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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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2 7 3 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 ^ 0 7, [ Cork. No. 4.— DIOCESE i. Number of Benefices. I. a I 3- z. 1. 2. 3- 1. 2. 3 « 4- 5- 6. 1. 2. 3. 4- Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Dirtancesfrom each other ; and, Ertimated Content of fuch as are contiguous. Saint Finbarrys, Cork. Marmullane. These Parishes are not contiguous, being four miles as under. The DEANERY consists of, Temple Bready Vicarage ( Rectory ImprO- priate.) Cullen Rectory. Temple Martin Rectory. These Parishes are not in any instance con- tiguous. The Chantorship of said Cathedral con- sists of, Carrigrohane Rectory. Carrikippane Rectory. Corbally, one Rectory ( one Rectory belongs to Vicars Choral.) Kenneigh, one Rectory, ( Vicarage endowed.) One Rectory belongs to the Vicars Choral of said Cathedral. These parishes are not contiguous, except in the instance of Carrigrohane and Carrikip- pane, which join each other. Their estimated extent from north to south 4 miles, from east to west 1 mile. The other parishes are o miles distant from Carrigrohane. 2. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souls; Where resident; if nou- Resident, for what Cause ; and hy whom are the Duties discharged. The Dean and Chapter of Saint Finbarrys, Cork. The Dean re- sides in the Deanery House ; the duties performed by the Dean, Prebendaries, Vicars Choral, and a reiident Curate. The duties of Marmullane per- formed by resident Curate. The Honourable and Reverend Thos St Lawrence, Dean of Cork resides in the Deanery houie as above ; the duties are performed in each parish by the Curate thereof respectively, except Cullen, where there being few Protestant inhabi- tants, the occasional duties are per- formed by the Curate of the ad- joining parish. BENEFICES, When U 11 ited, and by what Authority. At a period long prior to any known record probably at the first insti- tution of the Chapter, and by whatever authority was then competent. The Revd Henry Sandiford ; has cure of souls; resides partly in the city of Cork, and within three miles of the church, and partly in the parish of Rathgogan, in the Diocese of Cloyne, which he holds by Faculty: the duties of Carrigro- hane and Carrikippane performed by the Incumbent, and the Curate, who is resident in Carrikippane ; duties of Kinneigh performed by the Vicar, or his resident Curate; the duties of Corbally by a Curate resident near it. Revd John Fortescue; has cure of souls, and is resident in the city of Cork ( within the suburbs of wh- ch the whole of this Union is The Chancellorship of Cork. St. Nicholas Rectory. St. Bridget Rectory. St. John of Jerusalem — ... - Rectory. St. Stephen's Rectory, situated) and performs the paro St. Mary De Narde Rectory. chial duties. St. Dominick Redtory. All these parishes are contiguous; esti- mated extent from east to west half a mile; from north to fouth the tenth part of a mile. At the time, and by the authority above- men- tioned. At the time, and by the authority above- men tioned. By the Bishop, 30 August 1752, pursuant to Act 25th Geo. II. The Treasurership. Ballinadee Rectory Entire- Kilgoban. Rathdowlan. Mackcloneigh, one Rectory ( Vicarage en- dowed.) Ballinadee and Kilgoban are contiguous 1 ftimaled extent from east to west 5 miles ; from north to south 2 miles. Revd Doctor Verney Lovett; has cure of souls; resides partly in Ballinader, and partly at Lismore, where he has a Prebend. At a period prior tc any known record; anci by authority at the tinv of the Union competent Cork.] F O It PRO ' 1 V C 2 OF MUKSTE- R ? / y :) - / m O F C () II K. 4- Number of CHURCHES) W hcther in Repair, anil in whii 1' irith they ftand. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parilh ;— whit Glebe Lands; — Whether Contiguous; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. The Cathedral and arilh Church, in good pair. A Church, in good repair. The Deanery Houfe in the pariih, and near the church. No Glebe Houfe in Marmullane. A. R. P. Glebe Land adjoining the church - - 6 z 23 A Church, in repair. No Church. A new Church. A Church at Carrigro- lane* A Church at Kenneigh, belongs to the Vicar. No Glebe Houfe in this Union, cxcept the Deanery Houfe. A. R. p. Glebe Land in Temple Bready --- 600 - - - - Cullen — 17 3 19 - - - - Temple Martin - - - 16 1 o Each of thefe Glebes is 12 miles diftant from the others; but each is near the church to which it belongs. No Glebe Houfe in Carrigrohane, Carrikip- pane, or Corbally. Glebe in CaTrigrohane, near the A. R. P church - -- -- -- - 16 30 - - Carrikippane, near the ruini of a church - - - 518 Thefe Glebes are about half a mile afuadef. 6. CURATES Salaries in cafe of permitted Non- Refidence of the Incnmheiits; whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to aifi. rd Comfort to the ' Incumbent. Curate refident ; Salary Curate receives the Tythes, and other emoluments, in lieu of falary ; is refident. • Duties performed by Cu- rates relident - £. 60. 6guineas. • £- 60. A Church in St. Ni- cholas's. A Church at Ballina dee. Curate of Carrigrohane, refident; Salary £. 75. Each of thefe pa- rilhes feparateiy. Each of thefe pa- rilhes feparateiy. No Glebe Houfe. No Glebe Latv^. No Curate. Each cf thefe pa- rilhes feparately. A Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land in Ballinadee - i A. R. 2 1 ' A Curate, the Revd Joseph Jervois, resident in the Glebe House; Salary 75. and glebe house.
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