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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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No 20.] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & c.-( Mali.) take account of the Grain in every part of the procefs, beginning with the ciftern of which they are to take the firft clip as foon as jSbffible afte? the tfme mer^ oned k'the 5 and 10 C° nti? UVhc diPS * each fucceeding vifit until the Grab admit of t , . J fY arC r^^ alf° ut0 Uke tW° couch- g4es when their vifits note the f T" vf t0 gaUgu ^ C° rn wMe « remains ™ the floor, and to * C i! at fach Vlflt' and alfo the SauSe of the dry flock of Malt at leaft once m each month ; and to make entries in the Specimen- paper and Stock- book accordingly It is their bufinefs, as alfo that of the Surveyors, fre- quently to check the dimenfions of the cifterns, couches, and floors. The surveyors are required to pay frequent vifits to the Malthoufes in their Survey, and to check, and enter in the Specimen- papers and Stock- books, the ftate of each, the duty of the Infpeftors General is to make occafional infpeftions ; to enter their Vihts in the fame manner as the Gaugers and Surveyors ; and to fee that the inferior Officers execute their duty correftly. The Specimen- papers and Stock- books have late been returned monthly to the Examiner of Surveyors and Gaugers Books, by the Surveyor ot the walk, whofe duty it is to compare them, and fee that the entries are correftly tranfcribed. This Examinant, upon infpeding the feveral Malt Stock- books of the Diftrift of the City of Dublin, for the quarter ending the 25th March 1806, is of opinion, from the uniformity of the entries of the dips of feveral wettings appearing on face of thofe books, that many of them are entries of dips not correctly taken ;° and that although a fecond couch- gauge cannot in all cafes be had, it appears by the books, that they have not been taken as frequently as they ought to have been. He does not perceive in the books any Inftance of floor gauges having been taken within 120 hours. They appear ufually to have been taken at the end of 8 or 10 days, which, in his opinion, would be the propereft time for taking a fecond inftead of a firft floor- gauge. He is of opinion, that the operation of the Acts of 45th Geo. III. c. 53. and of the 46th Geo. III. c. 57. has been to deteriorate the quality of Malt; this he attributes to the redu& ion of flooring that has taken place fince the charge of Duty was in- creafed from 24 to 64 barrels for every 100 fquare feet of floor; in confequence of which, the Maltfters, in order to leffen the charge, have been induced to work with a thicker floor. The fees received by Infpedtors General from Maltfters before 29th September 1806, were, five Guineas for certifying the annual regiftry of eachMalt- houfe ; and this Examinant faith, that he did not receive from Maltfters any other fee, gratuity, perquifite, or emolument whatfoever. This Examinant faith, that a Permit Office formerly exifted in Dublin, for the purpofe of granting Permits for the removal of Malt in the Diftritt of Dublin ; that about two years and an half ago, the Office was confined to the granting Permits to Malt Factors only, Permits to Malfters being granted by the Gaugers in charge of Malthoufes ; that within a year and an half laft paft, this Office was abolifhed, as it was not conceived to be efficient. Nich. Fanning. J. S. Rochfort, Fred. Geale, Cha. Saxton. No. 20. The Examination of Mr. ROBERT MACDONNEL ; taken upon Oath, the 19th, 20th, and 25th Days of March 1807. This Examinant faith, . . That he is a Surveyor of Excife, and is at prefent a£ hng Infpedtor General of Malt in the Diftrid of the City and County of Dublin. It is his duty to make check vifits, to fee that the Officers do their duty, and in cafe of fraud or negleft, to report the fame fnecially to the Board. At each vifit he examines the ciftern and couch frame and takes gauges of the different wettings then m proofs; marks the ftate of the kiln, and gauges the flock of dry Malt when he thinks it neceff; ary and ent rs the part culars of his vifit in the Specimen- paper It is the duty of the Ganger to vifit the Malthoufes in his charge once every day, and to take gauges of the cii- 2S,, 1 " Lt and floors, and to exaWthe ftate of the bin, and to^ uge 17. L
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