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Intelligence is just received from Major General Nugent �


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Intelligence is just received from Major General Nugent �

Date of Article: 14/06/1798
Printer / Publisher: Dublin Castle 
Address: Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, Dublin
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
Sourced from Dealer? No
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/ DUBLIN CASTLE, 11 o'Clock, A. M. 14th June, 1798. __——— I INTELLIGENCE is just arrived from Major General Nugent, stating, that : on the eleventh instant, he had marched against a large Body of REBELS, who were posted at Saintfield. They retired, on his Approach, to a strong Position on the Saintfield Side of Ballynahinch, and there made a Shew of Resistance, and en. deavoured to turn his left Flank ; but. Lieutenant Colonel Stewart arriving from Down, with a pretty considerable Force of Infantry, Cavalry, and Yeomanry, they soon desisted, and retired to a very strong Position behind Ballynahinch. % General Nugent attacked them the next Morning at three o'Clock, having occupied two Hills on the Left and Right of the Town, to prevent the REBELS from having any other Choice than the Mountains in their Rear for their Re- treat.; he sent Lieutenant Colonel Stewart to post himself with Part of the Argyle Fencibles, and some Yeomanry, as well as a Detachment of the 22d Light Dragoons, in a Situation from whence he could ensilade the REBEL Line, whilst Colonel Leslie, with Part of the Monaghan Militia, Tome Cavalry, and Yeoman Infantry, should make an Attack upon their Front. Having two Howitzers and six six Pounders with the two Detachments, the Major General was enabled to annoy them'very much, from different Parts of his Position. The REBELS attacked, impetuously, Colonel Leslie's Detachment, and even jumped into the Road from the Earl of Moira's Demefne, to endeavour to take one of his Guns, but they were repulsed with Slaughter. Lieutenant Colonel Stewart's Detachment was attacked by them with the same Activity, but he repulsed them also, and the Fire from his Howitzer and six Pounder soon obliged them to fly in all Directions. Their Force was, on the Evening of the 12th, near five Thousand ; but as many Persons are pressed into their Ser- vice, and almost entirely unarmed, the General does not suppose that on the Morning of the Engagement their Numbers were near so many. About FOUR Hundred REBELS were killed in the Attack and ' Retreat, and the Remainder were dispersed all over the Country. Parts of the Town of Saintfield and Ballynahinch were burnt. Major- General Nugent states, that both Officers and Men deserve Praise, for their Zeal and Alacrity on this, as well as all Occasions; but he particularly expresses his Obligations to Lieutenant Colo- nel Stewart for his Advice and Assistance throughout the Business, and to Co lonel Leslie for his Readiness to volunteer the Duty at all Times. The Yeo- manry behaved with extreme Steadiness and Bravery. Three or four Green Colours were taken, and six one Pounders, not mounted, but which the REBELS fired very often, and a considerable Quantity of Ammunition. Their Chief was Munro, a Shopkeeper of Lisburn. Major- General Nugent regrets the Loss of Captain Evatt, of the Monaghan Militia ; Lieutenant Ellis of the same Regiment was wounded; the Loss of Rank and File was five killed and fourteen wounded. Several of the Yeoman Infantry were killed or wounded. , The Major- General expresses his Acknowledgments to Lieutenant- Colonel Peacock, and Major of Brigade Machinnor, who were of the greatest Service. The Portaferry Yeomanry, on the 11th instant, under the Command of Captain Matthews, made a most gallant Defence against a large Body of the REBELS, who attacked the Town of Portaferry ; the Yeomanry having taken Possession of the Market- House, from which Post they repulsed the REBELS, who who left behind them above forty dead ; many more were carred off. Captain Hopkins, of a Revenue Cruizer, brought his Guns to bear on the Town, and was of great Service in defending it. ADVICES from Major General Sir Charles Asgill, dated from Kilkenny the 13th instant, state, that on the Evening of the 12th instant, having heard that a large Body of the REBELS had marched from the County of Wexford against Borris, under Command of Mr. Bagenal Harvey, and were burning the Town, he proceeded to its Relief with four hundred Men, but the REBELS had fled before he could arrive. 1 They had attacked Mr. Kavanagh's House, in which were twenty- nine Men of the Donegal Militia, who, notwithstanding the incessant Fire kept upon them for some Hours, defended themselves in the most gallant Manner, and killed several of the REBELS. Nothing could surpass the determined Bravery of those few Men. The REBELS effected their Escape into the County of Wexford. A LETTER received by Lieutenant General Lake, from Major General Johnson, dated the 13th instant, at New Ross, states, that having received Infor- mation that the REBELS had fitted out several Boats and other Craft, for the Purpose of effecting their Escape,. he had sent Lieutenant Hill with such armed Vessels as could be spared from Feathard where they were collected, with Orders to destroy the Whole; which Lieutenant Hill effected with his usual Spirit, and without Loss; Thirteen large sailing Hookers, and a great many Boats, were burnt. DUBLIN: Printed by GEORGE GRIERSON, Printer to the KING's Most Excellent Majesty.
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