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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 S 0 7, [ Tuam. I. 2. INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Relident, or Non- Refidcnt; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. 3- BENEFICES; When United, and by what Authority. r Number Of Benefices. i 1 Vf 11 c CL> C Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diflance from each other ; ar. d, The ertimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. 15. 3- Burrishowl, Union ; all contiguous; about TR-,„ • 26 miles in extent, and a miles Kilmina,. , J in breadth. Achill, - The Revd John Beresford; has cure of souls; non- resident ; duty discharged by his Curate. He is non- resident by permission and Faculty. Episcopally united. 16. 6. Aglish, otherwise Castlebar, Drumrany, ------- Islinedin, - -- -- -- - Breaghwee, - - — - - Turlough, ------- Kildecamoge, ------- Union conti- guous; extent about 12 miles in length, and io in breadth. The Revd Charles Warberton ; has cure of souls; and is resident at Castlebar, and discharges the duty of the Union, with the aid of a Curate. United by Act of Par- liament in 17H. f" ' 7- 2. Moore, | Union ; contiguo Drum, j 8 miles, breadth 4 us; extent about The Revd George St. George ; has cure of souls ; is resident; and discharges his own duty. Episcopally united. 18. i. Athunry ; containing the confolidated Rec- tory of Athunry, and the Chapelry of Abbert and DuymcLoughney ;— Extent of Athunry parish, about 10 miles in length, and about 9 in breadth. The Honble and Revd Joseph Burke ; has cure of souls ; non- resident; has a Faculty; duties ai.- charged by his Curates. He resides in his Deanry House in Kilkenny, in the diocese of Ossory. Episcopally united. 19. X. Kilmeen, otherwise Kilvine. The Honb'le and Revd Maurice Mahon ; has cure of souls; non- resident by permission, serving a Cure in the diocese of Elphin ; the occasional duties performed by the Clergyman of the adjoining parish. A single parish. 20. 8. Headford, - - Union ; contiguous.— Ex Kilkilvery, - - Lenc from eaft t0 rr-„„ , about 8 miles. Killeny, - - - Killursa, - - - V Kilcoona, - - Killower, - — Donaghpatrick, Carrigin, - - - The Revd Cecil Crampton ; has cure of souls; non- resident; being old and infirm, duty discharged b; his Curate. Episcopally united. 1 1 4> J3 Tuam.] FOR PROVINCE OF CONNAUGHT. - 71 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parifh they ftand. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh ;•— what Glebe Lands; — Whether contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. ! 6- CUR AT E S Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of Incumbents; and • whether Refident or not. LIVINGS « f a Va; ue too f. nall to afford Comfort to Incumbents. One Church at Burrif howl, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe. A. R. P. In Burrifhowl, 2 glebes - - 3?. 2. 35. In Kilmina - 2 d° - - - - 16. 0. 31. Diftant from each other feveral miles. Revd Henry Paisley, Cu- rate ; resides at Burrishowl. Salary, £. 75. One Church in Caltle- bar, in good repair. * No Glebe Houfe; a Glebe of 4 acres in Kil- decamoge. Revd John Ashe, Curate, resident. Salary, £. 75. >- . ! 1 | f ... .. , , 4 No Church. No Glebe Houfe or Glebe Land. No Curate. i 1 Cne Church in Athun- ry, in good repair ; one Church or Chapel of Eafe in Monivea, being in the jariih of Athunry, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe, or Glebe Land ; but one fmall houfe or cabin in the town of Athunry. Revd Thomas Coffy, Curate of Athunry, resident. Salary, £ 60. Revd David Gregg, Curate of Abbert and DuymcLouph- ney, refident. Salary, £. 60. No Church. No Glebe Houfe, No Curate. One Church, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe or Glebe Land. The Revd John Wilson,- Curate, resident. Salary, £ 60. i * 1
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