alteration in the trade* V— English Wheat 60s. to 76s.— Rye 88.?. to i> is.—• White PeaS 72.1. to Ifios. Grev ditto ids. to 6;,.?'.— Horse Beans' 50'. tii 62s. Tick Scans - IS-', to S& s. r- Harley 88*. to - 1' Cs.— Melt SOS. to 76s.— Oats 30s. to 4 « s.— Bread beans fi.' s. to 200s. ton: Feds 46s. to 60s.— Rye Grass 14*. to 88s, per quarter.— English Household Flour 6f\;. to 63s. per sack ; ditto American sup. 85s. to 42s. per barrel.—- Rape Seed 267. to 311. per last.— Carraway Seed ; rs,(. to 42s.— Coriander S d lis. to J. J!.— Red Clover : 36s. to.!) M. White. ditto 46.!. to 100s. — Trefoil 5s. to 88s. per cwt.— Tares lis. to 22s. per bushel. SMtTiirtKi. n MARKET, Mowing Feb. 1. We had this day igoo head of Neat Cattle, and upwards of! 8,000 Sheep ; bpt few Calves and Pigs. The'prices were Beef as. 4ii. to 5s. Mutton 4s. to 5s. Veal 5s. to Us.- Pork 4.-. Zd. to. 5s.; per stone of 8lb. to sink the- offal. In NEWGATE and LEAUENII. M. I. MIKKETS the prices by the carcase were Beef 2s. sd. to 4s. Mutton 2s; 8d. to 4s. id. Veal OS, 8iZ. to 6s. 8d. Pork 4s. id. to 5s. id. ST. JAMES'S HAY MARKET. Hay 4/. 4s. to 62. per load. Clover 51. '. OS. to 6V. 12s. Straw 21. 2s. to 21. 8s. B L A N D F O R D A S S O CI A TIO N, For Protending Felons, i » v. HTHE next ANNUAL MEETING of the Mem- JL bers of this A isociation will be held al the CROWN 1 >; Blandford, on^ Monday tlie 15th instant," at twelve b'clotk.—* Any person wishing to become a member, may apply at the meeting, or at the office of GEO. MOORE, Solicitor and Treasurer. BLANOFORD, February. VII)?.. Kf* Dinner precisely at Two. [ 424 NOTICE is hereby given,— That the. several Traders on the Wilts aftd Berks Canal, who have al- lowed DRAWBACKS to persons fetching coals beyond certain distances, and claim to l « reimbursed th. e same by the Com- pany of Proprietors, are required to deliver in a particular of j such chums? to Mr. Atherton, of Calne, three days previous I to every" Quarterly Meeting of the Committee, otherwise, r. o allowance vVill be made. [ 844 A L! LONDON, MONDAY, FEUkUARY 1. French Momteurs to the 26th ult. have arrived, since our last, but their contents are not interesting. Bonaparte is making arrangements for the improvement of his dock- yards; there are to be 18 companies of abont 270 men ea* S>, and to be divided in sub- divi ioni of 18. It is in contemplation in France to plant and cultivate the cotton tree in the Southern province of that country. The Rn am Seel is fitting at Constant with great acti- vity ; S6t » rO".- ga'. lies are to follow it when it sails fof Co- penhagen, Ti: er.. are numerous corps of troops ta be em- barked for that place. TUe last letters from America state, that the funds of the United States had fallen from 03 to 50, under the general, dread of a rupture with Great Britain. At the departure of the last accounts from India, an expedition was forming on tke Commanded coast, for a secret enterprize. Government, it is said, will r. ily require ten mil- lions for the Loan of the ensuir.- g year. The sum is to be burrowed in the 3 per cents, a id to be paid off at 80. The Property Ta* produced la-- t year frtjrteen million?, and the - linking Fund two millions, the Short, Annuities faffing in. These eireunutoacts will enable thjMi'nister to borrow the ten millions without imposing any ne- v taxes-. The Princess Elizabeth is about to establish a Fund for the portioning young women of virtuous character, inhabitants Of Windsor, in marriage. The portion to each is to be ten pound;, and the subscription is countenanced by the other Princesses, and persons of rank and conse quence. Admiral Bli^ h is recalled from the Government of New South Wales. . The Lords of the Admiralty have approved of a new portable Telegraph. It is attended with mush tes; expeirce and trouble than the present Tub- graphs, the working of which, at each station,' requires four meu, whereas, upon the new plan, one mail will be sufficient for each station. It is tbe invention of a Mr. ConoOy. The Count de Vajix has invented a machine which will shew the Latitude and Longitude at Sea, serving also for weighing any object, for measuring space, or the course of a ship, and time; shewing and keeping account upon dials, ami upon cosmographical columns, which are part of the machine ; and shewing also the leeway of a ship.— Part of the machine is applicable to other purposes. SETTLEMENTS.— It has been determined in the Court of Kiel's Bench, that an individual, who had enlisted as a soldier, and de- erted, and afterwards hired himself as a servant for a t'. v'elvemol. tii, and duly served that period, had not gained a settlement, inasmuch as the hiring w as illegal, he being a deserter, and consequently no legal results emld attach upou'it. This was an important deci- sion, because it ha; at times been considered, that a twelvemonth's servitude, under any circumstances, enti- tled an individual to a settlement. This is the first instance to the contrary. DUEL.— On Saturday the 23d ult. a meeting fook placc ill the county of Clare, between W. Hammond, Esq. of Limerick, and William Foley, Esq. of Shepperton. On firing, tlv former gentleman received the ball of the latter in the wrist, and Mr. Foley received a mortal wound, the bail entering hi; ide, pas, ed through the intestine?,' and perforated the spine, lie was taken off th » ground to the biu- e of Mr. Millar, r., miheeary, in Limerick, where tivery aid was afforded him ; but he expired on Sunday night., at f- Lven o'clock, in great agony. On Tuesday last, at Godmineheter, as Mrs. Pearee, the mother of Colonel Pearce, was standing by the fire, it is • uppoied a spark flew out, and set her veil in a blaze, which corarausi'- eating to the other parts of her dress, burnt her in so shocking a manner, as to taiwe her immediate death. " On Pridav night., about a quarter before twelve o'clock, a fire was il - wavered in the lenvi of Mr. I tales, grocer, in I'rinee's- stveet, the comer of Angel- Court, near Storey* j- If. ate, VI. ' ttnirtster. PitlVrent fire engines were soon on the spot, but the houses being very old, tbe flames quickly extended « . o Vt- e houses of Mr. Shvriey, cheesemonger and poulterer, ami of Mr. Oddy, the Bull's Head public- house, adjoining. Those throe, together •.',•;> n ihe house of Mr. Cl '. rke, a butcher^ iu the " onrt, and three others, were destroyed by the flames. " The greatest consternation pre- vailed iu the neighborhood, from tlie idea of the confined situation in whith the fire took place, the oldncss of the bouses, ami the great quantity of wood in their composi- tion. Tue JKXIT alarmed inhabitants tiew in all directions tor shelter." They were deprived of their all, but most, fortunately saved their lives. The only one who received any personal injury was a peer unfortunate female, who went to gaze through idle curiosity at the Satire ; a beam of timber iVll from one Of the houses h> to the street, and broke both her kgs aud her ancles. She was carried to the Westminster Int'uvnary. The engines played the greater part of Saturday. Tite place exhibits a melancholy heap of ruins. A subscription is set on toot far the relief of the sufferers. An alarming fire broke out on Saturday night, about twelve o'clock, on the premises of Mr. Sawyer, at Shaw- fitrni, Herts, which was occasioned by a servant setting >. fire to some straw iu a hen- roost whilst catching poultry. The loft where the fire broke out wa^ contiguous to a apaciou", barn, which contained a great quantify of tin- thraslied corn, and which was totally consume i in le s than half an hour. The ' lames were , e.- e-. entc: l spreading to the dwirfling- house and other out- buiSdiiig, hy a favou- raWe Wind. Some pigs and two horses were destroyed, and damage doae to the a<* jurvt of ibueit S000#. TO ARCHITECTS. WILTS COUNTY BRIDEWELL. L Persons willing to send in Plans forBl'ILD- Xl ING a NEW COUNTY BRIDEWELL and HOUSE of CORRECTION, at Devizes, in the county of Wilts, con- taining proper, separate, and distinct places of confinement for at least one hundred prisoners, having regard- to classing them according to the nature of their crimes and punish- ments.' and providing convenient places f- r the employment of those committed for hard labour, are requested to send the same, with estimates and pro;, sals tor carrying such plans into execution, to Mr. John Swayne, at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, at Wiiton, near Salisbury, Wilts, oner before the 19th d .-•' of March next. If is reque: ted that such plans and estimates he sent ' sealed up v. ithout Signatures, but with mottoes or other devices; and that the same be accompanied with sealed If tteis ( marked on the outside with corresponding' mottoes or" other devices) containing the names and addresses of the perso. nS sending the same. Information as to the intended, scite of the building, and other particulars, may be had on application to Mr. John S wavne. , *** FIFTY PoUN- OS ivill he paid, as an honorary compen- sation, to the person sending the plan, & e. which shall be most approved of, with a proviso, . that the said compensation is not to be paid in case the person sending th. e plan, & c. shall afterwards Le employed, in executing the s: me. WILTON, near SAI. IsailRY, Jan. 25, 1808. [ 381 TO AR CTlir: ITS. WILTS COUNTY R,.. OL & HOUSE OF CORRECTION. A LI. Persons willing to send in Plans and Esti- 1'%. m.' i.' es for EM. AROIMO, AI. TI. UINO., and AMENIIINO the COUNTY GAOL and HOUSE of CORRECTION, at Fishtrton- Anger, in the. county, of Wilt;, fcither by entirely re- building the same, adjoining on the present scite and land or making neeSssary additions to the present buildings, so as to provide proper., separate, and . islhiet places of confine- ment for the prisoners and debtors therein to be confined, having regard ' to classing the prisoners acor'nig to their sexes." crimes, and punishments, end provie. ng conv. n'eqt plaq. es for the empk) merit of tliose committed to hard labour, are requested to send the same, with e; tiinatgt. end proposals fir car'rving such plans into execution, to Mr.. John Swayuc, at the Otfi'- C m tbe Clerk of the P ace, at Wi'iton, near Salis- bury, Wi'. t in or before the lfith < Jay ot A, n'est. It is requ stud that sueh plans and estimates be sent fsealed up) without signatures, but with mottoes or c-' vr devices.; and that the same be accompanied with seated let' is ( marked on the Outside with corresponding mottoes or oth r devices) contain ng the names and addresses' of the persons sending the same. » '#* FIFTY POUNDS will be paid, as an honorary compen- sation, ro the person sending the plan, & c. which shall In- most appr. ved of, with- a proviso, that the said compensation is not to be paid ro case the person sending t ie plani & c. shall _ TO BOAT- BUILDERS. . OTICE is hereby given,— That any Person's 1 V desirous to contract for the BUILDING of TEN BOATS for the Wilts and Berks Canal Company, are re- quested to deliver their proposals, in writing, to . vlr.' Aihmou, of'Calne, before the 1 si'day of March next; the same to be completed as soon :. s possible aft- r that day. [; j45 BRISTOI. DOCKS, 1808. TO CANAL DIGGERS. THE unfinished Pare of the Vv'ork of thJ BRISTOL DopVs wilt be carried on with its former spill, as it e. intended that they shall be completed by November next. wt \ NNUITY. ANTF. I) to lav out the Sum of .£. 450, adequate ANNUITY fot the Life'of a PefcCn ; on an bout 7S years of age, to be secured on Freehold Prooertv. Letters jpost paid) addressed to A. B. Post- office, Wim- borne, specifying tile terms, and secrecy, v ill be duly at- tended to. " [ 4W WANTED,— A CURATE, to undertake the Duty of a CURACY in Hampshire.— For particulars, apply to the Printer, p . st paid. fa!) < 3C|* There is no I'arsSnage houSe.— Salary 60/.. per aim. /" ANTS a SITUATION, as GARDENER,— A MAN, 4- 2 years of age, who has had the manage- ment of a hot- house So years, perf ectly understands his business, can have a good character, and' is willing, to live either in or u. st of the house. Apply ( t » y letter, post paid)! to Mr. Woodford, at the Post Office, Ash'cot, near BridgevVeter, Somerset. [ 438 Hj^ O be SOLD,— A BAY MARE', six years old, | i fifteen hands aud a half high, got by Fortunatus, I: r I dam by Ovid, the property of a G. ni. emau near Hiudon. who ! dis'poses of her because there are no Fox- le acos in the neigh- bourhood.— The price is one hundred guineas. [ 413 Apply to Mr. Harrison, at the Lamb Inn, at Ilindtin. HAY. HTO be SOLD, at Rio- wood,— A RICK. of good . I MEADOW. HAVS about 20' ions. [ 41s Ee, quire of Mr. P. Vey, at Ringwood. nno be DISPOSED OF, with immediate Posses- J. < ion, in a resuectable Market Town in Wiltshire,— A GROCiiRY BUSINESS, in wh. ch the returns are consider- able'. Application by letter only ( post- paid; addressed for Y. Z. at the Printer's, will be attended to. ' [ 12? TENBY BRIDGE STONE COAL. EIMOTORT, Jan. i, .1808. 1011 SALE, at H. B. WAY'S Yard at Bridport Harbour, A © Uautity cf e.".. eed, i; g good TENBY BRIDGE STONE COAL. j . ; i BiilDi'CRT, Jan. 19, tsoj. JUST landcrl, for Sale, by II. B. WAY, late Partner of arid Sne. ce. ssot to Travt. rs apd W;, v, RIGA BARREL FLAX S^ ED, WaVreilted- thc growth Of the year 1807, and warranted to have beeU shipped at Rlga by the same House that has shipped Barrel Seed for him and. his late Partners, for these 22 years r- !• [ 5.01 Psoi. F., Feb. 8, 1 « 08. tj^ OR tJ VLE, bv J'CIHN Sl- ADF. and Co:— About 50 Tcris of very good DRY COD FISH, at 12/. per Ton, and about two" ' foJiS. of an inferiot quality, at at. per Ton. ^ [ 420' TITHES, DEVON. TO bo l-. ETT for a term of years, from lady- day next, the VICARIAL TI 1' HF. S of t'ue three adjoining parishes of St. M. rv Church, Itingskerswell, and Cofiinswetl, d stant about two miles from Newton Bushell, four from Teignmouth, air! three from Torquay. The tithes t. r„ due without any modus or restriction. For particulars apply ( if by letter post paid) to the Rev. E. A. Kitson, St. Mary Church, or to Mr. Abraham, Ashburton. If the tithes are not ictt, a proper person will be wanted to take the sa. ne in kind, as a pro; tor, from Ladj-. lay next. ANTED,— A young MAN*, of genteel address, who writes a good hand, and under- Suids accounts, as a SHOPMAN t > a WOOI. I. I. N- DHAIO. 11, MERCKII, HOSIER, Src.—— For further particulars enquire of Mr. M. Burrough, Salisbuiy; if by letter, postpaid. [ 410 afterwards be i- mployed in executing the same. WILTON, near SAI. ISBC RY, Feb. 8, t80S. 7" ANTED, in a Market Town iu Hampshire,-!- A Steady active man as SHOPMAN to a GROCER: he must write a good hand, and ta tit; well recommended. For particulars apply at tbe Priutins.-- Office; if by letter post- paid, ar. d ment on the salary expected. f its ANTED, in an olrWestablisbed Business,— An) APPRENTICE to the LIMA- and Woou-' t* DRA- PERY, HABF. RT> ASURAY and HOSIEIVY. For particulars apply postpaid) to John Foster ( late Har- ward and Foster), 19, .1 f. rd, Portsea. A Premium will be expccted. [ 888 WANTED,— An APPRENTICE' to a Surgera and Apothecary, a '.' juth of a libera) education, who will be treated in all respects as one of the family. Letters to be addressed ( post paid) M. B. J. Prir. tmg- offiae, Salisbury. - ' [ 848 A GOOD COOK - WANTED AT AN INN. Steady Wo MAX, of from 25 to 30 vears of age, who " is a PROFESSED COOK, ? nd- caft bring an un- deniable character from her last place. Enquire ( if by leu i, post paid; of '• At. Spurrier, at the Royal George Inn, Southampton. N. B. A Kitchen- maid is kept. [ 260 As. TO JOURNEYMEN CLOCKMAKFRS. Good Workman may have constant employ by applying to Mr. Wynu, Watch and Clockmaker, Al- yford, Hants. A letter ( post- paid) mentioning particulars .' ill be duly attended to. [ 407 He W. h not be required to do any thing but new work. [ 401 F£ WAREHAM CATTLE MARKETS. T, on Saturday tile 13th of February 1808. Second ditto...... 5th of March. Fhird ditto. . 2fith ditto. Fourth, Wareham Fair, on Monday the 18th of April. Fifth, on Saturday the 7th of May. [ 859 WIMBORNE MINSTER, DORSET. Tit 7" HERE AS various unfounded Reports have been v v circulated of the general prevalence of a Contagious Fever in this town, to tlie . prejudice of. its " inhabitants ; we, the undersigned, feel it incumbent on us to declare, that, as far as we know and believe, vo such Freer al present exists in this tou- n or its vicinity, and that we consequently conceive no. d.' iicer of Infection, ran a. risa. to persons frequenting the some.— Dated the rttli day of Februarv, 1808. JOHN BASKET!', Minister. WILLIAM FRYER, lChurchwarders JOHN ABBOT'!', ; uirarcnwarcter. s. GEORGE HATCHARD, I overseers RICHARD TORY, / ' tseer ' JISE, J- Surgeons. ANTED, as UNDER SERVANT of ALL WORK,— A LAD, who has been used to the care of horses. He must have a thoroughly good character from his last place, and have liv d there not less than a twelvemonth. Enquire ( if by latter, post paidj at Mr. Ciiandler's, Up- ham, near Bishop's Waltharii. (". Jo; RPO be LETT, FURNISHED,— A MANSION- A HOUSE, fit for the reception of a large family, touether with the hot- house, green- hQuje, gardens,'& c. inc. with from six to forty acres of land. For particulars, apply to Mr. Cruttwell, printer, Bath ; if by letter, post pai l. 415] Keitnct and A" on Canal Navigation. TN pursuance of an Order of the Committee of Management of the Aftairs and Business of the Company of Proprietors of the Kennet and- Avon Canal Navigation, made at a General Meeting of the said Committee, held at the Bear Inn, at Devizes, in the county of Wilts, on Wed- nesdav the 87th day r- f January, 1806, NOTICE Is HEREBY GI VEN,— That a special Meeting of the Proprietors of Shares and half Shares in the said Canal, -- 11 be held at the Bear Inn, at D vizes, in the county of Wilts, on Monday the i.') th day of this instant February, at twelve o'clock at noon, to consider and determine upon the propriety of selling and disposing of one or more share or sharer, of the Navigation of the River Avon between Bath and Hanham's Mills,' belonging to the said Company <,- f Pro- prietorSj at such tunes, in such manner, and under such conditions a;; shall f) e then thought fit. • [ 410 JOHN WARD, Principal Clerk of the said Company of Proprietors. MAIU. HO'IOUOII, Feb. 2, ,' 108. w Xer. nct and Avm Canal Navigation. OTICE is hereby given, That at a General Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Affairs arid Business of the Company of Proprietors' of the Kennet ar. d Avon Canal Navigation, held at tbe Bear Inn, at Devizes, in the county of Wilts, on Wednesday the 27th day of January, 1S08, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pur- suant to adjournment, the said Committee did find a Call from the several Proprietors of new Shares and optional Notes, authorized by an Act of Patliament made and passed in the 45th year of the reign of his present'Majesty, intitled " An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the " Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation to copiplcce the same, ** and for alt. ring and enlarging the powers of the several " Acts passed for making the said Cnnal," to be taken and subscribed for in the Navigation and undertaking, authorized to be made and carried on by the said Company of Proprietors, tor the sum of Ten Pounds per centum for and in respect of every sirch Share and optional Note respectively to be wanting and necessary in order to defray the expences of and to garry on the same, a.-. d did make a Call from the said several Pro- prietors for the said sum of Ten Pounds per centum for and in - espe. et of every spelt Shire and optional Note respectively in the slid Navigation and undertaking, for those purposes ac- cordi'. igly; and did appoint the same to be paid into the hands of Messrs. Harford, Davis, and Cp. Treasur- rs of the said Cimp urv, in Bristol, on or before the 8th day of March, W08. " J411 Bv Older of the said Committee, JOHN WARD, Principal Clerk. M* BJ. BO » OUGH, Fit. 2, 1803. O be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- Day next,— THE CROWN INN, at Ringwood, Hani: being a well- established aud geoj- accustorr..;;! House. Enquire of Mr, P. Vey, at Ringwood, . [ 419 F A a M S TO L E T T, ^ SOMERSETSHIRE. TO be LETT on Lease, and entered upon at Lady- day next, NORWOOD PARK FARM, situate two miles from Glastonbury, consisting of 120 acres of excellent grazing and dairy land, tithe free, with a good house imd necessary offices. Apply ( if by letter post- paid) to Mr. Bell, Land Agent, Winchester. WILTSHIRE. TO be LETT 011 Lease, and entered upon at Lady day next,— CORSHAMSIDE FARM, free of great tithes, and paying only a small and certain modus in lieu of vicarial tithes, situate within one mile of Cors'tiam and eie'nt of Bath, consisting of 90 acres of excellent grazing and dairy land, good farm- house arid offices. Apply ( if by letter post- paid; to Mr. Bell, Land Agent, Winchester. [ 38: 1 TO WOOLLEN- MANUFACTURERS, MEALMKN, & cT rjnO be LEFT, and entered upon at Lady- day next, JL — WELL- HEAD MILL, near Westbarv, Wilts; con- sisting of an entire new building, four t!.. tie's high. GO feet long by 22 feet- wide; with a water- wheel Wj feet in diameter, which is well supplied with water by a reservOT covering an acre of land. The above will beeiiher fitted up for a manu- factory of grist mill. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Brown, Westburyl. eif. il. [ 407. NEWFOUNDLAND TRADE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE . CONTRACT,— A very desirable PLANTATION, situated at Great Jtrvis, on the South side of Fortune Bay, in the Island of Newfound- land ; comprising a good Dwelling- House, one Salt and one Fish Store, two other Stores with Lofts, a Forge, Flakes, Stages, and a Cook Room ; the whole very advantageously situated for the collecting and catching and curing of i -. h, and the collecting of Fur's, and affording convenience:", for carrying on an extensile Trade. - The'Boats, Craft, anii Stock in Trade, which are not considerable, to be taken at a fair valuation. For further particulars applv to P001. F, Jan. is, ISO'S. .1. BRlSTOWE & Go. TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, at the Old Antejope Inn and Hot 1, Per I. F,, on Thursdaythe 18th of Feb'iuary instant, at three o'cloe' :— 68 Pieces of square Canada Oak Timber, well seasoned, and of prime quality. CTR. 7 0 sa Gtuebcc O; k Pipe Staves. 9 0 4 ditto Hogshead ditto. 8 0 0 ditto i leading. ao', 008 Feet of Inch Pine Boards. 7 Logs of Hispaniola Mahoganr. All which may be viewed, a week before the sale, and Catalogues delivered at tile Office of J. BRJST0WE and Co. Brokers. Pools, Feb. 5, 1888. TITHE- FREE ESTATE, WILTS. TO be LETT, from Lady- day 1803, divided into two or more Farms,—- Upwards of 370 Acres of MEA- DOW, PASTURE, and ARABLE LAND, Tithe- free, ituated in the parish of Broad Somerford,. in the, county of Wilts; and- about 60 Acres of - MEADOW aud PASTURE LAND, in the parish of Little" Somerfotd, adjoining the for- mer, subject to Tithes. For a view Of the above apply to Mr. Smith, Broad Somer- fcrd. [ 140 WILTS. CAPITAL f. LM T IM P. K R. HPO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— JL 1,800 Prime ELM TRKF. S, fit f.- r Shipping, or other purposes, now growing on the Manor of Christian Malford, in the county aforesaid, either together or in Lots. For a view of t'. e same applv to Mr. Collins, the bailiff, at the Manor- house in Christian Mai font aforesaid ; and for fur- ther particulars, and to treat for the same, to Mr. Merewet'ner, solicitor, Chine, Wilts. [ 348 WILTSHIRE. February, CROWN CAPITAL NAVY AND OTHER TIMBER. 70R SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the King's H- ad Inn, in Whiteparish, in the county of Wilts, 011 Wednesday the 10th day of February next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then_ and there produced.— A large quantity of very capital NAVY and other TIMBER; consisting of upwards of 200 Oaks, meeting from 40 to 110 feet and upwards ; upwards of 200 ditto, meeting from 20 to 40 feet; upwards of SO Elms, meeting from £ 0 to 140 feet; upwards of 60 Ash, meeting from 35 to 130 feet; together with a great quantity of Oak", Elm, and Ash of smaller dimensions.— This timber is pard- cularly well headed, and the Oak vr. ll produce a very large quantity of Bark, and is now standing at Cowesfiela, near Whiteparish aforesaid, about nine miles from the sea side. Further particulars, and the conditions of sale, may be known by application ( if by letter, post paid) at the Office of Messrs. Hodding, in Salisbury ; and a view of the Timber may be obtained, any time before the day of sale, by applica- tion to Mr. John Barnes, at Cowesfield Common. . [- 298 BEECH TIMBER, At the Holt, near White Flood, between Winchester and Bishop's U'aV. ham. ' O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. MAST, at the New Jim," White Flood, on Tuesday the 16th of February 1808, at three o'clock in the afternoon.— Lot L— 18 BEECH TREES, with their Lops and Tops, now standing and growing on the Holt I'arm, marked H X Lot II.— 178 ditro, in the Rookery, marked II X Lot III.— 1* 6 ditto, in ditto, 111:,' iked V. 0 XX Eur particulars apply to Mr. Pricket;, at White Flocd ; or to the Auctioneer, Winchester. [ 438 CAPITAL T IMBER FOR SALE. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Thursday the X 8d day ot March, 1808, at the R'ODNF. Y'S He. ui INN, at Hythf, in the county of Southampton, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— About 150 Capital OAK TREES, ( together or i. i lots, as may be agreed on at the time of sale) standing in the tything of Hartley, in the parish of Fawley, in the said county of Southampton. The above timber is well calculated for naval and other purposes, and is close adjoining to the Southampton River. For a view of the same, and particulars, apply to Mr. John Me. nday, at Cadland Farm. ' [ 417 WILTS. TIMBER. rfX) be SOLD by AUCTION, at the BCCKFORD JL ASMS, in the parish of Fonthill- Giiford, on Friday the S8th day of February inst. at three o'clock in the afternoon, sul. j vt ' o such conditions" of sale as shall be then and there produced,— Fifteen Lots of remarkibly fine OAK TIMBER. The whole to he viewed till the day of sale, by applying at the Beckford Arms. For particulars , ; to the qnaiitv of the timber apply t6 Mr. John Charlton, land and timber surveyor, Stounon. [ 876 TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situated in the palish of Cod- ford St. Mary ; consisting of two good Farm- houses, Barns, Stables, and Out- buildings, and about lt) 0 acres of Water- meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, and 380: Sheep- Lcazes on til. Downs and Common- fields of Codford, in the occupation of Mr. Sim, Ingnm » tenant at will, who will shew the pre mises.— The pari-. h of Codford is 6 miles from Warminster, on the turnpike load tc> « ' arum. For further particulars apply to Mr. Gough. solicitor, War- minster, or Mr. John Cnarlton, land agent and surveyor, Sioutton. [ 331 GOSPORT. FOR SALE by AUCTION, by H. HICKS, at the India Arms Inn,, or. Tuesday the 9th day of Feb. 1S98, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— A large quantity of STOKES; com sting of marquees and Flanders tents, blankets, coverlets, palliases, bolster cases, haversacks, sad- dles and pack- saddles, hiite . harness, clothing, accoutre- ments, Ammunition: Waggy" .", and numerou:. * :.; er articles, removed tiom Porchester Castle to Mr. March's Storehouse, in South- sireet. May be viewed t-. vo days before the sale, by applying to the Auctioneer, of wh . in catalogues may be had. [ 3- 21 Pursuant to Directions from the Commissioners for the Care ar. d Disposal oj' Danish Property, FOR PUBLIC SALE, at the Dolphins Inn, Southampton, op. Tuesday the 16th day of at'twelve o'closk, The Danish Ship PRINK, legally, condemned, w. th her tackle, appirel, and furniture. D mensions— length alou, 10; feet— breadth, 28 feet's inches— depth, t8 feet;— measures about 850 tone. For viewinr, inventories, etc. apply, two days before the Side, at the Dolphins Inn, or to M ;-, rs. William Steel and ME Commissioners in a Commission ofBaulcrupt, besring date the 11th day of April, 1804, awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH " BRADBY, of the borough of Wilton, in the county of Wilts, Timber Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the isth day of February next, at five in the v. i'ternoon, ar the Red Lion Inn, in the city of New Serum, Wilts, in orderto make a further Divi- dend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and whercthe Creditors, who have not already proved tlieir liebts, are to come^ prepared to prove the. same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. Andall Claims not then proved will be disavowed. [ 368 r| NIE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, JL bearing date the 22d day of Julv, 1803, awarded and issued forth against WALTER HAYWARD, of tbe city of New Sarutn, in the county of Wilts, Clothier, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet 011 the lSthof February next, at six of the clock in the afternoon, at the Red Lion Inn, in the city of New Sarum, Wilts, to make a further Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded tLebrnth; of the said Dividend. Andall Claims not then proved will bo disallowed. [ 30' 9 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. LL Prisons having anv Demands oti the Estate and Effects of THOMAS SCAMMELL, late of War- minster, in the county of Wilts, Curri. r, - deceased intestate, are d . - ned to send ti e particulars thereof to me, the under- sign; . 1 Thomas Lamp erd ( and, if by letter, post paid), before the ist day of M » rch next; immediately after which dav a first and final Dividend is intended to be made. [ 406 WAISMINSER, THOS. LAMPARD, February 1, 1807. S lieitor to the Administrator. LL Persons having Demands 011 the Estate and Litem of the late Rev. GEORGE WASSE, are desired to send an account of them immediately to Mrs. Wasse, at the Parsonage- house, at Ibbfrton. [ 1- 21 CTRAYED from Botlcy,— A CHESNUT PONY, U near thirteen hands high, aged, burn mark L on the in it shoulder, short tail, very cat he. m'd, gees in a pacing stile, a few white hairs under the saddle. ' flu-'. Whoever will give information of the same to Mi. J. ure » Newman, Botley, will receive ONE GUINEA Reword. FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. Whitehall, Jan. 23, 180% TT7" HEREAS it has been humbly represented- to V y _ tlie King, that, between the hours of seven and eight o'clock in the evening of the 19tl>, of this instant, some per- son, in company with others ( all of whom are unknown), FIRF. D a loaded Pistol ot Blunderbuss at JOHN JONES, Esq. of Woolley, near Bradford, in Wiltshire, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said county, r. s the Said John Jones, Esq. was returning laome on horseback from his Factory at Staverton, whereby the eyes and face, of the said John Jones, Esq. M ere very much injured •—"- His Majesty, for the. better apprehending ar. d Wtp^ ing to justice- ih - p. rson who has been guilty of this enormous 1 ut- rage, is hereby pleased to promise his most gracious PARDON to any accomplice who shall discover the offender, so lli i he may be apprehended and comictcd thereof. HAWKESBURY. . And, as a further encouragement, a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED PQUNDS is hereby offered to gnv person making any such discovery as aforesaid ; the same to b( M » id by Messrs. Tijpmas Timbrel!, Stephen Brown, Edward fij. t- ford, and Thomas II. Saunders, Clerks to the Magistrates of the Division of Trowbridge, in Wiltshire. [ 357 WILTSHIRE, AT a SPECIAL MEETING of MAGISTRATES- Tor the county of Wilts, held this 29th day of January, 1* 08, at Bradford, in the said county ;— The Magistrates having expressed their great abhorrence t the late outrageous attempt'on the life of JOHN JONES, Esq. of Woolley, near Bradford, one of his Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace for the said county, in the evening of the 19th inst. came to the following Resolution : That they are determined to take the most effectual and vigorous measures for bringing the offenders to speedy J ustiEc ; and for that purpose they will hold occasional Meetings at TR own a 1 IN G F. , BRABFORU, and WESTBURY, to receive any Information that may be brought before them, and to watch over the Preservation of the Public Peace. And they hereby call upon all C mstables of Hundreds, Petty Constables, and other Peace Officers, to be watchful and active in the line of their respective Duties, and to. at- tend the^ above Meetings to further the ends df Public Justice, and to apprehend all persons appearing in disguise, and all other suspicious persons who may be found wandering about and associating at unseasonable hours, without being able to give a satisfactory account ot themselves. And all peaceable and well- disposed Inhabitants are hereby exhorted to exert themselves to the utmost of their power in defence and support of good Order, and to stand forward in aid of the Civil Power; and they may be assured of the most speedy and effectual support from the Military Force in the country, if it should be found necessary to call them in aid. Note.— See Gazette of Saturday tile 23d inst. by which his MAJESTY'S PARDON is promised t » an Accomplice, and a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS offered to any per- son or persons making a Discovery. [ 4 15 WHITEHALL, Feb. 2, 180'. HEREAS it has been humbly represented unto the King, that 011 the morning'of the 14th? day of November last, a most alarmjm; FIRE'was discovered al the WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY of Mr. SCOTr, at SHER- BORNE, in Dorsetshire, which totally consumed the saiine, whereby the owner of the said manufactory his suili red a loss of near 4000/. and whereas there is strong ground for sus- pecting that the said manufactory was wilfully and maliciously set on lire by some person or persons unknown : His Majesty, for the better apprehending and bringing to justice the person or persons concerned in the felony above- mentioned, is hereby pleased to promise his most gracious PAll:') ON to any of teem ( except the person who actual!-/ set the said manufactory or. fire) who si, ail discover his or their accomplice or accomplices therein, so that he or'they may be apprehended and convicted thereof. UAWKESBURY. WHEREAS the Committee appointed by Vestry to investigate circumstances relative to the Fire which, on the moniihsr of the 14th of N . vember last, consumed the whole of my WOOLLEN FACTORY in this town, with every thing itcontained, have reported it as their opinion, that there are grounds for suspecting that the premises were wil- fully and maliciously set e- n fire: I hereby offer a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS for the discovery and convic- tion of the perpetrator or perpetrators of the horrid deed. S, SCOTT. And several of the inhabitants of this town, in order to shew their just indignation against such an atrocious crime, hereby o- Ter an additional Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, to be paid on conv.. tion of the the offender or offenders, by applying to JOHN MELLIAR, Esq. Chairman of the aforesaid Committee. The above Rewards will be given to any accomplice who will discover and convict the person that actually set fire to the premises.— Sherborne, Dorset, Jan. 16, 1808. [ 430 CLOVER," SAINTFOIN, AND* LUCERNE. S a considerable portion of every Farm in the . kingdom is, according to the- usual coursc of husbandry, annually appropriated to the growth of these articles, the public ar: respectfully reminded that the application of the PATENT PREPARED GYPSUM, as a top during, in the early part of the spring, in the proportion of six bushels per acre, will ordinarily produce double the usual crops of these and the other artificial Grasses, and that its effects will con- t; nue from three to five years. The above Manure is prepared and sold, for Ready Money only, at the Gypsum Company's Manufactory, C2, Blackman- str.'. et, Southwark, and by Mr. George Fry, Cross Keys Lin, Salisbury, at 3s. per bushel; from whence it is forwarded to any part of r- e country, by land or water carriage, as desired by the purchasers. [ 288 ' ~ HOGARTH'S WORKS, A New Edition, in Two Volumes, Quarto. This day is published, price H-; lf- i- Guinca on demy paper, or pr.' ce One Guinea on royal paper, with proof impressions^ Nun'oer 1 to 8 of " VIE GENUINE WORKS of WILLIAM HOGARTH,' ( to be comprised in Sixteen Numbers, each number containing Seven or K'ght Prints, and about Forty Pages of Letter- press), illus'i Cted with Biographical Anecdotes, a Chronological Catalogue, and Cemrncet- rv5 by JOHN NICHOLS, F. S, A. Edinburgh and Perth ; and the San, Sotftbsmptan. THOMAS AULDJO. J ite GF. ORG;. Sir. F. vus- s, F Q. F. R. S and F. S. A London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster- ro-. v ; and soli at the Printing- office, (' n 1, Sal sbury, [ 378 tt TIIH SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, jtsS^ SS Wednesday'* s and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OK FEBRUARY 2. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. WHITEHALL, Feb. 2. King has been pleased to present the Hon. and Rev. Hugh Percy, Clerk, M. A. to the JSL llectorv of Bishopsbourn, with the Chapel of Barham thereunto annexed, in the county of Kent ami diocese of Canterbury, void by the death of Mon- tagu Davis, Clerk. CROWN OFFICE, Feb. 2. Members returned to serve in th' present Parliament.— Borough of CUtherow.— James Gordon, of Hill- street, Berkeley- square, Flsq. in the room of the Hon. John Cust, now Lord Brownlow, called up to the House of Peers. Borough of Tiverton.— The Right Hon. Richard Ryder, • f Lincoln's Inn. WAR- OFFICE, Feb. 7th Reg. of Foot.— Major W. H. Disney, from the 6th Garrison battalion, to be Major, vice He rh rt. 67th. Ditto.— Capt. H. Sullivan, from the 81st Foot, to be Major. tvirchas". vice Duckworth, promoted in the 1st West India Regiment. sis . juto.—. viaioi W. T. Edwards, from the 9th Garrison Battalion, to be Major, vice Abercromby. Stith Ditto.— Major C. Crigan, from the 6th Garrison Bat- talion, to be Major, vieeCuyler. ni st Ditto.— Major J. Ross, from the 52d Foot, to be Lieut. Col. by purchase, vice Loraine, who retires. £ 19.'/ 1 iMto.— Major J. Grey, from the 9th Garrison Battalion, to tie Major, vice Darling. 7th West Mia Reg.— Capt. R. Jenkins, from the 66th Foot, to be Major, withoutpurchase, vice Barnard. Royal. York Rangers.— Capt. the Flon. R. de Reetle Ginkell, from the 36th Foot, to be Major, without purchase, vice Thornton. 6th Garrison Battalion.— Capt. J. Harvey, from the 80th Foot, to be Major, vice Disney, appointed to the 7th Foot. 9th Ditto.— Capt. W. Smelt, from the 4th Dragoons, to be Maior, vice Grey, appointed to the 99th Foot; Capt. George Berkeley, from ' the 35th I'oot, to be Major, vice Edwards, appointed to the sist Foot. BARRACKS.— John Soady, Gent, to be a Barrack Master in Great Britain, vice Marder, who resigns. BTAFF.— Francis Wemys, Esq. to be Paymaster of a Re- ciaiung District in Ireland. STAFF IN NORTH AMERICA.— To be Inspecting Field Offi- cers rn the provinces of Canada and Nova Scotia, with the Ta„ i.- naii « f Lieutenant- Colonels in the Army.— Canada. — Majors D. Campbell, from the 40th Foot; A. F. Bernard, from the 7th West India Regiment; the Hon. G. Carleton, from the. 27th Foot; the Hon. A. Abercromby, from the 81 st Foot; W. Thornton, from the Royal York Rangers; the Hon, R. Trench, from the 96th Foot. X> wa Scotia.— Majors D. Herbert, from the 7th Foot; H. C. Darling, from the 99th Foot; G. Cuyler, fiom the 86th Foot; the Hon. H. King, from the 5th Foot. BANKRUPTS. IVm. Piston an « l R . Easiou, lua. or tiucklersbury, warehousemen. John PUtEtiix, of Liverpool, merchant. Klizabeth liulme, of Manchester, victualler. Joseoh Pickle Sedrton, of Homerton, merchant. Win, . Mayell, of Exeter, jeweller. S. uiivi'.' l Koinats, of Rhayader, flannel- manufacturer. J-" UL Wilkinson, of Liquorpoml- street, Gray's- inn- lane, baker. Win. Davis, of North street, llhelsea, plasterer. HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, Feb. 1.] Lord Viscount Catheart was intro- duced by Lords Viscount Wentworth and Lake. His patent of creation having been read at the table, his Lordship took the oaths and his seat. Lord Auckland gave notice of his intention to present a petition on Wednesday, for the appointment of a special day for hearing the Appeal respecting the Roxburgh Estates, autl state his reasons for moving to that effect. The Lord Chancellor communicated the Thanks of the House severally to Lord Viscount Catheart and Lord G mbier. Earl Grey gave notice of his intention to move for more papers than he at first intended, for the purpose of completing the documents respecting the Russian and Austrian negociations.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, Feb. 2.] Mr. - Bankes, accompanied by Lord Mar- sham, the Hon. Mr. Ward, Col. Mathew, and a considerable number of Members, appeared at the bar, and presented from the Commons a Bill to prohibit the granting of Places in Reversion, or for joint lives, with benefit of survivorship ; which was forthwith read a first time, and ordered to be printed. The Karl of Mount brought ill a Bill for. the Amend- ment of the Laws of Debtor and Creditor, and for the punishment of Fraudulent Debtors, which was read a first time, aud ordered to be printed.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, Feb. 1.] The Speaker, calling upon Major- Generals Finch, Grosvenor, and Sir Arthur Wellesley, by name, communicated the thanks of the House for their Services at Copenhagen, for which they made suitable acknowledgments. The bill for Prohibiting the Granting of Offices in Re- version, or for Joint Lives, was read a third time, and passed. Mr. JVindkam moved, that there be laid before the House an account of the number of men raised for the regular army, by tueaus of the ordinary mode of recruiting, from the 1st of July, 1307, to the latest period at which the returns could be made, with a comparative list of the nu liber of men raised in the same period, from the 1st of Judy, 180a; An account of the number of deserters from the regular army in the period abovementioned ; Ail account of the number of men who have volunteered from the militia into the regular force, within the above- mentioned period, specifying the regiments into which they have entered; and An account of the return of the actual state of the militia force.— Ordered. Mr. Robert Ward brought up the Report of the Com- mittee of Supply, and the resolutions were read a first and second time, and agreed to.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, Feb. 2.] The Hou= e in a Committee of the whole House, to consider of a motion for allowing Goods to be brought into the Ports of Great Britain in Portuguese ships, Mr. Robert Ward in the chair; Mr. Hose explained the necessity of allowing such a course to be taken under the present circumstances, and the state of the affairs of the Portuguese Court; which could not be done without the authority of an Act of Parliament, because the Navigation Act prohibited bring- ing into our ports any goods except in British ships, or those of the country from whence the goods came. He therefore moved, that the chairman be directed to move the House foe leave to bring in a bill to permit the impor- tation of Goods into Great Britain, by Portuguese ships, from the Continent of South America. Lord II. Petty asked, whether Sugars were to be in- cluded in the permission ? Mr. Hose said they were, under an high duty. The motion was then agreed to. Mr. M. A. Taylor, at the request of Mr. Secretary Canning, deferred his promised motion on the subject of the Dardanelles expedition to Thursday the 11th inst. A Committee was ballotted to try the merits of the Banbury Election petition. Mr. Eden moved an humble Address to his Majesty for an official copy of the communication made by the Presi- dent of the United States ( alluded to in his Majesty's Speech) to both Houses of Co: gross. Mr. Secretary Canning said there was no objection to the motion, which passed unanimously. Mr. Tierney moved ( preparatory to the Right Hon. Gen- tleman, Mr. Perceval, bringing on the business relative to the Bank on Monday) for Copies of all Correspondence sin; .- the 1st of May 1307, between the First Lord of the Treasury, the Chancellor of tbe Exchequer, and the Go- vernor i. nd Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, respecting the arrangement of the National Debt", the application of unclaimed Dividends, and the Loan of Money. The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed, the arrange- ment would by no means benefit the Bank. He could not s * e any public grounds for exposing the communication, 1 hough he would not objeot to it. A great deal had passed i n personal interviews, and the correspondence in writing principally referred to the arguments on the former inter- view .. Mr. Thornton and Mr. Haskisson made similar observa- tions, and then the motion was agreed to. Mr. Hushisson moved tor an account of the Balances arising from Unclaimed Dividends as it stood at tbe last quarter,— Ordered.— Adjourned. Several Paris Journals were received yesterday, and another arrival this morning completed the series to the 2Sth ult. From a number of articles in these Journals, it appears that popular discontent has begun to manifest itself in various parts of the Continent. As these articles are no otherwi. se deserving of notice, we shall not occupy our limited space by inserting them at length. A letter from Leipsic states, that the French troops have rendered essen- tial services in repressing some disorders, " the inevitable consequences of the war."— The King of Bavaria also has been obliged to make a circuitous route ill a journey to Munich, in order to avoid the dangers of the more direct road. Among other interesting articles in the Moniteurs, they contain the reports of the Minister for Foreign Affairs upon the motives whieh induced France to make war against Portugal—- of the Minister of War relative to the measures necessary to be adopted at the present crisis— and of the Government to the Senate upon the necessity of calling out the conscription of 1809. The motives for the last measure are stated to be to carry war into the heart of England, Ireland, or our Indian possessions. " So far from diminishing the military force ef France, it ought," Says the Minister of War, " to be increased till England shall have recognised the independence of all Powers, and restored to the seas the repose which France has given to the Continent.— No rest till the sea shall be rendered free." Iti the reports upon Portugal, the Minister for Foreign Affairs supposes we meditate an attack upon Cadiz anel Ceuta. Spain also entertains such apprehensions. These papers likewise contain two decrees of the Conservative Senate; one of which places 80,000 conscripts of the year I 80Q at the service of the Go vernment ; and by the other Kehl, Cassel, Wesel, and Flushing, with their dependencies, are annexed to the French Empire. The Danes have seized a vessel under Russian colours in the Sound, which they state to have had false papers on board, and to have been loaded with English goods. Her cargo is valued at 100,000 rix- dollars. The appearance of some English ships of war in the Sound has excited considerable alarm in Denmark for the safety of some valuable homeward- bound Indiamen. A neutral vessel arrived yesterday from France.— She had sailed on the 13th ult. from a port in Normandy, and at that time there was no embargo there. She was, however, obliged, some days after, to put into La Hogue, where she was informed that an embargo had been imposed in all the French ports, and instantly put to sea to avoid detention. The Intelligent gun brig, Lieut. Tucker, has been on shore near Dieppe, hut got off again without damage. Every preparation was made to give the enemy a wai'm re- ception in case they had annoyed the brig during her cri- tical situation. Government are said to have received some infor- mation respecting the Rochefort squadron, which leads to a supposition that it is primarily destined for the supply of tbe French West India Islands, and ultimately to act in consequence of some arrangements which have taken place with the United States of America. It must be still within the memory of our readers, that two years since, a French squadron escaped out. of Toulon, under nearly the same circumstances, and making imme- diately for the French West India Islands, carried supplies to them all; and though followed by two British squadrons, effected its purpose, and escaped back into Brest. Letters from Oporto of the 20th ult. have been received in town. The writers describe their present situation as lamentable, and their prospects equally deplorable. They are suffering under a scarcity of provisions; and this calamity is aggravated by the obligation of supporting 15,000 Spanish troops. It was yesterday reported, on the authority of letters said to have been received from Rotterdam, that Ituv- ia had form ally declared war'Sgainst Sweden.— Such an event is probable; and on its probability alone perhaps the rumour, though premature, may have arisen. At a numerous Meeting of the Roman Catholic inhabi- tants of the town and county of the town of Cahvay, the 22dult. it was—" Resolved unanimously, That we concur in opinion with the Roman Catholic Committee of Dublin, and adopt the Petition prepared last year by the said Peti- tion's being presented to the Imperial Parliament this Session." The papers moved for by Mr. Ponsonby, respecting the negociations with Russia subsequent to the treaty of Tilsit, were on Monday laitl before the House of Commons. They comprise the whole of the diplomatic correspondence between our Ministers and those of Russia, commencing on the 30tli of August and ending on the 9th of November last,— On the 30th of ACtgust, Lord G. L. Gower, our Am- bassador at St. Petersburgh, requested from the Russian Minister, General Budberg, a communication of the secret articles entered into at Tilsit, when General Budberg ad- mitted that there were secret articles, and followed this avowal with a note, stating that the Emperor of Russia had " just learned, with the utmost surprize, by accounts from his Minister at Copenhagen, as well as by a dispatch from his Danish Majesty's Minister at this Court, that Mr. Jackson, his Britannic Majesty's Plenipotentiary, has made propositions as derogatory to, as incompatible with, the dignity of every independent Power, and that, upon the re- fusal of the Prince Royal of Denmark to accede to a preten- sion so extraordinary, the English fleet has taken a position which evidently announces intentions hostile towards Den- mark." To this Lord G. L. Gower replied, that the British Ministry had been along time in possession of positive data, which left no doubt as to the intentions of the French Go- vernment to use the Danish fleet for the invasion cf the British Isles.— Mr. Secretary Canning, in a letter to Lord G. L. Gower, dated Sept. 27, approves his Lordship's conduct, and states the following as the conditions on which the mediation of Russia could be accepted by this country, viz. 1st, The frank communication of the articles of the Treaty of Tilsit, secret as well as avowed ;— 2dly, a distinct ex- planation of the basis oil which France proposes to treat, and which appeared to his Imperial Majesty, when at Tilsit, so just and honourable.— In the mean time Lord G. L. Gower avowed the principles on which the English Govern- ment had attacked Denmark ; and Mr. Canning, in a letter dated the 28th of September, asserts that his Majesty's Ministers had positive information from Portugal of the use the French intended to make of the Danish fleet, and urges Russia to interfere with her mediation to make up the quarrel between England and Denmark. Previous, however, to the receipt of this letter, General Budlierg was succeeded by Count Soltikoff, who refused to commu- nicate the secret articles ; and lie was soon succeeded by- Count Romanzow, who is stated by Lord G. L. Gowcr to have been very unfriendly to England.— In a letter of the 28th of October, his Lordship informs Mr. Canning, that Count Romanzow had said he would not be answerable for the consequences of the attack of Copenhagen ; and in a subsequent letter of the 2f) th, he says the Count had in- formed him Russia could not interfere ill the business. Lord G. L. Gower then demanded the reasons for refusing to communicate the secret articles of Tilsit, but could obtain no satisfactory answer; and on his urging the Russian Minister for a reply, Count Romanzow informed his Lord- hip, that his Imperial Majesty had broken off all communication with England— a result which his Lordship imputes to the growing influence of France over the Councils of Russia. These papers leave no doubt of the existence of a pre- vious league between the Emperor Alexander and Napoleon, against the particular interests of this « country.— That there were secret Articles in the Treaty of Tilsit is admitted; that they contaiiieil no provision immediately hostile to this country is indeed loosely said by the Russian Ministers, who add, that thev cannot be divulged, because the Emperor of Russia had given his word that they should not.— The Russian Ministers also refused to give any explanation of the basis on whieh the French were willing to make peace, and which the Emperor of Russia had thought proper to consider honourable aud satisfactory. And yet his Imperial Majesty reproaches our Guveruuieat for having rejected his proffered mediation! A paragraph which lias appeared, stating that the Hon. General St. John had been tried by a Court- martial and broke, is not quite correct. General St. John has not been tried; but a speial board of General Officers was ap- pointed by his Majesty, to enquire into his conduct at the battle of Laswarre ; the report of which board being con- sidered by the Commander in Chief as unfavourable, he has communicated to General St. John, that it is not his Majesty's intention to appoint him to any military com- mand. In the violent gale of the 14th ult. a post- windmill at Barrow was blown down, anil the owner, named Hemp- stead, had a very narrow escape for his life; as, in at- tempting to turn it round, he was thrown from the stairs over a building into his yard, by whieh fall he was inueh bruised.— It is very singular, that in the gale on New Year's- day, ( about 7 years ago) the same mill was blown down, and nearly destroyed.— These two circumstances have almost ruined the poor miller. A few days since a windmill, belonging to Mr. Hines, near Melton Mowbray, was blown down. Mr. 11. and his son had just quitted the mill, leaving the journeyman, who on perceiving tin: fabric totter, leaped from the top of the stairs to the bottom, and bounded over the fence whieh inclosed tlx- mill, when he fell down; at this instant the whole 111,1.-: fLdl within a few feet of him, without eloing him the least injury.— Such a providential escape is seldom paralleled. I. NCOSSTANCV.-^- The marriage of a respectable trades- man of Beverley, with a lady of that place, was fixed for one day last week ; the ring was bought, and every pre- paration made; but on his going in the merning to call upon the intended bride, he found, to his great surprize, that she had setoff that morning on a matrimonial jaunt to Seulcoates Church, with a Serjeant in the East York Militia. BREAD.- - A Court of Aldermen was held yesterday at Guildhall, which was attended by the Master and Wardens of the Baker's Company; and after hearing them, and in- specting the meaUveighex-' s returns of the average prices of wheat and flour lor the last week, the Court directed an advance of half an assize in the peck loaf, making the price of the quartern loaf, wheateu, 1 Hrf. household 10<?. CORN EXCHANGE, Feb. S. There are torday but very short supplies of Wheat and Barley, for which last prices are fully supported; the same observations apply to Malt; White Peas, and Beans of the two kinds, are rather dearer; the supply of Oats is also short, and fine samples rather dearer ; Flour as oil Monday. ROMSEY EXTRA INCLOSURE. THE Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the fortv- fourth year of the reign of his present Majesty, " for inclosing Lands m the parish of Romse- y Extra, in the county of Southampton," do hereby give notice-, that they intend to meet on Monday the 22d day of February, 1S08, at eleven o clock m the forenoon, at the White- Horse Inn, in Romsey, in the said county of Southampton, to cxecute their award, and finally settle the business of the said Inclosure.— Dated tne 28a day oj January, 1808. 40a3 " FRANCIS WEBB. JOHN TREDGOLD. JOHN ATKINS. HAMPRESTON INCLOSURE. T5/" E the Commissioners do hereby give Notice, ? V that we have set out the Road hereinafter described, and that a Map of the same is deposited tvith Mr. CASTLE MAN, our Clerk, in Wimborne, for the inspection of all persons concerned. A Road branching out of the Turnpike Road from Wim- borne to Ringwood, between the third and fourth milestones, and extending in a northerly direction, in a straisht line, over Middle Hill and Fern Down, to Clayford, near Mannington. We further give Notice, that a Meeting will be holden at the King's Arms uj Wimborne, on Friday the 19th day of February 1808, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to hear objec- tions l » v all persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of such Roads, or for want of any other Roads being set oat for their accommodation. pi62 Dec 5 1807 RICHARD GEE. ' 7' WM. CLAPCOTT. HANTS. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- day next, All that capital Mansion called LA1NSTON- HOUSE, with the Courts, Yards, walled Gardens, Orchard, Dog- kennel, triple Coach- house, excellent Stabling for 20 horses, Dove- cote, and every necessary attached arid de- tached rfSce and building; together with 112 acres of in- closed araiVr andifasture land ( tythe free; adjoining and lying in a ting fence round the mansidn. The above capital residence is delightfully situated on an eminence ( but well sheltered), near the Stockbridge turnpike road, three miles west of Winchester, is perfectly dry and in complete repair, fit for the reception and genteel accommo- dation of a large family, and has for many years past been in the occupation of George Wm. Ricketts, Esq. by whose per- mission the same may be viewed. A part of the present elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE may be taken at a valuation. for further particulars, and to treat, apply to Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury; if by letter post- paid. [ 4027 WARMINSTER. nnO be LETT, and entered upon at Lady day next, X ( or sooner, if required) for a term of years,— A neat and comfortable DWELLING- HOUSE, with ail suitable and convenient Offices, Stable, and spacious Work- shops adjoining, wherein the clothing business has been carried on for several years; and a Garden, well stocked with fruit trees, lying behind the same ; all situate in Church- street, in War- minster aforesaid, near the church there. The buildings are in very good condition, the greatest part thereof having been lately erected. N. B. In the Work- shops ar: an Oven with Plates, and a Double Screw Kress with Papers, Sec. both complete ; and sundry other articles in the clothing business, Nvhich may be taken to at a fair valuation, or the same articles will be disposed of by private contract. For further particulars application to be made to Mr. Cutlet, Crown Inn, Warminster; and, if by letter, postpaid. [ 61 TO be LETT by PRIVATE TENDER, for a term of twenty- one years, of which 17 were unexpired at Michaelmas last, SAXLEY FARM, in the parish of Upper . Clatford, in the county of Hants; consisting of 345 acres of Capital arable land ( be the same more or less), O) whieh 7 are in burnet, 89 in sanfoin, 29 in new lay of pe- rennial rye grass, 31 in new lay of common rye grass, 39 in old lay, 40 in wheat, 3 in turnips, and the rest in fallow, be the same more or less; also 20 acres of water meadow ( more or less) v and a yearly allotment of 10J lands of copse wood. Twelve hundred pounds have been expended in buildings on the premises sitjee the commencement cf the lease. Proposals for taking the same may be directed to R. Moore, Esq. Hampton- Court Palace, Middlesex, on or before the 8th cf March, when the highest offer will be accepted, if otherwise approved of. For further particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, Andover, or to Mr. Pinkitt, Attorney at Law, No. 3, Elm- Court, Temple, London. [ 441 DORSETSHIRE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, by Messrs. Hodskinson and Co.— The MANOR of COMP- TON ABBAS, extending over 1245 acres or thereabouts, with the Advowson in Fee of the Rcctory and Right to Great and Small Tithes— the nett value about 250/. per annum ; the Rev. Mr. Baskett aged about 54— the next Presentation dis- posed of. Also the Manor Farm, containing 162' A. OR. 17P. on Lease for nine years from Michaelmas last, at 160/. per an- num, but of the estimated annual value of - 200/. And also the Reversion in Fee of several Leasehold and Copyhold Estates, held by Lives ; containing 437 A. 3 R. 1 P. valued at per annum 610/. with the reserved rents and heriots thereunto belonging. The Manor, or Reputed Manor of West Orchard, extend- ing over 6.38 acres, with the Manor Farm, as lett from year to year, containing 6- 2A. 2R. 13P. at lOOf. per annum,' but of the estimated annual value of 110/. Also the Reversion in Fee of several valuable Leasehold and Copyhold Estates, held by Lives; containing 489acres, or thereabouts, of the estimated annual value of 975/. Is. with the reserved rents and heriots thereunto belonging. The Reversion in Fee of that part of the Manor Farm, called the Dairy Farm, in the parish of Melbury Abbas, held by the lives of Richard Brabant, . aged 88, and Ann Burt, aged 56 ; containing 191 A. 3 R. 20P. at the low reserved rent of 721, per annum, during the said lives, but of the estimated annual value of 240/. Also the Reversion in Fee of several valuable Leasehold and Copyhold Estates in East and West Melbury, held by lives ; contiining 5 OR A. 1 R. - 28 P. valued at per annum 691/. 9s. with the reserved rents and heriots thereunto belonging. And also » he Reversions in Fee of sundry Leasehold Es- tates, held hy lives, within the parish of Tisbury ; particu- larly Chicksgrove, with theTytheHay, in one lot; also in the parish of Donhead; particularly Coomb and Charlton ; and also several Estates in the parish of Semley. Further particulars may be had » f Messrs. Hoiskinson and Co, Axuadel- sttwit, Leadoo. fUBSt TO bs SOLD,— A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, in the county of Somerset, comprising the MANOR of BRATTOS, otherwise BRATTON- SEYMOUR. A Moiety of the Perpetual Advowson, or the- alternate Right of Presentation to the Rectory arid Parish Church of Bratton, otherwise Bratton- Seymour, the next Presentation thereto belonging to the owner of the said e state. A Messuage or Farm- House, with suitable buildings, two cottages, and about four hundred acres of arable, pasture, and wood land, in Bratton and Sheptou- Montague, and now in the occupation of Richard Hodges and his under- tenants, under an agreement tor One year, ending on Old Lady- Day next, when the purchaser may have possession. Also a Cottage and Garden, with the appurtenances, in Bratton aforesaid, in the occupation of John Hooper. Also one Acre of Land, in Bratton aforesaid, in the occu- pation of John Hodges, who has had notice to quit the same on Old Lady- Day next, when the purchaser may have possession. [ 420 For price and further particulars, apply ( bv letters, post paid) to Mr. Daniel Jones, at Fakenham, " in Norfolk. < W » « . » » « JIHI 1 y^ jf. < » • ISHjiBLjBgaMlgMMjai'iJt^ j.-^ QTATE LOTTERY of 25,000 Tickets, fc„ v. k? DRAWING the 8th of MARCH, laos.— To be dw » . '.. ten days. SCHEME. 3 Prizes of ,£. 20,000 .. arc .. £. « 0, OK 3 10,( 100 30,01,) 4 5,0( l0 20,000 » 20 1,000 20, out 30 500 lS. oa 4- V 100 4,008 ' Jo ' 50 3,001 1,000 21 21,0011 5,100 15 76,0 « rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. FIELD A and LORD, on Wednesday the 24th day of February, 1803, arid following days, on the Premises, at Avon, near Chippenham, Wilts,— The LIVE STOCK, Dairy Utensils, Household Furniture, and other Effects, the property of Messrs. Rogers, who are quitting their farm at Avon aforesaid; consisting of 21 prime dairy cows, either in . a! for with calves ; four three- years old heifers, in calf; four two- years old heifers; four yearling ditto ; one three- years old well- bred bull; one two- years old ditto; three remarkably useful draught horses ; two dito colts, rising four years old; two ditto, rising three years old; one ditto, rising two years old ; one draught mare ; two ditto in foal, ( by Young David); one nag mare, aged; one ditto horse, aged ; two. ditto, rising five years old; three narrow- wheel Waggons, one six- inch wheel ditto, two nine- inch wheel dung carts, one six- inch wheel ditto, one iiitrrove- whcel light cart, two rollers, two two- wheel ploughs, one one- wheel ditto, three pair of drags, five harrows, four ninc- stonc staddles, four seven- stone ditto, harness for 14 horses, four stone troughs, quantity of faggots and hard wood, e'ze.— The Dairy Utensils comprize three good single cheese presses, one double wey lead, two single ditto, one barrel and one upright churn, large quantity of cheese vats and shelves, brass pans, cream tins, & c.— The Flousehold Furniture consists of four- post and other bedsteads, feather and flock beds, quilts and blankets, pier and dressing glasses, mahogany and other tables, bureaus and chests of drawers, together with a quan- tity of pewter and other kitchen requisites, sundry iron- bound casks and brewing utensils, with a \ ariety of other articles. The first day's sale will commence with the live stock, at ten o'clock.— Catalogues will appear in due time, and may be procured at the principal inns in Chippenham and Calne, at the place of sale, and of the auctioneers, Farrmgdon, Berks. Freehold Estate. GVlingham, Dorset. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. JEANS, at the Pheenix Inn, in Gillingham, on Friday the 12th day of February, 1808, at four o'clock iu the afternoon, in one lot,— A Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold ESTATE, containing by admeasurement thirty- six acres, with a dwcl- ling- house, stable, and good barn thereon, compactly situated at Madjeston, in the parish of Gillingham, late in the occu- pation of Edward Jukes, now of ) ohn Peters, of which possession may be had at Michaelmas next. The Copyhold is about four acres, part of the manor of Gillingham, and equal in value to freehold. The Leasehold is held for a long term of years. *.** For a view thereof apply at the dwelling- house, or to Edward Hannam, Gillingham. [ 371 SOMERSET. rgX) be SOLD by AUCTION, without reserve, A liy J. JEANS, at South Cadburv, on Thursday the 18th day of February, 1S08, - The following LIVE and DEAD STOCK, the property of Mr. HANHAM, quitting the farm ; Comprising eighteen choice dairy cows, mostly of the Devon breed, some with calves, the others forward in calf; two three- year old heifers, in ditto; tour twenyear old ditto, in ditto; four good working oxen; two fat oxen ; three barren heifers; one bull; a capital cart colt, rising two years old, got by Mr. Phillips's famous horse Darby; a bay gelding, rising four- years old, a good gOer, and warranted sound and free from vice; a choice iron- grey pony, rising four years old, thirteen hands high, and warranted free from ditto ; two narrow wheel waggons ; a barley roller; two pair of drags; a pair of harrows ; three sulls; several ox yokes, bows, and chains; many sheep cribs and racks ; and good cyder- mill and press ; a quantity of empty casks ; and about twelve tons of prime meadow hay. The saie to begin at eleven in the forenoon. *** There being a number of lots, purchasers are requested to attend early. . [ 4.32 SOMERSET. npO be SOLD bv AUCTION, ( iu Fee, discharged A from Lanil Tax), at the White Lion Inn, Bath, on Saturday the 37th day of February 1808, between the hourtf of two and four o'clock in the afternoon, ( unless previously disposed of bv private contract, of which due notice will be given),— The Impropriate RECTORY oflNGLISHCOMBE, in the county aforesaid, within three miles of Bath; consist- ing of a good Farm- House, Barn, Stable, and other offices; Bartons, Garden, and Orchard ; and a Messuage now divided into two tenements, with a Barn and Garden adjoining; and several Closes of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land ; con- taining in the whole by estimation 81 acres (" more or less.) And also the GREAT TYT11ES of 1,467 acres ( by estimation) of Land, whereof about 950 are Arable, 367 Meadow or Pas- ture, and 150 Wood and Orchards. Mr. Thomas Wright, the Tenant of the Rectory Farm, will shew the premises; and further particulars may be known 011 application ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Merewcther, solicitor, Calne, Wilts. [ as4 DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JASPV. R GUY, at the Star Inn, Shaftesbury, on Wednesday the 17th day of February 1S08, between the hours of five and seven o'clock in the afternoon, in Two Lots;— Lot 1.— All that Close, Piece, or Parcel of ARABLE LAND, called Whiting's Close, containing by estimation 8A. 0R. 3lP. ( more or less) now in the occupation of James Andrews, as tenant from year to year, situate in the parish of Shaston St. James, Dorset. And also all that Piece or Parcel of Garden Ground, containing by estimation about 11 perches, part of the Garden belonging to the Parsonage House of St. James's aforesaid, in the occupation of the Rev. Richard Blackmore. To this Lot belongs a Horse Leaze in St. James's Common, which will be sold therewith. Lot 2.— A Piece of GARDEN GROUND, situate in the same parish, containing by estimation about 6 lugs fmore or less), in the occupation of Thomas Brickie, as " tenant from year to year. The respective Tenants will shew the premises; and for further particulars apply at the Office of Charles Bowles' Shaftesbury. [ 373 DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN WARP,, at Loders, near Bridport, on Tuesday the 16th day of February. 1808, and following davs,— All the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FURNITURE, and EFFECTS, ( without reserve,) late the property of Mr. George Knight, deceased ; consisting of 2 exceeding good dairy cows in calf, 100 very prime couples, 18 ewes in lamb and dry sheep, 59 chilver hogs, 15 pur hogs, 3 excellent - hog rams, 1 two- teeth ditto, 1 famous stallion known by the name of Short Legs, another very noted stallion known by the name of Young Merryman, 3 very useful cart horses, 1 cart mare in foal, 1 hacknqy mare, 1 pony, 1 yearling colt; about 40 tons of very good meadow and clover hay, 1 mow of wheat, 1 rick of barley, 1 rick of oats, 1 rick of pease, 1 rick of seed clover, quantity of threshed oats, ditto of flax seed; about 4a hogsheads of ( ery good cyder with the casks, 3 hogsheads of water cyder and casks, one but of strong beer and cask; 2 waggons, 2 putts, I cart, harness for 6 horses, 4 harrows, 2 drags, 3 sulls, sheep racks, mow staddles, plough hames and trashes, cyder press and apple mill, about - 20 dozen of hurdles, 1 hackney saddle and bridle with plated bits and stirrups, I handsome new side saddle and bridle, with many other useful articles.— At the same time will be sold the Turnips and Grass of the estate till the 5th of April next. The HOUSEHOLD GOODS consist of four post, camp, and other bedsteads, with dimity, cotton, and other furni- ture, and window curtains tocorrespond ; 9 very good feather beds, bolsters and pillows, mattresses, quilts, counterpanes, and blankets; bed and table linen, Wilton floor and bedside carpets, pier and dressing glasses, china, glass, and earthen ware ; fine toned piano forte, set of mahogany dining tables with circular ends, card, breakfast, night, and other tables; bason stands, three sets of . mahogany chairs, two dozen neat painted chairs, two bureaus, double and single chests of drawers, eight day clock in mahogany case, a very good sofa with cushions and cover, large quantity of pewter, one good hogshead copper furnace, half hogshead ditto, kettles, and boilers; kitchen and other grates, fenders aud fire irons, all the kitchen furniture, brewing and dairy utensils, with a va- riety- of other articles. Printed catalogues of the Household Goods, &* c. mav be had six days previous to the sale, at the Antelope Inn, Dor- chester; Bull and George Inns, Bridport; George lnri, Crcwkernej at the- place of sale; and at the Auctioneer's house, Beaminster, at 61/. each, which will be- allowed to purchasers.— The furniture to be viewed Saturday and Mon- day previous to the sale, which will begin each day at eleven o'clock. The live stock, hay, corn, and implements in husbandry Will be sold the first day. [ H « 25,000 Tickets. NO FIXED PRIZE. ,£. 250,000 The above Scheme, with not three Blanks to a Print, cot- tains nearly double the number of Capital Prizes of a'f Lottery for many years past, though many of those Later.', consisted of < 50,000 Tickets. PRESENT PRICE.' Ticket,.. .£'. 20 19 0 Half. £. 10 15 0 j Kighih £. 1 15 6 Quarter 5 9 0 | Sixteenth 1 8 « TICKETS and SHARES, 111 a great vat ietv of Numb 1, are now selling at all the Licensed Loft en- Offices in. Louden,, and by their Agents in the Country ; who have likewise < - i sale TICKETS and SHARES for to;, THE GRAND CLTY LOTTERY, Of FRF+ HOI. D HOUSES, discharged of Land Tax; CONTAINS Capital Prizes to the amount of £'. 101,000, viz, 1 valued at £.'- 25,000 1 7,000 • 1 C, 000 7 valued at .£. 4,000 6 3,000 1 2,000 It is proposed that those Prizes which arc divided ir. tci small Shares shall be sold, and the produce paid to the t.- sp.* live Shareholders. PRESENT PRICE. Ticket. ..£. 7 14 0 Half £.\ 3 H I Eighth 1 0 Quarter : 1 0 | Sixteenth ( T 10 ( To be drawn in Guildhall, ICtk April, 1JS08. — _______ A CARD TO THE LADIES. THE high repute in which Mrs. Vincent's itirn- luable GOWLAND's LOTION stands unrivalled, ren- ders it almost unnecessary to expatiate on its virtues; but as many spurious compositions have been imposed on the ] rablic, she feels it her peculiar duty to inform them, that iione is genuine but what is sold bv the under- mentioned appoint- ments, and signed with M. E. Vinccnt, in her < « # n hand- writm*. It isa radical Cure for every species of FRUPTION, andamos: innocent and efficacious medicine; is In the highest estimati n by persons of the first distinction, and those who bsvetxpe- rienced its value have testified gratefully the benefit they ha-. ~ derived from the use of it, which may be seen oy applying to Mrs. Vincent, 4, Davies- street; they are too numerous to insert in an advertisement, but many which are printed are given with each bottle, gratis. Quarts ST. fid.— Pints Ss. Cd.— half Pints - 2s. 9d. Mrs. Vincent's Genuine Gowland's Lotion is sold in Salis- bury, by B. C. Collins; in Blandford, by Simmonds; m Southampton, by Harvey; in Newport, by Albin ; in Rotusty. by Mollis ; and hy every reputable perfumer and nwdieine vender in Eurtipe. ( C3* To prevent counterfeits, please to ask for Mrs. Vin- cent's Gowland's Lotion, and see her name is signed on each bottle. [ 3494 FOREST TREES. This day is published, in 8 ro. with 8 plates, price lis. l. HHHE FOREST PR UN ER and TIMBER 1 OWNER'S ASSISTANT; or a Complete Pruotie- tl Treatise 011 the Training and Management of British Timber Trees, whether intended for use, shelter, or ornament, in- cluding an Examination of the Properties of English FifTim- ber, and a New System for the Management of Oak Woods, & c. ice. By WILLIAM PONTEY, Nurseryman, Planter and Forest Pruner to the Duke of Bedford. 2. PONTEY's PROFITABLE PLANTER; a Theoretical and Practical Treatise on Planting in every description of Sod and Situation, particularly those which a're most difficult, as elevated scites, barren heaths, rocky soils, & c. including Hints on Shelter and Ornament. 8vo. price 9s. with a Plate of Implements for Planting invented by the Author, aeid samples of Larch and other Timber Tiee's. London: Printed for J. Harding, 36, St. James's- strect j and sold by B. C. Collins, Salisbury. [ 276 This Day is published, Price One Guinea, for a Year, cr ins. 6d. for a llalf- Year's Amounts, HARDING's FARMERS' ACCOMPT- BOOK, for 1808. *** This publication is recommended with confidence to agriculturists as well calculated to remove the difficulty in keeping accompts, so geaerally expenene'ed among Farnicis The tables and instructions here gi\ en are so clear that any person of the most moderate capacity will be- enabled, 1 y them, to keep an accurate daily account of the stork and crops, and of everything done on the Farm, tluou^ out the year; the work, besides, is so contrived, that the journal -. 4 each week's proceedings can be separated from the boot, to be sent, by post, to an absent employer. London". Printed for J. Harding, 36, St. James's- street; and sold by B. C. Collins, Salisbury. W here may be had, a Catalogue of Books-, on Agriculture, Planting, Gardening, Landscape Gardening, Sporting, Farrieiv, and Rural Affairs in general, Is. [ 214 Ou the 1 st of February was published, in Ho. with Plates, ATREATISE on the Cultivation and Preparation of HEMP. By ROBERT WISSETT, Esq. F. R. and A. S. Clerk to the Committee of Warehouses of the E. 1. Company. *** The present work owes its origin to a recommendation made by the Lords of the Privy Council, to the Court of East India Directors, to encourage, in our Indian possessions, the- growth of a substitute for Hemp, at a recent period, when, from political circumstances, we were likely to be deprived of the accustometl supplies from Russia. Various enquiries were accordingly directed, and experiments made, to ascertain tlje best mode of giving effect to the views of Government, the result of which is here laid before the public, comprising a body of information relative to the culture and preparation 1 f this valuable plant, collected with great assiduity, from sources not generally accessible, and the impoitance of which will be duly appreciated at the present moment. London: Printed for J. Harding, 36, St. Jamas's- strect; and sold by B. C. Collins, Salisbury. [ 215 NEW BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA. To be Completed in the Year 1808. On Munday, February 1, was published, PART I. Price 10s. tiid. of THE BRITISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences; comprising an account and popular view of the present improved state of human knowledge. By WILLIAM NICHOLSON, Author and proprietor of the Philosophical Journal, and vario- js other chemical, philosophical, and mathematical works. CONDITIONS.— I. The work will be printed by Whittinn- ham, on fine yellow wove demy paper, in octavo, with double columns, and a beautiful new brevier type : and in order t. T insure a superior style in the execution, the price agreed to be paid for the printing will be nearly double the usual charge. II. The publication will be completed in twelve monthly parts, which commenced on the ! st of February, 1808, priee 10s. fid. each : the whole forming six large octavo volumes, illustrated by numerous elegant engravings byLowuy » ui SCOTT. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Oripe, Paternoster- row, and the rest of the proprietors ; and sold a » the Printing- offlee, Canal, Salisbury. [ 37* RURAL ARCHITECTURE. This day are published, in 4fo. uith 6 plates, price 10 s. Gd. INSTRUCTIONS for BUILDING in PISE'; or. the Art of erecting strong and durable Walls, to the height of several Stories, composed, entirely of Earth, and the most common Materials. By WILLIAM BARBER. London: Printed for J. Harding, 364 St. James's- strect; and sold by B. C. Collins, Salisbury. If ' Uere racy be bad, 1. ATKINSON'S COTTAGE ARCHITECTURE, with observations on the different miterials used for building the::- . 4to. thirteen plates. 1.'. I s. 2. GANDY's DESIGNS for Cottages, Farm Butlriities. Lodges, tec. with ground- plans, descriptions, and estimates 4to. forty- three plates. 2/. 2s. à. GANDY's RURAL ARCHITECT; or, various De Vrrs for Labourers' Cottages, Dairies, Baths, Mills, Entrance G; y Lodges, & C. & c. with ground- plans, estimates, and acstfr tions. - 1to. forty- two plates. 2/. 2.,- 4. GIFFORD's SELECT P, LAN'S fir elegant Cottager, Villas, fee. 4to. thirty plates, 1/. I Is. 6</. a 5. CIFFOllD's DESIGNS f,. r small Cottatre B. iddin 4 Shooting Botes, & c, 4to. twenty plates. 12. l. v. á. ROBERTSON'S DESIGNS ( or Garden Chairs, Gates., Park Enhances, Aviaries, Tei. vjles, Boat Houses, B/ i-'. g. <• & c. Sec. 4to. 9.1. 2s. ; 7. ROBERTSON'S DESIGNS for Gardens, Ho: Hcu ,. Conservatories, Green Houses, StC. See. 4to. plate". i. ..-.- i A Catalogue of Books on Agriculture and Rural IVEOTMRRV^ I Planting, Gardening, Kuril Architecture, Landscape Gv ! dening, tu. Is. / * N AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday s and Saturday's Posts.. FOREIGN NEWS. LEIFSIC, Jan. g. IT is confirmed, that in the approaching Spring a General Diet of the kingdom of Saxony will assemble at Dresden, to cjdiberate on affairs of tiie highest importance. Among others, on the pri- vileges and indemnities of the Nobility. It appears certain, that they will be subjected fur the future to the same contributions, both ordinary and extraordi- nary, as the other citizens. HOUSE OF LORDS. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 3.] Lord Auckland rose to pre- sent a petition from Sir . lames Innis, one of the claimants tif the estates and peerage of the Roxburgh family, pray- ing, on various grounds, that his cause might he heard oil the 8th of May next. The Lord Chancellor observed, that the claims of other Appellants, who each looked upon his as the most impor- tant causc, were all entitled to equal justice, and were all equally urgent for a speedy bearing. There were now tnore'than" 1 « 0 causes waiting their Lordships'decision, tt„ d the one in which the present petitioner was interested had a very great number before it in priority of hearing. Lord Lauderdale conceived that it would be a great saving of their Lordships' time to have both points dis- cussed at once— that which related to the peerage, anil that which related to the estates ; and their Lordships would be pleased to remember, that the latter point was recommended by his Majesty for an early hearing. The Lord Chancellor suggested the idea, that it would be better to refer the petition to the Committee of Privi- leges, and then to state more fully the grounds upon which it rested. Lord Auckland acquiesced in this idea, and gave notice, that on Friday next he should move to refer the petition to tbe Committee of Privileges. Lord Lauderdale presented a petition from Sir James Scott, praying to be heard by Counsel against the Bill for repealing the Curates' Suspension Hill.— Adjourned. THURSDAY, Feb. 4.] Lord Auckland gave notice of his intention to make a motion to- morrow se'nnight, re- specting the recent Orders in Council. His object was, to bring into discussion the different bearings of those orders, as they related to neutral powers, to commerce, manufac- tured, & e. and he should also take notice of what ap- peared to him to be contradictions in the orders. Lord Greueille ' aid, he had heard with deep regret thai pa, sage in his Majesty's Speech which stated that the Pre- sident of thr United States of America had refused to ra- tify the treaty concluded with the American Plenipoten- tiaries. He " understood there was an inaccuracy in that part of the Speech to which he had alluded, and that the President of the United States had not the power of re- jecting the treaty, wkich could only be. the act of two- thirds of the Senate. If this was the case, a new and a very important view would be opened with respect to the Orders in Council, inasmuch as they were a violation of two of the articles of that treaty. 11U Lordship concluded by moving for any official copy which might have been re- ceived, ot' the Message from the President of the United States to Congress, o" n the 27th of October, 1807. Lord Hawkesbury said, he would not suffer himself to be drawn by any observation of the Noble Lord into a premature discussion of this subject. When the day should arrive for the discussion of this important question, he was • confident it would appear, that his Majesty's Government had adopted every measure that could tend to promote the reciprocal interests of both States, and that was consistent with the true interests of this country. The motion was agreed to ; as was also another motion of Lord Grenville's, for any information that might have be received since, respecting the trealy. Lord Ershine asked, whether the embargo laid on in the American ports was resorted to after they they had received the Orders in Council, or any information of their nature, or of the intention of the British Government to issue such orders ? Ijtrd ffaivkmbury said, that his Majesty's Government tad no rea on to believe that the American Government were informed of the Orders in Council previous to laying on the embargo. Lord ivrskine repeated his question, as to whether the. American Government were informed of the intention of issuing such orders ? No answer was given. Loi- d Holland moved for the production of such infor- mation as might have been received from the Ministry of a . y neutral power, or our Minister in Am - l'ica, respecting the manner in which it was intended to execute the French decree of the 21st of November, ! 8Qo. He was glad to hear from the Noble Secretary of State, that our orders in Council had not reached America previous t> the embargo, and under- tanding that, on the 17th of Sep- tember, the French Government gave a different expla- nation of its decrees frpm that previously adhered to, and determined rigorously to execute it, he was led to hope, that this conduct of tire French Government might be the motive for the embargo. The motion was agreed to, as were also two other motions of Lord Holland, for certain proceedings in the Court of Admiralty. Earl Grey complained of rumours having again been circulated, he did not know whether maliciously, but cer- tainly falsely, of the late Ministers having attacked Alexan- dria whilst we were at Peace with tbe Porte. He felt it to be his duty under ? uch circumstances to move on a future day ( probably on Thursday) for several papers connected with that expedition, and particularly for tbe Instructions Sent to our Minister at Constantinople, and the Officers employed, when he was convinced it would appear that the conduct of the late Ministers was in every respect con- sistent with good fsith. His object in this instance was not merely personal feeling, but the vindication of the honout and gi^ od faith of the country. The Curates Suspension Bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed. Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, Feb. 3. Mr. Bathurst obtained leave to bring iu a Bill for the improvement of the Port oi' Bristol. Mr. Rose gave notice, that he would to- morrow move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the Treasury of the Navy Act, pursuant to the recommendation of the Com- missioners of Naval Inquiiy. Tne Brazil Ship Bill was read a first time, The House resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. Ward in the chair, and agreed to a resolution moved by Mr. Huskisson, for regulating the duty paid on Property, as far as relates to the places and pensions held under Government, particularly exceeding 100/. a- year. The Chancellor vf the Exchequer moved, that the Rev. John Woodkouse do preach on the Fast Day, on the 17th inst. before the House ; which was agreed to. Sir C. Pole moved for leave to bring in a bill, directing that all Offices held in the Naval Asylum shall be filled by persons who have served his Majesty in the Navy ; but after a long discussion, he agreed to withdraw his motion til! the regulations for the Asylum should be laid before the House. Sir C. Pole next moved for a copy of the warrant ap- pointing the commissioners; which was agreed to ; and for an account of the persons appointed officers of the said Asylum, salaries, & c. Ordered. He then moved for a list of the persons who have made applications for offices in the instil utioh. Mr. Rose objected, on the grounds that several repect- abie ladies, the widows of officers, applied for the situation of matron, and he submitted the indelicacy of laying their names before the House. The House divided for the last motion, Aye's 75, Noes 130— Majority against it 115. Mr. G. Ponsonby rose to make his promised motion re- lative to the Copenhagen Expedition. The object he had i view was. he said, to a. certain how ta1' his Majesty's Ministers had been justified in advising his Majesty to employ his forces on that expedition. That this was a subject which peculiarly demanded the inquiry of the House, he was fully authorised to state on the Declaration i ". ltd by his Majesty himself, in the first clause of which htf declares that he" owes to himself and Europe a frank •^ position of the motives which had dictated his conduct with regard to Denmark. It was scarcely necessary to premise, that all the remarks he had to make must be understood to refer to his Majesty's Ministers, and not to his Majesty himself, to whosa native rectitude and he our he was convinced that the transaction was as opposite as it had been disgraceful to the projectors of it, and disadvan- tageous to the country. He argued, that from the limited means which Denmark possessed of fitting out a fleet, the Government of . that country must of necessity manifest the intention to do so, many months before such intention could be fulfilled ; if, therefore, Denmark had actually meditated hostility against Great Britain, it was impossible to conceive that she would not have demonstrated that lurking intention before the period of Lord Gambier's arrival in the Sound. He asked, therefore, if his Majesty's Resident at Copenhagen had sent any advices to this effect? His Majesty's'Ministers had told him, that they meant to refuse an answer ; he hoped the House would not agree with them. When Admiral Gtimbier was preparing to sail, many of the Danish Captains, hearing among other rumours, that it was as likely that the British force was destined against Denmark as against any other place, consulted the Danish Consul on the subject. The Consul applied to the Chamber of Commerce in Copenhagen, a branch of the public . administration of Government. He received for answer, that there Was not the smallest ground for anxiety or alarm on the part of the Danish mercantile interest, for that no such circumstances existed which tended to di- tnrb the neutrality of Denmark, or to place her in a state of hostility with Great. Britain. At the time that this answer was received, there were 350 Danish Ships in British ports, whose cargoes amounted to two millions sterling. Was it possible to suppose, that under these circumstances, when the. d) ani- h Government de- clared to her commercial interest that they need not hurry themselves— that there was no fear of an interruption of the good understanding with Great Britain;— was it possible to suppose, that when a third of the commercial property of Denmark was in our hands, the Danish Govern- ment meditated hostility against us? Such a thing was incredible. But it was said, that, though Denmark herself might entertain no hostile disposition, against Great. Britain, she was likely soon to be forced into a state of hostility. One of his Resoultions went, to ascertain what information his Majesty's Ministers had l'ec ' ived respecting the power that France possessed of seizing the Danish navy. It. had been said, that France, having taken Jutland and Holstein, might have marched an . army across tbe Great Belt, when frozen, and have seized the Danish fleet. He had consulted books, and other authentic sources of in- formation ou the subject, and lie diil not find that any considerable force had passed the Great Belt » n the ice for above 150 years. It had rarely happened that even indi- viduals had been enabled to cross in that maimer. It was well known that the cold in most, of the European States was not now what it had'been. The draining of morasses, the cutting of forests, and the general cultivation a id im- provement of countries, had made great alterations in their climates, so that not only had no troops passed the Great Belt on the ice during the last 150 years, but during the last 60 years no instance had occurred in which that arm of the sea had been so bound up by'frost that a General would have ventured to march a: i army across it. It was said that Ministers had secret information that by tbe. Treaty of Tilsit Russia had guaranteed to France the use of the Danish fleet for invading this country. He defied them to produce any paper which would prove this assertion : the papers on the Table proved indeed that they had actitd without information. He therefore moved,—" That an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that he will be graciously pleased to give directions that there be laid before the House the substance and dates of all in- formation transmitted by his Majesty's Ministers at the Court of Copenhagen, at any period during' the last year, " respecting the naval force of Denmark, and particularly with respect to any measures adopted to augment, the same, or of [ jutting it in a state of forward preparation, or in procuring. seamen to man the same in any part thereof." Mr. Secretary Canning' rose, anil in a speech of great length, replied to the arguments of the Right Honourable Gentleman. He was well convinced that Ministers had obtained what they deserved, the thanks of their country, for the success ot the expedition against Copenhagen, as that enterprise . had been in a great degree the salvation of the country. Whatever might be the decision of the House ou the present occasion, he should contemplate ii with the highest satisfaction, as Ministers had been ac- cused of various things in which they had no eo yefn. if was fully fCware that Ministers had receive ! n) htard if glory from their predecessors, and there could be no com- • parison between tbe success which crowned the Copenhagen been done by e. terpri^ k when contrasted with what h « d the late Administration. The designs of Fi glad to find, were not disputed, as it was one of Bona- parte's most favourite objects, now that the idea of an in- vasion had been in some measure given up, but not relin- quished, to exclude the trade of Great Britain from the Continent, by combining the naval forc.^ of the rest of Europe for the exclusion and consequent depression of our commerce. In all his capitulations and decrees he most manifestly declares his'design, and his firm and inveterate determination, to persevere in such a confederacy, in which nothing should prevent Denmark from being au associate. When the fir. it danger menaced the frontiers of Denmark, it was the French force that occupied Hanover in the year 1803. This cordon of troops was however withdrawn when the troops of Sweden and England en- tered Holstein. After the battle of Auerstadt, Denmark was violated by the French, and a Danish General taken prisoner, and was treated at the French head quarters with every species of contumely and disrespect. He would ask if this was a mark of respect for the Danes, for one of their Generals so to be used ? The Dani h forces were, however, compelled to retreat from the frontiers of Hol- stein, which had given rise to a calumny against this country, that they had sn retreated at our express - olici- tation. For that, however, there was not the most distant foundation. After that Prince Murat was sent by Bona- parte to tbe King of Sweden, entreating that Monarch to make common cause with France, and promising him, in that event, Norway, which belonged to Denmark, the King of Sweden instantly communicated this offer to the Prince Royal of Denmark, and offered him 20,000 troops for tite defence of Holstejft. This generous offer tbe Prince Royal refused, believing be could rely on the assurances of France ; and he did more ; he concealed from England the fact of the French offer of Norway to Sweden. Having stated these and other points, the Right Hon. Gentleman appealed to the House whether or not it would have been v. ise or prudent in Ministers to have relied on the fidelity a: ta independence of Denmark, especially after the warnings she had received. After IIamburgh had been evacuated by the French, the Holstein gate. was re- occu- pied on the 19th of November; and on the 21st of that month came forth the famous decree of Bonaparte against the commerce of England. Ministers resorted to a measure of retaliation; but of a. meek kind when contrasted with the decree ;— theii came fury and rage from Denmark, and tbe world knew the result. The French decree caused many remonstrances to Bonaparte, and a deputation from Hamburgh waited upon that person. They represented to him the utter ruin which threatened them, by the annihi- lation of their intercourse with England. The answer of Bonaparte was, that he was fully determined to put an end to all commerce ; that as England and commerce were linked together, the one should be put an end to, and England would of course fall. His mind, he said, was made up, and he would compel every Power on the Con- tinent to combine with him for that purpose. Mr. Can- ning, after these statements, went at great length into the general policy of the attack at Copenhagen, which he justified email its grounds, and on others of . comparison; lie could not assimilate that achievement to the business at Alexandria, that of the Dardanelles, or of Constanti- nople. After some further ramaks. " lie concluded by giving the Resolution his most decided and hearty negative. Mr. Windham allowed the Hon. Secretary to be ac- quainted with stage effect; but through the whole of his speech, call it acting, or by any other name, there never was such insanity exhibited. Ministers had assumed a new morality: himself, and others of the old school of morality, considered it necessary to state facts correctly; but these moralists of the new doctrine stated former occurrences incorrectly. They had introduced a new system, and, like I'rospero, they would, perhaps, in a few days; leave off their new morality, and abjure their magic. The Right Hon. Gentleman deprecated all the measures adopted by the present Ministers, and accused them of sacrificing the reputation of the country. Mr. Mi. lnes reprobated the line of conduct adopted by the Gentlemen opposite. They attempted, he said, to impute to Ministers a disregard for the abstract principles of justice; but the insinuation was unfounded. He knew that the measure had the approval of that class of man wbo had minds to think for themselves, and never framed their opinion according to thar of a Noble Viscount or a Member ol that House. Mr. II. ISathurst argued against tho conduct of Ministers, in refusing to produce the documents, on which alone the House could forma proper opinion. Mr. Foster ( Member for the University of Dublin) argued that the papers on th'? table proved the hostile dis- position of Denmark towards us, and justified Ministers in the attack of Copenhagen. Lord Palmerston conceived that the present motion was precluded by the Address voted on the first day of the Session, by which t>, e House still stood pledged. He vin- dicated the expedition, by the state of Europe, and the necessity there was of guarding against the danger by which we were threatened. Its justification, he said, might be stated in twovvords— Denmark lyul a fleet and was weak— France was our enemy, and was powerful. Mr. Morris was of opinion, that the attack upon Copen- hagen was justifiable on the ground of the well- known de- termination of France to force the Powers of the Continent into a confederacy hostile to this country, and the inability of Denmark to resist the power of France. Mr. Lytielton regretted extremely the necessity he was under of withdrawing his vote from the Right Hon. Gen- tleman ( Mr. Ponsonby) who introduced the question, but in obedience to his feelings, and the dictates of his con- science, he was compelled to acknowledge, that, in his opinion, there was enough before the House to justify the conduct of Ministers in the attack upon Copenhagen. Mr. WHit bread, was surprised at the determination of his Hon. Friend to support the conduct of Ministers, who had refused all information, and that he should have drawn such a conclusion from the garbled extracts quoted by the Right Hon. Secretary of State from papers which he refused to produce, lie wished to recti the attention of the House to the real nature of the question. They were not called upon to decide whether Ministers had been right or wrong, but whether they were to have before tliera information to enable them to decide upon the propriety of that c in- duct, or be content with the evasive ' justification \ vhich they had heard. He deprecated tbe use of any means to mislead the House upon this subject . if the act was wrong, there could be no justification ; if right, let Ministers come to their trial, after laying b fore lite H m e all the informa- tion. they possessed. They bad said, that it was long before the Peace of Tilsit they had information respecting the intended confed racy. Before the battle of Friedland nothing was heard of this; that battle took place on the 14th of June; the armistice was signed on the 21st, anil ratified on the 24th ; the conference on the Njemeu took place on tlie 25th, an I the treaty was signed on the 7th of July. How was it possible, therefore, that Miiiistera could have informati > n to enable them to take the King's plea- sure on the 19th of July? But it was said, with a most splendid contempt for geography, time, anil space, that the information came through Portugal and through Ire- land, so as to be ready on the I91I1 af July. The Hon Gentleman adduced several other arguments, to shew that the Danish fleet was n t in a state of preparation That tf the act was necessary to be do it was only half done. That if no necessity was shewn, it was a gross violation of the law of nations, anil seems to imply, that because France had overthrown a giant* we must slay an infant. Lord G. L. Gower did not consider either the want of aid from the last Administration, or the attack 011 Copen- hagen, to have been the cause of the hostility of Russia. File real cause was the alteration produced by the effects of t be battle of Friedland. The'views of the Emperor of Russia might, perhaps, in some measure, be collected from hi • subsequent conduct. Now the first thing the Emperor did, when he returned from Tilsit, was to send for the Minister of the Mart e, The" first place he visited was Cronstadt, and tbe first order he gave was for improving the fortification 1 of that place.' His Lordship remarked, thit ma \ y persons iu this country seemed to be oi opinion that tlie exnedition to Copenhagen was generally execrated on the Continent-. H • could assure them, however, in so far as his ex 1 erience went,' that the outrary was the case, particularly in Huss a. The Noble Lord pointed cut the i- . : v-:• ve aris- ig from the publication of what passed be.. v. v : ni .. Majesty's Mini a. and th 1 Governments of other countries Foreign Ministers frequently expressed au tuv. v'.' i : : n. e- s to communicate freely with him, because they did 11 know but that what they stated might, per- hap•., in the eon: a . if a year, be made public. L'ird CtsHereagh contended, that Milli ters were not bound to lav before Parliament all the information on w. ii b hi , M j - ty's declarati . had b? en founded. Au Ho,,. \ i ntlemtin had dwelt much upon the circumstances of h. s Majesty's pleasure being taken on the expedition to Copenhagen on the 1.9th of J - - The fact, however, was. ; hat what pa. - si our that itf relate I onl* to sending a force fc. the ialt'j, in/ ader V j'certain th* disposition of Denmark ; the final ' nstructious to attack were sent out afterwards. Sir C. Price regarded the Copenhagen expedition not only as just and neceAary, but as wisely planned and glo- riously executed. Mr. Davis Giddy was sorry the information on which Ministers had actcd could not be laid before the House. However, as that wis the case, he thought himself bound to acquiesce in the concealment which the Government thou " t necessary- Mr. Ponsonby, 111 his reply, remarked, that all he had asked for was information, and that all the answer he got to that request, was respecting other expedition-, in order to prove some supposed misconduct iu the former Admini- stration. Extracts had be n read, to prove the hostility of Denmark, but to this he objected, on the wholesome prin- ciple, sanctioned by Courts of Justice, which was, that when yon propose to read a document in your defence, you must read the whole of it, for if you were permitted to read extracts only, it is proble that you would read nothing but what was favourable to yourself, and that yon would omit all that was against you. After some brief explanations between Mr. Canning, Mr. Ponsonby, and Mr. T. Grenville, the House divided on the first resolution—- Ayes 108— Noes 253— Majority in fa vour of Ministers 145. Adjourned at half past six o'clock iu the morning. THURSDAY, Feb. 4.] A ballot took place for a Com mittee to try the merits of the petition complaining of the Chippenham Election. Mr. Rose moved for anil obtained leave to bring in' a bill to amend tbe Act for the better regulation of the Office of Treasurer of the Navy. The Brazil Goods Bill was read a second time. The order for the production of the Account of the Amount of Unclaimed Dividends at the Bank, was dis- charged on the motion of Mr. Hushisson, and a new order made for an Account of the Amount of Unclaimed Divi- dends in the Bank, at the end of each quarter for the last three years ; and also of the Lottery Prizes unclaimed within the same period. Mr. Htishisson obtained leave to bring in a bill to regu late the issuing and paying of Exchequer Bills, Mr. Sheridani withdrew his notice of a motion on the state of Ireland, in order to consult Gentlemen from that part of the Empire, and fix a more convenient day for them than Monday, for which the notice now stood. Adjourned. LONDON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5. Government yesterday received dispatches from Jamaica ; every tiling is quiet there; the Assembly has been prorogued. A Jamaica Mail arrived yesterday, bringing letters and papers to the 13th of December. It seems that ipprehetisions of some designs of the Negroes were prevalent at Kingston, where the negro- houses had been searched by three troops of horse for fire- arms, the avenues of the town being guarded at the time by other bodies of the military. In the month of September a dreadful gale of wind as felt in the Bay of Mexico. At Campeachy fifty houses were destroyed, and about fifty vessels lost. The tide rose to such a height, as to drive some of the vessels three miles into the interior. About twelve vessels were lost at Vera Cruz, and most of the crews perished. Letters were yesterday received from Gibraltar, dated the ( ith ult. they state that the French and Spaniards openly avowed their intention to commence the Siege of that place, and were making the necessary preparations. A letter, dated Villa Real, 1 Oth December, extracted from the Gibraltar Chronicle, gives a deplorable account of the state of Portugal since the entrance of the French, who, it says, came as lambs, but ave shewn themselves ravenous and bloody wolves. Though Jutiot has a large army of French and Spaniards there, he has required more troops, to com- plete the subjugation of the country. By the Malta Mail we learn from Sicily, that nn fears are yet entertained of an attack from tbe French. The Sicilians coi - itler themselves as doubly seeure, from the naval force, which serves to prevent any invasion, and from the respectable military force, which would frustrate any weak attack. Private letters estimate that military force at 12,000 men, but we suppose that this includes Sicilian troops. On Tuesday the Duke of York received out of the Registry of the Court of Admiralty, bv virtse of a grant from the King, 20,000/. arising from the pro- ceeds of ships and cargoes condemned to his Majesty. N. On Wednesday his Majesty held a private Levee at the Queen's Palace, at which the Rev. Dr. Busby was pre- sented to his Majesty on his being appointed to the Deanry of Rochester; Lord W111. Bentinek, on his return from Madras; and Brigadier- General Acklaud, 011 his return from South America. The Members of the House of Commons who hold offices under the Prince of Wales, all voted with the Ministers on the question of the Copenhagen Ex- pedition, on Wednesday night. The Sidmouth party voted with the Opposition. The five sail of ships, seen off the Cove of Cork, are now supposed to have been five Danish lndiamcn, which were going North about to escape our cruizcrs. The Leda frigate ran aground a few nights ago, and apprehensions are entertained that she will be lost. The crew however are all saved, and it is possible that the ship may. be got off. She was endeavourihg to enter Milford. Our intercourse with Russia being suspended, R. Crawshay, Esq. of Mertlivr, Glamorganshire, has suggested, as the earliest, most effectual, and most profitable'ms- thod of reclaiming marsh lands in general, the sowing of hemp, which in a year or two usually leaves the soil firm enough for potatoes, or even corn. At the last quarter- session* for Glamorgan, a subscription was accordingly commenced- for supporting an experiment to the extent of E0 acres; to which Mr. Crawshay gave 500 /. NATIONAL DEBT.— An account, shewing what has been redeemed of the National Debt, the Laud Tax, and Impe- rial Loan :— Redeemed by Annual Million, Ac =£. 68,412,770 Ditto bv U. per cent, per annum 011 Loans 63,403,769 Ditto by Land Tax • 22,976,829 Ditto by 1 /. per. cent. pea ann. on Imperial Loan... 829,425 Ditto by Sinking Fund on 12,000,000/. Loan, 1807- 749,489 DIED.] On Friday night last, at his house in Al! in » - toli- strcct, the Right Hon, HiSirv Viscount Gage, of tie kingdom of Ireland, and Baron Gage, of High Menilo , in Gloucestershire: he married, iu 178,9. Mise Skiiils , daughter of the late General, by whom he had seve,.. children: tbe title and estate devolve on his son Hen, wbo was 17 years old in December last.-— On Monday, 1 ' Lower Grosvenor- sireet, in the 85th year of bis age",' tie Right Hon. James Peachey, Baron Selsey, of Selsey, ; i. Sussex, Master of the Robes to his Majesty: his Lordship married a great- grand- daughter of King Charles II i 7. Lady Gei ngina Carolina Scot, daughter of James first 1 r- of Delorainc, who was the s- eond son of the mifortun;-. : Duke of Monmouth, by whom he had one son, John iicv. Lord Selsey, who is in the 59th year of bis age, married to Miss Jennings, first cousin of the Earl of Clanrieadi and has three sons and two daughters, the eldest of whom' James, is in his 23d year.— On Tuesday, in Lower Brook- street, of a liver complaint and liver fever, the R'n- ht. Hon. the Countess of Euston, to the inexpressible'grief of her husband, numerous family, and friends : her Eadvsbi > was daughter of the late Duchess of Gloucester by her fir.-' t. husband, tbe second Earl of Waidegrave, and was married to Lord Euston in November, 1784.— Lately, on his pas- sage from Gottenburgh, Capt. Deane, of the Prince of Wales packet.— At Greenwich, on Sunday the 17th ult. Ralph Davison, Esq. nephew of the late Lieut.- Gove. rnoi- Brown, of tbe island of Guernsey : his death was occasioned by au accident, which he met with some years a^ o, in humanely assisting to save the lives of the crew V'his Majesty's cutter the Pigmy, cast upon the shore of that i- land during a very dark" and stormy night: this gentle- man then unfortunately received a violent blow from part of tbe rigging of that vessel being dashed against him bv the wind, which broke his thigh, from tbe effects of which he never afterwards completely recovered.— On the 25th ult. at Jersey, Elizabeth wife of F. J. Lo Couteur E; o. one of tbe Advocates of the Royal Court of that island.— Oil Sunday last, at Stanley- House, in the King's Iload, Chelsea, Leonard Morse, Esq. of tbe War- Office, F. R. s; and F. A. S.— A few days since, at Newmarket, county ot' Clare, Ireland, in the 9fith year of bis age, Michael Fai fell, the well- known Monarch of the Mendicants of Mini- ster, over whom he reigned for 70 years with mildness, justice, and moderation. ' v Total £. 156,373,283 tbe ensuing quarter is \ ATLAS INSURANCE COMPANY, LONDON, For Fire, Lives, and An. wilies. President— Sir CHRISTOPHER BAYNES, Bart. HUE Capital of this Company is to be T> vo - Millions, in Shares of 50 each, pf which a are it According to intelligence from Dantzic, the inha- bitants of that city are in the most deplorable situation from want of provisions. Black bread, as it is termed, which in ordiuary times has been generally sold at trotn one penny to three halfpence a pound, is now raised to Sd. ; and beef, which was sold at 3d. per pound, is now up to 15d. ; all other articles are raised in proportion. The Moniteurs contain an account of two conversations, stated to have passed between Mr. Canning and Mr. Rists tbe Dani sh Charge d* Affaires; the object of publishing which is to make it appear that Mr. Canning, by threaten- ing " the confiscation of the detained Danish vessels, the capture of the Danish Colonics, the destruction of the Danish trade, the possibility of being obliged to introduce Swedish troops into Cajienhagcu, and the necessity, which might arise, of rewarding and indemnifying his Swedish Majesty with the possession of Norway," expected to ter- rify the Danish Government into an acquiescence with all the plans of the Cabinet of London. - A correspondence ensued between Count Bernstorff, the Danish Minister, and Baron Taube, the Minister of his Swedish Majesty. The former demanded a denial, 011 the part of his Swedish Majesty, of " this calumnious insinuation." The latter at first said it was unnecessary to give the explanation re- quired ; the Court of Copenhagen might judge his Swedish Majesty by his actions; but on being further pressed for an explanation, Baron Taube wrote in answer, that " had iiis Swedish Majesty judged it necassai'y to occupy Zealand with his tioops, jointly with those of UU All}', he should have done it." The sum to b? expended in 2,400,977'. 12s. 4d. LAW.— The construction of the Will of the late Lord Leigh has b'een argued at some length in the Court of CUancery, fry Sir Samuel Roniilly, and Messrs. Richards, Leech, and Agar. It appeared that his Lordship devised to * he next anil nearest of his kindred, " he being a male, and of his blood and name," certain parts of bis estate in remainder. Now the question is, whether the son of the* sister of the testator, who has changed his name from Smith to Leigh, is entitled to such remainder ? It is ad- mitted lie is next male heir by blood, but it is contended that his name having been originally Smith, he does not answer the description in the Will; and that the licence of his Majesty to assume the name of Leigh will nrtt entitle him to take under the provisions of the Will. The case stands over. Landed property to an immense amount is dependent upon it. The Chancellor has called two of the Judges to his assistance upon this occasion. COURT ((/' KING's Br. scn, Feb. 1.— The King v. William Courtney, Ls'j.— This was a question upon au information in the nature of a quo warranto, to try the legality of tbe Defendant's election and swearing in as Alderman of the borough of Saltash. The objection taken was, that the Defendant had been elected in 1802. It was neeessaay that he should be sworn in before the Mayor, Justices, and Aldermen. A meeting was held iu 1805, before Mr. Buller, Mayor, when it was proposed to swear him in. Three of the Corporation objected, becaus?. they asserted that the Mayor had said that the meeting was to elect au Alderman. They were going away ; and one of them actually went. In his absence ( but in presence of the other two, who made 110 objection), the Defendant was sworn in, a majority of the Corporation consenting. His Lordship now gave judg- ment ; and, after a full examination of all the authorities, decided that the Defendant was duly elected and sworn. CORN EXCHANGE, Feb. 5. To- day there ate some fresh arrivals of Wheat, which makes a middling supply, and continues nearly at last prices; Barley and Malt likewise ; Beans of the two sorts are rather dearer; Rye and Rape Seed also; the Oat trade, for fine samples, fetch rather better price ; in Flour- no alteration. Yesterday morning, at half past six o'clock, a fire broke out in tbe house of Miss Pickman, a lace- shop, in Castle- street, Leicester- fields. It was with difficulty Miss Pick- man, her servant, her niece, a gentleman who lodged in the house, and her shop- woman, could be awaked ; when this was effected, they all, except the shop- woman, got uut of a window on to the leads of the shop- window, and reached the ground in safety. ' The flames spread to the house of Mr. Blewett, a cool- i's- sliop, and to that of Mr. Kemot, chemist, in Bear- street, both of which were burnt down, and in the, latter very considerable property was destroyed. Whilst tbe flames were burstiivg out. with great violence, Miss Fickman's shop- woman appeared at a window on the third floor ; her senses were bewildered by the dreadful scene ; and some ot the spectators calling out that she would be burnt if she did not jump down, she unfortunately obeyed them, and was dashed to pieces on the pavement. No other lives were lost, but many persons very narrowly escaped perishing. GOVTR- NOR I'ICTON. Yesterday the Court of King's Bench acceded to the motion for a new trial. Their Lord- ships observed, that they did not mean at present to ex- press any opinion 011 the points urged by the Counsel ; but they granted the new trial in order that a special verdict might be delivered, after which the question might be solemnly discussed and determined. BIRTH.] On the 18th ult. at Ampton, Suffolk, Lady Charles Fitzroy of a daughter. MARRIED.] In November last, William Lee, Esq. of Charleston, South Carolina, to Lady Belhaven, widow of the late Lord Belhaven, of Scotland.— Lately, at Stoke- D. unerel, Capt. Bedford, of the Royal Navy, to Miss Fan- shawe, third daughter of Commissioner 1' anshawe.— Lately, at Lassanour Castle, eo. Aurrim, Captain Golding, of the 4tli Dragoons, to Miss Georgiana Hume, daughter of tbe late Rev. Dr. Hume, and grand- niece of the late Ear! Macartney.— At Abingdon, B. A. C. Tliornhill, Esq. to Wilhelmina Countess de Wigintone, of Vale- House, in Oxfordshire, widow of the late C0u. 1t de Wigintoiie. port^ in arc already subscribed lor by persons of respectabditv, property, and connections, Two Hundred Thousand Pounds being considered a- perfceth" adequate to any claims which are likelv to be nraii • 0: 1 the Company, it is intended to call for only Ten per Gen:, of til-' Capital, to be paid a', follow 1: Ten Shillings per Share at. the time of subscribing ; and the remainder by instalments,. after signing tbe. d'c. t. t' settlement. 3.— There are to be Eighteen Directors, elected by the Proprietors. 4.— This Institution is peculiarly worthy th- attention of Gentlemen of the profession, cf the Law, who have illiberally been excluded from some establishments of a similar nature -. and from having a considerable quantity of Life Insurance annually to effect, will, by becoming Proprietors, be partic,- pators in the profits arising therefrom" 5.— Every Proprietor engages Jo insure with the Companv to ihe amount of his Sliarcj; thus Two Millions of Insurance is SF CURED. The unjtcd iorluencs and connection of so • tended a body of Proprietor:, v.- ill enctcair the profits of the Company to such an extent, as, with the interest of the Capital, which is to be. placed out 011 Government Securities, will command annually a handsome Dividend. Agents will be appointed in tbe provincial towns throughert the kingdom, from the recommendation ot the Proprietors n such towns. Subscriptions will be received by Sir James E dailc and Co, Lombard- street; Down, Thornton, and Free, Bartholomew- Lane; Masterman, Peters, and Co. Lombard- street; Bar en Dimsdale and Co. CSornhiU'; and I lammcrsley and Co. Pull- Mall; of whom Prospectuses may be had. " [ 444 WARMINSTER TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arisir- at the several Toll Gates upon the Turnpike Roads t Warminster, in the county of Wilts, called and knows by tile several names of " The East Gate, the South Gate, t', : North Gate, the Pound Street Gate, the Stop Gates, an • • Deverel 1 Gate," will be LETT by PUBLIC AUCTION to the best bidder, at the house of James Brooks, called or knov. n by the name of the Angel Inn, at Warminster aforesaid, on Monday the 8th day of February next, at two o'clock in ths afternoon, in the. manner directed by the Act passed in ths thirteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for regulat- ing the Turnpike Roads; which said several Tolis together produced the last year the sum of one thousand seven hundred and thirty- four pounds,- above the expcnces of collecting then-, and will be. put up at that sum.-—— Whoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time give security, with suf- ficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed on. at such times and in such manner as they shall direct. Dated this 28th day of December 1807. S- 21PJ JOHN TURING, Clerk and Treasurer.. SARUM AND EALING TURNPIKE. WHEREAS in pursuance of the Notices given irt the manner directed bv the Act, passed in the lOtla year of the reign of his present Majesty," for rcgnlatingTurn- pike Roads," the Tolls arising at the several Toll- Gates erected upon this Turnpike were put up to Auction, in two lots, to be lett to the best bidder, 011 Friday the 16th day of January. at the several sums the said Tolls produced the last year, but 110 bidder offered for one of the said lots, viz for the Tolls oj Petersfingcr Gate, Earldom Gate, Tntton Gate, and Ly:;'! hurst Gate :— Notice is therefore hereby given, that the said TOLLS arising at the said Gates, called Pet rsfinger Gat?, Earldom Gate, Totton Gate, and Lyndhurst Gate, will b~ again put up to be LETT bv AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the house cf Joachim Hibberd, known by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the citv of New Sarum, on i-' riday the 19th day of February next, between the hours of eleven two o'clock, in the manner directed by the beforc- mentionee Act, and will then be put up at the reduced sum of One Thousand One Hundred and Five Pounds for the year, to be computed from the 2d day of February next, and the renter is to receive of the present collector the Tolls from t'ntst time till the 21st day of February next, when the renter is to be put into possession t> f the said Toll Gates and receipt of the Tolls, and commence the collection thereof en that day. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security, withsufficierit sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall clirect. W. BOUCHER, Clerk and Treasurer. SAHUM, Jan. 16, 1808. f « 60 SUPERIOR BENEFITS. Trebl- the Number of Grand Prizes. Double the Number of Smaller Prizes. No fixed Capital.— Drawing begins the 8th of March. HORNSBY and Co. beg leave to acquaint Clubs, Societies, and individual Purchasers, the ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY SCHEME is by far the best that has been submitted to their attention for many years past, and hope for a continuance of their favour. It is of great impor- tance to buy Tickets or Shares before the Drawing begins, or. account of there being np fixed capital prize. Last year onlv were shated by I loinsby. and Co. 1,9,544. . t- 0,000. 2,27.9 8,8: J1, 8,710 ..£ 10,000 . .. 5,000 . .. 5,000 10,87U 1,; 3M) 44.. ... i. 1,000 So © 500 Where likewise are to be disposed of, by way of Lottery. TWENTY CITY FREEHOLD HOUSES, Land- tax re- deemed, situated in the best- part of the City of London; the lowest Prize Li, 000, the highest Prize .£ 25", 000. Present Prices.— Tickets £ 7. l is. Halves £ 1 0 0 1 Eighths £\ 1 0 Quarters 2 1 0 | Sixteenths 0 10 .1 The Grand Prizes in Cox's Lottery, 1774, Pigot's Grand Diamond, l'SOl, several Prizes in Bbydcll's and Bowyer's, were- sold by Hornsby and Co. Orders, by post ci carrier, ix cutcd on the same terms as if present, at'Jo, Cornhill, 52, Charing cross, and St. Mar- garet's- hill, Borough, London. f44p THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, MADE H DA* AND MARTIN, LONDON. THIS invaluable Composition, with half the usual labour, prcduc- es the most brilliant jet- black ever bt - id ; affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate. Sold, wholesale, by Day and Martin, removed to No. 97, High Holborn, London; and retail by their agents,— Collins, Salisbury; Coulton, Devizes; Simmonds, Blandfurd; Penny, Sherborne; Ciaikc, Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth; Harold, jar.. Marlborough ; Skcltou, Southampton ; Martin, Ly- mington; Crockf'ord, Castle- Carcy ; and Moore, Poole, ir stone bottles, price Is. ( id, cash. [ 5t' 2 r TIIH SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Sunday's Post. Bv Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY SIGHT, FSB. 6. AOMIRAITY- OFWB, FFA. FI, 1308. ' ' E strati of a letter from Vtee- Mm. Dffres, Commander in Chief of nis Majesty's SW'ps and Vessels at Jamaica, dated on board hi.: Majesty's ship Veteran, Port Royal, VV. h December, 1B07. [ . WING received a latter from Captain Mau- rice, of the Savage, acquainting me of the capture of the Quixote, Spanish privateer, of eit;' it guns, and 99 men on hoard, belonging to Porto Cavallo; and as she is a vessel of a large class, and fitted out for the annoyance pf the trade bound to this island, it giicS me pleasure to acquaint you therewith. Cnnmis' ions signed by the. Lord Lieutekat of the county of Southampton.— Henry JDrummond, Esq. to be Deputy Lieutenant. Stoehbrilge Batt. of Volunteer Infantry.— Capt. John Cain to be Adjutant, Poriidow. 1 ' Yeomanry Cavalry,— Joseph Carter, jun. G nt. to be Lieutenant, vice Whitcomb, resigned. Southampton Volunteer Infantry,— William Ward, Gent, to be Ad) utant. The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the Returns made in ihe week ending the 3d i'eiv of February, < 808, is Thirty- One Shillings and Eifi't'- Penee Three Farthings per Hundred Weight, ex- clusive of the Duties. C O It Vlgrerate Average Prices of the Twelve Maritime Dis- tri ts of England and W i s, by which Exportation and ' B.> mty are to be regit Vet! in Great. Britain : Wheat $.•)!. 3d.;— Rye' 47'. fitf.;— Barley 38. s. 9d;— Oats 20s. 21 ;— Beans 1 Id.;— anl Peas 84 » . 11 d. per Quarter.— Oatrueal 3, » . ' Jd. per Boll. BANKRUPTS. Til' 1. Gray, of Rnmfor'l, iimltolder. K •">• of I'ojie, . Montgomeryshire, timber- merchant. J. Woo'lev, ot'WKiham- gveen, brewer. David K - es, n'f Llsmo'v. shopkeeper. V . A. is, 11. : 0, of I. iv pool, merchant. Jeli • i ' " M, of Li 1 " i'luool, merchant, Jo:. 1 lli v .. . a, sen. of Newcastle upon- Tvne, vintner. lUciiard SeaVjok, of Great Bra liey, butcher. u. ve'. i " tV,,.'.; il , ve. of Aiiisworth- mill, Lancashire, calico- printer, Jo- e])! i Vae- vlev, 01'. Sheliield, cutter. Kirliarii E:; in: itoii, sen. of Aainie'eni, hemp- manufacturer. Th-. s. Rued, at' 1: 1 .: ov: ue- road, •; iiieer. I: . •: jnn • -, of G iver- street, Whitechapsl, silk- winder. W.-. I. 0lie, . 1' York, miller. 1 .1. i., Wri.' i!, of Onlverton, innkeeper. M .- C! nen. • of Craven- street, strand, taylor. It. W rantand Win. Roberts,- of Angel- court, London, merchants Joan Itnil'in, of Stepney, man i- marincr. HOUSE OF LORDS. FRIDAY, Feb. 5.] ( Ill th" motion of Lord Auckland, so much of Sir James Innes's Petition as related to the Roxburgh titles, was referred to the Committee ol Pri- vilege-. Mr. Hase, from the Bank of England, presented an account of the disposal of the produce of the Sinking Fund last year. Tlie bill fer repealing Queen Ann's Bounty Act Suspen- sion Act, went through a Committee. Adjourned to Monday. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRIDAY, Feb. 5.] The Marquis of Titchfield, Chair- main of the Chippenham Election Committee, reported that- James Dawkins, Esq. was duly elected. The Biil to amend the Act for regulating the Office of Treasurer of the Navy was brought in by Mr. Rose, and read a first time. On the question being put that the Speaker leave the Chair, in order for tiie House to go into a Committee of Ways and Means 011 the late Orders in Council relative to Neutrals, Lord H. Petty arraigned the justice and policy of the Orders, and wis supported therein by Dr. Lawrence, Mr. Windham, a .1 Sir A. Pigot. The. Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Master of the Hithi spuke in dcT- mee of the Orders in Council. The motion wa- 5 carried without a division, and the House went into a Committee. In the Committee, Mr. Perceval submitted a string of Resolutions, imposing various duties on articles the pro- duce of British colonies, 011 their exportation from Great Britain. These Resolutions lie intended to be printed ; and they might be taken into farther consideration on a subse- quent day, when the merit of these duties would be ap- preciated. This was agreed to, and the report wat ordered to be received on Monday ; to whieh day the House ad- journed at Two o'clock in the morning. LONDON, SATURDAY BVENIN&, FEB. 6. • No account has yet been received of the French squadron which lately escaped from Rochfort ; and the. reports respecting Sir John Duckworth and Sir R. Strgchan, who are in search of it, are confused and contradictory. The Madrid Gazette contains the official details of the actions at Buenos Avres ; they are not of great length. Liniers asserts, that the English army lost 4000 men in the first attack. It is also stated that Gen. Whitelocks made him a present of a sword as an acknowledgement for the humanity shewn by the Spanish Commander to the English prisoners and the wounded. In return, General Liniers presented some valuable minerals, and other curiosities, to Geno- rul Whitelockc. The EssSx, one of the last outward- bound East India fleet, was run foul of by a ship oft' Sciliy, and suffered considerable damage in her rigging, which obliged her to return to Torbay, where she must remain till another convoy. Mr. Steele, wiia was shot through the lungs in a duel, about six weeks ago, on Wandsworth Common, and of Miho. se recovery great doubts have been entertained, is de- elared out of danger. GENERAL WHITELOCKK'S TRIAL.— The Court has pro- ceeded with the examination of witnesses every day in the present week; but as the publication of the evidence is prohibited till the trial is ended, a repetition of the forms used each day could afford neither instruction nor amuse- ment to our readers. A young gentleman, the son of a very opulent mer- chant, near Crutched Friars, has been missing since last Thursday. Oti that evening lie was seen at the play, and, it appears, went afterwards to a noted house in £ t. James's- street, where he lost a considerable sum at Hazard. There does not appear any defalcation in his accounts, aid being an only son, his unhappy parents are almost frantic at his absenco. John Hicks, Clerk to an Attorney in Wmdey- street, Oxford- street, is committed to Newgate, after a long ex- amination before the Lord Mayor, charged with uttering a forged check for Or. lOrf. with intent to defraud house of Prescott, Groot", and Co. ", ovm of CHANCER v, Friday, ftw. 5.—- The Lord Chan- - rejected the application of Bullock the Bankrupt, ader sentence of death m Newgate, to set aside the -. ion of Bankruptcy i sued against him. He will siuTcr, unlc.- s hie Majesty should think proper n Thursday, at the Earl cf Koira's house - e, the Countess of Moira arid London of ' ay, at his seat. ? n Ayreshire, in the ' the K.,; bt H* n. George Lh. d ay- tu'd and Linn-. -•'. Viscount and autqnant of Fiieshirc, who is his brother, the Hon. Robert at Saldon House, Oxford- to'pb- srWiltoughby, flaw. V « \> rest. FRICES OF STOCKS THIS At Three 0' Clock, DAY, Bank Stock, 228 India Stock, 170J South Sea Stock, — 3 Cent. Bed. 64$ 3 - p. Cent. Cons, 63J 4 Cents. 82| 5 ^ Cent. Navy, SG § 6 sgi. Cent. 17.07, — Long Ann. Short Arm. — , Omnium, 2;} pr> Irish ditto, — India Bonds. 2 a 1 dis. Exchequer Bills, 1 dis. per Irish 5 Cents. .03} Imperial 3 ^ Cents. 63$ English Lott. Tick. 2U. — it. Ditto Prizes, fall Money. port Be* FALMOUTH, Feb. 4. The Duke of Kent packet, from Jamaica, arrived on Monday last. The Princess Elizabeth packet, from Malta and Gibral- tar, arrived the same day. The American ship Active, Capt. King, which arrived 011 Monday last, from St. Lbe's, has brought the following latest accounts' that had reached that place from Lisbon : they stated that all was tranquil. A slight disturbance took place on the 12th of December, in which ten of the inhabitants were killed; this arose in consequence of the French attempting to place their flag 011 the fort of Beleno, & e. which the Portuguese resisted— since then the French have not attempted it. The guards are doubled at all tlui public avenues and squares; and not more than ten persons ( Portuguese) are allowed to assemble together. During the nights several of the French have been mur- dered— all British property has been confiscated— provi- sions of all kinds are at such a price, that it is supposed the French troops must shortly return. Very little short of 40,000 men are at this moment in Portugal. The Por- tuguese ships of war are fitting out, by the French, with the greatest expedition possible. The Minotaur, of 74 guns, w ith Sir C. Cotton on board, is arrived off the Tagus, to . join the squadron under Sir Sidney Smith. Neither of these vessels brought any news of importance. When the Duke of Kent sailed, no attack had been made on the Danish Islands ; but orders were anxiously looked for from home for that purpose. PORTSMOUTH, Feb. (>• The Baraconta, which sailed 011 Tuesday, is charged with dispatches to the Brazils, to Bombay, and to Madras. The latter are supposed to be of importance, and to direct that par- ticular care shall be taken to guard against any surprize from the enemy. Monday— Arrived the Sharpshooter gun- vessel. TuesduiI— Sailed the Chichester, of 44 guns, Capt. Tait, for Sheerness ; and Sprightly cutter. Arrived the Penelope, of 36 guns, Capt. Dick, from Plymouth. " Wednesday— Aiuived the Thalia, 32 guns, Capt. Walker. Thursday— Sailed the Hercule, of 74 guns, Hon. Capt. Colville, to join the Channel fleet; Baraeouta sloop, Capt. Harris, with dispatches for Madras; Racehorse sloop, Capt. Fisher; Fleche sloop, Capt. White ; and Adonis cutter. Friday— Arrived the Chiffonne, of 36 guns, Capt. Wain- wright, with convoy from the Mediterranean ; Guerrier, of 44 guns, Capt. Steene, bound to Jamaica, having the Duke of Manchester and family on board; Cossack sloop, from the Downs. Came into harbour the Tigre, of 80 guns. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, FES R if A RY S. Yesterday 320 fine young men, belonging to the Ayrshire Militia, marched into this city, on their route to Gosport, to join the regiment there. Benjamin Cooke Grifliuhoofe, Esq. of New Or- mond- street, London, is elected Member of Pnrlia^ ment for the borough of Yarmouth, in the Isle of Wight, in the room of Jervoise Clarke Jervoise, Esq. deceased. BIRTHS.] On Saturday last, Mrs. Godden, wife of John Godden, Gent. Bailiff of Andover, of a daughter.—- On Jlondtte, tit Bellevue, near Scu'. k> ainpton, the Lady of Johr » Jackson, Esq. M. P. for that town, of a daughter. On Tuesday last was married Wm. Sturges Bourne, Esq. one of the' Lords of the Treasury, and M. P. for Christchurch, to Miss Anne Bowles, third daugh- ter of Oldfield Bowles, Esq. of North Ashton, in Oxfordshire. On Thursday was married Mr. George Turner, linen- draper, of Queen- street, Portsea, to Miss Lowe, of Rvde, in the Isle of Wight. On Thursday last was married at Ail Saints Church, Southampton, Major C. Gordon, of the g4th Regi- ment, to Mrs. Roberts. Yesterday se'nnight died, in the 8O1I1 year of her a^ e, Mrs. Duthy, relict of John Duthy, Esq. for- merly Receiver- General for this county. Lately died, at Poole, in Dorsetshire, Miss Maria Barton, daughter of the late George Barton, Esq. of the Isle of Wight. A few days since died, at Worthy, near ' his city, aged 24 years, Miss Sarah Page, daughter of Daniel Page, Esq. late. Barrack Mastes here. On Saturday last died Mrs. Harris, wife qf Mr. Harris, of the White Swan Inn, Arrdovcr. Yesterday died Mrs. Savage, wife of Mr. Savage, hair- dresser, of this city. CANINE MADNESS.— A dog, in a state of hydrophobia, was shot on Sunday the 24th ult. at Christchurch: be was known to have bitten several dogs, which have all been killed. The Magistrates have ordered all dogs in the town ! to be confined, fearing he might have bit tap other dots, & c. which have not come to any person's knowledge.— And in the. previous week, Mr, Yelf, of Horn, in the parish of Christchurch, was under the disagreeable necessity of shooting three excellent cows, having tdl been bitten by a mad dog, about a month since, and were all of them in a state of hydrophobia. We hope and trust it will manifest itself in no other instance. SALISBURY. MOKDAY, FF. ERl'ARY > 1808. SUE Birrs appointed by His Majesty in Council for the ' year 180B : Berkshire, William Congrcve, of Aldermaston Park, Esq. Devonshire, Sir Henry Canny, of Haccoir, be, Bart. Dorsetshire, Nicholas Charles Daniel, of lipway, Esq. Somersetshire, Charles Kemeys Tynte, of HalesweR, Esq. County of Southampton, George Hanbury AJichell, of Titchfield Lodge, Esq. Wiltshire, John Holton, of Grittleton, Esq. SHERIFF appointed by the Prince of W;. les in Council: County oj Cornwall, JohtiTfl'ie Cory ton, of Crocadon, Esq. On Monday Charles Palmer, Esq. Major in the 10th or Prince of Wales's own Light Dragoons, was unanimously clectcd Member of Parliament for the city of Bath, in tl; e foo. m of his father, John Palmer, Esq. who has vacated his seat on account of his de- clining stale of health. William Gore Langton, Esq. fs elected Member of Parliament for the borough of Trcgony, in Cornwall, in the room of Godfrey Wcntworth Wentwarth, Esq. and Charles Treliwuey Brereton, Esq. is elifcted Member for the borough of Mitchell, or Midshull, in Cornwall, in the , ruoin of George Galway Mills, — both Gentlemen having vacated by accepting the Stewardship of one of bis Majesty's Manors. On Tocsday Benjamin Walsh, K q. of Clapton, Middle- ex, '. vast elected Member of Parliament fiir Wootten- lia- sset, in this county, ill the room of .1. Severn, Esq ( late t'heesemeut) v. ho vacated by accepting the Stewardship of the Chii tern. Hundreds. On Wednesday a number of young men, from the Wiltshire Militia, now quartered at Newcastle- upon- Tyne, marched through London to join the 83d regi- ment of foot, at Portsmouth, into which they have volunteered their services. On Tuesday was married, at Serciagton, in thi, s county, Mr. Thomas Bruges, of Melksham, to Miss Tayler, only child of Matthew Tayler, of Seming- ton, with a handsome fortune. On Thursday was married Mr, James Ball, jun. of the King's Arms Inn, in this city, to Miss E. Ryder, late of Popham- Lane, Hants. In August last died, of a fever, atBarbadoes, aged 22 years, Mr. Robert Hawkins, Master of his Ma- jesty's ship Affiance, and son of Mrs. Hawkins, linen- draper, of Dorchester. On the 30th ult. died, at her mother's house, I) ul- vertou, Someret, Miss Sterne, eldest daughter of VVm. Sterne, Esq. formerly of this city. On Wednesday the 27 th ult. died, at Swindon, in this county, Mr. Crowdy, solicitor, of that place— a Gen- tleman eminent and honorable in his profession, ine « - pressibly endeared to his family, beloved and esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and now deeply and deservedly lamented by all who had the pleasure of knowing him. He has died at tile early age of 47, and ( eft a widow with twelve children inconsolable for their unexpected and irreparable loss. On Sunday the 3 1st ult. died, deeply lamented by her family and friends, Mrs. Harwood, wife of Mr. Ambrose Harwood, of Momir. ing'on, near this city. On Tuesday last died, after a lingering illness, Mr. Wm. Mowland, a resectable farmer, of the borough of Downton, aged G6 yeats. On Friday se'nnight died In Walcot Poor- house, Bath, Jas. Waite, aged one hundred and seven. Hk was born in the house adjoining the White Horse Cellar, opposite Wal- cot church, aud was never out. of the parish a twelvemonth together. He lived as a servant to old " Squire Hooper" 16 years; but was the greater part of his life a chairman. He remembers when there were only eight houses in the parish of Walcot— and no poor- rate 1— There were two capital c'othiers in it. Waite had three wives; by the first he had 15 children, one of whom survives him, and who is like- wise a eh irman. He went into the poor- house April 7, 1797 ; and was then by bis own account, 97, though it was reported he was 103. He has lived there nearly 11 years, and always expressed him elf grateful for the humane attention he experienced. He perfectly recollects hearing about the rlwath of Queen Anne, aud the coronation of George I. His faculties were clear till within three or four days of his dissolution. Mrs. Wansborough of Romsey, daughter of the late Alderman VVansborough, of this city, has gene- rously sent a benefaction of 1001. to the Treasurer of the Salisbury Infirmary, for the use of that excellent Charity. A forgery has been committed 011 the notes of the De- vizes Bank, but we have authority to say that it was con- fined to the notes of one guinea only. The forgery was fortunately discovered on the day after any of the forged notes had been first passed, and by the active exartions of the Magistrates at Bath, several persons, supposed to be concerned, were immediately taken into custody, some of whom have been committed for trial.— From the early discovery of the forgery, very few forged notes are supposed to have been circulated, and those chiefly in Bath and the • neighbourhood. On Monday last a fire broke out at Tingleton Cottage, near Dorchester, which entirely consumed the dwelling- house, barn, and stable. The furniture, & c. were mostly saved. The damage is estimated at about 700/. two of which is only insured ; it is the property of Mr. Arney, of llsington. To the PRINTER O/" F AC SALISBURY ^ WINCHESTER JOURNAL. SIR, Having htely seen i several newspapers that a r. ew Comet has feeen diSeoveVitl in tV. Constellation of An- dromeda, forming a triangle witd the Stars p. and t, and that its situation was su'ch 011 the night of the Sfa'th of De- cember last, having 8° of right ascension aud 40° of North declination:— I beg to inform such of your readers as are fond of astronomical pursuits, that the supposed new Comet is a nebulous or elondy star, of which there are several; but the most remarkable one is that in the middle of Orion's Sword, in which Huggeus and Dr. Long observed twelve stars, seven of which ( four of them being very close toge- ther) seem to shine through a cloud, very lucid near the middle, but faint and ill- defined about the edges. Dr. Herschel, by means of bis powerful telescopes, has disco- vered that those lucid specks are composed entirely of masses of small stars. Your's, A CONSTANT READER. To the PRINTER of the SALISBURY Sf WINCHESTER JOURNAL. SIR, As the following Charter of King Athelstan, dated A. D. 937, which has never appeared in English, illustrates the antiquities of our County, and, particularly, contains the earliest mention of STONEHENGE, as a landmark or boundary, I have translated it, for the amusement of your readers, from the original Saxon, lately published by Mr. Ingram, the Saxon Professor at Oxford. Your's, & c. January 24, 1808. ANTfQUARIUS. " THIS IS i, the land- book of Broadcombe ; being a de- scription of the lands which King Athelstan granted by Charter to the Nuns at Wilton, for himself aud for Eadfleda his sister, for an everlasting inheritance. These are the land- marks and boundaries at Broadcombe:— From the banks of the Nadder, up northward over Eastcombe, to wliere the IIYGE PILE OF STONES f. LOOKS TOWARDS THE HEATHEN BARROWS; thence westward along the ridge to where the military path* shoots against Westbury bv Short River; J and thenceforth by the Were § to Rringwold- trow;*[ thence along the military path into Heitesbury; thence- forth along { he stream fo the ford of oxen ; thence Lliere- over uil a lake , thence along the lake onward to the Nadder. " The aforesaid donation Was made in Ihe year from ths Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ ifine hundred and thirty- seven." f Stone- ridge, Sax. corrupted into Stonidge and Stonel^ enge. * Probably what is now called the Old Bath Road. Vid. Sax. Chart. * Ryther, or Rother, Sax. hence the name of Rothcr- bcast$ in ' old Deeds. § Hence the name of IVtrminster, anciently JVereninster. ^ From its situation is appears t » be Bishopstrow. .1 ( - V ., . , HOME MARKETS. prices of Corn, per (. hs, a,- tcr— lheaj^ per Gallon, fcl\ STATE LOTTERY OF 25,000 TICKETS, Hegini drawing the 8/ ft of'next Month. HIS Lottery contains nearly double tlie number of Capita! Prists of any Lottery for many years past, though some of those Lotteries consisted of 80,000 Tickets. M CAPITALS. 3.. , of. , £ 40,000 3... ... of.., .. £ 10,0110 1 so.. of... . .,£ 500 4... ... of.., 5,000 1 45., of..., ... 100 SO.. . ... of... ..... 1,000 j uo.. Arc. & c. of..., ... eo lety arc now sslling by Sir JAMiiiS BR. ANSCOMB ar. d Go. at their Offices in London and at the PH; KTII< C- 0:' F » CK, SA- LISBURY ; and where also arc scHing Tickets and Shares for TIIE GHJ. VD CITY LOTTERY Of FIIF. F. UOI. D HOUSES, discharged of Land- Tax, containing Capital Priies to the Amount of ,£ 104,900, vir. I.. valued at.. jg « 5, ooo 1 7,000 « a, 000 7.. valued at., jft, 000 e r. ooo 1 S, UOO tS" It. is proposed that those Prircs which arc divided into small Shares shall bi sold, and the producc paid to the re- spective Shareholders. * « * In the last Lottery the .£ 40,000 Prize, the largest ever ' bared, was sold in 16' Sixteenths, by6ir j* s. Baa « sc « Ms and Co. and their Agents; by whom Capit d Prizes to ttie amonnt of TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY THOUSAND POUND were sold in the two last years Lotteries. THEATRE, SALISBURY, February 5, 18& 8. MR. SH ATFORD res|> ectfully informs the Public, that he is arrived for the purpose of putting. the Theatre in proper state for their reception, and of making such ar- rangements as may be ncccssary for opening it with tSect; and he trusts, with confidence, he shsll obtain the patronage of a liberal Public. Good Fires will continue to be kept in the Theatre, that every part of the house may lie well aired. The Manager cannot positively tijc the day the Theatre will be open, but he has little doubt he shall be able tQ announce a performance on MONDAY the 1 atr. Instant. [ 447 H. H. NIE next Meeting of the II. II. will be held at the George Inn, Alresford, on Wednesday, Feb. 10. J. T. VILl. EBOIS, Esq. 15. Col. GUMMING, j- Stewards. Dinner on the table at half past five. [ 354 rr, HK next SALISBURY ASSEMBLY will be on A TIIURSOAV the J 1th of February instant.— Dancing to begin at eight o'clock and end at twelve. E. BAKER, " J J. R. SEYMOUR, VStewards. W. B. BROD1E, J Mr. GOODALI,, Master of the Ceremonies. [ 4* 5 POOLE TURNPIKE. ^ HE next MEETING of the TRUSTEES will X be holden at the Old Antelope Inn, in POOLE, on Tuesday the . nth day of- Febrnnry next. WM. CASTLEMAN, Clerk to the Trustees. WiMnouNE, Jan. 14, IBOS. | « ( Ki BLANDFORD, DORSET. THE next COUNTY BALL will be at the Assembly Room, BLANDFORD, on Tuesday the lCthof February 1808. ' [ 449 ANDOVER. THE next ASSEMBLY will be at the Town- hall, on Friday the 12th of February- instant. Mit. GOODALL, Master of the Ceremonies, Gentlemen, Non- Subscribers, 5s. 428] Ladies ditto Us. 6i. WARMINSTER CONCERT AND BALL. THE Subscribers and the Public are respectfully informed, that the THIRD SUBSCRIPTION VOCAL CONCERT will be at the Town- Hall, on Monday the loth of February, 1808.— To begin at half past six. After the Concert.,— A ISA LI., Tickcts, Es. each, to be had at Lacy's Library, Market- place, Warminster. [ 444 Wheat. Barley. Oafs. Beans. Bread. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. 4-' s. d. GO to 68 02 to 36 09 to 36 t> 0 to 66 1 7 ItlX to 74 05 to 39 2.0 to 32 57 to 5.9 1 6 56 to 72 US to 38 23 to 34 48 to 60 1 7 51 to 85 3- 2 to 39 26 to : J4 62 to 56 1 7 fill to 6ii 35 to 33 48 to 32 56 to 60 1 5 56 to 70 34 to 38 30 to 35 5!} to 62 —— Salisbury, Basingstoke, Devizes, Ncsfvbygy, Audovrf, Warminster, Height of the Gallon Loaf, Zth. Woz.— Half Gall. 4 lb, .5jni. MESSRS. EYRE ami STRAHAN, His Majesty's Pffnters, have specially appointed B. C. COLLINS, Bookseller, Salisbury, their Wholesale and Retail Vender of The only Genuine FORM of PRAYER, For Morning, Communion, and Evening Service, in all Churches and Chapels, on Wednesday, Feb. 17, being the day appointed by proclamation for " A GENERAL FAST, And HUMILIATION before ALMIGHTY GQD. N. B. This genuine Form >.( Prayer ii handsomely printed in Quart", price gd. and the same in Octavo, price inf.— and to otuiate disappointment, it is earnestly requested that all orders from venders and Dealers may be immediately sent to the Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury, fj/ Q ADIEU, THOU DARLING OF MY HEART:" a DUETT, sung at the Amateur Concert in London. Composed and dedicated to Miss A'COUBT, By the Bpv. WJI. l SAM LISLE BCTVYLES, 1 Price Is. Ui. Published and sold by J. and H. Banks, Salisbury:— solj also by Mr. Wcllman," Southampton; and Mr. Lintern, Bath. [ 448 DYE- HOUSE, SALISBURY.. BW. LEWIS ( having taken another large Dye- • house in Castlc- strect, nearly adjoining the one he has occupied for some years past) begs to inform his friends and the public, that, by the arrangements he is now making, he will be enabled to undertake and cxecute the Dyeing of Yarn, Wool, and Piece Goods, eqiir. l to the Somerset and Glocester- shire modes of dyeins, and with the utmost expedition. [ Mi GROCERY, DRAPERY, MERCERY, HOSIERY, & c, PGUNDRY, from Calne, with the greatest • rcspect, begs to acquaint his friends and the public, that he has OPENED A SHOP on DEVIZES Gnr. r. N, where he intends keeping a regular assortment in the above branches, and most humbly solicits their support, which it will always be his study to merit. f4oi N. B. All Notes of Peter Gundry, jun. and Co. Will meet with payment when presented on Devizes Green as aforesaid. WANTED acquainted with the Mealing and Baking Business. Apply to Mr. E. Hooper, Fontmell Magna, near Shaftes- bury, Dorset. A steady single Man, who ij well ft TO be SOLD by PRIVATE SALE,— A sub- stantial Brick- built DWELI. ING, lately erected, together with two Acres of good Land. The building consists of two small dining- rooms, two bed- rooms, two titties, a servants' closet or bed- room, a good kitchen, scullery, coal- house, and pantry, with stoves, ratine, and copper fixed, generally known by the name of RODLKY, situated on a pleasant rising ground, two miles from Lymington, between Boldre Bridge and the Church ; the situation healthy arid dry, with a spring and pump of Very excellent water. The Land is held for a term of 929 years, about » 00 of which are unexpired. fS90 First Situation for Trtnle in the Town of NEHTORT. rpO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, in A One Lot,— A DWELLING- HOUSE situate in the High- street and St. James's- street, and leading to the Grand Depot in Parkhurst Forest. The. House consists of three shops, entrance* hall, two parlours, two kitchens, good. cellars, two pumps, & e.; on the second floor, a large liiniog^ feom and five chambers ; on the third floor, foiir utftes; on ihe back part of the premises, over the kitchen, is a large workshop, with a bed room over it. One shop and part of the premises are lett to Mr. Outridgc, at the yearly rent of 46i. and one shop to Mr. Georce Cook, at the yearly rent of 151,; the other is occupied by the proprietor.— The whole length in front in St. Janvs's- street about 80 feet, and in High- street about 17 feet. The above premises stand unequalled for any kind of busi- ness.- For further particulars, and to treat fpr the same, apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the proprietor, Mr. James Reeiier. Newport, Isle of Wight. ' .[ 38U DORSETSHIRE. HpO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A JL FREEHOLD ESTATE, called LITTLF. K. F. YNTON MA- NOR FARM, situated in the garishes of Keynton Magna and WestStour; consisting of a good Farm- house, Barns, Stalls, & c. anifcontaining ahout 330 acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, 1C cf which are out on lease for two old lives, The above Estate is about si* miles from Shaftesbury and five from Stalbridge, both good market tpwns, and adjoining the turnpike road toSiieifcorne ; it is well timbered, and bounded by the river Stouf. In the occupation of Mr. John Peters, tenant at will, who will sheW: the premises.— About 70 acres, called the New Jnclosures, will be sold separate, if required. Also an ESTATE held by Copy_ of efeurt Roll under the Manor of Gillingham, and equal to Freehold, situated in the paiish of Motcombe, one mile from Shaftesbury ; consisting of two Farm- houses, and containing about ICo acres of Pas- lure and about leu acres of Arable Land, in the occupation of Messrs. tush and Daggrel,_ tenants at will, who will shew the premises.— The above Estate is now lett in two Farms, and will be sold in two lots if required. '' Also about 20 acres of Pasture Land, in the parish of Mof- combc, in the occupation of Mr. John Butt. Further particulars may beknOwn, and plans of the estate seen at the Office of Mr. Charles Bowles, at Shaftesbury ; Mr. Gough, solicitor, Warminster; or Mr. John Charlton, and agent and surveyor, Stourton. '' ' [ 333 TISBURY, nrA 11 HINDON, WILTS. rpO be LETT, and etite. ed on at Lady- day Tic-. t JL A Stone- built and Tiled HOUSE, near the Church. comprising an entrance hall, parlour, kitchen, with officcA tire, three bed rooms and g irrets, besides a good undci groui-. d cellar ; a earden and a small piece of pasture adjoining. l ot further particulars anolv i'ifl> y" Blnndell, Fovant apply 1 it by letter, post paid; to Mrs. — i— ii u. nemr Sarum, Wilts. [ 400 EXCELLENT NAVY TIMBER. GLAMORGANSHIRE. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Neath Arms 5 Inn, Neath, on Thursday the isth of February, 1808, between the hours 0'!' threAnd five in the afternoon.' sutjtct tar conditions then to be produced,— Eleven Hundred Capital OAK and Fifty Fine ASH TIMBER TREES, marked and numbered with white paiur, which will be sold in tiie follow- ing Lots, viz.— Lot 1.— Two Hundred capital Oat Timber Trees, marked from 1 to 400, boA inclusive, standing 011 Nanty Gwecn, Pwllfawstkir., Nantygafalon, and lechiah Islia Farms, all iu the parish of Langavclach, about eiaht miles from the tea- port of Swansea, and can be readily conveyed th re at a small experoe, being about three miles Irom the Swansea Canal Navigation. Lot » .— Nine Hundred capital Oak Timber Trees, viz.— Seven hundred and seventy, marked from 1 to 77o, standing in Craig Yuisarwed, Cwm Gurwcd, Blaenllwyd, Pcnylan, Pont AJdda, and Blaer. garwed, all in the parish of Cadojtton, near Neath ; and one hundred and thirty, marked from 1 to 150, at Lettimawr Farm, in the parish of Lantwitt, iicur Ntijth. The above Timber Trees arc standing on sloping ground, close on each side of the Neath Canal Navigation, about five, miles from the » ; i- port of Neath, and can be con- veyed there at a very trifling expense. Lot ti—- Fifty fine Ash Timber Trees, marked from 1 to . so, and standing on the same lands, in the parishes of CaJox. ou and Lwtwitt, near Neath, as I. ot2. N. B.— The greatest part of the above maiden Timber is calculated for naval purposes, and is well worth tlii attention of Timber- merchants, Navy- contractorand Ship- huilders in general. ' p) 5G For further particulars, apply to Mr. Lewis Griffiths, Ynisvgerwn, near Neath, who will shew the Timber. W E L L S. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, or otherwise, on or about l. adv- dav next, - A spacious and extensile MANSION- HOUSE, ' with stables and all other suitablo offices, for the comfortable accommodation of a large family, with gardens and fields adjoining, now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Tudway, who intends quitting the premises at Lady- day. For particulars enquire of Mr. Lax, Attorney at Law, ir\ Wells. [ 414 DEVIZES. HHO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. KNIOHT, at JL tile Elm Tree, in Deviies, an Friday the 12th of Febru-. arv, 1808, at four o'clock in Ihe afternoon,— A very desiraM ; FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE and Premises, situ t; in Long- street, late in the occupation of Mr. Bruton, builric: , ha#( ng two parlours in front, with suitable sleeping roon. i>, and Convenient domestic dhices ; roomy lofts and workshop, applicable to a manufactory ; with a small enclosed garden. The whole in good repair and may be entered 011 Immediately, For viewing apply on the premises ; and for furtl. tr particu- lars to Mr. Odell, in the Green, or the Auctioneer, Devizes. H I N D O N, HPO be SOLD bv AUCTION, by GERSARD an* X Co, subject to conditions then to he produced, at the Red Lion Inn, on Thursday the 11th of Feb, 1808, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon,— Four FREts HOLD TENEMENTS with outbuildings and gardens adjoin- ing, situated at Dean, in the parish of J'onthiil Gifford, neat Hindon, and now in the occupation of Wm. Tar. gett, J. Dye.-, Thomas Burt, and William Coward. For further particulars apply to Mr, Rffbert Bccket, of Hindou i or cf the Auctioneer, Safum. [ 091 WARMINSTER, • ryj be SOLD in FEE by AUCTION, by J. JL DAMELL, at the Ncv/ Inn, in Warminster aforesaid, on Friday the 18th day of February inst. bctwee » the hours of five and Seven in the afternoon, in lots,— Three substantial and new- built Brick and ITlcd MESSUAGES or TENE- MENTS, with Gardens, adjoining together, situate in Chain- street, in Warminster aforesaid, now occupifd by Jenants at will; one of which, containing a good large shop ir. front, fit for carrying on a considerable retail business, may hi entered on at Ladv- day next,, or sooner, if required. For funnel particulars, appiratioft to- bc made to Mr. Lara- pard, solicitor, Warminster; if by letter, post paid. [ 405 PRIME TLMBEfl. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ROTAI. OAK INN, in the parish of Delist., in the county of Dorset, on Wednesday the 41th day of February, 1803, brtwein the hours of three and five in the afternoon,— H> 4 verv valuable OAK, ELM, and ASH TIMBER TREKS, with Top, Lop, and Bark, ai'. marked, numbered, and standing in Dulish aforesaid, and near the turnpike read leading from Dorchester to Blandicrd, divided in lots; particulars of which may be had at the Greyhound Inn, Rlandford; King's Arms Inn, Piddlctown; King's Arms, Dorchester; and at the place of sale, A person will attend nt the Royal Oak Inn 19 shew the timber, six days previous to the sale : further particulars may be known of Mr. John Warr, surveyor, Beammster, Dorset. . The Oak and Elm is of exceeding large dimension, great lengths, and good quality; the Ash is cf a large size, and very good Dulish is seven miles from DciPchester, 15 from Weymouth, and nine from Blandford, ' [ 4: ju Meadow, Matthou. se, and Premises,, for Sale. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at thf. Re^- Lion Inn, in Fareham, on Wednesday the 10, th of February, 1S0S, between the hours of five and seven in the evening,— All those valuable FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate mar the Market- House, containing in front 4.0 feet, and ir. depth lb' 7, comprising two messuages or tenements, together with a substantial well- built maltbpuse, that will wet so quarters of barley per week, with the stable, coach- house, garden, and yard thereto belonging. From being situated near the populous towns of Portsmouth and Gosport affprdl a good opening for a person to engage in that business. Also— A rich i'iece of LEASEHOLD LAND, callcd Black- house Meadow, containing two acres ( more or less), situate near Farcham Quay. For particulars enquire of Mr. Thomas Parsons, Brewer, nt Farcham aforesaid, or Mr. Isaac lfobson, Cabinet- maker, at Gosport. [ 284 ST. MARY's, SOUTHAMPTON. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, £ on Thursday the 18th of February inst. and following day, bv Mr. DF. I. L,— All the genuine HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, China and Glass, Piano Forte, & c. the propcrty of a gentleman leaving his residence. The Furniture com- prises mahogany four- p « st, field, and other bedsteads, with dimity and cotton hangings ; bordered goose feather- beds, mattresses, blankets, and counterpanes ; in malic any arc dining, Pembroke, card, and other tables ; chests of drawers ; bookcases ; chairs : japari ditto ; \ fash- hand stands ; pier and dressing glasses ; Turkey, Brussels, and other carpets ; with useful kitchen furniture. The goods to be viewed onTuesdnv, and morning cf sale until eleven o'clock, when the sale will commence. Catalogues to be had of the Auctioneer, No. 151?, Hiuh- strecet, and place of sale. f- isi; NEW FOREST. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NEWELL, at the Nag's Head Inn, Lymihgton, on S turday the loth day of February, 1808, at four o'clock in the afternoon, in three lots, Lot 1,— All that Messuage or Tenement, with the stable, out- houses, garden, and orchard thereunto belonging, con- taining by estimation one acre ( be the same more or less), situate, lying, and being at Bashlev, in the parish of Milton, in the county of Hants, and late'in the occupation of Mr. Hayward:— And also all that Close or Parcel of excellent; Meadow Land, situate on the North side of the said messuage of tenement, containing by admeasurement two acres ( more or less), and now in the occupation of Mr. Caleb King, tenant at will. Lot 4,— All that Close or Parcel of Meadow Land, adjoin- ing the last- mentioned field, containing by admeasurement tw'o acres ( be the same more or less, and now in the occu- pation of the said Caleb King. Lota,— All those two Fields or Closes of rich Meadow- Land, situate, lying, and bring at Bashlev aforesaid, con- taining by estimation two acr. s and upwards ( more or less), now in the occupation of Mr. James Parker, tenant at will. The above premises are leasehold for the residue of a terra of oqe thousand years, whereof 871 years are unexpired. For a view of the premises apply to the tenants, and further particulars may be obtained of Mr. Cruikshank, Solicitor, Lymington. [ 404 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY B. C. COLLINS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid.) xncfuwr the We t tf FwlarvSt by the rwtecfir? Nr. wc--. » N; and in London h » - Messr?, TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Kesrgate- Strect, aud Mr. WILKIE, Bookseller, Paternoster- Row, St. Paul's.
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