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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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a 7 ° E C C L E S I A S T I C A L R E P O R T S , IN 1 8 0 7, [ Killalce. 1. Number of Benefices. 28. 55 1. 2. 3°- 31' 33- 34- 35- 36. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3- 1. 2. 3- 4- 1. 2. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftances from each othe'; and, Eftimated Extent of fuch as are Contiguous. Finnoe - - — - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Cloghprior .... The like. Kilbarron - -- ....... Vicarage. These Parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to W. 5 miles. Bourchin, or Bourney ----- Vicarage. Burresnafarney - - - Rectory & Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent, from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to W. 4 miles. Shinrone - - Rectory & Vicarage. Kilmurry Ely - - - - The like. Kilcomin - - Entire Rectory These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to b. 4 miles, f; om E. to W. 6 miles. Dunkerrine - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Castletown Ely ^ - The like. Rathnaveoge - -- -- -- -- The l: ke. Finglass - - - Entire Rectory. These parishes contiguous: estimated ex- tent from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to W. 6 miles. Templeharry - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. Cullenwayne --------- The like These parishes are contiguous; estimated extent from N. to S. 3 miles, from E. to VV. 4 miles. Kilruane ------ Rectory & Vicarage. Terryglass - -- -- -- -- -- Rectory. These parishes are 7 miles distant from each other, and are held by separate titLs. I. Burresokeane - - - - Rectory & Vicarage. 1. 2. 1. 2. 2. INCUMBENTS; Whether having Cure of Souls; Where Refident ; if not Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the Duties are performed. 3- BENEFICES, When United, and By what Authority. The Revd James Martin, A. M.; has cure of souls; is resident at Killaloe with the consent of the Di- ocesan, he being Vicar General of the diocese of Kilfenora, and Sur- rogate of the diocese of Killaloe ; the duties are performed by the Rev. Richard Falkiner, A. B. hi Curate, who is resident within one mile and a half of the church. The Revd Kennedy Kennedy A. M.; has cure of souls; is resi- dent. By authority of the Diocel'an, the 1 ith day of Auguit 1790. The Revd John Huleatt, A. 3.; has cure of souls; is resident, am: is assisted by a Curate, the Rev. Arthur Huleatt, A. B. who is also resident. The Revd Charles Knox, A. B.; • has cure of souls ; is resident in til diocese of Derry, where he hold her benefice by Faculty; th mot duties are performed by ti. e Rev Richard Maunsell, A. B. who i resident. The Revd John Jones, A. M. has cure of souls; is resident. The Revd Anthony Gale, A. M.; has cure of souls in Kilruane ; is resident in the Queen's County, b\ permission of the Diocesan, on ac count of insanity; the duties are performed by the officiating Mini- ster of ti e adjoining parish. By Aft of Council. Sh : nrone and Kilmurrvi Ely. were made a perpetu- al Union by Act of Conn cil the 7th day of May 1792, and are united ti Kilccmin by authority of me Dioceian. By Aft of Council, the 12( 1 day or April 1802. By authority of thel Diocelan, the 5 th day oft September 1799. No Union. Modreeny - — - - Rectory & Vicarage. Ardcrony - -- -- -- -- -- Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 4 miles, from E. to W. 5 miles. Ballingarry Vicarage. Uskeane — - -- -- Vicarage. These parishes are contiguous: estimated extent from N. to S. 2 miles, from E. to W. 6 miles. The Revd John Torrens, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resident at Portglinone, in the county of An- trim, where he has another bene- fice; duties are performed by th' Curate, the Rev. James Martin, A. B. who is resident. The Rev. Edwin Palmer, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resident, and assisted by bis Curate, the Rev. Robert Stoney, A. B. who is also resident. No Union. By authority of the Di- cefan, the 17th day. of June 1801. ' The Rev. John Smith, A. B.; has cure of souls; is resident. By authority of the Diocesan the 31ft day of 1 March 1772. r Killaloe.] FOR PROVINCE OF MUNSTER. W 171 Number of CHURCH ES; V, hether in Repair, and in what Pa- ifh thry ftand. - A C lurch, in good re- pair, in the pariih of Finnoe. 5- GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parish ;— what Glebe Lands;— Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, and from the Church, or bite of the old Church. A thatched Glebe Koufe ; glebe land, 4 A. 3R. 36 P. and 26 A. 2 R. I P. both in the parifh of Finnoe ; the glebes one mile diflant from each other ; the fmall one near the church ; 2 A. 2 R. 30 p. adjoining the fite of the old church of Kilbarron. A Church, in good repair, in the parilh ol tfourney. A Church, in good repur, in Shinrone. the pariih of A Church, in good ; repair, in the paiiih ol Dunkcniae. - A new Church, in the pa ilh of Tempjeharry. — No Church. A Church, in good Jrepair. A Church, in good repair, in tbe parilh of Modreeny. A Church, in good n- pair, in the parifh of llingarry. No Glebe Houfe; glebe lands 1 A. 2 R. 30 P. — 3A. 2R. JP.— 1 R. 30c. and I R. 13P. all in the panfh of Kouiney; the firlt convenient to the church, the orhers about half a mile diflant, in dif- ferent di. citior. s. A Glebe Houfe in the pariih of Shinrone ; glebe and in laid parilh 21 A. 2 K. 17 p. within one mile of the church; 31 A. OK. 27 p. in the parilh of Kilmurry Ely; and 22 A. OR. IT P. in the parilh of Kiicomin ; each of the two latter conve- nient to the litcs of the old churches. A Glebe Houfe in the parifh of Dunkerrine: glebe land in faid parilh 41 A. I R. 29 p.; and in . lie parifh of Caftletown Ely, 25 A. 3 R. 30 p.; thefe two glebes join each other, and arc half a mile dillant from the church ; 20 A. 3 R. 32 P. in tiie parilh of Finglals, one mile diltant from the former. No Glebe Houfe ; no glebe lands. No Glebe Houfc; no glebe land. No Glebe Houfe; glebe land 11 A. convenient to the church. R. No Glebe Houfe; glebe land 2 A. in the parilh of Modreeny, convenient to the church. No Glebe Houfe ; glebe land, 1 A. in the parifh of Ballir. garry, convenient to the church. CURATES Salaries in Cafes of permitted Non- Refidence of tl. e Ircumb- ntSj whether ReGdenC or not. LIVINGS of a Value too fmall to aff- id Comfort to the Incumbents. Salary £• 50. Each of thefe parifhes, feparately, too fmall. Salary, £. 75. Each of thefe parifhes, feparately, too fmall. Salary, £. 75. F. ach of thefe pariihes. feparatcly. too lmall. Ardcrony too fmall. Each of thefe pariihes, feparaiely, too fmall. - rf
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