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The Morning Post, and Daily Advertiser


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The Morning Post, and Daily Advertiser
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The Morning Post, and Daily Advertiser

Date of Article: 24/09/1783
Printer / Publisher: C. Stuart 
Address: Blake-Court, Catherine-street, Strand, London
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 3315
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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mi tttg , and Daily Advertifer. N : . 3 3 15 W t D N E S D A Y, September 24, 17* 3. [ Price Three- pence. A C O V E N T - G A R D E N . T the T H E A T R E ROYAL, ia COVENT GARDEN, THIS EVENING will be prefentei O T H E L L O . Orhelb, Mr. KEWBLE, ( From the Theatre. R y 1, Dublin, being hit firft abearance on this ft'ge) } Ro tiijo by Mr. BONNOR, C. fii. by Mr. WHIT JELD, lirabeivio by Mr. HUM., Lodovlco, Mr. DAVIS; Montan-), Mr. MAHON ; Duke, Mr. BOOTH : Gratiano, Mr. FEARON. I g>, Mr. HENUER^ OS j Emilia, Mrs. WHiTFIELD ; Defdsmona, ( Fiift Time) Mils SA1CHELL. To fchich will he added, T H E Q U A K E R. Steadv, Mr. BANNISTER ; Lubin, Mr. BRETT; S ilomon, Mr. EDWIN; Floretta M » s. WILSON, And Gillian, M s. BANNISTER. PI3. CS for the bixej to be taken of Mr. Brandon, at the Stage Door. The floors to be ope- ed at Half pad Five, and to begin at Half, aftS. Bouts 5s. Pit 3s. Finl Gal. a>. U| per Ga'. Is. Yivant Rex ite Rtginil On Friday, not afted thefe fix year-, SHE WOl" D AND SHE WOU'D NOT; or the kirti Impoftor; Hypolita ky Mil's Scrace, and Flora Mrs. Chulmrs, being their leronti appearance on this ( tags. To whic will he added, Tom Thu- nb. M O N E Y A D V A N C E D. SUMS from 300!. ro any amount advanced on perfo; al fee r ty o-. fuc*! ' erms as muft give entire l> isi'aifcon. Merchant?, Tr ' defmens, and M- ir. ufa& urer's Bills difcounttd in one day, on paying half p- r c.- ni. comm fli > n. The Adverti er being concerned for Noblemen of he ttrii I l~ » nkand me; cantiie houfe. of real lOnfeq. ientr, pr fumes ti^ ith clann a piefeience t* the generality of brokers and yompms 1 m Sty agents. Thofe whnfe occasions are immediately preffing, anJ fecuriry eligible, may be account! d. tei with pa t of t: w m ny, at a plication ay ktter » fibm pr nr'pals only, adJieife. l to Mr. Anoerfon, No. 7, NalTa .- ft. e--:, Soho, witn real names, « jll be immediatel- ir anf* ered, and interviews appointed. O R I G I N 1 L I N s T I T U r i O N. MONEY, LAW, CONVEYANCING, NOTARIAL, a*) UNIVERSAL AGENCY- OFFICE. s t i l T S fc- f Law and in Equ t adviied upon ind J tondufted with judgment, and the utm ft expedition. Articles of A^ riemeni, Alignments Bills, Bo.- ils £ opart- Ae: ikips, Grants, Indentures, Lealej, Lette s of Licence, ! et. terj of Attorney, Releafes, Settlemen s of EH. it* , Wil s, Variants of Attorney, and ' every ipeci's of Conveyancing accurat- ly drawn and prepared. Notarial bulTnefi of ail kinds performed. F- ftate* bought and foU. M ney adva ced u on mir-. gjgfi, annuities, bills, notes ot hand, ana every kind of perfon 1 l'ccu ities. Rents culleited, aceou ts frtded, debts Jiqtii late , and compoun ed. Memorials, I'eti'tions, and Rri w i l l r t n c s to th: different Departm nrj and puhli: Offices of the State, and Applications of very ki d, Account! pafV d, & c. Thofe who wilh to difpole of Money, to any. amount, may at all ti. acs be prefentcd with opportunist highly ad Tanta^ eom. Commifli nsin the Army bought, fold, and exchanged. The Propriet beg leave to acquaint the public, that hey fcave eftablilh.- d a Covitfp > nd- nce in all parts of E- igUnd, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and aWo in BrufTels, an'd in Pa is, by m-' ant of wh'uh bufiaefs, le^ al antj- camm rc. ial, wi 1 be tranf . fteJ with fecurity and difpatch. The m derate terms on which the bufmef, of this Office is • ondu& ed, and t e known abilities and reftitu'de of th Proprietors, it is hoped, will entitle it to particular ntteniion. Applications to be made, and L iters and efl'd ( poft- pai'i), to M". Woodwar , No. 5, Cecil- ftree:, Strand. T o thofe GENTLEMEN who would be fitted with eleguic c and ferved with a Commodity equal to tbeir wiflies, BR O W N , TAYLOR and H A B I T - M A K E R , a No. 11, Ludjjate- ftrect, eight do > rs from St. Paul' Church Yard, fervei gentlemen with the beft cloth and ma terials, at the following prices: A frock fu toffuperSne cloth, 4I. 12s, A coat and wailicoat, orcoat and breeches, do. jl. 145. 6d. A toat ditto, aJ. 14s. 6d. A fuit of livery, ail cloth, 3I. 5s. Aiiitto, with lhag breeches, 31. 13s. 6 J t A pair of the belt lilk breeclies, il. iSs. Thole Ladies wh> prefer the acknowledged fmartnefs of * he Riling Habit, to toe lefs attractive gar nenti of vomenkiud, and wili honour the above with tbeir commands, will and that in elegance, ralle, and T^ n, fesv aie hi> eoual. Ladies or Genllem n, resident in the country, tending an halit, or fuit, " tha- fits, or an exact defcriptio ', may be accommodated on the fhorteft notice. A LADY'S CLOTH RIDING HABIT, 5I. CREDITORS of th* YORK. BUILDINGS CUMPANY. W H E R E A S by Virtue of an Aft of Par. iament patted in the 17th year of the rri^ n of Kis frefent M • j r t y , the )£( fates . t- eiaojing to the Yt » rk Build ings Co. npiriy i; i ScotUnd save been folj, and tKe manev in the ha;; d? of tl'. e fevsral purc^ r^' ers at pref- nt amour. t^ to a50,000!. which it is ay^ rfhended v/ j- i te furli ieat t-; fat'ury ail the Cred » tois of the faid Company ^ eir juft miids, but in order to effect a fpeea. y oiftrihu^ ion of ihc putchafe- monVy amo'g the Cr ditors,' it ianecfilary that a G neral Meeting of thent Jht- gld be had to' cor- fi'er cf ihe propcreft mpafurcs to be ta'xen for that purpofe i Therefore fill the Creditors of the Company, by bond, or as flcck- h- ld- « r8, aredefire^ by themleJv••, or ihcir agentl^ to meet on Tuefday, the 7J1 of O^ ohcr nexr,^ bet- Aee » t! 5 hours twelve and one, at the Crown ahd Anchor r « veni( in the Strand, when a ftate of ' the debts to this time - cUiincd of the Coinpa the proceedi' gs whicn have been had in the Court cf SciliotiS in Scotland refj- cfling t en-, aiui in general theft te of the afF. irso/ the Cbmp » ny will be laid before the CTr. ditws at fuch Mretir. g j and if any Creditor in the mean time wifhe3 to have any p.- fvioil'S ln) orhrjatioh, he mty obtain it by applying to Mr. Lloyd, No. j, Bcdfurd- P- ow. N. B. Many perfons who arc pofl't/ lVd cf h^ nds ifloei by the Crmpany, or a e Cr- rdit^ rs as i » t ckhoJder?, on account lif the long bankrupt'y of ihe'Compinj, h j v : cunfi lerfd thfir debts as d « rfpcrate, and i » e^ lc<") cd to make rhelr claims, it muft be reci> mm.: n'ded to ( uch Creditors for. th'- ir <>\ vn witrreft, ' o rtt> n. i ' O « h's :* dvl'ri'* em', nt. ^ mwlcat- No, 31, \ yi^ tpo* e-^ reet, Caven. Ufli- tquate j beft Boa h and Chariot Harnefs, with the beft town'ma e plalerf fuvn tore, and th beft p 1 ih d half- moon bites, and reinscompleat, fio : i 11 0 13 guinpn?, do, with pol « the* brafs furfiitu e » rom fyz pounds tu ir. vtn guineas and a h'rtl?, Molefwoith cal'a s, with pol. fhcl ft'' Cl Kame^ arid tug. c > mpl at, fr m » oiv. pou d to one j; Ciind five ihiliings p:.- r horfs, ani wncre ti c old is . e aired in a n ar Hii^ gootf- ma ner. .^ 11" fuh df- s h ci : s, c. a f*- and R O Y A L C I R C U S, And E Q^ U E S T R 1 A N A C A D E M Y . rr^ HIS and EVERY EVENING, the vari- X ous and approved Entertainments of this Place will be repeated, w th the addition of much Novelty, and many very firiking and capita' Embcliuhmeuu. The H O R S E M A N S H I P , Which fur Agility, Grace, and Stieng'. h, exhibits one of the molt ple'fing and r> ti. ina), as well as the moft ailouiihing, fpeflacks, w li re c.- ndu ' ed by Mr. H U G H E S, And performed by him, aid his Purn. 8. C-' uld the par'ic. ilars uf this e unpl'- te fer. eso: feats be here d'feribed, tl. eir v iety a d peculitr ptopcrtirs, calcu'ated fo coinpleatly ror tiie a: imirati n of the fp dlat. rs, would excite univerfaj aftoailhme. t j but the Ik > r fpace of an advertifeme. it and he want of'ex relli a adequate to the merit of ihe ftibjed prcdudi g th uoifibility I ich an advant ge, the jiuidic are efpeCifully inf rmed, t'..< t no exerti n fhall be f ared to def rve c. in* inua: ce of c i genercus encouragement. The remainder of the Performance, confifting of d'ffer'nt Speftacies, Set ions, Comic, and G otefcjue ( in- which will be difp'ayed an Unity of the Ait-,), will be frparated into Three Parts, under the follow. m tirl . s : A N A T I O N A L A L L E G OR Y, Dec a- ated with fuperb Paintings in trail! arency, and. ( for the firit time) imprived by t e Introd- Sion of a Tioop of Wartturi, called The REGIONS of ACCOMPi. ISHME> fT. An Arcadian Sp< dt. ule, entituled The S I C I L I A N P E A S A N T S. And the tavourlte new Piece, called The S A L O O N. The Evenings* Amufe. nents » ill conclude with a new and mo I briili.- r. t F I R E W O R K . In which wiil be . alter ately intr iduced the Tr'nfpar. ncies ex > ioitcd. in honour of the Birth of hi3 Royal Highn f-. the Prince of Waits, and the other admbed pi- ce of the R O T A L S A I L O R . i irft places 3s. fecond places as. third places is. The . oors'wbc op- vneo at half paft live o'clock.— To be- S'O p- ; cifc: y a' hall" palt fix. t laces for the tirft ftats to be taken of Mr. Th implon at tlie Academj. Vivant Rex & Regini. N. 3. A Horfe Pafroleis prov: dsd from Bridge to B' dge. %* No money will be returned after the performances begin. The Public is mo'> refpefl ully d- fired Intake notice, that the Sumner Ainuiemen's of this Pl. ue will certainly dole on Satmd v n- xi the tty h inftant. r COAi.. i i H A R N E S S timlhed hi the Cu ell an. t beft mmner, at Wien'> Wareho- ife, are ma e equally chea 1 for , e. idy money - vt th& aUuve pi every favour rrcommended witi by their hu abtetciv nt be gr ' tefnUy atkunwl dgtii CHAR'- E.. WREN. N. B. The Adveitifei is a 1 arnefv maker o. iy, and not a Sadl- r, ard wh- re apair f » a neii 4l » ) l kc iu. .. t. a da/ s 1.0 lice, ol the matcr. i4i> CiUEEM ANNE's BuUNT t'. ' O the Ct-. Ei< Y. N^ it. ce is hereby given. Thit the imereft u e at Michaelmas next, " ill be paid by Willi'm Sf vens, Elq. Vreal'irer, at No. < 58, Oid Br aJ- fieet, 1 v- ry d y ironn Michaelmas d y to Chriftmas d y nex , between the hours of ten and two, Sundays an' hoii ayseicept- d. N. B. Tiie CI rgy are defir- d to obfe ve, that the receipts muft be written on lumps, and as the duty will be allowed by th: Governors, it m y ie added to th* intereft, and cxprelled in the receipts. Brook- ftreet, Se t. s j. THli Fnands f Mr. P A Y N E rfquetl'the favour of theXJovernors of St. Ge rce's Hofpit. l not enganing. t'ieir vcte - nu int- eft tor a Surgeon to fucceed Mr. George Hawkins, Mr. Payne b ing expeded in town in a few tUys, to offer himfeif as a Candidate. g O be bold for Twenty- two Guineas, a very JL hanJfom: cropt Bay Mare, iix years old, fourt en hands thiec inches high, waiks arid tr-. ts fait, gallops and leaps weil, fit f r- eithi r road 0 field, is miftrefs of ihirt- en ( tone, up to a- y hoiii- ds in tlie kingdom, a remaikat- le fafc goer, and warr ted fount. May be fcei\ at FielderV, White- Lion- ftree'-, Spilalfquare. - A reafonabl. t ial given. A! I O" be L E T , an ex. Ceding good BREW" J HOUSE, lately new built, and fitted up with everj Urenfi} for that bufinefs, either, jfor Porter or fine Ale, wit1 a good Dweeling- houfe adjoining ditto. AH the fixtures to be taken by .. ja^ praifrmenr, and may bo entered upon at Michaelmas n - xt. Situated in a central p; irt of the town. Enquire of Mr. 1 i iridge,, Charles- ftrc'et, Beikley- f^ uare. PA TENT " HATS ~ S the Hunting and Winter Sea- fon is approaching, the Propriety beg leave to rem: nd every perfon thac ljas the lea. lt ca- e / f h s heal h, that ihele hats wi. l bef und of the greateft utility, Jor hur. ting, fh> otirg, and trave ling'y and alio for keeping the head dry in the fevc^ elt rains, a qualification never before known in this or any other country: they are light aid ply able, manly, brilliant, and very durab'e. Being the cheapt- ft and genteclert hars f- ver wore, a. id on account of the breit ^ Ctnand from all paits of. the world, th « proprietors Have been enabled to reduce the price, for the beneii'tafthe public ingeneraU To fay had at Carco and Beau's Warehoufe, No. S, Coventry- Hret. N. B. Thefe Hais may be had of any colour, to fuit any climate, of various ( hapes and forts, with good allowance ZJ merchants, captains of ihips, and the trade in general. And as there are vile counterfeits impofed on the public, for our own cre. Ur, and to prevent the en ou agers of this ufeful article bt ing ijnpoled on, none are genu ne but what have oux addrefs printed on the I. ring of each hat. D I S T I L L E R Y - TO be Lett^ lor an abfolute term of Eleven years, or Sold immediately " by Private contrad, That capita! STKL- RGUSE, late in the o ecu pa ion of MefT. Hctling and Atiee, Bankrupts j together with the fpicous brew- houie, r ctifying houfe fl ugh er- houfe, falting- houfe, dr. ing- houfe, with ail the extenfive appurtenances, Hill- worm?, coppers, coolers, engines, bac ks, & c. all in perfect good con ition, and fit for immediate working j alfj the Dwelling- houie, . compting- houfe, tlabl s, See. having plenty of water, and every requ fite to r nder it complevtly eligible for thetradr, and coi. veftient for the dwellings. For pa; ti- ulars, ap > ly TO Mr, Thomas Cave, or Mr- Daniel Bdirges, attorney, Briftol ; Mr. Daniel Brown, Mr. Riciiarj Atwpod, Mr. William Ford, or Mr. llaac Williams, of Bath, aflv^ ness to the eihte. N B. it the above cremifes a re not let ^ r fold by the 29th ofhept- mber next, the works ^ ill l, e eaken to pieces, and the mate'ia s fold, in feoerat-* I > ts, by public -' ueVj n. a T ine Royal Powder and Perimetry Manu- C x U& o- y, No. 39, Pii « ce « - it 1 ef, Leicefter- fitldr, next door to the coi'ner ef Girr » id- ftr: et, DO WLI NO and LOVE continue f liing every article in the above branches on t e m-' ft icafonabie terms, and ft. peiior in cjua ity to what is g neral y fold elfewhere, being all frei" h imported as mads. Juft manufijKured, a quinjify of exesedin^ fine orangf, rofe, and Mirrchale pomatums, only is. per roll and pot, which are not to be equalled, bung preferr ; d to forrign j Curi .- u fi e French whi « c powders, 73. S^. and 9s. jer'Uoj- ihj which, on t. iaJ, will be found < 0 ex. el b^ far what is fold eifewhere j fc. ntei poyrders 10s. and us. per dozen ; fine clean brown powder, as. per pou d ; real Mar* chii pow. iers, 9$. and ? is. ;" e- pound" j exctll n. vl'/ hrball^ for tp' fkiri, and all fo ts of » llcnce: f waurs, c m s* - a^- 1 ' 00 H brwihe 5 a neat aflo. t-- men1, of L'irfkn and Oe^ tk- inen's .' refii- ig cafes. Maoy othsr Articles to be had only a3 above ^ 0 4 To the GOVERNORS of St. GEORGE's HOSPITAL, HYDE- PaRK. CORNER. My Lords and Gentlemen, " 1 HIlRE being a Vacancy for a Surgeon, by I the Death of M . GEORGE H AWK. INS, I Scv le ve 10 folic'. t you for ilu Favor of your Vok- s a ci lnt ret* o . the Oc. cation, and hope my pretentions, will entitL me to your Protection • I ( hall embrace the sarlied Oppoitu. iity cf paying my perfon,.! Ref < fts t > you, and am, My i ords • nd Gentlemen, Your m > i\ Obfdkntard very Humble Servant, Pall- Mali, Sept. 22d, 17J3. VV. WALK. tR. New Fire- Office, London. Truflecs. and Directors of the New Fire- Jl Office 1 ereby give notice, thst daily att/ n : ance is t'Jvn a? the. r ofiice in Lomba. d- flre t, fo. t. » e ii> Curing of goods, houf s, bui ding?, wares, and m Tcniti jize, from the lofs to damage bv FIRE, where, printed picpofals and l. lts of adl; ng me b? rs may be had. I Ins Com piny, in c fe of lof3, pay the whole amount ' f t^ e lama^ c fuftained, wi'- hojt any deduction or dUcc imr. OBSERVATIONS on SPRUCE bEER, B » J. E L L 1 S O N. Y Experiments made agreeable to the In- .}> Itru£ ti6n wit'v which I was fnvou e. i by Dr. IL' gins, it appears that af er Spruce Be r is- culy fermen' d, it : s rt. ii c p*' b! e f i) ieliiing muc v more lixable" air ihanXan b r: t. in-, ci by it. un e « the or inary. pieil' « rc o: the Aimofp ere, and. that the r- t- Jift on of tliis n'nt- cr is necelf. iry* towards the per e£ lion of ih: s 1' qno , and effectual y prevents it from becoming four or vjpid. A gallon of the b it Spiuce Beer ( July p efcrved in b'lU- iss ftrong en0 « gh to refjft t e txpan!- v fixcfc of, ti: e ii^ bls air, yie ds fpont neoufly when the v ile 1 is umorked, two gallons of elaitic fl\ ji I cf \ Vhit'h ,1- 36: 0 is phlogillicated air, the remainder Jfixa- le air} which in their efcap- caufe the intirmeiceuce and IT tir. ng vv'ii. * alwjys appear when a b tic of good Spruce Be r is q.. i k'y un. ojkeJ, Altej* this qua- tity > fcape9, the liquor. is nil, 1 o Ik ' o*( he tafte, and contains fix quarts of fijcabl' air. From the - xneriments or Dr. Black, S; r John Piinglc, Dr. M cbridi* Dr. Prieitly, Dr. Higgin'i, Or, Perciv i and others, it'appears that Jixable air is a power ul. ihd a neccllVy part of the fluids a d iolids in found bodies; and all pra^ ti. i n.* rs agrse i afciibing to it tire moli i'<< iutaiy i. i diyess difcaf. S. As the Spruc, e Beer contains f; great a quant ty of : t is aCiivfpiric, a HI has been fo'un highly efficadous in icorbut'c habi s, in putrefcent difeafes, m d tm- fe ar il > g from flow di geiti n an tiepr^ vat on of the dibeftive j m es, : t m^ y fairly ce inferred that the Spruce Beer is nv>! t f Jutary, •• hich is made to retain the gre. itert quantity of iixuLi; a'r, a. id in wh ch fcne balfarfi c nd invi6orating qual ties of the E.\ t: of A me ican Spruce are m'Jft ilF. ituaU) rct.- in^ d. TnereiVr- Mr. illifan is particularly at tent v? to thef; o'je- it in the pr- i'arati > n and ma" i gement of his Spiuce liecr j and !. e tegs ' ea- e to advife thefe who purchafe ol hi. 11 to k ej the b - thes lying on their fi es. or witn the corks downwards, for ot . erv. iie the medicinal fpirit and-- eilehce W » U eicape through ihe corks : and when only a pare of a ho tie is ufed, the remainder may" be kept for many days unimpaired, - r^ videl t h b o t t l e be immediately corked without / halting it, and kept wi. h the cork downwards. The only inconvei ience attending thisceconomical mealura is, that the fediment m'xes v/ ith the be r, and nukes it turpid j but as the beer is al A ays clear before it is bottled, the quanti. y of fedimtnt is in'confiierabje, and per ettly innocent. This Beer, vV. th the Efienc , and a'. fj the Mineral Waters now in uf*, may be hud in the greatest perfecti on,' at Ellifon\ Waiehcufes, in St. AlbanVitr e't Pall- mall j and n^ r Red Li- n- ttreet, W;; jtechi| pv, l. Navy- Office, Sept. 18. 1787. LODGINGS FURNJSH D. THE beft F a i t ot" a complete Hou'fe to let f u r - nithed, confi/ ting f ki chens, par.- curs, prft :. nd fecond floors, with ga retsj a. l neatly furnifhed, fit for 5he recep ion of a fmali g - r tcel family, fi. uated the " Surry fide of Weftminfter- bridge ; ftande quite convenient f > r either < he city or court end of the town,, being not twenty minutes walk Uom either j the bfd roi- ms tomm o d a ru al profpeiV over a large nurlWy- garden, the h > ufe genteel, family final! and no children j pr cc no objcdl, if the party's approved of, Particular* may be ku; wn by appij^ ng- to No. 8, Oppcfite the Floor- clo. h ftianuv( actory, Weihiiinft. r- bri ge. 7 j O l> e Sold, on moderate ler. ns, Hackney A Wick Hpufe, of four and five ro > ms on a fl- « or, four miles from the Royal Exchange, vvith the gaiden- j, offices, p\ d iock, and other lands, if de-' ir^ d, am unting in tni whole to near thirty acres. Th* g? rden/ a: e- v ell itocked with f uit trees - T the be A; of for. t<, refe/ lied by a canal of 30 f'- tt wide, and near 300 long, with another nearly the fam * iize, befi es a large fqnare pOnd j they are par ed from a addock of about ten acres by a brick br dge over the canal, of three. arch- is, and the paddock from the other 1 nd by a b. ick bridge of one large arch, and boun - ed by the River Lee j an excelieut greenhoufe and boiling green, fliady walks and p antation?, am'dil Spahifh chefnut*-, beecfi, an 1 near two dozen walnut- rees, and feveial line < Id fruit trees that bear great quantities of fruit, fo that it is an object of profit, and the fruic or the land would either nearly produce the rent. A deal of monry has been laid <. ut upon t withjn/ our yesrs p. aft, and the whole is fubjeft to a rent of topi, a year, 16 years to come of theleafe. A right of paltarage Ui he marfhej half the v ar, and though the fituaiion is near them, the fo'. l being * gravel, it is a healthy one in winter., as well ias fjmmer, an. 1 « ' S rural as if 100; miles fr m Loud,< n ; a gravel pit on o e part of the premifes. May he feen by apply"' ng to Mr. Wilfon, opppftre Beaufortbuildings, Stra nd j or iVir, 1 aylor, Fe chyrch- ilr er, London, for tickets, and poflelfioti hai at Michiehnas pext, or fo- nrr if dehrfd, or not tilj the Mich ielmas after nex". N. B. A watch » na i kept 0: 1 ine premifes a. joinlng the g vJen a ail all ihc year round, who calls the hours by tV. e d or. Aboat 20 acres more l.- nd may he had, and it would fuiany peifon to let part, as th ee t. ir. U e= mig t be w.- ll aec> mt modated j or from its gardens, fiiheries, and roomy offices, it is well adapted for public entertainment. STOPPAGE of URINE. MR. L A L ^ I E R begs leave t j inform the PUBL'_, that it is many years fince- he was fo happy as to improve greatly the compoiition of Mr. DAR. A'N's BOUGIES ; that having applied him/ elf tor thefe thirty years paft to that fmgle, but very important branch ot SURG EH Y, ' viz, the healing of fuch diiorJcrs as atieft thenetk" f the bladder, the urinary paflage, producing gleets, fiflulas, fpungy ulcers, and excrefcences, with painful obftruftions and Hoppages of urine, & c. which diforders, it is well known, c mnot be cured by any internal medicine, injection, or any other application whatever. His BOUGIES are fo mild, that his patients are radically cured without the leaft pain, which is not the cafe with all other B O U G H S , which inflame and irritate the parts without eS'edling a cur<;. Mr. LALl, IER has in hrs hands affidavits, certificates, and letters, to refer to any one who ihouid doubt of what he here afi'crti. PJe gives his advice every day, from- twelve tn two o'clock, and from feven till nine in the ever tag, at hjs houfe, No. 3, Rathbonc- place, where his BovGiis art to fee had, and no whe elfe. See his DISSERTATION « the DISORDERS of he BLADDER and the URETHRA, & c. price 6d. fold fcy Mr. Nicholl, St. Haul's Church- yard; Mr. Axtell, No. 1, finchlane, CornhiU, and by Mr. Lailier. N. B. ' l'hol'e who live at a didar. ee, by dating their cafein a letter, port paM, will be cured by proper directions, and the medicine ( mi sa thsm'. GoyJ allowance for_ e » jKjrt- tion, H'artb'f, D; » '' i iiitlfUrt'!' /'"•"< perfiH mcjtMve. d e litcr/ y if viewing, ruem fi'l the dey of fair. Inventory; a-' rl cc. nditicm ' f fele may be bed PC this Office, And as a dcpifii of a - f per cut. is co Ic made by the Purchasers, oli perfns who . ittend tbe fah, are to take notice thereof, and c me yreptired accordingly ' And unitJs cb- y Jhall be paid f" r, and tnkin oir. cy. ly lie end cff\ r: e'. n days, after tle'fate. the Dcp. fic w'Jl be f-. rfcite. ftn thcCro- cun. K. I1V OiSce, - lep". 15, 1783, I^ KK princi aJ ( jftctrf civ,/ Cfi& iiS'titrj h! i I. A'hj. jlyl Nanj do jc a ely five reprice, That on TvcJJny the, 7r/< f i)& t, bcr, tfcty null be • e-. i. iy to crcac with fuch per- Jen or petpnis as nay be nvi ' tirr* im ply i;> Mayfly's Yard, at Deftf rd, icitb Black ii'ad. The CtMraS It cencntcncs the 13th of March, 17S4. SjtVples arc to be produced. I .-. f. f -_ l. ic, j'ia Ho C-, i v n .- iug. 17X3, 11F. Court of fort eftnrs of the United Qomfxitiy I of ftfjrchfi/ ti of England, trading to the Ectfl Indie.', d- j bert/ iy g.'.- e nctice, 7 car a Quarter If General Cocirt of the j'id Company 10 d be held at their Hcufc, in Leadenhafl* f i e-. t, on ff\ dnifday the 2.\. tb cf ScfUinber next, at Eleven o'clock in the bore, moil, and tv confidcr chc cafe af Captain 71 mat f f i t iter, charged with not having regtfitred goods accordina to the 11 ch, zyl, atid ft bye laws. O'fice of Ordnance, ept. 17S;. r | ' HE principal Olfi. tri of lis XIcjeflyxs Ordnance - dc hereby pl^ r notice, That ' bey led; be ready at ' heir Ojf. ee, in St. Si rg. t et'sf. rec:, IfeCminfter, or. Friday the I OIL day ' f October next, r1 receive Propefals from pi c b perfon or pf. j'ons as may be - iviicir. g to ftcpply'tb. s Oj; ete toitb fani. y articles CCJ the Up'.' JJcery orient b. Printed Lijls of- lvhich may be feen upon ctopheMn at the Office U the 1 voter. Payment ro be cnadf by rle ' ceetclre : n Courfe of Ojice. N 8. A' 0 Propofa.' s • cciil be received after 0. ney clock, " or tec ill any • variettio 1 be permit ed in the prices ofjhi . crtides jf.< r tLe Proposals have hem opened and reed. By Order of tie Koet J, JOHN' KODDlN'CTON, See. ANAl'O'MiCAL THE'A'I KB, ST. THUiVIAS' 3 HOSPf 1 AL, ' R. Cf. INE wilt hegi- 1 1 is Co'urfe of Ana- , t nr. ical ani. Surreal Lefljtes, en W- Jneid. y, the lit of at one -" ch> k. L G! V = bs o A N K fr i O T E y . - O S T on I'huriday ni^ ht, ihe 18th inftanf, between Sittincburn ani Canterbury, a pink fiilc poefcet book, containing two bank riotts of tw^ ncy pounds each. Whoever will bring them to Mrs. Treves, at M irgate, t « Mr. John Yuung, at the • ed Lyon, Ca^ iterbur , or to Meflh, Drummond, Bankers, at Charing Civfs, lhall receive th: ee guineas reward. N. B. The p'ym- nt of the notes is Mooned at the. Bank. JT" 0" f F 6 L KT : ' be Sold, MeHord Mall, with the EiUte i . thereco belonging, of h^ tween 1700!. and iSdal. per ann. p.-> rt let upon leafes for 11 \ ear. s, which will xpire at Miahaelmas 17B55 the reft under old rents to tenants, who have long rended upon . he, eftate... Alfo the manor, which is very exf'nfvc, and a'* Ojnds. with game 5 the royalty in the river Stour, in wUj. h are pt- nty of filh. The ell- ite is well watered, in a fine country, good roads* and " Wi bin 60 miles of London. Tf. e ' er, brewing utenfifs, and f> me uferul furniture, wiil be fold to the purchaftr ai a fair a.- praifement. For particulars enquire John Campbell, Efq. Stonehai Icings., . Linctd ' s Inn; Mr. Robinf& n, War. v iclc- Court, Giay's Inn; or Mr. Bl ck, Epp ng, EilVx, who w*' l tickets for vie.' i.'. g, without which the eilute wi!. Ihewn. N. B.- A capital p-> ck of fox ho inds, a. e at ?> lelford in the leafon. r x ^ O be Sold one of the moll c > mp » e. t Auiates in the County of Cambridge, frested part tythe frer, confining, of the Manor, Aiv » wf) n, R- od> ry, a'd Gr. fat f) the of Great Abington, a Manfi n- houfe in a- ooi r^ piir) 3r. d partly furniihid, with garden?, walks', and planta ions," fit for the reception of a perfoi) if fortune, and at tSis ti ne in , the occup. rtion of Sir Sampf n GVdeon, wjrK all nece^ ary rut- buildings and conveive » cies, and feveral Firm's djoinmg. containing upwards, of z ; oo a- res, the whole of the yearly v* lu* of 1000I. and upwards. This Eitate, is ficuared o n a n: ic healthy fvil, and confefPdly in the be't pn. t of the county, is parti, ularly well ad apted to a GentUman fond of fiei • divcrlio-^ s. Th « turr. p'ks- road from London to Ne vmuk t paif- s by the g a r d e i n fig^ t of Bnnebridge j dit'tant from town mi. es, from Cambridge 9, from Newm* rket 12. Principals o*> ly wi » l be. treated with, and ' particulars made known to fuch, bp application to MefT. Shepperfom and Reynolds, No. 137, Ox'" rd- ftreet j and to Mr. Lag-' den, c. f Little Abiugton, who will Jhew the E fate. A considerable part of the purchafer- money may remain on mortgage. Now pnb iihed by AU iHOXiTV. DALF. MAHOY^ jncomparable'PLATE POWDF. RS, fo famous f-. r cl - amr- g and preferving fih.- er platd of a: l forts, which gives it a nwft fuperb and elegant luftrc, far fuperi > r tq nev;. Thefe cat ious Plats Powd.* k- epln al parts of tke world, and are prepared and fold qnly by DALMAHOY, Chymift to her Majefty, Lt^ gate- hill, Lond. m; ana by appointment, by Mr. Nathaniel Jones, Perfumer, Bennet- ftreet, Bath, aid no where elfe, price is. the packet. Thofe who take a ivzen pay only 9s, Iii order 11 preferve the reputat'on of thefe valuable Powders, it is been me . bfolutely nscefi'arv to i form the public, tint from thiir long cftablilhment and gri- at demand, fome ignorant perfons, ( totally ui. fkilled in Chymiftry) have endeavoured ti imitate Them, and have ibid a bafe and counterfeit foit, made of quiclcfilver and o her per. iiciaus materials, which greatly injuie and w ar the plate; of which brware, as none are genuine but what are prepared and fold as above. ? o r the M O R N I N G P O S T, A C A R D. THE Inhabitants of St. Paul, Covent- Gar. den, requell the Magiftrates of B > w- ftreet, and all other Magiftratps for the City and Libei ty of Weftminfler, to he yery cireumfpeft - u- ith^ refjeft to the characters and abilities of tK? perfons , who may offer themfelves as bail for afey, of 15 E O table keepers, lately indiiled; at » d alfo to take care that the profecutors or i'n& imers 4J carry on their professions ' i'Vth effeft, by 00mpeljiiig them to enter intofrtitable recognizances, as they are poor, needy, aid dtfappoinled tneii, whofc views, the inhabitants fuppole, are merely to extort inoney from the delinquents, and Hot with a view to public g od, being, aj it is too much to be feared, iava'y? d in fimiUi g iLt, From the LONDON G A Z E T T E , Sept. 23. Sr. James's, Sept. 23. LAST night one of the King's Meffengers, difpatched by bis Grace the Duke of M » nchefter, airived with the Moft Chriftian and Catholic Kings' ratifications of the Delitiiiive Treaties of Peace, figtied the 3dof this month, which were exchanged with his ( jrace, againft thofe ot his Majefty, 011 the 113th inftant, at Verfailles, by the Ambaffador and Plenipotentiary of their Moft Chriftian and Catholic Majefties. On thi » occ. ilion tne Tower and Park guns were fired this day at one o'clock. The ratifications of the Preliminary Articles by the States General were not arrived at Pjris when, the Meflenger fet ' our, but were daily ex petted. St. Jamis't, Sept 23. Yefterday being the Anniverfary of their Majeffies Coronation, the Park and Tower guns were fired at one o'clock ; ' and in t'oe evening there were illuminations, and other demon Arations of joy. Whitehall, Sept. 23. The King has been pleafcd to prefent the Rev. Mr. James Wilfon to the united parifhes of Crathie and Braemer, in the prejbyteryof Kincardine O'Neil, and county of Aberdeen, vacant by the death of the Reverend Mr. Murdoch M'Lellan. Alfo to appoint the Rev. Mr. James Thompfon to be Affiftant and SucceiTor to the Reverend Mr. Hugh Hamilton, Minifter of Gervan, in tlie i refbitery of Air. The King has been pleafed to appoint George Abercromby, Efq. Advocate, to be Sheriff Depute of the Shire or Sheriffdom of Elgin and Nairn, in the room of A'. exmder Gordon, Efq; deceafed. A* Jid to appoint William Lit'le, Efq; to be Commiflary Clerk of the Gommiffari. it of Pfcebles, in the room of Walter Laidlaw, Efq; deceafed. B: A N K. R U P' T S. Miry Mnrgiiroy Mary Farrar, Marga- et Farrar, and Sarah Farrar, all of Halifax, Yorklhire, Innkeeper?, to furrend- r Oft. 20, 21, and Nov. 4, at the Old Cock, in Halif'i. Attornies, Mr. Farrer, Char. cery- lane, L-; ndjn, and Mr. Parker, in Halifax. William Walfingham, of Birmingham, Warwick'' ire, Li- -< jujr- merchant, to furr- nder Oft. 7, S, an 1 Nov. 4, at tne George- Inn, in Birmmbh im afurefaid. At orn es, Mefirs. Baxters, Fnrni.' ai's Inn, London. Bei jamin Old'- cn - w, 1 f Derby, Der yfllire, Hofier, t) fu- render Odt 3. 4, « nd Nov. 4, at the Gecrje, in Derby aforefai- l. Att > rney, Mr. Leaptr, in Derby. iSward W^ eeltr, of Pencoyd, Herefsrdllvre, Miller, to furreaJer Oft. 14, 15, and Nov.. 4, at the Unicorn Inn, in Worcefter. . Atto- ney, Mr. Jofeph Wliitehoufe, Bromyard, Herefbrdlhire. BANKRUPTCY ENLARGED. Ruoert Sp- or. er Haddeifey, Partner with Thomas Harris, of H'gh - ftrJft, in the Borough of Suuthwark, Habtriia/ fcrs,; from the iotli of stpt. to th^- H. h of Nov. » t Guildhall London, D I V I D E N D S . Oft. zz. Stephen Benrtet, late of Morton, in Surry, Denier in Tea, at Guildhall. Oft. iS. David Evans, of Comp- on- rtreet,. St. Ann, Soho, Middlefex, Gr,> cer, at Guildhall. Bee, 10. William Coop'r, of Nnvcaflie upon Tyne,- at the White- Hart, in Nc* c » . ftle up- in Tyne. Nov. 6. John Newcomb and John Ball, of DsanVc urt. St. Martiu's- ls- Grand, Lindin, Carpet Manufacturers, a Guildhall. C E R T I F I C A T E S . Oft 14. Joan Bal ard, of Great Malv: rn, Worceftcrlhire, Vintner. Th'imaj Phllpot, ( partner 3th Francis Dorfet) of Bt- illngton Ftirn ce, Durham, Merchant. Morning Poft. F O R E I G N 1 ' N T E L L I G E N C Ev Vienna, September 3. THE laft letters trom Conitantinople, of the i^ thofAuguft, inform us, that the plague flill continues to make great ravages in that city, great numbers of people being carried oft" daily. That the Turks, ever pet- fevering in their principles of abfolute predeftination, take not the leaft precaution againft this epidemic. diforder, though it has penetrated the houfe of his- Highnefs's- pfryficinn, whofe daughter is fallen a prey to i- r. Sept. 6. The Archduke Maximilian has been lately attacked by a rheumatic fever, but is pretty Well recovered. The tnanosuvres at the ca- np at Turas, in Moldavia, being lermimted t! ic i f t i n f t . the troops which coinpofed it are gone into quarteis. The Emperor is gone from ther. ee to t ie camp at Prague. Vertniles, Sept. ic. The pregnancy of her Majefty appears actually certain. . The journey to Fortiatnbleau will neverthelefs take place. Hague, Sept. 18. Baron de Reifliack, Envoy Extraordinary from the Court of Vienna, has had a conference with the Prefidcn of their High MightinelTes. The Earl and Countefs of Shelburne, after feeing every thing th. it was curious in this city, departed yefterday for Amfterdam. Warfavi, Aug. 30. News from the frontiers of Turkey mention, that war has taken place. There are feveral reports, that the Turks will make an attempt upon Crimea. If the enterprize fails, the confequences may be very fatal to the Ottomans. But whatever may happen, the Divan will thereby appeafe the Iinans, who demand war with continued eagernefs. Paris, Sept. 1 4 . It is faid that 1 2 , 0 0 0 men, to be embarked at Toulon', will go and take poffellion ot Candia, the ancient Crete, which we fliall keep in truft till the general peace. It is alfo reported that the other ifles of the Archipelago are to be guarded in like manner. This precaution is to be taken, in order to preferve to the French houfes of commerce eftablifhed there, the continuance of their correfpondence with Mai feilles and * ha pons in the Levant. L O N D O N . A Council is fummoned to meet at St, James's this after the Levee is over. Yefterday Lord Cadogan arrived at his houfe, in S . JanWs- fquare, from his feat in Suffolk. Yefterday Ellis, Efq. fon of the late Se- Cretay for the AmcrieM) department, let off on Jjis travels to France and Italy. The laft. lettersfrom Quebec bring intelligence, that the Americans have already began to mark out the boundaries of their northern hunting ground, as fettled by the treaty ; but at shf fome time make but liit'e ffcrupte of declaring, that no limits will confine their trade when they fliall find a convenience in trefpalliag according to their dilcretion. The lift fhips fro 11 New York bring advice, that the . troops- and inhabitants have been uncommonly healthy tlp. re during the Summer; and that the old inhabitants of Long Ifkind were returning back to their old habitations from all quarters, Yeftertlay morning fome difpatches were received'from Sir Guy Carleton, at New Yoik, which are dated the 16 h of Auguft, when every thing was well, and feveral more ( hips were arrived there from London and Ireland. The prefetit equipment of a fmall fleet arifes from the motions of the enemy in Brett and Rochfort, where, under the pretext of humbling the Algerines, a fquadron is getting ready to ait in the Mediterranean as future emergencies may require. We are well informed, that rhe moft preffmg retr. onftrances have lately been made to our Court by that 0! Ruffia, in confequence of the apparent intention of the French to prevent the Emprefs's fleet fioni carrying on hoftilities in the Mediterranean. And by the fame channel wele. irn, that the French Mitiifter at I'ettrfburgh held fuch ftrong language to her Imperial iVIajefty's Minillers, when her fleet failed fyom Cronftadat, more thau two months agoj as to occafiun an or dcr for its immediate recal. America, Juring the troubles, has produced reiany men of deep and fubtle talents, particularly in- the N- orthern Colonies ; but we are inclined to think, notwithltanding, that they have t9J great a mixture of character—. too great an inequality of genias to avail themfelves like wife and gKod men, of the prefent opportunity that is offered them to eftabl'ifti an independent Empire. The relaxation of difcipline in the navy has been greater during the lalt war than ever was knowir in any country; nay, to fuch; a pitch of licentioufnefs had the feamen got when the men of war arrived at Plymouth; from the- Weftindies, as to feize the command of every fhip, and not permit any officer to go on fliore wiihout the confent of the crew. The Spaniards are equipping a feiill fquadron of clean Ihips, chiefly fifties and frigates, to fail for their fettlements in South America. Remittances from Charles- Town and Savannah for the imnxenfe quantities ofBritifli goods, which were left there at the time of the evacuation, are made but flowly, and wkh that talent for apology and procraftination, which has marked the charaferof that people in all the petiods of their commercial connedtion with this country. By the India accouir s- from every quarter, the turn of our affairs there has been decilive, fo that we ilitll probably hear by ihe next difpatcbes, that Hyder's fon has been reduced to folicit with humility, for that peace which was fo coiKemptuoufly rtfufed by his father. The late refufal of difcottnts at a certain great houfe, has been owing to the policy ot the Directors, who naturally wifh to prevent the rapid exportation of gold coin from the kingdom. YeCerday advice was received attheEaftlndia- Houfe, that the Locko and Ofterley Eaft- Iudiamen arc fafe arrived in the Downs,, where they lie at anchor, waiting for a fair wind to bring them up the River. The Eaft- India Company have two or three other fmall country ( hi as now ou their voysge to Europe, which were taken up during the fcarcity of Slipping at Btngal- Several of the Company's veffcls that went out fromEngland being engaged for a time in warlike employments. According to the latt letters from Bombay, they were building in the Company's yard at that place, two fnips far the purpofe of trading ; they are to be of 1000 tons burthen each, and are built of a timber on the Malabar coaft peculiar to that part of ihe world,, the fame as the Britannia and Hornby were built of. During the time, of Sir Edward Hughes's fleet being at that ifland, all the fhipwrights were employed in repairing the men of war; but fir. ee they had failed, the men were again put to work on the new Ihips upon the ftocks, which were in- pretty good forwarduefs. A correfpondent fays, that the filly ftory related in a morning paper of yefterday, concerning Dominique, a famous Harlequin in the time of Louis XIV is an evident proof of the abfolute ignorance of the writer, as it is well known that no Harlequin ever fupped or dined with the King of France. An account of the difcovery of an ifland rifen lately out of the ocean near Iceland, in the North Seas, having appeared in the foreign papers, it will uot be amifs to obferve, that this phenome non is not lingular. In the environs of Pozuolo, in Italy, the Monte nuovo ifl'ued from the earth the 291I1 of September, 1532. Th< re is at the furnmit of that mountain, a gulf of about fifty foot in diameter. Its birth was occafioned by a great eaithquake, which filled up part of the La cus Luduus. Jerome Borgia, who wrote a Latin poem on that fubjaft, and inferibed it to Pope Paul the Third, fays, that the faid mountain had, at the time of i; s appearance, very r. ear four of our miles of perpendicular height. It is not fo hig' at prefent, the rains and wintjs having confiderably leifened its bulk. It is, however, about three thoufand feet in circumference. Some hiftorians likewife relate, that in the county of Hereford, the mountain called Market- hill, made its firft appearance in the year 13.71 ; ana in century, in the year 1717, a burning moun tain iffued from the fea in the neighbourhood of Santini, in the Grecian Archilepai; o. The Earl of Pembroke lets off in a few days for France. General Effiol is expedtcd to- revifk his eoun try, his grateful and admiring coantry, in the beginning of next month.. A detachment of the foreign troop* from New Yotk, eonliiliag of upwards of toco, arrived at Stadt oa the Sth curt. Though the. fpirit of1 the filler kingdom is. general y reported to be fb high, it is certain that her wealth has by no means encr fifed by her- independence, all accounts agree,, that the. ro is an univerfal want of money in every part, and t'na. her trade, within the " ftft year, has not . en creafed in any decree fulijeient to warrant a wifh for a total fcparation from Great Brigraduftill among the fol- Religious prejudices, which have been ally relaxing in all the Chriftian churches, maintain the feverefl. prevalence lowers of M * homet ; fo that . notwithftanding he late deflation made by the plague, the doctrine of predeftination prevents the detlruclion of the beds on which ihey die, or any other means of llopping, the violence of the contagion. Storms are very frequent and formidable upon, the Bank-, and off Ballon Bat, towards the en i ot November;, fo that all the American fhips in the river, bound to the northern Colonies, are preparing to depart with all poffibie expedition, in order to get into port before'the hurricane feafon comes on. The inhabitants of a Court,, net far from the Royal Exchange, have occafion to rejoice at a fkirmiflr, which lately happened at a neighbour ing tavern; the nolfy French Horn, no longer interrupting their bulinefs, the gentleman having received fo fevere a drubbing, that he is rendered unable to blafl— It is hoped the illegitimate offspring, and his Sharp friend, will in future be more cautious how they give offence. A chemical correfpondent, who has lately ana- Iyfed Parliament, ^ flitres us, that it confifts of two parts Whig, one of Tory, and one of a Caput Mcrtuum-, fo that any thoughts of d:_ ft> lvitig (\< c'ti a mafs muft be given over. In the courfe of his experiments, he found that gohi was the only metal which fwarci at the top and feemed to mix, but that true pa'riotifm went to the bottom, giving only a faint colour to the mixture. The idea of comimtting Gibraltar for any pecuniary exchange, does not at prefent make any part of the plan of Adminiftration. It is thought that the finances of the country can be managed very well' without fuch a facriflce. Lord Rodney's Secretaiy is ftij to have acquired at leaft 45,0001. during his Lordfliip's command in the Weft- Indies, by his flnre 011 the fale of prizes, the palling of comraiffio- s, & c. Admiral Digby's Secretary alfo has has made no inconfiderable fum ir. the fame way. The civil reception which Lord Shelburne has experienced at the Hague, is not at all a matter of wonder, as the politics of that llatefman vVcre of a nature far more favourable to the Dutch republic than thofe of Mr. Fox. Had his Lordillip continued in office. they would not have been obliged to give up Negapatnam, as they have been compelled to do by our prefent fpkited Secretary. If the peace had been conclude,! by that pliant peer, no doubt Holland would have made a more refpedtable figure in the terms of parification, than they have now been obliged to l'ubmit to by the able management of our judicious Adminiftration, therefore we cannot be fur prized that the moriified Dutchtiiould tcftify every mark of refpedt to a nobleman, whefe- condudt towards them, if he had remained in. power, would have been of a more amicable kind. Mr. Fox fliould be cautious how he makes a vifit to the Hague, left the fame fpi- rit which adluated that grateful people, at the time of the De Witts, fhould be raifed again, and their fury inflidt on him a fimiiar fate. A grand exhibition of she air balloon is to be made this week at Verfailles before the King, and the particulars of the experiment are to be publilhed from authority. The firft obfervation of the extreme comparative lightnefs of inflammable air was made many years ago by Mr. Cavendifli. Dr. Prieftly has purlued fimilar experiments with great fuccefs, and is at this time carrying them much • further than any other pcrfon. Subalterns who have a turn for the artillery and engineering, ape feen every day filing off for Toulon, in order to go and try their fortunes among the Ottomans. The Dukede Laaz-^ n only waits his orders to fet out with two young Englifli officers as his Aides- de Camp. His Grace the Duke of Rutland hath fent for that very eminent artift, Jofeph Nollekrn, Efq. F. R. A. to chufe a proper place in his chapel at B-' lvoir Caftle, whereon to eredt a monument to the beloved memory of Lord Robert Manners, who fo glorioufly fell in his country's caufc, in the memorable adtion under Lord Rodney in the Weft Indies. Among the defigns for that purpofe, is one fuperlatively eminent, reprefenting the hero dying in the arms ofVidtory, juft defended to receive and crown him ; himfelf in compleat armour, but as in death, hi* head is reclined on her arm ; his helmet,- falling off, is received by Genius, who is ftanding at one end of a rich faccophagus, weeping - r at the other end of the farcophagus ftands Britannia, with her proper emblems, lamenting over, and pointing to her favourite fon, juft expired in the moment of Vic. tory's arrival with the laurel crown. His dying attitude on the top of the farcophagus, is llrikingly imagined j the mingled paflions of joy for the vidtoiy, yet forrow for fuch a lofs, are finely expreffed in the female countenance, reprefenting Viffory, who is with expanded wings at the back of the larcophagus. The whole delign ftauding on marble lteps, and the figures as large as life, with proper drapery and accompanyments ; alfo a bold baflo relievo, reprefeuting the engagement in the front of the farcophagus, form altogether fuch an affemblage of grand fculpture, ( if carried into execution) as will reftedt the highell honour on his Graced tafte, munificence, and fraternal affedtion. A letter from Cowes, dated the 20th inft. brings advice, that early that morning a larg fhip, luppofed- to be Duich, was loft at the back ot that Ifl. ind hi a llorm, and the crew were all drowned ; that two coatiing veffela were drove on fhore, but they arc La hopes of getting them off a^ ain. Sevfr. u erroneous accounts of the alter- irons i. i Dtury- Jane theatre hiving appeared in cuii. rr .; papers, our readers may depend on the felipwing as a true le! ,} « « > £ w'na. his realty been- d- » e tothat theatre :— the flag* l as been curtailed in its lcn.; th, fo as to male; room far two additional rows in the pit.;, the. floor of which, as well ast- hat in the - front boxes, h:< s been co; fiderably f.- iifed, to the no fmall accommodation of the audience. The doors upon the ft- tge are reftored1 for the convenience of the performance , but it. is a miftake, that in confeq^ ence of thre reiiitution, the ftage boxes have been contracted. Tirefa it is, that fioce the docss were taken awny^ there have been two ltage boxes on each fide oF the theatre ; the larger of which is lVow taifeii on a line wi- h, and added to the range of lide boxes. The prefent li age boxes remain juft they ware jsefore, except that their fronts- uvi circu- lar. The doors, wuh box; s over them,, are entirely new. Befides thefe improvements, there are fome altera ions for the accommodation of the Royal Family- The face of the theatre is entirely changed, and decorated iaa rr. ofi: pleafing and eligant ftile by that ingenious artift Mr. Greenwood, whofe reputation as a painter is too well kno. vn to ne d any further recoiuinea^ ! dajic- i. It has been o. ving to the great- mtrdejly of'the- Irifli, peihapv that tbey never affunied a na- : tional mutto, while they continued dependents on this country. But now, however, that they ba> e i eft'edted thfir e- mancipation, by a manli ejt of con iuct peculiar to JiemfeKes, It has fiirprifeiS every one that they have not yet produced a few WOFJS, in any language whatever, exp- rcflive of their own merits in the accomplish nent of . that great event. As they may not yet have fo fa* ; got the better of their notivi. blufhes, as to think, of any well contrived fenrinient for tlumfelves, a correfpotideiit, who has always- enieitained a proper fsnfe of their true chandler, begs leave JH1 fug^ eft one, which, he believe, moft peopfe- ' will think pretty aptly applied. But, fliould h& happen to IK miftake 11 in this refpedl, . none, he is fine, can find fault with the Latin, for the expreffi- n is literally f: om Cicero, and is this* viz. J lidx cue pctius nomen hahemui quctm ftmtitudinis. It will be feen, that, after the evacuation of New- York, the commotions already begun in America will rife to the tvtmnft height of tutnuls and diforder. So long as we keep poSedion of that place, the rebels will not think their Independence fu- lly fecured ; and, therefore, ajealoufy of our ultimate deftgns will, in general, prefervefome appearance of unity among themfelves. But the Lift tranfport that carries off the troopa will be no fooner out of fight, than* the fpirit of difcord will eredt her ftatrdard among them. Suck a generation of vipers can never live in harmony. They will, in all pniba'ni- y, like the foldiers of Cadmus, with- whom they feem to have a natural affinity of difpofki'oo, tguirrel and fight till they have deflroyed each other. An experiment of Boyle's Oft- ihe- weight o f air, gave birth to the new dilsovery of Mr. Montgoltiers. Having conceived the thought of difpkicing; the atmofpherical air by one that was rsrerT or lighter, he took it irito- his head to make ufe i ® the experiment of a piece of taffeta which wasbrought him from Lyons;. he forgot the purpofefor which it was intended, which was merely to line a fuit of clothes ;, fowed it, and'introduced into it Forty cubic feet of- air. The machine fprang out of the hands of our philofopher, and mounted to the cieling. I't is not aafy to defcribc his joy ;: nothing is more i- nt refting than the recital made of it by Monf. de Montgolfier : 1c proves that the fciences procure at times the moft exquifite, and above all the purefl pleafures. Herfeizes the m ich'ne again with eagernefs, and let it go in the garden, where it rifes to 36 feet. But the air contained in it geuin- g> out at the border of the fluff, two minutes were fufficiem to fapply its place that ef the aim.> fphere, and the machinefeH down again upon a tree. This unexpected fuccefs determined the n to a fecond experiment. That announced ia the publi « paperswas the third, to which we ( lull not go back, as the verbal procefs of it is well known. Some da^ s afer this experiment, a print appeared reprefenting the moment of the afcent, in which but one and the fiimc attitude could be. given to all the fpedlators, that of having their eyes fixed upon the machine for the ftoru* itfelf was not able to divert them from it* Another print has appeared fmce, the fubjed* of which was the fall of the ba[ loon at Goneffe. To this print, which expreffes the terror of the parifh, the painter has added fome ftrokeaot imagination. It raay be conceived, however, that the unexpedtedappearance of fuch a machine was calculated to give alarm, efpecially to country people... An intelligent, or even a learned' perfon, feeing a globe of 12 feet in height upon the ground, and move itfelf thereby leaps and bounds, would moft furrly heGtate to go up to it. We fliall not dwell, however, any furlher uponthe particulars^ of this difcovery, as an hiftorical account of it is drawing up. We confine ourfelves iherefore to give fome idea of the machine now making by Meff. de Montgelfier, a trial of which was to be made at Verlailles on the 19th of the prefent mon h. This machine is of linen cloth, covered with blue paper. On it are painted yellow flowers fliadedwLh brown. It is co. npofed of three parts, the firft a pyramid of 24 faces, z j feet in height, the fecond a prifon of the like number of faces, 24 feet high and 40 in diameter; the third a truncated pyramid of about 20 feet, forming in the whole an elevation of about 7a feet. It was thought neceffary to adopt this form, as approaching neareit to a fpherical figure. This machine will be capable of raifing a weight of from fevctt to eight hundred pounds. An eftablifhed Colony will now be fixed by the Eall India Company and Government, on the ifland of B'alambangan, in the Otiental Ocean, in conffcquence of matters being fettled with the Duieh, relative to the trtide in thofe part?,, , Mondav the Aldermen were fatnmoned to meet t h e Lord Mayor on Sunday next to fivear in the n e w Sheriff-, and afterwards to dine with Mr. Sheriff T u r n e r ; and alfo to meet on Monday for the election of a Lord Mayot for the year enf u i n g . T h e undermentioned Ihips are taken up by t h e Hon. Eaft- India Dire£ tors, and configntd as follows, viz. Pe! ilb3rne, VVil. Hammett, for Fort St. George, Bencoolen, and China ; Egmont, T h o. Larkins, for Coaft and China ; Contraftor, — - M ' I n t o f h , and Foulis, George Blackford, for d i t t o ; Royal Charlotte, Jofiah Price, for St. Helena, Fort St. George, and Bcncolltn; Volentine, John Lewis, Barrington, John Johnftone, Hililborough, William Hardcaftle, —, Burnet, Abercrombie, and Earl Mrnsfield, Will'lim Frazer, for Coaft and Bay; Neptune, Robert Scott, and — , Nathaniel Dance, for Bombay ; and Royal Admiral, Jofeph Huddart, for St. Helena and Bombay ; belides fevcn more fhips that will be taken up in a few days, and fail t h e enfuing feafon. T h e Hinchinbrook Eaft Induman ran on fhore at Culpee, but it vvas fuppofed would get off the e n f u i n g tide. T h e Worcefter and Refolution Eaft Indiamen ran foul of each other, and have met with damage. The Southampton, Denox, is fife arrived at Bengal. T h e N . S. Carmo St. Eulaliac Almas, failed f r om Madras for Lifbon the 20th of March. I n the year 1771, when the application was made to Parliament by fome of the clergy, for relief in the matter of fubfeription to the 39 articles, a nobleman, who gave all his fupport to the bill, took an opportunity to requeft Lord S , who was then in Adminifhation, to give his vote in fav o u r of the clergy : " Why, ( faid hiiLordfhip) though I am for the compleateft latitude in matters of confcience, I fhall certainly vote with the Bifhops, for, as their Lordfhips Von » with us, ( meaning the Administration) in other matters, we are always, in eeclefiaftical ones, governed by t h e Bench in ihe Upper H c u f e ." According to advices from Condantinople, re ceived on Monday by the way of France, the P o r t e continues fending warlike ftores to the provinces of Beffarabia, Wallachia, and Moldavia, whicn are on the nonh fide of the Danube, and t h e workmen in the arfenals continue employed n i g h t and day to compleat the numerous orders for the fame articles for different quarters.. A f u p p l y of cannon had been expe& ed from France, where agents had been gone more than two months to procure various articles of artillery and tent equipage. Intelligence being received t h a t the Ruffian force at Afoph is larger than had been expefted, fix more Ihips are ordered for the Black Sea. It appears the Ruffians launched at Afoph, in lefs than three years, eight new ihips. The Turkifl) fleet that failed from the Porte the 24- th of July, arrived at Kaffa in Crim T a r t a r y the 7th of Auguft. T h e Admiral Pacha • writes word, he was preparing to proceed up the Straits of Kaffa, where he cxge& s to meat the Ruffians, and the conflict will be great. A French Officer, named Detouche, who lately ferved in America, vvas arrived with near 300 failors from Marfeilles, and being appointed to a flag, he had gone on board the Gallipoli, a new fhip of 62 guns, and had carried all his countrymen with him ; he is to command a i'quadron to be ftationed in the Archipelago. A courier arrived from the Grand Vifier, who was on the 12th of Auguft near Bender with 47,000 troops. The Divan obferves great fecrecy on all difpatches. Sunday morning early the houfe of Edmund Boeham, Efq. of Chatham- Place, was entered and robbed ot plate and jewels, bank notes and cafh, befides feveral valuable medals and coins. Never was greater violence tiled in a robbery than t h i s : they broke iron bars an inch and a quarter fquare, and a ftrong handfpikc fix feet long was broke in forcing the windows and d iors; every latch in their way was forced, and all the papeis examined ; they left all the bills of exchange, and fuch no'. esas could not be turned into calh ; Tery unfortunately, the keys of the ftroug room were left in one ol the clerk's dclks. They came by water, and entered at a window next Meffrs. Baynes and Co.' s coal wharf, and arc fuppofed t i be the fame gang who robbed Mr. Lea ham, uf the fame place, on T h u r f d a y. T h e N^ wcaltle paper, by Monday's pod, informs us, that a very Ih- jcking and difagrteable circumllance attended the execution oi William Cunnyngham, upon the Low Lands near Carlifle, on Saiurday the 13th inllant : After an hour and f o r t y minutes fpent in prayer, feemiugly with great devotion under the gallows, attended by a Efiffenting Minifter, he was turned r. ff at half p ill one o'clock. The executioner, a feeble old man, placed two ladders afide of each other, one for t h e unhappy man, the other for himfelf; the rope prepared to exterminate his exiftence was very thick, and notwithltanding the futferer re. clined his head to give the executioner an opport u n i t y to fix improperly under his neck, it vvas only thrown loofeover, without paying any regard to t h e knot. In this manner he was t u r u c d o f f in f u l l f n i n g ; but- had not hung above a minute before he called out in a lamentable tone, " It will r o t do— it will not d o . " The knot being pn the right tide yif the chin, the Under Sheriff very humanely rj/ de up, and with the alfiftance of the executioner, attempted to adjuft it, but in the i n t e r im the poor fufferer got hold of the hangman's coat, by which means he got on the ladder with his hands and knees, from which fituation he was forcibly fliaken off. He C J U g h t hold of the other ladder, on which he flood a confid- rable time on hit feet, and called " Murder, murder 1" T h i s being alio taken away, after being much convulfed, he expired in fifteen minuses. His body, after hanging an hour and a half, was 1ai4. cn do. vn, put into a eolfin, and buried. Yeflerday' afternoon a genteel dreffed womatt Was deteded at a milliner's ( hop, in Bond- ftrtet, in feireting a piece of lace Worth twenty pound;. M r . Crawford has written to his Conftituenta by letters received laft poft, that he has engaged ft very excellent company of fingers, with whom Gallini had been in treaty, but would not come op to their price ; therefore he had judged it proper to dif'patch his bufinefs, even on high terms, as he conceived his prefence of > he ucmolt confequence in England. Sunday morning, at half paft two o'clock, when the conltable of Broad- ftreet- ward was going his rounds, he found that a watchman belong ing to that ward had fallen dead out of his watch box. He was well at two o'clock, and cried the hour. T u e f d a y laft was married, at Brighthelmftone, Mr. Patch, of Rotten- Dean, to Mrs. Tibbs, widow of Mr. Thomas Tibbs, late of Holborn. Tuefday morning was married, at St. Luke's, Old- ltreet, Mr. Evans, of Chifwell- ftreet, to Mrs. Cooke, of Bafing- lanc. Yefterday morning was married, Mr. Bates, to Mifs Scrace, of the Theatre- Royal, Covent- garden. On Monday laft, the Csuntefs of Rothes, Lady of Dr. Pepys, was lafely delivered of a fon, at Biighthelmftone. On Sunday night died, at ACton, George Hawkins, l:'. 1q; Surgeon to his Majefly's Houfehold, and to St. George's H o f p i t a l .' A f ew days fince died, after a few days illnefs, Thomas Lloyd. of Abertriment, in the county of Cardigan, Efq. brother- in- law to the Right Honourable the Earl of Lifburne, and the Hon. General Vaughan. In addition to the great variety of performances, 011 Monday next, Sept. 29, at Sadlers Wells, on the tight rope, the Little Deyil will dance with wooden fhoes, with two boys and two men fattened to his feet, without the pole, will kick a half- crown piece into a drinking- glafs upon his head; will alfo exhibit the trick of the Hat, Siick and Hoop, and feveral other capital manostivres after that from the Tramplin. Mr. Dupuis will throw a fomerfet over twelve men with twelve boys on their fhoulders, and the Little Devil will throw a fur > rifing one through a barrel of fire.- For the Benefit of the Little Devil. State Lotiery, 1783. The Ticketsare fold and divided into Halves, Quakers, Eighths, and Sixteenths, by i A Z A R D and Co. Stock- Brokers, at their State Lottery Ofhce, No. 93, un der the Royal Exchange, London, and nowhere elfe on their account. Correct numerical and regifter Books are kept, and Tickets anil Shires are regiftered at Sixpence per number. Not two Blanks to a p r i z e . — T h e prizes to be paid without dcduttfbn. All fhares fold at this office will be ftamped agreeable to Adt of Parliament, and alfo with the Crown, and round it " Hazard's Lottery- Office. Money tor the prizes will be paid at this office as foon as drawn. Leticrs ( poft paid) duly anfwercd, and Schemes gratis. Begins drawing the 17th of November. N. B. Agreeable to ACt of Parliament, no bufinefs in the Lottery tranfj& ed before eight o'clock in the morning, nor after eight o'clock in the evening. .— Bank, India, and South Sea Stocks, with their feveral Annuities, India Bonds, Navy and Victualling Bills, and all kind of Government Securities, bought and fold by Comjjpiflion. © a l e s fog a u f t i o n . By T A T T E R S A L L and SON, Neir Hyde Park Turnpike, To- morrow, at Twelve o'Clock, ABOVE Thirty Carriases,- of different Sorts, . fome purs of Coach Geldings, of different colours ; feveral odd ditto, fivefeafoned hunters, a great many ftr- rng boney geldin s and mates fit for machines, poft- chaifes, & c. Alfo fome uf- ful hacks, fcveral lots of harnefs, & c. To be vi'. tfet and a reafonable had. B y T l e f f . T A T T E R S A L L and SON, To- morow, at Twelve o'cio k, A P A I R of very fine bay nag- tail C O A CH GELDINGS, one four, and the other five years old, warranted foon', and have been in conllant work all this Summer. A brown Coach Gelding, and a very fine large Bay Mare well bred, all the property of one Gentleman. To be Mvierw. ed AtoL thDe RtimI eD oGf fEal, e . " At the Original Re, ofitory, in St. Martin's- lane, This Day at Tw lve o'clock, A Number of Carriages, & c. as ufual ; fundry pairs and ling e coach geldings of different colouis; a well- b ed dun gelding, a f- ralone d hunter, and in fine cor. dit: on ; a very handfom black mare, foutteen hanistwo inchcs high, particularly fall in al| her paces, perfeft'y found, and temperate enough for any timid rider ; feverai other f- afoned hunters, road geldings, tec. Alfo a great numbrrr of poll, chaife, machine, cart geldings, hacks, & c. in ail upwaids of 100 lots. N. B. A bay chaife gelding,' fix years old, fr teen hands and a hilt'high; alfra bay mare, fix years old, fourteen hinds thret inches high, miftrsfs of fixteen ( ton:, a very faft trotter ; they are warranted perfeftly found and free fro n vice. To be viewed, and a trial had. By Mr. W H I T E, On the premifes, To- mo row, and followi g day, at 1 leven o'clock precifely, THE genuine at neat Houfchold Furniture, and plate, feleft libr. ry of hooks, containing three hundred volumes, i 1 very neat and elegant bindings, ufeful and ornamental china, bocks, firearm:, an excellent eightday d ck in a mahogany cafe, by Bray, cut glafs luftres, and ether valuable articles of Mrs. H O W, Atherhouf-, Kennington- iane, near the road to Ktnnlngton, Surry, Com ' rifiig mahogany fluted bedfteads and furniture, goofe beds and be ding, Wilton carpets, glafi'es, Iteei ltoves, exceeding go., d cabinet work in mahogany, double - r. d d effing chefts of drawer, Pembroke, card, ant d'ming tables, c 11=- ret chairs, large wind up range, copper, ufeful kitchen furniture, and numerous other elicits, in prime condition. To beview- d till the fale, when catalogues may be bad on the premifes, and of Mr. White, Qucen- ltrfet, Weltmin ' er. By Mr. B L Y T H, T.. is Day, and the following day, at Twelve o'c'ock, at No. 10, in C. arlotre- flrert, Rathbone- place, THE genuine Houfliold Furniture, china, linen, an eight- day cl - ck a ! inen mangle, & c. of A, W A L K E R , Efq. Alfo a few neat artie'es of apparel, cH'lu:-.! linen, r- f Mr:; Walker, lateiy decealcd, among which isva pair of ex. c-.'?. - hig fin:; Bruflels 1 ace U| p; ts. Vo i c. viewed till the Talc. cf& f$ gtf « at the premifesj and at Mr. Ply tli's in Dean- ftfeet, Sohg- f< jinre<> b p S l u f t i o n . By Mr. S K I N N E R , and Co. This Day the 24th in ft. , at twelve o'clock, at Garra- ; w? y's Ccft'e.-- houfe, Change. alley, AN. E X C E L L E N T A N N U I T Y of F I F TY POUNDS, fecure: r-- on Land of the; valueo£ iip. Vsr.' s of E've Hundred Pounds per atmu n,.: and paya& jc half > early, during tl; e lifs of a gentleman, aged 36, v « ho is i fu cd at ihe Equitable Office during lif>. « • . Printed particulars miy be had ro the fale, at Garrr. way's, and of- Mri Skinner and Co. . ' • By Mr. S K I N N E R and Co. ~ This Day the 24th o- Serember, . at 1*. o'clock, at Garraway's ColFee- houfe, ' Change Alley, Cornhil!, in 4I0", - AN E L I G I B L E F R E E H O L D ESTATE, fituate in BO- TOLPH- LANE, LOWER THAMESSTRhET, near BillingQate. comprifing the WHITE HART ALEHOUSE 5 A SPACIOUS DWtLLlHOHOUSE, with exc. d'ent V A U t f S for upwards of ONE HUNDRED PUNCHEONS, in tiie poifeffiin of Mr. Mofs, Brandy merchant. Alio the th ee adjoining b> ufes and a warehoufe. The who!-: let to unexceptionable good tenants at eafy rents, amounting to two hundred and two pounds per snn. To be viewed to the fale, by alking leave of tbe tenants, when particulars may be had at the White Hart; alf> at Ga raway'si andofMr. Skinner, and Co. AHeif^ rte- llfeet. By Mr. S K I N N E R a( nd Co. This Day, the 24th initant, at Twelve o'clock, at Garraway's Coftee- houfe, Change- alley, Corahill, by Order of the Aftignees of Mr, Br jwlow Bate, in Tw > Lots, Lot I. A N. Undivided Moiety during the / j L joint lives of Mr. Bate and hii Wife, of TWO FREEHOLD BRICK DWELLING HOUSES, fituate in LILY PUT- LANE, near GoldfmithVhall, in the pofleflion of Mr. Brind and Mrs. Mafon, at Forty- two Pounds, Twelve Shillings. Lot 2. An Undivid. d Moietv of A LEASEHOLD HOUSE, held of tbe City 0f London, lituate in WOODSTREET, adjoining the Cattle- inn, in the pjffeflion of Mr. Harris, at Thirty Pounds. To beviewedto the fale, when particulars may b: had at Garraway's, and of Mr. Skinner and Co. Alderlgate- ftreet, By Mr. S K I N N E R and Co. This Day the 24th inft. at Twelve o'clo, k, at Garraway's Coffee- houfe, ' Change- aMev, A L E A S E H O L D E S T A T E , eligiMv fituate in CATHERINE- STREET, in the STRAND, with a communication into EXETER- STREET, co. i;- priiing the F O U N T A I N T A V E R N, On leafe to Mr. Hobby for Twenty thiee years, the two firft ac 95I. the remainder at ONE HUNDRED POUNDS per annum. The premi es are fubftantially built, in complete and excellent repaid, very compact, judicioufly planne ', and exceedingly co wenient j contains numerous apai tmea. s for the accommodation of company, genteelly fitted up 5 arched vaults for. fix'y pi es of wine j good c. llarirg, & c. Term 39 years, at a ground rent of 30I. per annum. To be viewed to. the fale, when particulars may be Had on the Premifes j of Mr. Sk'nner and " Co. Aldsrfgaie- ftreet j and at Garraway's Coffee- houfe. By Mr. S K I N N E R and Co. This Day tbe 24th of September, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- houfe., ' Change Alley, A V A L U A B L E F R E E H O LD F A R M , very eligibly ficuate at C A M B E R - W E L L, in S U R It Y, only th ee roilss from London, containing ONE HUNDRED and THIB TY- TWO ACRES of excell nt meadow and arabie land, of a natu- al rich good foil, exceedingly well farmed, aim lying on eafy defcet ts, in eighteen inclofires, wi h a roomy FARM HOUSE- j lundr; te emtnts, bams, an. i flabling, in the pofi'cffion of Mr. B E T H W I N, st a nett penny rer. r of TWO HUNDRED a id FORTY POUNDS, on leafe for 16 years, under a foecial covenant for the tenant to give up any part of tiie i mds, for the purpofe of BUILDING, there being feveral dcfirable fituathns, truly elig'ble for that purpofe, 3000 feet in extern adjoining the high ro d from Camberwell to Duhvich and NorwoDd, and a part extending to Cole Harbour Lane, To be viewed by afking leave of the tenant, and printed particulars may be had to the fale; of Mr. Beth. vin, at Camberwell; at the place of fale, and of Mr. Skinner and Co. Alderlgate- ftreet. By Mr. S K I N N E R and Co. • To- morrow the 25th inttant, at Twelve o'clock, at Garraway's CofFee- houfc, Change all- y, L mdon, by Order of the Executors, n | ^ H E V A L U A B L E and moft defirable F R E E - 1 HOLD VILLA, calhd S E N D G R O V E, With' PLF. ASURE GROUNDS, i- HRUBBERY, capital KITCHEN GARDEN walled, with SEVENTY ACRES of MEADOW, PASTURE, and ARABLE LAND, well timbered, delightfully fituate at SFuND, in the County of SURRY, two miles from Ripley, three fr > m Guildford, fix from Pain's- Hill, and twenty, fix from London, the property of the late Lieutenant- General EVELYN, deceafrd ; Corpriling a GENTEEL RESIDENCE, occupying a handfome fuit of rooms, finilhed ' 111 a neat elegant llile, correfpondent cbamb* rs, irnd replete with domellic offices; the ple. rfure grounds, fhrubbery, and gardens, laid out in- a tafleful manner; the landi before the houfe beautiful y ll. rped, bounded b/ the rid river Wye, aud extends t > the high i\> ad from Ripley to Gu'ldford ; the detached offices are numerous, exceedingly well arranged, and adapted for their differ, ent purpofes, and have been recently compleated at a very confider ble expence. ' To be viewed to the fale, by tickets, which may be had, with particular*, of Mr. Skinner and Co. Alderfgate- ftrret, where a plan may be feeir. Particulars aifo a; the White- Hart, Guildford ; at the George, at Cobham ; at the King's head, Epfom ; a- rd at the place of fale. On Monday the 7th of Oftober, and following day, will be fold the genteel HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, plate, linen, china, b - olcs, wines, ale, beer, valuable live arrd dead flock, farming implements, timber, building materials, & c. By Meff. E L L I O T T and BLADES, On the Premifes, Friiay September 26, at Twelve o'Clock, r i p H E Genuine Houfchold Furniture, Linen, X China, and other Effe£ ts of Mr. JOHN CATON, No. 6, Cr. fcge- ftjeet, Weftmintter ; C infilling of bedflcads andlfdr-. itures, good bed! and bedding, chair., tables, glaffes, & c. which will be difpofed of without leferve*. To be vi-. wed on Tharfday, and to the time of fale, when catalogues may be had on the p emifes, at Mr. Blade's, Jermyn- flreet) and at - the Auctioneers, No. 97, New- B, jn - fteeet. By Mr. R A N D A L L, Without referve, oil Friday next, at Mr. Co kn. in's Sale- Room, in Berner- ftreet, Oxford- road, b? gms at Eleven O 0 t N E H U N D R E D and T E N fine Perfia, Wilton, and Scotch Carpets, act hair and other matraffes, feveral fouf- poft and other betifteads, with fine- cotto 1 furnitu. es, fine i'eafoned goofe feath r beds, 40 air of blankets, 2,0 cotroa counterpanes, and various other at tides in the Upholft- ty branch, taken in execution. • 1 To be viev/ ed on Thurfdsy, when catalogues may be had at th'e place of fale j at the King's He r. d Tavern, Midale- Row-, HoLborn j at the Chapter Coffee- houfe, P^ tcrnofterrowj and of Mr. R- ndall, FeachuKh- ft'es^ S u t i i o n ; Be MefL C H R I S T I E and- ANSiiLf.', f At their Gr- rat R- n- n \ p. Pall- ma i, T >- m ir. ow the 25th of - 1 September; one oVockr, r ' - A VALU- VBLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, ccmifiiiH the MANOR of BiKLSBY,'- ear C AS j'Qit,.. a capital k » t town, ifi the c. lunt ot LIN- ' CWLN; own rifi- g TWO THOUSAND ONE HU.\' r DREO and NINE PY- THREE AORRS of, rich arable, ate « lovsc and palfure land, let to good- ienaots at » lit, of the yearly value of ONE THOUSAND POUNDS and wa ds. 1 - The Mano- is w;! l flocked with all farts of ; gsme, - and ia a fi. is fpirting conn ry. A Itaunch pack of Vox h-.- un ; s io the ne: gh rourbo id. , Mell. Lloyd , the principal tenants, will ihew th- ejlate ; a-. d , prinud • partieuli- j may be had- of Mr SI igh, at Cot by j Mr. HaJdleJey, at Caftof; Mr, Bpl^ r, N0. 7. Cone.- cour , Gray's- rrn, or at hi. Office in Y. irk ; and of MrH',, Chiiiiieand Anfell,; P- IUmaH. •-- Hy Mefl. C. IJR1STIE and ANSELL, , " At th. ir Great Roomv in Pal - MJT, Ti- moriow the 2.5th of S^ p'e rber, at one o'clo. k, ., IN ONE LOT, , j ' A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, / T L coiifi ' inb of a SPACIOUS. H ; USE. and SHOP- iii FLEET- STREET, I rte in the . poflelfion- c- Mr. Park-. r, l. inen- rrarer, and the SEVEN MESJUAQES adjoining, on die eift fide of WATER LANE, let torefpeclablc tcnin. S, atthef- verai annual rents, amounting to TWO HUNDRED tm- i, FIFTy- SJX POUNDS, Free, and c! e. rof land- tax, and ever/' outgoing whatever j arthc expiiati . n of fcni: of the lesfes, the [ iremifes wiil be capable of c-> f derable improvement.. To be'v ewed to the felt, w th leave c. f tht ten rnts, and prin- e I particulars may be- had o/ M., fl\- ChtlfUe ar. d Anfell, Pall- mall, and at Garraway's Coffee- houfe. - - By Meffrs. C H R I S T I E ar. d A \ ' S r 1 L, At thc'. r Great Room, in Pali- Mall, To- morrow the 7. jth inftar. t, at Ose o'clock, A N E T G R O U N D RENT, free and clear of every ritrg ling whatever, Of EIGHTY- FIVE POUNDS ^ r Annum. For a term of FORTY- NINE YEARS afcd three quarters, from Lady- Day 1771. The above h r » )( l elfgbly feeured, and pavabte out of NINE SUBSTANTIAL NEW- BUltT HOUSES, iitua e on the ea. » . fide of. WARDOUR- STREKT; and one h, ufe the upper enl of RICHMOND- BUJLIMN. CS, SO. HO, cf tire yearly vulue of near FOUR HUNDRED POUNDS, and in the p ff- ffion of the following undertenants, Mefl'. Fell, Ctf- chmaker, Mayhew a d lnce, Cox, Simm > nd, Charton, Fox, and Partner. To be vieiVed bv leave of the tenants, and printed particulars will be forthwith ready. -. By Mell. C H R l s U E and A N o h L L , ' At their Great Room, in Pail- mall, To- m; rr^ w ti. e2 5tK'" inlt. at one o'cloek, AS U B S T A N T I A L SPACIOUS LEASEHOLD HOUSE, Stibling f j five horfes, and Double Coach houfe, See. fitu te Ho'. 18; ori t e edit fife of Bedford- tow, Red. Li. in- fquare, late in the pofteffion of BARNARD BRISCOE,' Efq: The pr? m; fes contain, in paVloar a* d firft rioot; tbree good ro ' ms each, four beichamb rs on the fecund, a. id th- fame number on the atticks, tvfd flair cafes; and every dorneftrc office. To be viewed till the fale. Printed particulars may be had of Meff. Blagden and Lewis, No. 12, Coney- court, Gray's- Ion, anrl in Pall- mall. ^ a lo be PEREMPTORILY SOLU, By Meifrsi C H R I S T I E and ANoELL, At their Great Roor, next Cumberland H'Me, Pall Mall, To- m rruw the 25th inft. ft One o'clock; A F R E E H O L D HOUSE, eligibly , fituate; No. 19,0: 1th". Baft S'Me of St. fUTER-! IULI-, near St. Paul's, within th: Ward of CASTLE BAYNARD, no# in the- occepaijon of Dr. R O B E R T S . Tenant at Wiil, at tbe annual Rent Sf FIFTY GUINEAS. To be viewed with leave of the Tenant, between tho hours or El. ven and Two. PrinteI pa ticul rrs may be had at Ga raivjy's Coffeel oufe, and of Meffs. Chr ( fie and Anfrdl, l'all M II. By ivir. b AlU- O'. iD, ~ At his Rooms in the Great Piazza, Covent- G rden, b / order of the ADM1NK i RATRIX, T - .. or o. v ihe ijt! » inftanr, ' - p ' H E G E N U I N E and V A L U A B L E COL- \ LECriONof COINS and MEDALS, BOOKS of COINS, CABINETS, & c. Of the Rev. Mr. JOHN WHITFIELD, deceafed, L3te Reflror of Bideford, in Devonfnire. This Selefl Coli- vtion cpnfifts of Greek and Roman is gold, filver, and copper. It is prefumed furh h s not been offirei to the public for the fpace of feventy years paft. There are upwards of fif. y Tetradracbms, & c. in the higheftp. efervatiorli To be viewed to the fate, when catalogues maybe bad: By Mr. BARFORD, On Saturday the 4th of Oflobtr, at one o'clock, at the Mermaid - Hackney, in Six lots, COPYHOLD ESTATE, CONSISTING _ _ of SIX DWELLING HOUSES adj > ming to each other, with ruic- ioufes, yards, and gardens to each o.' them, fituate in Ghurch- llreet, Hackney, in the county of Middlefex, and oppofite to the place of fale. The whole let to very good tenants on leafe, at ni ety- fix pounds per annum, and greatly improvable. To be viewed fix day's preceding the. fair, with leave of tbe tenants, when part culars may be had, at the place or fale, and at Mr. Barford's, Covent Garden. By Mr. ARMITAGE, * On the premifrs, No. 9, Church- ftreet, Spitalfi , Tbis Day, and two following days, at Twelve o'Clock. AL L the Genuine Houfehold Furniture, plate, linen, fcarce and valuab'e china, a gold watch, by Ellicct, three valuable rings, an excellent organ in mahog ; ny cale, an eight- day clock, fine prints, fram- d and gl .2- d, a wel: chofen library of books, cont- i. iing 100c lur. es, in excellent bindings, amolw which are the An ient • ar. d Modern Hiftory, 24 volumes foli j the complete works of Addifon,. Pope, Stern?, Swift, and oclur cele rale! aath - rs, v. r h vmious other effects of J A M E S P E N L E A ZE, Efq. d: « a'fed. The furniture confifts of four poll beddeads, wicn cottoi| damaflt, morine, and other furniture; a mahogany fcrutort, two b ireaus, mci book* cafes, chairs, tables,- gl ffes, carpets, foe. two cop, ers fix , a rang-, and a number of k tcr. a^ rrr- - quifiles. To be viewed till the fale. C atalogues had at the place of fale, and < ff Mr; Aran No. 9, Pola'nd^ ftreet, Oxford- roadi N. B. The houfe to be let. By Mr. SERGEANT, ' By Order of the feiecu'to s of Mr. Ri hard C. ritis, Orgaaift; de e- led, at 1 is- late dweliing- houfe, N,-. 4, James- Ureet, in B ojd-. tr e t , . 0 ; i Orive!- lane; To- mjriow the 25. I1 of S. r^ tember, at el- vco o'cloek, A I . L the genuine Ko. uffiold Furn'ture, eonl \ filling, of f . ur- poft bedfie. ds, with morine fiirnitute • goofe f atiier " oeds, blankets, qui ts, white r oiti- i coverdris. mah -. gang bureau aud book- cafes, chairs, tables, pier gl. lles, prints fr. ims l and glaaSd, si capital fine- tonaj organ in a ni. ihog. itiy cafe, by Green; a hirpffio. ord, fpinner; bafsviol, nx line- toned violins,- a refie& irtg telefcope, a ia: .-. oileft'ron of nruiie by the. bell malletf, books, good iciich^- a . furniture, and o. her effrffi. To be viewed this day, and to the time of fair; whve catabgtres may be had, aalef Mr, S: rge, nc, Na. So, Can* n » n-. re; r. P O E T R Y. L O V E A F T E R E N J O Y M E N T. OOME Itett ( tern tie fant when they firft fet out. We givet'. em ys ( eft winds fliould ( hike the root, But in few days they fh& ot their boughs fo f* r, That all the he b beneath f h - m withrr'd are i Thargroun J whi h g- ve t h e n life they now ^ aflroy, Stand proudly up, and inthe eunqiieft joy. So love at firft, all gay, a'l fof; appears, And next day ch. ng'd 11 jraloufies and fe'jy s : * Ti like wild- fire, afar ( he v, happinefs, But if a, proaeh'd, grows in a moment lefs. A pie fure ' tin before ' tis fully known, And that once o'er it is infipid grown ; I t cheats the di ' a n t eye, and f- ems a blifs, But if ' tis catch'd we hate the by- paft wifli; Then wonder why v itk fo much pain we fought A thing, which more ailoy than joy has brough: j For that whic . Jhin'd unto the love- fick eye, Now ( h- wsa'l ruft, all homely, when ' tis nigh. S H I P N E W S. D F A L , Sept. 22. Wind South, blows hard. Sailed yefterday the Quebec tranfports to the Eaft ward. Arrived tbe Locko and Oflerly Eaft Indiamen j Adjuta, Juck, from Grenada; Two Brothers, Y » ung, and WootUcy, Hawthorn, from St. Vincent's j Cotton Planter, Young, from Tobago; Queen of Angels, Blackburne, from Grenada, with feveral other homeward bound fhips, which remain with the reft as before, ind the Sr. Ann, Palzel, for Africa. S T O UinkStock, ( hut 3perCent- id. fhut jplttucon. 62611 Ditto 1, 3 J pet Cent, » 7s » , * per Cent . con. { hut Pitto, New 177-, Long Ann. l3 } J Short Ann. 177?, Ann. 177S, 13 j Pitto " 779, Sxoheyuer Bills, 13 a r^ dif. C K S India Stock, 141 Ditto Ann. Pitt 1 Bonds, aodif. South Set Stock Old Ann. ( hut New Ann. 61 J 6 oJ 3 perCent. New Navy,- 12 dif. Lot. Tick.' 14l. 19s. a1Ss. 6d. 3 perCent. Script, 63 ^ 63 4 per Cpit. Script Omnium, 1J dif. HIGH WATER, at LONDON- BRIDGE. Morn. 54nriin. aft. 12 Aftern. 17 min. 1. A H ACCOUNT of the late E A R T H Q U A K E S in CALASJRIA, S I C I L Y , & C. Gommunuatsd to the ROYAL SOCIETY by SIR W I L L I A M HAMILTON. ( Concluded ) ON the 17 I1 of May I left Medina, where I had been kindly and hofpitably ireated, and proceeded in my Speronara along tbe Sicilian coaft to tbe point of the entrance of the Faro, where I went afhore, and found a prieft who had been there the night between the 5th and 6rh of February, when the great wave paffed over that • point, carried off boats, and above twenty- four unhappy people, tearing up trees, and leaving fome hundred weight of filh it had brought with it on the dry land. He told me, he had been him'elf covered with the wave, and with difficulty faved his life. He at lirll faid the water was bot ; but BS I was curious to come at the truth of this faift, which would have concluded much, 1 aflted him if he was very fure of it I and being preifed, it came to be no more than the water having been as warm as it ufualiy is in fUmmer, He faid, the wave rofe to ajreat height, and came on with noife, and fuch rapidity, that it was impoffible to efcape. The tower on the point was half deflroyed, and a poor priell that was in it loll his life. From hence 1 croffed over to Scilla. Having met with my friend the Padre Minafi, a Dominican friar, a worthy man and an able naturalill, who is a native of Scilla} and is atlually employed by tlx academy cf Naples to give a defciipdon of the pba: r. omena that have attended the earthquakes in thefe parts, with his aififtance on 1 lie fpot, 1 perfeftly underltcod the nature of the formidable wave that was faid to have been boiling hor, and had certainly proved fatal to the Earon of the country, the Prince of Scilla, who was fwept off the fliore into the lea by this wave, with 24.73 of his unfortunate fubje'ts. The following is the f a d : the Prince cf Scilla having remarked, that duii. ng the firft horrid ( hock ( ivhich happened about noon the Cth of February) part of a rock near Sc 11a had been detached into the fea, and fearing that the jock of Scilly, on which his callle and town is £ . « ted, might alfo be detached, thought it fate- to prepare boats, and retire to a little porf or bench furrounded by rocks at the foot of the rock. The fecond ihock of the earthquake, a'ter midnight, detached a whole mountain, ( much higher thaa that of Scilly, and partly calcareous, and partly cretaceous), lituated be- • tWeen the Torre del Cavallo and the rock of Scilla. This having fallen with violence into the fea ( at that time perfectly calm) railed the fetal wave, which I have above del'cribed to have broken upon the ncck of land, called the Punta del Faro, in the ifland of Stilly, with fuch fury, which returning with great noife and celerity directly upon ' the beach, where the Prince and the unfortunate inhabitants of Scilla had taken refuge, either dafhed them with their boats and richell effefb againft the rocks, or whirled them into the fea 5 thofe whet had efcaped * ; i e f i i f t a n d greateil wave were carried off by a • fecond and third, which were lefs confulcrablc, end immediately followed the firll, I fpoke to • feveral wen, women, and children here, who had been cruelly maimed, and fome of whom had been carried into the fea by this unforefeen accident. Here, faid one, my head was forced through the door of the cellar, which he ihewed trie was There, faid another, wa » I drove into a barrel. Then a woman would fhew me her child, ail over deep wounds freni the ftones and timber, & c. that were mixed with the water, and dafhirtg about in this narrow port ; but all affured me, they had not perceived the leaft fympton of heat in th* water, though I dare fay, Sir, yotf will read many well attefted accounts of this water having been hot ; of many dead bodies thrown up which appeared to have been parboiled by it ; $ nd of many living perfons, who had evidently been fcalded by this hot wave: lo difficult is it to arrive at truth. Had 1 been fitisfied with the firft anfwer of the Piiefl at the Punta del F. iro, and fet it down in my journal, who could have doubted but that this wave had been of hot water? Now that we are well acquainted with the caufe of this fatal wave, we know it could not have been hot; but the teftimony of fo many unfortunate fufferers from it is decifne. A faft which I was told, and which was attefted by many here, is very extraordinary indeed: a uoman of Scilly, four months gone with child, and fwept into the fea by the wave, and was taken up alive, floating on her back at fome dift'ance, nine hours after. She 1 id not even mifcarry, and is now p; rfe£ lly well; and, had flie not been gone up into the country, they would have fhewn her to me. They told me, ( he had been uled to fwim, as do moll of the women in this part of Calabria. Her anxiety and fullering, however, hr. d arrived at fo great a pitch, that juft at the time that the boa-, which took her up, appeared, file v, as trying ; o force h; r head under water, to pu- a ; criodtoher milerable exiftence. The Padre Minafi told me another curious circumftance that happened in this neighbourhood, which to his knowledge was ftridlly true. A g; rl of about ei„ htce. i years of age, was buried under the ruins of a hou'e iix dais, having had her foot, at tie ancle, altaoft cu: off by, the ed^ e of a barrel that fell upon i t; the dull aid mortar flopped the blood 5 fhe never had the alhft. uice of a l'urgeon ; but the foot of i. felf dropped off, and the wound is perfectly h? aled without any other affiftance but that of raturr. If of fuch extraordinary circumft. mces, and ef hair breadth efcapes, an account was to be taken in all the deftroyed towns of Calabria Ultra and Sicily, they would, as I faid before, compofe a large volume, 1 have only recorded a few of the moft extraordinary, \ n d fuch as I had fioin the moft undoubted authority. In my~ way back to Naples ( where I arrived the 23d of May) - long the coaft of the two Calabrias an 1 Piincipar ro Citra, I only went on fliore at Trope. i, Pa la, and in the Bay of Palinurus. I f > und Tropea ( beautifully fituated on a rock overhanging the fea) but little damaged ; how- C- er, i ll th: inhabitants were in barracks. At Paula the fame. The fifhermcn here told me, t : ey continued to take a great ajbundance ot filh, as they had done ever fmce the conimencemt nt of the pvefent calamity. At Tropea, the 15th of May, there was a fevere fliock of an earthquake, but of a very fhort duration. There were five fliocks during my- ftay in Calabria and Sicily ; three of them rather alarming : and at Medina, 111 the night time, 1 conftantly felt a little tremor of the earth, which lias been ob • ferved by many of the Meffinefe. I am really afliamed, Sir, of fending fuch an unconneiled hafty extrait of my journal; but when I refle£ t, that unlefs I fend it off direfily, the Royal So ciety will be broken up for the fummer feafon, aad the fubjeft will become ftale before its next meeting; ot two evils 1 prefer to chirfe the lealt. Such rough draughts however ( though ever fo imperfe. t aud incorrect) have, as in paintb^ s, the me it ot a firll iketch, and a kind of fp rit that is often loft when the pidlure is corredily firilhed. It yoj confider the fatigue and hurry 0 the journey I have jult been taking, and, that in the midft of the preparations for my oth. r j - urney to England, wliich I propofe to begin to- morrow, I have been writing this account, 1 fhall hope then 10 be entitled to your indulgence for all its. imperfection* *. But befire I t;< ke my leave, I will juft fuin up the refult of my observations in Calibria and Sicily, and give you my realons for believing " that die prefent earthquakes are occafioned by tbe opera ion ol a volcano, the feat of which feems to lie deep, ei her under the bottom of the fea, between the ifland ofStrombs Ii andihe coaft of Calabria, or under the parts of the plain towards Oppi » ! o and Terra Nuova. If on a map of Italy, and with your conpafs ' on the fcale of Italian mi'cs, you were to meafuieoff 12, and then fixing your cen: ral point in the city of Oppido ( which appeared to me to be the fpot on which the earthquake had exerted its greateft force) form a circle ( the radii of which will be, as 1 juft faid, 22 miles) you will then include all tbe towns, villages, that have been utterly ruined, and the fpots where the greateft mortality has happened, and where there has been the molt vilible alterations on the face of the earth. Then extend your compafj on the fame fade to 72 miles preferving the fame center, and form another circle, you will include the whole of the countty that has any mark of having beep affected by the earthquake. I plainly oblerved a gradation in the damage done to the buildings, as alfo in the degree of mortality, in proportion as the countries were more or lefs diftant from this fuppofed center of ihe evil. One circumftance I particularly remarked ; if tivo towns were fttuated at an equal, had always fuffered greatly more by the fliocks of the earthquakes than the former; a fuf fic'ent proof to me of the caufe coming from beneath, as this muft naturally have been produftive. of fuch an effett. And 1 have reafon to believe, that the bottom of the fea, being ftill nearer the volcanic caufe, would be found ( could it be feen) to have fuffered even more than the plain i t f e l f; diflance from this center, the one on a hill, the other on a plain, or in a bottom, the latter but ( as yout will find in moft of the account! of the earthquake that are in the prefs, and which are numerous) the. pliilofophers, who do not eaftly abandon their ancient fyftems, mafic ( lie ' prefent earthquakes to proceed from the high mountain of the Appennines that divide Calabria Ultra' fuch as Monte Dejo, Monte Cauloif, and Af-' pramonte; I would afk them this fimplequeftion, did the jEolian or Lipari illands ( all which role undoubtedly from the bottom of the fea by volcanic cxplofions at differeir, and perhaps very diftant periods) o> ve their birth to the Appenines in Calabria, or to veins of minerals in the bowels of the earth, and under the bottom of the fea ? Stromboli an aftive volcano, and probably the youngeft of thofe iflands, is not above 50 miles from the parts of Calabria that have been mod Effected by the late earthquakes. The vertical fliocks, or, in other words, thofe whofe impu- lfe was from the bottom upwards, have be.- n the moft deftruftive to the unhappy towns in the plain ; did they proceed from Monte Dejo, Monte Caulone, or Afparmon. e ? In fhort, the idea I have of the prefent local earthquakes is, that they have b - en caufed by the fame kind of matter that gave birth to the ^ Eolian or Lipari iflands; tha', perhaps, an opening may have been tirade at the bottom of the fea, and moll probably between Stromboli and Cal-. bria Ultra ( lor from that pitarter all agree, that the fubterraneous noife.! leetn to have proceeded) ; and that the foundation of a new iflatid or volcano may have been laid, though it may be ages, which to nature are but moments, before it is completed, and appt ars above the furface of the fea. Nature is ever ac tive, but her actions are, > n general, carried on fo very flowly, as fcarcely to be perceived by mortal eye, or recorded in the very ( I1011 fpace of what we c. ll hiftory, let it be ev€ r fo ancient. Perhaps too, the whole deftrudlion I have been defcribing may have proceeded limply from the exhalations cf confined vapours, - generated by the fermentation of fuch minerals as produce volcanoes, which have efcaped where th'- y met with the lead ieliftar. ee, and mull naturally in a greater degree have affr& ed the plain than the high and " more folid grounds around" . it. When tho account of the Royal Academy of Naples is pubiifx. ed, with maps, plans, and drawings, of the curious fpot 1 have defcribed, ibis rude and imperfect account will, I batter myfelf, be of. life ; without the plans and drawings you well know, Sir, the great difficulty there is in making one's felt intelligible on fuch a fubjeft. I have the honour to be, & c. * Q/ jp- amut ergo quid fit quod t* rram ah infimo moveat, o( uid, — 1; KC ex quibus eautis accioanc cigua res eft exc . ti. See the whole paflage very applicable here. Stmca, Nat. Que l. lib. VI. cap. 4. ' ANTS a place a young Man ; would bj glad to engage in a family in town or country, in or cut of livery, or wait on a fmgte Gentleman, as he tinder- ( iands both capacities; he can drefs Ladies and Gentlemen: hair in the prefeot tatle* Any family this may fuit, willbewited onY by dire£ ling a line to M. C, at Mrs. Patton i , No. 42, Sutfolk- ftteet, Cha- iig- Crcfs, WANTS a place a fingle young Man as Valer; can die's hair in the prel'ent fafhion ; cin aft as Butler, keep accouars, and cater, if required ; he can have an undeniablechar ifter from a Gentleman of Fafhioft, whom he h> s ferved in the above capacity fome time, and le -. ves him through no difplrafure. D i r e f l t o E . G. at Mr. Read's, Hdr- dreffir, St. James's- 3q are. N. B. N > objeftion to travel. A NNUITY. A Gentleman will want, in a few days, 1500I. for which he * ould grant an adequate Ar. nuity for his life. He is in p Hellion of a landed Eftate for life, which is not as yet any way ii cumbered. To pre-. ent trouble, it will be needlefs fir any to app'y, exce. t a Principal, whofe money is ready. Diredt to D. D. at George's C ffoe- houfe, Temple- lwr. » ~ jpO be Sold at Mr. Peartree's Stables, Picca- JL dill- , a Gilding between thirteen and four: een hands h'gh, very valuaMefor an a- ed or infirm peifon, or as a thoot - i rg h rfe, being veiy eafy and fafe to ride, and perfedtly quiet ; he is quite found, free from blemifti, and in fine con diiion. Price Eight Guineas. O be Sold, a Double- barrel Gun ; the bar- X rels madeof hameifea, with two handfonie lotks, a hay. net; beautifully finilhed ; it has been proved, in 1 dceme a fine piece. To be feen at Mr. Phillips, No. 19, Silver- ftiett, Golden- Squire, >"! O be Lid at Peate's Livery Stables, the J. Swan- Yard, Oxford- ftreet, a Bay Hunter, well fred, 15 hands high, mafter of i4ftone, lix yeaisoht, footer, ugh fjr the fleeteft houn J. s, a remarkable good leaptr, perfedtly found and fafe to rrde, either or. the road cr field. For further particulars, pleafe to enquire a. above. r - s pO be Sold, the property of a Nobleman, Jl Seven li.' a. k Ponies, remarkable fall trotters, and sl- Lw- d the handfomeft in this metropolis, as th- y are w: ii known; a complete Harnefs and Phaeton to be fold w'th them, orfeparate. Enquiie at the Rofe and Crown, Park- lane, Hyde- Park Corner, Piccadilly. • N. B. If not lold in tin days, will be otherwife difpofed of, r " f f " O b e L e t , fV. rnifhed o r u n f u r n i f h e d , a moll i convenient Hou'e, lituated nex* door to the Chapel in the Five Fields, Chelfea, confuting of fix rooms,, with a large clofet fit for a be.; l; kitchen and wafh houfe, with a garden and ftabie a< ij iring ; is in the moft. perfeft repair, having had aeonfiierablefum of money. expend; d on it within thef; nlnemonths. F r particulars enquire on the pr- miles. N O R T H U M B E R L A N D - S T R E E T , STRAND. ' O be Let, an exceeding, good Houfe, well fitted up, and all fixtures in compleat repair, or tbe le feto be- difpoled of Tie purchafer nuy be accommodated with part of the furniture on a fair valuation. Enquire of Mr. Supple, No. 27, Craven- ftreet, Strand. The fituation very convenient for any perfon whofe bufinefs requires attendance at the Admiralty, Treafiwy, 8K. BP AU& TOTT. By Meff. SAMPSON ^ nd SPURRIER, At Garraway's Cofl'- e houfe, ' t'hange- alle\, Cornhill, or| Friday next, ? t Twelve o'cl- cc, A N exceeding good Annuity, or nett Annual Income of F O R T V P O U N D S. During the life of a hea thy Gentleman, ag- d 23, payable half vrarly, Well fecur d by'his half- pay, wh'th will be af-. figne. l to the purchafer to p . y himfelf, and return the furplus. Printed particulars may be had of Mr. Simpfon, Throgmorto l- flreet; Mr. Spmuier, Copthjll- cou t, T. irogmortonfbeet,' and at Garravvay's. By Me 11. SAMl'SON and b l ' U R R I E R, At Gairav/ ay's Ceffee- hou'e, Change- all*. y, Cornhill, or> Friday the 26th inft. at twelve o'clock, A N ANNUITY, or clear yearly income of Fifty Pounds, during the life of a vrry healthy gentleman, in the fiftieth year of his age, payable out of the inteseft of a Urge fum of money iu the three per cen. t confoli. wi h a f. ivnurable contingency. Filmed particulars may be had to the fale, of Mr. Samp- Ion, Lime- ftrect; Mr Spurrier, Copthall- cou t, Throgmorton- ftrcet, and ? t Garraway's. By Mc; i'. SAMPSON and SPURRIKR, On Friday ihe 25th i ft. at. twelve o'clock, at Garraway'a Cufree- h ufe, " Change- alley, Corrh'll, A N ANNUITY, or yearly rent- charge of ONE HUNDRED and TWENTY POUNDF, during th* life of a Gentleman a; ed 36 yea. a, fecur^ d- by- Iande. l eftates i< i. a good c- unty, of which a receiver is appointed, who remits tl e ru-' n y kalf yearly to Lond-' n. N B. The life is a healthy one, and intu able at Blackrl r's. Prlntfd particulars may be had to the fa'e, of Mr. ? amnfon, No. 9, Lime- ftreet, of Mr, Spurrier,' Coj> t'iaM- c, urt, Tnrog"- or 01 -' ir et. an 4 st G^ rriw » - s By Mdl". SAMPSON bi'Uu At Garraway's Cuffije- hoafe, Ch: inge- al! ey, Cornhili, on Friday the 2,6- h indant, at Twelve o'clock, r p H E REVERSION ( f a principal Sum of M Three Hundred Pounds, to be paid out of the produce of 833^ 12s. 41. Thr^ e per Cent. Confols, provided a heahhy man, aged thirty, furvives a woman, agei'fisry , and alfa » p n the fame evnt ths Moiety of the Surplus, toj getner with the other Moiety, if the above lifi- of thirty furviv 3 one about thirty- five. Printed pa- ticulars may be had to the fale j of Mr Samp'" fori, No. 9, Lime- ftreet; of Mr. Spurrier, C jpth'all- court* T1' rogmorton- ftteet; and at Garraway's. By Meff. SAMPSON and SPURRlEK, At Garra-. viy's- C'oftee- houfe, Charge- alley, CurnhiP, on Fiiday the 26th i'nftant, at Twtlve o'clock, COPYHOLD ESTATE, fituare in Mat. ton- row, in tbe parilh of Luugfiton, near the Elevenmile fione, on the Eppirg road, Fftex, confiding of a come plete Cottage, in good repair, with orchard, garden, Icc. in the occupation of John Higgins, tenant at will. The fine is certain, and the quit- rent only fix-; ence. To be viewed to the fale, when printe. 1 particulars may be had of the Tenant; zt the Rntbuck, E ping Foreftalfo of Mr. Sampfon, Linie- ftreet; of M-. Spurrier, Cop- • hall- c urt, ThrOjrmorton- ftr: et; and at Garraway's. by Meil. SAWPSON and bPURKiiiK, At Garrawiy's Cotf'tt- houfe, Chr. n^ e- allry, Cornhill, on Friday the 26th inftant, at Twelve o'clock, in Two Lots, Lot I. A COPYHOLD ESI'ATE, fituate acjoining Hog- lane, in the Manor i f A j - denham, and Parirti of Ellftree, in the County of Herts, cr- niilling of two r'ch meadow fields, containing about twelve acres, well timbered a'd watered, now in the occupation of Mr. Shelt « , tenant at will. Lots., Two Copyhold- Brick- built Tcnemrnts, with gardens, fituate a fmall diftnnce from Lot 1, at. Patchard- gtren, Herts, in the occ ipnion of jsfper Chandle-, at Ft ur Guineas , er annum. To te viewed to the fale, wheti printed particulars may be h: d at the Red- Lion, Eftte-; f Mr. Sam fon, Lime- ftriet ; of Mr Spurrier, Copth 11- cou t, Throgmortou- ftreet; and at Garraway's. By Meff. bAMPtiON and SPUKRInR, On the Piemifes, on Wednefday the firll cf October, at Eleven o'clock, T H E FARMING STOCK, IMPLEMENTS of HUSBANDRY, Brewing Utenfils, E; ght Hogfheads- of A1. E, three Putts of BEE- R, a pair of lons-' ait C'. SLDISGS, a grey ditto, a COW, Pigi, curiou « Poul « . trj, and other Efl'eitsof SIR CHARLES WILLIAM BLUNT, Bart. ( Gone to India) At his Manfion- houfi at Croy or>, inFurrv; Cnroprifing about fifty load of e ceejing fine HAY. an eicellent Srack Frame, a quantity of WHEAT, BARLEY, and OATS, a large pile of Bli. LE F WOOD, two WAGGONS, three CARTa, four Ploughs, four pair of Harows, fundry large (. rape glades, new garden pott, wine bottles, and various other articles. To be viewed on Tu^ fday p'ece^ in. i the fale, whenca'a- Ifgues may be had on the prerrifes, of Mr. Simpfon. Li ne. ftreet, an.! of Mr. Spurrier, Copthall- Court, Throgmorton- ftreet. By Meff. SAMPSON and SPURRIER, { Unlefs previoufly difi. ofed of in One Lot by Private Contraft,} At Garraway's Cuffee- houfe, ' Change- ally, Cornhill, on Wednefday, the oth of Oftober next, and following da), at 12 o'clock, in various Lots, e ch of which wiL give a VOTE for the COUNTY ol SUllRY, MOST EXTENSIVE and VALUABLE ES I'ATF, at pr. fent under Leafes, at fmall groundcuts, many of which, where the unexpired terms are very fh rt, the improved rents are very great; it may theref re be juft. y confidered the m - ft rapid'y improv ng ellate in town. The fituation i « truly eligible t u bufinefs, communicating with the Bor ugh, and. co- rprifcs about SIXTY ACREi of GROUND, - formerly called SOUTHWARK PARK, Otherwi. e WINCHESTER PARK. And is covered with feveral THOUSAND HOUSES, manf extenfive FACTOR. ES, and a va iety of other BUILUINGS ; the prefent grourd or quit rents are annually FOUR HUNDRED and FIFTY POUNDS. Printed particulars may be had ten days previous to th » fale, of Mr. Sampfon, Lirr. e ftree ; Mr, Spurrier, CoythalU court, Throgmorton- fti; eet; and at Garraway's. Any- principal it ciined to treat for the whole by Private Contrail, may apply to Mr. Sampfon, or Mr. Spurri r, but not otherwife, as no divitionwill be made by Private Sale. By Mr. COMPl'ONi At his Room, oppofite Trinity- Chapel, Conduit ftreet, Hanov. r- fquare, 011 Monday the 29th iofiant, and Five following days, n p H E ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FUR-. 1 NITURE, capital Pier Glafl'es, Jewels, Cljina; Linen, brilliant Cut Ltiftres, MuSeal InSrumcntt, Dfawing- rtfcf » Suits, in Window Curtai.- f, S > fas, and Chairs, of rich coleure! Damafk ; lbme beau. iful inlaid Cabinet Work of l'uperior W rkmanfhip, in Cora modes. Pier, Card, and Pembroke Tablet, two beauti. u', Wine Cellars on Pedeftals, Library Book- eafes, and Secretairs, a Set of M ihogany Dining Tables, and other valua. de Eft'efts ef A PERSON of FASHIOV, d.- eeafed. Removed from hii Hjufe r e a r Audiey- fjifare. To be viewed on Friday and Satuxday next, when Cata- I9 ues may be had as above. 1 —" - • ~ " • -.. ——— L O N D O N : Printed by C. S T U A R T , Blake- Court, Catherine- ftreer, Strand: where Leters ( pojt pa: d) for the Editor are received, and Advertifements taken in. Advenifeitients ate alfo takew in at'Hr. I i A l l G R A V E ' j , Rainbow C » ffee• H » ufe, Cotohill. Old: Lloyd's » nd N? w Eagland Coffae- Houfe? in tba City, aqd J? O wbera elf? in Looilo^
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