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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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Nos. ' 28, 29.] ON FE$£ S, GRATUITIES, & c.—( Malt*) 47 In the Country, the Officers are direfted to vifit five times a fortnight ,> in all other refpedts the duty is the fame as in Dublin. Wm. Knipe, J- S- Rochfort, Examiner, jFred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Cha. Saxton, No. 28. k I The Examination of Mr. WILLIAM KNIPE, Examiner of Surveyors and Gaugers Books; taken 011 Oath, the 29th day of June and 2d of July 1807. This Examinnnt faith, _ That whenever he finds the floor- gauge at the end of five days not exceeding the ciftern- gauge, he confiders that the floor- gauge has not been correftly taken,& and that if corre& ly taken it could not be efficient, even as a check- gauge. Whenever he finds that there is caufe of furcharge in the Gauger's books, he marks it, and reports the error to the Board, who thereupon orders a notice to be ferved on the Trader, calling upon him to fhew caufe, within one month, why the furcharge fhould not be confirmed. In cafes where, upon infpection of the Books, he fees reafon to furcharge, becaufe the Corn appears to have been on floor longer than the time allowed by Law, he does not report the circumftance to the Board, becaufe he has feldom met with any Officer who could fubftantiate the- furcharge, by fwearing pofitively that the Corn had been on floor longer than the time allowed by Law. He is inclined to think, that he never was able to fupport a furcharge on. that account. When furcharges are in other cafes made, the courfe of the Office requires him to report it to the Board, who thereupon iffue a notice to the Maltfter, requiring him to fhew caufe, within one month, why the furcharge voucher fhould not be made out againft him, if caufe is fhewn, which muft be by affidavit, either before Commiflioners for taking Revenue Affidavits ( who are generally Collectors, Clerks, or Officers of Excife or Cuftoms) or before the Colle& or of the Diftri£ t, the- affidavit is generally referred to him ; he reports his opinion thereon to the Board, who, if they think proper, order a furcharge voucher to be made out, which the Board tranfmits to the Collector. The books of the fame Diftrift are not always fubmitted to the fame Examiner. The books of each Diftrift always undergo a fecona examination, which is generally, but not always, made by the fame perfon. The pra£ tice is, to keep the books for three years, but there are at prefent the books of five or fix years in his Office. WilL Knipe, Ex. J. S. Rochfort, Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander. No. 29, Excife Office, May 9th 1807. My Lord, and Gentlemen, . • ^ £ • I have received different orders from you, defiring me to fend you, for the ufe of the Commiffioners of Enquiry, the notices of difcontinuance ferved by Maltfters in the laft and prefent years; I fend you all fuch notices as have been ferved on this Office the prefent year, but none were ferved on it in the year 1806, except one from George Hughes, which I fend herewith. I have the honour to he, R. Mufgrave. The Chief Commiffioners of Excife. ( Copy.) 17.
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