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Lloyd's Evening Post

Date of Article: 01/10/1792
Printer / Publisher: T. Spilsbury and Son 
Address: No 57, Snowhill, London
Volume Number: LXXI    Issue Number: 5501
No Pages: 8
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[ 313] LLOYD'S EVENING- POST. ' VOL. LXXI.] From FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, to MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1792. [ NUMB. 5501. SATURDAY, Sept. 30. AFFAIRS of FRANCE. CLOSE of The NATIONAL. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Friday Morning, Sept.. 21- M. FRANCoIs proposed that the National As- sembly should termi- nate its Sitting, by an act of respect to the new Constituent Body, which being unani- mously voted, the fol- lowing Address was adopted : TO THE NATIONAL CONVENTION- " Representatives of the Nation! the Members who composed the National Legislative Assem- bly, informed that the National Convention is constituted, have terminated their functions. They have agreed, at the same time, that their last act, as a Body, should be to wait upon you in the National Edifice of the Tuileries ; to offer to conduct you themselves, to the place of your sitting; to congratulate themselves tor having deposited in your hands the reins of authority ; and to set the first example of bowing before the Majesty of that People whom you represent. " We ought, indeed, to felicitate ourselves in a particular manner for the happiness we enjoy ' of seeing you assembled, because it was in obe- dience to our voice that the Nation chose you ; and because, in yielding to our invitation, all the Primary Assemblies of France have. unani- mously sanctioned those extraordinary measures which we thought ourselves obliged to pursue to five twenty- four millions of men from the perfidy of one. " The difficult circumstances, in which we have been since the memorable epoch of the 10tH of August, would doubtless have. required these resources, and that plenitude of power, which you alone now possess. We have provisionally done away every thing that the urgent interests of the people required without encroaching upon the authority which was not delegated to us. In short, Representatives, you have arrived, in- vested with the unlimited confidence of a great and generous Nation; commissioned by it to let its external enemies hear the voice of its inde- pendence ; authorised to enchain at home the manner of anarchy ; in a situation to remove all obstacles; and to make every head, without distinction, bend under the protecting and avenging sword of the law. No pretences are any longer left for confusion, no objects for division. It is now the Nation which wishes for Liberty and Equality, and which has appointed you to esta- blish them upon a foundation which never can be shaken. " Discharge, Representatives, your im- portant duties; realise the promises which we have made in your name; and may the French people soon be indebted to you for three gifts, the first and the most valuable that Heaven can bestow upon mankind!— LIBERTY! LAWS! PEACE !— Liberty, without which the French people can no longer live— Laws, which form the most solid basis of Liberty— and Peace, which is the only object, and the only end of war.— Liberty! Laws! Peace! these three words were inscribed by the Greeks on the walls of the temple of Delphos. You will im- print tliem in indelible characters on the whole surface of the territories of France—- and each of us, when we return to our reSpective Departments, will every where inspire confi- dence in your wisdom ; respect for the existing laws, in expectance of those which are about to proceed from your tutelary authority ; Sub- mission to the free and popular Government- which you are about to establish ; and the most sincere wishes for maintaining among all the parts - of this extensive empire, that unity, of which your august Assembly will ever be the common centre and bond of connexion." This AddreSs being approved, a Deputation from the National Convention, entered the Hall,, and Said,— " The National Convention has Sent us to inform you that they are constituted, and that they are going to repair hither, to commence their sittings." The National Legislative Assembly then pro- ceeded in a body to the Tuileries, and thus ter- minated the National Assembly. Sept. 21 .— Morning. At the reading of the prOces- verbal of the first sitting of the National Convention, 371 De- puties were present ; when M. Petion was nomi- nated President, and MM. Camus, Vergniaud, Condorcet, Brissot, Rabaut, and La Source, were chosen Secretaries. M. Manuel demanded that the President of France should lodge in the National House known by the title of the Tuileries; that he should always be preceded by the badges of the law, and that whenever a sitting should be opened by him, the. citizens should rise as a just token of respect M. de Mirampal proposed the abolition of all the Constituted Powers, and the creation of all the authorities necessary to the Govern- ment. M. Chabot attacked the motions of the two former Speakers, by observing, that he was astonished M. Manuel, who had so vehemently exclaimed against Kings and Nobility, should with the Representatives of the French people to sanction new distinctions. " We ought," says he, " to aspire to no other honour than that of mixing indiscriminately with the brave Sans- culottes who have elected us." Instead of dis- puting about useless titles, he rather wished that the French people should be invited to the examination and sanction of the decrees destined to form the new Government, " since," be ob- served, " we are not placed here to give, but " to propose a Constitution to the French " People." M. Taillen proposed the administration of an oath,, by which the Representatives of the Peo- ple should instantly Swear, individually, not to separate until they shall have formed for the French People, a plan of government founded on Liberty and Equality. M. Couthon flattered himself that in this Assembly, no further notice would be taken of Royalty, and that Kings would soon become slaves. ' The creation," said he, "' of a Dic- tator, of a Triumvirate, of a Moderator is spoken of and it is whispered, that a party is already formed in the Convention for this new authority. It is an atrocious calumny, invented by the enemies of the public weal: let us. therefore, explain the principles upon which we mean to found our proceedings. Let us all swear to maintain the Sovereignty of the " People— the whole of that Sovereignty— and no- thing but that Sovereignty. Let us decree the punishment of death to those who shall dare to make any attempt upon the Sovereignty of the People, Liberty and Equality." M. Bazire was of opinion, that the penalty of death should be inflicted on any one who should attempt the Sovereignty of the People. The Ex- Minister, Danton, thought that no stable Constitution could exist, unless by the une- quivocal and nominative acceptation of the ma- jority of the citizens of the Primary Assemblies ; and that all the territorial properties, and those acquired by industry, should be eternally main- tained, and put under the Safeguard of the French nation at large.— loud applause. M. Cambon, who was aware of tne entire in- capacity of the Convention to execute a similar decree, demanded that it should simply be re- duced to a declaration, that the National Con- vention would never propose to the people any thing which might endanger the preservation of their property. He also proposed to secure, by a solemn declaration, the safety of persons. M. Danton, before delivering his opinion, re- signed his office as Minister of Justice. " The people," said he, " gave me that employment amidst the noise of cannon, which hurled de- struction upon the head of Despotism. At pre sent, as the Members of the Convention are as- sembled, I am only a plain representative of the people, and I confine myself to that honourable functopn.— There cannot exist any real Consti- tution but that which shall be expressly and in- - dividually adopted by a majority of all this French Citizens united in the Primary Assem- blies.' At length, after a warm debate, the following decrees were declared by the Convention : The National Convention declare, that there can be no Constitution but that which is ac- cepted by the People. They declare also that persons and property are under the protection of the Law ; that they will afterwards concert the mode which the French people at large shall pursue to manifest their opinion respect- ing that Constitution which shall be presented to them.' It was then moved, " That the National Convention should expressly declare, that all the authorities at present in the exercise of their [ Price Fourpence.] 3T4 LLOYD'S EVENING- POST, And Sept. 28— Oct. 1; functions shall be provisionally maintained until further orders." This occasioned some debate, and at length the principle of the motion was decreed in the- following- words : ' I. Those laws which have not been abro- gated, and those powers which have not been suspended, shall be provisionally preserved and supported. II. The taxes actually existing shall be collected as formerly.' The Convention was about to terminate the Sitting, when M. Collet d'Herbois, starting up, cried out, " There is one declaration which ought not to be deferred, even till the even- ing— it is, The eternal Abolition of Royalty in France." The Deputies all rose and demanded that it might be put to the vote. M. Bazire exclaimed against the enthusiasm which had taken possession of their minds, and requested that a question of such magnitude should be debated with that calmness and dig- nity which becomes the Representatives of a People. The Convention at length terminated this ' Sitting by the following Decree: « THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY DE- CREE THAT ROYALTY IS ABO- LISHED IN FRANCE." This Decree was followed by loud applauses, and the exclamations of Vive la Nation! The proces- verbal of this Sitting was ordered to be Sent by expresses to all the Departments, and the Armies, and to be proclaimed to- morrow morning in the City of Paris. The Sitting ended at half past four o'clock. Evening Sitting. MM. le Tourneur, du Bais de Crance, and La Combe St. Michel, were named Commissa- ries to superintend the works of the encampment round Paris. M. Condorcet was elected Vice- President. The Ministers, Clavieres, le Brun, and Monges, in the name of the Executive Provi- sional Council, came to testify their joy at the French Nation having been delivered from the plague of Royalty', and to protest that as worthy Republicans, they would die in the cause of Liberty and Equality. Deputations from various Sections were Suc- cessively admitted, and all declared their hap- pineSs at the Convention having met, and pro- mised them their Support in discharging their duties. September 22. On the proposition of M. Billand de Va- venne, the Convention decreed, " that in all the public acts the date of the Fourth Year of Liberty Should be abolished, and that of the First Year of French Republication substituted." On the motion of M. Camus, this regulation was extended to all the seals of administration, which are to be altered ; the National Seal for the future is a bundle of arms, and a pike headed with the Cap of Liberty, andon the exergue, the words French Republic. ' The Commissioners of Orleans announced that the Sections assembled in that City had suspended the Municipality, and that the Municipal Offi- cers had fortified themselves in a house sur- rOunded by cannon, and wished to preserve by force what was refused to them by the public confidence. Orleans was in consequence threatened with the most afflicting . ifa rs. The Convention decreed that three Commissoners taken from among themselves, namely, MM. Manuel, le Page, and Thuriot, should be instantly sent to Orleans. Several Members successively demanded the renewal of all the Administrative and Municipal bodies and that the tribunals should be replaced by other establishments; the Magistrates of the Peace to be comprehended in this regeneration.— Decreed after a warm debate, M. Taillen wished that the new Magistrates should not be exclusively chosen from among the people of the law. M. Langumais requested that, previously to the overthrow of every re- ceived principle, the basis of new laws should be founded, a mode of deliberation fixed on, and a regulation determined by which the discussions of the Convention might be rendered more calm and effectual. Thomas Paine, who does not understand the French language, proposed, by his interpreter M. Goupilleau, to make no partial reform in the Legislature of the Judicial Order, and that the Convention should confine itself to the Simple re- nomination of individuals. M. Danton was persuaded that all people of the law should be incapacitated from an election to the tribunals. M. Chassey, whose opinion was grounded upon an experience of 25 years in a judicial ca- pacity, thought that such a measure, by placing ignorant judges in the tribunals, would be ex- tremely injurious to the people. He treated the proposition of M. Taillen as a dangerous at- tempt at popularity. The crime of the tribunals consisted in send- ing addresses to Louis XVI. on the 20th of June. Thus, notwithstanding the efforts of MM. Chassey and Vergniaud, it was decreed, that " The people has a right of choosing its Judges from among all the citizens of any class whatever." M. Vergniaud then read the following LETTER FROM THE MINISTER AT WAr : " Mr. President, I transmit you the copy of dispatches from General Dumourier. He says, ' Last night, after making an attack for eight hours on the post of General Kellerman, the Prussians, who lost many men, continued their march on the left. I shall not remain long at my present post.— I shall follow the enemy ; and if they advance towards Rheims, I shall hem them in. I am perfectly satisfied with seven battalions of Federates who are just arrived : they are perfectly obedient, and love disci- pline. Signed ' DUMOURIER.' A letter from Chalons, dated the 21st, at one o'clock in the morning, and signed by two of the Commissioners of the Executive Power, stated to the Convention, That the Enemy had Surrounded General- Dumourier's army, which had sustained an attack, and had afterwards been driven back to take post at Vitry. Many of the enemy were killed." M. Billaud de Varenne, one of the Commis- sioners who had been sent by the Executive Council to the army of M. Dumourier, gave an account of his misson. He said, " He had seen at Chalons a proclamation, the object of which was to retain the national volunteers in their respective Commons and to prevent their assembling in the camp. He added, that, this proclamation was signed by Marshal Luck- ner He also said that he had Seen, on the 14th of September, the army of M, Dumourier struck with a panic, and betake themselves pre- cipitately to flight. They afterwards, he ob- Served, returned to their former tranquillity and Subordination." He deposited upon the table a packet of letters addressed to the Duke of Brunswick, and for on a Secretary of the King of Prussia, taken prisoner by the French troops. He concluded by requesting, " That the National Convention would order a reinforcement of troops to march to Rheims." Evening Sitting. A letter from the Commissioners of the North- ern Army, informed the Convention, that the enemy directed themSelves in full force towards Valenciennes, but that there were those there who knew how to give them a reception. After Several debates of little importance, and the admission of a variety of petitioners, M. Thourer, at the head of the Commission of Abrogation, addressed the following Speech to the Representatives of the people ; " We come to honour and acknowledge the most august Assembly which can exist in a great and powerful Nation. We Swear to re- main faithful to the dogma of National Sove- reignty, and to die Citizens." The City of Lyons is not more tranquil than that of Orleans. It appeared by a letter from the Minister of the Interior Department, that the Council of the Commons has been reduced to the necessity of lowering to half their price the necessary articles of life, as one expedient to quiet the populace; that the Administrative Bodies complain of being without energy ; that the women had collected in bodies, and had plundered the public stores of provisions; and that placards had been pasted up, declaring all those infamous and traitors to their country, who should refuse to throw Subsistence into the city. Commissioners are named to restore tran- quillity at Lyons. The following letter, dated the 21st, at nine o'clock at night from General Kellerman to the War Minister, was read to the Conven- tion. Head Quarters Danpierre, Sept. 2l. " I hasten Sir, to inform you of the action of yesterday. At day- break the Enemy attacked M. Despres Crassier, who commanded my ad- vanced guard ; he defended himself with skill and valour, and fell back up he main body under my command. The enemy in great num- bers marched in several columns M. de Va- lence, at the head of the grenadiers and cara- bineers, sustained this attack for long time on a rising ground. They filed off their troops towards my right wing under the protection of an immenSe train of artillery. I then formed my troops into line, and disagreeable as my Situation was, offered them battle from Seven o'clock in the morning to seven at night. They never dared to attack me, notwith- standing their great Superiority in numbers, but confined their operations merely to a cannonade of fourteen hours, by which I lost a number of brave men. " We hear that the enemy has sustained a prodigious loss, particularly of their artillery and cavalry. I retained my post till ten o'clock at night, and then took another position on the right of the enemy, who Suffered me quietly to make this movement, although it was not com- pleted nil this morning. " I cannot do Sufficient justice to the valour and zeal of the officers and men. I Saw whole ranks swept away by the explosion of three am- munition waggons, set on fire by a howitzer, without the line being broken. A part of the Sept. 28— oct. BRITISH CHRONICLE, for 1792. 3' 5 alry, and particularly the carabineers, were for a long time exposed to a very galling fire, and shewed themselves models of courage and firmness. I had entertained a hope that their cavalry would engage mine, which was disposed of in such a manner as to promise success. M. Sera- mond, Major- General of Artillery, had, as well as myself, his horse struck by a can- non- shot. Among our friends, whose loss we have to regret, is M. Lorimer, Colonel Com- mandant of a battalion of grenadiers. In the embarrassment that must attend particular men- tion, I shall select only M. de Chartres and his Aide- de- camp, with M. Montpersier, for the praise of good conduct and courage in the midst of danger, from a very hot fire. [ These are the sons of the ci- devant Duke of Orleans. J " The French Nation, after what I saw yes- terday, may be assured, that the best disci- plined soldiers cannot excel those who have de- voted themselves to the defence of Liberty. They shewed the most perfect confidence in their officers, by the manner in which they ad- hered to their posts. General Dumourier came and passed several hours with me at the bat teries, and would have brought his whole army if he had not been apprehensive of being at tacked himself. He sent me more troops than I had reason to expect in his position; and I cannot sufficiently praise his conduct. Our loss amounts to about 250 men killed and wounded. I must also inform you, that Messrs. Fabrefond, Hustace, and my Aide- de- camp, La- jolet, behaved in the most gallant manner. I shall send you by the first opportunity, some poor widows, whom I request you will re- commend to the Legislative Body to obtain for them relief and assistance ( Signed) " KELLERMAN, " General in Chief of the Centre Army.' " Before the sitting broke up, the National Convention declared itself permanent; de- creed, that twelve Members shall remain in the Hall during the night, to receive the dispatches which may arrive, and that a full Assembly shall be convened, at which every Member shall attend, in all cases of urgency. September 23. In addition to the Decree of yesterday, the Convention declared that' the National Com- missaries and the Secretaries of the Tribunals, shall be named in the same way with the Magi- strates, that is to say, without the liberty of choice being fettered by any restriction. The Commissioners of the Commons of Or- leans, admitted after a very warm debate, and who had been sent to Paris, to concert with the Minister the measures to be taken for the free circulation of grain, endeavoured to justify their colleagues for having proclaimed Martial Law, and displayed the red flag. Not with- standing the assurance they made of their zeal, and submission to the orders of the Convention, their justification was very unfavourably re- cived: they were, however, admitted to the honours of a sitting, and their Ministry referred to the Commission. On the motion of M. Gorsas, who was de- sirous that the subject of the war shonld be the constant order of the day, to the end, as he ob- served, that whilst the defenders of the Re- public were combating legions of slaves, triumphs should be prepared for the soldiers of liberty, it was decreed that the Military Com- mittee shall be heard as often as it shall claim the attention of the Convention. M. Arbogaste likewise made a proposition, which was decreed, on the formation of a Military Committee di- vided into two parts, the one to replace the Military Committee of the Legislative As- sembly, and the other the Commission of Arms, M. Billaud Varenne made a few reflexions upon the Executive Power, which M. Ver- gniaud insisted favoured strongly of calumny, and maintained that the Executive Power me- rited the most unlimited confidence. His an- tagonist, who endeavoured to reply, was si- lenced by the Convention. By the report of M. Cambon, one of the Commissioners of the Treasury, it appeared that the receipt of the National Treasury, from the 1st of January to the 22d of Sep- tember, of the present year, amounts., to 915,725,695 livres, and the expenditure, du- ring the same period, to 855,526,764 livres. M. Cambon proposed, that the Convention should order the fabrication of 30 millions of assignats, for which the National Assembly had prepared the paper, taking care, however, to make some change in the form, to the end that the eyes of the Republicans might no longer find in them the like -- ss of their former Monarch. The War Minilfer submitted to the Conven- tion his reflexions on the part of the Republic bordering on the Pyrenees, where the prepara- tions for an encampment were making. " If the Spaniards," he observed, " should violate their neutrality, far from being able to penetrate into our territory, we shall be enabled not only to repel them, but to enter theirs ." Several Members renewed the accusations against General Montesquiou, who, after a de- bare which went to a considerable length, was dismissed from his military employment, September 24. The following Letter was read from the Minister at War. Mr. President, " I have just received a Courier from the camp of M. Dumourier, and a letter from the Commissioners sent to Chalons. Since the last dispatches which I have communicated to the Assembly, no military event has passed. " Kellerman continues to praise his army; he assures me, that it is emboldened by the last suc- cess, and certainly not without reason; for the Enemy, with all their force, dare not attack the front of our small army. M. Dumourier ap- proves his position ; and says that, the Enemy cannot hold out above two or three day, being famished, and destitute of all provision. ' After going through every supposition, he is satisfied. This confidence promises well; for it is not probable, that a man charged with so great a moral responsibility, should testify his sa- tisfaction,, if he had not reason to conceive the most favourable hopes. ( Signed) " SERVAN." A second letter from the same Minister in- formed the Convention, that General Montes- quiou had, on the 19th instant, entered Savoy. M. Servan, perceiving with regret that the Ge- neral did not possess an universal confidence, re- quested that three Commissioners, taken from the Convention, might superintend his conduct, and the general tenor of his operations. The debates on this subject were extremely warm. M. Fabre d'Eglantine was of opinion that circumstances might present themselves, which would prevent the sudden execution of the Decree of dismissal ; he therefore, wished it to be left entirely t6 the prudence of the three Commissioners. M. Carra moved, that General Montesquiou, being suspected by the Republic, ought not to be entrusted with its defence. M. Danton ex- tended this proscription to the whole of his Field- Officers. The Convention decreed, " that MM. Du- bois de Crarici Le Combe St. Michel, and Gas- parin, shall repair to the Southern Army, and shall put in execution, according to their pru- dence and the state of circumstances, the Decree- which pronounces the dismissal of M. Montes- quiou." It further authorised them to make any other dismissals they might deem necessary, to replace those whom they might dismiss, and even to apprehend those on whom their suspicion might fall. M. Carra read a letter from Bienne, by which it appeared that that Republic had experienced a rigorous treatment from the Swiss; that the Canton of Berne appeared to have formed the design of concurring with the Emperor, in. driving the French from the defiles of Poren- trui, and in entering France. The Diet of Aran was to examine three questions: " Whether it would not be proper to declare to the French Ambassador that his prefence was no longer agreeable ? Whether satisfaction ought not to be demanded of France for the violences offered the Swiss Guards? And, by what expedient such satisfaction ought to be obtained " Referred to the Executive Powers. M. Luckner, called by the Provisional Exe- cutive Power to concert a plan of campaign having reached Paris, demanded permission to appear at the bar. Granted, on condition that he shall present in writing his explanations under his own proper signature. M. Pepin, President of the Criminal Tribunal appeared at the bar, and announced that the two men condemned to suffer death for the robbery- committed at the Garde- Meuble, had revealed the facts and named their accomplices;, that the most valuable effects had been recovered in con- sequence of what they had pointed out, and- the plot, in which many were implicated, was re- vealed. Very valuable articles had been found in the Champs Elysees. These men had demanded their pardon upon revealing their Accomplices M. Pepin was of opinion,, that it highly con- cerned the interest of the Republic to retard for some days their execution, to the end that a knowledge of their accomplices might be gained, and the whole of the plot traced. The populace however, he observed, were in a very high state of fermentation, and demanded their lives.. One of the robbers is an. Italian. On the motion of M. Qsselin it was decreed, that the execution, should be delayed.. On the motion of M. Cambon the suppresSion of the appanages of the Princes was decreed. M. Bourdon was desirous of including in the plan of suppression, the 500.000 livres alloWed for the support of the imprisoned Monarch and his fa- mily. The Convention was satisfied with referring his proposition to the Committee of Finance. PARIS, Sept. 25; There is no doubt but the army under Gene- ral Dumourier has received a considerable check even, those most sanguine for his success, and who reluctantly believe that any reverse of for- tune can happen, own that he has suffered some repulse, but lay the blame upon the stratagems of the enemy, who had agents in his army to assist in spreading a panic among his troops by giving out they were betrayed. and exciting them 3i6 LLOYDS EVENING POST, And Sept, 28— Oct. t. to fly; but we need only read the accounts from General Dumourier himself, of the want of discipline and subordination in his army, to place what has happened to its right account. That General has done every thing in his power to keep his army in tolerable order, and has even had recourse to severity, which has, in some respects, had its effect: but he has run a risk of suffering for his endeavours to establish disci- pline ; for having told some of his people, whom he found a little refractory, that he would send them away, they had the insolence to say, They were not now under the old form of Government,— that brothers were not to be treated in that manner,— and that the General ought to be arrested :" and so saying, seve- ral laid hold of the bridle of his horse; but hap- pily some of the standers- by succeeded in ar- guing these people into reason. Such occur- rences as these must tell against an army. The decree which abolishes Royalty was pub- lished at Paris by the light of torches. On this occasion all the streets were illuminated. In this decree several political questions are impli- cated. " How can a Monarchical unity be pre- served in a Republican Government ? Is the Go- vernment to be federal? Is an intermediate Senate to be established ? What will the Southern Provinces demand?" Such are the points debated by the coffee- house politicians and in the Sessions. Whilst the great advantages of French rege- neration are announced on all sides, seditions and discontents spring up in all parts of that vast Empire. At Orleans the different authori- ties have formed a collision wiih each other, and at Lyons the populace give law to the Con- stituted Powers. In the departments of the Northern Coast the tocsin is heard in a variety of places. Five thousand revolters having forced the inhabitants of Roche Dieu to deliver to them the arms and ammunition they had in store, massacred the Administrators, burned the house in which they held their sittings, and carried off the money chest of the Department; they were not quelled till they had left twenty dead on the spot, and retired with a further loss of eighty prisoners. At Rouen, after an abundant harvest, the in- habitants experience an extreme scarcity, and it is found necessary to supply them from the granaries destined for the army, to prevent their becoming a prey to famine. At Chalons the calumny of the Sieur Billaud de Varenne has exposed the Municipal Officers to the vengeance of the undisciplined national guards. In the department of Finisterre, the Patriots take a delight in wantonly pursuing the supposed refractory Priests, and abuse the credu- lity of the people to such a degree, as to per- suade them that women furnished with ordina- nations by the respectable Bishop of St. Pol de Leon, were permitted to fulfil the sacerdotal functions. We are assured, that in the above Department, there has been a tumult of some magnitude on the following occasion : The inhabitants ot one of the Commons had refused to pay the taxes, observing, that a Nation without a King, was no Longer a Nation. It is reported, that in an action between the Royalists and the troops sent to quell them, five hundred men were killed. This is stated to have happened at Brest. The inhabitants of Orleans and Dijon have made a similar declaration of Royalty. The King of Prussia has nearly been assassi- nated by a French soldier, under the disguise of a deserter, who discharged his piece at him. By another disguised Frenchman the Prince de Bigue has been killed, and his papers transmitted to the National Convention. Paris is constantly the centre of factions. The Administrative Bodies and the Minister of the Interior Department multiply in vain, letters and advices. The most alarming reports arc inces- santly circulated, and spread terror among the inhabitants. The environs of the Capital are not the only places infested by robbers, who daily plunder the property of the citizens. In the Northern Department complaints of the same nature are made, and the inhabitants are obliged to unite in their own defence. Bv a letter from Rheims it appears, that the Enemy had advanced to within five or six leagues of that city, and that the column of the Emi- grants, composed of 12,000 men, had taken possession of several villages. The communication between Thionville and Metz is interrupted. The Austrians have block- aded the city of Lille, and pillaged all the ad- jacent country. A letter from Lille states, that the Marshal de Camp, Dehaux, has set out with 12,000 men, divided into two columns, to besiege the city of Ypres. The decree respecting the national billets and the public funds, still excites terror on the Change at Amsterdam. It is well calculated to multiply there, the enemies of French Re- publicanism. LONDON. The Royal Family were prevented from at- tending their theatrical amusement on Wednesday at Weymouth, they having being detained on board the Juno, Capt. Hood, off Lulworth Cove, by a calm ; on account of which they were obliged to take the barges, in which they were rowed to Weymouth Harbour, which is four leagues distance. On Thursday the King and Princesses bathed as usual. After breakfast his Majesty, accompanied by several of the Nobility, went to Earl Poulett's seat, at Hinton St. George, Somersetshire, where they joined his Lordship's pack of hounds, and had a most pleasant hunt of four hours; after which the King returned post to Gloucester- Lodge, Wey- mouth, and in the evening the Royal Family honoured the Theatre with their presence. Wednesday Lord and Lady Howe arrived at Weymouth. On Thursday his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales gave a public breakfast to several of the Nobility, & c. at his Pavilion at Brighton. Yesterday Government dispatches were re- ceived at the Secretary of State's Office, White- hall, from Sir Robert Murray Keith, his Ma- jesty's Envoy at the Court of Vienna : duplicates of the dispatches were immediately forwarded to the King at Weymouth, and to the Cabinet Ministers, at their respective residences in the country. The Duke of Portland was on Thursday cho- sen, without opposition, Chancellor of the Uni- versity of Oxford, in the r00m of the late Earl of Guildford ; and on Wednesday next the Gentlemen of the different Colleges will dine with his Grace at Bulstrode, Bucks. Earl Fitzwilliam was on Saturday elected a Brother of the Trinity- house at Hull.— The Noble Earl gave 50I. to discharge prisoners for small debts. Wednesday last arrived in town from Paris Count Paravicini Capelli, a Captain in a Sw Regiment ; whofe life was saved on the 1oth' 6 August last, through the generosity and hu- manity of his landlord. Count Paravicini Ca- pelli married Miss Byron, niece to Lord Byron, and cousin to Lord Carlisle. The Duke de Liancourt is gone on a visit to Arthur Young, Esq. at Bradford. This Noble- man distinguished himself very conspicuously in the early part of the French Revolution. On the 3d of August his Excellency the Earl of Dunmore, Governor of the Bahama Islands, gave his assent to an act for laying duties on sundry goods, wares, and merchandise, therein mentioned, for the purpose of raising a revenue for the support of that Government, and di- recting how the same shall be collected and ap- plied. The quantity of cotton exported from the Bahama Islands, in the course of the present year, up to the 23d of July, amounted to 574,084 lb. Thirty private men belonging to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales's Regiment of Light Dragoons, lying at Brighton, have joined the volunteers at Portsmouth, and have got leave to go with them to the West- Indies. The Military Staff in the Windward and Lee- ward Islands is to undergo a reform the 24th of December next. From that day the appoint- ment of a Commander in Chief will cease. A Brigadier- General, with a Major of Brigade, will only be allowed. Head- quarters to be at Barbadoes. The troops quartered in the diffe- rent islands will be commanded by their superior Officers, but will report to the Brigadier. The Civil Governors will not interfere in military matters; but requisitions made by them will be complied with, if not inconsistent with the good of the service. The different regiments to be reviewed once a year by the Brigadier. Yesterday being the eve of St. Michael, the new and old Sheriffs met, when the prisoners in the several gaols of the metropolis were deli- vered over with the usual forms. Thursday afternoon some thieves stole a valua- ble horse near Tottenham- court- road, the pro- perty of Mr. Holland, of the Adam and Eve, in that place. The same evening Mr. Melford, of St. Mar- tin's lane, had his pocket picked, in the Strand, of his purse containing two guineas and some silver. On Thursday night the house of Mr. Thomas, in Aldersgate- street, was broke open, and robbed of plate and wearing- apparel to a considerable amount. Early yesterday morning the house ofr Mr. Quin, of Sutton- street, was broke open, and robbed of several articles of plate, & c. Yesterday a man was committed from the Office in Bow- street, on a charge of having de- frauded Mess. Payne and Co. Bankers in the City, of notes to the amount of 16ool. We hear from Evesham, in Worcestershire, that on Friday last, during a dreadful thunder- storm, a man and a boy who were plough- ing in a field near that place, with a team of five horses, were struck by the lightning.— The man, who remained speechless for some time, is yet in danger of his life; and different parts of the boy's clothes were entirely consumed, though his body escaped unhurt. Two of the horses were struck dead; a third died soon afterwards; and the two others were very much scorched. BRITISH CHRONICLE, for 1792. 317 In the garden of Mr. Scott, at Malrose, near Edinburgh bean produced three stalks, 82 pods, and 243 beans. At Market- Harborough church, on Sunday last ( by way of prelude to the sermon) the clerk rose, and with an audible voice mentioned, as how he Was desired to call a Westryt to meet at five o'clock in the afternoon, to consult about ad- mitting a Company of Players into the town. The singularity of such an oration in a church, to- gether with the comicality of the orator, threw the congregation into an immoderate fit of laughter. GENERAL- POST- OFFICE, SEPTEMBER 22D, 1792. TO prevent the Loss of entire NOTES or DRAUGHTS payable to Bearer, in Letters put into any Post- Office or Receiving- House, the POSTMASTER GENERAL repeats the Recommenda- tion so often inserted in the London Gazettes, and circulated by Hand- Bills throughout the Kingdom ; namely, To cut all such Notes or Draughts in half, in the following Form, to send them at two different Times, and to wait for the Return of the Post till the Receipt of one Half is acknowledged before the the other is sent. And when any CASH, in Gold or Silver, or when any RINGS, or LOCKETS, & c. are sent per Post from London, particular Care should be taken to deliver the same to the Clerk at the Window, or to the Clerk of the Money- Book, at the General Post- Office ; and, when any such Letter is to be sent from a Country Post- Office, it should be delivered into the Hands of the Postmaster. By Command of the Postmaster General, ANTHONY TODD, Secy. N. B. The Note is to be cut exactly where it is marked with a black. Line, first writing the Date and Year at one End of the Note, and the Number at the other End', by which Means each Part will Contain a sufficient Specification of the whole. This Specimen will be put up at every Post- Office in the Kingdom. ENGLISH and IRISH STATE- LOTTERIES, 1792. THE TICKETS ARE SOLD AND DIVIDED INTO Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, By HAZARD and Co. Stock- Brokers, At their State- Lottery Office, No. 93, under the ROYAL EXCHANGE, London, And no where else 0n their Account. Correct Numerical and Register Books are kept, and TICkEtS and Shares registered at Six- pence per Number. SCHEME. SCHEME of the IRISH LOTTERY. of the ENGLISH LOTTERY. HEALTH and LONGEVITY. Dr. JAMES's ANALEPTIC PILLS. To preserve Health, and of course to pro- long Life, nothing is so necessary as an attention to those slight indispositions to which all men are subject, and which, by being considered as trifling, are too often disregarded, till, by neglect they take deep root in the constitution, and become of serious and sometimes fatal consequence. These complaints, whether the cause of them be a cold, excess of eating or drinking, fatigue of body or mind, a too active or sedentary life, a gouty or a bilious disposition, & c. & c. are generally discovered by some obstructions in the minute vessels, or by some defect in the natural secretions.— As a remedy for these evils, the celebrated Inventor of the Fever Powder compiled his Analeptic Pills, and he exhibited in himself a memo- rable instance of their efficacy ; for, by the Constant use of them, though a free- liver, he attained to the age of 75. The tendency of these Pills is, to open the pores by night, and the body by day. They remove obstructions, promote deep, and they require neither confinement, nor attention to diet. They are also an admirable remedy for Rheumatic Disorders, for the Head- Ach, and for those complaints to which the Female Sex are peculiarly sub- ject. They should be taken on the first attack, of a cold, and upon all occasions of uneasiness or indisposition, and should never be omitted at bed- time, after any excess. They are sold only by Francis Newbery, at No. 45, in St. Paul's Church- Yard, and at Dr. James's late house in Bruton- street, London, in boxes at 4s. 6d. each, duty included; or the quantity of six in one large box for 1l. 2s. 6d. All purchasers ( for security) will observe that the name of NEWBERY is engraved in the stamp on each box by order of the Commissioners, as no others can be genuine. N. B. As many persons mistake Mr. NEWBERY's House, to which he has lately made a considerable addition, it is necessary to point out, that it is a large white House, at the End of St. Paul's nearest to Cheapside, with a Bust of Dr. James, and these words on the Front, " THE ONLY WAREHOUSE FOR. DR. JAMES's POWDERS." FOR RHEUMATISMS. CHINNER's SPECIFIC PILLS, THESE Pills, which were the invention of Mr. Summers, an eminent Medical Practitioner at Towcester, in Northamptonshire, and have been sold for many years by his Grandson, the late Thomas Oldham Chinner, have been always in the highest repute, as a sovereign Remedy for the Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Spasms, and all other Rheumatic Complaints, whether fixed in tbe Head, the Reins, the Hips, the Limbs & c. or whether the Pain has been wandering from one part to another. Persons also who have been afflicted with the Lumbago, and other very obstinate Rheumatic Complaints, for many years, have been cured by a few Doses of these Pills, and again restored to perfect health and vigour. They are sold, Wholesale and Retail, only by FrAnCis NeWBERY, at the Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, the East End of St. Paul's, a few Doors from the corner of Cheapside, London, price 3s. 6d. a Box, Duty included. And all Purchasers will observe, that ths; Name of " F. Newbery" is engraved in the Stamp, as the most certain Mark of Authenticity.— Sold also Retail, by his Appointment, by Mr. Steers, No. 10, Old Bond- street; Mr. Burchell, No. 79, Long Acre; Mr. Wade, No. 163, . Fleet- street; Mrs. Randall, at the Royal- Exchange Gate; Mr. Clarke, No. 169, Borough High- street and by Messrs. Freake and Fallofield, No. 3, Tottenham- court Road. To COUNTRY GENTLEMEN and Others. For PARALYTIC COMPLAINTS, and the whole Train of NERVOUS DISORDERS, with iNWARD DECAY, is strongly recommended HUNTER'S RESTORATIVE BALSAM of LIFE and HEALTH. Prepared for those whose Constitutions have been, weakened and impaired by the Shock of any violent Disorder ; conveying Strength and Tone to all parts of the Body, and totaiiy re- esta- blishing the whole NERVOUS SYSTEM. T0 Gentlemen of the first distinction in this Kingdom, as well as others, whose Constitutions were broken and debilitated, have experienced, the good effects of this Re- storative Medicine. For Nervous Disorders proceeding from excessive drinking, dissipated pleasures,- the immo- derate use of tea, or from whatever occasions great debi- lity and relaxation of the solids, a better and safer Medicine cannot be taken. This Restorative has been ordered to the East- Indies, where, in Nervous Disorders, extreme Debility, and Re- laxation, its good effects have been happily experienced indeed, every day produces fresh accounts of its success. For Pains in the Back and Loins, Weaknesses, & c. per- haps there is not any Medicine in public or private practice which has succeeded so well. Persons far advanced in years should frequently take a few boxes of this Restorarive, which will amazingly Strengthen them, be the means of preventing various disorders, and in some measure guard against the ravages of time. Note, This Restorative is prepared in Pills, which produce more gradual and lasting effects than all the in- ternal forms ; the finer parts of the Balsam are also better preferred. A Pamphlet on its Virtues, with a Lift of Cures an- nexed, may be had of the Venders, price 6d. To be had of Mr. WADE ( Purveyor of Mineral Waters to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales), No. 13, Old Bond- street; and at his Warehouse, No. 163, Fleet- street, as usual; also of Mr. Matthews, Bookseller, Strand; Mr. Tutt, Royal Exchange ; and of Deheer George Fer- guson, in de Kalver- straat, te Amsterdam 5 price 6s. 3d. the box ; or it may be had in larger boxes, price only 1l. 8s. which contain the quantity of six small boxes, as made up for the Army, Navy, & c. Mr. Wade respectfully informs the Nobility, Gen- try, and others, who have many years patronised this Re- storative Medicine, that, having removed to No. 13, Old Bond- street, he begs all Letters and Orders from the Country may be directed to him there. Country Gentlemen and others may be supplied with this valuable Medicine by sending their Orders by coachmen or newsmen, or by enclosing cash in a small parcel to Mr. JOHN WADE, No. 13, Old Bond- street for which purpose complete packing- boxes are d, r sending it with safety to any part of this Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland, & C. LLOYD'S E V E N I N G - P O S T, And Sept. 28- Oct. 1. MONDAY, Oct. 1. From the LONDON- GAZETTE, Sept. 29. lord Chamberlain's Office, Sept, 20 1792. NOTICE is hereby given, that his Majesty will have a Levee at St. James's on Wed- nesday next, the 3d of October, but no Drawing- Room there till Thursday the 11 th Of October. • Dublin Castle, Sept. 24. Saturday last being the anniversary of their Majesties Coronation, at noon the great guns in his Majesty's Park the Phoenix were fired three rounds, and answered by volleys from the Regiments in Garrison, which were drawn up in the Royal Square at the Barracks. In the evening a play was given by his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant for the en- tertainment of the Ladies ; and at night there were bonfires, illuminations, and every other demonftration of joy. Commissions signed by His Majesty for the Army in Ireland. STAFF lieutenant- Colonel John Francis Cradock to be Quarter- Master- General, vice Colone- Fawcett exchanged. , Colonel William Fawcett to be Inspector- General of Re- Cruiting- Parties, for Regiments on this Establishment serving abroad, vice Lieutenant- Colonel Cradock, ex- changed. Commissions in the Royal North Lincolnshire Re- giment of Militia, signed by the Lord- Lieutenant. lieutenant Francis Finley to be Captain- Lieutenant, Captain- Lieutenant Chafer, deceased. Dated Septem- ber 17, 1792. George Langton, Esq. to be Lieutenant, VICE Lieutenant Pownall, resigned. Dated September 18, 1791. BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED. Joseph Lawrence the younger, late of Fareham, South- ampton, miller, to surrender Oct. 23, at ten, at the Bugle Inn, Titchfield. William Jones, of Lampeter, in Cardigan, drover, to surrender Oct. 30, at eleven, at Guildhall, London. Matthew Clark, of Swan- lane, St. Mary, Rotherhithe, Surrey, mariner, to surrender Oct. 5, at ten, at Guild- hall, London. John Barney Sumner, late of Bourn End, in Hertford, pa- per- maker, to surrender Nov. 5, at ten, at Guildhall, London. BANKRUPTS. Thomas Dunch, of St. George, Middlesex, carpenter, to surrender Oct. 13, at twelve, 27. at ten, and Nov. 10, it five, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Morgan, Great Prescott- street, Goodman's- fields. Thomas Davis, of St. Andrew, Holborn, Middlesex, coal- merchant, to surrender Oft. 9, 2o, at ten, and Nov. 10, at five, at Guildhall, London. Attorney,, Mr. Stafford Brown, Little Friday- street. DIVIDENDS. nov. 14. Thomas Collinson and John Henton Tritton, of Lombard- streetj London, bankers, at six, at Guild- hall. Oct. 23. Joseph Maughan, of Ipswich, Suffolk, linen- draper, at ten, at Guildhall. CERTIFICATES. Oct. 30. Thomas Kemp, of Newhaven, Sussex, inn- keeper. Edward Ragueneau, of Exeter, merchant. » Joseph Browning, of Leadinhall- street, London, hardwareman. Edward Phillips, of Monmouth, salt- mer- . Daniel Almack, late of St. Anthons, All- Saints, Northumberland, potter. » Thomas Francis, late of Bewdley, Worcester, linen- draper. James Tiffin, of Tooley- street, Southwark, hat- manufacturer. | This Gazette contains an Address to his Majesty, from the Bishops and Clergy of the Scotch episcopal Church also, a Notice from the Speaker of the House or Com - mons, that he shall, at the end of fourteen days, issue his Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown to make out a new Writ for electing a Burgess to serve in this present Parliiment for the Borough of Winchelsea, in the room of the Hon. William Harry Vane, commonly called Lord Viscount Barnard, now a Peer of Great- Britain.] LONDON. On Friday morning the Royal Family were prevented from their usual excursion on account of the rain. At ten o'clock the King joined the chace of Lord Poulett's fox- hounds near Hinton St. George, and after a pleasant hunt of four hours his Majesty returned to the Lodge to dinner. Saturday being the Princess Royal's birth- day, when she attained her 27th year, their Majesties and the Princesses received the usual compliments at Weymouth. The Royal Family left Gloucester- Lodge this morning at six o'clock, and relays of post- horses are provided on the road, to bring them to Windsor to dinner by six in the evening. The Queen and Princesses will reside at Wind- for after their return from Weymouth till Wed- neSday the 10th of this month, when they will remove to Kew on account of the Drawing- room on the day following. A Council is Summoned to be held at St. James's on Wednesday after the Levee. To- morrow a Board will be held at the Admiralty- Office, when it is expected that four ships of the line will be put into commis- sion. On Thursday morning his Majesty's ship Lyon, and Hindostan outward - bound East- Indiaman, Capt. W. Mackintosh, bound to China, were spoke with off Torbay, all well. Friday dispatches were received at the Secre- tary of State's Office from Newfoundland, which are dated the 12th alt. they contain an account of the failing of upwards of 100 merchant- ships for foreign markets; that all the ships were nearly Sailed; that Several from America were arrived there with flour, & c. and that provisions were very plentiful.. By the Partridge, Cassin, from Oporto, ar- rived within these few days at Bristol, dispatches were transmitted to the Secretary of State from John Whitehead, Esq. his Majesty's ConSul. It is stated that the exports of wines to England within the last few months, have considerably increased; that the imports of broad cloths, long ells, and all Sorts of English stuffs, for the use of various parts of Portugal, exceed all preceding demands; and that the trade of the Brazils begins to revive. The Pool is So full of shipping, that Several vessels which arrived on Saturday could not come farther than Limehouse for want of moorings. The Expedition Revenue cutter, Lieutenant Godfrey, arrived at Scilly the 26th ult. and took in with her the Diana, a smuggling cutter belonging to Dunkirk, laden with tea, tobacco, and six hundred casks of Spirits. The Expe- dition fired on her four times to bring her to ; the crew crowded all the sail they could, and attempted twice to run the vessel on shore ; but they were prevented, the wind blowing very hard. Two of the crew behaved in So mutinous a manner, that they were obliged to be put in irons. then adjourned to the great Hall, re a Com. men- Hall was held to elect a Lord Mayor for the year enuring. The two senior Aldermen, Sir James Sanderson, and Brook Watson, Esq. were returned by the Livery, when the Court of Aldermen choSe the former, being the next in rotation, who was invested with the chain and other insignia of office ; after which he came for. ward, and thanked the Livery in a short Speech. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the late Sheriffs, Aldermen AnderSon and Coombe, who also addressed the Livery, and the Hall was dissolved. On Friday a countryman was defrauded of 125l. by means of the stale trick of purse- dropping. Early on Saturday morning the warehouse of Mess. Webb arid Co. of Ratcliffe,, was broke open, and robbed of cotton, cochineal, and in. digo, to a considerable amount. On Saturday, the house of Mr. Reveir, in. Cavendish- street, was broke open, and robbed of plate and wearing- apparel to a very large amount. On Saturday a man was committed from the office in Bow- street, on suspicion of having stolen a diamond ring, the property of Mr. Gould, of the Royal Hotel, Pall- Mall. Another man was fully committed for steaL ing a quantity of wet linen, the property of Mrs. Tolly, of Queen- street, Seven Dials. MARRIED. Friday, at Hampton- Court, Bowes Todd, Esq. to Miss Jane Ridley, of that place. DIED. . On Monday last, at his House in Great James- street, Bedford- row, Sir Fitz- William Bar- rington, of Swaynston, in the Isle of Wight, Bart, in the 85th year of his age.— On Wed- nesday, at his house in Southampton, George, Rogers, Esq. one of the proprietors of Vaux- hall.— Same day, at Norwich, John Murray, M. D. of that city, who was the first institutor of the Society of Universal Good- Will for the relief of distressed foreigners. Saturday being Michaelmas- Day, the Lord Mayor, several Aldermen, the Sheriffs, went in procession to St. Laurence's church, near Guildhall, where they heard divine service; after which they returned to Guildhall, where a Court of Aldermen was held on the present high price of corn, & c, on which a Committee of the whole Court was appointed to take that matter into consideration, and report. They A CARD. Mr. SPILSBURY reSpectfulIy acquaints the Public, that, in consequence of having obtained, Feb. 4th, 1792, his MAJESTY'S ROYAL LET- TERS PATENT, to Secure to himself and family the benefit of his invaluable ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, he has had his new bottles moulded with fluted corners, and the words, " FRANCIS SPILSBURY, his Antiscorbutic Drops, by the King's Patent," indented in them, in order to make a distinction from those before used, and to pre- vent the danger of mischievous counterfeits being obtruded on the unguarded patient, re- Sident in Great Britain, Ireland, and in foreign countries. Mr. SPILSBURY'S DROPS, are Sealed up in Bottles of js, and ll. 2s. possess an al- terative salubrious quality, are Safe and pleasant in the administration, requiring no confinement they purity the Blood, promote Digestion, strengthen the Constitution ; and a single bottle of the Medicine is Sufficient for a trial of their effects in Scorbutic, Gouty, Ulcerous, Rheu- matic, and other Nervous Complaints, as Bi- lious, & c. Soho- Square, London, M Sept, 8, 1792, Sept. 28— oct. I. BRITISH CHRONICLE, for 1792. POSTSCRIPT. AFFAIRS OF FRANCE. Positive information is received of the ar- rival of the Duke of Brunswick and the Prussian army at Chalons, as well as that the Austrian army and that under the command of the French Princes was at Rheims on the 24th instant. The former is 95 miles East of Paris- the latter, 8j miles N. E. of that place. The Combined Armies met with no opposition at either of those places. These facts were well known at Paris on Wednesday and Thursday last, although the French prints, for obvious reasons, are silent on this head. It is even said that the Duke of Brunswick Is arrived at Soissons, distant only 55 miles from Paris. The French army has been obliged to recede step by step as the Combined Armies advance ; and it is conjectured that they will not stand another engagement until they have retreated near Paris, where the Duke of Brunswick ex- pects to be very obstinately opposed. Du- mourier's army, in the last engagement with the Prussians near the river Aisne, lost 1400 men, besides the greater part of their baggage. The Combined Armies are marching in two grand columns towards Paris, though not far distant from each other the Prussians by the way of Soissons, the Austrians and Emigrants by the way of Meaux. Extract cf a Letter from Paris, Sept. 25. " The National Convention has at length entered peaceably upon the exercise of its func- tions. The important question which it was expected would have occupied a considerable portion of time, namely, the fate of Royalty in France, was settled almost as soon as the Con- vention met. " The Commons of Paris appointed Com- missioners to announce to the King the Decree of the Convention which abolishes Royalty. He was however, sufficiently informed of this change before their arrival at the Temple, by the hawkers of the journals, who went about through the neighbouring streets, proclaiming the news, in order to sell their papers." The Council General of the community of Paris, adverting to their responsibility for the safe custody of Louis XVI. and his family at the Temple, have forbidden any officer of the armed force, to enter the apartments of Louis, except the Commandant- general, and the Ad- jutant- general upon service. NATIONAL CONVENTION. Sept. 24. After several discussions and disputes, the National Convention decreed, That six Com- missioners shall be named to render an account, as well as' they may be able, of the present stare of the Republic, and of the city of Paris. These Commissioners are to draw up the plan of a law against the instigators of murder and assassination; and are to state to the Conven- tion, the means of having a public force at its disposal, to be taken from the Eighty- three Departments." Sept, 25 A Decree was made suppressing the High Na tional Court of Orleans. Marshal Luckner, attacked by a giddiness at the moment he was about to repair to the National Convention, satisfied himself with addressing to them a letter in the German lan- guage. The Session of Sans- culottes, to which the Nation had paid; during the last week, 290,000 livres, for the labours of the encampment round Paris, without their having been at all advanced, demanded ot the Convention an armed force to maintain order in the camp, and to stimulate to action the indolent workmen. The following letter, from M. Montesquiou, the Minister at War, giving an account of his operations, during the first four days of his ir- ruption into Savoy, was read to the Conven- tion. " My expedition into Savoy was made sooner than I had announced to you. Three redoubts had been constructed by the enemy, near Me- lians to receive their cannon : the works of these redoubts were already much advanced, and were upon the point of being concluded ; no time was to be lost in taking possession of them. " I sent forward my advanced guard, com- manded by M. Lagarde; it was composed of twelve companies, and two hundred dragoons. The troops were in the best disposition : they swore, before beginning their march, to respect property, to protect disarmed persons, and to show themselves generous towards their enemies, who should give up their arms. After the dispositions, which I had ordered, this detachment advanced in two columns to surround the Piedmontese: bad weather retarded their march, and gave the enemy time to escape ; but the three redoubts were taken, and the works destroyed without the loss of one man : we made only three prisoners. M. Legarde praises highly the silence, the discipline, and the generality of his troops. " It appears, that the enemy thought of con- fining all their defence to these three redoubts ; they suffered me take to possession, without resist- ance, of the posts of Belgaride and Dapremont. I am about to advance in two columns; of which one will hear upon Montmeliant, and the other upon Annecy. I have left my rear- guard to the command of M. Cassabyanski ; my first letter, I hope, will be dated from Chamberry. " At the moment in which I am about to send off my courier, I learn that Montmelian has opened its gates. My plan is to advance by the left of the Ysere to cross the Sardinian Le- gion. In a few days I shall take, in the name of France and of Liberty, possession of all the country, which is before me, as far as the Lake of Geneva. " The French advance more as liberators than conquerors in Savoy ; they are there waited for and received as friends. " I am very glad, that the order which you, have given me, affords me an opportunity of re- pelling by victory, the calumnies which are in- cessantly spread against me. ( Signed.), MONTESquIOU." This letter gave rise to the following De- cree :—" The National Convention decrees the suspension of the execution of the decree of dis- missal awarded against M. de Montesquiou, & c." the Swiss Cantons have demanded the eva- cuation of Porentrui, now occupied by the French. M. Custine, the Commander in that quarter, thinking them important to the safety of France, retains them; and the Ministers have transmitted to him their approbation of his conduct. Sept. 16. The War Minister complained of the diffi- culties encountered in constructing the works Of the encampment round Paris. It was however^ put into a state to receive 10,000 men. It appeared by a letter from the War Minister that he had ordered 10,000 men to repair to the Camp at Chalons, into which he should not fail to throw new succours. The Minister at War, in a long letter, has sent in his resignation to the Assembly, declaring that the state of his health, exhausted by an almost incestant watchfulness for six weeks, will not permit him longer to hold his office. M. Rouyor informed the Convention, That the Prussians had been driven to the necessity of roasting and eating such of their horses as had been killed by the French troops!!! MM. Lacroix and Arena Commissioners of the Department of the Lower Seine, stated to the Assembly, that the Adminstrators of the Depart- ment had purchased in England wheat to the amount of 100,000 livres. M. Anselme, a Ljeutenant- general, and Com- mander in Chief of the Guards stationed oa the sea coasts, had required of the Administra- tors of the Department des Rouches du Rhone, to furnish 6000 men, and a million of livres in cash, as well as a sufficient number of trans- ports, for the execution of a plan concerted with M. de Montesquiou, relative to an inva- sion of the County of Nice. M. Barbaroux announced that the 6000 men had set out with two months provisions, escorted by a ship of the line and two frigates. It was unanimously declared by the Na- tional Convention, in the sitting on Tuesday, that " The French Republic is one, and in- divisible." The following Note from the National Exe- cutive Council was read, on Wednesday last, to the National Convention. " The Generals of the Army of the North and of the Centre, having communicated to the Executive Council, that overtures had been made to them, on the part of the King of Prussia, which announce his desire . of entering into a negociation; the Council de- crees the following answer to them—" The French Republic will not hear any proposi- tions before the. Prussian troops have eva- cuated the French territory. With respect to the above overture, the Pa- risian Correspondent of a Morning Paper says, It is most certain that the King of Prussia has offered publicly to General Dumourier at cessation of hostilities, and to enter into a negociaton for peace on the basis of asceri- taining Liberty to France." Thirty diamonds of the Garde- Meuble have been sent back in a letter to the Joint Secretary of the Commons, by Anselm and Jou, Jews, to whom they had been presented for sale. They did not arrest the thief. The diamonds have been sent to the Register of the Criminal Tri- bunal. A dreadful set of conspirators, to the num- ber of 42, were taken into custody at Bologna at the beginning of this month ; most of them persons of birth and character. They had formed a plot to set fire to the city, to murder the Swiss Life- guards of the Pope's Legate, and several Officers of the household, and to open the prisons. , They write from Nancy, that at Crevey, se- veral persons have been taken into custody, for having been privy to a plan concerted for poisoning the wells. LLOYD'S EVENING - POST, & c.. POSTSCRIPT CONTINUED. 320 Sept. 2&— 0£ h 1. Surrender of Dumourier s Army. A Letter received in town this morning, from the House of Messrs. Buchannan, of Ostend, dated Saturday, brings advice that news had been brought there, by express, from Brussels, that General Dumourier's Army of 25,000 men had been surrounded by the Austrians, obliged to lay down their arms, and surrender at dis- cretion. AUTHENTIC PORT- NEWS. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 30. " Arrived, the Mary, Parker, from Dant- zig ; on the 12th inst. fell in with the Ebenezer, Forbeck; from Norway ( overset) crew saved ; the Dart, Wilkinson, the London, Johnson, from London; the Ariel, Stonehouse, from Petersburgh; and the Nancy, Evans, from Riga. " Sailed, the Montague,, Newstob, and the Princess Augusta, Westbeach, for London; and the Diligence, Patterson, for Cork." Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 30. " Wind S. E.— Remain in the Downs, the Diligence India Pilot; the Grand Duke, Pol- lock, for. Virginia ; and the Don Zion, Pieter- Son, for Alicant. Extract of a Letter from Gravesend, Sept. 30. Passed by, the Earl of Surry, Monkman, the Elizabeth, Halfnight, and the Mercury, M'Alliston, from Ostend; the Colworth, Gilson, From Algiers ; the Young William, Karl, from Stettin ; the Wildman, Haye, the Trelawny. Packet, M'Donald, and the Louisa, Harrison, from Jamaica ; the Hercules, Rheeder, and the Hamburgh Packet, Clark, from Hamburgh; the Lawrence and Mary, Thorson. from Nor- way ; the Fortuna, Faux from Stockholm ; the Britannia, Readman, from Carolina; and the St. johannes, Strombus, from Stettin. Sailed, the Expedition, Fairfoot, for Smyrna; ths Hannah, Hall, for Barbadoes; the Unity, Rocloff for Amsterdam ; the Queen, Harris, for Cadiz; the Julius Pringle, Callahan, for Charles- Town; the Cambria, Williams, for Genoa ; the Polly, Pixley, for Petersburg ; the Brothers, Smith, for Havre;. the Newry, Wilson. for Newry; the Eagle, Ditton. for Rotterdam; and the Jean, Barr, for Dublin. Arrived. — At Dover, the Thames. Jones, from Newry.— At Whitehaven, the Phoenix, Newton, from Virginia.— At Liverpool, the Hope, Fisher, from Virginia, and the Brothers, Williams, from Jamaica.— In the Creek, the Queen of Naples, Gray, from Leghorn.— At Dublin, the Christian, Watson, from Jamaica. — At Cork, the Ann, Conyers, from Balti- more, On Thursday night, Colonel Tarleton, with about 150 Emigrants, arrived at Brighton from Dieppe. The famous Beaumarchais is arrived at Ports- mouth, attended by a Jacobin valet. M. da Calonne will be in London to- morrow or Wednesday. He will make but a short stay here, intending to spend the ensuing winter at Naples, whither Madame de Calonne is pre- paring to go. FRENCH PRIESTS IN ENGLAND, The following is the present state of the plan for relieving these unfortunate persons. The chief Subfcription amounted, on Thurs- day, to 4000I. About 420 persons have at present applied for relief. The Palace at Winchester, which, in the last war, held 11,000 French and Dutch pri- soners, is now preparing for their reception ; and a thousand may probably be accommodated there, in such a manner as to show that our charity is not insultingly given. But the notion that the place is a fort of prison, has, we are told, prevented great numbers from applying for admission to it. A contractor furnishes beds, during a certain term, for 2000I. ; each person, adopted b the charity, is to have two guineas a month for the purchase of food; and the greater part will receive, besides, 20s. the first month, as an al- lowance for clothes. The great saloon in the Palace will be entirely filled with beds.. In the mean time, subscriptions are proceed- ing in several of the principal towns in England; and, as this is purely a question of humanity, all political considerations are happily excluded from it. A plan is said to be on foot, respecting the tithes of this Kingdom, that must give great satisfaction. The average of the present tithes paid by each parish is to be raised every year, in the same manner as the poor- rate is, at so much in the pound.. The Clergyman will then have his dues without litigation, and no impediment will be thrown in the way of future experiments in agriculture. The Archbishop of York consecrated a piece of ground, on Tuesday last, in that city, adjoining All Saints, for the purpose of a burial- ground. A new Theatre was opened last week at Halesworth, in Suffolk. The plan for erecting barracks has extended to Norwich ; a large house, and ten acres of ground, being taken up by Government for that purpose. Among many plans of improvement through- out the country, is on adopted at Leicester, for building a new square. with a circular chapel in the centre, and streets proceeding from each corner. At Stamford, a new pavement has been una- nimously agreed upon, and the Earl of Exeter subscribes 500I. to it ; Sir George Howard and the Earl of Carysfort, 100I. sach. By a late determination of the Board of Ex- cise, no farming Live. Stock sold by auction is liable to any duty. A fire broke out at Fulham, yesterday morn- ing, about three o'clock, and had done consi- derable damage before any efFectual assistance could be obtained.. Tuesday afternoon, while Mr. Haygarth, of Bull's Cross, was out a shooting lk the Hyde at Edmonton, his fowling- piece t near the breach, and the fragments of' the barrel carried away part of the thumb, and the two first fingers of his right hand, and also terribly; wounded him in the face. Wednesday evening, during the absence of the family, some thieves got into the house of Mr. Elmsley, wire- drawer, in White- Cross- street, and stripped the lower apartments of linen and other effects to the value of about 20l. The average price of sugar, computed from the returns made in the week ending on Wednes- day last, is 54s. 8d. per hundred weight, exclu- sive of the duty of customs paid or payable thereon, on the importation thereof into Great Britain. The quantity of raw sugars at this time on hand, from the late arrivals, is said to be as great as ever was known. ThEATRiCAL ENTERTAINMENTS* This Evening, COVENT- GARDEN.] Othello, with The Irishman in London. THE ANNIVERSARY OF Mr. FOX's FIRST ELECTION FOR WEST- MINSTER, WILL be held at the SHAKESPEARE TAVERN, Covent- Garden, on WEDNESDAY, October 10th, 179. Right Hon. CHARLES JAMES FOX, in the Chair. STEWARDS. Duke of NORFOLK, Mr. CARPENTER, Earl of DERBY, Mr. CLARKSON, Earl FITZWILLIAM, Mr. SADLER, Lord ED. FITZGERALD, Mr. GARDNER,. Lord JOHN TOWNSEND, ; Mr. PRESSEY; FILM. HONYWOOD, Esq. Mr. HOLMES, jun. Colonel TARLTON, Mr. FLETCHER, Ald, HARVEY COOMBE, Mr. SMITH, Mr BEREsford, Mr. PEACH-. Dinner at Half past Three o'Clock. Tickets 7s. 6d. to be had of the Stewards, and at thc Bar of the Shakespeare. j by T. SPILSBURY and SON, No. 57, SNOWHILL; where all Persons may be regularly served with This Paper. will be received at NEW LLOYD'S COFFEE- HOUSE, over the ROYAL EXCHANGE ;. and at the } residing in the Country, who are desirous of being supplied with, this Paper, are requested to apply to the Clerks At POST- OFFICE. by whom they way depend on being regularly served.
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