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The Northampton Mercury


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Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 35
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 02/11/1805
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: LXXXV    Issue Number: 35
No Pages: 4
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ort^ amyton tttutp Vol. I. XXXV. < 1 Ready Money is expected ) No. 35. \ with Advertisements. i SATURDAY, November 2, 1805, PRICE SIXPENCE, \ ^ amp- Duty - 3* d. ' ( Paper and Print 2£ d. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, October I'd. THE Paris Journals to the 23d, and Dutch Gazettes to the 26th instant, have been re- ceived; their contents principally relate to the movements and operations ot' the French and Aus- trian armies, and are truly important. On the 6th, the two hostile armies were in sight of each other; and their respective movements began to indicate clearly their mutual plans of operation. The Austrians strove to avoid a ge- neral battle, till their Russian auxiliaries- should arrive'on the banks of the Danube, and toward the North- West extremity of their line of defence; to preserve their communications with tlie Tyrol, and with Hungary and Austria; to oppose the pro- gress of the French by a war of posts, as obsti- nately, and as long as they could he rendered sub- servient to their purposes. On the forenoon of the 6th, the Austrians began to act in face of the French; and broke down the bridge over the Danube at Dqnauwerth. At seven o'clock that evening, the French advanced posts reached it. The foremost column came up almost instantly after to support them. In the night be- tween the 6th and 7th, this column took its position on the very ground where were the famous lines of SetiellCnberg in 1704, close by the town of 1/ onau- werth. The Austrians had planted their artillery on the opposite side of the river, and before morn- ing, an action commenced. The advantage was, at first, with the Austrians, but the French brought forward more artillery and new troops; and the efforts of the Austrian detachment began to be overpowered. As the firing slackened, the French, under the protection of their own artillery, re- stored the bridge. By noon, on the 7th, they had made the bridge again passable, passed it, and marched in numbers which were hourly augmented, after the Austrians. Tt had not been the intention of the Archduke Ferdinand and General Mack, there to risk a ge- neral engagement; the detachments at the bridge had therefore retired, after opposing the passage to their utmost. The French troops, determined to forcc the passage of the Danube, cost what it woujd, were received by the Austriaus with such showers of grape shot, that whole ranks nf the French army were mowed down; hut at last they gained their object, partly by swimming across the river. In the afternoon of the 7th, the French pursued their march along the great road % Augsburgh to Druisburg. They were much harassed, though not actually stopped on their march, by the lively and skilful fire of a party of Austrian Uhlans, re- tiring before them from the bridge. But, after their first success at Donauwerth, they passed, to the number of one hundred thousand men at Donau- werth, sit. Neuberg, and at Ingolstadt. At, Ncuberg, and at Ingolstadt, they were vigorously opposed by Austrian detachments, over which also, they pre- vailed. Passing in different columns at these se- veral places, they were enabled to intercept near Hochstadt, an Austrian detecliment, that appears to have been on its march to reinforce the Austrian strength at one of these posts. On the forenoon of the 8th, the advanced posts of the French were only at Meitingen, half- way between Donauwerth and Augsbtirgb.— On the 11th, Bonaparte's head- quarters were still at Do- nauwerth, and his columns which had crossed the Danube continued to advance into Bavaria.— The Austrians still fell back before them, from post to post. But they retired in good order; fought as they retired; and succeeded in retarding prodi- giously, and embarrassing the advancing march of the French. Actions have daily taken place between the two armies subsequently to the above date, in which both parties sustained great loss; but most of the accounts agree in stating, that the French, from their superiority in numbers, were ultimately suc- cessful. It appears that the junction of the first Russian column with a body ot Austrians took place on the Inn ou the 12th instant. The second Russian army was expcctcd to reach the Inn by the latter end of the present month. •— General Michelson, who commands the second division of this army, is the officer who so ably conducted the war against Sweden, in 1788. Ku- tusow, who leads the first division, is a man of infinite bravery, active, vigilant, and enterprising. He beat the Turks and Tartars at Barbada, with an inferior force; and at the close of that war was sent Ambassador to Constantinople. He has ever entertained the most determined hatred to- wards the French. General Tolskoy, who commands the Russian troops in Hanover, served with considerable suc- cess and talent against the Tartars, and is esteemed a brave and active officer. The Prussian Ambassador in London, has di- rected the Prussian Consul to notify to all the masters of Prussian vessels in this country, to be careful not to enter any of the ports of France or Holland, as they might thence be brought into danger. Lord Ilarrowby, accompanied by Mr. Hammond and Mr. Montague, set out yesterday afternoon for Harwich, to embark for Berlin. The object of his Lordship's mission is avowedly to give the greatest possible effect to the hostility which the Prussian Cabinet has at length manifested towards Bonaparte, and to afford whatever pecuniary as- sistance may be necessary. The co- opevation of Prussia in the war, an event now regarded as certain, cannot fail to produce the most important results. The conduct of the French forces iu the Prussian l'ranconian Provinces, has doubtless hastened the decision of the Cabinet of Berlin; but there is no doubt that it has, for some length of time, regarded the pro- ceedings of Bonaparte with particular jealousy and apprehension. The army of Prussia is estimated at 200,000 men, in an excellent state of discipline and ap- pointment; and her arsenals every where abun- dantly supplied with military stores of every de- scription. , The enemy's ships which lately committed such depredation on our commerce, have escaped the vigilance of our fleets. A notice was ou Saturday posted up at Lloyd's, stating, that an account was received from pfyinouth, that the Rochefort squa- dron had got safe into Fcrrol with all its prizes. The force which lately sailed under the com- mand of Sir Home Popham is, it is now generally believed, destined for the reduction of the Cupe of Good Hope. The King has appointed Lieutenant- General Henry Bowyer to be General and Commander of his Majesty's forces serving in the windward and leeward Charibbee island station. A person of respectability, who was liberated Under the last Insolvent Act, was yesterday brought before the magistrates at Union- llall, under the powers vested in them by that Act, charged with having made a false return of his debts and credits in the schedule he had sworn to and deposited with the clerk of the peace. The plaintiff, a creditor, made the charge, and now failed in substantiating it.— Mr. Morris attended as counsel for the de- fendant, and shewed that the alledged variance, to say the most of it, could not be construed into more than an unintentional error, and not a false return. The Bench, on hearing the whole of the case, were of opinion that the defendant should be discharged; and the plaintiff be adjudged to pay all the costs, which were put in at jf. 7 7s. At the New Bailey, Manchester, on Wednes- day last, the huntsman of the Oldham hounds was convicted in the mitigated penalty of £. 10, and costs, pursuant to the Act of Parliament, for having hunted in Droylsden, with eight hounds, no person being at the time with him duly qualified. It appeared he was entered regularly as the hunts- man, yet for want of this latter precaution he sub- jected himself to the penalty. Saturday Mr. King, an optician, undertook, for a wager of 30 guineas, to walk 26 miles in four hours. He started from the four- mile- stone, at Hammersmith, at seven o'clock, and went the first seven miles within the hour, and returned to the place from whence he started, without stopping, 17 minutes within the time allowed. Last week a gentleman of Melton shot a wood cock, on Sutton Common, which weighed seven- teen ounces and a half. The same gentleman has remarked a much greater number of rooks and crested plovers, assembled in flocks on the walks, than ever he remembers, which, according to old observers, indicates the length and severity of winter's cold. On Friday se'nnight, as the servant of Mr. Shank, of Cantley, Norfolk, was keeping crows off the laud, two eagles flew over him, when he fired, and brought one of them down. Its dimensions were 7 feet 4$ inches from the extremity of each wing, and 2J feet in height. On Sunday night the shop of a cheesemonger, in Brick- lane, Spitalfields, was broke open during the absence of the family, when a stone jar, contain- ing about £. 1,12.1 in notes and cash, svhich hud been placed in the betl chamber, between the sheets of the bed, was taken away, with some linen and wearing apparel. J. Colwill, of Newnham, Gloucestershire, a bankrupt in a late Gazette, and who contrived to persuade his creditors that he had beeu mur- dered in the road near Mintersworth, was ( para- doxical as it appears) detained in Edinburgh as the murderer of hifnself! A shocking accident happened last wfcek at Tewkesbury: a loaded gun being incautiously left, a little boy, about eight years old, took it up, not knowing it to be loaded, it iminediatejy went off, and lodged the contents iu the neck of his mother, who instantly expired. Comitatus Anglorum.— In this work it is stated, that in Great- Britain the number of people capable of rising in arms en masse, from 13 to 60 years of age, are 2,714,817; that the Volunteers in the United Kingdom last March were 700,000; that there are about 98,030 marriages yearly; that of 60 marriages 3 only are observed to be without offspring; that every 33 years produces a new generation; consequently, there have been 176 generations since the creation of the world ; that there die in Great- Britain every year about 332,708; every month about 25,592 ; every week 6398 ; every day 914 ; every hour about 40; and every three minutes 2 !! Jenkins's Bankruptcy.— Jenkins, the bankrupt, has undergone another close examination before the Commissioners at Guildhall.— His counsel spoke for a considerable time, and endeavoured to impress upon the minds of the Commissioners a belief that the deficiency in the bankrupt's effects was occasioned by losses in business". It was stated, that the average loss during three years and a half which he had been in trade, was at the rate of 8 per cent. His loss for the first two years was not near so great as during the succeeding 18 months. He had been selling various articles of trade at a very reduced price. There were, however, several articles, particularly cottons, which Jenkins had gained by. In a former estimate house- rent and servants wages were calculated: an estimate of £. 200 was, however, mentioned upon the present occasion, for servants and assistance. After an examination of near three hours, Jenkins presented a written calculation, signed by himself, wherein he estimated his loss during the first two years he was in business at <£. 8,835, and his loss for the last year and a half at. £. 6,628. The Commis- sioners warned him previous to signing this calcu- lation, to he accurate in what he swore to. On considering the estimate, the Commissioners were all of opinion that the bankrupt should be re- manded to prison; and he was accordingly con- veyed hack to his former confinement.. Fatal Instance of over Exertion.— A match of cricket was played near Totteridge, Herts, on Friday last, between two young men of the names of Gregg and Corderov, which was so well con- tested, that ill the first innings Gregg got 43 runs, and his opponent 45. Ijti the second innings Gregg wtis caught out, after gaining 32 runs. Corderoy had made seven runs in his second innings, when he hit the ball a short distance, and on hastening to save his wicket, lie fell down and expired. Attempt at Suicide.— On Sunday evening, at the Gloucester Coffee- house, Piccadilly, a Captain Colville, who lately arrived from Wiltshire, went into his room, stripped off his coat, and with a razor cut his throat, but not succccding in the first attempt to cut the wind- pipe, he changed the razor from his right to his left hand, and made a second effort; and not even then effecting his unhappy design, in vengeance against the right arm, which first held the razor, he cut the leaders across the bend of it, and, in the fury of his insanity, changed the razor to the right hand, and also lacerated his loft arm in the same part. The razor fell to the ground, and the blood flowing in every A ROBERT NIXON, BUILDER, WOBURN, Beds, HAVING taken and entered on the Premises lately occupied by Mr. THOMAS POPE, Car- penter and Joiner, of Woburn aforesaid, who has left tlie Country, returns his most grateful Thanks for • the liberal Encouragement he has received from his many Friends, and the Public in general, since his Commencement in the above Business, and humbly solicits a Continuance of the same; and hopes, by a strict Attention to the Interest of those who may honour him with their Employ, that he shall merit the Support of his Friends, and the Public. rr is uu- DiNosmeasuredand valued, on reasonable Terms, in all its Branches. FARTHINGIIOE, Oct. 26th, 1805. YOUNG GREYHOUND, on the 22d of September, followed a Servant of G. RUSH, Esq. of Farthinghoe, in the County of Northampton, from just the other Side of Buckingham.— The Owner may have the same by describing his Marks, and pay- ing the Expence of this Advertisement; he will otherwise be sold to defray the above Expence. To Maltsters. To be L E T T, At WINSLOW, in the County of Bucks, AVery neat and convenient MF'SSUAGE or TENEMENT, and MALTHOUSE adjoining, capable of wetting 12 Quarters of Barlev per Week, with two Barns, a Stable, andali other necessary Out- buildings, and a Yard and Garden walled in. 03" The above is a very eligible Situation for a Person who wishes to carry on the Malting Business, as there is a good Opening for a Maltster in the above Town. The Whole of the Premises are in good Repair, and may be entered on immediately. N. B. For further Particulars, apply to LANCELOT Wy ATT, Attorney fit Law, in \ Vinslow aforesaid. To PLANTERS. To he SOLD, CHEAP, ALARGE QUANTITY of very fine FOREST TREES. ( PT Enqui re of Mr. WM. IRELAND, of Southill, near Biggleswade, Beds. GAYTON, Norfhamptonshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. M. ' JONES, On Thursday the 7th Day of Novemher inst. on the Premises, at Gayton, in the County of Northampton, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, ALL that capital MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, or old- established PUBLIC- HOUSE, known by the < Mgn of the SQUIRREL, situate in GAYTON aforesaid; consisting of a Hall, two Parlours, and Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; five very good Sleep- ing- Rooms, with Attics; excellent Cellaring, Brew- house, Scullery, & c.; two Barns, Stable, Piggeries, with convenient Ysirds, large Garden, and Orchard, containing about an Acre. ( p3* The above Premises are very desirably situated about five Miles from Northampton, and three from Towcester, and the Grand Junction Canal runs through the Parish. h *** For further Particulars, enquire of Mr Howes, Solicitor, Northampton; or the Auctioneer, at Greensnorton. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Either together or in Lots, SEVERAL CLOSES of valuable GRASS LAND ( Part Meadow), containing together 52 Acres, situate at SOUTHAM, in the County of Warwick. For Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply at the Office of Mr. TOMES, Solicitor, Southam. Immediate Possession may be had. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. M. JONES, On the Market- Hill, Northampton, on Saturday the 9rh of November, 1805, ONE POST- CIIAISE, in good Repair, with HARNESS complete for two Horses; ONE FARMER'S WAGGON, and ONE SIX- INCH CART, quite new. The Sale will commence at Twelve o'Clock. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, situate in LUTTON, in the County of Northampton, with a Homeclose adjoining, containing about an Acre, now in the Occupatiort of Win. Clark and Edward Wright. Also a CLOSE, called LONC CLOSE, containing an Acre ( more or less), and about nine Acres of LAND, lying dispersed in the Fields of LUTTON aforesaid, in the Occupation of Mrs. Sanderson. Mr. Coleman, of Lutton, will shew the Pre- mises; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. Balderston, Solicitor, Oundle. Oundle, Oct. 28th, 1805. POLEBROOK, Northamptonshire. To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a HOMESTEAD, ORCHARD, and BARN thereto adjoining, situate in POLEBROOK, in the Occupation of Thomas Danner. Also, A CLOSE of excellent PASTURE LAND; containing by Estimation five Acres ( be the same more or less), jn^ he Occupation of William Hunt. ( j3T The above rremises are Freehold. *** For further Particulars, or to treat for the Purchase, apply to Messrs. YORKE Se SHERARD, Oundle or Thrapston. GAYTON, Northamptonshire. Brewing - Vessels and other Effects, To be SOLD by AUCTION, ,„ By R. M. JONES, On Wednesday the 13th Day of November, 1805, at the Sign of the Squirrel, at GAYTON aforesaid ( removed there for Convenience of Sale); CCOMPRISING one Hogshead Copper and y Grate; 12- Bushel Mash- Vat, one Cooler, and three Working- Vats; one Three- hogshead and one T wo- hogshead Barrels, ne » rly new ; one Pipe, three Casks of 80 Gallons each, one Hogshead, two Half- hogsheads, four Barrels of 30 Gallons each, and two ot 20 each; Half a Pocket of Hops; with several Lots ot Household- Furniture. The Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock. To he SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. POTTER, At the Bell Inn, Winslow, Bucks, on Thursdav the 14th of November, 1805, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, \ Freehold PIECE of MEADOW or PASTURE ^ LAND, called OAT (; LOSE, in the Parish of SII1WK. LEY, Bucks, containing about 24 Acres, in the Occupation of Mr. James Beran, Tenant at Will. — The Premises are pleasantly situated, and adjoin the Road from Winslow to Leighton- Buzzard, about four Miles from Winslow. ( fT May be viewed, previous to the Sale, Leave of the Tenant. by Particulars to be had at the Bell Inn, Winslow ; at the principal Inns in the neighbouring Towns; and of the Auctioneer, Chesham, Bucks. Bedfordshire. SHEFFORD MILL FARM. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, RPILE MILLS and FARM, called SHF. IFORD MILLS, with requisite Outbuildings, situate in the Parish of SOUTHILL, near the Town of Shef- ford, now in the Occupation of John Northv. ood, containing together 31A. SR. 31P. ( mpre or less) of Arable and Pasture Land. ( jrr This Estate is Freehold and Tythe- frce, and the Land- Tax redeemed; is subject to a yearly Pay- ment of £. 6 16s. 6d. and under a Lease to the pre- sent Tenant for three Years, from Michaelmas, 1805. *** To treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. DAVIS, Jim. Attorney, Ampthill; where a " Plan of it, and the Lease, may be seen, and further Particulars obtained. Capital Nursery Stock. To be SOLD, this Season, without Reserve, AT VERY REDUCED TRICES, THE valuable STOCK in TRADE of Mr. THOMAS HAYNES, of OUNDLE, North- amptonshire, Nurseryman, a Bankrupt; consisting of a large Quantity of thriving Fruit and Forest Trees, Evergreens, and deciduous flowering Trees and Shrubs; also, several Millions of remarkably fine two and three Years old Crab and White- Thorn Quicksets. C3T Orders to Mr. Nathaniel Haynes, Oundle; Mr. David Hennell, Kettering; Mr.' George Joyce, Peterborough; Mr. Wm. Spencer, Stamford; or Mr. Thomas Cornwell, March, will be duly attended to. KETTERING INCLOSURE. "\\ 7" E the ' undersigned Commissioners, ap- ' * pointed by an Act passed in the forty- fourth Year of his present Majesty, intitled, " An " Act for inclosing Lands within the Manor and Pa- " rish of KETTERING, in the County of North- " ampton," do hereby give Notice, that vve have set put ar. d appointed the following private Carriage and Drift Road, in and over the Lands and Grounds di- rected to be allotted and inclosed, in Pursuance of the said Act, that is to say, One Road, for George Whitlark, of the Width of 25 Feet, across the narrow Part of an Allotment to her Grace the Duchess of Buccleuch, in the nether Field of Kettering aforesaid, near or adjoining to the Fence of the said George Whitlark, on the North Side of his Allotment in the same nether Field, sepa- rating tbe same Allotment of the said George Whit- lark, from other Part of the said Allotment of the said Duchess. And we do further give Notice, That we have pre- pared • Map, in which such pjjvate Carriage and Drift Road is accurately laid down and described, and the same being signed by us, is deposited with THO. MARSHALL, of Kettering, for the Inspection of all Parties concerned. And we do hereby appoint a Meeting of us the said Commissioners, to be held at the GEOROE INN, in KETTERING, on TUESDAY the 19th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon; when and where all Persons con- cerned, who may be injured or aggrieved by the set- ting out of such private Carriage and Drift Road, may attend and make their Objections.— Dated this 16th Day of October, 1805. THO. EAGLE, J. W. ROBERTS, WM. BURDETT. GODMANCHESTER, near Huntingdon. To be SOLD bv A U C TIO N, By Mr. LAUNDs', At the Fountain Inn, in the Town of Huntingdon, on Saturday the 23d Day of November inst. be- tween the Hours of Four and Five in the Afternoon ( subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced), ALL that capital MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a very convenient Conch- House, Stables, and all other Out- Offices, Garden, and a Close of Pasture, situate in GODMANCHES'l'E R aforesaid, and late in the Occupation of Thomas Cole, Esq. G5j" The above PremTses are situate in the FIIGH- STREET, GODMANCHESTER, extending to the River Ouze, with a beautiful Summer- Housc next the River, commanding a most delightful Prospect over Portholme Meadow. <* The Premises are in complete Repair, and im- mediate Possession may be had. N. B. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. MAULE and SWEETING, Huntingdon. BEDFORDSHIRE. SALE AND REDEMPTION or LAND- TAX. ^ PIIE Commissioners for the SALE and RF.- B DEMPTION of LAND- TAX for the County o! BEDFORD, do hereby give Notice, That any Person may redeem his Land- Tax by Application at the Office of Mr. THEED PEARS. E,' their Clerk, in the Town of BEDFORD, where daily Attendance is given. The Consideration for Redemption may be either by a Transfer of Stock, or by a Payment in Money, to the Receiver- General, to be paid within two Years from the Date of the Contract, or it may be paid immediately, or by Quarterly Instalments. At the present Price of Funds, those who redeem their Land- Tax will make nearly 5 per Cent, of their Money, will at the same Time clear their Estates of an Incumbrance, and will not be liable to be re- assessed to make up any Deficiency, or to be advanced in any future Assessment. By Order of the Commissioners, THEED PEARSE, Clerk. To he SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On the Premises, at CRANFORD, Northampton- shire, on Monday the 4th Day of November, 1805, PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, BREWING and DAIRY REQUISITES, LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and other EFFECTS, of Mrs. ANN LYON; consisting of Bedsteads and Beds; Dining and other Tables - Chairs; Wind- up Jack ; Brass Pots and Kettles; 40- Gallon Copper; sweet Iron- bound Hogsheads and Half- hogsheads; Mash- vat and Tubs; Barrel Churn; two useful Cart Horses, and a Two- year- old Filley ; three Cows, in full Profit; one Narrow- wheel Waggon, and two Carts; Ploughs; large and small Harrows; the Tim- ber of five Hovels; Harness complete for eight Horses; Roll; Lead Horse Trough; 40- Round Ladder; Win nowing- Fan and Chaff- Box; Forks, Rakes, and » Variety of other EfFects. ggr The Sale to commence on the Furniture at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon. To be S O L D by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On the Premises, at OUNDLE, Northamptonshire, on Thursday the 7th Day of November, 1805, THE LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and other EFFECTS, of Mr. JOHN AUSTIN; con- sisting of four very useful Cart Horses and Mares; two Six- inch- wheel Waggons and two Narrow- wheel Ditto; two Narrow- wheel Carts and one Six- inch Ditto; a good Roll; Ploughs and Harrows; new Dressing- Machine, by Blackwell; Scutfler, complete, by Ditto: Horse, Cow, and Sheep Cribs; several Dozen of Hurdles and Trays, nearly new; Harness for seven Horses; four large Hovel Cloths; Ladders; two Bean Mills; Barrel Churn; Milk Leads; sweet Iron- bound Casks; and several Lots of Household- Furniture. ( fjT The Sale to commence at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By RICHARD SMITH, On Wednesday tlie 13th Day of November next, at the Swan Inn, in Oundle, in the County of North- ampton, at the Hour of Six in the E vening, pur- suant to such Conditions as will be then produced, ALL that MESSUAGE or TEN EMENT, situate in OUNDLE aforesaid, in ST. SYTHE'S. LANE, with a large Orchard well planted with Fruit Trees, and other the Appurtenances thereunto belonging, now 111 the Occupation of Samuel Waterfield. Also TWO TENEMENTS, adjoining the said Premises, now in the . Occupation of Widow Wim- bleby and John W » de. The Tenants have Notice to quit at Lady- Dav next. Also, all that'the R E- VERSION expectant on th » Decease of a Person above 70 Years of Age, of and in a COTTAGE 0r TE*. EMENT adjoining the abova Premises, now in the Occupation of Daniel Weekley. — All which said Premises were late the Estate of Thomas Hawthorn, deceased. p3" The Tenants will shew the Premises; and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. Miles Berkeley, or Mr. Thomas Bullivant, Trustees for Sale of the Estates; or to Mr. Balderston, Solicitor, Oundle. Oundle, Oct. 23d, 1805. direction, he cried out, " I am a dead man ! a dead man!" Being overheard by one of the waiters, he rushed into the room, which he found covered with blood. The alarm being given, me- dical assistance was sent for.— The unfortunate gentleman is yet alive; but it is the dfiiiiinn of the faculty, that if he recovers ho will lose the use of both arms. He is a fine stout- made man, about forty yuars of KETTERING INCLOSURE. WE, the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the forty- fourth Year of the Reign of His present Ma- jesty, intituled, " An Act for inclosing Lauds within " the Manor and Parish of KETTERING, in the " County of Northampton," do hereby give Notice, that a special General Meeting will be held on SA- TURDAY tlie 23d Day of NOVEMBER next, at the GEORGE INN, in KETTFRING, in the County of Northampton, at Eleven of the Clock in the Fore- noon, for the Purpose of reading and executing the Award of the said Commissioners — Dated this 16th Day of October, 1805. THOMAS EAGLE, WM. BURDETT. Valuable Coal. To be LETT, by Proposal, ALL that valuable COAL, of the very best Quality, consisting of upwards of 200 " Acres, situate and lying together at WILLINGSVVORTH HALL, in the Parishes of SEDGLEY, WEDNESBURY, and TIPTON, in the County of Stafford, to be let in Parcels to those Persons who shall ofler the highest Royalty, and to raise the greatest Quantity p: rAnnum. Willingsworth Hall is nine Miles from Birmingham, two from Bilston, and three Miles from Dudley. This Coal has the particular Advantage of being situate on the Birmingham Canal, which runs through the Premises, and from the consequent Convenience for its Vend, well worth the Attention of those Persons desirous of taking Coal. Also to be LETT, in like Manner, by Proposal and in Parcels, All the COAL, consisting of upwards of 64 Acres, situate and lying together at BUMBLEHOLE. in the Parishes of DUDLEY and ROWLEY REGIS, in the Counties of Worcester and Stallord. Buniblehole is one Mile South- east of the Town of Dudley. This Coal has also the Advantage of the Netherton and Dudley Canal running through the Premises. *** Proposals, in Writing, to be directed to H. H. St. Paul's, Birmingham; and Proposals to be directed as above and left at the Post Office, Birmingham. ( R3T Mr. RICHARD BRADLEY, at Tipton Green, will shew the Premises. Shortly Bedfordshire. will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At the Great Room, in Pail- Mall, London, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, IN SEVENTEEN LOTS, ACAPITAI. and VALUABLE FREEHOLD, and greatest Part TYTHE- FREE ESTATE, situate adjoining to the great Turnpike. Road from London to Northampton, about three Miles from LEIGHTON- BUZZARD and the newly- completed Branch ot the GRAND JUNCTION CANAL, three from DUNSTABLE, seven from WOBURN, and 36 from LONDON, in the COUNTY of BEDFORD; consisting of the MANOR and entire PARISH of TII. SWORTH ( except a few Acres); the ADVOWSON of the VICARACE of TILSWORTH; TWO WOODS of valuable TIMBER and thriving UN- DERWOOD; EIGHT compact FARMS, with good Farm- Houses, Barns, and all necessary Buildings; the Red- Lion and Bull Inns, and the Blackbirds Public- House; and sundry Farm- Houses, Messuages, Tenements, and Lands, in the adjoining Parishes of CHALGRAVE, HOCKUFFE, and STANDBRIDGE ; con- taining in the Whole ONETHOUSAND THREE HUNDRED and TWENTY- SEVEN ACRES of productive Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land, in the Occupation of respectable Tenants, whose Terms will expire at Lady- Day next, ana capable ot great Improvement. ( PF" Mr. JOHN WILLISON, the Woodman, at Tils- worth, will shew the Estate; and Particulars may be had of Mr. JAMES RILEY, Chicherley, near New- port- Pagnell; the Printers of the Northampton Mer- cury; at the Red- Lion, Hocklifle; Sugar- Loaf, Dun- stable; the Rainbow jColfee- House, Cornhill; and of Mr. CUSISTJIS, Pall- Mall, London. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, On Wednesday the 6th of November, 1805, and the two following Days, on the Premises, in Market. Harkorough, in the County of Leicester, at Ten o'Clock, t AConsiderable Part of the handsome, genteel, and useful HOUSEHOI. D- FURNITURK, and other EFFECTS, of Mrs. WALKER ; comprising Four- post, Field and other Bedsteads, with fine Printed Linen, Moreen, Harratecn, Sec. Furnitures ; seasoned Feather Beds, & c.; fine Blankets and Coun- terpanes; Set of Chintz Pattern fine Calico, for a full sized Bed, and Pair of Window Curtains lined throughout and fringed; veneered Night Table, Ma- hogany Wash- Stands, Wainscot Cases of Drawers, and Store Chests, & c.; Pier and Dressing Glasses; Ma- hogany single and double Cases of Drawers; Sets of Chairs in Wainscot, Walnut, Sec.; Set of eight and a Pair of Two- arm Mahogany Chairs; large handsome Sofa; Set of Mahogany Dining Tables, with cir- cular Ends ; a capital Pier Glass, the under Plate, which is of the strong Diamond Cut make, of a bril- liant Polish, and well Silvered, measures 34 by 24, and the top Plate 24 by 13, in a rich handsome Carved and Gilt Frame; another, its near Relation, single Plate 30 by 20; genteel Lots of" Tea, and Table Naoquin, Sec. China; handsome Chimney and other orna- mental^ China Figures; some valuable glazed Prints ( by Wool let, Taylor, and other eminent Artists), and Paintings; an excellent Eight- day Clock, by Mackie, Mahogany Case; Barometer, and Mercurial'Thermo- meter, by Aiana; an exceeding good Fowling- Piece5 large Bath Stoves, and Fire- irons; and large Kitchen Fire- Range ; with most Articles necessary for tbe Kit- chen, Pantrv, and Scullery, in Tin, Pewter, Brass, and Copper'; Twelve- strike Iron- bound Mash- Tub, Fermenting Vessel, seasoned Iron- bound excellent Half Hogslieads, and other convenient sized Casks, & c. Sec. Sec. On Account of the Shortness of the Days, an early Attendance of the Company each Morning, will be esteemed a particular Favour. Buckinghamshire Freehold. To he SOip by AUCTIO N, By T. L. WOOD, On Thursday the 7th Day of November inst. 1805, at the Crown Inn, in Fenny- Stratford, Bucks, be- tween the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, A- Desirable FARM, situate in BLETCIILEY ( one Mile from Fenny- Stratford and the Grand Junction Canal); comprising a substantial Farm- House, Barns, Stables, and other Offices, Farm and Rick- Yards, Garden, & c. ; several Closes near, called Home Leys, Malthouse Close, Two Leys, llobb's Mitches, Travell's Orchard, and Pope's Close, con- taining eight Acres, more or less, and 61 Acres and 1 Rood, more or less, of rich Arable Land, Ley « nd Meadow Ground, dispersed in the open Fields ot liletchley aforesaid. To the Farm belong six Cow Commons on that extensive and rich Common, called Bletchley Leys, which, with other Common Ground, contain 400 Acres and upwards, and other Common Rights, and to Pope's Close belong six Sheep Commons. ( PT An Inclosuremay be soon expected, an Attempt having already been made to inclose, and by which, with due Caution, the Proprietors of landed Property in this Parish may be much benefited, and oi\ which the Copyholder^ in the Manor should be vej- y cir- cumspect. *** The Estate may be viewed by applying to JOHN INNS, the Tenant, N B. Further Particulars may be had on Appli- cation either to Messrs. WILLIS and SON, Solicitors,' Leighton- Bussard ; Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, Winsiow; or the AUCTIONEER, Leighton- Bussard. • Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, October 51. ALL the accounts we receive front the Conti- nent, though not official, speak so confidently of the defeat of the Austrians, and the capture of Ulm by the French, that there appears to be no doubt of the fact, however exaggerated the circum- stances may be which regard the general issue of that event. A series of very severe encounters succeeded each other from the 8th to the 12th, previous to the first action in the neighbourhood of Ulm, which did not take place till the ISth instant.— On that day, the enemy were unable to make any im- pression upon the fortress; nor were they more successful in the second assault, which was made on the day following. On the 16th the attack was renewed, when a most, desperate conflict took place. The Austrians displayed much bravery on this occasion, and se- veral times repulsed the enemy, after they had penetrated to the works that surround the fortress. In the afternoon, however, Bonaparte arrived in person with a reinforcement, and changed the fate of the day; and the enemy at length succeeded in carrying the works; but the town still remained in, possession of the Austrians.— Anlmperial officer, speaking of the action of this day, says, that • though the French were . ultimately successful in carrying the works, yet in the night General Mack was able to evacuate the place in perfect order, and the enemy had suffered so much, that for two days they made no effort to follow up their success. On the 19th, however, the decisive conflict took place, when Ulm fell, and the Imperial army was again defeated. The carnage is admitted on all hands, to have been dreadful; in the different actions between the Jllth and the 19th, the loss on both sides, in killed in d wounded, will amount to little short of A prison, on a very extensive sralf, is to be built immediately near Torr- Uoyal, on Dartmoor, about six miles from Tavistock. The prison and its courtlages, within the boundary wall, wii oocupy 15 acres of ground, iind contain 5000 pri- soners of war. This will be the future grand depot of prisoners from all the ports of Cornwall and Devon. According to the Rev. Mr. YVhithlaw's survey of Dublin, in the years 1798 and 1304, the popu- lation has been considerably reduced since the Union; at the former period, it amounted to 182, S70 souls; and in 180- 4, to 167,899.— In the former census the garrison was included, but not in the latter.— The inhabited houses in 1799 amounted to 16,401: and in 1804, to 15,645. The females exceeded the males by 20,247. < The first cast- iron road in Scotland is now con- structing at Ayr colliery, in the neighbourhood of that town, by which coals from the pit will be put on board ships at an expence of about a penny only per ton. This waggon road is upon a different construction from any in England, and is supposed to be on a better plan. Friday last a golden eagle was shot near Doug- lass, in East Lothian. Although apparently not quite full grown, its wings, when extended, mea- sured 7 feet 8 inches from tip to tip; the length of the body from head to taii nearly 3 feet, and its weight was about 9lb. It had been seen prowl- ing about the coast for near a week1 before. NEWMARKET THIRD OCTOBER, or HOUGH- TON MEETING, 1805. MONDAY, October 28. Mr. R. Boyce'n Sir David, 7st. beat Lord Foley's Sir Harry Dimsdale, 8st. Last 3 M. of B. C. 200gs. — Eleven to 8 against Sir David. Duke of Grafton's Lumbago, 8st. 91b. beat Mr. Andrew's Fathom, 7st." lllb. Two- yr- old C. 50gs. — Two to 1 on Lumbago. Mr. Mellish's Ladv'Brough, 6st. 111b. beat Mr. R. Boyce's Bobtail, 8st. 71b. D 1. 200gs.— Eleven to 8 against Lady Brough. Lord Sackville's Witchcraft beat Lord Foley's Wa- tery, 8st. each, D. I. 50gs.— Eleven to 8 on Witch- craft. Mr.. Mellish's Marianne, 8st. 7! b. against Mr. B. Boyce's Brainworm, 7st. 71b. Ab. M. lOOgs. ( dead heat).— 11 to 10 on Marianne. Sir C. Bunbury's Lydia, 8st. 61b. received 80gs. from Mr. Wilson's Newmarket, 8st. 31b. R. M. 200gs. h. ft. Lord Foley's Hippocampus, 7st. 101b. received for- feit from H. R. H. the P. of Wales's Orville, 8st. 111b. B. C. 300gs. h. ft. Mr. Watson's Sorrel, 4- yr- old, received forfeit from Sir J. Shelley's Sir Lancelot, 3- yr- old, 8st. each. D. M. 200gs. h. ft. TUESDAY, Oct. 29. Fifty Pounds, for 2- yr- olds carrying a feather, 3- yr- olds 7st. 51b. 4- yr- olds 8st. 91b. 5- yr- olds 9st. 31b. 6- yr- olds 9st. 71b. and aged 9st. 101b. Last three miles of R, C. Mr. Moorehouse's br. c. brother to Whiskerandos, 3 yrs old 1 Mr. Howorth's br. h. Norval, 5 yrs old 2 LordF. G. Osborne'sch. c. Superstition, 2 yrs old 3 Sir F. Standish's br. h. brother to Stamford, 5 yrs old 4 Mr. Lake's b. c. Lynceus, 4 yrs old 5 Mr. Alfred Bloss's ch. c. by Delpini, 3 yrs old .. 11 Lord Barrymore's b.' f. Gratitude, 4 yrs old UNION CANAL. THE Proprietors of the LEICESTERSHIRE and NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL are requested to take Notice, That pursuant to the last Act of Parliament relative to such Canal, their next Half- yearly General Assembly will be held at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon of MONDAY the 18th Day of this instant NOVEMBER, at the SARACEN'S- HEAD INN, in LEICESTER. J. E. CARTER, ? Clerks to the G. WARTNABY, $ Company. I. clcesler, Nov. 1st, 1805. Caution to Watchmakers and others. WHEREAS on Saturday Night the 28th of September last, between Ten and Eleven o'Clock, a certain Person was stopped between Guils- borough and Cold- Ashby, in the County of North- ampton, and had his WATCH taken from him ( Maker's Name, Alexander Anderson, Bristol, No. 4320), by a Person unknown : Whoever will bring the said Watch ( and discover the Offender) to Mr. John Hanbury, of West- Haddon, Watchmaker, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS RE- WARD. West- Haddon, October 30th, 1805. M1 A better defence of the liberty of the press could not proceed from the pen of a subject, than the following by Gustavus III. King of Sweden. ' It appears to me ( says Gustavus), on atten- tively considering the subject, that the liberty of the press is not injurious in general, and that it cannot become dangerous but by the abuse of it, which sometimes is displayed.:— Abuses are the consequence of human frailty, which blends with the best institutions; and, if we must oppose those which are in themselves beneficial, through the 1 Icar of abuses which might be introduced, we should never establish any thing useful to the General C. ower's Swinle'y, 3 yrs old, 6st. 7lb dr public. j Mr. Andrew's Fathom, 3 yrs old, 6st. 61b dr ' In a disunited nation, divided by oppositions, ) Lo. rtl sir Harry Dimsdale, 5 yrs old, principles, and interests, as the Swedish nation has been, a subject cannot be always considered Mr. D. Radclifle's. br. c. Pedestrian, 3 yrs old dr 5 to 2 against brother to Whiskerandos— 6 to 4 against brother to Stamford. A Gold Cup, by eight subscribers or upwards, at lOgs. each, D. 1. Mr. Cave Brown's Stretch, 5 yrs old, 8st I Sir C. Bunbury's Eleanor, aged, 9st. 71b 2 Mr. Mellish's Lady Brough, 4 yrs old, 8st. 41b 3 Lord Barrymore's Gratitude, 7st. 91b 4 Mr. Ladbroke's Tailboy, 3 yrs old, a feather ... 5 Mr. Lake's Virtuosa, 4 yrs old, 5st. 71b dr I," e", , ,. , , , T" r bv 1 Lord On the last day of the attack upon Ulm ( say ;„,.;, and interestsj as the Swedish nation 9st. 31b... ..-. dr trie l-. n cl. Journals), General -, ack, finding it ^ b ^ ^ considered ^ G^ Tfi'o 1 impossible to resist any longer the immense snpe- j „ nder ^ gameJ t by different parties, or at j S Tallboy 8 Crat. tude- b . o 1 runty the enemy's forces, surrendered, with it wi| l » n « « r i„ « *. nW » l K- H » I wilLS ahin. t 20,000 men.— A considerable part of the Austrian army, under the Archduke Ferdinand, however, crossed the Danube, and had it is least it will appear in a dbubtful light. I " Mr. Wilson's Pantaloon, 7st. 51b. beat Mr. Lake's ' In England, the liberty of the press was pro- ; Virtuosa, 8st. 71b. Two- yr- old C. 25gs.— 2 to hibited when Charles I. lost his head on the scaf- a^'. nst Pantaloon. 5 fold, and when the fugitive James 11. abandoned the throne of his ancestors to his ambitious son- in- law.— That people were legally in possession of this right at the eud of the reign of William III. h said, taken the whole of the French baggage, which- in consequence of the rapid march of their army had been left behind. Hie loss on both sides, in such desperate and long continued conflict must have been immense; and the Ir victorious, ctin hardly he in a situation u- nice ,.. « j wjth more gWv and securit than of their I ^" con^ t" Russian army, augmented, as it must of course pre( Ieccssor£ i{ Wilkes excited some seditiois J X movements, we ought rather to attribute them to inucii contllctlJ> or at the commencement of that of the house of i 7 4 against Brainworm. I rencli though n a f; unily who have occupied the throne t ^ H'TI tion to face the . •., ' , ,.„ , , ij„ ,„,„ nf Ladbroke's Bustard, 8st. ^ Mr. Ladbroke's Wormwood, 8st. 71b. beat Mr. Mellish's Flighty, 5st. 111b. Two- yr- old C. 25gs.— 5 to 4 on Wormwood. Mr. R. Boyce's Brainworm, 8st. 71b. beat Colonel Todd's Hippomenes, 7s. 71b. Across the Flat, 25gs.— ppocampus, 8st. 71b. against Mr. Across the Flat, 200gs.— Off have been, by a very considerable Austrian force. These engagements are reported to have been unusually destructive to the French officers. Of those that have fallen are mentioned, Generals Murat, Matmont, and Dumonceau, Bondet and Grouchy; and General Vignolles is stated to have had both his legs shot off. It is extremely probable that these accounts are exaggerated, but such an enemy Europe has never La-' l to encounter; and strong as the confederacy is, if, by plunging through Austria, which is the heart of it, Bonaparte can disable the allies in one campaign, a peace with those allies may be speedily made— he will then be at our gates— his blas- phemous self- confidence, swollen to the uttermost, with halt a million of men ready to devote them- selves to the task of extirpating us, and with an insolent confidence of success diffused through the meanest ranks of his army— Englishmen, bt, ready for the combat; your subsidies, your allies, are not sufficient defence! arm and prepare against invasion! If the loss of r. few battles oil the Con- tinent can bring the enemy to your door, where is your fancied security? is it believed that the hi. sts of Alexander, and the incalculable number of the allies, are to overwhelm our opponent? No, we disparage ilot the bravery of all, or any of those nations— but who shall ensure the event of a campaign so disastrously begun? A vigour, a con- fidence, and a power of Generalship prevades the French army, of which it is awful to anticipate the possible effects.— On our own ground, list us be prepared to light those enemies; if disciplined as we ought to be, we shall repel them, formidable as they are: but if a thoughtless alid besotted spirit continue among the people; if they dream of security, because they have uniforms for parade, and muskets, of which ( hey imperfectly know the use, let us expect the scourge of our folly, for we shall deserve it."— Star. A Mail from Gottenburgh was received this morning. It contains an article from Stralsund, dated October 27, which affirms, that the joint Swedish and Russian armies, to the number o( 30,000 men, marched from that place and its neighbourhood, on the preceding day; their de- stination was supposed to be Hanover. On Monday an experiment was tried on the Queen's bastion, Portsmouth, by a party of artil- lery, with a view of ascertaining, by principles laid down, the possibility of throwing shells from a mortar, in a direct line, to an objcct, without its verging, which seems to be the grand arcanum. Five shells were thrown, two of which were in a direct line, and nearly struck the flag, which was placed about 500 yards off; but ' - a « judged, as is usual, the effect of < nance, and not by the direc- tion of the iugcrtiou table which was calculated to regulate it. Several artillery officers, and a great " number of spectators were present. It is understood that the subject of the Catholic claims will he again brought forward at an early period of the next sessions. The discussion, how- ever, will not be preceded by any petition from the Catholic body. That is deemed unnecessary, the Catholics having so recently stated to both houses the nature of their grievances, and the ob- ject. of their request. The friends of the Catholics consider the intended preparations necessary, in order more clearly to elucidate the question to WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30. , , . , i Subscription Plate of = 6.50, tor 2- yr- olds 7st. 41b. the imprudent notice which the Government took and £ yr. olds 9st. 41b. Fillies allowed 21b. Two- of his writings, than to the momentary sensation , yr- old C. which they produced, and which would have left ! Mr. Wilson's ch. f. by Buzzard, 2 yrs old 1 no more'durable impression than other writings of j Mr. Golding's b. f. Merry Maid, by Buzzard, the same kind. ' L. 2? rSo0ldV- V," V." "' C." ' V' h , V 2 ' It is by the liberty of the press that Kings ! Stand, sh's bl. c._ by Mr. Teazle,, 2 yrs old.. 3 learn the truth, which is so carefully hidden from them, and often with too much success. Ministers there find the advantage of receiving sincere and merited praise, or the opportunity of explaining to the public the false interpretations which are given of t:'" ir measures. By the same channel, Mr. Wyndham's b. c. Tailboy, 3 yrs old dr Mr. Mellish's b. c. Companion, 2 yrs old dr Mr. Moorehouse's br. c. brother to Whiskerandos, 3 yrs old dr 2 to 1 on Mr. Wilson's ch. f. Sweepstakes of lOOgs. each, h. ft. Two- yr- old C. 8st. each. I . L . . ., • i Mr. Watson's c. by Worthy 1 in shoit, the nation can at any one time enjoy the j General Grosvenor's c. HaVe- at-' em, by Hamble- To be S O L D by A U C TION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 6th Day of No. vember 1305 riMIE LIVE and DEAD FARMING- STOCK, S. and other EFFECTS, of Mr. BENJ. BAKER, of MARSTON- PARK, in the County of Bedford ( who is leaving his Farm); consisting of 23 useful ; Dairy Cows, 1 Bull, 2Stirks, and 4 Calves; 64 Lei- cestershire Sheep, and 1 Ram; 1 Horse and 3 Mares; about 70 Tons of Ilay, with . he Herbane of 162 Acres ( more or less) of Sweard Land, till the 5th Day of April, 1806; about 50 Loads of Beans, in the Straw, and a Rick of Vetches;, thrtc Narrow- wheel Carts; one Waggon ; Harrows; Ploughs; a Roll and Frame ; Ladders, Hog Troughs, Horse Harness, Knee Fan, Sieves, Rakes, Forks, Sec. ; a Quantity of old Iron; sundry Lots of Household - Furniture, and other Effects. ( pr The Sheep will be penned for Inspection on the Morning of Sale; which will commence exactly at Eleven o'Clock ill the Morning. * » * Credit will be given for the Corn, Hay, and Keeping, till the 5th Day of April, 1S06, on approved joint Security. To be SOLD bv A U C T I O N, • By JOSEPH ' DUDLEY, On Wednesdav the 6th Dav of November, 1805, on the Premises of Mr. THOMAS TURNER, of NORTFI- MARSTON, in the County ot Bucks ( who is leaving Business), L7- LEVEN very useful Dairy Cows; two capital LA In- foal Draught Mares; one Lot of Wether Sheep; one Waggon, two Six- inch- wheel Carts, and one Narrow- wheel Ditto ; Harness for three Horses ; a Quantity of Hurdles; one Ladder; five Iron- bound Half- Hogsheads, with sundry Articles of Household- Furniture, Sec. Sec. ( J3* The Sale will begin exactly at Tan o'Clock. To Stage- Musters, Farmers, Sttible- Iieepers, § c. To be SOL D bv A U CTIO N, By Mr. ALDER ID G E, At his Repository, in St. Martin's- Lane, London, on Wednesday next, November 6th, precisely at Two o'Clock, BOUT FIFTY HORSES, lately employed in the Commissariat Department, at his Majesty's Bakeries at the tallowing Places, viz. Tunbridge and Mailing, in Kent, and Brentwood and Ballingdon, in Essex; the major Part of which are boney good- sized Horses, of different Colours, calculated for various Purposes. !{ 2T The Whole may be viewed on the Morning of Sale, and are to be sold without Reserve. consolation of complaint, and at another be con- vinced that its murmurings are ill- founded.' Oriental Literature.— The most valuable col- lection of Eastern manuscripts ever brought to Europe by any individual is said to be that of Major Ouseley, which arrived by the late Bengal fleet. Besides Arabic, Persian, and Sanscrit luoks, ' amounting in number to nearly 1500) there are several port- folios of immense size, containing mythological paintings of the most ancient kind, splendidly illuminated, and prorured at a great expence from all parts of Hindoostan, Tibet, Tartary, China, Ceylon, Ava, & c. with idols of stone, metal, wood, and other materials. Many of the volumes are filled with botanical paintings, executed in the most accurate manner; vast col- lections of natural history and mineralogy; ori- ginal views and - drawings, taken on the spot, in various parts of India; with a cabinet of the most nre medals, gems, and other antiquities; a com- plete series of the coin struck by Mahometan princes since the rei>, n of Timour, with the armour, horse- furniture, swords, spears, bows, arrows, and all the weapons used in Persia, India, and other countries in the East; with various musical instruments, and several hundred tunes set to music by Major Ouseley, from the voices of Persian, Caslunerian, and Indian singers.— The Lords of the Treasury, in the most liberal manner, have exempted this valuable collection from the usual duties; and their example was followed by the gentlemen of the Custom- house and India- house, through whose hands it passed.— His situ- ation as aid- de- camp to the Nabob of Oude, and commander of his Highness's body guard, gave Major Ouseley such advantages in forming this collection as t'ew Europeans have ever enjoyed. His brother, Sir W. Ouseley, already possesses near 800 Arabick, Persian, and Turkish manuscripts. Westminster Sessions.— On Thursday last John Stewart was tried at these Sessions on a charge of maliciously throwing a glass bottle from the gal- lery of Drurv- lane Theatre, on the 8th of February last, whereby one person was dangerously wounded in the head, and another severely hurt. A variety of evidence being heard, substantiating the charge against the prisoner, Mr. Mainwaring addressed him at some length, on the serious nature and magnitude of the offence; and concluded bv sen- tencing him to be imprisoned one year in the house of correction. To give any Wood the Polish, of Mahogany.— Plane the surface, and rub it with a solution of nitrous acid. Afterwards one ounce and a half of dragon's blood dissolved in a pint of spirits of wine, and one third of a pint of carbonate of Soda Parliament and the country, and that although it I are to be well mixed together and filtered. The liquid, in this thin state, is to be laid on the wood w ith a soft brush. Repeat this process two or may not be productive of immediate, it will tend to the most useful effect. The expected discussion will, it is said, be opened by the same distin- guished personages who last sessions presented the petitions. As 30 men were lately working in a coal- pit, near Newcnstlt- upon- Tyne, the sulphureous air took fire, and they all perished : 26 of their wives assembled near the pit, two of whom miscarried from the fright, and one died in going home. Numbers of people daily assemble a little to the northward of Jarrow, in the county of Durham, to ? v iuiess the progress of a man who resides there as a labourer; he has dug a hole near a bank side, about four feet deep, the same in breadth, and bad reached eight in length on Saturday se'nnight. Every moment he could spare for these several weeks past, from his ordinary calling, has been employed in this business. The reasons for his it when dry. three times at intervals, and rub The surface will resemble a mirror. Remedy for Cattle, zrho have filed themselves too full of young Clover.— Dr. Darwin, in his Zoono- mia, says, that he was informed by, he believes, the late Dr. Whytt, of Edinburgh, that of twenty cows in this situation, two had died, and that he had directed a pint of gin or whiskey, mixed with an equal quantity of water, to he given to the other eighteen; all of which eructed immense quantities of air, and recovered. This seems a much safer remedy than opening the stomach, which is fre- quently done with success; but requires a skilful hand. Remedy for foul Water in Cores, by Dr. Darwin. — Cows are much subject to bloody urine, cal. ed foul water by the farmers ; in this disease, about .. 4 tonian ..._ 2 Mr. Howorth's c. by Sir Harry, bought of Colonel O'Kelly pd 2 to 1 on Mr. Watson's c. Sweepstakes of 50gs. each. Across the Flat. Mr. l. a; ibroke's Bustard, 8st. 21b 1 Mr Watson's Duxburv, 8st. Tib 2 Mr. Howorth's Wheat'ear, 7st. 31b 3 5 to 4 against Bustard— 7 to 4 against Duxbury. Lord Sackville's Witchcraft, 8st. 81b. beat Mr. Wilson's c. Newmarket, 7st. 81b. D. I. lOOgs.— 5 to 2 on Witchcraft. Lord Barrymore's Gratitude, 8st. 91b. beat Colonel Todd's Hippomenes, 8st. Across the Flat, 25gs.— 5 to 4 against Gratitude. Mr. Watson's Dreadnought, 8st. 31b. beat Mr. Howorth's Wheatear, 8st. Two- yr- old C. 50gs.— 6 to 4 on Dreadnought. Mr. Cave Browne's ch. h. Stretch, 5 yrs old, ree. forfeit from Mr. W. Bayley's b. f. Fanny Fancy, 3 yrs old, 6st. D. I. h. f. THURSDAY, October 31. Sweepstakes of 50gs. each. Two- yr- old C. General Gower's Swinley, 8st. lib Mr. Howorth's Honesty, 7st. 71b Mr. Mellish's Flighty, 2 yrs old, 6st Mr. Andrew's Fatuom, 8st Five to 2 on Swinley. Subscription Handicap Plate of =£ 50, for 4, 5, 6 yr- olds, and aged horses. D I. Mr. Ladbroke's br. h. Bustard, 4 yrs old, 7st, lll'o. 1 Sir C. Bunbury's b. m. Eleanor, aged, 9st. 21b. .. 2 Mr. R. Bovce's ch. h. Bobtail, aged, 9st. 21b. 3 Mr. D. Radcliffe's br. h. Orville, 6 yrs old, gst. lSlb. Lord Foley's ch. h. Captain Absolute, 6 yrs old, 8st. 81b Sir F. Standish's brother to Stamford, 5 yrs old, Hst. Mr. Browne's b. f. Haughty, 4 yrs old, 6st. 121b. Mr. Watson's b. h. Dreadnought, 5 yrs old, 7st. 31b. dr The Judge could place only three.— Five to 1 against Bustard— 6 to 4 against Eleanor— 5 to 2 against Orville. Sir C. Bunbury's Lydia, 8st. 71b. beat Sir J. Shel- ley's Currycomb, 6st. 101b. Two- yr- old C. aOgs. 40ft.— Six to 4 on Lydia. Duke of Grafton's Merry Thought beat Mr. Mel- lish's Flighty, 8st. each. First Half of Ab. M. 25gs. — Five to 2 on Merry Thought. Mr. Cave Browne's Stretch rec. 150gs. from Mr. Mellish's Lady Brough, 8st. each. Ab. M. 200gs. Mr. R. Boyce's Bobtail, 8st. 91b. against Lord Barrymore's Gratitude, 6st. 81b. T. M. M. B. C. 50gs. Off by consent. Mr. Ladbroke's c. by Woodpecker, 8st. 61b. rec. ft. from Mr. Branthwayte's c. Dy Pegasus, 7st. 121b. R. M. lOOgs. h. ft. A1 To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. JONES, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 13th Day of No- vember instant, ALL the IMPLEMENTS in HUSBANDRY, DAIRY UTENSILS, and Part of the useful HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE, and other EF. FECTS, of Mr. THOMAS SMITH, of LITTLE- BO WD EN, ill the County of Northampton ( who is changing his Residence. gdr Particulars will be inserted in next Week's Paper. By Order of the Executors, Will be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CHENEY, WITHOUT RESERVE, On Wednesday the 13th and Thursday the 14th of this instant Nove. nber, 1805, ALI. the handsome and genteel HOUSEIIOLD- . FURNITURE, and other F. FFECTS, late the Property of Mrs. ELIZABETH BEN NET, deceased, of WE'LFORD, in the County of Northampton; consisting of Oak Four- post Bedsteads, with reeded Pillars, and Morine and Check Furniture; Feather and Flock Beds; Counterpanes, Quilts, Blankets, and MILLINER^, HABERDASHERS, and FANCY DRESS- MAKERS. TOWCESTER, Nov. 1, 1805. ICS COLLINS and Miss WRIGHT return their grateful Acknowledgments to their Friends, and Customers in general, for the Favours conferred, and beg to inform them, they have received a fashionable ASSORTMENT of BEAR MUFFS and TIPPETS, which are now open for Sale; also LADIES' BEAVER HATS and BONN ETS, CHILDREN^' DITTO, likewise LADIES' STAYS, with the new- in- vented Patent TELIMA, SO much admired for Improve- ment of Shape, and a Variety of Articles, too tedious to insert, which they flatter themselves will be offered on such Terms as will give general Satisfaction, and merit future Favours. LADIES' SPENCERS and PELISSES made tip in the most fashionable Manner, and on the most reasonable Terms. LADIES' CHEAP SHOES, worthy of At- tention. ( JRF* A DAY APPRENTICE wanted. Freehold Estate. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KI'RSHAW, On Thursday the 7tli Day of November, 1S05, at the Rose- and- Crown Inn, in Northampton, ALL that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, Stone- built and Tiled, situate on BLACK- LION- HILL, in the Parish of ST. PETER'S, Northampton, late in the Occupation of Mr. George Cornfield; con- sisting of three good Attics; three ijed- Rooms on the first Floor; two Parlours, and a Kitchen, on the Ground Floor; Brewhouse, Cellar, Coal and Wood- Houses, a paved Yard, excellent Well of Water, and Lead Pump.— Also, with the above, a PEW in the CHURCH. ( fdf" Immediate Possession may be had. *** For further Particulars, enquire of tile AUC- TIONEER, Northampton. TIMBER and POLES. ~ To be SOLD by AUCTION, Ky Mr. K iR S 11A IV, On Wednesday the I3th of November, 1805, now blazed and numbered, surrounding a Farm in the Occupation of Mrs. REDGRAVE, at P1SFORD, near Northampton, ABOUT TWO THOUSAND very fine FIR TREES, of various Descriptions, intermixed with a Numaer of BEECH; alio a Quantity of ASH POLES; which for the Convenience of the Public will be sold in Lots. ( fjT The Sale will commence at Ten o'Clock in the Morning, on the Premises. *„* Catalogues may be had at the Griffin Inn, at Pisford; R- d Lion, Brixworth ; at the several Inns in the Neighbourhood; and of the Auctioneer, North- ampton. SALES OP OATS, BISCUITS, SACKS, AND IMPLEMENTS. XTOTICE is hereby given, That the under- mentioned Quantiues of OATS, BISCUITS ( more or less), and' SACKS, the Property of HIS MAJESTY, in the MAGAZINES in the SOUTH INLAND DISTRICT, Will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA'f, ON THIS FOLLOWING DAYS, VIZ. KETTERING, on Flidav the 8th Dav ot November, 22 Quarters of Oats with the Sack's; 120 Bags of Biscuits, 1121bs. each. NORTHAMPTON, on Saturday the 9th Day of No- vember, 407 Quarters of Oats with the Sacks; 736 Bags of Biscuits, 112lbs. each. AYLESBURY, on Saturday the 16th Day of Novem- ber, 800 Quarters of Oats with the SacKS ; 860 Bags of Biscuits, 112ibs. each. fpT The Oats are of good Quality, wt- ighing 371bs. per Bushel, and upwards ; and the " Biscuits are such as are used by the Royal Navy.—' 1 he Oat Sacks are of English Manufacture, holding four Bushels each. *•* Besides the above there are SCALES. STEELYARDS, MEASURES, SHOVELS, and other IMPLEMENTS, to be sold at the Magazines. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Fitst.— The Oats will be sold in Lots of ten Quar- ters each ; the Purchaser to take the Sacks at one Shilling per Sack. Second. — The Biscuits will be sold in Lots of five Bags each; Bags included. Third.— Ten per Cent, of the Purchase- Money to be immediately deposited with the Auctioneer ; the Remainder to be paid on Delivery ot the Articles which must be taken away within ten Days of the Sale, or tbe Deposit'to be forfaited, and the Goods re- sold at the Loss of the fir„ t Purchaser. N. B. The Goods may be inspected ten Days imme- diately previous to the Sale, by Apolication to the Storekeepers of the several Magazin- s, of whom Ca- talogues may be had; also of the Auciionecr, North- ainoton. .< . III. I I MM UKUII , V. UUIHLI INLINE, IP. IITO, UIAUNVI., A, 1,1 2 Mattresses; an exceeding good Thirty- hour Clock; 3 ( Wainscot Bureau ; double and single Sets of Chests of Drawers; Oak Store Chests and Boxes; Wainscot Dining, Tea, and Dressing Tables; Pier and Swing Gl. isse. s; several Sets of Parlour and Chamber Chairs; a large Assortment of Earthenware and Glasses; Kitchen Requisites, in Tin, Brass, Copper, and Pew- ter, and Culinary Articles in general; a handsome Kitchen Grate; Fire- shovels, Tongs, and Pokers; Iron- bound seasoned Half- hogsheads and lesser Casks ; Bank and Wort Tubs, and Buckets ; a Rick of ex- ceeding well- got Hay, and sundry other Articles. ( pf The Auctioneer solicits tin Favour of the Company each Morning at Nine o'Clock, as he wishes to finish the Whole in two Days. ' doing so are, that he has dreamed nightly of a sixty grains of opium, with or without as much large sum of money being lodged there, which for- rust of iron, given twice a day in a ball mixed tune has ordained him to get, provided he digs in ; with flour and water, or dissolved in warm water, a straight. line. till he comes to a strong iron bar; 1 or warm ale, arc an efficacious remedy; to which after thai he is to come to a second, a little be- ' should be added about two quarts of barley or oats yond which lies the wished- for treasure! As yet! twice a day, and a cover at night, if the weather ^ tkints uol iln- mid at' the first » laj; e, * j be cold. MARRIED.] At Powderham Castle, Devonshire, the seat of Viscount Courtney, the Right Hon. Lord Edward Somerset, brother to the Duke of Beautort, to the Hon. Miss Louisa Courtney, sister to the Noble Viscount. DIED.] On Monday se'nnight, in the prime of life, at Ackthorp'e, near Louth, Mrs. Chatterton, wife of Robert Chatterton, Esq. of that place. Her death was occasioned by a piece of lighted paper lying upon the floor, which caught her clothes, and burnt her in so shocking a manner as to render medical aid ineffectual. On Sunday se'nnight, at Ballindeen, the seat of Lady Wedderburn, the Right Hon. Lady Kinnnrd; her Ladyship survived the shock occa- sioned by the death of Lord Kinnaird only ten days. On Wednesday se'nnight, in Islington Row, Birmingham, Mr. Robert Sleath, who kept the turnpike- gate at Worcester when his Majesty paid a visit to Bishop Hurd, and was commonly called " the man who stopt the King."— Same day, at his house near Portsmouth, of an apoplectic fit, Rear- Admiral Cooper. On the 27th ult. at Edinburgh, Thomas Patten, Esq. Paymaster of the 7th, or Princess Royal's Dragoon Guards, far advanced in life, having served in that regiment upwards ofjfifty years. He was distinguished in the German war, at the battle of Minden, Sec. Lately, in his 84th year, Major Coxe, who served many years in the army, in Ger- many, under Prince Ferdinand, and the Marquis of Granby. On the 6th of August last, at Malta, in consequence of a fever in the brain, Major Thomas Danser, of the 44th regiment of Infantry. This brave and meritorious officer hasioften signalised himself in the service of his country, in which he was several times severely wounded. As a man, he was beloved for the practice of all those virtues which most adorned the human character; to his country his loss is great, to his friends irreparable. On Friday se'nnight, at Shanford- street, Canterbury, after sleeping from eleven on Sunday morning till four o'clock on Friday morning, James Tappenden, brick- maker, in the 71st year of his age. Corn, Hay, Farming Stock, &- c. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By JOHN' DAT, On' Wednesday the 13th of November, 1805, on the Premises, at CALVE RTON, near Stony- Stratford, Bucks, rpHE following EFFECTS, the Property of Mr. I- GEORGE KING, who is leaving his Farm; comprising one Hovel of Wheat, two Bays of Ditto in the Barn, and a Quantity of Ditto thrashed; one Hovel of Barley, and four Bays of Ditto ; one Oat and two Bean Hovels, one Rick of Beans and Vetches, and one Rick and one Cock of Winter Vetches ; a Quantity of Seed Clover; three Cocks of prime Hay, and two Ditto of Clover Hay; also, six stout Draught Horses ( and Clears for the same), ore Nag, one Brood Mare, two Two- year- old and two Yearling Colts, by Squirrel, out of verv useful Mares; nine In- calf Cows and Stirks, one Two- year- old Bull, two Yearling Cow Calves, and one Ditto Bull ; two fat Flogs, two ditto Pigs, four Sows, and three Store Hogs; two Waggons and two Carts; a very capital Field Roll ( new); Ploughs and Harrows; Hurdles; Hovel Frames; Ladders, Pig Troughs, Barn Tackle, and various other Effects, ( pf The Straw and Hay may be taken off tbe Pre- mises; or the Corn thrashed there at the Option of the Purchasers,— Three Months' Credit will be given for the Corn and Hay, on approved Security. *** The Sale will commence with the Stock exactly at Eleven o'Clock, and the Corn and Hay immediately afterwards.— The Whole to be sold IN ONE DAY", if possible. IIORSE STOLEN. STOLEN, in the Night of the 30th, or in the Morning of the 31st of October, from a Stable in a Field adjoining the Town of WOBURN, Bedfordshire, belonging to Mr. GREEN, Surgeon, A Dark- brmen Aged Nag Gelding, near fifteen Hands high, has a Blaze down the Face, a few white Hairs in his Tail, tour black Legs, has formerly been blistered on the inside of the off' fore Leg, below the Knee, and some Time ago received a Tread on the outside Crown of the near fore Foot, which is now grown about half Way down the Hoof, and occasions a Crack about an Inch and a Half long. He is remarkable for good Eyes and a pleasant Coun- tenance, has lately been very ill, and is therefore much out of Condition. Whoever will give Information of the Person or Persons who stole the said Gelding, shall, upon his or their Conviction, be paid a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS; and anv Person who will give such In- formation as will be the Means ot recovering the same, shall be likewise rewarded, by THUS. GREEN, Surgeon. Woburn, 31N October, 1805. To 4 Valuable Live Stock, Hay, and Keeping. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, On Wednesday rhe 13th of November, 1S" 5 at Ten o'Clock, on the Premises of Mr JOHN HEWS at WOOD. WAI. TON, in the County of Hunt-' ingdon ( who is leaving the Farmi, rpHE valuable LIVE STOCK, IIAY, and TKEEP1NG; consisting of 120 capital Ewes, 1W> Latnbhogs, and 30 Shearlings; 13 Si eers, three Years old, and 8 Ditto, two Years old; 14 Yearling Caives; three Horses; one Stack of Highland Hav with the Keeping of 57 Acre, of i'asture Land till Lady- Day next; one Ditto, with 25 Acris of Ditt.- one Ditto, with 23 Acres of Ditto; one Ditt , wi: h 32 Acres of Ditto; one Ground of 40 Acres of Ditto and two Grounds of 23 Acres of Ditto. • ' Six Months' Credit will be given, on a Droved joint Securuy, or a Discount allowed for' leadv Money. 1 ***, Particulars may be had at P erborough, Whittlesea, and Huntingdon, and of Mr, Sirrth, at Kimbolton. MANOR and FARMS, Bedford. h. i'e. be SOLD by A U C T ION By Mr JAQUF. S, ' On Tue„ day the 19th of November, at Twelve o'Clock at Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Lon- don, in one or four Lots, A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, advan- VTV tageously situate for Markets at MARSTON MORE iAIN, only six Miles from Bedford and Wo- burn, four from Ampthill, and eight from Newport Pagnell ; comprising the MANOR of W « OXH . LL; and FOUR HUNDRED and FIVE ACRES of exceedingly rich LAND, lying compact within a Ring Fence, and di vided into THREE ELIGIBLE FARMS, with suitable Houses and Buildings, the Yearly Value upwards of Five Hundred Pounds. One of the Farms, 117 Acres, on Lease to Mr- Wm \ ates, which will expire at Lady- Dav, Is 9- the others Tenants at Will, Mr. Langfo'rd and' Mr. Hughes. ( tar To be viewed till the Sale.— Prin'ed Parti- culars may be had of Wm. Willsher, E, q. Hitchin- at the Swan, Bedford; White- Hart, Ampthill- George Woburn; Swan, Newport - Pagnell; and Sugar- Loaf, Dunstable; at Garraway's; and of Mr Jaques, Hatton- Gardcn, London, where a Plan of the Estate may be seen. Valuable Freehold and Copyhold Estutes, tear Wade's Mill, Herts. To be SO L D by AUCTION By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coftec- House, Change- Alley, Corn, hill London, on Tuesday the 19th of November, at 1 welve o'Clock, in Lots, AParticular eligible FREEHOLD and COPYHOIU ESTATE, called LITTLE- BA RWICK F 4 I' M- compnsing a good Farm- House, with Bams, Yards' and Outbuildings, with several Inclosures of rich Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, part bounded by a trouc Stream, containing upwards of 44 Acres • also several Parcels of rich Arable and Meadow Land lying in the Common Fields adjacent, viz. Commons Possession of Mr. Barnaid Acres, Tenant at Will The particular eligible Situation of the Estate, beine about one Mile and a Hair rom Wade's Mill four from Ware, three from Puckendge, and 24' from London, rend rs it a very de. irahle Property ( t- r May be Viewed by appl, ing to Mr.' ACRES, the tenant, where Particulars max b had; and at the Post- Hnuses, Barkwav and Puikeridge ; Bell Herr- fO/' d; Saracen's- Head, Ware; Bull, Hodde. den;' swan= Chediunt; at Garrawav's; of Mr. Fothergi'll Soli* citor, Broad- Street; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick" Street, Colden- Square, London ; where a Plan of th « Estate may be seen. I Friday and Saturday's Posts. L 0 ND 0 N, November I. THE Hamburgh Mail not having yet arrived, we are obliged to depend upon ihe reports which have been received from the enemy, for all information relative to not only the late engage- ments that have taken place between the Austrian and 1' reach armies, but also for the imperfect knowledge wc can gather, from their unconnected and confused accounts, of their present situation, and in what state they may remain for future ope- rations. As all the accounts we are possessed of come through the hands of the et. emy ( and it is indeed remarkable that we have had no other since the beginning of the war), we may be certain they are stretched to the very extremity of the truth, nor is there any doubt but they are stretched much further. There are too many concurring circum- stances, however, not to obtain belief that the Austrians have received a most severe blow; but in the position of TJlm, which is a very strong, though not a fortified place as it once was, the Austrians had great advantages, and from the steadiness of their valour it is impossible but the j French must have dreadfully suffered in forcingth'e \ post, and must, in a great degree, have been disabled from pursuing, with any activity, the ad- vantages of their victory. Report states their loss at 25,000 men in killed and Wounded. It is . next to impossible, too, that the whole of the Austrian army, which consisted of 84,000 men, could have been entit ely destroyed; for although after the */" ANTED immediately, A steady WOMAN, n as HOUSEKEEPER, who perfectly under- stands the Management of a . Dairy.— None need apply who cannot be well recommended. ( f'. T For further Particulars, apply to Mr. W « , LOVJSLL, Edgcott; or Mr. HI. NRY SPENCER, Green's Park, Blakesley, Northamptonshire. To Journeymen Plumbers una Glaziers. ' " TED immediately, TWO JOURNEYMF. N PLUMBERS and ' GLAZIERS. — Good Workmen may have constant Eniploy and good Wages, by applying to Messrs. Rutiidge & Brown, Weedon- Royal ;' or to Mr. Cullingwortn, Surveyoi, Daventry, Northamptonshire. WANTED, at Martinmas next, A Shepherd. — A married Man, who can be well recom- mended for Honesty, Sobriety, and a thorough Know- ledge of his Business, with a Wife who understands the washing and getting up of Linen, may hear of a good Situation, on applying to- Mr. EDMONDS, at Boughton- House, near Kettering. (£ 3* No Perquisites of any Kind will be allowed, except House- Rent and Fuel. For the Benefit of the INFERIOR PAROCHIAL CLERGI of the County of Northampton. "" IIIE Trustees of the Estates devised by the Will of. the late Sir ED. VARD NICHOLS, Bart, deceased, to charitable Use-;, Give this public Notice, Tint at their Annual Meeting, which will be holden on THURSDAY the 14th Day of NOVEMBER next, they shall disp<; se'of th; unappropriated Part of the Pro'duceof those Estates ill Benefactions to Clergymen who are Incumbents upon small Living; within the County of Northampton ; and that ail due Attention will be paid to the Application of such Clergymen as shall be made before the said 14th Day of Novem- ber, by letters addressed to Mr. CLARK, at the 1 S. F. 4- J. TOMPSON, RETURN Thanks to their Friends for the very great Encouragement they have met with, and respectfully inform them, that F. T. is returned from LONDON with a fashionable ASSORTMENT of MILLINERY DRESSES, PELISSES, & c. which will be ready for Inspection on FRIDAY next. N. B. A fashionable ASSORTMENT of FURS, SALISBURY FLANNELS, & c. ( J^ T A DAY- APPRENTICE wanted. Drapery, Northampton, Nov. id, 1805. GEORGE WALKER, FROM BUGBROOK WHAR* F, p> ESPECTFULLY begs Leave to inform the XV Public, that he has now on Sale, at the Grand Junction Canal Wharf., NORTHAMPTON, the very best WEDNESBURY COALS; and where he intends keeping a regular Supply of each of the different Sorts of COALS and COKE.— All Favours will be most gratefully acknowledged, for ready Money only. ( pf Coals delivered to any Part of Northampton on the most reasonable Terms, in Proportion to the Distance from » the Wharf. Northampton} Nov. 1st; 1S05. To Grocers, Tallow- Chandlers, and'Ironmongers. To be DISPOSED OF, immediately, by PRIVATE CONTRACT, \ Very eligible SITUATION in the above Jrx. BUSINESSES, in full Trade; consisting of a convenient Dwelling- House and suitable Outbuild- ings.— The Whole or a Part ot the Stock in Trade may be taken at a fair Valuation. ( JDR For Particulars, apply to Mr. ROBERT WARD, Thra^ ston. , , .. , ,. 1 Stamp- Ofhce, Northampton, setting forth every Cir- lossof the important positions of tilm and Mem- , cumstance of Ecclesiastical or other Income, of Fa- To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, \ Very desirable FREEHOLD FARM, situate in . the Parish of BRAUNSTON, in the County of Northampton; comprising a very good and sub stantial Farm- IIouse, with convenient Barns, Stables, ar. d other Out- Offices, together with 1S7 Acres, or Eight Hundred Pounds, AND several other SUMS of MONEY, are ready to be advanced on approved real Securities. Apply to Mr. JOHN KING, Attorney at Law, Buckingham. THEATRE, MARKET- HARBOROUGH. ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1805, will be performed, the Tragedy of GEORGE BARNWELL. With the Grand Dramatic Romance of BLUE BEARD. With new Scenery, Machinery, Dresses, and Deco- rations.— In the Procession, an Elephant as large as Life — Illuminated Garden — Enchanted Blue Chamber— Blue Beard's Castle, & c. & c. On WEDNESDAY the 6th, By Desire of Mrs. HAN BURY, ROMEO AND JULIET. LOVE WITH LAUGHS AT LOCKSMITHS. On THURSDAY the 7th, By Desire of W. F. MAJOR, Esq. THE SOLDIER's DAUGHTER. WITH THE WAGS OF WINDSOR. And on SATURDAY the 9th, the new Comedy of THE BLIND BARGAIN. • w ITH THE POOR SOLDIER. PRINTING - OFFICE, BEDFORD. WILLIAM SMITH RESPECTFULLY returns his . grateful Thanks • to the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends in general, for the liberal Support he has experienced in tile PRINTING, BOOK and MUSIC SELLING, BINDING, STATIONARY, and PAPER- HANGING BUSINESSES, for upwards of twenty Years, which he has declined in Favour of Mr. fcRlCE OF STOCKS. Bank Stock 3 per- Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. Navy ,190i 58I4M • S9iW nail • 89 » Imp. 3 pet Cents. sh. India Stock 188 187 India Bonds . par 1 pr. Exc. Bills . par 1 pr. Omnium . . 4JJ occurrence stated, on the authority of a letter from Holland j of the 2( ith, and of a gentleman ivho left Rotter- ; dam on the same day, that Marshal Bernadotte \ had been met by the Russians, reinforced by 14,000 Austrians- under General Kienmayer, had been engaged in a general battle, and bad sustained a total ( Jefeat'. Ibis action is said to have happened on the 83d. It is now ascertained,- that the Russian afmy, which has now joined the Austrian column under Genera' Kienmayer, on the Inn, amounts to. little short of 100,000 men, and as the French column opposed to it is very much inferior, even with every reinforcement that can be supposed to have- reach- ed it, the- ro'ult of a spirited and determined attack could hardly fail to be successful and deci- sive. Even the disasters that have happened, great as they are, do not discourage the hope, that the judicious direction and vigorous exertions of this combined ariny may be Sufficient to turn the current of success, or at least to retard its progress till the new resources of the Austrian monarchy are brought up, to restore the natural prepon- derancy of the allied arms. The following interesting communication re- specting the distances of the different places at and near the seat of war, may serve to illustrate the relative situation of the contending armies:— From Vienna to Munich there are three roads, the two principal of which, at this juncture, are those by the way of Brunau and Saitzburgh. From Vienna to Ens the distance is 105 English miles; from thence to Brunau on the Inn, the last Imperial Town, 105 miles; to Munich 85,; from Ens to Saltzburgh the distance is 100 miles; and from thence to Munich 85. Ge- neral Kienmayer has joined the Russians either at Brunau or" Saltzburgh; if at the hitter place, assistance might have been sent, if there had been time, to General Mack by. Lispruck in the Tyrol: this place is 60 miles from 1' unsen, very strong, and 30 from Kempten, which lies by Isneg and Wangen; fr<> m Lindau 45 miles; from Memmingen 20, and from that place to Ulm 30 miles. Ulm, by Memmingen to Lindau, is 75 miles, and by Ravensburgh 05; Rcgentz is from lindau 3f miles. From Ulm, by Frankfort and Cologne, to Amster- dam, the distance is 410 miles; and by way of l3asil to Pans 390 miles.— A person may with ease ' reach Amsterdam in four days, and Paris in tiiree days. Lord Mulgrave, his Majesty's principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has given official notice, that the blockade of the Spanish ports of Cadiz and St. Lucar, by tiie British squadrons, is so far relaxed, that neutrals may euter the said ports laden with provisions only. The Game haws.— A case of some interest came on, lately, at' the Public- Office* Union- streot, before ' 1'! F. vance, Esq. It was an information under the game laws; founded on 5th Ann, cap. 14th, which states— mat if any person shall keep a gun ( not being duly qualified) for the purpose of destroying game, lie shall forfeit the same, and be liable to a penalty of five pounds. The defendant was a foreigner, and, as it appeared in evidence, v. as out shooting in the woods, at Dulwich, on the 2d of September, when he fired at a pheasant. He was told tiiat he acted wrong; he, however, conti- nued his sport. In his defence, the defendant pleaded ignorance of any infringement of the laws, as he had taken out a licence. The informer, however, observed, that the defendant had been often cautioned, that he was not duly qualified. Ihe magistrate therefore informed him, that hav- ing been frequently cautioned, he had no right to plead ignorance, and the defendant was convictcd in the penalty of rive pounds. Mail Couch Robbery.— Rd. Walker, and Thos. Chester, were yesterday tried at the Old Bailey Sessions, for feloniously, receiving, in the citv of London, a large quantity of jewellery goods, which were stolen out of a mail coach ill the city of j Oxford, the property of Messrs. Pemberton and Son, of Birmingham.— Wm. Dobbins was convict- ed of the felony at the last Sessions for the city of Oxford, and sentenced to he transported for seven years, Wakelin, an accomplice, being admitted King's evidence, and on whose confession the two prisoners- were also tried. By the evidence of Lee and Duke, two servants of the prosecutor's, it appeared that the articles stolen were sent from Birmingham in May last-, directed for Mr. Pemberton in town, anrl that they never arrived at the place to which they were directed. The evidenee which chiefly went to criminate the prisoners was that of Christopher Wakelin, the accomplice. He stated that he was an extra guard to the mail coach, and that the driver of the coach who was convicted of the robbery at Oxford, brought the parcel to his house in Oxford, where it remained for six weeks, and that afterwards by his direction he carried it to the prisoner Walker's, who kept a hair- dresser's shop on Snow- hill, and that Walker and Chester, the two prisoners, dis- posed of the goods. Several witnesses were then called, who proved, that Chester and Walker had disposed of several parcels of the stolen articles, particularly to a Mr. lloby, a Jeweller, iullo'lborn; a Mr. Brogdon, in Barbican; and others,— The Jury found theiu bolli •— Guilty. The above Farm is situate within two Miles .;."<' Clergymen possessed only of Curacies, or ot [ of Daventry, and one Mile of Brau. nston Wharf, and Benefices to which Institution and Induction are not j adjoins the Turnpike- Road from London to Chester. i l or further Particulars, and to trpat for the j Purchase, apply to Mr. Thomas Clarke, of Swinford, I near Lutterworth; or to Mr. Oakiien, Attorney at I Law, Daventry. Mr. M'KOllKELL's PUPILS' BALL, AT THE GEORGE INN ASSEMBLY- ROOM. NORTHAMPTON, Thursday Evening, Nov. 21st, 1805. MR. M'KOIiKELL has the Honour most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and his Friends, that his PUPILS' BALL will con- sist of the most fashionable SLOW, PASCRAVE, and SCOTCH MINUETS, the MINUET D » LA COURT, and NEW GAROTTE, COTILLIONS, QUADRILLES, STRATHSPEYS, SHANTRUSE, ALLEMANDES, the MED- LEY REEL ( consisting of the Scotch, Irish, and Waltz Steps), the NEW OPERA FANDANCO, ENGLISH, FRENCH, and IRISH HORNPIPES ( Patisot, Del Caro's, and Des Hayes), SCOTCH and IRISH REELS, and an OPERA BALLET. ( pT The Orchestra will consist of a numerous Band of the best Performers.— The Grand Pedal Harp by Mr. CMALLONER. *** Dancing will commence at Seven o'Clock, and a Bail afterwards for the Company. t- ft Tickets to be had, 5s. each, of Mr. M'KOR- KELL, at Mr. Fish's, in the Square. To be SOLD, And may be entered LETT, immediately, of their kind Patronage to his Successor, being con- fident the most unremitting Attention will be paid to their Commands. Mrs. SMITH, with the utmost Respect, ac- quaints her Friends, the IASHIONABLE REPOSIXORT will be continued as usual. mingen, which latter place was taken on the 16th, j mj| y- 0f Health, and of whatever else may give the j thereabouts, of exceeding rich Arable, Meadow, and I " J'J.^ f* BI! 5r? n. d begs Leave to solicit a Continuance the Austrian posts on the Hit ;- became untenable, j fullest Information to the Trustees of the Claimants' j pasture Land, the probability is, that Mack, if he escaped, or j Title to their Favour, the other Austrian Generals, would endeavour to J push through towards the frontiers of the Tyrol, jCUXK^ ty> are not deemed Objects of these Benefactions In the course of the week a much more pleasing I J. CLARK. of the war was reported. It was j Northampton, hoy. 2,•/, 1605, SQUARE, NORTHAMPTON.' MR. FREAKE respectfully informs the Nobi- lity, Gentry, and his Friends, his PUPILS' BALL is on WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13th, 1805, at the GEORGE INN ASSEMBLY ROOMS. Dancing to Commence precisely at Seven o'Clock. A Ball afterwards for the Company. * » * Tickets to be had, JS. each, at Mr. FRKAKE'S; and Mr. Abel's, Parade, Northampton JAMES WEBB, Printer, Binder, Book and Music- seller, Stationer, and Paper- hanger, IMPRESSED with a due Sense of Gratitude to his Friends tor the great Encouragement he has to return his most grateful Acknow- ALarge and commodious HOUSE, with all convenient attached and detached Offices, two Gardens, Court Yard, large Barn, and Stable for four met with, beji „ or more Horses; and an Orchard well planted with J ledgments, and intreats a Continuance of their kind choice Fruit Trees, containing an Acre or more of Favours.— Having taken ar. d entered on the STOCK excellent Land, situate in that pleasant and populous in TRADE and BUSINESS ot Mr. SMITH, he Village of FLOORE, ' in the County of Nortnamp- S humbly solicits the Patronage and Support ot his ton, and within Half a Mile of the Royal Depot, and Friends, assuring them he has the most experienced the Grand Junction Canal, at Weedon- Beck. The ' Workmen employed, and that every Branch of his aliove is well calculated for Trade or Business of any J Business shall be executed in the best Manner, with Kind. ' " ' . - . • . Enquire at the WHITE- HART, Floore. * » * A Quantity of seasoned Oak Barn- Floor Planks to be sold. STANWICK COURT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the VIEW of FRANK PLEDGE, with the COURT BARON of the Reverend RICHARD PEARCE, Clerk, Lord of the Manor of Stanwick, in the County of Northampton, will he held in and for the said Manor, on THURSDAY, the SEVENTH DAY of NO- VEMBER instant, at Eleven s'Clock in the Fore- noon, at the Manor House, in Stanwick aforesaid; where the Tenants, and all others wno have any Thing to do at the said Cour*, are requested to attend. JOHN NEWTON GOODI1ALL, Steward. November 1JC, 1805. WILBY COURT. NOTICE is hereby given, That the COURT I. F. ET and COURT BARON of ADAM CORRIE, Esq. Lord of the Manor ot Wilby, in the County of Northampton, will be held in and for the s: iid Manor, on MONDAY the ELEVENTH DAY of NOVEMBER instant, at eleven o'clock in rhe Forenoon, at the Hare and Hounds Public- House, in Wilby aforesaid; where the Tenants who owe Suit and Service, and all others who have any Thing to do at the said Court, are desired to attend. JOHN NEWTON GOODHALL, Steward. November li/, 1835. To Chymists and Druggists. To be DISPOSED OF ( the Person going into another Line), AGood SITUATION in the above Branches of Business, situated in one of the pleasantest and most improving Market Towns in the County of Lei- cester, and in the Centre of one of the first Fox Hunts in the Kingdom, having the principal Busi- ness of the Grofims in the Season; also a good Con- nection with all the Gentlemens' Families in the Neighbourhood ; together with a Market Shop at an easy Distance, which has regularly been attended these eight Years; aLo the unexpired Lease of the House, & c. kc. On Account of the Advantages attending the Situ- ation, a Premium will be expected for the good Will, — Any young Man who can command a few Hundreds, will find this a Situation worth his Notice. ( j3r Letters ( Post- paid) for Z. Y. to be left at the Post- Office, Oakham, Rutland, till called for, will be duly answered. Desirable Sheep Keeping. To be LETT, to the Best Bidder, At the Guildhall, in Northampton, on Monday the 11th Day of November instant, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, for three Seasons, subject to such Conditions as shall be then and there pro- duced, "~ PHE HERBAGE on the RACE- GROUND Punctuality, Correctness, and Dispatch, on the lowest Terms. ( CSr A Variety of PAPER- HANGINGS, of the newest Patterns, at reduced Prices; and Rooms hung in a superior Stile. *** An extensive and very select CIRCULATING LIBRARY. , November 1j/, 1805. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J. FORES, On the Premises, at HARPOI. F.- LODGE, in the County of Northampton, on Friday the 8th Day of November, 1805, AQUANTITY of WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY, aijd HAY, and some IMPLEMENTS in HUS- BANDRY, a COWand CALF, one HORSE, three STORE and one FAT HOG, several Lots of useful HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, & c. ( p3T The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock. LONDON, November 2. ALetter from Newcastle, dated the 29th, of which the following is an extract, was this morning received at Lloyd's:—" By a British ship tliis moment arrived from the Elbe, which river she BLUNT's B ANKRUPTC Y. " X7TIEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is T Y awarded and issued forth against IV/ n. Blunt, now or late of HARTWELL, in the County of North- ampton, Farmer, Dealer and Chapman, and. he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or ti; e major Part of them, on TUESDAY the 5th Day of NOVEMBER inst. at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon ; on WEDNESDAY the 6th Day of NOVEMBER inst. at Nine of the Clock in the Fore- noon; and on SATURDAY the 7th Day of DECEMBER next,' at fen of the Clock in the Forenoon, at the WHITE- HORSF. INN, in TOWCESTER, in the said County of Northampton, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure ot his Estate and Ellects; when and ! where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove 1 their Debts, and at the second Sitting to chuse As- signees; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his Certificate.— All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the sanle but to whom the Commis- sioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. FOUI. KES & LONGDILI., of Gray's- Inn, London; or to Mr. KIRBY, Attorney at Law, in Towcester aforesaid. 0 S T, ON the 2' 2d of October, 1805, from NEWPORT- PAGNEI. L, TWO FAT EWE SHEEP. One Black, with the Wool clipped off the Rump; the other White, and raddled down the Back. Whoever can give Information of the said Sheep, so that they may be had again, either to Joseph Lilley, Sherrington, Bucks, or to George Cripjis, Neptune, Newport- i'agnell aforesaid, shall be hand- somely rewarded, and have all reasonable Expences paid. WYMERSLEY ASSOCIATION. QTOLEN or STRAYED, late on Monday Night O the 2lst, or early on Tuesday Morning the 22d of in NORTHAMPTON FIELD, containing' left last Saturday ( the 2tith), we have received the welcome news, that the Russians have got complete footing in Hanover; thsy are even said to be at Cuxhaven already; this of course, will entirely free you from any doubts as to the security of the navigation of the Elbe." Nothing has transpired to throw any light upon the designs of the Court of Berlin; and we are sorry to say, that no mention is made in the letters from Holland, of any strong steps being taken by that power in favour of the Allies, although, there are many circumstances which tend to strengthen the hope of the Prussian co- operation. The Antelope, Sir Sidney Smith, with the Vesuvius bomb, and a large fleet of gun- brigs, sailed yesterday from the Downs, for the French coast. , about 117 Acres, for keeping Sheep thereon for the present and two successive Seasons, from the 12th of November to the 14th of February in each Year, during which Times all other Cattle will be taken off". fl^" For further Particulars, apply to Mr. THEO. JEYES, Attorney at Law, Northampton. *** The above- mentioned Ground will be locked up on the 7th Instant; and all Persons exercising Horses, or otherwise trespassing thereon, will be prosecuted. PUBLIC - HOUSE. - FJMIAT old accustomed FREEHOLD uesday Clo-, e in the Lordship of County of Northampton, October instant, out of CASXLE- ASHBY, in tin A THEAVE SHEEP, the Property of the Right Hon. the EARL of NORTHAMPTON ( a Member of this Association). If strayed, any Person giving Information thereof to the BAILIFF of the said Earl, at CASTLE- ASHBY aforesaid, so that the same may be had again, shall be handsomely rewarded for his Trouble, and have all reasonable Expences paid; and if stolen, whoever will apprehend, or cause to be brought to Justice, the Person or Persons who committed the Felony, - so that he or they may bu prosecuted, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, of Mr. C. MARKHAM, Attorney, in Northampton, the Treasurer and Solicitor of this Association; and shall also, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders, receive a further Reward of TWENTY GUINEAS, of Mr. SCRIVEN, of Castle- Ashby, the Steward of the said Earl. And if more than one Person was concerned in stealing the said Sheep, and either will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices, he shall be entitled to the same Rewards, and Interest will be nude to pro- cure His Majesty's Pardon. Northampton, October 2l)! h, 1S05. To be SOLD, PUBLIC- L HOUSE, called WOOTTON- HOUSE, known by the Sign of the CROWN, now in full Trade, eligibly situated adjoining the Turn pike- Road, in the Parish of WOOTTON, in the County of Northarhpton, with excellent Cellar Room, convenient Stable, Brewhouse, and other Outbuildings, a Well of good Water, Garden, and Appurtenances, now in the Oc- cupation of Mrs. Williams. , Also, seven FREEHOLD TENEMENTS adjoining, or near unto the said Public- House, in the several Occupations of Wm. Lucas, Alice Sturges, and others. ( ( J3T Any reasonable Part of the Purchase Money may remain on Security of the Premises. *** For further Particulars, and tc treat for the Purchase, apply to Mr. THEO. JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton. Elegant Furniture, Eelectrifymg Machine, Drugs, Shop Fixtures, &/ c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. IV ELLS, On the Premises, in MARKET- STREET, WELLING- BOROUGH, Northamptonshire, on Thursday, 7th November, at Eleven o'Clock precisely, by'Order of the Proprietor, ALL the genteel genuine IIOUSEflOLD- FUR- NITIJRE, capital ELECTRIFYING MA- CHINE, DRUGS, SHOP FIXTURES, tw6 Bellmetal MORTARS, asd other EFFECTS. The FURNITURE comprises, an Assemblage of Ca- binet and Upholstery Work, in handsome Mahogany Four- post and Field Bedsteads, with Chintz pattern Cotton Furnitures, Ditto Window- Curtains, fine Goose Feather Beds, and good Bedding; handsome Mahogany Wardrobe; Chest of Drawers; Sideboard Table, with Celleret Draw, a Set of Mahogany Dining Tables, with circular Ends, Card and Pem- broke fables; Japan Parlour, and Chamber Chairs; Cast- iron Pantheon Stoves, Windup- Range, Kitchen- Requisites, a Quantity of Coals, Sec. ( J T To be Viewed on Wednesday, when Catalogues may be had; at the White Hart, Kettering; Green Dragon, Higham; on the Premises j and of Mr. Wells, Auctioneer, and sWorn Exchange Broker and Appraiser, No. 130, Long Acre, London. FREEHOLD ESTATE, At SlIARNBROOK, in the County of Bedford. To be SOLD by AUCTIO N, By BROWN' ® SON, On Thursday the 14th Day of November, 1805, at Mr. Church's, the Swan- and- two- Necks, at Sharnbrook, between the Hours of Five and Seven o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as will be then produced, ALL that substantial HOUSE, divided into TWO TENEMENTS, pleasantly situated on the Side of the Turnpike- Road, at SHARNBROOK- COPPLE- END, in one Lot; consisting of two con- venient Cottages, with Yard, Garden, and Orchard, containing two Roods ( be the same more or less), now in the Occupation of William Archer and William' Nobles; together with the Right of Commons over j the extensive Fields of Sharnbrook aforesaid ( at very • TLNN IM'R\ RATROKL, I 1) 1 ... - J I . . 1 ........ ^ ' . ' Yesterday an order was sent off, from the Ad- miralty, for the expedition in the Downs to put to sea. The wind having shifted to the West, the armament has probably sailed. It has been aug- mented, and rendered still more complete, during the time which it has been delayed beyond the period originally fixed for its. sailing. Five trans- ports, laden with one hundred ammunition waggons, and other military stores, sailed from Portsmouth, on Wednesday, to join it. The troops, which are supposed to have sailed, consist chiefly of the detachments of the Guards, General Paget's brigade, General Moore's brigade, and the German legion under General Don. ft has been reported, for some days, that the following is the arrangement for its staff:— His Royal Highness the Duke of York, Commander- in- Chief; His Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, to the command of'the British cavalry, with two Lieutenant- Generals under him; and His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, with seven Lieiitenant- Generals, and twelve Major- Generals, under him, to have the command of the Infantry. Other reports state, that the Duke of Kent will command the cavalry. The King, we are sorry to hear, labours under a severe cold; inconsequence of which, the Coun- cil intended to have been held yesterday was post- poned. Yesterday morning was married, at St. James's church, by the Rev. Dr. Hall, Dean of Christ church, Oxford, John Robert Gregg Hoppwood, Esq. of lloppwood Hall, Lancashire, to Miss Byng, one of her Majesty's Maids of Honour, daughter of the Hon. John Byng, and niece to Viscount Torrington. The celebrated preacher, Dean Kirwan, died on Sunday last, at Mount Pleasant, in the vicinity of Dublin. His disorder was a fever, which car- ried him off after a few days illness. The . iu- merous charitable institutions of that city will long feel and lament his loss. —- — FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. 9,901, £. 1000.— No. NO R THA MP TO N, SATURDAY EVENING, Nov. 2. BIRTH.] On Thursday se'nnight, the lady of Lieutenant- Colonel Curson, of Waterberry- House, Oxfordshire, of a soil. MARRIED.] Last week, Mr. Benjamin Prew, son of Mr. Prew, of Shipston- upon- Stour, to Miss Holder, of Tewkesbury. Last week, Mr. Mark Docker, of Birmingham, to Miss Ileatlicoat, of Warwick. On Monday se'nnight, at Coventry, Mr. Samuel Gilbert, to Miss Elizabeth Edmonds, both of that city. DIED.] Lately, in Cambridge, aged 80, after a very lingering illness, Mrs. Kendall, widow of the late Rev. Mr. Kendall, vicar of Chishall, in that county, and formerly of King's College, Cambridge. On Saturday last, far advanced in years, Mr. Richard - Grimbly, more than forty . years a respect- able school- master, ill Banbury. On Saturday last, at Solihull, in her 79th year, Mrs. Harding, relict of the late Judd Harding, Esq. of that place. On Wednesday se'nnight, aged 76, Mrs. Mary Baker, of Swansea, relict of the late Mr. James Baker, of Henley- in- Arden. On Monday se'nnight, aged 51, Mr. W. Robin- son, upholder and auctioneer, of Oxford. On Friday se'nnight, at her house in St. Martinis, Stamford Baron, Mrs. Jane Fullers, a maiden lady, a^ ed 70. A few days since, Mr. Hands, glazier, of Lei- cester. On Saturday, at Leicester, aged 58, Mrs. Treen, a maiden lady. A few days ago, at Chelsea, P. C. White, Esq. lately of Duddington. The Rev. E. Gibbs Walford, M. A. Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Guildford, is instituted to the united Vicarage of Frieston with Butterwick, in the county of Lincoln, on the presentation of Lady Dryden, of Canon's Ashby, in this county. The Rev. Edward Evans, of Shawell, Leicester- shire, has been instituted, by the Bishop of Lich- field and Coventry, to the vicarage of Hillmorton, in Warwickshire, on the presentation of Mrs. Yardley. A Dispensation has passed the Great Seal, ena- bling the Rev. Wm. Hanbury, A. M. chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Upper Ossory, to hold the rectory of Upper Langton, in the county of Leicester, together with the rectory of Harborough Magna, in the county of Warwick, vacant by the death of the Rev. Peers Newsham, Clerk. At the audit of the Governors of the school of Oakham and Uppingham, hoiden at Uppingham, on Thursday, October 17th, the following decree was passed:—'" That the motives of the conduct of " the Rev. Mr. Butt, in the attention paid by him, " in a recent instance, to the morals of his scholars, " were highly laudable, and have met with the " approbation of the Governors." On Tuesday morning last, between five and six o'clock, a most daring robbery was committed on the person of Mr. Benjamin Burbidge, shoe- maker, of Sympson, near Fenny Stratford, Bucks, at a place called No- man's- land, between Denby Hall and Shenley Inns The robbery was perpetrated by two men in short smock frocks, armed with large bludgeons, one of whom seized him by the collar, while the other rifled his pockets of thirty- five pounds seven shillings, being the poor sufferer's all, and which he was taking to pay his currier at Towcester fair. A person who is a resident of Finedon, in this county, has been convicted before a magistrate of having violently assaulted the keeper of the Oadby toll- gate, in Leicestershire. Upon his expressing contrition for the offence, he was fined in the mitigated penalty of 51. and discharged. On Tuesday se'nnight a farm- house and two smaller dwellings were burnt down at Holme, near Stilton. The fire is supposed to have been occa- sioned by incendiaries. Exchequer writs have lately been issued against several hatters in an adjacent county, for selling hats either without stamps, or with stamps under the proper value.— Milliners and others will be cautious to obtain a licence before they sell beaver hats, and to accompany those they may sell with a proper stamp. A few days since, a fine child, the daughter of ' Mr. Bowker, of Bridge- street, in Manchester, died suddenly, in consequence of having eaten a quan- tity of berries of a deleterious quality, which it is supposed she picked off a hedge.— A short time ago a boy of nine years of age, of Portsea, aLo died, from having eaten a similar kind of berries. At the last quarter sessions for the county of Cbcster, Thomas Newel), of Stockport, weaver, was convicted in the penalty of 401. for purchasing from a workman a quantity of embezzled cotton weft; and in consequence of his not being able to pay the fine, he was sentenced to six months im- prisonment to hard labour in the house of correc- tion, at Middleu ich. ( pf" The order to discontinue the advertisement of House and Land, at Poiebrook, to be sold, came too late to be attended to ; as did the order to discontinue the advertisement of Coai to lett at Willmg'> worth- Hall. Second day's drawing.— No 22,071, =£. 100. Third day.— No. 16,801, =£. 2,000.— Nos. 3,518, 9,149, 21,193, iMOO each. Fourth day. — No. 1,608, =£. 100. Fifth day'.— tics. 6,806 ( 1st drawn), 18.539, =£. 10,000 each.— No. 22,554, =£. 5,000.— No. 23,984, M. 1,000. PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, Nov. 2. at Wheat, 6is. to 80s. 0d. Rye, 40s. Od. to- 4( i>. Barley, 35s. Od. to 40:. Od. Oats, 31s. 6d. to 32s. Od. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 48s. Od. to 52 ,. Od Peas, - 18s. 0d. to ti4.,. ild By the Standard Measure Corn' Exchange, London, Friday, Nov. 1. The winds coastwise being contrary, impede the expected arrivals of Grain in general. Wheat has but few buyers, and the sales to those in demand are at a small advance. The quantity of Foreign Wheat at hand is very large.— New Rye this week is lower. — Barley is rather dearer,— White Pease likewise.— Malt, and Old Beans, at small fluctuation.— New Ticks in plenty, and further decline.— The samples of Oats being so very few, for those of good quality higher prices are obtained.— Flour continues to support recent prices. low and improvable Rents), and as an Inclosure is j _ Nos. 7,799, 12,843, 21,791, =£. 500 each.— Nos. 823, likely to take Place, will become of considerable 9,969, 11,002, 100 each. Value to the Estate. | Slxlh ^. y,.- Nos. 3,944 ( 1st drawn),' 7,378, =£. 20,000 For a View of the Premises, and for further Particulars, apply to Mr. Lovel Stonebanks, of Sharnbrook; or Browu & Son, Auctioneers, Bedford. each.— Nos. 17,915, 23,917, =£. 2,000each — No. 4,630, =£. 500.— Nos. 5,720, 5,755, 11,028, 11,268, 12,302, 12,403, 18,421), 20,827, 100 each. LIST of FAIRS, from Nov. 4, to Nov. 15, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Nov. 4. Hincltlcy. T. 5. Elstoiv. 7. Purton and PfelJon. 8. Sutton, Stamford, Warwick, Biggleswade, Somcrsham, Buckingham, and Chipping- Norton. 9. Ashby- de- la- Zoucb. 12. Dunstable. 13. Loughborough. 15. Lutterworth. Th.- F. - S. • T. • W. • F. - jJKMMjggjWjMwaWWi ON RETIREMENT. QH ! far retir'il from ev'ry noisy throng, I pass my hours amid Retirement's shade; I hear, with rapture,- the wild minstrel's song, And view the stream that nourishes the glade. Wlien balmy sleep deserts my downy bed, 1 watch my cattle grazing on their way; And, when the morn's trauslucid torch is fled, 1 thank my Cod for blessings of the day. Around me whisp'ring zephyrs softly sigh, Around me nature smiles in all her charms; On blissful wings of joy my moments fly, For mild qontent my tranquil bosom warms. ^ h! who would quit this peaceful rosy scene, To banish pleasures in their youthful prime; Who would not wander o'er the village green, ' Till death should cail them to a better clime ! Meteors.— On Tuesday evening, about six o'clock, an uncommon luminous appearance was observed near York, supposed to he produced by a meteor, which the cloudiness of the sky concealed from view. On Wednesday evening, after sun- set, the sky being unclouded, a meteor, resembling a ball of fire, was observed in the east, at an apparent altitude of about 20 degrees. In a moment it began to descend, emitting a train of light, and suddenly vanished, without reaching the horizon. The whole appearance did not occupy more than three or four seconds. At the time of this ob- servation it was about half- past five o'clock, by the Cathedral clock, but not more than 15 minutes after five by true time.— The same evening, at a Anecdote of Mr. Nield, the philanthropic Trea- surer to the Society for relieving persons imprisoned for small debts.— This gentleman had long been in the habit of receiving so many pennv- post letters, as to have given orders that none should be taken in, but such as were post- paid. His maid servant, however, being married oft", and another come in her place, lie one day found a penny- post letter, unpaid, lying upon his table; he hesitated whether he should not send it back to the post- office, but at last resolved to open it. What was his surprise, when he found it contained a bank- note for o£. 1000, without a word said from whom it came, or how it was to be disposed of. The direction on the outside was simply " James Nield, Esq." He car- ried it to the meeting of the above Society, which consisted of many of the first, characters, when they refused to receive it, as it was not even di- rected to him, " Treasurer ot' the Society for the relief of persons imprisoned for small debts." He insisted, however, that they should take it, as lie knew of no person who was likely to send him such a present. Advertisements were inserted in the papers, acknowledging the receipt, and stating to what purpose it had been applied; but no ac- count lias ever been received from what quarter it came! Murder.— Mr. J. Wigpnore, sen. farmer, , of Knovle, in Wiltshire, was found murdered on Thursday, on the road between Stockbridge and Winchester. He had been to Winchester with a load of cheese for the fair, and was returning on cning, when it is sup May, 1803, are desired, within fourteen Days from the Date hereof, to send an Account in Writing to Mr. Burton, Attorney, in Daventry, in order that the same may he liquidated and discharged; and those Creditors of Mr. William Adams who have executed the Deed ot Assignment, and have not yet received the first Dividend of ten Shillings in the Pound, are desired immediately to attend at the Ac- compting- House of Mr. Wm.' Adams, in Daventry, to settle their Balances, and reccive their Dividends. Dr. SHAW': ENGLISH EDITION OF BACON'S WORKS. LORD , horseback on Wednesday « v_ little past six, a meteor, with a luminous tram, j pOSC, l he was stopped bv four footpads, and that was observed at Ilehnsley, 23 miles north of York. : 0[ 1 ],; s refusj„£ to deliver his money, they fired at It appeared in the cast, and about the same alti- tude as the meteor observed at York. After con- tinuing stationary for a short time, it disappeared, but a brilliant light continued in the sky, in the direction of the meteor, for some minutes after. A meteor was also seen in the neighbourhood of Beverley, at the same period of the evening ( as nearly as can be collected) as that at Helmsley. If it was the same meteor, its elevation must con- sequently have been very great, the distance be- tween these places being at least 40 miles. On Wednesday evening, about seven o'clock, K brilliant and most beautiful meteor was observed by many persons at Yarmouth. Those who saw- its whole progress, describe it as rising from the eastern horizon, and consequently appearing as if issuing from the sea, it seemed to reach the zenith, and then disappeared, leaving a luminous cloud of a large magnitude apparently fixed. Although there was a strong breeze from the S. E. at the time, this cloud disappeared by slow degrees, and was partly visible near fifteen minutes after the meteor burst. WESTMINSTER SESSIONS. Cruelly.— On Friday, Robert Reynolds, a soldier in one of the regiments of Guards, was indicted for assaulting, beating, and otherwise cruelly treating George and Elizabeth Reynolds, his own infant children. The case for the prosecution was very patheti- cally stated by Mr. Const, and the tenor of the evidence was as follows:— The prisoner, who is a soldier and armourer, had lodgings for himself and children in the kitchen of a house, No. 12, North- row, Parish of St. George's ill the West; and a Mrs. Elizabeth Fry proved, that on the morning of Sunday, September 22, as she was passing by the house where the prisoner lodged, she heard repeatedly the piteous crv of children. She went to the window of the cellar whence the voice proceeded, and, looking through, saw two children, apparently tied to a dresser, and crying lamentably; she tapped at the window, and, on enquiry of the- poor infants, understood that their father was a soldier, quar- tered at Portman- street barracks, and had beaten | and tied ihetD the re. She went immediately to the > h'-. nvWlf^- stiirl endeavoured to get in, with a view ! of complaining to the officers; but while she was \ disputing with the sentinel, who refused her ad- mi; ranee, two gentlemen came up, the one named Keeling, the other Bligh, to whom she told the story and tlicy accompanied her back to the house. They could not get into the cellar, as it was locked; but one of the gentlemen, by breaking a pane of the window, was enabled to get out a nail, or screw, that prevented the sash from being put down, and to enter through the. upper part of the window, and in the kitchen he found two children, the one a little girl about ten years of age; she was naked, standing upon a dresser, with her hands extended to the utmost stretch asunder, and tied to the top of the dresser, her feet tied together to the lowest part, and her back so lacerated with stripes as to present a most shocking spectacle. The boy was tied with his hands before him to the lower part of the dresser, and hid feet tied together to the foot of it. lie had marks also of severe beating, hut not so severe as the girl. Uags were fastened round their hands, to prevent them from untying the ligaments; and upon a table, at some distance from them, stood a large loaf, which had been cut, with the slice lying upon it, and a piece of beef about nine pounds weight. They mnied the poor infants, and the giiT, on being liberated, was so exhausted that she fainted away. They wore both conveyed to the workhouse, and placed under the medical gentleman in attendance. The apothecary and Dr. Jackson, who saw the children and gave their testimony, said that they considered the life of the girl, especially, in danger; that her back, about her shoulder blades, was so much contused and inflamed, he apprehended a suppuration, which might have brought on a fever extremely dangerous to her life. It was with dif- ficulty tlit children were conveyed to the work- house, where however, they recovered- in a rea- sonable time, but were not sufficiently well to attend, last. Session, to give their evidence on tbe prosecution of the prisoner. The poor children were also sworn, with the usual precaution towards their tender age and ca- pacity, end examined. They corroborated so much of the former evidence as concerned their situation; said their mother was dead, and that j their father had beaten and tied them thus, for absenting themselves from school; that they had eaten nothing after dinner on Saturday until found in the situation described on Sunday. The wretched prisoner, who, either from the stings of remorse, or some other caHse, appeared wasted to a skeleton, ottered, in his own defence, a statement in writing to the court, in which lie alledged that he had always treated his children tenderly, and gave them enough to eat; but that they frequently told him lies and staid from school, and that he had chastised them with a rattan, and punished them thus to delcr them from so doing m future. A man named Plant, a beadle, who lodged in the house with the prisoner, appeared to give evi- dence in his behalf, but only corroborated the evi- dence against him. The court, in charging the Jury, observed, that if they believed the prisoner, in correcting those childrui, had transgressed the reasonable bounds of severity, which parental discretion ou;: ht to limit, it would be their duty to find the prisoner guilty, wliiih they did without hesitation, and the prisoner was remanded, that the court might con- sider of the proper sentence to pronounce upon him. liini, a ball having passed through his body, w hich from its direction was evidently fired by sonic person on foot, l'lie body had lain some hours on the road, and was quite cold and stiff when found in the morning by a shepherd. His horse was at a little distance, in a field, liis body was removed to Stockbridge, where an inquest was taken by a coroner. Verdict, wilful murder, by some person unknown.—' Ihe deceased has left a widow and nine children.— There is yet no clue to discover the murderers, who did not effect their purpose, Mr. W.' s property being all found upon him. Shocking Catastrophe.— A woman named Ann Perroff, who resided in l'arker- street, Bloomsbury, Inning been missing for some time, search was made for several days without effect. Her chamber- door being fastened in the iuside, it was suggested by the neighbours that she might have made away with herself; accordingly, a constable was pro- cured, and the room door forced, syhen, shocking lo relate, she was discovered extended upon the floor, with her face downwards, quite dfiad; npon turning her she presented a most dreadful sight, nearly the whole of the flesh on her face being eaten off, as is supposed by the rats. It is ima gined she got inebriated, and was suffocated.— ' An inquest was held yesterday evening, when the Jury returned a verdict o(— Died by the visitation of God. EXEMPTION FROM DUTY ON- DIVIDENDS. DAVF. NTRY, 21th October, 1805. I| IS Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs A LL Persons who have any Claims upon Mr. S 5 ot Taxes, hereby give Notice, That all Persons JOHN PENS and Mr. THOMAS ADAMS, as claiming EXEMPTIONS from the DUTY, in rc- Trustees of the Estate of Mr. WILLIAM ADAMS, spect of the DIVIDENDS arising from Annuities, ( tor Debts contracted subsequent to the ,'! d Day of Dividends or Shares of Annuities, out of any public Revenue, whether in the Books of the Bank of Eng- land, or of other public Companies, corporate or not corporate, belonging to any Friendly Societies, or to any Corporate Fraternity, or Society of Persons, esta- blished for charitable Purposes only, are required to make their Claims to Exemption before the Commis- sioners, for the special Purposes of the Acts; and. that all such Claims must be made in Writing, and delivered at the Office for Taxes, in Somerset Place, directed to the Secretary lor the Affairs of Taxes. The Form on which such Claims are to be made, may be had at the said Office of the Inspector for the Duty upon Dividends, au the Old Stock Exchange, or to any Inspector or Survevor of Taxes. By " Order of the Board, M. WINTER. Office for Taxes, London, October 24th, 1805. NOTICE ro DEBTORS AJ, D CREDITORS. IIEREAS AMBROSE WHITEHEAD, of SII. SOE, in the County of Bedford, Butcher, has assigned over all his Estate and Effects to Henry Pain, of Stanford, in the same County, Farmer, and George Whitbread, of the Parish of Silsoe aforesaid, Grazier, for the Benefit of his Creditors in general; and the Assignment is deposited with Mr. Eagles, Solicitor, in Ampthill, in the said County of Bed- ford, ior the Signature of his Creditors: Notice is therefore hereby given, That all Persons who are Creditors of the said Am- brose Whitbread, who do not execute the said Assign- ment on or before THURSDAY the 7th Day of No. VE. MBKR, will be excluded the Benefit of the same.— And Notice •> hereby further given, that all Persons who stand indebted to the said Ambrose Whitbread, are desired to pay their respective Debts to the said Assignees, or Mr. Eagles, within the Time limited for the Creditors to sign the said Assignment, as a Dividend is intended to be made immediately after that ' lime. Ampthill, 2Oth Sept. 1805^ W THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, A New and beautiful Edition of the WORKS XI of the great FRANCIS BACON, Baron Veru- lum, Viscount St. Alban's, and Lord High Chancellor of England; printed on a fine yellow Wove Paper, in the best Manner, in twelve Volumes, small 8vo. with several Engravings. Dedicated, by Permission, to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. Carefully corrected, and the Latin Part translated into English; with copious Notes, Critical and Explanatory, by Dr. SHAW ; containing Sylva Sylvarum, Augmentis Scientarium, Novum Organum," Essays, History of the Winds, History of Lite and Death, Miscellaneous Writings, & c. & c. London : Printed for M. JONES, NO. 1, Paternoster- Row; where may be had, a new Edition of BACON'S ESSAYS, Price 6s. Boards. MASON'S POEMS AND PLAYS. This Day is published, a new and elegant Edition, with a beautiful Portrait of the Author, printed in the best Manner, by Whlitingham, on a fine \ L1IOW- Wove Paper, Foolscap Bvo. Price 7s. tid. extra Boards, POEMS, by the Rev. WILLIAM MASON, M. A. Author of " The English Garden;" containing the Dramatic Poems of Caractacus and Elfrida, Mo- nody on the Death of Mr. Pope, Odes, Elegies, Letters, Sec. London: Printed lorT. WILMS, NO. 5, Cloisters, Bartholomew's- Hospital; where may be had, just published, A new and elegant Edition, with a beautifully en- graved Frontispiece, primed in the best Manner, on a fine yellow Wove Paper, 8vo. Price 6s. extra Boards, FITZOSRORNX'S LETTERS on several Subjects, by the late WILLIAM MELMOTH, Esq. of Bath, the elegant Translator of Cicero and Pliny. To which is added, a Sketch of the Life of the Author. The above Letters are well known to the Li- terary World, tor their Elegance of Language and Purity of Morals, therefore cannot be too highly re- commended to those who wish to obtain a correct Stile of Writing, particularly Epistolary Corres- pondence. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LETT. TN Pursuance of the Order of the Rev. Euseby » I sham, Clerk, Nathaniel I'earce and Thomas Wade, F. sqrs. the Rev. William Stanton, Charles Marshall, George Boulton, and Thomas Wright, Cierks, Notice is hereby given, That the Trustees appointed by Act of Parliament, for more effectually amending, widening, and keeping in Repair, the Turnpike Roads leading from the ' fown of Northampton to Chain Bridge, near the Town of Market- Harborough, and from the Direction Post in Kingsthorpe, in the County of Northampton, to Welford Bridge, in the same County, will on WED- NESDAY the 27th Day of NOVEMBER next, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, at the House of Widow Bosworth, called HIGIIGATE- HOUSE, in the the said County, LETT to F to the Best Bidder, in Manner passed in the thirteenth Yeai present Majesty, for regulating Turnpike- Roads, the respective TO L LS of the Gates or Turnpikes, erected at or near LITTLF.- BOWDEN and TUURNBY, fora Term ot one, two, or three Years, as shall be then agreed on, commcncing the ist Day of January next; which Tolls arising at Littie- Bowden Gate, are now Lett at the Smji of jg. 533, id the Tolls of Thu. rnby Gale at ,£. 352. per Annum, and will be put up at those Sums respectively. The Best Bidder for the Tolls arising at Little- Bowden Gate, is forthwith to pay in advance, towards the Rent ot the said Tolls, the Sum of = C. 50; and the Best Bidder for Thurnby Gate Toils, ths Sum of £. 25, and must respectively give Security, for Payment of the Residue . ot the Rents, either Monthly or Quarterly, as shall bo required by the Trustees. CHARLES MARK1IAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Northampton, October 26th, 1805. LORD BACON'S FABLES or THE ANCIENTS. This Day is published, Price 5s. extra Boards, in one Volume, Foolscap 8vo. elegantly printed on fine Wove Vellum Paper, and ornamented with an ele- gant Portrait of Lord Bacon, and twelve highly- finished Engravings on Wood, by Austin, from Designs by Craig, 17ABI. ES of the ANCIENTS, in Philosophy, - 8 Morality, and Civil Policy, illustrated and ex- plained by FRANCIS BACON, Baron Vcrulum, Viscount St. Alban's, and Lord High Chancellor of England; with Notes, Critical a'ld Explanatory, by Dr. SHAW. London : Printed for M. JONES, No. 1, Paternoster- Row ; where may be had, just published, 1. Dr. Shaw's English Edition of Lord Bacon's Works, complete, in 12 Volumes, small 8vc. with Engraving and Portraits, Price £. 3 12s. 2. Fitzosborne's Letters on several Subjects, by the late W. Melmoth, Esq. 6s. small 8vo. Boards. 3. Locke's Conduct of the Understanding, 3s. 6d. Boards. 4. Gregory's Legacy, 3s. 5. Pennington's Advice, 2s. 6d. THE CORDIAL BALM OF G1LEAD. rpiIE greatest Discovery in the Memory of Man, » is allowed to he the CORDIAL BALM of LYTTLETON's NEW HISTORY OF ENGLAND; Including a faithful and accurate Account of all the momentous Events from the handing of Julius Ctesar to the Commencement of Hostilities with France, in 1801, illustrated with upwards of 130 Engravings, descriptive of the most prominent Cir- cumstances in the various Reigns, and Portraits of all the Sovereigns who have swayed tb." Sceptre of Britain, from William the Conqueror to His present Majesty George 111. This Day was published, Price only Sixpence, con- taining sixteen Quarto Pages of Letter- Press, ele- gantly printed on new Types, and superfine Demy Paper, embellished with a most superb FRONTIS- PIECE, from an oiiginal Drawing by THURSTON, and engraved in the tirst Stile by C. WARREN, NUMBER 1. ( the succeeding Numbers to be pub li. ned Weekly), of \ New and complete HISTORY of ENGLAND, diawn from gen . me Sources of Information, established by the concurrent Testimony of the most celebrated Writers, and collated with original Manu- scripts and Records in the British Museum, Bodleian Library, Gazettes, State Papers, and other official Documents. By GEORGE COURTNEY LYTTLETON, Esq. , ,, , n-. r - rii of> vr i- e- n • v, 1a" Kinds of Liquors, as well as Sea- faring People, The Events of the late CONTF. S f with FRANCE, should never bi unprovided with them, as bv t're- so eminently glorious to the ARMY and NAVY 1 • • -- ..... .1 .1. i ,.„, Dr. AJSDERSON'S, Or, The True Scots Tills. rpiIF. SE PIIIJS, which have been prepared .1 and given the greatest Satisfaction for upwards of 80 Years, bv DICEY & CO. at their Original Medi- cine Warehouse, No. 10, Bo. v Church- Yard, London, are singularly etficacious in bilious, flatulent, and dropsical Complaints, and all Disorders ot the Sto- mach and Bowels. They promote Digestion, create an Appetite, remove Obstructions in the Kidnies, and consequently are Antidotes to the Stone and Gravel ; but for the Expulsion of Worms iu Children or grown Persons, the whole Materia Medica has not their equal. Travellers, who are too often obliged to drink Coughs and Colds,' bilious Cases, Consumptions, Gout in the Stomach, Impurities of the Blood, an Ill- cured Lues, Gleets, Seminal Weakness, Sec. Prepared onlv by S. SOLOMON, M. D. F. R. H . S. Author of the'" Guide to Health," and other valuable Works, at Gilead- House, Liverpool, Price 10s. 6d. a Bottle ; Family Bottles contain four, for 33s.; with the Words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved in , the Stamp, without which none can be Genuine; and 1 sold bv Dicev Se Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, 1 at No'. 7, Exchange- Court, and by Spilsbury, Da- vison, Callwcll, and Dugdale, London; also by the Printers of this Paper. This Day is published, in one Volume, Svo. the FOURTH EDITION, considerably enlarged and im- proved, Price 3s. 6d. sewed, rg'HF. COUN'i RY GENTLEMAN'S LAWYER I and the FARMER'S COMPLETE LAW LIBRARY ; containing all the Laws now in Force which particularly relate to Country Gentlemen, Farmers, Clergymen, Graziers, and Persons of all Denominations, who principally reside in the Country, down to the present Time. Including the whole l aw respecting Waggons, Cattle, Sheep, Wool, Tithes, , Game, Fishing, Bridges, Woods, Inclosurcs, & c. To which are added, since the Publication of the THIRD EDITION, the new Acts of Parliament re- specting the Duty ou Post and Race Horses, Stage Coaches, and Game Certificates. The Bill for regu- lating the Exportation and Importation of Corn, Sec. with several recent adjudged Cases, of extreme Im- portance. By WILLIAM MARRIOT, of the Inner Temple," Esq. Barrister at Law, London: Printed for J. STRATFORD, NO. 112, Holborn- Hill, and sold by all other Booksellers in the Kingdom. Where may be had, just published, in one Volume, 8yo. Price 3s. sewed, The LAW of WILLS, CODICILS, and REVO- CATIONS; with plain and familiar Instructions for Executors, Administrators, Devisees, and Legatees. Including great Variety of Forms of Wills and Co- dicils, with the modern Decisions and Acts of Par- liament on these Subjects, down to the present Time. To which is added, A clear and distinct Account of the Uw'i DIS- POSAL of the ESTATES ot those who die Intestate or without a WILL; with ample Instructions for ob- taining Probate of Wills, and Letters of Admini- stration. The third Edition, with Additions. By EARDLEY MITFORD, Esq. Conveyancer. To MILLERS. BLACKMORE & Co. beg Leave to return their grateful Acknowledgments to their Friends, for the numerous Favours they have received, and to request a Continuance of them. To prevent Impo- sition, they consider it a Duty incumbent on thjm to state, that. no other House has, nor ever had, any Interest whatever in any Patent for the Making or Improvement of Bolting Cloths without Seams. Con- vinced by the increasing Demand, that the Merits of • P-...... '' I--'- - — -—" ' ... - - of GREAT- BRITAIN, and which has immortalized the National Courage of Englishmen, shall be faithfully registered in this authentic Chronicle, with all the Care, Circumspection, and Impartiality, due to their Im- portance; whilst the Domestic Events of the Empire will meet the most circumstantial and impartial Dc ail. In a Word, every Endeavour shall be exerted to render this Performance a COMPLETE HISTORY of THE BRITISH EMPIRE, a Work at all Times interesting to every Inhabitant of this Couniry, more particularly at this important Juncture, which demands all the Ardour and Energy quently taking one or two of them, they are kept from Costiveness, Scurvies, Fevers, and most malig- nant Distempers. Tiie Scots Pills prepared by Dicey & Co. retain their Virtue for any Length of Time, and in all Cli- mates ; and from the Peculiarity of the Composition, they never run together, an Advantage no other Scots Pills possess: And therefore, for Exportation, or the Use of Gentlemen in the Maritime Line, they have a manifest Superiority. < 3" Spurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are sold in almost every Town; be careful therefore to ask particularly for DICEY'S Anderson's Scots Pills, and to observe,* that the Words Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow of Englishmen, to repel the Insolence of an arrogant j %° ™ b_£ rd, are printed in the" Stamp affixed to each ^ tirl ranacious Foe. ~ , • , .1. . ...:.. 1. n: 11 i- v: and rapacious Foe. FINE EDITION. To accommodate the Admirers of elegant Printing and superior Embellishments, a few Copies are printed on the finest Wove Vellum Paper, Hot- pressed, wit!'. Proof Impressions of the Plates, coloured Maps, and elegant Vignette Title Pages. Price one Shilling each Number. Exclusive of the Historical Engravings, and Por- traits of the Sovereigns, will be given, a large Whole Sheet Chart of'the OPPOSITE COASTS of ENGLAND and FRANCE, and Whole Sheet Maps of ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND. The Paper and Type, as well as the superb Engrav- ings already mentioned, will be such as to vie, in Taste and Magnificence, with the most capital Pro- ductions of the Age. The Whole of this History, which includes every Event from the Landing of Julius Ctesar to the War of 1803, is just printed off, and may be had in 120 Number 1, Price 6d each, by one or mote Weekly, or in three Volumes, handsomely bound in Calf and Lettered, Price £. 3 18f. In order to render this Work as complete as pos- sible, the Author is now publishing, Price o; ie Shil- ling each Number, A CONTINUATION TO THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND, From the Commencement of Hostilities in 1803 ; Containing an IMPARTIAL REGISTER of whatever relates to the United Kingdom, under the following Heads :— Biography Naval and Military Affairs Philosophy Commerce The Arts, Sec. Sec. Politics— Foreign and Do- mestic History— Internal and Co- lonial Parliamentary Proceedings Literature Together with the Proceedings of the Courts of Law and Equity, and such other important Occurrences as claim Transmission to Posterity ; presenting not only an IMPARTIAL JOURNAL for our immediate Reference, • hut a VALUABLE LIBRARY for the future Historian [ and Scholar; forming a complete Historical, Biogra- phical, and Literary Chronicle of modern Times, commencing with the Rupture of the PEACE of AMIENS, and continued in regular Succession. Printed in a handsome uniform Manner, to form a FOURTH VOLUME to the HISTORY OF ENGLAND, illus- trated with beautiful Engravings. [ jPT The Public are respectfully informed, that the FOURTH VOLUME may form a distinct Work, and will be found, to those who are in Possession of a History of England by any other Author, a most useful, in- structive, and entertaining Continuation, thereby ad- ding to their Historical Library, a complete- History ot the present CONTINENTAL WAR. London : Printed and Published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill. And sold by all other Book- sellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom. Box, and signed in the Margin of each Bill of Di- ' rections. Thev are sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, at Is. ljd. per Box, containing Thirty Pills; and Retail by Also, sold Wholesale and Retail by the Printers ot this Paper ( by whom great Allowance is made t'j Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. 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IT is a Truth well known and attested, that Dr. BRODUM's NT- RVOUS CORDIAL and BOTANICAL SYRUP alone are resorted to bv the principal Nobility r. nd Gentry, who acknowledge them to be the only certain Remedy in neivous, de- bilitated, and consumptive Complaints. The Virtues of these excellent Medicines have been tried with unexampled Success, and stood the Test of Years, as appears in the Pamphlets delivered gratis. The BOTANISAL SYRUP and RESTORATIVE NER- VOUS CORDIAL to be had at the House, No. 9, Al- bion- Street, Surrey Side of Blackfriars Bridge, in Bottles at £. 1 2s.— lis.— and 6s. Duty included. A. D. SWINTON, the Proprietor ( Son of Dr. Swinton, Fellow of the Royal College of Phvsicians, London,) may be consulted from Ten till Three, or by Letter, containing the usual Fee. *** A Five Guinea Bottle contains six at 22s. Sold also by the PRINTERS of this PAPER, and by the following Persons within the Circuit thereof, viz. Marshall, Northampton, and at his Shop in liarbo- rough; Edge, Northampton, and at his Shops in Wellingborough and Towcester; Nixon, Leicester; Palgrave, Bedford ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Tookey, Ouildle; Beale, Thrapston ; Collis & Dash, Se Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Tuck & Mather, Wellingborough; Jackson, Peterborough; Newcomb, Printer, Stamford; Wheeler, and Loggin, Aylesbury ; Marriott, Banbury ; Gallard, Towcester ; and by most Booksellers anil Medicine Venders in the three Kingdoms. To THOMAS TAYI. OR, Esq. No. 9, New Bridge- Street, Loudon. SIF thews, Campden ; Wallis, Olncy; Taylor, Retford; Dexter, Wilbarston; and by the Venders of Dicey and Co's Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom; Of whom may be had, from Dicey Se Co's Warehouse as above, d. s. d. True Daffy's Elixir 2 6 Smaller Bottles - 18! Dr. Bateman's Drops 1 Dr. Radclitle's Elixir 1 14 Squire's Grand Elixir 19!' of Scurvy- Grass Bostock's Elixir - 2 6 Beaumede Vie Pike's Ointment - IP Betton's British Oil Stoughton's Elixir 1 li . Rymer's Tincture Friar's Balsam - 1 14 Walker's Jesuits Clinton's Snuff, & Oil I 6 Drops - - . Dr. Lockyer's Pills 2 9 Wyman's Pills - Hooper's Female Pills 1 1J ! Bathiog Spirits - 0 9 jGodfrey's Cordial 0 8 ! Golden & plain Spirits 1 14 3 1 6 2 9 2 9 2 9 IConsider it but an Act of Justice due to the Merits of your LEAKE'S PATENT PILLS, to communicate to you the following Cure, which has recently been performed by them:— An Acquaintance of mine, who, by the breaking out of an old Venereal Complaint ( attended by a Complication of Disorders arising therefrom), was reduced almost to a Skeleton, and although he had the best Medical Advice which could be obtained, and tried a Variety of Patent Me- dicines, Nothing could be procured which seemed to suit his Case, or to do him any Service: He remained in a most reduced and pitiable Situation for two Years, unable to follow his Profession, and scarcely able to walk or even to stand on his Legs; in Fact, no one who knew him ever supposed it possible for him to recover. He was advised at last to try your LEAKE'S PILLS ; he did so, adhering strictly to the Directions given with them; he had not taken more than two boxes before he found an Alteration for the better; this encouraged him to proceed, and by taking a tew Boxes more he found his Appetite and Strength gra- dually return, and is now as healthy and « toutasany Man 1 know. You are welcome, Sir, to refer any Person to me for a Confirmation of the above Account if it should be doubted. 1 am, Sir, your obedient humble Ssrvant, THOS. PURDAY. Library, Folkstone, July 10, 1805. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THOMAS TAYLOR, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London, at his House, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; where, after a constant Residence of more than forty Years, in a Practice particularly directed to the Cure of Venereal Complaints, and those inci- dental to the Parts of Generation in both Sexes, with that inviolable Secrecy which Men of his Profession should always observe, he flatters himself the Advice and Assistance he gratuitously administers to Persons taking this Medicine, will be esteemed, by a discern- ing Public, as an Auvantagi seldom to be obtained, and void of Ambiguity. They are also sold, by his Appointment, for the Convenience of those living at a Distance, by the Printers of this Paper, and Mr. Marshall, Druggist, Northampton; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Robins, Se Wilkinson, Daventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Rollason, Coventry ; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough ; Seeley, Buckingham; Loggin, Ayles- bury ; Knight, Col! is& Dash, and Munn, Kettering; l uck & Mather, Wellingborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Tookey, Oundle; Palgrave, Bedford; Atkinson, Manchester; and by one Person in every considerable Town in Great- Britain and Ireland, in Boxes of only 2s. 9d. each, sealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Persons of either Sex may cure themselves with Ease, Speed, Secrecy, and Safety. Every Box sold in Great- Britain is sealed up with a Stamp, on which, by Favour of the Commis- sioners, is printed, at the Stamp- Olfice— T. Taylor. No. 9, New Bridge- Street— to imitate which is Felony and all others are counterfeit. their Patent Cloths are well known, and duly appre- ciated, the Proprietors forbear 10 enumerate their Ex- cellencies, and only beg Leave to inform their Fr'iem's, and Gentlemen in the Flour Trade in general, thai they are sold by Mr. GOODYER, Peterborough. Mr. MEACACK, Bedford. Messrs. STONE & COOPER, Leighton- Buzzard, Mr. R. DAVIS, Oxford. Messrs. W. and S. ATKINS, Chipping- Norton. Messrs. WYATT Se WEST, Banbury, Mr. T. STONE, Thame. Mr. WILLIAMS, Chesham. Mr. S. EDMOND>, High- Wycomb. Mr. I. JACKSON, Leicester. Mr. CHATTAWAY, Stratford- on- Avon. 83" All Bolting Cloths of their genuine Manu- facture have the following Label, with the King's Arms, on the Head Leather, " By tile King's Patent, manufactured at Wandsworth, Sur e>, by BLACKMORE & Co. sold at their Manufactory," ai. d by B. COR* CORAN, No. 47, Mark- Lane, London. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. William Blunt, now or late of Hartwell, Northamp- tonshire, farmer, Nov. 5, 6, and Dec. 7, at the Whits Horse inn, Towcester. Attorney, Mr. Kirby, Tow- cester. Thomas Jones, of Gloucester, horse- dealer, Nov. 7, 8, and Dec. 10, at the Boothail inn, Gloucester. Attorney, Mr. William Cook Ward, Gloucester. Bryan Vearty, of Kendall, Westmorland, skinner, Nov', ti, 7, and Dec. 7, at the White Hart inn, | Kendall. Attornies, Messrs. Richardson Se Fell, Kendall. Thomas Fell, of Wardour- street, St. James, West- minster, coicli- maker, Nov. 2, 5, and Dec. 7, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Allen, London- street. Fenchurch- street. Thomas Tuck, of Church- street, Betbnal- Green, Middlesex, dealer in flour, Nov. 5, 12, Dec. 7, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Scott, St, MiU dred's- courr, Poultry. John Thomas, of St. James's Place, Westminster, tailor, Nov. 5, 12, and Dec. 7, at Guildhall, London. Attorney,. Mr. Newcomb, Vine- street, Piccadilly. JohnTrudgate, ot John's Mews, Little James- street, Bedford- row, Middlesex, stable- keeper, Nov. 2, 9, and Dcc. 10, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Hinrich, Palsgrave- place, Temple- bar, London. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Nov. 16 William Butler, of Weldon, Northampton- shire, linen- draper, at Guildhall, London. Nov. 25. Thomas Needham, late of Ashby- de- la- Zouch, Leicestershire, hosier, at the Queen's Head inn, Ashby- de- la- Zouch. MARKETS.— London, Oct. 23. We had a pretty many samples of Wheat for this day's ' maiket, and further arrivals hourly expected. Prices of the finest quality were quite as high as last Monday. Barley and' Malt both obtained buyers at a little advance. In White l'easc we have no mate- rial alteration. Grey Pease were quoted too high last week— see their present price. Smallold Beans, and prime new Ticks from Essex, sell at rather better prices than stated. We have a short supply of Oats, which sell at an advance of about Is. per quarter. Fine Flour is in request. Wheat.. 45s. to 58s. 79s. Fine Do. .70s. to 74s. Od. Rye 30s. to 35s. Od. Barley .. 33s. to39s. Od. Malt 74s. to 80s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Oats 25s. to 34s. Od. Hor; eBeans42s. to 48s. fid. Tick Ditto 30s? to 34s. Od. White Peas 45s. to52s. Od. Grey Ditto 35s. to 39s. Od. Fine 65s. to 70s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket.— Kent, 71.0s. to 91. 0s.— Sussex, 71. 0s. to 81. 8s.— Farnham, 101. 0s. to 121. SMITHFIELD, Oct. 28. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Wether Mutton, 3s. 6d. to 4s. 6d. Veal, 3s. Cd. to 4s. 8d. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. Id. Lamb, 4s. Od. to is. 6d. Sold this day, Beasts, 3400— Sheep and Lambs, 16,000. NEWGATE and LEADENIIALL, Oct. Beef, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 8d. Mutton, 2s. fid. to 3s. 8d. Veal, 2s. 6d. to 4s. Od. Pork, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, 3s. Od. to 4s. Od. TALI ow — Town 72s. 6d. Russia ( Can.) 72s. 6d. to — s. 0d. ( Soap) 69.,. Od. to — s. 0J. Melting Stuff — s. to 58s. Od. Ditto rough — s. to 39s. Good Dregs lOs. Od. Graves lis. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 23Jd. to25Jd. Ditto, 60to651b. 26d. to27d. Merchants Backs, 23d. to 24d. Dressing Hides, 22d. to 23d. Fine Coach- Hides, 2: Jd. to 2." id. Crop Hides for cutting, 22d. to 23Jd. Flat ordinary, 20£ d. to 21$ d. Calt Skir. s, 30 to 401b. per doz. 38d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. per doz. 38d. to ! 2d. Ditto, 70 to 801b 86d. to 38d. Small Seals, per lb. 33d. to 40J. Large Ditto, pet doz. 103s. to 180s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 24s. to 34s. per Hide. H NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T DICEY and IV i> LrT' 10i\.
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