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The Northampton Mercury


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Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 37
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 21/11/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 37
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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ortfrnmpton erasrp. ^^' sc^ jjfrr Vol. 87. SATURDAY, November 21, 1807. No. 37 Readv Mone* is expected ^ with Advertisements. S 5 Circulated thrnugh every Town and populous Village [ in the Counties of" Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, ( ( Huntingdon, Leicester, Oxford, Warwick, Hertford ; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. S PRICE SIXPENCE, \ S'amp- Duty •.... 3j< J. ' I Paper and Print • • ' Md. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. ADMJRALTY- OFFICL, Not. 12, 1807. Extract of a tetter from Captain Start, of his Ma- jesty's sloop Skylark, dated November 8, 1807, to Vice- Admiral Rowley. . SIR, IT is with great satisfaction I acquaint you, that we last night, after a chase of one hour and fifty- five minutes, captured Le Renarde French privateer lugger, of l- l guns and SO men, belonging to Calais, which place she had left that evening, Hnd w as in the act of taking possession of a collier brig, under the North Foreland, which they after- wards abandoned, on observing us pursue them, and we took charge of her. The obstinacy of the Captain in not surrendering when repeatedly called to, and likewise an attempt he made to lay us on board, obliged us to fire, by which he was severely wounded, and the lugger's main- mast shot away. The Captain of the llenarde is the person who took the Argus, an. I 1- ' comtrinicates, that his vessel was run down Ly her, and that the master has since had his arm amputated; the prisoners also mention, that the privateer who lately engaged the Active lost eight men killed and seven wounded ill the encounter. 1 have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) H. E. P. STURT. [ This Gazette likewise contains a dispatch from Captain Down, of his Majesty's sloop Bittern, to Lord Collingwood, stating the capture of the Spanish settee privateer El Verga del Rosaria, of two guns and 20 men. ' 1 bis Gazette also contains the Order in Council respecting the distribution of prizes taken from Denmark, Etrurin, Naples, the Republic of the Seven Islands, and Ragusa, which is similar in its regulations and proportions to the Order for the division of French and other captures.] LONDON, Nov. 17. A Supplementary Gazette, containing the im- portant. orders of the King in Council which have been for some time expected, was published on Monday morning. The following is the substance of these regulations:— The. first Order directs that all neutral vessels shall iie forthwith warned not to trade in future at any hostile port, unless such vessel shall be going from, or coming to, a port of the United Kingdom, or to any port or place in the possession, or so far under thecontroul of France or her allies, as that British vessels may not freely trade thereat, except as aforesaid: anil in case any vessel, belonging to neutral subjects, shall he found trading or conveying goods, or to have traded or conveyed goods, after having been so warned, or after the expiration of a reasonable time for their being acquainted with sucn interdiction, unless going from or cuniing to a port of the United Kingdom, such vessel shall be seized, and brought in for legal adjudication, anil shall be condemned as good and lawful prizes to his Majesty; it being provided, that the cargoes of vessels so warned shall be admitted to entry into this country, subject to such duties and regulations as may be directed hereafter. ' 1 here are some exceptions in favour of vessels not belonging to powers at war with this country, by v, nich Government reserves to itself a right of prescribing the conditions ou which they shall be allowed to trade to certain specified places. The second Order applies particulaHy to the trade with the enemy's country, and provides for the exportation from the ports of the United Kingdom, of the produce or growth of France, Spain, & c that may have been legally imported, under certain conditions and regulations hereafter to be established. One of these regulations, we understand, will be, that persons exporting such foreign produce must enter into proper security that they will, within a limited period, export one- third of the tonnage of such goods, in British manufactures or Colonial produce; the said pro- duce of France to be subject to such duties, upon » xpoi tation, as may hereafter be directed. The - last Order declares that all sales of British vessels, captured by the enemy, shall be considered as void; and that such, though purchased by neutrals, and sailing under the protection of a neutral flag, shall be liable to seizure and con- fiscation We are thus fairly at issue with Bonaparte upon the question of blockade. The rigour of his decree^ against the commerce of Great- Britain has been encountered by measures of corresponding severity 011 our part. It cannot be doubted that their effects wilt be severely felt by the few neutral powers which the successful ambition of the head of the French Government lias allowed to retain that character. But as every measure of his is directed against a vital interest of this country, we must defend ourselves by all the means in our power. The neutrals can with little justice com- plain of this act of retaliation. The Earl of Pembroke, his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary, to the Court of Vienna, and suite, landed at Ports- mouth on Saturday afternoon, from the Melpomene frigate, Captain Parker, which was released from quarantine that morning. Dutch Papers to the 5th instant, and letters of a late date from the north of Germany, have arrived. The former confirm the accounts of the march of the French army destined to act against Portugal. It is stated also, that 30,000 Spaniards were 011 the march to co- operate with them. If the Spanish army has been put in motion, it is more probably i'or the purpose of getting it out of the country, than sending it against so feeble a state as Portugal. The eastern provinces of Turkey are. in a state of general revolt. The authority of the Porte is every where resisted. About 17,000 French and Spanish troops were assembled at Hamburgh, and the neighbourhood. None of them, however, had entered the Danish territory. The guard- ship usually stationed at Cuxhaven has been taken possession of by the French, and an intimation given to the Danes at the same time, that it was not expected in future from them that they should protect the navigation of the Kibe lower down than Gluckstadt. The half measures pursued by the Prince Regent hive by no means satisfied Bonaparte. We find that the Portuguese vessels in the ports of Holland hate been embargoed, and that the Minister of that country to the Court of King Louis was pre- - paiing to depart. The French troops are pro- ceeding through Spain in vast numbers. Letters from Sicily and Malta, of the date of , he 23d of September, mention, that the British army at Alexandria had embarked, and were hourly expected at Messina, to reinforce the army of Sicily. Th § 10th regiment had also arrived from Gibraltar. A flag of truce passed by Dover on Sunday, arid came to anchor the same evening in the Downs. A messenger landed from her, who immediately set out for London. He was the bearer of dis- patches for Prince Stahremberg, the Austrian Ambassador. Different reports prevail as to the nature of these dispatches. By some persons they are supposed to relate to the measures which Austria, in obedience to the dictates of France, lias found herself under the necessity of adopting, for protecting her purls in the Adriatic, and for prohibiting all commercial intercourse between them and this country. Others conjecture that they relate to an offer of her mediation to bring about a general peace. Sir Sidney Smith, who did not sail from Ply- mouth till Thursday, in consequence of the unfa- vourable weather, proceeds directly to Cork, where he will wait, during a large embarkation of troops, the arrival of another division of thegrand expedition fitting out in the Channel. A squadron of eight or ten sail of the line, be- sides frigates, is to be fitted out with all dispatch, at Portsmouth, to he sent 011 a particul r service, under Admiral Keats. Such ships are to he scut as can be soonest got ready for sea They are not to receive their orders till they have all assembled at St. Helen's. Orders have also been received at Plymouth, to prepare, with all possible expedition, every vessel in a state to go to sea. We understand, ihat fgr these four or five months General Christophe has maintained agents here, invested with powers and instructions to make over- tures to the Ministers of this country, and to pro- pose to them to put the island of'St. Domingo under the protection of his Britannic Majesty. These proposals arc accompanied with many others, 110 less interesting for our military than our mercantile operations; and, it is said, that the project of a treaty of amity, commerce, and alliance, between England and Ilayti, isactually before Government. Ministers have directed a Court of Enquiry, to enquire generally into the causes of the failure of our expedition to the River Plate, and of the attack on Buenos Ayres. They have done this, we understand, because they do not know how far the criminality may extend, and what persons may- be implicated in guilt or error. The amount of the investments from this coun- try to the river Plata, the greater part of which has been lost, is estimated at five millions sterling. A third party is likely to make its appearance in the House of Commons in the next Session of Parliament. It is of a perfectly neutral cha- racter, but bottomed upon liberal and consti- tutional principles. In all measures of a com- prehensive and enlightened policy, we understand, Ministers will receive its decidbd support. The list contains many names highly respectable for character, fortune, and talents. This phalanx, though it is not expected to amount to more than thirty- five, Will be a strong check upon the Minister and the Opposition. A party of English prisoners attempted to make their escape from Verdun, between the 9th and 10th of last month; the general alarm was immediately given, and some of them were shortly after taken, and lodged in close con- finement. Advice has been received at the Admiralty, of the re- capture of the William Tell, a transport ship, which took out convicts to New South Wales. . Accounts have been received of a very gallant action fought 011 the 1st of October, by the Windsor- Castle and a French privateer, in which the latter was captured and carried into Barbadoes. The privateer was superior in guns and in men; very much so, having had 109 men, of whom 57 were killed or wounded— and the packet 28, of w fi 0111 she lost 13. The Court- Martial which has been sitting at Sheerness, 011 Lord Falkland, Captain of the Quebec frigate, has terminated, and adjudged his Lordship to be dismissed from his command. The letters received from the out- ports contain many melancholy accounts of the effects of the late storm. On the shores of Holland its ravages have also been very extensive. Information was received yesterday of the loss of 110 less than three of our transports returning from Copenhagen, 011 the Dutch coast. One, which had on board 188 soldiers, 19 officers, and 10 women, was wrecked near Catwyck, but in consequence of the assist- ance afforded from the shore, all 011 board were happily saved. The ereiv and passengers were made prisoners. Longevity.- Mary Ralpson, aged 109 years, horn in Lochaber, Jan. 1, 1098, is now living in good health, in Kent- street, Liverpool, where she has resided upwards of fifty years. She has lived in three centuries, and enjoyed ail uninterrupted state of good health, during five successive reigns, viz. King William, Queen Anne, and three Georges. She was an active partaker in the great battles of Dettingcn, Fontenoy, Preston Pans, Falkirk, Ctil- loden, & c. and followed the arms of William Duke of Cumberland in all their toils, both at home and abroad. On Sunday se'nnight died, at Ely, Mr. George Apsey, youngest son of William Apsey, Esq. of that place.— At the age of 14- year's lie weighed upwards of 15 stone; and at the time of his death, being in his 20th year, he weighed upwards of 22 stone. This young man, though of an extra- ordinary size, and of a gross habit, enjoyed ex- ceeding good health until within a few hours of his death, which was occasioned bv a mortifi- cation, proceeding from a rupture he received by a large piece of wood falling against him, a few weeks since, and which he took 110 notice of till a mortification had taken place, and surgical assistance could Ue of no avail.— Had his life been prolonged a few years, it is likely he would have equalled, if not exceeded, the great Mr. Lambert in size. On Wednesday, a female, named Marianne Rebecca Johnson, alias William Johnson, was brought before the Lord Mayor, at the Mansion- house, under peculiar circumstances. She had been fount! in the dress of a sailor, on the threshold of a door, apparently in great distress. She stated, that she was a nature of Whitby, in Yorkshire, from which town she had been forced by her father- in- law, at the age of 13, to put 011 sailor's clothes, with threats that,' if ever she discovered her sex, he would murder her. He bound her apprentice on board a coal- vessel of Sunderland, at present lying off Woolwich, - here she served four years, and from which she took the opportunity 011 Tuesday of running away.— ' Ihe Lord Mayor ordered proper care to he taken of her, and that, she should not be compelled to return to the coal trade, but passed, by other means, to her native parish.— Fridav, the above young woman attended at the Mansion- house, in decent female apparel, preparatory to her journey to W littby. PRIVATE TUITION, LOUGHTON, near STON Y- STRATFORD. THE Ret. II. TEMBI. E, of LOUCHTON, is I desirous of establishing a PRIVA'lE SEMI- NARY, for the Classical and general Instruction ot TOUR PUPILS, 01 moderate Terms.— The most respectable References can be given. GRAND J5NCUON CANAL. "^ TOTICK is hereby given, That at the General - L. N Assembly of tie Company of Proprietors ot the Grand Junction Canal, holden at the Crown- and - Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, on the 3d Instant, a Dividend u One and a Half per Cent, was declared on tile Shares, exclusive of the Pro- perty Duty thereon, which will be paid by the Com- pany in London ; and Ihe dividend Warrants will Ue ready for Delivery to thf present Proprietors of Shares, at the Office, 21, Suriey- Scrcet, Strand, London, on the 5th of January next R. C. SALE, Clerk tothe Company. ,21, Surrey- Street, itb Nov. 1807. NOTICE to the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of WILLIAM EAGLE, late O/ GREAT- BOWDEN, in the Count// of Ijicester, Buker, deceased. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands upon the Estate of the above- named W1 LL1 AM E AG LE, deceased, are requested forthwith to send a Particular hereof to his Executor, Mr. John West, of Great- Bowclen aforesaid.— And all Persons who stood indebted to the said William Eagle at the Time of his Decea- e, and have not yet discharged their respective Debts, are requested to pay the same to the said John West within two Months from the Date hereof. Great- Bowden, Nov. LCV/ I, 1807. To the CREDITORS of JOHN PAYNE. NOTICE is hereby given, That Messrs. Stilgoe & Cole, the Assignees of the E » tate and Effects of JOHN PAYN E, now or late of Helmdon, in the County of Northampton, Victualler, will attenu at the CHEQUER INN, in HEI. MDON aforesaid, 011 FRIDAV the 27th Day of NOVEMBER next, and then pay to such of the Creditors of the said John Pa> ne as have executed, and to those who shall on or before that Day execute, his Deed of Assignment, a Dividend upon their respective Debts; but all Persons who shall not execute such Deed on or before the said 27th Day of November next, will be totally excluded from ail Benefit arising by Virtue ot such Deed of Assignment. October Wth, 1807. T> 7 be LETT, And entered upon immediately, ANeat and most desirable RESIDENCE for . a small genteel Family, situate at IRTHLING- BOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, with a pleasant Garden and Grass Ground in front, and convenient Out- offices attached thereto. Irthlingborough is situated on a dry healthy Soil, nearly adjoining the River Nen, in the most pleasant Part of the County, one Mile from Higham- Ferrers, and eight from Kettering. The London and Leeds Mail and Kettering Coach pass by the House every Day. For Particulars, or to treat for the same, apply to THOMAS SMITH, Common- Brewer, Irthlingborough. Truth evinceth alt Things ! ' THOSE who are tortured with the following Complaints, viz. Gout in the Stomach and Head, & r. Mercurial and every Kind of Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Sprains or Bruises of ever so long standing, Bilious Sick Head. Ache, and every other Description of that Complaint, Pleurisy, Nervous Affections, Bilious Disorders, Asthmatic Complaints, Tooth- Ache, Face- Ache, F. ar. Ache, and Gum- Boils, may in less Time than or.? Hour be freed from Pain; which is such an earnest of Cure, as nothing but the GUESTONIAN MEDICINES can give; nor will they be sold to any one, unless the Venders see them once used. This is the Plan that Mr. GUEST, Chemist, No. 9, Great Surrey- Street, the Foot of Blacktriar's- Bridge, London, the sole In- ventor, has so successfully pursued for the last II Years, so that there can be no Room for Deception. Mrs. BOONF,, in St. Giles's- Street, NORTHAMPTON, has proved the Truth of the above Declaration in almost every Instance; but Mr. Guest finds, that those few who have not been so relieved, cannot be cured by a constant Use of these Medicines; yet those who have been relieved, may most assuredly be perfectly restored by using them a reasonable Time; therefore promises to give any one so afflicted a Trial at a small Expence, by applying to Mrs. Boom, or Mrs. SMITH, Abington- Street. s. d. The Guestonian Lotion, for the Gout 2 9 The Guestonian Pills, for Ditto 2 Guestonian Bilioul Pills 2 Guestonian Nervous Pills 2 The Welcome Guest, which cures the Tooth- Ache 1 The Cuestonian Tooth- Powder, which cures the Scurvy in the Gams and Teeth 1 Asthmatic Pills 2 Also may be hid, as above, Mr. GUEST'S GUIDE from Pain, Price Is. Chaptl- House, Oxfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. CHURCHILL & TURNER, On Monday the 30th Day of November, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, with early Possession, by Order of the Admi- nistrators of Mr. JOSEPH BROOKS, deceased, ALL that very valuable, long- established, and well- accustomed capital INN, HOTEL, and TAVERN, called CHAPEL. HOUSE, with an Abundance of excellent Stabling, Coach - Houses, Dovecote, and all other necessary Out- buildings; Bowling - Green, Pleasure - Grounds, Shrubberies, several Closes of rich Pasture and Arable Land, con- taining about 30 Acres, and a large Kitchen Garden; now in the Occupation of Mr. William liulley. The above Premises are Part Freehold and Part Leasehold, under Brazenose College, in Oxford, delightfully and most advantageously situated on C .1A1' E L- H EATH, near CHIPPING- NORTON, in the County » f Oxford, on the great Road from London to Ireland, by Birmingham and Worcester to Holyhead. A very considerable Sum of Money has been expended on the Estate, to render it equal, in Regard to Comfort and Accommodation, to any Inn in the Kingdom. Printed Particulars may be had ( fourteen Days previous to the Sale) at the Printers' of the Oxford, Reading, Northampton, Warwick, and Birmingham Papeis ; the Place of Sale; of Mr. Robinson. So- li.: itor, Oxford; the Auctioneers, Woodstock; or ot Messrs. Rose Sc Munnings, Gray's- lnn, London. To Genteel and Expeditious Travelling. LUTTERWORTH, RUGBY, & DUNCHURCH j NEW LIGHT POST- COACH, ACCOMMODATION, ( CARRIES FOUR 1; SIDES ONLY), SETS out from the IITM INN, LUTTERWORTH, every W> DNF. SOAY, :.; IDAY, and SUNDAY MORNING, at Half- past l our o'Clock, and arrives at the GOLDEN- LION INN,- ST. JOHN'S- STREET, LONDON, the same Evening at Seven o'Clock ; returns from thence every TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MORNING," at five o'Clock, and arrives the same Evening at Half. past Se :: n.— Passes through Da- ventry, Towcester, and Stony- Stratjbrd. Performed by the Public's obedient Servants, SAMUEL COOK Sc Co. Lutterworth. RICHARD ! AVIS & Co. London. FARES. s. d. To Lutterworth, Inside £. 1 12 0 Outside 13 0 Rugby - . ] 10 I) Ditto i 0 Dunchurch - - 1 8 0 Ditto ia 0 N. B. The Proprietors will not be accountable for any Parcel, Package of Goc_ or Passenger' Luggage, ot more Valu- than £. b, ufr. less entered us such and paid for accordingly. Northamptonshire ot: tl . 1 ,.•'. donskire FLY Yv A (_>- o vj 3, DAILY, from the RED- LION INN, ALDERSGATE- STREET, LONDON. fl^ IIE Proprietors of the above, thankful for A that Preference they have received, respect- fully inform the Public they now have a FLY WAGGON from the above Inn, every Morning, at Six o'Clock, for Peterborough and Huntingdon, which arrives there the next Day, and conveys Goods to Oundle, Oakhum, Uppingham, Melton- Movvbray, Stamford, and all adjacent Places, with the utmost Dispatch. They think it needful to assure the Public, they do not charge more tor the Carriage of Goods by their Fly Waggons, than is charged by any other Carrier. ( pj" These Waggons leave Peterborough every Morn- ing at Ten o'Clock, Huntingdon every Evening, and arrive at the above Inn, in London, in about 30 Hours after. Performed by W. Deacon, London; T. Newman, Barnet; A. Batten, Welwyn; Partington & Norris, Baldock; Scarborough & Piggot, Buckden; T. Ekin, Huntingdon; and AUutt & Smith, Peter- borough. London, 31J/ October, 1807. ODELL ROAD. "|\ fTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting - i-^ l of the Trustees named and appointed in a ad by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 42d Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, entituled, " A11 Act for repairing, widening, and altering the Road leading from the South End of Brown's- Lane, in the Parish ot Great- Staughton, in the County of Huntingdon, to the Bedford Turnpike- Road, in the Parish of Lavendon, in the County of Buckingham," for the Odell District ot the said Road, will be held at the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in HARROLD, on TUESDAY the 15th Day of DECEMBER next, at One o'Clock in the Afternoon; when the said Trustees intend to borrow and take up, at Interest, on Mortgage, of the Tolls of the said District of the said Road, such Sum of Money as they shall then determine, so as such Sum does not, together with the several Sums originally subscribed on the Security of the Tolls of the said District ot the said Road, exceed in the Whole tile'Sum of £. 1500.— Dated this 16th Day of November, lb07. WILLIAM DAY, Clerk to the said Trustees. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONT RACT, ACapital and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of a substantial Farm- House, and about _, C9 Acres ( in a Ring Fence) of exceeding rich Land ( chiefly Pasture and Meadow), situate at RADBORNE, in the County of Warwick. Together with every fourth Turn or Right of Presenta- tion to the Rectory of Radborne.— This Estate is sub- ject to no parochial Rates or Assessments. Apply to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, Daventry. be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BERRY, On Wednesday the 9tli of December, 1807, and follow- ing Day, at Eleven o'Clock, on the Premises, positively without Reserve, R « MIK entire valuable STOCK of CATTLE, I FARMING IMPLEMENTS, DAIRY UIF. NSILS, HAY, CORN. HERBAGE, genteel HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other EFFECTS, of the late Mr. HENRY SMITH, of CHILTON - PARK, near Brill, in the County of Bucks; comprising 50 new- milch, in- calf, and barren Cows, a Bull, eight fat Calves, 200 Tons of exceed- ing prime Hay ( to be taken away bv the 1st of May, 1808), the Herbage of 200 Acres of Grazing and Dairy Land until Old Lady- Day next; 13 Milk- Leads, Cream- Cistern, two Churns, and all Dairy Utensils; two Ricks of Beans in the Straw, four Cart Horses, three Waggons, two Lug- wheel Carts, Ploughs, Har- rows, and all other Farming Implements; a Lead Cistern, holds 250 Callons ; the entire Household- Furniture, and various other valuable Eli'ects; Cata- logues of which will be ready for Delivery ten Days before the Sale, and mav be had at the Sun, Brill; King's- Arms, Bicester; Greyhound, Tharne; King's- Head. Aylesbury; and of Mr. BERRY, Walton- Terrace, Aylesbury. WOLV E Y. Freehold Estate, free from Tythe and Lund Tux. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, subject to Conditions then to be produced, AValuable and vc.- y improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, free from Tythe and Land Tax, situate at WOLVEY, in the County of Warwick; com- prising a very good Farm- House, with convenient Out buildings, Garden, & c. and 233 Acres, or thereabouts, of excellent Arable, Grazing, and Meadow Land, in a high State of Cultivation, di- vided into convenient Closes, and now in the Occu- pation of Mr. Thomas Winterton; also, a Cottage and Garden, in Wolvey aforesaid, containing one Rood, or thereabouts, now in the Occupation of Thomas Paul. A considerable Part of the Purchase Money may remain upon the Premises, if desired by the Purchaser. WOLVEY is about three Miles from Hinckley, five from Nuneaton, nine from Coventry and Lutterworth, and ten from Atherstone; and a more eligible Estate than the above has never been offered to the Public. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, on the Borders of LEICESTERSHIRE. Noble and extensive Demesne, ancient Manor- House, capital Farms, Lands, and IVoods, nearly Tythe- free, upwards of Two Thousand Five Hu/ tdred Acres. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coffee- House, in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday the 24th of Novem- ber instant, at Twelve o'Clock, in Lots, IIE capital and very eligible FREEHOLD £ ESTATE, PIPWELL- ABBEY, five Miles from Market - Harborough and Kettering, in the County of Northampton, the Property of a NOBLE, MAN ; comprising an ANCIENT MANSION- HOCSE, with Domestic Offices of all Descriptions; Pad. docks ; eligible and desirable Farms of rich inclosed Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, with suitable Buildings, and ornamented with fine Timber, divided by thriving Hedges, and lying within a Ring Fence, comprising upwards of One Thousand Ttco Hundred Acres, lett to respectable Tenants at Will; with the MANORIAL RIGHTS, Cottages, Waste Grounds, and other valuable Appurtenances.— Also PIPWELL- WOODS, in Hand, containing upwards of Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, well stocked with fine Oak and other Timber, and Underwood.— The capital, extensive, and thriving WOODS, comprising Part of containing upwards of Nine Hundred dvetSeventy Acres, with the Timber and Underwood thereon.— The Whole of these valuable Estates being nearly Tythe- free, compact, and commanding a fine Tract of one of the first Counties, forms a most eligible Property for a Nobleman or Gentleman wishing to invest their Money in Land. The Estates may be viewed by applying to Mr. John Essam, at the Mansion, where Particulars may be had; also at the George, Kettering; the principal Inns at Market- Harborough; Three- Cranes, Lei- cester; George, Northampton; Swan, Newport; Post- House, Welford; of T. G. Parr, Esq. Litch- field; at the Hen - and - Chickens, Birmingham; George, Woburn; Sugar- Loaf, Dunstable; White- Hart, St. Alban's; Red- Lion, Barnet; of Mr. Thomrs Trumper, Harefield, Middle ex; at Gar- raway's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick - Street, Golden- Square, London, where 9 Plan of the Estate may be seen. E. T. PALMER, LINEN and UVOLLP. N- DRA PER, $ B E L> FORD, HAVING selected a fresh Assortment of - GOODS in the above Branches for the Wi NTER SEASON, respectfully informs his Friends ard the Public, that they are opened for Inspection, and will ' beoflL- red them on the most reasonable Terms. A Variety of MIILINP. RY, SHAWLS, SARSNETS, and VELVETS; Royal, Pelisse, ant! Supeifiue Broad and Narrow CLOTHS, COATINGS, WAISTCOATINGS, See. & c. BEDFORDSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. A T the General Meeting of thisSociety, holden - TV at the SWAN INN, HE. DFORI), on MONDAY the SECOND Day of NOVEMBER, 1807, and which was numerously and respectably attended, the following PREMIUMS were adjudged and paid to the suc- cessful Candidates, viz. To Mr. MILLER GOI. DINC, the first Prize of the Silver Cup, Value Eight Guineas, for having ploughed Half an Acre of Land within the Space of three Hours and ten Minutes. To Mr. JAMES POTTS, the second Prized Five Guineas, for havir ; ploughed Half an Acre of Land within the ;':-. ce'of three Hours and twenty- nine Minutes and Half. To the Holder fn ilie fiist winning Plough, T AO Guineas; of the second, One Guinea and a Half. No. 1. To RICHARD FISHER, ot Eaton- Socon, Labourer in Husbandry, the first Prize of Four Guineas, he having had and brought up nine Children, without parochial Relief. To RICHARD WHITE, of Dean, Labourer in Hus- bandry, the second Prize ot Three Guineas, behaving had and brought up seven Children, without paio. cliial Relief. To E DWARD REYNOLDS, of Eyworfh, Labourer in Husbandry, the third Prize of Two Guineas, he having had and brought up six Children, without parochial Relief, No. 2. To WitLIAM HARLEV, of Stagsden, Labourer in Husbandly, the first Prize of Four Guineas, he having worked as a Labourer forty- three Yeats 011 the same Farm. To JOHN DANIEL, of Southill, Labourer in Hus- bandry, the second Prize of Three Guineas, he having worked as a Labourer thirty- nine Years and eight Months, and as an hired Servant four Years, on the sanae Farm. To JOSEPH SHERWOOD, of Ampthill, Labourer in Husbandry, the third Prize of Two Guineas, - he having worked as a Labourer thirty- eight Years and upwards on the same Farm. No. 3. To CHARLES BETTS, of Cardington, the first Prize of F our Guineas, he having lived as an liiied Servant twenty- six Years on the same Farm. To THOMAS ASHTON, ot Odell, the second Prize of Three Guineas, he having lived as an hir: d Servant nineteen Years on the same Farm To JOHN BARCOCK, of Colworth, the third Prize of Two Guineas, he having lived as an hired Servant sixteen Years on the same Farm. No. 4. To MARTHA HAYES, of Husborne- Crawley, the first Prize of Three Guineas, she having lived as an hired Servant sixteen Years on the same Farm. To ELIZABETH HARBER, of Dean, the second Prize of Two Guineas, she having lived as an hired Servant twelve Years on the same Farm. To ANN DUDLEY, of Kcmpston, the third Prize of One Guinea, she having lived as an hired Servant nine Years on the same Farm. Resolved, T , t the Underdrainage, performed by the Can- didates sending Certificates at this Meeting, be in- spected by a proper Person to be appointed by the Committee of this Society; and that his Repori be delivered to the Committee appointed for the Ad- judication of Premiums, previous to the General Meeting of this Society in 1808. Resolved, That the Right Hon. St. Andrew Lord St. John, be appointed President, and Francis Pym, Esq. Vice- President of this Society, for the Year ensuing. Resolved, That the present Committee, appointed to regulate the Arrangements of this Society, be continued; and that a Meeting of the said Committee be holden at the SWAN INN, BEDFORD, on WEDNESDAY the 13th Day of JANUARY next ensuing. Resolved, That the Proceedings of this Day be published by Advertisement in the Northampton Mercury. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman. ( Signed) JOHN HIGGINS, Chairman. The only certain Remedy For COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMAS, kc. PERHAPS no Medicine ever obtained more Credit, or conferred greater Advantages on Mankind, than FORD's PECTORAL BAI. SA. VR of HOREHOUN1), for the Cure of the most obstinate Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and Consump- tions. In no one Instance has it ever failed tcuiroduce immediate Relief; and if a Cure be within the Reach of Medicine, this llalsam will most certainly effect it. It possesses such healing Qualities, as to remove a common Cough or Cold by a few Djases, and so innocent that it may be given to an Infant newly- born, with the greatest Safety. Price 4s. Cd. 2s. 9d. and Is. IJd. each Bottle. Dr. ROLF'S BOTANICAL EMBROCATION, Price 2s. 9d. each, has been held in the highest Estimation through an extensive private Practice, perhaps without a single Instance of its not giving immediate Relief. In a Number of recent Cu es, when the Balsam of Hoiehound has been given, with the Use of the Embrocation, the most stubborn Hooping- Cough has given way, and restored Numbers of Children to Health, after all Hopes had been des- paired of. The Public are particularly req uested to observe, that each Bottle of the Balsam of Horehound is en- closed in an Affidavit made before the Right lion, the Lord- Mayor of the City of London, June the 7tlf, 1805, and signed by the Proprietor, without which it cannot be genuine. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by R. FORD, Chemist, 61, Barbican, London; and by Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, Mr. Edge, Marshall, and Lambert, North- ampton ; Higgs, Harborough; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Callard, Towcester; Swinfen, Leicester; and all other Venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom. Mr. EDGE, Druggist, NORTHAMPTON, has just received a fresh Supply if CIIING's PATENT WORM LOZENGES. ORMS are the most frequent Source- - of Children's Diseases; their Symptoms every Parent ar. d Guardian of Children should be acquainted with ; they occasion Loss of Appetite, a Paleness of Colour in the Face, Emaciation and irregular State of the Bowels, attended often with violent Pains They biing on Convulsions; they affect the Growth of the Body, and they prove fatal, by ending in a Consumption or Decay. Both as a Preventive and Cureot these alarming Complaints, the above excel- lent Medicine is universally allowed, on the Testi- mony of the highest Characters in this Country, both in Rank and Respectability, to have 110 equal. Their public Approbation given to the Proprietor, from a peisonal Knowledge ot its wonderful Success in their Families, stamps its Merit beyond Competi- tion, and gives a Sanction to it which no other Media cine of the Kind can boa-. t. • arenis divu others who have the Care of Children, should have this Remedy as a Family Medicine to resort 10 whenever the Stomach or Bowels of Children are am way dis- ordered, which it Will be always found to relie ve. Soid, Wholesale and Retail, ' at i- hing & iiutf r' , No. 4, Cheapside, London; and Retail oy Ij ey & sutton, Edge, antt Marshall, Northampton; Fi Market- Harborough ; and by most Country Vend- 1. . in Packets at Is, ljd. and in Boxes at 2s. Sd. id 5s, fid. each. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON; November 19. LETTERS of tl » e 28th ult. have been received from St. Petersburg. They contain the strongest assurances of the pacific disposition of the Russian Government. The exchange, not- withstanding the arrival of several British ships, had fallen considerably. The cargoes, it was said, had been purchased, and drawn for long before the vessels arrived. This would account for the de- preciation of the exchange. The Russian army is described as being more numerous, and in a higher btate of discipline and appointment, than at any period of the late War. All apprehensions of a rupture between Russia imd this country appear to have subsided. Some vessels which thought it necessary to make enquiry tit Risa, were told" that they might prosecute their VovaL'e in perfect safety; and the Court of St. Petersburg!), we understand, has made application to our Government to allow the Russian fleet, now at Gibraltar, to winter and repair in one of our ports. This proof of confidence is sufficient to obviate any fear of a rupture with that country. A Gottenburgh Mail has arrived, by which pri- vate letters are said to be received, stating, that new and tempting offers have been exhibited to Sweden, to induce her to consent to shut her ports against English commerce, but hitherto without effect. According to the following account from Con- stantinople, dated Sept. 25, and received through Hamburgh, that city is in a state bordering on revolution:—" The Grand Signior'continues to exhibit a singular firmness of character. He has adopted the resolution to re- orgauize a part of the troops according to the Nizain Gedid, or new tactics; only with t. ho difference of these troops preserving their national costume.— Last week in the streets of Tophana, the Sultan was pressed upon in such a manner by a number of Janizaries Coming from the castles of Fanaraki, that he was compelled to give orders to drive them off. The Janizaries consequently attacked his retinue, but the laiter obtaining the assistance of the guards, a number of the Bsstangis were wounded, so that the assailants were compelled to draw off. The refractory were however punished with such seve- rity, that 50 of them were strangled on the spot, find good order restored." A decree has been issued, forbidding the sailing of any flags of truce from Morlaix for England) which is once more denounced " as the unjust and eternal enemy of the Continent."— In Holland, the ports are actually ordered to be shut against the entrance of all vessels whatsoever, except such as bring cargoes which " cannot be furnished by England," such as timber for masts, and other produce of the North. The Proclamation of King Louis, prohibiting • the entrance into the ports of Holland of all vessels that may even be suspected of having English goods » n board, has been forced upon the King of Prussia, < and published in all bis ports, as well as at Ham- burgh. The enmity of the Danes towards England ap- pears to increase. All letters from Copenhagen jo Gottenburgh are to be opened, with a view to vobstruct still further all possible mode of commu- nication between England and the Continent. The Da lish Government has ordered that none j> f their pilots should go on board of English ships, | vcn if signals of distress are made. The hopes of peace, excited by the arrival of ( he flag of truce, have been soon dissipated, and the Stocks have come to their former level. It is Jiovv ascertained, that the dispatches brought to Prince Stahremberg, relate to some private concerns of that nobleman, and not to any poli- tical object. It is stated, that some farther Orders of Council for the regulation of tradefare determined upon by Ministers. To some of those orders the late decrees refer, but one of a new description is expected, which is said to be much more of an liostile character, with regard to neutrals, than any that have yet appeared. the latest letteVs from Gibraltar infivm us, that a spy had been detected there. He is described to be a French officer in disguise. A bribe offered to a British officer led to a discovery; and the French- man was secured. It is added, that it was this circumstance which induced the Governor to order foreigners to quit the garrison, or submit to the registry of their names and places of abode. Doctor Vernon, Bishop of Carlisle, will, we understand, succeed to the Archbishopric of York ; and it is reported that Doctor Zouch is to be the new Bishop. The late Archbishop of York gave i\ 1000 last Christmas to each of his grand- children, amount- ing to the number of forty- seven. Saturday last died, at his house near Alnwick, Northumberland, in the 79th year of his age, the Right Hon. Charles Earl Grev, K. B. a General in the Army, Colonel of the 3d Dragoons, and Go- vernor of Guernsey. His Lordship served at the battle of Minden, and was the only surviving officer who served under tien. Wolfe at Quebec. In 1782 he was appointed Commander in Chief ill America, but in consequence of the peace did not go. His Lordship served at the relief of Ostend and Nieuport in 1793, and went soon after as Commander in Chief in the West In'dies, and suc- ceeded in capturing Martinique, St. Lucie, and Guadaloupe. In 1802 he was created Baron Grey, anu in 1806 raised to the dignity of an Earl. His Lordship has left four sons and two daughters, and is succeeded in title and estate by the eldest of the former, Lord Howick, now Earl Grey. Cow- Par.— By a Medical Report from the Infirmary at Birmingham, it appears, that since the commencement of the practice of inoculating with the cow- pock matter, by the surgeons of that institution, - 1543 persons have been inoculated by them with complete success. It also appears, from the unanimous opinion of the surgeons, that no case has occurred, either in public or private practice, in which the small- pox has taken place after inoculation with cow- pock. It is likewise their unanimous opinion, that no eruptions on the skin, no scrofulous complaints, nor any other disease whatever, have occurred in their practice, as a consequence to inoculating with cow- pock matter. A very melancholy event occurred at Wick, in the parish of Berkeley, in Gloucestershire, on Sunday the 8th inslant. About four o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Bennett, a respectable farmer of the above place, and his two sons, were walking over their grounds ; when, being overtaken by a thunder- storm, they imprudently took shelter bAVfeNfRV. I fcifeORGE INN, NEWPt) RT- PAGNELL. CBLENCOWEveturrs sincere Thanks to her : rp ROGERS takes the Opportunity of return- . Friends and Customers tor Favours received, j | < ing his most gratetui Thanks to his Friends and very respectfully informs them, she is returned anj t[, e Public in general for the many Favours con. from LONDON with a faihionable Assortment of MILLINERY, & c. which is now ready for'Sale. Fashionable STAYS, PELISSES, FURS, SHOES, & C. November 19r/>, 1807. \ STRAYED, from IRJ- HUNGBOROCGB FIELDS, on Thursday the 11th > f November instant, A DARK- BAY IIORSE of the Coach Kind, Four Years old, about 15 Bands 1 Inch high, has a Star on his Forehead, rathei thin Mane, two white Heels behind, and a long Tai. Also, A DARK- BAY MAG MARE, Three Years old, vith a cut Tail. Whoevever will bring thi said Horse or Mare to JOHN WALLIS, of lrthlin'borotigh, shall receive HALF- A- GUINEA REWARD for each, and all reasonable Charges. T the Half- yearly Geieral Assembly of the COMPANY ot PROFR1ETORS of the LEI- CESTERSHIRE and NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL, held a the BELL INN, LEI- CESTER, NOVEMBER 16th, 1£ D7, Present, THOMAS PAGIT, Esq. in the Chair; The following Resolutions, among others, were entered into, viz. Resolved, That a Resolution of the last General Assembly, " That a Resolution therettfore made to suspend the " Payment of Interest to the Proprietors till the " Works are completed, be annulled ; and further, " that Interest according to the original Act be com- " puted, and credited to every Proprietor for all " Calls made and paid since the General Meeting in " , November, 1804, or tha: should be made, accord. " ing to the several Payments ; and that such In- " terest be considered from Time to Time, and taken " as part Payment of subiequent Calls, and not be " taken out ol the Hands oi'the Treasurers as Income " or Interest;" be rescinded. Resolved, That the Penalty appointed by the Act of Par- liament, in the Caseot any Default being made in the Payment of Calls, be enforced by tXe Committee against all Defaulters ; and that the Committee, in their Discretion, direct the Clerks to give Notice for forfeiting, at the next General Assembly,, any Shares that they may think proper. Resolved, That the next Half- yearly General Assembly be held at the ANGEL INN, MAKKET- HARBOROUGH. By Order, J. K. CARTER, ? Clerks to the G. WARTNABY, S said Company. NEN NAVIGATION. I'N Pursuance of a Requisition for that Purpose, - under the Hands of Five of the Commissioners appointed for putting in Execution the several Acts ,„._, .._ r j — . of Parliament for making the River Nine or Nen, under a tree. An extremely vivid flash of lightning running from Northampton to Peterborough, navi- • • gable, so tar as relates to the Navigation between Peterborough and Thrapston Bridge, I do appoint an extraordinary Meeting of the said Commissioners to be held at the TALBOT, in OUNDI. » , in the County of Northampton, on WEDNESDAY the NINTH Day ot DECEMBER next, by Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon. The particular Business intended to be done and transacted at such Meeting, is to take into Consideration the Expediency of raising the Tolls on the said Navigation, and other special Matters re- lating to the same.— Given under my Hand this ISth Day of November, 1807, JOHN BAI. DER. STON. TIB BITES' CREDITORS^ ~ HE CREDITORS of JOSEPH TIBBITTS, of FERNHILL, in the Parish of WARDINCTON, in the County of Oxford, are informed, that the said Joseph Tibbitts has made an Assignment of his Effects to Trustees, for the Benefit of such of his Creditors as shall execute the De d of Assignment within the Space of six Months, from the ninth Day of this instant November; and that the said Deed of Assignment is left for Signature at the Office of Messrs. Aplin, in Banbury. Banbury, Nov. 18(< 6, 1807. ferred on him during his Residence at the above Inn, and begs Leave to inform them, he has laid in a Stock of WINES and SPIRITS, of the best Quality, which, from his Connexion in LONDON, he is enabled to offer to the Public, Wholesale and Retail, on the most reasonable Terms; and hopes by his Attention to Business to merit a Continuance of their Favours, which will be thankfully received, and gratefully acknowledged, by their humble Servant, THOMAS ROGERS. Newport. Pagnell, Nov. 18th, 1807. Notice of an intended'Sale at Great- Orendon. rpHE SALF. by AUCTION of the late Mr. JOHN I MANTON's Sheep, Hogs, Neat Cattle, Horses, Stacks of Bailey and Hay, Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Horse Tackle and other Farming- Stock, Implements of Husbandry, Household - Furniture, Brewing Utensils, Linen, & c. will be held on Wed- nesday the 2d of December, and two following Days, on the Premises, at GREAT- OXEN DON, in the County of Northampton ; further Particulars of which Sale will, next Week, be given in this Paper. All Persons having any Claims or Demands on the Estate and Effects ot the said Mr. JOHN MANTON, recently deceased, are desired to send an Account thereof, with the Nature of their respective Securities, to Mr. John Johnson, ot Great- Oxendon aforesaid, Grazier, sole Executor of the said John Manton.— And such Persons who stood any Way in- debted to the said John Manton at the Time of his Decease, are requested to pay the same immediately to the said John Johnson. ( One Concern). LODGINGS. To be LET T, TWO or THREE commodious ROOMS, ready furnished, in front of a large House in Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, with the Use of a Kitchen, if required; also, a good Three- stall Stable, with Loft over it, and a small Barn adjoining.— A single Person may be accommodated with Lodging and Board in the Family, on reasonable Terms. Apply to Mr. BEAL, Draper, Tea- Dealer, and Music- seller, Thrapston. killed a cow near the fatal place where they were standing, and being attracted by the tree, struck the whole of them to the ground. The father and youngest son, although considerably injured, soon recovered; but the eldest, a fine youth, about 18, was killed on the spot. NOVEMBER 19th, 1807. IN the great Concern which includes the various Property consigned to the Hammer, and which has rendered the AUCTIONEERING I'ROIESSION so expedient and extensive, the present Candidate for S Participation of public Patronage presumes to flatter himself, that, from an already considerable Employ and Experience, he will be found adequate to the weighty Trust, and not undeserving of general Con- fidence. CULLING WORTH, therefore, does himself the Honour to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen, and commercial Inhabitants, of DAYENTRY anu its Vicinity, that he has re- newed his AUCTION LICENCE, for the dis- posing by Auction, or appraising, of all HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, PLATE, BOOKS, ESTATES, HOUSES, and every other Description of Property. Impressed with the deepest Sense of the Patronage which it is his Pride at present to boast, and Am- bition to increase, he will take the Liberty but to add, that a strict Attention shall be paid to the In. terest ot his Employers, and an impartial Endeavour exerted to oblige his Customers; and that all future Commands shall be acknowledged with Gratitude, and executed with Punctuality, Dispatch, and Fi- delity, by the Public's Most obedient and devoted Servant, J. P. CULLINGWORTH. To be LETT, ery desirable inclosed and Tvthe - free FARM, at GREAT- CATWO RTH, in the County of Huntingdon; consisting of a Farm- House and Homestead, situate in the Village, with 178 Acres ( little more or less) of Arable and Pasture Land, remarkably well fenced, and conveniently divided. GKEAT- CATWORTH is well situate for Markets, being within easy Distances of St. Neots, Huntingdon, Thrapston, and Oundle, with Turnpike- Roads to each of them, and the Parish Rates are very moderate. Further Particulars may be known of Mr. DAY, Solicitor, St. Neots. All Letters must be Post- paid. X French privateer, of 14 guiis, with 38 men. the Oberon sloop, Captain Sutton.— Gazette. On Wednesday the Furious gun- brig was at- tacked by a French lugger privateer, by which she liad five men killed, and nine wounded. The lugger, finding she had a vessel of war to contend with, made her escape. The Warspite, a new ship of 74 guns, was ^ launcliod on Monday last from Chatham yard. The bustle prevalent in every branch of the naval department is said to be extreme— and the most active means are resorted to for equipping a number of small vessels to cruise along the enemy's coasts, to give effect to the new blockading system. Six vessels of a fleet of fifteen, under convoy of the Forester sloop, going too close to the shore, have been obliged to surrender to the Castle of Cronenburgh. An English frigate has been since stationed in the Sound to protect our commerce. Of all the transports from Copenhagen, we un- derstand, the number of missing does not exceed nine, and hopes are entertained that several of them are safe. It is a melancholy fact, how- ever, that more lives have been lost in their return home, than in the whole campaign in Zealand, and the bombardment of the Danish capital. Some of the transports have been cast on the Dutch coast, but the greatest loss has been sus- tained upon our own shores, in the passage from Yarmouth to the Downs. The late dreadful gales drove the Danish 74- gun ship Fuen from the North Foreland to Yar- mouth Roads. She tailed on the Corton Sand, was obliged to cut away her masts, and would in- disputably have been lost, had not Admiral Douglas ( the Port- Admiral at Yarmouth) sent off a lighter, with anchors and cables, previous t » her driving, he having perceived her to be in a danger- ous situation. Scyeren, another Danish V't, was also Saved by the same anticipation. The former had above 800 people on board, aud is laden with brass otdripuce and knees; the latter laden with copper, cordage, & c. The transport, No. SO, from Copenhagen, with 1870 men of the German Legion on board, wa3 blown ashore on Wednesday night off the Kentish Knock, and only ten of that number were saved! The following accidents and losses in the late storms appear in the books at Lloyd's, viz. The Shorn transport, sunk in Dover Roads ( run foul ot). The John and Ann, Hutchinson, of Scarborough, and Mary, Wright, from Yarmouth to Grangemouth, • re lost near Scarborough. The Betsy, Nailer, of Whitby, and the Sophia, Cook, are I6st near Whitby. A coal- laden brig is lost, and all her crew. The Providence transport, Blaby, is lost on the Long Sand— people saved. The Hardys, Hardy, from Archangel to London, is sunk on the beach at Harwich. l The Anna Maria, M'Miller, from Liverpool to Westporf, and a large ship with timber, are lost near Port Rust. The Salisbury transport, Purdie, ii lout, with part • f her crew, and 240 soldiers. The Providence, Sanders, of Sunderltnd, is on <* fc> re oh the Yorkshire eotst^ itm « vwd. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. P. CULLING WO RTH, At the Windmill Inn, in Badby, near Daventry, on Thursday the 2Sth Day of this instant November, between the Hours of Four and Six in the After- noon, under such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, ACOI- VIIOLD ESTATE of INHERITANCE, situate at BADBY aforesaid, which will be sold in the following Lots ( namely), Let 1. Four Cottage Houseb or Tenements, in the several Occupations of Thomas Hunt, Ann Leeson, Padbury, and • Fennel; together with a Close of Land, containing about an Acre, in the Oc- cupation of William Douglas. Lot 2. Two Cottage Houses or Tenements, in the Occupations of Messrs. Powell & Son; and a Close of Land, containing about an Acre, in the Occupation of Job Turner, Senior. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. ROBERT MARRIOTT, of Newnham; or Messrs. LAMB & WARDLE, Solicitors, in Daventry. OIney, Bucks, To bo SOr. D or LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, APIECE of inclosed ARABLE LAND, lying near the Town ® f OLNF. Y, containing nine Acres one Rood and eleven Perches, with a Barn and Stable; also, a Cottage, Garden, and Pightle of Pasture Ground adjoining, situate in the North End of Olney. The above will be lett together or separate; and further Particulars may be had by Application to Mr. HOOFER, Solicitor, Dunstable, Beds; or to Mr. GARRARD, Solicitor, Olney. Linseed Cakes and Linseed Oil. MESSRS. PARSONS & BYNG, CASTLEM MILLS, TAMI^ ORTH, Warwickshire, respect-* fully inform their Friends and the Public, they have now on Sale a Quantity of the above Articles, of good Quality, on ' he lowest Terms. They will deliver at Fazeley- Wharf, from which there is a Communication by Water to all Parts of England. 85r" Good Prices given for Linseed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. "* ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand against Mr. JOHN^ SCOOT, late of TADI. OW, Cambridgeshire, are requested to send in their Ac- counts to Messrs. Joseph Edwards and Thos. Hagger, at Potton, Beds, on or before Twelve o'Clock on Tuesday the first Day of December next, or they will be ex- cluded all Benefit arising from the late Sales of his Effects, as a Meeting will beheld at the GEORGK INN, POTTON, the aforesaid 1st Day of DECEMBER; all Creditors who attend it may receive their ' Di- vidend on giving a proper Discharge. Potion, Nov. 11 th, 1807. NOTICE to the CREDITORS of TIIOMAS TITE. NOTICE is herebv given, That all Persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS TITE, ot DAVINTRY, in the County of Northampton, Auc- tioneer and Liquor. Merchant, Dealer and Chapman, are hereby required to pay the same immediately to Mr. Oakden, Attorney, of Daventry aforesaid; or Mr. Richard Lyndon Rolls, of Southam, in the County of Warwick, Solicitor; or they will be sued for the same without further Notice. rpHE CREDITORS of THOMAS TITE, late of - 1- DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Auctioneer and Liquor- Merchant, Dealer and Chap- man, a Bankrupt, are desired to meet the Assignees 1 ot his Estate at the WOOLPACK, at WARWICK, in I the County of Warwick,, on TUESDAY the loth Day of DECEMBER next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, to confirm or disallow a Contract, made by the said Assignees, for Sale of the Bankrupt's Freehold Estate, in the Parish of Daventry, in the County of Northampton ; and to assent to, or dissent from, the said Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defending, any Suit or Suits at Law, or in Equity, touching the Bankrupt's Estate and Effects ; and to their submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise compounding or agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto ; and on other special Affairs. To Millers, Meatmen, $ c. To lie SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Old Stratford, in the County of Northampton, precisely at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon of Tuesday the 24th ot November, 1807, in one Lot, rjMIAT capital, new - erected STEAM and I WIND- MILL, to work cither together or sepa. one Building. _ The Ster. m- Engine is' ot VVELLS' CREDITORS. VTOTICE is hereby given, That a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of THOS. WELLS, late of HUKDLESCHOVE, in the County of Bucks, Cattle - Salesman, deceased, will be declared on SATURDAY the fifth Day of DECEMBER next: If therefore any Person to whom he was indebted hath not delivered an Account of his Demand to us, he is desired to do so before that Day, otherwise he will lose the Benefit of such Dividend. - JAMES & ROSE. Aylesbury, Nov. Vith, 1807. CHU RCH PR EFERM EN T. To he SOL D, THE NEXT PRESENTATION TO A LIVING, within 8l) Miles of London ; consisting of a House, Offices, and three hundred and sixty Acres of I. and, in Lieu of Tythes, in a ring Fence, with Farm- Home, Buildings, Sec. The present Incumbent is upwards of 79 Years of | Age. For Particulars, apply ( Post- paid), to Mr. TYNDALE, Solicitor, Lincoln's- Itin- Fields, London. To be~ SOLDby PRIVATE CONTRACT, AHandsome Town- built FOUR- WHEELED CLOSE CARRIAGE, in perfect Repair, wirh Barouche- Seat, three Patent Lamps, and Spring- Blinds. The above is well worth the Attention of any Gen- tleman or Lady who may be desirous of purchasing a Carriage, it being to be parted with at a reasonable Price. For a View of the same, apply to B. BURLINC, of Chaconibe, near Banbury. Power to work two Pair of Stones, and the Wind- mill Part the same. These Mills are finished in a most capital Style, are very complete in every Respect, will contain 1000 Quarters of Wheat, and 1000 Sacks of Flour, at the same Time; with Dressing- Mills, Gearings, Garners, & c. They are situate on the Bank of the Grand Junction Canal, at OLD STRATFORD aforesaid; with a Piece of Ground adjoining, containing one Acre ; also three Tenements, in complete Repair, standing on the said I. and, with a spacious and convenient Wharf.— The West Chester Road from London adjoins the said Premises.— These Mills are particularly desirable to any Person wishing for a Situation in this Business, being at a very easy Distance from several good Corn- Markets, and possessing the Advantage of Water- Carriage to all Parts of the Kingdom. £ 3T Part of the Purchase Money may remain on the Premises, if required. For a View of the same, and further Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. HALL's INSOLVENCY. MR. JOHN HALL, of DUNSTABLE, in the County of Bedford, Innkeeper, having made an Assignment of all his Estate and Fft'xtsto Messrs. Burr, Queneborough, & Row, of Dunstable afore- said, in Trust for themselves, and all other his Cre- ditors who shall execute the Trust Deed on or before the first Day of January next, Notice is hereby given, That the said Deed lays at the ' Office of Mr. Hooper, Solicitor, in Dunstable, for the Execution of the Creditors willing to take thereunder.— And all Persons standing indebted to, or bavin; any Property of, the said John Hall, in their Possession, are required to pay and deliver the same immediately to Mr. Quene- borough, Banker, or Mr. Hooper, Solicitor, both of Dunstable aforesaid. Dunstable, Nov. 18th, 1807. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. P. CULLING WORTH, On Friday next the 27th of this instant November, 1807, at the Crown- and- Cushion Inn, DAVENTRY ( late In the Occupation of Mr. JAMES ADDISON, who has removed to the Bull Inn, in Daventry aforesaid), AGreat Number of Lots of useful HOUSE HOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING- UTEN- SiLS, and other EFFECTS; comprising a capital Hogshead Copper Furnace, and a Half- hogshead Brass Furnace, complete; Mash- Vat and Cooler; Brewing and Washing Tubs, & c.; two capital 30- Hour Clocks and Cases, and one Alarum ; Tables and Chairs; Bedding, Bedsteads, and Hangings, with Feather and Flock- Beds; Pierand Swing Classes; very capital Salting Lead- Trough ; Pewter, Copper, and Brass Pots, Kettles, & c.; together with various other Articles ; of which further Particulars may be known by applying to the Auctioneer, Daventry. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. To be SOL D by A U C TIO N, By Mr. P. WESTON, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Towcester, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday the 1st Day of December next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in S'ULORAVE, in the said County of North- ampton; consisting of several Closes of very good Arable and Pasture Land, containing together 60 Acres, or thereabouts, in a ring Fence, with a Barn and other convenient Out- buildings, now in the Occu- pation of Mr. Wills, of Weston- by. Weedoh; who will shew the same. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HOWES, Solicitor, at his Offices in Northampton and Tow- ester; or the AUCTIONEER, at Hintori, near Brackley. To be" SOLD by AU C T10 N~ By THOMAS PELL, At the White- Horse Inn, in Kettering, on Friday the 4th of December, 1807, between the Hours of Five and Seven o'Clock in the Evening, ANew- erected Brick and Slated DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasantly situatedinSiLVER- SiREET, commonly called PAUL'S- STREET, in KETTERING; comprising, on the Ground Floor, a large Sitting- Room, with a Dining and three Sleeping- Rooms over, and a very good Two stall Stable and Barn, with a Loft over it; also, adjoining the above, a Stone- built thatched Dwelling- House, in good Repair, comprising two large Rooms on the Ground Floor, and three Chambers; now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Udebourk, Tenant at Will. The above Premises are eligibly situated in the Centre of the Town. For a View of the Premises, or to treat by Private Ccatrjct, apply to MR. R. M± TIOCK, Kettering. M O U L T O N. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, \ Modem, neat, genteel, nnd convenient C\. HOUSE, situateat MOULTON, near North- ampton; consisting of two spacious Parlours, three Chambers on the first Floor, with suitable Attics, Kitchen, Cellar, Coal and Wood- Houses, Coach- House, excellent Stable, Yard, Garden, Pump, and Well of good Water; the Whole comprising a desirable Situation for a genteel Family. Also together, T- WO TENEMENTS adjoining the said Premises, in the several Occupations of Jane Munden and John Norton. frtr The Whole of the aforesaid Premises are Free- hold, and will be found a desirable Purchase to any Person requiring a comfortable Residence, For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. KIRSHAW, Surveyor, Appraiser, and Auctioneer, Northampton. WIIEHEAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued x> rth against JOHN JONES, late of ENSTONI, in the County of Oxford, Victualler, Dealer and Chapmin, and he being de- clared a Bankrupt is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of thtm, on the TWENTY- SIXTH and TWENTY- SEVENTH Days of NOVEMBER instant, and on the TWENTY- SIXTH Day ot DECEMBER next, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon on each of the said Days, at the House of HENRY CHARITON, known by the Name or Sign of the OLD ANGEL, in the Borough of NEW WOODSTOCK, in the County of Oxford, and make a full Discoveiy and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove the r Debts, and at the second Sitting to chuse Assignees; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same j but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. APLIN, Solicitors, at Charl- bury. PELICAN OFFICE, For Insurance on Lives and granting Annuities. THIS Office was established in LOMBARD- STREET, LONDON, in tht Vear 1797, by a numerous and respectable Proprietary; and the Board ot Directors, with Confidence, arising from the increased Prosperity and Permanency of the Establish- ment, as well as from the Experience of its Useful- ness and Benefit to the Public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted with the Importance and Advantages of LIFE INSURANCE, briefly to suggest some of its leading and peculiar Recommend- ations to almost every Degree and Rank in Society. Life Insurance is of manifest Consequence to all who hold Estates for Life, Situations and Offices, Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Professional; to Officers in the Army and Navy, & c. ; as, by Payment of an Annual Premium, the Party insured is enabled to provide for Wife, Children, or others, whose tuture Welfare he may wish in vain, by other Means, to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate Security to those who advance Money upon Annuities or otherwise. It renders Leases, determinable on one or more Lives, nearly equal in Value to Freehold Estates; as an Insurance to the Amount of the Fine, payable on the Demise of- a Party nominated in such Leases, will produce the Sum required tor Renewal. It is a cheering Refuge to Parties engaged in extensive and speculative Undertakings; it affords to Persons in Trade the certain Means of Indemnification against a bad or doubtful Debt; in short, Lite Insurance, established in Policy, sanctioned by Government, and confirmed by the Test of Experience, is become, to almost every Situation of Human Lite, a Measure equally important, useful, and beneficial. Annuities are granted ufion the most equitable Terms. JOSEPH HAWTYN, Company's Agent at Banbury. To Timber- Merchants.— Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AConsiderable QUANTITY of OAK, ASH, ELM, BEECH, and LIME TREES, standing in SII SOE, WREST PARK, and adjacent WOODS, tile Property of the Baroness Lucas, For a View of the Timber, apply to the PARK- KEEPER; and to treat for the Purchase, to Mr. HARRISON, at Silsoe. Corn, Hay, Keeping of Stuck, the - Sc. Grounds, Farmint- Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AConsiderable PART of the RIGHT of NAVIGATION on the RIVER OUZE, ex- tending upwards of 30 Miles, from St. Ives to Barford Bridge, upon which River there is much Trade from Lynn to Huntingdon, St. Neots, Bedford, Biggles- wade, and into Buckinghamshire, For other Particulars, apply to Messrs. VERNOR & FRANCKHN, Solicitors, Lincoln's- Inn, London; Mr. WTATT, Brome, near Eye, Suffolk J or Messrs. Rix & SON, St. Neots. « To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ADesirable FREEHOLD and TYTHE- FREE F VRM, called NEDGE- FARM, situate in PRIOR's MARSTON, in the County of Warwick ; consisting of a Barn and other Buildings, and four several Pieces of inclosed Land, containing in the Whole 31A. IR. 36P. or thereabouts ( more or less), and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Smith, who holds the same under a Lease for 14 Years, eight of which will be unexpired on the 25th Day of March next, at the very low Rent of ,£. 35 per Annum. The Land Tax is redeemed. For a View of the Premises, and for further Parti- culars, or to treat for the same, apply to Mr. ROLLS, Solicitor, Prior's- Marston aforesaid. THRAPSTON. Freehold Estate, Tythe- free. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, In the following Lots, viz. Lot 1. \ LL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, XX with the Bakehouse, Yard, Garden, Out- buildings, and Appurtenances thereunto be- longing, situate nearly in the Centre of the Town of THRAPSTON, and in the Occupation of Mr. Samuel I. everatt. The above eligible Premises are well calculated for a Baker, which Business has been carried on there very extensively many Years Lot 2 A CLOSE of rich ARABLE LAND, containing eleven Acres, or thereabouts, be the same more or less, lying contiguous to THRAPSTON, and bounded on the North by the Turnpike- Road lead ng from Thrapston to Huntingdon, and in the Occupation of Mr John Blunsom. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next. For further Particulars, apply to Mr JOHN BAKER, of Bvthorn, in the County of Huntingdon; or Mr. TENNEY, Attorney, Thrapston, ;( hrapston, Nov. 19th, 1807, To be. SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On the Premises, at CHACKMORE, near Buck, ingham, on Wednesday the 25th of November. 1807, rpiIE FARMING- STOCK and EFFECTS of A Mr. JAMES PEASLAND, who is leaving hie - Farm; comprising two Ricks and Part of one Coojc of Hay, the Keep of the Grounds till old Lady- Day next, one Hovel of Wheat, one Rick of Oats, one Ditto of Beans, a Quantity of Oats and Beans in the Barns, and 13 Quarters of Barley, thrashed ; 15 In- calf Cows, and four Calves; 52 Ewe Sheep, and 12 Lambs; four stout Cart Mares, one Ditto Horse, and one Nag Horse ; Gears for six Horses ; three Waggons, three Field- Carts, and one Market- Cart; Field- Roll, Drag and other Harrows, Ploughs, Sec. ; Hurdles, Cow - Crihs, Hog - Troughs, Ladders, and Bam Tackle; two Hovel Frames, Horse- Trough, Sec. ; six Milk- Leads, Six- dozen Churn, Tubs, and Buckets; Brewing and Washing- Copper, Beer Casks, Sec. ; Bedstead, Wool. Beds, Bedding, and various other Effects. The Whole will be disposed of in one Day if possible; and on Account of the Number of Articles, the Sale will commence precisely at l> n o'Clock. Linen and Woollen- Drapery. To be SOLD by A U C i' ION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 3d Day of December next, at the Saracen's- Head Inn, in OLD- STRATFORD, in the County of Northampton, removed there for Convenience of Sale, ONE thousand Yards of Ell and Yard- wide PRINTS, Men's Cloths, Velveteens, Swans- downs, Quitting!, Patent Cords, Bed- Furnitures, Dimities, Muffs and Tippets, Flannels, Hosiery, and various other Articles. These Effects are in excellent Condition, most of them laid- in new within twelve Months. The Sale will commence precisely at Eleven o'Clock. Capital Freehold Public- House, Mulling, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J O HN DAY, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 2d Day of De. cember, 1807, at Five o'Clock in the Afteriioon, in one Lot, and under such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, AN old- established and well- accustomed Public- House, known by the Name of the BULI- AND- BITCH, with the Malting and Premises thereto ad- joining and belonging, situate in TICKFOR O- END, in the Parish of N E W PORT- P ACNE LL, Bucks, late the Property of Mr. William Burr, decea> e^, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Smrth, Tenant at Will. The present Estate comprises a modern Brick and Tile- built and Sashed House, t, roomy Kitchen, two front and one other Parlours, six Bed- chambers, two Garrets, excellent Cellaring, Pantries, Brewhouse, and other requisite Conveniencies; a large Yard well supplied with Water, Stabling for twenty Horses, Barns, Sec.; also a very roomy and well- built Malt- ing, with Cisterns, Sec. ( capable- of wetting sixteen Quarters per Week), complete Malt- Chambers, and large and convenient Garners, Bins, Sec. Sec. Also a Messuage or Tenement, with its A ppurienancesl adjoining the Premises last- mentioned, and now in the respective Tenures of Ann Burr, Spinster, and Henry Mursley. The above respective Messuages and Premises are in complete Repair ( having been re- built within a few Years), and are severally entitled to a very va. luable Right of Common in the Bury Fields of Newport- Pagnell aforesaid; and the whole Estate, from its ancient Establishment in the Public Line of Business, its Locality on the London Road, and its many Conveniencies, forms a most desirable Purchase to a Person wishing to obtain a Situation in the above respective Businesses. And if more convenient, the greater Part of the Purchase Money may remain on Security of the Premises. Also at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon of the above- Day will be sold by Auction, on the said Premises, A COCK of excellent HAY, one HORSE, ona CART, a Quantity of SACKS, aud other Effects. For a View of the Premises, applv to the several Tenants; and for further Particulars, to Messrs. Ric H A RD THODEY, of Bedford, and JOHN AOUTTKR, of Salford, Bedfordshire ( Tru tees of the said William Burr, deceased): to Mr. ARROWSMITH, Solicitor, in Newport- Pagnell aforesaid; or to the AUCTIONEE*, in Stony- Stratford, JJucks. 3 ich of md ) W, at day ex- his ct {*! Di- AS ins ot | IC- lan, to or the tied of on, lap- tces . ' n Hay the t by lold r of the i" g, the tins • ing ther the tock and k.- ot tid. in a iery and tith are . at of iree said The said ible this eral : of i on ars, ick- ber, of OC^ C Day one the fli and bus, oil, les, lam six ts; toy her if tes, the , in for ' ide ns- ires, k, it of be- i < n vill i lic- KB- ad- , in late and lant and two two use, yell • ses, alt- teen and lso, ees, ! in and are Q a va- of Me, [ of its tase uve the the IGVC. es, ono I eral trs. iatn i ' n Friday and Saturday's Posts. LO NI) O N, November 20. THE Hamburgh Correspondenten, of the 7th and 20th instant, were received yesterday. They contain not the least information; and as to the politics of the Porte they are completely con- cealed from us. The King of Saxony is going to take formal pos- session of the Duchy of Warsaw. By another Gottenburgh Mail, which arrived on Wednesday, we learn, that the Danish Magistrates in Finland have issued Proclamations, prohibiting the people from conversing on political subjects. The Russian Ambassador, Count Tolstoi, has arrived at Fontainbleau, and Bonaparte has nomi- nated his Ambassador to the Court of St. Peters- burgh. We hardly think that Russia will feel much flattered by the choice Bonaparte has made. The Emperor Alexander has afforded an asylum to the Bourbon family, and Bonaparte has nominated Caulaincourt, who seized the Duke D'Enghien, a member of that family, as his Minister at the Court of St. PetersbUrgh. Travellers who have come from the interior of Russia stale, that the greater part of the troops who served in the late campaign, are still collected, and have not yet received orders to return to their respective quarters. Two- thirds of the provincial niiluia- that were formed last winter, have been dismissed; the remainder are still under arms. The Captain of a vessel which arrived yesterday from Memel, states, that the King of Prussia, who still remains in that town, is rapidly recruiting his army, with whom his Majesty is extremely popular. Jri pursuance of his Majesty's Proclamation for seizing the persons and properties of the subjects of the King of Denmark, the crews of The Hit- ! cannot have ferent Danish merchant vessels, detained at Leith, I Employer, were 011 Thursday taken into custody, and marched off the same evening, under a military escort, to the depot for prisoners of war at Greenlaw. A deputation of American Merchants, consisting of Mr. Sansom the Chairman, and Messrs. Bain- bridge, Baring, Shaw, Mallett, and Iuglis, waited upon Earl Bathurst and Mr. Rose, the President arid Vice- President of the Board of Trade, with whom they continued in conference between two aud three hours. The deputation wished first to obtain some modification of certain parts of the Orders in Council, particularly that relating to Certificates of Origin; and secondly, to procure some explanation with respect to other parts.— . The result of the conference was communicated to a meeting of American Merchants, held this morning. It has not yet transpired. All the battalions of the King's German Legion are under orders for Portsmouth and its neigh- bourhood— several of them have already arrived in transports from North- Yarmouth. The Garland frigate sailed from Cork on the 11th instant, with a fleet of sixty- eight sail, bound to the West Indies. Sunday night, about seven o'clock, a French privateer came into Dover Road, and ran along- side a brig that was lying at anchor within gun- shot of the pier- head. She immediately fired a volley of musquetry into the brig, boarded her, cut her cable, and carried her clcan off. The James, Richard Wilson, from Leith for Newcastle, with goods and passengers, drove from her anchors on the Holderncss coast, off Wax liolme, near the Sister Churches, six miles from ParringSon, about three o'clock on Monday morning in a heavy gale of wind, and soon af terwards be- came an entire wreck. We are sorry to state that all on board perished. Four of the bodies, and part of the cargo, have been washed on shore. There were warehoused at the Custom- house on Monday last, 3787 pipes and 1034 hogsheads of Portugal wine. The leases of Lord Foley's estates, in Worces- tershire being expired, the lands have been valued at £. 15,000 a year more; the advance commences from Lady- day next, and the tenants have all agreed to remain. ' The following truly melancholy occurrence took place, on Wednesday last, at Sherringham, on the Norfolk coast:— As seven men, in two boats, were going out to fish, the boats were upset, and dashed to picces, by a sudden gale of wind, and the poor men were all unfortunately drowned, although not more . than 50 yards from the shore. Tuesday se'nnight, about ten o'clock at night, the mail- coach from Plymouth- Dock was over- turned upon Dinham Bridge, about four miles the western side of Ashburfon. The coach was pro- ceeding with more than common velocity, and, from the circumstance of the horses instantly stopping, the driver was precipitated over the bridge, where the waters had swollen beyond their ordinary size by recent torrents. He was much bruised by the fall,; was carried some distance by the current, and probably would have perished but for the exertions of Lieut. Mainwaring, of the Narcissus, who caught hold of his great- coat, and dragged him to the shore. None of the passengers were in the slightest degree hurt. There are' now living, in the neighbourhood of Bolton, Lancashire, two men, the one named Abraham Haslain, aged 94 years, who can read any chapter in a small Bible with the naked eye, and is in other respects lusty and healthy; the other named William Lomax, a weaver, by which he at present earns his subsistence, at the length- ened age of 98 years, and sings TuUy- I- ho the Grinder, with as much glee as if he was but forty! R. SCRIVEN ri ETURNS his sincere Thanks to his Frifends ^ for the numerous Favours he has so long been honoured with, and informs them that lie has declined the SADDLERY BUSINESS, the Stock of which will be sold by Auction, by Mr. Kirshaw ( see Advertisement), 011 Saturday the28th Instant. U. S. at the same Time, most respectful!*- requests a Continuance of Support ill the HAT BUSINESS, which he intends carrying on as usual, and will make it his Study to merit the Favours of his Friends and the Public, by constantly keeping an Assortment of the best and most fashionable Goods. R. S. continues Agent to the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, the Security and advantageous Terms of which are well known. Bridge- Street, Northampton, Nov. 21 it, 1807. WELLINGBOROUGH VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. THE Gentlemen of the WELLINGBOROUGH TROOP of CAVALRY are requested to meet on the PARADE, in WELLINCBOROUCH, on THURSDAY the 26th Day of NOVEMBER instant, at Ten o'Ctock in the Forenoon, properly armed and equipped, and to remain in Quarters thiee Days, for the Purpose of being trained and exercised under the Provisions of the Act of Parliament passed in the 41th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty. WILLIAM DRAGE, First Lieutenant. November 19 th, 1807. WANTED immediately, A middle- aged PER- SON, as HOUSEKEEPER, to superintend I the Management of a House for a Widower, where a . Servant is kept under h^ r, and lake the Care of a j young Child.— A Character for Honesty and So- briety will be expected. Apply personally, or by Letter Post- paid, to Mr. R. RICHARDSON, Stony- Stratford. Stony- Stratford, 20th November, 1S07. To ( tracers and Ironmongers. ry ANTED immediately, An ASSISTANT in I v v the above . Branches.— None need apply who 1 do not perfectly understand their Business, and who | a good Character from their last j . . r. 1 Apply to M. SMITH, Ironmonger, & c. Rugby, | Warwickshire; if by Letter, Post- paid. To T AI LORS. j TT7" ANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN ' vv TAILOR— A good" Workman will meet! with constant Employ and good Wages, by apply- j ing to T. BENSON, Little- Brington, near Althorp, I Northamptonshire. JOURNEYMEN SHOEMAKERS WANTED. j » ' -— Apply at J. BOKSLEY'S Warehouse, Broad- I Lane, Northampton. J NORTHAMPTON, Nov. 21st, 1807. MRS. WILKINSON begs Leave to inform her Friends and the Public, she has received from LONDON a genteel and fashionable Assortment of MILLTNERY, plain and twilled SARSNETS, and plain ' and figured twilled coloured CAMBRICS; also, a : Variety ot Worsted LUSTRES and fine STUFFS, I Musi. INS of all Descriptions, FURS, fine PELISSE • CLOTHS, SALISBURY FLANNELS, & c. tj- V^' The above Goods are now open for Sale. To the NOBILITY, GENTRY, CLERGY, and other FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY of NORTH AMPTON. MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN, AVERDERERSUIP of SALCEY FOREST having bccome vacant by the Death of WILLIAM HANBURY, Esquire,' I beg leave to solicit the Favour of your Votes and Interest to succeed him ; and should 1 be so fortunate as to meet with your Approbationr and Support, it will confer a lusting Obligation on lour most obedient, And humblt Servant, GEO. WM. GUNNING. Ilorton, 19th November, 1807. To be LETT, to the Best Bidder, At an Assembly of the Mayor, Bailiffs, and Bur- gesses, of the Town of Northampton, at their Guildhall, in the said Town, on Monday the 23d Day of November instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for a ' leriu not exceeding 14 Years, from Lady- Day next, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and tlieie produced, A CLOSE of inclosed PASTURE GROUND, j.\ lying on the East Side of St. Giles's Church- Yard, in the said Town of NORTHAMPTON, containing hy Estimation about one Acre ( more or lessi, ' and now in the Occupation of John Armytage, Esq. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. JEYES, Town- Clerk, Northampton. E. PAINE I^ MBRACES the present Opportunity of thank- - 4 ing the Ladies of NORTHAMPTON, its Vicinity, and the Public in general, for their Support and Patronage; and hopes, by strict Atten- tion, she shall continue to be favoured with that Encouragement which she has for several Years so amply experienced ; and begs Leave to inform them, that she has just returned from LONDON with a fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, which will open for Sale on MONDAY next the 23d Instant. Parade, Northampton. BEDFORD FIRST SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY WILL be at the SWAN INN, on TBESDAY the 15th of DECEMBER next. Stewards are appointed for the Evening; and the Dancing to commence at Seven o'Clock. M c N E y_ READY to be advanced, on approved Free- hold Securities, several Sums of MONEY, from = 6.100 to £. 500. Enquire of Mr. JOHN GATES, Attorney at Law, Abington- Street, Northampton. Farming - Stock, Sfc. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By Mr. THOMSON, On the Premises of Mr. RICHARD VINCENT, at FINEBON SOUTH- HILL FARM, on Thursday the 26th Day of November, 1807, at Ten o'Clock, 1IVE and DEAD STOCK, & c.; consisting of - i 90 Ewes and Theaves, 20 Shearhogs, IK) Lambs, 10 Beasts, one Two- year- old Bull, four Horses, Cart, and Roll, with a Number of Lots of various Utensils in Husbandry. The Stock are well bred, and the Ewes tupped by a very capital Ram of Mr. Wallis's, of Barton- Lo'dge. Four Months' Credit will be given on all Bargains above fen Pounds, 011 approved joint Security ; or a legal Discount for ready Money. WANTED immediately, and TALLOW- CH ANE the GROCERY ANDLERY BUSINESS, An active YOUNG MAN, of good Character, who can make himself useful in either of the above Branches. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. NORMAN, Printer, Aylesbury, Bucks. WANT'S a Place, as TALLOW- CHANDLER, A steady PERSON.— Direct to J. BROWN, Woburn, Beds. \\ fANTS a Situation, A middle- aged WOMAN, v v as UPPER- SERVANT and SUPER- INTENDANT in a single Lady or Gentleman's House; or as COOK and HOUSEKEEPER in a small Family.— A Country Situation would be pre- ferred. Apply at Mr. RICHARDS'S, two Doors from Fish- Lane, Abington- Street, Northampton. ANTED, as FOOTMAN, in a Gentleman's Family, A YOUNG MAN, who perfectly understands his Business, and can produce an un- exceptionable Character front his last Place. Apply to Mr. WEBB, Bookseller, Bedford. WANTED, FOUR SINGLE MEN, as SUBSTITUTES in the NORTHAMPTON- SHIRE MILITIA, for the Parish of HARDING- STONE. For further Particulars, apply to the OVERSIER of the said Parish. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Before Christmas, .111 Lots ( Particulars in a future Paper), ALarge QUANTITY of ELM and other TIMBER TREES, growing in the Parish of DA 1.1^ 1 NGTON. in the immediate Vicinity of Northampton, near to good Roads, aud convenient for Water Carriage. ' KINGSTHORPE. Freehold Estate, Tythe- frce, and the Land Tax w>" sail as usual in a few days, perhaps not unac redeemed. companied by a considerable naval force. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. KIRSHAIV, At the George Inn, in Northampton, on Wednesday the 25th Day of November instant, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced. Lot 1. IX) UR CLOSES of very good ARABLE, - L MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, situate in KINGSTHORPE, within the short Distance of about one Mile and a Half from the Town of Northampton ; from whence, through Kingsthorpe, passes the Turnpike- Road to Welford; containing 12 Acres, or thereabouts ( be the same more or less). These Closes lie together, and are bounded on one Side by the said Turnpike- Road to Welford, and on the other by the River Nen, by which it is sometimes in Part floated. The Situation of this Lot is a very desirable one to erect either a pleasant Re- sidence or a Manufactory upon, as a never- failing Rivulet of excellent Water runs through the Middle thereof, tn the said River. Lot 2. A large FARM- HOUSE, with A. R. P. extensive Out - buildings, Gardens, and Orchard, containing 12 6 Homeclose 3 2 II Osier Bed 1 0 15 The Slang 0 0 27 WANTED immediately, TWO YOUNG MEN, to serve as SUBSTITUTES in the NORTHAMPTONSHIRE MILITIA, for the Parish of DAVENTRY.— A liberal Bounty will be given. {£ 3T Apply to the CHURCHWARDENS. WANTED, TWO SINGLE MEN, as SUB- STITUTES, to serve in the NORTHAMP- TONSHIRE MILITIA, for the Parish of KINC- SUITON.— Good Bounties will be given. Apply to the OVERSEERS. On Monday last, at Shobden- Court, in, county of Hereford, William Hanbury, Esq. « Kelmarsh, in this county. Same day, at Albury- Hall, Hertfordshire, Mrs. Calvert, wife of Edward Calvert, Esq. On Saturday se'nnight, at Edithweston, Rut- landshire, Mrs. Cooke, a maiden lady of that place. She was in the act of drinking a glass of wine, when she fell from her seat, and w as taken up lifeless. On Tuesday se'nnight, Mrs. Kellam, wife of Mr. Edward Kellam, of llyton, Warwickshire. On Wednesday se'nnight, at Huntingdon, to the universal regret of the regiment, by whom he was sincerely beloved, Henry Cross, Esq. Cip-> tain in the Northamptonshire Militia. On Thursday se'nnight, at her father's house in Cambridge, in the 38th year of her age, Mrs. Wynter, relict of the Rev. P. Wynter, rector of Exhall cum Wixford, Warwickshire. Same day, Mrs. Willan, wife of Wm. Willan, Esq. of Souldern- House, Oxfordshire. Lately, at Erpingham, in the county of Norfolk, the wife of the Rev. Joseph Dixie. Churchill; her death was occasioned by a fit of apoplexy at the age of 38, and she has left nine children. Mr. Churchill's mother was the daughter of the Rev. Beaumont Dixie, late rector of Market- Bosworth, in Leicestershire. Yesterday se'nnight, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Goodall, wife- of Mr. J. Goudall, of Co- ventry. On Wednesday, last, much lamented by her relatives and friends, Mrs. Brough, relict of the Rev. George Stauntyii Brough, rector of Staunton and Wollaston, in Nottinghamshire. Same day, the Rev. N. Gilbert, M. A. rector of Bledlow, Bucks. Mr. Sergeant Lens, Fellow of Downing college, and late of St. John's, Cambridge, is elected Counsel to that University, in the room of the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, who has resigned. Samuel Smith, Esq. one of the members for the borough of Leicester, has presented to the cor- NO arrival from Portugal his yet enabled us to Poratio" a very fine picture, in oil colours, copied speak positively respecting'the actual state £ om the celebrated portrait ot Mr. Pitt taken by of affairs in that country. A packet for Lisbon j Hopner. I Ins handsome memorial of that n. com- • ] parable Minister, is to be placed in the Guildhall. On Sunday se'unight, after a very appropriate Letters from Rotterdam, of the 15th, positively I ser'non b, y th ® Rev E. Vardy, a collection was assert, that Mr. Armstrong, the American Minister 1 ™ ade, at th, ® church doors, in Market- Harborough, at Paris, had just written, in urgent terms, to the ! tor, th « rellef Bntlsh Prisoners in France, most respectable merchants of that city, concerned 1 * nd , tlle s" m. of was rerouted to Messrs. in the American trade, advising to hasten, with j Bwcl » ? s' lrltton> & Co' thelr behalt. every possible expedition, the sailing of all Ame- | Current Prices of Canal Shares.— I he following rican ships. Mr. Armstrong. is said, according to i were the average prices of Navigable Canal Niares, these letter's, to have stated, that the French Em- ; at the office of Mr. Scott, 25, New Bridge- Street, peror peremptorily insists that America shall shut London, 111 October, 1807:— Grand Junction her ports against British shipping, and cease all \ Canal, at d. .90 per share.— Grand Surrey, £ 47 communication with us. " j to of .45.— Ellesmere, £. 55.— Rochdale, - t .40.— By a letter from Quebec, of the 4th ult. we I !) e, inet a" d A ™ "> original, ^ f. 20.— Ashby- de- la- leavn « that the President of the Council had in- I ^" uch> =£- 24.— Lancaster, ^'. lS. vited Sir Job* Johnson, Superinteudant- General j A few days ago a shocking accident- happened of Indian Affairs in the Canadas, to repair to that ; near King's Bush, Huntingdon :— John Terrell, Capital, to assist in arranging measures for calling j guard to the Boston coach, fell from the dickey, LONDON, November 21. 6 1 ta Village of very short very well JOHNSON & Co.' s BANKRUPTCY. fJ^ HE Creditors who have not proved their JL Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt issued against JOSEPH JOHNSON & JOHN STATHAM, of TWICKETT'S- MILLS, in the County of Northamp- ton, and THOMAS JOHNSON, of HYDE- STREET, BLOOMSBURY, in the County of Middlesex, Millers, Dealers and Chapmen, are requested to prove the same at the next Meeting of the Commissioners, ta be held at GUILDHALL, LONDON, on SATURDAY the l'Jth Day of DECEMBER next; and such of the Cre- ditors who my wish to prove their Debts, by Affi- davit, in the Country, are desired to apply forthwith to Mr. BUTCHER, Solicitor, Northampton.— And all Persons indebted to the said Bankrupts' Estates, are desired to pay the same to Messrs. SWAIN, STEVENS, & MAFLES, Solicitors, Old Jewry, London; or to Mr. 1' ERCIVAL, one of the Assignees, or Mr. BUTCHER, at Northampton, within one Month from the Date hereof, or they will be sued for the same. Northampton, Nov. 20th, 1807. situate near the CHURCH, in the KINGSTHORPE aforesaid, and at a Distance only from Lot 1. This Lot adapted for a Trade or Manufacture which requirt. extensive Buildings, as a very considerable Spring of excellent Water, which in the driest Summer never fails, runs through the Cow- Yard. These Lots are now in the several Occupations of Mr. Walton and his Undertenants, who will shew the same. Possession can be given to a Purchaser at Lady- Day next. For further Information, apply either to Mr. PRE EST, of Fillongley, near Coventry; or to Mr. FARR, Solicitor, of Coventry. SADDLER\! To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IV, On Saturday the 28th Day of December, at the George Inn, in NORTHAMPTON, removed there for the Convenience of Sale, rpilF. entire, neat, modern, and fashionable I STOCK in TRADE of Mr. SCRIVEN, who has declined that Part of his Business; consisting of Saddles, Bridles, Bridle- Bits, Stirrup- Irons, and Rugs, of various Descriptions, Saddle- Bags, Portmanteaus, Breast- Plates and Martingals, two Sets of new Gig Harness, Currycombs and Brushes, of all Sorts, Plated Spurs, Saddle- Trees, Pitted Buckles, Basils, Hog- Skins and facing Ditto, together with a capital Assortment of Goods, well worth the Attention of the Trade and the Public in general. The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. Northampton, Nov. 21I.', 1807. WANTED to Purchase, in either of the Counties of Bedford, Northampton, or Oxford, An ESTATE, from 20 to £. 30,000 Value, well situate'd for Hunting, with a good Family House. Direct to Mr. DEBARRY, No. 1, Tanfield- Court, Temple, London. IROII ESTER, Nov. 20th, 1807. ELOPED from the Parish of IRCHESTER, about the latter End of September last, WILLIAM COX, Labourer. He is about 28. Years of Age, five Feet six Inches high, his a fair Complexion, daik Hair, is well made, and walks upright.— He lias been used to Wood Work and work on the Road. Whoever will give Information of the said WM. Cox, to the Parish- Officers of Irchester, in the County of Northampton, so that lie may be appre- hended, shall receive a Rewardof FIVE GUINEAS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, On Wednesday the 25th of November instant, 1807, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ABOUT 13 Acres of good COLESEED, lying . in that l'artof Burton Lordship called CRANFORD WOI. D, adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading from Fincdon to Thrapston, near Finedon Poplar. The Company are requested to meet on the Premises by Two o'Clock, when the Sale will commence. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. JOHN SMITH, at the Stag Inn, in Cranford; or to the AUCTIONEER, at Kettering. To be SOLD bv A U CTION, By Mr. BRAMPTON, On Friday the 4th Day of December next, 1807, at the Si'gn of the Duke's - Arms, in Kettering, in the County of Northampton, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, under such Conditions as will be then and there produced, AYTery desirable CLOSE of rich PASTURE MEADOW LAND, containing about five Acres, with good Fences, and well watered, con- veniently situated adjoining the Turnpike- Road leading to the Toll- Bar on the Thrapston Road, and adjoining a certain Place called Pegg- Bridge, in the Lordship of Kettering. For further Particulars, or a View of the Land, apply to the Auctioneer. F Freehold Estates. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On the 9th Day of December, 1807, at Mr. George Stanton's, the Castle Public- House, in North- Crawley, Bucks, in the Afternoon, ~ 71VE FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENE- MENTS, pleasantly situated in the HIOH- STREIT, in NORTH- CRAWLEY aforesaid, with Yards, Gardens, and Out- offices, and a Well of good . Water, in the Front of the Premises called the Town- Well.— The said Premises are now in the Oc- cupations of R. Dorrell, Robert Cook, T. Bostcn, and Davis & Millington, respectable Tenants, and are lett at old and improvable Rents. Also, a Close of rich Pasture Land adjoining, now in the Hands of the Proprietor, For further Particulars, apply to Mr. STANTON, Baker,' in North- Crawley ; and for a View of the frciniscii, to the TENANTS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Friday the 4th Day of December next, 1807, at the Green- Man, at Syresbam- Hatch, in the l'aiish of St. Peter, Brackley, in the County of North- ampton, between the. Hours of One and Four, ac- cording to such Conditions as will then be pro- duced ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), ALL that well- accustomed and very desirable MESSUAGE or PUBLIC- HOl/ SE, called the GREEN- MAN, situate at SYRESHAM- HATCH aforesaid, on the Turnpike- Road leading from Oxford to Northampton, with a good Barn, Stable, and other convenient Buildings to the same belonging, now in the Occupation of Mr. Stephen Payne, who is well known to keep the best Ale in this Part of the Country ; also, several Closes or inclosed Grounds of rich Arable and Pasture Land, which adjoin the said Messuage, and contain eighty Acres, more or less, now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Fairbrother. The Premises are Leasehold, held under Magdalen College, Oxford, for the Term of 20 Years, renewable every seven Years., and the Lease has lately been re- newed with the College by the Proprietor. For Particulars, or to treat for the Purchase by Private Contract, apply to Mr. THOMAS, Attorney, at Brackley; and lor a View of the Estate, to the T* N\ NT » . Freehold and Part Leasehold Estate, NORTHAMPTON. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. KIRSHAIV, On Saturday the 28th of Noiember instant, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, at the George Inn, Northampton, \ Truly desirable and convenient DWELLING- /\ HOUSE and PREMISES, situate in the SOUTH QUARTER, BRIDGE- STREET, in the. Town of N O RTH- AMPTON, late the Estate of Mr. Alderman MEACOCK; consisting of two Parlours and Kitchen on the Ground Floor, four Rooms on the first Floor, convenient Attics, Out- offices, Cellar, and a large Garden and Hot- House; now in the Occupation of Mr. Constable. A View of the Estate may be had by Application to the TENANT; ami further Particulars of THOMAS MARSHALL, Solicitor, in Kettering; or the AUC- TIONEER, in Northampton. Farming- Utensils, Stock, and Household- Furniture, To be peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. " K IRS II Alf, On Thursday the 3d and Friday the 4th Days of December, 1807, on the Premises of JOSEPH JOHNSON & Co. Bankrupts, at TWICKETT'S MILLS, near Towcester, in the County of North- ampton ; CONSISTING of a valuable Assortment of FARMING UTENSILS, viz. one Six- inch and one Narrow- wheel tilted Waggon, one other Narrow- wheel Waggon, one tilted Cart, and a Dung Cart; Double and Single- wheel Ploughs, Harrows, about 40 Dozen of Hurdles, Barn Tackle in general, and a Patent Chaff- Cutter; Horse- Harness; Part of several Ricks of Hay, a Quantity of Beans in the Straw, and Wheat Straw and Stubble; several Drag- Rakes ; 14 fat Hogs; a large Quantity of Timber, Fire. Wood, and Faggots; several Thousand Feet of Oak, Elm, Ash, and Poplar Inch Boards and Slabs; one Hovel- Frame, complete; and various other Arti- cles, too numerous to mention. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE consists of handsome, neat, and genteel Mahogany Furniture; a Set of Dining Tables, with circular Ends; Pembroke and other Tables; Set of Chairs; Bureau, Wardrobe, and and large Writing- Desk; Four- post and other Bed- steads and Furnitures; Mirror and looking- Glasses ; Bath- Stoves and Eire- Irons ; Feather- Beds and Bed- ding ; Kitchen and Scullery Utensils, in Pewter, Brass, Copper, and Tin; Earthenware; Brewing, Washing, and Bakehouse Coppers; exceeding good Tubs and Casks; Bakers' Oven - Door, Dough- Troughs, and Bakers'Implements in Suit; a Num- ber of Watches and Trinkets ; and numerous other useful and convenient Articles.— The Furniture and Implements are nearly new. I The Stock will be sold on the first, and the Furni- ture on the second Day.— The Sale to commence each Morning at Ten o'Clock. out the force of the country."— The extensive in- fluence of Sir John Johnson in Canada, has induced the principals of both provinces to apply to him in the present emergency, and he is now manifesting his usual zeal for the service of his country, by preparing the Militia and Indians for the field. . About 3000 Militia and 2000 Indians can be as- sembled on the shortest notice at his call, and upon his taking the field a much larger force will join him. So that the late provident measures of Ministers, seconded by the exertions of Sir John Johnson, will oppose a formidable barrier to ajiy attempts on the part of the United S lates, in the event of a rupture. A fine French privateer, just off the stocks, and oply two days from Morlaix, of 18 guns, and 110 men, has been taken, after a chase, and sent into Plymouth by the Surinam, of 18 guns. The French privateer's name is Admiral Du Croix. The Swallow brig has captured, off the Lizard, the French privateer Friedland, of 14 guns, and 45 men. She threw all her guns overboard during the chase. She left Morlaix on Saturday, in com- pany with two luggers, and had made no capture. —' The Carrier privateer has capture^ the Active, off the Dogger Bank— she parted from her in a gale of wind, after having put a prize- master and men on board. The Active had 32 men, the Carrier 17. It appears by a letter from Portsmouth that the fleet, under the command of Admiral Keats, has dropped down to St. Helen's ; it consists of twelve sail of the line.— The gallant Admiral's flag is on board the Superb. Respecting this force, it was absurdly reported yesterday, that it was intended to take possession of the Russian fleet, now lying at Gibraltar, and conduct it into an English port. Such a proceeding we consider as altogether unne- cessary. Sir Samuel Hood, it is said, is to have the com- mand of the squadron now fitting out with great activity at Plymouth, for a secret Expedition.—. Sir Samuel is at Portsmouth, from whence he is to proceed to Plymouth in the Centaur. General Beresford arrived at Portsmouth on Thursday; he accompanies Sir Samuel llood, ami it is rumoured, is to have the co'mnmnd of the troops going upon the Expedition.— They are to be embarked at Plymouth. —- KfSOSe—- FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Seventh day.— No. 10,873, a prize of ^'. 1000. No. 18,783, ^. 100. Eighth day.— Nos. 2190, 4775, 8728, 15,750, and 18,158, prizes of =£. 100 each. Ninth day.— No. 5665, a prize of .£. 100. Tenth day.— No. 5258, a prize ot ^. 500. PRICE OF Sat. IMon. Bank Stock .. 3 per Ct. Red. 621 I63| J 3 per Ct. Cons. 63J| | 63i 64 4 per Ct. Cons. 8141 814 81 5 per Ct. N—, 974 9S!' 8iSi Omnium jj pr I14 Cons, forAcc,; 63j} [ 64 STOCKS. Tu. 325 i 62J cWil 8f> i 98JJ Wed. 62J 63 63 si 8044 98ii § ' it pr: t J pr 63J ; 63J Th. Fr. 225J 63 621625 ti3|| sort — H U pr S- M 6: iii and was not discovered until the York mail horses went back, when the poor man was found 1' ing across the road speechless. He was conveyed to Huntingdon, and died 011 Saturday night. An inquisition was taken on Monday last before William Birdsall, Gent, one of his Majesty's Coroners for this town, upon view of the body of James Simcoe, blacksmith, who 011 the preceding night, being intoxicated with liquor, laid down ir. the public highway, at the upper part of Abington- street, and was found dead the next morning. Verdict— That he died through Intoxication and Inchmtncy of the Weather. And 011 the following day another inquisition was taken before the same Coroner, upon view of the body of John Allen, shoemaker, who sud- denly dropped down dead. Verdict— That he died by the Visitation of God. On Tuesday last an inquisition was taken at Daventry, before Thomas Adams, Esq. Coroner for that borough, 011 view of the body of William Bucks, a buatman, of Little- Brickhill, who was imprudently alone conducting a boat through the tunnel on the Grand Junction Canal, near Da- ventry, and by accident fell into the water and was drowned. The jury, after examining the body of the deceased, and a man who was in another boat at some distance, but could not get up to render him timely assistance, returned a verdict of— Accidental Death. On Tuesday an inquisition was also taken at Ludgershall, in the county of Bucks, before James- Burnham, Gent. one. of his Majesty's Coroners for the said county, on view of the body of John Smith, 3 poor man of that parish, who the Satur- day pre ceding was found drowned. Jurors' ver- dict— Accidental Death. And 011 the same day another inquisition was taken at Brill, in the said county, before the same Coroner, on view of the body of Jjohn Holland, a labourer of that place, who expired suddenly. Verdict— Died by the Visitation of God. Last week an ' inquisition was taken at Potton, in the county of Bedford, before Wm". Whitworth, Gent. Coroner for the said county, 011 view of the body of John Virtue, who was found dead in Potton field. Verdict—.- Died hy the Visitation of God. An inquest was lately- held at Collyweston, in . this county, oil the body of John Woodward, a labourer of that place, who was crushed to death* by the carving- in of a stone- pit in which he was at work. The poor man has left a widow and three infant children., •>••'"• Last week was committed to the Castle of Lin- coln, ' Thomas Honsenian, a boy only fifteen years of age, charged by the coroner's inquest on view of the body of William Threadgold, then lying dead at Grantham, with feloniously killing him on the 5th of November instant. A quarrel amongst the bays at Grantham 011 that evening, about their bonfires, led to the unfortunate affair : Threadgold having struck the prisoner with a stick over the hand, the prisoner immediately threw a half brick at him, which hitting him en his temple ocen- siotied his death. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, November 21. BIRTH.] Lately, at Whatldon- IIall, Bucks, the Lady of William Lowndes, Esq. of a son and heir. MARRIED.] On Tuesday se'nnight; George Eddie Sanders, Esq. of Clifton, to Maria Hannah, eldest daugbteo of Samuel Willson Bishop, Esq. of Oxford. Last week, at Gadsby, Leicestsrshire, the Rev. John Leete, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Thomas Troughton Lydiat, many years rector of Warkton, in this county. A few days ago, at Coventry, Mr. John Cattell, to Miss Elizabeth Bradford, second daughter of the late Mr. Bradford, builder, of that city. Lately, at Nuneaton, Warwickshire, Mr. John Dagley, to Miss Ann Suffolk. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Nov. 21. Wheat, 54s. to 64s. Od. Rye, 40s. Od. to —- s. Barley, 36s Od. to 39s. Od Oats, — s. Od. to — s. Od. J New Oats, 26s. Od. to 30s. Bean's, 52&, 0u. to— s Oil. Peas, — s. Od. to— s. Od. By the Standard Measure. GRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Nov. 20. The boisterous weather since Monday has prevented several corn- vessels from getting up the river; and hence the supplies of Wheat, tor Wednesday and to- day, have been narrowed so as to give the article an advance of Is. or 2s. per quarter above Monday's terms, — Rye, Barley, Malt, a d Oats, are likewise al! of thein dearer.— Peas and Beans, of the various kinds, have varied but little from their last re- ported currency. LIST of FAIRS, from Ntrc. 23, to Dec. 5, within the Circuit of this Paper. DIED.] At Exeter, on Wednesday se'nnight,! M. Nov. 23. Rugby, DeddJngton, and Bngstock. in the prime of life, after a lingering illness, the F- 27. Chippiteg- Norton. I. ady of Sir William Langham, Bart, of Cottes- j S' 28• Northampton, Spaldwict, Hook. Norton, brooke, in this county, and only daughter of the M. — 30. ^ LnStdAmphUl. lute Hon. Charles Vane. 1 f. Dec. i. Athvuone. * Vf l the Printers of the Northampton Mercury. GENTLRMEN, THE following STANZAS having been inaccurately given in the Northampton and other Newspapers, I request you will re- insert them trom the correct copy which I now send. Had the wishes of their Author been consulted, these Lines would never have appeared in public; but I cannot regret that the pub- lic should be in possession of such a specimen of his talents, taste, and filial affection. A Friend if the Author. November Vhi, 1807. LINES, Addressed to Mrs. Stephenson, on her Birth- Day. By her Son ( the Rev. JOSHUA STEPHENSON). THIS morning, ere yet 1 arose from my bed, Your Birth- day, deal Mother, can-. e into my head, With a heart lull of pleasure I welcom'd the date That marks your arrival at Seventy- eight. Then reflecting how few, either women or men, E'er attain to the limits of three score and ten, I ador'd the AI. MICHTY, whose goodness so great Had preserv'd your existence to Seventy- eight. But when I consider'd the years that are fled, And of those you lov'd living how many are dead! Surely vain, I exclaim'd, is this mortal estate, And I pity'd the sorrows of Seventy- eight! Still, to those who so number the days that pass o'er, As of virtue and wisdom to lay up a store, Whose wishes are humble, whose thoughts are sedate, Some comforts remain e'en at Seventy- eight. Yes, they who have eatly accomplish'd the mind, E'en in sickly old age many blessings may find; And such is the case, I exult while 1 say't, Of my excellent mother of Seventy- eight! Iler patience and piety, goodness and sense, Will live in remembrance many years hence; Her praises too highly 1 never can rate, Nor recount half her merits at Seventy- eight. Her tender regard, her attention and care, 1 have tilt from a child, but want words to declare; Oh' let me then pay, ere it yet be too late, Due homage to her and to Seventy- eight. Contented I'd live in the lowest degree, To see her from care and anxiety free; And while some court the rich, others flatter the great, I bow to my mother of Seventy . eight. Might I live to behold her an hundred years older, In the arms of affection 1 still would enfold her; No distance of time should my ardour abate, I'm so fond of my mother of Seventy- eight. Ami now I have only to sing or to say, Way you see many happy returns of the day; And, another year gone, may the office be mine, To hail your arrival at Seventy- nine! C O 1* Y Of a remarkable INSCRIPTION on a MONUMSNT, lately erected in Horsleydown Church, in Cumberland. He'e lie the Bodies OfTnoMAsBoND and MARY his Wife. She was Temperate, Chaste, and Charitable; BUT . She was Proud, Peevish, and Passionate. She was an affectionate Wife, and tender Mother; BUT Her Husband and Child, whom she loved, Seldom saw her countenance without a disgusting frown, Whilst she received Visitors, whom she despised, with an endearing smile. Her behaviour was discreet towards strangers; BUT Imprudent in her Family. Abroad, her conduct was influenced by good bleeding; BUT At home, by ill- temper. She was a professed enemy to flattery, And was seldom known to praise or commend; BUT The talents in which she principally excelled, V/ ere difference of opinion, and discovering flaws and imperfections. She was an admirable Economist, And. without Prodigality, Dispensed I'lenty to every Person in her Family; BUT Would sacrifice their eyes to a farthing candle. She sometimes made her Husband happy, with her good Qualities; BUT Much more frequently miserable, with her many failings; Insomuch, that in thirty years' cohabitation he often Lamented, that, maugrc all her Virtues, he Had not, in the whole, enjoyed two Yeais ot Matrimonial Comfort. AT LENGTH, Finding that she had lost the affections of her Husband, As well as the regard of her Neighbours, Family disputes having been divulged by Servants, She died of Vexation, July 20, 1768, Aged 48 years. Her worn- out Husband survived her four months and two days, And departed this life, Nov. 28, 1768, In the 54th year of his age. WILLIAM BOND, brother to the deceased, Erected this Stone, fts a Weekly Monitor to the surviving Wives of this Parish, That they may avoid the infamy Of having their Memories handed down to Posterity With a patch- work Character. —- in Post- Horses.— The season has already arrived when these poor beasts experience the full mea- sure of their tortures. The winter promises to end the career of many of them.— Oil Tuesday, in the short distance bet' een Glaston and Morcot, in Rutlandshire, two post- horses lay dead on the road, and the sight is becoming very common on all the roads of much traffic. The admirable lines of the feeling Bloomfield are a lesson to impatient travellers, which would be well remembered at this season:— All chains were freedom, every toil repose. Could the poor put. horse te( l thee all his woes; Shew thee his bleeding shoulders, and untold The dreadful anguish he endures for gold : Hir'd at each call of business, lust, or rage, Tlut prompt the trav'ller on from stage to stage. Still on his strength depends their boasted speed ; For them his limbs grow weak, his bare ribs bleed; And though he groaning quickens at command, Their extra shilling in the rider's hand Becomes his bitter scourge:—' tis he must feel The double efforts of the lash and steei; Till when, up hill, the destin'd inn he gains, And trembling under complicated pains, Prone from his nostrils, darting on the ground, His breath emitted floats in clouds around; Drops chase each other down his chest and sides, And spatter'd mud his native colour hides; Thro' his swoln veins the boiling torrent. Sows, And every nerve a separate torture knows. Ah, well for him if here his sufT'rings ceas'd, And ample hours of rest his pains appeas'd I But rous'd again, and sternly bade to rise And shake refreshing slumber from his eyes, Ere his exhausted spirits can return, Or through his frame reviving ardour burn, Cdlne forth he must, tho' 1 imping, maim'd and sore; He hears the whip, the chaise is at the door:— The collar tightens, and again he feels His half- hcal'd wounds inflam'd; again the wheels With tiresome sameness in his ears resound. Thus nightly robb'd, and injur'd day by day, His piece- meal murd'rers wear his life away. COURT ot KING's- BENCH, Saturday, Nov. 7. COUNTRY BANKS. Giles Forrest v. Perkins Sf Co. Mr. Garrow moved for a rule to, set aside the verdict in this case. It was an action brought to recover the. sum of .18,000, and was ons of great importance to the commercial world, and also of great consequence to country bankers. The defendants were the assignees of Dickenson & Co. persons who carried on the business of bankers A « Birmingham, and they were entitled to the sum for which they had taken their verdict, provided certain bills of exchange, paid into their bunk, were to be considered as the property of the plaintiffs, and not of the bankers. This case depended upon the manner in which the business between the plaintiffs and the bankers was carried on; ami it is extremely different from the manner in which it is carried on in London. To point out that difference, he should contrast the two modes of carrying on business. If bills, which are not yet due, were paid in by a customer to a banker in London, the London banker writes it short in his book, and does not carry it to the credit of his customer until these bills be paid; not so with the country bankers, such as those now concerned in the present action. They had always dealt iu this manner: when a customer came to their counter, and made a payment of cash or undue paper, it was deemed a payment made to his credit The banker considered such bills as his own, and made use of them to serve his own purposes; and in many instances, in order to save the expences of stamps, he actually gave away the undue paper, in payments to other cus- tomers, using a bill of exchange not due, a guinea, or a Bank of England note, equally as his own property. T he three notes which constituted the subject of the present case, were not yet due, and therefore the plaintiffs then insisted that this was money of theirs which they had a right to take from the banker, because, if the bankruptcy had not taken place, they were not entitled to specie. This matter was tried at Guildhall, and the Jury, uniting in opinion with the Judge, formed their judgment upon the London practice, because all these bills were indorsed when put into the banker's hands. This, however, must necessarily be so. In London, bills are paid in a state of negociation; but, not- withstanding their having an indorsement, a London banker would not give credit to his customer for a single shilling. He ( the Counsel) was in a state to produce evidence that country bankers considered these as a gross payment, and that the parties charged interest both ways.— T his was not like a case where a bill was paid in against another bill. Lord Ellenborough-—" The Jury had a strong opinion that every person who pays bills into the hands of a banker, pays them to an agent, to re- ceive money for them; and, in case tiiey give credit for these bills, they will have suit against that party, by means of an indorsement; these bills, therefore, remain as a dry deposit," Rule refused. The superior quality of Warren's Japan Liquid Blacking has induced other blacking- makers to coun. terfeit it. To prevent which, observe, No. 14, St. Martin's. Lane, is stamped in each bottle of Warren's Blacking, and the cork sealed R. W.— It may be had, genuine, of Edge, Druggist, North- ampton; Harrod, and Dawson, Harborough ; Swinfen, and Simmons, Leicester; Ward, and Hulse, Hinckley ; Bingham, Atherstone ; Poulter, Stony - Stratford ; Gailard, Towcester; Dunkley, Daventry; Rusher, and Marriott, Banbury ; Loggin, Aylesbury; Dodd, Woburn; Barringer, Newport - Pagnell; Palgrave, Bedford; Mason, Olney; Parker, Higham - Ferrers; Saunderson, and Beale, Wellingborough; Chettle, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Bell, and Tookey, Oundle; Ward, and Porter, Thrapston ; and in every principal town in England ; in stone bottles, Is. 6d. a pint, and lOd. half a pint. CONSUMPTION CURED. IN Cases of approaching Consumption, HOPE's HECTIC PILLS have never been known to fail. In the more advanced Stages, the most unex- pected Cures have taken Place, even after there re- mained no apparent Possibility of Recovery; and in the most deplorable and complicated Cases, Life has been lengthened after all other Medicines had ceased to act. Those who arc satisfied that in regular Practice there is no Remedy for Consumption, will feel it their Duty to try this Medicine, which is com- pounded with a Drug never before used. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by G. Walker, 106, Great Portland- Street, London; and Retail by Dicey & Co. and Marshall, Northampton; and may also be ordered of any Person who sells Patent Medicines. Price 2s. 9d each Box. Just published, An ESSAY on the CAUSES, PRE- VENTION, and CURE, of CONSUMPTION; in which the Dangers of Bleeding and Starving are explained. By L. HOPE. Price 2S. EASE FROM LAMENESS AND PAIN, IN A FEW HOURS. rpilE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, I- prepared by W. NAY LOR, Chemical Colour- Maker to his Majesty. This most excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ease in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on the Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, like many published Things, an Imposition on the Public. By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gailard, Towcester; Mather, Wellingborough; Palgrave, Bedford ; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; and by one Medicine- Vender in every Market Town, Price 2s. 6d. Duty included. Just completed, in 12 Numbers, PATHETIC, SENTIMENTAL, and MORAL NARRATIVES ; selected from the Works of Mackenzie, Golds. iiith, Sterne, Johnson, Keate, Steele, Bishop, Earle, Owen, Feltliam, Potter, Barthelemi, Litchfield, Miss Burney, Pratt, Cum- berland, Addison, St. Pierre, Hawkesworth, Hayley, Franklin, Florian, Marmontel, Langhome, Lady Wortley Montague, De Garve, and others. Making two handsome Volumes, extra Boards, with 12 elegant Plates, Price 13s. or on fine Paper, Hotpressed, with Proof Plates, 19s. tpf Each Number being complete in itself, may be had separately, or the Whole may be taken periodi- cally. Printed for B. Crosby Sc Co. 4, Stationers'- Court, London; sold by Watts, Abel, and Burnham, North- ampton ; and by every Bookseller in the United Kingdom. B R O M A; Or the TRUE CHOCOLATE NUT prepared. It does not contain any Thing of an oily Nature, but the genuine Butter of Cacao ; forming a desirable and nutri. tious Breakfast. TT^ HIS delicate Preparation derives its superior X F. xcellence as a Dietetic from its containing, in its utmost Purity, that valuable Concrete obtainable only from the Fruit of the Theobroma, and which is called BUTTER of CACAO. It forms, when boiled, a lubricating, nutritious, and highly pleasant Li- quor, which, for Breakfast, cannot be excelled by any of the Productions of the Vegetable Kingdom. By a constant Use of BROM A, the healthy will find an agreeable and salutary Repast, and the Valetudinary will receive Benefit; and if taken as a Morning Refresh- ment, instead ot Sandwiches, Soups, & c. it will be found not only more nourishing, but more agreeable to the Stomach. The Facility with which it is prepared for Use, renders it likewise a desirable Article for Persons on Journies, and Travellers of every Description. Prepared and sold by DYKES & WOODMAN, Proprietors of Dr. Buchan's Chocolate and Cocoa, Nos. 11 and J2, Great- Eastcheap, London; and Re- tail by the principal Druggists and Grocers in London, Northampton, Daventry, lowcester, Stony- Stratford, Newport- Pagnell, Ampthill, Bedford, Olney, Woburn, Leigluon, IJ unstable, St. Albau's, Hitchili, Baldock, Hertford, Wellingborough, Higham- Ferrers, Ketter- ing, Thrapston, St. Neots, Huntingdon, St. Ives, Cambridge, Royston, Ware, Banbury, Brackley, Buckingham, and every City and Market Town in the Kingdom.— Price 5s. per lb. N. B. The Proprietors will respectfully attend to any Orders they may be favoured with for any Quan- tity.— It is particularly requested Purchasers will be careful to observe, that each Packet is signed DYKES & WOODMAN; and also to take a Direction for tliei Use. Health and Longevity. Dr. JAMES's ANALEPTIC AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. '" JMIE Celebrity of the Analeptic Pills, as a JL general Preservative of Health, is become uni versal, from their Efficacy in those Complaints which continually disturb the Human Frame; such as Colds, Rheumatisms, Head- Achs, Indigestions, and other Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, which arise from the Vicissitudes of our Climate, or from Indul- gence in the Luxuries of Life; and those salutary Effects are produced by gently opening the Pores by Night, and the Body by Day, without requiring any particular Regimen or Confinement. But though the Analeptic Pills are also very serviceable in Bilious and other deep- seated Disorders, yet being designed as a mild Purgative only, and therefore not always suffi- ciently active, the Antibilious Pills have been recom- mended in Aid by an eminent Physician, in all Com- plaints of the Liver, as well as in other internal Diseases. • Sold only by F. Newbery & Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, viz. the Analeptic Pills, Price 4s. 6d. a Box, or six inone large Box for £. 1 4s. ; and the Antibilious Pills, Price 2s. 9d. a Box, Duty included.— Observe that the Words " F, Newbety, No. 43, St. Paul's," are engraved in the Stamps.' Sold also bv their Appointment by Dicey le Co. Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- I'agnei.; Green, Ampthill; Collis & Dash, Kettering; Bull, Sen. Harborough; and Loggin, Aylesbury & Leighton. :.! R. EDGE, NORTHAMPTON, HAS received a fresh Supplv of Dr. Freeman's GUTTA SALUTARIS, for a certain Disorder, under its various Appearances, and complicated At- tacks, which may be speedily and secretly eradicated from the System by the Use of Dr. FREEMAN'S DROPS, which, for their salutary Effects in cleansing the Blood of all Impurities, whether from a certain Disorder or Scorbutic, are termed GUTTASAI UTAR IS. By persevering in the Use of this Remedy, the Patient gradually loses all Pain and Inflammation, all foul and corroding Ulcers, Lumps in the Skin, and other corresponding Symptoms of this cruel and relentless Disease. Nearly thirty Years' Practice hath proved to Dr. Freeman that all this is accomplished by the Drops, without the Aid of Sureical Operations, or the usual Application of greasy mercurial Preparations, Sold, by Appointment of DR Freeman, of Hatton- Garden, by R. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, London ; Dicey Se Sutton, Edge, Marshall, and Lambert, North- ampton; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, and Coombe, Leicester; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; Higgs, Market- Harborough; and by most Medicine Venders in every Town, in Bottles at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. Mathews and Leigh's Edition if Dr. Doddridge's FAMILY EXPOSITOR. On the 1st of January, 1808, will be published, in large Medi « m Quarto, Part 1. Price 9s. ( to be com- pleted in 12 Monthly Parts], a supeib Edition, splendidlv embellished, of npHE FAMILY EXPOSITOR; or, A PARA- X PHRASE and VERSION of the NEW TESTAMENT ; with critical Notes, and a practical Improvement ot each Section. By PHILIP DODDRIDGE, D. D. With the LIFE of the AUTHOR, collected from the most authentic Documents. It were superfluous to make any Observations on the Merits of Dr. Doddridge's Family Expositor, which has for more than 50 Years stood the Test of the most rigid Criticism. This Work will be printed in the best Manner, from the most valuable Quarto Edition, carefully revised and corrected ; on alarge Medium yellow Wove Paper, with a new, handsome, clear Type, cast expressly for the Work, and much laiger than was ever used in any former Edition. In the first Part will appear the most superb Portrait of Dr. Doddridge that this Conntry ever produced, from the original Painting, by Soldi. Each Volume will be embellished with an elegantly engraved Vignette Title- Page, by one of the most distinguished Artists in the Metropolis. In the Couise of the Work will be introduced a handsome Engraving of the Doctor's Monument, am', a Fao- simile of his Hand- Writing. The Publishers have iu each Department of the Work procured the Aid of the most eminent Men, and pledge themselves to spare no Expence to render this such an Edition of the Expositor, as will in every Respect do Honour to the Memory of the learned Author. EMBELLISHMENTS OF THE WORK. The Frontispiece, Portrait of Dr. Doddridge, from the original Painting, hy Soldi, - with the Addition of the following ingenious Devices t in the Fore- ground, the Family Expositor, and Miscellaneous Works of Dr. Doddridge, the Lyre and Caduceus, emblematical of the classic Taste and Elo- quence which animate those Productions; above, the Writings of Homer and Rasine, his favourite Authors; the lambent Flame and Mask, figurative of their Brilliancy of Thought and concealed Moral; opposite these, the Telescope, Snake, Celestial Sphere, and Crown, encircling the Torch ot Genius, to indicate that the Exertions of his Mind were directed towards Futurity. On the Back- ground, the Temple of Learning, Pegasus, and Shades of Trees, illustrative of tne intellectual Progress of this eminent Tutor and Divine. Title- Pagefor the first Volume, exhibiting a masterly Spe- cimen of Penmanship, by Tomkins, and engraved by Silvester ; with an elegant Vignette of the Nativity of Christ. The Centre represents the Ruins of the ancient Temple which was converted into a Manger— Sera- phim and Cherubim in the Act of Adoration, hailing the Birth of the Messiah— Mary and Joseph ardently surveying their infait Charge. On the Right, the Angel announcing the welcome News to the Shep- herds, while watching their Flocks by Night. On the Left, the Approach of the Wise Men of the East — the Star directing their Course. Title- Page for the second Volume, written in the same masterly Style by Tomkins, and engraved by Silvester ; with an elegant Vignette of Christ raising the Widow's Son. The central Group represents Christ in the Act of restoring to Life the young Man, saying, " Arise !" — the Body placed on a Bier— his Mother and Rela- tions, overcome with Fear, glorifying the Omni- potent. Around are Groups of the' Populace which followed— of many of his Disciples— of the Bearers of the Corpse— of the Men employed for Interment, Sec. & c. At a Distance the Gates of the City. Title- Page for the third Volume, written by Tomkins, and engraved by Silvester ; with an elegant Vignette of the Crucifixion of Christ. In the Centre, Christ crucified— At the Foot of the Cross, his Mother, his Mother's Sister ( the Wife of Cleoplias), Mary Magdalene, and the Disciple John, whom he loved. On his Right, the Sponge which was filled with Vinegar and given him to drink— Soldiers casting Lots for his Garment— the repentant Malefactor. On his Left the despairing Maleiactor— Soldier breaking the Legs— The Women who followed terrified. The right Hand Group consists of those who were watching— of the Centurion— ot Joseph of Ari- mathea. The l^ eft is composed of the Chief Priests, Scribes, and Elders mocking.— The attendant and awful C'onflictof Nature is exhibited. Inthe Distance the Sun darkened— The Lightning strikingthe Temple. Title- Page for the fourth Volume, written and engraved by Tomkins and Silvester ; with an elegant Vignette of the Ascension of Christ. In the Centre, Christ in the Act of bestowing his last Benediction on the eleven Disciples— his Ascent into Heaven, encompassed by Angels, who hailed in Songs of Triumph his Victory over Sin and Death, Letter- Press Title- Pages will be given in the Work, containing the Names of the several Books in each Volume. The first Part will be puUished on the 1st of January, 1808, and a Part will appear regularly on the 1st of every succeeding Month, till the Whole is completed in twelve Parts, which will form four handsome Volumes, Medium Quarto. %* A few select Copies will be printed with pecu- liar Elegance on superfine Imperial Wove Paper, with Proof Impressions of the Plates, Price Fourteen Shillings each Part, in extra Boards London: Printed for Mathews Se Leigh, 18, Strand ; and sold by Messrs. Burnham, Birdsall, and Abel, Northampton. Spilsburys Antiscorbutic Drops. Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, JL being open to the Poor, has contributed con- siderably to the Credit SPILSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS have gained, by ascertaining its Efficacy as a Medicine in Cases of Scrofula, Gout, Rheumatism, Eruptions, and Nervous Diseases, dependant on the Obstructions of the Stomach and Intestines, and in all those Com- plaints of diffused Bile, where calomel has lost its effect by frequent Use.— It is requisite to caution the Public against purchasing any others, but those bearing the Words " By the King's Patent" on the Bottle, Bill of Directions, and outside Wrapper; together with the King's Duty printed in black Ink ; sold in Bottles of 5s. 6d. ; double Bottles 10s. ; and larger £. 1 2s. Duty included. ( j^* Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford ; Mather, Wel- lingborough ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. Propriety of personal Appearance. BEAUTY and HEALTH cannot be more essentially promoted than by attending to the Preservation of the TEETH. R. NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTII- POWDER having received the Approbation of the first Nobility, Gentry, and a generous Public, by an extensive Consumption for a Series of Years, as well as the Attestation of its superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the most distinguished Medical Characters, who have pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Powder known, to increase the Beauty of the Enamel, and promote the Durability ot the Tooth ; and which has, in Consequence of its experienced Advantages, been honoured with the immediate Patronage of their Ma- jesties, and the various illustrious Branches ot the Royal Family, Nobilitv, Gentry, fcc. in the' United Kingdom.— NliWTON's TOOTH- POWDER is an Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate Aro- matic, extremely grateful to the Palate, and pleasant in its Use; in fine, to those who apply it, it is a certain Preventative to Pain or Decay of the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. It continues to be faithfully prepared by Mr. Newton ( only), at hii House, Kennington- Place, Vauxhall ( late of Great Russell- Street), London, trom the genuine Recipe of the late Sir RichaidJcbb, Physician to their Majesties, & c.; and sold, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation, by Messrs. Shaw Se Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Town and Country Venders, Merchants, & c.; also, Retail, by Dicey & Co. Edmonds, and Marshall, Northampton; Palgrave, Bedford; Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Robins, Daventry; Queneborough, Dunstable; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Mather, Wellingborough ; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; and by every Perfumer and Medicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each. N. B. Please to ask for Newton's Tooth- Powder ; and see that B. H. Newton is wroteon each Box, with red Ink, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions. 3b the Afflicted with the Scurry, Lsprosy, Scrifula, Vlceratcd Sore Lsgs, < § c- PULLIN's ANTISCORBUTIC PILLS ARE earnestly recommended as highly deserving the Attention of the Public, having, in num- berless Instances, cured the most miserable Objects of Pain and Affliction, when all other Remedies have tailed ; which is clearly demonstrated by a Reference to many well attested, extraordinary, and astonishing Cures, contained in a Pamphlet, given with each Box of i'ills, which may be had gratis of the different Venders; and to which is annexed, ample Directions for their Use, the Treatment of ulcerated Sore Legs, Sec. In the following Disorders, the Patient may expect a Cure, if it be inthe Power of Medicine to produce so happy an Effect, and even in the most desperate Cases, may comfort himself with a well- founded Confidence, that his Sufferings will be alleviated, viz. in the Scurvy, Leprosy, Surfeits, Blotches, Pimples, and other Eruptions in the Face, Inflam- mations in the Eyes, King's- Evil, White- Swellings in the Joints, obstinate old Sores, ulcerated Sore Legs, Rheumatic Pains, Gout, Humours remaining after the Small- Pox, and every other Complaint arising from an Impurity in the Blood. One small Pill, taken every other Night only, and no particular Regimen or Confinement necessary. In Boxes, at 4s. 6d. the large, and 2s. 9d. the small, Duty included. And to prevent Counterfeits, every Stamp has the Signature of the Proprietor. These valuable Pills are prepared only and sold by EDMUND SWINFEN, Apothecary, Leicester; and by his Appointment, are sold by Dicey Se Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton ; Harrod, Har- borough; Hulse, Hinckley; Coral, Lutterworth; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Beesley, Banbury ; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry ; Perry, Warwick and Stratford ; Freeman, Uppingham; Burbage Se Stretton, Nottingham: Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; anil by the general Venders of Medicines throughout the United Kingdom. Dr. WHEATLEY's Invaluable Remedies for the certain and speedy CURE OF THE ITCH. AN OINTMENT which cures in four Hours, and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may becured without the least Hazard. It isof anagreeabie Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise his CHYM1CAL LIQUID, as perfectly safe as the Ointment, and as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soil the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry; Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridevv, Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinsor, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport - Pagnell; Queneborough, Dun- stable; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Inns, and- Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony. Stratford; Hawkes, Lut- terworth; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Richard Meredith, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, linen- draper, Nov. 19, SO, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hurle, Cloak- lane. Robert Abbott, of Thomas- street, Horsleydown, Surrey, spirit- merchant, Nov. 21, ? S, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Sheffield, Great Pres- cot- street, Goodman's- fields. Jonas Levy, of New Lisle- street, Leicestcr- square, Middlesex, oilman, Nov. 25, Dec. 1, and 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Keys, Somerset- sireet, Whitechapel. John Bridger, jun. of Mortlake, Surrey, tallow- chandler, Nov. 20, 27, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Woods, Godalming, Surrey. John Horner, late of Framwcll- gate, in or near Dur- ham, tanner, Dec. 1,2, and 26, at the Queen's- Head, Durham. Attorney, Mr. Maynard, Durham. Richard Halse, of Sovvton, Devonshire, miller, Nov. 23, 27, and Dec. 26, at the Globe Tavein, Exeter. Attornies, Messrs. Williams & Manning, Exeter. Richard Wood & Thomas Liddall, of Bamsley, Yorkshire, linen- manufacturers, Dec. 7, 8, and 23, at the White- bear Inn, Barnsicy. Attorney, Mr. Mence, Barnsley. Hugh Lr. wton, of Buslingth^' pe, Yorkshire, clo- thier, Dec 4, 5, and 26, at the Black- Bull, Birstall. Attorney, Mr. Battye, Huddersfield. William Griffiths, of Llanelly, Carmarthen, shop, keeper, Nov. 24, 25, and Dec, 26, at the Bush Ta- vern, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. James, Gray's- Inn- square, London. Alexander Marr, of Gravel- lane, Southwark, baker, Nov. 16, 23, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Sherwood, Canterbury- square, Southwark. Bendix Barnard Levin, late of Great Alie- streer, Middlesex, merchant, Nov. '.' 1, 28, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hurle, Cloak- lane. Jeremiah Appleby, of Chatham, linen- draper, Nov. 1/, 28, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Berry & James, Buckleisbttry. John Jones, lateol Ehstone, Oxfordshire, victualler, Nov. 26, 27, and Dec. 26, at the Old Angel Inn, New Woodstock. Attornies, Messrs. Aplin, Charl- bury. Ann Taylor, of Nevvent, Gloucestershire, shop, keeper, Nov. ;; 0, Dec. 1, and 26, at he King's- Head Inn, Gloucester. Attornies, Messrs. Whitcombe, Griffith, Se l'hillpots, Gloucester. John Pearson, of Altham, and Thomas Spence, of Blackburn, Lancashire, corn- dealers, Nov. 23, 24, and Dec. 26, at the Queen's- Head, Blackburn. At- torney, Mr. Dewhusrt, Blackburn. Thomas Bowen, of Rhodiad, Pembrokeshire, shop- keeper, Nov. 24, 25, and Dec. 26, at the Bush Tavern, Corn- street, Bristol. Attorney, Mr. Tanner, Bristol. Samuel Brunn, of Charing- Cross, Middlesex, sword- cutler, Nov. 17, 21, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Luard, New- square, Lin- coln's- Inn. William Scales, of Kingston- upon- Hull, merchant, Nov. 19, 20, and Dec. 26, at the Dog- and- Duck Tavern, Kingston- upon- Hull. Attorney, Mr. Cots- worth, Hull. Christopher Foss, of Catherine- court, Tower- hill, London, merchant, Nov. 17, 28, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall. Attornev, Mr. Rivington, Fenchurch. buildings, Fcnchurcli- street. William Fortnum, of Ball- alley, Lombard- street, London, stationer, Nov. 20, 27, and Dec. 26, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. Palmer, Tomlinsons, and Thompson, Copthall- court, Throg- mort on. street. Joseph Mackenzie, of the Old Bailev, London, bookseller, Nov. 23, 30, and Dec. 29, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Godmond, New Bridge- street. Joseph Jackson Reay, of Liverpool, merchant, Dec. 16, 17, and 29, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attorney, Mr. Rowlinson, Liverpool. Henry Martin, of Birmingham, horn- button- maker, Dec. 1, 2, and 29, at the White- Hart Inn, Binning, ham. Attorney, Mr. Simcox, Birmingham. Thomas Gray, of Colchester, baker, Dec. 2, 3, and 29, at the Angel Inn, Colchester. Attorney, Mr. Sparling, Colchester. William Kenreiley, of Hulm's- chapel, Chester, mercer, Dec. 4, 5, and 29, at the Macclesfield- Arms Hotel, Macclesfield. Attorney, Mr. Cooke, Mac- clesfield. John Farrington, of Bickerton, Cheshire, cheese- factor, Dec. 10, 11, and 29, at the Green- Dragon, Chester. Attorney, Mr. Garner, Chester. Thomas Parkin, of Witham, Yorkshire, wool- monger, Nov. 23, 24, and Dec. 29, at the George Inn, Kingston- upon- Hull. Attorney, Mr. Ualland, Kingston- upon- Hull. Davie Kreer, of Frainlingham, Suffolk, surseon, Dec. 14, 15, and 29, at the Crown Inn, Framling- ham. Attorney, Mr. Clubbe, Framlingham. Edward Ryley, of Wisbech St. Pet r's, Isle of Ely, linen- draper, Dec. 3, 4, and 29, at the Rose- and- Crown Inn, Wisbech St. Peter's. Attorney, Mr. Girdlestone, Wisbech. John Wigglesworth, of North- Bierley, Yorkshire, cotton- manufacturer, Dec. 3, 4, and 29, at the Bull's- Flead , Inn, Bradford. Attorney, Mr. Brogden, Bradford. Daniel Sankey. of Thannineton, Kent, brickmaker, Dec. 11, 12, and 29, at the Guildhall, Canterbury. Attorney, Mr. Elwyn, Canterbury. James Kay, John Watson, sen. Paul Catterall, and David Ainsworth, of Preston. Lancashire, ma- chine- makers, Dec. 9, 10, and 29, at the Legs of Man, Preston. Attorney, Mr. Winstanlev, Preston. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Dec. 5. William Bishop, of Swineshead, Lincoln- shire, grocer, at the Peacock Inn, Boston. Dcc. 7. Robert Rawlinson, of Liverpool, saddler, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Dec. 9. John Bleasr, of Manchester, innholder, at the Palace Inn, Manchester. Dec. 9. Nathaniel Dennington, the younger, late of Loddon, Norfolk, merchant, at the King's- Head, Norwich. Dec, 15. John Clark & Henry Hall, of Market- Har- borough, Leicestershire, worsted and carpet- manu- tacturers, at the Angel Inn, Market- Harborough. Dec. 15. John Morley, of Stewardstone, Essex, miller, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 18. James Huddleston, of Leicester, victualler, at the Plough Inn, Hinckley. SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH. This Day is published, Price 3s. in one Volume, Octavo, of near 300 Pages, with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A new Edition ( with Additions), of AGUIDE to HEALTHor, ADVICE to both SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints ; explaining the most simple and efficacious Remedies for those Diseases which are treated on under the following Heads, viz. Asthma, Observations on Bathing, Bash- fulness, Bowels, Cold, Consumption, Nervous Dis- eases, Dejection, Deficiency of natural Strength, Difference between Venereal Symptoms and those often mistaken for them, Digestion, Fits, Gout, Heart- burn, Hysteric Affections, Leprosy, Lowness of Spirits, Loss or Defect of Memory, weak Nerves, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Scrofula, Sec. Sec.— To which is added, an Essay on an incidental Disease, and con- sequent Weakness. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. For the very excellent Character of this Work, see the different Reviews. Upwards ot 95,000 Copies have actually been sold of " Solomon's Guide to Health," as certified under th? Hands of the Printers themselves. A Number so uncommonly large must be the best Criterion of the Merit of the Work, and the Approbation of the Public. * London: Printed for the Author; and sold by Mathews & Leigh, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Sy- monds, Paternoster- Row; also bv all Booksellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom, Price 3s. only, free ot Carriage. MARKETS.— London, Nov. 16. We had a very ample supply of Wheat for this day's market, and with it an unexpected spirit in the buyers. Prices advanced 2s. or 3s. per quarter, but the sales towards noon were not quite so briak as in the morning.— Barley has likewise advanced a trifle upon last week's terms.— Fine New Malt is also dearer.— White Peas arc again a short supply, and of course subject to a continuance of" high prices.— Grey Peas are rather on the deyline.— Horse_ and Tick Beans as per currcncv below.— Oats, of which we have a moderate supply, are without any material alteration.— Fine Flour remains at 55s. per sack. Wheat.. 42s. to 50s. 58s. Fine Do. — s. to 60s. 64s. Rye . .. 38s. to 40s. Pd. Barley.. ; « s. to 45s. Od. Malt... 62s. to 72s. Od. " ats 2 is. to 2Rs. 32s. HorseBeans50s. to 58s. Od Tick Ditto 50s. to 55s 0d White Peas 80s. to 100s. Grey Ditto 62s. to 66s. Cd. PRICE of FLOUR. — Fine 50s. to 55s. Od Hon, per Pocket. — Kent, 51. 0s. to 61. 15s.— Sussex, 51. 0s. to 61. 4s. — Farnham, 81.0s. to 101. 0s. SMITHFIILD, NOV. 16. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 3s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Wetlier Mutton, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, — s. Od. to — s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2200— Sheep and I. ambs, 17,500. NEWGATE and I. EADENHALL, NOV. 16. By the carcase. Beef, 2s. 6d. to 4s. Od. Mutton, 2s. 8d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 3s. 0d. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, — s. Od. to — s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 69s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 61s. Od. ( Soap),— s. Od. to 61s. Od. Melting Stuff, 50s. to 51s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 33s. Good Dregs, 12s. Od. Graves, 12s. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to24d. Ditto, 60 to 651b 25d. to26d Merchants' Backs, 21d. to21id. Dressing Hides, 16Jd. to 17d. Fine Coach. Hides, 18d. to 19d. Crop Hides, 35 to 401b. pel doz. 17d. t. 20d. Ditto, 45 to ,501b. 20d. to 23d. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. 26d. to 32d. D rto, 50 to 601b. S6d. to 40d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 33d. to 35d. Small Seals, per lb. 38d. to 40d. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 160s Goat Skins, — s. to — pet doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 20s to 35s. tach. N O K/ i HAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for i . JJlCJuF and IV, BUTTON.
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