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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends


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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends
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Accounts Presented to the House of Commons, Pursuant to their Orders of 20th May 1808, relating to the South Sea Company's Unclaimed Dividends

Date of Article: 17/02/1806
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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5- 2 O L D S O U T I I SEA A N N U I T I E S. PROPRIETORS, & c. Date when firfc Dividend bccame due. Thomas Salway, L. L. D. & Benjamin Bough, of Ludlow, Salop, bothdd. j James Salvin St. Margaret's Westminster Richard Sampson, late servant to the duke of Leeds, clct. Charles Sanders, & William & John Homer, both dd. - - John Sanders - -- -- -- -- -- Henley Margaret Sanders ----- Southampton- row, fpr William Sanders ------ Mortlake, Surrey, dd. Edward Sandercock & Robert Coulston, both dd. - - - Elizabeth Sanderson ----- Friday- street, lpr. del Elizabeth Sanderson Hammersmith, dd. John Sanderson -------- Butts, Brentford Lawrence Sanderson ------- Chatham, tie!. Stephen Sandford, Wigan, Lancashire, dd. Thomas Avarne, Rugley, Staffordshire, cicl. Thomas Orchard, Maplestead, Essex, & Charles Stuart, f Ashen, Essex, cik. ------ - J Elizabeth Sandy - -- -- -- - Battersea, w° Francis Sandoz - -- -- -- - St. James's, del. Richard Sankey - -, Stratford, Essex, ad. Richard Sankey - - Haslingley, Kent Henrietta Santlow St. Giles's, fpr. Jacob Sardin ------ Gun- street, Spital- fields Ann Sargent ------ Ormskirk, Lancashire, w° James Savage - - -- -- -- India- house, dd. John Sargent - Bishopsgate- street John Sargent - New Broad- street, efq; Thomas Sargent - ___ Poultry Caroline de Sascetot - -- -- -- - Berlin, fpr Elizabeth Satchwell, wife of Edward, Michael Boult, George Yardley, all dd. j Lady Elizabeth Savage & Dorothy Owsley, fpr - - - - Margaret Savage, lpr. now wife of John Mills, Gloucester - Mary Savage -____- Hoxton- square, fpr. dd. Margaret Savill - -- -- -- -- - Bath, w° Frediswed Savory, late Bruere, wife of George Savory, Kep- ple- place, Kennington- Lane, Surrey3 Francis Saul - -- -- -- -- Victualling- office Nicholas Saumarez ------- Guernsey, efq; Saunders - -- -- -- - Newington, w° um Elizabeth Saunders, wife of John - - - Spitalfields, dd. Revd Francis Saunders, vicar of Harrow- on- the- hill, Rev Walter Williams his curate ( in trust) 5 William Sawbridge & Charles Carlisle - - ----- Elizabeth Sawyer - - Bedford- street, Covent- garden, dd. Elizabeth Sawyer - - - St. James Westminster, lpr. dd. Jane Sawyer ------ Haywood, Berks, fpr. dd. Mary Sawkins ------- Maidstone, Kent, ipr Edmund Sawtell & John Mackclean, both of St. Botolph,} Aldgatej James Scarlett - - - - - St. Giles Charlotte Schaw ------ St. Mary'- le- bon, w° Jonathan Shackespear ------ Radcliffe- cross Dorothy Shaftoe, wife of John - -- -- -- -- Robert Shaftoe - - Barford, Wilts Ann Shakerley - - - Egham, fpr. dd. Mary Shaller" ------ Great Kirby- street, fpr Edmond Shallett ------ Clapham, merchant John Shambrook - - Bankside Joseph Shanks St. Martin's- in- the- fields
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