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St James's Chronicle


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St James's Chronicle

Date of Article: 14/08/1794
Printer / Publisher: H. Baldwin 
Address: Britannia Printing Office, the Corner of Union-street, in New Bridge-street, Blackfriars
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5220
No Pages: 4
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The St. James s Or , B R I T I S H RONICLE; E V E N I N G - P O S T . Price FOUR- PENCE HALF- PENNY.] From T U E S D A Y , AUGUST 1 2 , to T H U R S D A Y , AUGUST 14, 1794. [ 5220. t'**> 3* 5> e « > eece W E D N E S D A Y , AuguR 1 3. From the LONDON G A Z E T T E, Of Tut/ day, Auguji 12. H O J L S E - G U A R D S , W H I T E H A L L , Aug \ i. D c g tar r $> « •<? e v ] « H E defpatches, of which the following are extracts, have been received from Sir Charles Grey, K. B. by the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State. Guadaloupe, June 11, ' 794- We received an exprefs at St. Chriftopher's on the 4th inftant, with the unwelcome news of the deceafe of Major- General Dundas, who died of a fever at Guadaloupe, after a few davs illnefs ; and in him his Majefty and his country lofe one of their braveft and beft officers, and a moft worthy man. I) too, feel feverely the lofs of fo able an afliftant bn this arduous fervice, and a valuable friend ever t o be lamented. Before day of the 5th another exprefs arrived at St. Chriftopher's from Guadaloupe, with intelligence that feveral fail of French line of battle ( hips, with frigates, tranfports, and 2600 land forces 011 board, had appeared off Point a Petre, Grand TerrC, on the 3d inftant. The Admiral made immediate fail for Guadaloupe, and we reached Baffe T e r r e in the afternoon of the 7th inftant, receiving further intelligence that the enemy had landed, forced Fort Fleur d'Epee before day of the 6th inftant, and were actually in poffeffion of it, with Fort Louis, Fort Government, the town of Point a Petre, & c. and the flipping anchored in the harbour. I landed immediately at Bnffe T e r r e , and the Admiral proceeded, with the fhips of war, to Point a Petre, where he anchored at noon of the 8th inft. during which 1 continued vifiting the potts, and giving the r. ecelfary orders at Baffe T e r r e ; and in the evening of the 9th following I returned to the Boyne, to concert meafures with the Admiral for regaining Point a Petre and Grande Terre. We have fent to the. different iflands to c o l l e t nil the force that can be fpared, in particular the flank companies, part of whom are already arrived; and as every effort fhall be made On our part, at the fame time that we can thoroughly depend on the bravery and exertions of our troops' and feamen, I hope foon to render a geed account of this fecond expedition, having their fhips completely blocked up within the inner harbour, which are now found to confift of two frigates, one corvette, two large fhips, appearing to be armed en flute, and two other fhips within land, fo that it cannot be exactly difcovered what they are. Their troops confift of about 1 t oo men, joined by fome mulattoes and negroes, fjnee landing, of courfe. I tranfmit herewith the report and returns of Lieutenant- Colonel Drummond, of the 43d Regiment, who commanded at Fort Fleur d'Epee and Point a Petre, at the time of its being retaken by the French; which armament that retook it failed from Rochefort about the 15th of April lall, having i a d a pafiage of 41 days. S I R , Baffe Terre, June 9, 1794. I embrace the earlieft opportunity to inform you of the arrival of a fquadron of French men of war 3t the iOand of Guadeloupe, and of the lofs of Fort Fleur d'Epee, which was taken by itorm on Friday the 6th inft. Oa Tuefdiy- t h e sd inft. I received intelligence from Captain M'Dowall, of the 43d Regiment, at S t . Anne's, that nine fhips, bearing the National colours of France, were then off the town of St. Francois, and feemed to be failing along the coaft towards Point a Petre. This report was confirmed foon afterwards by the arrival of other expreffes from different parts of the colonies; and at half paft four o'clock the French fquadron, confifting, as I am informed, of two fhips of 50 guns, one of 40 guns, armed en flute, one frigate, with five tranf- . ports, came to anchor about a mile and a half beyond the village of Gozier, and immediately began t o difembark their troops. On the receipt of Captain M ' D o w a l l ' s letter, I enclofed ^ copy of it to Major- General Dundas, and on the arrival of the French fleet I fent a fecond exprefs to Baffe T e r r e , explaining the nature of my fituation, and requeuing a re- enforcement, as it was generally fuppofed the enemy meant to attack us in the evening of the 4th inft. and as I had received no anfwer to my letters to Major- General Dundas, I fent to Captain Buchanan, of the 39th Regiment, who I was informed was then at Marygat with 70 men, to defire he would march with all pofiible expedition to ouraffiftance ; but the anfwer I received to thofe applications was one letter from Major Maitland, faying Major- General Dundas was dead, ? nd that he had communicated my defpatchcs to Lieutenant- Colonel Blundell, with a fecond from the Lieutenant- Colonel, expreffing a doubt whether it would be prudent in him to afford me any affiftance or no. The communications were fecondedby the two enclofed letters, which were put into my hands i few hoars before the enemy attacked the f o r t . On the evening of the 3d inft. I took every precaution to ftrengthen the poft of Fort Fleur d'Epee, and to make the beft pofiible defenfe in cafe of an attack, tliat the nature of our fituation would allow. All the detached companies of the 43d Regiment were ordered in ; the inhabitants were affembled, and arrived in their feveral parifhes, as well as all the Englifh merchants and failors at Point a P e t r e ; and M fix o'clock on Wednefday morning I was happy to find I had a body of near 30& men at that Fort, vhic'i I was in hopes would have proved formidable rarmgh to co. aateraft any offenfive operations of the enemy, till I could procure a military re- enforcement from Bade Terre. During the whole of Wednefday the 4th and Thurfday the ; t h inft, the enemy contented themfelves with plundering and burning the houfes and eftates of fome gentlemen in the vicinity of Gozier. I had every reafon to believe, from the information of the parties fent out to reconnoitre the enemy on the 4th inft. that the whole of their force did not amount to more than 300 men, and tbat they were not only worn out by the length of the voyage, but fatigued alfo with the excefs they had committed from the moment of their landing. ImprelTed with this idea, the Rovaiifts in the fort were anxious to inarch oat, and, if pojible, furprife the enemy at their poft, by which means we m'ght have cut off their communication with any difaffe& ed people in the colon1', and probably have forced them back again t o their fhlps. I was perfuaded fuch an attempt might be of fervice, if effe& ed with refolution, and at the repeated folicitations of the Royalifts, I permitted them to afiemble 150 voluntiers, arid put them under the command of Captain M'Dowall, of the 43d Regiment, who offered to d i r e d their operationsi rl he party marched from the fort about eight o'clock in the evening; but, I am forry to fay, my hopes of the benefit we might have derived from the fuccefs of this attempt were entirely defeated, by their want of fteadinefs and difcipline. I n marching along the road leading to Gozier, a few fliot were fired, probably by a picquet of the enemy's, from the bullies at the fide of the road : The moft fhameful panick inftantly prevailed throughout the whole party : A general difcharge of mufquetry commenced; many of them threw away their ? rms and deferted to the town; fome few returned to Fleur d'Ep^ e, and it was with the greateft difficulty Captain M'Dowall could colleCt about 30 of - them together, who he marched fome minutes after into the f o r t . I am forry to add, that the next morn'ng were found three of the Royalifts dead, and four wounded. On the morning of Thurfday the jth inft. the enemy landed 13 boats crowdcd with failors, and, from the information of a prifoner brought into the f o r t , I learnt it was their intention to attack us that night, and that their numbers amounted to from 1200 to 1500 men. As I law, from the conduCt of the Royaiilts on the preceding night, that I had very little to hope from their fteadinefs and refolution, I took the precaution to defend the gate, and line the weakeftpart of the work, with the f o d i e r s of the 43d Regiment, keeping a fmali body as . a corps de Referve, to a f t on the approach cf t^. t- enemy. At eleven o'clock a party of'horfe, that had been fent out to reconnoitre, returned, and informed me ti. e enemy were on their march, and in pofl'effion of the viliage bf Gozier. At one o'clock on Friday morniug the ad vanced picquet came into the f o r t , and we then diftinftly heard the approach of the enemy along the road, leading from the village. We inftantly commenced a hie of grape ihot from one 24 pounder and two field picces, which threw them into great confufioh, and mult have been attended with confiderable effeft. The enemy halted for two or three minutes, and then, at the perfuafion of their officers, marched on to the foot of the hill, and began to ftorm the work. We kept up a very heavy fire of mufquetry for about 15 minutes; The enemy were evidently repulfed, and I am perfuaded, that had the Royalifts afted with refolution at that moment, we might have maintained our ground ; but, on the firing ceafing, numbers of them concluded the place loft, and, abandoning their pofts, ran in crowds towards the gate. I t was in vain for the foldiers of the 43d Regiment to oppofe their progrefs; the gates were laid open, and nearly one half of the whole body deferted to the town. The gates were again clofed as foon as poflible, and the fmall body of the 43d Regiment, which I had kept in referve, moved 011 to the attack. They oppofed the enterance of the enemy for fomt time, but one fide of the work having been abandoned and left entirely defenfelefs, we found ourfelves nearly furrounded, and I then ordered the foldiers I had with me to charge their bayonets, and retire a few paces to a fpot where we might be better able to defend ourfelves. Here we halted, and received a volley of mufquetry from a number of the enemy that had formed themfelves in a body in our front. The crowd of people that now came ruthing from e r e r y quarter towards the gate rendered every effort of the foldicrs ineffectual: Overpowered as they were, they found therafelves difperfed, and obliged to retire. 1 gonfulted with two or three officers that continued at my fide upon the poffibility of rallying once more, and ftill defending the place; but it was their general opinion that the fort was no longer tenable, and that we ought to retire ; I therefore permitted tire gate to be opened, and ordered a retreat to Fort- Lonis. On my arrival at Fort Louis I aflembled the foldiers, with a refolution to defend the poft ; but finding that I had not quite 40 men, and that it would be impofliblc to hold out againft the enemy, I thought it more prudent to retire, and fave the remains of the Regiment, than to furrender them prifoners of war. I , in confequence, ordered the men to march; and, collecting the detachment at Fort Government, with the foldiers that had efcaped lingly from Fleur d'Epec, I proceeded to Petit Canal; and, having embarked in two boats, fet fail for Baffe Tcrre, where we arrived at eleven o'clock yefterday morning. Enclofed I have the honour to tranfmit to your Excellency a return of the prefent ftate of the 43d Regiment, but it is not in my power to determine the number of our killed and pounded ; neither can I form any opinion of the lofs fuftained by the Royalifts at Fleur d'Epee ; but I am apprehenfive it muft have been very confiderable. I am forry to add, that Captain Suckling, of the Britifh Artillery, was wounded with a bayonet in the breaft, and left at Point a Petre. I cannot conclude this letter without expreffing my approbation of the conduft of the officers and foldiers under my command : Their intrepidity in meeting any danger, and their exertions in rallying our force, were confpicuous in the extreme, and fuch as will ever claim my warmeft acknowledgements. I have the honour to be, Sir, your Excellency's moft obedient, very humble fervant, ( S i g n e d ) JAMES DRUMMOND, Lieut. Col. of the 43d Reg. C O P Y . S I R , Baffe Terre, June 14, 1794. I have had the honour of receiving your two expreffes, and have forwarded them to his Excellency Sir Charles Grey, in hopes they may find him at Antigua, or St. K i t t ' s. I am forry to inform you we" have buried Major- General Dundas this morning. I have the honour to be Your very obedient humble fervant, ( S i g n e d ) BRYAN ELUNDELL. Lieut.. Col. Com. Lieutenant- Colonel Drummond. C O P Y . S I R , 57. Marie, June 5, One o'Clock. I n confequence cf your letter to Captain Buchanan, which Colonel Blundell has juft feen, the Colonel has ordered about 80 men of the 39th Regiment now affembled at Marygat, under the command of Captain Bell, and Captain Buchanan, together with about twenty inhabitants of this Diftrict, as well as fome from Capelterre, t ® move this evening, with the utmoft Difpatch, to vour r e l i e f ; as they will, if poffibie, be all mounted, I expect they will be with you to- morrow morning. T h i s force will be fuppo.' ced by three companies of Light Infantry, likewife mounted, who will march from Trois Riverres this morning at five o'clock, and will not be long after the firft reinforcement. A quantity of Ammunition went through this place an hour ago for you. I expeft more will foon follow. The Colonel is f o r r y he had no intimation from you of your fituation, as, if he had, he might have taken meafures for your relief. I have the honour of being, Sir, Your moft obedient Servant, R. S. D O N K E N , • A f t i n g Major of Brigade. Return of the 43 d Regiment, at Fort Fleur d'Epee, iSc. June$, 1794. Fort Fleur d'Epee.'— 1 Lieutenant- Colonel, 2 Captains, 6 Lieutenants, 1 Enfign, y Serjeants, tj Drummers, 06 Rank and File. Fort St. Louis.— I Lieutenant, 3 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, 25 Rank and File. Fort Government.— 2 Enfigns, 2 Serjeants, 29 Rank and File. Total.— 1 Lieutenant- Colonel, 2 Captains, 7 Lieutenants, 3 Enfigns, 34 Serjeants, 10 Drummers, 150 Rank and File. Milling.— 1 Lieutenant, 1 Entign, 4 Serjeants, 3 Drummers, 45 Rank and File. Officers miffing, Lieutenant Crofton and Enftgn Holv. eil. N. B. Lett Sick at l'oint a Pure, 1 Captain, 1 Enfign, 7 Serjeants, 3 Drummers, 92 Rank and File, ( Signed) - JAMES DRUMMOND, Lieutenant- Colonel 43d- Regiment. Return rf tht Royal Irifh Artillery at Fleur d'Epee, June 5, 1794, 1 Officer, 1 Serjeant, 7. Bombardiers, 3 Gunners. Miffing— t Serjffet, 1 Gunner. Present with the 43d F^ egimcnt. 1 Officer, 1 Serjeant, 2 Bombardiers, 2 Gunners. ( Signed) _ J. GEORGE, Firft Lieutenant Royal Irifh Artillery. Point- a Pel re, Guadaloupe, June 13, 1794. I have fome force already at the town and battery of Petit Bourgli, and fhall make a landing - on the fide of Fort Fleur d'Epee, and Point- a- Petre, in a day or two ; and I hope to regain our eonquefts before any length of ti;. ie can elapfe, as every effort will be made to accomplifh it fpeedily. Point- a- Petre, Guadaloupe, June 14, 1794. The enemy having croffed the mouth of the harbour from the Town of Point- a- Petre, and encamped at the Poft of St. Jean, or Gabaree, the oppofite point, I judged it a favourable opportunity of attacking them, which was done accordingly at eleven o'clock laft night, under the command of Brigadier- General Dundas, who executed this fervice with fuch f p i r i t and good conduct, as to kill a con- • fiderable number of them, and the others fled in the utmoft confternation, took to the water to fwim acrofs the harbour, in which fituation they were fired on, and many more killed. Brevet Major Rofs, of the 31ft Regiment, who was with the Light Infantry, behaved with great gallantry and good conduCt on this occafion, as he had done on every other. The Enemy's Camp, Colours, Baggage, & c. with one piece of cannon, fell into our hands, but no prifoners that I have yet heard o f ; a. partywas however in purfuit of thofe - who had not'thrown themfelvcs into the water, and fled with equal precipitation by land. A Serjeant, Corporal; and eight Privates, of our Light Infantry, are wounded, but not one killed. This report is juft brought to me by Captain Ogle, one of my Aides- du- Camp, who was prefent. In juftice to the Legiflature of St. Chriftopher's, with Prefident Stanley at their head, and that of Antigua, w i t h Prelident Byam at their head, I have to report the moft laudable exertions in them to raife Seamen for the Navy on this Service, por have they been unfuccefsful, . Whitehall, Auguji 12. The King has been pleafed to grant the D i g n i t y of a Baron of the Kingdom of G r e a t - B r i t a i n to the feveral perfons under-' mentioned, and the Heirs male of their refpeftive bo. dies lawfully begotten, viz. The Right Honourable John Earl of LTpper OiTory, of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the name, ftile, and title cf Baron Upper Offory, of Ampthill, in the County of Bedford. Tbe Right Hon. Edward Lord Clive, of the Kingdom of Ireland, by the name, ftile, and title of Baron Clive, ofWalcot, in the County of Salop. The Right Hon. Henry Lord Mulgrave, of the Kingdom of ' Ireland, by the name, ftije, ami title of Baron Mulgrave, of Mulgrave, in the Countv of York. . The Right Hon. William' Henry Lyttelton, Lord Weftcote, of the Kingdom of Ireland, by tbe name, ftile and titla of Lord Lyttelton, Baroil. of Frankley, in the County of Wcrceilcr. The Right Honourable Welbore Ellis, by the name, ftile, and title of Baron M'endip, of Mendip, in the County of Somerfet, with remainders leverally and fucceffively to the Right Honourable Henry Wclbore Agar, Vifcount Clifdcn of the Kingdom of Ireland, the Honourable and Reverend John Ellis Agar, fecond fon, and the Honourable Charles Bagr. aH Agar, third fon, of the Right Honourable James lare Vil'count- Clifden, of the Kingdom of Ireland, Seceafed ; Welbore Ellis Agar, Eft), one of the Commilfioners of his Majefty's Cuftoms ; and the Moft Reverend Fath r in God, Dodlor Charles Agar, Archbifhop ofCafhel, in the Kingdom of Ireland; and the refpeCVi ve Heirs Male of-* their bodies lawfully begotten. Sir Ilenry Btidgcman, Bart by the name, ftile, and title of Baron Bradford, of Bradford, in the Cauttty 1 f Salop. Sir James Peacbey, Baronet, by the name, ftile, and title of Baron Selfey, of Selfey, in the County of Suffex. Sir Thomas Dundas, Baronet, by the narre, ftile, and title cf Baron Dundas, of Afke, in the North Riding of the County of York. Afhcton Curzon, ofPennhnufe, in the County of Buckingham, Efq. by the name,* ftile, and title of Baron Curzon, of Penn, in the faid Coun'y ; and Charles Anderfon Pelham, of Brocklelby, in the County of Lincoln, Efq. by the name, ftile, and title of Baron Yaiborough, of '/ arboiough, in the faid County. Whitthall, Aug:- ft 1 j . The King has been pleafed to conftitute and appoint Major- General Charles Leigh to be Captain. General and Governcur in Chief in and over the Iflands of Nevis, St. C h r i f t c - pher, Montferfat, Anti a, Barbuda, Anquilla, and all other Countries and Plantations in America, c:> mmonly called or known by the name of the Charibbee Ifiands. The King has alfo been plcafed to conftitute and appoint James Crauford, Efq. to be Govirnour and Commander in Chief in and over all thofe iflands and Plantations in America, commoniy called the Bermuda or Somers Iflands. B A N K R U P T S . John Mill, ofBidiford, Dcvonfhire, Mercer. To appear Sept.' J, 2, 23, at the White Lion Inn, Broad- Street, Br. ftol. Horatio Kimp, of Henrietta- Street, Covent- Garden, Coal-* Merchant. To appear Auguft 16, 23, Sept. 23, at Guildhall, London. William Cuftance, of Fakenham, Norfolk, Cabinet- Maker. To appear Auguft 16, 29, Sept. 23, atthe- Angeli Norwich. Thomas Bartlctt, of Walcott, Somerf; tfhire, Carpenter. Pb appear Auguft 19, Sept. 8, 23, at the Elephant and Caftle, Bath. Dividends to be made. Sept. 20. John Turner, of the Strand, Middlefex, Calinet- Maker, at Guildhall, London. Sept. 2. Samuel Lawrence, of Crewkerne, Somerfetfhire, Dealer, at the George I" ii, in Axminfter, Devonih'ire. Sept. 23. Na'haniel Hingfton, of Falmouth, Cornwall, Linen- Draper, at Guildhall. FOREIGN A F F A I R S, Barcelona, July z. An unhappy affair took place here laft Sunday, which we were apprehenfive might have been attended with further confequences; but, from the precautions taken to preferve quiet, feems to be terminated with the melancholy effefts which the fury of the moment produced. The corps, compofed of French deferters and prifoners, called Royal Roufillons, which had been fent back from the frontiers, and indeed difbanded by t h e difmiffion or incorporation of the officers into other regiments, had continued here in a ftate of great diforder, on account of the irreconcileable enmity that reigned between the two parties. All the deferters had in ' confequence been fome days ago returned to the citadel, and were molt of them entering into la Legion de la Reyna. The reft of the corps, about 300, confifted entirely of enlifted prifoners, but d i f - fering ftill in their politicks, continued in a ftate of ft rife and diforder, fhut up in a quarter called S t. Atiguftin, upon the Efplai.- ada, till the Sunday a f t e r - noon, when the majority having pourtrayed fome wretched figures of a Tree of Liberty, of a Kino-, of a Guillotine, & c. forced the reft'to dance, and fing Republican, fongs. Government, on account of this fcandalous riot, ordered a detachment of the other French Corps, called la Legion de la Ryna, to go and fupprefs i t, aud feife the riag- lcaders, which was accordingly dohc, and twenty- eight of the moft turbulent were. taken out and carried to the Quarters at Barcelona. T h i s , however, unfortunately taking place juft at the time when the ftreets were crouded by the populace following a proceffion, a mob was immediately gathered upon the Efp'ianada; and the ftate of the incredible infolence of thefe wretches, who had dared thus openly, to infult the King and the Nation, fermenting with falfe and exaggerated circumftances in the minds of the people, they inlifted that the delinquents fhould immediately be - put to death, upon the fpot on which they had been - g u i l t y . By this time the Captain- General, the Governor of t h e town, and the principal Magiftrates of the Royal Audencia, were afi'embled before the Quarters, and' ufed every means to appeafe the tumult that ttill continued within, and where a numb^ f o f the French were fuppofed to have been wounded, and even killed by their Commanders. . All cndeavbiirs, however, proving ineffectual, and the peonls continuing clamorous and refnfing to be, fJtisii| d,.; TiU all the real delinquents fhould be executed; iii,' the | morning about tea o'clock, the troops which had furrottv. dc^ tr. tm iS rrary sre allowed to th. i qnatters, 4i » c.' V t t ij of the town's peop'- e as chole i t , wenter and quell the riot bv'force. The Confequsnce Of this, perhaps, rafh mtafure, was,_ that every perfon found in the quarters was immediately killed, or danp- eroufly wounded : — ( 2 3 of the dead were buried publicklv on Monday ; between 70 and 80 of the wounded are in the hofpital, and about 40 who were fo lucky as to efcape by different ways, have been " fir. ce col. lefted at the dftferters defpot. After the malfacre was over in the quarters, one or two accidents to « k place without. Late on Monday morning, two of the French deferters " who were at vvo. ik in the covered way of the citadel, were killed ; it is not known bv whom : and an Italian, quite unconcerned in the fray, being - tnken for a Frenchman, was murdered in the mark e t p l a c e del Borne, by a dragoon. Happily, however, no other act of violence was committed ; and as about jooo of the Municipal Guard have patroled the ftreets night and day ever fince, all apprehenfions feems to have fubfided. L O N D O N . Yeftcrdnv morning th" Duke of Portland, Mr. P i t t , ani Lord Ore. v.' ille, had a private audience of the King at Windfor- Lodge. Yeflsrr lav beino- the Prince of Wales's Birth- Day, was kept as a Holiday. No bulaefs was done at any of the Publick Offices. His Highnelfes's Tradefrr. en dir. ed at the Star and Garter Tavern, Pall- Mall, an3 in the evening there were illuminations at the r houfes. Yefterday a Board was held at the Admiralty- OiTice, when' feveral Officers attended, and took leave on going on board the grand fleet. Two 74 gun fhips were ordered to be put into commiffion. Letters were yefterday received at the Duke of Portland's• Office from Quebeck, dated June i>, which mention t h a t ' M r . Beatfon, Ship- builder, had launched a ( hip of 400 tons burthen from the King's Yard, which he has called the Royal Edward, in honour of Prince Edward, whofe amiable qualities are much praifed and admired in that quarter. T h e Corunna Mail whish arrived on Monday brought the Spanifh official account of the battle w i t h the French on tbe 26th of June, at Puycerda. T h e Madrid Gazette of the 2 2d ult. ftates the lofs of the Spaniards on the above occafion as follows : Sixty- fix killed; 44 wounded ; 208 prifoloners, or miffing. T h e fuccefs of the Conventionalifts againft the Combined Powers, would, it was thought, have confolidated the credit of the Committee of Publick Safety in Paris, and ftrengthen the authority of its leader:— But what is now daily paffing in Paris, is, on the contrary, a proof that the leaders of the Revolutionary Government totter upon their Thrones. Whilft Robefpierre plotted the downfall of the. Girondifts, the Hebertifts, Dantonifts, & c. he was feldom feen in publick ; certain of triumphing, he remained behind the curtain, and only his fubaltern inftruments appeared. Now, he fcarcely ever is abfent f r om the Club of the Jacobins, whofe tribune he often afcends. Formerly, he never appeared but to decide the arrefl: or death of his adverfaries ; but he has not fufficient authority now to imprifon thofe whom he has called villains and confpirators ir. the jsidft of the Convention. He daily declaims againft them, but no longer dares t » name them : he denounces them to the popular fury, but he is heard in filer. ee. Be this as it may— that there exifts at this moment two leading Faftions in Paris, who fecretly watch each other, is certain. The Anti- Robefpierrifts are the more numerous in the Convention ; and Robefpierre's aim is to oppofe the Jacobins to them. Nothing decifive has been yet done, but the preparations are in great forwardnefs. The explofion which is to occafion a new Revolution, cannot be far diftant. What wiliVi the i. Tue, or 011 which fide the viftory will be, cannot yet be foref* H i t h e r t o , in every period of the Revolution, the molt infamous party has conquered ; and it. is difficult to conceive that there can e. xift one fuperiour to the Robefpierrifts in every fpecies of crime. T h e American Minifter at Paris is faid to be charged with a fpecial Meffage to the King of Pruffia in favour of General La Fayette. ExtraSl of a letter from Guernfey, Aug. 6. " By five prifoners who efcapcd from the prifon of Qtiimper on the 23d July, we learn, that the country appeared to them very thin of inhabitants, and that the harveft, which is very indifferent, is chiefly got in by women ; that the people they met with were very kind to them, being diflatisfied with their prefent government; that from what they could learn, the Royalifts were ftill in arms in La Ver. d'c, where people were forced to go againft; their will; and they affirm, that if a fafficlent force to give proteftion was at hand, many of the Bretons would declare thcmfelves. " The prifoners fay, that Lady Fitzroy, who was taken in one of the Lifhon packets, is lodged i n a houfe facing the prifon, with a garden between ; that they often faw her walk in the garden, and pick fomc of the f r u i t , attended by two females and a fentinel ; and that fhe appeared in health. " Thefe prifoners left prifon the 23d J u l y , got t o Morlaix the 3d, ftole a boat, and got here on the 4 t h ." Saturday failed f r om Plymouth for St. Maloes Capt. Rinaudin and his fon, taken out of the Ven geur, funk o n ' t h e glorious ift of June. He is to bs exchanged for Captain Cotes, of the Thames F r i g a t e . The Archduke Leopold, from Riga to Oftend, is taken by the Weazle Sloop of War. Lord Howe will fail the moment the wind Will' permit. Should the French Fleet venture out,'\ iitlV t h e view of cutting off our Eaft- India Convoy now'' i n Bantry Bay, we doubt not but that we ( hall have the good fortune of feeing a repetition of the glorious Firft of June The Right Hon. the Earl of BECTIVE, and the F. ight Hon. Lord JOCEI. YN, have each received his Majefty's permiffion to raife a regiment of horfe in Ireland for the fervice of their country. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has appointed the Right Hon, Lord Glentworth to raife a Regiment of Fencible Cavalry, for the in. ternal defenfe of that Kingdom, to be embodied upon the plan of the Englilh Fencibles. EitraSi- and Abridgements fram. the " P. ejfiffls for the Amendment of the Stat. 28 Hefl. V I I I . cap. i r . " E C U L I A R are the hardfhips f u f e r e d by the family by the death of the ir. tuihbent at the eve of barveft. Two third' of the charge, of building and rebuilding Parfonage- houfes revert, in Ireland, to the family of him who incurred the firft expenfe ; yet that juft politick law was never introduced into this kirfgdom. I t was a conftant tifnge of this church, ( when fettled does not appear), that, if a Minifter of a parifh lived till Lady- Day, or a few weeks after, he bad a right of difpofing, by will, of the fruits of the next harveft ; and it was confirmed by Edmondof Abington, Archbifhop of Canterbury, 1236, and receive { as an eftablilhed law. The reafon was, becaufe the Incumbents, having difcharged the duty all the winter, when little or no profit accrued from the preferment, muft otherwife receive a very fmall recompence ; the confequence whereof would be an inability to pay their debts. A Synod of the diocefe of Norwich, 1255, declared a breach of this cuftom to be very unjuft, and threatened excommunication to the violators of fo valuable a privilege. A fimilar conftitution was confirmed by Cardinal Wolfey for the Clergy of . the province of York, 1518. By the conftitution of Thurftan, Archbifhop of York, the Prebendaries of all the Collegiate Churches in that diocefe were allowed to difpofe of a year's profits of their preferments after their death. The members of the church of Lincoln have enjoyed, for upwards of 500 years, the benefit of this rule. Pope Honorius I I I. confirmed an old law of the fame kind to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield. There was the fame rule and praftice in feveral parts of Ireland. The Clergy refolutely maintained their own cuftom in oppofition to the canon law, by which not only the fubfequent profits, but what an Incumbcnt had faved from the fruits of his benefice, were to revert to the church, till the reign of Henry V I I I . when it was fupetfeded by the Aft of which we complain. One profeffed defign of this Bill, giving the profits from the time of avoidance, was, to enable the fuccefTor to defray the heavy charge of firft f r u i t s , which were highly raifed after they were taken from the Pope and annexed to the Crown, and to enable him to be more expeditious in the payment of them. But, in many cafes, the reafon remains in part only, and in a greater number does not at all fubfift. The firft- fruits of moft parochial livings are much lefs in proportion to the real profits than they were fome years a g o ; and, by the ift of Elifabeth and yth of Anne, the much greater number of livings in England are difcharged. Of 28 principal Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, 13 only are rated, 14 were never in charge, and Windfor was difcharged by A f t of Parliament. Under thefe circumftances, if we are guided by the declared intention of the Legiflature, more than half the Clergy who fucceed to vacant benefices ought not to aflame the privilege given them by this ftatute ; and, with refpeft to the reft, the cale is fo materially altered, they ought in equity to forego i t . For, befides the advantages which they receive f r sm t h e improvement of their livings, they are not under the fame difficulties in the payment of their firft- fruits with thofe whom the Bill had in view ; and, as to the fees for inftitution and induftion, they have not been much augmented for near 200 year*. T h e profefled reafon no longer remaining, for which the claufe of the ftatute of Henry V I I I . was er. afted; why fhould not the Clergy be relieved from the partial and inequitable effefts of it ? I f an Incumbent dies before harveft, lie has but a fmall compenfation for his labours during the greater part of the year. Befides, his tithes ate lubjeft to the land- tax, to affeflments for the relief of the pcor, and the repair of the highways, fee. and they muft all be paid to the. hour of the death of the Incumbent ; though, as the law now ftands, the rreatcft part of the revenue for which he is charged, •> ecomes from that time the property of another. The ftatute of the 1 i t h of the late King gives to the executors of tenants for life a title to the proportion of the annual rent to the time of their * ceafe; and a fubfequent A f t of Parliament virtually repeals a former A f t in every inftance where they are contrary to each other. Upon , a fuppofition we fhould grant the Bill of Henry V I I I . not to have been extremely partial at the tima of its commencement, yet, from a variety of caufes, it may be now moft injurious and oppreffive ; for, as the feveral dues for offerings, furplicefees, & c. & c. bad a much greater proportion to the tithes than they have at prefent, and were received in different parts of the year, an Incumbent who died a little before harveft was not equally aggrieved; and, though they are now trivial funis, they would at that time purchafe many of the neceffaries of life; for, Lord Mansfield faid, that a fee of 2s. in the ift of Elifabeth would now amount to 20s. A faint attempt was made at the beginning of this century, to effett an alteration of the Bill in queftioti, by fecuring a proportionable fliare of the annual profits of livings to the executors of Incumbents, according to the time of their poflelfion. The want of fuccefs was attributed to D r . P •, yet he allows that the profits Ihouid accrue to him on whom the fervices and burthen fall; and every equitable man mult grant, that the perfon who has performed the d u t y , and fupported the incumbrances | n \ l they thought it very fair to ireimburfe tlieifloifes when a favourable Opportunity offered. What is this but to'maintain that>. becaufe one man hath dealt rigoroufly by me, it is allowable for me to a f t in the fame harih manner by another ; in direft violation of that golden rule of equity, which requires us t o do as itie would he, and not as we have beerti done by ? T U R T L E S . WI L T S H I R E and Co. King's Head Tavern, Poultry, have juft landed a fine Cargo of PLUMP LIVELY TURTLES, from 30 to 150 Pounds Weight each, which ire to be fold as' above. _ Turtles dreft this and every Day during the Seafon, in the higheft Perfection, and fent to any Part bf Town or Country. r - j p l TO be L E T , in the Vicinity of Southampton, the VICARAGE HOUSE at EALING, with or without 25 Acres of rich Land adjoining. The Houfe is modern- built, and capable of receiving a large Family; the Rooms are numerous, and in general well proportioned, and finifhed in a ftate ef elegant Neatnefs,; has every requifite Office, with Gardens, Hot- Houfe, and Green- Houfe; the fixation is on an eminence, and equalled by few as to Beauty of Profpcfts. _ Further Particulars may be known of Mr. Hookey, Auctioneer, Southampton.— A Servant near the Houfe will ( how the Premiffes. S U S S E X . O be S O L D , a F R E E H O L D E S T A T E ; confiding of a CAPITAL MESSUAGE, called ROCK HOUSE ; with a Garden walled round, well planted with Fruit Trees ; together with a Barn, Gates, and other convenient Buildings, and about Thirty Acresof Land thereunto adjoining, lying in the Parifh of Wafbington, three miles from Storrington, and three Miles from Steyning, Market Towns, and lix Miles from Worthing, late the Refidence of Thomas Dennett, Efq. Alfo a FREEHOLD FARM, and convenient Buildings, lying in Walhington aforcfiid, called BROAD BRIDGE FARM, in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Rutcher. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. Gates, at Kenfield. T< H E R T S and B E D F O R D S H I R E . TO be S O L D by A U C T I O N , in various Lots, in the Month of September next, uulefs difpofed of in the mean Time by private Contrail, Several FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD ESTATES; confifting of four MANOURS, feveral capital FARMS and LANDS ( fome 6f which are Tithe free,) fituate in the feveral Parifhes of Caddington, Flamftead, Luton, Studham, and Shenley, with the capital Manfion- Houl'e, called MARKYATE CELL, 29 Miles from London, and the Perpetual Patronage of MarkyateChapel and School, in Market- Street, of the annual Value of 160I. The Farms ai'dLands contain In the whole about 1435 Acres, and are let to feveral Tenants at the yearly Rent together of 1071I. 13s.. 6d exclusive of the Woods in hand. For further Particulars enquire of Medrs. Kelham and Johnfon, h'atton- Garden, London ; or of Mr. Brown, Surveyor, at Luton, in Bedfbrdthire, who are authorifed to treat for the fale of the whole or any Part. V A L U A B L E E F F E C T S , K I N G S T O N up H U L L . TO be Sold by Auftion, by Mr. S C O T T, by Order of the Affignees, on the Premilfes, in the Market- Place, Kingfton upon Hull, on Monday, the iSth Inftant, and following D. ivs, to. begin at Eleven o'Clock preclfely ( on Account of the Number of Lots), The GENUIME, EXTENSIVE, and WELL. CHOSEN STOCK in TRADE, LINEN- DRAPERY, MERCERY, HOSIERY, HABERDASHERY, and a Variety ctf" other ufeful and valuable Effedls, late the Property of Mr. SAMUEL GREEN. Compr'ifing a large and gtner. il Afi'ortmeiit of printed C. illlco, Furniture and Gown Patterns, Muflins, Muflincts, Cambricks, Lawns, CURIOUS FINE IRISH, excellent Table and P. ed Linen, Corded Dimities, Striped Hollands and Checks, Cotton Counterpanes and Bed Ticks, Black Silk Modes, Sat tins, Sarcenets and Perfrans, Silk, Cotton, and Worfted Hofe, Flannel, & c. rich Lace, Editings and Ribbands, Stays, Hats, Cloaks, Bonnets, PATENT WASHING MACHINES, Water- proof Leather, excellent Counter and other ufeful Utenfils; the Whole forming a moft complete and very fuperiour AHortment of ufeful and faitionable Articles, in perfeit State fur Home Trade and Exportation, and will be arraigned equally to accommodate private Families and the Trade To be viewed on Friday and Saturday preceding the Sale. Catalogues to be had on the PremilTes; at Mr. Harrifon's, Heddon ; Mr. Gadd's, Cottingharo ; the Tiger, and Crofs Keys, Beverly; at the Tavern, York; Water- fide Houfe, Bartan; the Lion, Brigg ; the Rein Deer, Lincoln; and of Mr. Scott, Ludgate- Hill, London. * t'jis Day - tves pubii'/ l. x- d, In One Volume, Quarto, Price 153.' in Soard'j, Ututinted with exact Drawings of all the refp;& ive Parts, and a perfpeftive View of each Machine complete, on nine Copper- plates. . H E T H E O R Y and P R A C T I C E of D R I L L HUSBANDRY ; founded upqn PHILOSOPHICAL PRINCIPLES, and confirmed by EXPERIENCE. Containing A DilTertation on the N itural Food of Plants. . A DilTertacion on the Shape and Size of the Roots of fuch Plants as are the Objeft of Field Culture. A Difliitation on the fuperior Advantages of the Drill to the Broadcaft Hulbandry. Full Dircflions for making Two different Kinds of Drill Machines, and a Drill Plough, for Sowing or Planting all Kinds of Grain; Puifs, Seeds, Sec. on. any. Kind of Land in any given Quantity, arid at any proper Depth and Diftance required. General Dire& ions for preparing the Land, and for ufing the different Machines in the lowing or planting all Kinds of Grain. Pulfe, Seeds, Sec. Full Directions for making feveral Kinds of Horfe' and Hand Hoes, with proper Inftruftions for Hoife and Hand Hoeing all Kinds of Grain, Pulfe, Seeds, & c. with different Kind of Hoes. By WiLLIAM AMOS. Printed for G. G. and J. Robinfon, Paternofler- row. N E W M U S I C K. 1 his Day were publijhed, By PRESTON and SON, at their wholefalt Warehoufes, No. 97, Strand, AU L D R O B I N G R A Y ; a Paftoral Entertainment, as performed with the utmoft Appl iufe at the Theatre- Royal, Haymarket; written by SAMUEL ARNOLD, jun. The Mufick ( with a Scottiih Overture) lelefted and Compofed by Dr. ARNOLD, Organift and Compofer to his Majefty ; Price 8s. The PURSE ; or, BENEVOLENT TAR ; a Mufical Entertainment, as performed at the Theatre - Royal, Haytnarker; The Poetry by J. C. CROSS. The Mufick by W. REEVE} Price 5s. VAUXHALL SONGS ; a Second Colleftion, now fingirg with the utmoft Applaufe by Mrs. Mountain, Mrs. Franklin, Mifs Milne, Mafter Phelps, Mr. Taylor, and Mr. Dignum. Compofed by Mr. HOOK ; Price 3s. THREE SONATAS for the Piano Fore. Corrpofed and humblv Dedicated, by Permiffion, to Dr. HAYDN ; by J. HA1GH; Price 7s. 6d. SIX SONATAS for the Piano Forte, with an Accompaniment for the Violin. Compofd by J. GIORDANI, Op. 35. Price 7s. " WHY MY JULIA WHY THIS CARE" ani " IF IN THIS BREAST SO GOOD SO PURE" two favorite Rondos, fung at the Bath Concerts, with an Accompaniment for the Piauo Forte. Coir. pofed by Sig. RAUZ2INI; l'.- rce each is. invaluable a B'. efling that ue at the great and increasing demand for Spillbury's Antifcorbutick Drops j a Medicine whish, during the period of twenty years, has effefted the moft c o n . plete Cures in a variety of Nervous, Rhfumatick, and Sccrbijtick Cafes. As a purifier of the blood, a ftrengthener of the conftitution, and an enlivfner of the fpirits, it remains without a rival; and thofe who relide in the moft diftant parts of the univerie have equally experienced its virtue wi: h thafe who live in this Metropolis: but that the good intention of tbe Preparer ( hould not he perverted by the Pubiick being deceived v/ tli a fpurlous fort, it is nrceifary to annex that the Original Drops are in new moulded bottles v/ itij fluced corners, and the words " Francis Spifbory's Antifcor- HEALTH IS fo are not furprifed butick Drops, by the King's Patent," indented, on each bpttje. To be hid at the Proprietor's, D. Spil& ury, No. 15, Soho. fqu. ire, and at the gine'ral Venders 6f Patent Medicines throughout. Great- Britain. ^ O W E L C H well known s F E M A L E P I L L S, for' their A This Day was publifhed, In Oclavo, Price 4s. 6d. bound, T R E A T I S E on C O U R T S M A R T I A L. To which is added, An ESSAY on MILI TARY PUNISHMENTS and REWARDS. The Third Edition, with Additions. By STEPHEN PAYNE AYDE, F. fq. Captiln of the Royal Regimentof Artillery, and Ds- auty Judge Advocate to his Majefty's Troops ferving in Nor, h America, tec. See. London: Printed for K. Murray, No. 32, Fleet- Street; and fold by J. Watts, BookfeMcr, Gofport. Where may be had, Price 2s. 6d. A SHORT ACCOUN 1' of the NAVAL A. CTIONS of the LAST WAR; containing Obfervations on the D fcipline, and Hints for the Improvement, of the Britifh Navyi The Second Edition. BY AN OFFICER. Sold alf:> l> y Mr. Motilcy, Bookfeller, Portfmouth. ForThe U S E of Y O U N G L A D I E S. This Day were publijhed. In T'. vo Pocket Volumes, Price Five Shillings, fewed, U F . S T I O N S to be R E S O L V E D; or, a NEW METHOD ofexercifing the ATTENTION of" YOUNG PEOPLE. Interfpeifcd with various Pieces calculated for Inftruftion and Amufem- nt Tranflated from the Fr nch of Madame dc la FITE. London : Printed for H. Murray, No. 32, Fleet- ftreet. " This is one of the beft Books of Education that has ever come into our Hands. The Plan for exciting Attention and exercifing Re'eftion, is equally ftmple, ingenious, and effeftual. The Authorefs is well acquainted both with Books and polite Life : and the Queftiuns and Dialogues are adapted with lingular Felicity- to rhe Formation of elegant Manners, virtuous Difpolitiens, and a Knowledge and Tafte in polite Literature, and other Aceoirplifhmcr. ts." Englifh Review, May 1794. " The uniform Tendency of this Work is, in an amuiing way, to communicate ufeful Inftruftion, and convey juft Sentiments. We recommend it as well deferving the Attention of Parents and Inftruftots of Children." Monthly Review, July 1794. for ten. perhaps eleven months, has a prior right to him who cannot be charged with them for the fame number of Weeks ; but. by appropriating to each according, to the time of poffeffion, each pcrfon is paid for his labour. And why ought a hazard to be permitted in a cafe of fuch great confequence, o'n which the maintenance ot many perfons depends, when a fair and equitable method of divifion may be with eafe adapted ? And furely the alteration of t h i s ' A f t would lelTen, if not put an end to, the differences which tr. i frequently arife between the fucceflb. r and the reprefentative of the laft Incumbent, by fettling the fums due to each according to the time ot the incumbency. The Clergy of Exeter, it is faid, convinced of the equity of this rule, endeavour t o make it a general one. A plea, indeed, has been ufed by feveral, that, in former inftances, they had to their detriment been obliged to fubmit to this claufe of the ftatute, efhcacy » a removing O Obftruftions to which unmarried Ladies at a certain peri<' ii are fuhj...; alfo what is commonly called the Green Sicknef,; which is denoted by a yellow pallid countenance, v'. ich proceeds from want of exerrife, or relaxation of the fvfttm $ creating an jppetite, covrefting bad digeflion, removing giddinefa, and being of diftinguifheef excellence in Windy Dif, inters. Head, achs, Pains in the Stomach, Shortnefs of Breath, and Paleitatio'ii of the Heart ; Continue to be. fold ( with Direftlcuas,) wholefale ani retai), by McIT. Kearfley, No. 46, Fieet- ftrcet, ( nearly oppofite Fatten . lane) London: alfo retail by W. Bacon, No, ico, Oxi'ui'dflreet, ( oppofite Bcind- ftreet) ; and by T. Guiding, PSii'Srner, No. 42, Cornhill; Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Duty included ; or upon taking half a dozen, the value ot" th: Stamps will be de." dufted. £ 3* As the furr ft teftimony of authenticity, Purchafere aru requefted to remark that each bill of directions is figncd witii the name of C, Kearfley in hand- writing. And on the outfide, whereby fervanta cannot be impofed on, the ftamp is figned in the fame manner. None others arc genuine. For SPRAINS, RHEUMATISMS, tjfe. Dr. STESRS's OPODELDOCK. TH I S genuine Opodeidock is univcrfally recommended in the Cure of Sprains, Bruifes, Rfceiimathm and the Lumbago; as alfo in Cramps and NumbneCs, in Weak, nefs and Stiffnefs of the Joints, and for rt ftoring a proper Circulation to the Limbs, when in a Paralytick State j it will ilfee. wife admirably eafe and rcfrefh the Feet after long Exercii'e in walking, and is of great Ufe for the Bite of venomous Inl'efts, and various other external Complaints, N. B. It is equally efficacious for Horfes, and. applied Tow, is an excellent ( topping for their Feet. C A U T I O N . As Mr. Steers has no connexion whatever with any Perfon of his own Name, nor with any other Perfon except Mr. Newbery , in the Sale of his Opodeldoclc ; pleafe to obfgive that, by Order of the Commiffioners, the Name of F. Newbery is engraved- on the Stamp which is pifted round the Wrapper of each Bertie ; and that none can poffibly be genuine without this Mark of Au » thenticity. Sold In London, only at Mr, NEWBERY's, ( the only Waiehoufe for Dr. . James's Powder), No. 45, in St. Poiri'i Church- yard, a few doors from the corner, of Cheaptide ; ar. i at Mr. Steers's Medicine Warehoufc, No. 10, Old Bond- ftreet, on the lefthar. il from Piccadilly, five doors beyond Staffordftreet, in Bottles, Price 2S. each, Duty included, or fix for 10s. fid- This Day was publijhed, Price i s . 6d, ( To be coo'inued Monthly) NUMBER III. Of TH E R E P E R T O R Y of A R T S and M A N U - FACTURES; containing, befides Olher intereftingM ttcr ( illuftrated by five Copper- plates) the Earl of Dundonald's Patent for making Tar, Pitch, Effential Oils, tec. from Pit- Coal ; Mr. Bell's, for his Improvement of Shoe- Buckles, or La- chets; Mr. Street's, for a new Mode of producing an inflammable Vapour- force for communicating Motion to Engines, Pumps, & c.; Mr Campbell's, for bis nevV Method of destroying Colour, See. in Rags, and other Materials ufed in making Paper ; An important Paper on the Means of rendering Leather Water- proof, irom the Academy of Sciences of Turin ; Method of making Stiiton Cheefe; with rwooriginal and ingenious Communications, viz. Idea of a new and fimple Inftrument for Meafuring Dift. mces, by Mr. Peacock; Account of a Method of alcertaining an univerfal and invariable Standard of Meafure, by Mr. Leflie ; and feveral other important Articles. London! Printed for G. and T, Wilkie, and G. G. and J. Robinfon, Paternoftei- row; P. Elir. fiey, Strand; J. Dcbrett, Piccadilly; J. Bell, Cxford- ftrcct; and W. Richardfon, Royal Exchange. Of whom ( and of all other Bookfellers) may be had, No. 1. and II. of this Work, containing the Specifications of j feven Patent Inventions, and much other valuable Information in the Prafticc of rhe ufeful Arts and Manufactures; to the Advancement of which this Publication is particularly direfted. T H E A L T H and LONGEVITY. Dr. JAMES's A N A L E P T I C S PILLS. O preferve Health, and of courfe to prolong Life, nothing is fo necefiary as an attention to thole ( light indifpoliti^ ns to which all men are fubjeft, and which, by being confidered as trifling:, are too often disregarded, till by negleft they take deep root in the conftitutionaV: d* become of ferious and lomel'im'e's- fatal confeqaence. Thefe complaints, whether- the caufe of them be a cold, excefs of eating , or drinking, fatigue of body or mind, a too aftive or fedehtary life, a gouty or a bilious dlfpqfition, & c. & c. are generally difciu vered by fome obftrvj^ tions in the minute veflels, or by feme defett in the natural: - fecretions.— As a remedy for thefe enU, the celebrated Inventor of the Fever- Powder compofed hi* Analeptick Piiis, and he exhibited in himfelf a memCHsMe inftance of their efficacy ; for, by the conftant ufe of them, though a fice- liver, he attained to the age of 75. The tendency of thefe Pills is, to open the pores by night, and the body by. day. They remove obftruftions, promotes fleep, and they require neither confinement, nor attention t> diet. They are alfo an admirable remedy for Rheumatick Diforders, for the HeacU'Ach, and for thofe complaints to which the female fex are peculiarly fubjeft. They Should be taken on the fir it attack, of a cold, and upon alt occafions of, uneafinefs or indifpofition, and iliould never by omitted at bed- ritnej after any excefs. They are fold only by Francis Newbery, at No. 45, in St . Paul's Church- vard } and at Dr. James's late houfe in Brutonftreer, London, in boxes at 4s. 6d. each, duty included ; 01 the quantity of iix in one large box for il. zs. 6d, All purchasers ( for fecuvity) will obfeyve that the name of F, NEWBSRY, is engraved in the ftafap on each box by order of the Cororaidoners, as no others can he genuine. N, B. As many perfons miftake Mr. Newbery'' s Houfe, to which he has lately made a qonfiderable addition, it is necefiary to point out, that it is a large white houfe, at the end of St Paul's, neareft to Cheapfide, with a BuftofDr. Jamus, and thefe words on the front, « THE ONLY WAREHOUSE FOR m . JAMES'* PQWDEXS." H U R S D A Y , Auguft 14. F O R E I G N A F F A I R S. FRANKFORT, July 30. A F T E R the Imperial General Laver haci furveyed the fortrefs of Mayer, ce, it was determined that 12,000 Imperialifts fhould be left in i t , to whom fhould be added f o c o men of the Circles. The Imperial General de Neu takes upon him the comjnand of that place. A paf- t of the Pruflian troops remains before Mayence : another part has advanced higher, t o defend the paffage of the Rhine; while a third covers Coblentz. The French continue to behave well to the Pcafants of the Palatinate. T h e Emperor infills upon the people rifing in a mafs in this quarter, as a condition fine qua nan. I t is believed that freili Pruffian troops will advance t o Wefel, particularly if Ruffia will guarantee the termination of the Polifh bnfinefs—. The apprehenftons of the approach of the enemy are fubfided here. Manhetk, July 31. This morning the French attacked the wHbfe line of Imperial advanced ports at Rheingheim, Maubach, and Oggerfheim, and drove them in by their fupcriour numbers ; upon which a ftrong divifion of French cavalry approached t h e works before the Rhyntchans with fome heavy a r t i l l e r y , but the fire from the fort obliged them t o r e t i r e : They however returned again, and the batteries began again t o play upon the- n, whilft t h e HufTars attacked fome of the enemy's columns, and drove them to Maubach, and at ten o'clock the French entirely difappeared from our. ne ghbourhood, though not without lofing a number of men in the different fkirmifhes, and by the fire from our batteries. We had only a few men wounded. The whole of this feems to have been a ftrong reconnoitring bufinefs. Frankfort, Aug. 2. The fortrefs of Luxembourg is providing with every thing for a ftout refinance; and, to prevent the enemy from penet r a t i ng <> n that fide, the Pruflian army will make a movement towards the Mofelle and Treves, in order to fupport the left wing of the Auftrian army along the IWaefe. The above arrangements were made on the 25th of laft month between the Duke of Ssxe- Tefchen, General MollendorfF, and the f r i n c e de Reus, who was lent to the Pruflian Ilead- Qearters by the Prince de Cob<? urg. The burning of the Palatine town of Kufel is confirmed ; it was done by a decree of the French Convention. Binyen, July 16. Hundreds of the inhabitants of Kufel arrive here, who all agree that yefterday after the French had declared by beat of drum that their town fhculd be b u r n t , it was abfolutely dene ; r. ot one perfon was permitted to fave any thing, and the ur. iverfa! diilrefs wis beyond defcription. 7' he reafon given f i r this cruel treatment was, that they endeavoured to conceal a Pruffian magazine, and that the Magifmtes of Kufel had fent forged affignats t o the hoftages of .< ufel detained a t M e n t z, t o pay the contribution which the French demanded. Leghorn, July 23. An Englifh cutter is arr i v t d f r om Baftia, which brings no account of the furrender of Calvi, but that they have made a breach in it cf the width of fix yards, and were refolved to affault the place. The befiegers have taken all the batteries which the French had eftablifhed without the place. Herve, .' lug. 2. The. Auftrians Hill poffefs the Chartreufe at Liege, and the French the citadel. Thecannorading on each fide continues. From the Mafe, Aug. 4, Laft Thurfdav a conference was held at the Head- quarters of the Prince de Cobourg, at which all the Generals affifted: when, it is thought, the meafures to be taken reflecting I lege were to be difcuffed. The fame day the Dutch Deputies had a negociation with the Prince de Cobourg, relative to the provifioning and defenfe of Maeftricht. We are allured, that the Auftrian General K r a y , who is encamped before that place, has orders, in cafe of need, to throw himfeif into it. Venlo, it is thought, will not be occupied by Auftrian troops. Hague, Aug. 6. In Eaftern Flar. ders the French patroles have ( bowed themfclvcs within a league and a half of Hulft, and on the fide of Eergen- op- Zoorn. They have advanced to OfTendrecht. Moft part of the Dutch armv are in the ftrong places, to re- enforce the garrifons; and the Britilh army is encamped near Breda, the Head- quarters of the Duke of York being at Nifpen ; whilft the French appear ftill to have their's at Hoogftraten. T h e Prince Stadtholder was prcfent at the Afiemb l y of the States- General on the 4th and 5th, and propofed a general recruiting throughout all the countries belonging to the Seven Provinces, together with the arming of the inhabitants of the Seven Provinces, under certain reftriftions, & c. Every meafure is taking to put all the ftrong places on the frontiers in a proper ftate of defenfe. Prince Frederick of Orange has eftablifhed his Head- quarters at Breda. The Prince of HefTe- Darmftadt has taken the command of the fortrefs of H u l f t , in Flanders; where, however, none of the Enemy have yet appeared, except fome patroles at the advanced poft of Sandberg. Leyden, Auguft 7. The laft advices from the Rhine feem to concur in giving us to believe that the Imperial and Pruflian armies have given up all further operations on the left fliore of that river, by concentrating their forces, and keeping upon the defenfive; for which purpofe Manheim is in a manner put in a ftate of fiege, and 10,000 Auftrians will garrifon Mentz. The Pruffians appear to be m i k - i n g movements to cover Luxembtirgh, and the country of Treves, which feem to be threatened with an approaching invafion. Paris, ' July 2 5. Here, as well as in foreign countries, thefuccefles of the French have o cafioned a talk of peace, and even a fpeedy one ; but it docs not appear, from the fpeeches of the heads of the Go Dernment, or thofe of their agents, that they wilh to infpire the people with any fuch ideas. Robefpierre, in a fpeech at the Jacobin Club, accufed Fauche in the ftrongeft terms, and concluded b y declaring, that Fauche was a vile and defpicable impoftor ; in confequence of which he was expelled the club, and moft of the people think this a prelude t o his being fent before the Revolutionary Tribunal. Barrere announced the taking of Nieuport, and the furrender at difcretion of its garrifon of zoco men. The ar-. Tves of the S&' abre and the Maefe, he laid, were advanced to Tirlemont. Barrere at the fame time announced the continuations of the plotting of internal intriguers againft the Revolutionary Government, but. that their machinations were ' conftantly difcovered and frustrated. S H I P N E W S . Den!, Auguft 12. Sailed the Dart, Grey, for St. Helena, and Abeona, Blanch, for Malaga. Came clown his Majefty's Ship Sheerr. cfs, and remains in the Downs with the Ships as per laft. L O N D O N . Yefterday at one o'clock the King came frorti Windfor to St. James's Place. The Levee began verv fhortly after, and. was pretty fully attended : Prefent, among others the Spanifli and Ottoman Ambaffadours, all the foreign Envoys, and feveral other foreigners of d i f t i n f t i o n ; the Lord Chancellor; Mr. P i t t ; Dukes 0/ Richmond and Portland; Marquis Cornwallis, See. & c. The Levee was over at half paft two, after which a Council was held. The King gave audiences after the Council to all the Cabinet Minifters, Lord Amr herft, the Secretary at War, & c. till near feven o'clock, when his Majefty fet off to Windfor. The Lord in Waiting gave notice, that there will be no bufinefs at St. James's till further notice. Yefterday the King was pleafed to confer the office of Vice- Chamberlain of his Majefty's Houfehold on the H011. Charles Greville, brother of . the Earl of Warwick, and gave him the gold key, on which he had the honour to kifs hands, as did alfo Sir A. S. Hammond, on being appointed Comptroller of the Navy, in the room of the late Sir H. Martin, deceafed. The prefentations to the King were, Lord Weftcote, now Baron Lyttelton, and Colonel Nefbitt, on his arrival from the Weft- Indies. Lord Clonmeli was alfo prefented, on his arrival from Ireland, by Mr. Douglas. Earl Howe took leave of the King, and this morning fet off for Fortfmouth to take the command bf the fleet. Tke Dukes De Laval and Monternar alfo took leave of the King on their going to aillime their refpeftive cothmiliions as Commandants of the Royal Emigrants i n d Royalifts. Major- General Leigh killed hands on his being appointed Captain- General and Governour in Chief of the Chirio'oee Iflands. Major Robert Dundas and Captain Lsmbe killed hands or. railing their complement of cavalry. The King, attended by Mr. Wyatt, the Archit e f t , is bufy in drawing a plan to build a PaiaCe at Kew, which is to be on an extenfive fcale. Extrali of a letter Jro. n the Hague. Aug. 8. " There has been an action near Maeftricht, in which the Prince de Cobourg had the advantage of the French, who are, however, preparing to attack him again. " The fiege of Sltiys ftill continues; but the inundations, on account of the dry feafoa, do not a ft fo e f f e f t a i l ly as could be wilhed. " Upon the whole, we are more eafy as t o the fafety of this country than we were, and are in hopes the forces on the frontiers, with the other meafures taking, will, with the bleiling of the Almighty, be luiHcient to ftop the progrefs of the e n e m y . " T h e town of Sultz, in the DUKS of WIRTEMn s a e ' s dominions, was almoft entirely deftroyed by fire on the 15th ult. The Exports of the United States of America, form the grand fource of wealth. In the year 1791, they amounted to 17,57 1,551- dollars ; ' n ' he year 1793, 1026,011,788. An aftoiiihing ir. creafe in two years of 8,4.40,237 dollars. A fart demon- Itrative of increafing profperity, perhaps without example in the hiftory of Agriculture and Commerce.— oracle. The fury of the Genevefe Jacobins has chiefly fallen on thofe Members of the Republick, who, in 1792, invoked the affiftance of the Swifs, againft the enterprizes of the Convention. This is a fufficient warning to the Cantons of Switzerland, of the da. iger which threatens them ; f o r it is bevond a doubt, that the Conv- ntion feeks to fow diffention among them ; and, after fecuring a ftrong party, it will fuddenly fall upon their richell cities, to regain, bv pillage, the immenfe fums of money which have been fent t h i t h e r in return for ftores and provifions, and for which the Swifs have always got fpecie, according to the adage— Point d'argent, point de Suiffe. . Rinaudin, the late Captain of the Vcngeur, who has juft returned to France, may, if he pleafes, convince theWifeacres of France, that Barrere's pompous account of that fhip's finking, with all her crew, crying Vi- ve la Republiqucl V'- ve la Nation! was hatched in his oven unfortunate caput-, as there are now in Mill Prifon near 300 of her crew ( fat with Englifh beef and beer), very thankful for being faved by the magnanimity of their Britifh Conquerors, the feamen of the Culloden, Alfred, Montague, & c. & c. who, w i t h a humanity which redounds to the henour of Britilh Tars, perfevered, at the hazard of their lives, ( to the laft moment of her floating), in faving as many of thefe poor wretches as they could. At this awful moment, the unfortunate remains of the crew of this ill- fated fhip uttered fuch a piercing fhriek, as fevera' Officers prefent fay will ever ring in their ears; and in one moment fhe went to the bottom, with Britifh and French colours flying — a ftubborn proof of Britifh valour, Britilh feamanfhip, and Britifh fkill. Captain Rinaudin and his Son were faved b y different fnips' boats, and each thought the other loft. He is a perfonable gentlemanly man, and ferved under the old Government. On being afked, how Jean Bon St. Andre and Barrere could trump- up fuch palpable falfehoods in their Reports to the Convention ? he emphatically anfwered with a fhrug, " Eb bitn, Monfieur, e'ejl pour amufer le Peuple I" There are letters in town, dated Cognac, in France, July 4th, from Captain Charles Smyth, late commander of his M a j e f t y ' s floop Alert, ( captured the 22d of May, by l'Unite , a French frigate of 40 guns, and 320 men, after a fmr. rt engagement of one hour and 44 minutes, and carried into Rochefort,) which ftate, that the Captain, his officers, and men, have been removed to the neighbourhood of Cognac, on the river Charente, when thev are Well. Among the officers are, Lieutenant Atkins, { who had the misfortune to b e captured before, in the courfe of the prefent war in a French Eaft- Indiaman, taken b y the - Thetis frigate, and afterwards re- taken- by the French), Lieutenant Buller, and a fon of the Rev. Dr. Milne of Deptford. Only 27 of the Alert's crew remain with Captain Smyth, the reft having been put on board the Sans Pareil, a French fhip of the line, and one of thofe captured by Lord Howe's fleet on the firft of June. The French fhips of war are built much fharper than our's, and anfwer the helm w i t h a certainty that is aftonifhing. An officer afftired us, that their 80- gun fhips, when under jury- mafts, obey the rudder as eafily, as when the full prefs of fail can be had f r om the proper malts. This is a defideratum here. , The late Earl Bathurft, was for the two laft years blind. He was led in and out of the Houfe of Peers laft feffion of Parliament. Mr. Hope, of Amfterham, has, we Underftand, already fecured nine tenths of his immenfe property in this country.— This may be prudence ; but we cannot praife it as patriotifm. By a letter from Limerick, dated Aug. 6, we are informed, that the Alexander man of war, of 74 guns, Admiral Kingfmill; Montague, Ganges, and Swiftfure, of 74 guns each ; Lcander 50, and Do noughmore cutter of 14 guns, from Cork, had arrived there. Admiral Kingfinill waits for the Eaft - Indiamen at Galwav, " to convoy them to England. A regiment is t o be raifed in the c i t y of Waterford, after the plan of that now about to be raifed in Dublin. A number of perfons of the firft property and confequence in that place have fubferibed their names to give the meafare every fupport in their power; among which ftands foremoft that of the Marquis of Waterford. The Rev. Walker King, D. D . and the Hon. and Rev. Charles Digby, were lately elefted Canons Refidentiary of the Cathedral Church of Wells. T h e Right Hon. and Rev. Henry F i t z r o y , M . A . of T r i n i t y College, fon of the Duke of Grafton, is inftituted to the R e f t o r y of Eufton with Fakenham Parva, and Barnham St. Gregory with St. Martin annexed, in Suffolk, on the prefewtation of his father. At Worceft « r affiles the following prifoners were capitally convifted, viz. Thomas Oldnall, for fteaL ing a ihop till, containing fiiver and halfpence, from Jofeph Stokes, of Dudley ; Thomas Pewtrefs, for houfe- breaking at Pendock ; and Hannah Mayvell, for houfe- breaking at Omberfley. At Chelmsford aflifes Charles Wells, alias Wm. SeSbv Bielby, for horfe- ftealing, and John Hall and Richard Wiltfhire, for robbing Benj. Edwards on the highway, were capitally convifted. Wells was reprieved. At Bedford Affifes Daniel Halfey was capitally convifted on the Black A f t , for malicioufly fhooting at Henry Rofe, in the Parifh of Shidham, as was John Sharplefs for being prefent, aiding and alii ft ing therein. Moft of the corn in the neighbourhood of Lewes is already fecurely houfed ; and the oldeft hufbandmen have no recollection of fo abundant an harveft on any former year. B O O N S H I L L , S U S S E X. TO be Sold by Auftion, by Mr. Y O U N G , at Garraway's Coffce- Houfe, ' Change- Alley, Co- . ill, London, on Tuefday, the 2d Day of September next, at Twelve o'Clock, A VALUABLE and VERY DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, called BOONSHILL, fituate in 1DI N, three Miles frtim Rye, and 63 from London; conlifting of a fmall NEAT HOUSE, handfomely fitted up in the CUT : AGE STYLE, comprising a breakfaft parlour, eating- ioo. T, drawing* room, four bed- rooms, a lady's dreffing- ro . m, three atticks, a kitchen and offices, ( tabling for eight horfes, douBl- coach- houfe, with convenient fervants rooms, a commodious farm yard and offices, all well arranged, and fupplied with good water. The Houfe ftands on an eminence, commanding extenfive profpe& s of the fea, with a beautiful lawn in front, a garden of one acre, and feveral adjoining rich enclofures, in the whole about SEVENTY ACRES, and forming an agreeable and convenient. refidence on a foiall fcale. Immediate poifeifion may be bad. A proper Perfon is appointed to ( bow the Premises; and printed Particulars may be had at the George, Rye ; Star, M 1 dftone; Star, Lewes; Caftle, Brighton; l'oft- Office, Hawkhurft ; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Young, No. 5S, Lhancerylane, London. F R E E H O L D E S T A T E S , in D E R B Y S H I R E , L A N C A S H I R E " , and Y O R K S H I R E; TO be S O L D by A U C T I O N , purfuant to a Decree and fubfequent Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Caufe, WILDfc againlt WHITEHEAD, before Mr. THOMAS DEWHURST, a Perfon for that Purpofe appointed by Edward Leeds, Efq. one of th* MafterS of the faid Court, SUNDRY FREEHOLD ESTATES, late of THOMAS BRADSHAW ISHERWOOD, of Marple Hall, in cbe County of Chefter, Efq. deceafed, in the Lots, at the Places, and on the Days following, viz. On Monday, the ift Day of September next, at the George Infl » in Buxton, in the County of Derbj, A FARM, called BAILEY FLAT, fituate ir. FAIRFIELD., near BUX TON aforefaid, in the following Lots : Lot 1. The Meffuage and Out- buildings, with the Water Com Mill, and Kiln, and the feveral Clofes called the Scite and Fold, Hall Meadow, Old Meadow, White Meadow, Over Broad Dole, Lower Broad Dole, Frank Cloughs, Over Wain* wright Cloughs, Lower Wainwright Cloughs, Mill Brow and Lane, Wafty, Conning Dole, Tail Top Cloughs, Great Spartb, Three Rood's, Far Sparth, Nooked Clofe, Upper Sparth, Calf Pingle, Benty Cloughs, Over Meadow, Barn Clofe, and Cucke Cliffs, in four Clofes j containing about 141A. 3R. 44^- Statute MeafureS. Lor 2. A CLOSE, called the Upper End Pafture, containing about 51.4. aR. 14P. Lot - J. A CLOSE, called the Rough Knowles, containing about 11 A. 3R. 39P. Lot 4. A CLOSE of unimproved Commeti Land, containing about 47A. SR. lyP. Lot 5. Six Cow Gates UJOn a Stinted Common or Parcel of Land, called the Barms. The above Premises are now in the Occupation Cf Mr. Jofeph Afli, as Tenant thereof, under a Leafe; which he has agreed to furr. mder at the Expiration of his prefent Year. Lot 6. TWO Cl. OSES, lying near the George Inn, in Bux^ ton aforefaid, containing about Acres, now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas Dakih, or his Under- tenant, under a Leale which wijl expire the u : h of November, 1795, at the clear yearly Rent of 5I 14s. M A R R I E D . Fliday, at Stevenfon, county of Haddington, Sir Archibald Grant, Bart, of Monymufk, to Mifs Macleod, of Colbecks. Saturday, at Hampftpad, Mr. Richard Hofbrook, jun. Surveyor to the Crown, of Keppel- row, New- road, St. Par. cras, to Mifs Elifabeth Sharp, of Hampftead. TuefJay, Mr. Rcbsrt Withy, of Craven- ftreet, Stockbroker, to Mrs. Man' Lupfon, of Epfom. C O R N - M A R K E T , L O N O O N , Aug. i i. THE quantity of Wheat here to- day, for the feafon of the Year, being pretty cohfiderable, and our port opening on Saturday r. ext for its importation, at the Duty of 2s. 6J. per Quaiter, the Sales this Morning were very heavy, at a reducfion in Prices of is per Quarter fince this Day fe'nnight. We are very ( bortly fupplied with Barley, and Prices in confequence are rather higher. Beans and Ticks, from the fame caufe, alfo fell fomething dearer; and White Peas, that break fipe, are worth 64s. per Quarter. No Grey Peas at Market. Not having many Oats frefti in to- day, they continue to fell freely at rather better Prices. Rape- Seed not quite fo free in fale as laft Week, and Prices 10s. per Laft lower. Ef!> x Wheat, 41, 46, Jo, 51s. od. Rye, 27, 30s. Barley, 25, 30, 31S. Malt, 40, 42s. od. Oats, 17, z i , 24s. 6d. Lincolnlhire ditto, 20,24, Poland ditto, 20, 23, 26s. 6d. Yorkihire ditto, 11, 24, 25s. Horfe Beans, Old,' 36, 42s. New ditto, 40s. Tick ditto, 33, 38s. 6d. New ditto, 36, 39s. White Peafe, 40, 46s. Ditto ( Boilers) 56, 64s. Grt- y ditto, 40, 46s. 1 Ciwver- Seed, 27, 29, 73s. Trefoil, 15, 20, 23s. Rape- Seed, 33I. 33b 10s. per Laft. Total 3358 qrs. of Wheat, average, 52s. od.— ldj higher than laft week. per Qu. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. per cwt. do. Devizes, Aug. 7. Wheat, 40s. to 56s.— Barley, 22s. to 35s.— Beans, 46s. to 50s.— Peafe, 44s. to 52s.— Oats, 27s. to 2gs.— Vetches, 54s. to 74s. per Quarter. Warminfier, Aug. 9. Wheat, 40s. to 154s — Barley, 26? 36s.— Ga s, 23s. to 26s.— Beans, 40s. to 48s. per Qr. The Average Price- of Grain, throughout England, Aug. 2, was, Wheat, 52s- 3d.— Rye, 38s. 3d.— Bailey, 319. 8d.— Oats, 22s. 5d.— Beans, 42s. — Peafe, 43s. ud.— Oatmeal, 3Ss. fid. The Average Price of Sugar, computed from the- feturns made in the Week ending the 5th of Auguft, is 40s. 2d. per cwt. exclufive of the Duty of Cuftoms. SMITHFIELD. Monday, Auguft l i. To fink the Offal— per ftone of 81b. Veal Pork, 2s. Sd. to 4s. od. 3s. 8d. to 4s. cd. Ox Beef 2S. 4d. to 3s. od. We. Matton 3s. od. to 3s. 4< i. Lamb ' 3s. 4d. to 4s. Od. Head of Cattle fold this Day— Beafts, about 1600. Sheep, 9, coo. Lambs, 300O. PRICE of HOPS in POCKETS in the BOROUGH. Kent, 61. to81. 4s.— Yearlings, 4I. to 5!. 5s.— Duty, 150,0001. Report.— Crop promifing, price gradually declining. SMITHFIELD HAY- MARKET. Tuefday, Aug. 12. Hay per Load, 4I. 6s. t « 41. 14s.— Average 4!. ioi. Straw, - ll. Jos. to tl. 16s.— Average, il. 10s. Oil Tuefday, the id Day nf September next, at ( Vie Kirig'i Arms Inn, in Chapel- en- le- Frith, in the County of Derby, A FARM, called TOWNHEAD, being the faid KING'l ARMS INN, in the following Lots: Lot 7. The MESSUAGE,' Out- buildings, Yards, and Gafden, fituate in the Center of the Town of Chapel- en- le- Frith ; Containing ( including the Scite of the Buildings) about iR. 17P. of Land. Lot 8. The BARN ( landing on tbe foutherly Side of the Turnpike Road, at the wefterly F. nd of the faid ' 1 own ; and the feveralCLOSfiS, called the Earn Meadow, Long Meadow, Great Meadow, Hi- die it Skie Acre, Middle Skie Acre, and Loweft Skie Acre; containing I4A. 3R. 23P. Lot 9. The feveral CLOSES, called the Clay Lands, Higher Meadow, Lower Meadow, Long Hard liu. chers, Little Hard Butchers, asd Great Hard Butchers; containing about 28A. oR. liP. Lot 10. The CLOSE of LAND, called tbe New Lands, fituate at Pealleys; containing ab. u. yA. 3R 22P. The above Premiires are now in t. ie Occupation of Mr. Thomas Org'll, as Tenant thereof, under a Leafe of ' 21 Years, which commenced in 1785, at the clear yearly Rent of 67'.— Three fat Hens at Chrittmas yearly, or 2s. in lieu thereof: and keeping a Dog yearly, if required, or 10s. in lieu thereof, at the choice of the Landlord ; and alfo 3I. tos. on the heath of t'ne faid Mr. Orgill, and of every Perfon dying principal Tenant of the Premises, or any Part thereof. N. B. The.. Apportionment of this Rent of 67I. and of the Refervations, is as follows:— For Lo: 7, tel. and the Eoons and Heriots.— For Lot 8, 24I.— For Lot 9, 30I.— and for Lot 10, 3I. And on Wednefday, the 10th Day of September next, at the Golden Lion Inn, in Todmorden, in the Parilh of Halifax, in the County of York, Lot 11. A FARM, fituate in Cliviger, in the County of I. ancafter, called BARCROFT HALL ; confifting of a capital Mefiuage or Manlion- Houfe, and two Cottages, with the Outbuildings, and about 73A. 3R. 9PJ of Land, in the Occupation of Mr. James Bullock, as Tenant thereof, under a l. eafe for the remainder of a Term of 21 Years, which commenced in 1782, at the clear yeatly Rent of 40! Us. 6d. Lot 12. A FARM, called SHACKLETONS, fituate in Worfthorne, ih the faid County of Lancafter; coilfifting of a MefTuage and Out- buildings, and about 29A. 2R. of Land, ia the Occupation of lames Chadwick, as Tenant thereof, under a Leafe for the remainder of a Term of 19 Years, which commenced in 17S1, at the clear yeatly Rent of 26I. 6s. Lot 13. A FARM, called JUMPS, fituate in Frringden Park, in the faid County 0f York ; confifting cf a Meffuage and Out'buildings, a id about i2A. tR. 24P. of Land, in the Occupatimi of William Jatkfon, as Tenant at Will, 2t the clear yearly Rent of 9I. 9s. Lot 14. A CLOSE of LAND, occuoied with a FARM, called the WINE TAVERN, fituate at Blackwood, in the faid County t) f Yj. k; containing about IA. zl<. of Land, in the Occupation cf' Jonathan Speak, as Tenant at Will, at the clear yearly Rent of 3I. The Eftates may be viewed by Leave from the refyeffive Tenants. Printed Particulars may be bad at the faid Mafters' Chambers, No. 23, Old- bu. ldings, Lincoln's Inn, London ; of Mr. James Wilde, Timber Merchartt, in Mancheftcr; of Mr. Dewhu. it, at Marple, near Stockport, Chefhire ; or of Meffrs. Ward, Dennetts and Greaves, Covent- Garden, London. 126,000 V O L U M E S. Juft publijhed, LA C K I N G T O N , A L L E N , and Co's QATALCGUE, VOLUME the SECOND. Containing 126,000 Volumes of Books, lately pnrchafed in various parts of Europe ; including, a very great number of rare feeond- hand books in various Languages, together with new Publications of every defe'ription. The whole are charged extremely low, and the prise marked in each Book, and printed in the Catalogues, now felling at Ns. 46 and 47, Cblfwell- StrSet, Moctrficlds, London, . where Five I" ' C6AL EXCHANGE.— Monday, Augufi 11. Newcaftle Ceals, 37s. 6d. to 41s. Sunderland, 33: 1 Od. io 559. ki } „ -.. v.. ..... e, i! iiLi_ u en cue » ~, ieaiu£ ues, now lemn; S's. 46 and 47, Chlfweli- S'. reet, Moorfields, London, . wli rive Hundred Thoufarsd Vol times ire' nmftantly on fale. Where alfo may be bad, TWO NEW EDITIONS of The MEMOIRS of the FORTY- FIVE FIRST YEARS of the LIFE of J. LACKINGTON, tbe above Bookfeiler. One Edition, 540 Pages, O£ tavo large Letter, and < 5. ne Paper, with a new Head of the Authour, by Ridley, price 5s. 6d. in Boatds. The other Edition is in 328 Pages duodecimo, containing all the; Additions anti Improvements, in fliort ev- rv line as much as the Odtavo Edition, but on a fmaller Lette-,— Price, in Boards,- with the new Head, by Ridley, 2s. 6d or bound ^ s. Books exchanged, or Lib- aries piirchafed, for Ready Money, 011 a new plan, by which the feller is fure to ha. cthe full value. Catalogues may be had at the Shop 1 alfo at Cole's Coffeehoufe, Cornhill; Barker, Ruffell- court, Drory- lane , and Marfoii- 1, N< 9. iS?, High Helbaar » i For The St. J A M E S ' s C H R O N I C L E . On the Eruption of MOUST VESUVIUS, near, the ccndufion of ihe 18th. Century, with the fagacious means ufed upon the occajion. W HEN this Mountain emits its terrible flames, In order to footh it to quiet; They feud forth the head of an old wooden Saint, Finely deck'd out with flow'rs, and varn'tlh'd with paint, With a plentiful group of Women and Prisftr, Some walking on foot, and fome riding on beafts, To beg it will not breed a riot. But what is the confequence, pray, of all this ? Why the obrtinate Hill quite takes it amifs, To be thus difturb'd in its freaks ar. d career; So pays no regard to the Head, nor their Pray'r, But with fury redoubled, convulfes the air. St. James's Chronicle. \ For The St. J A M E S ' s C H R O N I C L E. WE S MJNS TE R - AB BET. M R . B A L D W I N, T', 01if,: rve, with pleafure, that a fcaffblding has been ereCted on the outfide- of this venerable pile; ope that the repairs will be conducted with jrai ty and tafte. But in the i n f i d e o f t h e Abbey, ii is iinpoiiible not to observe many circumftar. ces v . '. ch refleCt great d; rhonour upon the perfons whofe duty it has been t<• oreferve the dignity and grandeur of this repoiitory of the dead. I fliall fay nothing of the mafies of duft which are allowed to obfenre fome of the fi,-. rft works of art in this placc , witnefs, forinftance, the exquifite monument of John Duke of A r g y l l : I fay, Sir, I fhall fav nothing of this neglect; becaufe, however difgufting it appears, it yet may be removed— as foon as the curators of the place fhall be convinced that the expreffion in our funeral fervice, of " duft t o duft," does not imply the neceffity of covering inarb'e flatues a r d ornaments with duft. But what is of more importance, is the mutilated ftate of moft of the fineft monuments in the Abbey, Were this the cafe only with thofe which are in the open part of the Abbey, that is, the part which the Publick may walk in without a guide, it might be attributed to the wantonnefs of boys, or the thieving praftices of Antiquaries and Virtuofi; who, we know, are not very d r i f t in their notions cf meiim and tuum. But the cafe occurs fully, as often in the inclofed chapels ; where heads, hands, fingers, and other parts have been, fome apparently very lately, broken off, and carried away. Now, Sir, although fomc artifts may be very • defirous of poffeffing a curioufly- fculptured limb, and perhaps would give any money for fuch an addit i o n to their collection, yet how is it poffible that this can be done without immediate detection ? U n t i l fome pcrfon well acquairtted with the place, ihall offer fome l'atisfaCtory explanation of this affair, I may be allowed, without the fmalleft breach of Chriitian charity, to entertain fufpicions, with which 1 do not think it neceffary to trouble you. I am, Sir, your's, C . BERNE,' July 30. A fhocking Revolution has happened at Geneva. The circumftances which occafioned it are as yet unknown. " More than 1000 rich people, or perfons employed in publick fituations, have been arretted, without diftinCtion of age or fex, and dragged to a large granary, which is their prifon. All the Church Minifters have been deprived of their liberty. A bloody Court, under the title of a Revolutionary T'tribunal, has been eftablilhed, and four villains, calling themfelves Commiffioners of Publick Safety, have promifed to defpatch the arretted perfons in a fhort time. Pillage began with the arrefts. The Regiment of Mountaineers joined the banditti. The cannon are turned againft the city, and guillotines fet up. Happy are thofe who had time to favc themfelves before thefe enormities commenced. Laft Monday ( the 28th), no perfon could leave the c i t y , which will foon be a fcene of the fame crimes that have made France a horrible defart. < To the G E N T L E M E N , C L E R G T , and FREEHOLDERS, of the C o u n t y of L I N C O L N . G E N T L E M E N , [ TS Majefty having been moft gracioufly pleafed 8. to corner a Peerage of Great- Britain upon me, I am jieceflarily precluded the honourable diftir.& ion I have fo long experienced, in being one of your Reprefentatives in Parliament, •— permit roe to allure you, that I ihall ever entertain a very grateful lenfe of my obligations to you ; and that I lliall be ready, on all occafions, to promote the landed and commercial interefts of the county of Lincoln to the utmoft of my power. J have the honour to be, with the moft refpeftful gratitude, Gentlemen, Your ever obliged, And faithful humble Servant, YARBOROUGH. Arlington- ftreet, Aug. 13, 1794. f o the Worthy and Independent ELECTORS of the County of B E D F O R D . G E N T L E M E N , A Seat in Parliament for the County of Bedford / i . having become vacant, by a call of Lord Gffory to the Houfe of Peers, I beg leave to folicit the honour of your votes and intereft. AT the fame time I am happy in the opportunity of again exprelling my acknowledgements to you, as well for the flattering fupport you were ready to afferu. me on a former occafion, as for the many teftimonies of regard I have received from you on the prefect. From thefe confiderations it is, and at the earned: felicitations of my particular friends, that I am thus emboldened to offer myfalf a Candidate for the honour of reprelen. ting yon in Parliament. Impreffed with lentimcnts of the higheft refpaft, I remain, Gentlemen, Your moft faithful, And moft obliged humble fervant, Tempsford, Aug. 6, 1794. JOHN PAYNE. Chic'efands- Priory, XZth Auguft, 1794. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and I n d e p e n d e nt FREEHOLDERS of the County of B E D F O R D . f T p H E Earl of Upper Offory being created a Peer J t of Great- Britain', permit me, Gentlemen, to addrefs nivfelf to you.— I have had the hap/ mefs of refiding more than thirty years among you; and I have the vanity to believe that tny publick and private principles arc as generally known to you as my fituation of life has' admitted of. I have been engaged in frequent ftruggles for the Freedom of your Eleftion; and though hitherto unfuccefsful, I flatter myftif the hour is now arrived, when you may be able to obtain a Reprefentative for your County, whom you may cad your own, and who would be happy to dedicate his life to your fervice. In fuch light, Gentlemen, permit me to offer you my Son, who, although at prefent at the Court of St. Peterfburgh, will immediately return to obey your commands.— Should he be at this junfture the happy ohjeil of your choice, I can pledge tu vou his principles, that he Will ftri£ tly and invariably fupport the true fjirit of ourhappy Conftitution ; the blefiings of which liefe? ls too ftrangly not to confider them as the firft and greateft liappinefs ot his lif?. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, ' With tbe utmofl: attachment and efteem, Your fincere and faithful hu., ible fervant, GEORGE OSBORN. L O N D 0 N. T H U R S D A r. Auguft 14. Yefterday at noon three Meffengers arrived in town, with defpatches from the C o n t i n e n t ; as likewife the foreign mails due on Monday laft. One of the Meflengers came with defpatc'nes. from Lord MALMESEURY at Frankfort, another from the Hague, and a third from the army under the command of his Royal Highnefs the DUKE of YORK, which he left on Friday n i g h t . His Royal Highnefs remained encamped w i t h his army in the vicinity of Oofterhout. T h e heavy baggage of the Auftrians, which had been fent towards Germany, has been ordered back towards Liege ; of which c i t y , the Auftrians, under General LATOUR, have ftill poffellion, though the citadel is in the hands of the French. In confequence of the Liegois having infulted the Auftrians on their retreat, the latter returned, and the city of Liege has been abandoned to the pillage of the Auftrian army. The Auftrians and Pruffians having re- croffed the Rhine, have re- taken poffeffion of Spires, and the neighbouring towns; while the French have retreated towards their former pofiticn at Weiffembourg and Lauterbourg. This fudden change in their plan of operations, is faid to be owing to the agitated ftate of publick affairs at Paris. Such is the dreadful ftate of_ the Republic!: of PARIS, that reports of the moft extraordinary nature gain fome c r e d i t ; as feeming, from former atrocities, to be poffible, and by no means improbable. The rumour of yefterday was a repetition of that which has often proved unfounded, though for the fake of human nature, every good man muft ardently wilh it to be true— The Downfall of ROBESPIERRE!— According to fome ftatements, by popular fury ; or, as others fay, by his own impious and blood- ftained hands. On the 26th of laft month, it is faid, he denounced no lefs than one hundred ot his flaves in the Convention, as rebels to his power; but finding t h a t , aided by the mob, the former inftrtrment of his own fury, they were too ftrong for him, he next day fhot himfelf. We have 110 reafon to give any credit to the above particulars; but as they have been publickly detailed and relied on, we relate them to our readers. BARRERE and ROBESPIERRE are both of them continually hinting at plots and confpiracies; whether becaufe thev know the deteftation in which they are held by their wretched Haves in Paris, or to ferve as a pretext for further maffacres and cruelties, we know not. One hundred victims expired under the guillotine on the 19th and 20th ; among thefe was MACON, the rich Banker, aged 81. To call that people free, where the ruling Powers find'fuch daily executions neceffarv, is a mere farce.— BARRERE hints at fome impure Members in the Convention. No doubt . there are many.— The Paris papers of the 25th ult. are the lat. eft in Town. The above report has reached the ears of our Government— Nor is it entirely difcredited.— Letters from Frankfort ftate, the death of ROBESPIERRE t o have happened on the 29th. The idle paragraph in a Morning Paper, that LORD SPENCER had fucceeded in his negociation with the EMPEROUR, to receive a fubfidy from England, is founded on the groffcft ignorance ; as when the laft Mdlenger left his Lordfllip, he was then fxpofts from VIENNA. By private information, we learn, that a Revolution has taken place in the Ifiand of Sardinia. The King's troops have been defeated, and the Viceroy has failed for I t a l y . The ground of the infurreCtion was, the King's appointing none but Piedmontefe gentlemen to places of truft and honour; which the Iflanders fay is contrary to his M a j e f t y ' s Coronation oath. If the Sardinians mean to unite themfelves to France, they will not, whatever may have been their former condition, attain one more eligible. The French continue to levy very heavy and infupportable contributions, on their new fubjeCts or ilaves. They have demanded half a, million tterling of Antwerp, which is much more than the place is able to pay, as its commerce is but trifling. At Ghent, Bruffels, and other . places, their demands are equally exorbitant. They boaft to be able, by what they may colleCt with the point of. the bayonet, in the Low- Countries and in the Palatinate, to carry on two campaigns, without touching their own internal refburces, which, before the arrival of their American convoy, were in the moft deplorable ftate : Their fuccefs has again infpired them with the hopes of being able to carry into execution their projects of effecting revolutions in alnioft every country. They talk of landing one hundred thoulimd men in England ; but Lord • HOWE, by his glorious v i f t o r y , has rendered that projeft difficult, if . not impoflible : his name fills them w i t h terrour. . ., "•--•'• The French alfo threaten to invSde.' Hfrlland and Spain, and to carry their plunders every where. They have in ' their pay a number of travelling revolution fpies, under the difguife of Emigrants, who by. that means get into the company of officers of the army, and learn every thing that pafles in them. Many of thefe perfons will now take refuge in ' England, to affift the defigns cf an invafion ; which was to be fcouted while they had a powerful army to oppofe on their frontiers, but is" certainly more practicable when the armies have retreated to a great, diftance from them, and left men, accnftomed to plunder, in a fituation to feek it in other countries, when they have no longer any occafion to defend their own. Their treatment of the Low- Countries will,' however, fhew other nations what they have to expeCt, fhould they come to invade them. They have been ftript in a moment of the fruit of the " labour of ages, and will now be hewers of wood and drawers of water to the tyrants of Paris. The PRINCE STADTHOI. DER, after having affifted on the 4th and 5th at the All'embly of the States General, delivered a propofition in writing, in which, after ftating his rcadinefs to facrifice every thing for the defencs of the State, he recommends, on account of the great loffes experienced by the Dutch troops-, to recruit their Army in foreign Countries, and raifc Voluntier Companies for internal defence. T h e celebrated Madame NECKER died lately, a f t e r a long illnefs, at Bern. LA FAYETTE, by an or tier of the American Congrefs, is to receive 24,424 dollars, being the amount of the pay and emoluments of a Major- General during the time he was in the fervice of the United States. Though the G a z e t t e gives us an account of the fituation of Guadaloupe, only as far as Government advices extend, and where thofe advices fait, leaves us in the midft of all that uncertainty with which fuch daring enterprifes are attended'; yet from the number of private letters that . have come to hand, there is no doubt, but that matters have ended fuccefsfully an our part. As to the uncertainty attending the gazette account, it only fhows the candour of government, and how careful they are to lay, nothing before the people, but what is warranted by truth, and received on the moft authentick information. The iffue may be expected fhortly founded on the l i k e authentick advices A Correfpor. dent obferves, that if the French, who feem to be murtherers by fvftem, fhould perfift in executing their bloody decree refpeCting the Englifn prifoners, it would not become this country to follow their example ; this would'be, in. faft, adopting their abominable principles; and, what is of more confequence, it would not an Aver the nurpofes of retaliation, for the " French" Convention would not care a farthing for the fate of their prifoners. It wiil be far more glorious for this country to hold out to the world an example of faithful adherence to the laws of war and of nations, rather than to reduce the Britilh character to a level with that of the French. If- s. ny thing could demon!! rate with new evidence the folly of Ambition, it is that the'French firould find Generals to head their armies ; fince thefe wretched leaders, even when they behave well, and gain the confidence of the troops, are morally certain of beiijg decapitated. If there is uniform maxim of policy in the Convention, it is that no General who has gained the affeCtions of his army, ihould preferve his command or his life. The Oppofition- papers have frequently reprefented our armies as perifhing in Flanders, from the want of all the neceffaries and conveniences of life. How is tills potififlfent w i t h Barrere's Report to the Convention on t l x capture of Oftcnd, in which he declaims againft the DUKE of YORK for intoxicating the Britifii troops with Rum and G i n ? I n another part of the fame report, he informs the Convention, that t h i r t y Auftrians, commanded bv an Oiacer, had furrenclered at difcretion to a French par; - compcfed of four horfe chaflenrs and a ferjeant. if this be true, rum and gin have not been neglefted as unworthy means of conqueft by the virtuous Republicans; fince we fhould hardly fufpeCt that five men in their fiber fenfes would venture to attack thirty- one. I t is very probable that as General ARNOLD is now captured by the French, the American Minifter at Paris will claim that Gentleman. The effrontery with which the Seditious Chronicle ftill keeps up the ridiculous report of the difagreement as to the Blue Ribbon, and tlTe'ir darinp- and virulent abufe of t i e DUKE of PORTLAND, may perhaps be very juftly placed! to the account of a certain Jury;— who, if they have any fnarae left, muft now blufh to look at^ the factious medal; if indeed this gift has takerfjMace ; and not evaporated in fmoke, like the pillar in Runnimead. The Seditious Chronicle 13 ever anxious to give the eariicft intelligence of the acquittal of Libellers ; we fuppofe by way of keeping the above Jury in countenance. There is certainly more fitirical wit in this country than in any other. Even the ad- vert if merits in the papers are oftpn remarkable for pcint. In one of them, a young man, of honeft, fiber principles, withes to be articled to. an Attorney I— and a Shoemaker advertifes for a lad who has finijhed his education I All that is now doing to Rarnffi- ate Pier is nothing more than putting the finiihing ftroke to Mr. SMEATON'S addition, by rounding off the end that makes one fide of the enterance into the Harbour. On the end of the Pier, on the oppofite fide, a Lighthoufe is- constructing, but it is not finifhed, as mentioned in feveral of the papers. A fellow, com- ictcd of publithing a notorious libel, has the impudence to advertifc himfelf as Bookfcller to the People. The Englilh Government is about to provide an afylum for the Toulcnefe in the Illar, d of Corfica, and many of them have already been carried thither. The Romney man- of- war, of yo guns, the- Hen. Captain PACBT,, taken . La. Sybelle French fru. gate, of 46 guns, and thr. ee merchantmen, in, the Mediterranean, after an engagement of an hour and a half; in which the former" had 10 men. killed and 104 w ounded. Captain PA'C. KT behaved in the moil gallant manner. To- morrow morning, at four o'clock, the Royal Family will fet off from Windfor- Lodge far Wcvmouth: They will ' dine at. the Bifhop of SAL". BURV'S on their journey, and they are cxpeCki to arrive at Gloucefter- lodge in the evening.' The. Weft- India Planters, we hear, have renewed their application to Government, for open in- r the ports of our Weft- India iflands to the American fhipping, from which they have been excluded finc. r the United States became independent. How tar the Britifh fhip- owners, who arc fo much intereft"- in the Carrying- trade, will be difpofed to . let the Americans into a participation of this valuable branch of it, is for them to confide r. Lord Mulgrave arrived at Deal, at nine o'clock on Saturday night. It was then- expeCted, that his Lordlnip would have failed immediately, in the Sheernefs Frigate, of 44 guns, for Flufiiing. But in confequence of that ( hip not being readv to fail, his Lordfllip failed on Monday evening, in the Pc - . gafus frigate, for Holland. ' T h e following regiments likewife failed from Southampton on Sunday laft for Holland, to join Lord Mul^ ravt, , vizl the 31ft, 34th, 84th, 8yth, and Marquis of H u n t l e y ' s. Captain Garner, of the Sarah, the laft of the Greenland fhips belonging to Liverpool, and vvh6 arrived there on Saturday with two fifh, left the ice on the 23d of July, in company w i t h many Dutch vellels clean. The Six Brothers, Stewart, from Barbadoes ; Sally, Fergufon; London, Kirwan; Walthrun, Btimett ; and Betfey, Brown, from Martinique ; ' Benjamin and Elifabeth, Jones; Britannia, Gow, land ; Providence, Gardner ; and Anatolia, Emerv, from Guadaloupe, Cartels, are detained at St. Maloe's, the lliips plundered, and the crew imprifoned. The Penelope, Udney, from Clyde, for Antigua, was taken by a French lloop of war, in lat. 47. 15. - long. 26. 40. The Greigfon, Gibfon, from Liverpool for Africa, is taken and carried into L ' O r i e n t. ExtraB of a letter from Hull, Aug. 12. " A letter received here by a merchant from, London, affiues us that there are now ftationeel in t North Seas, fifteen frigates and a fifty- gun fhip, for the protection of the trade'of this country. " The Fanny, Greenland fhip, is- arrived here with two fifh and yi feals, producing 80 butts of blubber and 2f ton of fins.— Y/ e have now only two fhips to arrive, and both from Davis's ftraits." Yeftsrday a C s u r t of Lieutenancy was held at Guildhall, when the ballot for Colonels,' Lieutenant- Colonels, and Majors of the two regiments which arc to be raifed, came on. The candidates for the Colonels were, Aldermen'Sir JAMES SANDERSON, K n t . Sir WATKIN LEWES, K n t . and N . N s w s - H AM, Efq. the two former of whoftt were eleClcd ; the numbers being 60, y8, yy. Mr.. Alderman NEWNHAM then declared himfelf candidate for a Lieutenant- Colonelcy, and lie and Mr. Alderman COMBE were elected— numbers y i , 44. Mr. Alderman MACAUI. AY alfo flood, but his number, was only 31 ; and he was afterwards eleCted Major by 48 ; as was M r . BOYCE COMEE { b r o t h e r to the Alderman) by 4y. Mr. WILSON, who aifo flood for Major, had only 24 votes. At York Affifes the following prifoners received fentence of death, viz. Anne Scalbird, for the murder of Mary Scalbird, who was ordered. to be executed on Monday laft, and her body given to the furgeons for diffeCtion; but having declared herfelf pregnant, a j u ry of matrons was that morning to be impannelled, to enquire whether or not file is quick with child; Thomas Kirk, for a rape; Francis Day and James Wild, for burglaries; John Smith, for a Highway- robbery ; ' Ihomas Gawthorpe, for horfeftealing; Matthew Brown, for fheepftealing; and Jane Holtel, for grand iarceny. Government did not prefer any bill at the above Affifes againft Henry Redhead, alias Yorke for T r e a f o n ; lie therefore remains in gaol on the former warrant of commitment from the Privy. Council. At Landfdown fair on Monday, there was a larp : quantity of new cheefe, the general prices of which were 38s. 40s. 41s. up to yos. per cwt. There were not many fine horles, and for thefe extravagant prices were alked; thofe of inferiour value met with a very flat fale. Fat cattle fold well, but lean beafts ( of which there are few) met with little demand. T h e day being very favourable, there was a vaft concourfe of people on the down. The lightening, on Thurfday laft, fet fire to a bed in a houfe in the neighbourhood of Laytonfton?, i; i the county of Effcx : it a'. fo knocked to pieces the chimney of another houfe ; and, entering the kitchen, fplit a large wooden form to ( hatters, tore out the- whole of the window, and did much other damage. During the ftorm, large pieces of ice- fell, and were picked up in the fame neighbourhood. On Monday, the n t h inft. died, at Dray tor., in the county of Oxford, in the l y t h y e a r of her age, Mifs THERESA WALFORD, the only daughter of T H E O P H I L U S WALI- ORD, Efq. of the Upper Mail, Ham- rcrfmith. She was a young Lady in whom Genius and Benevolence were very confpiquoufly United. S T O C K E X C H A N G E .~ A U G U S T 1 4 , 1 7 9 4. Opening Prices this Day at Eleven o'Clotk. Bank Stock 163 | Ola Ann. 5 per Ct. Ann. 101 \ New Ann. —•— 4 per Ct. C o n f 8 ; | India Stock 4 per Cent. Scrip — India Ann. \ per Ct. Conf. 67 India Bonds, i z . P r. 3 per Ct. Red. 6S J South - ea Stock 3 per Cent. 1751, — . Navy & V i a . Bills 1 J per C t . d. 3 per Cent. Scrip 69 Exchequer F, ills 1 0 Pr. Lung A n n zo | Eng. T i c k e ts L. An. Scrip —— Iriill Tickets Conf.' ftiort Ann. Omnium L O N D O N : P r i n t e d b y H. B A L D W I N , at t h e BRITANNIA P R I N T I N G - O F F I C E , the C o r n e r of UNION- STREET; BRIDGE- STREET, BLAC'B FRIARS. A Letter Bex in ibe Wiadc-. u.
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