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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland


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Returns of Sheriffs, Gaolers, and other Persons, Keepers of Confinement in Ireland

Date of Article: 26/04/1805
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No Pages: 1
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2G ( Ireland)— PERSON S IN C O N F I N E M EN T : ~ G A O L OF CORK. COUNTY OF CORK. ? A RETURN of the different PERSONS who have been detained in, or committed to, J the Custody of JEREMIAH MURPHY, Keeper of the Gaol of said County, lince the 23d Day of July 1803, under the Authority of the Act passed in the last and preceding Sessions of Parliament, empowering the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to apprehend and detain such Persons as be shall suspect of conspiring against His Majesty's Person and Government. NAMES of PRISONERS. CHARGES againft them, as exprefied in the Whether the Informations were on Oath, as ftated in the Warrant. Length of TIME in Cuftody. HOW DISPOSED OF. FUNDS by which Maintained Warrant. r From 30th July i3c3 1 To 20lh Aug. 1803 during Confinement. George Drinan - - Andrew Drinan - It being apprehended S that they were con- cerned in the Re- bellion Not ftated Handed over to the Deputy Provoft Marfhal, by order o! General Myers Simon Donovan - - Same Charge Not ftated 31ft July 1803 Same Day Handed over to fame Michael Carey - - Jeremiah Duggan Maurice Dunlea - - < Treafonable Practices Not ftated ift Aug. 1S03 Same Day Handed over to fame Patrick Bryan - - William Todd Jones - William Callanan - Albert Callanan - - David Walsh - - - Cornelius Burke - - It being apprehended that he was con- cerned in the Re- bellion ^ Same Charge. Not ftated Not ftated ad Aug. 1803 4th Aug. 1803 Same Day 5th Aug. 1S03 Handed over to fame Difcharged on Bail, to appear when called on The ufual Allowance from the County to Frifoners in ) Gaol was made for them while under the Civil Power. John Wood - - -• j John Collins - - - With having faid he would join the French with a pike Not ftated 9th Aug. 1S03 28th Aug. 1S03 Handed over to the Deputy Provoft Marfhal Dennis Griffin - - Seducing a Soldier Information on Oath loth Aug. 1803 S. ime Day Handed over to fame Daniel Kenifeck - - Treafonable Pra& ices Not Hated 16th Feb. 1804 13th March 1804 Handed over to fame Murtow Murphy Same Charge Not ftated Same Day 2 ift Feb. 1S04 Difcharged on Bail, to appear when called on. Sd Willm Todd Jones* J S** Daniel Kenifeck - Daniel Flynn - - - James Ahern - - - James Gallaghan - - James Silles - - - Timothy Croanin Patrick Fitzmaurice Re- delivered to iretiy the Depn'y Piovoft 1 M ; rfh 1, under a Warrant from the Lord Lieutenant, for Treasonable Practices. Not ftated ift March 180 j Still in Confinement. Subfifted by an Allowance from Government through 1 the Crown Solicitor for the Munfter Circuit. John Keating - and Charles Dullea - - Which J certify this id day of March 1805. Jerem. Murphy, Keeper cf His Majefty's Gaol of the County of Cork,
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