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Advices have been received this Evening from Head Quarters at Carrick-on-Shannon ..


Printer / Publisher: Dublin Castle 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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Advices have been received this Evening from Head Quarters at Carrick-on-Shannon ..
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Advices have been received this Evening from Head Quarters at Carrick-on-Shannon ..

Date of Article: 08/09/1798
Printer / Publisher: Dublin Castle 
Address: Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, Dublin
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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• Dublin Castle, 8th September, 1798; ADVICES have been received this Evening from Head arters at Carrick- on- Shannon, by which it appears that Enemy had passed through Manor- Hamilton, and cros- the Shannon at Ballintra. They threw away eight ns and two Tumbrils in their March, and many of the abitants who had joined, were deserting them. Gene- Lake was following them with his Corps. His Excel- y was marching upon Mohill. A Body of Insurgents having collected near Granard, Wednesday last, several Yeoman Corps in the Neigh- rhood, and from the County of Cavern, commanded by tain Cottingham, collected with Celerity, and entirely ated the Insurgents at the Town of Granard, killing* at One Hundred and Fifty, and dispersing the Re- under. The Yeomanry experienced no Loss: n the same Evening Lord Longford, at the Head of a , ' of Yeomanry, assisted by a Detachment of the King's ops, attacked a Body of Rebels at Wilson's Hospital, put them to Flight, with much Slaughter. DUBLIN . Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the KlNG's Most Excellent Majesty.
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