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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland


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Returns of the Several Dioceses in Ireland

Date of Article: 25/02/1806
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iS3 ( Ireland.)— D I O C E S A N RETURNS: SECON D. A RETURN of'the Names and Number of Parishes comprized in each Union of Pariflies within the DIOCESE of DROMORE ; the Time when such respective Pariflies were united, and the Authority under which such Union was effected ; the Number of Acres of Glebe which appertain to each Parifli, and what Glebe- houses are erected thereon ; and the Distance at which such respective Pariflies fo united lie from each other; and what Number of Churches in which Divine Service is performed, are now feverally thereon, or were at the time when such Parishes were so united. THERE is but one inftance of the union of two parishes at prefent in the Diocese of DROMORE, vise. The union of the parifli of Drumgooland with that of Drumballyrony; being both closely con- tiguous they have been fo united, and held by one incumbent from time immemorial, so that the origin of their union cannot now be traced. There was only one church for both parishes in that of Drumgooland, till the prefent incumbent, the Rev. Thomas Tighe, procured a grant of 500 from the Bonrd of Firft Fruits, with which he erected a church in the parish of Drumballyrony, wherein divine fervice is conftantly performed. There is no glebe- houce in either parish, but the incumbent refides in a houfe of his own, near the church of Drumgooland, there being no glebe- land in that parish; but he has procured a glebe of twenty acres in the parish of Drumballyrony, on which a glebe- house may hereafter be erected. This is a faithful and true Report; Witness my hand, this uth day of January 1806, Oliver Brush, Register, > ( Ireland.)— DIOCESAN RETURNS: KIEMORE. r9r DIOCESE OF KILMORE. A LIST OF UNIONS OF PARISHES IN THE DIOCESE or KILIIGlvE. No i. Deanry of Kilmore; consists of vicarage of Kilmore, vicarage of Baffinfeiu. pl .. » n. 4. rrffofv at Kedue ; united time immemorial. 2. Vicarage of Cavan otherwise Urney, and vicarage of Annageliffe; united time Invtti: mo; « :}. 3. Reftory of Lurgan and vicarage of Munterconaught; united time immemorial. No ttacfi who united or when. 4. Rectory and vicarage of Templeport and vicarage of Drumreily; united by A& of Goto 1 veil September 1683. 5. Vicarage of Clonclare; to which the vicarages of Clonloher and Killafnett, are united time immemorial. There is no record in the registry to shew when or how united ( except No 4.) nor what distance the different parishes comprized in each union of pariflies are from each other. CHURCHES, GLEBES, AND GLEBE- HOUSES, FRC. No I, There are two churches in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does not appear by any record in the regiftry. A glebe of ... ^ acres belonging to Kilmore and a glebe- house. 2. There is a church in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does not appear by any record in the regiftry. A glebe of 549 a. 1 r. 4 p. belonging to Cuvan and Annageliffe, and a glebe- houfe at prefent in difpute. 3 There is a church in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does not appear by any record in the regiftry, 517 a. 2 r, 16p. belonging to Lurgan. No glebe- houfe. 4. There are two churches in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does not appear by any record in the regiftry; 72 a. 2 r. 6 p. of glebe belonging to Tem- pleport and 438 a. 1 r. 4p. belonging to Drumreilly.— A glebe- houfe on Templeport. 5. There is a church in which divine fervice is performed in this union, but when built does not appear by any record in the regiftry, nor what number of acres of glebe belong to it.— No glebe- houfej From the beft information that can be obtained for many years back, and particularly for the year preceding the 5th day of June laft ( 1805), the clergy were conftantly refident within the diocefe, a few cxceptcd.-~ Tl. ofe who having Difpenfations for holding two livings were generally refident upon one of faid livings, and their refpective curates on the ether: And alio excepting thafe whofe names are mentioned as follows: 13- / NON- RESIDENCE. The Rev. Richd Wynne, incumbent of N° 2, not refident at Cavan, the property of the glebe- house being disputed; but has a resident curate there who does the duty. Has a faculty for holding the living of .... in the diocese of Elphin. The Rev. John Creery. vicar of Drumlane, not resident on Drumlane, has a Faculty, refides on " his living of .... in the diocese of Clogher.— No glebe- house ; a resident Curate does the duty. The rectory aud vicarage of Shercock, otherwise Killan, is vacant by decree of the Ecclefiaftica! Court of Kilmore for non- residence, which decree was confirmed by the Metropolitan Court of Armagh, and at present lies in appeal before the Delegates— A curate resides and does the duty; there is no glebe- house. The Rev. Danl Palmer, rector and vicar of Knockbride, not refident; no glebe- house; preparing to build immediately.— A curate resides and does the duty. The Rev. Thos Sneyd, vicar of Lavy, not resident on Lavy.— No glebe- house; a curate resides and does the duty. The Rev. Nesbitt Seely, vicar of Innishmagrath not resident by permission from ill health. No glebe house ; a curate refides and does the duty. The Rev. Chas Cobb Beresford, vicar of Carrigalton, not refident at present.- » Glebe- house building. A curate resides and does the duty. The Rev. John Hill, vicar of Outragh, not refident.— No glebe- houfe; preparing to build; a curate resides and does the duty.— Has a faculty in the diocefe of Derry. The Rev. Dixie Blundle, rector and vicar of Kinawley; not refident.— No glebe houfe; two churches, two curates who reside and do the duty : has a faculty. The Rev. Frans Sanderson, vicar of Rofinvere, not refident.— No glebe- house; a curate resides and does the duty. Chris. Bredin, Regr.
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