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Berrow's Worcester Journal


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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5121
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Berrow's Worcester Journal
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Berrow's Worcester Journal

Date of Article: 05/05/1791
Printer / Publisher: J. Tymbs 
Address: Berrow's Printing-Office, at the Cross, Worcester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5121
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Price Three- pence Halfpenny, T H U R S D A Y, May 5, 1791, Numberr 5121 Saturday's and Sunday's Posts. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. Frankfort, April 16. LL the Letters from Trieste fpeak of the arrival of a vessel in that port on the 30th of March, . with the intelligence that the Grand _ - Sultan- died at Constanti- nople on the 16 th of March. Hamburgh, April 15. We have accounts from Co- penhagen, that an En- glish frigate, with three cutters and a sloop of the fame nation, have come' to anchor off Skagen, destined for the Baltic. This little division of light vessels is looked upon as the forerunner of the grand fleet under Lord Hood, whose paffage will he facilitated by the above fhips reconnoitring the waters and founding the diffe- rent roads. Constantinople, March 6. We are very anxious here to see the issue of the projects of England, who, in return for the fervices which fhe has rendered to oar Court, is endeavouring to obtain, among other things, the free navigation of the Black and Red Seas. By the navigation. of the Red Sea, Great Bri- tain defigns to trade from the Indies by the Streights of Suez, by tranfporting its merchandizes . from thence by land as far as the port of Alexandria, from whence they will be. forwarded to Europe in their ships. By thefe means England can not only give a greater fcope to her establishments at Candahar and Raffora, but also extend her commerce throughout Persia, as far as the Black Sea, her intention being, to establish factories on the Coasts of Asia. However, this project affords great uneasiness to our principal commercial houses, as it would give a very bad turn both to our trade, and to that, which other nations have hitherto carried on to the ladies. The English would then be able to make discoveries in the interior, parts of Africa also, and to. profit from the advan- tages resulting from them. Paris, April 24. On Thursday Evening M. de la Fayette, shocked at not having been able to main- tain Discipline among the National Guards when his Majesty proposed to depart for St. Cloud, sent in his Resignation, accompanied also with'those of the other Staff Officers. . L ; As soon as the resignation. of M. de la Fayette was announced,,- the several battalions of the Na- tional Guard assembled, under arms, to consider what was proper to be done- Forty- two .. of them fent deputations to request that he would resume the command. The Municipality, with M. Bailly at their head, joined their felicitations to thofe cf the National Guards. He appeared to be much affected, and promised to give a final anfwer in the Council General of the Community. On Friday evening, at nine o'clock, he repaired to the Coun- cil; but just as he began to speak,' he'was taken ill, fainted, and was recovered with so much difficulty, that the Council broke up/ without his'^ enig able to deliver his ultimaterefoluilon. . .'.. , . . LOND O. N, Fa.' iD';\- April 29. ' Wednefday, though the firft; opening day at the • Stock- Exchange after the holidays, afforded little or no fiuiluation from the prices of Saturd IV laft, and what was liill more extraordinary, no political news, true or falt'e, was afloat in any of the avenues of the alley. On Tuefday evening Mr. Faulkener fet out on his commifiion to the Coui ts of Berlin and St. Puterf- bourgh. A general armiftiee, for . the/ pace of three months, is faid to be. agreed upon by the feveral belligerent powers, as'weil as'by ttuofe that were on tfcjt. point of and Mr. G. Chalmers, of\ he Plantation office, in England, . the quantity of money in the. former ap- pears to be ninety- one. Millions and a half fterling, and in the latter to be piijy twenty Millions. The importation of gold and filver into Europe, from South Awerif » „ is . about five. Million ftejiing annually, according to the infallible regifters of Lifbon and Cadiz. The rapid improvement of- hemp in this kingdom promifes foon to becomea. national'obieft of confide-- rable magnitude. The Agricultural Society have at this time nearly five hundred claimants for premiums for its growth. A letter has been received from Mifs Mills, by which tire following particulars as to a late elopement are known:— Mils Mills purfued Mifs Clarke and Mr. Perry to Oftend? where fhe and her companions [ made every enquiry after the fugitives, and were at jilength informed they were gone to Bruffels, for which ' place they immediately fet off after them. At Ghent they renewed their enquiries, and were by the Land lord of an Hotel there, told they had been in the town, but were gone on for Bruffels. They were preparing to follow,. and on the point of quitting Ghent, when , the'Landlord from whom they had gained the information, flopped them, and informed them, that the perfons whom they were in fearch of, were at that time in the town, and pointed at the houfe in which they were; immediate application was made to the chief L. lagiftrUeiii- the place, who ordered the gates of the town to be ( hut, and that no perfon ftiould pafs ; but would not fearch the houfe for them, as he did not conceive himfelf fully autho- rised-, - unlefs he had an indemnification for his Mu- ff u£ l from the mother and guardian of the young Lady. In this ftate the - affair at prefent reits ; and both the • purfued- and purfuers are now, or were, when this information came away, at large in Ghent. B E R. by AUCTION, T I M TO be S O L D on Monday the 9th day of May inft. between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, at the Talbot, at Newnham's Bridge, in the parilh of Lindridge, together, or in fuch Lots as lhall be then agreed' on ; A valuable Lot of NAVY TIMBER, ready fquared and tided, and containing upwards of Sixty Tons; together with a conliderable quantify of Planks, for Shipping, now lying at Newnham's Bridge ' afore- faid ; and alfo a large quantity of Timber, great part whereof is fit for the Navy, now lying and being 011 tsyo Farms, in the feveral parithes of Burford and Milfon, in the county of Salop, in the pofleflion of Mr. Edward Wall, who will fhew the Timber; and for other particulars apply to Mr. Hale, at Hopton Court, near Cleoburj" Morfimer, in- the faid county of Salop. o O N, Another lupnly of thofe excellent ANTISCOR- BUTIC DROPS, prepared by Mr. Spiljbury, ch- y- mift, Soho- fquare, is how. received by ' j., TYMBS, Printer of this Paper. The virtues of this celebrated medicine have been difplayed by eminent cures in this country, and been noticed in the papers; in- deed fcarce a perfon who becomes - a purchafer of a final! five milling bottle, but has reafon to found its praifc. ,., To accommodate patients. Mr. Sptllbury', Treatife on the Scurvy, Gout, Diet, with one hun- dred cures, is lent ou; to read; here, as in a mirror, the affiifted may obfervehow foon their fellow- crea- tures have been relieved, labouring under the ( curvy, gout, rheumatifm, evil, ulcers, & c.—- N, E.-. At this feafon of the year, perfons would do well in fending for half a dozen, or a dozen bottles at a time.- ' The ftfpply now come to hand is war- ranted of excellent qswJity.^, For the remaindtr of theje Pojls, Jh aurlafl Pare. engaging in war,- in their different inter- efts, This TO be S O I. D hy A U C f I O N, On the P R E M 1 S E S, By W t'Ct I A M C U R T I S, on Wednefday an'd Tliurfdpy the nth and nth days of May inft. by order of the AlTignees of THOMAS DOVEY, of the parilh of St. Michael, in Bedwar- dine, in the county of Worcefter, Whitefmith and Ironmonger, a Bankrupt; All the entire HOUSEHOLD GiVODS-, STOCK, in TRADE, and Effects of fhe faid Bankrupt, confiding of a great variety of Articles in ihe Wlritefmith and Ironmongery Bufineftes, and a good affortm'ent of Honfehold Furqiturje The Sale to begin at 10 o'clock in the Morning of each day. N. B. the Stock in Trade to be Sold the firft day . of Sale. be SOLD by AUCTI By JOSEPH PRATT, ( by order of the Afligne'es of- WILLIAM MILWARD, a Bankrupt,) at the Black Boy, 111 Feckenham, in the county of Worcefter, 011 Wednefday the nth day of May inft. between the hours of two and five in the afternoon, fubjefl to conditions then to be pro- duced; All that' FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, Malt- houfe, Bake- houfe, and Cyder Mill, lituate at Hoiberrow Green, in the parifti of Inkberrow, in the county of Worcefter, with a very excellent kitchen- garden, and convenientprit- bui'dings, now in the occupation of the faid William Milward ; together with about 6 acres ( more or let's) of exceeding rich meadow and paflure land, adjoining the buildings ; about 3 acres whereof are planted with cherry and other fruit- trees, of the bell forts, and now in full bear- ing. The Premifes are con iguous^ to a found com- mon, upon a proper eminence whereo'", ( lamb a lately erefted Wind Mill, in comple3t, repair, now occupied with the faid Meffuage. The whole of the Premiers form a very detirahle fituation for a Baker and Maltfter, b. ing in a fertile and' populous coun- try. and near good roads. Particulars may be known by applying to Mr Harvey, of Wc- ethley, and Mr. Harris, of Feck- enham, the Allignees; or Mr. Eadts, Attorney at j Law, in Feckenham. MILLINERY. CALLOW returns her refpetlful thanks • tothe Ladies of• Worcefter, and its Environs, for the very great. encouragement ihe has met with ; and begs leave to acquaint them, the has engaged a young Perfon fri m London, a hours well known, ( Dyde and Scribe's, Pdli Mail.) Has laid in a genteel alfortment of the 1110ft Fafhiouable Articles; and humbly hopes a'continuance of then- favors, which will be ever gratefully acknowledged, by thejr Moft obedient Servant, B. E A I. I. O W. I. MALVERN W E L L S, April 20, 1.791. HYATT returns his fincc. rs acknowledg. ments to the Nobility, Gentry, gee- forfavoi- J laft Summer, humbly folcits a contiunauie thereof- and begs leave to inform them, thtif the large Lodging and Boarding- houl'e is now opened ibr tiifs reception of Company, N. B. Letters to feeure Lodgings, or provide Dinners, & c. addreffed to Mr, HYATT, Malvern Wells, near Worcefter, will be refpeftfully attend- ed to. *„* Dinner in the Long Room at three o'clock. By His Ma- Letters BRIDGE'S ESSENCE PRUCF, A T O B F. SOLD, MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, " and di- ^ vers pieces or parcels of Arable, Meadow, anil Pafture Land thereuntobelonging, fi to a ted at. Nor- ton, in the parilh of Bredon, Worcefterftiij- e'; con- taining together about 134 ftatute acres, part of it well planted with fruit trees; with barns,' ftabfe- s, , dove- houfc, and other neceffary and ufeful fiqijd-' mgr. Mr. John Wiflets, the proprietor, who lives in the cftate, will die* the fame; and further particu- lars may he had of Mr. Long, Attorney at Law, Upton- upon- Severn. ' mealureTif true, will give to the parties tiipe to cool, and probably, be productive of . a general tranquif- lity. ' - -.-•- . The, expedition of Lord CornwqtUis, in.- the Eaft Indies, it is hoped and believed., will be attended with the like good effeif. The carrying 011 a fkir- mifhing war at ( b great diftance fr jm our fettlemcnts, cannot fail of being in the end feta! to the Company ; and Tippoo is too wife to rei- cl any overtures that may occasion the fufpenfion of hofiilities, which have already proved fo deitrudfive to lib country. The Impeachment, it is now faid, will die away— the report to be made by the Lords being in favour of its abatement by the diffolntion of Parliament. ' Should this be the cafe, it will be a warning to future Houfes of Commons how they content to long ad journments during the trial; and it may be worthy ! coniidcration what weight tljat circurafiance ought ! to have in the prefent. cafe ; as if they had not taken place, there was time enough in the lalt PavTlament for the Houfe of Peers to have fat double . the number | of days to thofe a€ luallv employed in the trial. Tuefday was married at. St. George's Hanover- 1 fquare, the Right Hon. Vifcount Fielding, only ( on 1 to the Earl of Denbigh, and M. P. for Newport, | Cornwall, to Mifs Powys,, daughter _ of Thomas Powys, Efq; M. P. for Northanintonihire. j The epidemic diftemper of matrimony which has broke out with fuch violence among tl) e people of ' fafluon, will,-. we truft, like every other fajbmable ras; c, defcend to the lower ranks. It'cannot be too intciticus. r . " A few days fince, an elderly gentleman hung him- felf in a liable at Hack- nsy. The Jury returned a verdift of Lunacy; fymptoms of which affliflion he had frequently ( hewn, in the courfe of lbme weeks preceding his death." The deeealedi, who was in reduced circumftances, . was formerly a very capital ' merchant, and for feveral years had given a iifty- pound plate to be run for at Coventry. A few days ago, a Gentlewoman of fortune, at Beth'rt'al- Greeh, put an end to, her life,. by hanging herfelf in her bed- chamber:' fhe vvi's the widoW of a capital farmer, gardener, cow- keener, brick- maker, one of the city fcuvengei s, builder, and owner of a ftreet near Moorfields; kc. who, died very lateiy, - poffefi'ed of a large1 fortune. •', " ' ' I'he next day another " widow Lady, alfo . an m-_ habitant of Rethnal- Green, near ejghty years of age, and very rich, deftroyed herfelf by the like vio- lent means. The'' number of Sunday fchools eftabhlhed and •' ulfifted throughout England and Y^ ales, by the So- ciety inLodon for promoting ! o laudable a purpofe, is 176.5 ; and the nu nber, of icliolars intlru6ied there- • at amounts twsovci*. From' the returns of the Mints of each nation, made about five years ago, by M. Neckar, in France, CAPITAL FREEHOLD. Worcefter, April 26, 1791. TO be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By W. HAND Y, 011 Monday the 9th day of May next, at the Golden Lion, in High ftreet, between the hours of four and feveti o'CIock in the afternoon,' together or in Lots, as ( hall be ngr„:; d upon at the time of Sale, and fub- ject to the conditions to be produced ; Three very. fubftantially built MESSUACES, and convenient out- Wuildings, and large gardens adjoin- ing the fame; two of them fronting the High ftreet, nearly oppolite the Guildhall, in the city of Wor- cefter and ip the occupations of Mrs. Smith and Mr. Sanders; a'" d the other adjoining, and late in the occupation of the late Mr, Shtlron. ' Ihe whole are Freehold of Inheritance ; and for further particulars apply to the Autftionser ; or Mr. Men. ce, in Foregate- ftfeet. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, and entered upon at any time moft agreeable to a pnrcliafer, an ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD ES TATE, comprifing a fuhftant- ial farm- honfe, witii convenient out- buildings, in perfect repair, anil [ 22 A 2 R. 31 P. of fertile land, proportionally divided into arable, meadow, and paftnre, lituate at Naunton Beauchamp, in the county of Worcefter, within 8 miles of Wnr'cefter, 4 of Perfhore, and 6 of Evefliam; now in the occupation of Mr. Kart- wright, at the yearly rent of 84!. • » • The tenant will ( hew the prehiifes : and for further particulars apply to Mr. Price, Attorney, Wor- cefter. TO MAKE TABLE- BEER. THE bad quality and high price of the com- ,111011. % naU; heer of this kingdom liavS been much, alid wiil* great jufltce, complained of; which is nor only very unpalatable^, but alfo vety tiuwhole- fome, and Cyderhas been remarkably high of late, and which continues'fo.- The Patentees, therefore, tak- ing into cohiicjerntio- n the agreeablehefs of jhe'Li- QU01- drank the exceedingly healthy ftate oi", the in]! aMta!,' iT,.;<* f- Canada, Neva ^ Vf', 1, Afi< fo : : dU- .\ and attrib11. fi. 11a. that healthy ftate chiefly to tilt ' itj'e. of trie SPRUCE- BEER, which isfhe only cora- -, nionu Liquor they-' have in thofe parti ; being " ilc- U^ Tbextend' f) great a'Miffing to the reft of r. iau- ^ great expence, appiicatioii, and p'ain's, invented and brought to perfection a true. Effence of the SPRUCE, jfo perfect, Jfi t one i'ftnnd and a Q; iarter will make Sixty three Gal'oiis of the Beer,, which neverthelefs ietains all th£ native fla- vour and virtues of the Spruce itfe'lf; ni-> y lie lirewvd with very little trouble, and will be fit for nte iu t'; ree or four days. ' I his is. an tKcellent l'aiile beef ; the Stone, Gravel, and many Mherdifordets, as it Is allowed to be a great purifier'of the' blood, by dif folving all vifcid juices, ami. opening obftruftipn? of the Vi'l'cera and the. more diftant Glands. 3- M by T. T. YMBS ( only) in Worcefter, in P- ots of y/ 6,!. and 5s. each, with Directions for Brewing, ihe (" mall Pot will make so Gallonr, and the large ones 30. T' >" pO be SOLD, purfuant to a Decree of the 1 High Court of Cbrihcery, made in a caufe, BRIDGES acainft HATCH, before Peter Holford, Efq; one of the Matters of the faid Court, at his Chambers in Svmond's Inn, Chaucerv- Lane, London; certain FREEHOLD ESTATES of John Hatch, of Bricklehampton, iu the county of Worcefter, in the tbree following Lots, viz. LOT. No. J. Confiding of a MESSUAGE, Barn, Stable, and other Buildings, and 199 Acres of Laifd, adjoining and belonging thereto, lying be- .. tween F. vefliam and Perlhore, in the laid county of Worcefler; and of a Cottage and two Barns In Bricklehampton aforefaid, in the occupation of George. Perrott. F. fq; and others. LOT NO. II. . Confiding of 3 Acres « f MEADOW LAND, in a common meadow, called Wich Mea- dow, near the Town of Perlhore; in the pollelfion of Mr. Harry Long. LOT No. III. Confiding of the Reverfion in Fee, Upon the. deeeafe of a perfon aged 95 years, of a MESSUAGE and Out- buildings, and 38 Acres of land thereto belonging, in Great and Little Qom- fcerton, in the faid couuty, within two miles of Perlhore. For * particular of the faid Eftatc. s, enquire at the faid Mailer's Chambers; of Meffrs.. Long and Beft, attornies, Perfhore; of Mr. W. Long, Attorney, Upton- upon- Severf), in the faid county; or of Mr. Samuel Bowyer, of the Chancery Office, London. THE'- TITHES of the whole, or of apart, of the FARMS of BOCK I. ETON, in the county of Worcefter, TO BE LET, for a term of years, from Midfummer next. For further par- ticulars, apply to - Mr. Lyttelton, Town Clerk of Worcefter; Mr. Holland, iu Tenluiry ; Mr, Idefon, In Great Polamt" Street, near Solio Square, London ; or the Rev. Mr. Phelps, ' Ihtee Queens, Thomas Street, Briflo!. O be SOLD, EIGHT COUPLE of STRONG HOUND S.— Enquire of Mr. CORP. ETT, at the Gi> eeve, near Bromyard." ANNUITY. ANY Perfon wifiiing to. lay out FIVE HUN- DRED POUNDS ill the purchaf'e of an AN- NUITY, iffuing out of a FREEHOLD ESTATE, which will be punctually paid half yearly, or quar- terly, if more defirable; may be accommodated with unexceptionable fecurity, by applying to Mr. Bramp- ton, Attorney, Worcefler. If the furchafer fhould be of the age of fixty, or upwards, it will be more eligible, to the Proprietor of the Eftate. April so,: 1791. THE "' G E N U I N E TINCTURE OF HEATH VALERIAN, For Nervous Diforders, and Hyfteric Complaints. Invented by the late Sir JOHfi HJLL., M. D. '' Is faithfully prepared from his MS. Recipes by his Reliffc and Executrix, the Hon. LAJiY HILL-, at Curzon. ftre. et, Eerkeley- fquare, OAK BARK,-— A CAUTION. J HERE AS many Perfons unacquainted with the Laws, have ling- made a p: aftice of buying and felling conliderable quantities of BARK, contrary to Aft of Parliament; it is there- fore thought neceffary to publifh the following Ex- trafts, that none may plead ignorance in future.— By Statute ofi James. 1. c.. 11. fee. 19, it is Enacted, " That no perf'on or perfons ( hall rcgrate, ingrofs, " or get into their hands, by buying, contracting, " or promjfe taking, any Oaken Bark, before it be " dripped, or after, to the intent M felltbcfame wt'- i, " upon pain of forfeiture of all filch Bark fo'. by " him or thern regrated, ingroffed, or bought, con- " trary to the true meaning of this branch, or " the full value thereof." By the above Aft, the Informer is intitled to one third of thg Bark fo forfeited, cr the value thereof. And, by the 9 Ann, c. jl, fee. 36, any two Juftices refuting near to the place . where any fuch offence ftiall be committed, are authorifed to hear and determine the fame. her houl'e. London. npHIS TINCTURE of VALERIAN is pre- X pared folely from the Root of the true Heath Valerian, far fuperior ( bn't much more rare) than what is found by rivers and in woods, and generally fold. It poffeffes wonderful efficacy in all Nervous DifWders, Fits, Head- Achs, Weaknefs, Heavinefs, and Lownel's of Spirits, Dimnefs of Sight, Confufed Thoughts, and Wanderings of the Mind: Vapours and Melancholy^ and all kinds of Convullioils and Hyfterical'Complaints, gradually go off by the life of this Medicine. In Sicknefs of Stomach, the C011- vullive Afthma, and in Flatulencies and Obftruftions, j it is a moft fafe and efficacious remedy. ' As the Difeafes wherein tliis preparation of Va- lerjan- is recommended are almoft always the growth . of Tjme, fo they require fume perfeverance to meet i, a cure. The operation of the Medicine is gradual, yet certain, and its firft fymptoms of good effeft are ferenity and cheerfulnefs. Sold, by fpecial appointment of Lady Hill ( as by the . London Gazette of March 23, 1790), by W. Bacon, at his Medicinal Warehouse, No. JJO,' Ox. ford ftreet, . London, in bottles price 3s. 6d. each; alfo by J. Tymbs, Printer of this Paper, his news- men, and correfpondefnts as per foot of the laft page, and by one reputable dealer in moft capital towns. N. B. Lady Hill ligns her name upon - every bot- tle, and" W. Bacon," as Vender, is writt'en by- iiim upon every ftamp. No others are Genuine. There are alfo bottles ( containing more than even at 3s. 6d.) price one guinea each ; thefe are only fold at Mr. Bacon's hon- fe. M1 PILLS, . Choiic, Jaundicej A PERI E. N T For Collivenefs, Iudigeftion, Worms, and other Complaints of the Stomach and Bowels. R. WILLIAMS, Apothecary, No. 46, Charing* crofs, is i- duced fo offer the Public this very eafy and fafe opening medicine, from his long experience in various cafes of its fuperior ef- ficacy as a purgative, de void of the hefttiiig effefts of aloc- tics, & rc. In the complaints enumerated tts above, thef'e Pills are deferring great confidence; and for thofe who fuffer from- habitual coftiVcnefs, they are particularly eligible. They readily and moft property remove bile, arid in licknefs of flo- macli therefrom, or from liquor, indigeftion, and in, the bilious head- ach, may be taken with great advantage. In fliort, in all complaints, where a laxative is neceffary, ( whether fpver be prefent or not) the Aperient Pills will conftantiy afford every did to be expected from Scots Pills, eleftuayies of the fliops, or liin< lar purgatives, without their u 11 - ' pleafant fubfequent effefts. Sold, by appointment of T. Williams, the Pro- prietor, by W. Bacon, at his Medicinal Warehonfe, No. ijo, Oxford- ftreet, ( o. ppofite New Bond- ftreet) ill boxes price is. ,6d. or three boxes in one at 4s, and fix boxes ill one at 7s. fcd. rtauips included. *.,.* Mr. Bacon's name is figned by him on every ftantp, as a guard againfl fraud. Sold, by Mr. Bacon's appointment, by J. Tymbs, Printer of this Paper; his correspondents as per/ oot of the laft page ; and the liewfmen. ALL perfons having demands on the Eftate and Efi'efts of Mrs. MARTHA HARPER, late of Broadway, in the county of Worcefter, Spinftgi:.., deceafed, are delired to fend an account '' before the lft day of June next, either to [ muel Harpur, of. No. 2, Upper Mary- le- b'one i near Portland Place, London; or Mr. Bourne, ofShvawfey, near Worcefter, hei liiftratois : And all perfons indebted to fuel and Effefts, are dclired to pay their refpectiv to the faid Meffrs. Harpur and Bourne, at the Hart, in Broadway aforefaid, 011 the laid June next ; ill default whereof, fteps will immediately afterwards to compel payment Broadway, April 30, 1791. Kidderminster, May 2, 1791 . Kidderminster Turnpike Tolls TO BE L E T, NQTICE is hereby given-, that the next MEETING of tlie TRUSTEES appointed for the care of the Kidderminster Turnpike Roads, will be holden upon Wednesday the 1st day of June next, at the Dwelling- house of Hannah Walker, known by the sign of the Angel, in Kidderminster aforesaid, by elevenof the clock in the forenoon ; At which Meeting, the TOLLS arising from the several Turnpike Gates hereafter mentioned, will be LET by AUCTION, and which produced in the last year, the following sums of money, exclusive of the charges of collecting them, viz. Broadwater, Wolverley, and Hastcutt, 2041. and Wribbenhall, 160I. Whoever happen to be the best Bidders, must, at the same time, produce such sufficient security for payment of the rent agreed for, as will be satisfac- tory to the Trustees. By their Order. R. COLLEY, Clerk. IH I— J At a COMMITTEE, of the SOCIETY instituted for the Purpose of effecting the ABOLITION OF THE SLAVE TRADE. linen Drapery, Hosiery, and Haberdashery Two Doors from the Town- HALL T. JONES returns his sincere thanks to his _ Friends and the Public, for . couragement since he commenced Business; and begs leave to inform them, that he has a regular supply of Articles in the above Branches, which he deter- mined to sell on low terms: He therefore hopes for a continuance of their favors, which will be most gratefully acknowledged. A good assortmentof Muslins, Mussinets, Dimities, Irish Linens, Table Linen, & c. N. B. Wanted, a Steady Young MAN, as an ASSISTANT— Also, an APPRENTICE. LONDON, 26th April, 1791. RESolVED, That the Thanks of this Committee be respectfully given to the illustrious Minority of the House of Commons, who lately stood forth the Assertors of British Justice and Humanity, and the Enemies of a Traffic in the Blood of Men. RESOLVED, That our acknowledgments are particularly due to William Wilberforce, Esq; for his unwearied ex- ertions to remove this opprobrium of our national . character, and to the Right Honourable William Pitt, aud the Right Honourable Charles James Fox, for their virtuous and dignified co- operation in the same caure. RESOLVED, That the solemn declarations of these Gentlemen, and of Matthew Montagu and William Smith, Esquires, that they will not relinquish but with life their struggle for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, are not only highly honourable to them- selves as Britons, as Statesmen, and as Christians, but must eventually, as the light of Evidence shall be more and more diffused, be seconded by the good wishes of every man not immediately inte- rested in the continuance oi that detestable com- merce. RESOLVED, That anticipating the opposition we should have to sustain from persons trained to a familiarity with the rapine and desolation necessarily attendant on the Slave- Trade, and sensible also of the prejudices which implicitly arise from long established usages, this Committee consider the late decision in the House of Commons as a delay rather than a defeat. In addressing a free and enlightened Nation on a subject in which its Justice, Humanity, and its Wisdom are involved, we cannot despair of final success ; and we do hereby, under an increasing conviction of the excellence of our cause, and in conformity to the distinguished examples before us renew our firm protestation, that we will never desist from appealing to the consciences of our countrymen till the commercial intercourse with T « to be polluted with the blood ° f By Order of the CoMMITTE. GRANVILLE SHARP, CHAIRMAN. » • • > —• " < • » BRISTOL, April 6. To the PUBLIC. On the 25th of March, 1791, was opened, the BRITISH TONTINE, For the- Benefit of Subscribers, at the Expiration of Seven Years, from the 25th of March, 1791. BOOKS were opened on that day, and will continue open three months; after which fines in proportion to the lapse of time must be paid by those who become Members to the Society, till March 25, 1792, when the books will be closed. TREASURERS. Sir JAMES ESDAILE, Knut. PETER ESDAILE, Esq. . Sir BENJAMIN HAMMET, Knt. M. P. WILLIAM ESDAILE, Esq. and JOHN HAMMET, Esq. Bankers, Lorda,,. .; 1P1 •• Trustees. Sir GEORGE CORNEWALL, Bart. M. P. Sir JOHN DURBIN, Knt. Bristol, ROWLAND WILLIAMS, Esq. ditto, ROBERT COLEMAN, Esq. ditto, THOMAS BLACKWELL, Esq. ditto, Mr. ABRAHAM GADD, ditto, FRANCIS WARD, Esq. Redland, WILLIAM OVEREND, jun. Esq. Keynsham, JOHN PALMER, Esq. Timsbury, THOMAS CAVE, Esq. Rawleigh Place, Devon, JOHN WRIGHT, Esq Middlefield, Oxon, Mr. RICHARD WILLIAMS, banker, Dursley. B. GREENWOOD, Secretary. Many Gentlemen and reputable Tradesmen of this oity, and of the country, apprdving of a Tontine Scheme, ( when established on the most secure prin- ciples) considering it truly beneficial to the noble and wealthy, as well as the mechanic have taken it into consideration to bring forward the present every minute transaction of which is conducted by a every respectable committee. The secure principles and permanent foundation on which this Society is built, have induced many Gentlemen of great re- spectability and opulence to come forward to its sup- port. The subscription on each share in the above society, is six shillings and sixpence per quarter; but any number of shares may be subscribed for on one life without any additional expence, except the sub- scription.— The advantages flowing from the BRI- TISH TONTINE to the subscriber, appears obvious in the articles,, and must be far superior than can possiblv acrue from any one of a shorter term, less extended, and more expensive to the members. A plan of the rules may be had gratis, by applying at the British Toutine Office, No. 35,. opposite the Cheese- Market, Maryport- street, Bristol of of any of the Agent. Those who suppose it their interest to become agents to this society, need not apply, unless they are well known to be persons of responsibility. Letters addressed to the Secretary, ( post paid) will be duly honoured. , Subscriptions received by the following Agents, of whom the book rules may be had Worcester Provident Society, At the GEORGE, in the TYTHING, JOSEPH BERWICK, Esq; and 1 T.„._„, Mr. R. M. MENCE, J ' THE next MEETING of the aforesaid Society, is on Monday next the 9th day of this inst. May, when all Members are desired to pay their Quarterage on that day ; but, for the conve- nience of non- resident Members, the books will be kept open the Saturday preceding; and all Members that shall be in Arrears at the said Quarterly Meet- ing, will be unavoidably excluded. W. HANDY, Secretary. WANTED to Rent or Purchase, by the side of a Turnpike Road, on a dry and plea- sant situation, by Michaelmas or Christmas next, a small HOUSE, consisting of a little Parlour, Kitchen, two Bed Rooms, and Garret, with offices for Brew- ing, keeping Beer, Coals, & e. a Garden will be re- quired, and if an Orchard, the better. If it is near a good stream for Angling, the more agreeable. Worcestershire, Glocestershire, or any country ad- joining, will not be objected to. Letters with par- ticulars, ( post paid,) nddressed to A. B. left at Mr. Goodman's, Apothecary, Worcester, will be attended to. WANTED, a GOVERNOR of TEN- BURY WORKHOUSE:— a person who un- derstands the Manufacture of Hop sacking, Bagging, and Rope Making, and comes well recommended, will be preferred. If married, and without a young Family, the more eligibe. Any person so qualified, and wishes to be employ- ed, is desired to attend at the house of Thomas Noxen, known by the sign of rhe Crow, in Tenbury, Wor- cestershire, upon Tuesday the 24th day of May inst. by 3 o'Clock in the afternoon, when the Committee will proceed to elect a new Governor of their Work- house. Tenbury, April 27, 1791. Reduction of Farmers Rates. PHOENIX FIRE- OFFICE Feb. 19, 1791. THE Managers of this Office, at all Times desirous of rendering the Institution as useful as possible, have reduced the Rates on Timber and Thatched Barns and Outhouses;— also, on Unthresh- ed Stock in the Barns, and in Ricks or Stacks in the open Air, from Five Shillings per Cent, ( the Rate always hitherto charged by all the insurance Com- panies throughout Great Britain) to THREE SHIL- LINGS per Cent. And they hope this Proceeding will be accepted as a Return for the liberal and dis- tinguished Patronage which the Company has received from the PUBLIC. The Agents of the Phoenix- Company for the County of Worcester, are Mr, Henry Hughes, Worcester. Benjamin Pearce, ~ Kidderminster. Hugh Kenrick, Stourbridge. Thomas Phipps, Evesham. And for Shropshire, Mr. R. Thomas, Shrewsbury Mr. Thos. Bronghton, Prees, By order of the Board. M. A. HARDY, Sec. of the Country department. A Mr. Houseman, Post- of- Messrs. Bedwell and Co. Bankers, Cheltenham Mess. Barrett and Brown, Wincanton Mr. Rudge, Newnham Mr. Moore, Dursley Mr. Dando, Stroud Mr. Woodward, Tetbury Mr. Allen, Hereford Mr. Banister, Leominster Mr. J. E. Lewis, Wells Mr. Love, Weymouth Mr. Crutwell, Dorchester Mr. Baily, Cain Mr. Heanes, Oakhampton Mr. Mugg, Exmouth Mr. Boyd, Teignmouth Mr. Linden, Jun. South- ampton J. Tymbs, Worcester. « * Daily attendance at the General Office, Mary- port street, Bristol, from eight o'clock in the morn- .-. 11 in evening iug, till eight in the evening. The Staffordshire CORDIAL ' for* HORSES' A CERTAIN CURE FOR STAGGERS, GRIPES, & c. Prepared and Sold, Wholesale and retail, by the In- ventor, G. Wainwright, Druggist, Stafford. Medicine of such consequence, by the re- quest of the gentlemen and farmers, in Staf- fordshire, was made known as a public benefit; tri- als anthenticate the value, and daily extends the re- pute; such numerous, respectable testimonies of ap- probating never medicine deserved and experi- enced. This Cordial Medicine is given to his Royal High ness the Prince of Wales's, the nobility and gen- try's racing and hunting horses, after exertions of strength, and known a valuable acquisition. The following gentlemen, from exetensive connec- tions, being known to all principal coach proprie- tors, breeders, dealers, & c. in horses, north of Lon- don, inserts their letters. • - Sir, To Mr. WAINWRIGHT, Stafford. I have given many dozens of the medicine, in various cases, some of which were very dangerous, and proved it of the utmost service ; they who give the cordial, will find it superior to any think known, and fully answer the expectations. You may depend I will truly report the cures, I have experienced, and promote the use amongst my friends. 1 am Sir, your's & c. THOMAS GRAY. Coach- office, Nottingham, 23d. March, 1791. Sir, To Mr. WAINWRIGHT, Stafford. I diseases, and to mares forward in foal, with satis- faction; it is much to be regretted the northern and Yorkshire breeders, do not know the efficacy of this Cordial Medicine, had they given it when needful, during the wet seasons, once or twice a week, ( as directed in colds) it would have prevented the gene- ral complaints of brood- mares, casting their foals, I lately fent my friend Mr. Pickford, proprietor of the Manchester waggons, six bottles, that he may know the value; myself and neighbourhood, by giv- ' ing this medicine, has fortunately preserved horses and foals, in the most dangerous cases. I am Sir, your's & c. THOMAS PADMORE. Sugnall, April 16, 1791. Sold wholesale ( only) by the Proprietor in Staf- ford ; Retail at 2s. per doss, with directions for use, by J. Tymbs, at the Cross, Worcester; Mr. Prow- ett, Bromsgrove ; Mr. Haslewood, Bridgnorth, Mr. Harwood, Salop ; Mr. Pearson, Birmingham; Mr. Raikes, Gloucester; Mr. Foreman, Newmarket; and by one person in most cities and towns in Eng land. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. MEREDITH . on Friday the 13th day of May inst. all the LIVE and DEAD STOCK on an estate called Hinlep Castle, in the parish of Hinlep, in the county of Worcester ; Consisting of four valuable carthorses, with geer- ing; two colts; eight Valuable cows and calves; four milch cows; three barren cows; four stirks; three yearlings; and one bull; four pigs; a quantity of Unthreshed wheat; two bean ricks ; and a quantity of beans, threshed and unthreshed, in the barns; three hay ricks; two waggons; two carts ; with sundry implements of husbandry in good preser- vation. The Sale to begin at ten o'clock, with the Live Stock, and will continue till all are Sold. , Catalogues to be had, in the mean time, of the Auctioneer, at the Crofs, Worcester. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By R. MEREDITH, at the Swan Inn, Tenbury, on Tuesday the 31st of May inst. unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given; All that desirable FREEHOLD MESSUAGE and j LANDS, situate in the parish of Burford, within two | miles of the market town of Tenbury, called THE j FERN, containing ( by an accurate admeasurement) 97 A. and 8P. of arable, meadow, pasture, orchard, and hop ground, all Inclosed and conveniently di- vided; and the Buildings in good repair. The in- tended Canal from Leominster to Stourport, will pass about two miles from the Estate, and be peculiarly beneficial thereto. The Premises are held by Lease, which expires at Lady Day next. Particulars maybe had of Mr. William Wheeler, Winterfold, near Kidderminster; of Mr. Samuel Tearne, at Stockton, near the Hundred House ; of the Auctioneer, and G. Young, Land Surveyor, in Worcester. TO be S O L D by AUCTION,- by Mr. G O O D A L L, at the Hen and Chickens Inn, in Birmingham, on Thursday the 26th day of May, 1791, between the hours of 5' and 7 o'clock in the afternoon ; the Ma- nor or reputed Manor of WARLEY, and a Messuagc called WARLEY HALL, with a tenement, malt house, and commodious out buildings ; together with Capital Farm, called WARLEY HALL FARM, j consisting of about 175 acres of good arable, meadow, ; and pasture land, and 29 acres of wood ground, the whole free of corn tythe, and situate in the parish of Hales Owen, in the counties of Worcester and Salop, and distant only four miles from Birmingham. The purchaser may be accommodated with the immediate possession of the premises, and part of the purchase money Isle of France, and from thence to Europe.' We are likewise told that the Captain of the cor- vette refused to be released, and that, notice has been sent to the National Assembly, There has been a violent revolution at Chandera- gore, one of the French settements in the East- Indies, in which the Commandant has been driven from the place, and since made a prisoner by the in- habitants. The last and best intelligence from India gives us reason to hope that Lord Cornwallis journey to the Coast will be productive of the most happy effects; It is confidently stated, that Tippoo has made overtures of peace, and to pay. the expences of the war. Lord Cornwallis's demand was seven crores of rupees, or 7, ooo, oool. sterling, which is about the expence ' which has been already incurred in the war. Be this as it may, the presence of the Governor General near the scene of action is. on every account pro- per. Spain is busy in augmenting her naval power; the fleet at Cadiz, under the command of Admiral Boira, is ready for sea, and when joined by that at Algesiras and Ferrol, will consist of about twenty- four sail of the line If the present rupture with Russia should end ami- cably and soon, the session of Parliament will pro- bably not continue more than a week, Or two, after the Birth- day. The Canada Reform bill, the busi- ness of the Unclaimed . Dividends, and that of Mr. Dundas's Budget, are the principal objects remain- ing for the attention of Parliament. It is remarkable, that England was the first mari- time- European power, with whom the Russians ( formerly the Muscovites) entered into a commer- cial treaty. About two hundred and fifty years since, some vessels, sent on, voyage of discovery, passed the North Cape, and arrived at Archangel, then belonging to the territories of the Grand Dukes or Czars of Muscovy, when intelligence being sent to Moscow, then the capital, a Treaty, of Commerce was almost immediately agreed to between them. Several other treaties to the same purpose have been since formed, and till the present time a constant amity and friendly intercourse has been kept up, unless we may except the period of the armed neu- trality, in which measure the Court of Petersburgh was joined by those of Stockholm, Berlin, and Co- Sir Harry Featherstonechaugh has got a new travel- For particulars apply to Mr. Lee, Attorney, in. Birmingham ( who will ( hew a plan of the estate) or to Messrs. Pardoe and Clarke, Attornies, Bewdley. Hundred House Turnpike Tolls TO BE LET. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next: MEETING of the TRUSTEES appointed for the care of the Hundred- House Turnpike Roads, will be held on Monday the 6th of June next, at the house of Thomas Runce, of the Hundred House, in the parish of Great Witley; at which Meeting, the Tolls arising from the several Turnpike Gates here- after mentioned, will be LET by AUCTION, viz. Apostles Oak, Dunley, Tenbury, Witley, and Mart- ley. Whoever happen to be the best bidders, must, at the same time, produce such sufficient security for payment of the rent agreed for, as will be satisfactory to the Trustees of the said Roads. May 2, 1791. TO be LET, and entered upon immediately, a good HOUSE, with convenient Barns, Sta- bles, and other buildings, and about 32 Acres of in- closed arable, meadow, and pasture land, situate at Naunton Benuchamp, in the county of Worcester. The Land lies contiguous to the House, and is good, yet capable of considerable improvement, at a small expence. - Further particulars may be known by applying to the Rev. Mr. Lewis, at Bishampton ; or to Mr. Lavender, at Evesham. WANTED immediately, fome BRICK and TILE Makers. Immediate employment will be given them, by applying to John Morris, Builder, in Fladbury. Monday's aud Wednesday's Posts- From the LONDON GAZETTE. WHITEHALL, April 30. HE King has been pleased to grant • jS*. to the Right Hon. Thomas Orde, T " f^* the several Offices of Governor and Captain of the Isle of Wight, and ° f Carisbrook Castle in the said Isle. Commission in the Worcestershire Militia, signed by the Lord Lieutenent. John Perrott Noel, Gent, to be Lieutenant, vice Wylde Brown, resigned. Dated March 1791. The Lord Lieutenant of the. county of Worcester, has appointed Benjamin Pearkes, of the city of Wor- cester, Gent., a Deputy: Lieutenant for the said county. Commission dated March 1791. The Gazette likewise contains, an account of the ceremony of investing the Duke of Saxe Gotha, at Saxe Gotha, with the Order of the Garter, on the 15th instant by Morton Eden, Esq; our Envoy at Dresden, and Sir I. Heard, Garter principal King of Arms, Plenipotentiaries for that purpose. ] LONDON, MONDAY, May 2. Wednesday there was a full Board of Admiralty held at the Office, Charing Cross; when fresh Pro- clamations were ordered to be dispatched to the Mayors and Collectors of the Customs at the diffe- rent sea- port towns, for the encouragement of sea- men and landmen. • :' The preparations for arming slacken every day at Portsmouth. The baking and brewing, are short ened, and the shipwrights are taken off a tide a day; the manning goes on extremely slow, and the officers provide for nothing but- dismantling, Friday the funds got up above one half percent, though the Dutch mail brought intelligence which looked more hostile than pacific;. The various accounts, from India, saving that published from authority, seem to be full of suspic- ous circumstances; no news therefore can be relied on till the arrival of the Rodney, which left Madras above four months ago, and is daily expected. From the dispatches of the Rodney we may expect the arrival of Lord Cornwallis in Madras, with his determinations, whether to bring about a peace with Tippoo, or take the field against him in person. The expence of the India war is rated at thirty lacs of rupees per month, which is three hundred and sixty thousand pounds sterling. ' A report was 0n Friday current, that some British sloops of war fired ball at a French Corvette in Ben- gal river in October last, and with armed boats, forced some prisoners away who were bound to the ding carriage, which is to preclude the necessity of stopping at inns. Cupboards. are concealed in the, , seats, said the body is long enough to admit a bed to be spread in it.' ' Sir Harry, however, in this improved eatable car- • riage though he takes goodcareof Himself seems to have forgottn his horses.- They must stop at the Inns, or starve ' . The Danish East India Company failing, like all Others of the Continent has appointed a Committee of seven persons to enquire into the means of restoring their profit and their credit. A goose belonging to a respectable farmer at Mus- coates, near Kirkby- moorside, died a few days ago at the great age of thirty- two- years. In the first twenty- five years of its life it brought up five hundred goslings, and afterwards became blind.' The Earl of Cardigan has settled 5000 a year on. his new bride. The lady's fortune, which was but small, his Lordship has given to her sister Lady Ca- roline Waldegrave.. Wednesday morning a fire broke out at the Steam Engine, at St. Saviour's, in the Borough, which en- - tirely- destroyed the building. This expensive work, was on a plan similar to the Albion- Mills. On the 20th, died at Arbuthnot- House, Scotland, the Right Hon. John Viscount Arbuthnot. A SHOCKING DISCOVERY. In Lower Sloane- street, Chelsea; a few days ago, was witnessed a most afflicting sight :- -- An elderly lady reduced in her circumstances, lived on a small annuity As she was dying, she told an only child, a daughter, about sixteen years old, that if she ex- pired a few days before the quarter was run out, it would be prudent to conceal her death, otherwise the money would not be paid and her body be unburied. One morning as the woman of the house passed by the chamber, door, where this wretched mother anf child lodged, and smelling a horrid stench, she looked in, and discovered the dead body, and that it had been in a putrid state above a week, although the forlorn young creature had slept in the bed with it every night! The poor girl was taken up - and carried before a Magistrate, under suspicions of poisoning her, when the whole truth came out. Every heart that heard the story was moved with commisseration for the wrechedness of the girl, who could adhere to parental command, though attended with such horror in the compliance. A whimsical occurrence took place on Thursday — - as- Mr- L-—--, a respectable attorney of Lyon's Inn, was going into the city on business, he was ac- costed in Fleet- street, by a person apparently from the country, who addressing him by name, told him he was going to his. chambers to consult with him about commencing, an action to recover a conside- rable sum of money of a person in Hertfordshire. Mr. L. informed the stranger, that be should be at home in the course of two hours, and would be happy to see him the stranger begged they might go to some neighbouring house, and he would state the case in ten minutes, he being obliged to leave town in an hour. Mr. L. consented, and they adjourned to a public- house adjacent, and were immediately ushered into a back parlour, in which two persons were playing at cards. After relating a very clear story af the injury he had sustained, the stranger re- marked to Mr. L. that one of the gamesters appeared to be a very foolish fellow, and lost his money freely, and proposed for Mr. L, and himself to take a hand, and share with the successful winner : this gave Mr, L. the first hint that his companion was a cheat, and the confederate of the Other Men ; he resolved, how- ever, to humour their intention, in order to see what length they would proceed--- he accordingly con- sented, and a game at whist for five guineas a corner was agreed upon;-- Mr. L. directly laid the sum agreed upon on the table, which his worthy client in- stantly seized, and ran out of the house followed by the others..; Mr. L, fortunately laid hold of the lat- ter one in the passage, and called for assistance; this alarmed the swindler, who put his hand into his pocket, and thrusting the contents into that of Mr. L. escaped. found he wasa gainer by the adventure, having got seven guineas instead of the five carried off by his hopeful partner. _ A correspondent remarks, that many are the ac- cidents attending arsenic or mercury, from its re- semblance to sugar ; but would the druggist only co- lour it, no one could easily poison another, as in meat or drink the colour would detect it ; not to say, if it came in the way of children, they from its ap- pearance must be supposed to avoid it. It is the prac- tice, he says, of some of the trade to colour it dark, and wishes it was general, as the trouble is but tri- fling, and in medicine, it would answer equally as well. An Insurance Office- keeper, near Clerkenwell, at the clos'e of the lottery, in the profusion of thanks to his customers, observed, that to accommodate them, next year, he should still keep to his old shop, between the- Pawnbroker's and. the Workhouse! The Revolution in France is likely to produce an effect of considerable, consequence in Ireland.— A number of the principal Roman catholics in r ' - —_ ..,• kingdom have associated for the purpose of migrating, together with their dependants, to par- ke of the blessings of the new- constitution,' ; The Earl of Ormond, Lord Viscout Dillon, and Lord Dunsany, have all recovered, their titles upon petition to the House of Lords in Ireland. . And it is pected that Mr. Dillon, whose- Claim to the title of Earl of Roscommon is now before the House, will be equally successful. The Irish Fishery is improving, and promises to become an object of great national advantage. The rode of curing the roe of the cod, as practiced in Spain, has been adopted with much success. A horse called Honest Tom has been lately sold in Ireland; for which one hundred pounds, a year are to, be paid during the life of the animal. Mr. Dennis is the fortunate purchaser. A box, containing a considerable fum of money, consisting of some broad pieces of silver, and other Thursday last dis- resent divided between Pulteney; and we are coins of ancient date, was1 on covered by some bricklayers digging the foundation of a house near Tabernacle- walk, Moor- fields. The letter from the French King to his Ambassa- ors at Foreign Courts is written with a frankness, nobleness, and an energy, that does credit to the sincerity. of the Monarch. His Majesty declares that he will cherish, love, and defend the Constitution; he recognizes the sovereignty of the people; he ac- nowledges that he derives his powers from them; he thinks it honourable to be the first Magistrate in the State; in fine, he speaks like the King of a free People. The President of the National Assembly was fre- quently interrupted while reading this Letter, by repeated acclamations of Vive le Roi ! which resound- ed from the patriotic side of the Hall, while the Aristocratical party, overwhelmed with shame and confusion, remained in silence. It has been rumoured, that the following Gentle- men will be created Peers shortly after the present recess; Lord George Lenox, Sir William Lowther, Dr. Drake, Mr. Rolle, and Mr. Morton Pitt. The following, among other marriages, will take place this present month. ' Lord Chichester to Miss Ogilvie, and Lord Sherrard, son of the Earl of Har- borough, to Miss Monkton, Lincolnshire. The Lady of Richard Erie Drax Grosvenor, Esq; ( who has lately come into the possession of 7000l. a year by the death of her father, Mr. Drax), claims the dormant Barony of Hungerford, and the regular steps are taking for. bringing the matter before a Committee of Privileges. When Lord Lovat was about to be taken from the bar, after his condemnation, the old Lord High Steward, who was just married, asked his Lordship, " If he had any thing further to say?" " No, my Lord, ( answered. Lord Lovat), Nothing, except to wish you joy of your young wife!.— I am going to a place of rest.' ' A person at Whitehaven has returned to his house, which he left on the ground's giving way, with only reason to complain, that he is about three feet lower in the world than before. A fine spring of water is inclosed in his kitchen, and the walls that were cracked before in many places are perfectly closed, except in one place, where, in their Attempt at a re- union they have inclosed a bundle of sticks, which were before in an upper appartment. MASSACRE AT AVIgNOn. following particulars of this infernal Butchery were received in a Lettter from Avignon, dated April 19. Vaison is a small city in the Comte Venaissin, and about thirty miles distant from Avignon, the capi - tal. The National Assembly have been three or four months deliberating about incorporating this terri- tory into their kingdom ; a fatal decision, which is expected to have an end this week. A troop of assassins from Malaucenne, Sablet, and Seguret, headed by Messrs. de St. Croix, d'Hugues Colonel of the National Guard of Malaucenne, and Count Robins, presented themselves at Vaison, on the night of the 16th of this month, with an inten- tion of putting to death the principal inhabitants.. The sentinel at the gate of the town was previously gained- They, immediately surprised the Corps de Garde, both at the gate and at the Hotel- de- Ville. They then first assaulted the house of the Mayor, a Mons Lavillasse, who defended himself a conside- able time, his people calling out from the window; with a speaking trumpet upon the Patriots his neigh ' alas! where included in thi6 horrid and* were themfelves beljeged. in taeitf hours, who proscription, houses , The unfortunate Lavillasse at length fell into the hands of these assassins, who cut his limbs in pieces, and hung his entrails at the gates of the city. His wife, big with child, was shot through the breast. They then assaulted the Major of the National Mili- tia, who made a vigorous resistance. He had five fusils in his house which he discharged with such rapidity, as to. keep off his assailants till he had an opportunity of leaping through a back window; and escaping out of the Tower, by favour of the night. As soon as morning, appeared, the Bishop of Vaison ( we hope this part of the relation is exaggerated) came into the midst of these fanatics, with a Cruci- fix in his hand, leading them on to murder. The Patriots, as they were called, were pursued in all quarters, and a great number of them slaughtered, and their cannibal enemies danced round their pal- pitating bodies. They led the Abbe Thalet, the Cure of Vaison, up to the remains of his friend, , whose limbs were cut in pieces. Voila ton ami ( said they), tu vas le suivre aux enfers. They then pre- pared to shoot him; but by a refinement of cruelty, they bethought themselves of leading him to the banks of the river Aigues; they there murdered him with their bayonets, mutilated him, and threw his scattered limbs into the stream. After these atrocities, the bells of the cathedral were rung, to celebrate their success and victory over the enemies of religion. The murderers assisted at the re- installation of the Chapter, which had been suppressed, conformably to the decrees of the National Assembly, and Te Deum was sung; the Bishop presiding in this impious profanation of reli- gion. While I am writing, the same blow that has re- plunged the city of Vaison into the ancient system. u said to be taking place at Malaucenne, its neigh- bour, from whence the party called the patriots is fled. The federation of Saint Cecile, composed of the remains of the late Assembly of Carpentras, which gave rise to so many criminal attempts, are now put- ting numerous troops on foot, with the intention of defending themselves against Government. It is a new Camp de Iales; five thousand men are said to be already enlistcd. Carpentras is also fortified. Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, April 13. " Letters from the frontiers, of the 1st. inst. men- tion, that the account of 5000 Russians being beaten near Braila is without foundation, and that, on the contrary, the Russians are at the distance of 45 wersts from this fortress, but very quiet, and that Braila is filled with Turks. The Sultan is firmly resolved to appear in person as the head of his army, which " is to be increased to 200,000 men. We learn, how- ever, from Petersburgh, that there are still hopes of peace; and that Prince Potemkin, the Prince of Wirtcmberg, and Generals Suwarrow and Popow, are to return to Jaffy before the end of this month." A poor taylor, of the name of Harrison, at New- port in Salop, who for many years has lived in a state of the greatest indigence, now appears to be en- titled to a property of at lead 8000l. per annum, at Sir Harry Bridgman and , v-— r, j - informed an action has ; commenced for its recoveryr . Extract of a Letter from Vienna- April 13, " Last night a declaration arrived here from the English Court, that as the Empress of Russia had refused to conclude a peace with the Turks upon the principle of status quo, the Court of Great Bri- tain, had resolved in conjunction with her allies, to use their utmost endeavours to oblige Russia to agree to a pacification upon the before mentioned condi- tions " We are assured that the marriage of the Arch- duke Charles with a Milanese Princess, and that of the Archduke Leopold with a Princess of Parma, are both resolved upon. Accounts are received at the Admiralty of the safe arrival at Barbadoes of the Niger frigate, of i 32 guns, commanded by the Hon. G. C. Berkeley. This ship has the engineers on board for survey of the fortifications in the several islands. The Bishop of Peterborough has presented two Bank notes of an hundred pounds each to the Bishop of Leon, in France, who lately fled to this country from the persecution of his own. Wednesday evening, at half past seven o'clock, was married by special license, the Right Hon. the Earl of Cardigan, to Lady Elizabeth Waldegrave, eldest sister to the late Earl Waldegrave. The cere mony was performed at her Ladyship's house in St. James's- place; after which they set off for the late Duke of Montagu's seat at Richmond. Two men have been lately apprehended near Dun- dalk, in Ireland, charged with the cutting out the tongue of a person of the name of Barclay, who was to have been a witness against some of their associates now in prison for trial. Mr. Cranseborough, a young man of good family, and uncommon good appearance, has been con- victed of a rape at Carlow, in Ireland, and sentenced to be hanged. He has many friends, but the judge has refused to listen to their intercession. Portsmouth, April 18. This morning a proclama- tion was received, offering a reward for apprehend- ing seamen who have secreted themselves, and com- manding those in the service of foreign States to re- turn to this kingdom, which was posted up at the different avenue's of this town This afternoon Admiral Sir Richard King shifted his flag from the Marlborough of 74 guns; to the Bellona of 74. guns, the former of which ships is going immediately to the Downs, as a gun ship. NEW MARKET. SATURDAY, April 23. Sweepstakes of 30gs. each, V. C. 8ft. was -. yon by his R. H. the P. of Wales's I by Diomed, beating Mr. Bullock's Looksharp, L. i., Barrymore's.. Little Flyer, Sir W. Alton's Laura, and Mr. Fox's Witch.— 3 pd. Mr. Panton's Pelican, pd. beat Mr. Dawson's Old' Peg, 8d. i- yrs.- old course 25gs. No crossing. Ld. Foley's Cormorant, 8ft. beat his R. . H. the D. of York's Glaucus, 8st. 61b. across the Flat, loogf. No crossing. NEwmARKeT CRAVEN MEETING, 1791. MOnDAY, April 25. The Craven Stakes : a sub- scription of l0gs. each, for all ages, weight for age, was wor. by the D. of Bedford's b. h. Mufti, beating Mr. Broadhurst's b. h. Creeper, and 7 others—• dr.' Sweepstakes of 50' jgs. each h. ft. colts 8d. 3P0. fillies 8st. acrofs the Flat, was won by the D. of Bed ford's brother to Fidget, beating Ld. Derby's f. by Woodpecker— 2 pd. Mr. Dawson's Tadpole, beat Mr. Galwey's f. by Diomed, Y. C. 100gs..— Ld. Barrymore's Pelle- grine, 8d. 1 ilb. beat Sir W. Aston's Marcia, $ ft. across the Flat, loogs.- Sir W. Aston's Anthony. 8st. 3lb. beat Mr. Bullocks c. Moonshine, 8ft. Y. C. 100gs.— Mr. Bullock's Buzzard beat Mr. Panton's Ostrich, 8ft. 2lb. each, across the Flat.— Mr. Panton staked 250gs, to 200gs.— Sir W. Aston's Vinegar, 8ft. 7IS. beat the D. of Bedford s Giant Filley, 8ft. R. M. 50gs.— Sir C. Bunbury's Lass, 9st. beat Mr. Vernon's Linnet, 7st. 2- yrs.- old Course, 200gs.— Sir W. As- ton's Poor Jack, beat Mr. Wyndham's Young Jack, id. each, Ab. M. 250gs. All no Crossing. TUESDAY.— The Second Year of a Subscription 50gs. each, h. ft. weight for age, was won by his R. H. the P. of Wales's Escape, 5 yrs. old, beating Ld. Grosvenor's Skylark, 4yrs. old, and Ld. Barry- more's Highlander, aged, D. C.— 5 pd. Sweepstakes of ioogs. each, h. ft. Y. C. 8d. each, Mr. Bullock's ch. f. by Buzaglo, beating Mr. Daw- son's Frog, by Garrick.— 1 pd. Sweepstakes of 200gs. each, h. ft. D. C. was won by Ld. foley's Seagul, 81c. beating Mr. Dawson's Coriander, 8ft, zlb. and Ld. Clermont's Pipator, 7&. iolb.— 1 pd. Sweepstakes of loogs. each, R. M. was won by Mr. Wyndham's Pecker, 6st. 12lb. beating Ld. Clermont's Espersykes, 8st and Ld. Foley's Cormo- rant, 8st. 10lb. Sir F, Standish's Mungo, 7ft. 81b. beat Sir W. Alton's No Pretender, 8it. B. C. 200gs.— Mr. Bul- lock's sister to Skeyball, beat Mr. Panton's f. by Mercury, 8st. each, Y. C. 40gs.— Ld. Clermont's Peggy, 8ft. 7lb. beat Mr. Wyndham's f. by Saltram, 6st. 8lb. Y C. 5033.— Mr. Fawkener's Powder- well, beat Mr. Wyndham s Gingerbread, 8d. each, z- yrs. ol. i C. 2oogs. h. ft.— All no crossing. WEdNeSDAY.— Sweepstakes of 100gs. each, A. M. was won by the D. of Bedford's Volunteer, beating Ld. Grosvenor's Fortitude, Ld. Egermont's Assassin, Mr. O'Kelly's Golden Apple, Mr. Northey's Bou- drow.~ 2 pa. > A Subscription Plate of 50gs, two years old Course, was won by Mr. Dawson's Coriander, beating his R. H. the P. of Wales's Garrick, Mr. Barton's Ruffian, D. of Bedford's Isabel, Mr. Bullock's Spear, D. of Grafton's Black Deuce, D. of Queens- berry's Mouse.— j dr. Ld. Barrymore's Chanticleer, beat Sir W. Aston's Marcia, 8ft. each, acrofs the Flat, 100gs.— Mr. Fox's brother to Mercutio, beat Sir W. Aston's Laura, 7ft. 4lb. 8ft. 4. lb. Y. C. 100gs. THURSDAY.— Ld. Foley's Cormorant, 7ft. 13lb. beit Sir W. Aston's Vinegar, 8ft. 4lb. across the Flat, ioogs. Sir W. Aston's Anthony, 7ft. 91b. beat Ld. Barry- more's Moses, 8ft. Y. C. icogs. RSDAY's POST. EIGN AFFAIRS. Berlin, April 14 THE peace between the ' Porte and Russia seems to advance; at least powers have thought fit to interfere in the matter, and| not leave the Settlement of it entirely to the original mediators. The influence of Denmark and Spain seems to be efficacious; Russia, by calling in those two Powers, will be able ( with- out letting herself down) to temper the haughtiness of her original terms, and come more into the views of the other Powers of Europe, who, on, their parts, may a little relax from their former conditions. It is said that the last Declartion of the Court of London to that of Petersburgh was very strongly worded, and contained in substance, that ' if the Status quo was not accepted as the basis of a peace with the Turks, it would be looked upon as a de- claration of war; and that if once the fleets sailed, and the armies marched, peace would not be con- cluded but upon condition of payment for all the' expences of fitting out the same. LONDON, TuesdAY, May 3. The political aspect of affairs seems again to be changed. Whether it be that the Empress of Russia will not make peace but on her own terms, or that the two mediating powers have gone too far to re- cede with honour, matters now bear somewhat of a hostile appearance. Ships of war are getting toge- ther in the Downs, with an intent, as it should seem, to form a fleet there for the North Seas. Lord Hood's bedding, and other baggage is gone for Portsmouth, and warrants are issued to the She- riffs of the different counties for impressing seamen, wherever they can be found, in their respective dis- These proceedings seem to indicate. some The election of a Member of Parliament for Lug- gershall ended on Thursday, after a three days poll, when the numbers were, for Samuel Smith, Esq;. 88, Mr Alderman Newnham, 51; whereupon the for- mer was declared duly elected. This morning;: was married at St. Swithen's Church, Mr John Tart, of Stoddeston, Shropshire, to Mrs. Pardoe of this city. : A few days since was married in London, Mr. Minshall, shoemaker, to Miss Lloyd, both of this city. Monday se'nnight was married at Stratford- upon- Avon, in Warwickshire, Mr. Thomas Smith, At- torney at. Law, of that town, to Miss Dorothy Par- sons,( of the same place, Friday evening last, about half past seven o'clock, Mr. Knowles, an elderly man belonging to the Hos pital in Fryars- street, in this city, as he was eating at the City- Arms, suddenly dropped down, and expired immediately. A few days since, a man in endeavouring to take a Rook's Nest, at Eye, near Leominster, fell from a. lofty tree, and was killed on the spot. . On the 20th of April died at her house at Evesham, in this . county, Mrs. Ann Courand, relict of John Couraud, Esq; of Downing- street, London, who for several years served as Under- secretary - of State, joint Decypherer, Latin Secretary, Keeper of the Records, & c. & c. and in the years 1740 and 1741, as Secretary to the Regency of the kingdom-- Her re- mains were interred on the 26th in the family vault at Southampton. - Sunday se'nnight died at his seat at Penpark, In Gloucesterlhire, Harmer, Esq; ,..,.- Wednesday last died, Mr. Aaron Daffey, of Col- wall, Herefordshire, an eminent grazier. . Shirehampton, the Rev. Walter Chapman, D. D. senior Prebendary of Bristol Cathedral. Monday what of a serious design to assist the Turk; who is also making such preparations on his part as become the Sovereign of a mighty and spirited empire. Yesterday at noon a full Board of Admiralty was held at the Office, Charing- Cross, which sat three hours; at the breaking up of which, press- warrants were issued and sent off express to the Sheriffs of the different counties in England and Scotland. Prussia at length seems desirous of entering into a war with Russia. They are now transporting the heavy artillery from Magdebourg into Pomerania; the army in that Province has been lately augmented by six battalions, and the royal suite were to depart on the 20th of last month for Konigsberg. The King himself is to set out for the army in two days after, accompanied by the reigning Duke of Brunswick and Gen. Mollendorf. Jussuf Pacha, the new Grand Visir, is making im mense preparations in Bulgaria and Romelia. At Adrianople and Schiumla, magazines are also form- ing for the maintenance of an army of 200,000 men; which it is said will be commanded by the Sultan in person. A separate corps of 30,000 men is to cover Warna, as that fortress will probably be attacked by the Russian sqaudron, which is expected to sail imme- diately. It is also asserted, that the Sublime Porte, is so far from consenting to the Status quo, that it will attempt to re- conquer the Crimea. For three months past, the inhabitants have not had a drop of rain in Seville, Cordova, Castile, Mur- cia, or Valencia, so that they neither expect corn nor wine at the ensuing harvest. To add to this calamity, their sheep have been so affected with the rot, that their fleeces are entirely spoiled. Such a drought has not occurred since 1768, when the House of Thomez and Co. failed for 63 Millions of Piaistres. A certain great Female Personage is reported to have last week given 100,000l. to her three eldest sons, 40,0001. a- piece to the two eldest, and 20. oool. to the other. This is acting with true tenderness, and every one must praise her for the deed.—- Sic vos, non vobis! The infidelity of the wife of a most respectable Law character, as it has given much pain to her amiable husband, must affect every good mind with sympathy. We know not what it is in the present day that causes it, but a great revolution certainly appears in female morals; which even a long course of conjugal felicity cannot secure. The total amount of the several branches of the public revenue, under the heads of Customs, Excise, Stamps, and Incidents, for the week ending April 29, 1791, is 122,362l. 6s. 11d. HOUSE OF PEERS,~-- Monday, May 2. Pursuant to the adjournment for the holidays, the Lords this day met. Read two estate bills a second time ; and at three adjourned. HOUSE oF COMMONS.— Monday, May 2. Not more than twenty- five Members being as- sembled at four o'clock, the Speaker adjourned the House until the morrow. » se'nnight died, much lamented, Miss Esther Barbara Birch, daughter of George Birch, Esq; of Hamstead Hall, in the county of Stafford, in the 14th year of her age. Monday se'nnight died suddenly, in the Lion Coffee- room, at Shrewsbury, Mr. Thomas Hewitt, Upholsterer, of that town. , The Rev. Charles Moss, Archdeacon of St. David's, and sub7dean of Wells, is presented by the Dean and Chapter of Wells, to the Vicarage of Buckland- Newton, Dorset, and diocese of Bristol The Lord Chancellor has been pleased to appoint Mr. John Pritchard, Attorney at Law, in Coal- brook- Dale, to be a Master Extraordinary in' the High Court of Chancery. A dispensation has passed the great seal to enable the Rev. John Turner, Archdeacon of Taunton,' to hold the Vicarage of Stogumber, together with the Vicarage of North Curry, on the presentation of the Dean and Chapter of Wells. Friday was married, by special Licence; at the Hon. W. Tollemache's, the Right Hon. the Earl of Dysart, to Miss Lewis, sister of Henry Greswold Lewis, Esq; of, Malvern Hall, Warwickshire. Tuesday se'nnight was married at St George's Church, Hanover- square, London, the Right Hon Viscount Fielding, Member for Newport, and eldest son to the Earl of Denbigh to Miss Powys, daughter of Thomas Jelf Powys, Esq; of Berwick House, near Shrewsbury. •'": - • Monday se'nnight. was married at St. George's Chapel, London, by the Lord Bishop of Bristol, Thomas Tyrwhytt Jones, Esq. of Stanley in Shrop- shire, and Member for Weymouth, to Miss Harriet Williams, youngest daughter of Edward Williams, Esq; of Eaton, in the same county. Thursday last was married Mr John Co1eman, to Miss Porter both of London : Thus Mr Coleman is rewardd, for having brought the Monsier to punishment nishment, by the lady whose cause he so gallantly espoused. ; 81b. hide, 8ft. 7lb.' m all i3" 5ft. 9lb. ftone. A reputable farmer, at Croxton LOST, RAXTER, WORCESTER, May 2, 1791. out of a Stable, belonging to Mr, of the Saracen's Head Inn, iu the tytbing, on Saturday night, the 30th of April, or early in the morning of the ift day of May, • BAY MARE, of the Nag kind, aged about fourteen hands and half high ; has a b'aze in her face, which runs a little askew or crooked towards her nose ; has lately beeu trimmed, and her mane turns or combs on the near- side; her off leg behind has some white, which reaches above the fetlock joint; and the near- leg behind has a scar above the fetlock joint, which is callous; and has a black mane and tall. *'' Whoever will give information of this Mare, to Mr. Raxter, of the above Inn ; or to Sir Sampson Wright, Knt. Bow street, London; or to Mr. John Baker, in the Tything aforesaid, shall, if stolen, re- ceive Five Guineas reward, on conviction but if strayed, One Guinea, and all reasonable expenses. Likewise, at the same time, out of the Brewhouse, were stolen, a BRIDLE and SADDDE, plated bit and stirrups. BANKRUPTS, James Carter, of Exchange- alley, London, bro- ker— William Tyler, now or late of Mount Sorril, Leicestershire, cornfactor— Owen Gallaher, now or late Of Hitchen, Hertfordshire, shopkeeper— Joseph Burnett, of Black friars- road, Surrey, coal- mer- chant— James Cole Martin, and George Akerman, late of Cheapside, London, merchants, and Copart- ners— Edward Phillips, late of Monmouth, salt- mer- chant— John Crocker, of Portsmouth, Southamp- tonshire, broker and undertaker. PRICE OF STOCKS. BanTe Stbek"> i8vj- 8tli4- 3 per cent. red. 80 1 - 8th, 79 7- 8ths— j per-^ ceut^ confw 81 J; 8th, 80 |— 4per cent: conf. loo percent. ami. ii<) r J— Bank long anil. 23$— Ditto short 1778 and 1779, 12 j— New Navy; | disc. • • , - t ,1 Oxford, April 30. On Saturday last Ann Wytham, was committed to our Castle Gaol, by Virtue of the Coroner's Warrant, charged with the wilful murder of her female bastard child, at Ardley in this county. On Sunday last a melancholy accident happened at Abingdon. Seven young men going up the river on a party of pleasure in Mr. B's Wherry, in passing the Abbey Lock, which was drawn, the boat by the force of the water was drawn down, and dashed to pieces. One of the party, Francis Baker, was drowned, the others were providentally saved, some by clinging to the Rhymers of the Lock, others by swimming, and one by jumping from the boat as she was going down The body of Baker was found sometime after, but all attempts to restore him proved ineffectual. Cambridge, April 29. The Rev. George Hewitt, M. A. Fellow of Queen's college, is presented, by the Bishop of Ely, to the vicarage of Witton in Nor- folk. The Rev. William Collett is presented, by the Bishop of Norwich, to the vicarige of St. Mary in Surlingham, with St. Saviour's annexed, in Nor- folk, on the presentation of the Lord Chancellor. The Rev. Samuel Summers Colman, B. A. is also instituted to the rectory of Rushmere in Suffolk, on the presentation of Charles Garneys, Esq. The Rev. J. Robinson, master of the grammar school in St. Andrew gate, York, it presented, by C. S. Duncombe, Esq; to the rectory of Stokerston, in Leicestershire, void by thr death of the Rev. John Wadland. Friday se'nnight was killed at Beverley, in Yorkshire, a cow six years old ( bred and fed by Sir C. Hotham, Bart, of South- Dalton, near that place.)- supposed to be the largest ever slaughtered in England,. which weighed as follows : her two fore- quarters, 61st. 11lb. her two hind- quarters, 51st 11lb. tallow, 13ft. ). to the in Staffordshire, has been so fortunate as to have twenty- one lambs yeaned this Spring, by only eight ewes ; nineteen of the lambs are alive, and with their dams likely to do well. Two of the ewes were only yearlings. . Uncommon increase.— A cow, the property Mr. Richard Dewey, of Pickworth, near Melton, on Saturday last brought forth four calves, three of which are now alive. It is remarkable, that the same cow had three calves the 26th of April 1790, all of which were fatted and sold ; so that she has produced seven within the space of one year. Last week a person of the name of Pitt, a shoe- maker, of Birmingham, slipped backwards off the flagged way opposite the Castle, in High street, in that town, and a coal cart going by at that instant, went over his breast, and unfortunately killed him on the spot. He was returning with his wife from St. Martin's. Church, and a child whom they had just christened, when the dreadful circumstance hap- pened.— It is supposed he was seized with a fit at the time he fell, as he did not make, when down, the least exertion. On the morning of Tuesday se'nnight, an indu- strious man of Newton- Poppleford, Devon, the father of a large family, who had lately discovered symp- toms of melancholy, after having most tenderly em- braced his youngest child, retired to an upper room - and hanged himself. His wretched wife very soon discovered him in the dreadful situation, but not- withstanding he was immediately cut down, and ma- , nifested signs of life by opening, his eyes and other circumstance, s, be expired at seven o'clock in the evening. , There are now Worsted Goods in the hands of dif- ferent Merchants at Norwich, to the amount of above 100,000l. ready to be shipped for Russia ; the Exportation of which is at present, prevented by the expected rupture with that empire. ' Monday last was committed to our Castle, by the Rev. Mr. Cartwright, Thomas Bennett, for stealing two iron pots, one brass kettle, and an iron bar, the property of Joseph Hodgetts, of Dudley, in this county. At our fair, on Saturday last, there was a fine shew of Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, which sold well; but few good horses, which brought very high prices. ; Price of, grain— Wheat", fs,' - M. lo 6s « fo'd.— Barley j js. 6d. to ^.--- Bfians, j?.. to 4- s White Peas, 4s. 6d, to 56.-— Grey diftSv, 5s. 6tl. to 4- s. id,— Oats, is. id. to.'^.--- Veteheji - 6' 3.' 6d. to 7s. per bushel. . • ' Price of Hops— New, + 1. to 5I. fojp;- 01d, + 1. to $ 1. i » g. per cwt. ; ' ' CITY of WORCESTER. The ASSIZE of BREAD, Set by the Right Worshipful the Mayor and Justices, the 2d Day of May, 1791 WHEATEN. To Weigh lb. 01. dr. The Penny Loaf - - - - 099 The Two Penny Loaf - - 1 j j The Six- penny Loaf - 3 9- 8 The Twdve- penny Loaf 7 3 1 The Eighteen- penny Loaf 1 - ton. FOR THE WORCESTER JOURNAL. THE LIFE OF A BUCK. Tune, " The high mettled Racer.'*' IN a neat little Village, remote from all strife, He pass'd the first Seventeen years of his life ; When his father, a wealthy old squire thought fit To send him to London, and dub him a cit; With a Slouch in his gait, and a lank head of hair, Lord, how all the Cockneys did giggle and stare ! His heart was untainted, his looks were devout. And the Bucks of the town all proclaim'd him— A Lout. Resolving to wipe off this scandalous name, And soar like a Buck oft the pinions of fame, He ventur'd to take a trip over France, Where he learnt to take snuff, swear, lye, fence, rake, and dance. . .".'-' { more, Thus improved, he returned to old England once Here he bought a Toledo, and hired a w--- e, , Well lin'd were his pockets, elate was his heart; And the Bucks of the town all proclaim'd him-- A Smart. His daddy now dy'd, and he squeez'd out a tear, Tho' he left him as good as one thousand a year; His acquaintance increas'd, and he gain'd vast renown By seducing three girls, who are, now on the town ! He could drink, stab a character, roar out a catch, Break a lamp, beat the constable; bully the Watch; Thus he mounted the climax with monstrous luck, And the Bloods of the town all proclaimed him - A Buck. At length his estates were all mortgaged and seiz'd, His mem'ry decay'd, and his body diseas'd Deserted by those who had liv'd at his cost, His companions were sharpers, and knights of the post: He learnt to pick pockets, pack cards, cog a dye, Pass'd his nights in a brothel, and Sometimes a stye ; By a Friend was arrested„ and thrown into jail, Where like a true Blood, he laughs at this tale. R K y. , A RAREE SHOW! ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED.; and NINETY- ONE. LADIES and Gentlemen walk in.— Here you shall see what you Shall see— There be the Grand Monarch a very little man, and the little Bourgeois a Grand Monarch :— There be the British Parlia- ment sitting at Paris, and the Parliament of Paris sitting at London :--- There be noblemen without titles, and titled men without nobility :--- There be the cap of liberty hanging to a lamp iron, and ora- tors and senators weaving garlands to decorate the rod of Slavery-.— There be one gentleman giving his Shoe- buckles to the State— and there be another spending three millions' Sterling for a cat's skin : — There be the Frenchman paying his debts out of the monies of the Church, and the Englishman going to war because he has nothing else to do. v- There be one Prince begging his bread in Italy— and there be another who has lost all his money in England:— There be the Lady who writes love letters to herself— and there be the mother of the glorious child :— There be the Divines who can tell, the way to heaven in ten minutes— and there be great Orators who speak for three days before they, come to the point!— There be the Chancellor and the Lords in Westminster Hall— and there be the little man whose guilt is as difficult to find out as the lon- gitude :— There be hypocrites in black gowns, knaves in ribbons, and cowards in scarlet— There be rich bankrupts, and, poor honest men :— There ridiculed by strumpets, Religion in an empty church, and Truth branded in the forehead with the word LIBEL, and. turned out of doors. DR. WATSON's COMPOUND BALSAM OF AMBER, For Cough's Ashmas, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoop- ing Coughs, Spitting of Blood, and Consumptions. OF this excellent Medicine, a Compound from the prescription of that great and worthy Physician Dr. WATSON, too much cannot be said ; but it. would be injurious tor his memory, to exceed the diseases he recommended it. for, by vauntingly puffing it as the Panacea ( or universal remedy) for all complaints; far from it: The Proprietor, while he pledges himfelf for its specific qualities, confines it solely to those disorders classed, by medicinal wri- ters, Thoracic and Pulmonary, or Diseases of the Breast and Lungs. The benign effects of this Balfam in Asthmas are such, as almost instantly to relieve those distressing suffocations invariably attendant on that disorder when confirmed, rendering an immediate composure to the whole frame in those dreadful paroxysms of agitation. In the Hooping Cough, the anxious parent will experience an immediate alleviation of the fits, and by a strict attention to the directions, a happy termination of that dreadful disease in a very short time it is also infallible in those destructive Coughs, arising from Measles, neglected Colds, & c. In Consumptive Cases it is very efficacious, in the Cough, difficulty of breathing, spitting of blood, pains in the breast and side, profuse nocturnal sweats, and relieves the whole train of symptoms which at- tend a disease of the lungs; numerous are the in- ftances of persons recovering from the most deplo- rable situations, by taking a few bottles of the Balsam. after all other medicines, attended by the most judi- cious advice had failed. Sold by appointment, by J. Tymbs, ( only) in Worcester, i » bottles of 2s. < jd, each.— Of whom ( only) may be had, LA BLACHE's MILITARY DROPS, an infallible remedy for the Scurvy, I. e- prosy, Scrophula, or King's Evil, Cancerous Dis- cases in their last and most Dreadful Stages; in bot- tles of 43. 6d. each, or several bottles for ii.. 73. in- cluding - duty— Alfo, DR. SOLANDER'S SANATIVE ENGLISH TEA, universally approved and recom- mended r, s the mod pleasing and powerful Restorative in all Nervous Disorders hitherto difcovered, in parcels at is. gd. each. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. SUSANNAH THORNE; of the parish of Saint Helen, in the city of Worcester, Cabinet- maker, administratrix of her late husband, Thomas Thorne, Cabiniet- maker, deceased, having- assigned the estate and debts of her late husband, and also her own estate and debts, for the benefit of the credi- tors of her late husband, and of her own creditors, to Mr. Woodward, of Bristol, and Mr. Southan, Baker, and Mr. Curtis, Upholder, of Worcester; such several creditors are desired to send in their accounts immediately, to either of the assignees, that a particular datement and account may be laid before them: and all persons indebted to such estates, are desired to pay their respective debts: to either of the trustees.— A part of the deed of assignment is left at the office of Mr. Mence, in Foregate- street, for execution, by the creditors. N. B The House will be let, and the Business and Stock will be disposed of immediately; . and any ap- plication, may be made to either of the trustees, or at the shop. MALVERN HOTEL. GEORGE ROBERTS begs leave to inform the Nobility and Gentry who may occasionally refort to this delightful Village, so justly celebrated for its salubrious Mineral Waters and Picturesque Prospects, that he has at a great expence fitted up his House in the most commodious manner, which is nOW opened for the reception of company as A LODGING and BOARDING HOUSE. The House is now rendered particularly pleasant and commodious, by the erection of a new Gallery, Which leads from the Public Room to the Flower Garden, from whence there is a communication through a beautiful Shrubbery to the delightful Walks on Malvern Hills.. G. ROBERTS therefore most respectfully solicits the favors of the Public, assuring them it shall ever be his duty to merit their approbation and encou- ragement. *#* DINNER in the Public Room at 3 o'clock. N. B. Letters to secure Lodgings, or provide Dinners, addressed to Mr. Roberts, Hotel, Great Malvern, will be diligently attended t0. Good STABLES and COACH HOUSES. TO THE PUBLIC. ( By the IMPORTERS.) JSTEPHENS and Co. return their Sincere • thanks to their friends and the public in ge neral for their past favours, and beg leave to inform them, that they have now 0n sale, at their RUM and BRANDY WAREHOUSE, No. 50, LONG LANE, four doors from West Smithfield, LONDON, a large Assortment of Foreign Spirituous Liquors, Wines, & c. of the first Growth and Vintage, as they are enabled, from the extensive stock they had by them, at the time when the additional duty was laid thereon, to sell at the following very low prices, viz. per gal. s. d. Fine Old Cognac Brandy, of the bed quality, jo 6 Full Proof ditto - 9 6 Curious Old Jamaica Rum - - 7 6 Full Proof ditto - - 7 6 Excellent Oid Holland's Geneva - 70 Curious Old Brandy and Rum Shrubs • 80 With all sorts of Rich Cordials and Compounds, equally cheap. W I N E S. per dozen. I. s. i. Fine Old Red and White Ports, Lifb. ms, Carcavellas, and Mountains, at 40!. per Pipe - Fine. Old Sherry - - Excellent Old Madeira - ' . 1 ij o With all other sorts of Foreign Wines, equally cheap. All orders sent carriage free, distance not exceed- ing three miles from the Warehouse. Any who makes trial of the above Goods, will find a saving of from 15 to 20 per Cent, and if not found to answer their utmost expectation, the money will be returned, and goods sent for again free of trouble and expence— An allowance made to Dealers taking quantities. N. B. All Orders by Post, Coach, or otherwise, will be strictly attended to with the utmost dispatch. COUNTRY HOUSE WANTED. WANTED, in the neighbourhood of Wor- cester or Bromsgrove, a HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, fit for the immediate reception of a genteel Family, with or without a small quantity of Land. A particular description of the Premises, with the terms of rent, & c. to be sent to Mr. VELLERS, Silk Mercer, in Worcester. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Trus- tees named, authorised and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 19th year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, intitled, '' An Act for continuing the " term, and altering and enlarging the powers'of " an Act made in the 25th year of the reign of his " late Majesty, for repairing and amending several " roads leading from Upton, in the county of Wor- " ceder, and other roads therein mentioned; and " for amending the roads leading from White Cross, '' in the parish of Hanley Castle, in the said county, " to the River Severn," intend to meet at the dwel ling- house of Thomas Page, known by the Sign of the White Lion, situate in Upton aforesaid, on Thursday the twelfth day of May next, at twelve o'clock in the forenoon, for the electing, nominating, and appointing new Trustees, the more effectually to execute the powers given by the said Act. WAKEMAN LONG, Clerk to the Trustees. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors of Mrs. MARTHA AR- CHER, late of Wood Bevington, in the parish of Priors Salford, in the county of Warwick, are requested to meet on Thursday the 5th day of May next, at the Angel Inn, in Alcester, by eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; and, in the mean time, to transmit an account of their demands to Mr. Eades, Attorney, in Feckenham. For Coughs, Consumptions, & c. PECTORAL ESSENCE of COLTSFOOT. THE Herb Coltsfoot, called TUSILLAGG. by the Ancients, was distinguished by them, as its Name sufficiently conveys, for its Excellence in the Cure of Coughs and more Pulmenary Complaints; and this Essence has, in the Course of a long Prac tice, been found the most safe and effectual Re- medy for Coughs, Asthmas, Wheezings; Phthisicky Consumptions, Hoarseness, Defluxions, Catarrhs, Difficulty of Breathing, and all Disorders of the Breast and Lungs, It gently opens the Breast, and immediately gives Liberty of Breathing, without any danger of taking Cold. It comfortably allays the Tickling which provokes frequent Coughing, the uneazy Senzations of acrimonious Humours, cleanses the Glands, relaxes the Fibres, and thereby enlarges the Cavities of the Vessels, Thus it regu- larly and quickly cures the most obstinate Asthmas and Consumptions of the longest standing if taken before the Lungs are ulcerated. It cures all husky and dry Coughs, dissolves congealed Phlegm in the Thorax, heals Rawness and Soreness of the Breast, Stomach, and Lungs: and gives immediate relief to those who through Age and Infirmity are deprived of Rest or Sleep, as it gently composes and contri- butes to make the Remainder of their Days com- fortable and easy. This Essence is prepared only by James Ryan, Sur- geon in Bristol: and sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Francis Newbery, at No. 45, the Ead End of St. Paul's, London, in Bottles, Price 3s. 6d. each, Duty included ; sold also by J. Tymbs, Printer, at the Cross, Worceder. To prevent impositions, observe, that Mr. Newbery's name is engraved in each Stamp. V BRIDGE BUILDING. ] NOTICE is hereby given that the TRUS- TEES of the TURNPIKE ROAD leading from Stratford- upon- Avon, through Alcester, in the county of Warwick, and Feckenham, to Bradley Brook, in the county of Worcester, do intend to meet at the Angel Inn, in Alcester aforesaid, on Tuesday the 24th day of May ind. at ten o'clock in the Fore- noon, when and where they will be ready to treat with any Person or Persons for Erecting a BRIDGE over Feckenham Brook; and Persons who wish to contract for the same, are desired, for a view of the spot, and other necessary information, to apply to Robert Hunt, Esq; at Feckenham; or to Mr. Jofeph Heming, of Bradley Green, the Surveyor; and to send their proposals and estimates in Writing, sealed up, to Mr. Jones, Attorney, at Alcester aforesaid, before the said 24th day of May. By Order of the Trustees. W. JONES, Clerk. Alcester, April 21', 1791.. Saturday's and" Sunday s Posts concluded. INDIA GAZETTE— OCT. 25, 1790. Letters from the grand army, dated the 28th ult. at Coimbatore, mention, that they were to march the ensuing day towards Sattimungalum, where it was supposed an attempt would be made to gain. the pass which leads to the Ghauts, and where, as Tippoo's force was daily increasing, a conflict of the most serious nature might be expected to ensue. The Sultan, by way of commencing his boasts, is said to have sent word to General Medows by the Su- bahdar he found in Errode, that he intended waiting his pleasure on the north bank of the Bavanee, which has lately risen very considerably, ., The rumour of the death of the Grand Sultan, which was reported from so many quarters, as to gain a considerable degree of belief, arose, in all probability from the pretended prophecy of a San- ton, that the Ottoman Empire would change its master in the year 1791. This prognostication met with that sort of credit, that such wiid effusions of a heated imagination ever do, in a country degraded by ignorance and superstition, and was magnified into a certainty of its completion. Its unfortunate Revealer met with the terrible fate of all those who offend against despotic anlimited power ; as this Ot- toman priest was a Short time since impaled alive. A great number of Ottoman troops are assembling near Brailow,. to defend that fortress against the Russians, as it is undoubtedly in this quarter that they will make their next attack. , ' Leopold seems to shelter himself behind the States of Hungary, respecting the cessions of territory pre- scribed by the Convention . of Reichenbach".' Their Representative at Sistovia. now pretends that the Emperor was not entitled to make those cessions with- out the consent of the Hungarian States, By a Similar feint, Francis I. evaded the performance of the treaty of Madrid, by which he had engaged to cede Bur- gundy to Charles V. The states of the Province denied the validity of the Act, and the Monarch con. ceived his honour Saved by this- Salvo. ^ : The King of Naples, in the course of his tour to Vienna, killed, in Austria, Bohemia; : and; Moravia;' according to the German newspapers, 5 bears 1145 deer,' and 12435 pratridges The rivers Dnieper and Bog have their source in Poland; and pass through many provinces of that kingdom,' covered with forest, and abound in mari- time stores, which the fortress ot Oczakow alone has- prevented from being dispersed over the Mediterra- ' nean. The Southern nations of Europe are com- pelled to derive their naval Stores from the Baltic ; and as they must pass through the English Channel, their resourccs are liable to be cut of by a British Squadron. But were Oczakow, and Aikerman ( the mouths of the Dnieper, and Dniester) in the possession of Russia, this control '. on' the growth of the other nations of Europe would be in a considerable degree lost to England. For Russia might in a great mea- sure Supply France and Spain, by sending the pro- duce of Podolia and Lithuania from her harbours in the Black Sea dirctly into the Mediterranean Ports. Extract of a Letter from Berlin, April 5th, 1791. We are yet uncertain as to the event' of peace or war, though the general opinion is, that the Em- press will not make peace with the Turks without the surrender of Oczakow and its- dependencies, un- less our Court takes some Steps to oblige her. On the 1st instant, our Ministers Count Schulenbourg, with General Van Gensau, President of the War Department, had an audience of Count Hertzberg, at seven o'clock in the morning ; and soon after they all three drove to Stolpe, a short distance from Pots- dam, where they were met by the two King's Ad- jutants, Von Bischoftwerder, and Von Manstein ; and after a very long conference of two hours, they all drove to Potsdam, where they had an interview with the King. In the night of their return to town several dispatches were sent off to Prussia. Va- rious opinions' are held 0n this conference; but the most probable opinion is, that the orders have been Sent into Prussia to put the army therein motion..— The Officer, who carried out dispatches to the Court of London, returned here yesterday,' Since which the idea of a war prevails more than ever. An English Officer employed here in making ready some bridges on, a new constuction; but the process of his work is kept So secret, that no one is permitted to see it, not even officers, .. A stranger passed through Potsdam last week, who immediately ordered fresh horses and pursued his route towards Hamburgh. As soon as the report was given in to the King, as is usual on all strangers that pass through the Prussian territories,-- His Ma- jesty ordered that different- expresses should be sent after him, and endeavour to bring this Stranger back. Six Adjutants and four Chasseurs immediately set off on horseback, but as the stranger had-- got the Start of them by four hours; and had given a great deal of money to the post- drivers, to make dispatch he was not overtaken Until he had reached the terri- tories of Mecklenburgh, where his person was safe. It is believed- that this Gentleman must be Lieutenant Lindenau, who quitted the. Prussian for the Imperial service, and for whose ; apprehension the King last year offered a premium of two thousand dollars. The English officer above mentioned as being employed in preparing bridges,' is Mr. Sydney Smith, who served as a volunteer last year on board the Swedish fleet. A floating battery is now build- ing under his direction, fit to carry a very, heavy weight of metal. - - . Cork, April 13. A few weeks ago, one Daniel Sullivan, of Foramore, in the county of Kerry, was Shot in open day by his own brother; James Sullivan. The deceased Daniel was the elder, and James the younger brother. This James had been a considera- ble time in the practice of robbing his brother Da- niel, under the pretence that he had not received an adequate proportion of their late father's- substance. On Tuesday morning the 8th instant, about ten o'clock, Daniel . Sullivan was told that his brother James was building a house on the lands of Muckra, part of the premises, and on Daniel's going there, it is supposed some altercation muft have immediately ensued, for a shot was heard, and on the neighbours going up, Daniel Sullivan was found dead, with two wounds in his breast, where two balls had entered j and gone through the body; he had also two contu- ! sions on his breast, his face blackened with gun- : powder, and the skin torn off his chin; and from the direction the ball took, it was supposed he was lying on the ground when he was shot. I' It is hoped this unnatural villain will be brought | to immediate justice, as we hear the magistrates and : gentlemen of that county, assisted by the police, are using their utmost endeavours to have him appre- hended. truly intereting Case.— Mr. William Woodburn, of Whitehaven, in the county of Cumberland, a gen- tleman of an advanced age, was from a complication of disorders in his bowels, rendered truly miserable to himself, and equally distressing to those around him, who, after trying every thing in vain, gave him over as a lost man ; but in the moment of their despair, several members of the faculty, who had been witnesses of the astonishing effects of the ORI- ENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL, Sold by the Pa- tentee, B. CORNWELL, No.- 13, Conduit- street, Han- over- square, in bottles of 5s. each, earnestly recom- mended the immediate use of it, and had the hap- piness to bear testimony of a speedy cure being made in a few days, and a restoration of the patient from the brink of the grave to a state of health, that seemed more like a miracle than the effect of medicinal cordial on the human frame! We cannot omit adding how much is due to professional men for their candour to- wards the Patentee, who has to thank them for in- numerable instances of their most pressing recom- mendation in favour of the Oriental Cordial; by the efficacy of which Mr. Thomas Simson, of Fordham, Suffolk, has been intirely restored from a bilious complaint; and also Mr. William Newman, of Corsham, Wilts, of vio- lent pains in the bowels. There are also large bottles of the Cordial, con- taining the quantity of six 5s. bottles, at 1l. 3s. fid. each, including the Stamp ( for Families and Expor- tation). e It is Sold by J. TYMBS, in Worcester; and one respectable person in every city and town in Eng- land,, Scotland, & c. The following Efficacious MEDICINES, Being just received from the Proprietors, R, Swinfen. & Son, Surgeons and Apothecaries,* Leicester; Are, by their special Appointment, Sold by J. TYMBS, at the Cross, Worcester. SWINFEN's ELECTUARY, for the ' O Stone and Gravel, has from the extensive trial for Upwards of fifty years, been proved to be superior to any- other Medicine ever offered to the public, in the cure of these terrible complaints. Price 6d. the Pot. m PULLINS ANTISCORBUTIC PILLS, for the Scurvy, leprosy, King's Evil, Ulcerated Sore Legs, Cancers, Surfeits, Eruptions in the Face, and every other disorder arising from an Impurity in the blood; have the sanction of Sixty years experience, as the best purifier " of blood ever yet discovered, price 21. 61. the Box. - With each of the above Medicines is given a list of well- authenticated cures, that prove, beyond ' a doubt, their superior efficacy and safety. lit. PULLINS FEMALE PILLS, for the Green Sickness, and complaints peculiar to women. Forty Pills in a box,- price 1s. sealcd up, with printed di- rections for Use, & c. IV'. PULLINS PURGING PILLS, recommended to betaken by people afflicted with Scorbutic Hu. mours, or any disorder that requires-- physic. price - is. tlie box containing three doses. V. SWINFEN's OINTMENT, a safe and never falling cure for that troublesome disorder the Itch. Price 1s. the box, with printed directions. It may be applied with safety to an Infant. VI. SWINFEN's INFALLIBLE LOZENGES, for the Hartburn, which gives immediate relief. Price is. the box. N. B. Every other Article of Repute in the Medicine Line. By His Majesty's Royal Letters Patent. • LEAKE'S Pilula Salutaria, So Justly Famous for its superior Efficacy in curing every Degree and Symptom of the Venereal Disease, Scurvy, & c. Without Confinement or Restraint of Diet, in an easy, expeditious, safe, and secret Manner. One small tasteless Pill is a Dose, its operation imper- ceptible, and requiring no particular Attention. IN Fifteen Days it generally cures those cruel Disorders; and where it fails in that Time of perfectly restoring Health, the Patient has the happy Assurance that he or She is at the Eve of being fo restored, let the Degree of Malignancy be ever 1 » great. It is an Excellency peculiar to these Pills, to make directly to the complaining Part, and enter into Contest with the offending Matter, which they speedily dislodge and expel. They are declared by experience, to be a Preserver of Health, as well as a Restorer, hy taking only Eight Single PILLS, Spring and Fall in every year. In short, the Patentee has this extraordinary Obligation to them, that what ever he promised himself from them, they were sure to fulfil and exceed, tho' impatient, of immortal and universal Fame. These Pills are most worthy a Place in the Cabinets of Masters and Captains of Ships; the more so, for that they will keep good in all Climates any Length of Time, and that they have now borne the Test of near Sixty Years, with en- creasing Credit to Themselves, and Honor to their . Author, infomuch that during the last Eight Years, they have radically cured upwards of Forty Thou- sand Persons, many of whom had been discharged from Hospitals, where Salivation had been frequently repeated, and all other Methods made use of with- out Effect - Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, THO. TAYLOR, Member of the Corporation of Surgeons, London ; at his houfe, No. 9, New Bridge- Street, in Boxes of only 2s 9d each, Duty included. They are also fold, by his appointment, with Copious Directions ( whereby Persons, of either Sex, may Cure themselves without the Knowledge of any other Person,) by J. Tymbs, Printer, at the Cross, Worcester; Mr. Raikes, Glocester; Mr. Hartle- bury, Tewkesbury; Mr. Duncomb, Hereford; Messrs. Davis and Harris, Leominfser ; Mr. Owen, Ludlow; Mr, Wood, Printer, Shrewsbory; and by one person in every considerable town in England and may be had of the Newsmen. WORCESTER. Printed by J. TYMBS, at BERROW's Printing- Office, at the CROSS; Who sells Stationary and all Kinds of Blank Warrants used by Justices of the Peace, & c.-— This Journal is regularly filed at the London, Chapter, Peele's, Chancery, and Smyrna Coffee- House London, where Advertilements are taken in; and by Raikes, Glocester; Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham; Jackson, Oxford ; Monk, Chester ; Wood, Shrewsbury ; Owen, Ludlow ; Home Postmafter in Bishop's Castle; Smart, Wolverhampton; Clare, Bewdley ; Haslewood, Bridgnorth : Stokes, Kidderminster ; Walford, Stratford; Mr. West, Stourbridge; Pearce, Postmaster Tewkesbury, and Taylor, Warwick- Court, Warwick- Lane, London.— This Journal is also filed at the Rainbow Coffee- House, Covent- Garden,
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