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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 07/12/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI    Issue Number: 5530
No Pages: 8
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I 545 ] THURSDAY, Dec. 6. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Friday, Nov. 30. IT the commencement of the sitting, the Conven- tion heard and approved the plan of an answer which Gregoire was charged to prepare to the Revolution Society of England, who had offered a patriotic dona- tion of 6000 pair of shoes for the use of the sol- diers of the Republic. The Ex- Minister LaCoste complains of having been denounced , and secretly confined eight days; he protests against such violation of the laws of humanity, and requests the Committee to trans- mit the articles of his accusation. INSURRECTION IN THS DEPARTMENTS OF EURE AND LOIRE. M. Lecointre Puiravaux informed the As- sembly, that he and the other two Commis- sioners sent into these Departments, had been for three Hours in the utmost danger of their lives. having repaired to Courville, they were surrounded by at 6000 men, armed with muskets, hatchets. pitch- forks, and blud- geons' prevailled upon them to form them- selves into a hollow square, the Commissioners placed themselves in the centre, and endeavoured to bring them by persuasion, to a sense of their duty. The people, observed a profound silence for some time ; but their leaders, fearing to lose all their influence over them cried out that they were ' Aristocrates," and some even exclaimed —" To the halter,"—" No quarter." On this the mob broke in upon them, tore their clothes, struck them repeatedly, menaced them with their arms, and actually threatened to drown them in the river. In this situation, they were compelled to fix the price of corn, candles, lamp oil provisions, cloth, iron, and shoes. He concluded with observing,. that the scar- city of grain was only the pretext for these riots, as the bread did not cost more at the time of the disturbances than 2 sols 3 deniers the pounds and that the agitators called aloud for an Agrarian Law; the preservation of the Catholic Religion, and a diminution of taxes; affirming that it was their intention to proceed to Paris. The Convention blamed the timidity of the Commissioners, declared their signature of no effect, and decreed that a body of forces should be sent to those Dpartments to restore order. A Letter was read from General Westerman, stating that the Army in Belgia is in great want of provisions. The Convention ordered that Commissioners should be appointed to re- pair to it, to0 examine into the state of it, and to suspend provisionally the agents who have been the cause of it. To the Letter from General Valence which was read in the Session of the 29th, informing the Convention, that, after many hardships and difficulties, this artillery was arrived before the Castle of Namur, and that he had erected a bat- tery of mortars, was annexed a letter which he had written to General Moitelle, the Com- mandant of the Castle, in consequence of the garrison firing on the French troops on their entrance into the town, contrary to the ar- ticles of capitulation. The Commandant offered to hang up the Gunner, but General Valence was satisfied with the apology. In the same session a letter was read from the President of the " Society of Friends of Liberty and Equality" at Belfast in Ireland.. This letter was accompanied by an address from the same Society. M. Chambon, the Paris physician, who is so likely to be elected Mayor there, has the pro- fitable place of inspector of the military hospi- tals, which it is thought he will prefer to the Mayoralty. Two months have already passed in vain endeavours to fill the latter office. LONDON. A war with France is now looked upon as inevitable. The States- General of Holland having required the assistance of our Court to substantiate their right to the navigation of the Scheldt, in opposition to the French, who threaten to open it, our Cabinet has sent off a messenger to the Hague, with dispatches,, assu- ring the States- General, that the Court of Great- Britain will support them in their just pretensions and rights. The first shot that the French presume to fire on the Dutch guardships stationed at the mouth of the Scheldt, will be the signal for hostilities on our part. Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, Nov. 14. " Prince Poninski is about publishing a Manifesto against the decree passed against him by the late Diet. His son, Prince Alexander, is to demand again the Insignia, of Nobility which he returned to the King when his father went into exile. " Our new Government is speedily expected to be organized, and the Diet will then be opened. " The Russians in Lithuania are to march back into Russia ; the Russian army now in Po- land amounts to 73,600 men, who carry with them 136 cannons, and 64 pontoons. " The Confederation have appropriated to themselves the command of the foot- guards, which has always been the exclusive privilege of the King. " A courier arrived here she day before yes- terday from Petersburgh bringing to the Rus- sian Lieutenant- General Kotuzow, his appoint- ment of Ambassador Extraordinary to the Grand Signior. In the late war he signalized him- self as an hero ; he speaks different foreign lan- guages with fluency and propriety, and is a pleasant and polite companion." Extract of a Letter from Hachenburg, Nov. 15. " The whole Court of Nassau Weilbourg is now here ; it consists of the Duke, the Duchess, three Princesses, and the young Hereditary Prince. " General Custine, who arrived at Weilbourg with 5000 men, entered the Duke's Palace, and claimed a contribution of 30,000 florins. He insisted on taking the Prince with him as an hostage ; but his courtiers offered to follow him in the room of their master, and the General finally consented to take the Master of the Horse and the Cup- bearer. " Meanwhile, all the silver plate has been packed up, and all the horses except a blind mare, as likewise all the saddles, the arms of the Contingent Company, six metal cannons, & state carriage, and all the provisions and am- munition, were carried off by order of the Ge- neral., " The Prussians under the command of General Kalkreuth, assemble at Dretz, Ha- damar, and all the places of the territory of Orange, Nassau, and the districts adjacent." A letter from Coblentz, dated November 23, says: " We are assured from authority, that 40,000 Austrians are on their march hither, through Egra, the Upper Palatinate, and Fran- conia ; 30,000 Prussians will reach this place before them. The Emperor himself is said to have resolved to be present in the next campaign with his principal Ministers; or he will at least reside in the vicinity of the armies., since the courtiers, however expeditious they were, could not deliver their important dispatches in due- time;— When his Prussian Majesty left this place last, he presented his host with a very valuable ring, and distributed the sum of 20 Frederics d'or among the servants,' The Imperial troops in the Brisgaw will be commanded by the Count de Wartensleben ; General Wenzel - Colloredo is to command at Luxemburgh. General Devins supersedes; the Prince Hohenlohe, who is to be Commander; in Chief of the Army of Lombardy; and the Prince de Cobourg is to be Commander in Chief of the Armies of Luxemburgh and the county of Namur. COURT NEWS, & C. Yesterday their Majesties and the Princesses arrived at Buckingham- House from Windsor Lodge. At one o'clock the King came in his private- coach to Sr. James's Palace. The Levee began at two o'clock, and was over at three: present, the Spanish Ambassador; — Polish, Dutch, Prussian, Russian, Neapolitan, Sardinian, Danish,. Swedish, American, and. Portuguese Envoys;— Prince of Monaco, Duc de Piene, Count Guzenski; Count Sablonowiski, , and Colonel Sloucher;- Archbishops of Canter- [ Price LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. VOL. LXXI.] From WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, to FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1792. [ NUMB. 5530- The different opinions respecting the trial of Louis the XVIth are to be printed, and the question to be resumed in the course of a few 546 L L O Y D ' s E V E N I N G - P O S T , bury and York Right Hon. W. Pitt ; — Dukes of Dorset and Portland ;— Marquisses of Landsdown and Salisbury;— Earls of Elgin, Chatham, Galloway, Cardigan, Cork, Bute, Edgcumbe, Sandwich, Lonsdale, and Delawar ( Lord of the Bed- Chamber) ;— Viscounts Gal- way, Valletort, Bingham, Stopford, and Cre- morne ;— Lords Grenville, Hawkesbury, F. Campbell, Shuldham, Hood, G. Cavendish, Amherst, and Conyngham;— Sirs G. Yonge, G. Howard, J, Aubrey, R. M. Keith, J. Banks, W, Green, and W. Fawcitt ;•— Mess. Waller, Digby, Fawkener, Greville, Walpole, Daw- son, Cholmondeley, Lascelles, W. Ellis, Bart. Burke, Steele, Townsend, Buller- Yard, Penn, Onslow, Smith, and Cottrell ( Clerk of the Council);— Generals Ward, Morrison, Ainslie, Tonyn, Pattison, Clarke, Marsh, Rainsford, Adeane ( Groom in Waiting), and Martin ( Field- Officer) ;— Admirals Allen, Parker, Braithwaite, and Dalrymple ;— Colonels Green- field and Delancy. A Council was held after the. Levee, which sat an hour. After the Council, the King gave audiences to the Cabinet Ministers.& c. and at five o'clock returned to Buckingham- House. In the evening the Royal Family went to the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. The presentations to the King at the Levee yesterday, were Lord Dungarvon and Viscount Cunningham, on their arrival from Ireland, by the Earl of Delawar; and Captain Harmood, Colville, Young, & c. of the Navy, on their recei- ving commissions, Lord William Bentinck had the honour to kiss the King's hand, on having re- ceived a Captain's commission in the 2d regi- ment of Dragoons, to which he was introduced by his father the Duke of Portland. Hugh Boscawen, Esq. was introduced to the King by the Duke of Dorset, when he received the honour of Knighthood, and was sworn in Knight- Marshal of England ; after which the following foreigners were presented to his Majesty, viz. Chevaliers Gusinzky and Sablonowski, from Poland, by the Polish En- joy; Colonel Sloucher and Captain Rispel, both Irishmen, but in the Portuguese service, by the Portuguese Envoy; and Mr. Cercrit, by Prince Joseph of Monaco. Yesterday, after the Council at St. James's, the Dutch Ambassador was admitted into the King's closet, present, his Majesty, Mr. Pitt, and Lord Grenville, when his Excellency laid several letters before the King which he had received by two different special messengers the preceding night from the Hague. Yesterday Lord Chatham laid before his Majesty a number of papers in the naval de- partment ; among whicjt there were a list of ships ready for immediate service, and another of the ships just ordered to be put into com- mission from the several Ordinaries at the Out- Ports. Their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Cla- rence and Gloucester had private audiences of the King yesterday at Buckingham- House, pre- vious to the commencement of the Levee; and on his Majesty's arrival at St. James's, the Hano- verian Minister was introduced, and had a pri- vate interview. , The Cabinet- Ministers sat in Council on Tuesday night at Lord Grenville's Office, and continued till two o'clock yesterday morn- ing. Yesterday the Spanish Ambassador had an interview with Lord Grenville, at his Office, Whitehall. Yesterday the Cabinet- Ministers dined with Mr. Pitt, at his house in Downing- street. Yesterday a Board was held at the Admiralty- Office, Charing- Cross, when several Officers received Commissions; and at two o'clock the Earl of Chatham, Lord Hood, Mr. Townshend, and Mr. Smith, proceeded to St. James's with the result of the official business which had taken place before them since last Friday. There is to be a promotion in the Navy in a few days. Eight of the oldest Captains are to be advanced to the rank of Admiral, and inferior - Officers in proportion. A promotion of Gene- ral Officers is also expected to take place soon, Tuesday a Court of Lieutenantcy of the Lon- don Militia was held at Guildhall; present, the Right Hon. the Lord- Mayor, the Aldermen Sainsbury, Crosby, Newnham, Picket, Curtis, Macauley, Sir Watkin Lewes, Colonel; Alder- man Anderson ; the two Sheriffs, the Lieute- nant- Colonel, and other officers': the Court came to a determination, that one company shall be constantly kept on duty at the Artillery- House night and day, to be ready at a moment's notice, in case any disturbance should happen in the City. They likewise have come to a reso- lution to swear in 40 of their men as extra constables, and several other regulations took place. MEETING OF CITIZENS AT MERCHANT- TAYLORS HALL. About fifteen hundred assembled. Mr. Bo- SANQUET was called to the chair, amidst the applauses of the company.— He stated what had passed at a previous meeting, and that they had thought proper to prepare some resolutions and a declaration, which would be read, and of- fered for their adoption by a gentleman near him. , Mr. SAMUEL SMITH, . of Cannon- street, af- ter observing that he should propose a prelimi- nary resolution, expressive of their attachment to the Constitution, said, he should submit a declaration which had been drawn up with in- finite caution, and what, in his opinion, every man, be his predilections what they might, if he was a friend to good government, might sign; he requested it might be read, Mr. BOSANQUET read it very audibly. It went in general terms to acknowledge the excel- lence of our happy. Constitution. It stated its birth in remoter ages, and its growth by fre- quent improvement, til the glorious Revolution in 1688, which fixed its principles, and taught Englishmen its value: it stated, that it was, perhaps, among the most admirable of those principles, that, it admitted of repair without, endangering the edifice ; that it had hitherto, and they had no doubt would continue, to shew itself capable of rectifying its own errors and abuses. [ At these words a burst of applause took place, with repeated huzzas.] That they, sincerely acknowledged the Government as it consisted of King, Lords, and Commons, [ here loud and repeated applause,} and that they would, as far as in them lay discountenance all proceedings and publications which tended to inculcate doctrines derogatory thereto ; and; would, among their domestics and connexions, enforce obedience to the laws, as the best means of public happiness. This Declaration met with the most cor- dial acceptance from every description of per- sons present. And Dec. 5— 7. Mr, SLATER in a short speech said, that, to act consistently with their Declaration, they should state something specific as to R . The Meeting exclaimed, it was a distinct question, and not before them, that its necessity was recognised in the Declaration. Mr. TRAVIS supported Mr. Slater: he said, he thought the Meeting, which professed among its other purposes to be anxious to obtain an union of sentiment in support of the country, could not do better than come to the point upon the great fource, and almost the only one of the discontents which did prevail ; namely, the scandalous inequality of representation, and the notorious buying and selling of seats among the Borough Jobbers. The Meeting repeated " It is not the business of to- day, we are with you at a proper time," Mr. SAMUEL SMITH again spoke. He said it could not be imagined, that in a meeting of forty Gentlemen, of which the pre- vious. Meeting had consisted, there should not be a difference of opinion upon a question of so much magnitude; but they had been unanimous in their determination to keep it, if possible, from this day's discussion, bccause the Com- mittee had thought that the first object was to obtain as generally as possible an unequivocal declaration in favour of the form of our Go- vernment as composed at presant of three eftates. Mr. Smith said, that with respect to a reform in Parliament, he had no scruple in say- ing, that he thought the ultimate salvation of the country depended upon it; and that, whenever a meeting should be called for that purpose, he should feel himself bound, by every sacred obli- gation, to attend it: but it was not the business of to- day. Mr. BosAnQUeT then moved, in addition, that the declaration should be published, and left at that place for signing till Saturday, and after to be removed, at the discretion of the Com- mittee. He further moved, in handsome terms, thanks to the Company of Merchant Taylors for the use of the Hall. Mr. SAMUEL SMITH moved the thanks to the Chair. Mr. GRIFFIN ( one of the Committee) came forward, and addressed the Meeting in very manly terms, and was heard With the greatest attention. He said it was with painful reluc- tance He obtruded himself; but he was anxious that no false colourings, no misrepresentation, should go abroad of the business of the day. He said it must be by this time obvious, to every one, that the Committee had purposely avoided the question of reform otherwise than hinted at in their general declaration. He said It was. a question perhaps, too wide for such brief discussion, and would have been taking the Meeting by surprise. He believed he spoke the sentiment's of almost every person present, when he said that no man could be such a bigot as not to admit that a Reform was necessary; no man could be such an enthusiast as to say, that it was wise to press for it instantly and at all events, when two important concerns demanded attention, the most important requires it first ; to defend the Constitution from unexpected at- tack was in the opinion of the Meeting, their first duty. Reiterated shouts of applause took place at close of the. meeting, which was altogether most respectable. A very numerous Meeting of the Wbig Club was held on Tuesday at the London Tavern, where the Society dined. Mr. u in the Dec. 5— 7 B R I T I S H CH R O N I C L E, m- 547 Chair,- When his health was given in tha usual manner, he rose and professed the strongest as- surances of his warm attachment to the Consti- tution. The Duke of Portland expressed the same sentiments ; and Mr. Fox having retired, Mr. Grey was called to the Chair, who ob served that the design of the Friends of the People ; simplv to procure a Reform in the House of Commons, as tending to remove the grievances complained of. The Meeting broke ten o'clock. COVENT- gARDEN THEATRE. Last night, their Majesties and the three eldest Princesses honoured this Theatre with their presence, when " Love makes a Man" and the " Midnight Hour" were performed to as numerous an audience as the Theatre could hold. Their Majesties came about seven, and were received with unbounded applause. which also accompanied the performance of " God save the King" twice before the Play. The King wore a plain brown suit, with dia- mond buttons; the Queen, a silver tissue, with some diamonds in her head- dress, and a diamond necklace. The Princesses were dressed in gold or silver tissues ; that of the Princess Elizabeth was maroon, with broad gold stripes. Their head- dresses consisted of feathers, wreaths of ar- tificial flowers, and diamonds; the Princess Royal had white feathers, with white ribbons ; the Princess Augusta, white feathers and a wreath of coquelicot roses ; the Princess Elizabeth, light straw- coloured feathers and roses. The Marquis of Salisbury and the Earl of Morton attended their Majesties. Prince Augustus, of England, is now at Flo- rence, somewhat restored in health. Madame Von Vierac, the attendant of the Duchess of York, will set off in a few days for Berlin. The Duke of Northumberland sailed on Sa- turday last in the Expedition packet for Lisbon. In consequence of the unanimity which pre- vails at all the public meetings, to support the Constitution, stocks rose yesterday 3. per cent. . Two Colonels and a Major are said to have been on Monday struck off the Army List. Capt. Harry Harmood is appointed Regu- lating Captain of the rendezvous in town. The regiment of London Militia, consisting of 300 men, are now embodied for three months; one hundred of which are on duty in Guildhall every night. This corps can, in case of necessity, be increased to 600 rank and file. The Duke of Richmond was yesterday inspect- ing the repairs and preparations going forward in the Tower. The greatest zeal and unanimity appears among the soldiers in the Tower ; and when the orders arrived there on Saturday last, for the repairs arid preparations that have since taken place, they were instantly obeyed with the utmost alacrity. ' A society of respectable Gentlemen in the city have formed themselves into an Association to learn the military exercise, and to offer their services to Government, should it be required on any sudden exigency. They have previously taken the oath of allegiance. Associations are begun to be held in all parts of the country for the protection of the Consti- tution. It is said that the Gentlemen of the Law are about to convene a meeting for the same purpose. The Postmasters- General are determined to make an example of some of the Mail- coachmen and Guards who circulated the reports of riots in London. The Grocers Company, at their last Court, voted their freedom to Lord Cornwallis and Lieutenant- General Medows ; which will of course be presented to them on their arrival from India. The packet which landed the Duke and Duchess de Harcourt, on Monday, at Har- wich, was chased for a short distance by a French frigate, who, however, desisted upon perceiving the English colours. The Emigrants, in the mean time, were in the utmost consterna- tion and distress, apprehending that they should. be taken out, and carried to France. On Tuesday in the Court of King's Bench an action was tried before Lord Kenyon, to re- cover a sum of money for the rent of a place that had been used as an unlicensed lottery- office. Mr. Erlkine proved the occupation ; but Mr. Garrow, for the Defendant, contended, that, as the premises were used for an illegal purpose, the plaintiff ought not to recover, and cited many cases in point, which the Court agreeing with, the Plaintiff was nonsuited. Last week, a person, who had been in Leeds about three weeks, was committed, by the Jus- tices of that borough, to the Castle of York, to take his trial at the next assizes, on suspicion of procuring models or plans of various machines used in that neighbourhood, for the manufac- turing of cloth, with intent to export the same abroad. Extract of a Letter from Birmingham, Dec. 4. " Last night the " True Blue Church and King Club" met according to their advertise- ment. At the time of their meeting, a number of people assembled in the street, calling out, " King and Constitution," and singing " God save the King." They afterwards paraded the streets all night, avowing that they would spend the last drop of their blood in support of the Church, King, and Constitution. " They behaved Very peaceably, except breaking the windows of a house where the Jacobin Club met. ' All the Members of the above Club, on en- tering their names, are obliged to take the Oath of Allegiance." The Convention of Delegates from the So- cieties of " Friends of the People," in and round Edinburgh, met at Edinburgh yesterday se'nnight, Mr. Hugh Bell in the Chair. Their resolutions to expel all members found guilty of rioting, and to protect those who may be perse- cuted, was then ordered to be published. A General Convention of Delegates from all the Societies in Scotland is summoned to meet at Edinburgh, on Tuesday the 11th instant. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, Nov-. 29. " The cause of Lord Sherborne against Napper, that occupied so much of the time of the Court of King's- Bench and a most respect- able Jury, ended late on Tuesday night. The jury, after receiving their charge, were not en- closed much more than 40 minutes, when they returned their verdict in favour of Mr. Napper. *' The Court of Exchequer gave its final de- termination in the cause of Mr. Tandy against his Excellency the Lord- Lieutenant, and or- dered the proceedings to be quashed. " Same day the Court of Common- Pleas heard counsel in reply to the motion of the Attorney- General, to quash the process issued against Lord Fitzgibbon, as one of his Majesty's Privy Council signing a Proclamation issued against Mr. Tandy, on an Address of the House of Commons for a breach of privilege. On the arguments being closed, and after the most strict legal investigation, the Court was pleased to order the proceedings to be quashed." On Friday last Peter Aiken, an old Chelsea pensioner, late of the 42d regiment, was mur- dered, at his house near Stirling. One man is in custody, 0n suspicion of the murder, and an- other has escaped; but strict search is making after him. On Saturday the Diligence which runs from Tadcaster to York was overturned, by the coachman driving against the battlements of the bridge at Tadcaster. None of the passengers were hurt. The Bath stage- coach was on Monday evening last robbed, while waiting at tha White Horse Cellar, of several trunks, containing wearing- apparel, & c. the property of the various pas- sengers. Tuesday night a chariot waiting near the London Tavern, Bishopsgate- street, was robbed of a variety of articles, the property of Mr. Cruikshanks, of Eaton- street, Pimlico. Same night some thieves stole out of the shop of Mr. Davis, pawnbroker, in High- street, St. Giles's, a variety of watches, silver spoons, and other articles; and yesterday two men were brought to the Public Office in Marlborough- street, on suspicion of being concerned in stealing the above propert ; they were committed for re- examination. Yesterday a man was fully committed from the Public- Office, in Bow- street, on a charge of stealing a quantity of lead, the property of Mr. Fisher, of Acton. _ CHARTER HOUSE. THE NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN educated at the CHARTER- HOUSE, arc desired to meet on WEDNESDAY, Dec. 12, at the CHARTER- HOUSE, to attend Divine Service in the Chapel, then to hear an Oration, spoken by one of the Scholars, in Praise of the Founder, and afterwards to dine with the MASTER and STEWARDS in the Governors Room at the Charter- House. STEWARDS, Sir JOHN INGLEBY, Bart. Rev. A. P. POSTON. JAMES TORKINGTON, Esq. SAMUEL TOLLER, Esq. Service to begin at Twelve o'clock.— Dinner at Half past Three. ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVING LIBERTY and PROPERTY AGAINST REPUBLICANS and LEVELLERS. At a MEETING of GENTLEMEN at the CROWN and ANCHOR TAVERN, DE- CEMBER 4, 1792, JOHN REEVES, Esq. in the Chair, THE following Address to the Public on the present alarming Crisis having been read, moved, and seconded, RESOLVED, That the same be published in all the News- papers. At a time when the recent Exertions of Government confirm the Reality of those dangerous Designs formed in concert with Persons in Foreign Parts, with a view to sub- vert the Laws and Constitution of this Realm, and to de- stroy all Order and Quiet therein— when there is every reason to believe, that among the considerable numbers of French lately arrived in this Metropolis, many of them hold regular Correspondence and Communication with various ill- disposed Persons, in Clubs and other Meetings, instituted for the express Purpose of overturning the Laws and Liberties of this Country:— the Committee feel it to be their Duty to warn all good Citizens to be watchful, and upon their guard, In order to detect and bring to Justice such Persons, whether Foreigners or Englishmen, who ap- pear to plot and contrive against the Peace and good Order of this happy Country. And the Committee therefore most earnestly recommend to all magistrates and others, as well in this Metropolis and. its Neighbourhood, as in the more distant Parts of these united kingdoms, a firm and vigilant Exercise of their Duty, & Magistrates and as Citizens, in. detecting and bringing t0 justice all those whom they find offending in the respects above mentioned." resolved, That this Committee, being persuaded that great Mis- chief has been for some time past effected in this Country by the Circulation of News- Papers filled with Disloyalty and Sedition, the Writers of which manifestly appear by their Language to be in the pay of French Emissaries, who wish to destroy our excellent Constitution, do earnestly recom- mend it to all good Englishmen, whether Masters or Private Families, or Keepers of Inns, Taverns, or Coffee- Houses, to discontinue and discourage the Use and Circulation of all such disloyal and seditious News- Papers. RESOLVED, That Sir JOSEPH ANDREWS, Bart, be added to this Committee. JOHN REEVES, Esq. Chairman, Subscriptions for carrying into effect the Purposes of this Institution, are received by JOHN TOPHAM, Esq, the Treasurer, at his Chambers in Gray's Inn : At the Crown and Anchor, Strand ; and at the following Bankers: Messrs. DRUMMOND and Co. Charing- Cross. Messrs. CHILD and Co. Temple- Bar. SMITH, PAINE, and SMITH, Mansion- House- street. CROFTS, DEVAYNES, and CO. Pall- Mall. RANSOM, MORELAND, and HAMMERSLEY, Pall- Mall. VERE LUCADOU and Co. Lombard- street. EDWARDS, SMITH, MIDDLETON, and Co. Strat- ford- Place. NIBLETT and JELFE, Gloucester. Messrs. OGDEN, Salisbury. TAYLOR, LLOYD, and Co. Lombard- street. CAM, WHITEHEAD, and Co. Bath. Sir W. FORBES and Co. Edinburgh. Books are opened at he Crown and Anchor for the Entry of Names, as well as the Receipt of Subscriptions. N. B. All Communications to this Society are desired to be addressed to the Chairman at this Place, SCOTTISH HOSPITAL. I AT a numerous and respectable GENERAL COURT of the GOVERNORS of this CORPO- RATION, held at their Hall in Crane- Court, Fleet- Street, in the City of London, the 30th of November, 1792, ( being St. Andrew's Day), DAVID SCOTT, Esq. V. P. in the Chair, It was moved and seconded, That the Resolutions of a Common Council, held in the Chamber at the Guildhall of the same City, the 29th inst. as published on Friday inst in the Gazetteer, be read by the Secretary, and the same being read as follows, viz. SANDERSON, MAYOR. " A Common- Council holdcn in the Chamber of the " Guildhall of the City of London, on Thursday " the 29th Day of November, 1792. " RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, " That it is the Duty of all Corporations to preserve their Fidelity to their Sovereign, to be watchful for the Safety of the SACRED CONSTITUTION of the Country, and to maintain, to the utmost of their power, the Peace, the Property, and the Personal Security of every Freeman living under its protection; as it is equally the duty of every Freeman to bear true Allegiance to the King, and be obedient to the existing Laws of the Land. " RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, " That this Corporation, regarding the Blessings which the Subjects of British Empire enjoy under the present mild and happy Government, as inestimable, will strengthen its exertions, by every possible means, to suppress all unlawful and seditious Assemblies within this City, and to bring to justice every disturber of the Public Tran- quillity. " RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, " That this Corporation, in the most solemn manner, doth hereby call upon every good Citizen to co- operate with them to the same salutary end ; to discourage every attempt which may be made to excite the fears of the Metropolis by wicked and designing men ; and each in his own person to be ready at all times to accompany and assist the Magistrates of this City in the suppression of every Tumult. " RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, " That this Court doth remind their Constituents, the Freemen of London, of the Oath by which they are bound to this purpose, viz. " The firsT, SECOND, and LAST CLAUSE of a FREEMAN'S OATH. " Ye shall swear that ye shall be good and true to our Sovereign Lord King George." " Obeytant and obedient ye shall be to the Mayor and " Ministers of this City." " Ye shall also keep the King's Peace in your own per- son. Ye shall know no gatherings, conventicles, nor conspiracies, made against the King's Peace, but ye shall warn the Mayor thereof, Or let it to your power," ReSOLVEd UNANIMouslY, " That it be recommended to the Alderman and Common- Council in their respective Wards to consider of the best means of preserving Tranquillity, and of Securing Obedience to the Laws. " RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, " That these Resolutions be printed in all the public Papers of the United Kingdoms, signed by the Town- Clerk. RIX." RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, That the Resolutions of the Common Council of Thurs- day, as appearing in the Public Papers, for preserving Peace, Harmony, and Order, throughout this Land of Liberty, and now read, do meet our hearty Concurrence. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, That this Corporation shall meet on the First Wednesday of every Month while it is deemed by them necessary, in order to enforce, as much as in their Power, by Precept and Example, the Duty which every good Subject owes to his Sovereign, to the Laws of the Land, and to the Support of that sacred Constitution, under whose benign Influence the British Empire continues to preserve more innumerable blessings than the Annals of History can furnish example of in any other Country in the World. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, That the Thanks of this Corporation be presented, through the Medium of our Noble President, the Duke of Montrose, to Sir James Sanderson, the Lord Mayor, and to the Aldermen and Common Council of London, for their most laudable Exertions to preserve Peace and gjod order. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, That these Resolations be published in all the London Papers. Signed by Order, JAMES DOBIE, Secretary. St. MARTIN in the FIELDS. GLOBE TAVERN, CRAVEN- STREET, STR AND December 4, 1792. AT a numerous MEETING of the principal INHABITANTS of this PARISH : JOHN DRUMMOND, Esq. in the Chair. It appearing to this Meeting, that the rdinary Efforts which have of late been attempted wicked, desperate, and designing men, in circulating mischievous and seditious Publications, as well as promoting illegal Meetings, to injure and overturn all Government what- soever, and being sensible of the Advantages which we and our Fellow- Subjects derive from our happy Constitu- tion, actuated by a steady and affectionate Loyalty to our Sovereign, Thinking it our Duty to assist in preventing, to the utmost of our Power, the bad Effects of such mischievous and seditious Publications and Meetings, RESOLVED, " That we do become an Association, and adopt the most effectual means in our Power, for the Suppression of any Attempt that may be made, by the Distribution of any seditious Publications or illegal Meetings, to disturb the Peace and Tranquillity of this Parish, or the present Go- vernment and Constitution. " And that the Inhabitants of this Parish be invited to unite with us in the above laudable Pursuit, and enter their Names in a Book, which is left at the Globe Tavern for that Purpose, " And that a Committee be appointed to carry the above Resolutions into effect. RESOLVED, " That the following Gentlemen be appointed the Com- mittee JOHN DRUMMOND, Esq. in the Chair The Rev. Dr. HAMILTON, Vicar; The Church Wardens and Overseers of the Parish for the Time being. With the following Gentlemen Thomas Somers Cocks, Esq. William Wells, Esq. Thomas Williams, Esq. M. P. John Antrobus, esq. Edmund Antrobus, Esq. Mr. Boulton Mr. Buck Mr. Beckwith Mr. Devenish Mr. Hadley Mr. Hatchet Mr. Hunt Mr. Jarvis Mr. Jones . Mr Lambert Mr. Minier Mr. Pecks Mr. Pitter Mr. Randall Mr. Slipper Mr. Stable Mr. Taylor Mr. Tremmels Mr. Wall Mr. Winchester Mr. Wingfield Mr. Wright RESOLVED, " That a pecuniary Fund being necessary for carrying into effect the Purposes of this Institution, the voluntary Contributions of those who are inclined to give them Aid on the present Occasion, will be received by HENRY CAPELL, Esq. Treasurer, at the Globe Tavern, RESOLVED, " That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to JOHN DRUMMOND, Esq. for his Zeal and Exertion in pro- moting this Meeting. " JOHN DRUMMOND, Chairman. This Day was published, The Seventh Edition, Improved, with Additions and Corrections, and embel- lished with elegant Maps, Price 7s. bound, THE GENERAL GAZETTEER or, Compendious Geographical Dictionary. Containing a Description of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics, Provinces, Cities, Chief Towns, Forts, Fortresses, Castles, Citadels, Seas, Harbours, Bays, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Capes, and Promontories, in the known World ; together with the Government, Policy, Customs, Manners, and Religion of the Inhabitants; the Extent, Bounds, and Natural Productions of each Country 5 and the Trade, Manufactures, and Curiosities of the Cities and Towns ; their Longitude, Latitude, Bearings and Distances, in English Miles, from remarkable Places; as also, the Sieges they have undergone, and the Battles fought near them. Including an authentic Account of the Counties, Cities, Market- Towns, and Villages, in England and Wales. By R. BROOKES, M. D. Printed for B. Law and Son, J. Johnson, C. Dilly, G. G. J. and J. Robinson, R. Baldwin, F. and C. Ri- vington, J. Murray, W. Goldsmith, W. Lowndes, T. Vernon, S. Hayes, G. and T. Wilkie, W. Bent, and J. Scatcherd and j. Whitaker. Dec. 5— 7. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L E , for 1792. FRIDAY, Dec. 7. LONDON. COURT NEWS, Sc. YESTERDAY morning the King, ac- companied in his post- chaise by his Royal Highness the Duke of York, took an airing to Kew Palace, and at noon returned to the Queen's House. Yesterday the Royal Family came from Buck- ingham- House to St. James's Palace. The Drawing- room began at two o'clock, and was over at half past four. The circle consisted of their Majesties and the three eldest Princesses ; — Duke and Duchess of York ;— their Excel- I 55° L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G - P O S T , And Deo, 5— 7. lencies the Spanish Ambassador, all the foreign Envoys, Prince of Monaco, and a great num- ber of foreigners of distinction ;— the Nobility, Gentry, Officers of the Army and Navy, Lords and Gentlemen in Waiting, as at the King's Levee on Wednefday. The Female Nobiiity were as follows: Duchess of Hamilton ;— Countesses of Cardigan, Elgin, Harrington, Edgcumbe, Effingham, Essex, Glasgow, and Bristol;— Viscountesses Bayham, Valletort, and Cremorne;— Ladies Shuldham, Banks, Hawkes- bury, C. Waldegrave, G. Smith, Dorchester, C. Villiers, Blaquiere, W. Gordon, Grenville, M. Howe ( in Waiting on the Princess), A. Fitzroy ( in Waiting on the Duchess of York) ; Mistresses Markham, Digby, Smith, Hobart, Cotterel, Montresor, Onslow, and Bearcroft; — Misses Markham, Carlton, Cotterel, Mon- tresor, & c. The Royal Family returned tos dinner at Buckingham- House soon after five o'clock; and in the evening the Queen had a private Card- Party. The Presentations to the Queen were nearly the same as those to the King the preceding day with the addition of General Hamilton, on his receiving the command of the 12th regiment of foot, by Lord Amherst ; Major Gale, by Ma- jor Scott ; Prince Joseph of Monaco, by the Spanish Ambassador ; and Baron Bresky by Mr. Onslow. Mrs. Pinckney, Lady of the American Mi- nifter, was presented to her Majesty in form by Lady Grenville. Sir John and Lady Blaquiere were introduced, on their arrival from Ireland, by the Lord and Lady in Waiting. The Lord in Waiting gave notice, that the King would have a Levee this day. Her Majesty and the three Princesses went to Windsor this morning : the King returns to the same place after the business at St. James's is over. Yesterday Sir William Fawcitt, the Earl of Elgin, the Attorney- General, and le Comte de Lally Tollendahl, had audience of the Minister at his house in Downing- street. Yesterday at noon a full Board of Admiralty was held at the Admiralty- Office, when several ships were commissioned, several Officers re- ceived their commissions, and live frigates were ordered to be equipped. It is said that Lord Harrington is to have the 1st regiment of Life Guards, vacant by the death of Lord Dover. Lord Cathcart, Lieu- tenant- Colonel of the 29th, succeeds Lord Har- rington as Colonel of that regiment ; and Lieu- tenant- Colonel Campbell, of the 21st, lately Major of the 29th, returns to his former regi- ment, as Lieutenant- Colonel. Twenty or thirty pieces of cannon are now at the Horse- Guards, with all necessary ammu- nition. Five ammunition- waggons remain near the parade, ready for use. Yesterday a person of genteel appearance was, by Mr. Maynce, the Police- officer, brought to the Public Office, Bow- street, charged with molesting the Royal Family at Windsor. He appeared to be a clergyman's son at Oxford, and insane; on account of which Mr. Bond or- dered him to be conducted home to his rela- tions. Tuesday evening, at nine o'clock, a fellow entered the house of Mr. Kay, upholsterer, in Hatton- Garden, when he put a pistol to his head-, and demanded his pocket- book.: one pocket- book having been offered him, he re- fused it, saying that it was another he wanted ; when a scuffle ensued between him and Mr. Kay, who received two blows; but on imme- diate assistance being obtained, the villain was secured, and fully committed to Newgate on Wednesday. On Tuesday night Mr. E, Fry, of Bow- street, Covent- Garden, was stopped in a post- chaise, near Dartford, by two highwaymen, who, after discharging the contents of a brace of pistols through the glasses of the chaise, robbed him of seven guineas. About a quarter of an hour be- fore the above robbery, two French Gentle men were stopped by the same fellows, who rob- bed them of assignats to the amount of 300I. Tuesday night, Mr. Thomas, of Conduit- street, Hanover- square, was stopped on Houn- slow- Heath, by a single highwayman, and rob- bed of two guineas and some silver. Early on Wednesday morning the chambers of Mr. Wigley, of Brick- court, Temple, were broke open, and robbed of a watch, some wear- ing- apparel, & c. Wednesday evening some thieves stole out of • cart going from Leicester- fields to Chelsea, a quantity of wearing- apparel, the property of Mrs. Bond, Ranelagh- walk, Chelsea. Yesterday the person who was apprehended by one of the Police officers belonging to the Public Office in Bow- street, for sticking up in- flammatory bills, was committed to Tothill- fields Bridewell, not being able to find bail. On Wednesday at Westminster, the following rule was laid down at Nisi Prius by Lord Kenyon, at the request of the Bar; that all in- terested witnesses who cannot be examined with- out being released, shall have a release actually executed to them before they give their evi- dence. The usual practice has been to promise a release ; and it was taken for granted, that a release would be afterwards executed. This practice was sometimes abused ; and therefore this rule was laid down, and his Lordship de- clared that he would in no case in future relax from it. MARRIED. At Naples, the 22d of October last, Sir James Douglas, Consul- General to his Bri- tannic Majesty at that place, to Miss Douglas, sister to Alexander Douglas, Esq. of Finsbury- square.— On Tuesday, at Colchester, the Rev. Mr. Gosling [ son of the late Sir Francis Gosling, Banker, of London), to Miss Mills, daughter of Mr. Mills, at Colchester, banker. DIED. In Scotland, on Thursday last, Sir David Dalrymple, of Hailes, Bart. one of the Sena- tors of the College of Justice. His Lordship was appointed Judge in the room of Lord Nis- bet, in 1766, and a Commissioner of Justiciary in 1776, in place of Lord Coalston. His grand- father was the fifth brother of the first Earl of Stair, and Lord Advocate for Scotland in the reign of George I. and his father had the Au- ditorship of the, Exchequer for life.— On his tour towards Paris, the 28th of last month, Philip Thicknesse, Esq. aged 73, formerly Lieu- tenant- Governor of Landguard Fort. Mr. Thicknesse set out from Boulogne on Wednes- day morning, Nov. 28, in perfect health and remarkably good spirits, but had not proceeded to the next stage, Samers, on the way to Paris, before he complained to his lady, who was in ths; carriage with him, of a sudden pain in his stomach, and, sooner almost than she could ex- press her concern, added, " I have a pain in my head too," when he instantly expired.— On Monday, aged 76, Mr. Henry Kurford, gro- cer, in St. John's street. ASSOCIATION FOR PRESERVING LIBERTY and PROPERTY 1 AGAINST REPUBLICANS and LEVELLERS. A' CROWN and ANCHOR TAVERN, December 6,1792. ATa Special Meeting of the COMMITTEE of this SOCIETY, JOHN REEVES, Esq. in the Chair. THIS Committee, considering that the great Mis- chief produced by seditious and treasonable Libels, is chiefly effected by selling them in shops, hawking them in the Streets, and giving them away; and considering that the Venders and Carriers of such Publications are generally acquainted with their Contents, and evil Design and Ten- dency , RESOLVED, That a Caution be hereby given to all Sellers of News- Papers, News- carriers, Persons delivering Hand- Bills for Club Meetings, and like, that if such Papers are sedi- tious or treasonable, they are also Guilty, equally with the original Publisher, Printer; or Author; . and that it be- comes them seriously to consider what are the News- papers, Papers of Invitation to Clubs, and other Meetings, which they sell, carry, or distribute, and whether they are of a Nature to bring upon them the Penalties of the Law. It appearing to this Committee, that evil- designing Men, having industriously and maliciously used Means and In- struments never before resorted to in this Country, for spreading pernicious Opinions, have addressed themselves principally to manufacturing and labouring Classes of Peo- ple; and by Pamphlets, Hand- Bills, and various other Devices, have endeavoured to prejudice the Minds of those Persons against the King and Constitution, deluding them with false Expectations, that their Condition will be bettered by the Subversion of all Distinctions of Rank and Property, and the Introduction of Equality in their stead : IT IS RESOLVED, That it be recommended to all Masters of Families, all Master- Manufacturers, Traders, and others, to use their best Endeavours to undeceive and inform their Servants, their Journeymen, their Apprentice, their Neighbours, and all Persons whom they find misled and corrupted by such inflammatory and seditious Writings or Language ; warning them, that if they maintain by Word or by Action treasonable and seditious Principles, they will incur the Penalties of the Law ; and further instructing them, that none of the Hopes so falsely and insidiously held out to them can be realized ; but that, on the contrary, such wicked Attempts will tend to the Destruction of all Trade and Manufactures, by which they are supported, when in- dustrious; and will destroy all the Provision made for the Poor, which they now enjoy, when they become unfit for Labour. RESOLVED, That the following Opinions from the Commentaries of the excellent Mr. Justice Blackstone be published, for the Information of the Ignorant, and as a Caution to the Unwary. " If a Party apprised of any Treason, does not, as soon as conveniently may be, reveal it to some Judge of As- size, or Justice of the Peace, he is guilty of Misprision of Treason, which is punished by Loss of the Profits of Lands during Life, Forfeiture of Goods, and Imprisonment during Life. " But if there be any probable Circumstanccs of Assent ; as if one goes to a treasonable Meeting, knowing before- hand that a Conspiracy is intended against the King ; or being in such Company once by Accident, and having heard such treasonable Conspiracy, meets the same Com- pany again, and hears more of it, but conceal it; this is an implied Assent in Law, and makes the Character guilty of actual High Treason. " Contempts and Misprisions against the King's Person and Government may be by speaking or writing against them, cursing or wishing him ill, giving out scandalous Stories concerning him, or doing any thing that may tend to lessen him in the Esteem of his Subjects, may weaken his Government, or may raise Jealousies be- tween him and his People." It has been also held an Offence of this Species to drink to the pious Memory of a Traitor— these being Acts which impliedly encourage Rebellion. For these Species of Contempt, " a Man may not only Dec. 5— 7. B R I T I S H C H R O N I C L be fined and imprisoned, but suffer the Pillory, or other infamous corporal punishment. Book IV. Ch. 9. This Committee, fully sensiblc of the many kind and in Communications which they continually re- ceive trom various Quarters, return Thanks to their Correspondents, whose Hints will be thankfully received, and carefully attended to. In the mean Time it is hoped, that the variety of important Business which occupies the Committee, will furnish an Excuse for their not returning particular Answers to each Letter which they receive, ' JOHN REEVES, Chairman. POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Saturday, Dec. 1. A letter from the son of General Custine was read, intimating, that the Convention ought to be under no alarm for his safety, as he had seen his father on the morning of the 22d of Novem- ber, when he was preparing to attack the Prus- sians. He concluded by observing, that he him- self had assisted in planting the Tree of Liberty in several villages in Germany; that Dr. Boeh- mer preached the doctrines of Freedom with great success to his countrymen ; and that the Mayencois had but one wish, that of imitating the example of Savoy, and uniting themselves as an 85th Department to the French Republic. The President announced to the Assembly, that an Aide- de- Camp from General Dumourier was at the door, and wished to be admitted to the Bar, in order to communicate some interest- ing news to the Convention. The Aide- de- Camp, being instantly admitted, addressed himself as follows to the Assembly : " I have the honour to announce to you, that the army of the Republic, always victorious, is now at Liege. At one mile's distance from that city, they gained a complete victory over the Austrians, whom they have chased beyond the Meuse. [ Plaudits.] LETTER FROM GENERAL DUMOURIER To THE NATIONAL CONVENTION. Liege, Nov. 28, 1792. " CITIZEN PRESIDENT, " At the head of the bravest troops in the Universe, I attacked the rear- guard of the Im- perial army yesterday morning, at seven o'clock. It was commanded by General Staray, and composed of at least 12,000 men. " I myself did not possess an equal number, during great part of the engagement ; but the moment that the troops which I command came into action, the enemy were obliged to betake themselves to flight, after having been driven out of six villages, and lost their General. " The shortness of the day, as well as com mon prudence, prevented me from entering this city. " I have been here ever since nine o'clock in the morning ; and it is impossible to describe either the enthusiastic joy of this brave people, or the delicious emotions which we ourselves en- perience. Republican ideas are breathed here with the same energy as in France. " I dare to pledge myself, that in the space of four days a National Guard will be perfectly organised ; and that, in the course of a fort- night, the city of Liege will behold a National Convention. ' The army shows itself daily more and more worthy of the cause which it supports, and fully merits attention to its necessities. Our loss does not exceed 15 or 20 men. both killed and wounded, while the Enemy have lost at least from 5 to 600 men; among whom General Staray is to be greatly regretted. " Deserters come in to us every moment. " I am lodged in the Palace of the Bishop of Liege [ loud plaudits], who went off with great precipitation yesterday at three o'clock. " I have instructed M. Jolivet, the French Resident, to make an inventory of the Papers that he has left behind him. " DUMOURIER, General in Chief of the Belgic Army" [ Loud plaudits. Lieutenant- Colonel Philip Deveaux, who was entrusted with this dispatch, confirmed the taking of Antwerp. After a short debate, the Convention resolved, That it should express its satisfaction by a Cir- cular Letter of Thanks to all the armies of the Republic. A letter was read from a Commissioner on board the fleet before Genoa, informing the Convention that the Genoese were about to assert their rights and make themselveS free. The presence of the French Squadron gives them courage, and they ardently wish to be united to France. A letter was read from the Commissioners at Nice, announcing that General Anselm had retaken the port of Saspello, without losing a man. The troops, they say, however, are in great want of coats, breeches, and shoes. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Dec 2. " The insurrection that commenced at Mont- mirail, under pretence of the dearness of pro- visions, is said to be entirely dissipated. A body of 600 of the revolted has been surrounded by the National Guards, and 22 of the ring- leaders are now taking their trials, and will, on proof being made of their guilt, be instantly executed. " The Imperial Eagle, that formerly surmounted the steeple of the principal church at Tournay, has been brought in triumph to Paris. " M. D'Espagnac, the Contractor, was exa- mined yesterday at the Bar of the Convention. He claims the merit of performing great ser- vices to the Belgic Army. instead ot punish- ment he thinks himself entitled to reward, and throws all the blame relative to the want of pro- visions, on the Minister at war. " It is boldly affirmed here, that the Red Cap is publicly worn in the streets of Geneva, And- that Genoa intends to unite itself to the French Republic." A letter from Bayonne, dated" Nov. 25, says, " Spain is making immense preparations. Most of the farmers servants have received orders to learn the manual exercise, and for that purpose some of them go 60 miles. It is said that all the inhabitants of Spain, from the age of 18 to 40, are going to be armed. A number of ves- sels of War are also fitting out." The number of prisoners in different prisons of Paris amount to 487, of whom, 87 are wo- men , and the rest men. The Ship seen on fire off Portland proves to be the Frederic, Calling, a Swede, from Bayonne to Amsterdam, laden with turpentine, wool, and rum ; she is towed on shore, and the crew have brought away 6000 dollars. PROPOSED COALITION OF PARTIES. Mr. Pitt and Mr Fox have within these few days, as we are informed, completely abandoned E for 1792. 5 all ideas of Coalition, notwithstanding the measure has for some weeks been earnestly re- commended by the warmest friends of both parties. • The following statement of the negotiation, has been given to the public. From Mr. Pitt's silence it was believed that he would be passive on the occasion, and cheer- fully accommodate himself to the temporary- emergencies. The great Landholders connected with the Ministry and Opposition, most ardently wished for an event which would invigorate the Executive Government, and tend to pacify all their fellow subjects, Gentlemen of the highest characters were therefore entrusted with the ne- gociation : the chief of whom were— the Duke of Portland, Lord Loughborough, Mr. Burke, and Mr. Wyndham. The two latter, particularly Mr. Burke, urged it, as the most salutary plan which could be adopted at this perilous period. He offered to consign to oblivion all former ani- mosities, and to co- operate, with heart and hand, for the common good. The Duke of Portland, for whom Mr. Fox has always felt and expressed the greatest regard, was selected to request a decisive answer. Mr. Fox, dropping at last all delicacy on a subject of fo much importance to his peace and happiness, declared himself to the following effect " The long intimacy which has so happily subsisted between your Grace and me, makes it painful to resist your application. But I have always, been convinced, that you approve of political Candour. Permit me, therefore, to affi rm, that, although conscious of the honour intended by thofe who were formerly my nearest and dearest Friends, yet that, having suffered so much unmerited Obloquy, by one Coalition, I am firmly resolved— never to consent to another. The present are timeS of the most serious consequences. The welfare of my Country is paramount to every considera- tion ; but I am too old, ' too indolent, and now too unambitious, to fight under the banner of Government. If, however, my absence be deemed expedient to give strength and efficacy to those in power, I am very willing to retire to a foreign country, till they restore the de- sired harmony. If this offer be a matter of in- difference— as I confess it appears to me — I shall continue to discharge, as hitherto, my duty in Parliament, condemning and approving measuses, not men, according to the dictates of my conscience." The Duke of Portland made his report. The favourers of the junction were astonished and dejected; and Mr. Burke is said to have shed tears of sorrow on the melancholy news. A Coalition of Parties was then proposed, without Mr. Fox. The Duke of Portland was solicited to accept of the Premiership, and it was suggested that - Mr. Pitt would cordially co- operate as Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Loughborough was designed for the office of Lord Chancellor. The other arrangements were afterwards to be settled in the most ami- cable manner. To this Plan the Duke of Portland gave his negative ; avowing, that his personal attach- ment to Mr. Fox was unalterable ; and that his refusal or acceptance of his share in a Government, would be entirely regulated by the conduct of his Right Hon Friend. Thus the negociation dropped. Mr. Pitt's final answer, it is alleged was never received by the Parties \ L L O Y D ' S E V E N I N G . P O S T , & c. POSTSCRIPT CONTINUED. MAILS. ARRIVED. J Dublin 2 Waterford DuE. Holland French Flanders Dublin Waterford AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Dec, 6, " Passed by, the Carolina, Stewart, from Quebec for London. " This morning arrived, and came into harbour, the Cadiz Dispatch, of London, Bal- dy, from Rotterdam to Africa and the West- Indies. Being on her voyage as far as Lat. 48. 43. met with a hard gale of wind, at S. and S. S. W. in which she sprung a leak, and had five feet water in her hold when it was discovered, which made it necessary to bear away for the nearest port, to refit. She made Plymouth on the 4th ; but the wind blew so strong, that ( he could not get in, and therefore bore away for this place." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Dec. 6. " Wind W. S. W. blows hard. Arrived, and sailed for the River, the Cockatrice Cut ter ; the Western Galley, Weynton, and Queen, Perkins, from Oporto; the Commerce, Luce, from Lisbon; the Diana, Daniel, from Tene- riffe ; the Nancy, Setan, from Charante ; the Albion, Bennett, and the Diana, Viner, from Liverpool; and the Ceres, Ryder, from Chester. " Remain in the Downs, his Majesty's Ships Assistance, Rattlesnake, and the Orestes sloop, with the outward- bound as per last." Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Dec. 6, " Sailed, the Echo, Forresdale, from New Providence; the Henry, Wilson, the Hibberts, Chilholm, the Orracabessu, Burton, and the Sophia, Coldstream, for Jamaica; the Mary Ann, Ord, for Lisbon the Friendship, Hes- keth, for Rouen ; the Alfred, Bryan, for Sa- vannah ; the Mary, Collins, for Dublin ; and the N. S. de Aran Susa, Yugasen, for Cartha- gena." Arrived.— At Dover, the George Barclay, Collett, from Philadelphia; and the Mercury, Anderson, from Walwich Bay, a full ship. The latter spoke the Crow Isle of Hull, Leake, about 14 leagues to the south- west of Scilly.— At Waterford, the Bordeaux Packet, Giffard, from Bordeaux ; the Lively, Palmer, and the Countess of Haddington, Donaldson, from Barbadoes; and the Judith, Richards, from London.— At Dartmouth, tbe Fortune, Naramore, the Vigi- lant, Ball, and the Mary, Caskesley, from Newfoundland.— At Liverpool, the Rebecca, Fitzgerald, from Malaga.— At Plymouth, the Fairy, Gordon, from Corunnna ; and the Mary, Lawrence, from Lisbon.— At Bristol, the Bir- mingham Packet, Simmons, from Philadelphia; and the Langrish, Fitzhenry, from Jamaica, which place she left on the 26th of October. Good weather and great prospect of good crops. The Packet had sailed about 12 days before the Langrish. The Dutton, Hamilton, from Bengal, is ar- rived in the Downs: she left Fort St. George the 1st of August, and St. Helena the 15th of October. Dec. The Ganges, Gernault, the Lord Macartney, Have, the Europa, Applegarth, the Admiral Sir Edward Hughes, Anderson, the Melville Castle, Dundas, and the Ponsborne, Thomas, from London, are arrived at Madras. His Majesty's cutter Ranger sailed from Dartmouth on a cruize, December 5. The Sally, Bishop, of Yarmouth, from Rot- terdam to London, is supposed to be lost, on the Middle Ships. The crew, and 34 French Emigrants, it is feared have suffered. A meeting of the inhabitants was held at Southampton on Tuesday, in purfuance of pub- lic notice given by the Mayor, for the pur- pose of forming an Association for preserving Liberty and Property, and for preventing the circulation of inflammatory and seditious pa- pers. Mr. Amyatt, one of the Representa- tives, opened the business, and concluded with moving the necessary resolutions for forming the Association ; which being read by the Town- Clerk, were unanimously approved. It is said that Musprat, one of the unfortu- nate mutineers of the Bounty, who, after being sentenced to death, was respited during his Ma- jesty's pleasure, was so affected at hearing the signal- gun for the execution of his unhappy comrades, that he has not since spoke a word to any person ; nor can he be by any means pre- vailed on to do so. The Weaving Factory of Mr. Gorton, at Cuckney, near Mansfield, was on Sunday last burnt to the ground. The fire was discovered about five o'clock in the morning ; and owing to the oil, vitriol, and other combustible matter contained in the works, after a dreadful confla- gration of three hours only,- the whole was con sumed. The loss is estimated at j 8, oool. but it was happily insured to the whole amount.— The cause assigned for the dreadful accident is this : Two girls, whose business it was to take care of the fires, quarrelled about whose turn it was to carry away the ashes, and both de- clining the office, they were left in a tub in the place, and some of them which continued on fire burnt through the tub, and thence, catching the floor, destroyed the whole fabric and its contents. At ingatestone fair, in Essex, on Saturday last, there was a great show of horned cattle, which sold at high prices; the head North- Wales runts fetched 7I. 10s. a head ; there were likewise several droves of West Highland and Galloway Scots, which sold even dearer than the Welsh cattle. THEATRICAL ENTERTAINMENTS, HAYMARKET.] The Fugitive ; with The Prisoner. COVENT- GARDEN.] Columbus; with Hart- ford Bridge. CORNHILL WARD, Dec. 5, 1792. AT a Meeting of the Alderman, Deputy, Common- Council, and Inhabitants this Ward, holden in the Vestry- Room of the Parish Church of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, Mr. Alderman PICKETT In the Chair. IT WAS RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY , i. That thia Meeting do solemnly declare, in the most unequivocal Terms, their true and affectionate Allegiance to their Sovereign Lord King George, and their inviolable Attachment to the sacred Constitution of these Realms, as by Law established. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, That this Meeting, taking into their most serious Consideration the wholsome and expedient measures of the Court of Common- Council, the 29th day of November last, ' for the Suppression of Tumults, and the better Security of the Peace, Liberty, and Pro- perty of the Citizens of this Metropolis, do most heartily concur in the same; and will, in the most manner, testify their warm and steady Adherence to the Laws and Constitution of this happy Land, by their per- sonal Efforts, to subdue the daring Spirit ot Seditious, Licentious, and Unprincipled Malcontents, who aim at the Subversion ef all Order, and consequently the final Destruction of that Liberty which their impracticable Theory would pretend to improve. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, 3. That it is the Duty of every Citizen to be ready, when called upon, to strengthen the Hands of the Exe- cutive Power, and implicitly to obey the Summons of the Magistrates of this City, to resist the Violation of the Peace in their respective Neighbourhoods, and thereby to ensure to this Metropolis uninterrupted Harmony and Tran- quillity. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, 4. That a Reward of Ten Guineas be offered for the Discovery of any Pcrfon distributing Hand- Bills, or posting up any Paper of seditious Tendency, or giving away Pamphlets of the like Nature, within this Ward, to be paid, on Conviction of the Offender, by Mr. Deputy Birch ; and that the Constables of the Ward are hereby desired to use their utmost Vigilance to bring before the Magistrates of this City every Person so offending. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, 5. That the Proceedings of this Meeting be published in all the Morning and Evening Papers; and that Copies of the same be distributed to all the Inhabitants of this Ward. rESOlVED UNANIMOUSLY, 6. That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Alderman and Common Council of this Ward, for con- vening this Meeting at so early a Period, and for their impartial Conduct during the same. RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY, 7. That these Resolutions be fairly copied, and left at Batson's Coffee- house, to be signed by such of the Inha- bitants of this Ward as approve the same. WILLIAM PICKETT, Chairman.
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