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The Caledonian Mercury


Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
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No Pages: 4
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The Caledonian Mercury
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The Caledonian Mercury

Date of Article: 11/01/1806
Printer / Publisher: Robert Allan 
Address: Fishmarket Close, Edinburgh
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 13106
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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. ..^ W^ iei- ft^ m A 13,106. E D I N B U R G H — P R I N T E D BY R O B E R T A L L A N , F I S H M A R K E T CLOSE, — SATURD AT, J A N U A RY 1806. P k i c E , fid. NEW ASSEMBl. Y ROOMS, George Street. M ONDAY, the 20th inftant, being appointed for the Celebration of Her MAJESTY'S1 BIRTHD A Y , there will be an ASSEMBLY in the E. OOMS in GEORGE STREET. To commence at Nine o'clock. Tickets Five Shillings. N. B— The firft SUBSCRIPTION CARD ASSEMBLY of the Seafon will be on Monday 27th inftant, and the firft SUBSCRIPTION DANCING ASSEMBLY will be on Thurfday the 23d inftant. L I T T L E D A V IS Refpeftfully begs leave to Solicit a little attention from his rrieuds and the Public, on his approaching B E N E F I T , A T T H E © I g m p i c C i r c u s, COLLEGE S T R E E T, Which is fixed for MONDAY next, Jan. IS. 1806, When, in addition to his own Little Abilities, displayed with a variety of L I T T L E TRICKS A N D FANCIES, GREAT EXERTIONS Will be ufed by the reft of the Company, Equeftrian and Pedeftrian, to prefent the old friends of a young performer with A L I T T L E NOVELTY. The particulars of which will he exprefW in the hand- bills. L A S T N I G H T. All Persons holding Tickcis for Miss Lee Sugg's Performance, must present them this Evening; PATRONISED Br T H E Q U E E N , A N D THEIR ROYAL FLLOHNESSES T H F . P R I N C E & P R I N C E S S O F W A L E S THE INFANT BILI. INGTON AND kOSCIUS M I S S L E E S U G G , ( Only Six Teart cf Age.) H AVING been honoured with the moft unbounded applaufe, by thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who honoured her with their patronage— At the part- rjlar requeft of many reSpeftable inhabitants of this city THE CHILD WILL RECITE From Hamlet, Pizarro, Merchant of Venice, Douglas, and A s You I. ike It— and Sing Love and Glory from the Englifh Fleet— the Baby's Hulh- a- Bye from the Blind Bargain— and repeat the part of Coivjlip from the Agreeable Surprife, in which charafter fhe will fing the Beggar Girl, and, Oh! what a charming Fellow, In St Marys Cbapel, H: gh Street, Edinburgh. Doors open at Six, begin at Seven o'clock.— Tickets 2s. each, to be had at the Chapel. %* Parties of the Nobility and Gentry may have a Private Performance at heir own houfes, by giving timely notice to Mifs LEt S'JGG, at Mr JohnftonoN', us 4, ShakeSpeae Sqrareit N. B.— Mifs I. EE SUGG, by particular defire, will Perform at the King's Arms Inn, Prefton Pans, on Monday Evening next, January 13. THE S T A T E L O T TERY Begins Drawing 3d February next, and contains a larger proportion of C A P I T A L PRIZES T H A N USUAL. TICKETS A N D SHARES, Stamped and Secured agreeable to A f t of Parliament, Are Selling, In the greateft Variety of Numbers, BY T H O M S O N S A N D CO. I N S U R A N C E B R O K E R S, At their Old Licenfed State Lottery Office, No. 8. South Bridge Street, E D I N B U R G H , Licenfed by Government on their own Account, And alio on that of Meflrs H A Z A R D , BURNE, & CO. Stock- Brokers, Royal Exchange, London. Who have, within the laft twenty years only, fold PRIZES To tbe amount of upwards e> f THREE MILLIONS STERLING. At THOMSONS la" CO's. Office, THE L A R G E S T PRIZE THAT EVER CAME TO SCOTLAND, WAS SOLD No. 13,831, a Prize of T W E N T Y - F I V E T H O U S A N D P O U N D S, I N S H A R E S . Befides a great number of other Prizes too numerous to inlert. P R E S E N T PRICES. Half, L. 10 5 0 I Eighth, L. 2 12 0 Quarter, 5 3 0 | Sixteenth 1 6 0 Regiftering 6d. each Number. The Prices will rife as the Drawing approaches. To fave the expence of poftage in fending money, perfons may pay in the fame to the Agents of the Britifh Linen Company at Cupar, Dunbar, Dunfermline, Forres, Hawick, Invernefs, Jedburgh, Newton- Stewart ; or to Meffrs Johnfton and Tod, Berwick; M e l t s Walker & Gordon, Dumfries; Mr John Greig, Montrofe; MefTrs Williamfon and Hutton, Dylan ; Mr Shoolbred, Aucfttermuchty ; Mr John M'Cubbin, A y r ; Mr Niven, Maybole ; Mr WodrOW, Mauchlin ; Mr Edington, Wemyfs; Mr Henderfon, Langholm ; Mr Harvey, Campbeltown; Mr Wiiiis, Anftruther; and on fending a receipt for the money to this Office, the Tickets and Shares ordered will be fent to adventurers in courfe of poll, JO- TICKETS FOR Bayer's History of England Lottery. Price Three Guineas each, are alfo on fele. A PRINT of NELSON is delivered gratis with each Ticket TICKETS & SHARES Are Selling for this Office by Mr Wm. Balfour, Nilfon Street, Glafgow. Med'i Frafer and Mole, Aberdeen. Meffrs Hay, Marfhall, and Robertfon, Perth. Mr James Chalmers Caftle Street, Dundee.— and Mr Duncan Campbell, jun. Greenock. G R A N D L O T T E R Y Begins Drafting February S C H E M E . 1806. 3 . . of . . . L 20,000 . . are . . L. 60,000 3 . 10,000 . 30,000 S . . . .-. 2,000 . 6,000 a i 1,000 . 8, COO 20 . 10,000 50 . 5,0C0 120 . 50 . . . . . . . 6,000 - 5,000 Firft- drawn Tickets U2 . 110,000 25,000 Tickets I., 250,000 Part of the cbr. v- Capitals. Firft- drawn Ticker, 1ft Day, L. 10,000 Ditto . . . . 4th Day, . 20,000 Ditto . . . . 6til D » y, . 20,0Q0 Ditto . . . . 8th Day, . 5,600 Ditto . . . . 10th Day, . 5.', 000 TICKETS W SHARES Are Selling at every LICENSED L O T T E R Y OFFICE. PKK: e. ttr PKICE. Ticket I.,' 90 4 0 Half L. 10 5 0 I Eighth, 1- 2 10 0 Quarter, 5 5 ( l| Sixteenth, 1 t; 6 £ 3' An early purchafe is advifed, as the firft 5000 Tickets will be entitled to L. 29 c<- ch, bcfidea their <- harree of the Capitals. . i. VLEDONIAN HUNT. T^ HE MEMBERS are requefted to meet at FORTUNE'S, Oil V/ cdnefiay the 15th in place of Tuefday the 14th current. " T h e Hon. ROB. DUNDAS Prefes. WM & HENRY H A G A R T , Sees. HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND. THE Anntverfary General Meeting of this Society, in terms of the Charter, is to be held ifi their Hall here, ' oil Tuefday the 14th day of January curt, at twelve o'clock noon, when it is requefted that all the Members then in town will attend precisely at the hour of meeting, as, befides the ordinary bufinefs, there will bs a ballot for the admlflion of New Members, and, by the rules of the Society, no ballot can commence until at leaft twenty members are prefent. The Anniversary Dinner of tile Society to be on this occafion at FORTUNE'S Tontine Tavern, on the day of meeting. Dinner on the table at half- paft four o'clock.— The Members will pleafe leave their names with the waiter the day preceding at lateft. Right Hon. the Earl of MOIRA, Vice Prefident in Office, in the Chair. LEWIS GORDON, Dep. Sec. SECOND S T A T E L O T T E R Y FOR 1805, Begins DRAWING on M O N D A Y SdFebruary 1806 TICKETS AND SHARES Are Selling, in great variety of Numbers, at the O L D E S T A B L I S H E D O F F I C E OF J O H N W H I T E & CO. Licenfed hy Government — •— Ojjpopte to the Tron Church, E D I N B U R G H . Where, in Lotteries fitice the year 1780, MANY C A P I T A L PRIZES H A V E BEEN SOLD Prefent Prices. Half, L. 10 5 0 1 Eighth, J.. 3 12 0 Quarter, 5 3 0 j Sixteenth, 1 6 0 Regiftering 6d. each Number. Commiffions punctually anfwered.—^ Schemes gratis. L E I T II S C H O O I. S. THE want of Public Schools for accommodating the Youth of Lcith, was long a fubjeft of regret and complaint. The Room? formerly occupied by the different Teachers were too fmall, at a great dillatice from each other, and Some of theni in improper, and even in unhealthy fituations. To remove thefe- inconveniencies, an application was made to the Lord Provoft, Magiftrates, and Council of the City of Edinburgh, for as imtch ground upon the Links of Leitli, as might be rfequifite for building School Rooms for the different branches of Education, upon a neat and commodious plan. This requeft was moll readily granted, the approbation of thp Edinburgh Golfing Society cordially given, aud a V O L U N T A RY SUBSCRIPTION was let on foot, to defray the neceffary expence. The Committee appointed to fuperintend the buildng of thefe Schools have now the pleafure to inform the Subfcribers and the public, That this very neceflary undertaking is almoft completed. The Room* are now opened for the different Claffes. and as tile fituation is pleafant, central, and healthy, they muft afford to the Youth the moft comfortable accommodation. The Committee acknowledge with pleafure, the cheerful and liberal manner in which the Inhabitants in general, as well as many of the Incorporated Societies, have' contributed to promote this important objsft. But, as a conftderable fum is iliil wanted to defray the expence already incurred, and to complete the plan, it is expected that every inhabitant who lias not yet contributed to this ufeful undertaking, and who withes te promote Literature, the patriotism, and the puMic virtue of his country, will come forward on this occafion, and heartily give his aid to attain an objeft fo neceffary in itfelf, and fo beneficial iu its cotifequences. Subscriptions will be received by the Leith Banking Company, and by any of the Magiftrates, Minifters, Mafters of Incorporations, or Members of the Committee. ARCH. GEDDES, Chairman. Subscriptions Received, continued. Robert Ogilvy L. 10 10 O David Ogilvy 5 5 0 WilliamOIlphant 10 10 0 Jas. Paterfon. juu. 10 10 0 John Pati on 21 0 0 William Patifen 10 10 0 John Paul 10 10 0 Alex. Phillip 10 10 0 Robert Phillip 1 1 0 Jas. Pillans, Jun. 21 0 0 John Primrof » 0 10 0 A. Paton, London 21 0 O G. Ramfay. Edin 21 O 0 James Mansfield 10 10 0 Ale?. Henderlon 5 And. Bonnar 5 Alex. Bonnar 5 Ramfay, Williamfoil & Co. 31 M'NaughtonRamfay 5 J. P^ amfey of King 5 0 5 0 5 O 10 0 5 0 1 1 0 21 1 Geo. Packet John Rcid Alex. Reid William Reid James Reoch Henry Richley Geo. Ritchie Thos. Ritchie Geo. Kohb J. Robertfon Rrdger Raukine 10 10 O PatrickSamlemaiHO 10 0 James Scarth 21 0 0 Ditto for a friend 5 Adot. Sceales 2t And. Scealts 21 Jan. Scott^ nercht. 10 William Scott 5 Thomas Scott 0 10 6 Richard ScoHgall 21 O 0 R& AShirrtflKCoai 0 O James SherriSf 10 10 0 Wm. Sib bald Geo. Sii » e Geo. Skinner John Sligo George Smith James Smith John Smith John Stead 10 10 0 10 10 O 5 5 0. 10 10 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 0 0 I 0 o o O 0" 0 0 0 0 A o 21 2 1 21 0 0 S 0 1 0 0 0 10 10 o 10 10 0 1 0 0 10 10 0 10 0 1 3 1 1 21 10 10 10 10 David Stead 10 Robt. Strong, fen. 21 Robt. Strongjiin. 10 James Strong 10 C. Strachau W. Sutherland R. Stoddart John Sibbald John Tait Jatlies Tait W. Tliorburh T. Thomfon W. Thornton G. Thornton John Thomfon B. Maker George Turner 5 Incorporation of ' lay tors - 20 Thomas Thomfon, Glafshoufe 5 John Veitch 2 A; Waddel A. Wallace J. Walker - John Watfon Benj. Waters John Wart, merchant James Weir Adam White Charles White Robert Willis James Wibon James Wilfon A. WilKaffiftiri C. Wiidgoofe Malcolm Wright James Wright Peter Wood C. Wood - John Wood James Wyld • J. Walker, London - 10 J. T . Walter 2 Robert Weir 2 W. Hope Weir, jStlq. of Craglehall - 5 William Young 10 10 0 0 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 3 0 0 o 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 5 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 10 O 1 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 3 0 » 0 10 6 2 0 2 0 5 0 5 0 10 0 10 0 10 O 10 0 10 0 2 O 2 O 0 o 0 0 ARGYLLSHIRE. To the Commissioners of Supply of Argyllshire. Gentlemen, Finding that while I am detained here by Comity Bufinefs, a report ha? been circulated in the country, that I am to give up the office which I have the honour to hold of you, I think it neteflary in this manner to dedare, that fuch report has not been authorifed by any : hirg done or faid by me, and that on my return home, which will be foon, 1 fhall be ready, as I have always been willing, to re'dfefs the wrongs committed by my late Clerk, unknown to and uncountenanced by nie in any refpect. I have the Honour to be, with great re fpeft, Gentlemen, Your much obliged faithful Servant, NEIL MACGIBBON. Edinburgh, Jnu, 8, IPOS, NEW ASSEMBLY ROOMS, GEORGE STREET. Card Assemblies on Mondays. THE DIRECTORS have ordered subscription Eooks to be opened for C A R D ASSEMBLIES during the Seafon— To commence on Monday the 27th January 1806, ( Eight o'clock Evening), and to be continued Weekly. Subscription for Ten Tickets, One Guinea. Tickets transferable in any number oil each Affembly. Non- Subfcribers to pay Three Shillings. t § f D A N C I N G in the Small Rooms. Dancing Assemblies on Thursdays. The DIRECTOR'S have alfo ordered Subfciption Books to be opened for DANCING ASSEMBLIES during the Sealbn— To begin on Thurfday the 23d inflant, ( Nine o'clock Evening)— To be continued Weekly. Gentlemens Subscription for Twelve Tickets Two Guineas ; Ladies ditto, One Guinea and a Half.— The Ladies Tickets to be transferable to Ladies, and the Gentlemens to Gentlemen only. Subfcribers may tranffer their Tickets in any number on each Night. Tickets to Non- Subfcribers, Five Shillings. N. B.— Scbiiriptiwi Books are at the Rooms, and at the ( hop of Mr SANDERSON, the Treafurer, Front of the Royal Exchange. DANCING. M R C L A R K S O N , J u sr. RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the Public, . that, to accommodate thofe who wifii to become his Scholars, and are at a diftance from his School in St James's Square, he has taken that room, ( Utely poffefsed by Mr Stewart) No. 63, oppofite the College.— Punflual attendance will be given at both Schools on certain d- ays and hours of tl. e week. Evening hours will be fixed upon for I. adies and Gentlemen who wifh private tuition. Particulars will be explained by applying to Mr C. at his houfe, No, 23, S; Jimes' 6 Square. N. B.— Thofe who are pleafed to favour Mr C. with their employ may depend upon the ftriiStefl attention, and may reft affured he has no intention of leaving Edinburgh; BIRTH DAY ORNAMENTS. MORTON W MIL HOY RF. queft the honour of informing'the Ladies, that all the Extenfive and Valuable Purchafes of DIAMOND, PEARL & GOLD WORlC, rccentlymadeby one of the Partners in London, hasnow arrived, and difplays in uncommon variety, a Splendid Choice of every tiling neceflary for the neweft mode of decrratinjr the Hair, Neck, Arms, & c. M. & M. will receive additions to the above, by every day's Mail Coacb till the l- 8th. Fujlionablv ynvellery and Plate Warehoufe, ? North Bridge, Jan. 11. J G E N T L E M E N ' S F U L L D R E S S, FOR THE BIRTH DAY. A R C H D . T O R R Y ( fon a n d f u c c e f f o r t o t h e late JAMES TORRY) takes the earlieft opportunity of announcing fhe arrival of very confiderable Supplies of G e n t l e m e n ' s L o n d o n - m a d e W E A R I N G A P P A R E L , ordered for the above Occafion. H i s F u l l - D r e f s C O A T S , W A I S T C O A T S , B R E E C H - ES, STOCKINGS, SHOES, and OPERA HATS, are particularly fafhionable, and will, he trufts, merit that unrivalled patronage he has experienced on Similar occalions. A. T . has juft received another Supply of SHAWLWAISTCOATS, for full or half- drefs, of the Same patterns as formerly, and which have bean fo univerfally admired. A Box of very fafhionable ROUND HATS; from Meffrs. Bicknelf's, Bond Street, expected daily. P O R T R A I T OF C A P T . DUFF, R. N. PGAROF has the honour of acquainting his Friends . and the Public that he is publiftiingby Subscription a fine Print of CAPT. GfcORGF. DUFF, of the Royal Navy, who fell in the Gloriotis Battle of Trafalgar— from the only Pi& ure in Britain painted by Mr Raeburn, and to be Engraved by Mr Dawe in London. — The Print to be 20 inches by 14, price L . l Is.— Proofs L. 2 2s. The money to be paid on ctelivery of the Print. N. B. N » ne will be fold but to Subfcribers. P. G. ftill continues to. receive Subscriptions for the Print of the much lamented Admiral Lord NELSON— Price L . l Is. Edinburgh, Hanover Street, Jan. 11, 1( 506. MONUMENT OF L O R D NELSON. AT a Meeting of the Committee of Subfcribers for Eredling a Monument to the Memory of L O RD NELSON, held in the Merchants Hall upon Saturday the 4th of January 1806— W I L L I A M C O U L T E R , ESq. in t h e C h a i r; There was laid before the Committee, a Drawing hy Mr NaSmyth, bf a Monument propoSed to be Efe'tSed upon the Calton Hill to the Memory of LORD FISCOVNT NEIJION, And a Sketch by that Gentleman, Ihewing the effeft that the Monument will have from Princes Street. The Committee, although highly Senfible of the very great merit of Mr Nafmyth's Drawing and Sketch, do not think themSelves at liberty to do more at preSent than to reqneft Mr Nafmy th to get both Engraved, that Copies may be Sent to Such Noblemen and Gentlemen as may be expefted to lendtheir aid to the execution of a Monument to the Memory of Our Great Hero, to whom tbe Conntry ' owes Such fignal obligations, and which, Srom the noble grandeur oS the fituation in which it is to be placed, and the happily according tafte of Mr Nafmyth's Drawing, will be one of the greateft poffible Ornaments to this City. The Committee ReSolved to apply to the Lord Provoft, Magiftrates and Council, for a grant of the riecefiary ground, which they have no doubt will be moft liberally granted, and authorife the Chairman to Sign a Petitiou for that purpofe. The Committee further Refolved, that the Building fhall be begun So Soon as the subscriptions amount to a proper l'wm. ReSolved, that Mr NaSmyth, and Mr Robert Burn, Architeift^ be requefted to give their affiftancc to the Committee.— And, That, fof the purpofes of forwarding the Subscriptions and condufting the whole buSinel's, the Sollowing Gentlemen be appointed a Sub- Committee, viz. Mr Thomas HutchiSon. Mr Samuel Watfon. Mr J'orter. Mr William Inglis. Mr Nafmyth. Mr Burn.— And Mr Gibfon. Sir William Forbes, Bart, George RamSay, Efq. Mr Coulter. Mr Henry Mackenzie. I. ieut,- Col. Grichton. Mr Jolm Thomfon. Mr lames Baird. Mr A. GibSon Hunter. Ofwhom Mr COULTER to be Chairman, with pawers to the Sub- Committee to do as they may thinly proper, and to report, from time to time, to a Meeting of the Committee, . WM COULTER, P. J A M A I C A ] For I. UCEA The Ship CUMBERLAND, HOUSTON SIMPSON Mafter— Is row ready to receive iroods, and wiU pofitively Sail by 20th inftant. F A L M O U T H and PORTS adjacent The Ship L A D Y F O R B E S , D A V I D G O U R L A Y M a f t e r — W i ll be ready to receive goods by 15th inftant, and will Sail lit proximo. jj fler 39 tons or thereby. For freight or paffage apply to the Mafter o n board] fum of 1701. Sterling, o r t e W I L L I A M SIBUA- LD a n d C o . N. B. Carpenters, Millwrights, Blackfmiths, Plumbers, MaSons, Coopers, and Young Men willing to engage in the Planting line, will meet with good encouragement by applying as above. L t i i H , 2< i January 18o6. » uay A C A R D. AI T K I N & F O Y return their Sincere thanks to the LADIES for the very liberal encouragement with which they have been honoured, and beg leave to inform them, that they have received, by this day's Coach, Srom Some o f t h e principal Houfes in London, a variety of Patterns well Suited to the BIRTH- DAY DRESSES. A few Yoimg Ladies, either to learn the Mantuamaking, or as Boarders, can be accommodated. No. 20, North Bridge Street, Jan. 11. lSOt^ R E A D S, D R E S S MAKERS, No. 39, South Bridge, Firft floor next the Cowgate Arch, fouth- eaft fide. TV1 READ and S'lSTERS refpeftfully intimate, That JQi* they have begun bufinefs as DRESS MAKERS. They have received the ufual advantages of iriftruftion which Edinburgh affords. One of them, after receiving that inftruftion, has retided for a confiderable time paft in London, purfuing improvement in her line ; and fhe begs leave to mention, that, in the houfe in which fhe was placed while there, fhe enjoyed an opportunity of perfecting herfelf in the knowledge and practice of DreSs- making, equal to any which the Metropolis could furnifh. It was in WEIU and MACFAKLANE'S, George Street, Hanover Square. Such arrangements are concerted with their Friends in . London as lead E. READ and SISTERS confidently to flatter themfelves, that they will be at all feafons empowered to prefent to the choice of J. adies here, Patterns of Drefies, in the firft ftyle of elegance, variety, and fa- Ihion. N. B. A few BOARDERS, D A Y SCHOI. ARS, and APPRENTICES will be received immediately, on the ufual terms ; and the moft minute attention will be paid to their proficiency, comfort, and morals. W A N T E D A N EXPERIENCED MILLINER. WANTED, a PerSon who has had considerable experience in the M I L L I N E R Y LINE, and has a perfeft knowledge oSthe bufmeff, fo as to take the management of that department. Salary from 4o to 5o Guineas. Apply to MathiSon and Co. South Bridge. W A N T E D , APERSON to aft as BOOK- KEEPER in an extenfive Retail Warehoul'e, where the greateft expedition and accuracy is required. A handSome Salary will be given, and none need apply but Such as can produce the moft unexceptionable certificates of good tharafter and abilities. A middle aged married man will be preferred. Letters, poft paid, addreffed to P. M. and left at the Printing Office, will be attended to. A WANTED FOR JAMAICA, AGARDENER and MASON. Liberal encouragement will be given to Such as can be well recommended. They will be employed in the molt healthy part of the illand. Apply to Mr Allan, Sun Fire Office, or Mr Adamfon, Mercury Office. WANTED] PARTNER, into an OLD ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, who can bring forward a Capital, and who may find employment, if inclined to take part in management thereof. Particulars relative to the pre- Sent party, and ftate of the bufineSs, can readiy be given in the mofl Satisfactory manner. The party will not appear, or be made known, unlefs from explanations made, there is a probability of a conneftiou aftually taking place. Letters addreffed to M r Allan, Mercury Office, will be attended to. ' WANTED T O BORROW, THE SUM of L. 1000, upon a Poft Obit Bond, to be payable upon the death of an Old Gentleman near 70 years of age, the prefent poffeffor of an eftate, rental between L. 3000 and L. 4000 a year, totally free of incumbrance.— The terms will be liberal, and very advantageous to the lender. Particulars will be communicated at the Office of CLERK and ROSS, Hunter's Square, Edinburgh ; and letters, direft from parties, from any part of Scotland, ( poft paid), will be duly anfwered. B A R R A C K DEPARTMENT. Barraci- Office, Edinburgh, 4th January 1806. SUCH Perfons as are willing to Contraft for erefting and finilhing Two WASHING- HOUSES, and Seven C L E A N I N G SHEDS, at the Temporary Barracks at Haddington, may fee the Plans, Specifications, and form of Contraft for the fame, at this Office, or at the Office of the Barracly- Mafter of the Infantry Barrack at Haddington, any day after the 6th inftant, between the hours of ten and four o'clock. The Propofals for the whole, in one fum, mtift be addreffed to the Barrack- Mafter- General, at Spring Gardens, London, with " Tenders for erefting Additional Buildings at Haddington Barracks," marked on the outfide cover, and delivered, fealed up, on or before two o'clock on the 20th inftant. Sufficient Security will be required for the due performance of the Contraft. EDINBURGH C H A R I T Y WORK- HOUSE. THE MANAGERS having come to a refolution to fupply the Houfe in MEAL, BARLEY, BREAD, and S M A L L BEER, by contraft— Perfons willing to contraft Sor the Same are defired to lodge their propofals on or before the 1 ft February next, when the loweft offer will be preferred. Any information wanted will be given at the Houfe, or by Mr George Spankie, TreaSurer, with whom the eftimates are to be lodged. Edinburgh, Jan. 10. 1806. CUT GLASS MANUFACTURER!?, Middle of Leith JTalk. J& W. R A N K E N refpeftfully return their moft . grateful thanks to their Friends and the Public for the liberal encouragement they have experienced for many years paft, beg leave to inform them, that they are to continue in the Premiffes they now poffefs, in conSequence of having procured a leaSe, which enables them to extend their BuSinefs ; that they can fupply the Public, and thofe who may be pleafed to honour them with their orders, in the moft complete manner, with every article of P L A I N and C U T FLINT GLASS, together with all kind of ENGRAVED GLASS, executed in the fineft tafte, and in the greateft variety; which, in elegance of workmanfliip, and lownefs of price, they flatter themfelves can be no- where furpaffed. J. & W. R. have always on hand a large affortment of Phials for Druggifts, at the loweft manufacturing price.". N. B.— Dealers fupplied as ufual. By authority of the Right Hon. the JUDGE OF T H E HIGH COURT OF A D M I R A L - T Y OF SCOTLAND. That upon Friday the 17th day of January curt, there is to be expofed to public roup and Sale, before the faid Judge at- Edinburgh, within the ordinary Courtplace, at two o'clock afternoon, The SLOOP called . THF. PROVIDENCE, 1 W i t h her haill furniture and apparelling, as preSently lying in the harbour oS Leith ;— which floop was built at Limekilns, in tlie year 1794, and admeafures per regiand is tlleli to be' Set up at the • " S- 1' he articles and conditions of Sale, and inventory of Said floop, with the certificate of regiftrv, are to be Seen at the Admiralty Office, Parliament Square, or in the hards of Mr William Scott, one of the Procurators I ill laid High Court, any _ lawful day betwixt aad the I day of £ i! i. NELSON'S LIFE. On Sforidap f a si tcill he Published, By DEN HAM & DK: K, NO. 19, College Street, and fold by a'd the Bookfe'. iera in Edinburgh, Leith, & c. Price One- Shilling and Sixpence boards, EiubeUIflted with Two Elegant Engravings. THE LIFE OF LOilD VISCOUNT NELSON-, From his Birth to his lamented fall in the Battle of Trafalgar, including many Anecdote3, & c. not to be met with in any other Publication, giving a fuccinfl, and comprehenlive account of the numerous and brilliant victories, gained by that illuftrious Hero; with an Appendix, containing maAy of his official papers, highly interesting to the Public, togeth . r with a particular de- Icription of his Funeral Proceffion never hitherto Publifhed. In the above will likewife be found, a ihort Sketch of the Character of fome of the grliant Heroes who fought under him. T I I E S C O T S M A G A Z I N ET This day tvas puMiJced, By ARCHIBALD) CONSTABLE & CO. And to be had of the principal bookfelleis in Scotland, Price 18s. ir » j' 3 Numb r-, or 11. neatly half hciuid, T H E SCOTS MAGAZINE, A N D EDINBURGH I J + E R A R Y M I S C E L L A N Y; Being a General Repofitery Of Literature, Hiftory, and Politics, for ,1805. Nt' euid falfi uicere avdeat, tie quid veri non cudeat. Vol. LXVU. As above may be had, COMPI. ETE SETS of the SCOTS M A G A Z I N E, from its commencement if* 1733 to 1805 inclufive, 67 volumes, alfo odd volumes and numbers. The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Mifceliany is publifhed regularly or. the firft day of each month, it confifts 6f extracts from interefting publications, and a copious Monthly Regifter, which may be confidently referred to as an authentic and valuable record of the public, as well as of every important domeftic occurrence of the day. Each Number is embellifhed with an engraved View of Some remarkable place in Scotland. Tins Day are Published, By ARCH. CONSTABLE & CO. and MANNERS & MILLER, Edinburgh, handfomely printed in 7 vols. 8vo. with a volume of copperplates in 4to. price L . 4 16s. boards, T R A V E L S TO DISCOVER THE SOURCE OF THE NILE, In the Years 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, and 1773 By JAMES BRUCE of Kinnaird, Efq. F. R. S. The Second Edition, correSled and enlarged. To which is prefixed, A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. A few Copies are printed in Royal OCtavo, with Grit impreffions of the plates.— Price L. 7 7s. boards. Edinburgh, printed by J. BAI. I. ANTYNE— for Arch. Conflable & Co. and Manners & Miller, Edinburgh ; and Longman, Hulft, Rees, & Ornle, London. %* This Edition of a jultly celebrated work is printed from a corrcfted copy, intended for the prefs at the time of the Author's death. The ufe of all his Original Journals, Corrcfpondence, ManuScripts, & c.; the concurring teftimonies of later Travellers ; along with vaious other circumftances, have enabled the Editor to rrender the work more complete and interefting than T.' lr Bruce himSelf would have condefcended to make it. To the account of his Life, which occupies a considerable part of the firft volume, is annexed a Selection of Letters from a very va'uable correfpondence, in which the names of the Count de Buffon, the Hon. Daines Barrington, Lord Halifax, Mr Wood, Dr Hugh Blair, Mr Andrew Lumfden, Sir Robert Strar. ge, Dr Solander, and many others, deferve particular notice. The Copperplates, v.- hich are all engraved by HEATH, are upwards of Eighty in number, and include various fpecimens of Natural Hiftory, Portraits of celebrated Abyflinians, and other interefting fubjefts, not in the former edition, and never before given to the public. PATENT BELL HANGING. JAMES THOMSON, Bell Hanger, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has juffc got to hand a large affortment of his X A T E N T APPARATUS, among which there are fome very handfome Cranks and Btjl Pullies, new patterns. That having obtained his Majefty's Royal Letters Patent for certain new improvements in the art of Hanging Bells, Wimjow Blinds, and other things, on an entire new princ^ le, by fubftituting Ballances or Levers in the Apparatus, iuftead of Springs, which, by the fimplicity of the principle, and confeqnent esfy motion in the aft of ringing the bells, their bein;- leSs liable to go wrong, and muft laft to the greateft poffible period, he flatters himfelf they will meet with the approbation of the public when feen and kuown, for which purpofe Some of the apparatus in motion may be Seen at his houSe any day from three to five o'clock afternoon. The Patent Apparatus come cheaper than the fame work done by Springs. J. T . Has been honoured with the hanging his Patent Bells, & c. in the Excife Office, the Tax Office, the Police Office, the New Bank of Scotland, Portobello Bath SLooms, with above 50 other houfes in town and country ; and he has the pleafure of finding that the Bells in the laft. houfe always pleafe him beft. To he Sold, either in whole or ill fhares. His Right to the Patent for England, and tint part of the Patent for Scotland which refpefts the Window Blinds. Bells Hung or Repaired either in town or country in the belt manner, either with Patent Apparatus or Springs. Edinburgh, Head of Luclenbtoths, Jan, 12. 1806. ByOrde » - of T H E LORD DEAN OF GUILD. WHEREAS it has been represented to the Lord Dean of Guild, That much inconvenience is occafioned to the Public, by the Sign and Ticket Boards within the City and Liberties being allowed to projeft too far from tiie houi'es and ihops to which they belong; and that many of the Churches are much disfigured by the praftice of ( ticking bills and printed cdvertifements thereon— This is to give notice to all concerned, That no Sign Board, or Ticket Board, oil hou- Ses to be let, or otherwise, will be allowed to projeft more than nine inches from the fide- wall of any l'tiop of houfe, within this city or liberties;. and, if the abules in this refpeft are not remedied within twenty days from this date, thofe in fault will have themSelves to blame for the confequences. . . . . . . . . . M I ^ U U U , MIOI IUCU US a i e IUUIIU t r e i p a i i u j g a l - ter this public notice will be proceeded again ft according to law. W. COULTER, D. G. Edinburgh, Jan. 9. IS06. A T LF. 1TH— FOR LONDON, The Old shipping Co't Smacks, Armed by Government, L O N D O N & B E R W I C K P A C K E T , JAS. T U R N E R MAFTER. A N DCOMMERCIAL PACKET, Jos. HALL Mafter, The former w ill take in goods tilt this evening, and fail to- morrow evening at 6 o'clock ; and tile latter till TharSday forenoon at ten o'clock, when the will fail. BLACK & I. INN, Agents. Ola Shipping Company's Office,') Lent, Jar:. 11 ' i3v- 6. £ LLO. Y b's MARINE LIST— Jan. 7. The Ganges, Rand, from St Kitts; and Princefs Mary Kir,", from Surinam; the Perl'everance, Curtis, from Demera'ra to T. nndnn : the Union. -. from the Weil indies, fuppol'ed for Greenock; the Hope, from Hull to Oporto ; and the Herald, from Newfoundland were taken fome time fihce by the Rochefort fquadron, and it H fnppofed arrived at Teneriffe previous to the 27th November. The Ruby, Wilton, from Peterlburgh to London, is flranded near Dagerort; part of the cargo fayed. Gauntlet and Sp. vrs, Helm and Creft, Swor.'. and Target. Surcoat, borne by the Heralds. Six Trumpets. Clarencieux, King of Arms, bearing the Coronet on a black Velvet Culhiou. Eijht Seamen, of his Majefty's fhip the Viftory, carrying, on a Bier, Garter Principal King of Arms ( in a mouriiing coach), j the barges, arrived. The river glittered with, ever, was the public curiofity, that fohie thdu. habitedas the other Officers of Arms, with his Sceptre, • i, 0/ r„ mu !.,<">• ml ™ ™ „ » ,- Hif. f i n i k e n r W r l rnl. l , n, l fn-. tm., r . i 1 >,„•:;.„ 3 Banne-"] rolh- otf- th. e family lineage of the deceafed borne by 3 Lieu- The Woolfarthi Sauber, from the coaft of Spain to j Hull, has been ' takeii, retaken, and brought into- the j ^ Rc Downs. I N aw ' l'iie United Kingdom, lately arrived from Madras, I fgoke on the l j t l i O& ober in lat. 32. South, long. 12. 40. E. ihe Hoderlandet, Smith, from Copenhagen to the Cape of Good Hope and Batavia, arid en the 15th Nov. on the Line, long. 20. 30. W. boarded the Swanwiek, Cox, from London and Madeira to China. The Scaleby Caftle, Lowjee Family, Ardafur, CorriwaUw, nd Minerva, from Bombay to China, were well ISth June, and expe< 5ted to arrive at Prince of Wales's lil. nd in thfee days. The Hercules, Van Dyke, bound to Demerara, got on iliore near Ryde 2d inllant, but is fince got off without any materia! damage. The Sifters, M'Briae, was fafe at Loango on the 18th September, in company with the Sarah of Liverpool, and a veffel from London. The Aflbciation, Knight, from Gibraltar to the Cape de Verd IiUnds, and United States, was loft on the coaft of Africa in September laft; captain and mate laid to be murdered by the natives. The Albior, Helmqueft, from Penzance to Naples, put into Carthagena, and is detained. The Daflier, Haynes, of Dartmouth, is branded near Gofport. The Herculei, Weeks, from New York, is detained by the Colpoys fchooner, and fent into Plymouth. The. Eendregtigheden, ( a Dane) Hunn, from Leghorn to London, was taken and carrijd into Barcelona by a French privateer on the 8th November, but it was expe& ed Ihe would foon be releafed.. The Cognac, Harvey ; Prifcilla, Blondet; and Mary, Shapley; from Newfoundland, were taken off Oporto Bar 5th ult. by feveral row- boats; the two former are retaken by his Majefty's fhip Hearty : the latter is carried into Guarda; the. Hearty has captured a Spanifh lugger of 14 guns. The Rachel & Jane, , from Dublin to Londonderry, is on fhore near the Sherries, but expefled to be got off without any material damage. The T w o Friends, ( tranfport), Boyd, was loft on Cape Breton 20th November ; crew faved. The Mary, Jackfon, of London, from Dantzic, was wrecked 25th Nov. on Bornholm. The Pi- incefs of Wales, Hardcaftle, from Dublin, is loft near Lifbon; crew laved. o « a. a, £ - 5 | - 8 THE BODY, covered with a black velvet Pall j adorned with Efcutcheons, under a Canopy, fupported by 6 Admirals. 0 n 1 CO ' 1 o 3 Bannerollsofthe family lineage of thedeceafed borne by 3 Lieutenants in the Royal l_ Navy. C Supporter, r" £- an Atjmiral. CEREMONIAL FOR THE PUBLIC FUNERAL OR T I I E L A TE VICE A D M I R A L HORATIO VISCOUNT NELSON. On Wednefday the 8th of January 1806, at ten o'clock in the morning, the feveral perfons herein after mentioned, . who are to attend the remains from Greenwich to Wi itehall Stair?, will aflemble at the Governor's houfe, within the Royal Hofpital at Greenwich, and foon after proceed in the barges according to th. following order, viz. FIRST BARGE— covered - with black cloth. Drums— Two Trumpets, with their banners in, the fteerage. The Standard at the head— the Guidon at the doorplace— to be each borne by a Captain, and fupported by two Lieutenants of the Royal Navy, in their full uniform coats, with black waiftcoats, breeches, and ( lockings, and crape round their arms and hats. Two Purfuivants of Arms, in clofe mourning, with their tabards over their clokes, and hatbands andfearfs. Some Servants of the deceafed in mourning. SECOND BARGE— covered with black cloth. Pour Trumpets in the fteerage. Officers of Arms, habited as thofe in the firft barge, bearing the Surcoat, Parget, and Sword, Helm and Creft, and the Gauntlet and Spurs of the deceafed. The Banner of the deceafed, as a Knight of the Bath, at the head. The Great Banner with the Augmentations at the door- place, to be each borne by a Captain', and fupported by two Lieutenants of the Royal Navy. hited as thofe in the firft barge. THIRD BARGE— covered with black velvet, the top adorned with plumes of black feathers, and in the centre, upon four fliields, the Arms of the deceafed, joining in point, a Vifcount's Coronet. Three Bannerolls of the family lineage of the deceafed, on each fide, affixed tn the external parts of the barge. Six Trumpets, with their banners as before, in the fteerage. Six Lieutenants of the Royal Navy, habited as thofe in the other barges— one to each Bannerol! THE BODY, covered with a lar^ j fheet, and a pall of. velvet, adorned with Six Efcutcheons. Clarencieux, King of Arms, habited as the other officers of Arms, and bearing at the head of the Body a Vifcount's Coronet, upon a black velvet cufhion. At the head of the Barge the Union Flag of the United Kingdom. FOURTH BARGE— covered with black cloth. The Chief Mourner, with his two Supporters, and fix Alliftar. t Mourners ; tile four Supporters of tbe Pall; the fix Supporters of the Canopy, being- Admirals; and the Train- bearer ol the Chief Mourner, being a Captain of the Royal Navy, all in mourning clokes over their refpeitive full uniform coats, black waiftcoats, brecches, and ftockings, crape round their arms iind crape hatbands. The Banner of Emblems at the door- place, borne by a Captain, and fupported by two Lieutenants of the Royal Navy, habited as thofe in tile other Barges. The barge of his Majefty and that of the Lords Co'umidioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral will follow fmgly, and im mediately after the Lord Mayor in the City State Barge, followed by the barges of the feve ral companies of the City of'London, fingly, according to their rank ; their refpedtive colours half- MThe proceffion to be flanked by gun boats and row- boats of the Rivtr Fencibles: three of which are to precede, in order to keep the River Clear for the line of proceffion ; and three to guard the rear. While the proceflion partes the Tower of London, the great guns there will be fired ; and during the time of landing the body, and the feveral perfons frtjm the four mourning barges, at Whitehall Stairs, the King's an4 Admiralty Barges, and thofe of the Lord Mayor and the City Companies, will lie upon their oars. ORDER OF THE PROCESSION FROM W H I T E H A L L S T A I R S TO T H E A D M I R A L T Y, ON, FOOT. Drums and Trumpets. A Perluivant of Arms. The Standard, borne by a Captain, and fupported by two Lieutenants of the Royal Navy. , Trumpet. . A Purfuivant of Arms. The Guidon, borne and fupported as the Standard, Two Trumpets. A Purfuivant of Arms. Tlie Banner of tin? deceafed as a Knight of the Bath boiiie and fupported as the Guidon. Two Trumpets. A Herald. , T h e Great Bannea, borne and fupportsd as the laft, Garter, Principal King at Arms.. Supporter 1 • c h l e f M o r an Admiral. J Train Bearer, a Captain in the Royal Navy. Six Admirals, Afiiftaiit Mourners, ' i'he Banner of Emblems, to be borne and fupported i s the other Banners. The fervants of the deceafed to clole the Proceffion. Upon arrival at the A d m i r a l t y , the body wil' be thete depofited privately till the following day and the perfons who were in the proceffion wil' retire. P R O C E S S I O N FROM T H E A D M I R A L T Y TO S T P A U L ' S. On Thurfday he 9th of January, not later than nine o ' c l o c k in the morning, the Nobility and G e n t r y , in mourning, without weepers, and with mourning fwords ; the Knights o f the feveral Orders, wearing their refpe& ive collars the Naval Officers ( who have no particular duties affigned to them in the folemvrity) and the Military Officers in their full uniforms, with crape round their arms and hats, will pafe- through the gates at Conftitution- hill and the Stable- yard in t o St James's P- uk, where the carriages will be duly rtiarfhalled in a line of proceflion. T h e Order will be as follows, viz Marfhals Men, on foot, to clear the way. Meffenger of the College of Arms, in a mourning cloak . with a badge of the College on his fhoulder, his ftaff tipped with Giver, and furled with farlhet. Six Conduitors, in mourning cloaks, with black ftaves headed with Vifcounts coronets. Forty- eight penfioners from Greenwich Hofpital, two and two, in mourning cloaks, with badges of the crefts of the deceafed on the fhoulders, and black ftaves in their hands. Forty- eight feamen of his Majefty's fhip the VitJlory, two and two, in t'aeir ordinary drefs, with black neck handkerchiefs and ftockings, and crape in their hats Watermen of the deceafed, in black coats with their badges. Drums and Fifes. Drum Major. Trumpets. Serjeant Trumpeter. Rouge Croix, Purfuivant of Arms ( alone in a monrning coach), in clofe mourning, with his tabard over his' cloak, black fifk fcarf, hatband and gloves. The Standard borne in front of a mourning coach, in which are a C: ptain of the Royal Navy, fupported by two Lieutenants, in their full uniform coats, wirb black cloth waiftcoats, breeches, and black flocking', and crape round their arms and. hats. Trumpets. Blue Mantle Purfuivant of Arms ( alone in a mourning coach) habited as Rouge Croix. The Guidon borne in front of a mourning coach, in which are a Captain of the Royal Navy, iuppor'ed by two Lieutenants, dreffed as thofe who bear and fupport the ftandard. Servants of the deceafed, in mourning, in a mourning coach. Officers of his Majefty's Wardrobe, in mourning coaches. Gentlemen. Inquires. Deputations from tlie Great Commercial Companies of London. Phyftcians of the deceafed, in a mourning coach. . Divines, in clerical habits. Chaplains of the deceafed, in clerical habits, and Secretary of the deceal'ed, in a mourning coach. Trumpets. Rouge Dragon, Purfuivant of Arms ( alone, in a mourning coach), habited as Blue Mantle. The Banner of the deceafed as a Knight of the Bath, borne in front of a mourning coach, in which are a Captain of the RoyalNavy, fupported by twoLieutenants, drefled as thofe who bear and fupport the Guidon. Officers who attended the body while it lay in ftate at Greenwich, in mourning coaches. Knights Bachelors. Matters in Chancery and Serjeants at Law. Solicitor- General. Attorney- General. Prime Serjeant. Judge of the Admiralty. Knight Marlhal. Knights of the Bath. Baronets. A Gentleman Ufher ( in a mourning coach) carrying a carpet and black velvet cufhion, whereupon the trophies are to be depofited in the Church. Comptroller, Treafurer, and Steward of the Houfehold of the deceafed ( in a mourning coach) in mourning cloaks, bearing white ftaves. Younger Sons of Barons. Younger Sons of Vifcour. ts. Judges. Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer. Lord Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas. Matter of the Rolls. Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench ( a Peer) Privy Councillors, who are not Peers. Eldeft Sons of Barons. Younger Sons of Earls. Eldeft Sons of Vifcount6. Bar « ns. Biffiops. Younger Sons ol MarquifTes. Eldeft Sons of Earls. Vifcounts. Younger Sons of Dukes. Eldeft Sons of MarquifTes. Earls. Eldeft Sons of Dnkes. Marquiffes. Dukes. Earl Marfha!. Lord Privy Seal. Lord Prefidentof the Council. Archbifhop of York. Lord Chancellor. Archbifhop of Canterbury. Dukes of the Blood Royal. H i s R o y a l H i g h n e f s t h e F'RINCE bf WALES. A Herald ( alone in a mourning coach) habited as the other Officers of Arms. The Great Banner, borne in front of a mourning coachin which are a Captain and- two Lieutenants, as with the other Banners. Gauntlet and Spurs, Helmet and Creft, Target and Sword, Surcoat, in front of four mourning coaches, in which are Heralds, habited as before. A mourning coach, in which the Coronet of the deceafed, 011 a black velvet cufhion, to be borne by Clarenccux King of Arms, habited a » before, and attended by two Gentlemen Ufliert. The fix Lieutenants of the Royal Navy, habited as before, who are to bear the Bannerolls, in two mourning coaches. The fix Admirals, in like habits, who are to bear the canopy, in two mourning coaches. The four Admirals, in like habits, who are to fupport the Pall, in a mourning coach. THE BODY, Covered with a black velvet Pall, adorned with fix Efcocheons, under a Canopy, and placed on a Funeral Car, decorated with Efcocheons, Bannerolls, and emblematical Devices. The Car to be drawn by fix led horfes.' habited as Sceptri attended by two Gentlemen Ufliers. The Chief Mourner, in- a long mourning cloak, with his two Supporters, being Admirals, and his Trainbearer, being a Captain in the Royal Navy, all in mourning cloaks, over their full uniform coats, black waiftcoats, breeches, and ftockings, crape round their arms and bats. Six Affiftant Mourners, being Admirals ( in two mourning coaches), in mourning cloaks as before. Norroy King of Arms ( in a mourning coach), habited as the other Officers of Arms. The Banner of Emblems, in front of a mourning coach, in which are a Captain and two Lieutenants of the Royal Navy, as with the other Banners. Relations of the Deceafed, in mourning coaches. Officers of the Navy and Army, according to their refpe& ive ranks, the Seniors neareft the Body. N. B. The l'ervants, who attend the carriages in the Proceffion, may be ill mourning, or have only ( ilk or crape hatbands and gloves. At Temple- bar, the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor of London, attended by his Officers, and followed by the Aldermen and Sheriffs, and by the Deputation from the Common Council, will receive the Proceffion. Upon arrival at St Paul's Cathedral, the fix Conduftors, forty- eight Penfioners from Greenwich Hofpital, and forty- eight Seamen of the Victory, will afcend '. he fteps, divide, and range on each fide, without the great weft door ; and the reft of the Proceffion, having alighted at the weft gate of the Church- yard, will enter the Church, and divide on either fide according to their ranks ; thofe who had proceeded firlt remaining nearelt the door. The Officers of Arms, and the Bearers of the Banners,' ivith their Suj> porters, will enter the Choir, and ( land within, near ihe door ; and, as there will not be fufficient fpace in the Choir to admit a large portion of the proceffion, the Nobility, Great Officers of State, Dukes of the Blood Royal, and his Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, will only proceed into the Choir, with thofe who have efpecial duties in the folemnity. Near the entrance of the Church, the Dean and Prebendaries, attended by the Choir, will fall into the Proceffion immediately after the Great Banner, and before the Heralds who bear the trophies. The Body, having been taken from the Funeral Car, wiil be borne into the Church and Choir by eight Seamen of the Viftory, according to tiie the rich affembiage' of colours which were Jif- | fands endured > cold and funking, r 1 played ; there was, however, a degree of melan- i with the litmoft patience in the open choly in beholding theru. The colours were only hoifted half ftaff high ; a bunch of black crape was affixed to the top of many of the fl. tg- ftafts. The Lord Nelfon barge, belonging to a Fire In- j that a party of life guards w , s lent d following order :- J3 " " Supporter Supporter * 0 0 of the of the p0. " 0 0a avi GaJ O Pall, an Admiral. Pall, an Admiral. rt O V GG C3 CQ THE JS PQ bC - $ bo bQ c 0 I BODY, 0 . Cu . r< Dt - n £ a G covered rt G " w u G< V " 3 as before. s P _ 0> • 1 ; Supporter Supporter < D < L | of the of the < u < D u - C b f: Pall, an [_ Admiral. Pall, an Admiral. Vu rd u X LH furance Company, difplayed at her ftern, a black crape flag, while at her bow, the portrait of the deceafed Hero drew the attention of every perfon prefent. Many of the barge- mafters had on black filk fcarfs, and all the officers of the River Fencibles wore crape round their atms. The bands belonging to the different companies at length arrived. Some of them were drefled in long mourning cloaks, and all had their drums muffled. They played " God Save the King," in a flow and folemn ftyle, as they came to the water- fide. At ten o'clock, the company n it having arrived to fill the different barges, the River Fencibles were obliged to proceed towards Greenwich, leaving them to make the beft of their way by themfelves. The barges then, without attending to any particu'ar onier, rowed down the river, fingly, as foon as they had taken in their company. At ten o'clock, the Lord Mayor, in a coach and fix, with four fervants behind, and attended by the City Officers, and many of the Aldermen, in their refpeftive carriages, proceeded from the Manfion Houfe over London Bridge, to Greenwich. His Lordlhip there embarked on board the City ftate barge, and will return to London in the proceffion. The early part of the morning was cloudy, and there was fome rain, but it afterwards cleared up, and promifed a fine day. The bridges and the quays were crowded with fpeftators. It is thought that the proeeffion will not reach London Bridge before four o'clock. On his arrival at Whitehall- flairs, the body will be landed there and carried to the Admiralty on bier. At the Admiralty it will be placed in the Captain's room, the whole of which has been covered with fupetfine black cloth, and will be lighted up by a profuiion of wax lights, placed in fconces on the fides. The Prince, w ' underftand, will attend Lord Nelfon's funeral to- morrow in his ftate coach and fix, followed by two other carriages, in which will be Earl Moira, Lord Hutchinfon, Meffrs. Erlkbc, Sheridan, Colonels M'Mahon, and Leigh, and other members of his Royal Highnefs's Council and family. The three gentlemen, who attend Lord Nelfon's funeral, as his Lordffiip's State Officers, ( Treafurer, Comptroller, und Steward) and who were, in fail, the perfons moft diftinpuifhed by his regard and friendfhip, will, we underftand, receive the honour of Knighthood, as has been ufual on fimilar occafions. Handing ir, until the crowd before them, or the more active pa t of the multitude, cleared the way for ' be' i , by preffing forward. It was e x t r e m e l y fervi e . bio to he? T h e pr,. nc- Greenwich at an early hour, and guarde i different avenues to the H fpital. irrg of the horfes, though it alarmed many j^ ee; e, was the means of advancing the general ' inter, J. f, by reftraining the impetuofity o f the nioft tU'TLilsnt, and the i. fficeis took moft efpecial care that too great a crowd would not prefs forward at it time, fo as to cho. ik the piiffage through the gates. By this good conduft a great many ferious accidents were prevented. Yefterday a little before four o ' c l o c k , the brig Elizabeth and Mary, from off Chatham, hove ' 111 fight off Greenwich, having on board a chofen band of feamen and marines' from the brave en W of the V i d l o r y , who are intended to fall into the funeral pioceffion of their gallant Com- nander. Lieutenant Brown their commanding. officer, came on ffiore, to take orders for their proceedings The remainder of the proceffion will follow in the order as before marffialled. The Chief Mourner, and his two fupporters. will be feated on chairs at the head of the body ar. d the fix affiftant Mourners, and four Supporters of the Pall, on ftools on each fide. The relations of the deceafed alfo near them in the Choir. Tbe Officers of the Navy and Army, who followed in the proceffion, will remain in the body of the church. The carpet and cufhion ( on which the tro phies are afterwards to be depofited) will be laid by the Gentleman Uffier who carried them, on a table placed near the grave, and behind the place which will be then occupied by the Chief Mourner. The coronet and cu( hion, bomeoy Clarencieux King of Arms, will be laid on the body, and the canopy borne over it. The bearers of the bannerolls to be near thofe of the banners. At the conclufion of the fervice in the Choir, proceffion will be made from thence to the grave, with the banners and bannerolls as before; the Officers of Arms proceeding with the trophies; the body borne and attended as before ; the Chief Mourner and his Supporters, who will place themfelves at the head of the grave ; and the Affiftant Mourners, and the relations of the deceafed, near to them. The fervice at the interment being over, Garter proclaims the ftyle, and the Comptroller Fieafurer, and Steward of the deceafed, breakg their ftaves, give the pieces to Garter, who throws them into the grave. The interment thus ended, the ftandard, bankers, bannerolls, and trophies, will be depofited on the table behind the Chief Mourner; and the proceflion, arranged by the Officers of Arms, will return. L O N D O N— JANUARY 8. - « - v >->->- - The proceffion by water commenced this morning. Before day- light the Heralds, and feveral Naval Officers who were to affilt, affembled at the Admiralty, and proceeded in form, in carriages, by land, to Greenwich. The following ire among the Admirals and Captains who pro. ' pofed to attend the ceremony : Chief Mourner— Admiral Sir Peter Parker, Bart. Train Bearer so the Chief Mourner— The Honourable Captain Blackwood. Supporters to the Chief Mourner— Admirals Lords Hood nd Radftock. Six Affiftant Mourners— Vice- Admirals Caldwell, Hamilton, Nugent, Bligh, Sir Roger Curtis, and Sir C. M. Pole, Barts. Tour Supporters of the Pall— Vice- Admirals Whitshead, Savage, Taylor, and Rear- Admiral F-. Harvey. Six Bearers of the Canopy— Rear- Admirals Aylmer, Domett, T . Wells, Drury, Sir Ifaac Coffin, and Sir W. H. Douglas, Barts. Bearer of the Standard— Capt. . Bearer of the Banner of the Bath— Cap-. Rotheram. Bearer of the Great Banner— Capt Moorfom. Bearer of the Guidon— Capt Durham. Bearer of the Emblems— Capt. T . M. Hardy. At feven o! clock, the River Fencibles were in motion. At eight, the gun- boats were collefl ed at the Tower Wharf. All was hurry and confu'ion for about an hour, when every thing being prepared, the different boats took in theii refpeftive crews, and with flags lowered halfftaff, ftood out a fhort diftance from the fhore. They there lay to, waiting until the barges of the- feveral companies, which lay at the wharf, ffiould be ready to fail. It was. a corrfiderab)-; time before the gentlemen belonging to the different Corporations, who were to embark on board LORD NELSON LYING IN STATE AT GREENWICH. SECOND DAY,— Yefterday being Saint Monday, and the twelfth day, feveral hundreds 01 the holiday folks who were d'fappointed feeing Lord Nelfon lie in ftate the firft day, repaired to Greenwich to gratify their curiofity. The manner of lying in ftate was precifely the fame in every rerpe< 3 as mentioned in our laft. The gates were opened on Monday morning at eight o'clock, and fhut precifely at four. The great weftern gate was the place appointed for general entrance, but by fome unaccountable negleff, inftead of opening the carriage gate, as on Sunday, fo as more eafily, and with more fafety, to admit the throng, the fide wicket were only opened, which being extremely narrow, and the crowd without immenfe, on their being opened the rufh was fo violent and irrefiftible, that thofe perfons who had the misfortune to be near the fide of the entrance, were dread fully bruifed, fome were knocked down, and the current from behind was fo ftrong that it was impoffible for fome time to releafe them from being trampled upon by the throng. Though the guards were much more numerous and vigilant than on Sunday, they could fcarcely ( lem the impetuofity of ths thoufands who preffed for entrance. One old lady had her nc- fe literally fcraped from her face againft the fide of the front entrance; another woman had her child crufhed to death in her arms. Shoes, pattens, cloaks, pelices, muffs,, tippets, coats, caps, and liandkeichiefs, were torn from their owners, and a heap of the feveral articles enumerated, picked up by the guards, lay at the Hall fteps to be owned. Accounts of fome accidents on Sunday- ftate, that a man who had been fomewhat top- heavy, fell overboard and was drowned— that another man, who was thrown from an unruly horfe near the Bricklayers Arms, and his foot hanging in the ( tirrup, was dragged a coofiderable way, and taken up fpeechlefs— that a butcher in protedling his wife from being cruffied to death, when afcending the ftaircafe to the painted Hall, was jammed againft the corner of the ftone baluftrade, and had ope of his arms broken, and otherwife very much bruifed ; that a coach alfo broke down between Deptford and the Elephant and Caftle, with a gentleman and three ladies in it, by which accident one of the ladies had her arm broke, the others efcaped unhurt; and that a variety of 0- ther misfortunes were experienced by thofe who had the curiofity to adventure. The quantity of black cloth ufed in hanging I, the Painted Hall in Greenwich College, where * the remains of Lord Nelfon lie in ftate, exceeds 1700 yards. The Rev. Mr Scott, Chaplain to Lord Nelfon, fat in an arm chair at the head of the coffin, as Chief Mourner, on Monday and the day before. Amongft the vifitants of Monday were num bers of high rank and faffiion ; hei Grace rhe Duchefs of Devonfliire, and many of her noble friends, were in the throng. A vaft number of military officers alfo attended to pay their laft tribute of refpeft to departed heroifm, and to contemplate the roblefl ffimulus to gallant deeds. Notwithftanding the unfavourable ftate of the weather, the confequent deepnefs of the roads, and the diftance that Greenwich is from town, as vefterday was known to be the laft da) tor the boiy of Lord Nelfon lying in ftate, the crowds that fucceffivelv thronged along the roads were confiderably more numerous than a i y that are witneffed on the fineft day in fummer, flicking to ihe f/ liivitks of Greenwich fair. Such, hjw- T h e St George's jack, at the maft- bead of the brig, was lowered half- matt high, as a funeral falute, which was immediately returned by the colours of all the fhips in figlit from. the TCTrace. T h e Lieutenant- Governor of Greenwich then proceeded to inform L o r d Hood of the arrival of this brave band ; when the g„ llarit Admiral, accompanied by a party of the River fe'ncibles, armed with their pikes, proceeded to the nonli ga'e, next the River, and ordered the Ucrc s of Trafalgar to be brought on ffiore. The brig then hauled up alongfide the quay, and the brave > ars jumped afhore, amidft the warm greetings and grateful acclamations of the furrounding throng. A l a s ' , how different the fenjpjrions of thoP: gallant fellows from what they would have been under the brave Nelfon's eye, in boar, iing the deck of an enemy 1 They confided of 4 6 feanien and 1 4 marines, each bearing his hammock ; and if they were a air fpecimen of their m; ffm. ites in the Vidlory at Trafalgar, that tiiumph 1; the lefs wonderful; for each fcemed a true bre<;. cub. of the Britiffi Lion, and mod; of them bore the h o - nourable fears they received on the day their lamented leader fell in the caule of his country. Upon their paffing within the gates, they wete ordered by L o r d Hood, who approached them, to f l ow their baggage in tile Royal Charlotte W a r d of the Hofpital ; after which they fhould be gratified with a view of their heroic leader's body lying in ( late which} however, he was fure, would be to them no pleafant light. The " brave fellows bowed affent to this remp. rk ; they then prOceedcd to ftow their hammocks in the w. id appointed, and were afterwards efcortedby a party of the military to the Great H., 11, when they were conduced to the Saloon, where the remains of their beloved Com . .. n ier lay ; they -. yed the coffin with melancholy a miration and efpetS, while the manly tears g'. illencd in their • yc ., and ltole reluctant down their wrather- bean cheeks. Strangers were exc'udrd during his affecting fcene, nor atterwards admitted. Yefterday Parliament was further prorogued until Tuefday the 2 1 f t inft. The Commiffioners were, Lord Ellenborougb Lord Ardtn, and Loid Hawkefbury. Lord Ellenborough, who officiated inftead of the Loid Chancellor, dc- / claied the prorogation in the ufual form ; but thete are reports in circulation that Minifters intend to poftpone to a ( till more diftar. t period tlie meeting of the Leg- flature. The expedition which failed under the command of' Sir Home Popbam an'd Sir David Baird, is now undcrftood to have proceeded againll the SpaAifh fettle mem of Buenos Ayres, in the firft inftance. The lateft intelligence received from the Cap: of Good Hope affords reafon to expeft' that ; ts redu£ tion will be eafily accompiifiied. The fituation of the Cape at the latter end of May was fuch, that it feemed impoffible for the enemy to offer any effectual refiftance. It is ftated that the number of regular troops . then amounted only to one thoufand four hundred men, and a fmall galliot was the only naval force at the fettlement. Cape Towa and its dependencies had long been in a ftate of the utmoft diftrefs for provilions of every kind. Bread and flour were ferved out t « the inhabitants, as well as to the troops, : inly twice a week, anJ in very fmall quantities, rhe neccffitrv » ffe£ t of thele privations has been to e cite a fpirit of revolt and mutiny among the troops, and much difcontent among the inhabitants. The latter, we are allured, have made tlieir wants the fubjetft of frequent remonftrances to Government, which, however, poffefles not the means of alleviating their diftrefs. The Britifh public will rejoice to hear that the Emperor Alexander has fent to this country the moft pofitive and unqualified aflurances that, notwithftanding the hafty armiftice concluded by Francis, which left him no alternative but to retire from Germany with his army, agreeably to the ( lipulation introduced for that purpofe in the armiftice, he will ftill maintain inviolate the treaty into which he has entared with his Britannic Majefty, and aft upon it in any way that nuy be deemed beft adapted to anfwer the purpofes for which it was concluded. This is atcfolution worthy of the magnanimous Alexander, and cannot fail t ® be followed by confequences biohly beneficial to this country, in the protecution of the war in which we ave engaged.-— Slav. This was the only confolatory information received by the laft difpatches from the Continent- The other communications related merely to the events that have recently taken place in Moravia, and to the line of copdudt likely to be purfued by Pruffia. On the latter point, we can affure the public, that Government have received no information that can encourage them 10 hope for any co- operation whatever frcm that power.— Ibid. The celebrated Scavan, Denon, of Egyptian memory," is on, his route to Vienna, to luperinttnd the plunder of tne cabinets and galleries in the mperial Palace, of whatever is moft rare, cvri- 011s. or valuable, among their contents, in the fine arts and literature: thus the fcer. es of plunder, at Florence, Rome, and Venice, never praftiled before the time of the French Revolutionary barbarians, are to be re- aftcd in that devoted city. It is reported that, immediately upon the meeti n g o Parliament, a. bill will be Submitted by intfters to its confideration, for the more effectual encreafc oi- the military force of the country With the details and provifions of it we do not piofefs to be acquainted ; but the obj "< 3: which it will ollenfibiy hate in view, wiil be to raife 60,000 men by a new mode jof recruiting. I t is alfo laid, that a confiderable alteration will be propofed in the exifting conflitution of the militia, and probably fome changes in that of the TO. lunteers, with the view of rendering each body more fubfervient to the urgent neceffities of the State. Preflirig orders have been receive! at Portsmouth, to get fuch frigates aud fmaller veffe's as are tinder repair, ready for fea with all poflible expedition. Yeilerday a Court of Diredtors was held at the Eaft India Houfe, when the following Captains were ( worn into the command of their refpeCtive fhips, viz. Captain Chailes Jones, Dav i d Scott, Madras and China ; Captain James Jamefon, Fame, Bombay and Bengal. E x t r a f t of a letter, tinted Bombay, July 2 6 .— A ferious degree of difaffeflion, has lately appeared in Colonel Wallace's army, particularly in the 6' h regiment of native cavalry, brought about, it is faid, by the intrigues of Holkar, two oi whofe Chiefs are in confinement, together with a Z e m - indar, and one hundred and fifty men of the 6th regiment. The iflue of the Court Martial hold- • ing in his camp is not yet known, but it is faid that the difaffeCtion has taken fuch root in that detachment as renders it unlafe to attempt to criminate any thing near the number that art known t o be implicated. The plot was providentially • difcovered before it was ripe. A party of two thoufand Arabs, in the neighbourhood, were to have fallen upon the 84th regiment, while the Zemindar and his party were to have proceeded t o murder the officers. This, I hear, is the outline of t h e plot. Lord Cornwallis has hid indifferent h : al h ftnee his arrival in I n d i a : H e has proceeded up the country, " I n a Supplement of the Madrid Gazette of the 29th of November is pubhfhed an a d d r e f s t o t he people, entitled " An Exhortation in behalf of the Poor W i d o w s and Orphans o f the Defenders of the Country j w h o fell in the Bay of Cadiz, on the 2 i l l of October." It is figned by a F e l l ow Countryman ; but, from the paper in which it appeals, as well as from the matter it contains, there can be no doubt o f its official character. It exhibits, on the part of the Spanifh Government, a remarkable confcffion of their want of refotirces, and penury. While it pretends to folicit contributions from the people for the relief o f thofe who Suffered in the battle of Trafalgar, or their relatives, it appears to have for its real o b i e t , the railing throughout Spain a fpirit of emulation for Supplying, according to the refpective means of public bodies and individuals, eithei money or materials for the formation and cquipment of a new fleet. It is faid, a gentleman w h o arrived on Sunday from the Continent brought the following copy of a handbill which has b: en la'ely circulated in France. It is a curious produ& ion, and, if genuine, tends in fome meafure to ( hew, that the internal Situation of France is not fo fatisfaftory as her external power is brilliant and d a z z l i n g :— " Frenchmen, your Emperor lias conquered Austria, humbled Russia, silenced Prussia,'. and commanded the admiration of the world, by his generosity and moderation, as much as by his va lour and achievements.' England still dares to resist, but her resistance is the struggle of agony, of death. She is breathing her last. If she de a f ew years longer existence, instead of immediate destruction, she must, in the East, re- establish the kingdoni of Mysore, such as it was in 1784 ;; restore Ceylon to Holland, and renounce her monopoly in Indian commodities and trade. In the W e s t , she must give up Jamaica, as a security for her assistance to us to destroy the anarchy of the blacks iu St D o m i n g o . She must evacuate the Mediterranean, give up Malta to its Grand Mas ter, and Gibraltar to its lawful and territorial sove reign. No where more inimical ports will be declared in blockade, or the flags of neutrals be mo- Jested, insulted, and pillaged. The sea shall be as free as the earth, and without the permission of the Emperor of the French, a vessel shall no more dare to sail, than a fort be built or a cannon fired. Frenchmen 1 you are already, thanks to your heroic Emperor, the most powerful of people— a little more patience, you will also be the most happy and the most wealthy. " DUBOIS, Prefect of Police. " P u s , Secretary." Paris, Dec. 27. 1805. rival at Calcutta, began a system of retrenchments which will save the Company at least 150,0001, per a t i n u m . — I t is said, the Company's debt in India is very great. For these two days | xist the London papers have been almost filled with the ceremonial to be observed at the late lamented Lord Admiral N E L S O N ' S funeral, and the necessary orders given to rentier that solemn spectacle as splendid and impressive as possible.— The crowds that have attended the lying in state at Greenwich have been great, and the eagerness of the people to gain admission has occasioned considerable mischief.— On Wednesday at ten o'clock the procession by water commenced from Greenwich to Whitehall Stairs, where the body was landed about four o'clock and carried to the Admiralty.— The grand procession to St Paul's was to take place next day The number of strangers who have arrived in London to witness this solemnity is immense, and the most extravagant prices are paid for places in the streets through which the procession passes. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. . Yesterdav came oil before the Court the trial of THOMAS WATLING. late limner in Dumfries, accused of forging and uttering five pound notes, in imitation of those issued bv the Bank of Scotland. The libel chargcd the prisoner with utteri n s , or causing to be uttered, four forged 51 notes. The first was changed bv Anne Tining, the pannei's servant, at the Bank of Scotland's office, Dumfries. The second was given as genuine by the panuel to John N i l s o n , residenter in Dumfries, w h o gave it for value to W i l l i am Law, innkeeper, Carlisle, but he discovered it was. a- forgery, on which the pannel wrote a letter to Mr Law, in name oS N i l s o n , desiring him to remit the note bv a sure hand, and he should have its Sterling value. A third was passed as genuine in the British Linen Company's olficc, Dumfries. And a fourth to some person in Dumfries, unknown to the Prosecutors. The libel farther stales, tha, t on the 5th of April last, on search being made in Nilson's house in DumSries, there were Sound concealed, wrapped in waste paper, in the Soot oS a stocking, three oS the said Sorged notes, which had been concealed by the panael. The prisoner pled not guilty, and 110 objections being made to the relevancy, the Court proceeded to call t h e witnesses. After two or three had been examined, the LORD ADVOCATE intimated, that from what had already passed he believed lie could not bring home the crime of uttering to the pannel ; he therefore declined proceeding farther in the cause. The LORD J U S T I C E CLERK then shortly addressed the jury, who were immediately ' inclosed, and in a short time returned a verdict finding the libel nut proven, 011 which the pannel was dismissed from the bar. Counsel for the B a n k — T h e LORD ADVOCATE, ADAM GILLIES, and T. II. MILLER, Esqrs Agent Mt JAMES FERGUSON, W . S.— For the Pannel, J O H N JARDINE, and J . W E D D E R B U R N, Esqrs. Agent, Mr W A L T E R COOK, W . S. - STOCKS— 3 per cent. Red. 58J 59 3 per cent. Con. 59} GO EDINBURGH— JANUARY U. — Three mails remain due from Hamburgh, and, as is usual when there is 110 diiect communication with the Continent, a number of rumours have been in circulation for these two or three days I t was reported that his Prussian MAJESTY had taken Hanover under his protection ; that the British troops were partly embarked ; and that a considerable subsidy was to be immediately sent to the Continent. Others assert, upon the alledged authority of private letters from our army on the Continent, that the advanced posts of the French and British troops are contiguous to each other, and that it was thought the French would make a speedy attack. We do not know what credit is due to any of these rumours. Notwithstanding the unfortunate issue of affairs in Moravia, it is said, and we trust truly, that the Emperor ALEXANDER has given the most positive assurances to our Government* that he will maintain inviolate the treaty he has entered into with this country. The Venus frigate, arrived from Cuxhaven, is said to have brought dispatches to Government of a highly interesting description ; but 110 particulars respecting them had transpired 0: 1 Wednesday T h e Venus ran ashore on the Goodwin Sands, but has been since got off without, damage. Tuesday evening the Earl Howe frigate arrived at Portsmouth from the East Indies, having onboard the Marquis of WELLESLEV, late Governor General of Bengal, and his suite. Major- General the Marquis of HUNTLY IS appointed Colonel of the 42d regiment of foot, in room of Sir HECTOR MUNRO, deceafed ; Major- General the Hon. JOHN HOPE is appointed Colonel of the 92d, in room of the Marquis of HUNTLY ; and Lieut.- General NATIER CHRISTIE is appointed Colonel Commandant of a battalion of the 60th, vice Major- General HOPE. T h e Fraferfburgh Volunteer Artillery have fubferibed a day's pay to the Patriotic Fund, for reljef of the relatives of tbe killed, and benefit of the wounded, in the three late'naval engagements Thurfday the Dean of Guild Court fined the tenants o f a, fliop in the Parliament Square, in fifteen guineas, for clandestinely Striking out a window in the back part of a large tenement on the eatt fide of the fquare. T h e Committee for managing the fubferiptions at Merchants Hall have remitted to the Patrio - ic Fund at London three thoufand pounds, in part of the fums already fubferibed and colleifted, the receipt of which has been acknowledged to their Treafurer by the Secretary at Lloyd's. We are h ' ppy to learn that the fubferiptions for the benevolent purpofes of this inftit'ution, as well as thofc for ereCting a monument in this city to the memory of L o t d Vifcount NELSON, are daily increafing. On Thursday, at fottr o ' c l o c k p. M. an unfortunate affair took place between Major T . of the l o t h militia, and an officer of the fame regiment, which, we are extremely forry to ( late, terminated rather unfavourably with regard to the Major, who received a ball in his thigh. Only one round was fired, and it is believed the Maj o r ' s piftol went off as he was falling. CORRI'S ROOMS.— The Vocal Concert at thefe Rooms lalt evening, we are much pleafed to re port, went off with much luccefs. The feleftion of the glees and fongs were judicious, and the performers gave real Satisfaction. The Rooms were filled with perfons of the higheft rank and fafhion, and the amateurs enjoved a high treat indeed. We hope ihe f ew evenings of the glee party's performance may be c r o w ed with equal fuccefs, and the Company return as much pleafed as on laft night. It would be great injuftice to the proprietor, if we omitted this opportunity of paying oar tribute of applaufe for the pains and extent e he has been at to render their Concert Rooms equal to any in this country. The Orchellra has been enlarged, and beautified, in a capital ( tyle, and exhibits the. p'ure Gothic tade in perfection. T h e Rooms were well lighted, and ' perfectly warm. The occafional Dirge j< t( t. he memory of our departed hero, NELSON, was peculiarly fine, and, coming on the day of bis interment, was moft affefting. The tranfparency \ thi" h filled the !. irge window in co mpliment to the lame fad occafion, heightened the whole ineliftibly. Mifs LF.&. SUGG'S performances are announced Yefterday, Mr W E L S H received z guinea from a Gentleman for the ufe of the prifoners in the tolbooth. POLICE.— Upon Thurfday the Judge of Police lined a man for receiving a watch under fufpicious circiimltances, and which turned out to be Itolen. Same day Fanny White was lent to Bridewell, for dealing clothes from houfes in towu. Upon Friday John Leitch waS fent to Btidewe!!, for Stealing brafs c a n d l e f t i c k s ; and a founder was fined in 40s. for buying the fame. Same day Bell Stewart, a diforderly perfon, was committed to Bridewell. A letter from Inverkeithing, dated Jan. 8, f a y s — " This afternoon, a boat having gone out with Mr PETRIE, the Surveyor, and five feamen, from North Queensferry, to examine lome floops, a ludden. fquall came on, which in an inilant upfet the boat, when the following feamen were loft, v i z . W I L L I A M A N K A N , JAMES D A V I D S O N, W I L L I A M N E I L , a n d JAMES M U C K L E ; M r P E - TRiE had gone on Ihore a few minutes previous to the accident, and THOMAS NEIL was picked up by a Sloop which was polling at that time. The unfortunate fufferers have all left large familie? to lament their lofs. Another boat, from the weftward, was. alfo upfet, but, from the ( kill of the paffenger they were going with, they were all providentially laved." A letter from Captain M'LACHLAN, of the brig Jane, of Greenock, ( laft from Limerick) tor London, with a cargo of provifions, dated Calais, D ^ - 2, f a y s — " I am truly forry to inform you of the capture of your brig Jane, on the night of the 30th ult. near the South Foreland. On the 3C1I1 ult. at 8 p. M. the South Foreland lights bearing E . by N. dtftant nine or ten miles, f^ w a lugger running acrofs our line ; ne hailed, and afked where we were from I told him from a cruife. I alked him where he longed to j he anfwered ( he was the Dover of Dover. We immediately got our two guns to one fide, feeing him wearing up alongfide. We fited on board him ; he foon grappled our riggtng, firing fwivels and fmall arms. Her men jumped on board, innumerable, al! armed. We had neither men nor arms to defend ourfelves. f hey foon got command of our d e c k ; in four hours after they had us into Calais roads. Sh proved to be the Eigle lugger privateer, of Boulogne, commanded by Capt. HENNIN, and Carrying 16 guns and 72 men. She had her bowiprit anchor Itock carried away, and three men wounded. We were all landed the next morning, and have been very well treated. T h e three paffengers, mate, and myfe'. f, are allowed to b< out on parole, and we expedt to march off from this for Valenciennes in two or three days.' T h e Life- Boat procured for Fraferfbufgh, by fubfeription, is fafely arrived at that place ; ( lie was on Monday fortnight, during a pretty fevere gale, launched, and without the leaft helitation manned by Mt JOHN DALRYMPLE, Shipbuilder in Fraferfburgh, and ten feamen belonging to th port, who, for experience fake, rowed fome confiderable diftance among the breakeis, and, although the fea run very high, they returned without ( hipping a fingle fea, full of confidence from the fecurity which they felt in the boat. On this occafion no other boat could have lived in the fea ; and, at a place where So many wrecks happen, this ingenious invention may be the means of faving many valuable lives. It is worthy of remark, as appears from the bills of mortality for G l a f g o w , that, in 1804, one hundred and three children died of l\\ t fma. Il pix ; and, in 1805, only twenty- orte .' Such ' are the bleffed confequences of the Vaccine Inoculati n. H o w much are thofe parents then to blame, who, by neglecting the Cow- pock inoculation, have brought their infants to an early grave. Edinburgh, Merchants Halt, Jun. 10. 1806. S U B S C R I P T I O N S received in conl'equence of the O Refutations palled at the Meeting of the principal Inhabitants of this City and its Neighbourhood, held, upon the ' 25th day of November laft For the R E L I E F of the RELATIONS of those brave Men who have fallen in the late N A V A L E N - GAGEMENTS under LORD N E L S O N , SIR " ROBERT CALDER, und SIR RICHARD STRAC- HAN, atidaf those who may hace been wounded therein. Amount of Subfcriptions and ColleChons formerly publilhed - - L. 4182 1 1} The Hon. Baron Norton - 10 0 0 Sir Robert Turing of Foveran, Bart. 4 4 0 O. Druinmond Home of Blair Drummond, El"< j. - - - - 10 10 0 Capt. Farquharfon of Invercauld, R. N. 10 10 0 Robert Trotter, Efq. Poftmafter General 5 5 0 Alexander Miller, Efq. advocate - 4 4 0 George Piclcard, Efq. - - 2 0 0 A few Individuals at Muirkirk, per Mr Robatt Aird - - 6 4 6 Mr George Chalmers, Canongate 1 10 Robert Clerk, Elq. Mavisbauk - 5 5 0 David Milne,. Efq. merchant - - 3 S 0 A day's pay of the Volunteers of Dunfermline - - - 27 4 0 Benjamin Bell, Efq. for Bell, Wardrop, Ruffell, and Company, furgeons - 10 10 0 The Loyal Wanlotkhead Pioneers, per Gilbert Laing, Efq. - - 5 12 0 George Jeffrey, Efq. Depute Clerk of Seffion - MeiTrs Stevenfon and Thpmfon, merchants Mr William Ranken Firft Battalion of Royal Linlithgowlhire Volunteer Infantry ( excltis. of 121.7 s. ICd. by the Borrowftounnefs Company, paid along with the Subfcription by the Town of Eorrowltounnefs), being two days pay, per Major Keir, Commandant Mr Robert Burn, architect - 1 10 Captain Carmichael - - 2 2 0 The Newburgh Volunteers, one day's pay, per Sir William Forbes and Co. - 5 19 0 2 2 2 2. 2 2 38 10 L. 4S41 Collections at the Church Doors [ Received fitice laft publication.] Parifh of Preftonpaus, per the Rev. Mr Primrofe . . . Parifh of Maims and Strathmartin, per the Rev. Mr Francis Nicol Parifh of Crailing, per the Rev. Mr David Brown . . . Pariih of Macham, per the Rev. Mr Steel; Parilh of Whittingham, per the Rev. Mr Lumfdane - - Parifh of Saint Mungo's, per the Rev. Mr Jamiefon Parilh of Edzell, per the Rev. Mr Hutton Panfh ofThurfo, per the Rev. Mr M'lntolh Parifh of Dunfyre, per Mr David Stodart Parilh of Carnock. per the Rev. Mr Thomfon . . . . Pariih Church of Dunfermline, per the Rev. Mr Allan Mac- Lean - - L. 34 4 4 Chapel of . Eafe - - 11 13 6 Burgher Congregation - 22 0 O Ditto at Limekilns - - 7 7 0 Relief Congregation - 5 5 0 Antiburgher Congregetion 2 15 2 l l ' 7 i L. 19 2 3 22 5 6 7 7 0 3 11 6' 8 4 1l ia 5 0 0 6 6 0 13 0 0 7 18 8 1 10 0 A U C T I O N O F G U N S , S W O R D S , A N D P I S T O L S. . . General Agency OJfiee, 56, SOCXH E I U D G E S T R E E T , E D I N B U R G H. W M . T H O M S ON REfpe& fully informs the Public, that upon Monday tbe 27th curt, at 11 o'clock forenoon, will be- expofed to Sale by Auction, a very extenfive and curioKs ColleiStion of ARMS, confuting of GUNS, PISTOLS; SWORDS, and DAGGERS, He c. among them . a capital Air Gtftt; made on the Tyrolefe conftruflion, and a Double Barrelfsd Gun by Manton, that has never been fhbt out of. The Colledtibn is worthy of the attention of the amateurs, and may be viewed every day until the day o? fale, where Catalogues may be had. January 10, 1806. H A BE R DASHER Y GOODS. To be SotD by audion, on Monday the 13th Jan. 1806, No. 31, South Bridge, eaft fide, A Large affortmentof HABERDASHERY GOODS, LiI cnnfifting of Muffs, Tippets, and Fur Trimmings, '. aces, Oltrich Feathers, and Gum Flowers ; alfo, fome legant LadiesDreffet, done upon fine India Muflin, with a variety of other articles 111 the above line— The whole muft be fold off without referve. Great bargains may be expetSed. TheSa le to begin each day at eleven o'clock forenoon W. ROBER TSON, auctioneer. MANCHESTER & ~ G L A S G O W WAREHOUSE. No. 46, South Bridge. J O H N F L E M I N G ESPECTFU1. LY begs leave to intimate to his Friends and the Public, That he has laid in a complete and elegant affortment of every Defcription of GOODS connetfted with bis line of bufinefs, which comprifes the largeft and 1110ft fafhionable difplay he had ever in his power to offer; and he trufts- they will be found, upon infpedtion, to be feleded with tafte.— The following he would particularly recommend to the attention of the Ladies— A few beautiful and rich fancy- wrought Robe Dreffes. A very extenfive choice of Sewed, Tamboured, Veined, and Japanned Muflins. Plain and Fancy Figured Mulls, Leno, and Picquet Mufliiis, for - Ball Dreffes. His aifortmerit of Cambric Mufliiis, Long Cloths, and Cerded Cambrics, of all the different widths and fabrics, is very complete. Ginghams, Dimitties, Cotton Shirtings, Linens, Long Lawns, and French Cambrics. Four- 4th and five- 4th Plain and Tweeled Cottons for Sheetings. Shawls, Welch Flannels, Pocket Handkerchiefs,& c. Sec. J. F. takes this opportunity of informing bis Friends and the Public, That he has affumed his late Clerk, Mr Thomas Ireland, as his partner ; and that the buiiuefs will in future be carried 011 under the firm erf JOHN FLEMfNG ar. d CO. As J. F. and Co. are determined to pay the ftri& eft attention to bufinefs, and being connected with the manufacturing of moft of the articles they deal 111, they flatter themfelves that they will have it in their power at all times to ierve the Public on fuch terms a » will merituniverfal approbation. Country Dealers fupplied 011 the moft liberal terms. Edinburgh, Jan. 10. 1306. M O N E Y. " Wanted to Borrow, now or at Candlemas i806, SE V E R A L SUMS from L. 500 to L. 6000 Sterling, for which the moll unexceptionable fecurity will be given. Apply to James Davidfon, W. S. 0 0 3 0 — M A R R I E D — At Edinburgh, by the Rev. Dr Mooclie, on the 9th inft. J. ieut. Col. ALEXANDER BEATJON of Knowle, in the fervice of the Hon. Eaft India Company, to Mil's DAVIDSON REID, daughter of David Rei j , El'q. one of the Conimiffioners of bis Majefty's Cuftoms for Scotland. On Wednefday laft, t h e R e v M r WILLIAM BURNS, minifter of the gof'pel at Dun, to Mifs EI. IZA. BE rii CHALMERS, daughter of Mr James Chalmers, printer. — D I E D— At Edinburgh, on the 7th inft. Mr THOMAS ARMSTRONG, copperlmith. At his feat, Navar Houfe, in Rofsfhire, General Sir HECTOR MUNRO, Knight of the Bath, and Colonel of the 4id, or royal highland regiment. HADDINGTON PRICES OF GRAIN, J'an. 10. 83 5 0 Miner's Chapel at Wanlockhead, per the Rev. Mr Oftiorne - - - 4 8 0 Pariih of Uphall, per the Rev. Mr Fergufon 11 1 6^ Tabernacle Grangemouth, per the Rev. Mr Watfon 2 14 3| Parifh of Kinghprn, per the Rev. Mr Paterfon 19 O O' Parilh of Tulliallan, per the Rev. Mr Sitnpfou - '- - - - 17 14 0 Parilh of Carflairs, per the Rev. Mr James Finlayfon - - - - - 5 Pariih of Hutton near Berwick uponTweed, per the Rev. Mr Adam Landels - 12 Collection by a few of the inhabitants in the neighbourhood of Braehead, Carnwath - - - - - 2 0 0 Parilh of Mid Calder, per the Rev. Mr Sommers - - - - 7 00 Fhe Antiburgher Congregation Mid Calder, per the Rev. Mr Alex. Duncan 4 0 6 Parifh of Carmunnock, per the Rev. Mr Forman 11 13 0 Parilh Church of Aucht; erarder, per the Rev. Mr Charles Stewart - - 15 0 0 Parifh of Oattlaw, per the Rev. Mr Littlejohn , 14 3 Parifh of Kettle, per the Rev. Mr Barclay Id 13 Wb.-. t.\ Barley, j Oats. Firft 32s 6d| 27s Od 19s Second3 Is Odj25s 6d 1 "" Third 29s Od 123s Od Od 17s Cd 15s- Od Wheat Oats, Peafe, and Beans,, nearly as laft week Barley, about Is, dearer. PeaCe. 17s Od 16s Od 15s Od Beans. 17 s Od 16s 6d 15s Od LE I TH SHIPPING. ARRIVED— Jan. 10. Commercial Packet, Hall, from London, goods'— Fifefliire, Cumtniag,- from ditto, do. — Forth Packet, Curry, from ditto, ditto— Earl of Dalkeith, Gloag, from Hull, ditto— Windham, Cook from Wells, barley— 11. Hadley, Spain, from Lynn grain. CLEARED OUT— Jan. 11. London Packet, Nifbett, for London, goods— Roxburgh, Johnfton, for dp. do. HIGH W A T E R A T LEITH. Sunday, Monday Jan.^ 12. — — 13. Morn. H M 8 18 9 6 Even. I M 8 142 9 30 for the laft t i n e this evening ; and we obferve by her advertifement, that fhe gives the inhabitants of Preftonpan's a treat oh Monday evening fiift. Mafter DAVIS, that wonderful uh nomenon's benefit is fixed for Monday evening, w; , en we hope to fee his extraordinary abilities ctowned with an overflowing houf;, as not any performer I at the Circus ( lands in higher eft. mation with the 1 public. Mr- Br. NUETT, the author of the novel " V i - ' cifFitu les,". advertised in our laft, is mother ' O Mrs ESTEN, a lady well known in this city for i her t e •. tic- al talents, at a ti e when « T h e bold M a r q v i s C O R N W A L L I S immediately on his ar- ' Douglas bote aWay t h e lair Cal'jla." ORDNANCE- OFFICE— Dec. 16. ,1805. Brigade of Gunners and Driver's in the Royal Regiment of Artillery. Firft Lieutenant Commiffary John Charlton to be Captain Commiffary. Second Lieutenant Commiffary William Gobleto be Firft Lieetenant Commiffary, vice Charlton. — — — Oliver to be Second Lieutenant Commiffary vice ( Sable- » . ,.'.:. Second Lieutenant Commiffary Thomas Gibbons to b j I irft Lieutenant Cdmnrilfary. Second Lieutenant Commiifary George Stace to be ditto. Second Lieutenant' Commiffary John Allen to be ditto. Second Lieutenant Commifftry Thomas' Bowles be ditto. ;...-. Robert White to be Second Lieutenant Commiffary vice Gibbons. ' James Freeman to be ditto, vice Stace. George Blackett to be ditto, vice Allen. Thomas Joi den to be ditto, vice B° wles. . . Johh " Wilford t o b j ditto. William Lewis Roberts to be Adjutant, vice Hay refigi. ed. George Weaver to be Second Lie jt. e . ant - Conmif, lary. Matthew Evans to be ditto.— All dated Dec. 1. 1805. Ro'yai Regiment of Artillery. Second Lieutenant'William Bell to be Firft Lieutenant, vice A. Wilfon, deceafed ; dated Dec. 2. 1805. Second Lieutenant George Frafer to be Firft Lieuten- « u?- i vice Griffiths, deceafed *, dated Dec. 3. 1SW. L O T T E R Y . X 1 B I S H , ContraiSlor for the prefent Grand I. ot- . tery, refpeftfully acquaints th • inhabitants of Edinburgh and its vicinity, that he has apr. t lited MESSRS M U R R A Y , B A X T E R , & M A S O N , Britifn f'ire Office, Edinburgh, Agents for the Sa5e ofLottery Tickets and Shares; and fuch families as honour him with their commands may depend on being fupplied with Tickets or Shares at the London Prices, and every care and attention paid to their orders. The Capital Prizes fold by BISH in the courfe of the year are too numerous for an advertifement, but particulars may be feen on the Schemes, which are to be had gratis as above, or either of his old eftablifhedOffices, iVo. 4, Cornhill, and g, Charing Cross, London, Where the laft L. 30,000, & the two laft L. 20,000, Prizes ever drawn - were all fhared and fold. L. 4659 8 For erecting A S T A T U E , N A V A L P I L L A R , or other MONUMENT to the memory of LORD N E L S O N . Amount of Subfcriptions formerly published - - - - L. 911 9 The Hon. Baron Norton - - 10 0 William Coulter, Efq. - - 3 3 Patrick Criehton, Elq. - - 5 5 0 George Wood, Efq. . - - - 5 5 0 John Mowbray, Efq. - - - 2 2 0 John Rofs, Efq. - - - - 2 2 0 David Cathcart, Efq. advocate - 5 5 0 Adam Gillies, Efq. advocate - - 5 5 0 Capt. Farquharfon of Invercauld, R. N. 10 10 0 Robert Trotter, Efq. Poltmafter- General 3 3 0 Alexander Miller, Efq. advocate - - 2 2 0 David Milne, Efq. merchant - - 2 2 o Alexander Gillefpie, Efq. l'tirg- eon - 1 10 Benjamin Bell, Efq. for Bell, Wardrop, Ruffell, and company, furgeons - - 5 5 0 Meffrs Stevenfon and Thomfon, merchants 1 1 0 James Cathcart, El'q. - - - 2 2 0- Mr William Ranken - - - 2 2 0 Mr Robert Burn, architect - - 1 10 A. J. Horsfall of Huddersfield - - 3 3 0 Mr Alexander Craig, merchant, Edinburgh 3 3 0 Captain Carmichael - - - 1 1 0 Meffrs Nicolfon and Hayden of London 3 3 0 IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ' Sun Court, Cornhill. and No. 5, St James's Street, London. HA V I N G formed a junction with the LIVERPOOL ST GEORGE FIRE OFFICE, by which both Offices are one aud the fame, under that of the IMPERIAL, as above.— The Capital of this Company confi- fts of ONE MIX. LIOM T w o H t i N D t t T H O U S A ND POUNDS Sterling, which has been fubxribed in Sh ires of L. 500 each, and no Member is a fubfcribei for more than L. 5000. For inftiring Houfes and other Buildings, Goods Wares, and Merchandizes, and Manufacturing- Stock and Ships, Barges, and other Veffels, in port o. in clock and Goods onboard the fame ; alfo Ships and other Vefl'els building or repairing-; alfo " Barges and other Veffels on Navigable Rivers, Canals, and other inland Navigations, and Goods on board thereof. From Lofs or Damage by Fire and Lightning. P0 - liciesin all Cal'es gratis. The conditions wiil be feen by applying to the Agents, as under. The Directors are, THOMAS PLUMMER, E f q . Chairman. THOMAS REID, Efq. Deputy Chairman. L. 990 15 %* Subcriptions received at Merchants Hall, every bw ftil day, from 12 to 2 o'clock ; at all the principal Banking Houl'es in Edinburgh, and by William Coulter, Efq. Treafurer to the Fund, at his fliop, High Street T H I S T L E LODGE. THE BRETHREN qualified are requefted to at tend a meeting of MASTER MASONS, in the Th'fle Lodge Rooms, on Thurfday ICith January inftant, atfeven o'clock in th- J evening. . The Lodge vviii be open on the ' three preceding e- . veniugs, a: eight o'clock for raffing Apprentice-, defirous of attaining the ^ ublinie Degree. Stephen Cattley, Efq. Henry Davidfon, Eiq. Thomas Gowland, El'q. Jofeph Huddart, F. fq. Thomas Hughan, El'q. Edward Kemble, Efq. Richard Lee, Efq. Eben. Maitland, Efq. Daniel Mildred, Efq. Jeremiah, Olive, Efq. CY A Consignment of S O U T H A M P T O N O A K T I M B E R A N D ' L ' R E E - NAILS, FOR SALE. To- be SOLD by public rott'p, on the Shore of Kincardine, or. Thurfday the 13th of Febiuary, at 11 o'clock forenoon, . NE Hundred Tons Crooked. Ends of SOUTHA M P T O N O A K TIMBER, fuitable for building Veffels fi- Om 200 to 50 tons burthen. One Hundred and Sixty- five Pieces of KNEES. Ten ' i'houfand 12 ' and 15 inches O A K . TREENAILS. As thefe Goods are to be put up in fuch lots as will fuit intending purchafer. s, and peremptorily fold, this i'ale is well worth the attention of purehafers. Alfo for SALE by private contraCt, A VESSEL on the flocks of 51 feet keel— 19 l- 6th feet beam— 9 3- 4th feet hold— which will admeafure one hundred tons, and go through the Canal.— Fur farther particulars apply to John Yelton, Kincardine. Kincardine, Jar.. G. 1S06. Sir Cha. Price, Bt. M. P. Ab.. W. Rutherford, Efq.' Robert Slade, Efq. Henrv Smith, Efq. G. W. Thelluffon , Efq. M. P. Jof. Timperon, Efq. John H. Tritton, Efq. Rich. Twining, Efq. And. Wedderburr., Efq. J. D A V , Sec. BROUGHAM, MONCRIEFF & CO. Agents, Front of the Royal Exchange, Edinburgh. SALE OF LANDS IN L A N A R K S H F R E T^ To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe at Edinburgh, upon Wediiefday the 22d day of January 1806, THE Following Parts and Portions ef the E S T A TE bf ROSEHALL,. lying in the parifh of Old Mnnkland, and county of Lanark, and which are not comprehended under the entail of that Eftate, viz. The Lands und. Farms of K1RKW00D, KIRKS'TY! E, BANK HEAD, and others. By a meafurement which was lately made of thefe lands, they contain 282 acres 1 rood and 16 falls Scots meafure. The foil is of an excellent quality, and fit for raffing all kinds of crops. The greateft part of the grounds are inclofed, and the farm- hoitfes are in good condition. The rent^ t prefent is only about L. 315 Sterling; but as the, whole lands, except about 15 acres, will be out of leafe at Martinmas 1807, there is a certainty that the rent will then rife to upwards of I,. 500. The grounds are pleafantly fituated on the banks of the waters of Calder and Luggie. They are finely woodad, and afford feveral delightf » fituations for houfes. Thefe waters form the boundary of the propefty on the fiiuth, north, and weft ; and as the grounds are fituated in the heart of a great manufacturing county, the water may be turned to cotiliderable advantage, efpecially as there is abundance of coal and iron ftone in the lands, which, from the vicinity to the Monkland Canal, rriuft greatly encreafe ihe value of the property. Tbe timber and natural wood are alfn of considerable value. A plan of the property, and the articles of fale, will he feen in the hands of Meffrs F. Walker and F. Brodie, W. S. George Street, Edinburgh, to whom . ny perlbn wanting further information may apply. SCOTS BANKRUPTS. DUNCAN M'CALLUM, jun. JVteafurer and Builder in Glafgow.— Creditors meet in Black Bull Inn, 17th January, one o'clock, to nanie a faCtor ; lame place and hour, 14th February, to eleCl a truftee. WILLIAM SMITH, jun. Grocer in Ayr.— Creditors meet in Stirling's inn, 17th January, 12 o'clock, to nania a fa< Sor ; fame place and hour, 15th February, to t i tA a truftes. MESSENGER SUSPENDED. NOTICE is hereby given to the Lieges, that WILL I A M FLOWCHART, Meffenger in Cupar Fife, has been deprived of his office by a fentence of the Lyon Court, and found incapable of ex- rcifing the fame in all time coming, after the 12th March next, for negleil of duty, and ailing improperly, by not following cut the inftruitions of his Employer. NOTICE T O THE LIEGES. A L E X A N D E R B L A C K , Messenger in Peterhead, DEPRIVED of his OJfice. IN the Complaint purlued before the Lyon Court, at the inftance of Mr ADIE, W. S. againft the laid ALEXANDER BLACK, for having ailed contrary to the inftrnilions of his employer, and his duty as a Meffenger, in executing a Caption agai. nft Mr Brands, Merchant in Peterhead, whereby the faid Alexander Black did not only unwarrantably take upon him to receive payment of the Debt, which he kept a fecret from his employer, but alfo illegally exailed from the Debtor a Sum as his Fees of Executing a Caption, which no MefiVnger is entitled to do, the Lyon- Depute pronounced the following judgment:— " Finds, That the conduit of the faid Alexander Black has been illegal and unwarrantable, in not previoufly executing the orders given him by the laid Campbell Adie to execute a poinding of Andrew Brands, merchant in Peterhead, his effeits, in cafe of his not immediately remitting the fum of L. S8; Ss. 11 A. Sterling, Specified in the complainer's letter of the 4th day of May laft, or affigning fome fufficient reafon why he did not proceed to execute fuch poinding. Finds the faid Alexander Black's conduit to have been ( till more illegal, unwarrantable, and contrary to his duty as a mefienger, in receiving from the faid Andrew Brands the fum of L. 41 7s. 2d. upon the 21ft of May laft, as is inilruiled by his receipt on the back of the caption produced, and not immediately remitting it to the faid Campbell Adie, the complainer: And finds, That the faid Alexander Black has ailed in open defiance of his injunctions as a meffenger, in charging the faid Andrew Brands with, and exailing from him L. 2 1.5s. 6d. Sterling, under the pretence of meffenger's fees; and therefore deprives the laid Alexander Black of his office ss a n-. eflejiger, from and after the 12th day of March next, in all time coming; and ordains this Sentence of Deprivation to be placarded upon the Market Crofs of the Head Burgh of the County of Aberdeen, within which the faid Alexander Black refides, and proclaimed at the church door of the parifh within which be resides, at diffolving the forenoon congregation, and a copy to be affixed upon the church door, and alfo advertifed in two at leaft of the Edinburgh nevvfpapers ; r. nd ordains all thefe publications to be made at leaft SO days before the faid 12th day of March next, when this f'entenfe of dsprivafion is hereby appointed to take place; and from and after the faid 12th day of March next, prohibits and difcharges the faid Alexander Black from ailing as a meffenger in any refpedt, under the penalty of Ten Pounds Sterling for each tranfgreffion." Extracted by THOMAS SMALL, I. yon Clerk Dep. E D I N B U R G H , Ian. 8 . I S 0 6. NOTICE T O CREDITORS & DEBTORS. ROBERT INNES, Fleflier in Edinburgh, having executed a Truft Deed in favours of DANIEL T A Y L O R , writer, North James's Street, Truftee fur behoof of bis Creditors ; the Truftee requefts that the whole Creditors will lodge with him, ou or before the Lid day of February, 1806, their whole grounds of| deht with oaths on the verity, otherwife they will be cr. t off from . any ill are in the li ret divifion of the truft funds. The Truftee intimates to all thofe who are indebted to the trtift eftate of the faid Robert Innes, that if the debts due by them are not immediately difcharged, profecutions will be commenced againft them. TO T H E CREDITORS OF JOHN M A C L E A N , late Merchant in Leith. ^ I T i I E Creditors of John MacLeaa are requ'efted to JL meet, in the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, on Wednefday the loth January 1806, at two o'clock afternoon, when a ftate of the affairs will be exhibited, as to which the truftee wilhes to have the inftruition of the creditors. . RASS PARKS TO L E T BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. To be LET by private bargain for the enfuing Summer, THE GRASS PARKS of C A S T L E L AW and BUSH, lying upon the Linton road, feven miies from Edinburgh. Thefe Parks are well watered and inclofed, and worthy. the attention of Graziers, being of a remarkable fine quality, and affording ei cellent herbage for feeding < 1 fheep and catfle. They are alfo well Situated Sor th.' couveuicncy of Drovers from Tvveedale, and the fhires of Dumfries and Galloway. Apply to Mr Trotter of Caftlelaw, the proprietor; and Thomas Watfon, ihepherd, at Bufh, will fiiew the feveral fields. GRASS PARKS T O LET. T' H E GRASS PARKS at NEW SAUGHTON, pariih of Cramond, lying within five miles of Edinburgh, are to be retimed for pafture the enfuing i'eafon, on Monday, the 1: 1th day of January next. The articles and conditions of roup are to be feen in the. ban . Is of Mr Hope, W. S. 54. Prince's Street John Sinclair, at New Saughton, will ftiow the g: ounds. The roup will begin at eleven o'clock. Edinburgh, Dec. 18. 1805. GRASS PARKS T O BE LET. To he LET for pafture for the enfuing feafon, by public roup.'^ on Saturday the 1st day of February nexr, r p H E GRASS PARKS of DUNDAS, lying ten X miles weft of Edinburgh, and one mile fouth of Q. ieensferry, confifting of feven Ir. clofures, well fenced, Iheitcred, and watered. The Parks are to be let no fepiratelv or together, as may be arreed on. Geo. M. ithie, Dundas Caflle, will fiiew the grounds. The article*, and conditions of roup are to be feen in th? hands of Mefl'rs Duntlas and Irving, No. 83. Prince's Street. The rouo to be cn the grpuqds, and to begin vt ten o'clock. f F A R M I N T W E E D D A L F . T O L E T . To be L ET for fuch term of years as can be agreed on, - after Whitfunday next, H p HE F A R M of PRIES'THOPE, lying in the parifti of Innerleithen, and county of Selkirk, presently poffoiTed hy Robert Horfhurgh, aud capable of keeping from 29 to GO fcore of fheep. Oilers in writing to be given in to David Wemyfs, W. S. No. 20, George Street, Edinburgh, betwixt and lie I ft of February next; and fuch as, are not accepted, { Hall be kept private. V A L U A B L E SALMON FISHINGS, On the River Tay, belonging to the Rig'. t Hon. the Earl o Kinnoull. T o be LET, for one or more years as can be agreed upon, from Martinmas 1SQG, AL L and WHOLE the SALVIO^ FISHINGS in the R' » - r Tay, to which tlie Earl of Kinnoull bus right; and particularly the following, viz. I. The Fifhings on the Main Branch ofthe River, oppoute to the South Inch of Perth, called the Ford of KimiouU, on the illand of Barnhill. II. The Pat Hole Filhings. III. ' I'he Filhings on both fides ofthe Willowgate, fo ftr as the Earl has r. igtttMhercto. IV. The FiihinVson the Stanr. ers, lying between the town of Perth and the town of Bridgend. V. The Fiihing called Powguild, on the eaft fide of the River. • Thefe two laft extend from the burn at Kincarrochy to the lower end of the Stanncrs, below the bridge, at low water. VI. The Filhings from the faid b'irn of ICincarrochy to the Chapelhill Pari!, ut Scone, called Tarfey Water and Carqnhinlie. VII'. The whole* Fifliings of Muirtown, from the o i l march at the h- ad of tl c North Inch, as far as the Muirtown land;, extend. O.' ersin writing to be fent to James Home, Efq. vyriter to the Signet, SoiithFrederick Street, Edinburgh, or James Lorimer, jun. failor at Dtipplin Caftle, by Perth, betwixt and the firll day of ... ncx:. fiufiftin Cijlle, D. ec. 1. 1805. T O T I M B E R M E R C H A N T S , A N D O T H E R S . H n H E DANISH CONSUL begs to offer his Services X to thofe Merchants, who may at this Seafon, look towards Norway, for their fupplies of Timber; he forwards Orders to the different ports, free of any charge. By advices lately received from Norway, he allures the Merchants, that in fome of the ports, the Stock of Timber is fo low, that few orders will be executed until the feafon is very far advanced, and that many trailing to the ufual fources of fupply will be difappointed. Duringthe enSuing feafon, he will have Cargoes of Timber to difpofe of, and alfo Bark, and Skins, and Kelp. He begs alfo to make it known, that he takes Orders for a Houfe in Memel, who have been long eftablifhed there, and of the firft refpeilability, and who are well difpofed to pay the bell attention to orders coming through him. Danifh Couful's Office, Lcitb, Jan. 9.1806. T O BE SOLD By public roup, in tbe Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, on. Friday the 81ft of January current, at one o'clock afternoon, A GARRET F L A T in DRUMMOND STREET, X confifting of five fire apartments, clol'ets, and other conveniences, entering by the flair on the eaft fide of the arched entry to Mr i. wart's { tables, and prefently poffeffed by Simon Frafer, and others. Tbe fate is for behotf of Creditors, and the fubjeci will be fet up very low, as it miijl pofitively be fold. Apply to Mr Callendar, writer, head of Bath Stree^ ELEGANT HOUSE AND OFFICES. TO BE SOLD, ( Upset Price Reduced) » By public roup, ' within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, upon Friday the 31ft of January curt, at two o'clock afternoon, ( if not previoufly clifpofed of by private bargain) THAT HOUSE in ST ANDREW'S SQUARE, belonging to Sir James Colquhoun of Lufs, Bart. The houfe was buil. by a private gentleman in tiie moft fubftantial manner for his own ufe. It is one of the largeft, moft commodious, andbeft finifhed in Edinburgh. The Garden behind is larger than any in the neighbourhood, neatly laid out, and well ftockeel with fruit trees, flowers, and flirubs. Two coach - houfes and two ftables for three'horfas each, and hay- lofts above, will be fold together or Separately. The premiffes may be feen at any time.. The keys lie at Oman's Tavern, Weft Regifter Street. Mr Callender,. writer, head of Bank Street, has power to conclude a private bargain. HOUSE IN PRINCES STREET. To be SOLD by public roup, within John's Coffeehoufe, here, on Wednefday the 10th day of February next, betwixt, one and two o'clock noon, if not difpofed of previoufly by private bargain, AL L & WHOLE that DWELLING HOUSE, being the Upper Flat of that Tenement, No. 103. Priuces Street, confifting of four rooms, kitchen, with flag floor, light clofet, and many other conveniencies, together with two good cellars under the pavement, in the front area, and the privilege o f a water ciftern.. The premiffes were built a very few years back, are neatly and fubftantially finifhed for the accommodation of a family, and the iituation of it is peculiarly delightful, having two fronts, one to Princes Street, and the other to Charlotte Square, and from the rooms looking north, it commands the moft beautiful profpeils of_ the fea and interjacent countries, it is free of every incumberance, excepting a proportion of the expence of the roof and pavement in front, and pays no feu duty;—• entry may he had at Whitfunday next if defired. For the encouragement of a purchafer, tbe premiffes will he ftt up at the very low price of 3001. Sterling. Apply to M r Nathaniel Grant, folicitor, No. 11. New Street, who is empowered to l'ell privately. HOUfiE IN ST ANDREW'S'SQUARE T O EE SOLD ( Under Burden of a Life Rent,) AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDII OSS To be SOLD hy public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, upon Wednefday the 22( 1 day of January curt, at two o'clock afternoon, THAT DWFXLING HOUSE No. ir,, ST ANDREW'S SQUARE, Edinburgh, being the corner houfe on the fouth fide of George Street, cor. fifting of an elegant iirft floor and funk ftorey, containing dining- room, drawing room, fix bed- rooms, kitchen, fervants bed- clofet, ftore- roum, and laundry, and a. variety of clof'ets and other conveniencies, with two cellars in the front area, and a piece of back ground having a communication to Role Street. At the fame time and place will he SOL » , either together or Separately, A SINGLE S T A L L STABLE behind the faid houfe, entering from Rofe Street, and of which immediate poffefiion may be had. Tbe houfe having an extettfive front both to St Andrew's Square and to George Street, is under flood to polfefs peculiar advantages iu tbe view of being laid out into Shops or Warehoufes in both florets, and for encouragement of offerers the up- Jet price will be only L. 500. The houfe may be feen on Mondays, Wednefdays, and Saturdays, from twelve to three o'clock; and for further particulars application may be made to Mr Alex. Bofwell, writer in Elder Street; or John Stuart, Trullees Office, Writers Court, Edinburgh. And the faid John Stuart, as truftee for the reprefentatives and creditors of " the late Robert Bofwell, Efq. writer to the figifet, again requefts that all perfons who flood indebted to Mr Bofwell may, without delay, make payment to him of their account*; aud that all perfons having claims aguinft Mr Bofwell's eflate and effects, will take notice, that if they do not, betwixt this and Candlemas next, give in to him proper vouched ftatemeuts thereof, and iubferihe the deed of acceflion, either in perfon, or by an agent duly authorifed, they wili hive themfelves only to blame for being cut off from any ftiare of the funds and effeits, T R U S T E E S O F F I C E, Edinburgh, December 18. 1805. S T O C K I N T H E B R I T I S H L I N E N C O M P A N Y . To be SOLD by Private Bargain, NE T H O U S A N D POUNDS STOCK.— Apply to 0 Me. ffrs. Gibfon and Olipbant, W. S. 4 T O BE SOLD, ' y H A T Larga, Commodious, and well frequented 1 SHOP, at prel'ent poffeffed by Michael Ireland, cabinet- maker, lying at the foot of Esjgefter's Wvnd, Cowgate, betwixt feid Wynd and entry to the Parliament Houfe Stairs. The premiiies are infured ia tbe Friendly Infurance Office, on the old plan, and draw 11?. Id. yearly. For further particulars apply to Thomas Gordon, W. S. who has power to fell. ~ ~ HOUSEST& C. FOR SALE: " To be SOI. D by public roup, on Friday the 24th day of January 1806, within John's Coffeehoufe, at two o'- clock afternoon, I. r r p H A T DWELLING- HOtJSE, fituated in Blair's JL Clofe, fouth fide of the Caftlehiil, being the ground- ftorey aud ftorey above the fame, confifting of five rooms and a kitchen and other conveniencies, with the garden at the back, all as prel'ently poffeffed hy Mr Alexander Colville, leather merchant. This houfe is in a remarkable pleafant lituation ; and the garden is very valuable, as it may be turned into building ground. II.—. A HOUSE of two ftoreys, fituated behind Fyfe Place, Leith Walk, built by Meff. William and Hugh Murray on part of the lands of Pilrig, with the cellars thereto belonging, and a fmall bleaching green at the back of the houfe. This houfe confifts of eight rooms or apartments, four rooms being in each flat, and is pofiefled by different tenants. For particulars application may be made either to ? vTr Samuel Macnight, W. S. or William Allefter,' writer, South Caflle Street. H O U S E S I N D U K E S T R E E T. To be SOLD by public roup, on Wednefday the 29th January i P-< ' o, in the Royal Exchange CoHeehoufe, at two o'clock afternoon, n P H A T Elegant and Commodious HOUSE, No. 7 1 on the eaft fide of Duke Street, with the Back Ground. The Houfe confifls of four fiats, and contains nine fire rooms; befides kitchen, laundry, wafh houfe, cellara, and other conveniencies; is particularly well finilhed, all papered and painted, ; r. id was built anly five years ago by the proprietor, who has poffeffed it ever iiiice. Water is introduced into different parts of tile houfe for all purpofes, at a very confiderablo expehce; and in the back ground feveral offices are ereiled. Alfo, The HOUSE, being the two Uppermoft Flats above the faid Houfe, poffeffed by Mrs Campbell, and confining of eight rooms and kitchen, with cellars ill the front area. This Houfe is alfo painted and papered, aud is a moft convenient, commodious houfe, and has a water pipe in the kitchen, with a foil pipe. Both Houfes lo be feen on Monday, Wednefday, and Friday, from 12 to 3 o'clock. N. B. If not fold, the principal houfe will be le?. For farther particulars apply to James Hay, W. S. 4. North Caftle Street. SHOPS'AND A HOUSE IN T H E HIGH STREET To be Sos. D by auition, in the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 29th Jannary inft. at two o'clock afternoon, I N P H A T SHOP in the Weft Wing of the Front 1 of the R O Y A L EXCHANGE, occupied by Mrs Dick. This { hop has a room behind with a fireplace. lI.- r- The Eaftmoft Half of that SHOP in Warreftons I. and, northfide of the High Street, oppofite to the door of the High Church, occupied by Mr White cloth merchant. This'property has an apartment in the., ground ftorey, and a large cellar entering from Warrefton's Clol'e, and was formerly occupied as two Separate { hops. HI.— That HOUSE in the Fountain Land, fronting the Hi'Jrh Street, a little below the Fout/ iin Well, on the foutb fide of the ftreet, confiding of three apartments, beitjg the Second floor above the { hops occupied by Mr George Wallace. Offers for a private fale may be made to Edward Lothian, W. S. HOUSES, STABLES, SHOPS, AND CELLARS, FOR SALE, In the Grafs Market, and at the Crofs ol Edinburgh. To be expoled to public roup, by authority of the Court of Seffion, oil Wednefday the 29th day of January curt, at one o'clock afternoon, within tbe Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, I. n p H E HOUSES, STABLES and CELLARS, on I both fides of the Clofe, called Alves's Clofe, near the weft end of the north fide of the Grafs Market, with the houfe to the ftreet, and fiiops therein, on both fides of the entry to the clofe from tbe Grafs Market, occupied by James Brown, Innkeeper and Stabler, and others, and at prefent rented at L. 80 16s. Sterling per annum, together alfo with tbe benefit of Infurance in tbe Friendly Infurance Office, on the old plan, the dividend correfponding thereto being at prefent L. 2 19s. per annum. II. The SHOPS, HOUSES, STABLES, CELLARS and H A Y LOFT, lying immediately to tbe well of Mackay's great Inn, in the Grafs Market, ond on the eaft fide of the clofe, called Stenton's Clofe, at prefent rented at about L. 33 Sterling per annnm. HI. The T W O SHOPS, one of them prefently ufed as a ftair, lying at the Crofs of Edinburgh, betwixt the head of the Fifh Market, and the head of Borthwick's Clofe, with the little Shop within the head of Borthwick's Clofe, and the houfe and cellars poffeffed by Mrs Comb and Wm. Hunter, at the back of faid Shops, entering from Borthwick's and Fifh Market Clofes, at prefent rested at L. 68 Sterling per annum — A l f o , the benefit of Infurance on the old plan, the dividend correfpondingr thereto being L. 2 : 4 : 5d. Sterling per anil. IV. The Feu- Duty of L. 2 Sterling, payable from a Houfe and Area, in Ballantyne's Clofe, north fide of Canongate, belonging in. property to the Creditors of Mr Andrew Ramfay, flater. For further particulars intending purchafers may apply to Mr Adam Rolland, W. S. or James Hamilton, Clerk to the Signet, No. 3, George Street, in whofe hands are the articles of roup, title- deeds and rentals. HOUSES A N D SHOPS IN EDINBURGH FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, on Weduefday the 15th day of Januarj enrt. at one o'clock afternoon, Lo r I .— \ HOLTSE in Prince's Street, being No. i l 63, aad in the divifion betwixt Frederick Street and Caftle Street, confifting of funk ftorey, three above, and garrets, with large back ground, wafh ing- hotife, coach- houfe, four- ftalled ftable, a bay loft; and in the front area, three cellars, water ciftern, cold bath, & c. The houfe is fubftantially built, and well finiflied; contains fourteen fire rooms, kitchen, wine cellar, and is every way fuited to accommodate a genteel family. If.— A S M A L L SHOP in the Meufe Lane, betwixt South Frederick and South Caftle Strset, poffeffed by James Anderfon, cabinet- maker. III.— A HOUSE, being the firft and funk ftoreys of that tenement on the fouth fide of Dr Webfter's Chapel, in Fyfe Street, entering by a ftreet door, and containing nine rooms, kitchen, & c. with back- court. IV.— The HOUSE immediately above lot 3d, confiding of four rooms, light clofet, kitchen, & c. poffeffed by Mr Blackwood, bookfeller. v.—.' The HOUSE above lot 4th, confifting of four rooms, two light clofets, kitchen, & c. poffefied by Mr William Pattifon, merchant. VI.— The HOUSE above lot 5th, confifting of four rooms, two light clofets, kitchen, & c. poffeffid by Mr Robert Henderfon, writer. VII.— The G A R R E T F L A T of faid tenement, being immediately above lot 6th. The wood work of this lot is in part nnfmiflied. VIII.— A SHOP and ROOM behind the fame, in Fyfe Street, poffeffed by William Mudie, bookfeller. IX.— Two SHOPS, and R O OM behind the lame, it) Fyfe Street, poffeffed by Mrs Heriot, milliner. X . — A SHOP and R O OM behind the fame, in Drummond Street, adjoining to lot 9. poffeffed by William Mudie, bookfeller. V XI.—' The DWELLING- HOUSES in the funk flat under the three . laft lots, poffeffed by William Wright, John Maclachlan, and others. XII.— A HOUSE in Fyfe Street, poffeffed by Mrs Heriot, being the firft fiat up flairs of the tenement in whichthe four laft lots are fituated, containingfoor rooms, kitchen, & c. XIII.-— A HOUSE poffeffed by Mr Mitchell, being the flat above lot 12th, containing four rooms, kitchen, XIV.— A HOUSE, No. 10, ill Cathranie Street, head of Leith Walk, being the firft fiat up flairs, containing four rooms, kitchen, & c. poffeffed by Mrs Hannan. X V . — A HOUSE. No. 6, St James's Street, being the third flat up ftairs, containing five rooms, kitchen, & c. poffeffed by Mr Murray, XVI.— A HOUSE in Hay's Land, head of Baron Grant's Clofe, High Street, near the Nether Bow, containing three rooms, wotkfhop, kitchen, & c. poeffeffecl by Mr Cumming, carver and gilder. ' For particulars apply to Walter Moir, accountant, ' 51. George Street, or Alexander Jaftray, writer, No. 5, Elder Street. * BREWERY, SIC. IN WHITBURN. To be LET, and entered to at Whitfunday next, THE PREMISSES in the Villnge of WHITBURN, poffeffed by ThonAs Gourlie, and occupied as a Brewery, confifting of a commodious fmall houfe, garden, and offices, an excellent malt- barn and brewho'. ife, with other conve- jjiencies. Whitburn lies halfway between Edinburgh and Glafgow, on the old or fouth road, and being in the middle of a populous country, and furrcundcd with villages and public works, few Situations can he more favourable for carrying on the brewing bufinefs. As ilfo- to be LE r, and entered to at the fame term, The Houfe and Premiffes in faid Village, fitted up and fome time occupied as a Starch Work.— The premifl'es can eafily be, converted to the purpofes of other manufadtufers or tradesmen, fuch as Square Wrights, Houfe Carpenters, Blackfmiths, & c. to whom every reafonible encouragement will be given ; and there cannot be a better opening for fuch tradefmen, as from the Situation of the place, and the circumftances above- mentioned, there is a conflant and great demand for them, whiih'af prefent is not fuffi'ciendy fupplied. The premiffes will be { Hewn by William Auld, flaxdreffer in Whitburn ; or Johu Eddie, at Blaeberry- hill; and for further, ( particulars, enquiry may bt » made at Thomas Gordon, W. S. Edinburgh. N. B.— There are for fide two Yetling Cockells,- fome time ured in the above ftarch manufaitory, and in perfect good condition, anc} fit for ftarch, paper, or lither manufactories.— Inquire as above. HOGSZ IN GEORGE STREET 1> VR SALE. TO BE SOLD, r TP H A T Elegant and Commodious HOUSE, No. 62.. JL north fide of George Street, which belonged to, and was pofi'effed by tiie late Mrs tlay of Leys, with back ground, caach- hdufe, and flablcs. Apply to James Thomfon, W. S. North Caftle Street. T O BE L E T FURNISHED, r r H A T Large and Elegantly Fitted up HOUSE, X No. 12. York Place, with Coach- houfe and Stables. For particulars apply to William Trotter, Prince's Street. T O BE SOLD, B Y PUBJ. IC ROUP, Within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, 011 Wednefday the 29th day of January 1S06, at two o'clock afternoon, H P H E GROUND STOREY o f a TENEMENT on I . the, South, fide of ROSE STREET, between Caftle Street and Ch. arlo'te Street, on tbe eaft fide ofthe Tennis Court, preSer. tly divided into two Dwelling- houfes, and poffefifed by Thomas Robertfon and Pprteous, at the rent of L . I T per annum, being part of the feijiieftrated eftate of Thomas Greig, vrright in Edinburgh s but fubjeil always to an eventual liferent thereof, provided by the title- deeds, in favour of his wife, in cafe of her happening to Survive him. Further particulars may be learned by application to John Aitken, merchant in Leith, the truftee, or Mr James Morris, glazier, No. 20, Weft Thiflle Street. V A L U A B L E PROPERTY O N ' L E I T H WALK. To be SOLD by au& ion, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, upon TueSday the 21ft day of January 1806, at two o'clock afternoon, r - p H E Whole ofthe SUBJECTS fituated on the Weft X Side of L E I TH W A L K , which belonged to the late Mr David Stead, card manufacturer, in one or two Lots, as purchafers may incline^— If, in two, the following are propoSed : LOT I.— TO confift of that Large and Commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, with Fore and Back Garden, and feveral Work Houfes, all at prefent in the occupation of Mr John Stead. Two DWELLING- HOUSES within them Selves, one poffeffed ky the Rev. James Rob'ertfon, minifter of South Leith, containing eight ftre rooms and a kitchen ; the other by the Rev. Robert CuthbertSon, containing five fire rooms and kitchen ;— and alSo a BUILDING A R E A fronting Leith Walk, on the fouth fide of the lane leading down to the work houfes. The dwelling- houfe poffeffed by Mr Stead contains ten fire rooms, befi. des kitchen, and many conveniencies, with a good garden behind, and a confiderable area in front. The work houfes may eafily, 3, nd at a moderate expence, be converted into good dwelling- houfes, which, from their vicinity fo Leith, would not fail to give high rents ; or, if continued in their prefent ftate, they will be ufeSul to manuSaiiurers of different descriptions. LOT II.— TO confift of an A R E A or FIELD, of about two acres in extent, for BUILDING, upon both fides of au intended Street, to lead from Leith Walk to Bonnington road, nearly through the centre of faid acre ; and alfo of a Yearly FEU- DUTY of L. 7 9s. payable out of fome adjoining Tenements. A confiderable part oi tlie price may remain in the purchafer's hands, if defired, 011 the fecurity of tbe property. A plan of the whole, including the intended improvements, lies with Mr Burns, architeitvLeith Walk, by whom the premiffes will be fiiewn every Tuel'day and Thurfday aSter the 1ft January, from twelve to three o'clock; and the articles of fale and title- deeds may be feen by applying to James Thomfon, W. S. 20, North Caftle Street. BY ADJOURNMENT. To be SOLD, in the Royal Exchange Coffeeheufe, on Thurfday the 16th January 1806, at two o'clock afternoon, THE Remaining L O T S of the SUBJECTS which belonged t » the deceal'ed William Watfon, cabinet- maker in Canongate, by warrant of the Court of Seflion. Lot 1ft, The FIRST F L A T of that New Tenement of Land, lately ereiled by the deceafed William Watfon, upon a property or area feued by him from the Managers of the Charity Workhoufe, prefently poffeffed by James Ballantine, printer in Edinburgh, at the up- Set price of L. 200. L O T 2 d , T h e U P P E R F L A T or S T O R E Y of t he faid Tenement, prefently poffeffed by James Headrick, preacher of the Gofpel, at the upSet price of L . 1 5 0 Ster. L o r 3d, A LEASE ofthe HOUSE and WAREROOM poffeffed by the defunil, at the time of his death, at the yearly rent of L. 20 Sterling, ^ md which is prefently SubSet to Meffrs M'Qucen and Pringle, Spirit- dealers, at a furplus rent of I.. 15 Sterling yearly, of which leafe there is ftill fourteen years to run, as at the term of Whitfunday laft, at the upfet price of L. 100 Sterling. For particulars apply te Alexander Boog, cutler in Edinburgh, or John Peat, writer there. T O BE LET, For fuch number of years as may be agreed on, and entered to at Whitfunday next, ABRICK and T Y L E WORK, fituated clofe by the GuardjBridg iVipon the High Road betwixt St Andrew's and Cupar Fife. ' The Manufailory is upon the fide of the River Eden, which is navigable within a few yards of it, fo that a tenant will be enabled to export the Bricks and Tyles, at a very fmall expence. Apply to the proprietor at Naughton, by Cupar Fife, or to James Nairn, W. S. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN BERWICKSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, under the authority of the Court of Seflion, on Wednefday the 29ih day of J,: " Hilary, 1806, within the New Seflion Houfe, Edinburgh, between the hours of five and feven o'clockafternoon, H P H E J. ANDS and E S T A T E of BRO ,- VDMEAX DOWS, comprehending the farms afrerme:.- tinned, lying withih tbe puriih of Hutton, and- fr. he of Berwick. ' R. 1. Prtven Rental' 1. Farm of BROADM F . A D O W S , uuder leafe for 19 years from Whitfunday 1801, at the rent of 2. M I L L and M I LL LANDS of HUTTON, under leafe for 21 years, from Whitfunday 1799, L. 10.5. B L A C K L A W and S P R O T T Y S H A W S PARKS, under leafe to tbe Same tenant for 19 years from Martinmas 1801, L. 67 4. 3. HOUSE & PARKS in H. UTTON, under leaSe for Seven years from Martinmas 1801 4. HOUSE, GROUND, and NETHER LOCH dittoforditto, from Whit Sunday 1801 5. Farm of H U T T ON MAINS, let for ' crops 1805 and 1806 at I,. 110, but valued by Meff. Alex. Low at Woodend, and James Thomfon in Bogend, men of eminent fkill, if let in leafe, at 6. Farm ofMEADOW HOUSE, partly let as grafs parks from year to year, and partly for crops 1804 and 1805, valued by the faid gentlemen, if let onjeafe -' - 261 7. Twentv- one HOUSES & Y A R D S in HUTT O N 1 3 3 0 1 1 9 L. l 74 0 O 33 3 18 24 29 0 26 4 2 16 1 7 2 1 © 93 10 0 16 10 0 18 3 36 3 25 1 5 176 12 6 789 8 9 21 18 O Contents and grofs rents 904 2 32 L. l- 1- 14 3 3 The deduilionsfromtheaboverental for the teinds of part of thefe lands, to which there is no heritable right, after ftriking the average of the mirtifter's ftipend for { even years, for fchoobnafter's Salary, and for fmall feu- duties, payable to lubjecls fuperior, amounting to L. L 16s. 8d 9- 12ths. and after allowing for a fmall feu- duty due to the proprietor ofthe lands, amount. to 30 12 0 1 1 - 12 Leaving the free rent of lands L. 1401 11 2 l l - l " Twenty- five yearspurcliafe ofwhich rent, and five years purchafe of the free teind, make the total proven value and upfet price - L. 35, I68 19 5- 12 Should the lands not be fold in flump, they will, on the fame afternoon be expofed in the following lots • LOT 1. Comprehending the Farm of Broadmeadows, 330 1 LOT 2.' Comprehending the Farm of Hutton Mains, 218 3 3S And part of Meadowhoule Faim on the fouth fide of the Harrygate road, being No. 6, part of 7 ; , 9, and 10 of plan, 85 1 19 Stank Park; Garden fouth of the village, Nether Loch, and four Cot- houfes, 15 1 12 Upfet Price. 1 9 L. 5388 7 6 5 - 12 319 2 27 L. 10,520 10 7 LOT S. Comprehending theLands of Meadowhoufe, lying north of Harrygate road, with the Manfion- houfe, 173 2 25 Servants Yards & Harrygate road, 2 3 21 Miil& MillLands, 58 1 25 No. 3 of Elliot's poffefiion, 10 3 37 245 S 28 L. 18,406 18 10 LOT 4. ComprehendingHattonGreen 4 2 23 Butts, 1 0 2 J. Dunbar's, No. 1, Houfe Ground, 2 2 17 Garden weft of Kirk, 0 1 36 New Cot- houfes, • 8 2 38 L. 553 2 X CORN AND BARLEY MILL AND FARM T O B E L E T , hi the Parish of West Colder. To be LET for ten or twelve years from Martinmas 1806, TH E L A N D S and F A R M 6{ BREICHMILL and CORN and B A R L E Y M I L L thereof, with the Farmftead, Miller's Houfe, Kiln, Damhead, & c. fituated in the parifh of Weft Calder, and CountyJofEdinburgh. The lands confift of about 102 Scots acres, and the mills are ill the higheft order having been newly and com pletely fitted up in the bed manner, by the late John Davie, Efq. about two years ago. Any perfon wiihing to offer for faid Farm and Mill muft give in his offer on or before the 30th of January iirft, after which no offer can be received. To HF LET alfo, for foch number of years as can be agreed on, Tbe COAL of the Farm of Breith Mill, The Main Seam is fix feet thick, and about eleven htthom from the furface, a fmall fire engine will be fufficient to carry off the water. For particulars apply to Samliel Macknight, writer to the fignet. Drummond Street, Edinburgh, ortoMr James Bauchop, land furveyor, at Muirhoufe. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY RESIDENCE Near Stirling. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 15th of January curt, at two o'clock afternoon, if not previoufly clifpofed of by private bargain, RR, HLI LANDS of WOODEND and BLAIRCIB, X confifting of 110 Scots acres, fituated within three miles of Stirling. There is an excellent Manfionhoufe with Suitable offices. The Farm of Blairgib islet on a 19 years leafe which ends at Martinmas next 180£, when the whole of the lands will be out of leafe. This property is compail, and the Situation of Woodend Houfe is one of the moft piilurefque that can be- imagined, commanding a variety of beautiful profpecls. About " 27 acres are in wood, confiding partly of oak- coppice, and partly of old avenues and young plantations, befides hedgs rows, and fome fine trees in the lawn.' ' There aretwo burns which meet near the houfe, and at Small expence, might be made to form an ornamental fhoet of water within tbe pleasure ground. ' The lands are very improveable, and in tha near vicinity of coal and lime ; and the Situation is very centrical with regard to Edinburgh, GlaSgow, Perth, & c. The public burdens are inconfide. ra. ble.— ' The proprietor has a- right to the teinds. The land tax is redeemed. Accefs may be had to the houSe at Whit- Sunday next. For farther particulars apply to Keith Milnes, W. S. No. ;; 2, George Street, or to Mr Littlejol'- v-, writer in Stirling. John Jamicfau at Woodeud will lhew the grounds. 904 2 32 L. 35,168 19 7 5- 12 There is a right to the teinds of the greater pert of the lands as well as a valuation,^ and the former proprietor of Hutton mill and lands is bound to relieve the fame of all future eels, augmentations, and other burdens. ' The lands hold partly of th « Crown, and partly of fubjeils fuperior. They are valued in the cefs books at L. 932 16s. 3d. and affords a Freehold Qualification upon the old extent, and nearly a Freehold befides valuation. ' The lands are in general of a remarkably fine quality, well fuited to all the purpofes of modern hufoandry. They are beautifully fituated in the parifti of Hutton, on the banks of the Whitadder, between four and five miles from Berwick; and the water of the river affords every accommodation for driving mills and other machinery, and good fifhing of trout and falmon. Upon the lauds, there is a commodious manfion houfe, and the purohafercan have immediate entry. The farm { leadings are in good condition. A copy ofthe plan of the lands is lodged with George Hay, at Meadow Houfe, who will Ihew the lands. The plan, copies of the memorial and abftrail, and inventory of the title- deeds, with the articles of roup, may be fee" in the office of Mr Stevenfon, Depute Clerk of Seffion ; and at Mr Hope, W. S. Prince's Street, to whom any perfon wifhing for information niAy apply- FARMS T O LET'. * In the County and Neighbourhood of Inuemess. To be LET for fuch number of years . as can be agreeci on, j r y H E LANDS of FLICHITY and DRIMLEA, X fituated in the pariih of Dimlichity, within eight miles of the town of Inverncfi. Thefe lands are of considerable extent, and of excellent quality, and havi n g been for feveral years in the natural poffellion of the proprietor, who inclofed and improved them at a very great expence-, are at prefent in excellent heart. They are remarkable for the richnefs nf their pafture, and the flock on the farm of Flichity, confifting chiefly of fheep, if agreeable to the tenant, will be given on valuation. II. ' The T O W N and L A N D S of ROSEVA1. LEY, fituated in the parifh of Crov, about ten miles from the town of InverneSs, and nearly equal diftance from Nairn. Thefe Lands are lubftantiaily inclofed ; and in cafe they will be conSidered not of Sufficient extent by a tenant, the proprietor will have 110 objection to make a confiderable addition to tbem. On both Farms there are excellent Dwelling- houSes, and the offices art in good' repair. The entry to be a{ WhicSunday firft. For particulars application may be made to David DavidSon, ESq. of C a n i t y , by Nairn. Cantray,. Jan. 3. 1806. P r i n t e d ' e v e r y M O N S A T , T H U R S D A Y , a n d S A T U I . O AV
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