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The Whitehall Evening-Post


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The Whitehall Evening-Post

Date of Article: 06/09/1783
Printer / Publisher: J. Lee 
Address: No.4, Ludgate Hill
Volume Number:     Issue Number: 5609
No Pages: 4
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The cu EVENING- POST FRI- E THREE- PFNCE. I From THURSDAY, September 4, to SATURDAY, September 1783. ( No. 5609. For ihe Whitehall Evening- Port. SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS. RULES FOR THE CONDUCT OF LIFE. Continued from last Saturday's Paper. KNOW THYSELF. WHEN you descant on the faults of others, consider whether you be not, guilty of the same. To gain know- ledge of ourselves, the best way is to convert the imperfections of others into a mirror for discovering our own. We may learn as much from the faults of our friends as from their instructions. CURIOSITY. Listen not to all that is spoken, says Solo- mon, lest thou hear thy servant curse thee. It is scarce credible what uneasiness is created by curiosity, when we pry into secrets that are better unknown. The discovery of such secrets loads the mind with suspicion, rendering our conduct unsteady and perplexed. A magic glass, to view all the malice that is at work against us, would be a great curse. It was esteemed consummate prudence in Pom- pey to burn all the papers of Sertorius, with- out casting a single glance on them. Curiosity would indeed have discovered his enemies, but it would have made them irreconcileable. If you love tranquillity, banish tale bearers and slanderers. Be not inquisitive about what others say of you, nor about the mistakes of your friends; It is like gathering sticks to burn your own house. Did none listen to tales, there would be no tale- bearer. VANITY. Scarce any shew themselves to advantage, who are over- solicitous of doing so. Subdue your restless temper, that leads you to aim at pre- eminence in every little circumstance: Like many other passions, it obstructs its own end : Instead of gaining respect, it renders you a most disagreeable companion. Apply yourself more to acquire knowledge, than to shew it. Men commonly take great pains to put off the little stock they have; but they take little pains to acquire more. In company, we are prone to instruct others, in order to shew our superiority. It would be more cunning to save our own stock of know- ledge, and to give scope to that of others. Such parsimony would procure well- wishiers at least, if not friends. Allow others to discover your merit: They will value it the more for being their own dis- covery. A wise man will avoid the shewing any ex- cellence in trifles. He will be known by them at the expcnce of more valuable talents. PRIDE. Instead of looking down with contempt on the crooked in mind or body, we should thank- fully look up to God who hath made us better. The sordid meal of the Cynics contributed neither to their tranquillity nor to their modesty. pride went with Diogenes into his tub; and there he had the presumption to command Alex- ander, the haughtiest of all men. AMBITION. Solid merit is a cure for ambition itself. A man of merit cannot confine his ambition to fortune or favour: He finds nothing solid in these to fill his heart: His ambition would be, to acquire that sort of glory which arises from disinterested virtue. But this is not understood among men, and he gives it up. True glory is not acquired by grasping at power and opulence, but by sacrificing our own interest to that of our country. OBSTINACY. Rather suffer yourself to be put in the wrong when you are right, than put yourself in the right when you are wrong. If the spirit of the Ruler rise against thee, leave thy place; for yielding pacifieth great of fences. Never dispute for victory, but for instruc- tion; and yield to reason from whatever quar- ter. Never suffer your courage to be fierce, your resolution obstinate, your wisdom cunning, nor , your patience sullen. An inflexible temper has much to suffer, and little to gain. STIFFNESS IN OPINION. To measure all reason by our own, is a plain act of injustice: It is an incroachment on the common rights of mankind. Do always what you yourself think right, and let Others enjoy the same privilege. The latter is a duty you oWe to your neighbour; and both of them are duties you owe to your Maker. Difference in opinion is no less natural than difference in look: It is at the same time the very salt of conversation. Why then should we be offended at those who think differently from us? [ To be continued ] FRIDAY, Sept, 5. Yesterday arrived the Mail from France. Copenhagen, Aug. 5. The late Princess Char- lotte Amelia has left by her will 100,000 rix dollars for the relief of poor young women ; the first class to consist of the distressed daughters of Nobles, or Officers in the Danish service; these to receive from the age of five to ten,' 50 rixdollars annually; 100 to the age of 15 ; 150 till 20; . and afterwards, if not married, 200 rixdollars for life. There are four other classes, with annuities proportionably smaller. Vienna, Aug. 17. We learn from Constanti- nople, that Mustapha, the English renegado, who is chief of the corps of bombardiers and of the cannon- foundery, had lately a narrow escape from the danger of loling his life. One of his principal Officers, who under the appearance of friendship was smoaking a pipe with him 0n a sopha, suddenly started up and drew his poig- nard to stab him ; but Mustapha rising, and preventing his adversary's attack with the agility of an Englishman, seized the murdering instru- ment. At that instant several of Mustapha's domesticks entered the chamber. They laid hold of the Officer, and carried him before the Grand Vizir, who immediately gave orders for his be- ing strangled. Mustapha is in great credit with his Sublime Highness, as well as with the Grand Vizir and the Capitan Bacha, and it is thought that he will soon be promoted to the rank of Grand Master of the artillery Madrid, Aug. 12. D. Joachim Moscoso, commandant of the brigantine le Fincaster, who brought the last dispatches from D. Antonio Barcelo, in Algiers Bay, gives a farther account, that having been dispatched in the night of the 2d instant, he could not get out of the Bay till eight o'clock the next day, which gave him an opportunity of seeing the third attack, which took place that morning at half past six o'clock, and lasted till a quarter after seven; that then the wind having freshened, he continued his voyage. He reports, that of the three first bombs which were fired, two fell in the. middle of the City ; that the firing was so brisk and so well kept up, that he constantly saw eight or nine bombs in the air at a time ; he believes that this attack was more successful than the two preceding ; but he could not see its effects, 0n account of the smoke issuing from the Algenne batteries, the fire from which was more violent than the evening before. Turks and that his Holiness has also wrote to all the Catholic Powers to give the like assis- tance to the Empress, which has induced most of them to augment their armies, and to make every necessary preparation, that they may be j ready to take the field at a very short notice." A letter from Berlin says, that the King has issued out orders for 60,000 of his best troops to hold themselves in readiness to march at a very short notice; but what route they are to take is kept a profound secret. DIED. Sunday, at his house in Edgeware road, Mr. John Powell, late of New Broad- street. ~ WOOLWICH April 28, 1783 HIS Majesty having been pleased to grant his most gracious Permission that such Men as have been discharged from the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and who shall be desirous of entering into the Service of the Honourable East India Company, shall be received into their respective Battalions or Companies to which they formerly belonged until the Departure of the Ships for India : All such Men are to be entitled to an im- mediate Bounty of One Guinea each Man, and to be paid the further Sum of Six Guineas to the non com- missioned Officers, and Five Guineas to the Privates on their Embarkation, and the Men are to sign an Agreement to serve the East- India Company abroad for five Years, at the Expiration of which Time the Company engage to find them a Passage back to En- gland free of all Expences whatsoever, unless they should chuse to re- inlist for a further Term, when they will be entitled to another Bounty, and at the Expiration of the second Term of Years be brought back to England at the Honourable Company's Ex- pence ; and in case they shall be wounded, or other- wise invalided in the Company's Service, they will be entitled to have a Pension on the Company's military Fund for Life, its follows ; Non- commissioned Officers belonging to the Artillery' shall receive Ninepence per Day ; and such as have lost a Limb One Shilling per Day ; private men of the Artillery Six pence per Day, and sucb as lose a limb Nine- pence per Day GARRISON ORDERS. Woolwich, May t, 1783. The Master- General has been pleased to consent that Lt. John Burton, of the third Battalion of the Royal Regiment oj Artillery, be appointed the Officer to enlist and receive the Men that may offer themselves for the service of tbe Honourable East- India Company, and they will in consequence be formed into a Detachment under tbe Command and Direction of that Officer at Woolwich. London, May 24, 1783. Such Men as during the last Summer were drafted from the Regiments of Militia to serve as Additionals with the Royal Regiment of Artillery, and are will- ing to enier into tbe Honourable East India Company's Service to go Abroad for Five Years on the same Terms as have been proposed for the discharged Men of tbe Royal Artillery, will be enlisted at Woolwich by Lieut. John Burton. No Man who has not served his Time, and is now perfectly free from any Engagement with the Militia, will be received; and such Men of the above description who are young, able, and chuse to enlist, are to bring Certificates of their Time of the Service in Militia be- ing expired. LONDON. On Tuesday next the Parliament will be fur- ther prorogued for six weeks, and from thence to the latter end of November, when it is ex- pected the two Houses will meet again for the dispatch of public business. On Thursday the 21st ult. William M'Dowal, Esq. of Garthland ( Scotland) was unanimously elected Member of Parliament for the county of Renfrew, in the place of John Shaw Stewart, Esq. who had vacated his seat by accepting the Chiltern Hundreds. The Porcupine frigate, which is arrived at Portsmouth from Gibraltar, brings dispatches from Gen. Eliott to Government, with a number of letters from the Officers of the garrison to their respective friends. By these advice is re- ceived of part of the Spanish fleet being returned to Cadiz from Algiers, after bombarding that city for several days, and laying a considerable part of it in allies; The Dey, during the bom- bardment, obliged the Christian slaves to work on the breaches made by the artillery and bombs, amidst showers of shot, and in sight of the Spa- nish fleet, which nevertheless continued the at- tack without remission, frequently setting fire to the City in five or six placcs at once. The Spaniards, however, did not think proper to land, and only once made a disposition for that purpose, when the countenance kept up by the Moorish troops obliged the boats to return to the shipping. The loss of the Moors is sup- posed to have been considerable, as they exposd themselves in whole troops to the shot of the fleet, and gave several instances of the most dar- ing valour; but, fortunately for the Spaniards, their ignorance in working the great guns ren- dered their most formidable batteries of little efficacy, which otherwise might have made great havock among them. By the signing the Definitive Treaty on Wed- nesday we shall have all our West India Islands restored to us before Christmas ; it being agreed in the Preliminary Articles, that all places taken during the war shall be given up again within three months after signing the Definitive Trea- ty, and as much sooner as can be effected. A letter from Vienna to a Gentleman in the City has the following article : " His Holiness the Pope has wrote a letter to the Emperor, exhorting him to give every assistance in his power to the Empress of Russia against the To the Reverend CHRISTOPHER WYVILL, CHAIRMAN of the COMMITTEE of ASSOCIA- TION of the County of YORK. THE late PETITION of the FREEHOLD- ERS of the County of York to the House of Com- mons, for a remedy of the national grievance in the Un- equal Representation of the People in Parliament, having failed of the desired success, we whose Names are sub- scribed, being Members of the said Committee of Associ- ation, request you, in conformity to the Resolution of the last Meeting of the Committee, holden on the 2 ill of De- cember last, to call a Meeting of the Committee, to be holden at York the latter end of September, or beginning of October, in order to consider of the most proper Mea- , aures to be taken for promoting the attainment of the great Object of that Petition. F. F. FOLJAMBE, SAMUEI. TOOKER, SAMUEL SHORE, GEO. WOODHEAD, JAMES WILKINSON, SAMUEL WALKER, THOMAS WALKER, JONATHAN WALKER, In obedience to this Requisition, I do give Notice, that a Meeting of the Committee of Association for the County of York will be held at York on Wednesday the 1st of October, 1783. C. WYVILL. Hartlepool, Aug. 30, 1783. PATENT FIRE GRATES for WARM FRESH AIR, Are so constructed, that a continual Supply of exter- nal Fresh Air is introduced hy them, and the Effect so great, that in the largest Churches, Halls, or Rooms, the Thermometer will rise Thirty Degrees, or more when required: If the Room is too warm, it may be coolcd in a short Time by opening Other Channels in the same Stove for cold Air. By the great Saving of Fuel, they become the cheapest Stoves that have ever been used. They shew an handsome Fire- Place, and are orna- mental. They are an effectual Cure for Smokey Chimnies. They may be used in any Fire- Placc, or in Rooms that have none. They are ( when fitted up for that Purpose) the best Kind of Stoves for Laundries that have ever been invented. In Fen Countries and Wet Seasons, and in great Fogs, they rarify tlie Air, and render it perfectly pure ' and wholesome to the most delicate Constitutions. They are fit for many Kinds of Manufactories where Heat and perfectly clean Fresh Air arc required ; for any given Quantity of Fuel will produce more Heat than has ever been done by any other Means. They are fit for Hot- Houses in Gardens, Green- Houses, Paper- Makers, Printers, Sugar- Bakers, Granaries, Malt- Kilns, Hop- Kilns, West- India Curing Houses, & c. Great Variety of Patterns of every Size may be seen at Mr. SHARP'S Warehouse, No. 15, Leadenhall- street, London; or at his Manufactory in Tooley- street, South- wark. Descriptions of these Stoves ( being tbe 7th Edition) may be had of Mr. Dodsley, in Pall- Mall; Payne, ditto; White, Fleet- street; Dilly, Poultry; Nicoll, St. Paul's Church- yard ; Jackson, Oxford ; and Merrill, Cambridge : Where also may be had, Descriptions, with Copper- Plates, of Variety of Machines made by Mr. SHARP. HERTFORDSHIRE. TO be SOLD, about 30 Miles from London, a handsome HOUSE, with very compleat Offices, and about 50 Acres ot Ground ; is well situated and in good Condition. The Furniture will be sold with it or not, as the Purchaser pleases. Inquire of Mr. Binham, Hosier, in the Strand, near the end of Catherine- street. EAST INDIA HOUSE, September 4, 1783. tHE Court of Directors of the United Com- pany of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, do hereby give Notice, That a General Court of the said Company will be held at their House in Leadsnhall- street, on. Wednesday, the 14th of April, 1784, for the Election of Six Directors of the said Company for four Years. Custom- House, London, Sept. 1, 1783, FOR SAL F.. Y Order of the Hon. the Commissioners of his Majesly's Customs, in Pursuance of an Act af Parliament of the Third Year of his present Majesty, on Tuesday the 9th, Wednesday the 10th, and Thursday the 11th of September, 1783, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoons of the said Days, will be put up to Sale in the Long Room in the Custom- House, London, THE FOLLOWING GOODS. FOR HOME CONSUMPTION, Brandy, Rum, Geneva, Cordial Water, Green and Bohea Tea, Raw and Roasted Coffee, Mate- rials of Vessels, Organs, Purple and King's Wood, and Refused Wine. Also such Good: as have remained in his Ma- jesty's Warehouse upwards cf Six Months not Cleared, Or the Duties paid, viz. Pictures, Prints, Books, Paper for Prints, Hair Powder, Quills, Trusses, Currants, Arran- goe Beads, Tobacco, Rum, Arrack, Wine, Raw Coffee, Glass, Crapes, Iron Wood, and sundry other sorts of Goods as mentioned in the Catalogues, CLEAR OF ALL DUTIES. The Materials of Vessels, Purple, King's, and Iron Wood, to be viewed at the Tobacco- Ground, near the Wet- Dock, Rotherhithe, and all the other Goods at the King's Warehouse, Custom- House, London, on Friday the 5th, Saturday the 6th, and Monday the 7th of September, 1783, from Nine to One in the Forenoons, and in the Mornings before the Sale, Where Catalogues will be delivered. DESERTED from a Detachment of Artil- lery at Woolwich, the following MatrosseS: 12th July, DAVID WALTERS, aged 21 years, 5 feet 7 inches high, is of a brown com- plexion, brown hair, and grey eyes; by trade a shoemaker, and born in Brecknock town, Wales. 17th, FRANCIS BUTCHARD, aged 20 years, 5 feet inches high, is of a swarthy complexion, brown hair, and brown eyes ; by trade a weaver, and born in the town of Liff, in Scotland ; went off in his regimental clothing. 25th, JOHN CRUTHERS, aged 20 years, 5 feet 71 inches high, is of a brown complexion, brown hair, and grey eyes; born in Fulltown, in Cumberland ; went off in his regimentals. 31st, THOMAS KNIGHT, aged 19 years, 5 feet 9 inches, is of a fair complexion, fair hair, and blue eyes; by trade a bricklayer, and born in the town of Millstown Abbot, in Devon; went off in his regimentals. loth August, JOHN CLARIHUE, aged 18 years, 5 feet 3 j inches high, is of a brown complexion, light hair and blue eyes, by trade a labourer, and born in the town of Aberdeen in Scotland ; went off in a light brown coat. JOHN PHIPPs, aged 25 years, 5 feet 8 inches high, is of a fair complexion, fair hair and blue eyes, by trade a labourer, and born in the town of Shillington in Bedfordshire ; went off in his regimentals. JOHN CLOWES, aged 22 years, five feet eight inches high, is of a fresh complexion, black hair and blue eyes, by trade a grocer, and born in the town of St. Alban's in Herts; went off in his regimental cloathing and side arms, and is supposed to have taken from the Ordnance Arms in Woolwich, a dark brown gelding, rising seven years old, about fifteen hands high, a mark on his near shoulder, resembling the figure 8; four white legs, large thick bush cut tail, with a small star in his forehead, and a slip down his face, and saddle spots.; likewise a post- chaise bridle, and a double flap saddle. 28th August, JOHN REID, aged 17 years, 5 feet 5 | inches high, brown, complexion and J black hair, by trade a labourer, and born in the town of Worcester, in England; went off in a regimental jacket and laced hat. GEORGE NASON, aged 16 years, 5. feet 6} inches high, fresh complexion, light brown hair, and grey eyes, by trade a labourer, and born in the town of Canterbury, iu England, and went off in his regimentals. Whoever will apprehend, or cause to be ap- prehended the person who stole the gelding, & c. so that they may be had again, shall receive One Guinea reward, by applying to Mr. Hud- fon, at the Ordnance Arms as above. : Whoever will apprehend the abovementioned: Matrosses, and lodge them in any of his Ma- jesty's gaols or guard- houses, so as they may. conducted to Woolwich, shall be entitled to a' , reward of Two Guineas over and above what is i, allowed by Act of Parliament, by applying to " Lieut. John Burton, of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich m i Woolwich in Kent, Sept. I, 1^ 85. X FRIDAY, Sept. 5 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh, Aug. 29. On the 23d curt, as the ferry- boat was crossing from Cowal, at the ferry of Craigens, below Inverary, two horses being on board became unruly, and the boat being leaky immediately filled with water, and sunk ; by which Lieut. Robert Campbell, of the 71st regiment ( an officer who had served in America under Col. Tarleton) and his servant, with one of the boatmen, were drowned. The other boatman got upon one of the hories, which swam with him about a mile to the shore. in Hyde Park. It was agreed upon by their seconds, that after receiving their pistols they should advance and fire when they pleased : - On arriving within about eight yards of each other they presented, and drew their triggers nearly at the same time, when only the Colo- nel's pistol went off. The Lieutenant Colonel having adjusted his pistol, fired at the Colonel, who received a severe contusion on his thigh: Their second pistols were fired without effect, and their friends called to reload them ; after which they again advanced to nearly the same distance, and fired, when the Lieutenant Colo- nel fell, having received a ball in his body. He received immediate assistance from Mr. Grant, who attended the Colonel in case of need, and who extracted the ball on the field. COUNTRY NEW s.- Yarmouth, Sept. 1. Last night we had the loudest claps of thunder ever remembered here, with a great, deal of lightning, attended with a very heavy fall of rain. Several of the houses were greatly damaged, and all the windows shat- tered to pieces; some were likewise unroofed, and many of the ground- floors so much under water, that the inhabitants were obliged to get by means of boats in and out of the one- pair- of stairs windows; numbers of ships too, lying in the roads, had their masts and rigging much damaged. LONDON. Sir John Lindsay ( one of the Lords of the Admiralty) is appointed Commodore and Com- mander in Chief in the Mediterranean, and is to hoist his broad pendant on board his Majesty's ship the Trusty, of 50 guns, which will sail very shortly. The Thetis frigate, of 32 guns, is now on the point of sailing for that station ; and it is supposed she will bring home Gen. Eliott, who, we hear, is to be relieved, though not in the command ot Gibraltar, by Gen. Rainsford. Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth. Sept. 3. " Arrived this morning the Porcupine frigate from Gibraltar, and the Perseveranee frigate from the Downs. " Sailed the Marquis de Seignally sloop of war to the westward." - On Wednesday a full Court of Directors was held at the East India House, Leadenhall- street, in. order to complete the taking up shipping for the Company's service ; . when they agreed for four new and 11 other ships, with their old owners. By accounts from most parts of this kingdom we learn, there has not been for man years so fine a harvest as that got in at present. The advices from Essex, Suffolk, Wiltshires the Isle of Wight, and Norfolk, give the most favourable relations of a plentiful crop. Cumberland and Northumberland have been rather backward ; but the produce of the lands has been exceed- ingly fertile, and in most parts of Yorkshire it has answered the farmers warmest wishes. A letter from Ely says, they have had such long and heavy rains that their low grounds are all covered with water, and that many cattle were drowned. Price of day labour under exactly similar cir- cumstances from ancient family- writings near Framlingham in Suffolk: 1568 COMMITMENTS. Last Sunday morning, about one o'clock, Wil- liam Blunt, formerly a runner to Justice Hyde, and John Berryman, broke into the house of Thomas Gale, Esq. in Greek- street, Soho, and had got the plate and other things packed up, and broke open a hamper of wine to refresh themselves; when Mrs. Galo going up stairs to see if the children were safe, as it thundered and lightned, heard somebody below ; upon which she told her husband, who went down with his servant, while she threw up the window and called the watch; when the villains, hearing somebody coming, made off, but were taken by the gentleman and watch, and on Wednesday were committed to New- Prison, by the sitting magistrates at Litchfield- street, for trial at the ensuing sessions at the Old- Bailey. BIRTH. Wednesday, the Countess of Harrington, of a daughter, at his Lordship's house, Stable- yard, St. James's. MARRIED. Yesterday, at St. George's Church, Hanover- square, Mr. Butler, of Liverpool, to Miss Mann, of Eaton- street, Pimlico.—- Same day, Mr. Had- ley, junior, of Long Acre, to Miss Layton, of the Borough. per diem. Friday last were executed at Heavitree, near Exeter, John Pidgeon, Patrick Dogherty, and Simon Frazer, three sailors, for robbing Mr. Brimblecomb and Mr. Cooke near Plymouth- Dock; Amos Hatherly, for robbing farmer Veale on the highway, as he was returning from Ugborough fair, of a purse containing nine gui- neas; Simon Masters, a waggoner, for robbing Mrs. Nancy Cook ( a passenger in the waggon he was then driving as a substitute for his bro- ther) of 14s.; and Elizabeth Rumbelow and Ri- chard Mann, for sheep- stealing. They all be- haved with great decency, and confessed their guilt. Elizabeth Rumbelow, aged 63, was born and always resided at Bampton, where her antient mother now lives in the poor- house. Her usual business was spinning ; but, unsatisfied with the gains of honest industry, she began to pilfer, and for one of her many thefts was publicly whipt at Hampton. Elizabeth her daughter, aged 21, lived with her; and about Easter last Elizabeth Rowland, also aged 21, came to lodge with them. Rowland had served an apprenticeship to a but- cher, and being expert in the business, these women commenced sheep stealers. The neigh- bouring farmers often milled sheep, and from the old woman's character suspected her to be the thief They agreed to search her house, and there they found a quantity of mutton. They then took the family before a justice, where they con- fessed having stolen seven sheep from various persons. The old woman and Rowland used to steal the sheep and lead them home, while the daughter was left at home to let them know when they might slip in unperceived. Rowland acted as butcher. The fat was melted for sale, the wool was carded and r~ in, the meat salted, the entrails buried, and . it skin burnt. Row- land and the mother were convicted of stealing. a sheep of Thomas O: nham's. The daughter was acquitted. The were six other indict- ments against them for sheep- stealing, on which they were not tried. The old woman being an old offender, and having educated her daughter in the same iniquitous trade, was ordered for execution, but Rowland was reprieved. Yesterday according to appointment a Colo- nel and a Lieutenant Colonel oF the Guards met to fight a duel at six that morning, at the ring An authentic and circumstantial account of the loss of the GROSVFNOR EAST INDIAM. VN ; toge- ther with a relation of the events which befel tbe crew and passengers, as given by the survivors who have, reached. England, viz. , Robert Price, Thomas Lewis, John Waimington, and Robert Larey. ( Concluded from Thursday s Paper.) WHEN the party with which John Warm- ington was, first came to the sandy country, only eight of them then remained together; they had not then overtaken any of the party in which the boy and Larey were. Three week or a month after entering the sandy country, they came to a salt- water river too deep to wade ; ' at this time only four of the eight re- mained together, viz. Warmington, Fruel, Fitz- gerald, and Hynes ; but they had overtaken Lillburne with Master Law, Auld the Cooper, and Jeremiah Evans, and at this river they came up with the boy, Larey, De Larso, the armourer, Wm. Couch, Simmonds and Schultz.—• thus ends the Narrative of the party with whom John Warmington and Tho. Lewis travelled. What follows is the Journal of the party with which Rob. Price and Barney Larey remained Some of the natives whom they met on the sea- side, put a lance and knobby stick into his hand, by way of making friends, and took him by the arm, wanting him to go with them; but he began to cry, and William Couch, who was his comrade, helping one another ever since the wreck, and the others also fell crying, where- upon the natives let him go : this was in the secOnd inhabited country after leaving he Por- tugueze; these were the last CafFrees they saw.- After coming into the sandy country they saw no natives; the sandy country is sand hills, so loose that they could not go over them, and only could travel at low water, where the sea ebbed and made it hard ; they found rocks scattered on the shore in many places, and one rocky part to the sea, which they could only pass at low water ; but luckily they came to it at low water. A little before they came to Great Visch river, which was in sight from a rising ground, they passed a little gulley, where they were called to by Paddy Burne; and Mr. Lillburne, Tho. Lewis, and John Squires, were there; the carpenter then dead, and buried at that place. Great Visch river is very broad at high water, like a sea, but narrow at low ; it has flat sands at the mouth, and some black rocks on this side. De Larso was almost drowned by the eddy tide in swim- ming across. The others passed in cattamarans, made of rotten wood and stumps of trees, brought down by the rivers and thrown up, which they tied with their handkerchiefs, and roots that grow 0n the sand twilled together ; they waded, and guided the cattamarans round the sand- banks, till they came to the narrow deep part; Lewis, Larey, and the armourer were left behind the first day, their cattamaran having gone across the river without them. Couch, Schultz, and Simmonds, passed over at that time ; they staid that night, and passed Great Visch river next, morning; Mr. Lillburne staid to sleep there that - night, intending to to back to a whale-: with him remained Master Law, Warmington, Fruel, Fitzgerald, Hynes, and Evans, who crossed the river afterwards, and the following who did not cross the river, viz. P. Burne, G. Creighton, J. Squires, and Isaac, Capt. Talbot's cockswain, together with one of the Lascars, who is arrived at the Cape. The Lascar said it was a great way to the Cape, and that he would go back and look for the natives. Those who had gone over the Great Visch river found a porpoise left amongst the rocks. Francisco De Larso caught hold his tail, and it splashed him all over; but he at last stuck it with a little knife, which he brought wtth him to Landross, and gave to Mrs. Logie's maid. They continued on, after having stopped at the fresh- water creek where the top gallant mast was seen, till they came to a pond. where was fresh water, and there stopped ; they went up a steep sandy bill; and staid in a fine jungle a- top of the hill, where they made a fire. When Price and his two companions crossed Great Visch river, they followed the others by their track, and called out. where they saw the tracks striking up from the shore, when William Couch answered; it was then dark, and they joined a top of the hill.— After coming up with them they were five or six days before they passed Boschi man's river, and afterwards came to a great bay in the sandy coun- try with three islands ( they are small, white and round, the farthest about four or five miles off shore): there is not much surf in this bay; Sondags river falls into it. Only five of their party re- mained together when they came to this bay, viz. De Larlo, Larey, William Couch, the ar- mourer, and Robert Price. Here William Couch died : they buried him and said prayers over him, and shook hands , and swore they would never separate again till they got into a Christian country. At this bay they were overtaken by John Hynes and Jeremiah Evans, who told them War- ming on was left behind almost dead. Larcy went back and brought him. By this time they had found sand- creepers, which are a kind of cockle- that hide under the sand ; so that they had plenty of victuals when joined by Hynes and EVans.— The armourer went back with Evans to look for Mr. Lillburne, Fitzgerald, and other's, but never returned ; losing his own life to save his com- rades. Evans returned back the same night. After leaving Sondags river, they came to a creek called Kuga, and hen to Swartkops river, which is salt water, and from the top of the hills could see the islands in the bay of Sondags river. When Lewis was alone on a sand hill gathering Hot tentot figs, De Larso having laid down to sleep under a bush near him, he saw a man, whom he at first took for one of his companions; but on seeing a gun on his shoulder, immediately ran to him as fast as he could, which was not fast, his legs being much swelled, and fell down at his feet for joy, and then went and called De Larso, WHO spoke Portugueze. Their companions were below by a whale at the sea- side, as they in- tended to stop three days here; but when they were called, this man, named John Potose, car- ried them to the house of Christian Feroos, With whom he seemed to be a partner. They all re- mained there three days, and three days more at another house in the neighbourhood, belong- ing to Daniel Konig. Then five were sent to Landross van Swellendam ; Robert Price re- maining at the second house, near Swartkops river. From Landross van Swellendam, War- mington and Larey were sent to the Cape; Hynes remained at Landross, and Evans and De Larso came back to Swartkops, with 30 or 40 waggons and horses, with tents, and about 100 people under Capt. Millar, who intended to go to the wreck in quest of more of the people who were saved. Evans and De Larso went on with the party ; they got within five days journey of the wreck, but came back, their horses being tired ; and the Mambookors opposing them, they left the waggons at the river Nye or cK- ly, which is a very large river fall of great stones, and has a rapid stream ; it is near the Bamboe Berg, and is fresh water; in their journey from he wreck they were obliged to go up it three days before they could cross, on account of the great stones ; the country is in- habited on both sides. Robert Price remained near Swartkops till the waggons and people returned; they were bsent from Swartkops at least a mouth, and had been within a day's journey of where they were robbed, but never got to the wreck, nor had seen any tokens of the ladies or captain, except that they saw in a CafFree house a great coat which they thought was the captain's ; in their journey they saw several dead bodies. De Larso came from the Cape in the same ship with Robert Price, viz. Laurwig, Capt. Stainbeck, and is gone t0 Denmark; in the same ship came also William Hubberly, the second mate's ser- vant, and Francisco Feancon, who had remained with the Caffrees, and were brought from thence by the Hottentots, at the same time with Lewis ; these are also gone to Denmark. We have thus laid before our readers, in as full and circumstantial a manner as possible, the various difficulties and miraculous escapes cf a part of This unfortunate company ; it therefore only remains, for the satisfaction of our Readers, to make a general enumeration, according : o the most authentic accounts yet received : Arrived in London :- Robert Price, Barney Larey, John Warmington, and Thomas Lewis. Gone t0 Copenhagen :— William Hubberly, John Hynes, Francis Feancon, and De Larso. Left at the Cape:— Jeremiah Evans, and some of the Lascars. The following persons were left with Capt. Coxon, of whom no accounts are received :— Mr. Logie, chief mate; Mr. Beale, third ditto; Mr. Harris, fifth ditto; Mr. Haye, purser; Mr. Nixon, surgeon ; Robert Rea, boatswain; John Hunter, gunner ; Wm. Mixon, quartermaster; George M'Daniel, carpenter's first mate ; James Mauleverer ditto second ditto ; John Edkins, caulker; William Stevens, butcher; Frank Ma- soon ; Dom Kircanio, Joseph Andree, Matthew Bell, Roque Pandolpho, John Stevens, John Pope, seamen ; Joseph Thompson, chief mate's servant; James Vandesteen, boatswain's ditto ; John Hill, gunner's ditto ; Antonio de Cruza, captain's cook ; Patrick Fitzgerald and John Hudson, discharged foldiers from Madras ; Col. D'Espinetre. Passengers left with Capt. Coxon :— Colonel James, Mrs. James, Mr. Hosea, Mrs. Hosea, Mrs. Logie, Mr. Newman, Capt. Walterhouse Adair, Miss Dennis, Miss Wilmot, Miss Hosea, Master Saunders, Master Chambers, children. Blackservants :— George Sims, Reynel, Dow, Betty, Sally, Mary, Hoakim, M. Plaideaux de Lisse, j. Rousseau. The following persons died on their way to the Cape — William Thomson, midshipman ; Thomas Page Carpenter ; Henry Lilburne, ships steward ; Master Law; Thomas Simmonds, quartermaster ; Robert Auld, cooper William Couch, captain's steward ; Lau. Jonesqua, boat swain's yeoman ; All. Schultz, Thomas Parker, Patrick Burne, R. Fitzgerald. and John Blain,, seamen ; Mr. Williams, Mr Taylor, and John Sussman, passengers. Lef. in different parts, exclusive of those who remained with the captain :— James Thompson, quartermaster ; George Reed, armourer; Mr. Shaw, second mate; Mr. Trotter, fourth ditto Geo. Creighton, caulker's mate; Lau. M'Ewen, Edward Monk, John Squires, Isaac Blair, Wm. Fruel, Charles Berry, James Simpson, Jacob Angel, John Howes, and John Brown, seamen Willam Ellis, Edward Croaker, and James Stockdale, discharged soldiers. For the Whitehall Evening- Post. A SENTIMENTAL EXCURSION. ( Continued from last Thursday's Paper.) HORNS. WE were sworn upon the horns— Locke is certainly right in his doctine upon the association of ideas ; for no sooner had we laid our right hands upon the horns, than, as actu- ated by a sympathetic impulse, we laid our left hands upon our foreheads. Being a bache- lor, I must pray to avert the omen.— Yet why ? It not cuckoldom the high road to HeaVen ?——— True ; but it makes hell upon earth, through the instigation of that worst of all devils—, JEALOUSY. The road to Heaven, say the divines is strait and narrow, and thorny— few there be that find it And so is the road to cuckoldom. says the de- bauchee, if you only consider the stings of con- science, the toil and the plague which attends the corrupting of a woman's mind— you may regale your sense, but you pull the leaf stem a sweet- briar. Shakespear's Touchstone, in the Comedy of As You Like It, ladies, has logically proved that the fortified brow of a married man is more honourable than the bare brow of a bachelor. I presume that the term horn - work, which is con- sidered of so much strength in fortification, had derived its title from some engineer, who, having discovered, the weaknefs of the fosse, invented this additional work to guard the place. Horn- works and Spanish padlocks, in all probability, sprung from the same motives. But why are cuckolds ornamented with horns ? I protest I am totally ignorant of the origin of the order, and as totally ignorant of the rea- sons which have produced the insignia ; and considering the number of antiquarians who have received the honour of initiation and in- vestiture, I am astonished that investigation has not developed the arcana of the order, as it would be a work of at least equal utility with most of their labours. — Materials can not be wanting— let me see—- the moon has horns'. Moses and Alexander the Great are painted with horns. The earth is also represented with her cornu- COpia, or horns. The mitres of Bishops have the crooked ap- pearance of a pair of horns. ADD TO THESE, A ram is nothing without a horn. I can go no farther. I must end with the ram, and I hear the Antiquarians exclaim— it is an end we must all come t0. I dropped my new acqUaintance, the Curate, at Tottenham court Road, first giving him a direction to my inn, and soon after was set down at Charing cross. Having determined upon visiting a friend in the city, and the evening. being fine, I took a direction from the waiter, and set forward for Broad street, but it was my good fortune to get but half way that night. The most striking objects in London to the eye of a stranger, are the PROSTITUTES. On a superficial view, I fear they are the most pleasing—- on an intinate knowledge, they are certainly the most disgusting, and, to a reflecting mind, the most shocking. Between Charing- cross and Temple- bar, hun- dreds of the most beautiful women march in droves— faces like angels— minds like devils.— objects of pity and of terror— at once a disgrace to government and to human nature. Prostitution, in my opinion, is not so much owing to seduction as to the neglect of parents. A prudent mother should not only superintend the education of her daughter, but consider it also as a part of maternal duty, sedulously to watch her progress towards maturity. Many errors are imputed to a viciousness of mind, which result naturally from a warmth of constitutioh ; and a scrupulous nicety in the choice of a husband, too often terminates in the ruin of a daughter. Public laws and domestic restraints upon mar- riage produce the greatest evils in a state, for public continence increases the human species,- In London, there are thousands who revel in tha heat of concupiscence, yet never furnish their country with a child. Montesquieu thinks, that the fault of public prostitution is with the men. He says, " Young women, who are conducted by marriage alone to liberty and pleasure, who have a mind that dares not think, a heart which dares not feel, eyes which dare not see, ears which dare not hear, who appear only to shew themselves silly, condemned without intermission to trifles and precepts, have sufficient inducements to lead them on to marriage, it is the young men who require encouragement." These were ex post facto Considerations— A girl had laid her hand upon my arm in the Strand, and at the same time looked so much love, that I involuntarily followed the impulse of my heart and found myself in her lodgings before I had P'- r time to refect upon my situation to be continued. SATURDAY, Sept. 6; SHIP nEWs Deal, Sept. 4. WIND S. W. Sailed yesterday morning the Antelope, the Ocean, the Trident, and London transports, to the Eastward, Sailed for the River the Esdail, Walsby, and Lion, Baas, for Oporto. Remain in the Downs his Ma- jesty's ships Thetis, Emerald, Garland; the Dauphin, with the Amity's Production, and seve- ral other transports from Halifax ; the Rattle- snake sloop of war, and Surprise cutter from the River : the John and Bella, and Tyger transports; the Neptune, Lacy, for Virginia ; and the Olive Branch, Rainbard, for Philadelphia. COUNTRY NEWS. Folkstone, Sept. i. Laft night we had One of the heaviest ftorms ever known in this part of the world ; it lasted several hours, during which time the thunder was continual, and the flashes of lightning beyond description tremendous. A sloop that was coming in at the close of the day- has been no more heard of. Bristol, Sept. 2. Last week died Mrs. Watkins, wife of Mr. Watkins, on St. Philip's Plain : Also last week died Mrs. Thompson, in Marlborough- street. Their deaths were occasioned by a hid- den surprize at the terrible thunder and light- ning on Tuesday se'nnight. Bath, Sept. 3. Arrived here, Lord and Lady Palmerston, Lady Bloss and Family, Lady Tho rold Lady Lumm, Hon. Mr. Engleton, Mr. Justice Heath, Dr. Macdonagh, Major Bayard, Capt. Quin, Capt. Gideon, Capt. Johnstone, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Mertin, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Pasten, Mr. and Mrs. Stace, Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. Foy, Mr. Smythett, Mr. Geast, Mr. Molineux, Mr. Bradburne, Mr. Waller, Mr. Wills, Mr. Thick- nesse, Mr. Goddard, Mr. Mander, Mr. Camp- bell, Mr. Collier, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Riddell, Mr. Huddlestone, Mrs. Weir, Mrs. Taylor, Miss and Master Macdonagh, Miss Ottos, Miss Se- nior, & c. The best Wheat, we are told, now sells at 5s. a bushel in the lower part of this county. At this season of the year many houses are infested with flies ; their number proves disa- greeable on many accounts; this being univer- sally known and complained of, has induced several people to compound a liquid for the pur- pose of destroying these insects. The balls of this liquid is that deleterious drug known by the name of arsenic, rendered agreeable and alluring to the flies by a sufficient quantity of syrup, The effects of this poison are so well known, that it is needless to observe further, than that the publi- cation of this paragraph may guard those fami- lies who become purchasers of this liquid, from exposing it where children may have an opportu- nity of tasting it. We are told that the venders of this medicine deny that arsenic enters its composition.; but we are credibly informed by a gentleman of the fa- tuity, that these insects will not sip any other mineral poison their organs of taste are so acute, that they refuse the corrosive sublimate in what- ever proportion it may be mixed, or however largely diluted; and we venture to affirm, that either arsenic or corrosive sublimate must be the composition of these poisons, or they would not exert such an instantaneous and fatal effect. If in future any person should unhappily swal- low the smallest quantity of this poison, the only means whereby their lives can be preserved, is by diluting largely with oil and milk, thereby obtunding the acrimony of the arsenic, and effect- ing its penetration. Chemical assistance we know will be proper; but this is meant to in- form those who may not have that assistance at hand. The oldest woman in England is now living at Wilton, near Taunton: She has a daughter aged 85, who lives with her. They are support- ed by the charity of the neighbourhood. At the assizes for this county, which ended at Bridgwater on Thursday, 60 prisoners were tried, 19 of whom were capitally convicted. Before the Judge left the town, he, was pleased to re- prieve 14 of them on condition of transportation for 14 years, and to order the other five for ex- ecution at Ivelchester this day. LONDON. Yesterday, a little before noon, his Majesty came from Windsor to St. James's ; the Levee broke up at three o'clock, when the Duke of Portland and the Secretaries' of State had au- diences of his Majesty till near four, when he returned to Windsor. The same day his Excellency the French Am- bassador had an audience of the King at St. James's The same day the Sheriffs went up to St. James's to know his Majesty's pleasure when he would permit the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council to wait on him with the City Address of Congratulation on the safe delivery of the Queen, and the birth of another Princess, and on the Prince of Wales's coming of age; when his Majesty was pleased to appoint Wed- nesday next, at two o'clock. The baptismal ceremony of the young Prin- cess is postponed by Royal Order from next Thursday to the Wednesday evening following. Yesterday some dispatches were received at Mr. Secretary Fox's Office from the Governor of Halifax, in Nova Scotia, brought by the Li- corne man of war, which mention that the Go- vernor and garrison were well, and that they had a plentiful fishery. A letter from Petersburg says, that six En- glish Gentlemen are arrived in that City in order to enter into the Empress's service, some for the army and others for the navy ; and that the empress gives the greatest encouragement to all english Officers who will enter into her ser- A general confederacy of the German Princes is in agitation, as the means of attacking the armies of the Grand Signior should they attempt the threatened irruption- into that Empire, which, in the whole compass of its vast extre- mities, resounds with the noise of hostile prepa- ration. A letter from Havre- de- grace, received by Thursday's mail, says, that a vessel is arrived there from Charles- Town, South Carolina, by which they learn, that several French ships lie there, but cannot get half their lading, whilst the ships bound to England have all full Cargoes; and the merchants there seem more inclined to ship their goods for England than for any other parts. There were 16 French houses established at Philadelphia in April last; a larger number than all the other Europeans settled there put toge- ther. Extract of a Letter from Rochfort, Aug. 16. " The fleet sailed for Newfoundland consists of La Fine, of 50, L'Envieuse 32, La Diana 28, Le Dane 20, and Le Cerf Volant, and La Lie- Vrette sloops ; they are under the command of M. de CorneillaC, who has a distinguishing flag. " The object of this little squadron is to pro- tect the fishery, and also take possession of the islands of MiqUelon, St. Pierre, and the little Island de la Sante; for which purpose they have some soldiers on board, and also a number of peo- ple who are going to settle on those islands, in- vited by the encouragement given by Govern- ment, and the idea of vast gains." Extract of a Letter from Rotterdam, Aug. 23. " The Antwerp, a new ship of 60 guns, lately' launched here, is ordered to be equipped as she is to lay as a guardship to this place, till she may be ordered to some other more necessary service. There have been lately discharged here 4300 men from the ships laid up. " A courier from Paris part this city last night, in his way to the Hague, where he pro- ceeded post, without making any stop : it is ex- pected his business is on the Definitive Treaty, which we generally wiih to see determined as soon as possible. The Duc de Vauguyon returns to Holland from Paris next month. '.' " The rains have been so unusually great for some days past, that the Maese has swelled five feet; and we are hourly in expectation of hear- ing very ill news from the Low Countries by the breaking of the Dykes." We are informed that every thing is settled with the Dutch, but it will be some time longer before it will be signed, owing to the forms of the different States of that Republic. Extract of a Letter from Paris, Aug. 28. " I was yesterday evening entertained with a sight, which had drawn all Paris to the Champ de Mars, or Campus Martius, which lies in front of the Military Academy, founded by the late - King, for the education of the young noblesse in Military Tactics: A Monsieur Mongolfier, a paper manufacturer, at Nonais en Vivarez, of a mathematical turn of mind, conceived it possible to form a globe, which should rise in the air, without the aid of wings, and, bidding defiance to the laws of Gravitation, soar beyond the reach of sight, and lose itself above the clouds. Ano- ther Gentleman, a Member of one of the Learn- ed Academies, happened to hit upon the same idea ; but whether in consequence of a previous communication with Monsieur Mongolfier, or not, is not yet determined. However, he made a globe of taffety, twelve feet in the diameter, and plaistered it all over with an elastic gum; the whole weighing 25 pounds. Two cannons were fired as a signal for the globe to be let off, when the inventor cutting a cord that held it, it immediately mounted into the air, and turning occasionally round its own axis, it was in about a minute carried completely out of sight; and what is become of it no one can tell. There is, however, a label on it, which contains the year, month and day when it was sent into the air, and a promise of a reward of 50 ecus, or 150 livres, to the person who shall find it; but there is reason to think that it will continue swimming in the air for a long time before it falls. " It may appear surprizing that this globe should continue to mount, in spite of the attrac- tion which draws bodies to the earth; but, ex- traordinary as it may appear, it is perfectly na- tural. The globe was made hollow, and then filled with inflammable air, or aEther; and as it is the nature of flame to ascend, so the globe, by means of the fiery particles it contains, will continue to ascend, or at least float, and resist the attraction of the earth, till the internal Aether shall have evaporated; and then the globe, in obe- dience to the laws of Gravitation, must necessarily fall. It is wished here that it may fall on land, that it may be discovered how long it has sailed. Next week Mr. Mongolfier intends to set up a globe, 25 feet in the diameter. To what account this discovery may turn cannot be ascertained ; but much is expected from it here. There was an amazing concourse of people attended ; but none were admitted within the lines of the Champ de Mars, who had not a ticket, for which a livre was paid. There were about 4000 within the inclosure; but round about, there were at least ten times that number." A draught is now making from the Matrosses at Woolwich, which are to embark on board the men of war destined for Gibraltar. ,.- The three following ships of 50 guns are ap- pointed to their several stations, viz. Adamant, now at Chatham, to be the flag ship on the Lee- ward Island station ; Europa, at Woolwich, for Jamaica; and Trustly, at Sheerness, for the Me- diterranean. The two last are new ships, and have never yet been at sea. The following regiments embarked at New York on the 15th of July, and sailed in a few days after for Bremerlehe, in Germany, viz. third regiment Waldecks, commanded by Lieut. Col. Horn, free battalion of Hesse- Hanau, corps of Anhault- Zerbst, and Anspach Jagers. The action against the Dean of St. Afaph, which was to have come 0n at the assizes at Wrex- ham on Monday last was withdrawn by the Hon. Mr. Fitzmaurice, the prosecutor, and He himself left the place on the Saturday. Extract of a Letter from Plymouth, Sept. a. " Arrived his Majesty's ship Charon, from Bristol, and Fame transport, from Portsmouth}, to take in troops for foreign service. " Sailed the Iphigenia frigate to the east- ward. " Remain in the Sound his Majesty's ships Charon and Fairy." Extract of a Letter from Fowey, Sept, 1. u The Brilliant cutter, which is cruizing here, in her last cruize fell in with two small smuggling shallops, which she captured, with about 130 six- gallon kegs of brandy on board, a part of which was brought to this Custom- house, and the rest carried to St. Ive's. " Pilchards at present are very scarce ; not more than 1500 hogsheads have been taken by all the seans, from this place to Mevagig, best part of which are already sold to the merchants of Falmouth, for two guineas a hogshead, bounty included." A letter from Hatfield, in Hertfordshire, has the following article: " On Sunday night we had a most tremendous storm of thunder and lightning; several, houses were untiled, many- windows broke to pieces, and some persons hurt. In the fields belonging to the Earl of Salisbury morning we , found several sheep, horses, and cows struck dead by the lightning,, and a poor object who went begging about the country was found deatd under a tree within half a mile of this town, with some blue spots like blisters 0n his hands, face, & c." A gentleman who is come to town from St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk, says, he has been tricked out of a horse in the following manner: He was requested to buy a gelding for a gentle- man, his friend, who died before it was delivered to him, and therefore it remained on his hands, and, having no use for it, he offered it for sale ; and on the 29th ult. a genteel man with a cock- ade in his hat, pretending to be an officer, looked at the horse, saying he was come to stay some weeks in the country, and wanted one to ride out upon; he liked the horse, and the bargain was struck for forty guineas, what he cost ; but said before he paid for him he must ride him for a few hours, to know his paces; the next day he took him out, but not returning at night, the gentleman went to the house where he said he lodged, and was told he left his lodgings in the morning, having before sent his things off for London by the stage. The owner pursued him to London, but cannot get any intelligence of him. Tbe Theatre Royal Drury- lane will open on Tuesday the 16th inst. and the Theatre Royal Covent- garden will open on Wednesday the 17 th inst. ROBBERIES. Monday night a gentleman was stopped on the City road by a single footpad, who robbed him of a draft for fifty pounds ; also some silver and some other articles. Wednesday a man and a woman came into the shop of a mercer in Cornhill, and stole thereout a piece of sattin containing about fifty yards, & c. COMMITMENTS. Yesterday the two men who were taken in Smithfield in picking two gentlemen's pockets, while the Lord- Mayor was proclaiming Bartho- lomew- fair, one of whom lost two guineas and some silver, and the other his pocket- book and handkerchief were examined before Mr. Alder- man Hart, and both committed to Newgate for trial. The same day Hyam, one of the convicts who escaped out of the ship, and was taken on Thursday in Still Alley, was re- examined before the Lord Mayor, when he desired till Tuesday next to bring proof that he had surrendered himself, which was granted, and thereupon he was taken back to the Poultry Compter. CASUALTY. On Thursday as the apprentice of Mr. Shrew- der, of Norton- Falgate, was painting the win- dow frame of a second floor in Bishopsgate- street Without, he fell into the street, and ex- pired while conveying to the Hospital. FIRE. Yesterday morning a fire broke out at the house of a lighterman, in Love- lane, near Wap- ping Church, which consumed the house with all the furniture, also two other dwelling- houses, with outhouses, and greatly damaged several other dwelling- houses. MARRIED. Tuesday, Mr. John Jackson, of London- bridge, to Miss Sarah Vaughan, of Dulwich. DIED. Yesterday, at his house in Park- lane, Lieute- nant Colonel Thomas, of the fatal wound which he received on Thursday morning in a duel with Colonel Gordon, in Hyde Park. Yesterday, at Dr. Burney's, St. Martin's street, Mr. Bughley, a Gentleman of Norfolk. Tuesday, at Gailywood Common, Mrs. Good lad, of Weymouth- street, Cavendish- square, relit of the late Richard Goodlad, Esq. Some Account of Mr. JOHN STACIE, the In- ventor of a Machine for reducing hard Bodies to Powder easier than, in any Method hitherto known. THIS, man, so much deferring of celebrity, and yet so little known, is the son of a common labourer in Northamptonshire. From his infancy he shewed signs of an uncommon disposition, which manifested itself in a remarkable power of fixing his attention on any object, in a manner totally unusual with children. His father once complaining that his wood hook would not do some work he described, the boy, then only nine years old, thought of it day and night, waking his father to ask questions about it; and in less than a week gave directions to a black- smith, and produced a hook so superior to the Common, that it was used by every person in the neighbourhOod. A farmer bringing his ploUgh to be altered at the smith's forge young Stacie, then twelve years old was there; he wanted the plough to perform a given work, which the blacksmith did not understand, and could not execute. The boy slept on it one night, and the next morning Went to the smith, explaining the thing, and saw it executed. When the farmer came for his plough, he shook his head at it; but taking it to his field, found the performance far beyond his warmest expectation; ' so he gave the boy half a crown. He invented a new ax for the carpenter of the village, and a new anvil for the blacksmith. His father, when he was fourteen, put him apprentice like . an ideot) to a wool- comber. The boy ran away, and served a watchmaker for nothing; who finding him endowed with good parts, took him apprentice., His work , and invention in that branch were very great: he made a watch with- out a wheel, in which a lever of the first kind vibrated seconds. When out of his time, his thirst for knowledge made him walk to London, where nobody took any notice of him. He went to Paris, working for his support at his trade, At Mountmartre, seeing the expence of grinding stone for plaister he proposed to the surveyor of the work to erect a machine that should do it for a fiftieth part of the charge. The Academy of Sciences appointed d'Alembert to examine the proposition, who reporting favourably, the King, ordered the execution, and the work asto- nished every body. Stacie had a pension of 1oo louis; upon which he set off for Italy, where he is at present, but, intends settling In France, to the eternal disgrace of England For the Whitehall Evening- Post. A CHARM for ENNUI A MATRIMONIAL BALlArd. By WILLIAM HAYLEY, Esq. YE couples who meet under Love's smiling star, . Too gentle to skirmish, too soft e'er'to jar, Tho' cover'd with roses from Joy's richest tree, Near the couch of Delight lurks the daemon Ennui. Let the Muses' gay lyre, like Ithuriel's bright spear, Keep this fiend, ye sweet Brides, from approach- ing your ear; Since you know the squat toad's infernal esprit4 Never listen, like Eve, to the Devil Ennui". Let no gloom of your hall, no shade of your bower, Make you think you behold this malevolent power; Like a child in the dark, what you fear you will see; ;• . Take courage, away flies the phantom Ennui. O trust me, the powers both of person and mind To defeat this sly foe full sufficient you'll find ; Should your eyes fail to kill him, with keen repartee, , You can sink the flat- boat of the invader Ennui. If a cool nonchalance o'er your sposo should spread, , ( For vapours will rise e'en on Jupiter's head,) O ever believe it from jealousy free, A thin passing cloud, not the fog of Ennui. ' Of tender complainings, though love be the theme, O beware, my sweet friends, ' tis a dangerous ' scheme; ' And tho'often ' tis try'd, mark the pauvre Mari Thus by kindness inclos'd in the coop of Ennui.' Let confidence, rising such meanness above, Drown the discord of doubt in the music of Love Your duette shall thus charm in the natural key, No sharps from Vexation, no flats from Ennui. But to you, happy husbands, in matters more nice, The Muse, though a maiden, now offers advice O drink not too keenly your bumper of glee; Ev'n Extacy's cup has some dregs of Ennui Though Love for your lips fill with nectar his bowl, Though his warm bath of blessings inspirit your soul, O swim not too far on Rapture's high sea, Lest you sink unawares in the gulph of Ennui Impatient of law, Passion oft will reply, " Agaiast limitations I'll plead till I die ;" But chief justice Nature rejects the vain plea, And such culprits are doom'd to the gaol of En- nui. When husband and wife are of honey too fond, They're like poison'd carp at the top of a pond Together they gape o'er a cold dish of tea, Two muddy sick fish in the net of Ennui. Of indolence most, ye mild couples, beware,, For the myrtles of Love often hide her soft snare The fond doves in their net from his pounce cannot flee But the lark in the morn scapes the daemon Ennui. Let chearful good humour, that sun shine of life, _ With smiles in the maiden, illumine the wife, And mutual attention, in equal degree, Keep Hymen's bright chain from the rust of Ennui. To the Graces together, 0 fail not to bend, And both to the voice of the Muses attend So Minerva for you shall with Cupid agree And preserve your chaste flame from the smoke of EnnUi Postscript. Saturday Afternoon, Sept. 6. for the Whitehall Evening- Post. ABRIDGEMENT OF THE STATE or POLITICS This WEEK. THE middle of this week was ( to be) marked with the final closure of the late fatal, disgrace- ful, and disaStrous war, by the signature of the Definitive Treaty agreed upon between Great Britain, France, Spain, and the United States of America, at Paris— Holland for the present out of the question. That nation came last: into the Scrapc, and gets last out of it — if ever it gets safe out of our hands, and out of the hands of the French when we have done with it. What sort of a Treaty our Ministers have made, is not for us as yet to delineate, until we are favoured with a sight of it, and have had time to consider of the contents, when our States- men shall please to bring it forth to public view. Perhaps they would not be in great haste to pro- duce it, did they not know that we might trust to our new friends the French for this gratifica- tion of our curiosity. When it does appear au- thentic, all former Speculations and observations on the Preliminary Articles apart, we shall lay aside all prejudices and predilections against or for any man, or sett of men, and judge impar- tially of the matter as it comes before us, and offer our opinion plain, simple, and unbiassed, to the candid consideration of our Readers. When first we entered upon a diScussion of the threatened rupture between the Russians and the Turks, we were much at a loss to conceive what . justifiable cause the Czarina could have for enter- ing into a war at present; although we knew well that Princes are never at a loss for pretences, when they have an inclination, a will, and an opportunity of going to war with a fair prospect of success. Her Imperial Majesty's Manifesto, inserted in the London Gazette of the 50th ult. has relieved us from that difficulty, by laying open at least her Majesty's ostensible reasons for . going to war, of which we arc now at liberty to judge for ourselves, and communicate our Sen- timents to the World; every Manifesto of Princes being an appeal to the common sense of mankind, as well as an Intended justification of the purity of their intentions in the sight of Heaven, and of Him who dwells therein, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If these appeals cannot stand the test of the common reason of mankind, how will they stand the ex- amination of that all- seeing Eye that searches the heart, and tries the secret thoughts of the in- most recesses of the same ?— Let Princes and their Ministers see well to this! By this Manifesto we arc given to understand, that her Imperial Majesty of all the Russias went to war with the Turk, out of pure love and friendship to the Crim Tartars, with the sole view of relieving them from their subjection to the Turk, and procuring to them freedom and inde- pendency ; to govern themselves, or to chuse a Khan or King, or whatsoever they please to call him, to rule and govern them in their own way : that in the prosecution of this scheme, the ex- trordinary success of her arms gave her the title of Conquest to make all the Crimea and its de- pendencies her own : that for the sake of restor- ing public tranquillity, she waved all that tempt- ing a cession of dominion, wealth, and strength to her empire, and contented herself with esta- blishing upon a firm basis as she thought, the liberty and independence of the Crimea, as the only compensation she required for the immense effusion of human blood and expenditure of trea- sure ; the last estimated very high, the first pro- nounced inestimable. But alfer all these vigo- rous and successful efforts and gracious conde- scensions of her Imperial Majesty to emancipate the Crim Tartars from Turkish slavery, and to render them a free and independent people, hap- py and glorious, and respectable among the na- tions a great number of these Tartars having no taste for this neW fangled Russian freedom con- ferred upon them, have most ignorantly and un- gratefully discovered an inclination of returning to their former state of Turkish slavery ; and even a large majority of them have proceeded to acts destrutive of this liberty and independence Her Majesty has thought proper to join her forces to the minority of this ignorant, senseless, misguided people, to compel the majority to submit to the minority, and to be free and independent whe- ther they will or not. How a people can be free against their wills, or be in bondage by their own choice, are two paradoxes which require force explanation, which her Majesty attempts to do in this manner :— To put an end at once to all future disputes about the matter, her Imperial Majesty declares the Crimea, the Cuban, and Taman an- nexed by her fiat to her dominions, and promises to her new subjects that they shall be treated upon an equality with her ancient Subjects, and to de- fend against all people their persons, estates, tem- ples, and the religion they profess ; that they shall enjoy liberty of conscience in the public exercise of their worship and ceremonies, the na- tion and individuals participating in all the ad- vantages enjoyed by her ancient Subjects ; for which great favour her Imperial Majesty experts returns of gratitude, Submission, zeal, and fide- lity from her new Subjects, similar to those who have long had the happiness of living under her government, thereby rendering themselves worthy of her Imperial favour, beneficence, and pro- tection. Of this perhaps her Majesty may be disappointed ; for the things most, valuable and pleasing in themselves, when forced upon human nature, are apt to nauseate and disgust either body or mind. There is something a little irrecon- cileable in the language of the Manifesto; for her Majesty talks of reuniting these places to her do- minions, and yet calls the inhabitants her new subjects, contrasting them with her old Subjects : this wants some illustration. When we come to read the counter Manifesto of the Grand Seignior, who seems to be a good- natured, easy, quiet man, and avoids war as stu- diously as his antagonist heroine seeks and pur- sues it eagerly, we may discover that the Crim Tartars formerly professed a kind of allegiance to Him and his crown, by a collateral depen- dency ; that for the sake of peace and tranquil- lity he consented to their independency, leaving them to chuse their own Khan and govern them- selves as they best could ; but they not relishing the Sweets of this freedom and independency, and great disturbances having broke out among them, for want of a superintending regulating power over them as usual, the far greater number of them had expressed their desire of returning to their former state of Subordination to him. — If therefore the Crimea will not or cannot main- tain an independency, but must lean on some power on one side or other, he really thinks justice, honour, wisdom, and sound policy point out the propriety, and even necessity, of their returning to their former state of Subordination to his Government; much more than permit- ting them to be forced into the arms of his al- ready too powerful neighbour, which might Cause such a shock in the present system, as to overturn it, and bring on a general revolution in the affairs ot Europe and Asia. He shall therefore with all his force protect his quon- dam, now returning Subjects, and thereby de- fend the Ottoman Empire from a threatened dis- solution. Something like this, but more pointed and explicit, we. may expert to see issue from the Divan at Constantinople. In this business the Czarina takes the lead of all Europe, and even teaches the Court of Ver- sailles the true Machiavelian policy. Behold, ye United States of America, and See yourSelves here as in a glass ! — The Grand Monarch has been fighting for your liberty and indepen- dency !— Can ye believe it ? — The Court of Great Britain has acknowledged it !— and ye are now free as the Tartars were made a few years ago !— In a few years more, when your rancour and implacable disposition have entirely estrang- ed you from the Commonwealth of Great Bri- tain, ye will quarrel among yourSelves. Then will the Grand Monarch, by his Manifesto, annex your lands to his dominions, and honour you with the title of French Subjects, giving and granting you all the liberties and privileges his ancient Subjects enjoy, together with a toleration of your own religion, ceremonies, See. provided you are grateful, dutiful, and obedient Subjects, Sensible of the favour conferred upon you, and act accordingly. LONDON. If the Definitive Treaties were Signed the 3d of September, they must at this time be 0n the road to Calais ; and ( to Speak the dialect of voyagers) if wind, weather, and GOD per- mit, they may be expected over the beginning of next week. The Political Critics long most ardently for the arrival of the Definitive Treaty ; as they promise themSelves unbounded pleasures in the discussion of thoSe blunders with which, in all human probability, the treaties under the pre- sent negotiators will abound. Singular as it may appear, the Public should not be Surprized if a Second Letter were ad- dressed to the Lord Mayor from the Secretary of State, apologizing for the Definitive Treaties " not being Signed 0n the Third of September," as officially announced.. The third of September, besides the Pro- clamation of Bartholomew- Fair and the Signing the Definitive Treaties, was the day on which the Trustees for the creditors of the Opera House, signed, Sealed, and ratified the account current of the property. It is conceived by many intelligent men, that the difficulties attending the Treaty with Hol- land wiil be infinitely greater than any which have been diScussed with the Catholic Powers. This is a material reaSon why Mr. Fox should continue in office ; for ever Since his celebrated Letter to the States- General appeared, his in- fluence in the Dutch Councils is so extremely prevalent, that he has at all times a Treaty of Peace with Holland— in his pocket. That " Not any Commercial Treaty will be concluded with America," is a fact which many weeks ago we announced to the public ; and it now seems to be generally credited. The Salary allowed Mr. David Hartley for negociating a Treaty which ' will never exist, is only five pounds a day besides five hundred pounds travel- expences. Mr. Hartley is a very reSpectable character; but under a Whig Administration So prone to habits of economy and reform, could a man SuppoSe that Sinecures to accommodate friends would be bestowed with so lavish an hand ? Notwithstanding the Proclamation prohibit- ing the transportation of commodities from the Continent to the West- India islands. in Ameri- can Bottoms, yet the principal inhabitants of Jamaica have reSolved to receive every vessel, and to encourage, in the most extensive degree, the importation of commodities from the United States of America. To the crooked politics of Lord North the loss of America is to be ascribed ; and it will be fortunate for this Country if the sagacious measures of the Coalition should Secure the West- India Islands, the inhabitants of which are too much interested in the commerce of America, to pay any considerable deference to prohibitory proclamations. By a gentleman just arrived from Ireland, we have been assured of the following particu lars. The Associated Volunteers, determined on effecting Such meaSures as shall work the political Salvation of their country, addressed the Duke of Richmond as the most consistent friend to parliamentary purity and constitutional reform, requesting the opinion of his Grace 0n several political topics propoSed in the manner of queries. The Duke, with that ingenuous frankness which characterises integrity, trans- mitted his Sentiments on the Subject propoSed, and that in So Satisfactory a Style as to occasion an Address of Thanks from the Associatcd Vo- lunteers, which, after having more than ten thou- sand Signatures Subjoined, was Sent to his Grace. The AddreSs is couched in terms expressive of the profoundest veneration for the political in- tegrity and manly virtues of his Grace of Rich- mond, whose consistency in opposing the pre- sent unnatural Coalition, is pointedly commend- ed. Earl Verney is at law with the Burkes for considerable Sums due to his Lordship, as re- ported, on various Securities. In the Court of Chancery, the Solicitors cn the part of Earl Verney were lately preparing to read Several depositions deemed material to the cauSe. Lord Loughborough would not permit the documents to be read. The CounSel for Earl Verney con- tended for the right; the noble Lord, however, persisting in his prohibition, the depositions were filed without a reading ; but they are to be considered in the courSe of the cauSe as evidential records read in Court. This is a fact. On Friday Henry Laurens, ESq. arrived at his apartments in Piccadilly, from Bath. It was on ThurSday morning that his Excel- lency Chevalier de Pinto, Ambassador from the Court of Portugal, set out on his return to Lisbon. Mr. Palmer, of St James's- street, was on Monday last appointed Cutler to his Majesty. Extract of a Letter from Deal, Sept. 6. " Arrived and sailed for the River the Hook- worth, Prout, from Halifax, Juffrow Maria, Steine, from St. Kitts Remain the ships as per last, with his Majesty's ships Licorne and Southampton, Flirt sloop, Jane, Favourite, and Peggy transports; RoSe tender, Friends Good- will, Connelly, for Cork. Just arrived the Alexander, Ross, from Antigua." Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, Sept. 5. " Arrived the Aurora and Jane, Davis, from London; Betsey, Ewan, from Penzance; Fare- ham, Wardel, from Waterford ; Martha, Den, from Rotterdam. " Arrived the Swallow sloop from Ireland* and Speedwell cutter, from Gibraltar : a Danish man of war is arrived at St. Helen's. " Sailed the Blessing, Oliver, from London ; and Trea, Carr for Riga. The Swan sloop of war is gone out of harbour to Spithead. " The Marquis de Seignally, and several transports bound to Gibraltar, are put back o St. Helen's." At the last Chelmsford assizes was tried be- fore Mr. Justice Gould and a Special Jury, a cause wherein a Mr. Simpson was plaintiff, and Bamber GaScoigne, ESq. defendant. The ac- tion was commenced for divers trespasses com- mitted by defendant's servant ( a Mr. William Langford) by his master's order, on the plain- taiff's reed ground in Barking Creek, near de- fendant's house, which defendant by his plead- ings claimed to be his property, though upon the trial he could not make any title whatever to the ground ; and it was proved to have been in the possession of Mr. SimpSon and his ances- tors upwards of 130 years. And after a hearing of full four hours, in which much pleasantry and wit was thrown out ( at the expence of the defendant) by " the Gentlemen in the Black Gowns and White Wigs," the Jury brought in their verdict for plaintiff with 10l. damages and full costs. Cambridge, Sept. 5. Francis Lloyd, B. A. of Jesus College, Oxford, is elected Fellow of that Society. Lord Temple has presented the Rev. Mr. John Langham Dayrel, rector of Lillingstone Dayrel, in the county of Bucks, to the vicarage of Stowe, in the same county. John Cary, ESq. is elected Mayor of Lynn for the year ensuing. Sunday night as tbe Lynn coach was on the road near Epping, a ball of fire fell before the horses, which so affrighted them that they turn- ed round, by which the coach was overturned ; and although there were a number of passengers both inside aud out, n0 bones were broke, but Several persons were bruiSed eSpecially the coach- man, who was prevented pursuing his journey. MEDICAL LECTURES. Dr. HAWES, of Great Eastcheap, Physician to the SURRY DISPENSARY, will commcnce his Autumnal CourSe of LECTURE'S on ANI- MATION the second Week in Oftober ; and he is under the Necessity of acquainting Students in Physic, & c. that it will be the only CourSe de- livered this Season ; as his numerous Avoca- tions render it extremely inconvenient to devote so much of his Time to medical Instruction. At the Conclusion of the last Course of Lectures, THE GOLD MEDAL was presented to Mr. PEARSON, of Birmingham.— On one Side was the following Inscription : " Lateat Scintillula forsan :" 0n the other, round the civic Wreath, " Ad Conservationem Vita, et Incrementum Scientiae, donavit Gul. HAWES, M. D." and within the Wreath, " Juvent optime merenti Ricardo Pear- particular Circumstances attending this Business may be perused in the. Third Edition, just published with considerable Additions, of an ADDRESS, to the KinG and Parliament— Printed for Dodsley, & c. * The above particulars are mentioned for the Information of the learned Dr. DUNCAN, the judicious Editor of the Medical Commenta- ries. — See P. 414. . PRICe of STOCKS, Saturday, Sept. 6, at one o'clock. dif. JOHN CARVICK, Stock Broker, at his State Lottery Office, the King's- Arms, in Bank- Street, oppolite the Bank of England, another DOOR way to the said Office in Castle- alley, facing the West Passage of the Royal- Exchange.— Where English State- Lottery Tickets and Shares, which begins drawing on Monday the 17th of Novem- ber, are now selling in Variety of Numbers.' Navy- Office, Sept. 6, 1783: THE principal Officers and Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, That all Bills' registered on the Course of the Navy for the Months of February and March, 1781, are ordered to be paid in Money and Exchequer Bills, that such Persons as are possessed thereof may bring them to this Office to be assigned on the Treasurer of the Navy for payment. Whitehall, August 30th 1783 THE COMMISSIONERS appointed by Act of Parliament for enquiring into the Losses, & c. of the American Loyalists, being assembled for the purpose cf carrying the Act into Execution, request such Persons as intend to make Claims, to state their Cases fully by way of Memorial, and to deliver the same at Mr. Forster's Chambers, No. 7, King's- Bench- Walks, Inner- Temple, any Day ( Sundays ex- cepted) between the Hours of Ten and Two o'Clock, until the 29th of September; and after- wards at the Office of the Commissioners in Lin- coln's Inn fields. It is required that each Claim- ant specify at the time of presenting the Memo- rial, his Place of Abode, and the Names, De- scriptions, and places of Abode of the Witnes- ses by whose Testimony the Case is intended to be substantiated, otherwise the same will not be. taken into consideration; and the Commissioners recommend the perusal of the Act to the several Claimants, before they make their Applications. - By Order of the Commissioners, JOHN FORSTER, Secretary. ANATOMICAL THEATRE, ST. THOMAS'S. MR. CLINE will begin his Course of Anatomical and Surgical Lectures, 0n Wednesday, the First of October, at One jj'Ciock. sUFFOLK; To be SOLD, MELFORD HALL, with the Estate thereto belonging, of between 1700I. and 1800I. per Ann. Part lett upon Leases for 21 Years, which will expire at Michaelmas 1785. the Rest under old Rents to Tenants who have long resided upon the Estate. Also the Manor, which is very extensive, and abounds with Game. The Royalty in the River Stour, in which are plenty of Fish. The Estate is well watered, in a fine County, good Roads, and within 60 Miles of London. The Deer, Brewing Utensils, and some useful Furni- ture will be sold to the Purchaser at a fair Appraisement. for Particulars enquire of John Campbell, Esq. Stone- Buildings, Lincoln's- Inn ; Mr. Robinson, of Warwick- Court, Gray's- Inn, London; or of Mr. Black, at Ep- ping, Essex, who will give Tickets for viewing the Pre- mises, without which the Estate will not be shewn. N. B. A capital Pack of Fox Hounds are at Melford in the Season. For Disorders in the Stomach and Bowels, ORIENTAL VEGETABLE CORDIAL, Extracted from the most delicious Herbs, Flowers, and Roots. THE World is indebted for this inestimable Medicine to a Physician of great eminence, who resided in India many years. The solid basis of ap- proved success has incontestibly proved its great efficacy in instantaneously removing the most excruciating acute cho- licky pains, and all irritations of the bowels, flatulencies, reaching sickness, vomitings, crudities, indigestion, & c. as by its cordial, balsamic, attenuating, and detergent powers, it fortifies and invigorates the stomach, and ani- mates the whole vital system. To these qualities the faculty ascribe its great efficacy in relieving the most languid and nervous constitutions; and from the beauty of its colour, and delicate flavour as a cordial, it is infinitely superior to any imported from France or any other part of the world. — In all female complaints it has not its parallel; and may with safety be given to infants. A wine glass full of this Cordial in a glass of water makes a desirable liquor, and will prevent the alarming, consuquences of Autumnal complaints. Sold by appointment of the Proprietors wholesale and retail in London, by Mr. Cornwell, at his warehouse. No. 198, Fleet- street, near Temple- bar, and by most of the principal venders in Great Britain, in bottles of 4s. 1 id. with directions. The half- guinea bottles are sold only in Fleet-, street. The Proprietors are peculiarly happy in laying before the Public the following Testimonial which they are ho- noured with from Lady Pryce. " SIR, " As I am informed that great numbers of people are, at this moment, dangerously afflicted with disorders in, the bowels, which had been so nearly fatal to me, I think it my duty thus to acknowledge, that after suffering the most excruciating torture for near ten days, notwithstand- ing every aid the faculty could administer, I despaired of recovery until I took half a glass of your Oriental Vege~ table Cordial, which gave me almost instantaneous relief; and, by repeating it only twice, the disorder was totally removed. I am, Sir, '! Your most obedient humble servant, C. PRYCE." Surrey- street, Strand, 14th August, 1783." Sold by J. LEE, No. 4, Ludgate- Hill; where LETTERS and- ADVERTISEMENTS are received. A Letter- Box at the Window. ADVFRTISEMENTS LETTERS, & c. are also taken in at the Printing- Office, No. 4, Peterborough- Court, near Shoe Lane-, Fleet street. By T. WHIELDON No 43 facing Fetter- Lane. Fleet- Street; Mess. BYFIELD and Co. CHaring- Cross at the STOCK- EXCHANGE COFFEE- HOUSE. Cornhill. And by J. STOCKDALE, Eookftller, oppofueBurlington- Hcufe, Piccadilly.
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