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Leicester Journal


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2623
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Leicester Journal
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Leicester Journal

Date of Article: 11/03/1803
Printer / Publisher: J. Gregory & Co 
Address: Market Place, Leicester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 2623
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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r PRINTED BY J. GREGORY Csf CO. PRICE 6d. ] Friday, IN THE MARKET- PLACE. ibid March 11, 1803. [ No. 2623. Sunday & Tuesday's Ports. LONDON, MONDAY, March 7. YESTERDAY arrived two French mails, bringing papers and letters to the date of ( the 2d ot March. The former do not furnish one important article of intelligence, unless the nomination of a Grand Master of the Order of Malta by the Pope, be considered as such.— These Journals are filled with discussions on the- projet of the civil code in the Tribunate, & c. with the details of the traitorous career of Colonel Despard and his associates; the pro ceedings in the Court of King's Bench against Peltier. & c. This morning was received ( he French Of- ficial Paper of ( he 3d of March : it is chiefly deserving of notice for the observations it makes on the trial of Peltier : — A person of the name of Peltier ( says this Pa- per) has been found guilty by a London Jury of printing wretched libels against the First Consul'; it is difficult to account for the importance and eclat which the British Government attaches to that event. " As the English Journals have declared it was at the particular desire of the French Government that the trial look place, and that the French Ambassador was in Court during the investigation of the busi- ness, we are fully authorised to give the lie direct to both these assertions; the First Consul having never heard of these libels except through the medium of the printed triaL " In the existing system of Europe, all civilized nations have reciprocal duties to fulfil; they are the more bound to shew each other respect, as a different mode of acting ( which in every country has its par- tisans) would tend to throw us into anarchy and bar- barism. Nor can it be conceived what interest the English can have in supporting and authorising the various kinds of invective which the native libellers daily disgorge; it is equally unaccountable how they can afford protection to French libellers who have settled among them during the war; in fine, the in- utility of the legal proceedings alluded to, and to bc- jet with ostentatious circumstances, appears extreme- ly enigmatical. " the Alien Bill grants Government the power • f banishing foreigners, and it amply avails itself of that right; upwards of twenty Frenchmen who were in business in England, have been lately sent away ; Bay, a few days ago, Citizen Bonnecarrere, Chief of Battalion of the National Guard of Paris, who had a suit pending in the English Courts of Law, and whose wife was at the time on a sick bed, re- ceived orders to quit London in eight and forty . " We know individuals who have been settled in London for upwards of 30 years, whom the Alien Bill has reached. Why, then, affect to drag before a respectable Court of Justice, with circumstances of parade; foreign malefactors such as are always to lie found after great political commotions ? It would lie sufficient for Lord Pelham's Sub- Ministers, to say seriously to them, " don't write any more," and they would be still; and should they refuse comply ing with the injunction, the Alien Bill is there to drive them out of the country. " The King of England owes to his own person, and to the honour of his nation, to put at length an end to these outrages offered to a neighbouring Go- vernment and people with whom he is at peace, and at whose Court he has an Ambassador, as much dis- tinguished by his rank, as he is respectable for his personal qualities. It must, however, be allowed, though the trial was perfectly useless, it at least af- forded an opportunity to the distinguished Magis- trates of the criminal Court of London of displaying their wisdom, and of proving themselves worthy of administering justice to a nation at once so enlighten « d and » o respectable." American papers were yesterday received in town, up to the 29th of January. The New- York Evening Post, of Jan. 17, says, that James Munroe, Esq. had been no- minated Ambassador Extraordinary and Mi nister Plenipotentiary to the Court of Madrid for llie purpose of adjusting the differences subsisting in consequence of the recent infrac- tion. of the treaty with Spain. And thus, says this paper, " ends the bufiness of New Or- leans. Our economical president prefers send- ing two Ambassadors to the Spaniards, and incurring alt the hazard of delay, to taking a step wbich would at once insure justice to our country, and vindicate ill honor." The same Paper asserts, that after Mr Munroe shall have adjusted the objects entrust ed to his discretion at Madrid, he will proceed to Paris upon a further mission ot great im- portance, with the functions of minister extra ordinary. The Governors of the French West India isJands continue to harrass the American trade by every possible means. The Negroes, in revolt, when apprehended, are now conveyed on board the vessels of the United States which sail Irom the ports of Guadaloupe. All remonstrance on the part of the Masters is fruitless, and they are informed by the French officers charged with the execution of the orders, that it they do not- choose to be in- cumbered with the Blacks, they may throw them overboard. . The incessant state of warfare between the aiafive powers of India, the Peishwas, Scin- deas, Holkars, & c. must be matter of anxious concern to those who seriously reflect upon the British interests in that quarter. One time assisted by the French, another time bv the English, the result is, inevitably, a more intimate acquaintance with European tactics. Tfie Swedes, it is remembered, beat the Rus- sians till they taught the Russians to beat the Swedes; and the most numerous party ulti- mately prevailed. From the folly, to call it no worse, of the present colonial system in either quarter ot the globe, will arise, in ano- ther fifty years, such consequences to the pa- rent state ( unless a miracle protects them) as will abundantly avenge the oppressions of the past. _ The Colonial Legislature of Jamaica has found it necessary to prohibit independent and itinerant preachers by a law, which passed on the 17th of December last, from presum- ing to teach and perform the services of reli- gion in assemblies of negroes. The offending preacher is to be taken into custody, and con- fined to hard labour, one month for the first of- fence— six months for every repetition of the same. Orders are given for the removal of the gun on the parade in St. James's Park, which is to be replaced by a 52- pounder, captured Irom the French Army in Egypt. The ground is already measured out, which is to be covered with twenty square feet of stone, the piece being sixteen feet long ; an iron railing is to be put round it.— It is not exactly known in what country the piece was made; there are several Hieroglyphic Characters marked on it, which have not hitherto been explained. The following form of Prayer was read on Sunday last most of the Churches and Cha- pels in the metropolis:— " O Almighty God, who, in all ages of the world, hast manifested thy power and goodness in thy pro vidential protection ot good and godly Kings, ruling in equity and justice, and professing and cherishing thy holy and eternal truth: we, thine unworthy ser- vants, the sinlui people of this land, do prostrate ourselves before thee, with praise and thanksgiv- ing, for that thou hast mercifully vouchsafed to bring to light and to frustrate, in the late as in former in- stances, the atrocious conspiraces and machinations of desperate and bloody- minded men against the sacred person of thy servant our Sovereign, and a- gainst tbe Constitution of this Kingdom. " We acknowledge it to be of thy unspeakable mercy, 0 Lord, that lie hath not been cut off for the sins of the nation. Continue we beseech thee thy watchful care over him. Be thou his defcnce and shield, and let no weapon raised against him pros- per. Clothe his enemies with shame, and disap- point their treasons. We thank thee O Lord, that thdu hast knit together the hearts of this whole na- tion, as the heart of one man, for the defence of our King, our Laws, and our Religion. Strengthen and confirm us, 0 Lord, we beseech thee, in this righteous and loyal consent and union. Long may the Crown flourish on the head of thine anointed, and may the work of thee his God, prosper in his bands. And when it shall be thv blessed will to call him ( o exchange this earthly kingdom for the inheritance of a glory tbat fadeth not away, grant that hit Sceptte may remain with liis children, and his children! children from generation to genera- tion : and that they, fashioning themselves after his example, zealous for thy truth, and ruling accord- ing to thy law, may walk in the light of thy coun- tenance for ever; through thy blessing reign like him in the hearts of their people. These things we humbly begi O'merciful God, for our Sovereign, his Royal house, and for tti'SNation, in the name, and through the mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen." Died suddenly, on Friday morning, Major General D'Oyley. The General was at the levee on Wed- nesday ; went in perfect health, accompanied by his I « ady, on Thursday evening, to a concert, in Pall Mall; returned home to his house in Half- Moon Street, Piccadilly, on Friday morning, and after retiring to lied, fell in a swoon, and expired. Died, at his house, at Pulta, near Calcutta, on the' 29th August last, Sir Charles W. Blunt, Bart, aged 73 years. He went out to India in the humble capacity of a writer in the Company's service, 20 years ago, leaving a wife aud a numerous family1 in England, in very slender circumstances, but obtain- ing soon after a lucrative appointment in ibe bullock contract, besides a share in the post- office, and form- ing honourable and advantageous connections, he married his daughters, one after the other, to men of family, fortune, and merit. He has left X. 100,000 behind him, three fourths of which he has bequeathed to his eldest Son, now in India, Charles Richard Blunt, who inherits also the title— and- we are happy to add, that the India Company, on account of his merit and eminent services, have lately promoted him to a situation worth <£. 4000 per annum. Lately died, at her house, in Canterbury, Mrs. Celestina Collens, widow, aged 70. Although possessing an income of-£. 7p per annum, her habits of life were singularly disgusting, her disposition and peculiarities so eccentric, that she may lie truly said tb have verified the old adage, " de gustibus nil dis- putandum." During many years her constant com- panions were from 16 to 20 fowls, whose ordure defiled as well her bed and every article of her furni- ture as the plate out of which she ate; a favourite cock, whose age might be calculated from his spurs being three inches long, and an equally favoured rat, were for a length of time constant attendants at her table. Her predilection for vermin prevailed so much, that at her death a nest of mice was found in her bed. The house where she resided, besides the room in which she constantly lived ahd slept, con- tained two others that had not been permitted to be opened for many years. Among the bequests in her will, are £. 50 to the Kent and Canterbury Hospi- tal ; the same sum to the parish of Sf. Peter; £. b to the Minister of the parish for a funeral sermon, and one guinea to each of ihe persons who should carry her to the grave; besides many other legacies, ge- nerally to persons in no degree related to her. PROPOSALS For publishing by Subscription, A COURSE OF LECTURES, ON THAT pART OF THE LITURGY OF THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, CONTAINED IN THF. MORNING PRAYER, Lately delivered in the Parish Church of Wakefield. TO WHICH WILL BE ADDED, ONE or TWO OCCASIONAL DISCOURSES. By the Rev. THOMAS ROGERS, M. A. Late of Magdalen College, Cambridge; Master of the Grammar School; Afternoon Lecturer of St. John's, and Sunday Evening Lecturcr of the Parifh Church, in Wakefield. 1 The Work ( hall behandfoinely printed in Two Volumes Post Octavo, on good Paper, and with a new Type. 2. The Price to Subscribers, in Boards, Ten Shill- ings and Six- pencc. 3. The Money to be paid on Delivery of the Work. The Names of Subscrihers will be received by the Author, in Wakefield: by Mr. Mathews, in the Strand, London ; J. Gregory, J. Brown, Ireland and Son, Leicester: Mr. Wolftenholme, Minister Gates, York. Mr Binns, Leeds; Mr. J. Hurst, and Messrs. Wood and Son, Wakefield : Mr. Edwards, Halifax: Mi. Jolie, Carlisle : Mr. Browne, Hull: and other principal Booksellers in the Country. jjp Subscribers are requested to mention their Place of Residence. Rf Richardson, Goodluck, and Co. RESPeCTFULLY acquaint the Public, that TICKETS and SHARES, for the English State Lottery, To commence Drawing on the Mh of April, 1803, Are now on Sale, at their Offices, The Corner of BANK BUILDINGS, CORNHIlL And facing the Gate of the KING'S MEWS, CHARING- GROSS, LONDON; Also at their Licensed Office, the House of J, GREGORY, PRINTER, LEICESTER. The Prizes all to be drawn from the Wheel. S C II E M E. Tins Scheme differs from all others for many Years pall, in the Circumllance of not having any Prizes fixed for particular Days. JOS WALLIS, • MARKET- PLACE, LEICESTER, il appointed by Authority ot Government, to fell Tickcts and Shares for ihe Office of SWIFT Co. Poultry, London; Established in the Year 1759, Where a great Proportion of Capital Prizes have been fold, THIRTEEN of which were of the laff and three preceding Lotteries, and fome of them divided into many Shares. ALL Persons having any Claims on CO- LONEL CARTER, late ol Rothley, are desired to fend their Bills to his Brother, CAPTAIN CAR- TER, of Belgrave. __ MARCH Being a proper Month tor planting of ASPARAGUS, William Johnson, Takes his usual Method of informing the Public that he has two Year old and one Year old Asparagus Plants; fells the formei at 4d. and the latter at3d. per Score: Likewise Cattle Cabbage Plants at 5s. per Thoufand.— The following is a CATALOGUE of SEEDS, TREES, PLANTS, FLOWER- ROOTS,& c. sold by the above mentioned WILLIAM JOHNSON, Market place, Leicester. WANTED, ASteady sober Man, of good Character, as COACHMAN, and occasionally as POS- TlLLION. Enquire of Mr BURFORD, Attorney, Market Iiarborough, Leicelterfhire. LOST, On MONDAY, February the 28th, from GREAT OAKLEY, near Kettering and Rockingham, in the County of Northampton, Small- horned WELCH SHEEP, with long Tails, branded in feveral Places with different Marks, but the Letters D. R. are the moft confpicuous. Whoever will bring them to Great Oakley, or will fend them, by any Drover, to be left at that Placej or at the White Hart Inn, Kettering, fhall be handfomely rewarded. N. B The Ten were seen at Slawson, near Mcd- bourne, on Tuefday Evening, March lit.; and Seven of them were ( cen at Kibworth, on Wednesday, Match 2nd. 10 Of the Efficacy of Whitehead's Essence of Mustard, Selected from some Hundred of others, having re- cently occurred. SIR, GRATITUDE and the Benefit of others compel me to inform you, I was five Years afflicted with a fevere Rheumatic Complaint, which deltroy- ed my Appetite, reduced me to extreme Weaknefs, and at length deprived me of the Ufe of one Arm, and though I had exceeding good advice, my Com- plaints gained ground very fait, when I began with your Effence of Mustard, from which I tound imme- diate Benefit.— The Muitard Pills reftored mv Ap- petite and Strength in a fiirpnfmg Degree, and with the Application of the Fluid, to the Part affe& ed, my Pains were removed, and my Arm perfectly re- Itored, and I am now as well in Health and Strength as ever 1 was in my Life. Your lor ever obliged, humble Servant, J. D. GORDON. Corporal in the Royal Artillery, Dated Parsonstown, Ireland, (- where the Regi- ment is now slationed) August 28, 1802, and certified by Captain Hawker, and the other Of- ficers of the Regiment. Capt. Horwood of Wellclofe- fquare, London, in a Voyage from Russia, by fevere Rheumatisms loft the Ufe of his Limbs, and being very foon reltored from this mifcrable State of Pain and Helplefsuefs, by tak- ing the Muftard Pills and ufing the Fluid, he ( trongly recommended it to his discafed and vencable Pa- I rent, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, a widow Lady, of Dagger ( Lane Hull, who though a Martyr to Rheumatifm tor the laft 3o Years, and had long lolt tbe Ufe of one Arm, two Bottles and Boxes relieved ber Pains and rcftored her Arm, and fhe is now another living Evidence ot the Angular Efficacy of this very extra- ordinary Medicine, though aged 68. The Fluid is fo remarkably aftive and penetrating ( hat Chilblains, Sprains, and Bruifes are removed by two Or three Applications. It is prepared and fold at 2s. 9d. each Box or Bot- tle, by R. JOHNSTON, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek- street, Soho. London; and may be had of I. Gregory and E. Swinsen, Leicclter; Watts, ^ Castle Donington; and of every Medicine Vender in England, Ireland, West Indies and America. Seeds of Roots. STrasburg onion White Spanish onion Portugal onion Blood red onion Silver- skinned onion Deptford onion Welch onion London leek Long orange carrot Early horn carrot Swelling parsnip Early Dutch turnip Green round turnip Tankard turnip White Norfolk New Stubble Shallots and garlic Chives and sweet leek Sallad Seeds. True early Dwarf Salmon Radish for forceing Early short top radish Salmon radish White turnip radish Black ditto Red ditto Lettuce of sorts Prickly spinage Round spinage White beet Long rooted red beet Green curled endive White ditto Batavian endive Italian upright cellery Solid ditto Garden cresses Curled cress America cress White mustard Brown mustard Green purslain Common parsley Curled parsley Asparagus Colliflower Early Yorkshire cabbage Early dwarf cabbage Early sugar- loaf cabbage Large Scotch cabbage Red cabbage Green curled savoy Green curled borecole Scotch kail Jerusalem kail Early purple brocoli Late purple brocoli Green brocoli Sprouting brocoli Colliflower brocoli Early prickly cucumber Long prickly cucumber Clutter cucumber Snake cucumber Green Turkey cucumber White ditto Long green Roman ditto Melons of sorts Biennial Flower Seeds and Roots. Evening primrose Brompton stock. queen stock twickenham stock. Sweet- william Rose campion Sweet scabious Bloody wall flower Canterbuty bells » Annual Flower Seeds. Scarlet ten week stock Purple ditto White ditto Large nasturtium Upright larkspur Tall rocket larkspur Double rose larkspur Stellated larkspur Dwart rocket larkspur Bee larkspur White rocket Larkspur White candy tuft Red ditto Pensicaria Venus naval wort Venus looking- glass Double tall sun flower Double dwarf ditto Flos adonis Purple hawkweed Annual snap dragon Lobel's catch fly Dwarf poppy Crysanthemum Princes feather Love lies bleeding Large blue lupins Branched lupins Yellow lupins White lupins Rose lupins Small blue lupins White sweet peas purple ditto Scarlet Painted lady ditto Ditto ditto Crown ditto Tangier peas or scarlet lupins Wing peas Nigello romana Spanish nigellat Snails and caterpillars Horns and hedgehogs China holyoak Convolvolus major Convolvolus minor Double Indian pink China asters, of sorts African marigold ) j. fort* French marigold $ Cupsicum, of forts Marvel of Peru Mignonetta or sweet resida Humble sensitive plant Egg plant Love apple or tomatoes Globe amaranthus, of sorts Double striped baslam Balm of Gilead Ice plant Evergreens, Sfc. Cypress Pyracanthus or ever- green Larch [ thorn Silver fir Scotch fir . . Spruce fir Weymouth pine Gose or furze seed Beans, of different Sorts. Early mazagon early log pod Large ditto Windsor Bog, fan or cluster Early white dwarf kidney Early yellow ditto Early black, negro kidney Speckled dwarf kidney Red speckled dwarf ditto Scarlet running ditto Peas, of different Sorts. Early frame peas Early Charlton Pearl or nonsuch Dwarf marrow fat Large or nonpareil marrow White rouncival Large egg Lord Clive peas Spanish mulatto Green nonpareil That very productive pea, called Tbe Blue Prussian Flower Roots. Ranunculus Double armonics Tulips, of sorts Crocusses, of sorts Double snow drops Hyacinths Narcilsus of sorts Double jonquils Fruit Trees. Peaches Nectarines Apricots Cherries Plumbs Apples Pears Vines Gooseberries ?. from Id to Currants J 4d each Firs, fiom Id. to Is. each ; Colliflower Plants, Cabbage Plants, Asparagus Plants, and Artichoak Plants; Garden Mats, tec. - Any Thing out of the Common Way can be procured from Correspondents on the shortest Notice.— All Sorts of Evergreens, Fo- rest Trees, and Flowering Shrubs. Leicestershire. TO RE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. SKINNER bf DYKE, On Wednesday the 30th of March, at 12 o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- house, Change Alley, Corn- hill, London, In one Lot, ADESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at GRiAT WIgSTON, four Miles from LEICESTER, on the high Road to NORTH AMPI ON, confuting of a DWELLING HOUSE, BARN, Sta- bling, Out buildings, and fundry Inclofures of very RICH GRAZING Land, containing about TWENTY SIX ACRES, being exceedingly compafl, on Leafe to Mr. George Irwin and Mr. John Robinson, which expires on St. Thomas, 1803, and Lady Day 1804, a; clear net Rents, amounting to SEVENTY POUNDS per Annum. Capable of considerable Improvement. To be viewed by applying to the Tenants, of whom printed Particulars may he bad ; also, at the Three Crowns Inn, Leicester; of Mr Heyrick, So- licitor, Leicester ; Mr. Blunt, Solicitor, Loughbo- rough ; Messrs, Dicey and Co. Printers, Northamp- ton ; Mr. Finnis, Solicitor, Tavistock- street, Bed- ford square ; at ( he Place of Sale ; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, and Ca. Aldersgate- street, London.. TURNPIKE TOLLS, NOTICE is hereby given, that the Toll- Houfes and Tolls arising at the several Toll Gates upon the Turnpike Road leading from Lci- celter to Lutterworth, called the Rawdike Gate, the Blaby Gate, and the Bitteswell Gate, will be LET by AUCTION, to the belt Bidders, at the Houfe ofT. Neale, the Saracen's Head Inn, in l. fi- celter, on Friday the 25th Day of March Inll be- tween the Hours of 12. and 4 o'Clock of the fame Day, in the Manner direfled by an A£ l paffed in the 13th Year of his prefent Majetty's Reign. " For regulating the Turnpike Roads;" which Tolls this latt Year were let for and produced the following Sums, ( viz.): Rawdike Gate - - <£ 173 Bitteswell Gate - 91 Blaby Gate - 20 Whoever happens to be the best Bidder must at the fame Time be prepared to give Security with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, . for Payment of the Rents agreed for, at fuch Times as they shall appoint. THOMAS FREER, Clerk to the Truftees. Leicefler, March 4,1803. Northamptonshire. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. ROUSE, At the Talbot Inn, Welford, in the County of " Northampton, on Friday the 25th Day of March instant, between the Hours of 3 and 6 o'C'ock, subject to' such Conditions as shall be then and there produced, ( unless disposed of by private Contract before the 16ih Day of March Jnflant,) AValuable FREEHOLD and Part Tythe free ESTATE, at Sibbertoft, near Welford, consisting of a capital Messuage, Out Buildings, Garden, and Fish Ponds, Two Home Closes, and several Clofes of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land,' in the following Lots, viz. . LOTS. TENANTS. QUANTITY. 1 Melfuage, & c. Home Close, Rev. Joseph Sturges, 3 0 0 Another Ditto, Joseph Ashby, 1 1 15 Long Close, Ditto, 6 2 10 Fox's Croft, John Ore, 0 2 0 - - 11 1 25 2 Rednell ( Part Tythe free) Jer. Bates, 32 1 6 3 Followells ( 3 Clofes) Ditto; Do. Meadow ( Tythe free) Ditto, 4 West Close, Lutterworth Way, 5 Townsend Close, Do. Meadow, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, Ditto, 20- 3 2 3 2 22 24 1 24 13 0 9 23 0 16 36 0 25 7 1 5 2 3 10 10 0 15 6 Two Nether Clofes, Joseph Ashby, 13 3 36 7 Cow Close, Thomas Chown, 9 1 16 8 Grumwell close, William Hall, 13 2 0 Do. Meadow ( Tythe free) Ditto, 7 Oil -., - 20 , 2 II Tlic above Closes are capital Grazing Land, ( ex- cept the Followells in Tillage,) well lenccd and watered^ The Tenants will shew the Premises. Sibbertcft is a healthy Village, 2 Miles from Wel- ford, and 5. from Market Harbro', through which Placcs several. Mail and other Coaches pass Daily to and from London. '• For further Particulars, or to treat bv private Contrail, apply to Mr BURFORD, Solicitor, Mar- ket Harborough. Haunchwood and Nuneaton Colliery. TO BE peremptorily SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. VALE WHITWELL, By Order ot the ASSIGNEES, on Tuefday the 29th of March, 1803, between the Hours of Two and Four o'clock in the Alternoon, at the Houfe of Mr. J. Bostock, known by the Sign of the Bull, at Nuneaton, in the. County of Warwick, subject to fuch Conditions as shall be then produced, unlefs the fame fhall be previously disposed of by private Contrail: THE following THREE LEASEHOLD ESTATES in ONE LOT; compriiing all that valuable' and extenfive COLLIERY, called HAUNCHWOOD and NUNEATON COLLIERY, fituate in tiie Parifhes of Nuneaton and Clulvers. Colon, in tbe County of Warwick, and conncfled with the Coventry Canal, by a capital Rail Road from Hit Pits to the fame. One Leafe commences at Lady Day, 1732, for the Term of 99 Years, fubjtil to a Mine Cent of Is. for every Stack Load of Coals fold off ihe 1' remifes. One other Leafe, commences at Lady Day, 1777, for the Term of Fifty Years, subject to a Mine Rent of 2s 4d outof every 20s. received lor Coals fold off the Premises. One other Lease, commenccs at Lady Day, 1777, for the Term of 50 Years, subject to a Mine Rent of 2s. 6d. out of every 20s. received for Coals fold off the Premifes To be included with the Purchase of these Leases, there is a very capital FIRE ENGINE, complete and nearly new ; the Cylinder 48 Inches Diameter, and tbe Working Pump 1 !$ Inches, lifting 33 Gal- lons of Water at a ltroke — Likewisc another EN- GINE, older, of about the same Power, together witb fnndry Working Pits, sunk at a great Expence,' Rail Roads, Blacksmith's Shop, Store Houses, Count- ing Houses, two Dwelling Houfcs near the Wharf, Weighing Machine, Stabling, Gins, Rail Road Wag- gons, with a large Quaniity of ne w Bricks, Tim- ber, & c. ice. tec. ' 1 here is a good substantial Sough or Aqueduct, driven from a Place called Wash Lane, near Nunea- ton aforesaid, through Shale and Rocky Stratum, more than 2,1 00 Yards, which draws off the Baffctt Waters from the Colliery about 25 Yards deep, and fervesas an Adit or Level for lower Waters lo be delivered into by the Engine. The Pits now produce about two or three Hundred Tons of Coals per Week, oi the molt approved Quality, and in great Demand ; and should the Le- gislature admit ( as expeiled) of Inland Coal being delivered and fold Duty Free in the Metropolis, ex- traordinary Advantages, to a coniiderabie Degree, may he re'alonably anticipated. For any further Particulars, apply to Mr. COL, LINS, Solicitor, Spital Square, London; Mr. KIRBY, of Coton, near Nuneaton afonfaid; or to Mr. VALE WHITWELL, Row, Coventry. Ac4iionfcer, Priory Wednesday's Post. LONDON, March 8. , HOUSE OF COMMONS.— Monday. PRINCE OF WALEs's ANNUITY BILL. On the order of the day tor the third reading of the Bill for settling an annuity of £ 60,000 upon his Royal Highness the Prince of wales, Mr. Kinnaird rose and apologized to the House for troubling them in this stage of the bill; he did not mean to oppose the third reading, but he did not think he should be doing justice to his feelings, were he not to state the reasons which induced him to giVe that vote. He was, for- one, perfectly satis- fied in the measure, and had no wish that Parlia- ment should do less than it had done. When the right Hon. Gentleman brought down his Majesty's message, and thereon founded the present bill, he was one that considered a very advantageous bar- gain had been made. the House were to recollect that they were the constitutional protectors of the Prince, In giving his solemn protest against the bill, v he was actuated by no other motive than. a convic- tion that it. did uot go far enough, nor more than half ibe length of what the Jlouse, in its answer to his Majesty's inesnge, had promised. The money voted did not satisfy tbe Prince ( a cry of hear ! Hear !) After what the country had seen for the last eight years of the economy of his Highness, and the sacrifices he had made, the public were prepared to express their gratitude; . their feelings- were inte- rested in reinstating him in' that dignity and splen- dour, to which he was by birth so. justly entitled. Sir William Dolben wished to say a tew words be- fore the bill passed. It had been his intention to sub- mit a motion similar to the one proposed on Friday ' last, he did not mean to oppose the bilj/ but lie thought the House should come to a resolution, bv which the comfort and dignity of the Princess of wales might also be supported. ' he was convinced his Royal Highness would never enjoy that- outward comfort and splendour unless his Royal Consort par- took - of it. ' 1 Ue Prince had submitted to the wisdom of Parliament, in prjvi. ding. for that desirable end, with an ingenuousness and. urban ty which 50 well became his exalted station; but he could not resume his dignity, if her Royal Highness was not allowed to be the means of adding to it. he should therefore move, that a small part of the .£ 60,000 should lie applied lb the establishment of the Princess of Wales. he was aware the Prince had acted in a manner the most becoming, in paying the demands on him out of his private income; but he was also convinced, that this was one of the/ irst classes of demand which called on his lwnour, and to which he would cheer- fully submit. The Princess had supported her retire- ment for some years in a manner which had added to her many virtues, and exalted her charactet in the estimation of . the public, lie therefore moved, that a clause might be added, by way of rider, for appro- priating a sum of Jj. 6,000' out of . the .£.< 50,000 for the benefit of her Royal Highness. Col. Stanley seconded the motion, and observed that her Royal highness's conduct during her seclu- sion had been highly meritorious and exemplary.— He trusted the House would adopt the motion of his Hon. Friend, and consequently give testimony to her amiable^ and numerous virtues. The Chancellor, ofthe Exchequer hoped his two Hon. Friends would not persist in the motion, he was convinced the Hon. Baronet acted from the best of motives in proposing it: there could be but one sen- timent throughout the- House and the Nation with re- spect to the virtues of the Princess of Wales; and however the House might be actuated by that senti- ment, it must at the same time feel what was due to the virtues of the Prince, . the Heir Apparent ot the British Crown. With these feelings the House could not for a moment entertain a doubt of his Highness's generosity. ( Hear! Hear!) The proposition which had been made, had the tendency to imply a doubt, which he was certain, from his knowledge ofthe Hon. Baronet, he could not for a moment en- tertain. He therefore hoped he would not press the motion. Mr. Martin entirely coincided with the motion of the Hon. Bart. and thought both him, and the Hon. Gentleman who seconded it did themselves infinite honour. He was astonished that no other Member, had the spirit to propose an allowance to her Royal Highness before ; her virtues and character were de servedly estimable in the eyes ofthe people of Eng- land. Mr. Sheridan was disposed, to give credit to the Hon. Gentleman who made the proposal. He would say a word or two however to the assertion of his hon. Friend ( Mr. Kinnaird) that the Prince was not satis- fied with what the House had done; on the contra- ry, so far from being discontented at that act of libe- rality, he was truly grateful and satisfied with it, and no person could doubt for a moment that the prince would resume his dignity and splendour without the Princess. He could assure the hon. Gentleman such a suggestion was not neccssary. From reasons which were evident, he had not found it practicable to re-, eutne his establishment, and of course remained in th « same state of privation as he had done for the last eight years. Sir William Dolben agreed to withdraw his clause; aud the Bill was then read a third time, passed, and ordered to the Lords. The greatest obstacles oppose at this mo- ment throughout the French territory, the ex- ecution ot the laws relative to the conscripts, and great numbers oi those who have been called'upon to join the armies, carefully con- ceal themselves, take refuge in other depart- ments, or fly entirely from France. Many, whose superior circumstances have enabled them to escape from their country, and live independently elsewhere, are now in London, j The dread of a campaign in St. Domingo, has \ been the chief cause ot this determined aver--) sion to the service. The trial of Peltier, has not proved an of- fering worthy of a grateful acceptance at the" shrine ot the First Consul. It has only " served to shew him, that the Government as well as the governed must in this country all equally bow before the laws. It has convinced him that the freedom of the British Press, that ter- ror ol villainy and despotism throughout the known world, cannot be overcome : It is only by shewing its censures to bo groundless, that he can still prevent it Irom surrounding his pillow with thorns. The article 0n this subject, which we have extracted from the Moniteur, shews at once the complaisance he expects from our Govern- ment, and his total ignorance of the nature of our liberty. Instead ot considering the trial of the culprit in an open court, by an unpre- judiced jury, with able lawyers to advocate the cause on both sides, and expose its merits to the opinion of the whole world ; instead of considering this as the best means to shew This morning two Batavian mails arrived, the intelligence brought by which is rather' important. It appears by an article from Constantinople of the 10th of January, that an arrangement has at length been made re- specting the Beys in Egypt, by the interference of the English General and Ambassador, ^ with whom a Convention has been concluded On this subject. Lord Elgin is stated to have officially declared, upon the conclusion of this Convention, that Egypt would be immediately - evacuated by the British troops, which were to be removed trom thence to Malta; which island, however, it is said, is ( or some time at least to be kept possession ot by the English, and this intelligence we are. inclined to believe to be correct. The Dutch government has adopted a reso- lution with respect to the First Consul's in- tended visit to Antwerp; that as soon as his arrival in that city shall be known, a deputati- on from the members ol the Council of State is to be sent to him. From this circumstance, and tbe menace thrown out against the Bata- vian Republic, by Bonaparte, in his review ot the state ol France, we expect that something important to Holland will soon take place. It has been for some time known, that a considerable degree of discontent has prevail- ed in all the commercial towns of the Batavian republic. The financial measures of" the Go-" vernment have been 1' ar irom being palatable fo the merchants of Amsterdam; aud it is un- derstood also, that the Dutch are not at all sa- tisfied with the present situation ol their com- mercial relations with France. Their trade labours under the operation of very oppressive duties; and the commerce which they former- ly, in'a great measure, monopolized, is ra- pidly transferring into the ports of the Nor- thern powers. v the atrocity of the libeller, and instead of Con- sidering the subsequent punishment as most consonant to the calls of honour and justice : the First Consul upbraids our Ministry with not taking the dark and suspicious road ol ar- bitrary power, with not deciding themselves 011 the merits of the cause, and with not punish- ing the culprit without admitting him to be heard in his own defence ! If such sentiments be not the immediate effeCts of spleen ; it it is by such opinions that the First Consul's con- duct is on all occasions directed: wretched is the people committed to his charge! unfortu- nate the nation wbich has spent so much biood, so many years 111 the .- earch ol liberty, and has at length found itseli entangled in the labyrinths of despotism! True indeed it is, ( and we lament the ne- cessity which has made it a truth) that, our ministers might have punished Peltier without a trial, and, in virtue ot the Alien Laws, have driven this unfortunate exile from the only re- luge which Europe afforded him. But Bo- naparte is mistaken if he imagines that they could have commanded their meanest officers to do this, and then have silenced all censure by the strong hand of authority. No! the highest as well as the meanesl minister would, by such conduct, have deserved and met with censure. The Alien Laws were made with a view to guard our government against the machinations of such foreigners as might have corrupted the principles of the natives, and prompted them to such measures as Bonaparte's Journalists, without any proof, have so often attributed to the agents of this country. If laws, framed lor this purpose of impairing the Liberty of the Press, or gratifying any foreign government at the expence of those Aliens whom this country had formerly received, fostered, employed, and never once even sus- pected of any sinister intention ; would such an act have passed in silence? But we will not reason 011 a case that can never happen— Our ministers are Britons, and incapable of such conduct. The English sojourners at Paris live in the same way as the John Bulls and Milords An- glais of former years. They associate exclu- sively with each other, they are taken in by the filles de joie, pigeoned by the gamesters, cheated by the hotel- keepers, and laughed at by all. Yesterday a man of the name of Cosgrove, a printer, was brought before the Sitting Al- derman, at Guildhall, charged with having publicly made use ol treasonable and seditious language. Il appears this man was drinking at a public- house, in the neighbourhood ol Fleet- street, and when there, exclaimed with so much insolence against the name and person of his Majesty, as to induce some poor men, who were in the tap room, to get a constable, and take him into custody. The landlord of the house was brought forward ( though not very willingly) to corroborate the charge; and the magistrate ordered . the prisoner to be committed to the Compter, until a future day. The conduct of the persons who caused this man to be taken into custody,' will, we trust, convince these disseminators of sedition and disaffection, that it is not safe at all times to give vent to their galled minds in the com- pany of the poor, but industrious parts of soci- ety. Friday night, an inquest was held at the Fox, in Wardour- street, on the body of Do- rant Lovell, otherwise George Mango, who was found dead on Sunday morning last, at the corner of Noel- street and Wardour- street. It appeared in evidence, that the deceased, who was a man of colour, had procured his livelihood, for many years, in the streets of London as an itinerant tinker.. He went into the Crown, in Oxford- street, on Friday morn- ing, where he was served with a bason of tea and a buttered roll. He returned in the even- ing to the same house, and had a pint of beer; about eleven o'clock the same evening, he was discovered by the watchmen in Wardour- street, sitting under a doorway, where Andrew Pollock, a watchman, finding him, insisted 0n his leaving that place, and forcibly dragged him to the opposite side of the street, which is St. Ann's Parish, where he lelt him. The watchmen belonging to St. Ann's, finding the wretched being lying on a door- way on their beat, forced him back to the side of the street in St. James's Parish, where he remained, till Pollock resuming to cry the hour, asked him, " What he did there a second time, after he had driven him away ?" when the deceased exclaimed, " O God, I am dying !" " Then ( replied the watchman) you shall not die here: you must do that somewhere else." The deceas- ed answered, '- I am not able to stir, I am a dy- ing man!'' " I care not," said the watchman, and then either dragged or carried him a second time to the opposite side ot the street. At seven o, clock he was found dead on the St. James's side. The Jury returned the following verdict:— " It is not proved in evidence that the deceas- 1 did actually die otherwise than a natural death; but it is very clearly proved, that An- drew Pollock, the watchman On duty in War- dour- street 011 Sunday night last, has been highly negligent of his duty, by omitting to take that care of the deceased which he was bound to do ; and by such omission, the said Jury is clearly of opinion, the deceased lost his life." A very elegant fellow went last Sunday into Clare Market.— From a chicken- butcher he earnestly en- treated a fowl, to make broth for a sick wife ; from a butcher a little beef, to make beef- tea for a sick child; and soon through nearly all the butchers, green- gro- cers, fruit- sellers, & c. in the market. Having thus abused their credulity and humanity, he summon- ed them on Friday to hatton- Garden, where they were fined for breaking the Sabbath. HOTEL LIBRARY. Additions since last Advertisement. GIBSON'S Memoirs ofthe Bastile, Corry's Satirical View of London. Count Roderick Castle, a Romance, 2 Vols. Delphihe. a Novel, by Mad. de Stael Holstein, 3 Vs. Don Raphael, a Romance, by G Walker, 3 Vols. Italian jealousy, a Novel, by the Duchefs of Pi- Hear Both Sides, a Comedy. [ enne, 3 Vols. Delays and BlUnders, ditto. * f* COMBE purchascs Libraries, or smaller Par- cels of Books. FEMALE ASYLUM. By Order of the COMMITTEE. AN Extra General Meeting of the Guar- dians of this Charity, will be held at the House opposite to All Saints Church on Monday next the ! 4tli Instant) at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to determine upon the Proposal of a Purchase for lite better Accommodation of this Institution. And 011 Monday the .28th Instant will he held the Quarterly Board for the general Purpofcs of the Charity. Additional Subscribers. Miss S. Bishopp I 1 0 A Friend, by Mr Blakesley 1 1 0 Mr. Towndrow 110 Mrs. Thornton 1 1 0 Mrs. Hudson 10 6 £ M O N E Y. 1 ° 00 to he advanced on Lady Hartopp 5 5 0 A Gentleman ol Cam- bridge by Rev. Mr. Vaughan, 5 5 0 T. Paget, Esq. 1 1 0 Rev. Mr. Miles 1 1 0 Miss Mary Bilhopp 110 Mr. John Maul has kindly offered his Medical Assistance. LEICESTERSHIRE REGIMENT OF MILITIA. TVfOTICE is hereby given, That a GENERAL MEETING, of his Majesty's Lieutenancy, I for the County of Leicester, is appointed to be held at the Blue Bell Inn, in Humberstone Gate, Lei- cester, on Saturday the 26M " Instant, at 11 o'Clock in the Forenoon, for fixing the Numbers of Militia Men to be raised within, und for, the several Hun- dreds of. the said County and Borough of Leicester: und for further carrying into Execution t! w Powers and Provisions of an Act, passed the last Session of Parliament, entitled " An Act for amending " the Laws relating to the Militia in england, " and for augmenting the Militia." By Order of the lieutenancy, T. FARMER, Clerk of the General Meetings. Leicester, 10th March, 1803. approved Freehold Land Security.' — Apply to Mr. BAXTER, Attorney at Law, Atherstone. Leicester, 5th Match, 1.803. NOTICE is hereby given, that Ihe Part- nership heretofore subsisting between FRAN CIS SHENTON, of Leicester, and WILLIAM- JOHNSON, of Woodhouse Eaves, in the County of Leicester, Slate Merchants, was this Day DISSOLVED" by mutual Consent. - The Mark of « FRANCIS SHENTON. WILLIAM JOHNSON. WILLIAM JOHNSON, SLATE MERCHANT, Woodhouse Eaves, RESPECTFULLY acquaints the Public, that the SLATE BUSINESS carried on under the late Firm of SHENTON and JOHNSON, will, for the future, be condnaed by W. JOHNSON alone : And at the same Time, that lie wilhes to exprefs tlie higheft Sense of Gratitude to all the Friends of the late Partnership— presumes to hope, that his individual Exertions will continue to dclervc their generous Patronage. * X* Attendance on Market Days, will be given, at tiie White Hart, Leicester, and at the Anchor, in Loughborough. N. B. For general Accommodation, Slates, Arc. will be kept on Sale at Mr. Shenton's, Leicester, as before. WILLEY, TAYLOR AND HABIT MAKER, RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Leicester and its Environs, that he makes Ladies Habits and Gentlemen's Clothes, in the most fashionable Stile, which on Trial will be found as replete with Elegance and Ease as any sent from the Metropolis.' Desirous of Public Patronage lie begs to assure thofe who may honour him with their Commands that they shall be executed with the strictest Attention, and on the most reasonable Terms. Gallowtree Gate, Leicester. • Messrs. EAGLESFIELD & Co. BEG Leave to inform their Friends, they have lately imported a large Quantity of Fine Old Cognac Brandy— Jamaica Rum, Holland's Geneva, With all Kinds of Compounds,— which they are de- termined to fell at the under- mentioned reduced Prices: — per Gal. Fine Old Cognac Brandy, - 17s. Fine ditto Jamaica Rum, - 13s. Ditto ditto Holland's Geneva, - 15s. Superfine Cordial Gin, - 6s. Foreign Orange Shrub, - 13s. Fine Old Port ( perDoz. of 13) 37s. With all Kinds of WHITE WINES. Messrs. E & Co. return their sincere Thanks to a generous Public, and assure them, they shall always be served with Articles which will ever be deserv- ing of their Patronage ; at their Warehouse, Hum- berstone Gate, Leicester, next Door to Mr. Petti- for's, Fishmonger. March 10, 1803. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN, that the Partnetlhip lately subfiftmg between JOHN BEIGHTON of Hazlewood, SAMUEL BEIGHTON of Duffield, and JOHN BEIGHTON, the Younger, of Farnah, all in the County of Derby, was Dissolv- ed on tbe lit day of February last, by Agreement.— And all Persons having any Claims against, or being indebted to the said Copartnership, are requested to transmit their Accounts k pay their Debts imme- diately to Mr. John Beighton, of Hazlewood afore- faid. Hazlewood, March 4th, 1803. WHereas on Saturday Night, or early on Sunday Morning last, a LAMB HOG was killed, and the Carcass taken away, the Skin and Head left, in or near the Close belonging to Mr. Gutridge, Felmongcr, Leicester, near to the Turn- pike on the Ashby- de- la- Zouch Road, the Property of Thomas Godfrey Of Scraptoft : Any Person giving Information of the Offender or Offenders, upon Conviaion, fliall receive a Reward of TWO GUI- NEAS of the Treasurer of the Billesdon Association, and a further Reward of FIVE GUINEAS of the above Thomas Godfrey. Twelve Guineas Reward. WHEREAS on Thursday Night or Friday Morning last an Inlamb'd EWE SHEEP be- longing to Messrs. Thomas Wightman and John Hall, was felonionsly killed in a Close belonging to them, adjoining to the Welford Turnpike Road, in the Lordship of Kilby, in the County of Leicester, the Shoulders and Fat of which were stolen and ta- ken away and tbe Rest left in the said Close : A RE- WARD therefore of TEN GUINEAS is hereby offer- ed, by the faid Thomas Wightman tnd John Hall, to any Person or Persons who will detea, and caufe the Offender or Offenders to be brought to Justice, to be paid by tbe faid Thomas Wightman and John Hall, on Conviction of such Offender or Offenders, over and above the Reward of TWO GUINEAS, which on such Conviction will be paid by the Trea- furer of the Great Wigstone and Blaby Association for the Prosecution oi Felons kc. And in Case two or more have been concerned in ilie above Offence and any one of them will impeach his Accomplice or Accomplices therein, lie, on fuch Conviction as aforefaid, lliall he intitlcd to the above Rewards, and proper Steps will be taken to obtain his Pardon On that Account. Leicester, March 9,1803. Lubbenham. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. FARMER, At the George Inn, Harborough, on Tuesday the 15th of March Inft. at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, AHOUSE and HOMESTEAD, and 4- CLOSES, in the Lordship of Lubbenham, in tbe County of Leicetter, within two Miles of Har- horough, and adjoining the Turnpike Road from thence to Lutterworth, late in the Polfeffion of Mr. William Smart, dccealed. In Lots as under : L* t 1. House and Homestead, Lot 2. Long Close Lot 3. Long Close Meadow, Lot 4. Lane Close, Lot 5. First Close, Immediate Possession may be had of the several Clofses. For further Particulars apply at tbe Office of Meffrs. PARES, MILES, and ALSTON, Solicitors, Leiceller. At the fame Time will be fold a Quantity of GOOD HAY, Handing in Lot 2. An eligible Situationfor a Hosier or a woolstapler To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. FARMER, On Wednefday the 23d of March Inft. at five o'CkicH in the Afternoon, at the Bull Head Inn, Market Place, Leicester, ANew and well- built HOUSE, situate in the Swines Market Leicester, in the Occupa- tion of Mr. Thomas Miller: confining of two large Cellars, a good Kitchen, two Parlors, Dining Room, and feven Sleeping Rooms: Alfo,- the two adjoin- ing Tenements, which, at a fmall Expence, may be converted into Warehouses and Wool- rooms. For Particulars applv to Mr. MILLER, or Mr. FARMER, both of Leicefter. ASHBY WOULDS. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. OWSTON, In separate LOTS, ( under the Powers of the AA of Parliament passed for inclofmg Ashby Woulds, in the Parifh of Ashby- de- la- Zouch, in the County of Leiceftcr) at the Queen's Head, in Ashby- de- la- Zouch, on Monday tbe Fourteenth Day of March next, between the Hours of Eleven and Five on that Day, SUCH further Part or Parts of the said Common or Waste Ground, as the Commissioners, appointed by the faid Aa fhall deem expedient, each Lot to be of tbe annual Value of from Two, to Five Pounds, according to the Eftimation of the faid Commiffioners j and which will be allotted as con- veniently as may be to the refpeaive Purchafers thereof, as foon as the faid Commiffioners fliall be able to let out the fpecific Allotments dircaed by the faid Aa of Parliament; and to be entered upon immediately afterwards; and l'ubjea'to fitch other Conditions as lhall be produced at the Time of Sale. Further Particulars to be had of Mr. SMITH, Land Surveyor, Packington. N. R. Tbe Comnuffioners will require a Depoftt of c£ 720 per Cent, of the purchafe Money to be made at the Time of Sale. Ashby, Feb. 16tli, 1803. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. ELLIOTT, At the House of Mr. Samuel Freer, the Bull's Head Inn, in Great Wigston, in the County of Leicest- er, on Monday the 14th of March, 1S03, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, FIVE Tenements, or Dwelling - Houses, fituate on the North Side of a Street opposite the Bull's Head Iun above- mentioned, called Ap- ple- pye Corner, now in the several Occupations of Stephen Brown, Benjamin Pain, Thomas Coltman, Ann Smith and Thomas Smith. For further Particulars apply to Mr. PAYNE, At- torney at Law, Leicester. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HENSHAW, At the Bull's Head Inn, at Loughborough, in the County of Leicefter, on Thursday the 17th Day ot March, 1803, betwem the Hours of five and feven in the Afternoon, ANeat DWELLING HOUSE, with Barn, Stable, Cow- houfe, and other Buildings adjoining, fitgate at Barrow- upon- Soar, near Lough- borough, late in tbe Occupation of Mr. Henshaw, with about one Acre and a Half of rich Land, ou which is growing a large Quantity of Elm, Ash, Fir, with other Timber and Fruit Trees. The above Premises have an extensive Right of Common on Charnwood Forest, and are very plea- aantly fituated about one Mile from Lord Sefton's Seat at Quorndon, and three from Loughborough. Mr. Glover, Of Quorndon, will shew the Premises, and any further Intormation may be had on Appli- cation to Mr. SAMUEL HARDING, Willoughbridge Wells, near Woore, Staffordfhire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Anchor Inn, in Hathern, near Loughborough, on Friday the 25th Day ol March Intl. between the Hours of 4 and 6 in the Afternoon; fubject to. fuch Conditions as fhall be then produced ( unlefs previoufly difpofed of by private Contract, whereof Notice will be given) AFreehold substantial new- built MESSU- AGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, fituate near the Centre of Hathern aforefaid, and now or late in the Possession of Jonathan Kirk, Baker, consisting of a Cellar, House, Parlour, Kitchen, and Pantry ; and Five Chambers : Also, a fmall Garden adjoining, and other Appurtenances. For a View of the Premises apply to the said Mr. Kirk; and for further Particulars to farm, or at Mr. CROPPER'S Office, in Loughbro'. Valuable Neat Cattle, Sheep, ( fC. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT, Without Reserve, on tbe Premises, on Monday, Tuefday, and Wednesday, the 14th 15th, and lGth Days of March, 1803, at Ten o'Clock, ALL the valuable STOCK of NEAT CATTLE, SHEEP, and PIGS, late the Pio- perty sf Mr. JONATHAN LAPWORTH, Of Staplcton, near Hinckley, in the County of Lei- celter, deceafed ; Confifting of 40 ufel'ul In- calved Dairy Cows, 6 Barren Cows, 20 valuable In calved Heifers, 19 Heifer Stirks, 25 Yearling Heifer Calves, and 0 nfeful Bulls ; 217 valuable In- lamb Ewes and Tbeaves, ItiS Ewe and Wether Lamb Hogs, and 41 Fat Sheep ; 5 In- pigged Sows, 5 fat Pigs, and H Store Pigs. The late Mr. LAPWORTH always confidered USE in the Seleaion of his Breeding Stock : and what is now offered to tbe Public will be found to lie well worth Attention in Quality as well as Quantiiy. N. B. The Neat Cattle, on the Farm Jit Elms- thorpe, will be fold on Monday the 14th ; and the Sheep and Pigs, on Tuesday the I5th; and the Neat. Cattle, Sheep, and Vigs, on the Staplctoii Farm, will be fold on Wednefday the 16th. Catalogues may be had 6 Days before the Sale, at the Bull's Head Inn, Hinckley; the Crowns, Lei- cefter; at both Farm Houfes; and of Mr. BOOTT, in Loughborough. *#* The capital Breeding Cart Mares, Cart Horfes, and Implements of Hulbandry, and the HonlhiJld Furniture, at both Farms, will be fold by Auction a few Days previous to the 5th of April, timely Notice whereof will be given, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT. On Friday the. 25th of March, 1803, at the House Mrs. Mary Swain, the Coach and Horses, in Anfty, in the County of Leicefter, at 3 o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to fuch Conditions as will be then produced, AFreehold MESSUAGE or TENE- MENT, with about four Acres of LAND, lying contiguous thereto, situate at Ansty aforesaid. in the Occupation of Mr. John Bassett. Mr. Bassett will ftiew the Premises, and further Particulars may be had of Mr. JOHN CRADOCK, in Loughborough. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. ROUSE, On Thursday the 17th of this current March, 18 « V and following Day, on the Premises, in Market Harborough, THE genteel, neat, and useful HOUS- HOLD FURNITURE, late tbe P. ooerty of Mr. JOHN HARDING, dec. Consisting of 4- Poft and other Bedsteads, with Crimson, Moreen, Cotton, and other Furniture- prime seasoned Goose and other Feather Beds, Blan- kets, Quilts, Window Curtains; Dining, Tea,- and Dressing Tables; Pier and Dressing Glasses; a Pair of handsome Girandoles; Mahogany, Japan, and Walnut Chairs; 30 Hour Clock; a valuable India Cabinet; Bureaus; Escrutoire ; large Wilton Carpet? japan Tea Trays and Waiters ; China, ' Glass, and Earthen- Ware, with a Variety of other Articles. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CAVE, On the 24th Day of March, 1803, THREE capital Cart HORSES, 2 narrow wheeled Waggons, a Six Inch wheeled Cart, one double and one singly Plough, two Pair of Har- rows, Tackle for four Horses, with a Variety ot other Articles in the Farming Line of Mr. Robert palmer, late of Ibstock, in the County of Leicetter. Sale lo begin at 10 o'clock. N. B. The Horses are fuch as are feldom to be met with, being young, ltrong, and ufeful. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BURTON, On Wednefday and Thursday the S3d and - 24th of March Inft. on the Premifes of Mr. THOMMAS, at the Black Horse Inn, Frisbby, near Melton Mowbray, in the County of Leicester, who is leaving the Town, ALL the HOUSHOLD FURNITURE. Brewing Utenfils, Live Stock, Implements of Husbandry, and other Effects; consisting of 4- Post, Canopy, and Half- tester Bedsteads, with Mahogany and Oak Feet Pillars, clothed with Dimity and Check Furniture ; good seasoned Goose Feather Beds, Flock Ditto, handsome Counterpanes and Blankets, Mattrasses, & c. handsome 8 Day Clock, in neat In- laid Wainscot Case, Pier and Swing Looking Glasses; Wainscot, Dining, Card, Tea, and Dressing Tables; stout useful Chairs; Chest of Drawers, Fire Irons and Fenders ; Brass and Pewter; Dairy Uten- sils; a nine Strike Mash Tub, with Gathering and Washing Tubs, & c. to correfpond, good Hogshead and Half Hogshead Calks, kc. & c. a Steel Bean Mill, Wheel- barrow, Pig- troughs, Forks, Rakes, Ladders, 17 good Stack. Trays, with sundry other EfR- as : Alfo, 04 Lamb Hogs, 1 Fat Cow, 1 barren Cow, inc. kc. The Sale to begin each Morning at 10 o'clock. N. B. The Live Stock and Implements will he fold at 4 o'clock on the firit Day's Sale. Catalogues may be had on Saturday preceding the Sale, at the Stag and Pheasant, Leicester; Place of Sale ; and of the AUCTIONEr, at Melton Mowbray. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT~" AHOUSE, with Warehouses adjoining, situate in Bond- street, Leicefter, and now in the Occupation uf Mr. W. Burbidge, Hosier, together with the Yard and Back- buildings, with a large Garden behind the same.— The above Premises are suitable either for a Hosier, oi Woolstapler, or any Business requiring Room. For turther Particulars apply to Mr. WHETSTONE, North Gate Street. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ( Together, or seperately,) ACLOSE, or Ground inclosed, of rich Pasture Land, with the Appurtenances, fitu- ate in the Town of Great Wigston, in the County tA Leicester, known by the Name of Nether Hall Close, containing Two Acres and an Half ( be the fame more or less) now in the Occupation ' of Mr. John Burgess. Alfo,— A Piece of Ground, with the Barns, Stables, and other Buildings thereon standing, con- sisting ill the Whole ol Eight Bays of Building situate opposite to the Blue Bell Inn in Great Wigston afore- said, now in the Occupation of the faid John Bur- gess. For further Particulars apply to the faid JOHN BURGESS. TO BE LET, And entered upon immediately, ANew- built BRICK MESSUAGE, con- fitting of good Cellars, Pantry, House- Place Parlour, Back- Kitchen, four Chambers and Attics over the fame, an extensive Garden in a high State of Cultivation, planted with choice Fruit Trees, sheltered from the North Wind, together with a large Yard and Cart Hovel, a Stable and Hay- Loft over the same, a Cow- shed, Butcher's Shop, and l-' apinj ™ house, with a Well of good Water ; also, a Back- Yard to the said Messuage, paved with Brick and walled round, with proper Conveniences for tlie Stowage of Coal The above Premifes are situate on rising Ground, at SMISBY, tn the County of Derby, ( one Mile from Ashby de- la- Zouch, and Half a Mile from the Turn- pike Road leading from Ashby- de- la Zouch afore- said through Burton- upon- Trent;) and command » fine View of an extensive Country. They are de- firably siuate for a Butcher, or for the carrying on of any Trade where Room is required. The Tenant may be accommodated with a few Acres of Land, For further Particulars, apply to Mr. BPYAN, Solicitor, Ashby de- la Zouch aforeUid. ..•• Thursday's Post, LONDON, March 9. HOUSE of LOrDS— Tuesday. Lord hobart brought down a Message from his Majesty to the following1 effect: " G. R. His Majesty thinks it necessary to acquaint the House of Lords'that very considerable military pre- parations are carrying on in the ports of France and Holland. He therefore judges it proper to take eve- ry additional means for maintaining the peace and se- curity of his dominions. " Though these preparations are avowedly for co- lonial purposes, yet, as discussions of great impor- tance are now depending between his Majesty and ihe French Government, the result of which must be uncertain, he deems it proper to make this commu- nication to the House of Lords, sensible that while they participate in his Majesty's earnest and invaria- ble solicitude for the continuance of peace, he may rely with confidence on their concurrence in such measures as shall be . calculated to support the honour of his Crown, and . the essential interests of his peo- ple." The motion was ordered to be taken into conside- ration to- morrow. —[ 4 similar message'was brought < l » wn to the Commons, also to be taken into consi* iteration to- morrow.] The ASSIZE ASSEMBLY; WILL be at the Hotel Rooms on Monday 21st March 1 the 2lit Day of Marc h Inttant. J. MANSFIELD, Esq. Capt. FARMER, Mr. FREER, Stewards. Tiiat the Government of this country is no longer able to persuade itself of the sincerity ef Bonaparte's professions in respect to peace, may be seen by referring to the Parliamentary Report of last night, by which it appears that a- Message from his Majesty is this day to be taken into consideration by both houses, which recommends strong precautionary measures necessary to lie taken on account of the mili- tary preparations making by France, and of the uncertainty ot the result of the discussions af present. depending between the British and French Governments. That Ministers have, moreover, received some important news, there can be no doubt. In consequence ot an express sent off on Mon- day morning to Windsor, his Majesty came to town with extraordinary dispatch. A Council had been previously summoned, and was held in the afternoon at Buckingham house., It was attended by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Lord Hobart, Lord West- moreland, Lord Castlereagh, and Mr. Bragge, and its deliberations lasted several hours. it was impossible- to listen for ever in si- lence to the offensive language of the French Government. One day we are told that France must assume the attitude of Minerva, " the helmet on the head, and the lance in its rest." Another day we are threatened with the vengeance of 500,000 men, because Lord Grenville and Mr. Wyndham dare to speak in parliament and, as it were but yesterday, the official journal told us, we must change our laws, and constitution. Laying actions aside, surely language like this could not be listened to for ever, in . silence, without com- promising the spirit, honor, and character of England, and with, them, her safety and very existence ! We are informed that when Andreossi ar- rived in this country, he said to Ministers, he had no instructions to negociate respecting any of the objects in the Treaty of Amiens an he was only impowered to deliver a verbal message, namely, " That the Treaty of Ami- ens must be executed in its fullest extent, or France, would go to war." Ministers feel the odium that would follow the surrender of Malta, & c. agreeably to the Treaty of Ami- ens, and the spirit the country displayed in October encourages them now to stand out for some modifications. Orders have been sent from the Admiralty to Portsmouth, for all the ships ready for sea in harbour, to proceed immediately to Spit head. Consols at one o'clock this day had fallen seven per cent.— They afterwards rose two per cent, leaving off at 64— Omnium 12 disc. Among the rumours of yesterday, that of an immediate change of ministers was re- newed ; a measure which, we believe, will entirely depend upon the grand question— •* Peace, or War ?" The Duke of Bridgwater. Yesterday depart- ed this life, his Grace the Duke of Bridgwater, after a short illness. By his active spirit, and his unshaken perseverance, he amassed immense wealth, but the public grew rich with him, and his labours were not more profitable to himself than they were to his country. , 1 Francis Egeton, Duke of Bridgwater, was the Eth son of Scroop, first Duke of that name, by Lady Rachael Russell; was born in 1736, and by the dtiuh of his brothers, succeeded to the title and estate in f? 43. Ilis Grace has rendered himself conspicuous by being the patron, and, it may be said the father of a most important public undertaking which must, in the end, be attended with the greatest national benefit. He was the first man who counte- nanced the plan, and supported the expence, of cut- ting a navigable canal in the kingdom. This great plan he had digested in his mind before he was of age, and as soon as he came in possession of his fortune, proceeded to put it in execution.— Among other estates of which the Duke, came in pos- » ession, he had one at Worsley, in the county of Lan- caster, rich in coal mines ; but which, onaccount of The expcnce of laud- carriage, although the rich and flourishing town of Manchester was so near, was of tittle value. Desirous of working these mines to ad- vantage, he formed the plan of a navigable canal from his own estate, at Worsley, to Manchester.— Accordingly, in the session of Parliament, 1758- 9, the Duke applied for a Bill to make a navigable canal from Salford, near Manchester, to Worsley, on his own estate. His Grace met with great opposition in its passage through the two Houses, and it would now appear inconceivable that such strong preju- dices should have been entertained against a plan of public utility, so apparently advantageous. The Duke, however, succeeded, and immediately set about his work, which appeared to promise so well, that the next year he applied for another act to enable him to extend the line, and to pass from Worsley, over the river Irwell, near Barton- bridge, to Man- chester. His Grace was not remarkable for any active part in politics, though sometimes he appeared in the House of Lords on party questions. He generally followed the politics of his relation, the Marquis of Stafford. But he was a noble patron of many great national institutions. To the Loyalty Loan he sub- scribed 100.0001. all in ready- money, at one time.— He died amazingly rich, worth large sums of ready money. He was remarkable for carrying his own wine with him when he travelled, and he was very nice in his food. The Dukedom is extinct, but the Earldom of Brack- ley goej to General Egerton, Member for Brackley. Live Stock, Hay, and Grass Keep. : TO BE SOLD BY AUQTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Tuesday next, March 15, 1803, LL the LIVE STOCK, HAY, GRASS KEEP, Jet. of- Mr. RICH. MARVIN, deceas'd ; On the Premises at Willoughby Waterless, near Blaby, Leicestershire. Consisting of 3S valuable In- lamb Ewes, 20 Lamb Hogs, 4 valuable. In calv'd Cows, 2 Barren Ditto, 4 Stirks, 10 Yearling Calves, Draught Horse; Cart, Plough, Harrows, Winnowing Fan With several other useful Lots in Husbandry, & c.'. • Sale to begin in the Morning at ff) o'Clock. VV. D Respectfully requests the early Attendance of his Friends, having a considerable distance to go after the Sale is closed. A* TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By NICHOLAS WARD, vOn Monday 21 It Day Of March, 1803, and following si Days, « HLL the neat HOUSHOLD FURNI- TURE, China, Glass, Live Stock, Imple- ments in Husbandry, Manure, kc. of Mr. WILLIAM ORTON, At the George Inn, in Hinckley, in the County of Leicelter, ( who is going to decline the Public Business); ^ Consisting of several lofty 4 Post Bedsteads with Mahogany Feet-. Stalls, fluted and carved, clothed with fancy Cotton Furniture; several 4- Post, Tent, and clothed with Cotton, check, Goose Coat and other Fea- encounter single handed the power of Francc, he observed, that there were many • instances of the kind upon record, and an additional one, were it necessary; would never, he was convinced, disgrace or stain the former atchievements of thrs country.— Several other members spoke, and on the question being put the motion was agreed to nem. con. QUORNDON. TO B2 SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BALL, At the House of Mr. Baker, the Bull's Head Inn, in Quorndon, in the County of Leicester, on Monday the 14th Day of March, 1803, agreeable to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, » ALL those TWO DWELLING- HOUSES; or TENEMENTS, with Gardens, & c. be- longing to Mr, Richard Heughes, of Quorndon aforesaid, who will shew the Premises, situated in Stoop- Lane-. Also, Two STOCKING FRAMES one Plain Frane, 24 Gage, one Ribb'd Do. 18 Gage, The Sale to bigin at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon!. LOUGHBOROUGH. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BALL, On Monday and Tuesday the 2lst. and 22d.* Days of March, 1803, ALL the valuable and usesul HOUSE- HOLD' FURNITURE, Coppers, Brewing Vessels, and Other valuable Effects, belonging to Mr. NICHOLAS MARVIN, At the White Horse inn, in Loughboro'. Consisting of prime Feather and Flock Beds, Tent id other Bedfteads, clothed in various Hangings, fine Blankets, Bed Quilts, Table and Bed Linen ; Swing and other Glaffes, Dining, Tea, Dressing, and other Tables - r House, Parlour and Chamber Chairs, Chest of Drawers, good Clock.; Side Oven, Bath- Stoves, China, Glass, Pans, Kettles, kc. kc. The Brewing Veffels confiit of good Coppers, 8 Hogfheads, and other Barrels, Math and other Tubs to correspond, all in excellent Prefervation. The Sale to begin at ten o'/ Clock each Morning. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All Perfons who have any Claim or Demand upon the Eltate and Effects of Mr. Nicholas Marvin, Inn- keeper, late Of Loughbro', are desired to send an Account thereof to Mr. John Walker, of Stanford Hills, or Mr. Edward Fowler, of Loughbro', in the County of Leicester, his Executors: and all PCifons who are indebted to the said Nicholas Marvin, are desired to pay the Amount of their respective Debts to Iiis Executors, without further Notice. To be Sold by Private Contract, fORTY- FIVE ACRES ( be the same more or less) of very capital GRAZING LAND, ly- ing within about Half a Mile of Leicefter. Possessi- on may be had at Lady- Day. Enquire of Mr. CLAY HEXTALL. [ This Advertisement will not be continued."] TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, - On Wednesday and Thursday March^ Wth and 17th, 1803, ' J ALL the Valuable HOUSHOLD FUR. NITURE, Dairy Utensils, Brewing Veffels, Barrels, Coppers, kc of Mr. JOHN WARTNABY, Of Great Dalby, near Melton - ( Who is going to reside e! m: hcre)~; Comprising valuable and lofty 4 Post Bedsteads, clothed with rich Crimson, Morten,-> 9ijd other Fur- niture; very good Feather and Flock Bed's, Blan- kets, Coverlets; handsome Pier and Swing Glasses, Mahogany Card and other Tables, handsome Maho- gany Chairs, Horse Hair Seats; very, good Oak Square Dining and other Tables, Oak and other Chairs, Oak Bureau; a very Convenient Oak Clothes Press with upper and- lower Drawers, handsome 8. Day Clock, Oak Case ; Brass Pots and Pans, 30- Gallon Copper, Brace of Pistols, Gun, with a Va- riety of other Articles. The Dairy consists of a valuable Assortment of Cheese- Vats, Churns, Cheese- Press, Pails, Tubs, Milk Lead, Slate, kc. Brewing Vessels arc a good 5 Strike Mash Tub, Working Vat, with other Tubs ta correspond-; seve- ral well seasoned Barrels, Malt Mill,- Bags. & c. Sale to begin each Morning at Ten o'Clock. W. D. assures the Public the above Articles will be found well worth their Notice, aiid hopes for their early Attendance, on Account of - the Number of Lots in each Days' Sale. Valuable Houshold Furniture, Brew- ing Vessels, Coppers, Barrels, £ fc. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, ( On the Premises of Mr. DANIEL BURGESS, at the Bull's Head Inn, in Blaby, Leicestershire, on the | ' 2lit. 22d. and 23d. of March, 1803, 1 CONSISTING of very good 4- Post and other Bedsteads, valuable Feather and Flock Beds, large Blankets, Coverlets; 8 handsome Oak Square Dining Tables, Oak Stands and Screen . Tables; large Assortment of Chairs, Pier and Swing Glasses, Dressing Tables, Chest of Drawers; a good Assortment of Glass and China, Brass Pots and Pans ; Fire Range, 2 useful Bench Skreens, i long boards and Tressels; Plated Cups and Tankards, Pewter Measures, several Dozen of Knives and Forks ; Pewter, large Assortment of earthenware, & c. kc. On Wednesday the Third Day's Sate, All the truly valuable Copper, Brewing Vessels, & c. consisting of a very good 140- gallon Copper, 18- Strike Mash Vat, large Cooler, Gathering Tub, with other Tubs to correspond ; ten 60- Gallon par- rels, three. 120- Gallon Di. tto, two 240- Gallon Ditto ; Wood Pump, Trunk Spout, Pails, Sec. & c. Sale to begin each Morning at ten o'Clock. W. D. Assures his Friends that he has not offered to Sale, a more useful Assortment of Houshold Fur- niture, and is convinced it will pleafe those who are disposed to become Purchasers— With respect to the Copper, Brewing Vessels, Barrels, kc. there never was a better Opportunity offer" d to any Person going into the Public Line of Bufmefs, every Article being in the highest Preservation. Growing Wood. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Wednefdav March 23, 1803, at the House of Mr. Samuel Freer, Bull's Head Inn, Great Wigston, Leicelterthire, at 4 o'Clock in the Afternoon, IN THREE LOTS, SIXTY valuable ELM and ASH growing TREES, standing in the Lordship of Little Glenn. The above Timber is of a superior Quality, and will be found very useful to Carpenters or farmerS. For a View of the same, apply to the OVERSEERS of the POOR of the Parifh of GREAT WIGSTON. in good- Condition; Mattrasses, Counter- Quilts,' Blankets, compieat Set of Mahogany Dining Tables, mahogany Desk and Book Case, with Secretary Drawers; Mahogany Chelt of Drawers and Ward Robe, Mahogany Side Board, several oblong Card and other Mahogany Tables; shut- up and other Mahogany Night Conve- niences; Mahogany Wash- hand Stands; Mahogany' Chairs, Horfe Hair Seats; Pier and Swing Glasses ; Pair of Mahogany Sophas, with Cotton Furniture, one Ditto; double and sigle Oak Chests of Draw- ers ; Corner Cupboards ; Buffets ; Oblong Oval Drinking and other Tables; several Sets of Chairs; Pewter; Copper, Brafs, and other Pots and Ket- tles; Fire Irons, and good Kitchen Requisites, and numerous other Articles, which will he expressed in the Catalogues, which may be had in due Time. Wanted at Easter next, AMAN and his WIFE, without a Fa- mily, to superintend the Poorhouse of the uni. ted Townships of Great Claybrook and Ullesthorpe, in the County of Leicester. A Characer for Honesty and Sobriety, and a Knowledge of keeping Accounts will be required. For further Particulars inquire of the Parish OFFICER of Ullesthorpe. To the Constables— Prosecutors and Witnesses bound to attend the approaching Assize for the County of Leicester, ON MATTERS OF FELONY. THE JUDGE having been pleased, for the Accommodation of the County of Leicester, to dispense with the Attendance of the Grand Jury ' till 10 o'clock on the Morning of Monday the 21ft. Instant:— All Persons under Recognizance in Matters of FELONY will be excufed if they do not attend until that Day, provided the Prosecutors take Care to be with the Clerk of Indictments before Nine o'Clock in the Morning, and the Witnesses be all ready at the Cattle to attend the Grand Jury at 10 punctually. All the common Jurors must attend according to their Summons as early a* s ufuat,- to be prepared to try the Caufes on Satsrday the 14th. W. HEYRICK, UNDER SHERIFF. Leicester, March 5th, 1803. His Majesty's Message has called forth among all parties a truly British spirit.— The language of both Houses was such as bccame the Representatives of a people set apart by Divine Providence. as the Conservators of the Rights of Nations. The Chancellor of the Exchequer last night gave notice, that he would to- morrow move for a Vote of Ten Thousand additional sea- men and marines, a number that we are satis- fied will very soon be added to our present force. On Tuesday evening Press Warrants were issued, and in the course of that night upwards of Three Thousand Seamen, as we heard, were procured on the River Thames. The Press Warrants were backed by the Lord May- or, but the City was crowded with Seamen, who flocked round the Mansion House, eager to enter. We have no doubt but that plenty of true British spirit is to be found, voluntari- ly pressing forward to oppose, and with our accustomed success and glory, the unjust ag- gressions of France, should the result ot Ihe present Negociations lead to the renewal of Hostilities. S per Cent. Conf. 64— 5 per Cent. 94— Omn 12 LEICESTER INFIRMARY. THURSDAY the 17th of MARCH, Inftant, being . the QUARTERLY BOARD, the GOVERNORS are requested to attend at the INFIRMARY at Eleven o'Clock precisely. All such as are concerned in the following Com- modities, are defired to send their Propofals ( sealed) to the Secretary of the- Infirmary, on or before the loth of March, specifying at what Rate they are willing to fupply the Infirmary, for the ensuing Quarter, with Butchers Meat, Bread, Soap, Candles, Rice, Sugar, Hops, Malt, and Oatmeal. The most reasonable Proposals will be accepted; and if two or more Tradesmen should offer to supply at the same Price, it will be determined by Ballot who shall have the Preference, that the utmost Impartiality may be observed, and no Intereftmadein Favour of any par- ticular Person. — By Order of the Committee, H. JEFFCUTT, Sec. N. B. The Person who contracts to serve the House with Butchers Meat, must engage to furnish young Meat, and to send chiefly Beds and Rounds of Beef and Legs of Mutton, under the Penalty of forfeiting 2d. per lb. for such Meat as the Committee shall be dissatissied with. ( d" Linen Rags would be a very acceptable Pre- sent to the Infirmary. To be LET, or SOLD by private CONTRACT, And entered upon at Lady- Day. AModern built HOUSE, situate in the Centre of IBSTOCK, in the County of Leices- ter, containing an excellent House- Place, two Par- lours, Back- Kitchen, Dairy, Pantry, two Cellars, and four Chambers, with a_ Clofet to each ; also, an old established Butcher's Shop with Fatting Houfe, two Stables, a Barn and Cow sheds, a large Yard, with a Well of good Water and a Pump, an excellent Garden, Part of which . is fenced by a Brick. Wall, and well cultivated, a Croft adjoining, and a Pew in the Church of Ibstock aforesaid. Further Particulars may be had by applying to Mr. BRYAN, Attorney- at- Law, Ashby- de- la: Zouch. Growing Wood. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Hy Mr. DAVIS, On Monday, March 14, 1803, ABOUT FORTY LOTS of large and lofty Maiden ASH POLES, withfome WIL- LOW and POPLAR, in the Parifh of Ratcliffe- in- the- Wreak, near to the Melton Navigation. The above are of a fuperior Quaity, and will be found remarkable ufeful to Farmers far Fleaks or Gates, and may he viewed by applying Mr. Ben- net, of Ratcliffe. The above Lots w » l be fold for ready Money, and to be cleared away in 14 Days from th< Sale. The Sale will commence precifely at ten o'Clock. having an Engagement at Segs - hill at tiirea o'Clook in the Afternoon. TO BE LET BY AUCTION, FOR tHREe YEARS. NBy Mr. DAVIS, On Monday 1803, at Mr. Bryan's, at Segs- Hill or Six Thrussington, Leicester- shire, at in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions will then be produced, NINETY- THREE ACRES of LAND, called the WouLDS, in the lordship of Thrus- sington, and now the Occupation of Mr. J. Kilby. For a View of same, apply to Mr. Draper, Thrussington Valuable Live & Dead Stock, &' c. Sfc To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Thurfday and Friday March 24th and 25th, on the Premifes of RICH. BRUIN, Gent, deceas'd, At Little Glenn, near Blaby, Leicefterfhire, FIRST DAY. ALL the valuable LIVE STOCK; consisting ofo6 valuable In- lamb Ewes, 32 ca- pital Wether and 34 Ewe Lambs; 23 Fat Sheep, 2 Tup Lambs, 7 useful In- calf Cows, 3 In- calf Hei- fers, Stirk Heifer, Stirk Bull, 4 Store Pigs, 2 valuable Fat Pigs, 3 capital Draught Horfes and Mares, Tackle complete for 5 Horses, with feveral other Miscella- neous Lots. SECoND DAY— March 25. Consists of Forks, Rakes, Sieves, Fence Fleaks, Sack Bags, 2 Sheet Harrows, Pair of Harrows, 1 double and 1 single- wheel Plough, 2 narrow- wheel Waggons, 1 6 Inch Ditto, fi Inch Cart, 1 Ditto with Gearing complete, Winnowing Fan, a good Roll, large Lead Horse Trough, and a great Number of Deal and Elm Boards, and several Lots of Oak Planks, Squares, Spokes, Gate Potts and Rails, Hovel Frames, Cow Cribs, with a Variety of other Articles in Hus- bandry. Catalogues to be had of the AUCTIO- NEER, on Saturday preceding the Sale. The above Flock of Sheep have had particular Attention paid " to them, being bjed from Rams of Mr Goode, of Coffington, and are now In lamb by a valuable Ram of Mr. Oldacre, of Peatling Lodge ; with fuch Breed the Purchasers will be highly grati- fied : The Beast are fresh and in good Condition; and the Horses will be found very useful. Capital Houshold Furniture, Imple- ments in Husbandry, Hay, Straw, Horses, 8( c. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. DAVIS, On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 29th, 30th, and 31ft of March, 1803, ALL the valuable HOUSHOLD FUR- NITURE, kc. kc. of Mr. PERKINS, ( Who is going to retire from Housekeeping) ; On the Premises, at Glenn Lodge, near Blaby, Leicestershire. Particulars of which will appear in the next Week's Paper. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY K. GLENHAM, On the Premises of CAMPBELL MORRIS, Esq. at Loddington Reddish, in the County of Leicester, on Thurfday the 17th Day of March Inftant, SIXTY RANGES ot UNDERWOOD, ASH POLES, & c. now numbered and divided into Lots, well worth the Observation of Coopers, Carpenters, andOtheis. The Sale to commence atlcn o'CLock in the Morning, POSTSCRIPT. LONDON, THURSDAY, March 10. Yesterday,, in the house of Peers, on the Order of the day being read for taking into consideration his Majesty's Message, Lord hobart said, that to the motion which he should have the honor to make upon this occasion, he could not anticipate a dissenting voice. His Majesty had stated, in his message, that preparations of con- siderable magnitude were carried on in two countries with which we had recently been at war. These preparations, it was but just to observe, might lie fully authorised, up to the whole extent to which they had hitherto been carried, by the state of the French • possessions abroad. But when it, was considered that as his Majesty also informed them, there were dis- cussions of considerable importance now subsisting between the two. countries, the necessity of our mak- ing a proportionate addition to our means of security must be obvious to the unanimous sense of that House, and of the country. He therefore moved " That an humble address be presented to his Majesty, thank- ing himfcr his communication, and that he may con- fidently rely on their co- operadon in such measures as circumstances may appear to require, for support- ing the honor of his Majesty's_ Crown, and the essen- tial interests of his people." Lord Grenville said, he could have wished that the measure had been resorted to at an earlier period. The system of concession had been too long tried ; . if it had been sooner departed from he should have au- gured better for the continuance of peace. Late however as this proposal was brought forward, he hailed it as the dawn of a more vigorous line of pro- ceeding on the part of ministers, and as affording us the only chance which remained for us of effecting the salvation of the country. He hoped, therefore, that the spirit which had began to be manifested would be followed up with equal vigour; and he entertain- ed the firmest convictiofi, that there was not a man in the country but was ready, with the'last drop of his blood, and the last shilling of his property, to support his Majesty in the assert ion of the honor of his drown and the rights of his people. Lords Auckland, Moira, Westmoreland, & c. also spoke in support of the motion, which was agreed to nem. con. A similar motion to that of Lord Hobart was made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons.— Mr. Fox said, that no motion would be agreed to with more alacrity than that before the house, but he trusted his Majesty's advisers would well weigh and consider the situation of the British Empire before they again plunged her into a contest. If once more Great Britain should be iavolved in a war which they might conceive just and necessary, but which in fact might, without extreme caution, be the reverse, the responsibility attaching to Minis- ters would be multiplied ten fold against them more than it had been upon their predecessors. Mr. Wyndham supported the motion— war, fie said, was one of the greatest evils which England could en- counter, but it now began to be perceived that there were great dangers in peace as well as war. He observed that responsibility did not attach to Minis- ters in making war, as it did in making a proper war, carried on with energy, and supported by the whole country, which would be the case, should unfortunately such an issue be inevitable— Mr. sheri. dan also supported the motion— in reply to an ex- pression that had fallen . of England being unable to LEICESTER, March 11. MARRIED. On Sunday se'nnight at Nottingham, Mr. Daw- son, of Bunby, in Lincolnshire, to Miss Lawrence of Sewstern in this county. On Thursday the 24th ult. at Dunton Basset, in this county, Mr. Timothy Goodrich, baker, of Great Wigston', fo Miss Sophia Berridge, third daughter of the late Mr. Berridge, farmer, of the former place. DIED. On Wednesday se'nnight, aged 81, Mr. Dennis Taylor, of Glaston, near Uppingham. He had walked out as usual before dinner, and ii is supposed was seized with a fir, as he was found dead in the field after being absent from house about an hour. On the 2d inst. of a lingering, decline, which she bore with pious resignation, Miss Jane Danzey aged 1 ft, second daughter of Mr. Francis Danzey, of Pickwell, in this county, grazier. On Friday last, whilst engaged in domestic busi- ness in her usual state of health, at her daughter's in Manchester, Mrs. Joel Marshall, of Loughborouoh : She was seized with an appoplexy, attended with the bursting of a blood vessel in the head, of which she expired in about two hours. On Saturday last, deservedly regretted, Mrs. Astle, wife of Mr. Astle, of St. Nicholas- street, in this town! On Tuesday morning of a decline, aged 18 Miss Webster, eldest daughter of Paul Webster, Esq. of Derby. 1 At the assizes for this county and borough, which commence on Friday next, the following prisoners are to take their trials. In the County Goal. Richard Howett, charged on the oath of his father, with stealing 4 heifers ( his properry) out of the lord- ship of Colston. Mary Hicks, charged with privately stealing from John Smith, of Loughbro', a guinea notes, and a 7 s. piece. Mary Newton, for stealing a piece of linen cloth out ot the shop of Messrs. Heys and Kirton, of Ashby- de- la- zouch. Geo. Lee, Thos. Lee, and W. Smith, charged with burglariously entering the dwelling, house of Catherine Ainsworth of Sileby, and stealing thereout six guinea^ in gold, a 301. bank note, 30 guinea notes, and several other notes of 501,101. Si 51. Henry Tompson Fox, and Joseph Burgess, charged the oathof Joshua Pettifor of Sileby, with stopping him on the highway, and taking from him 6 bank notes of 11. each and some silver. John Walker, charged with stealing a quantity of oats; Thos. Stacey, with stealing part of an oak tree ; John Dunn, with stealing a brass pan ; Thos. and Wm. Judd, on a charge of stealing poultry ; and Stephen Fukes, charged with stealing 3 doz. and 9 pair of hose, the property of Marshall Marvin, of Earl Shilton. In the Borough Goal. John Belton and John Huffin, charged on the oath of Charlotte Russell, with assaulting her in the parish tf All Saints, Leicester, and taking from her 30 guinea in gold and some silver. James Taylor, and Thos. Pearce, charged with stealing within the last 6 months, various quantities- of lead from the difFerent churches in this town. On Wednesday, at the assizes for the county of Northampton, came on the trial of G. Bacon, for aid- ing J. Allen, the fellow who shot at Gamble, the Marquis of Exeter's game- keeper, on the 10th December. Peake, implicated in the offence, was admitted an evidence for the Crown ; but in conse- quence of the melioration in the Black Act, and it having been sworn that the prisoner had no intention of prosecuting his inclinations by' force, the Jury found a verdict of Not Guilty.— Gamble has lately had a relapse ; eleven shot and some pieces of bone been extracted from his face, which were pro- duced in court. Mary Embelow, for robbing her master, John Eaton, of Thrapston, of five guineas, and two seven shilling pieces; Peter Eaves and John Matthews, for breaking and entering the dwelling- house of Richard Woodward, of Potterspury, and taking and car- rying away sundry articles of wearing apparel, fee. received sentence of death, but were all reprieved before the Judge left Northampton. A young man, clerk to a considerable merchant in Cambridge, his absconded ( and for whose apprehen- sion 2001. reward is offered). He is charged with having committed a forgery on a banking- house in London, and by that means obtained 901. in the name of Lord J. Townsend. The forgery, it is said, was committed several months ago,' and an innocent person has some weeks been in custody on suspicion, but from some recent transactions at Ware market, the above young man was suspected. On Tuesday se'nnight, by letter, he returned the anuunt to the banker's and has not since been heard of. Wanted immediately, TWO Journeymen WHEELWRIGHTS; good Hands and fteady Men, may meet with: Conftant Employ by applying to JAMES TYLER, Wheelwright, Melton Mowbray. , N B. This will not be advertifed again. March 10,1803. BOROUGH of LEICESTER. AT a COMMON HALL, holden on the 28th Day of February, 1803, JOHN SLATER, Esq. Mayor, It was propofed, and unanimously agreed, that the following ADDRESS should be presented to his MAJESTY:— To the King's most excellent Majesty " We, your Majesty's loyal subjects. the Mayor, Bailiffs, and burgesses of that borough Leicester, desire to approach your Royal Person with tlie molt affectionate and fervent congratulations upon your Majelty's late deliverance from a daring and atroci- ous conspiracy against life and Go- vernment. We cannot that your Majes- ty's satety, which is every British heart, has been so frequently by violence and by stratagem: whilst we yield our tribute of praise to the vigilance and prudence of your Majelty's Minis ters, which have so successfully exercised in detecting and subduing the designs of traitors; We humbly assure your Majesty, that our most devout thanksgivings are offered to that Almighty Ruler who, by many signal providences, has manifested his peculiar favor in the preservation of your person and dominions: ins our most earnest prayer to him, , by whom Kings reign, that the powerful hand which has guided your Majesty securely through circum- Itances of unparalleled danger, may continue to de-. feat every hostile attempt; nor can we doubt; from our late experience of the divine goodness, that the same gracious protection will still be extended to your Majesty and to your Royal House." It was then resolved unanimously, ' 1st. That the Town Clerk be desired to transmit the Address to Samuel Smith, Esqr one of the Re presentatives in Parliament for this borough, and request of him to prefent it to his Majesty. ' 2ndly. That the thanks of this Hall be given to the Mayor, for having by his promptness furnished the Corporation with so early an opportunity of expres- sing their sentiments to his Majesty. by order Of the Hall, W. HEYRICK, Town Clerk. HOUSE OF COMMONS.— Friday* After the routine of the day, Mr. Calcraft submitted his proportion on the state of the Prince's affairs. again disavowed any influence but what arose from motives originating in his own bqsom, and was confident that all parties would be ready to the motion without opposition. In his con- struction of the King's Message, it went farther than the measure grounded upon : it must go farther than the mere application of a sum of money, as that could not bring the Prince any nearer the attainment of the object of his M ••• sty's message. He was not guided in his proposition by any regard to the personal comfort of his Royal Highness, for the bill itself would be adequate to that; but he looked to that state of dignity to which the community was inte- rested in restoring him : with these sentiments lie moved, " That this house, desirous to give full effect to the recommendation in his Majesty's message, of ttie 16th b'ebruary, do appoint a select committee to demand information concerning those incumbrances that impede his ltoyal Highness from complying with the object of the message, by resuming immediately thai state and dignity to which he is entitled," Mr. Erskine made remarks in answer toan allusion of the last speaker, as to his former observa- tions: he took a view of the late debates respecting the Message, and paid some compliments to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, who, he conceived, in his specific proposition, had been guided by that moderation which always characterises him. He thought the motion of Mr. C. went to ascertain the feelings of the House, and was neither a censure on the Message, nor a criticism on the Minister. With respect 10 tlie Revenues of Cornwall, the Attorney General had argued that they had lieen a fund for the susteiitation of the heir apparent ; taking this for granted, if it should appear, on balancing the ac- counts, that the public was noi in debt to the Prince, nor the Prince to the public; then he would be in a situation d. fferent from that of any of his prede- cessors, by having arrived at the age of 40 without having been a burthen to the people. Mr. E. then concluded with observing, that he thought it would be advantageous to the public, and just in the house, to extend the grant so as to make it effectual. Mr. Fuller made some remarks on the wisdom of our ancestors, by keeping the Prince independent of the King, and thought the conduct of the present Prince, with respect to his intention of satisfying the claims of his creditors, noble and magnanimous: He asserted, that the commissioners had deducted the surplus charge of 10 percent, above the prime cost from the different bills, and as this was only the fair profit of every tradesman, it was much to the honor cf the Prince that he could not be happy till they were discharged, Mr. Cartwright,' Mr. Curwen, and Sir I?. Bur- ton, were for the continuance ofthe present system of economy, instead of laying additional burthens on t}) C people. Mr. Hilliard was of a contrary opinion. Mr. Johnstone saw no difference between the pre- sent period and that of 1795, that could make so great an alteration. On the contrary, in 1195 there were a multitude of Jacobins in the country, to counteract whose machinations it was necessary for every branch of the Royal Family to attract popularity and attach- ment. With respect to the Cornwall arrears, the whole sum received from the Duchy did not exceed 234,000/. against which were to be set off 5000J. per annum for the maintenance of the Prince, from 1771 till he came of age; or 250,000/. against 234,000/. He therefore thought it an insult to the country to be told of sacrifices made on the part of the Prince, Mr. H. Lascelles, Sir W. Geary, and Mr. Dent, expressed their opinions on the necessity of support- ing the Prince in his dignity. Mr. Tierney made many remarks on the illibera- lly of objecting to the increase of the income of the Prince, when placemen since 1795 had mostly re- ceived an increase of one- fourth to their salaries, on account of'. he pressure ofthe tilK's. The Chancellor of the Exchequer defended the precipitancy with which the business of the address had been hurried through the house : he was certain that the- Prince had no knowledge of the present motion, and even doubted whether it was consistent with order; in short, Ifc thought that as much had been done as could be, with propriety, and he would resist every thing beyond it. Mr. Fox defended the motion against the remarks of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Shfridan, in a speech replete with humour, commemed on the speeches of those who opposed the motion, but particularly that of Mr. Johnstone; he thought it a weak thing, after we had thrown away 250,000,0001. for the support of the thrones of Europe, in which we failed, to oppose giving 100,0001. to maintain the dignity of our own, ar object which we could not fail to accomplish. Lord Hawkesbury opposed the motion, as a frif n< to ihe Prince, the Parliament, and the peop! e; after which the house divided : For the previous question IF4 Against it : - - - - 139 Majority — 45 answers to the questions put by the magistrate, but talked in a most incoherent manner of the Angel Gabriel, who, he said, had given him the name of Poorhelp; mentioned the names of several nobility, and continued quoting passages of scripiure. The magistrate thinking he was as much like a rogue and vagabond as a fortune- teller, committed him to the House of Correction, under ihe vagrant act, until the next Quarter Sessions, when the society mean to continue the prosecution. TURNPIKE. UNION- HALL. Saturday a man named Samuel Best, better known by the nick- name of Poorhelp, vas brought before the Sitting Magistrate on a charge of being a fortune- teller. A complaint had been made previously to the Magistrate by Robert Gray, he Agent employed by the Society for the Suppresson of Vice and Immorality, against the prisoner. , John May, one of the officers, was sent with Gay to, execute the warrant, and when they arrived at he prisoner's house, they found him engaged in the ex- ercise of his profession, with a very decent dressed woman, and writing down passages from Scripture. They waited till the prisoner answered her such questions as she wished to be resolved, and then May desired to have his fortune told. The prisoner took bold of bis right hand, and, after examining the inside, and quoting several passages from the bible, foretold him several circumstances that would occur to him, and made him and Gray a present of a curious straw ring of various colours. May then enquired of him his charge, when he told him he never took the money, but the woman below did, whom he called up, and May paid her a shilling in the prisoner's presence. May then informed the prisoner of the other ob- ject of his visit, and in return predicted to the prisoner what was likely to happen to him, and took him into custody ; the prisoner, who was very strong, resisted the officer, who, with the assistance of Gray, had much trouble getting him out of the house ; and when in the street, lie made such resistance as to occasion a vast crowd of persons to assemble who attempted to rescue the prisoner, and it was with great difficulty that May, with the help of other officers, got him in to a coach and brought him to the office. When he appeared before the Magistrate, his dress appeared a disguised garb, to give him the appearance of an old sorcerer, the better to carry on his practice, and work upon the minds of his customers; he had a large wrapping- gown, trimmed with fur; a cap, and a large pair of list- shoes tied round his legs. He pretended to be insane, and would not give any cou- BANKRUPTS-. William Peter Joggett, of Bridge water- square, merchant William Hord, of York, merchant John Green, late of Reading, Berks, mealman Patrick Malone, of Manchester, merchant John Fingan, of Half- Moon- street, Bishopsgate, cal- lico and muslin dyer J. Cooper the elder, and J. Cooper the younger, of Sevenoaks, Kent, coopers Andrew Leith, late of Shoe- lane, smith James Dow, of Bush- lane, Canon- street, merchant William Pardoe of Clement's- I. ane, ivory turner Henry Arkinstate and Samuel George, of Burslem, Stafford, potters William Wood, now or late of Charlton- street, Fits- roy- square, cordwainer John Wright, of Lamb- street, Spitalfields, cheese- monger John Kilshaw, of Liverpool, merchant Edmund Read, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, miller Robert James, late of Size- lane, London, merchant DIVIDENDS. March 21. James and Joseph King, Newcastle upon Tyne, potters, at tlie Shakespear Tavern, New- castle ' 24. Charles Minisie, of Exeter, tallow- chand- ler, at the Globe Tavern, Exeter 19. Thomas Downey, Sunderland, Durham, ship- owner, at. the Peacock, bishopwearmouth 10. James jackson, Manchester, mullin ma- nufadturer, at the Star inn, Manchester 25. Samuel Bradbury, Basinghall- street, ton- don, broker, at Guildhall 19. Robt. Gilmour, Lyon's- inn, Middlesex, insurer, at Guildhall 26. J. Sturgess, of Northampton, dealer, at Guildhall, London 29. T. Manson of Token- house- yard, London, merchant, at Guildhall 26. S. Johns, of Plymouth- dock, shop keeper, at Phillip's Hotel, Exeter 28. S. Mourilyan, of Deat, taylor, at Guildhall, Canterbury 15. W. Jeffs, of the Strand, haberdasher, at Guildhall 15. T. Hayman, of the Old City Chambers, Bishopsgate- street, London, merchant, at Guildhall . 26. Jonathan Fox and William Fox, of the Pavement, Finsbury- square, Loudon, merchants, at Guildhall March 22. Thomas Rogerson, of Oxford- street, li- nen draper, at Guildhall. 24. Stephen Hartley, of Heckmondwike, Bir- stall, Yorkshire, carpet manufacturer, at the George and Dragon Inn, Dewsbury. « — 25. Rich. Parkinson, of Bentley, Yorkshire, common- brewer, at the Angel Inn, Doncaster 25. John Yendale, of Well Munckton, Somer- setshire, mealman at the Castle Inn. Taunton. 26. John Elvy the younger, Maidstone, tailor, at Guildhall. 24. John Faulkner, of Macclesfield, Chester, druggist, at the Bull's Head, Macclesfield. 23. joseph Hunt, of Weft Smithfield, glazier, at Guildhall. April 5. Robert Richardson, of Corporation- row, merchant, at Guildhall. —- 5. John Serle, of Shepton Mallett, Somerset- shire, clothier, at the Tavern, Bristol. April 23. Richard Dallaway, of Little Eastcheap, London, merchant, at Guildhall — 23. Thomas Smith, of Drury- lane, baker, at Guildhall 5. John Yare, of Oxford street, linen- draper, at Guildhall 9. Robert Bulsil Carre, of Saint George's in the Eatt, merchant, at Guildhall . 4. J. Mac Mikine, of Halifax, Yorkshire, deal- er, at the Bridgewater Arms, Manchester — 2. A. W. Deves, of George- street, Hanover- iquare, MiddlefSx, portrait- painter, at Guild- hall, London 26. M. Burkett, of Grays Thurrock, Essex, soap- manufacturer, at Guildhall — 2. N. Openheim, of Tooley- street, Southwark, grocer, at Guildhall — 26. R. A. Boyd, of Tokenhouse- yard, London, merchant, at Guildhall April 23. Saml Malcom, Old Broad- street, London at Guildhall The PURE DROPS of LIFE; Or, Vegetable Extract: Prepaid ( only) by T. M. LUCAS, V. D. M. ROAD, near Bath. THESE vivifying Drops are reputed by the Nobility, Clergy, and eminent Physicians, to be the richest aud most falutary Medicinal Cordial fever offered to the Public. Upwards of 700 Per- fons in Bath, and its Vicinity, have experienced the falubrious Influence of this wonderful Restorative : 14 made Oath of the surprising Efficacy of this very agreeable Medicine before tlie Rev. H. Bayntun, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Wilts.— Witnesses— T. W. Ledyard and J. Pooll, Esqrs.; the Churchwardens, Overseers, and othsr Gentlemen of Road, as may be feen in the Proprietors Address, the Bill of Directions, Sec. The Pure Drops of Life are prepared from a great Variety of Flowers, Fruits, Seeds, & c. therefore, to the Aged and Infirm; the tender Infant, and even the Pregnant Lady, they may be adminiltered with- out the flighteft Danger: for Public Speakers, Sing- eTS, ice. this Difcovery is the greatelt ever known, for clearing the Voice, strengthening the Lungs, and animating tbe whole Frame. As the vital Air is what supplies the Principle of animation and Strength to the living Body, these Vital Drops, which contain fo large a Portion of that Fluid, mult obviously be adapted to the Restoration of Health in most Diseases of Debility ; especially in Disorders of the Head, Stomach, and Bowels; violent Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Wind, Cholera Morbus, Sec. Liver Complaints, Palpitation of the Heart, Ner- vous Assestions, Indispositions of Females, & c. Jsc. Sold by the PRINTER of this PAPER -, and may be had of the Newfmen, and of the principal Venders of Medicine in the United Kingdom, in Bottles at 2s. 9d 6s. 1 Is. and 22s. each, Duty included. For Particulars see the Evangelical Magazine for March 1803. To Mr. T. M. Lucus, V. D. M. ROAd. SI*, Salisbury, Oct. 31, 1801, Must request the Favor of) our feeding 2 Bottles of your Pure Drops of Life, at 22s. each, by first Coach, and 6 more at fame Price, as foon as Convenient. I am, for Mr. Collins, Yours, ice. J DOWDING, To Mr. Lucus, V. D. M. ROAD. Frome, Jail. 20, 1803. I have remitted 101, for your Pure Drops of Life, they have compleatly cured me of my violent Cough, received the Drops you sent this Morning; but you have not ftnt any at 22s. beg you will send 2 Dozen at 22s. with all speed. I am, your most obedient Servant, T. WAYLAND. NOTICe is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at tbe feveral Toll Gates ei££ ted upon the Turnpike Road, leading from Lutterworth to Hinckley, in the County of Leicester, known by the several Names of the Bitteswell Toll Gate, the High Cross Toll Gate, and the Burgage and Lickett Lane Side Gates, will be LET by AUCTION to the belt Bidder, at the Houfe of John Harris, known by the Sign of the Plough Inn, in Hinckley atorefaid, on Tliurfd. iy the Twenty Fourth Day of March next, between the Hours of Eleven and Five of the Clock of the fame Day, in the Manner direfied by an AA, palled in the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majeity King GEORGE the Third, " for regulating the Turnpikes Roads," which Tolls were let for and produced the lalt Year the following Sums namely, The Bitteswell Toll Gate for - £ 157 The High Cross Toll Gate for - 132 And the Burbage Side Gate, and the LicO kett Lane Side Gate ( together by Com- >• 25 putation) produced - j Over and above the Expences of collecting the same, and will be put up at those respective Sums; and tbe highest Bidders or Takers of the same respectively may enter upon tbe Tolls arising therefrom upon the 21st Day of April next. Whosoever happens to be the bell Bidder must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the faid Road, for Payment of the Rents agreed for at fuch Times as they shall appoint, and the Takers respective- ly are requiied to bring their Sureties with them to the Meeting, in Order that Bonds may be immedi- ately entered into, otherwise the Tolls will be put up again and re- let. By Order of the Commissioners. CHARLES JERVIS, their Clerk. Hinckley February 24th, 18o3. HORNSBY and Go's. STOCK- BROKERS, At their old e » ablilhed STATE LOTTERY OFFICE, No. 26', CORNHILL, Opposite the Royal Exchange, London, Likewile in every Town in the Kingdom, appoint- ee by Government Authority. Clubs, Socitties and individual Purchasers, are re- spectfully acquainted that the Tickets, Halves, Quar- ters, Eighths snd Sixteenths, aie in very great De- mand, and will rise before the Drawing commences. Hornsbv and Co. therefore request their Friends not to delay purchasing.— The Tickets and Shares are now selling on ihe lowest possible Terms, and the Money for the Prizes paid on Demand, whether'a 20/. or a 20,000/.— The Capital Prizes are not fixed to be drawn on any particular Day, but are deter- minable as Chance miy direct.—' The lowetl Prize is 20/ which all Classes of Adventurers approve, of. Letters, Paicels by Mail Coach or Carrier, execut- ed precifely on tlie fame Terms as if prefent. Bank, India, ind South- Sea Stocks, with their feveral Annuities, and all Kinds of Government. Se- curities, bought and fold by Commission. English State Lottery. Begins Drawing APRIL 4?/ t, * 1803. NOTE.— The Capital Prizes in this Lottery are not fixed to be drawn upon any particular Day, and the lowest Prizes are .£ 20 each . SCHEME. No, ofPrijes. Value of each. Total Value. 4 of .£ 20,000 is ,£ 80,000 3 — 10,000 — 30,000 3 — 5,000 — 15,000 3 — 2,000 — 6,000 5 _ 1,000 — 5,000 30 — 100 — 3,000 60 — 50 — 3,000 12,500 -- 20 — 250,() 00 The TICKETS, EIGHTHS, HALVES, And QUARTERS, SIXTEENTH SHAR£ S Are felling on the loweit Terms, by Mr. NICHOLSON, At bit Licensed State Lottery Office, 16, CORNHIIL, LONDON, The uncommon Success that the Public experienc- ed during the lad Year at this Office, ( which is in- serted in the Schemes at large, whereby more than three Hundred different Perlons had Shares of capi- tal Prizes from 20,000/. to 500/) renders , it neceffaiy for every one, who intend to honor this Houfe with their Commands, to fee that every Share lias the Go- vernment Stamp thereon, and figned by the Public's molt obedient Servant, WM. NICHOLSON. County of Leicester. HUNDRED of FRAMLAND. ASSIZE of BREAD, for the faid Hun dred, fetthe 14th Day of October, 1803. lb. oz. dr. 0 7 10 0 0 1 2 3 5 7 The Penny Loaf Wheaten to weigh Ditto Houshold Ditto The Two- penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Ditto Houshold Ditto The Six- penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Ditto Houshold Ditto The Twelvepenny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Ditto Houshold Ditto The Eighteenpenny Loaf Wheaten Ditto 8 Ditto Houshold Ditto 11 HUNDRED of WEST GOSCOTE. It. 01. Jr. The Penny Loaf, Wheaten, to weigh Ditto, Houfhold, Ditto The Twopenny Loaf, Wheaten, Ditto Ditto Houfhold, Ditto The Sixpenny Loaf, Wheaten, Ditto Ditto, Houfhold, Ditto The Twelvepenny Loaf, Wheaten, Ditto Ditto, Houlhold, Ditto The Eight5enpenny Loaf, Wheatcn, Ditto Ditto, . Houlhold, Ditto HUNDRED of GUTHLAXTON. lb. oz. dr. The Penny Loaf Whearen . Ditto Houfhold The Two- penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houfhold The Six- penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houfhold The Twetve- penny Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houfhold The Eighteen- penuy Loaf Wheaten Ditto Houfhold - Every Wheaten Loaf is to be marked with a large Roman W. and every Houihold Loaf with a large Roman H. on Pain of forfeiting not more than 20S. nor. lefs than 5s. for every Loaf. To be continued till another Assize is let. 2 3 5 1 8 I-. 0 0 1 2 3 4 • 6 7 10 Dr. Anderson's, Or, the TRUE SCOTS PILLS. « THESE PILLS, which have been prepar- ed and given the greatelt Satrisfaction for upwards of SO Years by DICEY and Co. at their Original Medicine Warehouse, No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London, are singularly efficacious in Billious, Flatu- lent, and Dropsical Complaints, and all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels. They promote Digestion, create an Appetite, remove Obflruftions in the Kid- nies, and consequently are Antidotes to the Stone and Gravel, but for the Expulsion of Worms in Children or grown Persons the whole Materia Medica has not their Equal. Travellers, who are too often obliged to drink all Kinds of Liquors, as well as Seafaring People, should never be unprovided with them, as by frequently taking One or Two of them, they are kept from Costiveness, Scurvies, Fevers, and most malignant Distempers. The Scots Pills prepared by Dicey and Co. retain their Virtue for any Length of Time, and in all Cli- mates; and from the Peculiarity of the Composition, they never run together, an Advantage no othei Scots Pills poffefs: And therefore, for Exportation, or the Ufe of Gentlemeu in the Maritime Line, they have a manifeft Superiority. ff3" Spurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are fold in almoft every Town ; be careful therefore to afk particularly for Dicey's ANDERSON'S SCOTS PILLS, and to obferve that the Words " Dicey and Co. No. 10 Bow Church Yard," are printed in the Stamp Labels, and signed in the Margin of each Bill of Directions. They are sld Wholesale and Retail - by DICEY and Co, No. 10, Bow Church Yard, London, Price Is. ljd. per Box, containing Thirty Pills ; iind Retail by Gregory, Swinsen, Leicester; Drewry, Derby; Harrod, Bull, and Dawson, Harborough; Dicey and Sutton, Northampton; Newcomb, Stamford; Dewes and Twells, Ashby; Dodsworth, Burton; Pearson, Melton; Watts, Castle Donington ; Gamble, Lough- borough ; C. and H. Smith, Sapcote ; Toone, Wool- vey; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Leigh, Atherstone; S. and A. Cooper, Nuneaton; Wards, Hinckley; Burbage and Co. Doubleday, and Sutton, Notting- ham ; and by the Venders of Dicey ? nd Go's Medicines in every Town throughout the Kingdom. Of whom may be had, From Dicey and Co's Warehouse as above, Betton's Britifh Oil, for the Cure of external and internal Bruiles, Inflammations, Green and other Wounds, Burns, Scalds, Uc. liC.— Price Is. l| d. a| Bottle. The Refined, 2s. 9d. Pike's Ointment, for effectually curing the Itch without Confinement, or the least offensive Smell.— Price Is: 9d. a Box. s. d. Bathing Spirts 0 9 DEAFNESS. MR. WATKINS, of the Stamp Office, Hereford, in a Letter datea February 14, 1803, addressed to the Wholesale Vender of Dr. Tay- lor's celebrated Remedy for Deafnefc, fays, " A Person in this Neighbourhood having been cured by Dr. Taylor's Remedy, several others intend to make Use of it this Spring, in Consequence of my having recommended them to inquire of the above mentioned Person. Lancaster, Feb. 3, 1803. DEAr SIR, 1 I have the Pleasure to inform you, that I * con- tinue to receive Accounts of the Efficacy of your Deaf Remedy; and having now a small Order to send to the West Indies, you will be fo good as to send me two or three Dozen by the first Coach. I remain, Yours, & c. W. MINSHULL. * Three Cures performed in the Month of Septem- ber last in the Neighbourhood of Lancaster, have already been noticed in the public Papers. Sold at 8s 6d. a Bottle, Duty included, with full and plain Directions, by the Printer of this Paper; Adams, Loughborough; Tupman, Nottingham ; and Drewry, Derby. The following Case was fent by Mr. BAXTER, Italian Warehoufe, South Bridge, Edinburgh, to Dr. BRODUM, attcfled by the celebrated Dr. ALEXANDER CARLYLE. Craighall, Augufi 24, 1802. DEAR SIR, ABOUT Six Years ago, I was afflicted with excruciating Pains in my Legs, which continued for Twelve Months, about which Time they began to swell greatly, and at last broke out in very offensive ulcers, from the Ankle to the Knee, and continued in this Manner for two Years, all which Time I was confined to the House, being un- able to walk, and my Health much impaired ; hav- ing tried every Thing that could be thought of for a Cure. without Effect, I was advised by a Friend of mine to try " your BOTANICAL SYRUP, and upon taking the first Bottle I found my Health become better, and the Ulcers to have a better Appearance, which encouraged me to persevere with your Syrup, until I had taken six Bottles more, during which Time my Health still became better and the Ulcers healed, and I am in as good a State of Health as I have been in for these ten Years past, and my Legs are entirely well, and have continued fo for these 2 Years past. I am, Sir, Your most obliged humble Servant, GEORGE STIELL, THE ABOVE fACTS ARE ATTESTETF BV ALEXANDER CARLYLE, Minister of Inveresk in the Neighbourhood of Edinburgh. CARLYLE BELL, Elder. GEORGE STEWART, Elder. CAPT. ALEXANDER BLAKE, Mariner, of South Shields, acknowledges to have received much Be- nefit by taking Dr. BRODUM's BOTANICAL SYRUP, he being afflicted with the Scurvy and Gravel ALEXANDER BLAKE. ' Auguff 1 j, 1800. A 22s. bottle contains equal to 5 fmsfll- tiiics. Letters, tating Patients' Cases, with [ he Doctor's ufual Fee of a Guinea, will be strictly attended to. The Botrnical Syrup and Resorative Nervous Cordial to b; had at the Doctor's House, No.. 9, Al « bion- street, near the Leverian Museum, Surry- side of Blackfriars bridge, in Bottles at <£ l 2s. lis. and 6s ( Duty induced) and of Gregory, Swinfen, Leicester; Burbage & Co. and J. Dale, Nottingham ; Taylor, Wirksworth; Pritchard, Derby; Catlow, Chesterfield; Adams, Loughbro'; and one Perfon in every Town in Great Britain and Ireland. Brodum's Guide to Old Age, Or Advice to both Sexes, To obtain a radical and permanent Cure for those secret Infirmities of Nature which Delicacy, often forbids to disclose, even to their Relatives; with a ; Treatise on Female Diseases, Nervous, Hypochon- driac, and Consumptive Complaints. To which is added, Advice to Bath and Hot- well Bathers, & c, It is particularly recommended to Sea- faring Men. Never- failing, CURE for the ITCH in twenty- four Hours. TO THOSE AFFLICTEd WITH tHe ABOVE DISORDER Barclay's Original Ointment Is recommended as a safe, speedy, and effectual Remedy THIS Ointment has been in general Use for up- wards of seventy Years, without a single in- stance » f its having failed to cbre the most inveterate Cafes. It does not contain the imaUelt Particle of Mercury, or any other dangerous Ingredient, and may be lately used by Perfons ot the molt delicate Constitution. The Public are requeued to obferve, that none can possibly be genuine unlets figned by the Proprietors, Barclay and Son, and great Danger may arise from the Neglect of this Caution. Sold Wholefale and Retail by Barclay and Son, ( the only Successors of Jackson and Co.) No. 95, Fleet- Market, London, Price Is. 9d. Duty included j and by their Appointments, by J. GREGORY, Lei- celter; Adams, Loughbro'; Pearson, Melton ; Leigh, Atherstone; Beadsmore, ashby; Wards, Hinckley j Dodsworth, Burton ; wilkinson, Wellord. DEBILITY. THE various Degrees and Kinds of Waste or Decay that affect the human Body, though owing to Causes not the same, and attended each with some Symptoms not common to the real, agree very much in this, that the Basis or Ground Work. ua . all is nearly the same. Nervous Patients are generally disordered in the Stomach, and afflicted wiih Loss of Appetite, dry Coughs, weakness of the Voice, Hoarseness, Short- ness of Breath upon the least Exercise, and a Relax ation of tlie whole Nervous System. Some arc af- flicted with a considerable Loss of Strength, Pale- ness, sometimes a slight Jaundice; Pimples often appear in the Face, and particularly about the Fore- head, Temples, and Nose ; leanness; they are greatly affected by Change of Season, particularly cold Weather j Langour of the Eyes; weakness of Sight, and Loss of Memory. Dr. Solomon's Cordial balm of Gilead is happily calculated for the Weak, the Sickly, ani tl « ; Infirm:' In all inward Decays, Debility, Lownefs of Spirits, Weakness in either Sex owing to youthful Impru- dencies, or Nervous Consumptions, its merit stand unrivalled. The ANTI- IMPETIG1NES, the long fought for Remedy for all Stages of tiie Venereal Disease, when Mercury or Antimony, Nitrous Acid, and other Medicines so fashionable of late, prove abor- tive. The Anti- Impetigines being founded on a che- mical and philosophical Basis,' proves of the highest Utility in all Cafes of " depraved Habit with Affec. tions of tlie Skin," hence its Efficacy in Cases of Scur- vy, Scrofula or Leprosy., as well as ia the confirmed Lues, and hence by us sanative Power it expels the Virus out of the System, and restores it to a Convale- scence when impaired by Disease or the deleterious Preparations of Mercury, Antimony, or Aquafortis. Likewise for Pimples, Blotches, Freckles, Ring, worms, Blackworms, Carbuncles, & c. & c. The great est Clearer and Beautifier of the Face is undoubtedly- SOLOMON'S ABSTERGENT LOTION. And re- moves all Disorders of the Skin, Pints 4s 6d. Halt Pints ss. yd. It is the most elegant, fragrant, mild, safe and valuable Liquid or Wash for Scorbutic and other Eruptions 011 the Face and Skin. It gently restores the Skin to a Degree of Fairness ' and Purity, beyond the Powers of Description. Ladies may rely that renders the Skin fair, delicate, and removes every Kind of Stain, Tan, Sunburn, and all thofe Freckle* which long Illnels and Fatigue geneiaily produce : >*. short, it is the only Cosmetic a Lady can use at her Toilette, with Ease, Comfort, arid Safety, or a Gentle- man have recourse to, when Shaving is become a dread- ful Operation by an eruptive Disease oa the face. Just published, at 3s. ordy, An entire new Edition of SOLOMON'S GUIDE TO HEALTH, or Advice to both Sexes ; in Nervoiw and Consmptive Complaints, as well as Disorders liable to be imprudently contracted by Youth.—— Containing an Essay on the Venereal Disease, Gleets, Seminal Weakness, and Female Complaints-"* pri- vate Nature; an Address to Parents aad Guardians, Tutors, and those who have the Care and Education of Youth, with a Variety of authentic Facts, never be- fore inferted iu any Edition of Solomon's Guide to Health. Sold by J. GREGORY, Swinfen, and Combe Leicester Beadsmoore, Ashby- de- la- Zouch ; Drewry, Derby; Adams, Loughborough; Burbage and Stretton, Dunn, Sutton, Nottingham; Allen, Hurst, Grantham, Jacob, Peterborough; Harrod, Dawson, Harborough j Hemsal, Lutterworth ; James, Hinckley; Dicey & Co Marshall, Edge, Northampton ; Rollason, Luckman & Suffield, Coventry; Sharp, Warwick 5 Baker, Tam. worth ; Morgan, Lichfield. 7. M o N D A Y, Mar. Owing to great arrivals, a general depression h2i taken place in the price of all Grain at this market.— Wheat has fallen 2s. per quarter, the supply beiag so very considerable. Barley and Malt likewise are down, at about'Is. 6d. pftr quarter. English Oats, frort an extraordinary abundantie, are also lower. ] jt is, however, to be remarked, that some few very- prime samples of each sort of Grain, obtained good prices. Tick Beans are 3s. and 4s. per quarter cheap- er. Small ditto npt quite so much. White and Grey Pease partake of the general decline, and ara 2s. per quarter lower. SMITHFIELD.— MONDAY— March 7, To sink the offal- per stone of 8/ 4. Beef 4s Veal Pork Mr. ROOME, Derby. Miss. WILSON, Rotherham. Mr. BARROW, Kegworth. I Mr. SMITH. Bakewell. Mr. BRADLEY, Chesterfield. I Mrs WALKER, Ashbourne, Mr. HOLLERINSHAW, Tideswell Mr. DODSWORTH, Burton, Mr. PARKER, Harborough. Mrs. ELLA. Loughbro Mr. LESTER, Sheepshead. Messrs G. & A. WARD, Hinckley. | Mri CLEMENTSON, Melton, I Mr, ROBERT YOUNG, Ashby, i Mr. LOSEBY, Billesdon, Oak- lages adjacent, & c. ham, & c. Mr. GLOVER. Frisby, Grantham, Printed by J. Gregory & Co. Market Place Leicester,
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