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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 41
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 14/12/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 41
No Pages: 4
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® itljattt| 3tcm erttirg Vol. LXXXV. No. 41. Keadv Money is expected { with Advertisements. SATURDAY, December 14, 1805. PRICE S Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, December 10. SATURDAY'S Gazette contains an Order of Council to further prorogue the meeting of Parliament, to Tuesday the 21st of January next; ami the Lord Chamberlain's orders for a eourt morning, of one week, for his late Serene High- ness Frederick Augustus, Duke of Brunswick, jeeond cousin to his Majesty. The Uazette likewise contains the appointment of the Rev. Thomas Rennell, Doctor in Divinity, to the Deani v of the Cathedral Church of Win- chester, void by the death of Doctor Robert Holmes. Paris Papers to the 00th ult. and the Hamburgh Corrcspondenten to the 29th', were received yes- terday.— Ihe French papers contain live bulletins of the Grand Army, in regular series from the 21st ( the last which had been received), and one from tlte Army of Italy. By these it appears that Bo- naparte " has not " been " able to bring the Austrian and Russian army in Moravia to a general action. The greatest advantage he has obtained consists iu the immense stores of every kind, particularly of artillery and ammunition, which were left at Vienna: two thousand pieces of cannon, and 100,000 stand of arms! Two of the bulletins are occupied with an account of the battle with the Russians at Kreins on tlve 11th, which is narrated and re- narrated, in order to persuade the Parisians that the French'had the advantage in it. Mortier, it appears, only received a slight wound. For the first time the French say " On our side the loss zcas- cmsidcrulle." They, however, claim the victory; and, least the public should not thus comprehend the matter, the cannon of Paris were tired on the Stith, and the theatres thrown open, although by their previous papers, the news had arrived there several days before. [ This is the battle, of which we last week gave the account from the Imperial Court Gazette.] The ' effrontery with which the French claim the above victory, when there is uo doubt of their having suffered a defeat, not only shews the ve- racity of their official documents, and the reliance which ought to lie' placed upon them, but places in a very questionable light an account given in one of the bulletins, which states, " that the Russian army oflvred to capitulate, upon condition of being allowed to quit Germany unmolested, and to return to Russia; which Bonaparte refused to grant;" which, considering the channel from whence the intelligence.. was received, cannot be considered, for the present, in any other light than French gasconade, especially when the pre- vious conduct of the Russians is considered. There might have been an offer made to Bona- parte, on the part of the Allies, of certain terms of peace, on his acceptance of which the Russians undertook to quit Germany; but that the Russian Commander in Chief should propose a capitula- tion, for the mere purpose of being allowed to lead his army out of Germany, cannot be believed, particularly " as his army does not appear to have been in the least danger of being forced to any such measure. These very Russians who had just offered to ca- pitulate, were, after the convention had been signed by the Russian Generals, marching with a part of their army towards Zuaim, and the rest w-> re about to follow them and escape, ft is truly remarkable, that at this very place to which they were uiare.';' tg, according to the French ac- count, for the purpose of escaping, a part of the French army was stationed, and Bonaparte himself advanced his head- quarters there on the seven- teenth of November; which is sufficient proof that the Russians, instead of endeavouring to escape or retreat, or being under the necessity of capitulating, were advancing upon the French army. That they did advance upon the French army is clearly proved by the succeeding para- graphs of the' bulletin, which state an action to have taken place between the French and Russians at Tuntersdorff, in which the French, as usual, claim the victory, and state, that the Russians lost two thousand killed and two thousand prisoners. Bonaparte's head- quarters remained at Zuaim; and not an inch of ground appears to have been gained by the French. The bulletin goes on to state, that, " The Russians retreated towards Brunn, and our advanced guard pursued them half nay; but the Emperor having learnt that the Emperor of Austria was there, ; wished to girea proof of his respectful- that Prince, and halted On the Vith."— The reason for this respectful halt is obvious. The Archduke Ferdinand has 20,000 men on his left flank, or rather in his rear, and is now advancing to the Danube. The bulletin from the Army of Italy informs us, that the Archduke Charles had effected his retreat to Laybach, but was still closely pressed by Massena. The Hamburgh Paper is very explicit in regard to the decided advantage of the Russians over the French in the affair of Krems; and particularly dilates upon the brilliant offurt of General fan cration, who cut his way through a body of the French. The same paper informs us, that llara- guav d'Hilliers, who had made an incursion into Bohemia, had been met by the Arehdukc Ferdi- nand, and obliged to retreat.— On the 22J ult. the head- quarters of the Russian army were at Wis- chaw, between Ohnutz and Brunn.— The Imperial family is at Olmutz, but they intend removing their residence to Troppau, as the former place is to be put in a state of . siege. Count Ilauifwitz has arrived at the place of his destination. It is further stated, that on the 35th ult. his Prussian Majesty received a letter of great importance from the Emperor of Russia; and that the march of the former Sovereign, with the gar- rison of Berlin, for the army, fcas expected to take place immediately. General Don has issued the following Procla- mation to the inhabitants of Hanover, inviting them to join his standard :— PROCLAMATION, Addressed to the Inhabitants of the Electorate of Hanover. " I, George Don, Lieutenant- General in the service of his Majesty of the United Kingdoms ot Great- Britain and Ireland, Commander in Chief of a corps of British troops on the Continent, hold it for my first duty, upon my arrival in his Majesty's German States, to make known and declare, hereby, to the inhabitants of the Electorate of Hanover, that the principal object of the troops I have the honour to command, is, to elfect the evacuation ot his Majesty's German S'ates, and to undertake the defence of the sr. me against the enemy. '< The well- known discipline of the troops under my command, is to me the best assurance ot their good conduct towards the subjects of their lawful Sovereign; but, contrary to my expectation hould any weft. grounded complaint be brought before me, I shall investigate its merits with impartiality, and remedy the same accordingly without delay. " His Britannic Majesty, mv gracious Sovereign, is convinced, that his beloved German subjects will receive his troops in tiw most friendly wanner; I, therefore, in his Majesty's name, and by his express command, invite all persons, whose circumstances will permit, to enter into the military service, par- ticularly those who have previously belonged to the Hanoverian army. I invite them, without delay, to join the British standard ; where 1 shall ensure to them every privilege attached to his Majesty's German Legion, With our forces thus united, we shall then oppose a check to the unlawful demands of the ene- my; and we may thus the more confidently reckon upon the good consequences of our ellbrts, being armed with the justice of our cause in behalf of our King and our Country. " Given at Stadt, Nov. 20, 1805. " GEORGE DON, Lieutenant- General." Saturday were received New York Papers to the 26lii of October inclusive. They state that the British have taken possession of Cape Nichola Mole, in St. Domingo, where they have landed troops. His Imperial Majesty, Dessalines, is not dead, but great jealousy subsists between him and Christophe, whose popularity increases. An in- surrection is apprehended.— These papers bring the pleasing intelligence of the yellow fever having ceased at New York. Lord Cathcart, who is to have the chief command of the British troops in the North of Germany, left town on Sunday. He will be followed by the Duke of Cambridge in the course of the week. The departure of his Royal Highness, who is to take the field at the'head of the Hanoverian Legion, is only postponed in consequence of the incomplete state of his camp equipage. Lieutenant- General Francis Dundas is to command the infantry under Lord Cathcart, and Major- Generals Mackenzie Frazer, Sir Arthur Welleslev, Sherbroke, and Hill, are to have the command of brigades. Captain Grant, who is arrived in town, stated, on Saturday, at the India- House, that, whilst a pri- soner on board the Marengo, in September, that ship, and the Belle Poulc, off the island of Ceylon, fell in with Admiral Troubridge, in the Blenheim, with about ten sail of outward- bound Indiamen in company. The French immediately bore down to attack them; a partial action directly commcnced between Sir Thomas's ship and the Marengo; but was soon discontinued bv the latter, which es- caped under the cover of night. Sir Thomas was obliged to relinquish the pursuit, in consequence of the Belle I'oule having gone in chase of the Indiamen. It is stated that it was the Naval Telegraph, lately invented by Sir Home Popham, which Lord Nelson used. It was by this new telegraph that Lord Nelson, at a distance, out of sight of Cadiz, was enabled to communicate with his cruisers close in with that port, and to know what the enemy were doing, as accurately as if he had been on the spot; while he was so far away that the enemy did not believe him to be within reach. It was by this telegraph, too, that he said to his fleet, as it was going into action, " England expects that every man will do his duty." The Gratitude, of Spain.— The following is an extract of a letter from Vice- Admiral Lord Col- lingwood, to a near relative, received on Thursday last, dated on board the Queen, November 2: " To alleviate the miseries of the wounded as much as in my power, I sent a flag to the Marquis Solatia ( Governor, of Cadiz) to offer him his wounded Nothing can exceed the gratitude expressed by him for this act of humanity. All this part of Spain is in an uproar of praise and thankfulness to the English. Polaiia sent ine a present of wine : and we have free intercourse with the shore. Judge of the footing we are on, when I tell you he offered me his hospitals, and pledged the Spanish honour for the care and cure of our wounded men. Our officers and men who were wrecked in some of the prize ships were received like divinities— all the country on the beach to receive them, the priests and women distributing wine, bread, and fruit amongst them, and the soldiers turned out of their barracks to make room for them; whilst their allies, the French, were left to shift for themselves, with a guard over them, to prevent their doing mischief. All the Spaniards speak of us in terms of adoration." The total of the subscriptions received on Sa- turday, at Lloyd's, from the liberal contributions of Thursday, was ,£. 11,600. Many returns hail not then been received. When these are completed, and those from the country received, there is no doubt but that they will amount to at least £. 50,000. On Thursday upwards of « f. 400 were collected at the Surrey Chapel, generally known by the Rev. Rowland Hill's Chapel, for the patriotic fund. In the morning 160 were collected. After the evening service, the gentlemen who held the plates cast up the two collections, to the amount of £ 360. One of the gentlemen observed a piece of paper sealed up, and it was supposed to contain a penny piece. On opening it, the paper proved to be a of. 100 bank note, wrapped round a new halfpenny. On the note was written—" A Widow's Mite." Among the instances of liberality to the widows and orphans of the sailors on the day of Thanks- giving, we have heard of none more pleasing than that of the* Blue- coat boys, who raised among thein of .20. The Jews on Thursday met the solemnity of the occasion with strict and becoming observance. Their shops were shut, and the collections made at their different synagogues, but particularly at Duke's- Placc, were of the most munificent de- scription. General Willot, a French emigrant, having lent large sums of money to some erf the Nobles, his countrymen, at excessive interest, they, in return prosecuted qui turn actions agrinst him for usury, m the Court of King's- Bench; and, on Wednes- day, obtained a verdict with .£. 23,200 damages, being the amount of the penalties on treble the sums lent. After this severe deduction, the Ge- neral is said to have ,£. 10,000 left. On Friday, Mr. Samwell obtained a verdict, in the Court of King's Bench, against Mr. Wright, stable- keeper, with £. 150 damages and costs, Wright's servants, driving four horses in a carriage carrying the Marchioness of Bath to Windsor, carelessly ran against, aud caught the wheel o Mr. Samwell's chaise, in Brentford, threw him out broke his collar- bone, & c.— Mr. Erskinc, for the defendant, said the action was wrong laid : that it should have been against the Marchioness of Bath; this, and some other quibbling, were resisted by the Court and Jury, who gave the verdict as above. In the Court of Common Pleas, on Wednesday, a verdict, with damages and costs, went against Mr. Willan, coaChmaster, for the running down, and unhorsing a gentleman on Finchley Common, by the old Northampton coach. The horse had its thigh broken by the wheel of the coach, and was rendered unserviceable.— The coaclnnan was on the wrong side of the road. A few days ago a common brewer was convicted before the magistrates at Newcastle, in the mid- brewing of beer a certain compound ingredient, for the purpose of heightening the colour of the liquor. The long- expected contest between the cham- pions Belcher and Pearse, commonly called the Chicken, took place on Friday. The combatants, attendc ! by their patrons and friends, met at Blvthe White Water, near Mr. iVIellish's seat, at the village of Blythe, in Nottinghamshire. Some time after twelve the combatants entered a rope- ring, with their seconds, Bill Ward and Gibbons for the Chicken, and Bob Watson and Dick Weale for Belcher. After stripping, the combatants de- posited a stake of twenty guineas each on their own account, and the Belcher handkerchief was placed with another pattern of a blue ground, worn by die Chicken, as the distinguishing colours of the parties.— Seventeen rounds were fought; in the course of which, about the twelfth round, Belcher appeared weak and feeble; and from that to the seventeenth, his strength declined, and he gave in.— The Chicken, more than once, declared he could have killed Belcher, by throwing him over the rope. It was thought Belcher had a rib broken, but. it afterwards proved not so.— Belcher experienced much inconvenience during the fight from the loss of an eye, of which lie was deprived some time ago, playing at tenuis.— The number of spectators was unprecedented, notwithstanding the scene of action was 152 miles front town. There were present many noblemen and gentle- men of distinction, from town and country. Anlong the principal losers are, Messrs. Fletcher Read, & c. & c. A subscription was set on foot by Jackson, at the close of the contest, for Belcher, which was liberally supported. A few days ago, at Ilebtlen- bridge, in the neighbourhood of Halifax, as the corpse of the wife of a labouring man lay in the coffin previous to interment, the afflicted husband drew near to take a last farewel of the once- loved partner of his joys and his sorrows— at this awful moment, when his eye was directed to the inanimate re- mains of his departed wife, he suddenly drppt down, and, before medical assistance could be procured, expired.— They had been married fifty years, and what is strikingly remarkable in the annals of the marriage state, during so long a period, the noise of dissention had never been heard between them. A respite, during pleasure, has been sent to Newgate, for Burroughs, under sentence of death for forgery. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, READY FCRNtSIlF. D, CHICIIELEY- HOUSE, in the County of Bucks, with a Coach- House, good Stabling, and re- quisite Out- Offices, and large Gardens, well planted, suitable for a Family of Distinction.— The Manor abounds with Game, and is in the Centre of the Duke of Bedford's Hunt. The Tenant may be accom- modated with a Proportion of Arable and Pasture Land, at Lady- Day next, contiguous t" the Mansion. The Premises are situate about two Miles and" a Half from Newport- Pagnell, a very good Market Town, through which Coaches pass to and from London every Hour in the Day. fjdT For further Particulars, apply to Mr. JAMES RILEY, of Cliicheley aforesaid. T a GENERAL- MEETIX'G of MALTS I'ERS and MAK. ERS of MALT, AN APPRENTICE ABSCONDED. lil'CKs" ASB llLRrs. TOSI1UA MALDKN begs Leave to inform the \ c \ J, C' tliat , lle SAL1'; of t] K ESTATE, situate i in the Parish ot I -' inghoe, and IV1NCHOE- ASTON, which was to have taken Place, pursuant to Advertise neat, at the BELL INN. IS 1 OS! PON ID until further Notice is given in this and other public Papers. Biggie, wade, Dec. \ 0th, lyOj. For Coughs, Asthmas, Consumption, % c. CUNDEI. L's IMPROVED BAlJiAM OF HONEY. TV °, McdicinB has arrived at greater Celebrity * than CUNCELL'S BALSAM of " ' HONS Its B MASTER'S SERVICE bn Monday Morning, No. vember 11th, 1S05, without any Cause or Provocation whatever: The said William Joyce is 17 Years of Age, tall, stout made, and has a fair Complexion. W: lioever will give Information of him to his Master, shall, on his Apprehension, receive ONE GUINEA REWARD; and any Person who harbours or employs him, after this publid Notice, will be prosecuted. BURTON- LATMIER INCLOSUR& NOTICE is hereby given, That We, the Com- missioners appointed by Parliament for di- viding, allotting, and inclosing the open and common Fields, and common or commonable Meadows, Pas- tures, Lands, and Grounds, ar. d common or waste Land, within the Parish a . d Liberties of BWRTON- LATTIME R, in the County of Northampton, intend to meet at the HIND INN, in WELUNCBOROUCH, in the said County, on TUESDAY the SEVENTEENTH Day of DECEMBER instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon of the i settling of the said Inclosure. same Day, for the Purpose of examining and all A ccounts, and of finishing the Business December 7ft, 1805. J. W. ROBERTS, SAML. SHARMAN. CHOCOLATE AND COCOA. HIIE late Dr. BUCHAN, Author of " Domestic I Medicine," & c. gave f. DYKES, of LONDON, RECEIPT for the Preparation of CHOCOLATE and COCOA, which he constantly drank himself for many Years, and recommended to his Patients and Friends " as the best Articles of Diet, either for Breakfast or a Repast belore Dinner, that could be taken, either for Invalids or Persons in perfect " Health." His Opinion being given at full Length with the Articles when sold, renders it needless to say any more in their Favour, than tli. it they have given universal Satisfaction. A Trial is requested, which the Proprietors have no Doubt will prove their Superiority. 1' hey are made with. tlie utmost Facility, not being more Trouble than Tea or ColHe. Sold by the principal Grocers in Northampton, Wellingborough, Kettering, Daventry, Banbury, Bracklev, Towcester, Newport- Pagnell, Woburn, Dunstable, St. Alban's, Bedford, St. Ives, St. Neots, Cambridge, Huntingdon, London, and most of the Towns in England.— Manufactured and sold, Whole- sale and Retail, by DYKES & WOODMAN, 12, Great- Eastcheap, n.- ar the Monument, London; where all Orders will meet the utmost Attention.— Chocolate 6s. per lb.— Cocoa 4s. 6d. per lb. Each Packet is signed T. DYKES, and Directions for their Use given. — The Orders of the Trade, who are not supplied, will be esteemed a Favour. gaud penalty of .£. 50 aud costs, for usinj; in tlte BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE, No. 51, HICH- STREET, BIRMINGHAM. For insuring Houses, Warehouses, Manufactories, and other Buildings, Fa Tiling- Stock, Goods, Wares, Mer- chandize, and other Property, from Loss and Damage by Fire. rgMIE Benefits arising to Society from the In- l. surance of Property against i ire, are now so universally known and acknowledged, as to render it unnecessary to point out its Utility.— For the Accom- modation and Security of the Public, the Proprietors have subscribed a Capital of Thee Hundred Thousand Pounds, to mike gootl the Losses which may happen to Persons insured in this Oflice; and the Directors venture to, declare, that the Equity, Liberality, and Promptitude, exercised by them, in the Adjustment and Payment of Losses, will not be inferior to any similar Establishment in the Kingdom; and they trust, that the BIRMINGHAM FIRE- OFFICE will be thought worthy of the Patronage of the Public at large. 1 lie Mode of insuring Farming Stock by this Office, is the best adapted for the Security of Property of that Description, as only one Sum is required on Hay, Corn, Cattle, and I mptements of Husbandry, at 2s 6d. per Cent. Insurances may be made for shorter Periods than a Year; and Losses from lire by Lightning made good. No Charge made for Policies where the Premium amounts to 6s. ; and Persons already insured, may remove to this Office without Expence, and make any Alterations they think proper. £ 3f* Further Particulars may be obtained by re- ferring to the printed Proposals; which may be had, gratis, at the Office, or of the undermentioned Agents to the Company. By Order of the Directors, ROBERT INWOOD WITHERIDGE, December 1th, 1805. Secretary. Peterborough,— GEOROE CLIFTON. Thorpe- Malsor, near Kettering,— JOHN MEADOWS. Daventry,— WILLIAM GODRICH. Woburn,— RICHARD CAMPS. Ampthill,— SAMUEL MAY. Leicester,— FREDERICK ROSS. Hinckley,— EDWARD THORNLEY. Cambridge,— JAMES BROWN. Buckingham,— JOHN SOUTHAM, Newpoit- Pasnell,— EDWARD CIEAvtl. residing within the COUNTY of SUFFOLK, held at t : e WHITE- HART INN, STOWMARKET, on Mo . DAY the FOURTH Day of NOVF. MBIR, 1805, in order to take into Consideration the Propriety ot petitioning Parliament for the Repeal - of the 30th and 33d Sections of tiie Act of 42d George 111. Chap. 38, proh biting the watering or sprinkling Grain making into Malt upon the floor; and also for removing the Doubts at present entertained concerning the Right of appealing to the Justices in Quarter- Sessions from Convictions by two Magistrates; ( WILLIAM PHILPOT, Esq. in the Chair;; It ivas unanimously resolved, That the Operation of the above Clauses has been found, by Experience, to be productive of the most injurious Consequences to the Manufacture of Malt, and to subject the fair Trader to great Difficulties and Hardships, without any adequate Advantage to the Revenue. That the'Moisture imbibed by the Grain in the Steep, however long immersed, is found to he incom- petent to the Purpose ot keeping up sufficient Vege- tation to carry the Acrospirc as far as the End of the Grain, which is the true Criterion of perfect Malt; and that the Restriction imposed by the above Clauses against recruiting the languid Vegetation, by wetting the Grain upon the Floor previous to the Expiration of twelve Days, renders it impossible to manufacture a perfect Article; whereby great Loss is sustained by the Maltster, and still greater Injury by the. Con- sumer: And that this Meeting are not aware of any Disadvantage which could arise to the Revenue, were the Makers of Malt permitted, as heretofore, to sprinkle their Grain upon the Floor; the Officers of Excise having the Power of taking their Guages in any Stage of Operation between the Steep and the Kiln. That, independent of the Evil above stated, the most oppressive and serious Grievances to the Manufactories of Malt arise, from the Facilities and Temptations which the first- mentioned Clause, in particular, aiibius for unfounded and vexatious Prosecutions. That the naturally moist Appearance of the Grain upon the Floor, for several Days after bi- ing thrown from the Cistern, added to tht Fact of the Officers participating in the Penalties, enables and encourages such as are either ignorant of the Process, or inclined to take undue Advantages, by availing themselves of that particular Stage ot Operation, when such natural Appearances may seem to justify Suspicion, to exhibit Informations against the Maltster, from which no Vigilance can guard, and no Innocence protect him ; upon which, Convictions are accustomed to be founded on Matter of Opinion only, and from which no A- ppeal is to be obtained; and that these vexatious and ground- less Informations have of late become so frequent, from the Facility with which Charges of this Description can be established, as to amount to a most grievous Evil, and to become a Source of the most serious Alarm. That the foregoing Hardships are considerably aggra- vated, by . the Doubts which are entertained concern- ing the Right of appealing from Convictions under the above Act to the Justices assembled a< the General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace: A Privilege extended to all other Ollences relating to the Duties on Malt; and from which,_ as to this particular Otience. upon which Decisions, tor the i'. easons above stated, must lie so peculiarly liable to Error, this Meeting cannot con- ceive it was tiie Intention of the Legislature to exclude them. That to obtain Redress of tile Grievances before- mentioned is an Object of the highest Importartce; and for that Purpose, that a Petition be presented 10 the Honourable the House of Commons, setting forth the same, and praying for such Relief as to them, in their Wisdom, shall seem fit; and that the following Gentlemen be requested to withdraw and prepare such Petition, viz. John Edgar Rust, Esq. Edmund Bar- ber, Esq. John Marriot, Esq. Mr. John Woodcock, Mr. Nathaniel Byles, Mr. William Smart, Mr. John Byles, Mr. George Edwards, Mr. John Boby, and Mr. Martin Harsant. And the above Gentlemen having withdrawn, and afterwards returned with a Petition prepared, and the same having been read, Resolved unanimously. That the said Petition is approved by this Meeting; and that the same be signed by each Individual present, and be' forthwith . sent to such Maltsters and Makers of Malt as have not been able to attend, for their respective Signatures. That a Subscription be immediately entered into, for the^ urpose ot raising a Fund to provide for the Expences already incurred, and which may hereafter arise in the future Progress of this Business; and that " the Chairman be appointed Treasurer. That the following Gentlemen, or any seven of them, be appointed a Committee for managing the said Fund, and forwarding the Purposes of this Meeting, viz. William Philpot, Estj. John Edgar Rust, Esq. Ed- mund Barber, Esq. George Archer, Esq. John Mar- riot, Esq. George Brook Keer. Esq. Mr. John Woodcock, Mr. William Smart, Mr. Nathaniel Byles, Mr. John Byles, Mr. George Edwards, Mr. Edward Bridgman, Mr. John Boby, Mr. Martin Harsant, Mr. Abraham Cowell, Mr. Thomas Steel, Mr. John Nor- man, Mr. John Corder, Mr. Dennis Chandler, Mr. John Rand, Mr. Stephen Studd, Mr. Samuel Ray, Mr. Roger Groom, Mr. George Boggis, Mr. John Spalding, and Mr. William Frost; and that they be empowered to meet and adjourn from Time ( o Time, and to take such Measures as they shall deem proper and necessary for carrying into Effect the Objects ot the foregoing Resolutions. That Mr. R. G. White and Mr. R Crabtree, of Halesworth, be appointed Solicitors, for rendering such professional Assistance to the Committee as may be necessary in the Course of this Business. That the " above Resolutions be signed by the Chair- man, and advertised in the I pswich Journal, the Bury, Norwich, and Chelmsford Papers, and in the Star, Courier, and Commercial Chronicle. WILLIAM PHILPOT, Chairman. Resolved unanimously, That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman, for his Attention to the Business of the Day, and for his able Conduct in the Chair. Copied from the COMMERCIAL CHRONICLE of November 19th, 1805. peculiar S. uety and . superior Eflicacv being attested by the great Number ot Per^ ous who have been cured of the most obstinate Disorders of the Lungs Irritating Coughs, and distressing Asthmas, arc speedily soothed away by its detergent and strengthening Powers, and the most tender INFANTS, in the HOOMKC- COUOB. are relieved by its healing and salutary Edicts. CUNBKLL'S IMPROVED BALSAM of HONEY is sold. Wholesale, by Messrs. Howard & Evans, No. 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield, London, solo Agents for the Supply ot the Country, in Bottles, at 13s. 6d. 5s. 6d. and 2s. ftl. each, Duty included; and, Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall. Northampton • Green and Taylor, Ampthill, Wheeler, and Marl in, Ay esbury . Gaidner, Biggleswade; Palgrtve, Bid- lord ; Beesley, Banbury ; Wagsuit, Chipping- Norton ; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Shepparu, To tester • Hfwfc nii- tei > K)<- » . n^.,.. in, Oundle; Evans, St. Albans, Grindon, Sharubrookl loulter, Stony- Stratford; Porter, and Collier, Thrap- ston; Medcalf, Ware; Price, Steeple- Buinstead; and by every Vender of Medicine throughout the Kingdom. BURDER's HISTORY OP THE BIBLE. " This Day is published, in two bcau-. iful tuitions, viz. in large Octavo, and in a neat Pocket Sizej Price ot the large Is. 6d. and of tile small f; eacli Number ( embellished with an elegant Engiaving), No. I. of a new and elegant Edition ot \ Complete HISTORY of ihe HOLY BIBI. K, with beautiful ENGRAVINGS; greatly uiv. proved fiom the popular Work of the Rev. « , AURINO » HOW EL, A. M. By the Rev. GEORGE BURDER, Author of Village Sermons, & c. This Work will comprise not only the History of the Whole of the BIBLE, tut also the APO- CRYPHA, and the LIFE of our bLESSRD SAVIOUR. and his APOSTLr. s, & c. 4c. with copious Notes, critical and explauatoiy, practical and devotional. PLAN OF PUBLICATION. 1. This Work will be neatly printed on a new and , large Type, in Demy Octavo; and published in Numbers, Is. 6d. each. 2. A handsome Pocket Size will be printed on » new and clear Type, Price Is. each Number. 3. A beautiful Engraving will be given with ever* Number, in both Editions. 4. The first Number will appear on the 30th ot November, and be ugularly continued every other Sa- turday, until the Whole be completed in 2t Numbers. 5. The first Volume being completely printed oB; those who prefer the Work in Voiun. es may have tha first on the Day on which the first Number u published. The Whole will consist of THREE VOLUMES, Prica 10s. 6d. each, elegantly done up in extra Boards ; or may be had in Numbers, Price Is. oil. each; tha small Edition ( handsomely printed), Price only Is, each Number; or in three Vols. Price 7s. each. So many Impositions are practised on the Publia in Works of this Nanirr, particularly by t> ie Paper or Print varying in Colour or Quality, that the Pub- lishers of this Work pledge themselves, that na M' » g° ff whatever shall take Place in either of thesa Kespects; ard the Name of the Editor, whose various Publications are so universally known, wi! l be a suf- ficient Pledge to the Public'of its real aad intrinsic Value, London: Printed for WILLIAMS & SMITH, Sta- tioner's- Cpurt, Lttdgat. e- Street; and sold by every Bookseller and Newscatrier iu the United Kingdom. ( pj* lie careful to order the Shilling ot Eightten- penny Numbers, distinctly, to prevent Mistakes. SECOND EDITION. This Day is published, in Quarto, Price I8s. in Boards, the SECOND EDITION of Part 1. ( Parts II. to X. may also be had either periodically or toge. ther; and the succeeding Parts will be published, with an accelerated Expedition, till the whole Work be completed,) of Having been subjected to a Con viction, and at the same Time precluded from an Appeal, under Circumstances and by Causes similar to those slated in the foregoing Resolu- tions, I feel it to be a Duty I onue to myself., and moreover I think it also a Duty I owe to my Country, to republish the said Resolutions. WILLIAM HERBERT. Huntingdon, Dec. lOri, 1805. THE CORDIAL BALM OF G1LEAD. THE greatest Discovery in the Memory of Man, is allowed to be the CORDIAL BALM of GI LEAD, which is a certain and effectual Remedy for Nervous Disorders, Juvenile Indiscretions^ Low- of Spirits, Female Complaints, Heiol- ache, Debility, Loss of Appetite, Relaxations, Indigestion, Coughs and Colds, Bilious Cases, Consumptions, Gout in the Stomach, Impurities of the Blood, an Ill- cured l ues, Gleets, Seminal Weakness, & C. Prepared only bv S. SOLOMON, M. D. F. R. H. S. Author of the " Guide to Health," and other valuable Works, at Gilead- House, Liverpool, Price 10s. 6d. a Bottle; Family Bottles contain four, for 33s.; with the Words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved in the Stamo, without which none can be Genuine; and sold by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, at No. 7, Exchange- Court, and by Spilsbury, Da- vison, Callwell, and Dugdale, London; also' by the Printers of this Paper. of Arrangement than the Dictionary of Mr. Cham, bers; comprehending the various Articles of that Work, with Additions and Improvements; together with the new Subjects of Biography, Geography, and History; and adapted to the present State of Literatur* and Science. By ABRAHAM REES, D. D. F. R. S. Editor of the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dic- tionary, with the Assistance of eminent professional Gentlemen. Illustrated with new Plates, including Maps, en- graved for the Work by some of the most distin- guished Artists. Printed for Longman, Hurst, Reeves, & Orme, Pater- noster- Row, and the principal Booksellers ot London. Sold also by W. Birdsall, T. Burnham, and J. Abel, Northampton; and C. Jacob, Peterborough. 63* The first Edition of this Work consisted ot 5000 Copies, and a second Edition of all the early Parts being called for in this early Stage of its Pub- lication, an adequate Idea may be formed of the Esti- mation in which it is held by the Public. Tha following are its principal Recommendations;— 1. The Plan of this Work is intended as an Im- provement upon similar Publications, being'a Medium between the Plan of a Dictionary and that of Treatises, and comprehending the Advantages of each. The History and Outlines of each Science are given under its appropriate Title; and its various Divisions, which can be more satifactorily explained in separate Ar- ticles than in the Body of a Treatise, are introduced under their respective Terms, This is indeed the only proper Plan ot a Dictionary intended for Refer- ence when Information is required, which is expected to be found under its most ready and familiar Term in' the Alphabet. 2. The Editor is of acknowledged Learning and In- dustry, and of unquestionable Experience in this Department of Literary Labour; the greater Part of his Life having been employed in editing and im- proving the last Edition of Mr. Chambers's Dic- tionary, and in collecting Materials for the present Work. 3. Among the Gentlemen who have engaged to con- tribute their Assistance to this Work, are many of distinguished Eminence, and the List is continually augmenting; no Opportunity being neglected to engage - the Co- operation of any Gentleman whose Services can be ot real Utility. 4. The Embellishments are of a very superior De- scription, and will form, when completed, an incom- parably more elegant and correct Set of scientific and • other Plates than | jas ever been produced. The scien- tific Subjects are engraved by Mr. LOWRY, whose accurate Knowledge, and improved Method of Eiecu- • tion, in this Branch of the Art, have not been equalled. The Subjects of Natural History, & c. are chiefly engraved by Mr. MILTON and Mr. SCOTT, with corresponding Taste and Beauty. The Drawings are almost wholly new. 5. The Maps will be double the Size usually given in similar Publications, and are drawn and engraved under the Direction of Mr. ARROWSMITH. 6. A Part, or Half Volume, Price 18s. each, has hitherto been published once in' about four Months; and, in Consequence of some Arrangements lately adopted, the Public may with Confidence rely upon a more frequent Publication. 7. A few Copies are printed off on Royal Paper, with Proof Impressions of the i'lates, Price jfc', 1 ISs. i each Part. Wednesday and Thursday's Posts LOND0 N, December 12. TUESDAY'S Gazette contains an account ofj recovered, the capture of. the Cyane French corvette ' late in his Majesty's service), on notes in it, and in an instant they were consumed. It is easier to conceive than describe her feelings on discovering her loss; the banker, however, had the numbers, and on giving ths necessary security to the hank, the property will of course be the 5th of On Monday evening last, one of the most penu- rious characters at present known, died at. a poor I'aris Papers to the 1st inst. and Dutch Journals to the 5th, have been received. The onlyarticie of the least importance is a Augereau, announcing the capture of the corps ot Generals Jellachich and Wolfskel, by capitulation. As this is not stated in the bulletins, or 111 the Moniteur, but in one of the minor Journals, there is some reason to suppose that the intelligence is false. However, the position of affairs 111 the Tyrol was such as to render the event not im- probable. If it be real, it is a circumstance of very seconday importance, and more than com- pensated by the victory of the Russians at Krems. Count Ilaugwitz arrived at Vienna on the 20th, where he had an interview with Talleyrand and IV'aret. It is said, that the Prussian Cabinet will wait the result of this negociation until the 14th instant. We understand Government has received ad from the British Ambassador at Olmutz, October, near Tobago, by the Princess Charlotte , obscure lodging in Little Compton- street, Soho. frigate.— Likewise an account of the capture ot \ Thjs wretche( i being, who was well known to the the French privateer Renommee, of two 6- pounders ^ habitants of the above neighbourhood, actually and 40 men, belonging to St. Dommgo, by the starved himself to death. He had long been in the llein- Deer sloop. habit of picking up bones in the street, and putrid fish thrown out of the markets, which he generally made his meals of. On being taken ill, he refused X lie U11IY J , t0 take any nourishment, and expired. On re- letter of General , moving ttie" bed- clothcs to lay out the body, a I stocking was found, containing sf. 300 in guineas, I half- guineas, and seven- shilling pieces, and within ! the Jining of his waistcoat there were several papers, j which proved to be vouchers for „£. S000 vested in | the funds by a respectable attorney. The whole | of the property will go to the daughter of the de- j ceased, a servant, at Richmond. On hearing the I news of her father's death, and her claim to the i money, the surprize nearly turned her brain. | DIED.] On the 1st inst. at the Palace, Kilkenny, Ireland, in his 77th year, the Right Rer. Hugh i Hamilton, D. D. Bishop of Ossory. On Monday last, at Upper- Homerton, after a short illness, in his 52d year, Paul Le Mesurier, Esq. Alderman ot the I city of London, Representative in two Parliaments ' for the Borough of Southwark. a Director of the F. ast- ' India Compa'nv, and Colonel of the Hon. Artillery Company. - On the 25th ult. in the 73th year of his WANTED immediately, A Steady active YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE to a JOINER, CARPENTER, and CABIN ET- y AKE R. ( pr For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. CLARK, Clock and Watch- maker, Long- Buckby, Northamp- tonshire; if by Letter, Post- paid. WAN TED, A single MAN, as SHEPHERD, who perfectly understands his Business, and can be recommended from his last Place for Honesty and Sobriety. ( pr" Apply, personally, to Mr. HAMSHAW, at the Swan Inn, Lamport, Northamptonshire. WANTED, A steady MAN and his WIFE, to undertake the CARE and MANAGEMENT of a HOUSE of INDUSTRY, at BYFIELD, near Daventry, in the County of Northampton. ( JdT For further Particulars, apply totheCHURCH- WARSENS and OVERSEERS of the said Parish. December 10 th, 1805. " WORKHOUSE, MILTON- ERNESS, Beds. WANTED, A PERSON to undertake the MAINTENANCE of the POOR of the said Parish bv Contract. fpf For Particulars, apply to the Parish- Officers. November 21rf, 1805. PUBLIC AUCTION- ROOM, WELLINGBOROUGH. RTOMLIN, AUCTIONEER, respectfully ac- . quaints the Public, that he has take'n and entered on a Room on the Premises of Mr. Dickins, in SHEEP- STREET ( which he intends to fit up in a suitable Manner), as a REPOSITORY for the Reception of STOCK and FURNITURE of every Description, which he will dispose of by Public Auction.— The first Sale will be held on THURSDAY the ISth of DE- CEMBER, 1805, at Ten o'Clock; which will consist ' GOODS and HOUSEHOLD- ucceeding Sale on the first NEWPORT- PAGNELL, BCCKS. THOMAS FOSTER, SADDLER, AND COLLAR and HARNESS- MAKER, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, he has OPENED a SHOP intheHiGH- STREET, in NEWPORT aforesaid, where he purposes carrying on the above Businesses in all their various Branches, and earnestly solicits their Support; assuring them, that every Exertion shall be made to obtain their Favours, by a constant and unremitting Attention to Punctuality and Dis- patch in the Execution of Orders, which he hopes will give Satisfaction to those who may honour him with their Commands. 85T An entire new Assortment of every Article belonging to the Trade, is laid in from the first Ma- nufactories in the Kingdom. December 10 th, 1805. To Maltsters and Breuers. To be LETT, on Lease, or by the Year, And may be entered on immediately. At BRACKLEY, in the County of Northampton, AVery convenient MALT- IIOUSE, capable of wetting twelve Quarters of Barley per Week ; with a good Opening for a Maltster, as the Advertiser will engage the Custom of two Public- Houses, either to a Brewer or Maltster, likewise the Servitude of 30 or 40 Quarters of Malt yearly, at a Retail Price, the greatest Part being sent out by five or ten Quarters at a Time,— If more agreeable, the Business mav be lett without the Malt- House. jjCS~ For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, enquire of Mr. ARNOLD, of Brackiey aforesaid is tin infamous fabrication It is said that the Austrian General, Prince estate, except a small part, which he bequeathed to Mr. Edwards, youngest son of D. J. Edwards, Esq. of Job's Well, near Carmarthen. At the time of his death he had such a quantity of gold in his house, that a horse could not carry the weight to Tulgyn, only about a mile distance, and it was with difficulty shewed an infamous disregard of all princely 1 he could draw it there when put on a sledge. The I ,- Ji - sihat preliminaries- of peace Had been amount in gold is ,£ 100,000, besides £. 50,000 in the qualities), that preliminaries or p , stncks. His other legacies are but tew, and of no - igncd between the two powers, this ticacneiy i Aversberg, who was charged with the destruction of the bridges of Vienna, was deceived by ufonnation from Prince Murat ( but who here give him audience, and de- letter which the latter had . .. vented the destruction of the bridges, and the French corps passed the Danube without oppo- I , ition. Had the bridges been destroyed, then- passage must have been retarded for several days." The contributions levied by the French on Vienna, during the first three days of their occu- pancy, amounted to thirty millions of florins. Lord Harrovvby experienced a favourable re- I ception from the Prusian Monarch and his mi- j lusters. The Elector of Bavaria lately sent one of his | chamberlains to'Berlin, with a view to explain and justify his conduct to Austria; but his Prussian Majesty refused to cliticd to answer a written to hint. Second Expedition.— The Sd, 8th, 9th, 30th, 87th, and 89th regiments, are now embarked in the Downs. The 5th, the first battalion of the 79th, and the 92d, are either by this time em- harked, or ready t. o be conveyed on board, and the transports off Ramsgate are on Saturday to receive the whole of the heavy dragoons of the Hanoverian Legiou, with the artillery, and a large detachment of the royal waggon train. All the first Lieutenants of the ships engaged ( iff Trafalgar, sire, to be promoted to Commanders. Sixteen of the ships most damaged in the glorious battle off Trafalgar left Gibraltar for England. On Saturday, the Colossus, Temeraire, and Ton- mint, arrived at Portsmouth. The Defence, Defi- ance, and Revenge, arrived at the same place on Sunday. The Royal Sovereign, Leviathan, Con- ductor, Spartiute, Achille, Bellerophon, Belleisle, .. - 1 A ( Vion liofa cirtVfiar l. wl Plvmoiitii* and great amount. He was generous to the poor, always a j friend to the necessitous, and an upright gentleman. Lieutenant John Fernyhoug' 1, of the Royal Ma- rines, aged 26, son of Mr. Feri ,.. ough, of Lichfield. He lost his life on the 26th of October, m endeavour, ing to preserve the lives of the crew of the Rayo, Soanish three- decker, which was wrecked off St. Lucar: he was put on board with a party of marines on the 21th of October, after the battle oil" Trafalgar; on the 26th came on a gale from the south- west, the prize parted her cables and went on shore off St. Lucar; Lieutenant F. volunteered his services to go in an open boat to persuade the Spaniards to send off from the shore to save the unfortunate people of the wreck, 25 were allowed to go with him, and when they had nearly approached the beach, a heavy squall upset the boat, and 22, including the Lieutenant, pe- rished. His death is universally lamented, and his loss to the service is great, as he was an able and humane officer. cannot be sold. intended to be sold, must be sent • to the Sale, otherwise they FREEHOLD ESTATE, KEMPSTON, BEDFORDSHIRE. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Some Time in the Month of December ( if not pre- viously disposed of by Private Contract), AFARM- HOUSE, with the Barns, Stables, and Appurtenanccs thereunto belonging, and three Closes or Pightles ot'ancient inclosed Pasture Ground, j a Tradesman or a Gentleman, being si'tuaied in th , con'a^ ing, with the Homestead and hates of the centre of Sir Thomas Mostyn's Hunt, on which, a t Buildings, by Admeasurement, 6A. 1R. 4P. ( be the a small Exnence. Stables mav be erected for severs Amount Close of the Sale. Wellingborough, Ncnrember Tub, 1805 *** The Auctioneer engages to pay on Demand, the J same more or less), now in the several Occupations mount of all Goods sold within three Days after the ' ot Mr. Robert Keno'rd and Mr. Thomas Horley. ' Also, SEVEttAL CLOSES, PIECES, or PAR- CELS of newly- inclos. d LAND or GROUND, in a good State of Cultivation, and lying contiguous or very near to the Homestead, very conveniently sub- divided with good Quick Fences, and containing toge- ther, by Admeasurement, 80A. 1R. 13P. ( bethesame more or less), now in the several Occupations of the said Robert Keflord and Mr. John Emery. The above Premises are Tythe- free, the Land- Tax redeemed, and Possession may be had at Michaelmas next. KEMPSTON is situated very near the Turnpike- Road leading from Bedford to Ampthill, both exceeding good Market- Towns, about one Mile from the former and seven from the latter Place. ( pf For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Emery, of Kempston- Hardwick ; or Mr. Eagles, Solicitor, Ampthill, Bedfordshire; and to view the Premises, to Mr. Kefford, of Kempston. Ampthill, 1th AW. 1805. To be SOLD hy A U C T 1 O N, By J. PORE S, On Tuesday and Wednesday the 17th and 18th ot December, 1805, on the Premises, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and EFFECTS, of the late Mrs. HANKEY; consisting pf Mahogany Four- post Bedsteads, with printed Cotton Furniture; Goose Feather Beds, Hair and Wool Mattresses, Blankets, & c.; Mahogany Sets of Drawers, Wardrobe, Bookcase, China Press, Side- board, Dining- Tables, and Sets of Chairs and Settees; large Pier and Chimney Glasses; Collection of Mu- sic, viz. several Works of Handel, Corelli, and other popular Masters; Books; Prints; Seasons, from Morlandi real India Cabinets; rich India ornamented China; Table Sets of blue and white China; Kitchen- Furniture; Coppers and Brewing Utensils; Iron- bound Casks, & c. & c. Kf The Furniture may be viewed the Day pre- ceding the Sale.— The Books and Music will be sold on Tuesday. *** The Sale to begin at Morning. SAINT NEOTS, Huntingdonshire. WM. TOWNDROW, WHOLESALE WINE, BRANDY, and HOP MERCHANT, and DEALER in BRITISH COMPOUNDS, begs Leave to solicit the Favour of his Friends and the Public, assuring them he has laid in Articles of the first Quality in the above Trade, which he intends ottering to the Public on the lowest Terms, ana has not_ a Doubt but the Price and Quality will merit their Attention.— Every Care will betaken to execute punctually their Commands, and all Ordeis wiil be thankfully received. DECEMBER 5th, 1805. ALL Persons indebted to the lute WILLIAM MILLARD, of WOBURN, in the Countv of Bedford, Butcher, deceased, are desired to pay their their respective D. bts immediately to Elizabeth Millard, his Widow, or to Mr. Reddall, Attorney, of Woburn ; and all Persons to whom the said William Millard was indebted, are desired to deliver then- Claims to the said Elizabeth Millard, or Mr. Reddall. BICESTER, Oxfordshire. To be LETT,, or SOLD, AVery compact HOUSE, pleasantly situated in SHEEP- STREET, BICESTER; consisting of a very good Sitting- Room, Parlour, and liack- Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; five excellent Rooms, , with Fire- Places in three of them, on the first Hoor; I very good Garrets; two good Cellars; with a very • good Garden, walled round; a very substantial- built I Stable for five Horses; Coal and Wood- House, Sec. adjoining the House; and a good Building which has been used as'a Candle- House. ( 3T As the Businesses of a Tallow- Chandler and. Dealer in Bacon have been carried on, of late Years, on the above Premises, it is considered a capital Opening for any Person in the above Line ( being but one in the Place), and as there is Room any other Business might be united with them. The above Premises are well adapted either for the at a small Expence, Stables may be erected for several moTe Horses. N. B. For Particulars, apply to RICHARD KING, Grocer, Padbury, Bucks; or to Mr. BLOWEIELD, Auctioneer, Bicester; if by Letter, Post- paid. Freehold Houses, Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By THOMAS WOOD, On Monday the 16th Day of December, 1805, at the Plume- ot- Feathers Inn, in Leighton- Buzzaid, Beds, between the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, T STAMP- OFFICE, SOMERSET- PLACE, November 19 th, 1805. Eleven o'Clock each and Africa, lmve since reached Plymouth; and the Mars and Africa, Portsmouth. The Temeraire, which arrived at Portsmouth on • Saturday, left Sir John Duckworth blockading Cadiz with six sail of the line, all peifectiships, on the 19th ult. Sir John joined the fleet off Cadiz . in the 15th, with the Superb and Powerful, from Plymouth; and when the five sail of the line under Lord Amelius Beauclerk, which sailed from Ports- iiiouth soon after the account of the action was received, have joined, we shall have from 25 to 30 sail of the line, all effective good ships, on that station, equal to any service which the exigency of the times may render necessary. T he Board of Admiralty have at length preferred a charge against Rear- Admiral Sir 1(. Calder, on the ground of " not having done his utmost to bring the enemy to a renewal of the action o i the second day." Mr. Erskine is retained in the defence of Sir Robert Calder.— The time for the sitting of the Court Martial rests with that officer; the Board of Admiralty having left it to his own election to await the arrival of two more officers from the Mediterranean squadron, or to proceed to trial without waiting for their testimony. Lord Nelson's funeral will not tako place fill after the 7th of January. The body will be • removed from Greenwich the day previous to • the interment in ! St. Paul's, in u grand caval- cade on the river Thames. Miuute guns will be fired from the shores. The body will be landed at Whitehall, from which place the procession v> ill move on the following day. A new Comet.— Monday night, about six o'clock, Dr. Maskelyne discovered a new- comet in Pisces. Right ascension 353°. T. Declin. 23". 41/. S. It appears about the third magnitude, and can be seen with the naked eye. It is singular, that on the same evening it should have been also dis- covered by Dr. Herschell. Price of Bread.— On Tuesday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of bread to be reduced an assize and a half, or 3d. in the peck loaf. The quartern loaf will, therefore, be sold for lid. and the three- penny loaves will weigh lib. 2oz. 15drs. which is loz. and 4- drs. more in weight than last week; and the smaller loaves in proportion. When surgical instruments are used, except in vaccination, it is recommended by Dr. Faust and Dr. Hunold, of Cassel, to dip them in oil. By this method, the pain of the subject to he operated upon will always be diminished. A curious circumstance lately occurred at a house in Hill- street, Berkeley- square, which was tor many years inhabited by the late Lord Privy ,5> eal of Scotland ( Mr. Mackenzie), and since suc- cessively by the Primate of Ireland, Lord Morpeth, Mild by Lord Bruce, the present tenant. On moving a very antique bureau, which was one of the cabinet pieces of furniture in Lady Betty Mackenzie's chamber, a sccret drawer was dis- covered, containing a canvas bag, which, on exa Initiation, wus found to be filled with guineas. Loid Brace has deposited the money, 410 guineas, in the Bank, to remain until the real owner can he found, Mr. Oakes, the banker of Bury, last week paid > i legacy of jC'. tOO to a cook- maid in the service 61' a gentleman in that town. Her joy was so .. scessive as to embarrass her in her business— '<: rery thing went wrong— it was past dinner- time, tlie viands were still raw— Hie pot would not V.> il— the fire would not burn— she pulled an old newspaper from her pocket, and thrust it between forgatUBg that sh « had wrapped faer bank To CARRIERS and others. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, rpuK STOCK, and GOOD- WILL, of the I. SHE r FORD and BEDFORD CARRIER, THOMAS JAQUES, who is going into another Line of Business.— The Stock consists of nine Draught Horses, with Harness; one Six- inch Waggon, with Tilt and Tarpawling complete; one Six- inch Cart, and one Narrow- wheel Ditto; Ladders, Hampers, Sheets, and all Articles necessary for a Market Carrier. This will be found to be a good Opportunity for anv Person or Persons inclined to enter into a Business of this Description, there being . always Plenty of Loading to and from London, and the Employers being chiefly most respectable Tradesmen. ( J3R For Particulars, apply to THOMAS JAQUES, of Shefford, Beds; or to WM. WYKES, Windmill, St. John Street, London; if by Letter, Post- paid. December 12th, J805. _____ " To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Friday, December the20th, 1805, in the Market- House, at WO RURN, in the County of Beds, re- moved there for the Convenience of Sale, and will be sold without Reserve, TWENTY- TWO POCKETS of prime HOPS, of the Growth of 1804. The Sale to begin at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon. To AUCL'IO N, NEALE, A WEt'he J To A Freehold Estate, HOCKL1FFE, BEDS. be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By ANDREW GARDNER, At the Bull Inn, in Hockliffe, on Saturday, Decern- bcr 28th, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, IN THREE LOTS, Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at HOCKLIFFE, and at the Division of the great Nottingham and Birmingham Roads. Lot 1. A substantial Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, of two Tenements, with a Wood- Barn and Garden to each, in the Tenure of Jones and Smith. Lot 2. A neat well- built DWELLING- HOUSE, of two Tenements, Brick and Tiled, in the Occupa- tion of Mr. Arrowsmith and another. Lot 3. A strong- timbered three- bayed BARN, with excellent Floors to the same, lately in the Occupation of Mr. Queenborough. ( Pf The Tenants will shew the Premises; and i further Particulars may be had at the Time and Place of Sale, or of the AUCTIONEER, Woburn, Beds. A truly valuable and compact Freehold Farm, in the County of Bucks. To be SOLD . b'y AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the House of Mr. George Newman, called or known by the Name of Shenley Inn, near Stony- Strattbrd," in the County of Bucks, on Thursday the 23d of January, 1806, at Three o'Clock, Compact and most desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called DENBEIGH- HALL FARM, situate in the Parish of BLETCHLEY, in the County of Bucks, adjoining the Turnpike- Road from London to Chester; consisting of a new- built Farm- House, with all necessary Outbuildings, and one hundred and fifty- three Acres and ten Poles, or there- abouts, of rich old- inclosed Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, divided into convenient Inclosures, now in the Occupation of Mr. Joseph Swift, under a Lease, which will expire at Lady- Day, 1822, at the very low Rent of One hundred and eighty Pounds. Also, SEVERAL MESSUAGES or TENE- MENTS, and a small CLOSE and GARDENS, situate at LOUGHTON, near Stony- Stratford, in the several Occupations of Thomas Smith, John Hollidav, Thomas Gibbs, and Nicholas Puttman. DENBEIOII- HALI. is situate seven Miles from Leighton- Buzzard, six from Woburn, six from Stony- Stratford and Newport- Pagnell, pne from Fenny- Stratford, and forty- six from London, and within one Mile of the Grand Junction Canal. May be viewed by Leave of the Tenant; and printed Particulars had fourteen Days before . the Sale, at the following Inns:— Swans, Newport- Pagnell and Fenny- Stratford ? Eagle. and - Child, Leighton- Buzzard; Bell, Winslow; Crown, Dunstable; George, Woburn; White- Horse, Towcester; and Angel, North- ampton; ot the Auctioneer, Stony- Stratford; and of Mr. Garrard, Solicitor, Olney; at whose Office a Plan of the Estate may be seen. be SOL D by By EDWARD At the Denbigh- Arms Inn, in Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, on Thursday the 19th Day of December, 1805, between the Hours of Three and Six in tiie Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will bo then produced, MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Appurtenances, situate and being in a certain i lace in LUTTERWORTH aforesaid, called GEORGE'S- LANE, and known by the Sign of the GOLDEN- FLEECE, and late in the Occupation of John Cordeux. ( pf- Immediate Possession may be had ; and further Particulars known by applying at the Office of CHAM- BERLAIN U WORTHi NGION, Lutterworth. - _ TIMBER! To be SOLD by AUCTION, By LONDON & SON, At the Sign of the Elack- Boy at Lower- Shuckburgh, in the County of Warwick, on Friday the 20th ot December, 1805, at Tvvo o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced, " THREE hundred and forty- three ELM, 119 ASH, 44 SYCAMORE, nine OAK, five CHES- NUT, and four POPLAR TREES, in Lots, standing in the l'ark at UPPER- SHtJCKBURGH, and on Farms at LOWE R - SHUCKBURGH and NAP TON, in the County of Warwick; and also, a great Number of FIR TREES, which are felled and lying in the Park aforesaid.— The Timber is of large Dimen- sions, conveniently situated for Water Conveyance by the Grand Junction, Oxford, and Warwick Canals, and contiguous to the Turnpike- Road, about five Miles from Daventry and Southam. £ pT further Particulars may be hud at the Park, Upper- Shuckburgh; at the Place of Sale; and at the Auctioneers', Henley- in- Arden, in the said County.— Mr. JOHN BOND, of Lower- Shuckburgh, will shew the Timber. llisMajesty'sCommissioners formana^ ing 1 *** *? r a Vew ot, the Estate, ap le Stamp Duties, duly authorised by the ^ further Particu ars may be V ommissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, 7'"" &,, SoN'; J Solicitors, or of to Art Of Parliament.. t„ let, r ™ , L ! a" of Leighton- Buzzard aforesaid. I £. 10,000 • 11,000 4 ' / v Markel- Harborough and Welford Turnpike- Iioads from Northampton. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Trustees of the said Turnpike- Roads will be held at the House of Mr. CHARLES HILL, the RED- LION, INN, in BRIXWORTH, in the County of Northampton, on TUESDAY the 24th of DECEMBER instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, for the Purpose of electing and appointing a proper Person as Surveyor of the Harborough Road. Such Persons as may be desirous of offering them- selves for the above Situation, will be expected to attend the Meeting; Particulars may, in the mean Time, be known on Application at my Office. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Ns'ihamp'. on, Dec, 1th, 18,05* To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the King's- Head, in Southam, in the County of ! Warwick, on the 14th Day of January next, in : several Lots, if not previously disposed of by l'ri- I vate Contract, AFREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of the | NORTH MANORof NAPTON- UPON- THE J HILL, in the County of Warwick; a FARM- > HOUSE, and about 270 Acres of ARABLE, ME A- } DOW, and PASTURE LAND, inNAPTON afore- j said, late in the Occupation of Mr. Anthony Borton. ( tdr Immediate Possession may be had. j *** The above Estate is situate about three Miles | from Southam, seven from Daventry, and but a short j Distance from theTurnpike- Road leading from Southam to Daventry. N. B. For a View of the Premises, apply at the Farm- House; and for further Particulars, and to treat • for the Whole, or Part, by Private Contract, apply at the Offices ofiMessrs. ROLLS & SON, Solicitors, I at Southam, and Prior's- Marston, near Southam. WARWICK, 35th November, 1805. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meet- ing of the Trustees for repairing and widening the Road from the great Bridge, in the Borough of Warwick, through Southam and Daventry, to the Town of Northampton, will be held at the GEORGE I 16. NORTH WALES, viz. INN, in NORTHAMPTON aforesaid, on THURSDAY the i Anglesea NINETEENTH Day of DECEMBER next, at Eleven " o'Clock in the Forenoon. JOHN TOMES, Clerk to the Trustees. Lords Commissioners pursuant to Act of Parliament, to " lett to Farm tile Duties granted by " An Act of the twenty- fifth of " His present Majesty, on Horses lett to Hire for " travelling Post, and by Time," do hereby give Notice, that we intend to LETT, at our Office in SOMERSET- PLACE, the said DUTIES to FARM, on SATURDAY the 21st of DECEMBER next, between the Hours of Ten and Twelve in the Forenoon, according to the Districts in the Statement undermentioned, for the Term of THREE YEARS, from the 1st Day of February next, to such Persons as may be willing to contract for the same. All Persons intending to farm the said Duties, are to deliver in their Proposals to us at the Stamp- Office in Somerset- Place, at least three Days previous to the said 21st Day of Decem- ber next, signed with their Names, stating the Places of their Abode, and specifying the District for which they intend to bid, or their Proposals cannot be pro- ceeded on, as directed by the said Act. No Persons licensed to lett Horses for the Purpose of travelling Post, nor any Persons for their Use, can be admitted to contract for the said Duties. A Statement of Districts for farming out the Post- Horse, < 5fc. Duties. The Sums at which the several Districts are No. DISTRICTS. to be put up. 1. North Britain .. 2. Northumberland Cumberland Westmorland Durham 3. Yorkshire 4. Lancashire Cheshire Derbyshire .... Staffordshire ... Lincolnshire Nottinghamshire Leicestershire . Northamptonshire Rutlandshire Warwickshire Oxfordshire J Wiltshire ") Worcestershire > 15,000 Gloucestershire ) Norfolk ) !" s « k:::::;::;;::;;::;;::;;;:: j Cambridgeshire ) j 9. Bedfordshire 3 „ J Buckinghamshire $ f. ouu j 10. Huntingdonshire ^ Hertfordshire ^ i 11. Surrey 14,000 12. Middlesex, including London, and West- minster I13- wxV. V.-. V. VVVV h' 000 15. Devonshire - j Dorsetshire Cornwall Somersetshire " HVO modern and well- built Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSES, eligibly situated in the Centre of the HIGH- STREET, in LEIGHTON- BUZZARD aforesaid. Lot 1 comprises a commodious Kitchen, Wash- House, three comfortable Sleeping- Rooms, one Garret, Wood- Barn, Yard, and Garden, now in the Tenure of Mr. William Samuel, Tailor. Lot 2 consists of a Kitchen, Parlour, three genteel Bedchambers, one Attic Ditio, Plumber and Glazier's Shop ( now in full Trade), Casting Shop, Yard, and Garden, in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Purser. ({ 3" On the Premises is a Well of tine Waier. For a View of the Estate, apply to the Tenants ; known of Messrs. the AUCTIONEER, Leighton " Desirable FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD ESTATES, 16,000 16,500 5. 6. 11,000 hire \ > 14,000 1 12,000 28,000 I • 17,000 TURNPIKE- ROAD FROM WELLINGBOROUGH TO NORTHAMPTON. qpHE Meeting of the Trustees on this Road, - l_ advertised in the last Week's Paper to be held on Monday next, the sixteenth Instant, is postponed; and Notice is hereby given, that the next Meeting will be held at the HIND INN, in WELLINCBOROUGH, on TUESDAY the THIRTY- FIRST Day of DECEMBER instant, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. JOHN HODSON, Clerk to the Trustees. ROAD MEETING. Turnpike. Road Jrom Saint Mary's Bridge, in the Parish oj Little. Bowden, in the County of Northampton, to the West Side of the Toll- Bar, at the North End of the Town of Rockingham, in the said County. • - OTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the WILBARSTON GATE, and the DINGLEY GATE, and WEIOHING- MACHINE upon the above Road, will be LETT by AUCTION to the Best Bidder, for one Year, on MONDAY the THIRTIETH Day of DECEMBER next, at the GEORGE INN, in MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, between the Hours of Two and Four in the Afternoon of the same Day, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the thirteenth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, " An Act for regulating the Turn- pike- Roads;" which Tolls were lett the last Year for the Sum of one Hundred and sixty- eight Pounds. Whoever happens to be the highest Bidder, must pay to the Treasurer a Deposit of twenty Pounds, in Part of such Toll, and enter into Security, with suffi- cient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for the Payment of the annual Rent, at such Time as the Trustees shall direct.— Dated this 30th Day of November, 1805. By Order of the Trustees, GEORGE WARTNABY, Clerk. > 6,000 J > 5,000 Carnarvonshire Denbighshire Flintshire .. Merionethshire and Montgomeryshire, with Shropshire 17. SOUTH WALES, viz. Bieeknockshire .... Carmarthenshire Cardiganshire Cl.- unorganshire Radnorshire and Pembrokeshire, with j Herefordshire and Monmouthshire j All Persons intending to bid for these Districts are desired to take Notice, that, in Pursuance of the particular Instructions of their Lordships, each Dis- trict will be put up at the Sum specified in the Margin hereof, which will be gradually abated until a Bidding shall be made for the District; and, upon such Bidding, any Person may advance, and the highest Bidder will be declared the Farmer, and will be required to pay down immediately, in Bank Notes, one- eighth Part of the Annual Rent thereof as a Deposit; but in case any District shall not be ac- cepted at a Price which shall be deemed the proper Value thereof, that District will be withdrawn and otherwise disposed of. J. BINDLEY, I.. JENKINS, W. R. SPENCER, W. LAKE, ED. F. HATTON. N. B. All Persons intending to bid for any of these Districts are desired to take Notice, that they will not be put up to Sale according to the numerical Ar- rangement in which they stand above, but that the Order of selling will be varied as Circumstances shall direct, and not declared previously to the Day of Sale, for the Purpose of encouraging a fair- Competition, and of defeating the Combinations heretofore ex- perienced at the Time of Bidding, to ths great Pre- judice of the Reysnue. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. To be S O L D by AUCTION, By BRO WN 8? SON, On Tuesday the 31st Day of December, 1805, at Mr. Ridday's, the Red- Lion, Yardley- Hastings, in the County of Northampton, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, hi two Lots, AParticularly desirable ESTATE, Part Free- hold and Part Copyhold, pleasantly situate in YARDLEY- HASTINGS; comprising all that neat Messuage, with every requisite Outbuilding, four Cottages, and twelve Acres two Roods ( more or less) of most excellent Pasture. Lot 1 comprises a genteel, compact, FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Centre of YAKDLEY afore- said, now in the Occupation of Mr. John Robinson, Butcher; consisting of a substantial good House, with neat Kitchen, Parlour, Pantries, Cellar, four good Chambers, and Garrets ; a large and convenient Yard, Butcher's Shop, Fasting- Pens, Cow- Hovel, Four- stall Stable, Wood- Bam, and Hogsties ; large Garden and Orchard, with a Pightle of ( xcellent Pasture ad- joining, containing two Roods; also a Close of ca. pitil Pasture nearly adjoining, containing four Acres ( be the same more or less),- inclosed anil Tythe- free. Lot 2 comprises a COPYHOLD ESTATE, line certain ; consisting of four good substantial Cottug; , adjoining each other, with Barns to each; likewise a large Stone- built Barnr and Yard, with a Well of good Water; also two Closes of most excellent Pasture, inclosed and Tythe- free, containing eight Acres ( tno'e or less), now in the Occupitiou of Mr. John Ridiiay and others, at very low improvable Rents. Also, will be SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday the 1st Day of January, 1806, oil the Premises, at YARD LEY- HASTINGS, precisely at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, Some useful HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, i BREWING UTENSILS, a large Quantity of HARD ( WOOD and FAGGOTS, and other KFFECTSj I likewise a RICK of good HAY, about 20 foils. . i FREEHOLD ESTATE, Bedfordshire. I To be SOLD by AUCTION, I By BROWN . « ? SON, On Thursday the 2d Day of January, 1806, at the White- Lion lun, St. Neots, in the County ot Huntingdon, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon ( subject to such Con- ditions as will be then produced), AMost desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, lying and being at CHAWSTON and COLESDEN, I in the Parish of ROXTON, near St. Neots aforesaid; j containing 25 Acres of Arable Land, and nine Acres : two Roods of most excellent Pasture Land ( be the i same more or less), in three Lots. LOT 1. A. R. P. Twenty - one Acres of rich ARABLE LAND, lying in the open Fields of CHAW- STON and COLESDEN; and three Acres two Roods of most excellent MEADOW LAND, in COLESDEN, in the Parish of ROXTO. V, near St. Ncots aforesaid 24 2 0 LOT II. A CLOSE of most excellent PASTURE, containing six Acres, lying at C H AWSTO N, in the Parish of ROXTO. V aforesaid 6 0 0 LOT III. Four Acres of Inclosed rich ARABLE LAND, lving near Mr. Wilson's, at CHAWSTON aforesaid 4 0 0 As an Inclosure is likely to take Place of the Parish of Roxton, and the Soil'being remarkably fertile, it will be of considerable Advantage to this Estate. AH Timber and Timber- like Trees, Tellers, and Saplings, to be taken at a fair Valuation, down to 2s. 6( 1. per Stick, exclusive of the Purchase. 03" tor a View of the Estate, apply to Mr. WILSON, of Chawston; and for further Particulars, to Messrs. BROWN & SON, Auctioneers, Bedford. 4 lU DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, Exonerated from the Land- Tax. Shortly will be SOLD by AUCTION, By BROWN 6f SON, Unless previously disposed of by Private Con'ract, rpwo genteel DWELLING- HOUSES, with J. suitable Offices, Gardens, Sec. eligibly situated in the HIGH- STREET, in the Town of BEDFORD ; consisting of a Dwelling- House, which comprises a neat Kitchen, large handsome Parlour, neatly finished, with Bullet, & c.; three airy Bedchambers, and two Garrets; a dry Cellar, paved Yard, good Stable. Brewhouse, large Garden, bounded with lofty Fences, and planted with choice Fruit Trees ; a good Pump, and excellent Water— Also, in the Yard, a neat TENEMENT, with a large Room, now used as a School- Room, and in the Occupation of Mr. Moore, < Schoolmaster, and John Rayment. Also, adjoining, a genteel DWELLING- HOUSE, fronting the HIGH- STREET; which comprises a good Kitchen, Parlour, three Bedchambers, two Garrets, paved Yard, and Garden adjoining, now in the Occu- pation of Mr. Mantle, Builder. IPs" The above Estates are situate in an airy Part of the Town, the Soil dry, and very convenient for Trade, or the Residence of small genteel Families, being in good Repair. *** For a View of the Premises, for further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. J. WARDEN, the Proprietor; or BROWN & SON, Auctioneers, Bedford. Fridv. and Saturday's Posts. L O N/) O K December 13. rT-, i! F. next arrivals from Germany may be ex- JL pected to bring accounts from the armies, of eight or ten days later date than those which were received at the beginning of the week. Within that time, it is probable that either a general en- gagement or a suspension of arms has taken place. If Bonaparte feels confident in his strength, he will refer M. Haugwitz to bis Ministers at Vienna, and continue his march. If, as we suspect, lie considers his final success as precarious, he will avail himself of the interposition of Prussia, and seek to obtain, by the dexterous use of his diplo- macy, what he despairs of acquiring by his arms— a secure and honourable retreat. Having failed in compelling the Emperor ot' Austria to a peace, and having gratified his vanity by the conquest of Vienna, we are persuaded, that he has been much more occupied since he passed the Danube in •-••-• ' ' '! his WlANTED, A n AP PR ENTICE to a C'lIEM l'ST V and DRUGGIST, in an eligible Situation. fcf For Particulars, enquire of Mr. DAVINI'OHI, S u rgeon, Market- Harborough. December 1805. VS7" ANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN TV WHEELWR1 GHT, as FOREMAN. A eood Workman, and one who thoroughly understands his business, may meet with constant Employ and good Wages. 1PT Enquire of Mr. TITE, Sheep- Street, North- ampton. N. B. He may be accommodated with Board and Lodging in the House, if desired. December 13// J, J 805. A steady MAN, capable of superintending the " MANAGEMENT ot a FARM, of upwards of 500 Acres of Land, consider- able Part whereof is in Tillage.— Any Person, fully competent, will meet with good Encouragement.— A single Man would be preferred. ( J3T Enquire, personally, or by Letter ( Post- paid), of Mr. LEVI, Northampton. WANTED, > * supermten providing for his retreat, than in pushing advantages farther. It was yesterday reported that, the Cape of Good Hope had surrendered to the British; but through what channel the news arrived is not stated. The I to attend mourner, „ . he intends taking the command of the lion. Artil- lery Company on the day the remains of his Lord- ship arc to he interred. Dmid'ful Fire.— Last night, between the hour's of eight and nine o'clock, an alarming tire, broke J ' ANTED, oil Mortgage of a Freehold Estate, in Hand, near Northampton, of upwards of £. 110 a Year, from =£. 1200 to £. 1400at 5 per Cent. ( pT Enquire of Mr. AUBEY, Solicitor, Northampton. To VENDERS of ESTATES and other PROPERTY. Mrs. and Miss FREAKES RESPECTFULLY inform their Friends, their Vacation commences DECEMBER IStb, 1805; and the SCHOOL will re- commence JANUARY 20th, 1806. Miss HENLEY ESPECTFULLY informs her Friends and the Public, that she intends OPENING a BOARDING- SCHOOL, in DUNSTABLE, on MONDAY, JANUARY the 27th, 1S06. LINTON SCHOOL, Cambridgeshire. THE Rev. HOLT OK ES respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, the Vacation at his School commences on MONDAY the 16th of DE- CEMBER, and terminates on the 20th of JANUARY. Linton, Nov. 26tb, 1805. \ v out ill the printing- office and warehouses belonging to Mr. Gillet, a most respectable printer, in Salis- burv- square, Fleet- street; the. back part of _ the premises were situated, in Hanging- sword- alley, thickly surrounded by a great number of small house's, and joined by a sort of wooden bridge to the dwelling- house. In a short time after the tire was discovered, the town was tremendously illu- minated to an immense distance all round: the blaze reflected upon the Temple Buildings, tbe steeple of St. Bride's church and scaffolding, Blackfriar's- bridge, and the works at the other side of the river, as strong and red as the setting sun in the middle of summer. The sparks Hew in showers of the most alarming appearance, atid were carried across the river, even into BlackI'fiar's- road, by a brisk north- west wind. All the lighter materials of the business were seen floating in the air ; frag- ments of books, paper, & c. & c. were carried off of those Gentlemen who may have Property to tie disposed ot; assuring them, it will be his Study to discharge his Duty to his Employers, and, by a strict Attention to then Interests, he hopes t. merit a Con- tinuance of that liberal Support, he has so Ions expe- rienced from a generous Public, in his bttter Line of Business; for which he cannot here omit to express his grateful Acknowledgments. Wellingborough, December 1 Mb, 1305. FO 111 ERIN G HAY G RA MMAR- SCHOOL / ILL break up, for tbe Christmas Vacation, on THURSDAY the 19th Instant; and open again on MONDAY the 27th of JANUARY. CLIPSTONF,, Dec. 11th, 1805. rpHE Rev. E. WILLIAMS and W. BONSER a respectfully inform their Friends of Clipstone, and its vicinity, that the Commencement of the ensuing Vacation takes Place on the 19th Instant. FFF W. BONSER further begs Leave to inform such of his Friends us may please to favour him with their that he lias made every necessary Provision and that they may paid to the Pupils be taken on as Northamptonshire Quurteruge- Money. ' jfMIE Chief Constables are to collect and pay . » . in, at the ensuing Sessions, Ten single Quarterly Payments. CHR. SMYTH, Clerk of ths Peace. Northampton, Dtc. 14th, 1805. A5 M 1 L I T 1 A. S the MILITIA ill many Counties are reduced considerably below their Quotas, and Ballots j for tbe same are immediately expected to lake Place, j THE WESTERN MILITIA SOCIETY I are again issuing Receipts - at only ONE GUINEA i each. Such Persons, therefore, belonging to the I same, who may be drawn before the ist of AUGUST, 1806, will have a proper SUBSTITUTE provided without any further Expence, or receive the Sum of Fifteen Pounds, and the Claim for Parish Allowance, b- ing Half the current Price of a Substitute. The Punctuality o; this long- established Society in fulfilling their Contracts is well known, without further Comment. When Substitutes are procured, every possible Attention is paid, as usual, in obtaining them without Families; and when the immense , , . ill Number of Exemptions and the high Bounties aie by the strength of the fire to an amazing height, considered, it is hoped the Terms will not be thought aild threatened the neighbourhood with the most | unreasonable. * 1 R. SNARE, T. LANDER and Co. Western Militia Society- Office, Reading, Berks, November ' ith, 1805. SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED BY Mr. ABEL, Bookseller, Northampton; by whum several Substitutes are wanted, who will receive the highest Bounty allowed to be given. alarming consequences; in less than half an hour j all the upper parts of the printing- office were Consumed, and the roof fallen in.— From the want of a supply of water, and the flames j gathering strength every instant, a general con- j flagration of the neighbourhood appeared ine- j vitable, and the premises being chiefly composed of timber, increased the alarm to a frightful de- ] gree; the inhabitants were seen flying in tlie greatest consternation and terror in every direction, carrying with them whatever little article of fur- niture first came to hand. The confusion in so thickly an inhabited part of the town was inde- scribable.— Furniture, of various descriptions, was FIVK- GUINEAS REWARD, ti\ f II lilt EAS same evil- disposed Person or t V Persons did, late on Wednesday Night, or early on Thursday i- Morning last, break into the Geese- House of Mr. JOHN WHE. VfLEY, of GAYTON, in the County of Northampton ( which was effected by pulling down a Partition Wall), and steal there- from TWO GEESE and SEVEN TURKIES; some FOWLS were likewise stolen from the Hen- Roost, which was entered by picking the Lock : Whoever will give Information ot the Offender or Offenders, so that he, she, or they, may be prose- cuted, shall, upon his, her, or their Conviction, re- ceive the above Reward, of me, JOHN WHEATLEY. Gay ton, Dec. 12 th, 1805. ~ GENTEEL RESIDENCE! To be LETT, Convenient genteel HOUSE, situate iu ABINCTON- STREET, NORTHAMPTON ; con- sisting of a handsome Parlour, Kitchen, Pantry, Wash- House, & c. on the Ground Floor; excellent Sleeping- Rooms and Attics ; Garden and paved Yard ; spacious Cellars; wiih or without aTwo- Stall Stable. — Also, a SEAT' in the Gallery of SAINT GYLES'S CHURCH. IrT Early Possession may be had. *** For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. KIR- SHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. BEDFORD SECOND SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY WILL be at the SWAN IKS, on TUESDAY the 7th of JANUARY, ljOfi. fid?" Stewards are appointed tor the Evening; and the Dancing to commence precisely at Seven o'Clock. HARBQROUGH, Dec. 12th, 1805. 1\/ T RS. DEBORAH IIARROD, Widow, _ 1> A PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, & c. returns her best Thanks to the Public, for the many Favours conferred upon her late Husband and herself, and begs Leave to inform them, that the Business will be carried on, as usual, in all its Branches; hoping for a Continuance of their Orders, which will be thankfully received, and executed with tbe stricicst Punctuality. All Persons indebted to the late WILLIA'M HARROD, aie earnestly requested to pay the same immediately; and all Persons to whom the said j William Harrod stood indebted, at the Time of his I Decease, are desired to forward their Demands, in I order that they may be discharged. ROYALREXCIIANGE ASSURANCE- OFFICE, London, Nov. Ibth, 1805. HE CORPORATION of EXCHANGE ASSURANCE and appointed Mr. RICHARD SHEl'PARD, of DAVENTRY, in the County of Northampton, Grocer, their AGENT and RECEIVER for the said Place, and Parts adjacent, for the- ASSUB A. VCE of BUILDINGS, GOODS, MERCHANDIZE, and FARMING- STOCK, from Loss or DAMAGE by FIRE; and also for the ASSURANCE of LIVES. SAMUEL PENNING, Jun. Secretary. MA 1 N'g BANKRUPTCY.' r jpiIE Commissioners in a Commission of Bar. k- I rupt awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH MAIN, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON, in the County of Northampton, Ironmonger, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet o. n WEDNESDAY the FIFTEENTH Day of JANUARY next, at the GF. ORGE INN, in the Town of| NORTHAMPTON, in the County of Northampton, at Eight o'Clock in the Evening, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bank- rupt, when ami where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend; and ail Claims not then sub- stantiated will be disallowed. RICHARD HOWES, Solicitor. Northampton, Dec. 11, 1805. Lately, Mr. John Attcrbury, of Ilockliffe, Bed- fordshire, to Miss Jane Unvfin, third daughter of Mr. William Cnwiii. of Chalgravc. T1 of the ROYAL- E, have constituted A To ironmongers, Builders, Carpenters, Wheelwrights, Blacksmiths, unci Shopkeepers in general. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HAW, On Monday the Ib'th Day of December, 1805, and fol- lowing Days ( and not on the 9th as before adver. I tile great . Used), by Order of the Assignees of JOSEPH | MAIN, a Bankrupt, on the Premises, tlie Corner ' of the Parade and Sheep- Street, in the Town ot i NORTHAMPTON, A few days ago, at Cambridge, John Follow, Esq. one of the Aldermen of that corporation, and Lieutenant- Colonel of the Cambridge Loyal Volunteers. On Tuesday se'nnight, at Huntingdon, Mr. Charles Perkins. On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. IJarrod, printer and bookseller, of Miirket- Uarl, on> ugh. A few days ago, Mr. James Neale, auctioneer^ of Lutterworth. On Friday se'nnight, Mr. N. Hudson, Steward and Receiver to the Bishop, aiul l. hapter Clerk to the Rev. the Dean and Chapter, of Peter- borough. On Thursday last, Mr. James Neal, woadman, of Watford, in this county. Lately, Mr. Gould, farmer, of Dunnington, Warwickshire. —. The Rev. Richard Williams, M. A. Chaplain to the Earl of Moira, Rector of Great- Moughton, in this county, of Marklield, in Leicestershire, and Vicar of Puddington, Beds, is collated bv the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, to the Prebend or Ca- nonry of Langford- Mauor, in the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, The Rev. Thomas Theophilus Humphries, M. A. of Queen's College, Cambridge, is instituted to the Rectory of Baldoek, in Hertfordshire, on the presentation of the Lord Chancellor. We learn that the Magistrates of the county of W arwick, at the Midsummer sessions, made an order that direction posts, for the public accom- modation, should be erected at the Cross roads throughout the county. Normal- Cross Barracks.— The whole of the force stationed at this place, has subscribed oae day's pay to the patriotic funu at Lloyd's. — On Wed- nesday, upwards of 200 French prisoners, from Minorca, arrived here, under an escort of the Guards. N BUCKINGHAMSHIRE COUNTY GAOL. 01 ICE is hereby given, That at the last heaped up against the shops and houses hi Fleet- . . ^ Repair*; that the Yaids, Court seemed to prepare to; the () utlcts thweof. ar£ smalI) cIose> ami conlil, al. and street, and every one . . destruction of that quarter. Fortunately, how- ever, about the same time that the wind abated a little, a plentiful supply of water was procured, but not until the flames had communicated, by the wooden bridge, to the dwelling- house, and, at the same instant, were seen to burst through every window ill the house, from the top to the bottom. In less than an hour and a half the whole inside of the premises were consumed to the foundation, leaving only the bare walls and a few rafters.— Finding it impossible to save Mr. Gillet's property, the fit omen's attention was directed to the pre servation of the adjoining houses; and, by playing on them, from six or seven engines, in all directions, with a plentiful supply of water, they nearly ac- complished their purpose; but not before the Vac- cine Inoculation House, which joined Mr. Gillet's, and some others, were much injured. Some time after ten o'clock, the fire was very much reduced; and before eleven all apprehensions of farther dan- ger was dissipated. The di tuns beat to arms, and a large body of the 3d, 4th, and 5th regiments of London Volunteers, the Temple Corps, and several others, were mustered in a few moments under their respectiv e officers. By their timely exertions, the firemen were enabled to act with effect, and the unhappy inhabitants, who had moved their furni- ture into the . street, were protected from plunder. — We have not been able to ascertain from what cause this dreadful accident originated, but are informed, that it arose from some sparks ot fire coming down the chimney, and communicating with some paper in the warehouse. Neither have we learned what quantity of property has been destroyed ; but from the immense business of Mr. Gdlet, and the quantity of paper, types, priuting- rtisuis, 6cc. which he must necessarily use, we con . Hide the loss must be immense; exclusive of the house, building-, and furniture, which were of considerable value. The dwelling- house was for- merly the residence'of Mr. Richardson, the cele- brated author ' of Clarissa liarUme, Pamela, & c. where this cxtel'. ent writer composed many of his works. Tbe premise.-, wc are informed, were insured, but to what amount we cannot say. Session of Oyer and Terminer, and general Gaul Delivery, held at BUCKINGHAM, iu and lor die County of BUCKS, on SATURDAY the 20th Day of JULY, 1805, the Grand Jury, then and there assembled, pre- sented- to the Court, in due Form, that the Common Gaol belonging to the said County, situate at Ayles- bury, in the said County, is insufficient, inconvenient, and that it is necessary that the same should be forthwith enlarged, for the Accommodation of the Persons from Time to Time confined in the said Gaol: And thai a Copy ot such Presentment was duly laid before the Court, at the last General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace, held at Aylesbury, in and for the said County, on Thursday in the first Week after the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, to wit, the 10th Day of October, 1805, pursuant to the Directions of the Statute in that Case made and provided: Whereupon the major Part of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, assembled at the said Sessions ( such major Part being in Number more than seven), made an Order, that the Clerk of the Peace for the said County of Bucks, should give this Notice, tluee Times at the least, in some public Paper or Papers circulating in or near the said County, of such Presentment having been made; and that it is the Intention of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said County of Bucks, lo take the same Presentment into their Con- sideration at the then, and now next ensuing, General Quarter- Sessions of the Peace, to be he » d in and tor the said County of Bucks. ACTON CHAPLIN, Clerk of the Peace for the said County. Aylesbury, IIth December, 1805. V Under a Bill of Sale. To be SOLD by' AUCTION, By A. BROWNS GRAVE, On Tuesday next, December 17th, on the Premises ot Mr. RICHARD SMITH, in Bearward- Street, NORTHAMPTON, A QUANTITY of WHITESMITH'S TOOLS, j- V See.; consisting of two Pair ot Bellows, one Anvil, two Pair of Vices, and various Sorts of Tools ; new and old Iron ; and a Quantity of Coal.— Also, upwards of 30 Lots of Household- Furniture. ( fj" Sale to begin in the Morning at Ten o'Clock. To be SOLD b* AU C TI ON, By Mr. K N IB B, On Wednesday the 18th of December, 1805, between the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the After- noon, at the King's- Head, in Sheirington, near New port- Pagnell, Bucks, PIIE STOCK in TRADE of the said JOSEPH \ . . . MAIN ; consistingof large Quantities of Kitchen- [ witnessed on any similar occasion spoken by Master Wcller ( the Ranges, Bath Stove- Grates, Sham Ditto, Screws, ' logue, sp Nails, Locks, Bolts, Bell- hanging Utensils, Pulli. s, 1 which is Latches, Turnbuckles, Brass Hooks, Escutcheons, > patriotic Hinges of various Sorts, Scythes, Brushes, Combs; i Tobacco and Snuff- Boxes, Needles, Pins, and Thimbles, Carpenters' Tools, of all Sorts; an excellent Set of I . Holloius and Rounds, with various other Planes ( by I introduced:'— sr. /.. 1,1... ,. i tm j. i < 1 < I .... On Tuesday the 3d instant, the young gentlemen of Campton school, under the tuition of the llev. G. J. Davies, A. M. delivered their speeches, to atisfactiou and umnsenlent it a very numerous and respectable audience. ! n the eve- ning a ball and very elegant supper w ere provided for the company, and the whole was" conducted with as much taste and hospitality is were ever the f. pi- whole of too long for insertion), tiie following patriotic lines to the memories of die immortal 1 Drake, and the late glorious and ever- to- be- lamented Hero of Trafalgar, wire very neatly r| M 1 1 WALGRAVE FIRE. " HIE following subscriptions have been received for the Ue'. ief of the Suilerers by the FIRE in the above Parish, since the last Publication £. s. d. Parish of Wold .... 10 15 6 Parish of Abington a 6 0 From a Party at 1 itcldey 8 8 0 itzr Subscriptions will be received by Mr MARK- HAM, Northampton; Messrs; HUDSON, Welling- borough ; and at the BANK, in Kettering. ' MiCOND LO'n'ERY FOB 1805, Begins Vramng the ' id of February, 1806. CAPITAL Prizes sold, shared, and registered, prior lo ISO-!, by J. UliANSCOMB if Co. To be SOLD, or LETT, And may he entered upon im/ iiediately, \ Large and commodious HOUSE, with all Jt\ convenient attached and detached Offices, two Gardens, Court Yard, large Barn, and Stable tor tour or more Horses; and an Orchard weil planted with choice Fruit Trees, containing an Acie or more of excellent l. and, situate ill the pleasant and populous Village of Fl. OORE, in the County of Northamp- ton, and within Half a Mile of the Royal Depot, and the Grand Junction Canal, at Weedon- Beck. The abuvc is well calculated for Trade or Business of any Kind. ( JCjT Enquire at the WHITE- HART, Floore. *** A Quantity ot seasoned Oak Barn- Floor Planks to be sold. Valuable Elm, Ash, and Walnut ' Timber Trees. 1RTHLINGBOROUGH, Northamptonshire. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By RICHA R D S MIT H, ; On the Premises, on Monday the 2: id Day of Decem- ber, 1805, punctually at' Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, V11E following TIMBER TREES, one in each .— Lot viz. in MULBERRY CLOSE, 16 Elm Trees, and two Ash Ditto; in CONYREES CLOSE, :) H Elm Trees, and one Ash Ditto; and in Mr. WILLIAM WOOLS- TONE'S ORCHARD, two Walnut Trees. The above Timber is of very considerable Dimen- sions, will be sold without Reserve, and is standing on a Farm in the Occupation of Mr. William Woolston, and within about li00 Yards of Inhling- borough Wharf and the navigable River Nine or Ren. which adjoins the Grand Junction Canal by the ail- Way at Northampton. The same will be blazed and numbered six Days previous to the Sale. Further Particulars may be had of Mr. Tnqs. WOOLSTON, at Irthliugbprough; or ot the AUC- TIONEER, at the Swan, in Thrapston. c 4 Prizes of £..' 10,000 s 20,000 u 10,000 15 Prizes of £. 5,000 26 2,000 54 1,000 And in 1801, and first Lottery, 1805, the following Capitals were sold in 103 Shares, namely Nos. 17,177, entitled to 1,000 16,80l! f. 000 17,915, 2,000 13,747, - 10,000 Nos. £• 9,219, entitled to 20,000 11 643 20,000 456, 20.000 7,686, 20,020 Besides " several other £. 1,000, £. 500, £. 100, Sec. Sic. By the above J. BRANSCOMB & Co. joint Con- tractors for the present Lottery, and Proprietors ot the lucky Offices, „ No. 11, Holbom; 37, Cornhdl; and 38, Hay- market, Piccadilly, London; vWhere Tickets and Shares are now selling, in great Variety of Numbers ; likewise at Mr. BIRDS ALL'S, LICENSED for NORTHAMPTON; where several Shares of the above Capitals were sold and registered, and where Tickets and Shares are now selling as cheap as in London. rr Schemes gratis; and all Business relative to theFunds transacted with great Care and Punctuality. Please to observe, the 5000 first- drawn rickets witf be entitled to £. 22 each, besides the beneficial Chance of every floating Capital in the grand Scheme ; therefore » n early Purely is particularly recom- mended. 1 WO compact FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, in good Repair, with a Well of good Water iu the Yard,, and two Gardens ad- joining, agreeably situated iie. ii tne Church, in SHERRINGTON aforesaid. The one lately in the Occupation of Mr. Atkins, deceased; the other in the Occupation of W. West, Tenant at Will. fi^* For furti er Particulars, apply to the AUC- TIONEER, in Newport. Freehold Malting, Dwelling- house, and Premises. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ABBOTT, At the White. Lion Inn, St. Neots, on Thursday the 19th of December, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL that eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate 111 the village of EYNESBURY, adjoining the Market- Town of ST. N>. OTS, Huntingdonshire; con- sisting of an excellent Dwelling- House, with Brew- house and OHices, a Cottage adjoining, large Barn, Stable, Granaries, and Out- houses; together with a capital Malting- Ollice, capable of working, at least, 26 Quarters weekly, with large Malt and Barley- Chambers, and every other Convenience for carrying on the Trade of a Maltster and Corn- Dealer. The Premises were occupied by the late Mr. Humbly for many Years, in the above Business, with great Success; are now lett to Mr. Foster, for three Years, from Michaelmas last; and the Whole has been lately put into complete Repair, at a very con- siderable F. x pence. Further Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. GOKUAM, Merchant, St. Neots. ' lo he SO I. D bv A U C T I ON^" By JOSEPH' DUDLEY, On Friday she 27lh Day of December, 1805, between the Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, at the House of Mr. R. Barton, Jun. known by the Sign of the C . orge, at Winslow, Bucks, Coii HOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with large Bams, Stables, Garden, and Close of Pasture Land, thereunto adjoining ar. d. belonging, situate in GREAT Hps N- ST ; E FT, in the Parish of Mostly, late Mutter); Threads and Laces; Plated, Ivory, and other Knives and Forks; Scissars, Pocket- 1 Knives, Steels, Buckles, Pocket- Books, Door Chains, I Candlesticks, Brass and other Wires, Corkscrews, Horse picks, Collin Furniture, Toys, of various De- ' scriptions ; Razors, Bottle- Stands, Pencils, Sauce and Stewpans, Dutch and other Scales, Beams, and Vices ; two double- barrelled Guns, one Rifle, and eight others, by excellent Makers; Pistols; Gunpowder; Fire- Irons; Watches, Keys, and Chains; Files, of all Descriptions; Spades and Shovels; Brass- mounted and Steel Fenders; Garden Seeds; Steel and other Footmen; Frying Pans, Bellows, Bread - Baskets, Waiters, and Tea- Boards; Lead, Oils, Paints, Pitch, Tar, and Turpentine; Framed and Pit Saws ; Malt and other Mills; - Jjout 40 Bags of Shot; Gunsmiths' Tools in general; Lamp and Glasses; Iron Weights ; Patten Rings; a Quantity of 2J Inches Walnut- Tree Plank ; with numerous other Articles, too voluminous for an Advertisement. 65T Catalogues may be had in due Time at the following Inns, viz. Bull, Gluey; Swans. Newpoit- Pagnell; Bull, Stony- Stratford;' White- Florse, Tow- cester; Crown, Brackley; Angel, Market- Harborough ; j Talbot, Welford; Crowns, Leicester; George, Ket- j tering, and Thrapston; Hind, Wellingborough ; White- Lion, Banbury; and of the Auctioneer, North- f ampton. A LONDON, December 14, ST'N- OFFICE, Friday. WE stop the press to state, that Government received dispatches this forenoon from Embden, dated the 1st instant, which state that an order from his Prussian Majesty had been received on the 22d ult. by the chief magistrate of that city, directing him to receive the British troops into that city, and to afford them every possible accommodation. These dispatches contain no intelligence from the seat of war of a later date than that which has already been received. The Nile lugger, a few days since, looked into Ferrol, and saw five sail of the line lying there, supposed to be the Rochefort squadron, and two sail of the line at Vigo. The Egyptienne frigate, arrived at Falmouth, is said to have brought intelligence that a ship of the line and three frigates have, within these few days, put to sea from L'Orient. We undet stand " that an embarkation of troops is speedily to take place at Hull, a port very con WINSLOW, and now in the Occupation of Thomas ) venient for troops ill the northern part of the Hogston and William Turner. T1 ROAD MEETING. • HE next Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from the Town of North- ampton to " Newport- Pagnell, in the County of Bi. cks, will be held at HOKTON INN, in the County ot Northampton, on MONDAY the23d Day ot DECEMBER, instant. ROBERT ABBEY, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, Dec. 14, 1805^ This Day was published, by Request, Price One Shilling, ASERMON; preached at FLAMSTEAD and KENSWORTH, Herts, on the late Thanksgiving ^ By THOMAS ALSTON WARREN, B. D Curate of those Parishes, and Fellow ol St. John s College, Oxford. Dunstable: Printed and sold by J. W. Morris; sold also by Messrs. Rivington, St. Paul's Church- Yard, l ondon- Parker, Oxford; and all other Booksellers. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the White- Lion Inn, in Kimbolton, on Friday the 27th Day of December, 1805, about Four o'Ciock, Lot 1/ g " HE MANOR of GHEAT- CATWORT11, in the. County of Northampton ; and a very complete and desirable FREEHOLD FARM, with a very good Farm- House, Barns, Stables, and other necessai'y Outbuildings, situate iti the Village of G R EAT- CATWORTH aforesaid; and several CLOSES ot rich ancient- inclosed GRASS LANDS, conveniently situated near the Homestead, containing together 33A. 2R. 9P. ; and « 7A. JR. 27P. of newiy. inclosed LAND, conveniently divided for Oc- cupation, now lett to Mr. William Pashler, a very respectable Tenant, on a Lease for twelve Year;, from Michaelmas, 1804. ( PGR" GRF. AT- CATWORTH is four Miles frpm Kim- bolton, twelve from St. Neots, seven from Thrapston, and twelve from Huntingdon; to all which Places there are excellent Turnpike- Roads. Lot 2. A CLOSE of rich newly- inclosed FREEHOLD LAND, situate in tbe Parish, and adjoining to the Bridge, in the Village of HARGRAVE, in the County of Northampton, containing 20 Acres, and upwards, late in the Occupation of the Rev. Mr. Fonnereau, the Proprietor. gdr The TENANT will shew the Catworth Farm; and Mr. BATEMAN, of Hargrave, will shew the Land there. ., „ ** For further Particulars, apply to Mr. DAY, . Solicitor, St. Neots; where Plans of the Estates j the Hon. and Rev. Pterce Meade, of a soil, may be seen. kingdom. Among other regiments, we have heard the 1st. and 3d dragoons mentioned as likely tu go from thence.— It is in agitation to send several regiments of heavy dragoons. The Royal Horse Guard's ( Hue) under the gallant ( olonel Dorien, have requested to be sent. In the mean time General Officers and their brigades are embarking with all possible dispatch. Three transports, ' having each a company of Artillery onboard, are arrived at Sheerness from Woolwich, and more are daily expected. They are shortly to proceed to the Continent, under convoy of the Rcguhu, of 44 guns, and Havoc gun- brig. PRICE of* STOC KS. When fam'd ELIZA Albion's tceptre sway'd, " And PHILIP'S beet lhe trembling isle d -; n:> y'd, " Great D,; AKE return'd triumphant fiom ibe main! " Crown'd with the laurels of inglorious Spai , " And late when Gallia's tyr. mt t'ai. would pour " His murd'rous legions on Britannia's ' re, " Immortal NELSON brav'. l the ai- r- id,-;, " Fought for his country— for his coi i.' y d)' d! " Dy'd— crown'd with wreaths his valial. t aim had won, " Whilst Vict'ry, weeping, clasp'd her tail " For him, whose mem'ry rests unbe. m'd L. c— ( laying his hand upon his brea\ t) " Each lisping Patriot sh.- ds the grateful tear. " Oh ! may bis name to latest times r.- main Sacred to Honour, Britain, ar. d to Fame! " Whilst his aspiring soul triumphant flies " To dwell in happier realms, beyond the skies I" 1 On Friday last, the hounds belonging to Wm. Lee Antonie,' Esq. had one of the severest run* ever known. Ac iin! t'- i, n- 1 ten r- 1. t> t, ,,„ un- kenneled a fox at Swineshead wood. He imme- diately broke cover, and went over the new inclosure, leaving Dean village on the left; bore away towards Covington spinnies, over Hartgrave field, through Hunt's Closes, to Keyston grounds, leaving Raunds old meadow on the left; passed on by the village of Bythorr,; then, turning to the right, went over the finest grass- grounds imagina- ble to Catworth, where he was viewed by Mr. Fletcher, Jun. three fields before the hounds; still lie went on, climbing immense hilts, it> a dirret liue for Huntingdon; but just before he reached Spaldwick town, he turned short to the right, away to Stow ; then, on leaving the Great Wood Lim- nmge oil the left, went straight away to Kimbolton, and leaped the park pales belonging to his Grace the Duke of Manchester : here the hounds caught view, and run in to him in the park, after an hour and forty- five minutes the hardest running ever known. Monday se'nnight, —— Sturgess, a man who has been for some years engaged in carrying fish from Stamford to Birmingham, was fully committed, by the magistrates of that borough, for trial at the next quarter- sessions, ou a charge of uttering base com, knowing the same to be counterfeit. On Saturday last were committed to the gaol of this county, by the Rev. II. B. Harrison, Clerk, Thomus Adams wild John Jtfts, charged with stealing two boxes, one containing two gallons of elder wine and a gallon of nuts, and the other wear- ing- apparel, five guineas in cash, and two one- pound Bank of Eiishuid nates, from the Saracen's- Head inn, in Towcester, the property of Thomas Goodman, of that place. And on Thursday last were committed to the gaol of the said county, by Francis Dickins and Samuel Isted, Esqrs, Richard Wheeler, James Gaudern, and George Cherry, charged with break- ing into the house of Thomas Sunmerly, of Wilby, and stealing there. Mt sundry articles! his property. A On Monday, Dec. 16, will be published, Price One Shilling, MONODY on the DEATH of the late Right Hon. LORD VISCOUNT NELSON, t,; who fell gloriously, but universally lamented, off Cadiz, October 21st, 1805. Bv CHARLES ABBOT, D. D. F. L. and A S Domestic Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Bedford, Vicar of Oakley and Goldington, Bedfordshire, and late Fellow of New College, Oxford. Bedford: Printed by John Bat by B. Crosby, I'steinoster- Row, & c. Sec Bank Stock 3per Ct.. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Navy sh. 60J sh. sh. Imp. 3per Cents. sh. India Stock , sh. India Bonds par. 1 pr. Exc. Bills 1 dis. 1 pr. par. Omnium . . tij NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, Dec. 14. BIRTHS.] On Saturday se'nnight, at Dromore- Ilotise, county of Down, Ireland, the Lady of The Town of Northampton,? The ASSIZE of BRFAD TO WIT. S set the 14th Day of December, 1805, for the said Town, to take Place on Monday the Kith Day of December, and to be in force seven Days for tlte sa'id Town of Northampton. lb. oz. d. The Sixpenuv Loaf Wheaten is to weigh .. 258 Ditto Household is to weigh 3 1 14 The Twelveperiny Loaf Wheaten is to weigh 1 11 0 Ditto Household is to weigh 6 3 13 THOS. ARMF1 ELD, Mayor, PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Dec. 14. Wheat, 62s. to 70s. Od. R\ e, 40-,. Od. to 48s. Barley, 30s. Od. to 33s. Od. Oats, 19s. Od. to 23s. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 48s. Od. to 50s. Od. Peas, 32s. Od. to 38s. Cd. By the Standard Measure To be SOLD by A UC'l'lO N, By Mr. HAWTYN, On Fridav the 3d of January, 1806, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, at tbe While- Horse, in Fenny- Compton, near Southam, in the County of War- wick, ADesirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate M the Parish of WATERGALE ; consisting of a Meadow and Field of Pasture Land, containing 24 Acres, be the same more or less, now in the Tenure of Mr. William Beesley ; and may be entered upon at Lady- Day next On Tuesday last, at Blunham, Bedfordshire, the Lady of John Campbell, F^ sq. of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Monday last, Sir Charles Eth. Nightingale, Bart.- of Kneesworth, in Cam- bridgeshire, to Miss Dickinson, only daughter of Thomas Dickinson, Esq. of West- Retford, in Nottinghamshire. On Thursday last, at Ashby- St.- Ledger's, in this county, by the Rev. Mr. Wilson, Simon Kendall, Esq. of Richmond, in Surrey, to Miss Smith, of Ashby- St.- Ledget's. Same day, Thomas Sheppard, Esq. of Thornton- ' 6- .. . T „„, I Bucks, to Miss fleardsworth, of Enfield, Printed by Barnes; sold, in London, ( BEESLEY, ol > V armwgton , or ins ti » nic « » u, ui j > > Banbury. i^ Iiddlesex. Corn Exchange, London, Friday, Dec. IS. Since our last there are not many fresh arrivals of Wneat, and the trade to- day is more ready sale, and higher prices are obtained.— Of Barley a tolerable supply, ar. d, with Malt, fully at last price.— White Peas are but few, and 4s, per quarter dearer; but few Grey.— Beans at little variation.— Some further arrivals of Oats; with very few samples of the fir t quality,— Flour in better supply, at Monday's prices. LIST of FAIRS, from Dec. 16, to Dec. 28, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Dec. 16. Warwick. T. 17. Rugby. rh. 19. Northampton, Kettering, and Bedfori. M. 23. Newport- Pagnell. ^ BBBHBWWHWB IMPROMPTU. Wednesday and T Ws'ctafs tatt. , L O N D 0 N, December 12. roar'd old Pipes, in a n- No~ RiacR,'' fain rnr at sea." " If lie has, b— st my eyes, " ' tie's'not a Mac- bride, nor yet a Mack- enzie: « No Mack, sincq the Union, ( would e er strike to " TJ lie's no Mack of ours, but some Mac- aroni."' THE RETORT COURTEOUS. ^ yEl. I., Pat," said a knowing bystander, one day. To young Derniot, just landed on Liverpool quay, " How eat " Och! they a'ter;" Then seiz'd his shillalee, not liking such talk. Knock'd him down, and rcjoin'd, Whatd've of the staifc&' the potatoes on your side the water ?" ley ait very well, if that's what you i ' What d'ye think CONVERTED JEWS. January 1st will be published, Price only fid. No. 163, of rpHK EVANGELICAL MAGAZINE, for Janu- .8. ary, 130!), embellished with a beautiful Portrait of the Rev. J. S. C. PREY, a convened Jew, now preaching in 1 ondon, under the Patronage of the MISSIONARY SOCIETY; and containing an authentic Account of the recent and remarkable Conversion of Mr. LirinoTTi's family ( 15 in Number), from i Judaism to Christianity; original Essays on various ' t heological Subiects; a Review " f Publications: OK and ot thi arc devoted among whom, since its Commencement, three and four thousand Pounds have been distributed. • London: Printed for WILLIAMS and SMITH, Sta- tioners'- Court ; and sold by Mr. Birdsall, Northamp- ton, and every Bookseller and Newscarrier in the Kingdom.— Of whom may be had, all the former Numbers and Volumes. Also, all the Works of BISHOP HAI. L, Dr. DODDRIDGE, Dr. WATTS, Dr. HAWKER, Messrs. BONYAN, BORDER, HILL, and of oth r Evangelical Authors; also Bibles, Prayers, and Hymns; Sunday- School Books; and all the Pub- lications of the Missionary and Religiou, Societies. COOKE'S Complete System of Universal Geography; Cor,. amine an authentic and entertaining Description of EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA, andAMERICA, AS DIVIDED INTO Umpires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, V. with their Situations, Extent, Latitudes, Longitudes, Boundaries, Climates, Animal, Mineral, and Vege- table Productions, Curiosities, See.; being an Uuivenal History and Description of the uholc World; including interesting Narratives from all the Navi- gators who have made NEW DISCOVERIES; par- ticularly Byron Cook j Bligh Wallis Furneaux | Edwards Carteret Maurelle j Vancouver Botiganville King , | Perouse Mulgrave Portlock i Missionaries Forest Wilson | D'Entrecasteaux. Likewise, copious Accounts of modern Travellers; as Wood Erissot , Weld Bruce Mongo Parke Liancourt Wraxall Macartney Render Moore Sonnini Pallas Sparmanu I'ocockc Swinburne Tnunberg Barrow Collins Shaw Brown Denon. Forming a complete Collection of VOYAGES ami TRAVELS: In which is given a particular Description of the respective Inhabitants, their Religions, Laws, Cus- toms, Manners, Habits, Amusements, Ceremonies, Arts, Sciences, Manufactures, Trades, Commerce, Governments, Revenues, Sec. The Whole comprising an authentic and entertaining Account of every Thing worthy of Notice, both Geographical as well as En- tertaining, founded on the most respectable Autho- rities, formed with the greatest Accuracy from Ma- IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE on INSURANCE from FIRE in the COUNTRY. Albion hire and Life- Office, London, IJJ December, 1805. rpiIE DIRECTORS of the ALBION FIRE .5 and LIFE - INSURANCE COMPANY, of LONDON, having considered tiie very heavy Ex- pence, and the numerous Inconveniences, attending the Establishment of Agencies, and being desirous to devise some Mode of lessening the Charges of Insur- ance to Persons resident in the Country, without dimi- nishing the Security, or fair Profit, of the Company on such Business, have determined, for the present, to refrain Jrrnn the Appointment of Agents; and to otter to all Per. ons having Buildings, Goods, or oilier Property, to inline, at more than four Miles distant from• London, AN ABATEMENT OF NO LESS THAN TWENTY- FIVE PER CENT, PER ANNUM, on the Pre- miums usually charged, provided such Insurances be effected at the Company's Office . in London, through the Friends or Agents of the Parties; and without the Company being involved in any Correspondence, or other Duty, excepting, that of supplying such Friends, or Agents, with every necessary Information, at the Office, for the Guidance of those who may wish to take the Benefit ot this Oiler. If Insurances be made for three or more Years at once, a further Abatement will be allowed; by which Persons insuring will not only be in a still greater Degree benefited, but will be relieved from the Trouble of frequent Renewals of their Policits. The Charges will be on the following Scale: — GRAND LOTTERY, Begins Drawing February id, 18C6. SCHEME. 3 Prizes of = 6.20,000 3 —— 10,000 3 5,000 3 2,000 8 — 1,000 20 500 50 100 120 50 5,000 lst- dm. Tickets 22 25,000 Tickets =£. 60,000 30,000 15,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 5,000 - 6,000 110,000 =£. 250,000 1 j for 1 Year. for I tor I for | 3 Years. 15 Years.; 7 Years. between A lustrated with a considerable Number of new Maps and Charts, executed with Accuracy and Elegance, forming A COMPLETE ATLAS. It is also decorated with near ONE HUNDRED EMBEL- LISHMENTS. The Whole of this Work, forming two Volumes, Quarto, is just completed in ONE HUNDRED NUM- j BERS, Price Sixpence, only, each; every Number of i which contains sixteen Pages of Letter- Press, which a. re . more by One- fourth than usually given in pe- i riodical Publications at the same Price; consequently, I a Saving will accrue to the Purchaser of One- fourth I of the Expence necessarily incurred in procuring ' wvvr A v » 1MT1 err rnr < pi i i o j Works of a similar Kind. Every Number also con- WYMAN s AN n- BILIOLS 1 ILLb. ; tains either an Engraving or a Map. S a safe and efficacious Remedy tor Bilious i This Work being divided into Numbers, affords the s. d. 1 6 2 3 3 9. Proportion for t. d. 1 5 2 1 3 6 35 percent, abated. 40 per cent, abated. s. d. i. d. 1 4 1 3 1 11 1 9 3 3 3 0. Part of the above Capitals. The first- drawn Ticket 1st Day =£. 10,000 Ditto 4ih Day . 20. COO Ditto 6th Day 20,000 Ditto Sth Day 5,000 Ditto 10th Dav 2,000 TICKETS AND SHARES Are selling at every LICENSED LOTTERY - OFFICE. Present Price. Ticket =£. 19 17s. Half =£. 10 0 0 I Eighth =£. 2 11 0 Quarter 5 1 0| Sixteenth -.-- 1 5 6 An early Purchase is advised, as the first 5,000 Tickets will be entitled to =£. 22 each, besides their Chance of the Capitals. This Day, Saturday, December 14, will be published, in Octavo, dedicated to His Majesty, Price only- Sixpence, NUMBER I. Embellished with an elegant emblematical FRONTIS- PIECE, engraved in the first Style by C. WARREN, and a striking PORTRAIT of His MAJESTY ( the succeeding Numbers to be printed Weekly), of a new Work, denominated ION DON ; being atl accurate and faithful A HISTORY and DESCRIPTION of the BRITISH METROPOL IS and its NEIGHBOURHOOD, to the Extent of thirty Miles, from an actual Perambulation ; which will form a Body of Information, respecting this vast City and its Environs, at once interesting and in- structive. u„ nsvin mir. ucnw I i n This Dav is published, handsomely printed in Quarto, on writing Paper, Price, in Boaros, 7s. to be con- tinued annually, HE FARMER'S DAILY JOURNAL, and complete ACCOUNTANT ; recommended to all Farmers, as well Proprietors as Occupiers of Farms, Stewards, Bailiils, Sec. as the most easy and ready Method ot keeping the Accounts of a Farm; so arranged, that the plainest Capacity, with a Know- ledge of Writing only, may keel) a most accurate and satisfactory Account, as well of the Labour as the Profits of the Farm. By a PRACTICAL FARMER. Printed for F. C. and J. Rivingtcn, No. 62, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and sold by Mr. Birdsall, Mr. Burnham, and Mr. Abel, in North- ampton, and ail Booksellers in Town and Counnry. fhZ " Tract Indigestion Loss " of Appetite, I Reader the Choice ot procuring one or more at « Indigestion,, i- oss IP th' Time> as may be most agreeable. The Price, com- and ; plete, unbound, is £. 1 10s.; neatly bound, = fc. J Js.; elegantly bound, £. 3 10s. his i A SUPERIOR EDITION ' is printed on Wove Vellum Paper, and possesses Jhe Complaints, Sick Head- Ach, sour or bitter Mouth, for Jaundice, Obstructions in the Liver, Gouty Habits, where the Head and Stomach are af- fected, Mr. WYMAM bees Leave to recommend his ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, their Efficacy being esta- blished on the Testimony of many Persons of Respect- ability, who have experienced their salutary Eifects. £ 3' They are an excellent Medicine preparatory to Sea- bathing; for Persons who have impaired their j Constitutions bv free Living; and for the Bowel Complaints, which generally prevail ill hot Weather. Prepared and sold by W. WYMAN, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey and Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and Retail by Dicey & Sutton, Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Sanderson & Beal, and Tuck Se Mather, Wellingbo- rough; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York, Oundle ; Beeslev, Ban- bury ; Harringer, & Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Quene- borough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; - Harrod, and Bull,' Market- Harborough ; Wilcox, andGallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham ; Hawkes, Lutter- worth ; Palgrave,' Bedford ; Gardner, Biggleswade; Richardson, Stony- Stratford"; Loggin, Aylesbury; Wards, Hinckley; Eaton, Thrapston; Jacob, Peter- borough; Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwiok; I. uccock, Kimholton; Emery, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tapp, and Darfon, Hitchin; Wallis, Ol'isv , Rowell, Rugby; Ward, Stratford- upon- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; and by- all other Venders of Medicines. Piice 2s. 9d. a Box, Duty included. , S' E V E Ii N E • s BLOOM OR WHITE CEPHALIC SNUFF, r rr att , jj r-.-. i - rrf « particularly the « common Head- Ach, it i; ives immeliate Ease; and af this Season, in particular, shout 1 be taken after Dinner, to prevent the iil Consequence of Drow- siness, too often experienced after a full Meal.— The . Injury, common Snuff does to the Head and Sto- ur. ch, may be prevented by mixing a little oi this wholesome Snuff with it. In obstinate Nervous Complaints, Faintness, Lowness of Spirits, Wind in the Stomach, Fits of every Kind, Hysterics, Palsy. I. etha'- gy, and Rheumatic Complaints, not otilv taken as a Snuff, but also mixed in any a^ raable Liquor, and taken by the Mouth, its Efficacy lias boen asro- nUlaflgJu jji. mT thousand Instances, v. hich cannot be said of any other Smnf extant.— Price 2s. Sa. a Bottle. Sold Wholesale by Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, Marshall, and Edmonds, Northampton; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry: Sheppard, and Wilcox, Towcester'; Tuck& Mather, Wellingborough; Collis & Dash, Kettering; Palgrave, Btdfoal; Locgin, Aylesbury; and by every Vender of Patent Medi- cines in the United Kingdom. SPTLSTSURY'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. A NEI. SCORBUTICS are daily put forth to J\- counteract troublesome Eruptive Complaints, with various Success, till Confidence sheltered in a few Specifics has left the Patient to decide upon Ex- perience and well tried Remedies. If thirty- two Years trial, and well authenticated Cases of Scurvy, Scrophula, Gout, and Rheumatism, its respectability as a Remedy among medical men, speak plainly, we might with less Diffidence assert the Merits of SPILSBUHY'S PATXNT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, which has existed so long without a Diminution of its Fame. Having proved its Value, the next Duty we owe ourselves and the Public is to secure it Genuine; the following Caution is therefore worth attending to, " By the King's Patent," are Words which arc- expressed at Length on the Bottle, Bill of Directions, and outside Wrapper, and the Stamp ( the King's Dutyl is printed m black Ink instead of red. Ladies wishing for a simple Cosmetic, to allay Irri- tation, are recommended to try SFILSBURY'S COM. JOUJJD EJSINCZ. Sold at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, Lon- don ; and mav be had of the Printers of this Paper; of Mr. Okely, Bedford; Tuck & Mather, Welling- borough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Davehtry ; and of most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. and sold by Kingdom. all the Booksellers in the and first - Row; United Dr. WHEAT LEY's Invaluable . Remedies for the certain and speedy CURE OF the ITCH. AN OINTMENT which cures in four Hours, - and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, OT any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may be cured without the le: , t Hazard. 1{ is of an agreeable Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so short a Time. ' Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise his CHYM1CAL LIQUID, as perfectly sale as the Ointment, and as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor docs it in the Itast soil the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va. luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6d. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey ft Suttcn, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bales, and Wilkinson, Daven- try ; Tuck Se Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southaip; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn; and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough : Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Ilodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford; Inwood, and Bar- ringer, Newport. Pagnell; Queneborough, Dunstable; Darton, and'I'app, Hitchin; Wilcox, andGallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Loggin, Aylesbury; and by every Vender of Patent M' licines in the United Kingdom. ROYEVL- EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. for assuring Established Houses, , „ , Buildings, by Royal ,, J J Corn, Hay, Goods, & c. and also for the Reign of the Assur ance of George I. In Cases where the Annual Pre- mium, according | 25 I 30 to the Charge j per cent.' percent, generally made, abated, i abated, would be 2s. it will be reduced to 3s. ditto 5s. ditto - and in the like Proportion for the intermediate Years. A considerable Allowance will be also made, ac- cording to Act of Parliament, on the King's Duty, when paid for more than one Year. The Proposals of the Company, with full Expla- nations as to the Method in which Insurances should be arranged, and Property described, will he deli- vered, free of Charge, to any Person who may apply at the Company's Office, in Change- Alley, London. The Whole will be comprised in one Sheet, so as to admit of being forwarded at the Expellee of single Postage. The Directors beg particularly to impress on the public Attention, that the above Otter is not made in any Spirit of Adventure, but on known and justi- fiable Grounds; the Saving, on which they ate en- titled to calculate, will be quite equal to' the Re- duction proposed. It is on no other Footing that such an Alteration of Charge could be attempted, with Justice to ihe Company, or to the Public; because the Premiums, as they now stand, do rot admit of Abatement, without a clear and certain In- demnity. The Object of the Company is to give to Per- sons residing in the Country, the whole Bcnijit of a Saving, of which their Business is susceptible ; with no other Difference, than that of occasioning to such Persons the trifling Trouble which may attend the Employment of I printed, it is submitted as a Specimen of the Whole, a Friend in London, once in a War, or, if it be pre- | and may be had in separate Numbers, Pi'ice 6d. each, fernd, once only in several Years. j or neatly done up in Boards, Price 14s. 3d. embel- The Funds and Resources of the ALBION COMPANY | lished with twentv- eight elegant Engravings, are equal to those of any Institution formed for the. A'FINE EDITION same Purposes. The Conditions of Insurance are ( Is printed on fine Vellum Wove Paper, hot- pressed, REAL JAPAN BLACKING, made by DAY and MARTIN, LONDON. . npilis invaluable Composition, with Half the S usual Labour, produces the most brilliant jet- Black ever beheld, atiords peculiar Nourishment to ihe Leather, will not soil the finest Linen, is per- fectly free front any unpleasant Smell, and will retain its Virtues in any Climate.— Sold Wholesale, by DAI and MARTIN, NO. 7, Tavistock- Street, London; and Retail by their Agents, Birdsall, Bookseller, North- ampton ; Norris, Perfumer, Bedford; Inwood, Sta- tioner, Newport - Pagnell; Richardson, Perfumer, I Stony. Stratford; Page, Perfumer, Oundle; Folwell, Grocer, Towcester; Mcrridew, Coventry; Harrod, Market- Harhorough ; Jenkin son, ' Huntingdon; a:- a Gregory, Leicester, in Stone Bottles, Price Is. each. 6d. LEICESTER. A Saving of Nine Shillings in Tico Guineas. MR. SWINFEN, Druggist, at his Patent Medicine Warehouse, Leicester, informs th « Nobility, Gentry, See. that lie continues to receive ( on Account of the very great Demand), everv Month, ) l'csh Supplies of Dr. SOLOMO N's celebraud BALM 1 of GIL!' AD, for Nervous Complainti, Consump- . lions, & c. Sec. Price 10s. fid. ; and Family Bottles, I which contain four Half- Guinea Bottles, 33s. ' Likewise, the ANTI- IMPKTIGINF. s one beauvful Copper. Plate Engraving Copious Indexes will be given to each Volume. A List of Subscribers will be given in the last Number. Within the Circuit proposed for Description, the following Counties are included:— Middlesex, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Berks, Bucks, Herts, Bedford, and Sussex. This Work will be embellished with upwards of 150 beautiful Copper- Plate Engravings, from original Drawings, delineating exact Representations of the most celebrated public Buildings, Seats of tlicNobility and Gentry, Views of Towns, Antiquities, Sec.— To which will be added, correct Representations of the Parish. Churches in the Metropolis, and the Arms of the principal incorporated Companies, neatly engraved on Wood. The first Volume of this Work being already more favourable than have been yet offered and the Rates, on which ihe above Reductions will be made, are as moderate as those of any Company, and, in some Instances, more moderate than have been before proposed. The Directrrs are James Pattison, Esq. Chairman ; Charter Deputy- Chairman; Joseph Minet, Esq. Henry Pigeon, Esq. Sir John Pinhorn Joseph Quincey, Esq. William Rayley, Esq. Wn>. Smithi Esq. M. P. J. J. Smith, Esq. and Alderman Thomas Smith, Esq. Al- derman and Sherilt' Benjamin Travers, Esq. Daniel Richard Warington, Esq. <•: Lives. LIGNUM's PILLS, . Price only 2s. 9d. the Box ( each Box contains IS Doses,) 1~' 0R the infallible Cure of all Degrees of a certain Disorder, prepared by Mr. LIGNUM, Surgeon, at his Dispensary, No. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester.— One small Pill is a Dose, and the Taking of one Box, in a recent Case, will convince the Patient of his speedy Recovery ; Nothing can be better contrived, more safe and convenient than this Remedy, in totally eradicating every Symptom of this destructive Malady, by Sea or Land, as it needs no Confinement, Restraint ot Diet, or Hindrance of Business. A Trial of this noble Medicine will soon sound its due Praise. With each Box is given a copious Di- rection, and a concise Description of the Disease, from which the Purchasers will be enabled to judge properly of their own Cases, and to tieat them as may be requisite, without further Medical Assistance, and with the utmost Secrecy and Safety. These Pills maybe had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester, and by Appointment are sold, at 2s. 9d. the Bex, by Howard Se Evans, 42, I. ong- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicey & Co. Bow Church- Yard; Barclay Se Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw Se Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London; and Reti'il of Dicey & Sutton, Northampton; Green Sc Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Dav ntry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Tookey, Outidle; Jacob, Peterborough; Wilcox, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives ; Jenkiuson, Huntingdon; Collis ( i Dish, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck & Mather, Weliini^ borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hert- ford ; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medi- wucs in the United Kingdom. DECEMBER 11. 1S05. RPIIE CORPORATION of the RO Y A Ir 1. EXCHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, that they have authorized their respective- Agents to receive Proposals for the Assurance of Farming Stock at the Rate of 2s. fid. per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 25th Instant, are her. by informed, that RECEIPTS are now ready to be delivered by theCoMPANY's respective AGENTS under- mentioned ; and ihe Parties assured are requested to apply for the Renewal of their Policies, on or before tiie 9th Day of January next, as the usual fifteen Days allowed for Payment beyond the Date ot each Policy will then expire. SAMUEL FENNING, Jun. Secretary. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Northampton,— ERAS. WM. JEYES. Thrapston,— JAMES ROBINSON, To w c es t e r,— JOHN JENKINSON. Wellingborough,— J. N. GOODHALL. Daventry,— JOHN SEATON. B F. DFORDSHIRE. Bedford,— M. PARTRIDGE. Biggleswade,— JOHN LANCASTER. I- eighton,— D. WILLIS. Luton,— D. L.~ WILLIS. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Aylesbury,— LUKF. TURNER. Beaconsficld,— Tuos. WITTS WALFORD. Buckingham,— ROBERT MILLER. Chesham,— CREED Se BAY LIE. Great- Marlow,— THOMAS EMES. Newport- Pagnell,— R. COLLISSON. Oiney,— RICHARD HARROLD, Stony- Stratford,— J. DAY. Winslow,— R. READING. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Huntingdon,— ROBERT STAFFORD. St. Neots,— WM. DAY. Stilton,— J. BODGER. LEICESTERSHIRE. Leicester,— JOHN KING. Market- Harborough,— WM. SPRIGC, Melton- Mowbray,— EDW. BRIGHT. WARWICKSHIRE. Birmingham,— JAMES KINDON. Coventry,— JESIMIEL SMITH. Kineton,— THOMAS AII. BOTTS. Rugby,— RICHARD FOX. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed, free of Ex- pence, where the Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. fj5" This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning.— Proposals may be had of the different Agents. Assurances on Lives being found to be advan- tageous to Persons having Offices, Employments, Estates, or other Incomes determinable on the Life or Lives of themselves or others, Tables of the Rates for such Assurances, and for the granting Annuities on Lives, may be had of the said Agents. And for the greater Convenience of the Public, the Company have determined to extend ( by special Agreement) the As- surances on Lives to the Age of 75 Years. John Towgood, Esq. Thomas Starling Benson, Esq. Henry Eurmester, Esq. James Burton, Esq. John Calvert Claike, Esq. Richard Clay, E> q. John Danvers, Esq. Solomon Davies, l'. sq. William Gonne, Esq. Gilbert Handasyde, Esq. John Kingston, Esq. M. I" George Leame, Esq. Thomas Maltby, Esq. By Order of the Board, WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. ( J3" No Charge will be made for Policies in any Case. Albion Fire and LiJe- OJ/ ice, London, l. I/ December, 1805. rpiIE DIRECTORS of the ALBION EIRE and JL LIFE- INSURANCE COMPANY have it in Intention to appoint resident Surveyors in the prin- cipal Towns ot' Great- Britain and Ireland, to assist in the Event of Losses happening, and to supply the Company witli local Information when wanted. Any Persons who may be inclined to undertake such Office, may communicate their Wish, by Letter, to the Company's Secretary, through some respectable Friend in London. The Compensation to such Persons will be in Pro- portion to tiie Services they may be called on to per- form ; but no Allowances will be made, unless such Services become necessary. By Order of the Board, WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. . V LOR, Est/. No. 9, New Bridge- Street, London. with Proof Impressions of the Plates, and elegantly- engraved Vignette Title- Pages to the respective Vo- lumes, Price is. each Number. In this Edition, the Plans of public Buildings, Maps, & c. will be finely coloured ; wnich, with tiie sup- rb Engravings, and the Elegance of the Types, blended with the superior Quality of the Paper, wiil make it the most splendid Work on this Subject ever submitted to public Approbation. The first Volume of this Edition being just com- pleted, may be had in extra Boards, Price =£. 1 8s. London: Printed and published by J. STR- ATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill; and sold by all other Book- sellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom. Our Readers are requested to be particular in ordering Hughson's Description of London. E AC T S. IT is a Truth well known and attested, that . Dr. BRODUM's NERVOUS'CORDIAL and BO TANICAL SYRUP alone are resorted to by the principal Nobility and Gentry, who acknowledge them to be the only certain Remedy in nervous, de- bilitated, and consumptive Complaints. The Virtu Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the Stamp; all others are assuredly Counterfeits. Also on Sale, a few scarce Copies of that inte- resting 3s. Tiact, called " SOLOMON'S GUIDE to HEALTH:" a Book extensively read and univer- sally approved. Chilblains are prevented from breaking, and their tormenting Itching, instantly removed by Whitehead's Essence of Mustard, universally esteemed for its ex- traordinary Efficacy in Rheumatisms, Palsies, Gouty Affections, and Complaints of the Stomach; but where this certain Remedy has been unknown, or neg- lected, and the Chilblains have actually suppurated, or broke, Whitehead's Family Cerate will ease the pain, and very speedily heal them. They are prepared and sold by R. Johnston, Apo- thecary, No. J5, Greek- Street," Solu, London; the Essence and Pills at 2s. 9d. each; the Cerate at Is. ljd. They are also sold by every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. i£ T The Genuine has a biack Ink Stamp, withths Name of R. Johnstone inserted on it. *** The severest Sprains and Bruises are cured by a few Applications of the Fluid Essence of Mustard. of these excellent Medicines have been tried with i 18, at the White- Hart inn, Bu'rton- upon- Trent ...... v •., >. !.... 1 niifl ^ rnr. H ttv> Ti> ct nf \ cjr; .1 ~ I . 1... ... . ..." To THOMAS SIR, r Consider it. but an Act of Justice due to the .1. Merits of your LEAKE'S PATENT P'lLLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which- has recently b.- eu performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case,- or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation tor two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; hc did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two Boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a few Boxes mote he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, ana is now as Healthy and stout as any Man 1 know. You arc welcome. Sir, to re'er any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. 1 am, Sir, your obedient humble Servant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstone, duly 10, 1805. Prepared and sold oy the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he Hatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Advantage seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, Se Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Loggin, Ayles- bury ; Knight, Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Tuck Se Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. U^ r Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour ot the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Office— T. Taylor, No. 9, Ntw Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony, and all others are counterfeit. unexampled Success, and stood the Test of Y'cars, as appears in the Pamphlets delivered gratis. The BOTANICAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars- Bridge, in Bottles at =£ 1 2s.— lis.— and 6s. Duty included. A. 1). SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. %* A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS ot" this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit thereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in Harbo- rough ; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Palgrave, Bedford ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Tookey^ Oundle; Beale, Thrapston; Collis Se Dash; & Munn, • Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Jackson, Peterborough; Newcomb, Printer, Stamford; Wheeler, and Loggin, Aylesbury ; Marriott, Banbury ; Gallard, Towcester ; and by most Booksellers' and Medicine Venders in the three Kingdoms. •=> « '•:> » • BANKRUPIS required to SURRENDER. William Sims, of Newgate- market, London, carcase- butcher, Dec. 14, 21, arid Jan. 18, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Wild, Warwick- square, Newgate- street. Ralph Fogg and Thomas Cantrell, of Manchester, cotton manufacturers, Dec. 2.3, 24, and Jan. 18, at the Star inn, Manchester. Attornies, Messrs. Kay Se Renshav/, Manchester. William Bayljc, of Ledbury, Herefordshire, baker, Dec. 17, 18, and Jan. 18, at the Feathers inn, Led- bury. Attorney, Mr. Reece, Ledbury. Jiisiah Cooke, of New- road, Portland- road, St. Mary- lc- bone, Dec. 14, 19, and Jan 18, at Guild- hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Gieenwoud, Manclies- ter- street, Manchester- square. Israel Burrows, of Mirtield, Yorkshire, corn- dealer, Dec. 23, 24, anil Jan. 18, at the Man- and- Saddle inn, Desbury, Yorkshire. Attorney, Mr. Sykes, Des'oury. Edward Coats, of Horninglow, Burtou- upon- Trent, Staffordshire, conimpn- brewer, Dec. 23, 24, and Jan. At- torney, Mr. Fowler, hurton- up n- Trent. William Gibb ,, oi' Newport, Isle of Wijrht, hack- ney man, Dec. 17, 18, and Jan. 18, at the Bugle inn, Newport. Attorney, Mr. Gilbert, Newport. Samuel Young, o't North Audhy- s. ree:, Grosvenor- square, surgeon, Dec. 10, 17, and J HI. lb, at Guild- hall, London. Attomie-, Messrs. Vincentik Upstone, Bedford- street, Bedford- square, and Mr. Cunningham, Red- Lion- street, Red- l. ion- square. William Coltman, of Long- Acre, baker, Dec. 14, 17, and Jan. 18, at Guildhall, Loudon. Attorives, it..-.-,. f~ i.:_- ; w- ii— " - • Upstone, Bedford- street, Bedford- square. William Randall, the elder, late ot Manningtree, Essex, innkeeper and tailor, Dec. 19, 20, and Jan. 21, at the Coach- and- Horses, Ipswich. Attorney, Mr. Jackaman, Ipswich. Absalom Marsh, of Aldgate, London, jeweller, Dec. 17, 21, and Jan. 21, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. I. oddington & Hall, Secondaries- Office, King's- Bench- walks, Temple. John Green, of Burton in Lonsdale, Yorkshire, cotton- spinner, Dec. 16, 23, and Jan. Bridgewatcr 21, at the Attorney, Mr. SUN FIRE- OFFICE, BANK- BUILDINGS, and CRAIG's - COURT, CHARING- CROSS, LONDON, For insuring [ Louses and other Buildings, Goods, Mer- chandize, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or Building, and Craft, from Loss and Damage by Fire. E, whose Names are underwritten, being AGENTS for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, have Authority from the Managers to inform the Pub- lic, and all Persons insured in the said Office, that the Premium on the Stock of Corn and" Hay, being the Produce of a Firm, also Cattle and Implements of Husbandry thereon, wiil be rated at Two Shillings and Sixpence per Cent. And all Persons insured in this Office, are requested to refer to their Policies, in order that they may receive the Benefit of this Re duction of the Premium on Farming- Stock, oil their respective Renewals at CHRISTMAS next; and that PRINTED RECEIPTS, under our Hands, are ready for Delivery, for the Premium and Duty on Policies, as they become due; and that printed Pro- posals of the Terms of Insurance may be had of us, which will be found AS MODERATE, IN EVERY RESPECT, AS THOSE OF THE OTHER OFFICES. ( J^ T FARMING- STOCK may be insured, generally, irTall Barns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without the average Clause, which may be seen by applying to us, who will give any further Information which miy be required, for the explaining this Mode of In- surance. Northampton,— R. SCRIVEN. " Peterborough,— J. ATKINSON. Towcester,— W. INNS. Kettering,.— J. HENNELL. Daventry,— C. TOMALIN. Lutterworth,— S. CHAPMAN. Leicester,— J. PRICE. Banbury,— J. PAIN. Buckingham,— T. STUCHBEHY, Jun. Newport- Pagnell,— W. LUCAS. Potton,— J. PEDLEY. Stamford,— T. COOKE. Coventry,— J. CARTER. Leighton- Buzzard,— J. SANDON. Bedford,— W. SMITH. ( f^ f Policies insuring Three Hundred Pounds, are issued free of Expence; and all Payments for Losses by Fire are made by this Office without Deduction. %* TIICSUN FIRE- OFFICE have always paid Losses or Damage bv Fire from Lightning. December 14, 1805. Arms, Manchester. Woodburn, Manchester. Di vii) ex d to be made to Creditors. Dec. 31. William Gurden, thei younger, of Stony- Stratford, Buckinghamshire, lace- merchant, at th* White- Horse inn, Stony- Stia ford. MARKETS.— London, Dec. 9. Our supply of Wheat this morning was rather short, and from the unfavourableness of the weather, the sales of fine samples were eifected upon higher terms than last Monday; at the close of which day it should have been remarked, that Flour I'eil to 60s. per sack, though, to- day, it has again risen to 65s. — Little alteration in Barley or Malt; bright sam- ples of the former, from Norfolk, are most in re- quest, and obtain the best prices.— White Peas re- main nearly as last Monday, but Grey Peas aru dearer.— We have neither rise liorabateinent in small Beans, but new Ticks are dull and cheaper. Our Oat arrivals have been large of late, and good horse corn is nearly as high as last week. Samples of an inferior quality are cheaper. Wheat.. 42s. to 56s. fils. Fine Do. 66s. to 69s. Od. Rve . .. 3ls. to36s. Od. Barley.. 27s. to34s. Od. Malt... 68s. to 74s. Od. Oats 24s. to 33s. 01. IlorseBeanslOs. to 45s. Od. Tick Ditto 27s. to 34s. Od. White Peas 35s. to 40s. Od. Grey Ditto 40s. to 43s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 60s. to 65s. Od. Hops, per Pocket.— Kent, 51. 12s. to 71. 7s.— Sussex, 51. 12s. to 71. 0s.— Farqham, 71. 0s. to 101. SMITHFIELD, Dec. 9. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 3s. fid. to 4s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 4s. Od. to 4s. 8d. Veal 5s. Od. to 6s. 4d. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 0s. 0d. 0s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2500— Sheep and Lambs, 11,500. NEWGATE and LEADENHALL, Dec. 9. Beef, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 8d. Mutton, 3s. Od. to 3s. lOd. Veal, 4s. Od. to fis. 8d. Pork, 4s. gd. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 0s. Od. to 0s. Od. TALLOW.— Town 69s. Od. Russia ( Can.) 67s. Od. to fi9s. Od. ( Soap) — s. Od. to 67s. Od. Melting Stuff — s. to 57s. 0d. Ditto rough — s. to 40s. Good Dregs lOs. Od. Graves lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 5filh. 24d. to 25d. Ditto, 60to 6Mb. 26d. to 27d. Merchants Backs, — d. to 23Jd. Dressing Hides, 21Jd. to 22Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, 23d. to 25d. Crop Hides for cutting, 22d. to 23£ d. Flat ordinary, 20Jd. to 22d. Calf Skins, 30 to 4 ; b. perdoz. 38d. to 43d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 3Sd. to 42d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 36d. to 39d. Small Seals, per lb. 36d. to 40d. Large Ditto, per doz. 120s. to 180s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. pet doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 21s. to 36s. per Hide. • NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON.
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