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The Edinburgh Advertiser

Date of Article: 25/06/1799
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Address: sold at the Printing-house, Castlehill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LXXI    Issue Number: 3703
No Pages: 8
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VOL. LXXI. THE No. 3703. EDINBURGH ADVERT! From FRIDAY JUNE 21, to TUESDAY JUNE 25, 1799. r SATURDAYS POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, June 19. LONDON, v HE following extraCt from the » Log Book of his Majefty's ( hip Cormorant, ferves to correal feveral errors that have been publifhed with refpeCt to dates ; its authenticity may be relied upon : Sunday, May 5.— Eighteen fail of French line- of- battle Ihips palled the Gut of Gibraltar.— Same day. Five fail of Spanifh Ihips of the line feen off Gibraltar. Sunday, May 13— Seventeen fail of the line, un- der Earl ST. VINCENT, palled the Gut of Gi- braltar. Monday, May 13.— The Cormorant fell in with the Englijh fleet, eight leagues to the eaftward of Cape de Gal, having a fine breeze. Friday, May 17.— Seventeen fail of Spanijh line- of- battle Ihips parted Gibraltar for the Straits. Sunday, May 19.— Five fail of the line, under Rear- Admiral WHITSHED, palled Gibraltar, for the Straits. Tuetday, June 4.— The Cormorant oke Sir ALAN GARDNER, olf Cape Finifierre, with ftxteen fail of the line ; and, in confequence of the Cormo- rant's information, the Admiral crowded a prefs of fail, to join Earl ST. VINCENT. The following is a correct ldt of the Britifo Naval Force in ' he Mediterranean :— Admiral Lord ST. VINCENT, 21 fail of the line, Rear- Admiral WHITSHED 5 Rear- Admiral LORD NELSON 15 Admiral Sir ALAN GARDNER 16 Total 57 Befides frigates and lmaller veffels, and number of Ruffian, Turkifh, and Portugueze fhips of war, the whole of which are no doubt by this time united, Lord ST. VINCENT having fent orders to Malta, Palermo, and Alexan- dria, for the feveral fquadrons to join him at Minorca. Government are faid to have received within thefe few days, authentic intelligence of the organization of a new La Vendee in the Wef- tern Departments of France. The Confcripts in that part of the Republic having r nil very generally refufed to march, but had fled in great numbers with their arms, and joined the infurgents in the woods and defiles, who are faid to occupy a chain of polls, extending from the Mouth of" the Seine ro the Loire. The representation of an Opera which har- monizes the language of Royalifm, has given fuch alarm to the Government, that it has been thought neceflary to fupprefs it, and a motion was carried in the Council of Five Hundred fjr that purpofe. The Opera, which, in their prefent circumjlances, the Diredory found it neceflkry to fupprefs, was the TRIUMPH of the EMPEROR. ADRIAN— and the following was the paflage which was found moft fault with, as a fuppofed allufion to the Emperor of Germany— " Ceefar regne fur nbus, toujours grand, toujours " jufte, " £ t que ton front Augufte s'aecoutoume aux lauriers facres —" " Cxfar, always great and always juft, reigns over us, his brow encircled with the fac- red laurels of the conquerors." The Choiians have again appeared, and the Direflory is befet with denunciations. Everv thing announces fome new change about to take place, the period of which is not remote. The prefent Government of France has molt to fear on the Frontiers of Switzerland, they being the leaft guarded with ftrong polts, and from whence the. Allies can molt eafily pe retrate, as far- es f. yons, a city where. the dif- pofitions of the inhabitants againft the Direlh, ry are troll inveterate, and molt to be dread- ed, on account cf its great population, and its geographical pofition, which opens a direCt line of communication between the Southern Provinces and the Capital.— Hence the Go- vernment collets all its force towards Swit- zerland, forms a Camp between Lyons and Geneva, and fends its reinforcements to Maf- fria, rather than to Moreau, whofe retreat into Provence prefents more diftant dangers. The ABBE SIEYES, the new French Direc- tor, throughout the whole of his political en-. reer, has ftiewn himfelf to be a complete dif- ciple of the famous Vicar of Bray, having con trived, in all reigt! s, to keep in with the pre- vailing power. As long as the Monarchical regime continued, he not only profeffed him- lelf warmly attached to a Kingly Government, but even entered the field of literary conteft againft To? n Paine, to prove its great perfec- tion, and vaft fuperiority orer any Republican fvftem that could be devifed ; but finding the Regicide faClion fhortlv after predominate in the country, lie affeCled to fee things in an en- tire new light, and has ever fince been the creature of the party whofe power appeared the ftrongeft in the State. From a ftatement of the French Finances, it appears that the fum provided for of the expences for the 7th year, amounts to Two Hundred and Ninety- eight Millions, Four Hundred and Thirty- fix Thoufand, One Hun- dred and Thirty- nine Livres. A fum amount- ing to verv nearly Twelve Millions and a Half Sterling. This deficit is not calculated upon the aCtual produce of the French Taxes, but upon the funis voted ; when the real a- mount of thefe fums is known, it is probable that the deficiency will be found to be ftill greater. The crofling of Mount Cenis by the French and ftalian fugitives from Italy was the moft burlefque aflemblage that ever was feen. Di' reflors, Legiflators, with their wives, their concubines, and their little ones, fled with what- ever they could carry. A French CommifTary defcribes the avidity with which they de- vouied his eggs on the top of the Alps, but the grand objeCt with every one was to fave his bacon 1 Reprefentations to Government are abou' to be made by the merchants trading to the Bal tic, refpeCting the hofls of privateers in the ports of Norway, which greatly annoy out Commerce. Into one port only, fince the laft three years, no lefs than 250 Bririfh fhips have been carried. The whote number of veffels captured during this period, by the enemy, whofind every kind of afliftance andencourage- ment from tbe Norwegians, is incredible, and calls aloud for fome decifive meafure to protect fo valuable a part of our commerce. The re- fonrces which the enemy draw from: hefe ptizes are of the greateft advantage to them. The Report from the Secret Commitee of the Houfe of Lords refpeCting treafonable prac- tices has been made. It is founded upon the fime evidence, and enforces the fame conclu- fions, which are contained in the more ample and detailed Report of the Houfe of Common: on the fame fubj- Ct. From two papers ed, it appears that the Corr.- fpor. ding Sochly .. .. . „ Vy had maintained a correfpondeiice with many A the principal towns in England and Scotland, and that there were Societies of the fame na- ture in molt of the great towns of this country. There is no new information in the Report. The Scots Towns in which there were Cor- refponding Societies, are ftated in the Repoi to he Edinburgh, Glafgow, Perth, Dundee,. Paifley, Berwick, Jedburgh, Kilmarnock, and Stranraer. The Report adds, that it is be- lieved there are feveral others. Laft week a fervant of Mr. Shenitone, of Slandeford, near Brewood, having carelefsly brought forne fire near his hay- itacks, for the purpofe of burning weeds, it caught the ftacks. and they were all foon in flames, and moft o: them burnt. MONDAY'S POST. From th'e LONDON PAPERS, ' June ar. L O N D O N. HOUSE OF COMMONS.- IVednefday, June 19. MR. DOUGLAS made a motion to continue the Scots Difli'dery laws with amend- ments, and a bill was ordered in. DUKE OF RICHMOND'S DUTY ON COALS. Mr. Pitt moved for a copy of the grant of King Charles II. to the Duke. of Richmond and his heirs, of a duty of is. per chaldron on coals carried coaftwife from the River Tyne.— Or- dered. Several inftruCtiorrs propofed by Mr. Pitt being agreed to, the. Houfe refolved - hn: Lords of the Treafurv fhouid be author fed to con'raCt with the Duke of Richmond for rh redemption of his duties upon coals, and to grant him in lieu thereof a yeatlv fum out of Confolidated Fund, not exceeding the ave rage produce upon 10 years preceding the jih of April 1799. in a Committee on the Judges Salaries Bill. Mr. Tiemey wifhed to know whether the fala- ries~ were. to be exclufive of all expences ? : Mr. Pitt replied that they were not, for the Judges would Itill have to defray the . expences at'ending the Circuits. Mr. Tierney then declared that he had not the fmalleft objection to make as to their a- mount. In a Committee of Ways and Means voted an additional iflue of 3 millions of Exchequer Bills.— Adjourned. The following outward bound Eafl India Ships failed on Wednefday evening, under convoy of the Madras man of war, cf 54 guns, viz.— Duke of Buccleuch, HindoJlan. Hope, Abergavenny, Charlton, IVoodford, A, J, Albion, Warley, Britannia, and Eliza Ann, extra fhips, Regulus for the Cape. The Abbe Sieyes, on being inftalled a Mem- ber of the French Directory, fwore hatred to all Kings, although he had but a few days be- fore paid his moft humble devoirs to his MA- JESTY of PRUSSIA, and was at the time load- ed with. the high favours and brilliant prefents of that Monarch. The virulent animadverfions on all the Allied Powers, contained in the proclamation of the Council of Five Hundred to the French people, laft ADVERTISER,) are extremely applicable to thenifelves, and, without that ap- plication, have no truth in them; whilft the advice they give, and the vigilance they re- commend, for fubduing a " favage Conque- ror," are fuch as there is no little doubt of being turned, with effeCt, againft the Great Nation. EAST - INDIA HOUSE. Yelterday a General Court of Proprietors of Eaft India Stock was held at the Company's Houfe.— The Dividend for the lalt half year was declaied at per cent. The CHAIRMAN ftated, that the Direflors had complimented Lord NELSON with the fum of TEN THOUSAND POUNDS in confequence of his glorious condudl at the battle of the NILE. A penfion to the wido v of Mr. EDWARD HAY, late a Member of the Board of Trade, and many years Secretary to the Government General of Bengal, of 300I was agreed to. MR. DAVID SCOTT. The Court pioceeded to the confideration of the Papers refpedling Illicit Trade. Mr. David Scott faid, he would not ( loop to anything like recrimination againft his accufcrs; he only tame there to defend - himfelf, and he thought the propereft ftep he could take, was to call on his conftituents to determine the queftion concerning his character. Mr. ChiJbolm faid, he had read over all the printed papers, in which he not only aid not fee any thing that could jullify the charges againft r , .0 vid - ir- ft but was convinced that the pa- pers were fufficient to acquit him thoroughly; he concluded by moving, " That it does not appear to the fatisfadlion of this Court, from the papers printed for their Con- ftituents, that it was neceflary to include the name of David : eott, fen. in any Ei'l of Dif overy, but. as the Court of Directors have thought proper, at the requeft of Air. • Scott himfelf ( although not confiftent with, the refolution of the laft General Court) to prppare a Bill, including his name, and to fubmit the fame to his Majefly's Attorney- Ge- neral,: this Court do acquiefce therein. But they think it incumbent upon them to declare, that they do . not fee, from thefe . papers, : the fmalleft reafon to iufpect Mr. Scot of having betrayed any confidential knowledge which he poftclted Member of the Secret- Committee, or any part of his duty, as a Diiedlor of this Company, or of hav- ing any perfonal knowledge of the fhip Helfnger. nor of tranfadtions relative to the trade of the Houfe of D. Scott, Jun. & Co. and that they entirely concur with* the Court of Directors in acquitting him of all peifbnal imputation." Mr. Lujhington faid, he role to fecond t! i motion, although he did not think it went far enough ; becauie he conceived there was n- o. ground whatever for filing a bill ef. difcovery againft Mr. Scott. He understood the charges againft this gen- tleman to be thofe of his having ( as a partner in the houfe of David Seoit, jun. and Co ) " carried on an illicit trade to the Eaft Indies, by fending out Englifh goods which were firft carri . d to Copenha- gen, and from thence fent to India as Danilh pro- perty. That he had given fecret intelligence of an intended expedition againft Manilla to the Spa- niards, who were at war with this country; and alfo fupplied them with goods and ftores. It did not appear from the papers, that there was a fingle adt imputed to. the houfe of David Scjtt and Co. but adis of agency ; which it was the bufinefs of the Government to encourage, in order that the manufactures of the country might be exported to the greateft extent poflible.: If this, therefore was the fadt, on what ground could the Houfe he charged with carrying on an illicit trade,. when the parties were not owners but agents, aCting for pfrfons at Copenhagen ? There was only one perlbn on whofe evidence the whole of thofe charges were founded. This was the man who failed iu the fliip, and who had falfely charged the Captain with murder, hecaufe he r^ fuled to give him a lum of money. After- the fhip in quellion had been carried into Manilla by the Spaniards,-^ this man firft faid that the caigo was Danifh property ; he afterwards fwore it was Brltijb, and belonged to- D. SCOTT and Co. Every circumft& nce went to. fhow that this was a perjured man ; yet. he was the only evidence againft Mr, • cott. With refpcCt to the charge of communi- cating intelligence to the enemy, it was admitted in the papers betore the Court that the Captain of the ( hip had picked up an Englijb Newfpaper fume- where, in which it was ftated that an expedition was preparing againft Manilla. It was neceflary that the Court 011 that day Ihould not only acquit - Mr. Scott, but annihilate all the proceedings againft him. lt muft ftrike the Attorney General, who intended to file a bill of difcovery, that an agent was not anfwerable for the future deftination of goods. Mr. Elphinjlone faid, that no man in- this country could adt a. an agent in lending out property that was intended for the Eaf indies ; nor could he law- fully fend goods to any other country, knowing that they were afterwards to be fent to the Eaft Indies. This would be found to be the opinion of the firlt - lawyers in this country. After lome debate the motion was put, and car- ried unanimoully. Mr David Scott then declared, that although before this decifron he l ad felt himlelf perfeflly at eafe in his own mind, yet the juftice which the Court had done to his character and injured repu- tation, made an impreflion on him which he Ihcul. l never forget.. To TIN FREEHOLDERS & COMMISSIONERS or SUPPLY ton FIFE. GENTLEMEN, UNDERS1 ANDING that your votes have been.' folicited for the Office of the Co'dcdlor of the Ctfs of this Counry, upon a report circulated ths* I am foon to relign that Office— I take this public method of acquainting you, that I have no fuch in- tention, and beg leave to folicit your fupport as for- merly. I have the honour- to be, GENTLEMEN, Your molt obediint humble fervant, RoJfs, Ju,, e 10, 1799. . JOHNCHEAPE. T E E T * H.- MR. LAW, DENTIST IN ORDINARY TO HIS ROYAI. HIGHNEJS THE PRINCE or WALES, & C. pAKES leave molt refpetfUulIy to acquaint tbe i Nobility, Gemry, and the Public in General, That he has REMOVI. Dfrom his late Apartments in Prince's Street, tohisHoufe, No. 4, ROSE COURT, NEW TOYVN, EDINBURGH. The diltinguilheil preference with which, he has been honoured, and the very flattering approbation he has hitherto received, joined to the daily increafe of his bulinefs. has now determined him to lix i f'. V'. re r ; clence in the City of Edinburgh, wlitre lie ^ - v! irin.'' cs to prarStife his profeffitm o! a iJEN'r is ,, in the moil unlimited fenfe of the word. He in.... -. from a Single Tooth, to that of a whole Sett. Not merely to have the Semblance of nature, but 1b as to become nfeful in MaJlication, ^ m\ the delirable facul- ty of fpcech. He alfo undertakes from a long erpe- rieoce of practice, to Cure every other . diford.- r in- cident to the Mouth, & c. anJ refts ltis future fuc- cefs and reputation on the candour of an impartial public, in. the lull confidence ofhope, th- it, although almolt anjentirc ltranger in ( he Capital, modelt merit will not go unnoticid by the liberal difcernment of a generous nation Entry, Ea/ l Side of St. Andrew's Church,! George's Street, or by Thiltle Street, j , 0 N S A LJZ, . AMERICAN BARREL STAVES— DAMZIE- and PeterfburgU PEARL ASHES, on mo- derate terms.^- Apply to ROBERTSON & BAR- RY. LEITH, • June 20,1799. ON CONSIGNMENT, FOR SALE TOO X> KAMS ROYAL. AND DEMY BROWN J IX. PAPER. 50 Hhds. and Tierces RAW SUGARS , Alfo 1 UMP & SINGLE REFINED SUGAR. _ SpTDAVlD VALENCE refpedfully informs the 1 radej they can have a regular- fupply of thele arti- cles at the Wardhoufe of - MARGARET VALANCE. Herlot's Bridge, Edinburgh, lefb June, 1799.- BR E ME N Y A R N. - " Daily expedfed by the Anh and the Kattv, for Kirk- - caldy, and will there be expofed to rale HHREE Thbrfand Bundles,- ball qualityto J I 7i'E- per bundle, at 3 months creuit. I he flay nt faip wjj| advertiied on arrival., is O H E A T ii TIN'S Sale Room, South Bridge. Streit!'-- Dealers and Families could. not wiffi a more favourable op- portunity to buy It will |) r pur up at 2s. per poaud to encourage bidders, and fold olf without .. referve- for ready money. on from- ten in the moimns- of the day of fale, till the fate commence Catalogues to be had at Martin's SUe Room TOWN OF . SXIRTTiNcT-' CONTRACTORS WANTED - FOR REPAIR ol ^^ nftCHurcl ol SI 1RLING, agreeable t.. Plan., and Propyls to be few at tbe Town Clerk's Off c « wher* , h I. 1 ling to Uridert ke the Work, m^' lodge theh- ER I . mates fcaled im hrt « » , .• - co*- mates lea, ed up, betwixt and the ill ( rfAufeuft next when the preference will be c'etermir. rf. bwh cS of Council Not to he Ve^ ed To - be SOLD by Private Barzai, LTTCFC' ].„•.._ , I ,. .... P. " r^ PPHiS8 ® iyi,; g I" thu EATAWND " f Uccea. cQ Robert . Smith,' with the- Yard bcWm- ^ r^ W1 ™ 1 ® ' application , to V. Hiam Law,- merchant in Mrtritrofe- or Alex" Dayidfon writer to Brechin. Net to h repsafctf.' Jlie. lj:,!, Z2. d June, I799,,. 432 This Day is P- A'. ijhei, BY BELL & BRADFUXE, ( Handfamely printed in oiftavo, and iiluftrated by a vLi<;*. and Outlines of Eight Counties—- price 5s. - boards) SCOTLAND DELINEATED, Or a GeograDhical Defcription of EVERY SHIRE IN SCOTLAND, INCLUDING THE NORTHERN & WESTERN ISLES; . With fome Account of the Curiofities, Antiquities, and'Prefnt State of the Country. The Second Edition, ivith confiderable Additions. Edinburgh, printed for Bel! ana Bradfute, and G. G. & J. Robinfon, London. Where affi nsry be'had. juji publifaei, r. Forgufon's Hiftory of the Progrefs and Termi- nation of the Roman Republic; a new edition, with maps, T vols. 8vo. II. ICS. boards. 2. The Genealogy of the Stewarts Refuted, in a letter to Andrew Steuart, Efq; M. P. 8vo. 4s. 6d. boards; or 4to. 7s. 6d. boards. The Rife, Progrefs, and Confequenees of the Nlw Opinions and Principles lately introduced into France, with Obfervations, 5s: boards. 4. Aiken and Enfield's General Biography, or Lives of . Eminent Perfons, voi. III. 4to. II. 5s. boards. 5. The Works of Sir William Jones, with Head, . .20d other Plates, 6 vols, royal <} to. lol. 10s. boards. HORSE AND GIG FOR SALE. A FASHIONABLE LIGHT GIG and HAR- r\ NESS, little vvorfe than new; with a Bay Cropt HORSE, in high condition, found, and well broke to it; only fold becaufe the owner has left the country. - To be feen at- No. 72, Prince s Street, any day from nine to twelve o'clock. NOTICE IS HEREBY GJVEiS, rpHA f the whole STOCK of SHEEP on the I FARM of STONEH1LL, parith of Craw- fordjohn, and county of Lanark, is to be expofed to • Sale on Saturday the 29th curt.— Alfo, the LEASE of the ( aid Farm is to be LET for 4 years , mcncingat Whitfund. iy laft. IQ « « tfm-. , com- T- 00 EDINBURGH ADVERTISER F THE SUN FIRE OFFICE, WRITERS COURT, ROYAL EXCHANGE, EDINBURGH, r~ JPHE Annual Premiums due upon Infurances in JL this Office at the term of MID- SUMMER, being the 24th of Jane inftant, are requefted to be immediately paid up, as alfo a Duty of Two" Shil- lings on every Hundred Pounds; as by negle< 5ting tl> e payment thereof 15 days after the term, the be- nefit of the policy expires. Perfons ini'ured are therefore delired to call at the Office, where receipts are given for the premium on old Infurances, and policies iffued for new ones. ROBERT ALLAN, AGENT. . FARM IN I- U'T. To be LET, for 19 years, and entered into at Martinmas 1799, THF. FARM of I. OCHMALONY, in the pa- rifh of Kilmeny, confuting of 19.-? Scots acres, good arable land, with the exception of 17 acres paf- ture and muir. The farm is fituated three miles north from Cupar, and the fame distance from the harbour of Balmerino, on the I" ay. Has an excellent farm- houfe, newly built. Propofals in writing to be given in to the proprie- tor at l. ochmalony Houfe, betwixt and zoth July who will fend a fervan't to fhow the farm. CRAMOND BRIDGE t'Oi. l. BAH.. • npHE DUTIES leviable- at the faid Tcjil Bar are § _ to be expofed to LET, by public roup, within • the Town- houfeof Queensferry, upon Saturday the 6th day of July next, at 11 o'clock noon, for one v- ar from and after the Id day Of Auguft 1799. ' ' i'he articles of roup to be feen in the hands of ' Robert Murray, clerk to the truftees, at Queensferry TO SELF. HOUSE & GARDENS AT QUEENSFERRY. To be SOLD by public roup within John's Co( i » , Mr, James Reid, and fee- houfe, Edinburgh, on Wednefday the loth Julv 1799, at II o'clock noon, r- jbHAT Large TENEMEN I' at the Weft. End of the Burgh of Queensferry, confifting of 7 excellent rooms and large kitchen, befides garrets, with large Cellars ( one of which will contain from 50 to 100 puncheons); together wi'h the garden be- hind the houfe, and the other garden on the north thereof, all which belonged to the late Robert Pon- ton, merchant, Queensferry. This prop.- rty is extremely well fituated for Bath- ing quarters, has been " frequently poifeilld by per- fons of distinction for that purpofe. It lies without the liberties, and therefore not fubjedt to the'AficiT- jrncnts, property within the Burgh is liable to.— It holds of the family of Dundas of Dundas for pay- ment of a trifling feu- duty.— Entry at Martinmas next. The progrefs of writs is in the hands of Robert Pick, writer in Edinburgh, to whom application nay be made for farther particulars. V, FARM IO BE SUBSEl IN t HE NEIGH BOURHOOD OF INVERNESS. rT" lHE LANDS of MUCKOVIE, about three J miles fouth eaft of the town of Invernefs, and ancaf-. iring about I57 acres, of which more than rco • acres are arable, the reft good pafture, both for black cattle and horfes, and the whole inclofed and fubdivided with fufficient ftone dykes, and well fhel- f. red for wintering ciittle. There is a very good Heading of houfes on the farm, and eafy accefs to the different inclofures by fecure gates. Any pcrfon who wilhes for fuch a farm, may commune or correfpond with David Cumyng, at Nairn, the tackfman, who will inform as to the t . rms upon which hi intends to fubfet the Lands • i r the remaining 13 years of the leafe, from Whir- fiindav laft, with Entry immediately. FARMS TN ROXBURGHSHIRE AIND SEL- KIRKSHIRE. To be LET in one Farm and entered into at Whir- funday 1800, for any number of years not exceed- ing Nineteen. rpHE FARM of BROOMBAI. KS, as prcfent- | Iv pnlfdDTed by Wilriam Turr. bull, the Farm of HUMTFORD, aspofffffed by William Crofier. to- gether with the fix new Townhead Inclofures, mak- • ing in all i- ix hundred Englilh acres or thereby. The above grounds fituated in ihe parith of Jed- fcurgh and county of Roxburgh, lie Contiguous and compact, are within an eafy day of coal and lime, and coefift of excellent arable and pafture land.— Tin y are almoft completely inclofed, and it is pro- pofed to build a new onftead in a juration beft a- dapred to the grounds. Alfo fituated as above, the INN of CAMP- TOUN, with fuch quantity of ground as fiiall be a- greed upon. . And fituated in SELKIRKSHIRE the well known .' Sheep FarnVoT OLENKERRY, as prefently poffef- ied bv William Bryden. Propo'f. sis In writing [ for the above farms to be ! oi* ef V i- H Mi\ Walter Riddell in Jedburgh, or ic; u to ':- c ire to be' forwarded to the proprietor. ' T5,; Orsrfter at Edgerjton will flj. w the grounds. ORDERS RECEIVED AND EXECUTED At No. 12, NICOLSON's STREET, Edinburgh. THE Lucky Lottery Office, eftabliihed upwards of thirty years, at No. II, Holborn, where Tickets and Shares of Tickets are now felling by J. BRANSCOMB, Stock- Broker, by whom theFIRST 30,000 POUND PRIZE ever fold, No. 24,106 was iliared in I half, 1 fourth, 1 eighth, and 2 fixteenths. And in the fame year, No. 34.512, intitled to TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, was fold in I half, I quarter, I eighth, and 3 iixteenths. Like- wife the firft Blank ever intitled to Twenty Thou- fand Pounds, No. 37,247, was fold in I fourth, 3 eighths, and 6 fixteenths, in Lottery for 1797.— And in the State Lottery, drawn February 1796, No. 30,342, intitled to TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, wa3 fold in I half I fourth, I eighth, and 2 fixteenths. And in the fecond IriHi Lottery for 1798, the tic- ket No. 24,821, intitled to TWO THOUSAND POUNDS, was fold to a club of gentlemens fervants near Bedford- fquare, being divided into 16 equal parts; one of the fortunate adventurers had a fix- teenth of a 2c, occl. prize from the above office the year before. Likewife, inthe fameLottery, NQ. 28,878, intitled to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS, was fold and regiftered to a club of 21 labouring men. And in the laft Englilh Lottery, No. 11,180, intitl- ed to TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS, being the only one fliared, was fold in 2 quarters and 8 fix- teenths. Likewife in the fame Lottery, No. 24,215, intitled to ONE THOUSAND POUNDS, was fold in I half, 1 quarter, 1 eighth, and 2 fixteeenths. And in former Lotteries, a very great proportion of all the Capital Prizes have been fold, fhared, and regiftered at the above t ffice. N. B. Schemes, and every particular of the prefent Lottery, mav be had of Mr. ANDREW SIVE- WRIGHT, No. ia, Nicolfon's Street, Edinburgh, by whom all orders for the above Office will be forward- ed without the lealt additional expeiice to the ad- venturers. HOUSES IN THE VICINITY OF EDIN- BURGH. To be Soto by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, upon Monday the 8th day of July 1799, at one o'clock P. M. npHESE two DWELLING HOUSES, confuting £ of three rooms and a kitchen each ( being the Firft Storey of the large Tenements lately built at HOPE PARK END), a little to the fouth of the Chapel of Eafe, difponed by Mr. Joiiu Biggar to Capt. William l. ockhart, and prelently polfeiied hy , the former at roi. ios, and the other at L. 8: 10s. with two garret rooms, which let at 30 ihillings, two garrt t places for lumber, and two cellars. The houfes are neatly fitted up; and have the privilege of a back entry to the Meadow, by a gravel walk. The title- deeds and conditions of roup to be feen in the hands of H. Davidfon, W. S. No. 11, South Hanover Street. AYR- SHIRE. TO be SOLD, That Part of the BARONY of UNDERWOOD, lying in the parifh of Crai- gie, and county of Ayr, confuting of the MAINS of UNDERWOOD, and Three Contiguous FARMS, forming a Comtacl Efiate of about 440 acres, including 25 £ acres of Wood and Plantations. The prefent fr. e rent about 614I. Sterling, the valuation 22cl. 9s. id. Scots. ' 1 he manfion- houfe andofficcsftand near the centre, and, with the farm- houfes, are built oil the molt approved modern plans, and command cxttn- five views of a fine country, and the Frith of Clyde. The Lands are well watered, well fheltered, are in the higbeft ftate of cultivation, and eligibly fituated for markets, lying midway between Ayr and Kil- marnock. The eftate abounds in Game. By the tacks the farms muft be in a progreffive ftate of im- provement, and M the leafes expire will bring a COR- tiderable increafe of rent. A ptirchafer can enter at Martinmas to the Manfion- houfe, and the Mains Farm of 142 acres, fixty acres of which is old pafture. A lervant will fliew the houfe, offices, and grounds. For further particulars inquire of Mr. James Fin- lay, Chapel Street, Edinburgh, and Mr. David Li- mond. Ayr, who have powers to conclude a bargain. CORN MILL AND MILL LANDS OF KEVOCK. To LET, for filch number of years as can be agreed upon, and to be entered to at Martinmas next. T '-' HK Corn Mill and Mill Lands of KEVOCK, X lying in the parilh of Lalfwade, and within fix miles of Edinburgh. The whole barony of Loanhead is thirled to the Mill. The Lands confift of about 18 acres Scots meafnre, and will be let either with the Mill or in feparate parcels for Garden Ground, for which latt purpofe they are particularly well adapted, having a fine fouth expofure. If let for garden ground, a proper allowance will be given for building houfes and dykes. For particulars apply to Alex. Wight, W. S. No. , North Hanover Street. LANDS AND FREEHOLD QUALIFICATION IN FIFE FOR SALE. ABOUT 138 Scots acres of the Lands of CART- MORE, in the parifh. of Ballingry, with the Houfe, Garden, pigeon- houfe and offices, are to be fold by private bargain, to be held cither of the Crown or of a Subject. Superior, and if agreeable to a purchafer as much valued rent will be added as make up a freehold qualification. There is a good deal of planting upon the lands, which He within two miles of the turnpike road from Qjeensferry ronPertK, and there is plenty of coal and lime in the neighbourhood. For particulars, apply to John Syme, writer to the iignet. for 1790, I R E : O F F I C E, CORPORATION OF THE ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, ( Eftabliihed by Royal Charter, in the Reign of King George Firft) PERSONS Infured by the Corporation, whofe Annual Premiums fall due at MID- SUMMER, being tbe 24th current, arc requejied to order payment, le by negieflinir the fjme 15 days after that date, tbe benefit of the snfurance expires. gT Polipies for Infurances on Houfes, Buildings, Furniture, Goods, & c. are iffued at this Office, as ulual— and no charge is made for policies where the infurance is Removed from any other Office, where a new Policy is neceffary, from an alteration in any infurance with this Corporation. THOMSONS W CO.- Agents INSURANCE OFFICE, No. 8,1 " - ~ " - - b. J" South Bridge Street, Edinburgh. ROUP OF TOLLS AT EDINBURGH. To be expofed to Roup before a General Meeting of Truitecs within the Old Jufticiary Court Houfe of Edinburgh, on Thurfday the Iith day of July 1799, at 12 o'clock noon, r. r- pHE WHOLE TOLLS in DALKEITH Dif- X 2. GRANGELOAN in LAS WADE Diftridl. The Tolls of Heriothoufe, Hovvgate, Gallowfhall and Newbottle in Lafvvade Diftrict,\ vill be Rouped at Middleton on Saturday the 20th day of July. 3. The WHOLE TOLLS in POSTROAD Dilirid:. 4. The WHOLE TOLLS in WRIGHTSHOUSES Diltriifl. 5. The WHOLE TOI. LS in CRAMOND Diftria 6. CRAIGMILL or CADGER's SLAP in SLATE- FORD Diftritt. 7. The CUSTOMS at NORTHBRIDGE of CAL. DER. The Entry to the Tolls in the DiftridH of Calder and Slateford to be on 14th Augult, and in all the o ther diftridts on 15th Auguft. Perfons intending to offer will be pleafed to take notice, that on 15th Augjil next, the Exemption in favour of Stones is declared to ceafe, and in future no fuch exemption can be claimed except in favour of Stones for building conveyed in carts the fellies of whofe wheels are 7 inches broad, and even thei'e are liable fot- half toll. Caution will be required to the extent of ONE SIXTH of the Rent, and every perfon intending to offer mult bring his cautioner along with hin. Thomas Cranftoun, W. S, No. 23, North Caftle Street, will ( hew the articles of Roup, and inform as to other particulars. * AND— 111 terms of the a< 5t of the 38th of his pre- fent Majefty, the CONVENER hereby requires the Truftees for the Turnpike Roads in the County of Edinburgh, to attend the General Meeting propofed to be held time and place aforefaid. R. DUNDAS HOUSE LN MERCHANT STREET. TO SELL OR LET, THAT LODGING, entering by the firfif door, in the palfage next to Air. Gibfon's, confiiting of 3 flats, befides the ground floor, containing nine fire rooms, with kitchen, cellars, water clol'ets, and a^ gvived back court, in which there is a wafhing- houfe and water cittern, together with the privilege of- the oppofite area. This lodging is free from the expenee of the roof of the principal houfe, and may, at a fmall expence have a front entry, if more eligible, than by the paf- fage* Any who will now view it, will be fatisfied that it is highly improved, uncommonly wellaccom modated, and convenient in every refpe< fl. The key is with Arch. Clerk, Merchant Court. Apply to Mr. Frafer, W. S. York Piace. Not to be repeated. SALE OF HOUSE IN CASTLE STREET. TO BE SOLD, THAT HOUSE in South Caftle Street, which belonged to Mrs. M'Dowall of Cdftlefemple. confifting of a Parlour Storey, entering from the Street, and a Sunk Storey, with Cellars, & c. There is alfo a Stable and a Coach- houfe belonging to the houfe. The entry may be immediately. The premilfes may be feen any lawful day. Apply to Archibald and John Tods, W. S. TO BE LET, Upon a leafe of fuch a length as can be agreed on i- pHE HOUSES and YARDS at FALL ADAM X 13 miles fouth eaft from Edinburgh, on the Kelfo read. This place was built for an Inn, and ftrved long as a ftage upon the ro^ d, for which it is ftill admirably well dcligned. It is alfo well adapted for a Diftilkry, Brewerie, or any other Manufadture requiring a fupply of water, as a copious and pure ftream wafhes the bounds of it all around ; by its fituation on the great London road, it could carry on a Commerce with all parts of the Kingdom, through means of the ftage- coaches, waggons, and carriers, that pafs by it daily ; and as there are no other Dif- tilleries nor Breweries for many miles around it, it would have an extenfive territory to trade over, without oppofition from any riyal. Apply to the proprietor either on the fpot,. or at Lawritton Street, Edinburgh. FARMS TO LET. To be LET and entered to at Martinmas 1799, fuch term of years as can be agreed 00, SEVERAL FARMS on the ESTA I E of LAN- RICK and RUSKIE, in the pari( hes of K; l- maddock and Port, and county of Perth.— The foils are well adapted to Turnip Ctilcure, and capable of great improvement, fituated in a fer: ile country, within ten miles of Stirling, three of Doune, and five of Callander, where there are ready markets for corn and cattle, with eafy accefs to coal and lime. Alfo feveral FARMS in the parifli of BA^ LQU- HIDDER, confining of extenfive iheep walks, con- netfed with arable and meadow land, conveniently fituafed for a variety of good markets.— Entry at Whitfundav next. Daniel MacEwan will ( hew the farms on Rufkie; Alexander Macleran thofe in Balquhidder, and George Renton thofe on Lanrick", with the articles of management. Offers in writing may be addreffed to the pro prietor Sir John M. Murray, Bart, at Cambufwal- laceby D. iune, between a fid the firft of Auguft next, and the propofals if not acceptcd, will be concealed, if required. JUNE 25. HOUSE IN ST. ANDREW'S SQUARE TO BE SOLD, To be SOLD by private biirgam, and entered to at Martinnias ' next, or at Lammas next, if the pur- chafesr incline, npHAT Commodious HOUSE, fituated on the I South- Weft* corner of St. Andrew's Square, and entering from St. David's Street, the property of Mr. David Hume, Advocate, with Coach- houfe and Stable for three horfes, water- pipe and ciftern, cellars under the pavement and under the houfc, and back ground or open area to St. David's Street, extending to fixty feet or thereby, of which a great part . may be occupied with fhops or other buildings, for which it is a centrical and advantageous fituation. For particulars apply to the proprietor, or to Mr. John Home, W. S. South St. David's Street. Alfo to be LET the COACH HOUSE for two Carriages, and Stable for five horfes, pertaining to the houfe, No. ar, on the north fide of George Street; with a placa alfafor a Cow.— Apply as above. SALE OF LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 17th day of July next, betwixt the hours of 6 and 7 in the evening, T^ HE LANDS and - BARONY of CHESTER- HALL, with the teinds and pertinents there- of, lying in the parifh of Cranfton, and county of E- Idinburgh. The prefent rent, putting a moderate value on about 73 acres of rich in doled ground in the proprietor's pofleffion, is L. 1207 : 7s. Sterling. T" he coal in the eftate is valuable. A level has been driven to it at the expence of Two Thoufand Pounds Sterling, by which about 100 acres will be now level free. The feam prefently working is four feet four inches deep, of an excellent quality, for which there is a great demand; and, as there is no going coal farther fouth at prefent on this fide the Tweed, it may be wrought to much advantage, or let at a confiderable rent. There feems alfo to be coal throughout the whole of the eftate, as the crop of it appears in feveral places— The coal will either be retained, or fold along with the eftate, as may be moft agreeable to purchafers. I'he Manfion Houie has been lately put into re- pair, and is fit for the accommodation of a genteel family: and there are good offices, fome of which are newly bnilt, confifting of a coach- houfe, ftabled with nine ft alls, pigeon- houfe, barn, byre, & c.— The Garden, which confifts of about two acres, is furrounded with a ftone wall above ia feet high, and well ftocked with fruit trees and fiirubs of the beft kinds. On all thefe no value is put in the ren- tal ; but, if let to a tenant, the rent would be more than fufScient to anfwer the minilter's ftipend, and other public burdens. There are befides about 40 acres of growing tim- ber upon the eftate, which has been valued at L. 2700, confiftihg of Oak. Afh, Elm, Plane, Beech, Larix, and Scots Fir ; in particular, a beautiful Deri of Wood* many of the Oaks and Aflies iu which are from 40 to 50 feet high, and fit for cutting. In one of the inclofures near Edgeh, ead is an in- exhauitible Sand Pit or Quarry. The fand is of a yellow colour, q'uite pure, and might be, fold in EdinWftrgh or Leith to a confiderab » e advantage.— There- is alfo a Lime Quarry in the immediate neigh- bourhood, on which the Proprietor and Tenants have a perpetual fervitude. The eftate, which is pleafautly fituated, 19 all in- clofed and lubdivided by hedges and dyke's, and is dry and well { heltered. The foil is well known to be, in general, of a fuperior quality, and particular- ly adapted for turnip hufbandry.— The lands are on- ly nine meafured miles from the toll bar at Edin- burgh, about the fame diftance from Haddington, and 3^ miles from Dalkeith, where there are excel- lent markets for all forts of grain and butcher meat; and the great high road from Edinburgh to London, by Blaclffhiels, runs through the lands. The eftate abounds with game; and the Tyaje, which is its boundary for above a mile., is a good trouting river; fo that a more defirable purchafe fei- dom occurs. The lands hold of the Crown ; and being valued in the Gels- books at 812I. Scots, afford two Free- hold Qualifications in the county. I he Title- Deeds, with a Rental, and Plan, may be feen in the hands of James Walker, W. S. George Street; to whom, or to the Proprietor at Chefter- hali, intending purchafers may apply. James Gray in Cranfton will fhew the lands, and George Moffat the Coal. LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public r « up, on Friday the 12th day of July next, within the Royal Exchange Coffce- houfe, Edinburgh, between two and three o'clock afternoon, ALL and whole the Lands and Eftate of NOR- RIE8 ION of THORN- HILL, lying within the parifh of Kincardine, Stewartry of Monteath, and Shire of Perth, confifting of 40 acres or there- by, of excellent kerfe ground, and 10 acres or there- by dry field, all arable and teinds thereof. The lands are. fubftantially inclofed asd divided, and are well - known to be of a rich fertile foil, and to produce fleady plentiful crops. The lands are at prefent under a Nineteen Year's Leafe, and the neat rent is L. 84 befides cefs, mini- ller's ftipend, and fchoolmafter's falary, which will amount to ll. ics. more, paid by the tenant. •; The premiffes in point of fituation, command of vvater, and every requifite accommodation, are re- inarkably well adapted to tbe Diftiilery bufinefs, having a Malt- barn and Brew- houfe already built. There is a good Manfion Houfe on the premiffes, confifting of two ftoreys befides garrets, and a Gar- den well ftocked with fruit trees adjoining, with ex- cellent offices, and are diftant from Stirling ten miles, four from Doune and Callander of Monteath, and three from Kippen, all market towns. Thefe lands are delightfully fituated, very im- proveable, and abound with game. A Share and proportion of two Seats in the church of Kincardine, belonging to faid lands, and to the other lands of Nor « efton having intereft therein, will be fold with the premifles. For particulars, application may be made to James Marfliall, writer, Edinburgh, William Blair, wri- ter to the fig « et, Edinburgh, or Archibald Cuthill, writer, Stirling; and John Stewart the tenant in Norrieftbn, will fhew the lancjs to intending pur- chafers. TONE AR. NEW STRAW HATS Sc BONNETS. T7 CRICHTON is extremely happy to inform her Friends and the Public, That the above ar- ticles are now come to hand, and flic flatters herfelf will be found a Choice Collection. She has likewii'e got to hand a collection of beau- tiful new PRINTED COTTONS and MUSLINS. Plain and Figured Muflins of every defcription. Plain and Figured Silk Handkerchiefs. A variety of Coloured Sarfenets. The very belt Black Modes, all widths. An elegant affortment of Black and White Laces. Great variety of Patent Cioaks, Black and White Veils. Choice of Long Cloths for Osaka, and Fringe for ditto Variety of Fancy Trimmings. E. C. begs leave to mention, that as Ihe has now got quit of the Broad Cloth, Ihe has full conveniency for a complete affortment of HABERDASHERY and MILLINER YGOODS.— That befidethc above, ( he has on hand, every article in thefe lines, and from time to time, will havg fupplles of every thing NEW and FASHIONABLE. N. B. TWO APPRENTICES WANTED, well recommended. A. CROWN HOTEL. M'GREGOR begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, That he has entered to that centrical and well frequented HOTEL, No. 2, PRINCE'S STREE T, ( poffefied for many years by Mr. CAMERON), which will be diftinguiflied in future by the name of THE CROWN HOTEL. A. M. having fpared no expence in fitting it up in the completed manner, he. folicits a ( hare of tbe public favour, and begs a continuance of the former frequenters of this Hotel.— As no Flys fet out from it,, thofe who are pleafed to honour it with their Company may be alTured that the ucmolt attention will be paid them. N. B.— A. M. begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that, he continues the . HAIR DRES- SING as formerly, and hopes a continuance of their favour. PASTURE AND HAY. To be LET by public roup, at SPRINGFIELD, near South C> ueensferry, 011 Monday the lit of July, 1799: To begin at ti o'clock forenoon, SEVERAL FIELDS of GRASS, fome for Cut- ting, others for Pafture. Alfo to be SOLD, fome HORSF. S and FARM- ING UTENSILS. The ufual credit will be given. To be LET for fuch a number of years as may be agreed on, and may be. entered to immediately, r t HOUSE of MORTON, agreeably fir. uat- J ed four miles fouth ( if Edinburgh, with Offices and Garden. The Houfe, confiding of 8 fire- rooms, befides kitchen, clofets, and other apartments, and there is alfb accommodation / or fervants, with Stable and Coach- ljoufe adjoining. Apply tp James Thomfon, W. S. No. To, North Cafth Street.— Mr. Mitchell, farmer at Morton Main.-., will fhevv thelioufe. SALE OF HABERDASHERY GOODS, AND NO TICE TO DEBTORS. . There is to be expofed to fale by public roup, with- in the Royal Exchange Coffce- houfe in Edinburgh, upon Monday the lit day of July 1799, at one o'- clock afternoon. 3HHE WHOLE STOCK of HABERDASHERY L • GOODS which belonged to Mils MAR^' RET ORISON, Milliner in Edinburgh. The Go ' S, with an Inventory thereof, and the conditions of fale, arc to be feen at the lhop « f Mr, Angus Micdonald, No. 7, South Bridge Street, t © whom ali'perfons indebted to the laid Mifs Morifon are deiircd to make imme- diate payment. HOUSE IN SOUTH BRIDGE STREET. There is to be expofed to Sale by public roup, with- in the Royal Exchange Coffee- houfe in Edinburgh, on Monday the 15th day of July 1799, at one o'clock at ernoon, THAT DWELLING- HOUSE, NO. 7, in South Bridge Street, the Firft Floor above ihe ( hops, confiding of four rooms, kitchen, clofets, and other conveniencies, with two cellars belonging thereto, now poffeffed by the Commiffioners under the In- come Act.— Rent L. 40.— Upfet Price, L. 525. The progrefs of writs, and conditions of fale, may be feen at the fhop of Mr Angus Macdonald, habcr- dafher, No. 7, South Bridge Screet. THE EDINBURGH TAX ON ARMORIAL BEARINGS OR ENSIGNS. ST A M p- O FETCE, EDINBURGH, l/ l June, 1799- NOTICE is hereby, given, That ARMORIAL BEARING/ CERTIFICATES, commencing ihe 25th of June 17.99, and ending the 24' h of June 1800, will be given out at this, and all the other Stamp Offices in Scotland appointed for ilfuing Hair Pnwder Certificates, until Tuefday the 25th June inlt. inclufive, upon payment of tbe refpe£ live duties only, viz. L. a : 2s. By every perfon keeping a Coach, or other Carriage, upon which any duty under t- ie management of the Commiffioners for the affairs of Taxes is chargeable, and on which any Armorial Bearing or Enfign ( hall be painted, marked, or affixed. L. I : is. By any perfon not keeping any ( Joach, or other Carriage, who fhall be charged to the duties on Inhabited Houfes, or on Houfes, Windows, or Lights by any adt or acts of Parliament. Ios : 6d. By any perlbn not keeping any fuch Coach, or other Carriage, not being charged to the duties on inhabited Houfes, or on Houfes, Windows, or Lights. Forms of entry will be delivered out gratis at the different Stamp- Offices, or filled u^ there, and certi- ficates granted in terms of the act of Parliament, to all perfons applying for the fame, for payment of the faid refpective duties of 2l. 2s. il. Is. anil 10s. 6d. as the cafe may require. Every perfon liable in the duty, and neglecting to take out the certificate after 25th June, incur a pe- nalty of TWENTY POUNDS. ALEX. MENZIES, Head Diftributor and Collector, North Britain. N. B.— Alphabetical Lilts will be regularly made up, and lie open at the Stamp- Office for the infpec- tion of all perfons defiring the fame. ARREARS OF O THER STAMP DUTIES. Every p - rfon in arrear of Hair JPoiuder Certificates, Hat, Medicine, Perfumery, and Attorney Licenfes, are again cautioned immediately to renew the fame, otherwife profecutions will be commenced for pay- ment of the Statutory Penalties. N O T 1 C E. r pHE Commiffioners appointed for Redemption X and Sale of the LAND TAX for the County of ARGYLE, hereby intimate, tiiat they are to hold a meeting upon Friday the 14th day of June curt, and every Friday thereafter, within the ofljee of Mr. Niel M'Gibboa, writer in Inveraray, be- tween the hours of twelve and one o'clock afternoon, for the purpofc of contracting with fuch Proprietors as intend to Redeem their Land Fax, and who have taken out certificates for that . ourpofe. ROB. CAMPBELL. JA. CAMP3P. LE. DON. CAMPSEI. I HOUSE IN HANOVER STREET. To be SOLD by Auction, within John's Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, upon Monday the lit of July next, at 2 o'clock afternoon, T^ HE HOUSE, No. 7, on the Eaft Side of South Hanover Street, which belonged to, and was poffeffed by the deceaftd Mrs. - Forties, hting the Se- cond Storey, or the Flat immediately abuve the Shops, and entering from Rofe Street. The Houfe contains four rooms and a kitchen, with clofets, & c. and tl( ree cellars belong to it, It is well finifhed, in good order, and infured in the Phoenix Fire Office. The purchafer will obtain poffeffion immediately af- ter the roup, and may have the Grates in the houfe, and a large Wa: er Ciltern in one of the ccllars, at a. valuation, if agreeable. The premises may be feen every lawful day, from 12 till 2 o'clock. For further particulars, apply to Melfrs. Camp, bell and M'. Whinnie. North Hanover Street. PORT- SETON HOUSE IN EAai LOT iil.- ii- T O L E T. To be LET Unfurnilhed, for four or more years as can be agreed upon, and entered to immediately THE faid HOUSE of PORT- SETON, confift- ir, g of a large kiichen, with a water- pipe and IVullery, houfekecper's room and lobby of the fame, dining- room and drawing- room, with clofets' off both, four bed- rooms, and clofcts off the fame, one of which is a bed- clofet, garrets fitted up with beds for fervants, a large cellar fitted up with catacombs milk- houfe, hen- houfe, waihing- houfe, coach- houfe and ftable with hay loft and byre— Alfo about 3 roods of ground rouiid the houfe, well inclofed with a ( tone and lime dyke. The tenant to pay all the taxes. The lioufe lies about nine mites from Edinburgh, about feven from Haddington, one from Tranent and one from Preftonpans; from which laft town flage coach goes to Edinburgh and returns every lawful day, and there are good markets in the imme- diate neighbourhood of the placc. The tenant may be accommodated with one two GRASS PARKS contiguous to the houfe. Alfo to be LET for four or more years, The HARBOUR DUES of PORT SE I ON. For further particulars, apply to James Mitchel. factor to the Earl of Wemyfs, at Haddingtonr- ADVERTISER for 1799. EDINBURGH RACES. To be Run for, over the SANDS of LEITH, on MONDAY the AUGUST 1799, THE CITY of EDINBURGH'S PURSE of FIFTY GUINEAS STERLING, by any Horfe, Mare, or Geldir. g, that never won a Purfe or Plate of that value, ( Huhters Purfes or Plates excepred) carrying 11 ftone, the belt dfthree four- mile heats. On TUESDAY the 6ch, His M AJESTY'S PURSE of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS, for any Horfc, Mare, or Gelding, the beft of three four- mile heats. 4 years old to carry ; ft 41b | 6 years old to carry 9ft fib 5 ditto ditto 8 9 | Aged Horfes, 10 ftone On WEDNESDAY the 7th, The NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMENS SUB- SCRIPTION of FIFTY GUINEAS, for all ages, the beft of three four- mile heats. 4 years old to carry 7ft Jib I 6 years old to carry 8ft, 9lb 5 ditto ditto 8 2 | Aged Horfes, 8 12 On THURSDAY the 8th, FIFTY GUINEAS for REAL HUNTERS, that have hunted in Scotland, and never won Fifty Pounds ( Hufiters Plates and Matches excepted) car- rying 12 ftone, the beft of three four- mile heats.— Such Horfes, & c. as ( hall enter for this Purfe, mult be certified, at the time of entrance, to have been real hunters of laft feafon, and to have been regular- ly hunted with an eftabliflitd pack of hounds, tinder the hand or Hands of the proprietor of futh hounds. On FRIDAY the 9th, The LADIES PURSE of FIFTY GUINEAS, for all ages, the beft of three four- mile heats. 4 years old to carry 7ft 61b I 6 years okl to carry 8ft 12 5 ditto ditto 8 .5 | Aged Horfes, 9 r The winner of one Plate orPurfc this week to car ry 4ib. extra. On SATURDAY the loth," A PURSE for the BEATEN HORSES, & c. of the week, the belt of three four- mile heats. The Horfes to be booked by the Town- clerk of Leith, at his Office, on Saturday preceding the Races, betwixt the hours of four and fix afternoon, when the horfes are to be ffiewn, the proper certifi- cates produced, and the ufrial entry- mrfney paid. There will be ORDINARIES during the Race Week at FORTUNE'S, and ASSEMBLIES, as ufu- al ; and 110 Scaffolds to be erected without the per million of the Magiftrates of Leith, or their Clerk, STEWARDS. Right Hon. the EARL of CASSILLIS, LORD ROLLO, and Colonel C A . v iPBELL of Slythfwood. 4C 3 TO THE PUBLIC. TN confcquenci of the < L* « afc of Mr. THOMAS | AL1. AH, late Surveyor in Forfar, KOtvKl MILL, in Monikie, near Dundee, and ioiinty ot Forfar, begs leave to offer bis ftrvices as a LAND- SURVEYOR, and trult* that his experience 111 this line is fuch as will give fatisfactiun tu tiuifc who may be pleafed to employ him. _ FARM IN FIFESHIRE. To be LET for nineteen years, and entered to at Maitiilmas firft, CQNLAND, fituated in the parifh of Arngafk, confining ot about 100 acres, of good arable land, befides fome valuable paiture. It is prtfently in excellent order; there is on it a good modern farm houfe, and a diffident number of offices, ail in the beft repair, with a threfiiing machine. It is fituated within, fix miles of lime, ten of coal, and about ten from Perth and Newburgh, where vidtual is daily fold and Ihipped, and there are good roads leading to and from it in every direction. Propofals lor a leafe, in writing ( to be kept fecret if required) to be given in to Edward Bruce, clerk to the figner; to Laurence Glafs, at Newton of Bat- canqual; or to George Taylor, at Balv. did, betwixt and the lit day of July next; the two Jail of whom will fiiew the farm to intending leffees. FARMS IN THE COUNTV OF. FIFE. To be LET for 19 years front Martinmas 1799, r" r1HE FARMS of ATHERNEY MAINS and JL BANKHEAD, containing 1 70 Scots acres or thereby, and the Farm of BLACKETYS1DE-, con- taining about 120 acres. Thefe Farms lye contiguous, the foil is of good quality, almoit all arable, and there is in each farm a proper propor'ion of tlrong and light land; they have a fouth expofure, are fituated within two mites of I. even, a fea port town, and in the immediate neighbourhood of coal. Offers in writing may be given in betwixt and the 20th1 day of July next; to Mr. William Beveridge W. S. or to Adam Wilfoti at Largo'HouCe. Offers not accepted will be consealed.— The prefent tenants will Ihew the farms. JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN ' THE SHIRE OF WIGTON. To be SOLD by public roup, within the New Seffion- boufe of Edinburgh, by authority of the Lords of Council and Seffion, on Wednesday the 3d day of July next, betwixt the hours or 4 and 6 afternoon, ALL and WHOLE the LANDS and ESTATE of AIRIES, confifting of the Forty Shilling Land- of AIPJES, and . Forty Shilling Land- of KNOCKBRAKE, with the Teinds and Pertinents, and Part of the Lands of KNOCKTYM, all lying in the parifh of Kirkcum, » nd ( hire of Wigton. The free rental of thefe Lands, after paying ail public burdens and feu- duties, is L. 498 : 16: rd. Sterling, and the upfet price is L. 12,470: 1: id. Ster- ling, being only 25 years purchafe; all the lands are low rented, and are remarkably well inclofed with -( tone fences. " There is an heritable right to the teinds, which- are alfo valued. The Lands hold feu. of the i-^ arl of - Galloway, for payment of a feu- dutv of L. 2 Sterling. ' The titie- deeds of the eftate, which are clear, and the articles of roup, are to be fee'i in the Office ot Mr. Murray, depute clerk of Seflbn, and in the hands, of Archibald Tod, W. S. to whom application may be made for further particulars.— Mr. William Rofs, Stranraer, fiiigrupjri the eftate, will fliow the lands. The CREDI TORS of ' THOMAS WILLIAM- SON, Confectioner, Dundee, ARE hereby requcfted to lodge their claims a gain It him, with the vouchers and oaths of verity thereon, with William Small, writer in Dun dee, truftee on his eftate, within three months from the date hereof; and at the expiration of which time, a dividend of rhe produce of his effects will be made. Thofe who neglect to do fo will receive no ( hare of the ftrft dividend. Not to be repeated. Dundee, f% tb June. 1799. LANDS IN KINKOSS- SHIRE TO BE LET. To be Let " by public roup, upon the Ground,- 011 the 20th day of July 1799, THE LANDS of DUNCRTVIE. and HILTON of DUNCR1VIE, belonging to Mifs Thom- fons, lying within the parifh of Arngalk, and ( bin- of Kinrofs. A great part of thefe lands are inclofed and fubdivicfed with ( tone fences, and are well fhel- tered and'watered. For particulars, application may be made to Mr. Beveridge, at Collifton, who will fhew the lands. The roup wilt begin by ia o'clock forenoon. FARMS IN FORFARSHIRE TO BE LET, To be LET, for as many years as may be agreed upon, and entered to at Martinmas firft, T^ HE following FARMS of the Eftate of S TRA- CATHRO:— 1. The MAINS of SYDE, confiding of 117 acre's arable. 2. CAIRNTON. of about 107 acres arable. 3. CLEARBANK, about 117 acres arable. Thefe Farms lie 3 miles diftant from Brechin, and 8 miles from Montrofe ; they are all inclofed with hedges and dykes; upon each. there are excellent farm houfes, and a complete ( leading of offices, lately built; the grounds are in a very high ( late of culti- vation, well adapted for wheat. ' The turnpike road from Brechin to Aberdeen runs through the farms. James Cruikffiank, . Efq; of Latigley Park, near Montrofe, will receive offers, and William Grieve overfeer upon the eftate, will ( hew the farms. ADJOURNED SALE. To be SOLD by public roup within the Tontine Ta- vern, Glafgow, on Wednefday the 3d July next at three o'clock afternoon, . LOT THIRD of the LANDS and ESTATE of BALLINDALLOCH and Others, lying in the parifh of' Balfron, comprehending the Lands of CLAYFAULDS, CARMUHILL, and others, with the VILLAGE of BALFRON and FEU DU TIES thereon., ' l^ he Lands are. delightfully fituated on the Eanks of the Endrick, and are interfecfed by the great road- leading to Glafgow, Stirling, and Dumbarton, from all which places they are nearly equally diftaut. ' The prefent rental, including the ft- us, is 431I. and the public burdens are paid by the tenants. The feus iu . the village of Balfron are increafing, and are. fupported by an extenfive printfieid and cotton- mill, immediately adjoining the village. If the fubjects comprehended in th s lot are not fold together, they will be fubdivided into fuch lots as purchafers may incline. ALSO, The LANDS of BALWILL, fituaUtd on the great military road from Stirling to Dumbarton.— Thefe lands hold feu of his Grace the Duke of Moii- trol'e, fur- payment of 3I. 6s 8il. Sterling. The lower part eonfifts of a fine grazing Farm, and the upper of arable land, muir, £ cc. The prefent rental is 2I5U; and the public bur- dens, except the teinds to the College, are paid by the tenants. Thefe lands'are highly immoveable, and afford an excellent fitpation for an inn, on the great road- be- tween Stirling and Dumbarton ; they alfo abound with gatpe.— Upfet price of Balwill, yoool. Sterling. Further information may be had by appjyiug to Mr. Gilbert Hamilton, fn. irchant in Gla% ow ; James Buchan, W. S. Edinburgh ; William Fi'nlay writer at, Mofs; or Benjamin AiUthie, writer iii Ulalgow, ABERDEEN- SHIR E; Read Contrafhri fmmrd. ateiy Wanted, T-> 0 FORM, Metal, and l ittlh a New Line -> t ROAD front Aberdeen to Inverury, being a diftance of about 14 miles. Th'ofe w kling to Con- tract, are re'quefteci to lodge Eftimates immtdian './• as a Meeting of the Subfcribfrs is foon to be held, for the purpofe of agreeing with Contractors. A Plan and Section of tile Road, with every rc- qnifite information,' will be obtained on application to Thomas Burnett, advocate in Aberdeen, who appointed to receive the eftimates. Aberdeen, Jun<^ 1799. A~ HOUSE, & c. IN GEORGE STREET, FOR SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Exchange-' Coffee- houle, on Monday the 15th day of July- next, betwixt the hours of 2, and 3 o'clock alter- noon, THAT LODGING OR DWELLTNG- HOUSE, op the fouth fide of George Street," No. ir, late- ly poffeffed by Mr. Baillie ofDochfour, cot. filtit jf of a funk ftorey, and two upper ( toreys, having thrt e robms on each floor, befides clofets, and other con- veniencies: with the Cellars under the pavemen-:, and a large Area and Back Ground, with coacii- houfe and ( table for three horfes. The houfe is free of fmtike, and is relieved from the burden of the root, and may be feen every lawful day from 12 to 3 o'clock. The purchafcr may have . accefs immediately after Lammas. " The title- deeds, and articles of fale are in the hands of Archibald Milne, W. S. Yotk Place, to whom intending offerers may apply. SALE OF VALUABLE ESTATES IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR. There are to be SOLD on Friday the . tth day of July 1799, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- houic ik Edinburgh, between the hours of one and three afternoon, THE LANDS and ESTATES of EAI. UN- SHOE and CRAIGNATHRO', lying in tl, e parifhes fff Kirrymuir and Forar; together or in Lots. The Lands of Bailinlhoe, & c. lye contiguous, an. l within 2 miles of Forfar and Kirrymuir. 1 hey cou- » fift of about 1400 acres of rich arable land, ( 18co of which are fi> bftantially inclofed and divided by ftone dykes,) 200 acres of planting, and above 500 acres of paiture and raofs. ' The mofs affords not only an abundant fupply of fuel to the eftare, but alfo for fale There is likewife in ' thefe lands a bed of Cielt marie eafily wrought. The Lands of Craignathro" lye in the vicinity of Forfar, and confift of about 300 acres of good ara- ble land; the^ are inclofcd anddivided by good ftone dykes. The farm houfes on Crai '- uathro', are lately built and ( lit& d- On thefe Lands there ii an exccljent free ftone quarry, and a qu3.- ry of moft valuable Date. The Lands of Craignathfo' will be fold by them- felves in one Lot, and if the Lands of Bailinlhoe, & c. are' not fold in one lot, they will be expoled in the ' two- following lots; viz. LOT I. Comprehending thofe parts of the I, ANDS of BALLINSHOE, lying to fhe Ealtward of the Public- Road leading i'rom Forfar to Kirrymuir. Lo r II. Comprehending tbe remaining parts of the lands- of Ballinfhoe, and lying to- the Weftward of faid road. The prefent rent of Ballinfhoe and Crajgnathro' exelufive of the mofs, marie, planting and quarries, exceeds L. 12.50 Sterling.— There are alio a con- fidcrable number of Kains of different kinds. The public burdens are very moderate, being'only ' 15 Bolls, 9 Pecks, 3 Lippies of Meal, 7 Boll.-, 01 Bear, and L. T4 : 17 : 6 io- I2ths Sterling. Tbe whole of thefe lands arc out of leafe or nearly fa, and very great rifes of rent may be depended on. The Lanls of Ballinfhoe hold feu of the Earl of S rathmor.- for payment of 7!. 3s. rj. I. - g- I2ths Sterling, which is included in the amount of the public bur- dens above mentioned. The Lands of Craignatbro' hold of the Crown, and are vaiut d in the Cefs Boosts at 2.331.6s.' 8d. Scots.- The Teinds of the Lands of Ballinfhoe, & s. in the parifh ot Kirrymuir- were va- lued in - 1634, and they are nearly exhaulhtd by Ihe late augmentation given to the miniver of the parifh. it Will be obferved that the fupeFiority of the lands c of Ballinflioe, Woodhead, and B cmfdalefaulds, re- toitred to a fifty Ihilling land of old extent, is to be exnofed to public roup, on the 17th of May next, , which may be an. object to perfons intending to pur- chafe the lands of. BallinffiOe, ike. ' Thofe defirous- of more particular information, or ' of purchafmg the whole of the above Lands, or any of the Lots, by private bargain, between and the dav of fale, may. apply- to Mr. Grecnhill, at Old Montroie, , by Montrole. Or, there will' be SOLD, *' The ESTATE of LINDERTIS, in the parifh of f Nether A; riey, confifting tif about 1300 acre* of ara- - ble land,. 800 acres in planting and 140 acres in mofs » and rneir, lying in the moft agreeable part 0: Strath- - more. This is one of the completeft propertied offerecT i. to fale. ' The hoafe is fit to accommodatea genteel fa- mily, and the offices, are fpaqiohs amK —- rrM— place is laid out with great talle, Ji very thriving. - The whok farm fte aild'iri complete repair. The lands are inclofeil andfu' rent is only about I20cl. Sterlin; leafes- ar- e expired, and- the othi tipn, the rife of rent muft be gre; of the Grown, and the teinds we " i'ht houfe was furnifhed two be'entered to immediately, cith the furniture. - The parks arounc open to a pttrcjrafer. Meffis. Fothfingham and Pe; form as to further particulars rcti Lindcrtis, and will fhew the titf) are clear. Purchafers may appt GrcenliiH, cither of whom luve 4 © 4 runs, da r's post. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE E XT R A OR DINAR T, SATURDAY, June 22. Downing Street, June 21, 1799. A DISPATCH, of which the following is a ii copy, has been received from Lieutenant ' Colonel ROBERT CRAUFURD, bv the Right Hon. Lord GRENVILLE, his M^ jefty's Princi- pal Secretary of State for the Foreign Depar: ment: MY LORD. ZURICH, June 7, 1799. I HAVE the honour to inform your Lordfhip, • that, in eonfequence of a very fevere aCtion which rook place on rhe 4th inft. MassENA has been obliged to abandon his entrenched camp before this place* and that the Anftrians took pofleffion cf the town yefterday afternoon. In my difpatch of the 31ft ultimo, I had the honour to acquaint your Lordfhip that after the affair of Winterthur the enemy retreated be- hind the Glat. In the fubfequent days th right wing of rhe ARCHDUKE'S Army under Gen. Nauendorff, advanced towards Bnelacb, she centre of Prince REUSS'S column towards Khten, and Gen. Hotze's to Bafferfdo'j)'. In order to threaten the enemy's right flank and in hopes of thereby inducing him to quit the pofition of Zurich, ( the real ftrengrh of which was not known,) Gen. Zellachich was fent with a column round the Greifienfee, and afterwards advanced towards Zurich, in con- nexion with another part of General Hotze's corps, which croffed the Glat below Greifin- Jje, but confiderably to the enemy's right. As th - fe demonltra'ions, however, were without effect, an attack was determined upon. Between the Glat and Limmat is a conside- rable chain of hills, running nearly parallel to thefe rivers, and covered in moft parts with thick woods. On this ridge, jult in the front of Zurich, MASSENA had chofen 9. moft excellent and not very extenfive petition, which for feveral weeks paft he had Caufed to be ftreng'hened by numero'u* entrenchments and in which, a ter the affair of Winterthur, he coiledted a confiderable part of the army.—- The right wing was pofted on the h; ll called Zurich Berg, which is greatly eleva'ed above every other part of the ridge within its reach, ;'. rid is covered with very thick woods1, in which the enemy had made very confiderable abbatis, entirely furround'ing the hill, and defended by redoubts : and this being the molt interefting and decifive point of the pofition, it was oc cupied by a large body of infantry ; the right ving of which was thrown back en Potence towards the town. The lef; wing of the ar- my was placed on the continuance of the a- bove- mentioned chain of hills ; likewife pro- tected by extenfive wood?, abbatis, and en- trenchments :— in tbe centre the ground was much lover, quite tree from wood and of eafy accefs. Through this open fpace ( which is not quite a cannon- fhot in extent from wood to wood), pafs the roads leading from Kloten and Winterthur to Zurich. This is the only part of the pofition in which cavalry could have aCted ; but it was completely covered by a chain of clofed redoubts, confiderably retired, and ferving as a curtain to connedt the two wings, by which it was fo flank'd and defend- ed as to render the attack of this line extreme ly difficult fo long as the wings of the army maintained the heights on each fide of it.— The left flank was further covered by a corps pofted between Regenfberg and the Glat, hav- ing its retreat towards Baden. The only de- fect of the pofirion in front of Zurich was, that in cafe of defeat the whole would have been obliged to defile through the town, fitu- ated clof: behind the right of the pofition, and in which there is but one bridge over the Limmat: for ( whether owing to the rapidity of the river, or what other caufe I know not) the enemy had not, as it was fuppofed he would have done, conltruCted. anv pontoon bridges in the rear of his centre or left. From rhe above mentioned circumftances of the enemy's fruarion, it w* s evident that, if the Zurich- Berg was forced, it muft have brought on he total defeat of their army; whofe retreat through the town, juft at the foot of this bill, would h. ive been attended v, die greateft difficulty. li'irly in the morning of the 4th inftant, the - army marched to attack the enemy. '^ Central Hotze's corps marched off to the left, croffed the Glat, formed on the enemy's right flank, and began the attack of the Zurich- Berg. The enemv defended this poft with the greateft jb- ftin- icy. and although a confiderable part ot Prince REUSS'S column was afterwards fent off to a firft in the attack, it was found impoffible to force it. The enemy was driven indeed from fome of the abbatis and entrenchments, but maintained his principal pofitton on trie Zu- rich- berg, ' ill night put an end ; o « he aCtion. During the night and the whole oftlie next dav, both paities remained exaCtly whe; e they had ( tood at the end of the affair, the Aujlrian THE EDINBURGH infantry of the left wing . biing in many places rmoft within mufk:'-( hot of the enemy's Ab- batis and works. The great fatigue which the troops had undergone on the 4th, determined the ARCHDUKE to defer tili the 6th the renew- al of the attach. But the enemy, whofe lofs in the affair of the 4th had beer very great, and who forefaw the total ruin of his army if the Zurich- Berg ( hould be forced, retired in he ight from the 5th to the 6th, leaving in his entrenchments thirty- five pieces of cannon, three howitzers, and a great number of am- munition waggons. In the afernoon of the 6th, the Aujlriani occupied the town. In the attack of : he4' h inftant the Aujlrian infantry fuffered a confiderable lofs in killed < nd wounded ; among the latter were General Wallis, Lieutenant- General Hotze, inA Major- General Htller. General Hotze received a mufkei- fhot in the arm early in the affair, bur it did not hurt the bone, and fortunately does not prevent his continuing to command his corps. His abfence at this moment would have been fenfiblv felt and fincerely regretted. Cherin ( General of Divifion and Chief of the S aff,) together with two other French G.- ne- als, were feserely wounded, and two Adju- tant Generals, are among the prifoners, of which there are a confiderable number. I am,-& c. ROBT, CRAUFURD. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE, June 22 ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, June 22, 1799. ExtraSl of a Utter from Capt. Sir WILLIAM SIDNEY SMITH, to Mr. Nepean. dated TIORE, off Tripcly, infyria, the zdof A- pr. il, 1799. IBEG leave to tranfmir for the information of my Lords Commiffioners of the Admi ralrv, a copy of my report to the Right Hon. Earl of ST. VINCENT, of late events in this quarter. TiGRE, off St. John d'Acre, the MY LORD, 23d March, 1799. I HAVE the honour to inform you that, in confequence of in elligence from GEZAR PA- CHA, Governor of Syria, of the incurfion of Gen. BUONAPARTE'S army into that Province, and his approach to its caphal, Acre, I flatten- ed with a portion of the naval force under my orders to its relief, and had the fatisfaition to arrive there two days before the enemy made his appearance. Much was done in this interval under the di- reftion of Capt. Miller, of the Thefins, and Col. Phclypeaux, towards putting the place, in a better ftate of defence, to refift the attack of an European army ; and the prefence of a Bri til]? Naval Force appeared to encourage and decide the Pacha and his troops to make a vi- gorous refi'tance. The enemy's advanced guard was difcover- ed at the foot of Mount Carmel, in the night of the 17th, by the Tigre's guard boats: thefe troops, not expecting to find a naval force of any defcription in Syria, took up their ground clofe to the water fide, and were confequently expofed to the fire of grape ( hot from the boats, which put them to the rout the inftant it open- ed upon them and obliged them to retire pre- cipitately up the fide ot the Mount. The main body of the armv, finding the road between thefeaand Mount Carmel thus expof- ed, came in by that of Nazareth, and inveited the town of Acre to tbe eaft, but not without being mach haraflVd by the Samaritan Arabs, who are even more inimical to the French than the Egyptians. and better armed. As the enemy returned our fire by mufketry only, it was evident they had not brought cannon with hem, which were therefore expeCted by fea, nd meafures were taken accordingly for inter cepting ' hem ; the Tbefieus was already detach- ed oft - Jaffa ( Joppf). The enemy's flo illa which came in from fea fell in with and cap- tured the Torride. and was coming round Mount Carmel, when it was difcovered from the Tigre, confifting of a corvette and nine fail of gun vefiVls ; on feeing us they hauled off. The alacrity of die ( hip's company in making fail afer them was highly praifewor- thy ; our guns. foon reached them, and feven, as p'. r inclofed lilt, ( truck; the corvette con- taining BUONAPARTE'S private property, and wo frnall veflels efcaped, ( ince it became an objeCt to fecure the prizes without chacing fur- ther; their cargoes confifting of the battering train of artillery, ammunition, platforms, See. deftined for the firge of Acre being much wanted for its defence. The prizes were arc- o'dingly anchored off the town, manned from he fhip ® , and immediately employed in har. if- l'lg the enemy's polts, impeding his ap- proaches, and covering the ffiip's boats fent further in ( hore to cut off his fupplies of pro- vifious conveyed coaftwife. They have been cortftantly occupied in thefe fervices for thefe five days and nights paft; and fuch has been the zeal of their crews, that they requefted not to be relieved, after many hours exceflive labour at their guns and oars. 1 am firry to fay that we have met with fome lofs, as per in- ADVERTISER for 1795. clofed lift, which, however, is balanced by greater on the part of the enemy, by the en- couragement given to the Turkith troops from our example, and by the time that is gained for the arrival of a fuffic. ent force to render Buo NAPARTE'S whole projeCt abortive. I have tad reafon to be perfe6tly fitisfied with the gallan try and perfeverance of Li-. uts. Bujhby, Ingl field, Knight, Stokes, and Lieut. Burton, of - tie marines, and of the petty officers and ni- n, un der their orders. I have the honour to be, & c W. SIDNEY SMITH. Lijl 0' the Gun Veffets compcfing the French Flotilla bound from A'exatidiia and Damictta to St. John d' Acre, taken off Cape Carmel by Lis Majefly s jbip Tigre, Commodore Sir SIDNEY SMITH, K. S. tbe IZth March, 1799, at eight o'clock P. M. after a cbace of three hours. La Ncgrefte. of 6 guns and 53 men.— La Fon- dre, of 8 guns and 52 men.— La Dangereuie, of 6 guns and 23 men.— La Maria Rofe, of 4 guns and 22 men.— La Dame de Grace, of 4 guns and 35 men.— Les Deux Frores, of 4 guns and 23 men.— La Torride ( taken in the morning of that day and retaken), of 2 guns and 30 men. Total— Seven gun- boats, 34 guns, and 238 men. Thefe'gun- boats were loaded, befides their own complements, with battering cannon, am munition, and every kind of fiege equipage, for BUONAPARTE'S army before Acre. W. SIDNEY SMITH N. B. The Marianne gun- boat was taken previoufly, and thetranfport No. 1, fubfequent- Iv, by the Tigre. Return of the Killed and IVounded in the Boats of his Mnjefii sJkips TIGKE and THESEUS, and in tbe Gun-< vejjels employed againft the French army hejore ACRE, from tbe xytb to tbe 23d March, 179;). TIGRE.— Mr. Arthur Lambert, Mr. John Good- man, and Mr. John Gell, mid( hipmen, and eight feamtn killed; twenty teamen wounded, of which eight are among the twenty ptiloners. THESEUS.— Mr. John Carra, midfhipman, kil- led; John Waters, midlhipman, and fix feamen wounded. TOTAL.— Four midfhipmen and eight feamen killed ; and one midlhipman and twenty- fn Tea- men wounded. W SIDNEY SMITH. N. B. The officers, petty officers, and feamen employed on this fervice were volunteers. The dead bodies of Mr. Gell, and Peter M'Kircher, feaman, which fell into the hands of the enemy, were buried by them with the honours of war. Copy of a letter fiom Capt. HOPE, of his Ma- jejly's fhip MAJESTIC, to the Right Hon. LORD KEITH. MY LORD, Majejlic, 6th April, 1799. I HAVE the honour of informing your Lord- fllip that a French privateer, coppered, and mounting fixteen long guns and carronades, was yefterday drove on ihore by his Mnjefty's fhip Majejlic and Trantj'er brig, undercover of a fort a few leagues to the eaftward of Velez Malaga, where, finding it impoflible o get her oft, ( he was deftroyed by the boats of the Majejlic, under the comm nd of Lieut. Boger. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) GEORGE HOPE. Downing'Street, fune 22, 1799. The EMPEROR of RUSSIA having, as a mark of friendftiip towards his Majefty, and of e- fteem and regard towards his Majefty's naval fervice, and particularly towards tbe officers and crews of the fhips who ferved on the ift of Au^. ult 1798, under the command of Rear- Admiral Lord NELSON, fignilied to his Majef- ty's Minifter at Peterjburgh his riefire, that the Leantler, of 50 gins, which, having been en- gaged in that . iCtion, was, after a molt gallant and diltinguifhed refift- nce, captured on its paffage home by a French ( hip of the line _ f 74 guns, and has fince been recaptured from the enemy by his Imperial Majefty's arms at ' he furrender of Corfu, fhould be prefented to his Majefty, in his Imp- rial Majeltv's name, with a view to its being reitored 10 his naval fervice. The King has benn pleafed to accept with the higheit fatisfafiion, this diftinguifhed mark of attention and friendfhip on the part of his Ally ; and has diredted. that the Leanier fhould be received accordingly from fu: h officer as the EMPEROR of RUSSIA maydireCt to deliver the fame, and fliculd again be placed among the fhips compofing his Majefty's fleet employ- ed in the Mediterranean. IVeJlminJler, June 2r. This day the Lords being met, and the Com- mons having come, the Royal Aflent was given in vir'ue of a commiffion from his Majefly, to an ACt to repeal the duty granted by an aCt on Raw Linen- Yarn, the produce of the territories of the King of Pruffia, and for charging ano- ther duty in lieu thereof— an ACt ro amend three aCts for railing a Militia Force in Scot- land— an aft for making Wet Docks in Liver- pool— and ro feveral Enghfli and Roads Bil'r. Whitehall, June 22, 1799. The King has been pleafed to appoint CLAUD IRVINE BOSWELL, Efq; to be ooe of tiie Lords of Seflion in Scotland, in the room of JAMES BURNETT, of Monboddo, Efq; de- ceafed. The King has alfo been pleafed to appoint JUNE a*. NEII, FERGUSSON, Efq; Advocate, to be She- riff Depute of Fife and ICinrofs, in Scotland, in the room of CLAUD IRVINE BOSWELL, Efq; appoin- ed a Lord of Seflion. [ This Gazette contains a letter from Sir MORTON EDEN, inclofing the Vienna Ga- zettes, containing the accounts of the fucceffes ,. f rhe Allies in Italy and Switzerland, all which are inferted in this and the next page. The Gazette alfo contains the Capitislation of Milan and Ferrara. the fubftance of which formerly appeared in this paper . J The AVERAGE PRICE of SUGAR, computed frcm the Returns made in the week ending the r9th day of June, 1799, is Sixty- five Shil- lings and Fivepence Halfpenny per hundred weight. [ END or THE GAZETTE.] From the LONDON PAPERS, June 22. LONDON. HAMBURGH MAILS. The two Hambwxh Mails which were due arrived yefterday.— They bring the following very important intelligence: LETTER from his ROYAL HIGHNESS rfo ARCHDUKE CHARLES. " bnperial Royal Head- Quarters at Kloten, fune 6. " In the night of the 28th ult. the enemy retreated entirely behind the Glatt. The ad- vanced guard of my left wing was pol'ted be- fore B. ifferf lorff, and that of the right before Bulach. " On the 4tb inft. I advanced with the army over the Glatt, and the enemy were driven back on the fame day as far as their entrench- ed camp before Zurich, and myout- pofts took ftation within a mufquet fhot of the enemy's redoub's. On the 5th of June I reconnoitred the pe- tition of the eneiny, ftrong both by nature and art, and made preparations to ftorm their en- trenchments the next morning by day- break. But the enemy would not wait that event, and It night they left their entrenched pofition with fuch precipitancy, as to leave behind THIRTY- SIX pieces of cannon and 15 ammuni- tion waggons. " This day, about noon, the enemy like- wife abandoned the city of Zurich; and are making their retreat by Limath towards Baden, where they feem to collect the main body of their army. ( Signed) " CHARLES." OPERATIONS IN SWITZERLAND. OFFICIAL BULLETIN, INSPRUCK, May 30. Copy of a Letter written by Field- Mar/ hal HOTZE, to Count BIRSINGEN, dated WIN- TERTHUR, May 26. " I baften to inform your Excellency, that I vefterday completely beat the enemy between Winterthur and Ratch, occupied the paffage of Haig, and drove the enemy beyond the Tofis. This aCtion was one of the hotteft that has been fought in this war; it began at day- break and lafted till late in the night; we mufl do the enemy the juftice to own that he made the moft obftinate refiftance, and defended the ground inch by inch. But the irrefiftible'va- lour of the troops I have the honour to com. mand, furmounted everv obftacle, and the ene- my was totally defeated. Our lofs has been pretty confiderable, but that of the enemy can ficarcely be calculated. We took feveral pieces of cannon, and have made a great number of prifoners. In rhe evening of the fame day I ef- fected my junftion with a part of the g- and ar- my; and bis Royal Highnefs the ARCHDUKE, the Commander in Chief, is going to eltablifli his head quarters at" Winterthur." On the 27th, another action took place near Wintertbur, in which the Aufilrians, forced the Fretieb, after a moft obftinate refiftance, to retire. In the afternoon, the Aujlrians wani- ng to occupy the mountain fituate near JVin- terthur upon which the road leads to Zurich, hey met with a moft defperate reliftance— The road of the woody mountain was lined m both fides with French and Helvetic chaf- feurs and markfmen, and cafe- fhot was pouring liown from the fummir of the mountain. The attack lafted all the afternoon. Towards even- ing the ARCHDUKE CHARLES himfelf came to Winterthur, and the enemy were driven from the mountain. Yefterday morning, at ten o'clock, the combat was renewed on the newlv- ccnquered mountain. The Aufilrians made their artillery of referve advance, and fired with heavy ordnance. The thunder of cannon was tremendous, and lafted all day long. VIENNA, June $. FIRST SUPPLEMENT EXTRAORDINARY to the VIENNA COURT GAZETTE, June 3. " The tirft Lieutenant Deferitzki, of the regiment of Nauendorf, has brought hither the General of Artillery Baron KRAY'S report of the capture of the citadel of FERRARA. " Maj.- Gen. Count Klenau mentions, in bis report, that having vainly endeavoured when he took poffeflion of the city, to obtain alfo of the enemy the evacuation of the citadel, a fine regular pentagon, richly fupplied with artillery, ammunition, and proviiions, he found himfelf induced to charge Col. OnfkoVtcb td get pro- » iforilv two batteries raifed bv Col. Viflora ot the artillery, which work, ovying to the efforts and adivity difplayed, was finifhed in the night of the ud. " On the 23 1, at three o'clock in the mor- ning the enemy had already evacuated the ci- ty, whither Count Klenau fent the light batta- lion of Bach as garrifon. At eight o'clock in the morning Count Klmau fummoned the corn- man Jan: of the fortrefs to furrender, but receiv- ed a negative anfwer. " But the batteries being quite ready, and the artillery and amnunition hiving been con- veyed into them at day break, Gen. Count Kle- r. au ordered bombs and howitzer ( hells to be thrown into the citadel. Two magazines of the fortrefs having caught fire, the command- ant was fum'woned a fecond time, and after fome dilatorv anfvers, the flag of truce came about nine o'clock in the evening, with propo- fals of capitulation, which after fome inter- ne- gociation, was concluded at one o'clock in the morning. " In bombarding the fortrefs, the enemy's fire killed two privates of the artillery, and an ar- tificer. " On the 24th, in the morning, the copies of capitulation were refpeCtively exchanged, holtages delivered up. and one hour afterwards the ga e of Socco'fo occupied. " There were found in the fortrefs SEVENTY- TWO quite new brafs cannons, with their am- munition, and ( is months provifions. The Field- repofitory Medicines is eftimaied at 1,500,000 French iivres." " The French G. trrifon made prifoners of war for fix months, who marched out of the Citadel of Ferrara by means of the above- mentioned Capitulation, confifts of 1525 men. " Befides ammunition of every fort, there have been found in the place joo. ooo infan- try- cartridges, and many others of various kinds, 5214 cwt. of gun powder, with a vail quantity of arms, implements of fiege, fhip- gun- carriages, anchors, cables, and naval ftores of every kind, which require a long time to be minutely detailed. " At the fame time that this operation was carried on againlt Ferrara, an expedition was refoived againft Ravenna, and left to the exe- cution of the Firft Lieut. GRILL, ofSTUART'S. " Lieut. GRILL marched ftraightbyPazzas/ i) againft Ravenna, with three companies, and his two pieces of cannon; the infurgent troops, confiding of 300 infantry, he made march, at the fame'time, from St. Alberto, a- gain( t Ravenna. " A' his approach the enemy ( hut the gates, and defended themfelves ; but they were foon forced open, and, after fome fhort refiftance, the enemy retreated by the gate towards Lu- go ; on their flight they loft one piece of can- non, one tumbril, a perfm calling himfelf a Lieutenant- Colonel, an Officer, and about 100 prifoners, whofe number will be foon increafed by thofe who ( hall be found concealed in the houfes. " Ravenna, though it be not a place of ftrength, fays Gen. KRAY, but only a town furrounded with walls, yet its being thus fur- prized and occupied, covers and fecures the whole road along the coaft, and the fubfiftence of the troops in the province of Ferrara." SECO< D SUPPLEMENT EXTRAORDINARY tothe VIENNA COURT GAZETTE, June 4. " On the 26th of May the two divifions of Kaim and Froclich paffed the Stura, and ad- vanced in fuch a manner againft Turin, the capital of Piedmont, as to bear with its left wing upon the Reggio and Barco, and with its j right behind Madonna della Cawpagna. " The Imperial Ruffian Troops, with the divifion of Gen. KARAICZAY, alfo paffed the Stura. then the Dora, and toek its pofition in front of La Certofa. Gen. VUKASSOVICH was reinforced with one battalion, advanced on the right bank of the Po, and occupied the heights called Capuchins. " At nine o'clock at night all the 12- poun- ders and howitzers were fo kept in readinefs, that the town could be bombarded from all fides after mid- nigh!, and the entry into it be ren- dered eafier. On'the 27th the faid capital of Turin was formally fummoned to furrender by Gen. VUKASSOVICH, who commanded the advanced guard. " Af'er its refufal, Gen. VUKASSOVICH or- dered fome howitzer- fhells to be thrown into the city, by which one of the houfc fituate near the Po gate was fet on fire. This induc- ed the well difpofed armed Citizens to open the faid gate to Gen. VUKASSOVICH, notwith- ftanding the enemy's oppofing it. " Two fquadrons of the 7th of Huffas im- mediately forced their way into the city and purfued the flying enemy as far as the gate of the Citadel, where upwards of 40 of them were made prifoners. Meanwhile Gen. Vu- hjfiivich occupied the place with the greateft part of his infantry, and promoted the open- ing of the reft of the gates. The Captain of cavalry, Veczey, of the dragoons of Kaifer, THE EDINBURGH feizsd this opportunity to go in puriuu vi me enemy with a detachment of cavalry ana the picquet of Gitilay, which was ported in the fuburb of Pali no, and took feveral prifoners. " The enemy threw themfelves into the ci- tadel. Whereupon Field- Marfhal Lieutenant Kaira's divifion occupied the city, and was ordered to mmage the blockade of the citadel within the city ; the Ruffian General Prince PANKRAZION, with five battalions, four com- panies of rangers, and four fquadrons of Le- • wenohr blockades it from without. " In the arfenal and on the ramparts of the city, were found upwards of THREE HUN- DRED and SIXTY PIECES of CANNON and MORTARS of different calibre, befides a confide- rable quantity of balls, bombs, more than 6000 cwt. of powder and other artillery ftores. The enemy has alfo left behind an hofpital with 21J fick men. General Melas has no doubt but he will be able to difcover other confiderable ( tores. " Immediately upon our entering Turin, the enemy cannonaded the city for one hour from the Citadel ; they repeated the cannonade a- gain from day- break till five o'clock in the morning, but a Convention had been entered upon afterwards, by virtue of which they were to do nothing more prejudicial to the city. " Gen. SECKENDORF, who advanced with his troops againft Aleffandria at. the conflux of the Orba and Bormida, while the Ruffian Lieutenant SCHWEIKOWSKY had inverted its Citadel on the left bank of the Tanaro, is now keeping it blockaded from the town fide, and his advanced pofts extend from the Scri- via through Novi Cujine and Carantino to Maffi upon the Tanaro, as well as thofe of the Ruffian Coffacks from the latter as far as Caffale. " According to advices received, the enemy collect their main force towards Cuneo." HOUSE OF LORDS. Wednefday, June 19. The Houfe was occupied on the Seditious Society Bill. The only circumftance that at- tracted notice, was the claufe refpeCling ' Free Mafons. The Duke of ATHOLE warmly defended the tenets of the Free Mafons, as perfectly innocent, Loyal, and Benevolent, which he had a per- fect opportunity of knowing, having prefided over them both in England and Scotland. The Biihop of ROCHESTER perfectly agreed with the Noble Duke, with regard to the Re- gular Lodges, but it was faid there were in Great Britain, Eight Illuminated Lodges— and the mifchief fuch Lodges had done abroad, was too well known— It was therefore neceffa- ry for Minifters to be much on their guard re- fpeCting fuch Societies. Lord GRENVILLE obferved, that the doubts fuggefted and apprehenfions entertained by the Rev. Prelate, were thofe which he had ex- prefsly alluded to in a former debate upon the fubjedt- He was convinced of the importance and aware of the delicacy of the cafe, and knew that fome further precautions were ne- cefiary ; he would propofe. four claufes, the elfeCt of which would be to require that the objects and purpofes of fuch lodges as fhould be permifed to meet, fhoald be declared and afcertained te be purely Mafonic, and only for the avowed purpofes of the inftitution, the principal ends of which he conceived to be thofe of charity and benevolence ; that the mode of certifying fhould be, that two Mem- bers of each lodge fhould make affidavit be- fore two or more Magittrates of the particular place where the lodge was held, and of the number and the names of its members. That thefe accounts fhosld be tranfmitred to the Clerk of the Peace, who fhould, once a year furnifh a general account of the whole within his diftriCi, to the Magiftrates, who ( hould be empowered, in cafe of well founded corn- plain's againft any particular lodge, to lup- prefs its mee'ings. Thefe he thought would fiitisfy every reafonable perfon, and all thofe Mafons who merited the character afcribed, and he believed juftly, to them by a Noble Duke. The DUKF. of ATHOL exprefTed his perfeCt approbation of the provifions fuggefted by the Noble Lord. The claufes propofed by Lord GRENVILLE were then unanimoufly agreed to. THE SLAVE CARRYING BILL. The DUKE of CLARENCE expreffed bis un qualified difapprobation of the particular regu- lations contained in the carrying claufe. He contended, that from the great body cf evi dence before the Houfe, refpeCling this Bill, as well as from what he knew from his own perfonal experience, that fuch an interval of t? ace between the decks was totally unnecef- fary ; that inftead of tending to the comfort or the accommodation of the fl. ives, it would tend to the injury of their healths ; and the expences which mult arife in confequence, muft moft ferioufly injure the merchaats.— The Duke propofed fome amendments. An^ 2HTlSEIl for 1799; Lord GRENVILLE contended for the impoli- cy and injuftice of the traffic, and for the expe- diency in point of intereft, as well as in obe- dience to the dictates of humanity, fo make the regulations originally propofed by the Bill in cafes which regarded the lives and deaths of human creatures, and in veiiels which lite- rally carried cargoes of mankind. Lord THURLOW deprecated the hardfhips and expence to which the Merchants had been put from time to time by the Legifl « ture on fitnilaiyiccafions. ever fince the year 178S. He expreifed his approbation ofthe Royal Duke's Amendments. The Earl of LIVERPOOL fpoke for the a- mendments. The Bithop of ROCHESTER fpoke for the Bill as originally propofed. The Committee then divided, when there appeared for theDuKE of CLARENCE'S Amend- ments 17— againft them 19— M- jority 2. The Duke of CLARENCE then moved many other amendments, which were feverally nega- tived. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thurflay, ' June 20. FINANCE. Mr. Tierney faid, in the year 1793, ( April 5,) at the commencement of the prefent unfortu- nate war, The Funded Debt was - L. 209,000,000 In 1799, April 5, it was 426,000,000 Making in fix years an increafe of L. 217,000,000 Without including in that account the Out- ftanding and Unfunded Debt, Exchequer Bills, Navy Bills, Victualling Bills, Votes of Credit, See. See. At the conclufion of this year, it was therefore apparent that confidering the 4,5oo, oool. of the Sinking Fund, he might ave- rage the Funded Debt to be 460,000,000!. He admitted the increafe of Revenue, and acknow- ledged that it exceeded a!! expectation ; but at the fame time, he ftated, that this was more the confequence of the war than any thing elfe, and therefore this excefs was not to be expeCted in time of peace ; and even fo, ftill the increafe of expenditure infinitely counteracted the increafe of income and profperity of trade ; for the ex- cefs of trade will only continue during the war; whereas the excefs of burden will the more in- creafe after a peace. He dwelt for a confidera- ble time on the Minilters ftatement of Finance, which he faid was fallacious ; and adverted to his frequent difappointment in his feveral efti- mates of taxes during the laft five years, parti- cularly his two laft budgets— that relating to the AJpffed Taxes, and that of the Income bu- finefs ; the former being fhort nearly one- half of his calculation, and in the latter upwards of one- third. Mr. Pitt had not the leaft objeflion that the financial ( fate of the country ( hould exift upon the records of the journals of that Houfe ; but for that purpofe he fubmitted whether it would not be difcreet to fee that fuch records were correCl and authentic, as therefore thefe refolu tions would become fuch records, it was but right that Gentlemen ( hould have an opportu nity of confidering them : for which purpofe he fuggefted the propriety of adjourning the debate to next week ; in the interim, that thefe refolutions Pnould be printed. Mr. Tierney affented ; the debate was ad- journed till to- morrow fe'ennight, and the re- folutions ordered to be printed. Mr. Douglas brought up the report of the Scots Diftiilery Bill. Friday, June 2T. MESSAGE FROM HIS MAJESTY. Mt. PITT brought up a Meflage from his M ijefty to the following effeCt: G. R. His Majefty recommends to this Houfe to make fuch provifion as may be neceffary, to enable him to make remittances to Ireland, from time to time, to an amount not exceed " ing three millions, to be employed for his Ma jelly's fervice as the Parliament of that coun# tiyfhallbe advifed, they alfo making provi fion for repayment of the principal and inte- reft by the fame. Referred to a Committee of Supply. SALT DUTIES IN SCOTLAND. Mr. PITT obferved, that the Salt made in Scotland was of an inferior qu lity to that of this country, and the duty of five ( hillings a bufhel, had raifed it to fuch a price, as, ac cording to the reprefentations made to him, occafioned much inconveniep. ce to the people, by railing the price cf the articles of food in which it was ufed. lie therefore intended to propofe fome new regulations, the principal of which would be changing the rate of the duty from 5s. to 4s. the bufhel. He then moved the following refolutions, which were agreed to nem con. That the duties on fait made in Scotland do ceafe and determine. That for every bufhel of fait made in Scot- land, there be paid the duty of four ( hillings. That for every bufhel of fait imported into England or Wales Iron) Scotland, there be paid 405 the duty of fix ( hillings. That for every bufhel of fait exported from Scotland into foreign parts, there be allowed a drawback of four ( hillings. That for every bufhel of fair ufed in Scotland in making oxygen muriatic acid for blenching linen, there be allowed the drawback of four ( hillings. The bill for granting additional duty on Diltilleries in the Southern Highlands of Scot- land, was read a fecond time, and committed for Monday. Mr. Michael Angeh Taylor called the at- tention of the Houfe to the fubjeCt ofthe depo- fition of the Nabob of Oude. He entered into a hiftory of that tranfaClion ; and moved for feveral papers. Mr. Secretary Du'idat entered into a long difcuflion of that tranfaClion, which he juftified, and he had no doubt that the merits of Sir John Shore would fatisfy the Hon. Gentle- man ; if not, more papers would be produced. Mr. Taylor was fatisfied with the offer, and withdrew his morion. Leave was granted to bring in a bill, for permitting Mr. Bolton to export the machi- nery neceffary for the opera ions of a Mint in the dominions of the EMPEROR PAUL. Ad- journed. Lord MINTO is going out AmbafTador fo Vienna, in the room of Sir MORTON EDEN. Stocks experienced a further rife yefterday. Confols for opening were at one time as high as 62, and Omnium was at 7^ prenvurn. The French privateer La Vigie, of 14 guns, Capt. Audilai, of Bourdeaux, is arrived at Fat- incut k, taken by the Refolution cutter, Captain La Lacbeur, of Guernfey, had been out five days from Corunna, and taken nothing j ( lie is quite a new veffel, and this is the firft cruize. ROYAL REVIEW OF THE VOLUN- TEERS AT THEIR STATIONS. ExaCtly at nine o'clock yefterday morning his MAJESTY, attended by the PRINCE of WALES, the DUKE of YORK, Prince EDWARD, and a number of Field Officers, arrived in St. George's Fields, oppofite the Afylum, where the firft line of Volunteers, belonging to the fouth fide of the metropolis, viz. the Lambeth Horfe and Foot, Surry Yeomanry, Borough, Chrift Church, and other aflociations commenc- ed, extending on the right hand of the road, round by the Obelifk to the Magdalen Hofpitai, which line his Majefty, having pafled in review, he proceeded to Blackfriars Bridge, where he was met by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, who. preceded him on horfeback to the extent of the city limits. At Chatham Square were drawn up, the St. Paul's and Temple Bar Volunteers, and along Ludgate Hill, Cheapfide, See. thofe which be longed to the neareft diftrifts : from the Man- fion Houfe to the India Houfe, the line confid- ed ofthe Bank and Eaft India Volunteers ; and on Towerhill arid at Finfbury Square, other large corps were affembled : at the latter fta- tion his Royal Highnefs the PRINCE of WALES put himfelf at the head of the Artillery Com- pany, of which he is Captain- General.— Here, alfo, were drawn up the London Light Horfe, the whole forming a very brilliant coup d'ceil. From Finfbury- fquare the Royal party proceed- ed towards Iflington, Lamb's Conduit- fields, & c. and infpeCted theBloomfbury, St. George's, & c. Volunteers; and the review terminated, apparently much to the fnisfaClion of his MA- JESTY, and all the Field Officers. The QUEEN and PRINCESSES met'his Ma- jefty at the LORD CHANCELLOR'S houfe, in Bedford fqm're, at twelve, where " the Royal Party breakfafted. His Majeity appeared as ufual in high health and fpiriis. The entertainment provided by his Lordfhip for his auguft vifitors, was fumptuous and mag- nificent in the ex'reme, confifting of) every de- licacy of the feaion, and conducted « ith much taft: by Lady LOUGHBOROUGH, M/ EER'SKINE her niece, and the Mifs COATES. Mil's Erfkine, at the requelt of their Royal Highneffes , per formed feveral beautiful airs on the harp, with great fade and execu- ion. The Royal party were alfo entertained by the recitations of Maf- ter Parker, and the vocal abilities of Nield, Knivett, Maltcr Elliott, and Dignum, the lat- ter of whom fung with great effect the BATTLB of CAMPERDOWN. Salomon alfo performed feveral tunes on the violin. The Royal Fa- mily " appeared at the windows to the view of the l" p'Ctitors. After ( faying near two hours, therr Majelties went into theFounali, g Hofpi- tal Ground, where the Bioomfbury and Inns of Court Alfociarions, the Somerfet- houfe and Pancras Vjlunteer" s, were ir. fpcCted; after which the Royal Family vifited the Chapel, and on their entrance, the children, in full choius, fung, God Jive the King! which had a very pleafing effeCl. An authem was alfo perform- ed. At four o'clock their Majefties went to Hyde Park, L- dy LOUGHBOROUGH and Mifs ERSKINE attending them. Here his M. j- fty ialpeCled the Weflminifter Cavalry, the St. John's and St. Margaret's Volunteeis, the 40 6 Knights Msrfhal, Pimlico, and Kenfington. Af- fociations, who had been ftstioned on the ground from eight in die morning until five in the afternoon. T e congourfc of people drawn together in the different1 avenues of the town on this ex traordinary occafion, was greater than was ever known : na materia! accident happened. The number of the Volunteer Military at their pcfts, amounted to not left than- TniR- TEEN THOUSAND well difciplined mem, In every part of the town through which the Royal Cavalcade paded, the bells were rung, and the windows in all the flreets were crowded with- elegant women. The fpe& acle of the day was certainly one of the gayeft the metropolis ever witneffed. Yelterday the Temple AJJociation received their colours in the Temple Gardens, a pre- fent from the young PRINCESS E/" WALES— Lady ELCWN was the proxy of her Royal Higb^ nefs on the occafion. A vaft concourfe of peoT p! e were drawn together, in expedition of feeing the Princefs herfeif, who was not pre- lent :; they were of courfe not a little difip- pointed; nhe fpeftacle, however, upon the whole, was very pleafi- g. It having been ftated in nnriy papers, that Col. AJlon fell bv the hand of Major Craigie, we think it only juftice to that Gentleman, and an aS of humanity towards his friends, to con- tradict fuch report. A letter, dated Madras, Jan. 3, 1799, fays, " C » ) l. AJlon expired three , days ago in the arms of Major Craigie, his iecond, after fuffering. almoft without a groan, moft dreadful torture for many days. He un- fortunately fell by a Ihot from Major Allen." The change produced on the face of the country in the laft ten days, is the rtioft ex- traordinary and grateful of any ever remem- bered. Nature is at length arrayed in the moft beautiful verdure, and there is every where the appearance of plenty. The Cyder counties never had the appea- rance of a better crop: the blofToms, particu- larly in Hereford/ hire, never were remember- ed to look fo fine and beautiful. Within thefe few days, the prices of all the neceflaries of life have had a confiderable fall, in the markets of England. A PUN.— Yefterday a French Gentleman called at a public- houfe for a gill of wine, which being brought him in a glafs, he obferv- ed, that the quantity was very fmall; that in France it was always the cuftom to bring li- quor in a. meafure.—" Aye," faid the Land- lord," but we don't wifh to introduce French ? neafures here." Deaths.— Mils Ann Dollen Rofs, youngeft daugh- ter of the late P. Rofs, Efq; of Dominica — At Dartford, Lintott, formerly fhoemaker and innkeeper in that town, but from misfortunes, & c. reduced to be Beadle of the place. He was going into the Poarhoufe in the year 1791, when getting a 16th ( hare of a. prize of L. 30,003 in that lottery, he honourably faid all his debts, put his family into lefpcftable lines of bufinefs, and lived comfortably on the intercft of the money,— At Paris, the cele- brated Chevalier ST. GEORGE ; he was renowned for fencing, and other bodily exerciles. INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD', LIST. " Arrived, 2 Hamburgh, and 4 lrifii Mails.- Bue, 2 Irifh. " The Flora, Kalatz, from Strahllound to Lon- don, is loft near Yarmouth. " The Stadt Bremen, Schutt, from Bremen ( laft from Gluckftadt,) to Surinam, is carried into Hull, by the I^ itine frigate. " The Nelly, Jones, from London to Wales, and a vedel with wheat, are captured off Folkftone by a French privateer, and carried into Boulogna. " PORTSMOUTH, June 16.— Sailed the Tamar frigate for the Weft Indies.— 18. Sailed the Madras jnm of war with the fleet for the Eaft Indies. " Arrived at Deal, June 20.— Farna, Brufen- feurgh, from' Philadelphia to Bremen ; Fredenburgh Danifh ihip, from Bengal; Johanna Maria do. from the Ifles of France ; Juffcr Martha Bronwers, Em- men, from Nantes; Drie Breeders, Sorinf- n, from Dieppe ; Adventure, de Beddier, from Botydeaux, detained by cruizers. " Winds at Deal, June 18, NE. 19, NNE. 30, NE.". STOCKS. THE EDINBURGH Baai Stock 3 per cent. red.- 6l$. 3 per ccnt. con. Ih. 6lf- op. 4 per ccnt. con. 76f f. Bank Long Ann. 17- J- Ditto Short Ann. 177;) & 1779, 6 j- i6th Imperial 3 per cent. .59^ Ditto Ann. II 5- i6thsf. 5 per cent. T797, 89^ 90. Omnium, 7 pr. Irifh s per cent 85J. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, AHOUS-, in PARK PLACE, belonging to and poffeHcd t> y Lord Armadale, with Coach- houl'e and Stable. Tire houfe ro lie feen on Tiiefday and Friday, from one to three o'clock.— For further particulars inquire at James MarUiall, W. S. or Mr. l. amt>, upholfterer. tMiisi FROM GUERNSEY FOR LEITH. THE NANCY OF LEtt'H, JAMES GRINDLAY, Mafter, Upwards of T40 tons lnsnforcment, is on her paflage to Gnernfey, and will load there for Leith, if freight offers.— Apply to Mr Thomas Grind- lay. LEITII, 2Jtb Jure, 1799. M JUt JL J- Ni J3. i> JL^ J4. J1 « The uninterrupted and brilliant fuccefies of the ALLIES, are detailed in the - LoNnoN GA- ZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, and in the Vienna Gazettes, inferted in pages 404 and 40J.' The LONDON GAZETTE, page 404, contains an acountfrom Sir SIDNEY SM^ H, of his hav- ing defeated BUONAPARTE'S Army, and taken the French FUtilla. This is the only ac- count of BUONAPARTE'S Army that has been publifhed in the Gazette for feveral months. The Hamburgh Mails vfee page 404,) con- firm the account. of the furrender of Turin, ex- cept the citadel, which is blockaded by " Gen. VUKASSOVICH. The Allies have made them- felves msfters of Ravenna, and are blockading Alexandria. MOREAU, with his famifhed fol- lowers, was rapidly falling back towards Nice, the old French frontier, whither SOWARROW was purfuing him. Gen. MACDONALD con tinued in the fame critical firuation, and a very large reinforcement of Ruffians was march- ing to join the army deftined to aft againft him, which confided of 30,000 men. The city of Z. itrich v.- as evacuated immedi- ately after MASSENA'S Retreat ; and the fuccefs of the Auflrians may be confidered as having decided the fate of Switzerland, wtfTch leems wrefted from the French, for it is Sardly poflible they can now retrieve their iofles in that quarter. The French garrifon cf Ancona confifts of 700. men. On the 24tH ult. the Ruffian and Turkifh fquadron, confiding of 27 fail, con- tinued to bombard it. The fiege of MANTUA having been turned into a blockade,- becaufc Gen. KRAY is march- ing with a body of troops againft Gen. MAC1 DONALD, the French made a fortie on the 20th with 36 pieces of cannon, thinking MACDO NALD had already arrived before the place.— They were driven back with great lofs. Some of the Ruffian troops have entered Switzerland, and coming down the mountains of Lugo Maggiore, have joined the infurgents in the Upper, Walloon country. It is a fubjefl of aftonifhm'ent, with what facility the French give up places by capitula- tion, even before the fire of the batteries is opened againft them. The Citadel of Ferra- ra, carefully fortified, and well fupplied with artillery and provifions, has made no more re ( iilance than the Cajlle of Milan. Ravenna has not even been defended. The city of Tu- rin opened its gates aimoft at the firft fummons. This is a favourable omen of the furrender of thofe fuperior places which yet remain to bt conquered in Italy, and which confift only ot Mantua, and the Citadels^^ of AleJJandria, Tor- Una, and Turin. ! . The Military Ardour and Enthufiafm of the Great Natiotf are annihilated. A number of circumftances lead us to be- lieve, that the Direflory has fecretly deterniin ed to withdraw their armies infenfibly within the interior of France ; that the reinforce- ments intended to join them are kept on the frontiers ; and that the UJurpers are now oc- cupied exclufively, not in preferving their conquefts, but in providing for the defence of the French Republic. Io no campaign has more blood been ( hed in a Ihorter time : nor has any been fignalifed by more important confequences. The gallant LF. ANDER will once more ap- pear in the Britijh fervice, in the Mediterra- nean, the EMPEROR of RUSSIA having hand- fomely made a prefent of her to his BRITAN- NIC MAJESTY.—( See GAZETTE, page 404.) The CABINET of PRUSSIA has declared, that, in c^ fe the French do not evacuate Duffll- dorjf, Ehrenbuitflein* and the . whole right fide of the Rhine, wirh Caffel, the KING will join the Coalition. Count SANDOS ROLLIN, it is alfo faid, has received pofitive orders to quit Paris immediately, if any equivocal an- Aver be given to him on the fubjedt. This account gave rife to a report, that the KING of PRUSSIA hadaftualiy marched an army into Gi^ ddcrland; but tbe Hamburgh Mails llate nothing refpeiling that Monarch, but what is mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and the following one : On the 7th inftant the KING of PRUSSIA was proceeding along the line of demarkation to- wards Caffd, reviewing his troops in company with the Landgrave of Heffe Caffd, having yifited the Prince Adolphus of England at Ha- nover, on the 29th ot May. The following is an extrarS of a letter from Ovyyffd, dated on the 9th inft. the authenti- city of which may be perleflly relied upon : " It is the general belief here, that the KNG of PRUSSIA will undoubtedly take an aClive part in re- eftablilhing the Ancient Go vernment of this country, and is only waiting the farther progrefs of the armies in Italy and Switzerland befoie he begins to a- 51.' This heightens the cre( f of the well- meaning inha- bitanrs, uhile it deprefft- s that of the Patriots or French party, the greatell part ol whom even with for a foreign force,, to, Datkcn the ADVERTISER for 1709- ^ ', tetters ot their French brethren. Four or five of the Patriotj have within thefe ten days made away with themfelves ; amonglt whom is one who was formerly in the Regency here, and till very lately in the DireClcry, Others of the fame parf^ r are removing their effects to Holflein and Denmark, and it is faid that Gen. DAENDELS is amoHgft the number. He has already afked for his difmiflion, which has been refuted. In the mean time their troops are marching toward the frontiers, on which batteries have been ererffed. Four are erefted near Hardenberg, and the town of Coevordon is already calemated and garrifoned." It is with pleafure we obferse ( fee page 405) that Mr. Pitt has brought in a bill for ia - ver- ing the duties on Salt ufed in Scotland. In the brief abftract of the amended Militia Bill for Scotland, in our paper of Tuefday laft, it was erroneoufly ftated that Quakers having paid the penalty of ten pounds, ihould, if their names were drawn a fecond time, on payment cf a further penalty of five pounds, be for ever relieved from ferving in the militia ; whereas the claufe alluded to exprefsly dates that all perfons chofn by ballot ( not being Quakers) ( hall, if drawn a fecond time, be for ever re- lieved from ferving on payment of the further penalty of five pounds. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. Yefterday the Univerfity of Edinburgh con ferred the degree of DoClor in Medicine on the following Gentlemen, after the ufual pub- lic and private trials : DlSSEKTATlONES INATLGURALES From JAMAICA. It Croafdaile, De Epileffa. From BARBADOES. W- Welch, — Audita. From AMERICA. J. R. Archer, — Ig"'- From NEW YORK. J. S. Stringham, — Abforbentium Syfemate. From VIRGINIA. J. Watfon, — Dyfinteria. B. Randolph, — Refpiratione. From SOUTH CAROLINA. R. B. Screven, A. Baron, jun. J. Hanlcombe, T. Akin, From BRASH.. J. A. Barboza, From FRANCE. D. P. Renaud, From ENGLAND. — Vita Human* Gradibus. — Febre Intcrmittente. — Tetano. — Rabie Canina. — liegionis Calidee in morhii induoeridis EffeStibus. J. T. Baumgartner. J. P. Smith, T. Nelfon, W. P. Dimfdale, R. D. M'Intolh, T. Smyth, From IRELAND. H. C. Boifragon, R. Rvan, F. T. Lynch, D, M'Carthy, T. O'Sulliran, Of SCOTLAND. A. Frafer, C. Skene, H. Lang, M. Chrifty, • i — Hominis, per varias Vita- Mtates, Bfogrejpbus, Ivlu- tationibus, et Morbis. — Lucis atque Calorie, per Combujiionem Vigentium, 0- rigine. — Rbeumatifmo Acuto. — Frigoris EjfeSlibiis in Mor- tis Meiendit. — Phtbif. {— Hominum Varietatlbus ea- rumque Caufts. — Rabie Cani/ id. —— Melancholia. — Diabcte Mellito. . — Beritcnitide Buerferarurn. — Typbo — Rbeumatifmo. — Bhthift Bulmonali. — Apoflexia Hydrocephalic^. — Cynanche Tracbeali. -— Catarafta. On Saturday, failed from Leith Roads, the Fleet from Shields, See. for the Baltic. On Sunday a fleet from Liverpool for the Baltic, arrived in Leith Roads, intending to take the benefit of convoy ; but the convoy fail ed on Saturday. On Saturday morning arri ved in Leith Roads, from Davis's Straits, the Raitb, Capr. Lyons, a full fhip, having 9 v/ hales on board, which are fuppofed to produce about 120 tons of bil. On Saturday the Firft and Second Regiments of ROYAL GLASGOW VOLUNTEERS, were re- newed in the Green, by Major- Gen. DRUM MOND, and acquitted themfelves very much to the fatisfaflijn cf the General. A party of the Nottinghamfhire Militia attended to keep off the crowd. We hear tha'notwithftsnding the feveritv cf laft fpring, the hay harveftis begun at Roman Camp, near Callander, and that the crop is uncommonly good. Friday Alexander Toting, carrier between Glafgow and Kilmarnock, accidentally fe' 1 while walking bv the fide of his cart, and war killedby one ofthe wheels paflingoverhis body. Friday a private of the 71ft regiment wen into the Forth at Stirling to ba- he. After being fome time in the water, a man belonging to the Clanalpin Fencibles perceived that the form was drowning ; upon which he plunged in to his affiltance ; but unfortunately, inftead of fuc ceeding in his generous intention, he alfo lhafed his untimely fate. JUNE 25. JOHN JAMES EDMONT> STONP, is appointed Sheriff Depute for th Shirt; of Bute, in rooni of WILLIAM M'LEOD BANNATYNE, Efq; ap- pointed one of the Lord's of Sefiion. Married on Thurfday the 20th inft. at Stoke, [ atnes Raymond Johnftone, Efq; of Alva, to Mifs Mary Elizabeth Cbolmeley, third daugh- ter of Mountague Cholmeley, Efq; Married here, on the 20th inft. Mr. George Dunlop, merchant in Edinburgh, to Mifs Ifa- bella Bell, daughter of Mr. William Bell, Fsaor for the Right Hon. Henry Dundas at Melville. Married lutely, Colonel Heron, to Mifs Hop- wood, daughter ofthe late Gregory Hopwood of Hopwood, Efq; near Rochdale. Lately was married, at Kiimicbael Houfe, Ifland of Arran, Mr. John Goldie, jun. writer, Kilmarnock, to' Mifs Elizabeth Rae'y Fullar- ton, daughter of the deceafed Lewis Fullarton, Efq; of Kilmichael. On the 18th curt, was married at Greenock, Mr. John M'Kinnon, writer - there, to M fs Carmichael, daughter of Mr. John Carmichael, merchant in Greenock. On Monday fe'ennight was married at Ir- vine, Mr. Robert Paul, merchant in Gceenock, to Mifs Ifabella Warkman, daughter of Mr. Robert W- rkman, fhip- mafter in Irvine. On the 21 ft curt, was married, Mr. James Spiers, at Johnfton, to Mifs Margaret Scott, only daughter of Mr. John Scott, North Bran- chall. Died at St. Andrew's, on the 17th June curt, the Rev. Dr. Jofeph M'Cormick, Princi- pal of the United Colleges of St. Salvator, and St. Leonard, in the Uaiverfity of St. An- drew's. Died on the 20th, at Dublin, the Rev. Rich. Murray, D. D. Provoft of Trinity College. Dr. Murray has not left behind him a better fcholar nor a better man. Died at Perth, on the 20th curt. Mif? Jean Donaldfon, daughter of Mr. John Donaldfon, late at Elcho. Died at Sbeernefs, in the month of May laft, Mr. James Pcterkin, eldeft fon of the Rev. Mr. Peterkin, lare of Ecclefmachan. John- Ru- herfurd Ainflie, Efq; died at Jed- burgh on the 15th current. Mrs. Dalzell, ReliCl of the deceafed Divid Ddzel, Efq; merchant in Glafgow, died there On the 20th inft. Died at Kenfington, Mrs. Jane M'Kenzie, in the 85th year of her age. Died on Saturday laft, at Helenfbutgh, Mrs. M'Fun, wife of Mr. Daniel M'Fun,' manufac- turer in Glafgow. Dittd at Huriet, on Thurfday laft, Mr. Hugh Waiter, clerk to Mr. Wilfon of Hurlet Col- teries, in confequence of beinm feverely burnt' bv an explcfion of inflammable air when in- fpecting the coalworks in company with Mr. Wilfon, about four weeks ago. Mr. Wilfon, and one of tbe colliers, who were likewife burnt by the explofion, are happily recovered. On Sunday a boy climbing up the wall of a ruinous houfe in the Flefhmarket Clofe, the ftor. es fuddenly gave way, and tumbling above him, he was killed on the fpot. TAX ON INCOME. SHIRE OF HADDINGTON. ORDINARY COMMISSIONERS. Charles Brown of Coalflon, Efq; Colonel C. Mtr- land of Maitlandfield. Charles Houiton of Clerkington, Efq; Robert Hay of Spott, Efq; Edward Hay of Newliall, Efq; COMMISSIONERS of APPEAL. George Buclian Ficpburn of Pmeaton, Efq; David Anderfon of St. German's, Efq; William Law of Elvingfton, Efq; PERTH. ORDINARY COMMISSIONERS. PERTH DISTRICT. Ebenezer Oliphant of Condie, Efq; James Chalmers of Grangemouht, Efq; James Paterfon of Cart'rae. Efq; Alexander Murray of Ayton, Efq; and Mungo Murray ol Lintrofe, Elq; DU. MBI. ANE DISTRICT. ames Stirling of Ktir, Efq; obn Kuril,. rinan of Cambulmere, Efq; ohn Jaihes. Edmondfl. one of Newton, Efq; j ames Erfkine of Girdrofs, Efq; and Sir John. Macgrigor Murray of Lendrick, Bart. COMMISSIONERS of APPEAL For rhe County of Perth. George Patcrfon of Caftlehuntly, Efq; Archibald Campbell of Clathiek, Efq; and Patrick Mu: r; iy, Efq; younger of Ochrcrtyre. COMMERCIAL COMMISSIONERS. James Ramfay, Efq; merchant, and late Provofl of Perth. Mr. James Proudfoot, merchant in Perth. Mr. John Rofs, merchant there. Mr. Thomas Black, merchant there, and Mr. J « hn Caw, merchant there. SHIRE OF INVERNESS. ORDINARY COMMISSIONERS. Simon Frafer of Farraline, Efq; Sheriff Depute. William Inglis of Kingfmilnes, F. fq; Phineas M'Intofli of Orummond, Efq; John M; Into! h, Efq; late Lord Provoit of Invernefs. Angus M Intodi ot Holm, Efq; COMMISSIONERS of APPEAL. TEn-' as M'Intofli of M'lntofh, Efq; William Chifcolm of Chifliohn, Efq; Arthur Robertfon of Inches, Efq; CUPAR CORN'MARKET, JUNE 20, 1799, Wheat, II. 123. 6d. Barley, LL. 2 « . IJ. Beafe t^ Beam, l8s. 6d. JUNE AJ. INCOME ACT. CITY AND ROYALTY OF EDINBURGH INCOME TAX OFFICE, No. 7, SOIJTH BRIDGE STREET, 24tb June, 1799, The ASSESSOR, having compleatcd the delivery of the Notices in terms of the ACt of Parliament, to the Houfeholders within the City and Royal- ty of Edinburgh, the CommilSoners will give at- tendance at this Office, every Monday, Tuefday, Wednefday, and Friday, from 12 o'clock noon, to 3 o'clock afternoon, till further notice, for carrying the purpofes of the Act into execution. Being informed that fundry perfons founding upon a miftaken idei, have fuppofed that from the amount of their income, they are intitled to deduCt the rent of their dwelling- houfe, and maintenance of their family, holding the overplus to be the fum liable in alfeffment, the Commiliioners find it necelfary to give notice, that no fuch deductions are allowed by the Act of Parliament, and that fuch perfons as have already made the return of their income, formed upon thefe erroneous principles, may have it in their power to correct the miitake, they aredefired to call at tbis Office, during the hours of the Commiffion- ers attendance. The Commiffion'ers further beg leave to call the • attention of perfons liable in the income tax, to the following particulars, with refpeCt to which, there is reafon to believe, that a mifreprefentation has taken place. 1/ I, With regard to the AfielTcd Taxes, it is only the Angle rate, or annual duty, that was paid before the late aCt of the 38th of his Majefty, commonly calfcd the Aid and Contribution ACt, that is allow- ed to be deducfted from the amount of income, and not the triple afTeffmene, id, That the fust paid laft year, as a Voluntary Contribution for carrying on the war, is not to bv deducted from the income of the perfon who contri- buted the fame. 3< i, That the expence of children at. public Schools, or Univerfities, or Boarded with private Teachers, is not a deduction warranted by law, there children being confidered as forming a part of the family, and no other allowance is to be given for them, than the rate of per centage upon the fum to be alleffed, . ac- cording to the ' number of children, as fixed by the adt. The Commifiioners of the County, having pub- lifhed in the different newfpapers, the particular de- ductions allowed in the aCt, it is neceffary that every perfon perufe and confider the fame before returning the ftatement of income', agreeable to one or other of the forms in the notice delivered by the affeffor. By order of the Commfflioners. JOHN GRAY, Clerk. OFFICE of COMMERCIAL COMMISSIONERS for the Cirv of EDINBURGH and its LIBERTIES. NORTH EAST CORNER of the ROYAL EXCHANGE, June 13,1799. ATTENDANCE will continue to be given at this Office every lawful day between the hours of One and Four ( with exception of Saturday), for receiv- ing Sealed Statements of Income from thofe engaged in Trade or Manufaflure, or from Public Bodies, & c, within the City or County of Edinburgh, who incline to take the option of being aUdled by thefe Commiffioners, in termsof Law. As at the time fuch Statements are delivered, Certificates are given by the Commilfioners or their Secretary, containing private marks by which the AFTCFI'ments are afterwards to be made, they think it their duty to recommend the Statements of In- come to be brought here, by the Perfons interelled, or to he fent by a confidential Clerk. By order of the Commercial Commiflioners, WILLIAM 1NG1. IS, Sec. HADDINGTON CORN MARKET— JUNE 21. We had a middling fupply of WHEAT in the mar- ket this day. The fale was heavy, but prices much about the fame as laft week. The fale of Barley was alio heavy— but no material alteration in the priccs; one perfon got 27s. for a fmall parcel.— The quantity ct Oats in the market was uncommonly fmall, yet the fale was dull; higheft price 24s. 6d.— Peafe and Beans were rather up— beft 20s. There were 261 bolls of WHEAT in the market, whereof 6 bolls blacked, 40 were not fold, and 215 fold at the fol- lowing prices: 12-' at L. I 17 6 I 15 at L. I 14 6 I 4^ atL. I 12 6 33 I 16 o I 20 1 14 o | 32! I 12 o 2j I i( 61 J I 13 6 I 6 I It 6 37-| I 15 o I 24 1 13 c I 3 1 11 « Average, L. 1: 14 : 3d. II- I2ths, being 2d. 7- i2th: lower than laft day. CURRENT PRICES OF THE EDINBURGH take into confederation a propofal for felling the out- ftanding debts. •. Creditors of MUEDOCH M'A, ULAY, Merchant and Shlpmalter in Stornaway, to receive their dividends from Coftno Falconer, writer in Edinburgh, the truftee, on the Ift of July. Creditors of RAMSAY, SMITH, GRAHAM, and Co. late Merchants in Giafgow, to meet on the rfl July, at 12 o'clock, in the counting- houfe of Mr. Blackie; the truft. ee, to receive a final dividend from the Company's eftates, and the firft dividend from the eftates of the individual partners. ' The public examination of MELDRUM JAMES WALKER, late Merchant in Giafgow, to he r. n the 27th curt, and the nth July, in the Sheriff Court- houfe of GUfgow. at one o'clock. Creditors to meet there, on the 12th July, at one o'clock, to inftruCt Andrew Templeton, merchant in Giafgow, the truf- tee, and to lodge with him their claims, with oaths of verity, betwixt and the 20th January, or to have no fhare in the firft distribution. States of the affairs of ROBERT LOW, Merchant in Dundee, lie with John Ogilvi- e, writer there, the truftee. Creditors to meet in Morren's there, on the 6th July, at 12 o'clock, to receive their dividends and give directions. SHIP N E W S. " ARRIVED AT GRANGEMOUTH— TWO Sifters, Jor- genfon; Nicolay, Jorgenfon ; Ingo Bora Maria, E- rickfon ; and St. johaanes, Hanfon, from Chriftiana ; Lorenzo Maria, March, from Frederickftadt; Eafter Izer, Broderfon, from Ealter Izer; Olianna, Jon- fon ; Norway Oak, Unger, and Anna Catharine. Holit, from Brevig, all with timber. SOUND INTELLIGENCE. PajfedUfnvirds, June I. Mary. Ritchie.— II. Fame, Grant; Chriftian," Duncan ; Eliza, Mercer; Mer- cury, Barr; Hope, Hanfon; Nelly, Knox ; Chriftine, Baird; Erfkine, Carron^ Elizabeth, Irvine; Eliza- beth, Law. Downtvards, Arrived, June 5. Jonnv, Thomfnn ; Concord, Beal; Forth, Milne; Adventure, Oil- lei'pie ; Venus, Smith ; Enterprize, Malcolm ; OLigh- ten, Baird; Induftry, Forfter; Three Friends, Ber- nie ; Stonhaven, Milne; Agnefs, Rutherford ; Char lotte, Strong; Renown, Deas; Berfey, Sutter.— 7 Merchant Izatt.— 8. Peter, Hutcliifon. Arrived from Gottenburgh for convoy with the Po- mona armed fhip, June 11. Archibald, Scott; Betfey, Borland; Morning^ Star, Yule; Fame, Johnfton; John & Jane, Young; Alexander, Caithnefs ; Two Brothers, Berry; Jean, Morrifan ; Ceres, Davidfon ; Swan, Falconer; Hope, Hunter; Pelican, James ; Satisfaction, Norman. P. S. Yefterday the Nemeffn frigate arrived from Hamburgh with 7 fail of fhips under her convoy ; and the Vejlal frigate with a fleet from Hull, confifting of ahout 70 fail. The Ann of Leith, Sinclair, is arrived in the Sound from Gottenburgb t ® join convoy. The Pomona armed fhip and Manly gun boat ar- rived in the Sound this morning, with the remainder of the Leltb convoy from Gotten& urg/ b, together with 13 fail of homeward- bound veffels from rhat place to join convoy. Wind NE.— ELSINOKE, Jam 4,1799. . LEITH, June 25.— Arrived, Commercial Packet, Mofley; Edinburgh & Berwick Packet, Cooper; Bcrwickfhire Packet, Cumming; Tweed Packet, Ord, from London; Bridport, Ellis, from Invernefs; Emanuel, Salvefon, from Mandahl; Lady Grant, Halkerfton, from Aberdeen ; Ketty, Wifharr, from Newcaftle, with goods; Three Brothers, Brown, and Ketty, Brodie, from Eyemouth ; Ifabella, Grtig, and Rainbow, Selby, from Dundee; Jean, Muir, from Berwick ; Induftry, Currie, from North Ber- wick; Libard, Douglas, from Cromity ; Polly, Wat- fon, from Anftruther; Beuly, Wilfon, from Loffie- mouth ; Gray, James, from Aberdeen, with grain. Cleared out, Peggy, Buehan, for Aberdeen ; Betfey, Robertfon, for Lerwick; Btaufoy, M'Laren, for Hull; Commercial Packet, Mofley, for London, with goods. ., I 0 1 c 10 6 13 o ADVERTISER far 1799. FQ L V NT A AT CONTRIBUTIONS. The folloivinv additional Subjeriptiops in the parifb of " F.- S1. RI&. IC TOWN or* PXLKIRK. Alexander Callender, grazier - L. lo 10 o James Hendcrfon, writer - - 5 5 o Mrs Henderfon - . - - - I I O John Rarkine, jun. merchant - - 5 5 c William Hodge, baker - - - 2 2 o Mifi'es A. and'M. Bower ... o - Ioo In tbe Carron Shipping Company s employ at Grangemouth. Archibald Shannan, fhipmafter - I William Honeyman, ditto - - - I Janjes Welfh, carpenter - - o Robert Do: t, Mull ; James Wilkie, joiner, 5s. each— James Ruffel, feaman, 3s. Allan White, carpenter; Daniel Stewart, carpenter; Wm. Bennet, feaman; James Adam, ditto, 2S. 6d. each Wm. Donald, feaman • John Walker, ditto ; Wm. Mitchell, ditto; James Gardner, ditto; Robert Robertfon, ditto; James Boyd, ditto j Andrew Liddle, ditto; Wm. Muir, cook; James Steven, feaman; James Watfon, ditto; Wm. Cook, ditto; J. Buchanan, apprentice; James Currie, ditto ; J. M- I. auchlan, ditto ; A. Hardie, do. 2s, each— John Arnot, feaman, is. Wm. Johnfton, porter; Alex. Marshall, ap- prentice, is. each - IN SEABECS. ^ A friend to his country - John Robertfon of Damhead; Thomas Ruffell of Drum—- 5s. each Widow RttfTel, tenant John Ivyles, lock keeper; David Marfhal, tenadt; John Court, fervant; Janet Gray, ; Wm. Henderfon, tenant; James Newlands, ditto ; William Bell, rs. each R. Meiklejohn, fervant; James Dobhie, cottar; John Williamfon, ; John RufTel, weaver— 6d. each Subfcribed by fundry other tenants and cot- tars - - In the Village of LAUREISTOWN. David Robertfon, gardener Wm. Beatton, jun. teacher; Wm. Waddel, fmith, IGS. 6d. each ' - - - Alex. Stirling, weaver Wni. Beatton, fhoemaker - George ' Turner, brewer - James I. eifhman, fmith - - Wm. Black, brewer ; James Johnfton, jour- neyman fhoemaker; John Brock, change- keeper— 2s. 6d. each - - 076 Robert Young, labourer; Thomas Mitchell, cooper— 23. each - - - 040 Andrew Muirhead, ; Peter I. elly, la- bourer; Tho. Baird, fhoemaker; James Johnflon, labourer; John Graham, wea- ver— is. each - - - 050 John Aikman, journeyman fheemaker; John Bachop, apprentice to Win. Beat- ton, fhoemaker— 6d. each - o I o I It! 10 0 2 7 ° 0 16 6 1 I o I 1 080 076 040 ° 3 407 WOODS IN ARGYLLSHIRE FOR S ALE. " I ' Hrt EARL of BREADAl. BANE's WOODS |_ on the Lands commonly called' the tvventy- fe- ven merks'land of l. echow- thofe'on Letirbeg 3mt Letirmore on Lschowfide— and thofe on the land3 of Gleno, Duo, Inverurichan and two Barrs. on Loch- tine near Bunaw, are to be fold by private bargain, in one, two. or three lots as purrhafers incline. Tbe purchafers muft manufacture the woods into charcoal, and deliver the coal to the l. oinfnrriace Company, at certain prices, fpecilfcd in a contrail be- tween the Earl and them; the Company providing colliers at reafonable wages, and facks for carrying the coal. The wood rangers in the different diftriCls wilt fhew the woods, and Mr Campbell, W. S. St. James's Square, Edinburgh, or Mir. John Campbell; writer in Inverary, will give further information, pud receive propofals. fSubfcriptions in tbe Parijh of COLLESS'lH. L. 32 10' 10 o o John Cheap, Efq; ' Thomas Kinnear, F. fq; Andrew Thomfon, Efq; Andrew Walker, Minifter John Wallace, Efq; James Walker, Elq; 20 3 2 2 O O 3 ° 2 O 2 HIGHLAND SOCIETY OF SCOTLAND AGENERAL MEETING of this Society, a- greeabte to their Charter, is to be held in their Hall, South Bridge Street, on Monday the 1ft day of July next, at 12 o'clock noon, when it is re- quefted that all the Members then in town will at- tend preciftly at the hour of meeting, as, befides the ordinary bufinefs, there will be a Ballot for the ad- miffion'of new Members, and, by the Rules of the Society, no ballot can commence till at leaft twenty Members are prefent. LEWIS GORDON, Dep. Sec. EDINBURGH, June 7, 1799. 18 18 o 15 0 BARLEY, Firjt, 26s.. cd. ! Second, 24S. 6d. ] Third, 23s. od. \ OATS, I 24s. ocl. | 23s. od. I 21s. 6d. PEASE, 19s. od. 18s. od. 17s. cd. Br ANS, 19s. od. 18s. od. 17s. od. Friday, ; June ai, Saturday, az. Sundayt 23, Monday^ 24, Tuefdayy 25, 8 o'clock Even 8 o'clock Mom. 8 o'clock Even. 8 o'clock Morn. 8 o'clock Even. 8 o'clock Morn, 8 o'clock Even. 8 o'clock Morn. STATE of the THERMOMETER Jince our tajl. 66. 65 63. J2- 53* JO* 54- St- S E E STRAT10NS. JOHN HESDRIE, Merchant in Ayr. Creditors to meet in Cathcart's there, on the 27th curt, at 12 o'clock, to chufe a faCtor, and on the 25th July, to chufe a truftee. Creditors of HUGH M'KAY, Copperfmith in E dinburgh, may lodge objections airainft the com- promife entered into with Mrs. M'Kay, if they have any, with William Anderfon, the truftee. States of the affairs of WILLIAM PANTON, at Blackruthven, lie with Robert Peddie, writer in Perth, the truftee. No dividend at prefent. Creditors of JOHN HOOD, fome time Merchant at Flower de Hundred, Virginia, afterwards in Greenock, to meet in John's Coffee- houfe, Edin- burgh, on the 8th of July, at 2 o'clock, to eleCt a Common Agent. Creditors, of DAVID TURNBIJLI. and Co. late Mer chtir. ts in Giafgow, to meet in Currie's there, on the 27th inlt. at 12 o'clock, to chute a new truftee,. and to BOARD AND LODGING FOR LADIES ONE or TWO LADIES can be accommodated immediately, in a retired but very . pleafant fituation, within 30 miles of Edinburgh, where there is not only an extenfive Gafdtn, but art hath com- bined with nature to lay out fome of the moft ro- mantic walks in Scotland. The local fituation is beautiful, and is only fo far detached from a confide- rable town, as not to render marketing inconvenient. ' The Advertifer, who is a perfon of credit, and refpectable in point of connections, flatters herfelf flie will be found an agreeable companion, and that the Friends of any Ladies committed to her care, will have ample reafon to be fatisfied with their fitu ation.— For farther particulars, inquire at the Print- ing- office, Caftle- hiil. 2$ tb June, 1799. I 10 o o II 6 IV A N T E D, A SCHOOLMAS TER for the parifh of Cockpen, within eight miles of Edinburgh. CANDIDATES for this office, mutt be of unex- ceptionable moral and political character, and be qualified to teach Englifh, Writing, Arithmetic, Book- keeping, and Church Mufic. There is a good dwelling- houfe, containing feveral rooms, and a kitchen, befides the School- room, and likewife a Garden belonging to the houfe. The pa- rifh, though not large, is populous. The annual falary is not a great one, but the Fees arifing from Scholars and otherwife may amount to a confideralile fum, provided the Teacher be fober, diligent, able, and induftrious. From the nearnefsof the School to Fdinburgh. and the accommodations in the Dwel- ling- houfe, the fituarion is well adapted for Boarders. ' The Schoolmafter will be chofcn by comparative I.. 78 17 Sukfcriptions in the Parifb of CRIEFF. The Rev. Robert Stirling, minifter, ' L. 5 5 George Trail, furgeon - - 55 John Tainfh, writer; John Drummond, merchant; Mrs. Cairns; Mifs Bruce; James Allan, vintner; John Alexander, furgeon; John Cook; Mifs Macaulay; and P. Stalker, fupertfil'or— 2l. 2s. each William Maxton, baker James Buchan, merchant; John Brown, do.; James Wright, feuar; Wm. Druin- mond, poft- mafter; James Alexander, ftocking- maker; John White, meffenger, Alex. Tainfh; Thomas Wright, tanner; George Gardner; A Lady— II. Is. each Mungo Murray, merchant, yearly during the war - Thomas M'Omifh, innkeeper, yearly du- ring the war - David Porteous, brewer, Mrs Maxton, Geo. Mackay, F. Fergufon, merchant; John Miller, road contractor ; Mifs B. Campbell; John Buchan, mercht. Dun. Cumming, mercht. J. B. a friend to the country; John Seton, nurferymau ; David M'Intyre, auctioneer— los. 6d. cach 7 10 c James Dow - - o 10 c Andrew Clow, John Maxton, James Max- ton— 73. 6d. each ... A Loyal fair one, P. Maxton, fon of Mrs. Maxton ; Mrs. Roy ; Alex. M'Neil, mer- chant ; Elizab. Stewart, Mary Campbell, WilliamReid, James Macrorie, P. Drum- mond, John M'Nab, John Clow, Peter Stobic, Robert Morifoa— 5s. each George Randall - R. Drummond, fcrvant; Eliz. M'Nicol, do. Jean M'Dermid,- ditto; James M'Rabie, mafon; Eliz; Robertfon, John Rogie, D. Buchanan, David Smith— 2s. 6d. cach Jean Malcolm, fervant; Ifobcl M'Callum, do.; J. M'Omifh, Dun. M'Lachlan, Ro. M'Kempie— 2s. each— J. Taylor, Is. 6d. Ann Taylor, Marg. Galium, i. ilias Malt- man, John M'Anfh, fervants; R. Robert- fon, Peter Kempie— Is", each Donald Stewart, labourer; John Adie, Jn. Devvar, 6d. each FARM IN KINCARDINESHIRE. To be LE T for 19 years^- Emry. at Whitfun- day 1800, r I ^ HE FARM of SHEPHERDSHAUGH, in X the Parifh of Fordon, nearly adjoining to the turnpike road from Laurencekirk to Drumlitliie, containing 140 Scots acres per plan, • whereof about ro8 acres are arable, and moltly of fuperior quality. It has » gentle declivity to the fouthweft, and cn- compafi'ed one half or two third parts by the water of Bervie. Every encouragement will be given to a fnbltantial tenant.— For farther particulars inquire aj Mr. William Rofs, merchant in Montrofe. FARMS IN EAST- LOTHIAN AND BERWICKSHIRE. To be I. ET for 19 years from Whitfnnday 1800, DALGOWRIE, in tbe parifh of, and 3 miles diltant from Haddington, containing about itio- acres of arable ground, moftly irrciofed. UPPER BOLTON, in the pariih of Bolton, and three mires from Haddington, containing about 230 acres of arable ground, well inclofed with hedges. For 19 years from Whitfunday 1801, WEDDERLY, in the county of Berwick, and parifh of Weftruther, containing above l8ooacres, yoo of which are arable, tbe reft pafture. Proposals in writing for the above Farms, may lis addreUed to the Proprietor at Lennoxlove, by Had- . dington, or io Mefirs. Dundas and Robertfon, clerks to the fignet, Edinburgh. FARM IN MID LOTHIAN TO LET'. To be LET for fourteen years, and entered to at Martirmas firft, THE FARM of i'l. OVERHALL, lying in the parifli of Lafl'wade, fix miles fouth- weft front Edinburgh, four miles from Dalkeith, and only tw o from Coal and Lime. ' The farm contains about ic3 Scots acres, inclofed and fubdivided with ditch and hedge, and the great road from Edinburgh to Dum- fries paffes tlK- ough it. There is a very fubflanti. il Dwelling- houfe and Offices, with an excellent . Gar- den, fituated- at a convenient diftance from the road. The Crop and Stocking may be had at a valuation. For. particulars apply to Mr. Johnlton at Plover - hall, or John Syme, W. S. 126 5 4 o o II 6 060 1 6 L. c6 12 Additional Sulfcriptions in tbe Parifb of COCKPEN. Thomas Wilfon, vintner, Poltonhali William Dalzeiel, feuar, ditto trial, upon Saturday the 29th day of June current, James Scott, coal grieve, Dalboufie within the Manfe of Cockpen, at 12 o'clock mid- 1 * ' ~ •" * • day, in prefence of fucb Heritors as chufe to attend, and according to the determination of two proper judges to be appointed by them. For farther particulars, apply to James Davidfon, writer to the figntt, Adam Goidie, labourer, Poltonhall James Safley, weaver, Dalhoufie William Salley, ftruth, dittti till it - L. o 0 o o L. i 7 e S o PSALE OF ESTATE IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR. There is to be SOI. D by public roup, Within th- houfe of Mr. Hunter,. viotnor in Foifar, on Fri- day the 26th day of July next, between one and two o'clock afternoon, ("" PHE ESTATE of KKNNETTLES, in the conn- J ty of Forfar, fituated in the moft beautiful part of Strathmore, and confining of about 370 Scots . acres. There are a large and commodious Houle, and houfehold officcs on the Lftate, lately and moft. fubftantially built, and in the belt repair, alfo a com- plete fet of Farm Offices. The Garden is of a moft excellent foil, having . fine expofnre, and there are fome Plantations of Hard Wood, thriving uncommonly well. A Purchafer may have accefs at Martinmas next, to the houfe and houlehold oflic s, and ro t [ 4 acns in the ixcupation of the Proprietor, with the farm- offices ; and a Freehold Qualification to vote f'nr a Member of Parliament, wilt be Sold along with the Eltate, if defired.— The Teinds were valued in 1771. . Thofe defirous of more particular information, or to treat by private bargain before the day of fate, may apply ta Alexander Bower, Efq; of Kincal- drum, the proprietor, at Kinnettles, by Dundee, or to Meffrs. Fothringham and Pearfon, v.- riters to the fignrt. in whofe hasds fhe title- deeds are. LANDS IN DUMFRIES- SHIRE. To he SOLD by public roup within the Town hall of Lochmaben, upon the 30th Augrift next, be- twixt the hours of 1 and 3 afternoon, ALI. and WHOLE the LANDS of SMAI. I.- HOLMIiURN, lying in the parifb of Loch- maben,- which'belonged to Juines Wiglttman, con- fiding of about 60 acres of. land, rnoftiy holm, upon which a complete newTarm- houle and Offices have been built within thefc laft twelve months. The land is all arable, and of the belt quality. The Ri- ver Annan bounds it on the call. The Turnpike Road from Locbmahen to Annan runs through the farm, and the Kellhe'ad Lime Works are only five miles diftant. ' The lands hold of the E: « rl. of Mans- field for payment of a fnwlt quit or kindly tenant ren*. and irom the nature of the holding, no ftipend is exigible. A confiderable ftream of water runs immediately paft the houfes to the river Annan, fo th t the fitu- ation is peculiarly. well adapted for any kind Ma- chinery ; and it is equally eligible for a Bi< achfield from the levelnefs ot land upon the river hde, and local fituation- in the country. The Lands are at prefent under Lcafe, but upon expiry of the l ack a cohfidefable increafe of rent may be expeCied. ' Tire prefetat Tack duty is L.-?. As alfo. All and Whole a Subject of DWEL- LING HOUSES, lying in the Town of Smallholm, to which a cohliderablc Inclofure ol Land is at- tached. For further particulars application may be made to John Hill, at Winterfeuch, George Rea of Ne* p- toun, Robert Richardfon at Ar. nanhill, James K. rr at Upper Dornroiv, and John Moffat, Portioner of Higluae, Mr. Wiglitniuti's Truftcts, or to John Eindfay, writer, I. ochniabcn, and Mr. ' Thomas johnfton, writer, No. 7, Terrace. Edinburgh, any of wham will inform as. to the upf et price, dt: d con- ditions of Ule. '•"'.. 4o3 TO LET AN EXTENSIVE SHEEP AND ARABLE FARM IN MID LO FHI AN. THE FARM of S PITTA L, in ^ the parifh of Pennycuick, twelve miles fouth- weft from E- dinburgh, meafuring about loco acres, and includ- ing three of the Pent land Hills. The entry to the hbufes and grafs to be at Whit- funday next, and to the arable land at the Martin- sjaas following. The hill part of this farm, which is well fituated for markets, has a very high chara& er as a { keep walk, and che low grounds - having. a fouth fcxpofure, are of an excellent foil, and well adapted for turnip hulbandry. The dwelling- houfe is near the Weft Linton road, one of the bed in the coun- try, con fills of two ftorcys, is flated, and in good repair. Written offers, for a nineteen years or fliorter leafe, will be received by the proprietor at Newhall, near Weft Linton, which { hall be concealed, if re- quiredj and the fervants at Newhall will ( hew the iurm, where alfo mav be feen the conditions of fale. TAR MS IN THE COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. To be LET for 19 years, rT^ HE FARM of TEMPLEHOUSE of Buteland, J[ at prefent poffclfed by Walter johndon, con- taining 46 Scots acres, Or thereby, all arable. ALSO, rhe FAR M of OVERTOUN of Buteland, and WEST PARK, poffeffed by James Gardener, containing TO8 acres or thereby ;— AND, the Outfield Land poffeffed by Thomas Henderfon, containing a- bnut 260 acres, all lying in the parifh of Currie, about 9 miles didart from Edinburgh. The Lands will be Let in one, or in two Farms, according to the offers that may be received. The entry to Templehoufe at Martinmas I799f and to the other Lands at Martinmas 1800. Offers, in writing- may be given in to James Kettle, writer in Edinburgh, or to Adam Wilfon, at Largo- houfe, betwixt and the ijth Auguft next. Peter Balram at Buteland, will give directions for fhe wing the . Lands. SALE OF LANDS IN ROXBURGHSHIRE. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, r- pHE LANDS and ESTATE of ORCHARD, | in the pariOi of Cavers, and part of the LANDS of WEENSLAND and WEENSLAND MILL, in the parifh of Hawick, which are contiguous, and form together a compact edate, fituated in a plentiful country, bounded on the north by the river Tiviot, and on the^ weft by the inclofures of the town of Hawick, a good market towh, in which feveral flo'U rilhing Manufactures are edablifhed. The turnpike road from Carlifle to Berwick, by Hawick and Kel- fo, runs through the north part of the Eftate, and the turnpike road from Edinburgh to Newcaftie, by Selkirk and Hawick, runs along the ead fide of it. There is on the Eftate a genteel modern built Manfioh- houfe, Stables, and other Offices, a Garden well docked with fruit trees, alfo feveraLdripes and clumps of planting, in a thriving condition. The whole Edate is inclofed, weli watered, sssd in excel- lent order, and it is fituattd in the immediate vicini- ty of an inexhauftible fund of marie, to which there is eafy accels by good roads. The prefent. free rent payable by a few fubftantial tenants, ( putting a mo- derate valuation on what is in the hands of the pro- prietor, on which is lately built a fmall neat houfe', called Orchard Cottage, with fuitable offices,) is con- iiderably above Five Hundred Pounds. . Should the Edate not be fold entire, ( as it might be conveniently divided into didinc5t properties,) it will be difpofed- of in Lots.— Such as incline to pur- chafe, may apply to William Balderdon, W. S. or Mr. Uiher, at Crow- hill, near Hawick, either of whom will { how the rental, and an inventory of the title- deeds; the title-, deeds themfelves will be Ihewn by Mr. B& lderiion, and Mr. pffier has a plan of the Kdate; the Proprietor, or his fervants, will fhew the Mmfiori- houle- s and- boundaries. THE EDINBURGH HOUSE IN THE LAWN MARKET. To be SOLD by public roup within John's Coffee- houfe, Edisburgb, upon Wednelday the loth dav of Tuly next, at I o'clock'afternoon, r" I~ THAT HOUSE fronting the High Street, being J_ the Second Storey above the { hops - of that te- nement at the head of Brodie's Clofe, which be- longed to and was lately poffeffed by the deceafed John Law, Meflenger in Edinburgh, and now by Mr. Simfon, Solicitor at Law, confiding of 6 rooms, kitchen, and other conveniences, with a water- pipe and cidern within the fame. This houfe is infured upon the old plan with the Edinburgh Friendly Infurance Society, and is intit- led to an annual dividend of L. I : 6: 8d. Sterling, which if fold feparateiy would draw L. 40. For particulars application may be made to Roger Aytoun, W. S. FARMS IN KlNCARDiNJibtilR. h.. To be LET for 19 years, and entered to at Whit- funday or Martinmas fird, viz. HRULLOCH, confiding of upwards of 150 acres | arable, befides fome valuable padure. The whole of this farm is of a drong foil, fit for wheat, and has been fallowed and limed " in the courfe of the lad fix or feven years. Mod part of it is fubd. ivided and inolofed with done fences or thriving thorn hedges. There is on it a new comfortable farm hof. fe, and a good fet of offices, with a threfliing ma- chine. It is fituated about three miles from the ports of John's Haven and Gourdon, and within a quarter of a mile of the turnpike road. GREENLEYS, confiding of upwards of 180 acres, of which the greater part is arable. The whole is at prefent in grafs, and about 20 acres lately inclofed. TEA1PLE, confiding of 50 acres arable, befides padure. This farm has been lately fubdivided with ditches and - thorn hedges, and has been fallowed, limed, and laid into grafs. HAIRMUIR, confiding of about 70 acres arable. This, farm will be let upon an improving Jeafe at a low rent. For further particulars apply to Mr. Robertfon Scott, Benholm, by Bervie. ADVERTISER for 1799. SALE OF THE LANDS AND BARONY OF PITTENCRIEF. THESE LANDS lye in the county of Fife, in the vicinity of the populous town of Dun- fermline. The elegant and beautiful fituation of this eftate is fo well known, as to require neither def- cription nor embellilhment, in an advertifement. ALSO TO BE SOLD, The SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of EAST BALDRIDGE, in the fame county, paying a feu- duty of I,. 35 Sterling, and 21 bolls bartev, Toge- ther with the SUPERIORITY of the LANDS of BLACKBURN, - ndthe INCH of INVERKEITH- ING, together making a Freehold Qualification on the valued rent. The rents 01 the Lands, and farther information will be obtained by applying to John Taylor, W. S. or Robert Scotland, Dunfermline. SALE OF LANDS IN EAST- LOTHIAN, BY ADJOURNMENT. At the Defire of Perfons Intending to Purchafe. To be SOLD by public roap, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, on Wednefday the 3d day of July next, between the hours of one and two o'clock . afternoon. I^ HE following very VALUABLE LANDS and ESTATES in the county of Haddington, viz. The LANDS and ESTATE of FAN TASSIE, LINTON, and HOUSTOUN, with the MILL of Linton, all as at prefent under leVfe to Mr. George Rennie, with the Wauk Mill of Houdon, poffeffed by Andrew Meikle, lying in the parifia of Predonkirk. The village of Linton is fituated upon this edate, a great part of which " belongs to the proprietor.— There is alfo a very fine Lime- done Quarry upon thefe Lands, which Mr. Rennie, the tackiman is in- filled to work to a certain extent, and does work ac- cordingly, affording an abundant fupply of lime, not only for his own farm, but alfo for fale. But the proprietor is alfo intitled to work if he fo indices, either for fale, or for manuring his other grounds. Thefe lands are delightfully Fituated upon the banks f a river, in the richtft and mod beautiful part of Ead Lothian, and on the great coad road from Edin- burgh to London, between Haddington and Dunbar, and they are on'y about 18 miles from Edinburgh and fix from Haddington. They contain about 473 acres of rich land, ali in the higheft date of cultiva- tion, and produce wheat of the bed quality. There are aifo between 50 and 60 Acres of COMMON be- longing to this part of the Edate, fubject to certain fervitudes of Padurage. ALSO, The LANDS and ESTATE of EAST FOR TOWN, MYRES1DE, and the LANDS cal- led GOODFELLOWS LAND, lying in the parifli of Athel'. toneford, and at prefent pollelfed by John and James Howdens, confiding of about 675 acres, chiefly of rich infield ground. Thefe lands are likewife very beautifully fituated about five miles to the north- eaft of Haddington, in the heart of a rich and pleafant country, arid are on- ly about two miles didant from the above mention- ed lime quarries. The tack duty of both the above properties, which at prefent only amounts to from 900I. to 1000L per annum, confids chiefly of wheat, barley, and oats; but which by the leafes are converted into money, and payable by the tenants at the rate of the high- ed liars of the county of Haddington. Both the above properties are fituated in the heart of a coal country, and it is fuppofed that veins of coal may be found in each, but particularly in, the lands of Ead Fortown, which are but a few miles diftant from coal- pits: and from their particular fituation, were coal to be difcovered on them, it would yield to the Proprietor from L. 2cco to L. 3000 per annum, befides the rent of the lands. The prefent VILLA NEAR PERTH. To be SOLD by public roup, within the houfe of Thomas Wakefield, vintner in Perth, upon Tuef- day the 6th Augud 1799, at noon, SUM MER BANK— pleafantly fituated on the eaft fide of the River Tay, oppofite to the head of the North Inch, commanding a mod delightful profpedt, and pofTeffing from its vicinity to Perth, all the advantages both of a town and country refi- dence. The Houfe, which was built within thefe few years, contains dining- room, drawing- room, parlour, nine bed- rooms, a large kitchen, garrets, and other accommodations ; — it dands in the middle of the grounds, which confid of about two acres, laid out into a garden, which is well docked with wall and other fruit trees of the bed kinds. There is a fpring well of excellent water within the garden, and there is alfo a liable in the premifes. The grounds are very well inclofed with high done waljs, excepting upon the wed, where it is bounded by the river Tay. The premifes will be { hewn any lawful day be- twixt and the day of fale; and any perfon wanting farther information may apply to David Thomfon, W. S. or to George Condie, writer in Perth. SALE or LANDS AND PATRONAGES IN THK COUNTIES OF NAIRN AND INVERNESS. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, on the 20th day of November next, between the hours of two and three in the afternoon, r" pHE LANDS and ESTATE of GEDDES, J commosiy called Eifler Geddes > lying within the parifh and county of Nairn. Thefe lands arc pleafantiy fituated on the banks of the river Nairn, and command a delightful prof- peed of the Murray Frith and tiie oppofite coad of Rofs and Cromarty. They lie within three, miles of the royal burgh of Nairn, where there is a good weekly market, remarkably well fupplied with fifii. and provifions of all kinds on mod reafonable terms. The Lands of Geddes are prefently rented at about L. 220 Sterling, but on the expiry of the prefent leafes, it will rife nearly double; one of the princi- pal farms is prefently let oh a leafe of two lives, and as both the tenants are upwards of 70 years of age, accefs will be had t » it in all probability with- in a few years, and double rent has already been offered for that polfeflion. The lands are weli known to be of a rich fertile quality, and capable of producing every fort of grain. There is- a young thriving plantation on the property, upon which no value is put, and it has a right in common to fome extenfive muirs, which on a divifion might be plant- ed or turned into padure with much advantage to the proprietor. The public burdens affecTting this property are comparatively fmall; and as the teinds are valued, and the ftipend of the pariih lately aug- mented, any future augmentation will affect the proprietor of Geddes in a trifling degree. The. . arids hold of the Crown, and intitle the proprietor to vote for a Member of Parliament for the county of Nairn. The LANDS of BROADLEY, HOWFORD, and TOMENDOUL, with the Mill thereorcom monly called Broadley's Mill, with an Englifli Part of the Grieihop Lands of the Burgh of Nairn, to- gether with the Crofts, called Smith's Croft. Thefe laiivis alfo lie on the banks of the river Nairn, in the vicinity of the burgh of Nairn, and parifh and coun- ty thereof. They are of a fertile, kindly quality, and as the rent has not been railed thefe many years, and as manure of ali kinds can be had upon eafy terms from Nairn,- a confiderable rife of ri. nt may be reafonably expected. The prefent rent is about 70I. Sterling. The proprietor has right 1 to the teinds, and tbe fame have been valued. The whole of thefc lands hold feu of the town of Nairn for payment of 3I. 4s. 8d. Sterling of feu- duty. The LANDS of FI. EEMINGTOWN, lying with- in the parifh of Petty, and county of Invernefs. This property is of very confidcrable extent, and of a molt improveable quality, having the command of inex- haudible molles within itfelf, and there have lately been dIicovered fome beds of marie. It is fituated in JUNE JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN THE STEW- ARTRY OF KIRKCUDBRIGHT, HOUSES IN DUMFRIES, & c, To be SOLD by public roup, within the Parliament, or New Seffion Houfe of Edinburgh, on Wednel- day the 10th day of July 1799, between the hours of 5 and 6 in the afternoon, ALL and WHOLE, the TEN MERK LAND © f CORBIE I ON, with the teinds, multures, and pertinents thereof, lying in the parifli of Buitle, and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. Thefe Lands confid of 269 acres 1 rood and 9 falls, : Scots datute meafure, and are fituated on the great military road from England to Ireland, by Portpa- ! trick, at the didance of 12 miles from Dumfries, arid 6 from Caltle Douglas. The foil is confidered to be of as good a quality as any in Galloway, both" for tillage and padure, and may be improved at a fmall expence, there being marie within the proper- ty, and iime and ( hells can be had at a moderate price. The vicinity of thefe lands to Dumfries and Cadle Douglas, affords a ready market for the pro- duce thereof, and being at the di dance of only 3 miles from the harbour of Dub of Hals, on the Sol- way Firth, they lie very convenient for the exporta- tion of grain, to the markets of Liverpool, and other towns on^ the wed coad of England. There is a commodious houfe of two doreys, with fuitable offices, on the premifies, alfo a Garden and Orchard. Fhe free, proven rent of the Lands is L. 201 : 5s; 5- I2ths. and the proven value is L. 5635 : o: lid. 8- I2ths, at which fum they will be fet up to fale. " Fhe whole of the Lands, excepting two fmall pof- feflions of L. 8: 8s. and L. II . lis. of yearly rent, are let in leafe. The leafe is for 21 years after Whit- funday 1791, and there is a condition therein, that in cafe of a Sale of the Lands, and the_ purchafer ( hall incline to aflume the poflefiion thereof, - it fhall be in his power to do fo, at any term of Whitfunday, during the currency of the leafe, by giving a year's previous notice to the tenants, and allowing him one full year's rent. The. tenant on the other hand being obliged at his removal to leave the whole lands in grafs. ALSO, That DWELLING- HOUSE in Calvert's Vennel, in the town of Dumfries,* with the perti- nents prefently poffeffed by Mrs. RL'dick. The proven rent thereof is L. 15, and the proven value L. 180, at which fum they will be fet up to Sale. The articles of roup, and title- deeds, with the plan of the Lands of Corbieton, may be feen in the office of Mr. Bruce, Depute Clerk of Stffion, and perfons wifhing for further information, may apply to James Gilchrift, W. S. Edinburgh, or to Weilwood Max- well, . Efq; Dumfries, the judicial factor on the lands, who will ( hew printed copies of the memorial and abftradl, of the prepared date int he procels of fale., Callachilly Sailen, Gruline, Gedderile, Tarlochan, ' Fhe extent of th Corn Land, Kilbcg, Bentilla, Bradilaultach, Bradildugh, Lcadery, ground is as follows : 378 Scots acres. Tornflea, Feorlindugh, and Covrygarrain, LANO. S IN AYRSHIRE. DAT OF SALE ALTERED. To be SOLD by public voluntary roup, witltin the houfe of John Wilfon, vintner in Beith, upon Mon- day the 15th July, 1799, ( in place of the loth May, as formerly advertifed) at one o'clock af- ternoon, ^ piIE FOUR MERK LAND of old extent of | EROWNMUIR, with the Mill of Beith, and 2ft i i ited multures thereof, lying within the parifh of. Beith, and ( heriff. lom of Ayr. Thfe lands con fid of nearly two hundred acres Scots meafnre, and are pollened by one tenant under an old leafe, in which there is a breach in favour of the Landlord about three years hence, when a very great rife of rent may be depended upon. They hold of the Crown. II.— The following LOTS or Parcels of the Two Merk Land of old extent of MAINS of BEITH, vL. LANDS UNDER LEASE. T. Thefe INCLOS0RES, preiently polIeHed by John Craig, confiding in whole of upwards of 15 acres Scots meafure. Lands Set in'padure till Martinmas next. 2. FOUR SMALL INCI, OSURES, lying on the fouth fide of the road leading from Bcith to Kilbir- uie, and containing in whole nearly 11 acres. 3. Five Small INQLOSURES, lying on the north fide of the road leading from Beith to Kill^ irnie, and feontaining in whole upwards of 13 acres. - Thefe Lots of the Mains of Beith will be fabdi- vided into fmaller parcels, if found to fuit the con- vehiency of intending offerers. They are to be fold to hold of a fubje< 5t ftiperior for payment of trifling feu- duties, to be doubled at the entry of heirs, and tripled at the entry of Angular fucceffors. The Teinds of both Brownmuir and the Mains of Beith arc valued by an old decreet in 1635. The title deeds, rentals, and plans and meafure- Oients of the lands are in the hands of James Dun- das and Hugh Robertfon, clerks to the fig net, to whom application as to a private bargain previous to the day of fale, and for all further particulars, ap- plication ma- y be made. Printed reutals and other particulars may like- will fnow the grounds. and together with plans of the eltates, may be fcen Campbell, W. S. St James's Square, t dinburgh, who wife be had by applyingto William Dunn, writer The Lands are to be expofed altogether, and not in the hands of Archibald Dunbar, W. S. who will will { hew the lans and furveys of the eftate, and In Beith. in lots, as formerly advertifed. alfo inform as to other particulars. > give any other information that may. be ncctfiary. Bv A FARTHER ADJOURNMENT. LANDS FOR SALE IN ARGYLESHIRE. To be SOLD, by warrant of the Court of Sefiion, by public auction, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- houfe, Edinburgh, on Saturday the 20th. July 1799, at two o'clock afternoon, LOTS Firft and Second of the ESTATE of LOCHBUY, ( as formerly advertifed) fitu- atect in the ifland of Mull, arnd { hire of Argyle, ( for the purpofe of difcbar% in$ r the Entailers Debts. J Lor l.- 4The i^ ANDS of ARDMEANOCH, containing the following Farms: Tapul, j Tirovan, | with the Mi'n Coilimore & | Knockroy j and Miln Croft Slock j Camus and { * of Schiconnel. Scobul, J Schiconnel, j By a late furvey the extent of the ground on this lot is as follows : Corn Lands, « - 375 Sco£ s acres. Improveable Lands, 77 Wood Land, - 10 Hill and Mofs, - 4991 5453 The grofs rent of this lot is only at prefent 213!. belides Cuftoms 2nd Services— but as the whole of ft is cut of leafe, excepting the farms of Tirovan and Knockroy, a confiderable rife of rent may be im- mediately depended on. Superiority to the extent of a Freehold Quali- fication, will be fold with the lands. The pnrchafer will likewife have right to the Kelp on the fhore op- pofite to faid lands, after the expiration of the pre- fent leafe, of which there are only. 19 years to run from Whitfunday 1799, but as the kelpion the whole eftate is at prefent undet leafe to a tenant upon a different part of the property, the value of it is not included in the above rental. Lor II.^- The LANDS of BENTELLA, com- prehending the following Farms : Improveable Land, 67 rent of'thefe properties is no rule by which " to efti-. the near vicinity of the garrifon of Fort George, Wood Lands, - 292 ms. te their value, as the leafes were obtained under ; which always affords a re^ dy and good market for Hill and Mefs - 8391 9T28 particular circumftances and for premiums paid by ; the ptoduce of the eftate. The prefent rental is up- The grofs rent of this lot is only 349I. Sterling, tfce tenants ; but were the prefent leafes expired it is ( wards of L. 320 Sterling, but fronvthe rapid progrefs ( befi. ies Cuftoms and Services, but when the prefent thought thefe lands would yield, at lead, thrice the ! of improvements in that part of the country, and \ leales expire, a confidtrahle rife of rent may be ex- prefent rfcnt, independently of the chance of coal,- as • the natural advant ages which the lands of Meeming ( pedted. The farm of Kiibcg and the Crolcs ofCal- there are but few eltares moreadvantageouflyfituated., town pofftls, a very great additional rent may be lachiily are out Oi leafe. The farm ho'ufes and office's are the property of • looked for on the expiry of the prcfent leafes, all of the proprietor, and the tenan: s are bound to leave j which have only a few years to run. Thofe lands them in'good repair. ! hold of the Earl of Moray for payment ot a yearly Both properties hold of the Crown, and ftand va- lued in che Cefs- books at X.. 1196 : r8 : 4d. Scots.— This valuation is calculated to afford five freehold qualifications within the county of Haddington. The title- deeds and plans of the eltates may be feu duty of L. io Scots. The propria tor has right to On thi-. lot there are feveial excellent Stuations for a Gentleman's refidence, and fuperiority to the ex- tent of a freehold qualification will be fold with the hnds. The purchafer will liltewift have right to the the teiuds, and tbe fame were value d fome time ago. < kelp on the ' fhore nppofjte to faid lards," after the The Donation, Prefentation, nd Right ' f Patron- | expiration of the prefent leafe, and the value of this age of the pariih of Moy, lying within the preibytery j kelp is not included in the above rtnfal. and county of Invernefs; and alfo an alternate Right | N B. There is a large Herring Fiihery on I. ot 1, at Lochfcriden ; aad ihere is likewile a Hen iitg fhery on I. ot ad, at Loch; hait; and a Salmon . Ihing on the river of Baw, which Is to be loU ther particulars may be made, arid who will com- in one lot, or if more agreeable to intending pur- , with this Int. municate rentals of the lands, and copies of tbe pre- chafers, in two or more as wifhed for. ! For particulars application mav be made to I. ieu- fent leafes.— The tenants on the refpedtive farms The titles to thefe different properties are clear, tenant Colonel M l. aine of Lochbuy, or to Mr. EDINBURGH: Printed for JAMES DONALDSON, and Sold at the PRINTING- OFFICE, Caftie- hiH, where, and at the EDIN& URCH ADVERTISER OFFICE, at the Crofs, Orders and Advertifements are taken in.— This Paper is regularly publi/ hed every TUESDAY and FRIDAY.— The price of a Single Pspcr is SIXPENCE :— L. 2 : 1 2s. per Annum, when Called for:— L. 2 : ' 43. when Delivered at any houfe in Edinburgh, the Suburbs, or ia Leith ; L. 2 : 16s. when Sent by Port ( free of Poftage) to any Town in Scotland or England ;— and L. 3 : 2s. when fent to Ireland. w Advertifements and Orders taken in by Mr. WILLIAM TAYLER, NO. 5, Warwick Square, London, where this Paper is regularly fled.
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