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The County Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser, for Essex, Herts, Kent, Surrey, Middlesex &c


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 330
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The County Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser, for Essex, Herts, Kent, Surrey, Middlesex &c
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The County Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser, for Essex, Herts, Kent, Surrey, Middlesex &c

Date of Article: 03/09/1793
Printer / Publisher: J. Wheble 
Address: Warwick Court
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 330
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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The COUNTY And mm— m F O r Essex, Herts, Kent, Surrey, Middlesex & c TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1793.] ! Including, great part of BERKS, BEDFORD BUCKS, CAMBRIDGE, HANTS, OXON, SUFFOLK . SUSSEX. [ NUMB. 330. Price Four Pence THE GAME on the DUKE of RUT- LAND'S Manors of . _ . Chevely, Newmarket, Saxton Hall, Ditton- Camoys, Ditton Vallence, Lidgate, and Moulton,. In the COUNTIES at CAMBRIDGE and SUFFOLK Having been very much destroyed and lessened for some years his Grace's Guardians are induced to request that Gentlemen will refrain from sporting on these Manors; and any unqualified person, who ofFends, will be prose- cuted. THE GAME LAWS ~ Are this Day published, Price only One Shilling, care- fully collected and abridged from the numerous Sta- tutes concerning Game, and arranged in such order, as to comprise the SPORTSMAN AND GAMEKEEPERS COMPLETE ASSISTANT AND COMPA- NION, under the heads HARLOW BUSH FAIR. WE whose names are hereto signed, do give this notice, that we will not be accountable for any. thing which may be left in ihe care of us, or any person belonging to our premises, during the two fair days which will be 0n. Monday and Tuesday the 9th and loth of September, viz. horses, saddles, bridles, whips, great Coats, cloaks, & c. and do hereby agree. that in case any law suit arise from the same to be share and share alike towards defraying the expences which may attend it, Qualifications Certificates Game Keepers D e e r Hares Heath Fowl Partridges PheaSants prosections sporting seafonS Summary Proceeding! Swans wild or Water Fowl. The Right Hon. George Earl Waldegrave, The Right Hon. Frederick Earl Guildford, Sir William Smyth, Bart. Sir James Tylney Long, Bart. Sir William Wake, Bart. Sir George Jackson, Bart. Sir Edward Hughes, K. B. Sir Robert Boyd, K. B. Sir Tho, Coxhead, M. P. The HON Mr. George Petre, The Rev. William Gould, D. D. James Urmstone, Esq. The Rev. Thomas Abdy Abdy, Clerk, Mrs. M. A. Wellbrooke, Miss Ann Whitaker, John Conyers, Esq, Richard Lockwood, Esq. Eliab Harvey, Esq. John Archer, Esq. Montague Burgoyne, Esq. Christopher Tower, Esq. Napth ili Franks, Esq. George Clarke, esq. Charles Alexander Crickitt, Esq. M. P. William Smith, Esq, M. P. William Dolby, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Thomas Watson, Esq. William Manby, Esq. Charles Smith, Esq. Richard Neave, esq. Edward Russell Howe Esq. BY A GENTLEMAN OF THE LAW. Printed for C. and G. Kearsley, No. 46, Fleet- street. Where may be had KEARSLEY's NEW EDITION of the TAX TABLES, for the present year, Price Sixpence only. WANTED to RENT in The Country, from Ten to Twenty miles from town, a SMALL HOUSE, with a good garden ; and if a few acres of Land, the more desirable, near a Town or Vil- lage, but not in one. Letters, post paid, describing situation, rent, and all other particulars, directed to W- W. at Mr. Owen's, Bookseller, opposite Bond- street, Piccadilly, will be im- mediately answered and attended to. Joseph Goodwin Messrs. Daniel John Barnard Samuel Swain John Rumball Daniel Rumball Isaac Barnard Nathaniel Adams Robert Church John Crawley Joseph Mealing James Wait Thomas Smith Joseph Willingale William Cakebread Thomas Clark William Trimmer Edward Battle. WANTED, in a Gentleman's family, a COOK, who perfectly understands the busi- ness of a kitchen. . She is not required to do any house- hold work. No Kitchen Maid allowed. Also a Laundry Maid, who can wash and iron well. No Clear starching required. None need apply who have not undeniable characters. Enquire at the Swan Inn, Stevenage at the Bell Inn, Hertford; or the Bull Inn, Ware. 0 I // COBHAM iNCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Com- missioners named in an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 33d year of the reign of his present Majefty, intitled, " An Act for dividing and inclosing the several Commons, Heaths, and Marsh and Waste Lands, within the Manor of Cobham, otherwise Cove- ham, in the parisH of Cobham, in the county of Sur- rey, have adjourned their Second Meeting, ( held at the white lion, in Cobham, e... Wednesday, the . ti day of July last, for the purpose of receiving claims, and from thence adjourned to the same place on the 27th day of the same July) to Monday the 21st day of October next, at the George Inn, in Cobham aforesaid, at 11 o'Clock of the forenoon of the same day, when and where all persons who have not made their claims, are peremptorily to attend; or they will Be excluded from the benefit of the said Act ; and notice is also given, that the Third Meeting of the said Commissioners will be held at the George Inn, in Cobham aforesaid, on Tuesday the 22d day of the same October, it Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon ef the same day ; at which time, all such claims as already given, and shall be given, 00 the adjournment ef the said Second Meeting, on Mon- day the 21st day of October, and which shall not be ob- jected to by three other persons, having right of Com- mon on the Commons, Heaths and Marsh, and Waste Lands, by the said Act directed to be inclosed and di- vided, will be final and conclusive, and cannot be alter- wards objected to or disputed. And Notice also given, that a list of the claims al- ready delivered to the said Commissioners, is left at the White Lion, in Cobham, for inspection of all persons concerned. To be SOLD in BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, IBSTON HOUSE, with about 75 acres of Arable, Grass and Wood Land, of which part is Freehold, and part Copyhold. Ibston is about 40 miles from London, eight miles from Henley upon Thames, the same distance from Harlow, and two and half from Stoken Church, on the great Post Road fiom London to Oxford, from which last place it is distant 19 miles. The House is large and commodious, in good repair, now inhabited, and fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. The offices are numerous and con- venient there is an excellent kitchen garden walled round, formed within a few years, a shrubbery, pleasure ground, and small green- house. The grounds have been laid out and improVed, at great expence, and the small farm attached is in exce'lent order. The whole or Any part of the Furniture, with the Farming Stock of all kinds, may be taken at a fair valuation. Further particulars may be known, by applying to Mr. Ross, Attorney at Law, Boswell- Court, Carey- street, London or on the premises, where a person attends to shew the house and grounds, SUSSEX be LET, and entered on immediately, a complete FAMILY HOUSE, Furnished ; with suitable Offices, coach- house and stables, small pleasure ground and garden; together with five acres of rich meadowland. TO DRUGGISTS and CHYMISfS. TO be disposed of, the STOCK in TRADE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FIXTURES, 4c. of Mr. LLOYD, Druggist and Chymist, Biihop Stortford, Herts. For particulars, apply to Mr. Cotsford, Auctioneer, Bishop Stortford; or Mr. W. Lloyd, No. 56, Snow- hill, London, if not disposed of by Private Contract, will be Sold at Public Auction, by ihe said Mr. Cots- ford, on Wednesday the nth of September, at Twelve o'clock. PATENT CANDLEWICK YARN. W. MARTINDALE, and Co. respect- fully acquaint the Public, they have opened a commodious Warehouse, No. 128, Leadenhall street, London ; where a regular and large assortment of Can- yitv .. U iAft, Mj. C s- ... r the Manufactory of Messrs. Brumby's and Haworth, Retford, Nottinghamshire. N. B. All order's, by post, land or water carriage, will be executed with dispatch for ready money, or good bills, at short dates, payable in London. BY THe KING's ROYAl LETTERS PATENT. GREENWOOD's BALLS, For Cleaning LEATHER BREECHES, KERSEY MERE, & c. THE acquired reputation of these BALLS, and the great demand for them, both at home and abroad', has induced several perfons to impose on the Public a spurious sort, which are not only injurious the Leather, but totally deficient of the good quali- ties these Balls are so much esteemed for. This supe- ior Composition, by dry application, not only pro- duces a general polish, without soiling the cloaths, but gives the Leather a peculiar softness, and renders it pleasant and durable* The Patentee, to prevent as much as poSsible the Public being deceived by Counterfeits, particularly re- commends them to observe, that each Ball has a Label, parted on it, with this Inscription, " By the King's Patent, Balls for cleaning Leather Breeches, & c. pre- pared by Jos. Greenwood," signed by himself; all others they may be assured are Counterfeits, Warehouse, No. 156, Bishopsgate Without. STOLEN or STRAYED, out of the field of Thomas ReeVe, Surgeon, near Bracknell, in the county Of Berks, on the night of the 26; h, or early on the morning of the 27th of August, 1793, A BROWN MARe, five years old, somewhat more than thirteen hands high, rather handsome ; has an over- reach on eash side of the heel of the near Tore foot ; a small rising of the back, supposed to have been rubbed by the back part of the saddle has had her tail broke in nicking : has a peculiar mode of trotting, some- what approaching to a run, and is remarkably shy of being cleaned and girthed. Whoever will give information to the said Thomas Reeve, so that she may be had again, shall receive Half. a- Guinea Reward, and all reasonable expenses. MALDON ANnUAL SHEW of HOrSeS, CAttlE SHEeP, LAMBS, & c- will be held in PORT. v MARSH, adjoining the TOWn, on FRIDAY the 13th, and Saturday the 14th days of September, 1793. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause, STONE and ano- ther against HOLE and others, the Creditors of the Right Reverend FREDERICK KEPPELL, late Lord Bishop of Exeter, deceased, are forthwith to come in and prove their debts before John Eames, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court at his Chambers, in Sy- mond's inn, Chancery lane, London ; or in default thereof, will be excluded the benflit of the said Decree. NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the en- suing Session, for an act to enlarge the Term and Powers of an Act made in the 31st. year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled An Act for more effectually amending, widening and repairing the road through the several parishes of saint Michael, Saint Alban, Saint Peter, Shenley Ridge, and South Mims, in the counties of Hertford and Middlesex," and to change the course of the said road at the east entrance into the town of Saint Alban's, a to set cut and make a new road in the said parishes 1 Saint Alban and Saint Peter, on the North side of the present road. St. Alban's, August ^ v. ft 1793, NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament, in the en- suing Session, for Continuing the term, and altering and enlarging the powers of an act passed in the seventh year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, " An Act to continue and render more effectual three Acts, for repairing the highways between Tyburn and Ux- bridge, in the county of Middlesex, and for amending the road leading from Brent Bridge, over Hanwell Heath, through the parishes of Hanwell, New Brent- ford, and Ealing, to the Great Western Road, in " the said county, and for lighting, watching, and " watering the highways between Tyburn and Kensing- " ton Gravel Pits," and which said highways do pass through the several parishes and places of Paddington, Kensington, Fulham, Hammersmith, Acton, Ealing, Hanwell New Brentford, Norwood, Hayes, and Hilling- don. Dated the twenty p of August, 1795. By Order of the Trustees, C. HILL, Clerk. SUrREY. TO be LET at WILL, or for a term of years at Effingham, A HOUSE, Land and Pre- mises thereto belonging called EFFINGHAM PLACE, in good repair, fit for a middling family, situate in a fine sporting country near the Turnpike Road, leading from Leatherhead to Guildford, eight miles distant therefrom, and four from the town of Dorking, both commodious Market towns for provisions, the liberty ol sporting through an extensive ManOr, where there great plenty of Game, and the Gamekeeper not p mitted to shoot hares, together with the sole property IF JOHN RICE, ( eldest son of Edward Rice, formerly of Gravel lane, Southwark, and since of PetWorth, Sussex, Hatter,) will make applica- tion to Mr. STERRY, Attorney at Law, of Stamford- street, Blackfriass Road, London; or to Mr. TRIM- MER, Attorney at Law, Farnham, Surrey. Or any • person will make authentic discovery, that he is now living, he or they will hear of something much to the advantage of the said John Rice. IF VINCENT GRAY Bricklayer, and jAMES GRAY, Cordwainer, formerly of the pa- rish of Buriton, in the county of Southampton, ne- phews of Anthony Foster, late of the parish of Steep, In the said County yeoman, deceased, will apply to Mr, Greetham, Attorney at Law, Petersfield, on or before the 1st day of October next, they will hear of some- thing to their advantage. Peiersfield, Auguft ?. z, 17QJ. CHESHUNT, HERTS. To be SOLd by AUCTION, By Mr. RAINE, At the Four Swans, at Waltham Cross, on TUESDAY the 17th instant, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, in THREE LOTS, TAPLIN's EQUESTRIAN RECEPTACLE, SUBSCRIPTION REPOSITORY, AND OPERATIVE FARRIERY, Sommers TOWN, behind Bloomsbury Square, FOR Horses at Livery, Sale upon Commis- sion by Private Contract, Course of Physic for the Promotion of Condition, Cure of Disease, Shoeing, and every description f Operative Farriery, will open on Tuesday the 3d of September next, in a stile of su- periority hitherto unattempted ; consisting of accom- modations for upwards of a hundred horses, in uniform stables of ten stalls each, surrounding a spacious, airy square, with covered ride annexed, of two hundred feet in length ; a variety of loose stables, eleven feet by eight for lame horses under the operations of blistering or Firing', and every requisite to afford the most singular satisfaction To prevent improper obtrusions, and a prostitution of the original design ( appropriated soley to the convenience of the superior claffes) it has been suggested by some VEry eminent characters and earnest promoters of the esta- blishment, that each, subscriber of a Guinea shall receive a perpetual ticket, by . which he shall be at all times , AValuable and uncommonly rich FREE- HOLD INCLOSURE of MEADOW, contain, ing upwards of three acres, with an excellent boarded and tiled Barn, strongly timbered thereon, known by the name of COUNTESS MOOR, lying very near the Turnpike Road, at Turner's Hill, between the 12 and 13 m le stones, on the'road to Ware, and of which immediate possession may be had. Also a COPYHOLD COTTAGE, with a Garden and fine thriving orchard in full bearing, called EARN- FATHERS; and another Brick and Tiled Copyhold Cottage and Garden, called PANTILE, both lying near Hammond- street, within the Manor and Parish of Cheshunt, on the extensive Common of which, and Common Fields, both have a right of Commonage without stint. The Meadow to be viewed by applying at the Rose and Crown, at Turner's Hill, nearly opposite the Field ; and the Cottages, by applying to Mr. John Clapham, in Hammond- street, of whom printed particulars may be had ; also at the place of sale ; the New Inn, Wal- tham Abbey; Bull, at Hoddesdon and Ware; Angel, Hertford ; Green Dragon, Barnet; and of Mr. RAINE, Land Surveyor,- Charlotte- street, Bloomsbury, London; and also at Punsburne, near Little Berkhampstead, Herts. of the above purposes, although such Subscribers horses may not constantly stand at the stables. SUBSCRIBERS. The Right Hon. the Earl of Sandwich. The Right Hon. the Earl of Scarborough. The Right Hon. Lord Lindores. Sir Francis Sykes, Bart. M. P. Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Bart. Edward Scott, Esq. Equerry to the Prince of Wales. A HOUSE with LAND, near HOLLOWaY. To be LET, by Mr. RAINE, With immediate possession, R. Benyon, Esq. M. P- Edmund Boehm, Esq. G, Fuller, Esq. Richard Palmer Esq. Broadhead, Esq. James Frazer, Esq. Richard Dann, esq. John Grant, Esq. G. Bingley, Esq. J. Ludlam, Esq. T. Marson, Esq. James Haydock, Esq. C. No bury, Esq. James Webb, esq. George Bell, esq. m. p. John Newman, esq. T. Dawson, Esq. F. W. Sykes, Esq. Rev. Dr. Gill C. Easton, Esq. 10 tickets Edward Topham Esq. C. Dennis, Esq, Capt. M'Murdo C. Corbet, Esq. T. Musgrave, Esq. W. Ludlam, Esq. J. Livingstone, Esq. Alex. Weir, Esq. M. Ximenes, esq. R. S. Sloper, Esq. Higgins Eden, Esq. & c. c. ASubstantial BRICK and TILED HOUSE, containing several good and spacious rooms, sta- ble, cow- house, barn, yard, Kitchen Garden fully crop- ed, and Eight Acres of rich Meadow Land, in a high state of manurage, lying immediately adjoining the yard, in two beautiful inclosures. The above being Copyhold, have, a right of commo- nage. Apply to Mr. Raine, Land Surveyor, Charlotte- street, Bloomsbury. LANDS, at HOLLOWAY. To be LET, by Mr. RAINE, With Possession at Michaelmas next, THREE INCLOSURES OF VALUABLE MEaDOW LAND with a large boarded and tiled BARN thereon, lying on the East side of the TURN- PIKE ROAD at HOLLOWAY, and neatly opposite the Half Moon called and KNOWN by the name of GENTS fiELdS, and contain upwards of Twenty- One Acres. Apply to Mr. Raine, Land- Surveyor, Charlotte- street, BloOmsbury. . CAPITAL PRIZES ~ Soli, shared, and registered, by HORNSBY and Co. . Stock- Brokers, at their old established State Lottery Office, Licensed pursuant to act of Parliament), No. Cornhill, op- posite the Royal Exchange, London. - SEPTEMBER 21ST 1790; THE following Gentlemen having estab- lished an ETONIAN MEETING at EPPING PLACE, on the Monday on or before the full Moon, in the month of September, agree To meet annuallY on that day, and to forfeit Ten Shillings and Sixpence for non- attendance ( except in case of illness of being, abroad) and shall be happy in the honour of the com-, pany of any gentleman educated at Eton, that will send his name to Richard Stokes, at Epping Place,- on or be- fore the 14th of September. Rev. RiCHARD BUDSWORTH, . President. Rev. THOMAS HAMBLY, Vice President. Jeremiah Milles, Esq. Thom. Milles, Esq. Edward Topham, Esq. F. Eldridge, Esq. Walter Calvert, Esq. James Trower, Esq. Dr. Summer Rev. Wm. Browne Rev. Wm. Boldero Marquis Lothian Rev. Thom. Abdy Abdy John Bullock, esq, Wm. Heath, Esq. James Parsons, Esq. James Bearblock, Esq. Rich. Barnard Wyatt, Esq John Henniker, Esq. James Wm. Burford Rob. Raynsford, Esq. The Meeting this Year will be or. Monday, September 16th, 1793. N. B. Dinner on table at half past Three o'Clock. THE GOVERNORS of CHRISTS HOS- PITAL, London, give notice, that a Committee will sit in the coUnting house of the said Hospital, on WEDNESDAY the 11th September, 1793, at Ele- ven o Clock in the forenoon precisely, to receive PRO- POSALS, to take 0n lease for ai years from Lady day 1794, about 14 acres, 3 rods, 26 poles of land, in four parcels, in the parish of St. Nicholas, near the borough of Warwick, occupied by Mr. John Cattell. For further particulars, please to enquire at the Count- ing- house aforesaid, where all persons treating must at- tend at the Meeting of the Committee to answer to their proposals. RICHARD CORP, Clerk. Christs's Hospital, 22d August 1793. ESSEX. TO be SOLD, a very compact and im- proveable ESTATE, situated very conveniently The above residence is situated at Storrington, at particularly eligible for a Clergyman, who may be ac- commodated vvith a valuable curacy; it may also suit a Sporting Gentleman.— The situation is truly healthy, being on a very dry soil, and near the South Downs; it is about eight miles from the sea. Storrington is sixteen miles from Brighton, nine miles from Worthing, and fifty miles from London Further particulars may be known, by Letters addres- sed, post paid, to William Jackson, Esq. Solicitor, Mark- lane, London ; or to Messrs. Weller, at their Upholstery aitl Cabinet Warehouse, Chichester. SUSSEX. TO be LET, and entered on at Michaelmas next, a NEAT COMPACT HOUSE, completely furnished, fit for the residence of a genteel family, with an excellent garden and pleasure grounds together with ten acres of pasture land. These premises are pleasantly situated at Westergate, which command a view of the sea, well as picturesque scenes of a rich fertile country, beautifully adorned With woods. The situation for a sportsman Is almost unrivalled, being within two miles of one pack, and six in- les of another capital pack of fox hounds, > ul about one mile from a pack of good harriers. Westergate is five miles from Chichester, the same distance from Arundel, four from Bognor, and sixty from London. Further particulars may be known, and the premises viewed, by applying to Messrs. Weller, at their Uphol- ery and Cabinet Warehouse, Chichester; a large good fish pond Enquire of Mr. Bury, No. Greville street Hol- born, london ; or at the Premises ; and of Mr. John Fuler, leatherhead FREEHOLD and COPYHOLD. To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, A FREEHOLD NEW BUILT BRICK HOUSE, fit for the residence of a small gen- teel family ; containing a kitchen, parlour, wash- house and two cellars with closets and pantiles, and five bed- chambers, with eight closets and beausets ; a very good kitchen garden, full of fruit trees, an apple orchard, and a plot of ground, containing one acre, ( more or less) tythe free. The premises are presently situated in the parish of Horsell, and tithing of Knap Hill, in the county of Surrey, in fine open country for hunting, shooting, and fishing ) within half a mile of the Ba- singstoke canal, six miles from Guildford, six from Chertey, four from Bagshot, and twenty six from Lon- don. Likewise, a COPYHOLD COTTAGE and GAR- DEN, contiguous to the above, with a stable for four horses, fuel- house, and other good conveniencies. Immediate possession may be had, and the whole will be sold either together or separate. For particulars, and to treat for the purchase apply to Mr. William Woods Knap hill ; Mr Richard Honer, Horsell; Mr. William Howard, Purbright Sur- rey; or Mr. John Woods, Arborfield, Berks, whO are authorized to sell the same. for the Chelmsford and Maldon markets, and within three miles of water carriage in tbe parishes of Stow Norton, and Purleigh, consisting of the Farms called FLAMBERDs, and OLD and NEW WHITNAMS, with excellent Farm Houses and out- buildings, and con- taining upwards of 620 acres of land, which may easily be divided into two or three lots. For particalars, apply to H. Wall, Esq. Paper- build- ings, in the Temple. N. B. Upwards of jr acres of the land may be en- tered upon at Michaelmas 1794. be SOLD, and entered upon at Mi- chaelmas next, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, con- sisting of that Well- known Public house, called The BLACK SPREAD EAGLE, in the parish of South Weald, in the County of Essex, with a commodious brewing office and cellars, good stables a large yard, and other convenient out houses adjoining, all in Complete repair. Also, Two Small Tenements contiguous thereto. The above premises are situate near the church at South Weald, on a delightful and healthy eminence, commanding an extensive prospect For further particular, enquire of Mr. Tindal, at- torney at law, Chelmsford. To be LEt, and entered upon immediately, that well- known Inn, called the SARACEN'S HEAD, situate in GREAT DUNMOW, in the county of essex, now in FULL TRADE, and lately fitted up in the neatest manner, and with every necessary convenience, at a very considerable expence. The STOCK in TRADE and FURNITURE of the present Holder, who is Quitting the Public business, to be taken by the incoming tenant. For particulars, apply on the premises. The situation is well worth the attention of any per- son desirous of engaging in such a line of business, and . who can command a capital of about 7 o; Sool, IRISH STATE LOTTERY, 1793, Begins drawing November 12. The Tickets are sold at the above Office, and divided into Halves, Quarters, Eighths and Sixteenths. Correct numerical and Register Books are kept, and Tickets and Shares registered at sixpence per number. All Shares fold at this Office will be stamped, agreea- ble to act of Parliament, with the words " State Lot- tery Stamp Office." Letters ( post paid) duly answered, and scheme. gratis. N. B. Agreeable to all of Parliament no business in the Lottery transacted before eight o'clock in the morning, nor after eight o'clock in the evening. 0rders accompanied with good bills payable at sight, or of a short date, will be punctually attended to As a fixed number of Subscribers cannot be exceeded, such Noblemen and Gentlemen as wish to be included, are respectfully requested to transmit their names to the Proprietor, 01 his agents, Peak and Harvey, No 27, Hay- market, and Kearsley's, No. 46, Fleet- street, London; at either of which, Subscriptions are receivcd, and Tick- ets delivered. For Sale on the day of opening, a pair of beauti. ful bay nag- tailed Carriage Geldings, sound and seasoned, six and seven years old, the property of a Nobleman also, two complete Hunters, rising six, perfectly sound, of fine figure and fashion ; have been in rich pasture for twelve weeks past, are now in their physic, and will be then ready to take the field with the first hounds in the kingdom. For SPRAINS, RHEUMATISMS, Sc7. Dr. STEERS's OPODELDOC. To Mr. Steers, No. 1o, 0ld- bond street. HAVING in the late Expedition to the Island of Bulam, ( on board the Calypso), expe- rienced the great virtues of your OPODELDOC, I think it right to inform you, that I found it particularly serviceable in the Bite of Musquitors, and other insects, as it directly allays the itching, and prevents inflammation and swelling. It also proved an immediate remedy for fresh cuts and wounds ; and in a violent scald on MY leg the Opodel- doc being only once applied on linen over the blistered part, perfectly healed it Many other persons also expe- rienced its superior efficacy in that hot climate, in simi- lar complaints. i am, ic. R. C. NEILD, IgthN'ov. 1792. - St, Paul's Coffee house, or Swillington Bridge, Yorkshire For WEAK and RELAXED HABITS, HYSTERI- CAL COMPLAINTS, & c. CHALYBEATE PILLS, prescribed by the late Dr. AUSTIN. Steel, as a Strengthener and Deobstruent, has been long acknowledged to excel all other articles of the Materia Medica ; and of the preparations of this Mi- neral, that which was introduced by the late Dr. Moses Griffiths has been the most successful; yet, as it is exceedingl nauseous, patients become often so disgusted as nor to be able to persevere in. In use. A circumstance of this kind gave rise to the Chal beate Pills, which are so contrived, as to be equal in efFect to Di Griffiths's Medi- cine, with these advantages; that they are more agreeable to the palate, that they will sit easier upon the stomach, that they are more portable and convenient, and that they are not above a tenth part of the expence. At that period of the Life of Females when maturity should arrive, but the Constitution is defective, either from habits too sedentary, or from want of tone in the system inducing paleness of the lips, shallowness of the countenance, palitations of the heart, shortness of breath- ing, trembling of the knees, hysterical affections, ner- vous head- achs, & c. they may be had recourse to with the utmost certainty of advantage. They are likewise the very best strengtheners after bad lyings in, or for debility from too long suckling, or fre- quent miscarriages ; and they are particularly servicable to those persons whose constitutions are relaxed and bro- ken, by Living in hot climates or by other causes. They are sold only by Francis Newbery, at the Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No 45 in St. Paul's Church yard, London, a few doors from the corner of cheapside. and by J. Griffiths, at the Mineral Water warehouse, St. Albans street, in boxes, price 3s. fid. each, and 6d. duty, sr six boxes far a Guinea, EaCh box contains six dozen CAUTION. The efficacy of this medicine in Rheumatisms, Bruises, Sprains, and other external Complaints, is so universally acknowledged, that it has occasioned innume. rable counterfeits and imitations by druggists, and other designing persons; some taking the advantage of being of the name of Steers, and others venturing to use both Mr. Newbery's and Mr. Steers's names to their bill's : all purchasers, therefore, who would wish to avail themselves of the virtues of Dr. Steers's genuine Opodeldoc, will take care to observe ( as the certain and only method to prevent them from being imposed on by spurious and far inferior preparations'), that the name of F. Newbery is engraved on all the Stamps, without which none can pos- sibly be genuine. Sold in London onlv at Mr. NEWBERY's ( the only Warehouse for Dr. JAMES'S POWDER), NO. IF, ; N St. Paul's Church- Yard, a few doors from the corne rof Cheapside ; and at Mr. STEERS's Medicinal Ware- house, No. 10, Old Bond- street, on the left hand from Piccadilly, three doors beyond Stafford street, in bottles. Price 2s. each, duty included ; 01- fix for 10s. 6rf FOR DISORDERS OF THE BoWeLs DALBY's CARM1NATIVE. A CAUTION. WHEREAS many counterfeited sorts of this Medicine are offered to sale by sundry Druggists and others, under specious pretences; and whereas repeated complaints have been made to the Proprietors of the bad effects of these compositions all purchsiers are required to be particularly careful in observing, that the name of F. NEWBERY is en- graved in the stamp, by authority of his Majasty's Commissioners of the Stamp- Office ; and that in thr Bill of Directions, ' in which each bottle is wrapped, is the following EXTRACT from the WILL of the late Mr. DALBY r " And whereas I did many years since instruct my Daughter Frances, now the wife of Anthony Gell, of North- street, Westminster, Gentleman, in the art and method of preparing, compounding, and making up a certain Medicine, of which I am the sole inventor, cal- led and universally known by the name of DALBY'S. CARMINATIVE i 1 have again instructed, and Com- municated to my said daughter, Frances Cell, the se- cret of preparing or making up the said Medicine ; ar. 4 I do hereby conStitute and appoint, my said daughter, the sole preparer of this useful medicine.— 1 likewise give to my said daughter, Frances Gell, the sole property of the said Carminative, and all profit, arising from the sale thereof, to her and her heirs for ever.' i^\ ,' i .1'" This excellent Medicine is a most safe, effectual, in genera! an immeaiate remedy for the wind, cholic convulsions, fluxes, and other disorders in the bowels of infants j and is equally serviceable to pi ages. ' « ' it is sold only at Mr. Newbery's ( the house for Dr. James's Powder), No. 45 Church- yard, on the coach- way, a few doors corner of Cheapside, London, in bottles each, and 3d. duty.— Also retail, by his at Messrs. Smith's Perfumers, No. 110 street; Mr. Steers's, No. 10, Old Bond- street ' Bailey's, Cockspur- street; Mr. Burchell's Long- Acre Mrs. Randall's, Royal- Exchange and Mr Clarks „ No. 269 Borough; High street WEST ESSEX ASSOCIATION, Ftr PRESERVATION ef the- CAME. WHEREAS divers unquailified persons have made a practice of coming upon the Manors and into the parishes of Harlow Navestock Epping Epping Presbyter Campion Copthall Thoydon Mont Latton Mark Hall Ongar Park Hail Forest Hall Loughton Stapleford Tawney Stapleford Abbott Thoydon Garnon Bury and Thoydon Bois Garnish Hall Lambourne Hemnall- Southweald Costed Calcoll Calcott Dagnum Park Abbotts Roothing Gains Park Hall Albyns Bellhouse, other- wise Stanford- Hall Roydon Hall Roydon Temple Great Parndon Little Parndon Fyfield Hatfield Broadoak Crepping Hall Dews Hall Mascalls Bury Duddinghurst Waltham- Holy- Cross Chigwell Purgo Park, and Nazeing In the county of Essex, and killing the Game there; and have also in these Manors and PariShes- fished the Wa- ters and Rivers belonging thereto, being private property, Without leave y ' b S, NOTICE therefore is HEREBY GIVEN, That if any unqualified person shall hereafter use any guns, greyhounds, setting dogs, snares, or engines, to kill or destroy the Game, in any of those Manors or parishes or fish in the waters belonging thereto, without leave from the respective Lords of the said Manors, they will be prosecuted with the utmost severity of the law ; and a reward of TWO GUINEAS is hereby of- fered ( over and above what is given by of Parliament) to any person who shall give information of any offen- der; which teward wilt be paid on conviction of such offender, by applying ta Mr. John Jessopp, at Waltham Abbey, Essex, Clerk to the said Association. NAMES of the SUBSCRIBERS. London Gazette TUesDAY, AUG. 27. Whitehall, Aug. 27. ThE dispatches, of which thc following is an extract, Was this morning received at the office of the right Hon. Henry Dundas his Majesty's Principa1 Secretary of State for the Home Department. Camp, near Dunkirk, 24, 1793. " Sir, " 1 hAve the honour to inform you, that his Royal Highness marched from Furnes upon the evening of the 22d, with the besieging army, 1.1 order to attack the camp of Gaivelde, and approach the town of Dunkirk. He ad- vanced in three columns, the cavalry along the Strand, a column of infantry upon the road which leads by the canal directly upon Ghivelde, and : third to the left. The advanced posts of the enemy were driven hack, with the loss of two or three men wounded ; and night coming on the enemy halted within a short distance of the village ot Ghivelde. The enemy abandoned their camp in the night: they afterwards quitted a redoubt in which they left four iron guns, and the army took up its ground within a league of the town. There was a great deal of firing in the evening at the advanced posts in the gardens and enclosures, which are in front of the camp and upon the Dunes, in which the regiment ot Starray and O'Donnel ( Austrain) have had up wards ot 50 men killed and wounded ; the ene- my were driven back, and this morning every thing is quiet. The army will this day ap- proach nearer to the town, and take up the ground which it is to occupy during the siege. " The enemy have made an opening in the dyke of the Canul between Dunkirk and Ber- gues, by which means they can inundate a great part of the country from the sea. The inunda- tions made considerable progress yesterday, but it made little in the night. " I am happy to inform you that Field- Marshal Freytag has taken two of the enemy's posts, with four pieces of cannon, and 6s pri- soners, with very little loss. " It is not in my power to give a more detailed account ol the successes of this army. The Field Marshal will transmit an account ot his operations as soon as his other important occupations will permit. it is said that the enemy are sending consider- abie reinforcements from Lisle to the Camp at Caslel. I have the honour to be, & c. J A. MURRAY' Right Hon. Henry Dundas, & c. , War Office, Aug. 27. 3d. regiment of Dragoons, Lieutenant Charles Forth Wintour, the Hon. Saville Henry Lumley, and Sir Ed- ward Smith, bart. to be Captains of Troops. Cornets Randal Gossip, John C. G. Sawrey, Philip Ditchar, and William Howard, to be Lieutenants.— John Whit- aker, gent, to be a Cornet. 4th re- umeut of Dragoons, Lieutenant Bohun Shore, and William Gooch to be Captains of Troops.— Cor- nets William Hooper, Richard John Thompson, Charles Philip Ainslie, Thomas Stepney Chudleigh, and Patrick Maxwell, to be Lieutenants. fc. li Regiment of Dragoons, Cornet Harry Croft to be Lieutenant, without purchase. nth P. giment of Light Dragoons, Hospital Mate John Hunter, to be Surgeon, vice Mallett, appointed surgeon to the forces on the continent. > 7:'. rcgiment of Light Dragoons, Cornet Edward Dawes Payne, to be Lieutenant, 16th regiment of Light dragoons, Cornet Thomas Birch to be Lieutenant. 14th regiment ol Foot, Lieutenant Thomas Coch- rane to be Captain of a Company. 42d regiment of Foot, Captain Robert Bissett, from the 14th foot, to be Captain of a Company. 54th regiment of Foot, Hospital Mate William Perry, t0 the Surgeon, vice Maxwell, who retires. 60th reginent of Foot, Captain- Lieutenant John Randall Forster, to be Captain of a Company, without purchase. 781b regiment of Foot, Major Alexander Mackenzie, to be Liiutenant Colonel Captain George Earl of Errol from the 58th Foot. to be Major, vice Macken- zie-. Captain Alexander Mackenzie, from the 42d foot, to be Major. ditto, Lieutenant Duncan Munro to be Captain- Lieutenant; and several Promotions of Subal- terns in the Numbered Regiments, and Independent Companies, both on the english and Irish establishments. Major William Congreve, ot the Royal regiment of Artillery, to be Lieutenant- Colonel in the army, ty brevet. Captain Frederick Maitland, of the 60th Foot, to be Major in the army by brevet. Lieutenant's John Bower, Thomas James Smith, and John bainbridge, to be Captains of independent Com- panies of Foot. STAFF. Surgeon John Mallett, from the 11th Dragoons, to be Surgeon to the forces on the continent, under the com- mand of his Royal Highness the Duke of York. SOUTHAMPTONSHIRE MILITIA. South Regiment. Arthur Newman Compton, Esq. and John Massey Macdonald, esq;. to be ensigns. Thomas Fisher, esq. to be Lieutenant. North Regiment Henry Harvey, Esq. to be Ensign. War- Office, Dublin Castle, Aug, 21, 1793. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Peter Daly, Esq. Governor of Galway, in the r00m of Major Gene- ral Sandford, deceased. BANKRUPTS. George Greves, of Vine street, St. James, Middlesex, taylor Edward Parker, late of Stevenage Herts, dealer. Mathew Danson, of Grave- send, in Kent taylor. Henry Allum, of Cadman's Gardens, St. George in the East, victualler. Thomas Mather, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, grocer. John Mathews, of Liverpool, merchant. William Lovell, of Battersea, Surrey, brickmaker. Christopher Hill, of Shrewsbury, vintner. london Gazette extraordinary, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST Z8. Whitehall, August 28. The following dispatch was this morning re- ceived from Colonel Sir James Murray, Adjutant- General to the forces under the command of his Royal Highness the Duke of York, at the office of the Right Honoura- ble Henry Dundas, His Majesty's principal Secretary of State for the Home department. Lofferinck's Hocke, August 26, 1793. SIR, IHave the honour to inform you, that his Royal Highness intended upon the 24th to attack the enemy, who were still posted at some distance from Dunkirk, in order to get possession of the ground which it was necessary to occupy previous to the siege. They hastened the ex- ecution of his design by attacking the out- posts between the cartal of Furnes and the sea. Lieutenant- General Dalton advanced with the reserve, which was encamped upon that side, to their support. The enemy were repulsed, and driven, with loss, into the town One piece of cannon and a few prisoners were taken. The ardour of the troops carried them further in the pursuit than was intended, so that they came under the cannon of the place, by which means a considerable loss has been sustained. This was Letters from India say, that since the peace with Tippoo every thing has been quiet in the Carnatic. Lieutenant Colonel Maxwell, how- ever, and the 74th regiment, still keep the field. They have been under canvass for above three years. 1. Army of the North 2. Ardennes 3 Moselle - • ^ . Rhine - 5 Alps - 6. Italy 7. Eastern Pyrenees S. Western ditto 9. Coast of Rochelle 10 Coast of Brest II. Coast of Cherbourg - 12. Patriotic Army before Lyons 1 j. Ditto on the banks of the Durance Total Which adding forces ordered out By letters from Lord Hood's fleet, dated off Toulon 0n the 2d instant, there is advice, that on the preceding day a flag of truce had been sent in by his Lordship, proposing an exchange of prisoners. the Officer who went in with the flag reported, that at Toulon all were in likelier to happen, and more difficult to be pre- vented from the nature of the country, which is ' covered with trees and strong enclosures. Lieutenant General Dalton was killed with 1 cannon shot towards the conclusion of the at- tack. The loss of this excellent officer must be severely felt. The courage and ability, which he has displaycd in the course of many Cam- paigns, raised him to the highest rank of esti- mation in the army in which he served. His Royal Highness has likewise to lament that of Colonel Eld, of the Coldstream regiment, and of other valuable men. The troops behaved with their usual courage. The two British battalions which were engaged were command- ed by Col. Leigh and Major Mathews, and the grenadier battalion of the Hessians by Lieute- nant Wurmb. Hii Royal Highness is particu- larly sensible of the exertions of Major- Gene- ral Abercromby and Major General Verneck, who were with the advanced guard, as likewise of those of Lieutenant- General Wurmb. The army have taken up the ground which his Royal Highnefs intended they should occu- py : the advanced posts within a short distance of the town. I have the honour to be, Sec. JA . murray. P. S. In the hurry of making up the last dis patch, the names of the two posts taken by Field Marshall Freytag, and of the bridge, could not be inserted Those of the former are Warmarthe and Eckelsbech, and the latter Leffernick's Hocke. The return of the Austrian killed and woun ded has not yet been received-,- but is supposed to be about 170 men. Right Hen. Henry Dundas, c. c. c. Return cf the killed, wounded, and missing, of the British and Hessian troops, in the action of the 24th of August, 1793. BRITISH. Flank Battalion Foot Guards 1 captain, 1 serjeant, S rank and file, killed , 1 lieutenant, 25 rank and file, w ounded. Flank Battalion Infantry 5 rank and file, killed; 25. d'tto wounded, J- ditto m'iiing. Royal Artillery. J rank and file killed ; 1 lieutenant, 7 rank and file, wounded. Total. 1 captain 1 serjeant, 16 rank and file, killed ; 2 lieutenants, 57 lank and file, wounded ; i ditto missing. HESSIANS. 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, ij rank and file, killed; 1 lieutenant- colonel 2 lieutenats, 36 rank an I file, wounded. # consternation and confusion Sixteen sail of the line were lying in the harbour, and four or five more fitting out. An exchange of prisoners is however to take place. The embarkation of troops for the West- Indies, under the command of Sir Charles Grey, K. B. will very soon take place; their particular destination is not yet known. Colo- nel Dundas, nephew to the Secretary of State, goes as Adjutant- General, and Col. Symes of the 53d, as Quarter- Master General. ' 1 he 78th, or Seaforth's new- raised regiment, has been ordered to relieve the 54th regiment at Guernsey ; the 54th is to be quartered at Portsmouth, and will be ordered, as is expected, on foreign service. The 64th and 70th regiments have received orders to hold themselves in readiness for fo- reign service. The 5th and 6th regiments of Dragoon Guards, the 12th Light Dragoons, and 4th Dragoon Guards, are under orders to leave Ire- land ; the three former are destined for foreign service, and the latter go to Scotland. The three regiments of Dragoon Guards have not for many years been out of Ireland; they are remarkably fine corps. Orders have been sent to Woolwich, that the Minotaur man of war should be launched im- mediately. She carries 74 guns, aad has been seven years ia building. Friday a Board was held at the Admiralty, t when two frigates and a gun boat were ordered to be put in Commission. The Lords of the Admiralty have lately con- tracted with the private ship- builders for build- ing 12 new sloops of war to mount 16 guns each. The French in this, as in their former wars, fire low ; and it is therefore, that the wounded, in all encounters with them, so far outnumber the dead. Their doctrine, that a wounded enemy is as little to as a dead one, has been too well exemplified of late ; for great numbers of our men have been shot in the legs, so as to render amputation immediately neces- Monday morning at nine o'clock, part cf the 2d regiment of Foot Guards marched into the Tower, to relieve the battalion of Old Buffs, who are gone to Windsor to join their regi- ment, in order to embark for foreign service. By letters from Mr. Dale, third mate of the Winterton East- Indiaman, lost off the coast of Madagascar, there is intelligence that he had taken up a Spanish ship at the isle of France, on board of which he had shipped the passen- gers, crew, and soldiery, who were saved, and had sailed for the East- Indies„ Sixty seven Thousand Pounds Sterling, in dollars, were lost 011 board the above East indiaman. General Clarke has sent home in chains from Quebec two of the soldiers in the 7th regiment who were concerned in the conspiracy against Prince Edward. The General writes, that he had pardoned one at the intercession of the Prince; but these two he sent home to await the pleasure of the King respecting them. Names of officers killed and wounded. First Regiment Foot Guards. Captain Williams woun- ded. Coldstream. Lieutenant- Colonel Eld, killed. ROya1 Artillery. Lieutenant Wilson, wounded. J. S. LEGER, Dep. Adj. Gen. London. The presentations to the King at the Levee on Wednesday were, Gressier Fagell, by the Dutch Ambassador; two German Officers by the Im- perial Envoy ; and a few Officers on Promotion, by Lord Amherst Lieut. Col. Symes of the 53d Regiment of Foot was introduced to his Majesty on his arrival from the British Camp on the continent, when he laid several papers before the King from his Royal Highness the Duke of York, & c. The account of the particulars of the re- moval of the Queen of France from the Temple to the Conciergerie, given in the Daily Papers Of the present week, is utterly void of truth. Intelligence is said to have arrived, that the Act of Cession of the Polish Provinces to Prussia was signed on the 9th ult. On this occasion, it seems, one of the Members of the Diet had made use of very violent language against the King of Poland. Singular Robbery.— A few weeks ago, a most beautiful silver box, containing the Freedom of the town of Dumfries to the Secretary Dundas, was stolen out of the Mail Coach between Dumfries aad London, and has not since been heard of. Cassel, where the French, according to Sir James Murray's information, are collecting an army, and forming a Camp, is 15 miles from Dunkirk Its situation is so much above the level ol the surrounding country, that 32 towns are visible from it. A detachment of the Royal artillery, com- manand by Major Huddleston, consisting of two Captains, eight Subalterns, and 250 men, cm- barbed on Monday at Woolwich for the siege of Dunkirk. They carry with them a great train of battering artillery consisting of poun- ders, and large iron mortars on iron carri- ages. On Monday morning all the recruits in the upper barracks at Chatham marched in order to join the army of the Duke of York. These were preceded on Saturday morning by a draft of the Royal Artificers from those barracks for the same purpose. Colonel Eld, who fell before Dunkirk, was one of those Officers who, in America, were obliged to throw the dice for their lives. Captain Archer of the 1st regiment of Guards who was so dangerously wounded in the action of the li, is the eldest son of Colo- nel Archer of the engineers. Captain Williams, who was wounded in the affair of the 24th, is the son of Sir Hugh Wil- liams, and the brother- in law of Lord Bulkeley. All the Officers who were wounded on the 18th inst. at Lincelles are in a fair way of speedy recovery. All the colours taken at Valenciennes have been brought to Ostend by an escort of English dragoons, to be conveyed from thence to London. Monday letters were received at rhe Admi- ralty Office, Charing- Cross, from C * ain Robinson, which mention, that on Friday last the Brilliant, of 74 guns, was in great distress in a strong gale of wind off Dunkirk ; and was obliged to make for Portsmouth to be refitted. Information is said to have been received at Amsterdam on the 19th, that the English squa- dron that had entered the port of Genoa, had made a proposal to M. Revel to take him 011 board for the purpose of assisting in forming a plan for the siege of Nice Sir James Sanderson has been appointed Receiver of tl. e Land- Tax for the city of Lon- don and county of Middlesex. The Board of Agriculture are already sending out Gentlemen of knowledge and experience in Agricultural affairs, to make surveys in dif- ferent counties in England. The annual prize given by his Royal High- ness the Prince of Wales to the Society of Royal Kentish Bow men, was shot for on Mon day last, at their lodge on Dartford Heath, when, after a contest of four hours, it was won by the Rev. Robert Wright. The Dutchess of Cumberland, the lovely Dutchess of Rutland, Sec. k:. partook cf the sports of the pig hunt and donkey- race, on the sands at Margate, on Thursday last. There was a foot race by females the prize, a che- mese — vulgarly called a f k. Colonel Thornton has betted largely upon two battles to be fought next year at Preston Races, and at Knutsford, between a hawk and a game cock armed in the usual way. Each match is for a thousand guineas The Colonel has been making great pre- parations in the North for the approaching campaign in the partridge way:— his suite and dogs, for this diversion alone, are twenty brace of setters and 35 pointers ! There is a greater abundance of partridges in all the sporting counties, this season, than has been remembered the last fifty years. A fellow driving a calf through Whitecha pel placed a cockade on its head.— Curiosity induced a person to ask the meaning of it : Why, you blockhead, said the driver, don't you see the poor animal is on his march for the slaughter- house. Lord Mazareene is one of the best players at fives in the quarter to which he is now a visitant, viz. the Fleet! Lord William Murray remains on the felons side of Newgate his amiable lady, with a con- jugal tenderness, that does her the highest hon- our, has in a manner become a voluntary pri- soner. STOCKBROKER DETECTED. Mrs. Elizabeth. IIirrifon, of Petwortb, in Suftex, employed M'rv Stephen Child, a Stock- broker, to buy for her 600I. Stock in the Five per Cents, for which Ihe in May laft, when in London, paid to him 641I. 101. Child, the next day, bought 430!. Stock only, in Mrs. Harrifon's name, bin contrived to fend her a receipt for 600I. Stock. On Mrs, Harrifou's coming to town, and prefenting this receipt at the Bank on Tuefdsy, in order to receive the dividend, fhe was tolj i; was a forgery. Mrs. Hirrifin immediately went in fearc. i of Cnild, and found him in die Bank doing bufinefs among the Stockbrokers ; when an Officer, by order of the Directors, took him i. ito cullody. He was fiift carried before she Direftors of the Bank, and whilft there, h- e grew rather infolent, faying, the Directors had nothing to do in the affoir: it was a matter entirely between him- felf' and Mrs. Harrifon : he.' ides he was a Bear Scrip, and wanted to be gene. The Directors, hoivev r, entertained a different opinion, and ordered him to be taken to Bow- ltrcet, where, after a hearing before Mr. Bond, he was com- mitted for further examination: Mrs. Harrifon attending as Profecuirix. A Bear Scrip Is a Change- alley phrafe, for one that has Scrip to fell. CRICKET.— The match played in Lords Ground on Wednefday between the eleven and the twenty- two, was decided in favour of the latter party ; the firft time, fince fuch matches have been introduced, that the greater number has won. Clerical Bene- jolence.—\ few months fince, the Rev. Mr. L— y, of Livermore, in Suffolk, received a vifit from a farmer, who came to pay lome arrears for tithes, and of whom he enquired concerning his family. The fanner's wife had juft been delivered of her tenth child, and it ftruck him, that this was a favourable opportunity for a jell, at leaft, with his Rec- tor. " As you have a tenth part of my other produce, Sir," faid he, " 1 fuppofc I muft bring you my tenth child." Mr. L. a batche- lor, could not undertake the care of the in- fant; but he generoufly returned the farmer his tithes, amounting to nearly iooi. towards its fupport, and thus added a good joke to the many bleffings, which his parifllioners are con- tinually deriving from his kindnefe. IriJh Feftivity.— At the late dinner given in Dublin, to Earl Moira, by the Roman Catho- lics, the number of bumpers drank 10 patriotic toads, were juft one hundred and thirty- eight, which, according to the number of Gentlemen prefent, ar. d allowing fixteen gisffes to each bottle, amounted to above eight bottles a man! Saturday morning lalt a duel was fought be- tween Captain Wat Ion and John Herbert, Efq. near Cobham. Neither of them were hurt. Wi. at they fought about we know not; perhaps for the purpofe of appearing with feme eclat in the Neivfpapers. The feconds were Captain Tumour and Mr. Molloy, whofe manly and judicious conduit, prevented the parties from proceeding further in this difagreeable bufinefs. In modern duels, it is always proper to have manly and judicious fecords, or bottle- holders, to take care that the combatants do each other no harm! Thurfday morning, in confequenee of a war- rant being granted by Mr. Juftice Bond, Ed- ward Higgs, one of his Majefty's footmen, was apprehended at his houfe in Lambeth, on fufpi- cion of having broke open the wardrobe at the Qtteefi'sHoule, in which the liveries of his Ma- jefty's footmen are kept, and flrippir. g the lace from three fuitsof the State li veries. The prifoner did not attempt to deny the charge exhibited againft him, and was com- mitted to Tothill Fields Bridewell. This man lias a wife and four children.— Gaming, that fource of fo many evils, it appears, has been the primary caufe of his committing this aft. It feems that all the footmen have free egrefs into the room in which their liveries are kept, in feparate prefll'S, under locks, and each has a key; three of thefe locks the prifoner picked ; and compleatly ftripped the ftate liveries of their lace. Attwejl, a Sheriff's officer, having ia his cuftoelv, at his houfe in Coppice Ro. v, Clerk- enwell, one Robeit Stedmnn, for a debt of 40I. he thewed him fome aniclcs of jewellery, which he ( Attwell) held as fecurity for a debt of 150I. Stedman being the only prifoner in the houfe, and the filter tags to the doors f. ich a? are to a private, and not a lock- up houfe, he allilled two fellows in getting into the luufe at night, who broke open a Secretary, in which the jewels were depofited, and took away two- diamond pins, valued at 200I.— 1 10!. Bank note— upwards of 90I. in calh— filver plate 10 the value of iol. and a filver ftaff- Stedman is committed for trial. The following melancholy accident happened near Cobham, on Saturday laft: fome folJiers having been with a deferter, on their return, after delivering up their charge, they agreed to difcharge tn- eir pieces at a mark, which t'iey affixed at the Park paling of Painflii!! grounds. Not taking the precaution of looking bel- ind the pales before they fired, oneot tiie balls, after going through the paling, penetrated the tem- ple of a child of three years and a half old, that was afleep e> n the otner fiJc, and killed it on the fpot, while its parents were gleaning in the Park at no great diltance from it. A ' eT. ile, in the drefsofa French midpipman, was, lalt week, brought to bei of a fine boy in the Mill- prifon, at Plymouth. Tf. e fas lor And her infant are well taken care of In a fea- port town cf England, where fome folJicrs were quartered, one of tiiern was fen- lenc d for fome offence to receive 700 lafliej. The furgeon who pr,- fidedat the execution, in- filled that he was able t-. i bear the whole pu. r la- ment, thouoh he fainted fevcral times. Next day, tlie foldier di d, and on tiie following, the Surgeon was unnnimoufly eledted Prefideut ef a Hamate Society 1 A young man named Collins has been ap- prehended at Dublin, upon a charge of having committed a forgery, with intent to defraud the Hank of Ireland. It appeared upon examina- tion, that being in pcfleflion of a 5I. Bark note of Mefirs, Latouche, he had craft d the writing which Ipecilied - the fim, arid fu'uftituted 100'. inftead. He is committed to the Ne v Piifon for trial. This day is published, Price Two Shillings bound, NEW EDITION ( being the THIRTEENTH) of PhaDRi FABULaE; or, PHAEDRUS'S FABLES ; with the following Improvements, in a method entirely new, viz. The words of the Author are placed according to their Grammatical Construction, below every Fable ; also the Rhetorical Figures as they occur : and to make the Pronunciation easy, all the words of above two syllables are marked with proper accents. Also a collection of Idioms and phrases in Phaedrus, and all the Proverbial Mottes to the Fables, with the English Phrases and Pro- verbs answerable set over against them. An Alphabe- tical Vocabulary of all the words in the Author, shew- ing their parts of speech and signification. To which are added, rhe Themes of the verbs, with their Govern- ment. For the use of Schools : By JOHN STIRLING, D. D. Printed for T. Longman, 15. Law, G. Robinson, f. and C. Rivington; C. D. Pigu'nit ; S. Hayes; Scatcherd and Whitaker; and R. baldwin. DAFFY's ELIXIR, prepared and sold by H. STEERS, at his Warehouse for Dr. STeERs's OPoDelDOC and other Medicines, No. ro, Old bond- street, on the left hand from Picca- dilly, three doors beyond Stafford street, price one shilling and six- pence the bottle, duty included. This DAFFY'S ELIXIR is of peculiar fine flavour and qua1ity composed of the very best ingredients, and possessing all the virtues for which that admirable Coidial has been so long and so justly celebrated. Also, prepared by Mr. STEERS ; d. Dr. Steers's Opodeldoc Nitre Drops Oil for Convulsions Solution of Myrrh Huxham's TinCture of Bark, 8. and Camomile drops Paregoric Lozenges - And other genuine Medicines. N. B. On taking six, the stamp will be allowed. Sold also wholesale and retail, at Mr. F. Newberry- r No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard. TO THE PUBLIC. Redness in the Face radically cured bv LA BLACHE's MILITARY DROPS Letter from Mr. NEWMAN, of Ormond- place, to Doctor LA BLACHE. Sir. FOUR years since I was suddenly taken ill of a violent fever, and exquisite pains in my limbs which continued some days, when large eruptions appear- ed all over me, particularly in my face, which was shock- ing to behold, my eyes were much inflamed, and the blotches in my face discharged a filthy yellow matter, which rendered me quite wretched, t tried various medical advice without any benefit, indeed I despared of ever finding relief, until I read or a cure performed by your Drops. in a similar case on Captain Halls, which gave me some hopes.. I had nut taken two b itlrs " f the Medicine when 1 found myself much better, and by strict attention to the directions given in your excellent Treatise, a few bottles more perfected a cure; it is now three months since I declined taking the Medicine, and am, at this period as well as ever I was in my life. I am Sir, Your grateful humble Servant, W. NEWMAN. Nj. I, Ormond- place, Great Ormond street, June 2, 1793 Sold, by appointment, at Mr. Golding's, Perfumer to her Majesty, No. 41, Cornhill, and by every respectable country vender in the kingdom, in bottles of 4s. each, or in packets of seven bottles, for 11. 7s duty in- cluded ; where all letters post- paid, describingthe diseases under which patients are lingering, will be attended to without a fee. Where also may be had, a treatise on the Scurvy gratis, to which is annexed several remarkable cures performed by this Medicine. It may not be unnecessary to mention, that the reputa tion of the under mentioned Medicine, for safety \ j . d dispatch has induced many ot the faculty to adopt it in their private practice. By his MAJESTY'S LETTERS PATENT, IS rECOmmended JACKSON's INFALLIBLE OINTMENT for the ITCH, as being the most effectual remedy for that dreadful distemper ever found out, and never fails to cure the most desperate case in thirty six hours, by only twice using. It does not contain the least particle of Mercury, or any other pernicious ingredient, and may be used with safety by women with children and infants newly born, and it is not disagreeable in its flavour.— Its utility must be very great in every family, but above all in school in which the most ruinous consequences have been felt by suffering the itch to attend its progress. Nothing perhaps will more strongly elucidate the su- perio efficacy of this ointment, than the frequent but unsuccessful attempts of envious ani unprincipled im- postors, to prejudice it in tiie public esteem, and 10 substitute, under various names and pretences, their own pernicious trash In its stead, and even have the audacity to publish under the name of a patent, which was never granted to any but Thomas Jackson, No. Fleet Market. The afflicted, therefore, for their health's sake, will observe that the name of Jackson and Co. is wrote on the stamp affixed to each box, ( price is. < « i ) without which none are genuine- Sold by the proprietors and inventors, Jackson and Co. No. 95, Fleet Market. London; and by their appointment by R. Stringer, No. 19, Strand. Hn c? y No. 73, Tooley street and one or more reputable keepers in most towns in the kingdom._ FXTRACT from the DONCASTER JOURNAL. To WILLIAM BRODUM, M. D. No. 9, Albion- street, near the Leverian Museum, Blackfriars- Bridge, London. To the PUBLIC. A Still greater Proof of the efficacy of Dr. BRODUM's BOTANICAL SYRUP, which is . recommended by the most eminent Physicians for all evils, scurvy, cancers, leprosy, scrophulous complaints, and debilitated constitutions, proceeding from the too frequent use of mercury, and where salivation has failed in the most desperate and dangerous venereal disorders, this invaluable medicine has had the desired effect. For the GOOD of the PUBLIC. A Gentleman of Hull, who wishes his fellow creatures well, has long laboured under that dreadful and destruc- tive complaint, the venereal disease, which, is the great and common destruction of many of the young men of this age; their constitutions are ruined before they are well arrived a- manhood. That they may partake of the same benefit 1 have so lately receiVed from Dr. Brodum's Botannical Syrup, is my motive for this de- claration. I was so afflicted for five years with the above dreadful disorder, that I could neither stand, sit, or lay I lost entirely the use of my limbs; my face was disfigured by the taking a great quantjty of mercury I was under salivation, but all to no purpose; I took a great deaL of the most famous public medicines but found not the least relief ( nay, I rather thought I worse), until, through the mercy of God, 1 chanced to try Dr. Brodum's Botiannical Soup, and by taking five bottles am perfectly recovered, and as well as if nothing ailed me, not the least symptoms of the disorder remain- C. S. Captain of a Merchantman. May 25, 1793. Thjs Medicine may be had at the doctor's house as above at Bacon's No. 150., Oxford- street ; and At ran- dall's, late Tutt's, Royal exchange j Mr. Williams, Perfumer to his Majesty, No. 41 Pall Mall; at Mr. Bourgeos's, perfumer to the Royal Family, No. 32., Haymarket and Mr. Fuller's near the Hummons., Covent Garden, with proper directions, in bottles, free 5s. 5< L JIS. 6d. ai d 22s. duty included j and in the Country, by the principal venders, in the three kingdoms. Likewise may be had, the Nervous Restorative Cordial, for Nervous and Consumptive, especially deafness, price as above. Advice as usual, Letters ( post paid) will be duly an- swered. Country CAMBRIDGE, AUGuST 30. FRIDAY last a number of persons, nearly 200, assembled in a riotous and tumultu- ous manner at Outwell, in the Isle of Ely, and carried away the produce of 14 acres of wheat then growing, after which they dispersed them- selves, and have since shewn no disposition to follow the same behaviour. Chelmsford, Aug. 31. Saturday last Mary Wilsmore late of Burnham, a single woman, was committed to our gaol, charged, ou the coro- ner's inquest, with having killed and murdered a male child, of which she was delivered alone. Colchester, Aug. 31. The Sunday- School festival at Nayland, in Suffolk, took place on Wednesday last. About eight in the morning the bells began to ring ; at ten, the children of the School, amounting to sixty boys and sixty girls, began their procession round the town, the boys were dressed in blue, the girls in white, on the breast of each child was a large sprig of lau- rel, in part gilded; they walked in pairs ; the two front and two middle boys carried each a long white wand, on the top of which, waving in the air, was the laurel branch ; similar wands were carried by the girls. The Simplicity, ele- gance, and order of the whole was too much for the feelings of those who were unexpectedly gratified with the sight. After choir service, ( the music of which was chiefly composed by the Rev. and learned Pastor, and a most excel- lent sermon given by Dr. Glasse) the children dined in the open a r, from off a long table neatly spread and amply covered with provi- sions; the company, which was very numerous and genteel, walked about the meadow in which the children dined, during the time of their dinner. The Church was full, and the collec- tion surpassed the most sanguine expectations of the Governors of this excellent institution. Wednesday, at Crediton Fair, Mr. G. Hug- gins, of Upton Pyne, was robbed of 80I. in bills and cash. A gentleman lately passing through Upton, a pretty market- town on the banks of the Se- vern, 011 the market day, he noticed an old man ( who by his grey locks appeared to be 70 years of age) with a large hand bell, which he rung three times in the middle of the crowd of people, and pronounced the following curious speech :— Pratty lasses, it is past nine o'clock, therefore yo main begin to sell your butter and cheese, and poultry and eggs. And butchers and bakers, yo main sell away, and I know you all remember the good old saying, that cheating tricks wonna prorper: So I wish you all well till next market day ; so God save the King and the Lord of the Manor. THE EDITOR of the County CHRONICLE, SIR, THAT the firebrands of sedition should be very angry with the Association at the Crown and Anchor, is not tu be wondered at ; their torches, ready lighted to set the country in a flame, were put out ( for the time at least) by that Association— but that you, Sir, should permit your respectable paper to be made a vehicle for conveying poison to your readers, I do wonder at. Whilst you confine your- self to the useful part of a Newspaper, by giv- ing a plain state of the facts that pass, you will be respected ; if you degenerate into a party paper, you must loose your credit. I claim your insertion of this, and then shall trouble you n0 more on Politics. z~ jth Aug. A Constant Reader. sales by auction by auction, MR. SMITH, Auctioneer, of Gracechurch Street, most respectfully informs the Public, that the Particulars of estates advertised for Sale by him, in future, may be had at his House, No. bz, BROAD STREET, near the ROYAL EXCHANGE, to which situation he is preparing to remove. CLAPTON, MIDDLESEX To be SOLD by AUCtiON, By Mr. SMITH, At Garraway's Coffee- house, Change- alley, Cornhill, on TUESDAY the 10th of September, at Twelve o'clock, ASPACIOUS SUBSTANTIAL RESI- DENCE, with a handsome Fore- Court, Lawn, PLeasure and kitchen Gardens, pleasantly situate, one of the five principal houses at the entrance of Clapton, in the county of Middlesex, in the occupation of Mrs. JONES. The house contains nine good bed rooms, an elegant drawing- room, dining- room, breakfast- par- lour, and excellent offices, with double coach- house, and stabling for four- horses. The premises are in perfect repair, and fit for the immediate reception of a gen- teel family To be viewed with tickets only, six days previous to the sale, which with particulars may be had at Garra- way's, and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch- street. th: Ipswicb, Aug. 31. The mail coach from hence to Norwich will pass through Eye, which will occasion r. circuit of about 5 miles out of its ufual course in going and coming. This al- teration is to take place on Tuesday next. A new workhouse, upon a large scale is going to be erected at Eye for the poor, with solitary places of confinement for the refractory. Norwich Aug. 31. Thursday night last, as Mr. Robert Reeve, of Watton, was returning from Swaffham to Watton, he was stopped by two footpads who, after using him with brutal violence, and wounding him on the thigh, in cutting ou: his breeches pocket, robbed him of his pocket book, containing 394I. ics. in bills, about five guineas in gold, and between 30 and 40 shillings in silver. A man ( John Osborne) was killed at What- field, in Suffolk, on Saturday last, by falling off a waggon loaded with corn, upon a pitch fork he held in his hand, which entered his right breast, and almost instantly deprived him cf life. Stanford, Aug. 27. On Wednesday was com- mitted to Ousebridge gaol, a lad employed by the Post Office in conveying letters between York and Boroughbridge, charged with having stolen and secreted a letter, containing several bills of exchange, the property of George and Samuel jaCKson, which he received at Green Hamerton to put into the post office of York. This unfortunate youth is not more than lj years of age. Chester, Aug. 30. At our assizes, a cause was tried, wherein James Hugh Smith Barry, Esq. was the plaintiff, and Jos. Wood, the game- keeper, appointed bv John Crewe and George Leycester, Esqrs. as Lords of the Manor of Crowton, within this county, was the defend- ant.— There were three different issues in this cause, the first, for a trespass in breaking and entering the plaintiff's manor of Kingsley, at Crowton; the second, was a claim of free- warren, over the manor of Crowton, set up by the plaintiff ( which is a right of taking the game in exclusion of all persons, whether qua- lified or not); and the third was, whether the township of Crowton was part of the plain- tiff's manor of Kingsley, or whether it was a distinct manor of itself within the plaintiff's paramount manor of Kingsley ? The cause ( after a sitting of two days, and hearing many witnesses) was determined in favour of the de- fendant, upon all the issues, the jury agreeing with respect to the first, that as the trespass ap- peared in evidence to have been committed on the lands of an individual, that the action of trespass could not be supported by the lord of a manor, but that it must be brought in the name of such individual. With respect to the second, that the right of free- warren could not be supported, as it appeared in evidence that other persons as well as the Lord of Kingsley had uninterruptedly killed game within the manor of Crowton. And as to the third issue, that Crowton was not part of the manor cf Kingsley, but a distinct manor of itself, within t ie paramount manor of Kingsley. The importance of this cause was such, that Mr. Erskine came down from London 011 a special retainer for the plaintiff. At the above assizes an action was brought by ( according to her counsels statement) a young lady of strict virtue, engaging manners, and ex- emplary prudence, against the son of a neigh- bouring farmer, for breach of a promise of marriage. In the course of the defendant's evidence it came out, that this amiable young lady was verging towards forty, never without half a dozen paramours, and so distinguished for the engaging condescension of her manners, as to have had children by two of them, which she had contrived to keep from the knowledge of the defendant, who is but 22 years cf age.— Verdict of course for the defendant. Precept and practice are sometimes a little at variance.— A reverend lecturer, 111 a late Wakes' sermon, at a parish Church in this county, strongly admonished his auditors to ab- stain from inordinate drinking;— but alas! no sooner was the cloth withdrawn, after dinner, than his reverendship granted the company a dispensation to swallow six successive half- pint bumper toasts! Bath, Aug, 28. Thursday evening one of Mr. Land's chaises returning to Exeter, on this side Cowley- bridge, by the imprudence of the driver of a timber cart, was hitched in the cart, and the horses taking fright, tore the chaise to pieces, and bruised the driver and two persons in the chaise in a shocking manner. To the CONDUCTOR of the County Chronicle. SIR, IT was with great satisfaction that I read, in your last week's Paper, a well written para- graph, tending to set in a true light the Crown and Anchor Association, and the other Associa- tions formed upon that plan in different parts of the kingdom. There can be no doubt that such associations are inimical to the liberties of the country in general, however they may fa- vour the private views of those who promote them. 1 am assured there is now subsisting, at Basingstoke, an Association which offers a sum of Twenty Pounds to any person that shall inform against any other for making use of seditious expressions, that is, in fact such expressions as that Association shall chuse to reckon seditioUs, Thus is every man, who shall presume to utter his sentiments, put into the power of a needy rapacious informer, or resentful associator, who may cause him a great deal of trouble in defending himself against an unjust prosecution. the effect of such an association mull be to en- courage spies, to induce a most painful reserve in, the neighbourhood around, to make people afraid to speak their thoughts, to be suspicious of every company they go into; nay, to be slaves even in their own houses, and apprehensive of informers among their servants and domestics. But most certainly, Government and its trans- actions are public subjects, in which one man ( whatever be his condition) it as much interest- ed as another; to debar any man therefore from making his observarions upon what concerns him so nearly, or from uttering his sentiments with energy proportioned to his feelings, is a most tyrannical assumption and abuse. The best apology that can be made for the Association at Basingstoke is, that it was formed by some cater cousins of Nobility, and over- forward clergymen, merely with the hope of being taken notice of for their zeal, and of being rewarded with some of those civil or ecclesiastical scraps which Government has to distribute. For could it be supposed that such an association was formed with a real design of carrying its reso- lutions into execution, and thus encouraging informers, and creating suspicion and fear, it would deserve to be detested ; but if the views of its Members be directed merely towards indi- vidual promotion or preferment, it can only be despised and laughed at. A Country Reader. EPPING FOREST, ESSEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION, Bv Mr. SMITH, At Garraway's Coftee house, Change alley, Cornhill, on TUESDAY the ioih of September, at Twelve o'clock, AMoft DESIRABLE LEASEHOLD ES- TATE ; consisting of a Genteel Residence, plea santly situate at a convenient distance from the High road, on the border of Epping ForesT, near Wanstead Park, in the county of Essex, in the occupation of the Rev. Mr. WHALLEY. The House, which is in ex- cellent repair, contains an elegant drawing- room, 22 feet by 19 feet, a dining- room 22 feet by 14 feet, a breakfast parlour, fix bed- chambers, with servants rooms, and numerous offices, coach- house, and stabling for three horses, a pleasure garden, lawn and paddock, surrounded by an extensive gravel walk and shrubbery, containing together upwards of three acres, within a ring fence, amply supplied with fine water, with right of common ; forming altogether a genteel compact residence, in a rural delightful situation. May be viewed six days previous to the sale, with tickets only. Particulars may be had at the Green Man ; the Bush. on the Premises at GarraWay's ; and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch- street. LEASEHOLD ESTATE, WAPPING. by Mr. SMITH, At Garraway's Coffee- house, Exchange- alley, Cornhill, 0n TUEsDAY, the 10th of September, at Twelve o'Clock, in One Lot:,' by order of the Trustees, for the benefit of the creditors, A Valuable LEASHOLD ESTATE, com- prising a substantial Dwellong- House, and Grocers Shop, in the occupation of Mr. George Bowen, Gla- zier and Painter, eligibly situate. No. 29, Artichoak- lane, near Sampson's Gardens, Wapping. And Eight Compact Brick Dwelling- Houses, in George's Place let to Messrs. Thomas Biddell, Murphy, Garland, Ashley, Lewis, and Macquoy, and one empty, at rents amounr- ing to and of the annual value of SEVENTY TWO POUNDS. May be viewed, and particulars had six days preceding the sale ; 011 the Premises; at Garraway's and Mr. Smith, Gracechurch- street or at his house, No. 62, Broad- street, to which situation he is preparing to remove. CAPITAL FREEHOLD WHARF and WARE- HOUSES. By Mr. SMITH, At Garraway's coffee house, Exchange alley, Cor hill, on TUESDAY the 17th or September next, at Twelve O'ClocK, by order of the Assignees of Mr. JOSEPH KIRKMAN, Builder, AValuable and most desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE comprising a range of capacious sub- stantial Corn and Provision Warehouses., suitable for all kinds of Merchandize, most advanatageously situate on the South East corner of the river Thames, at Dock- Head, in the county of Surrey, late in the occupation of Sir PETER THOMPSON and Co. ' with a spacious Dwelling- House, containing numerous roOms and offices, Counting houses, and premises, and an extensive Wharf, upwards, of 160 feet in front of the Dock; with the advantage of deep water for landing and shipping off Goods immediately at the Wharf and Warehouses. The Estate is held on LEASE by Mr. George Wilk- inson Meriton, Merchant for a short term, at a ground rent of only J2ot. per annum 5 but at the expiration of the present Leases ( it is supposed) will be of the value of SIX HUNDRED POUNDS per Annum. May be viewed ten days previous to the sale, when particular may be had on the Premises of Messrs. Turner and Seymour, Solicitors, Margaret street, Ca- vendish- square ; it Garraway's and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch- street, or at his house; No 62, Broad- street, to which situation he is preparing to remove. by Auction. SURREY. To be SOLD by AUcTION, by Mr WELLER and SON, On the Premises, On TUEsDaY the 17th instant, and the following day, T'HE entire HOUSHOLD FURNITURE, : LINEN, CHINA & c. belonging to the late Mr. WILLIAM BONIFACE, at Conduit Farm, in the parish of St. Nicholas GuiLdford ; togetHer with the LiVe and DeaD STOCK comprising seven strong draught, and two saddle horses, two cows, two heifers. three waggon , three dung carts, seven pair of trace and three pair of thill harness, a neat light cart and harness , winnowing tackle, ploughs, harrow , two large rollers, three load of SACK. , a malt and cyder mill., a quantity of coal, faggots. The effects may be viewed on Monday preceding the sale, which will begin each day at Eleven Clock. N. b. . the furniture will sold on tuesday; the Live and Dead Stock, on Wednesday. LEASEHOLDS, MIDDLESEX, and FREEHOLD, SURREY. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, At Garraway's CofFee- house, Exchange- alley, Cornhill, on TUESDAY, September 17, at Twelve • Clock, by order of the Assignees of Mr. JOSEPH KIRK- MAN, Builder, ADesirable LEASEHOLD ESTATE ; comprising four substantial well erected Dwelling- Houses, eligibly situate, No. 4 and 5 in HIGH STREET, ST. GILES'S, let to respecatable tenants, viz Messrs. Timstall and Holland, Lapidaries ; Mr William Armstrong, Stationer; Mr. George Toosey, Apothe- cary; and Mr. Edmund Winstanley, Bookseller, at rents amounting to TWO HUNDRED and THIRTY EIGHT POUNDS per Annum j And a FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Camber- well in the County of Surrev, let to Mr. Chalkey, at ELEVEN POUNDS ELEVEN SHILLINGS perann. FREEHOLD, BERKS. By Mr. SMITH, At the White Hart Inn, Windsor, on WEDNESDAY the 18th of September, at Twelve o'Clock, AMost desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, delightfully situate on the bank of the Thames, in the parish of Bray, three miles from Windsor, and twenty four from London, in the occupation of Mr. KIMBERLEY, jun. quitting the Farming business. The Estate includes about forty acres of Rich Arable Land, offering various situations truly desirable for building, commanding beautiful views of the Royal Pa- lace and Windsor Forest, the river Thames, and sur- rounding country. The above Estate was the property of rhe late RICH- ARD THOMPSON, Esq. and is now in the highest state of cultivation, well fenced, and perfectly compact, with a large Barn, and unlimitted right, to Old Field, the Common and Windsor Forest. Possession may be. had immediately. May be viewed six days preceding the sale, when par- ticulars. may be had at the Windmill, Salt Hill ; Sun and Bear Inns, Maidenhead ; White Hart, Bagshot; King's Head, Hounslow ; Black Bear, Reading ; White Hart, Windsor and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch street, Lon- don ; or at his house, No. 62, Broad street, to which situation he is preparing to remove. CAPitAL FURNISHeD MANSIONS, BerKs. be LeT, for a Term of Five or seven Years, By Mr. SMITH, ASpacious, Elegant, MODERN- MAN- SION, with numerous rooms of large dimensi ons, furnished in a superior stile of elegance, replete with every accommodation suitable for a Man of Rank and Fashion, with Offices of every description ; spaci- ous Pleasure and Kitchen Gardens, fully stocked and planted Green House, Ice House, Hot House Lawn, Shrubbery, Dog kennel, and Plantations, most delight, fully situated on a pleasing eminence, at BINFIELD, near Windsor Forest, in the county of Berks, with a farm- yard, barn, out houses, Coach Houses and Stabling for Twenty Horses, and upwards of Ninety Acres of Rich Meadow Land, within a ring fence, amply supplied with fine water. To be viewed with tickets, which may be had, and further particulars known, of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch Street, where a Plan of the Grounds, and an Elevation the Mansion may be seen. CLEWER COURT FARM, BERKS. To be LET, by Mr. SMITH, \ CAPITAL and VERY VALUABLE FARM, in a most desirabie Situation, bounded near two miles by tbe River Themes, within one mile of the Royal Palace and Town of Windsor, at Clcwer Court, in the county of Berks. Comprising an exceeding good Dwelling- House, con- taining four bed rooms, a dressing- room, and two par- lours, with convenient offices, aud a large kitchen gar den, in the occupation or Mr. KIMBERLEY, jun. quitting the farming business, with two capacious Farm Yards, three capital Barns, and a large Granary; coach house, and stabling tor twelve horses, cart- houses, cow houses, calf- pens, piggery TWO HUNDRED and Guns that shoot wide will often miss the bird ; and to prevent that evil, Gentlemen may have their barrels bored, to bring own, at a hundred yards, the strongest bird that flies; and at common distance of shooting, the smallest bird cannot escape, after their barrels are bored by MELLOR, at his Gun Manufactory, near Mile- End Turnpike, London, where they may be seen tried, after they are bored by him, to shoot as above. He also hath twisted barrel Guns, ready made, that will not miss a bird, in fair shooting, as the shortest of his twisted barrels will shoot through 24 sheets of paper, at ninety yards, with a fair charge of No. 4. shot: and by his improved plan of boring guns, makes the barrels much stronger, and shoot with less recoil, than those unsafe sham proof pop guns stuck up in windows for sale, that cannot bring, down a bird, except they hit him on the head.— Note, Letters that have their postage paid will only be received, to prevent being troubled with the enmity of the trade, & c. May be viewed three days previous to the sale, and particulars had on the premises; of Messrs. Turner and Seymour, Solicitors, Margaret street, Cavendish- square; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch- street, or at his house, No. 6z, Broad street, to which situa- tion he is preparing to remove. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS and ESTATES in SURREY and MIDDLESEX. By Mr. SMITH. At Garraway's Coffee- house, Cornhill, on Tuesday the 17th of September, at twelve o'clock, by order of the EXECUTORS of BRASS CROSBY, Esq. Alder- man, deceased, THE following VALUABLE FREE- HOLD ESTATES and GROUND RENTS, let to respedabte Tenants, viz. A Dwelling- house and Warehouse, No. 2o, Grace- church street, let to Mr. M'Linnan, at a clear rent of Fifty Pounds p^ r annum. The Horse and Groom Public House and premises, in Horse and Groom Yard, near Leather- lane, Holborn, and two Dwelling Houses adjoining, let to Messrs. Long, Ravenshaw, and Phipps, at rents amounting to One Hundred and Twenty- three Pounds per annum. Four Dwelling- Houses, with Wine Vaults and ca- pacioUs Warehouses, comprising the whole of Three Tun Court, Miles lane, next Thames street, let to Messrs, Wrench, Alldin, Davis, and Cooper, at Rents amount- ing to One Hundred and sixty five Pounds per annum. A valuable LEASEHOLD ESTATE, comprising eight Dwelling Houses, including two Public Houses, with Gardens and Offices, situate in Camden- street, Islington, let to Messrs. Grammer, Singer, Hervey, Flemming, James, Hall, and Vaux, at rents amount- ing to One Hundred and Fifty- nine Pounds per annum. And Freehold Ground rents, issuing out of Five Dwelling - Houses, in Earl street, Seven Dials; the Rose and Bell PubiC House, two Warehouses and Premises adjoining, situate at Bank side, Surrey : and ; t Dwelling- House and Warehouse, situate in Budge row, Cannon- street, let to Messrs. Daking and Allanson, Messrs. Ham- mond, Burkitt, and Co, Messrs. Rolfe and Scott, pro- ducing One Hundred and fifty- nine Pounds per Ann. May be viewed six days previous to the sale, when Particulars may be had on the Premises ; at Garraway's; of Messrs. Carpenter, Smith, Franco and Harris, King's Arms- yard, Coleman street ; and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch street, or at his house, No. 62, broad- street, to which situation he is preparing to remove. LIVE and DEAD STOCK. and FARMING UteNSilS. By Mr. SMITH, On the Premises, on THURSDAY the 19th of Sep. tember, 1793 , and following day, at Eleven o'clock, tHE Capital and Genuine LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and FARMING UTENSILS", in the possession of Mr. KIMBERLEY, jun. quitting the Farming business, at CLEWER Court Farm, near Windsor, in the County of Berks. the StOCK consists of thirty four fine milch cows and heifers, two bulls, 140 ewes lanb , and weathers; fine breeding sows and store pigs three hundred loads Near Fifteen Hundred Pounds have been lately expend- ed on the Estate, which is in the higheft ftaie of culti- vation and improvement, forminhg altogether one of the most compleat Farms in the county, with unlimitted Right of Common, and a Faculty Pew in the Church, which belongs to the Estate. May be viewed, and particulars known of Mr. Smith; Gracechurch street. UXBRIDGE. in MIDDLESEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. NORTON, At the Crown and Cushion Inn Uxbridge, on THURS- DAY next, the 5th inst. at Two o'Clock, A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, very advantageously Situate, opposite the Market House, at Uxbridge, in Middlesex; comprising two roomy substantial Dwelling houses. with large conveni- ent shops, and excellent cellar, considerably underlet to Mr. Adam Wells, on lease, which expires at Christmas 1793, at the yearly rent of TWENTY FiVE POUNDS- May at any time be viewed by applying on the pre- mises, and particulars had at Peele's Coffee house, fleet street, London; Sarcern's Head, Beaconsfield ; Griffin, Amersham; and of Mr. Norton, Uxbridge. CAPITAL SHEEP To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. BOOTT, ( Without reserve) on the Premises on FRIDAY the 13th instant, at Ten o'Clock, THE Entire and Valuable STOCK of BREEDING EWES, RAMS, and LAMBS, the property of Messrs. JOSEPH and THOMAS WILKES, of Mashan, in the county of Derby. This capital Flock, which numbers nearly Six Hun- dred, has many years been close bred from the New Lei- cestershire sort. Messrs. Wilkes are Members of the Society of Ram Breeders, and have always been among the foremost in the choice of Rams at Dishley. Catalogues will be ready for delivery on Monday next the 9th instant, at the principal inns in Leicester, Der- by, Nottingham, Ashby- de- la Zouch, Burton- upon. Trent, Tamworth, Atherslon, and Hinckley, on the Premises, and of Mr. Boott , in Loughborough. " ESSEX By STORER and SON, On TUESDAY the 17th day of September next, at Twelve o'Clock at noon, at the Blue Posts Inn Witham, AWell accustomed Publick- house, called . TOTHAm BULL, with the cottages brew house, stable, and other out- houses. and two acres of land thereto belonging, situate in Great Totham, ; nd late in the occupatian of WILLIAM BURNES, and his undertenants. The premises are Copyhold of the Manor of Great Totham, with Gepcracks, and are now under a lease which will expire a' Michaelmas, 1795. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. Clubbe and Wade, Attornies at Law, Dunmow Printed particulars will be. left at the Blue Posts, Witham ; King's Head, Maldon ; Saracen's Head, Chelmsford j White Hart, Braintree ; and at Totham Bull. SURREY SMALL FREEHOLDS in LAND. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. J. R. WEBB, On FRIDAY, the 27th of September instant, at Two o'Clock, at the Sun Inn, Chobham, neai Bagshot, VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, inclosed, great part tythe free, situate at chobham, near the place of Sale. in Three Lots ; comprising Fif- ty Acres of Meadow and Arable Land, in the highest state of cultivation. The timber and young trees to be. included in the purchase. Immediate possession will be given. May be viewed at any time, by application to James Wickins, Chobham. Particulars and conditions of sale ( on the 10th inst.) at the White Harts, Guildford and Bagshot Goat's Head, Farnham ; Bush, Stanes ; Castle, Windsor; the Inns at Chobham ; White Hart, Borough, Southwark; and of Mr. J. Webb, Chertsey, Surrey, of whom any further information may be had, by RICHARD STANTON On SATURDAY the 14 I1 of September, at the Bell Inn, in Hertford, at two o'clock in- the afternoon, in Eleven Lots, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. CLACHAR, On the Premises, on FRIDAY next the 6th instant, In Several Lots, ALL the old. MATERIALS of the capital MANSION- HOUSE, 1ate in the occupation of JOHN GODSALVE CROSSE, esq. deceased, in the' pariih of Great Baddow, near Chelmsford, Essex ; con- sisting of a great variety of valuable building materials; amongst which are, flushed columns, with very neat cap to ditto ; a quantity of good surface mouldings ; a quan- tity of dwarf and other wainscot for a room, three feet six inches high ; some deal shelves, large quantity of very good old laths; linings for sash frames, sash cills, Sec. a quantity of inch, and inch and quarter flooring boards ; old iron ; chimney bars, kitchen range ; very good dresser, with ten large drawers, and cupboard over ditto ; a quantity of lead ; four very good marble slabs, with their jambs, & c. compleat, with wood caps; about ico feet of good lead pipe; oak and deal boards, and oak scantling of different sizes ; very good six- pannelled and other doors ; ledged doors ; good window frames, with lead- light casements, shutters, See. compleat ; good sashes, timber for posts; oak beams; large quantity of bricks a d tiles; paving bricks ; a quantity of York shire paving stones', a good oak roof, about 19 feet span, new framed, about 60 feet long ; a part of the Man- sion- house as it stands; consisting of a good watercloset complete; two new rooms, well finished ; with double floor , &: c. also a very good strong closet, with two iron doors, Uc, Salc to begin at Ten o'Clock in the forenoon. SUSSEX. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. WELLER and SON, By order of the Assignees of WiLLIAM BICKNELL, a Bankrupt on WEDNESDAY the 11th instant, be tween the hours of four and Six in the afternoon, at the Dolphin Inn, Chichester, if not sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given, AVery desirable and capital LEASEHOLD ESTATE, in the highest state of Manurage; comprising a very large Farm House, with stable, barns, and gate r0om ; together with five hundred and thirty- two acres of most excellent arable and meadow land. The Farm is compact, and divided into very conveni- ent inclosures, and is situate at Eastergate. in the posses- sion of the Assignees, which they will give up at Mi- chaelmas next. The above Estate is held for three healthy young lives, under the Dean and Chapter of Chichester. Eastergate is five miles from Chichester, the same dis- tance from Arundel, and four miles from Bognor. Printed particulars will be delivered at the adjacent Market towns, fifteen days previous to the sale, and may be had of Mr. Richard Trimmer, Farnham, Soli- citor of the Commission; at the Chapter Coffee- House, London; of Mr. Rhoades, Attorney, at Law, Chiches- ter; and of Messrs. Weller, at their. Uphostery and Ca- binet Warehouse. cle of travelling alone, expend as much as Stevenson wishes to gain. Touching the excellence of his liquors, he shall say nothing— fame speaks aloud in their praise. He is grateful for all favours, and sub- scribes himself the Public's most obedient humble servant, ABEL STEVENSON. No, 49, Bishopsgate- street Without. of excellent meadow hay, remarkably well got three ricks of wheat; a rick of Barley ; and two ricks of beans ; thirteen capital strong draught horses ; four waggens, nine carts, a quantity of valuable harness, plough, harrows, rolers, implements, Sec. May be viewed one day preceding the sale, and cata- logues had on the premises ; at the White Hart, Wind- sor ; and of Mr. Smith, Gracechurch- street; or at his , houfe, ' No. 62, Broad- street, m which situation he 1, going to remove. Land Tax for the whole, Total rent per annum, Ail the abote Lots are in good repair.. Every Lot will give a vote for the County and Bo- rough of Hereford; and there is an out- going of or. e sHilling in the pound per annum, payable by the land- lord. To be viewed by leave of the tenants. Particulars of sale may be had at the Bull, Hoddes- don and Ware; Wool Pack, St. Alban's; Red Lion, Hatfield; place of sale; and of the Auctioneer, Hitchin A certiAn cure for COrns. Infallible GERMAN CORN PLAISTER. THE proprietor of this most excellent Re- medy, is so certain of its efficacy, having never failed in a varie ty of cases, agrees, if It does not eradi- cate the corns, root, and branch, to return the money. This is the celebrated Plaister that gained so much reputation in Germany; and has been sold in London upwards of fifty years with the greatest reputation. Price is. ad. halfpenny the box, duty included. Sold in London wholesale and retail by T. Axtell, No, 1, Finch lane, Cornhill; Mr. Simson, Hertford; Mr. Newman, Ware; Smart and Cowslade, Reading; Mr. Norton, Henley; Mr. Russel, Guildford; Mr. Gibbs, Colchester; Mr. Walker, Maidstone; Knight and Blakeney, Windsor; and by most of the Agents of this Paper. ABEL STEVENSON begs leave to ac quaint the public and his friends, that as the prices cf liquors fo continually fluctuate, he shall decline printing them in future, but he. shall not give tip the honour nor the profit of selling as cheap and as good Coniac Brandy, jamacia Rum, neat Wines, and Compounds as heretofore, for ready money only; and not- withstanding, the very great advance in foreign spirits and wines, whoever buys at Stevenson's Warehouse, will find a saving of from 5 to 10 per cent. The Advantage to the buyer at Stevenson's House must be obvious, as his trade is not charged with the enormous expence of riders to take orders, & c. the whole of which with him, is throvn into his customers scale, for as he is at no such expence, nor subjects himself to bad debts, he is enabled to sell con- siderably under those traders, who, in the arti- AVery improveable FREEHOLD ESTATe, situate in the town of Hertford, con - prising the following Messuage., or Tenements, with Brick and Plasterer Fronts, tiled. Lot 1. A Messuage or Tenement, with a gar- ret, bed chamber, kitchen, pantry, cellar, and yard, in the occupation of Geo. Camp, at the yearly r- nt of Lot 2. Ditto, no cellar, in the occupation of Wm. Allen, at Lot 3. Ditto, in the occupation of Widow Hanscomb, at Lot 4. Ditto, with a cellar, in the occupation of Thomas Burrows, at Lot 5. Ditto, no cellar, in the occupation of William Parnell, at Lot 6. Ditto, with a stable, in the occupation of John Shambroake, at Lot 7. Di to, with a cellar. no stable, in the occupation of John Wright, at Lot S. Ditto, in the occupation of William Castle, at Lot 9. Ditto, no cellar, in the occupation of William Castle, at Lot 10. Large and substantial timbered Corn Shop, tiled, double fbor, 2S feet by 1 8 feet, the lower floor in the occupation of Mr. A. Green, at — The upper floor in the occupation of Mr. Henry Whittingstall, at Lot 11. Large and substantial timbered Corn Shop, double floor and riled, 29 feet by Ij feet, in the occupation of Mr. Hen. Whit- tingstall, at London Gazette . SATURDAY. AUGUST 31. Whitehall, Augujl 31, THE King has been pleased, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal, to constitute aboard for the encouragement of Agriculture and internal improvement, and to appoint the following Noblemen aid Gentlemen to be members thereof, viz. Sir John Sinclair, Baronet, President. John Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Archbishop of Canterbury to. the time being. Alexander Lord Loughborough, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, and ' he Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, or ih: Lord keeper of the Great Seal, for tbe time being. William Archbishop of York, and the Archbishop of York for tbe time being. Charles, Earl Camden, Lord President of the Council-, and the Lord President of the Council lor the time being. Granville Leveson Marquess of Stafford, Lord keeper of the Privy seal, and the Lord keeper ot the Privy S « al for the time being. The Right Honourable William Pitt, Esq. First Com- missioner of tbe Treasury, and the first Commissioner of ti e Treasury for tbe time being, ift the vacancy of the Office of Lord High Treasurer, and the Lord High Treasurer for the time, being. John Earl of Chatham, First Commissioner of the Admi- ralty, and the First Commissioner of the Admiralty for the time being, in the Vacancy of the Office of Lord High Admiral, and the Lord High Admiral for the time being. Beilby Bishop of London, and Shute Bishop of Durham, and the Bishops of London and Durham for the time being- William Wyndham Baron Grenville, and the Right Honourable Henry Dundas, Esq. Principal Secre- taries of State, aid the two Principal Secretaries of State for the time being. Charles Duke of Richmond, Master- General of the Ordnance, and the Master General of the Ordnance for the time being. The Right Honourable Henry Addington, Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons and the Speaker of the House of Commons for ih: time being. Sir Joseph Banks, Baronet, President of tbe Royal Society, and the President of the Royal Society for the time being. John Robinson Esq. Surveyor- General of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, and the Surveyor- General for the time being. John Fordyce, Esq. Surveyor of the Crown Lands, and the Surveyor for the time being. Aug. Hen D of Grafton Francis Duke of Bedford Henry Duke of Buccleugh Thom. Marquess of Bath Geo. Earl of Winchelsea James Earl of Hopetoun Wm. Earl Fitz William George Wyndham Earl of Egremont James Earl of Lonsdale Francis Earl of Moira John Josh. Ea. of Carysfort Rich. Bishop of Landaff Martin Blad. Loid Hawke Edward Lord Clive John Baker Lord Sheffield Right Hon. Wm. Wynd- ham, Esq. Charles Marsham Sir Charles Morgan, Bart. Wm. Pulteney, Esq. Tho. Wm. Coke, Esq. Thomas Powys, Esq. Henry Duncombe, Esq. Ed. Loveden Loveden, Esq John Southey Somerville, Esq. Robert Barclay, Esq. Robert Smith, Esq. Gorge Sumner, Esq. John Conyers, Esq Christ. Willoughby, Esq. Wm. Geary, Esq. and Sir John Call, Bart to be Treasurer, and Arthur Young, Esq. to be Secretary to the said Board. The King has been Whitehall, if. pleased to appoint Doctor John Gillies, to be his Majefiy's Historiographer in Scotland, in the room of Doctor Wm. Robertson, deceased. Whitehall, dug. 31. The Lord Chancellor has appointed John Gibbs of Strood, in Kent, gentleman, to be a Master Extraordinary in the High Court of Chancery. War- Office, August 31. 15th Regiment of Light Dragoons— Cornet Joseph France. , to be Lieutenant. Ditto, Ensign Thomas Mallet Hayes, from the 73d foot, to be Cornet by purchase, vice Hilton, who retires. Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards— Lieutenant- Co- lonel the Hon. James Forbes, to be Captain of a Company, without purchase, vice Eld, deceased. Ditto, Captain James Lord Torphichen, to be Captain- lieutenant, vice Forbes. Ditto, Ensign Henry Bayley, to be Lieutenant, vice Lord Torphiehen, [ Besides the above, this Gazette contains Promotions In the Royal Artillery, and Corp of Engineers. Like- wise of Subalterns in Numbered Regiments and Inde- pentent Companies. Also in the Hereford and Glou- cestershire Milita Regiments— in the former Lord Viscount Malden, 10 be Captain of a Compa- ay— in the latter, Captain Anthony Austin to be Major, vice Raymond resigned.] BANKRUPTCY SUPERCEDED. John Fowler, of Coventry, Ira her- seller. BANKRUPTS. Benj. Hughes, of Salisbury court, wine and brandy merchant, john Bailey, Rich. Smal- ley, and Wm Smalley, of Blackburn, Lancashire, bank- ers. Wm. Hutchinson, late of burton- Leonard, York, fhire, tanner. Joseph Brookes, late of Chipping- On- gar, Essex, linen draper. Jane Cochrane, of Hatton- street, Holborn, and of Walbrook, dealer in coal tar. Samuel Powell and John Wright, of Clifton, Glouces- tershire, eoal merchants. Isaac Rennet, of Walcot, Somersetshire, carpenter. Alex. Forrester Cochrane, of Harley street, St. Mary le Bonne, and of Walbrook, dealer in coal tar. Wm. Summerset, of Holborn linen- draper. Edward Langley, late of Exeter- street, Chel- sea, victualler. John Meadows, of Peterborough, in Northamptonshire, mercer. Hugh Hamel, of Catea- ton- street, linen- draper. Abraham Franco, late of Gower- street, Bedford square, merchant, - TURTLE AT RICHARDSON's Coffee- House, Co- vest- Garden, will be dressed on WedneSdaY the Fourth of September, a VERY FINE TURTLE, in the highest perfection. Families in the Country may have any quantity, by sending a line as above. WANTED immediately, a SHOPMAN in the Linen- drapery and Tallow chandlery business. Good encouragement will be given to a per- son of ability and good recommendations. Apply per- sonally to Mr. Peter Rogers, Tallow Chandler, Colches- ter. ' TO be SOLD or lEt, at the desirable A Village of Great Baddow, near Chelmsford, Essex a very good BRICK HOUSE, sashed ; consist- ing of dry cellars, two parlour, kitchen, wash housfe, four two garrets, & c. a good garden and orchard, planted with choice fruit Trees, stable, and chaise house, and replete with every convenience fit for the reception of a small genteel family, ard in exceed- ing good repair. Mr. Harman will shew the premises. N. B. Stages passes through, to and from London, every day. COpYHOLD eSTATe To be SOLD by AuctION, JOHN GUTTRIDGE, on TUESDAY next, the 10th instant, between tbe hours of Three and five o'clock in the afternoon, at the Chequers, in Billericay, consisting of A DWELLING- HOUSE, in very substan- tial repair, divided into two Tenements, with about an acre of ground in a high state of cultivation, used as a garden and orchaid, with a well in the same, supplied with spring water. The premises are very pleasantly situate at ChurCh Street, in the parish of Great Bursted, about one mile from the town of Billericay, and kt to tenants at will, the nett yearly rent of Ten Pounds. N. B. The purchaser of this Estate will be entitled to an undeniable right of very extensive commonage. Further particulars, with conditions of sale, will be produced at the time and place of sale. be LET on LEASE, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, in the most desirable part of Hertfordshire, at Bovingdon, near Hrrnel Hempsted, a FARM, lately repaired, called The LANE FARM, now in the tenure of Jonas Smith. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Grover, at Hemel Hempsted, Hertfordshire. CHELMER and BLACKWATER NAVIGATION. WHEREAS an AFT of Parliament was made and passed in the last Seffion ef P » rlia- mert, intitled, 11 An Act for making and maintaining 41 a Navigable Communication between the Town of " Chelmsford, or some part of the parish of Springfield, " in the county of Essex, and a place called Collier's 11 Reach, in or near the river blackwater, in the said » ' County, NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN, that an application is intended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session for leave to bring in a Bill for varying the line uf the said navigation, from a certain part of the river Chelmer, above Beleigh Mill, to Collier's Reach aforesaid, in or near the said river Blackwater, by mak- ing a navigable cut or communication for boats and barges from the said part of the river Chelmer, above Beleigh Mill aforesaid, into a certain marsh called Great Potman Marsh, near the town of Malden and by making a Cut or Canal through Great Potman Marsh aforesaid, to the said place called Collier's Reach, navi. gable for ships and vessels of large burthen ; and also a Cut for the Tail water, of Heybridge Mill ; which said Navigable Cut and Canal is intended to be carried, and will pass through the following parishes or townships, via. Langford, Saint Peter's in Maldon, and Heybridge in the said county of Essex ; and which said Cut, for the Tail water of Heybrioge Mill, will pass through the parishes of Saint Peter's in Maldon, and Heybridge afore- said. PROPOSALS FOR LIGHTING COLCHESTER. NOTICE is hereby given, That a Gene- ral Meeting of the Commissioners, appointed in and by virtue of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 21st year of the reign of his present Majesty, King George the Third, occ. for cleaning and making Navigable, the Channel from the Hythe at Colchester, to Wivenhoe, in the county of Essex, for Lighting the Streets and Lanes of the said Town of Colchester, and for o her purposes, will be held at the MOOT HALL, in Colchester aforesaid, on friday the l^ th of Septem- ber instant, at Eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving Proposals for lighting the said Town for the term of three years, from the 15th of September instant; and such persons as are desirous of contracting for such lighting, are requested to make and deliver their Proposals to the following particulars: ill. To light 250 Lamps with Common Burners, for 170 nights, from the said 15th of September to the 15th of April in every year, as the Commissioners shall direct, and idly. To light 160 Lamps with Smethurst's Patent Burners, for the same time. The Lamps to burn, upon an average, ten hours and an half each night. By Order of tbe Commissioners, WM. MASON, Clerk. This Day is Published, Price ONE SHILLING, embellished with a beautiful Engraving, applicable to the present season of PARTRIDGE SHOOTING; And a most superb representation of the Deer and Pack crossng the Thames ; both from designs of capital Artists, and executed with great taste and ability by Mr. COOK, NUMBER XI. Of THE SPORTING MAGAZINE. Printed for J. Wheble, No. 18. Warwick- square, and sold by Mr. Burrell, Newmarket, and all the Booksellers in the Kingdom. This Eleventh Number will on inspection give further proof of excellence in the prosecutioa of the work, not only in the Literary Department, but likewise in the Copper Plates. The first Six Numbers of the Sporting Magazine makes a handsome Volume, and may be had price Seven Shillings, half bound. tHe Engravings for Numbers VII. VIII. IX. andX. are, j. The Oatlands Stakes at Ascot, 1791. 2. Moonshine, a celebrated Deer, frequently hunted by his Majesty. 3. The death of the Fox, from Gilpin's great Picture, painted for Colonel Thornton. 4. Perspective View of the Veterinary College. 5. Grand Cricket Match in Lord's ground, Marybone. 6. LURCHer, a famous Running Horse, by Sarto- rious. 7. Death of Munro, killed by a Royal Tyger in the East- Indies. J. CreepER , a, celebrated Running horse by Sar- torious. POSTSCRIPT. MONDAy AFTERNOON. DUKE OF YORK'S ARMY. No messenger arrived on Saturday from the Army of the Duke of York, but letters were received in town from thence by the Flanders mail. The following particulars we present to our readers, as Supplementary to the last Extraordinary Gazette, which see in Page 2. Camp before Dunkirk, Sunday August it). This day the brigade infantry of the line, and some Austrian regiments struck their tents, and took up new ground to the right of the canal on the Strand near the sea. A regiment of Hessian infantry also left the camp, to join the army of observation under General Freytag, which was situated between Bergues and Dun- kirk, to prevent a communication between the latter garrison and Gravelines, Calais & c. The enemy continued to annoy us from their works, and from six gun- boats anchored near the shore, where they could with ease enfilade our troops; and it was matter of infinite won- der and regret to us to find, that our govern- ment should not have contrived to clear the seas of these pests, prior to our arrival; as it must long since have been known, to a day or two, when it must take place. The enemy, we are also informed by an Officer who is posted 0n the Strand, could with ease reach our en- campment on that spot, and that they have even thrown shells into it. During the preceding night and this day we avoided, as much as possible, drawing the ene- my's fire 0n us ; and we have established seve- ral . S her. and breast works, to cover our troops in case they should make an attempt to sally. Ths number of the troops in the garrison is compuied to be about 16.00o. Monday 26. Though we are all in expectation of the arrival of heavy artillery, to carry on the siege yet none has arrived, nor can we learn any thing with certainty, but that itis hourly expect- ed— We all ask- where Can this neglect have originated ? Three a'clock. A fleet has just hove in sight, which proves to be British. consisting of a frigate, seven cutters and a galliot: however, the gun- boats of the enemy keep their station, and our fleet is work- ing toward Ostend. The following verv handsome thanks from his Majesty appeared in this day's orders : " His Majesty has been graciously pleased to express his strongest approbation of the spirited " an. d judicious conduct of Major- General Lake, " and of the gallant behaviour cf Colonels Grin- " field, Hulse, Pennington, and Major Wright, " and the rest of the officers and men who were " engaged at the post of Lincelles on the 18ih instant. His Majesty veiy much laments the loss of Lieutenant- Colonel Bosville, Lieutenant De Peyster, of the non- commissioned Officers, and men, who fell on this occasion, and it will afford sincere satisfaction to his Majesty to be informed, that those brave officers and men who have had the misfortune to be wounded in tbe " conflict, are now in a fair way of recovery." eight o'clock. The remains of Lieutenant General Dalton, and Lieutenant Colonel Eld, have just been in- terred with ail military honours. The former's remains were deposited by the side of the canal of Furnes, and the latter in front of the colours of the flank battalion of guards. The Duke of York, and a numerous body of officers attended. Tuesday morning. The enemy, during the night, attempted a sally, but were almost instantly repulsed. In- deed we cannot but expect frequent attempts of this kind from the strength of the garrison. The fleet that arrived yesterday are at an- chor off Nieuport, landing ( as we suppose}. heavy stores, artillery & c. The enemy's gun- boats still continue to annoy us. Wednesday morning, Nine o'clock. We have just time to inform you, that the troops which we encamped on the sands, with- in the range of the enemy's guns, were remo. ved yesterday evening. There was a very heavy fire of musquetry abot to o'clock last night from the garrison and from the boats; we have not as yet heard the particulars, but suppose the enemy were attempting another sally; however, as it was but of short continu- ance, we concluded they were, as on the pre ceding night, driven back with loss- Other accounts generally state, that the allied troops were drawing nearer to the walls of Dunkirk, and had raised redoubts to check the sallies of the garrison. The town is com- pletely invested; a British squadron had blocked up the port, and very sanguine hopes were entertained of the speedy reduction of the place. After the reduction of Dunkirk, Bergues, St. Vinox and St. Omer, it is understood, the Duke of York will march and join Cobourg and Clairfait in the investiture of Lisle. These Generals, however, have some work to per- form, as well as the Duke of York, before their union can take place. The French Grand Army, under the command of General Houchard, is very advantageously posted between Douay and Arras; in his front is the river Scarp. His head- quarters are at Vitry, a small distance from Douay, The Prince of Saxe- Cobourg has consided to General Beaulieu the command of a considera- able body of the army between Douay and Lisle, to act according to circumstances against tho enemy's camp behind the Scarp, and com- manded by General Houchard. In conse- quence, he will quit his division between Mau- benge, Philippeyille, and Charleroy, to take upon him this command. On Saturday Mr. Major, the King's messen- ger, arrived at the Secretary of State's of- fice, with letters from the Earl cf Yarmouth, dated at the Prussian camp near Landau, Au- gust 23, .1793. Nothing material has trans pired from that quarter. A private letter from an Officer before Dun- kirk says, " In the day of the action, ( the 24 th) the effect of the enemy's cannon was so terrible, that more then 20 limbs were obliged to be amputated, as- I am informed by the sur- geon of our regiment." A most extraordinary circumstance attended the death of Colonel Eld. The picture of a Lady, hung to his breast; the ball struck the picture, and carried it to his heart; where both ball and picture were afterwards found by the surgeon. By a decree founded on a report submitted to the National Convention, by Barrere, the whole body of the people of the French nation, ( with a very few exceptions in favour of the Police Agriculture, See.) are to turn out and fight for their Country. A report is in circulation, that accounts have been received ( we know not how) of Lord Hows being in sight of the French fleet, con- sisting of 23 sail of the line, and that the Ja- maica fleet were also in sight; that as the French were between the Jamaica and English fleets, an engagement must inevitably take place. The Republican army, under General Kel- lerman, consisting of 20,000 men, sent against Lyons, has been compleatly defeated by the Lyonese. The town of Ville Tranche has yielded to the Spaniards. Promotions at Hamilton House, Scotland— Mrs. Esten, vice the Duchess of H— n, who retires The young lord confined in the King's Bench, keeps in ths prison two women, three pointers, a brace of footmen, and a frisseur, BeTTING.— The following great odds were lost during the races at York. One, Gentle- man betted 1oo guineas to one, that an half- penny should be thrown up, and that he called right once in seven times. The odds were lost. They were betted by Mr. Ogden.' This is the more singular, as the exact odds on the event are, one hundred and twenty- seven to one. ECLIPSE OF THE SUN From our Astronomical Correspondent at Royston. On Thursday nrxt, the 5th instant, will happen a notable eclipse of the Sun, the largest we have had in England since the year 1764. It begins at London, at 37 minutes past nine in the morning: the greatest obscuration is at nine minutes past eleven, when somewhat more than three parts of the Sun will be obscured: it ends at 44 minutes after twelve o'clock, apparent time. We would recommend to the people, to use a piece of window glass, smoaked over a lamp or candle, to view it with, that have not got proper instruments, least they hurt their eyes.—~ N. B. We shall not have another eclipse of the Sun visible here, so large as this, until the year 1816, but a very large one in 1820. The Cargoes of the Duke of Buccleugh, Earl of Wycombe, Sulivan, and Royal Admi- ral East- Indianian, from China, consist of Tea, in large and small chests, as under, viz. Bohea, 721,067 lb. I Hyson Skin, 359,581 lb Congou, 652,711 I Twankay, 770,410 Souchong, 419,111 I Singlo, 317,407 Hyson, 445,062 ] Pekoe, 7^, 818 Making a total of 3,6.64,16} pounds weight; Also 123 bales of raw silk, and 1o, coo pieces of nankeen, besides several parcels of goods, the particulars whereof are not yet known^ The Cargoes of the Bellmont and Busbridge, from Bengal ; Rose from Bengal and Madras ; Valentine from Bencoolen ; and General Eli- ott, from Bombay, consist of Bengal, Madras, and Surat piece goods, raw silk, indigo, salt- petre, sugar, pepper, & c. & c. The quantity sugar is stated to be 29 casks, 420 chests and 1 bag, and 1930 chests among the privileged goods. CORN EXCHANGE Monday September 2. 0ur Supply of Wheat this morning was very small, and indeed every other article was rather scarCe, that fine dry fresh Wheat experienced a pretty brisk Sale at a shilling advance; but the coarse ordinary Samples conti- nue very heavy Sale. Barley and Malt, though scarce, went off rather hea- vily, unless picked Samples for present use. Boiling and Hog Pease obtained better prices than laft week, and were wanted. Beans kept their price, and fine New Seed Rye is dearer, and very scarce. Having had but few arrivals of Oats since our last prices have advanced near a shilling per quarter ; but the stale ordinary samples are still a dull article. € ountry, Winchester, Aug. jr. Wednesday after- noon, about three o'clock, the body of Mon- sieur Pigeon, a French Priest, lately resident in the King's house, was found murdered in a ditch adjoining Oram's Harbour, near this city.— This horrid act appeared to have been perpe- trated with a hedge stake which lay near the body, and with which the scull was fractured in several places. His pockets were rifled, and his watch taken away, the chain of which was broken, and several links of it left on the spot. The place where this act was committed is lit- tle more than forty or fifty yards from the Stockbridge turnpike road, and not much more from some dwelling houses ; yet it perpe- trated with so much secrecy, that no traces have yet been discovered of the murderers.— The unfortunate man is supposed to have been sit- ting on the bank when he was attacked, and probably received the fatal blow before he was aware of his danger. Reading, Aug. 31. About two o'clock on Sunday morning last, a fire broke out at the house of Mr. Smith, draper, druggist & c. in Faringdon, which in a few hours consumed the same, with a great part of the stock in trade, wearing appearel, and houshold goods; but by the extraordinary endeavours of the inhabitants the adjoining houses were saved. It was hap- pily discovered by some sitters up with Mr. Lord who died the preceding evening, or the whole family must inevitably have perished Printed for J. Wheble, Warwick- Court. Oxford, Aug. 29. Tucfday afternoon, about four o'clock, a hay- rick belonging to Mr. Ward, farmer, of St. Giles's parish, in this city, took fire, supposed to be put up too green, by which means near twenty hay, wheat and bean ricks, together with two dwelling houses, ; several outhouses, the workshop belonging to i Mr. Polly, hemp and flax dresser, a barnful of wheat, three waggons one cart and a horse, and an engine belonging to St. John's College, were consumed. BIRTH. In Dublin, tht Countess of Westmoreland of a daughter, MARRIED. At St. James's church, the Right hon. the Earl of Promfret, to Miss Brown, o, f Pall- mall Benj. Henshaw, esq. of Moor- hall, Harlow, to Miss Clinton, of Sawbridgeworth. At Olverton, Gloucester- shire, Mr. Francis Fisher, merchant, of Bristol, to Miss Divett, of Frenchay. The Rev. Thomas Drake, of Shelton, to Miss Holland of Bunwell, Norfolk. Char. Wale, Esq. of Shelford, in Cambridgeshire, to Miss Louisa Sherard, of Huntingdon. At Sleaford, Lincoln- shire, Edward Moore Digby, Esq.. to Miss Gardiner, eldest daughter of William Gardiner, Esq. of the afore- said place. At Whissendine, Rutlandshire, Captain Baker, jun. of the 35th regiment, to Miss Tathwell, daughter of the late Dr. Tathwell, of Stamford. Mr. D. Holmes, to Mrs. Baines, both of Peterborough— this is the bridegroom's fifth wife. At Penryn, the Rev. George Moore, prebendary of Lincoln, and rector of Chalfont St. Giles's, Bucks, to Miss Jackson, of Pen- ryn. At Pangbourn, near Reading, Isaac Schomberg, Captain in the Royal Navy, to Miss Amelia Broderick, of Kilkenny, in Ireland. In the Isle of Mann, Phillip Cannon, Esq. of Ballakereen,, aged 86, to Miss Jenny Caghig, in her 21st year. Richard Green, Esq. of New Inn, to Miss Borwell, of Earle's Court, Kensing- ton. Mr. John Curling, of Gatewick, Surrey, to Miss Sarah Curling, youngest daughter of Mr. Daniel Curling, of Chilton, Isle of Thanet. DIED. In the Poorhouse of All Saints parish, Newcastle- upon- Tyne, Margaret Pearson, aged 104.' At his house in Colebrook- row, Islington, Mr. Joseph Braint, formerly an eminent cheesemonger in Newgate- street. At Hampton Palace, Baroness Schaube. At the Hot Wells, Bath, the Rev. John Collinson, F. A. S, vicar of Long Ashton, and curate of Whitchurch, in Somersetshire, vicar of Clanfield, Oxfordshire and Au- thor of the History and Antiquities of somersetshire. Mr. Davis, Proprietor of Bagnigge Wells. In Swit- zerland, the. Countess of Grandison, a daughter of the Marquess of Hertford. Mr. William Newtham, watch, maker, of Clerkenwell Close. Suddenly, ia a fit of apoplexy, while at dinner, Jnmes Jackson, Esq. of the New Road, St. George's, Middlesex, nephew to Sir John Henniker, Bart. Near Bath, John Battiscombe, Esq. of hendon, Middlesex, father to Mrs. Garrick, the widow of the Rev. Carrington Garrick. John Herd, of the Little Lodge, Great Bardfield, Essex. Mr. John Whitehead, of th. Town Farm; Finchingfield. esq. At their fathers house, in the Strand, the two Miss Fentums they were both in good health on Mon- day : the death of these young ladies is attributed to their having eat a quantity of cucumbers at supper, which they survived but a few hours. the Rev. David Jenks, A. M. rector of North Church and Little Gad- desden, Herts. Mr. Holmes, Mayor of Thetford. In Canterbury, John Six, esq. : he was a great patron to the Sunday Schools, and was indefatigable in his atten- tion to the improvement of the children,.' At Mar- gate, Mr. Thomas King, mercer, of King street, Co- vent garden. Suddenly, Mrs, Tucker, shopkeeper, Margate. Mr. Thomas Onslow Smith, cornfactor, Bread street- h ll. At Wye, in Kent, in the 76th year of his age, Mr, Valantine Austin. He died on Saturday, and was buried there on Wednesday. He had given very particular di rections in his will, with regard to his funeral, which were carefully attended to, and the singularities of it corrected in such a manner as to form a scene equally solemn and affecting Between twelve and one o'clock the procession sat out from his house, and went that way which leads through the High- street up to the church, the bells were care- fully muffled, and rang a dumb peal. The order of the procession was as follows's Ten women, who were formerly his hop- tyers strew. ing old hops, — Two flags, lowered and not unfurled— A band of music, consisting of two French horns two bassoons— two fifes— two hautboys— two violins— and a long drum. After them the Minister, and next the body, borne by eight men, and covered with a plain coarse pall ; then followed his executors and other friends. No person attended in mourning nor were any hat- bands or gloves given, but handsome presents in money in their stead. r • The band played a solemn dirge all the way to the church gate ; in the church between the psalms and lesson, the 104th psalm wis played and song ; and from the church to the grave the dirge was repeated. The concourse of people was astonishingly great, and they behaved with order and attentive decency during the ceremony. Mr. Austin was ever good to the poor in his life, and remembered them in his death. He ordered the poor hop strewers half a guinea a piece ; to the men who carried him, each a guinea— and he directed that there should he given to every poor man, resident in the pa- rish, a quart of beer and a two- penny loaf; to every poor woman, a pint of beer and a two- penny loaf, aud to every poor child half the quantity of bread and beer. He' also left fifty pounds to the Sunday School at Wey. PRFeERRED. James Alderson, Esq. M. D. elec- ted Physician to the Norfolk and Norwich General Hos. pital, vacant by the resignaiioa of Dr. Beevor. The Rev. Charles Proby, M. A. of Trinity college, chap- lain to Earl HoWe presented by the Lord Chancellor 11 the rectory of stanwick in Northamptonshire, J. Whyley, son of the Rev. Mr. Whyley, Rector of Witherley, in Leicestershire ; T. Fell, son of the Rev. Dr. Fell, of Rugby, and Rector of Sheepy, in Leicester- shire; and Hopkins, of Shrewsbury, adjudged three successful candidates at Rugby School, to an ex- hibition, each value 40I. per annum for seven years. Sir Thomas Grey Cullum, Bart- chosen A dfnan of Bury St. Edmund's, for the year ensuing; and Sir Char. Davers, Bart. Mich. Wm. Leheup. James Oaks, Geo, Pretyman, John Spink, and H. W. Berwick, Esqrs. chosen Assistant Justices. The Rev. Henry Mawdesly, M. A. of Catherine Hall, elected. Master of the Free School at Ramsey. The Rev. Samuel Knight, M. A. to the vicarage of Humberston in lincolnshire. The plantations in the neighbourhood of Maidstone continue in the same unkindly state as given in our last. Some of the best grounds there and about Farleigh, may run from one hundred- weight to three bags an acre ; others will not be worth picking, as the mould, which is pretty general, keeps increasing. Accounts from East Kent are much worse. 1 2l. per cwt. has ben refused for growths in that neighbourhood.
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