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The Northampton Mercury


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Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 38
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 22/11/1806
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXVI    Issue Number: 38
No Pages: 4
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10 tin 11 £ Vol. LXXXVI. No. as. <, Reaily Money is cxpected } ( with Advertisements, $ SATURDAY, November 22, 1806. PRICE SIXPENCE, \ f; « mP- Dutv • ( Paper and Print • • Sid. 2Ad. Sunday and- Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. THE King has been pleased to giant the dignity of a liaron of the United Kingdom of Great- Britain and Ireland unto the Right Hon. Alan Lord Gardner, Admiral of the White Squadron of his Majesty's fleet, and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, hy the name, style, and title of Baton Gardner, of Uttoxeter, in the county of Stafford. f . IITJI.. . HIWN. - * -' I*, u! LONDON, November 18. Some recent movements of the Austrian troops in Bohemia appear to have excited strong sen- sations in Holland. That part of the Bohemian army of observation which was stationed at Pilsen has advanced to Brix, and another strong corps, which was assembled in Moravia, has occupied a position on the Elbe, near Ausig, within six posts of Dresden. These arc probably the dispositions which some days since gave rise to the report that the Austrian army was inarching to occupy'Silesia. The opinion, however, in Holland, was, that the Emperor Francis was approaching the neighbour- hood of the war in sucli force as might give in- fluence to his interposition in favour of Prussia, or enable him to take advantage of any occurrence tending to restrain the growing power of France. The last accounts left the King of Prussia at Custrin. The Queen of Prussia is far beyond the reach of the « netny: her Majesty and children are at Grauticntz, in Polish Prussia, upon the banks of the Vistula. Bonaparte, in his bulletins, insults this Princess by saying, that the visit of the Emperor of Russia, that day twelvemonth, October 27, turned her mind from tlie toilet to meddle in State affairs, and brought on the ruin that has befallen her.-— While atPotzdam, Bonaparte sent off to Paris tins Sword of the Great Frederick, and his Ribbar. d of the Order of the Black. Eagle. The Duke of Brunswick, we understand, was at Ottenscn, three English miles from Hamburgh. The Duchess was expected there. We are Sorry to hear that his Serene Highness is still in a dan- gerous state. Even there he is not permitted to remain in repose. The Prince Royal of Denmark has sAit. a message to him( expressive of the wish pf- his Danish Majesty that he would leave that place. It is highly probable that he will seek an asylum in England. Iu the French bulletins, the Queen of Prussia, Prince Louis Ferdinand, the Duke of Brunswick, who is now called General Brunswick, Generals Schmettnu, Ruche!, and Blucher, are accused as being the instigators and authors of the war.— Field- Marshal Mollendorffand Genera) Kiilkrcuth, are the only two persons mentioned w ith respect. The Duke of Brunswick, in particular, is the dis- v tinguished object of the Cors'can's fury. It s » eius certain, that this Prince is marked out as one of his victims, and if the fortune of the war docs not change for the better, thai, lie will lose his territory. Bonaparte has furnished another signal proof of the respect ia which lie holds the rights of nations, and his own most positive and solemn engagements, by attacking the Elector of Hesse, alter bavin] acknowledged the neutrality of his territory. Dr. Browne, who attended his Prussian Majesty during the battle of the 14th, came Over in the last packet from Hamburgh. lie says, that the carnage of that day was most, dreadful, and very nearly as extensive on both sides. lie adds, that, no doubt, treachery was the chief causc of the defeat of the Prussians. The Expedition. — At length the Expedition, under General Craufurd, which - has remained so long in Ealoiouth harbour, sailed on Wednesday. It consists of five regimests of infantry, two of cavalry, and three companies of artillery; about 6500 men in all. It sailed under convoy of the Spencer .. 74 . Captain .. 74 flanges 71 • Theseus .. 74 Nereide .. 36 Iris 32 Hon. Capt. Stopford Capt. C'ockburne Halkett Hope Corbet — ' lower The following Is a list of the corps constituting the military force of the expeditioa, togethe with nearly the length of time each lias been embarked, and the gross strength of which each corps consists:— Strength. Corps. Command.- Officers. Time embarked. ISO Artillery S weeks 400 6thDr. Guards Lieut.- Col. Kington 5 ditto 800 9th Lt. Drags. Colonel Mahon 7 ditto 900 5th foot Lieut.- Col. Davie 7 ditto 900 36th ditto liurne 8 ditto 950 45th ditto Guard 16 ditto 900 SSth ditto Dutt' S ditto 400 95th ^ tto Major M'Leod 12 ditto All these corps are composed of fine men, and • re commanded by able anil experienced officers we may therefore reasonably expect, that where- ever they may he employed, they will do credit to themselves and to their country. ' t he regiments in the Mediterranean are nearly as follow:— 20th dragoons, four troops; 9tli 10th, 20th, 21st, 23d, 24lh, 27th, 28th, 2' Jth 30th, 31st, 35th, 41st, 42d, 44th, 48th, 57th 58th, 59th, and 78th foot, all nearly complete and in the highest possible order. They arc com- manded by the best officers we have, viz. Sir John Moore, Sir John Stuart, General Campbell, and almost every one of the Ik- roes of Egypt. Government is understood to have received dispatches from the Cape of Good- Hope. The bearer of them landed at Cork on Tuesday last as appears hy the following extract froui the Cork paper of that day:—" We have just been in formed of the arrival in this city of Colonel M'Donnell, from the Cape of Good- Hope. He left it on the 12th of September, is the bearer of dispatches for Government, and mentions, on the 1st of September, troops to the amount of 2000 horse and foot, sailed for Buenos Ayrcs to re- inforce General Bcrcsford, and that no appre- hensions were entertained at the Cape for the safety of that conquest." On Thursday se'nnight, Miss Elizabeth Bithvell, niece of Mr. Bidwell, of Thetford, Norfolk, ar- rived at Harwich, from Berlin. She was tutoress to the King of Prussia's children, and had a nar- row escape from falling into tlie hands of the French; from whom she fled with such, preci- pitation, that when she left Berlin, she was des- titute of money, and even of a change of raiment. She went immediately to Windsor, and had a long interview with the Queen, to whom she related the afflicting accounts of the successes of the French, and the flight of the King and Quseu of Prussia and family. Bonaparte impudently calls himself a goad Knight. We should like to know in what school has taken his lessons of chivalry.- It certainly was not in that of Sc. ipio or Alexander; of Henry the Fifth of England; or of Francis the First, or Henry the Fourth of France. A good Knight, to display all the wickedness of malice, and rancour of malignity, against a young and beautiful Queen! — A good Knight, to bespatter with abuse the characters of fallen heroes!— A good Knight, to inveigh against the Females of a whole Capital!— Too true, indeed it seems, that as men change their characters, words change their signification. In the viceroyalty of Buenos Ayrcs, recently conquered by British valour and enterprise, there are valuable mines of different ore, in numbers as follow: thirty of gold, twenty- seven of silver, seven of copper, two of tin, and seven of lead. . A material change appears to have been effected in the sentiments of the American Government towards this country; and the papers under its influence are now as energetic in our favour, as lately they were clamorous against us. With regard to the dispensation of Law in France— Bonaparte's mil is the law; his caprice, the jury; his pmwer, the judge; and \ mfury, the executioner. A circumstaticc lias occurred during the election at Nottingham, which in its nature is worthy of notice: a venerable gentleman, who had come from Bath to give his vote in favour of Mr. Coke and Mr. Smith, brought the same shoes with him w hich he w ore at the contested election in 1754, and actually passed through the booth with them on. He appeared infinite! y delighted, and every one participated in his feelings. He had been a Burgess of Nottingham upwards of 09 years. At a village in Norfolk, a person fills the fol- lowing offices:— Churchwarden, overseer, parish- clerk, sexton, constable, surveyor of, the highways, assessor of the land- tax and assessed taxes, and of the property tax, collector of the same, and bailiff of the manor.— This man has not been selected to discharge these important duties either for his personal qualifications, or for ilia extent of his property, as he unfortunately has but one arm ; and, though the only tradesman in the parish, is a pauper, and receives relief.— The above may lie relied on as a fact. An extraordinary Trance.— The wife of a la- bourer, at Limehouse, about ten days since, felt herself indisposed, aud retired to bed. On the lOrning following, her husband attempted to- awake her, but in vain: she was insensibl*, and with scarcely anv signs of respiration. Great numbers of people flocked about her, and re- mained constantly in her room. She was to all appearance dead, excepting that she retained her usual colour. On Friday last she awoke— she was' unconscious of the length of her trance, and did not feel any sensations different from the refresTi" uient of her accustomed > leep; after speaking to he people about he:' for some time, she was pro- ceeding to dress herself, when she relapsed, and now remains in a stale of insensibility. A few days since, rook's nest, with young, was found on the premiss of Sir C. Willoughby, Bart, at Baldon, Oxfordshire. An eel was lately caught in the river O. uze, near Ely, by Isaac Garret, of the extraordinary weight of six pounds. The size and weight of on appl, « , from the orchard of Joseph Otter, West- Deepillg:— wei < ht, 21 ounces; length, from stalk to eye, 14$ ineiies; girth, 14, inches. Mutiny.— On Sunday se'nnight, a mutiny broke out on board the Travers East Indiaman, lv. ng at Motherbank, near Portsmouth.— Fourteen of her men armed themselves, took possession of the quarter- deck, lowered down the jolly- boat, with the intention of making their escape at Stokes Bay, aud going immediately for London. The officers of her fired at the boat several times, and killed one of t he men, of the name of Wormsley; nine more of them were taken the next morning', the other four arc not yet. taken. The boat was picked up, with the body of Wormsley in it, shot in three places. COURT OP KIXG'S- BBNCH.— The. Child with two Mothers.— In this truly mystfiious case, a writ of Habeas Corpus had been issued, directed to Hop- kins, the reputed father of the infant, and on Thursday he returned the writ, and came into Court with the child and its mother. Mrs. Nott and her husband, the persons who claimed the child as1 their own, were also present. The return to the writ was then rend, lt described the father of the child to be Hopkins, and the woman, who had it in her arms, to be iis mother, and the wife of Hopkins. The child, however, was illegitimate, Hopkins having married its mother since its birth. The Court ordered the child to remain under the care of its parents. On this Mrs. Nott burst into tears, fainted, and was carried out of Court. An inquisition was lately taken nt Sedglcy, in the county of Stafford, on the body of Sarah Short, a girl, 12 years of age, who, with a boy of the age of 9 years, were at work in a nail- shop; and, inconsequence of aquarrel, the boy subbed the girl, in his passion, with a red- hot iron he had in his hand, in her breast, of which she expired the next day. Verdict— Homicide. Murder.— Tuesday se'nnight, between the hou of one and two, was apprehended, in a common lodging- house in Carlisle, by I homas Spence, a . messenger from Paisley, Matthew Smith, accused of the murder of a female child, about three mouths old, in l'aislev. The infant was the ille- gitimate offspring of a writer in Paisley, who had given the mother of the child ( Agnes Keliy) the sum of £. S, to assist in maintaining her offspring, which was consumed in drink between her and Matthew Smith, with whom, it appears, she had some connexion. Not knowing where to get a fresh supply, Smith strangled the innocent, and laid it beneath the root of an old tree in the garden, and sent for the apprentice of a doctor in Paisley; it is strongly supposed, with the view of selling the body for the purpose of dissection! — When they had arrived at the spot, the child, having somewhat recovered, was crying. The monster, Smith, then took it by the heels, and dashed its head against the ground with all his force, five or six times; but the mould being soft, this experiment was' not sufficient to terminate the life of the poor little sufferer. The child still breathing, the doctor's apprentice tied a handkerchief, as tight as possible, around the stomach, to prevent the playing of the lungs. Notwithstanding these various devices, life was not yet totally extinct. In order to complete their" hellish intent, Smith held the child's head in a bucket of water, which terminated its sufferings. The child was then put into a rag cellar, and was discovered shortly after, by the nauseous smell, with one of the feet, and part of the leg, eaten away by rats. Such complicated barbarity could not escape the all- seeing eye of a just Providauce. The very means which were used for the accom- plishment of this " most strange and most unna- tural" murder, were the means of its discovery: the handkerchief which was tied around tKe infant's body belonged to the master of/ the apprentice, and was stamped with his name. Accordingly lie was suspected; he owned the handkerchief, but denied any knowledge of the transaction- The apprentice then confessed, and turned evidence for the Crown; whereupon mes- sengers were dispatched in every direction, and, by the indefatigable activity of Spence, Smith was discovered as before related, lie was next morning sent off to take his trial. For the Benefit of the INFERIOR PAROCHIAL CLERGY of the County of Northampton. HpiIK Trustees of the Estates devised by the a Will of the late Sir EDWARD NICHOLS, Bart, deceased, to charitable Uses, Give this public Notice, That at their Annual Meeting, which will be holden on THURSDAY the 27th Day of NOVEMBER next, they shall dispose of the unappropriated Parts of the Produce of those Estates in Benefactions to Clergymen who are Incumbents upon small Livings within the County of Northampton ; and that all due Attention will be paid to the Application of such Clergymen as shall be made before the said 27th Day of Novem. ber, by Letters addressed to Mr. CLARK, at the Stamp- Office, Northampton, setting forth every Cir- cumstance of Ecclesiastical or other Income, of Fa- mily, of Health, and of whatever else may give the fullest Information to the Trustees of the Claimants' Title to their Favour. IFT Clergymen possessed only of Curacies, or of Benefices to which Institution and Induction are not necessary, are not deemed Objects of these Benefactions. J. CLARK. Northampton, Oct. 31- rf, 1806. _ SWIN DLEK. WHEREAS JAMES HARVEY, of EI. STOW, in the County of Bedford, Pig- Jobber, did, on Tuesday the 26th Day of August last, OBTAIN, of GEORGE PANTHER, of TITCHMARSH, near Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, Pig- Jobber, SIX HOGS and SEVENTEEN PIGS, under false Pretences : Whoever will apprehend the said JAMES HARVEY, and give Notice thereof to the said GEORGE PANTHER, shall, on Conviction, receive a Reward ot TEN GUINEAS, and all reasonable Expences, to be paid by me, THOMAS KNIGHT, Treasurer of the Thrapston Association. ( ST The said James Harvey is about 22 Years of Age, five Feet three Inches high, has black Hair, a fresh Complexion, but rather swarthy, black Eyes, and ta- ks thick, is fond of smoking and singing, and supposed to be gonn into the Line of Horsedealiii;. October 5th, 1806. To Bremen, Maltsters, and others. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACAPITAL and TRULY VALUABLE COPYHOLD ESTATE, very desirably situate in the Neigh- bourhood of DUNSTABLE, Beds; comprising a very substantial and well- built Brick and- Tiled Dwelling- House, consisting of a Kitchen, Parlour, and other Conveniencies on the Ground Floor; four good Bed- Rooms on the first Fioor, and two Garrets; a very commodioua Brewhouse, Calculated for carrying on the Business of a Common Brewer, having been used for that Purpose; a very compact Malt- House, with suitable Lofts, and a capital Well of Water, with a good f'uinp therein, adjoining the Cistern; a Count- ing- House; large and convenient arched Cellars; two good Stables, for four Horses each; a Two- bay Barn; Pigsties and other Offices; a good watered'Garden and an Orchard, containing together about one Acre. The Whole is in good Repair, and exonerated from Land- Tax; is subject to a Fine certain on Death Alienation, and a Quit- Rent of 4s. 3d. For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. DGRHAM, Land- Surveyor, Auc- tioneer, ice. Dunstable. J. P. SWAN NELL, Of NEII'PORT - PAGNE. LL, Bucks, RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that he is appointed AG ENT to the UNION FIRE- OFFICE of LONDON, established in 1714, for insuring all Kinds of Buildings', Furniture, Goods iu Trade, in Trust, o/ on Commission, and Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or while building, From Loss ur DAMAGE by FIRE; mid he requests his Friends and the Public to favour him with their Orders in that Line, which will be punctually executed on the usual Terms. ( fS" POLICIES gratis where the Premium is 6s. *„* FARMiKc- S- iocK at 2s. fid. per Cent. . NOVEMITEK loth, 180G. A BSCONDED from his Family in March last, and left it chargeable to the Parish of PULLOXHII. L, Bedfordshire, MATTHEW SMITH, Labourer. He is about 25 Years of Age, stands five Feet five Inches high, is stout made, has a fair Complexion, dark- brown Hair, and is rather round- shouldered. Whoever wiil ^ ive Information of the above Person, shall, on his Return to his Family, receive of the CHURCHWARDENS and OVERSEERS of PULLOXHILL aforesaid the Sum of TWO G U1N LAS. NOVEMBER 19th, 180ti. ABSCONDED from his Parents, at GREAT- GI DOING, in the County of Huntingdon, on Friday the 21th of October last, A LAD, about cloven Years of Age, deranged and almost in- sensible, is very thin and weakly in Appearance, has black straight Hair, black Eyes, and a Mole on his lett Cheek ; had on when he went awav a Corduroy Coat, a Pair of Corduroy Breeches, a dark flowered Cotton Waistcoat, a Pair of dark Worsted Stockings, and a Pair of high Sh ® es; was without his Hat, and had Part of a Whalebone Whip in his Hand. Whoever can give Information of the said Lad, either dead or alive, to his Parents, SAMUEL and SARAH GOODWIN, of Giuding aforesaid, will be handsomely rewarded. To be LETT, immediately, \ Neat RESIDENCE, at KING's- CLI^ FE, in X V Northamptonshire; consisting of two Parlours and a Kitchen in Front, a Pantry, a good Cellar, Brewhouse, three excellent Chambers, with Closets, three large Attics, a Four- stall Stable, a Coach- Houte, Wood- House, Hav and Straw- Loft over the Stable, a neat Yard and Garden stocked with Fruit Trees, and a Paddock, containing about two Acres of Land.— Being in a populous Village, it has every Convenience requisite— a daily Post, Sec.; and is in a very healthy Situation. For Particulars, enquire of Mr. RAWLINSON, King's- ClifFe, who will shew the Premises; or of Mr. DE MERVEILLEUX, Stamford, Lincolnshire. Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact and highly - improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of T1 LTON- ON- THE- HILL; comprising a Farm - House, and Outbuildings necessary for the Occupation of the Farm, and 280 Acres of Land, chiefly Meadow and Pasture, and a small Part Arable.— Also, the capital WOODLANDS, known by the Name of TILTON WOODS ( celebrated for the Covers), containing upwards of 80 Acres, and the Timber and Underwood standing and growing thereon.— The Farm is held at Will, at an old Rent, which will admit of being advanced very considerably. The Woods are capable of great Im- provement, and of being rendered very, productive both of Timber and Underwood, to the Growth of which the Soil is perfectly congenial. To a Gentleman fond of Field Sports ( particularly those of the Chase), this Estate is peculiarly adapted, being centrally situate in the Midst of several highly- celebrated Hunts, which frequently visit the Covers of Tilton.— The present Farm- llouse, situate in the Village of Tilton, may, at a small Expence, be con- verted into a Hunting- Box; and a new Farm- House may, with Convenience and Advantage, be erected on the F'arm. ( rT TILTON is distant from Leicester about ten Miles, and one Mile and a Half from the Turnpike- Roait leading from Leicester to Uppingham. *** Printed Particulars may be had at the Bell Inn, at Leicester; of Mr. JOHN WILDBORE, Tilton, who will" direct a Person to shew the Estate; aud of Messrs. RICHARDSON, SON, and CORFIELU, Lind- Surveyors, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, London, who are duly authorized to contract for the Sale. Valuable Farming Live Stock, Implements, and Household- Furniture. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ABBOTT, On Monday the 24th of November, 1806, and the two following Days, ALL the capital LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in AGRICULTURE, D AI R Yand BRE WING UTENSILS, genteel HOUSEHOLD - FURNI- TURE, CHINA, GLASS, & c. at the late Residence of Mr. THOMAS FOX, at N1- THE R- D E AN, in the County of Bedford, deceased; comprising five capital Draught Horses, and an excellent Road Mare and Galloway ; five feeding Cows, four ln- calf Ditto, a Cow and Calf, two Steers, and a handsome Bull; 90 well- bred and very useful Sheep, a Ram, and a He- Goat; five large store Hogs; a staunch Pointer; two Men's Saddles ( one quite new), several useful Bridles, & c. ; two Narrow- wheel Waggons and three Carts, a Timber- Carriage, with Pole and Bolsters; Ploughs, Harrows, Rolls, a Quantity of very excellent Horse Harness, Sheep and Cow- Cribs, Hurdles, & c. ; two large Billet Stacks, Faggots, and other Fire- Wood. The HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE consists of several Four- post Bedsteads, with neat Morine and Cotton Furniture; excellent Feather- Beds ; large and good Blankets; Counterpanes, Quilts, and Coverlets; fine Hoine- spun Sheets and Table Linen; Window- Cur- tains; Pier and Dressing- Glasses ; Walnut- Tree Chests of Drawers; Mahogany Bureau; Mahogany Dining, Pillar, Claw, Card, and other Tables; handsome Mahogany, Japanned, Walnut- Tree, and other Chairs ; an excellent Eight- Day Clock; useful Kitchen and Dairy Requisites, of various Sorts; neat China Glass, and Earthenware; two Hogsheads of fine strong Ale; a Number of sweet Casks, in good Preservation, Mash- Vat, Tubs, See. ; a Quantity of Cheese and Apples ; together with a Number ot other very useful Articles. g^* Catalogues will be delivered at the White- Lion Inns, Kimbolfon and Buckden; George, Hunt- ingdon and Bedford; Swan, Biggleswade; Green Dragon, Higl. am- Ferrers; White- Hart, Thrapston Place ot Sale ; and at Mr. Abbott's, Surveyor and General Appraiser, Norwich Fire- Office, Market- Place, St. Neots. Leicestershire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of COSBY, in the said County of Leicester; comprising a substantial Farm- House, with a good Barn, Stable, and other suitable Outbuildings therelo balonging, with six Closes of rich Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in a high State of Cul- tivation, adjoining thereto, containing 61 Acres, or thereabouts, now in the Occupation of Richard Orton, who will shew the Premises. COSBY is situate about six Miles from Leicester, about the same Distance from Lutterworth ar. d Hinckley, and the Turnpike- Road from Lutterworth to Leicester adjoins the Lordship. %.* For further Particulars, apply to Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth. Northamptonshire. DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By DANIEL FROST, At the House of Mrs. Griffin, known by the Sign of the Fox, situate at Charwelton, in the County of Northampton, on Monday the 24th Day of November, 1806, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, AVery compact and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at CHARWELTON afore- said, in the following Lots:— Lot 1. All that neat and substantial Mansion- House, late the Residence of the Rev. T. Knightley, deceased, and fit for the RfceptionofaGentleman's Family, with the Barns, Stables, and other Outbuildings; Garden, Orchard, and Pools thereunto adjoining and belonging ; together with several Closes or Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, commonly called by the several Names of the Hogstye Yard, with the Pond and Spinney at the Bottom thereof, the Banky Close, the Square Ground, and the Long Meadow, containing together 34A. 2R. 12P. or thereabouts, and now in the several Occupations of the Rev. Wm. Hooper and Mr. Joseph Dcmer. Lot 2. All' those several Closes or Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, called by the several Names of the Barley Field, with the Pond and Spin- ney at the Bottom thereof, Great Gostilow, Lmlo Gostilow Meadow, and the Green Hill, containing together 57A. 3R. 31P. or thereabouts, and now also in the Occupation of the said Joseph Dormer. Lot 3. All those several Closes or Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Ground, called by the several Names of the Butcher's Ground, Butcher's Hill, Butcher's lleadow, and Edwards's Long Meadow, containing together 69A. OR. 36P. or thereabouts, and uow in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Hinde. Lot 4. A small Piece of Land, used as a Garden, containing about 1R. 1UP. lying opposite to the above- mentioned Mansion- House, and now in the Occupation of the said Joseph Dormer. gtf The Tenants' Terms expire at Lady- Day next, when the Purchasers may have Possession. %* CHARWEI. TON is situate in a good sporting Country, and distant from Daventry four Miles, from Southam eight Miles, and from Banbury twelve Miles, all good Market Towns. N. B. For a View of the Premises, apply to the respective TENANTS ; and for further Particulars, to ilr. WILLIAM SNOW, of OlFchurch, near Warwick; or Messrs. WOODCOCK & TWIST, Solicitors, Co- ventry, at whose Office a Plan of the Estate may be seen. Genteel Freehold Residence. . To be SOL D by AUCTION, By BROWN & SON, On Friday the 28th of November, 1806, at the Peacock Inn, Bedford, at Six o'Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, in one Lot, ALL that valuable, newly- erected Brick- built and Sashed DWELLING- HOUSE, with every requisite Out- Office, Stables, Chaise- House, Garden, and large Yard, situate in that pleasant and improved Part of the Town WHITE- HORSB- STREET, ST. PAUL'S, BEDFORD; consisting of a neat Kitchen and Parlour in Front; Back - Kitchen, Cellar, and Pantries; three convenient Bedchambers, Closets, and excellent Garrets; large Yard, with a Pump of good Water; Range of Buildings, Stone- built and Tiled, as Stables, Chaise- House, Coal- House, and ether convenient Offices; a large and well- fenced Garden, planted with Fruit Trees, and a neat Garden, with a Passage, in Front ; and a good Gateway into Queen's- Head- Lane. The Whole now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Hill. Q^ l* The above Premises are entirely new and sub- stantially built, situated in a very airy Part of the Town, and particularly well adapted Tor any Business requiring Room, or an eligible Residence for a private Family, who wish to live retire. v %* The Fixtures to be taken at a fair Valuation. N. B. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mr. THOMAS HILL, the present Occupier and Proprietor; and for further Particulars, to BROWN & SON, Auc- tioneers, and Agepts to the British f ire- Office, St. Peter's, Bedford, who are authorized to treat for the same by Private Contract. BULL INN, OLNEY, BOCKS. Cheap and expeditious Travelling to London, in a new * and elegant Telegraph Coach, called TIIE A C C P M M ODAL'LO N, To cariy only four Insides ; UICH sets out from the above Inn every TUESDAV, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY MORN- INC, at Half- past f ive o'Clock, and will arrive at the GEORGE- AND- BI. UE- BOAH INN, HOLBORN, punctually at Ha If- past Three ( at which Inn ' I ra- velleis and Families will lir. d Accommodations equal to any House in London); whence it lejuri^ on MONDAY, WLDNISDAY, and FRIDAY MORNINGS, at a Quarter before Eight. JOHN GILBERT Sc Co. Proprietors. 03" The Proprietors beg Leave to say, that in Consequence of the numerous Applications from th* Inhabitants of OLNEY and its Neighbourhood, they have been induced to establish this Coach for their Accommodation, and hope to meet with their Interest; assuring them and ilns Public in general, that Nothing shall be wanting to render this the most comfort.-, ole Conveyance on ihe Road, having provided a Coach upon a new Principle; and everv Attention will be paid to the early Delivery ot Parcels, See — Not ac- countable lor any Article lost or damaged above the Value of Five ' Pounds, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. *. » * The Fatj from Olncy to London is 14s. Inside, and 7s. Outside.— All Parcels charged on very moderate Terms.— Passengers and Parcels arc regularly booked by Mr. WORLEV, Bull Inn, Olncy., N. B. I- or the Convenience of those resident in the City, Passengers and Parcels may be booked at the WINDMILL INN, ST. JOHN- STREET, at which Place the Coach regularly calls going in and coming out of London. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL COMPANY. N'OTICE is hereby given, That at the General Assembly of the Proprietors of the Crand Junction Canal, held at the Freemasons' Tavern, Lincoln's. Inn- Fields, on the 4th Instant, a Dividend of One and a Half per Cent, ( exclusive of the Pro- perty Duty thereon) was declared on the Shares and Parts of Shares ; and that the Dividend Warrants will be ready to be delivered at the Office, No. 21, Surrey- Street, Strand, on the 5th of January next. The Holders of Notes for the Loan raised in 1798, and of Receipts for Subscriptions tor new Shares in 1802, are desiied to take Notice, that they cannot receive the Dividend until those Notes and Receipts are delivered up and converted into Stock at the Com- pany's Office. Purchasers of Shares, who may be in Possession of the original Transfers, are desired to send them to the Office before the 1st of Dcfcember next, that they may- be filed and registered, as otherwise they cannot re- ceive the Dividend. By Order, RICHARD C. SALE, Clerk, to the said Company. Grand Junction Canal- Office, 81, Surrey- Street, Strand. London, 12tb November, 1806. FENNY - STRATFORD ASSOCIATION, For the Prosecution of Robbers. FIFTY GUINEAS REWARD'. VYIIF. REAS on Tuesday Night the 11th, or T » early on Wednesday Morning the 12th Instant ( when the Family were all in Bedl, some Person or Persons did feloniously ATTEMPT to EN 1' F. R the DWELLING- HOUSE of Mr. LYNCH CONWAY GENT, at FENNY- STRATFORD, Surgeon, by forcing some Sricks out of the Shop Wall, and opening the Window thereof, when ic is supposed they were alarmed and made off; but two other Houses in Fenny- Stratford were broke and actually entered tho same Night, and most probably by the same Persons : Whoever will give such Information as may be tils Means of leading to a Conviction of the Offender or Offenders who attempted Mr. Gent's House, may, on his or their Conviction, receive a Reward of FORTY GUINEAS of Mr. GENT, and TEN GUINEAS of Mr. JOHN DAY, the Treasurer of this Association. And if more than one were concerned, and either will impeach his Accomplice or accomplices, it will entitle him to TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD, on Conviction, to be paid by Mr. GENT and Mr. DAY, and strong Interest will," in that Case, be made to procure a free Pardon for such Persons so impeaching his Accomplice or Accomplices. By Order, GEORGE COOCH, Solicitor- for the Association. Nefpcrt- Pagneil, Nov. 13th, 1806. To Grocers, Druggists, and others. To ba SOLD by AUCTION, By ROBERT COCKER1LL, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, inTowccster, on Tuesday the 25th Day of this instant November, at about Six ot the Clock in the Evening, subject to such Conditions a* will then be produced, ALL that Freehold and convenient MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Outbuildings, Yard, Garden, and other Appurtenances thereto be- longing, now in the Occupation ot Mr. Richard Gallard, Druggist and'Grocer, situate in about the Centre - and most pleasant Part of the Town of TOWCESTER. These Premises are subject to a Lease to the present Tenant for 21 Years, 13 of which were unex- pired on the 29th Day of September last. * » * For Particulars, apply to Mr. PHIPFS, Com- mon- Brewer, or Mr. KIRBY, Attorney at Law, in Towcester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. FOX, On Tuesday the2jth of November instant, 1S0S, and following Day, ALL the entire HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, belonging to Mrs. SHRRARD, at her House in HUNTINGDON ; comprising large handsome Four- post Bed » leads, with Mahogany Feet Pillars; fina Chintz Pattern Cotton, Dimity, and Morine Fur- nitures ; excellent seasoned Goose I'eather- Bcds, ill bordered T icks; Mattresses, Blankets, and Counter- panes; Window- Curtains, to correspond with tho Beds; several Pier Glasses, of very large Dimensions ; large Turkey, Brussels, and Kidderminster Carpets; Silesia, Marble, and Mahogany Side- board Tables; a Set of Dining - Tables, with circular Ends; Card and Pembroke Tables ( fine Wood); a large Mahogany Sofa; Mahogany Chairs, with fine Cotton Covers ; Window- Curtains to coriespond ; Mahogany Bureaus; Chests of Dra\ « rs; Register and Bath- Stove Grates ; Fender and Fire- Irons; an Eight- day Timepiece; a large Wind- up Range, and all Sorts ot Kitchen Requisites; two Coppers, with Brewing and Dairy Utensils, ic. ( pT To be viewed the Day before the Sale, which will begin each Day precisely at Eleven o'Clock. Catalogues may be had, on Saturday the 22d Instant, at the Crown Inn, St. Ives; Cross- Keys, St. Neots; George, Buckden; Bell, Stilton; at the Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Huntingdon. TIMBER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JAMES LOVED AY, On Friday the 28th Day of November, 1806, at the House of Mr. G. Higham, the Fleur- de- Lis, at Woodford, in the County of Northampton, under such Conditions as will be then and there produced, ONE OAK, 41 ASH, and 12 ELM TREES, marked and numbered, now growing on a Farm at WOODFORD aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Tew and Mr. Gostelow. (£ 3" The Trees are of large Dimensions, and will be sold in small Lots, as shall be agreed upon at tha Time of Sale. * « * Maybe viewed by Application to Mr. G EORG- K TAYLOR, Wheelwright, of Hinton, in the said Parish of Woodford. N. B. The Sale will begin precisely at Two o'Clock. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, November 20. LORD Hutchinson is going at the head of what bears the appearance of a Military Embassy, to the North of Europe. He is ac- companied by his brother and Mr. Frere, and Generals Sir Robert Wilson and Eustace. They set out this day, and the Astrea frigate is to convey them to a port in the Baltic. Dispatches have been received from Mr. Ar- imthnot, at Constantinople. They confirm, we understand, the important information, that the Porte, under the influence of French councils, has been induced to dissolve its alliance with Russia. This renunciation of the policy, to the observance of which it is that the Porte owes its existence as a nation, cannot fail to terminate in a . war between these two Powers. It is indeed probable, that it has already commenced ; for, according to some accounts, the Grand Seignior, in the same breath, not only renounced his rela- tions with Russia, but formally declared war against her. This event has not been unexpected by the Court of St. Petersburgh. It has vigilantly marked the progress of the French ascendancy at Constantinople, and increased its armies on the Turkish frontier in proportion to the influence which France obtained in the Divan. Notwith standing the extraordinary exertions which the Emperor Alexander is making to pull down the common enemy of the Continent, he has also an army assembled on the confines of Moldavia, sufficient at least to restrain, if not to overcome, the Ottoman forces. This diversion in favour of tactics, instead of adopting the l- rench system, and at least endeavouring ttvfight them with their own weapons. A Prussian officer who passed through this place, said, ' The French are little fellows, dwarfs; and if it were possible to be pitted against them man . to man, 1 could throw half a dozen of them out of a window; but in the ranks, with a musket on their shoulders, they are devils— they march— they act with a celerity beyond example-.— the balls fly over their heads; and while a great heavy Prussian is performing one manoeuvre, the French will perform half adozen.' — What can be added to the opinion of a very able officer? We may say for example, that these little fellows are not beaten into mete military machines by the use of the cane. For the most part, they are made heroes from a principle of honour. It is true, that when compelled, they, as well as the Prussians, commence a military life with a good deal of re- luctance; but in the end they prefer it beyond every thing; not merely on account of the humanity with which they are treated, but with a view to the path of honour, which is open even to the common soldier in the French army. Notwithstanding the impossi- bility that each man in four hundred thousand can arrive at the rank of an officer, or much less attain to the highest military honours, it is still . true the sol- dier may say to himself, ' There is no impossibility but that I, as well as another, may become a Marshal of the Empire, a Prince, or a Duke.' And this ope- rates as a strong encouragement. A man who has no' idea of honour might possibly get possession of some sense of it, when once he has made himself familiar with such; ideas, and will go to battle with a degree of courage unexampled, especially when lie knows he is fighting for an object far above a few stivers per day. Now when I think of any poor devil of a soldier in ' this or that Sovereign's pay; when 1 think of the innumerable strokes of the cane which he receives; when I see soldieis grow grey in this kind ot service, and who, after a number of campaigns, can only hepe for the rank of Comet or Ensign; 1 say when I take a view of all these circumstances together, I car. not be amazed for one moment, that the Prussians should be beaten by the French. On the other hand, I should be astonished if the french should be beaten.— At Kosbacb, things were quite upon a different footing. None but men of rank commanded at that period; men who owed their promotion entirely to their rank, " No person to practise as an apcthecary until he shall have served an apprenticeship of five years to some regular apothecary, or surgeon practising as an apothecary. He shall have studied the different branches of physic in some reputable school or schools duiing the space of at least one year, and shall have attained the age of 21 years. ' 4 No person to practise midwifery unless he has attended anatorftical lectures for twelve months, and received instructions for the same term from some experienced accoucheur, and shall have assisted at real labours. And no female shall practise midwifery without a certificate of fitness and qualification from some regular practitioner or practitioners in that branch. " No person to follow the business of a retail che- mist or druggist, unless he shall have served an ap- prenticeship of five years to that art. " None of these restrictions to be constructed to affect persons at present regularly practising in the different branches of medicine. " A register shall be kept of all medical practi- tioners in the United Kingdom; and every person in future entering upon the practice of any branch of the profession, shall pay a fine on admission." Cure for the Dropsy.— The following recipe is said to be au infallible cure for the Dropsy:— " Take twohandfuls of liverwort, washed clean, put into a small pot with a quart of water; let them boil on a slow fire till the liverwort is soft anil slimy, then thicken it to a poultice with barley meal, adding a quart of house snails ( those with shells oil their backsj, pounded in a wooden bowl, shells and all, till quite fine; then spread it on a cloth, and apply it t* the navel as hot as possible; let it remain twenty- four hours o » , and iepeat it as olten as neces- sary.— It causes great perspiration, draws the water to the part covered by the poultice, and causes it to A robbery and murder, of a most dating and unprecedented nature, was committed in Edin- burgh on Thursday afternoon, about five o'clock. — William Bcgbie, porter to the British linen com- pany, at Leith, was stabbed and murdered in Tweedale's close, leading to the British linen com- pany's otBce, at Edinburgh, and robbed of a sealed parcel, in a yellow canvas bag, containing ,£. 4300 in notes. The weapon with which the murder was committed was found on the spot; it was a common bread knife with a wooden handle. The murder was committed with a force and dexterity more resembling that of n foreign assassin, than an inhabitant of this country. The blow was directly in the heart, and the unfortunate man bled to death in a few minutes. He has left a wife and four children. Five hundred guineas reward have been offered for such information as shall be the means of discovering the person or persons who com- mitted the murder and robbery. Yesterday the Recorder of London made a report • to his Majesty of the twenty- five convicts ca pitally convicted at the last two Sessions, at the Old- Bailey, when the following were ordered for execution next Wednesday :— I. ouis Languis, Alex. M'Kenzie, and Joseph Westwood, for forgery; John Baseley for robbing a waggon in Wood- street, BAINES & SON, Silk, Cotton, und Woollen Di/ ers, At their old- established Dye- House, BRIDCE- STREIT, NORTHAMPTON, " Y17TTII Gratitude ( o their Friends for their • * past Favours so liberally conferred upon them, respectfully beg to remind them, that they continue to CLEAN and DYE every Article of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S DRESS the most fashion- able Winter Colours, in a Manner which they doubt not will- insure a Continuance of their Patronage; also BED- FURNITURE, of Morine, Damask, Cheney, and Harrateen, dyed and watered to look as new. CLOTHES CLEANED, wet or dry. *** All Parcels, sent free of Expence, by Newsman or any other Conveyance, will be duly attended to, and returned with Punctuality. NORTHAMPTON, Nov. 22d, 1806. ALL Persons who have any Claim or Demand upon the Estate or Effects of JOHN PEAIU'E, now or late of the Town ot NORTHAMPTON, Shoe- maker, are desired forthwith to send an Account thereof to Mr. Cooch, Grocer, or Mr. Howes, So- licitor, in Northampton.— And all Persons who stand indebted to the said John Pearce, are requested to pay their respective Uebts to the said Mr. Cooch, or Mr. Howes, within one Month from the Date hereof. Desirable Sheep- Keeping. - , - . .. —' i To. be LETT, to the Best Bidder, V. >' eturning from transportation ; , At the Gllildha! 1, in Northampton, on Thursday the James V aughan, for personating Serjeant Neson, ; 27th Day of November instant, at Eleven o'clock were respited i otherwise Neshon. The others during his Majesty's pleasure. DIED.] Yesterday se'nnight, at his house in Store- ' France ( for so we consider a war at this time between Russia and the Porte) we trust will not be productive to Bonaparte of the advantages he j their birth, or their interest with Madame Pompa- cxpccts. The decadency of the Turkish Power in j dour; men_ who had under^ them wha^ they called Europe has long been foreseen, but we did not soldiers; but who, after their flight, left nothing ,. , . , • . i- i behind them but their bags and hair- powder.— Hut think the period ol its political extinction was so | , hIllgs are strang- ly aj. tered since then. It is ex- ear. The fatuity ol its councils has hastened tremely unfortunate that the pass freely in the natural way.— The patient ought i street, Bedford- square, Lieutenant- General Iunes, to remain in bed, and be as much on his back as pos- sibly convenient, to give the poultice fair play, and as the bandage slackens by the discharge of water, to ^ _ _ draw it tighter.— The foregoing has been known to : ship ' is succeeded in his titles and'estate by" his eldest cure the Dropsy after tapping, and when the patient son, Loid Garlies, now Earl of Galloway, has been given over by the faculty." i , , i In consequence of the great fall in the price of copper ore, very many of the largest and deepest mines in Cornwall, and which produce immense quantities of ore, are likely to be stopped. 1 in the Forenoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there produced, W, HERBAGE on the RACE- GROUND, in NORTHAMPTON FIE I. D, containing about lately Commandant of the Chatham Division of i H7 Acres, for keeping Sheep thereon, from the 27th Royal Marines.-— On Sunday last, the Earl of Gal- ° f November instant until the 14thof February next; loway, ut Galloway- house, in Scotland. His Lord- j during which Time all other Cattle will be taken off. I (. IF For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THEO. 1 JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton. | *.„.* The above- mentioned Ground is intended to be ; locked up on Monday the 21th Instant; and all Per- sons exercising Horses, or otherwise trespassing BEDFORD, Nov. 21st, 1806. R. and Mrs. PALMER respectfully inform j thereon, will be prosecuted, their Friends and the Public, that they have I Northampton, Nov. lid, 1806. near. 1 tie latuity the regular progress of its decline; and, in draw- ing the sword against Russia, the Grand Seignior has raised an arm against his own existence as a Sovereign. We shall feel some surprise if he re- main master of Constantinople two months after he has declared war against Russia. It is not improbable that the Seraglio will be knocked about his ears much sooner. ' 1 he British and Russian squadrons in the Mediterranean are fully adequate to such an exploit. ' A Boston paper of the 20th September men- tions, that dispatches had just been received from Madrid, which were of so important a nature, thai they would not be made public. It was con- fidently'reported, that another large sum of money had been insisted on by Spain, at the instance of • tiie French Government. It is said, that to prevent the arrival of intelli- gence. from Holland to this country, an embargo has been imposed on all vessels in the Dutch ports. It is mentioned in letters received by the Mail arrived yesterday from Lisbon, that the Spanish Government is indefatigable in its endeavour* to increase the military force. The requisitions which we have before mentioned, are exacted with a; earnestness and rigour which indicate that tlx) Court i. fprehends, or is preparing for some great ' crisis. The capture of buenos Ayres was known at Madrid, but it did not produce that sensation there which might have been expected. The Spaniards consoled themselves with the idea that the transfer of the colony was only a temporary alienation, and that it would be restored whenever peace should be re established. The letters from Gibraltar by this conveyance contain some impleading intelligence respecting the expedition which sailed from Plymouth on the 24th of September, under convoy of Sir John Duckworth, in the Royal George, and which was generally supposed to be destined for Sicily.— The convoy was unfortunate enough to encounter several violent gales of wind, by which the trans- ports, and several merchant vessels that sailed in company, were dispersed, and some of the latter fell into possession of the enemy. The first gale happened on the 3d of October, a few days after leaving port. When the weather abated, the whole of the ships were not enabled to join. On the 13th they experienced a still mora dreadful ftorm, during which the troops suffered much from sick- ness. The Swift and several other vessels parted convoy on this occasion, and the former was soon after capturtd by a Spanish privateer, and carried into Algesiras on the 18th. Another vessel was taken into the same port the following day; and it is feared that others of the fleet have shared the sa'ne late. A letter of the 20th of October, from Gibraltar mentions, that some straggling vessels belonging to the conroy had reached that place, and gave a very unfavourable account of their companions, and the tremendous weather they had met with. Among the stragglers arrived at Gib- taker were some transports, having a number of the Guards on board. Bv a vessel that left Gibraltar on the 29th of October, we learn, that the bulk of the fleet was at the mouth of the Gut on the 30th. it was expected, that the troops would be lauded at Gib- raltar for the purpose of giving them an opportunity of recruiting their health. Extract of a le tter from a gentleman, com- manding the Trinidad Light Infantry regiment, or Roval South- American Rangers, with the rank of Cofonel, to his brother in Paisley, dated camp, - Aruba, the 23d of September, 1806:— " I wrote to you fully from the city of Coro, on the 1st of this mouth. From the passive part which the inhabitants of that city, the Puerta de la Vuela, and that part oi the province of Coro we had possession . » f, and from the miserable appointment ot the Spanish troops Wc have met, there remains not a shadow of tloubt, tha*, with 1000 British troops, and a few Jield- pieccs, in addition to our present force, to insure the persons and properties of those of influence and who am friendly to us, we could vastly possess ourselves of all this rich province. His Majesty's « , hipa> Elephant and La Seine joined us two days ago from Barbadoes, and, by the advices from Admiral Cochrane, we Jiave reason to believe that troops are on the way from Britain to our assistance. If . ,. , . , .1,11b, 1M. 1L L1IEV lltivc i ippeil. 1 he ; opened a fresh Assortment of GOO DS for the Winter ressiiig, and | Season; the Selection of which they'flatter themselves NOTICE to DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. consequences will be serious, dtsti: alarming: in the first place, some of tliein can ! wl" meet their Approbation, never be worked again, several tin u^ and persons | will be thrown out of employ, and become bur- ' thensome to the already burtnened pa both Government and the country wi" tp pay for wrought copper three times price. Captain Krtisenstern, in a long voyage of d covcry, undertaken by . order of the Russian Gu- i i.. ;„ „„ i„, ,„ ur j- u j . , .. ,, , , , • , . | te. worth; in order to be discharged.— And all Persons vcrnjiient, caused all the water casks, intended | indebted to the Estate of tiie said John Carter, are for the supply of the crew, to be charred inside; | required forthwith to pay their Debts either to the a precaution which he found to answe r the pur- I said John Lucas, or the said George Nichols. belligerent powersuhsuld have paid so little attention to these changes, and taken so little trouble to adapt themselves to new cir- cumstances. They would rather be defeated by the French than be instructed by them. In the mean time nothing remains but to make tiieir election, while there is a possibility of preventing their utter ruin." A new report obtained very general circulation in the city yesterday, said to rest on the authority of letters received by a mercantile house of great respectability, brought by a Swedish vessel, which states, that Bonaparte had been again fired at and wounded severely; one of the accounts says L„; sc of presevviug the water sweet during'the j November ' list, 1S06. T thereof to Mr. John Lucas, of Waiton, in the same 1 wm !' V ™ ® « » ere prodt County, Grazier ( one of his Administrators); or at dlsP° « dof, timel>' Notlce wlU , , the Office of Mr. George Nichols, Solicitor, in Lut- 7, „ JT - ! terwr. rtli; in order to be discharged.— And all P ersnns I ' - J J HUNTINGDON, Nov. 19th, 1806. ^ IIE VINEGAR MANUFACTORY, at _ HUNTINGDON, which has been advertised ill this Paper to be disposed of by Private Contract, j will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Fountain 13th Day of De- ot Five and Seven such Conditions j as will be then and there produced; but if previously i j:- i. i . i.. vt—.* : n be given in this Paper. the war continues, it will and must be taken up by the British nation, as it is the very best thing she can do to counterbalance the aggrandising system of Bonaparte, and to prevent this paradise of the world from falling under the influence and crushing hands • i the despot of France." A letter from Aruba, of September 27th, has been received by a gentleman in Glasgow . from his spa, who is an officer in Miranda's aruiy. The letter is hastily written, and enters into no details; bat it is of material interest, in so far that it proves the fallacy of all the reports received from Americu of the failure of the expedition. Ad jniral Cochrane had sent a 74- guti ship aYnl t frigate, and had assured them of a force from Britain to co- operate with them. They were all i'. i high spirits, and cxpected to be soon engaged « u an attempt in some other quarter; but their particular destination was not known. One of the letters said to have been intercepted by the French, contains the following observations, which are worth attending to :— " It is time that the Prussians, . Russians, and Aus- trians, should be convinced that the French are and will remain invincible so long as the rest of the Powers of Europe, in spite of the lessons of experi- killcd, as he was directing some works which he had ordered to be thrown up in the neighbourhood of Berlin a few days after he entered that city. Perhaps this is no other than a new edition of the account which lately appeared of au attempt having bten made upon his life at Weimar. It is calculated that not less than three millions of foreign property have been vested in our funds within the. last ten days. The T8tb, a Highland regiment, landed at Leith last week, after an absence of twenty- six years from their native country. They were inarched to Stirling1 for winter quarters. Overland dispatches have reached the India- House with intelligence from Hindosten, so late as the 8th of July. They announce the prevalence of an epidemical fa? er in Bundlscand, which has imflied the skill of the faculty: in its symptoms it resembles the ague, but is'generally fatal in its attack. Hitherto its ravages have been confined to the low and marshy districts of Bundlecunil, but great alarm prevailed throughout the neigh- bouring provinces. A vessel arrived in the Clyde, from St. Thomas's, from whence she sailed on the 15th ult. has brought intelligence, that on the e » ening of the 1st of October, almost half the town of St. Thomas was burned through the carelesness of aNegro- woman. Twenty- eight warehouses, and between 60 70 dwelling- houses, were destroyed. Accounts have been received of part of the crew of the Constance frigate, which was lost on the French coast in engaging the French frigate Salamander. It appears that they endeavoured to burn the Salamander, but owing to the heavy fire of the soldiers on shore, they were compelled to surrender. Lieutenant William Richards, and Mr. Cummins^ Purser of the Constance, with Mr. Fraser, the Master of the Sheldrak « ,' were well on the 16th ult. on their march to Verdun. There were also upwards of thirty seamen and marines belonging to the Constance with them. Westminster Election.— Yesterday, being the 15th and last day of this arduous contest, produced a circumstance unparalleled in the electioneering annals of that city; the numbers of Mr. Paul! and his antagonists upon the poll of the day being precisely the same— 116 each.— The total for each candidate was as follows :-— Sir Samuel Hood 5478 Mr. Sheridan 4758 Mr. Paull ..... 4481 Leaving Mr. Sheridan a majority over Mr. Paull of 277. Out of 4481 polled for Mr. Paull, 3077 have been plumpers; of Mr. Sheridan's 4758, the plumpers were 955; und of Sir Samuel Hood's 5478, the plumpers were 1033. At three o'clock the poll- books finally closed ; and no sooner was the circumstance declared, and the Poll Clerks ordered to repair to the High Bailiff's Court with their books, than their High Mightinesses, the mob, cried " Havoc! and let slip the dogs of spoil." The multitude that crowded the hustings had not time to withdraw before a thousand hammers, hatchets, and iron crozes were in activity to demolish the temple of election; and twice the number of active citizens in less than twenty minutes dispersed its fragments in all di- rections. ' I he moment the poll- books were closed, the High Bailiff declared that Sir Samuel Hood and Mr. Sheridan were duly elected. Mr. Paull demanded a scrutiny; but the High Bailiff de- clared that to be impracticable in the time within which he was bound to make his return to the writ. Mr. Paull therefore signified his intention to avail himself of the only alternative, a petition to Parliament against the return. Sir Samuel Ilood and Mr- Sheridan immediately proceeded to the cars of triumph, decorated with laurel, and prepared for the reception of the suc- cessful candidates. The cavalcade passed on through Covent- garden, Catherine- street, and the Strand, to Cockspur- street, Pall- mall, and St. James's- street. The following plan for restoring the dignity and character of the medical profession, will, it is said, be submitted to Parliament in the ensuing session :— " No person te practise as physician, unless he be a graduate of some university in the United Kingdom, and has attained the age of 24 years. He shall have studied the different branches of physic in an univer- sity, or other respectable school or schools of physic, during the space of five years, two of which shall have been passed in the university where he took his degree. " No person shall practise as surgeon under 23 years of age, nor until lie has obtained, a diploma or licence from some one of the royal colleges of sur- geons, or other chirurgical corporations of the United Kingdom. H « shall have served an apprenticeship of five years to a practitioner in surgery, and afterwards have spent at least two years in the study of anatomy whole voyage. During this voyage, the situation of Nangasacki is ascertained to be 2303. 8. W. of Greenwich, and 323. * 14. 50, North long. By exposing cider, not sufficiently acid to make good vinegar, iti shallow vessels " during a severe frost, so that it may be thoroughly frozen, there will be a complete chemical cliange from bad cider to excellent vinegar, A few days since a cabbage of a most extraor- dinary kind- was pulled in a gentleman's garden at Footdee, Aberdeen. It. contained upon one stem, of considerable thickness, thirteen distinct and complete formed stocks, of different sizes, some S,' 1 ™ 8 > c of them so large as a child's head, and from that j down to the size of an apple, all clustered together i ' r'- j.| 1( Household - Furniture. To be SOL D by AUCT10 N, Hy JOHN DAY, On Monday the 24th of November, 1806, on the ' Premises, in BUCKINGHAM, PAJIT of the STOCK in TRADE of Mr. | B , COUZINS, Upholder and Cabinet - Maker; ; comprising Four- post ar. d Tent Bedsteads, with Fur- niluresj Feather- Beds; Mattresses; Cotton Counter- j panes and Blankets; Mahogany Dining, Pembroke, | ana other Tables; Fier and Swing Glasses; Parlour and Chamber Chairs; Mahogany Secretary and Ward- roots; Chests of Drawers; Night- Tables'and Bason, Carpets and Hearth Rugs ; Sofa and Cover; Waiters, Bottle- Stands, and various other like grapes A short time since, a sheep, belonging to Mr. Tickmer, of Brickwell farm, Bromley, Surrey, was found lying in a field of turnips, into which it hud been turned to feed, with its bowels actually picked out by ravens. The shepherd was at length attracted by the cries of the animal, which, on his approach, attempted to rise, but in vain. Sunday a pugilistic contest took place in Stepney- fields, between two men named Mahoney and Briant. The latter was so severely beaten that he died in. a coach, whilst conveying home. Bon- Mut.— At the close of out of Mr. Paull's personal invectives on the hustings, he thought propar to allude sarcastically to the military badges which so honourably dccorate the person of Sir Samuel Hood. " Any man," says Mr. Paull, j jyf The above- mentioned Goods are in excellent Preservation, all new, and well worth the Notice of the Public. %* May be viewed on the Morning of Sale, which will commence exactly at Eleven o'Clock, and Ca- talogues may be had on the Premises. Under an Execution. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Tuesday the 25th of November, 1806, on the Premises, at NEWPORT- PAGNELL, Bucks, rpiIE HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and other X EFFECTS, of Mr. AMOS GREGORY, Baker; comprising Four- post and other Bedsteads, with Furnitures; Feather and Flock- Beds; Quilts and Blankets; Pier and Swing Glasses; Mahogany Dining and other Tables; Parlour and chamber Chairs ; Clock and Case; China, Glass, and Earthen- | Ware; Kitchen- Furniture, in Pewter, Brass, and Copper; Brewing Tubs, Beer Casks, & c ejit of Creditors. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On Tuesday the 25th of November, 1806, on tht Premises, at EAKLgY- LANS, Bucks, rpiIE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and . sundry .1 EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN BLISS; comprising seven useful Dairy Cows, ten Sheep, and a Brood Mare; a Six- inch- wheel Cart, nearly new > live Dairy Leads, a 4- Dozen Churn, and Dairy Utensils j several Lots ot Fire- Wood; about 15 Ions of prime Hay, and the Keep of two Closes of excsllent Pasture Land, with a Pond of good Water; the genuino Household- Furniture, mostly new; three FowVing- Pieces; three well- broke Spaniels, hunt at command} and several other Articles. iff On Account of the great Number of Lots, the Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock, as tiie Whole is in- tended to be sold in tine Day. *** The Hay and K, eep to be eat off by the 1st of March, .' 807. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KNIBB, On Monday the 1st of December, 1S06, at the Swan Inn, Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, between the Hours of Four and Seven o'Clock in the Afternoon, Mode rn- built HOUSE, Sashed in Front, a genteel Residence tor a small Family, with a Parlour and a Hall, in Front; a Back- Kitchen, and four Sleeping- Rooms ; a small Court Yard, and con- venient Offices; and a Stable for two Horses adjoining ; now in the ' Tenure or Occupation of Mr. Leach, Shoemaker; pleasantly situated UIST, JOHN'S- STKE- ST, in the Town of NEWPORT- PAHNELL aforesaid. For more Particulars, apply to Mr. COOCH, Attorney at Law, or to the AUCTIONEER, Newport- Pagnell. The Land- Tax is exonerate^. A _ __ wtlvlvu > vvi m Bskcr's ' may adorn himself with stars and ribbands in j Cart'and Horse ;° a Sow' and Pigs;' Doug'h- Tioughs, like manner; if I chose it, 1 could wear siich a 1 Moulding- Boards, Beams, and Scales and Weights; make it too, Sir," replied or I have been much coat myself." " And the gallant Admiral, misinformed!'' Electioneering Frankness.— At the close of the poll on Thursday for Westminster, Mr. Paull, ani- madverting upou the conduct of certain persons among his opponents, particularly Colonel Britten and his son, observed that the former knew well what he was after. He was a candidate for a Baronetcy; and the misconduct of the son was such, that he had ordered him to be prosecuted for perjury in tine vote he bad given.— Captain Britten, who was present, exclaimed, " Upon the part of myself and my father, fellow, I te'l you you are a liar."— JVIr. Paull proceeded in his harangue, without noticing this sharp interruption. Jnecdote.— Judgp Toler, now Lord Norbury, whose severity was at one time proverbial, was at a public dinner with Curtail, the celebrated Irish Lawyer. Toler observing Curran carving a piece of corned beef, told him, " If it was hung beef he would try it."—" If you try it, my Lord," replied Curran, " I am sure it will be hung !" Stacks of Faggots and Poles ; Horse Harness, Pannel, and various other Effects. O-' T The Sale to begin with the Articles in the Yard exactly at Eleven o'Clock, and the Furnitureat One. FIR TREES. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Wednesday the 26th of November, 1806, exactly at Twelve o'Clock, on BRADWELI. WHARF, near NEWPORT- PA& NELL, Bucks', in Lots, UPWARDS of 200 FIR TREES, very useful for Carpenters, Builders, & c. & c. gdT May be viewed, by applying on the said Wharf, till the Sale. ' A o|& e,_ j, Yill reaiituv obstinately attnciUxLte their aatiw iui jery ia g reputable whool or schoois of physic. Freehold Ilouse and Premises. • To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 27th of November, 1806, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, under such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, at the House of Mr. William Clarke, the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Old- Stratford, in the County of North- ampton, \ Stone- built HOUSE and PREMISES, Sashed . ,, , , _ , . . . ... , i i V and Tiled, pleasantly situated in Old- Stratford As Mr. Joseph Podvine, master ot the Kings- i atbresaid, late in the Occupation of Mr. Kightley, Head inn, Dover, was returning on Wednesday deceased; comprising a Kitchen, Parlour, three Bed- night to Dover, in company with two other gen- ! chambers, and two Attics; Cellars, Brewhouse, and tlemen, he rode against- the pole of a carriage that convenient Outbuildings, with a large Yard and was passing, by which accident Mr. P. and ! y? rden> his horse were killed upon the spot. The nisht j . was very dark, and it was about eleven o'clock when the accident happened. It took place near Ospringe. Another carriage with lights had just passed, which are supposed to have dazzled the sight of Mr. P. and to have contributed, with the darkness of the night, to this melancholy result. A shocking accident occurred on last Friday evening the 14th, at East- Bourne. As a enrter who had come with a tcatn from Rye, to take away the theatrical luggage belonging to Messrs. Jonas & Pcnley, was looking after his horses, he received a kick on his head from one of them that dashed out his brains, although he was well acquainted with the vice of the animal, and had in conse- queace, but a few minutes before he met with the fatal accident, cautioned a stranger in the stable not to go near him. A few days since, Mr. M. Ross, of Stamford- hill, having occasion to examine his piggery, was attacked by a boar, and so shockingly lacerated by his tusks, as to occasion his death in a few hours. The following melancholy circumstance took place yesterday se'nnight, at Scoby, about a mile and a half from Enniscorty :— A man of the name of Summers, who for some time shewed marks of insanity, went to his brother's house, and meeting with an old woman, his aunt, and two of his bro- ther's children, knocked them down, and fractured the skull of each with a stone; he then entered the house, in which there were three more, the eldest not more than elevert years of age, and fractured their skulls in the like manner; after which he set fire to the house, and escaped to a bog, where he was, with much difficulty secured, but not until he severely wounded a man in the arm. We are sorry to hear that no hopes are entertained of the re covery of the woman or anv of the children, though surggona were immediately procured. also four Acres of rich Sweard Land ad- joining the Home. jpT The said Premises are exonerated from the Land- Tax ; may be viewed by applying to the present TENANT; and Particulars may be known of the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford. To be SOLD * by AUCTI O N, By JOHN DAY,' On Thursday the 1st of January, 1SC7 ( and not on Thursday the 13th of November instant, the in- tended Sale on such latter Day being; unavoidably postponed), between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, at the Cock Inn, in Whitchurch, Bucks, in one or more Lot or Lots, as shall te then agreed on ( if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which, in that Event, due Notice will be given in this Paper), and subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, npiIE I. IFEHOLD ESTATE and INTEREST 8_ of a PERSON, aged about 52, in and to a FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or FARM- HOUSE ( now converted'into and occupied as two Tenements or Dwelling- Houses), with the Barn, Stable, large Yard, Garden, and a Homeclose of rich Pasture, containing three Acres ( more or less), thereto be- longing, with their Appurtenances, situate in the Hamlet of WEEDON, near AYLESBURY, Bucks, and now in the Occupation of Thomas I vats, or his Undertenants. And also, the LIFE ESTATE and INTEREST of the same PERSON, of and in TWO several PLOTS or ALLOTMENTS of new- inclosed LAND or GROUND, containing together, by Statute Mea- sure, 60A. 3R. 21P. ( near 40 Acres of which are fine old Sweard), also lying in the Hamlet of WEEDON aforesaid, and now occupied by the said Thomas Ivatts, as Tenant at Will, at the very low annual Rent of =£. 120.— The last- mentioned Premises are Copyhold ( charged with a small and certain yearly Quit- Rent of £. 1 14s. 4d.), and situate in the Centre of the celebrated Vale of AYLESBURY. ( pf For Inspection of the above, please to apply to Mr. THOMAS GREEK, Baker's- Lane, Aylesbury; and for more Particulars, to the AUCTIONEER, in'Stony- Stratford; to Mr. ARROWSMITU, Solicitor, Newport- Pagnell; or to WILLIAM AGSR, Esq. 9, Futnival's- Inn, Lenien. To be SOLD by AOCI1U N, By ROWLAND ROUSE, On Tuesday the 2d Day of December, 1806, at the Lamb Inn, in Market- Harborough, Leicestershire, ' at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to sucli Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, FREEHOLD CLOSE of rich PASTURE LAND, called GOAT'S CLOS « , situate in1 the Lordship of L1TTLE- BOWDEN, in the County of Northampton, and very near the Tumpike- Road and the Town of Market- Harborough aforesaid, containing, by Estimation, one Acre ( more or less), and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Clarke. . (£ 3R For further Particulars, apply to Mr. BUSWELL, Solicitor, Northampton; or the above AUCTIONEER. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Thursday the 4th Day of December, 1806, about Three in the Afternoon, at the Royal- Oak Inn, in Halloughton, in the Coumy of Leicester ( and may be entered upon at Lady- Day next), AGenteel, substantial, Stone- built and Slated HOUSE, very eligibly situated in the Centre of the Town of HALLOUGHTON aforesaid, in the Tenure and Occupation of Mr. John Burbidge, Sur- geon; comprising a small Entrance- Hall, pleasant Parlour, light convenient Kitchen, Pantry, back Kitchen, good Cellarage, See.; four Chambers, with useful Closets, and three comfortable Lodging Apart- ments in the third Story; also a good . stable, Barn, Sec. ( lofted over). Yard, and Gardtm, fenced with a Brick and Stone Wall in Part, the other Part with a strong cut Quick Hedge, and planted with F ruit Trees ; together with a very nice Homestead, about Half an Acre, of rich Land adjoining.— These very desirable Premises are Freehold, and well adapted for the Resi- dence of a small genteel Family,' being very near the Parish Church, in which are two Pews belonging to the House; and Halloughton is within an easy Dis tance ol several of the late Mr. Meyneli's principal Fox Covers,' and but three Miles from a Pack of Har- riers ; about eight Miles from Harborough, and i, even from Uppingham, both good Market Towns. ( jdT Reference will he giver, at the said Royal- Oak Inn, to Persons who will furnish any further Particulars to those who inay desire it, or wish to treat for the Purchase by Privcte Contract. ' IXTINPIKE^' OLLSTO UE LETT. Murket- Harborough und Wejford Turnpike- Roads from Northampton. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament for more . effectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Turnpike- Roads leading from the Town of North- ampton to Chain Bridge, near the Town of Market- Harborough, and from the Direction- Post in Kings- thorpe, in the County of Northampton, to Welford Bridge, in the same County, will, on MONDAY the 22d Day of DECEMBER next, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, at the SWAN INN, at LAMPORT, in the said County, LETT to FARM, by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, for regu- lating Turnpike- Roads, the TOLLS of the Gate of Turnpike erected at or near LITTLE- BOWDEN, for the Term of one Year, commencing the 1st Day of January next; which Tolls, were lett the last Year at £. 533, and were put up at that Sum at a Meeting of the said Trustees, held on the 20th Day of No- vember instant; but no Person having made any Bidding or Advanse thereupon, the said Tolls will, at the said next Meeting, be put up at such Sum as the Trustees present shall think fit. The Best Bidder is forthwith to pay in Advance, towards the Rent of ; be said Tolls, the Sum of ^£. 50, and must produce sufficient Sureties, and enter into Security, for Payment of the Residue of the Rent, either monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by the Trustess. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees* Northampton, N « v. 32./, 1S0S. Friday and Saturday's Posts. L O ND 0 N, November 21. ALetter received through a respectable channel states, that Prince Hohenlohe has effected a retreat across the Oder, at the head of 30,000 men. This force is in itself considerable, united with tiie corps already collected around the King of Prussia, and affording a rallying point to the fugi- tives from the battle of Auerstadt, and the sub- sequent disasters of, the Prussian arms, there is reason to hupe that it will soon be increased to a formidable army'. Having had on its retreat several sharp en- counters with some of the enemy's columns, the army of Prince Hohenlohe will have learned to face", without shrinking, an eriomy whose imposing name and character so terrified some of the Prussian battalions as to causc them to fly at the very commencement of the action. It is parti- cularly lamentable that this abject terror should have manifested itself in the most shameful degree in the army of that gallant veteran the Duke of TI • 1 N• I . 1 .. N ' I.. J .1,.., ^ 757* ANTED immediately, Two Apprentice to * the DRESS- MAK'I NO BUSINESS. Apply to A. ALLGOOD, Square, Northampton. vv pr WANTED, out of a respectable Family, An APPRENTICE to a MILLINER and FANCY DRESS- MAKER. ( jCJ" Enquire of Miss HOLLIDAY, High- Street, Towcester. Towcester, Nov. lid, 1806. ' WANTED immediately, An APPRENTICE in a STRAW HAT and BONNET MANUFACTORY. Apply to Miss FOSTER, White- Hart Inn, Aylesbury. next Door to the J ANTED, An Apprentice to a SURGEON ' and APOTHECARY, in good Practice. Apply lo Mr. EDGE, Druggist, Northampton. " ANTED, A BLACKSA1ITI1.— lie must be a steady voting Man, and a good Shoer. Apply to CHARI. ES MARRIOTT, of Rushden, ne. ir Higham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire. November 2b/, 1806. \ V ANTED, A COOK, in a small Family, where V I two Maid- Servants arekept. The Place an easy one; but she must know how to send up a Dinner occasionally. A Person between thirty and forty BrunSwick. That brave Prince had hoped, that Ills troops in particular should have led the first unset, of the battle, with a valour and discipline worthy of the high military reputation of their Commander and their Sovereign. He had _ en- deavoured, previous to the battle, to inspire them with the noble ardour that animated his own mind. Confident til' the most determined support, ftc was leading a chosen body of cavrflry to turn the enemy " by a rapid movement; hut just as they came up, they wpre struck with a sudden panic, and fled, notwithstanding his utmost efforts to rally them. Finding all his exertions unavailing here, he ap- pealed to a battalion of three regiments of gre- nadiers to relieve him from the agony caused by t lie shameful dereliction he had just witnessed. His | distressing situation, and his moving entreaties, j could not fail to touch the heart of every true ' soldier, him. lie was leading them, he received the fatal wound that rendered it necessary to carry him off the field j of battle. The direction and vigour of the move- . ment were thus lost, and the defeat became irre- ; QEVERAL stout healthy BOYS, fit for Business, 11 TI I .. .1 , i..,.. I, I- flilo ;,, rol be onging to tile l'aiish ot CRICK, in th:; County trievable. I he letter thai brought this mtel- , o, North * 8ton, t0 be iacKiolrt aa APPRENTICES. ligence also contains information, that the ltussiuns, | - ^ y- ror particulars, enquire of the CHURCH- | , Kt not tail to touclt trie neart or eveiy i. oe ffT A PersBn havjnf! such t0 dispose 0. dier. These three regiments promised to follow i questcci 1o a() piy by Letter only. Post- paid, ( n, but just as they approached the point to which J to A. B. to be left at the Post- 0 Ifice, Northa would be preferred ; and none le-. s than twenty- six need apply, nor any one who has not lived more titan one YE.;; in her last Place.— The Character must be unexceptionable. Application may b: made to Mr. BIRD » AI. L, Northampton; or to Mrs. HIGGINS, at the Swan Inn, Newport- P » gnell. _ coo K. ~~~~~~ Vf7" ANTED, at an Inn, A COOK, who under- ? v stands dressing plain Dishes, and is active and an early Riser in the" Morning. No Kitchen- Girl is kept, but a Helpei is allowed at ail busy Times.— The Situation will be found a profitable one.— A Cha- l racier for Honesty and Sobriety wili be required, j ( PT Apply to'Mrs. MUNTON, Angel len, Market- | Harborougn, Leicestershire. TAN TED, A HOUSE and SHOP, in the DRAPERY or GROCERY BUSINESS. Any Pprson having such to dispose of, is re- "' directed Northampton, which will meet with immediate Attention. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY ELECTION. XT PON the Close of the Poll for the Election J of two Members to serve in Parliament tor the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON, the following Resolution was moved by Sir William Dolben, Baronet, and seconded by Sir William Wake, Bart, and passed unanimously, viz. Resolved, That the Thanks of this Court be conveyed to THOMAS CARTER, Esquire, High- Sheriff' of this County, for the great Attention which he has paid to the orderly and pcaccable conducting the Poll, at the present Election of Members to serve this County in Parliament; for the Firmness, Judgment, and Im- partiality, with which he has considered and decided tlie various Cases of Objection to the Votes of the Freeholders which have been. brought before him ; and lor tha uniform Civility which he lias shewn to the Candidates through the Whole of the Contest; and that the same be recorded among the Minutes of this Court, as a Memorial of Respect to an Officer of this Distinction, for the faithful Discharge of an arduous and important Duty. To the GESTI. EMF. N, CLERGY, and FREI HOLDEHS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, WHEN I returned you my Thanks on the * V final (" lose of « the Poll, I endeavoured to ex- press what I lelt upon tl. « Occasion; but the Oppor- tunity which I have since bad of estimating how | much I am indebted to you, makes it impossible for I me to find Terms adequate to my Sense of your } Kindness. Tha Calculations which I made upon the Result of my Canvas, have never deceived sae; and 1 ,>. iii convinced, ir. r, had not Considerations merely per- sonal interfered, the Z.' al of my Friends would hay;: placed me at the Head of the Poll. By their generous Exertions 1 iiave attained the Object of my Ambition, and without any Sacrifice on my Part which i can possibly regret. 1 have the Houour to be, With the deepest Sense of Gratitude, Gentlemen, Your obliged and faithful Servant. W. R. CARTWRIGHT. Aynbo, Nov. lid, 1806. WELLINGBOROUGH VOLUNTEER CAVALRY. rjHHE Gentlemen of the WELLINGBOROUGH - B. VOLUNTEER CAVALRY are requested to meet on the PARADE, in W S I. LI NGBOROUGH, on MONDAY the 2- ltli Day of NOVEMBER instant, at Ten o'Clock in the lorenoon, properly armed and equipped, to be embodied, for six Days, at lligham- Ferrers. JOHN NEWTON GOODHALL, Captain- Commandant. Pf'i 11hgborough, Nov. 19th, lb06. N ORTH A MPION SHIITE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. HP- HE Gentlemen of the DAVENTRY TROOP ^ 3 are requested to meet, for Exercise, on the MARKET- HILL, in DAVENTRY, on . TUESDAY next, the 25th Instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning. T. R. THORNTON, Captain. Brockball, Nov.. 19tb, 1806. THE SECOND ~~ NEWPORT SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY ILL be held at the SWAN INN, NEWPORT- PA G N E 1.1., NOVEMBER instant. on WEDNESDAY the 26th of R. CAUTLEY, " K. LOWNDES, T P. H. WARD, I Stewards. THE FIRST DAVENTRY SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY, ^" Y III. be held at the WHEAT- SUBAF INS, in ILAVEMRY, VEMKIR 27th, I80o Daventry, Nov. 13; b, 1806. THURSDAY EVENING, NA- APPRENTICES. to the number of 80,000 men,- had joined the Prussians. With such a forcc as this to aid and protect l lie Prussian army, we may indulge a hope, that, the wreck may be collected and speedily re- generated into a formidable and efficient body, capable of taling an active share in the joint effort for the general deliverance. Another report stares, that the army of the Prince of Hohculoini U « . s been obliged to surrender to the superior n ^ F'. rs of the enemy. This in- telligence is'said to have been received both from the I tench and Dutch coast, where, it is added, a bulletin of the fact l; as beeti published. We hope, however, that it will prove to be nothing more than a revival of ( he report circulated some tiayo since to the same effect. Another letter,. dated the 14th, alledged tb have, been received from Catwyck, says, Prince iloiien- lahe was attacked bv the French on his way to the rendezvous on the" Oder, lie lost his artillery 1 ivith a considerable number of men, but succeeded in his effort to gain, with his main body, the opposite bank of that river. ' I he French are concentrating their force near Berlin, where they meiv. i to oppose the advances of the armies of ' llussia and Prussia. The divisions which were Spread in every direction, and even those on the banks of the Oder, have been recalled, and ordered to join the main army. These prepara- tions, taken : n ofie point of view, appear to be auspicious to the common cause. They shew that, e\ en in the opinion of Bonaparte himself, the Prussian army is not in that shattered con- dition which his bulletins would inculcate, and that, aided bv the Russians, they are still formi- dable. By collecting his troops into one fucus, he seems to apprehend another tough encounter.— Some of these letters say, that the Austrians have entered Saxony, and taken possession of Koning- stein. We shall rejoice on any confirmation of this intelligence. Loiters from Guernsey and Jersey state, that some accounts had been received from the French coast, bv v. iiifh it appears that a great draught of troops had heeu recently made from all the gar- risons, the place of which had every where been supplied with conscripts of the last requisition. A petition has lately been presented by the Lutheran Protestants in Paris to the Minister of Religion, signed by the fathers of fifty families, iu which they earnestly crave further assistance from Government: it being at present impossible for them to avail themselves of the benefits of the decree in their favour, because they are neither Sufficiently numerous or opulent to defray the rest of the expences which Government are not engaged to ptiy; they therefore pray, that if a larger sum cannot be allowed them for the support of their worship, they may be permitted iu future to attend some of the chapels belonging to the foreign envoys, among whose preachers tjieir hearts have " experienced invaluable comfort and edification. The attention of Bonaparte to the Protestants, on various occasions, is worthy of observation. In many private interviews lie has expressed his opinion of their superior claims to his protection; and his particular partiality to them is manifest in liis observations to a deputation of Protestants who wailed on him on his late entry into Berlin. Jews in France.— The number of Jews in the French dominions is estimated at one hundred thousand; these people have been for some years in possession of every civil right: several are officers in the army, others fill the place of judges, administrators, and municipal officers. In the department of Mont Tourterre, one of them is mayor to his commune, ill which lie has, at the same time, proved himself a good huaucier and a good farmer. Middlesex Election.— At the close of the Poll yesterday, the numbers were— Mr. Mellish 2605 Mr. Byng 19G2 Sir Francis Burdett 616 Norfolk Ejection.— At half- past three o'clock oil Wednesday, the numbers were— " Mr. Coke 4103 Mr. Windham 3714 Col. Wodehouse .. 3366 Election Repartee.— One of the Senators before the hustings lately roared out to Mr. Whitbread, " If your porter were as strong as your assurance it would do astonishingly well."—" But," replied Mr. Whitbread, " if it were as strong as your impudence, I could not live by it."' 1 The disease of consumption appears to be making rapid progress in the United States. In the Weekly Obituary, published in New- York, the average of deaths by this dreadful complaint is the proportion of six to three of any other dis- order. In some parts of the kingdom where the arte- misia absinthium ( common wormwood) grows in abundance,, it is used instead of hops, having the peculiar property of destroying acescency in beer grown hard for want of them. The leaves of the came plant, steeped in boiling water, and repeat- edly applied to a recent bruise? remove the paiil, tOtf prevent ths discolouration of the part, and OVERSEERS of the POOR of the said WARDENS Parish. Crick, Novelist, 1806. Gold- Street, Northampton. ' LINEN- DRAPERY, HOSIERY, gtc. SELLING OFF. TN about n Fortnight the STOCK of J. Mundel will be SO LD off by AUCTION. In the mean Tim", every Article is selling full twenty per Cent, j, under prime Cost. NOVKMBK* 19th, 1806. STOLEN, on Saturday Night the 15th, or early on Sunday Morning tiie 16' ii cf this Instant, out | of a Ground in the Parish of LOWG- SUCKBY, in I the Countv of Northampton, in th » Occupation of I Mr. RICHARD LORD, of BARBY, A BLACK CART MARE, i with a long Tail, if not altered, slouch Ears, two j white Hee'is, a Star in her Forehead, a white Snip on her Nose, white on her lower Lip, and pinched oa her Back by a Cart Saddle. Any Person giving Information of the Offender, so that he may be brought to Justice, shall, on Con- viction, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS of the above Mr. RICHARD LORD. TO BE DISPOSED OF, And entered upon immediately, rpHE BUSINESS and STOCK of a MILLINER I. and DRESS- MAKER, in a large flourishing Market Town, upwards of 80 Miles from London. ( f53" Further Particulars may be known by apply- ing ( if by Letter, Post- paid,) to Mrs. COVE, Bridge- Street, Northampton. Warwickshire. To Be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AFREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of a Manor, extending over upwards of 1000 Acres ot Land, well stocked with Game, two Farm- Houses, and 350 Acres of old- i » clo » ed Pasture and Meadow Ground, Tythe- free, in a Ring Fence, and within six Miles of DAVRNTRY. ( Pi' Possession may be had on the 21st of December next. *** Apply, for further Particulars, to Mr. BURTON Attorney, Daventry ; or to Messrs. KINDERLEY, LONG, Sc INCE, SymomPs- Inn, Chancery- Lane, London. To the GENTLEMEN, Ct. EB. or, and FREEHOLDERS, of the COUNTY of NORTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, TT is impossible for me to express my Gratitude .1 to you upon the Event of tnia Day." The very handsome and liberal Manner in which you have come forward to support me, has, from the \ ery first, ensured my Election ; but if it were possible " for any Thing to add to this Kindness, you have increased my Obligations to you by placing ine at the Head of the Poll. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obliged and obedient humble Servant, ALTHORP. Northampton, Nov. \& tb, 1806. THE FIRST RUGBY ASSEMBLY ySTILL be at the SPUEAB- EACLE INN, RUGBY, ' * on TUESDAY the 2d'of DECEMBSR next. ABRAHAM GRIMES Esq. ) The Rev. ANDREW LAWRENCE, S Mewards. NORTHAMPTON, NOV. 15th, 1806. RS. WILKINSON respectfully informs her Friends and tlis Public, she has received from John Buckley, gr^ Lv, of Thornton, Leicester- shire. On Thursday se'nnight, Charles Geo- » ,, Esq. late of St. John's College, to Miss Emma riutcher, youngest daughter of Joseph Butcher, Esq.' of Cambridge. Last week, Mr. Charles Claridge, of Banburv, to Miss Sarah Savage, of Sibford, Oxfordshire. On Monday last, at Banbury, Mr. S. Wilks, farmer, to Miss Mary Jester. DIED.] On Tuesday se'nnight, at Yardlev Gobion, in this county, while on a visit to liis friends, John White, Esq. of London. His loss is much lamented by his relations and friends, his conduct being always such as to command uni- versal rcspcct. Same day, aged 54, Mr. Thomas Sabin, of Cubbingtou, Warwickshire. Lately, of a lingering illness, which she bore, with great fortitude and resignation, Mrs. Eliz. Birch, wife of Mr. Thomas Birch, of Hinckley, Leicestershire. On Wednesday se'nnight, aged 70, Mrs. Eliz. Maries, wife of Mr. Maries, of Hampton- Lucy, Warwickshire. ^ Same day, Mr. Gimber, master of the Cross- Keys inn, at Huntingdon, lie was seized with a violent lit of coughing, which broke a blood ves- sel, and he expired in a few minutes. He has left' a wife and five children. On Thursday sennight, Mr. Joseph Weston, lute organist at Solihull, Warwickshire. Same day, of an inflammation in her bowels, aged 33, Mrs. Butler, wife of Mr. Ralph Butler, an eminent farmer at Stanton- St.- John, Oxford- shire. Lately, at HamptOrt- in- Arden, Warwickshire, in the bloom of youth, after a short illness, Mis', Willday, only daughter of Mr. Willday, of that place. Yesterday se'nnight, Mr. Smith, of the Old LONDON an elegant Assortment of MALISEIJJ also I Three Cranes, in Leicester. Xf!' 1}' offtsMonaUe aark printed MUSLINS, | Last week, aged 71, Mr. Thomas. Gazy, oabinet- S. C. & e. with a Va- , maker, late of Rowing'ton, Warwickshire. Ou Saturday last, at an advanced age,, Mr. To the GSNTLBMJEN, CLERGY, and- other* FUEL- HOLDERS, of tlm COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON. GENTLEMEN, IMPRESSED with the highest Sense of Gra- titude for the Support with which you have ho- noured me, during the arduous Contest in which I have been enraged, I beg Leave to return you my most sincere Thanks, assuring you, that Nothing but the total Impassibility of Success could have induced ine to discontinue my Exertions. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Wjth great Respect, Your most obedient, humble Servant, WM. LANGHAM. Northampton, \ htb Nov. 1806. twilled and plain SARSNSTS, & e ria: y of PELISSES, MANTLES, STKNCERS, Stc. and a! very good Assortment of FURS, OI difieruit De-! T " Sc> l. scriptions. Joseph Ault, an « miuent schoolmaster, ot Co- The above Goods Mrs. W. flatters herself she j find one ot the people called Quakers. ' 1 Lately, at Ansty, Leicestershire, aged 41, Mr. has in her Power to otfer upon such Terms as to securs her the Approbation of her numeious friends and the Public in general; to whom she takes this Opportunity of returning her most grateful Thanks for the maty Favours she has received. SQUARE, NOR l UA. VUTON. R. FREAKE respectfully informs his Friends, that ( bv particular Desire) his PUPILS' BALL IS POSTPONED till EASTER next, 1807. November 20th, 1806. Speedily zcilt be. published, By the Printers of this Paper, and may be had William Wood. A few days ago, Mr. Henry Snow, farmer and grazier, of Burton- Lazarus, Leicestershire. Lately, after a long affliction, aged iii, Mr. Mark West, of Duustable, Beds. ^ On Tuesday last, Mrs. Tatam, wife of Mr. George Tatam, of Stamford, A few days since, after a long and tedious illness, deservedly regretted, Mr. F. Wheway, turner, of Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Last week, Mrs. Dean, widow, formerly a re- . . ... , - , • ••• - - j — — by i spectnble cork- cutter, but lately schoolmistress, giving Orders to any ot the Country Booksellers, j0f Banbury. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY ELECTION. A LL Persons who have any Demand on Sir XI WILLIAM LANGHAM, Bart, relative to the late Election, are desired to send the Particulars of their Claim, in Writing, before the 1st Day of De- cembei next, to Mr. C. MARKHAM, Solicitor, in Northampton. November 17 th, 1806. ' KORKELL the that his Nobility PUPILS' Mr. M ESPECTFULLY acquaints i- Gentry, and his Friends, that BALLS will be At HIR. V. INGHAVI, W? I- E- VPAY EVENJNC- the 26th of NOVEMBER, at the ROYAL HOTEL; At RUGBY, FRIDAY EVENING the 28th of NO- VEMBER, at the NEW ASSEMBLY- ROOMS ; and At NORTHAMPTON, THURSDAY EVENINC the4thof D « CEMB » R, at tiie GEORGE INN ASSEMBLY- ROOMS. His PUPILS' BALL at NORTHAMPTON will consist of a Variety of Slow and Scotch Minuets, the Minuet de la Court, and New Garotte, Cotillions, Quadrilles, COPY of the POLL for TWO KNIGHTS . .. of the SHIRE for the COUNTY of NORTH- AMPTON, taken at NORTHAMPTON, the 12th, 13th, 14th, and loth of NOVEMBER, 1' 806. A LONDON, Nov. 22. ADutch Paper, of the date of Nov. 14, has been received, which speaks of the French army having concentrated itself near Berlin, where it means to oppose the advances of the armies of Russia and Prussia. The divisions which were spread in every direction, and even those on the banks of the Oder, have been recalled. This statement, if correct, may serve to shew that Bonaparte expects an attack to be made upon him by the Russians and Prussians. General Mor « au, some private letters state positively, is to have the principal command of the combined armies, while, the different divisions will be led ou by o. hcers of the respective nations. This arrangement wc consider as dictated by sound policy, as Moreau is well acquainted with French tactics; and, perhaps, no man so fit to be trusted, in consideration of the mortal hatred he must ever entertain towards the Usurper. Several old rumours were yesterday repeated, Strathspeys, Scotch and Irish Reels, Hornpipes ( Tra- with additions, namelv, that ail insurrection had ^ rAt,? r,^'. a? dUfi. Ci. r?, 5l » . " J?^. a,\ dango,_ | taken place at Berlin, owing to a scarcity of pw T To be SOLD bv AUCTIO N, By Mr. RUB INSON, At the George Inn, Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday the 16th of December, 1806, between the Hours of Three and Five in the Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, ot which Notice will be given, ADesirable, substantial, FREEHOLD Stone- built . and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, situate near to the Centre of TH RAPS! ON aforesaid, 43 Feet 6 Inches in Front, with convenient Out- Offices, in good Repair, large Yard, Barn, Stabling for eight Horses, See. late th « Residence of Mr. John Vorley, deceased ; consisting of three Rooms in Front, on the Ground Floor, and a Kitchen, Brewhouse, and Cellar, backwards; four good Bedchambers, and three Attics ; two neat Tenements in the Yard, and a Pump, with a good Supply of excellent Water. The Carriage- Way to lbs above Premises is in Front, by a Gate- Way 15 Fe: t wide. Also, a CLOSE of rich ARABLE LAND, con- taining upwards of three Acres, situate near lo i HRAPSRON MII. L, together or in two Lots. ( j.'- V For Particulars, apply to Mr. ROBINSON, of Thrapston'. 7T NEW" REVIEW. Or. Thursday the first Day rtf January will be pub- lished, Price Half- a- Crown, the first Number of a NEW REVIEW, to be continued Monthly, under the Title of " MiE OXFORD REVIEW; or LITERARY _ CENSOR ^ containing Analyses, Criticisms, and Opinions, of netu Books, English and Foreign, written By MEMBERS of the UNIVERSITY of OX FORD. PLAN - LNB ADVANTAGE- OF THIS WORK. 1. The Writers are Gentlemen wholly unconnected with literary Factions, or with the trading Interests of Publishers. 2. Thev have been induced to volunteer their Ser- vices as Guardians of Literature, in Consequence of the numerous Abuses to which periodical Criticism has lately been exposed in many of the existing Reviews. 3. AS resident Members of the first University in the World, their easv Access to Literary Authorities of every Kind, their Means of constant Literary Com- munication, and their other numerous local Advan- tages, especially qualify them to undertake the Office of Censors ot the public Press. 4. Every Book shall be reviewed according to the professed Object of its Writer, and every Writer shall be candidly judged according to his own Principles. à. Issuing from a Seat of Learning, which has al- ways been justly regarded as the Bulwark of the Church and State, this Review will be devoted sted- fastly to the Interests of the Established Religion and Government of the Country. á. Every Book. which appears within the British Empire, and which has bee. i publicly advertised, or has been communicated to the Editors, shall, without Exception, be noticed in this Review within three Months after its Appearance. 7. The reviewed Works will be classed systema'i- cally, under the general Heads of Literature to which they respectively belong. 8. Notices of Foreign Literature shall form a regular Portion of every Number, and Arrangements have been made, by which they will be early and compre- hensive. Printed by Slatter & Munday, High- Street; and sold bv 1. Cook, Oxford f J. Deighton, Cambridge; W. Birdsall, Northampton; T. tlooir. be, Leicester; Collis & Dash, Kettering; and by all other Book, filers, and by nil N « w » jws » aad Veslcrs in Books. the Medley Reel ( consisting^ j vlsions, jm account of the prodigious consumption back, and as he was attempting to appease the French Allemandi the Scotch, Irish, and Waltz* Steps), and Ballet, et vne Danse a Deux, an Italian Allemande, and to conclude with a new Medley Figure Dance. The Band oi' Music will consist of the best Per. formers. The Grand I'edal Harp by Mr. WILCOX. ! multitude, was shot and instantiy'killcd." " it is also ( pr Dancing will commence at Seven o'Clock; i said , bat the Archtluke Charles with a Copl- and the Pupils' Bali will be divided into two Per- i , . , , , , . , . . formances, between which Mr. Wilcox will play a derable force ot Austnans, had reached Leipsic, Solo.— A Ball afterwards for the Company. j with a hostile design towards the French. ' Tickets, 5s. each, may be had of Mr. M'KOR- Lately, at. Mr. Mackie's, Huntingdon, in whoso ; family she had lived, as an irreproachable servant, 32 years, Susan Hall, aged 52. | On Sunday se'nnight, after a lingering ' uess, at the Bedford House of Industry, Mr. William* Smith. lie was an active, honest, and • « •. ;.- i;- formed' man, and filled the situation he held, « » Governor ( for more than nine years;, with r< . meet, ability, and credit to himself, and to the general, satisfaction of the Directors of that excellent and flourishing institution. W. E. Taunton, jun. Esq. is nominated " Recorder of Oxford, vice . the Right Hon. Charles Abbott, resigned. A sixteenth share of one of the twenty thou- sands in the late Lottery, fell to a female domestic in the family of General Carleton, now at Albion- place, Rnmsgate; and another sixteenth is the property of a young woman, servant in the family of John Armytage, Esq. of this town, and was purchased at Mr. Abel's, bookseller, of this place. On Thursday se'nnight, between six and seven o'clock in the evening, as a poor woman of the name of Gibbs, with a child in her arms, about six months'oM, was passing throu - ri Angliss- lane, Coventry, in consequence of the darkness of the night, they' fell into the mill- dam, and both were unfortunately drowned. They were both found by nine o'clock the same evening; the woman close to the spot where it is supposed she fell in, and the child a few yards from her. She had been suckling the infant at a friend's house just before the accident happened, and who lighted her, ... - , w'th by the French troops. It is also " reported upon the j a candle at the door, until she was thought out of same authority, that Bonaparte appeared on horse- j danger. KEI. I., Ahington- Strcet. Northampton, Nov. 22d, 1806. NORTHAMPTON, NOV. 22d, 1806 TVTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of i- l the Commissioners for Lighting, and Watching the AMPTON, will be held at the GUILDHALL, in the said Town, on TUESDAY the SECOND Day ot DECEM- BER next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, for the l'urpose ( among other Business) of taking into Con- sideration and determining upon the Propiiety of taking down the Obelisk, on the Market- Hill, in the said Town, and of revoking a certain Order of Com- missioners of the 2d Day of May, 1780, relating thereto. CHAS. MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. NOKTIIAMPTOK, Nov. 22d, 1806. WHEREAS some evil- disposed Person or Persons did, on Tuesday Night, or early on Wednesday Morning last, BREAK OPEN the DOOR of an OUTBUILDING, situate in a Close, called MOORE'S HOLME, ill the Parish of ST. GILES, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, and STEAL and TAKE AWAY SEVEN FOWLS, The Property of Mr. RICHARD MARRIOTT: Whoever will give Intimation of the Olfender or Offenders, so that he or they may be brought to Justice, shali, on his or their Conviction, receive of Mr. MARRIOTT TEN GUINEAS REWARD. And whereas the same Description of Person or Persons did, last Night or early this Morning, STEAL, from the same Close, ONE COUPLE OP DUCKS: Whoever will give Information of the Offender or Offenders, so that he or they may be convicted thereof, shall, on such Conviction, receive of Mr, MARRIOTT a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS. Opposed to these reports one was, that Ilohen- lohe's corps had been entirely annihilated by the French.— We put little confidence in any of these statements. It was reported, yesterday, that Parliament will Paving, Cleansing, i not meet until the 2rth of January. Town of N O RUT- | jcBpSsc;— FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. Sixth day.— No. 2104, a Prize of =£. 1000. Seventh day.— No. 9550, a Prize of jt', 20,000.— No. 11,871, £. 5000.— No 27, £. 100. Eighth day. - No. It, 783, a Prize of =£. 20,000.— No. 2697, £. 5000.— Nos. 6455, 9106, 10,427, 15. S15, and 18,883, =£. 100 each. Ninth day.— No. 19,235, a Prize of £. 1000.— Nos. 10,980 and 13,476, =£. 100 each. Tenth day. — No. 12,927, a Prize of =£'. 1000.— Nos. 15,358, 16,734, and 17,577, £. 500 each. - Nos. 2S20 and 8617, =£. 100 each. A1 To Cabiuet- Mukers, Carpenters, Joiners, 4' C- To be SOLD by AUCTION, By BRAMPTON £? Co. On the Premises, at SH0RTWOOD, near Lamport, Northamptonshire, on Tuesday the 27th Day of November instant,. 1806, BOUT 4500 Feet of capital Quarter- Tnch OAK BOARD, 1500 Feet of Three- quarter DITTO, and 1500 Feet of Two, Three, and Four- inch PLANK., with some POSTS, outside SLABS, & c. in Lots. fpf The Company is requested to meet at SHORT- WOOD by EUven o'Clock, and the Sale will com- mence immediately. " a* Two Months' Credit will be given to Pur- chasers above Ten Pounds, by jiving approved Secu- rity and a Deposit. N. B. The Board is cut out of tine large Buts, and the Planking is for Chair Stuff, Barn Floors, and Crooks for Mill Work. ( PT For a View of the Lots, preceding the Sale, apply teMr. SEAVARK, oi faitsii. PRICE OF I Sat. Bank Stock .. j 3 per Ct. Red. i60| 61 3 per Ct. Cons. | 61ii 4 par Ct. Cons. 7911 SperCt. N... 9Sfi Imp. 3per Cts. India Stock .. India Bonds .. Exc. Bills ... Omnium Cons, for Acc. Mon. 61 605 ait 79li STOCKS. Tu. I Wed. 214$ 214J 61 605| 61 6r0| 6Ui|[ 6ie 59i 4s. p. 3s4sp pr4s pjls4s p .... 4i pr.| 4i 61| 1611 •' Hit 183J pr4sp 4ii 61811 im 595 4s5s p pr4s i 4: 14 6i e Th. 134 614 61ff 79iJ 96iH 6UJ 4s5sp prls p 44 61$ Fr. 61 61 | J 79ii 4i pr NO R THA M P TO N, SATURDAY EVKNIMG, NOV. 22. BTRTIL] On Wednesday last, the Lady of J. H. Thursby, Esq, of Abingtou, near this town, of a daughter. MARRIED.] Lately, at Little - Paxton, the Rev. Thomas Richard Rooper, rector of Abbots- Ilipton, to Miss Standly, daughter of Henry Pointer Standly, Esq. of Paxton- Place, Hunting- donshire. On Saturday se'nnight, Mr. Humphrey Wight- wick, wine- merchant, of Henley, to Miss Mary Turner, ' second daughter of the lato Mr. Robert Turner, of Oxford. On Tuesday se'nnight, George Denshire, Esq. of Stamford, Major of the Royal South- Lincoln Militia, to Miss Hester Shrapnell Coles, daughter of J. Coles, Esq. of Charlton Cottage, Glou- cestershire. On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. Thomas Field, needle- maker, of Ipsley, to Miss Mary Turner, i of Allesley, both in Warwickshire. I Same day, Mr. Rowland, an opulent grazier in Hampshire, to Miss Buckley, daughter of Mr. Owing to the snuflr of a candle being carelessly thrown aside, a flax- dresser's house was burnt to the ground at Houghton, near Huntingdon, a few days ago. During the ceremony of chairing the County Members, on Saturday last, several persons hacl their pockets picked iu the crowd. A person of suspicious character was apprehended on Saturday evening, and a number of bank- notes found in his possession. He has been committed to gaol by the Magistrates of the town, and is to be re- exainined on Monday. At Stamford St. Simon and Jude fair, on Saturday se'nnight, John Vine, lately of Bisbrook, near Uppingham, was charged with having stolen a black cart mare, which he offered for sale, the property of Mr. Robijrt Jennings, of Blatikney Fen. lie was fully committed by the Magistrates of the borough, and will be removed to Lincoln for trial at the next assizes.— In the course of his examination he said he bought the horse at Horn- castle fair, and had two others on Wiidmore fen. RACES AT LOUGHBOROUGH. The Beautnanor Sweepttakes of 6 guineas each.— Twelve Subscribers. Lord Rancliffe's Tell- Tale ( rode by Mr. Hawkes)..! Mr. C. Mevnell's ch. g. bv Driver ( rode by the Hon. J. Vanueck) 2 Mr. T. C. Browne's Bright Phoebus ( rode by Mr. Douglass) i ' 3- Mr. R. Andrew's br. g. Clown. dr Mr. J. Gaude's ch. in. Jenny ilang. dr Same day, a Cup. Mr. Cox's ch. m. Gipsey 1 I Mr. Bramlcy's b. m. Creeping Jin ... 2 ? Mr. Gill's br. in. 4 yrs. old 3 dr Lord Foley's Ploughboy dx PRICE of C O iTN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Nov. 22. Wheat, 72s. to 80s. Od. Rve, 48s. 0d. to 50s. Barley, 40s. Od. to 42s. Od. Oats, 30s. 0d. to 33s Od New Oats, 24s. 6d. to 26s. Beans, 45s. Od. io48>. Pd. Peas, 40s. Od. to 42s. Od. By the Standard Measure. J. CRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- Exchange, London, Friday, Nov. 21. Owing to contrary winds coastwise, the Market is almost without fresh arrivals of Grain in general. Wheats are in considerable quantities ; ( lie few sam- ples of best quality are hardly at last prices; and second, with inferior, are almost without purchasers, expecting this trade cheaper.— Barley and Malt ar « very heavy sale.— Beans of both sorts maintain last price..— There are large supplies of Da's at hand, and those of best quality are a trifle dearer.— In l'iour small variation. Fine American 44s. to 48s. per barrel. LIST of FAIRS, from Nov. 21, to Dec. 6, within the Circuit of this Paper. F. Nov. 28. Northampton, Chipping- N* rton, Fenny. Stratford, Spaldwick, and Uaok- Nlrton. M. Dec. 1. Maidenhead and AmftbiH. Th. 4. Atkerstone. S, ti, lligbam- Ferrers and Ttdiington. THE BUTTEHFLY'S BALL, AND THE GRASS- HOPPER'S FEAST. By Her Royal Highness the Princess Mary. • pOME, take up vour bats, and away let us haste v To the Butteifiv's ball and the Grasshopper's feast: The trumpeter Gad- fly has summon'd the crew, And the revels are 110' w only waiting for you. On the smooth- shaven grais by the side of a wood, Beneath a broad oak, which for ages had stood, See the children of earth, and the tenants ot air, To an ev'ning's amusement together repair. And there came the Beetle, so blind and so black, Who carried the Emmet, his friend, on his back; And there came the Gnat,' and the Dragon- fly too, And all their relations— green, orange, and blue. Arid there came the Moth, with her plumage of down, And the Hornet, with jacket of yellow aud brown, Who with him the Wasp, his'companion did bring, But they promised that evening to lay by their sting. Then the sly little Dormouse peep'd out of bis hole, And led to the feast his blind cousin, the Mole; And the Snail, with her horns peeping out of her shell. Came fatigued with the distance, the length of an ell. A ivushroom the table, ancl 011 it was spread A water- dock leaf, which their table- cloth made. The viands were various, to each of their taste, And the Bee brought the honey to sweeten the feast. With steps most majestic the Snail did advance, And he promised the gazers a minuet to dance; But they all laughed so loud that he drew in his head, And went in his own little chamber to bad. Then as ev'ning gave way to the shadow^ of night, Their watchman, the Glow - worm, came out with his light: So home let us hasten, while yet we can see, For no watchman is waiting for you or for me. raaaw*"-* ™ - To SIR FRANCIS BUIIDETT, BART. The following Letter, from Mr. WHITBREAD to Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, Bart, it is presumed will le, deemed peculiarly acceptable t* the reader at the present moment. DEAR SIA, I have received a circular letter bearing your signature, and accompanied by an address to tha freeholders of Middlesex ; upon the grounds con- tained in which alone, you ask my support in the present election for that county I am sorry to tell you, that, upon those grounds, ,_,.,<. - , - •* - r 1 I feel it impossible to comply with your request, and detail of my observations; I have Invina twice had the honour to poll for you at 1 only to add, that, lam, dear Sir, lu the paths of his political wisdom and integrity I desire to walk ; and if you arc not only not alive to his merits as the best of patriots, but propose to yourself means of rescuing your country from the difficulties of its present situation, totally different from those which Mr. Fox would have pursued, had he lived to'counsel us in this hour of trial, you must pardon me for saying, that such an avowal decides me against giving you my vote. I do not perceive in your present address any al- lusion to an opinion promulgated by you on the late election for Westminster, which is, " That a per- " soil holding an office under the Crown, however " otherwise estimable, cannot at any time become " the fit Representative of a free, uncorrupt,' and " independent people;" if such opinion be founded in truth, which I utterly deny, a law ought to be passed to exclude all the executive servants of Government from seats in either House of Parlia- ment. I have not heard that it was iu the con- templation of any one to propose such a measure, and if proposed, I am sure it would meet with resistance from all descriptions of persons, who have the power or the will to reason upon its con- sequences. The people, by the acceptance of your doctrine, would reduce themselves to the hard necessity of being governed by the worst o'f mankind; for if they absurdly brand every man with disgrace the moment he becomes the official servant of his Majesty, they will render that service disreputable, and, of course, disgusting to every honest man and independent mind. Then, only, can a public man be said to have forfeited his honour or independence, when he shall have accepted or retained a place at the expence of public, principle, or for a dereliction of public duty. These radical differences render it impossible for me to assist you in becoming a Member of Parliament. Respective opinions may be main- tained consistently with mutual and entire personal respect; such I unfeignedly profess towards you. The determination you nave taken to avoid the expence of conveyance and decorations, so con- spicuous at your former elections, does you honour, a » d I wish such an example could be followed by ail other Candidates. The freedom of your letter and address pre- cludes the necessity of any apology for the openness therefore Having Brentford; having anticipated the pleasure of seeing you re- elected without opposition, or of using my utmost exertions in your favour; and having a great personal respect for you; I cannot conceal the mortification I feel at being compelled to adopt this line of conduct; nor can I refrain from pointing out to you some of those passages of the address which make it incumbent 011 me to withhold the support I have hitherto been happy to afford you. You assume that two parties in the State have joined— not for the purpose of bettering the con- dition of the people, but with a base and scan- dalous intention, of pillaging those whom they are called to rule, and are bound to protect. It would have been well if you, who have called for details, had pointed out the particular instances which justify such an assertion to your mind, in order that persons, as independent of the present, and every other Administration, as yourself, might have had an opportunity of more. cotrectly judging how far they had been deceived as to the pas. t, and what precautions they ought to take for the future. I have supported the present Admini- stration from a conviction that they were united upon principles of real public utility, and for the purpose of carrying into execution plans of great national improvement, both in our foreign and domestic circumstances; and I cannot abandon them, because, in a situation more difficult than that in which any of their predecessors have » -. ver stood, tlicv have not been able to effect, what 1 believe to have been nearest the hearts of them all — I mean a paace with France— seeing such a peace could not have been obtained upon terms consistent with national honour, and because time has not sufficed to mature and execute ( lie schemes of internal . improvement which they have mani- fested their determination to pursue. You assume, that whenever the leaders of con- tending parties in a State unite, that it never is in favour of the people; - and that the history of tin world bears evidence of the truth of your assertion. It appears to me that the doctrine vou maintain that the political animosities of honest inen must be irreconcilable— is most fata'i to the existence of a popular Government; and if carried to the extreme, must tend to the subjugation of the country, or to the abandonment of liberty, in order to obtain security from foreign conquest; and to history I refer you for th* fact, that if the heads of discordant parties could not be united in the cause of the people, the Revolution « f 1638, in which we glory, could not have been brought about. YOB assert that a double imposture is now at- tempted upon the people; and you ascribe to each of two parlies a watch- word, neither of which I have found 10 be in use. I have 110 hesitation, however, in saying, " that attached as_ I am by preference to the more popular parts of our Con- stitution, I consider the Throne as intlispensibly necessary to the perpetuity of our liberties, by preventing any usurpation upon them by indi- viduals, either of the Aristocratical or Detno- cratical Estate: but however a Sovereign ruling these kingdoms may be personally beloved, his name cannot be brought in question, nor his Virtues, however eminent, stated, iu order to give strength to the Ministers he may have appointed, without a violation of the dignity of all the Consti- tutional Powers, and I am not aware that such lias breu the practice now. Neither do I know that the other watch- word, as you term if, has been used for any sinister purpose. If the f riends and admirers of the late Mr. Fox have, uffcm every occasion, both public and private, spoken of his transcendent merits in the most forcible " language their imaginations could supply, I will venture to say, they have ill no one instance been able to adequately express their sense of his worth, or the poignancy of their grief, for tbe irreparable loss w hich has been sustained. The term, " the best of Patriots,'' is, in my estimation, of right pre- eminently his; and if you would condescenrl to refer to the particulars of his glorious and active life, yo'u would find that, for near forty years, he was the most assiduous and disinterested servant anv country ever possessed: that he withstood fcvery encroachment attempted upon public liberty; that he proposed innumerable measures for the relief and prosperity of tin people; that he ob- tained some, and endeavoured to obtain manymore, diminutions of restraint upon civil and religious freedom ; that he did his utmost, and was capable ef doing far more than any other individual, by his own personal exertions, could ever do, to prevent wars, which he thought neither just nor necessarv, and to obtain or preserve peace, wheu he thought it could be either achieved or continued with security and honour; that in the pursuit of the great objects he had in view, he was insensible to all that could intimidate, all that could tempt, all that could persuilde minds of an ordinary stamp, and that, 111 the cause of the people, which lie had espoused; and he was proof against the allurements of ambition, wealth, power, popularity, and friendship itself. Your very obedient humble Servant, SAMUEL WHITBREAD. Sou thill, Nov. 5, 1806. P. S. Your printed letter aud address reached me only to- day. EASE FROM LAMENESS AND PAIN, IN A FEW HOURS. rjlHE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, J., piepared by W. NAYLOR, Chemical Colour- Maker to his Majesty. This most excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ease in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on the Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs l. eave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, like many published Tilings, an Imposition on the PuSlic. By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Mather, Wellingborough ; Palgrave, Bedford; and by one Medicine Vender in every Market Town, Price 2s. 6d. Duty included. _____ _ BE it ever so inveterate, perfectly cured in one Hour's Application, by an Ointment called TYCE's OINTMENT, which is agreeable in Smell, does not contain a Particle of Mercury, or any per- nicious Ingredient, but is so innocent that it may be used with the greatest Safety on Persons of tie most delicate Constitutions, pregnant Ladies, and Children at the Breast. The superior Efficacy and Reputation of this Ointment having induced some Peisons to counterfeit it, the Proprietor finds it necessary to caution Purchasers to be particular in asking for TYCE'S OINTMENT.— One Box, Price Is. 9d. will cure one grewn- up Person, or two Children. Also, TYCE's infallible CHEMICAL LOTION, for the same; by the Use of which Persons may cure themselves with so much Secrecy, as not to be dis- covered even by a Bedfellow, being without Smell or Stain. — Price 2s. 9( 1. each Bottle. Likewise, TYCE's ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, which will be found a certain Cure for th; Scurvy, pimpled Faces, foul festering Eruptions, Evil, Scro- fula, Leprosy, old Venereal Ulcers ( when Mercury has failed), the Scald Head in Children, and those Eruptions which frequently appear after tile Small- Pox, COW- POX, as also after the Measles, in less Time, with greater Safety, and at a smaller Expence, than any Medicine yet discovered. Price 2s. Sd.— One Boitie frequently effects a Cure. {£ 3" None of the above Medicines can be genuine, unless signed by the Proprietor, JOHN TYCE, on the Label;. in this Persons cannot be too particular. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Proprietor, John Tvce, No. 20, Hatton- Garden, London, removed from Fleet- Market; and Retail, by his Appointment, by Edge, Marshall, and Lambert, Northampton ; Gal- lard, Towcester; Wheeler, and Holland, Aylesbury; Wright, Stony- Stratford; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Stratfold, Woburn; Foster, Luton ; Howard, Watford; Cornpre, St. Alban's; Rollason, and Collins, Coventry ; Sharpe, and Perry, Warwick; and by every respectable Vender of Medicines through- out the United Kingdom. MR. EDGE, NORTHAMPTON, HAS received a fresh Supplv of Dr. Freeman's . GUTTA SALUTAIUS, foVa certain Disordtr, under its various Appearances and complicated At- tacks, which may be speedily and secretly eradicated from the System by the Use of Dr. FREEMAN'S DROPS; which for their salutary Effects in cleansing the Blood from all Impurities, whether from a certain Disorder or Scorbutic, are termed GUTTA SALUTARIS, By persevering in the Use of this Remedy, the Patient gradually loses all Pain and Inflammation, all foul and corroding Ulcers, Lumps in the skin, and other corresponding Symptoms of this cruel and relentless Disease. Nearly thirty Years' Practice hath proved to Dr. Freeman that all this is accomplished by the Drops, without the Aid of surgical Operations, or the usual Application of greasy mercurial Preparations. Sold by Appointment of Dr. Freeman, ef Hatton- Garden, by R. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, Corner of Paternoster- Row, London, and by most Medicine Venders in every Tdwn, in Bottles at 2s. 9d. each, with ample Directions. SOI. OMON's GUIDE TO HEALTH. This Day is published, Price 3s. in on; Volume, Octavo, of near 300 Pages, with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A new Edition ( with Additions), of AGUIDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to both SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints ; explaining the most simple and efficacious Remedies for those Diseases which are treated on under the following Heads, viz. Asthma, Observations on Bathing, Bash- fulness, Bowels, Cold, Consumption, Nervous Dis- eases, Dejection, Deficiency of natural Strength, Difference between Venereal Symptoms and those often mistaken for them, Digestion, Fits, Gout, Heart- burn, Hysteric Affections, Leprosy, I. owness of Spirits, Loss or Defect of Memory, weak Nerves, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Scrofula, See. Sec.— To which is added, an Essay on an incidental Disease, and con- sequent Weakness. By S. SOLOMON, M. D. For the very excellent Character of this Work, see the different Reviews. *** Upwards of 95,001) Copies have actually been sold of" Solomon's Guide to Health," as certified under the Hands of the Printers themselves. A Num- ber so uncommonly laige must be the best Criterion of the Merit of the W ® rk, and the Approbation of the Public. London: Printed for the Author; and sold by Mathews & Leigh, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Sy- monds, Paternoster- Row; also by all booksellers in the United Kingdom, Price 3s. only, free of Carriage. To the Ertcmtra^ ers of the Polite Arts, the Lovers of' Antiquity, Topographyjifc. <$- c. On the 1st of December, 1806, will be published, in Octavo Foolscap, Price 2s. 6d. • containing eight highly- finished Engravings, with appropriate Letter- Press Descriptions of each Subject, No. 1. of rpiIE ANTIQUARIAN & TOPOGRAPHICAL - « L CA1. INET, displayed in a Series of elegant Views of the most interesting Objects of Curiosity in Great- Britain. Conditions.— This Work will be published in regular monthly Numbers.— Each Number to contain eight highly- finished Engiavings of Views, and other in- teresting Subjects, accompanied by 16 Pages of Letter- Press descriptions, 011 tine wove Paper, carefully hot- pres., ed.— Every six Numbers to make a Volume, ill which will be given an engraved Vignette Title- Page and Tail- Piece, so that each Volume shall contain 60 Plates, with appropriate Indexes, & c.— To accom- modate Amateurs, some Copies 111 Demy Octavo will be printed, 011 beautiful Paper, at 4s. each Number. London: Published for the Proprietors by W. CLARKE, New Bond- Street; J. CARPENTER, Old Bond. Street; and H. D. SYMONDS, Paternoster- ROW ; and may be had of all the Booksellers in the United Kingdom. FLIP WICK INCLOSURE WE, the Commissioners, appointed by an " Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of FLITW1CK, in the County of Bedford," have set out and appointed the following public Carriage- Roads and Highways, through and over the Lands afid Grounds in the said Parish ( that is to say), One public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth ot 40 Feet ( except between old I nclosures), leading from the Town- Street, at Church- End, near the Swan Public- House, in a Northerly Direction, and in its present Track, by the Pound, through Denil End, and from thence, nearly inastraight Line, over Moor Common and Hinckley Field, toAmpthill Ford, towards Ampthiil. One ether public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 40 Feet, leading from the Parish of Ampthiil, at the North- East End of Ewe- Green, in a South- Wester. y Direction, in its present Track, along Frog- liall- Lanc, and on the Nerth- West Side of Moor Common, to Steppingley - Lane, in tJsc Parish of and towarcU Steppingley. One other public Carnage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 40 Feet, leading from the Ampthiil Road, near the Middle of Long Furlong, and leading in a North- Westerly Direction over Long Furlong and over the East Corner of Sutton Close, and on the North Side of the Hedge of the said Close, and oyer Coney Burrows and Moor Common, to the East Corner of Steppingley Kiln Close, and on tha North Side thereof, into the Paiish sf Steppingley, at the South End of the last- described Read, towards Step- pingley and Millbrooke. One other public Carriage- Road and Highway, ef the Breadth of 40 Feet ( except between old I nclosures), leading from the Ampthiil Road, at the Pound, in an Easterly Direction, in its present Track, along Jar vis's- Lane to East End, in the said Parish of Flitwick. One other public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breachli of 40 Feet, leading from the North Gate, at East End, in a Northerly and straight Direction over Moor Field, tile Slacle Close, along a small Part of Green- Way, over Civile Close, Castle Green, the Cow Pasture and Meadow, to Maulden Roael, in the Parish of Maulden. One other • public Carriage- Road and Highway, of. the Breadth of 4U Fee:, leading from the Ampthiil Road, near the Public- House, called the Blackbirds, at Denil End, in a Westerly Direction along the North Side of Middle Thinning's Close and over Coney Burrows into the Steppingley and Millbrooke Road. And one other public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of 40 Feet, leading from the Town- Street, at Church- End, near the Swan Public- House, in a Southerly Direction over a Corner of Mr. Win. 1 . lane's Garden, over an old Inelosure, called Brink- low's Close, and the Lammas Meadow, called Four Acres, a. id a small Part of tile Paddock Meadow, to the Brook dividing; the Parishi- s of Flitwick and Wcstoning. And we, the said Commissioners, declare, that the said public Carriage- Roads and Higlnva\ s, so by us Set eutand appointed, are, previous to the Publication of this Notice, ascertained by Marks and Hounds, and that we have prepared a Map, in which such Roads aie accurately laid down and described, and have de- posited the same ( signed by us), with Mr. DAVIS, Jun. of Ampthiil, our Clerk, for the Inspection of all Persons concerned; and we appoint a Meeting to be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in AMPIHILL aforesaid, on TUESDAY tile NINTH Day of DECEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in tile Morning; when and where all Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by tiie Setting- out of the said Roads, or any of them, or by the Omission of any other Road, may attend and make their Objections to us.— Dated this Sth Day of November, 1806. JOHN FEI. LOWES. THOMAS THORPE. THOMAS GOSTELOW. of the State of Markets, Crops, Husbandry, See. c. in Great- Britain, for these last ihree Mouths. By THE KINO'S PATENT. RYMVR's CARDIAC AND NERVOUS TINCTURE. To Mr. RYMER, Surgeon, Reigate, Surrey. Newbtuy, Berks, Sept. SO/ 4, LGOS. DEAR SIX, IT is with tha most siucera « ud heartfelt Emo- tions of Gratitude that I now at Length take up my Pen to acknowledge the wonderful, indeed I may almost say miraculous, Reliif which I h . ve expe- rienced from your invaluable Medicine, known by the Name of the CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE. — The Place of my Residence is in an excessively hot Valley, where the Rayt of the Sun concentrating ( if! 1 may so express myself), have the very worst Effects upon the numerous Inhabitants of it: To this Cause, Sir, I first attributed the Illness with which 1 was seized about a Twelvemonth ago, when I was attacked with the most violent Head- achs, andageneial Langour over my whole Body, which entirely precluded the Possibility of engaging in active Business. I was in this State when I was particularly advised by an old Lady, a Friend of mine, to try your Tincture. I was persuaded, I will confess, with Difficulty, ancl purchased a 2s. 9d. Bottle, which I tried immediately, according to the kind Direction of a Medical Friend. The Effect w& s instantaneous; I waS immediately relieved by repeated Stools, & c.; upon which I in- stantly sent for Half a Dozen of your 22s. Bottles, in taking' two of which I was completely cured.— 1 thought it a Duty incumbent on me to make these Facts known to you, that they might atlbrd you, I am certain, a high Satisfaction, viz. that of bene- fiting your Fellow- Creatures.— I remain, dear Sir, your very obliged and humble Servant, JAMES WALTERS. P. S. You have my perfect Permission to make these Facts public.— The most respectable References will be given, 011 Application to me. Thefiequent Instances of sudden Death from Spasm- odic Diseases, induce Mr. RYMER to state, that the CARDIAC and NERVOUS TINCTURE is used with the greatest Success in all Gouty, Nervous, and Paralytic- Spasms in the Stomach, Chest, ancl Head, generally termed Gout or Cramp in the Stomach ; Spasmodic Asthma, Palpitation of the Heart, Vertigo, Apoplectic Habit, & c. I nail violent Attacks of those Complaints, wliich by Neglect, or improper Treatment, so often terminate fatally, the above Medicine gives instant Relief. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church- Yard, London, and at their Ware- house in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, ancl Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wil- kinson, Daventry; Mather, and Broughton, Welling- borou£ ti> Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew,' Coventry ; Sharpe, Warwick ; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, ancl Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oun- ale; Jacob, and ITotdeii, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, and Barrir^ er. Newport- Pagnelh Quenebo- rough, Dunstable; Barton, and Ta. pg, Hitchin ; Inns, and Gallard, fowcester; Seeley', Bucking- ham; lones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; flrinklet, Bicester; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the United Kingdom; in Bottles of 2s. gd. 6s. and lis. each; also in Pint Bottles, at 22s. by which there is a csnsiderable Saving. Of whom may likewise be had, RYMER's PECTORAL MEDICISP'- WITU VITAL AIR, a Preventive of thir Consumption of the Lungs, commonly called a Decline; in Bottles at 2s. 9d. 6s. and lis. each, Duty included. Tn£ FARMER'S MAGAZINE. This Day is published. Neatly printed in 8vo. containing eight Sheets and a Half of Letter- Press, and embellished with an Engraving of Mr. Gladstone's Reaping- Machine, Price 2s. 6d. rgMIE FARMER'S MAGAZINE; a periodical - fl. Work, exclusively devoted to Agriculture and Rural Affairs, No. XXV11. Composed entirely of original Communications; and containing an Account ' » *-'•-• " .. .. & c Published quarterly. _ Edinburgh : Printed for ARCH. CONSTABLE & Co Edinburgh; and JOHN MURRAY, 32, Fleet- Street, j London; and sold by W. Birdsali, and J. Abel, Northampton; and to be had of the principal Book- sellers in the United Kingdom; of whom may be had, the FARMER'S MAGAZINE, from its Com- mencement, being for the Years 1800, 1801, 18f; 2, 1803, 1804, and 1805, six Volumes, Price £ M lis. in Numbers, and £. 1 I4s. neatly done up in Boards. ( J5T Odd Volumes and Numbers may be had separately. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Enlargements aud Stiffness of Joints, proceeding from Rheumatic Concre- tions, and other Collections within the capsular Liga- ments of the Joints, are speedily and effectually relieved by the Application of the CHRONIC EMBROCATION. IN Addition to the . many surprising Cures per- formed by this Preparation, which incontestibly proclaim it superior to every Thing yet discovered, and which has astonished Numbers of the Faculty, the following Case presaits itself:— ELIZABETH WARD, Wife of WILLIAM WARD, of BURION- LATTI MER, Northamptonshire, was so severely afflicted with the Rheumatism for twelve Weeks as to be rendered at Length incapable of help- ing herself, was under the Necessity of having a Nurse, 2nd was confined to her Bed; she could not even feed herself, or use her Hands, the most violent Contraction having taken Place in her Fingers, and which affected her Feet and Toes in like Manner, so severe was the Disease. In this State she continued for some Time, until she was induced to try the Use of the Chionic Embfocation, which had been recom- mended to her by some of her Friends, who knew its valuable Properties; and, by the Blessing of God, by a few Times' Application, she became relieved from her Agony and Confinement, the Use of her Hands and Feet became restored to her, and in a short Time she was so well an to be capable of doing Field Work. Six Months have nearly elapsed, and she has had no Return of the Disease, but continues sound and in Health, and free from Pain; able to walk any reason- able Distance in a Day, and to do any Kind of Wotk as well as at any Period of her Life. In Testimony of the wonderful Effect produced by the Chronic Embrocation in her Case, and a Desire that her Fel- low- sufferers under the same Disease may have Re- course to the same probable Means of Help and Relief, she has requested this Statement to be made public. ( j^ r The Bill of Directions will further supply the Enquirer with Cases ofextraordinary Cures performed by the above Application, ancl living Witnesses will explain the Truth of them. Many more are also in the Possession of the Proprietor, equally astonishing. Prepared and sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Jo » . EDGE, Chemist, Northampton; and by hisAppoint- mentalso by Messrs. Dicey & Co. and Messrs. Bar- clay & Co. London ; and Retail by the following Per- sons within the Circuit of this Paper, as wellas by one or more Vendeis in every principal Town through- out the Kingdom :— Mr, Jacob, Peterbsrough ; Mr. White, Wisbeach ; Mr. Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Mr. Emery, St. Neots; Mr. Bird, Uppingham; Mr. Harrod, Harbdrough; Mr. Swinfenand Mr. Coombe, Leicester; Messrs. Collis & Dash, Kettering; Mr. Rowell, Rugby; Mr. Osborne, Woburn; Mr. Mor- ris, Ampthiil; Mr. Marriott, Banbury; Mr. Luc- cock, Kimbolton; Messrs. Barringer& Son, Newport- Pagnell, Mr. Richardson, Stoay- Stratford; Mr. Log- gin, Aylesbury; Mr. Robins and Mr. Wilkinson, Daventry; Mr. Gallard, Towcester; Mr. William Sianton, Wellingborough; Mr. Tandy, Sherrington; Mr. Brown,. Spiatton ; Mr. Lee, Long- Buckby ; Mr. John Currin, Blisworth; Messrs. Yorke & Co. and Mr. Taokey, Ouudle; Mr. Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; and by Mr. Gregory, Hanslop ; in Bottles of 2' s. 9d. and is. bd. etch, Duty included.— The Directions are signed by the Proprietor, and the Werds " Chronic Embrocation, prepared by Jos. Edge, Northampton," moulded in the Bottle. None else are genuine. BY THE KING'S PATENT. P I K E' s O I N T M E N T, For effectually CUR 1NG the ITCH, without Confinement, or the least offevsive Smell. THIS Preparation is a sovereign and efficacious Remedy ( n ver known to fail) for all Eruptions and Cutaneous Disorders, of ever so long Standing, without Confinement, Hindrance of Business, or the least offensive Smell. It entirely eradicates, Root and Branch, ail the redundant ar. d peccant Humours by insensible Perspiration, and is the most infallible Remedy ever yet offered to the Public for the above Disorders.— Its Virtues are many; and the Applica- tion is easy, gentle, and uncommon, giving the Patient an Opportunity of effecting a Cure without the Knowledge of any one, and of performing his daily Business as usual, being always clean and comfort- able ; whereas mostly in the Cure of this Disorder an Ointment for the whole Body is applied, which, it may be justly said, is making the Remedy nearly as bad as the Disease. Be careful'to ask for Pike's Ointment. By Appointment of the Patentee, it is sold, Whole- sale and Retail, by DICEY & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London, in Boxes, Price Is. 9d. each, Duty included. Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by'the Printers ot this Paper ( by whom gre. i' Allowance is made to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wilkins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, Daventry ; Parker, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Colliscln, Brackiey; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. Beesley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pyne, Leighton; Griliin and Co. Tring; Norwocd, Amerjham; Aynsworth, & Birdsey, Hemel- hempstead; Edwards, Chesham ; Barnes, Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Osborn, Wobum; Good- man, North- Crawley; Queaeborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green & Co. Ampthiil J S. and A. Cooper, and Mortis, Nuneaton; Bull, Harrod, and Dawson, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinfen, Leicester; Toone, Woolvey; Pearson, Mel- ton- Mowbray; Burbage & Co. Nottingham; Ir. ns, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrave,• J. Okely, B. Bradley, and J. Bradley, Bedford; Hine, Potton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Shespard, Stony- Stratford; Hig'nam, Old- Stratford: Moxham, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickford, F. Wheeler, & F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson & Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather, Wellingbo- rough; Eaton, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundle; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough; King, Gilkes, and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Balv, Wright, and Stevens, High. Wycomb; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Stamford; Bird, Uppingham ; Gibson, Oakham; Churchill, Dedding- ton; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; l. uccock, Kimbolton; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives; Emery, and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Darton, and ' I'app, HitcHin; Hovel, Staples, Eaclen, Hodson, and Gee, Cambridge; Leigh, Atherstone; Arch, Shefford; Holland, Winslow; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Mat- thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Bicester; and by the Venders of Dicey & Co.' s Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom ; Of whom may be had, from Dicey & Co.' s Warehouse as above, Dr. RADCLIFFE's ELIXIR the most salutary Medicine that can be made Use of at the Spring and Fall of the Y'ear, as a general Sweetener of the Blood, and for all Eruptions, whether contracted by too free Living, Surfeits, or proceeding from Scurvy, or from Humours after the Measles, Small- Pox, & c. Price Is. lid. a Bottle. s. d. s. d. NOVEMBER 11th, 1806. rj> IIE CREDITORS of the late Mr. WILLIAM « .. IIAUDON, of FIOLLOWELL, in the Couaty of Northampton, Farmer and Grazier, deceased, are re- quested to send in their Accounts to Mr. William Hadclon, or Mr. William Pell, of Guilsborough, 111 the County of Northampton, Executors, in order that the same may be properly investigated.— And all Persons who aie indebted to the Estate of the late Mr. William Haddon, are desired to pay the same to the said William Haddon, 01 William Pell, imme- diately, 01 a Prosecution will be commenced. Copy of a Letter from Mr. BBETT ( Father of the late Airs. Chapman, Theatre- Royal, Covent- Garden/, now ' 1 Years of Age, and resident in Liverpool, it whom Reference may be had. To Dr. SOLOMON. SIR, LIVERPOOL, iFeb. 9th, 1S06. OR many Years, during the Winter Season, JL' or in foggy Weather, I have been subject t » Asthma, Cough, ancl Wheezing, which rendered my breathing very painful and difficult, so that 1 could scarcely follow my Profession as a Music- Master particularly when I had to ascend rising Ground' being obliged to stop frequently, for a considerable Time, to recover my Breath. ' After having taken every Thing that was prescribed in vain, I was pre- vailed on to try the Effects of the CORDIAL BALM of GI LEAD— a single Bottle produced the most haopy Change for the better— every Symptom was relieved, and 1 can safely aver, that it is one ot the best Me- dicines I ever knew for such a Complaint as I laboured under, and have no Doubt of its being of the like Service to Persons suffering under the same Affliction.— 1 am, Sir, your obedient Servant, G. B R E T T. The CORDIAL BALM of GII. EAO is sold in Lotties Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. fd. by which the Patient saves 9s. includine also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, bv the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering- Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough ; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham- Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather,' Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry- Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots i Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen Leicester; by the Primters of the Country News- papers; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders Booksellers, See. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted . therein. (!~ tT Dr. Solomon, when consulted, expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House, near Liverpool." BANKRUPTSL^ J^ FTO SURRENDER. William Everald Baron Von Doornick, of War- wick, soap- manufacturer, Dec. 5, 6, and 27, at the Warwick- Arms inn, Warwick. Attorney, Mr Tid- mas, Warwick. Joseph Randell, of Birmingham, cotton- manufac- turer, Nov. 28, 29, and Dec. ; « ;, at the Swan Tavern, Birmingham. Attorney, Mi."-""' pateley, Birmingham Janws Norclifle, of Robert i.. 11, Bitstall, York- shire, clothier, Nov. 26, Dec. 17, and 27, a' the White- Horse inn, Leeds. Attorney, Mr. Grancer. Leeds. ' ' * William Vinicombe, of Bath, Somersetshire, um- brella- manufacturer and dyer, Nov. 19, 28, and Dec. 27, at the Christopher inn, Bath. Attorney, Mr" Sheppard, Bath. John Hemming, of W. rccster, whitesmith and ironmonger, Dec. 9, 10, and 27, at the Hare- and. Hounds, Bedwardine, Worcestershire. Attorney Mr. Ssnders, Sidbury. " Robert Wood, of Liverpool, grocer, Dec. 9, 10 and 27, at the Globe Tavern, Liverpool. Attorney' Mr. Rowlinson, Liverpool. Thomas Ashton, of Blackburn, Lancashire, dealer and chapman, Dec. 11, 12, ancl 27, at the New Inn, Blackburn. Attorney, Mr. Ainsworth, Blackburn. John Barron, of Pancras- lane, London, Manchester warehouseman, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, and 27, at Guild- hall. Attorney, Mr. Atkinson, Castle- street, Fal- con- square. John Browne, of Newman- stre « t, Oxford- street, Middlesex, tailor, Nov. 22, Dec. 2, and 27, at Guild- hall. Attorney, Mr. Langley, Plumtree - street, Bloomsbury. George Ross, formerly of Addle- Hill, London, and late of Piccadilly, Middlesex, wine- merchant, Nov: 27, Dec. 1, and 27, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Harrison, Craven- street, Strand. William Phillips, of Rochester, Kent, tailor, Nov 22, 29, and Dec. 27, at Guildhall, London. Attor- ney, Mr. Lamprey, Maidstone. William Warcup, of Camden- plaoe, Islington- green, St. Mary, Islington, Middlesex, broker, Nov. 22, 29, and Dec. 27, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Hannam, Piazza Chambers, Covcnt- Garden. Elizabeth Lowcock, of Skipton, Yorkshire, inn- keeper, Nov. 25, 26, and Dec. 27, at the Black Horse, Skipton. Attorney, Mr. Carr, Skipton. Joseph Smith, of the Hill, Upperthong, Almond- bury, Yorkshire, clothier, Dec. 3, 4, and 27, at the Pack- Hor « e inn, Huddersfield. Attorney, Mr. Ste- phenson, Holmfirth. Margaret Alker, jun. and Elizabeth Alker, of Preston, Lancashire, milliners, Dec. 8, 9, and 27, at the Red- Lion inn, Preston. Attorney, Mr. Dew- hurst, Preston. John Webb, of Plymouth, Devon, tinman, Dec. 1/, 18, and 27, at the Fountain Tavern, Plymouth- Dock. Attorney, Mr. Kodd, jun. Plymouth- Dock Thomas Carclen, of St. Michael's- alley, Cornhill. insurance- broker, Nov. 25, Dec. 2, and 30, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Nind, Prescot- street, Goodman's- fields. John Longrig, of Noble- street, Manchester ware- houseman, Nov. 22, 25, and Dec. 30, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Courteen, College- hill William Hibbert, of Hollinwood, Lancashire, vic- tualler, Dec. 1, 2, and 30, at the White- Bear inn, Manchester. Attorney, Mr. Barlow, Oldham. DIVIDENDS to he made to Creditors. Dee. 10. Benjamin Parker, of Birmingham, money scrivener, at the Shakespear Tavern, Birmingham. Dec. 12. James Napier Watred, of Birmingham, wo « llen- draper, at the Swan Tavern, Birmingham. Dec. 23. Alexander Durham, of Birmingham, grccer4 at Guildhall, London. Dec. 27. George Deverell, of Redhourn, Herts; straw hat- manufacturer, at Guildhall, London. MARKETS.— London, Nov. IT. We have large supplies of Wheat to- day, and prices for middling arid ordinary quality 3s. and 4s per quarter lower than last Monday, while very prime samples of old Essex White continue almost as clear as ot late. Barley arrives very plentifully and is lower.— Malt is likewise something chcapc'r! — White Peas are down 4s. per quarter.— Grev Peas, and Beans of both sorts, are without much alteration.—' There are large supplies of Oats in, and this articfe has found no amendment in price Fi ne F lour is dull, and 75s. per sack, with difficulty- obtained for the best marks. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. C5s. Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 78s. Rye ... 36s. to46s. Od. Barley.. 36s. to 41s. Od. Malt. 70s. tp 76s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR. True Daffy's Elixir Smaller Bottles - 1 Dr. Bateman's Drops 1 li Dr. Radcliffe's Elixir 1 14 Squire's Grand Elixir 1 9 Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 of Scurvy- Grass Stoughton's Elixir - 1 JJ Beaume de Vie Friar's Balsam - 1 1J Betton's British Oil • Bathing Spyits - 0 9 Rymer's Tincture - Clinton's Snuff, & Oil 2 9 Walker's Jesuit's Dr. Lockyer's Pills 2 9 Drops - - - - Liquid Shell - 1 li Wyman's Pills - Dr. Anderson's Scots Pills, 30 in a Box 114 Hooper's FemalePills 1,1J Godfrey's Cordial - 0 9* Golden & plain Spirits 1 li 3 6 1 6 2 9 2 9 2 9 Oats 21s. to25s. 29s. HoraeBeans34s. to 45s. Od. Tick Ditto 58s. to 40s. Od. White Peas 4Rs. to 70s. Od. Grey Ditto .' Its. to 46s. Od. - Fine 70s. to 75s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 41. 14s. to 51.12s.— Sussex, 41.14s. to51. 4s.— l'arnham, 81.0s. to 91.9s. SMITHFIELD, NOV. 17. To sink the ollal Os Beef, 3s. 8d. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 2d. Veal, is. 04. to 5s. 6d. Pork, 4s. 8d. ttr tis. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2500— Sheep and Lambs, 15,00t&. NEWGATE and- LEADENHAL L, NOV. 17. By th « carcase. Beef, 3s. Od. to 4s. Od. Mutton, 3s. Od. ttr 4s. 4d. Veal, 3s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. Sd. ts 6s. Od. TA LLOW.— Town, 65s. fid. White Russia,— s. 0d » to 56s. Od. ( Soap), — s. Od. to 56s. Od. Melting Stuft 48s. to 50s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 32s. Coc3 Dregs, 10s. Od. Graves, lis. Od. LHATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to561b. 23d. to 25ck Ditto, 60 to 651b. 26d. to 28d. Merchants' Backs, 21id. to 22id. Dressing Hides, 18d. to 19* d. Fine Coacfk. Hides, 19Jd. to 3IJd. Crop Hides tor cutting, 21cl. tQ 2Jd. Flat ordinary, 17d. to 18Jd. Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. per doz. 2Sd. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. pel doz. 36d. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to SOlb. S0J. to S6d » Small Seals, per lb. Sticl. to 39J. Large Ditto, por doz. 100s. to 140s. Goat Skins, — 5. to — s, per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to 35s. per Hide. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and JY. SUTTON.
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