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Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury


Printer / Publisher: C. Peat, and R. Newcomb 
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Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury
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Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury

Date of Article: 25/10/1793
Printer / Publisher: C. Peat, and R. Newcomb 
Address: Stamford
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3268
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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V O L . I X I I . P r i n t e t i at fefnmforij,. bj> a n t ! f a r € . p r a t a n t i J a . B e t o c o m b. [ No. 3268. F R I D A Y , O c t . 25, 1 7 9 . 3 -] { Circulated thro' every Town and populous Village in the . Counties of Lincoln, Rutland, Leicefter, Ifle of Ely, Northampton, Nottingham ; Part of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Norfolk, and York'. } g j u n H a p a n H C u c t t i a p ' s p o l l s. From the LONDON GAZETTE. Madrid, Othber 2. I N T E L L I G E N C E has been received here, that, on the 2zd of September, General Ricardos obtained a compleat vidory over the French near Truillas. The Only particulars yet known are, that the enemy began the ajtack, in five columns, at feven o'clock in the nloiining; that they were repulfed and defeated by the Spanifh cavalry, and by the ccrtumns of infantry which were ordered out, tinder the command of Don Juan Conrten and the Count de la Union ; that the lofs of the Spaniards Was very fmall, bat that of the enemy was eftimated, on the whole, at five or fix thoufand men, inelud. i n g abo'ut fifteen hundredpriSonersaiid many more killed, a great havock having been made by the grape fhot and fide arms j and that ten picces of cannon, fix cart loads of mufkets, and a quantity of baggage, had been taken. The number of the enemy WF. S reported to'be twentyy- three or twenty- four thoufand fnen, though by fdme eftimated at no more than twenty thoufand. fVar- office, OStker 18. His Majelly has been plfaFed to appoint Generals Henry Seymour Conway, his Royal Highnefs William Duke of • Glsucefter, K. G. and Sir Geof- ge Howard, K. B. to be Field Marfhals. As likewife Lieutenant- Generals Robert fimvm, Marifcoe Frederick, Robert Dalrymple Horn Elpliinftone, James Johnfton, James Johnflon, Charles Marquis1 of DfOgheda, K. St. P. Sir W. Auguflus Pitt, fi. U, Lord Adam Gordon, Hon. Alexander Maitlartd, Archibald Earl of Eglintour. e, Hunt Walfli, Guy Lord Dorchefter, K. B. Sir Charles Tliompfon, Bart, and K. B.. Robert Clerk, Robert Cunninghsme, Hon. Sir Willi. nn, Howe, K. E. Lord George Henry Lennox, Henry Fletcher, tohn Hale, Sir Robert Boyd, K. B. Sir Henry Clinton, K. B. Charles Lord Southampton, Bernard Hale, Francis Craig, Hugh Duke of Northumberland, K. Q., William ' Tablet', Charles Marquis Cornwallis, K. G. to be Generals. As likewife Major- Generals Sir Thomas Shirley, Bart. Jofeph Brome, Patrick Tonyn, Gabriel Chriftie, John Reid, Charles Rofs, Sir Will am Green, Bait. George Scott, Charles O'Hara, Robert Sandford, Loltus Anthony Tettenham, William Rowley,, Harry Trelawney, Peter Bathurft, Honourable William Gordon, John Maui;, fell, Stuart Douglas, Robert Prefcott, Hon. William Harcourt, Henry Earl of Carhampton, Wiltiam Dalrymple, William I'ifton, Sir Heftor Munro, K. B, Hon. Edward Srcpford, Hon. William Hervey, Weft Hyde, John Fletcher Campbell, Francis Lafceljes, James Murray, SamutlTownlhend, Sir William Medows, K. 15. and Thomas Olbert Mordaunt, to be Lieutenani- Gcncrtds. As likewife Colonels John Lind, William Shirreff, William Grinfield, Samuel Hulf, Albemarle Bertie, Charles Vallancey, Thomas Pigot, Hon. John Thomas Dc Burgh, Sir James Steuart, B. irt. Thomas Carleton, lames Mar/ li, Cavendifli Lifter, Charles Leigh, James Ogilvie, William Roberts, Robert Kingfton, Sir Roheit Laurie, Bart. John Tupper, William Martin, John Archer, William Edmefton, Divid Home, Hugh Debbcig, Montgomery Agnevv, Tho. Jones, James Stewart, Alexander Earl of Batcarres, Hon. Charles Stuart, Cornelius Cuyler, Thomas Dundas, Charles Earl cf Harrington, Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick, Nelbitt Balfour, Edmund Stevens, Thomas Trigge, Francis Earl of Moira, Peter Craig, and Benjamin Stehelin, to be Major- Gen e r a l s . As likewife Lieutenant- Colonels Robert Mafon Lewis, Thomas Glyn. William Colquohoun, Welbore Ellis Doyle, Charles Dprneck, Alexander Rofs, John Whyte, Charles Graham, Andrsw John Drummond, Thomas Swanton, John St. Leger, Chriftopher Maxwell, Henry Bowyer, Richard Bettef. vijrth, Arent Schuyler rfe Pey- ( ler, John William Egerlon, Peter Hunter, William Maxwell, George Lord Herbert, John Earl of Chatham, George Campbell, Alexander Campbell, William Vifcount Fieiding, and Richard Symes. to be Colonels. To he Aidas de Camp to his Maiefty, Lieutenant- Colonels William Moril. ead, Francis Dundas, and Hamilton Maxwell. As likewife Majors William Anftruther, Jf. uies Stevenfon, Boulter Johnftone, William Swinburne, John Doyle, Wiiliam Brady, John Dormer Alcock, Patrick Wauchope, James Higginfon, Baldwin Leighton, Arthur Browne, Patrick Sinclair, John Elford, Benjamin Filli, David Campbell, M. B. St. Leeer Keating, John C- ftin, Hon. George Hanger, Richard A. mftnmg, John Callander, Archibald Campbell, fen. and John Murray, to be Lieutenant- Colonels. L O N D O N . Difpitches were on Sunday received at the Secretary of State's office, from the head- quarters of the Prince of Saxe Cobourg's army before Maubeuge, brought over by Mr. Slater, the mell'enger tvho left the army on the 17th i n f t a n t: At that time- it was expeded that orders would in a few hours be given for commencing an affiiult. The Duke of' York, with three thoufand of the Britifh troops were with the Prince, and had left a body of four thouSand under the command of Sir William Erfkine encamped between . Miubeuge and Valenciennes. On the other hand, we learn from the environs of Maubeuge, that General Jourdan, ( Houehard's fuccefltr) is advancing, by older of the Convention, with an army of 40,000 men, to attack our troops. A refpedable corps has advanced to encounter him, and out foldiers are , eager to meet with him. Every moment we expert thata battle will be fought, that will decide the fate of Maubeuge, which has hitherto only been blockaded. The army of the Prince Saxe Cobourg is reinforced by Some Aultrian regiments. The Dutch have likewife joined him; and in order t o regain their loft credit, they have the poft of honour: They cannot now run away. Maubeuge was fummoned on the 15th, and t h e people within the town appeared anxious to avoid the horrors that await them, by a timely furrender; but the garrifon oppofed their wifhes, and the efliifion of blood that is likely to follow muft be horrible, for the garrifon is numerous, and the place is intended to be carried \> y a general ajj'ault, which it was propofed to make as immediately as poflible— certainly within a few days. The army of the Prince is very powerful, having been reinforced by fome Auilrian troops, as well as having been joined by the Dutch forces, and three thoufand Britijb, under the command of the Duke of York, who has determined to fhare the dangers and honour of the enteiprize i n perfon. The French army had colleded in great force in the neighbourhood ot Maubeuge, and were expedod to make fome attempts to harrafs the combined army, but fuch is the ftrength and vigilance of the allied forces, that nothing is to be apprehended from their utmoft exertions. Their diverfions, it is fuppofed, will be favoured by fome defperate fortie from the garrifon, but fo well prepared is the Prince of Cobourg, for any enterprize of that kind, that there is little doubt of their being immediately driven back. Mr. Slater brought with him difpatches f r om t h e courts of Vienna and Turin. An article has appeared from the firft mentioned place, of which the following is a copy: Vienna, Sept. 30. Propofitions of peace have lately been made in this capital by the agents of France. They have offered, " 1 ft, T o deliver up the Queen Dowager, her two illuftriv's children, and Madame Elizabeth ; and 2d, T o cede part of Hainault, by way of indemnification for the expences ot the war, " But the confederated powers demand, by way of preliminary, that all the principal fortrefTes in France fhall be put into the hands of the allies. The French are not fulficiently humbled to accede to fuch terms as theSe." By accounts from the army of the Prince of Saxe Cobourg, dated on the 15th inftant, we learn, that the Prince of Saxe Cobourg had marched to meet jourdan at the head of a very great force, after leaving a fuffioent army to keep the garrifon and cunp of Maubeuge in check. Scarcely a day pafles without the French attempting a fortie. They made one on the 14th, which, like all their former, ended in defeat, and coniiderable lofs to them. By letters from T u r i n , dated the 26th ult. we learn, t h a f t h e whole garrifon of Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, compofed both of cavalry and infantry, attended, by a great number 4f volunteers, had embarked on board of . fome E11- glifh ( hips gf war, and failed forToulon.—' Some Piedmontefe battalions were likewife to embark at Oneglia for the fame, deitination, to join the Britifh and Spanifh forces. . By very recent accounts received in Town on [ Sunday from Paris, we are informed, that an; iul'urredion of a very Serious nature has adually broken out at Brelt, and the probability feems to be, that the. officers a. nd men of the fleet will follow the example of. tpofe at Toulon., It was on Friday determined, that 140 independent companies are to be regimented, ten companies't6 a regiment. The field officers are to be taken from old regiments. Captains to be Majors, Majors to be Lifeut. Colonels, & c. with . out purchafc, and their former cOmmiffions to be applied towards the recruiting fervice. The departure of the King of Pruffia from the Rhine, and his journey towards the frontier, 1; of Poland, have opened a large field for Speculation. There are thoSe who believe, that the persecuted Poles have at length found an ally, and oho trace the alarm on the part of their opprefibis up to the late movements in Conftan tinople. The Duke of BrunSwick has taken the command of the Pruffian arniy, and will hold it during the abfcnce oS the King. The camp oS Wc: lf; mbourg Hill remains unconquered. jLyons has certainly been Surrendered to the Republicans. After all, more is expeded Srom the Royalifts in Brittany, towards a happy termination of the war, than all the efforts of the conSederated powers. The Emprefs of Rulfia would have Sent 12,000 men, and given the command of them to Duke de Artois, if permitted to join the Royalifts; but this not according w'ich the, plan ot the other powers, the Emprefs kept hex troops, and lent money inftead of them. By accounts from Madrid it is confirmed, that Admiral St. Julien, whom Lord Hood defcribed as the " hot - headed democrat," has Surrendered himfelf to his Lordfhip, and was conduded a priSoner to Spain. The Captain oS a vefTe!, ihat arrived at Cork on the 10th inft. from New York, reports, that the United States Or America had declared war againft the French Republic.— Star. A young woman, named Jane Charlotte Ruhaut, 21 years of age, and two brothers named Bellanger, were guillotined on the 6th inllant, for having endeavoured to provoke the refloration of Royalty, lamenting the death of the late King, and having expreiled a defire of avenging him, and putting his Son on his Throne. [ Price Three- pence Halfpenny. W A N T E D IMMEDIATELY, Q I X or E I G H T JOURNEYMEN SHOEJ I MAKERS; found good Workmen for Men's and Women's; Two or Three in particular on Boots of all Sorts;— and if they have Sons or Apprentices, may have fuch Work as they can do, and full Employ. Enquire of Mr. STANRQYjVjpaldinc;, Lincolnfhire. W A N T E D, A PARTNER in a Three- Vat PAPER MILL, upon a gool S ream, well fituated for Markets, and in full Bulinefs. Works Sec. entirely new. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. WILLIAM NELSON, Barnby- Moor, Nottinghamlhire; or of Mr. LUPTON, at Houghton, near Grantham, Lincolnfliire. C R O W N ~ I N R NR STAMFORD, LINCOLNSHIRE. A N N B E N T H A M, ( Widow of the late J. BEN'l'HAM,) BEGS Leave to inform her Friends and the Public, that the Bufinefs of the above Inn will be carried on by her, and humbly folicits their Countenance and Support. Every Attention will be paid to merit a Continuance of their Favors. OSiobcr, 1793. H U N T I N G D O N , O S . 14th, 1793. W I L L I AM HERBERT, H AVING entered into the BREWERY, late his Father's, at HUNTINGDON, takes the irtunity of informing his Friends, and the Public in general, that he intends carrying cn, in Addition to the aboveBufinefs, the MALT, HOI>, and PORTER Trade; and flatters himfclf by a ftrift Attention to the Quality of the feveral Commodities, as alfo Punctuality in the Execution of OrderysN, tCo OmLeNrit, SOuBp. p 1o6rtlb. , 1793. M r s . R . D R U M M O N D , BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, RESPECTFULLY informs her Fiiends and the Public, that in Confequence of fome Improvements inithe City, ( he has" been obliged to quit her former fituation; has removed to her Houfe, Six Doors above the B U T T E R - M A R K F . T , where ( he folicits the Continuance of the Favours of her Friends. She continues to Sell every Article in the Bookfeller and Stationary Line; alfo the moft approved Genuine Patent and Public Medicines; likewife Teas, Cotfee, Chocolate, and Cocoa; Rappee and Scotch Snuffs; Variety of Paper Hangings for ltoonis, the Newell Patterns ; great Choice of China Ware, which will be Sold at reduced prices; Umbrellas, India Fans, and various other Articles. W I L L I AM HARWOOD, D R U G G I S T , Straight Bargate, BOSTON, and alfo at SPILSBY, MOS T tefpcdfully informs his Friends, and the Graziers ill general, that he has begun to prepare lor the enfuing ?* afon, his very ftrong MERCURIAL OINTMENT for the SCAB in SHEEP, which from the late Difcovcry he ha « made in the Preparation, it is imuoflihle it can fail cuiing the ftrongeft Scab.— — The Price is One Shilling^ nd Six- pence per Pound, and no lefs will be taken for any Quantity. Thofe Gentlemen, Graziers, and others, who have ftill a defire to make their own, may be ferved with Quickfilvcr, warranted good. Every other Article in the Drug Way on the loweft Terms. The beft Price will he Riven for goad, H « g' » Lard. BQITON, o a . y h , 1 7 9 3 , WANTS a PLACE, as BAILIFF in a Gentleman's Family, a Man who underftand? FARMING in all its Branches, and can have an unde. niable Character from his laft Flace, where he has lived Seven Years. M E AESnquUireR ofE the POR IFN TECRSO. R N , AND W E I G H T OF W O O L. \ M E E T I N G of the Proprietors and Occnt \ piers of Land in the Vicinity of BR1GG, in the County of Lincoln, Subfcribers to the Refolutiors entered into for enforcing the Statutes madeagainft Perfons felling CORN or GRAIN by any other Meafurethan the WINCHESTER BUSHEL, and for aboliftiing the Coft torn of felling 2<) lb. to fhe TOD of WOOL, and 15lb. ro tht STONE of LOCKS, will be holden at the A N G EL I K N , in BRIGG, on THURSDAY . the Thirty- firft Day of this Inftant OCTOBER, at Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, to audit the Accounts, and tranfadt other Bulinefs relating thereto. All Perfons who ara defirous of becoming Subfciibers, are requefted to attend the faid Meeting; and all Perfons who have already fubforfbrd, and not paid their Subfcriptions, are requefted to pay the fame to Mr. NICHOLSON, Attorney at Law, in Brigg, on or before the faid Thirty- firft Day of oaober next. By Order, R". NICHOLSON. B R I O G , 7 / I OEiobtr, 1793. RIVER W I T - A M T L ^ l n s h i r e . ON F R I D A Y t h e F i r A D a y of N O V E M B E R' next, an ADJOURNED MEETING of the GE- ' NERAL COMMISSIONERS for DRAINAGE, will be, held at the PEACOCK I N N , in Bofton. at Eleven o'Clock. BANKES, Clerk. tlfl 0Etcher, 1793. _ G R A N T H A M CANAL NAVIGATION. THE feveral PROPRIETORS of this under taking are require^ to pay into the Hands of. JOSE> H LAWRENCE, E'fq..( the Tr- afurer) of Grantham, on or before the 7th Day of November next, the Sum of TEN POUNDS per Cent, on their refpeftive Subfcriptions, towards defraying^ tUe. E^ jienevs of carrying on the faid Undertaking, v » bl » , with the Calls already made, will make 10I. per Cent, on the Whole Subfcription. And all thofe who are In Arrear in any of the former Calls of 2I. 10s. ll. IDS. il. 10s. and 3I. tos. per Cent, are required to pay the fame on OT before the faid 7th November next. By Order of the Committee, WM . OSTLER, Clerk to the Company. G R A N T H A M , ^ oth Sept. 1793. AT. B. Mr. L A W R E N C E has appointed SAMUEL S M I T H , Efq. and Co. to receive at Nottingham ; and Melfrs. B i N T t t v and BVXTON, at Leiceflcr. G R A N T H A M CANAL NAVIGATION. THESecond General ASSEMBLYor MEETING of the Company of Proprietors of this Undertaking, is appointed to be held at the A N G E L I N N , in G R A N T H A M , on THURSDAY t h e 7 t h B a y of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forefl on, for putting the Aft into further Execution, and tranfaflinR fuch Bnfinefs refpefting the faid Navigation, as may then appear neceflary. The Aft requires Proprietors or Proxies for 410 Shares toconftitute a General Meeting, and thofe not attending, either in Perfon or by Proxy, are liable to a J'enalty of Ten Shillings for every Share, in Cafe that Number do, notappear; it is therefore requefted, that all fuch Proprietors who cannot attend will grant Prexies, which muft be written on a 6s. Stamp, and made to a Proprie- W I L L I AM OSTLER, Clerk to the Company. G R A N T H A M , iithOffcber, 1793. R I V E R W E L L A N D " T R A T N A G E . NOTICE it hereby gk/ vr, TH A T a M E E T I N G ot the fever,- I Perfons interefted in the Improvement of the Outfall of the fa'id River, and the better Drai> » ge of the Lands on both Sides thereof, and other Lands near thereto, will be held ( by Adjournment) at the TOWN- HALL, in; SPALDING, on MONDAY the 4th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take into Confideration the Refolutions of the Meeting of the 24th of September laft, and for entering into fuch other Refolutions as may be then neceflary; at which Meeting all Perfdns interefted are particularly defired to attend by themfelves or Agents:— And printed Copies of the further Report of the Engineers may be had by applying to the Solicitors. ASHLEY & SANDERSON, 19tb Oli. 1793. Solicitors. W E L L A N D BANK and ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, TH A T a M E E T I N G of the Truftees and Creditors of the faid Road, and other l'erfons interefted in the future better Frefervation of the faid Bank leading from Spalding High Bridge to Brotherhoufe in the Parilh « f Crowland, and for keeping in Repair a Road thereon, and from thence to Peakirk, in the County of Northampton, will be held ( by Adjournment) at the W H I T E H A R T I N N , inSFALniNG aforefaid, on M O N D A Y the 4th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take into Confideration the Proceedings of the Meeting of the 24th of September laft, and for entering into fuch Rcfolutions as fhall be then deemed neceflary; at which Meeting all Perfons interefted are delired to attend, by themfelves or Agents. F. SANDERSON, Solicitor. itfth OStober, 1793. ~ ALLINGTON INCLOSURE. THE Proprietors and Perfons interefted in the faid Inclofure, are defired to deliver their Claims to the Commiflioners on W E D N E S D A Y the 30th Day of this Inftant, at the Houle of THOMAS H E R V E Y, the Sign of the S P R E A D E A G L E , in A L L I N G T O N . J N " . RENSHAW, Solicitor. OWTHORPE, Oli. iotb, 1793. WHAPLOAD, HOLBBACH, AND F L E ET COMMONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TH A T a M E E T I N G of the Proprietors interefted in the faid Commons, will be held at the W H I T E H A R T I N N , in S P A L D I N G , o n T U E S D A Y t he 5th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Fo'rennon, to confider of the Propriety of dividing and inclbfmg the ( aid Commons, for which Purpofe Notice has been duly given according to the Standing Order of the Honourable Houfe of Commons. By Order of feveral Proprietors, ASHLEY and FOSTER. JNo. H U N N I N G S. t) th OStober, 1793. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TH A T the COMMISSIONERS ading under " An A£ t for repairing, and*' widening the " ROAD from the North Turnpme Road near Scott " Gatq, otherwife ScoGate, in the Town of Stamford, « in the County of Lincoln, to Oakham, in the County " of Rutland; and from Sandall's Corner in Oakham, " through Burley, to a Gate on the North Side of a cer- " tain Clofe in the faid LOrdfllip of Burley, called Booth's " Clofe, adjoining to the open Fields of Cottefmore, in " the faid ubunty of Rutland," are delired to meet at the Houfe of JOHN C O I L L I N G T O N , the Sign of the W H I T E HORSE I N N , n EMPINGHAM, on W E D - NESDAY the Thirteenth Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon, to confider of an intended Application to Parliament for enlarging the Terms and Powers of the prefert Aft, and the Propriety of carrying on and extending the faid Road from Booth's Clofe Gate, through the Parilhes of Cottefmore and Greetham, into the Great North Turnpike Road, at or near a Place called or known by the Name of the Crofs Guns, in the'faid Parifh of Greetham; at which Meeting the faid Truftees ailing under the prefent Aft, and all others concerned, ate requefted to attend. ROBERT B U N N I N G ,) AND STreafurers. i WILLIAM GILSON, * Iji « / Oftiher, 1793. ISLE OF AXHOLME I N T E N D E D INCLOSURE. AT a M E E T I N G of the Owners of Eftates, in the feveral Parithes of EPWORTH, HAXF. Y, BELTON, and OWSTON, in the Ifle of Axholme, in the County of Lincoln, this Day holden at the Kind's Head, in Epworth afofefaid, to confider of an Application to Parliament the next Seffion, for an Aft for inclofing, dividing, and allotting the Commons, and all other open and uninclofed Or/ iunds within the faid Parifties, and of the Meafures neceffary to be purfued, for promoting fuchDivifion and Inclofure, in Purfuance oWf IpLubLliIcA NMot iceR. I C H A R D WI L S O N , Efqui r e , Chairman; Rtfolved, That it is the Opinion of this Meeting, that an Inclofure of all the Commons and Wafle Grounds, in the feveral Parifties aforefaid, as One general Common will be of great utility j but that it fhould not extend to the Open Fields and ancient, Inclofures ; and that Two- third Parts of the ( aid Commons ought to be allotted'to the Owners of Common Right, Houfes, and Toftftcads, and the remaining Third Part to the Owners of Lands, having Common Right, Houfes, or Toftfteads. That Application be made to the Lord of the Manor, and the feveral Tythe Owners refpeftine the Comp. nfations they will require, in Lieu of their Manorial Rights and Tythes; and that William Richard Wilfon, Cornelius Stovin, Richard Ryther, Popplewell S'eer, John, Henry Maw, Efquires, and the Reverend Jofhua Gibfon, Clerk, be a Committee appointed to tieat with the Lord of the Manor and Tythe Owners, and to report their Terms at the next Meeting, to be hoWen at the HoUfe of S A M U E L LAUGHTO- N, the Sign of the R ED L I O N , in E P W O R T H aforefaid, at Elevenp'Clock in the Forenoon, on W E D N E S D B Y the Sixth Day of NOVEMBER next. r That thefe Refblutions be inferted in the Lincoln and Stamford Mercury, and Copies affixed on the Church Door in the feveral Parilhes. That the Thanks of the Meeting be given to the Chairman, for his particular Attention to the Bufinefs of the Day. W. R. WILSON, Chairman. EpWORTH, id OR. 1703. RUTLAND, \ ~ Atth: GENERAL QUARTER S " STo wit. ( SI& NS of the PEACE ef our Sovereign Lord t tbe King;, bo/ den at tbe Caftle in Oakham, in and for the faid County, on Thurfday in the Week tt'xt after tbe Tca/ t cf Saint Michael the Archangel, To wit, tbe Tenth Dat of Qftoher, in tbt Thirtythird Year of the Rcirn of Kinr George tbe Third, & c. and in tbe Year of cur LordCne Thou'and Seven Hundred and Ninety- three, before tbe Right Honourable G E O R G E EARL of W I N C H I L S E A and N O T - T I N G H A M ; JOHN H E A T H C O T E , GEORGE F I . U D Y E R , ARRFT^ HN C L E M E N T S O N , Effaires-, and the Reverend THOMAS F O S T E R , Clerk; Juftices of our faid Lord tbe King, afjigned to keep the Peace of our faid Lord tbe Kmz in the County aforefaid, and alfo to bear and determine divers Felonies, Irefpaffes, and other Mifdeeds committed in the faid , County: HIS Majefty's Juftices of tlie Peace affemblcd at this prefent Seflions, having taken into their Confideration tiie Incrcafe of the Parilh Rates, the Want of Regaid to the Employment of the Poor in general, and the Infant Poor in particular, have refolved that the following RULES and ORDERS ( pnrfuant to the Statutes made and provided for the Relief and Maintenance of the Poor) ( hall beobferved within the feveral Parilh. es in this County -.— I. That the Overfeers of the Poor of each Parilh in the faid Copnty, do immediately provid - fuch raw Materials as Wool, Woollen Yarn, Hemp anil Flax, as alfo Wheels and other Implements, for the Employment of the Poor of every Denomination, as ( hall be neceflary « o enable them to d. o fuch Wor'c as they are capable of performing, either in Spinning, Knitting, orany other Employment the Overfeer may direft : And that the Overfeers' do make Comylaint before a Juitice of the Peace of thofe who refufe to work, or who wilfully fpoil the raw Materials given them ; and that the Overi'eers ( hall, in the feveral Refpefts above- mentioned, aft according to the Directions of the neareft Juftice. II. That 110 Perfon be allowed any Relief in Monej-, until they have done fuch Work as they are capable ot, III. Thatfrom an( l after the Firft Day of January next, no Perfon be allowed any Relief on Account of any Child above Six Years of Age, who ( hall not be able to knit. IV. That no Perfon be allowed any Relief on Account of any Child above Nine Years of Age, who ( hall not be able to fpin either Linen or Woollen. V. That the Overfeers of the Poor of each Parilh throughout the County of Rutland, ( hall meet together, at the leaft once every Month, in the Church of their refpeftive Parifties, upon the Sunday, after Divine Service, there to confider of the beft Courfe and Order to he taken and made in the Employment of the Poor. VI. That thefe Orders be printed, and Two Copies thereof fent to each aftin? Juftice, and to each Chief Conftable, and Two to £ ach Overfeer of the Poor, One of which is to be parted in the Book of ihe Overfeers' Accounts, and the other fixed upon the Church Door of their refpeftive Parilhes; . ind that the fame be publilhed in The Stamford Newfpaper. By th& COURT, J O H N COMBES, Deputy Clcfk of the Peace. MONEY ACcdiviMODA l iOi\ and COMMERCIAL CONCERNS. MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, SHOV- KEEPERS, and OTHERS, may, on Application be fupplied to any Amount, with an Advance upon JVcollent, Limns, Cottom, Mercery, He, Icy, Jaoeh, Plate, or any other Species of Goods and Merchandize, raw or manufaftured, at Five perCent. Intereft, for fuch Time as may be convenient; or, if required, a fuitable Market will be procured, which an extenfive Correfpondence always comtmnds. Thofe overftock'd with Goods, or from any other Caufe, difappointed in Receipts, wijl always find this an effeftual and confidential Refource, the Adtance being immediately ma eupon View of the Articles, according to Value, and every requifite Delicacy ftriftly obferved. Applications, any Day before Four o'Clock, or Letters addreflfed to Meflrs. THORNTON and Co at their Houfe, No. 16, Stephen- Street, Rathbone- Place, London, will receive immediate Attention. RUN- WAY. W H E R E A S W I L L I A M S I N G L E ! O N , Apprentice to JOHN BAXTER, of Hecking ton, in the County of Lincoln, Wheelwright, did in the Night of the 7th of this Intlant Oftober, abfent himfelf from his Mailer's Service. The faid WILLIAM SINGLETON is about Eighteen Years old, Five Feet Four Inches high, ftrong made, fwarthy Complexion; had on a Cotton Drab Frock, dark- coloured VYaiftcoat, and 3ucktkin Breeches. If the faid WILLIAM SINGLETON willriturn immediately to his Mafter, he will be kin'ly received; and the more fo, as the Offence for which he abfented trmfelf was not committed againft his Mafter, or any of his Family ; and is now entirely fettled. But if any Perfon fliall harbour or employ the faid Apprentice, after this Advertifemut, he or v'u- y will be profecuted as the Law direfts. J O H N B A X T E R . P. S. The faid Apprentice was feen at Market- Deeping on Saturday laft. HECKIN'GTON, i(> th October, 1793. " T H E T O O T ' l L A C H C U R E 5 ', R A D I C A L L Y and E F F E C T U A L I IF, f S Y S I M S O N ' s I N F A L L I A B L E ^ E T H E R E AL I ) TINCTURE, which is an immediate, J'afe, and certain Cure for every Species of that very excruciating Diforder in it's moft racking Stages, and during Pregnancy, without injuring the Gum, or deftroymg the Nerve; and even without the leaft return of the Complaint ( where tiie Direftions are exaftly followed), as the Experience of Thoufands can teftify. N. B. To prevent Counterfeits, the VVords Simfon's Tin fiu re will be inferted in every Hill of Direftions, in the Proprietor's own Hand- writing. And as a further Caution, the Public will pleafe to obferve, that the Name of John Wye ( late Partner with Dicey and Co.), is printed on the the Stamp Lab. el; the Imitation of which is a capital Offence. Sold Wholefale pnly by JOHN WYE, at his Medicinal Warehoufe, No. 59, Coleman ftreet, London; where it may alfo be had Retail, and of R. NIWCOMB, Stamford, and the Agents to this Paper, at One Shilling the Bottle, and Threr- Half- penc » the Duty, NOTICE to DEBTORS and CREDITORS. AL L Perfons who have anv Claim or Demand on the Eftate or F. ffeftsof Mr. RICHARD NOTTINGHAM, late of Horncaftle, decead d, are dcfired to fend in an . Account of the fame to the Executors, Mr. WILLIAM C.$ Y, of Gautby : <> r to Mr. WILLIAM WALKER, of Horncaftle aforefaid. And all Perfons who flood indebted to the faid R I C H - ARD NOTTINGHAM, at the Time of his decenfe, are requefted forthwith to pay their refpeftive Debts to the faid Mr. W I L L I A M G A Y , or Mr. W I L L I A M W A L K E R , on or before the iPth of November next. 1ith Oftober, 1793. LAmfs DEBTORS and CREDITORS. ALL Perfons having any Claim or Demands on the Eftate orEffefts of CAIN LAW1S, late of Leake, in the County of Lincoln, Crazier, lately deceafed, are requefted to fi nd in their refpeftivc Accounts to Mr. JOHN FRANCIS, or Mr. WILLIAM I E F F E R AY, of Leake aforefaid ; or Meflrs. THIRKILL and . WATSON, Attornies, in Bofton, on or before the Sixteenth Day of November next. And all Perfons who ftand any Ways indebted to the faid CAIN I. AWIS, are defired to pay the fame immediately to the faid [' H « FRANCIS and WILLIAM JEFrr. R A Y, or the faid MelTrs. THIRKILL and WATSON. NOTICE to dTbTORS. WI L L I AM H O L G A T E , of Brigs, in the County of Lincoln, Shop- Keeper and Liquor- Merchant, having ntired from Buflnefs, requeft; ajt Perfons who ft? nd indebted to him on that Account, to pay their refpeftive Debts on or before the Twentvfecond Day of Novenr+ ei- next, to Mr. NICHOLSON, Attorney at Law there, he being duly authorized to receive the fame; and hereby gives Notice to all Perfonti who ( hall neitleftor fail to pay fuch theirrefpeftive Debts within the Time above ( lipulated to the faid Mr. NICHOLSON, that Aftions will be forthwith afterwards commenced againft them for Recovery thereof without further Notice. B R I G G , Offober jtb, 1793. Mr G U T H R I E ' s BANKRUPTCY. - THE Commissioners in a Commi( lion of Bankrupt awarded and ifltted forth againft I AMI 9 GUTHRIE, of Newark- npon- Trent, in the County of Nottingham, Banker. Dealer and Chapman, intend < o meet on the Fourth Day of NOVEMBER next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at the R U T L A N D ARMS, in NEWARK- UPON- TRFNT • forefai<! t in Order to make a Dividend of the Eftate and Elf. fts of the faid Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to proV* the fame, or they will be excluded tjie Benefit of the fnitf Dividend. Aod all Claims not t'icn proved, will be difallowed. N. B. The D; v'rdend - will not. be paid on the Day above- mentioned, but Attendance will be ? iven for that Purpofe on Tuefday. Wednefday, Thurfday, and Friday following, by Meflrs. S M I T H and C O M P A N Y , Bankers, in Nottingham ; at the Rutland Arms, in Newark upon Trent aforefaid. ' T , H F Creditors who have proved their Debts * under a Commiflion of Bankrupt awarded and ilTued forth againft JAMES GUTHRIE, of Newarkupon- Trent, in the County of Nottingham, Banker, Dealer and Chapman, are defired to meet the Aflignees of the Eftate and . Effefts of the faid Bankrupt, oh the Fourth Day of NOVEMBER next, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, at' thf R U T L A N D ARMS, in' NEWARKUl'ON- TRENT aforefaid, to take into Conlideration the Opinion of Counfel refpefting the Propriety of afligning certain Securities to Meflrs. NEWN HAM, EVER ETT, and COMPANY, Bankers, in London, which were depofited in their Hands by the fakl J A M E S G U T K R IK previous to the faid Bankruptcy, and to authorize the faid Aflignees to make fuch Aflignment, or to take fuch other Steps as may be thought expedient; and alfo to take into Confideration the Circumftanccs of the Cafe refpefting an Annuity of Thirty Pounds agreed to be paid by the faid J A - E S G U T H R I E to Mr. S A M U EL T U R N E R , of Malton, tor the faid Mr. T U R N E R ' S Life ; and on other fpecial Affairs. All Perfons who ftand indebted to the Eftate and Infects of the faid Bankrupt, are required immediately to pay their refpeftive Debts to Mr. S A M U E L A L L E N, M r . C H A R L E S S N A R T , Mr. JOHN J A C K S O N , a n d Mr. C H R I S T O P H E R M O R L E Y , the Aflignees, or One of them, otherwife Aftions will be commenced for Recovery thereof without further Notice. ' TITnERFOUS, RELAXED, hnd DEBILITATED CONSTITUTIONS, & c. S M A R T ' S improved T I N C T U R E of CAS. C A RILL A BARK.— The Tinfture of Cafcaritla Bark is particularly recommended by the Royal College of Phyficians in Weakn fs of th' Stomach and BowTs, and, by late writers, for. its pe: uliar efficacy in relaxea and debilitated Conftitutions Intermittent Fevers, Loft of Appetite, Nervous and Windy Complaints. This improved infturc is likewife very efficacious in Fluxes, Ohftruftions, Windy Colics, Internal Bleeding, I. owneft of Spirits, flow Nervous Fevers, Indigeftion, a ftrengthenerof the Nerves, and a bracer of the whole fyftem, Snd is muchfuperior to the Tinfture of Peruvian Bark, as dot being liable tp fubjeft the Patient to Coftivenefs, Scr. The improvement renders it a grateful Stomachic, and is allowed to be far preferable to thofe bitters generally ufed for creating appetite: it may be taken with th « greateft eafe and fafety by the moft delicati conftitutioty This medicine is particularly recommended to Captains, and all thofe who frequent the warm climates, as an effectual remedy in Epidem Fevers and Fluxes arifing from that caufe. Sold in Bottles at as. 3d. and 7s. each,' duty included, the larger'containini; nearly four of the fmaller. N. B. Each_> Bottle'has a Label, faying, " Prepared and improved by W. SMART, Chymift and Druggii't, St. Martin's- court, near Leicefter- fquare, London; each bill of direftion has his own fignature in writing, and can only be fuppiied wfiolefale fuom h'rmfelf, and John Wye, of Col eman- ftreet, London, where. it is fold retail."— Tat be procured at R. NEWCOMB'S, Stamford; Mr. Brown, Dru'gift, Great Grimlby; and at moft venders of patent medicines throughout England. R O T I N S H E F, P . T H I S dreadful Complaint whichliath been fo fatal to fomany Thoufands of that ufeful Animal within the lad Nine Months, hath been attributed, by able Writtrs, to proceed from Infefts, which, in toil Seafins have been found in great Numbers in the Livers of thofe affefted by the D i f e a f e T h e f e Ir. fefts refemhle very much the Fiat- Fi( h, commonly called the . Plaife, and it not removed in- Time, become fo numerous, as to deftroy the Sheep they are preying upon. , JOHN NEEDHAM, of Whe'ftone, Leiceftwfliire, Grazier, having difcovered a Conipofition, which, on Application, hath been found to deftroy the above Infefts, fallen the Liver, and ( if taken in Time) reftrre the affefted Sheep to its proper Health and Vigoui ; propofes to explain the Secret of his Difeovery to thoid Perfons who ( hall chufe to pay him the Sum of ONE GUINEA each, to be depofited in the Hands of the under- mentioned Bankers, who will be authorifed to return the fame to them on the 12th Day 6f November next, or at any Time thereafter, in Cafe a reafonable Number of Applications ( hall not be made for the propofed Remedy. We whofe Names are hereunto fubferibed, do hereby certify to the Public, that the above- named JO) IN N E E D H A M hath preferved to us the Lives of man^ Sheep, which had the Rot the laft Se. ifon, and which, without the Application of his invaluable Medicine, we verily believe would have been loll. THOMAS DAVIS, ) Walurave f r a r P f t - JOHN DAVIS, Loddington, North,-. mptonlhire-. T. COOPER, Wigfton- Magna, Leicelltrlhire. WM. HUBBARD, Afhby- Magna, Ditto. loth June, 1793. Subfcriptions taken in Meffrs. B P U I . T B E E , M A N S - F I E L D , and B O U L T E E E , Leicefter; Meflrs. M A N N R P . J a n d M A N S F I E L D , G r a n t h a m ; M r . LUCAS, N o r t h a m p -. ton; Meffrs. BOSWORTH and I M C E R S U L E , Market- Harboro; and Mr. BELLAEKS, Stamford. N O T E . The above JOHN N E E D H A M hathalfoa Pre-- paration for ftopping the | B! ack Scour in Sheep, which he can affure the Public will effeft the fame in 24 Houfs after taken; the fecret of which he will be ready to communicate with the above.— The Materials for preparing thefe valuable Medicines may be procured at little Expence in any MaHtct- T. owr. < T C L R T ) N E N I ^ 5 S T T M C I D A P S P O L L S. ' fKQM TUB L O N H O I T © A ^ T T E . E R T R A O T O F T I A T G. ~ ' WEDNESDAY, Oftolier 2 j . • Whitehall, OBehcr 13- The difpatches, of which the. following arc extract and copies, were received, on Sunday laft, at the office ot the Riglu Honorable Henry Dunda-:, his Majefty's principalSecretary of State for . the Home Department". TToultm, September 26. Gn the morning of the tSth of this month the enemy opened two ma. f qtled batteries, one of three, the other of two ( fii » » r « t the h e a d - a f - t h e inner harbour; a r ia Petite Garenire. • An inceffar. t - fire was kept up during the whole of the day between the batteries of. the enemy aud' a gun- boat and French frigate manned by Englilh feamen, which had be* n placed near the Poudriere- for the- deffincc of the head of the harbour, and Jto cover the fort of % lalbourqitct. to;, v » rds jhe water; that- fort fired occafionally at: the enjm. y's batteries with fome effe'ft, although' they wiere covered on that fide by a grcAre of pine trees. On the 19' th the enemy- opened a frefh battery, to the left o f the others, at Lfcs G. aux, and his Majefty's fliip St. George,_ with a fecond gun- boat", being brought into the Petite Radc, acanortade continued during the whole day, and towards evening, the bat-. teries Of t h e enemy were filcnctd; out one of the gun- boats had fuffered fo much that ( he was towed off, and Ihe funk the next morning, the officers and'men having been taken out of . her. I t became neceflhry to Colled a force tooccupy La Graffe ; I toolt, therefore, fiftV men from fort De la Malgue, the ftrongeft and leail expofed of our pofts, and, by leaving but one relief for fhe duties of Toulon, we were enabled to colleft 350 Spaniards and 1 t; o Britifh, exelufive of officers and non- cotnmiuioned officers, the Spanifh under the command of Colonel Don Rafael Echavuru, and the Britifh troops " tinder the command of Captain Brereton of the 30th regiment. The detachment embarked for Toulon on the 20th, at twelve o'clock at night, Admiial Gravina and myfelf, with all the Spanifh Colonels of the garrifon, and lome French engineers, attending, to place the troops in the poll they were to occupy. We proceeded acrofs. die harbour, and landed, at about two o'clock in thfc tfiorning of the 21ft, at fort Bsdaguier, and marched immediately forward to reconnoitre the heights De la GrafTe, which confift of a ridge, di vided a; t the top by " three d i f t i n f t knolls, covered w i t h wood, wirh fmall dips or vallies between each, the whole riling very confiderably inland, the ridge terminating v « th a rapid defcentat the weftern extremity, which commands a. complete view of the whole extent of the enemy's pofition to the we 11 ward of Toulon. It was determined to take poft on the Ioweft i n d eafternmoft knoll, which is about five hundred yards frcm the landing- place. Having diftributed the troops into the belt pofition the poll would admit of," Admiral Gravina returned with Fie before noon to Toulon, to order th" e neccffary fupplies for the troops, and fome gtins for the defence of the poft, Colonel Don Rafael Chavuru remaining with the command of the' poftV and Captain Brereton with the command of the Britifh troops, under him. At about five o'clock in the afternoon the'enemy advanced along the upper knolls of the Hauteur de- Graffe, to the number, as we have fince learnt, of about feven in the thigh. Lieutenant ' l'upper, ol his Maiefty's fhip Windfor Caftle, is tent to tjfte the command. Return of Briiijb lilted dud ivunJcd,\ okSff tember i t ; 30th regiment, i rank and rilc . killW; i rahk and file wounded. I5tlvregiment. 1 Captain wounded. 69th" regiment. a rank and fiic. wound. ed. I n PORT POMET. '• Royal navy. 1 Lieutenant, 1 feanian, wounded. 69th regiment. 2 rank and filewounded.- Marines, a rank and file wounded. . Total. 1 rank and file kilUd; 1 officers, 1 teaman, 7 rank and file, wounded. Captain Smith of the' 2.5th, regiment, and Lieutenant Ntwnham of the Royal navy," wounded.. '" I MULGRAVE, Afting & rigadier- Genera!.; ' Tdulon, September 27. S I R, Since Iclofed my difpatch to you this day, the firft divllion of Neapolitan troops came into the harbour, confiiling of 2000 men, all in perfeft health, convdyed by two fhips of feventy four guns each, two frigates and t- wo floops: They have been eleven days on thtir pafiage. 2000 more troops were to fail in three days alter that of their departure, and a third divifion alfo of 2000 meij were to fail in twenty days, from th day on which the f u l l divifion failed. After the Confident manlier in which I have ventured to allure you that no imprefCon was likely to be 111 ad-, on our pofts, inadequately garriloned a they were by our original I'm ill b ; dy, I need hardly exprels the comfortable fecurity I feel with our lall re- inforcsments." I have the honor t > be, with great r e f p e f t, S I R , Your moft obedient, and moft humble fervair, MULGRAVE ieurs of Trail E- vechcs, who were quartered in the ( frotsgtrit'of , tK<£ gardens of Verfailles.—— Queen. " I repaired, 1 muft own, with my hiilbaiid and his children to the hall of the Opera- Hotife; but I did not fee t h i t - t h e national cockade was trod underfoot. It is falfe that I ever fpoke to the foldiers of the regiment of Naffau, or to the Chaffeurs of Trois Eveches." Prejident. " What did you fay to. the Life- Guards when you appeared at that orgy ?"•— Queen. '' I applauded that banquet, becaufe it was to have produced the union of the Life- Guards with the National Guards." Public accufer. " Have you not* olden fecret Councils at the houfe of. t h e eUdfvant Duchefs of Pol ignac— Councils at which the ci- devant French Princes affilted, and in which, after having dil'cuffed the fate of the Empire, you gave yourfelf up to the infamous pleafures of debauchery V'-* Que en. _" All the ftate affairs were difcuffed in Council, and no where elfe. I have nojtnowledge of the reft of this a f f e r t j # l. Toulon, September 30, 1793. , S I R , Thefqtiadron under| Admiral Gell having been delayed by c o n t r a r y winds, 1 have the opportu nity- of informing you, in addition to my laft difpatchos, that, on the 28th inftant, the firtt divi. fion of the Neapolitan troops difembarked un der the command of Brigadier- General Pignatelli.' The troops art: in perfeft health, and are a very fine body, of men, and well appointed. The detachment of the King of Sardinia's troops, confills entirely of grenadiers and chafleurs, and are o f the beft ol his Sardinian Majefty's troops. I have great confidence in the • zeal and willingnels expreffed, both by the offi cers and foldiers of this corps. It is with extreme concern that I have to inform you of the lols which the fervice has fuftained, by the death of Lieutenant Newnham, of the navy; to whofe private and profeflional merits the fincere and marked regret of the Spanifh as Well as EngliSi officers, who were witnefles of his able and aftive conduft, bears the moft honourable teftimony.' His wound, which was not at firft judged to be dangerous, t > ok an unfavourable turn, which proved fatal i n a very fhOrt period. I have the honor to be, w ith great refpeft, SIR, Your inofl. obedient and moft humble fervant, MULGRAVE, A f t i n g Brigadier- Geneial. Right Hon . Henry Dundas, & c. & c. & c. Whitehall, Ofiober 22. Laft night the' Right Honorable Lord George Conway arrived at the office of the Right Honorable Lord Grenvijle, ftrians was more obftinately i'upported; they were, however, finally repulfed. Upon the 16th, the enemy having drawn the greatell part of their force to the right, again at tacked the left of General Clairfayt's corps, and the village of Wattigwies. They could upon this fide approach within cannon fhot of the Auftrians, under cover of an immen'fe wood called the Haye d'Avefttes; which, when they were repulfed, fecured their retreat. They brought a great quantity of heavy artillery to the edge of this wood, under the protection of which they attacked the village. The utmoft firmnefs and bravery were difplayed by the Auftrjan troops upon this oCcaf} 6n The enemy were feveral times repulfed with great lofs; they, were repeatedly driven from the village after they had carried it j but being enabled, by gtear fuperiority of numbers, to bring continually frefh troops to the point of attack, they at laft fticceeded in maintaining the poffeffion of that poll The communication between General Clair- - -- fayt's corps and that of General La Tour, which Public Accufer. " Are not Thouret, Barentin, obferved the intrenched camp near Maubeuge, and D'Efprimenil, the authors of the articles of being by this means cut off, it was judged pe- the declaration of June 23 V'— Queen. " The cdiary by the Prince of CoboUrg to abandonthe Minillers in place alone compofed the council at pbfition which had been taken for the purpofe of that time." invefting Maubeuge ; the army repaffed the Judge. " Did n ® t your hufband communicate Sambre in the night without the linalleft lofs, his defigns to you, when he invefted the hall of Lieutenant- General Benzowfky, whocommafid the reptefentatlves of the people with troops."— » ed a detached corps upon the left of the army Queen. " My hufband tepofed his confidence in defeated a corps which was oppofed to him, killed me; he communicated to rie the fpeech which a great number of the enemy, took four hun- he was to h a t e made on that occafion. He had, dred prifoners and eleven pieces of cannon.' in other refpefts, no bad intehtions." Count Haddick, ' vho was detached by General Ju. ige. " Why did trqops of the line inveft La Tour, likewife gained a confiderable advan- Paris and Verfailles ?"— Qjiern. " For the fake tage, penetrated to Sorbe Chateau, and took of general fafety." tliree pieces of cannon. In the two engagements, the Auftrians took twenty- four pieces o. t cannon and two howit zers, without the lofs of one upon their p?" rt. They have had about two thouland men killed and wounded. There can be no doubt that the , LINCOLNSHIRE W A N T E D TO P U R C H A S E, • A F R E E H O L D or C O P Y H O L D E S T A T E. _ f \ in this Countv, from 250I. to 300I. a Year, in file Neighbourhood of llRJCG, BARTON, rr GAINSBRO'. Particulars may be addrelTcd to WALLIS and TROW- . ARD, Norfolk- ftreet, Strand. ~ SPALDING, 0( 7.21, 1793." WILLIAM PEARSON RETURNS his moft grateful Thanks fot all Favors conferred on him at the GEORGE INN i and begs Leave to recommend Mr. EDWARD COOKSON as his SuccclTor. WILLIAM PEARSON having declined the Public Bufinefs, hereby gives Notice toall Perfons indebted to him, to difcharge their refpeftive Debts within Two Months from the Date hereof. And all Perfons having any Claim upon the faid WILLIAM PIARSON, now in Church- Street, in Spalding aforefaid, are defired to fend him an Account thereof, in Order that the fame may be difcharged. G E O R G E I N N , SPALDING, Ofiober 21, 179 AE D W A R D COOKSON,* HAVJNG entered upon the above I N N. refpe£ tfully folicits the Patronage of the Public in general, which he Will endeavour to defcrve, by providing the beft of Li ( LOOKS, and every Accommodation in his Power, lo thofe who pleafe to honour him with their Company. . Neat Poft- Cbaifes, * id careful Drivers. C, entitme| » Travellers will meet with every Attention. lofs of the enemy has been much more confiderable. The Auftrians now occupy the left bank | of the Sambre. No certain accounts have been yet received of the further motiofts of the enemy. I am, & c- ( Signed) JAMES MURRAY.. L O N D O N . f H u t l j e r o f t f j e © ueen of JFrance. Tuefday morning an account arrived from Dover, of. the melancholy event of the execution of the Queen of Frahce. By fubfequent and well- authenticated accounts, this afflifting intelligence isjgp certainly confirmed. Our advices do not c n t t r i n t o a particular detail; but they contain enough to freeze every heart with horror, that is not become callous toallemotioh' of humanity. On the morning of the i ; t h , this ill- Fated Queen was put upon her trial before the Revolutionary tribunal. The charges made againft her are alike an outrage to decency and common fenfej but notwithstanding the ftiendlefs anddeferted fituation in which fhe Hood, and the acknowledged malice of her judges as well as accufcrs, our accounts ftate that SHE WAS AC- ^ J t l T T l t ) . Would to Heaven that, in pity to the honeft and tender feelingsof our countrymen, and from regard to the gemwal character of mankind, we could for ever draw a veil over the dreadful cahundred men ; and, haying driven in the p i c k e t s , his Majefty's principal Secretaiy of State for Fol begun., an attack under . cover . o f - t h e woods, •• A ) 1 ^ r s w i t h a d j f p a t c h from the Earl of forming themtelves upon a ftcep afcetit, in frontof the poft, in three lines, foas to have the advantage of a triple fire; from which our troops Were, in fome degree, p n t e f t e d , by trunks of trees, which, had been felled, and placed to f e r v e a s a breaft work. The firing continued for an hour, when the enemy were repulfed, with the lofs, on the part of the Britifh, with one rank'and file killed, one Captain and three Yarmouth, of which the following is an extraft Weijfembourg, OElober 14, 1793 Aujlrian head quarters. Yellerdaj' morning, at three, o'clock, General Wurmfer made his projefted attack upon the lines of the Lautre, on various points at the! famc time. 1 have the fatisfaftion to fay that he is in poffeffion of every part of them. Lautrebourg rank and file wounded, ( I am happy to fay none 1 " r e n d e r e d , without any conditions, between of them dauaerbuffy? and of the Spaniards one t h r e c 1,1 t h e evening, after being evarank and filekilled and feven wounded.— The cuated by the enemy, who, from the prodigious enemy, by accounts we have ftnce receive'd from delerters, loft twelve trilled, and one Colonel and twenty- three wounded. This attempt of the enemy ferved to convince the Spanilh and French officers of the . neceffity of occupying theadvanced pofition at the we'llern extremity of La - Hanteur de Graffe ; a Spanifh Colonel was lent, at day- break, to take poffeliion of it. I went with Lord Hood and Admiral Givvina to trace out the line of entrenchments, and to place a battery of three twenty- four pounders on a fpot which commands every point within their range. This poft complcatly covers the outward roadlled ; the two knolls in the rear of it being occupied by fmall detachments, to communicate with the landing place at fort Balaguier. A reinforcement of one hundred Spaniards fr im the / hips, and of eighty Britifh marines, ( who had been pofted at Les Sablettes to cover the naval hofpital, which is protefted now by the occupation of the Hauteur de Graffe) render that poft fafficiently. ftrong to refill any future attempts the enemy can make oil that fide. It is owing to the aftive zeal and great exertions of Captain Tyler and Lieutenants Setecold. and Brifbane, of the navy, with the Teamen under their command; that heavy cannon have been dragged, with infinite labour and extraordinary expedition, up a very lleep afcent, and that this moll important poft has been put, in a fliort time, into a llate of defencc. • - For the more regular and convenient conduft of the tervice, I found it neccffary to divide the fmall detachments of different Britilh corps under my command into two ba t a l i j r . I have put the firft battalion under the orders of Captain Moncricf, pf the u t h regiment; the fecond under Captain Preieton, of the 30th regiment, the two eldelt Captains on this fervice. I cannot do fufficient iuftice to the zeal, intelligence and aftivity of tliofe officers, from whole exertions I have found the greateft afliftancc, in the conftant attention which I am obliged to give to polls, occupied by very inadequate numbers, alia ftt diftances which render my daily attendance at each of them utterly iinpoffible. Any mark of his Majefty's favour ( hewn to thofe two old and deferving officers, I can venture to aflure you, will not be bellowed 011 perfons deficient, either i n zeal or ability : Indeed I fhould not render the juftice which I owe to the fmall body of Britifh troops under my command) if I dhi not reprelent the chearfulnefs and alacrity, with which they fuffer inceffant fatigue in pofts in which they muflbe confidered as beingconftantly on duty, and every hour liable to attack ; I can, however, venture to repeat my former afl'urance, t'lat ( unlefs ficknefs ( hould be the conlequence of this fatigue) our prefent ftate of defence is fuc) i as may give reafonable grounds to be confident of the fecurity of the place. ' 1 he conftant fire kept up by the enemy for the Jaft four days, lias wounded one Lieutenant of the navy, one fcaman, and four rank and file. I have to regret that Lieutenant Newnham, of the navy, who commanded in fort Pomet, and whole vigilance, aftivity and refourccs, fttpplied a! moit every local defect ot his polls, is neceffarily removed for a time from the command, on acceuntof the wound which he yefterday reeeived . Judge. """ What ufe have you made of the immenfe fums which you have been entrulled with ?"— Slgetn. " No enormous film has been entrufted to me ; the accounts of my houfehold will prove what ufe has been mad » of all I have received," Judge. " How did the family of the Polignacs, who were fo poor at firft, grow fo rich ?" — Queen. " That family held offices at Court, which were very lucrative." It is with finCere fatisfaftion we have to announce, that the account in circulation for thefe two days, iefpefting the operations in the neighbourhood of Maubeuge.' is only in part confirmed. It i s f o far true, that the fiege of Maubeuge is railed. On Friday morning, when the mefTenger left the army, his Royal Highnefs the Duke of York had formed a iunilion with the Prince of Saxe- Cobourg, and a general aftion was quickly expcited to take place. I'he Britilh had not been at all engaged when the meficnger left the camp. T h e Royalifts that have evacuated Lyons have marched dircftly for Toulon. By the paffage ot the Rhone, they may reach that garrifon in a very lew days, as they might go by water to a place fituated to the fotuhward of Avignon, and diftant only a few miles from Toulon. The number of the Royalifts Who left Lyons, amounted to 30,000— They parried off wirh them all their artillery, as was admitted in the National Convention ; and there is little doubt but they have been able to take in the rear the Republican army under Carteau, which certainly could not ftand before fuch fuperior numbers. It now appears, or is faid to appear, from the papers of M. Semonville, ( the French Ambaffa STAMFO R D. G , M I L L I N E R Y, & c A R D N E R and BELL return Thanks to r J ( ^ ' , r L F r , f i n d 3 ' f o r t h f Favours they have been plcafcd fo liberally to confer upon them, and refpectfullv fol. cit a Continuance of their Support. They beg to inform them, * nd the Public, that they have laid m anew and falhionable AITortment of Goods for the Winter Seafon, which they are enabled to fell upon the moft reafonable Terms. „ J ! A latge quantity of RIBBONS are felling off at reduced Prices. LONDON1 A Y S ° f a " S 0 " S ' f r o m t h e firft Make" hi They have alfo procured from the Patentees, a frefh Alfoitment of FLEECY H0S1EKY. fcr1. VIOLET SOAP, and CREAM of VIOLETS. . B O S T O N , ' 793- ALEXANDER G S U R G t X 3 N , APOTHECARY, and PR A C . F T I T I O N E R TN MIDWIFERY, ROM the Confidence repofed in him fince _ he became a refiHent in this Countiy, and his Succefs in various Operations in Surgery, he is enabled to 16 in B o s T o n > a n d the Neighbourhood, his A III fiance G R A T I S : In Cafes requiring Surgery for . r arifing" from injudicious Treatment, he has made much hii Study, in populous Towns, and public , Charities, where the worlt Cafes molt frequently occurs. V In the different Brandies of his Profiflion, the Public may depend on the mod fptedy Means being employed for their Relief; he flatters himfelf they will difcern, by his unremitting Attention to Bulinefs, he wilhes to deferve their good Opinion. A'. B. A Youth, properly educated, Wanted as an A P P R E N T I C E . mi \ taftrophe!— The iuft fcntence of acquittal was 1 v « v v >-.- ' ' r 1 • • 1 m: no fooner pronounced, than the fanguinary mob U ? r lately feized) that two of the principal Mifeized on the- imlunnv Onr- PN. an, I va, N> ,1 K » Fn I mfters of the Court of Vienna have entered into a traitorous correfpondence With r r a n c e ; on feized on the unhappy Qneen, and MURDERED HER without remorfe 11 1 Another account fays, the tribunal pronounced the unfortunate Queen guilty of having been acceJJ'ary to, and having cooperated in different manauures againjl the' liberty of Prance;— of having en which account, they, With 14 others, of inferior note, have been arretted and nnprifoned. For the t f a l h of the above we have tire autho• tir d iKumn tat uoeriy « trance;— or uauirnr en- rity o, f the F7l anders m— a il, which arrive. d . on.- tenained a correfpondence with the enemies of the Mondav i and confirms the account of Monl. u . ii- ... t i r . •. . . - - . . , - luvnij heen arreltea in Switzerland, number of redoubts of which they were in poi Icflion, and the natural flrength of the pofition mighthave'heldouta fiege of feveral days. This town refilled fome time longer. It is furrounded by a large ditch, and was defended by redoubts, from which the Fiench cannonaded the " Auftrians for. feveral horns. It is alfo con nefted with the Geilfberg, a mountain which fo entirely commands the place, that if tlie French had determined on derivingevery advantage from their fituation, the Auftrians could not have en tered into pofieffion of it, without further fuc ceffcs in the mountains. A part of the town was burnt in the courle of the itrugglc; and the French, before they retreated, let fire to the magazine^ both Jrere and at Alftadt. In other parts of" this very complicated operation, in which fix different columns had dillinft plans to execute, great fu'ccefs attended the Auftrians,— They fuccedivcly carried by affault, all the different redoubts which had been conftrufted in the front of " the French camps, of which the principal one fell into their hands, with all their tents itanding, feveral caiffons, nine llandards, and twenty- fix cannons of very great calibre.— As tlicfc different aftions are but ' juft over, and the Auflrian corps are very remote from each other, it is impollible for me fo tranlniit to you> Lordlhip any account of the killed, wounded, or taken on either fide. The army has been four teen hours under- arms, almoll continually en gaged in a very aftive purl'uit, and often expofed to a moft tremenduou- fire. Wc have as yet no d i l t i n f t account of the operations of the Duke of Brunlwick's army yefterday in the mountain, but a very great cannonade was heard on that fide during the whole day. Right Hon. Lord Grenvile. Whitehall, OBober 22. A letter from Sir Jwmcs Murray, Adjutant ( ienera! to the forces under the command of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, was received this evening by the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, his Majelly's princi pal Secretary of State for the Home Department, of which the following is a copy: Engcl Fontaine, October 18 SIR, ] . .. I bad the honor of informing" you, in my laft difpatch, that his Royal Highnefs, at the eainclt! requefl of the Prince of Cobourg, had marched, with a part of the troops under his command, for this place. They arrived here upon the 16th. The Prince, being acquainted with hi Royal Highnefs's intention, had been enabled t o d r aw from thence four battalions, to ftrengthhis other pofts; a fifth battalion followed Republic;— of having participated in a plot tending to kindle civil war in the interior of the Republic by arming citizens agginfl each other. fThe execution of an unjuft lentence by re- _ ar forms, is as repugnant to humanity as the moll favage outrages of a lawlefs mob. j When ; the lentence of the National Convention was read to the widow of Capet, lhe caft down her eyes, and did not again lift them up. " Have you nothing to reply to the determination of the law ?" faid the Prefident to her.— " Nothing," fhe repliei. " And you, officious defenders?" " Our million is fulfilled with refpeft to the widow Ca p e t , " faid they, The execution took place at half pall eleven •' clock in the forenoon The whole aimed force in Paris was on foot, from the Palace of Juftice to the Place de la Revolution. The Itreets were lined by two very clofe rows of armed citizens. As loon as the ci- devant Queen k i t the Conciergerie, to afcend the fcaffold, the multitude which was affembled in the courts and the llrects, cried out bravo, in the midft of plaudits. Marie Antoinette had 011 a white loofe drefs', and her hands were tied behind her back. She looked firmly round her on all fides. She was accompanied by the ci- devaut Curate of St. Landry, a conllitutional Prieft, and on the fcaffold prelerved her natural dignity of mind. After the execution, three young perfons dipped their" handkerchiefs in iier blood. They were immediately arrefted. Among other accufations againjl MARIA ANTOINETTE, were the following; x ft, W i t h having dilapidated and lavifhed the finances of the nation, in concert with the exe crable Calonne, by cauftug to be tranfmitted to the Emperor levtral millions, which ftill fcrve to carry on the war againft France.— 2dly, With having, in imitation ot Brunehaud and De Medicis, who alfo called them'elves Queen' of France, confpired againft theliberty o f the French nation.— 3dly, Wf h having fought to llarvc the people in 1789.— 4thly, With having excited the murders of Oftober 5 and 6.— Jthlyv With having, in concert with Bailly and La Fayette, caufed the patriots to be butchered in the Champ de Mars.— 6thly, With having prevailed upon the Swifs to fire on the people on the 10th of Auguft,— 7thly, With having, like another A grippa, forgotton that fhe was a mother, in order ta commit incell with her . fon- Marie Antoinette heard the reading of the aft of accut'ation, without fecming to be in the leaft moved, [ Here the interrogatory begun ] . Prejident. " What is your name?"— Qj/ een. Marie Antoinette, of Lorraine and Aaltria." Prejident. " Your quality i"*- L'Zucen am the widow of Louis Capet, Ring of the French." tHere the witnefles were called in ] , aurent Lccointre, the firft witnefs, formerly Chief of divilion of tne National Guard of V'er Neckar's having been arrefted at the defire of the Emperor, for having held a treafonable correfpondence. In the official bulletins of the combined armies, multitudes of the French are almoft every day faid to be deftroyed, With very little lofs to the allied forces: Yet it may be fairly inferred, that To be L E T , And entered upon IMMIDIITILY, AGood- accuftomed M A L T I N G - O F F I C E, in excellent Repair; will make Eight. cn Quarters per Week : It is fituated upon the Turnpike Road in MORTON, near Bourn, Lincolnlhire. There are Birms for Corn, and a Grainery that will hold 300 ( garters of Malt.— Any Perfon defirous of fuch a Situation, may alfo ( if required) be accommodated with a HOUSE, Yard, and a fruall Barn, annexed; likewife with a capital Stable attached thereto, which will hold Twelve. Horfes; and ( at Lady- Day next, if required) Eleven Acrcs and a Half of good FEN LAND, lying near the Top of Morton Fen. For further Particulars enquire of Mr. RICHARD CASSWELL, of Stainfield, near Morton aforefiid, who will treat for the fame. N. B. Tbis will he a/ lvertifed no mc.- e. B O S T O N I L I N C O L N S H I R E. T o be S O L D or L E T , And entered upon immediately, AMESSUAGE o r T E N E M B N T , with the Warehoufes, Granaries, Offices, Garden, and other Appurtenances thereto belonging, all in compltat Rep lir, lituate on the Esfl Side of the River, near to the Bowline- Green, in Boldon aforefaid ( with Right of Comma'' i n the halt and Welt Fens), late in the Occupation o' Captain Wharf?. The Houfe and Premifes are parted from the River by t. h — e 1P uXRb lic! 1H.. i g- h.. wJ a- yI , F . a ned— e - vTe- ry Way Aa. d a- tp ted for a gen- \ f the latter do not fall by the fword, their ranks | t e e l Family, and alio for the. Purpo'fc of " carrying on an Mercantile Bufinefs. en m. thofe upon his Royal Highnefs's arrival. T h e enemy, having collected in extraordinary j failles, and at prefent a Member of the Natior. al numbers, attacked the corps under the command | Convention, related theliiltorical occurrences of of General Clairfayt, which was pofted with it's right near Birlemont, and it's lett near the village of Wattigwies, upon the 15th and i6th.— Upon the former day tlie left wing of the enemy was entirely defeated :' Having advanced into the plain which lay upon that fide between the two armies, they were charged by the Imperial cavalry, and driven back, wi . h great ( laughter, and the lofs of twelve pieces of cannon. The 1 attack which they. lJta. de np:> n thsJeft of the Au the 5 th and 6th of Oftober; and from his rela tion it appeared^ that tlie ci- devant Guardes de corps, or Life- Guards, were the firft aggreffors Lecointre f'poke alfo, though not as an ocular wit nels, of the nofturnal riot whi^ i uas occafior. ed O f t . lit. at Verfailles, by the late King's Life- Guards in the hall of the Opera. " Marie Antoinette," faid he, " repaired to that banquet; fhe applauded the conduft of the Guards; fhe alfo vifited the regiment of Naflau and the Chalmull be confiderably thinned by dil'eafe ; for the Prince of Cobourg has fent a prefling requilition to the Court of Vienna for a re- inforcement; in confequence of which 20 battalions of infantry, and| i5 divifiohs ofcavalry are ordered to join him. It is reported, that the remainder of the three regiments of Guards, except a fuffisient number to do duty at St. James's, Buckingham- houfe, & C. are to be immediately fent to reinforce the Duke of York's a r m y .. Intelligence was on Tuefday received from Torbay, that on Sunday morning early, the fleet under the command of Lord Howe failed out of p o r t ; but after being fix hours at fea, it returned into port, in confequence of a difpatch forwarded to the Admiral. A very lingular circumftance, and which caufes much Ipeculation, is, that orders had been given through the fleet, that in cafe any of his Majelly's fhips fhould meet with the Orient, Aquilon, Patriote, or Entreprenan:, French men of war of 74 guns, but now armed en flute, and reported in the debates of the National Convention of the gth inftant, as being about to fail from Toulon, that thofe fhips fhould not be molefled, but be fufterect to pafs without any detention. One fuppofition for the Eaft Indiamen being difpatched fo early is, that part of them are to carry out troops for Government upon an intended expedition againft the Frcnch iflands Mauritius. Lord Haw ke has taken under his patronage and pro'tcftion M. Mounier, prelidcnt of the firft National Affembly of France. His Lordfhip has appointed him tutor to his Ion, the Hon. Mr. Hawke, with whom he fliortly is to fet out on his travels. B A N K R U P T S . Thomas Soden, of Artillery- place, in the parifh of St. Luke, Old- flrect, in the county of Middlefex, apothecary, dealer and chapman.— John Williams, late ot Brill- row, Somcrs- town, in the county of Middlefex, but now ot' Quecn's- EJrns, Chelfea, in the county of Middlefex, builder, dealer and chapman.— Itobeit Scott,, of Scarborough, in the county of York, filverfrnith, dealer and chapman.— Thomas Howell, of Billingfgatc, in the city of London, merchant, factor, dealer and chapman.— Henry Carpenter, of Maid- lane, in the parilh of St. Saviour, Southwark, in the county of Surry, coal- mcrchant.— Jacob Thrall, of the city of Briftol, merchant.— George Lee, of the city of Bath, coach- maker ( furviving partner in the partnerihip firm of Robert Watkiris and George Lee, coach- makers).— George Hurkinlbaw, of Barnfley, in the county of- York, ironmonger, hardwareman, dealer and chapman.— Jofeph Boyce and John Boyce, of Bordefley, in tne parilh of Alton, near Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, brafs- founders, umbrella- makers, and partners. — Margaret Hunter, Henry Hunter, otherwife Henry Kcoweu Humcr, and Robert Hunter, of the city of Brillol, merchants, co- partners, dealers and chapmen.— William Stcvenfon, of Ihreadnecdle- ltreet, in the city of London, hatter. Dividend to be madt to Creditors. extenfivc 1 For further Particulars, and a View of the Eftate, enquire at the Poft- Office, in Bolton ; and for a Treaty on Sale thereof, apply to Mr. WALK. ER, Attorney at Law, in Spilfby. 2id Ofhbcr, 1793. T o l w SOLD by A U C T I O N , ' On SATURDAY tb„• Second Day of Nevcmh. r, 1793, between the Hourz of Four and Hit in the Afternoon, at tht Houfe of Mr. Decktncr, tht Talbot Inn, Ptterboraugh, the County of Northampton, fubjeSi to fuch Conditio,. Sale at will be then produced ; AMES: AJAGE or T E N E M E N T , with the Shop, Yard, Out- buildings, and AppuNa. nances to the fame belonging, now in the Occupation of Mr. BufTey, Grocer and Tea- Dealer, fituate in N urow Bridge- Street, near the Market- Place, in PETERBOROUGH aforefaid. The Premifes are in good Repair, are Copyhold and held of the Manor of Peteiborough, and Fine certain. For Particulars apply to Mr. W. NhWZAM, Silverfmith; or Mr. W. SMITH, Attorney, in Peterborough. Q U N D L J - — T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , . On tbe Premifes, on SATURDAY the Second Day of November next, at Three o'Clcck in the Afternoon, fubjecl to fuch Conditions as fhall be then and there produced; ALL that F R E E H O L D well- accuftomed PUBLIC- HOUSE, eligibly fituated on tbe Corti- Hill, in OUNDI. E, in the County of Northampton, known by the Sign of the WHITE LION, in the Occupation of Mr. Amos Almond ; together with the com. mod. ous Stabling, Vard, and other Conveniences belonging thereto. The l'enant will Ihew the Premifes ; and further Particulars may be had, by applying to Mr. « BR AMSTOM, Attorney at Law, in Oundle; or Mr. COMBES, Attorney at Law, in Oakham. Nov. 14, at 10, at the Peacock inn, Northampton. John Lacy and Chatles Lacy, both of the town at Northampton, in the county of Northampton, bankers ahd co- partner » « j P R i / C ii S of 5 T O U J , llank Stock, 16S Long ann. 21 \ 3 per ct. red. 73 i India itock, 207 j per ct. con. 74.1 India Bands, us. a oas. 4 per ct. con. 901 New navy, 9 | diC j per st. ann. 106 j 1 Irilh lottery tickets, 5). 9 s. LINCOLNSHIRE. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , At the . New Inn, in Louth, on IVF. D NESD A Y the 2C tb Novemb. r next, between the Hours of Two and Sixo'Clok in the Afternoon, in Nine L its, fubjeSt to fuch Conditions of Sale as will be then and thei e produced j LOT ill. A B r i c k T'led D W E L L I N G - XJL HOUSE, with a Garden, Stables, and other convenient Out- buildings thereunto belonging, fituate in LOUTH aforefaid, now in the Tenure of Mr. William Dunn. LOT zd. A Brick and Tiled D W E L L I N G - HOUSE, fituate in the Butcher- Marker, in LOUTH aforefaid, called the NEW INN, with a good Yard, and Stabling for 60 Horfes thereunto belonging, ilow in the Tenure of Mr. James Haftewell, Lo r 3d. A new Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, fituate in the New Street, in LOU I'H aforefaid, now in the Tenure of Edward Weblter. LOT 4th. A new Brick and Tiled D W E L - LING- HOUSE, in the fame Street, in the Tenure of Mr. Wood. L o T ' ; t h , A n e w Ditto, in Ditto, in the T e - nure of Mrs. Johnfon. LOT 6th, A new Ditto, in Ditto, in the T e . nure of Mr. Fenwick. LOT 7th, A new Ditto, in Ditto, in the T c - nur< of Mrs. Shaw. Lo r 8 h, A new Ditto, in Ditto, in the T e - nure of Mr. Elmit Walefby.- LOT 9th, T w o new Brick and Tiled DWEL-. LING- HOUSES, fituate in LOUTH aforefaid, in a certain Street or Place there called Ceftern Gate, now in the l'enure of Tnomas Urewry, and Miles Jacklin, together with a Common Right thereunto belonging. For further Particulars, Application may be made the faid Mr. WILLIAM DUNN, or to Mr. WIGELSWORTH, Attorney at Law, in Louth aforefaid- L e v i s , arf Ofiober, 1793. 2 FROJAP'G © X P IM ; Lt> NDON," THURSDAY, OS. 24. The drawing- room at St. James's, intended' for this day, is countermanded, on account ot the death of the Queen of f r a n c o having been received. ' ' ~ » . . . . . .. I n Satuiday's Gazette a general mourning will be ordered for ten days, in conlequence of the above event. Yellcrday Lord Hobart was appointed to fucceed Sir Charles Oakley, as Governor of fort St. George. . T h e triumph of the French, for their fuppofed viftory at Maubcut'. e, was but fhort lived:— T'he retreat of tiie Prince of Saxe Cobourg, now appears to have been a feint, in order to draw Jourdain and his army from the ftrong poit they occupied in woods; in this retreat, the tear of the combined army fuffered a little,— and but little,— the ehterprize was worthy of fo great a General, and iucceeded to his heft wifhes: For the enemy, elate with the notion of having railed the fiege, quitted their petition in the wood ; and the Prince, by a teeming disi'- t, got between them and their camp, and, by manoeuvring,,! drew them into a plain about two miles from it where he had planted his artillery in very advantageous fit nations, and commenced fo terrible a fire on them with grape fhot, followed up by the dii'charge of mul'quetry, that they were unable to withftand it, And began to give way, w. hen the bayonet completely routed them, and the cavalry falling - in them at the fame moment, made a moll dreadful flaughter. The lofs of the. ejiemy is dated to be, in killed, tvounded, and prtfonets, not lefs than 15,000 men. A vait number of pieces of artillery, with ammunition, waggons, hOrfes, See. have alfo fallen into our hands, and the fpeedy furrender of Maubeuge will certainly be the confequence. T h e Duke of York, with the troops under his command, fhare. d in the honouis of the victory, and eminently diltiriguiihed themfelves by their dilcipline antf bravery.. Other accounts lt. ite, that Maubeuge has actually furrtndered to the victorious allied army The Crefcent frigate, of 36 gun?', Capt. James Saumarez captured the Re- unifin French frigate, of the fame force, off die coalt of Norway. T h e y fought for three hours with the greafeft bravery 011 both fides,— I h e French had 180 men killed and wounded. The 19th, 27th, 4^ d and 57th regiments liave left Oftend, 011 ( at prefent) a fecret expedition. On Monday the inhabitants of that place were apprehenfive of an attack from the French. Lord Howe and his fleet,— The oppofidon wits have made a whim ileal divifion of fyllables on this fubjeCt, as follows;— Lord ! flow lie g .> es out 1 Lord ! How he comes in ! There has been a riot at Birmingham in con fequence of a man of the name of Wood refilling to pay a levy towards the damages fullained by a former riot in that place. 1 wenty five of the ringleader? were committed to gaol and the town was pretty quiet when the laft; accounts left it. g r t a m f o t t r , i f r t & a i >, Tbe following addition to Mrs. Benrbam's ( tbe Crewn inn) ' aayertifement, infertvd in tbe firji page, came too late to be made h it's proper place: All Perfons indebted to the late JOHN BEN TH AM, are requefted to pay their refpcdlive Debts to ANN BENTHAM, his Widow ; who defires all Bills owing, may be immediately fent in, t at the fame may be difcharged. Mr. J O H N HORDEN, Bookfeller, PETERBORO', refpeCtfuIly acquaints the Public, that he has now received a frefli Supply of SPILS BURY's jullly celebrated ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, prepared by Mrs. SPILSBURY, in Soho Square. Thefe Drops are fo remarkably efficacious in relieving thofe Diforders which arife from obftruCled Perfpiration, Indigellion, or Impurities of the Blood, that a fmall Bottle of the Medicine is fufiicient for a Trial of its Virtue', in Cafes of theScuRVY, GOUT, LEPROSY, F. VIL, ABCJESSES, UI. CERS, RHEUMATISM, Sec See. They are fold as above in Bottles of 5s. and il. 2s. whereon are indented the words BY T H E KING'S PATENT.— Scarlatt's excellent foft and hard Pomatums, to be had no where in the Country but ot J. H o n HEN ; likewife Brom ley's Breeches Balls and Brulh'es Lately was married, Mr, Jofeph Wright, miller and baker, to Mils Mary Colliugwood, both of Corby, in this county Tuefday was married, Mr G. Spencer, of Grimfthorpe, to Mils Mltton, of Swinftead, near this place. On Tiiefday fe'nnight was married at the Quaker's meeting houfe, Wainfleet, Mr. Simon Maw, grazier, of Croft, to Mrs. Sarah Rawling, of the former place, reliCt of Mr. Martin Raw " ing, late of Holbeach, draper. Lately died at Oundle, Mr. John Yorke, aged go Yelterday fe'nnight died at Gainfljorough, Mifs Ann Ives, a maiden lady, and the laft of the family of that name.— She was pofTeffed of a plentiful fortune, the bulk of which ( except five hundred pounds to an old fervant maid), fhe has bequeathed to Mr. Barnard, attorney at law, of Gainfborough aforcfaid. On Thurfday le'nnight died fuddenly as he was returning on horlebac. k from vifiting a patient at Hall Green, Mr. John Freer, jun. a very eminent furgeon, of Birmingham. Friday night laft the tragedy of Venice Preferred, and the farce of The Stage Coach, were performed at the theatre in this place, by a fct of young perfons, for the benefit of the poor. The performers were perfeCl in their parts; and the whole went off with great applaule.— We are informed that the comedy of The Modiffi Couple, and the farce of Tbe Dupes of Fancy, is intended for their next effay. The Gamefler was announced, but, by defire of feveral ladies and gentlemen of the town, it is altered to a comedy. Gainftiro' grand mufical feftival, which commenced on Wednefday the 16th, and continued the two following days, we hear was well attended'. Mr. and Mrs. Harrifon's finging met with general approbation.— The band, which confilled of the moft approved performers, was conducted by Mr. Harrifon, with, his ufual fpirit In No. 3, King's Bench prifon, there are 32 | y"* ' f e " c n t l JJ btors, who have 1.7 child, en, befidcs wives did ^ f i n tw cred. t to the feveral ( - I ' performers. 1 he organ., ( which is a very fine- I toned inftrument), was played by Mr. Lates, Dirn. j On Wednefday laft, John Hunter, Ffq. for- | f r 0 l n Oxford, in a very fcientific and m'aflerly geon extraordinary to the King, ana furgeon general to I n i J J the army( He was taktn ill at St. George's hofpital, I ' - and died in a few hours. The profeflion has loft in him one of its principal pillars and brighteft ornaments. The monuments of induflry and gtnius, which he lias left behind, w ill heft fpeak his praife, and call for the gratitude of this and fulute ages. Mr. Hunter was_ an example of what may be done by induftry and attention He was bied a carpenter, and was fent for to town by his brother. Dr. Hunter, the celebrated phyfician, who At Worcefter market, a farmer in making a purchafeof fome herrings, havihg oftentatioufly exhibited his purfe, containing 53 guineas, had his vanity foon, but for a very fhort period, gratified by fome keen- eyed ( harpers, who, though they admitted it was a large fum, yet offered him . . a bet it would not weigh a pound. The farmer employed him to dilM.— At Great Yarmouth, where | irjok the bait, and accepted the b e t : but whilft % • _ L 1 . . . I ^ T 1. r. ,. M R C I 1 1 1 * • . - - An effsttual me third to frtwent triic, fiom Yating the grain in flacks, or mows, or cheefeir other articles ufually injured by tbofe ' vermin.— Mr. Macdonald, of Scalpa, in thS Hebrides, hiving before fuffered confiderably by mice, put tiree or four ftalks, with the leaves on, of wild irint, gathered in the field near a brook, at the botttm, near the centre, and at the top of each Hack, < r mow, as it was raifed, and never after had any if his grain confumed. He then tried the fame txperiment with his cheefe, and other articles ufutlly kept in fibre, and often injured by mice, with equal effeCl, by laying a few leave--, green » r dry, on the article to be preferved.— The experiment is eafy to be tried, and, if it prove generally effectual, is a valuable preventive; BOSTON SHIP NEWS, to the wd o a . 1703. ' COASTERS INWARD. Nautilus, Tcbay j William and Ann, Mitchell'; William, Ritchie; Mercury, Sherwin; Endeavor, Jcllfon; Hannah, Arkill; PronFrare'- sevv vidonce, Blair; Sarah Magnus; Sally, Brown; John's Endeavour, :< « xon; Succefs, Rrown; Goodintent. Eilill; Effay, Be< Uin,: ton; John and Mary, Granger; Hearts of Oak, Potts; Tryal, Borilton; Nancy, AtkinfOn; and Aftive, Frankland, all from Sunderland, with coals. Witbam, Parvin, from Wells, with malt. Lamb, Cook; Elizabeth, Sheath; and Hercuks, Guthery, all from London, with goodsi Molly, Sharp; Excellent, Bradley; Robert and Mary, Pinder; Harveft Home, Hrnderfonj Sykes, Andrew; Richard, Ellis; and Experiment, Taylor, all from Hull, with flag- Hones, lime, deals, & c. COASTERS OUTWARD. Lamb, Cook; Elizabeth. Sheath; Three Brothers, Thorley; Freedom, Afhton; and Phofphorus, Crabtree, alitor London, with oats, & c. GAINSBRO'. Coafters arrived and lailed. ARRIVED. Bee, Parkinfon, from Lynn. London, James, and Nancy, Wilkinfon, both from London. Newcaftle, Thompfon, from Newcaftle. _ Charlotte, Fill, frcm Yarmouth. Welcome MefTenger, Welch, from Newhaven. Concord, Bateman, from Colchefler. SAILED. Welcome Mcffenger, Welch, for Newhaven, MancheJter, Towns, for London. WISBECH SHIP NEWS, to the 23d Oft. 1793. CO STFRS INWARD. Indultry, Hinderfon; Crown, Walker; Sophia Ann, Forfter; Sukey; Stonehoufc; Goodintent, Calvert; Goodintent, Brown; Goodintent, Davilon; Thomas and Ann, Meaburrr; Prior, Bcdlington; Dove, Ramlay; Traveller, Wilfon; Skelton Caftle,- Weftoll; Goodintent, Young; Hailifax, Middlemifs; George, Robinfon; and Two Brothers, Allifon, from Sunderland; and Exchange, Jickling, from Newcaltle, all with coals. Wifbech Packet, Guy, and Rodney, Lowther, both from Hull, with goods, & c. Expedition, Huggins; Walker and Thomas, Chefsham; Succefs. Bown; and Expedition, Girdam, with deals, ice. and Aftive, Gennils, with eoi » f, all from Lynn. COASTERS OUTWARD. Sifters. Batley, for London, with corn, & c. Eel, Cox; Mayflower, Adamfon; and Wifbeeh Packet, Guy, all for Hull, with corn, flour, & c. Bolton. Bum, for Lynn, with corn. Family, Pcder Biomfon, for Norway, in ballaft. L Y N N , Oft. 22. ARRIVED. Friendfhip, Skipfea, for Riga, with timber and oak logs. 28 loaded colliers. SAILED. Aurora, Boudi, with wool and com; Freedom, Bieley, and Hope, Burch, with corn; Violet, Hollirlay, and Sufaftna, Wat fon, with land, all for Hull, ttdford, Sydel, and Elizabeth, Ballard, both for Mcmel, in ballaft. Alice. Barkley, for Leith, with fiuit. Gratitude, Roman, and Family, Larfim, both for Norway, in ballaft. Friendlhip, Forbes, for London, with corn, to fhipijj ballaft. ? RICES of CORN per qr. at the following Places, viz' Stamford, Friday OB. 18. Wheat, 42s. od. to 47s. 6d. | Oats, 20s. od. to 00s. od. Barley, 35s. od. to 37s. 6rt. | Beans, 46s. od. tocos, od. Lincoln, Friday Oct. 18. Average. Wheat, 4? 5. 8d. I Rye, oos. od. Barley, 36s. 6d. | Beans, 00s. Gainjbrv', Tutfday OB. 22. Wtuat, 48s. od. to 493. | Barley, 36s. to 37s. Rye, 37s. to 38s. I Beans, 40s. to 42s. Oats, 20s. to 26s. | Wifbecb, Tuefday OB. 22. Average. near Prefton, Lancafhire, by Robinfon ShuttlctVOrth, Efq. who means to preferve fo extraordinary a produClion of the feathered fpecies. On Friday evening an unfortunate affray took place St t h e bottom of Redcrofs ftrefit, Liverpool, between Mr. Felix M'llroy, mafter of the floop tHEHTRE, LINCOLN, — R , V T H E LAST- B E N E F I T T H I S SF, ASO!{ Mr. an> i Mrs. MU. I. ER's N l G H T . On FRIDAY, November the ift, will be prefentecf, That excellent and admired Comedy," Ann, of Newry, and fome of the people be- T / S WELL IT'S NO WORSE* longing to the Ann, tender, lying in the river; one of whom, with a piftol, fhot Capt. M'llroy in the breaft, of which' wound he immediately expired ; the offending perfon got on board the tender, but was next morning delivered to the civil power, to anfwer for the tranfaClion.— The coroner's jury have brought in their verdift.— Murder. F E R R Y - B O A T S , From BARTON to HULL. o'clock SathrHiy, Sunday, MOT lay, TUe. fay, Wrnrfday, iii:, rfday, Friday, 30 , - 11 > 5 • 12 > 4 1 c— 2 55 - 2 50 - 3 From HULL to B 4RT0N. o'clock TIE VTAA RTI'rdcnt about 12 years, fupported by his wife's and his own induftry formerly, but latterly by a weekly payment Irom fr me of his bcnelaitors, and the eafual gifts of others, Matthew Champion, at the uncommon age of 1 r J years, being born in French Flanders in 16S1, and having come over to En land with King William in 1688. His father was a farrier in the King's army, and he liimfelf, though only fix years old, lived in the family of . Capt. Lcgge Pend. l'grafs, fon of Sir Thomas Pendtrgrafs.— Friday laft, at Kendal, in Wcftmoreland, the Hon. Sir John Wilfon, Knt. one of his Majelty's Jultices of the Court of Common Pleas. C O R N - L E T T E R, MAIIIC- LANE, Monday, Oft. 21. JVc had a conftderable number of meffeh in turn for today's market, but net quite fo laige a fupply of wheat as had been looked for, which produced a brift fale, and an ad n'ance of nearly is. per quarter from the general terms of this day fe'nnight: There are more famples • with fmut balls in them than has b: cn . kntwn for 4 or c years paft, and our ntealmen are very particular in rejecting fucb from their bargains.— 3544- quarters were fold. Average 45s. z\<\.—- os. 8Jd. higher than laft week. Rye is cheaper', grey peafe Is. dearer to- day, having fcaredy any frejij Hp.—- iJ hero was a large quantity of white fcafc here this morning, which fold at different prices according to the eagernefs of the buyers, but the prevailing currency was 5OJ. to 571. for bandltme JampUs on trial for boiling.— Having a very great prefs for new tick beans to fupply the IVeri India demand, the JineJi t f f e x , hard, fair, and even, reached 37J. and fuperfine Suffolk 38.'. per quarter; but this advanc dees not equally extend to borfe beans, or the growth 1792.— Barley comes very freely to band from mo/ 1 quarters, and our maltjiers net being yet fatisfied that it is Jafe for them to begin, fciu of them eme forward as buyers, V are nnw at work j the runs of Suffolk did not exceed 441. and the Effex 331. this day at noon.— Malt has declined Is. fcr juarttr. Current PRICES of GRAIN as Under: they were debating in what houfe the money fhould be weighed, one of them, it feems, contrived to pick his pocket of i t ; the others fuddenly dilappeared, and left the farmer to lament his vanity and folly, in making fuch a public ( hew of his property. On Sunday evening laft, the governor of Tot Kill- fields bridewell, difcovered, that one of his prilbners, whofe name is Denny, and who ( lands committed to take his trial for a burglary in the houfe of Fairfax Johnfoti, Efq. at Spalding, in this county, had, in concert with another ^ rifoner, who is confined on fufpicion of having committed a highway robbery, and who isdangeroufly wounded, formed a plan to effeCl their efcape. Denny had pretended in the morning to be yery ill, and hsd therefore been indulged Wheat, 32s. 3d. Barley, 23s. cd. Oats, ] 6s. 4D. Wheat, 4ts. zd. Rye, AFIS* ED. Barley, 30s. tod. Lynn. I Beans, 00s. I Rape feed, 463. IOD. Average. I. Oats, 196. J Pcafe, J8I. ccfc N E W A R K , Prices of Corn, & c. Wheat, 463. to 54s. per qr. Rye, 38s. to 00s. Barley, 38s. to 39s. Oats, 21s. to 26s. od, Beans, 43s. to 45s. OCT. 24. yefterday. Yorkfhire Coal, 32s. per ch Sea ditto, 40s. PEV ch. Pit ditto, 13s. fid. per ton Salt, ill. IDS. od. per ton. Linfeed Cakes, 81. os. 6d. We hear the Rev. J . ' Alhpinfhaw, of Warfop A- M. will deliver a difcourfe in cfur . church for the benefit of the Lunatic Afylum, in Not tingham, on Sunday the 12th inftant, m the afternoon. t f n Thurfday laft, at Nottingham quarter feffions, William Burton was convicted. yf d— ning the King, and ordered to be imprifoned three in hisrequeft to continue in the a p a r tme n t i n l months, and aftefrwoarrd^ s yto ^ fi' nd fureries for his 1. NFLI.. M S R, I „ . White peafe 46s. to 50s. od. Fine boilers 54s. to 58s. Small beans 35s. to 37s. od. Ticks 35s. >> 36s. 6d. Fine 40s. od. to 00s. Oats I ; s. to 22s. od. Fine 24s. 6d. to 00s. Polands 26s. oi. to ooj. and Wheat, ltarch, 32s. to 37s, Mealing do. 4ts. tt> 46^. or!. T" INE do. 45 I. od. to 47s. od. White 47S. 6d. Rye 26s. to 28s. od. n 00s. Bailey 22s. to 28s. od. Waiting, 295. to 331. 6d. Malt, 40s. to 43s. fine 45s. Hog peafe 34s. to 38s. od. The total average ot prices of corn, in England Wales i s : Wheat, 47s. od.— Rye, 36s. 5d.~- Barley, 32s, 3d.— Qats, 21s. 4D.— Beans, 39s. 2d. per quarter, Winchefter mcafure. Average prices, hy which exportation and bounty are to be regulated for Yorkfllire and Lincolnthire, computed from the quantities and prices, for the week ending the 12th of Oft. 1793, are, Wheat, 43s. fid.— Rye, 34s. lod. Barley, 31s. 1 id.— Oats, 19s. 9D.— Beans, 39s. 4D.— Peafe, 39s. 9D. S M I T H F I E L D , Oa. 21, 1793 Ox beef, 2s. 4d. to 3s. od. Wea, mutton, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 4d Veal, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 6d. Pork, 3s. od. FC » 3 » . id. Lamb, 3s. od. to 3s. od.— per ftone of 81b, HEAP of CATTIE fold this day— Bead, about 2300.— Sheep, 13,000.— Lambs, 550. N E W G A T E and LEADENHALL, OCl.' zt. OX beef, is. lod. to 2s. 6d. Wea. mutton, 2s. 6d. to 2s. lod. Veal, 2s. 8d. to 4s, od. Pork, 3s. od. to 3s. 8d, Lamb, 28. 6d. to 3s. 4D,— per ftone 01 sib. RAW HIDES. Beft hide?, 2s. id. to 2s. 6d. Midling and ordinary, js. gd. to 2S. od. Light calf, 5JD. per lb. Heavy ditto, " to 8s. 6d. a piece. Dutch hides, 3 ID. to 4D. per Hambro' hides 3;, D. per lb. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 7OLB* per doz, » 4D. to I6RF. Merchants backs, I4D. to I4$ a. Dref- Diig hides, 1 to I+ d. Fine coach hides, 14CL to 14^. Crop hides tor cutting, > 4D. to 15,' d. Flat ordinary, 13d. to I3$ D. Calf Ikins, 40 to 50I&. per doz 2id. to SJD. Ditto, 60 to 8olb. per doz, j8d. to aod. Ditto, liolb. IB^ D. to I7I< L. Smallfeals. p; r doz. 60s. to 8cs. Large ditto, iocs, to 130s. Tann'd hoife hides, 12s. to 24s. per hide. Price of bark per load, 14I. 101. to 15! H O P S . POCKETS. Kent, i d . os. to 13I. 13s. Suffex, 9I.. 0S. to ill. 05. Farnhiim, 121.0s. t o n l . os, Worcefter, 81. os. to lol. 9s, Bags— Yearling Kents, 61. to 9I, ot. per CV » t, Hops— YearlingKcntr, 7I. to ill. per cwt. BAGS. Kent, 7I. 0S. to III. os. Suflex, 9I. os, to III. os. Elfex, 9I. os. to 12I. os. which he flept, to which the other man was confined by his wounds: In the courfe of the day, one of the perfons confined in the jail, but who is employed by the keeper, went into thi apartment, and found Denny with one of his irons fawed off, and both the prisoners bufily at work, fawing off their other irons; he then immediately informed the governor of the prifon, who, with his keeper' found upon Denny feveral files and a long. rope, to which was affixed a grapling- iron, for the ptirpofe of throw ing over the wall, and by which it was intended to fcale it. Denny was on Monday removed to Newgate. At the general quarter feflions of the peace, holden ( by adjournment) at Kirton in Lindfey, in the firft whole week after the feaft of Saint Michael, Chrillopher Hobbins, late of Keelby, labourer, convicted of dealing forty pounds weight of iron, the property of Thomas Everitt, of the fame place, farmer, was re- committed to the bridewell, to be there confined in a folitary cell three calendar months.— James Hill, late of Gainfhorough, labourer, convicted of an affault on Sufanna the wife ot John Walker, of the lame place, was re- committed to the bridewell, to be there confined in a folitary cell tw'o whole weeks.— Jofeph T u r n e r , a vagrant, belonging to Ealt Retford, in the county of Nottingham; and William Benner, a vagrant, belonging to the city of Brillol, were publicly whipt, and recommitted to the bridewell ' till next Teffions, unlefs they fooncr enter into his Majefty's fea fervice.— William Brown, a vagrant, belonging to Newton, in the county of Stafford, was publicly whipt, and re- committed to the bridewell ' till next lefiions.— Three vagrants were difcharged > thirteen paffed to the places of their refpeCtive fettlements; and one re- committed to the bridewell, to be there kept to hard labour in a folitary cell one calendar month, and then paffed to the place of her fettlement. We learn the publicans of Leicefter have followed the efxample of their brethren at Northampton, and an addrefs has been forwarded to his Majelty, for the er'eClion of barracks, near Leicefter. . . A young man who had: been unfuccefsful in his addrefl'es to a young woman at Buckminfter, a few days fince diot himfelf in her ptefence.— The coroner's vertlift has been given lunacy.— A number of witneffes attended to prove his being in love, a Circumftance which the coroner oblerved vvas full ground ( at his verdiCl. An Irifli gentleman, being told that the King of Sardinia and the French Commiffioners ( eve- 49WO quarters of wheat, and 580 bags of barley were imported at Liverpool laft week. 40m pall lo Saturday, 40 m pall J Sunday, 30 - 8 Monday, 1,5 - 9 Tuelday, 14 - 10 tVednefday, — • 11 Thurfday, 55 - > 1 Friday, - IS H U L L , oa. 21. COASTERS ARRIVF. D. Charlotte, Fill, from Yarmouth. Olive Branch, . Belli - Commerce, Briggs; Harmony, Brown; and York, Warr, all from London. Pvewcaltle, Brown, from Aberdeen. Braufoy, Laren, and Oiroa, Wilfon, both from Leith. Leith Packet, Scrcaton, and Neptune, Weldon,. both from Sundprland. Ann, Smith, from Sandwich. Britannia, Mitchell, and Ncwraftle, Mcrrikin, both from Newcaftle. Agenoria, Smith; Aurora, Bouch; Freedom; Bigley; and Hope, Bouch, all from Lynn. Brothers, Pearthorp, from Burnham, Providence, Mangle, from Kirkwall. Minerva. Hague, from Liverpool. COASTERS SAIl. fiD. Two Brothers, Finch; Robert, Maftermsn; liurlall, Tonge; Amity, Harrow; Da king, Antonie; Fame, Fofter; Neptune, Dale; YounL Wakefield, Dean; and Mary, Mafterman, all for London. Wifbech Packet, Guy, and Rodney, Lowthcr, both for Wilbech. Exchange, Johnfon, for Newcalfle. Peggv Allen, for Lynn. Jannetand Sarah, Somervillc, for Leith Succefs, Jary, and Exchange, Tufts, both for Wells. Bell, Baines,' for Blackney and Cley. Elizabeth, Well, for Wainfleet. Excellent, Bradley, and Two Brothers. Marfingaie, both for Bolt- n and Spalding. Farmer, Chriltie, for Scarbro'. Robert and Mary, Pindar, and Hawk, Harrifon, both for Bridlington. Succefs, Cunnilfon, for Stockton and Sunderland. Rebccca and Elizabeth, Helton, for Colchetter. Lady Kinuaird, Drummond. for Dundee. Hopewell, Bidwell, for Wells. Hope, Dixon, for Saltfleet. Unity, Dean, for Whitby. C A M B R I D G E , OCT. Z\ Laft week Lord Stanley, eldeft fon of the Earl of Derby; Loid Offulfton, eldell fon of the Earl of Tankerville ; and the Hon. Mr. King, eldelt foil of L rd King, Baron of Ockham, in Surry, were admitted of T r i n i t y college, in this univerfity. There are upwards of 75 frefhmen admitted this term, of T r i n i t y college only. His Grace the Duke of Leeds has been pleafed to prelent the Rev. Jonathan AlderforiJ A B. to the reCtory of Langton upon Swald, void by ceflion. The Rev. James Morrice, M. A. Vicar of Floore, in Northamptonlhire, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. Lord Clive, is inftituted by Vhe Lord Bifhopof Rochefter, tothereClary of Bets Henger, Kent, on his own petition. The Rev. Thomas Waddington, M. A. is collated to the a h Prebend or Canonry in the cathedral of Ely, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Du Quefne. The Rev. Cooper Wilyams, M. A. is- indi tuted to the reCtory of Weft Lynn St. Peter's, in Norfolk, oir the prefentation of Henry Hare Townfhcnd, Efq. On Friday the Rev Robert Norris, Reftor of Tatterslord, in Norfolk, was married to Mifs Gunton, of Matlafke. At St. Faith's fair, near Norwich^ on Thurf With - the. Mufical Piece of THE MIDNIGHT WANDERERS. Between the Play and Farce, " G O D fave the K I N G , " in full Chorus, Other F. vtertainnient:. at infertcd in the Bills. . W A N T E D IMMEDIATELY, AJOURNEYMAN BLACKSMITH j whq v may have conft. iru Employ, and Wages according" " to Merit, byappUingto THOMAS KF. RMOND, Toolr Maker, lbberftow, near Brigg, Lincolnthire. w ' " A N" T ~ E D, AN APPRENTICE to the GROCERY, - DRUGGIST, and SPIRIT TRADE. For Particulars enquire of Meffrs. JACKSON and GAMBLE. . GAIKFS BE RMOA', LO B, EI j r i , E1D79 3. U C AT- 1 O N. ^ » W A N T E D, A GOVERNESS,- to fupe- iintend the E D U - CATION of THREF, YOUNG i » \ DlP, S;— One - that has been accuftomed to that Employ, if well recommended, would beprefirred. The Situation is in a Domeftic - FamiW, in a pleafanjt Pa t of the Country near NEWARK. For Particulars direft { Poft paia) to C, D. * t Mr." ' RIDGE'S, Printer, Newark. ' - - M U S t c. LINCOLN, 24tb 0.71, er, 1793. GEORGE SKELTON, WHO W » * BROUGHT up in the Choir, and having ferved his Time to the Orga; ift of this Place, humbly begs leave to tignify to the Ladies and; Gentlemen of the Town arid Vicinity, his intention of teaching the H ARPSICHOlttD, PI ANO FORTE, and VIOLIN— Terms. Ore Guinea per Quarter, Halfta- Cuine* Entrance. Such Ladies, Src. who wlfli to he inftrufttd in the Management of the VOICE, Half- a- Guineaper Quarterexti. i. « . Tunes Harpnchords, Piano Forres, Sec. either in Town or Country, on very reafonahle- Terms, hy the Y ear or. Time.— Mufie copied, cither in'Score or fingle p » its, and Attendance to FamiVes forany Amufemenr A'. I! S K E L T O N prefumes to hope; that his Corduf? and Ch- raftcr will recommend him to the Patronage cC. the PoWie. Fie has eftahlifiied a Correfpondencein Lotdor, which will enable him to fervethem with any Inft'riiyCiente at the loweft Rates. HORNC ASTLK N'AVI.- I A T I O N ' ' ~ THE feveral Subferibers t'o* thi% Navi k t i o r , ' are requefted to pay . the farther Suifl of Twmtjr' Pounds per Cent, of their icff# 6iv£ Siibfcciptiinstnto the . Hands of the Treafujer,- on or before the ll'wenr)- fixth Day of Nevemhermxt, towards dtfri tinyjh. 1 Expences of carrying on rhe Works of the faid NaVjijaticr, , being the Fourth Call for that Purpofe. By Or'defof the Committee, Ro. C L I T H E R O W. Clerk and ' J'rcafufer. HOSNCASTII!, I9fi 03.. 1793. LINCOLNSHIRE. D R A I N A G E bv the BLAC K SLUTCE between BOURN ' and BO T O N . T NOTICE IS HEREBT CITE It, TH A T the next M E E T I N G of til* COMMISSIONERS for the ' aid DRAINAGE, will be held at the RED COW INN, in D NINGTON, in the fiid County, on Tur. snAY- the Twelfth Day of NOVKnnnt next, by Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. . . BEN. SMITH. Clerk to the raid Commiflioners. ztrb OcTber, 1793. SLEAFORD ASSOCIATION, For i'roffCUtins FELONS. " - p H F . ANNUAL M E E T I N G - o f this'ASI SOCIATION. will be held at the A s e u l n x , NI 01. RAMI 0 I< UI, NEAR 11unvu. 11. UN II. UN . in STT AFOQJ, on MON DAY the Fourth Day of " Noday laft, there was a C o n f u t a b l e FLL3V of, Scots VSMSER ncxT, when the Accounts of- the Treafurer for hr eeaatdt ss,- NotF wwnhticrhn vveerrvy tfeeww iinndaeeeeda wweerree f' oolida , 1 the currenTtT MY> eVaWr wEiIlIl FbEeM f; e; t tlRe^ dJ, a. nId TSTub » fc. r « ip< tio » n- s « re. - owing to the high prices demanded, and the1 - L I N C O L N , O C T . 2d. Lad week was married, Mr. Milnes, attorney at law at Horncaftle, to Mifs Squires, of the fame place. On Tuefday fe'nnight was married, in London, the Rev. Edward Parfons, Diffenting Minifter, to Mifs Hamilton, elded daughter of James Hamilton, M. D. both of Leeds. On Tuefday laft died at Newcaftle, in an advanced age, Mr. William Chapman. He among many other ufeful difcoyeries and improvements, was the firft, who, about the year 1758, gave the idea, and at fea, eftabliflied by pra'Ctice, the invaluable fecret of making fait water frefh; the particulars of which are flated in a letter, addreffed to D r . Fothergiil, and by him publifhed, and prefented to tiie Royal Society. _ Yederday fe'nnight the inhabitants of this city were alarmed, about ten o'clock at night, by a fire, which broke out in one of the dables belonging to the Rein- Deer inn. By the exertions of the inhabitants and the oflicers and men of the Royal Chefhire militia, it was got under in a fhort time, and very little damage done.— Great praife is due to' the oflicers and foldiers, and happy for the town tha^ their endeavours > vere attended with fuccefs. Capt Heinrich Stevens, of the Libertas, belonging to Hamburg, who arrived at Liverpool on Tuefday, in- five days fiom Brell, fays, that twenty- five diips of war only, of the French fleet, were then laying in the harbour, of which not one half were fit for fea, owing to the great ficknefs on board ; that liear 7000 were ill of the flux." On Sunday fe'nnight arrived at Liverpool, a Spanifh fhip, prize to the America, a French 74. She is laden principally with white fugars and cotton, and bound from Havannah to Spain. It is faid fhe is worth 100,000 dollars. The America, we are informed, when fhe took the above prize, was in fight of feveial other veffels, part of a large fleet, confiding of above 300 fail of Englifh and Spanifh merchantmen. - T h e quantity of vvine imported into this country in the Oporto fleet, lately arrived, amounted to 17,531 pipes; - 2119 of which were entered at the port of Hull. John Spence of Birftwith, in the fored of Knarefhrough, hath two ewes which had each a . „ , • j , r , , , - - - - - - | lamb the l. af. t . fp. ring, and. each- ofc t• h em another r a l l y c l a i m e d t h c v t a o r y o f the 7th ult gave u U e 6th of the prefent month. - as his opinion, that vt would, W the belt way | A p a n r k t g e , perfectly white, except the legs It0 " fgbt it cVer again,' and teat, which arc yellow, was fhpt lait week fcriptions are unpaid on that Day, will be excluded the Benefit of the Subfcriptioti Fund. CHAs. S M I T H . Clerk. STEATORP, 22d OB. 1793. . MANOR OF BRACEBOROUGH. WHEREAS ti e GAME upon the above Manor has « f late been much cfeftroyed, it is requefted that all Gentlemen and qualified Perfons Will refrain from killing Game thereon; and all unqualified Perfons that are found trefpafling after this Notice,- will be profecuted as the Law directs. October 24, 1793. ALL Perfons who, a t p r before the' 15th D ry of April, 170T, had any Claim or Demand on CATHARINE, late the Widow of JOSESH GRUMMIT r, late of Elflorpe, in the County of Lincoln, decjafed, are d e f i r e d to fend an Account of their refpeitive Demands to Mr. SMITH, Attorney at Law, at Horbling, near Falklngham, in the faid County. GOSBERTON, nyth OBober, 179if NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, TO all Pcrfonsto whom SIMON NAYLOR, late of Gofberton, deceafed, flood indebted, at the Time of his deccafe, to fend in their refpeftive Claims to Mr. RICHARD BI- ANCHER, of Gefberton; or ELMIT ASHWELL, of Surfleet, on or before the Firft Day of December next, in Orderto enable the fairl Truft to make a fair Dilbofal of th* faid Decenfed'* '• ffe- fs. . . And all Perfons who IW » D indebted to the faid SIM ON NAYLOS, are hereby deffted to pay the fame to Mr. BTAKCALL, or to ETMLT ASHWLLL. and Ex cutrix pf WILLIAM ROBINSOW, late of Lincoln,- Farrier, deceafed, hatli artigned all HE- r F ft ate " and F- ffefts unto THOMAS 5F. PSON, JAMI .? CU I'TII- L, and GEORGE IVKJORE, all of Lincoln aforefaid, IN TRUST, for fu. H of her Creditors as fhall execute the Deed of Affignment, onor before the Twentieth Day of December next. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the faid DIED of Alignment is left at the Offi- e of Mr. RICHARD WILLIAM JOHNSTON', Attor. ney at Law, in Lincoln; and all thofe who f h a l l refilfe or NE? LEA to lign the fame bef., re that Time, will be excluded Irom the Benefit thereof. " All Perfons who are indebted fo the faid MAR Y ROBINSON, are hereby required to pay their refpeflive Debts unto the Truftees above- mentioned, or On- of them, without Delay, otherwife they will be immediately fried for the Recovery thereof. LINCOLN, Oetober z^, 1793. L I N C O L N. IT having been publicly afferted, by feveral Perfons, that CHARLES SYMPSOM, of the City Of Lincoln, CHE-.: IST and DHUGGIST ( wlio had tire ty I did hand. The duty of Worcefter will " be m o r e I P/^ ARE the greater Part of bis Chemicals t And as fgch . U J • 1 - A . T'UA 1? Auirtiorts may act to the Prejudice of the fata C H A IT'LET than expefted; it is laid at 6000I. The Farn- 1 SYMP3F) N> H/ THINK, IT PI- 0( J ) ER T0 ACQUAINT the PubHc, that they are totally fajfe. LOST, at Peterborough, on Satuiday, OCl » . ber 19th, 1793, A fmill RED POCKET- BOOK, Containing a Bank Poft Bill, Value One Hundred Pounds, and feveral other Papers, which are of no Ufe is any Perfbn but the Owner. Whoever has found the fime, and will deliver it, with the Contents, either. to Mr. DAWSON, at the ' Angel Inn; or J. JACOB, Printer, at Peterborough, fhall re ceive FIVE GUINEAS Reward, and no Queitionsalked. fcarcity of winter feed. Of Irifh or home- bred flock, there was fcarce any to be feen. There were but few horles told. The fupply of buttc and cheefe was large. One meal cheefe fetched from 5I. to 5I. 53. and houfhold from 44s. to45s. per whey. Butter in firkins, fold from ^ s . to 45s. and in halves from 23s. to 25s. 6d. Some weeks- fince a parifh girl belonging to St. Alban's, was bit by a mad cat ; the poor child concealed the circumftance till every medi cal aid was too late, and fhe died on- Thurfday, in the moft deplorable date of madnefs. Monday lail part of the Weft Kent miltti marched into Bury for winter quarters. Oxford, Ofl. 19. On Wednefday the Rev Richard Mant, of N ew college, Head Mafic of the T h e Grammar- fchool, at Southampton, atid Vicar of All Saints, in that town, was admitted to the degree of DoCtor in Divinity. On Thurfday James Blackftone, Efq. Fellow of All Souls, and fen of the late Mr. Juftice Blackllone, was unanimoufly chofen Venetian Profeffor of the Laws of England, in. the room of Dr. Woodefon, who had refigned. The election for the Profeflorihip of Poetry is fixed for Thurl'day the 31 II inll. Thecandidates are the Rev. Mr. Kett, of T r i n i t y , and the Rev. Mr. Hurdis, of Magdalen college. Lall Monday di ed,, the Rev. Robert Jenner, Student of Chrid church, in this univernty. Mr. Taunton, the Clerk of the Peace for the county, was yelterday appointed to the Steward ! hip of Corpus Chriili college, in this univer fity, vacant by the death of the late Mr. John Walker. Weybillfair, OSlober 13. Thurfiay evening it was computed to a certainty there- w. gr< e not more than 1200 pockets of hops. The Farnham people are, by adt of Parliament, obliged to fend their hops all in on that day, by twelve o'clock at noon. None can be taken in after that time. The beft Farnham were at the aftonifhing price of 22I. Thofe left for ye lie rd ay's fale, were not to go under 24I. Crondal, Alton, and the Hamp ftire divifion, fold from 16I. to 19I. but the Kent growers were the principal fupports of the f a i r; they brought near two- thirds of the. bulk, and fold from 13I. to 161. 16s, The Londoners fold a great many, by fample, at the fame prices. Hops muft be dear ; in faCl, by March, there j Houor th. e taft Twelve Months to ferve the County Hofwill not be one. - third . of a year's coiif. u. m. . ption on I P'tal at Lincoln, _ w. Lit » h.. _. D ..* r- u ug: s. . ar* nid Ch: emicals), not ham growth, which was had from the excifeman, was only fourteen ton. Indeed the whale fup ply at the fair, though increafed fo much by Kent ( which never was the cafe before) was not one- tenth part of the dock exhibited laft year. Chcefe wasaboutone fixth cheaper than at Magdalen hill. , Other things as ufual, including wild beaft and fwindjers ,— See our lafl paper. SPORTING INTELLIGENCE. NF. W- MAL TON RACES. Wednefday,- Oil. 16, a maiden 50I. Mr, Donner'S bay colt, by Drone, 4 yrs old 4 I 2 O I Mr. Jolliff's Youn^ Pofthumous, 3 yrs old 2 3 1 02 Mr. Robinfon's b. c. bro. to Palmflower, do. 1 4 4 3 3 Ld A. Hamilton's b. f. by Boudrow, 4 y. old 3 2 3 No raje on Thurfday, for want of horfes. Mr. Donner's colt, which won at the above race, has run fourteen heats for threeplates within the lafl five weeks, vis. at Stockton, Boroughbridge, and Malton; — A circumftance perhaps that cannot be paralleled in the annals of horfe racing. On Friday night died, at Highflyer- hall, Cambrjdgefhire ( to the great g: if of EFTT Tatrerfal, n » doubt), the folttows flaltion, HIJHFT/ ER. D E S E R T E D from a Recruiting Party of t! e 56th Regiment of Foot, at Stamford, in Lincolnshire, ( IPFI W I L L I A M J O N E S, Aged 25 Years, 5 Feet 7 Inches and a Half hi; h, black Hair, hazle Eyes, a large broad Nofe ; fpeaks with a - Welch Accent. Had on a light- brown Coat, ( tripeKV Waiflcoat, and Leather Breeches.— Said he vvas born at Herry, in Warwicklhire. f * t Whoever will apprehend the. above Deferter, lodge him in any of his Majelty's Gaols, dial! the Sum of 20s. over and above the Reward allowed . Aft of Parliament, by applying to MEIFRS. MEYRICKVF •!<*>< Parliament- Street, LW'doii; OT t » the PRINTEJSLS '^ IUS PAPER. < 1. Tie fill' nuittf ex'rpor, '- nary letter ivai lately feat to the Eili cr of ihe berby Mercury. SIR At> you frequently cr. terh>: n your numerous readers with -> o< rdr> t « * nf private, and even o h f o r e individuals; 1 cannot hut imaaire that the Mint' i r g narrative of acrjdent", which have fallen to the lor of nne man. now perfe^ ly found A 1 ' - ami hearty, and in his « ! It year, will find a place m v o u r paper— thev are fo numerous and many of' them fo ptinerally fatal, that it is almolt neceltarv for me ( in or. 3er to gain the credit I am entitled to") to prcmife, that the fubjeft ( or hero, if you pleafe) of this letter is very much engaged in horfe breaking. from which dangerous employment nioft of thefe misfortuncs. haye dftfen.-— Right fhoulder broken to pieCes— fkull fraflured and trepanned— lefr a » m broken in two places— three ribs on the left fide broken, a cut on the forehead, lancet cafe, flue- cafe and knife forced into the thigh— three ribs broken on the right fide, - and the right fhouller, elbow, and w i l t , diflocated—! kull frafturcd and trepanned "— cap of the riuht. knee kicked off— left ancle cut— rcut for a fiftula— right ancle out, and hip knocked down— feven ribs broken on the . right and left fides- kicked in the " thee, and the left eye out of the foeker— baek « di( located— two ribs an 1 breaft bone broken— got down by a horlc, a i d kicked till,' he had five holes in his left leg, the ftnew juft below the right knee cut through, and two holes in that leg, and alfo two ( hocking euts above the knee— has been taken, apparently dead, feven times, out of different rivers— Befides the above, he has had many other kicks bruife.% and other accidents. If any of your friends wiflt to fatisfy themfelves of the veracity of the foregoing enumeration, thev m'ay have that opportunity by applying to Mr. Geo. Talkinfiton, of Uttoxeter, the perfon alluded' to— and, that every doubt may be removed by applying to Mr. • Madely, furgeon, of this place; who was operator in the tenth mftHnoe, and wh"> attended in moft of his dilalters; or to your humble fen- ant, and c- nflant reader, BAN. JERSEY. 1' fttoxeter, 6a. f , 179?. > To be t E T, ( Tot the Term » f Twenty- One Years, from ol8 Lady Day next) At the Town IIall,' in Neneiarl- upon- Trent, en THURSDAY the 31/? « f October, 1793, at Eleven o'Clock in the Fore- I, that MESSUAGE or T E N E M E N T, _ with the Appurtenances, fituate in BATHLEY, in the Parifh of NORTH Ml'SKHAM, and feveral Clofes of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE GROUND thereto belonging, containing Fifty- Seven Acres, or thereabouts. All Perfons willing to treat for the fame, are defired to deliver their Proposals in Writing, to Mr. BROL'GH, Town Clerk of Newark, on or before the 13d of Oftober Inftant. For further Particulars enq- uire at Meffrs. BROUGH . a rinitFiiFV- c rifn,-^. v.,.,,.!! A1 and GODFREY'S Office, in Newark. ~ NOR THAMTTONSHIR t . = T o be S O L D , N elicible FARM, fituate in G L I N T ON and ETTON, in the County of Northampton, in the Occupation of William Swanfon; confiding of a FARM- HOUSE, COTTAGE, HOMESTEADS, a CLOSE,- called Fryer's Clofe, and feveral Pieces and Parccis of rich ARABLE LAND, MEADOW and GRASS GROUND, containing together, by Eftimation, 78 Acres, lying difperfed in the feveral Towns, Fields, and Meadows of GLINTON and ETTON aforefaid, v ith valuable Rights of Common thereto belonging. I f . B. Some Part of the faid Meffu. ige, Cottage, and HomeiU- ads, and 16 Acres of I. r » nd are Copyhold, Fine certain, and all the Rtil Freehold. The Tenant will ( hew the Premifes; and furtherParticulars may be had of Mr. TORKtNGTON, Attorney in Stamford. T o bt S O L ' D by A U C T I O N , A the Houfev, Mr. THOMAS BERRY, at THRECKING11 AM. near Faeleingham, in the County oj Lincoln, on M0ND1Y the 2% tb Day of O& ober, 1793 > ALL thi STOCK and EFFECTS of the fait! M. BERRY ; confiding of Three Horfes; Three MilcfcCows; Fourteen other Beafts; upwards of Two Hmdred Sheep; Two Pigs; a Quantity of Wheat and larley in the Straw ; a Stack of Beans; a Waggon ; aCarr; and other Implements of Hulbandry. And alfo (( vera! Stacks of Hay and Clover; and the Winter Eat. till the ah Day of April next, of Eighty Acres of Ecdilhesand Summer- eaten Ground. Six Months Credit will he given for all Bargains above Forty Shillings, on approved Security. The Sale to hegin at Ten o'Clock. And NOTICE is hereby given to all Pcrfons to whom the faid THO AS BERRY is indebted, to fend an Account of their refpeflive Debts to Mr. SMITH, ofHorblinp, near Falkingham aforefaid; or to Mr. CRAGG, of Threckinghatn aforefaid. And all Perfons who are indebted to the faid THOMAS B E R R Y , are required forthwith to paj their refpeftive Debts to the faid Mr. SMITH, or Mr. CR AGO, otherwife they will be proceeded againft without further Notice. LINCOLNSHIRE. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N, f l y G. B. HARDY) At the Houfe of Mr. Midgley, the Kingftons Arms, in Newark upon Trent, in the County of Nottingham, on WEDNESDAY tie 6th Day of November'next, between the Hours of Tine and Foiir ' o'Clock in the Afternoon, fubjetl to fucb Conditions of Sale as will be then produced j N O R T O N DISNEY. LINCOLNSHIRE. T o be SOLD by Private Contraft, AF R E E H O L D E S T A T E , fituate at BARNOLDBY LE BECK; confining of a MESSUAGE, . Barn, and Stable, and about 62 Acres of ARABLE and PASTURE LAND, T I T H E FREE, within a ring Fence, and divided into Eight convenient lnclofures, now in the Occupation ol Nathaniel Potto, Tenant at Will. BARNOLDBY LE B E C K is Eight Miles from Caiftor, and Five from Great Grimlby. The ~ Particu near 1 live irom ureat urimlby. file Tenant will ( liew the Premifes; and for farther • ticulars apply to Mr. JAMES EATON, Belvoir, It- Grantham. Auguft ii, th, 1793. STORTING INTELLIGENCE. Ntwmarket 20 Oftober Meeting concluded. Thnrfday. Ofl. 17, 6 . gs. wt. for age, D. I. Mr. " Mlfon's chrfnut horf , Buzzard, 6 yrs old Ld G rofvenor's brown gelding, F. xcifeman, aged 2 to 1 on Buzzard. TI C4tfc ef five fweepftaktsof 200gs. each, D. T. Mr. FuUe(: k's coir, by Saltram Ld Gicfve- or's clu- fnut filly, by PotSos r fi ibfcriber paid.— 3 to 1 on Mr. Bullock. Friday, ; ol. wt. forage, 2. middle miles 0 ' B. C. Mr. Cliifnty's haV horfe, Halkln, aged I. d Clermont's black colt, Sweeper, 1 yrs old — 2 - id SlierlXine's bay filly, Quick, byFlorizel, 3 yrs old a 7 other!; darted, but were not placed— 3 td 1 Halkin, 4 to r as- ft Quick, and 6 to 1 as- ft Sweeper. The 4th year of a fubfeription of 20 gs. each, by 3 yrs olds, B. M. Sir C. Ki inbury's Robin. Grey Duke of Bedford's Teuc. r X- d Grr. fvenor'sLilliput " 3 2 to 1 on Teucer, 5 to t agft Lilliput, and 20 to r as;( t Robinfcrey. The 4th year of a fweepftakes of S gs. each, weight for age, B. C. Ld Grofvenor's bay horfe, Cayenne, 4 yrs old I I. d Clermont's bay mare, Peggy, < yrs old — 2 Sir F. Standilh's bay mare, Fairy, 4 yrs old — 3 5 to 4 on Peggy, 6 and 7 to 4 agft Cayenne. Mr. Bull-' ck's Silver, 8ft. beat D. of Bedford s Golden Rod. 8ft. lib. Ab. M. ' 1 t 0 8 o n G o l d en Rod— Mr. Galway's Augufta, beat Sir C. Bnnhury's c. by Dungannon, 8ft. each, 2 yrs old c. Mr. G. ftaked 30 to 20, ir to 8 on Sir C. Punbury. Saturday, the 5th of 5 fweepftakes o^ aoogs. each, D. I. Ld Grofvenor's ch. c. bv PotSos reed ft of 2 fubfenbers. \ lr. Panton's Patriot, by Rockingham, beat Mr. Wilfon's Clothier, by Saliram, 8ft. 51b. each, acrofs thenar, loo gs. 6 to 5 on Patriot Mr. Panton'S Lady, 8ft. 71b. b e a t Mr. D a w f o n ' s Sparkler, 8ft. 2 y r s " b i d e . 50 g s . 5 t o 4 o n S p a r k l e r . — L d C l e r m o n t ' s P a y n a t o r , 2 yrs old, 6 f t . n i b . beat Sir C . B u n b u r y ' s l A m e l i a , 5 yrs old, Sft. 1 2 l b . 2 y r s old c . 40gs. h. f t . 6 to 4 on A m e l i a . — M r. H o w a r t h ' s Anthony, 7 f t . i 2 l b . beat Sir J . L a d e ' s Sir F r a n k , 7ft. r o l b . firft half of - R. M . 25 g s . 7 to 4 and 8 to 1 o n A n t h o n y. The Duke of Bedford has made a confiderable bet • with Lord Egremont, that he wil! produce ten horfes fiom his ftud, who with one, rider ( hall run over Newmarket, race. ground 100 miles in 3 hours and 40 minutes. Laft Thurfday fe'nnight a Very curious match was run for at F. gbam races, between the not d horfe Buffer and Win if he can. Twenty and thirty to one was laid on Buffer-, but frcm one of thofe accountable circumfianccs attending the fports of the turf, the favourite horfe Ipft. The inftruftions to the rider of Buffer were to keep within a length of his antagonift, and not to attempt puffing him till within an hundred yards of the winning pert. This was confidered as a certainty of winning. But the rider, who had moft probably made his b<; ts another way, took the lead after the firft quarter of a mile, made the fevirejl play, puftied hard with a flack rein, apd tired his hcrle, fo that the other paffed him eafily, and won the heat.— It has been often remarked how much it lies in the power of riders and grooms to win or lofe a race, as fuits their own private purpofes. ' 1 he man who rode Buffer has long fir. ee, for public wellknown reafons, been difcountenanced by the lockcy Club, and has not for fome years been permitted ( though an approved good rider) to ride for any of the members pf that fociety.— Buffer gave Win if be can three ( lone. Kirg't plates were originally intended to improve the breed of iioifes— but as they now nianifeftly tend to the deftruflion of private property, and the encouragement ' f gambling, would it not be a wife and juftifiable measure to transfer this money to the marine fchoels. which are of infinittly more fervice to the public than furnifhing a bit of blood for Rotten Row, Newmarket, and the country courfes. The Jailor, who tights the battles of his country, and whofe pedigree is written in the blood he has fhed for its glory, fhould be an objoft of enciutagement far fuperior to that of breeding a horfe, whofe efforts are direfted to the purpofes of private and public plunder, without any the jeafi ftrvice to the community. RAN AWAY from his Matter ( EDMUND GAStOYNE, Blackfmith, of Coltlerworth), JOHN SMITH, A fmall Lad, thin Vifage, and about 14 Years of Age. Had on a round Hat, a white Drill Jacket, a brown Waiftcoat, and Leather Breeches. All Perfons are cautioned againft harbouring or employing the faid Apprentice, after this Notice, as they will be profecuted fof fo doing. ' To be L E T , ~ And entered upon at Lady- Day next, ALarge and commodious new- built MESSUAGE, fitaate. i'SUTTON- IN- THE- MARSH, in the County of Lincoln, with fuitable Coach- Houfes, Stables, and other Offices thereunto belonging.— The Houfe is conftiuifted for an Inn, ( lands near the Sea, commands an extenfive Profptft, is well calculated for the genteel Accommodation of Sea- Bathers, and is diftant Six Miles from Alfori', and Seventeen from Louth, Two good Market- Towns, where Provifions are cheap T^ e Tenant may be accommodated with Two Hundred A c r e s of rich PASTURE, ARABLE, and MEADOW GROUND, Which, from tlieir Contiguity, rendei the Occupation convenient and eligible.— There is a ftrong Spring of Mineral Water upon the Premifes. which may be conveitcd into' hot and cold Baths, if thought requifite. , , , , N B Further Particulars may be had of tlie Rev, THOMAS PENNINGTON ( who will fltew the Premife » ), or of Mr. CARNLEY, Attorney, in Alford afortfaid. To be SOLD by Private Contraft, AF R E E H O L D ESTATE, fituate at HEMINGBY, in the County of Lincoln, confiding of the following Lots: LOT t. A FARM- HOUSE, COTTAGE, Barn, and Stable; and Thirty Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, in the Tenure | of William Marftiall. LOT 2. A C O T T A G E , and NC Acres of ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, in the Occupation of John Fairburn. Enquire of Mr. R. W. JOHNSTON, Attorney at Law, Lincoln. T o " be S O L D by A U C T I O N , ' ( By JAMES GUBBINS,) Ol I the Premfes of Mr. THOMAS BREWERTON, of WEST- WALTON, in the County of Norfolk, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, and THURSDAY, tbcKjtb, loth, and lift, Days of Oflober, 1793, I axft T I V E STOCK, & e. confining of 250 Tup. .. JL/ ping- Ewes, 180 Lamb- Hogs, 7 capital Kams, 31 fat Sheep, and 200 very good Shearlings'; | o 1 A . R . P. iS. o o 19 0 0 ; 7 « 8 I* 0 0 n 1 s . jO „ , , Beads of different Sorts, fome of which are fit for the Butcher; o very good young Mares in- fo. il of the Cart Kind, 10 Foals, 4 yearling Colts and Fillies, about 20 Hotfes of different Ag- S of the Nag and Cart Kind, 1 capital Threeyear- old Stallion of the Cart Kind, that meafures Twelve Inches of Bone below tils Knee, and 1 Yearling Ditto of the Cart Kind. Alfo 50 Acres of good T u r n i p s ; and the Feed of 200 Acres of Grafs Land, and 70 Acres of Stubble, until the 5th Day of April, 1794 ; alfo about 160 Tons of very good Highland- Hay, which is to be eaten on the Premifes. *# * Credit will be given, on approved Security, for all Bargains at and above 40 Shillings until Midfummer- Daynext. - The above are to be Sold without Referve on account of Mr. B R E W E R T O N quitting the Bufuiefs. To T A N : , R. S, F E L T M O N C E R S , and L E A T H E R - D R E S S E R S . LINCOLNSHIRE. . T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , And entered upon immediately, ( By Order of the Aflignees of the Edate and Efftfls of JOHN WOOOWARD, a Bankrupt), At the Angel Inn, in Brigg, in the County of Lincoln, on THURSDAY the Thirty- frfl Day of Ollober, 1793, at Six o'Ciock in the Afternoon ( Jubjefl to the Conditions of Sale to be then and there produced), in Two Lots; L O T I f t . A F R E E H O L D C L O S E o r C A R X I o f wcll- conditioned ARABLE LAND, fituate and being in KETTLEBY, in the Parifh of BIGBY, in the County of Lincoln, very near to the Town of Brigg, containing, by Edimation, about Six Acres, and now or late occujjjpd by the faid John Woodward. LOT zd. A very valuable LEASEHOLD ESTATE ( 24 Years of the Term being unexpired at Lady- Day laft), eligibly ( ituated in the Parifh of SCAWBY, in the County of Lincoln, about a Mile from the Town cf Brigg, and adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from thence to Lincoln, and extremely well calculated for carrying on an extenfive Trade either as a Tanner, Feltmonger, or Leather- Dreffer; confiding of a good Dwelling- Houfe,-— a large Yard thereto adjoining, through which runs a conftant, regular, and plentiful Stream of clear Water,— Two large Worlt-( hops, with Chambers over them,— a Drying Stove, and. Chamber over it,— a Scouring- Houfe, and Chamber over it,— a good Two- ftall Stable,— Two Dove- Coats,— a good Barn,— aCow- Houfe,— and otber fuitable Out- buildings: — together with Fourteen Acres of ARABLE LAND and MEADOW GROUND to the fame Premifes belonging and thereto near adjoining. Further Particulars may be obtained either of Mr. MARRIS, Attorney at Law, in Barton; or of Mr. NICHOLSON, Attorney at Law, in Brigg. BR I no, 7 th October, 1703. LOT I. T 7 0 U R CLOSES or PARf CF. I. S of MEADOW Ground, lying together, adjoining to the River Witham, containing Alfo One other CLOSE of MEADOW, ad- } joining to the faid River Witham, known by r the Name of the Ifie of Wight, containing J Robert Tonge, of Carlton le Moor- 7 land, Tenant at Will. I WESTBOROUGH, LOT 2d. A CLOSE, called the Upper"} Thorp Clofe, containing A CLOSE, called the Nether Thorp Clofe. Containing Thomas Mafon, Tenant at Will. H O U G H . LOT 3. A CLOSE, called the Moor Clofe, 7 containing J Thomas Gilbert, of Doddington, 7 Tenant at Will. 5 A CLOSE, in the Liberty of GILSTQN, 1 in the Parifh of HOUGH, containing 5 One other CLOSE, m GILSTON, con- 7 talning S Jonathan Gayley, of Brandon, 1 A ; Tenant- at Will. I ( The Tenants will fhew the Premifes ; and for further Particulars apply to Meffrs. EVANS and MIDDLEMORE,. Attornies, Nottingham. N O T T I N G H A M , Sept. iff, 1793- IRISH & ENGLISH STATE- LOTTERIES, 1793. WRIGHT'S O L D S T A T E - L O T T E R Y O F F I C E, No. 57, CHAR1NG- CROSS, Appointed by Authority of Government for the Sale of T I C K E T S AND S H A R E S . 6 1 20 Propl. edtt and Parabks faithfully akicidateti j fublime Palfages pointed out.; and the Whole of Divine Revelation ( upon which all our Hopes of eternal Happinefs depend) difplayed in its original Pumy, and rendered eafy, pleafant, and profitable to every Capacity, both with refpeft to Faith and Praaice. With Praftical Refltdllons, Improvements, and Ufeful Admonitions at the End of each Chapter, 5and a Complete Illuftration of the Doflrines and Duties contained in the various Parts of the Holy Scriptures. Calculated to enlighten the Underftanding, purify the Heart, and promote tlfc Caufe of Virtue and Piety; and thereby iftablifti the Happinefs and Peace of Chriftian Families in this World, and fecure their eternal Salvation in the next.— To which are added, A Complete Connexion of the Old and New Tellaments; the Lives of all the infpired Writers of the various Books, from Genefis to the Revelation ; a critical Account of the various Tranflations of the Bible, Tables of Scripture Weights, Meafures, & c. and many other Articles of Importance too numerous to mention in this Advertifement. This Work being the Refult of upwards of forty Years Study and Experience, is brought to a State of Perfeflion, far fuperior to other Works of the Kind, and forms A n U N I V E R S A L L I B R A R Y of C H R I S T I A N K N O W - l e d g e . Being calculated on a Plan efttireiy New, and containing, among the other . great Improvements, never before attempted, every Remark worthy of Notice, in former Commentators and Expotitors. By PAUL W R I G H T , D. D. V I C A R of O A K L E Y , & C. in Effex, late of P E M B R O K E - H ALL, Cambridge, AUTHOR of The New and Complete LIFE of OUR B L E S S E D LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST-, The Complete Edition of FOX'S BOOK of M A Y T Y R S ; and of The Folio Edition of the COMMON P R / T Y E R - B O O K , with Explanatory Notes', Sec. London : Printed for ALEX. HOGG, at the Kind's Arms, Paternofter- Row; and fold by R. NEWCOMB, Stamford; and all other Bookfellers and News- Carriers in every Part of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Dr. Wright's Addrefs to all Chriftian Families AMIDST the^ Variety of Commentaries on the H O LY BIBLE, which have been ufhered into the World from Timeto Time, it has been lor.* a Matter of great Sljioniftment that no one has beenpubliffed on a Plan of general'Information, fuitable to Jucb at with to gain a perfect Knowledge of the Divine Oracles. Almoft all of them have Jlavifljly followed each other, in taking much Pains to explain PaJJages which in thcmfelves are fujfeient/ y clear to every Capacity ; while they have in general entirely left thofe Paris of Script fire unnoticed, wbicb really want a judicious I'luJtration, and are not eafily comprehended by thoje who have not made the Jacred Scriptures their conftant Study. Some of the Publications here adverted to have been made under the Names of fictitious Perfont who never exiftcd, or in the For NOBLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, and VAT- fcltRS. £ Now publishing under one geurraI Subfcription t fe^ rVjg.- eou' , the Kingdom, ir 42 vctUy Numbers, embel'i; led curious Copper- plates, price Six- pence each, or, - veiti she Plates beautifully and elegantly coloured, One Sbi. Ving*: THE BRITISH SPORTSMAN ; o j y T he NOBLEMAN) GENTLEMAN, and FARUTt'R's DICTIONARY of RECREATION and AMUSEMENT: Including an improved SYSTEM of MODERN SARRIERY, and anatomical Difleflions of a Horfe s w i th concife Rules for chooting good Horfes, and the Sj- c- rets of training them, with Wind and Vigour, for the COURSE, FIELD, and ROAD. Particular Inllrnftions for RIDING, RACING, HUNTING, COURSING, HAWKING, SETTING, and FISHING.— Indruflions for attaining the Art of SHOOTING FLYING, and of beins certain of the Mark; with remarks on the aftion of gunpowder, of charging the gun, of breeding and breaking POINTERS, & c. & c. Dire& ions for breeding, training, and managine, DOGS, HAWKS, COCKS, DOVES, PIGEONsJ. SINGING BIRDS, & c. with a new and intereding Defcnption of au the Traps, Nets, Engines, Baits, and Contrivances, for taking Birds and all Sorts of Game ahve, andfordeftroyint; Vermin ofevery Kind that annoy Poultry, or infeft the FARMER'S YARD By WM. AUCUSTU . OSBALDISTON, Efq London: Printed for the Proprietor; and fold bv Champante and Whitrow, Jewry- fire- t, Aldirte • at theBrmfh Directory- office, Ave- Maria- lane, St Paul's • R. Newcomb, Stamford ; and by every bookfriler fta' tloner, and newfcarrier, in the three kingdoms. repeatedly impofed I It was in Confequence of this great DefeCl and Abufe f Public Corfdence, and the great want of a Family Bible on a proper Plan, that at the Solicitation of numerous F, tends the Author was induced to publifh this Work ( the firduou: Labour of many Years) which through the BleJJing of God and bis own unrerijtted Attention to tho Whoje, will be faith- \ fully carried on, for the Benefit and InftruRion of all pious and fincere Cbriflians, in order to feCure their eternal Salva tion. In a Word, it has been the Author's fincere Endea vour in his Annotate ns and Practical Reflections, unfeignedly to promote the temporal and et tnal Happinefs of ' Mankind. He has pointed out the abfclute Keceffity of Praflicc as well as Faith in the grja> and important Bufinefs of Religion; and upon the Whole has jirccefsfully labour- d to difplay the Holy Scriptures in their genuine Purity and Lufl ' " has exerted his utmoft Abilities to bers, and on the very LOWEST TERMS. Every Share fold at this Office is duly ftamp'd, with the Words ( S T A T E L O T T E R Y S T A M P O F F I C E ) , without which Stamp, all Shares or Chances, of whatever Dcno mination, are illegal and of no Value. During the Period of Twenty- feven Lotteries pad, Tickets have been foldand fhared in CAPITAL PRIZES, at the above Office, to the Amount of upwards of Six Hundred and Fifty Tboufand Pounds, And paid I M M E D I A T E L Y on Demand. I R I S H S T A T E - L O T T E R Y , Begins drawing NOVEMBER the 12th, 1793. S C H E M E . No. of Prizes. Val. of each. Total Value. COOPER'S Monthly Repofitory, FOR THE SALE OF HORSES, See. By AUCTION. COOPER'S HORSE REPOSITORY, will commence on S A T U R D A Y the 2d of November, 1793, at the SWAN I N N , GRANTHAM. Gentlemen and others who pleafe to favor the Auctioneer with their Horfes, & c. are requefted to fend them Two Days before Sale, preparatory to their being viewed, and Catalogues printed,- CAPITAL BREEDING STOCK. T o be S O L D by A U C T I O N , By Mr. BOOTT, ( ON THE PREMISES) On THURSD 4Y the 14tb Day of November, 1793, and following Days ( Sunday excepted), at Ten o'Clock ; AL L t h e t r u l y V a l u a b l e S T O C K o f L O N G HORNED COWS, HEIFERS, and STIRKS, CAPITAL BULL, BREEDING EWES, and CART MARES, belonging to THOMAS PAGET, Efq. Of IBSTOCK, in the County of L E I C E S T E R ; C O N S I S T I N G OF Near SIXTY HEAD of NEAT CATTLE; TWO HUNDRED Capital BREEDING EWES; And a NUMBER of CART MARES. ( C51 The Character of this Stock is well known; it is fufficient to fay, that the . Whole / lave been bred with extreme Carehy Mr. PAGET. The NEAT CATTLE are clofcly defcended from Di s'FRREY, and R O L L RIGHT the SHEEP from D I S H L E Y ; and the MARES from the very bed Kind of B L A C K C A T T L E , for Upwards of Sixty Years.— In ( hort, this Stock has been the moft clofely bred, with the greateft Care, and for the greateft Length of Time, of any yet offered to the Public. » „* Catalogues may be had Fourteen Days before the Sale, atlBsT0CK, and of Mr. BOOTT, in Loughboro'. He injhuCt the Unlearned, to fervent T ROVCR- NO R - J J :„.„ jj ;„,„,' remove, the Doubts of the Diffident, to promote the ferven, ^ - / v r . 1 & are mviaeci into names, Eighths, and Sixteenths, in_ grea_ t_ V avi etyw oatr rNerusm, - I Zeal of „ t„ he ,;, f'i„ ou s chyllKaa^.„ t... a". ncd to fiixt lt. h eD F . a/: i. t. h.„ o f . t1h e 11. . a. of * — 3 ? t 30 50 100 10550 £ 20000 10000 5000 1000 I GOO Sco 10a 5 ° 20 10 £ 40000 20000 10000 6coo 5000 4000 3000 2500 2000 105500 10752 Prizes. Firfl- drawn Ticket, Lad- drawn Ticket, 29248 Blanks. igSoot ioco icoo 40000 Tickets. £ 200000 Country CorrefpSndents, by remitting good Bills at Sight, payable in London, or Crfh fent in Parcels by the Coaches, & c. ( Carriage or Pofi paid) for Tickets or Shares, will be duly attended to, and their Commands executed with the fame Integrity as if prefent. Tickets and Shares regidered at Six- pence per Number, and the earlied Intelligence fent of their Succefs. The E N G L I S H Lottery begins drawing February 17th, 1794. AN E N T I R E N E W FAMILY BIBLE, A Beautiful Edition, manyThoufand Copies of which is now ready for general Sale ( Revifed, Correaed, and Improved) to fupply the great and lncrealing De niand for this Valuable CHRISTIAN LIBRARY. T h e Reverend Dr. W R I G H T ' S New and Complete Commentary, Illuftratfon, a n d E x p o f i t i o n o f t h e H O L Y S C R I P T U R E S : Embelliffied with upwards of Gne Hundred Large Beautiful Copper- plate Engravings, finely engraved by capital Artifts. A Work moft humbly Dedicated to the Right Reverend Father in ' God Dr. PORTEUS, Lord BISHOP of LONDON. To oe completed in only Eighty Numbers, ( or the Overplus delivered gratis) in Large Folio; 8 » ing the moft elegant and complete Work of the Kind, and better calculated to promote the temporal and eternal Happinefs of all Chriftians and Chriftian Families, than any other fimilar Work hitherto publiftied — now publilhing in tliefe Kingdoms. On SATURDA Y NEXT, will be publifbed, Number I. ( Price oily SIX- PENCE J .( Containing upwards of Three Large Sheets of LETTER- PRESS, executed with Beautiful Types on Superfine Paper, and embeltilhed with the following Large Copper- Plates, viz. A handfome emblematical Frontifpiece, beautifuly engraved by Pollard.— Alfo, A complete Folio Map of the Garden of Eden, or Parfdile, and the Parts adjacent, engraved by Evans. Likewife, A large full- fized Folio Coppfcr- Plate of Chrift converfing with the Woman of Samaria, at Jacob's Well, finely engraved). And or. the SATURDAY FOLLOWING willbe Publifbed, Number II. Adorned with a mod fuperb, large and beautiful Copper- r late, reprefenting Cain ( laying his Brother Abel, ^ the fucceeding Numbers to be conti nued Weekly without Interruption) Of The CHRISTIAN'S NEW and COMPLETE B R I T I S H F A M I L Y B I B L E; Being a NEW, CLEAR, FULL, and UNIVERSAL Expofition ar. d Commentary on the H O L Y S C R I P T U R E S. Containing the Whole Sacred Text of the HOLY BIBLE, as contained in the OLD and NEW TESTAMENTS at LARGE ; Together with all the Books of the APOCRYPHA COMPLETE. Illuftrated With mod valuable N O T E S and A N NO TATIONS, Theological, Critical, Geographical, Biographical, Moral, Admonitory, Syftematical, Hiftorical, Practical, Chronological, Divine, and Explanatory. Wherein all the difficult and obfcure Paffages are fully and clearly explained ; the feeming Contradictions in every refpeft reconciled; the Mif- trandationscorrefted ; the Errors of former Writers rectified and pointed out; the Objeftions of Deifts and Infidels anfwered; thi vering on the Great Author of our Holy Religion, the never failing Rock of Ages.—- Therefore Readers of every Defcription are earr. eftly entreated to fcarcb the Scriptures, for therein are contained the Words of eiernall. de-,— they have God for their Author— Salvation for their End— and Truth without any mixture of Error for their Matter. St. Peter's, Oakley, Effex. PAUL . WRIGHT. Iljll The Copper- plates in other Works of this nature, having been complained of as a Difgrace and Impofition ( being engraved on too fmall a fcale, fit- only for the amufement of Chilelren, and executed by inferior Artills of no Reputation) we have in this Publication totally obviated thofe Imperfe& ions, by employing the mod admired Artifts to render the prefent Work the moll beautiful Edition of the H O I . Y B I B L E with Notes that ever was printed. And thou'gh it has been the Praftice of fome to begin with a good Appearance^ and by De grees to fall off from their original Propofals, the Pro. prietor of the prefent Undertaking, pledges his Honour that the execution of the Work ( hall be continued regular throughout, and that the LAST Numbers will be found to be equally good in every rcfpedl as the F I R S T. The Wtiolf pf this Work, being ju/ t printed off' and thoroughly completed ( to prevent any interruption in the Weekly Mode of publication) may be had by One, Two, Three, Four, or more Numbers at a Time', as may be moft convenient to the Purchafer, or tlie whole together in Eighty Numbers, price 2). or handlomely bound in Calf and Lettered, price 2I. S>. %*' The firft number of this valuable Work being intended as a Specimen of the Whole, may be perufed Gratis, and if the Purchafer ( hould not chtife to procced, the money ( hall be immediately returned. ( tj3 A Lift of the Subfcribers will be printed and delivered gratis. N B. Itlhouldbe remarked by all who belong to tbeellablifhtd hurch, that this Work is Univerjally acknowledged by the bed Judges on the fubjedl to be the cheapeli and moft Compute Expoftion and Commentary on the HOLY S C R I P T U R E S ever publiflied. Audit is therefore Recommended by many Eminent Divines of the CHURCH of E N G L A N D , Sec. & c. to all Cbriflians and Chriftian Families, as the beft and mod Complete F A M I L Y B I B L E now extant. Meffrs, Dicey and Beynon, No. 10, Bow Church- YaTd London. G E N T L E M E N , HAVING been violently afflifled with Wind and Rheumatism in my Momachand Bowels, four Belch, ngs, had Digeftion, and windy Gravel, wh ch I. imagine proceeded from the Kick of a Horfe I received Thirty- four Years ago on my Stomached Liver but for the laft Three Years I haveconftanrlyvomitt. dk'er. Third or Fourth Day, from Three to Nine Times in £ Day, which weakened my Stomach fo much, that I could not bear cither Meat or Medicine, and wis , vein down to nearly tbeSubftance of a Skeleton ; after Havirtg received no Relief from Medicines: and V a r i a t i o n! which ! have had from the Faculty, I was a d v i f ^ y " , Fnend of mine, to try your incomparable BEA. W or. I f * ' $>!? h> ^ taking Three Bottle^ purchafed by Mrs. Will, amfon, in Caftle- ftreer, Liverpool, at Two I ea- fp. oonfuls Three Times a Day ( One Bottle the fame Quantity twice, a Day), and One B; ttle the fame Quantity twice a Week, has reftored me to as good Health - s ever I enjoyed in my Life. You may, if you- pleafe publtlh this great Cure for the Benefit of the Pubilc; I am, your mod obedient humble Servant, . . . . . _ , , JOHN WATKINSOff. witneffes to the. above Cure, P S . T E R JOHNSON, R A L P H H O L D E N , -• JOHN L A N C A S T E R, JOHN JACKSON, B E A U M E D E V I E. This celebrated and long edabiiflied Medicine fortifies the Stomach and Bowels, purifies the Blood and tuices r'- W h o ! e S>, f t em i t s l 1 ; i : u r a l Equilibrium. To the(< r Qualities we attribute its having proved fo eminently feme, able in Goury, Rheumatic, Bilious- and Scorbutic Habits; from the, fame Principle ; mid has never failed to relieve in Languid, Nervous, and Hyp ® , chondnac Cafes; and in Female D, for den it has been found particularly beneficial. V The Public are requefted to take Notice, that bv Favour of the Commifliuners of Stamps, the Names of I- B E C X K T , and Meflls. D I C E Y and Co. are cneravd on the Labels, and affixed to every liort'e: and that on the Paper palled on the Side of each Bottle the Handwriting of T . B U C K E T ( a Proprietor) is continoed as ulual. C3- Obferve— The counterfeiting either the Stamp- Olnce Engraving, or the Hand. Writing, is a capital Offence : Sold Whole- fairhy DtcE v and Co. BowChurch- > London; and Retail byT. B E C K E T , PMl- MaU; and may be had of all Dealers in Medicine in Town and Country, Price 3s. per Bottle, Duty 6rt. - , tv- At the above Warehoufe may alfo he had, the following genuine and truly prepared Medicines, with the Name of D. cey and Co. on each, viz. Dr. Bateman's Pcfloral' Dr. Story's Worm Cakes. ,, D[° PS- Bathing Spirits. Ur. J. Hooper's Female Pills. Fine Turned Orange Peas. Ur. Boftock's Purgingelixir. Lady's Court Plaifler, Squire's Grand Elixir. Bcaume de Vic. Godfrey's General Cordial. Cenhalic Snuff. Fryar » Balfam. Dr. Anderfon's, or the True Scots Pills. Dr. FfaunceS's Strengthening Elixir. Dr. Stouahton's Stomachic Elixir. The different Medicines prepared by Meffrs. D I C EY and Co. are vended by R. N E W C O M B , T. Howgrave, and W. Harrod, Stamford ; W. Brooke, John Dairy, and R. Drummond, Lincoln; J. Quanbtirotigh, and W. Allen, Grantham-; I. Tomlinfon, Newark; T. Ball, Sleafoid: W. Ward Falkinglwm ; M. Caffwell, Rippingale ; w . Thorpe Bourn; H. Butler, Deeping; J. Horden, and j. R. Jacob, Peterborough; W. Read, Whittlcfea; W Gib fon, Oakham; M Worley, Boflon; J. Finch, Kirton in Holland; W. Hanley, Swinefhead; W. Hunt, Donington ; O. Medcalf, and T. Havvkes, Sp. tldinea I. Pal mer, and D. Wright, Wainfleet; R. C- relfwell, Bure'i - M. Worley, Alford ; J. Gihfon, Coningffiy; J. Simnfori'! and J. Tayton, Tatter( hall; Bromley and Keal, and \ V Elhs,.. Horni, aftle j R. Booth, Caiftor ; R.-• Shearaawri' Louth; T. Bradley, Brigg; J. Taylor, Canlbon.'; [! ' Ellis, tlorbhng; J. Barnes, Bawtry; D. Iioys, ahd- W 11> J The Public are entreated to give pojitive Orders to the Bookfellers or Newfcarr'ers throughout the Kingdom for Dr. W R I G H T ' S N E W and C O M P L E T E FAMILY B I U L E . Now Publilhing by ALEX. HOGG, at the K I N - C ' S - ARMS, in Paternofler- Row, London. For DISORDERS of the EYES P O W E L L ' S B A L S A M I C O I N T M E N T ACertain and. never- failing Remedy for all Kinds of Inflammations, and Humours in the Eyes, whether proceeding from Colds, the- Srnall- pox, Mcafies, or any other Caufe whatever. Many Pcrfons, who have been blind from the above Diforaers, have happily been reftored to Sight by the Ufe of this Ointment. Its extraordinary Virtues have been experienced for more than a Century paft, not only in the above Dif orders, but alfo in Wcakncfies and Dimnefs of Sight This Preparation is of fo mild a Nature, that it may with the grcateft Safety, be applied to young Children. Sold by T. AXTEI. L, Bookfeller, No. 1, Finch- lane, Comhill, and at his Shop at the Royal- Exchange ; Mr. D A Y , Perfumer, Tavidock- ftrect; and atMr. B A C O N '; Medicinal Warehoufe, No. 150, Oxfor<'- ftreet. at2s. £ d a Pot. Sold alfo by Mr. NEWCOMB, Stamford j Mrs. Drummond, Lincoln; MelTrs. Allin and Ridge, Newark; Mr. Jacob, Peterborough; Mr. White, Vvifbech; Mr. Jenklnfon, Huntingdon; and the Agents to this Paper. ADAMS's SPECIFIC SOLVENT, For the CURE of the STONE and GRAVEL. THE amazing Efficacy of the above celebrated Medicine, in riiffolving. not only GRAVEL, but S T O N E , as well in the BLADDER as in the K I D N I E S ; — the mildnefs and extreme" Safety of its Operation in youngorold, in Robuft or Valetudinary Conftitutions ; and the numerous Cures it has performed are fo well known, and fo unqueftionably authenticated, as to preclude the Neceffity of a Detail through the Medium of an AdWertifement. It is prefumed fufricient to announce, that A D A M S ' S S P E C I F I C S O L V E N T fortlie CURE of the S T O N E and G R A V E L ( prepared by Mr, Perry, Surgeon. London), may be had genuine of the following Pcrfons • BROOKE, L i n c o l n ; NEWCOMB, S t a m f o r d ; H o r d en Peterboro'; Prefton, Bofton; and Allin and Ridge, Newark; in Bottles, with ample Directions for taking it, of 5s. 5d. 11s. 6d. and il. 2s. each, Stamps included - of all of whom may be had, The DEVONSHIRE TOOTH TINCTURE and TOOTH POWDER, for Cleaning and removing every Diforder incident to the Teeth and Gums; the former, Price 2s. 9d.; the latter 2s. 3d. per Bottle, Stamps included. Sheardown, Doncaller ; R. Pearfon, Melton- Mo-. vbray- W. Robinfon, Winteringham and Wintertoo ; J. Taylor, Retford ; and at moft of the principal Shops throughout England. '' LEAKE's P A T E N T PILLS. ' To THOMAS T A Y L O R , Surgeon, No. 9, New Bridge- Street; London. I SIR, _ Dublin, March 10, 1793. Think it is lmt doing Juftice to the Memory ol Mr. LEAKE, to communicate th.- following very extraordinary Cure performed by his PILULA SALU. TAR] A. A Man who has lived with me for . fome Years, in tire Cap acity of ci Gardener, was about a I vvelve- rnontii a^ o infefled with the Venereal Difeafe, the Confequence of which was a virulent Gonorrhcsa ; upon this he immediately applied to One of thofe, who, without any real Knowledge of the Difeafe, pronr. ifed an immediate Cure: The improper Treatment of this Man brought on a Gleet, Buboes in the Groin, and at length, what waa at firft a ( light Clap, degenerated into a'confirmed Lues; corroding Ulcers gradually began to cover his Body, and had crept to the Cartilage of his Nofe, which they were deftrr ying very faft, when the poor Fellow, finding Difguife no longer poflible, with Tears in his Eyes, confeffed to me the whole Affair. As lie had been to mt a moll valuable Servant, I procured him all the Affiftarnie I was able. After a Week's Attendance, the Faculty declared bis Cafe defperate. I had heard muchol yourPTLtir. A SALUTARIA; in this Cafe 1 knew their Effi.£ ls might. be beneficial, and could not be dangerous.— I therefore fent for fome,— and it is no lefs true than furprifing, that they aflually, in lefs titan a Mr, nth, effefted a perfcCl Cure. I write this at the Indication of JOHN GORDON- ( lhat is the Man's' Name), whofe Gratitude is unbounded.— As a Friend of mine is coming to London, I defired hinv to leave this at your Houfe. I remain, Sir, your humble Servant, THOMAS BISHOP; P. S. If, through the Medium of the public Prints, you cbufe to communicate this Indance of the Efficacy of LEAKE's PILLS, you are at Liberty to do fo. The above Medicine is prepared and fold by the foje Proprietor, THOMAS T A Y L O R , Member of the Corporation of Surgeons, London, at his Houfe, No. 9, New Bridge- dreet; wht re he wi!) give Advicc, without a Fee, to Perfons taking thefe fills ; and will anfwer Patients' Letters ( if Pod paid) on the fame Terms, obferving in all Cafes the mod inviolable Secrefy. They are alfo fold, by his Appointment, for the Con. venience of thofe living at a Didance, by Mr. NEWCOMB, Bookfeller, and Mr. Howgravc, Stamford; Mr. Quaobrough, Grantham; Mtffis. Allin and Ridge, Newark; Mr. Brooke, and Mr. Drury, Lincoln; Mrs. Worley, Bodon; Mr. Marfh, Louth; Mr. Jacob, Peterborough ; Mrs. Jenkinfon, Huntingdon; and by One Perfon in every confiderable Town in England, in Boxes of only 2s, 9d. each, fealed up with full and plain Directions, whereby Perfons, of either Sex, may cure them*- felves with Eafe and Secrecy. STAMFORD: Printed by C. P E A T and R. NEWCOMB, at their Office in the High- ftreet; where Letter- prefs and Copper- plate PRINTING is executed with accuracy, elegance, and expedition, on the molt reafonable terms ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES of I N T E L L I G E N C E , & c. are taken in by the following Perfons; of whom this Paper, and Books and Medicines advertifed therein, may be regularly had : Alford, Bofton, Barton, Brigg, Bourn, Saw try, Mifs Worley Mr. Prefton. Mr. JVdbar. - Mrs^. Swalltw, Mr. Wbatmuff. Mrs. Bainei. Cambridge, Caiftor, Coningiby, Crowls, Donington, Mr. Cowper, Mr. Booth. Mr. Rowley. Mr, Lambert. Mr. Hunt. Doncaftcr, Boys & Sbtardmr., Gainfboro', Grantham, HorncafUe, Hull, J Mr. Wruffels, \ Mr. Wright, f Mifs Wbaley. 1 Mr. Allen. Mr. Weir. Mr. Brown. Holbeach, Huntingdon, Heckington, Long Sutton, Leicefter, Lynn Mr. Dixon. Mr. Jenkinfon. Mr. R. Taylor. Mr. Gregg. M . Gregory. . Mr Marjholl. Mr. Brooke, and LINCOLN, | Mr. John Drury. T „„. r, F Mr. Gray, " Mr. Marfh. ^•" Mand Mr. Sheardown. Melton, Mr. Height, Market Raifen, Mr. Cooper. Newark, Allin and Ridge. Nottingham, Mr. Burbage. Northampton, Oundle, Oakham, Peterborough, Mr. Sutton. Mr. Ellis. Mrs. Hicks. Mr. Horden. Retford, Spalding, Sleaford, Stilton, Spilftiy, Mr. Taylor Mr. Albin. f Mr. Fawcitt. I Mr. Allen. Mrs. King. Mr. ho}'. Thorney, Tuxford, Tattcrfall, Uppingham, Wainfleer, Wifbech, Mr. Ground. Mr. B. Clarke. Mr. Gibbons. Mr. Cooke. Mr. Wrigbt. Mr. mite. A l f o b y MT. K I R K MAN, a t N o . 1, Ead Harding Street, Fetter- lane j. M r . T A Y L E R , W a r w i c k - C o u r t ,. St. Paul's, LONDON ; and by the; Printers ef the different Cou;. tr< » Papers. -
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