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Wheelers Manchester Chronicle


Printer / Publisher: Charles Wheeler 
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 419
No Pages: 4
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Wheelers Manchester Chronicle
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Wheelers Manchester Chronicle

Date of Article: 25/07/1789
Printer / Publisher: Charles Wheeler 
Address: Hunter's Lane, Manchester
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 419
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Wheelers anchefter Chronicle READY MONEY WITH ADVERTISEMENTS,] SATURDAY, JULY 25, PRICE THREE- PENCE. j [ No. 419. J WANTED, AFOOTMAN who thoroughly underftands his bufmefs. Inquire of the Printer. R. BLACKBURN, Hiflory and Portrait PAINTE R, from London, refpeftfully acquaints the Inhabitants of Manchcftcr and its neighbourhood, that he has taken a Houfe in Charlotte- ftreet, oppofite St. James's- Church— where he hopes to be honoured with their commands. TO F. E LETT, To ENTER on at Pleasure, ALarge and commodious WAREHOUSE in Princefs- ftrtet, with every convenience for carrying on the Check and Fnl'lian Bufinefs. Inquire of Mr. John Hadficld, or Mr. William Crane, Prinfcefs- ftreet., Manr. hcftfr. To be SOLD by Auction, On Wednefday the 12th day of Auguft, 1789, at the New- Quay, in I. ancafler, the fale to begin at two o'clock in the afternoon, ONE hundred and ninety- feven LOGS and PLANKS of choice DOMINGO MAHOGANY, in lots fuitable to the pill- chafers; the breadths principally from eighteen to twenty- four inches. The wood may he viewed, in the mean time, by applying to T. Calvert. ~ To be SOLD by" Private Contract, ( As the owner intends immediately to decline the cotton fpinning bufuiefs) TWO exceeding good Carding Machines, 24 and 26 inches Cylinders. One Stubbing Hilly, 40 fpindles. Eight Spinning Jennies, 84 fpindles each. Oi; e ditto, too ditto. Two Sluhbing Jennies, 42 ditto cach. A Stove, Cotton Prefs, Picker, and Batting Frame All the above are 111 very good condition, and fomc of them as good as new. Inquire at the Joiner's Arms, Dalc- ftrcct, near Oldham ftreet, Manchester. _ SIGNOR DEL PUEYO, a Native of Spain, takes the liberty of acquainting the Ladies and Gentlemen of Manchefler and its environs, as well as the Academies, and the public in general,,'. hat as his engagements with Ihe No- bility and Gentry of Dublin will not engage m'ore" of Ins time than three months in the year, he propofes, by the advice of his friends, to fettle in this town, to teach the other nine months, yearly, the Spanifh, Italian, and French Languages grammatically, ( having had a liberal education) on very rcalon- able terms; and he flatters himfelf, by his approved method to give geneial fatisfa£ tion to thofe perfons who wifh to be initiated in the above fafhionab. le and ufeful languages. Signor del Pueyo has already obtained fcveral pupils, and he intreats to be favoured with applications from thofe whe wilh to honour him with their patronage, at No. 13, King- ftreet. N. B Letters tranflated for Merchants. R. SILVESTER, a'rtiil and proprietor of the Roya1 WAX- WORK, at the Lyceum, jn the Strand, l. on don, has the honour to acquaint the nobility, and ihe public jn general, that he ( having been obliged to clofe his Exbi- tion for three days paft, 011 account of the Quarter. Seflions being held at the Exchange, Manchefter) intouds to open again on Monday next the 27th. inftant, and to exhibit the Royal Family of England, viz. the King and Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Princefs Royal, and the Duke of York, ( all as large as Nature) featcd at table taking their defert. The principal Admirals of England, done after Nature, at their own rcqueft, and drefl'cd in their uniforms Alio the Hon. Charles James Fox, Warren Haftings, Efq. the late Governor of Bengal, and the Rev. John Wcfley. The Royal Family of - France, Frederick the fecond, late King of Pruflia, and all the principal crowned heads of iiurope ; a fleepfng Venus, of exquifite beauty, alfo the Right Hon. William Pitt. N. B. AH are reprefented as large as life, and to be fcen from nine in the morning, till ten at night. Admittance one fhilling eaph. WANTED at DENTON SCHOOL, ASCHOOL- MASTER. Any porfon who chafes fo apply for the laid place is requtfled to produce a fpeci- roen of his writing to be left with Mr. Robert Cooke, fenior, at the houfe commonly called the'Chapel- Houle, in Denton, for the infpeftinn of the Trnltces, on or before the eighth day of Auguft next ; lifter which lime a day will be fixed on by the Truflees for the final examination of the candidates, of which day of examination, timely notice will be given by the Truftees to fuch as fhall be decrm- d likely to fuit the place. It will he in vain for any to apply but fuch as can produce unqucftionable tcftimoniais of tiicir fobriety and good moral character. WAGSTAI'FE's CREDITORS. " PHE Truflees under the Alignment made bv Meffrs. JL SARAH, THOMAS, and JOHN WAGSl'AFFE, of Manchefter, Bakers, inlcnd to meet on Thurfday the 61I1 day of Auguft next, at three o'clo'ck in the afternoon, at Mr, R* obert Gregfon's, tin- Swan Inn, in Deanl'gate, Mahcheftfr, in order to make a firft and final Dividend of tire eftate a - id effefts of the faid Meffrs. Wagftaffe ; and fuch perfons as thill not execute the Trull- deed ( which is now in ihe hands of" Mr. Martin Marfhall, in Mancliefter) on or before the laid fixth day of Auguft, will be ablohitely excluded from receiving any benefit or advantage- under fuch deed. Dividend to~ JOHN WILD'iT Creditors. . TOTICE is hereby given, that a fird and firia. 1 Dividehii 1 of the eftate and effefts of John Wild; of Denton, in the county of I. ancafter, Shopkeeper, will '-' Be..>. aTd at . tlie Counting- lio- ufe of William Lings, of Manchefter, Corli- faftor, on Friday the 31ft. day of July inllant, to f'uch of the creditors as have already executed the deed of aflignment, or ( ha" within that time execute the fame, which lies for that purpofe at the office of Mr. I. ings, attorney at law, Swan- court, Market- rfteet- lane. And pll perfons who fhall negleft or refufe to come in and execute the faid deed by the time before- mentioned, will he excluded the benefit of any divi- dend ariling from the faid John- Wilde's effects. MancheJler, 24til July, 1789. Padiham, 30th June, 1789. WHEREAS WILLIAM ROBERTS, of Sparth- Lane, in the town'ilii'p of Clayton, in the county of Lancafter, Millwright and Shopkeeper, hath this day aflijmed overall his eftate and effefts unto Thomas M'Kay, of Burn- ley, in the faid county, fhopkeeper, and John Buck, of the fame place, officer of excii'e, for the equal benefit of' all his creditors, who fhall come in and execute this deed within three months from the date hereof. Notice is hereby git en, That the deed is now left at the office of Mr. Hall, attor- ney at law, in Padiham, 111 the faid county, for the infpec- tion and execution of the creditors of the faid William Roberts, who, at the time of the execution, are defired tp leave an account of their refpeftive demands. All perfons indebted unto the faid William Roberts, are rcqucftcd to pay the fame to the faid Truftecs, or they will be fued for the fame without further notice. Oil Thurfday next, July 30, 1789, will be Sold, Iri Berry's Au6tion- room, Swan- court, Market- ftreet- lane, Manchefter, PART of the STOCK of a Bankrupt: confiding of cot- ton weft, twill, warps, cops, boxes of new cards for engines, fire- grates, beds and bedding, tables, woollen cloths, watches, fewing / ilk, handboards, buckles, knives and forks, ftockings, and a variety of other goods. The goods to be teen on Tuefday, Wednefday, and Thurfday ; and to be taken away the day after the fale, at the purchafcr's expence, and to be paid for 011 delivery, in calli, and London bills, not exceeding two months date. N. B. J. Berry takes inventories, and values houfhold goods in town and coilntry ; alfo fells by auftion or private fale, at the place where the goods are, or at his own room, where there is an auftiou every Thurfday afternoon. He has o fell, by commiflion, a handfome eight- day clock, with repeats and quarters, in a neat mahogany cafe, feveral good counters and warclioufe prelTes, a caravan and covcr, cotton a nd worfted ftockings, & c. BLAKEY HALL, near COLNE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Friday the 14th day of Auguft, 1789, at the lioufe of Mr. John Tillotfon, the Angel, in Colne, in the county of Lancafter, between the hours of fix and eight o'clock in the evening, unlefs previoufly difpolcd of by private contract, ALL that capital Freehold. MeflTuage. and Eftate called Blakey Hall, fituate within one mile of Cblne, and upon the line of the intended canal between Leeds and Li . verpool, containing in quantity 58 a. 1 r. 2 p. cuftomary 1 mcafure, there ufed ( being equal to 04 a. 1 r. 20 p." of fta tute meafure) . or thereabouts, and now in the occupation 0 Mr. John Nutter, as tenant thereof from year to year. Alfo all that other Freehold Meffuage and Eftate adjoining the laft, containing four acres, be the fame more or lefs, of the ciiflomiry mcafurc, and now occupied by John Foulds, as tenant from year to year. For particulars, and a furvey of Blakey Hall Eftatc, apply to Mr. Bolton, attorney, in Colne. ~ COUNTRY HOUSE AND FARM. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the RuU's- head, in Manchefler, on Thurfday the 13th day of Augvjl, 1789, at the hour of fix in the afternoon ; held under a l ife, dated the ( jth of fune, 1787, granted by the Wards and fellows of the College of Chrifl, in MancheJler, for years, fibjefl to an annual rent of it. i6r. ALL that one new and well- built MESSUAGE or . . DWELLING- HOl- SE, fituate in Newton, in the pa rifh of Mancheftcr, with the outbuildings, gardens, orchards and meadow and pafture land thereto belonging ' I he Houfe confilts of two large parlours to the front, w ith clofets adjoining ; one back room, with a good pantry, or china clofet; one kitchen and wafh- houfc, and five excellent lodging- rooms, with large convenient clofets. The outhoufing confilts of a cottage, or farm houfe, a largi ham, fhippon, and three- ftalled liable; another liable for three horfes, new built; another new- built ftable, for two horfes; a coach- houfe and room over, and a fmall brewhoufe. The farm yard is large and entirely paved. The Gardens and Orchard ( about one acre in extent) are in excellent order, and well flocked with fruit- tree^ of the bell forts, in full perfeftion. There are ^ Ifb a neat grecn- houfc and a fummer- houfe. The lands eonfifl of near tljree acres of pafturc, and fix acres of rich meadow land, in high condition. Thcie is a lodge or fmall lioufe in the middle of the meadow. The premifes are only two miles diftant from Manchefter Crofs. They may he entered 011 at pleafure, and the purchafer may be accommodated with the prefent crop, at a reafonable valuation. For further particulars apply to Mr. Jofeph Low, the owner, on the premifes, or Mr. Duckworth, attorney, in Msnchcfter. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Order of the ASSIGNEES of the ESTATE of Mr. WILLIAM ALLEN, At the houfe of Mr. William Shaw, the Bull's- head Inn, in Manchefter, in the county of Lancafter, upon Monday the 17th day of Auguft, 1789. Lot 1. nPIIE INHERITANCE in FEE SIMPLE, of JL and in all that capital MESSUAGE or MAN- SION- HOUSE, fituate in the parilh of Eccles, in the county of Laucafter, called DAVY HULME, with the extenfive and commodious outbuildings and conve- niences thereto belonging, and a pew in the body of the pa- rilh church of Eccles. Garden, ftirubberies, lawn, and pleafure ground contain- ing ( exclulive of garden) feveti acres. Paddock 44 acres. Meadov/ Flixton, in the faid county. 15a. 3r. 27p. Divers meffuages, fmall farms and lands, in Davy Hulme aforefaid, in the whole, near 30 acres. A leafehold meadow called the Hulme's Field, ?. a. 2r. s. 5p. Nine fevcral cottages, 111 Daaiy Hulme aforefaid : fey'cral lythe rents, amounting to 3I 7s. n| d. Lot 2. All that the manor or lordfhip, or reputed manor or lordfhip of URMSTON, n the faid county of Lancaitcr, and the inheritance in fee fimple of and in ths manor hpufe called Urmflon Hall, and lands in Urmfton, containing 165a. The lake of water in Urmfton, called the Old Dca ; a pew in the parilh church of Flixtpn. Upon MONDAY, the 31ft of Auguft, 1789. The following Freehold Effates, fituate in Urmfton. Lot 3. An eftate called New Croft, and lands therewith, in the occupjtion of John Smith, and Thomas Aldred, pon taining 79a. ir. 34p. A pew in Flixton Church. Lot 4. The White Lyon public houfe, and lands there- with, in the occupation of John Roylc— 21a. n\ ip. A pew in Flixton Church. Lot g. Five fields, 111 the occupation of William Simpfon — 15a. 3r. gp. A pared of Enoch's Mofs, in the occupation of John Smith— 6a. lr. 38p. Lot 6. A farm, in the occupation of John Royle-—} 2a. 3r' 3P- Lot 7. A farm, in the occupation of John Royle and Thomas Aldrc- d— 5a. or. 1 7p. Lwt 8. A farm and lands, in the occupations of Japres Shawcrofs and Thomas Aldred— 14a. 2r. 7p. A pew in FlixtonXhurch. Lot 9. A farm and lands, in the occupation of Thorpas Aldred, John Befwick, and James Shawcrol's— 27a. 3r. 3pp. A pew iri Flixtou Church. Lot 10. Two houfes and lands, in the occupation of Tho- mas Aldrcd— 18a. 2r. 2p. A pew in Flixton Church. - . Upon TUESDAY, the ifl of September, 1789, The following Freehold Eftatcs, fituate in Urmlton. Lot 11. A houfe and lands, in the occupation of Edmund Barlow and Thomas Aldrcd— 7a. jrr 7p. Lot 12. A range of cottagcs, containing eight dwellings and land, in the occupation of Thomas Alfred's underten- ants— 2a. tr. 9p. A pew in Flixton Church. Lot 13. A building, containing two dwellings, and land, in the occupation of Thomas Aldred, and his undertenant— 16a. 21". 34P Lot 14. A farm, in the occupation of John Bcfwick— 20a. 3r. 7p. A pew in Flixton Church. Lot 15. A houfe and lands, in the occupation of James Barlow and Edmund Barlow— 4a. 2r. gp. Two fittings in Flixton Church. Lot 16. A cottage, two dwellings, in the Occupation of John Johnfon and his undertenant— ta. tr. up. A field, in the occupation of John Royle— la. lr. : tp. Lot 17. Two dwelling- houfes and fields, 111 the occupation of William Owen— 1a. 3r. 34P. Two fittings in Flixton Church Lot 18. A houfe and garden, in the occupation of Tho- mas Pennington— oa. 2r. 13P. Lot tg. A cottage and garden, in the occupation of Wil- liam Bent. Upon WEDNESDAY, the ad of September, The following Freehold Eftates, fituate in Urmfton, leafed for lives— and pews in Flixton Church. Lot 20. A farm, in the occupation of John Earnifhaw, 12a. or. 37P. and land, in the occupation of John Royle, at will, oa. 2r. 2p.— 12a. 2r. 39p. Lot 21. A farm, in the occupation of William Newtpn— 18. or. 38p. Lot 22. A farm, in the occupation of William Fofkncr — 16a. lr. 34P. Two fittings in Tlixlon Church. Lot 23. A . farm, in the occupation of Jofeph Rny- le- Sa. or, 9p. Lot 24. A houfe and fields, in the occupations of Peter Coupe and Ann Willcock— 3a. 2r. 2p. Two fittings in Flixton Church. Lot 25. A houfe and land, in the occupation of Richard Willcock— ta. 3r. 2np. * A pew in Flixton Church. Lot 26. A houfe and land, in the occupations of Thomas Moodiman and John Befwick— la or. 30p. Lot 27. A farm, in the occupation of James Coupe— 8a. xr 28p. Upon THURSDAY, the 3d of September, The following Freehold Eftates, fituate in Urmfton, leafed for lives. Lot 28. Two cottages and land, in the occupation of Betty Coupe and her undertenant— 2a. ir. 4p. Lot 29. Part of a houfe and land, in the occupation of John Higginfon— 7a. or. i2p. Lot 30. A houfe and land, in the occupation of Samuel Lowndes—- 2a.. 2r. 3p. Two fittings in Flixton church. Lot 31. A houfe and land, in the occupation of John Higham— 2a. ® r. i2p. Lot 32. The Roe Buck public houfe and land, in the oc- cupation of Mifs Ann Willcock— oa. 2r t7p. Lot 33. A houfe and land, in the occupation of John Gregory— oa. 2r. 2^ p. Lot 34. A cottage and garden, in the ojeapetian of Jas. Darbyfhire. . ^ jC- ; Lot 35. A cottage and garden, in the occupation of Chas. Low. Upon Friday the 4ih. of September. The following Freehold Lands, fituate in Urmfton. Lot 36. Three fields in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Jones— 5a. or. 3op. Lot 37. A field in the occupation of John Royle— 2a. "• HP- Lot 38. Four meadows, in the occupation of Thomas. Aldred— 9a. lr. i2p. Lot 39. A field in the occupation of John Smith— 3a. 3r- 3p Lot 40. Two meadows, in the occupation of Thomas Aldred— 9a. 3r. 32p. Lot 41. The one half part ( undivided) of a meadow, in the occupation of Thomas Aldred— oa. 2r. 4p. Lot 42. The one half part ( undivided) of a meadow, in the occupation of John Royle— lr. 6p. Lot 43. A field in the occupation of John Royle1— 3a. 2r. 26p. Lot 44. Four fields, leafed for lives, in the occupation of John Newton— 2a. 2r. 6p Lot 45. Four fields, leafed for lives, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Jones— 11a. 3r. 20p. Lot 46. Four fields, leafed for lives, in the occupation of John Shawcrofs— 12a. 3r. i2p. Lot 47. A meadow, leafed for lives, in the occupation of Robert Fildes— la. or 36p. Upon SATURDAY the 5th of September, The following Freehold Eftates, fituate in Barton upon Ir- well— and Chief Rent. Lot 4 ® . A cottage and land, leafed for lives, in the oc- cupation of Thomas Taylor— oa. lr. 24P Lot 49. A cottage and land, leafed for lives, in the occu- pation of Samuel MafTey. Lot jo. A clear yearly chief rent of 5I. The following Freehold Lands, fituate in Shaw T° wn, in the parilh of Flixton. Lot 51. Four fields, in the occupation of Jofiah Johnfon and John Royle, 34 a. 3r. up. and foul meadows, 47a 31 9p.— 82a. 2r. 20p. Lot 52. A, houfe and lands in the occupations of Wifliam Owen and John Wood— 22a. ® r. 20p. The following Eftates in Loftock. Lot 53. A freehold farm, leafed for lives, in the occupa- tion of John Bradfhaw— 19a. or. 3op, Lot 54. A leafchold field, held under John Trafford Efq. for lives, in the occupation of Thomas Aldred— 2a. 31- 27p. Upon MONDAY' the 7th of September, The following Freehold Eftates, fituate in Davy Hulme. Lot 55. A farm in the occupation of Thomas Taylor lia. 31-. 22p. Lot 56. Two fields in the occupation of John Bennett— la. 2r. 6p. Lot 57. A farm in the occupation of James Walton— 27a. or 26p. Lot 58. A farm, leafed for lives, in the occupation of John Lee— 29a. lr. lop. Lot 59 Three fields in the occupation of Jame? Walton — 15a. or. 22p. Lot 60. A meadow in the occupation of John Johnfon— la. lr. top. Lot 61. Two fields, leafed for lives, in the occupation of John Hey ward— 4a. or. 38p. Lot 62. A leafehold farm, held under Humphry Trafford, Efq for lives, in the occupation of Samuel Williamfon. Lot 63. A farm in Davy Hulme and Loftock, part free hold, and part leafehold, in the occupation of Jofeph John- fon— 13a. 2r. 23p. The following Pews A pew in Flixton church, in the occupation of Lot 64. Mr. Allen. Lot 63 fittings. Lot 66. A pew in the fame church, containing fourteen A pew in Eccles church, in the occupation of Richard Willcock, or his undertenants. The fale to begin each day at Three o'clock in the Afternoon. The above eftates may be viewed on application to Richar^ Willcock, at Davy Hulme ; and for further particulars apply to Jofeph Tipping and Robert Markiand, Efqrs. in Man- chefter, or to William Matthews, Efq. in Green I. ettice I. anc, London, the Aflignees of the eftate of Mr. Allen— or at the office of Mr, William Fox, Attorney, in Manchefter, where Plans cf the Eftates may be leen, and pnnted parti- culars thereof may be had. NANTWICH RACES. On Tuefday July 14th, the Subscription of 50I Mr. Robinfon's b. M. Fanny, 4 Yrs Earl Grofvenor's bl. C. 4 Yrs. John Clinton's Efq'rs b. C. Labourer, 3 Yis Mr. Carter's ch. F. 3 Yrs. 4 2 3 3 2 fell, Galloways 4 « 1 Wednefday 15th, a Sweepftakes for 120 Gs. by William Hulton, Efq's b. F. Weafel, Delves Broughton, Efq'rs b. M. Brunette 1 4 ^ James Bayley, Efq'rs. br. G. Minikin — 5 2 £ Mr. Salmon's bl. M. Shrimp —— —-— 3 g t Peter Heron, Efq'rs ch. C. Robin Hood, 3 Yrs. 23c Britania, Madilda, and Vixen, were drawn. Thurfday 16th, 50I. for all Ages. Capt. Leigh's b. M. Ha riot, 6 Yrs. t Colonel Ratcliffe's br. H. Prince Le Boo, 5 Yrs. 2 i John Edwards, Efq'rs b. H. Afh, g Yrs. — dift. MONDAY AND TUESDAY'S POSTS. From the Lo N N O N Q\ 7. E T T E , July 18. ' " Whitehall, July 17. ' THE King has been pleafed to grant to Sir Sampfon Gi- deon, Bart, and his iffue, his Royal licence and au- thority to alfump and take the furname and bear the arms of Eardleyonly ; and alfo to order that his Majefiy's conceflion and declaration be regillercd in his College of Arms. Whitehall, July 13. The King has been pleafed to confer on Morton Eden, Efq. his Majefty's Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Drefden, the additional chara£ lerof his Ma- jefiy's Minifler Plenipotentiary at that Court. TheKinghas been pleafed to appoint Charles IJenry Frafer, Efq. to be his Majefiy's Secretary of Embaffy at the Court of Madrid, and alfo to confer on him the charafler of Minifier Plenipotentiary at that Court during the abfence of his Nla- jefty's Ambaffadpr. the Court of Vienna; William Lindfay, Efq. tobehi-* Majefiy's Secretary of Legation at the Court of Peterfburgh: and Francis James Jackfon, to. be his Majefiy's Secre- tary of Legation at the Court of Berlin^ [ This Gazettee atfo contains a proclamation of the Lords Juuices of Ireland, further proroguing the Parliament pf that kingdom to the 29th of September, j LONDON, July His Majefly, from the official difpatches yefterday receiv- ed, is in the befl health andfpirits. Their Majefiies find the air, exercife, and bathing, at Weymouth, fo perfeflly agreeable to themfelves and their Royal offsprings, that the objeft of their coining ta town previous to the prorogation, is given up. The eight Englifh men of war now equipping, and def- tmed for the Baltic, will be ready to go to Spithead' in two or three days. The Stadtholder is gone to the Texel to pre- pare five fhips of the line to join the Englilli fquadron. It will depend on the Danes, whether they fhall come tp blows.. P- eace or war depends at this moment on a ( lender thread. The draught upon the Caiffe d'Efcompte in Paris was fuch, in confequence of the riots, that it was thought impoffible to continue to pay : one houfe in London received 130,0001. from France, to be placed in our funds. The public funds on Wednefday laft felt a rapidity in their life almoft unequalled in the times of peace, having rifen from the preceding day almoft tzao per cent. The above influx is partly occasioned by remittances frc- n France, Holland, and other parts of the Continent, which the prefent convulfed flate of France has rendered neceffary for the fafety of individuals. ExtraB of a letterfrom Quebec, June 9. The winter has been uncojnmonly fevere, and provi- fions extravagantly high, bread in particular. Flour now fells for 30s. per cwt. though its ufual price is from 8s. 4d. to 9s. It is a known faft, that many perfons have perifhed up the fettlements about Montreal, where its fcarcity has been rather mpre felt than here; and many people have been reduced to the greateft diftrefs from the price of flour being raifed fo high. The profpea has been. truly alarming, and all for want of a timely embargo being laid on the exporta- tion." An account was prefented of the expences attending the trial of Mr. Haftings, on Wrednefday in the Houfe of Com- mons, which had accrued fince the delivery of the laft ac- count. It amounted to 20,3121 The report of the Tobacco Bill was brought up, and Sir Watkin Lewis urged the reception of a claufe which tended to grant a trial by jury to thofe tobacco manufafturers, who might confider themfelves as aggrieved by the Commiffioners of Excife in the execution of any of the provifions of this bill. The claufe, he faid, was not only in itfelf expedient, inafmuch as it would relieve the manufaflurers in queftion, but would alf'o be of fervice in a more extenfive point of view, as laying the foundation of a general plan for allowing a trial by jury to any perfons, whofe department of bufinels was under the regulation of the excife, provided they could make out fair allegations of grievance.— Upon a divifion it was negatived. Mr. Fox rofe to deliver his fentimcnts on the operation of the bill. He obferved, that much undeferved odium had ' been thrown on Sir Robert Walpole : he thought him a wife Minifter, and one yho in general a£ led for the good of his country. In one meafure, the cxtenfion of the Excife Laws, he thought him ill advifed; in the giving up that fcheme he thought him well advifed. He contended, that the Excife Laws had been more extended in the prefent Ad- miniftration, than in any preceding. The fir It attempt was to attach on the Fuflian Manufaftory the Excife Laws that proved abortive. The next was to'lay the Wine Trade un- der the Excife; which was unhappily done. It is now in- tended to put the Tobacconills under the Excife. So great a friend was he to the Conflitution, fo great an enemy to the Excife, that were this Tobacco regulation to produce an addition to the Revenue of half a million, he would give his negative tp it. However old fafhioned thefe notions might be, of " Liberty, Property, and no Excife," he fhould neverthelefs adopt them. He faid, it was affcrted by fome, that the attachment of the Excife on the Tobacco trade will increafe it. Others deny this affertion, and (" ay it will decreafeit. Which was right, he knew not. He knew which he wifhed might be right, - becaufe if the meafure fucceeds, all oppofition to fu- ture fchemes of this fort will he fruitlefs and nugatory. He would now confider to what clafs of men this boafte'd Trial by Jury was attached: not to the army and navy, it was well known; not to the manufa£ turers and merchants, becaufe they were under the Excife Laws; hut to the idle alone. By the idle, he did not mean thofe w ho were ufelefs to the community; but to the idle, when compared with the iu- duftrious and commercial part of the community. Wh'eij the Excife was attempted to be attached to Cyder and Perry, it was given up becaufe it would be entering the houfe of a private gentleman. Why a private gentleman's houfe fhould be confidered as his caftle, and the trader's ( hould not be, he could not fee. It is faid, Do you innovate on the Excife Laws? No; he contended that thofe were the innovators who extended them.—— There were many who were in bu- finefs to which the Excife Laws have been attached for many" years; they entered on bulinefs with this knowlecjge; hit that perfons who entered on the Tobacco trade without think- ing of the Excife Laws being attached to them, ( liould now be put under them, was extremely hard. There is ( faid he) hut one alternative further— you muft continue your bufinels under ihefe Excife laws, and content yourfelves wilh being deprived of your birth- rights as Eng'lifhmen, or you may give up your bufinefs, and go into oilier employment. Alas! this was a hard alternative, indeed! For Godls fake, if pcrfons have fo much veneration for the Excife Laws, be- caufe they have fubfifted for a long while,' let' them have a greater veneration'for the Condition, which has fuhfifted longer. He was an enemy to public clamour; but he thought it was not to the credit of the people, that they faw, without repining, the encroachment upon their liberties. It * ( Ijewed that they were fel fifh, and even dilhoneft— becaufe as Jong as the evil is kept from their door, they care not if it enters the houl'e of their neighbours. While furrounding nations are admiring our Liberties, we are regardlefs of them — and while other kingdoms are driving for Freedom, we are 1 content to fee our? gradually dying away. He would not I have it fuppofed that he courted popularity by fpeaking on the luhjeft, becaufe he wasforry to fee fo little annexed to it. Neverthelefs, he fhould always give his hesrty ogpofition ti> any exicnfion of the Excife Laws. The bill was ordered to be engrolfjd. Mr. Pulteney made his promifed motion relative to con- tefted elections; but, after a fhort debate, he withdrew it. A very extraordinary feizure was made laft week on hoard a Wefi- Indiaman in the river. The Captain having a large party to dine with him, ordered all his china 10 be fent 011. board. It was of confiderable value, and had been fixty years in the family. Tbe moment dinner was pver, it was packed up carefully in hampers, and carried on deck, to be lent on fhore, when the officers feizeel it according to a late aft of Parliament, which makes all above a certain quantity found on board liable to feizure. The officers took the ham- pers to the Cuftom- lioufe, and the Captain has laid his cafe before the Commilfioners, dating the length of time tFie The King has alfo been pleafed to appoint Alexander china had been in his family, and projoGfig to prove tb4t f « ' i Stratlon, Efq. to be his MajeQy's Sscrstary pf Legation at' by ths ilrangelj teftimopy. • • k Sinking inflance of tht font of imagination.^- Ttom Lyd- ford- bjidgev; in Devonfhire, the view is truly tremendous: the depth is aft'oniftiing; the rugged rocks on both fides, as one looks down, in fome places almoft join, fo narrow is the channel; their broken abruptnefs and wild irregularity, and the pcrturbetl flream roaring in the profundity, as if it had even vet to force its way through the rocky impediments be- low, give a ftrong reprcfentation of the terrible and fublime; and the picture is confiderably heightened by the following authentic anecdote.— A commercial rider, who happened to be benighted on the road near to that place, at a time that the bridge had been broken down by a torrent, rode fo hard to gain the town, that his horfe almoft imperceptibly took the leap, and completely cleared the chafm that the flood had left. Upon viewing the place next morning, his fenfibility was lo fhaken by the danger he had efcaped, that the effeft was as unfortunate 10 him as if the efcape had never been experien- ced— he dropped down and expired. Milton's Will.— The Laureate having an intention of pub- lilhing fome obfervations on the works of Milton, and adding fome anecdotes of his life, has applied to the gentlemen of DoQors- Commons to fearch for his will, and his will they havefound. It bears date 1670, and in 1674 he died. In- trodufiory to one of the legacies is the following Angular re- mark: " Unto my daughter next mentioned, I Ihould have bequeathed more, but flie negle£ ted me when I was blind, andforfookme inmyoldage; I therefore, & c. Yefterday John Gilbert was brought before William Ad- dington, Efq. fitting Magiftrate, at Bow- ftreet, charged with putting off bad filver, but for the want of fuflicient evidence was difcharged. He made an affidavit before the above Ma- giftrate, that he was tried for a like offence in the Old Bailey in January 1784, was found guilty, and fentenced to one yeai'simprifonment in Newgate; that a woman by the name of Ann Wilfon applied to him foon after, and faid, if he could procure twenty guineas, the could procure him a free pardon; he accordingly, by fome means, got the money, » hich he depofited in a perfon's hands; that fhe got his par- don and received the fum, and of courfe he was releafed. This woman is a well known character, has for fome years made a point of going to Newgate, and making inquiry if any perfon wanted to get a free pardon, but her terms were twenty guineas, which ( he took care always to have lodged in fome per fon's hands ( he approved of, and has obtained par- dons for many. It is well known ( he had got full 200I. a year by this mode of proceeding. She has been indifted for fhop- lifting, but discharged for want of evidence. She now Hands indifled for obtaining money under falfc pretences, and the principal evidence againft her is a perfon high in the law. On Saturday fe'nnight died, in Weftmoreland, Mr. Cow- ard, cf Arnfide Caftle, at the age of 116 years. He never ufed fpeflacles. The 4th inft. died, at Carlew, in Ireland, Mr. Jonathan Carleton, one of the people called Quakers. His wife, with whom he had lived upwards of 40 years in the utmoft conjugal felicity, died the preceding day. It had been their mutual and frequent with, that one fhould not furvive the other. A ftone coffin has been difcovered under the old wall of Oxford Caftle, nearly contiguous to the Great Tower, and within about three feet of the furface. In this coffin was a complete human ( keleton, with this remarkable circumftance, that the ( kull was placed upon the bones of the feet. The inlide of the coffin was formed fomewhat in the fhape of a man's body and neck only; from whence it may be fairly conjeftured, that the head had been fevered from the trunk before interment. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY'S POSTS. From the LONDON GAZETTE, July 21. Paris, July 17. ON Sunday laft, on receiving the news of the difmifTion of M. Necker, and a body of troops entering this city, the populace began to arm themfelves, and were immediately joined by the French Guards. In the evening a ( light ( kirmilh happened in the Place de Louis XV. in which two dragoons of the Due de Choifeul's Regiment were killed, and two wonnded. After which all the troops left the Capital. Very early on Monday moming, the populace forced the Convent of St. Lazare, in which, befides a confiderable quantity of corn, were found arms and ammunition, fuppof- ed to have been conveyed thither, as a place of lecurity, at different times, fromthe arfenal. The Bourgeoifie came to the refolution of raifing a militia of forty- eight thoufand men. A general confternation prevailed throughout the town. All the ( hops were ( hut; all public and private employments at a ftand, and fcarcely a perfon to be feen in the ftteets, ex- cept the armed burghers, who afted as a temporary police for the proteflion of private property, to re- place the efta- blilhed one, which had no longer any influence. On Tuefday morning the Hofpital of Invalids was fum- moned to furrender, and was taken pofleflion of, after a flight refiHance. All the cannon, fmall arms and ammunition were immediately feized upon, and every one who chofe to arm himfelf was fupplied with what was neceflary. The cannon was diftributed in different parts of the town. In the evening a detachment, with two pieces of cannon, went to the Baftile, to demand the ammunition depofited there. A flag of truce had been fent before them, which was an- fwered from within : but neverthelefs the Governor ( the Marquis de Launay) ordered the guard to fire, and feveral were killed. The populace, enraged at this proceeding, ruffled forward to the aflault, when the Governor agreed to admit a certain number, on condition that they fliould not commit any violence. A detachment of about forty ac- cordingly palled the draw- bridge, which was inftantly drawn up, and the whole party maffacred. This breach of faith, aggravated by fo glaring an inftance of inhumanity, naturally excited a fpirit of revenge and tumult not to be appeafed. A breach was foon made in the gate, and the fortrels furrender- ed. The Governor, the principal gunner, the gaoler, and two old invalids, who had been noticed as being morea& ive than the reft, were feized, and carried before the Council af- fembled at the Hotel de Ville, by whom the Marquis de Launay was fentenced to be beheaded, which was according- ly put in execution at the place de Greve, and the other pri- foners were alfo put to death. The Prevot des Marchands met with a fimilar fate, being fufpefled of betraying the citizens; and the heads of thefe perfons were fixed on pikes, and carried round the city. In the courfe of the fame evening, the whole ef the Gardes Francoifes joined the Bourgeoifie, with all their can- n, arms, and ammunition. Not more than four or five prifoners were found in the Baftile. On Wednefday laft the King repaired to the Affembly of the States General at Veriailles, accompanied only by Monfieur and the Count d'Artois, and addrefled the States in a fpeech, in which his Majefly exhorted them to provide the means of reftoring peace and tranquillity, and to affift him in fecuring the welfare of the State; and his Majefty acquainted them, that relying on the affe& ion and fidelity of his fubjefls, he had ordered the troops to retire to a cer- tain diftance from Paris and Verfailles. This fpeech was received with univerfal applaufe, and his _ A letter from Rouen, in Normandy, received yeflerday, gives advice of a dreadful affray in that city on Sunday fe'nnight, in which feveral lives were loft, and various out- rages committed. The tumult had not fubfided when the letter was fent off. The Swifs Cantons have fent orders to their troops, in the fervice of France, not to fire on the people, as their treaty ftipulates that they ( hall be employed folely in cafe of foregn invafion. The number of French families, whom, the prefent com- motions in their own country have forced to take refuge in this, is almoft incredible. Lord Mazarine, an Irifh nobleman, was freed from the Hotel de la Force, by the infurreffion in France. He has chofen to be confined there upwards of twenty years for, debt, though he is in poffeffion of a very conGderable eftate, and other property.— He has efcaped into this kingdom. The Ruffian Rear Admiral Count de Wainowitfch keeps up a conftant alarm on a great extent of the Turkifti coaft.— In the laft difpatches fent home by that officer, and dated from Sebaftopolls, he fays, that having refolved to cruize with 18 ( hips of war off the coaft of Romelia, near the mouth of the Danube, he took fome troops on board, and foon arrived at the deftined ftation. Between the 29th of April and the 9th of May, he took four Turkifti ( hips, and deftroy- ed eight. On the 2d. of May, he landed his troops near Karakarman, attacked a confiderable body of the enemy, and drove them from their redoubts. The ( hips of war then drew near the town, and kept up fo well directed a fire upon it, that they foon almoft totally deftroyed it. A Privy Council is appointed to meet to- morrow, at the Cock- pit, on various matters from the ifland Jerfev, particu- larly on the propofitions for eftabliffiing trials by Juries there, fubmitted to the confideration of the Lords of his Majefty moft Honourable Privy Council. His Majefty continues in the beft ftate of health, and the higheft fpirits, at Weymouth. On Saturday he went, for the firft time, accompanied by the Princelfes, on board the Magnificent and Hebe ( hips of war. Their Majefties, with the Royal Family, are to be at Ply. mouth to- morrow ; they are to be lodged at Mount Edge- cumbe, the feat of the Right Hon. Lord Edgecumbe. An infpeflion into the fortifications, & c. will be the firft objeft of their Majefties vifit. The naval review will take place afterwards. Every pre- paration is made to render the fpeftacle as grand and in terefting as poflible. The Duke of Cumberland is ill of the mealies, but not dangeroufly. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has received much benefit from the Bath waters, and returns to Ireland very ( hortly. It is the confident affertion of the friends of Government, that a Mint will be eftabliffied in Ireland next feflion, or at leaft fuch a reform in the fpecie as mult aid the defired pur- pofes ot trade and commerce. Some capital linen- drapers in London declare, that the Glafgow and Manchefter people have made fuch a progrefs in the muffin branch, that if an additional duty of only ten per cent, was laid on India muflins, it would fecure the home market to the Britifh entirely. The tonnage of Britifh ( hipping is calculated to be 1,300,000— the number of our marines upwards of 107,000. We are forry to hear that the venerable Earl of Mansfield, after an interval of nine months returning health, is again relapfed. His prefent diforder is a fwelling in his legs and feet On Saturday morning Col. Lenox fet off from Richmond- Efquires. 26th of AUGUST, FESTIVAL OF MUSIC, AT MANCHESTER. STEWARDS. The Right Honourable LORD GREY DE WILTON, THOMAS STANLEY, JOHN BLACKBURNE, WILLIAM EGERTON, On WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 1789, WILL BE PERFORMED, IN THE CONCERT. ROOM, THE ORATORIO OF REDEMPTION. In the Evening, A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, In which will be introduced, L'ALLEGRO ED IL PENSEROSO. ON THURSDAY MORNING, THE 27TH. A SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC. ON FRIDAY MORNING, THS 28TH. THE MESSIAH, 1 N THE EVENINC, A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT, In which will be introduced, THE MUSIC IN THE TEMPEST. The Orcheftra will confift of a very feleft Band. Principal Vocal Performers, Mr. Mr. HARRISON, MEREDITH, Cervetto, Parke, Sarjant, Billington, Wilton, Haigh, Crawthorne, Buckley, Surr, Barber, Grimfhaw, F. & T. Haigh, The Leanders, Mrs. SHEPLEY, and Mrs. BILLINGTON. Principal Inflrumental Performers, MESS. CRAMER, Atherton, Clarke, Alcock, Nicholfon, Eifkine, R. Wainwright, Cantelo, AND MADAME KRUMPHOLTZ. Books are open at Mr Harrop's to receive fubferiptions, at One Guinea and a Half for the five performances. Single tickets 10. 6d. each. No money will be received at the door. It is requefted that thofe who mean to honour this Feftival with their attendance, will give in their names immediately, it being intended to clofe the fubfeiiption as foon as a fuffi- cient number of tickets have been difpofed ® f to fill the room. No ladies will be admitted with hats or bonnets; and they are particularly requefted to come without feathers. There will be an ASSEMBLY on Thurfday Evening. ORDINARIES; On WEDNESDAY at the BULL'S HEAD; OnTHURSDAY at the BRIDGEWATER ARMS; And on FRIDAY at the HOTEL. HOUSE OF COMMONS. THURSDAY, July 16. Received a meffage from the Lords, of their concurrence to the American Intercourfe Bill, to the Newfpaper Duty Bill, to the Probate Duty Bill, and to the Bill for the encourage- ment of the Cultivation of Flax and Cotton. Read a third time and paffed, the Bill for enabling certain perfons to incorporate themfeives under the title of the Weftminfter Alfurance Society. Mr. Secretary Grenvillc brought in a bill for better regulat- ing the exportation and importation of wheat, & c. & c. which was read a firft time, and ordered to be read a fecond time to- morrow. Mr. Rofe informed the Houfe,[ that ( ince the bill had been brought in for allowing a drawback on teas exported to Guernfey, Jcrfev, and other places on the Continent of Eu- rope, the merchants trading to Africa had applied for the fame regulation to be extended to teas exported to Africa; and as he faw no objection to the extenfion, he moved that the Houfe Ihould immediately refolve itfelf into a Committee to confider of allowing the faid drawback. The Bill for allowing a drawback on all teas exported to Guernfey, Jerfey, and other places on the Continent of Europe, was read a third time. Mr. Rofe brought up the claufe for allowing the fame drawback on teas exported to Africa. The claufe was read a firft and fecond time, and incorpo- rated in the bill, which was immediately paffed to the Lords. The Bill for levying a duty on foreign cocoa nuts import- ed, and for allowing the exportation of duty- free goods from Southampton to Cowes, without bonds or cockets, was read a third time and paffed. Mr. Burgefs brought up the Report of the Committee on the Debtor and Creditors Bill, which was agreed to. Mr. Burgefs then dated, that he had to propofe fome other alterations, which he was of opinion would make the Bill as perfeS as one of fuch a nature could be; he ( hould therefore move to have it recommitted, and afterwards to have it printed; and, as many gentlemen moft acquainted with a Bill of the prefent kind, would neceffarily be abfent on the Circuits, he would not propofe to go further with his Bill in the prefent Seflion, but let it ftand over to the next. The Houfe then went into a Committee, Sir William Dolben in the Chair; the alterations were made, and on the Houfe being returned, the Report was received. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRIDAY, July 17. The bill for appointing Commiflioncrs to examine farther into the claims of the American Loyalrfts, was read a firft time, and ordered to be read a fecond time lo- morrow. The order of the day being moved for the third reading of the Tobacco Bill, Mr. Rofe faid, as there had been fome difference of opi- nion relative to the exaflion of a certain fum for warehoufe rent, for all tobacco which might be in the King's warehoufes for a larger period than eighteen months, he had prepared a claufe - with blanks, which might be filled up in a Committee, in order to obviate any objeflion which might arife on the point of order. The Speaker, from the chair, faid, that though he did not confider the claufe either as a tax or as a pecuniary pe nalty, he thought the fafeft way would be for the Houfe to commit the claufe. The Houfe then went into a Committee, and the blanks were filled up. By this claufe, fixpence for every hogftiead or package of tobacco flored in the King's warehoufes, is to be paid for every week beyond the period of eighteen months The report was immediately received, and the claufe was ad- ded to the bill. The queftion being put that the bill do pafs, The Marquisof Graham moved to withdraw the queftion, in order that a new claufe might be brought up. This was agreed to, and Mr. Rofe read a claufe, the object of which is to permit the manufaflurers to ftove their fnuffs at the mills, under cer- tain conditions and reftriftions.— This claufe was added to the bill by way of rider. The bill was then read a third time and paffed, and Mr, Rofe was ordered to carry it up to the Houfe of Lords. Majefly returned to his apartments, attended by all the De- j 3t°£^ 0brur| Ch0tland' t0 j°' n h'S re6imem> which is quartered We hear that Mr. Warton is on a vifit at Cambridge, for the purpofe of obtaining complete and correft tranlcripts of thofe very curious manufcripts in Trinity College Library, which contain the Iketches of Milton's intended Tragedies. Thefe are to accompany the Laureat's new edition of the Samfon Agonijles. The Irifh have now begun the mail- coach plan; the firft puties of the nation, amidft the acclamations of an innu- merable concourfe of people. The National Affembly im- mediately fent a deputation to the General Affembly of the Eleftors at the Hotel de Ville, to acquaint them with the above- mentioned proceedings. The army, in purfuance of the King's orders, retired to Seve early on Wednefday morning, leaving their camp equi- page behind them. The Marquis de la Fayette has been appointed Commander ' <! oach ftar, ed on the 4th- inftant; and the plan promifes the ^ I - r e R, ii TI. MI.. M— 2. J -! fame advantages now reaped by this countty. In the town of Sene£ iere, in Auvergne, a fire broke out lately, which confumed all the houfes in it except twelve. Many lives were loft. A gentleman innkeeper in Hampfhire the other day had the mortification to be vilited by a wife he had reported in the country to have been dead ; with this report, and the affiftance of a confiderable eftate, he about ten years ago infinuated himfelf ( though 70 years of age) into the good graces of a young damfel, whom he aftually married, and by whom he has feveral fine children, whofe, with the mother's fituation, The whole way from the ent^ to , is truly pitiable, fhe, and her friends, who are people of the Hotel de Ville, he declared that he appeared there to ' repute, bemg entirely { hangers to the bufinefs, though, in . ~ • — A . . . - • rr 4- Vt M Ha U'ln Oltiravfr, » , 1 1 « . -. *!-...-. M 1.. - _ — - 1 .11 J . 1 * _ in Chief of the Paris Militia, and M. Bailly Prevot de Marchands. This afternoon, at about half an hour after two o'clock, his Majefly entered Paris in a coach drawn by eight horfes, attended by the Due de Villeroy, Captain of the Life Guards, the Due de Villequier, firft gentleman of the bedchamber, the Marfhal de Beauvau, the Count D'Eftaing, and two equerries, followed by another coach, in which were four other attendants, and efcorted only by the City Militia, the Commandant of which rode a little before the King's coach, accompanied by feveral of the principal tradefmen of Paris THE Commiflioners, in a Commiflion of Bankrupt award* ed and iffued againft JOSEPH BERRY, of Manchefter, in the county of Lancafter, callico- printer, dealer and chap- man, intend to meet on Tuefday the eleventh day of Auguft next, at the Royal Oak inn, in Manchefter aforefaid, at three o'cleck in the afternoon, in order to make a Dividend of the faid Bankrupt's eftate and effefts, when and where the credi- tors of the faid Jofeph Berry, are to come prepared to prove their debts, and all claims not then proved will be difallowed. 17th JULY, 1789. J. HILTON, Solicitor. The affignees will not pay the dividend at that meeting, but foon afterwards, of which public notice will be duly given. THE Commiffioners in a Commiffion of Bankrupt awarded and iffued forth againft HENRY MATHER, of Man- chefter, in the county of Lancafter, Merchant ( Partner with RICHARD MATHER, of Philadelphia, in North Ame- rica, trading in Manchefter under the firm of Henry Mather and Co.) intend to meet on the fixth day of Auguft next, at ten of the clock in the forenoon, at the Bull's Head' ia Manchefter, in order to make a Dividend of the eftate and effeCts of the faid bankrupt; when and where the creditors who have not already proved their debts, are to come pre-" pared to prove the fame, or they will be excluded the benefit of the faid dividend.— All claims not then proved will be difallowed. gratify the wifhes of the citizens of Paris, and to affure them of his readinefs to do every thing in his power to quiet their minds, and reftore tranquillity to the city. On his Majefty's return he received every teftimony of loyalty and affe& ion from a mod numerous and orderly populace ; and it is computed that this day there were not lefs than 150,000 men bearing arms in Paris. His Majefty has difmiffed all his new confidential fer- vants, excepting M. de la Galifliere, and has fent to recal M. fa£ t he has always, " till within a few weeks, allowed this unwelcome vifitor a tolerable maintenance. Monday laft was committed to Ilchefter jail, J. Janes, for the wilful murder of Wm, Curtis, a thatcher.—- The follow, ing are the particulars of this melancholy affair:— As three mowers were on their return from work, on the evening of Thurfday fe'nnight, on the road Tnear Briftington bridge, they were accofted by Curtis, who particularly addrefled himfelf to one of them, aiking him for a quid of tobacco ; Necker, who is expefted to arrive to- morrow, if he is not but inftead of complying with the requeft, Janes thruft a piece ot brown paper into his mouth, and ran off with his com- rades.— This circumftance fo exafperated Curtis, that himfelf, and two men who were with him, purfued Janes and his companions, and after giving them feveral blows, retreated; upon which Janes in his turn followed them, and having overtaken them, he aimed at one of them with his nakes, fythe, in fuch a manner as muft have inevitably cut the man's body afunder, had he not retired a little way back— he having thus happily efcaped the fatal ftroke, the fythe palfed on, and after grazing the leg of the fecond man, the point of it entered the thigh of the third, Curtis, and dividing the crural artery, fuch an effufion of blood followed from the wound, that the poor man died in about eight minutes.— Janes immediately made off, but was taken at Thorngrove, near Bridgewater, the place of his nativity. already atVerfailles Vienna, July 8. Some fymptoms of amendment have appeared in the Emperor's health. _ His Imperial Majefty is not yet intirely free from fever, which has intermitted, and from the obfervation of the laft fix weeks, it has been found to return regularly every eighth day, and to continue for about thirty- fix hours. He has, however, refumed his walks in the gardens at Laxembourg, and palTes a great part of the day in the open air. ' Whitehall, July 17. The King has been pleafed to con- flitute and appoint John Lloyd, of Gray's Inn, in the coun- ty of Middlefex, Efq. to be his Majefty's Juftice of the counties of Carmarthen, Pembroke, and Cardigan, and of the town and county of Haverford- Weft, and ot' the county of the borough of Carmarthen, within the principality of Wales; and alio to be one of his Majefty's Council learned in the law. The King has alfo been pleafed to conftitute and appoint John Mitford, of the Inner Temple, London, Efquire, to be one of His Majefty's Juftices of the counties of Carmar- then, Pembroke, and Cardigan, and of the town and county of Haverford- Weft, and of the county of the borough of Carmarthen, within the principality of Wales; and alio to be one of his Majeftv's Council learned in the law. Whitehall, July 21. The King has been pleafed to pre- fent the Rev. William Bingham, Mafter of Arts, to the Archdeaconry of London, void by the promotion of the Right Rev. Doclor Richard Bcadon to the See of Gloucef- ter; alfo to prefent the Rev. John Wilfon, Mafter of Arts, to the Vicarage of Catterick, in the county of York, and diocefe of Chefler, void by the death of the Rev. Doctor Henry Chaytor. Warfare, June 16. Count Potocki has informed the Diet, that upon the report of the fymptoms of the plague having appeared in Moldavia, he fent a phyfician to examine into the truth of the matter, who after making ftrift obfervations, and vifiting the hofpital, found the diforder only to be a fe- ver, without any peftilential fymptom, which had communi- cated itfelf to one part of the Ruffian army. LONDON, July^ si. Various and greatly diftorted have been the reports in the papers of the difturbances in France— The above Gazette account of all the principal tranfaftions, will, however, be relied on by our readers, as it ftates the fatts as they happen- ed, and fhews the true fituation of the Monarch with his people. After thefe convulfions had fubfided, tranquility prevailed till Saturday laft. 1789, Manchejler, July 4. PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, AND DEDICATED TO THE HONOURABLE MISS EGERTON, SIX SONATAS, FOR THE FORTE PIANO OR HARPSICHORD, WITH AN ACCOMPANIMENT FOR A VIOLIN, COMPOSED BY THOMAS HAIGH. OP. 4. Subfcriptions, Ten Shillings and Sixpence, taken in by the Author, at his houfe, No. 66, Dcanfgate. The above work will be ready for delivery on the firft day of Auguft next. HOUSES AND LAND TO LETT, IN SALFORD. A Large commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, Warehoufes Stables, a large fpacious Yard, and other Appurtenan ces, fituate in Green- gate, formerly in the occupation of the late Rev. Mr. Clayton, but late in the tenure of Mr. Daniel Robinfon j a very fuitable fituation for any perfon wanting extenfive prernifes, and it is capable of being divided. Alfo, a very convenient Dwelling- houfe, with a Brew hotife, Yard, and other appurtenances, formerly in the occupation of Mr. David Yates, fituate in Bell- gates, Green gate. Alfo other two fmall Houfes, near to the aforefaid premifes. Alfo, a Quantity of Land, lying to, and adjoining the aforefaid premifes, to be difpofed of for building upon, at yearly Chief rent, laid out upon a plan to have one ftrcet through the whole, which will have two openings into Green gate. For further particulars apply to Mr. Rt. Grimfhaw, Gorton Houfe, or to Mr. James Whittle, Oidham- ftrcet, who will fhewthc premifes. To be S O L D by AuttionT At the houfe of Mr. Tyrer, known by the fign of the Coach and Horfes, in Deanfgate, Manchefter, in the county of Lancafter, on Tuefdav the 11th day of Auguft, 1780, between the hours of tour and fix o'clock in the afternoon, fubjeft to fuch conditions as ihall be then aud there pro- duced, r THE Inheritance in Fee Simple of and in all that Mef- X fuage or Dwelling- houfe, and Bakehoufe, with the ap- purtenances, lituate and being on the foutherly fide of Dcanf gate aforefaid, oppofite to Mulberry- ftreet, late the inheritance and in the polleffion of Daniel Greenwood, deceafed and now or late in the tenure or occupation of Samuel Po'llctt his affigns or undertenants. ' Mr William ( Breenwood, of Princefs- ftreet, will fhew the premifes, and for further particulars apply to Mr. Ride- way, attorney at law, in Manchefter aforefaid. , . ,„ To be SOLD by Auffion, At the Bull's Head, in Manchefter, on Thurfday the 20th day of Auguft next, THE Fee Simple and Inheritance, of and in all that con- venient and well- built MESSUAGE or DWfl I TNr HOUSE, with the large WAREHOUSE adjoining thereto* extending from Deanfgate to the Back Square, in Manchefter now in the occupation of Mr. Ifaac Molfe. ' . The premifes contain in front to Deanfgatc, 12 yards- and in depth from Deanfgate to the Back Square, 44 yards The Houfe may at a fmall cxpence be converted into two excellent Shops. The Warehoufe has good North lights, and is very near the Market. . ' For particulars inquire of Mr. Ifaac Mode, on the premi- fes, or of Mr. Duckworth, attorney, in Mancheftcr. ORATORIO. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MUSICAL SOCIETY AT MOSLEY, » Will he performed, in St. George's Chabel there On MONDAY the 27th of July, 1,80 THE ORATORIO OF JOSHUA, BY Mk. HANDEL Piincipal Vocal Performers Mrs. Shepley, Mrsl Milne, Mrs. Ruffel, Meff Hardman, Whiteheads, Miller, Wild, Oldham, Dawfon, Radcliffe, Marfland, & c. Principal Inftrumental Performers— Meff. Garner, Nield Whitehead, Booth, Butterworth, Handforth, Newton, Old! ham, Winterbottom, Wild, & c. The performance will begin at twelve o'clock. Tickets to be had at the Bull's Head, and Black Bull, in Molley. New Gallery is. 6d.— Side Galleries is. and the Bot- tom of the Chapel 6d. each. Books of the Words to be had at the Chapel Door, at 3d. each. Affemblies and Ordinaries as ufual. T1 To be SOLD by AuSion, At the houfe of William Shaw, the Bull's Head inn, in Man- chefter, in the county of Lancafter, on Tuefday the fourth day of Auguft next, between the hours of four and fix in the afternoon, fubjeft to fuch conditions of fale as will be then and there produced, ~~ HE Fee Simple and Inheritance of and in all that Mef- fuage or Dwelling- houfe, with the appurtenances, at the top of Bootle- ftreet, within Manchefter aforefaid, now in the feveral poffeffions of Widow Duiden and Thomas Rothwell, their affigns or undertenants. And alfo a fmall Houfe, lying behind the fame and contiguous thereto. The premifes ftand in a moft improving fituation, one end of Bootle- ftreet terminating in Deanfgate, the other end ( near which the prcmifcs are fituated) leading to St. Peter's Church, and the ftreets adjacent. For particulars enquire of Mr. Royle, the auflionecr, or at the office of Mr. Phethean, attorney, in Riding's Court, St, Mary's Gate, Manchefter. S HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, July 26, The Tobacco Excife Bill was brought up from the Com- mons, Tead a firft time, and ordered to be primed. Lord Vifcount Stormont prefented a petition from the ma- nufaflurers of tobacco and fnuff, praying to be heard by Counfel againft the bill. The petition was ordered to lie on the table. HOUSE of COMMONS. MONDAY, July eo. ^ In a Committee went through the bill for allowing the India Company to add a million to their capital. Mr. Blackburne prefented a petition from the cotton ma- nufaQurers of Manchefter, againft the bill for allowing piece goods to be fold by auflion, without paying the duties on fuch fales. Mr. Dempfler prefented a petition from the manufacturers of cotton yarn, and of goods made of cotton yarn; and another from the manufacturers of muflin in Glafgow, in favour of the bill. The Houfe refolved into a Committee on the bill. Mr. Blackburne faid, he was inftruCled by his conftituents to oppofe the bill. The manufacturers of Manchefter had had a meeting on the fubjeft, at which it was unanimoufly agreed, that the bill would be prejudicial to the honeft manu- facturer, inafmuch as the expedient of file by auftion u never reforted to, but to prop a falling credit, or put off go ; ui of an inferior quality in point of manufacture. He read a letter from the Boroiighreeve and Conftables of Mancheller to this effeCt. , • Mr. Dundas faid, the purport of the bill was to give to goods of Britilh manufaClure the fame advance ; hat was given to India goods, of being expofed to public fale. T he confequence would naturally be, that foreigners would have notice of fuch fales, and that a confiderable increafe of the foreign market for Britilh goods might be expeCted. There could be no lofs of revenue by this regulation, becaufe no re- venue at prefent was derived from the fale of fuch goods by auCtion. He was at a lofs to conceive on what ground the manufacturer could oppofe a regulation evidently calculated for his general intereft, unlefsit was that thofe, who poffeffed great capitals, wilhed to prevent others from entering into a competition with them. Sir Jofeph Mawbey faid, there was no reafon tor granting an exclufive privilege to onefpeciesof cotton manufacture. Why were not the manufaaurers of flockings entitled to the fame! Such a regulation ought not to have been brought for- ward fo late in the feffion. Mr. Rofe faid, the Hon. Baronet was under a millake. The. bill extended to ( lockings, and every other fpecies of Britifh manufafture wove in the loom. After fome further converfation, the bill palled the Com- meter, tlius proved to te falfe, the only admiflible evidence 1 in a Court of Juftice. The preflure of bufinefs, and want of time to correCt it, was the apology. Another year has elapfed, and this falfe teftimony is again eftablilhed by act of Parliament. Jtuttee. Religious Enthujiafm. In the year 1771, during fo inveterate a war between thofe rude and wide extended empires, Rulfia and Turkey, as ap- peared difpofed rather to exterminate than thin the human fpecies, the PeflilenCe, that other dreadful foe to mankind, alfo claimed his ( hare, of the fpoil, and feemed impatient to wait for the gleanings of the fword. This diforder reached the imperial city of Mofcow, at the diflance of feven hundred miles, not only from the fcenes of aftion between the con- tending armies, but from the neareft of thofe countries which were known to be infefted. As the manners and way of living of the common people of Mufcovy, make them pe- culiarly liable to the moll fatal effefts of that diforder, it ac- cordingly made mofl prodigious havoc in that capital, and after raging through the fummer under the colour of a ma- lignant fever, it appeared in autumn in its true form and moll hideous charafter, and fwept away every thing before it. The cruel ravages of the diforder were not, however, more ( hocking to humanity, than the effc& s it produced upon the barbarous temper of the people. Some crafty impoftor or fanatical enthufiaft, pretended to a revelation from Heaven purporting, that a certain image of a Saint was endowed with j efficacy fufficient to cure thofe infe& cd, and to preferve thofe that were not. This impollure drew together fuch innumera- ble crowds of people, infeiled and not, that numbers were trampled to death, and the fick dropped down dead in the midft of the healthy. Thus the contagion was communicated in fuch a manner, as made every effort to reftrain its progrefs totally fruitlefs, and the populace by alfembling in fuch bodies, broke out into the mofi. violent outrages and dif- ordexs. The impoftors who condufted this iniquitous tranfa& ion prepared a large chell upon the fpot to receive the money contributed by the people as an offering to the Saint. To put a ftop to thefe proceedings, Ambrofius, the Archbifhop of Mofcow, fent proper officers, who fealed up the chefl, and removed the image, or picture, out of the church in which it was placed, to the fynod. The people were fo en raged at this meafure, that they proceeded in a prodigious body to the Archbrfhop's refidence, which they plundered; and having heard that he had fled to avoid their fury, pur- fued him to the Donfkoy monaftery, which they broke open, and having dragged their venerable pallor from the altar to which he had fled for refuge, put him to death in the moft favage and barbarous manner. A body of troops was em- ployed to quell the rioters, who firing into the crowd, killed a great number of them ; fome hundreds of prifoners were alfo made, and a fpecial commiffion being appointed for their trial, they underwent different degrees of puniftiment. What makes thte tragical affair the more remarkable, is the uncommon veneration with which the populace in Rufiia re- gard their Clergy, in which perhaps they exceed any other people in the world. TO^ BE LETT TWO WAREHOUSES, Ctuated at the Bottom cF] Garden- ftreet, Manchefter. For further particulars apply to Meff. Jofiah Birch'and Son. TO BE LETT, And entered upon immediately, AVery good HOUSE and SHOP, fituated in St. Mary's Gate, Manchefter. For further particulars enquire of the Printer. To be SOLD by Private ContraCt, or LETT, immediately, ALL that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with the Stable adjoining, fituatcd in Princefs- llreet, and occupied by the late Mrs. Kemp. For particulars enquire of Mr. Wolftenholme, Cannon- ftreet. MONEY WANTED WANTED, the Sum of 1600I. in fums from tool, to to 500I. upon fecurity of the Tolls arifing from the Midway Bar and Whaley Bar, upon the Turnpike Road be- tween Manchefter and Buxton. The intereft, at five per cent, will be regularly paid. Apply to Meffrs. NEWTON, Attornies, in Stockport. Liverpool, July 6, 1789. FOR BOSTON, THE SHIP KING WILLIAM, LEWIS BUTLER, Matter, Burthen 300 tons, Liverpool built, fix months old, and is in every refpeft a complete veffel; intended to fail in all this month. Has excellent accommodations for paflengers. For Freight, & c. apply to Willock and Johnfon, or G. GREEN, fen. Broker. ALICE and CLEMENTINA^ VILSON, WIDOWS of the late THOs. and WILL. WILSON, WOOLLEN- DRAPERS, of Manchefler, ' AKE the earlieft opportunity of acknowledging their warmeft fenfe of gratitude, to the friends of their late hufbands, for favours conferred on them. They refpe£ l- fully inform the public, that they mean to carry on the above bufinefs as ufual ; and by a due attention to the orders of their friends, and a conftant exertion to ferve them in the beft manner, flatter themfelvcs with a continuance of their fupport, which it will be their particular ftudy to merit. Letters from Tangers, a few daps ago, mention a circum- ftance, the truth of which has been fince confirmed, and is as Three gentlemen belouging to Mr. Lay ton's houfe, at Mo- cadore, being out a hunting near it, their dog chaced a call belonging to an Arab encampment, and one ol the Arabs tfiot | him. Words and fome blows enfued: the Chriftians were feve'rely beaten, and both parties drew out their Dory to be prefented to the Emperor. The Chriftians, viz. Mr. Lay- ton Mr. Rien, and the third a Frenchman belonging to the houfe, ftating the Arabs as the aggreffors The Arabs re- torting the charge, added, the Chriftians had in the a/ tray broke a woman's arm and knocked out another's teeth, naming them both. , . T> hey were believed, and the Chriftians were lent in chains to Morocco. When there, the Emperor feemed at firft in- clined to proceed with torrible juftice: for Mr. Layton and his party having offered to prove the falfehood of the Arab's { lory, by witneffes, that the one woman's arm had been brok- en fix months before by an ox; that the other hod loft her teeth — twenty years ago through old age, and that neither the one nor the other, aBually at the time, were within fome miles of tba place where the affair happened. He ordered the wit- neffes to be fent for, and the prifoners to be taken care of. However, the next day, long before the witneffes could arrive, he again fent for them; and finding his fubjeCls clamorous for what they call jujlice, the moment they came into his prefence, the unfortunate men were knocked down, - and baftinadoed in a dreadful manner by his black- guards, He then aireCled a blackl'mith to draw with his pincers two of Mr. Layton's front teeth, which he fent as a compenfation to the old woman for her pretended lofs. Mr. Layton was then fent as a prefent, chains and all, to a Mr. Livingfton, at that time in Morocco on commercial bufinefs from Gibral- tar : the poor Frenchman went delirious through fear, and continues fo. The Emperor finding he had pumflied the Chnltians un- iuftly, fent to tell them he was forry, and to beg they would not think of leaving Mogadore 011 account of what had hap- pened, as he was determined to take more care of them than he had ever done before; and, though to oblige his fubjefls he could not have aCled otherwife than he did at the time ; BANKRUPTS. Thomas Evans, of Lonthewy- Hall, Radnorlhire, dealer ; to appear July 25, Auguft 1, and 29, at Guildhall, London. At- torney, Mr. Pritchard, Clement's- inn, London. Daniel Richardfon, of Chatham, Kent, viGualler; to appear July 25, 31, and Auguft 29, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Hughes, Watling- ftreet, London. Marfh Napleton, of Alderfgate- ftreet, London, innholder; to appear July 27, 28, and September 1, at Guildhall, London Attornies, Meffrs. Jennings, Great Shire- lane, Carey- ftreet, London. Benjamin Nankviell, of Bofvigo, Cornwall, merchant; to appear Auguft 14, 18, and Sept. ai, at the Red- lion inn, in Truro. Attorney, Mr. Thomas Warren, Truro, or Mr. Wm Danfey, Plymouth Dock. James Patrick, of Kendal, linen- draper ; to appear Auguft 3 4, and September 1, at the White Lion, in Kendal. Attorney; Mr. Richardfon, in Kendal. George Spurr, of Doncafter, mercer; to appear Auguft 6, 7, and September 1, at the Red- lion inn, in Doncaller. Attorney, Mr. Swallow, in Selby, or Mr. Sykes, New inn, London. William Cox, of Birmingham, toy- maker; to appear Auguft 3, 4, and September 1, at the houfe of Wm. Smith, the Stone- Crofs, in Dale- End, Birmingham. Attorney, Mr, Boutflower, Gray's- inn, London, or Mr. Holland, Birmingham. DAYS appointed for the Payment of DIVIDENDS. Auguft 8, Thomas Evans, of Newington, Surry, linen- draper; at ten, at Guildhall, London. James Senols, of Fenchurch- ftteet, London, upholfterer at ten, at Guildhall, London. 8. lames Whitehead the younger, of Birmingham, butter feller ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. 10. James Jewell, of Gofport, haberdafher; atten, at Guild- hall, London. 11. John Corker, of Sheffield, fciffar- fmith ; at three, at the Angel- inn, in Sheffield. 14. John Roberts the elder, of Liverpool, merchant; at ten, at the King's- Arms, in Liverpool. 14. John Smith, of Frodlham, innkeeper; at four, at the Bull and Punch Bowl, in Liverpool. 14. fofeph Thomas, of the parilh of St. Michael in Bedwar- dine, Worcefteiihire, linen draper; at eleven, at the Bell inn, in Worcefter. 17. Wenry Webfter, of Wheatley, in Halifax, dyer; at ten, at the Talbot inn, in Halifax. 17. Abraham Glbfon and James Gibfon, of Skircoat, in Ha- PHYSIC. To be LETT, and entered on immediately, AWell- accuftomed APOTHECARY'S SHOP, fituate in Blackrod, near Chorley. Any medical gentleman who is defirous to take the fame, may be accommodated with the fixtures, and a very good affortment of Drugs, on a rea- fouable valuation. Further particulais may be had on application to Mr. Pil- kington, furgeon, at St. Helen, nearPrefcot; and of Mr. Pilkington, of Stocks, in Horwich, near Blackrod. To be LET T, And entered upon at pleafure, ALL that MESSUAGE called CHAMBER, with the coach- houfe, ftables, and gardens thereunto belonging; together with about twenty- eight acres of rich meadow and pafture land, furrounding the fame, late in the poffeflion of I the late Mr. Jonathan Haworth, deceafed, and afterwards occupiea by Mr. James Hilton. The houfe is moft pleafantly fituated, is diftant about one mile from Oldham, and fix from Manchefter, and the whole of the premifes are in good repair, which may be viewed by applying to James Andrews, near the premifes. Mr. Hamer of Rochdale, is empowered to treat. Manchefler, July 17, 1789. A BURGLARY. WHEREAS the Counting- houfe belonging to Meffrs. Ablet and Jeffe, in Watling- ftreet, was laft night, or early this morning, broken into, and there was ftolen there- out a large Black- leather Pocket- Book, with the name of Jofeph Ablett and Co. Manchefter, written within the cover, containing a book with fundry accounts, & c. & c. Alfo fmall account- book, bound in red leather, with a clafp at the end. Whoever wiil difeover the offender or offenders, fo that he or they may be convifled, { hall, upon fuch conviftion, ceive Twenty Guineas reward, by applying to the faid Ablett and Jeffe. To be SOLD or LETT, and enter'd on immediately, ALL that Capital Meffuage or Dwelling- Houfe, Ware- houfe, Stables, and other Buildings thereunto belong- ing, with the extenfive Garden and Pleafure Grounds there- unto belonging, fituate and being on the Wefterly fide of Deanfgate, late in the poffeflion of Mr. William Walmfley; and alfo all that Meffuage or Dwelling- houfe, with the Ap- purtenances, fituate and being on the Eafterly fide of Cum- berland- ftreet, adjoining to the above. The above premifes are held by leafe tinder John Bower Jodrell, Efq; for a term of 21 years, commencing the 24th of June, 1776, under the yearly rent of 122I. For particulars enquire of Mr. Kay, attorney, Marfden- ftreet, Manchefter, or Mr. Dickinfon, auftioneer. yet to compenfate for Mr. Layton's fnfferings, he would _ appoint him Secretary of State for all European bufinefs— lifax, dyers; at the Talbot inn, Halifax, would order King George to give him a large penfion, and 17- Thomas I'arkes, of Bitm'mgbam, druggi ftill further to fhew the regard his moft Barbarous Majefty o:— 1-- 1—- had for him, he would oblige all European powers to cor- refpond with him in Englifh. What puts the validity of the ftory out of doubt is, that letters have been written by Mr. Layton, and counterfigned by the Emperor, on official bu- finefs. As the extenfion of the Excife Laws is the fubjeCl of Parliamentary difcuflion, the following faa curioudy illuf- trates the effefls of thefe laws. . . . . In eftimating the quantity of fpirits of any denomination, in the ftock of a trader, it is neceffary to afcertain, not mere- ly the quantity of liquid, but the ftrength of that liquid, in order to afcertain the quantity of fpirits: becaufe water, or any other fluid, added, will increafe the quantity of liquid without adding to the quantity of fpirit, and pafting the whole through the ftill, will diminiftl the quantity of liquid with- out increafing the quantity of fpirit. To afcertain the ftrength of any liquid, the inftrument is called an hydrometer, and Clarke's hydrometer is that employed by the Officers of the Excife. To vary the ftrength of the fluid, is an operation ncceffary to all dealers in fpirits; and to fome, the reftifiers for inftance, a continual reduCtion of the flrength of all brandies, & c. made or imported, is the conftant operation, and known legal bufinefs of the trader. If, however, their flock ( hall appear to be increafed, the trader is liable to have his property feized, and is, moreover, fubjefl to the penalties. It is evident, therefore, that if the lnftrinnent employed to afcertain the ftrength gives the apparent ftrength greater than the real in reduced fpirits, there muft be a per- petual apparent increafe of ftock, and conlequently perpetual forfeitures, and. perpetual penalties, provided fuch lalfe hy- drometer be eftablilhed by law. All hydrometers, even the moft incorrett, agree in one ' L'. L nrnnf. Kllt C t arV^ 1 « Vl vdrOTTl PtfT ft ; at three, at the Caftle inn, in Birmingham John Green, of Ma. icheftet, fuftian- manufaflurer j at fout, at the Bridgewater Arms, in Manchefter. 19. Chriftopher Yates, of St. Caiharine's- court, within the Liberty of the Tower, London, merchant; at ten, at Guild- hall, London. 25. Peter Laying, of Wells, Somerfetlhire, linen- draper ; at ten, at Guildhall, London. September 8. William Gardner, of Cowcrofs- ftreet, Weft- Smitbfield, London, hatter; atten, at Guildhall, London. 8. James Taylor, of Mark- lane, London, taylor; at ten, at Guildhall, London. CERTIFICATES TO BE GRANTED. Auguft 8. Wm. Plaxton, of Beverley, dealer— Elizabeth and Anthony Macharg, of Idol- lane, merchants.— Wm. Pocock, of Bifhopfgate- ftreet, hatter.— Wm. Suffolk, of Princes- ftreet, Lei- cefler fields, auftioneer.— Wm. Swain, of Hanover- ftreet, plater and coach- founder, Samuel Punfield, of Biimingham, hard wareman Samuel Lea, of Kidderminfter, ihag weaver. • James Ellis, of Newgate- ftreet, linen- draper.— Richard Weale the younger, of Maidenhead Bridge, innkeeper BANKUPTCY SUPERSEDED. John Watkins, of Lambeth, Surry, coal- merch int. BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED— Stephen Bout and John Maynard, of Staines, Middlcfex, and Windfor, Berklliire, coach makers; to appear Auguft 25, at Guildhall, London Thomas Fielder, of Great Surrey- ftreet, Surrey, merchant; to appear Auguft 29, at Guildhall, London. Jofhua Readfhaw, of Saffron- hill, diftiller ; to appear Auguft 29, at Guildhall, London. To be SOLD by Auaion, At the houfe of Mrs. Travis, the fign ot the White Bear oppofite the Infirmary, in Manchefter, on Thurfday the 30th day of July, 1789, at four o'clock in the afternoon, fubjeft to fuch conditions as fhall then be produced, Lot ill. npwo HOUSES, a Warehoufe, Dye- houfe, and X other offices and appurtenances thereto belong- ing, fituate in Manchefter, in a new ftreet called Green- ftreet, and extending backwards to Carpenter's- lane, now let to Meff. Baughan and Co. hatters, in London, for a term of years, of which 25 years are yet unexpired, at the yearly rent of 681. Lot 2d. Another Houfe, with the offices and appurtenan- ces thereto belonging, fituate in Green- ftreet aforefaid, and adjoining the above, now lett to Meff, Smith and Co. as te- nants at will, at the y « arly rent of 25I. N. B. The purchafers, if defirous, may be accommodated with part of the purchafe money, at intereft. The refpeCtive occupiers of the above premifes will [ hew the fame to any perfons defirous of viewing them ; and fur- ther particulars may be had by applying to Mr. Wm. Fairer, at Meff. Calh and Taylor's, in Green- ftreet aforefaid : 01- at the office of Meff. Ifaac and George Worthington, attornies at law, in Altrincham, Chelhire. civen point, which is called proof; but Clarke's hydrometer, jn ufe by the Excife, is erroneous in giving ftrengths below and above proof, no allowance being made in the lcale of the inftrument for what is called the concenrtation of the fluids, it confequently gives apparent ftrength both above and below proof greater than the real ftrength. This faS was, by the acknowledgement of the maker of the inftrument, by his re- peated applications to the Board of Excife for leave to correCl his error, and by aftual experiment, proved on a queftion of feizure fo much to the fatisfaaion of the Law Officers of the Crown, that they threw up their briefs, and the property was reftoied. . p . Within a month a claufe crept into an aa ol Parliament, where no man could expcH to find it, making Ctarke's hydro- Manchejler, July 14, 1789. AGRICULTURE SOCIETY at MANCHESTER. 111 rT", HE General Annual Meeting of this Society will be held X at the Bull's- Hcad, in Manchefter, on Monday the third day of Auguft, at ten o'clock. To dine at two. By Order of the General Meeting, JOHN PARTINGTON, Sec WARRINGTON ACADEMY. To be SOLD by Auaion, Together or in feparte lots, At the houfe of Mr. Thomas Kay, known by the fign of the Red Lyon, in Warrington, in the county of Lancaller, on Wednefday the 12th day of Augull, 1789, between the hours of four and fix o'clock in the afternoon, fubjeft to fuch conditions as will be then and there produced, THE Inheritance in Fee Simple of and in all the Buildings and Lands, with the appurtenances, of or late belong- ing to the faid academy. For further particulars enquire of Ellis Bent, Efq. or Mr. James Leyland, builder, in Warrington aforefaid, Bolton, July 16, 1789, SELLING OFF, at Prime Coft, or under, a Quantity of Mahogany and White- wood Goods, confiding of folid Mahogany Chefts of Drawers, Efcrutoires, Dreflers, large and fmall Dining Tables, SnapVCard, and Drefting- tables,- a Sopha and Couch- chair, and feveral other articles: A Quantity of Finneers, 1000 Feet of Mahogany, of different breadths, in planks and boards, 100 feet of it beautifully- feathered, and is excellent for clock- cafes, and other choice articles, with 2000 feet in three- inch deals; Mahoganv and Oak Bedfteads, with all the Utenfils, Glue, and other Mate- rials belonging to the faid bufinefs. Alfo, the SHOP to lett. Inquire of George Sillwood, Bradfhaw- gate ; who has to difpofe of, a quantity of Packing- up Hampers. To be SOLD, SEVERAL Freehold ESTATES, fituated in Oldham and Werneth. in the county of Lancafter, the inheritance of Thomas Lifter, Efq. The premifes will be divided, and fold in lots, agreeable to the wiih of the purchafers. Alfo all the faid Mr. Lifter's Manorial Rights within Oldham and Werneth aforefaid, with the Mines under the faid feveral eflates. And alio the Mines of Coal under the feveral commons and moors thereunto adjoining. Plans and valuations of the fame arc left with Mr. Tun. nadine, attorney at law, in Manchefter, and with James Tay- lor, of Failfworth, near Oldham, land furveyor. Mr. Tunna- dine is empowered to contrail for the whole, or any part there- of; and James Taylor will fhew the premifes to any perfon defirous to view the fame. JOHN WOOD, of Manchefter, in the county of Lancaf- ter, Surgeon and Apothecary, hath aifigned over unto John Stuart, of Mancheller, linen- draper, and James Wood, fil Manchetter aforefaid, tobacconift, all his eftate and effefts, for the benefit of his creditors. The aflignment lies at the office of Melf. Broome and Byefield, in the Old Exchange, Manchefter, to be executsd by fuch of Wood's creditors as ftiould be inclined to feek relief under his eftate by the 25th day of December next— who are defired, at the time of their execution, to leave the particulars and amount of their re- fpe& ive debts. And to be fold by private contraft, and entered upon im- mediately, All the Stock of Drugs, and Utenfils for Chy- miftry, of the faid John Wood, with the beneficial Term and Intereft of eight Years and a Half, or thereabouts, yet unexpired, of and in the Meffuage or Dwelling- houfe now in the occupation of the faid John Wood, fituate and being about the centre of Market- ftreet- lane, in Manchefter, and now ufed as a Shop, being well accuftomed, and very fuitable for a Druggift. For a treaty of the houfe and ftock, Sec. and other parti- culars, apply to the Truftees. To be SOLD by Auaidn, At the Old Angel, in Macclesfield, in the county of Cheller, on Tuefday the fecond day of September next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, fubjeft to conditions then to be produced, A LL the MANOR of BIRTLES, in the faid county, JLX. containing the following lots. Lot I. Birtles Hall, the Farm- houfe near thereunto, and all the buildings, gardens, and lands therewith occupied, con- taining together 60 acres of land, of ftatute meafure, or there- abouts. The Hall, with the gardens, liable, coach- houfe, See. may be entered Upon by the purchafer, as foon as a contraft is entered into. Lot 2. Birtles Mill ( being newly erefted) with feveral fields lying near thereunto, containing eighteen acres, or there- abouts. N. B. The mill is lett feparately, at the clear yearly rent of 63I. And alfo, two Dwelling- houfes and a Smithy, near to the faid mills. Lot 3. The new- ere£ ted Farm- houfe and Buildings, with lands therewith occupied, in the poffeffion of Thomas Snel- fon, containing 65 acres of like meafure, or thereabouts. Lot 4. The new- erefted Farm- houfe and Buildings, with the lands therewith occupied, in the occupation of Daniel Hulme, containing 50 acres of like meafure, or thereabouts. Lot 5. The Meffuage, Buildings, and Lands in the occu- pation of Thomas Pimlott, containing 22 acres of like mea- lure, or thereabouts. And alfo a Cottage and Garden near to this eftate. Lot 6. The new- erefted Farm- houfe and Buildings, with the lands held therewith, in the occupation of Peter Parrot, containing 106 acres of like meafure, or thereabouts. Lot 7. Wherley Hall, with the Farm- houfe, buildings, and lands therewith occupied, containing 145 acres of like meafure, or thereabouts. The farm is in the occupation of Stephen Carter. The hall and land thereto allotted is at prefent untenanted. Lot 8. The Royalty of the Manor of Birtles, with the Woods, as the fame are marked or fenced out, and will be fet forth in the particulars, and containing 40 acres of like meafure, or thereabouts. Thomas Snelfon, at Birtles Mill, will fhew the eftatcs ; and particulars will b4 delivered at the Old Angel, in Maccles- field, feven days before the fale. And any perfon ( being a principal) inclined to purchafe the whole by private contrail, may apply to Mr. Jackfon, Attorney, in Macclesfield afore- faid, who is empowered to treat for the fame. The Utility of public Difpenfaries elucidated in the follotu ing Cafe. EDWARD W. GINNIS, at Mr. Kelly's, No. II, Lacell Court, Bloomlbury, London, was afll. dted a long time with a bad fcurvy, attended with five ulcers in his leg, which rendered him lame; he was one month in the Weftminfter Difpenfary, alfo had advice and medicines from feveral of the faculty, which had not the defired effeft. He was recommended to Mr. SPILSBUR Y': Difpenfary,* Soho Square, inftituted 1773 ;— by taking two fmall bottles of his Antifcorbutic Drops he was able to go to work, and eight of the faid bottles cured him. Witnefs Mr. EDWARD DAVID, Hair- drefler, Broad Street, Bloomlbury'; and Mr. THOMAS WHITE, NO. 19, Queen Street Bloomfbury. June 22, 1789. * This Difpenfaty has now been eftablilhed fixteen years; this period of time, although a fubfeription from the affluent has not been folicited, yet no poor patient either in town or country, properly recommended, has ever been denied the ufual benefit.— Dreadful beyond imagination has been a number of the maladies arifing from the fcurvy, leprofy, rheumatifm, evil, gou', ulcer- ous putrid affeflions, & c. and were all the numerous cures per- formed by the drops, wilhed to be noticed, a news- papsr could not with propriety contain the narrative of their cafes.— Tile benefit arifing from this inftitution has enabled the proprietor to account for tfie extraordinary improvements the afHi£ ted happily experience in the efficacy ot his medicine, unknown in former ages. And that ladies and gentlemen may not entertain a thought of their being troublefome in recommending indigent, though worthy per- fons, to this hofpitable afylum, be it known, fifty patients are con veniently admitted weekly. F. SPILSBUiJY Soho Square, London. %* Thefe invaluable drops are vended as ufual at 5s. a bottle, at J. Harrop's printer, in Manchefter; alfo by W. Eyres, printer, in Warrington, & c. AT a MEETING of the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County Palatine of Lancafter, held ac the Caftle of Lancafter, on the 31ft day of March, 1789, to confider of an Addrefs to His Majefty, purfuant to public notice, EDWARD FAI. KNER, Efq. Sheriff, in the Chair, IT was refolved unanimoufly, on the motion of Saml. Clowes, Efq. the Foreman of the Grand Jury, That in order to extend the general joy of his Majefty's fubjefts to the PRISONERS confined for fmall debts in this county, a SUB- CRIPTION be opened for their Relief: That in obtaining their difcharges, regard fhall be had to the number of the debtors' children, their conduft in gaol, and to fuch other circumftances as may juftley entitle fome debtors to be pre- fercd to others ; and that the Gaoler do immediately make a Lift of all prifoners confined in the Caftle of Lancafter for 20I. or any leffer fum. And it was further refolved, at an adjourned Meeting held at the Caftle of Lancafter, on the 2d day of April, 1789, That a Committee to conduft the bufinefs fhall be appointed— to confift of the following Gentlemen: Charles Gibfon, John France, Edward Buckley, John Rawlinfon, and John Addifon, El'qrs. any three of whom ftiall be a Quorum. That the Under Sheriff for the time being, be appointed Secretary, to correfpond with the Prifoners' Attorney, and to fubmit to the confidcration of the Committee, the Propofals for compounding the debts, before fuch Compofitions fhall be agreed to. That Subfcriptions for this Fund ( ball be received at Mr. Worfwick's Bank, in Lancafter; at Melf. Atherton and Co's. Bank, in Prefton ; at Meff. Parr and Co's Bank, in Warring- ton ; and at the different Banks in Liverpool and Manchcjler, in the names of the laid Committee, to be lodged at the in- tereft ufually allowed by fuch Banks, and fhall befuhjeft to the drafts of any three of the Gentlemen of the Committee. That the names of the Subfcribers, with the fums fubferib- ed, lhall be publilhed in the Newl'papers ; and that the names of the prifooers, with the account of the application of the fund fubferibed, fhall alfo be publifhed in the Newfpapers when the purpofe of the fubfeription is completed. Edward Falkner, Efq. Sheriff S. Clowes, jun. John Atherton Wm. Atherton John Afhton James Bradlhaw Geo. Bigland Edward Bucklcy Daniel Bayley 2 Richard Croffe 2 Edgar Corrie 2 John France 2 Mrs. Bayley, Manchefter 2 Roger Aytoun 2 Jofeph Tipping 2 5 5 B. A. Heywood Charles Gibfon Edward Greenhalgh Geoffrey Hornby Nathaniel Hyde James Kcarfley Thomas Lyon Richard Shaw Thomas Tarleton J. Walmfley J. Richardfon A Lady, by Mr. T. Holland,' jun. J. H. J- H. £. S. r • « GENUINE PORTER. GEORGE ANDREW, refpeafully informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken and en- tered upon a warehoufe, No. 8, in Swan- Court, Market- ftreet- lane, where he has laid in a large quantity of Porter, of excellent quality, in Barrels, & c. G. Andrew continues the printed callico bufinefs at a warehoufe, No. 1, in Swan- Court, where the orders of his friends will be gratefully received and duly executed. Martchejler, July 14, 1789. WAREHOUSF TO LETT. TO be LETT, and may be entered upon immediately, all that large and commodious WAREHOUSE, with the Stables adjoin ng, late in the poirefhon of Meffrs. Livefey, Hargreave and Co. and fituated in Water- ftreet, near the Old Quay. The premifes being contiguons to the river Irwell, are ex- it emely well calculated for the Corn Trade, the Dry Saltery. or any other bufinefs that requires much room, and wjieie 11 may be an objeft to lave expence of cartage. If a tenant fhould not offer for the whole of the premifes, which will be let on very moderate terms, the fame llial! be divided into lots, as tenants ma) appear. For other particulars apply to Mr. Samuel Jackfon, at his warehoufc, in Parfonage- lane. BULL'S HEAD INN, MANCHESTER, 18th JUI. Y, 1789. AT a General Meeting of the Merchants and Manufac- turers of Manchcller, convened by public advertife- ment, in confequence of further information communicated by Mr. Stanley and Mr. Blackburne, on the fubjeft of the Bill now depending in Parliament, for exempting manufac- tured Goods fold in the Piece from the Duty hnpofed upon Sales by Auftion ; Mr. BILLINGE, Boroughreeve. Chairman; The Chairman having communicated to this Meeting the I. etters received by Mr. Stanley and Mr. Blackburne, and the Copy of the Bill now depending being read, Unanimoujly refolved, 1. That the progrefs of the Bill be oppofed, and that a Petition be prepared and be prefented to the Houfe of Commons, praying that fuch Bill be not permitted to be paffed into a Law— or at lcaft that the further canfideration thereof may be deferred till the next Scflion of Parliament. And that a Petition to the like effeft be prefentcd to the Lords of the Treafury. 2. That Mr Samuel Taylor, Mr. Cooper, Mr. Thomas Hodfon, and Mr. Starkie, be a Committee for the purpofe of preparing fuch Petitions. 3. That the Boroughreeve and Conflables do tranfmit the fame to Mr. Blackburne, and requeft him to prefent fnch Petitions; and communicate to him the proceedings of this Meeting. 4. That the Thanks of this Meeting be prefentcd to Mr. Stanley and Mr. Blackburne, the Members for the County, for their attention to this bufinefs. 5. That this Meeting be adjourned till four o'clock in the Afternoon, to be then here held, for the purpofe of figning the above Petitions. AT AN ADJOURNED MEETING, Held at Four o'Clock this Afternoon, The Petitions being produced by the Committee appointed for that purpofe, were read, and unanimoufly approved of. And refolved, That the Boroughreeve and Conftablcs do caufe thefe Re- folutions to be inferted in fuch of the public papers as they may think proper. That the thanks of this Meeting be given to the Boroughreeve and Conftables, for their attention to this bufinefs. JAMES BILLINGE, Chairman. •%* Mr. Blackburne's Letter, refpefting the above Refo- lutions, now lies at Mr. Harrop's ( hop, for infpeftion. POSTS. " FRIDAY AN- 11 SATURDAY LONDON, July 22. rP" HE Turks have had an engagement with the Ruffians, at X Birnia, in Moldavia; in which, the former were routed with great lof's. There has alfo been a very fevere engage- ment at Galatz, between 8000 Ruffians and 17,000 Turks, in • which the latter were defeated with the lofs of 7000 killed. I he Turkith fleet did not fail till the firft of June for the Black Sea, and was very badly manned, notwithflanding a hot prefs in all par s. The fleet for the White Sea remains at Conftantinople, as Teamen cannot be got. The letters received from Amflerdam yeflerday, bring an account, that an exprefs is arrived there with news of the Swedifh fleet being out from Carlfcroon, in force 21 fail of the line and 16 frigates;— if fo, they will prevent the junc- tion of the Ruffian fhips, which failed from Copenhagen, with their grand fleet off Revel. The Bank pf Berlin, which afts under the King's authority, has lent 800,000 lix- dollars ( about i6o, oocl.) to the King of Sweden; and a banking- houfe in Amfterdam has advanced about ioo, oool. on the fecurily of the Swedifh government. A petition was prefented on Tuefday from the Manufaftur- ers of Tobacco and Snuff, to the Court of Common Coun- cil, praying their interferance ; and the Court agreed to pe- tition the Houfe of Lords againft the Excife Tobacco Bill. The revolution that has taken place in France aftoniffies every politician; in Europe, to whom the news has rpached. That a nation, whole charafteriftic for feveral centpri. es has been unconditional fubmiflion to flavcry, fhould have 011 a fudden, in the twinkling of an eye, been animated kith the boldeft fpirit of liberty and patriotifm, is an evAit to be contemplated with wonder. It is no let's remarkable, that their whole conduft hitherto has been marked by that wif- dom, which is almoft never the inipulfe of a moment, but the refult of a long concerted plan. Lord Mafferene, who has been releafed by the prefent commotions in France, is an Irilh Earl. In his I. ordfhip's juvenile days, he was what the world deemed a wild young man, and unfortunately falling into company with a let of fharpers, was plundered of ail immenfe fum, for which he gave bonds ; but finding out the iniquity of the. gang, and that it was robbery and not chance that caufed his loffes, he refufed to pay, was arrefted, and put into prifon. The laws of France, iu refpeft to debt, are, that if a man is able to payvand refufes, he ffiall be confined for twenty- one years— hut his Lordfhip having attempted, before the expiration, to make his efcape, and being detefted, his confinement was or- dered to continue, probably for life, had not the fpirit of public liberty burftthe doors of his prifon, and rcftored him to his country, his relations, and his friends. and to have the prayer of fuch petition fuppcrted by Counfel at the bar." Lotd Cathcart explained, that he had conceived the pre- f'ent bfll to come under the fame idea of objeftion that was made to a petition againft the Receipt tax, the Hawkers and Pedlars Bill, and the Regulation Newfpaper Bill. The Chancellor put the queftion on Lord Stormont's mo- tion, which was carried ncm. dijfentient, after which the Houfe adjourned to Thurl'day. HOUSE or COMMONS. TUESDAY, July 21. Mr. Beaufov moved, that the Revolution Bill might be read a third time, and the queftion being put, Sir William Dolben rofc to oppofe this bill, conceiving it to be perfeftly fuperfluous Sir Jol'eph Mawbey oppofed the bill principally on account of the additional trouble it would give the Clergy. However, if this bill did pafs, he fhould propofe a claufe, that th: Clergy fhould have 20s. for reading the aft of Parliament." Mr. Conrtenay confidered as an infult to the Clergv, the claufe propofed by Sir Jofeph Mawbey, for making them an allowance of 20s. In his opinion, the day appointed fo the commemoration of the glorious Revolution, ffiould be fixed on the very day on which the French vindicated their liberty. Such a compliment would confole our Gallic friends for the refufal of 20,000 facks of grain; and in that manner too, we fhould exhibit to all Europe a Chining example of humanity and politenefs;— they alked for bread, and we ffiould feed them with flummery. The Houfe divided 011 the third reading, when there ap pearcd, In favour of it 23 Againft it 14 Sir Jofeph Mawbey withdrew his motion, after which tin bill palled, and was carried by Mr. Beaufoy to the Lords for their concurrence Mr. Gilbert brought up the report on the Piece Goods Bill which was read a firft and fecond time, and ogrced to. The Gaol Regulation Bill was put off till Thurfday. SHIPS arrived at LIVERPOOL fince our kj. The Margaret, Spedding, from Greeland, with blubber whalebone, unicorns and feals. The Minerva, Hopkins, fr Georgia, with rice, tobacco deer fkins, indigo, & raw filk. The Elizabeth, Credin, fr Grenada, with 323 bags 1 pockt cotton, coffee, rum, tamarinds, 41 hhds 18 bis fugar, limes & 11 bags cotton. The, Lady Mary Fitzmaurice, Evans, fr Bourdeaux, with wine, vinegar, anchovies, corks, & 25 pokts cotton. The Bud, Clare, fr Africa and Grenada, with elepht teeth rum & wine. The Guftaff, Joy, from Riga, with fir balks, mafts, fpars lathwood, deals, licmp, mats & flax. The Roman Eagle, Crofbic, fr Zant, with currants, fuftic The Either, Ledger, fr Virginia, with tobacco, & hhd & bl ftaves The Bridgewater, Quale, fr Riga, with hemp, wainfcot logs, large mafts, lathwood, fpars, & ftaves. The Mary, Coftello, fr Sligo— oats. The Blythe Ann, Finley, fr Newry— calf fkins & cloth. The Orange Field, Muir, fr Tralec, with lead ore. The Peggy, Phillips, fr Memel, with fir balks, deals and lathwood. The Mentor, Pierce, frDnndalk, with cloth. The Bellona, Good, fr Memcl, with treenails, fir balk lathwood and deals. The Sally, Crowdhill, fr Virginia, with tobacco, ftaves. flour & handfpikes. The Mancheflcr, S M'Dowall, fr South Carolina, with to bacco^ rice, bl ftaves, cedar bedfteads, tallow, indigo, deer Ikins, nuts & 6 bags cotton. The Columbus, Phillips, fr Ifleman, with linen yarn and pieces cloth. 7' he Friendftiip, Forreft, fr Newry, with cows. The Hope, Teare, fr Ifleman, with cow & ox hair & horns —& hams. - is The Charlotte, Fcaron, fr Newry, with calves velves, lin cloth, cows, calves & pigs. The Marquis of Buckingham, Kermode, fr Ifleman, with linen yarn & cloth, feathers, butter & paving ftones. The Martin, Dawfon, fr Dublin, with linen cloth, glue, calf fkins, ham, linen yarn & calvcs velves, The Nelly and Ann, Blew, fr Newry, with hutter, tan- ners wafte, calf fkins, cows, pigs & a horfe. The Carysfort, Fountain, fr Riga, with firbalks, wainfcot logs, lathwood, clapboards, deals, fpars, mafts, & hemp. The Either, Ledger, fr Virginia, with tobacco, & brl & hhd ftaves. The Hillfborough, M'Donald, fr Belfaft, with linen cloth, butter, & returned drapery. The Balloon, fr Londonderry, with lin yarn & cloth. The Edward, fr Drogheda— lin yarn & limeftones. The Ann, Cook, fr Memel, with balk, lathwood, deals & deal ends, mafis & fpars. The Ann Maria, Gregor, fr Iflcman, with paving ftones Sc bees wax. The Minerva, Hopkins, fr Georgia, with tobacco, indigo, rice, deer fkins, heading, hhd & bl Haves, Sc Sago powder. Ihe George, Wonycot, fr Maffachufets, with oak & birch logs, pine do & planks, handfpikes, lathwood, hhd & brl ftaves. The Fancy, Hampton, fr Iffeman, with kemp. The Royal Recovery, Wood, fr Koningfberg— wheat. The Olive Branch, Ifaac, fr ditto, with do. The Sally, Fitzgerald, fr Wicklow— copper are. The Duke, Wheelwright, fr Newiy— cows. The Montgomery, Griffith, fr Newry, with cows, tan- ners wafte, feathers & pot afh. A few days ago died, at Workington, Mr. Charles Mef- fenger, late of this town. Yefterday died, after a long illnefs, the Rev. John Salter, Reftor of Chorlton, and Matter of the School belonging to the College, in this town. On Tuefday fe'nnight was married, at Norton, near Shef- field, Mr. Wm. Webfter, of Holmegate, in Derbyfhire, to Mifs Biggin, daughter of Mr. T. Biggin, of the former place. On Sunday was married, at Lancafter, Capt. Linton, ® f the fhip Hero, to Mifs Sarah Brockbank, daughter of G. Brockbank, Efq. ot Fidler- Hall, near Cartmel. On Tuefday was married, at Prefbury, in Chefhire, Mr. Henry Richardfon, jun. of Derby, to Mifs Gould, daughter of the late J. Gould, Efq an heirefs, with a large fortune. On Monday was married, at the collegiate church, Mr Ralph Lee, to Mifs Ann Pauden, both of this town. On Friday was married, Mr. JoffiuaWood, of Ruffiholme, to Mifs Mercer, of Bank Top. Captain Anfdell, of Liverpool, and part of the crews of two veffels, loft in the ice, are arrived there in the Pre cedent. He brings the following account of veffels belong ing to that port, viz The Anfdell, Anfdell,, with 14 fifn and 1900 fcals, loft the 6th. of June.— PhilippS, Turnbull with 10 fifh and 1000 feals, loft the 7th. of June.— Grampus Miller, with 8 fifh and 1300' feals. loft the 26th. of June.— Betty, Vetch, with 2 fifh, loft The following is the fuccefs of the Liverpool ffiips, left at the filhery, when the Precedent failed, viz. On the firft of May, the Peggy, —, had 800 feals. Brilliant, Gwyn, 1 fifh. Saraii, —, t fmall fifh, and 1100 feals. On the 20th. of May, the James, Hickfon, 1 fifh and 1800 feals. Pilgrim, Murduch, 1 fifh. Leviathan, Bell, 1 filh. Whale, Nixon, ij| fifh and 600 feals. Amphytrite, Pcgan, » fifh 500 l'eals. Lion, —, 1 fifh. The Orford, Bird, from Liverpool to Stettin, is affiore at Swinemunde, the cargo landing, and expefted the ffiip will be got off. Six Englifh cutters are arrived at Guklftadt, and are wait- ing for Ruffian papers and colours, in order to cruize againft the Swedes. On Thurfday laft the Quarter Seffions began in this town, and the following prifoners have taken their trials, aud been fentcnced as follows. John Kay, for dealing PRESTON RACES. Tuefday the 21ft of July, a Purfe of 50I. Lord Derby's bay colt, Dircftor 1t Mr. Wentworth's chefnut colt, Spangle 1——- 4 s Mr. Clifton's chefnut colt, Parfnip 5 3 E. Stanley, Efqrs. bay colt .3 ^ Mr. Whittaker's brown colt, Magnum Bonnm 2 ^ Same day, a Hunter's Sweepftakes of ten guineas each. Ralph Williamfon, Efqrs. brown horfe, Jack 1 , John Ince, Efqrs. grey mare, Maria — 2 2 Thomas Horton, Efqrs. bay horfe, Trojan 3 < lr W. Farrington, Efqrs. dun gelding, Golden Dunce— dif The others named did not ftart. On Wednefday the 2ad, the Member's Purfe of 50I. Lord Derby's chcfnut horfc, Noodle t t Mr. Buckland's bay horfe, g2 Mr. Wentworth's bay horfe, Spark 2 3 Centaur, Maria, Jack, and Mr. Graham's mare, were drawn. On Thurfday the 23d. 50I. Lord Derby's bay horfe, Direftor t , Mr Burden's bay horfe, Ticket 2 2 Spark and Harlot were drawn. Capt. Blair, HOUSE OF LORDS. TUESDAY, July 21. The Duke of Leeds moved, that the Tobacco Bill be read a fecond time on Thurfday next, and that all the Lords be fummoned for that day, which was ordered. Lord Stormont moved, that the petition from the Tobacco Merchants be taken into confideration at the fame time, and that the petitioners have leave to be heard by counfel againtt the bill. Lord Cathcart confidcred the bill as an aft ta raife money for the fervice of the State, and as there was a Handing or- der that na petition fhould be received, or council heard a- gainft a bill of fupply, he ffiould oppofe the motion made by the noble Vifcount. The Chancellor 011 this, quitted the Woolfack, and declar- ed it as his opinion, that the petitioners had an undoubted conftitutional right to be heard by counfel againft the bill. " God forbid, faid the learned Lord, that a Britifh fubjeft fhould ever be denied the privilege of making his complaint to Parliament; we ( hould then, indeed, be reduced to a ftate of government that would merit the fevereft reproaches. In refpeft to what the noble Earl advanced of the Standing Or- ders of the houfe, I for one, and if but one, fhsill oppofe their being confidered as an argument againft hearing the petition- ers, " though fuch orders were as old as the eonqurft. The bill, in faft, is not what is generally underftood to be a money- till it is a bill for altering and amending an old bill, and for the better regulation of a particular trade, and as fuch, by every principle of juftice, and every rule of law, comes within the defcription of an aft, againft which the parties who think thcmfelves aggrieved, have a right to petition, The Induftry, Caffidy, fr Newry, with cows & pigs. The Golden Pillar, Tyrrel, fr Wicklow— copper ore. MANCHESTER, JULY 25. at the Infirmary, the following patient; O11 Monday, were difcharged and admitted viz. In- patients curcd Made out- patients Out- patients cured Lunatic dead Home- patients curcd In- patients admitted " 3 Out- patients Home- patients Accidents this week Reicain in the Houfe In the Lunatic Hofpital 64 > 7 1.5 78 58 Chaplain for this week, the Rev, Mr. Hall. Houfe- Vifitors, Mr. David Campbell, and Mr, J, Cooke. New Subfcribprs fince our laft. Rev. Mr. John Griffith . ' - - £ 220 Mr. Jofeph Cooper - - - 220 On Monday was paid into the hands of the Treafurer of the Infirmary, by Thomas Butterworth Bayley, Ei'q. the fum of twenty guineas, being a benefaftion from Ralph Willis, Efq. of Hatfnead Hall, near Prefcot, in this county. Of( Sunday fe'nnnight died, Mr. Thomas Shephard, of Cockerham, aged 70. On Tuefday fe'nnight died, Mrs. Morgan, wife of Mr. Abraham Morgan, of Chefter. O11 Wednefday fe'nnight died, aged 19, Mifs Nancy Smith, fecond daughter of the late Mr. Egerton Smith, of Liverpool. Same day died, very fuddeuly, af Smithoufe, near Hali- fax, Mrs. Radcliffe, rclift of the late Charles Radcliffe, Efq. of York. Same day died, Mr. Robert Lumb, of Wakefield, one of the moft confklerable woolftaplers in the North of England. On Thurfday fe'nhight died, in the 22d. yeaj of her age, Mifs Weft, daughter of the late Mr. William Weft, of Liverpool, Same day lied, Mrs. Wolrich, wife of Thomas Wolrich, Efq. of Armley- Houfe, near Leeds. Laft week died, at Bamborough Caftle, in Yorkffiire, the Rev. John Rotherham, M. A. reftor of Houghton- le- Spring, near Durham. On Saturday dfcd, at Wakefield, Mrs. Rhcsdes, a maiden lady of that place. On Monday died, Mr. Henry Harking, of Skerton. On Tuefday died, Mr. James Bland, innkeeper, of Lan- cafter. A few days ago died, at Buxton, the Rev. Mr Routh, vicar of Tuxford, in Nottinghamfhire. two pieces of cloth from James'rColiins, of this town, and John Thorp, James Needham, and John Burgefs, for fteal- ing 15 guineas, & c. from Thomas Grundy, of this town; Thorp and Needham to be imprifoned three years each; and Burgefs three months.— Ellen { Fletcher, for ftealing 16 yards of printed linen from Mr. Knapp, of this town; Mary Chefter, for ftealing muffin, & c. from John Twill, of this town ; and Thomas Barker and John Simnor, for divers felonies, to be imprifoned twelve months each.— Elizabeth Ravenfcroft, for ftcaling a filver pinf from Mr. D. Law, of this town, to be imprifoned fix months.— Sarah Davies, for ftealing a gown, and other articles, from Mary Llovd, of this town, and Elizabeth Gregory, for ftealing a coat from Mr. Cowgill, of this town, to be imprifoned three months each.— James Booth, for ftealing 18 pounds of lead from Francis Ambrey, of this town, and Samuel Munday, for ftcaling boxwood from the Duke of Bridgewatcr's wharf, to be each once whipped, and difcharged. On Tuefday the Right Reverend the Lord Bifhop of Chefter arrived in this town. On Wednefday his Lordfhip held a Vifitation of the Clergy, and on Thurfday the cere- mony of confecration was performed in the new church at the bottom of the Long- Millgate, built by the Rev. Mr. Owen, which is named Saint Michael. On Sunday laft the Rev. Mr. Wefley preached at the Mceting- Houfe in this town, to a moft crowded congrega- tion, confifting of upwards of four thoufand perfons. His difcourfe was 111 favour of the Abolition of the Slave Trade,, from the following text " God Jhall enlarge Japheth, and he Jhall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canapn fhall le his fervant." Genefis ix. 27.— On this humane principle the ve- nerable divine expatiated very largely, and in a pointed man- ner fhewed the ncceffity, as well as policy, of giving the oppreffed Africans thole inherent rights which belong to human nature. Yefterday fe'nnight, the Coroner's inqueft was taken on view of the body of Jofeph Ridgway, of Stockport, who was killed by a kick he received from his matter. The cruel conduft towards the boy had been fuch as it is feared is but too frequent amongft perfons of a certain defcription. The Jury found the matter guilty of murder, and he is accordingly committed to take his trial at the next affizes. It is earncftly hoped that this cafe may deter others from being guilty of cruel ufage to their apprentices— efpecially as the laws in being are amply fufficient for legally punifhing thofe who are refraftory, when a moderate aud difcreet correftion from the matter is found inefficient. On Sunday evening a moft horrid murder was committed by one Francis Marfon ( a perfon who has for fome time travelled the country with a ttallion) on the body of Thomas Brooks, of Naft'erton, near Great- Drifficld. They had been drinking together at Naffertoi) aforcfaid, and a dii'pute arofe refpefting the payment of two- pence ;— they however left the houfe without any feeming aniinofity to each other, but Brooks had not proceeded far ere he was joined by Marfden. who fwore if he would not pay the two- pence, he would cut his arm off; the deceafed contended in his juftification of net paying it, and the vile affaflin immediately drew out a large knife, and ftabbed him in the body.— The poor nri^ n imme- diately ran towards the public- houfe ; but before he reached the place he dropped down dead. The murderer was pre- fently fecured. On Saturday laft, about half paft twelve o'clock, the in- habitants of Roby, in this county, were greatly furprized and alarmed by the appearance of a very extraordinary whirlwind, which came from the weflward ; it firft attrafted their notice by the great quantity of leaves and hay- grafs, which, in its paffage, it had ftripped from the trees, and taken from the cocks of hay over which it had paffed, when on a fudden it took an entire cock of hay from a field behind the fmithy, and carried it entire fo high into the air, that it appeared no larger tl; an a hat crown, when it fell down, and in its fall difperfed : the people were fo greatly terrified, that they involuntarily ran into their houfes, for fear of be- ing carried up with it. A few days ago, as Mr. Thomas Collins . and Thomas Ruf- fell Dobbins, of the parifh of Littleton- upon- Severn, in the county of Gloucefter, were drinking together, fome woids arofe between them, and they proceeded to blows; when the latter, finding himfelf too weak for the other, took up a ftone, and threw it with fuch violence againft Mr. Collins, that ftriking him on the fide of the head, it fraftured his fkull, and he is fince dead. The Coroner's Inqueft fat on the body, and brought in their verdift Wilful Murder. The de- ceafed has left a wife and five fmall children. Matthew Tait, aged 120 years, is now living in the village of Aughton Lake, in Airffiire, Scotland : He enlifted into the army 104 years fince, and is now in good health, takes a proper nourifhment of beer, and has lately leafed a piece of land, on which he intends to build a houfe for his refidence, duting the remainder of his life. On Monday fe'nnight, Mrs. Sufannah Harridge, wife of Thomas Harridge, at Leigh, in Effex, was delivered of a fon, being her nineteenth child within twenty- one years, and all at fingle births. A letter from York fays, " His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales has been pleafcd to accept Mr Alderman Bluitt's houfe for the refidence of him and his Royal Brother, the Duke of York, the enfuing race week. A houfe near the above is alfo engaged for the reception of their Royal High- neffes the Dukes of Clarence and Cumberland. Laft week a gentleman of the name of Churchill, was called up before the Court of King's- Bench, as being a principal in defrauding a tradefman of a quantity of goods— We be- lieve, a few years ago, this fame gentleman did fome bufinefs in this town. The Queftion to be debated at the Angel inn, in Oldham, on Monday the 3d. day of Auguft, at feven o'clock in the evening, is, " Whether is the dread of poverty, or the hope of riches, the greater fpur to iuduitry ?" ( pf" We have received A. D's. Letter.— The fubjeft having been fo lately decided upon by the Legiffature, the publication of it would certainly be ill timed ; and the difcuffion it in- vites would become uninterefting to our readers. INTELLIGENCE from BUXTON. ARRIVED, Lord Sondes, Hon. Mr. Watfon, Baron Dillon, Diljon, Sir Francis Elliott, Col. E. Hamilton, Capt. Dr. S. Robertfon, Dr. Webfter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinfon, Mr. Carr, Mr. Swann, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, three Mifs Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, two Mifs Lucas, Mifs Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Fergufon, Mifs Hamilton, Mr. Houghton, Mr. Vaughton, Mifs Hyde, Mr. Micklethwaite, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Robertfon, Mr. Ander- fon, Mr. Roe, Mr. and two Mifs Bells, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Mordaunt, Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Wood, Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Hefketh, Major Marfack, Mifs Dawfon, Mr. Macdo, wall, Mr. Mrs. and Mifs Anderfon, Mr. R. Beeker, Mr. Towrv, Mr. Smith, Mr. Williams, Mils Moru, Mr. Kuhff, Mr. Monfell, Mr. Borrow, Mr. Fowden, Mr. Walker, Mr. Carey, Mr. Alderman Skinner, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs. and two Mifs Hoyles, Mr and Mifs Howarth, Mr. Veriker, Mr. Sykcs, Mr. Powell, Mr. and Mrs Verneys, Mrs. and Mifs Morewood, Mr. and two Mifs Browns, Mr. Chap- man, Captain Blake, Mr. Hard, Rev. Mr. Trollopc, Mr. and Mifs Carr, Mr. and Mifs Waldron, Mifs Skinner, Mifs Sykes, two Mr. Ward, Rev. Mr. J. Powell, Rev. Mr. Ger. Powell, Mr. Hall, Mifs Murga'troyd, Rev Mr." Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Coats, Mr. and Mrs. Mawhood, Mr. Saunders, Mr. Smith, Mr. Harrow, Mr. Fox, Mr. Law, Mr. Cooper. NEW DUTY ON NEWSPAPERS AND ADVER- TISEMENTS. THE A61 being nearly ratified which impofa an additional Duty of a Halfpenny on each Newfpaperx the Editor of this Paper moft refpeafvlly informs his Frhnds, that the price of it mujl covfequently then be raifed to Three- pence Halfpenny. — It will be readily allowed, that when the vender of any article only charges ' the public with what he is taxed, the tax viujl operate againjl him; and as, in the prefent injlance, the Editor has adopted that plan, he hopes for the a edit of endeavouring to Jferve his Subfcribers upon the eafirjl terms in his power. The ufe of a Newfpaper feems pretty obvious— it is the general Channel for Political and Commercial Intelligence— it conveys information which no other publication is intitled to give— and it particular ly forms that grand medium, which is diftinguifhed by the appellation of the LIBERTY OF THE PRESS — A Liberty which is the exclufive borfl of Englifhmen If this be the true ufe of a New/ paper, a publifher may reafonably hope to be fupported under the efeSls of en arbitrary tax, which it is out of his power to avoid. The profits of a newfpaper appear to lie fo open to the public, that it is not unufual to eflimate them, and to rate the advantages of the publijier very high— but the Jlatement mufi always be fallacious, fince the ' certain Icffes » added to the many various expences, often render it but a hazardous undertaking. The prompt payment, and extent of the duties, are circumfiances that contribute not a little to render this pub- lication precarious, the amount of them being two- thirds of the whole fum received, without any deduttion— and the public mujl be well afured, that the publifher of a paper cannot be fecured from thofe loffes, which are commonly attend- ant on trading concerns. In addition to the hardfhip of this tax, it has been thought proper to take from the publifhers the privilege of returning the Newfpapers left on hand— a privilege which was certainly of confiderable advantage to them, and which appears to have every claim of Jufiice on its fide. In printing a large impreffion, it is impoffible to avoid having, in the courfe of the year, a confiderable number unfold — At prejent Government receive the old papers, and allow an equal number of fiamps for them— that advantage is to be totally taken away, without the fmallejl recompence— for after the new a£ l takes place, no paper can be returned to the Stami- office. r From this relation of FaEls, which it is neceffary on fuch an occafion to ( late, the public will fee the fituatiqn of 1 the publifher from the prefent advance, and how little he has to exped in adopting it. The duty of Sixpence on each advertifement takes place at the fame time, in confequence of which all advertifements of common fize will be five fhillings each infertion, and, as ufual, more in proportion to their length. It is, however, a peculiar fatisfattion to the Editor to inform his advertifina- friends, that his circulation is fuch as mufl anfwer their utmofi expectations, the fale having amounted, for a confider- able time paft, to two thoufand three hundred papers every week— and he cannot fuppofe it will be much injured by the prefent circumfiance, when it is confidered^ hat, in corr. plying with the forms of an AB. of Parliament, he is only paying proper refpeR to the Laws of his Country. Animated with the mofl earnefi defire of giving fatisfac- tion to his numerous readers, the Editor pledges himfelf not to omit any opportunity of laying before them every [ pedes of information it may be in his power to obtain; and, to give c, copious and general a detail of paffing occurrences, as the nature of a weekly Chronicle will admit. The new aR is dated the firfi of Augufi, but does not operate till after that day, this paper, therefore, will not be raifed till Saturday the eighth of Augufi, when the dutva mufi take place. As every paper left, unfold will then be entirely loft to the publifher, he rcjpc& fully requefis that fuch of his readers as may in future wifh to decline taking it, will give at leaft a fortnight's notice, as no returns can. be taken from the news- men. By the above aB, evervperfon who lends out a newftiaper to hire, isjubjetl to a penally of Ten Pounds for every ojftnee. PRICE of STOCKS on WEDNESDAY. Bank Stock, 183 $ New 4 per cent. 1777, 98 4 a £ a i 5 per cent. ann. 1785, fliut, V> 5 I a | a i 3 per cent, reduced, 78 J a ^ 77 3 per cent. Conf. | a4 3 per cent. 1726 { hut Long Ann. 22 13- iGth Ditto ffiort, 1778, and 13 f a 1 i- i6th India Stock, a 77 > 779. 3 per cent. India Ann. India bonds, 91s. pr,? ra. South Sea Stock ( hut Old S. S. Ann. New S. S. Ann. ( hut 3 per cent. 1751 ( hut New Navy and Viftiiiilir. f Bills Exchequer Bills Lottery Tickets, 15I. Irifh ditto. Tontine 104 $ a 105 Loyalift debentures, 4 £ a J MANCHESTER: PRINTED BY CHARLES WHF. ELER, IN iUlNTF. R's- LANE, WHERE ALL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THIS AND PRINTING IN GENERAL EXECUTED WITH DISPATCH, AND ON MODERATE TERMS. PAPER ARE RECEIVED,
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