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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, { Cloyne. N jmlier of Benefices. 0- S a 8. I. Z. JO. 11. I. 12. 1. 2. 14. 1. 2. 3- Names of BENEFICES anc DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diliances from each other: EftimateU Extent of luch as are contiguous. Prebend of Donoghmore: the extent ot this Parish is 9 miles N. and S. by 8 E. and W. Prebend of Ballyhooley, united for ever to Killathy Vicarage. The extent of the Union is ( the 2 Parishes being contiguous) 6 miies N. & S. by 5 miles E. & W.; the prelent Rector holds, bv Fa- culty, the Rectory and Vicarage of Aghinah, its extent is 7 miles N. & S. 4 miles E. by W.; distance from Ballyhooly 25 miles. Prebend of Iniscarra, united for ever to, Mattchy ------ Rectory t Vicarage. Kilmurry - -- -- — - — Vicarage. The Parishes are contiguous; the extent of the Union is 6 miles N. & S. and 7 E. & W. Prebend of Brigown. 2. NAMES of INCUMBENTS, Whether hav; ng Cure of Sou s; where Relident; if ncn- Refident, for whac Caufe; by whom are the Duties performed. Revd Thomas Kenny; has cure of souls; he resides in the Parish, and is assisted in his duty by his Curate, the Revd Fenn Godwin. Revd William Berkeley; has cure of souls; and resides close to the Parish, and performs his own Jury. The duties of Aghinah are per- formed by the Revd Basil Orpen, the Curate. Revd George de la Poer Beres- ford; has cure of souls; resides in his Glebe House at Iniscarra, and performs his own duty, assisted by a Curate, the Revd Giles Lee. Prebend of Kilmacdonough. The Rector holds, also, the Rectory and Vicarage of Mo- gealy, united to the particle of Temple belagh; this particle is about 2 miles from t! ie Parish of Mogealy. The extent of Mo- gealy is 6 miles N. & S. by 3 E. & W. Revd Dr. Robert Austen; he has cure of souls; resides in his Parish, where he is now building a glebe House, and does his own duty, assisted by his Curate, the Revd Charles Fennel. BENEF1C ES, When United, and by what Authority. No Union. United by Act of Coun- cil, many years ago. United by Act of Coun- cil, many years ago. No Union. Honble and Revd Thomas St. Lawrence; has cure of souls; resides Cork, being Dean of that Ca- thedral; the duties of the Parish of Mogealy are performed by his Cu- rate, the Revd Alexander Grant. IS- I. Prebend of Cahirultan ; the Corps consist of, Cahirultan. Ballymartyr - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Mogealy, or Macalue, united for ever under the name of Castle Martyr. These Parishes are contiguous, and thei; extent from E. to W. is 2 miles, and from N. to S. is 5. Prebend of Killenomer. The extent of this Parish i » 3 n. iles E. & W. by 1 N. & S. Revd George Smith; has cure of souls; resides in the Parish, and does his own duty. Revd James Sandiford; has cure of souls ; and lives at Cloyne, as Prebend Residentiary, doing duty t the Cathedral. This Union made many years ago. This Union was nvde under the authority of an Act of Parliament of the 8tn Anne. Cloyne.] FOR P R O V I N C E OF M U N S T E R . 297 1 4- Number of CHURCHES) Whether in Repair, and in wlut Par Ik they ftand. 5- GI. BBE HOUSE'S; In what Parifh ;— what Glebe L. ndt j— Whether ccn'. iguout; or How far remote:) from each other, and from the Church, or Sire of the old Church. 6. CURATES Salaries in Cafej of permitted Non- P. efia- nce of ih: Incumbent!; whether Refidrnt or not. 7- LIVINGS of a Value too fnut to afford Comfort t6 the IrcumH » nt « . One Church in repair, t Djnoghmore. Gicbe Houfe; glebe of 20 acres. Curate's Salary £. 50. Refides in the Gleb: Houfc. One Church, in repair, it Bailyhooly. One Church, lately > uilt, at Aghinah. No Glebe Iloufe ; glebe of 2 acres ; n Bally- iooly. Glebe Houfe at Aghir. ah, and a glebe of 24 acres. Curate's Silarr, £. 50. rle refides in the Parifh. Killatky. * 1 Church, in repair, at lnifcarra. Glebe Houfe at Inifcarra. Glebe at Inifcarra 15 acres. Mattchy - - - 10 B'. Kilmurry - - - 24 D°. The 1 ft of thefe is clofe to the church of Inif- carra; the 2d is 3 miles off, and the laft 5. Curate's Salary, £. 50. It is apprehended that Kilmui ry, by it- felf, would be too fmall to maintain a Clergyman; but it is very difficult to obtain the value of any detached parti of thefe ancient Unions. One Church, lately built at Mitchelstown. Glebe at D", 9 acres, \ ofamilefromthe Church. Curate'* Salary £. 75.; refides in the Parifh. Church, at Mogealy, in repair. A glebe at Ki'macdonough of 9 acres. Glebe at Mogealy only 2 roods; a< id in Tem- plcbelagh, 2 acres. Curate's Salary, £. 60. Refidcs in the Pariih. This Prebend hat properly no Parifh, but a portion of the Reftorial Tythes of Kilmacdonough, the Vicarage of which is endowed, and the duty performed by the Vicar. Templcbelagh. One Church, in repair, it Caille Martyr. Glebe Houfe is to be begun immediately; glebe at Bally Martyr, 3acres; Mogealy, 19 acres; Ca- hirultan, 3 roods; the glebe at Mogealy lies ver) convenient to the church; the others are at fome diftancc. Cahirultan. Mogealy. m No Church. None. — The value of ( hit church not fufHcicnt for a Clergyman'* fupport. 78. 4 r
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