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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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40 ECCLESIASTICAL REPORT OF THE- [ Kilmore. ii. 12. J3- H4- ic. 16. : i7. IS. 19. 20. - 21. 22. - 33. J Number of Benefices c < L> 1. 1. Kildrumferton Shercock - - • Knockbride Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONSr- Numher of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other ; and, The eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Bailieborrow Mullogh ------ Vicarage. - Rectory & Vicarage. Reftory and Vicaragc. - Reftory & ^ Vicarage. ....... Vicarage. Denn - -- -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage. Lowey Vicarage. Lurgan - Reftory & Vicarage." Munter Connought - recty and Vicarage. Castleraghan - - - Rectory and Vicarage. Kildallon — ... . Rectory & Vicarage. Innismagrath - - — ..... Vicarage. Killeshandra . - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Carrigallon - - - — - Vicarage. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if not Refident, for what Cnufe; and by whom the Duties are difcharged. Revd Hen. Woodward; refi- dent; has cure of louls, and dif- ciiarges the duties. Revd Hugh Montgomery ; not refident; has cure of fouls; du- ies dilchargcd by a Curate. Revd John Brougham ; not refi- dent ; lives on his other Benefice in this Diocefe; has cure of fouls in this; duties difcharged by a Curate. Revd Dan1 Palmer, not refi- ent; has cure of fouls; duties dif- charged by a Curate, who live 3 miies from the church. Revd Arnold Colby, not refi- dent; lives 2and | half milesdiflant, where the Curate alio refides, but who is dircfted to remove to the parilh ; has cure of fouls, and difcharges the dudts, affifted by this Curate. Revd Al'o1 Nefbitr.; not refident in the. parish, but fuffici- ntly near, with the affiitance of a Curate, to difcharge the duties. Revd Tho » Sneyd; not refi- dent; lives in Dublin without li- cence; has cure of fouls ; duties dif charged by a Curate. Revd Wra Sneyd, not resident in the parish, but in his own house, by permission; it being suffi- iently near to discharge the duties, which he does. Revd Hen. Maxwell; does not reside in the parish, but in his own house, by permission; it be- ing sufficiently near for him with the assistance of a Curate, to dicharge the duties. Revd Ed. Story; not resident on acount of bad health, and by per- mission ; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd John Leahy; not resident, having been lately instituted ; has cure of souls; duties discharged by a Curate. Revd Wm Hales; resident; has cure of souls, and dischargcs the duties, assisted by a Curate. Revd Chs Cobbe Beresford ; re- sident ; has cure of souls, and discharges the duties, assisted by a Curate. BENEFICES, whether Uni: ed, and by what Authority. Kilmore.] P It O V I X C E 0 F ARMAGH: 1S0G. /< 73 41 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which of the Parishes they stand. 5. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifa:— what Glehe Lands;— Whether contiguous;— How far removed from each otlu r, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. 6. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted Nou- Refidence of ihe Incumbent, and whether Refident or not. 7- LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. 1 An old Church in b.-. d > rdcr; a new cne build- A Glebe House, and a glebe. ing. A Church, in good repair. No Glebe House; 296 acres of glebe conti- guous to each other; os; e half in the Pariih of Shercock, the other in the Parith of Knockbride, about 2 miles from the Church. A Curate refident; Salary A Church, in good repair. • No Glebe House. A Curate rcfident; Salary £. 60. per ann. A Church in good repair. No Giebe House ; 188 acres of glebe conti- guous to the church.— The Incumbent has me- morialed to build. A non- refiJent Curate; Sa- lary £. 75. per ann. N. t>. He is near enough tc do the duty. A Church. No Glebe House; 357 acres of glebe about 6 miles distant from the church. • A Church. No Glebe house; 1- 51 acres of glebe near the church. A non refident Curate ; Sa- lary jT. 60. per ann. N. B. He is near enough to do the duty. A Church very old; the roof covered with It raw. The infide kept in tolerable gocd re- pair. The pariih poor, ma little fund to be expeded therefrom, and none from the Firlf Fruits, as the Church has not been in fuch di- ap'dated flare as 10 pre- vent Divine Service being performed for 20 year.' back. No Glebe Houfe. A Curate refident; Salary 60. per ann. A Church. No Giebe Houfe ; 5 : 7 acres of glebe divided into four farms ; 3 in the Parith contiguous to ihe church; the 4th, in another pariih, at a diftance. A Church, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe, too fmall for the refidence of the Rcdtor: 350 acres of glebe near the church. A Curate refident; Salary £. 60. per ann. A Church, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe, eld and bad; 339 acrcs of glebe; a large portion thereof contiguous to each other, a quarter of a mile from the church; arid the remainder in the parifh of Killefliandra, about 3 miles dillant. A Cura'e refident; Salary f. 60. per ann. / A Church, in good repair. No Glebe Houfe; 541 acres of glebe within the Pariih, and part of it near the church. A Curate refident; Salary 60. per aim. A Church, in good repair A Glebe Hcufe; 500 acrcs of glebe; 200 3f which are contiguous to the church, and 300 about 2 miles diftant. A Church, eld, ar. d ir bad repeir ; but money jraifing to build one on a larger fcale. No Glebe Houfe: 590 acres of glebe, rre. ir the church.— N. B. A grant has been obtained from the Board of Firlt Fruits in aid of a Glebe Houfe. L
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